COMENIUS - 2012 - 2014 SONGS FOR PEACE AND FREEDOM Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Preamble FUTURES Foreword “Futures“: Peace – Freedom – Self-Determination Laulupidu – this is what the Singers‘ Festival in Estonia is called; it takes place in the capital, Tallinn, every five years. The smallest of the Baltic countries is well-known for their inhabitants’ joy of singing and for its choirs. By the way, the whole people is aware of the power which derives from singing. Since 1869, Singers’ Festivals have taken place, proclaiming national identity and independence. Everybody remembers 1988, when brave Estonians gathered to demonstrate against the occupants from the Soviet Union. Singing, without any violence, a new era was started by people forming a human chain of several hundred kilometres length from Tallinn via Riga to Vilnius – in order to demonstrate for peace and freedom. The “Baltic” Way” is an outstanding example of a peaceful, a singing revolution. Writing lyrics and composing songs for peace, freedom and self-determination were meant to be our self-elected tasks for the second year of our common COMENIUS project “Futures”. In most cases, teacher training courses are boring; they do not fit into the actual course of studies, student papers have to be graded, lessons have to be cancelled, or other, maybe private issues have to be managed instead. Often one realises that colleagues do not really feel comfortable in such an environment; they might refuse to listen to banal words of wisdom and have very rare moments of satisfaction. For our teacher training course we had attempted to choose a completely new way from the very beginning – by including students into our sessions as they are the real experts on modern music, so we, the teachers, could benefit from their enormous background knowledge of modern music and alternative lyrics. The combined efforts of students and teachers resulted in successful musical compositions, organised in such a way as to be presented to a larger audience in the end. Four teachers were chosen to act as initiators in a team of teachers, supported by gifted students. Our four COMENIUS core topics “Migration – Energy Turnaround – Demographic Change and Inclusion” were to form the basis for our peace songs, drawing on an extended concept of peace by also referring to the internal peace in our societies. Our musicians opened up a bazaar of ideas, thus inspiring all of us to further creative processes. At the beginning, the efforts among the teams were spontaneous, ingenious, leading to a more systematic approach in order to facilitate the process of composing lyrics and songs. The periods of productive cooperation were mostly short, but they made up for this by being extremely intensive. Often, they were continued and concluded later on. We aimed at rehearsing and performing the songs. The lyrics and compositions were collected and saved – to be published in a unique song book for a “peaceful living together”. Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace FUTURES All in all the results are worth being presented: outstanding lyrics with partly peculiar, innovative musical elements are the result of our efforts. The following work for the second year of our COMENIUS project resulted in each partner school composing a “Song for Svolvaer” by having teams work together. We as teachers were needed as motivators and disseminators, encouraged and assisted by students. Until January 20th, 2014, each school had to create their own special “Song for Svolvaer”, record it and send it to Berlin and Remoulins for remixing, later to be rehearsed with the right instruments in a school band. Sometimes it is a long and hard way to freedoms, just as it was for the 300,000 Estonians who managed to get rid of their occupants by singing. On Thursday, May 15th, 2014, we went on stage with our songs in the Kulturhus in Svolvaer, Norway, and presented all the songs to a huge audience. All the efforts invested in the creative process of writing lyrics and composing songs were found to have been worthwhile. We can be proud of our project work. by Michael Kühn Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Speeches FUTURES Foreword Åpningshilsen Comenius-samling. Kulturhuset 12th May 2014. Thank you so much, Henrik and Tobias! Good morning everybody! Hugo Björnstad It’s a great pleasure for me as principal of our school to wish you all welcome to Lofoten! Welcome to a region which is historically perhaps one of the most internationally oriented regions in Norway, and I am sure you will learn more about this during your stay here. Pupils and teachers from seven European countries will be learning from each other during this week, and new friendships will be made. This is not the first time our school joins a Comenius-project. Twelve years ago we participated in a project related to the Sellafield plant in Great Britain and the concern of the seaenvironment. The Comenius project of today is focusing on futures in Europe, and that is also a question of taking care of our environment – which is about sustainability --- blue sustainability related to clean and productive oceans and also the question of alternative energy. But futures in Europe are first of all you – you pupils! What expectations do you have for the future, and how can you make a difference – in taking care of the environment -- in making friendship among people – which again is essential in living together peacefully? School-projects like this are impossible without dedicated teachers. I thank you all teachers being here today, and I am looking forward getting able to know you better during the following days. Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace FUTURES I am proud of my teachers who have done a great job in planning this week, and especially I want to thank Ragnhild and Karin for being in charge of this huge logistical and pedagogical “Operation”. As you have experienced already, we have light nights here above the arctic circle, and from the middle of May the sun will stay above the sea level 24 hours a day. As a joke we use to say that we do the sleeping during winter and stay awake in spring and summertime. I know from the program that the time schedule is quite tight, so therefore I also say to you – do the sleeping in winter! I hope the following days will be fruitful for all of you, and I am sure that this kind of coopertion in a common language – this time English – will affect each and every one of you. Once again – welcome to our region! Now it is a privilege for me to introduce the Mayor of Vagan, Mr. Eivind Holst – the floor is yours! Imagine – In the year 2525 FUTURES songs for peace Speeches Foreword Speech Comenius 12th May 2014 Participants in the Comenius project On behalf of the municipality of Vågan I would like to welcome you all to Lofoten and Vågan. Eivind Holst Our history in Lofoten is more than 9000 years old. The first human activity then started in Lofoten. Cave paintings found throughout Lofoten verify this. Scientist believes that there was human activity earlier than this, but no certain evidence has been found. The forming of societies, as we know it, throughout the world history has mainly been based on agriculture, and agricultural development and discoveries. In Vågan we find traces of a society founded on sea harvesting, and development within harvesting of the sea and this is unique for Lofoten. The drying of fish and development of vessels, most likely developed or at least "commercialist", in today's words, was made in Lofoten. In the 13th century 80% of the total export from Norway was fish from our region - the Lofoten fisheries. In 1570 the world's first atlas was printed in Amsterdam - three Norwegian cities were marked on this map - Bergen - Trondheim and Vàgar - situated only 6 km from where we are this evening. This shows which great geopolitical significance the Lofoten fisheries have had for Europe through history - I have to, since I'm the mayor of Vågan, elaborate on this - Trondheim through history, since 1100, both Bergen and alternated to have the sole right for exporting the stock fish to Europe, and this founded a basis for trade, accumulation of wealth and development in these major Norwegian cities as well. Today's story for the municipality of Vågan is that we have 9200 inhabitants, It takes about 1,5 hours to drive from east to west in our municipality. 75% of the workforce is employed within private or public companies, the highest share of the workforce in the competitive sector in northern Norway, 20 % is employed by the municipality, and as little as 5% work for entities within the Norwegian state. Our main commercial activities are fisheries, tourism, maritime industry, and art & culture. Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace FUTURES These are the main pillars of our society. The fisheries have diminished in importance over the last 10 years. From 20% of employment to below 7% last year. Luckily we live in beautiful tranquil surroundings, and we have used this as a basis for Lofoten becoming a top tourist destination in Norway. Maritime Industry has always been important and connected to the fishing activity in our area. Today vessels of all kind of purposes get their regular maintenance by the 7 shipyards, and more than 30 maritime suppliers located in our municipality. Art & culture is closely connected to the majestic mountains, the rapidly changing weather, and the sought off lighting changing in tune with the weather and the season. Aurora Borealis play on the night sky during winter, and purple beams touch the white covered mountain peaks. In summer the colors are intense, and the light is clear and bright as the midnight sun touches the horizon, and moves us toward another day. The emerging story of Lofoten has yet to be written, but I believe it to be fisheries and aqua farming, tourism, energy, logistics and culture. Fisheries will grow in importance as the world's population grow towards 7 billion, tourism since beautiful tranquil surroundings will grows in demand as we slowly overcrowd parts of our planet. Energy is in increasing demand as the world moves forward, and new areas and countries have great industrial and social growth. Both petroleum and gas reservoirs are most likely situated close to the shores of Lofoten. Wind, wave, tide and ocean currents that is what we have in abundance in Lofoten, and new technologies will facilitate them to be sustainable resources from which we can produce energy. The Northern Sea route saves shipping time between Asia and Europe by 17 days, I believe more sea based traffic will emerge, and create new opportunities in this northern region of Europe. I wish you a lovely stay in Lofoten. I would also use the opportunity to invite you back to explore more of the Lofoten Mountains, the light, and the beautiful tranquil surroundings. Eivind Holst Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Speeches Michael Kühn FUTURES Foreword Highly honored Mr. Principal Eivind Holst, Dear Rektor Mr. Hugo Björnstad, Dear colleagues, Dear students, Dear partners, Ladies and Gentlemen, In the name of all partner countries we are grateful to the Norwegian delegation for the worthy reception and their hospitality and we are looking forward to the upcoming events. The schedule for this week has revealed a number of things to us. Matthias Goldbeck-Löwe Our Norwegian colleagues have been starting off excursions and workshops concerning our defined core themes which will build an interesting frame for the conclusion of the project. Our course, music will be in the centre of attention. Our “Songs for Svolvaer” are meant to be the highlight of these “European Days”. The songs are based on an extended concept of ‘peace’, which also relates to the “internal peace” in the partner countries. We must not leave the European idea to the chauvinists and nationalists. We are allowed to or even have to be critical, but we also need to show solidarity in dealing with one another. The strong members have to support the weak ones; everyone is called upon to contribute to a successful and peaceful Europe, in whatever way he or she is able to. Neither fascist ideology nor predatory capitalism which has gone out of control will be allowed to reign Europe. We all stand up for a free, a humanistic Europe! It is much to be hoped that you, the young Europeans, will carry on these ideas into the particular nations and promote friendship, peace and understanding among all the nations. Hey Norway – hey Europe! Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Panel A Dialogue Meeting in Svolvaer Comenius Project 2012-14 “Futures” Aust-Lofoten Upper Secondary school has the pleasure of inviting to a dialogue meeting Monday 12. May, 13.30-1500 on: “Right Wing Tendencies in Europe” The introduction: Helga Pedersen, the deputy leader of the Norwegian Labour Party In the panel together with: The Norwegian Coast Party: Geir Finne The Conservative Party: Eivind Holst The Social Liberal Party: Anja Johansen The Socialist Left Party: Marius Meisfjord Jøsevold FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Speeches FUTURES Foreword Welcome – to Norway, and the best part of it, the North! - I myself am from a region further north, called Finnmark (a region about the same size as Denmark), where all was burnt down during World War II. - Europe 2014: My people paid a high price for Hitler’s war, and the fact that he came to power in the 1930s. Despite that, my grandparents could see with their own eyes how Norway developed from one of the poorest countries in Europe to one of the richest in the world. And my parents – born during WWII – grew up hand in hand with the welfare state with better health care and education for all. So most of my life I have taken for granted more opportunities and progress for my generation as well – we have jobs, we have security, and we trust each other more than people did 30 years ago. We are still well off in Norway, but at the same time we are witnessing negative trends, on our own continent, and the challenges are increasing. Crises, unemployment, social instability, unrest in a number of countries are not far away. I have friends in Europe who have been without a job for years. Europe is often characterized by tolerance and multicultural countries. However: Democracy cannot be taken for granted – even in European democracies. Some of the darkest chapters of European history with 1930s, when dictators like Hitler, Franco and Mussolini came into power, fascism was growing in many countries) remind us of the links between economic crisis, unemployment and political and social instability and war. One may say that we find the best and we find the worst in European history. Now, democracy, international human rights and the rule of law are under pressure. - The 1930shave taught us to be aware of the dangers. Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace FUTURES In Europe today, we are once again witnessing different forms of extremism that feed on intolerance, such as anti-Semitism, islamophobia, racism and other forms of negative stereotyping. Discrimination based on nationality, ethnicity, religion/beliefs, sexual orientation, gender, etc. Great danger: The perception of the so-called "others". "We" and "they", "us" and them". The definition of groups. It very often happens to “immigrants”. Even in Norway; even though our economic success recent years depend on immigrants, who have come to work in Norway. Most immigrants come here to work, and refugees tend to work as well. Every day, on our continent different minority groups are subjected to violence, hostility, intolerance and negative attitudes, based on their actual or perceived nationality, ethnicity, sexual orientation or gender identity, religion or belief. The challenges presented by right-wing extremism, are in particular demand of our attention. Right-wing extremism – this ideology – originates in the majority population, and has long and deep roots (and still fertile ground?) in Europe’s history of political violence. So, can the 1930s happen again? What differs the 1930s from the 2010s? What are the lessons learned from the dark chapters in Europe 70-80 years ago? It is important to discuss these things. 22 July. The terrorist attacks on 22 July (the worst right-wing solo terrorist attack in our times) reminded us that no country is immune to extremism and other forms of intolerance. (22 July exposed both the weakness and the strength of an open, democratic society.) The attacks in Norway were in many ways attacks on diversity and our multicultural society. Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace FUTURES Building trust between different groups and individuals in our multicultural societies is vital if we are to overcome hatred, ignorance and intolerance. (We must speak (up) about these things! Not remain silent!) Intolerance is often caused by ignorance and fear of the unknown. It is crucial to increase knowledge and raise awareness of other cultures and religions – and to focus on our large common ground. Therefore: Education, contact and dialogue can often be the best medicine against hate and intolerance. Easy to say - how to do??? We must include all people in the best possible way. The main political task in Europe is to create jobs and secure education for all. Everyday life – if you have a job, you are part of a community. Common schools – not separate immigrants/majority; Muslims /Christians; rich/poor. Political parties must recruit more different people - Sport, Red Cross etc. must be open and available for all. What can you do? Engage! Use your right to vote (elections to the European parliament, national and local elections). (It is with great concern that we witness the increase in intolerance, hate speech and hate crime targeting minorities and other vulnerable groups in Europe and beyond. One example: the situation facing the Roma people in Europe today. They are repeatedly subjected to discriminatory and hostile attitudes. Securing their rights and well-being is a collective European responsibility that we simply cannot ignore. Therefore, our primary response to hate speech must be to meet such statements with counter-arguments in a critical, inclusive and Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace FUTURES transparent debate. The pillars and institutions of our democracy. We must speak up! Or do it as simple as this – use the social media. The Internet can be a useful preventive tool in combating racism. You can use Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to promote dialogue and fight racism. Don’t be a part of the silent majority – speak out! In sum: Human rights are under pressure even in Europe. We are seeing worrying signs in a number of countries. Pressure on minorities, extremism and hate crime are on the rise in parts of Europe. This is often linked to the financial and social crises at play in many European countries. The lesson of the 1930s is a reminder that this continent is responsible not only for some of the best, but also some of the worst events in our history. People are individually responsible for their actions and beliefs, and economic distress should be no excuse for not respecting the rights and equal worth of people who are different from the majority. The obvious thing for us all is this: the principles of democracy, the rule of law and human rights is essential if we are to live together in peace and prosperity – in Norway, in Europe and in the rest of the world. This is the opposite of extremism. The challenges at hand remind us of the situation in Europe in the 1930s. However – and I want to underline – Europe has evolved since then. This is 2014 – not 1930. We are now better equipped to tackle financial, political and social instability. The future will not only judge us on how we accept diversity in our societies, but also on how we include all groups and all individuals. I’m a politician aged 