COLLECTION > 2014 Taste for design DK / GB PHILOSOPHY > page 6 > LIVING > page 8 > 13 WINE > page 16 > 21 BAR > page 24 > 29 TABLE > page 32 > 39 KITCHEN > page 42 > 65 OVERVIEW > page 68 > 73 7 SMAG FOR DESIGN Filosofien bag Nuance ligger i selve navnet. De små gennemtænkte detaljer kombineret med funktionelt, skandinavisk design er den nuance, som gør hele forskellen. Nuance giver dig på en gang et elegant og æstetisk design og et innovativt og praktisk produkt. Med den majestætiske og flotte svane som en del af logoet, ønsker Nuance at understrege og sætte fokus på det skandinaviske islæt i både designet og den løbende udvikling af hele Nuance serien. Og på samme måde som svanen, er Nuance også både en fryd for øjet og et synonym for gennemtænkt ’funktionalitet.’ Nuance er derfor lige velegnet som forkælelse til dig selv, og som en gave modtageren bliver glad for. TASTE FOR DESIGN The philosophy behind Nuance lies in the name itself. The small, carefully designed details, combined with functional Scandinavian design, is the nuance that makes the entire difference. Nuance gives you an elegant and aesthetic design and an innovative and practical product rolled into one. With the majestic and beautiful swan as part of its logo, Nuance wishes to emphasise and place the focus on the Scandinavian element in both the design and the ongoing development of the entire Nuance range. In the same way as the swan, Nuance is also both a delight to the eye and a synonym for carefully considered ‘functionality’. Nuance is therefore perfect both as a treat to spoil yourself with and as a gift for a lucky recipient. PHILOSOPHY > 7 > Baldur Design by Bo Junker # 462881/83/85 Nuance Baldur Multistage, diameter 6 x højde 6 cm - i ask, eg eller valnød. / Nuance Baldur Multi candle sticks, diameter 6 x height 6 cm - available in ash, oak or walnut. # 462882/84/86 Nuance Baldur Multistage, diameter 9 x højde 9 cm - i ask, eg eller valnød. / Nuance Baldur Multi candle sticks, diameter 9 x height 9 cm - available in ash, oak or walnut. Design by Marcus Vagnby # 461790 Nuance Curve Lysestage, rustfrit stål, 24 cm. / Nuance Curve Candle holders, stainless steel 24 cm. # 461770 Nuance Curve Lysestage, rustfrit stål 20 cm, 2 stk. / Nuance Curve Candle holders, stainless steel 20 cm, set of two. # 461780 Nuance Curve Lysestage, rustfrit stål 16 cm, 2 stk. / Nuance Curve Candle holders, stainless steel 16 cm, set of two. # 461810 Nuance Curve Lyse-stage, rustfrit stål 16, 20 og 24 cm, 3 stk. i sæt. / Nuance Curve Candle holders, stainless steel 16, 20 and 24 cm, set of three. # 461580 Nuance Lightstones, rustfrit stål, 2 stk / Nuance Lightstones, stainless steel, set of two. Design by > Poul Jepsen Taste for raw expression # 461591/92/93 Nuance Fyrfadsstage i sort, grå eller lys ’sten’. / Nuance Tea light holders available in black, grey or pale ‘stone’. # 462751/52 Nuance Lighter, 23 x 2 cm, zinc alloy satin eller matsort. Design Mads Odgård. / Nuance Lighter, 23 x 2 cm, available in zinc alloy satin or matt black. Design Mads Odgård LIVING > 11 Design by > Bennie Pedersen # 461370 Nuance Nøddeknækker, diameter 8 x højde 7 cm, sort/rustfrit stål. Nuance Nutcracker, diameter 8 x height 7 cm, black/stainless steel. # 461620 Nuance The Fruiture fad, 40 x 28 cm, sort gummicoating. Design Marcus Vagnby. Nuance The Fruiture dish, 40 x 28 cm, black rubber-coated finish. Design Marcus Vagnby. # 461680 Nuance Dugklemmer, 4 stk. Design Marcus Vagnby. # 461670 Nuance photoclips. Robuste clips til fx fotos eller menukort. 