print catalog - Elias Artmetal
print catalog - Elias Artmetal
ELIAS WARRANTED HIGHEST QUALITY AND MOST ARTISTIC DESIGNS Expert Craftsmanship - Guaranteed In Every Detail In a world where craftmanship and quality have become almost entirely replaced by industrially expedient methods of production and inferior goods, we hold to the principle that the quality of our products has absolute authority. In a world of runaway metal prices we still uniquely alloy our own art metal alloys using the purest and finest virgin metals, entirely avoiding the use of scrap or lead to create the worldʼs finest pewter. We add a small amount of silver which dramatically increases strength, brightness and detail sharpness. In a world of shortcuts we take none. We start with our superb Extra Fine Pewter art alloy and electroplate it with pure gold and hand finish it to achieve our gold patinas. It looks like real gold because it is. Our frame easel backs are handmade in USA of real velvet or silk tafetta. In a world of outsourcing to low cost producers overseas, we make everything in our own shop here in the United States, by hand in the old world way, by our great American Artisans. Contents Bi-Directional velvet or silk easel back frames-- Pages A-1 to A-24 Cast metal easel back framesPages B-1 to B-14 Childrens and whimsical framesPages C-1 to C-4 100% American Made Elias Artmetal Inc. 70 East 2nd Street PO Box 1872 Mineola, New York 11501 Phones 516-873-7501 Web site- 1-800-998-7770 Fax- 516-873-7505 Email- [email protected] The Rose Frame Simply Spectacular AVAILABLE IN: 4x6 5x7 8x10 9x12 11x14 PEWTER 3429 3449 3469 3479 3489 GOLD 3429G 3449G 3469G 3479G 3489G A-1 RENAISSANCE ROPE Ribbon and stave border with bead, smooth sight and edge. Very popular Bi-Directional style. AVAILABLE IN: 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 3 1/2 x 5 4x6 5x7 8 x 10 AVAILABLE IN: 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 3 1/2 x 5 4x6 5x7 8 x 10 PEWTER 2001 2021 2041 2061 2081 GOLD 2001G 2021G 2041G 2061G 2081G DOUBLE & TRIPLE FRAMES PEWTER GOLD 2001T 2001TG(Triple wallet) 2001D 2001DG 2021D 2021DG 2041D 2041DG 2061D 2061DG 2081D 2081DG A-2 AVAILABLE IN: 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 3 1/2 x 5 4x6 5x7 8 x 10 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 4x6 5X7 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 4x6 5x7 PEWTER 2103 2123 2143 2163 2183 DOUBLES 2103D 2143D 2163D TRIPLES 2103T 2143T 2163T GOLD 2103G 2123G 2143G 2163G 2183G CLASSICO Double fluting fllanked by pearled sight & edge. Popular contemporary design. 2103DG 2143DG 2163DG 2103TG 2143TG 2163TG ZIPPER Simply slender with attractive ribbed ridge in center. Goes with any decor. AVAILABLE IN: 1 3/4 x 2 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 3 1/2 x 5 4x6 5x7 8 x 10 PEWTER 3100 3110 3120 3130 3140 3160 GOLD 3100G 3110G 3120G 3130G 3140G 3160G A-3 TRAX Classic grooves borderedby tracks & beads with flair corners. AVAILABLE IN: 3x3 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 3 1/2 x 5 4x6 5x5 5x7 8 x 10 PEWTER 2114 2104 2124 2144 2154 2164 2184 GOLD 