Number: 2, Season: Spring
Number: 2, Season: Spring
The Jewish Veteran April 2007 • Volume 60, Number 2 Those who have died and those who have returned deserve more than a half staff salute Participate in a National Committee Meeting All you need to do is just make a FREE telephone call! All individual JWV Post Members are an important part of the Jewish War Veterans. As a JWV member, you can attend a National Committee Meeting by dialing into any Teleconference listed below: ª PLEASE JOIN WITH US! To participate in the Teleconference call: Dial 1-866-266-3378 and then enter the JWV Code Number 2022656280# (Enter the full number, including the # sign) § Teleconference Schedule • All calls start at 8:00PM EDT or EST April 12, 2007 Thurs. The Jewish Veteran April 25, 2007 Wed. Update on Information Technology May 9, 2007 Wed. Membership The Future of JWV- How to increase and retain May 29, 2007 Tues. Leadership at all levels The Post Commander June 14, 2007 Thurs. Veterans Benefits What’s available? June 27, 2007 Wed. Housing and Homeless July 17, 2007 Tues. Women in the Military Aug. 1, 2007 Wed. National Convention What do you expect? Aug. 23, 2007 Thurs. At the Convention Information Technology Committee Meeting Sept. 11, 2007 Tues. What happened in Charleston, New National Commander, Resolutions Sept. 26, 007 Wed. Working together to fight anti-Semitism and protect the Veteran Oct. 9, 2007 Tues. Hospitals and VAVS Oct. 24, 2007 Wed. Leadership at all levels Make sure your elected officials know of your concerns Nov. 13, 2007 Tues. United Nations What’s it all about? Nov. 28, 2007 Wed. Homeland Security Dec. 5, 2007 Wed. Leadership at all levels Meeting your Past National Commanders Dec 18, 2007 Tues. Veteran’s Legislation What’s pending? All JWV Members are strongly encouraged to participate! Your voice matters - your ideas and input is important! Cover design by Bob Zweiman and Christy Turner Contents The Jewish Veteran The Official Publication of the Jewish War Veterans of the United States of Features VA Secretary Jim Nicholson addressing the JWV Congressional Reception Page 8 Members of the 22nd Allied Veterans Mission to Israel Page 12 Organized 1896 Official Publication of the Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America Norman Rosenshein National Commander Robert Pickard, MD National Editor Herb Rosenbleeth National Executive Director Cheryl Waldman Managing Editor Christy Turner Graphics / Production Editor Robert M. Zweiman, PNC Editorial Fellow 8 NEC 9 National Commander Candidacy Announcements 10 Remembering our Mission 12 Allied Veterans Mission 19 Lessons in Increasing Membership Departments 4 Commander’s Corner 5 News from Capitol Hill 6 Letters to the Editor 7 Editor’s Corner 14 Commentary 20 JWV in Action 22 Taps 23 People and Places 24 JWV in Action 26 Museum News 30 New Members EDITORIAL OFFICES, 1811 R Street, NW., Washington, D.C. 20009, Telephone: (202) 265-6280 x504, Fax: (202) 234-5662, Home Page:, e-mail: jwv@jwv. org. Advertising information and rates available from the Editorial Office. The opinions expressed in signed articles and letters in this magazine are not necessarily those of JWV. The Jewish Veteran is published 5 times a year: Winter (Jan-Feb), Spring (Mar.-Apr.-May), Summer (June-July-Aug), Post-Convention (Sept.-Oct.) and Autumn (Nov.-Dec.) by the Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America at 1811 R Street, NW, Washington, DC 20009. Periodical postage paid at Washington, DC, and at additional mailing offices. Subscription price in the United States is $5.00 per year, included in membership. Nonmember subscriptions: $7.50. Single copies: $2.50. Photos and articles submitted to the Jewish War Veterans of the USA shall be used at the discretion of the organization. JWV assumes no responsibility for products and services advertised in this publication. Postmaster: Send address changes or undelivered copies to The Jewish Veteran, 1811 R Street, NW., Washington, D.C. 20009. © 2006 by the Jewish War Veterans of the USA. Reproduction without permission is prohibited. ISSN 0047-2018 2007 Jewish War Veteran Publishing Schedule February, 2007 copy, photo and ad deadline-Jan. 8; in mail Feb. 12 April, 2007 copy, photo and ad deadline-March 14; in mail April 12 The Jewish Veteran is a member of The American Jewish Press Association. June, 2007 copy, photo and ad deadline-May 8; in mail June 7 April 2007 3 Commander’s Corner A message from National Commander Norman Rosenshein the JWV is to “take care The young men and women who are the soldiers of all veterans.” I was of today and the veterans of tomorrow are not just able to share our goals for images on our television and computer screens veterans with the Israeli and the pages of our daily newspaper. They are audience, as well as to real people who are fighting, dying, and incurring grievous wounds to protect our freedoms. They are explain the aims of our Allied Veterans Mission to our neighbors, our relatives, and our friends. sponsor allied veterans on One of these young men, CPL Gavriel Jacobs, a trip of a lifetime to Israel so that upon their rehimself both a member of the JWV and the grandturn to the United States they will be able to counson of a member, was severely wounded in Iraq. ter negative views of Israel among their veterans’ While it was originally thought that he would constituencies. lose both of his legs as a result The night before my testimony to of his wounds, his legs have Congress, I had the honor of prebeen saved, and he is just now senting to Senator Daniel K. Akaka taking his first steps on them. (D-HI) the JWV Medal of Merit for It was my honor to visit him his unstinting work on behalf of vetat Bethesda Naval Hospital, erans rights and his support for our along with the Chairman of mission. Senator Akaka, who is the our Coordinating Committee, Chairman of the Senate Committee PNC Bob Zweiman; our on Veterans Affairs, spoke of his National Executive Director, commitment to our veterans to Herb Rosenbleeth; and our help heal the visible and invisible Director of Operations, Larry CPL Jacobs proudly displays his wounds they bring home with them. Richardson. Purple Heart In my testimony before Congress, CPL Jacobs personifies the I stressed the proud history of veteran for whose rights we JWV’s 111-year struggle for fairness for those are fighting. Never forget, “The Mission: The who have protected the freedoms we hold dear. Veteran.” Our quest for veterans’ rights is not a “For these 111 years, JWV has advocated a strong theoretical or academic exercise. Our military men national defense and a just and fair recognition and women like CPL Jacobs are returning home and compensation for veterans. The Jewish War today as they have returned throughout history, Veterans of the USA prides itself in being in the with wounds both physical and mental, and they forefront among our nation’s civic and veterans must receive the care and benefits to which they groups in supporting the well-earned rights of are entitled. Our pursuit of these goals is more veterans, in promoting American democratic prinimportant than ever due to the advances in miliciples, in defending universal Jewish causes and tary medicine that save the lives of soldiers who in vigorously opposing bigotry, anti-Semitism and would otherwise have died in previous conflicts. terrorism both here and abroad. Today, even more While they are able to return home, many of these than ever before, we stand for these principles. severely wounded veterans are suffering from The Jewish War Veterans of the U.S.A. represents wounds far worse than those incurred by veterans of previous conflicts. a proud tradition of patriotism and service to the United States of America.” I am fortunate that I have had the opportunity Today, more than ever, for CPL Jacobs and to speak out about our mission from the streets of for all of the veterans who return to us after their Jerusalem to the Halls of Congress over the past few weeks and months. I am honored that I, on be- long and valiant struggle against those who would seek to harm us and our way of life, we must half of our organization, have had the opportunity continue to speak out for the rights of the veteran, to bring our message to a radio audience in Israel and to a Joint Committee of the Senate and House whether it is before Congress, in our communiVeterans Affairs Committees. ties, or throughout the world. “The Mission: The Veteran.” As I told the Israeli interviewer, the mission of 4 The Jewish Veteran News From Capitol Hill By Col Herb Rosenbleeth, USA(Ret), Nat’l Executive Director JWV STORMS THE HILL! On March 7th and 8th, as the Walter Reed scandal focused attention on military and veterans health care, the National Executive Committee of the Jewish War Veterans of the USA stormed the halls of Congress. National Commander Rosenshein, Veterans Affairs Secretary Jim Nicholson, and our honoree, Chairman Daniel Akaka. In Room 408 of the Senate Russell Office Building, National Commander Norman Rosenshein presented the JWV Medal of Merit to Senator Daniel Akaka, the new Chairman of the Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs. Room 408 was packed with JWV members and our guests from other Veterans Service Organizations, the VA, DoD, and military associations. National Commander Rosenshein expressed JWV’s appreciation to Chairman Akaka for his outstanding support of issues concerning veterans. The next morning, Thursday, March 8th, NC Todd Bolick, Boy Scout Troop 150, led the Pledge of Allegiance at our reception. Rosenshein forcefully presented JWV’s legislative priorities to a joint session of the Senate and House Veterans Affairs Committees. Before a full house of veterans advocates, including JWV’s National Executive Committee, NC Rosenshein drew repeated applause as he told the Congress of the vital needs of all veterans. On March 7th and 8th our National Executive Committee members traveled the halls of Congress for our Capitol Hill Action Days. Fewer than 100 members of Congress, the lowest percentage in several decades, are veterans. Our leadership met with their Senators, Representatives, and key staff to educate, VA Under Secretaries Bill inform, and persuade Tuerk and Dan Cooper, them about the issues two outstanding supporters affecting veterans. of all veterans! BVA Legislative Director, Tom Zampieri; their Executive Director, Tom Miller; VA Under Secretary for Health, Dr. Michael Kussman; and BVA’s Roy