Penelope Portal User Manual v1.3


Penelope Portal User Manual v1.3
Penelope Portal User
Manual v1.3
for MHCSS Service Providers
Penelope is ACSO’s client information system; ACSO has created the Portal in order for MHCSS Service Provider
to have access to and communicate client information that is usually shared via fax/phone/email. This Manual
documents the processes for using the Penelope Portal.
Australian Community Support Organisation
Penelope Portal Team
[email protected]
Penelope Portal Manual for MHCSS Service
Table of Contents
Logging into Penelope............................................................................................................................. 4
Recommended browser................................................................................................ 4
URL ................................................................................................................................ 4
Pop-Ups......................................................................................................................... 4
Login limit...................................................................................................................... 4
Terms of Use Page ........................................................................................................ 5
Overview of Landing Page....................................................................................................................... 6
Change Password .......................................................................................................... 7
How to Change Password ............................................................................................................... 7
My Tasks ....................................................................................................................... 8
Add Tasks ........................................................................................................................................ 8
Common Tasks & What to Do ....................................................................................................... 10
Deleting Tasks in Bulk ................................................................................................................... 11
Events (Client) Search ................................................................................................. 12
How to search ............................................................................................................................... 12
How to utilise search results ......................................................................................................... 13
My Case Load .............................................................................................................. 13
Service File Overview ............................................................................................................................ 14
Individual Profile tab ................................................................................................... 15
Case tab....................................................................................................................... 15
Workers box .................................................................................................................................. 16
Service History tab ...................................................................................................... 17
Events Overview ................................................................................................................................... 17
Service Event ......................................................................................................................................... 19
Attendees .................................................................................................................... 20
Documents .................................................................................................................. 21
Viewing the MH – Intake Assessment........................................................................................... 23
Completing a MH – Outcomes ...................................................................................................... 27
Attachments................................................................................................................ 30
Attachment File Names................................................................................................................. 30
How to Open Attachments ........................................................................................................... 31
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How to Upload Attachments ........................................................................................................ 32
How to Delete Attachments ......................................................................................................... 34
Client Photo ................................................................................................................ 35
How to upload your client photo .................................................................................................. 35
How to get HELP.................................................................................................................................... 36
Glossary of Terms.................................................................................................................................. 37
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Logging into Penelope
Recommended browser
Firefox version 11, Internet Explorer version 9 and Safari version 5 and above are most compatible
with the ACSO Penelope Portal.
Please contact your internal IT support to ensure you are using a compatible browser. The Penelope
Client Management System is not fully compatible with other browsers.
There are two Penelope Portal Sites:
1. Live site
The Live site is, as the name suggests ‘Live’. Data entered here will be used and processed.
2. Training site is
The training site however is to be used when you would like to test, play, practice entering
data or completing tasks. Data here will not be processed.
The Penelope log in screen will appear in another window per the example below:
As such, it is important you ensure pop-ups are enabled and allowed. Should you not see the login
screen, please contact your internal IT support to assist you in enabling pop-ups.
Login limit
If you enter an incorrect password more than three times you will be locked out of Penelope. Once
your account has been locked, you will see a message asking you to contact your system
administrator. Your system administrator is ACSO and can be contacted at [email protected]
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Terms of Use Page
Each time you go to log into Penelope you will be reminded of the Terms of Use Agreement below:
‘This is a private system operated by ACSO. Authorisation from ACSO is required to use this system. By logging in you
agree to be bound by and comply with the current Terms of Remote Access published by ACSO and available on the
ACSO website. Use by unauthorised persons is prohibited and may result in civil and/or criminal liability and
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Overview of Landing Page
Links to the
you back to
this Home
Locks your
Archive of
Logs you out
of Penelope.
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Lists your
Scroll bar: to
scroll up and
down if your
My Case
Load is very
Option to
manage your
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Change Password
ACSO Penelope passwords must be:
 alphanumeric with
 one non alphanumeric and
 over 6 characters long
An example of this would be ‘abc123?4’.