2114G 2104G 2124G 2144G 2154G 2164G 2184G AVAILABLE IN: 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 3 1/2 x 5 4x6 5x5 5x7 8 x 10 PEWTER 2108 2118 2128 2138 2148 2168 GOLD 2108G 2118G 2128G 2138G 2148G 2168G JUST BEADS English Neo-Classical molding-running bead pattern with smooth edge & sight. A-4 DISCUS The shield/button decoration was widely used in the cultural art of the island of Minoa in the Mediterranean. We have used it in a contemporary pixelated background. Also available in Multiples. See page A-24. AVAILABLE IN: 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 4x6 5x7 8 x 10 PEWTER 2105 2145 2165 2185 GOLD 2105G 2145G 2165G 2185G GREEK KEY The Greek Key could arguably be called the “first design”. Elias pays homage to our classical heritage with this simple yet always interesting style. AVAILABLE IN: 1 3/4 x 2 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 3 1/2 x 5 3x3 4x6 5x5 5x7 8 x 10 9 x 12 PEWTER 2199 2109 2119 2139 2129 2159 2149 2169 2179 GOLD 2199 2109G 2119G 2139G 2129G 2159G 2149G 2169G 2179G A-5 ENGLISH HERRINGBONE A “bolection” frame with leaf and tendril pattern, diagonal sight and edge. AVAILABLE IN: PEWTER GOLD 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 3 1/2 x 5 4x6 5x5 5x7 8 x 10 2006 2026 2046 2016 2066 2086 2006G 2026G 2046G 2016G 2066G 2086G CAPSTONE Popular “crested” ridge down the center creates wonderful interest with very fine decoration. A slender version of our very popular Pinnacle frame on page A-12. AVAILABLE IN: 1 3/4 x 2 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 3 1/2 x 5 4x6 5x7 8 x 10 PEWTER 3101 3111 3121 3131 3141 3161 GOLD 3101 3111G 3121G 3131G 3141G 3161G A-6 EMPIRE Hybrid of late Baroque and Empire with”running” leaf sight, furled ribbon molding. AVAILABLE IN: PEWTER 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 2007 3 1/2 x 5 2027 4x6 2047 5x5 2017 5x7 2067 6x8 2097 8 x 10 2087 DOUBLES & TRIPLES 4 x 6 Dbl. 2047D 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 Dbl. 2007D 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 Triple 2007T GOLD 2007G 2027G 2047G 2017G 2067G 2097G 2087G 2047DG 2007DG 2007TG BEADED FLORAL French Neo-Classical -- beaded sight & border with flowered interlace composition AVAILABLE IN: 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 3 1/2 x 5 4x6 5x5 5x7 8x8 8 x 10 PEWTER 2005 2025 2045 2015 2065 2075 2085 GOLD 2005G 2025G 2045G 2015G 2065G 2075G 2085G A-7 STRIA Lines, lines, lines -- perfectly simple elegance - linear to the “max” AVAILABLE IN: 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 4x6 5x7 8 x 10 PEWTER 3206 3236 3246 3266 GOLD 3206G 3236G 3246G 3266G ESCALATOR Modern -- Mid-Century or otherwise is the hallmark of this timeless design. Available only in pewter/silver finish. AVAILABLE IN: 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 4x6 5x7 8 x 10 PEWTER 3203 3223 3243 3263 A-8 SPRING Coiled and ready for action -- this modern border has youthful energy and pizazz. AVAILABLE IN: 1 3/4 x 2 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 4x6 5x5 5x7 8 x 10 9 x 12 PEWTER 3211 3201 3221 3251 