Kekahuna, from Chairman Akaka’s great state of Hawaii. April 2007 5 Letters to the Editor Praise for The Jewish Veteran Gentlemen: I picked up a copy of The Jewish Veteran magazine (February 2007) at the Oklahoma City VA Hospital the other day. I just wanted to let you know that I was very impressed with the publication. I have noticed that in the DAV, VFW, and Purple Heart magazines, that they spend a great deal of space saying hardly anything except “hooray for me!” You actually make “The Jewish Veteran” interesting, informative, and still have the necessary promotions. I especially enjoyed the historical articles and insights. “My Own Hero” and “Memories of the Greatest Generation” are both first class. I am a member of the Baha’i Faith and a Vietnam War Veteran. I became a Baha’i after returning from the war. Sincerely, Alex J. Resnick Oklahoma City JWV SOS Program [The following excerpts from a letter from the National Chairmen of the JWV SOS (Support Our Soldiers) Program to Rabbi Shmuel Felzenberg, Jewish Chaplain in Afghanistan, describe the JWV efforts to ensure a good Passover for our troops.] Dear Rabbi Felzenberg: The clearest way to answer you is to explain what we shipped to you.... First, we shipped 50 KP Gift-Paks, packed 3 Paks to a strapped bundle. The mailing label on each bundle is either unmarked or is printed on the left “Gift-Pak”. These Gift-Paks are to be given to the troops (one to each person) when they leave the is for the soldier, etc. to have for his personal use at his base. Secondly....we shipped 5 strapped Seder bundles, each having three cartons, making a total of 15 ctns for the Seder . Each Seder bundle is to 6 The Jewish Veteran take care of 10 people at the Seder, hence 5 Seder bundles will take care of 50 people.... Please greet all those troops whom you see at the Seders a hearty “Zissen Pesach” from The Jewish War Veterans of the U.S.A. On behalf of JWV, thank you for servicing our young men and women with the pastoral care and religious needs that they desire during the Passover holidays as well as during the year. Bill Farber and Nat Rabinowitz, National Co-Chairmen of the “SOS” Program Memories of WWII Dear Editor: Even at the age of 95, I still recall this memorable event. We left Algeria and slowly convoyed our way westward toward the retreating German Army, our goal. Bizerte. The Germans were in the process of sending the remnants of the German Army across the Mediterranean Sea to the European mainland. By this time, their Army was in total retreat, and their defeat was inevitable. General Alexander, the English General was in the process of forming a pincer movement with the aim of totally enveloping the German troops, and their surrender was imminent. We entered the outskirts of Bizerte, and the city had suffered immeasurably by Allied air attacks and ground artillery shelling. Buildings were leveled, and rubble and debris were strewn over the roads making them impassable to vehicular traffic… My corporal and I walked into a hallway of a partially destroyed three-story tenement. He went to the hallway on the right, and I proceeded to the left hallway with my rifle held at the ready position. As I walked slowly forward, I discerned movement at the end of the hallway, and I cautiously approached. A tall bearded man stood there, and he was shielding a little girl who apcontinued on 11 Editor’s Corner By Robert Pickard, M.D., COL (Ret) MC, National Editor DEFINE “INGENUOUS” My first-hand experiences in DC while there to attend the NEC and lobby for veterans rights on Capitol Hill began with a visit to my friend and colleague COL Tom Deal, CO of In-Patient Services at Walter Reed Army Medical Center (WRAH), on March 9, 2007. We National Editor Dr. Robert Pickard saw the at right is shown presenting a check infamous to COL Tom Deal, CO of In-Patient “Annex 18” Services at Walter Reed Army (a slightly Medical Center. neglected BOQ built in 1969 and used for out-patient living prior to the recent media attention) and visited the wonderful Fisher Houses on the campus of WR. These are truly “homes away from home” for the wounded warriors and their families trying to pick up their lives and heal each other. We visited Mologne House, a first-class hotel-type facility for out-patients on the campus of WR and the rehab PT center in the hospital where PNC David Magidson and I had first met Tammy Duckworth, the helicopter pilot who lost both legs in Iraq and was fitted with computer-driven prosthetic legs at WR. COL Deal and I reviewed the area of WR where brilliant scientists are working on the procedure of cranial removal to lessen the pressure on the wounded brains of veterans. This innovative “open-sky” treatment of these brain-injured warriors has been a giant step forward in the treatment of any head injury. This should come as no shock. After all, wars have benefited all of us in the creative medical strides that happened solely as a result of conflicts. WWI saw the birth of “plastic and reconstructive surgery” with Sir Harold Delf Gillies of who initiated and created the basis of “plastic surgery” with his work on traumatic deformities from blast and mustard and other gases in early 1900’s. We enjoy penicillin and all the other antibiotics that came after them as a result of WWII. Let us not forget Prontosil and Sulfa which were the first “Miracle Drugs” and which were developed in the early 30’s as the race to WWII began. And what about blood transfusions? None were successful until the WWII era Medics worked out the “bugs” in the field hospitals and on the battlefields of WWII. The aftermath of 9/11 and the present Global War on Terrorism have seen some tremendous gains also in the world of medicine. I realize that it is wisdom bought with pain (apologies to Carly Simon), but medicine has chronicled the march forward over mountains of the unfortunate dead. So the fall-out from Annex 18’s “deplorable” conditions, as pointed out by Lou Dobbs and the Washington Post, has meant that those intolerable outpatient delays and bureaucratic red tape delays that we as veterans know about all too well have come to the public’s attention. Never mind that WRAH was on the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) list and scheduled for closure in 2011 and that there has been a hiring freeze leaving only half the grounds-keepers and maintenance staff that WR and its 100 acres and hundreds of buildings require. There have been some officers that have just been in the wrong place at the wrong time, and everyone who knows combat understands that. Then too, there have been some arrogant and mean bastards who should have been fired, and they were, and so much the better for the soldier and the veterans and their families. Bottom line: if the media shined the bright light on the dirty corners at what should be the pre-eminent military medical facility in the world, and the soldiers, the veterans and their families profit by this public out-cry, so well and good. When we went to Congress to lobby for our three issues (Jewish causes, Active Duty (including Active, Reserve, and National Guard), on the Continued on page 13 April 2007 7 NEC National Commander Rosenshein testifying before the Joint Veterans Affairs Committees. National Commander Norman Rosenshein presented the JWV Medal of Merit to Sen. Daniel K. Akaka (D-HI), Chairman of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee in honor of his work on behalf of the veterans’ community. Secretary of Veterans Affairs Jim Nicholson addressed the JWV Congressional Reception. PNC Paul Bernstein received an honorary award from the Order of the Silver Rose for his dedication and support of Agent Orange Victims and their families. The award was presented by Helene Van Clief. Shown at the dedication of the NMAJMH Tree of Honor are from left (front row) PNP Florence Levine, NP Marie Vegotsky, Tree Chairman Iris Goldwasser, and National Aide de Camp Gerald Levine; from left (back row) PNP Sophie Ruderman, NMAJMH President PNC Jack Berman, NC Norman Rosenshein, and Henry Epstein who donated the trunk of the tree in memory of his brother William H. Epstein. 8 The Jewish Veteran Marshall Kaplan, at left, is shown presenting to Museum President PNC Jack Berman a check for $100,000 on behalf of Milton L. Finel Post 389 in Brooklyn, NY. Looking on is PNC Jerome Cohen. Steve Rosmarin Announces His Candidacy For JWV National Commander Lawrence Schulman Announces His Candidacy For JWV National Commander Steve Rosmarin, commander of the Department of California, and a member of the JWV for over 50 years, has announced that he is a candidate for the office of JWV National Commander. “I believe that it is crucial to the Jewish War Veterans’ continued vitality that its leadership reach out to its national membership and include our Departments and Posts in creating our future agenda. JWV is a national veterans’ organization, and we must behave like one—we are only as strong as our weakest chapter,” said Rosmarin. He has held every elected office in California, including past and present Department Commander, County Council Commander, and Commander of West Hollywood Post 113 for over 10 years, and he has represented the state on the National Executive Committee for many years. Before his relocation to California, Rosmarin served as Commander of Morristown Post 213 in Morristown, NJ, as well as serving as Junior Vice Commander of the Department of New Jersey. Rosmarin has sat on the National Insurance Committee since 1990. Rosmarin, 79, has advocated for Jewish concerns by holding positions with the Los Angeles Jewish Federation Council and the Los Angeles Jewish Community Relations Council. He now represents his fellow veterans as a member of the Department of Veterans Affairs Education Advisory Committee, appointed by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs. Lawrence Schulman of Rochester, NY, has announced his candidacy for National Commander of the Jewish War Veterans of the USA. Mr. Schulman previously served as Commander of the JWV Department of New York from 1980-81. Mr. Schulman served in the U.S. Army from July 1958 to July 1961. He was a Specialist 4th Class in Ludwigsburg, Germany, Headquarters Company, 34th Signal Battalion, 7th Corps, as a Personnel Clerk. After leaving the service, he completed his studies at Rochester Institute of Technology, graduating with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration. He joined L.F. Rothschild Investments and was employed