2 stk. Design Marcus Vagnby. Nuance Tablecloth clips, set of four. Design Marcus Vagnby. Photo clips. Strong clips, great for photos or menus. Set of two. Design Marcus Vagnby. # 462635 Nuance Dugmagneter, blankt, rustfrit stål, 4 stk. Design Marcus Vagnby. # 462828 Nuance Isskraber, 17 x 10 cm, blød gummicoating. Design Poul Jepsen. Nuance Tablecloth magnets, polished, stainless steel, set of four. Design Marcus Vagnby. Nuance Ice scraper, 17 x 10 cm, soft rubber-coated finish. Design Poul Jepsen. LIVING > 13 Taste for aesthetics Designer > “ N å r f u n k t i o n a l i t e t o g æ s t e t i k fo r e n e s o m hy g ge l i g t , e r o p l e ve l s e n i s i g s e lv e n ekstra dimension” Marcus Vagnby (f. 1981) er 3. generation i en meget anerkendt designfamilie, og har derfor allerede tidligt ladet sig inspirere af både sin fars og farfars skitser og kunstværker. Som barn udlevede han mange af sine kreative ideer med Lego klodser eller tegnede på undersiden af barndomshjemmets borde. Marcus Vagnby har siden uddannet sig som industriel designer og har studeret på Danmarks Designskole samt Kunstakademiets arkitektskole. “When functionality and aesthetics are c o m b i n e d c a r e f u l ly, t h e e x p e r i e n c e i s i n itself an extra dimension” Marcus Vagnby (born 1981) is the third generation in a renowned design family and was therefore inspired at an early age by both his father’s and his grandfather’s sketches and artworks. As a child, he lived out many of his creative ideas with Lego blocks or drew on the underside of the tables in his childhood home. Marcus Vagnby has since trained as an industrial designer and studied at the Danish Design School and the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts’ School of Architecture. Marcus Vagnby # 462750 Nuance Wine Finer Deluxe, stål, kombineret prop og skænkeprop som både dekanterer, ilter og filtrerer vinen. Nuance Wine Finer Deluxe, steel, multi-function stopper with an integrated pourer stopper, which decants, aerates and filters wine as you pour. # 462180 Nuance Wine Finer, sort skænkeprop, der både dekanterer, ilter og filtrerer vinen. Nuance Wine Finer, black pourer stopper, which decants, aerates and filters wine as you pour. # 462220 Nuance Wine Finer Flat Top, sort skænketud, der samtidig dekanterer, ilter og filtrerer vinen. # 462250 Nuance Wine Finer II, sort skænkeprop, der dekanterer, ilter og filtrerer vinen. Nuance Wine Finer Flat Top black pourer stopper, which decants, aerates and filters wine as you pour. Nuance Wine Finer II, black pourer stopper, which decants, aerates and filters wine as you pour. WINE > 16 Design by > Marcus Vagnby # 462270 Nuance Vintermometer, der gør det let at sikre den korrekte temperatur. Nuance Wine thermometer which makes it easy to ensure the correct temperature. Design by > Marcus Vagnby # 462300 Nuance Digital Vintermometer, diameter 4 cm, sort/stål til at hænge på vinflasken. # 462240 Nuance Vinkøler, sort med termofunktion og flot eksponering af vinen Nuance Digital Wine thermometer, diameter 4 cm, in black/steel, for hanging over the neck of the wine bottle. Nuance Wine cooler, black with temperature control and elegant wine display. WINE > 18 # 462310 Nuance Vinskænker, stål, til flasker med både prop eller skruelåg. Dækker evt. gevind. # 462323 Nuance Vakuumprop 8 cm. Effektiv hvis du ønsker at gemme en vinrest i et par dage. Nuance Wine pourer, in steel, fits cork and screwtop bottles. Also covers the thread on the neck of the bottle. Nuance Vacuum stopper, 8 cm. Efficient vacuum stopper. Perfect if you wish to save wine for a few days. # 462280 Nuance Vintragt, diameter 7 x højde 16 cm, sort, med indbygget si, samt holder med gummicoating. # 462260 Nuance Vinåbner, stål, gør det let af åbne skruelåg. Nuance Wine funnel, diameter 7 x height 16 cm, black with integrated sieve and rubber-coated holder. Nuance Wine bottle opener, steel, makes it easy to open screw top bottles. WINE > 19 Design by > Mads Odgård # 462200 Nuance Tjenerværktøj, 11 cm, sort/stål med indbygget folieskærer. Design Marcus Vagnby. Nuance Water’s friend, 11 cm, black/stainless steel with