

p. 6
p. 9
p. 10
p. 18
p. 19
Damen shipyards GAlati romania
p. 3 ANCONAV visit to Damen Galati ANCONAV, in vizita la Damen Galati
p. 4 christmas exhibition expozitia de craciun
p. 5 sweet cake parade dulcea parada a prajiturilor
p. 6 an expert in house: mehmet ara de vorba cu un profesionist
p. 8 integrated management system Sistemul de management integrat
p. 9 A piece of history O farama de istorie
p. 10 first launching in 2012 prima lansare din 2012
p. 12 shipbuilder’s portrait portret de navalist
p. 14 on the safe side in winter time la adapost pe timp de iarna
p. 16 Winter in Damen Galati Iarna in Damen Galati
p. 17 qif of the year 2011 qif-ul anului 2011
p. 18 “what would you do...” “ce ai face daca...”
p. 19 commissioning activity activitatea de commissioning
p. 20 Recent Deliveries Livrari Recente
aprilie 2012
Future, thy name is Complexity!
Navele de inalta complexitate, apanajul viitorului
Looking in retrospect, we can say we are witnessing certain
significant changes – both in terms of facilities and with regard
to organization, fabrication and approach to our order book,
The noticeable investments made by Damen amount to over
75 million Euro including: the new hall for ship assembling, the
panel section line, the profile line, the blasting/painting halls,
repairing and upgrading works (the Slipway 1A, the Piping
Workshop), warehouses and social premises, the Nupas-Cadmatic
3D modeling integrated system, the main office building, etc.
The organizational activity is less visible but it, nevertheless,
underlies the ships quality, cost control and undertaken delivery
dates. By significant changes I mean: the man-hour budget
method replacing the coupons method which has resulted in
the increase of responsibility at the floor level, the increase of
outfitting level per section, the planning of the project and
work-force by the “Primavera’ software, the managing and
controlling activities through a “matrix” approach applied to
each project.
These types of approach have been required by the diversity
and complexity of our order-book. All major changes were only
possible with the employees’ support, due to their dedication to
the shipyard and vessels, which is rarely seen – as one of our
clients noticed. I remember with pleasure that same client added
that he envied us for being “partakers” in all such radical,
challenging and, at the same time, incentive changes.
We are currently implementing an ERP integrated system (IFS).
Such a system will ensure a higher level of operation by information
streamlining and accuracy, by different departments’ syntheses
redundancy avoidance, as well as by communication improvement.
Investments in the coming years will focus on shortening the
vessel manufacturing cycle and particularly the time spent on
slipways or in the dry-dock, by executing and “completely”
Privind retrospectiv, putem spune ca suntem martorii unor
schimbari majore – atat din punctul de vedere al dotarilor, cat si
al modului de organizare, de fabricatie, respectiv de abordare a
portofoliului de comenzi.
Investitiile facute de Damen se ridica la peste 75 milioane de euro
si sunt usor de observat: hala noua de montaj si armare corpuri
de nava, linia de fabricatie sectii plane, linia de prelucrare profile,
hale de sablare/vopsire, lucrari de reparatii si modernizari (Cala 1A,
Atelierul Tubulatura), magazii si spatii sociale, sistemul integrat
Nupas-Cadmatic de modelare 3D pentru proiectare, pavilionul
administrativ, etc.
Partea de organizare este mai putin vizibila, dar se regaseste atat
in calitatea navelor cat si in controlul costurilor si in respectarea
termenelor de livrare asumate. Aici as putea mentiona ca
schimbari majore: renuntarea la buletinele de lucru si
implementarea bugetelor care duc la cresterea responsabilitatii
la locul de munca, cresterea gradului de saturare pe sectie,
planificarea proiectelor si a fortei de munca cu ajutorul programului
„Primavera”, conducerea si controlul activitatii prin abordarea
„matriciala” a fiecarui proiect.
Aceste tipuri de abordari au fost impuse de diversitatea si
complexitatea portofoliului. Toate schimbarile majore au fost
posibile numai cu sprijinul angajatilor, datorita devotamentului
lor fata de santier si fata de nava, ceea ce este intalnit destul de
rar – asa cum remarca unul din clientii nostri. Imi amintesc cu
placere, ca acelasi client a adaugat ca ne invidiaza fiindca suntem
„partasi” la toate aceste schimbari radicale, provocatoare si, in
acelasi timp, motivante.
In acest moment, se afla in implementare un sistem integrat (IFS).
Acest sistem va asigura un nivel superior al functionarii santierului
prin fluidizarea si exactitatea informatiei, prin evitarea repetarii
unor lucrari de sinteza intocmite de catre diverse departamente,
precum si prin imbunatatirea comunicarii.
Investitiile din anii urmatori vor avea in vedere scurtarea ciclului
de fabricatie si, mai ales, a timpului de ocupare a calelor sau
docului, prin realizarea „la interior” a blocurilor de 300 de tone
saturate si vopsite „la gata”. Astfel, planul de perspectiva include
dotarea cu un transportor de 360 de tone, pregatirea rutelor de
transport, construirea unor hale mai mari in zona docului, destinate
sablarii si vopsirii. De asemenea, pe langa inlocuirea unor
echipamente uzate fizic sau moral (masini de debitat table, presa
de indoit profile, reabilitare presa de 1000 de tone, instalatii de
ridicat), se va avea in vedere si alinierea la cerintele de protectie
a mediului, cum ar fi reabilitarea retelei de colectare a scurgerilor
menajere a santierului.
In ceea ce priveste activitatea de ofertare nave, desi este „ceva
care nu se vede”, ea functioneaza ca un „ceas elvetian”.
Daruirea, promptitudinea si exactitatea sunt mecanismele echipei,
care, sprijinita de celelalte departamente, asigura realizarea
portofoliului de comenzi.
Structura portofoliului de comenzi arata ca santierul se bazeaza
pe trei grupe de nave: nave speciale (AHTS, PSV), nave destinate
marinei militare si remorchere. Competitia, din ce in ce mai acerba
(in special din zona asiatica), ne obliga la pregatirea si abordarea
unor nave de o mai mare complexitate: nave cu table foarte
subtiri (tip yacht-uri sau nave rapide de sprijin a yacht-urilor), dar
si nave din aluminiu. Aceste proiecte noi necesita dezvoltarea si
aplicarea unor tehnologii deosebite – atat de sudare cat si de
constructie a corpului. In prezent, suntem in discutii cu partenerii
din Grupul Damen pentru construirea unor astfel de nave.
Fiind pe deplin cunoscator al capacitatii santierului (in ceea ce
priveste pregatirea si organizarea fabricatiei precum si instruirea
personalului), sunt convins ca vom fi in stare sa adaugam in lista
noastra de referinta si aceste tipuri de nave, cu un inalt grad de
complexitate. Pana acum am dat dovada de flexibilitate; a venit
momentul sa demonstram abilitatea noastra de a face fata si
complexitatii artei de a construi nave.
In concluzie: ne asteapta mari provocari, dar si realizari pe masura
– realizari cu care se vor putea mandri si generatiile viitoare!
ANCONAV visit to Damen Galati
ANCONAV, in vizita la Damen Galati
This year Damen Shipyards Galati hosted the 51-st ANCONAV
(Romanian Shipbuilders Association) meeting. The participants,
representatives of Romanian shipyards and maritime companies,
paid a visit to our shipyard. On this occasion, they were shown
the latest investments as well as vessels under construction.
The meeting took place in Galati hotel conference room. The
agenda included actual subjects which are nowadays faced by the
international shipbuilding market and especially, by the Romanian
Thus, among discussed topics, we can mention: setting up the
research, development and innovation committee, the European
project PREDICT (Development of a software to PREdict and
prevent DIstortion phenomena in steel ComponenTs) with
Romanian participation and last but not least, the new Damen
Galati approaches in shipbuilding.
Santierul Naval Damen Galati a gazduit anul acesta cea de-a
51-a sedinta ANCONAV (Asociatia Constructorilor de Nave din
Romania). Participantii, reprezentanti ai santierelor navale si
companiilor cu profil naval din Romania, au vizitat santierul nostru.
Cu aceasta ocazie, au fost prezentate ultimele investitii precum
si comenzile aflate in lucru.
Lucrarile sedintei s-au desfasurat in sala de conferinte a hotelului
Galati. Pe ordinea de zi s-au aflat subiecte actuale cu care se
confrunta piata internationala a constructiilor de profil si, in
special, santierele navale romanesti.
Astfel, putem mentiona printre temele de discutie: constituirea
comitetului de cercetare, dezvoltare si inovare, prezentarea
proiectului cu participare romaneasca European PREDICT
(Development of a software to PREdict and prevent DIstortion
phenomena in steel ComponenTs) si, nu in ultimul rand, noile
abordari privind constructia de nave la Damen Galati.