there as a stockbroker for 15 years. His firm was subsequently acquired by Smith Barney, and he retired in July 2002 as a Financial Consultant, Certified Financial Planner, advising individuals, small businesses and non-profit agencies. Mr. Schulman joined the JWV of the USA in 1966 and has been an active member of the David J. Kauffman Post #41, where he has held all Post offices. He has co-chaired both the 50th and 60th Anniversary Dinners and other affairs at the Post. He has been Quartermaster for the past four years. He testified at a CARES Committee Meeting on the closing of the Canandaigua VA Hospital and helped retain the hospital in his part of the state. Mr. Schulman moved up in the Western District Council becoming Commander and subsequently continued on page 11 continued on page 11 April 2007 9 Remembering Our Mission American Foreign Policy for the 21st Century By Ileana Ros-Lehtinen Ranking Republican Member House Committee on Foreign Affairs The challenges facing American foreign policy today are daunting. Gone are the days when enemies posed conventional threats. Instead, our enemies are often non-state actors that infiltrate our borders and communities, hide in caves, and attack our citizens and vital resources in stealth. It is tempting to view them as completely distinct enemies who should be combated in isolation from each other. But such an approach ignores the fact that the world is increasingly interconnected. Accordingly, our foreign policy must implement a strategy that responds to this inter connectivity. As the Ranking Member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, I advocate strongly for an approach to the world that reflects our values, assists our allies and secures our nation. In combating the interconnected threats to our very existence, America’s continued success depends on our finding continued strength in the justness of our cause and our ability to win. It is time to restore our strategic clarity; it is time for America to emulate its noble veterans, who have continually served with clarity of purpose. To win, America must recognize and re-embrace its values and its mission for the future Distinct from our European Allies, America’s success emanates from its commitment to its highest ideal, freedom, and its unwillingness to accept tyranny. The American Revolution itself was provoked by the colonists’ desire of freedom to govern themselves. Recognizing that their war was one for essential values, not varying interests, a nation of one million defeated the world’s greatest empire, establishing the first democracy in modern times. More recently, America again was most successful when it recognized the universal importance of its values. In the 1940’s, Americans of both political parties rejected the practitioners of appeasement and isolationism; those who thought that Hitler was just another politician who could 10 The Jewish Veteran be dealt with; those who thought that freedom was a relative value that could be strengthened at home through the complete sacrifice of freedom in half the world; those who thought that the slaughter of Jews in Warsaw had nothing to do with the freedom of Americans in Chicago. To its lasting credit, America understood that, as the Reverend Martin Luther King said, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” The United States, together with its allies, defeated a Nazi war machine that had steam rolled across nearly everything in its path in Europe and North Africa. In the process, it secured America from the threat of worldwide fascism and totalitarianism, helped to end the Holocaust, and ensured self-determination for nations on three continents. Following its victory in World War II, America did not relent in the face of international Communism’s aggressive pursuit of revolution and hegemony. Accordingly, the United States provided significant aid, through the Marshall Plan and other efforts, to strengthen the forces of democracy on every continent. The Cold War was long and difficult, but because America retained its clarity of mission, it emerged victorious, while the once-powerful Soviet Union collapsed. Today, America again faces determined threats to its very survival. Some of our enemies, like the dictatorships that oppress Iran and North Korea, are conventional states that seek nuclear weapons. Others, like al-Qaeda, are stateless organizations who primarily engage in terror. Regardless, their aims are not merely local in nature. Islamists seek America’s destruction just as much as they wish to obliterate the State of Israel. As North Korean tyrant Kim Jong II imprisons his citizens in concentration camps, his proxies boast of reducing America’s metropolises to craters. All of these continued on next page Letters to the Editor continued from page 6 peared to be about seven years old. They both appeared petrified with fear. He was wearing a black scull cap, and I immediately recognized him as being of the Jewish faith. The Moslems usually wear red fezzes. I slowly walked up to him, and in my broken French, I said, “Jamais non peur, je suis aussi un Juif and un soldat American.” (Translation: I am also a Jew and an American soldier.) He fell to his knees, grasped me around the waist and cried out, “VOUS EST LE MESSIACH,” (Translation: You are the Messiah). The little girl reached out and gently grasped my hand. This memory I will long remember and cherish. Everything I had previously accomplished paled into insignificance, as I recall, even to this day, this memorable event. William Yenofsky Columbus OH Remembering Our Mission continued from previous page regimes want to destroy international order and, with state sovereignty, to substitute the rule of the gun for the rule of law, to end the progress of freedom. In short, they would consign the world to the Dark Ages. To combat what is in essence one threat, America must respond with conviction of purpose to the value of freedom. The freedom we enjoy today would not be possible were it not for the courageous efforts of our men and women in uniform that fought in conflicts across the globe to secure freedom and security for this country. Our veterans from World Wars I & II, the Korean War, Vietnam War, and more recently the conflicts in the Middle East all wrestled control from claws of tyrants that sought to oppress the world with brutality and cruelty. The brave acts of these heroic men and women can never be repaid and we owe them a debt of gratitude of which the balance will never be met. Steve Rosmarin continued from page 9 “We are slowly losing the backbone of our organization, the World War II veteran,” Rosmarin stated. “If we are going to grow and to move into the 21st century, we must extend our vision and involve our Vietnam, Cold War and our recent vets. That can’t be done from Washington D.C.--it has to be done at our local posts. As National Commander, my first priority will be to ensure that local posts get the help they need.” A member of the U.S. Army’s 7th Infantry Division and the 17th Infantry stationed in Korea from 1946-48, he graduated from Pace University in 1951. Rosmarin is a retired investment and insurance executive and owned a travel agency in West Hollywood. Rosmarin, a widower, was married to his wife Bernice for over 50 years. He has two daughters. Lawrence Schulman continued from page 9 moved through the offices of the Department of New York, becoming the Department Commander from 1980-81. He is currently on the NEC and the Budget Committee. In addition to serving the JWV, Mr. Schulman in active in the Jewish Community Federation, having served on the Allocations, Finance, and Investment Committees and on the Board of Directors. He is also a Past Board Member and served on the Investment and Finance Committees at his synagogue, Temple Beth El. In addition, he has served as the Treasurer of Chapter 20 of the Vietnam Veterans and is a member of Fairport Flower City Lodge #476, Scottish Rite Consistory, Valley of Rochester and the Damascus Shrine. He was born in Rochester, NY, attending public schools and college there. He is married to Judy Schulman (nee Savitz) who is a member of the Ladies Auxiliary of the David J. Kauffman Post #41. They have one son, Samuel, who is a Caseworker in the Adolescent Unit of Clinton County Social Service, in Plattsburgh, NY. April 2007 11 JWVAllied Veterans Mission JWV ALLIED VETERANS MISSION—2007 The 2007 Allied Veterans Mission led by PNC Sam Greenberg was an outstanding opportunity for our Allied Veterans to experience Israel and her people for themselves. Upon their return from their trip, participants in the Mission share their trip and what they have learned from it with the greater veterans’ community as ambassadors-at-large for Israel. On this page, we want to share with you some of the letters we have received from participants in this year’s mission on their return and photos of their trip. We hope that these letters will inspire all of the JWV Departments to sponsor participants in next year’s Mission. The following letters were received by PNC Sam Greenberg. Dear Sam: I want to share a few short words of appreciation to you, Steve, Norm, Freda, and others who provided the leadership for a very successful 22nd mission trip. I have already talked with Glen Gardner, the current National VFW Jr. Vice Commander (National Commander in two years), and recommended he make sure to include your Allied Veterans Mission trip on his schedule. Your JWV web site looks good and has several sections of personal interest, e.g., Allied Veterans Mission members visited several historic sites in Israel 12 The Jewish Veteran American Jewish Military History Museum, which I will visit while in Washington during the first week of March. Over the last 22 years I am sure all of your participants leave Israel with something special, from fond memories to unique items of interest. I am probably the only team member to leave Israel with the gift of life that keeps on giving—three units of genuine Israeli bonded Type A negative blood as a result of my four (4) day stay in a Jerusalem hospital initiated by a bleeding ulcer. It was not surprising during my flight home when I started to spontaneously speak Hebrew. Lastly, please advise how I can participate with some form of membership in your organization. I realize my new fluids do not qualify me for active membership, but I would be pleased to contribute my efforts in some alternative membership. Again, thanks for