1st Q 2015 Newsletter - Florida Gulf Coast Chapter
1st Q 2015 Newsletter - Florida Gulf Coast Chapter
FLORIDA GULF COAST CHAPTER 1 ST QUARTER, 2 0 1 5 The Approach When: 1st Quarter Chapter Meeting & Seminar 2015 Officers & Directors Bellasera Hotel, Naples, FL Tuesday, February 24, 2015 Michael P. Jonas, MAI, AI-GRS Members: $40/per person (lunch meeting) Guests: $50/per person Don Saba, SRA Treasurer Wesley Sanders, MAI Directors Geri Armalavage, MAI Chris Finch, MAI Julie Battaglia, MAI Dan Richardson, MAI, AI-GRS Save the Date!! Seminar (includes lunch meeting): $125/Members | $175 Nonmembers Schedule of Events 10 AM—11:30 PM: Vice President Mary L. Patterson, SRA Secretary Tuesday, February 24, 2015 Where: Bellasera Hotel 221 Ninth Street South, Naples, FL 34102 www.bellaseranaples.com Phone: 239-649-7333 Cost: President Board of Directors Meeting 11:30 AM—12:45 PM: Chapter Lunch Meeting & Program (see below) 1 PM—4 PM: Seminar: Developing a Supportable Workfile (3 CE) 1 PM—3 PM: Candidate/Advisor Meeting Program: Topic: Challenges of Preservation— our guest speaker at the lunch meeting will be Elaine Reed, President & CEO of Naples Historical Society. She has 25+ years of strategic marketing management and economic development experience in the U.S. private sector and on U.S.A.I.D. funded non-governmental and nonprofit projects in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. Under Elaine’s leadership (2007—present) the Naples Historical Society has experienced unprecedented program and organization growth. The lunch meeting and the afternoon seminar will be held on the 2nd Floor in the Venetian Room. Attending chapter meetings is the best way to stay up to date on all the latest chapter and national information. Henry Ellis, MAI Robert Franc, MAI Brian Zamorski, MAI Woodman S. Herr, MAI, Ex Officio Region X Representatives Stephen A. Griffith, MAI Ned Palmer, MAI Gary F. Scott, SRPA, SRA Brad Saucier Joel Salley, SRA Mary L. Patterson, SRA Patricia Staebler, SRA Michael P. Jonas, MAI (President) Committee Chairs Admissions: Scanlon Wilson, MAI Bylaws: Don Trask, MAI Finance: Wesley Sanders, MAI Guidance: Brian Zamorski, MAI & Julie Battaglia, MAI Education: Gary Scott, SRPA,SRA Govt. Relations: Wes Sanders, MAI University Relations: Bruce Cumming Newsletter: D. Saba/Nancy Bachor Public Relations: Ned Palmer, MAI External Relations: Lance Ponton Seminar: Immediately following the lunch meeting and program, national instructor, Vincent Dowling, MAI will present his 3-Hour seminar “Developing a Supportable Workfile”. This program is designed for both residential and commercial real estate practitioners and will help strengthen existing skills and improve weaknesses in exploring the concept of documented support. It is approved for 3 hours of Florida CE credit. Register early and save. REGISTER Florida Gulf Coast Chapter, Appraisal Institute 10014 N. Dale Mabry Highway, Ste. 101, Tampa, FL 33618 T: 813-962-4003 Website: www.gulfcoastai.org Chapter Executive Director Nancy Bachor (813) 962-4003 [email protected] Region X Officers C. Thomas Cowart, MAI, Chair Val Chiasson, MAI, SRA, Vice Chair Kevin Bokoske, MAI, Region X REL Lauren Dowling, Executive Director T HE A PPRO AC H P AGE 2 President’ Message, Michael P. Jonas, MAI, AI-GRS —2015 Chapter President Happy New Year to all. As the start of a new year brings a fresh start, I wish everyone a prosperous new year and much success in the real estate appraisal profession. I have many fresh starts as my wife and I just welcomed a new baby boy, I accepted a position as Managing Director Southwest Florida for Capstone Valuation Advisors and also start my journey as the President of our Florida Gulf Coast Chapter of the Appraisal Institute. Our chapter is one of the strongest in the country and it is an honor to be provided this opportunity. I have three goals as president for the upcoming year. First and foremost is to get more people involved. It’s never too early or never too late to get involved. Our chapter is whatever we make it. We all worked hard to get here. If you aren’t here yet you should be working hard to get here. I hope I can encourage the next person to their designation and future involvement in the most prestigious appraisal organization in the world. My second goal is to make our chapter events exciting. We continue to rotate events throughout the chapter footprint and include some entertainment at many of our meetings. Our first quarter lunch meeting in my home town of Naples on Tuesday February 24th at the beautiful Bellasera Hotel may be a bit subdued, but our second quarter meeting will have lots of entertainment with a brief meeting in the Left Field Terrace for up to 75 chapter members and guests at Tropicana Field in St. Petersburg on Friday May 22nd at 7:00 PM to watch the Tampa Bay Rays play the Oakland Athletics. We will have a limit of 75, so sign up early for this event. Last but not least, I want to help candidates get designated. Dick