Concept si Coordonare / Concept and Coordination:
Santierul Naval Damen Galati
Colectivul de redactie / Editorial team:
Valentin Popescu, Victor Dobrea, Gabriela Bucur, Nadia Carbarau,
Elena Isaia, Marian Patrascoiu, Georgiana Pintilie, Corina Pirvu,
Paulina Preda, Mihaela Turcu
Traducere / Translation:
Corina Pirvu
Fotografie / Photography:
Santierul Naval Damen Galati and Cosmin Atanasiu
K E T E N graphic design
Galleria Creative Shop (
Pentru observatii sau copii / For remarks or copies:
Biroul Relatii cu Publicul / Public Relations Department
Tel.: +40.236.307.125 / Email: [email protected]
outfitting and painting the 300 tons blocks “indoor”. Thus, the
perspective program includes the purchase of a 360 tons
transporter, the preparation of the transport routes, the erection
of larger halls for blasting and painting located in the dry-dock
area. In addition to replacing some worn or obsolete equipment
(steel cutting machines, profile bending press, rehabilitation of
1000 tons press, lifting equipment), we shall consider complying
with the environmental protection requirements – the
rehabilitation of the shipyard’s sewage system, for one example.
As for proposals, although they are “something that cannot be
seen”, the team performing them functions like a “Swiss watch”.
Orders are insured due to their own and their other supporting
departments’ dedication, readiness and accuracy.
Our order book structure indicates that the shipyard focuses on
three project “legs”: special vessels (AHTS, PSV), navy vessels
and tugs. Competition, harsher and harsher (especially from Asia),
urges us to prepare and approach more complex vessels: vessels
made of very thin plates (yachts, fast-support yacht vessels) and
aluminum-made vessels. Such new projects require the
development and implementation of special technologies – both
for welding and hull building. We are now discussing with our
Damen Group partners about building these types of vessels.
Having a deep insight into the shipyard’s capacity (i.e., preparation
and organization of the ship fabrication as well as the workers
training), I am convinced we will be able to add these types of
vessels with a high complexity level, to our reference list. So far
we have proved our flexibility; now, the time has come for us to
show our ability to cope with the shipbuilding art complexities
as well.
Eventually, not only great challenges but also achievements await
us “behind the corner” – and they will make the future generations
also take pride in them!
Valentin Popescu – technical director
Corina Pirvu
Valentin Popescu – Director Tehnic
Corina Pirvu
Christmas exhibition:
a feast for eyes and soul!
Christmas season is the best opportunity
to receive and give love, to offer gifts, to
fill ourselves with admiration for our
fellows’ spiritual brilliance… Therefore,
organizing an exhibition with specific winter
items (objects made by our most skilled
and talented colleagues), was an excellent
initiative which managed to introduce us
into the magical Christmas atmosphere.
Thus, for a month, the first floor of our main
office building has hosted different exhibits,
each and all beautiful and ingenious.
Those who tried to lighten our eyes and
delight our souls are: Gina Moglan, Mihaela
Popescu, Elena Isaia, Aura Lavri, Loredana
Petrea, Iulian Munteanu, Mihail Barbieru,
Angel Iacob and Mariana Iordache.
As we now have the indisputable proof of
their special talent, we wish them good
luck and thank for giving us the possibility
to spend unique moments admiring the
results of their work done with passion and
Corina Pirvu
“Will you come on 8-th of March at work? We meet again this
year to serve a glass of champagne at the lunchroom of Hull
Division 1 A. Moreover, they organized a cake parade… did
you hear? One of our colleagues from Planning Department
One week before the event, everything was arranged. But the
organizers’ emotions were as huge as their work. People were
discussing about what to come and ladies, more spoiled as usual,
were waiting for the moment when, in a festive environment,
their undeniable merits to the proper course of the company,
would be recognized.
On 8-th of March, 14.00 hrs, on Women’s Day, all those invited to
attend the celebration dedicated to all “fair sex” representatives,
responded positively. In right words, Mr. Florin Spataru, Human
Resources & Corporate Affairs Director highlighted the significance
of such event. He was followed by Mr. Ovidiu Bejan, Projects
sweet cake parade
Expozitia de Craciun:
sarbatoare pentru ochi si suflet!
Sarbatorile de iarna reprezinta cel mai
bun prilej de a primi si de a darui iubire,
de a oferi cadouri, de a ne minuna de
stralucirea sufleteasca a semenilor nostri...
De aceea, organizarea unei expozitii de
obiecte cu specific de iarna (obiecte
confectionate de catre cei mai priceputi
si indemanatici colegi), a fost o initiativa
excelenta care a avut darul sa ne introduca
in atmosfera magica a Craciunului.
Astfel, timp de o luna de zile, etajul intai
din cladirea principala a gazduit diferite
exponate, care mai de care mai frumoase
si mai ingenioase.
Cei care s-au straduit sa ne bucure ochii si
sa ne incante sufletele sunt: Gina Moglan,
Mihaela Popescu, Elena Isaia, Aura Lavri,
Loredana Petrea, Iulian Munteanu, Mihail
Barbieru, Angel Iacob si Mariana Iordache.
Avand dovada de necontestat a talentului
lor deosebit, le dorim mult succes si le
multumim pentru ca ne-au oferit
posibilitatea sa petrecem clipe unice,
admirand roadele unei munci facute din
pasiune si daruire!
Corina Pirvu
Director and Mr. Victor Dobrea, Production Director. Then, with
a motivating and sensitive speech, in front of us came Mrs. Emilia
Oprea, the only woman- “foreman” in DSGa, a wonderful example
of courage, strength and femininity. The cake parade was a real
success. Here are the names of the perfect housewives who
exposed their culinary “creations” to be admired and judged:
n Viorica Paraipan – Financial Department
n Bianca Pletea – O&T
n Nicoleta Tanase – Piping Department
n Alice Matei – Job Preparation
n Anisoara Pricop & Mariana Chiricuta – Piping Department
n Loredana Petrea – Job Preparation
n Aura Lavri – Job Preparation
n Violeta Mihai – Planning
n Maricica Orac – Repairs & Maintenance Department
n Dorina Tibuliac – Hull Division IA
dulcea parada a prajiturilor
“Ce faci, vii pe 8 martie la serviciu? Ne intalnim si anul acesta ca
sa ciocnim un pahar de sampanie la cantina de la Sectia 1 A. In
plus, s-a organizat si o parada a prajiturilor… Ai auzit? S-a inscris
si una dintre fetele de la Planning...”
Cu o saptamana inainte de eveniment, totul era aranjat. In schimb,
emotiile organizatorilor erau pe masura muncii depuse. Lumea
discuta despre ceea ce urma sa fie; doamnele si domnisoarele,
mai rasfatate ca de obicei, asteptau momentul in care li se va
recunoaste, intr-un cadru festiv, meritul de necontestat la bunul
mers al societatii.
Pe 8 martie, la ora 14, de Ziua Femeii, au raspuns pozitiv toti
cei invitati sa participe la sarbatoarea destinata reprezentatelor
sexului frumos. In cuvinte potrivite, domnul Florin Spataru,
Director Resurse Umane & Afaceri Corporatiste a evidentiat
semnificatia unui asemenea eveniment. A urmat domnul director
Ovidiu Bejan, Director Proiecte si domnul Victor Dobrea, Director
Productie. Cu un discurs motivant si sensibil, a iesit in fata si
doamna Emilia Oprea, singura femeie-maistru din SNDG, un
exemplu minunat de curaj, forta si feminitate.
Parada prajiturilor a fost un adevarat succes. Iata numele celor
mai desavarsite gospodine care si-au expus “creatiile” culinare
pentru a fi admirate si jurizate:
n Viorica Paraipan – Departamentul Financiar
n Bianca Pletea – O&T
n Nicoleta Tanase – Tubulatura
n Alice Matei – Pregatirea Fabricatiei
n Anisoara Pricop & Mariana Chiricuta – Tubulatura
n Loredana Petrea – Pregatirea Fabricatiei
n Aura Lavri – Pregatirea Fabricatiei
n Violeta Mihai – Planning
n Maricica Orac – Reparatii Intretinere
n Dorina Tibuliac – Sectia IA
Unii spun ca juratilor le-a revenit cea mai grea misiune. Dar (de
ce sa nu recunoastem?) si cea mai dulce! Impreuna, toti cei patru
membri ai juriului, Victor Dobrea, Elena Daniela Isaia, Ionut
Cristea si Iulian Mandru au ales cea mai buna prajitura. Doamna
Viorica Paraipan a fost fericita castigatoare a premiului cel mare
iar celelalte concurente au primit premii de participare.