everything. I remain… Warmly, Kenneth R. Burton, Jr. Judge Advocate General Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S. Dear Sam: I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and the Jewish American War Vets for the wonderful trip to Israel. The time spent there was a life experience I will never forget. I received an education on the problems the Israeli People face on a daily basis. The remarkable achievements they have accomplished in a short 50 years are proof of their tenacity and ingenuity. I pray that Israel finds peace, and the threat of terrorism is extinguished forever, for right is on their side. Thank You, Again. Your Friend, Richard S. Wren Director, Veteran Affairs Luzerne County, PA Dear Sam, Hope all is well with you. I am just staring to get settled into some form of an organized regimen and finally have settled down to sending you a Members of the 22nd Allied Veterans Mission posed during their trip with NC Norman Rosenshein and Mission leader PNC Sam Greenberg. reply to your letter of last week. The 22nd Allied Mission was a great success thanks to your organizational skills. The itinerary was excellent, and I cannot think that it could be improved. I want to express my appreciation to you and the JWV for extending the invitation to me to attend. Editor’s Corner Continued from page 7 on the dirty corners at what should be the pre-eminent military medical facility in the world, and the soldiers, the veterans and their families profit by this public outcry, so well and good. When we went to Congress to lobby for our three issues [Jewish causes, Active Duty (including Active, Reserve, and National Guard), and Veterans], I found it a bit ingenuous for the Congress men and women to suddenly be jumping through hoops to listen to us veterans and to be anxious to throw whatever taxpayer money they could dream up at our requests. Why weren’t they listening to us before when we would come to the Hill every March imploring them to hear us and listen to our pleas for the Soldier, his/her family, and My views of Israel have been reinforced by my attending this year’s Allied Mission. Shalom, until we meet someday again. Yours truly, Nick Paganella President, Korean War Veterans of Massachusetts, Inc. veterans?? What was wrong with the Congress’s hearing when we said, “Do not include WRAH on BRAC?” Why was no one listening when we begged for money for our veterans and their families?? Oh yes, the Florida Delegation members Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Mario and Lincoln Diaz Balart, they have listened to us and heard us and acted upon our requests for troops and families. Yes, as my old teacher used to say: “Boys and Girls, can you define “INGENUOUS”? Congress defines it when their response now to our pleas for disabled veterans, Jew and Gentile alike, active duty, Guard and Reserve had gone “unheard” for thirty or more years. Your National Editor has observed as an ear, nose and throat physician that legislators can most often hear quite well. They just don’t listen very much. April 2007 13 Commentary By BOB ZWEIMAN, PNC, Chairman, Coordinating Committee A WITHDRAWAL OR REDEPLOYMENT FROM REALITY Saudi Arabia—the country which brought us the 9/11 Twin Tower terrorists—has, at an Arab League meeting, declared now that the U.S. role in Iraq in “illegal” and has laid blame on the U.S. for having a defined colonial purpose to impose controls over Iraq and the Middle East. The usual rhetorical or superficial apology from King Abdullah—that it was necessary for public display, but that he really did it to protect his country’s relationship with us—is not only unacceptable but is a compounded insult to the American people. We must demand that Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and the Arab League positively engage in stabilizing Iraq and also directly participate in Iraq’s reconstruction to avoid any colonial interests [of course, other than theirs] and thus purge the spilling of American blood in return for oil deliveries. Will they agree? No! Should we accept such an answer? No! As the walrus said, “the time has come” to reject, as part of the Surge, anything less than complete acceptance of responsibility by the region for the creation and maintenance of terror in the Middle East—anything less would be a farce. Theirs has been hidden behind a veil of religion— ours is exposed in the light of folly. The Saudis safeguard their backside over and over again by bribery to a dedicated core of religious fanatics, by providing funding to Shiite as well as Sunni controlled agents of terror, by supporting Osama bin Laden [one of the Saudis’ prime citizens] in his al Quaeda plan for an Islamic takeover, etc., etc. The bottom line is that Saudis will do nothing unless it avoids Shiite/ Sunni internecine ethnic cleansing—actually hatred of America is the one that unites them. It becomes obvious [if you are a conspiracy buff] that in order to accomplish an Islamic takeover, the Islamists have had a number of their congregants migrate into a number of nations osten14 The Jewish Veteran sibly to secure economic positions and to favor the democratic election process, allowing them a safe and sound place in the community. In that fashion and by using state-supported terrorist groups, they can ultimately gain conquest by means of a takeover in a peaceful and controlling fashion and without engaging in an actual battle [i.e., Taliban], and then the world must wake up. While most of the world was oblivious to the Islamic deception, the American and Coalition forces went ahead and sent ground troops into Iraq based on misinformation and misguided intelligence reporting, or you can believe whatever purpose you want. Other than a substantive structural change to a guerrilla/terror form of war, the only recognizable reality discovered was the realization that Islam quietly and covertly and out of sight but yet in the open was shielded behind an exceptionally disciplined religion with a formulated and quiet plan of takeover. In Islam’s new communities they have condemned as discriminatory any criticism by placing guilt as its being a bigoted attack on their religion. Many of our own citizens have responded by setting up ecumenical dialogues to prove that they were not racially profiling Islam or making excuses for non-terrorist Moslems. Yet, we ignored the defined non-assimilation of the Muslim into the general society. While they acted as soldiers within their enclaves, they displayed their votes as an enticement to politicians who sought election in Europe as well as in the U.S.—and showing that they were and are as politically important as they have become. They have been accomplishing, slowly but surely, results which a Saladin could reach only through battle. We were and are very gently being Commentary sucked in. Negotiations by the Nations most affected in the Region have worked out in Liberia and are being used with North Korea—such an involvement is ignored and rejected by the Arab League which fears that by using such an approach on Iraq or the Middle East, they would have to put aside centuries of ethnic hate within a society composed of Shiites/Sunnis/Kurds. They prefer to be allocating production in OPEC so they can maintain high oil prices to enable them to fund terrorism. If we were to withdraw from Iraq and Saudi Arabia tomorrow, Iraq would probably be divided into three separate units, and the Arab League and its members would have to step in to prevent an internecine conflagration. Of course, being the thieves that they are, their first action would be to show how moderate they can be by raising oil prices to over $100 a barrel and demanding the return of American Forces. This would allow them to sit on the sidelines and criticize while making money. So, the question we have to consider is how can we, as Americans, live up to our potential in a world where we need to recycle our troops back to Iraq, where Iran abducts British seamen by holding them hostage, where troops mean nothing when a single person or group can blow up a tank car of chlorine killing hundreds or thousands, and on and on. They are constantly testing our resolve. It is interesting that Russia has been cautiously supporting them under an irrational supposition that Russia will return to its prior glory—they are even more foolish than we are. Here in our own land, we find industry and agriculture in disarray with jobs outsourced, education prowess diminished, the importation of food a major concern, and, step by step, the loss of our superpower status or of any power at all. Many of those to whom we are deeply in debt consider us merely as consumers and get satisfaction by participation in the economic cabal relying on our military to come to their aid when trouble arises, and they may also wake up a little late to reality. We have accepted [a better word than “surrendered”] distortions in our way of life out of fear—fear of insecurity—fear of economic failure—fear of competition—fear of health deterioration—fear of travel and, ultimately, fear of being without self-imposed controls laid upon us outside the protections under the Constitution. So, why even write about the possibility or even the probability of something in the future. In the last issue, my cover and centerfold were accepted; my column was questioned by some for being without compassion for collateral damage of civilians in protecting our own “power.” War is War is War! But it need not be if we maintain a superior power and ability to enforce any accord we enter into. It is that power that will control the result. Again, confrontational conflicts are possible, but guerrilla and terrorist attacks are more likely since they entail fewer and more coordinated troops. Thus, if a conflict arises between nations, we, with our ability to impose, would be in a position to manage the process of resolution. The tools are always available whether they be by ever present negotiation, economic sanctions, or economic strangulation—and if that does not bring it to an end—then targeted military action without massive ground troops in place. Victory is an illusion, and stability is a result that calls for the involvement of all, not merely us. So, for those who prefer unfettered compassion over resolution, we will stagnate in the status quo. It is only by having intrinsic strength will we be able to recover and maintain our way of life. Will people get hurt or die? Yes! But, better them than