41. You are the next generation to decide. I very much look forward to hearing your views! Thank you for your attention! Helga Pedersen, Svolvær, 12.05.2014 Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace FUTURES Our project Berlin was our starting point. The eight participating schools had met there to elaborate Theme Tables according to our core themes. The results were the groundwork for our efforts in the partner schools. For being able to present the results at least in parts at the 20th European Days in Lollar we had been working on the subjects 'Migration', 'Inclusion' and 'Demographic Change' as well as 'Energy Change' in the first term. The school in Lollar had managed the preparations for the culturalcreative part of our efforts which came to its climax during the transnational meeting in Remoulins, France. There the coordinators were trained in songwriting and composing. Four outstanding songs were created which we practiced and presented with school choirs and soloists in France. This happened to become a peculiar experience for us and the pupils which bound us together as a team enormously. Thus the French pupils became a part of our team and have been remaining there until the end of our project in Svolvaer, Norway. Remoulins became the blue print for us teachers, the ideas were taken with us into our schools in order to function as multipliers our school communities, creating songs to be presented in a national competition. In a broader sense, peace songs should be created including the subject of internal peace in the partner countries and dealing with our core themes as well. The reference to our identifying song “In the Year 2525“ offered sufficient friction to invent own substance. After having selected one self-produced song in each particular country it had to be sent all across Europe and to be postproduced in Berlin and Lollar, it had to be rehearsed with instruments in France and Finland, to be choreographed in Norway and Latvia and to be provided with brief, substantially appropriate videos in Turkey and Norway. All together we had been preparing subsequently for our concluding meeting in Norway in order to be proficient at presenting the best songs of each particular country to a large audience in a contest which actually was none, because we didn't choose a winner. In an enchanting atmosphere, at a magical location with an overwhelming nature and with young people interested in our project, our great performance take place. Nine pupils' songs and four teachers' songs were presented in the Kulturhus of the city. Now the results have been compiled in this songbook and shall be a motivation for other schools in developing similar projects to bring together the youth of Europe. And in the far north, in Svolvaer, the project came to its conclusion. Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace FUTURES Table of Contents Title Speeches Our project Table of Contents Songs on the topic of inclusion Songs on the topic of energy turnaround „Stella“ „Turnaround – Norway-Rap“ The “Making of” and photos The “Making of” and photos music music „Why, why, why“ „Never enough“ The “Making of” and photos The “Making of” and photos music music “The Hype” „Turnarounds“ The “Making of” and photos The “Making of” and photos music music “Bro(in)clusion” „Inclusion - Connection“ The “Making of” and photos The “Making of” and photos music music Songs on the topic of migration Songs on the topic of demographic change “My homeland” “Voices” Vatanim The “Making of” and photos The “Making of” and photos chords - music music “Friendship, Happiness and Freedom” „Common ground“ The “Making of” and photos The “Making of” and photos chords - music music “It’s a long way” “Angel heart” The “Making of” and photos The “Making of” and photos music music “Respect” “Old and Young” The “Making of” and photos The “Making of” and photos music music “Nie zapomnij pochodzenia” „My favourite place“ The “Making of” and photos The “Making of” and photos music music Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Songs on the topic of “Inclusion” ”Stella” songtext Musical form: ballade I know a girl her name is Stella She`s passing by with a good fellow they see the clouds drifting away it`s going to be Another sunny day Throug feilds They will be walking Feeling the warmth they will be talking there`s a link between the hearts there`s energy the moment we start let`s get on board there`s tomorrow to win Friendship sails with the breezy wind deeper blue brighter white a better world you and me to find Face to face Side by side share the joy sorrow and cry a message to send To every land days that will come all are in our hands There`s a... In the sky see the shining star Her name is Stella Now it`s time to start Written and composed by Pekka Suoniemi and his Finnish student team FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Songs on the topic of “Inclusion” Making of „Stella“ Contents and process: We were given two themes which the song could deal with – energy turnaround and integration/inclusion. Because we have English-speaking classes in our school we decided to ask them to help us with the lyrics. We first presented the themes and even showed them the lyrics that the teachers had come up with in France. That was to show that the theme didn’t have to limit the artistic impression too much. We also told them that the lyrics don’t have to rhyme but that they could use the method of brainstorming instead. The students were divided into smaller groups and they then started to write down their ideas on a piece of paper. Some of them seemed to have a lot of fun and some quite hilarious, even surrealistic texts were produced. Some students struggled a lot because the given themes are not the most obvious ones in songwriting. In another group which is smaller the students preferred to work all together. One of the teachers agreed on writing down the students’ suggestions. In that group the students wanted to build a story within the song and chose to tell a story about a girl whose name is Stella. They wanted to write a positive and happy song about friendship, about everybody being accepted as they are (inclusion). Finally all the lyrics on the pieces of paper were given to our music teacher who read them through and he chose the one with the story and combined it with some other ideas, too. After some rewriting and checking the rhymes, he made a melody which he tested with the students. The song was still “polished” a little before it was completed. Funnily enough, our song Stella tells a little about both given themes – friendship creating energy which is renewable. Art-pictures “Stella” FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Songs on the topic of “Inclusion” FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Songs on the topic of “Inclusion” “Connection” Musical form: Popsong I`m excited, someone new is coming. What does he look like ? Like us ? What does he like ? Where is he from ? Is he a nice one. I hope so. I`m excited, he is quite different. He`s sitting in a wheel chair. Why is he here ? Want to know, how he feels, I´m interested in him very much. I`m quite floored, he is able to do so much, talking, writing, reading and playing, except walking, that doesn`t matter. I`m his friend, so I help him a lot. Inclusion is a nice word, the bridge leads to this place, together we will find the way and nobody will be lonesome any more. ( 2 x ) I would like to know you, but you are still a stranger for me. Are we going seperate ways ? Are you coming from another star ? We live under the same firmament. When do we finally get in touch. What do you like in this world ? Let`s walk together bravely through it. Eye to eye and hand in hand we write our names in the sand. Look forwards not backwards. Friendship is the key to happiness. Written and composed by M. Goldbeck-Löwe and his Comenius-student-team FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace FUTURES Songs on the topic of “Inclusion” Making of „Connection” Contents and process: In the Comenius project „ In the year 2525” our main topics were migration and inclusion. The song “Inclusion-Connection” was the third song we had written. Completing this song took some time maybe because of the fact that the topic had to be clarified at first. When the central theme was found this song also was completed quickly and we were finally able to practice all three songs intensively in order to present them to the pupils. Matthias Goldbeck-Löwe Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Songs on the topic of “Inclusion” FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Songs on the topic of “Inclusion” FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Songs on the topic of “Inclusion” “Why, why, why” Musical form: ballade I may be blind, but you don’t see It’s always dark, listen to me I may be deaf, but you don’t hear All the voices which are so near In my darkness I feel alone You don’t want me to come along Why should I be so excluded When I’ve got so much to give You may be blind, but I can see You are so different from me Your weakness may disturb me Will we ever find the key? In my darkness I feel alone You don’t want me to come along Why should I be so excluded When I’ve got so much to give Our work will soon get better Joining our talents together Let our love become a wonder Let’s share our feelings forever In my darkness I feel alone You don’t want me to come along Why should I be so excluded When I’ve got so much to give Written and composed by a teacher team with Bertrand Lagneau, Olli Lehtonen, Anne-Lore Perxachs and Michael Kühn Additional student singers from France. FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace FUTURES Songs on the topic of “Inclusion” Making of - and on stage „Why, why, why “ Contents: The song tells about a person who is excluded and another so called ´normal´ person, who may think that the weakness of the excluded person might disturb. But at the end it shows a solution: „Let´s share our feelings forever“. Process: The lyrics were found with keywords concerning the main themes: Inclusion and Exclusion. The musical structure shows a very strong dynamical contrast, that illustrates the differences between the `normal´ and ´excluded´ characters. The Piece “Why“ can be traced back to a German-French-Polish-Finnish cooperation in Remoulins. The raw version out of chord scheme and lyrics developed in France delivered the musical impulse for the given final version. The visually handicapped songwriter Thomas Zwerina and his musical partner Evi Lerch devoted themselves to the draft of the song. The both musicians worked on the song title “Why“ and rearranged it by a synthesizer. They followed in the sung parts (stanza and refrain) the beforehand developed chord scheme. They had been modifying the sound parameters until a melodious rhythm in a retro-pop manner appeared. The original song version from the French workshop now hints through the synthesizer melody at the French tradition of electronic music. Thus to play back the pinball again, Evi Lerch translated the quart-verses at the end of the song into French and sung them herself. Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Songs on the topic of “Inclusion” FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Songs on the topic of “Inclusion” FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Songs on the topic of “Inclusion” “The Hype” Musical form: Ballade I checked the wheels and my prospects were good I put my helmet on and I thought for sure that I could all my fears were gone Whenever I see that pipe I wanna break out. So take me up there for a ride Forget about all your doubts. They pulled me up and it really felt light It took my breath away This is the way, yes, this must be right I do not care what they say. Whenever I see that pipe I wanna reach out So take me up there for a ride Forget about all your doubts. Refrain (2x): Down, Down! sliding down the pipe Down, down! Now, now! I can feel the hype! Now, now! Now I go down like a fish in the air They call me quite insane. It is unique, Just look how they stare My wheelchair is my plane (plane, plane, plane). Whenever I see that pipe I wanna go down So take me up there for a ride Forget about all your doubts! Refrain (2x) Down, Down! sliding down the pipe Down, down! Now, now! I can feel the hype! Now, now! Written and composed by Thomas Zwerina, Dr. Barbara Himmelsbach, Marie-Luise Schirra, Jan Volk, Susanne Pickenbrock-Hindges Music/Arrangement: Thomas Zwerina & Evi Lerch FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace FUTURES Songs on the topic of “Inclusion” Making of „The Hype” Contents and process: “The Hype“ deals with the fictive desire of a wheelchair user once in his lifetime to perform in a half-pipe. For the realization of this unusual intention the song has chosen a self-ironic sound manifested in lyrics, music and singing. The brief suspense-producing intro at the beginning of the piece anticipates harmonically and dramaturgically the particular course of the song until the first-person-narrator is involved in an eccentric endeavour whose ending is unpredictable. It needs courage to confront oneself with this extraordinary situation, to get rid of one's fears and to fulfill oneself the desire to be deliberated from internal and external social forces. In this context, the half-pipe serves as an emancipatory trebuchet which transfers the protagonist into a new stage of consciousness. The lyrics of the song were created in the songwriting workshop of Thomas Zwerina at the Clemens-Brentano-Europaschule in winter term 2013/14. Following his methodic approach that a successful song contains a story which is delivered in film sequences, the participants developed a storyboard for “The Hype“ in just one lesson. From stanza to stanza, from refrain to refrain, the lyrics enable the listener to immerge into the mind of the protagonist. Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Songs on the topic of “Inclusion” « The Hype » chords Intro D / C 5, 9 1. I checked the wheels and my prospects were good G F I put my helmet on E-moll D and I thought for sure that I could G F and all my fears were gone E-moll D Whenever I see that pipe C maj 7, 9 G I wanna break out. C maj 7, 9 G So take me up there for a ride C maj 7, 9 G Forget about all your doubts. B D 2. They pulled me up and I felt very light It took my breath away This is my way, yes, this must be right I do not care what they say. Whenever I see that pipe I wanna shout out So take me up there for a ride Forget about all your doubts. Refrain (2x): Down, Down, sliding down the pipe D7 D Down, down! (Down, down!) D7 D Now, now! I can feel the hype! D7 D Now, now! (Now, now!) D7 D 3. Now I go down and I fly through the air They call me quite insane. It is unique, Just look how they stare My wheelchair is my plane (plane, plane, plane). Refrain: Down, Down, sliding down the pipe Down, down! (Down, down!) Now, now! I can feel the hype! Now, now! (Now, now!) Down ---- Down --- FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Songs on the topic of “Inclusion” “Bro(in)clusion” Musical form: Rap Intro = (8 lines) I'm sitting all alone here in my corner People passing by like I'm some sort of gonner! What have I done to deserve dishonour? Look at me, I’m not meant to be a loner It hurts so much to be an outcast of society It hurts so bad, so please help me regain my friendly needs Chorus How can we know if the group’s completed If the lonely guy never was greeted? How can we know if the group’s completed If the lonely guy never was greeted? Rap (4 lines) If ya evah see a lon’ly fellah chill’n the corner, take a look at ya self an’ think of what you would’ve wanted Don’t look away, it’s no price to pay It’s ya “firetrucking» duty to includ’ that guy, okay? Chorus Written and composed by a Norwegian students team: Akhtar, Friksen, Jensen, Thiagarajan FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace FUTURES Songs on the topic of “Inclusion” Making of „Bro(in)clusion” Contents and process: The work has been quite a challenge, but fun. We involved two classes of first year students for this project – 53 pupils in total. We used time from the subjects English, Norwegian and Social Science. The project was introduced at a workshop. The students were told that they were going to make as many songs as possible related to the four main topics in our project “In the year 25 25”. They got a short lecture on how to compose a song, and how they should start with associations and mind maps. The students were free to choose topics, and formed groups in relation to preferred topics. The two student groups did not want to perform in front of each other, so we made two separate song contests. The students voted for one of the songs, and we therefore have two winner songs to work further on with. All together our students produced ten texts concerning one or several of the topics. Of those ten, five groups did manage to create melodies. Those who did not have a melody for the performances presented their text, telling about the contents. There were a few challenges during the process: We do not teach Music at school, nor do we have musical instruments, recording equipment or music teachers. We got some help for the first workshop. For the rest of the time, we have only tried to help with our own musical skills. Bro (in)clusion is a song (boy band genre) also made and performed by four boys. They have, as you can hear a humoristic attitude, both what lyrics and performance concerns. One of the boys, Hallvard, plays the guitar and has written down the chords. They have used a Music composing program to include instruments. The instruments at the recording are digital, but could easily be played by real instruments. The note sheet is written in the Program Music Score. I (Karin) did this. I have never done this before, so it is what it is. The notes for vocal (tenor), text and chords are included in the note sheet, as well as some notes showing the rhythm for the Guitar and the Base. The students from our school will like to perform the songs themselves, maybe with some help from a drummer. Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Songs on the topic of “Inclusion” FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Songs on the topic of “Inclusion” FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Songs on the topic of “Migration” “My homeland” Music form: Ballade The poverty prompted us to foreign land It caused yearning in my heart I watched my homeland’s roads, Its horizons And I was homesick. Every person who migrates experiences the longing His heart is full of his homesickness It makes happiness into hate Separation into yearning Desperation into foreign land Heeey my homeland The people have a desperate longing Nobody knows who experiences it It hurts my heart, Horizons in my mind Doubles my heartbreak. Heeey my homeland Written and composed by our literature teacher Selçuk DURU and by the students Rıza ADAK and Muhammed Mustafa TEKE. FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Songs on the topic of “Migration” Making of „My Homeland” Contents and process: Everything started with a song contest about Migration, Inclusion, Energy Turnaround and Demographic Change. The students formed their groups and wrote the song lyrics by brainstorming. One teacher was in charge of each group. Since there is no music teacher in our school the students composed and sang their songs through their own means. The jury consisting our school teachers and students scored the songs individually and determined the group and the song for Norway. This song contest was an event rarely seen, as the students’ excitement was worth of seeing. On this occasion, our students both discovered the pleasure of revealing something by themselves and maximized their awareness about the project subject. FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Songs on the topic of “Migration” FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Songs on the topic of “Migration” “Friendship, Happiness and Freedom” Musical form: Popsong Why am I a stranger even in my homeland ? Violence and poverty, faced me in society. Why am I an immigrant ? Why did I leave my country ? Loneliness, uncertainty, desperation in my family. But I know my future will be bright, tolerance and courage will be my light. Friendship, happiness and freedom, understanding every person needs. Let´s come together and talk about it, accept each other as we are, as we are. Friendship, happiness and freedom, understanding every person needs. Let´s come together and talk about it, accept each other as we are, as we are. But deep in my heart, always remember, the taste of bread from homeland, the smell of summer breathe. Harmony of values, purity of childhood. These are the main things, I never will forget: Written and composed by Matthias Goldbeck-Löwe, with Kerstin Nolte, Nalan Akkoc and Liga Leitena and a student team from France FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace FUTURES Songs on the topic of “Migration” Making of „Friendship, Happiness and Freedom” Contents and process: The song was produced during our common meeting in Remoulins, France by a teachers' team. By instruction of the Berlin principal Matthias Goldbeck-Löwe, first the lyrics had to be written and then the appropriate music had to be composed. According to the contents the group followed the core subject of 'migration'. The song itself is appealing to humanity. The creative teachers' group was supported by a school band of pupils who played the title live after its production. All songs created on that day were recorded professionally and ought to serve us as a blue print / working material at home. The idea to combine all four songs produced in France into a medley was rejected later on. In order to strengthen the bilateral and multilateral collaboration even more we decided afterwards to have each of the created songs particularly rehearsed by a rearranged group. This took an eminently active cooperative behaviour for granted. The risk to fail at this was inherent. And – the experiences were in fact inspiring! The push to have to present an at least practicable result in Svolvaer forced us to cooperate. The many rehearsals at the particular school were of course noticed by the school community and yet more pupils wanted to participate in the action. The networking among the partners caused some kind of competition between the groups, who might have the best song or the most fancy performance to deliver. In order to reduce this idea of competitiveness a little, we decided not to award a winner at the meeting in Svolvaer but to celebrate all the songs appropriately. All the songs had been travelling all across Europe until they were finally performed in Svolvaer, Norway. One partner arranged the music, the other recomposed, invented new musical schemes or a 'cooler' rhythm. The Berlin school took over a big part of the choir efforts which was very unusual for the young pupils. The instrumental realization had happened in France, where Bertrand Lagneau collaborated with a miniband which performed in Norway as well. Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Songs on the topic of “Migration” FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Songs on the topic of “Migration” FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Songs on the topic of “Migration” FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Songs on the topic of “Migration” “It’s a long way” Musical form: A-capella and Chorus Long intro with drums Refrain It’s a long way to friendship, a long way to feel home, A long way to friendship, a long way to home. It’s a long way to friendship, a long way to feel home, A long way to friendship, a long way to home. You came by foot – It’s a long way You came by boat – It’s a long way You came by train – It’s a long way You lost your family - It’s a long way Refrain It’s a long way to friendship, a long way to feel home, A long way to friendship, a long way to home. It’s a long way to friendship, a long way to feel home, A long way to friendship, a long way to home. You had no education but war - It’s a long way You were hungry, thirsty, tired and frightened It’s a long way You were arrested - It’s a long way You were nearly dead - It’s a long way Refrain It’s a long way to friendship, a long way to feel home, A long way to friendship, a long way to home. It’s a long way to friendship, a long way to feel home, A long way to friendship, a long way to home. You are still alive – You are welcome You should keep your dreams - You are welcome You’ll find a new life - You are welcome You’re looking forward – You are welcome Refrain Klaviersolo Refrain Written and composed by Hartmut Reyl and his student team FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace FUTURES Songs on the topic of “Migration” Making of „It’s a long way” Contents and process: “It's a long way“, across the desert, without sufficient knowledge of the place, having too little of water and not enough food, dependent on a hauler who simply wants to extort their last money from them, in order to betray them subsequently to the officials or the military or to hand them over to another hauler who plays the same evil game with them. Then, at last, a boat which shall take them to Lampedusa, to Europe, overcharged, burdened with misery and trust in God...... Too many lose their lives hereby because of greed of gain and contempt for mankind! And our cold-heartedness?! Hartmut Reyl and his team at rehearsing the just produced song “It's a long way“. In the first version the choir and the tuba were not participating, which later on gave the song its specific character. The drums hereby were in the foreground and had to be mixed up with percussions of African musicians from a video later on. Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Songs on the topic of “Migration” FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Songs on the topic of “Migration” FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Songs on the topic of “Migration” “Respect” Musical form: A-capella Where is your homeland, and where are you from ? Are you lonely ? Why is it so difficult ? I speak a different language, can you understand me ? Together it is easier to go through life. It makes no difference where you come from. It is okay. What counts is respect, today more than ever. What do you think about it, my friend? Say that you think . Respect is important. Respect is correct. Respect goes to everybody. Only that way the world works. Respect can be a lot in our world. Respect people, that has to be, Otherwise you stay alone your whole life. Respect is honour, respect is friendship. Respect is acceptance, respect is fairness. If are not able to hear, I`ll hear for you. If you are not able to speak, I `ll speak for you. If you are not able to see, I `ll see for you. That`s all no problem for you and me. Refrain Is it so difficult to get in touch with each other And get to know each other? To tolerate new things - To understand diversity as a chance. Everybody just needs a positive feedback, it has nothing to do with your origin and religion - emotions, human contact and and love is all you need - which everybody is able to give. Take a heart, do the first step and you will see Lots of others will follow. Written and composed by Matthias Goldbeck-Löwe, Kerstin Nolte, Petra Scholz-Raabe, Katrin Friese and a student team from Berlin FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace FUTURES Songs on the topic of “Migration” Making of „Respect” Contents and process: We made it our business to write songs about the topics of migration and inclusion. Sitting in front of a blank sheet and having to fill it with ideas is not an easy task. Together we have thought about how to start this intention and initially agreed on dividing the members of the project team into three groups. Two groups decided to cover the topic migration and the third group put integration on the agenda. Equipped with a flipchart each group sat into their rooms and initially started a brainstorming about the respective topics. A lot of aspects were found. The project teams were able to connect or link many things. Thus short sentences or even verses were developed. Within two hours the first refrain was completed. Other things haven’t been completed yet but have been prepared and initiated in such a way that the conceptions later can be modified. After some time we met and together we tried to structure our creations. Soon a suitable rhythm was found and the first song “Respect” was developed. The first step was made. The pupils have sung the song keenly and learned it very fast. Then the decisive hour came: our contest. All three songs were presented to about 100 pupils and the result was clear. Our fellow students voted for the song “Respect”. This song should come to Norway with us packed into our suitcases. Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Songs on the topic of “Migration” FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Songs on the topic of “Migration” FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Songs on the topic of “Migration” FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Songs on the topic of “Migration” FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Songs on the topic of “Migration” “Nie zapomnij pochodzenia” Musical form: Rap More and more people are leaving, leaving their families - to work for a living, not because they’re greedy - shouldn’t wonder why, look at those sad faces - quite a few fathers weep for their children after work. I know how it is, because my close relative - lives abroad, works very hard - words and phone calls aren’t enough - but look what’s happening, he won’t be back soon - I’m not afraid to tell the economy is a lame duck - I’m just telling truth, and I’m sure. Life’s not a paradise, but you have to keep on. To be out of the woods needs a lot of courage, but also mindfulness to make smart decisions, not to fall down, ‘cause life’s slippery. Now think about it, ‘cause everything changes, watch your steps, and don’t forget where you’re from. Chorus Refrain It’s just that, you lose a sense of life, looking for solution. Every day, a new goal, worth doing. Leaving your homeland, hard to imagine - heart full of sorrow and incomprehension - like a theatre play, but your family is the audience - in all it’s a tragedy, ‘cause waiting can be hard - fact is people earn peanuts - that’s why they emigrate, sometimes they don’t come back to Poland - maybe I’m a teenager, but I see what’s going on - I’m thrilled but full of hope. How I can find harmony? If there’s no job - and plenty of unemployed - time to get used to it, only complaining - got to be tough, always look for solution - it’s not easy though, when you miss somebody - when I’m alone I get mad. That’s why I describe it, my way, heavily - and I respect a lot migrating people! Written and composed by a student-team and a choirus with students and teachers. FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace FUTURES Songs on the topic of “Migration” Making of „Nie zapomnij pochodzenia” Contents and process: In the Comenius project „ In the year 2525” our main topics were migration and renewable energy sources, that is why creating a song was quite a challenge for our students. Nonetheless many of them wanted to write a song and take part in the competition which started in December and finished after a month. Because of the difficult topics only three songs were created. All of them were very interesting and enlightening. Together with our headmaster and music teacher Ania we have decided to choose the song „Nie zapomnij pochodzenia” written by Dawid Ryziński our third grade student, who also wrote music. He wrote a hip-hop song about economic migration, about growing up without a father, who works in Great Britain. Dawid is also a very good singer, so as an award we decided to take him to Norway, where our final meeting was supposed to be held and where he could perform the song during the European Days. Thanks to parents of one of our students we could record the song in a professional recording studio. During the recording Dawid was accompanied by our student Agata Pałczyńska, who sang the refrain. Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Songs on the topic of “Migration” FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Songs on the topic of “Migration” “My favourite place” Everything is different here, more different than at home. I would like to be there, because it is still my favourite place . I would like to be there, because it is still my favourite place. I get used to be away from home but I will never forget my homeland, because this is me. So do accept me, too. Everything is different here, more different than at home. I`m walking lonesome through the streets, can`t see my home. I would like to be there, because it is still my favourite place. I want to understand your way of living, accept your rules, would like to walk with you and look what the future has in store. Everything is different, more different than at home. I would like to be there, because it is still my favourite place. I would like to be there, because it is still my favourite place. Finally I have made friends here who take me as I am. Now living abroad is my home. I feel fine living right in the middle of it. Everything is different, More different than at home I would like to be there, because it is still my favourite place. I would like to be there, because it is still my favourite place. ( once more the same verse ) Written and composed by Matthias Goldbeck-Löwe and his Comenius-student team FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace FUTURES Songs on the topic of “Migration” Making of „My favorite place” Contents and process: Also the text for the second song “My favorite place” was written with a lot of energy and fun. Soon a melody was found and the next thing we knew, our pupils were whistling the melody through the school building. Headmaster Matthias Goldbeck-Löwe from Berlin with his students and the Latvian student group Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Songs on the topic of “Migration” FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Songs on the topic of “Migration” FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Songs on the topic of “Energy Turnaround” “Turnaround – Rap” Musical form: Rap Our brain is sane, so why can't we just find a solution to decrease the pollution. The world's got a fever, soon it is going to be impossible to live here. We need to think about something new, the change gotta start within you. We need to think outside the box, and do something different – or its gonna end in an accident... Imagine if you lose everything that stands you close, we will be left with our heartbroken souls because of our fouls. Imagine one day you're waking up, you'll notice that the sea has dried up. You will start to think about all that you could have done. But it is too late, and you'll realize we have concealed our fate. So therefore we say to you: «There's only one world, we gotta make it last». This is such a beautiful world, we gotta make it last and we gotta do it fast. One day in the future we can look back and be proud of what we have done and what is happening now. Even though it might look dark at the moment, we can still turn things around and make a change for the better. We got many people thinking forward and into the future, and if we concentrate on positive energy we might get it done. The windmills, the eco-energy and all of the electric cars. Let us all focus and move on! The world is still in our hands and we can still make a change for the better! We got to get our hopes up and be strong it isn't all doomed to go wrong. So keep your head up and join us in our revolution and sing with us in our song: This is such a beautiful world, we gotta make it last and we gotta do it fast. One day in the future we can look back and be proud of what we did and what is being done. 2x Written and composed by Backseat Boys – Øystein, Håvard, Markus and Einar and a student team from Norway FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace FUTURES Songs on the topic of “Energy Turnaround” Making of „Turnaround - Rap” Contents and process: Energy turnaround is a rap, written and performed by four boys. They have used a beat found on the Internet. It was available for free, and is therefore legal to use. There are no notes with this song, only beat and text. For the performance they will use the Music file as play back, perhaps together with drums. The boys are working on a music video to show with the performance. They also want to bring some female voices in to sing the refrain for the performance in May. Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Songs on the topic of “Energy Turnaround” FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Songs on the topic of “Energy Turnaround” FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Songs on the topic of “Energy Turnaround” FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Songs on the topic of “Energy Turnaround” “Never Enough” We conquered the seas We cut down trees To build our castles in the sand Had too much power in our hands We had so little to give Yet so much to take Produced way too much waste So we dumped it in our lakes We lived off more than we needed Like a turtle with five shells We had the Garden of Eden And we turned it into hell Refrain We had it all right here But we never had enough, yea we never had enough We had it all right here Yeah we never had enough, no we never had enough Our land of milk and honey Is now surrounded by clouds Made of grime and sulphur There’s acid raining down Right on our precious home Our grass has turned brown It melts the flesh off our bones A nation tears touch the ground We can’t eat money I guess we all know now We should’ve cherished our lives It didn’t have to come this far Refrain We had it all right here But we never had enough We had it all right here Yeah we never had enough Written and composed by Henrik Loos and Can Kantekin and a student team from Lollar, Germany with Joana Serra Soares and friends. FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace FUTURES Songs on the topic of “Energy Turnaround” Making of „Never Enough” Contents and process: “Never enough“, it is not sufficient energy, which we need for the production of our goods, energy, which fills our stomachs, energy that keeps us warm. Let us deal responsibly with the resources of the Earth, withdraw it from the system of free enterprise, “blood for oil“ mustn't reign anymore! We have the technology to use renewable forms of energy in a reasonable way. The Kyoto-Protocol shows the way – technological transfer – we have signed the contracts. The song has the character of a pop hit. At first there were no limts for the instrumentation. At We always wanted to write songonly which talks the beginning we played theasong with a about all of the things the humans do to their home, we never really knew how For to put our emotions in words and to articulate ourselves in guitar, but noticing its very good sound. a few aincidents way thatwewould people addedmake a piano and think, a bassinstead guitar. of just listing all of the mistakes we make. We needed to create a scenario, in which it wasustoo late to save the earth, so that people would According to the contents the song showed realize how important it iscravings. to save this planet. We decided to create an apocalyptic planet, in up our limits as well as our which humanity fights for its survival and in which the earth fights against humanity. We are aware that this scenario is as dark as it gets and that this may not be suitable for children and very young students, but as “artists”, we felt it was our duty to show people the places this planet could go. We researched events that had already happened on this planet, like the acid rain in Tschernobyl and how it had turned the grass from green to brown. After the song was written, we took it to the studio, in which Henrik Loos and Can Kantekin searched for a fitting melody and rhythm that would do the song justice. We decided to make the song rather fast and dramatic. Personally it was a big wish of mine for the song to sound like a song that Jimi Hendrix would’ve sung, just because of how furiously he could express himself on the guitar and because of the environmental awareness his generation had. We sat down for about two hours, searching for chords and leadmelodies, and after going through all possible variations, we decided to take the chords and melodies that made it to the final cut. Since my bassist was in the studio too that day, he layed down a fast and groovy bassline, so that we could fully produce the song and so it could reach its full potential. All in all, this song is more than just a regular song for us. It's an experience. It's the travel from Germany to Norway and back. It's newly found friends. It's the war between expressionism and pop music. It's 'never enough'. Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Songs on the topic of “Energy Turnaround” „Never Enough“ Chords of the song “Never Enough” Em We conquered the seas G We cut down trees Am 7 To build our castles in the sand C9 Had too much power in our hands We had so little to give Yet so much to take Produced way too much waste So we dumped it in our lakes We lived off more than we needed Like a turtle with five shells We had the Garden of Eden And we turned it into hell Refrain Em G We had it all right here Am 7 C9 But we never had enough, yea we never had enough Em G We had it all right here Am 7 C9 Yeah we never had enough, no we never had enough Our land milk and honey Is now surrounded by clouds Made of grime and sulphur There’s acid raining down Right on our precious home Our grass has turned brown It melts the flesh off our bones A nation tears touch the ground We can’t eat money I guess we all know now We should’ve cherished our lives It didn’t have to come this far Refrain We had it all right here But we never had enough We had it all right here Yeah we never had enough FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Songs on the topic of “Energy Turnaround” “Turnarounds” Musical form: Jazz-Pop Driving home through lonely nights Thinking of your fingers. Power forest, flashing lights Sad, we couldn't linger. Driving home through shiny days Your eyes in fields of sun You're my Katherine in the waves Grab your things and run! Refrain Here comes the storm If you just look up Birds are falling down but we won't give up. Here comes the flood Having so much power And it'll reach us Within one hour. Being home looking through the windows Listening to your whisper Seeing all the weeping willows Everything's fine, I'm with her Being home after fear and sorrow Thinking: us together Stormy weather, unknown tomorrow We'll have each other forever. Refrain (phase out) Written and composed by David Schröder, Elina Meissner, Karin-Marie Antonson and Marcin Miziolek and a student team from France FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace FUTURES Songs on the topic of “Energy Turnaround Making of „Turnarounds” Contents and process: This song tells in a positive metaphorical way about the challenge and the ways of solutions for an Energy Turnaround. On the first impression it seems to be a love song, but the poetical pictures and descriptions in the song have a double meaning. For example: “My Katherine in the wave” also stands for the hurricane ´Katrina´, and the final line “We´ve each other forever” also means that we all are forced to find ways to live together on this planet. Keywords and phrases were first collected separately and then brought together. The music was found after the complete structure of the song was finished. The topic `Energy Turnaround´ led to a music ´full of energy´. The harmonical structure always ´turns around´. Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Songs on the topic of “Energy Turnaround” foto Hallo Text FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Songs on the topic of “Energy Turnaround” FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Songs on the topic of “Energy Turnaround” FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Songs on the topic of “Energy Turnaround” FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Songs on the topic of “Demographic Change” “Voices” Musical form: Jazz-Pop I was/ full of doubts Looking for some light Too many questions / And hesitations Troubling my young mind. You've tried / to help me Gently / patiently But I wouldn't listen / was so stubborn Proud and so naïve Chorus Voices (x2) I feel strong, I can carry on When I hear your voices You may be / older than me But our feelings are the same Will you help me / with your advice Calm down my inner fights You may be / older than me But our feelings are the same Will you help me / with your advice Calm down my inner fights Chorus Instrumental Chorus You let me / share your memories and what you've learnt from them I humbly and carefully listened to your experience I don't feel alone anymore I've got you on my side Helping / each other now Life appears so bright Written and composed by Bertrand Lagneau and a student team from France FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Songs on the topic of “Demographic Change” Making of „Voices” Contents and process: “Voices” is a song about differences between generations. The lyrics are those of a young person telling about having her/ his first experiences and choices to make and feeling lost. At first, the older person tries to help her/him, but the young one doesn't take time to listen. Then, she/he starts listening to the older person's advice and experiences and learns from it. The song ends on the young understanding that life is richer sharing experiences and that they must help one another as they need each other. FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Songs on the topic of “Demographic Change” FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Songs on the topic of “Demographic Change” FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Songs on the topic of “Demographic Change” “Common Ground” Musical form: Chanson G h C D What have I done – what is wrong? G e C D Where has our understanding gone? G h C D Can’t they see I’m trying to do my best? G C C D G Why can’t you come and fix the rest? E C D G Why can’t you come and fix the rest? Now here I am – I do know what is best Come to me – I’ll help with you with the rest. I’ll tell you what life is all about There is no need to panic and to shout. There is no need to panic and to shout. Conflicts, fights are part of our lives We are all engrossed in our daily strives Walk like robots in a world of hate and cold Talk like strangers – no one likes the old. Talk like strangers – no one likes the old. That’s not true – there is a chance for peace Humans we are, and no one disagrees. Let us find the common ground to meet Empathy and love is what we need. Empathy and love is what we need. Empathy and love is what we need. Written and composed by Jean-Pierre Letourneur, Ragnhild Seel Tennes, Özkan Özpak and Dr. Barbara Himmelsbach. Additional student singers and musicians from France. FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace FUTURES Songs on the topic of “Demographic Change” Making of „Common Ground” Contents: The song is about the difficulties of communication between generations. There are two different points of view which seem difficult to unite. After the presentation of the two sides and the naming of conflicts the need to find a common ground leads to the final statement “Love and empathy is what we need”. Process: The work started with the music and its refrain. The two positions and the prospect of a solution gave the frame. Words and stanzas were found later. So this team worked the other way around. Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Songs on the topic of “Demographic Change” FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Songs on the topic of “Demographic Change” “Angel Heart” Musical form: Chanson chorus Angel's heart is still so cold, Warm it in your hands. Angel's heart asks only for one Caress it, even for one day. verse 1 It asks so little, it waits for love And the warmth that is in you. Let the light in your heart. Let the light in your soul. Chorus Angel's heart is still so cold, Warm it in your hands. Angel's heart asks only for one Caress it, even for one day. verse 2 Take it in your hands, it pleads you. Heal the pain that cries in tears. Let the light in other hearts, Let the light in other souls. Chorus Angel's heart is still so cold, Warm it in your hands. Angel's heart asks only one Caress it, even for one day. Angel's heart ... Written and composed by Normunds Orlovs - with Ilona Buksa, Liga Leitena and a Latvian student team: Normunds Orlovs (solo) - choir – Arnis Leitens, Roberts Veins, Nauris Molčanovs Armands Ločmelis, Kristers Kokorevičs, Arvils Zelčs, Viesturs Baltiņš FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace FUTURES Songs on the topic of “Demographic Change” Making of „Angel Heart” Contents and process We organized a song contest in Vilaka State gymnasium where each class could take part in. Four topics where announced and students had four weeks to write the songs. As it turned out all senior classes were engaged in the process and some classes created even two songs. The chosen topics covered all the themes and the songs were in different genres and styles. The methods of „making of” were quite different and interesting as well. Some wrote the lyrics first and then tried to compose the music for their songs, but the majority of groups chose the easiest way- they found a ready made melody and then wrote the lyrics. When asked