integrated foil cutter. Design Marcus Vagnby. # 462322 Nuance Vingeproptrækker inkl. holder/folieskærer. Design Marcus Vagnby. Nuance Wing corkscrew including holder/foil cutter. Design Marcus Vagnby # 462321 Nuance Proptrækker med håndtag, der let drejer proptrækkeren ned, når det sænkes. Design Mads Odgård. Nuance Corkscrew with handle, the corkscrew easily screws into the cork when the handle is lowered. Design Mads Odgård. WINE > 21 SMAG FOR VIN & BAR Nuance er altid været et af de førende brands på vin- og bartilbehør. En lang række af f u n k t i o n e l l e o g s m u k t d e s i g n e d e g a d g et s v i s e r b re d d e n i d et sto re sortiment. Fx den meget eksklusive Nuance Wine Finer Deluxe, der både dekanterer, ilter og filtrerer vinen, mens den hældes i glasset. Det sikrer en fuldendt vinoplevelse, hvor alle vinens smags- og duftnuancer træder frem. TASTE FOR WINE & BAR Nuance has always been a leading brand in wine and bar accessories. A large number of functional and beautifully designed gadgets show off the breadth of the range. For example, the very exclusive Nuance Wine Finer Deluxe, which decants, aerates and filters the wine whilst it is being poured into the glass. This ensures the perfect wine experience, in which every nuance of the taste and aroma of the wine stands out. Design by > Vagnby, Mencke, Schelde & Borg # 461830/461950 Nuance Cocktail Shaker, 0,5 liter med låg og indbygget målebæger. Fås også med sort gummicoating. Nuance Cocktail Shaker, 0.5 litre with lid and integrated measuring cup. Also available in black rubbercoated finish. BAR > 25 > BAR Design by Vagnby, Mencke, Schelde & Borg 1 2 4 3 5 1 # 461820 Nuance Enhåndsbetjent isspand med tang, stål med ABS indsats, som sikrer høj termoeffekt. / Nuance One-handed ice bucket with tongs, steel with ABS insert ensuring high thermal effect. 2 # 461900 Nuance Drinksstiks, 23 cm, stål, 4 stk. / Nuance Drink stirrers, steel, set of four. 3 # 461860 Nuance Citruspresser, sort, der kan bruges på begge sider til forskellige størrelser frugter. / Nuance Citrus press, black, two-sided for use with both small and large fruits. 4 # 461920 Nuance Støder, 18 cm, sort/stål. / Nuance Pestle, 18 cm, black/steel. 5 # 461850 Nuance Målebæger, 2 cl, stål og i bredde der passer de fleste glas. / Nuance Measuring cup, 2 cl, steel with a width suitable for most glasses. BAR > 26 7 > BAR Design by Vagnby, Mencke, 6 Schelde & Borg 8 9 6 # 461910 Nuance Julienne-skræller, 10 cm, stål. / Nuance Julienne peeler, 10 cm, steel. 7 # 461840 Nuance Flaskeåbner, stål. / Nuance Bottle opener, steel. 8 # 461890 Nuance Oliven- eller frugtstiks, 12 cm, stål, 4 stk. / Nuance Olive or fruit sticks, 12 cm, steel, set of four. 9 # 461870 Nuance Barsæt, sort/stål, 4 dele. / Nuance Bar accessory set, black/steel, four-piece. 10 # 461880 Nuance Glasbrikker, diameter 12 cm, stål, 4 stk. / Nuance Coasters, diameter 12 cm, steel, set of four. BAR > 27 10 Design by > Marcus Vagnby # 461831 Nuance Lommelærke, 16 cl, rustfrit stål med holder til låg. / Nuance Hip flask, 16 cl, stainless steel with lid holder. # 461832 Nuance Krus til lommelærke, 2 cl, rustfrit sort/stål, 4 stk. / Nuance Cup for hip flask, 2 cl, stainless steel/black, set of four. BAR > 29 Taste for minimalism Designer “Intuition is the source. The > source fe e d s i d e a s . I d e a s ge n e r a t e t h e d e s i g n . ” Mads Odgård (f. 1960) har siden 1988 været en af Danmarks førende designere, og står bag en lang række succesfulde og prisbelønnede designs inden for bl.a. køkkenudstyr, gaver og borddækning. Han arbejder ud fra en søgen mod produktets funktionelle kerne, således at designet altid afspejler en ren og logisk identitet. Mads Odgård har studeret på både The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Danmarks Designskole og Art Center Europa i