Some say that the jury has the hardest mission. But (let’s admit it!)
also the sweetest! Together, all four members of the jury, Victor
Dobrea, Elena Daniela Isaia, Ionut Cristea and Iulian Mandru
chose the best cake. Mrs. Viorica Paraipan was the happy winner
of the big prize whereas the rest of competitors received
participation awards.
Another surprise of the event consisted in free makeup sessions
offered to a number of six lucky ladies. One of our colleagues
enjoyed a makeup session “on the spot” performed by the
make-up artist Roxana Gabriela Rosu.
With congratulations, gifts and good cheer, we spent some
memorable hours together. By the way, what do you do next
year (on 8-th of March)?...Will you come at work?
domeniul Tehnologiilor Avansate de
Fabricatie pe care l-am absolvit la
universitatea din Portsmouth.
Reporter Ne puteti da cateva amanunte din
planul personal (familie, prieteni)?
ara Am 35 de ani si traiesc in Turcia, la
Istanbul. M-am nascut si am crescut in
acest oras si am deci, pe langa rude, si
multi prieteni. Sunt casatorit si am doi copii
minunati: o fetita si un baietel. Locuiesc
in partea asiatica a orasului Istanbul.
Reporter Banuiesc ca munca dumneavoastra
va solicita sa calatoriti foarte mult. Ati
gasit vreo asemanare intre orasul/tara
dumneavoastra si Galati? Ma refer la
cultura, obiceiuri, arhitectura…
ara Avand in vedere ca ne situam,
geografic vorbind, in aceeasi regiune, cu
legaturi istorice, as putea sa mentionez
cateva asemanari. De exemplu, am fost
surprins sa descopar ca limba turca si limba
romana au destule cuvinte comune.
Reporter Care considerati ca este cea mai
mare realizare a dvs. de pana acum si ce
va doriti pentru viitor?
ara Ma consider foarte norocos pentru ca
am o familie frumoasa si fericita in care
respectul conteaza foarte mult. Imi doresc
sa-mi cresc copii astfel incat sa ajunga
oameni buni si educati.
Reporter Cat conteaza pentru
dumneavoastra faptul ca va aflati acum la
Santierul Naval Damen Galati?
Implementarea programului IFS a fost
adoptata de Grupul Damen ca si solutie
ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning). ERP
este un sistem de management pentru
integrarea informatiilor interne si externe
la nivelul intregii organizatii. Ca parte
dintr-un grup international, Santierul Naval
Damen Galati a decis adaptarea si utilizarea
IFS ca program software integrat.
Ca orice inceput, aceasta optiune s-a
dovedit a fi o provocare: in general, pentru
asigura drumul catre succes, este nevoie
ca oamenii potriviti sa se afle la locurile
Din august anul trecut, SNDG are
sustinerea unui adevarat profesionist:
Mehmet Ara. Cea mai buna recomandare
o constituie vasta sa experienta in
implementarea sistemelor ERP la nivel de
santiere navale. Pe parcursul acestui scurt
interviu, vom avea ocazia sa cunoastem
profesionistul dar si omul Mehmet Ara.
Pentru inceput, spuneti-ne cateva
cuvinte despre dumneavoastra.
ara Sunt membru al proiectului ERP IFS
aflat in derulare in cadrul Santierului Naval
Damen Galati, in calitate de Manager de
Solutii. Am fost consultant si sef de proiect
IFS timp de opt ani. Debutul meu in
aceasta functie s-a realizat anul trecut, in
august, la Damen, cand a inceput acest
proiect. Sunt inginer si detin un master in
an expert in house
O alta surpriza a evenimentului a fost tombola avand drept miza
sedinte gratuite de make-up. Una dintre colegele noastre a fost
rasfatata cu un machiaj “pe loc” de catre make-up artistul
Roxana Gabriela Rosu.
Cu felicitari, cadouri si voie buna am petrecut cateva ore minunate.
Chiar, anul viitor (de 8 martie), ce facem?...Veniti la serviciu?
Damen Shipyards Group has chosen to
implement IFS application as solution for
the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
system to integrate internal and external
management information across the entire
organization. Being part of an international
group, Damen Shipyards Galati decided to
follow and use IFS as integrated software.
Of course, like all beginnings, this choice
is rather challenging and, in finding the
way to success, you need the right people
at the right time.
Since August 2011, DSGa has an “expert
in house”: his name is Mehmet Ara and
all his experience in implementing ERP
systems in shipbuilding companies
recommend him as such.
Throughout this short interview, the focus
will be on both the person and expert
Mehmet Ara.
mehmet ara
Please make a short description
of the person Mehmet Ara.
ara I am a member of ongoing ERP IFS
Project at DSGa as Solution Manager. I have
been IFS consultant and project manager
for 8 years. I have started this position at
Damen last year in August when the project
started. I am an Industrial Engineer with MSc
in Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
from University of Portsmouth.
Reporter Could you give a little insight of
your personal life (family, friends)?
ara I am 35 years old and I live in Istanbul,
Turkey. I was born and grown up in that
city so I have lots of friends and relatives in
Istanbul. I am married and have two lovely
children, one boy and a girl. I live in the
Asian side of Istanbul.
Reporter I assume your work means
travelling a lot. Have you found in Galati
any resemblance (customs, architecture,
ara Profesional vorbind, e o realizare.
Damen este un grup international important
care desfasoara operatiuni la nivel global.
De aceea, sunt multumit ca fac parte din
aceasta organizatie. In plus, sunt incantat
ca in SNDG pot lucra cu oameni atat de
amabili si prietenosi.
Reporter Care este opinia dumneavoastra
sincera despre oamenii din santierul nostru?
ara Pana acum, parerea mea este ca
oamenii sunt constienti de ceea ce fac.
Probabil ca acest lucru se datoreaza
experientei si culturii companiei. Oamenii
sunt foarte prietenosi si nu am nicio
problema de comunicare, in sensul ca
mereu primesc ajutor daca am nevoie.
Reporter Revenind la implementarea IFS,
exista vreun mesaj pe care ati dori sa-l
ara Desigur. Ca si program software, IFS nu
e doar un simplu instrument ci reprezinta
un nou mod de lucru. Curand, oamenii vor
fi din ce in ce mai constienti de contributia
acestuia in munca de zi cu zi. I-as sfatui
sa vada in implementarea IFS o noua
experienta in cariera profesionala. La
inceput este foarte posibil sa para mai
dificil. Dupa un timp, insa, acest sistem va
crea un mediu de lucru mult mai bun. Vom
fi capabili sa ne definim si sa ne coordonam
mai bine munca; va insemna timp castigat
pentru toti angajatii acestei organizatii.
Georgiana Pintilie
de vorba cu un profesionist
culture) to your city/country?
ara Since we are almost in the same region,
with historical relations, there are some. For
example, it was surprising for me to have
lot of common words in our languages.
Reporter What is your biggest achievement
so far? Ambitions for the future?
ara I am very lucky to have a nice family
and I believe so far keeping that with
respect and happiness has been my
biggest achievement. For future I would
like to raise my children as good and
educated people.
Reporter Do you consider coming to work
with DSGa an achievement? Why?
ara Yes, I do. Damen is a big international
group with global operations. It is good
to be part of this organization. I am also
happy to work with really nice and friendly
people here in DSGa.
Reporter What is your sincere opinion about
people here at the yard?
So far, I think people are aware of what
they are doing. I believe that is because
of experience and company culture. They
are also very friendly I didn’t have any
problem to communicate with people or
to get help from them when I needed.
Reporter Keeping in mind the
implementation of IFS, is there a message
you would like to send to everyone here?
ara Yes, IFS as software is not like simply
tool but a kind of new working way. Soon
people will feel the effects of IFS more on
their daily work. I would like to advice them
to see this implementation as a new
experience for their carrier. We all may have
some difficulties at the beginning but, after
a while, system will bring us a better work
environment. We will be able to define
and control our business better. It will save
time for everyone at the organization.
Georgiana Pintilie
Integrated Management System
Sistemul de management integrat
The primary goal of Damen Shipyards Galati – as coming
out from the quality policy and environment, health and
occupational safety policy – is to satisfy the client’s implicit
and explicit requirements and to protect the environment
and personnel health and safety at work.
Obiectivul fundamental al Santierului Naval Damen Galati
– asa cum reiese din politica in domeniul calitatii si politica
referitoare la mediu, sanatate si securitate ocupationala –
consta în satisfacerea cerintelor explicite si implicite ale
clientilor, protectia mediului înconjurator, ocrotirea sanatatii
si securitatea in munca a personalului.
Such goal took shape by creating,
implementing and maintaining an
integrated management system. An
integrated management system represents
a logical and systematic managerial
approach. Such approach allows
optimum strategic and operational
decisions which take into
consideration all essential aspects
that lead to the efficient functioning of
any organization, both in terms of quality and environment
or safety at work.