How to Change Password
1. Go to Account Maintenance
2. Click on Change Password
3. A pop-up will appear for you to change your password.
4. Click ‘save’ once you are done. Remember your new password.
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My Tasks
These are tasks that workers can set for themselves as reminders, or that managers can set for their
subordinates, or that workers can set for each other. NOTE: tasks can only be sent to one worker at
a time.
Add Tasks
1. To add a task, click the ‘Add’ link in the top right corner of the box.
2. The Task creation page will appear where you can
 Enter a title for the task (example: Complete Report X)
 Option to mark as ‘completed’ — leave box unchecked if task not completed yet
 Set due date and time
 Set task for specific employee (leave blank if task is for yourself)
 Set the priority (Moderate, Urgent, etc.)
 Add any notes as necessary
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3. Click ‘Save’ and you will be taken to the Task page, where you can ‘edit’ or ‘delete’ the task you
have just created.
4. Once the task has been created, it will now show up in your ‘My Tasks box’ (if you set the task
for one of your workers, it will show up in their My Tasks box the next time they log in).
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Common Tasks & What to Do
Here are some of the task titles you will frequently see:
Task Titles
“new case –
“New Appt
“New Appt
“new case –
Details of the
MH –
You have a new
appointment on
Jul-29-14 at
02:00PM with TEST
40, Client \n\nMH Comprehensive
ng appointment
time (150348)
You have a new
appointment on
Aug-15-14 at
02:00PM with TEST
40, Client \n\nMH Comprehensive
ensive Assessment
MH – ICSP (12374)
Service MH –
Reminder:MHCSS Comprehensive
Case (12345)”
(Service File ID:
79354) now has 1
event(s) in Case
What it means
What you need to do:
A new MHCSS case with MHComprehensive Assessment
service file ID 79354 has been
assigned to you.
A client appointment has been
booked for 29 July 2014 at
2pm, with you for MHComprehensive Assessment
service file ID 79354. The event
is titled “Requesting
appointment time”
Nothing. This Task comes with
the new appointment and
document completion tasks.
A client appointment has been
booked for 15 Aug 2014 at
2pm, with you for MHComprehensive Assessment
service file ID 79354. This
should reflect the appointment
time you provided us in the
MH appointment form. The
event is titled “Comprehensive
A new MHCSS case with MHICSP service file ID 12374 has
been assigned to you.
Client appointment in MHComprehensive Assessment
service file ID 79354 is
scheduled to happen shortly.
The MH – Comprehensive
Assessment service file is part
of the MHCSS Case number
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From your My Case Load, look
up the client’s MH – Intake
Assessment service file to
review the assessment. Once
an appointment date has been
provided to the client,
navigate to the Comprehensive
Assessment service file. Click
on the 29 July appointment and
complete the Appointment
From your My Case Load, look
up the client’s MH –
Comprehensive Assessment
service file. Once the your
assessment is complete, click
on the 15 Aug appointment
and complete the
Comprehensive Assessment
Outcomes Form.
This service file indicates that a
client is ‘in service’ with your
agency. When client is exited
from ICSP, navigate to the
service file event (“ICSP”) and
complete the ICSP Outcomes
From your My Case Load, look
up the client’s MH Comprehensive Assessment
service file to view details of
upcoming event
(Comprehensive Assessment)
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Deleting Tasks in Bulk
It is important to delete tasks that you have completed or are not relevant. This is to ensure that the
tasks don’t accumulate and cause the system to slow down.
To delete tasks:
1. Check the box beside each task
2. Click ‘Delete’
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Events (Client) Search
This function allows you to search for any of your clients you have been provided services for (open
or closed).
How to search
1. Type in the first 4 letters of either the First OR Last name and click ‘Go’. Note: you cannot search
for both at the same time, i.e. John Smith
2. You can narrow your search by using the date range filter and/or the status filter. The status
filter enables you to search either open or closed services (closed services will not appear on
your ‘My Case Load’).
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How to utilise search results
1. Search Results can be sorted alphabetically by clicking on the appropriate column title, if you
click the same column title twice it sorts it from Z to A instead of A to Z.
2. To view the Service Details select the Service File, to see the Event details click on the
appointment date against the client name.