Schweiz. “Intuition is the source. The source fe e d s i d e a s . I d e a s ge n e r a t e t h e d e s i g n . ” Since 1988, Mads Odgård (born 1960) has been one of Denmark’s leading designers and is behind many successful and awardwinning designs within kitchen equipment, gifts and table setting. His approach is to start by searching for the functional core of a product, so that the design always reflects a pure and logical identity. Mads Odgård has studied at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, the Danish Design School and the Art Center Europe in Switzerland. Mads Odgård Design by > Mads Odgård # 462874 Nuance Salatbestik, 30 x 8 cm, udført i akaciatræ. Nuance Salad servers, 30 x 8 cm, made from acacia. TABLE > 32 # 462877 Nuance Karaffel 1 ltr., diameter 10 x højde 23 cm, i glas og med akaciatrælåg forsynet med silikonepakning. Nuance Carafe 1 litre, diameter 10 x height 23 cm, in glass with lid made from acacia supplied with rubber seals. TABLE > 33 Design by > Vagnby & Ejje # 462600 Nuance Tree salt- og peberkværn, 25 cm, med keramiske kværne og gummicoating. Nuance Tree salt and pepper mill, 25 cm, with ceramic grinders and rubber-coated finish. # 462599/98 Nuance Tree Trunks kværnsæt, sort, 20 cm, med keramiske kværne og gummicoating. Fåes også i lime. Nuance Tree Trunks mill set, black, 20 cm, with ceramic grinders and rubber-coated finish. / Also available in lime green TABLE > 35 # 463010 Nuance Sand Kop m/underkop, 20 cl, 4 stk. Nuance Sand Cup and saucer, 20 cl, set of four. # 463012 Nuance Sand Desserttallerken, diameter 21 cm, 4 stk. / Nuance Sand Dessert plate, diameter 21 cm, set of four. # 463015 Nuance Sand Middagstallerken, diameter 27 cm, 4 stk. / Nuance Sand Dinner plate, diameter 27 cm, set of four. # 463017 Nuance Sand Dyb tallerken, diameter 24 cm, 4 stk. / Nuance Sand Deep plate, diameter 24 cm, set of four. TABLE > 36 # 463011 Nuance Strand Kop m/underkop, 20 cl, 4 stk. Nuance Strand Cup and saucer, 20 cl, set of four. # 463014 Nuance Strand Krus, 30 cl, 4 stk. Nuance Strand Mug, 30 cl, set of four. # 463013 Nuance Strand Desserttallerken, diameter 21 cm, 4 stk. / Nuance Strand Dessert plate, diameter 21 cm, set of four. # 463016 Nuance Strand Middagstallerken, diameter 27 cm, 4 stk. / Nuance Strand Dinner plate, diameter 27 cm, set of four. # 463018 Nuance Strand Dyb tallerken, diameter 24 cm, 4 stk. / Nuance Strand Deep plate, diameter 24 cm, set of four. TABLE > 37 # 465350 Nuance NOMI Bestik, 16 dele, blankt, højglanspoleret, rustfrit 18/8 stål. / Nuance NOMI Cutlery, 16-piece, glossy, polished 18/8 stainless steel. # 465352 Nuance NOMI Bestik 16 dele, satinmat, rustfrit 18/8 stål. / Nuance NOMI Cutlery, 16-piece, satin matt 18/8 stainless steel. TABLE > 38 Design by > Marcus Vagnby SMAG FOR FUNKTIONALITET Nuance har med et unikt design forenet det elegante med det funktionelle i hverdagens køkkengrej. Det gælder fx for den praktiske osteboks, der har indbygget osteskærer, og samtidig er beregnet til opbevaring i køleskabet. Eller de gennemtænkte elegante gryder og pander i 3-ply konstruktion, som sikrer en helt jævn varmefordeling - også op ad siderne - uanset om det er på gas, keramisk eller induktion. TASTE FOR FUNCTIONALITY With its unique design, Nuance has combined elegance and functionality in everyday kitchen implements. The practical cheese box, for example, with its integrated cheese cutter which is also intended for refrigerator storage. Or the carefully considered elegant pots and pans made from 3-ply material, which ensure even heat distribution - including on the sides - suitable for gas, ceramic and induction hobs. Design by > Marcus Vagnby # 462771/72 Nuance Kombineret termo- og stempelkande, 1 liter, stål. Fås også som termokande uden stempelfunktionen. / Nuance Dual-purpose vacuum pot and cafetière, 1 litre, steel. Also