At the beginning of 2011, DSGa management took the decision
to develop, implement and certify an integrated management
system, in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001, ISO
14001 and OHSAS18001 standards.
Materializarea acestui obiectiv se realizeaza
prin proiectarea, implementarea si
mentinerea unui sistem de management
integrat. Un sistem de management integrat
reprezinta o abordare manageriala logica si
sistematica. Aceasta abordare permite decizii
strategice si operationale optime, care iau in
considerare toate aspectele esentiale ce
conduc la functionarea eficienta a unei
organizatii, atat din punct de vedere al calitatii,
cat si al mediului sau sigurantei.
La inceputul anului 2011, conducerea SNDG a luat decizia
dezvoltarii, implementarii si certificarii sistemului de management
integrat, in conformitate cu cerintele standardelor ISO 9001,
ISO14001 si OHSAS18001.
This decision is a natural consequence of the fact that our clients’
quality demands increased and the company’s standards (with
regard to environment protection, health and safety at work)
became higher and higher.
A team composed of staff from Quality Control Department and
Health, Safety, Emergency Response and Environment Protection
Department has established a detailed program in order to
review the existing quality system documents and compile new
documents and procedures. All heads of departments in Damen
Shipyards Galati were involved in this action. Also, the compilation
Aceasta decizie este o consecinta fireasca a faptului ca exigentele
clientilor nostri in ceea ce priveste calitatea, au crescut iar
standardele societatii (referitor la protectia mediului, a sanatatii
si a securitatii in munca ), sunt din ce in ce mai ridicate.
Un colectiv format din personalul Serviciului Asigurarea Calitatii
si al Serviciului Securitate si Sanatate in Munca, Situatii de
Urgenta si Protectia Mediului, a stabilit un program detaliat
pentru revizuirea documentelor existente in sistemul calitatii si
elaborarea de noi documente si proceduri. In aceasta actiune,
au fost implicati toti sefii de compartimente din Santierul Naval
a top priority
o prioritate de prim rang
of integrated management system manual has been related to
such process.
In same respect, meetings have been organized with the
management team and management staff in order to present
new documents.
Kick-off date for the new system was 1-st of November 2011.
Shortly after, in early December last year, the first stage of audit
for certification of the new integrated management system by
Lloyd Register Quality Assurance, took place.
This was possibly due to our company permanent concern to
apply the legal requirements in terms of environment protection,
health and occupational safety, as well as the experience of
over 14 years of work in the quality management system. Thus,
alignment to ISO14001 and OHSAS18001 standards was easily
done, their principles and structures being similar to those of
ISO 9001 standard.
Once the new system is implemented, resources will be better
used and all organization activities better controlled.
In May this year, the second certification stage of the integrated
management system is scheduled – a step forward made by
Damen Shipyards Galati on its way to excellence in business.
Damen Galati. Tot aici a fost inclus si procesul de elaborare a
manualului pentru sistemul de management integrat. De
asemenea, s-au organizat sedinte cu bordul director si personalul
de conducere, in care au fost prezentate noile documente.
Data de pornire a noului sistem a fost stabilita pe 1 noiembrie
2011. Dupa scurt timp, la inceputul lunii decembrie anul trecut,
a avut loc prima etapa a auditului de certificare a sistemului de
management integrat, de catre Lloyd Register Quality Assurance.
Acest lucru a fost posibil datorita preocuparii permanente a
societatii noastre de a aplica cerintele legale in domeniul
politicii referitoare la mediu, sanatate si securitate ocupationala,
dar si a experientei de peste 14 ani de lucru in sistemul de
management al calitatii . Astfel, alinierea la standardele ISO14001
si OHSAS18001 s-a realizat cu usurinta, principiile si structurile
lor fiind asemanatoare cu cele ale standardului ISO 9001.
Odata cu implementarea noului sistem, resursele vor fi mai bine
utilizate si toate activitatile organizatiei vor fi mai bine controlate.
In luna mai a acestui an, se va desfasura cea de-a doua etapa a
certificarii sistemului de management integrat – inca un pas inainte
pe care il face Santierul Naval Damen Galati pe drumul catre
excelenta in afaceri.
Paulina Preda
Paulina Preda
A piece of history,
hosted in Damen Galati
O farama de istorie,
gazduita la Damen Galati
During this winter we were honored to have hosted ‘Stefan cel
Mare’ sailboat within DSGa premises.
This sailboat was built in 2004 by Spat S.A. Galati, on the occasion
of celebrating 500 years from the birth of our ruler Stefan cel
Mare. Without any written technical specification, the designers
gathered useful information from descriptions made one hundred
years ago.
Pe perioada acestei ierni suntem onorati sa avem “musafir” pe
platforma Damen Galati, Panzarul ‘Stefan Cel Mare’.
Corabia a fost construita de firma Spat S.A.Galati in 2004, cu
ocazia aniversarii a 500 de ani de la nasterea domnitorului
Stefan cel Mare. Fara a avea specificatiile tehnice scrise undeva,
proiectantii s-au documentat dupa descrieri de acum o suta de
The sailing ship has a length of 17.6 m, a breadth of 4 m, draught
is 1.8 m and is provided with a 70 HP Diesel engine intended for
propulsion when wind is not favorable. In the event of cruises on
the Danube, the sailboat is provided with necessary equipment –
modern navigation and communication systems. The 1.200 liters
of fuel which can be stored on board, provide autonomy of
approximately 2.000 km.
Being an accurate reproduction of boats which floated in the past
on the Prut, Danube, Siret or even Black Sea waters, ‘Stefan cel
Mare’ has already been certified by the Navigation Museum in
For a proper preservation, ‘Stefan cel Mare’ sailboat shall be
hosted in our shipyard throughout this winter.
Corabia are o lungime de 17.6 m, o latime de 4 m, pescajul de
1.8 m si este prevazuta cu un motor diesel de 70 CP destinat
propulsiei in momentele fara vant prielnic. In eventualitatea unor
croaziere pe Dunare, Panzarul este dotat cu echipamentele
necesare – instalatii moderne de comunicare si navigatie. Cei
1.200 de litri de combustibil posibil de stocat la bord, asigura
navei o autonomie de aproximativ 2.000 de km.
Faptul ca vasul este o copie fidela a navelor cu panze ce pluteau
in trecut pe apele Prutului, Dunarii, Siretului sau chiar ale Marii
Negre este deja atestat de Muzeul Navigatiei din Constanta.
In scopul unei bune conservari, Panzarul ‘Stefan cel Mare’ va fi
gazduit la noi pe toata perioada iernii.
Elena Daniela Isaia
Elena Daniela Isaia
‘nzinga mbandi’
first launching in 2012
prima lansare din 2012
Length overall (m) 61.94 Lungime totala (m)
Breadth (m) 9.70 Latime (m)
Depth (m) 4.70 Inaltime bord (m)
Class DNV Societatea de Clasificare
Accommodation (pers)
45 Capacitate (persoane)
Speed (knots)
17 Viteza (noduri)
2012 had a promising beginning for our
shipyard. More precisely, on 15th of March
we launched the Fishery, Inspection &
Surveillance Vessel 6210 ‘Nzinga Mbandi’.
To be able to perform the inspection &
surveillance of fishing activities in local
Angola waters, the vessel will be equipped
with a Monicap room. Beside that a
treatment room, boarding boat and other
facilities will be installed to perform
general tasks.
Delivery is scheduled for beginning of
August. This event shall be attended by
the Romanian ambassador in Angola,
Mr. Valeriu Nicolae.
‘Nzinga Mbandi’ is the second from a
contract for three vessels built for the
Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development
and Fisheries of Angola. The first vessel of
the series has been launched on 9-th of
December last year being named by
Mrs. Victoria Barros Neto, state secretary
in the below mentioned ministry.
Corina Pirvu
Anul 2012 a inceput promitator pentru
santierul nostru. Mai exact, in data de
15 martie a avut loc lansarea navei de
pescuit, inspectie si supraveghere 6210
‘Nzinga Mbandi’.
In vederea efectuarii operatiunilor de
inspectie si supraveghere a activitatilor de
pescuit in apele locale angoleze, nava va
fi echipata cu un sistem Monicap. In plus,
pentru efectuarea operatiunilor cu
caracter general, va fi prevazuta cu o sala
de tratamente medicale, facilitati de
imbarcare, etc.
Livrarea este programata pentru inceputul
lunii august. La acest eveniment va
participa si ambasadorul Romaniei in
Angola, Dl. Valeriu Nicolae.