My Case Load
My Case Load lists all current clients associated with you or your Agency. Clicking on the Service File
name will take you to the client’s file.
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Service File Overview
The client Service File is made up of three tabs:
Contains demographic
information about the client.
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Contains Referral and
Workers’ Details
Lists the client’s previous service history
(brokered by ACSO & ACSO Internal programs)
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Individual Profile tab
Here you will see all available contact information as well as demographic information.
If you believe any of the information provided is out of date, please complete the “Update Client
Details" form available at the Event.
Case tab
Here you can see the date the referral to Centralised Intake was made and the names of the
worker(s) involved.
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Workers box
Here you will find a list of current parties associated with the Service. Including ACSO staff, you and
your Agency.
Clicking their name will bring up respective contact information. If you believe any of the
information provided is out of date, please contact the Penelope Support Team via
[email protected]
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Service History tab
The service History tab presents the previous list of services the client has been engaged in, either
internally or that have been brokered by ACSO.
Service Name:
You can view the service details by clicking on the service name – only if you provided that service or
have consent to view the information within (ie MH Intake Assessment).
If there is a persons’ name listed as the Agency, it means the service was provided by ACSO.
Otherwise you will see the name of the Agency that provided that service. If you click on the Agency
name you will find their details.
Events Overview
You will be able to access the Service Event Details under each of the three Service File tabs.
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The Service Event includes details of the booking ACSO has made for the client in that service file.
The details are:
Label name
Event Description
date of booked appointment
time of booked appointment
Title of event. Default is “1 session”. ACSO have naming conventions to be
used for all event descriptions:
MH Intake Assessment (contains our Intake assessment)
Administration (other notes related to intake)
Requesting appointment time (contains appointment form for completion)
Comprehensive Assessment (contains outcomes form for completion)
ICSP (contains outcomes form for completion)
Nomination Received (contains YRR Nomination as attachment)
Panel Outcome (to record the decisions of the Regional Selection Panel)
YRR Assessment (contains Outcomes form for completion)
YRR (contains YRR Exit form).
Event type
length of time the booking is booked for in minutes, default is 60mins
Booked = appointment has not occurred.
Attended but not assessed = client was not suitable to be assessed
Cancelled = Either the client or ACSO cancelled the appointment
No Show = The client failed to answer the phone call from ACSO
Show = Client completed the Intake Assessment with ACSO
internal classification
To view the complete Booking details, click the date.
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Service Event
The Service Event Page provides the complete details of the booking made.
Some of the information on this page includes:
Service Event ID
Start Time
End Time
System generated number for that appointment.
For Intake Assessment this will be the ACSO site it occurred. For
Comprehensive Assessment this will be “ACSO Central Office”.
Case Name will be “MHCSS Case”
Classification of Service Type
Start time of booked appointment
End time of booked appointment
Under the ‘Notes’ section you will find a template for ACSO staff to write their
notes (if any) from the appointment
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The attendees tab detail the persons booked to attend the event.
Details include:
Name – Attendee name with either a green or red dot. Green = attended, Red = did not attend.
If this symbol appears next to the client’s name, this indicates a Safety Concern. Hover the
mouse over the symbol to see more detail.
Contact – contact details (if any)
Type – Internal Classification
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In the Service Event under the documents section you can find documents completed and
documents you can complete. Please note that you can only edit documents that you created. If a
document has a locked symbol next to it, no one is able to edit the document, not even ACSO.
you can
This list details the Documents you will see and their purposes:
Document Name
MH –
To advise ACSO that the
appointment has been booked
and nominate an assessing
clinician, in order for ACSO to
assign the clinician to the clients
To advise ACSO the outcome of
the comprehensive assessment.
So if the client contact’s ACSO
again, we can decide whether
they need a new intake screen
or whether we need to refer
them back to the MH Service
To advise ACSO the client’s exit
date from your service – so we
can accurately calculate recall
dates if the client wishes to reenter MHCSS services.
