CC c i i s t t y a n c b o u L l L V e c e t n i i o n C e Price List 2 0 1 1 CONDIZIONI CONDIZIONI CONDIZIONI DI DI VENDITA VENDITA DI VENDITA FORO FORO COMPETENTE FORO COMPETENTE COMPETENTE Il Ilpresente presente Il presente listino listinoIVA IVA listino ESCLUSA, ESCLUSA, IVA ESCLUSA, annulla annulla iannulla i precedenti precedenti i precedenti eepuò puòessere essere e puòvariato variato essere senza senza variato preavviso. preavviso. senza preavviso. I prezzi I prezzi indicati Iindicati prezzi sono indicati sono espressi espressi sono in espressi �in � in � (euro). (euro).L’Azienda (euro). L’Azienda L’Azienda Pinton Pinton si si Pinton riserva si di riserva apportare apportare di apportare senza senzaobbligo obbligo senzadiobbligo dipreavviso preavviso di preavviso tutte tutte le le variazioni variazioni tutte le variazioni che che si rendessero si rendessero che si rendessero necessarie necessarie necessarie ai propri ai propriai propri prodotti, prodotti, prodotti, didicarattere carattere di carattere sostanziale, sostanziale, sostanziale, tecnico, tecnico,tecnico, costruttive costruttive costruttive oodididesign, design, o diche design, chesisirivelassero rivelassero che si rivelassero necessarie necessarie necessarie al loro al loro miglioramento. miglioramento. al loro miglioramento. Nel Nelcaso caso Nel fossero fossero caso fossero accertate accertate accertate delle discrepanze discrepanze delle discrepanze relative relativearelative aCaratteristiche Caratteristiche a Caratteristiche Tecniche Tecniche Tecniche o Dimensioni o Dimensioni o Dimensioni deidei prodotti prodotti dei traprodotti tra il presente il presente tra Listino il presente Listino e i eListino i ei Cataloghi Cataloghi Cataloghi sisiconsiglia consiglia si consiglia di di contattare contattare di contattare il nostro nostroilUfficio Ufficio nostroTecnico. Tecnico. Ufficio Tecnico. AAcausa causa Adelle delle causa imbottiture, imbottiture, delle imbottiture, le le misure le riportate riportate misure riportate sono sonopassibili passibili sono passibili didiun uncerta certa di tolleranza. un tolleranza. certa tolleranza. I dati I daticontenuti contenuti nel nel presente presente Listino eListino nei nei Cataloghi Cataloghi non nonsono sono vincolanti. vincolanti. I dati contenuti nel presente e nei Cataloghi non sono vincolanti. Gli GliAgenti Agenti oqualsiasi qualsiasi altro altro rappresentante rappresentante aa cui cuiPinton Pinton ha conferito conferito mandato, mandato, sono sono privi privi della della facoltà facoltà di: di: riscuotere, riscuotere, quietanzare, quietanzare, o o GlioAgenti o qualsiasi altro rappresentante a cuiha Pinton ha conferito mandato, sono privi della facoltà di: riscuotere, quietanzare, o impegnarsi impegnarsi ininqualsiasi qualsiasi modo modo inmodo nomeindella della Pinton Pinton senza preventiva preventiva autorizzazione autorizzazione scritta scritta di di quest’ultima. quest’ultima. impegnarsi in qualsiasi nome dellasenza Pinton senza preventiva autorizzazione scritta di quest’ultima. MATERIALI MATERIALI MATERIALI ee RIVESTIMENTI RIVESTIMENTI e RIVESTIMENTI I colori I coloridei Idei colori Materiali Materiali dei Materiali ee dei dei Rivestimenti Rivestimenti e dei Rivestimenti (Cataloghi (Cataloghi (Cataloghi ––Tessuti Tessuti ––Tessuti –Pelle Pelle– –Finiture Finiture Pelle –ecc……) Finiture ecc……) sono ecc……) sono solo solo sono indicativi, indicativi, solonon indicativi, non essendo essendo non essendo tecnicamente tecnicamente tecnicamente possibile possibile possibile assicurare assicurare assicurare costanza costanza costanza di di tinta tintaaadidistanza distanza tinta a distanza diditempo. tempo. diPertanto Pertanto tempo. l’Azienda Pertanto l’Azienda non l’Azienda non si assume si assume non si responsabilità assume responsabilità responsabilità per per per eventuali eventuali eventuali differenze differenze differenze di di colore coloredinell’accompagnamento nell’accompagnamento colore nell’accompagnamento didielementi elementi di elementi ininaggiunta, aggiunta, in aggiunta, néné può può garantire garantire né può la garantire perfetta la perfetta la corrispondenza perfetta corrispondenza corrispondenza di colore di coloredi colore tra trail ilcampionario campionario tra il campionario ee ilil rivestimento rivestimento e il rivestimento scelto. scelto. IIscelto. Cataloghi Cataloghi I Cataloghi hanno hannocarattere carattere hanno carattere puramente puramente puramente illustrativo. illustrativo. illustrativo. IlIlcommittente committente Il committente conferendo conferendo conferendo ordinazione ordinazione ordinazione accetta accettaaccetta tali talitolleranze. tolleranze. tali tolleranze. Non Nonsisiforniscono Non forniscono si forniscono strutture strutturestrutture in bianco in senza senza biancorivestimento rivestimento senza rivestimento Le Leistruzioni istruzioni Le istruzioni per perilillavaggio lavaggio per il lavaggio e manutenzione manutenzione e manutenzione dei deinostri nostri dei rivestimenti, rivestimenti, nostri rivestimenti, riportate riportatenei riportate nei nostri nostri nei campionari, campionari, nostri campionari, hanno hanno valore valore hanno puramente puramente valore puramente indicativo, indicativo, indicativo, vanno vannoconsultate consultate vanno consultate da personale personale da personale specializzato specializzato specializzato eecomunque comunque e comunque sollevano sollevano sollevano la la Pinton Pinton da la da Pinton qualsiasi qualsiasi datipo qualsiasi tipo di responsabilità di responsabilità tipo di responsabilità per per per lavaggi lavaggilavaggi oomanutenzioni manutenzioni o manutenzioni impropri. impropri. impropri. Si raccomanda raccomanda Si raccomanda ilillavaggio lavaggio il lavaggio dei deiTessuti Tessuti deipresso Tessuti presso Puliture Puliture pressoSpecializzate Puliture Specializzate Specializzate e senza e senza l’uso el’uso senza di decoloranti di l’uso decoloranti di decoloranti o o o restringenti. restringenti. restringenti. AArichiesta, richiesta, A richiesta, nel nelcaso caso nel ii tessuti tessuti caso i lo tessuti consentano, consentano, lo consentano, èè possibile possibile è possibile eseguire eseguireeseguire il ilPRELAVAGGIO PRELAVAGGIO il PRELAVAGGIO prima prima della della prima confezione; confezione; della confezione; perper il costo il costo per si prega ilsicosto prega di sidiprega di consultare consultare consultare lalaTABELLA TABELLA la TABELLA SERVIZI SERVIZI SERVIZI SU RICHIESTA. RICHIESTA. SU RICHIESTA. NOTE NOTENOTE Per qualsiasi Per qualsiasi controversia Per qualsiasi controversia sarà controversia competente sarà competente sarà il foro competente diilPadova. foro diilPadova. foro Si fadisalvo Padova. Si fa il diritto salvo Si di fail proprietà diritto salvo ildidiritto proprietà sulla di merce proprietà sulla venduta merce sulla davenduta merce parte della venduta da parteda della parte della PintonPinton s.a.s. fino s.a.s. Pinton all’estinzione fino s.a.s. all’estinzione finototale all’estinzione del totale pagamento del totale pagamento del da parte pagamento da delparte cliente. da del parte cliente. del cliente. TABELLA TABELLA TABELLA SERVIZI SERVIZI SUSERVIZI RICHIESTA SU RICHIESTA SU RICHIESTA PRELAVAGGIO TESSUTI PRELAVAGGIO PRELAVAGGIO TESSUTI TESSUTI A richiesta A richiesta se Ai richiesta tessuti se i tessuti lo se consentono, i lo tessuti consentono, loè consentono, possibile è possibile eseguire è possibile eseguire il prelavaggio eseguire il prelavaggio prima il prelavaggio della prima confezione. della prima confezione. della confezione. Il costo Il costo del prelavaggio Ildel costo prelavaggio del è prelavaggio di � 10 è di / mtl � 10 occorrente è /dimtl � 10 occorrente / mtl per ciascun occorrente per ciascun elemento. per ciascun elemento. elemento. ORDINI ORDINI CON ORDINI CON TESSUTO TESSUTO CON FORNITO TESSUTO FORNITO DAL FORNITO CLIENTE DAL CLIENTE DAL CLIENTE Cat. TESSUTO Cat. TESSUTO Cat. CLIENTE TESSUTO CLIENTE = Vedere CLIENTE = Vedere colonna = Vedere colonna dedicata colonna dedicata all’interno dedicata all’interno del Listino all’interno delPrezzi. Listino del Prezzi. Listino Prezzi. Tessuto Tessuto cliente: Tessuto cliente: le misure cliente: le misure dei metraggi le dei misure metraggi fornite dei metraggi dal fornite nostro dal fornite Ufficio nostro dal Tecnico, Ufficio nostroTecnico, Ufficio sono riferite Tecnico, sono a Tessuti riferite sonoain riferite Tessuti altezza a Tessuti in cm. altezza 140inealtezza cm. con 140 disegni cm. e con 140disegni e con disegni SENZA SENZA RAPPORTO. SENZA RAPPORTO. Per RAPPORTO. evitare Per evitare spiacevoli Per spiacevoli evitare contrattempi, spiacevoli contrattempi, si contrattempi, prega sidiprega segnalare sidiprega segnalare al nostro di segnalare al Ufficio nostro Tecnico, alUfficio nostroqualora Tecnico, Ufficio iTecnico, Tessuti qualorafossero qualora i Tessuti ai Tessuti fossero fossero a a Righe,Righe, Quadri, Quadri, Righe, o in genere Quadri, o in genere CON o inRAPPORTO, genere CON RAPPORTO, CONeRAPPORTO, se diversi e seper diversi estruttura se per diversi struttura e cuscinature. per struttura e cuscinature. e cuscinature. Nel caso Nel di caso Tessuti Nel dicaso Tessuti Cliente di Tessuti Cliente a disegni Cliente a disegni CONaRAPPORTO, disegni CON RAPPORTO, CONvaRAPPORTO, considerato va considerato va unconsiderato SOVRAPPREZZO un SOVRAPPREZZO un SOVRAPPREZZO DEL 10 %DEL sul prezzo 10DEL % sul di 10prezzo Listino % sul prezzo di Listino di Listino riferito alla categoria riferito alla NORMAL. categoria NORMAL. riferito alla categoria NORMAL. I Tessuti Cliente I Tessuti ci dovranno Cliente essere ci dovranno inviati ininviati essere PORTO FRANCO, in PORTO specificando FRANCO, il Diritto specificando del Tessuto. ildel Diritto del Tessuto. I Tessuti Cliente ci dovranno essere ininviati PORTO FRANCO, specificando il Diritto Tessuto. Richiedere il Richiedere metraggio alil nostro metraggio Ufficio al nostro TecnicoUfficio Richiedere il metraggio al nostro Ufficio TecnicoTecnico In ogniIncaso In viste ogni caso pressoché illimitate le pressoché possibilità illimitate che l’industria possibilità tessile che l’industria offre, la Pinton tessile sioffre, riserva lasi di Pinton accettare si di riserva l’ordine di accettare con “Tessuto l’ordine con “Tessuto ogni,caso ,leviste le, viste pressoché illimitate possibilità che l’industria tessile offre, la Pinton riserva accettare l’ordine con “Tessuto Cliente” soltanto Cliente” una volta soltanto possesso una dello in possesso stesso fine dellodial stesso valutare fattibilità fine di valutare ed eventuali fattibilità ulteriori ed eventuali maggiorazioni, siamaggiorazioni, in termini sia in di termini di Cliente” soltanto unainvolta in volta possesso dello al stesso fine dialvalutare fattibilità ed eventuali ulteriori ulteriori maggiorazioni, siadiin termini costo costo che diche tempi costo che evasione. diditempi di evasione. di di tempi evasione. L’indicazione L’indicazione L’indicazione didiDx Dx oodi Sx SxDx èè determinata determinata o Sx è determinata dall’osservazione dall’osservazione dall’osservazione frontale frontaledell’elemento frontale dell’elemento dell’elemento o della o della composizione. composizione. o della composizione. LISTINO LISTINO TESSUTI LISTINO TESSUTI / TESSUTI MTL/ MTL / MTL FUORI FUORI FUORI MISURA MISURA MISURA Consultare Consultare Consultare lalaTABELLA TABELLA la TABELLA SERVIZI SERVIZI SERVIZI SU RICHIESTA. RICHIESTA. SU RICHIESTA. CONSEGNE CONSEGNE CONSEGNE Le Ledate dateLe didiconsegna date consegna di consegna sono sono indicative. indicative. sono indicative. Eventuali Eventuali Eventuali ritardi ritardinon non ritardi possono possono non possono comunque comunque comunque dar dar luogo luogo dar a richieste a luogo richieste adirichieste risarcimento di risarcimento di risarcimento danni. danni. NonNon danni. si si Non si effettuano effettuano effettuano consegne consegne consegne direttamente direttamente direttamente a privati privatiaper per privati conto conto per dei dei conto rivenditori. rivenditori. dei rivenditori. Per Pergli gliordinativi Per ordinativi gli ordinativi di di Poltrone Poltrone di Poltrone – Poltroncine Poltroncine – Poltroncine –– Pouf Pouf--–Sedie Sedie Pouf–-–Tavoli Sedie Tavoli,–l’Azienda , Tavoli l’Azienda , l’Azienda Pinton Pinton si si riserva Pinton riserva di si prorogarne di riserva prorogarne di prorogarne i tempi i tempi di consegna di i tempi consegna di consegna onde ondepoterli poterli onderaggruppare raggruppare poterli raggruppare con con altricon eventuali eventuali altri eventuali ordini. ordini. ordini. InIncaso caso In didicaso spedizioni spedizioni di spedizioni per per Posta perCelere Celere Posta oo Celere Corriere Corriere o Corriere Espresso, Espresso, Espresso, tutte tuttelelerelative tutte relative lespese relative spese saranno saranno speseasaranno carico a carico del a del carico committente. committente. del committente. Quantità Quantità minima Quantità minima ordinabile minima ordinabile mtl. ordinabile 1 mtl. 1 mtl. 1 NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL SUPER SUPERSUPER EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA LUX LUX LUX TOP TOP TOP STARSTAR STAR ELITEELITE ELITE PRESTIGE PRESTIGE PRESTIGE � 45 � 63 � 80 � 89 � 111 � 139 � 180 � 300 � 45 � 63 � 80 � 89 � 111 � 139 � 180 � 300 � 45 � 63 � 80 � 89 � 111 � 139 � 180 � 300 TRASPORTO TRASPORTO TRASPORTO La Lamerce merce Lavenduta merce vendutavenduta FRANCO FRANCO FRANCO FABBRICA, FABBRICA, FABBRICA, viaggia viaggiaaviaggia arischio rischioaeerischio pericolo pericolo e del pericolo delcommittente, committente, del committente, mentre mentre se mentre se venduta venduta se FRANCO venduta FRANCO DESTINO FRANCO DESTINO su DESTINO su su sponda spondasponda camion camioncamion fin findove dovefin arrivano arrivano dove arrivano gli automezzi automezzi gli automezzi che chelalatrasportano, trasportano, che la trasportano, viaggia viaggiaa viaggia arischio rischio eapericolo erischio pericolo edel pericolo del Produttore. Produttore. del Produttore. RESI RESIRESI Non Nonsisiaccettano Non accettano si accettano resi resi di di merce merce resi dise merce non preventivamente preventivamente se non preventivamente autorizzati autorizzati autorizzati per periscritto iscritto per dall’Azienda; dall’Azienda; iscritto dall’Azienda; i resi i resi dovranno dovranno i resi giungere dovranno giungere alla giungere alla Pinton: Pinton: alla Pinton: integri, integri,imballati, integri, imballati, imballati, eeaccompagnati accompagnati e accompagnati da regolare regolare da regolare Documento Documento Documento didiTrasporto Trasporto di Trasporto e esaranno saranno ecomunque saranno comunque comunque resi resi franco franco resi ogni ogni franco spesa spesa ogni allaalla nostra spesa nostra sede. allasede. nostra sede. Gli ordinativi Gli di soli ordinativi TAGLI di DI soli TESSUTO TAGLI saranno DI TESSUTO consegnati saranno in PORTO consegnati ASSEGNATO. in PORTO ASSEGNATO. Gli ordinativi di soli TAGLI DI TESSUTO saranno consegnati in PORTO ASSEGNATO. MAGGIORAZIONE MAGGIORAZIONE MAGGIORAZIONE ORDINI ORDINI FUORI ORDINI FUORI SERIE FUORI SERIE SU MISURA SERIE SU MISURA SU MISURA Si accettano Si accettano ordini Si accettano “FUORI ordini “FUORI ordini MISURA” “FUORI MISURA” qualora MISURA” qualora la Pinton qualora laritenga Pinton lapossibile ritenga Pinton possibile ritenga la loro esecuzione. possibile la loro esecuzione. la loro Il prezzo esecuzione. di Il prezzo ListinoIl relativo, di prezzo Listino di subirà relativo, Listino un relativo, subirà un subirà un aumento aumento minimo aumento minimo del 20minimo del %. 20 %. del 20 %. Occorre Occorre considerare Occorre considerare unconsiderare Termine un Termine di Consegna un Termine di Consegna più di lungo Consegna piùche lungo verrà piùche lungo comunicato verrà che comunicato verrà dopocomunicato averdopo valutato aver dopo levalutato modifiche aver valutato le modifiche richieste. le modifiche richieste. richieste. Per questi Per questi articoli Per articoli questi non siarticoli non accetta si accetta non la restituzione. si accetta la restituzione. la restituzione. RECLAMI RECLAMI RECLAMI Dovranno Dovranno Dovranno essere esseretrasmessi essere trasmessi trasmessi entro 8 giorni entro giorni 8 dalla dalla giorni data data dalla didiconsegna consegna data di consegna della dellamerce merce della aa mezzo merce mezzo raccomandata. a raccomandata. mezzo raccomandata. Farà Faràfede fede Farà ililtimbro timbro fede ilpostale postale timbro postale oo altra equivalente equivalente o altra equivalente certificazione. certificazione. certificazione. Trascorso Trascorso Trascorso tale taletermine termine talenessun termine nessun reclamo nessun reclamo verrà reclamo verrà riconosciuto. riconosciuto. verrà riconosciuto. I reclami I reclami perI reclami per per eventuali eventuali eventuali danni dannicausati causati danni causati alla alla merce alladurante durante merce durante ilil trasporto, trasporto, il trasporto, ooper percolli colli o mancanti per mancanti colli mancanti dovranno dovranno dovranno essere essere manifestati manifestati essere manifestati al Vettore al Vettore al alricevimento Vettore al ricevimento al ricevimento della dellamerce. merce. della Ilmerce. Ildocumento documento Il documento di di trasporto di trasporto firmato firmato al al firmato momento momento al momento dello delloscarico scarico dellovale scarico valecome come vale dichiarazione dichiarazione come dichiarazione di esatta di esatta corrispondenza dicorrispondenza esatta corrispondenza di quanto di quanto di quanto ininesso essoin contenuto. contenuto. esso contenuto. CONDIZIONI CONDIZIONI CONDIZIONI EE PAGAMENTI PAGAMENTI E PAGAMENTI Per Perleleforme forme Per ledidi forme pagamento pagamento di pagamento e scontoe sisconto fa fa riferimento riferimento si fa riferimento aaquanto quanto aprecisato precisato quanto precisato sulla sullanostra nostra sulla Conferma Conferma nostra Conferma d’Ordine. d’Ordine. d’Ordine. Le Lecondizioni condizioni Le condizioni praticate praticate praticate per per unaper Fornitura Fornitura una Fornitura di di Campionatura, Campionatura, di Campionatura, non nonsono sono non riferite riferite sono aa ordini riferite ordini successivi asuccessivi ordini successivi néné danno danno diritto nédiritto danno a variazioni a diritto variazioni asui variazioni sui sui conteggi conteggi conteggi didiforniture forniture di forniture precedenti. precedenti. precedenti. I pagamenti I pagamenti I pagamenti devono devonodevono essere essere effettuati essere effettuati direttamente direttamente direttamente alla allanostra nostra alla sede sede nostra entro entro sede i termini i termini entrostabiliti i stabiliti termini in in conferma. stabiliti conferma. in conferma. L’Azienda L’Azienda L’Azienda Pinton Pintonha Pinton ha la la facoltà facoltà ha la di facoltà sospendere sospendere di sospendere le leforniture, forniture, le forniture, qualora qualoralequalora lecondizioni condizioni le condizioni economiche economiche economiche dell’acquirente dell’acquirente dell’acquirente risultassero risultassero risultassero tali da tali porre da porre tali da porre ininevidente evidente in evidente pericolo pericolopericolo ilil conseguimento conseguimento il conseguimento del del pagamento. pagamento. del pagamento. Nel Nelcaso caso Nel didipagamenti caso pagamenti di pagamenti differiti, differiti, ladifferiti, la mancata mancata lapuntuale mancata puntuale osservanza puntuale osservanza osservanza delle delle delle scadenze scadenze scadenze stabilite stabilitestabilite legittima legittimalegittima la Pinton laaaPinton richiedere richiedere a richiedere ililversamento versamento il versamento immediato immediato immediato dell’intero dell’intero dell’intero residuo residuo prezzo. residuo prezzo. Sulle prezzo. Sulle fatture fatture Sulle nonnon fatture pagate pagate non alla alla pagate alla scadenza, scadenza, scadenza, verranno verranno verranno addebitati addebitati addebitati gli interessi interessi gli interessi di di Mora Moraapplicati di applicati Mora applicati alaltasso tassolegale, allegale, tasso maggiorato maggiorato legale, maggiorato di di 5 (cinque) 5 (cinque) di 5punti (cinque) punti perper anno. punti anno. per anno. IMPOSTA IMPOSTA IMPOSTA ee PUBBLICITA’ PUBBLICITA’ e PUBBLICITA’ Il IlCliente Cliente Il Cliente può puòpubblicizzare pubblicizzare può pubblicizzare i prodottii prodotti e ilil marchio marchio e il marchio Pinton Pintonsu su Pinton automezzi, automezzi, su automezzi, cartelli cartelli stradali, stradali, cartellimanifesti stradali, manifesti murali, manifesti murali, cataloghi cataloghi murali,incataloghi genere, in genere, carta in genere, carta carta stampata, stampata, stampata, sito sitointernet internet sito internet oo qualsiasi qualsiasi o qualsiasi altra altra forma forma altradivulgativa, divulgativa, forma divulgativa, previa previaautorizzazione autorizzazione previa autorizzazione scritta scritta della della scritta Pinton. Pinton. della Le Pinton. Le tasse tasse Comunali LeComunali tasseoComunali dio di o di pubblicità pubblicità pubblicità riguardanti riguardanti riguardanti le le insegne insegne le insegne e/o altro altroe/o materiale materiale altro materiale pubblicitario pubblicitario pubblicitario che cheriportino riportino cheilriportino marchio il marchio ilPinton, marchio Pinton, siaPinton, sia esso esso destinato sia destinato essoall’interno destinato all’interno oall’interno o o all’esterno all’esterno all’esterno del delpunto punto delvendita, vendita, punto vendita, sono adsono esclusivo esclusivo ad esclusivo carico caricodel del carico Cliente. Cliente. del Cliente. ELEMENTI ELEMENTI ELEMENTI CONCON RIVESTIMENTI RIVESTIMENTI CON RIVESTIMENTI DIVERSI DIVERSI DIVERSI Il prezzo Il prezzo dei modelli Il dei prezzo modelli condei rivestimenti modelli con rivestimenti con coordinati rivestimenti coordinati e diversi coordinati e (anche diversiedella (anche diversi stessa della (anche categoria) stessa della categoria) stessa si ottiene categoria) si aggiungendo ottiene si aggiungendo ottiene alla aggiungendo Categoria alla IN Categoria alla Categoria IN IN BIANCO, BIANCO, il valore BIANCO, il valore del Rivestimento ildel valore Rivestimento deldella Rivestimento fodera della Schienale fodera dellaSchienale fodera + il valore Schienale + ildella valore fodera + ildella valore Seduta fodera della +Seduta fodera il valoreSeduta +della il valore fodera + ildella valore Telaio. fodera dellaTelaio. fodera Telaio. TERMS TERMS TERMS OF OF SALE SALE OF SALE This Thisprice price This list, list, price excluding excluding list, excluding VAT, VAT, replaces replaces VAT, replaces all allthe theprevious previous all the previous ones onesand and ones may may be and be changed may changed bewithout changed without prior without prior notice. notice. prior Prices Prices notice. are are in Prices �in (euros). �are (euros). in � (euros). The Thecompany company Pinton Pinton Pinton reserves reservesreserves the the right rightthe to tomake make any any modification modification toto the the materials, materials, technical technical and and manufacturing manufacturing processes processes and and The company right to make any modification to the materials, technical and manufacturing processes and designs designsdesigns of of the the products products without without prior prior notice notice . . notice . of the products without prior IfIfdifferences differences in in technical technical details details or or product product sizesbetween between this thisprice price listlist and and thelist the catalogue catalogue willwill be be detected, detected, please contact contact our contact our If differences in technical details or sizes product sizes between this price and the catalogue will beplease detected, please our Technical Technical Department Department Technical Department Because Because of of fillings, fillings, measurements are aresubject subject toaacertain certain tolerance. Because of measurements fillings, measurements aretosubject to atolerance. certain tolerance. The Thedata data stated stated in this pricelist pricelist and and catalogues catalogues are arenot notbinding. binding. The datain stated in this pricelist and catalogues are not binding. Agents AgentsAgents or or any any other other representative representative of ofthe thecompany company Pinton Pintonare are not notauthorized authorized to:to: collect collect payments, payments, issue issue receipts, receipts, or receipts, engage or engage inorany in any in any or any other representative of the company Pinton are not authorized to: collect payments, issue engage way wayon onway behalf behalf of Pinton Pinton without writtenauthorisation authorisation ofofthe thecompany. company. onof behalf ofwithout Pinton written without written authorisation of the company. SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES ON REQUEST ON REQUEST ON REQUEST PRE-WASHING PRE-WASHING of FABRICS of FABRICS PRE-WASHING of FABRICS Upon request, Upon request, Upon if it is request, allowed if it is allowed by if itthe is allowed fabric, by theitfabric, by is possible theitfabric, is possible to pre-wash it is possible to pre-wash it before to pre-wash tailoring. it beforeittailoring. before tailoring. The cost Theofcost pre-washing The of pre-washing cost ofispre-washing � 10 is / mtl � 10 /ismtl � 10 / mtl ORDERS ORDERS WITH ORDERS WITH FABRIC WITH FABRIC SUPPLIED FABRIC SUPPLIED BY SUPPLIED THE BYCUSTOMER THE BYCUSTOMER THE CUSTOMER Cat TESSUTO Cat TESSUTO Cat CLIENTE TESSUTO CLIENTE (customer’s CLIENTE (customer’s fabric) (customer’s =fabric) See the =fabric) See dedicated the = See dedicated column the dedicated incolumn the price column in the list. price in the list. price list. MATERIALS MATERIALS MATERIALS and COVERINGS COVERINGS and COVERINGS The Thecolours colours The colours of of Materials Materials of Materials and Coatings Coatings and Coatings (Catalogs (Catalogs (Catalogs - -Fabrics Fabrics -- Fabrics Leather - Leather -- Leather Finishings - Finishings - Finishings ... ... etcetc ...)...) have ...have etcnot ...) not tohave be to considered be not considered to be considered binding binding as itbinding as is it is as it is technically technically impossible impossible to obtain obtaintothe the same same colour colour for for allallproductions. productions. For For this this reason, reason, Pinton Pinton declines declines any responsibility responsibility for colours for colours technically impossible obtain the same colour for all productions. For this reason, Pintonany declines any responsibility for colours matching, matching, neither neither can guarantee guarantee the the perfect perfect colour correspondence correspondence between between the the samples samples and thethe coverings. coverings. The catalogues catalogues are matching, neither can guarantee thecolour perfect colour correspondence between theand samples and the The coverings. The are catalogues are purely purelyillustrative. illustrative. purely illustrative. By Byconfirming confirming the the order, the customer customer accept acceptthese thesetolerances. tolerances. By confirming thethe order, the customer accept these tolerances. InInno nocircumstance circumstance our products products will will be besupplied supplied without withoutupholstery. upholstery. In no circumstance our products will be supplied without upholstery. The Thecleaning cleaning and and care instructions instructions of ofour ourcoverings, coverings, marked markedon onour oursamples, samples, are purely purely indicative indicative and should should be consulted be consulted by The cleaning and care instructions of our coverings, marked on our are samples, are purely and indicative and should bebyconsulted by specialists. specialists. Pinton Pinton declines responsibility responsibility for fordamages damages caused causedbycaused byincorrect incorrect care or or washing. washing. We recommend recommend the the washing washing of fabrics of fabrics specialists. Pinton declines responsibility for damages by care incorrect care orWe washing. We recommend the washing of fabrics by byprofessional professional laundries laundries and and without without theuse useof ofbleaching bleaching ororshrinking shrinking products productsproducts by professional laundries and the without the use of bleaching or shrinking Upon Uponrequest, request, and and if allowed by by the the factory, factory, itisispossible possible topre-wash pre-wash the the fabric fabric before before producing producing thethe coverings. coverings. know To know theTo costs the costs Upon request, and if allowed by the itfactory, it is to possible to pre-wash the fabric before producing the To coverings. know the costs ofofthis thisoperation, operation, please please refer refer to to SERVICES SERVICES ON ONREQUEST. REQUEST. of this operation, please refer to SERVICES ON REQUEST. NOTES NOTES NOTES Elements Elements Elements and and compositions compositions and compositions are are called called areDx Dx called (right) (right) Dx oror(right) Sx Sx(left) (left) or by Sx byobserving (left) observing by observing them them onon the them the front front onside. the side. front side. SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SIZES SIZESSIZES Refer Referto toRefer SERVICES SERVICES to SERVICES ON REQUEST. REQUEST. ON REQUEST. DELIVERIES DELIVERIES DELIVERIES The Thedelivery delivery The delivery dates dates are dates purely purely areindicative, indicative, purely indicative, therefore therefore therefore Pinton Pintoncannot cannot Pinton bebe cannot held held responsible be responsible held responsible forfor anyany damages damages for anydue damages due to delayed to delayed due deliveries. to delayed deliveries. deliveries. We Wedo donot We not deliver deliver do not directly deliver directly to individuals individuals to individuals on onthe thebehalf behalf on the ofofbehalf the theretailers. retailers. of the retailers. For Fororders orders Forof of orders Armchairs Armchairs of Armchairs – Small Small –Armchairs Armchairs Small Armchairs - -Ottomans Ottomans - Ottomans ––Chairs Chairs-–Tables, -Chairs Tables, Pinton - Tables, Pinton company company Pinton reserves company reserves the reserves the rightright to the extend to extend rightthe to delivery the extend delivery the delivery times timesinintimes order orderinto toorder group grouptothe delivery delivery with withother other orders. orders. Deliverycharges charges by by express express mail or courier or courier be supported be supported the by the by the group the delivery with otherDelivery orders. Delivery charges bymail express mail will or will courier will beby supported customer. customer. customer. TRANSPORT TRANSPORT TRANSPORT Goods Goodssold Goods sold EX EXsold WORKS WORKS EX WORKS are shipped shipped are shipped at atthe thebuyer’s buyer’s at therisk. buyer’s risk.Goods Goods risk. sold sold Goods FREE FREE sold DESTINATION DESTINATION FREE DESTINATION on on truck truck tailgate on tailgate truck at the tailgate at the delivery delivery at the address, delivery address,address, are shipped under the manufacturer’s responsibility. are areshipped shipped under under the manufacturer’s manufacturer’s responsibility. responsibility. RETURNS RETURNS RETURNS Returned Returned Returned goods goods are are goods not accepted are accepted not accepted without withoutprior without priorwritten written priorauthorisation authorisation written authorisation and and they they will and will only they only bewill be accepted only accepted beifaccepted delivered if delivered iffree delivered free of charge of charge freetoofour to charge our to our warehouse; warehouse; warehouse; returns returns returns must arrive arrive mustat atarrive Pinton Pinton atintact, intact, Pinton packed, packed, intact, and packed, andaccompanied accompanied and accompanied byby a regular a regular bytransport a regular transport document. transport document. document. COMPLAINTS COMPLAINTS COMPLAINTS Any Anycomplaints complaints Any complaints must must bemust submitted submitted be submitted within within88days within daysfrom from 8 days the thedate from dateof the ofdelivery delivery date ofofdelivery of thethe goods goods of the by by registered goods registered by registered post. post. post. No Noclaims claims Nowill will claims be be recognized will be recognized after after this thisafter term. term. this Claims Claims term.for for Claims any anydamage damage for anycaused damage caused tocaused to goods goods during toduring goods transport, transport, during or transport, for or missing for missing or for packages missing packages must packages must must be bereported reported be reported to to the the carrier to theon carrier receipt receipt onof of receipt goods. goods. ofThe The goods. transport transport The transport document document document signed signed at at the signed the time time atofthe discharge of discharge time of is discharge aisdeclaration a declaration is a declaration of exact of exactof exact match match to match to what whatto itit contains. contains. what it contains. PAYMENT PAYMENT PAYMENT AND AND CONDITIONS CONDITIONS AND CONDITIONS For Forterms terms Forof ofterms payment payment of payment and discount discount and discount refer referto towhat refer whatspecified to specified what specified ononour ourorder order on our confirmation. confirmation. order confirmation. Special SpecialSpecial terms terms applied applied terms applied on sample sample on orders sample ordersdo do orders not notrefer refer do not totosubsequent refer subsequent to subsequent supplies supplies and supplies and dodo notnot and allow allow dotonot change toallow change the to change the terms terms ofthe previous ofterms previous of previous supplies. supplies. supplies. Payments Payments Payments must must be bemust made bedirectly directly made to directly to the thecompany company to the company within withinthe the within time timelimits the limits time stated stated limits in in the stated the order order in confirmation. theconfirmation. order confirmation. The Thecompany company The company Pinton Pinton has Pinton the has right rightthe to to suspend suspend right to suspend deliveries deliveries deliveries if ifthe theeconomic economic if the economic conditions conditions conditions of of thethe buyer buyer of are theare such buyer such toare endanger to such endanger tothe endanger the the achievement achievement achievement of of payment. payment. of payment. In the the event event In the of ofevent delayed delayed of payments delayed payments payments ororofofthe the lack orlack ofofthe of punctual punctual lack ofpayments punctual payments on payments on thethe agreed agreed on the dueagreed due date, date, Pinton due Pinton date, has has Pinton has the theright right the to to ask right ask for for to the ask for immediate immediate the immediate settlement settlement settlement ofofthe theentire entire of the residual residual entirecredit. residual credit. The The credit. legal legal interest The interest legal rate, interest rate, withwith arate, 5% a 5% annual with annual a 5% increase, increase, annual will increase, be will be will be charged chargedcharged on on all all delayed delayed on all delayed payments payments payments TAXES TAXES TAXES AND AND ADVERTISMENT ADVERTISMENT AND ADVERTISMENT Customer Customer Customer may may advertise advertise may advertise products productsproducts and andthe thebrand and brand the Pinton Pinton brand onon Pinton vehicles, vehicles, on vehicles, road road signs, signs, road posters, posters, signs,catalogues, posters, catalogues, catalogues, press, press, websites websites press, orwebsites any or any otherother or any other way wayunder under written of of Pinton. Pinton. Taxesfor for advertisements advertisements showing showing the the brand brand Pinton, Pinton, whether whether forwhether for inside inside orfor outside orinside outside the store, the store, waywritten under approval written approval of Taxes Pinton. Taxes for advertisements showing the brand Pinton, or outside the store, are areatatcustomer customer charge. charge. charge. are at customer JURISDICTION JURISDICTION JURISDICTION Any Anydispute dispute Any dispute shall shall beshall settled be by by settled the the Court Court by the ofofCourt Padua. Padua. ofPinton Padua. Pintons.a.s. s.a.s. Pinton has has s.a.s. property property hasrights property rights onon all rights all thethe goods ongoods all sold thesold goods untiluntil the sold the total until total payment the payment total by payment by by the thecustomer. customer. the customer. Tessuto Tessuto Cliente: Tessuto Cliente: Measures Cliente: Measures provided Measures provided by ourprovided technical by our technical by department, our technical department, shown department, onshown the price on shown the list, price are on the forlist, Fabrics price are list, for in Fabrics height are forcm. Fabrics in height 140 and incm. height not140cm. and140 not and not decorated withdecorated patterns. To with avoid patterns. avoid setbacks, unpleasant pleasesetbacks, communicate please tocommunicate our Technical Department to our Technical if the Department fabrics are fabrics if the are fabrics are decorated with patterns. Tounpleasant avoidTounpleasant setbacks, please communicate to our Technical Department if the decorated withdecorated stripes, square, with stripes, or a particular square, colour, or a particular and if you colour, request and arequest different if you request for a different frame fabric cushions. forand frame and cushions. decorated with stripes, square, or a particular colour, and if you a fabric different fabric and for frame cushions. The overcharge Thefor overcharge orders withfor patterned orders with customer’s patterned fabric customer’s isfabric 10% on the is list price on referred thelist price to the listNORMAL referred category. to the NORMAL category. The overcharge for orders with patterned customer’s isfabric 10%price on10% the referred to the NORMAL category. The fabrics supplied The supplied fabrics by thesupplied customer bymust the customer bemust delivered to our be delivered warehouse tofree our of warehouse any charge, free fabrics of any should charge, indicate fabrics theindicate should right and indicate right and The fabrics by the customer bemust delivered to our warehouse free of any charge, fabrics should the rightthe and reverse side and, reverse patterned side fabrics, for patterned the top fabrics, and the and the bottom. top the bottom. reverse sideforand, forand, patterned fabrics, the top theand bottom. PleasePlease Ask the Please footage tothe ourfootage Technical to our Department Technical Department Ask theAsk footage to our Technical Department In anyIn case, In any the case, almost given unlimited the unlimited almost possibilities unlimited thatpossibilities offers theoffers textile thatthe offers industry, theindustry, Pinton textilereserves industry, Pinton right reserves tothe accept the right orderto the accept the order any given case, given the almost possibilities that textile Pinton the reserves rightthe to accept order "Customer’s fabric" "Customer’s once receiving fabric" once the fabric receiving after theand fabric verifying and the after feasibility verifying andthe quantifying feasibility possible and quantifying extras, both possible in terms extras, of in cost both inofterms "Customer’s fabric" once receiving theand fabric after verifying the feasibility and quantifying possible extras, both terms cost of cost and production and time. production and production time. time. FABRICS FABRICS PRICE FABRICS PRICE LISTPRICE /LIST MTL/LIST MTL / MTL Minimum Minimum Quantity Minimum Quantity OrderQuantity mtl. Order 1 mtl. Order 1 mtl. 1 NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL SUPER SUPERSUPER EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA LUX LUX LUX TOP TOP TOP STAR STAR STAR ELITEELITE ELITE PRESTIGE PRESTIGE PRESTIGE � 45 � 63 � 80 � 89 � 111 � 139 � 180 � 300 � 45 � 63 � 80 � 89 � 111 � 139 � 180 � 300 � 45 � 63 � 80 � 89 � 111 � 139 � 180 � 300 OrdersOrders of onlyof Orders fabric of only be delivered fabric will EX-WORKS be delivered EX-WORKS onlywill fabric will be delivered EX-WORKS SPECIAL SPECIAL SIZE SPECIAL SIZE OVERCHARGES OVERCHARGES SIZE OVERCHARGES We reserve We reserve toWe accept reserve to accept orders to "SPECIAL orders accept"SPECIAL orders SIZE” "SPECIAL after SIZE” verifying after SIZE” verifying the after feasibility. verifying the feasibility. the feasibility. The price The inprice the price shown in willthe have a minimum list will have increase a minimum of 20%increase and the of delivery 20% and will the be delivery estimated after will be evaluating estimated theafter evaluating the Theshown price shown in thelist price listprice will have a minimum increase of 20% and thetime delivery time willtime be estimated after evaluating the changes requested. changes requested. changes requested. No returns ofNo custom returns sizeofgoods custom willsize be authorized. goods will be authorized. No returns of custom size goods will be authorized. GOODS GOODS WITH GOODS WITH MATCHED WITH MATCHED MATCHED COVERINGS COVERINGS COVERINGS The price Theofprice good The ofwith price good matched of with good matched coverings with matched coverings (evencoverings if (even the category if (even the category isifthe thesame) category is the is same) obtained is theissame) by obtained adding is obtained by theadding price bycategory the adding pricethe INcategory BIANCO price category IN BIANCO IN BIANCO (NO COVERINGS), (NO COVERINGS), (NO COVERINGS), to the price to theofprice the to the Back of price thecushions Back of thecushions coverings Back cushions coverings + Seatcoverings cushions + Seat cushions + coverings Seat cushions coverings + Frame coverings coverings. + Frame+ coverings. Frame coverings. CODIFICA CODIFICA DEI RIVESTIMENTI DEI RIVESTIMENTI Simboli Manutenzione / Maintenance Symbols Simboli Manutenzione / Maintenance Symbols I tessutiI Pinton tessutisono Pinton classificati sono classificati come segue: come segue: LavaggioLavaggio ad acquaad acqua TU TF EP Lavaggio aLavaggio umido / Wet a umido cleaning / Wet cleaning TU Tessuto Unito Tessuto Unito TF Tessuto Fantasia Tessuto Fantasia (Fiore – Riga) (Fiore – Riga) EP Eco PelleEco Pelle Lavaggio aLavaggio macchina azione normale: temperatura massima di lavaggiodi60° - risciacquo normale - normale centrifugazione normale. normale. a macchina azione-normale: - temperatura massima lavaggio 60° - risciacquo - centrifugazione Normal machine action – maximum temperature 60° washing normal rinsing – normal Normalwash machine wash action – maximum temperature 60°- washing - normal rinsingspin-drying – normal spin-drying Lavaggio aLavaggio macchina azione ridotta: - temperatura massima di lavaggiodi60° - risciacquo con immissione graduale digraduale acqua di acqua a macchina azione ridotta: - temperatura massima lavaggio 60° - risciacquo con immissione fredda - centrifugazione ridotta. / Reduced machine - maximum temperature 60° washing cold water gradually fredda - centrifugazione ridotta. / action Reduced actionwash machine wash - maximum temperature 60°- washing - cold water released gradually released rinsing – reduced rinsing –spin-drying reduced spin-drying Pinton, garantisce Pinton, garantisce la qualità la dei qualità Tessuti dei Tessuti in tutte in le tutte categorie le categorie di prezzo. di prezzo. Un importante Un importante requisitorequisito è il Martindale è il Martindale Test, che Test, simula stressloda sfregamento cui è sottoposto il tessuto. che lo simula stress da sfregamento cui è sottoposto il tessuto. L’unità di misura il numero di cicli che unache superficie abrasivaabrasiva azionataazionata meccanicamente, compie compie a contatto L’unità di èmisura è il numero di cicli una superficie meccanicamente, a contatto col tessuto a campione, fino a provocarne la lacerazione. col tessuto a campione, fino a provocarne la lacerazione. Cicli Martindale Cicli Martindale Da 4.000 Da 4.000a 10.000 a 10.000 Da 10.000 Da 10.000a 15.000 a 15.000 Oltre 15.000 Oltre 15.000 Valutazione Valutazione LIVELLOLIVELLO BASSO** BASSO** LIVELLOLIVELLO MEDIO MEDIO LIVELLOLIVELLO ALTO ALTO Lavaggio aLavaggio mano: non lavarenon a macchina - temperatura max di lavaggio - lavaggio se necessario strofinare strofinare a mano: lavare a macchina - temperatura max di30°/40° lavaggio 30°/40° -breve, lavaggio breve, se necessario molto delicatamente - risciacquare molto delicatamente - non torcere. / Hand wash only:wash do not machine - Maximum temperature 30°-40° 30°-40° molto delicatamente - risciacquare molto delicatamente - non torcere. / Hand only: do notwash machine wash - Maximum temperature washing - washing Quick wash, if necessary rub very gently – Very soft– rinsing – Do not wring - Quick wash, if necessary rub very gently Very soft rinsing – Do not wring Il prodottoIltessile nontessile sopporta lavaggioilinlavaggio acqua. /inDo not wash prodotto nonilsopporta acqua. / Do not wash Pulitura Pulitura a Secco a Secco Cerchio: per Cerchio: il lavaggio per ilalavaggio secco. / aDry secco. cleaning. / Dry cleaning. ** Un tessuto di livello adatto a realizzare rivestimenti per divani poltrone. ** Un tessuto di basso livelloèbasso è adatto a realizzare rivestimenti per e divani e poltrone. a secco con tuttinormalmente i solventi normalmente utilizzati nelalavaggio Lavaggio aLavaggio secco con tutti i solventi utilizzati nel lavaggio secco. a secco. with allnormally solventsused normally in dry cleaning Dry clean Dry withclean all solvents in dryused cleaning a secco con idrocarburi e conprocedimenti i normali procedimenti Lavaggio aLavaggio secco con idrocarburi e con i normali clean only petroleum Dry clean Dry using onlyusing petroleum solvent. solvent. COVERINGS COVERINGS CODES CODES a secco conindicati i solventi indicatiprecedente al punto precedente masevera con una severa limitazione aggiuntaedd’acqua Lavaggio aLavaggio secco con i solventi al punto ma con una limitazione di aggiuntadid’acqua alcune ed alcune quantol’azione riguarda l’azione meccanica o la temperatura di asciugatura o entrambe restrizioni restrizioni per quantoper riguarda meccanica o la temperatura di asciugatura o entrambe le cose le cose Limitations on theof addition of water and/or mechanical action and/or temperature dry process cleaning process Limitations are placetare on placet the addition water and/or mechanical action and/or temperature during dryduring cleaning indicated in the preceding indicated in the preceding paragraphparagraph Fabrics are Fabrics classified are classified as follows: as follows: TU PlainTU fabric Plain fabric TF Pattern TF Pattern fabric (Flowers fabric (Flowers - Stripes) - Stripes) EP Eco Leather EP Eco Leather a secco con idrocarburi, conprocedimenti i normali procedimenti (il tricloroetilene o trielina non deve essere impiegato). Lavabile aLavabile secco con idrocarburi, con i normali (il tricloroetilene o trielina non deve essere impiegato). be dryincleaned type of solventused normally in dryprocesses cleaning processes except trichloroethylene May be dryMay cleaned any typeinofany solvent normally in dryused cleaning except trichloroethylene Pinton guarantees the quality fabrics all price categories. Pinton guarantees the of quality of in fabrics in all price categories. An important requirement is the Martindale Test, which the stress rubbing on the fabric. An important requirement is the Martindale Test,simulates which simulates theby stress by rubbing on the fabric. The unitThe is the of cyclesofthat an that abrasive surface,surface, mechanically activated, rubs therubs fabric until unitnumber is the number cycles an abrasive mechanically activated, thesample fabric sample until laceration. laceration. Lavaggio aLavaggio secco con i solventi al punto ma con una limitazione di aggiuntadid’acqua alcune ed alcune a secco conindicati i solventi indicatiprecedente al punto precedente masevera con una severa limitazione aggiuntaedd’acqua restrizioni restrizioni per quantoper riguarda meccanica o la temperatura di asciugatura o entrambe le cose le cose quantol’azione riguarda l’azione meccanica o la temperatura di asciugatura o entrambe Limitations are placetare on placet the addition water and/or mechanical action and/or temperature during dryduring cleaning Limitations on theof addition of water and/or mechanical action and/or temperature dry process cleaning process indicated in the preceding paragraphparagraph indicated in the preceding Non lavare a secco. Do not/dry Non lavare /a secco. Doclean. not dry clean. Martindale cycles cycles Martindale From 4.000 10.000 Fromto4.000 to 10.000 From 10.000 15.000 From to 10.000 to 15.000 Over 15.000 Over 15.000 Valuation Valuation LOW LEVEL** LOW LEVEL** MEDIUMMEDIUM LEVEL LEVEL HIGH LEVEL HIGH LEVEL ** A low fabric appropriate to produce coverings for sofas armchairs. **level A low levelis fabric is appropriate to produce coverings forand sofas and armchairs. Candeggio Candeggio Triangolo:Triangolo: per il candeggio per il candeggio al cloro. / Use al cloro. any /bleach Use any bleach prodotto nonilsopporta il trattamento / Do not bleach Il prodottoIltessile nontessile sopporta trattamento con cloro. con / Docloro. not bleach Stiro Stiro Ferro da stiro: Ferroper dalastiro: stiratura. per la/stiratura. Ironing. / Ironing. prodotto nonlasopporta / Do not iron. Il prodottoIltessile nontessile sopporta Do not iron. Stiratura: temperatura massima suola 110°C, del ferro: 110°C, interporre panno umido. Stiratura: temperatura massima della suoladella del ferro: interporre panno umido. Ironheat: with maximum low heat: maximum temperature the 110 iron °sole: 110 °cloth C, damp cloth interpose Iron with low temperature of the ironofsole: C, damp interpose Stiratura: temperatura massima suola 150°C, del ferro: 150°C, interporre panno umido. Stiratura: temperatura massima della suoladella del ferro: interporre panno umido. Iron withheat: medium heat: maximum temperature the 150 iron °sole: 150 °cloth C, damp cloth interpose Iron with medium maximum temperature of the ironofsole: C, damp interpose Le Fibre Le Fibre / The/Fibres The Fibres Sigla /Abbreviation Sigla /Abbreviation CO CO CU CU LI LI PA - PM PA - PM PC PC PL - PES PL - PES PU PU SE SE VI VI WO WO Italiano / English Italiano / English /Cotton CotoneCotone /Cotton / Cupro Cupro Cupro / Cupro Lino / Lino Linen/ Linen Poliammidica / Nylon Poliammidica / Nylon / Acrylic AcrilicaAcrilica / Acrylic Poliestere / Polyester Poliestere / Polyester Poliuretanica / Polyurethane Poliuretanica / Polyurethane Seta / Seta Silk / Silk Viscosa / Viscose Viscosa / Viscose Lana /Lana Wool/ Wool Stiratura: temperatura massima suola 220°C, del ferro: 220°C, umidificare Stiratura: temperatura massima della suoladella del ferro: umidificare il tessuto. il tessuto. Iron heat: with high heat: maximum temperature the 220 iron °sole: 220fabric ° C, wet fabric Iron with high maximum temperature of the ironofsole: C, wet Asciugatura Asciugatura Asciugatura Asciugatura a mezzo dia asciuga mezzo di- biancheria asciuga - biancheria a tamburoarotativo tamburo dopo rotativo il lavaggio. dopo il lavaggio. Tumble dry Tumble medium dryheat medium heat Asciugatura a temperatura / Tumble dry low heat Asciugatura a temperatura moderata.moderata. / Tumble dry low heat Non può essere asciugato a macchina / Do not Non può essere asciugato a macchina . / Do not .tumble drytumble dry appeso senza centrifugare Dryspin-drying – do not spin-drying – do not wring AsciugareAsciugare appeso senza centrifugare o strizzare.o /strizzare. Drip Dry /–Drip do not – do not wring AsciugareAsciugare verticalmente dopo essere stato liberato dall’acqua in eccesso. verticalmente dopo essere stato liberato dall’acqua in eccesso. Line dry/hang dry – hang damp fromdamp line or barline andor allow to dry Lineto dry/hang to dry – hang from bar and allow to dry Si può centrifugare. / Spin-drying allowed allowed Si può centrifugare. / Spin-drying Non si puòNon centrifugare. / Do not spin-dry si può centrifugare. / Do not spin-dry . . I nostri I nostri Rivestimenti Rivestimenti / Our / Our Coverings Coverings Articolo Articolo Categoria Categoria Composizione Composizione Category Composition Composition CodeCode Category Martindale Martindale Martindale Martindale TU 101 TU 101 SUPER SUPER 100%100% CO CO 16.000 16.000 TU 102 TU 102 EXTRAEXTRA 56% VI 56% – 28% VI – CO 28% – 16% CO – LI 16% LI 15.000 15.000 TU 103 TU 103 NORMAL NORMAL 46% VI 46% – 35% VI – PL 35% – 19% PL – LI 19% LI 30.000 30.000 TU 104 TU 104 EXTRAEXTRA 59% VI 59% – 24% VI – CO 24% – 17% CO – LI 17% LI 15.000 15.000 TU 105 TU 105 NORMAL NORMAL 100%100% PL PL Antimacchia/no Antimacchia/no stain stain 130.000 130.000 TU 106 TU 106 LUX LUX 50% CO 50% – 34% CO – VI 34% – 14% VI – LI 14% - 2% LI -PA 2% PA 18.000 18.000 TU 107 TU 107 LUX LUX 89% LI 89% – 11 LI PA – 11 PA 15.000 15.000 TU 108 TU 108 EXTRAEXTRA 38% CO 38% – 24% CO – PC 24% – 18% PC – VI 18% VI 12% WO 12%– WO 6% –PL6% – 2% PL –PA 2% PA 20.000 20.000 TU 109 TOP TOP TU 109 itnrj itnrj itnrj itnrj itnrj itnrj itnrj itnrj at at j j itprj itprj itprj itprj itprj itprj TF 102 TF 102 EXTRAEXTRA 49% PC 49% – 43% PC – PL 43% – 8% PL –VI8% VI 32.000 32.000 TF 103 TF 103 TOP TOP 100%100% PC Tinto PC Tinto in Fibra in Fibra in – outdoor in – outdoor fabricfabric 20.000 20.000 TF 104 TF 104 TOP TOP 100%100% PC Tinto PC Tinto in Fibra in Fibra in – outdoor in – outdoor fabricfabric 20.000 20.000 TF 105 TF 105 TOP TOP 100%100% PC Tinto PC Tinto in Fibra in Fibra in – outdoor in – outdoor fabricfabric 20.000 20.000 TF 106 TF 106 TOP TOP TF 107 TF 107 LUX LUX 100%100% PC Tinto PC Tinto in Fibra in Fibra in – outdoor in – outdoor fabricfabric 55% PL 55% – 38% PL – VI 38% – 7% VI –PC 7% PC 20.000 20.000 TF 108 TF 108 LUX LUX 67% VI 67% – 26% VI – PL 26% – 7% PL –PC 7% PC irtpj irtpj Solo per Soloaccessori/Only per accessori/Only for accessories for accessories TF 109 TF 109 SUPER SUPER 76% VI 76% – 24% VI – PL 24% PL irtpj irtpj Solo per Soloaccessori/Only per accessori/Only for accessories for accessories irpvm irpvm TU 110 TU 110 NORMAL NORMAL 71% CO 71% – 21% CO – PL 21% – 8% PL –PC 8%Sanf. PC Sanf. tinto in tinto filo in filo 20.000 20.000 TU 111 TU 111 LUX LUX TU 112 TU 112 LUX LUX 57% VI 57% – 31% VI – CO 31% – 12% CO – PL 12% PL Pelo 100% Pelo 100% VI VI 90.000 90.000 61% CO 61% -CO 39%- CU 39% CU frtpk frtpk trpk trpk arptk arptk Solo per Soloaccessori/Only per accessori/Only for accessories for accessories TU 113 TU 113 NORMAL NORMAL 100%100% CO CO 33.000 33.000 TU 114 TU 114 STAR STAR 75% LI 75% – 25% LI – PA 25% PA 25.000 25.000 TU 115 TU 115 SUPER SUPER 100%100% PL PL 40.000 40.000 TU 116 TU 116 LUX LUX 75% PL 75% – 25% PL – CO 25% CO 25.000 25.000 TU 117 TU 117 SUPER SUPER 100%100% LI LI 25.600 25.600 TU 118 TU 118 SUPER SUPER 36% CO 36% – 34% CO – VI 34% – 16% VI – LI 16% LI 25.000 25.000 TU 119 TU 119 TOP TOP 60% PL 60% – 32% PL – CO 32% – 5% CO –VI5% - 3% VI -LI3% LI 18.000 18.000 TU 120 TU 120 EXTRAEXTRA TU 121 TU 121 PRESTIGE PRESTIGE 36% CO 36% – 34% CO – VI 34% – 16% VI – LI 16% - 14% LI - PL 14% PL 25.000 25.000 65% CO 65% – 35% CO – WO 35% Pelo WO 100% Pelo 100% WO Lana WO Mohair Lana Mohair frtpj frtpj at at atmrp atmrp tt atrpj atrpj atrpj atrpj tt irtpk irtpk irtm irtm Solo per Soloaccessori/Only per accessori/Only for accessories for accessories TU 122 TU 122 SUPER SUPER 66% VI 66% – 18% VI – CO 18% – 14% CO – LI 14% - 2% LI -SE 2% SE 21.000 21.000 TU 123 TU 123TOP TOP 100%100% CO COPelo 100% Pelo 100% CO CO 30.000 30.000 60% PC–20% 60% PC–20% CO–10% CO–10% PL-10% PL-10% VI Pelo VI 100% Pelo 100% PC 50.000 PC 50.000 TU 125 TU 125 NORMAL NORMAL 56% CO 56% – 44% CO – PL 44% PL 30.000 30.000 TU 126 TU 126 SUPER SUPER 67% VI 67% – 16% VI – CO 16% – 15% CO – LI 15% - 2% LI -SE 2% SE 25.000 25.000 TU 127 TU 127 EXTRAEXTRA 77% VI 77% – 10% VI – CO 10% – 7% CO –LI7% - 5% LI -PL5% - 1% PL -SE 1% SE19.000 19.000 TU 128 TU 128 EXTRAEXTRA 100%100% LINO LINO DOUBLE DOUBLE FACESFACES 16.000 16.000 TU 129 TU 129 SUPER SUPER 65% CO 65% – 35% CO – PL 35% PL 19.000 19.000 EP 102 EP 102 NORMAL NORMAL 21% PES 21%–PES 31,5% – 31,5% CO - CO 47,5% - 47,5% PU PU 100.000 100.000 TF 101 TF 101 EXTRAEXTRA 49% PC 49% – 43% PC – PL 43% – 8% PL –VI8% VI 27.000 27.000 itprj itprj irtm irtm irtj irtj irtpj irtpj irtpj irtpj irtpm irtpm ertj ertj ertj ertj erjvp erjvp `rtj `rtj `rtj `rtj a`trpj a`trpj a`trpj a`trpj a`trpj a`trpj a`trpj a`trpj irtpm irtpm Solo per Soloaccessori/Only per accessori/Only for accessories for accessories 70% CO–14% PC–6% PL-5%PL-5% 70% CO–14% PC–6% WO-2% WO-2% PA–3% PA–3% PU PU Solo per Soloaccessori/Only per accessori/Only for accessories for accessories TU 124 TU 124 TOP TOP Manutenzione Manutenzione Maintenance Maintenance TF 110 TF 110 EXTRAEXTRA 59% VI 59% – 21% VI – PL 21% – 20% PL – CO 20% CO 18.000 18.000 TF 111 TF 111 EXTRAEXTRA 59% VI 59% – 21% VI – PL 21% – 20% PL – CO 20% CO 18.000 18.000 TF 112 TF 112 EXTRAEXTRA 16% PA 16% – 27% PA – VI 27% – 57% VI – CO 57% CO 20.000 20.000 TF 113 TF 113 EXTRAEXTRA 43% CO 43% – 30% CO – PL 30% – 4% PL –PC 4% - 9% PC -VI9% VI 15.000 15.000 TF 120 TF 120 TOP TOP 80% VI 80% – 20% VI – PL 20% PL 40.000 40.000 TF 121 TF 121 TOP TOP TF 122 TF 122 TOP TOP 80% VI 80% – 20% VI – PL 20% PL 40.000 40.000 55% VI 55% – 20% VI – CO 20% – 25 CO % – 25 PL %Pelo PL 100% Pelo 100% VI VI TF 123 TF 123 TOP TOP Solo per Soloaccessori/Only per accessori/Only for accessories for accessories 55% VI 55% – 20% VI – CO 20% – 25 CO % – 25 PL %Pelo PL 100% Pelo 100% VI VI Solo per Soloaccessori/Only per accessori/Only for accessories for accessories TF 124 TF 124 ELITEELITE 74% CO 74% – 26% CO – PL 26% PL 30.000 30.000 TF 125 TF 125 TOP TOP 55% CO 55% – 32% CO – PL 32% – 12% PL – VI 12% - 1% VI -PM 1% PM 30.000 30.000 TF 126 TF 126 STAR STAR 38% VI 38% – 38% VI – CO 38% – 14% CO – PA 14%- PA 10%- PL 10% PL 40.000 40.000 TF 127 TF 127 STAR STAR TF 128 TF 128 STAR STAR 68% CO 68% – 17% CO – PC 17% – 15% PC – PL 15%Pelo PL 100% Pelo 100% CO CO 73% VI 73% – 27% VI – PL 27% PL Solo per Soloaccessori/Only per accessori/Only for accessories for accessories tk tk tk tkr r irtk irtk ertk ertk irtjp irtjp irtjp irtjp ir ir tm tm irtm irtm irmvp irmvp itrpj itrpj itrpj itrpj irmv irmv irtp irtp BAZAAR Mod. Mod. BAZAAR BAZAAR Mod. BAZAAR Mod. BAZAAR CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE / TECHNICAL FEATURES CARATTERISTICHE CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE TECNICHE // TECHNICAL TECHNICAL FEATURES FEATURES CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE / TECHNICAL FEATURES 1 1 Piuma e fibra epoliestere in una sacca disacca tela antipiuma a vari scomparti 11 Piuma Piuma efibra fibrapoliestere poliestere in inuna una sacca di ditela telaantipiuma antipiuma aavari variscomparti scomparti Feather with polyester fiber, infiber, a feather-proof cover divided individed many compartments Feather Feather with with polyester polyester fiber, in in aa feather-proof feather-proof cover cover divided in in many many compartments compartments Piuma e fibra poliestere in una sacca di tela antipiuma a vari scomparti with polyester accoppiata fiber, in a feather-proof 2Feather Fibra poliestere a vellutino cover divided in many compartments 22 2 Fibra Fibrapoliestere poliestereaccoppiata accoppiataaavellutino vellutino Polyester fiber coupled with velveteen Polyester Polyester fiber fiber coupled coupled with with velveteen velveteen Fibra poliestere accoppiata a vellutino fiber coupled with densità velveteen 3Polyester Poliuretano espanso 35 33 3 Poliuretano Poliuretanoespanso espansodensità densità35 35 Polyurethane foam density 35 kg/mc Polyurethane foam foam density 35 35 kg/mc kg/mc PoliuretanoPolyurethane espanso densità 35density foamespanso density 35 kg/mc40 5Polyurethane Poliuretano densità 55 Poliuretano Poliuretano espanso espanso densità 40 Polyurethane foam density 40densità kg/mc 40 5 Polyurethane foam foam density 40 40 kg/mc kg/mc PoliuretanoPolyurethane espanso densità 40density Polyurethane foam density 40 kg/mc 6 Poliuretano espanso densità 21 6 PoliuretanoPolyurethane espanso densità 21density Polyurethane foam foam density 21 21 kg/mc kg/mc Polyurethane foam density 21 8 Legno massello di abetekg/mc 8 Legno massello di abete Fir Fir solid solid wood wood 66 Poliuretano Poliuretano espanso espanso densità 21 Polyurethane foam density 21densità kg/mc 21 Fir wood massello 88 solid Legno Legno massellodi diabete abete wood 9Fir solid Multistrato con tamponamenti in particelle di legno e fibra 9 Plywood with woodcon and tamponamenti fiber insertions in 99 Multistrato Multistrato con tamponamenti inparticelle particelledi dilegno legnoeefibra fibra Multistrato con tamponamenti in particelle di legno e fibra Plywood Plywood with with wood wood and and fiber fiber insertions insertions Plywood with wood and fiber insertions VERSIONI / VERSIONS Tessuto e pelle: completamente sfoderabile. VERSIONI / and VERSIONS VERSIONI //VERSIONS VERSIONSremovable coverings Fabric VERSIONI leather: completely Tessuto e pelle: completamente sfoderabile. sfoderabile. Tessuto Tessuto eepelle: pelle:completamente completamente sfoderabile. Fabric and leather: completely removable coverings Fabric Fabric and and leather: leather: completely completely removable removable coverings coverings PIEDINI / FEET Di serie piedino in ABS grigio PIEDINI / FEET Standard feet in// FEET grey PIEDINI PIEDINI FEETABS Di serie piedino in ABS grigio Di Diserie seriepiedino piedinoin inABS ABSgrigio grigio Standard feet in grey ABS Standard Standard feet feet in in grey grey ABS ABS NOTE / NOTES Cuscini schienale non sono compresi nel prezzo. Specificare codici e quantità rispettive. NOTE / NOTES Back cushions are not included. Please specify codes and quantities. NOTE NOTE/non / NOTES NOTES Cuscini schienale sono compresi nel prezzo. Specificare codici e quantità rispettive. Cuscini Cuscini schienale schienale nonsono sono compresi compresi nel nelquantities. prezzo. prezzo.Specificare Specificarecodici codicieequantità quantitàrispettive. rispettive. Back cushions are not included. non Please specify codes and Back Back cushions cushions are are not not included. included. Please Please specify specify codes codes and and quantities. quantities. 769 09BAEF01 BAZAAR 09BAEF01 Fodera 09BAEF01 sedute BAZAAR BAZAAR Elemento Fodera Fodera 90 sedute sedute Elemento Elemento 90 90 1,80 1,80 1,80125 177 125 125209 0,80 0,80 0,80 22 43 22 22 56 BAZAAR 09BAEF03 Fodera 09BAEF03 telaio BAZAAR BAZAAR Elemento Fodera Fodera 90telaio telaio Elemento Elemento 90 90 BAZAAR frame coverings BAZAAR BAZAAR frame frame coverings coverings for Element 90 for Element for Element 90 90 3,60 3,60 3,60186 291 186 186354 09BAEL02 BAZAAR 09BAEL02 Elemento 09BAEL02 BAZAAR 120 BAZAAR Elemento Elemento 120 120 BAZAAR ElementBAZAAR 120 BAZAAR Element Element 120 120 5,80 09BAEF04 BAZAAR 09BAEF04 Fodera 09BAEF04 sedute BAZAAR BAZAAR Elemento Fodera Fodera 120 sedute sedute Elemento Elemento 120120 2,00 2,00 2,00137 197 137 137233 0,80 0,80 0,80 22 43 22 22 56 4,50 4,50 4,50205 338 205 205417 177 177230 209 209251 230230277 251251324 277 277387324 324613 387 387369 613 Pelle Star Pelle Elite Leather Star Leather Top Prestige Pelle Star Pelle Top Leather Star Elite Pelle Top Leather Top Prestige Elite Star Prestige Star Top Elite Top Lux Star Lux Extra Top Extra Super Lux Super Normal Extra 1.879 Normal 769 769 1.196 1.045 1.045 1.286 1.196 1.196 1.346 1.286 1.286 1.4071.346 1.346 1.4821.407 1.407 1.617 1.482 1.482 1.798 1.6171.617 2.445 1.798 1.798 1.606 2.445 2.445 1.753 1.606 1.606 1.879 1.753 1.753 1.879 Normal Pelle Elite Leather Elite 5,10 Leather Elite BAZAAR 09BAEL01 Elemento 09BAEL01 BAZAAR 90 BAZAAR Elemento Elemento 90 90 BAZAAR ElementBAZAAR 90 BAZAAR Element Element 90 90 Pelle Top Pelle Elite Leather Pelle StarTop Leather Leather Elite Star Customer fabric Super Tess Tess Cliente Cliente Customer fabric In Bianco No coverings 09BAEL01 5,10 5,10 1.045 In Bianco No No coverings coverings Descrizione CodiceCodice Descrizione Descrizione Mt Tessuto Mt Tessuto Tess Cliente Fabric mt Codice Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Larghezza bracciolo Larghezza 28 Larghezza bracciolo bracciolo 2828 2828 Armrest lenght 28 Armrest Armrest lenght lenght Customer fabric Mod. BAZAAR Mod.Mod. BAZAAR BAZAAR 613430 369 369483 430 430483 483 217148 123 123169 148 148169 169 291 291396 354 354438 396396491 438438585 491 491711585 585 1.163 711 711639 1.163 1.163762 639 639867 762 762867 867 918 918 1.394 1.222 1.222 1.497 1.394 1.394 1.565 1.497 1.497 1.6341.565 1.565 1.7201.634 1.634 1.874 1.720 1.720 2.080 1.8741.874 2.817 2.080 2.080 1.892 2.817 2.817 2.070 1.892 1.892 2.223 2.070 2.070 2.223 2.223 BAZAAR seat cushion BAZAAR coverings BAZAAR seat for cushion seat Element cushion coverings 90 coverings for Element for Element 90 90 09BAEF02 BAZAAR 09BAEF02 Fodera 09BAEF02 profilo BAZAAR BAZAAR Elemento Fodera Fodera 90 profilo profilo Elemento Elemento 90 90 4343 64 5656 72 64 64 83 72 72102 83 83127102 102217 127 127123 217 BAZAAR piping for BAZAAR Element BAZAAR piping 90 piping for Element for Element 90 90 mc Kg 0,95 mc 45 Kg 09BAEF03 mc 0,95 0,95 Kg 45 45 918 5,80 5,80 1.222 197 197256 233 233280 256256310 280280364 310 310435364 364691 435 435409 691 691479 409 409539 479 479539 539 218148 123 123169 148 148169 169 338 338471 417 417524 471471590 524524710 590 590870710 710 1.442 870 870769 1.442 1.442925 769 769 1.058 925 925 1.058 1.058 6,80 6,80 1.378 1.045 1.045 1.578 1.378 1.378 1.698 1.578 1.578 1.777 1.698 1.698 1.8571.777 1.777 1.9571.857 1.857 2.136 1.957 1.957 2.376 2.1362.136 3.234 2.376 2.376 2.154 3.234 3.234 2.362 2.154 2.154 2.540 2.362 2.362 2.540 2.540 BAZAAR seat cushion BAZAAR coverings BAZAAR seat for cushion seat Element cushion coverings 120 coverings for Element for Element 120120 09BAEF05 BAZAAR 09BAEF05 Fodera 09BAEF05 profilo BAZAAR BAZAAR Elemento Fodera Fodera 120 profilo profilo Elemento Elemento 120120 4343 64 5656 73 64 64 83 73 73102 83 83127102 102218 127 127123 218 BAZAAR piping for BAZAAR Element BAZAAR piping 120 piping for Element for Element 120 120 mc Kg 1,69 mc 53 Kg 09BAEF06 mc 1,69 1,69 Kg 53 53 BAZAAR 09BAEF06 Fodera 09BAEF06 telaio BAZAAR BAZAAR Elemento Fodera Fodera 120 telaio telaio Elemento Elemento 120120 BAZAAR frame coverings BAZAAR BAZAAR forframe Element frame coverings 120 coverings for Element for Element 120120 09BAEL03 BAZAAR 09BAEL03 Elemento 09BAEL03 BAZAAR 120 xBAZAAR 150 Elemento Elemento 120 x 120 150 x 150 BAZAAR ElementBAZAAR 120 BAZAAR x 150 Element Element 120 120 x 150 x 150 6,80 1.045 09BAEF07 BAZAAR 09BAEF07 Fodera 09BAEF07 sedute BAZAAR BAZAAR Elemento Fodera Fodera 120 sedute xsedute 150 Elemento Elemento 120120 x 150 x 150 2,30 2,30 2,30150 217 150 150257 0,80 0,80 0,80 23 44 23 23 56 4,50 4,50 4,50217 350 217 217429 217 217283 257 257310 283283343 310310403 343 343483403 403769 483 483453 769 769531 453 453598 531 531598 598 218148 124 124169 148 148169 169 350 350483 429 429536 483483602 536536722 602 602882722 722 1.453 882 882785 1.453 1.453940 785 785 1.074 940 940 1.074 1.074 6,40 6,40 1.357 1.016 1.016 1.546 1.357 1.357 1.659 1.546 1.546 1.735 1.659 1.659 1.8101.735 1.735 1.9051.810 1.810 2.075 1.905 1.905 2.302 2.0752.075 3.114 2.302 2.302 2.112 3.114 3.114 2.309 2.112 2.112 2.477 2.309 2.309 2.477 2.477 BAZAAR seat cushion BAZAAR coverings BAZAAR seat for cushion seat Element cushion coverings 120 coverings x 150 for Element for Element 120120 x 150 x 150 09BAEF08 BAZAAR 09BAEF08 Fodera 09BAEF08 profilo BAZAAR BAZAAR Elemento Fodera Fodera 120 profilo xprofilo 150 Elemento Elemento 120120 x 150 x 150 4444 65 5656 73 65 65 83 73 73102 83 83128102 102218 128 128124 218 BAZAAR piping for BAZAAR Element BAZAAR piping 120 xpiping 150 for Element for Element 120 120 x 150 x 150 09BAEF09 BAZAAR 09BAEF09 Fodera 09BAEF09 telaio BAZAAR BAZAAR Elemento Fodera Fodera 120 telaio x telaio 150 Elemento Elemento 120120 x 150 x 150 BAZAAR frame coverings BAZAAR BAZAAR forframe Element frame coverings 120 coverings x 150 for Element for Element 120120 x 150 x 150 mc Kg 1,69 mc 63 Kg mc 1,69 Kg 63 1,69 63 09BATE01S BAZAAR 09BATE01S Terminale/Angolo 09BATE01S BAZAAR BAZAAR Terminale/Angolo 125 sx Terminale/Angolo 125 125 sx sx BAZAAR corner end BAZAAR unit BAZAAR 125 corner left corner end end unitunit 125125 leftleft 6,40 1.016 09BATF01S BAZAAR 09BATF01S Fodera 09BATF01S sedute BAZAAR BAZAAR Terminale/Angolo Fodera Fodera sedute sedute Terminale/Angolo 125 Terminale/Angolo sx 125125 sx sx 1,80 1,80 1,80109 161 109 109193 0,80 0,80 0,80 23 44 23 23 56 4,90 4,90 4,90233 377 233 233463 161 161214 193 193235 214214261 235235308 261 261371308 308597 371 371363 597 597425 363 363477 425 425477 477 218148 124 124169 148 148169 169 850 1.162 1.018 1.018 1.162 1.162 BAZAAR seat cushion BAZAAR coverings BAZAAR seat for cushion seat corner cushion coverings end coverings unit for 125corner for left corner endend unit unit 125 125 leftleft 09BATF02S BAZAAR 09BATF02S Fodera 09BATF02S profilo BAZAAR BAZAAR Terminale/Angolo Fodera Fodera profilo profilo Terminale/Angolo 125 Terminale/Angolo sx 125125 sx sx 4444 65 5656 73 65 65 83 73 73102 83 83128102 102218 128 128124 218 BAZAAR piping for BAZAAR cornerBAZAAR end piping unit piping for 125corner for leftcorner end end unitunit 125125 leftleft mc Kg 1,69 mc 57 Kg 09BATF03S BAZAAR 09BATF03S Fodera 09BATF03S telaio BAZAAR BAZAAR Terminale/Angolo Fodera Fodera telaio telaio Terminale/Angolo 125 Terminale/Angolo sx 125125 sx sx mc 1,69 1,69 BAZAAR frame coverings BAZAAR BAZAAR forframe corner frame coverings endcoverings unit for 125corner for left corner endend unitunit 125125 leftleft Kg 57 57 377 377520 463 463577 520520649 577577778 649 649951778 778 1.568 951 951850 1.568 1.568 1.018 850 Tess Cliente Customer fabric Super 569 569714 642 642805 714714969 805805 1.188 969 969 1.970 1.1881.188 1.058 1.9701.970 1.271 1.058 1.058 1.454 1.271 1.271 1.454 1.454 3,90 3,90716 513 513 831 716 716900 831 831947 900 900993 947 947 1.051 993993 1.1541.051 1.051 1.293 1.154 1.154 1.790 1.2931.293 1.182 1.7901.790 1.309 1.182 1.182 1.419 1.309 1.309 1.419 1.419 203 203245 224 224272 245245319 272272382 319 319608382 382346608 608407 346 Leather Star Leather Top Pelle Elite Leather Elite 460 460642 Leather Elite 278 278569 Pelle Star Leather Star Pelle Elite 460 Pelle Top Pelle Elite Leather Top Pelle Star Leather Elite 6,20 6,20278 Prestige Pelle Star Pelle TopStar Leather 6,20 Elite Pelle Top Leather Top Prestige 44 44 65 Elite 23 23 56 Star Prestige 44 Star 0,80 0,80 23 Top Elite 0,80 Top 217 217283 Lux Star 150 150257 Lux 217 Extra Top 2,30 2,30150 Extra 2,30 Super Lux 09BATF04S BAZAAR 09BATF04S Fodera 09BATF04S sedute BAZAAR BAZAAR Terminale/Angolo Fodera Fodera sedute sedute Terminale/Angolo 150 xTerminale/Angolo 150 sx 150150 x 150 x 150 sx sx 8,20 8,20 1.684 1.291 1.291 1.926 Super 1.291 Extra 8,20 Descrizione CodiceCodiceDescrizione Descrizione Normal Normal In Bianco No coverings 09BATE02S BAZAAR 09BATE02S Terminale/Angolo 09BATE02S BAZAAR BAZAAR Terminale/Angolo 150 x Terminale/Angolo 150 sx 150 x150 150 x 150 sx sx BAZAAR corner end BAZAAR unit BAZAAR 150 corner x corner 150 endleft unit end unit 150 150 x 150 x 150 left left Codice In Bianco In Bianco No coverings Normal Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Larghezza bracciolo Larghezza 28 Larghezza bracciolo bracciolo 28 28 2828 Armrest lenght 28 Armrest Armrest lenght lenght Mt Tessuto Mt Tessuto Tess Cliente Fabric mt Fabric mt Customer fabric Mod. BAZAAR Mod.Mod. BAZAAR BAZAAR 1.684 1.684 2.070 1.926 1.926 2.167 2.070 2.070 2.264 2.167 2.167 2.3842.264 2.264 2.6022.384 2.384 2.892 2.602 2.602 3.930 2.8922.892 2.641 3.9303.930 2.892 2.641 2.641 3.108 2.892 2.892 3.108 3.108 257 257310 283 283343 310310403 343343483 403 403769483 483471769 769549 471 471616 549 549616 616 124169 148 148169 169 BAZAAR seat cushion BAZAAR coverings BAZAAR seat for cushion seat corner cushion coverings endcoverings unit for 150corner for x 150 corner end leftend unitunit 150150 x 150 x 150 leftleft 09BATF05S BAZAAR 09BATF05S Fodera 09BATF05S profilo BAZAAR Terminale/Angolo BAZAAR Fodera Fodera profilo profilo Terminale/Angolo 150 xTerminale/Angolo 150 sx 150150 x 150 x 150 sx sx 5656 73 6565 84 73 73103 84 84128 103 103218128 128124218 218148 124 BAZAAR piping for BAZAAR cornerBAZAAR end piping unitpiping for 150corner xfor 150 corner end left unit end unit 150 150 x 150 x 150 left left 09BATF06S BAZAAR 09BATF06S Fodera 09BATF06S telaio BAZAAR Terminale/Angolo BAZAAR Fodera Fodera telaiotelaio Terminale/Angolo 150 xTerminale/Angolo 150 sx 150 150 x 150 x 150 sx sx BAZAAR frame coverings BAZAAR BAZAAR forframe corner frame coverings endcoverings unit for 150corner for x 150 corner end leftend unitunit 150150 x 150 x 150 leftleft mc Kg 1,69 mc 76 Kg mc 1,69 Kg 76 1,69 76 09BAPU01 BAZAAR 09BAPU01 Pouff 09BAPU01 conBAZAAR cuscino BAZAAR Pouff 90 x 90 Pouff con cuscino con cuscino 90 x 90 90 x 90 BAZAAR ottomanBAZAAR with BAZAAR cushion ottoman ottoman 90 xwith 90 with cushion cushion 90 x90 90x 90 3,90 513 09BAPF01 BAZAAR 09BAPF01 Fodera 09BAPF01 sedute BAZAAR BAZAAR Pouff Fodera con Fodera sedute cuscino sedute Pouff 90 xPouff 90 con con cuscino cuscino 90 x9090x 90 1,80 1,80 1,80119 172 119 119203 172 172224 0,60 0,60 0,60 22 39 22 22 50 39 39 57 2,30 2,30 2,30117 184 117 117223 184 184250 4,80 4,80 1.016 775 775 1.156 2,50 2,50138 211 138 138255 211 211285 0,60 0,60 0,60 22 40 22 22 50 40 40 57 2,30 2,30 2,30136 202 136 136242 202 202269 346460 407 407460 460 64 64 88 72 72109 88 88184109 109109184 184129 109 109147 129 129147 147 223 223277 250 250310 277277370 310310450 370 370735450 450399735 735477 399 399544 477 477544 544 BAZAAR seat cushion BAZAAR coverings BAZAAR seat for cushion seat ottoman cushion coverings with coverings cushion for ottoman for90 ottoman x 90 withwith cushion cushion 90 90 x 90 x 90 09BAPF02 BAZAAR 09BAPF02 Fodera 09BAPF02 profilo BAZAAR Pouff BAZAAR Fodera conFodera cuscino profilo profilo Pouff 90 xPouff 90 con con cuscino cuscino 90 x9090x 90 5050 64 5757 72 BAZAAR piping for BAZAAR ottoman BAZAAR piping with cushion piping for ottoman for 90ottoman x 90 with with cushion cushion 90 x90 90x 90 mc Kg 0,37 mc 35 Kg 09BAPF03 mc 0,37 0,37 Kg 35 35 BAZAAR 09BAPF03 Fodera 09BAPF03 telaio BAZAAR Pouff BAZAAR Fodera conFodera cuscino telaiotelaio Pouff 90 xPouff 90 con cuscino con cuscino 90 x9090x 90 BAZAAR frame coverings BAZAAR BAZAAR forframe ottoman frame coverings with coverings cushion for ottoman for90 ottoman x 90 withwith cushion cushion 90 x 9090 x 90 09BAPU02 BAZAAR 09BAPU02 Pouff 09BAPU02 conBAZAAR cuscino BAZAAR Pouff 135 xPouff con 107 cuscino con cuscino 135 x135 107 x 107 BAZAAR ottomanBAZAAR with BAZAAR cushion ottoman ottoman 135with x 107 with cushion cushion 135135 x 107 x 107 4,80 09BAPF04 BAZAAR 09BAPF04 Fodera 09BAPF04 sedute BAZAAR BAZAAR Pouff Fodera con Fodera sedute cuscino sedute Pouff 135 Pouff x con 107 con cuscino cuscino 135135 x 107 x 107 2,50 775 1.016 1.016 1.240 1.156 1.156 1.296 1.240 1.240 1.352 1.296 1.296 1.4221.352 1.352 1.5481.422 1.422 1.716 1.548 1.548 2.318 1.7161.716 1.574 2.3182.318 1.729 1.574 1.574 1.861 1.729 1.729 1.861 1.861 255 255314 285 285351 314314417 351351505 417 417821505 505448821 821534 448 448608 534 534608 608 64 64 89 73 73110 89 89185110 110109185 185130 109 109147 130 130147 147 242 242295 269 269329 295295389 329329468 389 389754468 468418754 754496 418 418563 496 496563 563 BAZAAR seat cushion BAZAAR coverings BAZAAR seat for cushion seat ottoman cushion coverings with coverings cushion for ottoman for135 ottoman xwith 107with cushion cushion 135135 x 107 x 107 09BAPF05 BAZAAR 09BAPF05 Fodera 09BAPF05 profilo BAZAAR Pouff BAZAAR Fodera conFodera cuscino profilo profilo Pouff 135 Pouff x con 107 con cuscino cuscino 135135 x 107 x 107 5050 64 5757 73 BAZAAR piping for BAZAAR ottoman BAZAAR piping with cushion piping for ottoman for 135 ottoman xwith 107with cushion cushion 135135 x 107 x 107 mc Kg 0,95 mc 45 Kg 09BAPF06 mc 0,95 0,95 Kg 45 45 BAZAAR 09BAPF06 Fodera 09BAPF06 telaio BAZAAR Pouff BAZAAR Fodera conFodera cuscino telaiotelaio Pouff 135 Pouff x con 107 cuscino con cuscino 135135 x 107 x 107 BAZAAR frame coverings BAZAAR BAZAAR forframe ottoman frame coverings with coverings cushion for ottoman for135 ottoman xwith 107with cushion cushion 135135 x 107 x 107 CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE / TECHNICAL CARATTERISTICHE CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE TECNICHE /FEATURES TECHNICAL / TECHNICAL FEATURES FEATURES Mod. HARRY'S CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE / TECHNICAL FEATURES 1 Piuma e fibra poliestere in una sacca di tela antipiuma a vari scomparti 1 Piuma 1 ePiuma fibra poliestere e fibra poliestere in una sacca in unadi sacca tela antipiuma di tela antipiuma a vari scomparti a vari scomparti Feather with polyester fiber, in a feather-proof cover divided in many compartments FeatherFeather with polyester with polyester fiber, infiber, a feather-proof in a feather-proof cover divided cover divided in manyincompartments many compartments 1 2 Piuma e poliestere fibra poliestere in unaasacca di tela antipiuma a vari scomparti Fibra accoppiata vellutino 2with fiber Fibra 2 coupled poliestere Fibra poliestere accoppiata a cover vellutino a vellutino Feather polyester fiber, in velveteen aaccoppiata feather-proof divided in many compartments Polyester with Polyester Polyester fiber coupled fiber coupled with velveteen with velveteen 2 3 Fibra poliestereespanso accoppiata a vellutino Poliuretano densità 35 Polyester coupled with espanso velveteen Polyurethane density 35 kg/mc 3 fiberPoliuretano 3foam Poliuretano espanso densitàdensità 35 35 Polyurethane Polyurethane foam density foam density 35 kg/mc 35 kg/mc 3 5 Poliuretano espanso densità 35 40 Poliuretano espanso densità Polyurethane foam density 35 40 kg/mc Polyurethane foam density kg/mc 5 Poliuretano 5 Poliuretano espanso espanso densitàdensità 40 40 Polyurethane Polyurethane foam foam density 40 kg/mc 40 kg/mc 5 6 Poliuretano espanso densità 40 21density Poliuretano espanso densità Polyurethane foam density 40 21 kg/mc Polyurethane foam density kg/mc 6 Poliuretano 6 Poliuretano espanso espanso densitàdensità 21 21 6 7 Poliuretano espanso densità 21 density Cinghia elastica mm 80 foam Polyurethane Polyurethane foam density 21 kg/mc 21 kg/mc Polyurethane density 21 kg/mc Elastic beltfoam mm 80 7 Cinghia 7 Cinghia elasticaelastica mm 80 mm 80 7 8 Cinghia mm 80 Legnoelastica massello dibelt abete Elastic Elastic mmbelt 80 mm 80 Fir solid Elastic belt wood mm 80 8 Legno 8 di tamponamenti massello Legno massello diinabete di abete Multistrato con particelle di legno e fibra 8 9 Legno massello abete Fir solid Fir wood solid wood with wood and fiber insertions Fir Plywood solid wood 9 in Multistrato 9tamponamenti Multistrato con tamponamenti in particelle in particelle di legnodielegno fibra e fibra Piedino frassino tintocon tamponamenti 9 14 Multistrato con in particelle di legno e fibra Painted ashPlywood wooden foot Plywood with wood and fiber wood insertions Plywood with withand wood fiber and insertions fiber insertions 14 Piedino 14in frassino Piedino 14 tinto Piedino in frassino in frassino tinto tinto Painted ash wooden foot Painted Painted ash wooden ash wooden foot foot VERSIONI / VERSIONS Tessuto completamente sfoderabile, pelle fisso. Fabric: completely removable coverings. Leather: not removable coverings VERSIONI / VERSIONS VERSIONI VERSIONI /sfoderabile, VERSIONS / VERSIONS PIEDINI / FEET Tessuto completamente pelle fisso. Di serie piedino inTessuto legno colore Fango o Canapa. Tessuto completamente completamente sfoderabile, sfoderabile, pelle fisso. pelle fisso. Fabric: completely removable coverings. Leather: not removable coverings Standard feet: wood feet painted dark orremovable brigh colour Fabric: Fabric: completely completely removable coverings. coverings. Leather:Leather: not removable not removable coverings coverings A richiesta PIEDINI / FEETcon maggiorazione piedino in metallo cromato. Chrome feet available on demand with Di serie piedino in legno colore Fango o overcharge Canapa. PIEDINI PIEDINI / FEET / FEET Standard feet: painted orinbrigh colour Diwood seriefeet Di piedino serie piedino indark legno colore legno Fango colore oFango Canapa. o Canapa. A richiesta con maggiorazione piedino inpainted metallo cromato. Standard Standard feet: wood feet:feet wood feet painted dark or dark brighor colour brigh colour Chrome feet available on demand with overcharge A richiesta A richiesta con maggiorazione con maggiorazione piedinopiedino in metallo in metallo cromato. cromato. PIEDINI / FEET Chrome feet available feet on demand on demand with overcharge with overcharge Di serie piedino inChrome Frassino tintoavailable colore canapa o fango Precisare il tipo di colore, nel codice l'ultima lettera indica la finitura. (Es: C/ FEET = Canapa F = Fango) PIEDINI Standard: bright or dark painted ash wooden Di serie piedino in Frassino tinto colore canapafeet o fango The last letter of the item code means the of feet Precisare il tipo di colore, nel codice lettera indica la finitura. PIEDINI PIEDINI / FEET / FEET l'ultimacolor (example: C= bright color F= dark color) (Es: C = Canapa F = Di Fango) Di serie piedino serie piedino in Frassino in Frassino tinto colore tinto canapa colore canapa o fangoo fango Standard: bright or dark ash wooden Precisare Precisare ilpainted tipo diil colore, tipo di colore, nelfeet codice nel The last letter(Es: of the item code means theFcolor of feet C= (Es: Canapa C = Canapa F = Fango) = Fango) (example: C= bright color F= dark color) codice l'ultimal'ultima lettera indica letterala indica finitura. la finitura. Standard: Standard: bright or bright dark or painted dark painted ash wooden ash wooden feet feet The lastThe letter lastofletter the item of the code item means code the means color the of color feet of feet (example: (example: C= bright C=color bright F=color darkF= color) dark color) HARRY’S Mod. Mod. HARRY'S HARRY'S Mod. HARRY'S 9,60 HARRY'S 09HADF04 Fodera 09HADF04 sedute HARRY'S HARRY'S Divano Fodera 214 Fodera sedute sedute Divano Divano 214 214 3,10 3,10 3,10 198 289 198198 343 0,60 0,60 0,6024 41 24 24 52 7,30 7,30 7,30 390 607 390390 737 Pelle Elite Leather Elite HARRY'S 09HADI02C Divano 09HADI02C 214HARRY'S canapa HARRY'S Divano Divano 214214 canapa canapa color feet color color feet feet HARRY'S Sofa 214 HARRY'S bright HARRY'S Sofa Sofa 214 214 bright bright Pelle Elite Star Elite Leather Star 373373 720 Pelle Elite Pelle Top Star Leather Star Leather Top Elite 590 277 277 368 332 332 405 368 368 450 405 Pelle Top Star Prestige Pelle Leather Top Star Leather 7,30 7,30 373 9,60 9,60 1.687 1.160 1.160 1.970 1.687 1.687 2.140 1.970 1.970 2.2542.1402.140 2.3672.2542.254 2.509 2.367 2.367 2.764 2.509 2.509 3.104 2.764 2.764 4.323 3.104 Pelle Top Elite Prestige Leather Top 7,30 Elite HARRY'S 09HADF03 Fodera 09HADF03 telaio HARRY'S HARRY'S DivanoFodera 194 Fodera telaio telaio Divano Divano 194 194 forframe Sofa 194 forfor Sofa Sofa194 194 HARRY'S frame coverings HARRY'S HARRY'S frame coverings coverings Star Prestige 23 23 51 Star 41 Top Elite 0,60 0,6023 Top 0,60 Lux Star 186186 332 Lux 277 Extra Top 3,10 3,10 186 Extra 3,10 Super Lux HARRY'S 09HADF01 Fodera 09HADF01 sedute HARRY'S HARRY'S Divano Fodera 194 Fodera sedute sedute Divano Divano 194 194 Super 1.160 Normal Extra 9,60 Normal Super Customer fabric Tess Cliente Customer fabric Tess Cliente HARRY'S 09HADI01C Divano 09HADI01C 194HARRY'S canapa HARRY'S Divano Divano 194194 canapa canapa color feet color color feet feet HARRY'S Sofa 194 HARRY'S bright HARRY'S Sofa Sofa 194 194 bright bright 09HADF01 Normal No coverings In Bianco No coverings 09HADI01C Descrizione Descrizione In Bianco In NoBianco coverings Descrizione Codice Codice Mt Tessuto Mt Tessuto Tess Cliente Fabric mt Codice Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Larghezza braccioloLarghezza 28 Larghezzabracciolo bracciolo 28 Armrest lenght 28 Armrest Armrest lenght lenght 28 Fabric mt Customer fabric od. HARRY'S Mod. Mod. HARRY'S HARRY'S 3.104 3.095 4.323 4.323 3.427 3.095 3.095 3.711 3.427 3.427 3.711 3.711 405 532450 450 641 532 1.033 532641 641 1.033 710 1.033 822 710 710 918 822 822 918 918 6590 74 74 11190 186 90111 111 115 186 186 136 115 115 155 136 136 155 155 1.198 8941.002 1.002 1.458 1.198 1.198 2.391 1.458 1.458 1.427 2.391 2.391 1.695 1.427 1.427 1.925 1.695 1.695 1.925 1.925 9,60 9,60 1.790 1.240 1.240 2.073 1.790 1.790 2.243 2.073 2.073 2.3572.2432.243 2.4702.3572.357 2.612 2.470 2.470 2.867 2.612 2.612 3.207 2.867 2.867 4.426 3.207 3.207 3.316 4.426 4.426 3.667 3.316 3.316 3.967 3.667 3.667 3.967 3.967 HARRY'S seat cushionHARRY'S coverings HARRY'S seat for seat cushion Sofa cushion 194 coverings coverings forfor Sofa Sofa194 194 09HADF02 HARRY'S 09HADF02 Fodera 09HADF02 profilo HARRY'S HARRY'S Divano Fodera 194 Fodera profilo profilo Divano Divano 194 194 41 4158 51 5165 58 5874 65 HARRY'S piping for Sofa HARRY'S 194 HARRY'S piping piping for for Sofa Sofa 194 194 mc Kg 1,44 56 mc Kg mc Kg 1,44 09HADF03 1,44 56 56 09HADI02C 09HADF04 1.240 590 590 807 720 720 894 807 1.002 807 894 289 289 380 343 343 416 380 380 462 416 416 543462 462 653 543 1.044 543653 653 1.044 770 1.044 889 770 770 990 889 889 990 990 6690 74 74 11190 186 90111 111 119 186 186 142 119 119 161 142 142 161 161 1.214 9111.019 1.019 1.475 1.214 1.214 2.408 1.475 1.475 1.522 2.408 2.408 1.805 1.522 1.522 2.047 1.805 1.805 2.047 2.047 9,60 9,60 1.910 1.336 1.336 2.193 1.910 1.910 2.363 2.193 2.193 2.4772.3632.363 2.5902.4772.477 2.732 2.590 2.590 2.987 2.732 2.732 3.327 2.987 2.987 4.546 3.327 3.327 3.474 4.546 4.546 3.843 3.474 3.474 4.159 3.843 3.843 4.159 4.159 HARRY'S seat cushionHARRY'S coverings HARRY'S seat for seat cushion Sofa cushion 214 coverings coverings forfor Sofa Sofa214 214 09HADF05 HARRY'S 09HADF05 Fodera 09HADF05 profilo HARRY'S HARRY'S Divano Fodera 214 Fodera profilo profilo Divano Divano 214 214 41 4159 52 5266 59 5974 66 HARRY'S piping for Sofa HARRY'S 214 HARRY'S piping piping for for Sofa Sofa 214 214 mc Kg 1,58 60 mc Kg mc Kg 1,58 09HADF06 1,58 60 60 09HADI03C 09HADF07 HARRY'S 09HADF06 Fodera 09HADF06 telaio HARRY'S HARRY'S DivanoFodera 214 Fodera telaio telaio Divano Divano 214 214 607 607 824 737 737 911 824 1.019 824 911 HARRY'S frame coverings HARRY'S HARRY'S for Sofa frame frame 214 coverings coverings forfor Sofa Sofa 214 214 HARRY'S 09HADI03C Divano 09HADI03C 244HARRY'S canapa HARRY'S Divano Divano 244244 canapa canapa color feet color color feet feet HARRY'S Sofa 244 HARRY'S bright HARRY'S Sofa Sofa 244 244 bright bright 9,60 1.336 HARRY'S 09HADF07 Fodera 09HADF07 sedute HARRY'S HARRY'S Divano Fodera 244 Fodera sedute sedute Divano Divano 244 244 3,10 3,10 3,10 209 300 209209 355 0,60 0,60 0,6024 41 24 24 52 7,30 7,30 7,30 403 620 403403 750 300 300 391 355 355 427 391 391 473 427 427 555473 473 664 555 1.055 555664 664 1.055 789 1.055 913 789 1.019 789 913 1.019 913 1.019 6690 75 75 11190 187 90111 111 123 187 187 147 123 123 168 147 147 168 168 1.228 9241.032 1.032 1.488 1.228 1.228 2.421 1.488 1.488 1.572 2.421 2.421 1.869 1.572 1.572 2.123 1.869 1.869 2.123 2.123 8,00 8,00 1.573 1.112 1.112 1.811 1.573 1.573 1.954 1.811 1.811 2.0491.9541.954 2.1442.0492.049 2.263 2.144 2.144 2.477 2.263 2.263 2.763 2.477 2.477 3.786 2.763 2.763 2.874 3.786 3.786 3.183 2.874 2.874 3.448 3.183 3.183 3.448 3.448 HARRY'S seat cushionHARRY'S coverings HARRY'S seat for seat cushion Sofa cushion 244 coverings coverings forfor Sofa Sofa244 244 09HADF08 HARRY'S 09HADF08 Fodera 09HADF08 profilo HARRY'S HARRY'S Divano Fodera 244 Fodera profilo profilo Divano Divano 244 244 41 4159 52 5266 59 5975 66 HARRY'S piping for Sofa HARRY'S 244 HARRY'S piping piping for for Sofa Sofa 244 244 mc Kg 1,72 68 mc Kg mc Kg 1,72 09HADF09 1,72 68 68 HARRY'S 09HADF09 Fodera 09HADF09 telaio HARRY'S HARRY'S DivanoFodera 244 Fodera telaio telaio Divano Divano 244 244 620 620 837 750 750 924 837 1.032 837 924 HARRY'S frame coverings HARRY'S HARRY'S for Sofa frame frame 244 coverings coverings forfor Sofa Sofa 244 244 09HATE01SC HARRY'S 09HATE01SC Terminale 09HATE01SC HARRY'S 190 HARRY'S sx canapa Terminale Terminale 190190 sxsx canapa canapa color feet colorfeet feet HARRY'S End unit 190 HARRY'S HARRY'S left bright EndEnd unit unit 190 190 leftleft bright brightcolor 8,00 09HATF01S 3,10 3,10 3,10 189 280 189189 334 0,60 0,60 0,6023 41 23 23 51 5,70 5,70 5,70 310 478 310310 579 HARRY'S 09HATF01S Fodera 09HATF01S sedute HARRY'S HARRY'S Terminale Fodera Fodera 190 sedute sx sedute Terminale Terminale 190 190sxsx 1.112 280 280 371 334 334 407 371 371 453 407 407 534453 453 644 534 1.035 534644 644 1.035 737 1.035 861 737 737 968 861 861 968 968 5874 65 6590 74 74 11190 186 90111 111 122 186 186 146 122 122 167 146 146 167 167 478 478 646 579 579 713 646 646 797 713 713 948797 1.150 797 948 1.872 948 1.150 1.150 1.218 1.872 1.872 1.448 1.218 1.218 1.644 1.448 1.448 1.644 1.644 8,00 8,00 1.703 1.206 1.206 1.941 1.703 1.703 2.084 1.941 1.941 2.1792.0842.084 2.2752.1792.179 2.394 2.275 2.275 2.608 2.394 2.394 2.893 2.608 2.608 3.917 2.893 2.893 3.130 3.917 3.917 3.470 3.130 3.130 3.762 3.470 3.470 3.762 3.762 HARRY'S seat cushionHARRY'S coverings HARRY'S seat for seat cushion End cushion unit coverings 190 coverings left forfor End Endunit unit190 190left left 09HATF02S HARRY'S 09HATF02S Fodera 09HATF02S profilo HARRY'S HARRY'S Terminale Fodera Fodera 190profilo sxprofilo Terminale Terminale 190 190sxsx 41 4158 51 5165 58 HARRY'S piping for End HARRY'S unit HARRY'S 190 piping left piping for for End End unit unit 190 190 left left mc Kg 1,44 53 mc Kg mc Kg 1,44 09HATF03S 1,44 53 53 HARRY'S 09HATF03S Fodera 09HATF03S telaio HARRY'S Terminale HARRY'S Fodera Fodera 190telaio sxtelaio Terminale Terminale 190 190sxsx HARRY'S frame coverings HARRY'S HARRY'S for End frame frame unit coverings 190 coverings left forfor End End unit unit190 190left left 09HATE02SC HARRY'S 09HATE02SC Terminale 09HATE02SC HARRY'S 220 HARRY'S sx canapa Terminale Terminale 220220 sxsx canapa canapa color feet colorfeet feet HARRY'S End unit 220 HARRY'S HARRY'S left bright EndEnd unit unit 220 220 leftleft bright brightcolor 8,00 09HATF04S 3,10 3,10 3,10 183 274 183183 329 0,60 0,60 0,6023 41 23 23 51 5,70 5,70 5,70 318 486 318318 587 HARRY'S 09HATF04S Fodera 09HATF04S sedute HARRY'S HARRY'S Terminale Fodera Fodera 220 sedute sx sedute Terminale Terminale 220 220sxsx 1.206 274 274 365 329 329 402 365 365 447 402 402 529447 447 638 529 1.030 529638 638 1.030 784 1.030 920 784 1.037 784 920 1.037 920 1.037 5874 65 6590 74 74 11190 186 90111 111 131 186 186 157 131 131 179 157 157 179 179 486 486 654 587 587 721 654 654 805 721 721 956805 1.158 805 956 1.880 956 1.158 1.158 1.315 1.880 1.880 1.566 1.315 1.315 1.781 1.566 1.566 1.781 1.781 HARRY'S seat cushionHARRY'S coverings HARRY'S seat for seat cushion End cushion unit coverings 220 coverings left forfor End Endunit unit220 220left left 09HATF05S HARRY'S 09HATF05S Fodera 09HATF05S profilo HARRY'S HARRY'S Terminale Fodera Fodera 220profilo sxprofilo Terminale Terminale 220 220sxsx 41 4158 51 5165 58 HARRY'S piping for End HARRY'S unit HARRY'S 220 piping left piping for for End End unit unit 220 220 left left mc Kg 1,58 57 mc Kg mc Kg 1,58 09HATF06S 1,58 57 57 HARRY'S 09HATF06S Fodera 09HATF06S telaio HARRY'S Terminale HARRY'S Fodera Fodera 220telaio sxtelaio Terminale Terminale 220 220sxsx HARRY'S frame coverings HARRY'S HARRY'S for End frame frame unit coverings 220 coverings left forfor End End unit unit220 220left left Pelle Top Elite Prestige Leather Top Pelle Top Star Pelle Prestige Leather Top Star Leather Pelle Pelle Top Star Elite Leather Star Leather Top Elite Pelle Elite Star Leather Elite Leather Star Pelle Elite Leather Elite 318318 620 308 308 392 358 358 425 392 392 467 425 2.895 4.377 3.218 3.218 3.313 4.377 4.377 3.646 3.313 3.313 3.646 3.931 3.931 3.646 3.931 Elite 507 9,10 9,10 1.871 1.346 1.346 2.140 1.871 1.871 2.302 2.140 2.140 2.4102.3022.302 2.5172.4102.410 2.652 2.517 2.517 2.895 2.652 2.652 3.218 2.895 Star Prestige 6,40 6,40 318 Star 6,40 Top Elite 24 24 52 Top 41 Lux Star 0,60 0,6024 Lux 0,60 Extra Top 224224 358 Extra 308 Super Lux 2,90 2,90 224 Super 2,90 HARRY'S 09HATF07S Fodera 09HATF07S sedute HARRY'S HARRY'S Terminale/Angolo Fodera Fodera sedute sedute 238 Terminale/Angolo sx Terminale/Angolo238 238sx sx Normal Extra 09HATF07S Normal Super Customer fabric Tess Cliente Customer fabric Tess Cliente 1.346 Descrizione Descrizione Normal No coverings 9,10 Descrizione Codice Codice In Bianco In NoBianco coverings In Bianco No coverings 09HATE03SC HARRY'S 09HATE03SC Terminale/Angolo 09HATE03SC HARRY'S HARRY'S 238 Terminale/Angolo sxTerminale/Angolo canapa 238238 sxsx canapa canapa color feet colorfeet feet HARRY'S corner end HARRY'S unit HARRY'S 238corner left corner bright endend unit unit 238 238 leftleft bright brightcolor Codice Mt Tessuto Mt Tessuto Tess Cliente Fabric mt Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Larghezza braccioloLarghezza 28 Larghezzabracciolo bracciolo 28 28 Armrest lenght 28 Armrest Armrestlenght lenght 28 28 Fabric mt Customer fabric od. HARRY'S Mod. Mod. HARRY'S HARRY'S 425 543467 467 644 543 1.005 543644 644 1.005 751 1.005 860 751 751 860 954 954 860 954 5974 66 6690 74 74 11190 186 90111 111 119 186 186 142 119 119 142 161 161 142 161 507 507 696 620 620 772 696 696 866 772 1.036 772 866 1.263 866 1.036 1.036 2.076 1.263 1.263 1.312 2.076 2.076 1.558 1.312 1.312 1.558 1.769 1.769 1.558 1.769 6,80 6,80 1.524 1.119 1.119 1.724 1.524 1.524 1.844 1.724 1.724 1.9231.8441.844 2.0031.9231.923 2.103 2.003 2.003 2.282 2.103 2.103 2.522 2.282 2.282 3.380 2.522 2.522 2.593 3.380 3.380 2.839 2.593 2.593 2.839 3.051 3.051 2.839 3.051 HARRY'S seat cushionHARRY'S coverings HARRY'S seat for seat cushion corner cushion end coverings coverings unit 238 forfor left corner corner end endunit unit238 238left left 09HATF08S HARRY'S 09HATF08S Fodera 09HATF08S profilo HARRY'S Terminale/Angolo HARRY'S Fodera Fodera profilo profilo 238 Terminale/Angolo sx Terminale/Angolo 238 238sxsx 41 4159 52 5266 59 HARRY'S piping for corner HARRY'S HARRY'S end piping unitpiping 238 for left corner for corner endend unit unit 238 238 left left 09HATF09S HARRY'S 09HATF09S Fodera 09HATF09S telaio HARRY'S Terminale/Angolo HARRY'S Fodera Fodera telaio telaio 238 Terminale/Angolo sx Terminale/Angolo 238 238sxsx HARRY'S frame coverings HARRY'S HARRY'S for corner frame frame end coverings coverings unit 238 for for left corner corner end end unit unit238 238left left mc Kg 1,72 62 mc Kg mc 1,72 Kg 62 1,72 62 09HACH01SC HARRY'S 09HACH01SC Chaise 09HACH01SC longue HARRY'S 170 HARRY'S sxChaise canapa Chaise longue longue 170170 sx sx canapa canapa 170 left bright color170 feet 170 leftleft bright bright color colorfeet feet HARRY'S chaise lounge HARRY'S HARRY'S chaise chaise lounge lounge 6,80 09HACF01S 2,50 2,50 2,50 180 254 180180 298 0,60 0,60 0,6023 41 23 23 51 4,50 4,50 4,50 259 392 259259 472 HARRY'S 09HACF01S Fodera 09HACF01S sedute HARRY'S HARRY'S Chaise Fodera longue Fodera sedute 170 sedute sxChaise Chaise longue longue 170 170sxsx 1.119 254 254 327 298 298 357 327 327 394 357 357 460394 394 548 460 460 864 548 548 623 864 864 718 623 623 718 800 800 718 800 5874 65 6590 74 74 11190 186 90111 111 118 186 186 141 118 118 141 161 161 141 161 392 392 525 472 472 578 525 525 645 578 578 765645 645 924 765 1.496 765924 924 1.496 966 1.496 1.139 966 1.139 1.287 966 1.287 1.139 1.287 9,60 9,60 1.872 1.346 1.346 2.155 1.872 1.872 2.325 2.155 2.155 2.4392.3252.325 2.5522.4392.439 2.694 2.552 2.552 2.949 2.694 2.694 3.289 2.949 2.949 4.508 3.289 3.289 3.332 4.508 4.508 3.673 3.332 3.332 3.673 3.965 3.965 3.673 3.965 HARRY'S seat cushionHARRY'S coverings HARRY'S seat for seat cushion chaise cushion lounge coverings coverings 170for left for chaise chaise lounge lounge170 170left left 09HACF02S HARRY'S 09HACF02S Fodera 09HACF02S profilo HARRY'S Chaise HARRY'S Fodera longue Fodera profilo 170 profilo sxChaise Chaise longue longue 170 170sxsx 41 4158 51 5165 58 HARRY'S piping for chaise HARRY'S HARRY'S lounge piping 170 piping for left chaise for chaise lounge lounge 170 170 left left 09HACF03S HARRY'S 09HACF03S Fodera 09HACF03S telaio HARRY'S Chaise HARRY'S Fodera longue Fodera telaio 170 telaio sxChaise Chaise longue longue 170 170 sxsx HARRY'S frame coverings HARRY'S HARRY'S for chaise frame frame lounge coverings coverings 170for left for chaise chaise lounge lounge 170 170left left mc Kg 1,30 48 mc Kg mc 1,30 1,30 Kg 48 48 09HACH02SC HARRY'S 09HACH02SC Chaise 09HACH02SC longue HARRY'S 238 HARRY'S sxChaise canapa Chaise longue longue 238238 sx sx canapa canapa 238 left bright color238 feet 238 leftleft bright bright color colorfeet feet HARRY'S chaise lounge HARRY'S HARRY'S chaise chaise lounge lounge 09HACF04S HARRY'S 09HACF04S Fodera 09HACF04S sedute HARRY'S HARRY'S Chaise Fodera longue Fodera sedute 238 sedute sxChaise Chaise longue longue 238 238sxsx 9,60 1.346 3,50 3,50 3,50 225 327 225225 388 0,60 0,60 0,6024 41 24 24 52 6,40 6,40 6,40 335 524 4,20 4,20 692 327 327 428 388 388 469 428 428 520 469 469 611520 520 733 611 1.169 611733 733 1.169 827 1.169 959 827 1.072 827 959 1.072 959 1.072 5974 66 6690 74 74 11190 186 90111 111 119 186 186 142 119 119 142 161 161 142 161 335335 637 524 524 713 637 637 788 713 713 883 788 1.053 788 883 1.280 883 1.053 1.053 2.092 1.280 1.280 1.325 2.092 2.092 1.571 1.325 1.325 1.571 1.782 1.782 1.571 1.782 512 512814 692692 888 814 814 937 888 888 986 937 1.047 937 986 1.157 9861.047 1.047 1.304 1.157 1.157 1.831 1.304 1.304 1.167 1.831 1.831 1.303 1.167 1.167 1.303 1.419 1.419 1.303 1.419 189 189 255 229 229 282 255 255 315 282 282 375315 315 455 375 375 741 455 455 401 741 741 479 401 401 479 546 546 479 546 4962 55 5575 62 629175 152 75 91 91 152 95 152 111 95 111 125 95 125 111 125 154 154 217 192 192 243 217 217 274 243 243 331274 274 406 331 331 677 406 406 356 677 677 430 356 356 430 493 493 430 493 HARRY'S seat cushionHARRY'S coverings HARRY'S seat for seat cushion chaise cushion lounge coverings coverings 238for left for chaise chaise lounge lounge238 238left left 09HACF05S HARRY'S 09HACF05S Fodera 09HACF05S profilo HARRY'S Chaise HARRY'S Fodera longue Fodera profilo 238 profilo sxChaise Chaise longue longue 238 238sxsx 41 4159 52 5266 59 HARRY'S piping for chaise HARRY'S HARRY'S lounge piping 238 piping for left chaise for chaise lounge lounge 238 238 left left 09HACF06S HARRY'S 09HACF06S Fodera 09HACF06S telaio HARRY'S Chaise HARRY'S Fodera longue Fodera telaio 238 telaio sxChaise Chaise longue longue 238 238 sxsx HARRY'S frame coverings HARRY'S HARRY'S for chaise frame frame lounge coverings coverings 238for left for chaise chaise lounge lounge 238 238left left mc Kg 1,72 62 mc Kg mc 1,72 Kg 62 1,72 62 09HAPU01C 09HAPF01 HARRY'S 09HAPU01C Pouff 09HAPU01C con cuscino HARRY'S HARRY'S 85Pouff x 85 Pouff canapa concon cuscino cuscino 85 85 x 85 x 85 canapa canapa color85 feet colorfeet feet HARRY'S ottoman with HARRY'S cushion HARRY'S ottoman 85 ottoman x 85 with bright with cushion cushion 85 x 85 x 85bright brightcolor 4,20 512 HARRY'S 09HAPF01 Fodera 09HAPF01 sedute HARRY'S HARRY'S PouffFodera conFodera cuscino sedute sedute 85Pouff x Pouff 85 con con cuscino cuscino8585x x85 85 2,30 2,30 2,30 122 189 122122 229 0,50 0,50 0,5021 35 21 21 44 2,20 2,20 2,2091 154 91 91 192 HARRY'S seat cushionHARRY'S coverings HARRY'S seat for seat cushion ottoman cushion coverings with coverings cushion forfor ottoman 85 ottoman x 85with withcushion cushion85 85 xx 85 85 09HAPF02 HARRY'S 09HAPF02 Fodera 09HAPF02 profilo HARRY'S Pouff HARRY'S Fodera conFodera cuscino profilo profilo 85Pouff x Pouff 85 con con cuscino cuscino 8585x x85 85 35 3549 44 4455 49 HARRY'S piping for ottoman HARRY'S HARRY'S with piping cushion piping for ottoman for 85ottoman x 85with with cushion cushion 8585x x85 85 mc Kg 0,45 24 mc Kg mc 0,45 09HAPF03 0,45 Kg 24 24 HARRY'S 09HAPF03 Fodera 09HAPF03 telaio HARRY'S Pouff HARRY'S con Fodera Fodera cuscino telaio telaio 85Pouff x 85 Pouff con con cuscino cuscino 8585x x8585 HARRY'S frame coverings HARRY'S HARRY'S for ottoman frame frame coverings with coverings cushion for for ottoman 85 ottoman x 85with with cushion cushion85 85xx85 85 Kg 2,5 Kg Kg Pelle Star Pelle Top Elite Leather Top Leather Star Elite Pelle Elite Pelle Star Leather Elite Leather Star Pelle Elite Leather Elite 543 480 543 Cuscino 09CMTCF14 trapuntato 09CMTCF14 Fodera Cuscino Cuscino 80trapuntato x 80 trapuntato Fodera Fodera 80 80 x 80 x 80 2,20 2,20 2,20103 166 103103 204 166 166 229 204 204 254 229 229 286254 254 342286 286 418 342 342 689 418 418 364 689 689 438 364 364 438 501 501 438 501 09CMTCF14 2,5 2,5 09HAPI01 Coverings for QuiltedCoverings cushion Coverings 80x80 for Quilted for Quilted cushion cushion 80x80 80x80 HARRY'S 09HAPI01 Set 09HAPI01 piediniHARRY'S cromati HARRY'S Set Set piedini piedini cromati cromati HARRY'S chrome feet HARRY'S (set) HARRY'S chrome chrome feetfeet (set) (set) 53 5353 Elite Star Pelle Top Elite Prestige Leather Top 406 480 543 Star Prestige 733 480 406 Top Elite 462 406 733 Top 387 733 462 Lux Star 330 462 387 Lux 298 387330 Extra Top 147147 248 210 210 273 248 248 298 273 273 330298 Extra 210 Super Lux 2,20 2,20147 Super 2,20 Normal Extra Cuscino 09CMTCU14 trapuntato 09CMTCU14 80 Cuscino x 80 Cuscino trapuntato trapuntato 80 x8080 x 80 Quilted cushion 80x80 Quilted Quilted cushion cushion 80x80 80x80 Normal 09CMTCU14 Descrizione Descrizione Mt Tessuto Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Tess Cliente Descrizione Codice Codice Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Codice Star Pelle Top Prestige Leather Top Star Super Customer fabric Tess Cliente Customer fabric Tess Cliente Normal No coverings In Bianco In NoBianco coverings Fabric mt Customer fabric Larghezza braccioloLarghezza 28 Larghezzabracciolo bracciolo 28 Armrest lenght 28 Armrest Armrestlenght lenght 28 In Bianco No coverings od. HARRY'S Mod. Mod. HARRY'S HARRY'S Mod. LEVENT Mod. LEVENT 2 Fibra poliestere 2 Fibra accoppiata poliestere a vellutino accoppiata a vellutino Polyester fiberPolyester coupled with fibervelveteen coupled with velveteen 5 Poliuretano 5 espanso Poliuretano densità espanso 40 densità 40 Polyurethane foam Polyurethane density 40 foam kg/mc density 40 kg/mc 17 Poliuretano 17 espanso Poliuretano densità espanso 30 densità 30 Polyurethane foam Polyurethane density 30 foam kg/mc density 30 kg/mc 7 Cinghia 7elastica Cinghia mm 80 elastica mm 80 Elastic belt mm Elastic 80 belt mm 80 9 Multistrato 9 con Multistrato tamponamenti con tamponamenti in particelle diinlegno particelle e fibra di legno e fibra Plywood with wood Plywood andwith fiberwood insertions and fiber insertions 10 Metallo10 grezzoMetallo grezzo Rough metal Rough metal VERSIONI / VERSIONS VERSIONI / VERSIONS Tessuto e pelle: Tessuto completamente e pelle: completamente sfoderabile. sfoderabile. Fabric and leather: Fabriccompletely and leather: removable completely coverings removable coverings PIEDINI / FEETPIEDINI / FEET Di serie piedino Di in serie ABS piedino grigio in ABS grigio Standard feet Standard in grey ABS feet in grey ABS NOTE / NOTES NOTE / NOTES Cuscini schienale Cuscini nonschienale sono compresi non sono nel prezzo. compresi Specificare nel prezzo. codici Specificare e quantità codici rispettive. e quantità rispettive. Back cushions Back are not cushions included. are Please not included. specify Please codes and specify quantities. codes and quantities. LEVENT CARATTERISTICHE CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE / TECHNICAL TECNICHE /FEATURES TECHNICAL FEATURES mc Kg mc Kg mc Kg 0,65 mc 35 Kg 0,81 mc 41 Kg 0,95 mc 47 Kg mc 0,65 Kg 35 LEVENT 09LEEL02 Elemento 09LEEL02 LEVENT 100 LEVENT Elemento Elemento 100 100 LEVENT Element LEVENT 100 LEVENT Element Element 100 100 09LEEF02 LEVENT 09LEEF02 Fodera 09LEEF02 Elemento LEVENT LEVENT 100 FoderaFodera Elemento Elemento 100 100 LEVENT coverings LEVENT LEVENT coverings coverings for Element 100 for Element for Element 100 100 LEVENT 09LEEL03 Elemento 09LEEL03 LEVENT 100 x 125 LEVENT Elemento Elemento 100 x 100 125 x 125 LEVENT Element LEVENT 100 x LEVENT 125 Element Element 100 x100 125x 125 09LEEF03 LEVENT 09LEEF03 Fodera 09LEEF03 Elemento LEVENT LEVENT 100 Fodera x 125 Fodera Elemento Elemento 100 x100 125x 125 LEVENT coverings LEVENT LEVENT coverings coverings for Element 100 x for125 Element for Element 100 x 100 125 x 125 4,60 4,90 5,70 09LEAF01S LEVENT 09LEAF01S Fodera 09LEAF01S Angolo LEVENT 100 LEVENT Fodera sx Fodera Angolo Angolo 100 sx 100 sx LEVENT coverings LEVENT LEVENT coverings coverings for corner 100 left for corner for corner 100 left 100 left 0,81 mc 44 Kg mc 0,81 Kg 44 09LEAF02S LEVENT 09LEAF02S Fodera 09LEAF02S Angolo LEVENT 125 LEVENT Fodera x 100Fodera sx Angolo Angolo 125 x125 100xsx 100 sx LEVENT coverings LEVENT LEVENT coverings coverings for corner 100 x 125 for corner left for corner 100 x 100 125 x 125 left left 0,95 mc 53 Kg mc 0,95 Kg 53 Pelle Elite Leather Elite Pelle Elite Leather Elite Pelle Star Leather Star Leather Star Pelle Top Pelle Elite Leather Top Pelle StarElite Leather Leather Top Prestige Pelle Star Pelle TopStar Leather Prestige Elite Pelle Top Leather Top Elite Star Prestige Star Top Elite Top Lux Star Lux Extra Top Extra Lux Super Super 916 916 1.052 997 997 1.107 1.052 1.052 1.175 1.107 1.107 1.2981.175 1.175 1.4621.298 1.298 2.049 1.462 1.462 1.318 2.0492.049 1.452 1.3181.318 1.566 1.452 1.4521.566 1.566 262 398 262 262480 398 398535 480 480589 4,60 4,60 886 1.022 886 886 1.104 270 407 270 270488 4,90 4,90 1.021 1.164 1.021 1.021 1.250 305 448 305 305535 5,70 5,70 1.087 1.255 1.087 1.087 1.355 313 481 313 313582 5,70 5,70 1.197 1.365 1.197 1.197 1.466 338 506 338 338606 535 535658 589 589780 658658944 780780 1.531 944 944801 1.5311.531934801 801 1.048 934 9341.048 1.048 1.022 1.022 1.159 1.104 1.104 1.213 1.159 1.159 1.282 1.213 1.213 1.4041.282 1.282 1.5681.404 1.404 2.155 1.568 1.568 1.497 2.1552.155 1.648 1.4971.497 1.777 1.648 1.6481.777 1.777 407 407543 488 488598 543 543666 598 598789 666666953 789789 1.540 953 953880 1.5401.540 1.031880 880 1.160 1.031 1.0311.160 1.160 1.164 1.164 1.308 1.250 1.250 1.365 1.308 1.308 1.437 1.365 1.365 1.5661.437 1.437 1.7381.566 1.566 2.355 1.738 1.738 1.675 2.3552.355 1.838 1.6751.675 1.978 1.838 1.8381.978 1.978 448 448592 535 535649 592 592721 649 649850 721721 1.022 850850 1.640 1.022 1.022958 1.6401.640 1.121958 958 1.261 1.121 1.1211.261 1.261 1.255 1.255 1.423 1.355 1.355 1.490 1.423 1.423 1.574 1.490 1.490 1.7251.574 1.574 1.9271.725 1.725 2.649 1.927 1.927 1.785 2.6492.649 1.960 1.7851.785 2.110 1.960 1.9602.110 2.110 481 481649 582 582717 649 649801 717 717952 801801 1.153 952952 1.876 1.153 1.153 1.009 1.8761.876 1.184 1.0091.009 1.334 1.184 1.1841.334 1.334 0,81 44 09LEAN02S LEVENT 09LEAN02S Angolo 09LEAN02S 125 LEVENT x 100 LEVENT sx AngoloAngolo 125 x 125 100 xsx100 sx LEVENT corner 100 LEVENT x 125 LEVENT corner left corner 100 x100 125x left 125 left mc Kg 779 779997 0,95 47 09LEAN01S LEVENT 09LEAN01S Angolo 09LEAN01S 100 LEVENT sx LEVENT AngoloAngolo 100 sx100 sx LEVENT corner 100 LEVENT leftLEVENT cornercorner 100 left 100 left mc Kg 916 0,81 41 09LEEL03 mc 0,95 Kg 47 4,60 4,60 779 0,65 35 09LEEL02 mc 0,81 Kg 41 Extra LEVENT 09LEEF01 Fodera 09LEEF01 Elemento LEVENT LEVENT 75 FoderaFodera Elemento Elemento 75 75 LEVENT coverings LEVENT LEVENT coverings coverings for Element 75 for Element for Element 75 75 Normal 09LEEF01 4,60 Tess Tess Cliente Cliente Customer fabric fabric Customer Super LEVENT 09LEEL01 Elemento 09LEEL01 LEVENT 75 LEVENT Elemento Elemento 75 75 LEVENT Element LEVENT 75 LEVENT Element Element 75 75 In Bianco In Bianco No No coverings coverings Normal 09LEEL01 Mt Tessuto Mt Tessuto Tess Cliente Fabric mt Fabric mt Customer fabric Descrizione Codice Codice Descrizione Descrizione In Bianco No coverings Codice Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Mod. LEVENT Mod.Mod. LEVENT LEVENT 0,95 53 5,70 1.365 1.365 1.533 1.466 1.466 1.600 1.533 1.533 1.684 1.600 1.600 1.8361.684 1.684 2.0371.836 1.836 2.760 2.037 2.037 1.962 2.7602.760 2.154 1.9621.962 2.318 2.154 2.1542.318 2.318 506 506674 606 606741 674 674825 741 741976 825825 1.178 976976 1.900 1.178 1.178 1.102 1.9001.900 1.293 1.1021.102 1.457 1.293 1.2931.457 1.457 09LEAN03S LEVENT 09LEAN03S Angolo 09LEAN03S 125 LEVENT x 125LEVENT sx AngoloAngolo 125 x 125 xsx125 sx LEVENT corner 125 LEVENT x 125 LEVENT corner left corner 125 x125 125xleft 125 left 6,40 09LEAF03S LEVENT 09LEAF03S Fodera 09LEAF03S Angolo LEVENT 125 LEVENT Fodera x 125Fodera sx Angolo Angolo 125 x 125 125xsx 125 sx LEVENT coverings LEVENT LEVENT coverings coverings for corner 125 x 125 for corner left for corner 125 x125 125 x 125 left left mc Kg 1,28 mc 56 Kg mc1,28 Kg 56 09LEPF01 0,56 mc 28 Kg mc0,56 Kg 28 mc0,66 Kg 30 3,00 Kg 4,00 Kg 09LESF01 Kg 3,00 3,00 09LESF02 Kg 4,00 4,00 9,00 Kg 09LESF12 Kg 9,00 9,00 1,50 LEVENT 09LESF01 Fodera 09LESF01 schienale LEVENT LEVENT 60 FoderaFodera schienale schienale 60 60 LEVENT coverings LEVENT LEVENT coverings coverings for back cushion for 60 back for back cushion cushion 60 60 2,30 LEVENT 09LESF02 Fodera 09LESF02 schienale LEVENT LEVENT 80 FoderaFodera schienale schienale 80 80 LEVENT coverings LEVENT LEVENT coverings coverings for back cushion for 80 back for back cushion cushion 80 80 09LESR05 LEVENT 09LESR05 Schiena 09LESR05 Recliner LEVENT LEVENT 80 Schiena Schiena Recliner Recliner 80 80 LEVENT back cushion LEVENT 80 LEVENT with back Recliner cushion back cushion 80 with 80 Recliner with Recliner Kg Pelle Elite Leather Elite Pelle Elite Leather Elite Pelle Star Leather Star Leather Star Pelle Top Pelle Elite Leather Top Pelle StarElite Leather Leather Top Prestige Pelle Star Pelle TopStar Leather Prestige Elite Pelle Top Leather Top Elite Star Prestige Star Top Elite Top Lux Star Lux Extra Top Extra Super Super Lux Normal Extra Tess Tess Cliente Cliente Customer Customer fabric fabric Super In Bianco In Bianco No coverings No coverings Normal 1.427 1.427 1.729 1.616 1.805 1.729 1.729 1.880 1.805 1.805 1.975 1.880 1.880 2.1451.975 1.975 2.3722.145 2.145 3.184 2.372 2.372 2.259 3.1843.184 2.468 2.2592.259 2.648 2.468 2.4682.648 2.648 378 567 378 378 681 567756 681 681832 756 756926 832 832 1.096 926926 1.3231.096 1.096 2.136 1.323 1.323 1.213 2.1362.136 1.421 1.2131.213 1.601 1.421 1.4211.601 1.601 3,60 3,60 665 770 665 665 833 770875 833 833917 875 875970 917 917 1.064 970970 1.1901.064 1.064 1.642 1.190 1.190 1.084 1.6421.642 1.194 1.0841.084 1.287 1.194 1.1941.287 1.287 192 297 192 192 360 297402 360 360444 402 402496 444 444591 496496717 591591 1.168 717 717610 1.1681.168719610 610813 719 719 813 3,80 3,80 780 892 780 780 959 892 1.004 959 959 1.049 1.004 1.004 1.105 1.049 1.049 1.2061.105 1.105 1.3401.206 1.206 1.822 1.340 1.340 1.274 1.8221.822 1.398 1.2741.274 1.504 1.398 1.3981.504 1.504 220 332 220 220 399 332444 399 399489 444 444545 489 489646 545545780 646646 1.262 780 780717 1.2621.262841717 717947 841 841 947 947 1,50 1,50 231 273 231 231 298 273315 298 298332 315 315353 332 332391 353353441 391391622 441 441422622 622468422 422508 468 468 508 508 102 144 102 102 170 144186 170 170203 186 186224 203 203262 224224312 262262493 312 312302493 493352302 302394 352 352 394 394 2,30 2,30 264 330 264 264 370 330397 370 370424 397 397457 424 424517 457457596 517517882 596 596546882 882620546 546683 620 620 683 683 116 183 116 116 222 183249 222 222276 249 249309 276 276369 309309449 369369735 449 449414735 735491414 414558 491 491 558 558 1,80 1,80 312 365 312 312 396 365417 396 396438 417 417465 438 438512 465465575 512512801 575 575521801 801579521 521629 579 579 629 629 93 146 93 93 177 146198 177 177219 198 198246 219 219293 246246356 293293582 356 356301582 582359301 301409 359 359 409 409 813 0,66 30 09LESH02 LEVENT 09LESH02 schienale 09LESH02 LEVENT 80 LEVENT schienale schienale 80 80 LEVENT back cushion LEVENT 80 LEVENT back cushion back cushion 80 80 Kg 3,80 LEVENT 09LEPF02 Fodera 09LEPF02 Pouff LEVENT 100 LEVENT xFodera 125 Fodera Pouff Pouff 100 x 100 125x 125 LEVENT coverings LEVENT LEVENT coverings coverings for ottoman 100 for x 125 ottoman for ottoman 100 x 100 125 x 125 09LESH01 LEVENT 09LESH01 schienale 09LESH01 LEVENT 60 LEVENT schienale schienale 60 60 LEVENT back cushion LEVENT 60 LEVENT back cushion back cushion 60 60 Kg 1.616 0,56 28 09LEPF02 0,66 mc 30 Kg 3,60 LEVENT 09LEPF01 Fodera 09LEPF01 Pouff LEVENT 100 LEVENT xFodera 100 Fodera Pouff Pouff 100 x 100 100x 100 LEVENT coverings LEVENT LEVENT coverings coverings for ottoman 100 for x 100 ottoman for ottoman 100 x 100 100 x 100 09LEPU02 LEVENT 09LEPU02 Pouff09LEPU02 100LEVENT x 125 LEVENT Pouff 100 Pouff x 125 100 x 125 LEVENT ottoman LEVENT 100 x LEVENT 125 ottoman ottoman 100 x100 125x 125 mc Kg 6,40 6,40 1.427 1,28 56 09LEPU01 LEVENT 09LEPU01 Pouff09LEPU01 100LEVENT x 100 LEVENT Pouff 100 Pouff x 100 x 100 LEVENT ottoman LEVENT 100 x LEVENT 100 ottoman ottoman 100 x100 100x 100 mc Kg Mt Tessuto Mt Tessuto Tess Cliente Fabric mt Fabric mt fabric Customer Descrizione Codice Codice Descrizione Descrizione In Bianco No coverings Codice Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Mod. LEVENT Mod.Mod. LEVENT LEVENT LEVENT 09LESF12 Fodera 09LESF12 Schiena LEVENT LEVENT Recliner FoderaFodera 80 Schiena Schiena Recliner Recliner 80 80 LEVENT coverings LEVENT LEVENT coverings coverings for back cushion for 80 with back for Recliner back cushion cushion 80 with 80 with Recliner Recliner 1,80 Mod. LEVENT Mod. LEVENT SOFT SOFT CARATTERISTICHE CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE / TECHNICAL TECNICHE / FEATURES TECHNICAL FEATURES 1 Piuma e1fibra Piuma poliestere e fibra in una poliestere sacca di in tela una antipiuma sacca di tela a vari antipiuma scomparti a vari scomparti Feather with polyester Feather with fiber, polyester in a feather-proof fiber, in a feather-proof cover divided cover in many divided compartments in many compartments 5 Poliuretano 5 espanso Poliuretano densità espanso 40 densità 40 Polyurethane foam Polyurethane density 40 foam kg/mc density 40 kg/mc 17 Poliuretano 17 espanso Poliuretano densità espanso 30 densità 30 Polyurethane foam Polyurethane density 30 foam kg/mc density 30 kg/mc 7 Cinghia7elastica Cinghia mm 80 elastica mm 80 Elastic belt mm Elastic 80 belt mm 80 9 Multistrato 9 con Multistrato tamponamenti con tamponamenti in particelle diinlegno particelle e fibra di legno e fibra Plywood with wood Plywood andwith fiberwood insertions and fiber insertions 10 Metallo10 grezzo Metallo grezzo Rough metal Rough metal VERSIONI / VERSIONS VERSIONI / VERSIONS Tessuto e pelle: Tessuto completamente e pelle: completamente sfoderabile. sfoderabile. Fabric and leather: Fabriccompletely and leather: removable completely coverings removable coverings PIEDINI / FEET PIEDINI / FEET Di serie piedino Di serie in ABS piedino grigioin ABS grigio Standard feet Standard in grey ABS feet in grey ABS NOTE / NOTES NOTE / NOTES Cuscini schienale Cuscini nonschienale sono compresi non sono nel compresi prezzo. Specificare nel prezzo.codici Specificare e quantità codici rispettive. e quantità rispettive. Back cushionsBack are not cushions included. are Please not included. specifyPlease codes specify and quantities. codes and quantities. mc Kg mc Kg mc Kg mc Kg 0,65 35 0,81 41 0,95 47 0,81 44 mc Kg mc Kg mc Kg mc Kg mc Kg mc Kg mc Kg mc Kg Pelle Elite Leather Elite Leather Elite Pelle Star Leather Star Pelle Elite Pelle Star Prestige Leather Pelle TopStar Leather Top Pelle Top Pelle Elite Leather Top Pelle StarElite Leather Leather Star Pelle Top Elite Leather Top Prestige Elite Star Prestige Star Top Elite Top Lux Star Lux Extra Top Extra Super Lux 09LESEF01 Super LEVENT 09LESPR01 SOFT 09LESPR01 Fodera LEVENT profilo LEVENT SOFT Elemento SOFT Fodera Fodera 75profilo profilo Elemento Elemento 7575 LEVENT SOFT piping LEVENT LEVENT SOFT SOFT for Element piping 75piping forfor Element Element 7575 Normal Extra 09LESPR01 Normal 530 Super Customer fabric 4,80 Tess Cliente Tess Cliente Customer fabric LEVENT 09LESEL01 SOFT 09LESEL01 Elemento LEVENT LEVENT 75 SOFT SOFT Elemento Elemento 75 75 LEVENT SOFT Element LEVENT LEVENT 75 SOFT SOFT Element Element 7575 In In Bianco Bianco No Normal No coverings coverings In Bianco No coverings 09LESEL01 Descrizione Descrizione Customer fabric Descrizione Codice Codice Mt Tessuto Tess Cliente Fabric Fabric mt mt Codice Mt Tessuto Fabric mt od. LEVENT Mod. Mod. LEVENT SOFT LEVENT SOFT SOFT 4,80 4,80 712 530 530 852 712 712 936 852 852 992 936 1.048 936 9921.118 992 1.048 1.048 1.2441.118 1.118 1.4121.2441.244 2.0141.4121.412 1.263 2.014 2.014 1.399 1.263 1.263 1.517 1.399 1.399 1.517 1.517 0,90 0,90 0,9021 46 2121 61 4646 70 61 61 80 70 70 93 LEVENT 09LESEF01 SOFT 09LESEF01 Fodera LEVENT Elemento LEVENT SOFT SOFT 75Fodera Fodera Elemento Elemento 7575 LEVENT SOFT coverings LEVENT LEVENT SOFT coverings coverings forSOFT Element 75 forfor Element Element 7575 4,50 4,50 4,50 197 330 197 197 410 330 330 463 410410 516 463463 583 09LESEL02 LEVENT 09LESEL02 SOFT 09LESEL02 Elemento LEVENT LEVENT 100SOFT SOFT Elemento Elemento 100100 LEVENT SOFT Element LEVENT LEVENT 100SOFT SOFT Element Element 100 100 4,80 4,80 4,80 818 626 626 958 818 1.042 818 958 1.098 958 1.042 1.042 1.154 1.098 1.098 1.224 1.154 1.154 1.3501.224 1.224 1.5181.3501.350 2.1201.5181.518 1.450 2.120 2.120 1.605 1.450 1.450 1.738 1.605 1.605 1.738 1.738 09LESPR02 LEVENT 09LESPR02 SOFT 09LESPR02 Fodera LEVENT profilo LEVENT SOFT Elemento SOFT Fodera Fodera 100 profilo profilo Elemento Elemento 100 100 LEVENT SOFT piping LEVENT LEVENT SOFT SOFT for Element piping 100 piping forfor Element Element 100 100 0,90 0,90 0,9021 46 2121 61 4646 70 61 61 80 70 70 93 09LESEF02 LEVENT 09LESEF02 SOFT 09LESEF02 Fodera LEVENT Elemento LEVENT SOFT SOFT 100 Fodera Fodera Elemento Elemento 100 100 LEVENT SOFT coverings LEVENT LEVENT SOFT coverings coverings forSOFT Element 100 forfor Element Element 100 100 4,50 4,50 4,50 207 340 207 207 420 340 340 473 420420 526 473473 592 09LESEL03 LEVENT 09LESEL03 SOFT 09LESEL03 Elemento LEVENT LEVENT 100SOFT x 125 SOFT Elemento Elemento 100100 x 125 x 125 LEVENT SOFT Element LEVENT LEVENT 100SOFT x 125 SOFT Element Element 100 100 x 125 x 125 5,20 5,20 5,20 955 741 741 1.109 09LESPR03 LEVENT 09LESPR03 SOFT 09LESPR03 Fodera LEVENT profilo LEVENT SOFT Elemento SOFT Fodera Fodera 100 profilo xprofilo 125Elemento Elemento 100 100 x x125 125 LEVENT SOFT piping LEVENT LEVENT SOFT SOFT for Element piping 100 piping x for 125 for Element Element 100 100 x x125 125 0,80 0,80 0,8021 42 2121 54 4242 63 54 54 71 63 63 82 09LESEF03 LEVENT 09LESEF03 SOFT 09LESEF03 Fodera LEVENT Elemento LEVENT SOFT SOFT 100 Fodera xFodera 125Elemento Elemento 100 100 x 125 x 125 LEVENT SOFT coverings LEVENT LEVENT SOFT coverings coverings forSOFT Element 100 x for 125 for Element Element 100 100x x125 125 4,90 4,90 4,90 228 372 228 228 458 372 372 515 458458 573 515515 644 5,90 5,90 1.008 773 773 1.183 80 80 115 93 93 144 115 115 249 144 144 137 249 249 165137 137 190165 516 516 703 583 583 862 703 1.434 703 862 862 818 1.434 1.434 973818 1.107 818 973 165190 190 973 1.107 1.107 0,65 0,65 35 35 626 80 80 115 93 93 144 115 115 249 144 144 137 249 249 165137 137 190165 165190 190 526 526 712 592 592 872 712 1.444 712 872 872 845 1.444 1.444 1.000845 1.134 845 1.000 1.000 1.134 1.134 0,81 0,81 41 41 741 955 1.201 955 1.109 1.109 1.263 1.201 1.201 1.324 1.263 1.263 1.401 1.324 1.324 1.5401.401 1.401 1.7251.5401.540 2.3871.7251.725 1.666 2.387 2.387 1.841 1.666 1.666 1.991 1.841 1.841 1.991 1.991 71 71 101 82 82 126 101 101 216 126 126 124 216 216 150124 124 171150 150171 171 573 573 774 644 644 946 774 1.563 774 946 946 932 1.563 1.563 1.104932 1.252 932 1.104 1.104 1.252 1.252 0,95 0,95 47 47 09LESAN01S LEVENT 09LESAN01S SOFT 09LESAN01S Angolo LEVENT 100 LEVENT sxSOFT SOFT Angolo Angolo 100100 sx sx LEVENT SOFT corner LEVENT 100 LEVENT left SOFT SOFT corner corner 100 100 leftleft 5,90 09LESPR04S LEVENT 09LESPR04S SOFT 09LESPR04S Fodera LEVENT profilo LEVENT SOFT Angolo SOFT Fodera 100 Fodera sx profilo profilo Angolo Angolo 100 100 sxsx LEVENT SOFT piping LEVENT LEVENT SOFT SOFT for corner 100 piping piping leftforfor corner corner 100 100 left left 0,90 0,90 0,9021 46 2121 61 4646 70 61 61 80 70 70 93 09LESAF01S LEVENT 09LESAF01S SOFT 09LESAF01S Fodera LEVENT Angolo LEVENT SOFT 100 SOFT sx Fodera Fodera Angolo Angolo 100 100 sxsx LEVENT SOFT coverings LEVENT LEVENT SOFT coverings coverings forSOFT corner 100 leftforfor corner corner 100 100left left 5,70 5,70 5,70 250 418 250 250 518 418 418 586 518518 653 586586 737 0,81 0,81 44 44 773 1.008 1.008 1.288 1.183 1.183 1.358 1.288 1.288 1.428 1.358 1.358 1.515 1.428 1.428 1.6731.515 1.515 1.8831.6731.673 2.6351.8831.883 1.723 2.635 2.635 1.905 1.723 1.723 2.061 1.905 1.905 2.061 2.061 80 80 115 93 93 144 115 115 249 144 144 137 249 249 165137 137 190165 165190 190 653 653 888 7371.090 737 888 1.812 888 1.0901.090 1.016 1.812 1.812 1.213 1.016 1.016 1.382 1.213 1.213 1.382 1.382 mc Kg mc Kg mc Kg 0,95 53 1,28 56 0,56 28 mc Kg mc Kg mc Kg mc Kg mc Kg mc Kg 0,66 30 mc Kg mc Kg 874 874 1.324 1.124 1.124 1.443 1.324 1.324 1.523 0,90 0,9021 46 21 21 61 4646 70 6161 80 70 70 93 80 115 80 5,70 5,70 260 428 260 260 529 428 428 596 529 529 663 596596 747 663663 899 7,10 1.333 1.068 1.068 1.543 1.333 1.333 1.669 1.543 1.543 1.753 Pelle Elite Leather Elite Leather Elite Pelle Star Leather Star Pelle Elite Pelle Pelle Top Elite Leather Top Leather Pelle StarElite Leather Star Leather Top Pelle Star Prestige Leather Pelle TopStar Pelle Top Elite Leather Top Prestige Elite Star Prestige Star Top Elite Top Lux Star Lux Extra Top Extra Super Lux Super 6,80 1.124 1.443 1.443 1.603 1.523 1.523 1.703 1.603 1.603 1.882 1.703 1.703 2.122 1.8821.882 2.9802.1222.122 1.9422.9802.980 2.149 1.942 1.942 2.327 2.149 2.149 2.327 2.327 93 144 93 115 115 249 144 144 137 249 249 165 137 137 190165 165 190 190 7471.100 747 8991.823 899 1.1001.100 1.0441.8231.823 1.241 1.044 1.044 1.410 1.241 1.241 1.410 1.410 0,95 0,95 53 53 09LESAN03S LEVENT 09LESAN03S SOFT 09LESAN03S Angolo LEVENT 125 LEVENT x 125 SOFT SOFT sxAngolo Angolo 125125 x 125 x 125 sx sx LEVENT SOFT corner LEVENT 125 LEVENT xSOFT 125 SOFT left corner corner 125125 x 125 x 125 leftleft 7,10 09LESPR06S LEVENT 09LESPR06S SOFT 09LESPR06S Fodera LEVENT profilo LEVENT SOFT Angolo SOFT Fodera 125 Fodera xprofilo 125 profilo sxAngolo Angolo 125 125 x 125 x 125 sxsx LEVENT SOFT piping LEVENT LEVENT SOFT SOFT for corner 125 piping piping x 125 for for left corner corner 125 125 x 125 x 125 left left 0,90 0,9021 46 21 21 61 4646 70 6161 80 70 70 93 80 115 80 09LESAF03S LEVENT 09LESAF03S SOFT 09LESAF03S Fodera LEVENT Angolo LEVENT SOFT 125 SOFT xFodera 125 Fodera sxAngolo Angolo 125125 x 125 x 125 sxsx LEVENT SOFT coverings LEVENT LEVENT SOFT coverings coverings forSOFT corner 125 x 125 forfor left corner corner 125 125 x 125 x 125left left 6,30 6,30 276 461 276 276 573 461 461 647 573 573 721 647647 814 721721 981 8141.203 814 9812.001 981 1.2031.203 1.1472.0012.001 1.364 1.147 1.147 1.550 1.364 1.364 1.550 1.550 1.068 1.669 1.669 1.837 1.753 1.753 1.942 1.837 1.837 2.131 1.942 1.942 2.383 2.1312.131 3.2862.3832.383 2.2283.2863.286 2.453 2.228 2.228 2.646 2.453 2.453 2.646 2.646 3,60 620 477 477 725 620 620 788 725 725 830 788 788 872 830830 924 872 1.019 872 9241.145 924 1.0191.019 1.5961.1451.145 1.0551.5961.596 1.164 1.055 1.055 1.258 1.164 1.164 1.258 1.258 93 144 93 115 115 249 144 144 137 249 249 165 137 137 190165 165 190 190 1,28 1,28 56 56 09LESPU01 LEVENT 09LESPU01 SOFT 09LESPU01 PouffLEVENT 100LEVENT x 100 SOFT SOFT Pouff Pouff 100100 x 100 x 100 LEVENT SOFT ottoman LEVENT LEVENT 100SOFT x 100 SOFT ottoman ottoman 100 100 x 100 x 100 3,60 09LESPR07 LEVENT 09LESPR07 SOFT 09LESPR07 Fodera LEVENT profilo LEVENT SOFT Pouff SOFT Fodera 100 Fodera x 100 profilo profilo Pouff Pouff 100 100 x 100 x 100 LEVENT SOFT piping LEVENT LEVENT SOFT SOFT for ottoman piping 100 piping x for 100 for ottoman ottoman 100 100 x 100 x 100 0,80 0,8021 42 21 21 54 4242 63 5454 71 63 63 82 71 101 71 82 126 82 101 101 216 126 126 122 216 216 146 122 122 168146 146 168 168 09LESPF01 LEVENT 09LESPF01 SOFT 09LESPF01 Fodera LEVENT Pouff LEVENT SOFT 100 SOFT x 100 Fodera Fodera Pouff Pouff 100100 x 100 x 100 LEVENT SOFT coverings LEVENT LEVENT SOFT coverings coverings forSOFT ottoman 100 x for 100 for ottoman ottoman 100 100 xx 100 100 3,60 3,60 160 265 160 160 328 265 265 370 328 328 412 370370 464 412412 559 464 464 685 5591.136 559 685 685 6441.1361.136 767 644 644 872767 767 872 872 477 09LESPU02 LEVENT 09LESPU02 SOFT 09LESPU02 PouffLEVENT 100LEVENT x 125 SOFT SOFT Pouff Pouff 100100 x 125 x 125 LEVENT SOFT ottoman LEVENT LEVENT 100SOFT x 125 SOFT ottoman ottoman 100 100 x 125 x 125 4,00 4,00 766 603 603 885 766 766 956 885 1.004 885 956 1.052 956 1.004 1.004 1.111 1.052 1.052 1.218 1.111 1.111 1.361 1.2181.218 1.8731.3611.361 1.2871.8731.873 1.418 1.287 1.287 1.531 1.418 1.418 1.531 1.531 09LESPR08 LEVENT 09LESPR08 SOFT 09LESPR08 Fodera LEVENT profilo LEVENT SOFT Pouff SOFT Fodera 100 Fodera x 125 profilo profilo Pouff Pouff 100 100 x 125 x 125 LEVENT SOFT piping LEVENT LEVENT SOFT SOFT for ottoman piping 100 piping x for 125 for ottoman ottoman 100 100 x 125 x 125 0,80 0,8021 42 21 21 54 4242 63 5454 71 63 63 82 71 101 71 82 126 82 101 101 216 126 126 122 216 216 146 122 122 168146 146 168 168 09LESPF02 LEVENT 09LESPF02 SOFT 09LESPF02 Fodera LEVENT Pouff LEVENT SOFT 100 SOFT x 125 Fodera Fodera Pouff Pouff 100100 x 125 x 125 3,80 3,80 178 290 178 178 357 290 290 402 357 357 446 402402 502 446446 603 502 502 738 6031.219 603 738 738 6971.2191.219 828 697 697 940828 828 940 940 0,56 0,56 28 28 LEVENT SOFT coverings LEVENT LEVENT forSOFT ottoman SOFT coverings coverings 100 x for 125 for ottoman ottoman 100 100 xx 125 125 mc Kg Normal Extra 09LESAF02S LEVENT 09LESAF02S SOFT 09LESAF02S Fodera LEVENT Angolo LEVENT SOFT 125 SOFT xFodera 100 Fodera sxAngolo Angolo 125125 x 100 x 100 sxsx LEVENT SOFT coverings LEVENT LEVENT SOFT coverings coverings forSOFT corner 100 x 125 forfor left corner corner 100 100 x 125 x 125left left Normal 09LESPR05S LEVENT 09LESPR05S SOFT 09LESPR05S Fodera LEVENT profilo LEVENT SOFT Angolo SOFT Fodera 125 Fodera xprofilo 100 profilo sxAngolo Angolo 125 125 x 100 x 100 sxsx LEVENT SOFT piping LEVENT LEVENT SOFT SOFT for corner 100 piping piping x 125 for for left corner corner 100 100 x 125 x 125 left left Tess Cliente Tess Cliente Customer fabric Super Customer fabric 874 Descrizione Descrizione In In Bianco Bianco No Normal No coverings coverings 6,80 Descrizione Codice Codice Customer fabric In Bianco No coverings 09LESAN02S LEVENT 09LESAN02S SOFT 09LESAN02S Angolo LEVENT 125 LEVENT x 100 SOFT SOFT sxAngolo Angolo 125125 x 100 x 100 sx sx LEVENT SOFT corner LEVENT 100 LEVENT xSOFT 125 SOFT left corner corner 100100 x 125 x 125 leftleft Codice Tessuto Mt Tess Cliente Fabric mt Mt Tessuto Fabric mt od. LEVENT Mod. Mod. LEVENT SOFT LEVENT SOFT SOFT 0,66 0,66 30 30 603 Lux In Bianco In Bianco In Bianco In Bianco Normal NoNormal No coverings coverings NoNo coverings coverings Top Tess Tess Cliente Cliente Tess Tess Cliente Cliente Customer Customer fabric fabric Super Super Customer Customer fabric fabric 1,50 1,50 241 325 1,50 1,50 241 129 129 283 342 129 129 283 241 309 241 363 241 309 241 283 325 283 401 283 325 283 309342 309 451 309342 309 325363 325 632 325363 325 342401 342 424 342401 342 363 451 363 363 470451 363 0,30 45 0,30 49 0,30 0,30 38 52 0,30 0,30 38 45 55 45 3849 38 583849 38 4552 45 644552 45 49 55 49 73 49 55 49 52 58 52 103 52 58 52 55 64 55 29 55 64 55 58 73 58 58 37 73 58 111 1,50 153 1,50 178 1,50 1,50 111 195 1,50 1,50 111 153 211153 111 178 111 232 111 178 111 153 195 153 270 153 195 153 178211 178 321 178211 178 195232 195 501 195232 195 211270 211 176 211270 211 274 2,30 341 2,30 148 381 148 2,30 2,30 274 407 2,30 2,30 274 148 148 341 434 148 148 341 274 381 274 467 274 381 274 341 407 341 527 341 407 341 381434 381 607 381434 381 407467 407 893 407467 407 0,30 45 0,30 49 0,30 0,30 38 52 0,30 0,30 38 45 55 45 3849 38 593849 38 4552 45 654552 45 49 55 49 73 49 55 49 124 2,30 191 2,30 231 2,30 2,30 124 257 2,30 2,30 124 191 284191 124 231 124 317 124 231 124 191 257 191 377 191 257 191 331 1,80 383 1,80 247 415 247 1,80 1,80 331 436 1,80 1,80 331 247 247 383 457 247 247 383 331 415 331 483 331 415 331 56 0,40 0,40 39 60 0,40 0,40 39 50 65 50 186 1,80 1,80 102 207 1,80 1,80 102 154 228154 for SOFT back 60 for for back back cushion 60 60 SOFT coverings LEVENT LEVENT SOFT SOFT coverings coverings LEVENT SOFT Fodera 09LESSF01 schienale 60LEVENT 09LESSF01 SOFT 09LESSF01 Fodera schienale SOFT 60 cushion Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 1,50 60 60 cushion cushionSOFT 60 coverings for back cushion 60 for forback back cushion cushion 60 60 LEVENT SOFT coverings for backLEVENT LEVENT LEVENT SOFT SOFT coverings coverings Kg 3 Kg Kg 3 3 09LESSH02 LEVENT 09LESSH02 SOFT 09LESSH02 schienale LEVENT LEVENT 80 SOFT SOFTschienale schienale80 80 Kg 3 Kg Kg 3 3 SOFT back cushion SOFT SOFT back backcushion cushion 80 80 09LESSH02 LEVENT SOFT schienale 09LESSH02 80 LEVENT 09LESSH02 SOFT 09LESSH02 schienale LEVENT LEVENT 80 80 SOFT SOFT schienale schienale 80 802,30 148 LEVENT SOFT back cushion 80 LEVENT SOFT back cushion LEVENT LEVENT 80 SOFT SOFTback backcushion cushion80 80 09LESSF01 09LESSF04 09LESSF04 LEVENT 09LESSF04 SOFT 09LESSF04 FoderaLEVENT Filetto LEVENT schienale SOFT SOFTFodera Fodera 80 Filetto Filettoschienale schienale 80 80 SOFT SOFT SOFT pipingLEVENT coverings forFodera piping back piping coverings coverings 80 for for back back cushion38 80 LEVENT SOFT Fodera 09LESSF04 Filetto schienale LEVENT 8009LESSF04 SOFT 09LESSF04 Fodera Filetto LEVENT schienale SOFT SOFT Fodera 80 cushion Filetto Filetto 0,30 schienale schienale 80 80 cushion LEVENT SOFT piping LEVENT SOFT LEVENT LEVENTSOFT SOFT SOFT coverings for back cushion piping 80 LEVENT coverings forFodera piping back piping cushion coverings coverings 8080 for for back back cushion cushion 80 09LESSF02 LEVENT 09LESSF02 SOFT 09LESSF02 Fodera schienale LEVENT SOFT 80 Fodera schienale schienale 80 for SOFT back 80 for for back back cushion 80 80 SOFT coverings SOFT SOFT coverings coverings LEVENT SOFT Fodera 09LESSF02 schienale 80LEVENT 09LESSF02 SOFT 09LESSF02 Fodera LEVENT schienale LEVENT SOFT 80 cushion Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 2,30 80 80 cushion cushionSOFT 80 coverings for back cushion 80 for forback back cushion cushion 80 80 LEVENT SOFT coverings for backLEVENT LEVENT LEVENT SOFT SOFT coverings coverings Kg 4 Kg Kg 4 4 09LESSR05 LEVENT 09LESSR05 SOFT 09LESSR05 Schiena LEVENT LEVENT Recliner SOFT SOFT 80 Schiena SchienaRecliner Recliner80 80 Kg 4 Kg Kg 4 4 SOFT back cushion 80 SOFT SOFT with back back Recliner cushion cushion 80 80 with with247 Recliner Recliner 09LESSR05 LEVENT SOFT Schiena 09LESSR05 Recliner 80LEVENT 09LESSR05 SOFT 09LESSR05 Schiena LEVENT LEVENT Recliner SOFT SOFT 80 Schiena Schiena Recliner Recliner 1,80 80 80 LEVENT SOFT back cushion 80 with LEVENT Recliner SOFT back cushion LEVENT LEVENT 80 SOFT SOFT with back back Recliner cushion cushion80 80with with Recliner Recliner 09LESSF02 09LESSF13 09LESSF12 Kg Kg 09LESSF13 LEVENT 09LESSF13 SOFT 09LESSF13 FoderaLEVENT Filetto LEVENT Schiena SOFT SOFTFodera Fodera Recliner Filetto Filetto 80 Schiena SchienaRecliner Recliner 80 0,40 LEVENT SOFT LEVENT SOFT SOFT pipingLEVENT coverings forFodera piping back piping cushion coverings coverings 80 for with for back back Recliner cushion cushion 80 with with Recliner Recliner LEVENT SOFT Fodera 09LESSF13 Filetto