‘Nzinga Mbandi’ este a doua dintr-un
contract de trei nave construite pentru
Ministerul Agriculturii, Dezvoltarii Rurale
si Pescuitului din Angola. Reamintim ca
prima nava din aceasta serie a fost lansata
pe 9 decembrie anul trecut , fiind botezata
de Dna. Victoria Barros Neto, secretar de
stat in cadrul ministerului mai sus amintit.
Corina Pirvu
Galatiul si Dunarea ne definesc. Copilarind, crescand, traind
in acest oras, alegerile profesionale ale multor galateni se
indreapta spre ceea ce le e mai drag: vapoarele.
“Ma fascineaza apa si navele ce plutesc pe ea”. Acesta este
motivul pentru care Aurelia Maris a ales sa urmeze o facultate si
mai apoi profesia care sa o aduca aproape de ele.
In prezent Sef Serviciu Planificare si Propunere Proiecte,
dna. Maris a absolvit in anul 1981 Facultatea de Mecanica, profilul
Tehnologia Constructiilor de Masini iar in Santierul Naval lucreaza
din anul 1991. Dupa o perioada de acomodare de doua luni in
cadrul serviciului mecano-energetic, a fost primita cu incredere si
respect in echipa de organizare, planificare si normare condusa
de dna. Lupeanu Mariana, o persoana bine pregatita profesional,
logica in gandire si cu mult bun simt devenita, in timp, un fel de
model pentru dna. Maris. A fost perioada acumularii cunostintelor
de baza pentru cariera doamnei inginer.
Din 1996, planificarea a intrat pe un fagas bun alaturi de Inginerul
Sef Conceptie, Horia Cristea. Au urmat o serie de imbunatatiri in
acest domeniu. Daca in trecut planificarea se facea doar in Excel,
pretabil pentru perioade cu proiecte putine, din 1999 a fost
analizat si introdus un soft complex care s-a pliat perfect pe
necesitatile perioadelor cu o mare incarcare de informatii rezultate
din multitudinea de proiecte. Este vorba despre Primavera, un
soft pentru a carui implementare s-au organizat cursuri de
pregatire a personalului. Cursul oferea insa doar 50% din
cunostintele necesare, restul bazandu-se pe experientele
personale si dorinta de a invata. In domeniul naval, desi multe
santiere au achizitionat acest soft, putine din ele, printre care
Galatiul si Constanta, sunt cele care au continuat sa-l foloseasca.
“Este un soft complex dar in care am crezut de la inceput si in
care cred si in prezent.” spune dna. Aurelia Maris careia, se vede,
ii place sa vorbeasca despre munca pe care o face.
Galati and the Danube define us. As we spend our childhood,
grow up and live in this town, many of the professional choices
of Galati citizens turn to something which is most dear to them:
“I am fascinated by water and floating ships”. This is why Aurelia
Maris chose to go to a faculty and then, decided for a profession
which could bring her close to them.
Currently Head of Planning and Project Proposal Department,
Mrs. Maris graduated in 1981 from the Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering, profile Machine Manufacturing Technologies and
has been working in Damen Galati since 1991. Following a two
months accommodation period at the mechanical-energetic
department, she has been welcomed with trust and respect in
the organization, planning and standardization team led by
Mrs. Lupeanu Mariana, a well trained professional with a logical
mind and much common sense who became, in time, a kind of
model for Mrs. Maris. It was a period of accumulating basic
knowledge for her future career.
Since 1996, planning has gone on a good path, together with
Chief Design Engineer, Horia Cristea. A series of improvement
in this area followed. If in the past, planning was possible only in
Excel, a program suitable for periods with fewer projects, as from
1999 a complex software program was analyzed and introduced
which adapted perfectly to those periods with large input of
information resulted from numerous projects. This was Primavera,
a software program which required training courses for our staff
portret de navalist
Mrs. aurelia maris
shipbuilder’s portrait
in order to be implemented. But the course provided only 50%
of necessary knowledge, the rest being based on personal
experiences and willingness to learn. In the shipbuilding field,
although many shipyards purchased such software, few of them,
including Galati and Constanta, continued to use it. “It is a
complex software which I trusted from the beginning and I still
trust now.” says Mrs. Aurelia Maris who, it is obvious, likes to talk
about her work.
Although the shipyard has gone through changes and years
contributed with more and more complex experiences and
challenges which influenced Mrs. Maris professional career, there
always has been a common ground between past and present:
ambition, hard work and willingness for improvement.
Is Mrs. Aurelia Maris completed from professional point of view?
The answer is not a lapidary one. It is well developed and argued:
“Planning is a complicated field connected to all shipyard’s
departments, wherefrom information are collected, then
assembled and checked in order to know if final product to be
presented is a trustworthy one. I can say that I have come to see
at a glance any possible omission, otherwise unintended, from
received information. I have the capacity to move from details
to general view, from one subject to another or from one vessel
Chiar daca santierul a trecut prin schimbari iar anii au contribuit
cu experiente si provocari din ce in ce mai complexe, ceea ce a
influentat traseul profesional al doamnei inginer, ca un numitor
comun intre trecut si prezent, au fost mereu: ambitia, munca si
dorinta de perfectionare.
Este dna. Aurelia Maris implinita din punct de vedere profesional?
Raspunsul nu e unul lapidar. Este bine dezvoltat si argumentat:
“Planningul este un domeniu complicat, conectat cu toate
departamentele santierului, de unde sunt culese informatii care
trebuie puse cap la cap si verificate pentru a sti daca produsul
final pe care urmeaza sa-l prezinti este veridic. Pot spune ca am
ajuns sa observ de la prima vedere eventualele scapari, de altfel
neintentionate, in informatiile primite. Am capacitatea de a trece
de la amanunt la viziune generala, de la o tema la alta si de la o
nava la alta, dar asta dupa 20 de ani de experienta in domeniu.
Cu toata modestia, am satisfactia ca am fost pionul principal in
procesul de imbunatatire a planning-ului, atat cat mi s-a permis.
Implinita profesional? Poate 90%. Mai am obiective de atins, dar
pana la realizarea lor nu le dezvalui.”
Fiecare om isi face o imagine a viitorului. De la schita abia
creionata pana la conturul capatat in timp, ati avut abateri sau
v-ati respectat intotdeauna ce v-ati propus profesional?
Aceasta era urmatoarea intrebare pregatita, insa, inainte de a o
adresa, am primit si raspunsul: “Sunt o fire puternica si luptatoare,
imi cunosc valoarea, calitatile si lacunele. Pe primele doua le-am
folosit neostenit in dorinta de a performa in cariera. Impedimentele
au fost insa mai mult de natura externa, deoarece, cu toate ca am
muncit mult, satisfactiile, atat cele materiale cat si cele morale,
nu au fost intotdeauna pe masura muncii si implicarii mele.”
Cum rezistati intr-o lume asa-zisa a barbatilor? Cum treceti prin
provocarile de zi cu zi?
“Simplu, dar nu intotdeauna: prin argumente, solutii si nu in cele
din urma prin profesionalism.”
Cum percepeti noua generatie? Aveti incredere in ei? Ce ii sfatuiti?
“Lucrez foarte bine cu cei tineri pentru ca sunt mult mai receptivi,
isi expun deschis ideile si astfel gasesc cate ceva folositor in
parerile lor. Stiu sa-i si indrum, sa ii si cert si sa ii sfatuiesc. Trebuie
intelesi, canalizati pozitiv si sunt incantata ca pot oferi din
experienta mea profesionala tinerilor. Ii sfatuiesc sa acumuleze
cat de mult posibil din punct de vedere al cunostintelor si sa le
aplice cu seriozitate. Sa nu incerce sa pacaleasca pe nimeni, pentru
ca in final se pacalesc pe ei insisi. Lucrurile luate acum de-a gata
de la altii nu le vor folosi decat pe moment. Sa aiba un tel si sa
fie consecventi in a-l atinge!”
Colectivul pe care dna. Maris il coordoneaza cu pricepere este
format din persoane de varste diferite, cu mai multa sau mai
putina experienta. Care este atitudinea pe care o abordati in
relatia sef – subaltern?
“Este adevarat ca am foarte multa experienta si, prin prisma
functiei pe care o detin, imi revine obligatia majora de a privi
lucrurile sintetizate la un nivel mai inalt; de aceea trebuie sa adopt
o anumita politica si pozitie, dar acestea nu schimba relatia cu
to another, but this happens after 20 years of experience in the
field. With all modesty, I have the satisfaction to have played the
major role in planning improvement process, as much as I was
allowed. Professionally completed? Maybe 90%. I still have
goals to reach, but until achieved I don’t want to reveal them.”
Each person makes a picture of the future. From a barely drawn
sketch to the profile reached in time, did you have any deviation
or always stick to your professional targets?