Tobias had the idea of an Education Trust to help candidates that never could get finalized. But in his honor and with the support of the board we have created a new scholarship program providing 10 scholarships for our candidates taking advanced courses for designation from our local chapter. If the pilot program has success, we will look to expand our scholarships to more chapter candidates. Look for more information on how to apply for a chapter scholarship. As the chapter continues to evolve as it has through our history, we must continue to adapt with the changes we will see in the future. Recently the board approved a Chapter Travel Policy and approved our 2015 budget. We also continue to work on creating a new bank account with our new chapter name. Thank you to everyone who volunteers their time to help make our chapter great. When I pass the baton on next year to Mary, my hope is that I have touched at least one person that says, “ I want to get involved, I want to finish my designation requirements and be part of the Appraisal Institute.” I look forward to seeing you all at one of our chapter meetings this year! 1st Quarter Luncheon Meeting—Florida Gulf Coast Chapter Bellasera Hotel, Naples, Florida Seminar—Developing A Supportable Workfile (3 CE) Tuesday, February 24, 2015 T HE A PPRO AC H P AGE 3 2015 Nominating Committee The selection of the five-member nominating committee will be completed at the February 24, 2015 1st Quarter chapter meeting in Naples, FL. This committee is charged with preparing a slate of nominees for the position of 2016 officers, directors and regional representatives for the Florida Gulf Coast Chapter. This committee will be chaired by immediate past president, Woodman S. Herr, MAI. Our current chapter president, Michael Jonas, MAI, AI-GRS, will appoint one committee member and the Board of Directors will appoint one committee member at the February board meeting. The chapter designated members, candidates, practicing affiliates and affiliates in attendance at the February 24th chapter meeting will nominate the remaining two members to the committee. Note—if you are interested in being considered for a board position, you cannot serve on the nominating committee. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED in serving the chapter in 2016, here is your opportunity. Please go online and complete the Chapter Leadership Resource Registry at: http://www.appraisalinstitute.org/ membership/ai_volunteer.aspx as soon as possible. Woodman S. Herr, MAI Nominating Committee Chair [email protected] In Memoriam We are sad to announce the passing of Lance Biernbaum, MAI, New Port Richey, FL. Past Florida Gulf Coast Chapter Presidents Attended 4th Q Meeting We were honored to have five past chapter presidents in attendance at the November 5, 2015 chapter meeting and installation ceremonies held in Sarasota. Back from the “Island of Ex-Presidents” were: From left to right: Gerald Hendry, MAI (2008), Karen Goforth, MAI (2010), Woody Herr, MAI (2014), Michael McKinley, SRA (1998) and Cliff Bowen, SRA (2011). 2015 Committee Chairs Bylaws: Don Trask, MAI Nominating: Woody Herr, MAI Candidate Guidance: Brian Zamorski, MAI /Julie Battaglia Programs: Mary Patterson, SRA Education: Gary F. Scott, SRPA, SRA Public Relations: Ned Palmer, MAI External Relations: Lance Ponton University Relations: J. Bruce Cumming, Jr. Finance: Wesley Sanders, MAI Website / Social Media: Ned Palmer, MAI Government Relations: Wes Sanders, MAI Newsletter: Don Saba / Nancy Bachor Membership Development: Scanlon Wilson, MAI T HE A PPRO AC H Education, P AGE 4 Gary F. Scott, SRPA, SRA, Chair First of all, we would like to thank everyone who attended chapter education last year and supported our programs. It was quite a busy year with a total of 30 programs offered and we all survived the November 30th recertification deadline. The education committee has again worked hard on the new 2015 education schedule. We have approximately nine courses and ten seminars and PDP programs planned. If you are interested in obtaining the new Review Designation, residential or general, we will have you covered. Review Case Studies—General will be held in mid-February presented by Joe Magdzairz, MAI and Review Theory— Residential will be presented in June by Vincent Dowling, MAI. Register Here We have five qualifying education (QE) courses scheduled: General Income Approach, Part 1 in February; General Income Approach, Part 2 in March; Residential Site Valuation & Cost Approaches in April; Real Estate Finance in May; and General Report Writing & Case Studies in October. Register at least thirty days prior to the start dates to take advantage of the early tuition discounts. In addition to these courses, we will present two advanced education (AE) courses: Advanced Income Capitalization in March and Advanced Market Analysis in September. We have scheduled several presentations of the mandatory new 4-hour seminar Supervisor/Trainee