3241 3261 3271 GOLD 3211G 3201G 3221G 3251G 3241G 3261G 3271G AMERICAN GROOVE A seamless sense of continuity makes this a strong, timeless frame. AVAILABLE IN: 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 4x6 5x7 8 x 10 PEWTER 3205 3235 3245 3265 GOLD 3205G 3235G 3245G 3265G A-9 JULIET Classic scrolling pattern with wonderful motion and “stepped” dimension. Excitingly new with traditional overtones. AVAILABLE IN: 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 4x6 5x7 8 x 10 9 x 12 PEWTER 3204 3224 3244 3264 3274 GOLD 3204G 3224G 3244G 3264G 3274G SPARTAN SHIELD Strong and timeless design from an ancient frieze depicting the impenetrable shields of the fabled warriors. AVAILABLE IN: 1 3/4 x 2 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 4x6 5x5 5x7 8 x 10 9 x 12 PEWTER 3210 3200 3220 3250 3240 3260 3270 GOLD 3210G 3200G 3220G 3250G 3240G 3260G 3270G A-10 PETITE LOUIS The petite French Regence version of our Louis XIV -- a smaller administration of our Grand Luxe frame with cross - hatch ribbing and floral application. AVAILABLE IN: 5x5 4x6 5x7 8 x 10 PEWTER 3126 3136 3146 3166 GOLD 3126G 3136G 3146G 3166G LOUIS XIV French Regence - a Grand Luxe frame with cross-hatched ribbing and floral applications. AVAILABLE IN: 4x6 5x5 5x7 8x8 8 x 10 PEWTER 2408 2418 2428 2438 2448 GOLD 2408G 2418G 2428G 2438G 2448G A-11 TUSCANY The magnificent terraces of Tuscany are inspiration for this extraordinary scotia frame. The tulip brocade center is elegantly bracketed by the sausage/bead edge and the lip. Traditional but unusual -- the complete package. AVAILABLE IN: 4x6 5x5 5x7 6x8 8 x 10 9 x 12 11 x 14 PEWTER 3425 3415 3435 3445 3465 3475 3485 GOLD 3425G 3415G 3435G 3445G 3465G 3475G 3485G PINNACLE Lovely traditional frame with a raised center acanthus design surrounded by a mini-beaded sight and edge. AVAILABLE IN: 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 3 1/2 x 5 4x6 5x5 5x7 8 x 10 9 x 12 11 x 14 PEWTER 2309 2319 2329 2339 2349 2369 2379 2389 GOLD 2309G 2319G 2329G 2339G 2349G 2369G 2379G 2389G A-12 ROYALE American Scotia frame with trailing ivy and flower accents, serrated “spade” edge & sight. Also popular for wedding photos. AVAILABLE IN: 4x6 5x5 5x7 8x8 8 x 10 PEWTER 2414 2404 2424 2434 2444 GOLD 2414G 2404G 2424G 2434G 2444G REGENCE Reverse profile frame with pearl sight, cross-hatch band and mini-beaded edging. AVAILABLE IN: 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 3 1/2 x 5 4x6 5x5 5x7 8 x 10 9 x 12 PEWTER 2300 2310 2320 2330 2340 2360 2370 GOLD 2300G 2310G 2320G 2330G 2340G 2360G 2370G A-13 ARBOR’s evening in the garden. The wisteria climbs over the lattice.....Special designs sometimes just come together -Arbor is one of these with its timeless elements and graceful look. AVAILABLE IN: PEWTER 4x6 2328 5x5 2318 5x7 2338 6x8 2348 8 x 10 2368 9 x 12 2378 GOLD 2328G 2318G 2338G 2348G 2368G 2378G ARCHES Italian curvilinear scotia style border on a sanded base, with floral edges and mini-cable fluting. AVAILABLE IN: 4x6 5x7 8 x 10 PEWTER 2417 2427 2447 GOLD 2417G 2427G 2447G A-14 TRELLIS ROSE Trellis Rose is traditional