available as a vacuum pot without the cafetière function. KITCHEN > 43 Taste for BBQ Design by > Marcus Vagnby # 461495 Nuance Skærebrætsæt 23 x 27 x 0,6 cm i hvid, limegrøn og sort med bambusholder. Nuance Chopping board set 23 x 27 x 0.6 cm in white, lime green and black supplied with bamboo holder. KITCHEN > 44 # 461351 Nuance Marinadesæt, diameter 8 cm, porcelæn og silikonelåg med grillpensel. Design Marcus Vagnby. Nuance Marinade set, diameter 8 cm, made from porcelain and supplied with a silicone lid and barbecue brush. Design Marcus Vagnby. # 462677 Nuance BBQ pensel, 15 cm, stål med bløde silikonebørster. Design Marcus Vagnby. # 462676 Nuance Gaffel og kombineret palet og tang, stål. Design Vagnby & Mencke. Nuance BBQ brush, 15 cm, steel with soft silicone bristles. Design Marcus Vagnby. Nuance Fork and combined spatula and tongs, steel. Design Vagnby & Mencke. KITCHEN > 45 Design by > Vagnby & Mencke # 462870 Nuance Salatskål i matpoleret, diameter 23 cm, rustfrit stål. Nuance Salad bowl, 23 cm, made from matt polished stainless steel. KITCHEN > 46 1 2 3 4 1 # 461660 Nuance Salattang, 32 cm, stål. / Nuance Salad tongs, 32 cm, steel. Design Vagnby & Mencke. 2 # 461111 Nuance Multigafler, 9 cm, stål, 4 stk. / Nuance Multiforks, 9 cm, steel, set of four. Design Marcus Vagnby. 3 # 461100 Nuance Multigafler, 7 cm, stål, 4 stk. / Nuance Multiforks, 7 cm, steel, set of four. Design Marcus Vagnby. 4 # 461080 Nuance Gourmethammer og skaldyrsgafler, 4 stk. / Nuance Gourmet hammer and shellfish forks, set of four. Design Marcus Vagnby. KITCHEN > 47 Design by > Marcus Vagnby # 461410 Nuance Olie-/eddiketud, 9 cm, sort/stål, drypfri. Nuance Oil/vinegar pourer, 9 cm, black/steel, drip-free. KITCHEN > 49 3 1 2 4 Design by Marcus Vagnby 5 6 7 8 1 # 461150 Nuance Pastagaffel, 29 cm, sort/stål. / Nuance Pasta server, 29 cm, black/steel. 2 # 461260 Nuance Palet, bred, 33 cm, sort/stål. / Nuance Spatula, wide, 33 cm, black/steel. 3 # 461130 Nuance Pizzahjul, diameter 9 cm, stål. / Nuance Pizza cutter, diameter 9 cm, steel. 4 # 461160 Nuance Palet, smal, 35 cm, sort/stål. / Nuance Spatula, narrow, 35 cm, black/steel. 5 # 461210 Nuance Piskeris, 29 cm, sort/stål. / Nuance Whisk, 29 cm, black/steel. 6 # 462675 Nuance Madpincet, 29 cm, til både køkkenet og grillen. / Nuance Pincers, 29 cm, for the kitchen and the barbecue. 7 # 461350 Nuance Grill- og Køkkenpensel, 20 cm, sort/stål. / Nuance Barbecue and kitchen brush, 20 cm, black/steel. 8 # 461500 Nuance Grill- og Køkkenpensel, 25 cm, sort/stål. / Nuance Barbecue and kitchen brush, 25 cm, black/steel. KITCHEN > 50 Design by > Poul Jepsen # 461281 Nuance Køkkenredskabsholder, oval, diameter 10 cm x 18 cm, sort/stål med gummicoating. Nuance Utensil holder, oval, diameter 10 cm x 18 cm, black/steel with rubber-coated finish. KITCHEN > 51 Taste for Scandinavian designers (f. 1977) er en tysk-dansk designer, der arbejder med funktionalistisk og nytænkende design, lige fra overordnede koncepter og idéskitser til prototyper. Karinas passion ligger i at skabe formfuldendte designs med simple funktioner der skaber glæde. Hun har udannet sig som industriel designer på Danmarks Designskole fra 2000-2006. (born 1977) is a German-Danish designer who works with functionalistic and innovative designs, right from overarching concepts and conceptual sketches to prototypes. Karina’s passion lies in creating elegant designs with simple functions which create joy. She trained as an industrial designer at the Danish Design School from 2000 - 2006. Designer < Karina Mencke < Poul Jepsen (f. 1957) er autodidakt designer og produktudvikler, der har arbejdet kreativt med udvikling og design siden 80’erne. Han har et stort flair for nye materialer, farver og former, og hans meget store erfaring samt kendskab til produktionsteknik, sikrer et meget funktionelt design. Poul