To screen the client for a
Comprehensive Assessment
As soon as the
has been
Once the
Assessment has
If you find that we have the
incorrect demographic
information about a client you
can notify us to update it on
When you
notice that we
have the
incorrect client
MH –
MH – Intake
Update client
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To Be
Created By
To be
Viewed by
Once the client
is exited from
their ICSP with
your service.
At Intake
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To be completed for clients
found eligible at Youth
Residential Rehabilitation
Regional Selection Panels. This
will provide ACSO with
additional necessary
information not known at the
time of panel (eg. Client’s movein date)
Once the client
has completed
the assessment
phase of their
YRR application
and has been
provided with a
YRR move-in
date (or will no
longer be
moving in).
MH – YRR Exit
To advise ACSO the client’s exit
date from your service – so we
can accurately calculate recall
dates if the client wishes to reenter MHCSS services.
Once the client
has exited the
relevant YRR
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Viewing the MH – Intake Assessment
1. To view the MH – Intake Assessment click on the MH - Comprehensive Assessment Service File.
2. Then once the clients Individual Profile has appeared, select the Service History.
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3. Now select the clients MH – Intake Assessment, you will notice a small refresh on the page and
the events list below will change to reflect the events in the selected service file.
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4. Select the Event titled “MH Intake Assessment”, marked (status) “Show”.
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5. Select the completed MH –Intake Assessment.
6. You can view the MH – Intake Assessment in the current format or press ‘Print’ to see a
formatted version (This does not actually print the letter).
7. If viewing in Print Format – the document can now be printed by clicking the ACSO logo in the
top left. You can also ‘print’ to document writer or a PDF converter to save the document to
your PC.
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Completing a MH – Outcomes
The MH – Outcomes document is completed once the Comprehensive Assessment has been
completed. Once completed, the Comprehensive Assessment service file will be closed. If the client
will continue to engage with your service (as advised in the form), we will create a MH – ICSP Service
File to reflect this ongoing service. Therefore, any MH – Comprehensive Assessment service file that
appears on your My Case Load indicates that an MH – Outcomes document has not been competed.
To completed the MH – Outcomes document:
1. Select your client’s MH – Comprehensive Assessment service file from your home page
Select the Service Event Date.
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3. Select ‘Documents’ to open up that function
4. Select MH – Outcomes from the drop down list.
5. The client and appointment details will pre-populate. Complete all the Attendance, Outcomes
and Eligibility sections and click “finish”.
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6. This document will now be processed and the service will be removed from your Case Load.
If you have made a mistake you can click ‘edit’ make the changes and click ‘finish’.
7. However, the document is locked upon processing. If the document is locked and you can no
longer edit it (no edit button), you must complete another MH – Outcomes document and notify
ACSO via [email protected]
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The Attachments section allows you to upload relevant attachments to the client’s file.
Relevant files are documents that will assist ACSO in providing quality and timely services.
Please note there is a size limit of 5MB per attachment.
The Attachments section can be found in the Service Event.
Attachment File Names
Prior to uploading attachments, ensure the file name matches the ACSO Penelope file convention
which is:
No spaces/blanks between words
The format should be: {Date}_{Descriptive-name}_{Program}_{Client-ID}.
 Where the {date} is in the YYYMMDD format, i.e 20121105. 8 characters long
followed by an underscore, this is the date of the file creation.
 Where the {descriptive_name} is a description of the file contents and purpose - up to
50 characters using ‘n’ dash instead of spaces. This could include a versions identifier
in the form of V#, i.e. V1 for version 1.
 Where the {Program} is the ACSO program area followed by an underscore
 Where the {Client_ID} is the client identifier of the clients name (and DOB where
appropriate). When that is not applicable or useful, using a client identifier should be
 Penelope IDs (& case IDs).
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How to Open Attachments
1. Select the client’s Select your client’s MH – Comprehensive Assessment service file from your
home page
2. Select the Service Event Date.
3. Click on ‘Attachments’ to open up the function. You will see three tabs underneath: Download,
Upload and Template.
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4. Select the Download tab to see all attachments, and click the file name.
How to Upload Attachments
1. Select your client’s MH – Comprehensive Assessment service file from your home page.
Select the Service Event Date.