about the creating process, it turned out that some groups tried 'free associations' when they had something to write a song about but couldn't think how to start the lyrics: they sat down with paper and a pen and wrote down every word and feeling that came into their heads. Some groups imagined the storyline and implemented it into rhymes. Normunds Orlovs’s tactics was quite unique. His songwriting approach is to write songs to communicate emotions and experiences with others. He takes his guitar, starts with the key sound and then music and lyrics come from the heart. Lyrics are created from events that have happened in his life. His winner song „Engel’s heart” displayed us the tragedies in many Latvian families when they had to leave the country and leave their parents, children, wives and friends Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Songs on the topic of “Demographic Change” FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Songs on the topic of “Demographic Change” “Elegie of the elder and younger people” Musical form: Chanson The Old: You become dull and duller, and it's getting worse! Can you read, count, write or do you just waste your time? The Young: You pretend we were all silly, though none of you moves a limb! You don't realize how much we learn All you can do is complaining! The Old: In the bus you hold your seat And grandpa has to suffer. Always the first at the cash desk A heavy weight at McDonalds, too! The Young: It is required of us to respect you. And then you wonder, if one loses respect, when you claim rights which are not for granted. Don't forget, old man, you were a child once! The Old: Laboured a life long, Pensions are gone, in the end becoming senile. You wasted yourself at the computers! The Young: You only criticize how we behave, Hence we work here and fund your lives. We would be glad if you realized al last that we are the ones who do worse hereafter. Chorus (all): That won't lead us on, thus resolve the quarrel! Bear it with delight: we free ourselves! Written and composed by Helmut Dietrich and a German student- and teacher team from Lollar FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace FUTURES Songs on the topic of “Demographic Change” Making of „Elegy of the elder and younger people” Contents and process: At the beginning there was the question of how to present the tensions between young and old in a musical form. This issue concerns all of society and it is difficult to approach it, as numerous prejudices block the views – on both sides. Therefore we wanted to have young and old speak out alternately. Rock riffs played by Helmut Dietrich were intended to break the ice and motivate the young song writers. The “seniors” among us preferred a calmer 6/8 rhythm. Then we applied ourselves to the task. Each group tried to put their opinions into the verses, not without listening in to what the other group was talking about or writing. This is the origin of the antiphony, which we then called „Elegy of Old and Young“. During the rehearsals we found out that the whole piece was made up of reproaches. There was no compromise at the end, no offer of cooperation or a way to understanding. Therefore we changed the ending and inserted a verse of two lines, which was meant to be sung by a choir made up of old and young. The chorus is sung in a happy major key as opposed to the preceding elegy. It takes the beat and the 4/4 rhythm from the rock riff and the off beats from the era of the old, and thus reminds us of the time between 1950 and 1970. Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Songs on the topic of “Demographic Change” FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Songs on the topic of “Demographic Change” FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Soloists and musicians Musician saxophon Finland – Germany – Norway – Latvia – France – Turkey – Poland FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Soloists and musicians Choir singer Musician guitar Finland – Germany – Norway – Latvia – France – Turkey – Poland FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Soloists and musicians Choir singer Choir singer Finland – Germany – Norway – Latvia – France – Turkey – Poland FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Soloists and musicians Actor Soloist singer Finland – Germany – Norway – Latvia – France – Turkey – Poland FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Soloists and musicians Choir singer Soloists and musician piano Finland – Germany – Norway – Latvia – France – Turkey – Poland FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Soloists and musicians Choir singer Finland – Germany – Norway – Latvia – France – Turkey – Poland FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Soloists and musicians Musician tuba Choir singer Finland – Germany – Norway – Latvia – France – Turkey – Poland FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Soloists and musicians Soloist singer Soloist and Choir singer Finland – Germany – Norway – Latvia – France – Turkey – Poland FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Soloists and musicians Musician bass guitar Choir singer Finland – Germany – Norway – Latvia – France – Turkey – Poland FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Soloists and musicians Choir singer Finland – Germany – Norway – Latvia – France – Turkey – Poland FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Soloists and musicians Musician guitar Choir singer Finland – Germany – Norway – Latvia – France – Turkey – Poland FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Soloists and musicians Choir singer Finland – Germany – Norway – Latvia – France – Turkey – Poland FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Soloists and musicians Choir singer Finland – Germany – Norway – Latvia – France – Turkey – Poland FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Soloists and musicians Finland – Germany – Norway – Latvia – France – Turkey – Poland Composer, Soloist, Choir singer, musician guitar Choir singer FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Soloists and musicians Finland – Germany – Norway – Latvia – France – Turkey – Poland Choir singer Composer, Soloist, Choir singer, musician guitar FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Soloists and musicians Finland – Germany – Norway – Latvia – France – Turkey – Poland Choir singer Soloist, Choir singer, musician saxophon FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Soloists and musicians Choir singer Choir singer Finland – Germany – Norway – Latvia – France – Turkey – Poland FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Soloists and musicians Choir singer, musician drums Musician guitar Finland – Germany – Norway – Latvia – France – Turkey – Poland FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Soloists and musicians Musician drums Choir singer Finland – Germany – Norway – Latvia – France – Turkey – Poland FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Soloists and musicians Choir singer Finland – Germany – Norway – Latvia – France – Turkey – Poland FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Soloists and musicians Choir singer Choir singer Finland – Germany – Norway – Latvia – France – Turkey – Poland FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Soloists and musicians Choir singer Finland – Germany – Norway – Latvia – France – Turkey – Poland FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Soloists and musicians Choir singer Choir singer Finland – Germany – Norway – Latvia – France – Turkey – Poland FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Soloists and musicians Choir singer Musician piano Finland – Germany – Norway – Latvia – France – Turkey – Poland FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Soloists and musicians Choir singer Choir singer Finland – Germany – Norway – Latvia – France – Turkey – Poland FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Soloists and musicians Choir singer Choir singer Finland – Germany – Norway – Latvia – France – Turkey – Poland FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Soloists and musicians Musician piano Rapper - Soloist Finland – Germany – Norway – Latvia – France – Turkey – Poland FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace Soloists and musicians Technician Finland – Germany – Norway – Latvia – France – Turkey – Poland FUTURES Imagine – In the year 2525 songs for peace FUTURES Epilogue We want to thank warmly all the ones who supported us during the project period. In particular we owe our humble thanks to the school communities in the partner countries with their pupils, their parents who mostly also served as hosts, the colleagues, but also to the administrations with the mayors and the district administrators. At the locations which organized in particular the multinational meetings, Lollar, Remoulins and Svolvaer we have to thank as well the communities and the citizens of the region, because most of all in the smaller cities the hosting of the guests was a challenge. For the hospitality at the concluding ”Contest” in Svolvaer, Norway we have to say 'thank you' to Ragnhild Seel Tennes, Karin Antonsen, to the panel of politicians with Helga Pedersen, the deputy leader of the Norwegian Labour Party, Geir Finne from the Norwegian Coast Party, Anja Johansen from the Social Liberal Party and Marius Meisfjord Jøsevold from the Socialist Left Party“, the mayor, Mr. Eivind Holst and the principal of the school, Mr. Hugo Björnstad as well as his predecessor, Mr. Bart Flesjo. Hey Europe und Music by all Comenius-Partners from Clemens-Brentano-Europaschule, Lollar, Germany Lisa-Tetzner-Schule, Berlin, Germany Viitaniemen koulu, Jyväskylä, Finland Collège Voltaire, Remoulins, France Aust-Lofoten Upper Secondary School, Svolvaer, Norway Gimnazjum nr 2 im.ks.Jerzego, Wloclawek, Poland Vilaka valsts gimnazija, Vilaka, Latvia Aksaray Ticaret Meslek Lisesi, Aksaray, Turkey Photos by Henrik Loos 2012 – 2014 Eigenes