Jepsen (born 1957) is a self-taught designer and product developer who has worked creatively in development and design since the 1980s. He has a strong flair for new materials, colours and shapes, and his long experience and knowledge of different production techniques ensure supremely functional design. Designer (f. 1978) er oprindeligt uddannet snedker, og er nærmest født med en blyant i hånden. Siden han var ganske lille, har han tegnet, skabt og designet, og har allerede sat stor præg på mange danske projekter og indretninger. Bo Junker har bl.a. også skabt skandinavisk design indenfor køkkener, og han vandt i 2006 Nordic Kitchen Design Challenge. (born 1978) was practically born with a pencil in his hand, and originally trained as a carpenter. He has been drawing, creating and designing since he was young and has already added his touch to numerous Danish projects and interior designs. Bo Junker has also created Scandinavian design for kitchens and won the Nordic Kitchen Design Challenge in 2006. Bo Junker > Designer (f. 1965) er uddannet maskiningeniør, og arbejder med baggrund i sin erhvervserfaring med innovativt, industrielt design. Det sker i en proces, hvor både produktion, kvalitet og design tilgodeses bedst muligt. Hans vision er at frembringe produkter, som gør livet nemmere. (born 1965) is a machine engineer by trade and draws on his experience with innovative, industrial design. The process ensures that production, quality and design all contribute to achieving his vision of products that make life easier Bennie Pedersen > Designer (f. 1987) er en svenskfødt designer, der er inspireret af at arbejde m e d e n k l e o g m i n i m a l i s t i s ke fo r m e r ko m b i n e ret m e d k l a re funktionelle egenskaber. Ejje Lundgren har bl.a. studeret arkitektur på The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts i København. (born 1987) is a Swedish-born designer who is inspired by working with simple and minimalist forms combined with clear functional properties. Ejje Lundgren has studied architecture at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen, among other places. Ejje Lundgren > Designer Design by > Marcus Vagnby # 461520 Nuance Osteskærer/-boks, 13 x 13 x 15 cm, sort/stål. / Nuance Cheese cutter/box, 13 x 13 x 15 cm, black/steel. # 461522/23 Nuance Osteskærer/-boks, 15 x 9 x 12 cm, hvid. Fås også i sort. / Nuance Cheese cutter/box, 15 x 9 x 12 cm, white. Also available in black. KITCHEN > 55 1 2 1 # 462875 Nuance Palet, 30 x 8 cm, udført i akaciatræ. Nuance Spatula, 30 x 8 cm, made from acacia. 2 # 462876 Nuance Ske, 30 x 8 cm, udført i akaciatræ. Nuance Spoon, 30 x 8 cm, made from acacia. Design by > Mads Odgård # 462871 Nuance Smørebræt, 22 x 16 x 1,5 cm, udført i stavlimet akaciatræ. Nuance Butterboard, 22 x 16 x 1.5 cm, made from laminated acacia. # 462872 Nuance Skærebræt, 32 x 22 x 1,5 cm, udført i stavlimet akaciatræ. Nuance Cutting board, 32 x 22 x 1.5 cm, made from laminated acacia. # 462873 Nuance Trancherbræt, 44 x 32 x 2,5 cm, udført i stavlimet akaciatræ. Nuance Carving board, 44 x 32 x 2.5 cm, made from laminated acacia. KITCHEN > 56 # 462852 Nuance Bordrist 25 x 15 x 2 cm udført i kork og krom. / Nuance Trivet 25 x 15 x 2 cm made from cork and chrome. # 462851 Nuance Bordrist 50 x 15 x 2 cm udført i kork og krom. / Nuance Trivet 50 x 15 x 2 cm made from cork and chrome. Design by > Poul Jepsen # 462855/59 Nuance Bordskåner, 15 x 15 x 2 cm, kork med sort hank i gummicoating. Fås også med grå hank. Nuance Table mat, 15 x 15 x 2 cm, cork with black handle in a rubber-coated finish. Also available with a grey handle. # 462854/58 Nuance Bordskåner, 30 x 15 x 2 cm, kork med sort hank i gummicoating. Fås også med grå hank. Nuance Table mat, 30 x 15 x 2 cm, cork with black handle in a rubber-coated finish. Also available with a grey