Schiena Recliner 09LESSF13 SOFT 09LESSF13 80 Fodera Filetto Schiena SOFT SOFT Fodera Recliner Filetto Filetto 80 0,40 Schiena Schiena Recliner Recliner 80 39 50 0,40 LEVENT SOFT piping LEVENT SOFT LEVENT LEVENT SOFT SOFT coverings for back cushion piping 80 with coverings Recliner forFodera piping back piping coverings coverings 80 for with for back back Recliner cushion 80 with with Recliner Recliner 09LESSF12 LEVENT 09LESSF12 SOFT 09LESSF12 Fodera LEVENT Schiena LEVENT SOFT Recliner SOFT Fodera 80 cushion Schiena Schiena Recliner Recliner 80 80 cushion 1,80 for back cushion 80 for with for back back Recliner cushion cushion 80 with Recliner SOFT coverings SOFT SOFT coverings coverings LEVENT SOFT Fodera 09LESSF12 Schiena Recliner LEVENT 80 09LESSF12 SOFT 09LESSF12 Fodera LEVENT Schiena LEVENT SOFT Recliner SOFT Fodera Fodera 80 Schiena Schiena 1,80 Recliner Recliner 80 80 80 102Recliner 154 1,80 cushionSOFT 80 with Recliner for back cushion 80 for with forback back Recliner cushion cushion 80 80 with Recliner Recliner LEVENT SOFT coverings for backLEVENT coverings LEVENT LEVENT SOFT SOFT coverings coverings 9 Kg Kg 9 9 9 Kg Kg 9 9 232 321 232 232 225321 232 270 501 270 321 176 321 501 225 501 176 267 176 225 270 267501 270 321 176 321 501 225 501 176 267 176 225 225 267 225 267 267 267 434527 434 548 434527 434 467 607 467 467 622607 467 527 893 527 607 548 607 893 622 893 548 685 548 622 527 685893 527 607 548 607 893 622 893 548 685 548 622 622 685 622 685 685 685 52 59 52 103 52 59 52 55 65 55 29 55 65 55 59 73 59 59 37 73 59 44 29 37 44 29 37 37 44 37 44 44 44 231284 231 457 231284 231 257317 257 743 257317 257 284377 284 278 284377 284 317 457 317 317 356457 317 377 743 377 457 278 457 743 356 743 278 423 278 356 377 423743 377 457 278 457 743 356 743 278 423 278 356 356 423 356 423 423 423 383 436 383 530 383 436 383 415457 415 593 415457 415 436483 436 819 436483 436 457530 457 564 457530 457 483 593 483 483 622593 483 530 819 530 593 564 593 819 622 819 564 672 564 622 530 672819 530 593 564 593 819 622 819 564 672 564 622 622 672 622 672 672 672 3956 39 703956 39 5060 50 795060 50 56 65 56 92 56 65 56 60 70 60 137 60 70 60 65 79 65 44 65 79 65 70 92 70 70 56 92 70 67 44 56 67 44 56 56 67 56 67 67 67 102 186 102 254 102 186 102 154 207 154 301 154 207 154 186228 186 364 186228 186 207254 207 590 207254 207 228301 228 219 228301 228 254 364 254 254 281364 254 301 590 301 364 219 364 590 281 590 219 334 219 281 301 334590 301 364 219 364 590 281 590 219 334 219 281 281 334 281 334 334 334 401 632 401 451 424 451 632 470 632 424 510 424 470 401 510632 401 451 424 451 632 470 632 424 510 424 470 64 103 64 64 44103 64 65 103 65 65 44103 65 79 137 79 79 67137 79 73 73 73 73 92 92 29 73 103 103 37 29 29 73 103 103 37 29 29 73 103 103 37 29 29 73 103 103 37 29 44 92 137 137 56 44 44 92 137 137 56 44 Pelle Pelle Star Star Leather Leather Star Star Pelle Pelle Elite Elite 44 44 Prestige Prestige 37 44 37 44 Elite Elite Pelle Pelle Top Top Elite Elite Leather Leather Top Top 44 29 37 44 29 37 Pelle Elite Star Star Leather Elite Prestige Prestige Star Star 510 510 Pelle Star Top Top Leather Star Elite Elite Top Top 470 510 470 510 Pelle Top Lux Lux Leather Top Star LuxStar Lux 09LESSF03 LEVENT 09LESSF03 SOFT 09LESSF03 FoderaLEVENT Filetto LEVENT schienale SOFT SOFTFodera Fodera 60 Filetto Filettoschienale schienale 60 60 SOFT SOFT SOFT pipingLEVENT coverings forFodera piping back piping coverings coverings 60 for for back back cushion38 60 LEVENT SOFT Fodera 09LESSF03 Filetto schienale LEVENT 6009LESSF03 SOFT 09LESSF03 Fodera Filetto LEVENT schienale SOFT SOFT Fodera 60 cushion Filetto Filetto 0,30 schienale schienale 60 60 cushion LEVENT SOFT piping LEVENT SOFT LEVENT LEVENT SOFT SOFT coverings for back cushion piping 60 coverings for piping back piping cushion coverings coverings 60 for for back back cushion cushion 60 09LESSF01 LEVENT 09LESSF01 SOFT 09LESSF01 FoderaLEVENT schienale LEVENT SOFT SOFT 60 Fodera Foderaschienale schienale60 60 241 Prestige Extra Extra Top Top Extra Extra 09LESSF03 129 Elite Super Super Lux Lux Super Super 09LESSH01 LEVENT 09LESSH01 SOFT 09LESSH01 schienale LEVENT LEVENT 60 SOFT SOFTschienale schienale60 60 SOFT back cushion SOFT SOFT back backcushion cushion 60 60 LEVENT SOFT schienale 09LESSH01 60 LEVENT 09LESSH01 SOFT 09LESSH01 schienale LEVENT LEVENT 60 60 SOFT SOFT schienale schienale 60 601,50 LEVENT SOFT back cushion 60 LEVENT SOFT back cushion LEVENT LEVENT 60 SOFT SOFTback backcushion cushion60 60 Star Normal Normal Extra Extra Normal Normal 09LESSH01 Pelle Pelle Elite Elite Leather Leather Elite Elite Extra Mt Mt Tessuto Tessuto Tess Tess Cliente Cliente Mt Mt Tessuto Tessuto Fabric Fabric mtmt Customer Customer fabric fabric Fabric Fabric mtmt 129 309 129 Descrizione Leather Leather Elite Elite Super In Bianco In Bianco NoNo coverings coverings 1,50 283 1,50 Codice Pelle Pelle Star Star Prestige Prestige Leather Leather Star Star Pelle Pelle Top Top Leather Leather Top Top Pelle Pelle Elite Elite Pelle Pelle Top Top Leather Leather Elite Elite Leather Leather Top Top Pelle Pelle Star Star Leather Leather Star Star Normal Mt Mt Tessuto Tessuto Fabric Fabric mtmt Descrizione Descrizione Descrizione Descrizione Tess Cliente Customer fabric Descrizione Codice Codice Descrizione Codice Codice In Bianco No coverings Codice Codice Mt Tessuto Fabric mt od. LEVENT Mod. Mod. SOFT LEVENT LEVENTSOFT SOFT od. FT LEVENT Mod. Mod. SOFT LEVENT LEVENTSOFT SOFT Mod. Mod. PASHA PASHA CAP CAP Mod. Mod. PASHA PASHA CAP CAP CARATTERISTICHE CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE TECNICHE / TECHNICAL / TECHNICAL FEATURES FEATURES CARATTERISTICHE CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE TECNICHE / TECHNICAL / TECHNICAL FEATURES FEATURES 1 1 Piuma Piuma e fibra e1fibra poliestere poliestere in una sacca sacca di tela di in tela antipiuma antipiuma a vari a di vari scomparti scomparti 1 Piuma Piuma e una fibra einfibra poliestere poliestere in una una sacca sacca di tela tela antipiuma antipiuma a vari a vari scomparti scomparti Feather Feather withwith polyester polyester fiber, fiber, in a in feather-proof a feather-proof cover cover divided divided in many in many compartments compartments Feather Feather with with polyester polyester fiber, fiber, in in a feather-proof a feather-proof cover cover divided divided in in many many compartments compartments 12 12 Falda Falda di ovatta di ovatta di poliestere di poliestere accoppiata accoppiata a tela a tela di cotone di cotone 1212 Falda Falda didi ovatta ovatta didi poliestere poliestere accoppiata accoppiata a tela a tela didi cotone cotone Polyester Polyester padding padding coupled coupled withwith cotton cotton clothcloth Polyester Polyester padding padding coupled coupled with with cotton cotton cloth cloth 3 3 Poliuretano Poliuretano espanso espanso densità densità 35 35 5 Polyurethane Polyurethane foam foam density density 3535 kg/mc kg/mc 5 Poliuretano Poliuretano espanso espanso densità densità 40 40 7 Polyurethane Polyurethane foam foam density density 4040 kg/mc kg/mc 7 Cinghia Cinghia elastica elastica mm mm 80 80 5 foam 5 foam Poliuretano Poliuretano espanso espanso densità 4040 Polyurethane Polyurethane density density 40 kg/mc 40 kg/mc densità Elastic Elastic belt belt mm 80Cinghia 80 7 7mm Cinghia elastica elastica mm mm 8080 8 Elastic Elastic belt belt mm mm 8080 8 Legno Legno massello massello di abete di abete Fir solid Fir solid wood wood 88 9 Legno Legno massello massello didi abete abete FirFir solid solid wood wood 9 Multistrato Multistrato con con tamponamenti tamponamenti in particelle in particelle di legno di legno e fibra e fibra Plywood Plywood withwith wood wood and and fiberfiber insertions insertions 99 Multistrato Multistrato con con tamponamenti tamponamenti inin particelle particelle didi legno legno e fibra e fibra Plywood Plywood with wood wood and and fiber fiber insertions insertions 14 14 Piedino Piedino in frassino in frassino tinto tintowith Painted Painted ash ash wooden wooden foot foot 1414 Piedino Piedino inin frassino frassino tinto tinto Painted Painted ash ash wooden wooden foot foot VERSIONI VERSIONI / VERSIONS / VERSIONS Tessuto Tessuto e pelle e pelle fisso. fisso. Fabric Fabric and and leather: leather: not removable not removable coverings coverings VERSIONI VERSIONI / VERSIONS / VERSIONS Tessuto Tessuto e pelle e pelle fisso. fisso. Fabric Fabric and and leather: leather: not not removable removable coverings coverings PIEDINI PIEDINI / FEET / FEET Di serie Di serie piedino piedino in legno in legno colore colore Fango, Fango, Canapa, Canapa, laccato laccato bianco bianco o nero o nero Standard Standard feet feet in wood in wood painted painted bright bright or dark or dark colour. colour. AlsoAlso available available lacquered lacquered white white or black or black finishing finishing PIEDINI PIEDINI / FEET / FEET DiDi serie serie piedino piedino inin legno legno colore colore Fango, Fango, Canapa, Canapa, laccato laccato bianco bianco o nero o nero Standard Standard feet feet in in wood wood painted painted bright bright oror dark dark colour. colour. Also Also available available lacquered lacquered white white oror black black finishing finishing NOTE NOTE / NOTES / NOTES Cuscini Cuscini schienale schienale nonnon sono sono compresi compresi nel prezzo. nel prezzo. Specificare Specificare codici codici e quantità e quantità rispettive. rispettive. BackBack cushions cushions are not are included. not included. Please Please specify specify codes codes and and quantities. quantities. NOTE NOTE / NOTES / NOTES Cuscini Cuscini schienale schienale non non sono sono compresi compresi nel nel prezzo. prezzo. Specificare Specificare codici codici e quantità e quantità rispettive. rispettive. Back Back cushions cushions are are not not included. included. Please Please specify specify codes codes and and quantities. quantities. PASHA 3 foam 3 foam Poliuretano Poliuretano espanso espanso densità 3535 Polyurethane Polyurethane density density 35 kg/mc 35 kg/mc densità 1,69 mc mc 1,691,69 55 Kg Kg 55 55 09PACDI01C c 2,31 mc mc 2,312,31 g 81 Kg Kg 81 81 PASHA' CAP 09PACDI01C 09PACDI01C Divano Di '270 PASHA' canapa PASHA' CAP CAP Divano Di Divano Di '270 '270canapa canapa PASHA' CAP Sofa 270 bright PASHA' PASHA' color CAP feet Sofa Sofa 270 270bright brightcolor color feet feet 09PACCH01C PASHA' CAP 09PACCH01C 09PACCH01C Chaise longue PASHA' PASHA' '255 canapa CAP CAP Chaise Chaiselongue longue'255 '255canapa canapa PASHA' CAP chaise h i lounge l PASHA' PASHA' 255 b bright CAP i hchaise chaise hhcolor iil llounge lffeet 255 lounge 255b bright b bright i ih hcolor color l l ffeet ffeet c 2,31 mc mc 2,312,31 g 75 Kg Kg 75 75 09PACPU01C PASHA' CAP 09PACPU01C 09PACPU01C Pouff con cuscino PASHA' PASHA'canapa CAP CAP Pouff Pouffcon concuscino cuscinocanapa canapa PASHA' CAP ottoman with PASHA' PASHA' cushion CAP bright ottoman ottoman g color with with feet cushion cushion bright bright g g color color feet feet c 1,02 1 02 mc mc 1,02 1 021,02 1 02 g 35 Kg Kg 35 35 elle Elite Pe Le eather Elite Sttar Ex xtra elle Star Pe elle TopStar Pe Le eather Le eather Top Prrestige 2.755 elle Top Pe Le eather Top Prrestige Ellite 1.667 1.9561.667 1.848 2.0281.848 1.956 2.1011.956 2.0282.1912.028 2.1012.3532.101 2.191 2.5702.353 2.191 3.347 2.570 2.353 2.384 3.347 2.570 2.584 2.384 3.347 2.755 2.584 2.384 2.755 2.584 Ellite 5,10 1.6675,10 1.848 Prrestige 5,10 Stop tar To 5.633 Ellite 3.257 3.7883.257 3.589 3.9213.589 3.788 4.0543.788 3.9214.2203.921 4.0544.5184.054 4.220 4.9164.518 4.220 6.343 4.916 4.518 4.832 6.343 4.916 5.263 4.832 6.343 5.633 5.263 4.832 5.633 5.263 Lu ux To op 9,30 3.2579,30 3.589 Sttar 9,30 Ex xtra Lu ux 6.215 6 215 To op 3.551 3 551 4.149 4 1493.551 3 551 3.925 3 925 4.299 4 2993.925 3 925 4.149 4 149 4.448 4 4484.149 4 149 4.299 4 2994.635 4 6354.299 44.448 4299 4484.971 4 9714.448 44.635 4 448 635 5.420 5 4204.971 44.635 4 971 635 7.027 7 027 5.420 54.971 4420 971 5.312 5 312 7.027 7 027 5.420 5 420 5.798 5 798 5.312 5 312 7.027 7 027 6.215 6 5.798 5215 798 5.312 5 312 6.215 6 215 5.798 5 798 Su uper 10 10,50 3.551 3 551 50 10,50 10 50 3.925 3 925 Lu ux 10 50 10,50 Su uper 4.504 No ormal 2.456 2.9402.456 2.759 3.0612.759 2.940 3.1822.940 3.0613.3333.061 3.1823.6053.182 3.333 3.9683.605 3.333 5.268 3.968 3.605 3.810 5.268 3.968 4.183 3.810 5.268 4.504 4.183 3.810 4.504 4.183 Ex xtra 8,50 2.4568,50 2.759 No ormal 8,50 In n Bianco elle Elite Pe elle Star Pe Le eather Elite Le eather Pe elle TopStar Le eather Top Cu bric ustomer fab Su uper Te ess Cliente Cu bric ustomer fab elle Elite Pe Le eather Elite c g elle Star Pe Le eather Star 09PACPO01C PASHA' CAP 09PACPO01C 09PACPO01C Poltrona canapa PASHA' PASHA' CAP CAP Poltrona Poltrona canapa canapa PASHA' CAP Armchair bright PASHA' PASHA' color CAP feet Armchair Armchairbright brightcolor color feet feet s No o coverings No ormal In n Bianco No o coverings Te ess Cliente s Descrizione DDescrizione D ii i Mtt Tessuto Fa abric mt Descrizione D i i Codice C Codice Cdidi Mtt Tessuto Fa abric mt C di Codice Mt t Tessuto Te ess Cliente Fa abric mt fab Cu bric ustomer Larghezza bracciolo 28 Larghezza Larghezza bracciolo bracciolo 28 28 Armrest lenght 28 Armrest Armrest lenght lenght 28 28 In n Bianco s No o coverings PASHA Mod. Mod. CAPPASHA PASHACAP CAP Mod. Mod. PASHA PASHA REAL REAL Mod. Mod. PASHA PASHA REAL REAL CARATTERISTICHE CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE TECNICHE / FEATURES TECHNICAL / TECHNICAL FEATURES FEATURES CARATTERISTICHE CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE TECNICHE / TECHNICAL / TECHNICAL FEATURES 1 1 Piuma Piuma e fibra poliestere ineuna in una sacca sacca di tela di una tela antipiuma antipiuma a vari adivari scomparti scomparti 1e fibra 1poliestere Piuma Piuma e fibra fibra poliestere poliestere in in una sacca sacca di tela tela antipiuma antipiuma a vari a vari scomparti scomparti Feather Feather withwith polyester polyester fiber, fiber, in ainfeather-proof a feather-proof cover divided in many incover many compartments compartments Feather Feather with with polyester polyester fiber, fiber, incover a in feather-proof adivided feather-proof cover divided divided in many in many compartments compartments 2 2 Fibra Fibra poliestere poliestere accoppiata accoppiata a vellutino aaccoppiata vellutino 2 2 Fibra Fibra poliestere poliestere accoppiata a vellutino a vellutino Polyester Polyester fiber fiber coupled coupled withwith velveteen velveteen Polyester Polyester fiberfiber coupled coupled withwith velveteen velveteen 3 3 Poliuretano Poliuretano espanso espanso densità densità 35 35 3 3 Poliuretano Poliuretano espanso espanso densità densità 35 35 Polyurethane Polyurethane foam foam density density 35 kg/mc 35 kg/mc Polyurethane Polyurethane foam foam density density 35 kg/mc 35 kg/mc 5 5 Poliuretano Poliuretano espanso espanso densità densità 40 40 5 5foam Poliuretano Poliuretano espanso densità densità 40 40 Polyurethane Polyurethane foam density density 40 kg/mc 40espanso kg/mc Polyurethane Polyurethane foam foam density density 40 kg/mc 40 kg/mc 7 7 Cinghia Cinghia elastica elastica mmmm 80 80 7belt 7 mm Cinghia Cinghia elastica elastica mm mm 80 80 Elastic Elastic belt mm 80 80 Elastic Elastic belt belt mm mm 80 80 8 8 Legno Legno massello massello di abete di abete Fir solid Fir solid wood 8 wood 8 Legno Legno massello massello di abete di abete Fir solid Fir solid wood wood 9 9 Multistrato Multistrato concon tamponamenti tamponamenti in particelle in particelle di legno di legno e fibra e fibra Plywood Plywood with wood andand fiber fiber insertions insertions 9 with 9wood Multistrato Multistrato con con tamponamenti tamponamenti in particelle in particelle di legno di legno e fibra e fibra Plywood Plywood withwith wood wood and and fiberfiber insertions insertions VERSIONI VERSIONI / VERSIONS / VERSIONS Tessuto Tessuto e pelle: e pelle: completamente completamente sfoderabile. sfoderabile. Fabric Fabric andand leather: leather: completely completely removable coverings coverings VERSIONI VERSIONI / VERSIONS /removable VERSIONS Tessuto Tessuto e pelle: e pelle: completamente completamente sfoderabile. sfoderabile. Fabric Fabric and and leather: leather: completely completely removable removable coverings coverings PIEDINI PIEDINI / FEET / FEET Di serie Di serie piedino piedino rivestito rivestito in tessuto. in tessuto. Standard Standard feetfeet upholstered upholstered in fabric in fabric PIEDINI PIEDINI / FEET / FEET Di serie Di serie piedino piedino rivestito rivestito in tessuto. in tessuto. Standard Standard feet feet upholstered upholstered in fabric in fabric NOTE NOTE / NOTES / NOTES Cuscini Cuscini schienale schienale nonnon sono sono compresi compresi nel nel prezzo. prezzo. Specificare Specificare codici codici e quantità e quantità rispettive. rispettive. Back Back cushions cushions areare notnot included. included. Please Please specify specify codes codes andand quantities. quantities. NOTE NOTE / NOTES / NOTES Cuscini Cuscini schienale schienale nonnon sono sono compresi compresi nel prezzo. nel prezzo. Specificare Specificare codici codici e quantità e quantità rispettive. rispettive. BackBack cushions cushions are not are included. not included. Please Please specify specify codes codes and and quantities. quantities. Su uper Te ess Cliente Cu bric ustomer fab Te ess Cliente Cu bric ustomer fab 2,30 217 2,30 283 217323 217 283350 283 323 376 323 350 410 350376 469 376 410 549 410 469 09PARPF02 PASHA' REAL 09PARPF02 09PARPF02 Fodera p profilo PASHA' PASHA' Poltrona REAL REALFodera Foderap profilo p profiloPoltrona Poltrona 1,69 1,69 PASHA' REAL piping coverings PASHA' PASHA' for REAL REAL Armchair piping pipingcoverings coveringsfor for Armchair Armchair 3,10 , 3,10 , 3,10 53 , 144 5319953 144235 144 199 271 199 235 317 235271 399 271 317 508 317 399 09PARPF03 55 55 PASHA' REAL 09PARPF03 09PARPF03 Fodera telaio PASHA' PASHA' Poltrona REAL REALFodera Foderatelaio telaio Poltrona Poltrona PASHA' REAL frame coverings PASHA' PASHA' REAL for REAL Armchair frame frame coverings coverings for for Armchair Armchair 6,00 6,00 310 6,00 489 310596 310 489667 489 596 739 596 667 828 667739 09PARDI01 12,60 688 586 468 688 586 688 989 739 828 1.203 828 989 1.970 1.203 989 1.139 1.203 1.970 1.371 1.139 1.970 1.570 1.371 1.139 1.570 1.371 1.570 12,60 2.682 12,60 1.975 3.056 1.975 2.682 3.281 2.6823.056 3.431 3.0563.2813.580 3.281 3.4313.768 3.431 3.580 4.105 3.580 3.768 4.554 3.768 4.105 6.164 4.105 4.554 4.359 4.554 6.164 4.821 4.359 6.164 5.218 4.821 4.359 5.218 4.821 5.218 Sttar To op Le eather Top 586 468 899 Pe elle Top 468 508 899 9,60 1.832 9,60 1.321 2.116 1.321 1.832 2.286 1.8322.116 2.399 2.1162.2862.512 2.286 2.3992.654 2.399 2.512 2.909 2.512 2.654 3.250 2.654 2.909 4.469 2.909 3.250 Le eather El lite Pr restige Top 899 399 508 Prrestige St Eltar lite 708 Ellite To op 708 634 Sttar Lu ux 708 634 547 Lu ux 634 547 835 To op Ex xtra 547 549 835 Ex xtra 835 469 549 Lu ux Su uper 3.743 Su uper 3.743 3.443 Ex xtra No ormal 3.743 3.443 3.093 No ormal 3.443 3.093 4.469 In n Bianco 3.093 3.250 4.469 Mtt Tessuto Te ess Cliente Fa abric mt Mt t Tessuto elle Elite Pe Le eather Elite 2,30 Le eather Star 09PARPF01 PASHA' REAL 09PARPF01 09PARPF01 Fodera sedute PASHA' PASHA' Poltrona REAL REALFodera Foderasedute sedute Poltrona Poltrona elle Elite Pe elle StarElite Pe Le eather 1.321 D Descrizione D Descrizione i ii i elle Elite Pe elle Star Pe Pe elle Top Le eather Le eather Elite Star Le eather Top 9,60 D Descrizione i i Codice C di C di Codice elle Star Pe elle Top Pe Le eather Prrestige Star In n Bianco s No o coverings 09PARPO01 PASHA' REAL 09PARPO01 09PARPO01 PoltronaPASHA' PASHA' REAL REALPoltrona Poltrona PASHA' PASHA REAL Armchair PASHA' PASHA PASHA' PASHAREAL REALArmchair Armchair C di Codice s No o coverings No In normal Bianco s No o coverings Mtt Tessuto Fa abric mt Larghezza bracciolo 28Larghezza Larghezzabracciolo bracciolo2828 Armrest lenght 28 Armrest Armrestlenght lenght2828 Cu bric ustomer fab Fa abric mt d. PASHA Mod. Mod. REAL PASHA PASHA REAL REAL PASHA' REAL seat coverings PASHA' PASHA' for REAL Armchair REAL seat seatcoverings coveringsfor for Armchair Armchair mc 1,69 mc mc Kg 55 Kg Kg PASHA' REAL 09PARDI01 09PARDI01 Divano '260 PASHA' PASHA' REAL REALDivano Divano'260 '260 PASHA' REAL Sofa 260 PASHA' PASHA' REAL REALSofa Sofa260 260 09PARDF01 PASHA' REAL 09PARDF01 09PARDF01 Fodera sedute PASHA' PASHA' Divano REAL REAL Fodera '260 Foderasedute sedute Divano Divano '260 '260 1.975 3,70 3,70 271 3,70 380 271445 271 380488 380 445 532 445 488 586 488532 684 532 586 814 586 684 1.281 684 814 803 1.281 814 944 1.281 803 1.065 944 803 1.065 944 1.065 6223662 171279 171 236 323 236 279 377 279323 475 323 377 605 377 475 1.072 475 605 555 1.072 605 696 1.072 555 817 696 555 817 696 817 442783 442 655869 655 783 954 783 8691.061 869954 1.253 954 1.061 1.509 1.061 1.253 2.427 1.253 1.509 1.440 1.509 2.427 1.717 1.440 2.427 1.955 1.717 1.440 1.955 1.717 1.955 10,80 2.481 10,80 1.836 2.800 1.836 2.481 2.991 2.4812.800 3.118 2.8002.9913.246 2.991 3.1183.405 3.118 3.246 3.692 3.246 3.405 4.074 3.405 3.692 5.443 3.692 4.074 3.923 4.074 5.443 4.316 3.923 5.443 4.653 4.316 3.923 4.653 4.316 4.653 PASHA' REAL seat coverings PASHA' PASHA' for REAL Sofa REAL 260 seat seatcoverings coveringsfor for Sofa Sofa 260 3,703,70 62 171 2,01 mc mc 09PARDF02 PASHA' REAL 09PARDF02 09PARDF02 Fodera profilo PASHA' PASHA' Divano REAL REAL '260 Fodera Foderaprofilo profiloDivano Divano '260 2,01 2,01 PASHA' REAL piping coverings PASHA PASHA' PASHA PASHA' PASHA for REAL REAL Sofapiping 260 pipingcoverings coveringsfor for Sofa Sofa 260 260 3,70 mc Kg 81 Kg Kg 09PARDF03 81 81 PASHA' REAL 09PARDF03 09PARDF03 Fodera telaio PASHA' PASHA' Divano REAL REAL '260 Fodera Foderatelaio telaio Divano Divano '260 7,20 7,20 442 7,20 655 PASHA' REAL frame coverings PASHA' PASHA' for REAL REAL Sofa frame frame 260 coverings coveringsfor for Sofa Sofa 260 260 09PARCH01 PASHA' REAL 09PARCH01 09PARCH01 Chaise longue PASHA' PASHA' '249 REAL REALChaise Chaiselongue longue '249 '249 PASHA' REAL chaise lounge PASHA' PASHA' 249 REAL REALchaise chaiselounge lounge 249 249 10,80 1.836 09PARCF01 PASHA' REAL 09PARCF01 09PARCF01 Fodera sedute PASHA' PASHA' Chaise REAL REALFodera longue Foderasedute '249 sedute Chaise Chaise longue longue '249 '249 4 40 4,40 4 40 4,40 267 4 40 4,40 397 267475 267 397526 397 475 578 475 526 643 526578 760 578 643 915 643 760 1.472 1 472 760 915 892 1 915 1.472 472 1 060 1.060 1892 1.472 472 11.060 1.205 1205 060 892 1 205 1.205 1 060 1.060 1 205 1.205 6223662 171279 171 236 323 236 279 377 279323 475 323 377 605 377 475 1.072 475 605 555 1.072 605 696 1.072 555 817 696 555 817 696 817 400742 400 614827 614 742 913 742 8271.019 1 019 827913 1.212 1 212 913 1 019 1.468 1.019 1 468 1 1.212 1.019 1019 212 2.386 2 386 11.468 1.212 1212 468 1 398 1.398 12.386 1.468 2 468 386 1 1.398 1.676 1676 2398 2.386 386 11.676 1.914 1914 1676 1.398 398 1 914 1.914 1 676 1.676 1 914 1.914 941 1.460 941 1.310 1.550 1.3101.460 1.611 1.4601.5501.671 1.550 1.6111.746 1.611 1.671 1.881 1.671 1.746 2.062 1.746 1.881 2.709 1.881 2.062 1.890 2.062 2.709 2.057 1.890 2.709 2.199 2.057 1.890 2.199 2.057 2.199 PASHA' REAL seat coverings PASHA' PASHA' for REAL chaise REAL seat lounge seatcoverings coverings 249 for for chaise chaise lounge lounge 249 249 3,703,70 62 171 2,01 mc mc 09PARCF02 PASHA' REAL 09PARCF02 09PARCF02 Fodera profilo PASHA' PASHA' Chaise REAL REAL longue Fodera Fodera'249 profilo profiloChaise Chaise longue longue '249 '249 2,01 2,01 PASHA' REAL piping coverings PASHA' PASHA' for REAL REAL chaise piping piping lounge coverings coverings 249 for for chaise chaise lounge lounge 249 249 3,70 mc Kg 75 Kg Kg 09PARCF03 75 75 PASHA' REAL 09PARCF03 09PARCF03 Fodera telaio PASHA' PASHA' Chaise REAL REAL longue Fodera Fodera '249 telaio telaio Chaise Chaise longue longue '249 '249 7 20 7,20 7 20 7,20 400 7 20 7,20 614 PASHA' REAL frame coverings PASHA' PASHA' for REAL REAL chaise frame frame lounge coverings coverings 249 for for chaise chaise lounge lounge 249 249 09PARPU01 PASHA' REAL 09PARPU01 09PARPU01 Pouff con PASHA' cuscino PASHA' REAL REALPouff Pouffcon concuscino cuscino PASHA' REAL ottomanPASHA' with PASHA' cushion REAL REALottoman ottomanwith with cushion cushion 5,10 941 5,10 1.310 5,10 09PARPF04 PASHA' REAL 09PARPF04 09PARPF04 Fodera sedute PASHA' PASHA' Pouff REAL REAL con Fodera Fodera cuscino sedute sedute Pouff Pouff con cuscino cuscino 3,50 3,50 231 3,50 332 231393 231 332434 332 393 474 393 434 525 434474 616 474 525 738 525 616 1.175 616 738 696 1.175 738 828 1.175 696 941 828 696 941 828 941 PASHA' REAL seat coverings PASHA' PASHA' for REAL ottoman REAL seat seat with coverings coverings cushionfor for ottoman ottoman with with cushion cushion 1,901,90 46 102 4613646 102158 102 136 180 136 158 208 158180 259 180 208 326 208 259 567 259 326 302 326 567 375 302 567 437 375 302 437 375 437 1,02 mc mc 09PARPF05 PASHA' REAL 09PARPF05 09PARPF05 Fodera profilo PASHA' PASHA' Pouff REAL REAL con Fodera Fodera cuscino profilo profiloPouff Pouff con cuscino cuscino 1,02 1,02 PASHA' REAL piping coverings PASHA' PASHA' for REAL REAL ottoman piping piping with coverings coverings cushionfor for ottoman ottoman with with cushion cushion 1,90 mc Kg 35 Kg Kg 09PARPF06 35 35 PASHA' REAL 09PARPF06 09PARPF06 Fodera telaio PASHA' PASHA' Pouff REAL REAL con Fodera Fodera cuscino telaio telaio Pouff Pouff con con cuscino cuscino 3,50 3,50 179 3,50 280 179341 179 280382 280 341 422 341 382 473 382422 564 422 473 686 473 564 1.123 564 686 644 1.123 686 776 1.123 644 889 776 644 889 776 889 PASHA' REAL frame coverings PASHA' PASHA' for REAL REAL ottoman frame frame with coverings coverings cushionfor for ottoman ottoman with with cushion cushion Mod. ROIALTO Mod. ROIALTO CARATTERISTICHE CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE / TECHNICAL TECNICHE / TECHNICAL FEATURES FEATURES 1 Piuma e1 fibraPiuma poliestere e fibra in poliestere una sacca in di una tela sacca antipiuma di tela a vari antipiuma scomparti a vari scomparti Feather with polyester Feather with fiber, polyester in a feather-proof fiber, in a feather-proof cover divided cover in many divided compartments in many compartments 2 Fibra poliestere 2 Fibra accoppiata poliesterea accoppiata vellutino a vellutino Polyester fiberPolyester coupled fiber with velveteen coupled with velveteen 3 Poliuretano 3 espanso Poliuretano densità espanso 35 densità 35 Polyurethane Polyurethane foam density foam 35 kg/mc density 35 kg/mc 4 Poliuretano 4 espanso Poliuretano densità espanso 25 densità 25 Polyurethane Polyurethane foam density foam 25 kg/mc density 25 kg/mc 5 Poliuretano 5 espanso Poliuretano densità espanso 40 densità 40 Polyurethane Polyurethane foam density foam 40 kg/mc density 40 kg/mc Poliuretano 6 espanso Poliuretano densità espanso 21 densità 21 Polyurethane Polyurethane foam density foam 21 kg/mc density 21 kg/mc 7 Cinghia7elastica Cinghia mm 80 elastica mm 80 Elastic belt mm Elastic 80 belt mm 80 8 Legno massello 8 Legno di abete massello di abete Fir solid woodFir solid wood 9 Multistrato 9 con Multistrato tamponamenti con tamponamenti in particelle di inlegno particelle e fibra di legno e fibra Plywood with Plywood wood and with fiber wood insertions and fiber insertions VERSIONI / VERSIONS VERSIONI / VERSIONS Tessuto e pelle: Tessuto completamente e pelle: completamente sfoderabile. sfoderabile. Fabric and leather: Fabric completely and leather: removable completely coverings removable coverings PIEDINI / FEET PIEDINI / FEET Di serie piedino Di serie in ABS piedino grigioin ABS grigio Standard feetStandard in grey ABS feet in grey ABS A richiesta con A richiesta maggiorazione con maggiorazione piedino in legno piedino colore in legno Fango,colore Canapa Fango, o metallo Canapa cromato. o metallo cromato. On demand, with On demand, overcharge, withwooden overcharge, feet dark wooden or bright feet dark colororand bright chromed color and metal chromed feet aremetal available. feet are available. NOTE / NOTES NOTE / NOTES Piedino: precisare Piedino: il tipo precisare di piedino, il tipo ladi mancata piedino,precisazione la mancata precisazione intende piedino intende in ABS piedino ABS grigio. Feet: the Type Feet: of feet themust Type be of specified, feet must without be specified, instructions withoutstandard instructions feet standard in grey ABS feetwill in grey be placed ABS will be placed ROIALTO 6 Leather Elite Pelle Elite Leather Elite 1,70 1,70 1,70 105 154 105 105 183 154 154 203 183 183 222 203203 247 222222 291 247 247 350 291 291 560350 350 331560 560 389 331 331 438 389 389 438 438 Leather Star Leather Top Prestige Pelle Top Pelle Elite Pelle StarTop Leather Leather Elite 2.247 Prestige Pelle Star Pelle TopStar Leather 2.066 2.247 Elite Pelle Top Leather Top 1.253 1.253 1.456 1.375 1.375 1.537 1.456 1.456 1.639 1.537 1.537 1.8211.639 1.639 2.0651.8211.821 2.938 2.065 2.065 1.855 2.938 2.938 2.066 1.855 1.855 2.247 2.066 Elite 1.050 1.050 1.375 Star Prestige 724 724 1.253 Star 1.050 Top Elite 724 Top 2.303 Lux Star 2.122 2.303 Lux 1.308 1.308 1.511 1.430 1.430 1.593 1.511 1.511 1.694 1.593 1.593 1.8771.694 1.694 2.1201.8771.877 2.993 2.120 2.120 1.910 2.993 2.993 2.122 1.910 1.910 2.303 2.122 Extra Top 1.105 1.105 1.430 Extra 780 780 1.308 Super Lux 6,90 1.105 6,90 Super Pelle Star Pelle Elite Leather Star 09ROPF01 780 Normal Extra ROIALTO 09ROPF01 Fodera 09ROPF01 schienale ROIALTO ROIALTO Poltrona FoderaFodera schienale 103 schienale Poltrona Poltrona 103 103 09ROPO02 6,90 Normal ROIALTO 09ROPO01 Poltrona 09ROPO01 ROIALTO 103 piuma ROIALTO Poltrona Poltrona 103 piuma 103 piuma ROIALTO ArmchairROIALTO 103 feather ROIALTO Armchair Armchair 103 feather 103 feather ROIALTO 09ROPO02 Poltrona 09ROPO02 ROIALTO 103 espanso ROIALTO Poltrona Poltrona 103 espanso 103 espanso ROIALTO ArmchairROIALTO 103 polyurethane ROIALTO Armchair Armchair 103 polyurethane 103 polyurethane In Bianco Bianco In Normal No coverings coverings No 09ROPO01 Mt Tessuto Mt Tessuto Tess Cliente Fabric mt Fabric mt fabric Customer Descrizione Codice Codice Descrizione Descrizione In Bianco No coverings Codice Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Larghezza bracciolo Larghezza 21 Larghezza bracciolo bracciolo 21 21 21 21 Armrest lenght 21Armrest Armrest lenght lenght Tess Cliente Customer Super Customer fabric fabric od. ROIALTO Mod.Mod. ROIALTO ROIALTO ROIALTO back cushion ROIALTO coverings ROIALTO back forcushion back Armchair cushion coverings 103 coverings for Armchair for Armchair 103 103 1,50 1,50 95 137 95 95 162 137 137 179 162 162 196 179179 217 196196 255 217 217 305 255 255 486305 305 294486 486 343 294 294 385 343 343 385 385 1,06 mc 09ROPF02 ROIALTO 09ROPF02 Fodera 09ROPF02 seduta ROIALTO Poltrona ROIALTO Fodera 103 Fodera seduta seduta Poltrona Poltrona 103 103 mc1,06 1,06 ROIALTO seat cushion ROIALTO coverings ROIALTO seat forcushion Armchair seat cushion coverings 103 coverings for Armchair for Armchair 103 103 1,50 mc Kg 61 Kg Kg6109ROPF03 61 ROIALTO 09ROPF03 Fodera 09ROPF03 telaio ROIALTO Poltrona ROIALTO Fodera 103 Fodera telaio telaio Poltrona Poltrona 103 103 ROIALTO frame coverings ROIALTO ROIALTO frame frame coverings coverings for Armchair 103 for Armchair for Armchair 103103 4,00 4,00 4,00 172 291 172 172 362 291 291 410 362 362 457 410410 517 457457 624 517 517 767 624 624 1.278767 767 677 1.278 1.278 816 677 677 936 816 816 936 936 ROIALTO 09RODI01 Divano 09RODI01 182 ROIALTO piuma ROIALTO DivanoDivano 182 piuma 182 piuma ROIALTO Sofa 182ROIALTO feather ROIALTO Sofa 182 Sofafeather 182 feather ROIALTO 09RODI02 Divano 09RODI02 182 ROIALTO espanso ROIALTO DivanoDivano 182 espanso 182 espanso ROIALTO Sofa 182ROIALTO ROIALTO Sofa 182 Sofapolyurethane 182 polyurethane polyurethane 13,50 1.126 13,50 13,50 1.630 1.126 1.126 2.029 1.630 1.630 2.268 2.029 2.029 2.428 2.268 2.268 2.587 2.428 2.428 2.787 2.587 2.587 3.1462.787 2.787 3.6253.1463.146 5.340 3.625 3.625 3.114 5.340 5.340 3.503 3.114 3.114 3.837 3.503 3.503 3.837 3.837 1.015 1.519 1.015 1.015 1.918 1.519 1.519 2.157 1.918 1.918 2.317 2.157 2.157 2.476 2.317 2.317 2.676 2.476 2.476 3.0352.676 2.676 3.5143.0353.035 5.229 3.514 3.514 3.003 5.229 5.229 3.392 3.003 3.003 3.726 3.392 3.392 3.726 3.726 ROIALTO 09RODF01 Fodera 09RODF01 schienali ROIALTO ROIALTO Divano FoderaFodera 182 schienali schienali Divano Divano 182 182 3,20 3,20 3,20 172 266 172 172 323 266 266 361 323 323 398 361361 446 398398 531 446 446 644 531 531 1.050644 644 607 1.050 1.050 718 607 607 813 718 718 813 813 09RODI01 09RODI02 09RODF01 ROIALTO back cushions ROIALTO coverings ROIALTO backfor cushions back Sofacushions 182 coverings coverings for Sofa for Sofa 182 182 3,10 3,10 162 253 162 162 307 253 253 344 307 307 380 344344 425 380380 507 425 425 617 507 507 1.008617 617 583 1.008 1.008 690 583 583 781 690 690 781 781 1,70 mc 09RODF02 ROIALTO 09RODF02 Fodera 09RODF02 sedute ROIALTO Divano ROIALTO Fodera 182 Fodera sedute sedute Divano Divano 182 182 mc1,70 1,70 ROIALTO seat cushions ROIALTO coverings ROIALTO seatfor cushions seat Sofacushions 182 coverings coverings for Sofa for Sofa 182 182 3,10 mc Kg 69 Kg Kg6909RODF03 69 7,50 7,50 7,50 221 442 221 221 574 442 442 662 574 574 751 662662 861 751751 1.059 861 861 1.3241.0591.059 2.272 1.324 1.324 1.159 2.272 2.272 1.417 1.159 1.159 1.638 1.417 1.417 1.638 1.638 1.207 13,50 13,50 1.724 1.207 1.207 2.123 1.724 1.724 2.363 2.123 2.123 2.522 2.363 2.363 2.682 2.522 2.522 2.881 2.682 2.682 3.2402.881 2.881 3.7193.2403.240 5.435 3.719 3.719 3.356 5.435 5.435 3.784 3.356 3.356 4.151 3.784 3.784 4.151 4.151 1.067 1.585 1.067 1.067 1.984 1.585 1.585 2.223 1.984 1.984 2.383 2.223 2.223 2.542 2.383 2.383 2.742 2.542 2.542 3.1012.742 2.742 3.5803.1013.101 5.295 3.580 3.580 3.216 5.295 5.295 3.645 3.216 3.216 4.011 3.645 3.645 4.011 4.011 ROIALTO 09RODF03 Fodera 09RODF03 telaio ROIALTO Divano ROIALTO Fodera 182Fodera telaio telaio Divano Divano 182 182 ROIALTO frame coverings ROIALTO for ROIALTO Sofa frame182 coverings frame coverings for Sofa for 182 Sofa 182 09RODI03 09RODI04 09RODF04 ROIALTO 09RODI03 Divano 09RODI03 202 ROIALTO piuma ROIALTO DivanoDivano 202 piuma 202 piuma ROIALTO Sofa 202ROIALTO feather ROIALTO Sofa 202 Sofafeather 202 feather ROIALTO 09RODI04 Divano 09RODI04 202 ROIALTO espanso ROIALTO DivanoDivano 202 espanso 202 espanso ROIALTO Sofa 202ROIALTO ROIALTO Sofa 202 Sofapolyurethane 202 polyurethane polyurethane 13,50 ROIALTO 09RODF04 Fodera 09RODF04 schienali ROIALTO ROIALTO Divano FoderaFodera 202 schienali schienali Divano Divano 202 202 3,20 3,20 3,20 172 266 172 172 323 266 266 361 323 323 399 361361 446 399399 531 446 446 644 531 531 1.051644 644 611 1.051 1.051 722 611 611 816 722 722 816 816 ROIALTO back cushions ROIALTO coverings ROIALTO backfor cushions back Sofacushions 202 coverings coverings for Sofa for Sofa 202 202 3,10 3,10 162 253 162 162 308 253 253 344 308 308 380 344344 426 380380 508 426 426 617 508 508 1.008617 617 587 1.008 1.008 694 587 587 785 694 694 785 785 1,89 mc 09RODF05 ROIALTO 09RODF05 Fodera 09RODF05 sedute ROIALTO Divano ROIALTO Fodera 202 Fodera sedute sedute Divano Divano 202 202 mc1,89 1,89 ROIALTO seat cushions ROIALTO coverings ROIALTO seatfor cushions seat Sofacushions 202 coverings coverings for Sofa for Sofa 202 202 3,10 mc Kg 72 Kg Kg7209RODF06 72 7,50 7,50 7,50 232 452 232 232 585 452 452 673 585 585 761 673673 871 761761 1.070 871 871 1.3341.0701.070 2.283 1.334 1.334 1.173 2.283 2.283 1.431 1.173 1.173 1.652 1.431 1.431 1.652 1.652 1.284 13,50 13,50 1.807 1.284 1.284 2.206 1.807 1.807 2.445 2.206 2.206 2.605 2.445 2.445 2.764 2.605 2.605 2.964 2.764 2.764 3.3232.964 2.964 3.8023.3233.323 5.517 3.802 3.802 3.539 5.517 5.517 3.993 3.539 3.539 4.383 3.993 3.993 4.383 4.383 1.120 1.643 1.120 1.120 2.042 1.643 1.643 2.281 2.042 2.042 2.441 2.281 2.281 2.601 2.441 2.441 2.800 2.601 2.601 3.1592.800 2.800 3.6383.1593.159 5.354 3.638 3.638 3.376 5.354 5.354 3.830 3.376 3.376 4.219 3.830 3.830 4.219 4.219 ROIALTO 09RODF06 Fodera 09RODF06 telaio ROIALTO Divano ROIALTO Fodera 202Fodera telaio telaio Divano Divano 202 202 ROIALTO frame coverings ROIALTO for ROIALTO Sofa frame202 coverings frame coverings for Sofa for 202 Sofa 202 09RODI05 09RODI06 09RODF07 ROIALTO 09RODI05 Divano 09RODI05 222 ROIALTO piuma ROIALTO DivanoDivano 222 piuma 222 piuma ROIALTO Sofa 222ROIALTO feather ROIALTO Sofa 222 Sofafeather 222 feather ROIALTO 09RODI06 Divano 09RODI06 222 ROIALTO espanso ROIALTO DivanoDivano 222 espanso 222 espanso ROIALTO Sofa 222ROIALTO ROIALTO Sofa 222 Sofapolyurethane 222 polyurethane polyurethane 13,50 ROIALTO 09RODF07 Fodera 09RODF07 schienali ROIALTO ROIALTO Divano FoderaFodera 222 schienali schienali Divano Divano 222 222 3,20 3,20 3,20 172 266 172 172 323 266 266 361 323 323 399 361361 446 399399 531 446 446 644 531 531 1.051644 644 637 1.051 1.051 753 637 637 853 753 753 853 853 ROIALTO back cushions ROIALTO coverings ROIALTO backfor cushions back Sofacushions 222 coverings coverings for Sofa for Sofa 222 222 3,10 3,10 163 254 163 163 308 254 254 345 308 308 381 345345 426 381381 508 426 426 618 508 508 1.009618 618 612 1.009 1.009 725 612 612 821 725 725 821 821 2,07 mc 09RODF08 ROIALTO 09RODF08 Fodera 09RODF08 sedute ROIALTO Divano ROIALTO Fodera 222 Fodera sedute sedute Divano Divano 222 222 mc2,07 2,07 ROIALTO seat cushions ROIALTO coverings ROIALTO seatfor cushions seat Sofacushions 222 coverings coverings for Sofa for Sofa 222 222 3,10 mc Kg 77 Kg Kg7709RODF09 77 7,50 7,50 7,50 234 455 234 234 587 455 455 675 587 587 763 675675 874 763763 1.072 874 874 1.3371.0721.072 2.285 1.337 1.337 1.229 2.285 2.285 1.502 1.229 1.229 1.735 1.502 1.502 1.735 1.735 ROIALTO 09RODF09 Fodera 09RODF09 telaio ROIALTO Divano ROIALTO Fodera 222Fodera telaio telaio Divano Divano 222 222 ROIALTO frame coverings ROIALTO for ROIALTO Sofa frame222 coverings frame coverings for Sofa for 222 Sofa 222 Tess Tess Cliente Cliente Customer Customer fabric fabric Super 244 244597 465 465 685 597 597 774 685 685 884 774 7741.082 884 8841.347 1.082 1.0822.295 1.347 1.3471.291 2.2952.2951.578 1.2911.2911.824 1.578 1.5781.824 1.824 Pelle Elite Leather Elite Pelle Star Pelle Top Leather Top Star Leather Elite Fabric mt Pelle Elite Leather Elite 465 Pelle Top Leather Top Pelle Star Elite Pelle Leather Elite Leather Star Pelle Star Leather Star 7,50 7,50244 Prestige 7,50 Pelle Top 887 Leather Top Prestige 323 323 399 361 361 446 399 399 531 446 446 6455315311.051 645 645 659 1.0511.051 782 659 659 887 782 782 887 Elite 267 267 361 Prestige 172 172323 Star 267 Elite 3,20 3,20172 Star 3,20 Top 901 Star 337 337 413 375 375 460 413 413 545 460 460 6585455451.065 658 658 672 1.0651.065 795 672 672 901 795 795 901 Top 280 280 375 Lux 186 186337 Lux 280 Top 3,20 3,20186 Extra 3,20 09RODF10 1.179 Extra ROIALTO 09RODF10 Fodera 09RODF10 schienali ROIALTO ROIALTO Divano FoderaFodera schienali 242 schienali Divano Divano 242 242 09RODI08 Lux 1.382 13,50 1.933 1.382 2.332 1.933 2.571 2.332 13,50 1.382 1.933 2.3322.731 2.571 2.5712.8902.731 2.7313.0902.890 2.8903.449 3.090 3.0903.928 3.449 3.4495.643 3.928 3.9283.758 5.6435.6434.238 3.7583.7584.649 4.238 4.2384.649 4.649 Super Super 13,50 Extra ROIALTO Divano 242 piuma 09RODI07 09RODI07 ROIALTO ROIALTO DivanoDivano 242 piuma 242 piuma ROIALTO Sofa 242 feather ROIALTO ROIALTO Sofa 242 Sofafeather 242 feather ROIALTO 09RODI08 Divano 09RODI08 242 ROIALTO espanso ROIALTO DivanoDivano 242 espanso 242 espanso ROIALTO Sofa 242 ROIALTO ROIALTO Sofa 242 Sofapolyurethane 242 polyurethane polyurethane Normal In Bianco No coverings 09RODI07 In Bianco In Bianco No coverings No coverings Normal Descrizione Codice Codice Descrizione Descrizione Mt Tessuto Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Tess Cliente Codice Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Larghezza bracciolo 21Larghezza Larghezza bracciolo bracciolo 21 21 21 21 Armrest lenght 21 Armrest Armrest lenght lenght Customer fabric od. ROIALTO Mod.Mod. ROIALTO ROIALTO 1.730 1.179 1.179 2.129 1.730 1.730 2.368 2.129 2.1292.528 2.368 2.3682.6872.528 2.5282.8872.687 2.6873.246 2.887 2.8873.725 3.246 3.2465.440 3.725 3.7253.555 5.4405.4404.035 3.5553.5554.447 4.035 4.0354.447 4.447 ROIALTO back cushions ROIALTO coverings ROIALTO back cushions for back Sofa cushions 242 coverings coverings for Sofa for 242 Sofa 242 2,25 mc 09RODF11 mc2,25 2,25 ROIALTO Fodera sedute Divano 242 09RODF11 09RODF11 ROIALTO ROIALTO Fodera Fodera sedutesedute Divano Divano 242 242 mc Kg 82 Kg82 09RODF12 82 ROIALTO 09RODF12 Fodera 09RODF12 telaio ROIALTO Divano ROIALTO Fodera 242 Fodera telaio telaio Divano Divano 242 242 Kg ROIALTO seat cushions coverings for Sofa 242 ROIALTO ROIALTO seat cushions seat cushions coverings coverings for Sofa for 242 Sofa 242 ROIALTO frame coverings forframe Sofa 242 ROIALTO ROIALTO coverings frame coverings for Sofa for 242 Sofa 242 09RODI09 09RODI10 09RODF13 ROIALTO Divano 262 piuma 09RODI09 09RODI09 ROIALTO ROIALTO DivanoDivano 262 piuma 262 piuma ROIALTO Sofa 262 feather ROIALTO ROIALTO Sofa 262 Sofafeather 262 feather ROIALTO Divano 262 espanso 09RODI10 09RODI10 ROIALTO ROIALTO DivanoDivano 262 espanso 262 espanso ROIALTO Sofa 262 ROIALTO ROIALTO Sofa 262 Sofapolyurethane 262 polyurethane polyurethane 13,50 1.478 13,50 2.039 1.478 2.438 2.039 2.678 2.438 13,50 1.478 2.039 2.4382.837 2.678 2.6782.9972.837 2.8373.1962.997 2.9973.556 3.196 3.1964.034 3.556 3.5565.750 4.034 4.0344.020 5.7505.7504.539 4.0204.0204.984 4.539 4.5394.984 4.984 ROIALTO Fodera schienali Divano 262 schienali 09RODF13 09RODF13 ROIALTO ROIALTO FoderaFodera schienali Divano Divano 262 262 3,20 3,20 3,20186 281 186 186337 281 281 375 337 337 413 375 375 460 413 413 545 460 460 6595455451.065 659 659 698 1.0651.065 827 698 698 938 827 827 938 4,00 4,00 4,00178 297 178 178368 297 297 416 368 368 463 416 416 523 463 463 630 523 523 7736306301.284 773 773 804 1.2841.284 967 804 8041.106 967 9671.106 1.106 7,50 7,50 7,50255 475 255 255608 475 475 696 608 608 784 696 696 894 784 7841.093 894 8941.357 1.093 1.0932.306 1.357 1.3571.356 2.3062.3061.657 1.3561.3561.916 1.657 1.6571.916 1.916 446 4,50 4,50630 446 446763 630 630843 763 763 896 843 843 949 896 8961.016 949 9491.135 1.016 1.0161.295 1.135 1.1351.867 1.295 1.2951.177 1.8671.8671.328 1.1771.1771.458 1.328 1.3281.458 1.458 356 540 356 356673 540 540753 673 673 806 753 753 860 806 806 926 860 8601.046 926 9261.205 1.046 1.0461.777 1.205 1.2051.087 1.7771.7771.239 1.0871.0871.369 1.239 1.2391.369 1.369 1.217 1.779 1.217 2.178 1.779 2.418 2.178 1.217 1.779 2.1782.577 2.418 2.4182.7372.577 2.5772.9362.737 2.7373.295 2.936 2.9363.774 3.295 3.2955.490 3.774 3.7743.760 5.4905.4904.279 3.7603.7604.724 4.279 4.2794.724 4.724 938 ROIALTO back cushions coverings for Sofa 262 ROIALTO ROIALTO back cushions back cushions coverings coverings for Sofa for 262 Sofa 262 2,48 mc 09RODF14 mc2,48 2,48 ROIALTO Fodera sedute Divano 262 09RODF14 09RODF14 ROIALTO ROIALTO Fodera Fodera sedutesedute Divano Divano 262 262 mc Kg 92 Kg92 09RODF15 92 ROIALTO Fodera telaio Divano 262 09RODF15 09RODF15 ROIALTO ROIALTO Fodera Fodera telaio telaio Divano Divano 262 262 Kg ROIALTO seat cushions coverings for Sofa 262 ROIALTO ROIALTO seat cushions seat cushions coverings coverings for Sofa for 262 Sofa 262 ROIALTO frame coverings forframe Sofa 262 ROIALTO ROIALTO coverings frame coverings for Sofa for 262 Sofa 262 09ROPU01 09ROPU02 09ROPF04 ROIALTO Pouff con cuscino 100 xcon 100cuscino piuma 09ROPU01 09ROPU01 ROIALTO ROIALTO Pouff Pouff con cuscino 100 x100 100xpiuma 100 piuma ROIALTO ottoman with ROIALTO cushion 100 x 100 feather ROIALTO ottoman ottoman with cushion with cushion 100 x100 100 x 100 feather feather ROIALTO Pouff con cuscino 100 xcon 100cuscino espanso 09ROPU02 09ROPU02 ROIALTO ROIALTO Pouff Pouff con cuscino 100 x100 100xespanso 100 espanso ROIALTO ottoman with ROIALTO cushion 100 x 100 ROIALTO ottoman ottoman with cushion with cushion 100 x100 100 x 100 polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane 4,50 ROIALTO Fodera seduta Pouff con cuscino 100 xPouff 100cuscino 09ROPF04 09ROPF04 ROIALTO ROIALTO Fodera Fodera seduta seduta Pouff con con cuscino 100 x100 100 x 100 1,90 1,90 1,90109 165 109 109199 165 165 221 199 199 244 221 221 272 244 244 322 272 272 389322322 630 389 389 356 630 630 424 356 356 481 424 424 481 481 2,80 2,80109 189 109 109237 189 189 270 237 237 302 270 270 342 302 302 414 342 342 511414414 857 511 511 456 857 857 553 456 456 636 553 553 636 636 370 2,30 2,30504 370 370571 504 504611 571 571 637 611 611 664 637 637 697 664 664 757 697 697 8377577571.123 837 837 818 1.1231.123 900 818 818 970 900 900 970 970 347 482 347 347548 482 482588 548 548 615 588 588 641 615 615 675 641 641 735 675 675 8147357351.100 814 814 795 1.1001.100 877 795 795 948 877 877 948 948 ROIALTO seat cushion coverings ottoman with cushion 100 xwith 100with ROIALTO ROIALTO seat for cushion seat cushion coverings coverings for ottoman for ottoman cushion cushion 100 100 x 100 x 100 mc Kg 0,56 mc 28 Kg mc0,56 09ROPF05 0,56 Kg28 28 09ROPU03 09ROPU04 09ROPF06 ROIALTO 09ROPF05 Fodera 09ROPF05 telaio ROIALTO Pouff ROIALTO Fodera con Fodera cuscino telaio telaio Pouff 100 xPouff con 100cuscino con cuscino 100 x100 100x 100 2,80 ROIALTO frame coverings ROIALTO ROIALTO forframe ottoman coverings frame with coverings cushion for ottoman for 100 ottoman xwith 100 cushion with cushion 100 100 x 100 x 100 ROIALTO 09ROPU03 Pouff 09ROPU03 con ROIALTO cuscino ROIALTO Pouff 65 x 65 con Pouff piuma cuscino con cuscino 65 x 65 65 piuma x 65 piuma ROIALTO ottoman ROIALTO with ROIALTO cushion ottoman 65 ottoman xwith 65 feather cushion with cushion 65 x 65 65 xfeather 65 feather ROIALTO Pouff con cuscino 65 x 65 espanso 09ROPU04 09ROPU04 ROIALTO ROIALTO Pouff con Pouff cuscino con cuscino 65 x 65 65 espanso x 65 espanso ROIALTO ottoman with ROIALTO cushion 65 xwith 65 polyurethane ROIALTO ottoman ottoman cushion with cushion 65 x 65 65 xpolyurethane 65 polyurethane 2,30 ROIALTO Fodera seduta Pouff con cuscino 65 x Pouff 65 09ROPF06 09ROPF06 ROIALTO ROIALTO Fodera Fodera seduta seduta Pouff con cuscino con cuscino 65 x 65 65 x 65 1,50 1,50 1,50 88 130 88 88155 130 130 172 155 155 189 172 172 210 189 189 248 210 210 298248248 479 298 298 292 479 479 347 292 292 394 347 347 394 394 1,00 1,00 80 108 80 80125 108 108 136 125 125 147 136 136 161 147 147 187 161 161 220187187 341 220 220 222 341 341 259 222 222 290 259 259 290 290 ROIALTO seat cushion coverings ottoman with cushion 65ottoman x 65 ROIALTO ROIALTO seat for cushion seat cushion coverings coverings for ottoman for with with cushion cushion 65 x65 65x 65 mc Kg 0,20 mc 23 Kg mc0,20 09ROPF07 0,20 Kg23 23 ROIALTO 09ROPF07 Fodera 09ROPF07 telaio ROIALTO Pouff ROIALTO Fodera con Fodera cuscino telaio telaio Pouff 65 x Pouff 65 con cuscino con cuscino 65 x 65 65 x 65 1,00 ROIALTO frame coverings ROIALTO ROIALTO forframe ottoman coverings frame with coverings cushion for ottoman for 65ottoman x 65 with cushion with cushion 65 x65 65x 65 09ROPI01 ROIALTO 09ROPI01 Set09ROPI01 piedini ROIALTO cromati ROIALTO Set piedini Set piedini cromati cromati ROIALTO chromeROIALTO feet (set) ROIALTO chrome chrome feet (set) feet (set) 120 120 120 09ROPI02 ROIALTO Set09ROPI02 piedini legno canapa 09ROPI02 ROIALTO ROIALTO Set piedini Set piedini legno legno canapa canapa ROIALTO woodenROIALTO feet bright ROIALTO wooden wooden feet bright feet bright color (set) colorcolor (set)(set) 67 6767 09ROPI03 ROIALTO Set09ROPI03 piedini legno fango 09ROPI03 ROIALTO ROIALTO Set piedini Set piedini legno legno fangofango ROIALTO woodenROIALTO feet dark colorwooden ROIALTO wooden feet dark feet color dark color (set) (set)(set) 67 6767 Mod. Mod. SANGAL SANGAL Mod. Mod. SANGAL SANGAL CARATTERISTICHE CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE TECNICHE / TECHNICAL /FEATURES TECHNICAL FEATURES FEATURES CARATTERISTICHE CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE TECNICHE / TECHNICAL / TECHNICAL FEATURES Piuma e fibra Piuma poliestere e fibra poliestere in una sacca in una diantipiuma sacca tela antipiuma di tela antipiuma a vari scomparti a vari scomparti Piuma Piuma e fibra e fibra poliestere poliestere in in una una sacca sacca di di tela tela antipiuma a vari a vari scomparti scomparti 1 1 1 Feather Feather with polyester polyester fiber, fiber, in in a feather-proof a in feather-proof divided divided in in many many compartments compartments 1with Feather with Feather polyester with polyester fiber, afiber, feather-proof in cover a cover feather-proof cover divided cover individed many compartments in many compartments Fibra Fibra poliestere poliestere accoppiata accoppiata a vellutino aaccoppiata vellutino Fibra poliestere Fibra poliestere accoppiata a vellutino a vellutino 2 2 2 Polyester Polyester fiber coupled coupled with with velveteen velveteen 2 fiber Polyester Polyester fiber coupled fiber with coupled velveteen with velveteen 3 3 Poliuretano Poliuretano espanso espanso densità densità 3535 35 Poliuretano Poliuretano espanso espanso densità densità 35 3 Polyurethane Polyurethane foam foam density density 3535 kg/mc kg/mc 3 Polyurethane Polyurethane foam density foam35 density kg/mc35 kg/mc Poliuretano Poliuretano espanso espanso densità densità 2525 4 4 4 Poliuretano Poliuretano espanso espanso densità 25 densità 25 4 Polyurethane Polyurethane foam density foam25 density kg/mc25 kg/mc Polyurethane Polyurethane foam foam density density 2525 kg/mc kg/mc Poliuretano Poliuretano espanso espanso densità densità 4040 5 5 Polyurethane Polyurethane foam density foam40 density kg/mc40 kg/mc Poliuretano Poliuretano espanso espanso densità densità 2121 Polyurethane Polyurethane foam foam density density 21 21 kg/mc kg/mc Poliuretano Poliuretano espanso espanso densità 21 densità 21 6 6 6 1717 6 Polyurethane Polyurethane foam density foam21 density kg/mc21 kg/mc Poliuretano Poliuretano espanso espanso densità densità 3030 Polyurethane Polyurethane foam foam density density 30 30 kg/mc kg/mc Poliuretano Poliuretano espanso espanso densità 30 densità 30 17 7 7 17 Polyurethane Polyurethane foam density foam30 density kg/mc30 kg/mc Cinghia Cinghia elastica elastica mm mm 8080 Elastic Elastic belt belt mm mm 8080 7 8 8 Poliuretano Poliuretano espanso espanso densità 40 densità 40 Polyurethane Polyurethane foam foam density density 40 40 kg/mc kg/mc Cinghia elastica Cinghia mm elastica 80 mm 80 7 belt Elastic Elastic mm 80 belt mm 80 Legno Legno massello massello di di abete abete FirFir solid solid wood wood Legno massello Legno massello di abete di abete 8 Multistrato 8 Fir solid wood Fir solid wood in in Multistrato con con tamponamenti tamponamenti particelle particelle di di legno legno e fibra e fibra 9 9 Plywood Plywood with with wood wood and and fiber fiber insertions insertions 9 Multistrato Multistrato con tamponamenti con tamponamenti in particelle in particelle di legno edifibra legno e fibra 9 Plywood with Plywood wood with andwood fiber and insertions fiber insertions VERSIONI VERSIONI / VERSIONS / VERSIONS Tessuto Tessuto e pelle: e pelle: completamente completamente sfoderabile. sfoderabile. Fabric Fabric and and leather: leather: completely completely removable removable coverings coverings VERSIONI VERSIONI / VERSIONS / VERSIONS Tessuto eTessuto pelle: completamente e pelle: completamente sfoderabile. sfoderabile. PIEDINI PIEDINI / FEET / FEET Fabric and Fabric leather: and completely leather: completely removable removable coveringscoverings DiDi serie serie piedino piedino in in ABS ABS grigio grigio Standard Standard feet feet in in grey grey ABS ABS PIEDINI /PIEDINI FEET / FEET Di serie piedino Di piedino ABS grigio in ABS grigio NOTE NOTE / NOTES / NOTESseriein Standard feet in grey feet ABS in grey Bicolore: Bicolore: Il rivestimento Il Standard rivestimento bicolore bicolore è disponibile èABS disponibile solamente solamente per per il tessuto il tessuto art. art. TU128 TU128 (lino (lino double double face) face) NOTE / NOTES NOTE / NOTES The The Two-colours Two-colours upholstery upholstery is is available available only only forfor fabric fabric art. art. TU128 TU128 (double-face (double-face linen) linen) Bicolore:Bicolore: Il rivestimento Il rivestimento bicolore è bicolore disponibile è disponibile solamente solamente per il tessuto per ilart. tessuto TU128 art. TU128 (lino double (linoface) double face) The Two-colours The Two-colours upholstery upholstery is available is available only for fabric only for art.fabric TU128 art. (double-face TU128 (double-face linen) linen) SANGAL 5 5 od. SANGAL Mod. Mod.SANGAL SANGAL Super Super Lux Extra Extra Top Lux Lux Star Top Top Elite Star Star Prestige Pelle Star Pelle StarStar Leather Leather Star Pelle Elite Pelle Elite Leather Elite Leather Elite 813 1.492 813 1.237 1.237 1.645 1.492 1.492 1.748 1.645 1.645 1.850 1.748 1.748 1.978 1.850 1.850 2.207 1.978 1.978 2.514 2.207 2.207 3.613 2.514 2.514 2.159 3.613 3.613 2.408 2.159 2.159 2.621 2.408 2.408 2.621 2.621 758 1.181 758 1.437 758 1.181 1.181 1.590 1.437 1.437 1.692 1.590 1.590 1.794 1.692 1.692 1.922 1.794 1.794 2.152 1.922 1.922 2.459 2.152 2.152 3.557 2.459 2.459 2.103 3.557 3.557 2.352 2.103 2.103 2.566 2.352 2.352 2.566 2.566 1,90 1,90 123 179 123 123 212 179 179 235 212 212 257 235 235 285 257 257 335 285 285 403 335 335 643 403 403 373 643 643 439 373 373 495 439 439 495495 1,90 1,90 114 170 114 114 204 170 170 226 204 204 249 226 226 277 249 249 327 277 277 394 327 327 635 394 394 365 635 635 431 365 365 487 431 431 487487 SANGAL 09SANPF03 09SANPF03 Fodera telaio SANGAL SANGAL Poltrona Fodera Fodera 124telaio telaioPoltrona Poltrona124 124 SANGAL frame coverings SANGAL SANGAL frame frame coverings coverings for Armchair 124 for forArmchair Armchair124 124 5,20 5,20 238 392 238 238 485 392 392 546 485 485 608 546 546 685 608 608 823 685 1.008 685 823 1.670 823 879 1.214 879 1.060 1.060 1.214 1.214 SANGAL 09SANDI01 09SANDI01 Divano 194 SANGAL SANGAL piuma Divano Divano194 194piuma piuma SANGAL Sofa 194 SANGAL feather SANGALSofa Sofa194 194feather feather SANGAL 09SANDI02 09SANDI02 Divano 194 SANGAL SANGAL espanso Divano Divano194 194espanso espanso SANGAL Sofa 194 SANGAL SANGALSofa Sofa194 194polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane 13,70 1.143 13,70 1.800 1.143 1.143 2.206 1.800 1.800 2.449 2.206 2.206 2.612 2.449 2.449 2.774 2.612 2.612 2.977 2.774 2.774 3.343 2.977 2.977 3.830 3.343 3.343 5.576 3.830 3.830 3.346 5.576 5.576 3.755 3.346 3.346 4.106 3.755 3.755 4.106 4.106 1.032 1.689 1.032 1.032 2.095 1.689 1.689 2.338 2.095 2.095 2.501 2.338 2.338 2.663 2.501 2.501 2.866 2.663 2.663 3.232 2.866 2.866 3.719 3.232 3.232 5.465 3.719 3.719 3.235 5.465 5.465 3.644 3.235 3.235 3.995 3.644 3.644 3.995 3.995 SANGAL 09SANDF01 09SANDF01 Fodera schienali SANGAL SANGAL Divano Fodera Fodera 194 schienali schienaliDivano Divano194 194 3,60 3,60 211 316 211 211 379 316 316 421 379 379 463 421 421 515 463 463 610 515 515 736 610 1.187 610 736 736 685 1.187 1.187 807 685 685 913 807 807 913913 3,50 3,50 192 293 192 192 354 293 293 395 354 354 436 395 395 486 436 436 578 486 486 699 578 1.136 578 699 699 652 1.136 1.136 771 652 652 873 771 771 873873 7,20 7,20 317 530 317 317 658 530 530 744 658 658 829 744 744 936 829 1.128 829 936 1.384 936 1.128 1.128 2.302 1.384 1.384 1.222 2.302 2.302 1.472 1.222 1.222 1.686 1.472 1.472 1.686 1.686 1.213 13,70 1.871 1.213 1.213 2.277 1.871 1.871 2.521 2.277 2.277 2.683 2.521 2.521 2.846 2.683 2.683 3.049 2.846 2.846 3.414 3.049 3.049 3.901 3.414 3.414 5.647 3.901 3.901 3.473 5.647 5.647 3.895 3.473 3.473 4.257 3.895 3.895 4.257 4.257 1.074 1.732 1.074 1.074 2.138 1.732 1.732 2.381 2.138 2.138 2.544 2.381 2.381 2.706 2.544 2.544 2.909 2.706 2.706 3.275 2.909 2.909 3.762 3.275 3.275 5.508 3.762 3.762 3.333 5.508 5.508 3.756 3.333 3.333 4.118 3.756 3.756 4.118 4.118 09SANPF01 SANGAL 09SANPF01 09SANPF01 Fodera schienale SANGAL SANGAL Poltrona Fodera Foderaschienale 124 schienalePoltrona Poltrona124 124 Pelle Top Pelle Top Leather Top Pelle Elite Leather Elite Top Leather Normal Normal Extra 8,60 1.237 09SANPO01 SANGAL 09SANPO01 09SANPO01 Poltrona SANGAL 124 SANGAL piumaPoltrona Poltrona124 124piuma piuma SANGAL Armchair SANGAL 124 SANGAL feather Armchair Armchair124 124feather feather 09SANPO02 SANGAL 09SANPO02 09SANPO02 Poltrona 124 SANGAL SANGAL espanso Poltrona Poltrona124 124espanso espanso SANGAL Armchair SANGAL 124 SANGAL Armchair Armchair124 124polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane Prestige Pelle Star Prestige Leather Star Tess Cliente Super Customer Customer fabric fabric 813 Descrizione Descrizione Elite Pelle Top Elite Leather Top Mt Tessuto Tess Cliente Fabric mt fabric Customer 8,60 Descrizione Codice Codice In Bianco Normal No coverings In Bianco No coverings Codice Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Larghezza bracciolo Larghezza Larghezza 27 bracciolo bracciolo27 27 Armrest lenght 27Armrest Armrestlenght lenght 27 27 SANGAL back cushion SANGAL SANGAL coverings back back for cushion cushion Armchair coverings coverings 124 for forArmchair Armchair124 124 mc 0,95 mcmc 09SANPF02 0,95 0,95 Kg 64 KgKg 6409SANPF03 64 09SANDI01 09SANDI02 09SANDF01 SANGAL 09SANPF02 09SANPF02 Fodera seduta SANGAL SANGAL Poltrona Fodera Fodera 124 seduta sedutaPoltrona Poltrona124 124 SANGAL seat cushion SANGAL SANGAL coverings seat seat for cushion cushion Armchair coverings coverings 124 for forArmchair Armchair124 124 1.008 1.008 879 1.670 1.670 1.060 SANGAL back cushions SANGAL SANGAL coverings back back for cushions cushions Sofa 194 coverings coveringsfor forSofa Sofa194 194 mc 1,44 mcmc 09SANDF02 1,44 1,44 SANGAL seat cushions SANGAL SANGAL coverings seat seat for cushions cushions Sofa 194 coverings coveringsfor forSofa Sofa194 194 SANGAL 09SANDF02 09SANDF02 Fodera sedute SANGAL SANGAL Divano Fodera Fodera 194 sedute seduteDivano Divano194 194 Kg 72 KgKg 7209SANDF03 72 SANGAL 09SANDF03 09SANDF03 Fodera telaio SANGAL SANGAL Divano Fodera Fodera 194 telaio telaioDivano Divano194 194 SANGAL frame coverings SANGAL SANGAL for frame Sofa frame 194 coverings coveringsfor forSofa Sofa194 194 09SANDI03 09SANDI04 09SANDF04 SANGAL 09SANDI03 09SANDI03 Divano 214 SANGAL SANGAL piuma Divano Divano214 214piuma piuma SANGAL Sofa 214 SANGAL feather SANGALSofa Sofa214 214feather feather SANGAL 09SANDI04 09SANDI04 Divano 214 SANGAL SANGAL espanso Divano Divano214 214espanso espanso SANGAL Sofa 214 SANGAL SANGALSofa Sofa214 214polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane 13,70 SANGAL 09SANDF04 09SANDF04 Fodera schienali SANGAL SANGAL Divano Fodera Fodera 214 schienali schienaliDivano Divano214 214 3,60 3,60 211 316 211 211 379 316 316 421 379 379 463 421 421 516 463 463 610 516 516 736 610 1.188 610 736 736 689 1.188 1.188 812 689 689 917 812 812 917917 3,50 3,50 192 293 192 192 354 293 293 395 354 354 436 395 395 486 436 436 578 486 486 699 578 1.136 578 699 699 656 1.136 1.136 774 656 656 876 774 774 876876 7,20 7,20 318 532 318 318 660 532 532 745 660 660 831 745 745 938 831 1.130 831 938 1.386 938 1.130 1.130 2.304 1.386 1.386 1.228 2.304 2.304 1.478 1.228 1.228 1.692 1.478 1.478 1.692 1.692 1.285 13,70 1.949 1.285 1.285 2.355 1.949 1.949 2.599 2.355 2.355 2.761 2.599 2.599 2.924 2.761 2.761 3.127 2.924 2.924 3.492 3.127 3.127 3.979 3.492 3.492 5.725 3.979 3.979 3.653 5.725 5.725 4.102 3.653 3.653 4.487 4.102 4.102 4.487 4.487 1.122 1.786 1.122 1.122 2.192 1.786 1.786 2.435 2.192 2.192 2.598 2.435 2.435 2.760 2.598 2.598 2.963 2.760 2.760 3.328 2.963 2.963 3.816 3.328 3.328 5.561 3.816 3.816 3.490 5.561 5.561 3.939 3.490 3.490 4.323 3.939 3.939 4.323 4.323 SANGAL back cushions SANGAL SANGAL coverings back back for cushions cushions Sofa 214 coverings coveringsfor forSofa Sofa214 214 mc 1,58 mcmc 09SANDF05 1,58 1,58 SANGAL seat cushions SANGAL SANGAL coverings seat seat for cushions cushions Sofa 214 coverings coveringsfor forSofa Sofa214 214 SANGAL 09SANDF05 09SANDF05 Fodera sedute SANGAL SANGAL Divano Fodera Fodera 214 sedute seduteDivano Divano214 214 Kg 80 KgKg 8009SANDF06 80 SANGAL 09SANDF06 09SANDF06 Fodera telaio SANGAL SANGAL Divano Fodera Fodera 214 telaio telaioDivano Divano214 214 SANGAL frame coverings SANGAL SANGAL for frame Sofa frame 214 coverings coveringsfor forSofa Sofa214 214 09SANDI05 09SANDI06 09SANDF07 SANGAL 09SANDI05 09SANDI05 Divano 234 SANGAL SANGAL piuma Divano Divano234 234piuma piuma SANGAL Sofa 234 SANGAL feather SANGALSofa Sofa234 234feather feather SANGAL 09SANDI06 09SANDI06 Divano 234 SANGAL SANGAL espanso Divano Divano234 234espanso espanso SANGAL Sofa 234 SANGAL SANGALSofa Sofa234 234polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane 13,70 SANGAL 09SANDF07 09SANDF07 Fodera schienali SANGAL SANGAL Divano Fodera Fodera 234 schienali schienaliDivano Divano234 234 3,60 3,60 215 320 215 215 383 320 320 425 383 383 467 425 425 520 467 467 614 520 520 740 614 1.192 614 740 740 696 1.192 1.192 819 696 696 924 819 819 924924 3,50 3,50 193 295 193 193 356 295 295 396 356 356 437 396 396 488 437 437 579 488 488 701 579 1.137 579 701 701 660 1.137 1.137 779 660 660 881 779 779 881881 7,20 7,20 320 533 320 320 661 533 533 747 661 661 832 747 747 939 832 1.131 832 939 1.387 939 1.131 1.131 2.305 1.387 1.387 1.233 2.305 2.305 1.483 1.233 1.233 1.697 1.483 1.483 1.697 1.697 SANGAL back cushions SANGAL SANGAL coverings back back for cushions cushions Sofa 234 coverings coveringsfor forSofa Sofa234 234 mc 1,72 mcmc 09SANDF08 1,72 1,72 SANGAL seat cushions SANGAL SANGAL coverings seat seat for cushions cushions Sofa 234 coverings coveringsfor forSofa Sofa234 234 SANGAL 09SANDF08 09SANDF08 Fodera sedute SANGAL SANGAL Divano Fodera Fodera 234 sedute seduteDivano Divano234 234 Kg 88 KgKg 8809SANDF09 88 SANGAL 09SANDF09 09SANDF09 Fodera telaio SANGAL SANGAL Divano Fodera Fodera 234 telaio telaioDivano Divano234 234 SANGAL frame coverings SANGAL SANGAL for frame Sofa frame 234 coverings coveringsfor forSofa Sofa234 234 od. SANGAL Mod. Mod. SANGAL SANGAL 2.879 3.244 2.879 3.041 3.610 3.041 3.244 4.097 3.244 3.610 5.843 3.610 4.097 3.857 4.097 5.843 4.332 5.843 3.857 4.740 3.857 4.332 4.332 4.740 4.740 1.171 1.864 1.171 2.270 1.171 1.864 2.514 1.864 2.270 2.676 2.270 2.514 2.839 2.514 2.676 3.042 2.676 2.839 3.407 2.839 3.042 3.894 3.042 3.407 5.640 3.407 3.894 3.654 3.894 5.640 4.130 5.640 3.654 4.537 3.654 4.130 4.130 4.537 4.537 3,60 3,60 3,60 227 332 227 395 227 332 437 332 395 479 395 437 532 437 479 626 479 532 752 532 626 1.204 626 752732 752 1.204 1.204 862 732973 732 862862 973973 3,50 3,50 3,50 193 295 193 356 193 295 396 295 356 437 356 396 488 396 437 579 437 488 701 488 579 1.137 579 701684 701 1.137 1.137 809 684917 684 809809 917917 7,20 7,20 7,20 330 543 330 671 330 543 757 543 671 842 671 757 949 757 842 1.141 842 949 1.397 949 1.141 2.315 1.141 1.397 1.292 1.397 2.315 1.556 2.315 1.292 1.782 1.292 1.556 1.556 1.782 1.782 1.461 13,70 2.149 13,70 1.461 2.555 1.461 2.149 2.798 2.149 2.555 2.961 2.555 2.798 3.123 2.798 2.961 3.326 2.961 3.123 3.692 3.123 3.326 4.179 3.326 3.692 5.925 3.692 4.179 4.058 4.179 5.925 4.560 5.925 4.058 4.990 4.058 4.560 4.560 4.990 4.990 1.201 1.888 1.201 2.294 1.201 1.888 2.538 1.888 2.294 2.700 2.294 2.538 2.863 2.538 2.700 3.066 2.700 2.863 3.431 2.863 3.066 3.918 3.066 3.431 5.664 3.431 3.918 3.798 3.918 5.664 4.299 5.664 3.798 4.729 3.798 4.299 4.299 4.729 4.729 Leather Elite 2.717 3.041 2.717 Pelle Elite Leather Elite Pelle Elite 2.473 2.879 2.473 Leather Star 2.067 2.717 2.067 Pelle Star Leather Pelle StarStar Top Elite Top 1.374 2.473 1.374 Pelle Top Leather Pelle Elite TopTop Leather Elite Top Lux Star Lux 13,70 2.067 13,70 Prestige Pelle Star Prestige Leather Star Extra Top Extra 1.374 Elite Pelle Top Elite Leather Top Super Lux Super 13,70 Star Prestige Star Normal Extra Normal SANGAL 09SANDF10 09SANDF10 Fodera schienali SANGAL SANGAL Divano Fodera Fodera 254 schienali schienali Divano Divano 254 09SANDF10 Tess Cliente Tess Cliente Super Customer fabric Customer fabric SANGAL 09SANDI07 09SANDI07 Divano 254SANGAL SANGAL piuma Divano Divano 254 254 piuma piuma SANGAL Sofa 254 feather SANGAL SANGAL Sofa Sofa 254 254 feather feather SANGAL 09SANDI08 09SANDI08 Divano 254SANGAL SANGAL espansoDivano Divano 254 254 espanso espanso SANGAL Sofa 254 polyurethane SANGAL SANGAL Sofa Sofa 254 254 polyurethane polyurethane In Bianco In Bianco Normal No coverings No coverings 09SANDI07 09SANDI08 Descrizione Descrizione Mt Tessuto Tess Cliente Mt Tessuto Fabric mt fabric Customer Fabric mt Descrizione Codice Codice In Bianco No coverings Codice Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Larghezza braccioloLarghezza 27 bracciolo bracciolo 27 27 Armrest lenght 27 Armrest lenght lenght 27 27 SANGAL back cushions SANGAL SANGAL coverings back backfor cushions cushions Sofa 254 coverings coverings for Sofa 254 mc 1,90 mc mc 09SANDF11 1,90 1,90 SANGAL seat cushions SANGAL SANGAL coverings seat seat for cushions cushions Sofa 254 coverings coverings for Sofa 254 SANGAL 09SANDF11 09SANDF11 Fodera sedute SANGAL SANGAL Divano Fodera Fodera 254 sedute sedute Divano Divano 254 Kg 96 Kg Kg 96 09SANDF12 96 SANGAL 09SANDF12 09SANDF12 Fodera telaio SANGAL SANGAL Divano Fodera Fodera 254 telaio telaio Divano Divano 254 SANGAL frame coverings SANGAL SANGAL for Sofa frame frame 254 coverings coverings for for Sofa Sofa 254 09SANDI09 09SANDI10 09SANDF13 SANGAL 09SANDI09 09SANDI09 Divano 274SANGAL SANGAL piuma Divano Divano 274 274 piuma piuma SANGAL Sofa 274 feather SANGAL SANGAL Sofa Sofa 274 274 feather feather SANGAL 09SANDI10 09SANDI10 Divano 274SANGAL SANGAL espansoDivano Divano 274 274 espanso espanso SANGAL Sofa 274 polyurethane SANGAL SANGAL Sofa Sofa 274 274 polyurethane polyurethane 13,70 SANGAL 09SANDF13 09SANDF13 Fodera schienali SANGAL SANGAL Divano Fodera Fodera 274 schienali schienali Divano Divano 274 3,60 3,60 3,60 219 324 219 387 219 324 429 324 387 471 387 429 524 429 471 618 471 524 744 524 618 1.196 618 744752 744 1.196 1.196 889 752 1.006 752 889889 1.006 1.006 3,50 3,50 3,50 193 295 193 356 193 295 396 295 356 437 356 396 488 396 437 579 437 488 701 488 579 1.137 579 701711 701 1.137 1.137 843 711956 711 843843 7,20 7,20 7,20 333 547 333 675 333 547 760 547 675 846 675 760 952 760 846 1.145 846 952 1.401 952 1.145 2.319 1.145 1.401 1.349 1.401 2.319 1.626 2.319 1.349 1.864 1.349 1.626 1.626 1.864 1.864 559 6,60 6,60 872 559 1.068 559 1.186 872 872 1.068 1.264 1.068 1.186 1.343 1.186 1.264 1.441 1.264 1.343 1.617 1.343 1.441 1.852 1.441 1.617 2.695 1.617 1.852 1.582 1.852 2.695 1.774 2.695 1.582 1.937 1.582 1.774 1.774 1.937 1.937 504 817 504 1.013 504 1.130 817 817 1.013 1.209 1.013 1.130 1.287 1.130 1.209 1.385 1.209 1.287 1.562 1.287 1.385 1.797 1.385 1.562 2.640 1.562 1.797 1.527 1.797 2.640 1.718 2.640 1.527 1.882 1.527 1.718 1.718 1.882 1.882 SANGAL back cushions SANGAL SANGAL coverings back backfor cushions cushions Sofa 274 coverings coverings for Sofa 274 mc 1,90 mc mc 09SANDF14 1,90 1,90 SANGAL seat cushions SANGAL SANGAL coverings seat seat for cushions cushions Sofa 274 coverings coverings for Sofa 274 SANGAL 09SANDF14 09SANDF14 Fodera sedute SANGAL SANGAL Divano Fodera Fodera 274 sedute sedute Divano Divano 274 Kg 104 Kg Kg 104 09SANDF15 104 SANGAL 09SANDF15 09SANDF15 Fodera telaio SANGAL SANGAL Divano Fodera Fodera 274 telaio telaio Divano Divano 274 956956 SANGAL frame coverings SANGAL SANGAL for Sofa frame frame 274 coverings coverings for for Sofa Sofa 274 09SANEL01 09SANEL02 09SANEF01 SANGAL 09SANEL01 09SANEL01 Elemento 70 SANGAL SANGAL piuma Elemento Elemento 70 70 piuma piuma SANGAL Element 70 SANGAL SANGAL featherElement Element 70 70 feather feather SANGAL 09SANEL02 09SANEL02 Elemento 70 SANGAL SANGAL espanso Elemento Elemento 70 70 espanso espanso SANGAL Element 70 SANGAL SANGAL Element Element 70 70 polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane 6,60 SANGAL 09SANEF01 09SANEF01 Fodera schienale SANGAL SANGAL Elemento Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 70 Elemento Elemento 70 1,90 1,90 1,90 123 179 123 212 123 179 235 179 212 257 212 235 285 235 257 335 257 285 403 285 335 643 335 403344 403 643402 643 344452 344 402402 452452 1,90 1,90 1,90 114 170 114 204 114 170 226 170 204 249 204 226 277 226 249 327 249 277 394 277 327 635 327 394336 394 635394 635 336444 336 394394 444444 3,20 3,20 3,20 135 229 135 286 135 229 324 229 286 362 286 324 409 324 362 494 362 409 607 409 494 1.014 494 607492 607 1.014 1.014 590 492674 492 590590 674674 627 6,60 6,60 959 627 1.155 627 1.272 959 959 1.155 1.351 1.155 1.272 1.429 1.272 1.351 1.527 1.351 1.429 1.704 1.429 1.527 1.939 1.527 1.704 2.782 1.704 1.939 1.714 1.939 2.782 1.918 2.782 1.714 2.093 1.714 1.918 1.918 2.093 2.093 545 877 545 1.073 545 1.191 877 877 1.073 1.269 1.073 1.191 1.347 1.191 1.269 1.445 1.269 1.347 1.622 1.347 1.445 1.857 1.445 1.622 2.700 1.622 1.857 1.632 1.857 2.700 1.836 2.700 1.632 2.011 1.632 1.836 1.836 2.011 2.011 SANGAL back cushions SANGAL SANGAL coverings back backfor cushions cushions Element coverings coverings 70 for Element 70 mc 0,65 mc mc 09SANEF02 0,65 0,65 SANGAL seat cushions SANGAL SANGAL coverings seat seat for cushions cushions Element coverings coverings 70 for Element 70 SANGAL 09SANEF02 09SANEF02 Fodera seduta SANGAL SANGAL Elemento Fodera Fodera 70seduta seduta Elemento Elemento 70 Kg 50 Kg Kg 50 09SANEF03 50 SANGAL 09SANEF03 09SANEF03 Fodera telaio SANGAL SANGAL Elemento Fodera Fodera 70 telaio telaio Elemento Elemento 70 SANGAL frame coverings SANGAL SANGAL for Element frame frame coverings coverings 70 for for Element Element 70 09SANEL03 09SANEL04 09SANEF04 SANGAL 09SANEL03 09SANEL03 Elemento 90 SANGAL SANGAL piuma Elemento Elemento 90 90 piuma piuma SANGAL Element 90 SANGAL SANGAL featherElement Element 90 90 feather feather SANGAL 09SANEL04 09SANEL04 Elemento 90 SANGAL SANGAL espanso Elemento Elemento 90 90 espanso espanso SANGAL Element 90 SANGAL SANGAL Element Element 90 90 polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane 6,60 SANGAL 09SANEF04 09SANEF04 Fodera schienale SANGAL SANGAL Elemento Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 90 Elemento Elemento 90 1,90 1,90 1,90 123 179 123 213 123 179 235 179 213 258 213 235 286 235 258 336 258 286 403 286 336 644 336 403358 403 644420 644 358473 358 420420 473473 1,90 1,90 1,90 114 170 114 204 114 170 226 170 204 249 204 226 277 226 249 327 249 277 394 277 327 635 327 394349 394 635411 635 349464 349 411411 464464 3,20 3,20 3,20 154 248 154 305 154 248 343 248 305 381 305 343 428 343 381 513 381 428 626 428 513 1.033 513 626533 626 1.033 1.033 637 533727 533 637637 727727 SANGAL back cushions SANGAL SANGAL coverings back backfor cushions cushions Element coverings coverings 90 for Element 90 mc 0,65 mc mc 09SANEF05 0,65 0,65 SANGAL seat cushions SANGAL SANGAL coverings seat seat for cushions cushions Element coverings coverings 90 for Element 90 SANGAL 09SANEF05 09SANEF05 Fodera seduta SANGAL SANGAL Elemento Fodera Fodera 90seduta seduta Elemento Elemento 90 Kg 53 Kg Kg 53 09SANEF06 53 SANGAL 09SANEF06 09SANEF06 Fodera telaio SANGAL SANGAL Elemento Fodera Fodera 90 telaio telaio Elemento Elemento 90 SANGAL frame coverings SANGAL SANGAL for Element frame frame coverings coverings 90 for for Element Element 90 od. SANGAL Mod. Mod.SANGAL SANGAL Elite Pelle Top Elite Leather Top 1.275 1.471 1.275 1.393 1.549 1.393 1.471 1.647 1.471 1.549 1.824 1.549 1.647 2.059 1.647 1.824 2.902 1.824 2.059 1.897 2.059 2.902 2.113 2.902 1.897 2.299 1.897 2.113 2.113 2.299 2.299 588 949 1.145 588 1.262 949 949 1.145 1.341 1.145 1.262 1.419 1.262 1.341 1.517 1.341 1.419 1.694 1.419 1.517 1.929 1.517 1.694 2.772 1.694 1.929 1.766 1.929 2.772 1.983 2.772 1.766 2.169 1.766 1.983 1.983 2.169 2.169 1,90 1,90 1,90 130 186 220 130 130 186 242 186 220 264 220 242 292 242 264 343 264 292 410 292 343 651 343 410 381 410 651 446 651 381503 381 446446 503503 1,90 1,90 1,90 118 174 207 118 118 174 230 174 207 252 207 230 280 230 252 330 252 280 398 280 330 638 330 398 369 398 638 434 638 369490 369 434434 490490 3,20 3,20 3,20 173 267 324 173 173 267 362 267 324 400 324 362 447 362 400 532 400 447 645 447 1.052 532 532 645 577 645 1.052 1.052 688 577782 577 688688 782782 894 1.437 11,90 11,90 1.790 894 2.002 1.437 1.437 1.790 2.144 1.790 2.002 2.285 2.002 2.144 2.462 2.144 2.285 2.780 2.285 2.462 3.204 2.462 2.780 4.724 2.780 3.204 2.730 3.204 4.724 3.075 4.724 2.730 3.371 2.730 3.075 3.075 3.371 3.371 783 1.326 1.679 783 1.891 1.326 1.326 1.679 2.033 1.679 1.891 2.174 1.891 2.033 2.351 2.033 2.174 2.669 2.174 2.351 3.093 2.351 2.669 4.613 2.669 3.093 2.619 3.093 4.613 2.964 4.613 2.619 3.260 2.619 2.964 2.964 3.260 3.260 Leather Elite Star Prestige Star 1.393 1.079 1.079 Pelle Elite Leather Elite Pelle Elite Top Elite Top 1.275 718 Leather Star Lux Star Lux 1.079 6,60 6,60 Pelle Star Leather Pelle StarStar Extra Top Extra 718 Pelle Top Pelle Elite Leather TopTop Leather Elite Top Super Lux Super 6,60 Prestige Pelle Star Prestige Leather Star Normal Extra Normal SANGAL 09SANEF07 09SANEF07 Fodera schienale SANGAL SANGAL Elemento Fodera Fodera schienale 110 schienaleElemento Elemento 110 110 09SANEF07 Tess Cliente Super Customer fabric SANGAL 09SANEL05 09SANEL05 Elemento 110 SANGAL SANGAL piumaElemento Elemento 110 110 piuma piuma SANGAL Element 110 SANGAL SANGAL feather Element Element 110 110 feather feather SANGAL 09SANEL06 09SANEL06 Elemento 110 SANGAL SANGAL espanso Elemento Elemento 110 110 espanso espanso SANGAL Element 110 SANGAL SANGAL Element Element 110 110 polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane In Bianco Normal No coverings 09SANEL05 09SANEL06 Descrizione Descrizione Tess Cliente Mt Tessuto Mt Tessuto Customer Fabric mt fabric Descrizione Codice Codice In Bianco No coverings Codice Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Larghezza braccioloLarghezza 27 Larghezzabracciolo bracciolo2727 Armrest lenght 27 Armrest Armrestlenght lenght27 27 SANGAL back cushions SANGAL coverings SANGAL back back for cushions Element cushions coverings 110 coverings forfor Element Element110 110 mc 0,81 mc mc 09SANEF08 0,810,81 SANGAL seat cushions SANGAL coverings SANGAL seat seat for cushions Element cushions coverings 110 coverings forfor Element Element110 110 SANGAL 09SANEF08 09SANEF08 Fodera seduta SANGAL SANGAL Elemento Fodera Fodera 110 seduta sedutaElemento Elemento 110 110 Kg 59 Kg Kg 59 09SANEF09 59 SANGAL 09SANEF09 09SANEF09 Fodera telaio SANGAL SANGAL Elemento Fodera Fodera 110telaio telaio Elemento Elemento 110 110 SANGAL frame coverings SANGAL SANGAL for Element frame frame coverings 110 coverings forfor Element Element 110 110 09SANEL07 09SANEL08 09SANEF10 SANGAL 09SANEL07 09SANEL07 Elemento 140 SANGAL SANGAL piumaElemento Elemento 140 140 piuma piuma SANGAL Element 140 SANGAL SANGAL feather Element Element 140 140 feather feather SANGAL 09SANEL08 09SANEL08 Elemento 140 SANGAL SANGAL espanso Elemento Elemento 140 140 espanso espanso SANGAL Element 140 SANGAL SANGAL Element Element 140 140 polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane 11,90 SANGAL 09SANEF10 09SANEF10 Fodera schienali SANGAL SANGAL Elemento Fodera Fodera schienali 140 schienaliElemento Elemento 140 140 3,60 3,60 3,60 210 315 378 210 210 315 420 315 378 462 378 420 515 420 462 609 462 515 735 515 1.187 609 609 735 625 735 1.187 1.187 734 625828 625 734734 828828 3,50 3,50 3,50 190 291 352 190 190 291 393 291 352 433 352 393 484 393 433 575 433 484 697 484 1.134 575 575 697 592 697 1.134 1.134 698 592788 592 698698 788788 5,20 5,20 5,20 203 357 449 203 203 357 511 357 449 573 449 511 650 511 573 788 573 650 973 650 1.635 788 788 973 790 973 1.635 1.635 950 790 1.088 790 950950 1.088 1.088 966 1.513 11,90 11,90 1.866 966 2.078 1.513 1.513 1.866 2.220 1.866 2.078 2.361 2.078 2.220 2.538 2.220 2.361 2.856 2.361 2.538 3.280 2.538 2.856 4.800 2.856 3.280 2.888 3.280 4.800 3.256 4.800 2.888 3.571 2.888 3.256 3.256 3.571 3.571 826 1.373 1.727 826 1.939 1.373 1.373 1.727 2.080 1.727 1.939 2.222 1.939 2.080 2.399 2.080 2.222 2.717 2.222 2.399 3.141 2.399 2.717 4.661 2.717 3.141 2.749 3.141 4.661 3.117 4.661 2.749 3.432 2.749 3.117 3.117 3.432 3.432 SANGAL back cushions SANGAL coverings SANGAL back back for cushions Element cushions coverings 140 coverings forfor Element Element140 140 mc 1,13 mc mc 09SANEF11 1,131,13 SANGAL seat cushions SANGAL coverings SANGAL seat seat for cushions Element cushions coverings 140 coverings forfor Element Element140 140 SANGAL 09SANEF11 09SANEF11 Fodera sedute SANGAL SANGAL Elemento Fodera Fodera 140 sedute seduteElemento Elemento 140 140 Kg 64 Kg Kg 64 09SANEF12 64 SANGAL 09SANEF12 09SANEF12 Fodera telaio SANGAL SANGAL Elemento Fodera Fodera 140telaio telaio Elemento Elemento 140 140 SANGAL frame coverings SANGAL SANGAL for Element frame frame coverings 140 coverings forfor Element Element 140 140 09SANEL09 09SANEL10 09SANEF13 SANGAL 09SANEL09 09SANEL09 Elemento 160 SANGAL SANGAL piumaElemento Elemento 160 160 piuma piuma SANGAL Element 160 SANGAL SANGAL feather Element Element 160 160 feather feather SANGAL 09SANEL10 09SANEL10 Elemento 160 SANGAL SANGAL espanso Elemento Elemento 160 160 espanso espanso SANGAL Element 160 SANGAL SANGAL Element Element 160 160 polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane 11,90 SANGAL 09SANEF13 09SANEF13 Fodera schienali SANGAL SANGAL Elemento Fodera Fodera schienali 160 schienaliElemento Elemento 160 160 3,60 3,60 3,60 214 319 382 214 214 319 424 319 382 466 382 424 519 424 466 613 466 519 739 519 1.191 613 613 739 653 739 1.191 1.191 769 653869 653 769769 869869 3,50 3,50 3,50 190 291 352 190 190 291 393 291 352 433 352 393 484 393 433 575 433 484 697 484 1.134 575 575 697 616 697 1.134 1.134 728 616824 616 728728 824824 5,20 5,20 5,20 204 358 451 204 204 358 512 358 451 574 451 512 651 512 574 789 574 651 974 651 1.636 789 789 974 827 974 1.636 1.636 997 827 1.143 827 997997 1.143 1.143 1.048 1.627 11,90 11,90 1.981 1.048 2.193 1.627 1.627 1.981 2.334 1.981 2.193 2.476 2.193 2.334 2.652 2.334 2.476 2.971 2.476 2.652 3.395 2.652 2.971 4.915 2.971 3.395 3.061 3.395 4.915 3.440 4.915 3.061 3.765 3.061 3.440 3.440 3.765 3.765 885 1.464 1.817 885 2.029 1.464 1.464 1.817 2.171 1.817 2.029 2.312 2.029 2.171 2.489 2.171 2.312 2.807 2.312 2.489 3.231 2.489 2.807 4.751 2.807 3.231 2.897 3.231 4.751 3.276 4.751 2.897 3.601 2.897 3.276 3.276 3.601 3.601 SANGAL back cushions SANGAL coverings SANGAL back back for cushions Element cushions coverings 160 coverings forfor Element Element160 160 mc 1,13 mc mc 09SANEF14 1,131,13 SANGAL seat cushions SANGAL coverings SANGAL seat seat for cushions Element cushions coverings 160 coverings forfor Element Element160 160 SANGAL 09SANEF14 09SANEF14 Fodera sedute SANGAL SANGAL Elemento Fodera Fodera 160 sedute seduteElemento Elemento 160 160 Kg 68 Kg Kg 68 09SANEF15 68 SANGAL 09SANEF15 09SANEF15 Fodera telaio SANGAL SANGAL Elemento Fodera Fodera 160telaio telaio Elemento Elemento 160 160 SANGAL frame coverings SANGAL SANGAL for Element frame frame coverings 160 coverings forfor Element Element 160 160 09SANEL11 09SANEL12 09SANEF16 SANGAL 09SANEL11 09SANEL11 Elemento 180 SANGAL SANGAL piumaElemento Elemento 180 180 piuma piuma SANGAL Element 180 SANGAL SANGAL feather Element Element 180 180 feather feather SANGAL 09SANEL12 09SANEL12 Elemento 180 SANGAL SANGAL espanso Elemento Elemento 180 180 espanso espanso SANGAL Element 180 SANGAL SANGAL Element Element 180 180 polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane 11,90 SANGAL 09SANEF16 09SANEF16 Fodera schienali SANGAL SANGAL Elemento Fodera Fodera schienali 180 schienaliElemento Elemento 180 180 3,60 3,60 3,60 226 331 394 226 226 331 436 331 394 478 394 436 531 436 478 625 478 531 751 531 1.203 625 625 751 685 751 1.203 1.203 804 685907 685 804804 907907 3,50 3,50 3,50 199 300 361 199 199 300 402 300 361 442 361 402 493 402 442 585 442 493 706 493 1.143 585 585 706 644 706 1.143 1.143 759 644858 644 759759 858858 5,20 5,20 5,20 216 370 463 216 216 370 524 370 463 586 463 524 663 524 586 801 586 663 986 663 1.648 801 801 986 864 986 1.648 1.039 1.648 864 1.189 864 1.039 1.039 1.189 1.189 SANGAL back cushions SANGAL coverings SANGAL back back for cushions Element cushions coverings 180 coverings forfor Element Element180 180 mc 1,3 mc mc 09SANEF17 1,3 1,3 SANGAL seat cushions SANGAL coverings SANGAL seat seat for cushions Element cushions coverings 180 coverings forfor Element Element180 180 SANGAL 09SANEF17 09SANEF17 Fodera sedute SANGAL SANGAL Elemento Fodera Fodera 180 sedute seduteElemento Elemento 180 180 Kg 72 Kg Kg 72 09SANEF18 72 SANGAL 09SANEF18 09SANEF18 Fodera telaio SANGAL SANGAL Elemento Fodera Fodera 180telaio telaio Elemento Elemento 180 180 SANGAL frame coverings SANGAL SANGAL for Element frame frame coverings 180 coverings forfor Element Element 180 180 od. SANGAL Mod. Mod.SANGAL SANGAL Elite Pelle Top Elite Leather Top 2.408 2.055 2.055 2.267 2.549 2.267 2.408 2.726 2.408 2.549 3.044 2.549 2.726 3.469 2.726 3.044 4.989 3.044 3.469 3.216 3.469 4.989 3.619 4.989 3.216 3.964 3.216 3.619 3.619 3.964 3.964 919 1.498 1.852 919 2.064 1.498 1.498 2.205 1.852 1.852 2.064 2.347 2.064 2.205 2.523 2.205 2.347 2.842 2.347 2.523 3.266 2.523 2.842 4.786 2.842 3.266 3.014 3.266 4.786 3.416 4.786 3.014 3.761 3.014 3.416 3.416 3.761 3.761 3,60 3,60 3,60 227 332 395 227 227 437 332 332 395 479 395 437 532 437 479 626 479 532 752 532 1.204 626 626 752 710 752 1.204 1.204 836 710 944 710 836836 944944 3,50 3,50 3,50 199 300 361 199 199 402 300 300 361 442 361 402 493 402 442 585 442 493 706 493 1.143 585 585 706 667 706 1.143 1.143 789 667 894 667 789789 894894 5,20 5,20 5,20 216 370 463 216 216 524 370 370 463 586 463 524 663 524 586 801 586 663 986 663 1.648 801 801 986 900 986 1.648 1.085 1.648 900 1.244 900 1.085 1.085 1.244 1.244 718 1.092 7,50 7,50 1.312 718 1.445 1.092 1.092 1.533 1.312 1.312 1.445 1.621 1.445 1.533 1.731 1.533 1.621 1.930 1.621 1.731 2.194 1.731 1.930 3.143 1.930 2.194 1.942 2.194 3.143 2.171 3.143 1.942 2.368 1.942 2.171 2.171 2.368 2.368 648 1.022 1.243 648 1.375 1.022 1.022 1.463 1.243 1.243 1.375 1.551 1.375 1.463 1.662 1.463 1.551 1.860 1.551 1.662 2.125 1.662 1.860 3.073 1.860 2.125 1.872 2.125 3.073 2.102 3.073 1.872 2.298 1.872 2.102 2.102 2.298 2.298 Leather Elite Star Prestige Star 2.267 1.701 1.701 Pelle Elite Leather Elite Pelle Elite Top Elite Top 2.055 1.121 Leather Star Lux Star Lux 1.701 11,90 11,90 Pelle Star Leather Pelle StarStar Extra Top Extra 1.121 Pelle Top Pelle Elite Leather Pelle TopTop Leather Leather Elite Top Super Lux Super 11,90 Prestige Pelle Star Prestige Leather Star Extra Normal Normal SANGAL 09SANEF19 Fodera 09SANEF19 schienali SANGAL SANGAL Elemento Fodera Fodera 200 schienali schienaliElemento Elemento 200 200 09SANEF19 Tess Cliente Super Customer fabric SANGAL 09SANEL13 Elemento 09SANEL13 200 SANGAL SANGAL piuma Elemento Elemento 200 200 piuma piuma SANGAL Element 200 SANGAL SANGAL feather Element Element 200 200 feather feather SANGAL 09SANEL14 Elemento 09SANEL14 200 SANGAL SANGAL espanso Elemento Elemento 200 200 espanso espanso SANGAL Element 200 SANGAL SANGAL Element Element 200 200 polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane In Bianco Normal No coverings 09SANEL13 09SANEL14 Descrizione Descrizione Tess Cliente Mt Tessuto Mt Tessuto Customer Fabric mt fabric Descrizione Codice Codice In Bianco No coverings Codice Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Larghezza bracciolo Larghezza 27Larghezzabracciolo bracciolo2727 Armrest lenght 27 Armrest Armrestlenght lenght27 27 SANGAL back cushions SANGAL coverings SANGAL back back for cushions Element cushions coverings 200 coverings forfor Element Element200 200 mc 1,44 mc mc 09SANEF20 1,441,44 SANGAL seat cushions SANGAL coverings SANGAL seat seat for cushions Element cushions coverings 200 coverings forfor Element Element200 200 SANGAL 09SANEF20 Fodera 09SANEF20 sedute SANGAL SANGAL Elemento Fodera Fodera 200 sedute seduteElemento Elemento 200 200 Kg 76 Kg Kg 76 09SANEF21 76 SANGAL 09SANEF21 Fodera 09SANEF21 telaio SANGAL SANGAL Elemento Fodera Fodera 200 telaio telaio Elemento Elemento 200 200 SANGAL frame coverings SANGAL SANGAL for Element frame frame coverings 200 coverings forfor Element Element 200 200 09SANTE01S SANGAL 09SANTE01S Terminale 09SANTE01S 107 SANGAL SANGAL sx piuma Terminale Terminale 107 107 sxsx piuma piuma SANGAL End unit 107 SANGAL SANGAL left feather End End unit unit 107 107 left left feather feather 09SANTE02S SANGAL 09SANTE02S Terminale 09SANTE02S 107 SANGAL SANGAL sx espanso Terminale Terminale 107 107 sxsx espanso espanso SANGAL End unit 107 SANGAL SANGAL left polyurethane End End unit unit 107 107 left left polyurethane polyurethane 7,50 09SANTF01S SANGAL 09SANTF01S Fodera 09SANTF01S schienale SANGAL SANGAL Terminale Fodera Fodera schienale 107 schienale sx Terminale Terminale 107 107 sxsx 1,90 1,90 1,90 123 179 213 123 123 235 179 179 213 257 213 235 285 235 257 336 257 285 403 285 336 644 336 403 361 403 644 423 644 361 476 361 423423 476476 446446 SANGAL back cushions SANGAL coverings SANGAL back back for cushions End cushions unitcoverings 107 coverings left forfor End End unit unit107 107left left 1,80 1,80 114 166 198 114 114 219 166 166 198 240 198 219 266 219 240 313 240 266 376 266 313 602 313 376 338 376 602 396 602 338 446 338 396396 0,81 mc mc 09SANTF02S SANGAL 09SANTF02S Fodera 09SANTF02S seduta SANGAL SANGAL Terminale Fodera Fodera 107 seduta sx sedutaTerminale Terminale 107 107 sxsx 0,810,81 SANGAL seat cushions SANGAL coverings SANGAL seat seat for cushions End cushions unitcoverings 107 coverings left forfor End End unit unit107 107left left 1,80 mc Kg 60 Kg Kg 60 09SANTF03S 60 SANGAL 09SANTF03S Fodera 09SANTF03S telaio SANGAL SANGAL Terminale Fodera Fodera 107telaio sxtelaio Terminale Terminale 107 107 sxsx 5,00 5,00 5,00 203 350 438 203 203 497 350 350 438 555 438 497 629 497 555 761 555 629 938 629 1.570 761 761 938 782 938 1.570 1.570 944 782 1.083 782 944944 1.083 1.083 848 1.255 7,50 7,50 1.476 848 1.608 1.255 1.255 1.696 1.476 1.476 1.608 1.785 1.608 1.696 1.895 1.696 1.785 2.093 1.785 1.895 2.358 1.895 2.093 3.306 2.093 2.358 2.173 2.358 3.306 2.417 3.306 2.173 2.626 2.173 2.417 2.417 2.626 2.626 718 1.125 1.346 718 1.478 1.125 1.125 1.566 1.346 1.346 1.478 1.654 1.478 1.566 1.765 1.566 1.654 1.963 1.654 1.765 2.228 1.765 1.963 3.176 1.963 2.228 2.043 2.228 3.176 2.287 3.176 2.043 2.496 2.043 2.287 2.287 2.496 2.496 SANGAL frame coverings SANGAL SANGAL for End frame frame unitcoverings 107 coverings left forfor End End unit unit 107 107 left left 09SANTE03S SANGAL 09SANTE03S Terminale 09SANTE03S 137 SANGAL SANGAL sx piuma Terminale Terminale 137 137 sxsx piuma piuma SANGAL End unit 137 SANGAL SANGAL left feather End End unit unit 137 137 left left feather feather 09SANTE04S SANGAL 09SANTE04S Terminale 09SANTE04S 137 SANGAL SANGAL sx espanso Terminale Terminale 137 137 sxsx espanso espanso SANGAL End unit 137 SANGAL SANGAL left polyurethane End End unit unit 137 137 left left polyurethane polyurethane 7,50 09SANTF04S SANGAL 09SANTF04S Fodera 09SANTF04S schienale SANGAL SANGAL Terminale Fodera Fodera schienale 137 schienale sx Terminale Terminale 137 137 sxsx 1,90 1,90 1,90 127 183 217 127 127 239 183 183 217 262 217 239 290 239 262 340 262 290 407 290 340 648 340 407 382 407 648 447 648 382 503 382 447447 503503 357 472 357 419419 472472 SANGAL back cushions SANGAL coverings SANGAL back back for cushions End cushions unitcoverings 137 coverings left forfor End End unit unit137 137left left 1,80 1,80 117 169 201 117 117 222 169 169 201 243 201 222 269 222 243 316 243 269 379 269 316 605 316 379 357 379 605 419 605 0,95 mc mc 09SANTF05S SANGAL 09SANTF05S Fodera 09SANTF05S seduta SANGAL SANGAL Terminale Fodera Fodera 137 seduta sx sedutaTerminale Terminale 137 137 sxsx 0,950,95 SANGAL seat cushions SANGAL coverings SANGAL seat seat for cushions End cushions unitcoverings 137 coverings left forfor End End unit unit137 137left left 1,80 mc Kg 63 Kg Kg 63 09SANTF06S 63 SANGAL 09SANTF06S Fodera 09SANTF06S telaio SANGAL SANGAL Terminale Fodera Fodera 137telaio sxtelaio Terminale Terminale 137 137 sxsx 5,00 5,00 5,00 229 376 464 229 229 523 376 376 464 582 464 523 655 523 582 788 582 655 964 655 1.596 788 788 964 846 964 1.596 1.018 1.596 1.019 1.613 12,90 12,90 1.994 1.019 2.223 1.613 1.613 2.376 1.994 1.994 2.223 2.528 2.223 2.376 2.719 2.376 2.528 3.062 2.528 2.719 3.520 2.719 3.062 5.160 3.062 3.520 3.023 3.520 5.160 3.395 5.160 3.023 3.714 3.023 3.395 3.395 3.714 3.714 908 1.501 1.883 908 2.112 1.501 1.501 2.264 1.883 1.883 2.112 2.417 2.112 2.264 2.608 2.264 2.417 2.951 2.417 2.608 3.409 2.608 2.951 5.049 2.951 3.409 2.912 3.409 5.049 3.284 5.049 2.912 3.603 2.912 3.284 3.284 3.603 3.603 846 1.165 846 1.018 1.018 1.165 1.165 SANGAL frame coverings SANGAL SANGAL for End frame frame unitcoverings 137 coverings left forfor End End unit unit 137 137 left left 09SANTE05S SANGAL 09SANTE05S Terminale 09SANTE05S 167 SANGAL SANGAL sx piuma Terminale Terminale 167 167 sxsx piuma piuma SANGAL End unit 167 SANGAL SANGAL left feather End End unit unit 167 167 left left feather feather 09SANTE06S SANGAL 09SANTE06S Terminale 09SANTE06S 167 SANGAL SANGAL sx espanso Terminale Terminale 167 167 sxsx espanso espanso SANGAL End unit 167 SANGAL SANGAL left polyurethane End End unit unit 167 167 left left polyurethane polyurethane 12,90 09SANTF07S SANGAL 09SANTF07S Fodera 09SANTF07S schienali SANGAL SANGAL Terminale Fodera Fodera schienali 167 schienali sx Terminale Terminale 167 167 sxsx 3,60 3,60 3,60 210 315 378 210 210 420 315 315 378 462 378 420 515 420 462 609 462 515 735 515 1.187 609 609 735 657 735 1.187 1.187 773 657 872 657 773773 872872 1.134 1.134 735 623 831 623 735735 831831 SANGAL back cushions SANGAL coverings SANGAL back back for cushions End cushions unitcoverings 167 coverings left forfor End End unit unit167 167left left 3,50 3,50 190 291 352 190 190 393 291 291 352 433 352 393 484 393 433 575 433 484 697 484 1.134 575 575 697 623 697 1,13 mc mc 09SANTF08S SANGAL 09SANTF08S Fodera 09SANTF08S sedute SANGAL SANGAL Terminale Fodera Fodera 167 sedute sx seduteTerminale Terminale 167 167 sxsx 1,131,13 SANGAL seat cushions SANGAL coverings SANGAL seat seat for cushions End cushions unitcoverings 167 coverings left forfor End End unit unit167 167left left 3,50 mc Kg 70 Kg Kg 70 09SANTF09S 70 SANGAL 09SANTF09S Fodera 09SANTF09S telaio SANGAL SANGAL Terminale Fodera Fodera 167telaio sxtelaio Terminale Terminale 167 167 sxsx 6,30 6,30 6,30 255 441 552 255 255 626 441 441 552 700 552 626 793 626 700 960 700 1.183 793 793 1.980 960 960 1.183 1.003 1.183 SANGAL frame coverings SANGAL SANGAL for End frame frame unitcoverings 167 coverings left forfor End End unit unit 167 167 left left 1.980 1.208 1.980 1.003 1.384 1.003 1.208 1.208 1.384 1.384 od. SANGAL Mod. Mod.SANGAL SANGAL Top Top Elite Star Star Prestige Elite Pelle Top Elite Leather Top 1.090 2.067 1.090 1.686 2.296 1.686 2.067 2.449 2.296 2.296 2.601 2.449 2.449 2.792 2.601 2.601 3.135 2.792 2.792 3.593 3.135 3.135 5.234 3.593 3.593 3.185 5.234 5.234 3.582 3.185 3.185 3.922 3.582 3.582 3.922 3.922 951 1.546 1.928 951 951 1.546 2.157 1.546 1.928 2.309 2.157 2.157 2.462 2.309 2.309 2.653 2.462 2.462 2.996 2.653 2.653 3.454 2.996 2.996 5.094 3.454 3.454 3.045 5.094 5.094 3.442 3.045 3.045 3.782 3.442 3.442 3.782 3.782 3,60 3,60 3,60 211 316 211 379 211 316 421 379 379 463 421 421 516 463 463 610 516 516 736 1.188 610 610 736 736 682 1.188 1.188 805 682 682 910 805805 910910 1.134 1.134 765 646 646 867 765765 867867 Pelle Elite Leather Elite Pelle Elite Leather Elite Lux Lux Star 12,90 1.686 12,90 Pelle Star Pelle StarStar Leather Leather Star Extra Extra Top 1.090 Pelle Top TopTop Pelle Elite Leather Top Leather Elite Super Lux 12,90 Prestige Pelle Star Prestige Leather Star Normal Extra 09SANTF10S SANGAL 09SANTF10S 09SANTF10S Fodera schienali SANGAL SANGAL Terminale Fodera Fodera schienali 187 schienali sx Terminale Terminale 187 187 sxsx Tess Tess Cliente Cliente Super Customer fabric 09SANTE07S SANGAL 09SANTE07S 09SANTE07S Terminale SANGAL 187SANGAL sx piuma Terminale Terminale 187187 sx sx piuma piuma SANGAL End unit 187 SANGAL SANGAL left feather EndEnd unitunit 187 187 leftleft feather feather 09SANTE08S SANGAL 09SANTE08S 09SANTE08S Terminale SANGAL 187SANGAL sx espanso Terminale Terminale 187187 sx sx espanso espanso SANGAL End unit 187 SANGAL SANGAL left polyurethane EndEnd unitunit 187 187 leftleft polyurethane polyurethane In In Bianco Bianco Normal No No coverings coverings Descrizione Descrizione Mt Tessuto Tess Cliente Mt Tessuto Fabric Customer Fabric mt mt fabric Descrizione Codice Codice In Bianco No coverings Codice Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Larghezza braccioloLarghezza 27 Larghezza bracciolo bracciolo 2727 Armrest lenght 27 Armrest Armrest lenght lenght 2727 SANGAL back cushions SANGAL coverings SANGAL back back for cushions End cushions unit coverings 187 coverings leftforfor End End unit unit 187 187 left left 3,50 3,50 190 291 190 352 190 291 393 352 352 433 393 393 484 433 433 575 484 484 697 1.134 575 575 697 697 646 1,30 mc mc 09SANTF11S SANGAL 09SANTF11S 09SANTF11S Fodera sedute SANGAL SANGAL Terminale Fodera Fodera 187 sedute sedute sx Terminale Terminale 187 187 sxsx 1,30 1,30 SANGAL seat cushions SANGAL coverings SANGAL seatseat for cushions End cushions unit coverings 187 coverings leftforfor End End unit unit 187 187 left left 3,50 mc Kg 75 Kg Kg 7509SANTF12S 75 SANGAL 09SANTF12S 09SANTF12S Fodera telaio SANGAL SANGAL Terminale Fodera Fodera 187 telaio sx telaio Terminale Terminale 187 187 sxsx 6,30 6,30 6,30 258 443 258 554 258 443 629 554 554 703 629 629 796 703 703 963 1.185 796 796 1.983 963 963 1.185 1.185 1.049 1.983 1.983 1.266 1.049 1.049 1.452 1.266 1.266 1.452 1.452 1.162 12,90 1.763 12,90 1.162 2.145 1.162 1.763 2.374 1.763 2.145 2.526 2.374 2.374 2.679 2.526 2.526 2.869 2.679 2.679 3.213 2.869 2.869 3.671 3.213 3.213 5.311 3.671 3.671 3.351 5.311 5.311 3.772 3.351 3.351 4.134 3.772 3.772 4.134 4.134 999 1.599 1.981 999 999 1.599 2.210 1.599 1.981 2.362 2.210 2.210 2.515 2.362 2.362 2.706 2.515 2.515 3.049 2.706 2.706 3.507 3.049 3.049 5.147 3.507 3.507 3.187 5.147 5.147 3.609 3.187 3.187 3.970 3.609 3.609 3.970 3.970 SANGAL frame coverings SANGAL SANGAL for frame Endframe unit coverings 187 coverings leftforfor End End unit unit 187 187 leftleft 09SANTE09S SANGAL 09SANTE09S 09SANTE09S Terminale SANGAL 207SANGAL sx piuma Terminale Terminale 207207 sx sx piuma piuma SANGAL End unit 207 SANGAL SANGAL left feather EndEnd unitunit 207 207 leftleft feather feather 09SANTE10S SANGAL 09SANTE10S 09SANTE10S Terminale SANGAL 207SANGAL sx espanso Terminale Terminale 207207 sx sx espanso espanso SANGAL End unit 207 SANGAL SANGAL left polyurethane EndEnd unitunit 207 207 leftleft polyurethane polyurethane 12,90 09SANTF13S SANGAL 09SANTF13S 09SANTF13S Fodera schienali SANGAL SANGAL Terminale Fodera Fodera schienali 207 schienali sx Terminale Terminale 207 207 sxsx 3,60 3,60 3,60 215 320 215 383 215 320 425 383 383 467 425 425 519 467 467 614 519 519 740 1.191 614 614 740 740 698 1.191 1.191 824 698 698 932 824824 932932 1.134 1.134 780 658 658 885 780780 885885 SANGAL back cushions SANGAL coverings SANGAL back back for cushions End cushions unit coverings 207 coverings leftforfor End End unit unit 207 207 left left 3,50 3,50 190 291 190 352 190 291 393 352 352 433 393 393 484 433 433 575 484 484 697 1.134 575 575 697 697 658 1,44 mc mc 09SANTF14S SANGAL 09SANTF14S 09SANTF14S Fodera sedute SANGAL SANGAL Terminale Fodera Fodera 207 sedute sedute sx Terminale Terminale 207 207 sxsx 1,44 1,44 SANGAL seat cushions SANGAL coverings SANGAL seatseat for cushions End cushions unit coverings 207 coverings leftforfor End End unit unit 207 207 left left 3,50 mc Kg 79 Kg Kg 7909SANTF15S 79 SANGAL 09SANTF15S 09SANTF15S Fodera telaio SANGAL SANGAL Terminale Fodera Fodera 207 telaio sx telaio Terminale Terminale 207 207 sxsx 6,30 6,30 6,30 260 446 260 557 260 446 631 557 557 705 631 631 798 705 705 965 1.188 798 798 1.985 965 965 1.188 1.188 1.073 1.985 1.985 1.296 1.073 1.073 1.487 1.296 1.296 1.487 1.487 1.251 12,90 1.880 12,90 1.251 2.262 1.251 1.880 2.491 1.880 2.262 2.643 2.491 2.491 2.796 2.643 2.643 2.987 2.796 2.796 3.330 2.987 2.987 3.788 3.330 3.330 5.428 3.788 3.788 3.556 5.428 5.428 4.003 3.556 3.556 4.386 4.003 4.003 4.386 4.386 1.048 1.677 1.048 2.059 1.048 1.677 2.288 1.677 2.059 2.440 2.288 2.288 2.593 2.440 2.440 2.784 2.593 2.593 3.127 2.784 2.784 3.585 3.127 3.127 5.225 3.585 3.585 3.353 5.225 5.225 3.800 3.353 3.353 4.183 3.800 3.800 4.183 4.183 SANGAL frame coverings SANGAL SANGAL for frame Endframe unit coverings 207 coverings leftforfor End End unit unit 207 207 leftleft 09SANTE11S SANGAL 09SANTE11S 09SANTE11S Terminale SANGAL 227SANGAL sx piuma Terminale Terminale 227227 sx sx piuma piuma SANGAL End unit 227 SANGAL SANGAL left feather EndEnd unitunit 227 227 leftleft feather feather 09SANTE12S SANGAL 09SANTE12S 09SANTE12S Terminale SANGAL 227SANGAL sx espanso Terminale Terminale 227227 sx sx espanso espanso SANGAL End unit 227 SANGAL SANGAL left polyurethane EndEnd unitunit 227 227 leftleft polyurethane polyurethane 12,90 09SANTF16S SANGAL 09SANTF16S 09SANTF16S Fodera schienali SANGAL SANGAL Terminale Fodera Fodera schienali 227 schienali sx Terminale Terminale 227 227 sxsx 3,60 3,60 3,60 227 332 227 395 227 332 437 395 395 479 437 437 531 479 479 626 531 531 752 1.203 626 626 752 752 722 1.203 1.203 851 722 722 963 851851 963963 1.142 1.142 804 678 678 911 804804 911911 SANGAL back cushions SANGAL coverings SANGAL back back for cushions End cushions unit coverings 227 coverings leftforfor End End unit unit 227 227 left left 3,50 3,50 198 300 198 360 198 300 401 360 360 442 401 401 492 442 442 584 492 492 706 1.142 584 584 706 706 678 1,58 mc mc 09SANTF17S SANGAL 09SANTF17S 09SANTF17S Fodera sedute SANGAL SANGAL Terminale Fodera Fodera 227 sedute sedute sx Terminale Terminale 227 227 sxsx 1,58 1,58 SANGAL seat cushions SANGAL coverings SANGAL seatseat for cushions End cushions unit coverings 227 coverings leftforfor End End unit unit 227 227 left left 3,50 mc Kg 84 Kg Kg 8409SANTF18S 84 SANGAL 09SANTF18S 09SANTF18S Fodera telaio SANGAL SANGAL Terminale Fodera Fodera 227 telaio sx telaio Terminale Terminale 227 227 sxsx 6,30 6,30 6,30 270 455 270 566 270 455 641 566 566 715 641 641 808 715 715 975 1.197 808 808 1.995 975 975 1.197 1.197 1.104 1.995 1.995 1.333 1.104 1.104 1.529 1.333 1.333 1.529 1.529 1.339 12,90 1.970 12,90 1.339 2.352 1.339 1.970 2.581 1.970 2.352 2.733 2.581 2.581 2.886 2.733 2.733 3.077 2.886 2.886 3.420 3.077 3.077 3.878 3.420 3.420 5.518 3.878 3.878 3.752 5.518 5.518 4.223 3.752 3.752 4.627 4.223 4.223 4.627 4.627 1.079 1.710 1.079 2.092 1.079 1.710 2.320 1.710 2.092 2.473 2.320 2.320 2.626 2.473 2.473 2.816 2.626 2.626 3.160 2.816 2.816 3.618 3.160 3.160 5.258 3.618 3.618 3.491 5.258 5.258 3.963 3.491 3.491 4.367 3.963 3.963 4.367 4.367 SANGAL frame coverings SANGAL SANGAL for frame Endframe unit coverings 227 coverings leftforfor End End unit unit 227 227 leftleft 09SANTE13S SANGAL 09SANTE13S 09SANTE13S Terminale SANGAL 247SANGAL sx piuma Terminale Terminale 247247 sx sx piuma piuma SANGAL End unit 247 SANGAL SANGAL left feather EndEnd unitunit 247 247 leftleft feather feather 09SANTE14S SANGAL 09SANTE14S 09SANTE14S Terminale SANGAL 247SANGAL sx espanso Terminale Terminale 247247 sx sx espanso espanso SANGAL End unit 247 SANGAL SANGAL left polyurethane EndEnd unitunit 247 247 leftleft polyurethane polyurethane 12,90 09SANTF19S SANGAL 09SANTF19S 09SANTF19S Fodera schienali SANGAL SANGAL Terminale Fodera Fodera schienali 247 schienali sx Terminale Terminale 247 247 sxsx 3,60 3,60 3,60 227 332 227 395 227 332 437 395 395 479 437 437 532 479 479 626 532 532 752 1.204 626 626 752 752 753 1.204 1.204 890 753 1.007 753 890890 1.007 1.007 1.142 1.142 841 709 709 954 841841 SANGAL back cushions SANGAL coverings SANGAL back back for cushions End cushions unit coverings 247 coverings leftforfor End End unit unit 247 247 left left 3,50 3,50 198 300 198 360 198 300 401 360 360 442 401 401 492 442 442 584 492 492 706 1.142 584 584 706 706 709 1,72 mc mc 09SANTF20S SANGAL 09SANTF20S 09SANTF20S Fodera sedute SANGAL SANGAL Terminale Fodera Fodera 247 sedute sedute sx Terminale Terminale 247 247 sxsx 1,72 1,72 SANGAL seat cushions SANGAL coverings SANGAL seatseat for cushions End cushions unit coverings 247 coverings leftforfor End End unit unit 247 247 left left 3,50 mc Kg 88 Kg Kg 8809SANTF21S 88 SANGAL 09SANTF21S 09SANTF21S Fodera telaio SANGAL SANGAL Terminale Fodera Fodera 247 telaio sx telaio Terminale Terminale 247 247 sxsx 6,30 6,30 6,30 271 456 271 568 271 456 642 568 568 716 642 642 809 716 716 976 1.198 809 809 1.996 976 976 1.198 1.198 1.155 SANGAL frame coverings SANGAL SANGAL for frame Endframe unit coverings 247 coverings leftforfor End End unit unit 247 247 leftleft 954954 1.996 1.996 1.396 1.155 1.155 1.603 1.396 1.396 1.603 1.603 od. SANGAL Mod. Mod.SANGAL SANGAL Lux Lux Star Top Top Elite 2.075 2.075 2.340 2.193 2.193 2.605 2.340 2.340 2.957 2.605 2.605 4.222 2.957 2.957 2.730 4.222 4.222 3.055 2.730 2.730 3.334 3.055 3.055 3.334 3.334 960 1.416 1.710 960 1.416 1.416 1.886 1.710 1.710 2.004 1.886 1.886 2.122 2.004 2.004 2.269 2.122 2.122 2.533 2.269 2.269 2.886 2.533 2.533 4.150 2.886 2.886 2.659 4.150 4.150 2.984 2.659 2.659 3.263 2.984 2.984 3.263 3.263 1,90 1,90 1,90 131 187 131 131 221 187 187 243 221 221 266 243 243 294 266 266 344 294 294 411 344 344 652 411 411 403 652652 469 403403 525 469469 525525 2,60 2,60 2,60 143 220 143 143 267 220 220 297 267 267 328 297 297 367 328 328 436 367 367 528 436 436 860 528 528 499 860860 589 499499 666 589589 666666 09SANTF24S SANGAL 09SANTF24S 09SANTF24S Fodera telaio SANGAL SANGAL Terminale/Angolo Fodera Fodera telaio telaio 160 Terminale/Angolo Terminale/Angolo sx 160 160sxsx 1,131,13 SANGAL frame coverings SANGAL SANGAL for frame corner frame coverings end coverings unit 160 forfor corner left corner end end unit unit160 160left left 80 80 5,80 5,80 5,80 246 417 246 246 520 417 417 589 520 520 658 589 589 743 658 658 898 743 1.103 743 898 1.841 898 1.103 1.103 978 1.841 1.841 1.178 09SANTE17S SANGAL 09SANTE17S 09SANTE17S Terminale/Angolo SANGAL SANGAL 220 Terminale/Angolo Terminale/Angolo sx piuma 220 220 sxsx piuma piuma SANGAL corner end SANGAL unit SANGAL 220 corner left corner feather end end unit unit 220 220 left left feather feather 09SANTE18S SANGAL 09SANTE18S 09SANTE18S Terminale/Angolo SANGAL SANGAL 220 Terminale/Angolo Terminale/Angolo sx espanso 220 220 sxsx espanso espanso SANGAL corner end SANGAL unit SANGAL 220 corner left corner end end unit unit 220 220 left left polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane 11,10 1.249 11,10 11,10 1.759 1.249 2.088 1.759 1.759 2.286 2.088 2.088 2.417 2.286 2.286 2.549 2.417 2.417 2.714 2.549 2.549 3.010 2.714 2.714 3.404 3.010 3.010 4.819 3.404 3.404 3.167 4.819 4.819 3.530 3.167 3.167 3.842 3.530 3.530 3.842 3.842 1.132 1.643 1.132 1.972 1.643 1.643 2.169 1.972 1.972 2.301 2.169 2.169 2.433 2.301 2.301 2.597 2.433 2.433 2.893 2.597 2.597 3.288 2.893 2.893 4.703 3.288 3.288 3.050 4.703 4.703 3.414 3.050 3.050 3.726 3.414 3.414 3.726 3.726 09SANTF25S SANGAL 09SANTF25S 09SANTF25S Fodera schienale SANGAL SANGAL Terminale/Angolo Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 220 Terminale/Angolo Terminale/Angolo sx 220 220sxsx 1,90 1,90 1,90 135 191 135 135 224 191 191 247 224 224 269 247 247 297 269 269 347 297 297 415 347 347 655 415 415 417 655655 483 417417 539 483483 539539 3,60 3,60 3,60 169 274 169 169 337 274 274 379 337 337 421 379 379 474 421 421 568 474 474 694 568 1.146 568 694 694 647 1.146 1.146 770 647647 875 770770 875875 6,30 6,30 6,30 273 459 273 273 570 459 459 644 570 570 718 644 644 811 718 718 978 811 1.201 811 978 1.998 978 1.201 1.201 1.071 1.998 1.998 1.288 1.071 1.071 1.474 1.288 1.288 1.474 1.474 751 8,90 1.173 8,90 1.436 751 1.173 1.173 1.593 1.436 1.436 1.698 1.593 1.593 1.803 1.698 1.698 1.934 1.803 1.803 2.171 1.934 1.934 2.486 2.171 2.171 3.614 2.486 2.486 2.265 3.614 3.614 2.555 2.265 2.265 2.804 2.555 2.555 2.804 2.804 653 1.075 1.337 653 1.075 1.075 1.495 1.337 1.337 1.600 1.495 1.495 1.705 1.600 1.600 1.836 1.705 1.705 2.072 1.836 1.836 2.387 2.072 2.072 3.516 2.387 2.387 2.166 3.516 3.516 2.457 2.166 2.166 2.705 2.457 2.457 2.705 2.705 09SANTF22S SANGAL 09SANTF22S 09SANTF22S Fodera schienale SANGAL SANGAL Terminale/Angolo Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 160 Terminale/Angolo Terminale/Angolo sx 160 160sxsx Leather Elite Extra Extra Top 1.958 1.958 2.193 Pelle Elite Leather Elite Pelle Elite Super Super Lux 1.781 1.781 2.075 Leather Star Normal Normal Extra 1.487 1.487 1.958 Pelle Star Leather Pelle StarStar Tess Cliente Super Customer fabric 1.031 1.781 09SANTE15S SANGAL 09SANTE15S 09SANTE15S Terminale/Angolo SANGAL SANGAL 160 Terminale/Angolo Terminale/Angolo sx piuma 160 160 sxsx piuma piuma SANGAL corner end SANGAL unit SANGAL 160 corner left corner feather end end unit unit 160 160 left left feather feather 09SANTE16S SANGAL 09SANTE16S 09SANTE16S Terminale/Angolo SANGAL SANGAL 160 Terminale/Angolo Terminale/Angolo sx espanso 160 160 sxsx espanso espanso SANGAL corner end SANGAL unit SANGAL 160 corner left corner end end unit unit 160 160 left left polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane Pelle Top Leather Top Pelle Pelle Top Elite Leather Top Leather Elite In Bianco Normal No coverings 9,90 1.487 9,90 Descrizione Descrizione Prestige Pelle Star Prestige Leather Star Mt Tessuto Mt Tessuto Tess Cliente Fabric mt fabric Customer 1.031 Descrizione Codice Codice Elite Pelle Top Elite Leather Top In Bianco No coverings 9,90 Codice Star Star Prestige Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Larghezza bracciolo Larghezza 27 Larghezzabracciolo bracciolo2727 Armrest lenght 27Armrest Armrestlenght lenght27 27 SANGAL back cushion SANGAL coverings SANGAL back back for cushion corner cushion coverings end coverings unit 160 forfor corner left corner end endunit unit160 160left left 09SANTF23S SANGAL 09SANTF23S 09SANTF23S Fodera seduta SANGAL SANGAL Terminale/Angolo Fodera Fodera seduta seduta 160 Terminale/Angolo Terminale/Angolo sx 160 160sxsx SANGAL seat cushion SANGAL coverings SANGAL seat seat for cushion corner cushion coverings end coverings unit 160 forfor corner left corner end endunit unit160 160left left mc Kg 1,13 80 mc mc Kg Kg 978 1.350 978 1.178 1.178 1.350 1.350 SANGAL back cushion SANGAL coverings SANGAL back back for cushion corner cushion coverings end coverings unit 220 forfor corner left corner end endunit unit220 220left left 09SANTF26S SANGAL 09SANTF26S 09SANTF26S Fodera seduta SANGAL SANGAL Terminale/Angolo Fodera Fodera seduta seduta 220 Terminale/Angolo Terminale/Angolo sx 220 220sxsx SANGAL seat cushion SANGAL coverings SANGAL seat seat for cushion corner cushion coverings end coverings unit 220 forfor corner left corner end endunit unit220 220left left mc Kg 1,58 95 mc mc Kg Kg 09SANTF27S SANGAL 09SANTF27S 09SANTF27S Fodera telaio SANGAL SANGAL Terminale/Angolo Fodera Fodera telaio telaio 220 Terminale/Angolo Terminale/Angolo sx 220 220sxsx 1,581,58 SANGAL frame coverings SANGAL SANGAL for frame corner frame coverings end coverings unit 220 forfor corner left corner end end unit unit220 220left left 95 95 09SANAN01 SANGAL 09SANAN01 09SANAN01 Angolo quadro SANGAL SANGAL piuma Angolo Angolo quadro quadro piuma piuma SANGAL corner feather SANGAL SANGAL corner corner feather feather 09SANAN02 SANGAL 09SANAN02 09SANAN02 Angolo quadro SANGAL SANGAL espanso Angolo Angolo quadro quadro espanso espanso SANGAL corner polyurethane SANGAL SANGAL corner cornerpolyurethane polyurethane 8,90 09SANAF01 3,60 3,60 3,60 203 308 203 203 371 308 308 413 371 371 455 413 413 508 455 455 602 508 508 728 602 1.180 602 728 728 659 1.180 1.180 782 659659 888 782782 888888 1,70 1,70 1,70 113 162 113 113 191 162 162 211 191 191 231 211 211 255 231 231 299 255 255 358 299 299 569 358 358 347 569569 404 347347 453 404404 453453 4,60 4,60 4,60 161 298 161 161 380 298 298 434 380 380 489 434 434 557 489 489 680 557 557 844 680 1.431 680 844 844 743 1.431 1.431 903 743 1.040 743 903903 1.040 1.040 965 8,90 1.407 8,90 1.669 965 1.407 1.407 1.827 1.669 1.669 1.932 1.827 1.827 2.037 1.932 1.932 2.168 2.037 2.037 2.404 2.168 2.168 2.719 2.404 2.404 3.848 2.719 2.719 2.559 3.848 3.848 2.867 2.559 2.559 3.130 2.867 2.867 3.130 3.130 894 1.335 1.598 894 1.335 1.335 1.755 1.598 1.598 1.860 1.755 1.755 1.965 1.860 1.860 2.097 1.965 1.965 2.333 2.097 2.097 2.648 2.333 2.333 3.777 2.648 2.648 2.488 3.777 3.777 2.795 2.488 2.488 3.059 2.795 2.795 3.059 3.059 SANGAL 09SANAF01 09SANAF01 Fodera schienali SANGAL SANGAL Angolo Fodera Fodera quadro schienali schienaliAngolo Angolo quadro quadro SANGAL back cushions SANGAL SANGAL coverings back back for cushions cushions cornercoverings coverings forfor corner corner mc 0,81 mc mc 09SANAF02 0,810,81 SANGAL seat cushion SANGAL coverings SANGAL seat seat for cushion corner cushion coverings coverings forfor corner corner SANGAL 09SANAF02 09SANAF02 Fodera seduta SANGAL SANGAL Angolo Fodera Fodera quadro seduta sedutaAngolo Angolo quadro quadro Kg 68 Kg Kg 6809SANAF03 68 SANGAL 09SANAF03 09SANAF03 Fodera telaio SANGAL SANGAL Angolo Fodera Fodera quadro telaio telaio Angolo Angolo quadro quadro SANGAL frame coverings SANGAL SANGAL for frame corner frame coverings coverings forfor corner corner 09SANCH01S SANGAL 09SANCH01S 09SANCH01S Chaise longue SANGAL SANGAL 160 sx Chaise Chaise piuma longue longue 160 160 sxsx piuma piuma SANGAL chaise lounge SANGAL SANGAL chaise lounge lounge 160chaise left feather 160 160 left left feather feather 09SANCH02S SANGAL 09SANCH02S 09SANCH02S Chaise longue SANGAL SANGAL 160 sx Chaise Chaise espanso longue longue 160 160 sxsx espanso espanso SANGAL chaise lounge SANGAL SANGAL chaise lounge lounge 160chaise left polyurethane 160 160 left left polyurethane polyurethane 8,90 09SANCF01S SANGAL 09SANCF01S 09SANCF01S Fodera schienale SANGAL SANGAL Chaise Fodera Fodera longue schienale schienale 160 sx Chaise Chaise longue longue 160 160sxsx 1,90 1,90 1,90 129 185 129 129 218 185 185 241 218 218 263 241 241 291 263 263 342 291 291 409 342 342 650 409 409 403 650650 472 403403 532 472472 532532 2,60 2,60 2,60 143 220 143 143 267 220 220 297 267 267 328 297 297 367 328 328 436 367 367 528 436 436 860 528 528 506 860860 601 506506 683 601601 683683 4,80 4,80 4,80 231 371 231 231 455 371 371 511 455 455 567 511 511 637 567 567 763 637 637 931 763 1.533 763 931 931 860 1.533 1.533 1.033 SANGAL back cushion SANGAL coverings SANGAL back back for cushion chaise cushion coverings lounge coverings 160 forfor left chaise chaise lounge lounge160 160left left 09SANCF02S SANGAL 09SANCF02S 09SANCF02S Fodera seduta SANGAL SANGAL Chaise Fodera Fodera longue seduta seduta 160 sx Chaise Chaise longue longue 160 160sxsx SANGAL seat cushion SANGAL coverings SANGAL seat seat for cushion chaise cushion coverings lounge coverings 160 forfor left chaise chaise lounge lounge160 160left left mc Kg 1,13 73 mc mc Kg Kg 09SANCF03S SANGAL 09SANCF03S 09SANCF03S Fodera telaio SANGAL SANGAL Chaise Fodera longue Fodera telaio telaio 160 sx Chaise Chaise longue longue 160 160 sxsx 1,131,13 SANGAL frame coverings SANGAL SANGAL for frame chaise frame coverings lounge coverings 160 forfor left chaise chaise lounge lounge 160 160left left 73 73 860 1.181 860 1.033 1.033 1.181 1.181 309 309 456533 309 467 309 456 775 1.018 775 775 1.018 775 1.054 775 1.018 775 1.054 467 467 710 775 1.018 957 775 467 467 710652 467 467 710652 467 549 467 710 428 428 851 588 1.184 588 428 685 428 851 588 1.184 588 372 372 757 372 533 372 757 879 1.515 879 879 1.515 879 879 1.515 879 571 1.207 571 1.054 879 1.515 879 571 1.207 571 571 1.207 571 571 1.207 652 571 757757 467 757757 467 1.515 1.515 957 1.515 1.515 957 1.515 1.515 957 1.207 1.207 549 1.515 1.515 957 1.207 1.207 549 1.207 1.207 549 1.207 1.207 549 2.159 2.159 2.620 2.159 2.159 2.620 2.088 2.088 2.549 2.159 2.159 2.620 2.088 2.088 2.549 2.159 2.159 2.620 2.088 2.088 2.549 406 406 538 2.088 2.088 2.549 406406 538 406 406 538 503503 685 406 406 538 503503 685 2.407 2.407 2.407 2.407 2.336 2.336 2.407 2.407 2.336 2.336 2.407 2.407 2.336 2.336 477 477 2.336 2.336 477477 477 601477 601 477 601477 601 Leather Leather Leather Leather Elite Elite Elite Elite 3.134 3.134 2.407 3.134 3.134 2.407 3.063 3.063 2.336 3.134 3.134 2.407 3.063 3.063 2.336 3.134 3.134 2.407 3.063 3.063 2.336 650 650 477 3.063 3.063 2.336 650650 477 650 650 477 851851 601 650 650 477 851851 601 Pelle Pelle Pelle Elite Pelle Elite Elite Elite Leather Leather Leather Leather Elite Elite Elite Elite Pelle Pelle Pelle Elite Pelle Elite Elite Elite Pelle Pelle Pelle Star Pelle Star Star Star Leather Leather Leather Leather Star Star Star Star Pelle Pelle Pelle Star Pelle Star Star Star 456 456 389 456 456 389 1.018 1.018 845 1.018 1.018 845 1.018 1.018 845 710 710 429 1.018 1.018 845 710 710 429 710 710 429 710 710 429 274 274 372467 274 389 274 372 718 718 879 718 718 879957 718 718 879957 410 410 571 718 845 718 879 410 410 571549 410 410 571549 410 429 410 571 358 358 520 490 490 718685 358 601 358 520 490 490 718936 2.246 2.246 2.159 2.246 2.246 2.159 2.175 2.175 2.088 2.246 2.246 2.159 2.175 2.175 2.088 2.246 2.246 2.159 2.175 2.175 2.088 409 409 406 2.175 2.175 2.088 409 409 406 409 409 406 520 520 503 409 409 406 520 520 503 Leather Leather Leather Leather Star Star Star Star Pelle Pelle Pelle Top Pelle Top Top Top Leather Leather Leather Leather Top Top Top Top Pelle Pelle Pelle Top Pelle Top Top Top Elite Elite Elite Elite Leather Leather Leather Leather Top Top Top Top Elite Elite Elite Elite 246 246 309389 246 757 246 309 671 671 775 671 671 775845 671 671 775845 364 364 467 1.515 671 671 775 364 364 467429 364 364 467429 1.207 364 364 467 1.627 1.627 1.812 1.709 1.709 1.998 1.812 1.812 2.246 1.998 1.998 3.134 1.627 1.627 1.812 2.159 1.709 1.709 1.998 2.407 1.812 1.812 2.246 2.6201.998 1.998 3.134 1.555 1.555 1.741 1.638 1.927 1.741 2.175 1.927 3.063 1.627 1.627 1.812 2.159 1.638 1.709 1.709 1.998 2.407 1.741 1.812 1.812 2.246 2.6201.927 1.998 1.998 3.134 1.555 1.555 1.741 2.088 1.638 1.638 1.927 2.336 1.741 1.741 2.175 2.5491.927 1.927 3.063 1.627 3.134 1.627 1.812 1.709 2.159 1.709 1.998 1.812 2.407 1.812 2.246 1.998 2.620 1.998 3.134 1.555 1.555 1.741 2.088 1.638 1.638 1.927 2.336 1.741 1.741 2.175 2.5491.927 1.927 3.063 241 241 291 1.638 263 263 342 1.741 291 291 409 1.927 342 342 650 1.555 3.063 1.555 1.741 2.088 1.638 1.927 2.336 1.741 2.175 2.549 1.927 3.063 241 241 291406 263 263 342477 291 291 409538 342 342 650 241 241 291 406 263 263 342 477 291 291 409 538 342 342 650 289 289 358 320 320 428 358 358 520 428 428 851 241 650 241 291 263 406 263 342 291 477 291 409 342 538 342 650 289 289 358503 320 320 428601 358 358 520685 428 428 851 Elite Elite Elite Elite Pelle Pelle Pelle Top Pelle Top Top Top Elite Elite Elite Elite Leather Leather Leather Leather Top Top Top Top 601818 601 818 601 601 818818 818818 818818 1.353 1.353 1.353 1.353 1.263 1.263 1.353 1.353 1.263 1.263 1.353 1.353 1.263 1.263 570 570 1.263 1.263 570570 570467 570 467 570 570 467467 Leather Leather Elite Elite 503680 503 685 680 936 503 503 685 680680 936 680680 936 680680 936 1.203 1.203 1.481 1.203 1.203 1.481 1.114 1.114 1.391 1.203 1.203 1.481 1.114 1.114 1.391 1.203 1.203 1.481 1.114 1.114 1.391 473 473 653 1.114 1.114 1.391 473473 653 473389 473 653 389 533 473 473 653 389389 533 320 320 428 436 436 588601 320 503 320 428 436 436 588818 Star Star Star Star Pelle Elite Star Star Star Star Prestige Prestige Prestige Prestige Leather Elite 392 392 490680 436 436 588818 490 490 718936 588 1.184 588 1.184 392 392 490 436 680 436 588 490 818 490 718 588 1.184 936 588 1.082 953 953 1.010 1.010 1.211 1.082 1.082 1.383 1.211 1.211 2.000 1.082 953 953 1.203 1.010 1.010 1.211 1.353 1.082 1.082 1.383 1.4811.211 1.211 2.000 863 863 992 1.121 920 920 992 1.293 992 1.121 1.911 1.082 953 953 1.203 1.010 1.010 1.211 1.353 1.082 1.082 1.383 1.4811.121 1.211 1.211 2.000 863 863 992 1.114 1.010 1.121 920 920 1.263 1.082 992 1.293 992 1.3911.121 1.121 1.911 2.000 1.082 953 953 1.203 1.010 1.211 1.353 1.082 1.383 1.211 1.481 1.211 2.000 863 863 992 1.114 1.121 920 920 1.263 992 1.293 992 1.3911.121 1.121 1.911 299 299 378 334 334 456 378 378 561 1.121 456 456 938 1.911 863 863 992 1.114 1.121 920 920 1.263 992 1.293 992 1.391 1.121 1.911 299 299 378473 334 334 456570 378 378 561653 456 456 938 299 299 378473 274 334 334 456570 309 378 378 561653 372 456 456 938 246 246 309 274 372 309 456 372 757 299 938 299 378 334 473 334 456 378 570 378 561 456 653 456 938 246 246 309389 274 274 372467 309 309 456533 372 372 757 520 520 503 1.184 851 851 601 718 718 680 1.184 818 520 520 503 851 851 601 718 718 680 1.184 1.184 818 718 718 680 1.184 1.184 818 718 718 680 1.184 1.184 818 1.383 1.383 1.203 2.000 2.000 1.353 1.383 1.383 1.203 2.000 2.000 1.353 1.293 1.293 1.114 1.911 1.263 1.383 1.383 1.203 1.911 2.000 2.000 1.353 1.293 1.293 1.114 1.911 1.263 1.383 1.383 1.203 1.911 2.000 2.000 1.353 1.293 1.293 1.114 1.911 1.911 1.263 561 561 473 1.911 938 938 570 1.293 1.293 1.114 1.911 1.263 561 561 473 938938 570 561 561 473 938757 938 570 456 456 389 757 467 561 561 473 938 938 570 456 456 389 757757 467 289 289 358 392 392 490503 289 851 289 358 392 392 490680 Top Top Top Top Pelle Star Top Top Top Top Elite Elite Elite Elite Leather Star Pelle Pelle Elite Elite Prestige Prestige Prestige Prestige Pelle Pelle Pelle Star Pelle Star Star Star Prestige Prestige Prestige Prestige Leather Leather Leather Leather Star Star Star Star 135 135 258 212 289 258 320 175 175 349428 212 284 284 392520 258 349 349 436851 358 135 135 258 212 428 212 289 258 520 258 320 175 175 349588 284 284 392718 349 349 436 1.184 175 175 349588 284 284 392718 349 349 436 1.184 490 175 175 349 284 588 284 392 349 718 349 436 666 666 895 809 809 953 1.010 895 895 666 666 895 1.211 809 809 953 1.383 1.010 895 895 2.000 576 576 806 719 863 806 806 920 666 666 895 1.211 719 809 809 953 1.383 1.010 895 895 2.000 576 576 806 1.121 1.211 719 719 863 1.293 1.383 806 806 920 1.911 1.082 666 666 895 809 809 953 1.010 895 895 576 576 806 1.121 719 719 863 1.293 806 806 920 1.911 124 124 264 211 211 299 264 264 334 992 576 576 806 1.121 719 719 863 1.293 806 806 920 124 124 264456 211 211 299561 264 264 334938 124 124 264456 176 211 211 299561 218 264 264 334938 106 106 218 176 246 218 274 378 124 124 264 211 456 211 299 264 561 264 334757 106 106 218372 176 176 246456 218 218 274 106 106 218372 176 176 246456 218 218 274757 309 106 106 218 176 372 176 246 218 456 218 274 440 440 625 556 556 671 625 625 718 440 440 625879 556 556 671 1.018 625 625 718 1.515 440 440 625879 556 556 671 1.018 625 625 718 1.515 133 133 317 248 248 364 317 317 410 775 440 440 625 556 879 556 671 1.018 625 625 718 133 133 317571 248 248 364710 317 317 410 1.207 133 133 317571 248 248 364710 317 317 410 1.207 467 133 133 317 248 571 248 364 317 710 317 410 Pelle Top Lux Lux Lux Lux Lux Lux Lux Lux Star Star Star Star Leather Top Pelle Pelle Star Star Leather Leather Star Star 1.544 1.544 1.709 1.544 1.544 1.709 3.134 1.473 1.473 1.638 1.544 1.544 1.709 3.134 1.473 1.473 1.638 3.063 1.544 2.246 1.544 1.709 1.473 1.473 1.638 3.063 218 218 263 1.473 2.175 1.473 1.638 218 218 263650 218 218 263 258 258 320650 218 409 218 263 258 258 320851 Extra Extra Extra Extra Prestige Extra Extra Extra Extra Top Top Top Top Pelle Pelle Top Top Leather Leather Top Top 1.420 1.420 1.627 1.420 1.420 1.627 2.246 1.349 1.349 1.555 1.420 1.420 1.627 2.246 1.349 1.349 1.555 2.175 1.420 1.998 1.420 1.627 1.349 1.349 1.555 2.175 185 185 241 1.349 1.927 1.349 1.555 185 185 241409 185 185 241 212 212 289409 185 342 185 241 212 212 289520 Super Super Super Super Elite Super LuxSuper LuxSuper LuxSuper Lux Prestige Prestige 1.214 1.214 1.544 1.214 1.214 1.544 1.998 1.142 1.142 1.473 1.214 1.214 1.544 1.998 1.142 1.142 1.473 1.927 1.812 1.214 1.214 1.544 1.142 1.142 1.473 1.927 129 129 218 1.741 1.142 1.142 1.473 129 129 218342 129 129 218 135 135 258342 291 129 129 218 135 135 258428 Normal Normal Normal Normal Star Normal Normal Normal Normal Extra Extra Extra Extra Elite Elite Codice Descrizione Codice Codice Descrizione Descrizione Codice Descrizione Codice Descrizione Codice Codice Descrizione Descrizione 09SANEL15 SANGAL 09SANEL15 09SANEL15 Elem chaise SANGAL longue SANGAL Elem 160 Elem piuma chaise chaise longue longue 160 160 piuma piuma 7,00 833 1.214 7,00 7,00 1.420 833 Codice Descrizione Codice Descrizione Codice Codice Descrizione Descrizione chaisechaise lounge chaise chaise lounge lounge without armrest 160 without without feather armrest armrest 160 feather feather 09SANEL15 Elem chaise longue 09SANEL15 SANGAL 09SANEL15 09SANEL15 Elem SANGAL longue SANGAL Elem 160 Elem piuma chaise chaise longue longue 7,00 160 160 piuma piuma 833 160 1.214 1.420 7,00 1.544 833 1.627 1.214 7,00 7,00 1.709 1.420 833 1.812 Codice SANGAL Descrizione Codice160 piuma Descrizione Codice Codice Descrizione Descrizione 09SANEL16 09SANEL16 09SANEL16 SANGAL Elem espanso chaise longue 160 espanso espanso 762 1.142 1.349 762 chaisechaise lounge chaise lounge chaise chaise lounge lounge without 160 feather without armrest 160 without without feather armrest armrest 160 feather feather 09SANEL15 SANGAL Elem longue 09SANEL15 160 armrest piuma SANGAL 09SANEL15 09SANEL15 Elem chaise longue SANGAL 160 Elem piuma chaise longue 7,00 160 piuma piuma 833 160 1.214 1.420 7,00 1.544 833 1.627 1.214 7,00 7,00 1.709 1.420 833 1.812 chaise lounge chaise chaise lounge lounge without armrest 160 without without polyurethane armrest armrest 160 polyurethane polyurethane 09SANEL16 SANGAL Elem longue 09SANEL16 160 armrest espanso SANGAL 09SANEL16 09SANEL16 Elem chaise SANGAL longue SANGAL Elem 160 Elem espanso chaise chaise longue longue 160 160 espanso espanso 762 160 1.142 1.349 1.420 1.473 1.544 762 1.555 1.627 1.142 1.638 1.709 1.349 762 1.741 chaisechaise lounge without 160 feather feather feather feather 09SANEL15 SANGAL Elem chaise 09SANEL15 longue 160 piuma 09SANEL15 09SANEL15 piuma 7,00 piuma piuma 833 1.214 7,00 833 1.214 7,00 7,00 1.420 833 chaisechaise lounge without armrest 160 polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane 09SANEL16 SANGAL Elem longue 09SANEL16 160 espanso SANGAL 09SANEL16 09SANEL16 Elem SANGAL longue SANGAL Elem 160 Elem espanso chaise chaise longue longue 160 160 espanso espanso 762 160 1.142 1.349 1.473 762 1.555 1.142 1.638 1.349 762 1.741 SANGAL chaise lounge chaise lounge chaise chaise lounge lounge without armrest 160chaise feather without armrest 160 without without feather armrest armrest 160 feather feather 09SANEF22 09SANEF22 09SANEF22 Fodera schienale Elem Fodera Fodera chaise schienale schienale longue Elem 160 Elem chaise chaise longue longue 160 160 1,90 1,90 1,90 129 185 SANGAL chaise Elem lounge chaise lounge chaise chaise lounge lounge without armrest 160 polyurethane without armrest 160 without without polyurethane armrest armrest 160 160polyurethane polyurethane 09SANEL16 SANGAL chaise 09SANEL16 longue 160 SANGAL espanso 09SANEL16 09SANEL16 Elem chaise SANGAL longue SANGAL Elem 160 Elem espanso chaise chaise longue longue 160 160 espanso espanso 762 1.142 1.349 1.473 762 1.555 1.142 1.638 1.349 762 SANGAL back cushion SANGAL coverings SANGAL back back for cushion chaise cushion coverings lounge coverings without for for chaise chaise armrest lounge lounge 160 without without185 armrest armrest 160 160 09SANEF22 SANGAL Foderachaise schienale 09SANEF22 Elem chaise SANGAL longue 09SANEF22 09SANEF22 Fodera 160 schienale SANGAL SANGAL Elem Fodera Fodera chaise schienale schienale longue 1,90 Elem 160 Elem chaise chaise longue longue 129 160 160 1,90 218 241 1,90 1,90 129263 185291 SANGAL lounge chaise lounge chaise chaise lounge lounge without armrest 160 polyurethane without armrest 160 without without polyurethane armrest armrest 160 160 polyurethane polyurethane cushion coverings for chaise SANGAL lounge back without cushion SANGAL armrest coverings SANGAL 160 back back for cushion chaise cushion coverings lounge coverings without for for chaise chaise armrest lounge lounge 160 without without armrest armrest 160 160 09SANEF22 SANGAL SANGALback Fodera schienale 09SANEF22 Elem chaise SANGAL longue 09SANEF22 09SANEF22 Fodera 160 schienale SANGAL SANGAL Elem Fodera Fodera chaise schienale schienale longue 1,90 Elem 160 Elem chaise chaise longue longue 129 160 160 185 1,90 218 241 1,90 1,90 129 263 185 09SANEF23 SANGAL 09SANEF23 09SANEF23 Fodera seduta SANGAL SANGAL Elem Fodera chaise Fodera seduta longue sedutaElem 160 Elem chaise chaise longue longue160 160 2,60 2,60 2,60 135 212291 SANGAL back cushion coverings for chaise SANGAL lounge back without cushion SANGAL armrest coverings SANGAL 160 back back for cushion chaise cushion coverings lounge coverings without for for chaise chaise armrest lounge lounge 160 without without armrest armrest 160 160 09SANEF22 SANGAL Fodera 09SANEF22 schienale Elem SANGAL chaise 09SANEF22 09SANEF22 Fodera longue schienale 160 SANGAL SANGAL Elem Fodera Fodera chaise schienale schienale longue Elem 160 Elem 1,90 chaise chaise longue longue 160 160 129 1,90 185 218 1,90 1,90 241 129 263 185 seat cushion SANGAL coverings SANGAL seat seat for cushion chaise cushion coverings lounge coverings without for for chaise chaise armrest lounge lounge 160 without withoutarmrest armrest 160 160 09SANEF23 SANGAL Fodera seduta09SANEF23 Elem chaiseSANGAL SANGAL longue 09SANEF23 160 09SANEF23 Fodera seduta SANGAL SANGAL Elem Fodera chaise Fodera seduta longue seduta Elem 2,60 160 Elem chaise chaise longue longue 135 160 212 2,60 258 289 2,60 2,60 135320 212358 SANGAL back cushion coverings SANGAL for lounge chaise back lounge cushion without SANGAL coverings SANGAL armrest back back for cushion 160 chaise cushion coverings lounge coverings without for for chaise chaise armrest lounge lounge 160 without without armrest armrest 160 160 seat cushion coverings for chaise SANGAL seat without cushion armrest SANGAL coverings SANGAL 160 seat seat for cushion chaise cushion coverings lounge coverings without for for chaise chaise armrest lounge lounge 160 without without armrest armrest 160 160 09SANEF23 SANGAL SANGAL Fodera seduta 09SANEF23 Elem chaise SANGAL longue 09SANEF23 160 09SANEF23 Fodera seduta SANGAL SANGAL Elem Fodera chaise Fodera seduta longue seduta Elem 2,60 160 Elem chaise chaise longue longue 135 160 212 2,60 258 289 2,60 2,60 135 320 212 09SANEF24 SANGAL 09SANEF24 09SANEF24 Fodera telaio SANGAL SANGAL Elem Fodera chaise Fodera longue telaio telaio Elem 160 Elem chaise chaise longue longue160 160 3,70 3,70 3,70 175 284358 SANGAL seat cushion coverings for chaise SANGAL lounge seat without cushion armrest SANGAL coverings SANGAL 160 seat seat for cushion chaise cushion coverings lounge coverings without for for chaise chaise armrest lounge lounge 160 without without armrest armrest 160 160 09SANEF23 SANGAL Fodera 09SANEF23 seduta Elem SANGAL chaise 09SANEF23 longue 09SANEF23 Fodera 160 seduta SANGAL SANGAL Elem Fodera chaise Fodera seduta longue seduta Elem 160 Elem chaise 2,60 chaise longue longue 160 135 2,60 212 258 2,60 2,60 289 135 320 212 mc 1,13 mc mc telaio1,13 1,13chaise longue SANGAL frame coverings SANGAL SANGAL for frame chaise frame coverings lounge coverings without for for chaise chaise armrest lounge lounge 160without without armrest 160 1603,70349 09SANEF24 SANGAL Fodera 09SANEF24 Elem SANGAL 09SANEF24 160 09SANEF24 Fodera telaio SANGAL SANGAL Elem Fodera chaise Fodera longue telaio telaio Elem 160 3,70 Elem chaise chaise longue longue 160 160 175armrest 284 392 3,70 3,70 175436 284490 SANGAL seat cushion coverings SANGAL for chaise seat lounge cushion without SANGAL coverings SANGAL armrest seat seat for cushion 160 chaise cushion coverings lounge coverings without for for chaise chaise armrest lounge lounge 160 without without armrest armrest 160 160 Kg 61 Kg mc Kg 61 mc 1,13 frame mc 1,13 1,13 SANGAL coverings for chaise SANGAL without frame armrest coverings SANGAL 160 SANGAL for frame chaise frame coverings lounge coverings without for for chaise chaise armrest lounge lounge 160without without armrest 160 1603,70349 09SANEF24 SANGAL Fodera telaio61 09SANEF24 Elem chaiselounge longue SANGAL 09SANEF24 160 09SANEF24 Fodera telaio SANGAL SANGAL Elem Fodera chaise Fodera longue telaio telaio Elem 160 3,70 Elem chaise chaise longue longue 160 160 175armrest 284 392 3,70 3,70 175436 284490 Kg09SANEF24 61 Kg mc Kg 61 61 mc 1,13 SANGAL mc 1,13 1,13 SANGAL frame coverings for chaise SANGAL without frame armrest coverings SANGAL 160 SANGAL for frame chaise frame coverings lounge coverings without for for chaise chaise armrest lounge lounge 160without without armrest 1603,70 Fodera 09SANEF24 telaio Elemlounge chaise SANGAL 09SANEF24 longue 09SANEF24 Fodera 160 telaio SANGAL SANGAL Elem Fodera chaise Fodera longue telaio telaio Elem 160 Elem chaise chaise 3,70 longue longue 160 160 armrest 175 160 284 349 3,70 3,70 392 175 436 284 09SANPU01 SANGAL 09SANPU01 09SANPU01 Pouff con SANGAL cuscino SANGAL piuma Pouff Pouff con con cuscino cuscino piuma piuma 478 4,90 4,90 666 478 809 Kg 61 Kg mc Kg 61 mc 1,13 SANGAL mc 1,13 1,13 for chaise frame 61 coverings SANGAL lounge frame without coverings SANGAL armrest SANGAL for 160 frame chaise frame coverings lounge coverings without forfor chaise chaise armrest lounge lounge 160without withoutarmrest armrest160 1604,90 ottoman cushion ottoman ottoman feather with with cushion cushion feather feather 09SANPU01 SANGAL Pouff con cuscino 09SANPU01 09SANPU01 Pouff conwith SANGAL cuscino SANGAL piuma Pouff Pouff con con cuscino cuscino 4,90 piuma piuma 478 666 809 4,90895 478953 4,90 4,90 666 1.010 478 809 1.082 Kg 61 Kg Kg 6109SANPU01 61 piuma SANGAL 09SANPU02 09SANPU02 09SANPU02 espanso espanso espanso 576 719 ottoman cushion feather ottoman cushion ottoman ottoman feather with with cushion cushion feather feather 09SANPU01 SANGAL Pouff conwith cuscino 09SANPU01 piuma SANGAL 09SANPU01 09SANPU01 Pouff conwith SANGAL cuscino SANGAL piuma Pouff Pouff con con cuscino cuscino 4,90 piuma piuma 478 666 809 4,90895 388 478953 4,90 4,90 666 1.010 388 478 809 1.082 ottoman cushion ottoman ottoman with with cushion cushion polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane 09SANPU02 SANGAL Pouff con cuscino 09SANPU02 espanso 09SANPU02 09SANPU02 espanso espanso espanso 388 576 388 719 ottoman with cushion feather feather feather feather 09SANPU01 SANGAL Pouff con 09SANPU01 cuscino piuma SANGAL 09SANPU01 09SANPU01 Pouff conwith SANGAL cuscino SANGAL piuma Pouff Pouff con con cuscino cuscino piuma piuma 4,90 478 576 666719 4,90 809806 388 478 895863 4,90 4,90 953 666920 1.010 478 809992 ottoman with cushion ottoman cushion ottoman ottoman with with cushion cushion polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane 09SANPU02 SANGAL Pouff con cuscino 09SANPU02 espanso SANGAL 09SANPU02 09SANPU02 Pouff conwith SANGAL cuscino SANGAL espanso Pouff Pouff con con cuscino cuscino espanso espanso 388 576 719 806 388863 576920 388 719992 SANGAL ottoman with cushion feather feather feather feather 09SANPF04 09SANPF04 09SANPF04 Fodera seduta Pouff Fodera con Fodera cuscino seduta seduta Pouff Pouff con con cuscino cuscino 3,00 3,00 3,00 124 211 SANGAL ottoman with cushion ottoman with cushion ottoman ottoman with with cushion cushion polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane 09SANPU02 SANGAL Pouff con 09SANPU02 cuscino espanso SANGAL 09SANPU02 09SANPU02 Pouff con SANGAL cuscino SANGAL espanso Pouff Pouff con con cuscino cuscino espanso espanso 388 576 719 388 806 863 576 388 920 719 SANGAL seat cushion SANGAL coverings SANGAL seat seat for cushion ottoman cushion coverings coverings with cushion for for ottoman ottoman with with cushion cushion211 3,00264 09SANPF04 SANGAL Foderaottoman seduta09SANPF04 Pouff cuscino SANGAL 09SANPF04 09SANPF04 Fodera seduta SANGAL SANGAL Pouff Fodera con Fodera cuscino seduta seduta Pouff 3,00 Pouff