us, for, if they sanction the approach, then they also sanction the result. April 2007 15 zz z Jewish War Veterans zz z 112th Annual National Convention August 19-26, 2007 • Charleston, South Carolina AirTran Airways has partnered with JWV to provide a 10% discount on air travel fares to the 112th Annual National Convention. • To make your reservation on AirTran, dial 1-866-683-8368. • The discount code is CHS 081 907. Tentative Schedule of Events Daily • Morning Minyan - 8:00 AM Wednesday Sunday • Joint Opening Session, JWV-JWVA • Mystery Theater & Dinner Enjoy an evening of interactive mystery and a seated gourmet dinner without leaving the comfort of your hotel. Monday • Land/Harbor Tour of Historic Charleston Bus tour of Charleston’s Historic district and visit to Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim Synagogue, a National Historic Landmark, which is the country’s second oldest synagogue and the oldest in continuous use. Stop for lunch in the city’s Historic Market Street District. Then enjoy a boat tour of the famous Charleston Harbor. • NMAJMH Evening Reception • Resolutions Committee • 1st JWV Business Session • Century Club Thursday • 2nd JWV Business Session • Committee Meetings • Resolutions • National President’s Banquet Friday • 3rd JWV Business Session • Committee Meetings • Resolutions • National Commander Elections Tuesday • Wreath-laying Ceremony • Committee Meetings • National Executive Committee Meeting 16 Keynote Speaker: Dr. Michael Kussman, Acting Under Secretary for Health; Veterans Health Administration The Jewish Veteran Saturday • Sabbath Morning Services • NMAJMH Board Meeting • Commander’s Banquet Embassy Suites Hotel Airport/Convention Center 5055 International Blvd., N. Charleston, SC 29418 Phone (843) 747-1882 • Fax (843) 725-1300 Hotel registration deadline is Wednesday, July 18, 2007 A $145 deposit (price includes tax) is required for all hotel registrations. A 3-night minimum stay is required $150 Convention surcharge for those not staying at the Embassy Suites. People living within a 50 mile radius are exempt. Name:___________________________________________________________ Post No. ______________ Street Address:____________________________________________________________________________ City:____________________________________________ State: ________ Zipcode:__________________ Phone:_______________________________ E-mail:_____________________________________________ Room will be shared with:___________________________________________________________________ Arrival date+time: _____/_____ at __________ Departure date+time: _____/_____ at ___________ Event Cost Convention Registration Fee $50.00 per person Single/Double Room $145.00 per night I prefer: How Many? Amount KIng size bed 2 Full size beds Triple $185.00 per night Quad $225.00 per night Minimum Deposit only $145.00 Mystery Theater / Sunday, August 19, at the Hotel $47.50 per person No. of: Fried Chicken ______ Fish ______ Sugar Free Dessert ______ Land/Harbor Tour of Charleston / Monday, August 20 $40.00 per person Century Club / Wednesday, August 22 $100.00 non members $40.00 spouse/partner Commander’s Banquet / Saturday, August 25 $38.50 per person Sugar Free No. of: Roast Beef _____ Salmon ______ Kosher _______ Dessert ______ Total You must include full payment for all event(s) that you plan on attending. Reservations for trips or activities will only be made if paid in full. I am paying by American Express Check Visa Card No. Mail this completed form, along with your payment to: Credit card: Mastercard Discover Exp. Signature / Jewish War Veterans 1811 R Street, NW Washington, DC 20009 Attn: Convention Dept. April 2007 17 Include your message in the 2007 JWV Convention Journal! Jewish War Veterans of the USA 112th Annual National Convention August 19-26, 2007 • Charleston, South Carolina Convention Journal Ad Rates Front Cover ............................................$750.00 • Black+White Ads only Back Cover .............................................$500.00 • Deadline submission is July 16 Full Page ...........7.5 x 10 inches.............$375.00 Half Page ...........7.5 x 5 inches...............$200.00 1/3 Page .............7.5 x 3 inches...............$150.00 1/4 Page .............3.25 x 5 inches.............$120.00 1/6 Page .............3.25 x 3 inches.............$75.00 1/10 Page ...........2 x 3.50 inches.............$50.00 All ads must be accompanied by payment at time of submission. Ads submitted without payment will not be included. • Contact Christy Turner for more information: P: 202-265-6280 • F: 202-234-5662 E-mail: [email protected] Please print or type your ad copy Name of Individual or Echelon submitting ad Please return this form with your payment to: Address City State Post/Auxiliary Name and Number Department Zipcode Jewish War Veterans 1811 R Street, NW Washington, DC 20009 Attn: Christy Turner Authorized by: (Signature) 18 The Jewish Veteran Lessons in Increasing Membership By PNC Neil Goldman A review of the membership of Post 757 revealed that over half of the members were over 80. If we wanted to continue as a viable JWV Post, we had to increase the size and reduce the average age of our membership. During a series of meetings that I chaired as Chairman of the Membership Committee, we developed the idea of holding a breakfast on our regular meeting date to which we would invite prospective members. Publicity: We had to get out into the community to find prospects to solicit. We placed articles in most of the congregation newsletters and had two columns in the Jewish Community Association of Austin e-mail site with a 4,000 member total. Several members of the Post made presentations to various congregations during the Veterans Day weekend. We were able to get rosters of the three largest congregations in Austin. With the help of members of each congregation, we identified people whom we thought might be veterans. We had two articles in the Austin Monthly Jewish Outlook. Through all of these means we identified 95 people to invite to our brunch on Dec. 17. Brunch Program: We needed an outstanding individual as our main speaker. Through our commander, Mike Baum, we were able to obtain as our speaker Admiral Bobby Inman, a past director of the National Security Agency and a past deputy director of the CIA. To further the appeal of the event, we acquired many valuable door prizes, including dinners from a variety of Austin restaurants and certificates for car washes and movies. We presented 16 prizes for a total of $400. I did the pitch for new members, emphasizing many of our local and national programs. We also showed a video of members of the Post involved in a variety of activities and programs. Finances: We invited the people on our prospect list and a guest of their choosing to attend for free. Members of the Post and their guests were charged $5 each. We were able to run the affair with a very minimal cost to the Post. Set-up of the Event: We held the brunch at the Austin JCC, and there was no charge to the Post for the room and set-up. Much of the food was donated by a local delicatessen. We had an attendance of just under 100, divided equally between members and their guests and prospects and their guests. Comments on the affair ranged from good to fantastic. All of the above activities took time and work and preparation. Our committee was excellent. Each of them was completely dedicated to the task. Otherwise, we would never have been able to do what we did. All the activities of this drive had just one purpose, to sign up new members. Up to this point we have enrolled 21 new members as a result of our efforts. Other good things have happened also. Our Post can revel in a job well done. The committee worked well together—a harbinger for the future. We became well known in the Austin area through all the publicity we generated in various Jewish media. We can set our sights for the future. Austin’s Jewish population has tripled in the past decade. If we continue to work as we did for this event, I foresee a Post of 100 members. GERMAN & JAPANESE War Souvenirs Wanted! I am interested in: Helmets, Uniforms, Medals, Gas Masks, Buttons, Canteens, Badges, Hats, Belts, Bayonets, Patches, Daggers, Flags, Knives, and Many Other Unique Items. Buy-Sell-Trade Both World Wars Marc J. Cohen P.O. Box 100637 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33310-0637 Phone: (954) 565-9754 April 2007 19 JWV In Action J. George Fredman Post 76, North Bergen, NJ, entertained the veterans at the NJ Veterans Home in Paramus with a musical recital featuring Jean and Bill McClelland. The program, “The Great American Songbook,” featured the music of George and Ira Gershwin, Rogers and Hammerstein, Leonard Bernstein, and Irving Berlin. “To see the smiles of the veterans and hear their applause and words of appreciation made it all worthwhile,” said PC David Kronick. Post 76 members also helped to serve refreshments and return the veterans to their rooms. Shown left to right at the musical recital are PC David Kronick, Bill McClelland, Jean McClelland, Barry Weiss, Howard Barmad, and Arthur Presslaff. Shown at a Chanukah observance at the Manhattan VA Medical Center on December 19, 2006, are, from left: New York County Commander Larry Epstein, VA Chaplain Rabbi Nisson Shulman, George Webber, Arthur Sellner, Cheri Markle, PDC Walter Stern, and Anita Stern. The JWV gratefully acknowledges the generous donation of $400,000 from Lt. James I. Platt Post 651, Fairlawn, NJ, Melvin Kaplan, Commander. Department of Massachusetts Honors “Classmates Today—Neighbors Tomorrow” Winners Louis Green Post 140, Pittsfield MA, honored three local winners as part of the JWV state-wide “Classmates Today—Neighbors Tomorrow” program at its annual Brotherhood Breakfast in Burlington, MA. The local award winners were selected by their schools on the basis of grades, school and community activities, and, most importantly, their demonstration of respect for people of all races, creeds, and colors. The 2007 Berkshire representatives are Lindsey Helitzer of Pittsfield High School, Emilie Papa of Taconic High School, and Benjamin Latini of St. Joseph Central High School. Shown at the breakfast from left are Benjamin Latini, Program Co-Chairman Ira Novoselsky, Post 140 Commander Bob Shindler, Lindsey Helitzer, and Emilie Papa. 20 The Jewish Veteran JWV In Action Shown at left are members of JWV and JWVA Hartford Laurel Post 45 accompanied by members of the Department