handle. KITCHEN > 57 Design by > Marcus Vagnby # 461360 Nuance Kagerulle, bøgetræ, diameter 5 cm x længde 47 cm. / Nuance Rolling pin, beech, diameter 5 cm x length 47 cm. # 461390 Nuance Morter, bøgetræ med støder i rustfrit stål. / Nuance Mortar, beech with stainless steel supports. # 461310 Nuance Bordskåner, sort/stål med silikone. Sæt med 2 stk. Design Marcus Vagnby. Nuance Table mat, black/steel with silicone. Set of two. Design Marcus Vagnby. # 462840 Nuance Sæbedispenser, sort, til både opvaskemiddel og håndsæbe. Design Poul Jepsen. Nuance Soap dispenser, black, for washing-up liquid and hand soap. Design Poul Jepsen. 462680/462700 Nuance Opvaskesæt, sort med sæbedispenser og opvaskebørste. Fås også i hvid. Design Poul Jepsen. # 461710/461400 Nuance Køkkenrulleholder, 33 cm, matsort. Fås også i mat satinkrom. Nuance Kitchen roll holder, 33 cm, matt black finish. Also available in a matt satin chrome finish. Nuance Washing-up set, black, with soap dispenser and washing-up brush. Also available in white. Design Poul Jepsen. KITCHEN > 60 # 462845 Nuance Minutur, rustfrit stål med gummicoating. Design Poul Jepsen. Nuance Kitchen timer, stainless steel with rubbercoated finish. Design Poul Jepsen. # 462825/462527 Nuance Salt- og peber strøsæt, sort rubbercoatning og rustfrit, børstet stål. Fåes også i grå. Design Poul Jepsen. Nuance Salt and Pepper shaker set, black rubber coating and brushed stainless steel. Also available in grey. Design Poul Jepsen. # 462890 Nuance Magnetbordskånere, silikone med magnet, så de kan hænge under bunden på gryden. Design Poul Jepsen. # 462847 Nuance køkkenrulleholder, sort og stål. Design Poul Jepsen. Nuance Kitchen Paper Towel Holder, black and steel. Design Poul Jepsen. Nuance Magnetic table mats, silicone with magnets so that they can hang to the base of pots and pans. Design Poul Jepsen. KITCHEN > 61 GOMA gryde-/pandeserie i højglanspoleret stål. Udført i en 3-PLY konstruktion med helt jævn varmefordeling. Velegnet til induktion. GOMA pot/saucepan range in glossy, polished steel. Made from 3-ply material ensuring completely even heat distribution. Suitable for induction hobs. # 200215 Nuance GOMA Kasserolle m/ låg, 1,6 liter. / Nuance GOMA Saucepan with lid, 1.6 litre. # 200216 Nuance GOMA Gryde m/ låg 2,3 liter. / Nuance GOMA Pot with lid 2.3 litre. # 200217 Nuance GOMA Gryde m/ låg 3,0 liter. / Nuance GOMA Pot with lid 3.0 litre. # 200218 Nuance GOMA Gryde m/ låg 4,5 liter. / Nuance GOMA Pot with lid 4.5 litre. # # # # 200421 200225 200226 200420 Nuance Nuance Nuance Nuance GOMA GOMA GOMA GOMA Stegepande, diameter 20 cm. / Nuance GOMA Frying pan, diameter 20 cm. Stegepande, diameter 24 cm. / Nuance GOMA Frying pan, diameter 24 cm. Stegepande, diameter 28 cm. / Nuance GOMA Frying pan, diameter 28 cm. Sauterpande, diameter 28 cm. / Nuance GOMA Sauté pan, diameter 28 cm. KITCHEN > 62 Design by > Mads Odgård GOMA pandeserie i højglanspoleret stål. Indvendigt forsynet med en PFOA-fri non-stickbelægning. Velegnet til induktion. GOMA saucepan range in glossy, polished steel. The interior is made from PFOA-free non-stick coating. Suitable for induction hobs. # 200227 Nuance GOMA Stegepande, diameter 23 cm. / Nuance GOMA Frying pan, diameter 23 cm. # 200228 Nuance GOMA Stegepande, diameter 28 cm. / Nuance GOMA Frying pan, diameter 28 cm. KITCHEN > 64 GOMA gryde-/pandeserie i højglanspoleret stål. Udført i en 3-PLY konstruktion med helt jævn varmefordeling. Forsynet indvendigt med en stærk, keramisk belægning, der tåler meget høje varmegrader. Velegnet til induktion. GOMA pot/saucepan series in glossy, polished steel. Made from 3-ply material ensuring completely even heat distribution. The interior is made from a strong, ceramic coating which can withstand very high temperatures. Suitable for induction hobs. # 200423 Nuance GOMA Kasserolle 1,6 