ISC KOSMOTRAS (INTERNATIONAL SPACE COMPANY KOSMOTRAS) International Space Company (ISC) Kosmotras (a Joint Stock Company) was established in 1997 under the Russian law. The company’s principal office is located in Moscow, Russia. ISC Kosmotras core business activities are associated with implementation of the Russian Federation programs for elimination of the SS18 Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) through their withdrawal from service and use in the Dnepr Space Launch System (SLS) for launching spacecraft into low earth orbits. ISC Kosmotras shareholders are a team of leading scientific research and manufacturing entities of Russia and Ukraine that built, under ISC Kosmotras supervision, the Dnepr SLS and today exercise the followon oversight of its operation. Since the inaugural Dnepr launch in April 1999, ISC Kosmotras has been actively present on the world launch services market. The launch service customers were space agencies and commercial companies from France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Thailand, UK, USA and other countries. ARCHITECTURE OF DNEPR PROGRAM OPERATIONS Launch сustomers 2 Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Central Research Institute of the Russian Ministry of Defense 3 1 4 The Russian Federal Space Agency (FSA) The State Space Agency of Ukraine (SSAU) ISC KOSMOTRAS 10 Russian subcontractors The National Space 6 Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan Central Research Institute 7 of the Russian Federal Space Agency (TsNIIMASh) 11 Ukrainian subcontractors 5 9 Subcontractors in other countries 8 THE DNEPR PROGRAM (UTILIZATION OF SS-18 ICBMS FOR LAUNCHING SPACECRAFT ) The concept of ICBMs use as launch vehicles has been widely utilized since 1980s (Dnepr and Rockot programs in Russia and Ukraine). High performance of baseline SS18 rocket. The SS18 ICBM is fully represented in Dnepr LV, with its reliability level retained. SS18 ICBM upgrade for launching payloads into outer space does not involve any modification of baseline design of the original rocket. Thus, the high performance and reliability of the launch system are maintained. The team of Russian and Ukrainian companies that built and maintained operation of SS18 ICBM system is still in place for Dnepr Program. Use of underground silos protects the Launch Vehicle and Space Head Module (SHM) from exposure to adverse weather conditions, provides a capability for a long period of rocket standby in a readyforlaunch mode and enables to minimize acoustic impact on payloads. Availability of two launch sites: Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan and Yasny Launch Base, Russia. Availability of a backup rocket for each launch mission. Unique flight profile of LV Upper Stage up to spacecraft separation ensures extremely high accuracy of insertion and orbit formation. This is confirmed by actual flight data gathered in the course of the Dnepr Program implementation. DNEPR LAUNCH CUSTOMERS 2 Skybox Imaging Inc., USA Space Flight Laboratory (SFL), Canada Innovative Space Logistics B.V. (ISL), Netherlands The State Space Agency of Ukraine (SSAU) Yuzhnoye State Design Office (YSDO), Ukraine SSTL, UK Swedish Space Corporation, Sweden OHBSystem, Germany EADS Astrium, GmbH, Germany CNES, France MegSat s.P.a Company, Italy «La Sapienza» University of Rome, Italy Bigelow Development Aerospace Division, LLC, USA SpaceQuest, USA TransOrbital, USA Deimos Imaging, Spain NPO Mashinostroeniya, Russia Academy of Sciences, Republic of Belarus CalPoly Corporation, USA INTA, Spain SRI, Saudi Arabia ATSB Company, Malaysia TUBITAK UZAY, Turkey Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Japan EIAST, UAE KARI, South Korea MAIN CHARACTERISTICS OF THE RS20 MISSILE DNEPR LAUNCH VEHICLE PAYLOAD FAIRING (PLF) GAS DYNAMIC SHIELD (GDS) MAIN SPECIFICATIONS OF DNEPR LV MAIN FEATURES ADAPTER WITH SC UPPER STAGE 2ND STAGE 1st and 2nd LV stages are