con con cuscino cuscino 124 299 3,00 3,00 124334 211378 SANGAL with con cushion ottoman with cushion ottoman ottoman with with cushion cushion polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane SANGAL cushion coverings for ottoman SANGAL with seat cushion cushion SANGAL coverings SANGAL seat seat for cushion ottoman cushion coverings coverings with cushion for for ottoman ottoman with with cushion cushion211 2,40 09SANPF04 SANGAL Fodera 09SANPF04 Pouff cuscino SANGAL 09SANPF04 09SANPF04 Fodera seduta SANGAL SANGAL Pouff Fodera con Fodera cuscino seduta seduta Pouff 3,00 Pouff con con cuscino cuscino 124 3,00264 299 2,40 3,00 3,00 124334 211378 mc 0,56 seat mc mc seduta 0,56 09SANPF05 0,56 con SANGAL 09SANPF05 09SANPF05 Fodera telaio SANGAL SANGAL Pouff Fodera con Fodera cuscino telaio telaio Pouff Pouff con con cuscino cuscino 2,40 106 176 SANGAL seat cushion coverings for ottoman SANGAL with seat cushion cushion SANGAL coverings SANGAL seat seat for cushion ottoman cushion coverings coverings with cushion for for ottoman ottoman with with cushion cushion 09SANPF04 SANGAL Fodera 09SANPF04 seduta Pouff SANGAL con cuscino 09SANPF04 09SANPF04 Fodera seduta SANGAL SANGAL Pouff Fodera con Fodera cuscino seduta seduta Pouff Pouff con 3,00 con cuscino cuscino 124 3,00 211 264 3,00 3,00 299 124 334 211309 Kg 28 Kg mc Kg telaio28 28 SANGAL frame coverings SANGAL SANGAL for frame ottoman frame coverings coverings with cushion for for ottoman ottoman with with cushion cushion 09SANPF05 mc SANGAL 0,56 mc Fodera 0,56 09SANPF05 Pouff 0,56 con cuscino SANGAL 09SANPF05 09SANPF05 Fodera telaio SANGAL SANGAL Pouff Fodera con Fodera cuscino telaio telaio Pouff 2,40 Pouff con con cuscino cuscino 106 176 2,40218 246 2,40 2,40 106274 176 SANGAL seat cushion coverings SANGAL for ottoman seat with cushion cushion SANGAL coverings SANGAL seat seat for cushion ottoman cushion coverings coverings with cushion for for ottoman ottoman with with cushion cushion Kg 28 Kg mc Kg 28 SANGAL coverings for ottoman with SANGAL cushion frame coverings SANGAL SANGAL for frame ottoman frame coverings coverings with cushion for for ottoman ottoman with with cushion cushion 09SANPF05 mc SANGAL 0,56 frame mc Fodera telaio28 0,56 09SANPF05 Pouff 0,56 con cuscino SANGAL 09SANPF05 09SANPF05 Fodera telaio SANGAL SANGAL Pouff Fodera con Fodera cuscino telaio telaio Pouff 2,40 Pouff con con cuscino cuscino 106 176 2,40218 246 2,40 2,40 106274 176309 Kg09SANPF05 28 Kg mc Kg 28 28 SANGAL frame coverings for ottoman with SANGAL cushion frame coverings SANGAL SANGAL for frame ottoman frame coverings coverings with cushion for for ottoman ottoman with with cushion cushion 106 mc 0,56 SANGAL mc Fodera 0,56 09SANPF05 telaio 0,56 Pouff con SANGAL cuscino 09SANPF05 09SANPF05 Fodera telaio SANGAL SANGAL Pouff Fodera con Fodera cuscino telaio telaio Pouff Pouff con con 2,40 cuscino cuscino 2,40 176 218 2,40 2,40 246 106 274 176 09SANPU03 SANGAL 09SANPU03 09SANPU03 Pouff intero SANGAL espanso SANGAL Pouff Pouff intero intero espanso espanso 3,90 3,90 3,90 440 556 Kg 28 SANGAL Kg Kg 28 frame 28 coverings for ottoman SANGAL with frame cushion coverings SANGAL SANGAL for frame ottoman frame coverings coverings with cushion forfor ottoman ottoman with with cushion cushion ottoman ottoman ottoman polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane 09SANPU03 SANGAL Pouff intero espanso 09SANPU03 SANGAL 09SANPU03 09SANPU03 Pouff intero SANGAL espanso SANGAL Pouff Pouff intero intero espanso espanso 3,90 440 556 3,90625 671 3,90 3,90 440718 556775 ottoman ottoman ottoman ottoman polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane 09SANPU03 SANGAL Pouff intero espanso 09SANPU03 SANGAL 09SANPU03 09SANPU03 Pouff intero SANGAL espanso SANGAL Pouff Pouff intero intero espanso espanso 3,90 440 556 3,90625 671 3,90 3,90 440718 556775 09SANPF06 09SANPF06 09SANPF06 Fodera Pouff intero Pouff Fodera Fodera Pouff Pouff intero intero 3,90 133 248 SANGAL ottoman ottoman ottoman ottoman polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane 09SANPU03 SANGAL Pouff intero 09SANPU03 espansoSANGAL 09SANPU03 09SANPU03 Pouff intero SANGAL espanso SANGAL Pouff intero intero espanso espanso 440 3,90 556 625 3,90 3,90 671 440 718 556 SANGAL coverings for SANGAL ottoman SANGAL coverings for for ottoman ottoman 09SANPF06 SANGAL Foderaottoman Pouff intero 09SANPF06 SANGAL 09SANPF06 09SANPF06 Fodera Pouff SANGAL SANGAL interocoverings Fodera Fodera Pouff Pouff intero intero 133 248 317 364 133410 248467 SANGAL ottoman ottoman ottoman polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane for ottoman coverings for SANGAL ottoman SANGAL coverings for for ottoman ottoman 09SANPF06 SANGAL SANGALcoverings Fodera Pouff intero 09SANPF06 SANGAL SANGAL 09SANPF06 09SANPF06 Fodera Pouff SANGAL SANGAL interocoverings Fodera Fodera Pouff Pouff intero intero 133 248 317 364 133410 248467 mc09SANPF06 0,56 SANGAL mc mcFodera 0,56 intero SANGAL SANGAL coverings for 0,56 ottoman coverings for SANGAL ottoman SANGAL coverings for for ottoman ottoman 09SANPF06 Pouff SANGAL 09SANPF06 09SANPF06 Fodera Pouff SANGAL SANGAL interocoverings Fodera Fodera Pouff Pouff intero intero 133 248 317 364 133 410 248 Kg 23 SANGAL Kg mc Kg 23 23 ottoman SANGAL coverings for mc 0,56 mc 0,56for 0,56 coverings SANGAL ottoman SANGAL coverings coverings forfor ottoman ottoman Kg 23 Kg mc Kg 23 0,56 23 mc 0,56 mc 0,56 Kg 23 Kg mc Kg 23 0,56 23 mc 0,56 mc 0,56 Kg 23 Kg Kg 23 23 Tess Tess Cliente Tess Cliente Cliente Tess Cliente Top Super Super Super Super Customer Customer Customer fabric fabric fabric Customer fabric Star Star In Bianco In Bianco In Bianco In Bianco Lux Normal Normal Normal Normal No coverings NoNo coverings No coverings coverings Top Top Mt Mt Tessuto Mt Tessuto Mt Tessuto Tessuto Tess Tess Cliente Tess Cliente Tess Cliente Cliente Mt Mt Tessuto Mt Tessuto Mt Tessuto Tessuto Extra Fabric Fabric Fabric mt Fabric mt mt mt Customer Customer Customer Customer fabric fabric fabric fabric LuxLux In Bianco In Bianco In Bianco In Bianco Super NoExtra No coverings No coverings No coverings coverings Extra Tess Cliente Customer fabric Normal Normal Customer Customer fabric fabric In Bianco NoTess coverings Tess Cliente Cliente NoNo coverings coverings Larghezza braccioloLarghezza 27 Larghezzabracciolo bracciolo2727 Larghezza Larghezza 27 Larghezza bracciolo bracciolo 2727 Armrest bracciolo lenght 27 Armrest Armrest lenght lenght27 27 Larghezza Larghezza 27 Larghezza bracciolo bracciolo 2727 Armrest bracciolo lenght 27 Armrest Armrest lenght lenght27 27 Larghezza Larghezza 27 Larghezza bracciolo bracciolo 2727 Armrest bracciolo lenght 27 Armrest Armrest lenght lenght27 27 Armrest lenght 27 Armrest Armrestlenght lenght27 27 Mt Tessuto Fabric In Bianco Inmt Bianco Larghezza bracciolo 27 Larghezza Armrest bracciolo lenght 2727 Larghezza 27 Armrest lenghtbracciolo 27 Armrest lenght 27 Mt Mt Tessuto Mt Tessuto Mt Tessuto Tessuto Normal Fabric Fabric Fabric mt Fabric mt Super Super mtmt SANGAL Mod. Mod.SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Mod. Mod.SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Mod. Mod.SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Mod. Mod.SANGAL SANGAL Mt Mt Tessuto Tessuto Fabric Fabric mtmt od. od. od. od. 2.620 2.620 2.620 2.620 2.549 2.549 2.620 2.620 2.549 2.549 2.620 2.620 2.549 2.549 538 538 2.549 2.549 538538 538 685538 685 538 685538 685 685936 685 936 685 685 936936 936936 936936 1.481 1.481 1.481 1.481 1.391 1.391 1.481 1.481 1.391 1.391 1.481 1.481 1.391 1.391 653 653 1.391 1.391 653653 653533 653 533 653 653 533533 389389 533 389389 533 845 1.054 845 845 1.054 845 845 1.054 845 429 429 652 845 1.054 845 429429 652 429429 652 429429 652 467467 467467 957957 957957 957957 549957 549 957 549549 549549 549549 533533 533533 1.054 1.054 1.054 1.054 1.054 1.054 652 652 1.054 1.054 652652 652652 652652 Mod. Mod. SANGAL SANGAL --Fashion Fashion Mod. Mod. SANGAL SANGAL - -Fashion Fashion CARATTERISTICHE CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE TECNICHE/ TECHNICAL / TECHNICAL FEATURES FEATURES CARATTERISTICHE CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE TECNICHE / TECHNICAL / TECHNICALFEATURES FEATURES 11 Piuma Piumae efibra fibrapoliestere poliestere in inuna una sacca saccadiditela antipiuma antipiuma adi avari vari scomparti scomparti Piuma Piuma e efibra fibra poliestere poliestere intela inuna una sacca saccadi tela tela antipiuma antipiumaa avari variscomparti scomparti Feather Feather polyester fiber, inpolyester ina afeather-proof feather-proof divided dividedininmany many compartmen compartmen 1with 1withpolyester Feather Featherfiber, with withpolyester fiber, fiber,incover inacover afeather-proof feather-proof cover cover divided dividedininmany manycompartmen compartmen Fibra Fibrapoliestere poliestereaccoppiata accoppiataa avellutino vellutino 22 Fibra Fibrapoliestere poliestereaccoppiata accoppiataa avellutino vellutino Polyester Polyesterfiber fibercoupled coupledwith withvelveteen velveteen 22 Polyester Polyesterfiber fibercoupled coupledwith withvelveteen velveteen Poliuretano Poliuretanoespanso espansodensità densità3535 33 Poliuretano Poliuretano espanso espanso densità3535 Polyurethane Polyurethanefoam foam density density35 35 kg/mc kg/mcdensità 33 Polyurethane Polyurethanefoam foamdensity density35 35kg/mc kg/mc Poliuretano Poliuretanoespanso espansodensità densità2525 44 Poliuretano Poliuretano espanso espanso densità2525 Polyurethane Polyurethanefoam foam density density25 25 kg/mc kg/mcdensità 4 4 Polyurethane Polyurethanefoam foamdensity density25 25kg/mc kg/mc Poliuretano Poliuretanoespanso espansodensità densità4040 55 Polyurethane Polyurethanefoam foam density density40 40 kg/mc kg/mcdensità Poliuretano Poliuretano espanso espanso densità4040 5 5 Polyurethane Polyurethanefoam foamdensity density40 40kg/mc kg/mc Poliuretano Poliuretanoespanso espansodensità densità2121 66 Polyurethane Polyurethanefoam foamdensity density2121kg/mc kg/mc Poliuretano Poliuretanoespanso espansodensità densità2121 66 Polyurethane Polyurethanefoam foamdensity density21 21kg/mc kg/mc Poliuretano Poliuretanoespanso espansodensità densità3030 1717 77 88 Polyurethane Polyurethanefoam foamdensity density3030kg/mc kg/mc Poliuretano Poliuretanoespanso espansodensità densità3030 17 17 Polyurethane Polyurethane foam foam density density 30 30kg/mc kg/mc Cinghia Cinghiaelastica elasticamm mm8080 Elastic Elasticbelt beltmm mm8080 Cinghia Cinghiaelastica elasticamm mm8080 Legno Legnomassello didiabete abete 7massello 7 Elastic Elastic belt beltmm mm80 80 FirFirsolid solidwood wood Legno Legnomassello massellodidiabete abete 99 Multistrato Multistrato con tamponamenti tamponamenti particelledidilegno legnoe efibra fibra 8 8 con Fir Fir solid solidwood wood ininparticelle Plywood Plywoodwith withwood woodand andfiber fiberinsertions insertions Multistrato Multistratocon contamponamenti tamponamentiininparticelle particelledidilegno legnoe efibra fibra 99 Plywood Plywoodwith withwood woodand andfiber fiberinsertions insertions VERSIONI VERSIONI/ VERSIONS / VERSIONS Tessuto Tessutoe epelle: pelle:completamente completamentesfoderabile. sfoderabile. Fabric Fabricand andleather: leather:completely completelyremovable removablecoverings coverings VERSIONI VERSIONI/ VERSIONS / VERSIONS Tessuto Tessutoe epelle: pelle:completamente completamentesfoderabile. sfoderabile. PIEDINI PIEDINI/ FEET / FEET Fabric Fabric and and leather: leather:completely completelyremovable removablecoverings coverings DiDiserie seriepiedino piedino ininABS ABS grigio grigio Standard Standardfeet feetiningrey greyABS ABS PIEDINI PIEDINI/ FEET / FEET NOTE NOTE/ NOTES / NOTES DiDiserie seriepiedino piedinoininABS ABSgrigio grigio Bicolore: Bicolore:Il Ilrivestimento rivestimento bicolore bicolore è èdisponibile disponibile solamente solamenteper peril iltessuto tessutoart. art.TU128 TU128 Standard Standardfeet feet iningrey grey ABS ABS (lino (linodouble doubleface) face) The TheTwo-colours Two-coloursupholstery upholsteryis isavailable availableonly onlyfor forfabric fabricart. art.TU128 TU128(double-face (double-facelinen) linen) NOTE NOTE/ NOTES / NOTES Bicolore: Bicolore:Il Ilrivestimento rivestimentobicolore bicoloreè èdisponibile disponibilesolamente solamenteper peril iltessuto tessutoart. art.TU128 TU128 (lino (linodouble doubleface) face) The TheTwo-colours Two-coloursupholstery upholsteryisisavailable availableonly onlyfor forfabric fabricart. art.TU128 TU128(double-face (double-facelinen) linen) od. SANGAL Mod. Mod. SANGAL -SANGAL Fashion--Fashion Fashion 822 1.242 822 1.484 822 1.242 1.242 1.629 1.484 1.484 1.725 1.629 1.629 1.822 1.725 1.725 1.943 1.822 1.822 2.160 1.943 1.943 2.450 2.160 2.160 3.488 2.450 2.450 2.054 3.488 3.488 2.274 2.054 2.054 2.462 2.274 2.274 2.462 2.462 1,50 1,50 1,50 111 153 111 111 178 153 153 195 178 178 211 195 195 232 211 211 270 232 232 321 270270 501 321321 302 501501 352 302302 394 352352 394394 1,80 1,80 1,80 114 166 114 114 198 166 166 219 198 198 240 219 219 266 240 240 313 266 266 376 313313 602 376376 347 602602 409 347347 461 409409 461461 SANGAL 09SAFPF02 09SAFPF02 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Fodera telaio --FASHION FASHION Poltrona Fodera Fodera 124telaio Poltrona 124 SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL frame coverings -- FASHION FASHION frame frame coverings for Armchair 124 for Armchair Armchair 124 124 5,20 5,20 5,20 236 390 236 236 482 390 390 544 482 482 606 544 544 683 606 606 821 683 1.006 683 821 1.668 821 1.006 1.006 874 1.668 1.668 1.054 SANGAL 09SAFDI01 09SAFDI01 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Divano 194 --FASHION FASHION piuma Divano Divano 194 piuma SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Sofa 194 -- FASHION FASHION feather Sofa Sofa 194 194 feather SANGAL 09SAFDI02 09SAFDI02 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Divano 194 --FASHION FASHION espansoDivano Divano 194 espanso SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Sofa 194 -- FASHION FASHION Sofa Sofa 194 194 polyurethane polyurethane 13,00 1.187 13,00 13,00 1.833 1.187 1.187 2.218 1.833 1.833 2.449 2.218 2.218 2.603 2.449 2.449 2.757 2.603 2.603 2.949 2.757 2.757 3.296 2.949 2.949 3.758 3.296 3.296 5.413 3.758 3.758 3.255 5.413 5.413 3.630 3.255 3.255 3.952 3.630 3.630 3.952 3.952 1.163 1.809 1.163 1.163 2.194 1.809 1.809 2.425 2.194 2.194 2.579 2.425 2.425 2.733 2.579 2.579 2.926 2.733 2.733 3.272 2.926 2.926 3.734 3.272 3.272 5.390 3.734 3.734 3.231 5.390 5.390 3.607 3.231 3.231 3.929 3.607 3.607 3.929 3.929 SANGAL 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Fodera schienale --FASHION FASHION 60Fodera Fodera schienale 60 1,50 1,50 1,50 111 153 111 111 178 153 153 195 178 178 211 195 195 232 211 211 270 232 232 321 270270 501 321321 293 501501 339 293293 379 339339 379379 3,50 3,50 3,50 192 293 192 192 354 293 293 395 354 354 436 395 395 486 436 436 578 486 486 699 578 1.136 578 699699 639 1.136 1.136 751 639639 847 751751 847847 SANGAL 09SAFDF02 09SAFDF02 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Fodera telaio --FASHION FASHION Divano Fodera Fodera 194 telaio Divano 194 SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL frame coverings -- FASHION FASHION frame frame for Sofa coverings 194 for Sofa 194 194 7,20 7,20 7,20 292 505 292 292 633 505 505 719 633 633 804 719 719 911 804 1.103 804 911 1.359 911 1.103 1.103 2.277 1.359 1.359 1.159 2.277 2.277 1.395 1.159 1.159 1.597 1.395 1.395 1.597 1.597 SANGAL 09SAFDI03 09SAFDI03 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Divano 214 --FASHION FASHION piuma Divano Divano 214 piuma SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Sofa 214 -- FASHION FASHION feather Sofa Sofa 214 214 feather SANGAL 09SAFDI04 09SAFDI04 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Divano 214 --FASHION FASHION espansoDivano Divano 214 espanso SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Sofa 214 -- FASHION FASHION Sofa Sofa 214 214 polyurethane polyurethane 13,80 1.251 13,80 13,80 1.912 1.251 1.251 2.321 1.912 1.912 2.567 2.321 2.321 2.731 2.567 2.567 2.894 2.731 2.731 3.099 2.894 2.894 3.468 3.099 3.099 3.959 3.468 3.468 5.720 3.959 3.959 3.517 5.720 5.720 3.943 3.517 3.517 4.308 3.943 3.943 4.308 4.308 1.215 1.876 1.215 1.215 2.285 1.876 1.876 2.531 2.285 2.285 2.695 2.531 2.531 2.859 2.695 2.695 3.064 2.859 2.859 3.432 3.064 3.064 3.923 3.432 3.432 5.684 3.923 3.923 3.482 5.684 5.684 3.908 3.482 3.482 4.273 3.908 3.908 4.273 4.273 SANGAL 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Fodera schienale --FASHION FASHION 60Fodera Fodera schienale 60 1,50 1,50 1,50 111 153 111 111 178 153 153 195 178 178 211 195 195 232 211 211 270 232 232 321 270270 501 321321 302 501501 352 302302 394 352352 394394 2,30 2,30 2,30 124 191 124 124 231 191 191 257 231 231 284 257 257 317 284 284 377 317 317 457 377377 743 457457 414 743743 491 414414 558 491491 558558 SANGAL 09SAFDF03 09SAFDF03 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Fodera sedute --FASHION FASHION Divano Fodera Fodera 214 sedute Divano 214 SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL seat cushions -- FASHION FASHION coverings seat seat cushions cushions for Sofa coverings 214 for for Sofa Sofa 214 214 3,50 3,50 3,50 192 293 192 192 354 293 293 395 354 354 436 395 395 486 436 436 578 486 486 699 578 1.136 578 699699 656 1.136 1.136 774 656656 876 774774 876876 09SAFDF04 SANGAL 09SAFDF04 09SAFDF04 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Fodera telaio --FASHION FASHION Divano Fodera Fodera 214 telaio Divano 214 SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL frame coverings -- FASHION FASHION frame frame for Sofa coverings 214 for Sofa 214 214 7,20 7,20 7,20 317 531 317 317 659 531 531 744 659 659 830 744 744 936 830 1.129 830 936 1.385 936 1.129 1.129 2.303 1.385 1.385 1.227 2.303 2.303 1.477 1.227 1.227 1.691 1.477 1.477 1.691 1.691 09SAFDI05 SANGAL 09SAFDI05 09SAFDI05 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Divano 234 --FASHION FASHION piuma Divano Divano 234 piuma SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Sofa 234 -- FASHION FASHION feather Sofa Sofa 234 234 feather SANGAL 09SAFDI06 09SAFDI06 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Divano 234 --FASHION FASHION espansoDivano Divano 234 espanso SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Sofa 234 -- FASHION FASHION Sofa Sofa 234 234 polyurethane polyurethane 14,30 1.394 14,30 14,30 2.130 1.394 1.394 2.553 2.130 2.130 2.807 2.553 2.553 2.977 2.807 2.807 3.146 2.977 2.977 3.358 3.146 3.146 3.739 3.358 3.358 4.247 3.739 3.739 6.068 4.247 4.247 3.785 6.068 6.068 4.225 3.785 3.785 4.603 4.225 4.225 4.603 4.603 1.344 2.079 1.344 1.344 2.503 2.079 2.079 2.757 2.503 2.503 2.926 2.757 2.757 3.096 2.926 2.926 3.308 3.096 3.096 3.689 3.308 3.308 4.197 3.689 3.689 6.018 4.197 4.197 3.734 6.018 6.018 4.175 3.734 3.734 4.553 4.175 4.175 4.553 4.553 SANGAL 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Fodera schienale --FASHION FASHION 60Fodera Fodera schienale 60 1,50 1,50 1,50 111 153 111 111 178 153 153 195 178 178 211 195 195 232 211 211 270 232 232 321 270270 501 321321 302 501501 352 302302 394 352352 394394 3,50 3,50 3,50 193 295 193 193 356 295 295 396 356 356 437 396 396 488 437 437 579 488 488 701 579 1.137 579 701701 671 1.137 1.137 790 671671 892 790790 892892 7,20 7,20 7,20 319 532 319 319 661 532 532 746 661 661 831 746 746 938 831 1.130 831 938 1.386 938 1.130 1.130 2.305 1.386 1.386 1.242 2.305 2.305 1.492 1.242 1.242 1.706 1.492 1.492 1.706 1.706 09SAFSF01 Pelle Top Leather Pelle TopTop Pelle Elite SANGAL 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Fodera schienale --FASHION FASHION 60Fodera Fodera schienale 60 09SAFPO02 Leather Elite 1.834 1.834 2.172 1.954 1.954 2.462 2.172 2.172 3.500 2.462 2.462 2.066 3.500 3.500 2.286 2.066 2.066 2.474 2.286 2.286 2.474 2.474 Pelle Elite Leather Elite Pelle Elite 1.737 1.737 1.954 Leather Star Extra Extra Top 1.640 1.640 1.834 Pelle Star Leather Pelle StarStar Super Super Lux 1.496 1.496 1.737 Leather Elite Top Leather Normal Normal Extra 1.254 1.254 1.640 SANGAL 09SAFPO01 09SAFPO01 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Poltrona --FASHION 124 FASHION piumaPoltrona Poltrona 124 piuma SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Armchair -- FASHION FASHION 124 feather Armchair Armchair 124 feather SANGAL 09SAFPO02 09SAFPO02 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Poltrona--124 FASHION FASHION espanso Poltrona Poltrona 124 espanso SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Armchair -- FASHION FASHION 124 polyurethane Armchair Armchair 124 polyurethane polyurethane Prestige Pelle Star Prestige Leather Star Tess Cliente Tess Cliente Customer fabric Super Customer fabric 834 1.496 834 09SAFPO01 Elite Pelle Top Elite Leather Top In Bianco In Bianco No coverings Normal No coverings 8,20 8,20 1.254 Descrizione Descrizione Star Star Prestige Mt Tessuto Mt Tessuto Tess Cliente Fabric mt Fabric mt fabric Customer 834 Descrizione Codice Codice Top Top Elite In Bianco No coverings 8,20 Codice Lux Lux Star Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Larghezza braccioloLarghezza 27 bracciolo bracciolo 27 27 27 Armrest lenght 27Armrest Armrest lenght lenght 27 SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL back SANGAL cushion -- FASHION FASHION coverings back back 60 cushion cushion coverings 60 mc 0,95 mc mc 09SAFPF01 0,95 0,95 Kg 64 Kg Kg 6464 09SAFPF02 09SAFDI01 09SAFDI02 09SAFSF01 SANGAL 09SAFPF01 09SAFPF01 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Fodera seduta --FASHION FASHION Poltrona Fodera Fodera 124 seduta Poltrona 124 SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL seat SANGAL cushion -- FASHION FASHION coverings seat seat for cushion cushion Armchair coverings 124 for Armchair Armchair 124 124 874 1.208 874 1.054 1.054 1.208 1.208 SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL back SANGAL cushion -- FASHION FASHION coverings back back 60 cushion cushion coverings 60 mc 1,44 mc mc 09SAFDF01 1,44 1,44 Kg 72 Kg Kg 7272 09SAFDF02 09SAFDI03 09SAFDI04 09SAFSF01 SANGAL 09SAFDF01 09SAFDF01 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Fodera sedute --FASHION FASHION Divano Fodera Fodera 194 sedute Divano 194 SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL seat SANGAL cushions -- FASHION FASHION coverings seat seatfor cushions cushions Sofa 194 coverings for Sofa Sofa 194 194 SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL back SANGAL cushion -- FASHION FASHION coverings back back 60 cushion cushion coverings 60 mc 1,58 mc mc 09SAFSF02 1,58 1,58 Kg 80 Kg Kg 8080 09SAFDF03 09SAFDI06 09SAFSF01 SANGAL 09SAFSF02 09SAFSF02 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Fodera schienale --FASHION FASHION 80Fodera Fodera schienale 80 SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL back SANGAL cushion -- FASHION FASHION coverings back back 80 cushion cushion coverings 80 SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL back SANGAL cushion -- FASHION FASHION coverings back back 60 cushion cushion coverings 60 mc 1,72 mc mc 09SAFDF05 1,72 1,72 Kg 88 Kg Kg 8888 09SAFDF06 SANGAL 09SAFDF05 09SAFDF05 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Fodera sedute --FASHION FASHION Divano Fodera Fodera 234 sedute Divano 234 SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL seat SANGAL cushions -- FASHION FASHION coverings seat seatfor cushions cushions Sofa 234 coverings for Sofa Sofa 234 234 SANGAL 09SAFDF06 09SAFDF06 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Fodera telaio --FASHION FASHION Divano Fodera Fodera 234 telaio Divano 234 SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL frame coverings -- FASHION FASHION frame frame for Sofa coverings 234 for Sofa 234 234 od. SANGAL Mod. Mod. SANGAL -SANGAL Fashion--Fashion Fashion Lux Star Lux Top Elite Top 3.121 3.521 3.121 3.298 3.921 3.298 3.521 4.454 3.521 3.921 6.365 3.921 4.454 3.977 4.454 6.365 4.439 6.365 3.977 4.836 3.977 4.439 4.439 4.836 4.836 1.405 2.157 1.405 1.405 2.601 2.157 2.868 2.157 2.601 3.046 2.601 2.868 3.224 2.868 3.046 3.446 3.046 3.224 3.846 3.224 3.446 4.379 3.446 3.846 6.291 3.846 4.379 3.891 4.379 6.291 4.353 6.291 3.891 4.749 3.891 4.353 4.353 4.749 4.749 1,50 1,50 1,50 111 153 111 178 111 153 195 153 178 211 178 195 232 195 211 270 211 232 321 232 270501 270 321302 321 501352 501 302394 302 352352 394394 2,30 2,30 2,30 124 191 124 231 124 191 257 191 231 284 231 257 317 257 284 377 284 317 457 317 377743 377 457414 457 743491 743 414558 414 491491 558558 SANGAL 09SAFDF07 09SAFDF07 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Fodera sedute --FASHION FASHION Divano Fodera Fodera 254 sedute Divano 254 3,50 SANGAL - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL seat cushions -- FASHION FASHION coverings seat seat cushions cushions for Sofa coverings 254 for for Sofa Sofa 254 254 3,50 3,50 202 303 202 364 202 303 405 303 364 445 364 405 496 405 445 587 445 496 709 496 587 1.146 587 709676 709 1.146 1.146 795 676896 676 795795 896896 09SAFDF08 SANGAL 09SAFDF08 09SAFDF08 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Fodera telaio --FASHION FASHION Divano Fodera Fodera 254 telaio Divano 254 SANGAL - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL frame coverings -- FASHION FASHION frame forframe Sofa coverings 254 for Sofa 254 254 7,20 7,20 7,20 328 542 328 670 328 542 755 542 670 840 670 755 947 755 840 1.139 840 947 1.396 947 1.139 2.314 1.139 1.396 1.248 1.396 2.314 1.498 2.314 1.248 1.712 1.248 1.498 1.498 1.712 1.712 09SAFDI09 SANGAL 09SAFDI09 09SAFDI09 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Divano 274 --FASHION FASHION piuma Divano Divano 274 piuma SANGAL - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Sofa 274 -- FASHION FASHION feather Sofa Sofa 274 274 feather SANGAL 09SAFDI10 09SAFDI10 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Divano 274 --FASHION FASHION espansoDivano Divano 274 espanso SANGAL - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Sofa 274 -- FASHION FASHION Sofa Sofa 274 274 polyurethane polyurethane 15,00 1.535 15,00 15,00 2.277 1.535 1.535 2.721 2.277 2.988 2.277 2.721 3.166 2.721 2.988 3.344 2.988 3.166 3.566 3.166 3.344 3.966 3.344 3.566 4.499 3.566 3.966 6.411 3.966 4.499 4.142 4.499 6.411 4.633 6.411 4.142 5.055 4.142 4.633 4.633 5.055 5.055 1.425 2.166 1.425 1.425 2.611 2.166 2.877 2.166 2.611 3.055 2.611 2.877 3.233 2.877 3.055 3.455 3.055 3.233 3.855 3.233 3.455 4.389 3.455 3.855 6.300 3.855 4.389 4.031 4.389 6.300 4.523 6.300 4.031 4.944 4.031 4.523 4.523 4.944 4.944 SANGAL 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Fodera schienale --FASHION FASHION 60Fodera Fodera schienale 60 1,50 1,50 1,50 111 153 111 178 111 153 195 153 178 211 178 195 232 195 211 270 211 232 321 232 270501 270 321302 321 501352 501 302394 302 352352 394394 2,30 2,30 2,30 124 191 124 231 124 191 257 191 231 284 231 257 317 257 284 377 284 317 457 317 377743 377 457414 457 743491 743 414558 414 491491 558558 SANGAL 09SAFDF09 09SAFDF09 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Fodera sedute --FASHION FASHION Divano Fodera Fodera 274 sedute Divano 274 3,50 SANGAL - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL seat cushions -- FASHION FASHION coverings seat seat cushions cushions for Sofa coverings 274 for for Sofa Sofa 274 274 3,50 3,50 202 303 202 364 202 303 405 303 364 445 364 405 496 405 445 587 445 496 709 496 587 1.146 587 709683 709 1.146 1.146 802 683903 683 802802 903903 09SAFDF10 SANGAL 09SAFDF10 09SAFDF10 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Fodera telaio --FASHION FASHION Divano Fodera Fodera 274 telaio Divano 274 SANGAL - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL frame coverings -- FASHION FASHION frame forframe Sofa coverings 274 for Sofa 274 274 7,20 7,20 7,20 331 545 331 673 331 545 758 545 673 843 673 758 950 758 843 1.142 843 950 1.399 950 1.142 2.317 1.142 1.399 1.258 1.399 2.317 1.508 2.317 1.258 1.722 1.258 1.508 1.508 1.722 1.722 09SAFEL01 SANGAL 09SAFEL01 09SAFEL01 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Elemento--FASHION 70 FASHION piuma Elemento Elemento 70 piuma SANGAL - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Element-- FASHION 70 FASHION featherElement Element 70 feather SANGAL 09SAFEL02 09SAFEL02 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Elemento--FASHION 70 FASHION espanso Elemento Elemento 70 espanso SANGAL - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Element-- FASHION 70 FASHION Element Element 70 polyurethane polyurethane 6,20 582 6,20 6,20 903 582 1.085 582 1.194 903 903 1.085 1.267 1.085 1.194 1.340 1.194 1.267 1.431 1.267 1.340 1.594 1.340 1.431 1.813 1.431 1.594 2.595 1.594 1.813 1.525 1.813 2.595 1.697 2.595 1.525 1.844 1.525 1.697 1.697 1.844 1.844 570 887 570 1.069 570 1.178 887 887 1.069 1.251 1.069 1.178 1.324 1.178 1.251 1.415 1.251 1.324 1.579 1.324 1.415 1.797 1.415 1.579 2.580 1.579 1.797 1.513 1.797 2.580 1.685 2.580 1.513 1.832 1.513 1.685 1.685 1.832 1.832 SANGAL 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Fodera schienale --FASHION FASHION 60Fodera Fodera schienale 60 1,50 1,50 1,50 111 153 111 178 111 153 195 153 178 211 178 195 232 195 211 270 211 232 321 232 270501 270 321302 321 501352 501 302394 302 352352 394394 1,80 1,80 1,80 114 166 114 198 114 166 219 166 198 240 198 219 266 219 240 313 240 266 376 266 313602 313 376340 376 602402 602 340454 340 402402 454454 SANGAL 09SAFEF02 09SAFEF02 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Fodera telaio --FASHION FASHION Elemento Fodera Fodera 70 telaio Elemento 70 SANGAL - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL frame coverings -- FASHION FASHION frame coverings forframe Element 70 for Element Element 70 70 3,20 3,20 3,20 135 229 135 286 135 229 324 229 286 361 286 324 409 324 361 494 361 409 607 409 494 1.014 494 607528 607 1.014 1.014 639 528734 528 639639 734734 SANGAL 09SAFEL03 09SAFEL03 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Elemento--FASHION 90 FASHION piuma Elemento Elemento 90 piuma SANGAL - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Element-- FASHION 90 FASHION featherElement Element 90 feather SANGAL 09SAFEL04 09SAFEL04 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Elemento--FASHION 90 FASHION espanso Elemento Elemento 90 espanso SANGAL - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Element-- FASHION 90 FASHION Element Element 90 polyurethane polyurethane 6,20 626 6,20 6,20 965 626 1.147 626 1.256 965 965 1.147 1.329 1.147 1.256 1.402 1.256 1.329 1.493 1.329 1.402 1.656 1.402 1.493 1.875 1.493 1.656 2.657 1.656 1.875 1.629 1.875 2.657 1.813 2.657 1.629 1.970 1.629 1.813 1.813 1.970 1.970 601 940 601 1.122 601 1.231 940 940 1.122 1.304 1.122 1.231 1.376 1.231 1.304 1.467 1.304 1.376 1.631 1.376 1.467 1.850 1.467 1.631 2.632 1.631 1.850 1.604 1.850 2.632 1.787 2.632 1.604 1.945 1.604 1.787 1.787 1.945 1.945 SANGAL 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Fodera schienale --FASHION FASHION 60Fodera Fodera schienale 60 1,50 1,50 1,50 111 153 111 178 111 153 195 153 178 211 178 195 232 195 211 270 211 232 321 232 270501 270 321302 321 501352 501 302394 302 352352 394394 1,80 1,80 1,80 114 166 114 198 114 166 219 166 198 240 198 219 266 219 240 313 240 266 376 266 313602 313 376340 376 602402 602 340454 340 402402 454454 3,20 3,20 3,20 153 247 153 304 153 247 342 247 304 380 304 342 427 342 380 512 380 427 625 427 512 1.032 512 625547 625 1.032 1.032 657 547752 547 657657 752752 SANGAL 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Fodera schienale --FASHION FASHION 60Fodera Fodera schienale 60 09SAFDI08 09SAFSF01 Leather Elite Extra Top Extra 2.943 3.298 2.943 Pelle Elite Leather Elite Pelle Elite Super Lux Super 2.676 3.121 2.676 Leather Star Normal Extra Normal 2.232 2.943 2.232 SANGAL 09SAFDI07 09SAFDI07 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Divano 254 --FASHION FASHION piuma Divano Divano 254 piuma SANGAL - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Sofa 254 -- FASHION FASHION feather Sofa Sofa 254 254 feather SANGAL 09SAFDI08 09SAFDI08 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Divano 254 --FASHION FASHION espansoDivano Divano 254 espanso SANGAL - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Sofa 254 -- FASHION FASHION Sofa Sofa 254 254 polyurethane polyurethane Pelle Star Leather Pelle StarStar Tess Cliente Tess Cliente Super Customer fabric Customer fabric 1.480 1.480 2.676 09SAFDI07 Pelle Top Leather Pelle Elite TopTop Leather Elite Top In Bianco In Bianco Normal No coverings No coverings 15,00 15,00 2.232 Descrizione Descrizione Prestige Pelle Star Prestige Leather Star Mt Tessuto Tess Cliente Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Customer Fabric mt fabric 1.480 Descrizione Codice Codice Elite Pelle Top Elite Leather Top In Bianco No coverings 15,00 Codice Star Prestige Star Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Larghezza braccioloLarghezza 27 bracciolo bracciolo 27 27 27 Armrest lenght 27 Armrest Armrest lenght lenght 27 SANGAL - FASHION back SANGAL SANGAL cushion -- FASHION FASHION coverings back back 60cushion cushion coverings 60 mc 1,90 mc mc 09SAFSF02 1,90 1,90 Kg 96 Kg Kg 96 09SAFDF07 96 09SAFDI10 09SAFSF01 SANGAL 09SAFSF02 09SAFSF02 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Fodera schienale --FASHION FASHION 80Fodera Fodera schienale 80 SANGAL - FASHION back SANGAL SANGAL cushion -- FASHION FASHION coverings back back 80cushion cushion coverings 80 SANGAL - FASHION back SANGAL SANGAL cushion -- FASHION FASHION coverings back back 60cushion cushion coverings 60 mc 1,90 mc mc 09SAFSF02 1,90 1,90 Kg 104 Kg Kg 104 09SAFDF09 104 09SAFEL02 09SAFSF01 SANGAL 09SAFSF02 09SAFSF02 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Fodera schienale --FASHION FASHION 80Fodera Fodera schienale 80 SANGAL - FASHION back SANGAL SANGAL cushion -- FASHION FASHION coverings back back 80cushion cushion coverings 80 SANGAL - FASHION back SANGAL SANGAL cushion -- FASHION FASHION coverings back back 60cushion cushion coverings 60 mc 0,65 mc mc 09SAFEF01 0,65 0,65 Kg 50 Kg Kg 50 09SAFEF02 50 09SAFEL03 09SAFEL04 09SAFSF01 SANGAL 09SAFEF01 09SAFEF01 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Fodera seduta --FASHION FASHION Elemento Fodera Fodera 70seduta Elemento 70 SANGAL - FASHION seat SANGAL SANGAL cushions -- FASHION FASHION coverings seat seatfor cushions cushions Element coverings 70 for Element Element 70 70 SANGAL - FASHION back SANGAL SANGAL cushion -- FASHION FASHION coverings back back 60cushion cushion coverings 60 mc 0,65 mc mc 09SAFEF03 0,65 0,65 Kg 53 Kg Kg 53 09SAFEF04 53 SANGAL 09SAFEF03 09SAFEF03 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Fodera seduta --FASHION FASHION Elemento Fodera Fodera 90seduta Elemento 90 SANGAL - FASHION seat SANGAL SANGAL cushions -- FASHION FASHION coverings seat seatfor cushions cushions Element coverings 90 for Element Element 90 90 SANGAL 09SAFEF04 09SAFEF04 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Fodera telaio --FASHION FASHION Elemento Fodera Fodera 90 telaio Elemento 90 SANGAL - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL frame coverings -- FASHION FASHION frame coverings forframe Element 90 for Element Element 90 90 Leather Elite Leather Star Pelle Elite Leather Elite Pelle Elite Leather Elite Pelle Elite Leather Top Leather Pelle StarElite Pelle StarStar Leather Leather Pelle StarStar Elite Elite Pelle Top Elite Leather Top Prestige Prestige Pelle Star Prestige Leather Pelle TopStar Pelle TopTop Leather Leather Pelle TopTop Pelle Elite Star Star Star Prestige 664 664 1.252 664 1.042 1.042 1.042 1.378 1.252 1.252 1.252 1.462 1.378 1.378 1.378 1.546 1.462 1.462 1.462 1.6511.546 1.546 1.546 1.8401.651 1.651 1.651 2.0921.840 1.840 1.840 2.9952.092 2.092 2.092 1.794 2.995 2.995 2.995 1.998 1.794 1.794 1.794 2.174 1.998 1.998 1.998 2.174 2.174 2.174 Top Top Top Elite 1.042 Lux Lux Lux Star 664 Extra Extra Extra Top 719 719 1.307 719 1.097 1.097 1.097 1.433 1.307 1.307 1.307 1.517 1.433 1.433 1.433 1.601 1.517 1.517 1.517 1.7061.601 1.601 1.601 1.8951.706 1.706 1.706 2.1471.895 1.895 1.895 3.0502.147 2.147 2.147 1.853 3.050 3.050 3.050 2.058 1.853 1.853 1.853 2.234 2.058 2.058 2.058 2.234 2.234 2.234 Super Super Super Lux 7,10 7,10 7,10 1.097 Normal Normal Normal Extra Mt Tessuto Mt Tessuto Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Tess Cliente Fabric mt Fabric mt fabric Customer 719 In Bianco In Bianco In Bianco No coverings No coverings Normal No coverings In Bianco No coverings 7,10 Codice Descrizione Codice Codice Codice 09SAFEL05 SANGAL 09SAFEL05 09SAFEL05 09SAFEL05 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Elemento ---FASHION FASHION FASHION 110 piuma Elemento Elemento Elemento110 110piuma piuma SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Element ---FASHION FASHION 110 FASHION feather Element Element Element110 110feather feather SANGAL 09SAFEL06 09SAFEL06 09SAFEL06 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Elemento ---FASHION FASHION FASHION 110 espanso Elemento Elemento Elemento110 110espanso espanso SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Element ---FASHION FASHION 110 FASHION Element Element Element110 110polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane SANGAL 09SAFSF02 09SAFSF02 09SAFSF02 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera schienale ---FASHION FASHION FASHION 80 Fodera Fodera Foderaschienale schienale80 80 2,30 2,30 2,30 2,30 124 191 124 124 124 231 191 191 191 257 231 231 231 284 257 257 257 317 284 284 284 377 317 317 317 457 377377377 743 457457457 414 743743743 491 414414414 558491491491 558558558 1,80 1,80 1,80 1,80 117 169 117 117 117 201 169 169 169 222 201 201 201 243 222 222 222 269 243 243 243 316 269 269 269 379 316316316 605 379379379 347 605605605 408 347347347 461408408408 461461461 SANGAL 09SAFEF06 09SAFEF06 09SAFEF06 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera telaio ---FASHION FASHION FASHION Elemento Fodera Fodera Fodera 110 telaio telaio Elemento Elemento110 110 SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL frame -coverings --FASHION FASHION FASHION frame frame frame coverings coverings for Element 110 for forElement Element Element110 110 110 3,20 3,20 3,20 3,20 173 267 173 173 173 324 267 267 267 362 324 324 324 400 362 362 362 447 400 400 400 532 447 447 447 645 532532 1.052 532 645645645 570 1.052 1.052 1.052 681 570570570 775681681681 775775775 SANGAL 09SAFEL07 09SAFEL07 09SAFEL07 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Elemento ---FASHION FASHION FASHION 140 piuma Elemento Elemento Elemento140 140piuma piuma SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Element ---FASHION FASHION 140 FASHION feather Element Element Element140 140feather feather SANGAL 09SAFEL08 09SAFEL08 09SAFEL08 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Elemento ---FASHION FASHION FASHION 140 espanso Elemento Elemento Elemento140 140espanso espanso SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Element ---FASHION FASHION 140 FASHION Element Element Element140 140polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane 11,10 SANGAL 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera schienale ---FASHION FASHION FASHION 60 Fodera Fodera Foderaschienale schienale60 60 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 111 153 111 111 111 178 153 153 153 195 178 178 178 211 195 195 195 232 211 211 211 270 232 232 232 321 270270270 501 321321321 302 501501501 352 302302302 394352352352 394394394 3,50 3,50 3,50 3,50 190 291 190 190 190 352 291 291 291 393 352 352 352 433 393 393 393 484 433 433 433 575 484 484 484 697 575575 1.134 575 697697697 639 1.134 1.134 1.134 758 639639639 860758758758 860860860 SANGAL 09SAFEF08 09SAFEF08 09SAFEF08 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera telaio ---FASHION FASHION FASHION Elemento Fodera Fodera Fodera 140 telaio telaio Elemento Elemento140 140 SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL frame -coverings --FASHION FASHION FASHION frame frame frame coverings coverings for Element 140 for forElement Element Element140 140 140 5,20 5,20 5,20 5,20 203 357 203 203 203 449 357 357 357 511 449 449 449 573 511 511 511 650 573 573 573 788 650 650 650 973 788788 1.635 788 973973973 861 1.635 1.635 1.635 1.042 861861 1.196 861 1.042 1.042 1.042 1.196 1.196 1.196 SANGAL 09SAFEL09 09SAFEL09 09SAFEL09 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Elemento ---FASHION FASHION FASHION 160 piuma Elemento Elemento Elemento160 160piuma piuma SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Element ---FASHION FASHION 160 FASHION feather Element Element Element160 160feather feather SANGAL 09SAFEL10 09SAFEL10 09SAFEL10 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Elemento ---FASHION FASHION FASHION 160 espanso Elemento Elemento Elemento160 160espanso espanso SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Element ---FASHION FASHION 160 FASHION Element Element Element160 160polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane 11,90 SANGAL 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera schienale ---FASHION FASHION FASHION 60 Fodera Fodera Foderaschienale schienale60 60 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 111 153 111 111 111 178 153 153 153 195 178 178 178 211 195 195 195 232 211 211 211 270 232 232 232 321 270270270 501 321321321 302 501501501 352 302302302 394352352352 394394394 2,30 2,30 2,30 2,30 124 191 124 124 124 231 191 191 191 257 231 231 231 284 257 257 257 317 284 284 284 377 317 317 317 457 377377377 743 457457457 414 743743743 491 414414414 558491491491 558558558 SANGAL 09SAFEF09 09SAFEF09 09SAFEF09 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera sedute ---FASHION FASHION FASHION Elemento Fodera Fodera Fodera160 sedute sedute Elemento Elemento160 160 160 3,50 SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL seat cushions ---FASHION FASHION FASHION coverings seat seat seatcushions cushions cushions coverings coverings for Element 160 for for forElement Element Element 160 160 160 3,50 3,50 3,50 190 291 190 190 190 352 291 291 291 393 352 352 352 433 393 393 393 484 433 433 433 575 484 484 484 697 575575 1.134 575 697697697 639 1.134 1.134 1.134 758 639639639 860758758758 860860860 09SAFEF10 SANGAL 09SAFEF10 09SAFEF10 09SAFEF10 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera telaio ---FASHION FASHION FASHION Elemento Fodera Fodera Fodera 160 telaio telaio Elemento Elemento160 160 SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL frame -coverings --FASHION FASHION FASHION frame frame frame coverings coverings for Element 160 for forElement Element Element160 160 160 5,20 5,20 5,20 5,20 204 358 204 204 204 451 358 358 358 512 451 451 451 574 512 512 512 651 574 574 574 789 651 651 651 974 789789 1.636 789 974974974 863 1.636 1.636 1.636 1.043 863863 1.197 863 1.043 1.043 1.043 1.197 1.197 1.197 09SAFEL11 SANGAL 09SAFEL11 09SAFEL11 09SAFEL11 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Elemento ---FASHION FASHION FASHION 180 piuma Elemento Elemento Elemento180 180piuma piuma SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Element ---FASHION FASHION 180 FASHION feather Element Element Element180 180feather feather SANGAL 09SAFEL12 09SAFEL12 09SAFEL12 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Elemento ---FASHION FASHION FASHION 180 espanso Elemento Elemento Elemento180 180espanso espanso SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Element ---FASHION FASHION 180 FASHION Element Element Element180 180polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane 12,40 SANGAL 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera schienale ---FASHION FASHION FASHION 60 Fodera Fodera Foderaschienale schienale60 60 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 111 153 111 111 111 178 153 153 153 195 178 178 178 211 195 195 195 232 211 211 211 270 232 232 232 321 270270270 501 321321321 302 501501501 352 302302302 394352352352 394394394 3,50 3,50 3,50 3,50 191 292 191 191 191 353 292 292 292 394 353 353 353 434 394 394 394 485 434 434 434 576 485 485 485 698 576576 1.134 576 698698698 651 1.134 1.134 1.134 769 651651651 871769769769 871871871 5,20 5,20 5,20 5,20 208 362 208 208 208 454 362 362 362 516 454 454 454 578 516 516 516 655 578 578 578 793 655 655 655 978 793793 1.640 793 978978978 877 1.640 1.640 1.640 1.057 877877 1.212 877 1.057 1.057 1.057 1.212 1.212 1.212 09SAFEL06 09SAFSF02 Descrizione Descrizione Descrizione Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Larghezza bracciolo Larghezza Larghezza 27 bracciolo bracciolo bracciolo 2727 27 27 27 Armrest lenght 27 Armrest Armrest Armrestlenght lenght lenght27 Tess Cliente Tess Cliente Customer fabric Tess Cliente Customer fabric Super Customer fabric od. SANGAL Mod. Mod. SANGAL SANGAL -SANGAL Fashion---Fashion Fashion Fashion SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL back SANGAL cushion ---FASHION FASHION FASHION coverings back back back 80 cushion cushion cushioncoverings coverings80 80 mc 0,81 mc mc mc 09SAFEF05 0,81 0,81 0,81 Kg 59 Kg Kg Kg 59 59 59 09SAFEF06 09SAFEL07 09SAFEL08 09SAFSF01 SANGAL 09SAFEF05 09SAFEF05 09SAFEF05 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera seduta ---FASHION FASHION FASHION Elemento Fodera Fodera Fodera110 seduta seduta Elemento Elemento110 110 110 SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL seat SANGAL cushions ---FASHION FASHION FASHION coverings seat seat seatcushions for cushions cushions Element coverings coverings 110 for forElement Element Element 110 110 110 938 11,10 11,10 11,10 1.482 938 938 1.811 938 1.482 1.482 1.482 2.009 1.811 1.811 1.811 2.140 2.009 2.009 2.009 2.272 2.140 2.140 2.140 2.4362.272 2.272 2.272 2.7322.436 2.436 2.436 3.1272.732 2.732 2.732 4.5423.127 3.127 3.127 2.679 4.542 4.542 4.542 2.999 2.679 2.679 2.679 3.275 2.999 2.999 2.999 3.275 3.275 3.275 914 1.459 914 914 1.788 914 1.459 1.459 1.459 1.985 1.788 1.788 1.788 2.117 1.985 1.985 1.985 2.248 2.117 2.117 2.117 2.4132.248 2.248 2.248 2.7092.413 2.413 2.413 3.1042.709 2.709 2.709 4.5183.104 3.104 3.104 2.655 4.518 4.518 4.518 2.976 2.655 2.655 2.655 3.251 2.976 2.976 2.976 3.251 3.251 3.251 SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL back SANGAL cushion ---FASHION FASHION FASHION coverings back back back 60 cushion cushion cushioncoverings coverings60 60 mc 1,13 mc mc mc 09SAFEF07 1,13 1,13 1,13 Kg 64 Kg Kg Kg 64 64 64 09SAFEF08 09SAFEL09 09SAFEL10 09SAFSF01 SANGAL 09SAFEF07 09SAFEF07 09SAFEF07 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera sedute ---FASHION FASHION FASHION Elemento Fodera Fodera Fodera140 sedute sedute Elemento Elemento140 140 140 SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL seat SANGAL cushions ---FASHION FASHION FASHION coverings seat seat seatcushions for cushions cushions Element coverings coverings 140 for forElement Element Element 140 140 140 1.005 11,90 11,90 11,90 1.566 1.005 1.005 1.005 1.920 1.566 1.566 1.566 2.132 1.920 1.920 1.920 2.273 2.132 2.132 2.132 2.415 2.273 2.273 2.273 2.5912.415 2.415 2.415 2.9092.591 2.591 2.591 3.3342.909 2.909 2.909 4.8543.334 3.334 3.334 2.843 4.854 4.854 4.854 3.188 2.843 2.843 2.843 3.483 3.188 3.188 3.188 3.483 3.483 3.483 969 1.531 969 969 1.884 969 1.531 1.531 1.531 2.096 1.884 1.884 1.884 2.238 2.096 2.096 2.096 2.379 2.238 2.238 2.238 2.5562.379 2.379 2.379 2.8742.556 2.556 2.556 3.2982.874 2.874 2.874 4.8183.298 3.298 3.298 2.807 4.818 4.818 4.818 3.152 2.807 2.807 2.807 3.448 3.152 3.152 3.152 3.448 3.448 3.448 SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL back SANGAL cushion ---FASHION FASHION FASHION coverings back back back 60 cushion cushion cushioncoverings coverings60 60 mc 1,13 mc mc mc 09SAFSF02 1,13 1,13 1,13 Kg 68 Kg Kg Kg 68 68 68 09SAFEF09 09SAFEL12 09SAFSF01 SANGAL 09SAFSF02 09SAFSF02 09SAFSF02 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera schienale ---FASHION FASHION FASHION 80 Fodera Fodera Foderaschienale schienale80 80 SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL back SANGAL cushion ---FASHION FASHION FASHION coverings back back back 80 cushion cushion cushioncoverings coverings80 80 1.151 12,40 12,40 12,40 1.777 1.151 1.151 1.151 2.144 1.777 1.777 1.777 2.365 2.144 2.144 2.144 2.512 2.365 2.365 2.365 2.659 2.512 2.512 2.512 2.8422.659 2.659 2.659 3.1732.842 2.842 2.842 3.6143.173 3.173 3.173 5.1943.614 3.614 3.614 3.201 5.194 5.194 5.194 3.584 3.201 3.201 3.201 3.912 3.584 3.584 3.584 3.912 3.912 3.912 1.101 1.726 1.101 1.101 1.101 2.094 1.726 1.726 1.726 2.314 2.094 2.094 2.094 2.461 2.314 2.314 2.314 2.608 2.461 2.461 2.461 2.7922.608 2.608 2.608 3.1232.792 2.792 2.792 3.5643.123 3.123 3.123 5.1443.564 3.564 3.564 3.151 5.144 5.144 5.144 3.534 3.151 3.151 3.151 3.861 3.534 3.534 3.534 3.861 3.861 3.861 SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL back SANGAL cushion ---FASHION FASHION FASHION coverings back back back 60 cushion cushion cushioncoverings coverings60 60 mc 1,30 mc mc mc 09SAFEF11 1,30 1,30 1,30 Kg 72 Kg Kg Kg 72 72 72 09SAFEF12 SANGAL 09SAFEF11 09SAFEF11 09SAFEF11 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera sedute ---FASHION FASHION FASHION Elemento Fodera Fodera Fodera180 sedute sedute Elemento Elemento180 180 180 SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL seat SANGAL cushions ---FASHION FASHION FASHION coverings seat seat seatcushions for cushions cushions Element coverings coverings 180 for forElement Element Element 180 180 180 SANGAL 09SAFEF12 09SAFEF12 09SAFEF12 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera telaio ---FASHION FASHION FASHION Elemento Fodera Fodera Fodera 180 telaio telaio Elemento Elemento180 180 SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL frame -coverings --FASHION FASHION FASHION frame frame frame coverings coverings for Element 180 for forElement Element Element180 180 180 300 199199 199 361 300300 300 402 361361 361 442 402402 402 493 442 442 442 585 493 493 493 706585 585 1.143 585706 706706 655 1.1431.143 1.143 774 655 655655 876 774 774774 876 876876 SANGAL 09SAFEF14 09SAFEF14 09SAFEF14 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera telaio ---FASHION FASHION FASHION Elemento Fodera Fodera Fodera 200 telaio telaioElemento Elemento 200 200 SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL frame -coverings --FASHION FASHION FASHION frame frame frame coverings coverings for Element 200 for forElement Element Element 200 200 200 5,20 5,20 5,20 216 370 216216 216 463 370370 370 524 463463 463 586 524524 524 663 586 586 586 801 663 663 663 986801 801 1.648 801986 986986 882 1.6481.648 1.648 1.062 882 882 1.216 882 1.0621.062 1.062 1.2161.216 1.216 Leather Elite 3,50 3,50 3,50 199 Prestige Pelle Star Prestige Pelle TopStar Leather Leather Top Pelle Top Leather TopTop Pelle Elite Pelle StarTop Leather Elite Leather Star Pelle Star Leather Pelle StarStar Pelle Elite Leather Star Leather Elite Pelle Elite Leather Elite Pelle Elite SANGAL 09SAFEF13 09SAFEF13 09SAFEF13 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera sedute ---FASHION FASHION FASHION Elemento Fodera Fodera Fodera 200 sedute seduteElemento Elemento 200 200 200 3,50 SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL seat cushions ---FASHION FASHION FASHION coverings seat seat seatcushions cushions cushions coverings coverings for Element 200 for for for Element Element Element 200 200 200 Elite Pelle Top Elite Leather Top Prestige 191 124124 124 231 191191 191 257 231231 231 284 257257 257 317 284 284 284 377 317 317 317 457377 377377 743457 457457 414 743 743743 491 414 414414 558 491 491491 558 558558 Star Star Prestige Elite 2,30 2,30 2,30 124 Star 2,30 Top Top Elite 153 111111 111 178 153153 153 195 178178 178 211 195195 195 232 211 211 211 270 232 232 232 321270 270270 501321 321321 302 501 501501 352 302 302302 394 352 352352 394 394394 Top 1,50 1,50 1,50 111 Lux Lux Star 1,50 09SAFSF01 1.154 Lux SANGAL 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera schienale ---FASHION FASHION FASHION 60 Fodera Fodera Foderaschienale schienale6060 09SAFEL14 Extra Extra Top 1.229 13,10 13,10 13,10 1.884 1.229 1.229 1.229 2.272 1.884 1.884 1.884 2.5052.272 2.272 2.272 2.6612.505 2.505 2.505 2.8162.661 2.661 2.661 3.010 2.816 2.816 2.816 3.360 3.010 3.010 3.010 3.826 3.360 3.360 3.360 5.497 3.8263.826 3.826 3.382 5.4975.497 5.497 3.787 3.3823.382 3.382 4.133 3.7873.787 3.787 4.1334.133 4.133 Extra 13,10 Super Super Lux SANGAL 09SAFEL13 09SAFEL13 09SAFEL13 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Elemento ---FASHION FASHION FASHION 200 piuma Elemento Elemento Elemento200 200piuma piuma SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Element ---FASHION FASHION 200 FASHION feather Element Element Element200 200feather feather SANGAL 09SAFEL14 09SAFEL14 09SAFEL14 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Elemento ---FASHION FASHION FASHION 200 espanso Elemento Elemento Elemento200 200espanso espanso SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Element ---FASHION FASHION 200 FASHION Element Element Element200 200polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane Super 09SAFEL13 Descrizione Descrizione Descrizione Normal Normal Normal Extra Descrizione Codice Codice Codice In Bianco No coverings In Bianco In Bianco No coverings In Bianco Normal No coverings No coverings Tess Cliente Customer fabric Tess Cliente Tess Cliente Customer fabric Super Customer fabric Codice Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Larghezza bracciolo Larghezza Larghezza 27 bracciolo bracciolo bracciolo 2727 27 2727 27 Armrest lenght 27 Armrest Armrest Armrest lenght lenght lenght Mt Tessuto Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Mt Tessuto Tess Cliente Fabric mt Fabric mt fabric Customer od. SANGAL Mod. Mod. SANGAL -SANGAL Fashion-- Fashion Fashion Fashion 1.809 1.154 1.154 1.154 2.198 1.809 1.809 1.809 2.4312.198 2.198 2.198 2.5862.431 2.431 2.431 2.7422.586 2.586 2.586 2.936 2.742 2.742 2.742 3.285 2.936 2.936 2.936 3.752 3.285 3.285 3.285 5.422 3.7523.752 3.752 3.308 5.4225.422 5.422 3.712 3.3083.308 3.308 4.058 3.7123.712 3.712 4.0584.058 4.058 SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL back SANGAL cushion ---FASHION FASHION FASHION coverings back back back 60 cushion cushion cushioncoverings coverings 6060 mc 1,44 mc mc 09SAFSF02 1,44 1,44 Kg 76 Kg Kg 7676 09SAFEF13 09SAFEF14 SANGAL 09SAFSF02 09SAFSF02 09SAFSF02 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera schienale ---FASHION FASHION FASHION 80 Fodera Fodera Foderaschienale schienale8080 SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL back SANGAL cushion ---FASHION FASHION FASHION coverings back back back 80 cushion cushion cushioncoverings coverings 8080 5,20 09SAFTE01S SANGAL 09SAFTE01S 09SAFTE01S 09SAFTE01S - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Terminale ---FASHION FASHION FASHION 107 sx piuma Terminale Terminale Terminale107 107sxsxpiuma piuma SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL End unit ---FASHION FASHION 107 FASHION left feather End End Endunit unit unit107 107left leftfeather feather 09SAFTE02S SANGAL 09SAFTE02S 09SAFTE02S 09SAFTE02S - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Terminale ---FASHION FASHION FASHION 107 sx espanso Terminale Terminale Terminale107 107sxsxespanso espanso SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL End unit ---FASHION FASHION 107 FASHION left polyurethane End End Endunit unit unit107 107left leftpolyurethane polyurethane polyurethane 7,10 09SAFSF01 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 111 153 111111 111 178 153153 153 195 178178 178 211 195195 195 232 211 211 211 270 232 232 232 321270 270270 501321 321321 302 501 501501 352 302 302302 394 352 352352 394 394394 09SAFTF01S SANGAL 09SAFTF01S 09SAFTF01S 09SAFTF01S - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera seduta ---FASHION FASHION FASHION Terminale Fodera Fodera Foderaseduta 107 seduta sx Terminale Terminale 107 107 107 sxsx sx 1,80 0,81 0,81 SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL seat SANGAL cushions ---FASHION FASHION FASHION coverings seat seat seatcushions for cushions cushions End unit coverings coverings 107 left forfor End End End unit unit unit 107 107 107 left left left 1,80 1,80 1,80 114 166 114114 114 198 166166 166 219 198198 198 240 219219 219 266 240 240 240 313 266 266 266 376313 313313 602376 376376 344 602 602602 405 344 344344 458 405 405405 458 458458 6060 09SAFTF02S SANGAL 09SAFTF02S 09SAFTF02S 09SAFTF02S - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera telaio ---FASHION FASHION FASHION Terminale Fodera Fodera Fodera 107 telaio telaio sx Terminale Terminale 107 107 sxsx sx 4,40 SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL frame -coverings --FASHION FASHION FASHION frame frame frame coverings for Endcoverings unit 107 left for forEnd Endunit unit unit 107 107 107 left left left 4,40 4,40 4,40 199 329 199199 199 406 329329 329 458 406406 406 510 458458 458 575 510 510 510 691 575 575 575 847691 691 1.403 691847 847847 736 1.4031.403 1.403 887 736 736 1.017 736 887 8871.017 887 1.017 1.017 SANGAL 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera schienale ---FASHION FASHION FASHION 60 Fodera Fodera Foderaschienale schienale6060 710 7,10 7,10 1.086 7,10 710710 1.296 710 1.086 1.086 1.086 1.4221.296 1.296 1.296 1.5061.422 1.422 1.422 1.5901.506 1.506 1.506 1.695 1.590 1.590 1.590 1.884 1.695 1.695 1.695 2.136 1.884 1.884 1.884 3.039 2.1362.136 2.136 1.891 3.0393.039 3.039 2.109 1.8911.891 1.891 2.296 2.1092.109 2.109 2.2962.296 2.296 693 1.068 693693 1.278 693 1.068 1.068 1.068 1.4041.278 1.278 1.278 1.4881.404 1.404 1.404 1.5721.488 1.488 1.488 1.677 1.572 1.572 1.572 1.866 1.677 1.677 1.677 2.118 1.866 1.866 1.866 3.021 2.1182.118 2.118 1.873 3.0213.021 3.021 2.091 1.8731.873 1.873 2.279 2.0912.091 2.091 2.2792.279 2.279 SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL back SANGAL cushion ---FASHION FASHION FASHION coverings back back back 60 cushion cushion cushioncoverings coverings 6060 mc 0,81 mc mc Kg 60 Kg Kg 09SAFTE03S SANGAL 09SAFTE03S 09SAFTE03S 09SAFTE03S - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Terminale ---FASHION FASHION FASHION 137 sx piuma Terminale Terminale Terminale137 137sxsxpiuma piuma SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL End unit ---FASHION FASHION 137 FASHION left feather End End Endunit unit unit137 137left leftfeather feather 09SAFTE04S SANGAL 09SAFTE04S 09SAFTE04S 09SAFTE04S - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Terminale ---FASHION FASHION FASHION 137 sx espanso Terminale Terminale Terminale137 137sxsxespanso espanso SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL End unit ---FASHION FASHION 137 FASHION left polyurethane End End Endunit unit unit137 137left leftpolyurethane polyurethane polyurethane 7,90 09SAFSF02 2,30 2,30 2,30 2,30 124 191 124124 124 231 191191 191 257 231231 231 284 257257 257 317 284 284 284 377 317 317 317 457377 377377 743457 457457 414 743 743743 491 414 414414 558 491 491491 558 558558 09SAFTF03S SANGAL 09SAFTF03S 09SAFTF03S 09SAFTF03S - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera seduta ---FASHION FASHION FASHION Terminale Fodera Fodera Foderaseduta 137 seduta sx Terminale Terminale 137 137 137 sxsx sx 1,80 0,95 0,95 SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL seat SANGAL cushions ---FASHION FASHION FASHION coverings seat seat seatcushions for cushions cushions End unit coverings coverings 137 left forfor End End End unit unit unit 137 137 137 left left left 1,80 1,80 1,80 117 169 117117 117 201 169169 169 222 201201 201 243 222222 222 269 243 243 243 316 269 269 269 379316 316316 605379 379379 357 605 605605 419 357 357357 472 419 419419 472 472472 6363 09SAFTF04S SANGAL 09SAFTF04S 09SAFTF04S 09SAFTF04S - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera telaio ---FASHION FASHION FASHION Terminale Fodera Fodera Fodera 137 telaio telaio sx Terminale Terminale 137 137 sxsx sx 4,40 SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL frame -coverings --FASHION FASHION FASHION frame frame frame coverings for Endcoverings unit 137 left for forEnd Endunit unit unit 137 137 137 left left left 4,40 4,40 4,40 226 355 226226 226 433 355355 355 485 433433 433 536 485485 485 601 536 536 536 718 601 601 601 873718 718 1.430 718873 873873 773 1.4301.430 1.430 924 773 773 1.054 773 924 9241.054 924 1.054 1.054 SANGAL 09SAFSF02 09SAFSF02 09SAFSF02 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera schienale ---FASHION FASHION FASHION 80 Fodera Fodera Foderaschienale schienale8080 839 7,90 7,90 1.258 7,90 839839 1.492 839 1.258 1.258 1.258 1.6331.492 1.492 1.492 1.7271.633 1.633 1.633 1.8211.727 1.727 1.727 1.938 1.821 1.821 1.821 2.149 1.938 1.938 1.938 2.430 2.149 2.149 2.149 3.439 2.4302.430 2.430 2.165 3.4393.439 3.439 2.409 2.1652.165 2.165 2.619 2.4092.409 2.409 2.6192.619 2.619 784 1.203 784784 1.437 784 1.203 1.203 1.203 1.5781.437 1.437 1.437 1.6721.578 1.578 1.578 1.7651.672 1.672 1.672 1.883 1.765 1.765 1.765 2.094 1.883 1.883 1.883 2.375 2.094 2.094 2.094 3.383 2.3752.375 2.375 2.110 3.3833.383 3.383 2.354 2.1102.110 2.110 2.563 2.3542.354 2.354 2.5632.563 2.563 SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL back SANGAL cushion ---FASHION FASHION FASHION coverings back back back 80 cushion cushion cushioncoverings coverings 8080 mc 0,95 mc mc Kg 63 Kg Kg 09SAFTE05S SANGAL 09SAFTE05S 09SAFTE05S 09SAFTE05S - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Terminale ---FASHION FASHION FASHION 167 sx piuma Terminale Terminale Terminale167 167sxsxpiuma piuma SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL End unit ---FASHION FASHION 167 FASHION left feather End End Endunit unit unit167 167left leftfeather feather 09SAFTE06S SANGAL 09SAFTE06S 09SAFTE06S 09SAFTE06S - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Terminale ---FASHION FASHION FASHION 167 sx espanso Terminale Terminale Terminale167 167sxsxespanso espanso SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL End unit ---FASHION FASHION 167 FASHION left polyurethane End End Endunit unit unit167 167left leftpolyurethane polyurethane polyurethane 12,20 09SAFSF01 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 111 153 111111 111 178 153153 153 195 178178 178 211 195195 195 232 211 211 211 270 232 232 232 321270 270270 501321 321321 302 501 501501 352 302 302302 394 352 352352 394 394394 09SAFTF05S SANGAL 09SAFTF05S 09SAFTF05S 09SAFTF05S - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera sedute ---FASHION FASHION FASHION Terminale Fodera Fodera Foderasedute 167 sedute sx Terminale Terminale 167 167 167 sxsx sx 3,50 1,13 1,13 SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL seat SANGAL cushions ---FASHION FASHION FASHION coverings seat seat seatcushions for cushions cushions End unit coverings coverings 167 left forfor End End End unit unit unit 167 167 167 left left left 3,50 3,50 3,50 190 291 190190 190 352 291291 291 393 352352 352 433 393393 393 484 433 433 433 575 484 484 484 697575 575 1.134 575697 697697 653 1.1341.134 1.134 772 653 653653 874 772 772772 874 874874 7070 09SAFTF06S SANGAL 09SAFTF06S 09SAFTF06S 09SAFTF06S - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera telaio ---FASHION FASHION FASHION Terminale Fodera Fodera Fodera 167 telaio telaio sx Terminale Terminale 167 167 sxsx sx 6,30 SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL frame -coverings --FASHION FASHION FASHION frame frame frame coverings for Endcoverings unit 167 left for forEnd Endunit unit unit 167 167 167 left left left 6,30 6,30 6,30 255 441 255255 255 552 441441 441 626 552552 552 700 626626 626 793 700 700 700 960 793 793 1.183 793960 960 1.980 960 1.1831.183 1.183 1.053 1.9801.980 1.980 1.270 1.0531.053 1.053 1.456 1.2701.270 1.270 1.4561.456 1.456 SANGAL 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera schienale ---FASHION FASHION FASHION 60 Fodera Fodera Foderaschienale schienale6060 1.062 12,20 12,20 12,20 1.650 1.062 1.062 1.062 2.011 1.650 1.650 1.650 2.2272.011 2.011 2.011 2.3712.227 2.227 2.227 2.5162.371 2.371 2.371 2.696 2.516 2.516 2.516 3.020 2.696 2.696 2.696 3.453 3.020 3.020 3.020 5.003 3.4533.453 3.453 2.975 5.0035.003 5.003 3.327 2.9752.975 2.975 3.628 3.3273.327 3.327 3.6283.628 3.628 1.039 1.627 1.039 1.039 1.039 1.988 1.627 1.627 1.627 2.2041.988 1.988 1.988 2.3482.204 2.204 2.204 2.4922.348 2.348 2.348 2.672 2.492 2.492 2.492 2.997 2.672 2.672 2.672 3.430 2.997 2.997 2.997 4.980 3.4303.430 3.430 2.960 4.9804.980 4.980 3.312 2.9602.960 2.960 3.613 3.3123.312 3.312 3.6133.613 3.613 SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL back SANGAL cushion ---FASHION FASHION FASHION coverings back back back 60 cushion cushion cushioncoverings coverings 6060 mc 1,13 mc mc Kg 70 Kg Kg 09SAFTE09S SANGAL 09SAFTE09S 09SAFTE09S -- FASHION SANGAL Terminale -----FASHION FASHION 207 sx piuma Terminale Terminale 207 sx piuma FASHION frame telaio coverings FASHION frame coverings FASHION FASHION frame frame coverings for End unit 187 lefttelaio for End unit 187 for End unit unit 187 187 left left 13,30 09SAFTF08S SANGAL -- FASHION 09SAFTF08S Fodera Terminale 09SAFTF08S 187 sxSANGAL Fodera Terminale Fodera 187 telaio sx 6,30 Terminale sx 258 443 6,30 09SAFTF08S Fodera telaio 187 sx 09SAFTE09S SANGAL FASHION Terminale 207 sxleft piuma FASHION End unit FASHION 207 FASHION left feather End End unit 207 left feather 09SAFTE09S SANGAL -- FASHION 09SAFTE09S Terminale 207 SANGAL sx 09SAFTE09S 09SAFTE09S 09SAFTE09S piuma -- FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Terminale ------FASHION FASHION FASHION 207 sx piuma Terminale Terminale Terminale 207 13,30 207 sx sx piuma piuma 1.271 1.936 13,30 FASHION frame coverings frame coverings frame coverings frame for End unitSANGAL 187 left for Endunit unit 187 left unit 187 left left2.332 for End unit 187 SANGAL FASHION End unit 207 left feather 09SAFTE10S 09SAFTE10S 09SAFTE10S espanso espanso FASHION End unit 207 left feather FASHION SANGAL End unit -----FASHION FASHION 207 FASHION left feather End End Endunit unit unit207 207 left feather feather 09SAFTE09S SANGAL -- FASHION 09SAFTE09S Terminale 207 SANGAL sx 09SAFTE09S 09SAFTE09S piuma -- FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Terminale FASHION 207 sx piuma Terminale Terminale 13,30 207 sx piuma 1.271 1.936 2.332 13,30 09SAFTE10S SANGAL - FASHION Terminale 207 left sx espanso SANGAL FASHION SANGAL SANGAL End unit FASHION 207 FASHION left End End unit unit207 207 left polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane 09SAFTE10S SANGAL -- FASHION 09SAFTE10S 09SAFTE10S 09SAFTE10S 09SAFTE10S espanso -----FASHION espanso Terminale espanso espanso 1.221 1.886 2.281 FASHION End unit 207 left feather feather feather 09SAFTE09S 09SAFTE09S Terminale 207 sx 09SAFTE09S piuma -- FASHION Terminale FASHION 207 sx piuma Terminale 13,30 207sx sx piuma 1.271 1.936 2.332 13,30 09SAFTE09S FASHION Terminale SANGAL - FASHION End unit 207 left polyurethane SANGAL -----FASHION End polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane 09SAFTE10S SANGAL -- FASHION 09SAFTE10S Terminale 207 SANGAL sx 09SAFTE10S 09SAFTE10S espanso -- FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Terminale FASHION 207 sx espanso Terminale Terminale 207 left sx espanso 1.221 1.886 2.281 FASHION End unit 207 left feather FASHION End unit FASHION 207 left feather End unit 207 left FASHION Endunit unit207 feather 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 Fodera schienale 60polyurethane Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 60polyurethane 1,50 FASHION End unit 207 left FASHION End unit FASHION 207 FASHION left End End unit unit 207 left polyurethane polyurethane 09SAFTE10S SANGAL -- FASHION 09SAFTE10S Terminale 207 SANGAL sx 09SAFTE10S espanso -- FASHION SANGAL Terminale ----FASHION 207 sx espanso Terminale 207 sx espanso 1.221 1.886 2.281 09SAFTE10S SANGAL FASHION Terminale 09SAFSF01 SANGAL - FASHION Fodera schienale 60 SANGAL SANGAL back SANGAL -schienale FASHION coverings back back 60cushion cushion coverings 60 09SAFSF01 SANGAL -- FASHION 09SAFSF01 Fodera schienale SANGAL 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 60-polyurethane --FASHION FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Fodera ------FASHION FASHION FASHION Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 1,50 60 60polyurethane 111 153 1,50 09SAFSF01 SANGAL FASHION Fodera schienale FASHION End unit 207 left FASHION Endcushion unit FASHION 207 left60 End unit 207 left FASHION End unit polyurethane polyurethane SANGAL - FASHION back cushion coverings 60 back cushion SANGAL coverings FASHION 60 SANGAL SANGAL back cushion FASHION FASHION coverings back back 60 cushion cushion coverings coverings 60 SANGAL FASHION back cushion 60 09SAFSF01 SANGAL SANGAL--FASHION FASHION 09SAFSF01 Fodera schienale SANGAL 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 60 FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Fodera schienale FASHION FASHION 60 Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 1,50 60 111 153 1,50 09SAFTF09S SANGAL 09SAFTF09S 09SAFTF09S - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Fodera sedute --FASHION FASHION Terminale Fodera Fodera207 sedute sedute sx Terminale 207 207 sx sx 3,50 09SAFTF09S sedute Terminale 207 sx back cushion SANGAL coverings 60 207 sx SANGAL back SANGAL cushion --schienale FASHION coverings back back 60 cushion cushion coverings 09SAFSF01 SANGAL FASHION 09SAFSF01 Fodera schienale SANGAL 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 60----FASHION FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Fodera FASHION FASHION 60 Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 1,50 60left60 111 1,50 mc 1,44SANGAL mc mc ---FASHION 1,44 1,44 SANGAL FASHION SANGAL seat SANGAL cushions FASHION FASHION coverings seat seat for cushions cushions End unit coverings 207 for207 End End unit unit 207 left left153 09SAFTF09S SANGAL FASHION 09SAFTF09S Fodera sedute SANGAL Terminale 09SAFTF09S 09SAFTF09S 09SAFTF09S FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera sedute -------FASHION FASHION FASHION FASHION Terminale Fodera Fodera Fodera 207 sedute sedute sedute 3,50 sx Terminale Terminale 207 207sxsx sx 190207 291 3,50 mc - FASHION 1,44back cushionSANGAL seat cushions coverings60 for End unit 207 left SANGAL coverings FASHION 60 SANGAL back cushion FASHION coverings back 60 cushion coverings SANGAL FASHION back cushion mc 1,44 mc mc mc 1,44 1,44 1,44 SANGAL FASHION seat cushions SANGAL coverings FASHION for End SANGAL unit SANGAL seat 207 cushions left FASHION FASHION coverings seat seat for cushions cushions End unit coverings coverings 207 left for End End unit unit 207 207 left left SANGAL FASHION seat cushions for End unit 207 left 09SAFTF09S SANGAL FASHION 09SAFTF09S Fodera sedute SANGAL Terminale 09SAFTF09S 09SAFTF09S FASHION 207 sx SANGAL SANGAL Fodera sedute FASHION FASHION Terminale Fodera Fodera 207 sedute sedute 3,50 sx Terminale 207 207 sx sx 190 291 3,50 Kg 79 Kg Kg 79 09SAFTF10S 79 SANGAL 09SAFTF10S 09SAFTF10S - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Fodera telaio --FASHION FASHION Terminale Fodera Fodera 207telaio telaio sx Terminale 207 sx sx 6,30 Kg 79 09SAFTF10S SANGAL --FASHION FASHION Fodera telaio Terminale 207 sx mc 1,44 mc mc 1,44 1,44 SANGAL FASHION seat cushions SANGAL coverings FASHION for End unit SANGAL seat SANGAL 207 cushions left FASHION coverings seat seat for cushions cushions End unit coverings 207 left for End End unit unit 207 207 left left 09SAFTF09S SANGAL FASHION 09SAFTF09S Fodera sedute SANGAL Terminale 09SAFTF09S 09SAFTF09S FASHION 207 sx SANGAL Fodera sedute FASHION Terminale Fodera 207 sedute sedute 3,50 sx Terminale 207 207 sx sx 190 291 3,50 SANGAL FASHION SANGAL SANGAL frame coverings FASHION FASHION frame frame coverings for End unit 207 left for End unit unit 207 207 left left Kg 09SAFTF10S 79 SANGAL Kg Kg 79 79 09SAFTF10S 09SAFTF10S 09SAFTF10S - FASHION 207 sx Fodera telaio ---FASHION FASHION Terminale Fodera Fodera 207 telaio telaio sx 6,30 Terminale Terminale207 sx 260 446 6,30 Kg - FASHION 79 Fodera telaio Terminale 09SAFTF10S FASHION Fodera telaio 207sxsx SANGAL - FASHION FASHION frame coverings for End unitunit 207 left mc 1,44SANGAL mc mc 1,44 1,44 seat cushions SANGAL coverings ---FASHION for207 End SANGAL seat 207 cushions -telaio left coverings seat for cushions End unit coverings 207 left End unit 207 left446 SANGAL seat cushions for207 End 207 left FASHION frame coverings FASHION SANGAL frame coverings ------FASHION FASHION frame frame coverings coverings FASHION frame for End unit 207 left for End unit 207 left for End unit unit 207 left left for End unit 207 left Kg 09SAFTF10S 79 SANGAL Kg Kg ---FASHION FASHION 79 09SAFTF10S 79 Fodera telaio SANGAL Terminale 09SAFTF10S 09SAFTF10S FASHION sxunit SANGAL SANGAL Fodera FASHION FASHION Terminale Fodera Fodera 207 telaio telaio sx 6,30 Terminale sx sx207 260 6,30 09SAFTE11S SANGAL 09SAFTE11S 09SAFTE11S -- FASHION SANGAL Terminale ----FASHION FASHION 227 sx piuma Terminale Terminale 227 sxleft piuma FASHION frame telaio coverings FASHION frame coverings FASHION FASHION frame frame coverings for End unit 207 lefttelaio for End unit 207 for End unit unit 207 207 left left 14,20 Kg 09SAFTF10S 79 SANGAL Kg Kg -- FASHION 79 09SAFTF10S 79 Fodera Terminale 09SAFTF10S 09SAFTF10S 207 sxSANGAL Fodera Terminale Fodera Fodera 207 telaio telaio sx 6,30 Terminale 207 sx sx 260 446 6,30 09SAFTE11S SANGAL FASHION Terminale 227 sx piuma FASHION End unit FASHION 227 FASHION left feather End End unit 227 left feather 09SAFTE11S SANGAL -- FASHION 09SAFTE11S Terminale 227 SANGAL sx 09SAFTE11S 09SAFTE11S piuma -- FASHION SANGAL Terminale ------FASHION FASHION 227 sx piuma Terminale Terminale 227 14,20 227 sx sx piuma piuma 1.356 2.055 14,20 09SAFTE11S SANGAL FASHION Terminale FASHION frame coverings frame coverings frame frame coverings for End unitSANGAL 207 left for Endunit unit 207 left unit 207 left left2.475 for End unit 207 SANGAL FASHION End unit 227 left feather 09SAFTE12S 09SAFTE12S 09SAFTE12S espanso espanso FASHION End unit 227 left feather FASHION SANGAL End unit ------FASHION FASHION 227 left feather End End unit 227 left feather FASHION Endunit unit227 feather 09SAFTE11S SANGAL -- FASHION 09SAFTE11S Terminale 227 SANGAL sx 09SAFTE11S 09SAFTE11S piuma -- FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Terminale FASHION 227 sx piuma Terminale Terminale 14,20 227 left sx piuma 1.356 2.055 2.475 14,20 09SAFTE12S SANGAL FASHION Terminale 227sx sx espanso polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane 09SAFTE12S SANGAL -- FASHION 09SAFTE12S 09SAFTE12S 09SAFTE12S espanso SANGAL ------FASHION espanso Terminale espanso espanso 1.282 1.981 2.401 09SAFTE12S FASHION End unit 227 left feather FASHION End unit FASHION 227 FASHION left feather End End unit unit227 227 left feather 09SAFTE11S 09SAFTE11S Terminale 227 SANGAL sx 09SAFTE11S piuma -- FASHION SANGAL Terminale FASHION 227 sx piuma Terminale 14,20 227 sx piuma 1.356 2.055 2.475 14,20 09SAFTE11S SANGAL FASHION Terminale SANGAL FASHION End unit 227 left polyurethane SANGAL ------FASHION End polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane 09SAFTE12S SANGAL -- FASHION 09SAFTE12S Terminale 227 SANGAL sx 09SAFTE12S 09SAFTE12S espanso -- FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Terminale FASHION 227 sx espanso Terminale Terminale 227 left sx espanso 1.282 1.981 2.401 FASHION End unit 227 left feather FASHION End unit FASHION 227 left feather End unit 227 left FASHION Endunit unit227 feather 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 Fodera schienale 60polyurethane Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 60polyurethane 1,50 FASHION End unit 227 left FASHION End unit FASHION 227 FASHION left End End unit unit 227 left polyurethane polyurethane 09SAFTE12S SANGAL -- FASHION 09SAFTE12S Terminale 227 SANGAL sx 09SAFTE12S espanso -- FASHION SANGAL Terminale ----FASHION 227 sx espanso Terminale 227 sx espanso 1.282 1.981 2.401 09SAFTE12S SANGAL FASHION Terminale 09SAFSF01 SANGAL FASHION Fodera schienale 60 SANGAL SANGAL back SANGAL -schienale FASHION coverings back back 60cushion cushion coverings 60 09SAFSF01 SANGAL -- FASHION 09SAFSF01 Fodera schienale SANGAL 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 60-polyurethane --FASHION FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera -------FASHION FASHION FASHION FASHION Fodera Fodera Fodera schienale schienale schienale 1,50 60 60polyurethane 111 153 1,50 FASHION End unit 227 left FASHION Endcushion unit FASHION 227 left60 End unit 227 left FASHION End unit polyurethane polyurethane SANGAL --schienale FASHION back cushion coverings 60 back cushion SANGAL coverings FASHION 60 SANGAL SANGAL back cushion FASHION FASHION coverings back back 60 cushion cushion coverings coverings 60 SANGAL FASHION back cushion 60 09SAFSF01 SANGAL SANGAL--FASHION FASHION 09SAFSF01 Fodera schienale SANGAL 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 60 FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Fodera FASHION FASHION 60 Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 1,50 60 111 153 1,50 09SAFSF02 SANGAL 09SAFSF02 09SAFSF02 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Fodera schienale --FASHION FASHION 80Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 80 2,30 back cushion SANGAL coverings 60 SANGAL back SANGAL cushion --schienale FASHION coverings back back 60 cushion coverings 09SAFSF01 SANGAL FASHION 09SAFSF01 Fodera schienale SANGAL 09SAFSF01 60 FASHION SANGAL Fodera FASHION 60 Fodera schienale 1,50 60 111 153 1,50 09SAFSF01 SANGAL FASHION Fodera schienale 09SAFSF02 80 60 mc mc mc ---FASHION 1,58 1,58 SANGAL FASHION SANGAL back SANGAL cushion FASHION FASHION coverings back back 80cushion cushion cushion coverings 80 09SAFSF021,58SANGAL SANGAL FASHION 09SAFSF02 Fodera schienale SANGAL 09SAFSF02 09SAFSF02 80----FASHION FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Fodera schienale -------FASHION FASHION FASHION 80 Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 2,30 80 80 124 191 2,30 09SAFSF02 SANGAL FASHION Fodera schienale SANGAL FASHION back cushion SANGAL coverings FASHION 60 SANGAL back SANGAL cushion FASHION FASHION coverings back back 60 cushion cushion coverings 60 mc 1,58 80 mc 1,58 mc mc 1,58 1,58 mc 1,58 SANGAL FASHION back cushion SANGAL coverings FASHION 80 SANGAL SANGAL back cushion FASHION FASHION coverings back back 80 cushion cushion coverings coverings 80 SANGAL FASHION back cushion 80 09SAFSF02 SANGAL FASHION 09SAFSF02 Fodera schienale SANGAL 09SAFSF02 09SAFSF02 80 FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Fodera schienale FASHION FASHION 80 Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 2,30 80 124 191 2,30 Kg 84 Kg Kg 84 09SAFTF11S 84 SANGAL 09SAFTF11S 09SAFTF11S - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Fodera sedute --FASHION FASHION Terminale Fodera Fodera227 sedute sedute sx Terminale 227 227 sx sx 3,40 mc 1,58SANGAL mc mc 1,58 1,58 back cushion SANGAL coverings 80 227 sx SANGAL back SANGAL cushion -sedute FASHION coverings back back 80cushion cushion coverings 80 227 09SAFSF0284 SANGAL FASHION 09SAFSF02 Fodera schienale SANGAL 09SAFSF02 80----FASHION FASHION SANGAL Fodera schienale FASHION 80 Fodera schienale 2,30 80 227 124unit 191 2,30 09SAFSF02 SANGAL FASHION Fodera schienale Kg 84 09SAFTF11S SANGAL FASHION Fodera sedute Terminale 227 sx FASHION seat cushions FASHION FASHION coverings seat seat cushions cushions coverings for End unit left for for End End unit 227 227 left left Kg 09SAFTF11S SANGAL Kg Kg FASHION 84 84 09SAFTF11S Fodera sedute SANGAL Terminale 09SAFTF11S 09SAFTF11S FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Fodera ---------FASHION FASHION FASHION Terminale Fodera Fodera 227 sedute sedute 3,40 sx Terminale Terminale 227 sxsx sx 198 300 3,40 Kg ---FASHION 84 09SAFTF11S SANGAL FASHION Fodera sedute 227 mc 1,58SANGAL mc 1,58 mc 1,58 back cushion SANGAL coverings ---FASHION 80 227 SANGAL back SANGAL cushion -sedute --FASHION FASHION coverings back back 80cushion cushion coverings 80 left SANGAL -227 FASHION seat cushions coverings forEnd End unit 227 left FASHION seat cushions coverings FASHION SANGAL seat cushions FASHION coverings seat seat cushions cushions coverings coverings FASHION seat cushions for End unit left for End unit 227 for for for End End unit unit unit 227 227 227 left left left Kg 09SAFTF11S 84 SANGAL Kg Kg ---FASHION FASHION 84 09SAFTF11S 84 Fodera sedute SANGAL Terminale 09SAFTF11S 09SAFTF11S FASHION sx SANGAL SANGAL Fodera FASHION FASHION Terminale Fodera Fodera 227 sedute sedute 3,40 sx Terminale 227 227 sx sx 198 300 3,40 09SAFTF12S SANGAL 09SAFTF12S 09SAFTF12S - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Fodera telaio --FASHION FASHION Terminale Fodera Fodera 227telaio telaio sx Terminale 227 sx sx 6,30 FASHION seat cushions coverings FASHION seat cushions FASHION FASHION coverings seat seat cushions cushions coverings for End unit 227 left for End unit 227 left for for End End unit unit 227 227 left left Kg 09SAFTF11S 84 SANGAL Kg FASHION 84 09SAFTF11S Fodera sedute SANGAL Terminale 09SAFTF11S FASHION 227 sx SANGAL Fodera sedute FASHION Terminale Fodera 227 sedute 3,40 sx Terminale 227 sx 198 300 3,40 Kg 84 09SAFTF11S SANGAL FASHION Fodera sedute 227 sx 09SAFTF12S SANGAL FASHION Fodera telaio Terminale 227 sx FASHION frame telaio coverings FASHION FASHION frame frame coverings for End unit 227 left for End unit 227 227 left left 455 09SAFTF12S SANGAL - FASHION 09SAFTF12S Fodera telaio SANGAL Terminale 09SAFTF12S 09SAFTF12S -- FASHION 227 sxSANGAL SANGAL Fodera ----FASHION FASHION Terminale Fodera Fodera 227 telaio sx 6,30 Terminale 227unit sxsx 270 6,30 SANGAL --- FASHION FASHION seat SANGAL coverings FASHION SANGAL seat cushions FASHION coverings seat cushions coverings SANGAL FASHION seat cushions for End unit left for End unit 227 left for End unit 227 left for End unit left SANGAL FASHION framecushions coverings FASHION SANGAL frame coverings ----227 FASHION FASHION frame frame frame coverings coverings for End unit 227 left for End unit 227 left for End unit unit 227 227 left left227 for End unit 227 left 09SAFTF12S SANGAL 09SAFTF12S Fodera telaio SANGAL Terminale 09SAFTF12S 09SAFTF12S --- FASHION 227 sxSANGAL SANGAL Fodera telaio ---FASHION FASHION Terminale Fodera Fodera 227 telaio telaio sx 6,30 Terminale 227 sx sx 270 455 6,30 09SAFTE13S SANGAL 09SAFTE13S 09SAFTE13S -- FASHION SANGAL Terminale ----FASHION FASHION 247 sx piuma Terminale Terminale 247 sxleft piuma FASHION frame telaio coverings FASHION frame coverings FASHION FASHION frame frame coverings for End unit 227 lefttelaio for End unit 227 for End unit unit 227 227 left left 14,20 09SAFTF12S SANGAL -- FASHION 09SAFTF12S Fodera Terminale 09SAFTF12S 227 sxSANGAL Fodera Terminale Fodera 227 telaio sx 6,30 Terminale sx 270 455 6,30 09SAFTF12S Fodera telaio 227 sx FASHION End unit FASHION 247 FASHION left feather End End unit 247 left feather 09SAFTE13S SANGAL -- FASHION 09SAFTE13S Terminale 247 SANGAL sx 09SAFTE13S 09SAFTE13S piuma -- FASHION SANGAL Terminale -----FASHION FASHION 247 sx piuma Terminale Terminale 247 14,20 247 sx sx piuma piuma 1.414 2.114 14,20 09SAFTE13S SANGAL FASHION Terminale FASHION frame coverings frame coverings frame coverings frame for End unitSANGAL 227 left for Endunit unit 227 left unit 227 left left2.534 for End unit 227 09SAFTE14S 09SAFTE14S 09SAFTE14S espanso espanso FASHION End unit 247 left feather FASHION SANGAL End unit -----FASHION FASHION 247 left feather End End unit 247 left feather FASHION Endunit unit247 feather 09SAFTE13S SANGAL -- FASHION 09SAFTE13S Terminale 247 SANGAL sx 09SAFTE13S 09SAFTE13S piuma -- FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Terminale FASHION 247 sx piuma Terminale Terminale 14,20 247 left sx piuma 1.414 2.114 2.534 14,20 FASHION End unit FASHION 247 FASHION left End End unit unit247 247 left polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane 09SAFTE14S 09SAFTE14S Terminale 247 SANGAL sx 09SAFTE14S 09SAFTE14S espanso -- FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Terminale -----FASHION FASHION 247 sx espanso Terminale Terminale 247sx sx espanso espanso 1.303 2.003 2.423 09SAFTE14S SANGAL FASHION Terminale FASHION End unit 247 left feather feather feather 09SAFTE13S SANGAL -- FASHION 09SAFTE13S 09SAFTE13S 09SAFTE13S piuma piuma 14,20 piuma 1.414 2.114 2.534 14,20 SANGAL -----FASHION End polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane 09SAFTE14S SANGAL -- FASHION 09SAFTE14S Terminale 247 SANGAL sx 09SAFTE14S 09SAFTE14S espanso -- FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Terminale FASHION 247 sx espanso Terminale Terminale 247 left sx espanso 1.303 2.003 2.423 FASHION End unit 247 left feather FASHION End unit FASHION 247 FASHION left feather End Endunit unit unit247 247 left feather 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 Fodera schienale 60polyurethane Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 60polyurethane 1,50 FASHION End unit 247 left FASHION End unit FASHION 247 FASHION left End End unit unit 247 left polyurethane polyurethane 09SAFTE14S SANGAL -- FASHION 09SAFTE14S Terminale 247 SANGAL sx 09SAFTE14S 09SAFTE14S espanso -- FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Terminale ----FASHION FASHION 247 sx espanso Terminale Terminale 247 sx espanso 1.303 2.003 2.423 SANGAL SANGAL back SANGAL -schienale FASHION coverings back back 60cushion cushion coverings 60 09SAFSF01 SANGAL -- FASHION 09SAFSF01 Fodera schienale SANGAL 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 60-polyurethane --FASHION FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera ------FASHION FASHION FASHION FASHION Fodera Fodera Fodera schienale schienale schienale 1,50 60 60polyurethane 111 153 1,50 FASHION End unit 247 left FASHION Endcushion unit FASHION 247 FASHION left60 End End unit unit 247 left polyurethane polyurethane back cushion SANGAL coverings FASHION 60 SANGAL SANGAL back cushion FASHION FASHION coverings back back 60 cushion cushion coverings coverings 60 SANGAL FASHION back cushion 60 09SAFSF01 SANGAL SANGAL--FASHION FASHION 09SAFSF01 Fodera schienale SANGAL 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 60 FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Fodera schienale FASHION FASHION 60 Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 1,50 60 111 153 1,50 09SAFSF02 SANGAL 09SAFSF02 09SAFSF02 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Fodera schienale --FASHION FASHION 80Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 80 2,30 back cushion SANGAL coverings 60 SANGAL back SANGAL cushion --schienale FASHION coverings back back 60 cushion coverings 09SAFSF01 SANGAL FASHION 09SAFSF01 Fodera schienale SANGAL 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 60 FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Fodera FASHION FASHION 60 Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 1,50 60 111 153 1,50 mc mc mc ---FASHION 1,72 1,72 SANGAL FASHION SANGAL back SANGAL cushion FASHION FASHION coverings back back 80cushion cushion cushion coverings 80 09SAFSF021,72SANGAL SANGAL FASHION 09SAFSF02 Fodera schienale SANGAL 09SAFSF02 09SAFSF02 80----FASHION FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Fodera schienale -------FASHION FASHION FASHION 80 Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 2,30 80 80 60 124 191 2,30 09SAFSF02 SANGAL FASHION Fodera schienale SANGAL FASHION back cushion SANGAL coverings FASHION 60 SANGAL back cushion FASHION coverings back 60 cushion coverings SANGAL FASHION back cushion 60 mc 1,72 mc mc 1,72 1,72 mc 1,72 SANGAL FASHION back cushion SANGAL coverings FASHION 80 SANGAL SANGAL back SANGAL cushion FASHION FASHION FASHION coverings back back back 80 cushion cushion cushion coverings coverings 80 80 09SAFSF02 SANGAL FASHION 09SAFSF02 Fodera schienale SANGAL 09SAFSF02 09SAFSF02 80 FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Fodera schienale FASHION FASHION 80 Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 2,30 80 124 191 2,30 Kg 88 Kg Kg 88 09SAFTF13S 88 SANGAL 09SAFTF13S 09SAFTF13S - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Fodera sedute --FASHION FASHION Terminale Fodera Fodera247 sedute sedute sx Terminale 247 247 sx sx 3,50 mc 1,72SANGAL mc mc 1,72 1,72 back cushion SANGAL coverings 80 247 sx SANGAL back SANGAL cushion -sedute FASHION coverings back back 80cushion cushion coverings 80 247 09SAFSF0288 SANGAL FASHION 09SAFSF02 Fodera schienale SANGAL 09SAFSF02 80----FASHION FASHION SANGAL Fodera schienale FASHION 80 Fodera schienale 2,30 80 247 124unit 191 2,30 09SAFSF02 SANGAL FASHION Fodera schienale FASHION seat cushions FASHION FASHION coverings seat seat cushions cushions coverings for End unit left for for End End unit 247 247 left left Kg 09SAFTF13S SANGAL Kg Kg FASHION 88 88 09SAFTF13S Fodera sedute SANGAL Terminale 09SAFTF13S 09SAFTF13S FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Fodera --------FASHION FASHION FASHION Terminale Fodera Fodera 247 sedute sedute 3,50 sx Terminale Terminale 247 sxsx sx 198 300 3,50 Kg ---FASHION 88 09SAFTF13S SANGAL FASHION Fodera sedute 247 mc 1,72SANGAL mc 1,72 mc 1,72 back cushion SANGAL coverings ---FASHION 80 247 SANGAL back cushion -sedute FASHION coverings back 80cushion coverings SANGAL --247 FASHION back cushion 80 left FASHION seat cushions coverings FASHION SANGAL seat cushions coverings seat cushions coverings FASHION seat cushions for End unit left for End unit 247 for for End End unit unit 247 247 left left Kg 09SAFTF13S 88 SANGAL Kg Kg ---FASHION FASHION 88 09SAFTF13S 88 Fodera sedute SANGAL Terminale 09SAFTF13S 09SAFTF13S FASHION sx SANGAL SANGAL Fodera FASHION FASHION Terminale Fodera Fodera 247 sedute sedute 3,50 sx Terminale 247 247 sx sx 198 300 3,50 SANGAL FASHION seat cushions coverings for End unit 247 left 09SAFTF14S SANGAL 09SAFTF14S 09SAFTF14S - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Fodera telaio --FASHION FASHION Terminale Fodera Fodera 247telaio telaio sx Terminale 247 sx sx 6,30 FASHION seat cushions coverings FASHION seat cushions FASHION FASHION coverings seat seat cushions cushions coverings for End unit 247 left for End unit 247 left for for End End unit unit 247 247 left left Kg 09SAFTF13S 88 SANGAL Kg Kg FASHION 88 09SAFTF13S 88 Fodera sedute SANGAL Terminale 09SAFTF13S 09SAFTF13S FASHION 247 sx SANGAL SANGAL Fodera sedute FASHION FASHION Terminale Fodera Fodera 247 sedute sedute 3,50 sx Terminale 247 247 sx sx 198 300 3,50 FASHION frame telaio coverings FASHION FASHION frame frame coverings for End unit 247 left for End unit unit 247 247 left left 457 09SAFTF14S SANGAL - FASHION 09SAFTF14S Fodera telaio SANGAL Terminale 09SAFTF14S 09SAFTF14S 09SAFTF14S -- FASHION 247 sxSANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera ------FASHION FASHION FASHION Terminale Fodera Fodera Fodera 247 telaio telaio telaio sx 6,30 Terminale Terminale 247 247 sxsx sx 6,30 09SAFTF14S SANGAL FASHION Fodera telaio Terminale 247 sx 271 SANGAL --- FASHION FASHION seat SANGAL coverings FASHION SANGAL SANGAL seat cushions --247 --FASHION FASHION FASHION coverings seat seat cushions cushions coverings for End unit left for End unit 247 left for End unit 247 left for End unit 247 left FASHION framecushions coverings FASHION SANGAL frame coverings FASHION FASHION frame frame frame coverings coverings for End unit 247 left for End unit 247 left for End unit unit 247 247 left left for End unit 247 left 09SAFTF14S SANGAL 09SAFTF14S Fodera telaio SANGAL Terminale 09SAFTF14S 09SAFTF14S --- FASHION 247 sxSANGAL SANGAL Fodera telaio FASHION Terminale Fodera Fodera 247 telaio telaio sx 6,30 Terminale 247 sx sx 271 457 6,30 SANGAL - FASHION frame coverings for End unit 247 left FASHION frame telaio coverings FASHION frame coverings FASHION FASHION frame frame coverings for End unit 247 lefttelaio for End unit 247 left for End unit unit 247 247 left left 457 09SAFTF14S SANGAL -- FASHION 09SAFTF14S Fodera SANGAL Terminale 09SAFTF14S -- FASHION 247 sxSANGAL Fodera ----FASHION Terminale Fodera 247 telaio sx 6,30 Terminale sx 271 6,30 09SAFTF14S SANGAL FASHION Fodera telaio 247 sx SANGAL - FASHION frame coverings SANGALfor - FASHION frame -- FASHION coverings SANGAL FASHION frame End unitSANGAL 247 leftcoverings forframe End unit 247 left for End unit unit 247 247 left left 231 231 352 352 352 555 555 1.271 555 2.569 1.271 1.221 2.569 1.271 2.519 1.221 2.569 1.271 2.519 1.221 2.519 1.221 178 178 178 352 352 352 557 557 1.356 557 2.727 1.356 1.282 2.727 1.356 2.653 1.282 2.727 1.356 2.653 1.282 2.653 1.282 178 178 178 231 231 231 360 360 360 567 567 1.414 567 2.786 1.414 1.303 2.786 1.414 2.675 1.303 2.786 1.414 2.675 1.303 2.675 1.303 178 178 178 231 231 231 360 360 360 568 568 568 Leather Leather Leather Leather Elite Elite Elite Elite Leather Leather Leather Leather Star Star Star Star Pelle Elite Leather Elite Pelle Pelle Pelle Elite Pelle Elite Elite Elite Leather Leather Leather Leather Elite Elite Elite Elite Pelle Pelle Pelle Elite Pelle Elite Elite Elite Leather Top Top Top Top Leather Leather Leather Elite Elite Elite Elite Pelle Star Pelle Pelle Pelle Star Pelle Star Star Star Leather Star Leather Leather Leather Leather Star Star Star Star Pelle Pelle Pelle Star Pelle Star Star Star Elite Elite Elite Elite Elite Pelle Pelle Pelle Top Pelle Top Top Top Elite Elite Elite Elite Leather Leather Leather Leather Top Top Top Top Prestige Prestige Prestige Prestige Prestige Pelle Pelle Pelle Star Pelle Star Star Star Prestige Prestige Prestige Prestige Leather Leather Leather Leather Star Star Star Star Pelle Top Pelle Pelle Pelle Top Pelle Top Top Top Leather Top Leather Leather Leather Leather Top Top Top Top Top Pelle Top Top Top Pelle Pelle Pelle Elite Elite Elite Elite Star Pelle Pelle Pelle Elite Elite Elite Star Star Star Star Star Star Star Star Leather Leather Leather Elite Elite Elite Prestige Prestige Prestige Prestige Top Pelle Pelle Pelle Star Star Star Top Top Top Top Top Top Top Top Leather Leather Leather Star Star Star Elite Elite Elite Elite Lux Pelle Pelle Pelle Top Top Top Lux Lux Lux Lux Lux Lux Lux Lux Leather Leather Leather Top Top Top Star Star Star Star Extra Extra Extra Extra Extra Prestige Prestige Prestige Extra Extra Extra Extra Top Top Top Top Super Super Super Super Super Elite Elite Elite Super Super Super Super Lux Lux Lux Lux Normal Star Star Star Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Extra Extra Extra Extra Tess Cliente Tess Tess Cliente Tess Cliente Tess Cliente Cliente Customer fabric Top Top Top Tess Tess Cliente Tess Tess Cliente Cliente Cliente Super Super Super Super Customer Customer Customer Customer fabric fabric fabric fabric Customer Customer Customer Customer fabric fabric fabric fabric fabric In Bianco In Bianco In Bianco In Bianco In Bianco Lux Lux Lux In Bianco In Bianco In Incoverings Bianco NoBianco Normal Normal Normal NoNormal No coverings No coverings No coverings coverings NoNo coverings No coverings No coverings coverings coverings 1.128 2.348 1.128 1.092 2.348 1.128 2.312 1.092 2.348 1.128 2.312 1.092 2.312 1.092 178 178 178 231 Mt Tessuto Mt Mt Tessuto Mt Tessuto Mt Tessuto Tessuto Extra Extra Extra Mt Mt Tessuto Mt Tessuto Mt Tessuto Tessuto Tess Tess Cliente Tess Cliente Tess Cliente Cliente Fabric mt Fabric Fabric Fabric mt Fabric mt mt mt Fabric Fabric Fabric mt Fabric mt mt mt Customer Customer Customer Customer fabric fabric fabric fabric Codice Descrizione Codice Codice Descrizione Descrizione Codice Descrizione Codice Descrizione Codice Codice Descrizione Descrizione Codice Descrizione 09SAFTE07S SANGAL 09SAFTE07S 09SAFTE07S - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Terminale --FASHION FASHION 187 sx piuma Terminale Terminale 187 sx piuma 13,00 Codice Descrizione Codice Descrizione Codice Codice Descrizione Descrizione FASHION End unit FASHION 187 FASHION left feather End End unit unit187 187 left feather 09SAFTE07S SANGAL - FASHION 09SAFTE07S Terminale 187 SANGAL sx 09SAFTE07S 09SAFTE07S piuma -- FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Terminale -----FASHION FASHION 187 sx piuma Terminale Terminale 13,00 187sx sx piuma piuma 1.128 1.732 2.117 13,00 09SAFTE07S SANGAL FASHION Terminale Codice Descrizione Codice Descrizione Codice Codice Descrizione Descrizione 09SAFTE08S 09SAFTE08S 09SAFTE08S espanso espanso FASHION End unit 187 left feather FASHION SANGAL End unit -----FASHION FASHION 187 left feather End End unit 187 left feather FASHION Endunit unit187 feather 09SAFTE07S SANGAL -- FASHION 09SAFTE07S Terminale 187 SANGAL sx 09SAFTE07S 09SAFTE07S piuma -- FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Terminale FASHION 187 sx piuma Terminale Terminale 13,00 187 left sx piuma 1.128 1.732 2.117 13,00 polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane 09SAFTE08S SANGAL -- FASHION 09SAFTE08S 09SAFTE08S 09SAFTE08S espanso SANGAL -----FASHION espanso Terminale espanso espanso 1.092 1.696 2.081 09SAFTE08S FASHION End unit 187 left feather FASHION End unit FASHION 187 FASHION left feather End End unit unit187 187 left feather 09SAFTE07S 09SAFTE07S Terminale 187 SANGAL sx 09SAFTE07S 09SAFTE07S piuma -- FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Terminale FASHION FASHION 187 sx piuma Terminale Terminale 13,00 187sx sx piuma 1.128 1.732 2.117 13,00 SANGAL SANGAL -----FASHION End polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane 09SAFTE08S SANGAL -- FASHION 09SAFTE08S Terminale 187 SANGAL sx 09SAFTE08S 09SAFTE08S espanso -- FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Terminale FASHION 187 sx espanso Terminale Terminale 187 left sx espanso 1.092 1.696 2.081 FASHION End unit 187 left feather FASHION End unit FASHION 187 FASHION left feather End Endunit unit unit187 187 left feather 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 Fodera schienale 60polyurethane Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 60 1,50 FASHION End unit 187 left FASHION End unit FASHION 187 FASHION left End End unit unit 187 left polyurethane polyurethane 09SAFTE08S SANGAL -- FASHION 09SAFTE08S Terminale 187 SANGAL sx 09SAFTE08S 09SAFTE08S espanso -- FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Terminale ----FASHION FASHION 187 sx espanso Terminale Terminale 187 sx espanso 1.092 1.696 2.081 09SAFSF01 Fodera schienale 60polyurethane SANGAL SANGAL back SANGAL --schienale FASHION coverings back back 60cushion cushion coverings 60 09SAFSF01 SANGAL -- FASHION 09SAFSF01 Fodera schienale SANGAL 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 60-polyurethane --FASHION FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Fodera ------FASHION FASHION FASHION Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 1,50 60 60polyurethane 111 153 1,50 09SAFSF01 SANGAL FASHION Fodera schienale FASHION End unit 187 left FASHION Endcushion unit FASHION 187 FASHION left60 End End unit unit 187 left polyurethane polyurethane SANGAL FASHION back cushion coverings 60 back cushion SANGAL coverings FASHION 60 SANGAL SANGAL back cushion FASHION FASHION coverings back back 60 cushion cushion coverings coverings 60 SANGAL FASHION back cushion 60 09SAFSF01 SANGAL SANGAL--FASHION FASHION 09SAFSF01 Fodera schienale SANGAL 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 60 FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Fodera schienale FASHION FASHION 60 Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 1,50 60 111 153 1,50 09SAFSF02 SANGAL 09SAFSF02 09SAFSF02 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Fodera schienale ---FASHION FASHION 80Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 80 2,30 09SAFSF02 SANGAL FASHION Fodera schienale 80 ---FASHION back cushion SANGAL coverings ----FASHION 60 SANGAL back SANGAL cushion --schienale ------FASHION FASHION coverings back back 60 cushion cushion coverings 60 09SAFSF01 SANGAL FASHION 09SAFSF01 Fodera schienale SANGAL 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 60 FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Fodera FASHION FASHION 60 Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 1,50 60 111 153 1,50 mc mc mc 1,30 1,30 SANGAL FASHION SANGAL back SANGAL cushion FASHION FASHION coverings back back 80 cushion cushion coverings 80 09SAFSF021,30SANGAL SANGAL FASHION 09SAFSF02 Fodera schienale SANGAL 09SAFSF02 09SAFSF02 80 FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Fodera schienale FASHION FASHION 80 Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 2,30 80 80 124 191 2,30 09SAFSF02 SANGAL FASHION Fodera schienale mc 1,30 SANGAL - FASHION back cushion coverings 80 SANGAL FASHION back cushion SANGAL coverings FASHION 60 SANGAL back cushion FASHION coverings back 60 cushion coverings SANGAL FASHION back cushion 60 mc 1,30 mc mc 1,30 1,30 mc 1,30 SANGAL FASHION back cushion SANGAL coverings FASHION 80 SANGAL SANGAL back SANGAL cushion FASHION FASHION FASHION coverings back back back 80 cushion cushion cushion coverings coverings 80 80 09SAFSF02 SANGAL FASHION 09SAFSF02 Fodera schienale SANGAL 09SAFSF02 09SAFSF02 80 FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Fodera schienale FASHION FASHION 80 Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 2,30 80 124 191 2,30 Kg 75 Kg Kg 75 09SAFTF07S 75 SANGAL 09SAFTF07S 09SAFTF07S - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Fodera sedute ---FASHION FASHION Terminale Fodera Fodera187 sedute sedute sx Terminale 187 187 sx 3,50 Kg 75 09SAFTF07S SANGAL FASHION Fodera sedute Terminale 187 sx sx mc 1,30SANGAL mc mc 1,30 1,30 back cushion SANGAL coverings 80 187 sx SANGAL back SANGAL cushion -sedute -------FASHION FASHION coverings back back 80cushion cushion coverings 80 187 09SAFSF0275 SANGAL FASHION 09SAFSF02 Fodera schienale SANGAL 09SAFSF02 80----FASHION FASHION SANGAL Fodera schienale FASHION 80 Fodera schienale 2,30 80 187 124unit 191 2,30 09SAFSF02 SANGAL FASHION Fodera schienale FASHION seat cushions FASHION FASHION coverings seat seat cushions cushions coverings for End unit left for for End End unit 187 187 left Kg 09SAFTF07S SANGAL Kg Kg FASHION 75 75 09SAFTF07S Fodera sedute SANGAL Terminale 09SAFTF07S 09SAFTF07S FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Fodera FASHION FASHION Terminale Fodera Fodera 187 sedute sedute 3,50 sx Terminale Terminale 187 sx sx 190 291 3,50 Kg ---FASHION 75 09SAFTF07S SANGAL FASHION Fodera sedute 187 sx SANGAL -FASHION FASHION seat cushions coverings for End unit 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SANGAL -SANGAL Fashion--Fashion Fashion 13,00 13,00 1.732 1.128 1.128 2.117 1.732 1.732 2.348 2.117 2.117 2.502 13,00 2.502 13,00 1.732 1.128 2.656 1.128 2.117 1.732 2.848 1.732 2.348 2.117 3.195 2.117 2.502 13,00 1.128 1.732 2.117 1.696 2.656 1.092 1.092 2.081 2.848 1.696 1.696 2.312 3.195 2.081 2.081 2.466 2.502 13,00 13,00 1.732 1.128 1.128 2.117 1.732 1.732 2.348 2.117 2.117 2.502 2.466 1.696 1.092 2.620 1.092 2.081 1.696 2.812 1.696 2.312 2.081 3.159 2.081 2.466 1.092 1.696 2.081 2.502 13,00 13,00 1.732 2.656 1.128 1.128 2.117 2.848 1.732 1.732 2.348 3.195 2.117 2.117 2.502 2.466 1.696 2.620 1.092 1.092 2.081 2.812 1.696 1.696 2.312 3.159 2.081 2.081 2.466 1,50 1,50 111 2.620 153 2.812 111 111 178 3.159 153 153 195 2.466 1.696 1.092 1.092 2.081 1.696 1.696 2.312 2.081 2.081 2.466 1,50 111 153 1,50 195 1,50 111 211 153 111 232 111 178 153 270 153 195 1,50 111 153 1,50 195 1,50 111 211 153 232 111 111 178 270 153 153 195 2,30 2,30 124 191 124 124 231 191 191 257 2,30 124 191 1,50 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2.281 2.281 2.677 2.727 13,30 13,30 1.936 1.271 1.271 2.332 1.936 1.936 2.569 2.332 2.332 2.727 1.221 1.886 2.281 2.677 1.886 1.221 2.835 1.221 1.221 2.281 1.886 3.033 1.886 1.886 2.519 2.281 3.389 2.281 2.281 2.677 2.727 13,30 1.936 2.885 1.271 2.332 3.083 1.936 2.569 3.439 2.332 2.727 13,30 1.271 1.936 2.332 2.677 1.886 2.835 1.221 1.221 2.281 3.033 1.886 1.886 2.519 3.389 2.281 2.281 2.677 1,50 1,50 111 2.835 153 3.033 111 111 178 3.389 153 153 195 2.677 1.886 1.221 2.281 1.886 2.519 2.281 2.677 1.221 1.886 2.281 1,50 111 153 1,50 195 1,50 111 211 153 111 232 111 178 153 270 153 195 1,50 111 153 1,50 195 1,50 111 211 153 232 111 111 178 270 153 153 195 3,50 3,50 190 291 190 190 352 291 291 393 3,50 190 291 1,50 195 1,50 111 211 153 232 111 111 178 270 153 153 195 3,50 3,50 393 3,50 190 433 291 190 484 190 190 352 291 575 291 291 393 2.348 2.348 2.656 2.502 2.502 2.848 2.656 2.656 3.195 2.848 2.848 3.657 3.195 3.195 5.312 3.657 3.657 3.145 5.312 5.312 3.521 3.145 3.145 3.842 3.521 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3.195 5.312 3.657 3.657 3.145 5.312 5.312 3.521 3.145 3.145 3.842 3.521 3.521 3.842 3.842 2.312 3.621 2.312 2.620 2.466 5.276 2.466 2.812 2.620 3.109 2.620 3.159 2.812 3.485 2.812 3.621 3.159 3.807 3.159 5.276 3.621 3.621 3.109 5.276 5.276 3.485 3.109 3.109 3.807 3.485 3.485 3.807 3.807 178 178 211 2.466 195 195 232 2.620 211 211 270 2.812 232 232 321 3.159 270 270 501 3.621 321 321 302 5.276 501 501 352 3.109 302 302 394 3.485 352 352 394 394 2.312 3.621 2.312 2.620 5.276 2.466 2.812 3.109 2.620 3.159 3.485 2.812 3.621 3.807 3.159 5.276 3.621 3.109 5.276 3.485 3.109 3.807 3.485 3.807 178 195 211 232 270 321 501 302 352 3.807 394 178 321 178 211 195 501 195 232 211 302 211 270 232 352 232 321 270270 394 270 501 321321321 302 501501501 352 302302302 394 352352352 394394394 178 195 211 232 178 321 178 211 195 501 195 232 211 302 211 270 232 352 232 321 270 394 270 501 321 302 501 352 302 394 231 231 284 257 257 317 284 284 377 317 317 457 377 377 743 457321 457 414 743501 743 491 414302 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3.651 2.401 2.401 2.821 2.895 14,20 14,20 2.055 1.356 1.356 2.475 2.055 2.055 2.727 2.475 2.475 2.895 1.282 1.981 2.401 2.821 1.981 1.282 2.989 1.282 2.401 1.981 3.199 1.981 2.653 2.401 3.577 2.401 2.821 1.282 1.981 2.401 2.895 14,20 2.055 3.063 1.356 2.475 3.273 2.055 2.727 3.651 2.475 2.895 14,20 1.356 2.055 2.475 2.821 1.981 2.989 1.282 1.282 2.401 3.199 1.981 1.981 2.653 3.577 2.401 2.401 2.821 1,50 1,50 111 2.989 153 3.199 111 111 178 3.577 153 153 195 2.821 1.981 1.282 2.401 1.981 2.653 2.401 2.821 1.282 1.981 2.401 1,50 111 153 1,50 1,50 195 1,50 111 211 153 111 232 111 111 178 153 270 153 153 195 1,50 195 1,50 111 211 153 232 111 111 178 270 153 153 195 2,30 2,30 124 191 124 124 231 191 191 257 195 1,50 111 211 153 232 111 178 270 153 195 1,50 111 153 2,30 124 191 2,30 257 2,30 124 284 191 124 317 124 231 191 377 191 257 2,30 124 191 2,30 257 2,30 124 284 191 317 124 124 231 377 191 191 257 3,40 3,40 198 300 198 198 360 300 300 401 257 2,30 124 284 191 317 124 231 300 377 191 257 2,30 124 191 3,40 198 300 3,40 401 3,40 198 442 300 198 492 198 360 584 300 401 3,40 198 300 3,40 401 3,40 198 442 300 492 198 198 360 584 300 300 401 6,30 6,30 270 455 270 270 567 455 455 641 401 3,40 198 442 300 492 198 360 584 300 401 3,40 198 300 6,30 270 455 6,30 6,30 641 270 715 455 270 808 270 567 455 975 455 641 6,30 641 6,30 270 715 455 808 270 270 567 975 455 455 641 14,20 14,20 2.114 1.414 1.414 2.534 2.114 2.114 2.786 2.534 2.954 641 6,30 270 715 455 808 270 567 2.534 975 455 641 6,30 270 455 14,20 2.954 14,20 2.114 1.414 3.122 1.414 2.534 2.114 3.332 2.114 2.786 2.534 3.710 2.534 2.954 14,20 1.414 2.114 2.534 2.003 3.122 1.303 1.303 2.423 3.332 2.003 2.003 2.675 3.710 2.423 2.423 2.843 2.954 14,20 14,20 2.114 1.414 1.414 2.534 2.114 2.114 2.786 2.534 2.534 2.954 2.843 2.003 1.303 3.011 1.303 2.423 2.003 3.221 2.003 2.675 2.423 3.599 2.423 2.843 1.303 2.003 2.423 2.954 14,20 14,20 2.114 3.122 1.414 1.414 2.534 3.332 2.114 2.114 2.786 3.710 2.534 2.534 2.954 2.843 2.003 3.011 1.303 1.303 2.423 3.221 2.003 2.003 2.675 3.599 2.423 2.423 2.843 1,50 1,50 111 3.011 153 3.221 111 111 178 3.599 153 153 195 2.843 2.003 1.303 1.303 2.423 2.003 2.003 2.675 2.423 2.423 2.843 1,50 1,50 195 1,50 111 211 153 111 232 111 111 178 153 270 153 153 195 1,50 195 1,50 111 211 153 232 111 111 178 270 153 153 195 2,30 2,30 124 191 124 124 231 191 191 257 1,50 195 1,50 111 211 153 232 111 111 178 270 153 153 195 2,30 257 2,30 124 284 191 124 317 124 231 191 377 191 257 2,30 124 191 2,30 257 2,30 124 284 191 317 124 124 231 377 191 191 257 3,50 3,50 198 300 198 198 360 300 300 401 257 2,30 124 284 191 317 124 231 300 377 191 257 2,30 124 191 3,50 401 3,50 198 442 300 198 492 198 360 584 300 401 3,50 198 300 3,50 401 3,50 198 442 300 492 198 198 360 584 300 300 401 6,30 6,30 271 457 271 271 568 457 457 642 3,50 401 3,50 198 442 300 492 198 198 360 584 300 300 401 6,30 6,30 642 6,30 271 717 457 271 809 271 271 568 457 976 457 457 642 6,30 271 457 6,30 642 6,30 271 717 457 809 271 271 568 976 457 457 642 642 6,30 271 717 457 809 271 568 976 457 642 6,30 271 457 352 697 352 433 1.134 393 393 484 433 657 433 575 484 776 484 697 575 1.134 877 575 1.188 697 697 657 1.985 1.134 1.134 776 1.062 657 657 877 1.279 776 776 1.465 877 877 557 557 705 631 631 798 705 705 965 798 1.188 798 965 1.985 965 1.188 1.062 1.985 1.279 1.062 1.465 1.279 1.465 557 631 705 798 965 1.188 1.985 1.062 1.279 1.465 352 697 352 433 1.134 393 393 484 433 657 433 575 484 776 484 697 575 1.134 877 575 697 697 657 1.134 1.134 776 657 657 877 776 776 877 877 557 1.188 557 705 631 1.985 631 798 705 1.062 705 965 798 1.279 1.188 798 965 1.465 1.985 9651.188 1.188 1.0621.985 1.985 1.279 1.062 1.062 1.465 1.279 1.279 1.465 1.465 557 631 705 798 965 1.188 1.985 1.062 1.279 1.465 1.188 557 557 705 1.985 631 631 798 1.062 705 705 965 1.279 798 1.188 798 1.465 965 1.985 965 1.188 1.188 1.062 1.985 1.985 1.279 1.062 1.062 1.465 1.279 1.279 1.465 1.465 2.727 2.727 3.063 2.895 3.273 3.063 3.651 3.273 4.155 3.651 5.961 4.155 3.681 5.961 4.118 3.681 4.493 4.118 4.493 1.188 557 557 705 2.895 1.985 631 631 798 3.063 1.062 705 705 965 3.273 1.279 798 1.188 798 3.651 1.465 965 1.985 965 4.155 1.188 1.188 1.062 5.961 1.985 1.985 1.279 3.681 1.062 1.062 1.465 4.118 1.279 1.279 4.493 1.465 1.465 2.727 2.895 3.063 3.273 3.651 4.155 5.961 3.681 4.118 4.493 2.727 4.155 2.727 3.063 2.895 5.961 2.895 3.273 3.063 3.681 3.063 3.6513.273 4.118 3.273 4.1553.651 4.493 3.651 5.9614.155 4.155 3.6815.961 5.961 4.118 3.681 3.681 4.493 4.118 4.118 4.493 4.493 2.727 2.895 3.063 3.273 3.651 4.155 5.961 3.681 4.118 4.493 2.653 2.653 2.989 2.895 2.821 2.821 3.199 3.063 2.989 2.989 3.577 3.273 3.199 3.199 4.081 3.651 3.577 3.577 5.887 4.155 4.081 4.081 3.607 5.961 5.887 5.887 4.044 3.681 3.607 3.607 4.418 4.118 4.044 4.044 4.493 4.418 4.418 2.727 4.155 2.727 3.063 5.961 2.895 3.273 3.681 3.063 3.651 4.118 3.273 4.155 4.493 3.651 5.961 4.155 3.681 5.961 4.118 3.681 4.493 4.118 4.493 2.653 2.821 2.989 3.199 3.577 4.081 5.887 3.607 4.044 4.418 2.653 4.081 2.653 2.989 2.821 5.887 2.821 3.199 2.989 3.607 2.989 3.5773.199 4.044 3.199 4.0813.577 4.418 3.577 5.8874.081 4.081 3.6075.887 5.887 4.044 3.607 3.607 4.418 4.044 4.044 4.418 4.418 2.653 2.821 2.989 3.199 3.577 4.081 5.887 3.607 4.044 4.418 4.155 2.727 3.063 5.961 2.895 3.273 3.681 3.063 3.651 4.118 3.273 4.155 4.493 3.651 5.961 4.155 3.681 5.961 4.118 3.681 4.493 4.118 4.493 2.727 2.895 3.063 3.273 3.651 4.155 5.961 3.681 4.118 4.493 231 457 231 284 352 352 433 352 457 231 284 231 352 697 352 433 352 352 697 352 433 555 555 703 555 697 352 433 352 555 1.185 555 703 555 257 743 257 317 284 414 284 377 317 491 317 457 377 558 377 743 457697 457 414 1.134 743 743 491 414653 414 558 772 491772 491 874 558874 558 393 393 484 433 433 575 484 484 697 575 1.134 575 697 653 1.134 772 653 874 393 433 484 575 1.134 743 257 317 433 414 284 377 484 491 317 457 575575 558 377 743 697697 457 4141.134 743 491 653653 414 558 772772 491 874874 558 257 284 317 377 457697 743 414653 491772 558874 393 1.134 393 484 653 433 575 772 484 697 1.134 874 575 697 653 1.134 772 653 874 772 874 393 433 484 1.134 1.134 393 393 484 433 653 433 575 484 772 484 697 575 1.134 874 575 697 697 653 1.134 1.134 772 653 653 874 772 772 874 874 629 629 796 703 703 963 796 1.185 796 963 1.983 963 1.185 1.056 1.983 1.983 1.273 1.056 1.056 1.459 1.273 1.273 1.459 1.459 629 703 796 963 1.185 1.185 1.983 1.056 1.273 1.459 1.134 393 484 653 433 575 772 484 697 963 1.134 874 575 697 6531.983 1.134 772 653 874 772 874 393 433 484 575 697 1.134 653 772 874 629 1.983 629 796 703 1.056 703 963 796 1.273 1.185 796 1.459 1.983 9631.185 1.185 1.056 1.983 1.273 1.056 1.056 1.459 1.273 1.273 1.459 1.459 629 703 796 963 1.185 1.983 1.056 1.273 1.459 1.185 555 555 703 1.983 629 629 796 1.056 703 703 963 1.273 796 1.185 796 1.459 963 1.983 963 1.185 1.185 1.056 1.983 1.983 1.273 1.056 1.056 1.459 1.273 1.273 1.459 1.459 2.569 2.569 2.885 2.727 3.083 2.885 3.439 3.083 3.914 3.439 5.614 3.914 3.476 5.614 3.888 3.476 4.240 3.888 4.240 1.185 555 703 2.727 1.983 629 796 2.885 1.056 703 963 3.083 1.273 1.185 796 3.439 1.459 1.983 963 3.914 1.185 1.056 5.614 1.983 1.273 3.476 1.056 1.459 3.888 1.273 4.240 1.459 555 629 703 796 963 1.185 1.983 1.056 1.273 1.459 2.569 2.727 2.885 3.083 3.439 3.914 5.614 3.476 3.888 4.240 2.569 2.569 3.914 2.569 2.885 2.727 2.727 5.614 2.727 3.083 2.885 2.885 3.476 2.885 3.4393.083 3.083 3.888 3.083 3.9143.439 3.439 4.240 3.439 5.6143.914 3.914 3.914 3.4765.614 5.614 5.614 3.888 3.476 3.476 3.476 4.240 3.888 3.888 3.888 4.240 4.240 4.240 2.519 2.519 2.835 2.727 2.677 2.677 3.033 2.885 2.835 2.835 3.389 3.083 3.033 3.033 3.863 3.439 3.389 3.389 5.564 3.914 3.863 3.863 3.426 5.614 5.564 5.564 3.837 3.476 3.426 3.426 4.190 3.888 3.837 3.837 4.240 4.190 4.190 2.569 3.914 2.569 2.885 5.614 2.727 3.083 3.476 2.885 3.439 3.888 3.083 3.914 4.240 3.439 5.614 3.914 3.476 5.614 3.888 3.476 4.240 3.888 4.240 2.519 2.677 2.835 3.033 3.389 3.863 5.564 3.426 3.837 4.190 2.519 2.519 3.863 2.519 2.835 2.677 2.677 5.564 2.677 3.033 2.835 2.835 3.426 2.835 3.3893.033 3.033 3.837 3.033 3.8633.389 3.389 4.190 3.389 5.5643.863 3.863 3.863 3.4265.564 5.564 5.564 3.837 3.426 3.426 3.426 4.190 3.837 3.837 3.837 4.190 4.190 4.190 3.914 2.569 2.885 5.614 2.727 3.083 3.476 2.885 3.439 3.888 3.083 3.914 4.240 3.439 5.614 3.914 3.476 5.614 3.888 3.476 4.240 3.888 4.240 2.569 2.727 2.885 3.083 3.439 3.914 5.614 3.476 3.888 4.240 2.519 3.863 2.519 2.835 2.677 5.564 2.677 3.033 2.835 3.426 2.835 3.389 3.033 3.837 3.033 3.863 3.389 4.190 3.389 5.564 3.863 3.863 3.426 5.564 5.564 3.837 3.426 3.426 4.190 3.837 3.837 4.190 4.190 178 178 211 2.677 195 195 232 2.835 211 211 270 3.033 232 232 321 3.389 270 270 501 3.863 321 321 302 5.564 501 501 352 3.426 302 302 394 3.837 352 352 4.190 394 394 3.863 2.519 2.835 5.564 2.677 3.033 3.426 2.835 3.389 3.837 3.033 3.863 4.190 3.389 5.564 3.863 3.426 5.564 3.837 3.426 4.190 3.837 4.190 2.519 178 195 211 232 270 321 501 302 352 394 178 321 178 211 195 501 195 232 211 302 211 270 232 352 232 321 270270 394 270 501 321321321 302 501501501 352 302302302 394 352352352 394394394 178 195 211 232 178 321 178 211 195 501 195 232 211 302 211 270 232 352 232 321 270 394 270 501 321 302 1.134 501 501 352 302657 302 394 776 352776 352 877 394877 394 352 352 433 393 393 484 433 433 575 484 484 697 575 1.134 575 697321 697 657 1.134 776 657 877 352 393 433 484 575 697 1.134 178 321 178 211 195 501 195 232 211 302 211 270 232 352 232 321 394 270 501 697321 3021.134 501 501 352 657657 302657 302 394 776776 352776 352 877877 394877 394 352 352 697 352 433 393 1.134 393 393 484 433 433 657 433 575 484 484 776 484 697 575270 575 1.134 877 575 697321 697 657 1.134 1.134 776 657 877 776 877 2.653 4.081 2.653 2.989 178 178 211 4.081 2.653 2.989 2.653 178 178 178 321 178 211 178 321 178 211 231 231 284 321 178 211 178 231 231 457 231 284 231 231 457 231 284 360 360 442 457 231 284 231 360 360 706 360 442 360 360 706 360 442 567 567 715 706 360 442 360 567 567 1.197 567 715 2.821 5.887 2.821 3.199 2.989 3.607 2.989 3.577 3.199 4.044 3.199 4.081 3.577 4.418 3.577 5.887 4.081 4.081 3.607 5.887 5.887 4.044 3.607 3.607 4.418 4.044 4.044 4.418 4.418 195 195 232 2.989 211 211 270 3.199 232 232 321 3.577 270 270 501 4.081 321 321 302 5.887 501 501 352 3.607 302 302 394 4.044 352 352 4.418 394 394 5.887 2.821 3.199 3.607 2.989 3.577 4.044 3.199 4.081 4.418 3.577 5.887 4.081 3.607 5.887 4.044 3.607 4.418 4.044 4.418 2.821 195 211 232 270 195 195 501 195 232 211 211 302 211 270 232 232 352 232 321 270270 394 270 501 321321321 321 302 501501501 501 352 302302302 302 394 352352352 352 394394394 394 195 501 195 232 211 302 211 270 232 352 232 321 270 394 270 501 321 321 302 501 501 352 302 302 394 352 352 394 257 257 317 284 284 377 317 317 457 377377 743 457457 414 743743 491 414414 558 491491 558394 558 501 195 232 302 211 270 352 232 321 394 270 501 302 352 394 195 211 232 257 284 317 377 457 743 414 491 558394 558 257 743 257 317 284 414 284 377 317 491 317 457 377270 558 377 743 457321 457 414 743501 743 491 414302 414 558 491352 491 558 257 284 317 377 457321 743501 414302 491352 558394 257 743 257 317 284 414 284 377 317 491 317 457 377 558 377 743 457 457 414 743 743 491 414 414 558 491 491 558 558 401 401 492 442 442 584 492 492 706 584 1.142 584 706706 658 1.142 1.142 777 658658 879 777777 879879 743 257 317 442 414 284 377 492 491 317 457 584584 558 377 743 706706 457 4141.142 743 491 658658 414 558 777777 491 879879 558 257 284 317 377 457706 743 414658 491777 558879 401 442 492 584 706 1.142 658 777 879 401 1.142 401 492 658 442 584 777 492 706 1.142 879 584 658 1.142 777 879 401 442 492 1.142 1.142 401 401 492 442 658 442 584 492 777 492 706 584 1.142 879 584 706 706 658 1.142 1.142 777 658 658 879 777 777 879 879 641 641 808 715 715 975 808 1.197 808 975 1.995 975 1.197 1.197 1.064 1.995 1.995 1.281 1.064 1.064 1.467 1.281 1.281 1.467 1.467 1.142 401 492 658 442 584 777 492 706 975 1.142 879 584 706 6581.995 1.142 777 658 879 777 879 401 442 492 584 706 1.142 658 777 879 641 715 808 9751.197 1.197 1.995 1.064 1.281 1.467 641 1.995 641 808 715 1.064 715 975 808 1.281 808 1.197 1.467 975 1.995 1.197 1.064 1.995 1.281 1.064 1.064 1.467 1.281 1.281 1.467 1.467 1.197 567 567 715 1.995 641 641 808 1.064 715 715 975 1.281 808 1.197 808 1.467 975 1.995 975 1.197 1.197 1.064 1.995 1.995 1.281 1.064 1.064 1.467 1.281 1.281 1.467 1.467 2.786 2.786 3.122 2.954 3.332 3.122 3.710 3.332 4.214 3.710 6.020 4.214 3.854 6.020 4.319 3.854 4.717 4.319 4.717 1.197 567 715 2.954 1.995 641 808 3.122 1.064 715 975 3.332 1.281 1.197 808 3.710 1.467 1.995 975 4.214 1.197 1.064 6.020 1.995 1.281 3.854 1.064 1.467 4.319 1.281 4.717 1.467 567 641 715 808 975 1.197 1.995 1.064 1.281 1.467 2.786 4.214 2.786 3.122 2.954 6.020 2.954 3.332 3.122 3.854 3.122 3.7103.332 4.319 3.332 4.2143.710 4.717 3.710 6.0204.214 4.214 3.8546.020 6.020 4.319 3.854 3.854 4.717 4.319 4.319 4.717 4.717 2.786 2.954 3.122 3.332 3.710 4.214 6.020 3.854 4.319 4.717 2.675 2.675 3.011 2.954 2.843 2.843 3.221 3.122 3.011 3.011 3.599 3.332 3.221 3.221 4.103 3.710 3.599 3.599 5.909 4.214 4.103 4.103 3.744 6.020 5.909 5.909 4.208 3.854 3.744 3.744 4.606 4.319 4.208 4.208 4.717 4.606 4.606 2.786 4.214 2.786 3.122 6.020 2.954 3.332 3.854 3.122 3.710 4.319 3.332 4.214 4.717 3.710 6.020 4.214 3.854 6.020 4.319 3.854 4.717 4.319 4.717 2.675 4.103 2.675 3.011 2.843 5.909 2.843 3.221 3.011 3.744 3.011 3.5993.221 4.208 3.221 4.1033.599 4.606 3.599 5.9094.103 4.103 3.7445.909 5.909 4.208 3.744 3.744 4.606 4.208 4.208 4.606 4.606 2.675 2.843 3.011 3.221 3.599 4.103 5.909 3.744 4.208 4.606 2.786 4.214 2.786 3.122 2.954 6.020 2.954 3.332 3.122 3.854 3.122 3.710 3.332 4.319 3.332 4.214 3.710 4.717 3.710 6.020 4.214 4.214 3.854 6.020 6.020 4.319 3.854 3.854 4.717 4.319 4.319 4.717 4.717 2.675 4.103 2.675 3.011 2.843 5.909 2.843 3.221 3.011 3.744 3.011 3.599 3.221 4.208 3.221 4.103 3.599 4.606 3.599 5.909 4.103 4.103 3.744 5.909 5.909 4.208 3.744 3.744 4.606 4.208 4.208 4.606 4.606 178 178 211 2.843 195 195 232 3.011 211 211 270 3.221 232 232 321 3.599 270 270 501 4.103 321 321 302 5.909 501 501 352 3.744 302 302 394 4.208 352 352 4.606 394 394 2.675 4.103 2.675 3.011 5.909 2.843 3.221 3.744 3.011 3.599 4.208 3.221 4.103 4.606 3.599 5.909 4.103 3.744 5.909 4.208 3.744 4.606 4.208 4.606 178 178 321 178 211 195 195 501 195 232 211 211 302 211 270 232 232 352 232 321 270270 394 270 501 321321321 302 501501501 352 302302302 394 352352352 394394394 178 321 178 211 195 501 195 232 211 302 211 270 232 352 232 321 270 394 270 501 321 302 501 352 302 394 231 231 284 257 257 317 284 284 377 317 317 457 377 377 743 457321 457 414 743501 743 491 414302 414 558 352 491352 491 394 558394 558 178 321 178 211 195 501 195 232 211 302 211 270 232 352 232 321 394 270 501 302 352 394 231 457 231 284 257 743 257 317 284 414 284 377 317 491 317 457 377270 558 377 743 457321 457 414 743501 743 491 414302 414 558 491352 491 558394 558 231 257 284 317 377 457321 743501 414302 491352 558394 231 457 231 284 257 743 257 317 284 414 284 377 317 491 317 457 377 558 377 743 457 457 414 743 743 491 414 414 558 491 491 558 558 360 360 442 401 401 492 442 442 584 492 492 706 584 1.142 584 706706 662 1.142 1.142 780 662662 882 780780 882882 457 231 284 401 743 257 317 442 414 284 377 492 491 317 457 584584 558 377 743 706706 457 4141.142 743 491 662662 414 558 780780 491 882882 558 231 257 284 317 377 457706 743 414662 491780 558882 360 706 360 442 1.142 401 492 662 442 584 780 492 706 1.142 882 584 662 1.142 780 882 360 401 442 492 1.142 360 706 360 442 1.142 401 401 492 442 662 442 584 492 780 492 706 584 1.142 882 584 706 706 662 1.142 1.142 780 662 662 882 780 780 882 882 568 568 717 642 642 809 717 717 976 809 1.199 809 976 1.997 976 1.199 1.199 1.069 1.997 1.997 1.286 1.069 1.069 1.473 1.286 1.286 1.473 1.473 360 706 360 442 1.142 401 401 492 442 662 442 584 492 780 492 706 976 584 1.142 882 584 706 706 6621.997 1.142 1.142 780 662 662 882 780 780 882 882 568 1.199 568 568 717 642 1.997 642 642 809 717 1.069 717 717 976 809 1.286 809 1.199 809 1.473 976 1.997 9761.199 1.199 1.199 1.069 1.997 1.997 1.286 1.069 1.069 1.069 1.473 1.286 1.286 1.286 1.473 1.473 1.473 568 642 717 809 976 1.199 1.997 1.069 1.286 1.473 1.199 568 568 717 1.997 642 642 809 1.069 717 717 976 1.286 809 1.199 809 1.473 976 1.997 976 1.199 1.199 1.069 1.997 1.997 1.286 1.069 1.069 1.473 1.286 1.286 1.473 1.473 1.199 568 717 1.997 642 809 1.069 717 976 1.286 1.199 809 1.473 1.997 976 1.199 1.199 1.069 1.997 1.997 1.286 1.069 1.069 1.473 1.286 1.286 1.473 1.473 568 642 717 809 976 09SAFTE15S SANGAL 09SAFTE15S 09SAFTE15S 09SAFTE15S - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Terminale/Angolo - FASHION --FASHION FASHION Terminale/Angolo 160 Terminale/Angolo Terminale/Angolo sx piuma 160 sx 160 piuma sx piuma piuma 9,50 SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL corner - FASHION -end - FASHION FASHION unitcorner 160 corner corner left endfeather end unit unit 160 160 left feather left feather feather 09SAFTE16S SANGAL 09SAFTE16S 09SAFTE16S 09SAFTE16S - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Terminale/Angolo - FASHION --FASHION FASHION Terminale/Angolo 160 Terminale/Angolo Terminale/Angolo sx espanso160 sx 160 espanso sx espanso espanso SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL corner - FASHION -end - FASHION FASHION unitcorner 160 corner corner left endpolyurethane end unit unit 160 160 left polyurethane left polyurethane polyurethane 09SAFSF01 SANGAL 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera - FASHION schienale --FASHION FASHION Fodera 60Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 60 60 Leather Elite Pelle Elite Leather Elite Pelle Elite Leather Star Star Pelle Elite Leather Star Pelle StarElite Leather Elite Top Leather Pelle Star Top Pelle Leather Pelle TopTop Leather Star Pelle Elite Pelle Top Prestige Pelle StarTop Leather Prestige Leather Star Elite Prestige Pelle Top Elite Leather Top Star Elite Star Prestige Top Star Top Elite Lux Top Lux Star Extra Extra Lux Top Super Super Lux Extra Normal Normal Extra Super Tess Cliente Tess Cliente Customer fabric Super Customer fabric Normal In Bianco In Bianco No coverings Normal Tess Cliente No coverings Customer fabric Descrizione Descrizione Descrizione In Bianco Descrizione Codice Codice Codice Mt NoTessuto coverings Fabric mt Mt Tessuto Mt Tessuto Tess Cliente Fabric mt In Bianco Fabric mt Codice Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Larghezza bracciolo Larghezza Larghezza 27 bracciolo bracciolo bracciolo 27 27 27 27Armrest 27 27 27 Armrest lenghtArmrest Armrest lenght lenght lenght Customer fabric No coverings od. SANGAL Mod. Mod. SANGAL SANGAL -SANGAL Fashion ---Fashion Fashion Fashion 1.049 9,50 9,50 9,50 1.506 1.049 1.049 1.049 1.786 1.506 1.506 1.506 1.954 1.786 1.786 1.786 2.066 1.954 1.954 1.954 2.178 2.066 2.066 2.066 2.178 2.318 2.178 2.318 2.178 2.570 2.318 2.570 2.318 2.906 2.570 2.906 2.570 4.110 2.906 4.110 2.906 2.688 4.110 2.688 4.110 2.997 2.688 2.997 2.688 3.263 2.997 3.263 2.997 3.263 3.263 1.030 2.046 2.046 2.158 2.298 2.158 2.298 2.158 2.550 2.298 2.550 2.298 2.886 2.550 2.886 2.550 4.090 2.886 4.090 2.886 2.668 4.090 2.668 4.090 2.978 2.668 2.978 2.668 3.243 2.978 3.243 2.978 3.243 3.243 1.486 1.030 1.030 1.030 1.766 1.486 1.486 1.486 1.934 1.766 1.766 1.766 2.046 1.934 1.934 1.934 2.158 2.046 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 111 153 111 111 111 178 153 153 153 195 178 178 178 211 195 195 195 211 232 211 232 211 270 232 270 232 321 270 321 270 501 321 501 321 302 501 302 501 352 302 352302 394 352 394352 394394 09SAFTF15S SANGAL 09SAFTF15S 09SAFTF15S 09SAFTF15S - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera - FASHION seduta --FASHION FASHION Terminale/Angolo Fodera Fodera Fodera seduta seduta Terminale/Angolo 160 Terminale/Angolo Terminale/Angolo sx 160 sx 160 160 sx sx 2,60 2,60 2,60 2,60 143 220 143 143 143 267 220 220 220 297 267 267 267 328 297 297 297 328 367 328 367 328 436 367 436 367 528 436 528 436 860 528 860 528 506 860 506 860 596 506 596506 673 596 673596 673673 5,80 5,80 5,80 246 417 246 246 246 520 417 417 417 589 520 520 520 658 589 589 589 658 743 658 743 658 898 743 1.103 898 743 1.103 898 1.841 898 1.103 1.841 1.103 985 1.841 985 1.841 1.185 1.185 985 1.357 985 1.185 1.357 1.185 1.357 1.357 1.241 10,80 10,80 10,80 1.745 1.241 1.241 1.241 2.064 1.745 1.745 1.745 2.255 2.064 2.064 2.064 2.382 2.255 2.255 2.255 2.510 2.382 2.382 2.382 2.510 2.669 2.510 2.669 2.510 2.955 2.669 2.955 2.669 3.338 2.955 3.338 2.955 4.707 3.338 4.707 3.338 3.105 4.707 3.105 4.707 3.457 3.105 3.457 3.105 3.759 3.457 3.759 3.457 3.759 3.759 1.177 2.318 2.318 2.445 2.604 2.445 2.604 2.445 2.891 2.604 2.891 2.604 3.273 2.891 3.273 2.891 4.643 3.273 4.643 3.273 3.040 4.643 3.040 4.643 3.392 3.040 3.392 3.040 3.694 3.392 3.694 3.392 3.694 3.694 SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL back SANGAL cushion - FASHION -- FASHION FASHION coverings backback back cushion 60 cushion cushion coverings coverings 60 60 SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL seat SANGAL cushion - FASHION -- FASHION FASHION coverings seatseat seat cushion for cushion cushion corner coverings coverings end unit for corner 160 for corner corner left end unit end end160 unit unitleft 160 160 left left mc Kg 1,13 80 mc mc mc Kg Kg Kg 09SAFTF16S SANGAL 09SAFTF16S 09SAFTF16S 09SAFTF16S - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera - FASHION telaio --FASHION FASHION Terminale/Angolo Fodera Fodera Fodera telaio telaio Terminale/Angolo 160 Terminale/Angolo Terminale/Angolo sx 160 sx 160 160 sx sx 5,80 1,13 1,13 1,13 SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL frame - FASHION coverings -- FASHION FASHION frame frame frame coverings coverings for corner endfor unit corner for 160 corner corner left end unit end end 160 unit unitleft 160 160 left left 80 8080 09SAFTE17S SANGAL 09SAFTE17S 09SAFTE17S 09SAFTE17S - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Terminale/Angolo - FASHION --FASHION FASHION Terminale/Angolo 220 Terminale/Angolo Terminale/Angolo sx piuma 220 sx 220 piuma sx piuma piuma 10,80 SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL corner - FASHION -end - FASHION FASHION unitcorner 220 corner corner left endfeather end unit unit 220 220 left feather left feather feather 09SAFTE18S SANGAL 09SAFTE18S 09SAFTE18S 09SAFTE18S - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Terminale/Angolo - FASHION --FASHION FASHION Terminale/Angolo 220 Terminale/Angolo Terminale/Angolo sx espanso220 sx 220 espanso sx espanso espanso SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL corner - FASHION -end - FASHION FASHION unitcorner 220 corner corner left endpolyurethane end unit unit 220 220 left polyurethane left polyurethane polyurethane 09SAFSF01 SANGAL 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera - FASHION schienale --FASHION FASHION Fodera 60Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 60 60 1.681 1.177 1.177 1.177 1.999 1.681 1.681 1.681 2.190 1.999 1.999 1.999 2.318 2.190 2.190 2.190 2.445 2.318 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 111 153 111 111 111 178 153 153 153 195 178 178 178 211 195 195 195 211 232 211 232 211 270 232 270 232 321 270 321 270 501 321 501 321 302 501 302 501 352 302 352302 394 352 394352 394394 09SAFTF17S SANGAL 09SAFTF17S 09SAFTF17S 09SAFTF17S - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera - FASHION seduta --FASHION FASHION Terminale/Angolo Fodera Fodera Fodera seduta seduta Terminale/Angolo 220 Terminale/Angolo Terminale/Angolo sx 220 sx 220 220 sx sx 3,60 3,60 3,60 3,60 169 274 169 169 169 337 274 274 274 379 337 337 337 421 379 379 379 421 474 421 474 421 568 474 568 474 694 568 1.146 694 568 1.146 694694 661 1.146 661 1.146 784 661 784661 889 784 889784 889889 6,30 6,30 6,30 265 450 265 265 265 562 450 450 450 636 562 562 562 710 636 636 636 710 803 710 803 710 970 803 1.192 970 803 1.192 970 1.990 970 1.192 1.990 1.192 1.077 1.990 1.077 1.990 1.294 1.077 1.294 1.077 1.480 1.294 1.480 1.294 1.480 1.480 7287,60 7,60 7,60 1.077 728 728 1.301 728 1.077 1.077 1.077 1.436 1.301 1.301 1.301 1.525 1.436 1.436 1.436 1.615 1.525 1.525 1.525 1.615 1.727 1.615 1.727 1.615 1.929 1.727 1.929 1.727 2.197 1.929 2.197 1.929 3.161 2.197 3.161 2.197 1.990 3.161 1.990 3.161 2.231 1.990 2.231 1.990 2.437 2.231 2.437 2.231 2.437 2.437 701 701 1.274 701 1.050 1.050 1.050 1.408 1.274 1.274 1.274 1.498 1.408 1.408 1.408 1.588 1.498 1.498 1.498 1.588 1.700 1.588 1.700 1.588 1.901 1.700 1.901 1.700 2.170 1.901 2.170 1.901 3.133 2.170 3.133 2.170 1.963 3.133 1.963 3.133 2.204 1.963 2.204 1.963 2.410 2.204 2.410 2.204 2.410 2.410 SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL back SANGAL cushion - FASHION -- FASHION FASHION coverings backback back cushion 60 cushion cushion coverings coverings 60 60 SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL seat SANGAL cushion - FASHION -- FASHION FASHION coverings seatseat seat cushion for cushion cushion corner coverings coverings end unit for corner 220 for corner corner left end unit end end220 unit unitleft 220 220 left left mc Kg 1,58 95 mc mc mc Kg Kg Kg 09SAFTF18S SANGAL 09SAFTF18S 09SAFTF18S 09SAFTF18S - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera - FASHION telaio --FASHION FASHION Terminale/Angolo Fodera Fodera Fodera telaio telaio Terminale/Angolo 220 Terminale/Angolo Terminale/Angolo sx 220 sx 220 220 sx sx 6,30 1,58 1,58 1,58 SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL frame - FASHION coverings -- FASHION FASHION frame frame frame coverings coverings for corner endfor unit corner for 220 corner corner left end unit end end 220 unit unitleft 220 220 left left 95 9595 09SAFAN01 09SAFAN02 09SAFSF01 SANGAL 09SAFAN01 09SAFAN01 09SAFAN01 - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Angolo - FASHION quadro --FASHION FASHION piuma Angolo Angolo Angolo quadro quadro piuma piuma SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL corner - FASHION --feather FASHION FASHION corner corner corner feather feather SANGAL 09SAFAN02 09SAFAN02 09SAFAN02 - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Angolo - FASHION quadro --FASHION FASHION