Appraisal Course, which is for new supervisors and trainees as of January 1, 2015: locations will be March in Tampa; April in Sarasota; May in Tallahassee and September in Tampa. We may add more locations as we go. Please take a moment and review the new schedule to see which classes you might need or be interested in taking this year. Remember to share this information with the nonmember appraisers in your office and encourage them to attend our classes. With all the new online education available, the chapter will be depending on your attendance at our local chapter education offerings now more than ever! New Chapter Scholarship Program: In addition to the Gillott/FGC annual chapter scholarships, the Board has recently approved a new scholarship program for active candidates for designation in our chapter. See the article in this newsletter for more details. Thank you again for supporting the chapter’s educational program—Appraisal Institute education is the best around! Questions? Please call the chapter office at (813) 962-4003 or email Nancy at [email protected] or education chair Gary Scott, SRPA,SRA at [email protected] with any questions or suggestions. To register for classes: http://www.appraisalinstitute.org/education/FloridaGulfCoast.aspx Chapter-Developed Education: To view and register for “non-AI/chapter-developed” seminars scheduled by Region X Appraisal Institute chapters, please go to: www.appraisalinstitute.org/education/ network_sched.aspx?state=FL. These classes are listed on the Appraisal Institute’s main education offerings listing under “Chapter-Developed Classes” but can be a bit tricky to find. You can also access all the offerings information through the chapter website directly at www.gulfcoastai.org and click on the Education button. Online Education—When taking online education, remember to check state approvals prior to registering! Be sure your class is approved in Florida. Click Here T HE A PPRO AC H P AGE 5 Candidate Guidance Committee Report Submitted by: Julie Battaglia, MAI 1st Q Chapter Advisors & Candidates for Designation at Bellasera Hotel—Naples, FL Tuesday, February 24, 2015—1 PM—3 PM Topic: Experience Screening Process Guests: Two National Screeners (Residential & Commercial) The Candidate Guidance Committee would like to invite all Florida Gulf Coast Chapter Candidates and Advisors to attend the 1st Q Chapter Meeting followed by the Candidate Guidance meeting. Please join us at 1 PM at the Bellasera Hotel on Tuesday, February 24th, for a discussion on the experience screening process for Candidates as we will be hosting two national screeners from the Appraisal Institute. We will have a residential screener, Jennifer Marshall, SRA, AI-RRS, and a commercial screener, Kevin Bokoske, MAI, joining us for this event. We plan to cover topics during the discussion that will provide additional guidance on how to plan for and what to expect from the screening process. We will meet in Tuscan-A, located on the 2nd Floor at the Bellesara Hotel for this event and will have light appetizers and soft drinks available. We urge you to attend and participate in the discussion! There will be very valuable topics to cover, and please bring your own questions to ask our guests! We hope to see you there! Don’t forget...there will be GIVEAWAYS at this event!! We will have a drawing for a $50 education credit for those candidates in attendance. Must be present to win!! Remember, candidates must attend at least one chapter meeting each year. To register for the Candidate-Advisor event, please RSVP to the chapter office by email to: [email protected] by February 16th . Candidate Guidance Committee: Brian Zamorski, MAI, Co-Chair, Julie Battaglia, MAI, Co-Chair, Dan Brown, SRA and Melissa Culin, Candidate Candidates for Designation…..Did you know? New Requirement: Candidates Attendance at Chapter Meetings During each calendar year candidates must attend at least (1) one chapter meeting to which the candidate belongs. The AI Board of Directors approved amendments to broaden the definition of the Candidate Attendance Requirement. Regulations now allow Candidates to attend at least one (1) meeting of their chapter or an AI event (Chapter, Regional, National) approved by the ADQC. The ADQC will still have discretion to determine which types of events will qualif y. The Candidate attendance requirement is separate from Minimum Progress. Register today for the 1st Quarter chapter meeting on February 24th in Naples. CE Requirements Candidates and Practicing Affiliates must complete 70 hours (350 points) of continuing education for every five-year cycle. Designated members must complete 100 hours (500 points) of CE every 5-year cycle. The points system offers an incentive to individuals who attend advanced education. AI will now reward individuals who take and pass exams. The system’s tiered point structure allocates higher point values to courses and seminars defined as advanced education. For more information, visit