American design at its best with carved roses and leaves with enlarged rose corners on a multi vine base. AVAILABLE IN: 4x6 5x7 8 x 10 PEWTER 2416 2426 2446 GOLD 2416G 2426G 2446G MAPLE LEAVES Oh Canada! A composition of sculptured maple leaves carved and molded to extraordinary detail. AVAILABLE IN: PEWTER 4x6 2249 5x7 2269 8 x 10 2289 GOLD 2249G 2269G 2289G A-15 ORNAMENTAL WEAVE 19th century Danish weave carving into bands of zoomorphic ornament with stylized Viking tie corners AVAILABLE IN: 4x6 5x5 5x7 8 x 10 PEWTER 2415 2405 2425 2445 GOLD 2415G 2405G 2425G 2445G LAUREL LEAVES French inspired American pierced laurel leaves with stylized floral sight and acanthus border. AVAILABLE IN: 4x6 5x5 5x7 8 x 10 PEWTER 2419 2409 2429 2449 GOLD 2419G 2409G 2429G 2499G A-16 GARDEN FLOWERS Excellent Bold American floral pattern AVAILABLE IN: 4x6 5x7 8 x 10 9 x 12 11 x 14 PEWTER 3427 3447 3467 3477 3487 GOLD 3427G 3447G 3467G 3477G 3487G Louis XIV frame with acanthus ogee, laurel leaf border and ribbon rocaille. Visual interest is created by allowing the leaves to remain separated on two sides of this bi-directional frame. WREATH OF TRIUMPH AVAILABLE IN: 4x6 5x7 8 x 10 PEWTER 3411 3421 3441 GOLD 3411G 3421G 34441G A-17 FINA Art Nouveau infused contemporary style with winged corners on beaded background AVAILABLE IN: PEWTER 4x6 2140 5x5 2150 5x7 2160 GOLD 2140G 2150G 2160G DOUBLES 4x6 2140D 5x5 2150D 5x7 2160D 2140DG 2150DG 2160DG FLORENTINE Italian Rococo acanthus. Simple in concept, light moves around this frame in contrasting but even shadings. AVAILABLE IN: 4x6 5x5 5x7 8x8 8 x 10 PEWTER 2245 2215 2265 2275 2285 GOLD 2245G 2215G 2265G 2275G 2285G A-18 SPIRAL An array of spirals create this sophisticated compilation and the motion of this pattern radiates and reflects harmony of design. AVAILABLE IN: 3x4 4x6 5x7 8 x 10 PEWTER 3112 3132 3142 3162 GOLD 3112G 3132G 3142G 3162G BEADED ACANTHUS The repetitive acanthus pattern, backeted by rows of beading gives this classic piece timeless elegance. AVAILABLE IN: 3x4 4x6 5x7 8 x 10 PEWTER 3113 3133 3143 3163 GOLD 3113G 3133G 3143G 3163G A-19 RIBBON A staple in classical design which translates beautifully into a modern, contemporary look. Cannot be overused or underestimated. AVAILABLE IN: 3x4 4x6 5x7 8 x 10 9 x 12 PEWTER GOLD 3114 3134 3144 3164 3174 3114G 3134G 3144G 3164G 3174G MUSEUM GALLERY A petite rendition of the full size wall portrature seen in fine art collections. Create your own vision. AVAILABLE IN: PEWTER 3x4 4x6 5x7 8 x 10 9 x 12 3207 3237 3247 3267 3277 GOLD 3207G 3237G 3247G 3267G 3277G A-20 CHECKER BOARD Cuteness with a capital ‘C”. The checkerboard evokes fond memories of country tables and simple pleasures. SINGLES DOUBLES AVAILABLE IN: PEWTER GOLD PEWTER GOLD 2x3 1400 1400G 1400D 1400DG 3x4 1410 1410G 1410D 1410DG 4x6 1430 1430G 1420D 1420DG 5x7 1440 1440G 1440D 1440DG SPECIAL TRIPLES with horizontal centers and vertical sides PEWTER GOLD 3x4 Special Triple 1410ST 1410STG 3x4 center plus (2) 2x3 sides 4x6 Special Triple 1430ST 1430STG 4x6 center plus (2) 3x4 sides BASKETWEAVE Delight in this border with