espanso Angolo Angolo Angolo quadro quadro espanso espanso SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL corner - FASHION --polyurethane FASHION FASHION corner corner corner polyurethane polyurethane 7,60 SANGAL 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera - FASHION schienale --FASHION FASHION Fodera 60Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 60 60 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 111 153 111 111 111 178 153 153 153 195 178 178 178 211 195 195 195 211 232 211 232 211 270 232 270 232 321 270 321 270 501 321 501 321 302 501 302 501 352 302 352302 394 352 394352 394394 1,70 1,70 1,70 1,70 113 162 113 113 113 191 162 162 162 211 191 191 191 231 211 211 211 231 255 231 255 231 299 255 299 255 358 299 358 299 569 358 569 358 347 569 347 569 404 347 404347 453 404 453404 453453 4,60 4,60 4,60 4,60 161 298 161 161 161 380 298 298 298 434 380 380 380 489 434 434 434 489 557 489 557 489 680 557 680 557 844 680 1.431 844 680 1.431 844844 743 1.431 743 1.431 903 9668,40 8,40 8,40 1.408 966 966 1.657 966 1.408 1.408 1.408 1.806 1.657 1.657 1.657 1.905 1.806 1.806 1.806 2.005 1.905 1.905 1.905 2.005 2.129 2.005 2.129 2.005 2.353 2.129 2.353 2.129 2.651 2.353 2.651 2.353 3.719 2.651 3.719 2.651 2.439 3.719 2.439 3.719 2.714 2.439 2.714 2.439 2.949 2.714 2.949 2.714 2.949 2.949 947 947 1.637 947 1.389 1.389 1.389 1.786 1.637 1.637 1.637 1.886 1.786 1.786 1.786 1.985 1.886 1.886 1.886 1.985 2.109 1.985 2.109 1.985 2.333 2.109 2.333 2.109 2.631 2.333 2.631 2.333 3.700 2.631 3.700 2.631 2.420 3.700 2.420 3.700 2.694 2.420 2.694 2.420 2.930 2.694 2.930 2.694 2.930 2.930 1.050 701 SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL back SANGAL cushion - FASHION -- FASHION FASHION coverings backback back cushion 60 cushion cushion coverings coverings 60 60 mc 0,81 mc mc mc 09SAFAF01 0,81 0,81 0,81 Kg 68 Kg Kg Kg 68 6868 09SAFAF02 SANGAL 09SAFAF01 09SAFAF01 09SAFAF01 - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera - FASHION seduta --FASHION FASHION Angolo Fodera Fodera Fodera seduta quadro seduta Angolo Angolo quadro quadro quadro SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL seat SANGAL cushion - FASHION -- FASHION FASHION coverings seatseat seat cushion for cushion cushion corner coverings coverings for corner for corner corner SANGAL 09SAFAF02 09SAFAF02 09SAFAF02 - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera - FASHION telaio --FASHION FASHION Angolo Fodera Fodera Fodera quadro telaio telaio Angolo Angolo quadro quadro quadro SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL frame - FASHION coverings -- FASHION FASHION frame frame frame coverings coverings for corner for corner for corner corner 743 903 1.040 743 1.040 903903 1.040 1.040 09SAFCH01S SANGAL 09SAFCH01S 09SAFCH01S 09SAFCH01S - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Chaise - FASHION longue --FASHION FASHION 160 Chaise sx Chaise Chaise piuma longue longue 160 sx 160 piuma sx piuma SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL chaise - FASHION -lounge - FASHION FASHION chaise chaise chaise lounge 160 leftlounge feather 160 160 left feather left feather feather 09SAFCH02S SANGAL 09SAFCH02S 09SAFCH02S 09SAFCH02S - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Chaise - FASHION longue --FASHION FASHION 160 Chaise sx Chaise Chaise espanso longue longue 160 sx 160 espanso sx espanso espanso SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL chaise - FASHION -lounge - FASHION FASHION chaise chaise chaise lounge 160 leftlounge polyurethane 160 160 left polyurethane left polyurethane polyurethane 8,40 09SAFSF01 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 111 153 111 111 111 178 153 153 153 195 178 178 178 211 195 195 195 211 232 211 232 211 270 232 270 232 321 270 321 270 501 321 501 321 302 501 302 501 352 302 352302 394 352 394352 394394 2,60 2,60 2,60 2,60 143 220 143 143 143 267 220 220 220 297 267 267 267 328 297 297 297 328 367 328 367 328 436 367 436 367 528 436 528 436 860 528 860 528 488 860 488 860 579 488 579488 656 579 656579 656656 4,80 4,80 4,80 231 371 231 231 231 455 371 371 371 511 455 455 455 567 511 511 511 567 637 567 637 567 763 637 763 637 931 763 1.533 931 763 1.533 931931 827 1.533 827 1.533 991 SANGAL 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera - FASHION schienale --FASHION FASHION Fodera 60Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 60 60 1.389 947 SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL back SANGAL cushion - FASHION -- FASHION FASHION coverings backback back cushion 60 cushion cushion coverings coverings 60 60 09SAFCF01S SANGAL 09SAFCF01S 09SAFCF01S 09SAFCF01S - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera - FASHION seduta --FASHION FASHION Chaise Fodera Fodera Fodera longue seduta seduta 160 Chaise sx Chaise longue longue longue 160 sx 160 160 sx sx SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL seat SANGAL cushion - FASHION -- FASHION FASHION coverings seatseat seat cushion for cushion cushion chaise coverings coverings lounge for160 chaise forleft chaise chaise lounge lounge lounge 160 left 160 160 left left mc Kg 1,13 73 mc mc mc Kg Kg Kg 09SAFCF02S SANGAL 09SAFCF02S 09SAFCF02S 09SAFCF02S - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera - FASHION telaio --FASHION FASHION Chaise Fodera Fodera Fodera longue telaio telaio 160 Chaise sx Chaise longue longue longue 160 sx 160 160 sx sx 4,80 1,13 1,13 1,13 SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL frame - FASHION coverings -- FASHION FASHION frame frame frame coverings coverings for chaise lounge for chaise 160 for chaise chaise left lounge lounge lounge 160 left 160 160 left left 73 7373 827 991 1.132 827 1.132 991991 1.132 1.132 SAFEL16 SAFSF01 SAFEF15 SANGAL -09SAFEF15 FASHION backSANGAL cushion ---coverings FASHION 60 SANGAL back SANGAL cushion --seduta ----FASHION FASHION coverings back 60 cushion cushion coverings 60 chaise SANGAL - FASHION seat cushion coverings SANGAL for09SAFEF15 chaise lounge SANGAL seat without SANGAL cushion armrest FASHION coverings 160back seat seat for cushion cushion chaise coverings lounge for chaise armrest lounge lounge 160 without without armrest160 160 09SAFEF15 SANGAL - FASHION Fodera SANGAL seduta 09SAFEF15 Elem FASHION chaise SANGAL SANGAL Fodera longue FASHION 160 FASHION Elem Fodera Fodera chaise seduta longue Elem 2,60 160without chaise longue longue 160 143 2,60 220 267 2,60 2,60 143 143 267 220 297 267 328 297 367 328 436 367 528 436 860 656528 488 1.184 860 860 579 09SAFEF16 SANGAL 09SAFEF16 09SAFEF16 -FASHION FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Fodera telaio --FASHION FASHION FASHION Elem Fodera chaise Fodera longue telaio Elem 160 chaise longue longue 160 160 3,70 armrest 3,70 3,70 175 297 220 284 328 143 175 175 349 367 220 284 284 392 436 267 349 349 436 528 297 392 392 490 860 328 436 436 588 488 367 490 490 718 579 436 588 1.184 588 718528 718 642 1.184 769 SANGAL FASHION seat cushion SANGAL coverings FASHION for SANGAL chaise seat SANGAL cushion lounge FASHION FASHION coverings without seat seat armrest for cushion cushion chaise 160 coverings lounge without for chaise chaise armrest lounge lounge 160 without without armrest armrest 160 160 09SAFEF15 SANGAL 09SAFEF15 FASHION Fodera SANGAL seduta 09SAFEF15 09SAFEF15 FASHION Elem chaise SANGAL SANGAL Fodera longue seduta FASHION FASHION 160 Elem Fodera Fodera chaise seduta longue Elem 160 2,60 chaise longue longue 160 143 2,60 220 392 2,60 2,60 143 143 143 267 220 220 297 267 267 328 297 297 367 328 328 436 367 367 528 436 436 860 656 528 488 1.184 860 860 579 mc 1,13 - FASHION mc mc 1,13 1,13telaio ElemSANGAL FASHION frame telaio coverings FASHION FASHION frame frame coverings chaise lounge for chaise chaise armrest lounge lounge 160 without without armrest armrest 160 160 267 SAFEF16 SANGAL Fodera 09SAFEF16 chaise 09SAFEF16 09SAFEF16 longue -- FASHION 160 SANGAL SANGAL Fodera ----FASHION FASHION Elemfor Fodera chaise Fodera 3,70 longue telaio Elem 160without chaise 175 longue longue 284 160 160 3,70 349 3,70 3,70 175 436 297220 284 490 328 175 175 349 588 367 284 284 392 718 436 349 1.184 349 436 528 392 392 490 642 860 436 436 588 769 488 490 490 718 878 579 588 1.184 588 718528 718 642 1.184 769 SANGAL FASHION seat SANGAL cushion coverings FASHION for SANGAL seat SANGAL chaise cushion lounge FASHION FASHION coverings without seat seat for armrest cushion cushion chaise coverings 160 lounge without for chaise chaise armrest lounge lounge 160 without without armrest armrest 160 160 Kg 61 Kg Kg 61 mc SANGAL 1,13 - FASHION mc mc 1,13 1,13coverings FASHION frame coverings FASHION FASHION frame frame coverings fortelaio chaise lounge without armrest 160 for chaise lounge without for chaise chaise armrest lounge lounge 160 without without armrest 160 160 09SAFEF16 SANGALframe - 61 FASHION 09SAFEF16 Fodera SANGAL 09SAFEF16 09SAFEF16 Elem -- FASHION chaise SANGAL SANGAL Fodera longue telaio --160 --FASHION FASHION Elem Fodera chaise Fodera longue telaio Elem 160 3,70 chaise longue longue 160 160 175 3,70armrest 284 349 3,70 3,70 175 392 284 436 175 175 349 490 284 284 392 588 349 349 436 718 392 392 490 1.184 436 436 588 642 490 490 718 769 588 1.184 588 878718718 642 1.184 1.184 769 Kg 61 Kg Kg 61 mc 1,13 mc mc SANGAL -61 1,13 FASHION 1,13 frame coverings FASHION frame coverings FASHION FASHION frame frame coverings for chaise lounge without armrest chaise 160 lounge for chaise chaise armrest lounge lounge 160 without without armrest 160 349 09SAFEF16 SANGAL 09SAFEF16 - FASHION Fodera SANGAL telaio 09SAFEF16 09SAFEF16 -- FASHION Elem chaise SANGAL SANGAL Fodera longue telaio ----FASHION FASHION 160 Elemfor Fodera chaise Fodera longue telaio Elem 160without 3,70 chaise longue longue 160 160 175 3,70armrest 284 160 3,70 3,70 175 392284 436 175 175 349 490 284 284 392 588 349 349 436 718 392 392 490 1.184 436 436 588 642 490 490 718 769 588 1.184 588 878 718718 642 1.184 1.184 769 09SAFSH01 SANGAL 09SAFSH01 09SAFSH01 -- FASHION SANGAL schienale ----FASHION 60 FASHION schienale schienale 60160 without 1,50armrest 0 160 1,50 239 0281 0 239 239 307 281 281 323 307 307 340 323 323 361 340 340 399 361 361 449 399399 630 449449 422 630630 468 Kg 61 Kg Kg SANGAL 61 61 mc 1,13 mc mc 1,13 1,13 - FASHION frame coverings FASHION framelounge coverings FASHION FASHION frame frame coverings for SANGAL chaise without for chaise armrest lounge for chaise chaise armrest lounge lounge 160 without without armrest 160 1,50 FASHION back cushion FASHION FASHION 60 schienale back back cushion SAFSH01 SANGAL - FASHION schienale 09SAFSH01 60 SANGAL 09SAFSH01 09SAFSH01 -- FASHION SANGAL SANGAL schienale ----FASHION 60 FASHION schienale 1,50 cushion 60 0 60 239 281 1,50 307 0323 1,50 1,50 239 340 0281 0361 239 239 307 399 281 281 323 449 307 307 340 630 323 323 361 422 340 340 399 468 361 361 449 508 399399 630 449449 422 630630 468 Kg 61 Kg Kg 61 61 SANGAL - FASHION cushion 60 SANGAL FASHION back cushion FASHION FASHION 60 schienale back back cushion cushion 09SAFSH01 SANGALback - FASHION 09SAFSH01 schienale 60 09SAFSH01 09SAFSH01 -- FASHION SANGAL SANGAL schienale ----FASHION 60 FASHION schienale 60 60 1,50 0 239 1,50 281 0 307 1,50 1,50 239 323 0281 0 340 239 239 307 361 281 281 323 399 307 307 340 449 323 323 361 630 340 340 399 422 361 361 449 468 399399 630 508449449 422 630630 468 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 Fodera schienale Fodera Fodera schienale 111 3230281 153 111 111 178 361 153 153 195 399 178 178 211 449 195 195 232 630 211 211 270 422 232 232 321 468 270399 270 501 508 321449 321 302 501630 501 352 - FASHION back cushion FASHION back cushion FASHION FASHION 6060schienale back back cushion cushion 09SAFSH01 SANGAL SANGAL 09SAFSH01 - FASHION schienale SANGAL 09SAFSH01 09SAFSH01 60--60 FASHION SANGAL SANGAL schienale ----FASHION 60 FASHION schienale 60 6060 1,50 0 239 1,50 281 0 307 1,50 1,50 239 0 340 239 239 307 281 281 323 307 307 340 323 323 361 340 340 399 361 361 449 399 630 449 422 630 468 0 3,00 - FASHION 0 0 SANGAL 3,00 3,00 coverings coverings 60 SAFSF01 SANGAL Fodera 09SAFSF01 schienaleback 60 SANGAL 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 -- FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Fodera schienale ----FASHION FASHION 60Fodera Fodera schienale 60 11160 153 178 195 111 211 153 232 111 111 178 270 153 153 195 321 178 178 211 501 195 195 232 302 211 211 270 352 232 232 321 394 270270 501 321321 302 501501 352 - FASHION cushion FASHION 60 back cushion FASHION FASHION 60 back back 60 cushion cushion 60 0 SANGAL 3,00 - FASHION 0SANGAL 0 back 3,00 cushion coverings FASHION back cushion FASHION FASHION coverings back back 60 cushion cushion coverings 60-- FASHION 60 60 09SAFSF01 - 3,00 FASHION 09SAFSF01 Fodera SANGAL schienale 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 60 SANGAL SANGAL Fodera schienale ----FASHION FASHION 60Fodera Fodera schienale 60 111 153 178 111 195 153 211 111 111 178 232 153 153 195 270 178 178 211 321 195 195 232 501 211 211 270 302 232 232 321 352 270270 501 394321321 302 501501 352 0 3,00 0SANGAL 0 SANGAL -3,00 FASHION 3,00 back cushion FASHION back cushion FASHION FASHION coverings back back 60 cushion cushion coverings 60 60 60 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 - FASHION Fodera SANGAL schienale 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 --coverings FASHION 60 SANGAL SANGAL Fodera schienale ----FASHION FASHION 60Fodera Fodera schienale 60 111 153 178111 195153 211 111 111 178 232 153 153 195 270 178 178 211 321 195 195 232 501 211 211 270 302 232 232 321 352 270270 501 394 321321 302 501501 352 09SAFSH02 SANGAL 09SAFSH02 09SAFSH02 -- FASHION SANGAL SANGAL schienale ----FASHION 80 FASHION schienale schienale 80 coverings 60 2,30 0 2,30 2,30 272 0339 0 272 272 379 339 339 405 379 379 432 405 405 465 432 432 525 465 465 605 525525 891 605605 546 891891 620 0 3,00 0 0 SANGAL 3,00 3,00 - FASHION back cushion FASHION coverings back FASHION FASHION coverings back back 60 cushion cushion 60 cushion 60 FASHION back cushion FASHION FASHION 80 schienale back back cushion SAFSH02 SANGAL - FASHION schienale 09SAFSH02 80 SANGAL 09SAFSH02 09SAFSH02 -- FASHION SANGAL SANGAL schienale ----FASHION 80 FASHION schienale 2,30 cushion 80 0 80 272 339 2,30 379 0405 2,30 2,30 272 432 0339 0465 272 272 379 525 339 339 405 605 379 379 432 891 405 405 465 546 432 432 525 620 465 465 605 683 525525 891 605605 546 891891 620 SANGAL - FASHION cushion 80 SANGAL FASHION back cushion FASHION FASHION 80 schienale back back cushion cushion 09SAFSH02 SANGALback - FASHION 09SAFSH02 schienale 80 09SAFSH02 09SAFSH02 -- FASHION SANGAL SANGAL schienale ----FASHION 80 FASHION schienale 80 80 2,30 0 272 2,30 339 0 379 2,30 2,30 272 405 0339 0 432 272 272 379 465 339 339 405 525 379 379 432 605 405 405 465 891 432 432 525 546 465 465 605 620 525525 891 683605605 546 891891 620 09SAFSF02 SANGAL 09SAFSF02 09SAFSF02 FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Fodera schienale ----FASHION FASHION Fodera Fodera schienale 124 4050339 191 124 124 231 465 191 191 257 525 231 231 284 605 257 257 317 891 284 284 377 546 317 317 457 620 377525 377 743 683 457605 457 414 743891 743 491 - FASHION back cushion FASHION back cushion FASHION FASHION 8080schienale back back cushion cushion 09SAFSH02 SANGAL SANGAL 09SAFSH02 - FASHION schienale 09SAFSH02 09SAFSH02 80--80 schienale 80 schienale 80 8080 2,30 0 272 2,30 339 0 379 2,30 2,30 272 0 432 272 272 379 339 339 405 379 379 432 405 405 465 432 432 525 465 465 605 525 891 605 546 891 620 0 4,00 - FASHION 0 0 SANGAL 4,00 4,00 coverings coverings 80 SAFSF02 SANGAL Fodera 09SAFSF02 schienaleback 80 SANGAL 09SAFSF02 09SAFSF02 -- FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Fodera schienale ----FASHION FASHION 80Fodera Fodera schienale 80 12480 191 231 257 124 284 191 317 124 124 231 377 191 191 257 457 231 231 284 743 257 257 317 414 284 284 377 491 317 317 457 558 377377 743 457457 414 743743 491 - FASHION cushion FASHION 80 back cushion FASHION FASHION 80 back back 80 cushion cushion 80 0 SANGAL 4,00 - FASHION 0SANGAL 0 back 4,00 cushion coverings FASHION back cushion FASHION FASHION coverings back back 80 cushion cushion coverings 80-- FASHION 80 80 09SAFSF02 - 4,00 FASHION 09SAFSF02 Fodera SANGAL schienale 09SAFSF02 09SAFSF02 80 SANGAL SANGAL Fodera schienale ----FASHION FASHION 80Fodera Fodera schienale 80 124 191 231 124 257 191 284 124 124 231 317 191 191 257 377 231 231 284 457 257 257 317 743 284 284 377 414 317 317 457 491 377377 743 558457457 414 743743 491 0 4,00 0SANGAL 0 SANGAL -4,00 FASHION 4,00 back cushion FASHION back cushion FASHION FASHION coverings back back 80 cushion cushion coverings 80 80 80 09SAFSF02 09SAFSF02 - FASHION Fodera SANGAL schienale 09SAFSF02 09SAFSF02 --coverings FASHION 80 SANGAL SANGAL Fodera schienale ----FASHION FASHION 80Fodera Fodera schienale 80 124 191 231124 257191 284 124 124 231 317 191 191 257 377 231 231 284 457 257 257 317 743 284 284 377 414 317 317 457 491 377377 743 558 457457 414 743743 491 0 4,00 0 0 SANGAL 4,00 4,00 - FASHION back SANGAL cushion - FASHION coverings SANGAL SANGAL back -- FASHION FASHION coverings back back 80 cushion cushion coverings 80 80 cushion 80 488642 488 656 642 878 488642 488 656 642 878 642642 878 642642 878 422422 508 422422 508 422422 508 302422 302 394 422 508 302302 394 302302 394 302302 394 546546 683 546546 683 546546 683 414546 414 558 546 683 414414 558 414414 558 414414 558 579769 579 769 579769 579 769 769769 769769 468468 468468 468468 352468 352 468 352352 352352 352352 620620 620620 620620 491620 491 620 491491 491491 491491 Leather Leather Leather Leather Elite Elite Elite Elite 2.355 2.355 2.355 2.355 2.336 2.336 2.355 2.355 2.336 2.336 2.355 2.355 2.336 2.336 352 352 2.336 2.336 352352 352 579352 579 352 579352 579 Pelle Pelle Pelle Elite Pelle Elite Elite Elite Leather Leather Leather Leather Elite Elite Elite Elite Pelle Pelle Pelle Elite Pelle Elite Elite Elite Leather Leather Leather Leather Star Star Star Star 2.119 2.119 2.557 2.119 2.119 2.557 2.100 2.100 2.538 2.119 2.119 2.557 2.100 2.100 2.538 2.119 2.119 2.557 2.100 2.100 2.538 302 302 394 2.100 2.100 2.538 302302 394 302 394 488302 488 656 302 302 394 488488 656 Pelle Pelle Pelle Star Pelle Star Star Star Leather Leather Leather Leather Star Star Star Star Pelle Pelle Pelle Star Pelle Star Star Star Top Top Top Top Leather Leather Leather Leather Elite Elite Elite Elite 3.222 3.222 2.355 3.222 3.222 2.355 3.202 3.202 2.336 3.222 3.222 2.355 3.202 3.202 2.336 3.222 3.222 2.355 3.202 3.202 2.336 501 501 352 3.202 3.202 2.336 501501 352 501 352 860501 860 579 501 501 352 860860 579 Pelle Pelle Pelle Top Pelle Top Top Top Leather Leather Leather Leather Top Top Top Top Top Top Top Top Pelle Pelle Pelle Elite Pelle Elite Elite Elite Codice Descrizione Codice Codice Descrizione Descrizione Descrizione Codice Descrizione Codice Codice Descrizione Descrizione SANGAL 09SAFEL15 09SAFEL15 - FASHIONSANGAL SANGAL Elem chaise --FASHION FASHION longueElem Elem 160 piuma chaise chaise longue 160 piuma piuma 7,20 842 7,20 1.236 7,20 842 1.449 842 1.236 1.236 1.578 1.449 1.449 1.663 1.578 1.578 1.748 1.663 1.663 1.855 1.748 1.748 2.047 1.855 1.855 2.303 2.047 2.047 3.222 2.303 2.303 2.119 Codice Descrizione09SAFEL15 Codice Descrizione Codice Codice Descrizione Descrizione FASHION chaise lounge FASHION FASHION chaise chaise lounge without armrest 160 without feather armrest armrest 160 160 feather feather SANGAL Elem09SAFEL15 chaise longue SANGAL 16009SAFEL15 piuma 09SAFEL15 -- FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Elem chaise ----FASHION FASHION longue Elem Elem 160 7,20 piuma chaise chaise 842 longue 160 1.236 piuma piuma 1.449 1.578 7,20 1.663 842 7,20 1.236 1.748 7,20 842 1.449 1.855 842 1.236 1.236 1.578 2.047 1.449 1.449 1.663 2.303 1.578 1.578 1.748 3.222 1.663 1.663 1.855 2.119 1.748 1.748 2.047 2.355 1.855 1.855 2.303 2.557 2.047 2.047 3.222 2.303 2.303 2.119 Codice - FASHION Descrizione Codice Descrizione Codice Codice Descrizione Descrizione 09SAFEL16 09SAFEL16 09SAFEL16 espanso espanso espanso 8231.578 7,20 1.216 823 1.430 8231.7481.236 1.216 1.216 1.558 1.430 1.430 1.643 1.558 1.558 1.729 1.643 1.643 1.836 1.729 1.729 2.028 1.836 1.836 2.284 2.028 2.028 3.202 2.284 2.284 2.100 SANGAL - FASHION lounge FASHION chaise lounge FASHION FASHION chaise chaise lounge without armrest 160piuma feather without armrest 160 without feather armrest armrest 160 160 feather feather 09SAFEL15 SANGALchaise - FASHION 09SAFEL15 Elem SANGAL chaise 09SAFEL15 09SAFEL15 longue -- FASHION 160 SANGAL SANGAL Elem chaise ----FASHION FASHION longue Elem Elem 160 piuma chaise chaise longue 7,20 160 piuma piuma 842 1.236 7,201.449 842 1.236 7,201.663 842 1.449 842 1.236 1.578 1.8551.449 1.449 1.663 2.0471.578 1.578 1.748 2.3031.663 1.663 1.855 3.222 1.748 1.748 2.047 2.119 1.855 1.855 2.303 2.355 2.047 2.047 3.222 2.557 2.303 2.303 2.119 polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane SANGAL - FASHION Elem 09SAFEL16 longue 160 09SAFEL16 espanso 09SAFEL16 espanso 823 1.216 espanso espanso 1.558 1.643 823 1.578 1.216 1.729 823 1.430 1.836 823 1.748 1.216 1.216 1.558 2.028 1.855 1.430 1.430 1.643 2.284 2.047 1.558 1.558 1.729 3.202 2.303 1.643 1.643 1.836 2.100 3.222 1.729 1.729 2.028 2.336 2.119 1.836 1.836 2.284 2.538 2.355 2.028 2.028 3.202 2.557 2.284 2.284 2.100 SANGAL - FASHION chaise lounge FASHION chaise lounge FASHION FASHION chaise chaise lounge without armrest 160 feather without armrest 160 without feather armrest armrest 160 1601.236 feather feather 09SAFEL15 SANGAL 09SAFEL15 - chaise FASHION Elem SANGAL chaise 09SAFEL15 09SAFEL15 --longue FASHION 160 SANGAL SANGAL Elem piuma chaise ----FASHION FASHION longue Elem Elem 160 piuma chaise chaise longue 7,20 160 piuma piuma 8421.430 7,20 1.449 842 7,20 1.236 7,20 1.663 842 1.449 842 1.236 1.236 1.578 1.449 1.449 1.663 1.578 1.578 1.748 1.663 1.663 1.855 1.748 1.748 2.047 1.855 1.855 2.303 2.047 2.047 3.222 2.303 2.303 2.119 SANGAL - FASHION chaise lounge without armrest 160espanso polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane 09SAFEL16 SANGAL - FASHION 09SAFEL16 Elem SANGAL chaise 09SAFEL16 09SAFEL16 longue -- FASHION 160 SANGAL SANGAL Elem chaise ----FASHION FASHION longue Elem Elem 160 espanso chaise chaise longue 160 espanso espanso 823 1.216 1.430 8231.558 1.216 1.643 823 1.430 8231.7291.216 1.216 1.558 1.8361.430 1.430 1.643 2.0281.558 1.558 1.729 2.2841.643 1.643 1.836 3.202 1.729 1.729 2.028 2.100 1.836 1.836 2.284 2.336 2.028 2.028 3.202 2.538 2.284 2.284 2.100 SANGAL - FASHION chaise lounge FASHION chaise lounge FASHION FASHION chaise chaise lounge without armrest 160 feather without armrest 160 without feather armrest armrest 160 160 feather feather 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 Fodera schienale 60Elem Fodera Fodera schienale 60 1,50 1.430823 1.558 1,50 1,50 111 1.643 153 1.729 111 111 178 1.836 153 153 195 2.028 178 178 211 2.284 195 195 232 3.202 211 211 270 2.100 232 232 321 2.336 270 270 501 2.538 321 321 302 - FASHION chaise lounge FASHION chaise lounge FASHION FASHION chaise chaise lounge without armrest 160 polyurethane without armrest 160 without polyurethane armrest armrest 1601.216 polyurethane polyurethane 09SAFEL16 SANGAL SANGAL 09SAFEL16 - FASHION Elem SANGAL chaise 09SAFEL16 09SAFEL16 --longue FASHION 160 SANGAL SANGAL Elem espanso chaise ----FASHION FASHION longue Elem 160 espanso chaise chaise longue 160 espanso espanso 823 160 1.216 823 1.430 823 1.216 1.216 1.558 1.430 1.430 1.643 1.558 1.558 1.729 1.643 1.643 1.836 1.729 1.729 2.028 1.836 1.836 2.284 2.028 2.028 3.202 2.284 2.284 2.100 SANGAL ---FASHION SANGAL back SANGAL cushion -schienale -lounge FASHION coverings back back 60 cushion cushion coverings 60111 SANGAL - FASHION Fodera 09SAFSF01 schienalechaise 60 SANGAL 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Fodera ----FASHION FASHION FASHION 60 Fodera Fodera 1,50 schienale 60 1,50 178 195 1,50 1,50 111 211 153 232 111 111 178 270 153 153 195 321 178 178 211 501 195 195 232 302 211 211 270 352 232 232 321 394 270270 501 321321 302 SANGAL - FASHION lounge FASHION chaise FASHION FASHION chaise chaise lounge without armrest 160 polyurethane without armrest 160 without polyurethane armrest armrest 153 160 160 polyurethane polyurethane SANGAL - FASHION back cushion coverings SANGAL 6009SAFSF01 ---FASHION SANGAL back SANGAL cushion -schienale -----FASHION FASHION coverings back back 60cushion cushion coverings 60 09SAFSF01 SANGAL - FASHION 09SAFSF01 Fodera SANGAL schienale 09SAFSF01 FASHION 60 SANGAL SANGAL Fodera FASHION FASHION 60 Fodera Fodera schienale 1,50 60 chaise 111 1,50 178 1,50 1,50 111 111 178 153 195 178 211 195 232 211 270 232 321 501 302 09SAFEF15 SANGAL 09SAFEF15 09SAFEF15 FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Fodera seduta FASHION FASHION Elem Fodera Fodera chaise seduta longue Elem 160 longue longue 160 160 2,60 153 2,60 2,60 143 195 153 220 211 111 143 143 267 232 153 220 220 297 270 178 267 267 328 321 195 297 297 367 501 211 328 328 436 302 232 367 367 528 352 270 436270 436 860 394321 528321 528 488 SANGAL FASHION back cushion SANGAL coverings FASHION 60 SANGAL back SANGAL cushion FASHION FASHION coverings back back 60 cushion cushion coverings 60 09SAFSF01 SANGAL 09SAFSF01 FASHION Fodera SANGAL schienale 09SAFSF01 09SAFSF01 FASHION 60 SANGAL SANGAL Fodera schienale FASHION FASHION 60 Fodera Fodera schienale 60 1,50 111 1,50 153 178 1,50 1,50 111 195 153 211 111 111 178 232 153 153 195 270 178 178 211 321 195 195 232 501 211 211 270 302 232 232 321 352 270 270 501 394 321 321 302 SANGAL --longue FASHION seat SANGAL cushion -seduta ---FASHION FASHION coverings seat seat for cushion cushion chaise coverings lounge for143 chaise chaise armrest lounge lounge 160 without armrest 160 160 2,60 SANGAL - FASHION Fodera 09SAFEF15 seduta Elem SANGAL chaise 09SAFEF15 09SAFEF15 FASHION 160SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera FASHION FASHION Elem Fodera Fodera chaise 2,60 seduta longue Elem 160without chaise longue longue 220 160without 2,60 267armrest 297 2,60 143 328 220 367 143 143 267 436 220 220 297 528 267 267 328 860 297 297 367 488 328 328 436 579 367 367 528 656 436436 860 528528 488 Prestige Prestige Prestige Prestige Pelle Pelle Pelle Star Pelle Star Star Star Prestige Prestige Prestige Prestige Leather Leather Leather Leather Star Star Star Star Pelle Star Star Leather Star Star Star Star Leather Star Star Star Star Star Prestige Prestige Prestige Prestige Pelle Elite Pelle Elite Elite Leather Elite Elite Elite Elite Leather Elite Pelle Pelle Pelle Top Pelle Top Top Top Elite Elite Elite Elite Leather Leather Leather Leather Top Top Top Top Pelle Top Top Leather Top Top Top Top Leather Top Pelle Elite Top Top Top Top Elite Elite Elite Elite Leather Pelle Star Elite Elite Elite Extra Extra Extra Extra Pelle Extra Extra Extra Extra Top Top Top TopTop Leather Top Prestige Prestige Lux Lux Lux Lux Pelle Star LuxStar LuxStar Lux Lux Star Star Leather Pelle Top Star Customer fabric In Bianco In Bianco No coverings No coverings Normal Tess Cliente Tess Cliente fabric Customer Customer fabric Mt Mt Tessuto Mt Tessuto Mt Tessuto Tessuto Super Fabric Fabric Fabric mt Fabric mtmtmt Normal Normal In Bianco In Bianco In Bianco In Bianco Extra NoNo coverings No coverings No coverings coverings Super Super Mt Mt Tessuto Mt Tessuto Mt Tessuto Tessuto Mt Mt Tessuto Mt Tessuto Mt Tessuto Tessuto Tess Tess Cliente Tess Cliente Tess Cliente Cliente Lux Fabric Fabric Fabric mt Fabric mt mt mt Fabric Fabric Fabric mt Fabric mt mt mt Customer Customer Customer Customer fabric fabric fabric fabric Extra Extra In Bianco In Bianco In Bianco In Bianco In Bianco In Bianco In Bianco In Bianco Normal Normal Normal NoNormal No coverings No coverings No coverings coverings Top NoNo coverings No coverings No coverings coverings Lux Lux Tess Tess Cliente Tess Cliente Tess Cliente Cliente Tess Tess Cliente Tess Cliente Tess Cliente Cliente Super Super Super Super Customer Customer Customer Customer fabric fabric fabric fabric Star Customer Customer Customer Customer fabric fabric fabric fabric Top Top Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Extra Extra Extra Extra Elite In Bianco coverings Mt No Tessuto Mt Fabric Tessuto mt FabricTess mt Cliente SAFEL15 Mt Tessuto Fabric mt dice Larghezza braccioloLarghezza 27 bracciolo bracciolo 27 27 Larghezza bracciolo 27 Larghezza bracciolo 27 Armrest bracciolo bracciolo 27 27 27 27 Armrest lenght Larghezza Armrest lenght lenght 27 Larghezza bracciolo 27 Armrest bracciolo bracciolo 27 27 27 bracciolo 27 Larghezza 27 27 Armrest lenght Armrest lenght Larghezza Armrest lenght lenght 27 Larghezza bracciolo bracciolo 27 Armrest bracciolo bracciolo 27 27 27 27 Larghezza 27 27 Armrest lenght Armrest lenght Larghezza Armrest lenght lenght 27 27 Armrest lenght 27 Armrest lenght 27 Armrest Armrest lenght lenght 27 Star Star Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Lux Lux Lux Lux Prestige od. SANGAL Mod. Mod. SANGAL -SANGAL Fashion--Fashion Fashion shion od. SANGAL Mod. Mod. SANGAL -SANGAL Fashion--Fashion Fashion od. L - Fashion SANGAL Mod. Mod. SANGAL -SANGAL Fashion--Fashion Fashion AL od.- SANGAL Fashion Mod. Mod. SANGAL -SANGAL Fashion--Fashion Fashion 2.557 2.557 2.557 2.557 2.538 2.538 2.557 2.557 2.538 2.538 2.557 2.557 2.538 2.538 394 394 2.538 2.538 394394 394 656394 656 394 656394 656 656878 656 878 656878 656 878 878878 878878 508508 508508 508508 394508 394 508 394394 394394 394394 683683 683683 683683 558683 558 683 558558 558558 558558 Mod. Mod. SANGAL SANGAL DEQO DEQO Mod. Mod. SANGAL SANGAL DEQO DEQO CARATTERISTICHE CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE TECNICHE / TECHNICAL / TECHNICAL FEATURES CARATTERISTICHE CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE TECNICHE /FEATURES TECHNICAL / TECHNICALFEATURES FEATURES Piuma Piuma e fibra e fibra poliestere poliestere infibra una in poliestere una sacca sacca di tela di tela antipiuma antipiuma adivari vari scomparti scomparti Piuma Piuma e efibra poliestere inin una una sacca sacca diatela tela antipiuma antipiumaa avari variscomparti scomparti 1 1 Feather Feather with with polyester polyester fiber, fiber, in a in feather-proof a feather-proof cover cover divided divided in many in many compartmen compartmen 1 1 Feather Featherwith withpolyester polyesterfiber, fiber,inina afeather-proof feather-proofcover cover divided dividedininmany manycompartmen compartmen Fibra Fibra poliestere poliestere accoppiata accoppiata a vellutino a vellutino Fibra Fibra poliestere poliestere accoppiata accoppiataa avellutino vellutino 2 2 Polyester Polyester fiber fiber coupled coupled withwith velveteen velveteen 2 2 Polyester Polyesterfiber fibercoupled coupledwith withvelveteen velveteen Poliuretano Poliuretano espanso espanso densità densità 35 35 Poliuretano Poliuretano espanso densità3535 3 3 Polyurethane Polyurethane foam foam density density 35espanso kg/mc 35 kg/mcdensità 3 3 Polyurethane Polyurethanefoam foamdensity density3535kg/mc kg/mc Poliuretano Poliuretano espanso espanso densità densità 25 25 Poliuretano Poliuretano espanso densità2525 4 4 Polyurethane Polyurethane foam foam density density 25espanso kg/mc 25 kg/mcdensità 4 4 Polyurethane Polyurethanefoam foamdensity density2525kg/mc kg/mc Poliuretano Poliuretano espanso espanso densità densità 40 40 5 5 Polyurethane Polyurethane foam foam density density 40espanso kg/mc 40 kg/mcdensità Poliuretano Poliuretano espanso densità4040 5 5 Polyurethane Polyurethanefoam foamdensity density4040kg/mc kg/mc Poliuretano Poliuretano espanso espanso densità densità 21 21 6 6 Polyurethane Polyurethane foam foam density density 21 kg/mc 21 kg/mc Poliuretano Poliuretanoespanso espansodensità densità2121 66 Polyurethane Polyurethanefoam foamdensity density2121kg/mc kg/mc Poliuretano Poliuretano espanso espanso densità densità 30 30 17 17 Polyurethane Polyurethane foam foam density density 30 kg/mc 30 kg/mc Poliuretano Poliuretanoespanso espansodensità densità3030 17 17 Polyurethane Polyurethane foam foam density density 3030kg/mc kg/mc Cinghia Cinghia elastica elastica mmmm 80 80 7 7 Elastic Elastic beltbelt mmmm 80 80 Cinghia Cinghiaelastica elasticamm mm8080 Legno Legno massello di abete di belt abete 7 massello 7 Elastic Elastic beltmm mm8080 8 8 Fir solid Fir solid wood wood Legno Legnomassello massellodidiabete abete Multistrato Multistrato tamponamenti tamponamenti in particelle di legno di legno e fibra e fibra 8 8concon Fir Firsolid solidwood woodin particelle 9 9 Plywood Plywood withwith wood wood andand fiber fiber insertions insertions Multistrato Multistratocon contamponamenti tamponamentiininparticelle particelledidilegno legnoe efibra fibra 99 Plywood Plywoodwith withwood woodand andfiber fiberinsertions insertions VERSIONI VERSIONI / VERSIONS / VERSIONS Tessuto Tessuto e pelle: e pelle: completamente completamente sfoderabile. sfoderabile. Fabric Fabric andand leather: leather: completely completely removable removable coverings coverings VERSIONI VERSIONI/ VERSIONS / VERSIONS Tessuto Tessutoe epelle: pelle:completamente completamentesfoderabile. sfoderabile. PIEDINI PIEDINI / FEET / FEET Di serie Di serie piedino piedino in ABS inand ABS grigio grigio Fabric Fabric and leather: leather:completely completelyremovable removablecoverings coverings Standard Standard feetfeet in grey in grey ABSABS PIEDINI PIEDINI/ FEET / FEET DiDiserie seriepiedino piedinoininABS ABSgrigio grigio Standard Standardfeet feetiningrey greyABS ABS od. SANGAL Mod. Mod. SANGAL SANGAL DEQO DEQO DEQO 1.150 761 1.395 761 1.150 1.150 1.542 1.395 1.395 1.640 1.542 1.542 1.738 1.640 1.640 1.860 1.738 1.738 2.081 1.860 1.860 2.375 2.081 2.081 3.428 2.375 2.375 2.094 3.428 3.428 2.349 2.094 2.094 2.567 2.349 2.349 2.567 2.567 1,80 1,80 1,80 114 166 114 114 198 166 166 219 198 198 240 219 219 266 240 240 313 266 266 376 313313 602 376376 351 602602 412 351351 465 412412 465465 1,80 1,80 1,80 105 158 105 105 189 158 158 210 189 189 231 210 210 258 231 231 305 258 258 368 305305 594 368368 342 594594 404 342342 456 404404 456456 1,00 1,00 1,0026 54 2626 71 5454 82 7171 93 82107 82 93132 93 107 107 166 132132 286 166166 144 286286 177 144144 205 177177 205205 5,00 5,00 220 367 220 220 455 367 367 514 455 455 573 514 514 647 573 573 779 647 647 955 779 1.587 779 955955 812 1.587 1.587 984 812 1.132 812 984984 1.132 1.132 1.148 13,30 13,30 1.753 1.148 1.148 2.148 1.753 1.753 2.386 2.148 2.148 2.544 2.386 2.386 2.702 2.544 2.544 2.900 2.702 2.702 3.256 2.900 2.900 3.730 3.256 3.256 5.431 3.730 3.730 3.309 5.431 5.431 3.721 3.309 3.309 4.073 3.721 3.721 4.073 4.073 1.037 1.642 1.037 1.037 2.037 1.642 1.642 2.274 2.037 2.037 2.433 2.274 2.274 2.591 2.433 2.433 2.789 2.591 2.591 3.145 2.789 2.789 3.619 3.145 3.145 5.320 3.619 3.619 3.198 5.320 5.320 3.610 3.198 3.198 3.962 3.610 3.610 3.962 3.962 Pelle Top Leather Top Pelle Pelle Top Elite Leather Elite 761 Pelle Elite Leather Elite Pelle Elite 1.695 1.695 1.916 1.793 1.793 2.136 1.916 1.916 2.430 2.136 2.136 3.484 2.430 2.430 2.149 3.484 3.484 2.404 2.149 2.149 2.623 2.404 2.404 2.623 2.623 Leather Star 1.597 1.597 1.793 Leather Top Leather Elite Pelle Star Leather Pelle StarStar 1.450 1.450 1.695 Prestige Pelle Star Prestige Leather Star 1.205 1.205 1.597 Elite Pelle Top Elite Leather Top 817 1.450 817 Star Star Prestige 8,30 8,30 1.205 Top Top Elite 817 Lux Lux Star 8,30 Extra Extra Top Super Super Lux SANGAL 09SDNPF01 09SDNPF01 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL schienale DEQO DEQOPoltrona Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 124 Poltrona 124 Normal Normal Extra 09SDNPF01 Tess Cliente Tess Cliente Customer fabric Super Customer fabric 09SDNPO01 SANGAL 09SDNPO01 09SDNPO01 DEQO Poltrona SANGAL SANGAL 124DEQO DEQO piumaPoltrona Poltrona 124 124 piuma SANGAL DEQO Armchair SANGAL SANGAL 124 DEQO DEQO feather Armchair Armchair 124 124 feather 09SDNPO02 SANGAL 09SDNPO02 09SDNPO02 DEQO Poltrona SANGAL SANGAL 124DEQO DEQO espanso Poltrona Poltrona 124 124 espanso SANGAL DEQO Armchair SANGAL SANGAL 124 DEQO DEQO Armchair Armchair 124 124 polyurethane polyurethane In Bianco In Bianco No coverings Normal No coverings Descrizione Descrizione Mt Tessuto Mt Tessuto Tess Cliente Fabric mt mt Fabric Customer fabric Descrizione Codice Codice In Bianco No coverings Codice Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Larghezza bracciolo Larghezza 27 bracciolo bracciolo 27 27 27 Armrest lenght 27Armrest Armrest lenght lenght 27 SANGAL DEQO backSANGAL SANGAL cushion DEQO coverings DEQO back back for cushion cushion Armchair coverings coverings 124 for Armchair Armchair 124 124 mc 0,95 mc mc Kg 64 Kg Kg 09SDNPF02 0,95 0,95 SANGAL 09SDNPF02 09SDNPF02 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL seduta DEQO DEQO Poltrona Fodera Fodera 124 seduta seduta Poltrona 124 SANGAL DEQO seat SANGAL cushion SANGALcoverings DEQO DEQO seat seat for cushion cushion Armchair coverings coverings 124 for Armchair Armchair 124 124 6464 09SDNPR01 SANGAL 09SDNPR01 09SDNPR01 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL profilo DEQO DEQO Poltrona Fodera Fodera 124profilo profilo Poltrona 124 SANGAL DEQO piping SANGAL SANGAL DEQO DEQO piping for Armchair piping 124 for for Armchair Armchair 124 09SDNPF03 SANGAL 09SDNPF03 09SDNPF03 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL telaioDEQO DEQO Poltrona Fodera Fodera 124telaio telaio Poltrona 124 SANGAL DEQO frame SANGAL SANGAL coverings DEQO DEQO frame frame coverings coverings for Armchair 124 for Armchair 124 124 5,00 09SDNDI01 SANGAL 09SDNDI01 09SDNDI01 DEQO Divano SANGAL SANGAL 194 piuma DEQO DEQO Divano Divano 194 194 piuma piuma SANGAL DEQO Sofa SANGAL SANGAL 194 feather DEQO DEQO Sofa Sofa 194 194 feather feather SANGAL 09SDNDI02 09SDNDI02 DEQO Divano SANGAL SANGAL 194 espanso DEQO DEQO Divano Divano 194 194 espanso espanso SANGAL DEQO Sofa SANGAL SANGAL 194 polyurethane DEQO DEQO Sofa Sofa 194 194 polyurethane polyurethane 13,30 SANGAL 09SDNDF01 09SDNDF01 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL schienali DEQO DEQO Divano Fodera Fodera 194 schienali schienali Divano 194 3,30 3,30 3,30 193 291 193 193 349 291 291 389 349 349 428 389 389 477 428 428 565 477 477 683 565 1.104 565 683683 639 1.104 1.104 753 639639 852 753753 852852 3,50 3,50 3,50 175 277 175 175 338 277 277 378 338 338 419 378 378 470 419 419 561 470 470 683 561 1.119 561 683683 635 1.119 1.119 754 635635 856 754754 856856 1,20 1,20 1,2028 63 2828 84 6363 98 84 112 84 98130 98 112 112 161 130 130 203 161161 354 203203 182 182182 258 223223 258258 7,00 7,00 7,00 299 505 299 299 629 505 505 712 629 629 794 712 712 897 794 1.083 794 897 1.331 897 1.083 1.083 2.219 1.331 1.331 1.177 2.219 2.219 1.418 1.177 1.177 1.625 1.418 1.418 1.625 1.625 1.218 13,30 13,30 1.824 1.218 1.218 2.220 1.824 1.824 2.457 2.220 2.220 2.615 2.457 2.457 2.774 2.615 2.615 2.971 2.774 2.774 3.327 2.971 2.971 3.802 3.327 3.327 5.503 3.802 3.802 3.435 5.503 5.503 3.859 3.435 3.435 4.223 3.859 3.859 4.223 4.223 1.079 1.685 1.079 1.079 2.080 1.685 1.685 2.318 2.080 2.080 2.476 2.318 2.318 2.634 2.476 2.476 2.832 2.634 2.634 3.188 2.832 2.832 3.662 3.188 3.188 5.363 3.662 3.662 3.296 5.363 5.363 3.720 3.296 3.296 4.084 3.720 3.720 4.084 4.084 09SDNDI02 09SDNDF01 SANGAL DEQO backSANGAL SANGAL cushionsDEQO DEQO coverings back backfor cushions cushions Sofa 194 coverings coverings for Sofa 194 194 mc 1,44 mc mc 09SDNDF02 1,44 1,44 SANGAL 09SDNDF02 09SDNDF02 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL sedute DEQO DEQO Divano Fodera Fodera 194 sedute sedute Divano 194 Kg 72 Kg Kg 7272 09SDNPR02 SANGAL 09SDNPR02 09SDNPR02 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL profilo DEQO DEQO Divano Fodera Fodera 194 profilo profilo Divano 194 SANGAL DEQO seat SANGAL cushions SANGALDEQO DEQO coverings seat seatfor cushions cushions Sofa 194 coverings coverings for Sofa 194 194 354354 223 SANGAL DEQO piping SANGAL SANGAL for Sofa DEQO DEQO 194 piping piping for for Sofa Sofa 194 09SDNDF03 SANGAL 09SDNDF03 09SDNDF03 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL telaioDEQO DEQO Divano Fodera Fodera 194 telaio telaio Divano 194 SANGAL DEQO frame SANGAL SANGAL coverings DEQO DEQO for frame Sofa frame194 coverings coverings for Sofa 194 09SDNDI03 09SDNDI04 09SDNDF04 SANGAL 09SDNDI03 09SDNDI03 DEQO Divano SANGAL SANGAL 214 piuma DEQO DEQO Divano Divano 214 214 piuma piuma SANGAL DEQO Sofa SANGAL SANGAL 214 feather DEQO DEQO Sofa Sofa 214 214 feather feather SANGAL 09SDNDI04 09SDNDI04 DEQO Divano SANGAL SANGAL 214 espanso DEQO DEQO Divano Divano 214 214 espanso espanso SANGAL DEQO Sofa SANGAL SANGAL 214 polyurethane DEQO DEQO Sofa Sofa 214 214 polyurethane polyurethane 13,30 SANGAL 09SDNDF04 09SDNDF04 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL schienali DEQO DEQO Divano Fodera Fodera 214 schienali schienali Divano 214 3,30 3,30 3,30 193 291 193 193 350 291 291 389 350 350 429 389 389 478 429 429 566 478 478 683 566 1.105 566 683683 643 1.105 1.105 758 643643 856 758758 856856 3,50 3,50 3,50 175 277 175 175 338 277 277 378 338 338 419 378 378 470 419 419 561 470 470 683 561 1.119 561 683683 639 1.119 1.119 758 639639 860 758758 860860 1,20 1,20 1,2029 64 2929 85 6464 99 85 113 85 99130 99 113 113 162 130 130 204 162162 354 204204 182 182182 258 223223 258258 7,00 7,00 7,00 300 507 300 300 631 507 507 713 631 631 796 713 713 899 796 1.085 796 899 1.333 899 1.085 1.085 2.221 1.333 1.333 1.182 2.221 2.221 1.424 1.182 1.182 1.631 1.424 1.424 1.631 1.631 1.291 13,30 13,30 1.903 1.291 1.291 2.298 1.903 1.903 2.535 2.298 2.298 2.694 2.535 2.535 2.852 2.694 2.694 3.050 2.852 2.852 3.406 3.050 3.050 3.880 3.406 3.406 5.581 3.880 3.880 3.613 5.581 5.581 4.063 3.613 3.613 4.449 4.063 4.063 4.449 4.449 1.127 1.739 1.127 1.127 2.134 1.739 1.739 2.372 2.134 2.134 2.530 2.372 2.372 2.688 2.530 2.530 2.886 2.688 2.688 3.242 2.886 2.886 3.716 3.242 3.242 5.417 3.716 3.716 3.450 5.417 5.417 3.900 3.450 3.450 4.286 3.900 3.900 4.286 4.286 SANGAL DEQO backSANGAL SANGAL cushionsDEQO DEQO coverings back backfor cushions cushions Sofa 214 coverings coverings for Sofa 214 214 mc 1,58 mc mc 09SDNDF05 1,58 1,58 SANGAL 09SDNDF05 09SDNDF05 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL sedute DEQO DEQO Divano Fodera Fodera 214 sedute sedute Divano 214 Kg 80 Kg Kg 8080 09SDNPR03 SANGAL 09SDNPR03 09SDNPR03 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL profilo DEQO DEQO Divano Fodera Fodera 214 profilo profilo Divano 214 SANGAL DEQO seat SANGAL cushions SANGALDEQO DEQO coverings seat seatfor cushions cushions Sofa 214 coverings coverings for Sofa 214 214 354354 223 SANGAL DEQO piping SANGAL SANGAL for Sofa DEQO DEQO 214 piping piping for for Sofa Sofa 214 09SDNDF06 SANGAL 09SDNDF06 09SDNDF06 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL telaioDEQO DEQO Divano Fodera Fodera 214 telaio telaio Divano 214 SANGAL DEQO frame SANGAL SANGAL coverings DEQO DEQO for frame Sofa frame214 coverings coverings for Sofa 214 09SDNDI05 09SDNDI06 09SDNDF07 SANGAL 09SDNDI05 09SDNDI05 DEQO Divano SANGAL SANGAL 234 piuma DEQO DEQO Divano Divano 234 234 piuma piuma SANGAL DEQO Sofa SANGAL SANGAL 234 feather DEQO DEQO Sofa Sofa 234 234 feather feather SANGAL 09SDNDI06 09SDNDI06 DEQO Divano SANGAL SANGAL 234 espanso DEQO DEQO Divano Divano 234 234 espanso espanso SANGAL DEQO Sofa SANGAL SANGAL 234 polyurethane DEQO DEQO Sofa Sofa 234 234 polyurethane polyurethane 13,30 SANGAL 09SDNDF07 09SDNDF07 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL schienali DEQO DEQO Divano Fodera Fodera 234 schienali schienali Divano 234 3,30 3,30 3,30 197 295 197 197 354 295 295 393 354 354 432 393 393 481 432 432 570 481 481 687 570 1.109 570 687687 650 1.109 1.109 765 650650 863 765765 863863 3,50 3,50 3,50 177 278 177 177 339 278 278 380 339 339 420 380 380 471 420 420 563 471 471 684 563 1.121 563 684684 644 1.121 1.121 763 644644 865 763763 865865 1,20 1,20 1,2029 64 2929 85 6464 99 85 113 85 99130 99 113 113 162 130 130 204 162162 354 204204 182 182182 258 223223 258258 7,00 7,00 7,00 302 508 302 302 632 508 508 715 632 632 797 715 715 901 797 1.087 797 901 1.334 901 1.087 1.087 2.222 1.334 1.334 1.187 2.222 2.222 1.429 1.187 1.187 1.636 1.429 1.429 1.636 1.636 SANGAL DEQO backSANGAL SANGAL cushionsDEQO DEQO coverings back backfor cushions cushions Sofa 234 coverings coverings for Sofa 234 234 mc 1,72 mc mc 09SDNDF08 1,72 1,72 SANGAL 09SDNDF08 09SDNDF08 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL sedute DEQO DEQO Divano Fodera Fodera 234 sedute sedute Divano 234 Kg 88 Kg Kg 8888 09SDNPR04 SANGAL 09SDNPR04 09SDNPR04 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL profilo DEQO DEQO Divano Fodera Fodera 234 profilo profilo Divano 234 SANGAL DEQO seat SANGAL cushions SANGALDEQO DEQO coverings seat seatfor cushions cushions Sofa 234 coverings coverings for Sofa 234 234 354354 223 SANGAL DEQO piping SANGAL SANGAL for Sofa DEQO DEQO 234 piping piping for for Sofa Sofa 234 09SDNDF09 SANGAL 09SDNDF09 09SDNDF09 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL telaioDEQO DEQO Divano Fodera Fodera 234 telaio telaio Divano 234 SANGAL DEQO frame SANGAL SANGAL coverings DEQO DEQO for frame Sofa frame234 coverings coverings for Sofa 234 od. SANGAL Mod. Mod. SANGAL DEQO SANGALDEQO DEQO 1.177 1.818 1.177 1.177 2.213 1.818 1.818 2.451 2.213 2.213 2.609 2.451 2.451 2.767 2.609 2.609 2.965 2.767 2.767 3.321 2.965 2.965 3.795 3.321 3.321 5.496 3.795 3.795 3.620 5.496 5.496 4.096 3.620 3.620 4.504 4.096 4.096 4.504 4.504 3,30 3,30 3,30 209 307 209 209 366 307 307 405 366 366 444 405 405 493 444 444 582 493 493 699 582 1.121 582 699699 662 1.121 1.121 777 662662 875 777777 875875 3,50 3,50 3,50 185 287 185 185 348 287 287 388 348 348 429 388 388 480 429 429 571 480 480 693 571 1.129 571 693693 652 1.129 1.129 771 652652 873 771771 873873 1,20 1,20 1,20 29 64 2929 85 6464 99 85 113 85 99 131 99 113 113 162 131 131 204 162162 355 204204 182 182182 258 223223 258258 7,00 7,00 7,00 312 518 312 312 642 518 518 725 642 642 807 725 725 910 807 1.096 807 910 1.344 910 1.096 1.096 2.232 1.344 1.344 1.197 2.232 2.232 1.438 1.197 1.197 1.646 1.438 1.438 1.646 1.646 1.467 13,30 13,30 2.111 1.467 1.467 2.506 2.111 2.111 2.744 2.506 2.506 2.902 2.744 2.744 3.060 2.902 2.902 3.258 3.060 3.060 3.614 3.258 3.258 4.088 3.614 3.614 5.789 4.088 4.088 4.022 5.789 5.789 4.523 4.022 4.022 4.953 4.523 4.523 4.953 4.953 1.207 1.851 1.207 1.207 2.246 1.851 1.851 2.483 2.246 2.246 2.642 2.483 2.483 2.800 2.642 2.642 2.998 2.800 2.800 3.354 2.998 2.998 3.828 3.354 3.354 5.529 3.828 3.828 3.762 5.529 5.529 4.263 3.762 3.762 4.693 4.263 4.263 4.693 4.693 Pelle Top Leather Top Pelle Pelle Top Elite Leather Elite 2.970 2.970 3.524 3.168 3.168 3.998 3.524 3.524 5.699 3.998 3.998 3.823 5.699 5.699 4.299 3.823 3.823 4.707 4.299 4.299 4.707 4.707 Pelle Elite Leather Elite Pelle Elite 2.812 2.812 3.168 Leather Star 2.653 2.653 2.970 Pelle Star Leather Pelle StarStar 2.416 2.416 2.812 Leather Top Leather Elite 2.021 2.021 2.653 Prestige Pelle Star Prestige Leather Star 1.380 1.380 2.416 Elite Pelle Top Elite Leather Top 13,30 13,30 2.021 Star Star Prestige Extra Extra Top 1.380 Top Top Elite Super Super Lux 13,30 Lux Lux Star Normal Normal Extra SANGAL 09SDNDF10 09SDNDF10 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL schienali DEQO DEQO Divano Fodera Fodera 254 schienali schienali Divano 254 09SDNDF10 Tess Cliente Tess Cliente Customer fabric Super Customer fabric SANGAL 09SDNDI07 09SDNDI07 DEQO Divano SANGAL SANGAL 254 piuma DEQO DEQO Divano Divano 254 254 piuma piuma SANGAL DEQO Sofa SANGAL SANGAL 254 feather DEQO DEQO Sofa Sofa 254 254 feather feather SANGAL 09SDNDI08 09SDNDI08 DEQO Divano SANGAL SANGAL 254 espanso DEQO DEQO Divano Divano 254 254 espanso espanso SANGAL DEQO Sofa SANGAL SANGAL 254 polyurethane DEQO DEQO Sofa Sofa 254 254 polyurethane polyurethane In Bianco In Bianco No coverings Normal No coverings 09SDNDI07 09SDNDI08 Descrizione Descrizione Mt Tessuto Mt Tessuto Tess Cliente Fabric mt mt Fabric Customer fabric Descrizione Codice Codice In Bianco No coverings Codice Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Larghezza braccioloLarghezza 27 bracciolo bracciolo 27 27 27 Armrest lenght 27Armrest Armrest lenght lenght 27 SANGAL DEQO backSANGAL SANGAL cushionsDEQO DEQO coverings back backfor cushions cushions Sofa 254 coverings coverings for Sofa 254 254 mc 1,90 mc mc 09SDNDF11 1,90 1,90 SANGAL 09SDNDF11 09SDNDF11 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL sedute DEQO DEQO Divano Fodera Fodera 254 sedute sedute Divano 254 Kg 96 Kg Kg 9696 09SDNPR05 SANGAL 09SDNPR05 09SDNPR05 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL profilo DEQO DEQO Divano Fodera Fodera 254 profilo profilo Divano 254 SANGAL DEQO seat SANGAL cushions SANGALDEQO DEQO coverings seat seatfor cushions cushions Sofa 254 coverings coverings for Sofa 254 254 355355 223 SANGAL DEQO piping SANGAL SANGAL for Sofa DEQO DEQO 254 piping piping for for Sofa Sofa 254 09SDNDF12 SANGAL 09SDNDF12 09SDNDF12 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL telaioDEQO DEQO Divano Fodera Fodera 254 telaio telaio Divano 254 SANGAL DEQO frame SANGAL SANGAL coverings DEQO DEQO for frame Sofa frame254 coverings coverings for Sofa 254 09SDNDI09 09SDNDI10 09SDNDF13 SANGAL 09SDNDI09 09SDNDI09 DEQO Divano SANGAL SANGAL 274 piuma DEQO DEQO Divano Divano 274 274 piuma piuma SANGAL DEQO Sofa SANGAL SANGAL 274 feather DEQO DEQO Sofa Sofa 274 274 feather feather SANGAL 09SDNDI10 09SDNDI10 DEQO Divano SANGAL SANGAL 274 espanso DEQO DEQO Divano Divano 274 274 espanso espanso SANGAL DEQO Sofa SANGAL SANGAL 274 polyurethane DEQO DEQO Sofa Sofa 274 274 polyurethane polyurethane 13,30 SANGAL 09SDNDF13 09SDNDF13 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL schienali DEQO DEQO Divano Fodera Fodera 274 schienali schienali Divano 274 3,30 3,30 3,30 209 307 209 209 366 307 307 405 366 366 445 405 405 494 445 445 582 494 494 699 582 1.121 582 699699 711 1.121 1.121 839 711711 948 839839 948948 3,50 3,50 3,50 185 287 185 185 348 287 287 388 348 348 429 388 388 480 429 429 571 480 480 693 571 1.129 571 693693 703 1.129 1.129 835 703703 948 835835 948948 1,20 1,20 1,20 29 64 2929 85 6464 99 85 113 85 99 131 99 113 113 162 131 131 204 162162 355 204204 199 199199 283 244244 283283 7,00 7,00 7,00 315 522 315 315 646 522 522 728 646 646 811 728 728 914 811 1.100 811 914 1.348 914 1.100 1.100 2.236 1.348 1.348 1.300 2.236 2.236 1.568 1.300 1.300 1.798 1.568 1.568 1.798 1.798 563 6,20 6,20 856 563 1.038 563 856 1.147 856 1.038 1.038 1.220 1.147 1.147 1.293 1.220 1.220 1.384 1.293 1.293 1.548 1.384 1.384 1.766 1.548 1.548 2.549 1.766 1.766 1.584 2.549 2.549 1.779 1.584 1.584 1.946 1.779 1.779 1.946 1.946 507 801 507 507 983 801 1.092 801 983 1.165 983 1.092 1.092 1.238 1.165 1.165 1.329 1.238 1.238 1.492 1.329 1.329 1.711 1.492 1.492 2.493 1.711 1.711 1.528 2.493 2.493 1.723 1.528 1.528 1.891 1.723 1.723 1.891 1.891 SANGAL DEQO backSANGAL SANGAL cushionsDEQO DEQO coverings back backfor cushions cushions Sofa 274 coverings coverings for Sofa 274 274 mc 1,90 mc mc 09SDNDF14 1,90 1,90 SANGAL 09SDNDF14 09SDNDF14 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL sedute DEQO DEQO Divano Fodera Fodera 274 sedute sedute Divano 274 Kg 104 Kg Kg 104 104 09SDNPR06 SANGAL 09SDNPR06 09SDNPR06 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL profilo DEQO DEQO Divano Fodera Fodera 274 profilo profilo Divano 274 SANGAL DEQO seat SANGAL cushions SANGALDEQO DEQO coverings seat seatfor cushions cushions Sofa 274 coverings coverings for Sofa 274 274 355355 244 SANGAL DEQO piping SANGAL SANGAL for Sofa DEQO DEQO 274 piping piping for for Sofa Sofa 274 09SDNDF15 SANGAL 09SDNDF15 09SDNDF15 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL telaioDEQO DEQO Divano Fodera Fodera 274 telaio telaio Divano 274 SANGAL DEQO frame SANGAL SANGAL coverings DEQO DEQO for frame Sofa frame274 coverings coverings for Sofa 274 09SDNEL01 09SDNEL02 09SDNEF01 SANGAL 09SDNEL01 09SDNEL01 DEQO Elemento SANGAL SANGAL 70 DEQO piuma DEQO Elemento Elemento 70 70 piuma SANGAL DEQO Element SANGAL SANGAL 70 DEQO feather DEQO Element Element 70 70 feather SANGAL 09SDNEL02 09SDNEL02 DEQO Elemento SANGAL SANGAL 70 DEQO espanso DEQO Elemento Elemento 70 70 espanso SANGAL DEQO Element SANGAL SANGAL 70 DEQO DEQO Element Element 70 70 polyurethane polyurethane 6,20 SANGAL 09SDNEF01 09SDNEF01 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL schienale DEQO DEQOElemento Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 70 Elemento 70 1,80 1,80 1,80 114 166 114 114 198 166 166 219 198 198 240 219 219 266 240 240 313 266 266 376 313313 602 376376 347 602602 408 347347 461 408408 461461 1,80 1,80 1,80 105 158 105 105 189 158 158 210 189 189 231 210 210 258 231 231 305 258 258 368 305305 594 368368 339 594594 400 339339 453 400400 453453 0,90 0,90 0,90 25 49 2525 64 4949 74 6464 84 7474 96 84118 84 96147 96 118118 253 147147 129 253253 158 129129 183 158158 183183 3,00 3,00 3,00 133 221 133 133 273 221 221 308 273 273 343 308 308 387 343 343 466 387 387 571 466466 947 571571 506 947947 609 506506 696 609609 696696 630 6,20 6,20 943 630 1.125 630 943 1.234 943 1.125 1.125 1.307 1.234 1.234 1.380 1.307 1.307 1.471 1.380 1.380 1.635 1.471 1.471 1.853 1.635 1.635 2.636 1.853 1.853 1.713 2.636 2.636 1.920 1.713 1.713 2.097 1.920 1.920 2.097 2.097 548 861 548 1.043 548 861 1.152 861 1.043 1.043 1.225 1.152 1.152 1.298 1.225 1.225 1.389 1.298 1.298 1.553 1.389 1.389 1.771 1.553 1.553 2.554 1.771 1.771 1.631 2.554 2.554 1.838 1.631 1.631 2.015 1.838 1.838 2.015 2.015 SANGAL DEQO backSANGAL SANGAL cushionsDEQO DEQO coverings back backfor cushions cushions Element coverings coverings 70 for Element Element 70 70 mc 0,65 mc mc 09SDNEF02 0,65 0,65 SANGAL 09SDNEF02 09SDNEF02 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL seduta DEQO DEQO Elemento Fodera Fodera 70seduta seduta Elemento 70 Kg 50 Kg Kg 5050 09SDNPR07 SANGAL 09SDNPR07 09SDNPR07 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL profilo DEQO DEQO Elemento Fodera Fodera 70profilo profilo Elemento 70 SANGAL DEQO seat SANGAL cushions SANGALDEQO DEQO coverings seat seatfor cushions cushions Element coverings coverings 70 for Element Element 70 70 SANGAL DEQO piping SANGAL SANGAL for Element DEQO DEQO70 piping piping for for Element Element 70 09SDNEF03 SANGAL 09SDNEF03 09SDNEF03 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL telaioDEQO DEQO Elemento Fodera Fodera 70 telaio telaio Elemento 70 SANGAL DEQO frame SANGAL SANGAL coverings DEQO DEQO for frame Element frame coverings coverings 70 for Element 70 09SDNEL03 09SDNEL04 09SDNEF04 SANGAL 09SDNEL03 09SDNEL03 DEQO Elemento SANGAL SANGAL 90 DEQO piuma DEQO Elemento Elemento 90 90 piuma SANGAL DEQO Element SANGAL SANGAL 90 DEQO feather DEQO Element Element 90 90 feather SANGAL 09SDNEL04 09SDNEL04 DEQO Elemento SANGAL SANGAL 90 DEQO espanso DEQO Elemento Elemento 90 90 espanso SANGAL DEQO Element SANGAL SANGAL 90 DEQO DEQO Element Element 90 90 polyurethane polyurethane 6,20 SANGAL 09SDNEF04 09SDNEF04 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL schienale DEQO DEQOElemento Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 90 Elemento 90 1,80 1,80 1,80 114 167 114 114 198 167 167 219 198 198 240 219 219 267 240 240 314 267 267 377 314314 603 377377 348 603603 409 348348 462 409409 462462 1,80 1,80 1,80 105 158 105 105 189 158 158 210 189 189 231 210 210 258 231 231 305 258 258 368 305305 594 368368 339 594594 400 339339 453 400400 453453 0,90 0,90 0,90 25 49 2525 64 4949 74 6464 84 7474 96 84118 84 96147 96 118118 253 147147 130 253253 158 130130 183 158158 183183 3,00 3,00 3,00 153 240 153 153 293 240 240 328 293 293 363 328 328 406 363 363 485 406 406 590 485485 966 590590 525 966966 628 525525 716 628628 716716 SANGAL DEQO backSANGAL SANGAL cushionsDEQO DEQO coverings back backfor cushions cushions Element coverings coverings 90 for Element Element 90 90 mc 0,65 mc mc 09SDNEF05 0,65 0,65 SANGAL 09SDNEF05 09SDNEF05 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL seduta DEQO DEQO Elemento Fodera Fodera 90seduta seduta Elemento 90 Kg 53 Kg Kg 5353 09SDNPR08 SANGAL 09SDNPR08 09SDNPR08 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL profilo DEQO DEQO Elemento Fodera Fodera 90profilo profilo Elemento 90 SANGAL DEQO seat SANGAL cushions SANGALDEQO DEQO coverings seat seatfor cushions cushions Element coverings coverings 90 for Element Element 90 90 SANGAL DEQO piping SANGAL SANGAL for Element DEQO DEQO90 piping piping for for Element Element 90 09SDNEF06 SANGAL 09SDNEF06 09SDNEF06 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL telaioDEQO DEQO Elemento Fodera Fodera 90 telaio telaio Elemento 90 SANGAL DEQO frame SANGAL SANGAL coverings DEQO DEQO for frame Element frame coverings coverings 90 for Element 90 1,80 1,80 121 174 121 121 205 174 174 226 205 205 247 226 226 273 247 247 321 273 273 384 321321 609 384384 358 609609 419 358358 472 419419 472472 1,80 1,80 1,80 109 161 109 109 193 161 161 214 193 193 235 214 214 261 235 235 308 261 261 371 308308 597 371371 346 597597 407 346346 460 407407 460460 0,90 0,90 0,9025 50 2525 64 5050 74 6464 84 7474 96 8484 118 9696 148 118118 253 148148 130 253253 158 130130 183 158158 183183 3,00 3,00 3,00 171 259 171 171 311 259 259 346 311 311 381 346 346 425 381 381 504 425 425 609 504504 985 609609 548 985985 650 548548 738 650650 738738 898 11,30 11,30 1.404 898 898 1.740 1.404 1.404 1.942 1.740 1.740 2.076 1.942 1.942 2.211 2.076 2.076 2.379 2.211 2.211 2.681 2.379 2.379 3.084 2.681 2.681 4.529 3.084 3.084 2.718 4.529 4.529 3.068 2.718 2.718 3.368 3.068 3.068 3.368 3.368 787 1.293 787 787 1.629 1.293 1.293 1.831 1.629 1.629 1.965 1.831 1.831 2.100 1.965 1.965 2.268 2.100 2.100 2.570 2.268 2.268 2.973 2.570 2.570 4.418 2.973 2.973 2.607 4.418 4.418 2.957 2.607 2.607 3.256 2.957 2.957 3.256 3.256 Leather Elite 1,80 Pelle Elite Leather Elite Pelle Elite 937 1.256 937 1.136 1.136 1.336 1.256 1.256 1.415 1.336 1.336 1.515 1.415 1.415 1.695 1.515 1.515 1.934 1.695 1.695 2.792 1.934 1.934 1.767 2.792 2.792 1.988 1.767 1.767 2.177 1.988 1.988 2.177 2.177 Leather Star 592 592 1.136 Prestige Pelle Star Prestige Leather Star Pelle Top Leather Pelle TopTop Pelle Elite Leather Top Leather Elite Pelle Star Leather Pelle StarStar 937 Elite Pelle Top Elite Leather Top 592 Star Star Prestige 1.067 1.067 1.386 1.266 1.266 1.466 1.386 1.386 1.546 1.466 1.466 1.645 1.546 1.546 1.825 1.645 1.645 2.064 1.825 1.825 2.922 2.064 2.064 1.897 2.922 2.922 2.118 1.897 1.897 2.307 2.118 2.118 2.307 2.307 Top Top Elite 722 722 1.266 Lux Lux Star 6,80 6,80 1.067 Extra Extra Top 722 Super Super Lux SANGAL 09SDNEF07 09SDNEF07 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL schienale DEQO DEQOElemento Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 110 Elemento 110 09SDNEF07 6,80 Normal Normal Extra SANGAL 09SDNEL05 09SDNEL05 DEQO Elemento SANGAL SANGAL 110 DEQO DEQO piuma Elemento Elemento 110 110 piuma SANGAL DEQO Element SANGAL SANGAL 110 DEQO DEQO feather Element Element 110 110 feather SANGAL 09SDNEL06 09SDNEL06 DEQO Elemento SANGAL SANGAL 110 DEQO DEQO espanso Elemento Elemento 110 110 espanso SANGAL DEQO Element SANGAL SANGAL 110 DEQO DEQO Element Element 110 110 polyurethane polyurethane In Bianco In Bianco No coverings Normal No coverings 09SDNEL05 09SDNEL06 Descrizione Descrizione Mt Mt Tessuto Tessuto Tess Cliente Fabric mt Fabric mt Customer fabric Descrizione Codice Codice In Bianco No coverings Codice Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Larghezza bracciolo Larghezza 27 bracciolo bracciolo 27 27 27 Armrest lenght 27Armrest Armrest lenght lenght 27 Tess Cliente Tess Cliente Customer fabric Super Customer fabric od. SANGAL Mod. Mod. SANGAL SANGAL DEQO DEQO DEQO SANGAL DEQO backSANGAL SANGAL cushions DEQO DEQO coverings back back cushions for cushions Element coverings coverings 110 for Element Element 110 110 mc 0,81 mc mc 09SDNEF08 0,81 0,81 SANGAL 09SDNEF08 09SDNEF08 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL seduta DEQO DEQO Elemento Fodera Fodera110 seduta seduta Elemento 110 Kg 59 Kg Kg 5959 09SDNPR09 SANGAL 09SDNPR09 09SDNPR09 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL profilo DEQO DEQO Elemento Fodera Fodera 110 profilo profilo Elemento 110 SANGAL DEQO seatSANGAL SANGAL cushionsDEQO DEQO coverings seat seat cushions for cushions Element coverings coverings 110 for Element Element 110 110 SANGAL DEQO piping SANGAL SANGAL for Element DEQO DEQO110 piping piping for for Element Element 110 09SDNEF09 SANGAL 09SDNEF09 09SDNEF09 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL telaio DEQO DEQO Elemento Fodera Fodera 110 telaio telaio Elemento 110 SANGAL DEQO frame SANGAL SANGAL coverings DEQO DEQO forframe frame Element coverings coverings 110 for Element 110 09SDNEL07 09SDNEL08 09SDNEF10 SANGAL 09SDNEL07 09SDNEL07 DEQO Elemento SANGAL SANGAL 140 DEQO DEQO piuma Elemento Elemento 140 140 piuma SANGAL DEQO Element SANGAL SANGAL 140 DEQO DEQO feather Element Element 140 140 feather SANGAL 09SDNEL08 09SDNEL08 DEQO Elemento SANGAL SANGAL 140 DEQO DEQO espanso Elemento Elemento 140 140 espanso SANGAL DEQO Element SANGAL SANGAL 140 DEQO DEQO Element Element 140 140 polyurethane polyurethane 11,30 SANGAL 09SDNEF10 09SDNEF10 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL schienali DEQO DEQOElemento Fodera Fodera schienali schienali 140 Elemento 140 3,30 3,30 3,30 192 290 192 192 349 290 290 388 349 349 428 388 388 477 428 428 565 477 477 682 565 1.104 565 682682 628 1.104 1.104 743 628628 841 743743 841841 3,50 3,50 3,50 173 275 173 173 336 275 275 376 336 336 417 376 376 468 417 417 559 468 468 681 559 1.117 559 681681 623 1.117 1.117 742 623623 843 742742 843843 1,10 1,10 1,1027 59 2727 77 5959 90 7777 103 9090 118 103 103 147 118 118 185 147147 320 185185 163 163163 231 200200 231231 4,90 4,90 4,90 201 344 201 201 431 344 344 488 431 431 545 488 488 617 545 545 746 617 617 918 746 1.535 746 918918 818 1.535 1.535 986 970 11,30 11,30 1.481 970 970 1.817 1.481 1.481 2.018 1.817 1.817 2.153 2.018 2.018 2.287 2.153 2.153 2.455 2.287 2.287 2.757 2.455 2.455 3.161 2.757 2.757 4.605 3.161 3.161 2.873 4.605 4.605 3.244 2.873 2.873 3.562 3.244 3.244 3.562 3.562 831 1.341 831 831 1.677 1.341 1.341 1.879 1.677 1.677 2.013 1.879 1.879 2.148 2.013 2.013 2.316 2.148 2.148 2.618 2.316 2.316 3.021 2.618 2.618 4.466 3.021 3.021 2.733 4.466 4.466 3.105 2.733 2.733 3.423 3.105 3.105 3.423 3.423 SANGAL DEQO backSANGAL SANGAL cushions DEQO DEQO coverings back back cushions for cushions Element coverings coverings 140 for Element Element 140 140 mc 1,13 mc mc 09SDNEF11 1,13 1,13 SANGAL 09SDNEF11 09SDNEF11 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL sedute DEQO DEQO Elemento Fodera Fodera140 sedute sedute Elemento 140 Kg 64 Kg Kg 6464 09SDNPR10 SANGAL 09SDNPR10 09SDNPR10 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL profilo DEQO DEQO Elemento Fodera Fodera 140 profilo profilo Elemento 140 SANGAL DEQO seatSANGAL SANGAL cushionsDEQO DEQO coverings seat seat cushions for cushions Element coverings coverings 140 for Element Element 140 140 320320 200 SANGAL DEQO piping SANGAL SANGAL for Element DEQO DEQO140 piping piping for for Element Element 140 09SDNEF12 SANGAL 09SDNEF12 09SDNEF12 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL telaio DEQO DEQO Elemento Fodera Fodera 140 telaio telaio Elemento 140 8181.130 818 986986 1.130 1.130 SANGAL DEQO frame SANGAL SANGAL coverings DEQO DEQO forframe frame Element coverings coverings 140 for Element 140 09SDNEL09 09SDNEL10 09SDNEF13 SANGAL 09SDNEL09 09SDNEL09 DEQO Elemento SANGAL SANGAL 160 DEQO DEQO piuma Elemento Elemento 160 160 piuma SANGAL DEQO Element SANGAL SANGAL 160 DEQO DEQO feather Element Element 160 160 feather SANGAL 09SDNEL10 09SDNEL10 DEQO Elemento SANGAL SANGAL 160 DEQO DEQO espanso Elemento Elemento 160 160 espanso SANGAL DEQO Element SANGAL SANGAL 160 DEQO DEQO Element Element 160 160 polyurethane polyurethane 11,30 SANGAL 09SDNEF13 09SDNEF13 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL schienali DEQO DEQOElemento Fodera Fodera schienali schienali 160 Elemento 160 3,30 3,30 3,30 196 294 196 196 353 294 294 392 353 353 431 392 392 480 431 431 569 480 480 686 569 1.108 569 686686 632 1.108 1.108 747 632632 845 747747 845845 3,50 3,50 3,50 173 275 173 173 336 275 275 376 336 336 417 376 376 468 417 417 559 468 468 681 559 1.117 559 681681 623 1.117 1.117 742 623623 843 742742 843843 1,10 1,10 1,1027 59 2727 78 5959 90 7878 103 9090 119 103 103 147 119 119 185 147147 320 185185 163 163163 232 200200 232232 4,90 4,90 4,90 202 346 202 202 432 346 346 489 432 432 547 489 489 618 547 547 747 618 618 920 747 1.537 747 920920 819 1.537 1.537 987 11,30 11,30 1.570 1.053 1.053 1.906 1.570 1.570 2.108 1.906 1.906 2.242 2.108 2.108 2.377 2.242 2.242 2.545 2.377 2.377 2.847 2.545 2.545 3.250 2.847 2.847 4.695 3.250 3.250 3.057 4.695 4.695 3.450 3.057 3.057 3.788 3.450 3.450 3.788 3.788 1.407 889 889 1.743 1.407 1.407 1.944 1.743 1.743 2.079 1.944 1.944 2.213 2.079 2.079 2.381 2.213 2.213 2.684 2.381 2.381 3.087 2.684 2.684 4.532 3.087 3.087 2.893 4.532 4.532 3.287 2.893 2.893 3.624 3.287 3.287 3.624 3.624 SANGAL DEQO backSANGAL SANGAL cushions DEQO DEQO coverings back back cushions for cushions Element coverings coverings 160 for Element Element 160 160 mc 1,13 mc mc 09SDNEF14 1,13 1,13 SANGAL 09SDNEF14 09SDNEF14 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL sedute DEQO DEQO Elemento Fodera Fodera160 sedute sedute Elemento 160 Kg 68 Kg Kg 6868 09SDNPR11 SANGAL 09SDNPR11 09SDNPR11 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL profilo DEQO DEQO Elemento Fodera Fodera 160 profilo profilo Elemento 160 SANGAL DEQO seatSANGAL SANGAL cushionsDEQO DEQO coverings seat seat cushions for cushions Element coverings coverings 160 for Element Element 160 160 320320 200 SANGAL DEQO piping SANGAL SANGAL for Element DEQO DEQO160 piping piping for for Element Element 160 09SDNEF15 SANGAL 09SDNEF15 09SDNEF15 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL telaio DEQO DEQO Elemento Fodera Fodera 160 telaio telaio Elemento 160 8191.131 819 987987 1.131 1.131 SANGAL DEQO frame SANGAL SANGAL coverings DEQO DEQO forframe frame Element coverings coverings 160 for Element 160 09SDNEL11 09SDNEL12 09SDNEF16 SANGAL 09SDNEL11 09SDNEL11 DEQO Elemento SANGAL SANGAL 180 DEQO DEQO piuma Elemento Elemento 180 180 piuma SANGAL DEQO Element SANGAL SANGAL 180 DEQO DEQO feather Element Element 180 180 feather SANGAL 09SDNEL12 09SDNEL12 DEQO Elemento SANGAL SANGAL 180 DEQO DEQO espanso Elemento Elemento 180 180 espanso SANGAL DEQO Element SANGAL SANGAL 180 DEQO DEQO Element Element 180 180 polyurethane polyurethane 11,30 1.053 SANGAL 09SDNEF16 09SDNEF16 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL schienali DEQO DEQOElemento Fodera Fodera schienali schienali 180 Elemento 180 3,30 3,30 3,30 200 298 200 200 357 298 298 396 357 357 435 396 396 484 435 435 572 484 484 690 572 1.111 572 690690 662 1.111 1.111 783 662662 887 783783 887887 3,50 3,50 3,50 174 275 174 174 336 275 275 377 336 336 418 377 377 468 418 418 560 468 468 681 560 1.118 560 681681 651 1.118 1.118 776 651651 883 776776 883883 1,10 1,10 1,1028 59 2828 78 5959 91 7878 103 9191 119 103 103 147 119 119 185 147147 321 185185 171 171171 243 210210 243243 4,90 4,90 4,90 206 349 206 206 435 349 349 493 435 435 550 493 493 622 550 550 751 622 622 923 751 1.540 751 923923 859 1.540 1.540 1.037 889 SANGAL DEQO backSANGAL SANGAL cushions DEQO DEQO coverings back back cushions for cushions Element coverings coverings 180 for Element Element 180 180 mc 1,3 mc mc 09SDNEF17 1,3 1,3 SANGAL 09SDNEF17 09SDNEF17 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL sedute DEQO DEQO Elemento Fodera Fodera180 sedute sedute Elemento 180 Kg 72 Kg Kg 7272 09SDNPR12 SANGAL 09SDNPR12 09SDNPR12 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL profilo DEQO DEQO Elemento Fodera Fodera 180 profilo profilo Elemento 180 SANGAL DEQO seatSANGAL SANGAL cushionsDEQO DEQO coverings seat seat cushions for cushions Element coverings coverings 180 for Element Element 180 180 321321 210 SANGAL DEQO piping SANGAL SANGAL for Element DEQO DEQO180 piping piping for for Element Element 180 09SDNEF18 SANGAL 09SDNEF18 09SDNEF18 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL telaio DEQO DEQO Elemento Fodera Fodera 180 telaio telaio Elemento 180 SANGAL DEQO frame SANGAL SANGAL coverings DEQO DEQO forframe frame Element coverings coverings 180 for Element 180 8591.189 859 1.037 1.037 1.189 1.189 od. SANGAL Mod. Mod. SANGAL SANGAL DEQO DEQO DEQO 1.803 1.803 2.139 2.004 2.004 2.273 2.139 2.139 2.441 2.273 2.273 2.743 2.441 2.441 3.147 2.743 2.743 4.591 3.147 3.147 2.992 4.591 4.591 3.396 2.992 2.992 3.743 3.396 3.396 3.743 3.743 09SDNEF19 3,30 3,30 3,30 209 307 209 209 366 307 307 405 366 366 444 405 405 493 444 444 581 493 493 699 581 1.120 581 699699 697 1.120 1.120 825 697697 934 825825 934934 3,50 3,50 3,50 182 284 182 182 345 284 284 385 345 345 426 385 385 477 426 426 568 477 477 690 568 1.126 568 690690 686 1.126 1.126 818 686686 931 818818 931931 1,10 1,10 1,1028 59 2828 78 5959 91 78 103 78 91119 91 103 103 148 119 119 185 148148 321 185185 178 178178 254 219219 254254 4,90 4,90 4,90 214 358 214 214 444 358 358 501 444 444 559 501 501 630 559 559 759 630 630 932 759 1.549 759 932932 905 1.549 1.549 1.091 721 7,20 7,20 1.069 721 1.283 721 1.069 1.069 1.411 1.283 1.283 1.496 1.411 1.411 1.582 1.496 1.496 1.688 1.582 1.582 1.880 1.688 1.688 2.137 1.880 1.880 3.055 2.137 2.137 1.919 3.055 3.055 2.148 1.919 1.919 2.345 2.148 2.148 2.345 2.345 651 999 651 1.213 651 999 1.341 999 1.213 1.213 1.426 1.341 1.341 1.512 1.426 1.426 1.619 1.512 1.512 1.811 1.619 1.619 2.067 1.811 1.811 2.985 2.067 2.067 1.850 2.985 2.985 2.079 1.850 1.850 2.275 2.079 2.079 2.275 2.275 Pelle Top Leather Top Pelle Pelle Top Elite Leather Elite 1.467 1.467 2.004 Pelle Elite Leather Elite Pelle Elite 924 1.803 924 924 Leather Star 1.467 SANGAL 09SDNEF19 09SDNEF19 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL schienali DEQO DEQO Elemento Fodera Fodera schienali schienali 200 Elemento 200 09SDNEL14 Leather Top Leather Elite Pelle Star Leather Pelle StarStar 2.341 2.341 2.644 2.476 2.476 2.946 2.644 2.644 3.349 2.946 2.946 4.794 3.349 3.349 3.195 4.794 4.794 3.599 3.195 3.195 3.946 3.599 3.599 3.946 3.946 Prestige Pelle Star Prestige Leather Star 2.207 2.207 2.476 Elite Pelle Top Elite Leather Top Super Super Lux 2.005 2.005 2.341 11,30 Star Star Prestige Normal Normal Extra 1.669 1.669 2.207 SANGAL 09SDNEL13 09SDNEL13 DEQO Elemento SANGAL SANGAL 200 DEQO DEQO piuma Elemento Elemento 200 200 piuma SANGAL DEQO Element SANGAL SANGAL 200 DEQO DEQO feather Element Element 200 200 feather SANGAL 09SDNEL14 09SDNEL14 DEQO Elemento SANGAL SANGAL 200 DEQO DEQO espanso Elemento Elemento 200 200 espanso SANGAL DEQO Element SANGAL SANGAL 200 DEQO DEQO Element Element 200 200 polyurethane polyurethane Top Top Elite Tess Cliente Tess Cliente Customer fabric Super Customer fabric 1.126 1.126 2.005 09SDNEL13 Descrizione Descrizione Lux Lux Star In Bianco In Bianco No coverings Normal No coverings 11,30 11,30 1.669 Descrizione Codice Codice Extra Extra Top Mt Tessuto Mt Tessuto Tess Cliente Fabric mt mt Fabric Customer fabric 1.126 Codice Mt Tessuto Fabric mt In Bianco No coverings Larghezza bracciolo Larghezza 27 bracciolo bracciolo 27 27 27 Armrest lenght 27Armrest Armrest lenght lenght 27 SANGAL DEQO backSANGAL SANGAL cushionsDEQO DEQO coverings back backfor cushions cushions Element coverings coverings 200 for Element Element 200 200 mc 1,44 mc mc 09SDNEF20 1,44 1,44 SANGAL 09SDNEF20 09SDNEF20 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL sedute DEQO DEQO Elemento Fodera Fodera200 sedute sedute Elemento 200 Kg 76 Kg Kg 7676 09SDNPR13 SANGAL 09SDNPR13 09SDNPR13 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL profilo DEQO DEQO Elemento Fodera Fodera 200 profilo profilo Elemento 200 SANGAL DEQO seat SANGAL cushions SANGALDEQO DEQO coverings seat seatfor cushions cushions Element coverings coverings 200 for Element Element 200 200 321321 219 SANGAL DEQO piping SANGAL SANGAL for Element DEQO DEQO200 piping piping for for Element Element 200 09SDNEF21 SANGAL 09SDNEF21 09SDNEF21 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL telaioDEQO DEQO Elemento Fodera Fodera 200 telaio telaio Elemento 200 905 1.251 905 1.091 1.091 1.251 1.251 SANGAL DEQO frame SANGAL SANGAL coverings DEQO DEQO for frame Element frame coverings coverings 200 for Element 200 09SDNTE01S SANGAL 09SDNTE01S 09SDNTE01S DEQO Terminale SANGAL SANGAL 107 DEQO DEQO sx piuma Terminale Terminale 107 107 sx piuma SANGAL DEQO End SANGAL SANGAL unit 107 DEQO DEQO left feather End End unit unit 107 107 left feather 09SDNTE02S SANGAL 09SDNTE02S 09SDNTE02S DEQO Terminale SANGAL SANGAL 107 DEQO DEQO sx espanso Terminale Terminale 107 107 sx espanso SANGAL DEQO End SANGAL SANGAL unit 107 DEQO DEQO left polyurethane End End unit unit 107 107 left polyurethane 7,20 09SDNTF01S SANGAL 09SDNTF01S 09SDNTF01S DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL schienale DEQO DEQOTerminale Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 107 sx Terminale 107 sx sx 1,80 1,80 1,80 114 166 114 114 198 166 166 219 198 198 240 219 219 266 240 240 313 266 266 376 313313 602 376376 347 602602 409 347347 462 409409 462462 SANGAL DEQO backSANGAL SANGAL cushionsDEQO DEQO coverings back backfor cushions cushions End unit coverings coverings 107 leftfor End unit unit 107 107 left left 1,80 1,80 105 158 105 105 189 158 158 210 189 189 231 210 210 258 231 231 305 258 258 368 305305 594 368368 339 594594 400 339339 453 400400 453453 0,81 mc mc 09SDNTF02S SANGAL 09SDNTF02S 09SDNTF02S DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL seduta DEQO DEQO Terminale Fodera Fodera107 seduta seduta sx Terminale 107 sx 0,81 0,81 SANGAL DEQO seat SANGAL cushions SANGALDEQO DEQO coverings seat seatfor cushions cushions End unit coverings coverings 107 leftfor End unit unit 107 107 left left 1,80 mc Kg 60 Kg Kg 6060 09SDNPR14S SANGAL 09SDNPR14S 09SDNPR14S DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL profilo DEQO DEQO Terminale Fodera Fodera 107 profilo profilo sx Terminale 107 sx 1,10 1,10 1,1026 58 2626 77 5858 89 77 102 77 89118 89 102 102 146 118 118 184 146146 319 184184 159 319319 196 159159 227 196196 227227 4,00 4,00 4,00 189 308 189 189 379 308 308 427 379 379 474 427 427 534 474 474 641 534 534 784 641 1.295 641 784784 687 1.295 1.295 826 687687 946 826826 946946 852 7,20 7,20 1.233 852 1.447 852 1.233 1.233 1.575 1.447 1.447 1.660 1.575 1.575 1.745 1.660 1.660 1.852 1.745 1.745 2.044 1.852 1.852 2.301 2.044 2.044 3.219 2.301 2.301 2.174 3.219 3.219 2.424 2.174 2.174 2.638 2.424 2.424 2.638 2.638 721 1.103 721 1.316 721 1.103 1.103 1.445 1.316 1.316 1.530 1.445 1.445 1.615 1.530 1.530 1.722 1.615 1.615 1.914 1.722 1.722 2.170 1.914 1.914 3.088 2.170 2.170 2.044 3.088 3.088 2.294 2.044 2.044 2.508 2.294 2.294 2.508 2.508 SANGAL DEQO piping SANGAL SANGAL for EndDEQO DEQO unit 107 piping piping leftfor for End End unit unit 107 left 09SDNTF03S SANGAL 09SDNTF03S 09SDNTF03S DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL telaioDEQO DEQO Terminale Fodera Fodera 107 telaio telaio sx Terminale 107 sx SANGAL DEQO frame SANGAL SANGAL coverings DEQO DEQO for frame End frame unit coverings coverings 107 leftfor End unit 107 left left 09SDNTE03S SANGAL 09SDNTE03S 09SDNTE03S DEQO Terminale SANGAL SANGAL 137 DEQO DEQO sx piuma Terminale Terminale 137 137 sx piuma SANGAL DEQO End SANGAL SANGAL unit 137 DEQO DEQO left feather End End unit unit 137 137 left feather 09SDNTE04S SANGAL 09SDNTE04S 09SDNTE04S DEQO Terminale SANGAL SANGAL 137 DEQO DEQO sx espanso Terminale Terminale 137 137 sx espanso SANGAL DEQO End SANGAL SANGAL unit 137 DEQO DEQO left polyurethane End End unit unit 137 137 left polyurethane 7,20 09SDNTF04S SANGAL 09SDNTF04S 09SDNTF04S DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL schienale DEQO DEQOTerminale Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 137 sx Terminale 137 sx sx 1,80 1,80 1,80 118 171 118 118 202 171 171 223 202 202 244 223 223 271 244 244 318 271 271 381 318318 607 381381 371 607607 436 371371 491 436436 491491 SANGAL DEQO backSANGAL SANGAL cushionsDEQO DEQO coverings back backfor cushions cushions End unit coverings coverings 137 leftfor End unit unit 137 137 left left 1,80 1,80 109 161 109 109 193 161 161 214 193 193 235 214 214 261 235 235 308 261 261 371 308308 597 371371 361 597597 426 361361 482 426426 482482 0,95 mc mc 09SDNTF05S SANGAL 09SDNTF05S 09SDNTF05S DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL seduta DEQO DEQO Terminale Fodera Fodera137 seduta seduta sx Terminale 137 sx 0,95 0,95 SANGAL DEQO seat SANGAL cushions SANGALDEQO DEQO coverings seat seatfor cushions cushions End unit coverings coverings 137 leftfor End unit unit 137 137 left left 1,80 mc Kg 63 Kg Kg 6363 09SDNPR15S SANGAL 09SDNPR15S 09SDNPR15S DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL profilo DEQO DEQO Terminale Fodera Fodera 137 profilo profilo sx Terminale 137 sx 1,10 1,10 1,1027 58 2727 77 5858 90 77 102 77 90118 90 102 102 146 118 118 184 146146 320 184184 166 320320 205 166166 239 205205 239239 4,00 4,00 4,00 215 334 215 215 406 334 334 453 406 406 501 453 453 560 501 501 667 560 560 810 667 1.322 667 810810 748 1.322 1.322 895 748 1.021 748 895895 1.021 1.021 12,30 12,30 1.572 1.023 1.023 1.936 1.572 1.572 2.154 1.936 1.936 2.300 2.154 2.154 2.445 2.300 2.300 2.627 2.445 2.445 2.955 2.627 2.627 3.392 2.955 2.955 4.957 3.392 3.392 3.009 4.957 4.957 3.388 3.009 3.009 3.713 3.388 3.388 3.713 3.713 1.461 912 1.825 912 1.461 1.461 2.043 1.825 1.825 2.189 2.043 2.043 2.334 2.189 2.189 2.516 2.334 2.334 2.844 2.516 2.516 3.281 2.844 2.844 4.846 3.281 3.281 2.898 4.846 4.846 3.277 2.898 2.898 3.602 3.277 3.277 3.602 3.602 SANGAL DEQO piping SANGAL SANGAL for EndDEQO DEQO unit 137 piping piping leftfor for End End unit unit 137 left 09SDNTF06S SANGAL 09SDNTF06S 09SDNTF06S DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL telaioDEQO DEQO Terminale Fodera Fodera 137 telaio telaio sx Terminale 137 sx SANGAL DEQO frame SANGAL SANGAL coverings DEQO DEQO for frame End frame unit coverings coverings 137 leftfor End unit 137 left left 09SDNTE05S SANGAL 09SDNTE05S 09SDNTE05S DEQO Terminale SANGAL SANGAL 167 DEQO DEQO sx piuma Terminale Terminale 167 167 sx piuma SANGAL DEQO End SANGAL SANGAL unit 167 DEQO DEQO left feather End End unit unit 167 167 left feather 09SDNTE06S SANGAL 09SDNTE06S 09SDNTE06S DEQO Terminale SANGAL SANGAL 167 DEQO DEQO sx espanso Terminale Terminale 167 167 sx espanso SANGAL DEQO End SANGAL SANGAL unit 167 DEQO DEQO left polyurethane End End unit unit 167 167 left polyurethane 12,30 1.023 09SDNTF07S SANGAL 09SDNTF07S 09SDNTF07S DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL schienali DEQO DEQO Terminale Fodera Fodera schienali schienali 167 sx Terminale 167 sx sx 3,30 3,30 3,30 192 290 192 192 349 290 290 388 349 349 428 388 388 477 428 428 565 477 477 682 565 1.104 565 682682 635 1.104 1.104 750 635635 848 750750 848848 912 SANGAL DEQO backSANGAL SANGAL cushionsDEQO DEQO coverings back backfor cushions cushions End unit coverings coverings 167 leftfor End unit unit 167 167 left left 3,50 3,50 173 275 173 173 336 275 275 376 336 336 417 376 376 468 417 417 559 468 468 681 559 1.117 559 681681 630 1.117 1.117 749 630630 850 749749 850850 1,13 mc mc 09SDNTF08S SANGAL 09SDNTF08S 09SDNTF08S DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL sedute DEQO DEQO Terminale Fodera Fodera167 sedute sedute sx Terminale 167 sx 1,13 1,13 SANGAL DEQO seat SANGAL cushions SANGALDEQO DEQO coverings seat seatfor cushions cushions End unit coverings coverings 167 leftfor End unit unit 167 167 left left 3,50 mc Kg 70 Kg Kg 7070 09SDNPR16S SANGAL 09SDNPR16S 09SDNPR16S DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL profilo DEQO DEQO Terminale Fodera Fodera 167 profilo profilo sx Terminale 167 sx 1,20 1,20 1,2028 63 2828 84 6363 98 84 112 84 98129 98 112 112 161 129 129 203 161161 353 203203 181 181181 257 222222 257257 5,90 5,90 5,90 245 420 245 245 525 420 420 595 525 525 665 595 595 752 665 665 910 752 1.120 752 910 1.872 910 1.120 1.120 994 1.872 1.872 1.199 353353 222 SANGAL DEQO piping SANGAL SANGAL for EndDEQO DEQO unit 167 piping piping leftfor for End End unit unit 167 left 09SDNTF09S SANGAL 09SDNTF09S 09SDNTF09S DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL telaioDEQO DEQO Terminale Fodera Fodera 167 telaio telaio sx Terminale 167 sx SANGAL DEQO frame SANGAL SANGAL coverings DEQO DEQO for frame End frame unit coverings coverings 167 leftfor End unit 167 left left 994 1.374 994 1.199 1.199 1.374 1.374 od. SANGAL Mod. Mod. SANGAL DEQO SANGALDEQO DEQO 1.506 1.506 2.088 1.870 1.870 2.234 2.088 2.088 2.380 2.234 2.234 2.562 2.380 2.380 2.889 2.562 2.562 3.326 2.889 2.889 4.891 3.326 3.326 3.028 4.891 4.891 3.430 3.028 3.028 3.775 3.430 3.430 3.775 3.775 3,30 3,30 3,30 193 291 193 193 350 291 291 389 350 350 429 389 389 478 429 429 566 478 478 683 566 1.105 566 683683 636 1.105 1.105 751 636636 849 751751 849849 Pelle Top Leather Top Pelle Pelle Top Elite Leather Elite 955 1.870 955 Pelle Elite Leather Elite Pelle Elite 1.506 955 Leather Star 2.519 2.519 3.029 2.701 2.701 3.465 3.029 3.029 5.031 3.465 3.465 3.167 5.031 5.031 3.570 3.167 3.167 3.915 3.570 3.570 3.915 3.915 Pelle Star Leather Pelle StarStar 2.373 2.373 2.701 Leather Top Leather Elite Extra Extra Top 2.228 2.228 2.519 Prestige Pelle Star Prestige Leather Star Super Super Lux 2.009 2.009 2.373 Elite Pelle Top Elite Leather Top Normal Normal Extra 1.645 1.645 2.228 09SDNTF10S SANGAL 09SDNTF10S 09SDNTF10S DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL schienali DEQO DEQO Terminale Fodera Fodera schienali schienali 187 sx Terminale 187 sx sx Descrizione Descrizione Star Star Prestige Tess Cliente Tess Cliente Customer fabric Super Customer fabric 1.095 1.095 2.009 12,30 Descrizione Codice Codice Top Top Elite In Bianco In Bianco No coverings Normal No coverings 12,30 12,30 1.645 09SDNTE07S SANGAL 09SDNTE07S 09SDNTE07S DEQO Terminale SANGAL SANGAL 187 DEQO DEQO sx piuma Terminale Terminale 187 187 sx piuma SANGAL DEQO EndSANGAL SANGAL unit 187 DEQO DEQO left feather End End unit unit 187 187 left feather 09SDNTE08S SANGAL 09SDNTE08S 09SDNTE08S DEQO Terminale SANGAL SANGAL 187 DEQO DEQO sx espanso Terminale Terminale 187 187 sx espanso SANGAL DEQO EndSANGAL SANGAL unit 187 DEQO DEQO left polyurethane End End unit unit 187 187 left polyurethane Codice Lux Lux Star Mt Tessuto Mt Tessuto Tess Cliente Fabric mt mt Fabric Customer fabric 1.095 Mt Tessuto Fabric mt In Bianco No coverings Larghezza braccioloLarghezza 27 bracciolo bracciolo 27 27 27 Armrest lenght 27Armrest Armrest lenght lenght 27 SANGAL DEQO backSANGAL SANGAL cushionsDEQO DEQO coverings back backfor cushions cushions End unit coverings coverings 187 leftfor End unit unit 187 187 left left 3,50 3,50 173 275 173 173 336 275 275 376 336 336 417 376 376 468 417 417 559 468 468 681 559 1.117 559 681681 630 1.117 1.117 749 630630 850 749749 850850 1,30 mc mc 09SDNTF11S SANGAL 09SDNTF11S 09SDNTF11S DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL sedute DEQO DEQO Terminale Fodera Fodera187 sedute sedute sx Terminale 187 sx 1,30 1,30 SANGAL DEQO seat SANGAL cushions SANGALDEQO DEQO coverings seat seatfor cushions cushions End unit coverings coverings 187 leftfor End unit unit 187 187 left left 3,50 mc Kg 75 Kg Kg 7575 09SDNPR17S SANGAL 09SDNPR17S 09SDNPR17S DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL profilo DEQO DEQO Terminale Fodera Fodera 187 profilo profilo sx Terminale 187 sx 1,20 1,20 1,20 28 63 2828 84 6363 98 84 112 84 98 130 98 112 112 161 130 130 203 161161 354 203203 181 181181 258 222222 258258 5,90 5,90 5,90 247 422 247 247 527 422 422 597 527 527 667 597 597 755 667 667 912 755 1.122 755 912 1.875 912 1.122 1.122 996 1.875 1.875 1.201 1.167 12,30 12,30 1.723 1.167 1.167 2.087 1.723 1.723 2.305 2.087 2.087 2.451 2.305 2.305 2.597 2.451 2.451 2.779 2.597 2.597 3.106 2.779 2.779 3.543 3.106 3.106 5.108 3.543 3.543 3.329 5.108 5.108 3.756 3.329 3.329 4.121 3.756 3.756 4.121 4.121 1.003 1.559 1.003 1.003 1.923 1.559 1.559 2.142 1.923 1.923 2.287 2.142 2.142 2.433 2.287 2.287 2.615 2.433 2.433 2.942 2.615 2.615 3.379 2.942 2.942 4.944 3.379 3.379 3.166 4.944 4.944 3.592 3.166 3.166 3.957 3.592 3.592 3.957 3.957 354354 222 SANGAL DEQO piping SANGAL SANGAL for EndDEQO DEQO unit 187 piping piping leftfor for End End unit unit 187 left 09SDNTF12S SANGAL 09SDNTF12S 09SDNTF12S DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL telaioDEQO DEQO Terminale Fodera Fodera 187 telaio telaio sx Terminale 187 sx 996 1.377 996 1.201 1.201 1.377 1.377 SANGAL DEQO frame SANGAL SANGAL coverings DEQO DEQO for frame End frame unit coverings coverings 187 leftfor End unit 187 left left 09SDNTE09S SANGAL 09SDNTE09S 09SDNTE09S DEQO Terminale SANGAL SANGAL 207 DEQO DEQO sx piuma Terminale Terminale 207 207 sx piuma SANGAL DEQO EndSANGAL SANGAL unit 207 DEQO DEQO left feather End End unit unit 207 207 left feather 09SDNTE10S SANGAL 09SDNTE10S 09SDNTE10S DEQO Terminale SANGAL SANGAL 207 DEQO DEQO sx espanso Terminale Terminale 207 207 sx espanso SANGAL DEQO EndSANGAL SANGAL unit 207 DEQO DEQO left polyurethane End End unit unit 207 207 left polyurethane 12,30 09SDNTF13S SANGAL 09SDNTF13S 09SDNTF13S DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL schienali DEQO DEQO Terminale Fodera Fodera schienali schienali 207 sx Terminale 207 sx sx 3,30 3,30 3,30 197 295 197 197 354 295 295 393 354 354 432 393 393 481 432 432 569 481 481 687 569 1.108 569 687687 662 1.108 1.108 783 662662 887 783783 887887 SANGAL DEQO backSANGAL SANGAL cushionsDEQO DEQO coverings back backfor cushions cushions End unit coverings coverings 207 leftfor End unit unit 207 207 left left 3,00 3,00 170 258 170 170 310 258 258 345 310 310 380 345 345 424 380 380 503 424 424 608 503503 984 608608 592 984984 700 592592 792 700700 792792 1,44 mc mc 09SDNTF14S SANGAL 09SDNTF14S 09SDNTF14S DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL sedute DEQO DEQO Terminale Fodera Fodera207 sedute sedute sx Terminale 207 sx 1,44 1,44 SANGAL DEQO seat SANGAL cushions SANGALDEQO DEQO coverings seat seatfor cushions cushions End unit coverings coverings 207 leftfor End unit unit 207 207 left left 3,00 mc Kg 79 Kg Kg 7979 09SDNPR18S SANGAL 09SDNPR18S 09SDNPR18S DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL profilo DEQO DEQO Terminale Fodera Fodera 207 profilo profilo sx Terminale 207 sx 1,20 1,20 1,20 28 63 2828 84 6363 98 84 112 84 98 130 98 112 112 161 130 130 203 161161 354 203203 190 354354 233 190190 270 233233 270270 5,90 5,90 5,90 250 425 250 250 530 425 425 600 530 530 670 600 600 757 670 670 915 757 1.125 757 915 1.877 915 1.125 1.125 1.039 1.877 1.877 1.256 1.039 1.039 1.441 1.256 1.256 1.441 1.441 1.256 12,30 12,30 1.840 1.256 1.256 2.204 1.840 1.840 2.423 2.204 2.204 2.568 2.423 2.423 2.714 2.568 2.568 2.896 2.714 2.714 3.224 2.896 2.896 3.660 3.224 3.224 5.226 3.660 3.660 3.531 5.226 5.226 3.981 3.531 3.531 4.367 3.981 3.981 4.367 4.367 1.053 1.637 1.053 1.053 2.001 1.637 1.637 2.220 2.001 2.001 2.365 2.220 2.220 2.511 2.365 2.365 2.693 2.511 2.511 3.021 2.693 2.693 3.457 3.021 3.021 5.023 3.457 3.457 3.328 5.023 5.023 3.778 3.328 3.328 4.164 3.778 3.778 4.164 4.164 SANGAL DEQO piping SANGAL SANGAL for EndDEQO DEQO unit 207 piping piping leftfor for End End unit unit 207 left 09SDNTF15S SANGAL 09SDNTF15S 09SDNTF15S DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL telaioDEQO DEQO Terminale Fodera Fodera 207 telaio telaio sx Terminale 207 sx SANGAL DEQO frame SANGAL SANGAL coverings DEQO DEQO for frame End frame unit coverings coverings 207 leftfor End unit 207 left left 09SDNTE11S SANGAL 09SDNTE11S 09SDNTE11S DEQO Terminale SANGAL SANGAL 227 DEQO DEQO sx piuma Terminale Terminale 227 227 sx piuma SANGAL DEQO EndSANGAL SANGAL unit 227 DEQO DEQO left feather End End unit unit 227 227 left feather 09SDNTE12S SANGAL 09SDNTE12S 09SDNTE12S DEQO Terminale SANGAL SANGAL 227 DEQO DEQO sx espanso Terminale Terminale 227 227 sx espanso SANGAL DEQO EndSANGAL SANGAL unit 227 DEQO DEQO left polyurethane End End unit unit 227 227 left polyurethane 12,30 09SDNTF16S SANGAL 09SDNTF16S 09SDNTF16S DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL schienali DEQO DEQO Terminale Fodera Fodera schienali schienali 227 sx Terminale 227 sx sx 3,30 3,30 3,30 209 307 209 209 366 307 307 405 366 366 444 405 405 493 444 444 581 493 493 699 581 1.120 581 699699 697 1.120 1.120 825 697697 934 825825 934934 SANGAL DEQO backSANGAL SANGAL cushionsDEQO DEQO coverings back backfor cushions cushions End unit coverings coverings 227 leftfor End unit unit 227 227 left left 3,00 3,00 179 266 179 179 319 266 266 354 319 319 389 354 354 432 389 389 511 432 432 616 511511 992 616616 620 992992 734 620620 831 734734 831831 1,58 mc mc 09SDNTF17S SANGAL 09SDNTF17S 09SDNTF17S DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL sedute DEQO DEQO Terminale Fodera Fodera227 sedute sedute sx Terminale 227 sx 1,58 1,58 SANGAL DEQO seat SANGAL cushions SANGALDEQO DEQO coverings seat seatfor cushions cushions End unit coverings coverings 227 leftfor End unit unit 227 227 left left 3,00 mc Kg 84 Kg Kg 8484 09SDNPR19S SANGAL 09SDNPR19S 09SDNPR19S DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL profilo DEQO DEQO Terminale Fodera Fodera 227 profilo profilo sx Terminale 227 sx 1,20 1,20 1,20 29 64 2929 85 6464 99 85 113 85 99 130 99 113 113 162 130 130 204 162162 354 204204 198 354354 244 198198 283 244244 283283 5,90 5,90 5,90 259 434 259 259 539 434 434 609 539 539 679 609 609 767 679 679 924 767 1.134 767 924 1.887 924 1.134 1.134 1.090 1.887 1.887 1.317 1.090 1.090 1.512 1.317 1.317 1.512 1.512 1.344 12,30 12,30 1.931 1.344 1.344 2.295 1.931 1.931 2.513 2.295 2.295 2.659 2.513 2.513 2.804 2.659 2.659 2.986 2.804 2.804 3.314 2.986 2.986 3.751 3.314 3.314 5.316 3.751 3.751 3.723 5.316 5.316 4.196 3.723 3.723 4.602 4.196 4.196 4.602 4.602 1.084 1.670 1.084 1.084 2.034 1.670 1.670 2.253 2.034 2.034 2.398 2.253 2.253 2.544 2.398 2.398 2.726 2.544 2.544 3.054 2.726 2.726 3.490 3.054 3.054 5.056 3.490 3.490 3.462 5.056 5.056 3.936 3.462 3.462 4.342 3.936 3.936 4.342 4.342 SANGAL DEQO piping SANGAL SANGAL for EndDEQO DEQO unit 227 piping piping leftfor for End End unit unit 227 left 09SDNTF18S SANGAL 09SDNTF18S 09SDNTF18S DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL telaioDEQO DEQO Terminale Fodera Fodera 227 telaio telaio sx Terminale 227 sx SANGAL DEQO frame SANGAL SANGAL coverings DEQO DEQO for frame End frame unit coverings coverings 227 leftfor End unit 227 left left 09SDNTE13S SANGAL 09SDNTE13S 09SDNTE13S DEQO Terminale SANGAL SANGAL 247 DEQO DEQO sx piuma Terminale Terminale 247 247 sx piuma SANGAL DEQO EndSANGAL SANGAL unit 247 DEQO DEQO left feather End End unit unit 247 247 left feather 09SDNTE14S SANGAL 09SDNTE14S 09SDNTE14S DEQO Terminale SANGAL SANGAL 247 DEQO DEQO sx espanso Terminale Terminale 247 247 sx espanso SANGAL DEQO EndSANGAL SANGAL unit 247 DEQO DEQO left polyurethane End End unit unit 247 247 left polyurethane 12,30 09SDNTF19S SANGAL 09SDNTF19S 09SDNTF19S DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL schienali DEQO DEQO Terminale Fodera Fodera schienali schienali 247 sx Terminale 247 sx sx 3,30 3,30 3,30 209 307 209 209 366 307 307 405 366 366 444 405 405 493 444 444 581 493 493 699 581 1.120 581 699699 727 1.120 1.120 861 727727 976 861861 976976 SANGAL DEQO backSANGAL SANGAL cushionsDEQO DEQO coverings back backfor cushions cushions End unit coverings coverings 247 leftfor End unit unit 247 247 left left 3,50 3,50 181 283 181 181 344 283 283 384 344 344 425 384 384 476 425 425 567 476 476 689 567 1.125 567 689689 716 1.125 1.125 854 716716 973 854854 973973 1,72 mc mc 09SDNTF20S SANGAL 09SDNTF20S 09SDNTF20S DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL sedute DEQO DEQO Terminale Fodera Fodera247 sedute sedute sx Terminale 247 sx 1,72 1,72 SANGAL DEQO seat SANGAL cushions SANGALDEQO DEQO coverings seat seatfor cushions cushions End unit coverings coverings 247 leftfor End unit unit 247 247 left left 3,50 mc Kg 88 Kg Kg 8888 09SDNPR20S SANGAL 09SDNPR20S 09SDNPR20S DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL profilo DEQO DEQO Terminale Fodera Fodera 247 profilo profilo sx Terminale 247 sx 1,20 1,20 1,20 29 64 2929 85 6464 99 85 113 85 99 130 99 113 113 162 130 130 204 162162 354 204204 207 207207 295 254254 295295 5,90 5,90 5,90 261 436 261 261 541 436 436 611 541 541 681 611 611 768 681 681 926 768 1.136 768 926 1.888 926 1.136 1.136 1.139 1.888 1.888 1.378 1.139 1.139 1.582 1.378 1.378 1.582 1.582 354354 254 SANGAL DEQO piping SANGAL SANGAL for EndDEQO DEQO unit 247 piping piping leftfor for End End unit unit 247 left 09SDNTF21S SANGAL 09SDNTF21S 09SDNTF21S DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL telaioDEQO DEQO Terminale Fodera Fodera 247 telaio telaio sx Terminale 247 sx SANGAL DEQO frame SANGAL SANGAL coverings DEQO DEQO for frame End frame unit coverings coverings 247 leftfor End unit 247 left left od. SANGAL Mod. Mod. SANGAL DEQO SANGALDEQO DEQO 2.274 2.274 2.855 2.523 2.523 4.044 2.855 2.855 2.714 4.044 4.044 3.037 2.714 2.714 3.315 3.037 3.037 3.315 3.315 973 1.401 973 1.677 973 1.401 1.401 1.843 1.677 1.677 1.954 1.843 1.843 2.064 1.954 1.954 2.203 2.064 2.064 2.451 2.203 2.203 2.783 2.451 2.451 3.972 2.783 2.783 2.642 3.972 3.972 2.966 2.642 2.642 3.243 2.966 2.966 3.243 3.243 1,80 1,80 122 175 122 122 206 175 175 227 206 206 248 227 227 275 248 248 322 275 275 385 322322 611 385385 392 611611 457 392392 513 457457 513513 2,60 2,60 135 212 135 135 258 212 212 289 258 258 320 289 289 358 320 320 428 358 358 520 428428 851 520520 509 851851 604 509509 685 604604 685685 167167 159 287287 194 159159 223 194194 223223 09SDNTF22S SANGAL 09SDNTF22S 09SDNTF22S DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL schienale DEQO DEQOTerminale/Angolo Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 160 Terminale/Angolo Terminale/Angolo sx 160 160 sx sx 1,80 Leather Elite 2.136 2.136 2.523 Pelle Elite Leather Elite Pelle Elite 2.025 2.025 2.274 Leather Star 1.915 1.915 2.136 Pelle Star Leather Pelle StarStar 1.749 1.749 2.025 Leather Elite Top Lux Lux Star 1.472 1.472 1.915 Pelle Top Leather Top Pelle Top Elite Extra Extra Top 1.044 1.044 1.749 Prestige Pelle Star Prestige Leather Star Super Super Lux 9,30 1.472 9,30 Elite Pelle Top Elite Leather Top Normal Normal Extra 1.044 Star Star Prestige Tess Cliente Tess Cliente Customer fabric Super Customer fabric 9,30 09SDNTE15S SANGAL 09SDNTE15S 09SDNTE15S DEQO Terminale/Angolo SANGAL SANGALDEQO DEQO 160 Terminale/Angolo Terminale/Angolo sx piuma 160 sx piuma SANGAL DEQO corner SANGAL SANGAL end unit DEQO DEQO 160 corner corner left feather end end unit unit 160 left feather feather 09SDNTE16S SANGAL 09SDNTE16S 09SDNTE16S DEQO Terminale/Angolo SANGAL SANGALDEQO DEQO 160 Terminale/Angolo Terminale/Angolo sx espanso 160 sx espanso espanso SANGAL DEQO corner SANGAL SANGAL end unit DEQO DEQO 160 corner corner left polyurethane end end unit unit 160 left polyurethane polyurethane Top Top Elite In Bianco In Bianco Normal No coverings No coverings Descrizione Descrizione Mt Tessuto Mt Tessuto Tess Cliente Fabric mt mt Fabric Customer fabric Descrizione Codice Codice In Bianco No coverings Codice Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Larghezza braccioloLarghezza 27 bracciolo bracciolo 27 27 27 Armrest lenght 27 Armrest Armrest lenght lenght 27 SANGAL DEQO backSANGAL cushion SANGALDEQO coverings DEQO back back for cushion cushion corner coverings coverings end unit 160 for corner left end end unit unit 160 160 left left 09SDNTF23S SANGAL 09SDNTF23S 09SDNTF23S DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL seduta DEQO DEQO Terminale/Angolo Fodera Fodera seduta seduta160 Terminale/Angolo sx 160 160 sx sx 2,60 SANGAL DEQO seat SANGAL cushion SANGALcoverings DEQO DEQO seat seat for cushion cushion corner coverings coverings end unit 160 for corner left end end unit unit 160 160 left left 1,00 1,00 27 55 2727 72 5555 83 7272 94 83 108 83 94133 94 108 108 167 133133 287 1,13 mc mc 09SDNPR21S SANGAL 09SDNPR21S 09SDNPR21S DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL profilo DEQO DEQO Terminale/Angolo Fodera Fodera profilo profilo160 Terminale/Angolo sx 160 160 sx sx 1,13 1,13 SANGAL DEQO piping SANGAL SANGAL for corner DEQO DEQO endpiping piping unit 160 for for corner corner left end unit 160 left 1,00 mc Kg 80 Kg Kg 8009SDNTF24S 80 SANGAL 09SDNTF24S 09SDNTF24S DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL telaioDEQO DEQO Terminale/Angolo Fodera Fodera telaio telaio160 Terminale/Angolo sx 160 160 sx sx 5,30 5,30 5,30 235 392 235 235 487 392 392 550 487 487 613 550 550 692 613 613 833 692 1.022 692 833 1.700 833 1.022 1.022 947 1.700 1.700 1.142 1.254 10,60 10,60 1.737 1.254 1.254 2.052 1.737 1.737 2.241 2.052 2.052 2.367 2.241 2.241 2.493 2.367 2.367 2.650 2.493 2.493 2.934 2.650 2.650 3.312 2.934 2.934 4.666 3.312 3.312 3.165 4.666 4.666 3.534 3.165 3.165 3.850 3.534 3.534 3.850 3.850 1.138 1.621 1.138 1.138 1.936 1.621 1.621 2.125 1.936 1.936 2.251 2.125 2.125 2.377 2.251 2.251 2.534 2.377 2.377 2.818 2.534 2.534 3.196 2.818 2.818 4.550 3.196 3.196 3.049 4.550 4.550 3.417 3.049 3.049 3.733 3.417 3.417 3.733 3.733 1,80 1,80 126 178 126 126 210 178 178 231 210 210 252 231 231 278 252 252 325 278 278 388 325325 614 388388 406 614614 471 406406 527 471471 527527 3,50 3,50 160 262 160 160 323 262 262 363 323 323 404 363 363 455 404 404 546 455 455 668 546 1.104 546 668668 647 1.104 1.104 773 647647 880 773773 880880 186186 175 175175 247 214214 247247 947 1.309 947 1.142 1.142 1.309 1.309 SANGAL DEQO frame SANGAL SANGAL coverings DEQO DEQO for frame corner frame coverings coverings end unit 160 for corner left end unit unit 160 160 left left 09SDNTE17S SANGAL 09SDNTE17S 09SDNTE17S DEQO Terminale/Angolo SANGAL SANGALDEQO DEQO 220 Terminale/Angolo Terminale/Angolo sx piuma 220 sx piuma SANGAL DEQO corner SANGAL SANGAL end unit DEQO DEQO 220 corner corner left feather end end unit unit 220 left feather feather 09SDNTE18S SANGAL 09SDNTE18S 09SDNTE18S DEQO Terminale/Angolo SANGAL SANGALDEQO DEQO 220 Terminale/Angolo Terminale/Angolo sx espanso 220 sx espanso espanso SANGAL DEQO corner SANGAL SANGAL end unit DEQO DEQO 220 corner corner left polyurethane end end unit unit 220 left polyurethane polyurethane 10,60 09SDNTF25S SANGAL 09SDNTF25S 09SDNTF25S DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL schienale DEQO DEQOTerminale/Angolo Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 220 Terminale/Angolo Terminale/Angolo sx 220 220 sx sx 1,80 SANGAL DEQO backSANGAL cushion SANGALDEQO coverings DEQO back back for cushion cushion corner coverings coverings end unit 220 for corner left end end unit unit 220 220 left left 09SDNTF26S SANGAL 09SDNTF26S 09SDNTF26S DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL seduta DEQO DEQO Terminale/Angolo Fodera Fodera seduta seduta220 Terminale/Angolo sx 220 220 sx sx 3,50 SANGAL DEQO seat SANGAL cushion SANGALcoverings DEQO DEQO seat seat for cushion cushion corner coverings coverings end unit 220 for corner left end end unit unit 220 220 left left 1,10 1,10 28 60 2828 78 6060 91 78 104 78 91 119 91 104 104 148 119 119 186 148148 321 1,58 mc mc 09SDNPR22S SANGAL 09SDNPR22S 09SDNPR22S DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL profilo DEQO DEQO Terminale/Angolo Fodera Fodera profilo profilo220 Terminale/Angolo sx 220 220 sx sx 1,58 1,58 SANGAL DEQO piping SANGAL SANGAL for corner DEQO DEQO endpiping piping unit 220 for for corner corner left end unit 220 left 1,10 mc 321321 214 Kg 95 Kg Kg 9509SDNTF27S 95 SANGAL 09SDNTF27S 09SDNTF27S DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL telaioDEQO DEQO Terminale/Angolo Fodera Fodera telaio telaio220 Terminale/Angolo sx 220 220 sx sx 5,80 5,80 5,80 262 434 262 262 536 434 434 605 536 536 674 605 605 759 674 674 914 759 1.120 759 914 1.857 914 1.120 1.120 1.044 1.857 1.857 1.256 1.044 1.044 1.438 1.256 1.256 1.438 1.438 755 8,30 1.148 8,30 755 1.393 755 1.148 1.148 1.540 1.393 1.393 1.638 1.540 1.540 1.736 1.638 1.638 1.859 1.736 1.736 2.079 1.859 1.859 2.373 2.079 2.079 3.427 2.373 2.373 2.231 3.427 3.427 2.518 2.231 2.231 2.764 2.518 2.518 2.764 2.764 656 1.050 656 1.295 656 1.050 1.050 1.442 1.295 1.295 1.540 1.442 1.442 1.638 1.540 1.540 1.760 1.638 1.638 1.981 1.760 1.760 2.275 1.981 1.981 3.328 2.275 2.275 2.133 3.328 3.328 2.419 2.133 2.133 2.665 2.419 2.419 2.665 2.665 SANGAL DEQO frame SANGAL SANGAL coverings DEQO DEQO for frame corner frame coverings coverings end unit 220 for corner left end unit unit 220 220 left left 09SDNAN01 SANGAL 09SDNAN01 09SDNAN01 DEQO Angolo SANGAL SANGAL quadro DEQO DEQO piuma Angolo Angolo quadro quadro piuma SANGAL DEQO corner SANGAL SANGAL feather DEQO DEQO corner corner feather feather 09SDNAN02 SANGAL 09SDNAN02 09SDNAN02 DEQO Angolo SANGAL SANGAL quadro DEQO DEQO espanso Angolo Angolo quadro quadro espanso SANGAL DEQO corner SANGAL SANGAL DEQO DEQO corner corner polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane 8,30 09SDNAF01 3,50 3,50 3,50 186 287 186 186 348 287 287 389 348 348 429 389 389 480 429 429 571 480 480 693 571 1.130 571 693693 652 1.130 1.130 777 652652 885 777777 885885 1,60 1,60 1,60 104 149 104 104 177 149 149 195 177 177 213 195 195 236 213 213 277 236 236 331 277277 527 331331 334 527527 390 334334 439 390390 439439 0,90 0,90 0,90 25 49 2525 64 4949 74 6464 84 7474 96 84118 84 96147 96 118118 253 147147 135 253253 165 135135 191 165165 191191 4,00 4,00 4,00 149 268 149 149 340 268 268 387 340 340 435 387 387 494 435 435 602 494 494 744 602 1.256 602 744744 689 1.256 1.256 836 689689 962 836836 962962 961 8,40 1.375 8,40 961 1.623 961 1.375 1.375 1.772 1.623 1.623 1.872 1.772 1.772 1.971 1.872 1.872 2.095 1.971 1.971 2.319 2.095 2.095 2.617 2.319 2.319 3.686 2.617 2.617 2.529 3.686 3.686 2.836 2.529 2.529 3.100 2.836 2.836 3.100 3.100 889 1.303 889 1.552 889 1.303 1.303 1.701 1.552 1.552 1.800 1.701 1.701 1.900 1.800 1.800 2.024 1.900 1.900 2.248 2.024 2.024 2.546 2.248 2.248 3.614 2.546 2.546 2.458 3.614 3.614 2.765 2.458 2.458 3.028 2.765 2.765 3.028 3.028 1,80 1,80 120 172 120 120 204 172 172 225 204 204 246 225 225 272 246 246 319 272 272 382 319319 608 382382 392 608608 460 392392 518 460460 518518 2,60 2,60 2,60 135 212 135 135 258 212 212 289 258 258 320 289 289 358 320 320 428 358 358 520 428428 851 520520 516 851851 616 516516 702 616616 702702 286286 197 161161 229 197197 229229 SANGAL 09SDNAF01 09SDNAF01 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL schienali DEQO DEQO Angolo Fodera Fodera quadro schienali schienali Angolo quadro SANGAL DEQO backSANGAL cushions SANGALDEQO DEQO coverings back backfor cushions cushions corner coverings coverings for corner mc 0,81 mc mc 09SDNAF02 0,81 0,81 SANGAL 09SDNAF02 09SDNAF02 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL seduta DEQO DEQO Angolo Fodera Fodera quadro seduta seduta Angolo quadro Kg 68 Kg Kg 6809SDNPR23 68 SANGAL 09SDNPR23 09SDNPR23 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL profilo DEQO DEQO Angolo Fodera Fodera quadro profilo profilo Angolo quadro SANGAL DEQO seat SANGAL cushion SANGALcoverings DEQO DEQO seat seat for cushion cushion corner coverings coverings for corner SANGAL DEQO piping SANGAL SANGAL for corner DEQO DEQO piping piping for for corner corner 09SDNAF03 SANGAL 09SDNAF03 09SDNAF03 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL telaioDEQO DEQO Angolo Fodera Fodera quadro telaio telaio Angolo quadro SANGAL DEQO frame SANGAL SANGAL coverings DEQO DEQO for frame corner frame coverings coverings for corner 09SDNCH01S SANGAL 09SDNCH01S 09SDNCH01S DEQO Chaise SANGAL SANGAL longue DEQO DEQO 160 sx Chaise Chaise piuma longue longue 160 sx piuma SANGAL DEQO chaise SANGAL SANGAL lounge DEQO DEQO chaise lounge lounge 160 left feather 160 chaise left feather 09SDNCH02S SANGAL 09SDNCH02S 09SDNCH02S DEQO Chaise SANGAL SANGAL longue DEQO DEQO 160 sx Chaise Chaise espanso longue longue 160 sx espanso SANGAL DEQO chaise SANGAL SANGAL lounge DEQO DEQO chaise lounge lounge 160 left polyurethane 160 chaise left polyurethane polyurethane 8,40 09SDNCF01S SANGAL 09SDNCF01S 09SDNCF01S DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL schienale DEQO DEQOChaise Fodera Foderalongue schienale schienale 160 sx Chaise longue 160 160 sx sx 1,80 SANGAL DEQO backSANGAL cushion SANGALDEQO coverings DEQO back back for cushion cushion chaise coverings coverings lounge 160 forleft chaise lounge lounge 160 160 left left 09SDNCF02S SANGAL 09SDNCF02S 09SDNCF02S DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL seduta DEQO DEQO Chaise Fodera Fodera longue seduta seduta 160 sx Chaise longue 160 160 sx sx SANGAL DEQO seat SANGAL cushion SANGALcoverings DEQO DEQO seat seat for cushion cushion chaise coverings coverings lounge 160 forleft chaise lounge lounge 160 160 left left 1,00 1,00 26 54 2626 71 5454 82 7171 93 82 107 82 93132 93 107 107 166 132132 286 166166 161 1,13 mc mc 09SDNPR24S SANGAL 09SDNPR24S 09SDNPR24S DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL profilo DEQO DEQO Chaise Fodera Fodera longue profilo profilo 160 sx Chaise longue 160 sx sx 1,13 1,13 SANGAL DEQO piping SANGAL SANGAL for chaise DEQO DEQO lounge piping piping 160 for forleft chaise chaise lounge 160 left 1,00 mc Kg 73 Kg Kg 7309SDNCF03S 73 SANGAL 09SDNCF03S 09SDNCF03S DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL telaioDEQO DEQO Chaise Fodera Fodera longue telaio telaio 160 sx Chaise longue 160 sx sx 4,40 4,40 4,40 221 350 221 221 428 350 350 480 428 428 532 480 480 597 532 532 713 597 597 868 713 1.425 713 868868 835 1.425 1.425 1.004 SANGAL DEQO frame SANGAL SANGAL coverings DEQO DEQO for frame chaise frame coverings coverings lounge 160 forleft chaise lounge 160 160 left left 835 1.148 835 1.004 1.004 1.148 1.148 Leather Leather Leather Leather Elite Elite Elite Elite Pelle Pelle Pelle Elite Pelle Elite Elite Elite Leather Leather Leather Leather Elite Elite Elite Elite Pelle Pelle Pelle Elite Pelle Elite Elite Elite Leather Leather Leather Leather Star Star Star Star Pelle Pelle Pelle Star Pelle Star Star Star Leather Leather Leather Leather Star Star Star Star Pelle Pelle Pelle Star Pelle Star Star Star Leather Leather Leather Leather Top Top Top Top Leather Leather Leather Leather Elite Elite Elite Elite Pelle Pelle Pelle Top Pelle Top Top Top Leather Leather Leather Leather Top Top Top Top Pelle Pelle Pelle Top Pelle Top Top Top Pelle Pelle Pelle Elite Pelle Elite Elite Elite Prestige Prestige Prestige Prestige Pelle Pelle Pelle Star Pelle Star Star Star Prestige Prestige Prestige Prestige Leather Leather Leather Leather Star Star Star Star Elite Elite Elite Elite Pelle Pelle Pelle Top Pelle Top Top Top Elite Elite Elite Elite Leather Leather Leather Leather Top Top Top Top Extra Extra Extra Extra Extra Extra Extra Extra Top Top Top Top Prestige Pelle Top Pelle Top Leather Top Leather Top Lux Lux Lux Lux Pelle Top Lux Lux Lux Lux Star Star Star Star Pelle Star Leather Top Pelle Star Leather Star Leather Star Top Top Top Top Pelle Star Top Top Top Top Elite Elite Elite Elite Pelle Elite Leather Star Pelle Elite Leather Elite Leather Elite Star Star Star Star Pelle Elite Star Star Star Star Prestige Prestige Prestige Prestige Leather Elite Super Super Super Super Super Super Lux LuxSuper LuxSuper Lux Elite Prestige Prestige Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Extra Extra Extra Extra Star Elite Elite Tess Tess Cliente Tess Cliente Tess Cliente Cliente Tess Tess Cliente Tess Cliente Tess Cliente Cliente Customer Customer Customer Customer fabric fabric fabric fabric Super Super Super Super Top Customer Customer Customer Customer fabric fabric fabric fabric Star Star Mt Mt Tessuto Mt Tessuto Mt Tessuto Tessuto Mt Mt Tessuto Mt Tessuto Mt Tessuto Tessuto Tess Tess Cliente Tess Cliente Tess Cliente Cliente Fabric Fabric Fabric mt Fabric mtmt mtmt mt Extra Fabric Fabric Fabric mt Fabric mt Customer Customer Customer Customer fabric fabric fabric fabric Lux Lux In Bianco In Bianco In Bianco In Bianco In Bianco In Bianco In Bianco In Bianco No No coverings No coverings No coverings coverings Normal Normal Normal Normal Lux NoNo coverings No coverings No coverings coverings Top Top In Bianco In Bianco In Bianco In Bianco Super NoNo coverings No coverings No coverings coverings Extra Extra Tess Cliente Customer fabric Normal Normal In Bianco Tess Cliente NoTess coverings Cliente Customer fabric Customer fabric Mt Tessuto Inmt Bianco Fabric In Bianco No coverings No coverings Larghezza braccioloLarghezza 27 bracciolo bracciolo 27 27 Larghezza bracciolo 27Armrest bracciolo bracciolo 27 27 27 27 Armrest lenghtLarghezza Armrest lenght lenght 27 Larghezza bracciolo 27Armrest bracciolo bracciolo 27 27 27 27 Armrest lenghtLarghezza Armrest lenght lenght 27 Larghezza bracciolo 27Armrest bracciolo bracciolo 27 27 27 27 Armrest lenghtLarghezza Armrest lenght lenght 27 27 Armrest lenght 27Armrest Armrest lenght lenght 27 Tessuto Mt Mt Tessuto Fabric Fabric mtmt Larghezza bracciolo 27 Larghezza 27 Armrestbracciolo lenght 27 Larghezza bracciolo 27 27 Armrest lenght Armrest lenght 27 Mt Mt Tessuto Mt Tessuto Mt Tessuto Tessuto Normal Fabric Fabric Fabric mt Fabric mtmtmt Super Super od. SANGAL Mod. Mod. SANGAL DEQO SANGALDEQO DEQO od. QO SANGAL Mod. Mod. SANGAL DEQO SANGALDEQO DEQO EQO od. SANGAL Mod. Mod. SANGAL DEQO SANGALDEQO DEQO od. DEQO SANGAL Mod. Mod. SANGAL DEQO SANGALDEQO DEQO Codice Descrizione Codice Codice Descrizione Descrizione Codice Descrizione Codice Descrizione Codice Codice Descrizione Descrizione 09SDNEL15 SANGAL 09SDNEL15 09SDNEL15 DEQO Elem SANGAL SANGAL chaise DEQO longue DEQO Elem Elem 160 piuma chaise chaise longue 160 piuma 7,10 837 7,10 7,10 1.202 837 1.412 837 1.202 1.202 1.538 1.412 1.412 1.622 1.538 1.538 1.706 1.622 1.622 1.811 1.706 1.706 2.000 1.811 1.811 2.252 2.000 2.000 3.155 Codice Descrizione Codice Descrizione Codice Codice Descrizione Descrizione chaise lounge chaise chaise lounge lounge without 160 without feather 160 160 feather feather 09SDNEL15 DEQO Elem chaise 09SDNEL15 160 piuma 09SDNEL15 09SDNEL15 DEQO Elem SANGAL SANGAL chaise DEQO longue DEQO Elem Elem 160 armrest piuma chaise chaise 7,10 longue 160 837armrest piuma1.202 1.412 7,101.538 8371.622 7,10 7,10 1.202 1.706 837 1.412 8371.8111.202 1.202 1.538 2.0001.412 1.412 1.622 2.2521.538 1.538 1.706 3.155 1.622 1.622 1.811 2.137 1.706 1.706 2.000 2.383 1.811 1.811 2.252 2.594 2.000 2.000 3.155 CodiceSANGAL Descrizione Codicelongue SANGAL Descrizione Codice Codice Descrizione Descrizione 09SDNEL16 09SDNEL16 09SDNEL16 espanso espanso 1.130 1.340 765 1.130 1.130 1.466 1.340 1.340 1.550 1.466 1.466 1.634 1.550 1.550 1.739 1.634 1.634 1.928 1.739 1.739 2.180 1.928 1.928 3.083 lounge chaise lounge chaise chaise lounge lounge without 160Elem feather without 160 without feather 160 160 feather feather 09SDNEL15 SANGAL SANGALDEQO DEQO chaise Elem09SDNEL15 chaise longue SANGAL 160armrest piuma 09SDNEL15 09SDNEL15 DEQO SANGAL SANGAL chaise DEQO longue DEQO Elem Elem 160 armrest piuma chaise chaise 7,10 longue 160 837armrest piuma 1.202 1.412 7,101.538 765 8371.6227,10 7,10 1.2021.706765 837 1.412 837 1.811 1.202 1.202 1.5382.000 1.412 1.412 1.6222.252 1.538 1.538 1.7063.155 1.622 1.622 1.8112.137 1.706 1.706 2.0002.383 1.811 1.811 2.2522.594 2.000 2.000 3.155 chaise lounge chaise chaise lounge lounge polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane 09SDNEL16 SANGAL DEQO chaise 09SDNEL16 longue 160 espanso 09SDNEL16 09SDNEL16 espanso 765armrest espanso 1.130 1.340 7,10 1.466 1.538 765 1.130 1.634 765 1.340 765 1.7391.130 1.130 1.466 1.9281.340 1.340 1.550 2.1801.466 1.466 1.634 3.083 1.550 1.550 1.739 2.066 1.634 1.634 1.928 2.311 1.739 1.739 2.180 2.522 1.928 1.928 3.083 SANGAL DEQOElem chaise lounge without armrest 160 feather without 160 without feather 160 1601.202 feather feather 09SDNEL15 SANGAL DEQO 09SDNEL15 Elem chaise SANGAL longue 09SDNEL15 09SDNEL15 160 DEQO piuma Elem SANGAL SANGAL chaise DEQO longue DEQO Elem Elem 160 armrest piuma chaise chaise longue 7,10 160 piuma 837 1.412 8371.550 7,10 7,10 1.202 1.622 837 1.412 837 1.706 1.202 1.202 1.538 1.811 1.412 1.412 1.622 2.000 1.538 1.538 1.706 2.252 1.622 1.622 1.811 3.155 1.706 1.706 2.000 2.137 1.811 1.811 2.252 2.383 2.000 2.000 3.155 2.594 DEQO lounge chaise lounge chaise chaise lounge lounge without armrest 160Elem polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane 09SDNEL16 SANGAL SANGAL DEQO chaise Elem09SDNEL16 chaise longue SANGAL 160 espanso 09SDNEL16 09SDNEL16 DEQO SANGAL SANGAL chaise DEQO longue DEQO Elem Elem 160 armrest espanso chaise chaise longue 160 765armrest espanso 1.130 1.340 1.466 7651.550 1.1301.634765 1.340 765 1.739 1.130 1.130 1.4661.928 1.340 1.340 1.5502.180 1.466 1.466 1.6343.083 1.550 1.550 1.7392.066 1.634 1.634 1.9282.311 1.739 1.739 2.1802.522 1.928 1.928 3.083 SANGAL DEQO chaise lounge without armrest 160 feather without 160 without feather 160 160 polyurethane feather feather 09SDNEF22 09SDNEF22 09SDNEF22 Fodera schienale Elem Fodera Fodera schienale schienale longue Elem 160 longue 160 160 1,80 1,80 1,80 120 172 1.130 120 120 204 1.340 172 172 225 1.466 204 204 246 1.550 225 225 272 1.634 246 246 319 1.739 272 272 382 1.928 319 319 608 SANGAL DEQO DEQO chaise lounge chaise lounge chaise chaise lounge lounge without armrest 160 polyurethane without armrest 160 without polyurethane armrest 160 1601.130 polyurethane polyurethane 09SDNEL16 SANGAL 09SDNEL16 Elem chaise SANGAL longue 09SDNEL16 09SDNEL16 160 DEQO espanso Elem SANGAL SANGAL chaise DEQO longue DEQO Elem Elem 160 chaise espanso chaise chaise longue 160 chaise espanso 765longue 1.340 1.466 765 1.130 1.550 765 1.340 765 1.634 1.130 1.466 1.739 1.340 1.550 1.928 1.466 1.634 2.180 1.550 1.739 3.083 1.634 1.928 2.066 1.739 2.180 2.311 1.928 3.083 2.522 SANGAL DEQO back SANGAL SANGAL cushion DEQO coverings DEQO back back for cushion cushion chaise coverings coverings lounge without forchaise chaise armrest lounge lounge 160 without without armrest 160 225 1,80 09SDNEF22 SANGAL DEQO Fodera schienale Elem SANGAL chaise 09SDNEF22 09SDNEF22 DEQO longue Fodera 160 SANGAL SANGAL schienale DEQO DEQO Elem Fodera Fodera chaise schienale schienale 1,80 longue Elem 160 longue longue 120 160 160 172 armrest 1,80 204160 1,80 120 246 172 272 120 120 204 319 172 172 225 382 204 204 246 608 225 225 272 379 246 246 319 444 272 272 382 500319319 608 SANGAL DEQO09SDNEF22 chaise lounge chaise chaise chaise lounge lounge without armrest 160lounge polyurethane without armrest 160 without polyurethane armrest 160 160 polyurethane polyurethane back cushion coverings SANGAL for chaise chaise DEQO lounge back without SANGAL SANGAL cushion armrest DEQO coverings DEQO back back 160 for cushion cushion chaise coverings coverings lounge without forchaise chaise armrest lounge lounge 160 without without armrest 160 160 09SDNEF22 SANGAL SANGALDEQO DEQO Fodera 09SDNEF22 schienale Elem SANGAL 09SDNEF22 09SDNEF22 DEQO longue Fodera SANGAL 160 SANGAL schienale DEQO DEQO Elem Fodera Fodera chaise schienale schienale 1,80 longue Elem 160 longue longue 120160 160 160 172 armrest 1,80 204 2252,60 1,80 1,80 120 120 120 204 172 172 225 204 204 246 225 225 272 246 246 319 272 272 382 319319 608 09SDNEF23 SANGAL 09SDNEF23 09SDNEF23 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL seduta DEQO DEQO Elem Fodera Fodera chaise seduta seduta longue Elem 160 chaise longue longue 160 2,60 2,60 135 246 172 212 272 135 135 258 319 212 212 289 382258 258 320 608289 289 358 379320 320 428 444358 358 520 500428 428 851 SANGAL DEQO back cushion coverings SANGAL for chaise DEQO lounge back SANGAL without SANGAL cushion armrest DEQO coverings DEQO back back 160 for cushion cushion chaise coverings coverings lounge without for chaise armrest lounge lounge 160 without without armrest armrest 160 160 09SDNEF22 SANGAL DEQO 09SDNEF22 Fodera schienale SANGAL 09SDNEF22 Elem 09SDNEF22 DEQO chaise Fodera longue SANGAL SANGAL schienale 160 DEQO DEQO Elem Fodera Fodera chaise schienale schienale longue 1,80 Elem 160 chaise longue longue 160 160 120 1,80 172 204 1,80 1,80 120 225 172 246 120 120 204 272 172 172 225 319 204 204 246 382 225 225 272 608 246 246 319 379 272 272 382 444 319 319 608 500 DEQO SANGAL cushion SANGAL coverings DEQO DEQO seat seat for cushion cushion chaise coverings coverings lounge for chaise armrest lounge lounge without armrest 160 09SDNEF23 SANGAL DEQO Fodera 09SDNEF23 seduta ElemSANGAL SANGAL chaise 09SDNEF23 09SDNEF23 longue DEQOseat 160 Fodera SANGAL SANGAL seduta DEQO DEQO Elem Fodera Fodera chaise seduta seduta longue 2,60 Elem 160without chaise longue longue 135 160 160without 212 armrest 2,60 258160 289 2,60 2,60 135 320 212 358 135 135 258 428 212 212 289 520 258 258 320 851 289 289 358 498 320 320 428 593 358 358 520 675428428 851 2.252 2.252 2.137 2.252 2.252 2.137 2.180 2.180 2.066 2.252 2.252 2.137 2.180 2.180 2.066 2.252 2.252 2.137 2.180 2.180 2.066 382 382 379 2.180 2.180 2.066 382382 379 382382 379 520 520 498 382 382 379 520520 498 3.155 3.155 2.383 3.155 3.155 2.383 3.083 3.083 2.311 3.155 3.155 2.383 3.083 3.083 2.311 3.155 3.155 2.383 3.083 3.083 2.311 608 608 444 3.083 3.083 2.311 608608 444 608608 444 851 851 593 608 608 444 851851 593 212 135 258 212 289 258 320 289 358 320 428 358 520 851 54 358 135 26 26 71 428 212 54 54 82 520258 71 71 93 851289 82 107 82 498320 93 132 93 593358 107 107 166 675428 132428 132 286 212 320 135 258 358 212 289 428 258 320 520 289 358 851151 320 320 428 498186 358 358 520 593215428 851 675 54 107 135 26 26 71 132 212 54 54 82 166 258 71 71 93 286 289 82 107 82 93 132 93 107 107 166 132428 132 286 520 498 166520 166 151 520 498 166520 166 151 851 593 286851 286 186 851 593 286851 286 186 498 675 151498 151 215 498 675 151498 151 215 593 186593 186 593 186593 186 675 215675 215 675 215675 215 166609 166 151 609 575 166 166 151 609609 575 609609 575 609609 575 1.367 1.367 1.209 1.367 1.367 1.209 1.278 1.278 1.119 1.367 1.367 1.209 1.278 1.278 1.119 1.367 1.367 1.209 1.278 1.278 1.119 543 543 475 1.278 1.278 1.119 543543 475 543 543 475 121121 107 543 543 475 121121 107 286985 286 186 985 683 286 286 186 985985 683 985985 683 985985 683 1.969 1.969 1.359 1.969 1.969 1.359 1.880 1.880 1.270 1.969 1.969 1.359 1.880 1.880 1.270 1.969 1.969 1.359 1.880 1.880 1.270 904 904 573 1.880 1.880 1.270 904904 573 904 904 573 212212 132 904 904 573 212212 132 151575 151 215 575 776 151 151 215 575575 776 575575 776 575575 776 1.209 1.209 1.488 1.209 1.209 1.488 1.119 1.119 1.398 1.209 1.209 1.488 1.119 1.119 1.398 1.209 1.209 1.488 1.119 1.119 1.398 475 475 658 1.119 1.119 1.398 475475 658 475 475 658 107107 153 475 475 658 107107 153 186683 186 683 186 186 683683 683683 683683 1.359 1.359 1.359 1.359 1.270 1.270 1.359 1.359 1.270 1.270 1.359 1.359 1.270 1.270 573 573 1.270 1.270 573573 573132 573 132 573 573 132132 215776 215 776 215 215 776776 776776 776776 1.488 1.488 1.488 1.488 1.398 1.398 1.488 1.488 1.398 1.398 1.488 1.488 1.398 1.398 658 658 1.398 1.398 658658 658153 658 153 658 658 153153 121 107 401121 401 358 121 121 107 401401 358 212 132 657212 657 428 212 212 132 657657 428 107 153 358107 358 488 107 107 153 358358 488 132 428132 428 132 428132 428 153 488153 488 153 488153 488 401401 358 401401 358 966966 859 966966 859 966966 859 655966 655 573 966 859 655655 573 103655 103 92 655 573 103655 103 92 655 573 103103 92 103103 92 657657 428 657657 428 1.417 1.417 975 1.417 1.417 975 1.417 1.417 975 1.107 1.107 696 1.417 1.417 975 1.107 1.107 696 179 179 113 1.107 1.107 696 179 179 113 1.107 1.107 696 179179 113 179179 113 358358 488 358358 488 859 1.075 859 859 1.075 859 859 1.075 859 573 573 801 859 1.075 859 573573 801 92573 130 92 573 801 92573 130 92 573 801 92 130 92 92 130 92 428428 428428 975975 975975 975975 696975 696 975 696696 113696 113 696 113696 113 696 113113 113113 488488 488488 1.075 1.075 1.075 1.075 1.075 1.075 801 801 1.075 1.075 801801 130801 130 801 130801 130 801 130130 130130 SANGAL DEQO back cushion coverings SANGAL DEQO for chaise back lounge SANGAL SANGAL cushion without DEQO coverings DEQO armrest back back for cushion cushion chaise 160 coverings coverings lounge without for chaise chaise armrest lounge lounge 160 without without armrest armrest160 160 160 DEQO seat cushion coverings SANGAL for chaise DEQO lounge seat without SANGAL cushion SANGAL armrest coverings DEQO DEQO seat seat 160 for cushion cushion chaise coverings coverings lounge for armrest lounge lounge 160 without without armrest 160 09SDNEF23 SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Fodera 09SDNEF23 seduta Elem SANGAL chaise 09SDNEF23 09SDNEF23 longue DEQO Fodera 160 SANGAL SANGAL seduta DEQO DEQO Elem Fodera Fodera chaise seduta seduta longue 2,60 Elem 160without chaise longue longue 135 160 212 armrest 2,60 2892,60 2,60 135 09SDNPR25 SANGAL 09SDNPR25 09SDNPR25 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL profilo DEQO DEQO Elem Fodera Fodera chaise profilo profilo longue Elem 160 chaise longue longue 160 160 1,00 258 1,00 1,00 26 320 SANGAL DEQO seat cushion coverings SANGAL for chaise DEQO lounge seat SANGAL without cushion SANGAL armrest coverings DEQO DEQO seat seat 160 for cushion cushion chaise coverings coverings lounge without for chaise armrest lounge lounge 160 without without armrest armrest 160 160 09SDNEF23 SANGAL DEQO 09SDNEF23 Fodera seduta SANGAL Elem 09SDNEF23 09SDNEF23 chaise DEQO longue Fodera SANGAL SANGAL 160 seduta DEQO DEQO Elem Fodera Fodera chaise seduta seduta longue Elem 160 2,60 chaise longue longue 160 135 2,60 212 258 82 2,60 2,60 135 289 mc 1,13 mc mc 1,13 1,13 DEQO SANGAL SANGAL forprofilo chaise DEQO DEQO lounge piping piping without for forprofilo chaise chaise armrest lounge without armrest armrest 160 54 1,00 71 09SDNPR25 SANGAL DEQO Fodera 09SDNPR25 profilo Elem SANGAL SANGAL chaise 09SDNPR25 09SDNPR25 longue DEQOpiping 160 Fodera SANGAL SANGAL DEQO DEQO Elem Fodera Fodera chaise profilo longue 1,00 Elem 160 160 chaise longue longue 26160 160160 1,00 1,00 26 93 DEQO seat cushion coverings SANGAL DEQO for chaise seat lounge SANGAL cushion SANGAL without coverings DEQO DEQO armrest seat seat for cushion cushion chaise 160 coverings coverings lounge for chaise armrest lounge lounge 160without without armrest 160 160 mc 1,13 SANGAL mc mc 1,13 1,13 SANGAL DEQO piping for chaise lounge SANGAL without DEQO armrest piping 160 SANGAL SANGAL fortelaio chaise DEQO DEQO lounge piping piping without for for chaise chaise armrest lounge 160 without armrest armrest 160 160 54 armrest 09SDNPR25 SANGAL DEQO Fodera 09SDNPR25 profilo Elem SANGAL chaise 09SDNPR25 09SDNPR25 longue DEQO 160 Fodera SANGAL SANGAL profilo DEQO DEQO Elem Fodera Fodera chaise profilo profilo longue 1,00 Elem 160 without chaise longue longue 26 160 160 1,00 71 823,00 1,00 1,00 26 93 259 54 107 171 26 26 71 132 259 54 54 82 166311 71 71 93 286346 82 107 82 151381 93 132 93 186425 107 107 166 215504 132504 132 286 Kg 61 Kg Kg 61 61 09SDNEF24 SANGAL 09SDNEF24 09SDNEF24 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL DEQO DEQO Elem Fodera Fodera chaise telaio longue telaio Elem 160 chaise longue longue 160 160 3,00 3,00 171 171 311 259 346 311 381 346 425 381 504 425 609 985 mc 1,13 mc mc 1,13 1,13 SANGAL DEQO piping for chaise lounge SANGAL without DEQO armrest piping SANGAL 160 SANGAL for chaise DEQO DEQO lounge piping piping without for for chaise chaise armrest lounge 160 without armrest armrest 160 160 09SDNPR25 SANGAL DEQO 09SDNPR25 Fodera profilo SANGAL Elem 09SDNPR25 09SDNPR25 chaise DEQO longue Fodera SANGAL SANGAL 160 profilo DEQO DEQO Elem Fodera Fodera chaise profilo profilo longue Elem 160 1,00 chaise longue longue 160 160 26 1,00 54 71 1,00 1,00 26 82 54 93 26 26 107 71 54 54 132 82 71 71 166 93 82 107 82 286 93 132 93 151 107 107 166 186 132 132 286 215 SANGAL DEQO frame SANGAL SANGAL coverings DEQO DEQO for frame chaise frame coverings coverings lounge without for armrest lounge 160 without without armrest 160 160311 09SDNEF24 Kg SANGAL 61 Kg DEQO Kg Fodera 6161 09SDNEF24 telaio Elem SANGAL chaise 09SDNEF24 09SDNEF24 longue DEQO160 Fodera SANGAL SANGAL telaio DEQO DEQO Elem Fodera Fodera chaise telaio longue telaio 3,00 Elem 160chaise chaise longue longue 171 160 160 armrest 259 3,00 346 3,00 3,00 171 381 259 425 171 171 311 504 259 259 346 609 311 311 381 985 346 346 425 575 381 381 504 683 425 425 609 776504504 985 mc 1,13 SANGAL mc mc 1,13 1,13 DEQO piping forElem chaise SANGAL lounge DEQO without piping armrest SANGAL SANGAL fortelaio chaise 160 DEQO DEQO lounge piping piping without for for chaise chaise armrest lounge 160 without armrest armrest 160 SANGAL DEQO frame coverings for chaise SANGAL lounge DEQO without frame SANGAL SANGAL armrest coverings DEQO 160 DEQO for frame chaise frame coverings coverings lounge without for chaise armrest lounge 160 without without armrest armrest 160 160 311 09SDNEF24 Kg SANGAL 61 Kg Kg DEQO Fodera 61 61 09SDNEF24 telaio SANGAL chaise 09SDNEF24 09SDNEF24 longue DEQO 160 Fodera SANGAL SANGAL DEQO DEQO Elem Fodera Fodera chaise telaio longue telaio 3,00 Elem 160 chaise longue longue 171 160 160 160 259 3,00 3463,00 3,00 171 381 259 425 171 171 311 504 259 259 346 609311 311 381 985346 346 425 575381 381 504 683425 425 609 776504504 985 SANGAL DEQO coverings for chaise SANGAL lounge DEQO without frame SANGAL SANGAL armrest coverings DEQO DEQO 160 for frame chaise frame coverings coverings lounge for chaise armrest lounge 160without without armrest armrest 160 160 Kg 09SDNEF24 61 SANGAL Kg Kg frame DEQO 6161 09SDNEF24 Fodera telaio SANGAL Elem 09SDNEF24 09SDNEF24 chaise DEQO longue Fodera SANGAL SANGAL 160 telaio DEQO DEQO Elem Fodera Fodera chaise telaio longue telaiowithout Elem 1603,00 chaise longue longue 160 160 171 3,00 259 311 3,00 3,00 171 346 259 381 171 171 311 425 259 259 346 504 311 311 381 609 346 346 425 985 381 381 504 575 425 425 609 683 504504 985 776 SANGAL 09SDNPU01 DEQO Pouff SANGAL SANGAL con cuscino DEQO DEQO piuma Pouff Pouffcoverings con con cuscino cuscino piuma 4,80 480 4,80 4,80 667 480 480 807 667 667 891 807 807 947 891 1.003 891 947 1.073 947 1.003 1.003 1.199 1.073 1.073 1.367 1.199 1.199 1.969 SANGAL DEQO 09SDNPU01 frame coverings SANGAL for 09SDNPU01 chaise DEQO lounge frame SANGAL without SANGAL coverings armrest DEQO DEQO for frame chaise frame 160 coverings lounge without for chaise armrest lounge 160without without armrest armrest 160 160 ottoman cushion ottoman ottoman feather with 09SDNPU01 SANGAL DEQO Pouff 09SDNPU01 con cuscino piuma SANGAL 09SDNPU01 09SDNPU01 DEQO Pouff SANGAL SANGAL con with cuscino DEQO DEQO piuma Pouff Pouff con conwith cuscino cuscino 4,80 cushion piuma 480feather 667 807 4,80 891 480 947 4,80 4,80 667 1.003 480 480 807 1.073 667 667 891 1.199 807 807 947 1.367 891 1.003 891 1.969 947 1.073 947 1.209 1.003 1.003 1.199 1.359 1.073 1.073 1.367 1.488 1.199 1.199 1.969 09SDNPU02 09SDNPU02 09SDNPU02 espanso espanso 390 9474,80 5781.003480 390 390 7181.073 667 578 578 8021.199 807 718 718 8581.367891 802 802 9141.969947 858 858 9841.209 914 1.110 9141.359 984 1.278 9841.488 1.110 1.110 1.880 cushion feather ottoman cushion ottoman ottoman feather with feather 667 09SDNPU01 SANGAL SANGALDEQO DEQO ottoman Pouff09SDNPU01 conwith cuscino piuma SANGAL 09SDNPU01 09SDNPU01 DEQO Pouff SANGAL SANGAL con with cuscino DEQO DEQO piuma Pouff Pouff con conwith cuscino cuscino 4,80cushion piuma 480 807 4,80 891 480 4,80 667 480 807 667 891 807 947 1.003 891 1.073 947 1.003 1.003 1.199 1.073 1.073 1.367 1.199 1.199 1.969 polyurethane polyurethane 09SDNPU02 SANGAL DEQO 09SDNPU02 con cuscino espanso 09SDNPU02 09SDNPU02 espanso espanso 390polyurethane 390 578 390 390 718 984 667 578 578 802 1.110 807 718 718 858 1.278 891 802 802 914 1.880 947 858 858 984 1.119 914 1.110 914 1.270 984 1.278 984 1.398 1.110 1.110 1.880 SANGAL DEQOPouff ottoman with cushion feather ottoman cushion ottoman ottoman feather with cushion feather 09SDNPU01 SANGAL DEQO 09SDNPU01 Pouff con cuscino SANGAL 09SDNPU01 piuma 09SDNPU01 DEQO Pouff SANGAL SANGAL con with cuscino DEQO DEQO piuma Pouff Pouff con conwith cuscino cuscino 4,80 piuma 480 578 667718 4,80 807802 480 891858 4,80 4,80 667 947914 480 480 1.003 807 1.073 667 891 1.199 807 947 1.003 1.367 891 1.073 1.969 947 1.003 1.003 1.199 1.209 1.073 1.073 1.367 1.359 1.199 1.199 1.969 1.488 DEQO with cushion polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane 09SDNPU02 SANGAL SANGAL DEQO ottoman Pouff09SDNPU02 con cuscino espanso SANGAL 09SDNPU02 09SDNPU02 DEQO Pouff SANGAL SANGAL con with cuscino DEQO DEQO espanso Pouff Pouff con conwith cuscino cuscino espanso 390 578 718 802 390 858 578 914390 390 718 984 578 578 8021.110 718 718 8581.278802 802 9141.880858 858 9841.119914 1.110 9141.270984 1.278 9841.398 1.110 1.110 1.880 SANGAL DEQO ottoman with cushion feather ottoman cushion ottoman ottoman feather with cushion feather 09SDNPF04 09SDNPF04 09SDNPF04 Fodera seduta Pouff Fodera Fodera con cuscino seduta seduta Pouff con cuscino cuscino 2,90 2,90 123 207 123 123 258 207 207 291 258 258 325 291 291 367 325 325 442 367 367 543 1.110 442 442 904 SANGAL DEQO DEQO ottoman with cushion ottoman with cushion ottoman ottoman with with cushion polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane 09SDNPU02 SANGAL 09SDNPU02 Pouff con cuscino SANGAL 09SDNPU02 espanso 09SDNPU02 DEQO Pouff SANGAL SANGAL con cuscino DEQO DEQO espanso Pouff Pouff con con cuscino cuscino espanso 390 578 718 390 802 2,90 578 858 390 390 718 914 578 578 802 984 718 1.110 718 858 802 1.278 802 914 858 1.880 858 984 914 1.110 1.119 914 984 1.278 1.270 984 1.110 1.880 1.398 SANGAL DEQO seat SANGAL cushion SANGAL coverings DEQO DEQO seat seat for cushion cushion ottoman coverings coverings with cushion for ottoman ottoman with with cushion cushion 09SDNPF04 SANGAL DEQO Fodera seduta Pouff SANGAL con 09SDNPF04 cuscino 09SDNPF04 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL seduta DEQO DEQO Pouff Fodera Fodera con cuscino seduta seduta 2,90 Pouff con cuscino cuscino 123 207 2,90 258 291 2,90 2,90 123 325 207 367 123 123 258 442 207 207 291 543 258 258 325 904 291 291 367 475 325 325 442 573 367 367 543 658442442 904 SANGAL DEQO09SDNPF04 ottoman with cushion ottoman with cushion ottoman ottoman with with cushion polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane SANGAL DEQO seat cushion coverings SANGAL for ottoman DEQO with seat cushion SANGAL cushion SANGAL coverings DEQO DEQO seat seat for cushion cushion ottoman coverings coverings with cushion for ottoman ottoman with with cushion cushion 09SDNPF04 SANGAL DEQO Fodera 09SDNPF04 seduta Pouff SANGAL con 09SDNPF04 09SDNPF04 cuscino DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL seduta DEQO DEQO Pouff Fodera Fodera con cuscino seduta seduta 2,90 Pouff con cuscino cuscino 123 207 2,90 258 291 2,90 2,90 123 325 207 367 123 123 258 442 207 207 291 543 258 258 325 904 291 291 367 475 325 325 442 573 367 367 543 658 442 442 904 mc 0,56 mc mc 0,56 0,56 09SDNPR26 SANGAL 09SDNPR26 09SDNPR26 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL profilo DEQO DEQO PouffFodera Fodera con cuscino profilo profilo Pouff con cuscino 0,80 0,80 0,80 16 37 1616 50 3737 58 5050 67 5858 77 6767 96 77121 77 96212 96 SANGAL DEQO seat cushion coverings SANGAL for ottoman DEQO with seat cushion SANGAL cushion SANGAL coverings DEQO DEQO seat seat for cushion cushion ottoman coverings coverings with cushion for ottoman ottoman with with cushion cushion 09SDNPF04 SANGAL DEQO 09SDNPF04 Fodera seduta SANGAL Pouff 09SDNPF04 09SDNPF04 con DEQO cuscino Fodera SANGAL SANGAL seduta DEQO DEQO Pouff Fodera Fodera con cuscino seduta seduta Pouff 2,90 con cuscino cuscino 123 2,90 207 258 2,90 2,90 123 291 207 325 123 123 258 367 207 207 291 442 258 258 325 543 291 291 367 904 325 325 442 475 367 367 543 573 442 442 904 658 Kg 28 Kg Kg 280,56 28 SANGAL DEQO SANGAL SANGAL forprofilo ottoman DEQO DEQO with