the AI website. Generally, 1 hour of CE = 5 points (1% of 500 points) or more. This formula is also used for education taken outside of AI, which members can add on their own by logging onto the website and clicking: Add Credit to My AI CE Log. T HE A PPRO AC H P AGE 6 2015 Education Schedule Florida Gulf Coast Chapter Date Class Instructor January 29—30 Residential & Commercial Valuation of Solar (PDP) Sandra K. Adomatis, SRA February 10—13 General Income Approach, Part 1 Gary Taylor, MAI February 16—20 Review Case Studies—General Joe Magdziarz, MAI February 24 1st Quarter Chapter Meeting—Naples, FL Seminar: Developing a Supportable Workfile (3 CE) Vincent Dowling, MAI March 2—6 Advanced Income Capitalization C. Thomas Cowart, MAI March 5 Supervisor/Trainee Appraisal Course (New) (Tampa) Gary Scott, SRPA, SRA March 10—13 General Income Approach, Part 2 Gary Taylor, MAI March 25—26 Litigation Appraising: Specialized Topics (PDP) John Underwood, MAI April 2 Supervisor/Trainee Appraisal Course (New) (Sarasota) Sandra K. Adomatis, SRA April 22—23 Residential Site Valuation & Cost Approaches Gary F. Scott, SRPA, SRA May 7 Supervisor/Trainee Appraisal Course (New) (Tallahassee) Gary F. Scott, SRPA, SRA May 13—14 Real Estate Finance, Statistics & Valuation Modeling Kenneth Lusht, Ph.D., MAI May 22 2nd Quarter Meeting—Tropicana Field, St. Petersburg June 10—12 Review Theory—Residential August 21 3rd Quarter Chapter Meeting—Sarasota Vincent Dowling, MAI Seminar: Drone Technology & Its Impact on Appraisal Industry August 27 Business Practice & Ethics Lamar Ellis, MAI, SRA C. Thomas Cowart, MAI September 14—18 Advanced Market Analysis & HBU Vincent Dowling, MAI September 24 Supervisor/Trainee Course (NEW) (Tampa) Robert Sutte, MAI October 9 Income Approach for Residential Appraisers Gary F. Scott, SRPA, SRA October 19—22 General Report Writing & Case Studies Alan Blankenship, Ph.D. November 6 Business Practice & Ethics (Tallahassee) Clay Ketcham, MAI November 12 4th Quarter Chapter Meeting—Tallahassee Seminar: TBA 2015 Comp Exam Dates Applications for 2015 exams will be available after 12/31/14 April 1—April 30, 2015: Application Deadline—February 25, 2015 August 1—August 31, 2015: Application Deadline—June 20, 2015 November 1—November 30, 2015: Application Deadline—September 20, 2015 Examinees must take ALL required modules within their chosen 30-day window—transfers and Questions? [email protected] or call (312) 335-4111 To register for any of the above classes, go to: http://www.appraisalinstitute.org/education/GulfCoastFlorida.aspx Questions? Call chapter office at (813) 962-4003 or email [email protected] Florida Gulf Coast Chapter, 10014 N. Dale Mabry Hwy. #101, Tampa, FL 33618 P AGE 7 T HE A PPRO AC H 2015 Capstone Schedule www.myappraisalinstitute.org/education/course_descrb/Default.aspx?prgrm_nbr=10GDCAP&key_type=C Phoenix, AZ—Feb. 23—March 1, 2015 (SOLD OUT) Seattle, WA—July 13—19, 2015 Austin, TX—Feb. 23—March 1, 2015 (SOLD OUT) Columbus, OH—Sept. 28—Oct. 4, 2015 San Juan, PR—April 27—May 3, 2015 (SOLD OUT) Sacramento, CA—Sept. 28—Oct. 4, 2015 Chicago, IL—April 27—May 3, 2015 (SOLD OUT) Kansas City, MO—Nov. 9—15, 2015 Boston, MA—July 13—19, 2015 Charleston, SC—Nov. 9—15, 2015 Offerings sell out quickly —register today! Florida Real Estate Appraisal Board Meetings—2015 2015 FREAB Meeting Dates: Monday, February 9, 2015 Tuesday, April 7, 2015 Monday, June 1, 2015 Monday, August 3, 2015 Monday, October 5, 2015 Monday, December 7, 2015 The Division of Real Estate is now able to live stream their meetings. The streaming is not recorded and it has limited space at this time. If you are unable to access the meeting, please try again later as access may become available during the day. If you have connected to the live stream and no longer wish to view the meeting in progress, please be sure to disconnect to allow others to access the live stream. Please disable your PC audio and video camera prior to logging into the meeting. Failure to do so will result in other users and attendees hearing and seeing you during the meeting. http://www.myfloridalicense.com/dbpr/re/FREABMeetings.html. 61J1-4.003(7) Continuing Education—A registrant, licensee, or certificate holder, including a Board member, may earn five (5) classroom hours by attending an entire meeting where the Board considers disciplinary cases, for a maximum of seven (7) of the required thirty (30) hours; provided that, the individual is not appearing as a party to a disciplinary action and notifies the Division of Real Estate, Education Section, of the intent to attend at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting. If you wish to have printed materials to reference during the meeting, please visit the website www.myfloridalicense.com > Doing Business with Us > Real Estate Division Page > Florida Real Estate Appraisal Board > Meetings & Workshops, and print all publicly available materials as early as 7 days before the date of the meeting. The department