its woven presentation. Intricate in a relaxed manner. SINGLES DOUBLES AVAILABLE IN: PEWTER GOLD PEWTER GOLD 2x3 1401 1401G 1401D 1401DG 3x4 1411 1411G 1411D 1411DG 4x6 1431 1431G 1431D 1431DG 5x7 1441 1441G 1441D 1441DG SPECIAL TRIPLES with horizontal centers and vertical sides PEWTER GOLD 3x4 Special Triple 1411ST 1411STG 3 x 4 center plus (2) 2x3 sides 4x6 Special Triple 1431ST 1431STG 4 x 6 center plus (2) 3x4 sides A-21 LAKESIDE In the 1700’s this pattern was referred to as a “cabled-bobbin”. We just find it restful and evocative of summer at the lakeside. SINGLES DOUBLES AVAILABLE IN: PEWTER GOLD PEWTER GOLD 2x3 1402 1402G 1402D 1402DG 3x4 1412 1412G 1412D 1412DG 4x6 1432 1432G 1432D 1432DG 5x7 1442 1442G 1442D 1442DG SPECIAL TRIPLES with horizontal centers and vertical sides PEWTER GOLD 3 x 4 Special Triple 1412ST 1412STG 3 x 4 center plus (2) 2 x 3 sides 4 x 6 Special Triple 1432ST 1432STG 4 x 6 center plus (2) 3 x 4 sides MATRIX Matrix refers to our rectangular arrangement of lines intersecting at the corners to form tiny cubes. Simple, clean, impressive. SINGLES DOUBLES AVAILABLE IN: PEWTER GOLD PEWTER GOLD 2x3 1403 1403G 1403D 1403DG 3x4 1413 1413G 1413D 1413DG 4x6 1433 1433G 1433D 1433DG 5x7 1443 1443G 1443D 1443DG SPECIAL TRIPLES with horizontal centers and vertical sides PEWTER GOLD 3 x 4 Special Triple 1413ST 1413STG 3 x 4 center plus (2) 2 x 3 sides 4 x 6 Special Triple 1433ST 1433STG 4 x 6 center plus (2) 2 x 3 sides A-22 LOUISE (Louis’ Sister) Petite French traditional wreaths SINGLES DOUBLES AVAILABLE IN: PEWTER GOLD PEWTER 2x3 1405 1405G 1405D 3x4 1415 1415G 1415D 4x6 1435 1435G 1435D 5x7 1445 1445G 1445D GOLD 1405DG 1415DG 1435DG 1445DG SPECIAL TRIPLES with horizontal centers and vertical sides PEWTER GOLD 3 x 4 Special Triple 1415ST 1415STG 3 x 4 ceneter plus (2) 2 x 3 sides 4 x 6 Special Triple 1435ST 1415STG 4 x 6 center plus (2) 3 x 4 sides GIFTWRAP Looks like a present complete with wraparound diagonal ribbons, floral accents and delicate corners. SINGLES AVAILABLE IN: PEWTER 2 x3 1404 3x4 1414 4x6 1434 GOLD 1404G 1414G 1434G DOUBLES PEWTER 1404D 1414D 1434D GOLD 1404DG 1414DG 1434DG SPECIAL TRIPLES with horizontal centers and vertical sides PEWTER GOLD 3 x 4 Special Triple 1414ST 1414STG 3 x 4 center plus (2) 2 x 3 sides 4 x 6 Special Triple 1434ST 1434STG 4 x 6 center plus (2) 3 x 4 sides A-23 DIAMOND & DOT MULTIPLE Size Pewter Gold 1.5 Sq. x 2 1200-2 1200-2G 1.5 Sq. x 3 1200-3 1200-3G 1.5 Sq. x 4 1200-4 1200-4G 1.5 Sq. x 5 1200-5 1200-5G 1.5 Sq. x 6 1200-6 1200-6G Can be ordered in as many modules as needed for each individual customer. Price available upon request. FOLD FLAT CUTIES FOR TRAVEL OR TO DISPLAY MINIATURE PHOTOS DOUBLE RIDGE TEXTURED MULTIPLE Size Pewter Gold 2” Sq x 2 1210-2 1210-2G 2” Sq x 3 1210-3 1210-3G 2” Sq x 4 1210-4 1210-4G 2” Sq x 5 1210-5 1210-5G 2” Sq x 6 1210-6 1210-6G DISCUS SINGLES Size Pewter Gold 2.5x3.5 2105 2105G 4 x 6 2145 2145G 5 x 7 2165 2165G 8 x 10 2185 2185G DISCUS MULTIPLES Size 2.5 x3.5 x2 2.5 x3.5 x3 2.5 x3.5 x4 2.5 x3.5 x5 Pewter 2105X-2 2105X-3 2105X-4 2105X-5 Gold 2105X-2G 2105X-3G 2105X-4G 