piping piping cushion for for ottoman ottoman feather withcon cushion feather feather 09SDNPR26 mc SANGAL 0,56 mc DEQO mc Fodera 0,56 09SDNPR26 profilo PouffSANGAL con cuscino 09SDNPR26 09SDNPR26 DEQOpiping Fodera SANGAL SANGAL DEQO DEQO Pouff Fodera Fodera con cuscino profilo profilo 0,80 Pouff cuscino 16 37 0,80 50 58 0,80 0,80 16 67 37 77 1616 50 96 3737 58 121 5050 67 212 5858 77 107 6767 96 132 77121 77 153 96212 96 SANGAL DEQO seat cushion coverings SANGAL DEQO for ottoman seat SANGAL cushion SANGAL with cushion coverings DEQO DEQO seat seat for cushion cushion ottoman coverings coverings with cushion for ottoman ottoman with with cushion cushion Kg 28 Kg Kg 28 28 SANGAL DEQO piping for ottoman with SANGAL cushion DEQO feather piping SANGAL SANGAL forprofilo ottoman DEQO DEQO with piping piping cushion for for ottoman ottoman feather with cushion feather feather 09SDNPR26 mc SANGAL 0,56 mc mc DEQO Fodera 0,56 0,56 09SDNPR26 profilo Pouff SANGAL con 09SDNPR26 cuscino 09SDNPR26 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL DEQO DEQO Pouff Fodera Fodera con cuscino profilo profilo 0,80 Pouff con cuscino 16 37 09SDNPF05 SANGAL 09SDNPF05 09SDNPF05 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL telaio DEQO DEQO Pouff Fodera Fodera con cuscino telaio telaio Pouff con cuscino Kg 28 Kg Kg 28 28 SANGAL DEQO piping for ottoman with SANGAL cushion DEQO feather piping SANGAL SANGAL for ottoman DEQO DEQO with piping piping cushion for for ottoman ottoman feather with cushion feather feather mc 09SDNPR26 0,56 SANGAL mc mc DEQO 0,56 0,56 09SDNPR26 Fodera profilo SANGAL Pouff 09SDNPR26 09SDNPR26 con DEQO cuscino Fodera SANGAL SANGAL profilo DEQO DEQO Pouff Fodera Fodera con cuscino profilo profilo Pouff 0,80 con cuscino 16 DEQO SANGAL SANGAL coverings DEQO DEQO for frame ottoman frame coverings with cushion for ottoman with 104 cushion cushion 163 09SDNPF05 SANGAL DEQO Fodera 09SDNPF05 telaio Pouff SANGAL SANGAL con cuscino 09SDNPF05 09SDNPF05 DEQOframe Fodera SANGAL SANGAL telaio DEQO DEQO Pouff Fodera Fodera con coverings cuscino telaio telaio 2,00 Pouff con cuscino Kg 28 Kg Kg 28 28 SANGAL DEQO piping forPouff ottoman SANGAL DEQO cushion piping feather SANGAL SANGAL fortelaio ottoman DEQO DEQO piping piping cushion for fortelaio ottoman ottoman feather cushion feather feather SANGAL DEQO frame coverings for ottoman SANGAL with DEQO cushion frame SANGAL SANGAL coverings DEQO DEQO forwith frame ottoman frame coverings coverings with cushion forwith ottoman with cushion cushion 09SDNPF05 SANGAL DEQO Fodera 09SDNPF05 telaio SANGAL conwith 09SDNPF05 cuscino 09SDNPF05 DEQO Fodera SANGAL SANGAL DEQO DEQO Pouff Fodera Fodera con cuscino telaio 2,00 Pouff con cuscino 104 163 SANGAL DEQO frame coverings for ottoman SANGAL with DEQO cushion frame SANGAL SANGAL coverings DEQO DEQO for frame ottoman frame coverings with for2,00 ottoman with cushion cushion104 09SDNPF05 SANGAL DEQO09SDNPF05 Fodera telaio SANGAL Pouff 09SDNPF05 09SDNPF05 con DEQO cuscino Fodera SANGAL SANGAL telaio DEQO DEQO Pouff Fodera Fodera con coverings cuscino telaio telaiocushion Pouff con cuscino SANGAL 09SDNPU03 DEQO Pouff SANGAL SANGAL interoDEQO espanso DEQO DEQO Pouff Pouffcoverings intero intero espanso SANGAL DEQO 09SDNPU03 frame coverings SANGAL for 09SDNPU03 ottoman DEQO with frame cushion SANGAL SANGAL coverings DEQO for frame ottoman frame coverings with espanso cushion for ottoman with cushion cushion ottoman ottoman ottoman polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane 09SDNPU03 SANGAL DEQO Pouff 09SDNPU03 intero espanso SANGAL 09SDNPU03 09SDNPU03 DEQO Pouff SANGAL SANGAL intero espanso DEQO DEQO Pouff Pouff intero intero 3,60 espanso espanso 0 441 546 ottoman ottoman ottoman polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane 09SDNPU03 SANGAL SANGALDEQO DEQO ottoman Pouff09SDNPU03 intero espanso SANGAL 09SDNPU03 09SDNPU03 DEQO Pouff SANGAL SANGAL intero espanso DEQO DEQO Pouff Pouff intero intero 3,60 espanso espanso 0 441 546 09SDNPF06 09SDNPF06 09SDNPF06 Fodera Pouff interoPouff Fodera Fodera Pouff Pouff intero SANGAL DEQO DEQO ottoman ottoman ottoman ottoman polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane 09SDNPU03 SANGAL 09SDNPU03 Pouff intero espanso SANGAL 09SDNPU03 09SDNPU03 DEQO Pouff SANGAL SANGAL intero espanso DEQO DEQO Pouff intero intero espanso espanso 3,60 0 441 SANGAL DEQO SANGAL SANGAL for DEQO ottoman DEQO coverings coverings for for ottoman ottoman 09SDNPF06 SANGAL DEQO Fodera Pouff intero SANGAL 09SDNPF06 09SDNPF06 DEQOcoverings Fodera SANGAL SANGAL Pouff DEQO DEQO intero Fodera Fodera Pouff Pouff 3,60 intero 130 235 SANGAL DEQO09SDNPF06 ottoman ottoman ottoman ottoman polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane 09SDNPR27 09SDNPR27 09SDNPR27 profilo Pouff intero Pouff profilo profilo Pouff intero coverings for ottoman DEQO SANGAL SANGAL for DEQO ottoman DEQO coverings coverings for for3,60 ottoman ottoman 09SDNPF06 SANGAL SANGALDEQO DEQO Fodera 09SDNPF06 Pouff interoSANGAL SANGAL 09SDNPF06 09SDNPF06 DEQOcoverings Fodera SANGAL SANGAL Pouff DEQO DEQO intero Fodera Fodera Pouff intero 130 235 mc 09SDNPF06 0,56 SANGAL mc mc coverings 0,56 0,56 piping forPouff ottoman piping piping for forPouff ottoman ottoman 09SDNPR27 SANGAL DEQO Fodera 09SDNPR27 profilo 09SDNPR27 09SDNPR27 profilo Pouff intero profilo profilo 0,60 Pouff 16 SANGAL DEQO for ottoman DEQO SANGAL SANGAL for DEQO ottoman DEQO coverings coverings for for ottoman ottoman DEQO 09SDNPF06 Fodera PouffSANGAL SANGAL intero 09SDNPF06 09SDNPF06 DEQOcoverings Fodera SANGAL SANGAL DEQO DEQO intero Fodera Fodera Pouff intero 3,60intero 130 33 Kg 23 Kg Kg 23 23 mc 0,56 SANGAL mc mc 0,56 0,56 SANGAL DEQO piping for ottoman piping forprofilo ottoman piping piping for forprofilo ottoman ottoman 09SDNPR27 SANGAL DEQO Fodera 09SDNPR27 profilo Pouff SANGAL intero 09SDNPR27 09SDNPR27 DEQOcoverings Fodera SANGAL SANGAL DEQO DEQO Pouff Fodera Fodera intero profilo Pouff intero 16 33 DEQO coverings for ottoman SANGAL DEQO SANGAL SANGAL for DEQO ottoman DEQO coverings coverings for for0,60 ottoman ottoman Kg 09SDNPR27 23 Kg Kg piping 23 23 mc 0,56 SANGAL mc mc 0,56 0,56 SANGAL DEQO for ottoman SANGAL DEQO SANGAL SANGAL forprofilo ottoman DEQO DEQO piping piping for forprofilo ottoman ottoman DEQO 09SDNPR27 Fodera profilo SANGAL Pouff 09SDNPR27 09SDNPR27 intero DEQOpiping Fodera SANGAL SANGAL DEQO DEQO Pouff Fodera Fodera intero profilo Pouff 0,60intero 16 Kg 23 Kg Kg DEQO23 23 mc 0,56 SANGAL mc mc 0,56 0,56 piping for ottoman SANGAL DEQO piping SANGAL SANGAL for ottoman DEQO DEQO piping piping for for ottoman ottoman Kg 23 Kg Kg 2323 0,80 2,00 50 0,80 2,0037199 2,00 199 2,00 163 3,60 3,60 609 3,60 609 3,60 546 3,60 298 0,60 298 3,60 0,60 3,60 235 44 0,60 44 0,6033 580,80 0,80 16 67 2,00 2,00 104 50223 0,80 0,80 16 58247 2,00 2,00 104 2232,00 2,00 104 247 199 2,00 2,00 104 223 0 3,60 3,60 441 0 651 3,60 3,60 441 693 0 6513,60 3,60 441 693 130 0609 3,60 3,60 441 651 340 3,60 3,60 130 382 0,60 0,60 16 382 3403,60 3,60 130 0,60 0,60 16 58 298 51 3,60 3,60 130 340 510,60 0,60 16 58 44 0,60 0,60 16 51 37 77 104 16 16 50 96 163 37 37 58 121199 50 50 67 212223 58 58 77 107247 67 67 96 132276 77 121 77 153330 96330 212 96 163 104 199 163 223 199 247 223 276 247 330 276 401 657 37 67 16 16 50 77 37 37 58 96 50 50 121 67 58 58 212 77 67 67 107 96 77 121 77 132 96 212 96 153 163 276 104 104 199 330 163 163 223 401 199 199 247 657 223 223 276 358 247 247 330 428 276 276 401 488330330 657 163 276 104 104 199 330 163 163 223 401199 199 247 657223 223 276 358247 247 330 428276 276 401 488330330 657 163 247 104 104 199 276 163 163 223 330 199 199 247 401 223 223 276 657 247 247 330 358 276 276 401 428 330330 657 488 00546 441 441 609 546 546 651 609 609 693 651 651 745 693 693 840 745 745 966 840 1.417 840 00546 745 441 441 609 840 546 546 651 966 609 609 693 1.417 651 651 745 859 693 693 840 975 745 745 966 1.075840 1.417 840 00546 745 441 441 609 840 546 546 651 966609 609 6931.417651 651 745 859693 693 840 975745 745 9661.075840 1.417 840 235 130 130 298 235 235 340 298 298 382 340 340 435 382 382 529 435 435 655 529 1.107 529 00546 693 441 441 609 745 546 546 651 840 609 609 693 966 651 1.417 651 745 693 693 840 859 745 745 966 975 840 1.417 1.075 840 235 435 130 130 298 529 235 235 340 655 298 298 382 1.107 340 340 435 573 382 382 529 696 435 435 655 801529 1.107 529 33 435 130 16 16 44 529 235 33 33 51 655298 44 44 581.107340 51 51 67 573382 58 58 82 696435 67 103 67 801529 82 179 82 235 130 298 235 340 298 382 340 435 382 529 435 655 1.107 529 33 67 130 16 16 44 82 235 33 33 51 103 298 44 44 58 179 340 51 51 67 92 382 58 58 82 113 435 67 103 67 82 179 82 235 382 130 298 435 235 340 529 298 382 655 1.107 340 435 382 529 573 435 655 696130529 1.107 529 801 33 67 1616 44 82 3333 51 103 4444 58 179 5151 67 92 5858 82 113 67103 67 130 82179 82 33 58 1616 44 67 3333 51 82 4444 103 58 5151 179 67 5858 82 92 67103 67 113 82179 82 130 2.137 2.137 2.594 2.137 2.137 2.594 2.066 2.066 2.522 2.137 2.137 2.594 2.066 2.066 2.522 2.137 2.137 2.594 2.066 2.066 2.522 379 379 500 2.066 2.066 2.522 379379 500 379379 500 498 498 675 379 379 500 498498 675 2.383 2.383 2.383 2.383 2.311 2.311 2.383 2.383 2.311 2.311 2.383 2.383 2.311 2.311 444 444 2.311 2.311 444444 444444 593 593 444444 593 593 2.594 2.594 2.594 2.594 2.522 2.522 2.594 2.594 2.522 2.522 2.594 2.594 2.522 2.522 500 500 2.522 2.522 500500 500500 675 675 500500 675 675 Mod. Mod. SANGAL SANGAL DEQO DEQO -- Fashion Fashion Mod. Mod. SANGAL SANGAL DEQO DEQO - Fashion - Fashion CARATTERISTICHE CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE TECNICHE // TECHNICAL TECHNICAL FEATURES FEATURES CARATTERISTICHE CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE TECNICHE / TECHNICAL / TECHNICAL FEATURES FEATURES Piuma Piuma e fibra e fibra poliestere poliestere in una in poliestere una sacca sacca di tela di antipiuma vari atela vari scomparti scomparti aa vari Piuma Piuma ee fibra fibra poliestere in intela una unaantipiuma sacca saccaadi di tela antipiuma antipiuma vari scomparti scomparti 1 1 Feather Feather with polyester polyester fiber, fiber, inpolyester ainfeather-proof a feather-proof cover divided divided in many in cover many compartmen compartmen 11 with Feather Feather with with polyester fiber, fiber, in in aacover feather-proof feather-proof cover divided divided in in many many compartmen compartmen Fibra Fibra poliestere poliestere accoppiata accoppiata a vellutino a accoppiata vellutino Fibra Fibra poliestere poliestere accoppiata aa vellutino vellutino 2 2 Polyester Polyester fiber fiber coupled coupled withwith velveteen velveteen 22 Polyester Polyester fiber fiber coupled coupled with with velveteen velveteen Poliuretano Poliuretano espanso espanso densità densità 35 35 Poliuretano Poliuretano espanso espanso densità densità 35 35 3 3 Polyurethane Polyurethane foam foam density density 35 kg/mc 35 kg/mc 33 Polyurethane Polyurethane foam foam density density 35 35 kg/mc kg/mc Poliuretano Poliuretano espanso espanso densità densità 25 25 Poliuretano Poliuretano espanso densità 25 25 4 4 Polyurethane Polyurethane foam foam density density 25espanso kg/mc 25 kg/mcdensità 44 Polyurethane Polyurethane foam foam density density 25 25 kg/mc kg/mc Poliuretano Poliuretano espanso espanso densità densità 40 40 5 5 Polyurethane Polyurethane foam foam density density 40espanso kg/mc 40 kg/mcdensità Poliuretano Poliuretano espanso densità 40 40 55 Polyurethane Polyurethane foam foam density density 40 40 kg/mc kg/mc Poliuretano Poliuretano espanso espanso densità densità 21 21 6 6 Polyurethane Polyurethane foam foam density density 21 kg/mc 21 kg/mc Poliuretano Poliuretano espanso espanso densità densità 21 21 66 Polyurethane Polyurethane foam foam density density 21 21 kg/mc kg/mc Poliuretano Poliuretano espanso espanso densità densità 30 30 17 17 Polyurethane Polyurethane foam foam density density 30 kg/mc 30 kg/mc Poliuretano Poliuretano espanso espanso densità densità 30 30 17 17 Polyurethane Polyurethane foam foam density density 30 30 kg/mc kg/mc Cinghia Cinghia elastica elastica mmmm 80 80 7 7 Elastic Elastic beltbelt mmmm 80 80 Cinghia Cinghia elastica elastica mm mm 80 80 77massello Elastic Elastic belt belt mm mm 80 80 Legno Legno massello di abete di abete 8 8 Fir solid Fir solid wood wood Legno Legno massello massello di di abete abete Multistrato Multistrato tamponamenti tamponamenti in particelle di legno di legno e fibra e fibra 88 concon Fir Fir solid solid wood wood in particelle 9 9 Plywood Plywood withwith wood wood andand fiber fiber insertions insertions Multistrato Multistrato con con tamponamenti tamponamenti in in particelle particelle di di legno legno ee fibra fibra 99 Plywood Plywood with with wood wood and and fiber fiber insertions insertions VERSIONI VERSIONI / VERSIONS / VERSIONS Tessuto Tessuto e pelle: e pelle: completamente completamente sfoderabile. sfoderabile. Fabric Fabric andand leather: leather: completely completely removable removable coverings coverings VERSIONI VERSIONI // VERSIONS VERSIONS Tessuto Tessuto ee pelle: pelle: completamente completamente sfoderabile. sfoderabile. PIEDINI PIEDINI / FEET / FEET Fabric Fabric and leather: leather: completely removable removable coverings coverings Di serie Di serie piedino piedino in ABS in and ABS grigio grigio completely Standard Standard feetfeet in grey in grey ABSABS PIEDINI PIEDINI // FEET FEET Di Di serie serie piedino piedino in in ABS ABS grigio grigio Standard Standard feet feet in in grey grey ABS ABS Leather Elite Pelle Elite Leather Elite Pelle Elite Leather Pelle StarStar Leather Star Pelle Elite Pelle Star Leather Elite Pelle Elite Top Leather Top Elite Pelle Star Pelle Top Leather Leather Star Top Pelle Top Prestige Leather Pelle StarTop Prestige Leather Star Star Elite Prestige Star 1.912 2.123 2.404 1.912 2.123 2.404 3.412 2.123 2.404 3.412 2.076 2.404 2.076 3.412 2.305 3.412 2.305 2.076 2.501 2.076 2.501 2.305 2.305 2.501 2.501 826 826 1.454 8261.220 1.220 1.595 1.220 1.454 1.454 1.689 1.454 1.595 1.595 1.783 1.595 1.689 1.689 1.900 1.689 1.783 1.783 1.900 2.111 1.783 1.900 2.111 2.392 1.900 2.111 2.392 3.401 2.111 2.392 3.401 2.065 2.392 2.065 3.401 2.293 3.401 2.293 2.065 2.489 2.065 2.489 2.293 2.293 2.489 2.489 178 211 178 195 195 232 195 211 211 232 270 211 232 270 321 232 270 321 501 270 321 501302 321 302 501352 501 352 302394 302 394 352352 394 394 158 210 158 189 189 231 189 210 210 258 210 231 231 258 305 231 258 305 368 258 305 368 594 305 368 594339 368 339 594400 594 400 339453 339 453 400400 453 453 26 71 2654 5482 5471 7193 71 82 82 107 82 93 93 107 132 93 107 132 166 107 132 166 286 132 166 286144 166 144 286177 286 177 144205 144 205 177177 205 205 218 453 218 365 365 512 365 453 453 571 453 512 512 644 512 571 571 644 777 571 644 777 953 644 777 1.585 953 777 1.585 953828 953 1.585 828 1.000 1.585 1.000 828 1.147 828 1.147 1.000 1.000 1.147 1.147 1.19112,8012,80 12,80 1.803 1.191 1.191 1.191 2.181 1.803 1.803 2.408 1.803 2.181 2.181 2.559 2.181 2.408 2.408 2.710 2.408 2.559 2.559 2.899 2.559 2.710 2.710 2.899 3.239 2.710 2.899 3.239 3.693 2.899 3.239 3.693 5.318 3.239 3.693 5.318 3.246 3.693 3.246 5.318 3.627 5.318 3.627 3.246 3.953 3.246 3.953 3.627 3.627 3.953 3.953 1.168 2.536 2.876 2.536 2.687 2.687 2.876 3.216 2.687 2.876 3.216 3.670 2.876 3.216 3.670 5.295 3.216 3.670 5.295 3.222 3.670 3.222 5.295 3.603 5.295 3.603 3.222 3.930 3.222 3.930 3.603 3.603 3.930 3.930 178 211 178 195 195 232 195 211 211 232 270 211 232 270 321 232 270 321 501 270 296 397 296 356 356 438 356 397 397 488 397 438 438 488 580 438 488 580 702 488 580 1.138 702 580 SANGAL 09SDFPO01 09SDFPO01 09SDFPO01 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Poltrona DEQO DEQO DEQO- -FASHION 124 - FASHION FASHION piumaPoltrona Poltrona Poltrona 124124 piuma piuma SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Armchair DEQO DEQO DEQO- -FASHION - FASHION 124 FASHION feather Armchair Armchair Armchair 124 124 feather feather feather SANGAL 09SDFPO02 09SDFPO02 09SDFPO02 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Poltrona DEQO DEQO DEQO- 124 -FASHION - FASHION FASHION espanso Poltrona Poltrona Poltrona 124124 espanso espanso SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Armchair DEQO DEQO DEQO- -FASHION - FASHION 124 FASHION polyurethane Armchair Armchair Armchair 124 124 polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane 7,90 SANGAL 09SDFSF01 09SDFSF01 09SDFSF01 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQO DEQO schienale - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION 60 Fodera Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 60 60 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 111 153111 111 178 111 153 153 195 153 178 1,80 1,80 1,80 1,80 105 158105 105 189 105 158 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 26 54 26 09SDFPF02 SANGAL 09SDFPF02 09SDFPF02 09SDFPF02 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQO DEQO telaio - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION Poltrona Fodera Fodera Fodera 124 telaio telaio Poltrona Poltrona 124124 124 5,00 for Armchair 124for for Armchair Armchair Armchair 124124 124 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL frame DEQO DEQO DEQO coverings - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION frame frame frame coverings coverings 5,00 5,00 5,00 218 365218 09SDFDI01 SANGAL 09SDFDI01 09SDFDI01 09SDFDI01 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Divano DEQO DEQO DEQO 194 - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION piuma Divano Divano Divano 194194 piuma piuma SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Sofa DEQO DEQO DEQO 194 - -FASHION - FASHION feather FASHION Sofa Sofa Sofa 194 194 feather feather SANGAL 09SDFDI02 09SDFDI02 09SDFDI02 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Divano DEQO DEQO DEQO 194 - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION espanso Divano Divano Divano 194194 espanso espanso SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Sofa DEQO DEQO DEQO 194 - -FASHION - FASHION polyurethane FASHION Sofa Sofa Sofa 194 194 polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane 12,80 SANGAL 09SDFSF01 09SDFSF01 09SDFSF01 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQO DEQO schienale - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION 60 Fodera Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 60 60 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 111 153111 111 178 111 153 153 195 153 178 3,50 3,50 3,50 3,50 194 296194 194 356 194 296 09SDFSF01 Pelle Top Elite Leather Top Top Star Elite Top 1.794 1.912 2.123 1.794 09SDFPO01 1.220826 Elite Prestige Lux Top Star Lux 1.701 1.912 1.701 1.794 Descrizione Codice Codice Codice Super Lux Super Extra 838 1.466 8381.232 1.232 1.607 1.232 1.466 1.466 1.701 1.466 1.607 1.607 1.794 1.607 1.701 Normal Extra Normal Super Extra Top Extra Lux Tess Cliente Tess Cliente Super Customer fabric Customer fabric Normal Mt Tessuto Tess Cliente Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Customer Fabric mt fabric In Bianco No coverings In Bianco In Bianco Normal No coverings No coverings Tess Cliente Customer fabric Mt Tessuto Fabric mt 838 7,90 7,90 1.232 7,90838 Codice 09SDFPO02 Descrizione Descrizione Descrizione Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Larghezza bracciolo Larghezza Larghezza Larghezza 27 bracciolo bracciolo bracciolo 27 27 27 Armrest lenght 27 Armrest Armrest Armrest lenght lenght lenght 27 27 27 In Bianco No coverings od. SANGAL Mod. Mod. Mod.SANGAL DEQO SANGAL SANGAL - Fashion DEQO DEQO --- Fashion Fashion Fashion SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL back DEQO DEQO DEQO cushion - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION coverings back back back 60 cushion cushion coverings coverings 60 60 60 0,95 mc mc mc 09SDFPF01 0,95 0,95 0,95 SANGAL 09SDFPF01 09SDFPF01 09SDFPF01 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQO DEQO seduta - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION Poltrona Fodera Fodera Fodera 124 seduta seduta Poltrona Poltrona Poltrona 124124 124 mc Kg 64 KgKg Kg 64 09SDFPR01 64 64 SANGAL 09SDFPR01 09SDFPR01 09SDFPR01 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQO DEQO profilo - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION Poltrona Fodera Fodera Fodera 124 profilo profilo Poltrona Poltrona Poltrona 124124 124 Armchair 124 forfor Armchair Armchair 124124 124 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL piping DEQO DEQO DEQOfor - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION piping piping piping 09SDFDI02 09SDFSF01 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL seat DEQO DEQO DEQO cushion - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION coverings seat seat seat for cushion cushion Armchair coverings coverings 124 for Armchair for for Armchair Armchair 124 124 124 1.780 1.168 1.168 1.168 2.158 1.780 1.780 2.384 1.780 2.158 2.158 2.536 2.158 2.384 2.384 2.687 2.384 2.536 321 501302 321 302 501352 501 352 302394 302 394 352352 394 394 1.138 702665 702 1.138 665 1.138 783 783 665885 665 885 783783 885 885 185 152213 152 213 185185 213 213 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL back DEQO DEQO DEQO cushion - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION coverings back back back 60 cushion cushion coverings coverings 60 60 60 1,44 mc mc mc 09SDFDF01 1,44 1,44 1,44 SANGAL 09SDFDF01 09SDFDF01 09SDFDF01 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQO DEQO sedute - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION Divano Fodera Fodera Fodera 194sedute sedute Divano Divano 194194 194 mc Kg 72 KgKg Kg 72 09SDFPR02 72 72 SANGAL 09SDFPR02 09SDFPR02 09SDFPR02 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQO DEQO profilo - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION Divano Fodera Fodera Fodera 194profilo profilo Divano Divano 194194 194 Sofa 194 forfor Sofa Sofa 194194 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL piping DEQO DEQO DEQOfor - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION piping piping piping 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 27 55 27 27 72 2755 5583 5572 7294 72 83 83 108 83 94 94 108 133 94 108 133 167 108 133 167 287 133 09SDFDF02 SANGAL 09SDFDF02 09SDFDF02 09SDFDF02 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQO DEQO telaio - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION Divano Fodera Fodera Fodera 194 telaio telaio Divano Divano 194194 194 for Sofacoverings 194 for for Sofa Sofa Sofa 194194 194 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL frame DEQO DEQO DEQO coverings - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION frame frame frame coverings 7,00 7,00 7,00 7,00 274 480274 274 604 274 480 480 687 480 604 604 769 604 687 687 873 687 769 769 1.058 873 769 1.058 873 1.306 873 1.058 1.306 2.194 1.058 1.306 2.194 1.162 1.306 1.162 2.194 1.404 2.194 1.404 1.162 1.611 1.162 1.611 1.404 1.404 1.611 1.611 09SDFDI03 SANGAL 09SDFDI03 09SDFDI03 09SDFDI03 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Divano DEQO DEQO DEQO 214 - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION piuma Divano Divano Divano 214214 piuma piuma SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Sofa DEQO DEQO DEQO 214 - -FASHION - FASHION feather FASHION Sofa Sofa Sofa 214 214 feather feather SANGAL 09SDFDI04 09SDFDI04 09SDFDI04 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Divano DEQO DEQO DEQO 214 - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION espanso Divano Divano Divano 214214 espanso espanso SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Sofa DEQO DEQO DEQO 214 - -FASHION - FASHION polyurethane FASHION Sofa Sofa Sofa 214 214 polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane 13,60 1.25613,6013,60 13,60 1.882 1.256 1.256 1.256 2.284 1.882 1.882 2.526 1.882 2.284 2.284 2.687 2.284 2.526 2.526 2.848 2.526 2.687 2.687 3.049 2.687 2.848 2.848 3.049 3.411 2.848 3.049 3.411 3.894 3.049 3.411 3.894 5.625 3.411 3.894 5.625 3.510 3.894 3.510 5.625 3.942 5.625 3.942 3.510 4.312 3.510 4.312 3.942 3.942 4.312 4.312 1.220 2.651 3.014 2.651 2.812 2.812 3.014 3.376 2.812 3.014 3.376 3.859 3.014 3.376 3.859 5.590 3.376 3.859 5.590 3.474 3.859 3.474 5.590 3.906 5.590 3.906 3.474 4.276 3.474 4.276 3.906 3.906 4.276 4.276 SANGAL 09SDFSF01 09SDFSF01 09SDFSF01 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQO DEQO schienale - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION 60 Fodera Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 60 60 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 111 153111 111 178 111 153 153 195 153 178 178 211 178 195 195 232 195 211 211 232 270 211 232 270 321 232 270 321 501 270 321 501302 321 302 501352 501 352 302394 302 394 352352 394 394 457 743414 457 414 743491 743 491 414558 414 558 491491 558 558 1.119 683649 683 1.119 649 1.119 768 768 649870 649 870 768768 870 870 185 153213 153 213 185185 213 213 09SDFDI04 09SDFSF01 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL seat DEQO DEQO DEQO cushions - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION coverings seat seat seat cushions forcushions Sofa coverings 194 coverings for Sofa for for Sofa Sofa 194 194 194 1.846 1.220 1.220 1.220 2.249 1.846 1.846 2.490 1.846 2.249 2.249 2.651 2.249 2.490 2.490 2.812 2.490 2.651 167 287152 167 152 287185 287 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL back DEQO DEQO DEQO cushion - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION coverings back back back 60 cushion cushion coverings coverings 60 60 60 2,30 2,30 2,30 2,30 124 191124 124 231 124 191 191 257 191 231 231 284 231 257 257 317 257 284 284 317 377 284 317 377 457 317 377 457 743 377 1,58 mc mc mc 09SDFSF02 1,58 1,58 1,58 SANGAL 09SDFSF02 09SDFSF02 09SDFSF02 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQO DEQO schienale - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION 80 Fodera Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 80 80 mc Kg 80 KgKg Kg 80 09SDFDF03 80 80 SANGAL 09SDFDF03 09SDFDF03 09SDFDF03 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQO DEQO sedute - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION Divano Fodera Fodera Fodera 214sedute sedute Divano Divano 214214 214 3,50 for Sofa 214 for Sofa for for Sofa Sofa 214 214 214 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL seat DEQO DEQO DEQO cushions - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION coverings seat seat seat cushions cushions coverings coverings coverings 3,50 3,50 3,50 175 277175 175 338 175 277 277 378 277 338 338 419 338 378 378 470 378 419 419 470 561 419 470 561 683 470 561 1.119 683 561 09SDFPR03 SANGAL 09SDFPR03 09SDFPR03 09SDFPR03 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQO DEQO profilo - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION Divano Fodera Fodera Fodera 214profilo profilo Divano Divano 214214 214 Sofa 214 forfor Sofa Sofa 214214 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL piping DEQO DEQO DEQOfor - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION piping piping piping 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 27 55 27 27 72 2755 5583 5572 7294 72 83 83 108 83 94 94 108 134 94 108 134 167 108 134 167 288 134 09SDFDF04 SANGAL 09SDFDF04 09SDFDF04 09SDFDF04 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQO DEQO telaio - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION Divano Fodera Fodera Fodera 214 telaio telaio Divano Divano 214214 214 for Sofacoverings 214 for for Sofa Sofa Sofa 214214 214 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL frame DEQO DEQO DEQO coverings - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION frame frame frame coverings 7,00 7,00 7,00 7,00 299 506299 299 630 299 506 506 712 506 630 630 795 630 712 712 898 712 795 795 1.084 898 795 1.084 898 1.332 898 1.084 1.332 2.220 1.084 1.332 2.220 1.191 1.332 1.191 2.220 1.433 2.220 1.433 1.191 1.640 1.191 1.640 1.433 1.433 1.640 1.640 09SDFDI05 SANGAL 09SDFDI05 09SDFDI05 09SDFDI05 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Divano DEQO DEQO DEQO 234 - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION piuma Divano Divano Divano 234234 piuma piuma SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Sofa DEQO DEQO DEQO 234 - -FASHION - FASHION feather FASHION Sofa Sofa Sofa 234 234 feather feather SANGAL 09SDFDI06 09SDFDI06 09SDFDI06 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Divano DEQO DEQO DEQO 234 - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION espanso Divano Divano Divano 234234 espanso espanso SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Sofa DEQO DEQO DEQO 234 - -FASHION - FASHION polyurethane FASHION Sofa Sofa Sofa 234 234 polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane 13,90 1.39913,9013,90 13,90 2.100 1.399 1.399 1.399 2.513 2.100 2.100 2.760 2.100 2.513 2.513 2.926 2.513 2.760 2.760 3.091 2.760 2.926 2.926 3.297 2.926 3.091 3.091 3.297 3.669 3.091 3.297 3.669 4.165 3.297 3.669 4.165 5.941 3.669 4.165 5.941 3.766 4.165 3.766 5.941 4.209 5.941 4.209 3.766 4.589 3.766 4.589 4.209 4.209 4.589 4.589 1.349 2.875 3.247 2.875 3.041 3.041 3.247 3.619 3.041 3.247 3.619 4.114 3.247 3.619 4.114 5.890 3.619 4.114 5.890 3.715 4.114 3.715 5.890 4.158 5.890 4.158 3.715 4.538 3.715 4.538 4.158 4.158 4.538 4.538 SANGAL 09SDFSF01 09SDFSF01 09SDFSF01 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQO DEQO schienale - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION 60 Fodera Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 60 60 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 111 153111 111 178 111 153 153 195 153 178 178 211 178 195 195 232 195 211 211 232 270 211 232 270 321 232 270 321 501 270 3,50 3,50 3,50 3,50 177 278177 177 339 177 278 278 380 278 339 339 420 339 380 380 471 380 420 420 471 563 420 471 563 684 471 563 1.121 684 563 09SDFDI06 09SDFSF01 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL back DEQO DEQO DEQO cushion - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION coverings back back back 80 cushion cushion coverings coverings 80 80 80 2.049 1.349 1.349 1.349 2.462 2.049 2.049 2.710 2.049 2.462 2.462 2.875 2.462 2.710 2.710 3.041 2.710 2.875 167 288153 167 321 501302 321 153 288185 288 302 501352 501 352 302394 302 394 352352 394 394 1.121 684654 684 1.121 654 1.121 773 773 654875 654 875 773773 875 875 186 153214 153 214 186186 214 214 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL back DEQO DEQO DEQO cushion - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION coverings back back back 60 cushion cushion coverings coverings 60 60 60 1,72 mc mc mc 09SDFDF05 1,72 1,72 1,72 SANGAL 09SDFDF05 09SDFDF05 09SDFDF05 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQO DEQO sedute - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION Divano Fodera Fodera Fodera 234sedute sedute Divano Divano 234234 234 mc Kg 88 KgKg Kg 88 09SDFPR04 88 88 SANGAL 09SDFPR04 09SDFPR04 09SDFPR04 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQO DEQO profilo - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION Divano Fodera Fodera Fodera 234profilo profilo Divano Divano 234234 234 Sofa 234 forfor Sofa Sofa 234234 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL piping DEQO DEQO DEQOfor - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION piping piping piping 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 27 55 27 27 72 2755 5583 5572 7295 72 83 83 109 83 95 95 109 134 95 109 134 167 109 134 167 288 134 SANGAL 09SDFDF06 09SDFDF06 09SDFDF06 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQO DEQO telaio - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION Divano Fodera Fodera Fodera 234 telaio telaio Divano Divano 234234 234 for Sofacoverings 234 for for Sofa Sofa Sofa 234234 234 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL frame DEQO DEQO DEQO coverings - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION frame frame frame coverings 7,00 7,00 7,00 7,00 301 508301 301 631 301 508 508 714 508 631 631 797 631 714 714 900 714 797 797 1.086 900 797 1.086 900 1.334 900 1.086 1.334 2.221 1.086 09SDFDF06 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL seat DEQO DEQO DEQO cushions - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION coverings seat seat seat cushions forcushions Sofa coverings 234 coverings for Sofa for for Sofa Sofa 234 234 234 167 288153 167 153 288186 288 1.334 2.221 1.196 1.334 1.196 2.221 1.438 2.221 1.438 1.196 1.645 1.196 1.645 1.438 1.438 1.645 1.645 3.187 3.804 3.407 3.187 3.407 3.804 4.334 3.407 3.804 4.334 6.230 3.804 4.334 6.230 3.901 4.334 3.901 6.230 4.374 6.230 4.374 3.901 4.780 3.901 4.780 4.374 4.374 4.780 4.780 178 211 178 195 195 232 195 211 211 270 232 211 232 270 321 232 270 321 501 270 321 501 302 321 302 501 352 501 352 302 394 302 394 352352 394 394 457 743 414 457 414 743 491 743 491 414 558 414 558 491491 558 558 1.129 693 670 693 1.129 670 1.129 789 789 670 890 670 890 789789 890 890 205 168 236 168 236 205205 236 236 153 111 111 178 111 153 153 195 153 178 Leather Pelle StarStar Leather Star 1,50 1,50 1,50 111 Pelle Star Pelle Top Leather Pelle Elite Leather Star Top 1,50 Elite Prestige Pelle Top SANGAL 09SDFSF01 09SDFSF01 09SDFSF01 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQO DEQO schienale - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION 60Fodera Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 60 60 09SDFSF01 Leather Elite 3.011 3.407 3.011 3.187 2.1291.411 1.411 2.570 1.411 2.129 2.129 2.834 2.129 2.570 2.570 3.011 2.570 2.834 2.834 3.187 2.834 3.011 Pelle Elite Leather Elite Pelle Elite 1.411 Pelle Elite Pelle Star Leather Elite 4.408 6.305 3.987 4.408 3.987 6.305 4.461 6.305 4.461 3.987 4.866 3.987 4.866 4.461 4.461 4.866 4.866 Pelle Top Leather Elite Leather Top Star Elite Prestige Star 3.879 4.408 6.305 3.879 SANGAL 09SDFDI07 09SDFDI07 09SDFDI07 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Divano DEQO DEQO DEQO 254 - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION piuma Divano Divano Divano 254254 piuma piuma SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Sofa DEQO DEQO DEQO 254 - -FASHION -feather FASHION FASHION Sofa Sofa Sofa 254 254 feather feather SANGAL 09SDFDI08 09SDFDI08 09SDFDI08 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Divano DEQO DEQO DEQO 254 - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION espansoDivano Divano Divano 254254 espanso espanso SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Sofa DEQO DEQO DEQO 254 - -FASHION -polyurethane FASHION FASHION Sofa Sofa Sofa 254 254 polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane Pelle Top Prestige Pelle StarTop Leather Prestige Leather Star Top Star Elite Top 3.482 3.879 4.408 3.482 09SDFDI07 Elite Leather Top Lux Star Top Lux 3.262 3.879 3.482 3.262 Descrizione Codice Codice Codice Super Lux Super Extra 3.085 3.482 3.085 3.262 Normal Extra Normal Super Extra Top Extra Lux Tess Cliente Tess Cliente Super Customer fabric Customer fabric Normal 1.48514,9014,90 2.203 14,90 1.485 1.485 2.644 1.485 2.203 2.203 2.909 2.203 2.644 2.644 3.085 2.644 2.909 2.909 3.262 2.909 3.085 Mt Tessuto Fabric mt In Bianco No coverings 14,90 Codice 09SDFDI08 Descrizione Descrizione Descrizione Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Larghezza bracciolo Larghezza 27 Larghezza Larghezza bracciolo bracciolo bracciolo 27 27 27 Armrest lenght 27 Armrest Armrest Armrest lenght lenght lenght 27 27 27 Mt Tessuto Tess Cliente Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Customer Fabric mt fabric In Bianco No coverings In Bianco In Bianco Normal No coverings No coverings Tess Cliente Customer fabric od. SANGAL Mod. Mod. Mod.DEQO SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL - Fashion DEQO DEQO --- Fashion Fashion Fashion SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL back DEQO DEQO DEQO cushion - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION coverings back back back 60 cushion cushion coverings coverings 60 60 60 2,30 2,30 2,30 2,30 124 191 124 124 231 124 191 191 257 191 231 231 284 231 257 257 317 257 284 284 377 317 284 317 377 457 317 377 457 743 377 1,90 mc mc mc 09SDFSF02 1,90 1,90 1,90 SANGAL 09SDFSF02 09SDFSF02 09SDFSF02 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQO DEQO schienale - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION 80Fodera Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 80 80 mc Kg 96 KgKg Kg 96 09SDFDF07 96 96 SANGAL 09SDFDF07 09SDFDF07 09SDFDF07 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQO DEQO sedute - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION Divano Fodera Fodera Fodera 254sedute sedute Divano Divano 254254 254 3,50 for Sofacoverings 254 for Sofa for for Sofa Sofa 254 254 254 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL seat DEQO DEQO DEQO cushions - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION coverings seat seat seat cushions cushions coverings coverings 3,50 3,50 3,50 185 287 185 185 348 185 287 287 388 287 348 348 429 348 388 388 480 388 429 429 571 480 429 480 571 693 480 571 1.129 693 571 09SDFPR05 SANGAL 09SDFPR05 09SDFPR05 09SDFPR05 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQO DEQO profilo - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION Divano Fodera Fodera Fodera 254 profilo profilo Divano Divano 254254 254 for Sofa 254 forfor Sofa Sofa 254254 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL piping DEQO DEQO DEQO - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION piping piping piping 1,10 1,10 1,10 1,10 28 60 28 28 79 2860 60 91 6079 104 7979 91 91 120 104 91 104 148 120 104 120 148 186 120 148 186 321 148 09SDFDF08 SANGAL 09SDFDF08 09SDFDF08 09SDFDF08 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQO DEQO telaio - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION Divano Fodera Fodera Fodera 254 telaio telaio Divano Divano 254254 254 for Sofa 254 for for Sofa Sofa Sofa 254254 254 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL frame DEQO DEQO DEQO coverings - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION frame frame frame coverings coverings 7,00 7,00 7,00 7,00 310 517 310 310 641 310 517 517 723 517 641 641 806 641 723 723 909 723 806 1.095 806 909 806 1.095 1.343 909 909 1.095 1.343 2.231 1.095 1.343 2.231 1.213 1.343 1.213 2.231 1.454 2.231 1.454 1.213 1.662 1.213 1.662 1.454 1.454 1.662 1.662 09SDFDI09 SANGAL 09SDFDI09 09SDFDI09 09SDFDI09 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Divano DEQO DEQO DEQO 274 - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION piuma Divano Divano Divano 274274 piuma piuma SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Sofa DEQO DEQO DEQO 274 - -FASHION -feather FASHION FASHION Sofa Sofa Sofa 274 274 feather feather SANGAL 09SDFDI10 09SDFDI10 09SDFDI10 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Divano DEQO DEQO DEQO 274 - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION espansoDivano Divano Divano 274274 espanso espanso SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Sofa DEQO DEQO DEQO 274 - -FASHION -polyurethane FASHION FASHION Sofa Sofa Sofa 274 274 polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane 14,90 1.54114,9014,90 2.249 14,90 1.541 1.541 2.690 1.541 2.249 2.249 2.954 2.249 2.690 2.690 3.131 2.690 2.954 2.954 3.307 2.954 3.131 3.131 3.528 3.131 3.307 3.307 3.925 3.528 3.307 3.528 3.925 4.454 3.528 3.925 4.454 6.350 3.925 4.454 6.350 4.152 4.454 4.152 6.350 4.654 6.350 4.654 4.152 5.084 4.152 5.084 4.654 4.654 5.084 5.084 1.430 3.020 3.417 3.020 3.196 3.196 3.814 3.417 3.196 3.417 3.814 4.343 3.417 3.814 4.343 6.239 3.814 4.343 6.239 4.041 4.343 4.041 6.239 4.543 6.239 4.543 4.041 4.973 4.041 4.973 4.543 4.543 4.973 4.973 SANGAL 09SDFSF01 09SDFSF01 09SDFSF01 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQO DEQO schienale - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION 60Fodera Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 60 60 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 111 153 111 111 178 111 153 153 195 153 178 178 211 178 195 195 232 195 211 211 270 232 211 232 270 321 232 270 321 501 270 321 501 307 321 307 501 358 501 358 307 401 307 401 358358 401 401 457 743 421 457 421 743 501 743 501 421 570 421 570 501501 570 570 1.129 693 688 693 1.129 688 1.129 811 811 688 915 688 915 811811 915 915 210 172 242 172 242 210210 242 242 09SDFDI10 09SDFSF01 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL back DEQO DEQO DEQO cushion - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION coverings back back back 80 cushion cushion coverings coverings 80 80 80 2.1381.430 1.430 2.579 1.430 2.138 2.138 2.844 2.138 2.579 2.579 3.020 2.579 2.844 2.844 3.196 2.844 3.020 186 321 168 186 168 321 205 321 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL back DEQO DEQO DEQO cushion - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION coverings back back back 60 cushion cushion coverings coverings 60 60 60 2,30 2,30 2,30 2,30 124 191 124 124 231 124 191 191 257 191 231 231 284 231 257 257 317 257 284 284 377 317 284 317 377 457 317 377 457 743 377 1,90 mc mc mc 09SDFSF02 1,90 1,90 1,90 SANGAL 09SDFSF02 09SDFSF02 09SDFSF02 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQO DEQO schienale - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION 80Fodera Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 80 80 mc Kg 104 KgKg Kg 104 09SDFDF09 104 104 SANGAL 09SDFDF09 09SDFDF09 09SDFDF09 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQO DEQO sedute - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION Divano Fodera Fodera Fodera 274sedute sedute Divano Divano 274274 274 3,50 for Sofacoverings 274 for Sofa for for Sofa Sofa 274 274 274 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL seat DEQO DEQO DEQO cushions - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION coverings seat seat seat cushions cushions coverings coverings 3,50 3,50 3,50 185 287 185 185 348 185 287 287 388 287 348 348 429 348 388 388 480 388 429 429 571 480 429 480 571 693 480 571 1.129 693 571 09SDFPR06 SANGAL 09SDFPR06 09SDFPR06 09SDFPR06 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQO DEQO profilo - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION Divano Fodera Fodera Fodera 274 profilo profilo Divano Divano 274274 274 for Sofa 274 forfor Sofa Sofa 274274 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL piping DEQO DEQO DEQO - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION piping piping piping 1,10 1,10 1,10 1,10 29 60 29 29 79 2960 60 92 6079 104 7979 92 92 120 104 92 104 148 120 104 120 148 186 120 148 186 322 148 09SDFDF10 SANGAL 09SDFDF10 09SDFDF10 09SDFDF10 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQO DEQO telaio - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION Divano Fodera Fodera Fodera 274 telaio telaio Divano Divano 274274 274 for Sofa 274 for for Sofa Sofa Sofa 274274 274 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL frame DEQO DEQO DEQO coverings - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION frame frame frame coverings coverings 7,00 7,00 7,00 7,00 313 520 313 313 643 313 520 520 726 520 643 643 809 643 726 726 912 726 809 1.098 809 912 809 1.098 1.346 912 912 1.098 1.346 2.233 1.098 1.346 2.233 1.247 1.346 1.247 2.233 1.495 2.233 1.495 1.247 1.708 1.247 1.708 1.495 1.495 1.708 1.708 09SDFEL01 SANGAL 09SDFEL01 09SDFEL01 09SDFEL01 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Elemento DEQO DEQO DEQO- -FASHION 70 - FASHION FASHION piuma Elemento Elemento Elemento 70 70 piuma piuma SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Element DEQO DEQO DEQO- -70 FASHION - FASHION FASHION feather Element Element Element 70 70 feather feather SANGAL 09SDFEL02 09SDFEL02 09SDFEL02 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Elemento DEQO DEQO DEQO- -FASHION 70 - FASHION FASHION espanso Elemento Elemento Elemento 70 70 espanso espanso SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Element DEQO DEQO DEQO- -70 FASHION - FASHION FASHION polyurethane Element Element Element 70 70 polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane 5,90 585 5,90 5,90 5,90 896585 1.071 585 585 896 1.176 896 896 1.071 1.071 1.246 1.071 1.176 1.176 1.316 1.176 1.246 1.246 1.403 1.246 1.316 1.316 1.561 1.403 1.316 1.403 1.561 1.771 1.403 1.561 1.771 2.523 1.561 1.771 2.523 1.536 1.771 1.536 2.523 1.713 2.523 1.713 1.536 1.864 1.536 1.864 1.713 1.713 1.864 1.864 573 1.230 1.387 1.230 1.300 1.300 1.545 1.387 1.300 1.387 1.545 1.755 1.387 1.545 1.755 2.507 1.545 1.755 2.507 1.525 1.755 1.525 2.507 1.701 2.507 1.701 1.525 1.852 1.525 1.852 1.701 1.701 1.852 1.852 SANGAL 09SDFSF01 09SDFSF01 09SDFSF01 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQO DEQO schienale - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION 60Fodera Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 60 60 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 111 153 111 111 178 111 153 153 195 153 178 178 211 178 195 195 232 195 211 211 270 232 211 232 270 321 232 270 321 501 270 321 501 302 321 302 501 352 501 352 302 394 302 394 352352 394 394 1,80 1,80 1,80 1,80 105 158 105 105 189 105 158 158 210 158 189 189 231 189 210 210 258 210 231 231 305 258 231 258 305 368 258 305 368 594 305 368 594 332 368 332 594 393 594 393 332 446 332 446 393393 446 446 09SDFEL02 09SDFSF01 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL back DEQO DEQO DEQO cushion - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION coverings back back back 80 cushion cushion coverings coverings 80 80 80 880573 1.055 573 573 880 1.160 880 880 1.055 1.055 1.230 1.055 1.160 1.160 1.300 1.160 1.230 186 322 172 186 172 322 210 322 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL back DEQO DEQO DEQO cushion - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION coverings back back back 60 cushion cushion coverings coverings 60 60 60 0,65 mc mc mc 09SDFEF01 0,65 0,65 0,65 SANGAL 09SDFEF01 09SDFEF01 09SDFEF01 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQO DEQO seduta - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION Elemento Fodera Fodera Fodera 70 seduta seduta Elemento Elemento Elemento 70 70 70 mc Kg 50 KgKg Kg 50 09SDFPR07 50 50 SANGAL 09SDFPR07 09SDFPR07 09SDFPR07 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQO DEQO profilo - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION Elemento Fodera Fodera Fodera 70profilo profilo Elemento Elemento Elemento 70 70 70 for Element 70 forfor Element Element 70 70 70 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL piping DEQO DEQO DEQO - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION piping piping piping 0,80 0,80 0,80 0,80 24 45 24 24 58 2445 45 66 4558 58 74 58 66 66 85 66 74 74 104 85 74 104 85 129 85 104 129 219 104 129 219 115 129 115 219 139 219 139 115 160 115 160 139139 160 160 09SDFEF02 SANGAL 09SDFEF02 09SDFEF02 09SDFEF02 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQO DEQO telaio - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION Elemento Fodera Fodera Fodera 70telaio telaio Elemento Elemento Elemento 70 70 70 3,00 for Element 70 for for Element Element Element 70 70 70 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL frame DEQO DEQO DEQO coverings - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION frame frame frame coverings coverings 3,00 3,00 3,00 133 221 133 133 273 133 221 221 308 221 273 273 343 273 308 308 387 308 343 343 466 387 343 387 466 571 387 466 571 947 466 571 947 499 571 499 947 602 947 602 499 689 499 689 602602 689 689 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL seat DEQO DEQO DEQO cushions - -FASHION - FASHION FASHION coverings seat seat seat for cushions cushions Element coverings coverings 70 for Element for for Element Element 70 70 70 09SDFSF01 mc 09SDFEF03 mc Kg 09SDFPR08 Kg 09SDFEF04 09SDFEL05 09SDFEL06 09SDFSF02 mc 09SDFEF05 mc Kg Leather Leather Elite Elite Pelle Pelle Elite Elite Leather Leather Elite Elite Pelle Pelle Elite Elite Leather Leather Star Star Pelle Pelle Star Star Leather Leather Star Star Pelle Pelle Star Star Leather Leather Top Top Leather Leather Elite Elite LuxLux LuxLux Star Star Pelle Star Leather Star Top Top Top Top Elite Elite Pelle Elite Leather Elite Star Star Star Star Prestige Prestige Extra Extra Extra Extra Top Top Pelle Top Leather Top Prestige Super Super Super Super Lux Lux Elite Normal Normal Normal Normal Extra Extra Pelle Pelle Top Top Leather Leather Top Top Pelle Pelle Top Top Pelle Pelle Elite Elite Tess Tess Cliente Cliente Tess Tess Cliente Cliente Customer Customer fabric fabric Super Super Customer Customer fabric fabric Star 394 394 394 394 1,80 SANGAL DEQO SANGAL SANGAL seat DEQO DEQO cushions -seduta --FASHION coverings seat seat for cushions Element coverings 90 for for Element Element 90 90 1,80 189 0,65 mc mc - FASHION 0,65 0,65 SANGAL DEQO 09SDFEF03 Fodera seduta SANGAL 09SDFEF03 Elemento 09SDFEF03 DEQO-90 -FASHION FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQO -FASHION FASHION FASHION Elemento 1,80 Fodera Fodera 90seduta Elemento Elemento 105 90 90 158 SANGAL seat cushions SANGAL coverings DEQO for -Element SANGAL SANGAL 90 seat DEQO DEQO cushions -profilo --FASHION coverings seat seat for cushions Element coverings 90 for for90 Element Element 90 90 0,80 0,65 DEQO mc mc 0,65 0,65 53 Kg Kg - FASHION 53 53 09SDFPR08 SANGAL 09SDFPR08 09SDFPR08 DEQO -FASHION FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQO -FASHION FASHION FASHION Elemento Fodera Fodera 90 profilo Elemento Elemento 90 for Element 90 90 profilo for Element 90 90 FASHION piping FASHION FASHION piping piping SANGAL 53 Kg DEQO Kg - FASHION 5353 09SDFPR08 Fodera profilo SANGAL Elemento 09SDFPR08 09SDFPR08 DEQO 90-- FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQOprofilo ----FASHION FASHION Elemento 0,80 Fodera Fodera Elemento Elemento 2490 90 45 0,80 58 Element 90 -- FASHION for Element 90 90 telaio for Element 90 90 90 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION piping forSANGAL SANGAL DEQO FASHION SANGAL SANGAL piping DEQO DEQOtelaio FASHION FASHION piping piping 09SDFEF04 09SDFEF04 09SDFEF04 DEQO SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQO ----FASHION FASHION Elemento Fodera Fodera Elemento Elemento 90 3,00 1,80 1,80 105 210 1,80 1,80 105231 158 105 105 189 158 158 210 189 189 231 210 210 258 231 231 305 258 258 368 305305 594 158258 105 105 189305 158 158 210368 189 189 231594 210 210 258353 231 231 305414 258 258 368467 305305 594 368368 353 368368 353 594594 414 594594 414 353353 467 353353 467 414414 414414 467 467 467 467 85129 85 104104 220 85129 85161 104104 220 129129 115 129129 115 220220 139 220220 139 115115 161 115115 161 139139 139139 161 161 161 161 3,00 3,00 152 327 3,00 3,00 152362 239 152 152 292 239 239 327 292 292 362 327 327 405 362 362 484 405 405 589 484484 965 239405 152 152 292484 239 239 327589 292 292 362965 327 327 405538 362 362 484641 405 405 589729 484484 965 589589 538 589589 538 965965 641 965965 641 538538 729 538538 729 641641 641641 729 729 729 729 1.360 722 6,90 6,90 1.091 722 1.497 6,90 6,90 1.091 1.578 667 1.035 667 1.441 1.035 1.522 722 1.294 722 1.091 1.091 1.415 1.294 1.294 1.497 1.415 1.415 1.578 1.497 1.497 1.679 1.578 1.578 1.862 1.679 1.679 2.106 1.862 1.862 2.978 722 1.294 7221.679 1.091 1.091 1.415 1.862 1.294 1.294 1.497 2.1061.415 1.415 1.578 2.9781.497 1.497 1.679 1.8711.578 1.578 1.862 2.0821.679 1.679 2.106 2.2631.862 1.862 2.978 667 1.238 667 1.035 1.035 1.360 1.238 1.238 1.441 1.360 1.360 1.522 1.441 1.441 1.624 1.522 1.522 1.807 1.624 1.624 2.050 1.807 1.807 2.923 667 1.238 6671.624 1.035 1.035 1.360 1.807 1.238 1.238 1.441 2.0501.360 1.360 1.522 2.9231.441 1.441 1.624 1.8111.522 1.522 1.807 2.0221.624 1.624 2.050 2.2031.807 1.807 2.923 2.106 2.106 1.871 2.106 2.106 1.871 2.050 2.050 1.811 2.050 2.050 1.811 2.978 2.978 2.082 2.978 2.978 2.082 2.923 2.923 2.022 2.923 2.923 2.022 1.871 1.871 2.263 1.871 1.871 2.263 1.811 1.811 2.203 1.811 1.811 2.203 2.082 2.082 2.082 2.082 2.022 2.022 2.022 2.022 2.263 2.263 2.263 2.263 2.203 2.203 2.203 2.203 2,30 2,30 231 2,30 2,30 124 257 2,30 2,30 124284 191 124 124 231 191 191 257 231 231 284 257 257 317 284 284 377 317 317 457 377377 743 191317 124 124 231377 191 191 257457 231 231 284743 257 257 317414 284 284 377491 317 317 457558 377377 743 457457 414 457457 414 743743 491 743743 491 414414 558 414414 558 491491 491491 558 558 558 558 1,80 SANGAL DEQO SANGAL SANGAL seat DEQO DEQO cushions -seduta --FASHION coverings seat seat for cushions Element coverings 110 for for Element Element 110 1101,80 193 0,81 mc mc - FASHION 0,81 0,81 SANGAL DEQO 09SDFEF05 Fodera seduta SANGAL 09SDFEF05 Elemento 09SDFEF05 DEQO-110 -FASHION FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQO -FASHION FASHION FASHION Elemento 1,80 Fodera Fodera 110 seduta Elemento Elemento 109 110 110 161 SANGAL seat cushions SANGAL coverings DEQO for -Element SANGAL SANGAL 110 seat DEQO DEQO cushions -profilo --FASHION coverings seat seat for cushions Element coverings 110 for for110 Element Element 110 1100,80 0,81 DEQO mc mc 0,81 0,81 59 Kg Kg - FASHION 59 59 09SDFPR09 SANGAL 09SDFPR09 09SDFPR09 DEQO -FASHION FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQO -FASHION FASHION FASHION Elemento Fodera Fodera 110 profilo Elemento Elemento 110 1,80 1,80 109 214 1,80 1,80 109235 161 109 109 193 161 161 214 193 193 235 214 214 261 235 235 308 261 261 371 308308 597 161261 109 109 193308 161 161 214371 193 193 235597 214 214 261356 235 235 308418 261 261 371470 308308 597 371371 356 371371 356 597597 418 597597 418 356356 470 356356 470 418418 418418 470 470 470 470 85130 85 104104 220 85130 85161 104104 220 130130 115 130130 115 220220 140 220220 140 115115 161 115115 161 140140 140140 161 161 161 161 for Element 90Elemento for152 Element Element 90 90 FASHION frame coverings FASHION FASHION frame frame coverings SANGAL DEQO - FASHION 09SDFEF04 Fodera telaio SANGAL Elemento 09SDFEF04 09SDFEF04 DEQO 90-- FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQOtelaio ----FASHION FASHION Elemento 3,00 Fodera Fodera 90 telaio Elemento 90 90 239 Element 90 forframe Element 90 for Element Element 90 90 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION frame coverings SANGALfor DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL frame DEQO DEQOcoverings -- FASHION FASHION frame coverings 09SDFEL05 SANGAL 09SDFEL05 09SDFEL05 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Elemento DEQO DEQO -- FASHION 110 FASHION piumaElemento Elemento 110 piuma FASHION Element 110 FASHION FASHION feather Element Element722 110piuma feather SANGAL DEQO - FASHION 09SDFEL05 Elemento 110 SANGAL piuma 09SDFEL05 09SDFEL05 DEQO -- FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Elemento DEQO DEQO ----FASHION 110 FASHION piuma 6,90 Elemento Elemento 110 1.091 1.294 09SDFEL06 09SDFEL06 09SDFEL06 DEQO -- FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Elemento DEQO DEQO ----FASHION 110 FASHION espanso Elemento Elemento SANGAL DEQO - FASHION Element SANGAL 110 feather FASHION Element 110 FASHION FASHION feather Element Element 110 110espanso feather FASHION Element 110 FASHION FASHION polyurethane Element Element667 110espanso polyurethane polyurethane SANGAL DEQO - FASHION 09SDFEL06 Elemento 110 SANGAL espanso 09SDFEL06 09SDFEL06 DEQO -- FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Elemento DEQO DEQO ----FASHION 110 FASHION espanso Elemento Elemento 110 1.035 1.238 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION Element 110 SANGAL polyurethane DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGALElement DEQO DEQO -- 110 FASHION FASHION polyurethane Element Element 110 polyurethane polyurethane 09SDFSF02 SANGAL 09SDFSF02 09SDFSF02 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQOschienale -- FASHION FASHION 80Fodera Fodera schienale 80 SANGAL DEQO SANGAL SANGAL back DEQO DEQO cushion -schienale --FASHION coverings back back 80cushion coverings 80 80 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION 09SDFSF02 Fodera schienale SANGAL 09SDFSF02 09SDFSF02 80 DEQO- -FASHION FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQO -FASHION FASHION FASHION 80 2,30 Fodera Fodera schienale 80 124 191 3,00 292 6,90 6,90 1.415 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION back cushionSANGAL SANGAL coverings DEQO 80 - -FASHION SANGAL SANGAL back DEQO DEQO cushion -seduta --FASHION coverings back back 80cushion coverings 80 80 110 09SDFEF05 09SDFEF05 09SDFEF05 DEQO FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQO -FASHION FASHION FASHION Elemento Fodera Fodera 110 seduta Elemento Elemento 110 0,80 0,8024 66 0,80 0,8024 75 45 45 85 609609 558 609609 558 985985 661 985985 661 558558 748 558558 748 661661 661661 748 748 748 748 10,60 10,60 1.970 1.947 941 10,60 10,60 1.466 941 2.096 10,60 10,60 1.466 2.222 918 1.443 918 2.073 1.443 2.199 941 1.781 941 1.466 1.466 1.970 1.781 1.781 2.096 1.970 1.970 2.222 2.096 2.096 2.379 2.222 2.222 2.663 2.379 2.379 3.041 2.663 2.663 4.395 941 1.781 9412.379 1.466 1.466 1.970 2.663 1.781 1.781 2.096 3.0411.970 1.970 2.222 4.3952.096 2.096 2.379 2.6902.222 2.222 2.663 3.0172.379 2.379 3.041 3.2982.663 2.663 4.395 918 1.758 918 1.443 1.443 1.947 1.758 1.758 2.073 1.947 1.947 2.199 2.073 2.073 2.356 2.199 2.199 2.640 2.356 2.356 3.018 2.640 2.640 4.372 918 1.758 9182.356 1.443 1.443 1.947 2.640 1.758 1.758 2.073 3.0181.947 1.947 2.199 4.3722.073 2.073 2.356 2.6662.199 2.199 2.640 2.9942.356 2.356 3.018 3.2752.640 2.640 4.372 3.041 3.041 2.690 3.041 3.041 2.690 3.018 3.018 2.666 3.018 3.018 2.666 4.395 4.395 3.017 4.395 4.395 3.017 4.372 4.372 2.994 4.372 4.372 2.994 2.690 2.690 3.298 2.690 2.690 3.298 2.666 2.666 3.275 2.666 2.666 3.275 3.017 3.017 3.017 3.017 2.994 2.994 2.994 2.994 3.298 3.298 3.298 3.298 3.275 3.275 3.275 3.275 1,50 1,50 178 1,50 1,50 111 195 1,50 1,50 111211 153 111 111 178 153 153 195 178 178 211 195 195 232 211 211 270 232 232 321 270270 501 153232 111 111 178270 153 153 195321 178 178 211501 195 195 232302 211 211 270352 232 232 321394 270270 501 321321 302 321321 302 501501 352 501501 352 302302 394 302302 394 352352 352352 394 394 394 394 3,50 SANGAL DEQO SANGAL SANGAL seat DEQO DEQO cushions -sedute --FASHION coverings seat seat for cushions Element coverings 140 for for Element Element 140 1403,50 336 1,13 mc mc - FASHION 1,13 1,13 SANGAL DEQO 09SDFEF07 Fodera sedute SANGAL 09SDFEF07 Elemento 09SDFEF07 DEQO-140 -FASHION FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQO -FASHION FASHION FASHION Elemento 3,50 Fodera Fodera 140 sedute Elemento Elemento 173 140 140 275 SANGAL seat cushions SANGAL coverings DEQO for -Element SANGAL SANGAL 140 seat DEQO DEQO cushions -profilo --FASHION coverings seat seat for cushions Element coverings 140 for for140 Element Element 140 1401,00 1,13 DEQO mc mc 1,13 1,13 64 Kg Kg - FASHION 64 64 09SDFPR10 SANGAL 09SDFPR10 09SDFPR10 DEQO -FASHION FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQO -FASHION FASHION FASHION Elemento Fodera Fodera 140 profilo Elemento Elemento 140 3,50 3,50 173 376 3,50 3,50 173417 275 173 173 336 275 275 376 336 336 417 376 376 468 417 417 559 468 468 681 559 1.117 559 275468 173 173 336559 275 275 376681 336 336 417 1.117 376 376 468623 417 417 559742 468 468 681843 559 1.117 559 681681 623 1.117 1.117 742 681681 623 1.117 1.117 742 623623 843 623623 843 742742 742742 843 843 843 843 166166 148 166166 148 287287 181 287287 181 148148 209 148148 209 181181 181181 209 209 209 209 918918 818 1.535 1.535 986 918918 818 1.535 1.535 986 818 1.129 818 818 1.129 818 986986 1.129 1.129 986986 1.129 1.129 mc 09SDFSF02 mc Kg SANGAL DEQO - FASHION back cushionSANGAL SANGAL coverings DEQO 60 - -FASHION SANGAL SANGAL back DEQO DEQO cushion -schienale --FASHION coverings back back 60cushion coverings 60 09SDFSF02 09SDFSF02 09SDFSF02 DEQO FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQO -FASHION FASHION FASHION 80 Fodera Fodera schienale 80 60 SANGAL DEQO SANGAL SANGAL back DEQO DEQO cushion -schienale --FASHION coverings back back 80cushion coverings 80 80 1,13 mc mc - FASHION 1,13 1,13 SANGAL DEQO 09SDFSF02 Fodera schienale SANGAL 09SDFSF02 09SDFSF02 80 DEQO- -FASHION FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQO -FASHION FASHION FASHION 80 2,30 Fodera Fodera schienale 80 124 SANGAL DEQO FASHION back cushion SANGAL coverings DEQO 80 FASHION SANGAL SANGAL back DEQO DEQO cushion FASHION FASHION coverings back back 80 cushion coverings 80 80 160 1,13 mc mc 1,13 1,13 68 KgKg 6868 09SDFEF09 SANGAL 09SDFEF09 09SDFEF09 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQOsedute -- FASHION FASHION Elemento Fodera Fodera 160 sedute Elemento Elemento 160 4,90 4,90 430 4,90 4,90 201 488 4,90 4,90 201545 54 54108 2626 71 2626 71133 5454 82 5454 82166 7171 94 7171 94287 6767 85 6767 85115 75104 75 75104 75139 259 171 171 311 259 259 346 311 311 381 346 346 425 381 381 504 425 425 609 504504 985 259425 171 171 311504 259 259 346609 311 311 381985 346 346 425558 381 381 504661 425 425 609748 504504 985 1,00 1,0026 82 1,00 1,0026 94 5858 75 5858 75220 6666 85 6666 85115 3,00 3,00 171 346 3,00 3,00 171381 1,00 71 4646 67 4646 67130 5858 75 5858 75220 3,00 3,00 311 54 2525 58 2525 58104 4545 66 4545 66129 0,80 0,8025 67 0,80 0,8025 75 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION back cushionSANGAL SANGAL coverings DEQO 60 - -FASHION SANGAL SANGAL back DEQO DEQO cushion -sedute --FASHION coverings back back 60cushion coverings 60 60 140 09SDFEF07 09SDFEF07 09SDFEF07 DEQO FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQO -FASHION FASHION FASHION Elemento Fodera Fodera 140 sedute Elemento Elemento 140 46 46 85 2424 58 2424 58104 0,80 58 46 09SDFSF01 09SDFEF10 In Bianco In Bianco In Bianco In Bianco NoNormal No coverings coverings Normal NoNo coverings coverings Top 352352 352352 for Element 140 for201 Element Element 140 140 FASHION frame coverings FASHION FASHION frame frame coverings SANGAL DEQO - FASHION 09SDFEF08 Fodera telaio SANGAL Elemento 09SDFEF08 09SDFEF08 DEQO 140 -- FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQOtelaio ----FASHION FASHION Elemento 4,90 Fodera Fodera 140telaio Elemento Elemento 140 140 344 Element 140 forframe Element 140 for Element Element 140 140 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION frame coverings SANGALfor DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL frame DEQO DEQOcoverings -- FASHION FASHION frame coverings 09SDFEL09 SANGAL 09SDFEL09 09SDFEL09 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Elemento DEQO DEQO -- FASHION 160 FASHION piumaElemento Elemento 160 piuma FASHION Element 160 FASHION FASHION feather Element Element1.008 160piuma feather SANGAL DEQO - FASHION 09SDFEL09 Elemento 160 SANGAL piuma 09SDFEL09 09SDFEL09 DEQO -- FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Elemento DEQO DEQO ----FASHION 160 FASHION piuma 11,60 Elemento Elemento 160 1.551 1.894 09SDFEL10 09SDFEL10 09SDFEL10 DEQO -- FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Elemento DEQO DEQO ----FASHION 160 FASHION espanso Elemento Elemento SANGAL DEQO - FASHION Element SANGAL 160 feather FASHION Element 160 FASHION FASHION feather Element Element 160 160espanso feather FASHION Element 160 FASHION FASHION polyurethane Element Element973 160espanso polyurethane polyurethane SANGAL DEQO - FASHION 09SDFEL10 Elemento 160 SANGAL espanso 09SDFEL10 09SDFEL10 DEQO -- FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Elemento DEQO DEQO ----FASHION 160 FASHION espanso Elemento Elemento 160 1.515 1.858 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION Element 160 SANGAL polyurethane DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGALElement DEQO DEQO -- 160 FASHION FASHION polyurethane Element Element 160 polyurethane polyurethane 09SDFSF01 SANGAL 09SDFSF01 09SDFSF01 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQOschienale -- FASHION FASHION 60Fodera Fodera schienale 60 SANGAL DEQO SANGAL SANGAL back DEQO DEQO cushion -schienale --FASHION coverings back back 60cushion coverings 60 60 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION 09SDFSF01 Fodera schienale SANGAL 09SDFSF01 09SDFSF01 60 DEQO- -FASHION FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQO -FASHION FASHION FASHION 60 1,50 Fodera Fodera schienale 60 111 153 09SDFPR11 Mt Mt Tessuto Tessuto Mt Mt Tessuto Tessuto Tess Tess Cliente Cliente Fabric Fabric mt Fabric Fabric mtmt mt Customer Customer fabric fabric Lux 302302 394 302302 394 09SDFEF08 09SDFEF09 Kg Mt Mt Tessuto Tessuto Fabric Fabric mtmt Super Normal Tess Cliente Customer fabric In Bianco No coverings 501501 352 501501 352 for Element 140140profilo for Element 140 140 FASHION piping FASHION FASHION piping piping SANGAL 64 Kg DEQO Kg - FASHION 6464 09SDFPR10 Fodera profilo SANGAL Elemento 09SDFPR10 09SDFPR10 DEQO 140 -- FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQOprofilo ----FASHION FASHION Elemento 1,00 Fodera Fodera Elemento Elemento 26140 140 Element 140 -- FASHION for Element 140140telaio for Element 140 140 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION piping forSANGAL SANGAL DEQO FASHION SANGAL SANGAL piping DEQO DEQOtelaio FASHION FASHION piping piping 09SDFEF08 09SDFEF08 09SDFEF08 DEQO SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQO ----FASHION FASHION Elemento Fodera Fodera Elemento Elemento 140 140 09SDFEL10 1.988 1.988 1.988 1.988 1.963 1.963 1.963 1.963 321321 302 321321 302 09SDFPR10 Kg 09SDFEL09 1.827 1.827 1.827 1.827 1.802 1.802 1.802 1.802 153 111 111 178 153 153 195 178 178 211 195 195 232 211 211 270 232 232 321 270270 501 153232 111 111 178270 153 153 195321 178 178 211501 195 195 232302 211 211 270352 232 232 321394 270270 501 for Element 110 for171 Element Element 110 110 FASHION frame coverings FASHION FASHION frame frame coverings SANGAL DEQO - FASHION 09SDFEF06 Fodera telaio SANGAL Elemento 09SDFEF06 09SDFEF06 DEQO 110 -- FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQOtelaio ----FASHION FASHION Elemento 3,00 Fodera Fodera 110telaio Elemento Elemento 110 110 259 Element 110 forframe Element 110 for Element Element 110 110 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION frame coverings SANGALfor DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL frame DEQO DEQOcoverings -- FASHION FASHION frame coverings 09SDFEL07 SANGAL 09SDFEL07 09SDFEL07 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Elemento DEQO DEQO -- FASHION 140 FASHION piumaElemento Elemento 140 piuma FASHION Element 140 FASHION FASHION feather Element Element941 140piuma feather SANGAL DEQO - FASHION 09SDFEL07 Elemento 140 SANGAL piuma 09SDFEL07 09SDFEL07 DEQO -- FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Elemento DEQO DEQO ----FASHION 140 FASHION piuma 10,60 Elemento Elemento 140 1.466 1.781 09SDFEL08 09SDFEL08 09SDFEL08 DEQO -- FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Elemento DEQO DEQO ----FASHION 140 FASHION espanso Elemento Elemento SANGAL DEQO - FASHION Element SANGAL 140 feather FASHION Element 140 FASHION FASHION feather Element Element 140 140espanso feather FASHION Element 140 FASHION FASHION polyurethane Element Element918 140espanso polyurethane polyurethane SANGAL DEQO - FASHION 09SDFEL08 Elemento 140 SANGAL espanso 09SDFEL08 09SDFEL08 DEQO -- FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Elemento DEQO DEQO ----FASHION 140 FASHION espanso Elemento Elemento 140 1.443 1.758 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION Element 140 SANGAL polyurethane DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGALElement DEQO DEQO -- 140 FASHION FASHION polyurethane Element Element 140 polyurethane polyurethane 09SDFSF01 SANGAL 09SDFSF01 09SDFSF01 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQOschienale -- FASHION FASHION 60Fodera Fodera schienale 60 SANGAL DEQO SANGAL SANGAL back DEQO DEQO cushion -schienale --FASHION coverings back back 60cushion coverings 60 60 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION 09SDFSF01 Fodera schienale SANGAL 09SDFSF01 09SDFSF01 60 DEQO- -FASHION FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQO -FASHION FASHION FASHION 60 1,50 Fodera Fodera schienale 60 111 153 mc 09SDFEF07 mc Kg 1.639 1.639 1.988 1.639 1.639 1.988 1.614 1.614 1.963 1.614 1.614 1.963 1,50 1,50 111 195 1,50 1,50 111211 09SDFEF06 09SDFSF01 2.585 2.585 1.827 2.585 2.585 1.827 2.560 2.560 1.802 2.560 2.560 1.802 1,50 1,50 178 for Element 110110profilo for Element 110 110 FASHION piping FASHION FASHION piping piping SANGAL 59 Kg DEQO Kg - FASHION 5959 09SDFPR09 Fodera profilo SANGAL Elemento 09SDFPR09 09SDFPR09 DEQO 110 -- FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQOprofilo ----FASHION FASHION Elemento 0,80 Fodera Fodera Elemento Elemento 25110 110 Element 110 -- FASHION for Element 110110telaio for Element 110 110 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION piping forSANGAL SANGAL DEQO FASHION SANGAL SANGAL piping DEQO DEQOtelaio FASHION FASHION piping piping 09SDFEF06 09SDFEF06 09SDFEF06 DEQO SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQO ----FASHION FASHION Elemento Fodera Fodera Elemento Elemento 110 110 09SDFEL08 1.833 1.833 1.639 1.833 1.833 1.639 1.808 1.808 1.614 1.808 1.808 1.614 1.213 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION back cushionSANGAL SANGAL coverings DEQO 60 - -FASHION SANGAL SANGAL back DEQO DEQO cushion -seduta --FASHION coverings back back 60cushion coverings 60 60 90 09SDFEF03 09SDFEF03 09SDFEF03 DEQO FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQO -FASHION FASHION FASHION Elemento Fodera Fodera 90seduta Elemento Elemento 90 629 1.133 629 629 1.133 6291.465 604 1.108 604 604 1.108 6041.440 958 1.238 958 1.133 1.133 1.308 1.238 1.238 1.378 1.308 1.308 1.465 1.378 1.378 1.623 1.465 1.465 1.833 1.623 1.623 2.585 958 1.238 958 1.623 1.133 1.133 1.308 1.8331.238 1.238 1.378 2.5851.308 1.308 1.465 1.6391.378 1.378 1.623 1.8271.465 1.465 1.833 1.9881.623 1.623 2.585 933 1.213 933 1.108 1.108 1.283 1.213 1.213 1.353 1.283 1.283 1.440 1.353 1.353 1.598 1.440 1.440 1.808 1.598 1.598 2.560 933 1.213 933 1.598 1.108 1.108 1.283 1.8081.213 1.213 1.353 2.5601.283 1.283 1.440 1.6141.353 1.353 1.598 1.8021.440 1.440 1.808 1.9631.598 1.598 2.560 629 5,90 5,90 958 629 1.308 5,90 5,90 958 1.378 604 933 604 1.283 933 1.353 09SDFPR09 Kg 09SDFEL07 5,90 5,90 1.238 Prestige Prestige Pelle Pelle Star Star Prestige Prestige Leather Leather Star Star 09SDFEL04 Codice Descrizione Codice Codice Descrizione Descrizione Codice Descrizione Codice Codice Descrizione Descrizione 09SDFEL03 SANGAL 09SDFEL03 09SDFEL03 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Elemento DEQO DEQO -- FASHION 90 FASHION piuma Elemento Elemento 90 piuma FASHION Element 90 FASHION FASHION feather Element Element629 90piuma feather958 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION 09SDFEL03 Elemento 90 SANGAL piuma 09SDFEL03 09SDFEL03 DEQO -- FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Elemento DEQO DEQO ----FASHION 90 FASHION piuma 5,90 Elemento Elemento 90 1.133 09SDFEL04 09SDFEL04 09SDFEL04 DEQO -- FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Elemento DEQO DEQO ----FASHION 90 FASHION espanso Elemento Elemento SANGAL DEQO - FASHION Element SANGAL 90 feather FASHION Element 90 FASHION FASHION feather Element Element 90 90espanso feather FASHION Element 90 FASHION FASHION polyurethane Element Element604 90espanso polyurethane polyurethane SANGAL DEQO - FASHION 09SDFEL04 Elemento 90 SANGAL espanso 09SDFEL04 09SDFEL04 DEQO -- FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Elemento DEQO DEQO ----FASHION 90 FASHION espanso Elemento Elemento 90 933 1.108 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION Element 90 SANGAL polyurethane DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGALElement DEQO DEQO -- 90 FASHION FASHION polyurethane Element Element 90 polyurethane polyurethane 09SDFSF01 SANGAL 09SDFSF01 09SDFSF01 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQOschienale -- FASHION FASHION 60Fodera Fodera schienale 60 SANGAL DEQO SANGAL SANGAL back DEQO DEQO cushion -schienale --FASHION coverings back back 60cushion coverings 60 60 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION 09SDFSF01 Fodera schienale SANGAL 09SDFSF01 09SDFSF01 60 DEQO- -FASHION FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQO -FASHION FASHION FASHION 60 1,50 Fodera Fodera schienale 60 111 153 Descrizione Elite Elite Pelle Pelle Top Top Elite Elite Leather Leather Top Top 09SDFEL03 Larghezza braccioloLarghezza Larghezza 27 bracciolo bracciolo 27 27 Larghezza bracciolo Larghezza 27 Armrest bracciolo bracciolo 27 27 Armrest lenght Larghezza Armrest lenght lenght 27 27 27 Armrest lenght 27 Armrest Armrest lenght lenght 27 27 Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Codice Larghezza bracciolo 27 Armrest lenght 27 In Bianco In Bianco NoNo coverings coverings Extra od. SANGAL Mod. Mod. SANGAL DEQO SANGAL - Fashion DEQO DEQO -- Fashion Fashion QO od. - SANGAL Fashion Mod. Mod. SANGAL DEQO SANGAL - Fashion DEQO DEQO -- Fashion Fashion 82108 82 82108 82148 75104 75 75104 75140 94133 94 108 108 166 133133 287 94133 94181 108 108 166209 133133 287 344 201 201 430 344 344 488 430 430 545 488 488 617 545 545 746 617 617 918 746 1.535 746 344617 201 201 430746 344 344 488918 430 430 545 1.535 488 488 617818 545 545 746986 617 617 918 1.129 746 1.535 746 11,60 1.008 11,60 11,60 1.551 1.008 1.008 1.894 1.551 1.551 2.100 1.894 1.894 2.237 2.100 2.100 2.374 2.237 2.237 2.546 2.374 2.374 2.854 2.546 2.546 3.266 2.854 2.854 4.741 11,60 2.100 1.008 2.237 11,60 11,60 1.551 2.374 1.008 1.008 1.894 2.546 1.551 1.551 2.100 2.854 1.894 1.894 2.237 3.2662.100 2.100 2.374 4.7412.237 2.237 2.546 2.8732.374 2.374 2.854 3.2302.546 2.546 3.266 3.5362.854 2.854 4.741 973 1.515 973 1.858 973 1.515 1.515 2.064 1.858 1.858 2.201 2.064 2.064 2.339 2.201 2.201 2.510 2.339 2.339 2.819 2.510 2.510 3.230 2.819 2.819 4.705 2.064 973 2.201 1.515 2.339 973 1.858 9732.510 1.515 1.515 2.064 2.819 1.858 1.858 2.201 3.2302.064 2.064 2.339 4.7052.201 2.201 2.510 2.8372.339 2.339 2.819 3.1942.510 2.510 3.230 3.5002.819 2.819 4.705 3.266 3.266 2.873 3.266 3.266 2.873 3.230 3.230 2.837 3.230 3.230 2.837 4.741 4.741 3.230 4.741 4.741 3.230 4.705 4.705 3.194 4.705 4.705 3.194 2.873 2.873 3.536 2.873 2.873 3.536 2.837 2.837 3.500 2.837 2.837 3.500 3.230 3.230 3.230 3.230 3.194 3.194 3.194 3.194 3.536 3.536 3.536 3.536 3.500 3.500 3.500 3.500 1,50 1,50 178 1,50 1,50 111 195 1,50 1,50 111211 153 111 111 178 153 153 195 178 178 211 195 195 232 211 211 270 232 232 321 270270 501 153232 111 111 178270 153 153 195321 178 178 211501 195 195 232302 211 211 270352 232 232 321394 270270 501 321321 302 321321 302 501501 352 501501 352 302302 394 302302 394 352352 352352 394 394 394 394 2,30 2,30 231 2,30 2,30 124 257 2,30 2,30 124284 191 124 124 231 191 191 257 231 231 284 257 257 317 284 284 377 317 317 457 377377 743 191317 124 124 231377 191 191 257457 231 231 284743 257 257 317414 284 284 377491 317 317 457558 377377 743 457457 414 457457 414 743743 491 743743 491 414414 558 414414 558 491491 491491 558 558 558 558 3,50 for Element 160 for for Element Element 160 160 FASHION seat cushions FASHION FASHION coverings seat seat160 cushions coverings coverings SANGAL 68 Kg DEQO Kg - FASHION 6868 09SDFEF09 Fodera sedute SANGAL 09SDFEF09 Elemento 09SDFEF09 DEQO160 -- FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQO sedute ----FASHION FASHION Elemento 3,50 Fodera Fodera sedute Elemento Elemento 190 160 160 291 3,50 352 for Element 160 for Element 160 for for Element Element 160 160 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION seat cushions SANGAL coverings DEQO FASHION SANGAL SANGAL seat DEQO DEQO cushions FASHION FASHION coverings seat seat cushions coverings coverings 09SDFPR11 SANGAL 09SDFPR11 09SDFPR11 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQOprofilo -- FASHION FASHION Elemento Fodera Fodera 160profilo Elemento Elemento 160 160 1,00 3,50 3,50 190 393 3,50 3,50 190433 291 190 190 352 291 291 393 352 352 433 393 393 484 433 433 575 484 484 697 575 1.134 575 291484 190 190 352575 291 291 393697 352 352 433 1.134 393 393 484639 433 433 575758 484 484 697860 575 1.134 575 697697 639 1.134 1.134 758 697697 639 1.134 1.134 758 639639 860 639639 860 758758 758758 860 860 860 860 167167 149 167167 149 287287 181 287287 181 149149 209 149149 209 181181 181181 209 209 209 209 920920 819 1.537 1.537 987 920920 819 1.537 1.537 987 819 1.131 819 819 1.131 819 987987 1.131 1.131 987987 1.131 1.131 for Element 160160profilo for Element 160 160 FASHION piping FASHION FASHION piping piping SANGAL DEQO - FASHION 09SDFPR11 Fodera profilo SANGAL Elemento 09SDFPR11 09SDFPR11 DEQO 160 -- FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQOprofilo ----FASHION FASHION Elemento 1,00 Fodera Fodera Elemento Elemento 27160 160 for Element 160 for Element 160 for Element 160 160 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION piping SANGAL DEQO FASHION SANGAL SANGAL piping DEQO DEQO FASHION FASHION piping piping 09SDFEF10 SANGAL 09SDFEF10 09SDFEF10 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL Fodera DEQO DEQOtelaio -- FASHION FASHION Elemento Fodera Fodera 160telaio Elemento Elemento 160 160 191 55 1,00 71 4,90 for Element 160 for202 Element Element 160 160 4,90 432 SANGAL DEQO FASHION SANGAL SANGAL frame DEQO DEQOtelaio coverings FASHION FASHION frame frame coverings SANGAL DEQO - FASHION 09SDFEF10 Fodera telaio Elemento 09SDFEF10 09SDFEF10 160 -- FASHION Fodera ----FASHION FASHION Elemento 4,90 Fodera Fodera 160telaio Elemento Elemento 160 160 346 Element 160 forframe Element 160 for Element Element 160 160 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION frame coverings SANGALfor DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL frame DEQO DEQOcoverings -- FASHION FASHION frame coverings 1,00 1,0027 83 1,00 1,0027 94 4,90 4,90 202 489 4,90 4,90 202546 55 55108 2727 71 2727 71133 5555 83 5555 83167 7171 94 7171 94287 83108 83 83108 83149 94133 94 108 108 167 133133 287 94133 94181 108 108 167209 133133 287 346 202 202 432 346 346 489 432 432 546 489 489 618 546 546 747 618 618 920 747 1.537 747 346618 202 202 432747 346 346 489920 432 432 546 1.537 489 489 618819 546 546 747987 618 618 920 1.131 747 1.537 747 od. SANGAL Mod. Mod. Mod.SANGAL SANGAL DEQO SANGAL - Fashion DEQO DEQO DEQO- -Fashion - Fashion Fashion 195 232 195 211 211 270 211 232 232 321 232 270 270 501 270 321 321302 321 501 501352 302 501 302352 394 302 352394 352 394 394 3,50 3,50 3,50 3,50 174 275 174 174 336 174275 275 377 275336 336 418 336 377 377 468 377 418 418 560 418 468 468 681 468 560 560 1.118 560 681 681 1.118 634 681 1.118 1.118 753 634 634753 855 634 753855 753 855 855 27 72 27 55 55 83 55 72 7294 7283 83 108 8394 94 133 94 108 108 167 108 133 133 287 133 167 167149 167 287 149182 210 149 182210 182 210 210 349 206 206 435 206349 349 493 349435 435 550 435 493 493 622 493 550 550 751 550 622 622 923 622 751 751 1.540 751 923 923 1.540 833 923 1.540 1.001 1.540 833 Leather Elite 178 211 178 195 Pelle Elite Leather Elite Pelle Elite 153 195 153178 Pelle Star Pelle Leather Pelle Elite StarStar Leather Elite Leather Star 153 111 111 178 111153 Pelle Top Pelle StarTop Elite Leather Pelle Top Leather Elite Leather Star Top 1,50 1,50 1,50 111 Prestige Star Pelle Top Prestige Leather Star Top 1,50 09SDFSF01 1.104 Elite Pelle Top Elite Prestige Leather Top SANGAL 09SDFSF01 09SDFSF01 09SDFSF01 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO DEQO - FASHION schienale -- FASHION FASHION Fodera 60 Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 60 60 09SDFEL12 Star Prestige Star Elite 1.15511,8011,80 1.760 11,80 1.155 1.155 2.110 1.155 1.760 1.760 2.320 1.760 2.110 2.110 2.460 2.110 2.320 2.320 2.600 2.320 2.460 2.460 2.775 2.460 2.600 2.600 3.090 2.600 2.775 2.775 3.510 2.775 3.090 3.090 5.015 3.090 3.510 3.510 3.205 3.510 5.015 5.015 3.592 3.205 5.015 3.205 3.592 3.924 3.205 3.592 3.924 3.592 3.924 3.924 Top Elite Top Star 11,80 Lux Star Lux Top SANGAL 09SDFEL11 09SDFEL11 09SDFEL11 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Elemento DEQO DEQO - FASHION --180 FASHION FASHION piuma Elemento Elemento Elemento 180 piuma 180 piuma SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Element DEQO DEQO - FASHION --180 FASHION FASHION feather Element Element Element 180 180 feather feather SANGAL 09SDFEL12 09SDFEL12 09SDFEL12 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Elemento DEQO DEQO - FASHION --180 FASHION FASHION espanso Elemento Elemento Elemento 180 espanso 180 espanso SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Element DEQO DEQO - FASHION --180 FASHION FASHION polyurethane Element Element Element 180 180 polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane Extra Top Extra Lux In Bianco No coverings Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Mt Tessuto Tess Cliente Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Customer Fabric mt fabric In Bianco No coverings In Bianco In Bianco Normal No coverings No coverings Tess Cliente Customer fabric Tess Cliente Tess Cliente Super Customer fabric Customer fabric Normal 09SDFEL11 Descrizione Descrizione Descrizione Super Lux Super Extra Descrizione Codice Codice Codice Normal Extra Normal Super Codice Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Larghezza bracciolo Larghezza Larghezza Larghezza 27 bracciolo bracciolo bracciolo 27 27 27 Armrest lenght Armrest Armrest lenght lenght lenght 27 Armrest 27 27 27 1.710 1.104 1.104 2.060 1.104 1.710 1.710 2.270 1.710 2.060 2.060 2.410 2.060 2.270 2.270 2.550 2.270 2.410 2.410 2.725 2.410 2.550 2.550 3.040 2.550 2.725 2.725 3.460 2.725 3.040 3.040 4.965 3.040 3.460 3.460 3.155 3.460 4.965 4.965 3.542 3.155 4.965 3.155 3.542 3.873 3.155 3.542 3.873 3.542 3.873 3.873 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL back DEQO DEQO DEQO cushion - FASHION -- FASHION FASHION coverings backback back cushion 60 cushion coverings coverings 60 60 60 1,3 mc mc mc 09SDFEF11 1,3 1,3 1,3 SANGAL 09SDFEF11 09SDFEF11 09SDFEF11 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO DEQO - FASHION sedute -- FASHION FASHION Elemento Fodera Fodera Fodera sedute 180sedute Elemento Elemento Elemento 180 180 180 mc Kg 72 Kg KgKg 72 72 09SDFPR12 72 SANGAL 09SDFPR12 09SDFPR12 09SDFPR12 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO DEQO - FASHION profilo -- FASHION FASHION Elemento Fodera Fodera Fodera profilo 180profilo Elemento Elemento Elemento 180 180 180 for Element 180 for Element for Element 180 180 180 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL DEQO piping DEQO DEQO - FASHION -- FASHION FASHION piping piping piping SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL seat DEQO DEQO DEQO cushions - FASHION -- FASHION FASHION coverings seatseat seat cushions forcushions Element coverings coverings 180 for Element for for Element Element 180 180 180 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 27 09SDFEF12 SANGAL 09SDFEF12 09SDFEF12 09SDFEF12 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO DEQO - FASHION telaio -- FASHION FASHION Elemento Fodera Fodera Fodera 180 telaio telaio Elemento Elemento Elemento 180 180 180 4,90 for frame Element 180for Element for Element Element 180 180 180 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL DEQO frame DEQO DEQO - coverings FASHION -- FASHION FASHION frame frame coverings coverings 4,90 4,90 4,90 206 09SDFEL13 SANGAL 09SDFEL13 09SDFEL13 09SDFEL13 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Elemento DEQO DEQO - FASHION --200 FASHION FASHION piuma Elemento Elemento Elemento 200 piuma 200 piuma SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Element DEQO DEQO - FASHION --200 FASHION FASHION feather Element Element Element 200 200 feather feather SANGAL 09SDFEL14 09SDFEL14 09SDFEL14 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Elemento DEQO DEQO - FASHION --200 FASHION FASHION espanso Elemento Elemento Elemento 200 espanso 200 espanso SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Element DEQO DEQO - FASHION --200 FASHION FASHION polyurethane Element Element Element 200 200 polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane 12,80 SANGAL 09SDFSF01 09SDFSF01 09SDFSF01 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO DEQO - FASHION schienale -- FASHION FASHION Fodera 60 Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 60 60 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 111 153 111 111 178 111153 153 195 153178 178 211 178 195 195 232 195 211 211 270 211 232 232 321 232 270 270 501 270 321 321302 321 501 501352 302 501 302352 394 302 352394 352 394 394 2,30 2,30 2,30 2,30 124 191 124 124 231 124191 191 257 191231 231 284 231 257 257 317 257 284 284 377 284 317 317 457 317 377 377 743 377 457 457414 457 743 743491 414 743 414491 558 414 491558 491 558 558 284 182 182 345 182284 284 385 284345 345 426 345 385 385 477 385 426 426 568 426 477 477 690 477 568 568 1.126 568 690 690 1.126 639 690 1.126 1.126 758 639 639758 859 639 758859 758 859 859 27 72 27 55 55 83 55 72 7294 7283 83 108 8394 94 134 94 108 108 167 108 134 134 288 134 167 167149 167 288 149182 210 149 182210 182 210 210 358 214 214 444 214358 358 501 358444 444 558 444 501 501 630 501 558 558 759 558 630 630 932 630 759 759 1.549 759 932 932 1.549 838 932 1.549 1.006 1.549 838 09SDFEL14 09SDFSF01 55 27 287182 149 287 833 1.001 1.145 833 1.001 1.145 1.001 1.145 1.145 1.23312,8012,80 1.869 12,80 1.233 1.233 2.247 1.233 1.869 1.869 2.474 1.869 2.247 2.247 2.625 2.247 2.474 2.474 2.776 2.474 2.625 2.625 2.965 2.625 2.776 2.776 3.305 2.776 2.965 2.965 3.759 2.965 3.305 3.305 5.384 3.305 3.759 3.759 3.419 3.759 5.384 5.384 3.836 3.419 5.384 3.419 3.836 4.195 3.419 3.836 4.195 3.836 4.195 4.195 1.158 1.794 1.158 1.158 2.172 1.158 1.794 1.794 2.399 1.794 2.172 2.172 2.550 2.172 2.399 2.399 2.702 2.399 2.550 2.550 2.891 2.550 2.702 2.702 3.231 2.702 2.891 2.891 3.684 2.891 3.231 3.231 5.310 3.231 3.684 3.684 3.344 3.684 5.310 5.310 3.762 3.344 5.310 3.344 3.762 4.120 3.344 3.762 4.120 3.762 4.120 4.120 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL back DEQO DEQO DEQO cushion - FASHION -- FASHION FASHION coverings backback back cushion 60 cushion coverings coverings 60 60 60 1,44 mc mc mc 09SDFSF02 1,44 1,44 1,44 SANGAL 09SDFSF02 09SDFSF02 09SDFSF02 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO DEQO - FASHION schienale -- FASHION FASHION Fodera 80 Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 80 80 mc Kg 76 Kg KgKg 76 76 09SDFEF13 76 SANGAL 09SDFEF13 09SDFEF13 09SDFEF13 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO DEQO - FASHION sedute -- FASHION FASHION Elemento Fodera Fodera Fodera sedute 200sedute Elemento Elemento Elemento 200 200 200 3,50 for Element 200for Element for for Element Element 200 200 200 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL DEQO seat DEQO DEQO cushions - FASHION -- FASHION FASHION coverings seatseat seat cushions cushions coverings coverings coverings 3,50 3,50 3,50 182 09SDFPR13 SANGAL 09SDFPR13 09SDFPR13 09SDFPR13 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO DEQO - FASHION profilo -- FASHION FASHION Elemento Fodera Fodera Fodera profilo 200profilo Elemento Elemento Elemento 200 200 200 for Element 200 for Element for Element 200 200 200 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL DEQO piping DEQO DEQO - FASHION -- FASHION FASHION piping piping piping 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 27 09SDFEF14 SANGAL 09SDFEF14 09SDFEF14 09SDFEF14 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO DEQO - FASHION telaio -- FASHION FASHION Elemento Fodera Fodera Fodera 200 telaio telaio Elemento Elemento Elemento 200 200 200 4,90 for frame Element 200for Element for Element Element 200 200 200 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL DEQO frame DEQO DEQO - coverings FASHION -- FASHION FASHION frame frame coverings coverings 4,90 4,90 4,90 214 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL back DEQO DEQO DEQO cushion - FASHION -- FASHION FASHION coverings backback back cushion 80 cushion coverings coverings 80 80 80 09SDFTE01S SANGAL 09SDFTE01S 09SDFTE01S 09SDFTE01S DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Terminale DEQO DEQO - FASHION --107 FASHION FASHION sx Terminale piuma Terminale Terminale 107 sx 107piuma sx piuma piuma SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL DEQO End DEQO DEQO unit - FASHION --107 FASHION FASHION leftEnd feather End End unitunit 107 107 left feather left feather feather 09SDFTE02S SANGAL 09SDFTE02S 09SDFTE02S 09SDFTE02S DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Terminale DEQO DEQO - FASHION --107 FASHION FASHION sx Terminale espanso Terminale Terminale 107 sx 107espanso sx espanso espanso SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL DEQO End DEQO DEQO unit - FASHION --107 FASHION FASHION leftEnd polyurethane End End unitunit 107 107 left polyurethane left polyurethane polyurethane 6,90 09SDFSF01 1,50 SANGAL 09SDFSF01 09SDFSF01 09SDFSF01 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO DEQO - FASHION schienale -- FASHION FASHION Fodera 60 Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 60 60 55 27 288182 149 288 838 1.006 1.150 838 1.006 1.150 1.006 1.150 1.150 714 6,90 6,90 1.071 6,90 714 714 1.274 7141.071 1.071 1.396 1.071 1.274 1.274 1.477 1.274 1.396 1.396 1.558 1.396 1.477 1.477 1.660 1.477 1.558 1.558 1.843 1.558 1.660 1.660 2.086 1.660 1.843 1.843 2.959 1.843 2.086 2.086 1.898 2.086 2.959 2.959 2.123 1.898 2.959 1.898 2.123 2.315 1.898 2.123 2.315 2.123 2.315 2.315 696 1.053696 696 1.256 6961.053 1.053 1.378 1.053 1.256 1.256 1.459 1.256 1.378 1.378 1.541 1.378 1.459 1.459 1.642 1.459 1.541 1.541 1.825 1.541 1.642 1.642 2.068 1.642 1.825 1.825 2.941 1.825 2.068 2.068 1.881 2.068 2.941 2.941 2.105 1.881 2.941 1.881 2.105 2.297 1.881 2.105 2.297 2.105 2.297 2.297 1,50 1,50 1,50 111 153 111 111 178 111153 153 195 153178 178 211 178 195 195 232 195 211 211 270 211 232 232 321 232 270 270 501 270 321 321302 321 501 501352 302 501 302352 394 302 352394 352 394 394 09SDFTF01S SANGAL 09SDFTF01S 09SDFTF01S 09SDFTF01S DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO DEQO - FASHION seduta -- FASHION FASHION Terminale Fodera Fodera Fodera seduta 107 seduta sxTerminale Terminale Terminale 107 sx 107 107 sx sx 1,80 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL seat DEQO DEQO DEQO cushions - FASHION -- FASHION FASHION coverings seatseat seat cushions forcushions Endcoverings unitcoverings 107 for leftEnd for for unit End End 107 unit unitleft 107 107 left left 0,81 0,81 0,81 1,80 1,80 1,80 105 158 105 105 189 105158 158 210 158189 189 231 189 210 210 258 210 231 231 305 231 258 258 368 258 305 305 594 305 368 368335 368 594 594397 335 594 335397 449 335 397449 397 449 449 60 60 09SDFPR14S 60 SANGAL 09SDFPR14S 09SDFPR14S 09SDFPR14S DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO DEQO - FASHION profilo -- FASHION FASHION Terminale Fodera Fodera Fodera profilo 107profilo sxTerminale Terminale Terminale 107 sx 107 107 sx sx for End unit 107 for leftEnd for End unit unit 107 107 107 left left left SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL DEQO piping DEQO DEQO - FASHION -- FASHION FASHION piping piping piping 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 26 26 70 26 54 54 82 54 70 7093 7082 82 107 8293 93 132 93 107 107 166 107 132 132 286 132 166 166144 166 286 286177 144 286 144177 205 144 177205 177 205 205 09SDFTF02S SANGAL 09SDFTF02S 09SDFTF02S 09SDFTF02S DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO DEQO - FASHION telaio -- FASHION FASHION Terminale Fodera Fodera Fodera telaio 107telaio sxTerminale Terminale Terminale 107 sx 107 107 sx sx 4,00 for frame End unit 107for left End for End End unit unit 107 unit 107 left 107 left left SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL DEQO frame DEQO DEQO - coverings FASHION -- FASHION FASHION frame frame coverings coverings 4,00 4,00 4,00 189 308 189 189 379 189308 308 427 308379 379 474 379 427 427 534 427 474 474 641 474 534 534 784 534 641 641 1.295 641 784 784 1.295 683 784 1.295 1.295 823 683 683823 942 683 823942 823 942 942 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL back DEQO DEQO DEQO cushion - FASHION -- FASHION FASHION coverings backback back cushion 60 cushion coverings coverings 60 60 60 mc 0,81 mc mc mc Kg 60 Kg KgKg 09SDFTE03S SANGAL 09SDFTE03S 09SDFTE03S 09SDFTE03S DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Terminale DEQO DEQO - FASHION --137 FASHION FASHION sx Terminale piuma Terminale Terminale 137 sx 137piuma sx piuma piuma SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL DEQO End DEQO DEQO unit - FASHION --137 FASHION FASHION leftEnd feather End End unitunit 137 137 left feather left feather feather 09SDFTE04S SANGAL 09SDFTE04S 09SDFTE04S 09SDFTE04S DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Terminale DEQO DEQO - FASHION --137 FASHION FASHION sx Terminale espanso Terminale Terminale 137 sx 137espanso sx espanso espanso SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL DEQO End DEQO DEQO unit - FASHION --137 FASHION FASHION leftEnd polyurethane End End unitunit 137 137 left polyurethane left polyurethane polyurethane 7,80 09SDFSF02 2,30 SANGAL 09SDFSF02 09SDFSF02 09SDFSF02 DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO DEQO - FASHION schienale -- FASHION FASHION Fodera 80 Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 80 80 54 26 843 7,80 7,80 1.236 7,80 843 843 1.467 8431.236 1.236 1.606 1.236 1.467 1.467 1.698 1.467 1.606 1.606 1.790 1.606 1.698 1.698 1.906 1.698 1.790 1.790 2.114 1.790 1.906 1.906 2.391 1.906 2.114 2.114 3.384 2.114 2.391 2.391 2.185 2.391 3.384 3.384 2.440 2.185 3.384 2.185 2.440 2.659 2.185 2.440 2.659 2.440 2.659 2.659 787 1.181787 787 1.412 7871.181 1.181 1.550 1.181 1.412 1.412 1.643 1.412 1.550 1.550 1.735 1.550 1.643 1.643 1.850 1.643 1.735 1.735 2.058 1.735 1.850 1.850 2.336 1.850 2.058 2.058 3.329 2.058 2.336 2.336 2.129 2.336 3.329 3.329 2.385 2.129 3.329 2.129 2.385 2.604 2.129 2.385 2.604 2.385 2.604 2.604 2,30 2,30 2,30 124 191 124 124 231 124191 191 257 191231 231 284 231 257 257 317 257 284 284 377 284 317 317 457 317 377 377 743 377 457 457414 457 743 743491 414 743 414491 558 414 491558 491 558 558 09SDFTF03S SANGAL 09SDFTF03S 09SDFTF03S 09SDFTF03S DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO DEQO - FASHION seduta -- FASHION FASHION Terminale Fodera Fodera Fodera seduta 137 seduta sxTerminale Terminale Terminale 137 sx 137 137 sx sx 1,80 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL seat DEQO DEQO DEQO cushions - FASHION -- FASHION FASHION coverings seatseat seat cushions forcushions Endcoverings unitcoverings 137 for leftEnd for for unit End End 137 unit unitleft 137 137 left left 0,95 0,95 0,95 1,80 1,80 1,80 109 161 109 109 193 109161 161 214 161193 193 235 193 214 214 261 214 235 235 308 235 261 261 371 261 308 308 597 308 371 371346 371 597 597407 346 597 346407 460 346 407460 407 460 460 63 63 09SDFPR15S 63 SANGAL 09SDFPR15S 09SDFPR15S 09SDFPR15S DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO DEQO - FASHION profilo -- FASHION FASHION Terminale Fodera Fodera Fodera profilo 137profilo sxTerminale Terminale Terminale 137 sx 137 137 sx sx for End unit 137 for leftEnd for End unit unit 137 137 137 left left left SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL DEQO piping DEQO DEQO - FASHION -- FASHION FASHION piping piping piping 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 26 26 71 26 54 54 82 54 71 7193 7182 82 107 8293 93 132 93 107 107 166 107 132 132 286 132 166 166145 166 286 286177 145 286 145177 205 145 177205 177 205 205 09SDFTF04S SANGAL 09SDFTF04S 09SDFTF04S 09SDFTF04S DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO DEQO - FASHION telaio -- FASHION FASHION Terminale Fodera Fodera Fodera telaio 137telaio sxTerminale Terminale Terminale 137 sx 137 137 sx sx 4,00 for frame End unit 137for left End for End End unit unit 137 unit 137 left 137 left left SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL DEQO frame DEQO DEQO - coverings FASHION -- FASHION FASHION frame frame coverings coverings 4,00 4,00 4,00 207 326 207 207 397 207326 326 445 326397 397 493 397 445 445 552 445 493 493 659 493 552 552 802 552 659 659 1.314 659 802 802 1.314 709 802 1.314 1.314 848 709 709848 967 709 848967 848 967 967 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL back DEQO DEQO DEQO cushion - FASHION -- FASHION FASHION coverings backback back cushion 80 cushion coverings coverings 80 80 80 mc 0,95 mc mc mc Kg 63 Kg KgKg 54 26 Mod.SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Fashion od. SANGAL Mod. Mod. SANGAL DEQO - DEQO Fashion DEQO - Fashion -- Fashion 1,50 1,50 111 111 153 111 153 178 111 153 178 195 153 178 195 211 178 195 211 232 195 211 232 270 211 232 270 270 321 232 321 501 270 501321302 321 302501352 501 352 302394 302394 352352 394 394 09SDFTF05S SANGAL DEQO FASHION Fodera Terminale 09SDFTF05S SANGAL 09SDFTF05S 09SDFTF05S DEQO SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO - FASHION sedute -- FASHION Fodera Terminale Fodera sedute 167 sedute Terminale sx Terminale 167 sx 167 167 sx sx 3,50 SANGAL DEQO FASHION seat for SANGAL DEQO - SANGAL FASHION SANGAL DEQO seatDEQO -cushions FASHION -- FASHION coverings seat cushions seat forcushions End coverings unitcoverings 167 for left End unit for End End 167unit unit left 167 167 left left 1,13 1,13 1,13 3,50 3,50 3,50 173 173 275 173 275 336 173 275 336 376 275 336 376 417 336 376 417 468 376 417 468 559 417 468 559 1.117 559 681 468 681 1.117 5591.117681637 681 637 1.117 756 756 637857 637857 756756 857 857 70 70 09SDFPR16S 70 SANGAL 09SDFPR16S 09SDFPR16S 09SDFPR16S DEQO SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO DEQO - FASHION profilo -- FASHION FASHION Fodera Terminale Fodera Fodera profilo 167profilo Terminale sx Terminale Terminale 167 sx 167 167 sx sx for Endpiping unit 167 for End leftfor unit End 167 unit left167 167 left left SANGAL DEQO SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO piping DEQO DEQO - FASHION -- FASHION FASHION piping piping 1,10 1,10 1,10 1,10 27 27 59 27 59 78 27 78 59 90 59 90 78 103 78 103 90 119 90 119 103 147 103 147 119 185 119 185 147 320 147 320185167 185 167320203 320 203 167235 167235 203203 235 235 09SDFTF06S SANGAL 09SDFTF06S 09SDFTF06S 09SDFTF06S DEQO SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO DEQO - FASHION telaio -- FASHION FASHION Terminale FoderaFodera Fodera telaio 167Terminale telaio sx Terminale Terminale 167 sx 167 167 sx sx 5,90 for frame End unit 167 for End leftfor unitEnd End 167unit unit left167 167 left left SANGAL DEQO SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO frame DEQO DEQO - FASHION coverings -- FASHION FASHION frame frame coverings coverings 5,90 5,90 5,90 245 245 420 245 420 525 245 525 420 595 420 595 525 665 525 665 595 752 595 752 665 910 665 910 752 1.120 752 1.120 910 1.872 9101.872 1.120 1.001 1.1201.001 1.872 1.206 1.872 1.206 1.001 1.381 1.001 1.381 1.206 1.206 1.381 1.381 1.132 12,50 12,50 1.708 12,50 1.132 1.132 1.708 2.079 1.132 1.708 2.079 2.301 1.708 2.079 2.301 2.450 2.079 2.301 2.450 2.598 2.784 3.118 3.563 5.158 3.162 3.548 2.450 2.598 2.301 2.598 2.784 2.450 2.784 3.118 2.598 3.118 3.563 2.784 3.563 5.158 3.1185.158 3.162 3.5633.162 3.548 5.158 3.548 3.878 3.162 3.878 3.548 3.878 3.878 1.096 1.672 1.096 1.096 1.672 2.043 1.096 1.672 2.043 2.266 1.672 2.043 2.266 2.414 2.043 2.266 2.414 2.563 2.748 3.082 3.527 5.123 3.126 3.512 2.414 2.563 2.266 2.563 2.748 2.414 2.748 3.082 2.563 3.082 3.527 2.748 3.527 5.123 3.0825.123 3.126 3.5273.126 3.512 5.123 3.512 3.843 3.126 3.843 3.512 3.843 3.843 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 111 111 153 111 153 178 111 153 178 195 153 178 195 211 178 195 211 232 195 211 232 270 211 232 270 270 321 232 321 501 270 501321302 321 302501352 501 352 302394 302394 352352 394 394 2,30 2,30 2,30 2,30 124 124 191 124 191 231 124 191 231 257 191 231 257 284 231 257 284 317 257 284 317 377 284 317 377 377 457 317 457 743 377 743457414 457 414743491 743 491 414558 414558 491491 558 558 75 09SDFTF07S SANGAL DEQO FASHION Fodera Terminale 75 75 09SDFTF07S SANGAL 09SDFTF07S 09SDFTF07S DEQO SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO - FASHION sedute -- FASHION Fodera Terminale Fodera sedute 187 sedute Terminale sx Terminale 187 sx 187 187 sx sx 3,50 3,50 End unit for 187End leftfor for unitEnd End 187unit unit left 187 187 left left SANGAL DEQO FASHION seat for coverings SANGAL DEQO SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL DEQO seat DEQO - FASHION cushions -- FASHION seat coverings cushions seat cushions coverings coverings 3,50 3,50 173 173 275 173 275 336 173 275 336 376 275 336 376 417 336 376 417 468 376 417 468 559 417 468 559 1.117 559 681 468 681 1.117 5591.117681640 681 640 1.117 759 759 640861 640861 759759 861 861 235 235 09SDFSF01 SANGAL DEQO FASHION Fodera 60 SANGAL 09SDFSF01 09SDFSF01 DEQO SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO - FASHION schienale -- FASHION Fodera 60 Fodera schienale schienale 60 1,50 Pelle Top Leather Top Prestige Prestige Elite Elite Star Star Top Top Lux Top Extra Lux Super Extra Normal Leather Elite 1,50 09SDFSF01 Pelle Elite Leather Elite Pelle Elite 2.158 2.296 2.435 2.608 2.920 3.336 4.826 2.971 3.331 2.296 2.435 2.158 2.435 2.608 2.296 2.608 2.920 2.435 2.920 3.336 2.608 3.336 4.826 2.9204.826 2.971 3.3362.971 3.331 4.826 3.331 3.640 2.971 3.640 3.331 3.640 3.640 Leather Star 1.950 2.158 2.296 1.950 Leather Elite Pelle Star Leather Pelle StarStar 1.603 1.950 2.158 1.603 Pelle Elite Leather TopTop Leather Elite Top Pelle Elite 1.043 1.603 1.950 1.043 Pelle Star Leather Pelle TopStar 1.603 1.043 Pelle Star Prestige Leather Star 1.043 Pelle Top Elite Leather Top 2.181 2.320 2.458 2.631 2.943 3.359 4.849 2.986 3.346 2.320 2.458 2.181 2.458 2.631 2.320 2.631 2.943 2.458 2.943 3.359 2.631 3.359 4.849 2.9434.849 2.986 3.3592.986 3.346 4.849 3.346 3.655 2.986 3.655 3.346 3.655 3.655 Prestige Star 1.973 2.181 2.320 1.973 Elite Top 1.627 1.973 2.181 1.627 Star Lux Tess Cliente Tess Cliente Normal Super Customer fabric 1.066 1.627 1.973 1.066 09SDFTE05S SANGAL DEQO FASHION Terminale 09SDFTE05S SANGAL 09SDFTE05S 09SDFTE05S DEQO SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL DEQO Terminale DEQO - FASHION --167 FASHION Terminale sx piuma Terminale 167 sx piuma 167 sx piuma piuma SANGAL DEQO FASHION End left feather SANGAL DEQO SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL DEQO End DEQO - FASHION unit--167 FASHION left End feather unit End 167 unit left167 feather feather 09SDFTE06S SANGAL DEQO FASHION Terminale 09SDFTE06S SANGAL 09SDFTE06S 09SDFTE06S DEQO SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL DEQO Terminale DEQO - FASHION --167 FASHION Terminale sx espanso Terminale 167 sx espanso 167 sx espanso espanso SANGAL DEQO FASHION End left polyurethane SANGAL DEQO SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL DEQO End DEQO - FASHION unit--167 FASHION left End polyurethane unit End 167 unit left167 polyurethane polyurethane Lux Extra In Bianco Tess Cliente In Bianco Normal No coverings Customer fabric No coverings 11,70 1.627 11,70 1.066 Descrizione Descrizione Descrizione Extra Super Mt Tessuto Tess Cliente In Bianco Mt Tessuto Fabric mt fabric Customer No coverings Fabric mt 1.066 11,70 Codice Descrizione Codice Codice Super Normal In Bianco Mt Tessuto No coverings Fabric mt 11,70 Codice Customer fabric Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Larghezza bracciolo Larghezza Larghezza Larghezza 27 bracciolo bracciolo bracciolo 27 27 27 Armrest lenght Armrest Armrest lenght 27 lenght lenght 27 27 Armrest 27 SANGAL DEQO FASHION back 60 SANGAL DEQO - SANGAL FASHION SANGAL DEQO back DEQO - cushion FASHION -- FASHION coverings back cushion back 60 cushion coverings coverings 60 60 mc 1,13 mc mc mc Kg 70 KgKgKg 09SDFTE07S SANGAL DEQO FASHION Terminale 09SDFTE07S SANGAL 09SDFTE07S 09SDFTE07S DEQO SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL DEQO Terminale DEQO - FASHION --187 FASHION Terminale sx piuma Terminale 187 sx piuma 187 sx piuma piuma SANGAL DEQO FASHION End left feather SANGAL DEQO SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL DEQO End DEQO - FASHION unit--187 FASHION left End feather unit End 187 unit left187 feather feather 09SDFTE08S SANGAL DEQO FASHION Terminale 09SDFTE08S SANGAL 09SDFTE08S 09SDFTE08S DEQO SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL DEQO Terminale DEQO - FASHION --187 FASHION Terminale sx espanso Terminale 187 sx espanso 187 sx espanso espanso SANGAL DEQO FASHION End left polyurethane SANGAL DEQO SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL DEQO End DEQO - FASHION unit--187 FASHION left End polyurethane unit End 187 unit left187 polyurethane polyurethane 09SDFSF01 09SDFSF01 SANGAL DEQO FASHION Fodera 60 SANGAL 09SDFSF01 09SDFSF01 DEQO SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO - FASHION schienale -- FASHION Fodera 60 Fodera schienale schienale 60 12,50 SANGAL DEQO FASHION back 60 SANGAL DEQO - SANGAL FASHION SANGAL DEQO back DEQO - cushion FASHION -- FASHION coverings back cushion back 60 cushion coverings coverings 60 60 mc 1,30 mc mc mc Kg 75 KgKgKg 09SDFSF02 1,30 1,30 1,30 09SDFSF02 SANGAL DEQO FASHION Fodera 80 SANGAL 09SDFSF02 09SDFSF02 DEQO SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO - FASHION schienale -- FASHION Fodera 80 Fodera schienale schienale 80 SANGAL DEQO - SANGAL FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO back DEQO DEQO - cushion FASHION -- FASHION FASHION coverings back cushion back back 80 cushion coverings coverings 80 80 80 09SDFPR17S SANGAL 09SDFPR17S 09SDFPR17S 09SDFPR17S DEQO SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO DEQO - FASHION profilo -- FASHION FASHION Fodera Terminale Fodera Fodera profilo 187profilo Terminale sx Terminale Terminale 187 sx 187 187 sx sx for Endpiping unit 187 for End leftfor unit End 187 unit left187 187 left left SANGAL DEQO SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO piping DEQO DEQO - FASHION -- FASHION FASHION piping piping 1,10 1,10 1,10 1,10 27 27 59 27 59 78 27 78 59 90 59 90 78 103 78 103 90 119 90 119 103 147 103 147 119 185 119 185 147 320 147 320185167 185 167320204 320 204 167235 167235 204204 09SDFTF08S SANGAL 09SDFTF08S 09SDFTF08S 09SDFTF08S DEQO SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO DEQO - FASHION telaio -- FASHION FASHION Terminale FoderaFodera Fodera telaio 187Terminale telaio sx Terminale Terminale 187 sx 187 187 sx sx 5,90 for frame End unit 187 for End leftfor unitEnd End 187unit unit left187 187 left left SANGAL DEQO SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO frame DEQO DEQO - FASHION coverings -- FASHION FASHION frame frame coverings coverings 5,90 5,90 5,90 247 247 422 247 422 527 247 527 422 597 422 597 527 667 527 667 597 755 597 755 667 912 667 912 755 1.122 755 1.122 912 1.875 9121.875 1.122 1.007 1.1221.007 1.875 1.212 1.875 1.212 1.007 1.387 1.007 1.387 1.212 1.212 1.387 1.387 1.275 12,90 12,90 1.913 12,90 1.275 1.275 1.913 2.294 1.275 1.913 2.294 2.523 1.913 2.294 2.523 2.676 2.294 2.523 2.676 2.828 3.019 3.363 3.820 5.461 3.492 3.914 2.676 2.828 2.523 2.828 3.019 2.676 3.019 3.363 2.828 3.363 3.820 3.019 3.820 5.461 3.3635.461 3.492 3.8203.492 3.914 5.461 3.914 4.275 3.492 4.275 3.914 4.275 4.275 1.225 1.863 1.225 1.225 1.863 2.244 1.225 1.863 2.244 2.473 1.863 2.244 2.473 2.626 2.244 2.473 2.626 2.778 2.969 3.312 3.770 5.410 3.442 3.863 2.626 2.778 2.473 2.778 2.969 2.626 2.969 3.312 2.778 3.312 3.770 2.969 3.770 5.410 3.3125.410 3.442 3.7703.442 3.863 5.410 3.863 4.225 3.442 4.225 3.863 4.225 4.225 1,50 1,50 1,50 111 111 153 111 153 178 111 153 178 195 153 178 195 211 178 195 211 232 195 211 232 270 211 232 270 270 321 232 321 501 270 501321302 321 302501352 501 352 302394 302394 352352 394 394 09SDFTF09S SANGAL 09SDFTF09S 09SDFTF09S 09SDFTF09S DEQO SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO DEQO - FASHION sedute -- FASHION FASHION Fodera Terminale Fodera Fodera sedute 207 sedute Terminale sx Terminale Terminale 207 sx 207 207 sx sx 3,50 SANGAL DEQO FASHION seat for SANGAL DEQO - SANGAL FASHION SANGAL DEQO seatDEQO -cushions FASHION -- FASHION coverings seat cushions seat forcushions End coverings unitcoverings 207 for left End unit for End End 207unit unit left 207 207 left left 1,44 1,44 1,44 3,50 3,50 3,50 173 173 275 173 275 336 173 336 275 376 275 376 336 417 336 417 376 468 376 468 417 559 417 559 468 681 468 681 559 1.117 5591.117681640 681 640 1.117 1.117 759 759 640861 640861 759759 861 861 79 79 09SDFPR18S 79 SANGAL 09SDFPR18S 09SDFPR18S 09SDFPR18S DEQO SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO DEQO - FASHION profilo -- FASHION FASHION Fodera Terminale Fodera Fodera profilo 207profilo Terminale sx Terminale Terminale 207 sx 207 207 sx sx for Endpiping unit 207 for End leftfor unit End 207 unit left207 207 left left SANGAL DEQO SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO piping DEQO DEQO - FASHION -- FASHION FASHION piping piping 1,10 1,10 1,10 1,10 28 28 59 28 59 78 28 78 59 91 59 91 78 103 78 103 91 119 91 119 103 147 103 147 119 185 119 185 147 321 147 321185167 185 167321204 321 204 167236 167236 204204 236 236 09SDFTF10S SANGAL 09SDFTF10S 09SDFTF10S 09SDFTF10S DEQO SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO DEQO - FASHION telaio -- FASHION FASHION Terminale FoderaFodera Fodera telaio 207Terminale telaio sx Terminale Terminale 207 sx 207 207 sx sx 5,90 for frame End unit 207 for End leftfor unitEnd End 207unit unit left207 207 left left SANGAL DEQO SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO frame DEQO DEQO - FASHION coverings -- FASHION FASHION frame frame coverings coverings 5,90 5,90 5,90 250 250 425 250 425 530 250 530 425 600 425 600 530 670 530 670 600 757 600 757 670 915 670 915 757 1.125 757 1.125 915 1.877 9151.877 1.125 1.009 1.1251.009 1.877 1.214 1.877 1.214 1.009 1.390 1.009 1.390 1.214 1.214 1.390 1.390 1.361 13,70 13,70 2.032 13,70 1.361 1.361 2.032 2.438 1.361 2.032 2.438 2.682 2.032 2.682 2.438 2.844 2.438 2.844 2.682 3.007 2.682 3.007 2.844 3.210 2.844 3.210 3.007 3.575 3.007 3.575 3.210 4.062 3.210 4.062 3.575 5.808 3.5755.808 4.062 3.675 4.0623.675 5.808 4.116 5.808 4.116 3.675 4.494 3.675 4.494 4.116 4.116 4.494 4.494 1.286 1.958 1.286 1.286 1.958 2.364 1.286 1.958 2.364 2.607 1.958 2.607 2.364 2.770 2.364 2.770 2.607 2.932 2.607 2.932 2.770 3.135 2.770 3.135 2.932 3.500 2.932 3.500 3.135 3.988 3.135 3.988 3.500 5.733 3.5005.733 3.988 3.600 3.9883.600 5.733 4.041 5.733 4.041 3.600 4.419 3.600 4.419 4.041 4.041 4.419 4.419 09SDFTE09S SANGAL DEQO FASHION Terminale 09SDFTE09S SANGAL 09SDFTE09S 09SDFTE09S DEQO SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL DEQO Terminale DEQO - FASHION --207 FASHION Terminale sx piuma Terminale 207 sx piuma 207 sx piuma piuma SANGAL DEQO FASHION End left feather SANGAL DEQO SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL DEQO End DEQO - FASHION unit--207 FASHION left End feather unit End 207 unit left207 feather feather 09SDFTE10S SANGAL DEQO FASHION Terminale 09SDFTE10S SANGAL 09SDFTE10S 09SDFTE10S DEQO SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL DEQO Terminale DEQO - FASHION --207 FASHION Terminale sx espanso Terminale 207 sx espanso 207 sx espanso espanso SANGAL DEQO FASHION End left polyurethane SANGAL DEQO SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL DEQO End DEQO - FASHION unit--207 FASHION left End polyurethane unit End 207 unit left207 polyurethane polyurethane 09SDFSF01 09SDFSF01 SANGAL DEQO FASHION Fodera 60 SANGAL 09SDFSF01 09SDFSF01 DEQO SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO - FASHION schienale -- FASHION Fodera 60 Fodera schienale schienale 60 12,90 1,50 SANGAL DEQO FASHION back 60 SANGAL DEQO - SANGAL FASHION SANGAL DEQO back DEQO - cushion FASHION -- FASHION coverings back cushion back 60 cushion coverings coverings 60 60 mc 1,44 mc mc mc Kg 79 KgKgKg 09SDFTE11S SANGAL 09SDFTE11S 09SDFTE11S 09SDFTE11S DEQO SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Terminale DEQO DEQO - FASHION --227 FASHION FASHION Terminale sx piuma Terminale Terminale 227 sx piuma 227 sx piuma piuma SANGAL DEQO SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO End DEQO DEQO - FASHION unit--227 FASHION FASHION left End feather unit End End 227 unit left227 feather left feather feather 09SDFTE12S SANGAL 09SDFTE12S 09SDFTE12S 09SDFTE12S DEQO SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Terminale DEQO DEQO - FASHION --227 FASHION FASHION Terminale sx espanso Terminale Terminale 227 sx espanso 227 sx espanso espanso SANGAL DEQO SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO End DEQO DEQO - FASHION unit--227 FASHION FASHION left End polyurethane unit End End 227 unit left227 polyurethane left polyurethane polyurethane 13,70 09SDFSF01 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 111 111 153 111 153 178 111 178 153 195 153 195 178 211 178 211 195 232 195 232 211 270 211 270 232 321 232 321 270 501 270 501321302 321 302501352 501 352 302394 302394 352352 394 394 2,30 2,30 2,30 2,30 124 124 191 124 191 231 124 191 231 257 191 231 257 284 231 257 284 317 257 284 317 377 284 317 377 377 457 317 457 743 377 743457414 457 414743491 743 491 414558 414558 491491 558 558 84 09SDFTF11S SANGAL DEQO FASHION Fodera Terminale 84 84 09SDFTF11S SANGAL 09SDFTF11S 09SDFTF11S DEQO SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO - FASHION sedute -- FASHION Fodera Terminale Fodera sedute 227 sedute Terminale sx Terminale 227 sx 227 227 sx sx 3,50 3,50 End unit for 227End leftfor for unitEnd End 227unit unit left 227 227 left left SANGAL DEQO FASHION seat for coverings SANGAL DEQO SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL DEQO seat DEQO - FASHION cushions -- FASHION seat coverings cushions seat cushions coverings coverings 3,50 3,50 181 181 283 181 283 344 181 283 344 384 283 344 384 425 344 384 425 476 384 425 476 567 425 476 567 1.125 567 689 476 689 1.125 5671.125689649 689 649 1.125 767 767 649869 649869 767767 869 869 236 236 SANGAL 09SDFSF01 09SDFSF01 09SDFSF01 DEQO SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO DEQO - FASHION schienale -- FASHION FASHION Fodera 60 Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 60 60 SANGAL DEQO - SANGAL FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO back DEQO DEQO - cushion FASHION -- FASHION FASHION coverings back cushion back back 60 cushion coverings coverings 60 60 60 mc 1,58 mc mc mc Kg 84 KgKgKg 09SDFSF02 1,58 1,58 1,58 09SDFSF02 SANGAL DEQO FASHION Fodera 80 SANGAL 09SDFSF02 09SDFSF02 DEQO SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO - FASHION schienale -- FASHION Fodera 80 Fodera schienale schienale 80 SANGAL DEQO FASHION back 80 SANGAL DEQO - SANGAL FASHION SANGAL DEQO back DEQO - cushion FASHION -- FASHION coverings back cushion back 80 cushion coverings coverings 80 80 09SDFPR19S SANGAL DEQO FASHION Fodera Terminale 09SDFPR19S SANGAL 09SDFPR19S 09SDFPR19S DEQO SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO - FASHION profilo -- FASHION Fodera Terminale Fodera profilo 227profilo Terminale sx Terminale 227 sx 227 227 sx sx unit for Endpiping unit 227 for End leftfor unit End 227 left227 227 left left SANGAL DEQO FASHION piping SANGAL DEQO SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL DEQO piping DEQO - FASHION -- FASHION piping 1,10 1,10 1,10 1,10 28 28 59 28 59 78 28 59 78 91 59 78 91 104 78 91 104 119 91 104 119 148 104 119 148 148 185 119 185 321 148 321185167 185 167321204 321 204 167236 167236 204204 09SDFTF12S SANGAL DEQO FASHION Fodera Terminale 09SDFTF12S SANGAL 09SDFTF12S 09SDFTF12S DEQO SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO - FASHION telaio -- FASHION Terminale FoderaFodera telaio 227Terminale telaio sx Terminale 227 sx 227 227 sx sx 5,90 for frame End unit 227 for End leftfor unitEnd End 227unit unit left227 227 left left SANGAL DEQO FASHION frame SANGAL DEQO SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL DEQO frame DEQO - FASHION coverings -- FASHION frame coverings coverings 5,90 5,90 5,90 259 259 434 259 434 539 259 434 539 609 434 539 609 679 539 609 679 767 609 679 767 924 679 767 924 1.134 1.887 1.019 1.224 924 1.134 767 1.134 1.887 9241.887 1.019 1.1341.019 1.224 1.887 1.224 1.399 1.019 1.399 1.224 1.399 1.399 2.387 2.630 2.387 2.793 2.630 2.793 2.630 2.955 2.955 2.793 2.793 3.158 3.158 2.955 2.955 3.523 3.523 3.158 3.158 4.011 4.011 3.523 3.523 5.756 5.756 4.011 4.011 3.7623.762 5.756 5.756 4.2384.238 3.762 3.762 4.6454.645 4.238 4.238 4.645 4.645 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 111 111 153 111 153 111 178 153 178 153 195 178 195 178 211 211 195 195 232 232 211 211 270 270 232 232 321 321 270270 501 501 321321 312 312 501501 364 364 312312 408 408 364364 408 408 2,30 2,30 2,30 2,30 124 124 191 124 191 124 231 191 231 191 257 231 257 231 284 284 257 257 317 317 284 284 377 377 317 317 457 457 377377 743 743 457457 429 429 743743 511 511 429429 582 582 511511 582 582 88 8888 09SDFTF13S SANGAL 09SDFTF13S 09SDFTF13S 09SDFTF13S DEQOSANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO DEQO - FASHION sedute -- FASHION FASHION Fodera Terminale Fodera Fodera sedute 247 sedute Terminale sx Terminale Terminale 247 sx 247 247 sx sx 3,50 3,50 forcoverings End unit for 247 End left for for unitEnd End 247unit unit left247 247 left left SANGAL DEQOSANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO seat DEQO DEQO - FASHION cushions -- FASHION FASHION seat coverings cushions seat seat cushions coverings coverings 3,50 3,50 181 181 283 181 283 181 344 283 344 283 384 344 384 344 425 425 384 384 476 476 425 425 567 567 476 476 689 689 567 1.125 567 1.125 689689 683 1.125 6831.125 808 808 683683 915 915 808808 915 915 186 148148 321 247 247 09SDFSF01 SANGAL 09SDFSF01 09SDFSF01 09SDFSF01 DEQOSANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO DEQO - FASHION schienale -- FASHION FASHION Fodera 60Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 60 60 Pelle Top Elite Leather Top Pelle Top Leather Top Prestige Pelle Star Prestige Leather Star Pelle Star Pelle TopStar Leather Leather Pelle Elite TopTop Pelle Prestige Elite Top Lux Leather Elite 1.981 2.387 1.981 2.630 Pelle Elite Leather Elite Pelle Elite 1.308 1.308 1.981 2.387 Leather Top Leather Elite Pelle Elite Pelle Star Leather Elite Leather Pelle StarStar Leather Star 1.308 1.981 Star Prestige 1.308 Elite Star 3.066 2.903 2.903 3.269 3.269 3.066 3.066 3.634 3.634 3.269 3.269 4.121 4.121 3.634 3.634 5.867 5.867 4.121 4.121 3.8733.873 5.867 5.867 4.3484.348 3.873 3.873 4.7564.756 4.348 4.348 4.756 4.756 Top Elite 2.741 2.903 2.741 3.066 Star Top 2.497 2.741 2.497 2.903 Lux Star 2.091 2.497 2.091 2.741 Extra Top Tess Cliente Tess Cliente Normal Customer fabric Super 1.419 1.419 2.091 2.497 Lux Extra In Bianco In Bianco Tess Cliente No coverings Normal Customer fabric No coverings 13,70 13,70 1.419 2.091 09SDFTE13S SANGAL 09SDFTE13S 09SDFTE13S 09SDFTE13S DEQOSANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Terminale DEQO DEQO - FASHION -- FASHION FASHION 247Terminale sx piuma Terminale Terminale 247 sx piuma 247 sx piuma piuma SANGAL DEQOSANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO End DEQO DEQO - FASHION unit -- FASHION 247 FASHION End left unit feather End End 247 unit left247 feather left feather feather 09SDFTE14S SANGAL 09SDFTE14S 09SDFTE14S 09SDFTE14S DEQOSANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Terminale DEQO DEQO - FASHION -- FASHION FASHION 247Terminale sx espanso Terminale Terminale 247 sx espanso 247 sx espanso espanso SANGAL DEQOSANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO End DEQO DEQO - FASHION unit -- FASHION 247 FASHION End left unit polyurethane End End 247 unit left247 polyurethane left polyurethane polyurethane Super Lux Mt Tessuto Mt Tessuto Tess Cliente In Bianco Fabric mt Fabric mt fabric No coverings Customer 1.419 13,70 Descrizione Codice Codice Codice Descrizione Descrizione Descrizione Super Extra In Bianco Mt Tessuto No coverings Fabric mt 13,70 Codice Normal Super Normal Extra Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Larghezza bracciolo Larghezza Larghezza Larghezza 27 bracciolo bracciolo bracciolo 27 27 27 Armrest lenght Armrest Armrest lenght 27 lenght lenght 27 27 Armrest 27 Customer fabric od. SANGAL Mod. Mod. Mod.SANGAL SANGAL DEQO SANGAL -DEQO Fashion DEQO DEQO - Fashion -- Fashion Fashion SANGAL DEQO SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO back DEQO DEQO - FASHION cushion -- FASHION FASHION coverings back cushion back back 60cushion coverings coverings 60 60 60 mc 1,72 mcmc mc Kg 88 KgKgKg 09SDFSF02 1,721,72 1,72 SANGAL 09SDFSF02 09SDFSF02 09SDFSF02 DEQOSANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO DEQO - FASHION schienale -- FASHION FASHION Fodera 80Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 80 80 SANGAL DEQO SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO back DEQO DEQO - FASHION cushion -- FASHION FASHION coverings back cushion back back 80cushion coverings coverings 80 80 80 09SDFPR20S SANGAL 09SDFPR20S 09SDFPR20S 09SDFPR20S DEQOSANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO DEQO - FASHION profilo -- FASHION FASHION Fodera Terminale Fodera Fodera profilo 247 profilo Terminale sx Terminale Terminale 247 sx 247 247 sx sx for End unit piping 247 for End left for unit End 247 unit left247 247 left left SANGAL DEQOSANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO piping DEQO DEQO - FASHION -- FASHION FASHION piping piping 1,10 1,10 1,10 1,1028 28 60 28 60 28 79 60 79 60 91 79 91 104 79 104 91120 91 120 104 104 148 148 120 120 186 09SDFTF14S SANGAL 09SDFTF14S 09SDFTF14S 09SDFTF14S DEQOSANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO DEQO - FASHION telaio -- FASHION FASHION Fodera Terminale Fodera Fodera telaio 247 Terminale telaio sx Terminale Terminale 247 sx 247 247 sx sx 5,90 forframe End unit for 247 End left for unit End End 247unit unit left247 247 left left SANGAL DEQOSANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO frame DEQO DEQO - FASHION coverings -- FASHION FASHION frame coverings frame coverings 5,90 5,90 5,90 261 261 436 261 436 261 541 436 541 436 611 541 611 541 681 681 611 611 769 769 681 681 926 926 769 1.136 769 1.136 926 1.889 926 1.889 1.136 1.136 1.0721.072 1.889 1.889 1.2881.288 1.072 1.072 1.4731.473 1.288 1.288 1.473 1.473 09SDFTE15S SANGAL 09SDFTE15S 09SDFTE15S 09SDFTE15S DEQOSANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Terminale/Angolo DEQO DEQO - FASHION -- FASHION FASHION Terminale/Angolo 160 Terminale/Angolo Terminale/Angolo sx piuma160 sx piuma 160 sx sx piuma piuma 9,10 SANGAL DEQOSANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO corner DEQO DEQO - FASHION end -- FASHION FASHION unit corner 160corner corner end leftunit feather end 160 unit left160 feather left left feather feather 09SDFTE16S SANGAL 09SDFTE16S 09SDFTE16S 09SDFTE16S DEQOSANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Terminale/Angolo DEQO DEQO - FASHION -- FASHION FASHION Terminale/Angolo 160 Terminale/Angolo Terminale/Angolo sx espanso 160 sx espanso 160 sx sx espanso espanso SANGAL DEQOSANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO corner DEQO DEQO - FASHION end -- FASHION FASHION unit corner 160corner corner end leftunit polyurethane end 160 unit left160 polyurethane left left polyurethane polyurethane 1.053 9,10 9,10 9,10 1.053 1.491 1.053 1.053 1.491 1.761 1.491 1.761 1.491 1.922 1.761 1.922 1.761 2.030 1.922 2.030 1.922 2.138 2.138 2.030 2.030 2.273 2.273 2.138 2.138 2.515 2.515 2.273 2.273 2.839 2.839 2.515 2.515 3.998 3.998 2.839 2.839 2.6972.697 3.998 3.998 3.0123.012 2.697 2.697 3.2833.283 3.012 3.012 3.283 3.283 1.034 1.034 1.472 1.034 1.034 1.472 1.741 1.472 1.741 1.472 1.903 1.741 1.903 1.741 2.011 1.903 2.011 1.903 2.119 2.119 2.011 2.011 2.253 2.253 2.119 2.119 2.496 2.496 2.253 2.253 2.819 2.819 2.496 2.496 3.978 3.978 2.819 2.819 2.6772.677 3.978 3.978 2.9932.993 2.677 2.677 3.2633.263 2.993 2.993 3.263 3.263 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 111 111 153 111 153 111 178 153 178 153 195 178 195 178 211 211 195 195 232 232 211 211 270 270 232 232 321 321 270270 501 501 321321 312 312 501501 364 364 312312 408 408 364364 408 408 09SDFTF15S SANGAL 09SDFTF15S 09SDFTF15S 09SDFTF15S DEQOSANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO DEQO - FASHION seduta -- FASHION FASHION Fodera Terminale/Angolo Fodera Fodera seduta seduta Terminale/Angolo 160 Terminale/Angolo Terminale/Angolo sx 160 sx 160 1602,60 sx sx 2,60 2,60 2,60 135 135 212 135 212 135 258 212 258 212 289 258 289 258 320 320 289 289 358 358 320 320 428 428 358 358 520 520 428428 851 851 520520 516 516 851851 611 611 516516 692 692 611611 692 692 1,00 1,00 1,0027 27 55 27 55 27 72 55 72 55 83 72 8372 94 94 83108 83 108 94133 94 133 108 108 167 167 133133 287 287 167167 159 159 287287 194 194 159159 223 223 194194 223 223 80 8080 09SDFTF16S SANGAL 09SDFTF16S 09SDFTF16S 09SDFTF16S DEQOSANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO DEQO - FASHION telaio -- FASHION FASHION Fodera Terminale/Angolo Fodera Fodera telaio Terminale/Angolo telaio160 Terminale/Angolo Terminale/Angolo sx 160 sx 160 160 sx sx 5,30 5,30 forframe corner end for unit corner for 160 end corner corner left unitend end 160unit unit left160 160 left left SANGAL DEQOSANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO frame DEQO DEQO - FASHION coverings -- FASHION FASHION frame coverings frame coverings 5,30 5,30 235 235 392 235 392 235 487 392 487 392 550 487 550 487 613 613 550 550 692 692 613 613 833 833 692 1.022 692 1.022 833 1.700 833 1.700 1.022 1.022 954 1.700 9541.700 1.1491.149 954 1.316 9541.316 1.149 1.149 1.316 1.316 1.254 10,30 10,30 10,30 1.254 1.747 1.254 1.254 1.747 2.052 1.747 2.052 1.747 2.234 2.052 2.234 2.052 2.356 2.234 2.356 2.234 2.478 2.478 2.356 2.356 2.630 2.630 2.478 2.478 2.904 2.904 2.630 2.630 3.270 3.270 2.904 2.904 4.579 4.579 3.270 3.270 3.1253.125 4.579 4.579 3.4813.481 3.125 3.125 3.7873.787 3.481 3.481 3.787 3.787 1.190 1.190 1.683 1.190 1.190 1.683 1.987 1.683 1.987 1.683 2.170 1.987 2.170 1.987 2.292 2.170 2.292 2.170 2.414 2.414 2.292 2.292 2.566 2.566 2.414 2.414 2.840 2.840 2.566 2.566 3.205 3.205 2.840 2.840 4.515 4.515 3.205 3.205 3.0613.061 4.515 4.515 3.4173.417 3.061 3.061 3.7233.723 3.417 3.417 3.723 3.723 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 111 111 153 111 153 111 178 153 178 153 195 178 195 178 211 211 195 195 232 232 211 211 270 270 232 232 321 321 270270 501 501 321321 312 312 501501 364 364 312312 408 408 364364 408 408 09SDFTF17S SANGAL 09SDFTF17S 09SDFTF17S 09SDFTF17S DEQOSANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO DEQO - FASHION seduta -- FASHION FASHION Fodera Terminale/Angolo Fodera Fodera seduta seduta Terminale/Angolo 220 Terminale/Angolo Terminale/Angolo sx 220 sx 220 2203,50 sx sx 3,50 3,50 3,50 160 160 262 160 262 160 323 262 323 262 363 323 363 323 404 404 363 363 455 455 404 404 546 546 455 455 668 668 546 1.104 546 1.104 668668 658 1.104 6581.104 783 783 658658 891 891 783783 891 891 1,10 1,10 1,1028 28 60 28 60 28 78 60 78 60 91 78 91 104 78 104 91119 91 119 104 104 148 148 119 119 186 186 148148 321 247 247 95 9595 09SDFTF18S SANGAL 09SDFTF18S 09SDFTF18S 09SDFTF18S DEQOSANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO DEQO - FASHION telaio -- FASHION FASHION Fodera Terminale/Angolo Fodera Fodera telaio Terminale/Angolo telaio220 Terminale/Angolo Terminale/Angolo sx 220 sx 220 220 sx sx 5,80 5,80 forframe corner end for unit corner for 220 end corner corner left unitend end 220unit unit left220 220 left left SANGAL DEQOSANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO frame DEQO DEQO - FASHION coverings -- FASHION FASHION frame coverings frame coverings 5,80 5,80 262 262 434 262 434 262 536 434 536 434 605 536 605 536 674 674 605 605 759 759 674 674 914 914 759 1.120 759 1.120 914 1.857 914 1.857 1.120 1.120 1.0551.055 1.857 1.857 1.2671.267 1.055 1.055 1.4481.448 1.267 1.267 1.448 1.448 732 6,40 6,40 6,40 1.066 732 732 1.066 1.255 732 1.066 1.255 1.066 1.368 1.255 1.368 1.255 1.444 1.368 1.444 1.368 1.519 1.519 1.444 1.444 1.614 1.614 1.519 1.519 1.784 1.784 1.614 1.614 2.011 2.011 1.784 1.784 2.824 2.824 2.011 2.011 1.9621.962 2.824 2.824 2.1952.195 1.962 1.962 2.3952.395 2.195 2.195 2.395 2.395 704 1.039 704 704 1.039 1.228 704 1.039 1.228 1.039 1.341 1.228 1.341 1.228 1.417 1.341 1.417 1.341 1.492 1.492 1.417 1.417 1.587 1.587 1.492 1.492 1.757 1.757 1.587 1.587 1.984 1.984 1.757 1.757 2.796 2.796 1.984 1.984 1.9341.934 2.796 2.796 2.1682.168 1.934 1.934 2.3682.368 2.168 2.168 2.368 2.368 09SDFSF01 SANGAL 09SDFSF01 09SDFSF01 09SDFSF01 DEQOSANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO DEQO - FASHION schienale -- FASHION FASHION Fodera 60Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 60 60 321 186186 175 175 321321 214 214 175175 247 247 214214 SANGAL DEQO SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO back DEQO DEQO - FASHION cushion -- FASHION FASHION coverings back cushion back back 60cushion coverings coverings 60 60 60 SANGAL DEQO SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO seat DEQO DEQO - FASHION cushion -- FASHION FASHION coverings seat cushion seat seat forcushion coverings corner coverings end forunit corner 160 for forend corner left corner unitend end 160unit unit left 160 160left left mc 1,13 mcmc mc Kg 80 KgKgKg 09SDFPR21S SANGAL 09SDFPR21S 09SDFPR21S 09SDFPR21S DEQOSANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO DEQO - FASHION profilo -- FASHION FASHION Fodera Terminale/Angolo Fodera Fodera profilo profilo Terminale/Angolo 160 Terminale/Angolo Terminale/Angolo sx 160 sx 160 160 sx 1,00 sx for corner end forunit corner for 160corner end leftunit end end 160 unit unit left160 160 left left 1,131,13 1,13 SANGAL DEQOSANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO piping DEQO DEQO - FASHION -- FASHION FASHION piping piping piping 09SDFTE17S SANGAL 09SDFTE17S 09SDFTE17S 09SDFTE17S DEQOSANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Terminale/Angolo DEQO DEQO - FASHION -- FASHION FASHION Terminale/Angolo 220 Terminale/Angolo Terminale/Angolo sx piuma220 sx piuma 220 sx sx piuma piuma 10,30 SANGAL DEQOSANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO corner DEQO DEQO - FASHION end -- FASHION FASHION unit corner 220corner corner end leftunit feather end 220 unit left220 feather left left feather feather 09SDFTE18S SANGAL 09SDFTE18S 09SDFTE18S 09SDFTE18S DEQOSANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Terminale/Angolo DEQO DEQO - FASHION -- FASHION FASHION Terminale/Angolo 220 Terminale/Angolo Terminale/Angolo sx espanso 220 sx espanso 220 sx sx espanso espanso SANGAL DEQOSANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO corner DEQO DEQO - FASHION end -- FASHION FASHION unit corner 220corner corner end leftunit polyurethane end 220 unit left220 polyurethane left left polyurethane polyurethane 09SDFSF01 SANGAL 09SDFSF01 09SDFSF01 09SDFSF01 DEQOSANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO DEQO - FASHION schienale -- FASHION FASHION Fodera 60Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 60 60 SANGAL DEQO SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO back DEQO DEQO - FASHION cushion -- FASHION FASHION coverings back cushion back back 60cushion coverings coverings 60 60 60 SANGAL DEQO SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO seat DEQO DEQO - FASHION cushion -- FASHION FASHION coverings seat cushion seat seat forcushion coverings corner coverings end forunit corner 220 for forend corner left corner unitend end 220unit unit left 220 220left left mc 1,58 mcmc mc Kg 95 KgKgKg 09SDFPR22S SANGAL 09SDFPR22S 09SDFPR22S 09SDFPR22S DEQOSANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO DEQO - FASHION profilo -- FASHION FASHION