endeavors to minimize paper usage in all business practices. All FREAB Meetings begin at 8:30 a.m. If you plan to attend for CE credit, you will need to attend the full day when the Legal Docket is heard. The Legal Docket is held on the first day of the meetings (Monday). Knowledge. Experience. Integrity. The MAI, SRPA, SRA, AI-GRS and AI-RRS designations represent advanced knowledge. They stand for years of proven, real-life real estate valuation experience. Any they always mean a commitment to strict professional ethics and standards. Florida Gulf Coast Chapter, Appraisal Institute 10014 N. Dale Mabry Highway, Ste. 101, Tampa, FL 33618 T: 813-962-4003 Website: www.gulfcoastai.org P AGE 8 T HE A PPRO AC H Chapter Scholarship Programs New Florida Gulf Coast Chapter Advanced Education Scholarship Program The Board of Directors recently approved a NEW chapter scholarship program for active candidates for designation who belong to the Florida Gulf Coast Chapter. This new Advanced Education (AE) Scholarship program will be open to all active FGC chapter candidates. Scholarship recipients would need to take and pass an advanced education (AE) course that is sponsored this year by the Florida Gulf Coast Chapter. The board approved ten scholarships of $200 per person. Candidates who apply for the scholarship program will be reimbursed $200 upon confirmation that they took one of the AE courses offered this year and passed the exam. The Florida Gulf Coast Chapter currently has two AE courses scheduled for 2015, Advanced Income Capitalization (March) and Advanced Market Analysis and Highest & Best Use (September). Watch for more information on this new program. The John & Doretta Gillott/Florida Gulf Coast Chapter Scholarship program will also continue to be available each year for both chapter candidates and practicing affiliates who attend chapter meetings and chapter education and events and are working towards designation with the Appraisal Institute. This scholarship can be applied to any qualifying education or advanced education course that the chapter is sponsoring. Applications and guidelines for the Gillott scholarship program can be found on the chapter’s website and is now open for application. The deadline for this scholarship submission is in May of this year. Click here. Questions, contact the chapter office at (813) 962-4003 or [email protected]. Interested in Obtaining a Review Designation? AI-GRS and AI-RRS Designation Requirements For AI Designated Members Current, MAI, SRA, SRPA, and RM Designated members interested in pursuing the general or residential review designations. Must be a residential review and/or general review Candidate for Designation to pursue a review designation. The AI-GRS and AI-RRS are new designation programs aimed at providing professional general and residential reviewers with the knowledge and skills needed to satisfy issues related to due diligence and risk management often requested by their employers and clients. Go to: http://www.appraisalinstitute.org/c4dreq/ Questions? admissions[at]appraisalinstitute.org Phone: (312) 335.4111 Florida Gulf Coast Chapter, Appraisal Institute 10014 N. Dale Mabry Highway, Ste. 101, Tampa, FL 33618 T: 813-962-4003 Website: www.gulfcoastai.org T HE A PPRO AC H P AGE 9 Membership Updates — Florida Gulf Coast Chapter Congratulations to our New Designated Members: Welcome Student Affiliate: Caryn E. Blauser, SRA, AI-RRS, Tampa Amanda G. Cooper, MAI, Tampa John D. Cordova, MAI, Tampa Janet M. Gutin, MAI, Tampa Philip C. Stock, MAI, Tampa Janice M. Smith, MAI, Tierra Verde Michael P. Jonas, MAI, AI-GRS, Naples Wayne R. Miller, MAI, AI-GRS, Tampa Dan K. Richardson, PhD., MAI, AI-GRS, St. Pete Michael J. Rogers, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS, Pensacola John A. Sabatini, MAI, AI-GRS, Tampa Cynthia H. Wright, MAI, AI-GRS, Tallahassee Ivey M. Kelly, Tallahassee Status Changes: Neil T. Buck, MAI — Non-Practicing Peter J. Parrado, MAI— Semi-Retired Members Transferred In: Kreig L. Skillman, Tampa—from East Florida Michael P. Sprouse, Naples—from St. Louis George F. Tingley, MAI—from So. Carolina Members Transferred Out: Robert F. Goldt, Jr., SRA—to South Carolina Welcome to our new Candidates for Designation: Members Retired: Susan E. Alley, Miramar Beach Brian D. DeMuth, Seminole Donna G. Miller, Destin Roy J. Martinez, Tampa Welcome to our new Practicing Affiliates: Kris Oxtal, Tampa Patrick L. Devlin, Sarasota Spiro Giannas, Wesley Chapel Patricia Dettenmayer, MAI, Sarasota James L. Henderson, SRA, Lakeland Ron D. Anderson, MAI, Colorado Members Resigned: Richard H. Sherrill, Pensacola Angela Crall, Winter Haven Donald G. Crosson, Niceville Phillip L. Freeman, MAI, Sarasota Chapter Leadership for 2015 President: Vice President: Secretary: Treasurer: Michael P. Jonas, MAI, AI-GRS Mary L. Patterson, SRA Don Saba, SRA Wes Sanders, MAI Directors (2015—2017) Chris Finch, MAI Julie Battaglia, MAI Henry Ellis, MAI Robert Franc, MAI