2105X-5G Size Pewter Gold 4 x 6 x2 2145X-2 2145X-2G 4 x 6 x3 2145X-3 2145X-3G 4 x 6 x4 2145X-4 2145X-4G 4 x 6 x5 2145X-5 2145X-5G Can be ordered in as many modules as needed for each individual customer. A-24 PETITE METAL BACK FRAMES 1620 1 1/2 Dia. 1620G 1732 1 1/2 x 1 3/4 1732G 1733 1 1/2 x 2 1733G 1634 1 3/4 x 2 1736 1634G 1668 1767 1669 1 1/2 x 1 7/8 1669G 1763 1 1/2 x 2 1820 1763G 2 x 3 1766 1863 1820G 2 x 3 1766G 2 1/4 Sq. 1 1/2 x 2 1736G 1 1/2 x 2 1668G 1767G 1765 2x3 1863G 1787 1 1/2 x 2 ea. 1666 2 1/2 x 3 1765G 1 3/4 Dia. 1666G 1787G B-1 SMALL FRAMES WITH EXCELLENT METAL BACKS 1675 1819 1833 2 1/2 x 2 3/4 2 1/8 x 2 3/4 2 1/2 x 3 1/4 1683 1675G 1819G 1833G 2 1/2 x 3 1/4 1683G 1828 1679 2 x 2 1/2 2 1/2 x 2 5/8 1671 1828G 1679G 2 x 2 7/8 1681 3 x 3 1/8 1671G 1681G B-2 SMALL, INTERESTING DESIGNS WITH BI-DIRECTION OR METAL BACKS 6881 Christian Frame-2” Dia. 5”Height 6881G 1786 1678 3 1/4 x 2 1/2 2 1/2 x 3 1/4 1888 1780 2 1/2 x 3 7/8 1786G 1672 1678G 2 7/8 Dia. 1780G 1650 2 3/4 x 3 1/2 1650G 2 1/4 x 3 1672G 1888G B-3 SMALL, INTERESTING FRAMES WITH DECORATIVE, FUNCTIONAL METAL BACKS 1782 2 1/2 x 3 7/8 1782G 1884 3 x 3 7/8 1884G BAMBOO & BERRIES Pewter Gold 1881 1881G 2 1/2 x 3 7/8 CELTIC KNOT Pewter Gold 1850 1850G 2 x 3 1/4 NAPOLEON TORCH Pewter Gold 1740 1740G 3 1/4 Circle B-4 CLASSIC MID-SIZED FRAMES Pewter 1685 2 1/4 x 3 1/2 Gold 1685G Pewter 1684 1684G 2 1/4 x 3 1/2 Pewter 1653 Pewter-1772 Gold-1772G 3 1/2 Square 3 1/4 x 4 1/4 (Size both vert. & horiz.) FRENCH NAPOLEON ARCHWAY Pewter Gold 1771 1771G 3 x 4 7/8 AMERICAN CLASSIC SCOTIA FRAMES Pewter 1860 3 1/4 x 4 Gold 1653G Gold 1654G FAVORITE OVAL NAPOLEON TORCH Pewter Gold 1922 3 x 3 1/2 1922G AMERICAN CLASSIC VICTORIAN Pewter-1940 Gold-1940G 3 1/2 x 4 1/2 Pewter 1654 Gold Gold 1860G Pewter 1942 3 1/2 x 5 Gold 1942G B-5 MID TO 4x6 EUROPEAN-STYLE FRAMES DEEP CARVED ROSE HEART FRENCH TABERNACLE Pewter Gold 1700 4 x 6 1700G 1937 4 x 4 1/2 1937G RIBBED REGENCE 1943 4 x 6 1943G VICTORIAN SHELL 1643 4 x 6 1643G B-6 MEDIUM FRAMES WITH METAL EASELS ROCOCCO REVIVAL - 4x5 Pewter-1705 Gold-1705G 18TH CENTURY NEO-CLASSICAL ACANTHUS W/LAUREL LEAF TOP Pewter-1710 Gold-1710G 4x6 Pewter-1751 Gold-1751G FRENCH BOURBON RESTORATION NEO-CLASSICAL ENTABLATURE FRAME 1753 4 x 6 1753G ARTS & CRAFTS OVAL WITH RELIEF CARVING Pewter 1720 5 SQ. Gold 1720G 1722 4 x 6 1/4 1722G B-7 FRENCH TABERNACLE AEDICULAR FRAMES WITH GREEK COLUMNS 1640 Pewter 4x6 1640G Gold 1726 - Pewter 5x7 1726G-Gold ITALIAN RENAISSANCE “APPLIED ART” FRAME 1754 5 x 7 1754G SPANISH BAROQUE WITH MOORISH DECORATION PEWTER GOLD 1714 1714G 5 x 3 1/2 B-8 CONTEMPORARY BEADED OVAL FRAMES 1951G 1951 1950 Pewter Gold 1951 5 x 7 1951G 1950 8 x 10 1950G Pewter 1715 1694 5x7 7x9 Gold 1715G 1694G KING LOUIS XIII BANDED COLUMNS JOINED BY FLORAL SPRAY TOPPERS BORDERS OF BEAD & GUILLOCHE ACCENTED WITH MINI-BOWS, ACANTHUS PEDESTAL FEET. 1715 1694G 1715G B-9 FRENCH “LOUIS” OVAL AND FLORAL ROUND FRAMES WITH A COMPLEX INTERPLAY OF STEMS, LEAVES AND FLOWERS. Pewter 1702 5 1/2 x 6 Gold 1702G Finely sculpted Lily of the Valley leaves & flowers create this lovely free form border with French Ribbon Base Pewter 1799 5 x 7 Overall - 9 1/2 x 7 Gold 1799G OVAL FRENCH BAROQUE LOUIS XIV Enjoy this stunning frame with it’s abundance of leaves, flowers & stems with pearl sight and thistle fronton. B-10 FRENCH PORTRAIT OVAL- Realistic three dimensional leaves and flowers comprise the base and topper of this lovely versatile frame. Excellent for photo portraits and makes a great mirror. 