This was the next question which I have prepared but, before
asking, I’ve received the answer: “I am a strong and fighting
character, I know my value, skills and weak points. I used the
first two of them tirelessly willing to perform in my career. The
obstacles I confronted with were more of an external nature
since, although I worked hard, satisfactions, both material and
moral, did not always match my efforts and involvement.”
How do you survive in a so-called “men’s world”? How do you
go through everyday challenges?
“Simple, but not always: by arguments, solutions and not least,
by professionalism.”
How do you perceive new generation? Do you trust them? What
do you advise them?
“I work very well with young people because they are more
receptive, express their ideas openly and so I can always find
something useful in their opinions. I also know how to guide,
argue and advise them. They should be understood, positively
channeled and I am very excited that I can offer part of my
experience to young people. I advise them to accumulate as
much as possible knowledge and then apply it seriously. To avoid
trying to fool anyone because in the end they fool themselves.
Things which are now taken for granted from others will only be
used for the moment. To have a goal and be consistent in
reaching it!”
The team that Mrs. Maris skillfully coordinates includes
people of different ages, more or less experienced. Which is
your attitude in relation with subordinates?
“It is true that I have much experience and, considering the
function I hold, an overview of synthesized things at a higher
level is one of my major obligations; therefore I must adopt a
certain policy and position, but this does not change my relation
with colleagues.”
Cu emotia reporterului care surprinde sentimente in direct, va
pot spune ca doamna Aurelia Maris nu este doar un om in mare
parte implinit profesional, ci si o mama mandra, cu o satisfactie
enorma care depaseste, acopera sau compenseaza orice alte mici
sau mari nemultumiri din orice alt domeniu al vietii. Fiul, proaspat
medic chirurg, cu merite deja recunoscute pe plan international,
a demonstrat mamei lui ca investitia sentimentala si materiala
nu a fost in van, ca eforturile unui parinte sunt rasplatite in timp
prin ceea ce devine copilul: un om matur, responsabil, puternic,
implinit profesional si personal, apt astfel de a-si lua viata in maini
si a perpetua calitatile si invatamintele preluate de la mamǎ.
Elena Daniela Isaia
As a reporter capturing live feelings, I can say that Mrs. Aurelia
Maris is not only a person professionally completed in the main,
but also a proud mother with an enormous satisfaction exceeding,
covering or compensating any other small or big discontent in any
other field of life. Her son, recently surgeon with merits already
acknowledged internationally, has proved his mother that her
sentimental and material investment was not in vain, that a
parent’s efforts are rewarded in time by the child’s evolution: a
mature man, responsible, strong, professionally and personally
completed, thus capable to control his life and perpetuate the
skills and lessons learned from his mother.
Elena Daniela Isaia
Joint Support Ship (JSS), ONE
on the safe side
in winter time
On 27 and 28-th of March, Damen Shipyards Galati was visited by
Mr. Arnout Damen – Chief Operations Officer Damen Shipyards
Group and Mr. Bert Jan ter Riet – President of the Council of
Administration of our company. They had the opportunity to
assist to the longitudinal moving of part 2-3 of JSS, yard number
1201, a vessel with impressing dimensions whose final launching
is scheduled for mid of October.
The several vessels under construction, their quality, all visible
improvements of shipyard’s activities and image, good
communication with local staff, are some of the positive
impressions shared by Mr. Arnout Damen upon departure.
Winter in the beginning of 2012 was
extremely moody. For long time
temperatures have been very low, so that
water freeze from one bank of the Danube
to the other. Consequently, we became
witnesses of a phenomenon unencountered
since the ’70s: ice bridge. The tugs in the
area did not manage to break the ice.
Galati 3 (AFDJ) and Busteni (DSGa), being
sufficiently strong and properly constructed,
managed the impossible. Almost daily,
they strove to create a navigation channel.
If downstream from Tulcea to Sulina
navigation was still possible, as from mile
45 upstream, the ice and floes (three
meters thick) prevented not only the
navigation but resulted in some vessels
stuck in the middle of the Danube. As a
curiosity: two Turkish sailors were reported
to leave their ship trapped in ice and came
ashore by stepping from “floe to floe“.
Meanwhile, the vessels left on quays for
outfitting purposes have been caught in
ice belts. As long as the water level was
decreasing, the situation was not
dangerous. But once the Danube began
to grow, Busteni tug made daily courses
to break the ice near the ships, so that
hulls were not affected.
Once the weather conditions improved,
the floes became a real risk. Coming
unstoppable from upstream, they could
bend the steel plates or scratch the paint.
Pe 27 si 28 martie Santierul Naval Damen Galati a primit vizita
domnului Arnout Damen - Chief Operations Officer Damen
Shipyards Group si a domnului Bert Jan ter Riet – Presedintele
Consiliului de Administratie al societatii noastre. Acestia au avut
ocazia sa asiste la tragerea longitudinala a partii 2-3 a navei JSS,
comanda 1201, o nava cu dimensiuni impresionante, a carei
lansare finala este prevazuta pentru jumatatea lunii octombrie.
Numeroasele nave aflate in constructie, calitatea acestora,
imbunatatirile vizibile ale activitatii si a infatisarii santierului, buna
comunicare cu personalul galatean, sunt cateva dintre impresiile
pozitive pe care Dl. Arnout Damen ni le-a impartasit la plecare.
And this could have happened because
the shipyard is located within one of
Danube’s bend, on the open side, that is
exactly in a place where, naturally, ice
collects whatever floats on water. A more
dangerous situation would have been if a
compact ice mass including imprisoned
barges or boats had hit the vessels.
Therefore, we decided to protect
‘Groningen’, hull number 1194. First
operation, relatively simple, was to break
the ice which exceeded, in some areas,
40 centimeters thick. As we lacked proper
equipment, removing the ice blocks out
of the dock was a real problem; but
fortunately, we found the best solution.
Thus, after several days of hard work, the
vessel was sheltered in the wet room of
the dry dock – in anticipation of better
weather conditions.
Marian Patrascoiu – Project Manager
Joint Support Ship (JSS), INCA UN
‘groningen’ la adapost pe timp de iarna
La inceputul anului 2012, iarna a fost
extrem de capricioasa. O lunga perioada
de timp temperaturile au fost foarte
scazute, astfel ca apa a inghetat de la un
mal la altul. In consecinta, am devenit
martorii producerii unui fenomen
nemaintalnit inca de prin anii ’70: podul
de gheata. Remorcherele din zona nu au
izbutit sa sparga gheata. Galati 3 (AFDJ)
si Busteni (SNDG), fiind suficient de
puternice si adecvat construite, au reusit
imposibilul. Aproape zilnic, s-au straduit
sa deschida senal navigabil.
Daca de la Tulcea in aval spre Sulina s-a
mai putut naviga, de la mila 45 in amonte,
gheata si aglomerarile de sloiuri (cu
grosimea de trei metri) nu numai ca au
impiedicat navigatia, dar au si blocat navele
in mijlocul Dunarii. Ca o curiozitate: a fost
raportat cazul a doi marinari turci care au
parasit nava prinsa intre gheturi si au ajuns
la mal pasind “din sloi in sloi “.
In tot acest timp, navele aflate la armare pe
cheiuri au fost prinse in centuri de gheata.
Cat timp nivelul apei a fost in scadere,
situatia nu a fost una periculoasa. Insa, din
momentul in care Dunarea a inceput sa
creasca, remorcherul Busteni a facut pase
zilnice pentru a sparge gheata de langa
nave, astfel incat corpurile sa nu fie
Odata cu incalzirea vremii, sloiurile de
gheata reprezentau un mare pericol. Venind
din amonte si fiind de neoprit, puteau sa
indoaie tabla sau sa zgarie vopseaua
navelor. Acest lucru s-ar fi putut intampla
deoarece santierul este plasat intr-un cot
al Dunarii, pe partea deschisa, adica in
locul unde, in mod natural, se aduna tot
ce pluteste pe apa. Dar si mai periculos ar
fi fost ca o masa compacta de gheata cu
barje sau slepuri prizoniere, sa loveasca
Prin urmare, s-a hotarat ca ‘Groningen’,
comanda numarul 1194, sa fie protejata.
Prima operatiune, relativ simpla, a fost
spargerea ghetii care depasea, in unele
locuri, 40 de centimetri grosime. In lipsa
unor dispozitive adecvate, scoaterea
blocurilor de gheata din doc a constituit
o adevarata problema; din fericire, insa,
s-a gasit solutia potrivita.
Astfel, dupa cateva zile de munca
sustinuta, nava a fost adapostita in camera
umeda a docului uscat – in asteptarea
imbunatatirii conditiilor meteorologice.
Marian Patrascoiu – Sef Proiect
winter in damen galati
Life in shipbuilding is beautiful when it comes to the importance
of our work and complexity of specific products. But sometimes
it is extremely difficult due to working conditions. If summer
is sometimes too hot, winter seems to be the most difficult
period for our work.