of Connecticut making a presentation of an Entertainment Center to the Alzheimer Unit at the Veterans Hospital in Rocky Hill, CT. Attending the presentation were (L to R): Ronald Arrons, Elliott Donn, Midge Schuman, Rosalyn Spiegelman, Ellissa Donn, Mel Marcus (partially hidden), Burt Schuman, Joanne Blum, Lionel Jackowitz, Department of Connecticut Commander; Jerry Blum, George Cooper, and Irv Spiegelman. Col. Erwin A. Burtnick, AUS (ret), commander of the Department of Marylard, placed a wreath on behalf of JWV in a ceremony marking the 25th anniversary of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, DC. (photo by William W. Shugarts III) Commander Violla Orloff (2nd from right) and the ladies of Post 603, Encino, CA, are shown packing bags for Christmas Day giving at the Los Angeles, CA, area VA hospitals. Members of Post and Auxiliary 385, San Diego, CA, and members of Post and Auxiliary 680, Laguna Woods, CA, are shown at the ‘Quarterdeck’ of the Naval Hospital at Camp Pendleton at an event to honor and celebrate the 111th Anniversary of the Jewish War Veterans of the USA. Those present included the Chief of Staff, Marine Corps Installations West; the Executive Officer, Naval Hospital with his staff; the Chief Chaplain of Camp Pendleton; and a wounded service man recently returned from Iraq. April 2007 21 Taps Department At Large Frank W. Greenberg-100 • Martin Greenberg-100 • Robert Greenberg-100 • Paul S. Hall-100 • Howard H. Jaffe-100 • Seymour Levine-100 • Sumner Shapiro100 • Charles Siegel-100 Department of California Robert Gordon-60 • Leo Mahler-123 • Walter S. Stein123 • Mel Kirschner-593 • Hyman D. Moskowitz-595 • Martin L. Glass-603 • William Lerner-603 • Frank Bates-617 • Bernard Karen-680 • Henry Greenberg688 • Jerome A. Schweitzer-760 Department of Connecticut Harold M. Kaller-92 Department of Delaware Seymour C. Solomon-525 Department of Florida Macey M. Ringel-81 • Paul Herman-172 • Alan O. Plait-172 • Gerald A. Zeff-172 • Julian L. Davidson177 • Eugene Greener-202 • James S. Landay-202 • Ralph Glixman-223 • Albert A. Berger-243 • Bernard G. Mandy-265 • Abraham W. Ryskind-265 • Samuel Stockman-265 • Quentin T. Rubin-266 • Maxwell Borowsky-321 • Stanley L. Caplan-321 • Jo-Ann Elizabeth Libby-400 • Edwin Smith-404 • Murray Jeuda-440 • Leonard Levine-440 • Seymour Blum-459 • Leon Cohen-459 • Louis Goldbrum-459 • Walter Levine-459 • George Pimsler-459 • Joseph Saloway459 • Hyman Lerner-475 • Jules Slepian-475 • Paul P. Gershman-501 • David Grossberg-501 • Aaron Cohen519 • Alan C. Behrman-613 • Herman Kutcher-613 • Sampson Garber-639 • Julius Kaplan-639 • Marvin Pitterman-684 • Milton Haber-698 • Bernard G. Searle-730 • Dave Gilbert-759 • Albert Peiper-759 Department of Illinois Albert F. Levin-153 • S. Simon-153 • Marvin Pechter282 • Leonard Frank-328 • Harold Goltz-328 • Michael Kostan-328 • Marshall T. Sylvan-328 • Alvin A. Berger-407 • Stuart Z. Schwartz-407 • Milton Fineberg-702 • Sidney F. Kaminsky-800 • Norman I. Kraitsik-800 Department of Iowa & Nebraska Samuel Norman-637 Department of Maryland Edward Caplan-117 • Edward L. Fink-117 • Albert Morrison-117 • Morton Leon Pollack-117 • Leonard 22 The Jewish Veteran Stein-117 • Gerald Eidenberg-167 • Jerome F. Friedlander-167 • Milton Solomon-167 • Sidney Chalew-275 • Irving Baron-567 • Marvin Kahn-567 • Mabel M. Schwartz-567 • Robert P. Rosen-888 • Walter Scherr-888 • Emanuel P. Sweren-888 • Irvin Udoff-888 Department of Massachusetts Donald J. Shapiro-26 • Robert M. Roberts-31 • Milton Blatt-32 • Alan Joseph-32 • Milton Rosenberg-32 • Milton Issenberg-40 • Morris B. Finkelstein-74 • Bernard H. Starr-140 • Abraham Feld-154 • Steven Baker-211 • William I. Hirshom-211 • Carl Pierce-486 • George Freedman-630 • Myron L. Baker-735 • Irene Ruth Rapaport-735 Department of Michigan Louis L. Weinstein-510 • Joe Cohen-529 Department of Minnesota Sam O. Jacobson-162 • Sol Krawetz-162 • Mark Wexler-331 • Samuel S. Mekler-354 • Melvin Siegel354 • Bernard Sweet-354 Department of Missouri & Kansas Irving H. Breslauer-644 • Walter Ehrlich-644 • Myron Newman-644 • Nathan Tabachnick-644 Department of Nevada Robert L. Field-64 • Sidney Rubenstein-65 Department of New Jersey Sidney Carlin-10 • Milton Wolin-34 • Albert Sutow39 • Sherman Zwiebel-47 • Bernard Rosenberg-126 • Irving M. Hecht-178 • Irving Nichols-178 • Ezekiel Barber-273 • Seymour Gast-309 • Walter Ruffer-309 • Philip N. Richman-311 • Julius Weller-316 • M. David Rodetsky-359 • Bernard S. Bleicher-395 • Harold Pollack-395 • Louis Shuff-395 • Abe Lieber-536 • Philip Siragher-536 • Leon S. Rosenblum-651 • Max Spitzer-657 • Eugene Goldfinger-741 • Joel L. Kolmer773 • Irving Bernstein-972 • Arnold P. Gross-972 • Maurice Victor-972 Department of New York Harold Hausner-1 • Martin Weiss-2 • Eli Zagha-2 • Richard Farrago-3 • Julia Jacobs-3 • Allen R. Krokel3 • Lewis L. Levin-6 • W. William Freeman-15 • Karl N. Gerst-25 •Harold M. Senzel-41 • Alvin Wicks-41 • Lawrence Wallerstein-42 • Louis H. Rosenthal-46 • David Greenberg-50 • David Krangle-67 • Israel Heller-69 • Solomon Breit-110 • Norman Kempin-110 People and Places Members of San Antonio, TX, Post 753 spent time at the Audie Murphy VA Hospital on Christmas Day distributing ice cream bars to the patients and personnel in the wards, as they have been doing for the past 6 years. Members of Fred Hecht Post and Auxiliary 425 and the Rockland-Orange District Council shared Chanukah with patients at the Montrose, NY, VA Hospital. The festivities included candle-lighting ceremonies, gefilte fish, latkes and dessert, and the singing of Chanukah songs. Department of NY Commander Mel Saks spoke to third- and fourth-graders at P.S. 396 in the Bronx, NY, at the invitation of Jo-Ann Lifshitz of Bronx Auxiliary 3. Commander Saks spoke to the children about the importance of the veteran to America and answered questions from the interested children. JWV Post 609, Monroe Township, NJ, received thanks from the NJ Health Care System for its donation of stamps to lift the spirits of hospitalized veterans. George Weinstein, National Housing Committee Chairman and National UN Chairman, has been named to be a member of the Planning Committee for the 60th Annual Conference as well as a member of the Networking Committee. JWV National Service Officer Ed Robbins of Cleveland Heights, Ohio, is serving his third term as president of the Memorial Day Association of Cuyahoga County. He also served three terms as president of the Joint Veterans Commission of Cuyahoga County and is a recent inductee into the Ohio Veterans Hall of Fame. Over the past 30 years, Mr. Robins has donated more than 7,000 hours of volunteer work at the Louis Stokes VA Medical Center’s two branches in Brecksville and Cleveland. Each year on Christmas Eve, he has gone to the Brecksville hospital to hold a party for lonely veterans. Taps • Louis Krim-129 • Frank Adams-209 • Abraham Goldberg-209 • Sam Mittel-209 • Isador Stelzer-209 • Harry Galler-218 • Albert Hornblass-218 • Donald Stanton-258 • Aaron Brodsky-389 • Harry Laporte389 • Norman Levine-425 • Moses Blank-500 • Max Marcus-648 • Marvin Wiener-648 • Jerome Oberman666 • Seymour D. Kuhn-720 • Henry Simon-769 • Samuel M. Lieberman -770 Department of Ohio Arthur W. Truxton-44 • Herbert Silver-73 • Jack B. Stearn-73 • Sidney H. Golden-122 • Julian S. Moliff122 • Mortimer F. New-587 • Joseph B. Nebel-712 Department of Pennsylvania Hans Loewenstern-83 • Frank Rosenberg-134 • Jerry Ganz-165 • Dave Mardo-165 • William Nussbaum165 • Abe Plotkin-165 • Louis Slawitsky-165 • Jerry Goldwein-212 • Joseph Zatcoff-212 • Milton Lev215 • Edward Schwartz-215 • Allen I. Waldman-215 • Isadore Weinstock-215 • Jack Ferber-239 • Nathan Meislin-239 • Sol Farbstein-305 • Thomas Freed-305 • Gerald Jacobson-305 • Charles R. Weiner-305 • Sherwin E. Baseman-499 • Ellis Karp-499 • Herman Albert-575 • Samuel Morgenstern-697 • Morton Sandler-697 • William Cohen-791 • Robert 791 • Joseph Lankin-791 • Samuel Sherman-791 Department of Rhode Island Max Miller-23 • Harold Gerstein-533 Department of Southeast (GA-AL-SC-TN) Morris Benator-112 • Morris Krinsky-112 • Herman B. Lieberman-121 • Stanley Hirsch-455 • Abe Epsman608 • Morris Benator-976 • H. G. Gurin-976 • Joseph Saruk-976 Department of Southwest (AZ-NM) Harrison T. Feeley-128 • Samuel Gershon-194 • David Klarfield-619 • Williams N. Stutman-619 • Sam Tracht-619 • Norman Zalasin-619 Department of TX-AR-LA-OK Milton Gordon-256 • Benny Frank-749 • Adrian Kasner-749 • David Korn-749 • Sol Lederman-749 • Malkiel V. Leeds-749 • Irving Nadler-749 Department of Wisconsin David Gutlian-145 • Herschel Rael-145 • Joseph Kahn-487 • Norbert Kahn-487 We regret that Manfred Anson was incorrectly listed in Taps in the last issue. We are delighted that this was an error, and that he can be counted as among the active members of Post 773. We apologize for the error. April 2007 23 JWV In Action During a visit to the Bethesda Naval Hospital, National Commander Norman Rosenshein presented Chaplain Rabbi Daniella Kolodny with a contribution to the Chaplain’s Fund from the JWV. Commander Rosenshein, Coordinating Committee Chariman PNC Bob Zweiman, National Executive Director Herb Rosenbleeth, and Dir. of Operations Larry Richardson were at the hospital to visit the wounded troops and participate in a Purim celebration. Shown at the annual installation of officers for 2007-2008 of the Onandaga Post 131, Syracuse, NY, are (from left), Adjutant Dr. Allen Rosenberg, Commander Bruce Fein, Sr. Vice-Commander Isaac Rossoff, and Jr. ViceCommander Morton Miller. NJ Department Commander Bob Jacobs (at left) presented Fort Dix Commander COL David McNeil with a check for $10,000 for the “Fort Dix OneFund.” The money will be used to augment recreational facilities for returning wounded soldiers. Department of MI Commander Gerald Order is shown congratulating Col. Gary Beebe, Commander of the 927th Air Refueling Wing, Air Force Reserve Command, after a briefing on homeland security and military/strategic issues to which the JWV was invited by the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit. Members of Teaneck, NJ, Post 498 are shown at a recent bingo party at the NJ Veterans Home in Paramus. Standing from left are Carl Hartog, Ralph Blumenthal, Herb Rivkin, Steve Goldrich, Stan Hoffman, Eli Mandel, George Goodman, and Arthur Glickman. Seated in front is grandson Ken Rivkin, who called the numbers. 