liter. Nuance GOMA Saucepan 1.6 litre. # 200426 Nuance GOMA Stegepande, diameter 20 cm. Nuance GOMA Frying pan, diameter 20 cm. # 200424 Nuance GOMA Stegepande, diameter 24 cm. Nuance GOMA Frying pan, diameter 24 cm. # 200425 Nuance GOMA Stegepande, diameter 28 cm. Nuance GOMA Frying pan, diameter 28 cm. # 200427 Nuance GOMA Sauterpande, diameter 28 cm. Nuance GOMA Sauté pan, diameter 28 cm. KITCHEN > 65 Taste for overview 462881 Ash 6x6 cm 462882 Ash 9x9 cm 462883 Oak 6x6cm 462884 Oak 9x9 cm 462885 Walnut 6x6cm Multi candle sticks Multi candle sticks Multi candle sticks Multi candle sticks Multi candle sticks 462886 Walnut 9x9cm 461580 Multi candle sticks Lightstones 461790 461770 461780 461810 Curve 24 cm Curve 2x20 cm Curve 2x16 cm Curve set of 3 461591 461592 461593 462751 Lighter 462752 Lighter Tea light holders Tea light holders Tea light holders 461620 461680 461670 The Fruiture dish Tablecloth clips Photo clips 461370 Nutcracker 462635 462650 Tablecloth magnets Tablecloth magnets OVERVIEW > 68 462828 Ice scraper 462750 462180 462220 Wine Finer Deluxe Wine Finer Wine Finer Flat Top Wine Finer II Wine thermometer 462300 Digital Wine thermometer 462882 462310 462323 462280 Wine cooler Wine pourer Vacuum stopper Wine funnel 462260 Digital Wine bottle opener 462200 462321 Corkscrew 462322 461860 Water’s friend Wing corkscrew Citrus press 461830 461950 Cocktail Shaker 461820 Ice bucket with tongs 461850 Cocktail Shaker 461920 Pestle 461870 461910 461900 Bar accessory set Julienne peeler Drink stirrers 461890 Olive or fruit sticks 461831 Hip flask 461832 461880 Coasters 461840 Bottle opener 462250 462270 Measuring cup Cup for hip flask OVERVIEW > 69 462874 462877 Carafe Salad servers 462600 Tree salt and pepper mill 462599 462598 Tree Trunks mill Tree Trunks mill 463010 Sand Cup and saucer 463012 Sand Dessert plate 463015 Sand Dinner plate 463017 Sand Deep plate 463011 Strand Cup and saucer 463014 Strand Mug 463013 Strand Dessert plate 463016 Strand Dinner plate 465350 465352 NOMI Cutlery NOMI Cutlery 461495 461351 462676 462677 Chopping board Marinade set Fork and combined spatula and tongs BBQ brush 463018 Strand Deep plate 462771 Dual-pur462771 Dualpose vacuum pot and purpose vacuum pot cafetière OVERVIEW > 70 462870 Salad bowl 461660 Salad tongs 461100 Multiforks 461111 Multiforks 461080 Gourmet hammer and shellfish forks 461410 461130 461150 Oil/vinegar pourer Pizza cutter Pasta server 461210 Whisk 461500 Barbecue and kitchen brush 461350 Barbecue and kitchen brush 461522 Cheese cutter/box 461523 Cheese cutter/box 461520 Cheese cutter/box OVERVIEW > 71 461160 Spatula 461260 Spatula 462675 Pincers 461281 Utensil holder 462875 Spatula 462876 Spoon 462854 Table mat 462858 Table mat 462851 Trivet 462852 Trivet 462871 462872 462873 Butterboard Cutting board Carving board 462855 Table mat 462859 Table mat 461390 Mortar 462840 462680 462700 Soap dispenser Washing-up set Washing-up set 461360 Rolling pin 461400 461710 461310 462890 Kitchen roll holder Kitchen roll holder Table mats Magnetic table mats 462847 462845 462825 462827 Kitchen roll holder Kitchen timer Salt & Pepper set Salt & Pepper set OVERVIEW > 72 200215 Saucepan 1,6 litre 200216 Saucepan 2,3 litre 200217 Pot 3,0 litre 200218 Pot 4,5 litre 200421 Frying pan 20 cm 200225 Frying pan 24 cm 200226 Frying pan 28 cm 200420 Sauté pan 28 cm 200227 Frying pan 23 cm 200228 Frying pan 28 cm 200423 Saucepan 1,6 litre 200426 Frying pan 20 cm 200424 Frying pan 24 cm 200425 Frying pan 28 cm 200427 Frying pan 28 cm OVERVIEW > 73 Danmark: International: F&H of Scandinavia A/S F&H of Scandinavia A/S Gl. Skivevej 70 Gl. Skivevej 70 8800 Viborg DK-8800 Viborg Tel.: 8928 1300 Tel.: +45 8928 1300 Fax: 8928 1301 Fax: +45 8928 1301 Mail: [email protected] Mail: [email protected] 33491 Denmark
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