Rachel Zucchi, MAI Region X Representatives—2015—2018 Dan Richardson, PhD., MAI, AI-GRS Mary L. Patterson, SRA Patricia Staebler, SRA Region X Representatives—2013—2016 Ned Palmer, MAI Brad Saucier, Candidate Gary F. Scott, SRPA, SRA Stephen Griffith, MAI Region X Representatives—2014—2017 Director (2014—2016) Geri Armalavage, MAI Brian Zamorski, MAI Joel Salley, SRA Michael P. Jonas, MAI (2015 Chapter President) Directors (2013—2015) Dan Richardson, PhD, MAI, AI-GRS Alternates: Karen Goforth, MAI; Todd Jones, MAI; James Parham, MAI; Don Saba, SRA; Brent Scott, MAI; Dan Green, MAI; Don Trask, MAI T HE A PPRO AC H P AGE 1 0 Member Spotlight Congratulations to John D. Cordova, MAI, Tampa, FL, who recently received his MAI designation. Where do you work? How long? Beshears and Associates, Tampa since 2004. How did you get started in the business? I started with an eminent domain firm in 2001 working on behalf of property owners. John Cordova, MAI What type of appraisal work do you do? I appraise primarily self storage properties in the Southeast U.S. I have completed over 120 self storage appraisals in the last three years in ten states. In addition, I have experience in appraising all types of commercial properties. How has your practice changed in recent years? The appraisal has become a commodity, and fees have lowered below the true value of the product. Fees are off by close to 50% from the peak. Technology has not improved enough to justify that drop off. Maybe attrition and high barriers to entry will stabilize the industry at some point creating an increase in fees. Time will tell. Who/what is the biggest influence for you in getting the designation? The biggest influence (motivation) for getting the designation was not wasting all the time, money, and energy I had invested to be so close to my designation. Hometown? Tampa, FL Favorite Hobby/Activities? Family, Church, Sports What advice can you give to other candidates and practicing affiliates letting the demo hold them back from receiving their designation? Take advantage of the Capstone course. At $1,500, the data is worth every penny. The program is a lot of work, but it is set up to not fail if you put in the effort. Any other advice to candidates for designation and practicing affiliates? If you are not sure on the comp exam, guess “C” We are now on Facebook—please check us out! We invite you to “like” our page. Also visit our chapter website at: http://www.gulfcoastai.org. Florida Gulf Coast Chapter, Appraisal Institute 10014 N. Dale Mabry Highway, Ste. 101, Tampa, FL 33618 T: 813-962-4003 Website: www.gulfcoastai.org T HE A PPRO AC H Government Relations Report, P AGE 1 1 by Wesley Sanders, MAI, Chair Lobbyist: Great News! Trey Goldman has agreed to represent Region X again this year as our lobbyist. He is continuing to give our members a bigger voice by levering his contacts with the Florida Realtors. Several Appraisal Institute members have joined the Appraisal Subcommittee for the Florida Realtors. As issues arise within our profession, this subcommittee should prove to be an invaluable asset. Proposed Legislation: The Florida legislative session does not begin until the spring, but it is never too early to keep an eye out for proposed bills that affect real estate. One proposed bill that we are aware of is SB 402, by Senator Brandes. This bill is also known as the Renewable Energy Tax Exemption Bill. If passed, this bill would exempt from ad valorem tax (both real and personal property) any increase in value of real property due to renewable energy improvements. Increases in value of residential real property would be exempt from real property tax retro to Jan 1, 2013. Any increase in value of commercial property due to renewable energy improvements would be exempt from real property tax beginning Jan 1, 2017. All improvements would be exempt from personal property tax beginning Jan 1, 2017. The bill would promote the use of renewable energy, while providing additional opportunity for appraisers to report the increases in value. New Supervisory Trainee Course: Both the Trainee Appraiser and Supervisor Appraiser shall be required to complete a course that, at a minimum, complies with the specifications for curse content established by the AQB. The course will be oriented toward the requirements and responsibilities of supervisory appraisers and expectations for trainee appraisers. The course must be completed by the trainee appraiser prior to obtaining a trainee appraiser credential, and completed by the supervisory appraiser prior to supervising a trainee appraiser. Target Audience: All individuals becoming Supervisory Appraisers after 1/1/2015 and all individuals becoming Trainee Appraisers after January 1, 2015. Current Trainees and Supervisors are grandfathered but might still need the course if state appraiser regulatory agencies adopt more stringent requirements. FAQs When will this all take effect? New trainee appraisers applying for first time