Fodera Terminale/Angolo Fodera Fodera profilo profilo Terminale/Angolo 220 Terminale/Angolo Terminale/Angolo sx 220 sx 220 220 sx 1,10 sx for corner end forunit corner for 220corner end leftunit end end 220 unit unit left220 220 left left 1,581,58 1,58 SANGAL DEQOSANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO piping DEQO DEQO - FASHION -- FASHION FASHION piping piping piping 09SDFAN01 09SDFAN02 09SDFSF01 321 186186 175 175 321321 214 214 175175 247 247 214214 SANGAL 09SDFAN01 09SDFAN01 09SDFAN01 DEQOSANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Angolo DEQO DEQO - FASHION quadro -- FASHION FASHION Angolo piuma Angolo Angolo quadroquadro piuma piuma SANGAL DEQOSANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO corner DEQO DEQO - FASHION --feather FASHION FASHION cornercorner corner featherfeather SANGAL 09SDFAN02 09SDFAN02 09SDFAN02 DEQOSANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Angolo DEQO DEQO - FASHION quadro -- FASHION FASHION Angolo espanso Angolo Angolo quadroquadro espanso espanso espanso SANGAL DEQOSANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO corner DEQO DEQO - FASHION --polyurethane FASHION FASHION cornercorner corner polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane 6,40 SANGAL 09SDFSF01 09SDFSF01 09SDFSF01 DEQOSANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO DEQO - FASHION schienale -- FASHION FASHION Fodera 60Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 60 60 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 111 111 153 111 153 111 178 153 178 153 195 178 195 178 211 211 195 195 232 232 211 211 270 270 232 232 321 321 270270 501 501 321321 322 322 501501 376 376 322322 423 423 376376 423 423 1,60 1,60 1,60 1,60 104 104 149 104 149 104 177 149 177 149 195 177 195 177 213 213 195 195 236 236 213 213 277 277 236 236 331 331 277277 527 527 331331 345 345 527527 404 404 345345 455 455 404404 455 455 253 147147 141 141 253253 172 172 141141 200 200 172172 200 200 SANGAL DEQO SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO back DEQO DEQO - FASHION cushion -- FASHION FASHION coverings back cushion back back 60cushion coverings coverings 60 60 60 0,81 mcmc mc 09SDFAF01 0,810,81 0,81 SANGAL 09SDFAF01 09SDFAF01 09SDFAF01 DEQOSANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO DEQO - FASHION seduta -- FASHION FASHION Fodera Angolo Fodera Fodera seduta quadro seduta Angolo Angolo quadro quadro quadro mc Kg 68 68 6868 09SDFPR23 SANGAL 09SDFPR23 09SDFPR23 09SDFPR23 DEQOSANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO DEQO - FASHION profilo -- FASHION FASHION Fodera Angolo Fodera Fodera profilo quadro profilo Angolo Angolo quadro quadro quadro for corner for corner for corner SANGAL DEQOSANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO piping DEQO DEQO - FASHION -- FASHION FASHION piping piping piping 0,90 0,90 0,90 0,9025 25 49 25 49 25 64 49 64 49 74 64 7464 84 84 7474 96 96 84118 84 118 96147 96 147 118118 253 09SDFAF02 SANGAL 09SDFAF02 09SDFAF02 09SDFAF02 DEQOSANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO DEQO - FASHION telaio -- FASHION FASHION Fodera Angolo Fodera Fodera telaio quadro Angolo telaio Angolo quadro quadro quadro forframe corner for corner for corner corner SANGAL DEQOSANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO frame DEQO DEQO - FASHION coverings -- FASHION FASHION frame coverings frame coverings 4,00 4,00 4,00 4,00 158 158 277 158 277 158 348 277 348 277 396 348 396 348 443 443 396 396 503 503 443 443 610 610 503 503 753 753 610 1.264 610 1.264 753753 725 1.264 7251.264 880 880 725 1.013 7251.013 880880 1.013 1.013 KgKgKg SANGAL DEQO SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO seat DEQO DEQO - FASHION cushion -- FASHION FASHION coverings seat cushion seat seat forcushion coverings corner coverings for corner for for corner corner 2.584 2.298 2.298 3.607 2.584 2.298 3.607 2.564 2.279 2.279 3.588 2.584 2.298 3.607 2.564 2.279 3.588 2.584 2.298 3.607 2.564 2.279 3.588 321 270 270 501 2.564 2.279 3.588 321 270501 321 270428 501 520 428 851 321 270851 501 520 428 491258 289 320 320 358 358 71 82 71 93 586 289 82 93 107 82 668 320 107 93428 132 93 491 258 289 320 586 289 320 358 668 320 358 155 71 8293 189 82 93 107219 107 93428 132 428 358 520 132 107 107 166 428 358 132 107520 166 520 428 851 166 132132 286 520 428 166 132851 286 851 520 491 286 166166 155 851 520 286 166491 155 491 851 586 155 286286 189 491 851 155 286586 189 155428 71 82 93 189 480 82 93 107 219 532 107 93 132 480 428 532 532 480 597 597 532 713 155 71 82 93 189 82 93 107 219 107 93 132 812 428 480 532 972 480 532 597 1.109 532 597713 868221 350 4281.425350 428 480 812428 480 532 972 480 532 597 1.109 532 597713 868 221 350 428 1.425350 428 480 812428 480 532 972480 532 5971.109532 597713 132 107 166 713 597 597 868 132 107 166 713 597868 713 597868 713 597868 166 132 286 868 713 1.425 713 166 132 286 868 713 1.425 868 713 1.425 868 713 1.425 286 166868 155 1.425 868 812 286 166 155 1.425 868812 1.425 868812 1.425 868812 155 286 189 1.425 812 1.425 972 155 286 189 1.425 812 972 1.425 812 972 1.425 812 972 09SDFEL15 SANGAL 09SDFEL15 09SDFEL15 09SDFEL15 DEQOSANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Elem DEQO DEQO - FASHION chaise -- FASHION FASHION longue Elem chaise Elem Elem 160 piuma chaise longuelongue 160 piuma 160 160 piuma piuma 6,60 846 6,60 6,60 6,60 1.228 846 846 1.424 846 1.228 1.228 1.228 1.424 1.542 1.424 1.542 1.424 1.620 1.542 1.620 1.542 1.699 1.620 1.699 1.620 1.797 1.699 1.797 1.699 1.973 FASHION SANGAL chaise DEQO FASHION lounge --- FASHION FASHION FASHION chaise chaise chaise lounge lounge without armrest without 160 without without armrest feather armrest armrest 160 feather 160 160 feather feather SANGAL DEQO - FASHION Elem chaise 09SDFEL15 longue 160 SANGAL 09SDFEL15 piuma 09SDFEL15 DEQOSANGAL -- FASHION SANGAL DEQO Elem DEQO -- FASHION chaise 6,60 longue Elem 846 chaise Elem 160 piuma 1.228 chaise longue longue 160 1.424 piuma 160 piuma 1.542 1.620 6,60 1.699 846 6,60 1.797 6,60 1.228 846 1.973 846 1.424 1.228 2.208 1.228 1.424 1.5423.051 1.424 1.542 1.6202.114 1.542 1.620 1.699 2.3501.620 1.699 1.797 2.5521.699 1.797 1.973 09SDFEL16 09SDFEL16 09SDFEL16 09SDFEL16 SANGAL DEQO ---FASHION Elem espanso chaise espanso 160 piuma espanso espanso 827 1.209 827 1.973 827 1.405 827 1.209 2.208 1.209 1.209 1.405 1.5223.051 1.405 1.522 1.405 1.6012.114 1.522 1.601 1.522 1.6792.350 1.601 1.679 1.601 1.777 1.679 1.777 1.679 1.953 SANGAL FASHIONElem chaise lounge FASHION chaise FASHION lounge FASHION chaise chaise lounge lounge without armrest 160 SANGAL feather without armrest without 160 without armrest feather armrest 160 feather 160 feather SANGAL DEQO DEQO - FASHION chaise 09SDFEL15 longue 160 SANGAL 09SDFEL15 piuma 09SDFEL15 DEQO -- FASHION SANGAL DEQO Elem DEQO -- FASHION chaise 6,60 FASHION longue Elem 846 chaise Elem 160 piuma 1.228 longue longue 160 1.424 piuma 160 1.542 1.620 6,60 1.699 846 6,60 1.797 6,60 1.228 846 846 1.424 1.228 1.228 1.424 1.542 1.424 1.542 1.620 1.542 1.620 1.699 1.620 1.699 1.797 2.552 1.699 1.797 1.973 without polyurethane armrest polyurethane 160 polyurethane polyurethane SANGAL DEQO --- FASHION FASHION chaise lounge SANGAL chaise 09SDFEL16 longue 160 09SDFEL16 espanso 09SDFEL16 827 espanso 1.209 1.405 espanso espanso 1.522 1.601 1.679 827 1.209 827 1.953 827 1.405 1.209 2.189 1.209 1.405 1.5223.031 1.405 1.522 1.6012.095 1.522 1.601 1.679 2.330 1.601 1.679 1.777 2.532 1.679 1.777 1.953 SANGAL DEQO FASHIONElem chaise lounge FASHION chaise FASHION lounge FASHION chaise chaise lounge without armrest 160SANGAL feather without armrest without 160 without armrest feather armrest 160 feather 160 feather SANGALDEQO DEQO---FASHION FASHION Elem 09SDFEL15 chaise longue 160 SANGAL 09SDFEL15 piuma 09SDFEL15 DEQO -- FASHION SANGAL DEQO Elem DEQO -- FASHION chaise 6,60 longue Elem 846chaise Elem 160 piuma chaise 1.228 longue longue 160 1.424 piuma 160 piuma 1.542 1.620 6,60 1.699 846 6,60 1.777 1.797 6,60 1.228 846 1.973 846 1.424 1.228 2.208 1.228 1.424 1.542 3.051 1.424 1.542 1.620 2.114 1.542 1.620 1.699 2.350 1.620 1.699 1.797 2.552 1.699 1.797 1.973 without armrest 160 polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane SANGAL FASHION chaise lounge SANGAL DEQO chaise 09SDFEL16 longue 160 SANGAL 09SDFEL16 espanso 09SDFEL16 DEQO --feather FASHION SANGAL DEQO Elem DEQO -- FASHION chaise -- FASHION longue Elem 827 chaise Elem 160 espanso 1.209 chaise longue longue 160 1.405 espanso 160 espanso 1.522 1.601 1.679 827 1.777 1.209 827 1.953 827 1.405 1.209 2.189 1.209 1.405 1.5223.031 1.405 1.522 1.6012.095 1.522 1.601 1.6792.330 1.601 1.679 1.777 2.532 1.679 1.777 1.953 SANGALDEQO DEQO--FASHION FASHIONElem chaise lounge FASHION chaise FASHION lounge FASHION chaise chaise lounge lounge without armrest 160SANGAL without armrest without 160 without armrest feather armrest 160 feather 160 feather 09SDFSF01 SANGAL 09SDFSF01 09SDFSF01 09SDFSF01 DEQO -- FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO DEQO -- FASHION schienale ---FASHION FASHION Fodera 60chaise Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 60longue 60 1,50 1,50 1.777 1,50 1,50 111 1.953 153 111 2.189 111 111 153 178 3.031 153 178 153 1952.095 178 195 178 2112.330 195 211 195 2322.532 211 232 211 270 without armrest 160SANGAL polyurethane without armrest without 160 without armrest polyurethane armrest 160 polyurethane 160 polyurethane SANGAL FASHION Elem chaise lounge FASHION chaise FASHION lounge FASHION chaise chaise lounge lounge SANGALDEQO DEQO -- FASHION 09SDFEL16 chaise longue 160 09SDFEL16 espanso 09SDFEL16 Elem chaise longue Elem 827 Elem 160 espanso chaise 1.209 longue 160 1.405 espanso 160 espanso 1.522 1.601 1.679 827 1.209 827 827 1.405 1.209 1.209 1.405 1.522 1.405 1.522 1.601 1.522 1.601 1.679 1.601 1.679 1.777 1.679 1.777 1.953 SANGAL DEQO SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL DEQO back DEQO DEQO -DEQO cushion -schienale -lounge FASHION coverings back cushion back back 60 cushion coverings coverings 60without 60 60 armrest SANGAL Fodera 09SDFSF01 schienale 60 SANGAL 09SDFSF01 09SDFSF01 DEQO --FASHION FASHION SANGAL DEQO Fodera --FASHION FASHION 1,50 --FASHION FASHION Fodera 60 Fodera schienale 111 schienale 60 153 60 178 195 1,50 2111,50 232 1,50 111 270 153 111 321111 153 178 501 153 178 195 322 178 195 211 376 195 211 232423 211 232270 armrest 160-SANGAL polyurethane without armrest without 160 armrest polyurethane 160 polyurethane 160 polyurethane SANGALDEQO DEQO- -FASHION FASHION chaise lounge without FASHION chaise FASHION FASHION chaise chaise lounge lounge SANGAL back cushion coverings SANGAL DEQO SANGAL SANGAL DEQO back DEQO -DEQO cushion ----FASHION coverings back cushion back 60cushion coverings coverings 60 60 178 SANGALDEQO DEQO- FASHION - FASHION Fodera 09SDFSF01 schienale 60 60 SANGAL 09SDFSF01 09SDFSF01 DEQO-SANGAL SANGAL FASHION SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO FASHION 1,50 schienale FASHION Fodera 60 Fodera schienale 111 schienale 60 153 60 chaise 195 1,50 2112,60 1,50 232 1,50 111 270 212 153 111 321135 111 153 178 501212 153 178 195 322258 178 195 211 376 289 195 211 232 423 320 211 232 270 09SDFEF15 SANGAL 09SDFEF15 09SDFEF15 09SDFEF15 DEQO --FASHION FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO --FASHION FASHION seduta FASHION FASHION Fodera Elem Fodera Fodera chaise seduta seduta longue Elem chaise Elem 160 longue chaise longue 160 longue 160 160 2,60 2,60 2,60 135 135 135 212 258 258 212 289 289 258 320 320 289 358 358 320 428 SANGAL --FASHION back cushion coverings 60 SANGAL DEQO --SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL DEQO back DEQO --DEQO cushion -- FASHION coverings back cushion back 60cushion cushion coverings coverings 60 60 lounge SANGALDEQO DEQO -FASHION FASHION Fodera 09SDFSF01 schienale 60 chaise SANGAL 09SDFSF01 09SDFSF01 DEQO SANGAL FASHION SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO FASHION 1,50 schienale FASHION Fodera 60 Fodera schienale 111 schienale 60 153 60 178 195 1,50 211 1,50 160 232 1,50 111 428 270 212 153 111 520 321 111 153 178 851 501212 153 178 195 509 322258 178 195 211 609 376289 195 211 232695 423320 211 232428 270 SANGAL DEQO SANGAL FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO seat DEQO DEQO cushion FASHION -seduta FASHION coverings seat cushion seat seat for chaise coverings lounge coverings for chaise without for for chaise chaise armrest lounge lounge 160 without armrest without320 armrest 160 armrest 160 SANGAL DEQO Fodera 09SDFEF15 seduta Elem SANGAL 09SDFEF15 longue 09SDFEF15 DEQO 160 --FASHION FASHION SANGAL DEQO Fodera --FASHION FASHION 2,60 --FASHION FASHION Fodera Elem Fodera chaise seduta 135 seduta longue Elem chaise Elem 160 212 chaise longue 258 longue 160without 160 289 2,60 2,60 358 2,60 135 135 135 212 258 258 289 289 320 320 358 358 1.973 1.797 1.797 2.208 1.973 1.797 2.208 1.953 1.777 1.777 2.189 1.973 1.797 2.208 1.953 1.777 2.189 1.973 1.797 2.208 1.953 1.777 2.189 270 232 232 321 1.953 1.777 2.189 270 232321 270 232 321 428 358 358 520 270 232520 321 428 358 2.208 1.973 1.973 3.051 2.208 1.973 3.051 2.189 1.953 1.953 3.031 2.208 1.973 3.051 2.189 1.953 3.031 2.208 1.973 3.051 2.189 1.953 3.031 321 270 270 501 2.189 1.953 3.031 321 270501 321 270428 501 520 428 851 321 270851 501 520 428 428 358 520 132 107 107 166 428 358 132 107520 166 520 428 851 166 132132 286 520 428 166 132851 286 851 520 509 286 166166 158 851 520 286 166509 158 132 107 166 504 425 425 609 132 107609 166 504 425 504 425609 504 425609 401 363 363 451 401 363451 401 363451 270 232 232 321 401 363 451 270 232321 40 34321 34 49 270 232 40 34321 49 270 232 40 34 49 40 34 49 527 467 467 607 527 467607 527 467607 377 317 317 457 527 467 607 377 317457 40 34457 34 49 377 317 40 34457 49 377 317 40 34 49 40 34 49 166 132504 286 609 504 985 166 132985 286 609 504 609 504985 609 504985 451 401401 632 451 401632 451 401632 321 270 501 451 401270 632 321 270501 49 40501 40 79 321 270 49 40501 79 321 270 49 40 79 49 40 79 607 527527 893 607 527893 607 527893 457 377 743 607 527377 893 457 377743 49 40743 40 79 457 377 49 40743 79 457 377 49 40 79 49 40 79 286 166609 158 985 609 592 286 166592 158 985 609 985 609592 985 609592 632 451451 424 632 451424 632 451424 501 321 302 632 451321 424 501 321302 79 49302 49 49 501 321 79 49302 49 501 321 79 49 49 79 49 49 893 607607 549 893 607549 893 607549 743 457 414 893 607457 549 743 457414 79 49414 49 49 743 457 79 49414 49 743 457 79 49 49 79 49 49 forSANGAL chaise lounge left for chaise lounge for chaise 160 forlongue chaise left lounge lounge 160sxleft 160 left 532 FASHION frame coverings FASHION frame FASHION coverings FASHION frame frame coverings coverings F02SKgSANGAL SANGALDEQO DEQO 73 -Kg - FASHION Kg Fodera 73 73 09SDFCF02S telaio Chaise longue 09SDFCF02S 09SDFCF02S 160 DEQO sx 160 SANGAL -- FASHION SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO -- FASHION 4,40 telaio -- FASHION Fodera Chaise Fodera telaio longue 221 telaio Chaise 160 sx Chaise longue 350 160 sx 428 160 480 4,40 4,40 chaise lounge 160 left forframe chaise lounge for chaise 160 for chaise left lounge lounge 160 left160 left SANGAL DEQO - FASHION frame coverings forSANGAL DEQOSANGAL - FASHION SANGAL DEQO frame DEQO - FASHION coverings - FASHION frame coverings coverings 358 2,60 135 1,00 1,00 26 358 2,60 135 107 1,00 26 107 1,00 26 4,40 4,40 221 107 1,00 26 597 4,40 221 428 212 135 212 258 258 289 26 54 520135 26 54 26 71 851212 54 71 54 82 428 212 135 520 135 212 258 851 212 258 289 132 26 54 166 2654 71 286 54 71 82 132 350 26 54 166221 26 54 71 286350 54 71 82 221 221 350 428 428 350 480 132 26 54 166 26 54 71 286 54 71 82 713 350 221 868221 350 4281.425350 428 480 597 4,40 221 597 4,40 221 713 350 221 713 350 221 SANGALDEQO DEQO back cushion coverings SANGAL 60 DEQO --without SANGAL SANGAL DEQO back DEQO --DEQO cushion -- -FASHION coverings back cushion back 60cushion cushion coverings coverings 60 60 lounge seat cushion coverings SANGAL chaise DEQO lounge SANGAL FASHION SANGAL armrest DEQO seat DEQO 160 cushion FASHION coverings seat cushion seat for chaise coverings lounge coverings for chaise without for chaise armrest lounge 160 without armrest armrest 1602,60 F15 SANGAL SANGAL DEQO- -FASHION - FASHION FASHION Fodera 09SDFEF15 seduta Elem for chaise SANGAL 09SDFEF15 09SDFEF15 longue DEQO 160 SANGAL --FASHION FASHION SANGAL DEQO Fodera --FASHION FASHION 2,60 seduta FASHION Fodera Elem Fodera chaise seduta 135 seduta longue Elem chaise Elem 160 212 chaise longue 258 longue 160without 160 289 2,60 320 358 2,60 135 09SDFPR25 SANGAL 09SDFPR25 09SDFPR25 09SDFPR25 DEQO SANGAL FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO DEQO FASHION profilo --FASHION FASHION FASHION Fodera Elem Fodera Fodera chaise profilo longue profilo Elem chaise Elem 160 chaise longue chaise longue 160 longue 160 160 1,00 1,00 160 1,00 1,00 26 SANGAL DEQO FASHION seat cushion coverings for SANGAL chaise DEQO lounge SANGAL without FASHION SANGAL armrest DEQO seat DEQO cushion 160 FASHION FASHION coverings seat cushion seat for cushion chaise coverings lounge coverings for chaise without for lounge chaise armrest lounge 160 without armrest armrest 160 F15 SANGAL DEQO FASHION Fodera 09SDFEF15 seduta Elem SANGAL chaise 09SDFEF15 09SDFEF15 longue DEQO 160 SANGAL FASHION SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO FASHION 2,60 seduta FASHION Fodera Elem Fodera chaise seduta 135 seduta longue Elem chaise Elem 160 212 chaise longue 258 longue 160without 160 289 2,60 320 358 2,60 135 for chaise lounge for chaise without for chaise lounge armrest lounge without 160 without without armrest armrest armrest 160 160 160 1,13 -mc mc mc 1,13 1,13 1,13 FASHION SANGAL piping DEQO FASHION --- FASHION FASHION FASHION piping piping piping 25 mc SANGAL DEQO FASHION Fodera 09SDFPR25 profilo Elem chaise SANGAL 09SDFPR25 longue 09SDFPR25 DEQO 160SANGAL -- FASHION SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO -- FASHION 1,00 profilo Fodera Elem Fodera chaise profilo longue 26 profilo Elem chaise Elem 160 54lounge chaise longue 71 longue 160 160 82 1,00 932,60 1,00 160 107 1,00 26 SANGAL DEQO DEQO --mc FASHION seat cushion coverings for SANGAL chaise DEQO lounge -SANGAL SANGAL without FASHION SANGAL DEQO armrest seat DEQO -DEQO cushion FASHION 160 -for FASHION coverings seat cushion seat for cushion chaise coverings lounge coverings for chaise without for lounge chaise armrest without lounge 160 without armrest armrest 160 160 for chaise lounge without armrest 160 chaise lounge for chaise without for chaise lounge armrest lounge without 160 without armrest armrest 160 160 SANGAL 1,13 FASHION mc piping 1,13 1,13 FASHION piping FASHION FASHION piping piping R25 mc SANGAL DEQO FASHION Fodera 09SDFPR25 profilo Elem chaise SANGAL 09SDFPR25 longue 09SDFPR25 DEQO 160 FASHION SANGAL DEQO Fodera FASHION 1,00 profilo FASHION Fodera Elem Fodera chaise profilo longue profilo 26 Elem chaise Elem 160 54 chaise longue longue 160 71 160 1,00 82 93 1,00 107 1,00 26 Kg 61 KgKgKg 61 6161 09SDFEF16 SANGAL 09SDFEF16 09SDFEF16 09SDFEF16 DEQOSANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO DEQO - FASHION telaio -- FASHION FASHION Fodera Elem chaise Fodera Fodera telaio longue telaio Elem chaise Elem 160 chaise chaise longue longue longue 160 160 1603,00 3,00 3,00 3,00 171 for chaise without armrest 160 for chaise lounge for chaise without for chaise lounge armrest lounge without 160 without armrest armrest 160 160 SANGAL DEQO 1,13 FASHION mc piping 1,13 FASHION piping FASHION FASHION piping piping R25 SANGALDEQO DEQO -FASHION FASHION Fodera 09SDFPR25 profilo Elemlounge chaise SANGAL 09SDFPR25 longue 09SDFPR25 DEQO 160 SANGAL FASHION SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO ---- FASHION 1,00 profilo FASHION Fodera Elem Fodera chaise profilo longue profilo Elem 26lounge chaise Elem 160 54 chaise longue longue 160 71 160 1,00 82 93 1,00 107 1,00 26 for chaise for chaise without for chaise chaise lounge armrest lounge lounge without 160 without without armrest armrest armrest 160 160 FASHION SANGAL frame DEQO FASHION coverings ----- FASHION FASHION FASHION frame frame frame coverings coverings 16 mc Kg SANGAL 61 --mc Kg Kg Fodera 61 1,13 61 09SDFEF16 telaio Elem chaise SANGAL 09SDFEF16 longue 09SDFEF16 DEQO 160 SANGAL ---- FASHION SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO FASHION 3,00 telaio Fodera Elem chaise Fodera telaio 171 longue telaio Elem chaise Elem 160 259 chaise longue 311 longue 160 160 346 3,00 381 3,00 160 425 3,00 171 for chaise lounge without armrest 160 for chaise lounge for chaise without for chaise lounge armrest lounge without 160 without armrest armrest 160 160 mc SANGAL DEQO 1,13 mc FASHION mc 1,13 piping 1,13 SANGAL DEQO SANGAL FASHION SANGAL DEQO piping DEQO FASHION FASHION piping piping chaise lounge armrest for chaise lounge for chaise without for chaise lounge armrest without 160 without armrestarmrest 160 SANGAL FASHION frame coverings FASHION frame FASHION coverings FASHION frame frame coverings coverings F16 Kg SANGAL DEQO DEQO 61 -Kg FASHION Kg Fodera 61 61 09SDFEF16 telaio Elemfor chaise SANGAL 09SDFEF16 longue 09SDFEF16 DEQO 160without SANGAL -- FASHION SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO --160 FASHION 3,00 telaio -- FASHION Fodera Elem chaise Fodera telaio 171 longue telaio Elem chaise Elem 160 259 chaise longue 311 longue 160lounge 160 346 3,00 381 3,00 160 425 3,00 171 chaise lounge armrest for chaise lounge for chaise without for chaise lounge armrest without 160 without armrestarmrest 160 FASHION frame coverings FASHION frame FASHION coverings FASHION frame frame coverings coverings F16 KgSANGAL SANGALDEQO DEQO 61 -Kg - FASHION Kg Fodera 61 61 09SDFEF16 telaio Elemfor chaise SANGAL 09SDFEF16 longue 09SDFEF16 DEQO 160without SANGAL -- FASHION SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO --160 FASHION 3,00 telaio -- FASHION Fodera Elem chaise Fodera telaio longue 171 telaio Elem chaise Elem 160 259 chaise longue longue 311 160lounge 160 346 3,00 381 3,00 09SDFSH01 09SDFSH01 09SDFSH01 09SDFSH01 DEQO -- FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO schienale DEQO DEQO -- FASHION ---FASHION 60 FASHION schienale schienale schienale 60 coverings 60for chaise 1,50 1,50 chaise lounge without armrest 160 for chaise lounge without for chaise lounge armrest lounge without 160 without armrestarmrest 160 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION frame coverings forSANGAL SANGAL DEQOSANGAL SANGAL FASHION SANGAL DEQO frame DEQO FASHION coverings FASHION frame frame coverings FASHION SANGAL back DEQO FASHION cushion ---60 FASHION FASHION back 60 schienale cushion back back cushion 60 01 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION schienale 09SDFSH01 60 SANGAL 09SDFSH01 09SDFSH01 DEQOSANGAL -- FASHION SANGAL DEQO schienale DEQO -- FASHION 1,50 FASHION schienale 60 241 60 60 283 309 325 1,50 3421,50 FASHIONschienale back 09SDFSH01 cushion FASHION back FASHION cushion FASHION back 60 schienale cushion back 60 H01 SANGAL SANGAL DEQO DEQO - FASHION 60 60 SANGAL 09SDFSH01 09SDFSH01 DEQOSANGAL -- FASHION SANGAL DEQO schienale DEQO -- FASHION 1,50 --60 FASHION schienale 60 cushion 241 60 60 283 309 325 1,50 3421,50 09SDFSF01 09SDFSF01 09SDFSF01 SANGAL Fodera DEQO schienale ---FASHION Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 60 60283 60 1,50 FASHION schienale back09SDFSF01 cushion FASHION back FASHION cushion FASHION back 6060Fodera cushion back 60 H01 SANGAL SANGALDEQO DEQO -- FASHION 09SDFSH01 60 60 SANGAL 09SDFSH01 09SDFSH01 DEQOSANGAL -- FASHION SANGAL DEQO schienale DEQO -- FASHION 1,50 60 FASHION schienale schienale 60 cushion 241 60 309 325 342 1,50 60 60 60 3 0 FASHION 00 3back 3 309SDFSF01 FASHION SANGAL back DEQO cushion --- FASHION FASHION FASHION coverings back back cushion coverings coverings 01 0SANGAL - -FASHION Fodera schienale 60 SANGAL 09SDFSF01 09SDFSF01 DEQOSANGAL -- FASHION SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO -- FASHION 1,50 schienale Fodera schienale 111 schienale 60 coverings 153 6060 178 195 1,50 2111,50 SANGALDEQO DEQO cushion 60 FASHION back 6060Fodera cushion 60 60 09SDFPR26 09SDFPR26 09SDFPR26 09SDFPR26 SANGAL DEQO profilo ---FASHION schienale profilo 6060 profilo schienale schienale 6060 60 60 0,30 0,30 60 60 3 - 0FASHION FASHION 0 back 3 309SDFSF01 cushion coverings FASHION back FASHION cushion FASHION back coverings cushion back cushion coverings coverings F01 0SANGAL SANGAL DEQO DEQO Fodera schienale 60 SANGAL 09SDFSF01 09SDFSF01 DEQOSANGAL -- FASHION SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO -- FASHION 1,50 schienale FASHION Fodera 60Fodera Fodera schienale 111 schienale 60 schienale 153 60 178 195 1,50 2111,50 for back cushion for 60 back 60 for cushion back cushion cushion 60 SANGAL piping DEQO FASHION --- FASHION FASHION piping piping piping 26 0SANGAL ---FASHION Fodera 09SDFPR26 profilo schienale 09SDFPR26 606009SDFSF01 09SDFPR26 DEQOSANGAL -- FASHION SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO -- FASHION 0,30 profilo Fodera schienale profilo 14 profilo schienale schienale 21 6060 6060 25 28 0,30 301,50 0,30 SANGAL DEQO 3 0FASHION FASHION 0 back 3 309SDFSF01 cushion coverings FASHION back cushion FASHION back coverings cushion back cushion coverings coverings F01 SANGALDEQO DEQO Fodera schienale 60 SANGAL 09SDFSF01 1,50 schienale 60Fodera schienale 111 schienale 60 153 60 178 195 1,50 211 for back cushion 60 for back cushion for 60 back 60 for cushion back cushion --0FASHION FASHION piping piping FASHION piping piping R26 0SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Fodera profilo schienale SANGAL 09SDFPR26 60 09SDFPR26 DEQOSANGAL -- FASHION SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO -- FASHION 0,30 profilo -- FASHION Fodera schienale Fodera profilo profilo 14 schienale schienale 21 6060 6060 25 0,30 28 300,30 60 SANGALDEQO DEQO 3 FASHION 0 3back309SDFPR26 cushion coverings FASHION back cushion FASHION back coverings cushion back cushion coverings coverings for back cushion 6009SDFPR26 for back cushion for 60 back 60 for back cushion 60 606025 FASHION Fodera piping FASHION piping FASHION FASHION piping piping R26 SANGAL SANGALDEQO DEQO -- FASHION 09SDFPR26 profilo schienale SANGAL 09SDFPR26 60 DEQOSANGAL -- FASHION SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO -- FASHION 0,30 profilo -- FASHION Fodera schienale Fodera profilo profilo schienale 14 cushion schienale 60 21 0,30 28 30 0,30 09SDFSH02 SANGAL 09SDFSH02 09SDFSH02 09SDFSH02 DEQO -- FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO schienale DEQO DEQO -- FASHION ---FASHION 80 FASHION schienale schienale schienale 2,30 2,30 for back cushion 60 for back cushion for80back 60for80 cushion back cushion 60 60 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION piping SANGAL DEQOSANGAL SANGAL FASHION SANGAL DEQO piping DEQO FASHION FASHION piping piping FASHION SANGAL back DEQO FASHION cushion ---80 FASHION FASHION back 80 schienale cushion back back cushion 80 02 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION schienale 09SDFSH02 80 SANGAL 09SDFSH02 09SDFSH02 DEQOSANGAL -- FASHION SANGAL DEQO schienale DEQO -- FASHION 2,30 FASHION schienale 80 274 80 80 341 381 407 2,30 4342,30 FASHIONschienale back 09SDFSH02 cushion FASHION back FASHION cushion FASHION back 80 schienale cushion back 80 H02 SANGAL SANGAL DEQO DEQO - FASHION 80 80 SANGAL 09SDFSH02 09SDFSH02 DEQOSANGAL -- FASHION SANGAL DEQO schienale DEQO -- FASHION 2,30 --80 FASHION schienale 80 cushion 274 80 80 341 381 407 2,30 4342,30 09SDFSF02 09SDFSF02 09SDFSF02 09SDFSF02 SANGAL Fodera DEQO schienale ---FASHION Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 80 80341 80 FASHION schienale back09SDFSH02 cushion FASHION back FASHION cushion FASHION back 8080Fodera cushion back 80 H02 SANGAL SANGALDEQO DEQO -- FASHION 80 80 SANGAL 09SDFSH02 09SDFSH02 DEQOSANGAL -- FASHION SANGAL DEQO schienale DEQO -- FASHION 2,30 80 FASHION schienale schienale 80 cushion 274 80 381 407 2,30 434 2,30 80 80 80 4 0 FASHION 00 4back 4 409SDFSF02 FASHION SANGAL back DEQO FASHION cushion --- FASHION FASHION FASHION back coverings cushion back back cushion coverings coverings 02 0SANGAL - -FASHION Fodera schienale 80 SANGAL 09SDFSF02 09SDFSF02 DEQOSANGAL -- FASHION SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO -- FASHION 2,30 schienale Fodera schienale 124 schienale 80 coverings 191 8080 231 257 2,30 2842,30 SANGALDEQO DEQO cushion 80 8080Fodera 80 80 09SDFPR27 09SDFPR27 09SDFPR27 09SDFPR27 SANGAL DEQO profilo ---FASHION schienale profilo 8080 profilo schienale schienale 8080 80 80 0,30 0,30 80 80 4 - 0FASHION FASHION 0 back 4 409SDFSF02 cushion coverings FASHION back FASHION cushion FASHION back coverings cushion back cushion coverings coverings F02 0SANGAL SANGAL DEQO DEQO Fodera schienale 80 SANGAL 09SDFSF02 09SDFSF02 DEQOSANGAL -- FASHION SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO -- FASHION 2,30 schienale FASHION Fodera 80Fodera Fodera schienale 124 schienale 80 schienale 191 80 231 257 2,30 2842,30 for back cushion for 80 back 80 for cushion back cushion cushion 80 SANGAL DEQOSANGAL SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL DEQO piping DEQO DEQO FASHION --- FASHION FASHION piping piping piping 27 0SANGAL ---FASHION Fodera 09SDFPR27 profilo schienale 09SDFPR27 808009SDFSF02 09SDFPR27 0,30 profilo schienale profilo 14 profilo schienale schienale 21 8080 8080 25 28 0,30 302,30 0,30 SANGAL DEQO 4 0FASHION FASHION 0 back 4 409SDFSF02 cushion coverings FASHION back cushion FASHION back coverings cushion back cushion coverings coverings F02 SANGALDEQO DEQO Fodera schienale 80 SANGAL 09SDFSF02 DEQO -- FASHION SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO -- FASHION 2,30 schienale Fodera 80Fodera schienale 124 schienale 80 191 80 231 257 2,30 284 for back cushion 80 for back cushion for 80 back 80 for cushion back cushion --0FASHION FASHION piping piping FASHION piping piping R27 0SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Fodera profilo schienale SANGAL 09SDFPR27 80 09SDFPR27 DEQOSANGAL -- FASHION SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO -- FASHION 0,30 profilo -- FASHION Fodera schienale Fodera profilo profilo 14 schienale schienale 21 8080 8080 25 0,30 28 300,30 80 SANGALDEQO DEQO 4 FASHION 0 4back409SDFPR27 cushion coverings FASHION back cushion FASHION back coverings cushion back cushion coverings coverings for back cushion 8009SDFPR27 for back cushion for 80 back 80 for back cushion 80 808025 FASHION Fodera piping FASHION piping FASHION FASHION piping piping R27 SANGAL SANGALDEQO DEQO -- FASHION 09SDFPR27 profilo schienale SANGAL 09SDFPR27 80 DEQOSANGAL -- FASHION SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO -- FASHION 0,30 profilo -- FASHION Fodera schienale Fodera profilo profilo schienale 14 cushion schienale 80 21 0,30 28 30 0,30 80 DEQOSANGAL for back cushion for back 80forcushion back cushion 80 80 SANGAL DEQO - FASHION piping for back cushion SANGAL - FASHION SANGAL DEQO piping DEQO - FASHION - FASHION piping piping 160 425 3,00 171 1,50 1,50 241 160 363 1,50 241 363 1,50 241 1,50 1,50 111 363 241 232 1,50 111 0,30 0,30 14 232 1,50 111 0,30 34 111 14 232 1,50 0,30 34 14 0,30 34 14 2,30 2,30 274 467 2,30 274 467 2,30 274 2,30 2,30 124 467 274 317 2,30 124 0,30 0,30 14 317 2,30 124 0,30 34 124 14 317 2,30 0,30 34 14 0,30 34 14 428 212 135 212 258 26 54 520135 26 54 26 71 428 212 135 520 135 212 258 132 26 54 166 26 54 71 132 259 26 54 166 26 54 71 171 171 171 259 311 132 259 26 54 609 166 26 54 71 504 171 171 259 311 504 259 171 609171 259 311 504 259 171 609 171 259 311 283 241 241 241 283 309 401 283 241 451241 283 309 401 283 241 451241 283 309 111 451 111 111 153 178 401 153 283 241 241 283 309 270 153 111 321111 153 178 14 21 321111 14 21 14 25 270 153 111 153 178 40 153 14 21 321 49111 14 21 25 270 111 153 178 40 14 21 49 1421 25 40 14 21 491421 25 341 274 274 274 341 381 527 341 274 607274 341 381 527 341 274 607274 341 381 124 607 124 124 191 231 527 191 341 274 274 341 381 377 191 124 457124 191 231 14 21 457124 14 21 14 25 377 191 124 191 231 40 191 14 21 457 49124 14 21 25 377 124 191 231 40 14 21 49 1421 25 40 14 21 491421 25 851212 258 289 54 71 54 82 851212 258 289 286 54 71 82 286259 54 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2.719 2.719 2.441 2.9582.958 2.719 3.588 2.564 2.564 2.421 3.588 3.588 2.700 2.421 2.421 2.938 2.700 2.700 3.607 2.584 2.441 2.421 2.441 3.607 2.719 2.700 2.719 2.441 2.9582.938 2.958 2.719 3.588 2.564 2.421 3.588 2.700 2.421 2.938 2.700 3.607 2.584 2.441 2.421 2.441 3.607 2.719 2.700 2.719 2.441 2.9582.938 2.958 2.719 3.588 2.564 2.421 2.421 3.588 2.700 2.700 2.421 2.9382.938 2.700 501 321 321 312 2.421 312 501 501 364 2.700 364 312 312 4082.938 408 364364 3.588 2.564 2.421 3.588 2.700 2.421 2.938 2.700 501 321312 312 501364 364 312 408 408 364 501 321 312 312 501 364 364 312 408 408 364586 851 520520 491 491 851851 586 586 491491 668 668 586 501 321491 312 491 312 501586 364 586 364 312 668 408 668 408 364 851 520 851 491 586 586 491 668 189 155155 219 586 491 189 155 668 219 Leather Elite Pelle Pelle Elite Pelle Elite Pelle Elite Elite Leather Leather Leather Leather Elite Elite Elite Elite Pelle Elite Leather Top Leather Leather Leather Leather Elite Elite Elite Elite Pelle Pelle Elite Pelle Elite Pelle Elite Elite Pelle Pelle Star Pelle Star Pelle Star Star Leather Leather Leather Leather Elite Elite Elite Elite Leather Leather Leather Leather Star Star Star Star Pelle Star Leather Star Pelle Pelle Top Pelle Top Pelle Top Top Elite Leather Leather Leather Leather Top Top Top Top Pelle Pelle Top Pelle Top Pelle Top Top Prestige Prestige Prestige Prestige Leather Leather Leather Leather Top Top Top Top Pelle Pelle Star Pelle Star Pelle Star Star Prestige Leather Leather Leather Leather Star Star Star Star Pelle Pelle Star Pelle Star Pelle Star Star Pelle Pelle Top Pelle Top Pelle Top Top Leather Leather Leather Leather Star Star Star Star Leather Leather Leather Leather Top Top Top Top Pelle Top Pelle Pelle Elite Pelle Elite Pelle Elite Elite Prestige Prestige Prestige Prestige Elite Elite Elite Elite Elite Elite Elite Elite Star Star Star Star Star Prestige Prestige Prestige Prestige 8,00 8,00 1.394 970 970 1.632 970 1.394 1.394 1.394 1.632 1.774 1.632 1.774 1.632 1.870 1.774 1.870 1.774 1.965 1.870 1.965 1.870 2.084 1.965 2.084 1.965 2.298 2.084 8,00 1.394 970 2.298 970 1.632 1.394 2.584 1.394 1.632 1.7743.607 1.632 1.774 1.8702.441 1.774 1.870 1.965 2.7191.870 1.965 2.084 2.9581.965 2.084 2.298 1.374 951 951 1.612 951 1.374 1.374 1.374 1.612 1.755 1.612 1.755 1.612 1.850 1.755 1.850 1.755 1.945 1.850 1.945 1.850 2.064 1.945 2.064 1.945 2.279 2.084 8,00 1.394 970 2.298 970 1.632 1.394 2.584 1.394 1.632 1.7743.607 1.632 1.774 1.8702.441 1.774 1.870 1.9652.719 1.870 1.965 2.084 2.958 1.965 2.084 2.298 2.064 1.374 951 951 1.612 1.374 1.374 1.612 1.755 1.612 1.755 1.850 1.755 1.850 1.945 2.700 1.850 1.945 2.064 2.938 1.945 2.064 2.279 2.084 8,00 1.394 970 2.279 2.298 970 1.632 1.394 2.564 2.584 1.394 1.632 1.7743.588 3.607 1.632 1.774 1.8702.421 2.441 1.774 1.870 1.965 2.719 1.870 1.965 2.084 2.958 1.965 2.084 2.298 2.064 1.374 951 2.279 951 1.612 1.374 2.564 1.374 1.612 1.7553.588 1.612 1.755 1.8502.421 1.755 1.850 1.9452.700 1.850 1.945 2.064 2.938 1.945 2.064 2.279 1,50 1,50 111 2.279 153 111 2.564 111 111 153 178 3.588 153 178 153 1952.421 178 195 178 2112.700 195 211 195 2322.938 211 232 211 270 2.064 1.374 951 951 1.612 1.374 1.374 1.612 1.755 1.612 1.755 1.850 1.755 1.850 1.945 1.850 1.945 2.064 1.945 2.064 2.279 232 1,50 111 270 153 111 321111 153 178 501 153 178 195 312 178 195 211 364 195 211 232408 211 232270 232 1,50 111 270 212 153 111 321135 111 153 178 501212 153 178 195 312258 178 195 211 364 289 195 211 232 408 320 211 232 270 2,60 2,60 135 135 135 212 258 258 212 289 289 258 320 320 289 358 358 320 428 232 1,50 111 428 270 212 153 111 520 321 111 153 178 851 501212 153 178 195 491 312258 178 195 211 586 364289 195 211 232668 408320 211 232428 270 358 2,60 135 135 135 212 258 258 289 289 320 320 358 358 Star Star Star Star Top Top Top Top Top Elite Elite Elite Elite Extra Extra Extra Extra Pelle Top Pelle Top Pelle Top Leather Top Leather Top Leather Top Super Super Super Super Extra Extra Extra Extra Super LuxLuxLuxLux Pelle Star Pelle Star Pelle Star Leather Star Leather Star Leather Star Extra Extra Extra Extra Lux Lux Lux Lux Extra Top Top Top Top Pelle Elite Pelle Elite Pelle Elite Leather Elite Leather Elite Leather Elite Lux Lux Lux Lux Top Top Top Top Lux Star Star Star Star Customer fabric Prestige Prestige Prestige Normal Normal Normal Normal Super Super Super Super Normal Elite Elite Elite Tess Tess Cliente Tess Cliente Tess Cliente Cliente Tess Cliente Normal Normal Normal Normal Customer Customer Customer Customer fabric fabric fabric Super Super Super Superfabric 2.298 2.084 2.084 2.584 2.298 2.084 2.584 2.279 2.064 2.064 2.564 2.298 2.084 2.584 2.279 2.064 2.564 2.298 2.084 2.584 2.279 2.064 2.564 270 232 232 321 2.279 2.064 2.564 270 232321 270 232 321 428 358 358 520 270 232520 321 428 358 SANGALDEQO DEQO back cushion coverings SANGAL 60 DEQO SANGAL SANGAL DEQO back DEQO --DEQO cushion -- -FASHION coverings back cushion back 60longue cushion coverings coverings 60 60 seat cushion coverings for SANGAL chaise DEQO lounge SANGAL FASHION left SANGAL DEQO seat DEQO cushion FASHION coverings seat cushion seat for cushion chaise coverings lounge coverings for chaise 160 for left lounge chaise 160 lounge left 160 left 3202,60 F01S SANGAL SANGAL DEQO- -FASHION - FASHION FASHION Fodera 09SDFCF01S seduta Chaise SANGAL longue 09SDFCF01S 09SDFCF01S 160 DEQO sx --160 SANGAL --FASHION FASHION SANGAL DEQO Fodera --FASHION FASHION 2,60 seduta FASHION Fodera Chaise Fodera seduta 135 seduta Chaise 160 sx Chaise longue 212 longue 160 258 sx160 160 sx 289 2,60 09SDFPR24S SANGAL 09SDFPR24S 09SDFPR24S 09SDFPR24S DEQO SANGAL FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO DEQO FASHION profilo --FASHION FASHION FASHION Fodera Chaise Fodera Fodera profilo longue profilo Chaise 160 sx Chaise longue longue longue 160 sx 160 sx sx 1,00 1,00 SANGAL DEQO FASHION seat cushion coverings for SANGAL chaise DEQO lounge SANGAL 160 FASHION left SANGAL DEQO seat DEQO cushion FASHION FASHION coverings seat cushion seat for cushion chaise coverings lounge coverings for chaise 160 for left lounge chaise 160 lounge left 160 left 320 F01S SANGAL DEQO FASHION Fodera 09SDFCF01S seduta Chaise SANGAL 09SDFCF01S longue 09SDFCF01S 160 DEQO sx SANGAL FASHION SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO FASHION 2,60 seduta FASHION Fodera Chaise Fodera seduta longue 135 seduta Chaise 160 sx Chaise longue 212 longue 160 258 sx 160 sx 289 2,60 for chaise lounge for chaise 160 for chaise left lounge lounge lounge 160 left 160 160 left left mc 1,13 mc mc mc 1,13 1,13 1,13 SANGAL DEQO SANGAL FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO piping DEQO DEQO FASHION FASHION FASHION piping piping piping 24S SANGAL DEQO - FASHION Fodera09SDFPR24S profilo Chaise longue 09SDFPR24S 09SDFPR24S 160 sx - FASHION Fodera - FASHION 1,00 profilo - FASHION Fodera Chaise Fodera profilo longue 26 profilo Chaise 160 sx Chaise longue 54 longue 160 sx 71160 sx 82 1,00 932,60 1,00 SANGAL DEQO DEQO - FASHION seat cushion coverings for SANGAL chaise DEQO lounge SANGAL 160 FASHION left SANGAL DEQO seat DEQO -DEQO cushion -for FASHION coverings seat cushion seat for cushion chaise coverings lounge coverings for chaise 160 for left lounge chaise 160 lounge 160 left 931,00 for chaise lounge 160 left chaise lounge for chaise 160 for chaise left lounge lounge 160 left 160 left SANGAL 1,13 FASHION mc piping 1,13 FASHION piping FASHION FASHION piping piping R24Smc SANGAL DEQO FASHION Fodera 09SDFPR24S profilo Chaise SANGAL longue 09SDFPR24S 09SDFPR24S 160 DEQO sx -SANGAL FASHION SANGAL DEQO Fodera ---FASHION FASHION 1,00 profilo FASHION Fodera Chaise Fodera profilo longue profilo 26 Chaise 160 sx Chaise longue 54 longue 160 sx 71160 160 sxleft4,40 1,00 82 Kg 73 -mc Kg Kg Kg 73 731,13 73 09SDFCF02S SANGAL 09SDFCF02S 09SDFCF02S 09SDFCF02S DEQO SANGAL --- FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO DEQO FASHION telaio ----FASHION FASHION Fodera Chaise Fodera Fodera telaio longue telaio Chaise 160 sx Chaise longue longue longue 160 sx 160 sx sx 4,40 for chaise lounge 160 left for chaise lounge for chaise 160 for chaise left lounge lounge 160 left 160 left SANGAL DEQO 1,13 FASHION mc piping 1,13 FASHION piping FASHION FASHION piping piping R24S SANGALDEQO DEQO -FASHION FASHION Fodera 09SDFPR24S profilo Chaise SANGAL longue 09SDFPR24S 09SDFPR24S 160 DEQO FASHION SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO ---- FASHION 1,00 profilo FASHION Fodera Chaise Fodera profilo longue profilo Chaise 26 160 sx Chaise longue 54 longue 160 sx 71 160 sx 1,00 82 left 93 1,00 for chaise lounge for chaise 160 for chaise chaise left lounge lounge lounge 160 left 160 160 left532 FASHION SANGAL frame DEQO FASHION coverings ----- FASHION FASHION FASHION frame frame frame coverings coverings 02Smc Kg SANGAL 73 --mc Kg Kg Fodera 73 1,13 73 09SDFCF02S telaio Chaise longue SANGAL 09SDFCF02S 09SDFCF02S 160 DEQO sxsx SANGAL SANGAL ---- FASHION SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO FASHION 4,40 telaio Fodera Chaise Fodera telaio longue 221 telaio Chaise 160 sx Chaise longue 350 longue 160 sx 428 160 sx 480 4,40 4,40 for chaise lounge 160 left for chaise lounge for chaise 160 for chaise left lounge lounge 160 left 160 left SANGALDEQO DEQO 1,13 -FASHION FASHION mc 1,13 piping 1,13 SANGAL DEQO SANGAL FASHION SANGAL DEQO piping DEQO FASHION FASHION piping piping for chaise lounge left for chaise lounge for chaise 160 for chaise left lounge lounge 160 160 left 5324,40 SANGAL FASHION frame coverings FASHION frame FASHION coverings FASHION frame frame coverings coverings F02Smc Kg SANGAL DEQO 73 -mc Kg Kg Fodera 73 73 09SDFCF02S telaio Chaise SANGAL longue 09SDFCF02S 09SDFCF02S 160 DEQO sx 160 SANGAL --- FASHION SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO --- FASHION 4,40 telaio --- FASHION Fodera Chaise Fodera telaio longue 221 telaio Chaise 160 sx Chaise longue 350 longue 160 sx 428 160 sxleft 480 4,40 15 L15 16 L15 L16 L16 01 F01 F01 15 Star Star Star In Bianco In Bianco In Bianco In Bianco In Bianco Tess Tess Cliente Tess Cliente Tess Cliente Cliente NoNormal No coverings No coverings No coverings coverings Normal Normal Normal No coverings Customer Customer Customer Customer fabric fabric fabric fabric Codice Descrizione Codice Codice Codice Descrizione Descrizione Descrizione Descrizione Codice Descrizione Codice Codice Descrizione Descrizione Descrizione Codice Descrizione Codice Codice Descrizione Descrizione 09SDFCH01S SANGAL 09SDFCH01S 09SDFCH01S 09SDFCH01S DEQOSANGAL - FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Chaise DEQO DEQO - FASHION longue -- FASHION FASHION Chaise 160 sx Chaise Chaise longue piumalongue 160 sx 160 piuma sx piuma piuma 8,00 970 8,00 Descrizione Codice Descrizione Codice Codice Descrizione Descrizione 160 left feather 160 160 feather left feather feather 1.870 SANGAL DEQOSANGAL FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO chaise DEQO DEQO FASHION lounge --- FASHION FASHION FASHION chaise chaise chaise lounge lounge H01S SANGAL DEQO - FASHION Chaise09SDFCH01S longue 160 sx piuma 09SDFCH01S 09SDFCH01S -- FASHION Chaise -- FASHION 8,00 longue Chaise 160 970 sx Chaise longue piuma 1.394 longue 160 sxleft 1.632 160 piuma sxleft piuma 1.774 8,00 1.965 970 8,00 09SDFCH02S 09SDFCH02S 09SDFCH02S 09SDFCH02S SANGAL DEQO ---FASHION Chaise espanso longue espanso espanso espanso 951 160sxleft feather 160 left feather 160 160 feather feather 1.870 FASHIONChaise chaise lounge160 FASHION chaise FASHION lounge FASHION chaise chaise lounge lounge H01S SANGAL SANGAL DEQO DEQO - FASHION 09SDFCH01S longue SANGAL piuma 09SDFCH01S 09SDFCH01S DEQOSANGAL -- FASHION SANGAL DEQO Chaise DEQO -- FASHION 8,00 longue FASHION Chaise 160 970 sx Chaise longue piuma 1.394 160 sxleft 160 1.632 piuma sxleft piuma 1.774 8,00 1.965 970 8,00 polyurethane polyurethane left polyurethane polyurethane SANGAL DEQOSANGAL SANGAL FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO chaise DEQO DEQO FASHION lounge --- FASHION FASHION FASHION chaise chaise chaise lounge lounge H02S 09SDFCH02S longue sx espanso 09SDFCH02S 09SDFCH02S 951 espanso 1.374 1.612 espanso espanso 1.755 1.850 951 160 feather 160 left feather 160 160 feather feather SANGAL DEQO FASHIONChaise chaise lounge160 H01S SANGAL SANGALDEQO DEQO---FASHION FASHION Chaise 09SDFCH01S longue 160 sxleft SANGAL piuma 09SDFCH01S 09SDFCH01S DEQO -- FASHION SANGAL DEQO Chaise DEQO -- FASHION 8,00 longue Chaise 160 970sx Chaise longue piuma 1.394 longue 160 sxleft 160 piuma 1.632 sxleft piuma 1.774 1.870 8,00 1.945 1.965 970 8,00 160 polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane polyurethane FASHION chaise lounge FASHION chaise FASHION lounge FASHION chaise chaise lounge lounge H02S SANGAL SANGAL DEQO 09SDFCH02S longue 160 sxleft SANGAL espanso 09SDFCH02S 09SDFCH02S DEQOSANGAL -- FASHION SANGAL DEQO Chaise DEQO -- FASHION longue -- FASHION Chaise 160 951 sx Chaise longue espanso 1.374 longue 160 sxleft 160 1.612 espanso sxleft espanso 1.755 1.850 1.945 951 160 left feather 160 left feather 160 160 feather feather SANGALDEQO DEQO--FASHION FASHIONChaise chaise lounge 09SDFSF01 09SDFSF01 09SDFSF01 09SDFSF01 SANGAL Fodera DEQO schienale ---FASHION Fodera 60 Fodera Fodera schienale schienale 60sxleft 60 1,50 1,50 160sxleft polyurethane 160 left polyurethane 160 160 polyurethane polyurethane FASHION Chaise chaise lounge160 FASHION chaise FASHION lounge FASHION chaise chaise lounge lounge H02S SANGAL SANGALDEQO DEQO -- FASHION 09SDFCH02S longue SANGAL espanso 09SDFCH02S 09SDFCH02S DEQOSANGAL -- FASHION SANGAL DEQO Chaise DEQO -- FASHION longue FASHION Chaise 160 951 sx Chaise longue espanso 1.374 longue 160 160 espanso 1.612 sxleft espanso 1.755 1.850 1.945 951 SANGAL DEQO SANGAL SANGAL SANGAL DEQO back DEQO DEQO -DEQO cushion -schienale -lounge FASHION coverings back cushion back back 60 cushion coverings coverings 60160 60 60 polyurethane 01 SANGAL Fodera 09SDFSF01 schienale 60 left SANGAL 09SDFSF01 09SDFSF01 DEQO-SANGAL --FASHION FASHION SANGAL DEQO Fodera --FASHION FASHION 1,50 --FASHION FASHION Fodera 60 Fodera schienale 111 schienale 60 153 60 178 195 1,50 2111,50 polyurethane 160 left polyurethane 160 left polyurethane left SANGALDEQO DEQO- -FASHION FASHION chaise lounge 160 FASHION chaise FASHION FASHION chaise chaise lounge lounge back cushion coverings SANGAL DEQO SANGAL SANGAL DEQO back DEQO -DEQO cushion ----FASHION coverings back cushion back 60longue cushion coverings coverings 60 F01 SANGAL SANGALDEQO DEQO- FASHION - FASHION Fodera 09SDFSF01 schienale 60 60 SANGAL 09SDFSF01 09SDFSF01 DEQO-SANGAL SANGAL FASHION SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO FASHION 1,50 schienale FASHION Fodera 60 Fodera schienale 111 schienale 60 153 60 60longue 1,50 2112,60 1,50 09SDFCF01S SANGAL 09SDFCF01S 09SDFCF01S 09SDFCF01S DEQO --FASHION FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO --FASHION FASHION seduta FASHION FASHION Fodera Chaise Fodera Fodera seduta seduta Chaise 160 sx Chaise longue longue 160178 sx 160 160 sx sx195 2,60 SANGAL --FASHION back cushion coverings SANGAL DEQO SANGAL SANGAL DEQO back DEQO --DEQO cushion -- FASHION coverings back cushion back 60longue cushion coverings coverings 60 60 F01 SANGALDEQO DEQO -FASHION FASHION Fodera 09SDFSF01 schienale 60 60 SANGAL 09SDFSF01 09SDFSF01 DEQO SANGAL FASHION SANGAL DEQO Fodera DEQO FASHION 1,50 schienale FASHION Fodera 60 Fodera schienale 111 schienale 60 153 60 178 195 1,50 211 1,50 SANGAL DEQO SANGAL FASHION SANGAL SANGAL DEQO seat DEQO DEQO cushion FASHION -seduta FASHION coverings seat cushion seat seat for cushion chaise coverings lounge coverings for chaise 160 for for left lounge chaise chaise 160 lounge lounge left 160 160 left left320 01S SANGAL DEQO Fodera 09SDFCF01S seduta Chaise SANGAL longue 09SDFCF01S 09SDFCF01S 160 DEQO sx --SANGAL --FASHION FASHION SANGAL DEQO Fodera --FASHION FASHION 2,60 --FASHION FASHION Fodera Chaise Fodera seduta 135 seduta Chaise 160 sx Chaise longue 212 longue 160 258 sx 160 sx 289 2,60 2,60 Top Top Top Mt Mt Tessuto Mt Tessuto Mt Tessuto Tessuto Mt Tessuto Tess Tess Cliente Tess Cliente Tess Cliente Cliente In Bianco In Bianco Inmt Bianco Inmt Bianco Fabric Fabric Fabric Fabric mtmt Fabric mt Customer Customer Customer Customer fabric fabric fabric fabric NoNo coverings No coverings No coverings coverings Lux Lux Lux In Bianco In Bianco In Bianco In Bianco Mt Mt Tessuto Mt Tessuto Mt Tessuto Tessuto NoFabric No coverings No coverings No coverings Fabric Fabric mt Fabric mtcoverings mtmt Fabric Fabric Fabric mt Fabric mtmtmt Extra Extra Extra Mt Mt Tessuto Mt Tessuto Mt Tessuto Tessuto Super Super Super Normal Normal Normal Tess Cliente Tess Cliente Tess Cliente Customer fabric Customer fabric Customer fabric Larghezza bracciolo Larghezza Larghezza Larghezza 27 bracciolo bracciolo bracciolo 27 27 27 Larghezza bracciolo Larghezza Larghezza 27 Armrest bracciolo bracciolo 27 27 Armrest lenght Armrest Armrest lenght lenght lenght 27 27 27 27 Larghezza bracciolo Larghezza Larghezza 27 Armrest bracciolo bracciolo 27 27 Armrest lenght Armrest lenght lenght 27 27 27 Larghezza bracciolo Larghezza Larghezza 27 Armrest bracciolo bracciolo 27 27 Armrest lenght Armrest lenght lenght 27 27 27 Armrest lenght Armrest lenght lenght 27 Armrest 27 27 In Bianco In Bianco In Bianco No coverings No coverings No coverings Larghezza bracciolo 27 Larghezza 27 Armrestbracciolo lenght 27 Larghezza 27 Armrestbracciolo lenght 27 Armrest lenght 27 Mt Tessuto Tessuto Mt Mt Tessuto Fabric Fabric Fabric mtmtmt od. SANGAL Mod. Mod. Mod.SANGAL SANGAL DEQO SANGAL -DEQO Fashion DEQO DEQO - Fashion -- Fashion Fashion od. Fashion SANGAL Mod. Mod.SANGAL DEQO SANGAL -DEQO Fashion DEQO - Fashion - Fashion od. Fashion SANGAL Mod. Mod.SANGAL DEQO SANGAL -DEQO Fashion DEQO - Fashion - Fashion od. Fashion SANGAL Mod. 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LEVENT Mod. LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA CARATTERISTICHE CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE / TECHNICAL TECNICHE / TECHNICAL FEATURES FEATURES 1 Piuma e1 fibraPiuma poliestere e fibra in poliestere una sacca in di una tela sacca antipiuma di tela a vari antipiuma scomparti a vari scomparti Feather with polyester Feather with fiber, polyester in a feather-proof fiber, in a feather-proof cover divided cover in many divided compartments in many compartments 5 Poliuretano 5 espanso Poliuretano densità espanso 40 densità 40 Polyurethane Polyurethane foam density foam 40 kg/mc density 40 kg/mc 17 Poliuretano 17 espanso Poliuretano densità espanso 30 densità 30 Polyurethane Polyurethane foam density foam 30 kg/mc density 30 kg/mc 7 Cinghia7elastica Cinghia mm 80 elastica mm 80 Elastic belt mm Elastic 80 belt mm 80 9 Multistrato 9 con Multistrato tamponamenti con tamponamenti in particelle di inlegno particelle e fibra di legno e fibra Plywood with Plywood wood and with fiber wood insertions and fiber insertions Metallo 10grezzo Metallo grezzo Rough metal Rough metal VERSIONI / VERSIONS VERSIONI / VERSIONS Tessuto e pelle: Tessuto completamente e pelle: completamente sfoderabile. sfoderabile. Fabric and leather: Fabric completely and leather: removable completely coverings removable coverings PIEDINI / FEET PIEDINI / FEET Di serie piedino Di serie in ABS piedino grigioin ABS grigio Standard feetStandard in grey ABS feet in grey ABS NOTE / NOTES NOTE / NOTES Cuscini schienale Cuscini non schienale sono compresi non sono nelcompresi prezzo. Specificare nel prezzo.codici Specificare e quantità codici rispettive. e quantità rispettive. Back cushionsBack are not cushions included. are not Please included. specifyPlease codes specify and quantities. codes and quantities. SOTTOSOPRA 10 side LEVENT coverings SOTTOSOPRA for Element side side side 75 coverings for forfor Element Element Element 75 75 09LEDBEF02 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBEF02 Fodera fianchi LEVENT Elemento 09LEDBEF02 SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBEF02 75 LEVENT Fodera LEVENT fianchi SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Elemento 1,30 Fodera Fodera 75coverings fianchi Elemento Elemento 75 75 75 c 0,65LEVENT mc mcmc 0,65 0,65 0,65 coverings SOTTOSOPRA side LEVENT for Element SOTTOSOPRA 75 LEVENT side LEVENT coverings SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA for Element side side coverings 75 for for Element Element 75 75 gc 35 Kg Kgmc Kg 35 35 35 0,65 mc 0,65 0,65 g 35 KgKg 3535 1,30 09LEDBEL02 09LEDBEL02 LEVENT 09LEDBEL02 09LEDBEL02 SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBEL02 LEVENT LEVENT Elemento LEVENTSOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA 100 Elemento Elemento 100 100 Elemento Element LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA 100 Element Element 100 100 Element LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBEL02 Elemento 100 LEVENT 09LEDBEL02 SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBEL02 LEVENT Elemento LEVENTSOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA 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Elemento 3,80 Fodera Fodera 100 xface 125 sopra Elemento Elemento 100 100 xxElement 125 125 100 3,80 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA upper face LEVENT coverings SOTTOSOPRA for Element LEVENT 100 upper LEVENT x 125 face SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA coverings for upper upper Element face coverings coverings 100 x 125 for for Element Element 100 100 x x 125 125 09LEDBEF06 LEVENT 09LEDBEF06 09LEDBEF06 SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBEF06 LEVENT LEVENT Fodera LEVENTfianchi SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Elemento Fodera Fodera Fodera 100 xfianchi 125 fianchi Elemento Elemento Elemento 100 100100 xx125 125 x 125 1,90 side LEVENT coverings SOTTOSOPRA for Element side side side coverings 100 coverings x 125 for forfor Element Element Element 100 100 xx125 125 x 125 09LEDBEF06 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBEF06 Fodera fianchi LEVENT Elemento 09LEDBEF06 SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBEF06 100 x 125 LEVENT Fodera LEVENT fianchi SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Elemento 1,90 Fodera Fodera 100 xfianchi 125 Elemento Elemento 100 100100 xx125 125 1,90 c 0,95LEVENT mc mcmc 0,95 0,95 0,95 coverings SOTTOSOPRA side LEVENT for Element SOTTOSOPRA 100 x 125 LEVENT side LEVENT coverings SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA for Element side side coverings 100 x 125 for for Element Element 100 100xx125 125 gc 47 Kg Kgmc Kg 47 47 47 0,95 mc 0,95 0,95 g 47 KgKg 4747 09LEDBAN01 09LEDBAN01 LEVENT 09LEDBAN01 09LEDBAN01 SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBAN01 LEVENT LEVENT Angolo LEVENTSOTTOSOPRA 100 SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRAAngolo Angolo Angolo 100 100 corner LEVENT SOTTOSOPRAcorner corner corner 100 100 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBAN01 Angolo 100LEVENT 09LEDBAN01 SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBAN01 LEVENT Angolo LEVENT100 SOTTOSOPRA 100 SOTTOSOPRA 6,50 Angolo Angolo 100 773 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA corner 100LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT corner LEVENT100 SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA corner corner 100 09LEDBAF01 09LEDBAF01 LEVENT 09LEDBAF01 SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBAF01 LEVENT Fodera LEVENTsopra SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Angolo 100 Fodera Fodera sopra Angolo Angolo 100 100100 5,00 09LEDBAF01 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA Fodera sopra Angolo upper face coverings for upper upper corner face 100 coverings coverings for forfor corner corner 100 100100 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA upper face coverings corner LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBAF01 Fodera sopra LEVENT Angolo 09LEDBAF01 SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBAF01 100 LEVENT Fodera LEVENT sopra SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Angolo 100 5,00 Fodera Fodera sopra Angolo Angolo 100 100 5,00 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA upper face LEVENT coverings SOTTOSOPRA for corner 100 LEVENT upper LEVENT face SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA coverings for upper upper corner face 100 coverings coverings for for corner corner 100 100 09LEDBAF02 LEVENT 09LEDBAF02 SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBAF02 LEVENT Fodera LEVENTfianchi SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Angolo 100 Fodera Fodera fianchi Angolo Angolo 100 100100 1,90 09LEDBAF02 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA Fodera fianchi Angolo side LEVENT id coverings SOTTOSOPRA i ffor corner side side id id side id100 coverings coverings i i Angolo ffor fforffor corner corner corner 100 100 09LEDBAF02 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBAF02 Fodera fianchi LEVENT Angolo 09LEDBAF02 SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBAF02 100 LEVENT Fodera LEVENT fianchi SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Angolo 100 1,90 Fodera Fodera fianchi Angolo 100 100100 c 0,81LEVENT mc mcmc 0,81 0,81 0,81 SOTTOSOPRA side id coverings iLEVENT ffor corner SOTTOSOPRA 100 LEVENT side LEVENT id coverings SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA i ffor corner side side id id 100 coverings i ffor ffor corner corner 100 100 gc 44 Kg Kgmc Kg 44 44 44 0,81 mc 0,81 0,81 g 44 KgKg 4444 6,50 6,50 1,90 1.051 1.051 1.173 1.051 1.296 1.173 1.173 1.296 1.173 1.296 1.051 1.051 1.173 1.296 1.173 1.173 1.296 1.296 1.296 575 386 386 386386480 386 386386480 575 480 480 575 480 480 575 480575 575 575 575 480 1,30 1,301,30 175 1,30 1,30 244 175 175 175175210 175 175175210 244 210 210 244 210 210 244 210244 244 244 244 210 1.156 1.156 1.156 1.279 1.156 1.402 1.279 1.279 1.156 1.279 1.402 1.402 1.156 1.156 1.279 1.402 1.279 1.279 1.402 1.402 1.402 1.402 3,60 3,603,60 394 3,60 3,60 583 394 394 394394489 394 394394489 583 489 489 583 489 489 489583 583 583 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Leath Pelle Pelle Elite Elite herher Elite Elite Leath Leath Star Pelle Pelle Pelle Elite Elite Star Leath herher her Elite Elite Leath Leath Star Star Pelle Pelle Top Top Pelle Pelle herher her Star Star Leath Leath her Top Top Leath Leath ige Presti Top Top Pelle Pelle herher Top Top Leath Leath Elite Elite Star Star Pelle Pelle herher Star Star Leath Leath Elite Elite Top Pelle Star Star Pelle Pelle her Top Leath herher Star Star Leath Leath Star Elite Elite Top Top Pelle Pelle Presti Presti igeher ige her Top Top Leath Leath Elite Presti Presti igeige Elite Elite igeige Presti Presti Star Star Top Top Pelle Elite Elite Elite her Elite Leath Star Star Top Lux Lux Pelle Star Star Star her Star Leath Top Top Lux Extra Extra Pelle Top Top Top her Top Leath Extra Lux Lux Superr Normal c mt Fabric Tess Cliente omer fabric Custo 1.051 1.051 3,60 3,603,60 386 3,60 3,60 626 4,60 4,604,60 626 626 626 626 1.156 4,60 4,60 626 626 1.279 1,30 1.296 Extra Extra 09LEDBEF01 LEVENT 09LEDBEF01 09LEDBEF01 SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBEF01 LEVENT LEVENT Fodera LEVENTsopra SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA ElementoFodera Fodera 75 Fodera sopra sopra Elemento Elemento Elemento 75 75 75 3,60 upper LEVENT face SOTTOSOPRA coverings for upper upper upper Element face face coverings coverings 75 coverings for for for Element Element Element 75 75 75 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBEF01 Fodera sopra LEVENT Elemento 09LEDBEF01 SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBEF01 75 LEVENT Fodera LEVENT sopra SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Elemento 3,60 Fodera Fodera 75 sopra Elemento Elemento 75 75 3,60 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA upper face LEVENT coverings SOTTOSOPRA for Element LEVENT 75 upper LEVENT face SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA coverings for upper upper Element face coverings coverings 75 for for Element Element 75 75 09LEDBEF02 LEVENT 09LEDBEF02 09LEDBEF02 SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBEF02 LEVENT LEVENT Fodera LEVENTfianchi SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Elemento Fodera Fodera Fodera 75 fianchi fianchi Elemento Elemento Elemento 75 75 75 1,30 530 4,60 4,604,60 530 530 530 530 1.051 4,60 4,60 530 530 1.173 Super Super r r Super Super r r Lux Lux Presti ige 09LEDBEF01 4,60 4,60 Norm Norm al al Norm Norm al al Extra Extra Elite 09LEDBEL01 LEVENT 09LEDBEL01 09LEDBEL01 SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBEL01 LEVENT LEVENT Elemento LEVENTSOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA 75 Elemento Elemento Elemento 7575 Element LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA 75 Element Element Element 75 75 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBEL01 Elemento 75 LEVENT 09LEDBEL01 SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBEL01 LEVENT Elemento LEVENTSOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA 75 4,60 Elemento Elemento 75 530 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA Element 75 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT Element LEVENTSOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA 75 Element Element 75 NoCliente co overings Cliente Tess Tess Cliente Cliente Tess Tess omer omer fabric fabric Custo Custo r omer r fabric Super Super omer fabric Custo Custo Star 09LEDBEL01 In Bia Inanco Bia anco In Bia In anco Bia anco No No co overings co overings Norm alco al NoNorm No co overings overings TopIn Bia anco Descrizione Mt Mt Tessuto Tessuto Mt Mt Tessuto Tessuto Tess Tess cCliente mt cCliente mt Fabric Fabric c mt c mt Fabric Fabric omer omer fabric fabric Custo Custo Lux Mt Tessuto Codice In Bia Inanco Bia anco No No co overings co Extra overings Mt Mt Tessuto Tessuto c mt c mt Fabric Fabric Superr Normal Descrizione Descrizione Descrizione Descrizione Descrizione Tess Cliente omer fabric Custo Descrizione Codice Codice Codice Descrizione Codice Codice In Bia anco No co overings Codice Codice Mt Tessuto c mt Fabric . LEVENT Mod. Mod. Mod. SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LEVENT LEVENTSOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA TOSOPRA . LEVENT Mod. Mod. SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LEVENTSOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA EDBAN02 09LEDBAN02 LEVENT 09LEDBAN02 09LEDBAN02 SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBAN02 LEVENT LEVENT LEVENT Angolo SOTTOSOPRA 125 SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA x 100 Angolo Angolo Angolo 125 125 x 125 100 x 100 x 100 LEVENT corner 100 SOTTOSOPRA x 100 125 corner corner 100 100 x 100 125 x 100 125 x 125 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA09LEDBAN02 Angolo 125 x 100 LEVENT 09LEDBAN02 SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBAN02 LEVENT LEVENT Angolo SOTTOSOPRA 125 SOTTOSOPRA 6,50 Angolo 125874 125 100 6Angolo 50corner LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA corner 100 x 125 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT corner LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA 100 SOTTOSOPRA x 125 corner corner 100 100 x 125 x 125 EDBAF03 09LEDBAF03 LEVENT 09LEDBAF03 09LEDBAF03 SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBAF03 LEVENT LEVENT LEVENT Fodera SOTTOSOPRA sopra SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Angolo Fodera 125 Fodera Fodera xsopra 100sopra sopra Angolo Angolo Angolo 125 125 x 100 125 x 100 x 100 5,00 LEVENT upper face SOTTOSOPRA coverings upper for upper upper face face coverings face 100 coverings coverings x 125 125 for 125 for for corner 100100 x 125 100 x 5,00 125 x 125 514 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA09LEDBAF03 Fodera sopra Angolo LEVENT 09LEDBAF03 125 SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBAF03 x 100 LEVENT LEVENT Fodera SOTTOSOPRA sopra SOTTOSOPRA Angolo 5,00 Fodera 125 Fodera xcorner sopra 100 sopra Angolo Angolo xcorner 100 xcorner 100 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA09LEDBAF04 upper face coverings LEVENT for SOTTOSOPRA corner 100 LEVENT x LEVENT upper 125 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA face SOTTOSOPRA coverings upper for upper face corner face coverings 100 coverings xAngolo 125 for for corner 100 100 x 125 x 1,90 125 LEVENT 09LEDBAF04 09LEDBAF04 SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBAF04 LEVENT LEVENT Fodera SOTTOSOPRA fianchi SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Angolo Fodera 125 Fodera Fodera fianchi x 100 fianchi fianchi Angolo Angolo 125corner 125 x 100 125 x 100 x 100 EDBAF04 mc Kg mc Kg LEVENT side coverings SOTTOSOPRA for side corner side coverings side 100 coverings x Angolo 125 for Angolo corner forfor corner 100 100 100 125 x 125 x 125 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA09LEDBAF04 Fodera fianchi LEVENT Angolo 09LEDBAF04 125 SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBAF04 x 100 LEVENT LEVENT Fodera SOTTOSOPRA fianchi SOTTOSOPRA Angolo 1,90 Fodera 125 Fodera fianchi xcoverings 100 fianchi 125corner 125 x 100 xx100 1,90 0,95 mcmc mc 0,95 0,950,95 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA side coverings LEVENT for corner SOTTOSOPRA 100 x 125 LEVENT side LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA coverings SOTTOSOPRA for side corner side coverings 100 coverings x 125 for corner for corner 100100 x 125 x 125 53 KgKg mc Kg 53 53 53 0,95 mc 0,95 0,95 53 Kg Kg 53 53 EDBAN03 09LEDBAN03 LEVENT 09LEDBAN03 09LEDBAN03 SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBAN03 LEVENT LEVENT LEVENT Angolo A SOTTOSOPRA l 125 SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA x 125 Angolo A Angolo AlAngolo A 125 l l 125 x 125 x 125 x 125 LEVENT corner SOTTOSOPRA x 125 125 corner x 125 125 x 125 125 x 125 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA09LEDBAN03 Angolo A l 125 x 125 LEVENT 09LEDBAN03 SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBAN03 LEVENT LEVENT Angolo A SOTTOSOPRA l 125 125 SOTTOSOPRA 6Angolo 6,90 A 90corner Angolo Acorner l 125 125 l1.068 1 125 068 125 125 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coverings 125 coverings xAngolo 125 for for corner 125 125 x 125 x 2,60 125 LEVENT 09LEDBAF06 09LEDBAF06 SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBAF06 LEVENT LEVENT Fodera SOTTOSOPRA fianchi SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Angolo Fodera 125 Fodera Fodera fianchi x 125 fianchi fianchi Angolo Angolo 125corner 125 x 125 125 x 125 x 125 EDBAF06 mc Kg mc Kg LEVENT side coverings SOTTOSOPRA for side corner side coverings side 125 coverings x Angolo 125 for Angolo corner forfor corner 125 125 125 125 x 125 x 125 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA09LEDBAF06 Fodera fianchi LEVENT Angolo 09LEDBAF06 125 SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBAF06 x 125 LEVENT LEVENT Fodera SOTTOSOPRA fianchi SOTTOSOPRA Angolo 2,60 Fodera 125 Fodera fianchi xcoverings 125 fianchi 125corner 125 x 125 xx125 2,60 1,28 mcmc mc 1,28 1,281,28 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA side coverings LEVENT for corner SOTTOSOPRA 125 x 125 LEVENT side LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA coverings SOTTOSOPRA for side corner side coverings 125 coverings x 125 for corner for corner 125125 x 125 x 125 56 KgKg mc Kg 56 56 56 1,28 mc 1,28 1,28 56 Kg Kg 56 56 09LEDBTE01S LEVENT 09LEDBTE01S 09LEDBTE01S SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBTE01S LEVENT LEVENT LEVENT Terminale SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA 100 sx Terminale Terminale Terminale 100 100 sx100 sxsx LEVENT End unitSOTTOSOPRA 100 End unit Endunit 100 unit left 100 left EDBTE01S LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA09LEDBTE01S Terminale 100 LEVENT sx 09LEDBTE01S SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBTE01S LEVENT LEVENT Terminale SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA 100left sx End 6,50 Terminale Terminale 100 773100 100 sx sxleft LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA End unit 100 left LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT End LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA unitSOTTOSOPRA 100 left End End unit unit 100100 left left 6,50 6 50 6,50 6 50 6,90 6 90 6 90 6,90 6,50 6,50 09LEDBTF01S LEVENT 09LEDBTF01S 09LEDBTF01S SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBTF01S LEVENT LEVENT LEVENT Fodera F dSOTTOSOPRA sopra SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Terminale T Fodera Fi dl Fodera FFodera F100 dsopra d sxsopra sopra Terminale T Terminale Ti Terminale T l i 100 il 100 lsx100 sx sx 5 50 5,50 LEVENT upper face SOTTOSOPRA coverings upper face face coverings face unit 100 coverings left for100 for End unit End unit 100 unit 100 left 100 EDBTF01S LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA09LEDBTF01S Fodera F d sopra Terminale TLEVENT i09LEDBTF01S l SOTTOSOPRA 100 09LEDBTF01S sx LEVENT LEVENT Fodera F dSOTTOSOPRA sopra SOTTOSOPRA Terminale T upper 5Fodera 5,50 Fi 50 dlfor Fodera Fupper 100 dEnd sopra sx sopra Terminale T coverings Terminale Ti lfor i 100 lEnd sx sx 5left 5,50 50 left LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA09LEDBTF02S upper face coverings LEVENT for SOTTOSOPRA End unit LEVENT 100 upper left LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA face SOTTOSOPRA coverings upper for upper face End face coverings unit coverings 100 for left End for End unit unit 100 100 left left LEVENT 09LEDBTF02S 09LEDBTF02S SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBTF02S LEVENT LEVENT LEVENT Fodera SOTTOSOPRA fianchi SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Terminale Fodera Fodera Fodera 100 fianchi sx fianchi fianchi Terminale Terminale Terminale 100100 sx100 sx sx 1,30 LEVENT side coverings SOTTOSOPRA for side Endside coverings side unit coverings 100 coverings left for Terminale End forfor End unit End unit 100 unit 100 left 100 left left1,30 EDBTF02S LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA09LEDBTF02S Fodera fianchi LEVENT Terminale 09LEDBTF02S SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBTF02S 100 sx LEVENT LEVENT Fodera SOTTOSOPRA fianchi SOTTOSOPRA Terminale 1,30 Fodera Fodera 100 fianchi sx fianchi Terminale 100 100 sx sx mc 0 81 0,81 mcmc mc 0,81 0 81 0 810,81 0,81 0coverings 81 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA side LEVENT for End unit SOTTOSOPRA 100 left LEVENT side LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA coverings SOTTOSOPRA for side Endside coverings unitcoverings 100 left for End for End unitunit 100100 leftleft Kg 4481 KgKg mc Kg 0,81 4481 44 0,81 4481 mc 0 0,81 mc 0 0 Kg 44 Kg Kg 44 44 09LEDBTE02S LEVENT 09LEDBTE02S 09LEDBTE02S SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBTE02S LEVENT LEVENT LEVENT Terminale SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA 125 x 100 Terminale sx Terminale Terminale 125 125 x 100 125 x 100 sx x 100 sx sx LEVENT End unitSOTTOSOPRA 100 End left End unit Endunit 100 unit x125 125 xx125 x100 left 125 leftleft EDBTE02S LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA09LEDBTE02S Terminale 125 LEVENT x 10009LEDBTE02S sx SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBTE02S LEVENT LEVENT Terminale SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA 125xx125 100 6,50 Terminale sx Terminale 125 874100 x100 100 sx sx LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA End unit 100 xLEVENT 125 leftSOTTOSOPRA LEVENT End LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA unitSOTTOSOPRA 100 x 125 End left End unit unit 100100 x 125 x 125 left left 6,50 6,50 874 1.574 1 574 874 6,50 6,50 6,50 874 874 874 6 50 6 50 6 50 6,50 6,50 874 1.747 874 1.921 6 50 6 50 1 747 1 921 1.574 1 574 1.574 1 574 1.574 1.574 1.747 11.574 1574 574 1.747 1 747 1 574 1.921 1 921 11.747 1 747 747 1.574 1.921 1.747 11.574 1574 574 1.747 1 747 1 921 11.747 1 747 747 1.921 11.747 1 921 747 1.921 1 921 1.921 1 921 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 779 514 514 514 514 514 514 646514 646 779646 646 779646 646 779 646 779 779 646 1,90 1,90 1,90 1,90 1,90 335 234 234 234 234 234 234 284234 284 335284 284 335284 284 335 284 335 335 284 1 068 6 1.068 6,90 90 6 90 6 6,90 6,90 90 1 068 1.068 1 068 1.068 1.068 1 068 1.804 1 1804 1.068 068 6,90 6 90 6 90 6,90 1 068 1.068 11 1.068 1.986 068 986 2 169 2.169 1.804 1 804 1 804 1.804 1.804 1 1804 1.804 804 1.986 1 986 1 804 2.169 1.804 2 169 11.986 1.986 1 986 986 11.804 1.804 1804 804 1.986 1 986 2 169 2.169 11.986 1.986 1 986 986 2.169 2 1 169 1.986 986 2 169 2.169 2 169 2.169 234 289 773 1.463 773 5,20 5,20 5,20 5,20 5,20 818 541 541 541 541 541 541 679541 679 818679 679 818679 679 818 679 818 818 679 2,60 2,60 2,60 2,60 2,60 428 289 289 289 289 289 289 359289 359 428359 359 428359 359 428 359 428 428 359 6,50 6,50 6,50 773 773 773 6,50 6,50 773 1.636 773 1.809 1.463 1.463 1.463 1.463 1.636 1.463 1.809 1.636 1.636 1.463 1.463 1.636 1.809 1.636 1.636 1.809 1.636 1.809 1.809 5,50 5 50 5 50 5,50 5,50 5 50 5 50 5,50 5 50 5,50 681 826 537 537 537 537 537 537 681537 681 826681 681 826681 681 826 681 826 826 537 1,30 1,30 1,30 1,30 1,30 228 262 193 193 193 193 193 193 228193 228 262228 228 262228 228 262 228 262 262 193 6,50 6,50 6,50 874 874 874 6,50 6,50 874 1.747 874 1.921 1.574 1.574 1.574 1.574 1.747 1.574 1.921 1.747 1.747 1.574 1.574 1.747 1.921 1.747 1.747 1.921 1.747 1.921 1.921 874 1.574 874 09LEDBTF03S LEVENT 09LEDBTF03S 09LEDBTF03S SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBTF03S LEVENT LEVENT LEVENT Fodera SOTTOSOPRA sopra SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Terminale Fodera Fodera Fodera 125 sopra x sopra 100 sopra Terminale sxTerminale Terminale 125 125 x 100 125 x 100 sx x 100 sx sx5,50 5,50 5,50 5,50 LEVENT upper face SOTTOSOPRA coverings upper for upper upper face End coverings face unit coverings 100 coverings for x 125 End for125 for left End unit unit 100 unit 100 x 125 100 x 125 left x 125 left 545 left 5,50 EDBTF03S LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA09LEDBTF03S Fodera sopra Terminale LEVENT 09LEDBTF03S SOTTOSOPRA 125 09LEDBTF03S x 100 sx LEVENT LEVENT Fodera SOTTOSOPRA sopra SOTTOSOPRA Terminale 5,50 Fodera Fodera 125 sopra xface sopra 100 Terminale sx Terminale 125 x 100 xEnd 100 sx sx 5,50 5,50 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA09LEDBTF04S upper face coverings LEVENT for SOTTOSOPRA End unit LEVENT 100 upper x LEVENT 125 SOTTOSOPRA left face SOTTOSOPRA coverings upper for upper face End face coverings unit coverings 100 for x 125 End for left End unit unit 100 100 x 125 x 125 left left LEVENT 09LEDBTF04S 09LEDBTF04S SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBTF04S LEVENT LEVENT LEVENT Fodera SOTTOSOPRA fianchi SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Terminale Fodera Fodera Fodera 125 fianchi xfianchi 100 fianchi Terminale sxTerminale Terminale 125125 x 100 125 x 100 sx x 100 sx sx 1,30 1,30 1,30 1,30 side id SOTTOSOPRA coverings SOTTOSOPRA i ffor side E End id dside coverings id side unit id125 itcoverings coverings 100 i xfianchi i Terminale xffor i 125 E End fforffor dleft lE End unit ftE End d125 itunit d100 unit 100 it 100 125 x 125 lx ft 125 left l ft left l ft 195 1,30 EDBTF04S LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA09LEDBTF04S Fodera fianchi LEVENT Terminale 09LEDBTF04S SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBTF04S 125 x 100 LEVENT sx LEVENT LEVENT Fodera fianchi SOTTOSOPRA Terminale 1,30 Fodera Fodera fianchi 100 sxTerminale 125 xit 100 xx 100 sx sxleft 1,30 1,30 mc 0,95 mcmc mc 0,95 0,95 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA side id 0,95 coverings i LEVENT ffor E End d unit SOTTOSOPRA it 100 x 125 LEVENT side left lLEVENT id ft SOTTOSOPRA coverings SOTTOSOPRA i ffor side E End id dside coverings id unit itcoverings 100 i i xffor 125 E End ffordleft lE End unit ftditunit 100 it 100 x 125 x 125 left l ftleft l ft Kg 53 KgKg mc Kg 53 53 53 mc 0,95 mc 0,95 0,95 Kg 53 Kg Kg 53 53 835 545 545 545 545 545 545 690545 690 835690 690 835690 690 835 690 835 835 690 265 195 195 195 195 195 195 230195 230 265230 230 265230 230 265 230 265 265 230 Pelle Elite her Elite Leath her Star Leath her Top Leath Pelle Pelle Elite Elite Pelle Pelle Elite Elite herher Elite Elite Leath Leath Star Pelle herher Elite Elite Leath Leath Star Star Pelle Pelle Elite Elite Star Star Pelle Pelle herher Star Star Leath Leath Elite Elite Top Pelle herher Star Star Leath Leath Star Star Pelle Pelle Top Top Pelle Pelle Top Top Pelle Pelle her her Star Star Leath Leath her Top Top Leath Leath herher her Top Top Leath Leath ige Presti Elite Top Top Pelle Pelle Presti Presti ige ige her Top Top Leath Leath Presti Presti igeher ige Presti Presti igeige Elite Elite Star Elite Elite Star Star Top Star Star LuxElite Top Top Pelle her Elite Leath Extra Lux Lux Lux LuxStar Pelle her Star Leath Superr Extra Extra Extra Extra Top Pelle her Top Leath Top Top Lux Lux Normal Super Super r r Super Super r r Prestiige Extra Extra Mt Mt Tessuto Tessuto Mt Mt Tecssuto Te mt cssuto mt Fabric Fabric Lux Tess Tess cCliente mt cCliente mt Fabric Fabric omer fabric fabric Custo Custo Mt Teomer ssuto In Fabric Bia Inanco Bia anco c mt In In anco Bia anco NoBia No co overings co overings Top NoNo co overings co overings Norm Norm al al In Bia anco Cliente Cliente Tess Tess No co overings Cliente Cliente Tess Tess omer omer fabric fabric Custo Custo Star omer omer fabric fabric Custo Custo Super Super r r Tess Cliente fabric Custo Norm Norm al omer al Norm Norm al al Elite Extra In Bia Inanco Bia anco NoNo co overings co overings Descrizione Descrizione Descrizione Descrizione Descrizione Mt Mt Terssuto Tessuto Super c mt c mt Fabric Fabric Descrizione Codice Codice Codice Descrizione Codice Codice Normal Codice Codice Tess Cliente omer fabric Custo Descrizione In Bia anco No co overings ce Mt Tessuto c mt Fabric . LEVENT Mod. Mod. Mod. SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LEVENT LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA OSOPRA . LEVENT Mod. Mod. SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA g 56 Kg mc Kg 09LEDBTF06S 56 56 56 mc 1,28LEVENT Kg mc 1,28 1,28 side coverings for End unit x 125 side left coverings for End side unit side coverings coverings 125 x 125 for for left End Endunit unit 125 125 xx125 125 left left 09LEDBTF06S SOTTOSOPRA Fodera fianchi LEVENT Terminale 09LEDBTF06S SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBTF06S 125125 x 125 sx LEVENT Fodera LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA fianchi SOTTOSOPRA Terminale 1,90 Fodera Fodera 125 fianchi x fianchi 125 sx Terminale Terminale 125 125 x x125 125 sx sx 1,90 g 56 Kg mc Kg 56 56 mc 1,28LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA mc 1,28 1,28 side coverings LEVENT for End SOTTOSOPRA unit 125 x 125 LEVENT side LEVENT left coverings SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA for End side unit side coverings coverings 125 x 125 for for left End Endunit unit125 125xx125 125left left g 56 Kg mc Kg 56 mc 1,28 mc 1,2856 1,28 g 56 Kg Kg 56 56 09LEDBPU01 09LEDBPU01 09LEDBPU01 09LEDBPF01 09LEDBPF01 09LEDBPF01 09LEDBPF02 09LEDBPU01 LEVENT09LEDBPU01 09LEDBPU01 SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBPU01LEVENT LEVENT Pouff PLEVENT ff 100 SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA x 100 Pouff P Pouff P Pouff ff ff 100 ff100 100 xx 100 x100 100 3 60 3,60 477 ottoman LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA 100 x 100 3,60 ottoman ottoman 100 100 x x100 x100 100 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBPU01 Pouff P ff 100 xLEVENT 100 09LEDBPU01 SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBPU01LEVENT Pouff PLEVENT ff 100 SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA x 100 3ottoman Pouff P60 Pouff P ff ff 100 100 477 x100 x 100 100 3 60 3,60 477 879 ottoman x 10009LEDBPU01 ottoman 100 x 100 3,60 ottoman 100 x x100 100 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBPU01 Pouff P ff 100100 xLEVENT 100 SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBPU01LEVENT Pouff PLEVENT ff 100 SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA x 100 3ottoman Pouff P60 Pouff P ff ff 100 100 477 x100 x 100 100 3 60 3,60 477 879 ottoman x 10009LEDBPU01 ottoman 100 x 100100 ottoman 100 100 x x 100 100 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBPU01 Pouff P ff 100100 xLEVENT 100 SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBPU01 Pouff P LEVENT ff 100 SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA x 100 3ottoman 3,60 Pouff P 60 P ff ff 100 100 477 xsopra x 100 100 3 3,60 60 477 879 09LEDBPF01 LEVENT 09LEDBPF01 09LEDBPF01 SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBPF01 LEVENT LEVENT LEVENT Fodera LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA sopra SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Pouff Fodera xPouff Fodera Fodera 100 sopra sopra Pouff Pouff Pouff 100 100 100 x x100 100 x 100 2,50 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA ottoman 100 LEVENT x 100 SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT ottoman LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA 100 SOTTOSOPRA x 100 ottoman ottoman 100 100 x x 100 100 upper LEVENT face SOTTOSOPRA coverings upper for upper upper ottoman face face face coverings coverings 100 coverings x100 100 for for ottoman ottoman ottoman 100 1002,50 100 xx100 100 x 100 275 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBPF01 Fodera sopra LEVENT Pouff 09LEDBPF01 100 SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBPF01 x 100 LEVENT Fodera LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA sopra SOTTOSOPRA Pouff 100 2,50 Fodera xFodera 100 sopra sopra Pouff Pouff 100 x xfor 100 100 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA upper LEVENT coverings SOTTOSOPRA for ottoman 100 LEVENT upper LEVENT x 100 face SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA coverings upper for upper ottoman face face coverings coverings 100 x100 100 for for ottoman ottoman 1001,20 xx100 100 09LEDBPF01 Foderaface sopra Pouff 09LEDBPF02 09LEDBPF01 100 09LEDBPF01 x 100 Fodera sopra Pouff 2,50 Fodera xFodera Fodera sopra sopra Pouff Pouff 100 x100 100 2,50 09LEDBPF02 LEVENT 09LEDBPF02 SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBPF02 LEVENT LEVENT Fodera LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA fianchi SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Pouff100 100 Fodera Fodera x100 100 fianchi fianchi fianchi Pouff Pouff Pouff 100 100 xx100 x100 100 x 100 100 upper face coverings for ottoman 100 upper x 100 face coverings upper for upper ottoman face face coverings coverings 100 x 100 for for ottoman ottoman 100 100 x x 100 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBPF01 Fodera sopra LEVENT Pouff 09LEDBPF01 100 SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBPF01 x 100 LEVENT Fodera LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA sopra SOTTOSOPRA Pouff 100 2,50 Fodera x Fodera 100 sopra sopra Pouff Pouff 100 100 x x 100 100 2,50 side LEVENT coverings SOTTOSOPRA for ottoman side side side coverings 100 coverings x 100 for for for ottoman ottoman ottoman 100 100 100 xx100 100 x 100 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBPF02 Fodera fianchi LEVENT Pouff09LEDBPF02 SOTTOSOPRA 100 09LEDBPF02 x 100 LEVENT Fodera LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA fianchi SOTTOSOPRA Pouff 100 1,20 Fodera Fodera x coverings 100 fianchi fianchi Pouff Pouff 100 100x x100 100 1,20100 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA upper face LEVENT coverings SOTTOSOPRA for ottoman 100 LEVENT upper LEVENT x 100 face SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA coverings upper for upper ottoman face face coverings coverings 100 x 100 for for ottoman ottoman 100 100 xx100 100 mc mc mc 09LEDBPF02 0,56 0,56 0,56 side coverings for ottoman 100 x 100 side coverings for ottoman side side coverings 100 x 100 for forottoman ottoman 100 100xx100 1001,20 09LEDBPF020,56LEVENT mc SOTTOSOPRA Fodera fianchi LEVENT Pouff 09LEDBPF02 SOTTOSOPRA 100 09LEDBPF02 x 100 LEVENT Fodera LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA fianchi SOTTOSOPRA Pouff 100 1,20 Fodera Fodera x coverings 100 fianchi fianchi Pouff Pouff 100 100x x100 100 g 28 Kg mc Kg 09LEDBPF02 28 28 28 mc 0,56LEVENT Kg mc 0,56 0,56 side coverings for ottoman 100 x 100 side coverings for ottoman side side coverings 100 x 100 for forottoman ottoman 100 100xx100 1001,20 09LEDBPF02 SOTTOSOPRA Fodera fianchi LEVENT Pouff 09LEDBPF02 SOTTOSOPRA 100 09LEDBPF02 x 100 LEVENT Fodera LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA fianchi SOTTOSOPRA Pouff 100 1,20 Fodera Fodera x coverings 100 fianchi fianchi Pouff Pouff 100 100x x100 100 g 28 Kg mc Kg 28 28 mc 0,56LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA mc 0,56 0,56 side coverings LEVENT for ottoman SOTTOSOPRA 100 x 100 LEVENT side LEVENT coverings SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA for ottoman side side coverings coverings 100 x 100 for forottoman ottoman100 100xx100 100 g 28 Kg mc Kg 28 mc 0,56 mc 0,5628 0,56 g 28 Kg Kg 28 28 09LEDBPU02 09LEDBPU02 09LEDBPU02 09LEDBPF03 09LEDBPF03 09LEDBPF03 09LEDBPF04 243 275 275 160 160 160 09LEDBPU02 LEVENT09LEDBPU02 09LEDBPU02 SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBPU02LEVENT LEVENT Pouff LEVENT 100 SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA x 125 Pouff Pouff Pouff 100 100 100 xx 125 x125 125 3,60 603 ottoman LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA 100 x 125 3,60 ottoman ottoman ottoman 100 100 x x125 x125 125 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBPU02 Pouff 100 xLEVENT 125 09LEDBPU02 SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBPU02LEVENT Pouff LEVENT 100 SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA x 125 Pouff Pouff 100 100 603 x100 x 125 125 3,60 603 1.023 ottoman x 12509LEDBPU02 ottoman 100 x 125 3,60 ottoman ottoman 100 x x125 125 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBPU02 Pouff 100100 xLEVENT 125 SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBPU02LEVENT Pouff LEVENT 100 SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA x 125 Pouff Pouff 100 100 603 x100 x 125 125 3,60 603 1.023 ottoman x 12509LEDBPU02 ottoman 100 x 125100 ottoman ottoman 100 100 x x 125 125 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBPU02 Pouff 100100 xLEVENT LEVENT 125 SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBPU02 LEVENT Pouff LEVENT 100 SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA x 125 3,60 Pouff Pouff 100 100 603 x x 125 125 3,60 603 1.023 09LEDBPF03 09LEDBPF03 09LEDBPF03 SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBPF03 LEVENT LEVENT Fodera LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA sopra SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Pouff Fodera xFodera Fodera 125 sopra sopra sopra Pouff Pouff Pouff 100 100 100 x x125 125 x 125 2,50 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA ottoman 100 LEVENT x 125 SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT ottoman LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA 100 SOTTOSOPRA x 125 ottoman ottoman 100 100 x x 125 125 upper LEVENT fface SOTTOSOPRA coverings i 100 upper ffor upper upper ottoman ttfface fface fface coverings coverings 100 coverings i ix100 i 125 ffor ffor ottoman ottoman ttttottoman tt 100 1002,50 100 xx125 125 x 125 275 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBPF03 Fodera sopra LEVENT Pouff 09LEDBPF03 100 SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBPF03 x 125 LEVENT Fodera LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA sopra SOTTOSOPRA Pouff 2,50 Fodera xFodera 125 sopra sopra Pouff Pouff 100 x xffor 125 125 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA upper LEVENT coverings i 09LEDBPF03 SOTTOSOPRA ffor ottoman tt 100 LEVENT upper LEVENT x 125 fface SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA coverings i 100 upper ffor upper ottoman ttfface fface coverings coverings 100 i Pouff ix100 125 ffor ffor ottoman ottoman tt125 tt 1002,50 xx125 125 09LEDBPF03 Foderafface sopra Pouff 100 09LEDBPF03 x 125 Fodera sopra Pouff 2,50 Fodera xFodera sopra sopra Pouff Pouff 100 x100 125 09LEDBPF04 LEVENT 09LEDBPF04 09LEDBPF04 SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBPF04 LEVENT LEVENT Fodera LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA fianchi SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Pouff 100 Fodera Fodera Fodera x125 125 fianchi fianchi fianchi Pouff Pouff 100 100 xx125 x125 x 125 100 1,20 upper f face coverings i f for ottoman tt 100 upper x 125 f face coverings i upper f for upper ottoman tt f face f face coverings coverings 100 i i x 125 f for f for ottoman ottoman tt tt 100 100 x x 125 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBPF03 Fodera sopra LEVENT Pouff 09LEDBPF03 100 SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBPF03 x 125 LEVENT Fodera LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA sopra SOTTOSOPRA Pouff 100 2,50 Fodera x Fodera 125 sopra sopra Pouff Pouff 100 100 x x 125 125 2,50 side LEVENT coverings SOTTOSOPRA for ottoman side side side coverings 100 coverings x 125 for for for ottoman ottoman ottoman 100 100 100 xx125 125 x 125 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBPF04 Fodera fianchi LEVENT Pouff09LEDBPF04 SOTTOSOPRA 100 09LEDBPF04 x 125 LEVENT Fodera LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA fianchi SOTTOSOPRA Pouff 100 1,20 Fodera Fodera x coverings 125 fianchi fianchi Pouff Pouff 100 100x x125 125 1,20125 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA upper f face LEVENT coverings i SOTTOSOPRA f for ottoman tt 100 LEVENT upper LEVENT x 125 f face SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA coverings i upper f for upper ottoman tt f face f face coverings coverings 100 i i x 125 f for f for ottoman ottoman tt tt 100 100 xx125 125 side coverings for ottoman 100 x 125 side coverings for ottoman side side coverings 100 x 125 for forottoman ottoman 100 100xx125 1251,20 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBPF04 Fodera fianchi LEVENT Pouff 09LEDBPF04 SOTTOSOPRA 100 09LEDBPF04 x 125 LEVENT Fodera LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA fianchi SOTTOSOPRA Pouff 100 1,20 Fodera Fodera x coverings 125 fianchi fianchi Pouff Pouff 100 100x x125 125 09LEDBPF04 mc 0 66LEVENT mc mc mc 09LEDBPF04 00,66 0,66 066 66 0 66 0,66 side coverings for ottoman 100 x 125 side coverings for ottoman side side coverings 100 x 125 for forottoman ottoman 100 100xx125 1251,20 09LEDBPF040,66 SOTTOSOPRA Fodera fianchi LEVENT Pouff 09LEDBPF04 SOTTOSOPRA 100 09LEDBPF04 x 125 LEVENT Fodera LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA fianchi SOTTOSOPRA Pouff 100 1,20 Fodera Fodera x coverings 125 fianchi fianchi Pouff Pouff 100 100x x125 125 g 3066LEVENT Kg Kg mc Kg 30 30side 3066 mc 0 0,66 mc 0 0,66 660,66 0 SOTTOSOPRA coverings LEVENT for ottoman SOTTOSOPRA 100 x 125 LEVENT side LEVENT coverings SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA for ottoman side side coverings coverings 100 x 125 for forottoman ottoman100 100xx125 125 g 3066 Kg mc Kg 30660,66 3066 mc 0 0,66 mc 0 0,66 0 g 3066 Kg mc Kg 30660,66 3066 mc 0 0,66 mc 0 0,66 0 g 30 Kg Kg 30 30 3,60 3 3 60 3 3,60 3,60 60 477 477 33,60 3,60 3 60 477974 33,60 3,60 3 60 477974 3 3,60 3 3,60 60 2,50 477974 2,50 2,50 2,50 2,50 341 2,50 2,50 1,20 341 1,20 1,20 2,50 2,50 341 1,20 1,20 192 1,20 1,20 1,20 1,20 192 192 275 275 169 3,60 3,60 3,60 603 603 3,60 3,60 603 1.117 3,60 3,60 603 1.117 3,60 3,60 2,50 603 1.117 2,50 2,50 2,50 2,50 341 2,50 2,50 1,20 341 1,20 1,20 2,50 2,50 341 1,20 1,20 200 169 169 1,20 1,20 1,20 1,20 200 200 579 579 243 579 243 579 579 579 579 243 243 579 579 243 243 733 733 294243 733 294 243 243 243 243 294 243 243 294 1.068 1 068 1 068 1.068 1 068 1.068 879 879 879 879 275 879 879 879 879 879 879 879 879 275 275 407 407 407 223 275 275 160 275 160 275 275 275 275 160 160 275 275 160 160 223 223 160 160 160 160 192 160 160 192 1.212 1.212 1.212 1.023 1.023 1.023 1.023 275 407 407 407 232 275 275 169 275 169 275 275 275 275 169 169 275 275 169 169 232 232 169 169 169 169 200 169 169 200 888733 733 888 733 344733 294 294 888 733 733 344294 294 888 888 888 888 344 294 344 888 888 344 344 344294 294 344294 294 344 344 344 344 974879 974 974 974 341275 1.068 1 068974 974 1 068974 1.068 974 1 068974 1.068 974 1 068 1.068 974 974 407341 341 1.068 1 068 1974 1.068 068 1 068 1.068 1 068 1.068 1 068 1.068 1 068 1.068 1 407 1.068 068 1341 1.068 068 407 341 341160 192 341 192 407341 341 407192 341 341 223 192 407192 341 341 223 192 407 407 407 407 223 192 223 407 407 223 223 223192 192 223192 192 223 223 223 223 1.212 1.117 1.117 1.212 1.117 1.117 1.212 1.117 1.117 1.212 1.117 1.117 407 341 341 1.212 1.117 1.212 1.212 1.212 1.212 1.212 1.212 1.212 407 341 407 407341 341 407200 341 341 232 200 407 341 232341 200 200 407 407 407 407 232 200 232 407 407 232 232 232200 200 232200 200 232 232 232 232 1.023 1.0231.117 1.023 1.023 1.0231.117 1.023 1.0231.117 1.023 1.023 275 2751.117 341275 341 341 200169 341 200 888 344 1 068 1.068 407 223 1.212 407 232 Pelle Elite her Elite Leath Pelle Star her Star Leath her her Elite her Elite her Elite Elite Leath Leath Leath Leath Pelle Pelle Pelle Pelle Elite Elite Elite Elite her her Elite her Elite her Elite Elite Leath Leath Leath Leath Pelle Pelle Pelle Pelle Elite Elite Elite Elite Pelle Top her her Star her Star her Star Star Leath Leath Leath Leath her Top Leath Star Star Star Star Pelle Pelle Pelle Pelle Pelle Pelle Pelle Pelle Elite Elite Elite Elite her her Star her Star her Star Star Leath Leath Leath Leath Star Star Star Star Pelle Pelle Pelle Pelle her her Elite her Elite her Elite Elite Leath Leath Leath Leath Prestiige her her Top her Top her Top Top Leath Leath Leath Leath Star Star Star Star Pelle Pelle Pelle Pelle Top Top Top Top Pelle Pelle her her Star her Star her Star Star Leath Leath Leath Leath Top Top Top Top Top Top Top Top Pelle Pelle Pelle Pelle Top Top Top Top Pelle Pelle Pelle Pelle 2.169 2 169 ige ige ige ige Presti Presti Presti Presti her her Top her Top her Top Top Leath Leath Leath Leath Elite Presti Presti Presti Presti ige ige igeige Elite Elite Elite Elite Star Elite Elite Elite Elite 2.169 2.169 21.986 1169 2986 169 2.169 2.169 2 169 2 169 2.169 2.169 2 169 2 169 2.169 2.169 2 888 169 2733 169 888 Presti Presti ige Presti ige Presti igeige Star Star Star Star Top Star Star Star Star 2.169 1.986 1.986 2 169 1 986 1 986 2.169 1.986 1.986 2 169 1 986 1 986 2.169 1.986 1.986 2 169 1 986 1 986 2.169 1.986 1.986 2 888 169 1 986 1 986 733 733 Elite Elite Elite Elite Top Top Top Top Lux Top Top Top Top Pelle Pelle Pelle Elite Elite Elite her her Elite her Elite Elite Leath Leath Leath 1.804 1.804 1 1.804 1804 8041.986 1 986 1 804 1.804 1 1.804 1804 8041.986 1 986 1.804 1 1.804 1804 8041.986 1 986 1.804 1 1.804 1804 804 1 986 579 5791.986 733579 Star Star Star Star Extra Lux Lux Lux Lux Lux Lux Lux Lux Star Star Star Pelle Pelle Pelle her her Star her Star Star Leath Leath Leath Superr Extra Extra Extra Extra Extra Extra Extra Extra Top Top Top Pelle Pelle Pelle her her Top her Top Top Leath Leath Leath Top Top Top Top Normal 1.804 1 804 1.804 1 804 1.804 1 804 1.804 1 804 579 Lux Lux Lux Lux 6,90 6,90 66,90 6 90 6 90 1.068 1 068 1.068 1 068 6,90 1.068 1.986 2.169 66,90 6 90 1 068 1 986 2 169 6,90 1.068 1.986 2.169 66,90 6 90 1 068 1 986 2 169 6,90 6,90 1.986 2.169 6 6 90 5,80 1.068 1 068 1 986 2 169 5,80 5,80 5,80 5,80 733 888 5,80 5,80 733 888 1,90 1,90 1,90 5,80 5,80 733 888 1,90 1,90 294 344 1,90 1,90 294 344 1,90 1,90 294 344 rSuper rSuper r r Super Super Super Super rSuper rSuper r r Presti Presti Presti ige igeige omer omer omer fabric omer fabric fabric fabric Custo Custo Custo Custo Mt Te ssuto c mt Fabric In Bia Inanco Bia Inanco Bia Inanco Bia anco No No co overings No co overings No co overings co Top Top Top Norm Norm Norm al Norm al al overings al In Bia anco No co overings Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Tess Tess Tess Tess Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Tess Tess Tess Tess omer omer omer fabric omer fabric fabric fabric Custo Custo Custo Custo omer omer omer fabric omer fabric fabric fabric Custo Custo Custo Custo Star Star Star Super Super rSuper rSuper r r Tess Cliente omer fabric Custo Norm Norm Norm al al Norm Norm Norm Norm al Norm al al al al al Elite Elite Elite Extra Extra Extra Extra Codice Descrizione Codice Codice Codice Descrizione Descrizione Descrizione Descrizione Codice Descrizione Codice Codice Descrizione Descrizione Descrizione Codice Descrizione Codice Codice Descrizione Descrizione 09LEDBTE03S Descrizione LEVENTCodice 09LEDBTE03S 09LEDBTE03S SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBTE03S LEVENT LEVENT Terminale LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA 125 x 125 sxTerminale Terminale Terminale 125 125 125 x x125 x125 125 sxsxsx 6,90 1.068 6 90 1 068 Descrizione Codice Codice Descrizione Descrizione End LEVENT unit SOTTOSOPRA 125 left End End unit unit unit 125 125 125 xxx125 x125 125 left left left LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBTE03S Terminale 125 LEVENT x 12509LEDBTE03S SOTTOSOPRA sx 09LEDBTE03S LEVENT Terminale LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA 125xx125 125 sx 6,90 Terminale Terminale 1.068 125 x125 125 sx sx 6,90 1.068 6End 90 1 125 068 6 90 1 1.804 1068 804 End unit 125 xx125 left09LEDBTE03S End unit 125 left End unit unit125 125 xxx125 125 left left LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBTE03S Terminale 125 LEVENT 12509LEDBTE03S SOTTOSOPRA sx LEVENT Terminale LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA 125xx125 125 sx 6,90 Terminale Terminale 1.068 125 x125 125sx sx 6,90 1.068 6End 90 1 125 068 6 90 1 1.804 1068 804 End unit 125 xx125 left09LEDBTE03S End unit 125 left End unit unit 125 125 xTerminale 125 125 left left125 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBTE03S Terminale 125 LEVENT 12509LEDBTE03S SOTTOSOPRA sx Terminale LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA 125x x125 125 sx 6,90 Terminale Terminale 1.068 125 125 xxTerminale x125 125sx sx 6,90 1.068 6End 90 1sopra 068 6 90 1 1.804 1068 804 09LEDBTF05S LEVENT 09LEDBTF05S 09LEDBTF05S SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBTF05SLEVENT LEVENT LEVENT Fodera LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA sopra SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Terminale Fodera Fodera Fodera 125 xsopra 125 sopra sx Terminale 125 125 xx125 125 x 125 sx sx sx 5,80 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA End unit 125 LEVENT x 125 SOTTOSOPRA left LEVENT End LEVENT unit SOTTOSOPRA 125 SOTTOSOPRA x 125 left End End unit unit 125 125 x x 125 125 left left upper LEVENT face SOTTOSOPRA coverings upper for upper upper End face face unit face coverings coverings 125 coverings x 125 for for for left End End unit unit unit 125 125125 xx125 125 x 125 left left left 09LEDBTF05S LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBTF05S Fodera sopra LEVENT Terminale 09LEDBTF05S SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBTF05S 125 x 125 sxLEVENT Fodera LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA sopra SOTTOSOPRA Terminale 5,80 Fodera Fodera 125 xsopra 125 sopra sx Terminale Terminale 125 125 xEnd x125 125 sx sx 5,80 579 upper coverings for End unitsx 125 upper x 125 face left coverings upper for upper End face unit coverings coverings 125 x 125 for for left End End unit unit 125 125 xx125 125 left left 579 09LEDBTF05S LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBTF05S Foderaface sopra LEVENT Terminale 09LEDBTF05S SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBTF05S 125 x 125 LEVENT Fodera LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA sopra SOTTOSOPRA Terminale 5,80 Fodera Fodera 125 xsopra 125 sopra sx Terminale Terminale 125 125 x125 125 sx 09LEDBTF06S LEVENT 09LEDBTF06S 09LEDBTF06S SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBTF06S LEVENT LEVENT Fodera LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA fianchi SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Terminale Fodera Fodera Fodera 125 fianchi xface fianchi 125 fianchi sx Terminale Terminale Terminale 125 125 xx125 x125 125 xsx 125 sx sx 5,80 1,90 sx upper coverings for End unit 125 upper x coverings 125 face left coverings upper for upper End face unit coverings coverings 125 x 125 for for left End End unit unit 125 125 xleft x125 125 left 579 09LEDBTF05S 09LEDBTF05S Fodera sopra LEVENT Terminale 09LEDBTF05S SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBTF05S 125 xx125 LEVENT Fodera LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA sopra SOTTOSOPRA Terminale 5,80 Fodera Fodera 125 xcoverings sopra 125 sopra Terminale Terminale 125 125 xx x125 125 sx 5,80 side LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA for End side unit side side coverings coverings 125 xsx 125 for for for left End End End unit unit unit 125 125 125 xxsx 125 125 x 125 left leftleft 09LEDBTF06S LEVENT LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBTF06S Foderaface fianchi LEVENT Terminale 09LEDBTF06S SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBTF06S 125 125sx sx LEVENT Fodera LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA fianchi SOTTOSOPRA Terminale 1,90 Fodera Fodera 125 fianchi xface fianchi 125 sx Terminale Terminale 125 125 x125 125 sx sx 1,90 243 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA upper face LEVENT coverings SOTTOSOPRA for End unit 125 LEVENT upper LEVENT x 125 face SOTTOSOPRA left SOTTOSOPRA coverings upper for upper End face face unit coverings coverings 125 x 125 for for left End End unit unit 125 125 x x 125 125 left left 243 mc 1,28LEVENT mc mc mc 09LEDBTF06S 1,28 1,28 1,28 side coverings for End unit x 125 side left coverings for End side unit side coverings coverings 125 x 125 for for left End Endunit unit 125 125 xx125 125 left left 09LEDBTF06S SOTTOSOPRA Fodera fianchi LEVENT Terminale 09LEDBTF06S SOTTOSOPRA 09LEDBTF06S 125125 x 125 sx LEVENT Fodera LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA fianchi SOTTOSOPRA Terminale 1,90 Fodera Fodera 125 fianchi x fianchi 125 sx Terminale Terminale 125 125 x x125 125 sx sx 1,90 Codice Codice Codice 09LEDBTE03S 09LEDBTE03S 09LEDBTE03S Tessuto Mt Mt TeMt ssuto TeMt ssuto Tessuto Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Tess Tess Tess Tess c mt Fabric c mt c mt c mt Fabric Fabric Fabric Lux Lux Lux In Bia Inanco Bia Inanco Bia Inanco Bia anco Extra Extra NoExtra No co overings No co overings No co overings co overings Mt Mt TeMt ssuto TeMt ssuto Tessuto Tessuto Super Super Super rc rc rc mt mt mt c mt Fabric Fabric Fabric Fabric Norm Norm Norm al al al Cliente Cliente Cliente Tess Tess Tess omer omer omer fabric fabric fabric Custo Custo Custo In Bia Inanco Bia Inanco Bia anco NoNo co overings No co overings co overings Mt Mt TeMt ssuto Tessuto Tessuto c mt c mt c mt Fabric Fabric Fabric . LEVENT Mod. Mod. Mod. SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LEVENT LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA TOSOPRA . LEVENT Mod. Mod. SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LEVENTSOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA TOSOPRA . LEVENT Mod. Mod. SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LEVENTSOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA TOSOPRA . LEVENT Mod. Mod. SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LEVENTSOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Mod. Mod. MIKLA MIKLA SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Mod. MIKLA SOTTOSOPRA CARATTERISTICHE CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE TECNICHE / TECHNICAL / TECHNICAL FEATURES FEATURES CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE / TECHNICAL FEATURES Struttura in acciaio, interamente stampata in poliuretano schiumato a freddo Struttura Struttura in acciaio, in acciaio, interamente interamente stampata stampata in poliuretano in poliuretano schiumato schiumato a freddo a freddo Steel framework, entirely moulded in cold-cure polyurethane Steel framework, Steel framework, entirely entirely moulded moulded in cold-cure in cold-cure polyurethane polyurethane Fibra poliestere accoppiata a vellutino poliestere Fibra accoppiata accoppiata a vellutino a vellutino Polyester fiberFibra coupled withpoliestere velveteen Polyester Polyester fiber coupled fiber coupled with velveteen with velveteen Piedi in faggio Beech wood feet Piedi in Piedi faggio in faggio Beech Beech wood feet wood feet VERSIONI / VERSIONS Tessuto e pelle: completamente sfoderabile. F b i and Fabric d lleather: th completely l t l removable bl coverings i VERSIONI VERSIONI / VERSIONS / VERSIONS Tessuto Tessuto e pelle: e pelle: completamente completamente sfoderabile. sfoderabile. F b i Fabric Fabric Fand bd illeather: and thd lleather: completely th l completely t l lremovable t l removable bl coverings bl i coverings i 2,30 2,30 715 715 775 715 834 775 775 834 834 09MKSF03 MIKLA09MKSF03 SOTTO 09MKSF03 SOPRA MIKLA MIKLA Fodera SOTTO SOTTO SediaSOPRA SOPRAFodera FoderaSedia Sedia 2,30 2,30 383 383 443 383 503 443 443 503 503 MIKLA SOTTOSOPRA MIKLA coverings MIKLA SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA for Chair coverings coveringsfor forChair Chair mc 0,27 mcmc 0,27 0,27 g Kg 15 gKg g Kg 15 15 Pelle Elite te Pelle Elite te Elite Leather Leather Elite MIKLA09MKSE02 SOTTO 09MKSE02 SOPRA MIKLA MIKLA SediaSOTTO SOTTOSOPRA SOPRASedia Sedia MIKLA SOTTOSOPRA MIKLA MIKLA ChairSOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRAChair Chair Pelle Sta ar Pelle Sta arStar Leather Leather Star 09MKSE02 Pelle Top p Pelle Elite te Top pT Leather Top Elite Leather T Top Descrizione Codice Codice Prestige Pelle Sta ar Prestige Leather Star Codice Elite Pelle Top p Elite Leather T Top Star Prestige Star Top Elite Top Lux Star Lux Extra Top Extra Super Lux Super Normal Extra Normal Tess Clie ente Super Custome er fabric In Bianco o Normal No coverrings Tess Clie ente Mt Tessu uto Custome er fabric Fabric m mt In Bianco o No coverrings Descrizione Descrizione Mt Tessu uto Fabric m mt od. MIKLA Mod. Mod. SOTTOSOPRA MIKLA MIKLA SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Letto Letto GILT GILT DROP DROP SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Letto GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA CARATTERISTICHE CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE TECNICHE / TECHNICAL / TECHNICAL FEATURES FEATURES CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE / TECHNICAL FEATURES 2 Fibra accoppiata a vellutino 2 poliestere Fibra Fibra poliestere poliestere accoppiata accoppiata a vellutino a vellutino 2 Polyester Polyester fiber coupled velveteen Polyester fiberwith coupled fiber coupled with velveteen with velveteen 5 Poliuretano densità 40densità 5 Poliuretano 5 espanso Poliuretano espanso espanso densità 40 40 Polyurethane foam density 40density kg/mc Polyurethane Polyurethane foam foam density 40 kg/mc 40 kg/mc 15 Poliuretano espanso densità 75densità 15 15 Poliuretano Poliuretano espanso espanso densità 75 75 Polyurethane foam density 75density kg/mc Polyurethane Polyurethane foam foam density 75 kg/mc 75 kg/mc 9 Multistrato tamponamenti particelle legno e di fibra 9 Multistrato 9 conMultistrato con tamponamenti con in tamponamenti in di particelle in particelle legno di legno e fibrae fibra Plywood with wood and fiber insertions Plywood Plywood with wood with wood and fiber and insertions fiber insertions 16 Metallo M t ll verniciato i i t 16 16 Metallo M t llMetallo M verniciato t ll i verniciato i t i i t Painted metal Painted Painted metal metal VERSIONI / VERSIONS VERSIONI VERSIONI / VERSIONS / VERSIONS Tessuto e pelle: completamente sfoderabile. Tessuto Tessuto e pelle: e pelle: completamente completamente sfoderabile. sfoderabile. Fabric and leather: completely removable coverings FabricFabric and leather: and leather: completely completely removable removable coverings coverings PIEDINI / FEET PIEDINI PIEDINI FEET Di serie piedino in/ FEET ABS/ grigio serie Digrey piedino serie piedino in ABS in grigio ABS grigio StandardDi feet in ABS Standard Standard feet infeet grey inABS grey ABS ANNOTAZIONI I prezzii d dei i lletti ttiANNOTAZIONI non comprendono d lla rete t ad doghe h ed d il materasso. t ANNOTAZIONI I prezzi dei letti contenitore comprendono il prezzo della rete addoghe non I prezzi I iprezzi d i letti dei l i tti d non dei i letti l tticomprendono non comprendono d d lla rete t llaarete d doghe t a hd doghe ed hil materasso. ed dtilma materasso. t il materasso. I letti vengono consegnati smontati, due colli per i letti senza contenitore, quattro colli perilnon imaterasso. I prezzi I prezzi dei letti deicontenitore letti contenitore comprendono comprendono il prezzo il prezzo della rete dellaarete doghe a doghe ma non ma il materasso. letti contenitore. I letti vengono I letti vengono consegnati consegnati smontati, smontati, due colli dueper colli i letti per senza i letti senza contenitore, contenitore, quattro quattro colli per colli i per i E' disponibile, a richiesta, il meccanismo alzaletto semiautomatico: nel letto senza contenitore letti contenitore. letti contenitore. c'è l'obbligo diE' acquistare la nostra rete a ildoghe, nelalzaletto lettoalzaletto contenitore è già compresa. E' disponibile, disponibile, a richiesta, a richiesta, il meccanismo meccanismo semiautomatico: semiautomatico: nel letto nel senza letto senza contenitore contenitore The bed prices do not include slats the amattress c'è l'obbligo c'è l'obbligo di acquistare dithe acquistare labase nostra laand nostra rete rete doghe, a doghe, nel letto nel contenitore letto contenitore è già compresa. è già compresa. The bed with prices include the slats base but not the mattress The storage bed Theprices bed prices do not do include not include the slats the base slats and base the and mattress the mattress The beds The are bed delivered unassembled: 2 packages regular 4 packages beds with storage Thewith bedstorage with storage pricesprices include include the for slats the base slats beds, but base not but the not mattress the for mattress A semi-automatic bed lifting mechanism is available on demand: in the bed without storage The beds The are beds delivered are delivered unassembled: unassembled: 2 packages 2 packages for regular for regular beds, beds, 4 packages 4 packages for beds for with bedsstorage with storage customerAmust buy our slats base, in the bed with storage the slats base is already included semi-automatic A semi-automatic bed lifting bed lifting mechanism mechanism is available is available on demand: on demand: in the in bed thewithout bed without storage storage customer customer must buy mustour buy slats our base, slats base, in the in bed thewith bedstorage with storage the slats the base slats is base already is already included included mc 0,47 09GIDSLE08 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto '116 contenitore mc 0,47 mc mc contenitore 0,47 09GIDSLE08 GILT DROP 09GIDSLE08 SOTTOSOPRA 09GIDSLE08 GILT GILT DROP Letto DROP SOTTOSOPRA '116 SOTTOSOPRA contenitore Letto Letto '116 '116 contenitore contenitore Kg '116 78 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA bed 116 with storage T DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto mc 0,47 0,47 09GIDSLE08 GILT DROP 5,80 SOTTOSOPRA Letto '116 contenitore Kg 78 KgKg Kg with 7878 storage 78 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA GILT GILT DROP bed DROP 116 SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA with storage bed bed 116 116 with with storage storage T DROP SOTTOSOPRA bed 116 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA bed 116 with storage SOTTOSOPRA Letto '116 contenitore 5,80 2.271 SOTTOSOPRA bed 116 with storage 09GIDSLE07 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto '146 GILT DROP 09GIDSLE07 SOTTOSOPRA 09GIDSLE07 GILT GILT DROP Letto DROP SOTTOSOPRA '146 SOTTOSOPRA Letto Letto '146 '146 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA bed 146 09GIDSLE07 GILT DROP 6,50 SOTTOSOPRA Letto '146 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA GILT GILT DROP bed DROP 146 SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA bed bed 146 146 09GIDSLF05 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Fodera Letto '146 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA bed 146 6,50 1.982 GILT DROP 09GIDSLF05 SOTTOSOPRA 09GIDSLF05 GILT GILT DROP Fodera DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto SOTTOSOPRA '146 Fodera Fodera Letto Letto '146 '146 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA coverings for bed 146 09GIDSLF05 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Fodera Letto '146 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA GILT GILT DROP coverings DROP SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA coverings coverings for bed 146 for for bed bed 146 146 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA coverings for bed 146 848 09GIDSLE09 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto '146 contenitore 09GIDSLE09 GILT DROP 09GIDSLE09 SOTTOSOPRA 09GIDSLE09 GILT GILT DROP Letto DROP SOTTOSOPRA '146 SOTTOSOPRA contenitore Letto Letto '146 '146 contenitore contenitore mc '146 contenitore 0,52 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA bed 146 with storage T DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto 09GIDSLE09 GILT DROP 6,50 SOTTOSOPRA Letto '146 contenitore mc 0,52 mc mc with 0,52 0,52 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA GILT GILT DROP bed DROP 146 SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA with storage bed bed 146 146 with with storage storage Kg 83 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA mc bed 146 0,52 storage GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA bed 146 with storage SOTTOSOPRA Letto '146 contenitore 6,50 2.559 Kg 83 KgKg Kg 8383 83 SOTTOSOPRA bed 146 with storage 2,40 2,40 ,2,40 292 2,40 ,, 292 , 1,30 352 1,30 1,30 167 1,30 1,30 167 200 1,30 1,30 167 1,30 167 200 8 1.012 6,50 6,50 6,50 2.145 6,50 2.308 1.012 1.175 2.722 6,50 6,50 6,50 2.722 6,50 2.886 6,50 1.982 848 2.145 6,50 2.559 09GISGU05 GILT SOTTOSOPRA Guanciale Letto '146 09GISGU05 GILT SOTTOSOPRA 09GISGU05 09GISGU05 GILT Guanciale GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Letto '146 Guanciale Guanciale Letto Letto '146 '146 3,10 GILT SOTTOSOPRA pillow for bed 146 T SOTTOSOPRA Guanciale Letto '146 09GISGU05 GILT SOTTOSOPRA 3,10 8 Guanciale Letto '146 285 GILT SOTTOSOPRA GILT GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA pillow for bed 146 pillow pillow for for bed bed 146 146 09GISGF09 GILT SOTTOSOPRA Fodera lato A Guanciale Letto '146 T SOTTOSOPRA GILT SOTTOSOPRA pillow for bed 146 pillow for bed 146 SOPRA Guanciale Letto '146 3,10 8 285 09GISGF09 GILT SOTTOSOPRA 09GISGF09 09GISGF09 GILT Fodera GILT SOTTOSOPRA lato SOTTOSOPRA A Guanciale Fodera Fodera Letto '146 lato AA Guanciale AGuanciale Guanciale Letto Letto '146 '146 1,70 GILT SOTTOSOPRA side Alato coverings for pillow for bed 146 T SOTTOSOPRA Fodera lato A Guanciale Letto '146 09GISGF09 GILT SOTTOSOPRA 1,70 Fodera lato Letto '146 156 OSOPRA pillow for bed 146 GILT SOTTOSOPRA GILT side GILT A SOTTOSOPRA coverings SOTTOSOPRA side side A coverings A coverings for pillow for bed 146 for for pillow pillow for for bed bed 146 146 09GISGF10 GILT SOTTOSOPRA Fodera lato B Guanciale Letto '146 T SOTTOSOPRA side A coverings GILT SOTTOSOPRA side A coverings for pillow for156 for '146 pillow for bed 146 bed 146 SOPRA Fodera lato A Guanciale Letto 1,70 09GISGF10 GILT SOTTOSOPRA 09GISGF10 09GISGF10 GILT Fodera GILT SOTTOSOPRA lato SOTTOSOPRA B Guanciale Fodera Fodera Letto '146 lato BB Guanciale BGuanciale Guanciale Letto Letto '146 '146 1,70 GILT SOTTOSOPRA side Blato coverings for pillow for bed 146 T SOTTOSOPRA Fodera lato Guanciale Letto '146 09GISGF10 GILT SOTTOSOPRA 1,70 Fodera lato Letto '146 156 OSOPRA side A coverings forBpillow for bed 146 GILT SOTTOSOPRA GILT side GILT B SOTTOSOPRA coverings SOTTOSOPRA side side B coverings B coverings for pillow for bed 146 for for pillow pillow for for bed bed 146 146 0,78 T SOTTOSOPRA side B mc coverings GILT SOTTOSOPRA side B coverings for pillow for156 for pillow for bed 146 bed 146 SOPRA Fodera lato B Guanciale Letto '146 1,70 mc 0,78 mc mc 0,78 0,78 Kgfor pillow 148 mc 0,78 OSOPRA side B coverings for bed 146 Kg 148 KgKg Kg 148 148 148 8 363 198 198 3,10 3,10 3,10 363 3,10 1,70 440 1,70 1,70 198 1,70 1,70 239 1,70 1,70 198 1,70 239 775 775 775 775 920 775 1.990 2.135 2.1351.990 1.990 2.135 2.135 1.990 2.135 920 1.066 1.066 920 920 1.066 1.066 920 1.066 2.562 2.271 2.271 2.2712.271 2.417 2.271 2.417 2.562 2.5622.417 2.417 2.562 2.562 2.417 2.562 8 8 8352 8 233 200 134 200 134 233 233 233 292 233 134 134 134 167 134 134 134 134 167 134 2.308 1.982 1.982 1.9821.982 2.145 1.982 1.175 848 848 8481.012 848 848 2.145 2.308 2.3082.145 2.145 2.308 2.308 2.145 2.308 1.012 1.175 1.1751.012 1.012 1.175 1.175 1.012 1.175 2.886 2.559 2.559 2.5592.559 2.722 2.559 2.722 2.886 2.8862.722 2.722 2.886 2.886 2.722 2.886 8 8 8440 8 285 239 156 239 156 1.844 1.066 285 285 285 363 285 156 156 156 198 156 156 156 156 198 156 / Regular Version: / Regular the / Regular price Version: Version: does not the the include price pricedoes the does slats not not include include base and the the the slats slats mattress base base and and the the mattress mattress one normale: Versione il prezzo Versione normale: non comprende normale: ilthe ilprezzo prezzo rete non ecomprende non materasso comprende rete rete e ematerasso enon materasso / Versione Regular Version: does not include the slats /and Regular the mattress Version: the price does not include the slats base and the mattress materasso normale: ilprezzo prezzo non comprende / Version with storage: the price includes the slats base and does not include the mattress contenitore: ilprice comprende larete rete ematerasso ilbase materasso / Version with storage: / Version / Version the with price with storage: storage: includes the the the price price slats includes includes base and the the does slats slats not base base include and and does does not mattress not include include thethe mattress one contenitore: Versione il prezzo Versione contenitore: comprende contenitore: il prezzo la il rete prezzo comprende e non comprende il materasso la rete la rete e non e non il materasso il materasso / Regular Version: the price not include the slats and the mattress sso / Version with does storage: the price includes base and/ Version does notwith include storage: the mattress the price includes the slats base and the does not include themattress mattress e non il materasso Versione contenitore: il prezzo comprende la retebase ethe nonslats il materasso 352 292 200 167 200 167 440 363 239 198 239 198 292 292 292352 167 167 167200 167 167 167200 363 363 363440 198 198 198239 198 198 198239 352 352 352 200 200 200 200 200 200 440 440 440 239 239 239 239 239 239 Pelle Elite Pelle Pelle Elite Elite Leather Elite Leather Leather Elite Elite Pelle Pelle Star Elite Pelle Pelle StarStar Star Leather Elite Leather Leather Star Star Pelle Elite Top Pelle Star Pelle Pelle Top Top Leather Elite Top Leather Star Leather Leather Top Top Leather Top Pelle Star Prestige Pelle Top Leather Star Prestige Prestige Pelle Top Elite Leather Elite Elite Top Prestige Elite Star Prestige StarStar Star Top Elite Top Top Top Lux 1.844 1.8441.844 1.990 1.844 2.135 ANNOTAZIONI / REMARKS OTAZIONI ANNOTAZIONI / REMARKS ANNOTAZIONI / REMARKS / REMARKS ANNOTAZIONI / REMARKS Versione normale: il prezzo non comprende rete e materasso / Regular Version: the price does not include the slats base and the mattress materasso / Version with storage: the price includes the slats base and does not include the mattress Pelle Elite Lux Star Leather Lux Lux Elite Extra Pelle Star Pelle Elite Extra Top Leather Star Extra Extra Leather Elite Super Pelle Top Pelle Star Super Lux Leather Top Super Super Leather Star Normal Normal Pelle Top Prestige Extra Normal Normal Leather Top Tess Tess Cliente Cliente Elite Super Customer fabric Prestige Customer Customer fabric fabric Tess Cliente Tess Cliente Customer fabric In Bianco In Bianco No Star Normal In Bianco Incoverings Bianco EliteNo coverings No No coverings coverings 2.417 5,80 5,80 5,80 2.417 5,80 2.562 1.990 5,80 2.271 09GISGU04 GILT SOTTOSOPRA Guanciale Letto '116 09GISGU04 GILT SOTTOSOPRA 09GISGU04 09GISGU04 GILT Guanciale GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Letto '116 Guanciale Guanciale Letto Letto '116 '116 2,40 pillow for bed 116 GILT SOTTOSOPRA T SOTTOSOPRA Guanciale Letto '116 09GISGU04 GILT SOTTOSOPRA 2,40 8 Guanciale Letto '116 233 pillow for bed 116 pillow pillow for for bed bed 116 116 , GILT SOTTOSOPRA GILT GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA 09GISGF07 GILT SOTTOSOPRA Fodera lato A Guanciale Letto '116 pillow for bed 116 , pillow for bed 116 T SOTTOSOPRA GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOPRA Guanciale Letto '116 2,40 8 233 09GISGF07 GILT SOTTOSOPRA 09GISGF07 09GISGF07 GILT Fodera GILT SOTTOSOPRA lato SOTTOSOPRA A Guanciale Fodera Fodera Letto '116 lato AA Guanciale AGuanciale Guanciale Letto Letto '116 '116 1,30 GILT SOTTOSOPRA side Alato coverings for pillow for bed 116 T SOTTOSOPRA Fodera lato A Guanciale Letto '116 09GISGF07 GILT SOTTOSOPRA 1,30 Fodera lato Letto '116 134 pillow for bed 116 , OSOPRA GILT SOTTOSOPRA GILT side GILT A SOTTOSOPRA coverings SOTTOSOPRA side side A coverings A coverings for pillow for bed 116 for for pillow pillow for for bed bed 116 116 09GISGF08 GILT SOTTOSOPRA Fodera lato B Guanciale Letto '116 T SOTTOSOPRA side A coverings GILT SOTTOSOPRA side A coverings for pillow for134 for '116 pillow for bed 116 bed 116 SOPRA Fodera lato A Guanciale Letto 1,30 09GISGF08 GILT SOTTOSOPRA 09GISGF08 09GISGF08 GILT Fodera GILT SOTTOSOPRA lato SOTTOSOPRA B Guanciale Fodera Fodera Letto '116 lato BB Guanciale BGuanciale Guanciale Letto Letto '116 '116 1,30 GILT SOTTOSOPRA side Blato coverings for pillow for bed 116 T SOTTOSOPRA Fodera lato Guanciale Letto '116 09GISGF08 GILT SOTTOSOPRA 1,30 Fodera lato Letto '116 134 OSOPRA side A coverings forBpillow for bed 116 GILT SOTTOSOPRA GILT side GILT B SOTTOSOPRA coverings SOTTOSOPRA side side B coverings B coverings for pillow for bed 116 for for pillow pillow for for bed bed 116 116 0,73 T SOTTOSOPRA side B mc coverings GILT SOTTOSOPRA side B coverings for pillow for134 for pillow for bed 116 bed 116 SOPRA Fodera lato B Guanciale Letto '116 1,30 mc 0,73 mc mc 0,73 0,73 Kgfor pillow 143 mc 0,73 OSOPRA side B coverings for bed 116 Kg 143 KgKg Kg 143 143 143 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto '146 09GIDSLE07 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Letto '146bed 146 09GIDSLF05 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA bed 146Fodera Letto '146 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA coverings SOTTOSOPRA Fodera Letto '146 for bed 146 SOTTOSOPRA coverings for bed 146 920 5,80 5,80 5,80 1.990 5,80 2.135 920 1.066 5,80 1.844 775 Mt Mt Tess Mt Mt Cliente Tessuto Top Tessuto StarTessuto Customer Tessuto fabric Fabric Fabric mt mt Fabric Fabric mt mt Codice In Bianco Lux Top No coverings Codice Descrizione Descrizione Codice Codice Descrizione Descrizione Codice Descrizione 09GIDSLE06 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto '116 09GIDSLE06 SOTTOSOPRA 09GIDSLE06 GILT GILT DROP Letto DROP SOTTOSOPRA '116 SOTTOSOPRA Letto Letto '116 '116 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA bed 116 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto '116 09GIDSLE06 GILT DROP 09GIDSLE06 GILT DROP 5,80 SOTTOSOPRA Letto '116 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA GILT GILT DROP bed DROP 116 SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA bed bed 116 116 09GIDSLF04 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Fodera Letto '116 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA bed 116 SOTTOSOPRA Letto '116bed 116 5,80 1.844 09GIDSLF04 GILT DROP 09GIDSLF04 SOTTOSOPRA 09GIDSLF04 GILT GILT DROP Fodera DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto SOTTOSOPRA '116 Fodera Fodera Letto Letto '116 '116 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA coverings for bed 116 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA Fodera Letto '116 09GIDSLF04 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Fodera Letto '116 SOTTOSOPRA bed 116 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA GILT GILT DROP coverings DROP SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA coverings coverings for bed 116 for for bed bed 116 116 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA coverings GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA coverings for bed 116 SOTTOSOPRA Fodera Letto '116 for bed 116 775 SOTTOSOPRA coverings for bed 116 crizione Mt Extra Lux Tessuto Fabric mt Super Extra Normal Super Tess Cliente Customer fabric Normal In Bianco Tess Cliente No coverings Customer fabric Mt In Bianco Tessuto NoFabric coverings mt Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Mod. GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA d. GILT Mod. - DROP Mod. GILT GILT SOTTOSOPRA - --DROP - DROP SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA SOPRA Mod. GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA PRA 1.844 7,50 775 09GIDSLE04 mc 0,59 mc mc 0,59 0,59 mc 0,47 Kg 88 Kg Kg 88 88 Kg '116 contenitore 78 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto mc 0,47 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA Kg bed 116 with 78 storage SOTTOSOPRA Letto '116 contenitore 09GISGU01 SOTTOSOPRA bed 116 with storage 09GISGF01 GILT DROP 09GIDSLE04 SOTTOSOPRA 09GIDSLE04 GILT GILT DROP Letto DROP SOTTOSOPRA '186SOTTOSOPRA contenitore Letto Letto '186 '186 contenitore contenitore 7,50 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA GILT GILT DROP bedDROP 186 SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA with storage bedbed 186 186 with with storage storage 09GIDSLE08 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto '116 contenitore GILT DROP DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto bed 116 storage 09GIDSLE08 GILT 5,80 SOTTOSOPRA '116 with contenitore 2.271 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA bed 116 with 5,80 GILT SOTTOSOPRA 09GISGU01 09GISGU01 GILT Guanciali GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Letto '186 Guanciali Guanciali Letto Letto '186 '186 storage2.271 3,50 GILT SOTTOSOPRA GILT GILT SOTTOSOPRA pillows forSOTTOSOPRA bed 186 pillows pillows for for bedbed 186 186 GILT SOTTOSOPRA 09GISGF01 09GISGF01 GILT Fodera GILT SOTTOSOPRA lato SOTTOSOPRA A Guanciali Fodera Letto Fodera lato '186 lato A Guanciali A Guanciali Letto Letto '186 '186 1,80 09GISGU04 GILT SOTTOSOPRA Guanciale Letto '116 GILT SOTTOSOPRA GILT GILT SOTTOSOPRA pillows (ASOTTOSOPRA side) coverings pillows pillows for (A bed (A side) side) 186 coverings coverings for forbed bed186 186 pillow for Letto bed 116 GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA T SOTTOSOPRA Guanciale Letto '116 09GISGU04 GILT 2,40 8 Guanciale '116 Letto 233 09GISGF02 GILT SOTTOSOPRA 09GISGF02 09GISGF02 GILT Fodera GILT SOTTOSOPRA lato SOTTOSOPRA B Guanciali Fodera Letto Fodera lato '186 lato B Guanciali B Guanciali Letto '186 '186 1,80 09GISGF07 GILT SOTTOSOPRA Fodera lato A Guanciale Letto '116 pillow for bed 116 , pillow for bed 116 T SOTTOSOPRA GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOPRA Guanciale Letto '116 2,40 8 233 GILT SOTTOSOPRA GILT GILT SOTTOSOPRA pillows (BSOTTOSOPRA side) coverings pillows pillows for (B bed (B side) side) 186 coverings coverings for forbed bed186 186 GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA side A coverings for pillow bed 116134 T SOTTOSOPRA Fodera lato A Guanciale Letto '116 09GISGF07 GILT 1,30 Fodera lato A Guanciale Lettofor '116 pillow for bed 116 , OSOPRA GILT lato B Guanciale Lettofor '116 T SOTTOSOPRA side A coverings GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Fodera side A coverings for '116 pillow for bed 11609GISGF08 1,30 for pillow bed 116 SOPRA Fodera lato A Guanciale Letto 134 GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA side B coverings for pillow bed 116134 T SOTTOSOPRA Fodera Guanciale Letto '116 09GISGF08 GILT 1,30 Fodera lato B'206 Guanciale Lettofor '116 OSOPRA side A0,85 coverings forBpillow for bed mc mclato mc 0,85 09GIDSLE02 0,85116 GILT DROP 09GIDSLE02 SOTTOSOPRA 09GIDSLE02 GILT GILT DROP Letto DROP SOTTOSOPRA '206SOTTOSOPRA Letto Letto '206 7,90 mc 0,73 T Kg SOTTOSOPRA side B coverings GILT SOTTOSOPRA side B coverings for pillow for bed 116 for pillow for bed 116 SOPRA Fodera lato B Guanciale Letto '116 1,30 134 153 Kg Kg 153 153 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA GILT GILT DROP bedDROP 206 SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA bedbed 206 206 Kgfor pillow143 mc 0,73 OSOPRA side B coverings for bed 116 GILT DROP 09GIDSLF02 09GIDSLF02 SOTTOSOPRA 09GIDSLF02 GILT GILT DROP Fodera DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto SOTTOSOPRA '206 Fodera Fodera Letto Letto '206 '206 Kg 143 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA GILT GILT DROP coverings DROP SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA coverings coverings for bed 206 forfor bed bed 206 206 09GIDSLE07 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto '146 GILT DROP DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto bed 146 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto '146 09GIDSLE07 GILT 6,50 SOTTOSOPRA '146 1.982 09GIDSLF05 6,50 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Fodera Letto '146 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA bed 146 SOTTOSOPRA Letto '146bed 146 09GIDSLE05 GILT DROP 1.982 09GIDSLE05 SOTTOSOPRA 09GIDSLE05 GILT GILT DROP Letto DROP SOTTOSOPRA '206SOTTOSOPRA contenitore Letto Letto '206 '206 contenitore contenitore 7,90 GILT DROP DROP SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Fodera coverings for'146 bed 146 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA 09GIDSLF05 GILT Letto 848 SOTTOSOPRA bed 146Fodera Letto '146 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA GILT GILT DROP bedDROP 206 SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA with storage bedbed 206 206 with with storage storage T DROP SOTTOSOPRA coverings GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA coverings for bed 146 848 SOTTOSOPRA Fodera Letto '146 for bed 146 SOTTOSOPRA coverings mc 0,63 mc for bed mc 146 0,63 0,63 Kg 92 Kg Kg 92 09GISGU02 92 GILT SOTTOSOPRA 09GISGU02 09GISGU02 GILT Guanciali GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Letto '206 Guanciali Guanciali Letto Letto '206 '206 3,50 GILT SOTTOSOPRA GILT GILT SOTTOSOPRA pillows forSOTTOSOPRA bed 206 pillows pillows for for bedbed 206 206 09GISGF03 GILT SOTTOSOPRA 09GISGF03 09GISGF03 GILT Fodera GILT SOTTOSOPRA lato SOTTOSOPRA A Guanciali Fodera Letto Fodera lato '206 lato A Guanciali A Guanciali Letto Letto '206 '206 1,80 GILT SOTTOSOPRA GILT GILT SOTTOSOPRA pillows (ASOTTOSOPRA side) coverings pillows pillows for (A bed (A side) side) 206 coverings coverings for forbed bed206 206 09GIDSLE09 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto '146 contenitore 09GISGF04 GILT SOTTOSOPRA 09GISGF04 09GISGF04 GILT Fodera GILT SOTTOSOPRA lato SOTTOSOPRA B Guanciali Fodera Letto Fodera lato '206 lato B Guanciali B Guanciali Letto Letto '206 '206 1,80 mc '146 contenitore 0,52 GILT DROP DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto bed 146 with storage T DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto 09GIDSLE09 GILT GILT 6,50 SOTTOSOPRA '146 contenitore GILT SOTTOSOPRA GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA pillows (B side) coverings pillows pillows for (B bed (B side) side) 206 coverings coverings for forbed bed206 2062.559 Kg 83 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA bed 146 with 0,52 storage GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA bed 146 with storage2.559 SOTTOSOPRA Letto '146mc contenitore 6,50 83 SOTTOSOPRA bed 146 Kg with storage 09GIDSLE03 GILT DROP 09GIDSLE03 SOTTOSOPRA 09GIDSLE03 GILT GILT DROP Letto DROP SOTTOSOPRA '226SOTTOSOPRA Letto Letto '226 '226 8,60 09GISGU05 GILT SOTTOSOPRA Guanciale Letto '146 mc 0,89 mc mc 0,89 0,89 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA GILT GILT DROP bedDROP 226 SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA bedbed 226 226 GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA pillow for Letto bed 146 T SOTTOSOPRA 09GISGU05 GILT 3,10 8 Guanciale '146 285 Kg 157Guanciale Kg Letto Kg '146 157 09GIDSLF03 157 GILT DROP 09GIDSLF03 SOTTOSOPRA 09GIDSLF03 GILT GILT DROP Fodera DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto SOTTOSOPRA '226 Fodera Fodera Letto Letto '226 '226 09GISGF09 GILT SOTTOSOPRA Fodera lato A Guanciale Letto '146 T SOTTOSOPRA GILT SOTTOSOPRA pillow for bed 146 pillow for bed 146 SOPRA Guanciale Letto '146 3,10 GILT 8SOTTOSOPRA GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA GILT DROP coverings DROP SOTTOSOPRA coverings coverings for bed 226 forfor bed bed 226 226 285 GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA side A coverings for pillow bed 146156 T SOTTOSOPRA Fodera lato A Guanciale Letto '146 09GISGF09 GILT 1,70 Fodera lato A Guanciale Lettofor '146 OSOPRA pillow for bed 146 GILT lato B Guanciale Lettofor '146 T SOTTOSOPRA side A coverings GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Fodera side A coverings for '146 pillow for bed 14609GISGF10 1,70 for pillow bed 146 SOPRA Fodera lato A Guanciale Letto 156 GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA side B coverings for pillow bed 146156 T SOTTOSOPRA Fodera lato Guanciale Letto '146 09GISGF10 GILT 1,70 Fodera lato B '226 Guanciale Lettofor '146 OSOPRA side A coverings forBpillow for bed 146 09GISGU03 GILT SOTTOSOPRA 09GISGU03 09GISGU03 GILT Guanciali GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Letto '226 Guanciali Guanciali Letto Letto '226 6,80 0,78 T SOTTOSOPRA side B mc coverings GILT SOTTOSOPRA side B coverings for pillow for GILT bed 146 for pillow for bed 146 SOPRA Fodera lato B Guanciale Letto '146 1,70 156 SOTTOSOPRA GILT GILT SOTTOSOPRA pillows forSOTTOSOPRA bed 226 pillows pillows for for bedbed 226 226 Kgfor pillow148 mc 0,78 OSOPRA side B coverings for bed 146 GILT SOTTOSOPRA 09GISGF05 09GISGF05 09GISGF05 GILT Fodera GILT SOTTOSOPRA lato SOTTOSOPRA A Guanciali Fodera Letto Fodera lato '226 lato A Guanciali A Guanciali Letto Letto '226 '226 3,50 Kg 148 GILT SOTTOSOPRA GILT GILT SOTTOSOPRA pillows (ASOTTOSOPRA side) coverings pillows pillows for (A bed (A side) side) 226 coverings coverings for forbed bed226 226 09GISGF06 GILT SOTTOSOPRA 09GISGF06 09GISGF06 GILT Fodera GILT SOTTOSOPRA lato SOTTOSOPRA B Guanciali Fodera Letto Fodera lato '226 lato B Guanciali B Guanciali Letto Letto '226 '226 3,50 mc 0,66 mc mc 0,66 0,66 GILT SOTTOSOPRA GILT GILT SOTTOSOPRA pillows (BSOTTOSOPRA side) coverings pillows pillows for (B bed (B side) side) 226 coverings coverings for forbed bed226 226 Kg 96 Kg Kg 96 96 1.990 920 2.417 8 292 167 167 1,80 1,80 2,40 , 292 2,40 1,80 1,80 , 1,30 352 167 1,30 1,30 200 167 1,30 7,90 7,90 200 1.012 6,50 2.145 6,50 2.308 7,90 7,90 1.012 1.175 8 3,50 3,50 2.145 1.066 2.722 363 198 8 198 8,60 8,60 3,10 363 3,10 1,70 440 198 1,70 1,70 239 198 1,70 6,80 6,80 239 3,50 3,50 3,50 3,50 88 8 352 8 88 2.886 8 440 8 2.807 2.8072.807 2.994 3.1812.994 2.9943.181 3.181 2.271 2.271 2.417 2.417 2.562 2.562 429 515 515 343 343 343 429 515 429 191 280 236 2.359 191 191 236 233 233 191 191 236 134 134 134 134 2.3592.359 2.558 236 280 280 292 352 292 352 280 236 236 280 280 167 200 167 200 167 200 167 200 2.7572.558 2.558 2.757 2.757 1.010 1.0101.010 1.209 1.4081.209 1.2091.408 1.408 1.982 1.982 848 2.9182.918 3.117 848 2.145 2.308 2.145 2.308 1.012 1.175 3.3163.117 3.1173.316 3.316 1.012 1.175 191 2.918 351 351 351 437 523 437 437 523 523 196 196 196 240 285 240 240 285 285 196 2.559 196 196 240 2.559 285 240 2.722 240 285 2.722 2.886 285 2.886 2.465 562 2.4652.465 2.682 285 285 1.0731.073 1.290 156 156 156 156 562 562 731 301 301 301 387 473 387 387 473 473 301 301 301 387 473 387 387 473 473 1.073 OTAZIONI ANNOTAZIONI / REMARKS ANNOTAZIONI / REMARKS / REMARKS ANNOTAZIONI / REMARKS / Regular Version: / Regular the / Regular price Version: Version: does not the the include price pricedoes the doesslats not not include include base and the thethe slats slats mattress base baseand andthe themattress mattress one normale: Versione il prezzo Versione normale: non comprende normale: il prezzo il prezzo rete nonecomprende non materasso comprende rete rete e materasso e materasso ANNOTAZIONI / REMARKS Versione normale: il prezzo non comprende rete e materasso / Regular Version: the price does not include the slats base and the mattress / Version with storage: / Version / Version the with price with storage: storage: includes the the the price price slats includes includes base and the the does slats slats not base base include and and does does not mattress not include include thethe mattress mattress one contenitore: Versione il prezzo Versione contenitore: comprende contenitore: il prezzo la il rete prezzo comprende e non comprende il materasso la rete la rete e non e non il materasso il materasso Regular Version: the does not include the slats /and Regular the mattress Version: thestorage: price does include the the slats base andand thethe mattress materasso / Versione normale: il prezzo non comprende eematerasso / Version with thenot price includes slats base does not include the mattress contenitore: ilprice prezzo comprende larete rete non ilbase materasso / Regular Version: the price not include the slats and the mattress sso / Version with does storage: the price includes base and/ Version does notwith include storage: the mattress the price includes the slats base and does not include the mattress e non il materasso Versione contenitore: il prezzo comprende la retebase ethe nonslats il materasso materasso / Version with storage: the price includes the slats base and does not include the mattress 2.8982.682 2.6822.898 2.898 363 440 363 440 1.5071.290 1.2901.507 1.507 198 239 198 239 198 239 198900 900 239 900 731 731 Pelle Elite Pelle Pelle Elite Elite Leather Elite Leather Leather Elite Elite Pelle Pelle Star Elite Pelle Pelle StarStar Star Leather Elite Leather Leather Star Star Pelle Elite Top Pelle Star Pelle Pelle TopTop Leather Elite Top Leather StarTopTop Leather Leather Leather Top Pelle Star Prestige Pelle Top Leather Star Prestige Prestige Pelle Top Elite Leather Top Elite Elite Prestige Elite Star Prestige StarStar Star Top EliteTopTop Top Pelle Elite Lux StarLux Leather Lux Elite Lux Pelle Star Pelle Elite Extra Top Leather Star Extra Extra Leather Elite Extra Pelle Top Pelle Star Super Lux Leather Top Super Super Leather Star 1.3351.148 1.1481.335 1.335 239 8 8239 1.990 2.135 1.990 2.135 920 1.066 2.6522.465 2.4652.652 2.652 920 1.066 9611.148 961 2.308 1.175 1.844 1.844 775 2.2782.278 2.465 775 961 200 200 Super Normal Normal Pelle Top Prestige Extra Normal Normal Leather Top 2.278 2.562 1,80 1,80 6,50 1,80 1,80 2.722 6,50 2.886 Tess Tess Cliente Cliente Elite Super Customer Prestige fabric Customer Customer fabric fabric 2.135 7,50 7,50 5,80 2.417 5,80 2.562 3,50 3,50 Tess Cliente Tess Cliente Customer fabric No coverings Elite No No coverings coverings Fabric Fabric mt mt 5,80 1.990 5,80 2.135 7,50 7,50 920 1.066 In Bianco In Bianco No Star coverings Normal In Bianco In Bianco Mt Mt Tess Cliente Mt Mt Tessuto Top Tessuto StarTessuto Customer fabric Tessuto Fabric Fabric mt mt In Bianco Lux Topcoverings No Codice Descrizione Codice Descrizione 09GIDSLE06 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto '116 Codice Descrizione CodiceCodice Descrizione Descrizione GILT DROP DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto bed 116 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto '116 09GIDSLE06 GILT 5,80 SOTTOSOPRA '116 09GIDSLF04 5,80 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Fodera Letto '116 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA bed 116 SOTTOSOPRA Letto '116bed 116 09GIDSLE01 GILT DROP 1.844 09GIDSLE01 SOTTOSOPRA 09GIDSLE01 GILT GILT DROP Letto DROP SOTTOSOPRA '186SOTTOSOPRA Letto Letto '186 '186 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA coverings for'116 bed 116 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA Fodera Letto '116 09GIDSLF04 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Fodera Letto SOTTOSOPRA bed 116 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA GILT GILT DROP bedDROP 186 SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA bedbed 186 186 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA coverings GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA coverings for bed 116 GILT DROP for bed 116 775 SOTTOSOPRA Fodera Letto '116 09GIDSLF01 09GIDSLF01 SOTTOSOPRA 09GIDSLF01 GILT GILT DROP Fodera DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto SOTTOSOPRA '186 Fodera Fodera Letto Letto '186 '186 SOTTOSOPRA coverings for bed 116 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA GILT GILT DROP coverings DROP SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA coverings coverings for bed 186 forfor bed bed 186 186 crizione Mt Extra Tessuto Lux Fabric mt Super Extra Normal Super Tess Cliente Customer fabric Normal In Bianco Tess Cliente No coverings Customer fabric Mt In Bianco Tessuto NoFabric coverings mt Mt Tessuto Fabric mt d. GILT Mod. - DROP Mod. GILT GILT SOTTOSOPRA - -DROP - DROP SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Mod. GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA SOPRAMod. GILT - DROP SOTTOSOPRA PRA Letto Letto GILT GILT PLAN PLAN SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Letto GILT PLAN SOTTOSOPRA CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE /TECNICHE TECHNICAL FEATURES CARATTERISTICHE CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE / TECHNICAL / TECHNICAL FEATURES FEATURES 2 Fibra2poliestere accoppiata a vellutino Fibra poliestere poliestere accoppiata accoppiata a vellutino a vellutino 2 Fibra Polyester fiber coupled with velveteen Polyester Polyester fiberfiber coupled coupled withwith velveteen velveteen 5 Poliuretano espanso densità 40 5 5 Poliuretano Poliuretano espanso espanso densità densità 40 40 Polyurethane foam density 40 kg/mc Polyurethane Polyurethane foamfoam density density 40 kg/mc 40 kg/mc 15 9 Poliuretano espanso densità 75 15 15 Poliuretano Poliuretano espanso espanso densità densità 75 Polyurethane foam density 75 kg/mc 75 Polyurethane Polyurethane foamfoam density density 75 kg/mc 75 kg/mc Multistrato con tamponamenti in particelle di legno e fibra Plywood wood and con fibercon insertions 9 with 9 Multistrato Multistrato tamponamenti tamponamenti in particelle in particelle di legno di legno e fibra e fibra 16 Plywood Plywood withwith wood wood and and fiberfiber insertions insertions Metallo M t ll verniciato i i t Painted metal 16 16 Metallo M t Metallo Mll t verniciato ll verniciato i i ti i t Painted Painted metal metal VERSIONI / VERSIONS Tessuto e pelle: completamente sfoderabile. VERSIONI / VERSIONS / VERSIONS Fabric and VERSIONI leather: completely removable coverings Tessuto Tessuto e pelle: e pelle: completamente completamente sfoderabile. sfoderabile. Fabric Fabric and and leather: leather: completely completely removable removable coverings coverings PIEDINI / FEET Di serie piedino in ABS grigio Standard feet in grey ABS PIEDINI PIEDINI / FEET / FEET Di serie Di serie piedino piedino in ABS in ABS grigio grigio Standard Standard feet feet in grey in grey ABSABS ANNOTAZIONI I prezzii dei d i letti l tti non comprendono d lla rete t ad doghe h ed d il materasso. t I prezzi dei letti contenitore comprendono il prezzo della rete a doghe ma non il materasso. ANNOTAZIONI ANNOTAZIONI I letti vengono consegnati smontati, due colli per i letti senza contenitore, quattro colli per i I prezzi I prezzi i dei d ii letti ldei d ttii letti lnon tti non comprendono comprendono d d lla rete lla t rete a td doghe ah d doghe ed hd iled materasso. d ilt materasso. t letti contenitore. E' disponibile, richiesta, meccanismo alzaletto semiautomatico: nel lettorete contenitore I prezzi Iaprezzi dei letti dei il letti contenitore contenitore comprendono comprendono il prezzo il prezzo della della rete asenza doghe a doghe ma non ma non il materasso. il materasso. c'è l'obbligo diI acquistare la nostra retesmontati, a doghe, nel letto è già compresa. I letti letti vengono vengono consegnati consegnati smontati, due due collicontenitore colli per iper lettii letti senza senza contenitore, contenitore, quattro quattro collicolli per iper i The bed prices do not include the slats base and the mattress letti letti contenitore. contenitore. The bed with storage prices the slats but notalzaletto thealzaletto mattress E' disponibile, E' disponibile, ainclude richiesta, a richiesta, il meccanismo ilbase meccanismo semiautomatico: semiautomatico: nel letto nel letto senza senza contenitore contenitore The beds are delivered unassembled: 2 packages for regular beds, 4 packages for beds with storage c'è l'obbligo c'è l'obbligo di acquistare di acquistare la nostra la nostra reterete a doghe, a doghe, nel letto nel letto contenitore contenitore è già è compresa. già compresa. A semi-automatic bed lifting mechanism is available on demand: in the bed without storage The The bed bed prices prices do not do include not include the slats the slats basebase and and the mattress the mattress customer must buy our slats base, in the bed with storage the slats base is already included The The bed bed withwith storage storage prices prices include include the slats the slats basebase but not but the not mattress the mattress The The bedsbeds are delivered are delivered unassembled: unassembled: 2 packages 2 packages for regular for regular beds, beds, 4 packages 4 packages for beds for beds withwith storage storage A semi-automatic A semi-automatic bed bed lifting lifting mechanism mechanism is available is available on demand: on demand: in the in bed the bed without without storage storage customer customer mustmust buy buy our slats our slats base, base, in the in bed the bed withwith storage storage the slats the slats basebase is already is already included included mc 0,47 09GIDSLE08 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto '116 contenitore 0,32 mc mc contenitore 0,32 Kg '116 78 GILT DROP DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto bed 116 storage Tmc DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto mc 0,47 0,32 09GIDSLE08 GILT 5,80 SOTTOSOPRA '116 with contenitore Kg 70 KgKg Kgwith 7078 storage 70 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA bed 116 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA bed 116 with storage2.271 SOTTOSOPRA Letto '116 contenitore 5,80 09GIPSLE08 GILT PLAIN 09GIPSLE08 SOTTOSOPRA 09GIPSLE08 GILT PLAIN GILT LettoPLAIN '116 SOTTOSOPRA contenitore SOTTOSOPRA Letto Letto '116'116 contenitore contenitore SOTTOSOPRA bed 116 with storage GILT PLAIN SOTTOSOPRA GILT GILT PLAIN bed PLAIN 116 SOTTOSOPRA with SOTTOSOPRA storage bedbed 116116 with with storage storage 09GISGU04 GILT SOTTOSOPRA Guanciale Letto '116 pillow for Letto bed 116 GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA T SOTTOSOPRA Guanciale Letto '116 09GISGU04 GILT 2,40 8 Guanciale '116 09GISGF07 GILT SOTTOSOPRA Fodera lato A Guanciale Letto '116 pillow for bed 116 , pillow for bed 116 T SOTTOSOPRA GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOPRA Guanciale Letto '116 2,40 8 233 GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA side A coverings for pillow bed T SOTTOSOPRA Fodera lato A Guanciale Letto '116 09GISGF07 GILT 1,30 Fodera lato A Guanciale Lettofor '116 pillow for bed 116 , OSOPRA GILT lato B Guanciale Lettofor '116 T SOTTOSOPRA side A coverings GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Fodera side A coverings for '116 pillow for bed 11609GISGF08 1,30 for pillow bed SOPRA Fodera lato A Guanciale Letto 134 GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA side B coverings for pillow bed T SOTTOSOPRA Fodera lato Guanciale Letto '116 09GISGF08 GILT 1,30 Fodera lato B Guanciale Lettofor '116 OSOPRA side A coverings forBpillow for bed 116 0,58 side mc mc 0,58 0,58for bed 116 0,73 Tmc SOTTOSOPRA B mc coverings GILT SOTTOSOPRA side B coverings for pillow for134 for pillow bed SOPRA Fodera lato B Guanciale Letto '116 1,30 Kg 135 Kg Kg 135 135 Kgfor pillow 143 mc 0,73 OSOPRA side B coverings for bed 116 Kg 143 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto '146 09GIPSLE07 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Letto '146bed 146 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA Fodera Letto '146 SOTTOSOPRA bed 146 09GIPSLF05 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA coverings SOTTOSOPRA Fodera Letto '146 for bed 146 SOTTOSOPRA coverings for bed 146 mc Kg 0,37 75 mc Kg mc 0,37 Kg 75 09GIDSLE07 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto '146 GILT DROP DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto bed 146 09GIDSLE07 GILT 6,50 SOTTOSOPRA '146 GILT PLAIN 09GIPSLE07 SOTTOSOPRA 09GIPSLE07 GILT PLAIN GILT Letto PLAIN '146 SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Letto Letto '146 '146 09GIDSLF05 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Fodera Letto '146 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA bed 146 6,50 1.982 GILT PLAIN SOTTOSOPRA GILT GILT PLAIN bed PLAIN 146 SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA bed bed 146146 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA coverings for'146 bed 146 09GIDSLF05 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Fodera Letto GILT PLAIN 09GIPSLF05 SOTTOSOPRA 09GIPSLF05 GILT PLAIN GILT Fodera PLAIN SOTTOSOPRA Letto SOTTOSOPRA '146 Fodera Fodera Letto Letto '146 '146 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA coverings for bed 146 848 GILT PLAIN SOTTOSOPRA GILT GILT PLAIN coverings PLAIN SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA coverings coverings for bed 146 forfor bed bed 146 146 1.844 5,80 775 1.990 920 2.271 5,80 2.417 233 116134 116 116134 116 1.982 6,50 848 292 167 167 09GISGU05 GILT SOTTOSOPRA Guanciale Letto '146 GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA pillow for Letto bed 146 T SOTTOSOPRA Guanciale Letto '146 09GISGU05 GILT 3,10 8 Guanciale '146 09GISGF09 GILT SOTTOSOPRA Fodera lato A Guanciale Letto '146 T SOTTOSOPRA GILT SOTTOSOPRA pillow for bed 146 pillow for bed 146 SOPRA Guanciale Letto '146 3,10 8 285 0,63Fodera mclato A mc 0,63 Letto 0,63 '146 GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA side A coverings for pillow bed Tmc SOTTOSOPRA Guanciale 09GISGF09 GILT 1,70 Fodera lato A Guanciale Lettofor '146 OSOPRA pillow for bed 146 140 side Kg Kg 140 140 for bed 14609GISGF10 GILT lato B Guanciale Lettofor '146 TKg SOTTOSOPRA A coverings GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Fodera side A coverings for '146 pillow for pillow bed SOPRA Fodera lato A Guanciale Letto 1,70 156 GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA side B coverings for pillow bed T SOTTOSOPRA Fodera lato Guanciale Letto '146 09GISGF10 GILT 1,70 Fodera lato B Guanciale Lettofor '146 OSOPRA side A coverings forBpillow for bed 146 0,78 T SOTTOSOPRA side B mc coverings GILT SOTTOSOPRA side B coverings for pillow for156 for pillow for bed 146 bed SOPRA Fodera lato B Guanciale Letto '146 1,70 Kgfor pillow148 mc 0,78 OSOPRA side B coverings for bed 146 Kg 148 2.559 6,50 5,80 2.417 5,80 2.562 5,80 5,80 2,40 , 292 2,40 , 1,30 352 167 1,30 1,30 200 167 1,30 200 1.012 2.722 6,50 2.722 6,50 6,50 6,50 2.886 2.145 285 146156 146 146156 146 363 198 198 3,10 363 3,10 1,70 440 198 1,70 1,70 239 198 1,70 239 2.135 1.066 1.711 773 2.141 8 352 8 200 2.886 1.064 918 9181.064 1.064 2.417 2.417 2.562 2.562 2.432 2.286 2.2862.432 2.432 292 292 167 167 167 167 352 352 200 200 200 200 846 2.145 2.308 2.145 2.308 2.274 2.111 2.111 2.274 2.274 1.012 1.175 1.012 1.175 1.173 1.010 1.0101.173 1.173 2.425 2.559 2.559 2.425 2.588 2.425 2.722 2.886 2.722 2.886 2.751 2.588 2.5882.751 2.751 1.948 8 440 8 239 239 285 285 156 156 156 156 / rete Regular / Regular / Regular price Version: does Version: not the include the price pricedoes the does slats not not include base include and the the the slats slats mattress base base and and the the mattress mattress ne normale:Versione prezzo Versione normale: non comprende normale: ilthe ilprezzo rete prezzo non e comprende materasso non comprende erete eVersion: materasso / il Regular Version: does not include the slats /the and Regular the mattress Version: the price does not include the slats base and the mattress materasso Versione normale: ilprezzo prezzo non comprende rete ematerasso / Version with storage: the price includes the slats base and does not include the mattress contenitore: ilprice comprende la rete ematerasso non ilbase materasso / Version with storage: / Version / Version the with price with storage: includes storage: the the the price price slats includes includes base and the does slats slats not base base include and and does does the not mattress not include include thethe mattress ne contenitore: Versione il prezzo Versione contenitore: comprende contenitore: il prezzo la rete il prezzo comprende e non comprende il materasso la rete la e rete non e non il materasso il materasso / Regular Version: the price not include the slats and the mattress sso / Version with does storage: the price includes base and/ Version does notwith include storage: the mattress the price includes the slats base and does not include themattress mattress e non il materasso Versione contenitore: il prezzo comprende la retebase ethe nonslats il materasso 363 363 198 198 198 198 440 440 239 239 239 239 Pelle Elite Pelle Pelle Elite Elite Leather Elite Leather Leather Elite Elite Pelle Pelle Star Elite Pelle Pelle Star Star Leather Star Leather Elite Leather Leather Star Star Pelle Pelle Elite Top Pelle Star Pelle Pelle Top Top Leather Leather Elite Top Leather Star Leather Leather Top Top Leather Top Pelle Star Prestige Leather Pelle TopStar Prestige Prestige Prestige Pelle Top Elite Leather Elite Elite Top Elite Prestige Star StarStar Star Elite Top TopTop 1.990 2.135 1.990 2.135 920 1.066 2.002 1.857 1.857 2.002 2.002 920 1.066 1.982 1.982 1.948 2.111 1.948 848 848 846 1.010 846 ANNOTAZIONI / REMARKS OTAZIONI / ANNOTAZIONI REMARKS ANNOTAZIONI / REMARKS / REMARKS ANNOTAZIONI / REMARKS Versione normale: il prezzo non comprende rete e materasso / Regular Version: the price does not include the slats base and the mattress materasso / Version with storage: the price includes the slats base and does not include the mattress Top Lux 2.141 2.286 2.141 Pelle Elite Star Lux Leather Lux Lux Elite Extra Super Pelle Star Pelle Elite Top Extra Leather Star Extra Extra Leather Elite 773 918 773 233 233 134 134 134 134 200 1.175 1.844 1.844 775 1.711 1.857 1.711 775 2.271 2.271 2.562 2.308 Pelle Top Lux Pelle Star Super Leather Top Super Super Leather Star Normal Extra Normal Pelle Top Prestige Normal Normal Leather Top Tess Cliente Tess Cliente Super Customer fabric Tess Tess Cliente Cliente Elite Customer fabric Prestige Customer Customer fabric fabric In In Bianco Bianco Normal Star No In Bianco Incoverings Bianco EliteNo coverings No No coverings coverings 5,80 1.990 5,80 2.135 5,80 5,80 920 1.066 6,50 2.145 6,50 6,50 6,50 2.308 1.012 1.175 0,37 75 09GIDSLE09 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto '146 contenitore mc '146 contenitore 0,52 GILT DROP DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto bed 146 storage T DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto 09GIDSLE09 GILT 6,50 SOTTOSOPRA '146 with contenitore 09GIPSLE09 GILT PLAIN 09GIPSLE09 SOTTOSOPRA 09GIPSLE09 GILT PLAIN GILT Letto PLAIN '146 SOTTOSOPRA contenitore SOTTOSOPRA Letto Letto '146 '146 contenitore contenitore Kg 83 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA mc bed 146 with 0,52 storage GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA bed 146 with storage2.559 SOTTOSOPRA Letto '146 contenitore 6,50 GILT PLAIN SOTTOSOPRA GILT GILT PLAIN bed PLAIN 146 SOTTOSOPRA with SOTTOSOPRA storage bedbed 146146 with with storage storage 83 SOTTOSOPRA bed 146 Kg with storage Mt Tess Cliente Mt Mt Tessuto Top Customer StarTessuto Tessuto fabric Fabric Fabric mt mt Fabric Fabric mt mt In Bianco Lux Top No coverings Codice Descrizione Descrizione Codice Codice Descrizione Descrizione Codice Descrizione 09GIDSLE06 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto '116 GILT DROP DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto bed 116 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto '116 09GIDSLE06 GILT 5,80 SOTTOSOPRA '116 09GIDSLF04 5,80 GILT Letto '116 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA GILT DROP DROP SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Fodera bed 116 SOTTOSOPRA Letto '116bed 116 1.844 09GIPSLE06 GILT PLAIN 09GIPSLE06 SOTTOSOPRA 09GIPSLE06 GILT PLAIN GILT Letto PLAIN '116 SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Letto Letto '116'116 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA coverings for'116 bed 116 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA Fodera Letto '116 09GIDSLF04 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Fodera Letto SOTTOSOPRA bed 116 GILT PLAIN SOTTOSOPRA GILT GILT PLAIN bed PLAIN 116 SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA bed bed 116116 for bed 116 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA coverings GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA coverings SOTTOSOPRA Fodera Letto '116 for bed 116 775 09GIPSLF04 GILT PLAIN 09GIPSLF04 SOTTOSOPRA 09GIPSLF04 GILT PLAIN GILT Fodera PLAIN SOTTOSOPRA Letto SOTTOSOPRA '116 Fodera Fodera Letto Letto '116 '116 SOTTOSOPRA coverings for bed 116 GILT PLAIN SOTTOSOPRA GILT GILT PLAIN coverings PLAIN SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA for bed 116 coverings coverings forfor bed bed 116 116 Codice crizione Mt Extra Tessuto Lux Fabric mt Super Extra Normal Super Tess Cliente Customer fabric Normal In Bianco Tess Cliente No coverings Customer fabric Mt In Bianco Tessuto NoFabric coverings mt Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Mod. GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA d. GILT Mod. - PLAIN Mod. GILT GILT SOTTOSOPRA - --PLAIN - PLAIN SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA SOPRA Mod. GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA PRA mc 0,47 09GIDSLE08 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto '116 contenitore mc 0,44 mc mc contenitore 0,44 Kg '116 78 GILT DROP DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto bed 116 storage T DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto mc 0,47 0,44 09GIDSLE08 GILT 5,80 SOTTOSOPRA '116 with contenitore Kg 80 Kg Kg with 80 80 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA Kg bed 116 78 storage GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA bed 116 with storage2.271 SOTTOSOPRA Letto '116 contenitore 5,80 SOTTOSOPRA bed 116 with storage 09GIPSLE04 GILT PLAIN 09GIPSLE04 SOTTOSOPRA 09GIPSLE04 GILTGILT PLAIN Letto PLAIN '186 SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA contenitoreLetto Letto '186 '186 contenitore contenitore GILT PLAIN SOTTOSOPRA GILT GILT PLAIN bedPLAIN 186 SOTTOSOPRA with SOTTOSOPRA storage bed bed 186 186 with withstorage storage 09GISGU04 GILT SOTTOSOPRA Guanciale Letto '116 pillow for Letto bed 116 GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA T SOTTOSOPRA Guanciale Letto '116 09GISGU04 GILT 2,40 8 Guanciale '116 09GISGF07 GILT SOTTOSOPRA Fodera lato A Guanciale Letto '116 pillow for bed 116 , pillow for bed 116 T SOTTOSOPRA GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOPRA Guanciale Letto '116 2,40 8 233 GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA side A coverings for pillow bed T SOTTOSOPRA Fodera lato A Guanciale Letto '116 09GISGF07 GILT 1,30 Fodera lato A Guanciale Lettofor '116 pillow for bed 116 , OSOPRA GILT lato B Guanciale Lettofor '116 T SOTTOSOPRA side A coverings GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Fodera side A coverings for '116 pillow for bed 11609GISGF08 1,30 for pillow bed SOPRA Fodera lato A Guanciale Letto 134 GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA side B coverings for pillow bed T SOTTOSOPRA Fodera lato Guanciale Letto '116 09GISGF08 GILT 1,30 Fodera lato B Guanciale Lettofor '116 OSOPRA side A coverings forBpillow for bed 116 0,70side Bmc mc 0,70 0,70for bed 116 mc 0,73 T mc SOTTOSOPRA coverings GILT SOTTOSOPRA side B coverings for pillow for134 for pillow bed SOPRA Fodera lato B Guanciale Letto '116 1,30 Kg 145 Kg Kg 145 145 Kgfor pillow 143 mc 0,73 OSOPRA side B coverings for bed 116 09GIPSLE02 GILT PLAIN 09GIPSLE02 SOTTOSOPRA 09GIPSLE02 GILTGILT PLAIN Letto PLAIN '206 SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Letto Letto '206 '206 Kg 143 GILT PLAIN SOTTOSOPRA GILTGILT PLAIN bedPLAIN 206 SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA bed bed 206 206 09GIPSLF02 GILT PLAIN 09GIPSLF02 SOTTOSOPRA 09GIPSLF02 GILT GILT PLAIN Fodera PLAIN SOTTOSOPRA Letto SOTTOSOPRA '206 Fodera Fodera Letto Letto '206 '206 09GIDSLE07 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto '146 GILT PLAIN SOTTOSOPRA GILT GILT PLAIN coverings PLAIN SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA coverings coverings for bed 206 forbed bed206 206 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA bed 146 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto '146 09GIDSLE07 GILT DROP 6,50 SOTTOSOPRA Letto '146 for 09GIDSLF05 6,50 GILT Letto '146 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA GILT DROP DROP SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Fodera bed 146 SOTTOSOPRA Letto '146bed 146 1.982 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA coverings for'146 bed 146 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA Fodera Letto '146 09GIDSLF05 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Fodera Letto SOTTOSOPRA bed 146 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA coverings GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA coverings for bed 146 848 SOTTOSOPRA Fodera Letto '146 for bed 146 SOTTOSOPRA coverings for bed 146 mc 0,48 mc mc 0,48 0,48 Kg 84 Kg Kg 84 84 09GIPSLE05 GILT PLAIN 09GIPSLE05 SOTTOSOPRA 09GIPSLE05 GILTGILT PLAIN Letto PLAIN '206 SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA contenitoreLetto Letto '206 '206 contenitore contenitore GILT PLAIN SOTTOSOPRA GILTGILT PLAIN bedPLAIN 206 SOTTOSOPRA with SOTTOSOPRA storage bed bed 206 206 with withstorage storage mc '146 contenitore 0,52 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto Kg 83 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA mc bed 146 with storage SOTTOSOPRA Letto '146 contenitore0,52 83 SOTTOSOPRA bed 146 Kg with storage 09GIDSLE09 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto '146 contenitore GILT DROP DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto bed 146 storage 09GIDSLE09 GILT 6,50 SOTTOSOPRA '146 with contenitore GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA bed 146 with storage2.559 6,50 mc 0,74 mc mc 0,74 0,74 09GISGU05 GILT SOTTOSOPRA Guanciale Letto '146 Kg 149 Kg Kg'146 149 149 GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA pillow for Letto bed 146 T SOTTOSOPRA Guanciale Letto 09GISGU05 GILT 3,10 8 Guanciale '146 09GIPSLE03 GILT PLAIN 09GIPSLE03 SOTTOSOPRA 09GIPSLE03 GILT GILT PLAIN Letto PLAIN '226 SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Letto Letto '226 09GISGF09 GILT SOTTOSOPRA Fodera lato A '226 Guanciale Letto '146 T SOTTOSOPRA GILT SOTTOSOPRA pillow for bed 146 pillow for bed 146 SOPRA Guanciale Letto '146 3,10 8 285 GILT PLAIN SOTTOSOPRA GILT GILT PLAIN bed PLAIN 226 SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA bed 226 GILT SOTTOSOPRA side Abed coverings for pillow bed T SOTTOSOPRA Fodera lato A Guanciale Letto '146 09GISGF09 GILT SOTTOSOPRA 1,70 Fodera lato A226 Guanciale Lettofor '146 OSOPRA pillow for bed 146 09GIPSLF03 PLAIN 09GIPSLF03 SOTTOSOPRA 09GIPSLF03 GILT GILT PLAIN Fodera PLAIN SOTTOSOPRA Letto SOTTOSOPRA '226 Fodera Letto '226 '226 09GISGF10 GILT SOTTOSOPRA Fodera lato B Letto Guanciale Lettofor '146 T SOTTOSOPRA side A coverings GILT SOTTOSOPRA side AFodera coverings for '146 pillow for GILT bed 146 for pillow bed SOPRA Fodera lato A Guanciale Letto 1,70 156 GILT PLAIN SOTTOSOPRA GILT GILT PLAIN coverings PLAIN SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA coverings for bed for forbed bed 226 226 GILT SOTTOSOPRA side226 Bcoverings coverings for pillow for bed T SOTTOSOPRA Fodera lato Guanciale Letto '146 09GISGF10 GILT SOTTOSOPRA 1,70 Fodera lato B Guanciale Letto '146 OSOPRA side A coverings forBpillow for bed 146 0,78 T SOTTOSOPRA side B mc coverings GILT SOTTOSOPRA side B coverings for pillow for156 for pillow for bed 146 bed SOPRA Fodera lato B Guanciale Letto '146 1,70 Kgfor pillow148 mc 0,78 OSOPRA side B coverings for bed 146 Kg 148 mc Kg 0,51 88 mc Kg mc 0,51 Kg 88 775 7,50 1.990 920 1.066 2.126 961 2.271 2.417 7,50 292 167 167 7,90 2.145 1.012 7,90 2.722 146156 146 146156 146 6,50 2.145 6,50 2.308 1.012 1.175 363 198 198 6,50 2.722 6,50 2.886 3,10 363 3,10 8,60 8,60 1,70 440 198 1,70 1,70 239 198 1,70 239 200 2.562 2.562 3.0302.842 2.842 3.030 3.030 292 292 167 167 167 167 352 352 200 200 200 200 2.5972.398 2.398 2.597 2.597 1.010 1.0101.209 1.010 1.982 1.4081.209 1.209 1.408 1.408 2.145 2.308 2.145 2.308 1.012 1.175 1.012 1.175 1.982 848 848 2.757 2.7572.956 2.757 2.559 2.559 2.886 2.293 1.073 239 285 285 2.2932.510 2.293 156 156 1.0731.290 1.073 156 156 ANNOTAZIONI / REMARKS OTAZIONI / ANNOTAZIONI REMARKS ANNOTAZIONI / /REMARKS / REMARKS ANNOTAZIONI REMARKS Versione normale: il prezzo non comprende rete e materasso / Regular Version: the price does not include the slats base and the mattress / rete Version: / /Regular the / Regular price Version: does Version: not the the include price pricedoes the does slats not not include include base and the the the slats slats mattress base base and and the the mattress mattress one normale:/Versione il prezzo Versione normale: non comprende normale: ilthe ilprezzo prezzo rete non ecomprende comprende materasso non comprende rete eematerasso enon materasso Regular Version: does not include the slats and Regular the mattress Version: the price does not include the slats base and the mattress materasso Versione normale: ilprezzo prezzo non comprende rete / Version with storage: the price includes the slats base and does not include the mattress contenitore: ilprice laRegular rete ematerasso ilbase materasso / Version with storage: / Version / Version the with price with storage: storage: includes the the the price price slats includes includes base and the the does slats slats not base base include and and does does the not mattress not include include the the mattress one contenitore: Versione il prezzo Versione contenitore: comprende contenitore: il prezzo la il rete prezzo comprende e non comprende il materasso la rete la rete e non e non il materasso il materasso / Regular Version: the price not include the slats and the mattress sso / Version with does storage: the price includes base and/ Version does notwith include storage: the mattress the price includes the slats base and does not include themattress mattress e non il materasso Versione contenitore: il prezzo comprende la retebase ethe nonslats il materasso 3.1552.956 2.956 3.155 3.155 2.722 2.722 2.886 2.886 363 440 363 440 2.7272.510 2.510 2.727 2.727 198 239 198 239 1.5071.290 1.290 1.507 1.507 198 239 198 239 Pelle Elite Pelle Pelle Elite Elite LeatherLeather Elite Leather Elite Elite Leather Leather Star Star Pelle Elite Star Pelle Pelle StarStar Leather Elite Leather Star Pelle Pelle Elite Top Pelle Pelle Star TopTop LeatherPelle Elite Top Leather Star Leather Leather TopTop Leather Top Pelle Star Pelle TopStar Prestige Leather Prestige Prestige Star 2.417 2.417 Pelle Top Elite Leather Top Elite Elite Prestige Elite Prestige Star StarStar Elite Top Top Star Lux Lux 2.6552.842 2.655 0,51 88 materasso / Version with storage: the price includes the slats base and does not include the mattress TopTop Pelle Elite Leather Lux Lux Elite Pelle Star Pelle Elite Top Extra Extra Leather Star Extra Leather Elite Extra Pelle Top Pelle Star Lux Super Leather Top Super Super Leather Star 1.3351.148 1.148 1.335 1.335 2.1992.398 2.199 1.175 239 9611.148 961 2.199 2.308 8 440 8 1.990 2.135 1.990 2.135 920 1.066 920 1.066 2.5002.313 2.313 2.500 2.500 233 233 134 134 134 134 200 7,90 7,90 2.559 285 8,60 2.655 8 352 8 7,90 7,90 1.982 848 2,40 , 292 2,40 , 1,30 352 167 1,30 1,30 200 167 1,30 200 1.844 1.844 775 775 2.1262.313 2.126 2.271 2.271 2.562 7,50 7,50 233 116134 116 116134 116 5,80 2.417 5,80 2.562 Super Pelle Top Prestige Extra Normal Normal Normal Leather Top Normal Super Prestige Customer fabric fabric Customer Customer fabric 2.135 Tess Cliente Tess Cliente Customer fabric Tess Tess Cliente Cliente Elite In Bianco 5,80 1.990 5,80 2.135 920 7,50 7,50 1.066 In Bianco Star No coverings Normal In Bianco In Bianco Elite No coverings No No coverings coverings Fabric Fabric mt Fabric mt mt Mt Mt Tess Cliente Mt Tessuto TopMt Tessuto StarTessuto Customer fabric Fabric mt Tessuto 1.844 In Bianco Lux Top No coverings Descrizione Descrizione GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto '116 GILT DROP DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto bed 116 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto '116 GILT 5,80 SOTTOSOPRA '116 Codice Descrizione Descrizione GILT DROP Letto '116 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Fodera bed 116 SOTTOSOPRA Letto '116bed 116 5,80 1.844 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA coverings for'116 bed 116 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA Fodera Letto '116 09GIDSLF04 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Fodera Letto SOTTOSOPRA bed 116 09GIPSLE01 GILT PLAIN 09GIPSLE01 SOTTOSOPRA 09GIPSLE01 GILT GILT PLAIN Letto PLAIN '186 SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Letto Letto '186 '186 for bed 116 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA coverings GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA coverings SOTTOSOPRA Fodera Letto '116 for bed 116 775 GILT PLAIN SOTTOSOPRA GILTGILT PLAIN bedPLAIN 186 SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA bed bed 186 186 SOTTOSOPRA coverings for bed 116 09GIPSLF01 GILT PLAIN 09GIPSLF01 SOTTOSOPRA 09GIPSLF01 GILTGILT PLAIN Fodera PLAIN SOTTOSOPRA Letto SOTTOSOPRA '186 Fodera Fodera Letto Letto '186 '186 GILT PLAIN SOTTOSOPRA GILTGILT PLAIN coverings PLAIN SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA coverings coverings for bed 186 for forbed bed186 186 crizione Mt Extra Tessuto Lux Fabric mt Super Extra Normal Super Tess Cliente Customer fabric Normal In Bianco Tess Cliente No coverings Customer fabric Codice Codice 09GIDSLE06 09GIDSLE06 Descrizione Codice Codice 09GIDSLF04 Mt In Bianco Tessuto NoFabric coverings mt Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Mod. GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA d. GILT Mod. - PLAIN Mod. GILT GILT SOTTOSOPRA --- PLAIN - PLAIN SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA SOPRA Mod. GILT DROP PRA Letto Letto LEVENT LEVENT HIGH HIGH SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA CARATTERISTICHE CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE TECNICHE / TECHNICAL / TECHNICAL FEATURES FEATURES 2 Fibra 2 poliestere Fibra poliestere accoppiata accoppiata a vellutino a vellutino Polyester Polyester fiber coupled fiber coupled with velveteen with velveteen 5 Poliuretano 5 Poliuretano espanso espanso densitàdensità 40 40 Polyurethane Polyurethane foam density foam density 40 kg/mc 40 kg/mc 15 15 Poliuretano Poliuretano espanso espanso densitàdensità 75 75 Polyurethane Polyurethane foam density foam density 75 kg/mc 75 kg/mc 9 Multistrato 9 Multistrato con tamponamenti con tamponamenti in particelle in particelle di legno di elegno fibra e fibra Plywood Plywood with wood withand wood fiber andinsertions fiber insertions 16 16 MetalloMetallo verniciato verniciato PaintedPainted metal metal VERSIONI VERSIONI / VERSIONS / VERSIONS Tessuto Tessuto e pelle:e completamente pelle: completamente sfoderabile. sfoderabile. Fabric and Fabric leather: and leather: completely completely removable removable coverings coverings PIEDINI PIEDINI / FEET/ FEET Di serie Dipiedino serie piedino in ABSingrigio ABS grigio Standard Standard feet in feet greyinABS grey ABS ANNOTAZIONI ANNOTAZIONI I prezziI prezzi dei lettidei non letti comprendono non comprendono la rete la a doghe rete a doghe ed il materasso. ed il materasso. I prezziI prezzi dei lettidei contenitore letti contenitore comprendono comprendono il prezzo il prezzo della rete della a doghe rete a doghe ma nonma il materasso. non il materasso. I letti vengono I letti vengono consegnati consegnati smontati, smontati, due colli due per colli i letti persenza i letti contenitore, senza contenitore, quattroquattro colli per colli i per i letti contenitore. letti contenitore. E' disponibile, E' disponibile, a richiesta, a richiesta, il meccanismo il meccanismo alzaletto alzaletto semiautomatico: semiautomatico: nel letto nelsenza letto contenitore senza contenitore c'è l'obbligo c'è l'obbligo di acquistare di acquistare la nostra la nostra rete a doghe, rete a doghe, nel letto nelcontenitore letto contenitore è già compresa. è già compresa. The bed The prices bed do prices not do include not include the slats thebase slatsand base theand mattress the mattress The bed The with bed storage with storage prices include prices include the slats thebase slatsbut base notbut thenot mattress the mattress The beds Theare beds delivered are delivered unassembled: unassembled: 2 packages 2 packages for regular for regular beds, 4beds, packages 4 packages for beds forwith beds storage with storage A semi-automatic A semi-automatic bed lifting bed mechanism lifting mechanism is available is available on demand: on demand: in the bed in the without bed without storagestorage customer customer must buy must ourbuy slats ourbase, slatsin base, the bed in the with bed storage with storage the slats thebase slatsisbase already is already included included 1.844 775 7,60 09LEHSLF12 LEVENT 09LEHSLF12 HIGH SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT HIGH Fodera SOTTOSOPRA LettoFodera '117Fodera sopra LettoLetto '117'117 6,30 09LEHSLF12 LEVENT HIGHsopra SOTTOSOPRA sopra LEVENT HIGH SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT HIGH upper SOTTOSOPRA upper LEVENT HIGH SOTTOSOPRA upper face coverings for face bedface coverings 117coverings for bed 117117 for bed 09LEHSLF13 LEVENT 09LEHSLF13 HIGH SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT HIGH Fodera SOTTOSOPRA LettoFodera '117Fodera fianco LettoLetto '117'117 2,90 09LEHSLF13 LEVENT HIGHfianco SOTTOSOPRA fianco LEVENT HIGH SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT HIGH side SOTTOSOPRA face coverings side face coverings LEVENT HIGH SOTTOSOPRA side face coverings for bed 117 for bed 117 for bed 117 0,47 09GIDSLE08 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto '116 contenitore mc Kg '116 contenitore 78 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto mc 0,47 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA Kg bed 116 with SOTTOSOPRA Letto '116 contenitore78 storage SOTTOSOPRA bed 116 with storage GILT DROP DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto bed 116 storage 09GIDSLE08 GILT 5,80 SOTTOSOPRA '116 with contenitore GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA bed 116 with storage2.271 5,80 mc 0,55 mc mc 0,55 0,55 09GISGU04 GILT SOTTOSOPRA Guanciale Letto '116 Kg 103 Kg 103 Kg 103 pillow for Letto bed 116 GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA T SOTTOSOPRA Guanciale Letto '116 09GISGU04 GILT 2,40 8 Guanciale '116 09LEHSLE13 LEVENT 09LEHSLE13 HIGH SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT HIGH Letto SOTTOSOPRA '117SOTTOSOPRA contenitore Letto '117 contenitore 09LEHSLE13 LEVENT HIGH Letto '117 contenitore 09GISGF07 GILT SOTTOSOPRA Fodera lato A Guanciale Letto '116 pillow for bed 116 , pillow for bed 116 T SOTTOSOPRA GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOPRA Guanciale Letto '116 2,40 8 233 LEVENT09GISGF07 HIGH SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT HIGH bedHIGH SOTTOSOPRA 117 SOTTOSOPRA with storage with storage LEVENT bed 117 with storage GILT SOTTOSOPRA side Abed coverings for pillow for bed T SOTTOSOPRA Fodera lato A Guanciale Letto '116 GILT SOTTOSOPRA 1,30 Fodera lato117 A Guanciale Letto '116 pillow for bed 116 , OSOPRA GILT lato B Guanciale Lettofor '116 T SOTTOSOPRA side A coverings GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Fodera side A coverings for '116 pillow for bed 11609GISGF08 1,30 for pillow bed SOPRA Fodera lato A Guanciale Letto 134 GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA side B coverings for pillow bed T SOTTOSOPRA Fodera lato Guanciale Letto '116 09GISGF08 GILT 1,30 Fodera lato B Guanciale Lettofor '116 OSOPRA side A coverings forBpillow for bed 116 0,73 T SOTTOSOPRA side B mc coverings GILT SOTTOSOPRA side B coverings for pillow for134 for pillow for bed 116 bed SOPRA Fodera lato B Guanciale Letto '116 1,30 Kgfor pillow143 mc 0,73 OSOPRA side B coverings for bed 116 Kg 143 09GIDSLE07 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto '146 mc 0,81 mc mc 0,81 0,81 GILT DROP DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto bed 146 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto '146 09GIDSLE07 GILT 6,50 SOTTOSOPRA '146 Kg 168 Kg Kg 168 168 09GIDSLF05 6,50 GILT Letto '146 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA GILT DROP DROP SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Fodera bed 146 SOTTOSOPRA Letto '146bed 146 1.982 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA coverings for'146 bed 146 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA Fodera Letto '146 09GIDSLF05 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Fodera Letto SOTTOSOPRA bed 146 09LEHSLE12 LEVENT 09LEHSLE12 HIGH SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT HIGH Letto SOTTOSOPRA '147SOTTOSOPRA Letto '147 '147 09LEHSLE12 LEVENT HIGH Letto T DROP SOTTOSOPRA coverings GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA coverings for bed 146 848 SOTTOSOPRA Fodera Letto '146 for bed 146 LEVENT HIGH SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT HIGH bedHIGH SOTTOSOPRA 147 SOTTOSOPRA bed 147 LEVENT bed 147 SOTTOSOPRA coverings for bed 146 2.271 2.417 233 7,60 116134 116 116134 116 1.982 848 8,40 mc '146 contenitore 0,52 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto Kg 83 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA mc bed 146 with storage SOTTOSOPRA Letto '146 contenitore0,52 mc 0,62 mc mc 0,62 0,62 83 SOTTOSOPRA bed 146 Kg with storage Kg 108 Kg Kg 108 108 GILT DROP DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto bed 146 storage 09GIDSLE09 GILT 6,50 SOTTOSOPRA '146 with contenitore GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA bed 146 with storage2.559 6,50 09GISGU05 GILT SOTTOSOPRA Guanciale Letto '146 GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA pillow for Letto bed 146 T SOTTOSOPRA Guanciale Letto '146 09GISGU05 GILT 3,10 8 Guanciale '146 09LEHSLE14 LEVENT 09LEHSLE14 HIGH 09LEHSLE14 SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LEVENT HIGH Letto SOTTOSOPRA HIGH '147SOTTOSOPRA contenitore Letto Letto '147 '147 contenitore contenitore 09GISGF09 GILT SOTTOSOPRA Fodera lato A Guanciale Letto '146 T SOTTOSOPRA GILT SOTTOSOPRA pillow for bed 146 pillow for bed 146 SOPRA Guanciale Letto '146 3,10 8 285 LEVENT09GISGF09 HIGH SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LEVENT HIGH bedHIGH SOTTOSOPRA 147 SOTTOSOPRA with storage bed 147 with with storage storage GILT SOTTOSOPRA side Abed coverings for pillow for bed T SOTTOSOPRA Fodera lato A Guanciale Letto '146 GILT SOTTOSOPRA 1,70 Fodera lato147 A Guanciale Letto '146 OSOPRA pillow for bed 146 GILT lato B Guanciale Lettofor '146 T SOTTOSOPRA side A coverings GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Fodera side A coverings for '146 pillow for bed 14609GISGF10 1,70 for pillow bed SOPRA Fodera lato A Guanciale Letto 156 GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA side B coverings for pillow bed T SOTTOSOPRA Fodera lato Guanciale Letto '146 09GISGF10 GILT 1,70 Fodera lato B Guanciale Lettofor '146 OSOPRA side A coverings forBpillow for bed 146 0,78 T SOTTOSOPRA side B mc coverings GILT SOTTOSOPRA side B coverings for pillow for156 for pillow for bed 146 bed SOPRA Fodera lato B Guanciale Letto '146 1,70 Kgfor pillow148 mc 0,78 OSOPRA side B coverings for bed 146 mc 0,88 mc mc 0,88 Kg 148 0,88 Kg 173 Kg Kg 173 173 2.722 285 8,40 146156 146 146156 146 935 778 778 935 935 2,90 2,90 426 426 497 426 568 497 497 568 568 5,80 2.417 5,80 2.562 2.271 2.271 2.562 2.377 2.208 233 233 2.3772.567 2.377 134 134 134 134 1.982 1.982 848 848 2.2082.418 2.208 2.417 2.417 2.757 2.567 2.567 292 292 2.757 2.757 167 167 167 167 2.145 2.145 1.012 1.012 2.629 2.418 2.629 2.418 2.629 7,00 7,00 660 660 660 827 993 827 827 993 993 2,90 2,90 446 446 517 446 588 517 517 588 588 6,50 2.722 6,50 2.886 2.559 2.559 2.886 3,10 8 363 3,10 440 8 1.663 8,40 8,40 1.663 1.663 1,70 363 440 198 1,70 239 1,70 198 239 198 1,70 239 198 239 2.672 285 285 2.672 2.6722.883 156 156 156 156 / rete Regular Version: / Regular the / Regular price Version: Version: does the not the price include price does the does not slats not include include base the and the slats the slats mattress base base and and the the mattress mattress one normale: Versione il prezzo Versione normale: non comprende normale: il the prezzo ilprezzo prezzo non rete comprende ecomprende non materasso comprende rete ethe rete materasso enon materasso / Versione Regular Version: does not include slats /and Regular the mattress Version: the price does not include the slats base and the mattress materasso normale: il prezzo non comprende eematerasso / Version with storage: the price includes the slats base and does not include the mattress contenitore: ilprice la rete ilbase materasso / Version with storage: / Version the with price storage: includes the price the slats includes base the and slats does base not and include does not mattress include the mattress mattress / Version with storage: the price includes the slats base and does not include one contenitore: Versione il prezzo Versione contenitore: comprende contenitore: il prezzo la il rete prezzo comprende e non comprende il materasso la rete la e rete non e il non materasso il materasso / Regular Version: the price not include the slats and the mattress sso / Version with does storage: the price includes base and/ Version does notwith include storage: the mattress the price includes the slats base and the does not include the mattress e non il materasso Versione contenitore: il prezzo comprende la retebase ethe nonslats il materasso 2.722 2.722 3.094 2.883 2.883 363 363 3.094 3.094 198 198 198 198 2.135 2.135 1.066 1.066 2.562 2.562 352 352 200 200 200 200 2.308 2.308 1.175 1.175 2.886 2.886 440 440 239 239 239 239 Pelle Pelle Elite Elite Leather Leather Elite Elite Leather Leather Star Star Pelle Elite Leather Elite Leather Star Pelle Elite Pelle Pelle StarStar Leather Elite Pelle Star Pelle Top Leather Star Prestige Prestige Leather Pelle TopTop Leather Top Pelle Star Elite Pelle Pelle Pelle TopTop Leather Elite Leather Star Leather Leather Top Top Pelle Star Prestige Pelle Top Elite Elite Top Leather Prestige Elite Elite Prestige Star Star Star Star Elite Top Top Top Top Lux Lux Pelle Elite Leather Star Lux Lux Elite Extra Extra Pelle Star Pelle Elite Top Leather Star Extra Extra Leather Elite Normal Normal 620 778 620 ANNOTAZIONI / REMARKS OTAZIONI ANNOTAZIONI / REMARKS ANNOTAZIONI / REMARKS / REMARKS ANNOTAZIONI / REMARKS Versione normale: il prezzo non comprende rete e materasso / Regular Version: the price does not include the slats base and the mattress materasso / Version with storage: the price includes the slats base and does not include the mattress 1.990 1.990 920 920 2.329 2.139 2.329 2.139 2.329 620 6,50 2.145 6,50 2.308 2.145 2.308 1.012 1.175 1.198 8,40 1.198 8,40 1.198 1.012 1.175 2.559 1.844 1.844 775 775 1.9492.139 1.949 6,30 6,30 2,40 8 , 292 2,40 352 8 1.472 7,60 1.472 7,60 1.472 292 , 1,30 352 167 1,30 200 1,30 167 200 167 1,30 200 167 200 09LEHSLF14 LEVENT 09LEHSLF14 HIGH 09LEHSLF14 SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LEVENT HIGH Fodera SOTTOSOPRA HIGHsopra SOTTOSOPRA LettoFodera '147Fodera sopra sopra LettoLetto '147'147 7,00 LEVENT HIGH SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LEVENT HIGH upper HIGH SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA upper upper face coverings for face bedface coverings 147coverings for bed 147147 for bed 09LEHSLF15 LEVENT 09LEHSLF15 HIGH SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT HIGH Fodera SOTTOSOPRA LettoFodera '147Fodera fianco LettoLetto '147'147 2,90 09LEHSLF15 LEVENT HIGHfianco SOTTOSOPRA fianco LEVENT09GIDSLE09 HIGH SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT HIGH side SOTTOSOPRA face coverings side face coverings LEVENT HIGH SOTTOSOPRA side face coverings for bed 147 for bed 147 for bed 147 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto '146 contenitore 1.949 Super Pelle Top Pelle Star Lux Leather Top Super Super Leather Star 5,80 1.990 5,80 2.135 1.990 2.135 920 1.066 1.028 7,60 1.028 7,60 1.028 920 1.066 Pelle Top Prestige Extra Normal Normal Leather Top Codice In Bianco Lux Top No coverings Mt Mt Tessuto Mt Mt Cliente Tess Tessuto Top Fabric mt StarTessuto Tessuto Customer Fabric mt fabric Fabric Fabric mt mt In Bianco In Bianco No coverings Star No In Bianco Incoverings Bianco Normal Elite No No coverings coverings Tess Cliente Tess Cliente Customer fabric fabric Customer Tess Tess Cliente Cliente Elite Super Prestige Customer Customer fabric fabric Codice Descrizione Descrizione Codice Codice Descrizione Descrizione Codice Descrizione 09GIDSLE06 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto '116 GILT DROP DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto bed 116 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto '116 09GIDSLE06 GILT 5,80 SOTTOSOPRA '116 09GIDSLF04 5,80 GILT Letto '116 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA GILT DROP DROP SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Fodera bed 116 SOTTOSOPRA Letto '116bed 116 1.844 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA coverings for'116 bed 116 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA Fodera Letto '116 09GIDSLF04 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Fodera Letto SOTTOSOPRA bed 116 09LEHSLE11 LEVENT 09LEHSLE11 HIGH SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT HIGH Letto SOTTOSOPRA '117SOTTOSOPRA Letto '117 '117 09LEHSLE11 LEVENT HIGH Letto T DROP SOTTOSOPRA coverings GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA coverings for bed 116 775 SOTTOSOPRA Fodera Letto '116 for bed 116 LEVENT HIGH SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT HIGH bedHIGH SOTTOSOPRA 117 SOTTOSOPRA bed 117 LEVENT bed 117 SOTTOSOPRA coverings for bed 116 crizione Mt Extra Lux Tessuto Fabric mt Super Extra Normal Super Tess Cliente Customer fabric Normal In Bianco Tess Cliente No coverings Customer fabric Mt In Bianco Tessuto NoFabric coverings mt Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Mod. GILT - DROP SOTTOSOPRA od. LEVENT Mod. HIGH LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA HIGH SOTTOSOPRA Mod. LEVENT HIGH SOTTOSOPRA SOPRA Mod. GILT - DROP SOTTOSOPRA PRA mc 0,47 0,72 LEVENT 09GIDSLE08 GILTLEVENT DROP LettoLetto '116 '187 contenitore mc 0,72 mc mc 0,72 09LEHSLE09 09LEHSLE09 HIGH 09LEHSLE09 SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT HIGH LettoSOTTOSOPRA HIGH '187 SOTTOSOPRA contenitore Letto '187 contenitore contenitore Kg '116 78 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA bed 187 116 with storage Kg 113 Kg Kg contenitore 113 LEVENT09GIDSLE08 HIGH SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LEVENT HIGH bedSOTTOSOPRA HIGH SOTTOSOPRA 187 with SOTTOSOPRA storage bed with with storage storage T DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto mc 0,47 113 GILT DROP 5,80 Letto '116187 contenitore T DROP SOTTOSOPRA Kg bed 116 with 78 storage GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA bed 116 with storage2.271 SOTTOSOPRA Letto '116 contenitore 5,80 SOTTOSOPRA bed 116 with storage 10,20 2.271 09GISGU04 GILT SOTTOSOPRA Guanciale Letto '116 pillow for Letto bed 116 GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA T SOTTOSOPRA Guanciale Letto '116 09GISGU04 GILT 2,40 8 Guanciale '116 233 09GISGF07 GILT SOTTOSOPRA Fodera lato A Guanciale Letto '116 pillow for bed 116 , pillow for bed 116 T SOTTOSOPRA GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOPRA Guanciale Letto '116 2,40 8 233 GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA side A coverings for pillow bed 116134 T SOTTOSOPRA Fodera lato A Guanciale Letto '116 09GISGF07 GILT 1,30 Fodera lato A Guanciale Lettofor '116 pillow for bed 116 , OSOPRA GILT lato B Guanciale Lettofor '116 T SOTTOSOPRA side A coverings GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Fodera side A coverings for '116 pillow for bed 11609GISGF08 1,30 for pillow bed 116 SOPRA Fodera lato A Guanciale Letto 134 GILT SOTTOSOPRA side BLetto coverings for pillow bed 116 09LEHSLE07 LEVENT 09LEHSLE07 HIGH 09LEHSLE07 SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LEVENT HIGH LettoHIGH SOTTOSOPRA '207 SOTTOSOPRA '207 '207 10,90 T SOTTOSOPRA Fodera lato Guanciale Letto '116 09GISGF08 GILT SOTTOSOPRA 1,30 Fodera latoLetto B Guanciale Lettofor '116 134 OSOPRA side A coverings forBpillow for bed 116 mc 0,73 0,98 mc mc 0,98 0,98for LEVENT LEVENT LEVENT HIGH bedHIGH SOTTOSOPRA 207 SOTTOSOPRA 207 bed 207 T mc SOTTOSOPRA side B coverings GILT SOTTOSOPRA side B bed coverings for pillow bed 116HIGH SOTTOSOPRA for pillow for134 bed 116 SOPRA Fodera lato B Guanciale Letto '116 1,30 Kgfor pillow 143 Kg 178 Kg Kg 178 178116 mc 0,73 OSOPRA side B coverings for bed 09LEHSLF08 LEVENT 09LEHSLF08 HIGH 09LEHSLF08 SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LEVENT HIGH Fodera HIGH SOTTOSOPRA sopra SOTTOSOPRA Letto Fodera '207 Fodera sopra sopra LettoLetto '207'207 7,90 Kg 143 LEVENT HIGH SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LEVENT HIGH upper HIGH SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA upper upper face coverings for face bed face 207 coverings coverings for for bedbed 207207 09GIDSLE07 GILTLEVENT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto '146 09LEHSLF09 LEVENT 09LEHSLF09 HIGH 09LEHSLF09 SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT HIGH Fodera HIGH fianco SOTTOSOPRA LettoFodera '207Fodera fianco fianco LettoLetto '207'207 3,10 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA 146 LEVENT09GIDSLE07 HIGH SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LEVENT HIGH sideSOTTOSOPRA HIGH SOTTOSOPRA coverings SOTTOSOPRA side side coverings for Letto bed 207 for bed for bed 207207 1.982 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto '146 GILT DROP 6,50 '146coverings 09GIDSLF05 6,50 GILT Letto '146 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA GILT DROP DROP SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Fodera bed 146 SOTTOSOPRA Letto '146bed 146 1.982 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA coverings for'146 bed 146 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA Fodera Letto '146 09GIDSLF05 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Fodera Letto 848 SOTTOSOPRA bed 146 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA coverings GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA coverings for bed 146 848 SOTTOSOPRA Fodera Letto '146 for bed 146 09LEHSLE10 LEVENT 09LEHSLE10 HIGH 09LEHSLE10 SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LEVENT HIGH LettoHIGH SOTTOSOPRA '207 SOTTOSOPRA contenitore LettoLetto '207 '207 contenitore contenitore 10,90 SOTTOSOPRA coverings for bed 146 mc 0,77 mc mc 0,77 0,77 LEVENT HIGH SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LEVENT HIGH bedHIGH SOTTOSOPRA 207 with SOTTOSOPRA storage bed 207 bed 207 withwith storage storage Kg 118 Kg Kg 118 118 mc '146 contenitore 0,52 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto Kg 83 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA mc bed 146 with storage SOTTOSOPRA Letto '146 contenitore0,52 83 SOTTOSOPRA bed 146 Kg with storage 09GIDSLE09 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto '146 contenitore GILT DROP DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto bed 146 storage 09GIDSLE09 GILT 6,50 SOTTOSOPRA '146 with contenitore GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA bed 146 with storage2.559 6,50 0,82 123 mc Kg mc 0,82 Kg 123 5,80 1.796 10,20 10,20 1.796 2.417 5,80 2.562 2.417 2.562 1.796 2,40 8 , 292 2,40 352 8 292 , 1,30 352 167 1,30 200 1,30 167 200 1.322 10,90 10,90 1.322 167 1,30 1.322 200 167 200 7,90 7,90 6,50 3,10 3,10 2.145 6,50 2.308 2.145 2.308 1.012 1.175 1.012 1.175 1.869 10,90 10,90 1.869 1.869 2.722 6,50 2.722 6,50 2.886 478 478 478 555 2.953 2.540 3.086 3.086 3.360 2.559 2.559 285 2.710 2.710 3.001 285 156 820 820 1.037 156 156 511 511 595 156 0,82 123 ANNOTAZIONI / REMARKS OTAZIONI /ANNOTAZIONI REMARKS ANNOTAZIONI / REMARKS / REMARKS ANNOTAZIONI /ilREMARKS / the Regular Version: price does not include the slats base and mattress Versione normale: ilprezzo prezzo non comprende rete e materasso / Regular / Regular / Regular price Version: does Version: not thethe the include price price does the not slats not include base include and the the slats the slats mattress base base and and the thethe mattress mattress one normale:Versione il prezzo Versione normale: non comprende normale: il prezzo rete non ecomprende materasso non comprende rete erete materasso eVersion: materasso /Versione Regular Version: the price does not the slats /and Regular Version: the price the does not include slats base and the mattress materasso Versione normale: il prezzo rete / Version with storage: the price includes the slats base and does not include the mattress contenitore: prezzo comprende rete e/materasso non ilbase materasso Version storage: /the Version /mattress Version the with price with storage: storage: includes the the price price slats includes includes base the the and the slats does slats base not base include and and does does the not not mattress include include the mattress mattress one contenitore: il prezzo Versione contenitore: comprende contenitore: il ilprezzo la rete ilnon prezzo comprende ecomprende non comprende ilinclude materasso la la rete la ee rete non eilnon materasso il with materasso / Regular Version: the price not include the slats and the mattress sso / Version with does storage: the price includes base and/ Version does notwith include storage: the mattress the price includes the slats base and does not include the mattress e non il materasso Versione contenitore: il prezzo comprende la retebase ethe nonslats il materasso materasso / Version with storage: the price includes the slats base and does not include the mattress 1.167 968 968 352 352 200 200 200 200 1.167 1.167 642 565 565 2.145642 642 2.308 2.145 2.308 1.012 1.175 1.012 1.175 3.6333.360 3.360 3.633 3.633 2.722 2.722 3.2923.001 3.001 363 3.292 3.292 363 198 1.2541.037 1.037 198 1.254 1.254 198 678 595 595 198678 678 2.886 2.886 440 440 239 239 239 239 Pelle Pelle Elite Elite Leather Leather Elite Elite Elite Pelle Top Leather Top Elite Elite Prestige Prestige Pelle Star Pelle TopStar Leather Prestige Prestige Leather Pelle TopTop Leather Top Pelle Elite Pelle Star Pelle Pelle Top TopElite Leather Leather Star Leather Leather Top Top Pelle Star Leather Star Pelle Elite Pelle Pelle Star Star Leather Elite Leather Leather Star Star Pelle Elite Leather Elite Elite Prestige StarStar Star Star Elite TopTop Top Top 292 292 167 167 167 3.0872.813 2.813 167 3.087 3.087 487 4871.982 565 1.982 848 848 511 632 632 233 233 134 134 134 2.540 2.540 2.813 134 487 820 632 555 555 3.4643.209 3.209 2.417 3.464 3.464 2.562 2.417 2.562 769 769 968 2.710 2.9472.691 2.691 1.990 2.947 2.947 2.135 1.990 2.135 920 1.066 1.106 919 919 920 1.106 1.106 1.066 2.271 2.953 2.953 3.209 2.271 769 3.086 Lux Lux Pelle Elite Star Elite Leather Lux Lux Extra Extra Pelle Star Pelle Elite Top Star Leather Extra Extra Leather Elite Super Pelle Top Pelle Star Lux Leather Top Super Super Leather Star 732 1.844 2.436 2.436 2.691 1.844 775 732 732 919 775 2.436 2.886 3,10 1.431 11,60 11,60 1.4318 363 3,10 440 8 1,70 363 440 8,60 8,60 198 1,70 239 1,70 198 239 3,30 3,30 198 1,70 239 198 239 1.431 Normal Normal Pelle Top Extra Prestige Normal Normal Leather Top 5,80 1.279 10,20 10,20 1.279 1.990 5,80 2.135 1.990 2.135 7,50 7,50 920 1.066 920 1.066 3,10 3,10 1.279 2.559 09GISGU05 GILTLEVENT SOTTOSOPRA Guanciale 09LEHSLE08 LEVENT 09LEHSLE08 HIGH 09LEHSLE08 SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT HIGH LettoHIGH SOTTOSOPRA '227 SOTTOSOPRA LettoLetto Letto '227 '146 '227 11,60 GILT SOTTOSOPRA pillow bed for Letto bed 1,03Guanciale mc Letto mc'146 1,03 1,03 LEVENT09GISGU05 HIGH SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LEVENT HIGH bedHIGH SOTTOSOPRA 227 SOTTOSOPRA 227 bed 146 227 T mc SOTTOSOPRA GILT SOTTOSOPRA 3,10 8 Guanciale '146 285 09GISGF09 3,10 GILT Fodera latobed A Guanciale Letto '146 183 pillow Kg 183 183 T Kg SOTTOSOPRA GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA for 146 pillow for 146 SOPRA Guanciale Letto '146bedKg 8 285 GILT SOTTOSOPRA side coverings for pillow bed 146 09LEHSLF10 LEVENT 09LEHSLF10 HIGH 09LEHSLF10 SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LEVENT HIGH Fodera HIGH SOTTOSOPRA sopra SOTTOSOPRA LettoAFodera '227 sopra Letto Letto '227for '227 8,60 T SOTTOSOPRA Fodera lato A Guanciale Letto '146 09GISGF09 GILT SOTTOSOPRA 1,70 Fodera latoFodera A sopra Guanciale Letto '146 156 OSOPRA pillow for bed 146 GILT SOTTOSOPRA Fodera latofor B face Guanciale Lettofor '146 HIGH SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LEVENT HIGH upper HIGH SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA upper face coverings bed face 227 coverings coverings for for bedbed 227227 T SOTTOSOPRA side A coverings GILT SOTTOSOPRA side A upper coverings for '146 pillow for LEVENT bed 14609GISGF10 for pillow bed 146 SOPRA Fodera lato A Guanciale Letto 1,70 156 GILT SOTTOSOPRA side BFodera coverings forLetto pillow for bed 146 09LEHSLF11 LEVENT 09LEHSLF11 HIGH 09LEHSLF11 SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LEVENT HIGH Fodera HIGH SOTTOSOPRA fianco SOTTOSOPRA Letto '227 fianco Letto '227 '227 3,30 T SOTTOSOPRA Fodera lato Guanciale Letto '146 09GISGF10 GILT SOTTOSOPRA 1,70 Fodera latoFodera B fianco Guanciale Letto '146 156 OSOPRA side A coverings forBpillow for bed 146 0,78 LEVENT LEVENT HIGH sideHIGH SOTTOSOPRA coverings SOTTOSOPRA side coverings coverings forB side bed 227 for bed forfor bed 227 227146 T SOTTOSOPRA side B mc coverings GILT SOTTOSOPRA side coverings for pillow for LEVENT bed 146HIGH SOTTOSOPRA for pillow bed SOPRA Fodera lato B Guanciale Letto '146 1,70 156 Kgfor pillow148 mc 0,78 OSOPRA side B coverings for bed 146 Kg 148 mc Kg Mt Mt Tessuto Tess Mt Mt Cliente Top Tessuto Fabric mt fabric StarTessuto Customer Tessuto Fabric mt Fabric Fabric mt mt In Bianco In Bianco No coverings Star Normal In Bianco In Bianco No coverings Elite No No coverings coverings Tess Cliente Tess Cliente Customer fabric Customer fabric Super Tess Tess Cliente Cliente Elite Prestige Customer Customer fabric fabric Codice Descrizione Descrizione Codice Codice Descrizione Descrizione Codice Descrizione 09GIDSLE06 GILTLEVENT DROP LettoLetto '116 '187 LEVENT 09LEHSLE06 HIGH 09LEHSLE06 SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT HIGH LettoSOTTOSOPRA HIGH '187 SOTTOSOPRA Letto '187 10,20 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA 116 LEVENT09GIDSLE06 HIGH SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LEVENT HIGH bedSOTTOSOPRA HIGH SOTTOSOPRA 187 SOTTOSOPRA bed 187 bed GILT DROP 5,80 Letto '116187 1.844 09GIDSLF04 5,80 GILT Letto '116 GILT DROP DROP SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Fodera bed 116 1.844 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA coverings for bed 116'187 LEVENT 09LEHSLF06 HIGH 09LEHSLF06 SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LEVENT HIGH Fodera HIGH sopra SOTTOSOPRA Letto Fodera '187 Fodera sopra sopra Letto Letto '187 7,50 09GIDSLF04 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Fodera Letto '116 775 LEVENT HIGH SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LEVENT HIGH upper HIGH SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA upper upper face coverings for face bedfor face 187 coverings coverings for bedbed 187187 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA coverings bed 116for775 LEVENT 09LEHSLF07 HIGH 09LEHSLF07 SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LEVENT HIGH Fodera HIGH SOTTOSOPRA fianco SOTTOSOPRA LettoFodera '187Fodera fianco fianco LettoLetto '187'187 3,10 LEVENT HIGH SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LEVENT HIGH sideHIGH SOTTOSOPRA coverings SOTTOSOPRA side coverings coverings for side bed 187 for bed for bed 187187 LuxIn Bianco Top No coverings Mt Extra Lux Tessuto Fabric mt Super Extra Normal Super In Bianco Tess Cliente No coverings Customer fabric Tess Cliente Customer fabric Normal 09LEHSLE06 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto '116 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Letto '116bed 116 09LEHSLF06 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA '116 SOTTOSOPRA bed 116Fodera Letto T DROP SOTTOSOPRA coverings SOTTOSOPRA Fodera Letto '116 for bed 116 09LEHSLF07 SOTTOSOPRA coverings for bed 116 Mt In Bianco Tessuto NoFabric coverings mt Codice crizione Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Mod. GILT - DROP SOTTOSOPRA d. LEVENT Mod. Mod. HIGH LEVENT LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA HIGH HIGH SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA SOPRAMod. GILT - DROP SOTTOSOPRA PRA LettoLetto LEVENT LEVENT LARGE LARGE SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA CARATTERISTICHE CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE TECNICHE / TECHNICAL / TECHNICAL FEATURES FEATURES 2 Fibra 2 poliestere Fibra poliestere accoppiata accoppiata a vellutino a vellutino Polyester Polyester fiber coupled fiberwith coupled velveteen with velveteen 5 Poliuretano 5 Poliuretano espanso espanso densità 40 densità 40 Polyurethane Polyurethane foam density foam40 density kg/mc40 kg/mc 15 Poliuretano 15 Poliuretano espanso espanso densità 75 densità 75 Polyurethane Polyurethane foam density foam75 density kg/mc75 kg/mc 9 Multistrato 9 Multistrato con tamponamenti con tamponamenti in particelle in particelle di legno edifibra legno e fibra Plywood with Plywood woodwith andwood fiber and insertions fiber insertions 16 Metallo 16 verniciato Metallo verniciato Painted metal Painted metal VERSIONIVERSIONI / VERSIONS / VERSIONS Tessuto eTessuto pelle: completamente e pelle: completamente sfoderabile. sfoderabile. Fabric andFabric leather: andcompletely leather: completely removable removable coveringscoverings PIEDINI / PIEDINI FEET / FEET Di serie piedino Di serieinpiedino ABS grigio in ABS grigio Standard Standard feet in grey feet ABS in grey ABS ANNOTAZIONI ANNOTAZIONI I prezzi dei I prezzi letti non dei comprendono letti non comprendono la rete a doghe la rete ed a doghe il materasso. ed il materasso. I prezzi dei I prezzi letti contenitore dei letti contenitore comprendono comprendono il prezzo della il prezzo retedella a doghe rete ma a doghe non ilma materasso. non il materasso. I letti vengono I letti vengono consegnati consegnati smontati,smontati, due colli due per icolli letti per senza i letti contenitore, senza contenitore, quattro colli quattro per icolli per i letti contenitore. letti contenitore. E' disponibile, E' disponibile, a richiesta, a richiesta, il meccanismo il meccanismo alzaletto semiautomatico: alzaletto semiautomatico: nel letto senza nel letto contenitore senza contenitore c'è l'obbligo c'è l'obbligo di acquistare di acquistare la nostra la rete nostra a doghe, rete anel doghe, letto contenitore nel letto contenitore è già compresa. è già compresa. The bed prices The bed do prices not include do notthe include slats base the slats and base the mattress and the mattress The bed with The storage bed withprices storage include pricesthe include slats base the slats but not basethe butmattress not the mattress The beds The are delivered beds are delivered unassembled: unassembled: 2 packages 2 packages for regular forbeds, regular 4 packages beds, 4 packages for beds with for beds storage with storage A semi-automatic A semi-automatic bed liftingbed mechanism lifting mechanism is available is available on demand: on demand: in the bedinwithout the bedstorage without storage customer customer must buymust our slats buy base, our slats in the base, bedinwith the storage bed withthe storage slats base the slats is already base isincluded already included T DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto '116 09LELSLE01 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Letto '116bed 116 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA bed 116Fodera Letto '116 09LELSLF01 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA coverings SOTTOSOPRA Fodera Letto '116 for bed 116 SOTTOSOPRA coverings for bed 116 09LELSLF02 mc 0,47 09GIDSLE08 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto '116 contenitore 0,90 mc mccontenitore 0,90 09LELSLE04 09LELSLE04 LARGE 09LELSLE04 SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LARGE Letto LARGE SOTTOSOPRA '287 SOTTOSOPRA contenitore Letto116 '287 Letto contenitore '287storage contenitore Kg '116 78 GILTLEVENT DROP SOTTOSOPRA bed with T mc DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto mc 0,47 0,90 LEVENT 09GIDSLE08 GILT DROP 5,80 SOTTOSOPRA Letto '116 contenitore Kg 98 Kg Kgwith 9878 storage 98 LEVENT LARGE SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LEVENT LARGE bed LARGE SOTTOSOPRA 287 with SOTTOSOPRA storage bed 116 287 bedwith with 287 storage with storage T DROP SOTTOSOPRA Kg bed 116 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA bed storage SOTTOSOPRA Letto '116 contenitore 5,80 2.271 SOTTOSOPRA bed 116 with storage 10,20 2.271 09GISGU04 GILT SOTTOSOPRA Guanciale Letto '116 pillow for Letto bed 116 GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA T SOTTOSOPRA Guanciale Letto '116 09GISGU04 GILT 2,40 8 Guanciale '116 233 09GISGF07 GILT SOTTOSOPRA Fodera lato A Guanciale Letto '116 pillow for bed 116 , pillow for bed 116 T SOTTOSOPRA GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOPRA Guanciale Letto '116 2,40 8 233 GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA side A coverings for pillow bed 116134 T SOTTOSOPRA Fodera lato A Guanciale Letto '116 09GISGF07 GILT 1,30 Fodera lato A Guanciale Lettofor '116 pillow for bed 116 , OSOPRA GILT lato B Guanciale Lettofor '116 T SOTTOSOPRA side A coverings GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Fodera side A coverings for '116 pillow for bed 11609GISGF08 1,30 for pillow bed 116 SOPRA Fodera lato A Guanciale Letto 134 GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA side B coverings for pillow bed 116134 T SOTTOSOPRA Fodera lato Guanciale Letto '116 09GISGF08 GILT 1,30 Fodera lato B Guanciale Lettofor '116 OSOPRA side A coverings forBpillow for bed 116 09LELSLE02 09LELSLE02 LARGE 09LELSLE02 SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LARGE Letto LARGE SOTTOSOPRA '307 SOTTOSOPRA '307 Letto for '307pillow for bed 116 10,60 0,73 T SOTTOSOPRA side B mc coverings GILTLEVENT SOTTOSOPRA side B Letto coverings for pillow for LEVENT bed 116 SOPRA Fodera lato B Guanciale Letto '116 1,30 134 mc 1,16 mc mc 1,16 1,16 LEVENT LARGE SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LEVENT LARGE bed LARGE SOTTOSOPRA 307 SOTTOSOPRA bed 307 bed 307 Kg 143 mcfor pillow0,73 OSOPRA side B coverings for bed 116 Kg 163 Kg Kg 163 Kg 143 163 09LELSLF03 LEVENT 09LELSLF03 LARGE 09LELSLF03 SOTTOSOPRA LEVENTLEVENT LARGE Fodera LARGE SOTTOSOPRA sopra SOTTOSOPRA LettoFodera '307 Fodera soprasopra Letto Letto '307 '307 7,70 LEVENT09GIDSLE07 LARGE SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LARGE upper LARGE SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA upper upper face coverings for face bedcoverings face 307 coverings for bed for 307 bed 307 GILTLEVENT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto '146 09LELSLF04 LARGE 09LELSLF04 SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LARGE Fodera LARGE SOTTOSOPRA fianco SOTTOSOPRA Letto Fodera '307 Fodera fiancofianco Letto Letto '307 '307 1.982 3,20 GILTLEVENT DROP SOTTOSOPRA bed 146 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto '146 09LELSLF04 LEVENT 09GIDSLE07 GILT DROP 6,50 SOTTOSOPRA Letto '146 LEVENT LARGE SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LEVENT LARGE side LARGE SOTTOSOPRA coverings SOTTOSOPRA side coverings side coverings for bed 307 for bed for 307 bed 307 09GIDSLF05 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Fodera Letto '146 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA bed 146 SOTTOSOPRA Letto '146bed 146 6,50 1.982 GILT DROP DROP SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Fodera coverings for'146 bed 146 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA 09GIDSLF05 GILT Letto 848 SOTTOSOPRA bed 146Fodera Letto '146 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA coverings GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA coverings for bed 146 848 SOTTOSOPRA Fodera Letto '146 for bed 146 SOTTOSOPRA coverings for bed 146 09LELSLE05 LEVENT 09LELSLE05 LARGE 09LELSLE05 SOTTOSOPRA LEVENTLEVENT LARGE Letto LARGE SOTTOSOPRA '307 SOTTOSOPRA contenitore Letto '307 Lettocontenitore '307 contenitore 10,60 mc 0,95 mc mc 0,95 0,95 LEVENT LARGE SOTTOSOPRA LEVENTLEVENT LARGE bed LARGE SOTTOSOPRA 307 with SOTTOSOPRA storage bed 307 bedwith 307 storage with storage Kg 103 Kg Kg 103 103 mc '146 contenitore 0,52 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto Kg 83 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA mc bed 146 with storage SOTTOSOPRA Letto '146 contenitore0,52 83 SOTTOSOPRA bed 146 Kg with storage 09GIDSLE09 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto '146 contenitore GILT DROP DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto bed 146 storage 09GIDSLE09 GILT 6,50 SOTTOSOPRA '146 with contenitore GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA bed 146 with storage2.559 6,50 0,99 108 mc Kg mc 0,99 Kg 108 3,203,20 5,80 1.746 10,20 10,20 1.746 2.417 5,801.746 2.562 2.417 2.562 2,40 8 , 292 2,40 352 8 292 , 1,30 352 167 1,30 200 1,30 167 200 167 1,30 200 1.273 10,60 10,60 1.273 1.273 167 200 7,707,70 6,50 3,202.145 3,20 6,50 2.145 2.308 1.012 1.012 1.175 2.722 6,50 2.722 6,50 2.886 2.308 509 509 509 589 1.990 2.944 2.688 2.688 1.990 2.944 2.944 920 920 1.103 922 922 1.103 1.103 669 589 589 2.135 2.135 1.066 1.066 669 669 2.950 2.271 2.950 2.950 3.206 2.271 2.417 3.461 3.206 3.206 2.417 3.461 3.461 2.562 2.562 2.523 233 233 134 134 134 134 2.523 2.523 2.791 3.058 2.791 2.791 292 292 167 167 167 167 3.058 3.058 352 352 200 200 200 200 778 778 971 1.164 971 971 1.164 1.164 518 3.070 1.982 518 518 1.982 598 848 848 3.070 3.070 3.337 2.145 679 598 598 2.145679 679 1.012 1.012 3.604 3.337 3.337 2.559 2.559 2.886 2.680 815 542 285 2.680 2.680 2.965 285 156 156 815 815 1.020 156 156 542 542 628 ANNOTAZIONI / REMARKS OTAZIONI /ANNOTAZIONI REMARKS ANNOTAZIONI / REMARKS / REMARKS ANNOTAZIONI / REMARKS Versione normale: il prezzo non comprende rete e materasso / Regular Version: the price does not include the slats base and the mattress / Regular / Regular the / Regular price Version: does Version: the not price the include price does the does not slats not include base include the and the slats the slats base mattress base andbase and the the mattress mattress one normale:/Versione il prezzo Versione normale: non comprende normale: ilthe prezzo il rete prezzo non ecomprende materasso non rete ethe rete materasso eVersion: materasso Regular Version: does notcomprende include slats /and Regular the mattress Version: the price does not include the slats base and the mattress materasso Versione normale: il prezzo non comprende eematerasso / Version with storage: the price includes the slats and does not include the mattress contenitore: ilprice prezzo comprende larete rete non ilbase materasso / Version with storage: / Version / Version the with price with storage: storage: includes the price the the price slats includes includes base the and the slats does slats base not base and include and does does notnot mattress include include the themattress mattress one contenitore: Versione il prezzo Versione contenitore: comprende contenitore: il prezzo la rete il prezzo comprende e non comprende il materasso la rete la e rete non e il non materasso il materasso / Regular Version: the price not include the slats and the mattress sso / Version with does storage: the price includes base and/ Version does notwith include storage: the mattress the price includes the slats base and the does not include the mattress e non il materasso Versione contenitore: il prezzo comprende la retebase ethe nonslats il materasso 3.604 3.604 2.722 2.722 1.224 1.020 1.020 363 3.251 3.251 363 198 198 1.224 1.224 198 714 628 628 198 714 714 3.251 2.965 2.965 2.308 2.308 1.175 1.175 2.886 2.886 440 440 239 239 239 239 Pelle Pelle Elite Elite Leather Leather Elite Elite Pelle Elite Pelle Pelle Star Star Pelle Elite Leather Elite Leather Leather Star LeatherStar Elite Pelle Elite Pelle Pelle Top Top Pelle Leather Pelle Star StarElite Leather Star Leather Leather Top LeatherTop Star Pelle Star Pelle Top Leather Pelle TopStar Prestige Prestige Leather Leather Top Top Pelle Top Leather Elite Elite Top Prestige Prestige StarStar Elite Elite TopTop Star Star Lux 741 0,99 108 materasso / Version with storage: the price includes the slats base and does not include the mattress Pelle Elite Star Leather Lux Lux Elite Top Top Extra Super Pelle Star Pelle Elite Top Leather Star Extra Extra Leather Elite Lux 1.844 2.433 2.433 2.688 1.844 775 775 741 741 922 1.175 3,10 8 1.369 11,30 11,30 1.369 363 3,101.369 440 8 1,70 363 440 198 1,70 239 8,208,20 1,70 198 239 198 1,70 239 3,503,50 198 239 Pelle Top Pelle Star Lux Leather Top Super Super Leather Star Extra Normal 2.433 778 1.820 10,60 10,60 1.820 1.820 2.559 09GISGU05 GILT SOTTOSOPRA Guanciale Letto '146 09LELSLE03 LEVENT 09LELSLE03 LARGE 09LELSLE03 SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LARGE Letto LARGE SOTTOSOPRA '3278SOTTOSOPRA Letto '327 Letto '327 11,30 GILTLEVENT SOTTOSOPRA pillow for bed 146 T SOTTOSOPRA Guanciale Letto '146 09GISGU05 GILT SOTTOSOPRA 3,10 Guanciale Letto '146 285 mc 1,21pillowmc mc 1,21 1,21 LEVENT09GISGF09 LARGE SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LEVENT LARGE bed LARGE SOTTOSOPRA 327 SOTTOSOPRA bed 327 bed 327 GILT SOTTOSOPRA Fodera lato A Guanciale Letto '146 T SOTTOSOPRA GILT SOTTOSOPRA for bed 146 pillow for bed 146 SOPRA Guanciale Letto '146 3,10 8 285 Kg 168Fodera Kglato A Guanciale Kg 168 168 '146 GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA side A coverings for pillow bed 146156 T SOTTOSOPRA Letto 09GISGF09 GILT 1,70 Fodera lato A Guanciale Lettofor '146 OSOPRA pillow for bed 146 09LELSLF05 09LELSLF05 LARGE 09LELSLF05 SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LARGE Fodera LARGE SOTTOSOPRA sopra SOTTOSOPRA Letto '327BFodera sopra Letto Letto '327 '327 8,20 09GISGF10 GILT SOTTOSOPRA Fodera lato Guanciale Letto '146 T SOTTOSOPRA side A coverings GILTLEVENT SOTTOSOPRA side A Fodera coverings for '146 pillow for LEVENT bed 146 forsopra pillow for bed 146 SOPRA Fodera lato A Guanciale Letto 1,70 156 LEVENT09GISGF10 LARGE SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LEVENT LARGE upper LARGE SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA upper upper face coverings for face bedfor coverings face 327 coverings for bed for146 327 bed 327 GILT SOTTOSOPRA side B coverings pillow for bed T SOTTOSOPRA Fodera lato B Guanciale Letto '146 GILT SOTTOSOPRA 1,70 Fodera lato B Guanciale Letto '146 156 OSOPRA side A coverings for pillow for bed 146 09LELSLF06 LEVENT 09LELSLF06 LARGE 09LELSLF06 SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LEVENT LARGE Fodera LARGE SOTTOSOPRA fianco SOTTOSOPRA Letto Fodera '327 Fodera fianco fianco Letto Letto '327 '327 3,50 0,78 T SOTTOSOPRA side B mc coverings GILT SOTTOSOPRA side B coverings for pillow for156 for pillow for bed 146 bed 146 SOPRA Fodera lato B Guanciale Letto '146 1,70 LEVENT LARGE SOTTOSOPRA LEVENTLEVENT LARGE side LARGE SOTTOSOPRA coverings SOTTOSOPRA side coverings forside bedcoverings 327 for bed for 327 bed 327 Kgfor pillow148 mc 0,78 OSOPRA side B coverings for bed 146 Kg 148 mc Kg 5,80 1.229 10,20 10,20 1.229 1.990 5,801.229 2.135 1.990 2.135 920 1.066 7,207,20 920 1.066 Pelle Top Extra Prestige Normal Normal Leather Top Super Codice Descrizione Descrizione Codice CodiceDescrizione Descrizione Codice Descrizione 09GIDSLE06 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto '116 LEVENT 09LELSLE01 LARGE 09LELSLE01 SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LARGE Letto LARGE SOTTOSOPRA '287 SOTTOSOPRA Letto116 '287 Letto '287 10,20 GILTLEVENT DROP SOTTOSOPRA bed 09GIDSLE06 GILT DROP 5,80 SOTTOSOPRA Letto '116 1.844 LEVENT09GIDSLF04 LARGE SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LEVENT LARGE bed LARGE SOTTOSOPRA 287 SOTTOSOPRA bed 287 bed 287 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Fodera Letto '116 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA bed 116 5,80 1.844 GILT DROP DROP SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Fodera coverings for'116 bed 116 09GIDSLF04 GILT Letto 775 LEVENT 09LELSLF01 LARGE 09LELSLF01 SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LARGE Fodera LARGE SOTTOSOPRA sopra SOTTOSOPRA Lettocoverings Fodera '287 Fodera sopra Letto Letto '287 '287 7,20 GILTLEVENT DROP SOTTOSOPRA forsopra bed 116 775 LEVENT LARGE SOTTOSOPRA LEVENTLEVENT LARGE upper LARGE SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA upper upper face coverings for face bedcoverings face 287 coverings for bed for 287 bed 287 LEVENT 09LELSLF02 LARGE 09LELSLF02 SOTTOSOPRA LEVENTLEVENT LARGE Fodera LARGE SOTTOSOPRA fianco SOTTOSOPRA LettoFodera '287 Fodera fiancofianco Letto Letto '287 '287 3,20 LEVENT LARGE SOTTOSOPRA LEVENTLEVENT LARGE side LARGE SOTTOSOPRA coverings SOTTOSOPRA side coverings forside bedcoverings 287 for bed for 287 bed 287 In Bianco Lux Top No coverings Mt Tessuto Mt Tess Mt Mt Cliente Fabric Top Tessutomt StarTessuto Customer Tessuto fabric Fabric mt Fabric mt mt In Fabric Bianco NoBianco coverings In Star Normal In Bianco Incoverings Bianco No Elite No No coverings coverings Tess Cliente Customer fabric Tess Cliente Customer fabric Super Tess Tess Cliente Cliente Elite Prestige Customer Customer fabric fabric Normal Mt Extra Lux Tessuto Fabric mt Super Extra Normal Super Tess Cliente Customer fabric Normal In Bianco Tess Cliente No coverings Customer fabric Codice crizione Mt In Bianco Tessuto NoFabric coverings mt Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Mod. GILT - SOTTOSOPRA DROP SOTTOSOPRA d. LEVENT Mod. Mod. LARGE LEVENT LEVENT LARGE LARGE SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA SOPRA Mod. GILT - DROP SOTTOSOPRA PRA IsolaIsola LEVENT LOWLOW SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE / TECHNICAL FEATURES CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE / TECHNICAL FEATURES 2 Fibra accoppiata a vellutino 2 poliestere Fibra poliestere accoppiata a vellutino PolyesterPolyester fiber coupled velveteen fiberwith coupled with velveteen 15 Poliuretano espanso espanso densità 75 15 Poliuretano densità 75 Polyurethane foam density kg/mc75 kg/mc Polyurethane foam75 density 9 Multistrato con tamponamenti in particelle di legno edifibra 9 Multistrato con tamponamenti in particelle legno e fibra Plywood with woodwith andwood fiber and insertions Plywood fiber insertions 16 Metallo verniciato 16 Metallo verniciato Painted metal Painted metal VERSIONI / VERSIONS VERSIONI / VERSIONS Tessuto e pelle: sfoderabile. Tessutocompletamente e pelle: completamente sfoderabile. Fabric and leather: removable coveringscoverings Fabric andcompletely leather: completely removable PIEDINI /PIEDINI FEET / FEET Di serie piedino ABS grigio Di seriein piedino in ABS grigio Standard feet in grey ABS Standard feet in grey ABS ANNOTAZIONI ANNOTAZIONI I prezzi dei letti non comprendono la rete a doghe ed il materasso. I prezzi dei letti non comprendono la rete a doghe ed il materasso. I prezzi dei letti contenitore comprendono il prezzo della rete a doghe ma non il materasso. I prezzi dei letti contenitore comprendono il prezzo della rete a doghe ma non il materasso. I letti vengono consegnati smontati, due colli per i letti senza contenitore, quattro colli per i I letti vengono consegnati smontati, due colli per i letti senza contenitore, quattro colli per i letti contenitore. letti contenitore. E' disponibile, a richiesta, il meccanismo alzaletto semiautomatico: nel letto senza contenitore E' disponibile, a richiesta, il meccanismo alzaletto semiautomatico: nel letto senza contenitore c'è l'obbligo di acquistare la nostra rete a doghe, nel letto contenitore è già compresa. c'è l'obbligo di acquistare la nostra rete a doghe, nel letto contenitore è già compresa. The bed prices do not include the slats base and the mattress The bed prices do not include the slats base and the mattress The bed with storage prices include the slats base but not the mattress The bed with storage prices include the slats base but not the mattress The beds are delivered unassembled: 2 packages for regular beds, 4 packages for beds with storage The beds are delivered unassembled: 2 packages for regular beds, 4 packages for beds with storage A semi-automatic bed lifting mechanism is available on demand: in the bed without storage A semi-automatic bed lifting mechanism is available on demand: in the bed without storage customer must buy our slats base, in the bed with storage the slats base is already included customer must buy our slats base, in the bed with storage the slats base is already included mc 0,47 0,53 mcLetto mc 0,53 09LESLE05 Kg '116 78 T mc DROP SOTTOSOPRA mc contenitore 0,47 0,53 Kg 78 KgKg Kg 78 78 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA bed 116 with SOTTOSOPRA Letto '116 contenitore78 storage SOTTOSOPRA bed 116 with storage 09GIDSLE08 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto '116 contenitore LEVENT 09LESLE05 LOW 09LESLE05 SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LEVENT LOW Letto SOTTOSOPRA LOW isolaSOTTOSOPRA 187 contenitore Letto isola Letto 187 isola contenitore 187 contenitore 5,60 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA bed 116 with storage 09GIDSLE08 GILT DROP 5,80 SOTTOSOPRA Letto '116 contenitore 2.271 LEVENT LOW SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LEVENT LOW sommier SOTTOSOPRA LOW SOTTOSOPRA 187 with sommier storage sommier 187with with 187 storage with storage GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA bed 116 storage 5,80 2.271 1.5195,60 2.417 3,20 5,80 5,60 1.519 1.519 2.417 5,80 2.562 2.562 09GISGU04 GILT SOTTOSOPRA Guanciale Letto '116 2,40 8 pillow for Letto bed 116 , 292 GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA T SOTTOSOPRA Guanciale Letto '116 09GISGU04 GILT 2,40 8 Guanciale '116 233 2,40 352 8 09GISGF07 2,40 GILT Fodera latobed A Guanciale Letto '116 pillow for 116 T SOTTOSOPRA GILT, SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA SOPRA Guancialepillow Letto for '116bed 116 8 233 292 , 1,30 352 GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA side A coverings for pillow bed 116134 T SOTTOSOPRA Fodera lato A Guanciale Letto '116 09GISGF07 GILT 1,30 Fodera lato A Guanciale Lettofor '116 167 1,30 200 pillow for bed 116 , OSOPRA GILT lato B Guanciale Lettofor '116 1,30 T SOTTOSOPRA side A coverings GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Fodera side A coverings for '116 pillow for bed 11609GISGF08 1,30 for pillow bed 116 SOPRA Fodera lato A Guanciale Letto 134 167 200 GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA side B coverings for pillow bed 116134 T SOTTOSOPRA Fodera lato Guanciale Letto '116 09GISGF08 GILT 1,30 Fodera lato B Guanciale Lettofor '116 167 1,30 200 OSOPRA side A coverings forBpillow for bed 116 09LESLE02 09LESLE02 SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LEVENT LOW Letto SOTTOSOPRA LOW isolaSOTTOSOPRA 207side Letto isola Letto 207 isola 5,80 1.0235,80 5,801.023 1.023 0,73 T SOTTOSOPRA side B mc coverings GILT SOTTOSOPRA B coverings for pillow forLEVENT bed09LESLE02 116LOW for207 pillow for134 bed 116 SOPRA Fodera lato B Guanciale Letto '116 1,30 167 200 mc 0,79 mcmc mc 0,79 0,79 LEVENT LOW SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LEVENT LOW sommier SOTTOSOPRA LOW SOTTOSOPRA 207 sommier sommier 207 207 Kgfor pillow 143 0,73 OSOPRA side B coverings for bed 116 Kg 143 KgKg Kg 143143 143 09LESLF03 LEVENT 09LESLF03 LOW 09LESLF03 SOTTOSOPRA LEVENTLEVENT LOW Fodera SOTTOSOPRA LOW sopra SOTTOSOPRA Letto Fodera isolasopra Fodera 207 Letto sopraisola Letto 207 isola 207 2,80 2,80 2,80 LEVENT 09GIDSLE07 LOW SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LEVENT LOW upper SOTTOSOPRA LOW SOTTOSOPRA upper upper face coverings for face sommier coverings face coverings 207 for sommier for sommier 207 207 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto '146 6,50 09LESLF04 LOW 09LESLF04 SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LEVENT LOW Fodera SOTTOSOPRA LOW fianco SOTTOSOPRA Letto Fodera isola Fodera 207 fiancoisola Letto 207 isola 207 1.982 3,20 3,20 3,20 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA bedfianco 146 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto '146 09LESLF04 LEVENT 09GIDSLE07 GILT DROP 6,50 SOTTOSOPRA Letto '146 Letto 2.145 6,50 2.308 LEVENT 09GIDSLF05 LOW SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LEVENT LOW side SOTTOSOPRA LOW coverings SOTTOSOPRA side coverings side coverings for sommier 207 for sommier for sommier 207 207 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Fodera Letto '146 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA bed 146 SOTTOSOPRA Letto '146bed 146 6,50 1.982 2.145 2.308 GILT DROP DROP SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Fodera coverings for'146 bed 146 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA 09GIDSLF05 GILT Letto 848 1.012 1.175 SOTTOSOPRA bed 146Fodera Letto '146 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA coverings GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA coverings for bed 146 848 SOTTOSOPRA Fodera Letto '146 for bed 146 1.012 1.175 SOTTOSOPRA coverings for bed 146 09LESLE06 LEVENT 09LESLE06 LOW 09LESLE06 SOTTOSOPRA LEVENTLEVENT LOW Letto SOTTOSOPRA LOW isolaSOTTOSOPRA 207 contenitore Letto isola Letto 207 isola contenitore 207 contenitore 5,80 1.5705,80 5,801.570 1.570 mc 0,56 mc mc 0,56 0,56 LEVENT LOW SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LEVENT LOW sommier SOTTOSOPRA LOW SOTTOSOPRA 207 with sommier storage sommier 207 with 207 storage with storage Kg 80 Kg Kg 80 80 mc '146 contenitore 0,52 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto Kg 83 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA mc bed 146 with storage SOTTOSOPRA Letto '146 contenitore0,52 83 SOTTOSOPRA bed 146 Kg with storage 09GIDSLE09 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto '146 contenitore GILT DROP DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto bed 146 storage 09GIDSLE09 GILT 6,50 SOTTOSOPRA '146 with contenitore GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA bed 146 with storage2.559 6,50 2.559 2.722 09GISGU05 GILT SOTTOSOPRA Guanciale Letto '146 09LESLE03 LEVENT 09LESLE03 LOW 09LESLE03 SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LEVENT LOW Letto SOTTOSOPRA LOW isolaSOTTOSOPRA 227 Lettofor isola Letto 227 isola 6,00 1.0716,00 GILT SOTTOSOPRA pillow bed 146 T SOTTOSOPRA Guanciale Letto '146 09GISGU05 GILT SOTTOSOPRA 3,10 8 Guanciale Letto '146 227 285 mc 0,82pillow mcfor bed mc146 0,82 0,82 LEVENT 09GISGF09 LOW SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LEVENT LOW sommier SOTTOSOPRA LOW SOTTOSOPRA 227Fodera sommier sommier 227 227 Letto '146 GILT SOTTOSOPRA lato A Guanciale T SOTTOSOPRA GILT SOTTOSOPRA pillow for bed 146 SOPRA Guanciale Letto '146 3,10 8 285 363 145Fodera Kglato A Kg 145 145 '146 GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA side A coverings for pillow bed 146156 T Kg SOTTOSOPRA Guanciale Letto 09GISGF09 GILT 1,70 Fodera lato A Guanciale Lettofor '146 OSOPRA pillow for bed 146 09LESLF05 LOW 09LESLF05 SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LEVENT LOW Fodera SOTTOSOPRA LOW sopra SOTTOSOPRA Letto Fodera Fodera 227 Letto sopra Letto 227 isola 227 146 3,00 3,00 GILT SOTTOSOPRA Fodera latosopra B Guanciale Letto '146 T SOTTOSOPRA side A coverings GILT SOTTOSOPRA side Aisola coverings for '146 pillow forLEVENT bed09LESLF05 14609GISGF10 for isola pillow for bed SOPRA Fodera lato A Guanciale Letto 1,70 156 198 LEVENT 09GISGF10 LOW SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LEVENT LOW upper SOTTOSOPRA LOW SOTTOSOPRA upper upper face coverings for face sommier coverings face coverings 227 for sommier for sommier 227 227 GILT SOTTOSOPRA side B coverings for pillow for bed 146 T SOTTOSOPRA Fodera lato B Guanciale Letto '146 GILT SOTTOSOPRA 1,70 Fodera lato B Guanciale Letto '146 156 OSOPRA side A coverings for pillow for bed 146 09LESLF06 09LESLF06 SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LEVENT LOW Fodera SOTTOSOPRA LOW fianco SOTTOSOPRA Letto Fodera fianco Fodera 227 Letto fianco isola Letto 227 isola 227146 3,20 3,20 0,78 T SOTTOSOPRA side B mc coverings GILT SOTTOSOPRA side Bisola coverings for pillow forLEVENT bed09LESLF06 146LOW for pillow for bed SOPRA Fodera lato B Guanciale Letto '146 1,70 156 198 LEVENT LOW SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LEVENT LOW side SOTTOSOPRA LOW coverings SOTTOSOPRA side coverings side coverings for sommier 227 for sommier for sommier 227 227 Kg 148 mcfor pillow0,78 OSOPRA side B coverings for bed 146 Kg 148 mc Kg 0,59 83 mc Kg mc 0,59 Kg 83 6,50 2.722 6,50 2.886 1.646 366 366 366 446 920 920 392 460 392 460 460 2.135 2.135 1.066 1.066 446 526 446 526 526 2.271 2.171 2.1712.311 2.271 2.417 2.311 2.4512.311 2.451 2.451 2.417 2.562 2.562 1.692 233 233 134 134 134 134 1.692 1.6921.837 292 292 167 167 167 167 1.837 1.9831.837 1.9831.983 352 352 200 200 200 200 332 375 2.246 332 332 400 400 468 400 468 468 1.982 375 375 1.982 456 848 848 2.145 456 536 456 536 2.145536 1.012 1.012 2.246 2.2462.391 2.559 2.559 1.771 354 385 285 1.771 1.7711.923 285 156 156 354 354 428 156 156 385 385 465 ANNOTAZIONI / REMARKS OTAZIONI /ANNOTAZIONI REMARKS ANNOTAZIONI / REMARKS / REMARKS ANNOTAZIONI / REMARKS Versione normale: il prezzo non comprende rete e materasso / Regular Version: the price does not include the slats base and the mattress / Regular Version: / Regular the / Regular price Version: does Version: the not price the include does pricethe not does slats include not base include the and slats the the slats base mattress base and the and mattress the mattress one normale:Versione il prezzo Versione normale: non comprende normale: il prezzo ilprezzo non prezzo rete comprende e comprende materasso non comprende rete erete materasso rete enon materasso / Versione Regular Version: the does not include the slats /and Regular the mattress Version: the price does not include the slats base and the mattress materasso normale: il prezzo non comprende eematerasso / Version with storage: the price includes the slats base and does not include the mattress contenitore: ilprice larete ilbase materasso / Version with / storage: Version / Version with the storage: price with storage: includes the price the the price includes slats includes base the and slats the does slats base not base and include does and does not the include not mattress include the mattress the mattress one contenitore: Versione il prezzo Versione contenitore: comprende contenitore: il prezzo la rete il comprende prezzo e non comprende il materasso la rete e la non rete il e materasso non il materasso / Regular Version: the price not include the slats and the mattress sso / Version with does storage: the price includes base and/ Version does notwith include storage: the mattress the price includes the slats base and does not include the mattress e non il materasso Versione contenitore: il prezzo comprende la retebase ethe nonslats il materasso 2.308 2.308 1.175 1.175 2.391 2.5372.391 2.5372.537 2.722 2.722 363 1.923 2.0741.923 2.074 2.074 363 198 198 428 502 428 502 198502 198 465 545 465 545 545 2.886 2.886 440 440 239 239 239 239 Pelle Pelle Elite Elite Leather Leather Elite Elite Pelle Pelle StarStar Leather Elite Leather Leather Star Star Pelle Elite Leather Elite Pelle Elite Pelle Top Pelle Star Leather Top Pelle TopStar Leather Prestige Prestige Leather Top Pelle Star Pelle Elite Leather Star Pelle Star Pelle Pelle Top Top Leather Elite Leather Star Leather Leather Top Top Leather Elite Elite Top Prestige Pelle Top Prestige Elite Elite Prestige StarStar Star Star Elite TopTop 1.990 1.786 1.9251.786 1.925 1.925 1.990 2.171 0,59 83 materasso / Version with storage: the price includes the slats base and does not include the mattress Top Lux 324 Pelle Elite Top Star Leather Lux Lux Elite Extra Super Pelle Star Pelle Elite Top Lux Leather Star Extra Extra Leather Elite 1.844 1.646 1.6461.786 1.844 775 775 324 324 392 2.886 3,10 8 6,00 1.071 1.071 363 3,10 440 8 1,70 440 198 1,70 239 3,00 1,70 239 198 1,70 239 3,20 239 Pelle Top Pelle Star Lux Extra Leather Top Super Super Leather Star Normal Tess Cliente Extra Pelle Top Prestige Super Normal Normal Leather Top 5,80 5,60 1.002 1.002 1.990 5,80 2.135 2.135 920 1.066 2,80 1.066 Customer fabric Super Tess Tess Cliente Cliente Elite Prestige Normal Customer Customer fabric fabric In Bianco Normal No Star In Bianco Incoverings Bianco EliteTess Cliente No No coverings coverings Customer fabric Codice Descrizione Descrizione Codice CodiceDescrizione Descrizione Codice Descrizione 09GIDSLE06 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto '116 09LESLE01 LOW 09LESLE01 SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LEVENT LOW Letto SOTTOSOPRA LOW isolaSOTTOSOPRA 187 Letto isola Letto 187 isola 187 5,60 1.0025,60 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA bed 116 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto '116 09LESLE01 LEVENT 09GIDSLE06 GILT DROP 5,80 SOTTOSOPRA Letto '116 1.844 LEVENT LOW SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LEVENT LOW sommier SOTTOSOPRA LOW SOTTOSOPRA 187 sommier sommier 187 187 09GIDSLF04 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Fodera Letto '116 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA bed 116 SOTTOSOPRA Letto '116bed 116 5,80 1.844 1.990 GILT DROP DROP SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Fodera coverings for'116 bed 116 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA 09GIDSLF04 GILT Letto 775 SOTTOSOPRA bed 116Fodera Letto '116 09LESLF01 LEVENT 09LESLF01 LOW 09LESLF01 SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LEVENT LOW Fodera SOTTOSOPRA LOW sopra SOTTOSOPRA Letto Fodera isola sopra Fodera 187 Letto sopra isola Letto 187 isola 187 2,80 2,80 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA coverings GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA coverings for bed 116 SOTTOSOPRA Fodera Letto '116 for bed 116 775 920 LEVENT LOW SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LEVENT LOW upper SOTTOSOPRA LOW SOTTOSOPRA upper for upper face coverings face sommier coverings face coverings 187 for sommier for sommier 187 187 SOTTOSOPRA coverings for bed 116 09LESLF02 LEVENT 09LESLF02 LOW 09LESLF02 SOTTOSOPRA LEVENTLEVENT LOW Fodera SOTTOSOPRA LOW fianco SOTTOSOPRA Letto Fodera isolafianco Fodera 187 Letto fiancoisola Letto 187 isola 187 3,20 3,20 LEVENT LOW SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT LEVENT LOW side SOTTOSOPRA LOW coverings SOTTOSOPRA side coverings side coverings for sommier 187 for sommier for sommier 187 187 Codice crizione NoFabric coverings Fabric mt mt In Bianco Lux Top Mt No coverings Tessuto Fabric mt Mt Tess Cliente Mt Mt Tessuto Top Customer StarTessuto In Bianco Tessuto Fabric mt fabric Mt Extra Tessuto Lux Fabric mt Super Extra Normal Super Tess Cliente Customer fabric Normal In Bianco Tess Cliente No coverings Customer fabric Mt In Bianco Tessuto NoFabric coverings mt Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Mod. GILT - DROP SOTTOSOPRA d. LEVENT Mod. Mod. LOW LEVENT LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA LOWLOW SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA SOPRA Mod. GILT - DROP SOTTOSOPRA PRA Letto Letto LEVENT LEVENT NORMAL NORMAL SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Letto LEVENT NORMAL SOTTOSOPRA CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHETECNICHE / TECHNICAL FEATURES CARATTERISTICHE CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE / TECHNICAL / TECHNICAL FEATURES FEATURES 2 Fibra accoppiata a vellutino 2 poliestere Fibra 2 poliestere Fibra poliestere accoppiata accoppiata a vellutino a vellutino Polyester fiber coupled with velveteen Polyester Polyester fiber coupled fiber coupled with velveteen with velveteen 5 Poliuretano espanso densità 40 5 Poliuretano 5 Poliuretano espanso espanso densitàdensità 40 40 Polyurethane foam density 40 kg/mc Polyurethane Polyurethane foam density foam density 40 kg/mc 40 kg/mc 15 9 16 Poliuretano espanso densità 75 15 15 Poliuretano Poliuretano espanso densitàdensità 75 75 Polyurethane foam density 75 espanso kg/mc Polyurethane Polyurethane foam density foam density 75 kg/mc 75 kg/mc Multistrato con tamponamenti in particelle di legno e fibra 9 Multistrato 9 wood Multistrato con tamponamenti con tamponamenti in particelle in particelle di legno di elegno fibra e fibra Plywood with and fiber insertions Plywood Plywood with wood withand wood fiber and insertions fiber insertions Metallo verniciato Painted metal 16 16 MetalloMetallo verniciato verniciato PaintedPainted metal metal VERSIONI / VERSIONS Tessuto e pelle: completamente sfoderabile. VERSIONI VERSIONI / VERSIONS / VERSIONS Tessuto Tessuto e pelle:ecompletamente pelle: completamente sfoderabile. sfoderabile. Fabric and leather: completely removable coverings Fabric and Fabric leather: and leather: completely completely removable removable coverings coverings PIEDINI / FEET Di serie piedino in ABS grigio / FEET StandardPIEDINI feet in PIEDINI grey ABS/ FEET Di serieDipiedino serie piedino in ABSingrigio ABS grigio Standard Standard feet in feet greyin ABS grey ABS ANNOTAZIONI I prezzi dei letti non comprendono la rete a doghe ed il materasso. I prezzi dei letti contenitore comprendono il prezzo della rete a doghe ma non il materasso. ANNOTAZIONI ANNOTAZIONI I letti vengono consegnati smontati, due colli per i letti senza contenitore, quattro colli per i I prezziI dei prezzi lettidei non letti comprendono non comprendono la rete la a doghe rete a doghe ed il materasso. ed il materasso. letti contenitore. I prezzi I dei prezzi letti dei contenitore letti contenitore comprendono comprendono il prezzo il prezzo della rete a doghe rete a contenitore doghe ma nonma il materasso. non il materasso. E' disponibile, a richiesta, il meccanismo alzaletto semiautomatico: neldella letto senza I letti vengono I letti vengono consegnati consegnati smontati, smontati, due colli due per colli i letti per senza i letti contenitore, senza contenitore, quattro quattro colli per colli i per i c'è l'obbligo di acquistare la nostra rete a doghe, nel letto contenitore è già compresa. letti contenitore. letti The bed prices do notcontenitore. include the slats base and the mattress E' disponibile, E' disponibile, a richiesta, a richiesta, il slats meccanismo il meccanismo alzaletto alzaletto semiautomatico: semiautomatico: nel letto nelsenza letto contenitore senza contenitore The bed with storage prices include the base but not the mattress c'è l'obbligo c'è l'obbligo di acquistare di acquistare la nostra la nostra rete a doghe, rete a doghe, nel letto nel contenitore letto contenitore è già compresa. è già compresa. The beds are delivered unassembled: 2 packages for regular beds, 4 packages for beds with storage The bed The prices bed do prices not do include not include the slats thebase slats and base theand mattress thebed mattress A semi-automatic bed lifting mechanism is available on demand: in the without storage customerThe must buy our slats in the bed with the but slats base isnot already included bed The with bed storage withbase, storage prices include prices include the storage slats thebase slats base not but the mattress the mattress The beds Theare beds delivered are delivered unassembled: unassembled: 2 packages 2 packages for regular for regular beds, 4beds, packages 4 packages for beds forwith beds storage with storage A semi-automatic A semi-automatic bed lifting bed mechanism lifting mechanism is available is available on demand: on demand: in the bed in the without bed without storagestorage customer customer must buy must ourbuy slats ourbase, slatsinbase, the bed in the with bed storage with storage the slats thebase slatsisbase already is already included included 1.844 775 6,40 09LENSLF11 LEVENT 09LENSLF11 NORMAL 09LENSLF11 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT NORMAL Fodera NORMAL SOTTOSOPRA sopra SOTTOSOPRA Letto Fodera '117 sopra FoderaLetto sopra '117 Letto '117 4,00 LEVENT NORMAL LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT NORMAL upper NORMAL SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA upper for upper face coverings face bed coverings face 117coverings for bedfor 117 bed 117 09LENSLF12 LEVENT 09LENSLF12 NORMAL 09LENSLF12 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT NORMAL Fodera NORMAL SOTTOSOPRA fianco SOTTOSOPRA Letto Fodera '117fianco FoderaLetto fianco '117 Letto '117 3,50 LEVENT09GIDSLE08 NORMAL LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT NORMAL NORMAL SOTTOSOPRA face SOTTOSOPRA coverings side for face side coverings face bed 117 coverings for bedfor 117 bed 117 0,47 GILT DROP side SOTTOSOPRA Letto '116 contenitore mc Kg '116 contenitore 78 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto mc 0,47 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA Kg bed 116 with SOTTOSOPRA Letto '116 contenitore78 storage SOTTOSOPRA bed 116 with storage GILT DROP DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto bed 116 storage 09GIDSLE08 GILT 5,80 SOTTOSOPRA '116 with contenitore GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA bed 116 with storage2.271 5,80 mc 0,60 mc mc0,60 0,60 09GISGU04 GILT SOTTOSOPRA Guanciale Letto '116 Kg 83 Kg Kg 83 83 pillow for Letto bed 116 GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA T SOTTOSOPRA Guanciale Letto '116 09GISGU04 GILT 2,40 8 Guanciale '116 09LENSLE13 LEVENT 09LENSLE13 NORMAL 09LENSLE13 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT NORMAL Letto NORMAL SOTTOSOPRA '117Fodera SOTTOSOPRA contenitore Letto Letto contenitore '117 contenitore 09GISGF07 GILT SOTTOSOPRA lato A'117 Guanciale Letto '116 pillow for bed 116 , pillow for bed 116 T SOTTOSOPRA GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOPRA Guanciale Letto '116 2,40 8 233 LEVENT09GISGF07 NORMAL LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT NORMAL NORMAL SOTTOSOPRA 117 Fodera with SOTTOSOPRA storage bed bed with 117 storage with storage GILT SOTTOSOPRA side A coverings for pillow for bed T SOTTOSOPRA Fodera lato A Guanciale Letto '116 GILT SOTTOSOPRA 1,30bed lato 117 A Guanciale Letto '116 pillow for bed 116 , OSOPRA GILT lato B Guanciale Lettofor '116 T SOTTOSOPRA side A coverings GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Fodera side A coverings for '116 pillow for bed 11609GISGF08 1,30 for pillow bed SOPRA Fodera lato A Guanciale Letto 134 GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA side B coverings for pillow bed T SOTTOSOPRA Fodera lato Guanciale Letto '116 09GISGF08 GILT 1,30 Fodera lato B Guanciale Lettofor '116 OSOPRA side A coverings forBpillow for bed 116 0,73 T SOTTOSOPRA side B mc coverings GILT SOTTOSOPRA side B coverings for pillow for134 for pillow for bed 116 bed SOPRA Fodera lato B Guanciale Letto '116 1,30 Kgfor pillow143 mc 0,73 OSOPRA side B coverings for bed 116 Kg 143 09GIDSLE07 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto '146 0,86 mc mc0,86 0,86 GILT DROP DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto bed 146 T mc DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto '146 09GIDSLE07 GILT 6,50 SOTTOSOPRA '146 148 Kg Kg 148 148 09GIDSLF05 6,50 GILT Letto '146 T Kg DROP SOTTOSOPRA GILT DROP DROP SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Fodera bed 146 SOTTOSOPRA Letto '146bed 146 1.982 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA coverings for'146 bed 146 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA Fodera Letto '146 09GIDSLF05 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Fodera Letto SOTTOSOPRA bed 146 09LENSLE12 LEVENT 09LENSLE12 NORMAL 09LENSLE12 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT NORMAL NORMAL SOTTOSOPRA '147SOTTOSOPRA Letto '147 Letto T DROP SOTTOSOPRA coverings GILT DROPLetto SOTTOSOPRA coverings for'147 bed 146 848 SOTTOSOPRA Fodera Letto '146 for bed 146 LEVENT NORMAL LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT NORMAL bed NORMAL SOTTOSOPRA 147 SOTTOSOPRA bed 147bed 147 SOTTOSOPRA coverings for bed 146 GILT DROP DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto bed 146 storage 09GIDSLE09 GILT 6,50 SOTTOSOPRA '146 with contenitore GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA bed 146 with storage2.559 6,50 09GISGU05 GILT SOTTOSOPRA Guanciale Letto '146 GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA pillow for Letto bed 146 T SOTTOSOPRA Guanciale Letto '146 09GISGU05 GILT 3,10 8 Guanciale '146 09LENSLE14 LEVENT 09LENSLE14 NORMAL 09LENSLE14 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT NORMAL Letto NORMAL SOTTOSOPRA '147Fodera SOTTOSOPRA contenitore Letto Letto contenitore '147 contenitore 09GISGF09 GILT SOTTOSOPRA lato A'147 Guanciale Letto '146 T SOTTOSOPRA GILT SOTTOSOPRA pillow for bed 146 pillow for bed 146 SOPRA Guanciale Letto '146 3,10 8 285 LEVENT09GISGF09 NORMAL LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT NORMAL NORMAL SOTTOSOPRA 147 Fodera with SOTTOSOPRA storage bed bed with 147 storage with storage GILT SOTTOSOPRA side A coverings for pillow for bed T SOTTOSOPRA Fodera lato A Guanciale Letto '146 GILT SOTTOSOPRA 1,70bed lato 147 A Guanciale Letto '146 OSOPRA pillow for bed 146 GILT lato B Guanciale Lettofor '146 T SOTTOSOPRA side A coverings GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Fodera side A coverings for '146 pillow for bed 14609GISGF10 1,70 for pillow bed SOPRA Fodera lato A Guanciale Letto 156 GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA side B coverings for pillow bed T SOTTOSOPRA Fodera lato Guanciale Letto '146 09GISGF10 GILT 1,70 Fodera lato B Guanciale Lettofor '146 OSOPRA side A coverings forBpillow for bed 146 0,78 T SOTTOSOPRA side B mc coverings GILT SOTTOSOPRA side B coverings for pillow for156 for pillow for bed 146 bed SOPRA Fodera lato B Guanciale Letto '146 1,70 Kgfor pillow148 mc 0,78 OSOPRA side B coverings for bed 146 mc 0,94 mcKg mc0,94 148 0,94 Kg 153 Kg Kg 153 153 932 6,40 920 116134 116 116134 116 3,50 447 447 447 533 533 619 533 619 619 5,80 2.417 5,80 2.562 2,40 8 , 292 2,40 352 8 1.3576,40 , 6,40 1.357 1.357 1,30 292 352 167 1,30 200 1,30 167 200 167 1,30 200 167 200 2.145 1.0797,10 1.012 2.271 2.271 2.562 6,50 2.145 6,50 2.308 2.308 1.012 1.175 7,101.079 1.079 1.175 2.205 1.985 2.417 2.417 233 233 2.205 2.2052.366 134 134 134 134 292 292 2.366 2.5262.366 2.526 2.526 167 1.982 1.982 848 848 1.985 1.9852.164 2.145 2.145 1.012 1.012 2.164 2.3422.164 2.3422.342 167 167 167 4,40 4,40 507 507 507 617 617 727 617 727 727 3,50 3,50 466 466 466 553 553 639 553 639 639 1.5607,10 363 198 198 6,50 2.722 6,50 2.886 2.559 2.559 2.886 3,10 8 363 3,10 440 8 7,10 1.560 1.560 1,70 440 198 1,70 239 1,70 239 198 1,70 239 239 2.489 285 285 2.489 2.4892.667 156 156 156 156 / Regular Version: / Regular the / Regular price Version: does Version: the not price the include does pricethe not does slats include not base include the and slats the the base slats mattress base and the and mattress the mattress one normale:Versione il prezzo Versione normale: non comprende normale: il prezzo ilprezzo non prezzo rete comprende e comprende materasso non comprende rete erete materasso rete e materasso / Versione Regular Version: the does not include the slats /and Regular the mattress Version: the price does not include the slats base and the mattress materasso normale: il prezzo non comprende eematerasso / Version with storage: the price includes the slats base and does not include the mattress contenitore: ilprice larete non ilbase materasso / Version with / storage: Version / Version with the storage: price with storage: includes the price the the includes price slats includes base the and slats the does slats base not base and include does and does not the include not mattress include the mattress the mattress one contenitore: Versione il prezzo Versione contenitore: comprende contenitore: il prezzo la rete il comprende prezzo e non comprende il materasso la rete e la non rete il e materasso non il materasso / Regular Version: the price not include the slats and the mattress sso / Version with does storage: the price includes base and/ Version does notwith include storage: the mattress the price includes the slats base and does not include the mattress e non il materasso Versione contenitore: il prezzo comprende la retebase ethe nonslats il materasso 2.722 2.722 363 363 2.667 2.8462.667 2.846 2.846 198 198 198 198 2.135 2.135 1.066 1.066 2.562 2.562 352 352 200 200 200 200 2.308 2.308 1.175 1.175 2.886 2.886 440 440 239 239 239 239 Pelle Pelle Elite Elite Leather Leather Elite Elite Leather Leather Star Star Pelle Top Pelle Star Leather Top Pelle TopStar Leather Prestige Prestige Leather Top Pelle Star Pelle Elite Leather Star Pelle Star Pelle Pelle Top Top Leather Elite Leather Star Leather Leather Top Top Pelle Elite Leather Elite Pelle Elite Pelle Pelle StarStar Leather Elite Prestige Leather Elite Elite Top Pelle Top Prestige Elite Elite Prestige StarStar Star Star Elite TopTop Top Lux 3,50 ANNOTAZIONI / REMARKS OTAZIONI /ANNOTAZIONI REMARKS ANNOTAZIONI / REMARKS / REMARKS ANNOTAZIONI / REMARKS Versione normale: il prezzo non comprende rete e materasso / Regular Version: the price does not include the slats base and the mattress materasso / Version with storage: the price includes the slats base and does not include the mattress Pelle Elite Top Star Leather Lux Lux Elite Extra Pelle Star Pelle Elite Top Lux Leather Star Extra Extra Leather Elite Super Pelle Top Pelle Star Lux Extra Leather Top Super Super Leather Star Normal Extra Pelle Top Prestige Super Normal Normal Leather Top Tess Cliente Customer fabric Super Tess Tess Cliente Cliente Elite Prestige Normal Customer Customer fabric fabric 568 669 568 669 669 2.722 146156 146 146156 146 In Bianco 467 467 568 2.559 285 7,10 1.749 1.990 1.990 920 920 1.910 2.0701.910 2.0702.070 467 1.982 848 7,10 1.066 932 1.844 1.844 775 775 1.749 1.7491.910 4,00 2.417 233 6,40 2.135 4,00 2.271 09LENSLF13 LEVENT 09LENSLF13 NORMAL 09LENSLF13 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT NORMAL Fodera NORMAL SOTTOSOPRA sopra SOTTOSOPRA Letto Fodera '147 sopra FoderaLetto sopra '147 Letto '147 4,40 LEVENT NORMAL LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT NORMAL upper NORMAL SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA upper for upper face coverings face bed coverings face 147coverings for bedfor 147 bed 147 09LENSLF14 LEVENT 09LENSLF14 NORMAL 09LENSLF14 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT NORMAL Fodera NORMAL SOTTOSOPRA fianco SOTTOSOPRA Letto Fodera '147fianco FoderaLetto fianco '147 Letto '147 3,50 LEVENT09GIDSLE09 NORMAL LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT NORMAL NORMAL SOTTOSOPRA face SOTTOSOPRA coverings side for face side coverings face bed 147 coverings for bedfor 147 bed 147 GILT DROP side SOTTOSOPRA Letto '146 contenitore mc '146 contenitore 0,52 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto Kg 83 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA mc bed 146 with storage SOTTOSOPRA Letto '146 contenitore0,52 mc 0,68 mc mc0,68 0,68 83 SOTTOSOPRA bed 146 Kg with storage Kg 88 Kg Kg 88 88 1.990 5,80 1.990 5,80 2.135 920 6,40932 1.066 Normal Star No In Bianco Incoverings Bianco EliteTess Cliente No No coverings coverings Customer fabric Codice In Bianco Lux Top Mt No coverings Tessuto Fabric mt Mt Tess Mt Mt Cliente Tessuto Top Customer fabric StarTessuto In Tessuto Bianco Fabric mt NoFabric coverings Fabric mt mt Codice Descrizione Descrizione Codice Codice Descrizione Descrizione Codice Descrizione 09GIDSLE06 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto '116 GILT DROP DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto bed 116 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto '116 09GIDSLE06 GILT 5,80 SOTTOSOPRA '116 09GIDSLF04 5,80 GILT Letto '116 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA GILT DROP DROP SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Fodera bed 116 SOTTOSOPRA Letto '116bed 116 1.844 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA coverings for'116 bed 116 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA Fodera Letto '116 09GIDSLF04 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Fodera Letto SOTTOSOPRA bed 116 09LENSLE11 LEVENT 09LENSLE11 NORMAL 09LENSLE11 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT NORMAL NORMAL SOTTOSOPRA '117SOTTOSOPRA Letto '117 Letto T DROP SOTTOSOPRA coverings GILT DROPLetto SOTTOSOPRA coverings for'117 bed 116 775 SOTTOSOPRA Fodera Letto '116 for bed 116 LEVENT NORMAL LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT NORMAL bed NORMAL SOTTOSOPRA 117 SOTTOSOPRA bed 117bed 117 SOTTOSOPRA coverings for bed 116 crizione Mt Extra Lux Tessuto Fabric mt Super Extra Normal Super Tess Cliente Customer fabric Normal In Bianco Tess Cliente No coverings Customer fabric Mt In Bianco Tessuto NoFabric coverings mt Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Mod. GILT - DROP SOTTOSOPRA d. LEVENT Mod. Mod. NORMAL LEVENT LEVENT NORMAL SOTTOSOPRA NORMAL SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA SOPRA Mod. GILT - DROP SOTTOSOPRA PRA T DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto '116 09LENSLE01 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Letto '116bed 116 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA Fodera Letto '116 SOTTOSOPRA bed 116 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA coverings SOTTOSOPRA Fodera Letto '116 for bed 116 09LENSLF01 SOTTOSOPRA coverings for bed 116 09LENSLF02 09GISGU04 GILT SOTTOSOPRA Guanciale Letto '116 pillow for Letto bed 116 GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA T SOTTOSOPRA Guanciale Letto '116 09GISGU04 GILT 2,40 8 Guanciale '116 09GISGF07 GILT SOTTOSOPRA Fodera lato A Guanciale Letto '116 pillow for bed 116 , pillow for bed 116 T SOTTOSOPRA GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOPRA Guanciale Letto '116 2,40 8 233 GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA side A coverings for pillow bed T SOTTOSOPRA Fodera lato A Guanciale Letto '116 09GISGF07 GILT 1,30 Fodera lato A Guanciale Lettofor '116 pillow for bed 116 , OSOPRA GILT lato B Guanciale Lettofor '116 T SOTTOSOPRA side A coverings GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Fodera side A coverings for '116 pillow for bed 11609GISGF08 1,30 for pillow bed SOPRA Fodera lato A Guanciale Letto 134 GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA side B coverings for pillow bed T SOTTOSOPRA Fodera lato Guanciale Letto '116 09GISGF08 GILT 1,30 Fodera lato B Guanciale Lettofor '116 OSOPRA side A coverings forBpillow for bed 116 0,73 T SOTTOSOPRA side B mc coverings GILT SOTTOSOPRA side B coverings for pillow for134 for pillow for bed 116 bed SOPRA Fodera lato B Guanciale Letto '116 1,30 mc 1,06 mcmc 09LENSLE02 09LENSLE02 NORMAL LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA NORMAL SOTTOSOPRA '207SOTTOSOPRA Letto '207Letto '207 mc1,06 1,06 LEVENT 09LENSLE02 LEVENTLetto NORMAL Kgfor pillow 143 0,73 OSOPRA side B coverings for bed 116 Kg 153 KgKg LEVENT NORMALLEVENT SOTTOSOPRA NORMAL SOTTOSOPRA 207 SOTTOSOPRA bed 207 bed 207 Kg153143 153 LEVENT bed NORMAL 2.271 7,30 mc Kg mc0,85 09LENSLE05 0,85 LEVENT 09LENSLE05 NORMAL 09LENSLE05 LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA NORMAL LEVENTLetto NORMAL SOTTOSOPRA '207SOTTOSOPRA contenitore Letto '207Letto contenitore '207 contenitore Kg93 93 LEVENT NORMALLEVENT SOTTOSOPRA NORMAL LEVENT bed NORMAL SOTTOSOPRA 207 with SOTTOSOPRA storage bed 207 bed with207 storage with storage mc '146 contenitore 0,52 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto Kg 83 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA mc bed 146 with storage SOTTOSOPRA Letto '146 contenitore0,52 83 SOTTOSOPRA bed 146 Kg with storage 09GIDSLE09 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto '146 contenitore GILT DROP DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto bed 146 storage 09GIDSLE09 GILT 6,50 SOTTOSOPRA '146 with contenitore GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA bed 146 with storage2.559 6,50 1.681 7,30 2.417 233 116134 116 116134 116 7,80 09LENSLF03 LEVENT 09LENSLF03 NORMAL LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA NORMAL SOTTOSOPRA sopra Letto Fodera '207 sopra Letto '207Letto '207 5,30 09LENSLF03 LEVENT NORMAL SOTTOSOPRA Fodera sopra 09GIDSLE07 GILT DROP Fodera SOTTOSOPRA Letto '146 LEVENT09GIDSLE07 NORMALLEVENT SOTTOSOPRA NORMAL SOTTOSOPRA upper LEVENT NORMAL SOTTOSOPRA upper face coverings face for bed coverings 207 coverings for bed 207 face for1.982 bed 207 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA bed 146 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto '146 GILT DROP 6,50 upper SOTTOSOPRA Letto '146 09LENSLF04 LEVENT 09LENSLF04 NORMAL LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA NORMAL Fodera SOTTOSOPRA fianco Letto Fodera '207 fianco Letto '207 3,50 09LENSLF04 LEVENT NORMAL SOTTOSOPRA Fodera fianco Letto '207 09GIDSLF05 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Fodera Letto '146 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA bed 146 SOTTOSOPRA Letto '146bed 146 6,50 1.982 LEVENT09GIDSLF05 NORMALLEVENT SOTTOSOPRA NORMAL SOTTOSOPRA coverings side coverings LEVENT NORMAL SOTTOSOPRA side coverings for bed 207 for for bed 207848 GILT DROPside SOTTOSOPRA coverings for bedbed 146207 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Fodera Letto '146 SOTTOSOPRA bed 146Fodera Letto '146 T DROP SOTTOSOPRA coverings GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA coverings for bed 146 848 SOTTOSOPRA Fodera Letto '146 for bed 146 SOTTOSOPRA coverings for bed 146 0,85 93 7,80 292 167 167 1.208 7,80 5,30 0,91 98 mc Kg mc0,91 Kg98 5,80 2.417 5,80 1.681 7,30 2.562 2,40 , 292 2,40 , 1,30 352 167 1,30 1,30 200 167 1,30 200 1.208 7,80 1.755 7,80 7,80 1.755 2.722 6,50 2.722 6,50 2.886 2.559 3,10 363 3,10 1.305 8,50 1,70 440 198 1,70 1,70 239 5,80 198 1,70 239 3,50 492 492 492 578 578 664 578664 664 2.679 2.679 2.271 2.417 2.271 2.417 2.863 3.0472.863 3.047 3.047 2.6792.863 233 233 134 134 134 134 2.222 2.222 601 601 735 601 1.982 735 869 735869 2.145869 501 1.982 501 588 848 848 2.145 588 674 588674 1.012674 501 2.799 2.799 2.2222.418 292 292 167 167 167 167 2.7992.995 2.559 2.559 2.379 2.379 638 638 511 511 239 ANNOTAZIONI / REMARKS OTAZIONI /ANNOTAZIONI REMARKS ANNOTAZIONI / REMARKS / REMARKS ANNOTAZIONI / REMARKS Versione normale: il prezzo non comprende rete e materasso / Regular Version: the price does not include the slats base and the mattress 2.418 2.6142.418 2.614 2.722 2.722 / Regular / Regular the / Regular Version: price does Version: thenot price the include does pricenot the does include slats not base include the slats and the the base slats mattress and base the and mattress the mattress one normale:Versione il prezzo Versione normale: non comprende normale: il prezzo ilnon rete prezzo comprende ecomprende materasso non rete erete materasso rete eVersion: materasso / Versione Regular Version: the does notcomprende include the slats /and Regular the mattress Version: the price does not include the slats base and the mattress materasso normale: il prezzo non comprende eematerasso / Version with storage: the price includes the slats base and does not include the mattress contenitore: ilprice prezzo larete non ilbase materasso / Version with / Version storage: with the storage: price includes the price the includes slats base the slats and base does and not does include not include mattress the mattress / Version with storage: the price includes the slats base and does not include the the mattress one contenitore: Versione il prezzo Versione contenitore: comprende contenitore: il prezzo la rete il comprende prezzo e non comprende il materasso la rete e la non rete il e materasso non il materasso / Regular Version: the price not include the slats and the mattress sso / Version with does storage: the price includes base and/ Version does notwith include storage: the mattress the price includes the slats base and the does not include mattress e non il materasso Versione contenitore: il prezzo comprende la retebase ethe nonslats il materasso 597 683 597683 683 352 352 200 200 200 200 2.308 2.308 1.175 1.175 2.886 2.886 440 440 239 239 239 239 Pelle Pelle Elite Elite Leather Leather Elite Elite Pelle Elite Pelle Pelle Star Star Leather Elite Leather Leather Star Star Leather Elite Pelle Elite Pelle Star Pelle Pelle Top Top Leather Elite Leather Star Pelle Elite Leather Leather Top Top Leather Pelle StarTop Leather Star Pelle Star