1699 Photo Fit Size: 5 1/2 x 7 1/2 Overall - 6 1/2 x 11 1699G 1794G 1794 Photo Fit size-7x9 Overall size 9 3/8 x 12 ROCOCO -Unusual- loosely symmetrical with serrated sight & edge. Topped by an asymmetrical rocaille. B-11 ROSEBUD - Exquisite detail - every petal, leaf and stem perfectly formed as nature intended. AVAILABLE IN: SIZE 4x6 5x7 8 x 10 PEWTER 503-46 503-57 503-810 GOLD 503-46G 503-57G 503-810G CARNATION- Rows of carnations in full bloom with pronounced Arts and Crafts influences. AVAILABLE IN; SIZE 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 4x6 5x5 5x7 8 x 10 PEWTER 502-23 502-46 502-55 502-57 502-810 GOLD 502-23G 502-46G 502-55G 502-57G 502-810G B-12 Venetian Renaissance frame with petite floral wreaths, sight of running acanthus, and float ribbon centered with rosette. DELICATO AVAILABLE IN: SIZE 4x6 5x7 8 x 10 PEWTER 501-46 501-57 501-810 GOLD 501-46G 501-57G 501-810G FRENCH REVIVAL AVAILABLE IN: SIZE 5x5 5x7 Horizontal 5 x 7 8 x 10 PEWTER 1946 1707 1708 1724 GOLD 1946G 1705G 1708G 1724G French Revival beading and bow, topped with a rose cartouche or a Napoleon torch. B-13 ROSE & TORCH French Empire post-revolution with laurel leaf sight and palmette spandrel. AVAILABLE IN: SIZE PEWTER GOLD 5 x 5 1648 1648G 4 x 6 1647 1647G (only as horizontal) 5 x7 1727 1727G 8 x10 1793 1793G 1647 1727 VIENNA STAR Italian Star pattern with a sight of undulating leaf chain topped by crenelated ribbon & roses fronton. AVAILABLE IN: SIZE PEWTER 4x6 1756 5x7 1729 8 x 10 1896 GOLD 1756G 1729G 1896G DOUBLES SIZE PEWTER 4x6 1756D 5x7 1729D GOLD 1756DG 1729DG B-14 MAMA DUCK LEADS HER DUCKLINGS TO THE POND All Ducklings - Pewter Only Stylized water plants form the base for this popular children’s classic frame series. Also higly favored by adults who like ducks! 1658 3 1/2 x 4 4 x 6 - 1952 1659 3 1/2 x 4 Verticals 5 x 7- 1972 4 x 6 - 1953 Horizontals 5 x 7 - 1973 C-1 BUNNY BUDDIES PEWTER F1656 3 1/2 x 4 THE LITTLE ENGINE GOLD F1656G PEWTER GOLD 1504 1504G 3x4 CHOO-CHOO TRAIN PEWTER 2057 4x6 GOLD 2057G PEWTER 2074 5x7 GOLD 2074G C-2 TEDDY BEARS Soft and cuddly with a big, big smiles. PEWTER 1523 4x6 GOLD 1523G PEWTER 1503 3x4 GOLD 1503G SCHOOLHOUSE The Ultimate School Picture Frame HOBBY HORSE Giddy-up 3x4 PEWTER 1501 3x4 GOLD 1501G PEWTER 1500 3x4 GOLD 1500G C-3 LITTLE BOY AND HIS BEST FRIEND Play time - treat time - best time with a best friend PEWTER 1506 GOLD 1506G 3x4 MAN IN THE MOON WITH PESKY JUMPING COW Hey, diddle-diddle, the Cat and the Fiddle etc...... PEWTER GOLD 1505 3x4 1505G DUCKLING DYNASTY Placidly swimming or in an arcade - get your ducks in a row with this fun frame. PEWTER 1502 3x4 GOLD 1502G C-4
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