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3. Click on ‘Attachments’ to open up the function. You will see three tabs underneath: Download,
Upload and Template.
4. Select the ‘Upload’ tab then click ‘Browse’ to find the document on your computer, once you
have found the file click ‘open’ to select the file.
5. To complete the upload, click “Go”. You will see the “busy” icon uploading the attachment and
once the screen clears.
6. Once uploaded, you will be able to access the attachment under the Download tab.
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How to Delete Attachments
To delete a document, you must email [email protected] with “Delete Attachment” in the
subject of the email and include the following details:
Client ID
Service Event ID
file name of the attachment you want to delete
reasons for deletion
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Client Photo
You have the option to upload the client’s photo. Please Note you cannot delete the uploaded
photo, you can only change it to the latest/correct one.
The same File naming convention and size applies as detailed above under Attachments.
How to upload your client photo
1. In the Service Event, click on ‘Client Photo’ to activate that function
2. Click on ‘Browse’, select your photo, click ‘open’
3. Press ‘Go’ and the photo will upload.
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How to get HELP
Contact us via [email protected] .
There are resources available for download at our website: .
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Glossary of Terms
Individual Profile Page
Individual Profile Page
Individual Profile Page
Individual Profile Page
Individual Profile Page
Individual Profile Page
Individual Profile Page
Individual Profile Page
Individual Profile Page
Individual Profile Page
Individual Profile Page
Individual Profile Page
Individual Profile Page
Individual Profile Page
Individual Profile Page
Individual Profile Page
Individual Profile Page
Individual Profile Page
Individual Profile Page
Individual Profile Page
Individual Profile Page
Individual Profile Page
Individual Profile Page
Individual Profile Page
Individual Profile Page
Individual Profile Page
Individual Profile Page
Individual Profile Page
Individual Profile Page
Individual Profile Page
Individual Profile Page
Individual Profile Page
Internal Client Identifier
Client’s Name
Client’s Date of Birth
Client’s Gender
Internal Intake information
Does the Client speak English
Client’s Primary Language
Client’s Contact Details
Client’s Address
Criminal Reference Number (CRN)
Scars/Tattoos/Facial Hair etc.
Nationality/Indigenous status
Casual/Full Time/Education etc.
Is an Interpreter required to communicate?
Earliest Eligibly Date
Adult Parole Board Meeting Date
Clients placed on a Court Order
Clients placed on a Youth Justice Order
Benefits/Employment/Pension etc.
The current Order Type
Earliest Discharge Date
May not be captured
Any other names used
Anxiety/ADD/Bipolar etc.
ABI/Speech/Vision etc.
May not be captured
May not be captured
Allocated worker based on gender
Country of Birth
Asthma/Cancer/Diabetes etc.
Internal categorisation of StepOut/Parole
Car/House/Homeless etc.
How client was referred to COATS (only)
Main drug of dependence
When client was referred to COATS or VAOD
Internal Classification
COATS referral information (only)
Client Request/Requirement/Risk etc.
COATS referral information (only)
MHCSS Service Provicer, ACSO
Internal Service Identifier
Case Name
Individual ID
Date of Birth
Speaks English
Criminal Ref. #
Distinguishing Features
Cultural Background
Employment Status
Interpreter Required?
APB Meet Date
Primary Income
Primary Legal Status
EDD Date
Eye Colour
Primary Mental Health
Primary Disability
Gender Specific Alloc?
Country of Birth
Primary Health Condition
COATS Pre-Enrolment
Housing Status
Current - Referral Type
Primary Drug of Choice
Current Referral Date
Funding Source
Original – Referral Type
Urine Drug Screening
Original – Referral Date
Service File ID
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Service Start
Service End
Event Desc.
Event Type
Service Event ID
Start Time
End Time
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When the Service was initiated
When the Service was closed
Date of First booked Appointment
Time of First booked Appointment
Should show Original Workers Name
Default set to 60 minutes
Attendance status
Internal Classification
System generated identifier for the
Classification of Service Type
Start Time of First booked Appointment
End Time of First booked Appointment
Should list all associated with Service File
Contact Details
Classification of Attendee
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