December last year and first half of January 2012, although cold,
allowed us to work in good conditions in workshops, whereas the
outdoors conditions on vessels under construction were satisfactory.
As from the second half of January until 20-th of February, we
confronted with very low temperatures and lot of snow. Under
such conditions, our activity dropped to zero in outdoors areas
and diminished in workshops. Most of the problems we faced were
connected to welding activity. In this case efficiency decreased
significantly, thus we could continue our activity only within the
limits of providing minimum conditions necessary to the process
at such temperatures. Making an overall analysis of this period,
we may say we worked at approximately 80% of available
capacity, with an efficiency of 70 – 80 %, subject to work area.
To prevent freezing of cutting machines and panel line equipment,
we worked continuously in three shifts, seven days in a week.
Despite of extremely harsh conditions in some of the days, we
have noticed the dedication and even sacrifice of our employees
who did their utmost to continue their activities and limit, as much
as possible, any deviation from the production program. We also
appreciate the understanding they showed accepting to take
days off in the period when it was practically impossible to work.
Once again, our employees proved their commitment, devotion
and responsibility for the company and its goals.
Weather conditions have improved by now and a period comes
when we have to recover all delays and align again to our current
schedules. We need to focus heavily on efficiency and make
further efforts wherever necessary. I’m convinced, as I did each
time that everything will turn to normal by the end of March.
According to our motto, any work should be completed in due
time or earlier. I would like to thank once again to all employees
who, during this difficult period, have been striving for
accomplishing the goals of the production program.
Formularul QIF nu mai reprezinta o noutate pentru angajatii
SNDG. Pe parcursul anului trecut, comisia a analizat un numar de
82 de propuneri de imbunatatire, dintre care 52 au aplicabilitate
si un real aport la imbunatatirea calitatii produselor sau a
proceselor tehnologice.
Paleta propunerilor este vasta: de la confectionarea unor
instrumente cu scopul de a facilita efectuarea unor activitati pana
la modificarea constructiva a elementelor navelor. Punerea
acestora in practica a condus la economii semnificative de
materiale sau de timp – in consecinta, un castig financiar pentru
In ceea ce priveste numarul propunerilor inaintate, Directia
Remorchere si Ambarcatiuni este si de aceasta data pe primul
loc, in pofida unei participari sporite.
Toate propunerile de imbunatatire au fost premiate. Cele care
au avut o contributie reala si rezultate pe masura asteptarilor au
fost desemnate “QIF-ul lunii” si recompensate corespunzator.
Un premiu special – “QIF-ul anului 2011” – a fost acordat domnului
Chirchirita Catalin. Propunerea sa, cu numarul 122 pe lista
QIF-urilor, a avut in vedere desfasurarea procesului de tragere
longitudinala si transversala a navei de patrulare PS4 in pozitia
de lansare, un proces dificil mai ales in cazul navelor mari. Pentru
a preveni aparitia deformatiilor pe zona corpului navei in timpul
acestui proces, domnul Chirchirita a propus ca zona de contact
intre nava si stratul lemnos de pe cavaleti sa fie formata din placaj
tego, cu grosimea de maxim 15 mm.
Deseori, in activitatea noastra, intampinam situatii in care este
evidenta necesitatea unei imbunatatiri.
Tot ceea ce trebuie sa facem este sa descriem problema intalnita
si o propunere de rezolvare a acesteia intr-un formular QIF, pe
care sa-l trimitem la adresa de e-mail: [email protected].
Intodeauna este loc pentru mai bine.
QIF form is no longer a novelty for DSGa employees. Last year
the commission analyzed a number of 82 proposals for
improvement, out of which 52 are applicable, bringing a real
contribution to the improvement of products quality or
technological processes.
The range of proposals is wide: from manufacturing different
instruments in order to facilitate certain activities up to constructive
modification of ship’s elements. Putting them into practice
resulted in significant time and material savings – consequently,
financial earnings to the company.
With regard to the number of submitted proposals, the Tugs &
Workboats Division is again on the first position despite an
increased participation.
All proposals for improvement have been awarded. Those with a
real contribution and expected results have been nominated as
“QIF of the month” and rewarded accordingly.
A special award – “QIF of year 2011” – has been granted to
Mr. Chirchirita Catalin. His proposal, number 122 in QIF list,
referred to the longitudinal and transversal transfer of Patrol
Ship PS4 into launching position, a difficult process, especially
in case of big ships. To prevent hull deformations during such
process, Mr. Chirchirita proposed that contact area between the
vessel and wooden layer of launching blocks to be made of
tego plywood, with a thickness of maximum 15 mm.
In our activity we are often confronted with cases when necessity
for improvements is obvious.
All we have to do is to describe the problem we are faced with
and a proposal for solving it by using a QIF form which has to be
sent to the following email address: [email protected].
There is always room for improvement.
Paulina Preda
Paulina Preda
qif-ul anului 2011
qif of the year 2011
Victor Dobrea – Production Director
iarna in damen galati
Viata de navalist este frumoasa atat prin importanta muncii cat
si prin complexitatea produselor ce se executa. Uneori insa ea
este extrem de dificila datorita conditiilor de lucru. Daca vara
temperaturile inalte ridica unele probleme, iarna pare sa fie
totusi cea mai dificila perioada pentru munca noastra.
Luna decembrie a anului trecut si jumatate din luna ianuarie 2012,
desi a fost rece, vremea a permis lucrul in bune conditii in ateliere
si destul de bune la navele sub cerul liber.
Din a doua jumatate a lunii ianuarie si pana pe 20 februarie
ne-am confruntat cu temperaturi foarte scazute si multa zapada.
In aceste conditii, activitatea s-a redus la zero in zonele exterioare
si s-a diminuat in ateliere. Cele mai mari probleme le-am avut
la activitatea de sudura. Aici eficienta a scazut foarte mult,
activitatea continuand doar in limita asigurarii conditiilor strict
necesare procesului la astfel de temperaturi. Facand o analiza
de ansamblu a acestei perioade, putem spune ca am lucrat la
un nivel de aproximativ 80% din capacitatea disponibila, cu un
randament de 70 – 80 % functie de zona de lucru.
Pentru a preveni inghetarea masinilor la debitare si la linia de sectii
plane, s-a lucrat continuu, trei schimburi, sapte zile pe saptamana.
In ciuda conditiilor extrem de grele in unele zile, am remarcat
daruirea si chiar spiritul de sacrificiu al salariatilor care au depus
eforturi deosebite pentru continuarea activitatii si limitarea la
maxim a devierilor de la programul de productie. De asemenea
este de apreciat si intelegerea de care au dat dovada acceptand
concediul de odihna in perioada in care, efectiv, nu s-a putut lucra.
Inca o data s-a demonstrat atasamentul, devotamentul si
responsabilitatea salariatilor nostri fata de societate si obiectivele ei.
Vremea s-a imbunatatit si urmeaza o perioada in care va trebui
sa recuperam intarzierile, pentru a respecta planificarile. Va trebui
sa ne concentram foarte mult pe eficienta si sa facem eforturi
suplimentare oriunde va fi nevoie. Sunt convins ca, daca vom
proceda ca de fiecare data, pana la sfarsitul lunii martie totul va
intra in normal.
Conform devizei noastre, orice lucrare trebuie finalizata la termen
sau mai devreme. Multumesc pe aceasta cale tuturor salariatilor
care in aceasta perioada dificila au facut tot posibilul pentru
realizarea obiectivelor din programul de productie.
Victor Dobrea – Director Productie
“What would you do
“Ce ai face daca ai avea
if you had a 300 carat diamond?” un diamant de 300 de carate?”
I have asked this question to some of my colleagues who,
although puzzled, accepted to come into my play. Below some
of their answers:
“I don’t know what to say… I never even thought for a moment,
because I don’t think I will ever posses a diamond.”
“I would sell it and with money received I would travel around the
“If I had a diamond, I would expose it to share the joy of its
brightness with everyone. It’s a pity to keep something so precious
only for yourself!”
“I’d put it up for auction and with money obtained I would pay
off my debts! Then, I’d start my own business.”
“Assuming that I am in the possession of such a diamond and
considering its value, I would deposit it for safety reasons in a
bank vault.”
“I think I would sell it. Thus I would insure a carefree life both for
me and my family. Maybe I would initiate some charities!”
“I would give it to my sweetheart.”
“I think I’ll put into a special mount and wear it on my finger!”
It is amazing how a question, apparently simple, challenged my
interlocutors’ imagination – and probably yours also. Few are
those who could resist the dream of holding one of the most
worshiped and desired gemstone. Throughout history, irrespective of time, diamonds have imposed
their supremacy. Symbols of essential beauty and sign of richness,
they adorned legendary jewels and weapons, they were
dedicated books, songs, poems, paintings…
What makes them so special? Why do they fascinate us? Why are
they so desired?