licensure will be required as part of their minimum curriculum to have 3 hours of instruction that covers the topics regarding the roles and rules of supervisor and trainee appraisers effective December 1, 2014 (Rule 61J1-10.002 Effective 8/6/14). The remainder of trainee/ supervisors will be required to complete this requirement after the 2015 AQB implementation date of January 1, 2015. Every time I hire a trainee, will I need to retake the course? No. The AQB only require that trainees hired after implementation date have previously taken the course and the supervisor has previously taken the course. Do I need to take the course with my trainee? No, but if the opportunity presents itself it is encouraged. Can I hire a trainee appraiser before I take the course? No, there is no phase in period for the hiring process. Both the supervisor and trainee must have taken the course prior to the state recognizing the relationship. I have three trainees, do we all have to take the course? Probably not. Existing supervisor/trainee relationships are permitted to be grandfathered if allowed by the state. Will I get CE for taking this course? Maybe. The AQB allows for CE to be awarded, but it is up to the course provider to apply for the credit according to state regulations. Wes Sanders, MAI Florida Gulf Coast Chapter Government Relations Chair & Region X Government Relations Co-Chair [email protected] T HE A PPRO AC H P AGE 1 2 Members in the News…. 2015 Chapter President Congratulations to Mike Jonas, MAI, AI-GRS and his wife Stephanie on the birth of their baby boy, Chace Michael, born January 9th weighing 9 lbs, 8 oz. All are doing great! Mike is the 2015 Chapter President for the Florida Gulf Coast Chapter in addition to recently becoming Managing Director /Southwest Florida for Capstone Valuation Advisors in Naples. Jonas was born and raised in Florida and started appraising in 1999 during his senior year at the University of Central Florida. While finalizing his Finance degree, he worked for Paul M. Roper, MAI, SRA of Clayton, Roper & Marshall. Jonas also worked with Douglas Dane, MAI and later with William H. Reeve, III, MAI, SRA at Coastal Engineering Consultants. He received his MAI designation from the Appraisal Institute in 2007. Prior to joining Capstone Valuation Advisors, he was Director of Integra Realty Resources Southwest Florida. Jonas also recently received his AIGRS review designation from the Appraisal Institute. Governor Rick Scott Appoints Two Appraisers to the Florida Real Estate Appraisal Board Governor Scott announced two reappointments to the FREAB. Clayton Ketcham, MAI, Tallahassee, is the president of Ketcham Appraisal Group, Inc and was reappointed for a term which will end October 31, 2018. Also reappointed was Michael Roy of Jacksonville, vice president of Lampe, Roy Associates. Congratulations to Clay and Mike. Landmark Solar Valuation Study Two members of the Appraisal Institute contributed to a landmark study released in January by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory that found that home buyers consistently have been willing to pay more for homes with host-owned solar photovoltaic energy systems. Sandra K. Adomatis, SRA, Punta Gorda, FL and Thomas Jackson, MAI, Texas, were part of a multi-institutional research team of scientists in partnership with universities and real estate appraisers. The team analyzed almost 22,000 sales of homes—nearly 4,000 of which contained PV systems, in eight states from 2002—2013, producing the most authoritative estimates to date of price premiums for U.S. homes with PV systems. 2015 Florida Gulf Coast Chapter Meeting Dates 1st Q Meeting: February 24, 2015—Naples, Florida 2nd Q Meeting: May 22, 2015—St. Petersburg, FL (Tampa Bay Rays Baseball Game) 3rd Q Meeting: August 21, 2015—Sarasota, Florida 4th Q Meeting: November 12, 2015—Tallahassee, Florida T HE A PPRO AC H P AGE 1 3 Advisors Needed for the Candidate for Designation Program Become an Advisor! We need more designated members to step up and become an advisor. Please consider applying to serve as an Advisor in the Candidate for Designation Program. Once you have applied and are approved as an Advisor, the national office will place you on a list of approved Advisors. We currently have 31 designated members who are approved advisors, however there are only few of these advisors who have remaining slots available. We have a total of 113 candidates and there are a few candidates who do not yet have an advisor. A Candidate may request a particular Advisor or the Appraisal Institute will identify a potential Advisor for the Candidate and make the assignment. The Appraisal Institute will make the final approval as to who will serve as the Advisor for a specific Candidate. Candidates: Don’t delay—choose your advisor today! An Advisor can receive up to 125 points of CE credit per AI CE cycle for service to the Appraisal Institute. Please notify the Admissions Department of your interest at [email