unmodified stages of the original SS18 ICBM. Upper Stage is an original SS18’s 3rd stage with modified control system flight software. Space Head Module (SHM) design is based on the SS18 front section with several design variations. During development and serial manufacture, the SS18 rocket underwent a large number of flight tests and today it is truly one of the most reliable launch vehicles on the launch services market. Weight at Liftoff 210 tons Propellant Components UDMH + N2O4 Number of stages 3 Orbit Injection Accuracy (H=300 km) for altitude for inclination 4,0 km 2,4 arc min for right ascension of the ascending node 3,0 arc min Orbital inclination 98°, 64,5° Flight Reliability 0,97 Flight Limit Loads : longitudinal gload lateral gload 36500 integral acoustic pressure 7,5 0,8 135 dB PERFORMANCE TO CIRCULAR ORBITS DNEPR LV Standard SHM Launch site 1ST STAGE Yasny Baikonur Yasny Baikonur Yasny Baikonur Yasny Baikonur Yasny Baikonur Yasny Baikonur Ø3000 65° inclination orbit 98° inclination orbit Extended SHM Standard SHM Orbit altitude (km) 300 400 500 600 700 800 Extended SHM Payload mass, kg 1800 1650 3200 2950 1500 1450 — — 2000 1850 2950 2700 1700 1470 — — 2100 1850 2650 2400 1650 1450 — — 1700 1500 2000 1800 1350 1150 — — 1100 1000 1350 1200 800 750 — — 600 450 700 600 450 350 — — DNEPR SPACE HEAD MODULES AVAILABLE SHM CONFIGURATIONS Based on flight heritage and detailed market analysis, three types of Dnepr Space Head Modules were designed and are currently in production to maximize LV performance and use of payload envelope. Depending on specific launch mission requirements, ISC Kosmotras will offer an appropriate configuration of the Dnepr Space Head Module (SHM), where customer’s satellite will be accommodated. SHM for a multiple small satellite mission (cluster launch) 4 SHM for midsize satel lites SHM for a largesize satellite DNEPR MISSION PROFILE Dnepr demonstrates outstanding accuracy of orbital insertion: DubaiSat2 (EIAST): semimajor axis – 3m, eccentricity – 0.00001 KompSat5 (KARI): semimajor axis – 550m, eccentricity – 0.0001 TanDEMX (DLR): semimajor axis – 220m, eccentricity – 0.000032 CryoSat2 (ESA): semimajor axis – 109m, eccentricity – 0.00015 YASNY LAUNCH BASE YASNY LAUNCH BASE IS LOCATED IN ORENBURG REGION, RUSSIA. The first Dnepr mission from Yasny Launch Base lifted off on June 12, 2006 successfully deploying Genesis1 satellite into its orbit. The Orsk international airport located in Orenburg Region, Russia, is capable of receiving any types of heavy aircraft. Spacecraft and their ground support equipment are transported from this airport to Yasny Launch Base. Assembly, Integration and Test Building (AITB) is furnished with the modern equipment and systems and meets the most stringent requirements to spacecraft prelaunch processing. The AITB has two clean rooms with cleanliness class of 30,000 (this parameter can be improved up to 10,000) and 100,000 respectively, and a fuelling station with a clean room of 30,000 cleanliness class appropriate for spacecraft loading with hydrazine and compressed gases. Yasny LB Baikonur Cosmodrome Russian Federation Re pu 6 blic of Ka za kst an YASNY LAUNCH BASE MAIN ELEMENTS: AITB, 3 clean rooms including fueling station HotelAITB walkway Hotel complex Offices, recreation area, dining facilities and bar Green park area LAUNCH PREPARATION ACTIVITIES 1. LV erected before installa tion into launch silo 2. LV installation into launch silo 7. SHM loading into SHM transporteremplacer 4. Autonomous space craft processing 5. Spacecraft fueling 8. SHM/LV mating 10. Dnepr liftoff 3. Spacecraft/GSE delivery to launch site airport 6. SC/SHM integration 9. SHM integrated with LV ISC KOSMOTRAS INTERNATIONAL SPACE COMPANY KOSMOTRAS MAIL ADDRESS: 7 Sergey Makeev Str., Bld. 2, Moscow, 123100, Russian Federation. PHONE: 7 (495) 745.72.61 FAX: 7 (495) 232.34.85 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEB: 8 www.kosmotras.ru.