It seems that, among all gemstones, diamonds wake up our
strongest emotions. We are attracted by their brightness, clarity,
purity, hardness and durability; a plurality of exceptional features
that make them incomparably spectacular and beautiful.
Many of us believe it is almost impossible to ever come
into possession of a diamond. Yet, we fall under
the dream’s net, building illusive plans.
While running after phantasms we do not
Am adresat aceasta intrebare catorva colegi care, desi nedumeriti,
au acceptat sa intre in jocul meu. Iata cateva dintre raspunsurile
lor: “Nu stiu ce sa spun… Nu m-am gandit nici macar o clipa,
pentru ca nu cred ca voi ajunge vreodata sa detin un diamant.”
“L-as valorifica si cu banii obtinuti as calatori in jurul lumii.”
“Daca as avea un diamant, l-as expune pentru a impartasi bucuria
stralucirii lui cu toata lumea. Este pacat sa tii ceva atat de pretios
doar pentru tine!”
“L-as scoate la licitatie si cu banii obtinuti mi-as achita datoriile!
Apoi, imi voi deschide propria afacere.”
“Presupunand ca voi fi in posesia unui astfel de diamant si, avand
in vedere valoarea sa, l-as depune pentru siguranta intr-un seif, la
o banca.”
“Cred ca l-as vinde. Astfel mi-as asigura un trai fara griji atat mie
cat si familiei mele. Poate as initia cateva actiuni caritabile!”
“L-as darui persoanei iubite.”
“Cred ca il voi aseza pe o montura deosebita si-l voi purta!”
Este uimitor cum o intrebare, aparent simpla, a avut darul de a
provoca imaginatia interlocutorilor mei – probabil si pe a
dumneavoastra. Putini sunt cei care ar putea rezista visului de a
stapani una dintre cele mai adulate si mai ravnite pietre pretioase.
De-a lungul istoriei, indiferent de perioada, diamantele si-au impus
suprematia. Simboluri ale frumusetii esentiale si semne de
bogatie suprema, au impodobit bijuterii si arme legendare, li s-au
dedicat carti, cantece, poeme, picturi…
Ce le face atat de speciale? De ce ne fascineaza ? De ce sunt atat
de dorite?
Se pare ca, dintre toate pietrele pretioase, diamantele ne trezesc
cele mai puternice emotii. Suntem atrasi de stralucirea, claritatea,
puritatea, duritatea si durabilitatea lor; un cumul de trasaturi
exceptionale care le confera spectaculozitate si frumusete
Multi dintre noi credem ca este aproape imposibil sa ajungem
vreodata in posesia unui diamant. Si totusi, ne lasam purtati
de vise, faurindu-ne planuri iluzorii.
In timp ce alergam dupa himere nu realizam ca,
de fapt, suntem deja in posesia unui diamant
“Desire knows how to find
ways that lead to fulfillment”
“Dorinta stie sa gaseasca
mijloacele care o duc la
indeplinire” Thomas Hardy
Thomas Hardy
realize that, in fact, we are already in the
possession of a diamond even more precious
than the gemstone itself. It is found within each
of us: it is our personality; that complex set of feelings,
reason, qualities, skills…
Our entire potential is like a diamond found in depths. In the
rough, its beauty is very well hidden. But polished, it gets
unexpected glitters.
In conclusion, it is important to realize that we hold an extremely
valuable diamond and is in our power to transform our dreams
into reality. All we have to do is to make the most of it, point out
its exceptional features and last but not least, reshape it to confer
more and more brightness! But, if we choose to hide it as in a
vault, we lose the chance to be appreciated and admired as we
really deserve…
Disclose, reshape, shine and you will be valued for
what you worth!
cu mult mai pretios decat piatra nestemata
insasi. El se gaseste in interiorul fiecaruia dintre
noi: este vorba despre personalitatea noastra; acel
ansamblu complex de sentimente, ratiune, calitati,
Intregul nostru potential este asemeni unui diamant care se
gaseste in adancuri. In stare bruta, frumusetea lui este foarte bine
ascunsa. Prin slefuire, insa, capata sclipiri nebanuite.
In concluzie, este important sa constientizam ca detinem un diamant
extrem de valoros si ca sta in puterea noastra sa ne transformam
visele in realitate. Nu ne ramane decat sa-l exploatam, sa-i
evidentiem trasaturile exceptionale si nu in ultimul rand, sa-l
prelucram pentru a-i conferi si mai multa stralucire! Dar, daca alegem
sa-l inchidem ca intr-un seif, pierdem sansa de a fi apreciati si
admirati asa cum meritam…
Dezvaluie, slefuieste, straluceste si vei fi apreciat la
adevarata ta valoare!
Nadia Carbarau
Nadia Carbarau
trust and professionalism
incredere si profesionalism
After being confronted for many years with problems concerning
completion and delivery of ships in due term, the capacity to
respond promptly to the customers’ requirements has become
a goal of our company. The commissioning activity has sent
positive signals in this respect and added value and safety to all
projects – regardless of capacity.
Dupa ce, ani la rand ne-am confruntat cu probleme legate de
finalizarea si livrarea navelor la termen, capacitatea de a raspunde
prompt la solicitarile clientilor a devenit un deziderat al societatii
noastre. Activitatea de commissioning a transmis semnalele
pozitive in acest sens, un plus de valoare si de siguranta oricarui
proiect – indiferent de capacitatea acestuia.
Often misinterpreted, the commissioning process is considered
to be solely focused on testing and commissioning of equipment
by the end of ships building stage. In fact, it is a disciplined
activity which involves careful testing of the functionality of all
systems and equipment throughout the project.
A well planned commissioning creates the opportunity to identify
deviations and defects as well as correct them – without delaying
the delivery term.
The decision to set up Commissioning Department – headed by
Christoph Govaert and subordinated to the Managing Director –
represented a step forward but also a novelty in the organizational
structure of Damen Shipyards Galati. Following the example of
other shipyard’s achievements in different spheres of activity,
the current responsibility of this new department is to improve
coordination and planning in commissioning stage, to
streamline such processes and transfer related experience to all
Capacity to provide an integral commissioning by own resources,
compliance with delivery terms and high quality standards are
part of the strategy.
All these have a natural consequence: a strong reputation which
recommends us as reliable partners.
Adesea interpretat gresit, procesul de commissioning este
considerat ca fiind concentrat exclusiv pe testarea si punerea in
functiune a echipamentelor la sfarsitul fazei de constructie a unei
nave. De fapt, este o activitate disciplinata care implica testarea
atenta a functionalitatii tuturor sistemelor si echipamentelor, pe
toata durata proiectului.
Un commissioning bine planificat creeaza oportunitatea identificarii
abaterilor si defectelor, precum si corectarea acestora – fara a se
intarzia termenul de livrare.
Decizia infiintarii Departamentului Commissioning – condus de
Christoph Govaert si subordonat directorului general – a fost un
pas inainte dar si o noutate in structura organizatorica a Santierului
Naval Damen Galati. Dupa exemplul celorlalte realizari din diferite
sfere de activitate ale santierului, actuala responsabilitate a noului
departament este de a imbunatati coordonarea si planning-ul in
faza de commissioning, de a eficientiza aceste procese si de a
transfera experienta tuturor departamentelor.
Capacitatea de a asigura un commissioning integral prin resurse
proprii, respectarea termenului de livrare si mentinerea ridicata
a standardelor de calitate, fac parte din strategia noastra.
Toate acestea au o consecinta fireasca: o buna reputatie care ne
recomanda ca fiind parteneri de incredere.
“Trust” and “professionalism” – here are two powerful words,
apparently simple, defining the commissioning team!
“Incredere” si “profesionalism” – iata doua cuvinte puternice,
aparent simple, care definesc echipa de commissioning !
Gabriela Bucur
Gabriela Bucur
commissioning activity
activitatea de commissioning
Operation: Harbour services
YN 511583-1213; Delivery: 16th December 2011
YN: 563053/1223 Delivery: 30.11.2012
2 x DAMEN PSv 3300 CD
YN 552022/1230 + YN 552023/1225
Homeport: Las Piedras; Operation: Harbour services
YN 511582-1212; Delivery: 1st December 2011
YN 551017/1226 Delivery: 29.03.2013
Recent deliveries
under construction
Damen shipyards galati
D A M E N S H I P yards galati
132 Moruzzi Street
800223 Galati
Member of the DAMEN Shipyards Group
phone +40 (0)23 630 71 11
fax +40 (0)23 630 72 11
[email protected]
© No part of this brochure may be reproduced in any form, by print, photo print, microfilm, or any other means, without written permission from Damen Shipyards Galati

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