protected]. A free online orientation is available for potential advisors. Advisors serve as a resource to the Candidate, providing knowledge and expertise. Download the PDF that will explain the process. WE NEED YOU ! For more information on the Appraisal Institute candidate advisor program, please contact the Admissions Department at [email protected] or click here. Advisors & Candidates: Remember to check your Appraisal Institute account page online to check your status and/or record your contacts. Mark your calendar for the next Advisor—Candidate Meeting to be held Tuesday, February 24, 2015 in Naples, FL at the Bellasera Hotel. The meeting will be held from 1 PM—3 PM in the Tuscan Room, 2nd Floor. Please RSVP to the chapter office at: [email protected] by February 18th . Job Opportunities Naples, FL. Real Estate Research Analyst and Real Estate Analyst Trainee positions available. The Naples office of Integra Realty Resources (IRR), is seeking smart and hardworking individuals. For those interested in starting or advancing a career in commercial real estate, this is an exceptional opportunity. We provide supervision to help you become a state certified general appraiser. Contact Carlton J. Lloyd, MAI, Senior Managing Director at [email protected]. Commercial Appraiser. National appraisal company currently seeking candidates for a commercial appraiser position covering the South Florida market including Sarasota/Bradenton, Ft. Myers/Naples, Ft. Lauderdale/Miami and the Keys. Excellent work environment with extensive company resources on a local and national level. Applicants should be detail oriented, have good communication and interpersonal skills along with good writing and problem solving skills. Must have a four-year undergraduate degree; proficiency in MS Office (Word, Excel); and comfortable learning new appraisal software and database programs. We offer very competitive fee splits or salary depending on experience level. Excellent opportunity for advancement and security in growing company. Please email resume to [email protected] or contact us at 239514-4646, ext. 225. Florida Gulf Coast Chapter, Appraisal Institute 10014 N. Dale Mabry Highway, Ste. 101, Tampa, FL 33618 T: 813-962-4003 Website: T HE A PPRO AC H P AGE 1 4 Education, Dinner Cruise and Installation — November 5, 2014 4th Quarter Chapter Meeting in Sarasota, FL John Underwood, MAI presenting Trial Components seminar at November meeting in Sarasota Candidate Committee Meet & Greet workshop held at 4th Q Meeting Dinner Cruise 4th Q Meeting aboard Marina Jacks in Sarasota Review Designations presented to Mike Jonas, Rebecca Fisher and Steven Grose by Region Vice Chair Val Chaisson, MAI Installation of 2015 Officers, Directors & Region Reps at 4th Q Meeting in November T HE A PPRO AC H P AGE 1 5 1st Quarter Meeting of the Florida Gulf Coast Chapter Tuesday, February 24, 2015 – Naples, FL Please join us for the 1st quarter chapter meeting & seminar! CLICK TO REGISTER Bellasera Hotel 221 Ninth Street South, Naples, FL 34102 Phone: (239) 649-7333 SIGN UP EARLY FOR DISCOUNT! Board Meeting: 10 AM (Executive Boardroom) Lunch Meeting: 11 AM—12:45 PM (Venetian Room) Seminar: 1 PM—4 PM (Venetian Room– 2nd Flr) Candidate/Advisors Meeting: 1 PM—3 PM Member Cost: $125 Seminar and Lunch Meeting (includes plated lunch and dessert) $40 Lunch Meeting Only (Member Price) Directions to Bellasera Hotel: I-75 South—Take exit 105, turn right onto Golden Gate parkway for 4 miles. Turn left onto US 41 for 1.4 miles, hotel on left. I-75 North: Take exit 101, south 951. At first light, take right (Davis Blvd) for 6.5 miles to US 41. Take right for 12 miles to hotel on right. Reservations are required to attend - we hope you can join us! To register: www.appraisalinstitute.org/education/FloridaGulfCoast.aspx Registration Application — February 24, 2015 - Seminar & 1st Q Meeting Name ___________________________________________________________ R.S.V.P. Required! Firm ____________________________________________________________ Mail or Fax Registration to: CC Billing Address ________________________________________________ Florida Gulf Coast Chapter - AI 10014 N. Dale Mabry Hwy., Ste. 101 Tampa, FL 33618 City ____________________________ State ______ Zip ________________ Email ______________________________ License # ___________________ T 813-962-4003 F 813-962-4006 Questions? [email protected] Register Early and Save….fees increase 2/10/15 Register Online Here Phone _________________________ Fax: __________________________ Payment: Circle One: Visa - MC - Amex - Discover - Check Zip Code/Billing: ___________ Credit Card: #___________________________________________ Exp. Date _____________ CCV: _________ Name on Card: _____________________________________________________________________________ Florida Gulf Coast Chapter of the Appraisal Institute 10014 N. Dale Mabry Highway, #101, Tampa, FL 33618 Phone: (813) 962-4003 Fax: (813) 962-4006 Website: http://www.gulfcoastai.org