24 The Jewish Veteran JWV In Action PFC Irving Zuckerman Post 758, Monroe, NY, recently recognized three members who have reached the age of 90. Shown from left are Paul Steiner, PC Sid Tendler, Leonard Zuckerman, and Art Kabinoff. Sr. Vice Cmdr. Paul Licker, Brevard, FL, Post 639, is shown at left presenting 225 phone cards for patients at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, DC, to Chief Chaplain John Kallerson. Kallerson holds a personal letter from Post 639 enclosed with each card. Post Poppy Fund monies supplied the cards with 75 minutes each and also provided another 225 cards for soldiers in Iraq. Post 653 Funds Purim Food Packages for Our Troops On Feb, 4th, the students, parents, and teachers of Congregation Ohav Sholom prepared Purim packages to be sent to troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. JWV Post 652 contributed to funding the “Treats for Troops” Program. Students and parents selected the kosher food items, assembled the packages, and wrote personal holiday cards thanking the troops for their service. Commander David Zwerin said, “We cannot do enough for our troops, and we must let them know that they have not been forgotten.” Iraq veterans, students and teachers of Congregation Ohav Sholom and JWV PC David Zwerin (2nd from right) and Bernard Hoffman (at left) assemble to send Purim packages to troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. April 2007 25 Museum News President’s Message By Jack Berman, NMAJMH President One of the many events of the National Executive Board meeting, the meeting of the NMAJMH Board of Directors, was held at the museum on Friday, Mar. 9th. The “Tree of Honor” was dedicated with an overflowing audience present. Thanks go to Commander Rosenshein and thank you Bernie Epworth for your beautiful design of the arboretum. Auxiliary members PNP Rita Panitz, President Marie Vegotsky, PNP Florence Levine and “Tree of Honor” Chairwoman Iris Goldwasser participated in the ceremonies. The Auxiliary is to be commended for the successful progress for the “greening” of the leaves. Our grateful thanks also go to Henry Epstein for his efforts to grow the tree with a strong trunk in memory of his brother, William Epstein. It has been a magnificent Arbor Day. Thanks to all of you. Keep it green! Our Board of Directors reaffirmed their dedication and commitment to the future of the Museum. Our permanent exhibit, “Past, Present and Future,” celebrating FIFTY years of the Museum is still progressing well. Endowment funds are necessary to insure a long life for our Museum. We want to thank the following posts and individuals for their very special efforts in promoting the future of the Museum: • Sgt. Meyer Lavin, Flatbush Post 160 (Arnold Cohen) • Abe Cohen Lehman Post 50 (Judge Jerome D. Cohen) • Milton L. Finel Post 389 (Marshall Kaplan) Please, if you’re not a member of the Museum, join NOW! Your JWV dues do not pay for the Museum membership! We need your individual membership to support, preserve, and record the patriotic contributions of the men and women of the Jewish faith who served in the Armed Forces of our country. News from the Exhibits’ Chairman By PNP Florence Levine, NMAJMH Past President, Exhibits’ Chairman The loyalty of the members and friends of the Jewish War Veterans, the Ladies Auxiliary and Museum members was in strong evidence at our recent meeting of the Board of Directors of the Museum at the NEC. The audience filled the room to standing room only. You could see the interest was great, and I found it most encouraging. It is definitely a reason to work to see that it continues. The dedication of the Tree of Honor was wonderful. The Tree is even more beautiful than we had hoped for. Most importantly, we kept our promise to all who contributed the names on the leaves, that they would be inscribed and ready for the NEC. I watched as many checked their names and were happy to see them appear. A new addition to our ongoing educational efforts was announced. “The Harvey S. Friedman 26 The Jewish Veteran Annual Memorial Grant” was established thanks to the generosity of Sandi Friedman, wife of the late PNC Harvey S. Friedman. The grant will be awarded each year to a graduate student who is taking courses in museum studies. What a great way to encourage students to have a future working in a museum, in the many aspects of museum functions. We are in the process of planning for the future so that our NMAJMH will be a place to draw visitors as well as research and history buffs. We will work to show that it can educate and stimulate people who come to the museum, as it has for the past 20 or so years. Once again, very sincere thanks to everyone who continues to be loyal and encouraging. Jewish War Heroes Remembered By Pamela Price Names that don’t always make the news for bravery, sacrifice, and heroism do so at the National Museum of American Jewish Military History in Washington, DC. This is where Jewish American servicemen and women are appropriately remembered. Witnessing the role of Jewish men and women is inspiring and sometimes tearful for the viewer. Yet, this museum is an absolute must to visit. You’ll never find the level of remembrance like this anywhere else, and if you have a friend, colleague or loved one who served in the military, a visit here is even more significant. An exhibit that coincided with the debut of the National World War II Memorial dedicated on May 29, 2004, in Washington, D.C., was Reconnaissance and Recollection: Military and Civilian Photographs from World War II. This photographic exhibit featured the images of Sy Weinstein, a New York art teacher, who was drafted into the Army Air Force in 1942, when he was 22 years old. Documenting his travels with his camera, the resulting silver gelatin photographs recall his journey through war torn Europe. He recorded history with sensitivity and his stirring images are not easily forgotten. From mothers and wives searching through the crumbled remains of their homes for cherished family artifacts to the death camps of Dachau, Germany, Sy Weinstein captured the soul of WWII. Mr. Weinstein was on hand to open the exhibit with a brief lecture. But that is just a glimpse of what this remarkable museum is all about. We all know of the bravery of military icons and ensuing films such as Saving Private Ryan. But did you know about Private David Urbansky? Born in Lautenberg, Prussia, in 1843, he was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for “gallantry in action” at Vicksburg, MS, and Shiloh, TN, while serving in the U.S. Army. Then there is Sergeant Leopold Karpeles, born in Prague in 1838, who was cited for rallying retreating troops and inducing them to check the enemy’s advance during the Wilderness Campaign in Virginia in 1864. More recently was Jack Jacobs, a first lieutenant with the U.S. Army, who on March 9, 1968, risked his life beyond the call of duty in Kien Phong Province in the Republic of Viet Nam for saving the lives of one U. S. advisor and 13 allied soldiers. The Hall of Heroes, documenting American Jewish recipients of the Medal of Honor, along with the Distinguished Service Cross, Navy Cross, and the Air Force Cross, describes the fifteen Jewish men who received the Medal of Honor for bravery and courage. Nothing gave me more pride than sharing the exhibit’s 61-page catalog with several of my friends who doubted the role of Jews in the American military. I hastened to add that our son, born in 1969 in Izmir, Turkey (while my husband was a captain in the U.S. Air Force), was named to honor our childhood friend, Captain Arthur Pfefer, who was killed in Viet Nam while serving as an attorney in the Judge Advocate’s office. Recently I was having a conversation with my childhood friend, Loni Schnitzer. We recalled that during our high school days in St. Paul, MN, a proud silver-framed photo of her father, Max, who served in the U.S. Army during WWII, was always proudly displayed on their grand piano in the living room. Her grandfather, Eddie Gottlieb, served his country in WWI, and his photos, too, were icons in that household. Later in life, Loni’s mother married Commander Lewis Freedman. The Commander graduated from the Naval Academy in 1934 and went on to serve on the USS Santee in time to support the North African assault operations on his birthday, November 8, 1942. As he says, “Some birthday present!” His illustrious military career took him to NATO where he served as a liaison officer in Greece, Turkey and other locales in the Mediterranean Theatre. His 24-year military career included a stint in the Pacific on the USS Belleau Wood, which saw action on Tarawa. Both ships he served with in the Pacific received Presidential Unit Citations. My father, Ben Price, a sergeant in the U. S. Army, served his country in the North African campaign, moving on later to Italy. He was honored with the Legion of Merit, which was presented to him in 1944 by General Mark Clark. This is the photo I chose to accompany a Yahrzeit memorial which can be accessed via the National Museum of American Jewish Military History’s Continued on page 29 April 2007 27 Donations • January 5 through March 23, 2007 The National Museum of American Jewish American Military History is pleased to acknowledge the following people for their donations to the Museum. Life Membership William and Jean Soman Clifford Cohen Leon Rothman Stanley B. Rolnik Herbert Hyman George Sadagursky Irwin Beck Marshall Kaplan Raymond Spitzer Aaron D. Bernstein Herman Mittleman Henry and Harriet Epstein Phyllis Brodsky Jules Sachson Irving Shapiro Arnold Cohen Stanley Biesky Leonard Nadel Matthew Levenson Hyman Goldsmith Abraham Sacks Sol Hariton Stanley Levine Sam Solow Abraham Berg Herbert Levy Alvin Nadohl Seymour Bloom Richard Robbins Stanley Bloom $100,000+ Milton L. Finel Post 389 (BF) Sgt. Meyer Flatbush Post 169 (BF) $20,000 - $50,000 Abe Cohen Lehman Memorial Post 50 (BF) $5000-$19,000 Fegelson-Young-Feinberg Post 697 (TJWV+GD). Sandi Friedman (HSFAMG) • William and Jean Soman (T+H+ GD) • Pamela L. Price (GD) • The Foundation for the Jewish Community (on behalf of David J. Kaufman Post 41 (GD) $1000-$4999 Reinhard Kempa (BF) • Gallin-Mazur Post 741 (TJWV) • Irma B. Sitkoff (TJWVA) $100-$999 Jack and Rhoda Berson (T) • Robert K. Franzblau Auxiliary 177 (350J) • Irving and Estelle Mates (GD) • Lt. Robert P. Grover Post 10 (TJWV • GD) • Debra Katz (TD) • Sylvia Korn (YD) • Harvey Weiner (TJWV) • Dr. Raymond V. Biondo (TJWV) • PNC Bernard Becker (TJWV) • B&P Robert A. Carpenter Post 485 (TJWV) • PNC Louis and Gloria Abramson (TJWV) • Henry and Geraldine Epstein (TJWV) • PNC Robert and 28 The Jewish Veteran Geraldine Zweiman (TJWV/TJWVA) • Gerald and PNP Florence Levine (TJWV/TJWVA) • PNC Paul and Elaine Bernstein (TJWV/TJWVA) • Arthur H. Greenwald (TJWV) • Quentin Kopp (T) • Selma Silver (TJWVA) • Gerald and Sara Alperstein (TJWVA) • Linda Epstein (TJWVA) • William Kretchman Auxiliary 730 (TJWVA) • Department of Pennsylvania Auxiliary (TJWVA) • Stanley and Marilyn Levine (TJWVA) • T/SGT/M E. Lebowitz-Reisman Auxiliary 129 (TJWVA) • PNP Sophie Ruderman (TJWVA) • Thelma Mann (TJWVA) • Valley of the Sun Auxiliary 194 (TJWVA) • Snyder-Tokson Auxiliary 459 (TJWVA) • David Blick Auxiliary 63 (TJWVA) • Chester Auxiliary 134 (TJWVA) • Asbury ParkOcean Auxiliary 125 (TJWVA) • PNP Sylvia R. Piltch (TJWVA) • PNP Gloria Teller (TJWVA) • PNP Cecelia Steinberg (TJWVA) • Allan and Caryn Taublib (TJWVA) • JoAnn Lifshitz (TJWVA) • Shirley and Jon Zak (TJWVA) • Wayne Auxiliary 695 (TJWVA) • Helen Lowy (TJWVA) • Leila Bloomfield (TJWVA) • Eugene and PNP Susan Nelson (TJWVA) • PNP Adele Zucker (TJWVA) • Drizin-Weiss Auxiliary 215 (TJWVA) • George and Tagora Weinstein (TJWVA) • Department of Michigan Ladies Auxiliary (TJWVA) • Charles Shapiro-Gen Continued on next page Museum News Continued from page 27 web site. “Benny,” as he was known by his many friends, was in heavy combat in Tunisia, in the Kasserine Pass on April 29, 1943, the day I was born. My oldest surviving aunt (“Aunt Bea”) now 94 years old, reminded me that her nephew (and my first cousin) Stanley Smith, a paratrooper, died in combat in the Ardennes Forest during World War II. Two other first cousins made the military their career; Barry Price served over 30 years in the US Amy, and Paul Fine was career air force. That’s an impressive record to have in one family. My father-in-law, Hy Lechtman, was a private in the U.S. Army, having volunteered for duty. He was in one of the first waves of infantry to land on Utah Beach on D-Day, June 6, 1944. Unfortunately, he was severely wounded in the village of St. Lo, France, several days later. He survived, though he was hospitalized for nearly six months, and was awarded the Purple Heart. The helmet he wore that day of bitter battle way made Continued from previous page Maurice Rose Auxiliary 510 (TJWVA) • Past National President’s Club of JWVA (TJWVA) • Red Mountain Post 128 (TJWV) • PNC Ronald and Leona Ziegler (TJWV) • Gallin-Mazur Post 741 (TJWV) • PNC Warren Dolny (Y) • PNC Monroe E. Mayer (Y) • PNP Ceil Brody (Y) • Michael Baum (Y) • Betty Fromowitz (Y) • Jacob Mirsky (Y) • Maryland Free State Auxiliary 167 (Y) • Barbara Gottlieb (Y) • Maurice Amdur (Y) • T/Sgt/M E. Lebowitz/Reisman Auxiliary 129 (YJWVA) • Tagora Weinstein (YJWVA) • Elaine Bernstein (YJWVA) • JoAnn Lifshitz (YJWVA) KEY 350 JWVA: 350th Exhibit Fund JWVA B - Building Fund E - Endowment Fund GD - General Donation H - Honorial Wall HSFAMG - Harvey S. Friedman Annual Memorial Grant T - Tree of Honor (no organization affiliation) TD - Traveling Display TJWV - Tree of Honor JWV TJWVA - Tree of Honor JWVA Y - Yahrzeit Program its way to our family after his death in 1995. It is now displayed in my husband’s office, along with a poster commemorating D-Day. In 2005, his son, Allen Lechtman and two grandsons, Arthur and Anthony, honored his memory, traveling to France together to join others at a special ceremony organized by the French Government Tourist Office with the participation of the city of St. Lo in Normandy. This emotional event, held on July 18th, was attended by surviving WWII veterans as the townspeople gathered there to honor American soldiers. My son, Anthony (with photography by Arthur), wrote about this extraordinary event in a travel column published in the New York Sun ( I urge all those who read this column to visit the National Museum of American Jewish Military History when visiting Washington, D.C. From the exhibit, Women in the Military: A Jewish Perspective, to the spellbinding exhibit Major General Julius Klein: His Life and Work (covering his career as a teenage spy in Germany during WWI to his retirement from the army as a Major General in 1961), an hour or two at the Museum is an eye opening experience. We spoke with Larry J. Richardson, Director of Operations for the National Museum of American Jewish Military History, and he encourages all those who visit the recently opened U.S. World War II Memorial to add the NMAJMH to their list. At the Museum, research is ongoing, and the admission is free, with contributions accepted. It should be noted that the Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America was formed in 1896, amidst published anti-Semitic charges that Jews did not serve in the Civil War. For those who visit the National World War II Memorial honoring the 16 million who served in the armed forces of the U.S. during World War II, I recommend checking: Pamela Price is a journalist based in Palm Springs, CA. She writes for the International Jewish News and the San Diego Jewish Journal. April 2007 29 New Members The JWV welcomes our newest members to our fold. We hope you will join with us and participate in our many programs and activities. Department at Large Norman Abramowitz-100 • Lamar Golden-100 • Ernest L. Heaton-100 • Joseph Katzman-100 • Lawrence Lowenstein-100 • Bernard Miller-100 • Bernard W. Mogil-100 • Fritz S. Nussbaum-100 • Stephen H. Scolnik-100 • David Siegel-100 • Leonard Weiss-100 • Fred M. Wolff-100 • Elwyn Abrams-179 • Irvin B. Ginsburg-179 • David L. Shapiro-179 • Harris L. Yussman-179 Department of California Gary Milkstein-123 • Irwin M. Weissberg-123 • Marc R. Thurston-138 • Myriam Acevedo-512 • Arnold Adler-595 • Sander Gelfand-595 • Sidney R. Kuperberg-595 • Bernard Schecter-595 • Herbert S. Bloom-603 • Lea B. Finkelstein-603 • Charlotte Gould-603 • Mala Joskowicz-603 • Sam Stone-603 • Anna Webb-603 • Max Webb603 • Earl A. Jacobson-617 • Al B. Levy-680 • David J. Malk-680 • Rudolph Rosenthal-688 • Earl C. Brown-750 • Harry R. Ceasar-750 • Norman Friedman-750 • Philip Hamerslough-750 • Perry P. Liss-750 • Allen A. Magdonvitz-750 • Sol L. Medville-750 • Samuel E. Oberman-750 • Jerry W. Pollack-750 • Leonard M. Stein-750 • Bill Stewart-750 • Donald H. Torodor-750 • Hal Waltzer-750 Department of Connecticut Stanley M. Barall-45 • William T. Sherman-45 Department of Delaware Maurice J. Linett-525 Department of District of Columbia Elbert J. Jarvis-381 Department of Florida Eugene Helfand-202 • Allen H. Peltz-202 • Gerald F. Ginter-266 • Barry H. Schwartz-400 • Bernard Sobelsohn-459 • Cyrus Ettinger-501 • Zeev L. Liebskind-501 • Ivens A. Siegel-501 • Theodore L. Nirenberg-520 • Arthur Kass-613 • Monton Weiner-613 • Debra K. Kaplan-639 • Lawrence A. Loeb-639 • Fred Weinberg-639 • Seymour Cohen698 • Louis Stein-698 • Philip Johnson-780 • Ivan Saiff-819 • Melvin A. Viner-819 30 The Jewish Veteran Department of Illinois Harry W. Altman-89 • Steven Peck-89 • Kevin M. Kastelic-153 Department of Maryland Haevey Schwartz-167 • Daniel Blank-567 • Thomas J. Hughes-692 • Jerome W. Newman692 • Joel B. Rozansky-692 • Albert H. Rubenstein-692 Department of Massachusetts Alfred Forman-211 • Al De Brave-302 • William Geisler-302 Department of Missouri/Kansas Mark Abrams-346 • Eric A. Berla-346 • Donald K. Ross-346 • Lloyd S. Hellman-605 • Gilbert Hoffman-644 Department of New Jersey Sydney Kane-39 • David Chertoff-43 • Hyman Wishnick-125 • Dr. Kurt Bomze-126 • Harry Brooks-126 • Joseph Levin-126 • Howard H. Margulies-126 • Abraham Yesser-126 • Isaac Debotton-146 • Jerry Baratz-178 • Norman G. Robinson-395 • Bertram S. Natelson-569 • Edward M. Lazarus-609 • Nelson Shechtel-609 • Richard M. Gold-689 • Norman S. Brett-741 • Manfred Gruenspecht-741 • Richard D. Berg-972 Department of New York Elliot S. Turgen-1 • Paul Cohen-6 • Lester I. Phillips-6 • Meyer Baker-41 • Frederick H. Coleman-42 • Mark Froimowitz-69 • Allan S. Teitler-80 • Lester A. Feldman-105 • Edward Harris-235 • Arnold D. Cohen-336 • Martin Kupferberg-336 • Neil Weintraub-336 • Seymour Rumelt-415 • Mitchell L. Beller-655 • Stephen B. Sieber-717 • David Malchick-758 Department of Ohio Irvin Chesler-44 • Norman Douglass-44 • Ronald A. Shapiro-44 • Allan E. Blair-122 • Edward Zawatsky-587 Department of Pennsylvania Morris J. Zibelman-98 • Lewis B. Sare-165 • Victor Leibowitz-499 Î Passo v er Holiday Greetings PNC Robert & Jeri Zweiman To Life Cmdr. Allan Abramson & Wife Sheila Happy Days and Good Health PNC Lou & DP Gloria Abramson Best Wishes to All Î Dr. Robert & Mrs. Susan Pickard Larry D. Holman - Post 706, PA Best Wishes to All PNC Sam & PNP Barb Greenberg Happy Holidays to All Natl. Adj. Izzy & PDP Harriet Brosbe Harry & Carmen Reder Best Wishes to All Central District Council, PA. PDC/NEC Murray Runin SR V/C Post 697, PA Stan + Adele Bilker PNC Jerome D. Cohen Harold & Harriet Fisher Beth Kane Wishes You Happy Holidays Enjoy Good Health • Enjoy your meals! Susan Schneider Helsinger President, Dept. of New York, JWVA Stuyvesant - Cooper Post 235, NY PDC Norman & Harriet Schnitzer The Perlman - Matlin Post 800 Best Wishes & Happy New Year Fegelson Young Feinberg Post 697 Levittown, PA Jerry & Sara Alperstein New Members Join your Comrades and send a holiday greeting to family and friends in the next issue of the Jewish Veteran! Department of Rhode Island Robert M. Diner-23 • Mary A. Ravin-23 • Seymour B. Dill-406 Department of Southeast (GA,AL,SC,TN) Morris J. Berman-976 • Fred M. Ross-976 Department of Southwest (AZ-NM) Richard Paul Gaffen-128 • Mathew Greensweig194 • Jack Mandlowitz-194 • Sidney Green-375 • Shirley E. Samuels-619 Department of TX-AR-LA-OK Martin A. Golman-256 • Fred J. Yondorf-574 • Angelica M. Lomas-753 • Al D. Kaplan-755 • Refael Bar-757 • Aaron Bar-Adon-757 • Sanford L. Bauman-757 • Lowell M. Goldman-757 • Carl Goldschlager-757 • Ralph Loeb, Jr.-757 • Fred G. Miller-757 • Derald S. Rosen-757 • For only $30.00 per 1 line of names, or $50.00 for 2 lines, you can purchase a one year subscribtion which includes greetings for 5 holidays. Rosh Hashanah • Yom Kippur • Chanukah • Purim • Passover Names and greetings can be submitted anytime. Please fill out the form and send it along with your payment to : Jewish War Veterans 1811 R Street, NW Washington, DC 20009 Name Address Amount of payment Check Visa Card # MC Credit Card Amex exp 1st line 2nd line (no more than 30 characters per line) April 2007 31 Jewish War Veterans 112th Annual National Convention August 19-26, 2007 Charleston, South Carolina