Pelle TopStar Leather Prestige Prestige Prestige Pelle Top Leather Top Pelle Top Leather Elite Elite Top Elite Prestige 2.562 2.562 3.191 285 363 285 363 2.8072.593 2.807 198 2.3792.593 2.807 156 2.593 156 198 156 198 784 929 784929 198929 638 784 156 511 597 2.135 2.135 1.066 1.066 2.614 1.012 2.995 3.1912.995 3.191 Prestige StarStar Star Elite 834 0,91 98 materasso / Version with storage: the price includes the slats base and does not include the mattress Elite TopTop 707 834 707834 2.886 239 Top Star 579 707 1.175 8 440 8 1.305 Lux 579 200 1.755 Pelle Top Elite Star Leather LuxLux Elite 579 200 2.308 Extra 2.130 8 352 8 1.208 1.844 1.990 1.844 1.990 2.4982.314 2.498 920 2.1302.314 2.498 775 2.314 775 920 2.130 1.066 2.562 1.681 Pelle Star Lux Pelle Elite Top Leather Star Extra Extra Leather Elite Super Pelle Top Extra Pelle Star Lux Leather Top Super Super Leather Star Normal Super Pelle Top Extra Prestige Normal Normal Leather Top Tess Cliente Customer fabric Super Tess Tess Cliente Cliente Elite Normal Prestige Customer Customer fabric fabric In Bianco 2.135 1.163 3,50 1.012 3,50 2.145 Tess Cliente Star Normal In Bianco Incoverings Bianco No EliteCustomer fabric No No coverings coverings 5,80 1.990 5,80 1.163 7,30 2.135 920 1.066 5,10 5,30 6,50 2.145 6,50 3,50 2.308 1.012 1.175 09GISGU05 GILT SOTTOSOPRA Guanciale Letto '146 GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA pillow for Letto bed 146 T SOTTOSOPRA Guanciale Letto '146 09GISGU05 GILT 3,10 8 Guanciale '146 285 mc 1,11pillow mcfor bedmc 1,11 09LENSLE03 09LENSLE03 NORMAL LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA NORMAL Letto SOTTOSOPRA '227Fodera Letto '227 8,50 1.305 8,50 1,11 LEVENT 09LENSLE03 LEVENT NORMAL SOTTOSOPRA Letto 09GISGF09 GILT SOTTOSOPRA lato A Guanciale T SOTTOSOPRA GILT SOTTOSOPRA 146 pillow for bed 146 '227 Letto '146 SOPRA Guanciale Letto '146 3,10 8 285 363 Kg 158Fodera Kglato A Guanciale LEVENT09GISGF09 NORMALLEVENT SOTTOSOPRA NORMAL SOTTOSOPRA 227 Fodera Kg158 158 '146 LEVENT NORMAL SOTTOSOPRA bedfor 227pillow GILT SOTTOSOPRA side Abed coverings bed 146156 T SOTTOSOPRA Letto GILT SOTTOSOPRA 1,70 bed lato227 A Guanciale Lettofor '146 OSOPRA pillow for bed 146 GILT lato B Guanciale Lettofor '146 T SOTTOSOPRA side A coverings GILT SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Fodera side A coverings for '146 pillow for bed 14609GISGF10 1,70 for pillow bed 146 SOPRA Fodera lato A Guanciale Letto 156 198 09LENSLF05 LEVENT 09LENSLF05 NORMAL LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA NORMAL Fodera SOTTOSOPRA sopra Letto Fodera '227 sopra Letto '227Letto 5,80 5,80 09LENSLF05 LEVENT NORMAL SOTTOSOPRA Fodera sopra '227 146 GILT SOTTOSOPRA side B coverings for pillow for bed T SOTTOSOPRA Fodera lato B Guanciale Letto '146 09GISGF10 GILT SOTTOSOPRA 1,70 Fodera lato B Guanciale Letto '146 156 OSOPRA side A coverings for pillow for bed 146 SOTTOSOPRA NORMAL upper SOTTOSOPRA LEVENT NORMAL SOTTOSOPRA upper face coverings face for bed coverings 227 for bed coverings for bed 227 0,78 T SOTTOSOPRA side B mc coverings GILT SOTTOSOPRA side Bupper coverings for pillow for LEVENT bed 146NORMALLEVENT for face pillow for156 bed227 146 SOPRA Fodera lato B Guanciale Letto '146 1,70 198 09LENSLF06 LEVENT 09LENSLF06 NORMAL LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA NORMAL Fodera SOTTOSOPRA fianco Letto Fodera '227 fianco Letto '227 3,50 3,50 09LENSLF06 LEVENT NORMAL SOTTOSOPRA Fodera fianco Letto '227 Kg 148 mcfor pillow0,78 OSOPRA side B coverings for bed 146 LEVENT NORMALLEVENT SOTTOSOPRA NORMAL SOTTOSOPRA coverings side coverings LEVENT side NORMAL SOTTOSOPRA side for bed 227 coverings for bed 227 for bed 227 Kg 148 mc Kg Fabric Fabric mt mt Fabric mt Mt Tess Mt Mt Cliente Top Tessuto In Bianco StarTessuto Customer fabric Tessuto Fabric mt No coverings Codice Descrizione Descrizione Codice Descrizione Codice Descrizione Codice Descrizione 09GIDSLE06 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto '116 GILT DROP DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto bed 116 09GIDSLE06 GILT 5,80 SOTTOSOPRA '116 1.844 LEVENT 09LENSLE01 NORMAL LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA NORMAL SOTTOSOPRA '187SOTTOSOPRA Letto '187 7,30 1.163 7,30 09LENSLE01 LEVENT NORMAL Letto '116 '187 09GIDSLF04 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Fodera Letto GILT DROPLetto SOTTOSOPRA bed 116 5,80 1.844 1.990 LEVENT09GIDSLF04 NORMALLEVENT SOTTOSOPRA NORMAL SOTTOSOPRA 187 SOTTOSOPRA bed 187Letto LEVENT NORMAL bedfor 187 GILT DROPbed SOTTOSOPRA coverings bed 116 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Fodera '116 775 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA coverings for bed 116 775 920 LEVENT 09LENSLF01 NORMAL LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA NORMAL SOTTOSOPRA sopra Letto Fodera '187sopra Letto '187Letto '187 5,10 5,10 09LENSLF01 LEVENTFodera NORMAL SOTTOSOPRA Fodera sopra LEVENT NORMALLEVENT SOTTOSOPRA NORMAL SOTTOSOPRA upper face LEVENT upper NORMAL SOTTOSOPRA upper face coverings for bed coverings 187 coverings for bed 187 face for bed 187 LEVENT 09LENSLF02 NORMAL LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA NORMAL SOTTOSOPRA fianco Letto Fodera '187 fianco Letto '187Letto '187 3,50 3,50 09LENSLF02 LEVENTFodera NORMAL SOTTOSOPRA Fodera fianco LEVENT NORMALLEVENT SOTTOSOPRA NORMAL SOTTOSOPRA coverings side coverings LEVENT side NORMAL SOTTOSOPRA side for bed 187 coverings for bed 187 for bed 187 mc 0,47 09GIDSLE08 GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto '116 contenitore 0,80 mc mc0,80 Kg '116 78 GILT DROP DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto bed 116 storage T mc DROP SOTTOSOPRA Letto mc contenitore 0,47 0,80 09GIDSLE08 GILT 5,80 SOTTOSOPRA '116 with contenitore Kg 88 KgKg 8809LENSLE04 LEVENT 09LENSLE04 NORMAL LEVENT SOTTOSOPRA NORMAL Letto SOTTOSOPRA '187SOTTOSOPRA contenitore Letto '187Letto contenitore Kgwith 88 09LENSLE04 LEVENT NORMAL '187 contenitore T DROP SOTTOSOPRA bed 116 78 storage GILT DROP SOTTOSOPRA bed 116 with storage SOTTOSOPRA Letto '116 contenitore 5,80 2.271 LEVENT NORMALLEVENT SOTTOSOPRA NORMAL SOTTOSOPRA 187 with storage bed 187 bed with187 storage LEVENT bed NORMAL SOTTOSOPRA with storage SOTTOSOPRA bed 116 with storage mc Kg In Bianco Lux Mt Top No coverings Tessuto Mt Extra Lux Tessuto Fabric mt Super Extra Normal Super Tess Cliente Customer fabric Normal In Bianco Tess Cliente No coverings Customer fabric Codice crizione Mt In Bianco Tessuto NoFabric coverings mt Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Mod. GILT - DROP SOTTOSOPRA d. LEVENT Mod. NORMAL LEVENT NORMAL SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Mod. LEVENT NORMAL SOTTOSOPRA SOPRA Mod. GILT - DROP SOTTOSOPRA PRA 446 446 446 484 522 484 484522 522 268 268 268 306 344 306 306344 344 514 514 514 568 621 568 568621 621 323 323 323 377 430 377 377430 430 525 525 525 573 620 573 573620 620 316 316 316 363 411 363 363411 411 681 681 681 766 851 766 766851 851 442 442 442 527 612 527 527612 612 855 855 855 981 1.107 981 981 1.107 1.107 567 567 567 693 819 693 693819 819 151 151 151 173 195 173 173195 195 130 130 130 152 175 152 152175 175 BOXER - B coverings BOXER for bookcase - B BOXER coverings 34- B coverings for bookcase for bookcase 34 34 mc Kg 0,08 mc 7 Kg 0,08 mc 0,08 7 Kg 7 09BXBLI02 BOXER 09BXBLI02 - B Libreria 09BXBLI02 BOXER 50 - BBOXER Libreria - B50 Libreria 50 BOXER - B bookcase BOXER 50 - B BOXER bookcase - B bookcase 50 50 09BXBLF02 2,00 2,00 2,00 BOXER 09BXBLF02 - B Fodera 09BXBLF02 BOXER Libreria- 50 BBOXER Fodera- BLibreria Fodera Libreria 50 50 BOXER - B coverings BOXER for bookcase - B BOXER coverings 50- B coverings for bookcase for bookcase 50 50 mc Kg 0,08 mc 10 Kg 0,08 mc 0,08 10 Kg 10 09BXBLI03 BOXER 09BXBLI03 - B Libreria 09BXBLI03 BOXER 75 - BBOXER Libreria - B75 Libreria 75 BOXER - B bookcase BOXER 75 - B BOXER bookcase - B bookcase 75 75 09BXBLF03 1,80 1,80 1,80 BOXER 09BXBLF03 - B Fodera 09BXBLF03 BOXER Libreria- 75 BBOXER Fodera- BLibreria Fodera Libreria 75 75 BOXER - B coverings BOXER for bookcase - B BOXER coverings 75- B coverings for bookcase for bookcase 75 75 mc Kg 0,13 mc 14 Kg 0,13 mc 0,13 14 Kg 14 09BXBLI04 BOXER 09BXBLI04 - B Libreria 09BXBLI04 BOXER 100 - BBOXER Libreria - B100 Libreria 100 BOXER - B bookcase BOXER 100- B BOXER bookcase - B bookcase 100 100 09BXBLF04 3,20 3,20 3,20 BOXER 09BXBLF04 - B Fodera 09BXBLF04 BOXER Libreria- 100 BBOXER Fodera- BLibreria Fodera Libreria 100 100 BOXER - B coverings BOXER for bookcase - B BOXER coverings 100 - B coverings for bookcase for bookcase 100 100 mc Kg 0,17 mc 18 Kg 0,17 mc 18 Kg 0,17 18 09BXBLI05 BOXER 09BXBLI05 - B Libreria 09BXBLI05 BOXER 150 - BBOXER Libreria - B150 Libreria 150 BOXER - B bookcase BOXER 150- B BOXER bookcase - B bookcase 150 150 09BXBLF05 BOXER 09BXBLF05 - B Fodera 09BXBLF05 BOXER Libreria- 150 BBOXER Fodera- BLibreria Fodera Libreria 150 150 4,80 4,80 4,80 BOXER - Bcushion BOXER with piping - Bcushion BOXER bookcase - with Bcushion 150 piping withbookcase piping bookcase 150 150 mc Kg 0,25 mc 23 Kg 0,25 mc 0,25 23 Kg 23 09CMSCU04 Cuscino 09CMSCU04 sottosopra 09CMSCU04 Cuscino 45 x 45sottosopra Cuscino sottosopra 45 x 45 45 x 45 Sotto Sopra cushion Sotto 45x45 Sopra Sotto cushion Sopra 45x45 cushion 45x45 09CMSCF04 Cuscino 09CMSCF04 sottosopra 09CMSCF04 Cuscino Foderasottosopra 45 Cuscino x 45 sottosopra Fodera 45 Fodera x 45 45 x 45 Coverings for SottoCoverings Sopra cushion for Coverings Sotto 45x45 Sopra for Sotto cushion Sopra cushion 45x45 45x45 Kg 1,80 Kg 1,80 Kg 1,80 0,90 0,90 0,90 Pelle Elite Leather Elite Leather Star Pelle Elite Pelle StarElite Leather Leather Top Pelle Elite Leather Elite Pelle Star Pelle Top Leather Star Pelle Top Prestige Leather Top Pelle Star Leather Star Elite Prestige Pelle Top Leather Top Prestige Elite Star Star Elite Top Star Top Lux Lux Top Extra Extra Lux Super Super Extra Normal Normal BOXER 09BXBLF01 - B Fodera 09BXBLF01 BOXER Libreria- 34 BBOXER Fodera- BLibreria Fodera Libreria 34 34 1,50 1,50 Customer fabric Super 09BXBLF01 1,50 Tess Cliente Tess Cliente Customer fabric BOXER 09BXBLI01 - B Libreria 09BXBLI01 BOXER 34 - BBOXER Libreria - B34 Libreria 34 BOXER - B bookcase BOXER 34 - B BOXER bookcase - B bookcase 34 34 Normal 09BXBLI01 In Bianco In Bianco No coverings Codice Descrizione Descrizione Mt Tessuto Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Tess Cliente Fabric mt Customer fabric Descrizione Codice In Bianco No coverings Codice Mt Tessuto Fabric mt OMPLEMENTI COMPLEMENTI SOTTOSOPRA COMPLEMENTI SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA 245296 363 296 363 604 363 604234 234 604 300 300 234 356 356300 356 215 138 138 138 163 189 163 163189 189 243 243 243 294 344 294 294344 344 216 216 216 267 317 267 267317 317 284 284 284 344 403 344 344403 403 240 240 240 299 359 299 299359 359 308 308 308 371 434 371 371434 434 264 264 264 327 390 327 327390 390 Pelle Top Elite Star Lux 190215 Pelle Elite Pelle StarElite Leather 217 296 245 215 190 Pelle Star Pelle Top Leather Star 83 83 173 139 139 195 173173 217195 195 245 217 165 165 190 Prestige Leather Top Pelle Star Leather Star 139 165 Elite Prestige Pelle Top Leather Top 356 Prestige 300 234 356 356300 Star Elite 234 604 300 Top 363 604234 Star Top 296 363 604 Lux 245296 363 Top 217 296 245 Extra 83 83 173 139 139 195 173173 217195 195 245 217 Extra 139 Lux 630 Super 531 415 630 630531 Super 1.265 813 415 1.265 415 531 Extra 687 813 1.265 Normal 593687 813 Cuscino 09CMSCF09 sottosopra 09CMSCF09 Cuscino Foderasottosopra 55 Cuscino x 55 sottosopra Fodera 55 Fodera x 55 55 x 55 Normal 540 687 593 1,00 1,00 Leather Top Pelle Elite Leather Elite Customer fabric Super Tess Cliente Tess Cliente Customer fabric 288 288 456 393 393 498 456456 540498 498 593 540 Normal Pelle Elite Leather Elite 09CMSCF09 1,00 Leather Star 09CMSCU09 Cuscino 09CMSCU09 sottosopra 09CMSCU09 Cuscino 55 x 55sottosopra Cuscino sottosopra 55 x 55 55 x 55 Sotto Sopra cushion Sotto 55x55 Sopra Sotto cushion Sopra 55x55 cushion 55x55 In Bianco In Bianco No coverings Codice Descrizione Descrizione Mt Tessuto Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Tess Cliente Fabric mt Customer fabric Descrizione Codice In Bianco No coverings Codice Mt Tessuto Fabric mt OMPLEMENTI COMPLEMENTI SOTTOSOPRA COMPLEMENTI SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Coverings for SottoCoverings Sopra cushion for Coverings Sotto 55x55 Sopra for Sotto cushion Sopra cushion 55x55 55x55 Kg 2,00 Kg 2,00 Kg 2,00 09CMSCU13 Cuscino 09CMSCU13 sottosopra 09CMSCU13 Cuscino 55 x 55sottosopra bicolore Cuscino sottosopra decentrato 55 x 55 bicolore 55 x 55 bicolore decentrato decentrato Asymmettric two-colours Asymmettric Sotto Asymmettric two-colours Sopra cushion two-colours Sotto 55x55 Sopra Sotto Sopra cushion cushion 55x55 55x55 09CMSCF13 1,90 1,90 1,90 Cuscino 09CMSCF13 sottosopra 09CMSCF13 Cuscino Foderasottosopra 55 Cuscino x 55 bicolore sottosopra Fodera decentrato 55 Fodera x 55 55 bicolore x 55 bicolore decentrato decentrato Coverings for Asymmettric Coverings two-colours for Coverings Asymmettric for Sotto Asymmettric Sopra two-colours cushion two-colours Sotto 55x55 Sopra Sotto Sopra cushion cushion 55x55 55x55 Kg 2,00 Kg 2,00 Kg 2,00 09CMSCU14 Cuscino 09CMSCU14 sottosopra 09CMSCU14 Cuscino 80 x 80sottosopra Cuscino sottosopra 80 x 80 80 x 80 Sotto Sopra cushion Sotto 80x80 Sopra Sotto cushion Sopra 80x80 cushion 80x80 09CMSCF14 2,30 2,30 2,30 Cuscino 09CMSCF14 sottosopra 09CMSCF14 Cuscino Foderasottosopra 80 Cuscino x 80 sottosopra Fodera 80 Fodera x 80 80 x 80 Coverings for SottoCoverings Sopra cushion for Coverings Sotto 80x80 Sopra for Sotto cushion Sopra cushion 80x80 80x80 Kg 2,50 Kg 2,50 Kg 2,50 09CMSCU17 Cuscino 09CMSCU17 sottosopra 09CMSCU17 Cuscino 80 x 80sottosopra bicolore Cuscino sottosopra decentrato 80 x 80 bicolore 80 x 80 bicolore decentrato decentrato Asymmettric two-colours Asymmettric Sotto Asymmettric two-colours Sopra cushion two-colours Sotto 80x80 Sopra Sotto Sopra cushion cushion 80x80 80x80 09CMSCF17 2,40 2,40 2,40 Cuscino 09CMSCF17 sottosopra 09CMSCF17 Cuscino Foderasottosopra 80 Cuscino x 80 bicolore sottosopra Fodera decentrato 80 Fodera x 80 80 bicolore x 80 bicolore decentrato decentrato Coverings for Asymmettric Coverings two-colours for Coverings Asymmettric for Sotto Asymmettric Sopra two-colours cushion two-colours Sotto 80x80 Sopra Sotto Sopra cushion cushion 80x80 80x80 Kg 2,50 Kg 2,50 Kg 2,50 09CMSSA01 Sacco 09CMSSA01 sottosopra 09CMSSA01 Sacco 110 x 110 sottosopra Sacco sottosopra 110 x 110110 x 110 Sotto Sopra sackSotto 110x110 Sopra Sotto sack Sopra 110x110 sack 110x110 3,60 09CMSSF01 1,90 1,90 1,90 83 1,90 1,90 1,90 83 Sacco 09CMSSF01 sottosopra 09CMSSF01 Sacco Foderasottosopra lato Sacco A 110 sottosopra Fodera x 110 lato Fodera A 110 latoxA110 110 x 110 129 3,60 3,60288 129 129 393 A-side coverings forA-side Sottocoverings Sopra A-side sack coverings for110x110 Sotto for Sopra Sottosack Sopra 110x110 sack 110x110 mc Kg 0,2 mc 6,00 Kg 0,2mc 09CMSSF020,2 Sacco 09CMSSF02 sottosopra 09CMSSF02 Sacco Foderasottosopra lato Sacco B 110 sottosopra Fodera x 110 lato Fodera B 110 latoxB110 110 x 110 6,00 Kg 6,00B-side coverings forB-side Sottocoverings Sopra B-side sack coverings for110x110 Sotto for Sopra Sottosack Sopra 110x110 sack 110x110 1,80 1,80280 333 280 280 364 333 333 385 364364 406385 385 432 406 406 480 432 432480 543 480 543 768 543 768 768 206 258 206 206 290 258 258 311 290290 332311 311 358 332 332 405 358 358405 468 405 468 694 468 694 694 3,20 3,20414 508 414 414 565 508 508 603 565565 641603 603 688 641 641 773 688 688773 886 773 886 1.293 1.293 886 1.293 273 368 273 273 425 368 368 462 425425 500462 462 547 500 500 632 547 547632 746 632 746 1.152 1.152 746 1.152 GOING SOTTOSOPRA GOING coverings SOTTOSOPRA GOING for ottoman SOTTOSOPRA coverings 50x50 coverings for ottoman for ottoman 50x5050x50 mc Kg 0,20 mc 5 Kg 0,20 mc 5 Kg 0,20 5 09CMPU18 GOING 09CMPU18 SOTTOSOPRA 09CMPU18 GOING Pouf SOTTOSOPRA 90 GOING x 90 SOTTOSOPRA Pouf 90 Pouf x 90 90 x 90 GOING SOTTOSOPRA GOING ottoman SOTTOSOPRA GOING 90x90 SOTTOSOPRA ottoman ottoman 90x90 90x90 09CMPF21 GOING 09CMPF21 SOTTOSOPRA 09CMPF21 GOING Fodera SOTTOSOPRA GOING Pouf SOTTOSOPRA 90 x 90 Fodera Pouf Fodera 90Pouf x 9090 x 90 GOING SOTTOSOPRA GOING coverings SOTTOSOPRA GOING for ottoman SOTTOSOPRA coverings 90x90 coverings for ottoman for ottoman 90x9090x90 mc Kg 0,56 mc 28 Kg 0,56 mc 28 Kg 0,56 28 3,20 Pelle Elite Leather Elite Leather Star Pelle Elite Pelle StarElite Leather Leather Top Pelle Elite Leather Elite Pelle Star Pelle Top Leather Star Pelle Top Prestige Leather Top Pelle Star Leather Star Elite Prestige Pelle Top Leather Top Prestige Elite Star Star Elite Top Star Top Lux Lux Top Extra Extra Lux Super Super Extra Normal Normal GOING 09CMPF11 SOTTOSOPRA 09CMPF11 GOING Fodera SOTTOSOPRA GOING Pouf SOTTOSOPRA 50 x 50 Fodera Pouf Fodera 50Pouf x 5050 x 50 Customer fabric Super 09CMPF11 1,80 Tess Cliente Tess Cliente Customer fabric GOING 09CMPU11 SOTTOSOPRA 09CMPU11 GOING Pouf SOTTOSOPRA 50 GOING x 50 SOTTOSOPRA Pouf 50 Pouf x 50 50 x 50 GOING SOTTOSOPRA GOING ottoman SOTTOSOPRA GOING 50x50 SOTTOSOPRA ottoman ottoman 50x50 50x50 Normal 09CMPU11 In Bianco In Bianco No coverings Codice Descrizione Descrizione Mt Tessuto Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Tess Cliente Fabric mt Customer fabric Descrizione Codice In Bianco No coverings Codice Mt Tessuto Fabric mt OMPLEMENTI COMPLEMENTI SOTTOSOPRA COMPLEMENTI SOTTOSOPRA SOTTOSOPRA Art. Art. TU 128 Art. TU 128 Cat. TU 128 Cat. Extra Cat. Extra Double Extra Double Double Composizione Composizione Composizione 100%100% lino100% lino lino Art. Art. TU 130 Art. TU 130 Cat. TU 130 Cat. TopCat. Top elasticizzato Top elasticizzato elasticizzato Composition Composition Composition linenlinen linen 100% 100% 100% Art. TU 128 Cat. Extra Double Art.Art. TU TU 128128 Cat. Cat. Extra Extra Double Double Composizione 100% lino Composition linen 100% Composition Composition linenlinen 100% 100% Composizione Composizione 80%80% poliammidica poliammidica 20%20% elastan elastan Composition 80% nylon - 20% elastane Composition Composition 80%80% nylon nylon - 20% - 20% elastane elastane 06/R 08 Composizione Composizione 100% 100% lino lino nylon Composizione Composizione Composizione 80% 80% poliammidica poliammidica 80% poliammidica 20% 20% elastan elastan 20% elastan Composition Composition Composition 80%80% 80% nylon nylon - 20% - 20% elastane elastane - 20% elastane Art. TU 130 Cat. Top elasticizzato Art.Art. TU TU 130130 Cat. Cat. TopTop elasticizzato elasticizzato Composizione 80% poliammidica 20% elastan /R 09 07 /R 14 06/R 14 /R 12 06 06 08/R /R 23 21 04/R /R 07 04 12/ 05/R 02/R 07/R 07 R 05 02 13/R 05 04 22 03 15 R /R 04/R 03/R 24 10/ 16 01 09 13 16 17/R 22 22 22 22 22/R 22 / R 22 / R22 / R 5 22 22 2 22 / R 22 / R 22 / R 05/R 09 23 21 10 /R 08 25 09 /R /R 15 08/R 10 /R 24/R 10 /R 01 17 Tessuto sopra lato sopra lato cucitura cucitura T essTessuto uto llato aTessuto to s opra =c usopra c=itcucitura ura=""catenella" cate"catenella" nella"catenella" " Tessuto esclusivo Tessuto per modelli per EGG modelli DRUM eUM DRUM e DRUM T essTessuto uto e scluesclusivo sivo esclusivo p er m odemodelli lper li E G GEGG eD REGG side Upper of fabric = of chain stitching UpperUpper side ofside fabric fabric = chain = chain stitching stitching only Fabric available model EGG and FabricFabric only available onlyfor available for model for model EGGDRUM and EGGDRUM and DRUM Tessuto sopra = cucitura "catenella" Tessuto Tessuto Tessuto sotto lato lato = cucitura sotto =lato cucitura = normale cucitura normale normale Tessuto Tessuto latolato lato sopra sopra =sotto cucitura = cucitura "catenella" "catenella" Upper side of fabric = chain stitching Tessuto esclusivo per modelli EGG e DRUM Tessuto aggiuntivo per Tessuto Tessuto aggiuntivo aggiuntivo per EGG SOTTOSOPRA perEGG Tessuto Tessuto esclusivo esclusivo per modelli per SOTTOSOPRA modelli eSOTTOSOPRA DRUM e DRUM Fabric only available for model EGG and DRUM side of fabric = chain normal stitching Downer Downer Downer side fabric of fabric = normal = normal stitching stitching Upper Upper side side of fabric of fabric =ofside chain = stitching stitching fabric forfor SOTTOSOPRA collection Optional Optional Optional fabric fabric for SOTTOSOPRA forEGG SOTTOSOPRA collection collection Fabric Fabric only only available available model for model EGG and DRUM and DRUM sideside of fabric have to be specified theinorder Upper Upper side side fabric of=fabric have to have be to specified beinspecified thein order the order Downer Downer side ofUpper fabric of of fabric = normal normal stitching stitching All'ordine specificare il latoTurchese sopra Turchese Turquoise / Turquoise / Turquoise Turchese / All'ordine All'ordine specificare specificare il lato il lato sopra sopra Upper side of fabric have to be specified in the order Upper Upper side side of fabric of fabric havehave to betospecified be specified in the inorder the order Turchese / Turquoise Turchese Turchese / Turquoise / Turquoise Optional Optional fabricfabric for SOTTOSOPRA for SOTTOSOPRA collection collection Tessuto lato sotto = cucitura All'ordine All'ordine specificare specificare specificare lato ilnormale sopra lato ilsopra lato sopra normale Tessuto Tessuto latoAll'ordine lato sotto sotto = cucitura = il cucitura normale Downer side of fabric = normal stitching Tessuto aggiuntivo per SOTTOSOPRA Tessuto Tessuto aggiuntivo aggiuntivo per SOTTOSOPRA per SOTTOSOPRA Optional fabric for SOTTOSOPRA collection GialloGiallo Giallo / Yellow / Yellow / Yellow Giallo Giallo / Yellow / Yellow / Violet Viola / Violet / Violet Viola Viola ViolaViola / Violet / Violet Rosso Rosso / Red / Red Rosso / Red Viola / Violet Rosso Rosso / Red/ Red Colori optional dioptional cucitura Colori Colori optional di cucitura di"catenella" cucitura "catenella" "catenella" Optional Optional colours Optional colours for colours chain for chain stitching for chain stitching stitching Colori optional di cucitura "catenella" Colori Colori optional optional di cucitura di cucitura "catenella" "catenella" Optional colours for chain stitching Optional Optional colours colours for chain for chain stitching stitching Giallo / Yellow VerdeVerde / Green Verde / Green / Green Verde Verde / Green / Green Verde / Green Rosso / Red Mod. Mod.BEBEK BEBEK SAKI - SAKI Mod. BEBEK -- SAKI CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE / TECHNICAL FEATURES Piuma e fibra poliestere in una sacca di tela antipiuma a vari scomparti Piuma Piuma e fibra e fibra poliestere poliestere in una in una sacca sacca di tela di tela antipiuma antipiuma a vari a vari scomparti scomparti Feather with polyester fiber, in a feather-proof cover divided in many compartments Feather Feather with with polyester polyester fiber, fiber, in ainfeather-proof a feather-proof cover cover divided divided in many in many compartments compartments Fibra poliestere accoppiata a vellutino Piuma e fibra poliestere in una sacca di tela a vari scomparti Fibra Fibra poliestere poliestere accoppiata accoppiata a antipiuma vellutino a vellutino Polyester fiber coupled with velveteen Feather withPolyester polyester fiber, in acoupled feather-proof cover divided in many compartments Polyester fiber fiber coupled with with velveteen velveteen Poliuretano espanso densità 35 Fibra poliestere accoppiata vellutino Polyurethane foam density 35a kg/mc Poliuretano Poliuretano espanso espanso densità densità 35 35 Polyester fiber coupled with velveteen Polyurethane Polyurethane foam foam density density 35 35 kg/mc kg/mc Poliuretano espanso densità 25 Poliuretano espanso densità Polyurethane foam density 25 35 kg/mc Poliuretano Poliuretano densità 25 25 Polyurethane foam densityespanso 35espanso kg/mcdensità Polyurethane Polyurethane foam foam density density 25 25 kg/mc kg/mc Telaio in faggio Poliuretano espanso densità 25 Beech wood frame Polyurethane foam density 25 kg/mc Telaio Telaio in faggio in faggio Beech Beech wood wood frame frame Telaio in faggio Beech wood frame VERSIONI / VERSIONS Tessuto e pelle: completamente sfoderabile. Fabric and leather: completely removable coverings VERSIONI /VERSIONI VERSIONS VERSIONI / VERSIONS / VERSIONS Tessuto e pelle: completamente sfoderabile. sfoderabile. Tessuto Tessuto e pelle: e pelle: completamente completamente sfoderabile. Fabric and completely removable coverings TELAIO IN leather: FAGGIO Fabric Fabric andand leather: leather: completely completely removable removable coverings coverings Telaio base colore Fango, laccato bianco o nero Standard wood frame painted bright or dark colour. Also available lacquered white or black finishing TELAIO IN FAGGIO TELAIO IN IN FAGGIO FAGGIO Telaio baseTELAIO colore Fango, laccato bianco o nero Telaio Telaio base base colore colore Fango, Fango, laccato laccato bianco bianco o nero o nero Standard wood frame painted bright or dark colour. Also available lacquered white or black finishing NOTE / NOTES Standard Standard wood wood frame frame painted painted bright bright or dark or dark colour. colour. Also Also available available lacquered lacquered white white or black or black finishing finishing Cuscini schienale sono compresi nel prezzo. Back cushions are included. NOTE / NOTES Cuscini schienale sono compresi nel prezzo. NOTE NOTE / NOTES / NOTES Cuscini Cuscini schienale schienale sono sono compresi compresi nelnel prezzo. prezzo. Back cushions are included. Back Back cushions cushions areare included. included. POLTRONE ARMCHAIRS Mod. BEBEK - SAKI CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE / TECHNICAL FEATURES CARATTERISTICHE CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE TECNICHE / TECHNICAL / TECHNICAL FEATURES FEATURES 1.259 1.347 1.259 1.297 1.528 1.297 0,90 0,90 0,90 75 99 114 75 75 124 99 99 134 114 114 146 124 124 134 168 134 146 197 146 168 303 168 197 192 197 303 222 303 192 248 192 222222 248 248 0,90 0,90 0,90 68 92 107 68 68 117 92 92 127 107 107 139 117 117 127 161 127 139 190 139 161 296 161 190 185 190 296 215 296 185 241 185 215215 241 241 09BBSF01 BEBEK09BBSF01 Fodera 09BBSF01 parte sopra BEBEK BEBEK cuscinatura Fodera Fodera parte parte Sedia sopra sopra cuscinatura cuscinaturaSedia Sedia Leather Elite Star Prestige Star 1.238 1.297 1.238 Pelle Elite te Elite Leather Pelle Elite te Top Elite Top 1.259 1.221 1.221 Leather Star Lux Star Lux 1.238 1.204 1.204 Pelle Sta ar Leather Pelle Sta arStar Top Extra Extra 1.221 1.179 1.179 1,50 Pelle Top p Pelle Elite te Leather Top Pelle Top pT Leather Elite Leather T Top Lux Super Super 1.204 1.137 1.137 BEBEK09BBSE01F Sedia 09BBSE01F fango BEBEK BEBEK Sedia Sedia fango fango BEBEK Chair dark color BEBEK BEBEK wood Chair Chair dark dark color color wood wood Pelle Sta ar Prestige Leather Star Prestige Extra Normal Normal 1.179 900 09BBSE01F Descrizione Descrizione Pelle Top p Elite Leather T Top Elite Tess ente Super Tess Clie Clie ente Custome er Custome er fabric fabric 1.137 1,50 1,50 Descrizione Codice Codice Normal In Bianco o No coverrings Tess Clie ente Mt Tessu uto Custome er fabric Fabric m mt 900 Codice Mt Tessu uto Fabric m mt In Bianco o No coverrings d. BEBEK Mod. Mod. - SAKI BEBEK BEBEK- SAKI - SAKI 1.347 1.329 1.347 1.528 1.378 1.528 1.329 1.420 1.329 1.378 1.378 1.420 1.420 BEBEK upper side seat BEBEK cushion BEBEK upper coverings upper side side seat forseat Chair cushion cushion coverings coveringsfor forChair Chair 0,80 mc mc 09BBSF02 0,800,80 BEBEK09BBSF02 Fodera 09BBSF02 parte sotto BEBEK BEBEK cuscinatura Fodera Fodera parte Sedia parte sotto sotto cuscinatura cuscinaturaSedia Sedia mc Kg 18 Kg Kg 09BBSF03 18 18 BEBEK09BBSF03 Parte 09BBSF03 sopra telaio BEBEK BEBEK Sedia Parte Parte sopra sopra telaio telaio Sedia Sedia BEBEK upper side frame BEBEK BEBEK coverings upper upper side for side Chair frame frame coverings coveringsfor forChair Chair 1,90 1,90 1,90 180 180 180 287 287 287 09BBSF04 BEBEK09BBSF04 Parte 09BBSF04 sotto telaio BEBEK BEBEK Sedia Parte Parte sotto sotto telaio telaio Sedia Sedia BEBEK lower side frame BEBEK BEBEK coverings lower lower side for side Chair frame frame coverings coveringsfor forChair Chair 1,90 1,90 1,90 180 180 180 287 287 287 09KKSE01F SAKI Sdraio 09KKSE01F 09KKSE01F fango SAKI SAKI Sdraio Sdraio fango fango SAKI Deck chair darkSAKI colour SAKI Deck Deck wood chair chair dark dark colour colour wood wood 2,30 1.147 2,30 2,30 1.214 859 1.253 1.147 1.147 1.280 1.214 1.214 1.307 1.253 1.253 1.340 1.280 1.280 1.307 1.400 1.307 1.340 1.480 1.340 1.400 1.765 1.400 09KKSF01 SAKI Fodera 09KKSF01 09KKSF01 parte sopra SAKI SAKI cuscinatura Fodera Fodera parte parte Sdraio sopra sopra cuscinatura cuscinaturaSdraio Sdraio 1,20 105 1,20 1,20 140 161 105 105 175 140 140 189 161 161 207 175 175 189 238 189 207 280 207 238 431 238 280 267 280 431 310 431 267 347 267 310310 347 347 1,20 100 1,20 1,20 135 156 100 100 170 135 135 184 156 156 202 170 170 184 233 184 202 275 202 233 426 233 275 262 275 426 305 426 262 342 262 305305 342 342 BEBEK lower side seat BEBEK cushion BEBEK lower coverings lower side side seat forseat Chair cushion cushion coverings coveringsfor forChair Chair 859 1.480 1.437 1.480 1.765 1.514 1.765 1.437 1.581 1.437 1.514 1.514 1.581 1.581 SAKI upper side cushion SAKI coverings SAKI upper upper side forside Deck cushion cushion chair coverings coverings forfor Deck Deckchair chair 0,80 mc mc 09KKSF02 0,800,80 SAKI Fodera 09KKSF02 09KKSF02 parte sotto SAKI SAKI cuscinatura Fodera Fodera parte Sdraio parte sotto sotto cuscinatura cuscinaturaSdraio Sdraio mc Kg 20 Kg Kg 09KKSF03 20 20 SAKI Parte 09KKSF03 09KKSF03 sopra telaio SAKI Sdraio SAKI Parte Parte sopra sopra telaio telaio Sdraio Sdraio SAKI upper side frame SAKI SAKI coverings upper upper side for side Deck frame frame chair coverings coveringsfor forDeck Deckchair chair 2,50 2,50 2,50 201 201 201 341 341 341 09KKSF04 SAKI Parte 09KKSF04 09KKSF04 sotto telaioSAKI Sdraio SAKI Parte Parte sotto sotto telaio telaio Sdraio Sdraio SAKI lower side frame SAKI coverings SAKI lower lower side for side Deck frame frame chair coverings coveringsfor forDeck Deckchair chair 2,50 2,50 2,50 201 201 201 341 341 341 SAKI lower side cushion SAKI coverings SAKI lower lower side forside Deck cushion cushion chair coverings coverings forfor Deck Deckchair chair Mod. Mod. DANDOLO DANDOLO && TETHIS TETHIS Mod. DANDOLO & TETHIS Mod. DANDOLO & TETHIS CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE / TECHNICAL FEATURES CARATTERISTICHE CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE TECNICHE / TECHNICAL / TECHNICAL FEATURES FEATURES CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE / TECHNICAL FEATURES PiumaPiuma e fibra in una sacca telasacca antipiuma a vari scomparti Piuma epoliestere fibra e fibra poliestere poliestere in una indi una sacca di tela di tela antipiuma antipiuma a vari a vari scomparti scomparti Feather with polyester fiber, in a feather-proof cover divided in many compartments Feather Feather withwith polyester polyester fiber, fiber, in ainfeather-proof a feather-proof cover cover divided divided in many in many compartments compartments Falda di ovatta di poliestere accoppiata a tela di cotone Falda Falda dipoliestere ovatta di ovatta diinpoliestere di poliestere a tela a tela cotone di scomparti cotone Piuma e fibra una saccaaccoppiata di accoppiata tela antipiuma adivari Polyester padding coupled with cotton cloth Polyester Polyester padding padding coupled coupled with with cotton cotton cloth cloth Feather with polyester fiber, in a feather-proof cover divided in many compartments Poliuretano espanso densità 35 Falda di ovatta di poliestere accoppiata tela di cotone Poliuretano Poliuretano espanso espanso densità 35 a35 Polyurethane foam density 35 densità kg/mc Polyester padding coupled with cotton cloth Polyurethane Polyurethane foam foam density density 35 kg/mc 35 kg/mc Poliuretano espanso densità 40 Poliuretano espanso densità 35 Poliuretano Poliuretano espanso espanso densità 40 40 Polyurethane foam density 40 densità kg/mc Polyurethane foam density 35 kg/mc Polyurethane Polyurethane foam foam density density 40 kg/mc 40 kg/mc Cinghia elastica mm 80 Poliuretano espanso densità 40 Elastic belt mm 80 Cinghia Cinghia elastica elastica mmmm 80 80 Polyurethane foam density 40 kg/mc Elastic Elastic beltbelt mmmm 80 80 Legno massello di abete Cinghia elastica mm 80 Fir solid wood Legno Legno massello massello di abete di abete Elastic belt mm 80 Fir solid Fir solid wood wood Multistrato con tamponamenti in particelle di legno e fibra Legno massello di abete Plywood with wood and fiber insertions Multistrato Multistrato concon tamponamenti tamponamenti in particelle in particelle di legno di legno e fibra e fibra Fir solid wood Plywood Plywood withwith wood wood andand fiber fiber insertions insertions Piedino in frassino tinto Multistrato con tamponamenti in particelle di legno e fibra Painted ash wooden foot Piedino Piedino in frassino in frassino tinto Plywood with wood and fibertinto insertions Painted Painted ashash wooden wooden footfoot Piedino in frassino tinto Painted ash wooden foot VERSIONI / VERSIONS Tessuto e pelle fisso. Fabric VERSIONI andVERSIONI leather:/ VERSIONS not removable coverings / VERSIONS Tessuto Tessuto e pelle e pelle fisso. fisso. VERSIONI / VERSIONS Fabric andfisso. and leather: leather: not not removable removable coverings coverings Tessuto eFabric pelle Fabric and leather: not removable coverings PIEDINI / FEET Di serie piedino in legno colore Fango, Canapa, laccato bianco o nero Standard feet in wood painted bright or dark colour. Also available lacquered white or black finishing PIEDINI PIEDINI / FEET / FEET Di/serie Di serie piedino piedino in legno in legno colore colore Fango, Fango, Canapa, Canapa, laccato laccato bianco bianco o nero o nero PIEDINI FEET Standard Standard feet feet in wood incolore wood painted painted bright bright or dark or dark colour. colour. Alsoo Also available available lacquered lacquered white white or black or black finishing finishing Di serie piedino in legno Fango, Canapa, laccato bianco nero Standard feet in wood painted bright or dark colour. Also available lacquered white or black finishing Pelle Elite Stare r Pelle Star Leather Leather S Elite E Pelle Elite e Leather E Elite TETHIS Poltrona 09TEPO01C canapa TETHISPoltrona Poltronacanapa canapa 09TEPO01C TETHIS TETHIS Armchair bright TETHIS colorArmchair feet Armchairbright bright color feet TETHIS color feet 5,30 1.104 5,30 5,30 1.261 1.356 1.1041.261 1.419 1.2611.356 1.482 1.356 1.561 1.419 1.702 1.482 1.561 1.702 1.891 2.569 1.658 1.104 1.419 1.482 1.5611.891 1.7022.569 1.8911.658 2.569 1.822 1.658 1.962 1.822 1.822 1.962 1.962 mc 0,90 mc mc 0,90 0,90 Kg 34 Kg Kg 34 34 09TEPO01C mc 0,90 mc mc 0,90 0,90 Kg 30 Kg Kg 30 30 Pelle Top Top Leather T Elite Prestige 1.857 Prestige Star Elite 1.717 1.857 Elite Top Star 1.2519991.156 1.314 1.1561.251 1.377 1.251 1.456 1.314 1.597 1.377 1.456 1.597 1.786 2.464 1.553 999 1.314 1.377 1.4561.786 1.5972.464 1.7861.553 2.464 1.717 1.553 1.857 1.717 Star Lux Top 1.156 Lux 999 5,30 5,30 Top Extra 5,30 Extra DANDOLO 09DAPO01C Poltrona canapa DANDOLOPoltrona Poltronacanapa canapa 09DAPO01C DANDOLO DANDOLO Armchair bright DANDOLO colorArmchair feet Armchair bright color feet DANDOLO bright color feet Super 09DAPO01C Descrizione Descrizione Super Lux Descrizione Codice Codice Mt Tessuto to Fabric mtt Codice Pelle Starr Star Leather S Pelle Top Prestige Top Leather T Pelle Elite e Leather Elite E Pelle Top Pelle Starr Top Leather T Star S Leather Fabric mtt o In Bianco rings No coveri Normal o In Bianco rings No coveri nte Tess Clien Customerr fabric Super nte Tess Clien Customerr fabric Normal Extra Normal Mt Tessuto to nte Tess Clien Fabric mtt Customer r fabric Mt Tessuto to o In Bianco rings No coveri d. DANDOLO Mod. & TETHIS & TETHIS TETHIS Mod. DANDOLO DANDOLO Mod. Mod. DOGE DOGE Mod. DOGE CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE / TECNICHE TECHNICAL FEATURES CARATTERISTICHE CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE / TECHNICAL / TECHNICAL FEATURES FEATURES 1 Piuma e fibra poliestere inpoliestere una sacca disacca tela sacca antipiuma a vari scomparti 1 1Piuma Piuma e fibra e fibra poliestere in una in una di tela di antipiuma tela antipiuma a varia scomparti vari scomparti FeatherFeather withFeather polyester fiber, infiber, a feather-proof cover divided individed many compartments with with polyester polyester fiber, in a feather-proof in a feather-proof covercover divided in many in many compartments compartments 3 Poliuretano espanso densità 35 densità 3 3Poliuretano Poliuretano espanso espanso densità 35 35 Polyurethane foam density 35 kg/mc Polyurethane Polyurethane foamfoam density density 35 kg/mc 35 kg/mc 4 Poliuretano espanso densità 25 4 4Poliuretano Poliuretano espanso espanso densità densità 25 25 Polyurethane foam density 25 kg/mc Polyurethane Polyurethane foamfoam density density 25 kg/mc 25 kg/mc 5 Poliuretano espanso densità 40 5 5Poliuretano Poliuretano espanso espanso densità densità 40 40 Polyurethane foam density 40 kg/mc Polyurethane Polyurethane foamfoam density density 40 kg/mc 40 kg/mc 6 7 8 14 Poliuretano espanso densità 21 6 6Poliuretano Poliuretano espanso espanso densità 21 21 Polyurethane foam density 21densità kg/mc Polyurethane Polyurethane foamfoam density density 21 kg/mc 21 kg/mc Cinghia elastica mm 80 7 7Cinghia Cinghia elastica mm 80 mm 80 Elastic belt mm 80 elastica Elastic Elastic belt mm belt 80 mm 80 Legno massello di abete 8 solid 8Legno Legno massello massello di abete di abete Fir wood Fir solid Fir solid woodwood Piedino in frassino tinto Painted ash Piedino wooden foot 14 14Piedino in frassino in frassino tinto tinto Painted Painted ash wooden ash wooden foot foot VERSIONI / VERSIONS Tessuto e pelle fisso. VERSIONI VERSIONI / VERSIONS / VERSIONS Fabric Tessuto and leather: not removable Tessuto e pelle e pelle fisso.fisso.coverings Fabric Fabric and leather: and leather: not removable not removable coverings coverings PIEDINI / FEET Di serie piedino in legno colore Fango, Canapa, laccato bianco o nero PIEDINI PIEDINI / FEET / FEET Standard feet in wood painted bright or dark colour. Also available lacquered white or black finishing Di serie Di serie piedino piedino in legno in legno colore colore Fango, Fango, Canapa, Canapa, laccato laccato bianco bianco o nero o nero Standard Standard feet in feet wood in wood painted painted bright bright or dark or dark colour. colour. Also available Also available lacquered lacquered whitewhite or black or black finishing finishing PIEDINI / FEET Di serie piedino in Frassino tinto colore canapa o fango PIEDINI / FEETnel codice l'ultima lettera indica la finitura. Precisare ilPIEDINI tipo/ FEET di colore, serie Di serie piedino in Frassino in Frassino tinto tinto colore colore canapa canapa o fango o fango (Es: C Di = Canapa F =piedino Fango) Precisare Precisare il tipo il di tipo colore, di colore, nelwooden codice nel codice l'ultima l'ultima lettera lettera indica indica la finitura. la finitura. Standard: bright or dark painted ash feet (Es: C (Es: =ofCanapa Cthe = Canapa = Fango) Fmeans = Fango) The last letter itemFcode the color of feet Standard: Standard: bright bright orF= dark or dark painted painted ash wooden ash wooden feet feet (example: C= bright color dark color) The last Theletter last letter of theofitem the item code code means means the color the color of feet of feet (example: (example: C= bright C= bright color color F= dark F= dark color)color) 1.212 09DOPF01 1 10 1,10 1 10 1,10 137 1 10 1,10 168 0,60 0,6027 0,60 44 2755 27 4462 44 55 69 55 62 77 62 69 93 69 77 114 77 93 189 93 114 107114 189 1021 10 1724 17 21 26 21 24 30 24 26 36 26 30 45 30 36 DOGE Fodera 09DOPF01 09DOPF01 sedute Poltrona DOGE DOGE Fodera Fodera sedute sedute Poltrona Poltrona 137 187137 168 200168 187212187 200228200 212 256212228 294228256 430256 294 283294 430 Pelle e Star Leatther Star e Top Pelle stige Pres Leatther Top e Top Pelle Leatther Top e Elite stige Pres stige Pres Starr e Elite e Elite Top Starr Starr Lux Top Lux Top Extra ra Extra ra Lux Supe er Supe er 2.518 Extra ra Norm mal 2.369 2.518 Norm mal 5,70 1.563 5,70 1.212 1.731 1.212 1.563 1.831 1.5631.731 1.899 1.7311.831 1.966 1.831 1.899 2.050 1.899 1.966 2.201 1.966 2.0502.403 2.050 2.2013.125 2.201 2.4032.194 2.403 3.125 2.369 3.125 2.194 2.518 2.194 2.369 Fabrric mt Descrizione Descrizione Pelle e Elite Leatther Elite 5,70 Descrizione Codice Codice Pelle e Star Elite Leatther Elite Star 09DOPO01C DOGE Poltrona 09DOPO01C 09DOPO01C canapaDOGE DOGE Poltrona Poltrona canapa canapa DOGE Armchair brightDOGE DOGE color feet Armchair Armchair bright bright color colorfeet feet Codice Pelle e Elite Leat ther e TopElite Pelle Pelle e Star Leat ther Leatther Top Star In Bianco Bi No c coverings In Bianco Bi Norm No mal coverings c In Bianco Bi No c coverings Tess s Cliente Cust stomer fabric c Supe er Tess s Cliente Cust stomer fabric c Mt Tessuto T Fabrric mt Mt Tessuto Ts Cliente Tess Fabr Cust stomer c Mt Tessuto Tric mt fabric d. DOGE Mod. Mod.DOGE DOGE 320430 283 352283 320 320 352 352 127189 107 145107 127 127 145 145 56 75 48 63 48 56 56 63 63 971 1.517 811 1.108811 971 1.108 971 1.108 7,00 1.853 , 7,00 , 1.451 2.060 1.451 1.853 2.184 1.8532.060 2.266 2.0602.184 2.349 2.184 2.266 2.452 2.266 2.349 2.638 2.349 2.4522.886 2.452 2.6383.774 2.638 2.8862.732 2.886 3.774 2.973 3.774 2.732 3.180 2.732 2.973 2.973 3.180 3.180 DOGE seat cushion coverings DOGE DOGEfor seat seat Armchair cushion cushion coverings coveringsfor forArmchair Armchair 0,90 mcmc 09DOPF02 0,90 0,90 DOGE Fodera 09DOPF02 09DOPF02 profilo Poltrona DOGE DOGE Fodera Fodera profilo profilo Poltrona Poltrona mc K Kg 40 K Kg Kg K 09DOPF03 4040 DOGE Fodera F 09DOPF03 d09DOPF03 bottoni b tt i Poltrona PDOGE DOGE lt Fodera FFodera F d bottoni b bottoni tt tt ii Poltrona PPoltrona P ltlt DOGE buttons for Armchair DOGE DOGE buttons buttons for for Armchair Armchair 0,30 0 30 0,30 0 3010 0,30 0 30 17 09DOPF04 DOGE Fodera 09DOPF04 09DOPF04 telaio Poltrona DOGE DOGE Fodera Fodera telaio telaio Poltrona Poltrona DOGE frame coveringsDOGE DOGE for Armchair frame frame coverings coverings for forArmchair Armchair 4,60 4,60 247 4,60 384 DOGE piping for Armchair DOGE DOGE piping piping for Armchair Armchair 48 4575 247 465247 384 520384 465575465 520643520 575 766575643 9306437661.517766 930 8111.517 930 09DOCH01C DOGE Chaise 09DOCH01C 09DOCH01C longue g canapa DOGE DOGE p Chaise Chaise longue longue gg canapa canapa pp DOGE chaise lounge bright DOGE DOGEcolor chaise chaise feet lounge lounge bright brightcolor colorfeet feet 7,00 , 09DOCF01 2,20 2,20 152 2,20 215 0,90 0,9028 0,90 53 2867 28 5377 53 67 87 67 77 99 77 87 121 87 99 151 99121 256121 151 142151 256 1021 10 1724 17 21 26 21 24 30 24 26 36 26 30 45 30 36 DOGE Fodera 09DOCF01 09DOCF01 sedute Chaise DOGE DOGElongue Fodera Fodera sedute sedute Chaise Chaiselongue longue 1.451 75 3645 152 253152 215 278215 253303253 278335278 303 392303335 467335392 738392 467 446467 738 524738 446 590446 524 524 590 590 172256 142 198142 172 172 198 198 58 75 50 66 50 58 58 66 66 DOGE seat cushion coverings DOGE DOGEfor seat seat chaise cushion cushion lounge coverings coveringsfor forchaise chaiselounge lounge 1,56 mcmc 09DOCF02 1,56 1,56 DOGE Fodera 09DOCF02 09DOCF02 profilo Chaise DOGE DOGElongue Fodera Fodera profilo profilo Chaise Chaiselongue longue mc Kg 50 Kg Kg 09DOCF03 5050 DOGE Fodera 09DOCF03 09DOCF03 bottoni Chaise DOGE DOGElongue Fodera Fodera bottoni bottoni Chaise Chaiselongue longue DOGE buttons for chaise DOGE DOGE lounge buttons buttons for for chaise chaiselounge lounge 0,30 0,3010 0,30 17 09DOCF04 09DOCF04 DOGE Fodera telaio Chaise Chaiselongue longue DOGE Fodera 09DOCF04 telaio Chaise DOGE longue Fodera telaio frame coverings for forchaise chaiselounge lounge DOGE frame coveringsDOGE DOGE for chaise framelounge coverings 5,20 5,20 5,20 269 423 1.039 1.701 945 269 515269 423 577423 515638515 577715577 638 8546387151.0397158541.701854 1.039 945 1.701 1.136 945 1.299 1.136 1.136 1.299 1.299 09DOPU01C DOGE Pouff 09DOPU01C 09DOPU01C con cuscino DOGE DOGE canapa Pouff Pouff con cuscino cuscino canapa canapa DOGE ottoman with cushion DOGE DOGE ottoman ottoman bright color with withfeet cushion cushionbright brightcolor colorfeet feet 2,50 2,50 604 2,50 452 678 452 604 722604 678 751678 722781722 751817751 781 883781817 9728178831.288883 972 9211.288 972 1.002 1.288 921 1.071 1.002 921 1.002 1.071 1.071 09DOPF05 DOGE Fodera 09DOPF05 09DOPF05 sedute Pouff DOGE DOGE con Fodera Fodera cuscino sedute sedute Pouff Pouffcon concuscino cuscino 1,30 1,30 119 1,30 157 0,60 0,6024 0,60 41 1,30 1,3068 1,30 106 DOGE piping for chaise lounge DOGE DOGE piping piping for chaise chaise lounge lounge 452 75 3645 50 4575 119 180119 157 196157 180211180 196230196 211 265211230 311230265 477265 311 293311 477 338477 293 377293 338 338 377 377 52 66 52 59 74 59 66 90 66 74 111 74 90 186 90 111 104111 186 124186 104 142104 124 124 142 142 68 129 68 106 145106 129160129 145179145 160 214160179 260179214 426214 260 242260 426 287426 242 326242 287 287 326 326 DOGE seat cushion coverings DOGE DOGEfor seat seat ottoman cushion cushionwith coverings coverings cushion for forottoman ottomanwith withcushion cushion 0,20 mcmc 09DOPF06 0,20 0,20 DOGE Fodera 09DOPF06 09DOPF06 profilo Pouff DOGE DOGE con Fodera Fodera cuscino profilo profilo Pouff Pouffcon concuscino cuscino mc Kg 20 Kg Kg 09DOPF07 2020 DOGE Fodera 09DOPF07 09DOPF07 telaio Pouff DOGE DOGE conFodera Fodera cuscino telaio telaio Pouff Pouffcon concuscino cuscino DOGE frame coveringsDOGE DOGE for ottoman frame frame coverings coverings with cushion for forottoman ottomanwith withcushion cushion 2452 24 4159 41 DOGE piping for ottomanDOGE DOGE with cushion piping piping for ottoman ottoman with withcushion cushion Mod. Mod. MIKLA MIKLA Mod. MIKLA CARATTERISTICHE CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE / FEATURES TECHNICAL / TECHNICAL FEATURES FEATURES CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE /TECNICHE TECHNICAL Struttura in acciaio, interamente stampata in poliuretano schiumato a freddo Struttura Struttura acciaio, in acciaio, interamente interamente stampata stampata in poliuretano in poliuretano schiumato schiumato a freddo a freddo in Steel framework, entirely moulded in cold-cure polyurethane SteelSteel framework, framework, entirely entirely moulded moulded in cold-cure in cold-cure polyurethane polyurethane Fibra poliestere accoppiata a vellutino Fibra Fibra poliestere poliestere accoppiata accoppiata a vellutino a vellutino Polyester fiber coupled with velveteen Polyester Polyester fiberfiber coupled coupled withwith velveteen velveteen Piedi in faggio Piedi Piedi in faggio in faggio Beech wood feet Beech Beech wood wood feet feet VERSIONI / VERSIONS Tessuto e pelle: completamente sfoderabile. F b i and Fabric d lleather: th completely l t l removable bl coverings i VERSIONI VERSIONI / VERSIONS / VERSIONS Tessuto Tessuto e pelle: e pelle: completamente completamente sfoderabile. sfoderabile. F b Fabric Fabric Fi b and id and lleather: dthlleather: thcompletely completely l t ll tremovable l removable bl coverings bl coverings i i NOTE / NOTES Piedini colore Fango, laccato bianco o nero Standard feet painted bright or dark colour. Also available lacquered white or black finishing NOTE NOTE / NOTES / NOTES Piedini Piedini colore colore Fango, Fango, laccato laccato bianco bianco o nero o nero Standard Standard feet feet painted painted bright bright or dark or dark colour. colour. Also Also available available lacquered lacquered white white or black or black finishing finishing 0,60 0,60 139 0,60 156 139 167 139 156 174 156 167 181 167 174 190 174 181 205 181 190 226 190 205 302 205 226223 226 302243 302 223261 223 243243 261 261 1,30 1,30 1,30 143 181 143 204 143 181 220 181 204 235 204 220 254 220 235 289 235 254 335 254 289 501 289 335310 335 501355 501 310393 310 355355 393 393 1,50 1,50 595 396 637 595 663 595 637 679 637 663 696 663 679 717 679 696 755 696 717 805 717 755 986 755 805787 805 986837 986 787879 787 837837 879 879 09MKSF01 MIKLA09MKSF01 Fodera 09MKSF01 fasciaMIKLA + MIKLA piediFodera anteriori Fodera fascia Sedia + piedi anterioriSedia Sedia fascia + piedi anteriori Leather Elite 932 932 Pelle Elite te Elite Leather Pelle Elite te 883883 Leather Star 825932 825 Pelle Sta ar Leather Pelle Sta arStar 866825 866 1.091 1.091 883 Elite Leather Top T 803 1.091 803 Pelle Top p Leather Top Elite te Pelle Top pT 755 866 755 Prestige Pelle Sta ar Prestige Leather Star 729 803 729 Elite Pelle Top p Elite Leather T Top 708 755 708 Star Prestige Star 687 729 687 Top Elite Top 656 708 656 1,80 Lux Star Lux 603 687 603 MIKLA09MKSE01 Sedia 09MKSE01 MIKLA MIKLA Sedia Sedia MIKLA Chair MIKLA MIKLA Chair Chair Extra Top Extra Tess ente Tess Clie Clie ente Super Custome er Custome er fabric fabric 352 656 09MKSE01 Descrizione Descrizione Super Lux Super In Bianco o Normal No coverrings 1,80 1,80 603 Descrizione Codice Codice Normal Extra Normal Tess Clie ente Mt Tessu uto Custome er fabric Fabric m mt 352 Codice Mt Tessu uto Fabric m mt In Bianco o No coverrings od. MIKLA Mod. Mod. - MIKLA MIKLA MIKLA WOOD - MIKLA - MIKLAWOOD WOOD MIKLA Front feet and MIKLA stripe MIKLA coverings Front Front feet feet for and and Chair stripe stripe coverings coverings for forChair Chair mc 0,27 mc mc 09MKSF02 0,270,27 Kg 15 Kg Kg 15 15 MIKLA09MKSF02 Fodera 09MKSF02 seduta MIKLA +MIKLA piedi Fodera posteriori Fodera seduta seduta Sedia + piedi + piedi posteriori posterioriSedia Sedia MIKLA Back feet and MIKLA seat MIKLA coverings Back Back feet feet forand Chair and seat seat coverings coverings forfor Chair Chair 09MKSE03F MIKLA09MKSE03F WOOD 09MKSE03F Sedia MIKLA Fango MIKLA WOOD WOOD Sedia Sedia Fango Fango MIKLA WOOD ChairMIKLA dark MIKLA color WOOD WOOD feet Chair Chair dark dark color colorfeet feet 1,50 396 09MKSF04 MIKLA09MKSF04 WOOD 09MKSF04 Fodera F d MIKLA fascia f MIKLA i WOOD + WOOD piedi i diFodera Fanteriori Fodera Fdt d i fascia f i fascia fSedia S i dii+ piedi +ipiedi di i di anteriori anteriori t t i i i Sedia S i Sedia Sdidi 0,50 0 50 0,50 00 0,50 113 50 127 113 136 113 127 141 127 136 147 136 141 154 141 147 167 147 154 183 154 167 244 167 183183 244199 244 183213 183 199199 213 213 1,30 1,30 1,30 118 156 118 179 118 156 195 156 179 210 179 195 229 195 210 264 210 229 310 229 264 476 264 310285 310 476330 476 285369 285 330330 369 369 MIKLA WOOD Front feet MIKLA MIKLA andWOOD stripe WOOD coverings Front Front feet feet for and and Chair stripe stripe coverings coveringsfor forChair Chair mc 0,27 mc mc 09MKSF05 0,270,27 K Kg 15 K Kg Kg K 15 15 MIKLA09MKSF05 WOOD 09MKSF05 Fodera MIKLA seduta MIKLA WOOD +WOOD piedi Fodera posteriori Fodera seduta seduta Sedia + piedi + piedi posteriori posterioriSedia Sedia MIKLA WOOD Back feet MIKLA MIKLA and WOOD seat WOOD coverings Back Back feet feet forand Chair and seat seat coverings coveringsfor forChair Chair Mod. Mod. Mod. QUADRI QUADRI QUADRI CARATTERISTICHE CARATTERISTICHE CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE TECNICHE TECNICHE / TECHNICAL / /TECHNICAL TECHNICAL FEATURES FEATURES FEATURES 1 1Piuma 1 Piuma Piuma e fibra eefibra poliestere fibrapoliestere poliestere in una ininsacca una unasacca sacca di teladidi antipiuma tela telaantipiuma antipiuma a variaascomparti vari variscomparti scomparti Feather Feather Feather with polyester with withpolyester polyester fiber,fiber, in fiber, a feather-proof ininaafeather-proof feather-proof covercover divided coverdivided divided in many ininmany many compartments compartments compartments 2 2Fibra 2 Fibra poliestere Fibrapoliestere poliestere accoppiata accoppiata accoppiata a vellutino aavellutino vellutino Polyester Polyester Polyester fiber coupled fiber fibercoupled coupled with velveteen with withvelveteen velveteen 3 3Poliuretano 3 Poliuretano Poliuretano espanso espanso espanso densità densità densità 35 35 35 Polyurethane Polyurethane Polyurethane foam foam density foamdensity density 35 kg/mc 35 35kg/mc kg/mc 5 5Poliuretano 5 Poliuretano Poliuretano espanso espanso espanso densità densità densità 40 40 40 Polyurethane Polyurethane Polyurethane foam foam density foamdensity density 40 kg/mc 40 40kg/mc kg/mc 6 6Poliuretano 6 Poliuretano Poliuretano espanso espanso espanso densità densità densità 21 21 21 Polyurethane Polyurethane Polyurethane foam foam density foamdensity density 21 kg/mc 21 21kg/mc kg/mc 8 8Legno 8 Legno Legno massello massello massello di abete didiabete abete Fir solid Fir Firsolid wood solidwood wood 9 9Multistrato 9 Multistrato Multistrato con tamponamenti con contamponamenti tamponamenti in particelle ininparticelle particelle di legno didilegno legno e fibra eefibra fibra Plywood Plywood Plywood with wood with withwood and wood fiber and andinsertions fiber fiberinsertions insertions 14 14 14 Piedino Piedino Piedino in frassino ininfrassino frassino tinto tinto tinto Painted Painted Painted ash wooden ash ashwooden wooden foot foot foot VERSIONI VERSIONI VERSIONI / VERSIONS / /VERSIONS VERSIONS Tessuto Tessuto Tessuto e pelle: eepelle: pelle: completamente completamente completamente sfoderabile. sfoderabile. sfoderabile. FabricFabric Fabric and leather: and andleather: leather: completely completely completely removable removable removable coverings coverings coverings PIEDINI PIEDINI PIEDINI / FEET / /FEET FEET Di serie Di Diserie basamento seriebasamento basamento in legno ininlegno legno colore colore colore Fango, Fango, Fango, Canapa, Canapa, Canapa, laccato laccato laccato bianco bianco bianco o nero oonero nero Standard Standard Standard woodwood base woodbase painted basepainted painted brightbright bright or dark or orcolour. dark darkcolour. colour. Also available Also Alsoavailable available lacquered lacquered lacquered whitewhite or white black or orblack finish blackfinish finish 1.135 09QUPF01 1,10 1,10 129 1,10 160 1,00 1,0029 1,00 57 4,50 4,50 163 4,50 296 QUADRI 09QUPF01 Fodera 09QUPF01 seduteQUADRI QUADRI PoltronaFodera sedute sedute Poltrona Poltrona 129 179129 160192160 179205179 192220192 205 249205220 286220249 422249 286 290286 422 Pellle Star Lea ather Pell le TopStar Pres estige Lea ather Top Pellle Top Lea ather Top Elite e Pres estige Pres estige Starr Elite e Elite e Top p Starr Starr Lux x Top p Lux x Top p Extrra Extrra Lux x per Sup per Sup 2.481 Extrra Norrmal 2.316 2.481 Norrmal 5,60 1.411 5,60 1.135 1.575 1.135 1.411 1.674 1.4111.575 1.740 1.5751.674 1.806 1.674 1.740 1.888 1.740 1.806 2.036 1.806 1.8882.233 1.888 2.0362.941 2.036 2.233 2.124 2.233 2.941 2.316 2.941 2.124 2.481 2.124 2.316 Fab bric mt Descrizione Descrizione Pellle Elite Lea ather Elite 5,60 Descrizione Codice Codice Pellle Elite Star Lea ather Elite Star 09QUPO01C QUADRI 09QUPO01C Poltrona 09QUPO01C canapa QUADRI QUADRI Poltrona Poltrona canapa canapa QUADRI Armchair bright QUADRI QUADRI color Armchair feet Armchair bright bright color colorfeet feet Codice Pellle Elite Pell le TopElite Lea ather Pell le Star Lea ather Lea ather Top Star In B Bianco No coverings In B Bianco Nor Normal coverings In B Bianco No coverings Tes ss Cliente Cus stomer fabri ric per Sup Tes ss Cliente Cus stomer fabri ric Mt T Tessuto Fab bric mt Mt Tessuto T Tes ss Cliente Fab bric mt fabri Mt Tessuto T Cus stomer ric d. QUADRI Mod. Mod.QUADRI QUADRI 329422 290 362290 329 329 362 362 192290 158 222158 192 192 222 222 916 1.400 752 1.057752 916 1.057 916 1.057 QUADRI seat cushion coverings QUADRI QUADRIfor seat seat Armchair cushion cushion coverings coveringsfor forArmchair Armchair 0,90 mcmc 09QUPF02 0,90 0,90 QUADRI 09QUPF02 Fodera 09QUPF02 profiloQUADRI Poltrona QUADRI Fodera profilo profiloPoltrona Poltrona mc Kg 42 Kg Kg 09QUPF03 4242 QUADRI 09QUPF03 Fodera 09QUPF03 telaio QUADRI Poltrona QUADRI Fodera telaio telaio Poltrona Poltrona Q QUADRI frame coverings Q QUADRI Q QUADRI g for Armchair frame coverings coverings gg for forArmchair Armchair 2974 29 57 85 57 74 97 74 85111 85 97 136 97111 169111136 290136 169 158169 290 QUADRI piping for Armchair QUADRI QUADRI piping piping for for Armchair Armchair 163 376163 296429296 376483376 429549429 483 669483549 8285496691.400669 828 7521.400 828 Mod. Mod. Mod. SULTAN SULTAN SULTAN PLUS PLUS PLUS --SULTAN -SULTAN SULTAN od. SULTAN PLUS - SULTAN CARATTERISTICHE CARATTERISTICHE CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE TECNICHE TECNICHE / TECHNICAL / TECHNICAL / TECHNICAL FEATURES FEATURES FEATURES CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE / TECHNICAL FEATURES Falda Falda Falda didiovatta di ovatta ovatta didipoliestere di poliestere poliestere accoppiata accoppiata accoppiata a atela tela a tela didicotone di cotone cotone Polyester Polyester Polyester padding padding padding coupled coupled coupled with with with cotton cotton cotton cloth cloth cloth Falda di ovatta di poliestere accoppiata a tela di cotone Polyester padding coupled with cotton cloth Poliuretano Poliuretano Poliuretano espanso espanso espanso densità densità densità 353535 Polyurethane Polyurethane Polyurethane foam foam density density density 3535kg/mc 35 kg/mc kg/mc Poliuretano espanso densitàfoam 35 Polyurethane foam density 35 kg/mc Poliuretano Poliuretano Poliuretano espanso espanso espanso densità densità densità 404040 Polyurethane Polyurethane Polyurethane foam foam foam density density density 40 40 kg/mc 40 kg/mc kg/mc Poliuretano espanso densità 40 Polyurethane foam density 40 kg/mc Cinghia Cinghia Cinghia elastica elastica elastica mm mm mm 808080 Elastic Elastic Elastic belt belt belt mm mm mm 80 80 80 Cinghia elastica mm 80 Elastic belt mm 80 Legno Legno Legno massello massello massello didiabete di abete abete FirFir Fir solid solid wood wood wood Legno massello disolid abete Fir solid wood Multistrato Multistrato Multistrato con con con tamponamenti tamponamenti tamponamenti ininparticelle in particelle particelle didilegno di legno legno e efibra fibra e fibra Plywood Plywood Plywood with with with wood wood wood and and and fiber fiber fiber insertions insertions insertions Multistrato con tamponamenti in particelle di legno e fibra Plywood with wood and fiber insertions Telaio Telaio Telaio legno legno legno didifaggio di faggio faggio Beech Beech wood wood wood frame frame frame Telaio legno diBeech faggio Beech wood frame VERSIONI VERSIONI VERSIONI / VERSIONS / VERSIONS / VERSIONS Tessuto Tessuto Tessuto e epelle pelle e pelle fisso. fisso. fisso. VERSIONI / VERSIONS Fabric Fabric and and and leather: leather: leather: not not not removable removable removable coverings coverings coverings Tessuto e pelleFabric fisso. Fabric and leather: not removable coverings TELAIO TELAIO TELAIO Telaio Telaio Telaio base base base colore colore colore Fango, Fango, Fango, Canapa, Canapa, Canapa, laccato laccato laccato bianco bianco bianco o onero nero o nero TELAIO Standard Standard Standard wood wood wood frame frame frame painted painted painted bright bright bright or or dark or dark dark colour. colour. colour. Also Also Also available available available lacquered lacquered lacquered white white white ororblack or black black finishing finishing finishing Telaio base colore Fango, Canapa, laccato bianco o nero Standard wood frame painted bright or dark colour. Also available lacquered white or black finishing 146 188 146 314 171 205 171 495 188 226 188 292 205 264 205 341 226 314 226 383 314 292 314 495341 495 292383 292 341341 383 383 1,70 1,70 68 185 117 210 146 68 68 254 117 166 117 313 146 185 146 524 166 210 166 284 185 254 185 341 210 313 210 390 254 524 254 313 284 313 524341 524 284390 284 341341 390 390 166 3,50 33,50 3108 50 352 210 402 108 270 108 494 210 311 210 616 270 352 270 1.052 1 052 311 402 311 533 352 494 352 652 402 616 402 754 494 1.052 494 1 052 616 533 616 1.052 1.052 1 052 1 652 052 533754 533 652652 754 754 311 SULTAN PLUS Backrest piping and seat coverings for Armchair 09SUPF02 SULTAN 09SUPF02 PLUS 09SUPF02 Fodera SULTAN schiena SULTAN PLUS interna PLUS Fodera Fodera + filetto schiena schiena seduta interna interna Poltrona + +filetto filettoseduta sedutaPoltrona Poltrona1,70 0,90 PLUS mc mc 0,900,90interna SULTAN Inner backrest SULTAN SULTAN coverings PLUS PLUS Inner Inner forbackrest Armchair backrest coverings for forArmchair Armchair SULTAN Fodera schiena + filetto PLUS seduta Poltrona 1,70coverings 68 117 146 SULTAN coverings for Armchair 30 PLUS KgInner Kg backrest 30 09SUPF03 30 SULTAN 09SUPF03 09SUPF03 SULTAN SULTAN esterna Poltrona esterna esternaPoltrona Poltrona 3,50 PLUS Fodera schiena PLUS PLUS Fodera Fodera schiena schiena 3 50 piping SULTAN and PLUS PLUS outer Seat Seat backrest piping piping coverings andouter outerfor backrest backrest Armchair coverings coverings forArmchair Armchair SULTAN PLUS Fodera schiena esternaSULTAN PoltronaPLUS Seat SULTAN 3,50 108 210for 270 3 50and SULTAN PLUS Seat piping and outer backrest coverings for Armchair 2.225 2.167 2.225 2.812 2.336 2.812 2.167 2.480 2.167 2.336 2.336 2.480 2.480 4,00 1.778 1.356 1.826 1.588 4,00 4,00 1.873 1.707 1.356 1.933 1.588 1.778 1.588 2.040 1.707 1.826 1.707 2.183 1.778 1.873 1.778 2.695 1,20 154 133 199 154 98 98 231 133 168 133 273 154 182 154 423 168 199 168 286 182 231 182 334 199 273 199 375 273 286 273 423334 423 286375 286 334334 375 375 168 1,20 1,20 98 182 231 423 231 9SUPF04 09SUPO02C SULTAN 09SUPO02C Poltrona 09SUPO02C canapa SULTAN SULTAN Poltrona Poltronacanapa canapa SULTAN Armchair bright SULTAN SULTAN color Armchair Armchair feet bright bright color color feet feet SULTAN Poltrona canapa 4,00 1.356 1.588 1.707 SULTAN Armchair bright color feet 09SUPF04 SULTAN 09SUPF04 Fodera 09SUPF04 seduta SULTAN SULTAN + fieltto Fodera Fodera schiena seduta seduta Poltrona + fieltto + fieltto schiena schienaPoltrona Poltrona SULTAN Backrest piping SULTAN SULTAN and seat Backrest Backrest coverings piping piping forand Armchair and seat seat coverings coveringsfor forArmchair Armchair SULTAN Fodera seduta + fieltto schiena Poltrona 1,20 98 133 SULTAN Backrest piping and seat coverings for 09SUPF05 Armchair 09SUPF05 SULTAN Fodera 09SUPF05 telaio SULTAN +SULTAN filettoFodera seduta Fodera telaio Poltrona telaio + filetto + filetto seduta sedutaPoltrona Poltrona 0,90 Fodera mc mc 0,90seduta SULTAN SULTAN SULTAN frameSeat coverings Seat piping piping for and and Armchair frame frame coverings coveringsfor forArmchair Armchair SULTAN telaio +0,90 filetto PoltronaSeat piping and 3,50 165 3,50 328 267 460 165 328 165 551 267 368 267 673 328 409 328 1.109 368 460 368 665 409 551 409 803 460 673 460 922 673 665 673 1.109 1.109 803 665922 665 803803 922 922 368 3,50 3,50 165 409 551 1.109 551 mc 9SUPF05 9SUPO02C Kg g SULTAN frame 30 Seat Kg gpiping Kg g and 30 30 coverings for Armchair 267 1.826 1.933 1.826 1.873 2.040 1.873 1.933 2.183 1.933 2.040 2.695 2.040 2.167 2.321 2.454 Lea ather Elite 104 171 104 264 Pellle Elite Lea ather Elite Pell le Elite 146 226 Lea ather Star 1,50 1 1104 1,50 50 205 264 495 264 188 Pellle Star Lea ather Pell le StarStar 1,50 1 50 171 1.815 1.938 1.815 1.870 2.061 1.870 1.938 2.225 1.938 2.061 2.812 2.061 2.167 2.336 2.480 Pellle Top Lea ather le Elite TopTop Pell Elite Lea ather Top 1.761 1.870 1.761 2.812 Pres stige Pellle Star Pres stige Lea ather Star 1.679 1.815 1.679 2.225 Elite le Top Pelle Elite e Lea ather Top 1.761 1.542 1.542 2.061 Starr Pres Starrstige 1.679 1.324 1.938 Top p Elite e Top Pell le pElite Lea ather Elite 1.542 4,60 4,60 1.870 Lux x Star r Lux Pell le xStar Lea ather Star Sup per Lux x Sup per Pres stige 1.324 1.815 Extr ra Top Extr ra le pTop Pell Lea ather Top Nor Extr ra Norrmal rmal Elite e 4,60 1.761 Mt Tessuto T Fab bric mt Sup per Norrmal Tes ss Cliente Cus stomer fabric Tes ss Cliente Tes ss Sup perCliente Cus stomer fabri Star r stomer Cus fabric c Kg 9SUPF03 In Bianco B Norrmal Top pNo coverings mc 9SUPF02 09SUPO01C SULTAN 09SUPO01C PLUS 09SUPO01C Poltrona SULTAN SULTAN canapa PLUS PLUS Poltrona Poltronacanapa canapa SULTAN PLUS Armchair SULTAN SULTAN bright PLUS PLUS color Armchair Armchair feet 4,60 bright brightcolor colorfeet feet 1.542 SULTAN PLUS Poltrona canapa 1.324 1.679 SULTAN PLUS Armchair bright color feet 09SUPF01 SULTAN 09SUPF01 PLUS 09SUPF01 Fodera SULTAN seduta SULTAN PLUS + fieltto PLUS Fodera Fodera schiena seduta seduta Poltrona + fieltto + fielttoschiena schienaPoltrona Poltrona SULTAN Poltrona PLUS Backrest SULTAN piping SULTAN PLUS and PLUS seat Backrest Backrest coverings piping piping forand Armchair and seat seat coverings coverings for forArmchair Armchair SULTAN PLUS Fodera seduta + fieltto schiena 1 50 1,50 104 146 Tes ss Mt Tessuto T Cliente Cus stomer Lux xFab bric mt fabric 9SUPF01 Descrizione Descrizione In Bianco B No Extr ra coverings 9SUPO01C Descrizione Codice Codice Descrizione In Bianco B No coverings Codice odice Mt Tessuto T Fab bric mt od. SULTAN Mod. Mod.PLUS SULTAN SULTAN - SULTAN PLUS PLUS- SULTAN - SULTAN S - SULTAN 2.183 2.167 2.183 2.695 2.321 2.695 2.167 2.454 2.167 2.321 2.321 2.454 2.454 09EGAPO01 EGG09EGAPO01 -09EGAPO01 09EGAPO01 A 09EGAPO01 Poltroncina 09EGAPO01 09EGAPO01 EGG EGG EGG cromato - EGG A--EGG A A Poltroncina - APoltroncina -Poltroncina APoltroncina - APoltroncina Poltroncina cromato cromato cromato cromato cromato cromato EGG - A Armchair EGG EGG chromed EGG -EGG A--EGG A A -Armchair A-Armchair Armchair A-frame Armchair AArmchair Armchair chromed chromed chromed chromed chromed chromed frame frame frame frame frame frame 09EGAPO02 EGG09EGAPO02 -09EGAPO02 09EGAPO02 A 09EGAPO02 Poltroncina 09EGAPO02 09EGAPO02 EGG EGG EGG verniciato - EGG A--EGG A A Poltroncina - APoltroncina -Poltroncina APoltroncina - APoltroncina bianco Poltroncina verniciato verniciato verniciato verniciato verniciato verniciato bianco bianco bianco bianco bianco bianco EGG - A Armchair EGG EGG white EGG -EGG A--EGG A A -Armchair painted A-Armchair Armchair A-Armchair AArmchair Armchair frame white white white white white painted white painted painted painted painted painted frame frame frame frame frame frame 09EGAPF01 EGG09EGAPF01 -09EGAPF01 09EGAPF01 A 09EGAPF01 Fodera 09EGAPF01 09EGAPF01 interno EGG EGG EGG - EGG A--schiena EGG A A Fodera - AFodera -Fodera AFodera - AFodera +interno Fodera filetto interno interno interno interno schiena seduta interno schiena schiena schiena schiena schiena Poltroncina + filetto ++ filetto + filetto + filetto seduta + filetto seduta seduta seduta seduta Poltroncina seduta Poltroncina Poltroncina Poltroncina Poltroncina Poltroncina 1,80 610 1,80 1,80 1,80 1,80 1,80 1,80 610 610 610 610 610 610 840 840 840 840 840 840 840 939 939 939 939 939 939939 1,80 577 1,80 1,80 1,80 1,80 1,80 1,80 577 577 577 577 577 577 807 807 807 807 807 807 807 906 906 906 906 906 906906 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 72 7272727272 72 125 125 125 125 125 125125 0,90 0,90 0,90 0,90 0,90 0,90 0,90 82 8282828282 82 128 128 128 128 128 128128 1,10 1,10 1,10 1,10 1,10 1,10 1,10 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 207 207 207 207 207 207207 1,80 610 1,80 1,80 1,80 1,80 1,80 1,80 610 610 610 610 610 610 840 840 840 840 840 840 840 939 939 939 939 939 939939 1,80 577 1,80 1,80 1,80 1,80 1,80 1,80 577 577 577 577 577 577 807 807 807 807 807 807 807 906 906 906 906 906 906906 Pelle Elite Leather Elite Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Mt Tessuto Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Tess Cliente Fabric mt In Bianco Fabric mt Customer fabric In Bianco No coverings In NoBianco coverings In NoBianco coverings In Bianco In NoBianco coverings No Tess Cliente No coverings coverings Normal Tess Cliente Customer fabric Tess Cliente Customer fabric Tess Cliente Customer fabric Tess Cliente Customer fabric Customer fabric Normal Super Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Super Extra Super Super Super Super Super Extra Lux Extra Extra Extra Extra Extra Lux Lux Top Lux Lux Lux Lux Top Top Star Top Top Top Star Top Star Elite Star Star Star Elite Star Elite Elite Prestige Elite Elite Prestige Elite Prestige Pelle Top Prestige Prestige Leather Top Prestige Pelle Top Pelle TopTop Leather Prestige Pelle TopTop Leather Pelle Star Pelle Top Leather Top Pelle TopStar Leather Leather Top Pelle StarTop Leather Pelle StarStar Leather Pelle Top Pelle StarStar Leather Elite Leather Pelle StarTop Leather Star Pelle StarStar Leather Elite Pelle Elite Leather Star Pelle Elite Leather Pelle Elite StarElite Pelle Leather Elite Pelle Elite Leather Leather Star Elite Pelle Elite Leather Elite Leather Elite Descrizione Codice Codice Codice Codice Codice Codice Descrizione Descrizione Descrizione Descrizione Descrizione Descrizione In Bianco Mt No Tessuto coverings Codice Mt Tessuto Fabric mt OMPLEMENTI COMPLEMENTI COMPLEMENTI COMPLEMENTI COMPLEMENTI COMPLEMENTI COMPLEMENTI EGG - A seat piping EGG EGG and EGG - EGG A--inner EGG A A -seat A-seat seat A-seat piping backrest Aseat piping piping seat piping piping and piping and coverings and and inner and inner inner and inner backrest inner backrest inner for backrest backrest backrest Armchair backrest coverings coverings coverings coverings coverings coverings forfor Armchair for for Armchair for Armchair for Armchair Armchair Armchair 09EGAPF02 EGG09EGAPF02 -09EGAPF02 09EGAPF02 A 09EGAPF02 Fodera 09EGAPF02 09EGAPF02 seduta EGG EGG EGG - EGG A+ --EGG A A Fodera filetto - AFodera -Fodera AFodera - AFodera schiena seduta Fodera seduta seduta seduta seduta +Poltroncina seduta filetto ++filetto +filetto filetto + filetto schiena + filetto schiena schiena schiena schiena schiena Poltroncina Poltroncina Poltroncina Poltroncina Poltroncina Poltroncina EGG - A backrestEGG piping EGG EGG - EGG A--and EGG A A -backrest A-backrest backrest seat A-backrest Abackrest coverings backrest piping piping piping piping piping and piping and for and and seat and seat Armchair seat and seat coverings seat coverings seat coverings coverings coverings coverings forfor Armchair for for Armchair for Armchair Armchair for Armchair Armchair 09EGAPF03 mc Kg 0,24 25 mc mcmcmcmcmc 0,24 0,24 0,24 0,24 0,24 Kg KgKgKgKgKg 2525252525 EGG09EGAPF03 -09EGAPF03 09EGAPF03 A 09EGAPF03 Fodera 09EGAPF03 09EGAPF03 esterno EGG EGG EGG - EGG A--schiena EGG A A Fodera - AFodera -Fodera AFodera - AFodera esterno Poltroncina Fodera esterno esterno esterno esterno esterno schiena schiena schiena schiena schiena schiena Poltroncina Poltroncina Poltroncina Poltroncina Poltroncina Poltroncina EGG - A outer backrest EGG EGG EGG - EGG Acoverings -- EGG A A -outer A-outer outer A-outer A backrest outer backrest outer for backrest backrest Armchair backrest backrest coverings coverings coverings coverings coverings coverings forfor Armchair for for Armchair for Armchair Armchair for Armchair Armchair 09EGBPO01 EGG09EGBPO01 -09EGBPO01 09EGBPO01 B 09EGBPO01 Poltroncina 09EGBPO01 09EGBPO01 EGG EGG EGG cromato - EGG B--EGG B B Poltroncina - BPoltroncina -Poltroncina BPoltroncina - BPoltroncina Poltroncina cromato cromato cromato cromato cromato cromato EGG - B Armchair EGG EGG chromed EGG -EGG B--EGG B B -Armchair B-Armchair Armchair B-frame Armchair BArmchair Armchair chromed chromed chromed chromed chromed chromed frame frame frame frame frame frame 09EGBPO02 EGG09EGBPO02 -09EGBPO02 09EGBPO02 B 09EGBPO02 Poltroncina 09EGBPO02 09EGBPO02 EGG EGG EGG verniciato - EGG B--EGG B B Poltroncina - BPoltroncina -Poltroncina BPoltroncina - BPoltroncina bianco Poltroncina verniciato verniciato verniciato verniciato verniciato verniciato bianco bianco bianco bianco bianco bianco EGG - B Armchair EGG EGG white EGG -EGG B--EGG B B -Armchair painted B-Armchair Armchair B-Armchair BArmchair Armchair frame white white white white white painted white painted painted painted painted painted frame frame frame frame frame frame 09EGBPF01 EGG09EGBPF01 -09EGBPF01 09EGBPF01 B 09EGBPF01 Fodera 09EGBPF01 09EGBPF01 interno EGG EGG EGG - EGG B--schiena EGG B B Fodera - BFodera -Fodera BFodera - BFodera Poltroncina interno Fodera interno interno interno interno schiena interno schiena schiena schiena schiena schiena Poltroncina Poltroncina Poltroncina Poltroncina Poltroncina Poltroncina 0,90 0,90 0,90 0,90 0,90 0,90 0,90 46 4646464646 46 93 9393939393 93 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 31 3131313131 31 51 5151515151 51 EGG09EGBPF03 -09EGBPF03 09EGBPF03 B 09EGBPF03 Fodera 09EGBPF03 09EGBPF03 seduta EGG EGG EGG - EGG B-Poltroncina -EGG B B Fodera - BFodera -Fodera BFodera - BFodera seduta Fodera seduta seduta seduta seduta Poltroncina seduta Poltroncina Poltroncina Poltroncina Poltroncina Poltroncina 0,80 0,80 0,80 0,80 0,80 0,80 0,80 81 8181818181 81 121 121 121 121 121 121121 EGG ‐ B seat coverings for Armchair EGG ‐ B seat coverings for Armchair EGG ‐ B seat coverings for Armchair EGG ‐ B seat coverings for Armchair EGG ‐ B seat coverings for Armchair EGG ‐ B seat coverings for Armchair EGG ‐ B seat coverings for Armchair EGG09EGBPF04 -09EGBPF04 09EGBPF04 B 09EGBPF04 Fodera 09EGBPF04 09EGBPF04 esterno EGG EGG EGG - EGG B--schiena EGG B B Fodera - BFodera -Fodera BFodera - BFodera esterno Poltroncina Fodera esterno esterno esterno esterno esterno schiena schiena schiena schiena schiena schiena Poltroncina Poltroncina Poltroncina Poltroncina Poltroncina Poltroncina EGG ‐ B outer backrest coverings for Armchair EGG ‐ B outer backrest coverings for Armchair EGG ‐ B outer backrest coverings for Armchair EGG ‐ B outer backrest coverings for Armchair EGG ‐ B outer backrest coverings for Armchair EGG ‐ B outer backrest coverings for Armchair EGG ‐ B outer backrest coverings for Armchair 1,10 1,10 1,10 1,10 1,10 1,10 1,10 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 207 207 207 207 207 207207 320 1,80 1,80 1,80 1,80 1,80 1,80 320 320 320 320 320 320 522 522 522 522 522 522 522 622 622 622 622 622 622622 EGG - B inner backrest EGG EGG EGG - EGG B coverings -- EGG B B -inner B-inner inner B-inner B backrest inner backrest for inner backrest backrest Armchair backrest backrest coverings coverings coverings coverings coverings coverings forfor Armchair for for Armchair for Armchair Armchair for Armchair Armchair 09EGBPF02 EGG09EGBPF02 -09EGBPF02 09EGBPF02 B 09EGBPF02 Fodera 09EGBPF02 09EGBPF02 filetto EGG EGG EGG - seduta EGG B--EGG B B Fodera - BFodera -Fodera BFodera -Poltroncina BFodera filetto Fodera filetto filetto filetto filetto seduta filetto seduta seduta seduta seduta Poltroncina seduta Poltroncina Poltroncina Poltroncina Poltroncina Poltroncina EGG - B seat piping EGG EGG coverings EGG - EGG B-- EGG B B -seat B-seat seat B-seat for piping Bseat piping piping seat Armchair piping piping coverings piping coverings coverings coverings coverings coverings forfor Armchair for for Armchair for Armchair Armchair for Armchair Armchair 09EGBPF03 mc Kg 0,24 25 mc mcmcmcmcmc 0,24 0,24 09EGBPF04 0,24 0,24 0,24 Kg KgKgKgKgKg 2525252525 09DMPU01 DRUM 09DMPU01 09DMPU01 09DMPU01 Pouff 09DMPU01 09DMPU01 09DMPU01 DRUM DRUM DRUM DRUM DRUM Pouff DRUM Pouff Pouff Pouff Pouff Pouff DRUM Ottoman DRUM DRUM DRUM DRUM DRUM Ottoman DRUM Ottoman Ottoman Ottoman Ottoman Ottoman 1,80 09DMPF01 DRUM 09DMPF01 09DMPF01 09DMPF01 Fodera 09DMPF01 09DMPF01 09DMPF01 seduta DRUM DRUM DRUM DRUM Pouff DRUM Fodera DRUM Fodera Fodera Fodera Fodera seduta Fodera seduta seduta seduta seduta Pouff seduta Pouff Pouff Pouff Pouff Pouff 0,80 0,80 0,80 0,80 0,80 0,80 0,80 64 6464646464 64 104 104 104 104 104 104104 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 48 4848484848 48 68 6868686868 68 1,60 1,60 1,60 1,60 1,60 1,60 1,60 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 231 231 231 231 231 231231 1,60 1,60 1,60 1,60 1,60 1,60 1,60350 395 350 350 350 350 350395 423 395 395 395 395 395 423 441 423 423 423 423 423 441 459 441 441 441 441 441 459 459 482 459 459 459459 482 482 523 482 482 482523 482 523 577 523 523 523577 523 577 577 773 577 577773 577 773 773 548 773 773548 548 773 548 601 548 548601 601 548 601 647 601 601647 647 601 647 647 647 172 217 172 172 172 172 172217 244 217 217 217 217 217 244 263 244 244 244 244 244 263 281 263 263 263 263 263 281 281 304 281 281 281281 304 304 345 304 304 304345 304 345 399 345 345 345399 345 399 399 595 399 399595 399 595 595 370 595 595370 370 595 370 424 370 370424 424 370 424 469 424 424469 469 424 469 469 469 DRUM seat coverings DRUM DRUM DRUM DRUM forDRUM seat Ottoman DRUM seat seat seat coverings seat coverings coverings seat coverings coverings coverings forfor for Ottoman for Ottoman for Ottoman Ottoman for Ottoman Ottoman 09DMPF02 DRUM 09DMPF02 09DMPF02 09DMPF02 Fodera 09DMPF02 09DMPF02 09DMPF02 filetto DRUM DRUM DRUM Pouff DRUM DRUM Fodera DRUM Fodera Fodera Fodera Fodera filetto Fodera filetto filetto filetto filetto Pouff filetto Pouff Pouff Pouff Pouff Pouff DRUM piping coverings DRUM DRUM DRUM DRUM DRUM for piping DRUM piping piping Ottoman piping piping coverings piping coverings coverings coverings coverings coverings forfor for Ottoman for Ottoman for Ottoman Ottoman for Ottoman Ottoman 09DMPF03 DRUM 09DMPF03 09DMPF03 09DMPF03 Fodera 09DMPF03 09DMPF03 09DMPF03 esterno DRUM DRUM DRUM DRUM telaio DRUM Fodera DRUM Fodera Fodera Fodera Pouff Fodera esterno Fodera esterno esterno esterno esterno esterno telaio telaio telaio telaio Pouff telaio Pouff telaio Pouff Pouff Pouff Pouff mc Kg 0,2 16 mc mcmcmcmcmc 0,20,20,20,20,2 Kg KgKgKgKgKg 1616161616 09BXALI01 BOXER 09BXALI01 09BXALI01 09BXALI01 09BXALI01 - A09BXALI01 Libreria 09BXALI01 BOXER BOXER BOXER 34BOXER BOXER -BOXER A-- Libreria AA - Libreria ALibreria - Libreria A- Libreria A Libreria 3434 34 343434 BOXER - A bookcase BOXER BOXER BOXER BOXER 34 BOXER -BOXER A-- A bookcase -AA bookcase -bookcase A bookcase -A bookcase bookcase 3434 34 343434 09BXALF01 BOXER 09BXALF01 09BXALF01 09BXALF01 -09BXALF01 A09BXALF01 Fodera 09BXALF01 BOXER Libreria BOXER BOXER BOXER BOXER -BOXER A--34 Fodera AA - Fodera AFodera - Fodera A- Fodera ALibreria Fodera Libreria Libreria Libreria Libreria Libreria 343434 343434 BOXER - A coverings BOXER BOXER BOXER for BOXER BOXER bookcase -BOXER A-- coverings AA - coverings Acoverings - coverings A- coverings A34coverings forfor for bookcase for bookcase for bookcase bookcase for bookcase bookcase 3434343434 mc Kg 0,08 7 mc mcmcmcmcmc 0,08 0,08 0,08 0,08 0,08 Kg KgKgKgKgKg 7 7 7 7 7 COMPLEMENTI COMPLEMENTS DRUM outer frameDRUM coverings DRUM DRUM DRUM DRUM outer DRUM outer outer outer for frame outer frame outer frame Ottoman frame frame coverings frame coverings coverings coverings coverings coverings forfor Ottoman for for Ottoman for Ottoman Ottoman for Ottoman Ottoman 647 469 BOXER 09BXALF02 09BXALF02 09BXALF02 09BXALF02 -09BXALF02 A09BXALF02 Fodera BOXER BOXER BOXER Libreria BOXER BOXER BOXER - A- A -Fodera -50 AA Fodera - Fodera A Fodera -A Fodera Fodera Libreria Libreria Libreria Libreria Libreria Libreria 505050 505050 Pelle Elite Leather Elite 09BXALF02 2,20 Prestige Elite Prestige Prestige Pelle Top Prestige Leather Top Prestige Pelle Top Pelle TopTop Leather Prestige Pelle TopTop Leather Pelle Star Top Leather Pelle TopTop Top Leather Star Leather Pelle StarTop Pelle StarStar Pelle Top Leather Pelle StarStar Leather Leather Pelle StarTop Pelle Elite Leather Pelle StarStar Leather Leather Star Elite Leather Star Pelle Elite Pelle Elite Leather Pelle Elite StarElite Pelle Leather Elite Pelle Elite Leather Star Leather Elite Pelle Elite Leather Elite Leather Elite BOXER 09BXALI02 09BXALI02 09BXALI02 09BXALI02 -09BXALI02 A09BXALI02 Libreria BOXER BOXER BOXER BOXER 50BOXER BOXER - A- A -Libreria -AA Libreria - Libreria A Libreria -A Libreria Libreria 5050505050 BOXER - A bookcase BOXER BOXER BOXER BOXER BOXER 50 BOXER -A - -A -bookcase AA -bookcase bookcase A -bookcase A bookcase bookcase 505050 505050 2,20 2,20 2,20 2,20 2,20 2,20 383 383 446 383 383 383 383 383446 484 446 446 446 446 446 484 484 509 484 484 484 484 509 509 535 509 509 509509 535 535 566 535 535 535535 566 566 623 566 566 566 566 623 623 623 698 623 623 698 623 698 698 969 698 698 969 698 969 969 665 969 969665 665 969 665 739 665 665739 739 665 739 739 802 739802 802 739 802 802 802 802 192 192 255 192 192 192 192 192255 293 255 255 255 255 255 293 293 318 293 293 293 293 318 318 344 318 318 318318 344 344 375 344 344 344344 375 375 432 375 375 375 375 432 432 432 507 432 432 507 432 507 507 778 507 507 778 507 778 778 475 778 778475 475 778 475 548 475 475548 548 475 548 548 612 548612 612 548 612 612 612 612 1,90 1,90 1,90 1,90 1,90 1,90 408 408 464 408 408 408 408 408464 497 464 464 464 464 464 497 497 520 497 497 497 497 520 520 542 520 520 520520 542 542 570 542 542 542542 570 570 621 570 570 570 570 621 621 621 688 621 621 688 621 688 688 929 688 688 929 688 929 929 669 929 929669 669 929 669 734 669 669734 734 669 734 734 790 734790 790 734 790 790 790 790 199 199 255 199 199 199 199 199255 288 255 255 255 255 255 288 288 311 288 288 288 288 311 311 333 311 311 311311 333 333 361 333 333 333333 361 361 411 361 361 361 361 411 411 411 479 411 411 479 411 479 479 719 479 479 719 479 719 719 460 719 719460 460 719 460 526 460 460526 526 460 526 526 582 526582 582 526 582 582 582 582 Elite Star Elite Elite Prestige Elite Elite 09BXALI02 Top Star Star Star Elite Star Star Descrizione Codice Codice Codice Codice Codice CodiceDescrizione Descrizione Descrizione Descrizione Descrizione Descrizione In Bianco Mt Tessuto No Tessuto coverings Mt Fabric mt Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Mt Tessuto Tessuto Mt Fabric mt Tess Cliente Fabric mt In Bianco In Bianco Customer fabric No coverings In Bianco No coverings In Bianco No coverings In NoBianco coverings No coverings Tess Cliente Tess Cliente Normal Customer fabric Tess Cliente Customer fabric Tess Cliente Customer fabric Tess Tess Cliente Cliente Customer fabric Customer Customer fabric fabric Normal Super Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Super Super Extra Super Super Super Super Extra Extra Lux Extra Extra Extra Extra Lux Lux Top Lux Lux Lux Lux Top Top Star Top Top Top Codice Mt Tessuto Fabric mt OMPLEMENTI COMPLEMENTI COMPLEMENTI COMPLEMENTI COMPLEMENTI COMPLEMENTI COMPLEMENTI BOXER - A coverings BOXER BOXER BOXER BOXER for BOXER -BOXER bookcase A- -A coverings - AA coverings - coverings A coverings -A coverings coverings 50forfor bookcase for bookcase for bookcase bookcase for bookcase bookcase 505050 50 5050 mc Kg 0,08 mc mc mc mc mc mc 0,08 0,08 0,08 0,08 0,08 0,08 10 Kg Kg KgKgKgKg 10 10 10101010 09BXALI03 BOXER 09BXALI03 09BXALI03 09BXALI03 09BXALI03 -09BXALI03 A09BXALI03 Libreria BOXER BOXER BOXER BOXER 75BOXER BOXER - A- A -Libreria -AA Libreria - Libreria A Libreria -A Libreria Libreria 7575757575 BOXER - A bookcase BOXER BOXER BOXER BOXER BOXER 75 BOXER -A - -A -bookcase AA -bookcase bookcase A -bookcase A bookcase bookcase 757575 757575 09BXALF03 BOXER 09BXALF03 09BXALF03 09BXALF03 09BXALF03 -09BXALF03 A09BXALF03 Fodera BOXER BOXER BOXER Libreria BOXER BOXER BOXER - A- A -Fodera -75 AA Fodera - Fodera A Fodera -A Fodera Fodera Libreria Libreria Libreria Libreria Libreria Libreria 757575 757575 1,90 BOXER - A coverings BOXER BOXER BOXER BOXER for BOXER -BOXER bookcase A- -A coverings - AA coverings - coverings A coverings -A coverings coverings 75forfor bookcase for bookcase for bookcase bookcase for bookcase bookcase 757575 75 7575 mc Kg 0,13 mc mc mc mc mc mc 0,13 0,13 0,13 0,13 0,13 0,13 14 Kg Kg KgKgKgKg 14 14 14141414 09BXALI04 09BXALF04 BOXER 09BXALI04 09BXALI04 09BXALI04 09BXALI04 -09BXALI04 A09BXALI04 Libreria BOXER BOXER BOXER BOXER 100 BOXER BOXER - A- A -Libreria -AA Libreria - Libreria A Libreria -A Libreria Libreria 100 100 100 100 100 BOXER - A bookcase BOXER BOXER BOXER BOXER BOXER 100 BOXER -A - -A -bookcase AA -bookcase bookcase A -bookcase A bookcase bookcase 100 100 100 100 100 100 3,30 BOXER 09BXALF04 09BXALF04 09BXALF04 09BXALF04 -09BXALF04 A09BXALF04 Fodera BOXER BOXER BOXER Libreria BOXER BOXER BOXER - A- A -Fodera -100 AA Fodera - Fodera A Fodera -A Fodera Fodera Libreria Libreria Libreria Libreria Libreria Libreria 100 100 100 100 100 100 3,30 3,30 3,30 3,30 3,30 3,30 482 242 482 580 482 482 482 482 482580 638 580 580 580 580 580 638 638 678 638 638 638 638 678 678 717 678 678 678678 717 717 766 717 717 717717 766 766 854 766 766 766 766 854 854 854 972 854 854 972 854 972 1.393 972 972 972 1.393 1.393 972 1.393 1.393 899 1.393899 1.393 899 899 1.014 899 899 1.014 1.014 1.014 899 1.014 1.112 1.014 1.112 1.112 1.014 1.112 1.112 1.112 1.112 242 340 242 242 242 242 242340 399 340 340 340 340 340 399 399 438 399 399 399 399 438 438 477 438 438 438438 477 477 526 477 477 477477 526 526 615 526 526 526 526 615 615 615 732 615 615 732 615 732 1.154 732 732 732 1.154 1.154 732 1.154 1.154 660 1.154660 1.154 660 660 775 660 660775 775 660 775 775 873 775873 873 775 873 873 873 873 BOXER - A coverings BOXER BOXER BOXER BOXER for BOXER -BOXER bookcase A- -A coverings - AA coverings - coverings A coverings -A coverings coverings 100 forfor bookcase for bookcase for bookcase bookcase for bookcase bookcase 100 100 100 100 100 100 mc Kg 0,17 mc mc mc mc mc mc 0,17 0,17 0,17 0,17 0,17 0,17 18 Kg Kg KgKgKgKg 18 18 18181818 09BXALI05 09BXALF05 BOXER 09BXALI05 09BXALI05 09BXALI05 09BXALI05 -09BXALI05 A09BXALI05 Libreria BOXER BOXER BOXER BOXER 150 BOXER BOXER - A- A -Libreria -AA Libreria - Libreria A Libreria -A Libreria Libreria 150 150 150 150 150 BOXER - A bookcase BOXER BOXER BOXER BOXER BOXER 150 BOXER -A - -A -bookcase AA -bookcase bookcase A -bookcase A bookcase bookcase 150 150 150 150 150 150 4,90 BOXER 09BXALF05 09BXALF05 09BXALF05 09BXALF05 -09BXALF05 A09BXALF05 Fodera BOXER BOXER BOXER Libreria BOXER BOXER BOXER - A- A -Fodera -150 AA Fodera - Fodera A Fodera -A Fodera Fodera Libreria Libreria Libreria Libreria Libreria Libreria 150 150 150 150 150 150 4,90 4,90 4,90 4,90 4,90 4,90 576 576 720 576 576 576 576 576720 806 720 720 720 720 720 806 806 863 806 806 806 806 863 863 921 863 863 863863 921 921 992 921 921 921921 992 1.122 992 992 992 992 1.122 992 1.122 1.122 1.294 1.122 1.122 1.294 1.122 1.294 1.294 1.911 1.294 1.294 1.911 1.294 1.911 1.911 1.173 1.911 1.911 1.173 1.173 1.911 1.173 1.341 1.173 1.173 1.341 1.341 1.173 1.341 1.341 1.485 1.341 1.485 1.485 1.341 1.485 1.485 1.485 1.485 287 287 431 287 287 287 287 287431 517 431 431 431 431 431 517 517 574 517 517 517 517 574 574 632 574 574 574574 632 632 703 632 632 632632 703 703 833 703 703 703 703 833 833 1.005 833 833 833 1.005 1.005 833 1.005 1.622 1.005 1.005 1.622 1.005 1.622 1.622 1.622 887 1.622887 1.622 887 887 1.055 887 887 1.055 1.055 1.055 887 1.055 1.198 1.055 1.198 1.198 1.055 1.198 1.198 1.198 1.198 BOXER - A coverings BOXER BOXER BOXER BOXER for BOXER -BOXER bookcase A- -A coverings - AA coverings - coverings A coverings -A coverings coverings 150 forfor bookcase for bookcase for bookcase bookcase for bookcase bookcase 150 150 150 150 150 150 mc Kg 0,25 mc mc mc mc mc mc 0,25 0,25 0,25 0,25 0,25 0,25 23 Kg Kg KgKgKgKg 23 23 23232323 09CMBCU01 Cuscino 09CMBCU01 09CMBCU01 09CMBCU01 09CMBCU01 09CMBCU01 filetto 09CMBCU01 35 Cuscino Cuscino xCuscino Cuscino 35Cuscino Cuscino filetto filetto filetto filetto filetto 35filetto 35 x35 35 35 x35 35 x35 35 x 35 x 35 Cushion with piping Cushion Cushion Cushion Cushion Cushion 35x35 Cushion with with with with piping with piping with piping piping piping 35x35 piping 35x35 35x35 35x35 35x35 35x35 0,90 09CMBCF01 Cuscino 09CMBCF01 09CMBCF01 09CMBCF01 09CMBCF01 09CMBCF01 filetto 09CMBCF01 Fodera Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino 35 Cuscino filetto xfiletto filetto 35 filetto filetto Fodera filetto Fodera Fodera Fodera Fodera Fodera 3535 x35 35 35 x35 35 xx35 35 x3535 x 35 0,90 0,90 0,90 0,90 0,90 0,90 56 56 81 56565656 56 8195 818181818195 105 9595959595 105 105 115 105 105 105105 115 115 127 115 115 115115 127 127 149 127 127 127 127 149 149 149 179 149 149 179 149 179 179 284 179 179 284 179 284 284 145 284 284145 145 284 145 169 145 145169 169 145 169 169 189 169189 189 169 189 189 189 189 42 42 66 42424242 42 6681 66666666668181 918181818191101 91919191 91 101 101 113 101 101 101101 113 113 135 113 113 113 113 135 135 135 164 135 135 164 135 164 164 270 164 164 270 164 270 270 133 270 270133 133 270 133 157 133 133157 157 133 157 157 177 157177 177 157 177 177 177 177 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 72 100 7272727272 72100 117 100 100 100 100 100 117 117 128 117 117 117 117 128 128 139 128 128 128128 139 139 153 139 139 139139 153 153 178 153 153 153 153 178 178 178 212 178 178 212 178 212 212 332 212 212 332 212 332 332 175 332 332175 175 332 175 204 175 175204 204 175 204 204 229 204229 229 204 229 229 229 229 51 51 79 51515151 51 7996 797979797996 107 9696969696 107 107 118 107 107 107107 118 118 132 118 118 118118 132 132 157 132 132 132 132 157 157 157 191 157 157 191 157 191 191 311 191 191 311 191 311 311 160 311 311160 160 311 160 189 160 160189 189 160 189 189 214 189214 214 189 214 214 214 214 Coverings for cushion Coverings Coverings Coverings Coverings Coverings with Coverings for piping for for cushion for cushion for cushion cushion for 35x35 cushion cushion with with with with piping with piping with piping piping piping 35x35 piping 35x35 35x35 35x35 35x35 35x35 Kg 1,50 Kg Kg KgKgKgKg 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 09CMBCU04 Cuscino 09CMBCU04 09CMBCU04 09CMBCU04 09CMBCU04 09CMBCU04 filetto 09CMBCU04 45 Cuscino Cuscino xCuscino Cuscino 45Cuscino Cuscino filetto filetto filetto filetto filetto 45filetto 45 x45 45 45 x45 45 x45 45 x 45 x 45 Cushion with piping Cushion Cushion Cushion Cushion Cushion 45x45 Cushion with with with with piping with piping with piping piping piping 45x45 piping 45x45 45x45 45x45 45x45 45x45 09CMBCF04 Cuscino 09CMBCF04 09CMBCF04 09CMBCF04 09CMBCF04 09CMBCF04 filetto 09CMBCF04 Fodera Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino 45 Cuscino filetto xfiletto filetto 45 filetto filetto Fodera filetto Fodera Fodera Fodera Fodera Fodera 4545 x45 45 45 x45 45 xx45 45 x4545 x 45 Coverings for cushion Coverings Coverings Coverings Coverings Coverings with Coverings for piping for for cushion for cushion for cushion cushion for 45x45 cushion cushion with with with with piping with piping with piping piping piping 45x45 piping 45x45 45x45 45x45 45x45 45x45 Kg 1,80 Kg Kg KgKgKgKg 1,80 1,80 1,80 1,80 1,80 1,80 1,00 09CMBCF07 Cuscino 09CMBCF07 filetto Fodera Cuscino 45 xfiletto 45 filetto bicolore Fodera 45 bicolore 09CMBCF07 09CMBCF07 09CMBCF07 09CMBCF07 09CMBCF07 Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino filetto filetto filetto Fodera filetto Fodera Fodera Fodera Fodera 4545 x45 45 x45 45 xxbicolore 45 45 x45 bicolore 45 xbicolore 45 bicolore bicolore 112 63112 142 112 161 142 181 205 250 205 308 250 519 308 235 519 283 235 324 283 6363636363 112 112 112 112 142 142 142 142 142 161 161 161 161 161161 181 181 181 181 181181 205 205 205 205 205 250 250 250 250 250 308 308 308 308 308 519 519 519 519 519235 235 235 235 235283 283 283 283 283324 324 324 324 324 324 1,10 1,10 1,10 1,10 1,10 1,10 87 118 87118 137 118 150 137 162 178 206 178 244 206 379 244 195 379 226 195 252 226 8787878787 118 118 118 118 137 137 137 137 137 150 150 150 150 150150 162 162 162 162 162162 178 178 178 178 178 206 206 206 206 206 244 244 244 244 244 379 379 379 379 379195 195 195 195 195226 226 226 226 226252 252 252 252 252 252 60 9160606060 60 110 123 110 135 151 180 151 217 180 353 217 174 353 205 174 231 205 60 919191919191 110 110 110 110 110 123 123 123 123 123123 135 135 135 135 135135 151 151 151 151 151 180 180 180 180 180 217 217 217 217 217 353 353 353 353 353174 174 174 174 174205 205 205 205 205231 231 231 231 231 231 1,90 1,90 1,90 1,90 1,90 1,90 91 147 91147 181 147 203 181 226 254 304 254 371 304 612 371 280 612 335 280 382 335 9191919191 147 147 147 147 181 181 181 181 181 203 203 203 203 203203 226 226 226 226 226226 254 254 254 254 254 304 304 304 304 304 371 371 371 371 371 612 612 612 612 612280 280 280 280 280335 335 335 335 335382 382 382 382 382 382 65 121 65121 154 121 177 154 199 227 278 227 345 278 586 345 259 586 314 259 361 314 6565656565 121 121 121 121 154 154 154 154 154 177 177 177 177 177177 199 199 199 199 199199 227 227 227 227 227 278 278 278 278 278 345 345 345 345 345 586 586 586 586 586259 259 259 259 259314 314 314 314 314361 361 361 361 361 361 2,50 2,50 2,50 2,50 2,50 2,50 114 114 187 114 114 114 114 114187 231 187 187 187 187 187 231 261 231 231 231 231 231 261 261 290 261 261 261261 290 290 327 290 290 290290 327 327 393 327 327 327 393 327 393 393 481 393 393 481 393 481 481 797 481 481 797 481 797 797 363 797 797363 363 797 363 435 363 363435 435 363 435 435 496 435496 496 435 496 496 496 496 69 143 69143 187 143 216 187 246 283 349 283 437 349 753 437 321 753 393 321 454 393 6969696969 143 143 143 143 187 187 187 187 187 216 216 216 216 216216 246 246 246 246 246246 283 283 283 283 283 349 349 349 349 349 437 437 437 437 437 753 753 753 753 753321 321 321 321 321393 393 393 393 393454 454 454 454 454 454 2,80 2,80 2,80 2,80 2,80 2,80 123 204 123204 252 204 284 252 316 357 429 357 526 429 872 526 396 872 474 396 542 474 123 123 123 123 123 204 204 204 204 252 252 252 252 252 284 284 284 284 284284 316 316 316 316 316316 357 357 357 357 357 429 429 429 429 429 526 526 526 526 526 872 872 872 872 872396 396 396 396 396474 474 474 474 474542 542 542 542 542 542 79 160 79160 208 160 240 208 272 312 385 312 482 385 828 482 354 828 432 354 500 432 7979797979 160 160 160 160 208 208 208 208 208 240 240 240 240 240240 272 272 272 272 272272 312 312 312 312 312 385 385 385 385 385 482 482 482 482 482 828 828 828 828 828354 354 354 354 354432 432 432 432 432500 500 500 500 500 500 0,80 0,80 0,80 0,80 0,80 0,80 62 62 8362626262 62 83 95 838383838395 104 9595959595 104 104 112 104 104 104104 112 112 123 112 112 112112 123 123 142 123 123 123 142 123 142 142 167 142 142 167 142 167 167 257 167 167 257 167 257 257 139 257 257139 139 257 139 160 139 139160 160 139 160 160 177 160177 177 160 177 177 177 177 47 47 6847474747 47 68 81 68686868688189 81818181818989 98898989 89 98108 98989898 108 98 108 127 108 108 108 127 108 127 127 152 127 127 152 127 152 152 243 152 152 243 152 243 243 127 243 243127 127 243 127 147 127 127147 147 127 147 147 165 147165 165 147 165 165 165 165 Lux Lux Top Lux Lux Lux Extra Extra Lux Extra Extra Extra Normal Super Extra Super Super Super Super Elite Star Elite Elite Prestige Elite Elite 63 Star Top Star Star Elite Star Star 339 Lux Top Top Star Top Top Top 133 84133 163 133 182 163 202 226 270 226 329 270 540 329 250 540 298 250 339 298 8484848484 133 133 133 133 163 163 163 163 163 182 182 182 182 182182 202 202 202 202 202202 226 226 226 226 226 270 270 270 270 270 329 329 329 329 329 540 540 540 540 540250 250 250 250 250298 298 298 298 298339 339 339 339 339 Extra 1,70 1,70 1,70 1,70 1,70 1,70 84 Super Pelle Elite Leather Elite 1,70 Prestige Elite Prestige Pelle Top Prestige Prestige Leather Top Prestige Pelle Top Pelle TopTop Leather Prestige Pelle TopTop Leather Pelle Star Pelle Top Leather Pelle TopTop Leather Star Leather Top Leather Pelle StarTop Pelle Pelle Star Top Leather Pelle StarStar Leather Star Leather Top Pelle Star Elite Leather Pelle StarStar Leather Star Elite Leather Star Pelle Elite Pelle Elite Leather Pelle Elite StarElite Pelle Leather Elite Pelle Elite Leather Star Leather Elite Pelle Elite Leather Elite Leather Elite 09CMBCU07 Cuscino 09CMBCU07 filetto 45 xCuscino Cuscino 45 bicolore filetto xbicolore 45 bicolore 09CMBCU07 09CMBCU07 09CMBCU07 09CMBCU07 09CMBCU07 Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino filetto filetto filetto filetto 45filetto 45 x45 45 45 x45 45 45 xbicolore 45 xbicolore 45 bicolore bicolore Two-colours cushion Two-colours with piping cushion 45x45 with piping 45x45 Two-colours Two-colours Two-colours Two-colours Two-colours cushion cushion cushion cushion cushion with with with piping with piping with piping piping 45x45 piping 45x45 45x45 45x45 45x45 In Bianco Descrizione Codice Descrizione Codice Codice Codice Codice CodiceDescrizione Descrizione Descrizione Descrizione Descrizione Mt Tessuto No Tessuto coverings Mt Fabric mt Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Mt Tessuto Tessuto Mt Fabric mt Tess Cliente In Bianco Fabric mt In Bianco Customer fabric No coverings In Bianco No coverings In Bianco No coverings In NoBianco coverings No coverings Tess Cliente Normal Tess Cliente Customer fabric Tess Cliente Customer fabric Tess Cliente Customer fabric Tess Tess Cliente Cliente Customer fabric Customer Customer fabric fabric Normal Super Normal Normal Normal Normal Codice Mt Tessuto Fabric mt OMPLEMENTI COMPLEMENTI COMPLEMENTI COMPLEMENTI COMPLEMENTI COMPLEMENTI COMPLEMENTI Coverings for Two-colours Coverings cushion for Two-colours with piping cushion 45x45 with piping 45x45 Coverings Coverings Coverings Coverings Coverings for for Two-colours for Two-colours for Two-colours for Two-colours Two-colours cushion cushion cushion cushion cushion with with with piping with piping with piping piping 45x45 piping 45x45 45x45 45x45 45x45 Kg 1,80 Kg Kg 1,80 KgKgKgKg 1,80 1,80 1,80 1,80 1,80 09CMBCU09 Cuscino 09CMBCU09 filetto 55 xCuscino Cuscino 55 filetto x55 55 09CMBCU09 09CMBCU09 09CMBCU09 09CMBCU09 09CMBCU09 Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino filetto filetto filetto filetto 55filetto 55 x55 55 55 x55 55 x 55 x 55 Cushion with piping Cushion 55x55 with piping 55x55 Cushion Cushion Cushion Cushion Cushion with with with piping with piping with piping piping 55x55 piping 55x55 55x55 55x55 55x55 1,10 09CMBCF09 Cuscino 09CMBCF09 filetto Fodera Cuscino 55 xfiletto 55 filetto Fodera 55 09CMBCF09 09CMBCF09 09CMBCF09 09CMBCF09 09CMBCF09 Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino filetto filetto filetto Fodera filetto Fodera Fodera Fodera Fodera 5555 x55 55 x55 55 xx55 55 x5555 x 55 Coverings for cushion Coverings with piping for cushion 55x55 with piping 55x55 Coverings Coverings Coverings Coverings Coverings for for cushion for cushion for cushion for cushion cushion with with with piping with piping with piping piping 55x55 piping 55x55 55x55 55x55 55x55 Kg 2,00 Kg Kg 2,00 KgKgKgKg 2,00 2,00 2,00 2,00 2,00 09CMBCU12 Cuscino 09CMBCU12 filetto 55 xCuscino Cuscino 55 bicolore filetto xbicolore 55 bicolore 09CMBCU12 09CMBCU12 09CMBCU12 09CMBCU12 09CMBCU12 Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino filetto filetto filetto filetto 55filetto 55 x55 55 55 x55 55 55 xbicolore 55 xbicolore 55 bicolore bicolore Two-colours cushion Two-colours with piping cushion 55x55 with piping 55x55 Two-colours Two-colours Two-colours Two-colours Two-colours cushion cushion cushion cushion cushion with with with piping with piping with piping piping 55x55 piping 55x55 55x55 55x55 55x55 1,90 09CMBCF12 Cuscino 09CMBCF12 filetto Fodera Cuscino 55 xfiletto 55 filetto bicolore Fodera 55 bicolore 09CMBCF12 09CMBCF12 09CMBCF12 09CMBCF12 09CMBCF12 Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino filetto filetto filetto Fodera filetto Fodera Fodera Fodera Fodera 5555 x55 55 x55 55 xxbicolore 55 55 x55 bicolore 55 xbicolore 55 bicolore bicolore Coverings for Two-colours Coverings Coverings Coverings Coverings Coverings Coverings for cushion for for Two-colours for Two-colours for Two-colours Two-colours for with Two-colours Two-colours piping cushion cushion cushion cushion 55x55 cushion cushion with with with with piping with piping with piping piping piping 55x55 piping 55x55 55x55 55x55 55x55 55x55 Kg 2,00 Kg Kg KgKgKgKg 2,00 2,00 2,00 2,00 2,00 2,00 09CMBCU14 Cuscino 09CMBCU14 09CMBCU14 09CMBCU14 09CMBCU14 09CMBCU14 filetto 09CMBCU14 80 Cuscino xCuscino Cuscino 80 Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino filetto filetto filetto filetto filetto 80filetto 80 x80 80 80 x80 80 x80 80 x 80 x 80 Cushion with piping Cushion Cushion Cushion Cushion 80x80 Cushion Cushion with with with with piping with piping with piping piping piping 80x80 piping 80x80 80x80 80x80 80x80 80x80 2,50 09CMBCF14 Cuscino 09CMBCF14 filetto Fodera Cuscino 80 xfiletto 80 filetto Fodera 80 09CMBCF14 09CMBCF14 09CMBCF14 09CMBCF14 09CMBCF14 Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino filetto filetto filetto Fodera filetto Fodera Fodera Fodera Fodera 8080 x80 80 x80 80 xx80 80 x8080 x 80 Coverings for cushion Coverings with piping for cushion 80x80 with piping 80x80 Coverings Coverings Coverings Coverings Coverings for for cushion for cushion for cushion for cushion cushion with with with piping with piping with piping piping 80x80 piping 80x80 80x80 80x80 80x80 Kg 2,50 Kg Kg 2,50 KgKgKgKg 2,50 2,50 2,50 2,50 2,50 09CMBCU16 Cuscino 09CMBCU16 filetto 80 xCuscino Cuscino 80 bicolore filetto xbicolore 80 bicolore 09CMBCU16 09CMBCU16 09CMBCU16 09CMBCU16 09CMBCU16 Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino filetto filetto filetto filetto 80filetto 80 x80 80 80 x80 80 80 xbicolore 80 xbicolore 80 bicolore bicolore Two-colours cushion Two-colours with piping cushion 80x80 with piping 80x80 Two-colours Two-colours Two-colours Two-colours Two-colours cushion cushion cushion cushion cushion with with with piping with piping with piping piping 80x80 piping 80x80 80x80 80x80 80x80 2,80 09CMBCF16 Cuscino 09CMBCF16 filetto Fodera Cuscino 80 xfiletto 80 filetto bicolore Fodera 80 bicolore 09CMBCF16 09CMBCF16 09CMBCF16 09CMBCF16 09CMBCF16 Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino filetto filetto filetto Fodera filetto Fodera Fodera Fodera Fodera 8080 x80 80 x80 80 xxbicolore 80 80 x80 bicolore 80 xbicolore 80 bicolore bicolore Coverings for Two-colours Coverings Coverings Coverings Coverings Coverings Coverings for cushion for for Two-colours for Two-colours for Two-colours Two-colours for with Two-colours Two-colours piping cushion cushion cushion cushion 80x80 cushion cushion with with with with piping with piping with piping piping piping 80x80 piping 80x80 80x80 80x80 80x80 80x80 Kg 2,50 Kg Kg KgKgKgKg 2,50 2,50 2,50 2,50 2,50 2,50 09CMVCU01 Cuscino 09CMVCU01 09CMVCU01 09CMVCU01 09CMVCU01 09CMVCU01 volant 09CMVCU01 35 Cuscino Cuscino xCuscino Cuscino 35Cuscino Cuscino volant volant volant volant volant 35 volant 35 x35 35 x35 35 x35 35 x 35 x 35 Frilled cushion 35x35 Frilled Frilled Frilled Frilled Frilled cushion Frilled cushion cushion cushion cushion cushion 35x35 35x35 35x35 35x35 35x35 09CMVCF01 Cuscino 09CMVCF01 09CMVCF01 09CMVCF01 09CMVCF01 09CMVCF01 volant 09CMVCF01 Fodera Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino 35 Cuscino volant xvolant volant 35 volant volant Fodera volant Fodera Fodera Fodera Fodera 3535 x35 35 35 x35 35 xx35 35 x3535 x 35 Coverings for Frilled Coverings Coverings Coverings Coverings cushion Coverings Coverings forfor 35x35 for Frilled for Frilled for Frilled Frilled for Frilled cushion Frilled cushion cushion cushion cushion cushion 35x35 35x35 35x35 35x35 35x35 35x35 Kg 1,50 Kg Kg KgKgKgKg 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 0,80 Codice Codice Descrizione Codice Codice Codice Codice Codice Codice Descrizione Descrizione Descrizione Descrizione Descrizione Descrizione Descrizione Descrizione 09CMVCU04 09CMVCU04 09CMVCU04 Cuscino 09CMVCU04 09CMVCU04 09CMVCU04 09CMVCU04 09CMVCU04 09CMVCU04 volant Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino 45 Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino xvolant Cuscino 45 volant Cuscino volant volant 45 volant volant 45 volant x45 volant 45 x45 45 x45 45 x45 45 45 x45 x45 x 45 45 x 45 Frilled cushion Frilled Frilled Frilled Frilled 45x45 cushion Frilled Frilled cushion Frilled cushion Frilled cushion cushion cushion 45x45 cushion 45x45 cushion 45x45 45x45 45x45 45x45 45x45 45x45 1,10 Mt Tessuto Mt Tessuto In Bianco Fabric mt Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Mt No Tessuto coverings Fabric mt Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Mt Tessuto Fabric mt In MtBianco Tessuto Fabric mt In Bianco NoBianco coverings Fabric mt Tess Cliente In No coverings In Bianco No coverings Customer In Bianco fabric NoBianco coverings In No coverings Tess Cliente In Bianco No coverings Tess Cliente Customer fabric No coverings Tess Cliente Customer fabric Tess Cliente Normal Customer fabric Tess Cliente Customer fabric Tess Cliente Customer fabric Tess Cliente Customer fabric Normal Customer Customer fabric fabric Normal Normal Super Normal Normal Normal Normal Super Normal Super Super Extra Super Super Super Super Extra Super Extra Extra Lux Extra Extra Extra Extra Lux Extra Lux Lux Lux Top Lux Lux Lux Top Lux Top Top Top Star Top Top Top Star Star Top Star Star Elite Star Star Star Elite Elite Star Elite Elite Prestige Elite Elite Elite Prestige Prestige Elite Prestige Prestige Pelle Top Prestige Leather Top Prestige Pelle Top Prestige Pelle Top Leather Pelle TopTop Prestige Leather Pelle TopTop Leather StarTop Pelle Top Leather Pelle TopTop Star Leather Pelle Top StarTop Leather Pelle StarTop Leather Top Pelle Top StarStar Leather Pelle StarStar Top Leather Pelle StarStar Elite Leather Pelle StarStar Leather Elite Pelle Elite StarStar Leather Star Pelle Elite Leather Elite Pelle Elite StarStar Leather Elite Pelle Elite Leather Elite Star Pelle Elite Leather Elite Pelle Elite Leather Elite Pelle Elite Leather Elite Leather Elite Pelle Elite Leather Elite Codice Mt Tessuto Fabric mt OMPLEMENTI COMPLEMENTI COMPLEMENTI COMPLEMENTI COMPLEMENTI COMPLEMENTI COMPLEMENTI COMPLEMENTI COMPLEMENTI 1,10 1,10 1,10 1,10 1,10 1,10 1,10 1,10 79 7979110 79797979 110 79 79 110 110 129 110 110 110 110 129 110 129 129 142 129 129 129 129 142 129 142 142 154 142 142 142 142 154 142 154 154 154 170 154 154 154 170 154 170 170 170 198 170 170 170 198 198 170 198 198 236 198 198 198 236 236 198 236 236 372 236 236 236 372 372 236 372 372 187 372 372 187 372 187 372 187 187 218 187 187 218 187 218 187 218 218 218 244 218 244 218 244 244 218 244 244 244 244 244 58 585858 89 58585858 89 5889108 89898989 108 89 89 108 108 121 108 108 108 108 121 108 121 121 133 121 121 121 121 133 121 133 133 133 149 133 133 133 149 133 149 149 149 178 149 149 149 178 178 149 178 178 215 178 178 178 215 215 178 215 215 351 215 215 215 351 351 215 351 351 172 351 351 172 351 172 351 172 172 203 172 172 203 172 203 172 203 203 203 229 203 229 203 229 229 203 229 229 229 229 229 97 9797139 97979797 139 97 97 139 139 165 139 139 139 139 165 139 165 165 181 165 165 165 165 181 165 181 181 198 181 181 181 181 198 181 198 198 198 219 198 198 198 219 198 219 219 219 257 219 219 219 257 257 219 257 257 307 257 257 257 307 307 257 307 307 488 307 307 307 488 488 307 488 488 240 488 488 240 488 240 488 240 240 281 240 240 281 240 281 240 281 281 281 316 281 316 281 316 316 281 316 316 316 316 316 77 7777119 77777777 119 77 77 119 119 144 119 119 119 119 144 119 144 144 161 144 144 144 144 161 144 161 161 177 161 161 161 161 177 161 177 177 177 198 177 177 177 198 177 198 198 198 236 198 198 198 236 236 198 236 236 287 236 236 236 287 287 236 287 287 467 287 287 287 467 467 287 467 467 225 467 467 225 467 225 467 225 225 266 225 225 266 225 266 225 266 266 266 301 266 301 266 301 301 266 301 301 301 301 301 85 8585120 85858585 120 85 85 120 120 141 120 120 120 120 141 120 141 141 155 141 141 141 141 155 141 155 155 169 155 155 155 155 169 155 169 169 169 187 169 169 169 187 169 187 187 187 218 187 187 187 218 218 187 218 218 260 218 218 218 260 260 218 260 260 411 260 260 260 411 411 260 411 411 205 411 411 205 411 205 411 205 205 239 205 205 239 205 239 205 239 239 239 269 239 269 239 269 269 239 269 269 269 269 269 59 595959 94 59595959 94 5994115 94949494 115 94 94 115 115 129 115 115 115 115 129 115 129 129 143 129 129 129 129 143 129 143 143 143 160 143 143 143 160 143 160 160 160 192 160 160 160 192 192 160 192 192 234 192 192 192 234 234 192 234 234 384 234 234 234 384 384 234 384 384 184 384 384 184 384 184 384 184 184 218 184 184 218 184 218 184 218 218 218 247 218 247 218 247 247 218 247 247 247 247 247 1,70 1,70 1,70 1,70 1,70 1,70 1,70 1,70 105 105 105 105 154 105 105 105 105 154 105 154 154 183 154 154 154 154 183 154 183 183 203 183 183 183 183 203 183 203 203 222 203 203 203 203 222 203 222 222 222 247 222 222 222 247 222 247 247 247 291 247 247 247 291 291 247 291 291 350 291 291 291 350 350 291 350 350 560 350 350 350 560 560 350 560 560 271 560 560 271 560 271 560 271 271 318 271 271 318 271 318 271 318 318 318 359 318 359 318 359 359 318 359 359 359 359 359 78 7878127 78787878 127 78 78 127 127 156 127 127 127 127 156 127 156 156 176 156 156 156 156 176 156 176 176 196 176 176 176 176 196 176 196 196 196 220 196 196 196 220 196 220 220 220 264 220 220 220 264 264 220 264 264 323 264 264 264 323 323 264 323 323 534 323 323 323 534 534 323 534 534 249 534 534 249 534 249 534 249 249 297 249 249 297 249 297 249 297 297 297 338 297 338 297 338 338 297 338 338 338 338 338 2,60 2,60 2,60 2,60 2,60 2,60 2,60 2,60 128 128 128 128 205 128 128 128 128 205 128 205 205 251 205 205 205 205 251 205 251 251 282 251 251 251 251 282 251 282 282 313 282 282 282 282 313 282 313 313 313 351 313 313 313 351 313 351 351 351 420 351 351 351 420 420 351 420 420 513 420 420 420 513 513 420 513 513 844 513 513 513 844 844 513 844 844 389 844 844 389 844 389 844 389 389 464 389 389 464 389 464 389 464 464 464 528 464 528 464 528 528 464 528 528 528 528 528 84 8484161 84848484 161 84 84 161 161 207 161 161 161 161 207 161 207 207 238 207 207 207 207 238 207 238 238 268 238 238 238 238 268 238 268 268 268 307 268 268 268 307 268 307 307 307 376 307 307 307 376 376 307 376 376 469 376 376 376 469 469 376 469 469 800 469 469 469 800 800 469 800 800 347 800 800 347 800 347 800 347 347 422 347 347 422 347 422 347 422 422 422 486 422 486 422 486 486 422 486 486 486 486 486 2,90 2,90 2,90 2,90 2,90 2,90 2,90 2,90 146 146 146 146 230 146 146 146 146 230 146 230 230 280 230 230 230 230 280 230 280 280 314 280 280 280 280 314 280 314 314 347 314 314 314 314 347 314 347 347 347 389 347 347 347 389 347 389 389 389 465 389 389 389 465 465 389 465 465 566 465 465 465 566 566 465 566 566 927 566 566 566 927 927 566 927 927 430 927 927 430 927 430 927 430 430 512 430 430 512 430 512 430 512 512 512 582 512 582 512 582 582 512 582 582 582 582 582 102 102 102 102 186 102 102 102 102 186 102 186 186 236 186 186 186 186 236 186 236 236 270 236 236 236 236 270 236 270 270 303 270 270 270 270 303 270 303 303 303 345 303 303 303 345 303 345 345 345 421 345 345 345 421 421 345 421 421 522 421 421 421 522 522 421 522 522 883 522 522 522 883 883 522 883 883 388 883 883 388 883 388 883 388 388 470 388 388 470 388 470 388 470 470 470 540 470 540 470 540 540 470 540 540 540 540 540 09CMVCF0409CMVCF04 09CMVCF04 Cuscino 09CMVCF04 09CMVCF04 09CMVCF04 09CMVCF04 09CMVCF04 09CMVCF04 volant Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino Fodera Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino volant Cuscino volant Cuscino volant 45 volant Fodera volant xvolant Fodera volant 45 Fodera volant Fodera Fodera 45 Fodera Fodera 45 xFodera 45 45 x45 45 x45 45 x45 45 45 x45 x45 x 45 x 45 Coverings Coverings forCoverings Frilled Coverings Coverings Coverings Coverings Coverings cushion for Coverings for Frilled for Frilled for Frilled for 45x45 for Frilled for cushion Frilled for cushion Frilled Frilled cushion Frilled cushion cushion 45x45 cushion cushion 45x45 cushion 45x45 45x45 45x45 45x45 45x45 Kg Kg 1,80 KgKgKg Kg KgKgKg 1,80 1,80 1,80 1,80 1,80 1,80 1,80 1,80 09CMVCU07 09CMVCU07 09CMVCU07 Cuscino 09CMVCU07 09CMVCU07 09CMVCU07 09CMVCU07 09CMVCU07 09CMVCU07 volant Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino 45 Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino xvolant Cuscino 45 volant Cuscino volant bicolore volant 45 volant volant 45 volant x45 volant 45 x45 45 x45 bicolore 45 x45 45 bicolore 45 x45 bicolore x45 xbicolore 45 45 xbicolore 45 bicolore bicolore bicolore Two-colours Two-colours Two-colours frilled Two-colours Two-colours Two-colours Two-colours Two-colours cushion Two-colours frilled frilled frilled frilled 45x45 cushion frilled cushion frilled frilled cushion frilled cushion cushion cushion 45x45 cushion 45x45 cushion 45x45 45x45 45x45 45x45 45x45 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 09CMVCF0709CMVCF07 09CMVCF07 Cuscino 09CMVCF07 09CMVCF07 09CMVCF07 09CMVCF07 09CMVCF07 09CMVCF07 volant Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino Fodera Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino volant Cuscino volant Cuscino volant 45 volant Fodera volant xvolant Fodera volant 45 Fodera volant Fodera bicolore Fodera 45 Fodera Fodera 45 xFodera 45 45 x45 45 x45 bicolore 45 x45 45 bicolore 45 x45 bicolore x45 xbicolore 45 xbicolore 45 bicolore bicolore Coverings Coverings forCoverings Two-colours Coverings Coverings Coverings Coverings Coverings for Coverings for Two-colours for Two-colours for frilled Two-colours for for Two-colours for Two-colours for Two-colours cushion Two-colours Two-colours frilled frilled frilled 45x45 frilled cushion frilled cushion frilled frilled cushion frilled cushion cushion 45x45 cushion 45x45 cushion 45x45 45x45 45x45 45x45 45x45 45x45 Kg Kg 1,80 KgKgKg Kg KgKgKg 1,80 1,80 1,80 1,80 1,80 1,80 1,80 1,80 09CMVCU09 09CMVCU09 09CMVCU09 Cuscino 09CMVCU09 09CMVCU09 09CMVCU09 09CMVCU09 09CMVCU09 09CMVCU09 volant Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino 55 Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino xvolant Cuscino 55 volant Cuscino volant volant 55 volant volant 55 volant x55 volant 55 x55 55 x55 55 x55 55 55 x55 x55 x 55 55 x 55 Frilled cushion Frilled Frilled Frilled Frilled 55x55 cushion Frilled Frilled cushion Frilled cushion Frilled cushion cushion cushion 55x55 cushion 55x55 cushion 55x55 55x55 55x55 55x55 55x55 55x55 1,20 09CMVCF0909CMVCF09 09CMVCF09 Cuscino 09CMVCF09 09CMVCF09 09CMVCF09 09CMVCF09 09CMVCF09 09CMVCF09 volant Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino Fodera Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino volant Cuscino volant Cuscino volant 55 volant Fodera volant xvolant Fodera volant 55 Fodera volant Fodera Fodera 55 Fodera Fodera 55 xFodera 55 55 x55 55 x55 55 x55 55 55 x55 x55 x 55 x 55 1,20 1,20 1,20 1,20 1,20 1,20 1,20 1,20 Coverings Coverings forCoverings Frilled Coverings Coverings Coverings Coverings Coverings cushion for Coverings for Frilled for Frilled for Frilled for 55x55 for Frilled for cushion Frilled for cushion Frilled Frilled cushion Frilled cushion cushion 55x55 cushion cushion 55x55 cushion 55x55 55x55 55x55 55x55 55x55 Kg Kg 2,00 KgKgKg Kg KgKgKg 2,00 2,00 2,00 2,00 2,00 2,00 2,00 2,00 09CMVCU12 09CMVCU12 09CMVCU12 Cuscino 09CMVCU12 09CMVCU12 09CMVCU12 09CMVCU12 09CMVCU12 09CMVCU12 volant Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino 55 Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino xvolant Cuscino 55 volant Cuscino volant bicolore volant 55 volant volant 55 volant x55 volant 55 x55 55 x55 bicolore 55 x55 55 bicolore 55 x55 bicolore x55 xbicolore 55 55 xbicolore 55 bicolore bicolore bicolore Two-colours Two-colours Two-colours frilled Two-colours Two-colours Two-colours Two-colours Two-colours cushion Two-colours frilled frilled frilled frilled 55x55 cushion frilled cushion frilled frilled cushion frilled cushion cushion cushion 55x55 cushion 55x55 cushion 55x55 55x55 55x55 55x55 55x55 1,70 09CMVCF1209CMVCF12 09CMVCF12 Cuscino 09CMVCF12 09CMVCF12 09CMVCF12 09CMVCF12 09CMVCF12 09CMVCF12 volant Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino Fodera Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino volant Cuscino volant Cuscino volant 55 volant Fodera volant xvolant Fodera volant 55 Fodera volant Fodera bicolore Fodera 55 Fodera Fodera 55 xFodera 55 55 x55 55 x55 bicolore 55 x55 55 bicolore 55 x55 bicolore x55 xbicolore 55 xbicolore 55 bicolore bicolore Coverings Coverings forCoverings Two-colours Coverings Coverings Coverings Coverings Coverings for Coverings for Two-colours for Two-colours for frilled Two-colours for for Two-colours for Two-colours for Two-colours cushion Two-colours Two-colours frilled frilled frilled 55x55 frilled cushion frilled cushion frilled frilled cushion frilled cushion cushion 55x55 cushion 55x55 cushion 55x55 55x55 55x55 55x55 55x55 55x55 Kg Kg 2,00 KgKgKg Kg KgKgKg 2,00 2,00 2,00 2,00 2,00 2,00 2,00 2,00 09CMVCU14 09CMVCU14 09CMVCU14 Cuscino 09CMVCU14 09CMVCU14 09CMVCU14 09CMVCU14 09CMVCU14 09CMVCU14 volant Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino 80 Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino xvolant Cuscino 80 volant Cuscino volant volant 80 volant volant 80 volant x80 volant 80 x80 80 x80 80 x80 80 80 x80 x80 x 80 80 x 80 Frilled cushion Frilled Frilled Frilled Frilled 80x80 cushion Frilled Frilled cushion Frilled cushion Frilled cushion cushion cushion 80x80 cushion 80x80 cushion 80x80 80x80 80x80 80x80 80x80 80x80 2,60 09CMVCF1409CMVCF14 09CMVCF14 Cuscino 09CMVCF14 09CMVCF14 09CMVCF14 09CMVCF14 09CMVCF14 09CMVCF14 volant Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino Fodera Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino volant Cuscino volant Cuscino volant 80 volant Fodera volant xvolant Fodera volant 80 Fodera volant Fodera Fodera 80 Fodera Fodera 80 xFodera 80 80 x80 80 x80 80 x80 80 80 x80 x80 x 80 x 80 Coverings Coverings forCoverings Frilled Coverings Coverings Coverings Coverings Coverings cushion for Coverings for Frilled for Frilled for Frilled for 80x80 for Frilled for cushion Frilled for cushion Frilled Frilled cushion Frilled cushion cushion 80x80 cushion cushion 80x80 cushion 80x80 80x80 80x80 80x80 80x80 Kg Kg 2,50 KgKgKg Kg KgKgKg 2,50 2,50 2,50 2,50 2,50 2,50 2,50 2,50 09CMVCU16 09CMVCU16 09CMVCU16 Cuscino 09CMVCU16 09CMVCU16 09CMVCU16 09CMVCU16 09CMVCU16 09CMVCU16 volant Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino 80 Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino xvolant Cuscino 80 volant Cuscino volant bicolore volant 80 volant volant 80 volant x80 volant 80 x80 80 x80 bicolore 80 x80 80 bicolore 80 x80 bicolore x80 xbicolore 80 80 xbicolore 80 bicolore bicolore bicolore Two-colours Two-colours Two-colours frilled Two-colours Two-colours Two-colours Two-colours Two-colours cushion Two-colours frilled frilled frilled frilled 80x80 cushion frilled cushion frilled frilled cushion frilled cushion cushion cushion 80x80 cushion 80x80 cushion 80x80 80x80 80x80 80x80 80x80 09CMVCF1609CMVCF16 09CMVCF16 Cuscino 09CMVCF16 09CMVCF16 09CMVCF16 09CMVCF16 09CMVCF16 09CMVCF16 volant Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino Fodera Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino volant Cuscino volant Cuscino volant 80 volant Fodera volant xvolant Fodera volant 80 Fodera volant Fodera bicolore Fodera 80 Fodera Fodera 80 xFodera 80 80 x80 80 x80 bicolore 80 x80 80 bicolore 80 x80 bicolore x80 xbicolore 80 xbicolore 80 bicolore bicolore Coverings Coverings forCoverings Two-colours Coverings Coverings Coverings Coverings Coverings for Coverings for Two-colours for Two-colours for frilled Two-colours for for Two-colours for Two-colours for Two-colours cushion Two-colours Two-colours frilled frilled frilled 80x80 frilled cushion frilled cushion frilled frilled cushion frilled cushion cushion 80x80 cushion 80x80 cushion 80x80 80x80 80x80 80x80 80x80 80x80 Kg Kg 2,50 KgKgKg Kg KgKgKg 2,50 2,50 2,50 2,50 2,50 2,50 2,50 2,50 2,90 Descrizione Codice Codice Codice Codice Codice Codice Codice Descrizione Descrizione Descrizione Descrizione Descrizione Descrizione Descrizione 09CMTCU14 Cuscino 09CMTCU14 09CMTCU14 09CMTCU14 09CMTCU14 09CMTCU14 09CMTCU14 trapuntato 09CMTCU14 Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino 80 Cuscino trapuntato Cuscino xtrapuntato 80 trapuntato trapuntato trapuntato trapuntato trapuntato 8080 x80 80 x80 80 80 x80 80 x80 x80 x80 80 x 80 Quilted cushion Quilted Quilted Quilted 80x80 Quilted Quilted cushion Quilted cushion cushion cushion cushion cushion 80x80 cushion 80x80 80x80 80x80 80x80 80x80 80x80 2,20 09CMTCF14 Cuscino 09CMTCF14 09CMTCF14 09CMTCF14 09CMTCF14 09CMTCF14 09CMTCF14 trapuntato 09CMTCF14 Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino Fodera Cuscino trapuntato Cuscino trapuntato trapuntato trapuntato 80 trapuntato trapuntato xtrapuntato 80 Fodera Fodera Fodera Fodera Fodera Fodera 80Fodera 80 x80 80 x80 80 x80 80 x80 x80 x80 80 x 80 Mt Tessuto In Bianco Mt Tessuto Fabric mt No coverings Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Mt Tessuto Fabric mt Mt Tessuto Fabric mt In Bianco Tess Cliente Fabric mt In Bianco No coverings In Bianco fabric Customer No coverings In Bianco No coverings In Bianco No coverings In Bianco No coverings Tess Cliente No coverings Tess Cliente Customer fabric Normal Tess Cliente Customer fabric Tess Cliente Customer fabric Tess Cliente Customer fabric Tess Tess Cliente Cliente Customer fabric Customer Normal Customer fabric fabric Normal Super Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Super Super Extra Super Super Super Super Super Extra Extra Lux Extra Extra Extra Extra Extra Lux Lux Lux Top Lux Lux Lux Top Lux Top Top Star Top Top Top Star Top Star Star Elite Star Star Star Elite Star Elite Elite Prestige Elite Elite Elite Prestige Elite Prestige Prestige Pelle Top Prestige Leather Top Prestige Prestige Pelle Top Pelle Top Leather Pelle TopTop Prestige Leather Top Pelle Pelle Top Star Leather Pelle TopTop Leather Leather Star Pelle TopTop Leather Pelle StarTop Leather Pelle StarTop Pelle Leather Pelle Top StarStar Leather Pelle StarStar Leather Top Pelle Elite Leather Pelle StarStar Leather Pelle StarStar Leather Elite Leather Star Pelle Elite Leather Star Pelle Elite Leather StarElite Pelle Elite Leather Elite Pelle Elite Leather Star Elite Pelle Elite Leather Elite Pelle Elite Leather Elite Leather Elite Pelle Elite Leather Elite Codice Mt Tessuto Fabric mt OMPLEMENTI COMPLEMENTI COMPLEMENTI COMPLEMENTI COMPLEMENTI COMPLEMENTI COMPLEMENTI COMPLEMENTI 2,20 2,20 2,20 2,20 2,20 2,20 2,20 147 147 147 210 147 147 147 147 147 210 210 248 210 210 210 210 210 248 248 273 248 248 248 248 248 273 273 298 273 273 273 273 273 298 298 298 330 298 298 298 330 298 330 330 387 330 330 330 387 330 387 387 462 387 387 387 462 387 462 462 733 462 462 462 733 462 733 733 733 406 733 733 406 406 733 406 406 480 406 406 480 480 406 480 480 543 480 480 543 543 480 543 543 543 543 543 103 103 103 166 103 103 103 103 103 166 166 204 166 166 166 166 166 204 204 229 204 204 204 204 204 229 229 254 229 229 229 229 229 254 254 254 286 254 254 254 286 254 286 286 342 286 286 286 342 286 342 342 418 342 342 342 418 342 418 418 689 418 418 418 689 418 689 689 689 364 689 689 364 364 689 364 364 438 364 364 438 438 364 438 438 501 438 438 501 501 438 501 501 501 501 501 Coverings for Coverings Quilted Coverings Coverings Coverings Coverings Coverings cushion Coverings forfor Quilted for Quilted for for 80x80 Quilted for Quilted for Quilted Quilted cushion Quilted cushion cushion cushion cushion cushion 80x80 cushion 80x80 80x80 80x80 80x80 80x80 80x80 Kg 2,50 KgKg Kg KgKgKgKg 2,50 2,50 2,50 2,50 2,50 2,50 2,50 09CMBSA01 Sacco 09CMBSA01 09CMBSA01 09CMBSA01 09CMBSA01 09CMBSA01 bicolore 09CMBSA01 09CMBSA01 Sacco Sacco 110 Sacco Sacco xbicolore Sacco 110 bicolore Sacco bicolore bicolore bicolore bicolore 110 bicolore 110 110 x 110 110 x 110 110 110 x 110 110 xx110 x110 110 x 110 Two-colours Two-colours sack Two-colours Two-colours Two-colours Two-colours 110x110 Two-colours Two-colours sack sack sack 110x110 sack sack 110x110 sack 110x110 sack 110x110 110x110 110x110 110x110 3,60 3,60 129 3,60 3,60 3,60 3,60 3,60 3,60 129 129 255 129 129 129 129255 255 360 255 255 255 255 255 360 360 423 360 360 360 360 360 423 423 465 423 423 423 423 423 465 465 507 465 465 465 465 465 507 507 507 559 507 507 507 559 507 559 559 654 559 559 559 654 559 654 654 780 654 654 654 780 654 780 1.231 780 780 780 780 1.231 1.231 780 1.231 1.231 682 1.231 1.231 682 1.231 682 682 682 798 682 682 798 798 682 798 798 897 798 798 897 897 798 897 897 897 897 897 09CMBSF01 1,90 1,90 1,90 1,90 1,90 1,90 1,90 1,90 66 66 122 6666666666 66 122 122 156 122 122 122 122 122 156 156 178 156 156 156 156 156 178 178 201 178 178 178 178 178 201 201 201 229 201 201 201 229 201 229 229 279 229 229 229 279 229 279 279 346 279 279 279 346 279 346 346 587 346 346 346 587 346 587 587 587 307 587 587 307 307 587 307 307 372 307 307 372 372 307 372 372 429 372 372 429 429 372 429 429 429 429 429 1,90 1,90 1,90 1,90 1,90 1,90 1,90 1,90 66 66 122 6666666666 66 122 122 156 122 122 122 122 122 156 156 178 156 156 156 156 156 178 178 201 178 178 178 178 178 201 201 201 229 201 201 201 229 201 229 229 279 229 229 229 279 229 279 279 346 279 279 279 346 279 346 346 587 346 346 346 587 346 587 587 587 307 587 587 307 307 587 307 307 372 307 307 372 372 307 372 372 429 372 372 429 429 372 429 429 429 429 429 09CMLSA01 Sacco 09CMLSA01 09CMLSA01 09CMLSA01 09CMLSA01 09CMLSA01 con 09CMLSA01 09CMLSA01 lacci Sacco Sacco 110 Sacco Sacco con xSacco con 110 Sacco con lacci con con lacci con lacci con 110 lacci lacci 110 lacci 110 lacci x 110 110 x 110 110 110 x 110 110 xx110 x110 110 x 110 Sack with straps Sack Sack Sack 110x110 Sack with Sack with Sack with straps with with straps with straps with straps straps 110x110 straps 110x110 straps 110x110 110x110 110x110 110x110 110x110 3,60 3,60 129 3,60 3,60 3,60 3,60 3,60 3,60 129 129 288 129 129 129 129288 288 393 288 288 288 288 288 393 393 456 393 393 393 393 393 456 456 498 456 456 456 456 456 498 498 540 498 498 498 498 498 540 540 540 593 540 540 540 593 540 593 593 687 593 593 593 687 593 687 687 813 687 687 687 813 687 813 1.265 813 813 813 813 1.265 1.265 813 1.265 1.265 715 1.265 1.265 715 1.265 715 715 715 831 715 715 831 831 715 831 831 930 831 831 930 930 831 930 930 930 930 930 09CMLSF01 1,90 1,90 1,90 1,90 1,90 1,90 1,90 1,90 75 75 131 7575757575 75 131 131 164 131 131 131 131 131 164 164 187 164 164 164 164 164 187 187 209 187 187 187 187 187 209 209 209 237 209 209 209 237 209 237 237 288 237 237 237 288 237 288 288 355 288 288 288 355 288 355 355 596 355 355 355 596 355 596 596 596 315 596 596 315 315 596 315 315 381 315 315 381 381 315 381 381 437 381 381 437 437 381 437 437 437 437 437 1,90 1,90 1,90 1,90 1,90 1,90 1,90 1,90 75 75 131 7575757575 75 131 131 164 131 131 131 131 131 164 164 187 164 164 164 164 164 187 187 209 187 187 187 187 187 209 209 209 237 209 209 209 237 209 237 237 288 237 237 237 288 237 288 288 355 288 288 288 355 288 355 355 596 355 355 355 596 355 596 596 596 315 596 596 315 315 596 315 315 381 315 315 381 381 315 381 381 437 381 381 437 437 381 437 437 437 437 437 0,60 0,60 0,60 0,60 0,60 0,60 0,60 0,60 67 6767 8567676767 678585 95 85858585 85 9595 102 95959595 102 95 102 109 102 102 102 102 102 109 109 109 118 109 109 109 118 109 118 118 134 118 118 118 134 118 134 134 155 134 134 134 155 134 155 155 230 155 155 155 230 155 230 230 230 154 230 230 154 154 230 154 154 175 154 154 175 175 154 175 175 192 175 175 192 192 175 192 192 192 192 192 Sacco 09CMBSF01 09CMBSF01 09CMBSF01 09CMBSF01 09CMBSF01 bicolore 09CMBSF01 09CMBSF01 Sacco Sacco Fodera Sacco Sacco bicolore Sacco bicolore Sacco lato bicolore bicolore bicolore bicolore AFodera bicolore 110 Fodera Fodera x Fodera Fodera 110 Fodera lato Fodera lato lato Alato A 110 lato lato A 110 lato A 110 xAA 110 110 x110 A 110 110 x 110 110 xx110 x110 110 x 110 A-side coverings A-side A-side for A-side A-side Two-colours coverings A-side coverings A-side coverings coverings coverings coverings coverings forfor sack Two-colours for Two-colours for for Two-colours for 110x110 Two-colours for Two-colours Two-colours Two-colours sack sack sack 110x110 sack sack 110x110 sack 110x110 sack 110x110 110x110 110x110 110x110 mc Kg 0,2mc mc mc mc mc mc mc 0,20,20,2 0,2 0,2 09CMBSF02 0,20,2 6,00 KgKg Kg KgKgKgKg 6,00 6,00 6,00 6,00 6,00 6,00 6,00 Sacco 09CMBSF02 09CMBSF02 09CMBSF02 09CMBSF02 09CMBSF02 bicolore 09CMBSF02 09CMBSF02 Sacco Sacco Fodera Sacco Sacco bicolore Sacco bicolore Sacco lato bicolore bicolore bicolore bicolore BFodera bicolore 110 Fodera Fodera x Fodera Fodera 110 Fodera lato Fodera lato lato Blato B lato 110 lato B 110 lato B 110 xBB 110 110 x110 B 110 110 x 110 110 xx110 x110 110 x 110 B-side coverings B-side B-side for B-side B-side Two-colours coverings B-side coverings B-side coverings coverings coverings coverings coverings forfor sack Two-colours for Two-colours for for Two-colours for 110x110 Two-colours for Two-colours Two-colours Two-colours sack sack sack 110x110 sack sack 110x110 sack 110x110 sack 110x110 110x110 110x110 110x110 Sacco 09CMLSF01 09CMLSF01 09CMLSF01 09CMLSF01 09CMLSF01 con 09CMLSF01 09CMLSF01 lacci Sacco Sacco Fodera Sacco Sacco con Sacco con Sacco con lato lacci con con lacci con lacci Acon Fodera lacci lacci 110 Fodera lacci Fodera lacci x Fodera Fodera 110 Fodera lato Fodera lato lato Alato A 110 lato lato A 110 lato A 110 xAA 110 110 x110 A 110 110 x 110 110 x x110 x110 110 x 110 A-side coverings A-side A-side for A-side A-side Sack coverings A-side coverings A-side coverings with coverings coverings coverings coverings for straps for Sack for Sack for for Sack for 110x110 with Sack for Sack with Sack with Sack straps with with straps with straps with straps straps 110x110 straps 110x110 straps 110x110 110x110 110x110 110x110 110x110 09CMLSF02 Sacco 09CMLSF02 09CMLSF02 09CMLSF02 09CMLSF02 09CMLSF02 con 09CMLSF02 09CMLSF02 lacci Sacco Sacco Fodera Sacco Sacco con Sacco con Sacco con lato lacci con con lacci con lacci Bcon Fodera lacci lacci 110 Fodera lacci Fodera lacci x Fodera Fodera 110 Fodera lato Fodera lato lato Blato B lato 110 lato B 110 lato B 110 xBB 110 110 x110 B 110 110 x 110 110 x x110 x110 110 x 110 B-side coverings B-side B-side for B-side B-side Sack coverings B-side coverings B-side coverings with coverings coverings coverings coverings for straps for Sack for Sack for for Sack for 110x110 with Sack for Sack with Sack with Sack straps with with straps with straps with straps straps 110x110 straps 110x110 straps 110x110 110x110 110x110 110x110 110x110 mc Kg 0,2mc mc mc mc mc mc mc 0,20,20,2 0,2 0,2 09CMLSF03 0,20,2 6,00 KgKg Kg KgKgKgKg 6,00 6,00 6,00 6,00 6,00 6,00 6,00 Sacco 09CMLSF03 09CMLSF03 09CMLSF03 09CMLSF03 09CMLSF03 con 09CMLSF03 09CMLSF03 lacci Sacco Sacco Fodera Sacco Sacco con Sacco con Sacco con lacci con con lacci con lacci con Fodera 110 lacci lacci Fodera lacci Fodera lacci xFodera Fodera 110 Fodera lacci Fodera lacci lacci 110 lacci lacci 110 lacci 110 lacci x 110 110 x110 110 110 x 110 110 xx110 x110 110 x 110 straps for Sack straps with straps straps straps for straps straps for straps Sack for Sack for for Sack 110x110 for with Sack Sack for with Sack with Sack straps with with straps with straps with straps straps 110x110 straps 110x110 straps 110x110 110x110 110x110 110x110 110x110 09CMCU24 Cuscino 09CMCU24 09CMCU24 09CMCU24 09CMCU24 09CMCU24 09CMCU24 rotondo 09CMCU24 Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino '45 Cuscino Cuscino rotondo Cuscino rotondo rotondo rotondo rotondo rotondo '45 rotondo '45'45'45 '45 '45'45 Round cushion Round Round 45 Round Round Round cushion Round cushion cushion cushion cushion cushion 45 cushion 454545 45 4545 1,30 1,30 105 1,30 1,30 1,30 1,30 1,30 1,30 105 105 236 105 105 105 105236 236 274 236 236 236 236 236 274 274 297 274 274 274 274 274 297 297 313 297 297 297 297 297 313 313 328 313 313 313 313 313 328 328 328 347 328 328 328 347 328 347 347 382 347 347 347 382 347 382 382 428 382 382 382 428 382 428 428 594 428 428 428 594 428 594 594 594 397 594 594 397 397 594 397 397 439 397 397 439 439 397 439 439 476 439 439 476 476 439 476 476 476 476 476 09CMCF25 Cuscino 09CMCF25 09CMCF25 09CMCF25 09CMCF25 09CMCF25 09CMCF25 rotondo 09CMCF25 Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino Fodera Cuscino Cuscino rotondo Cuscino rotondo piano rotondo rotondo rotondo rotondo Fodera rotondo seduta Fodera Fodera Fodera Fodera Fodera piano '45 Fodera piano piano piano seduta piano piano seduta piano seduta seduta seduta seduta '45seduta '45'45'45 '45 '45'45 0,80 0,80 0,80 0,80 0,80 0,80 0,80 0,80 49 4949 7049494949 497070 83 70707070 70 838391 8383838383 9191 100 91919191 100 91 100 100 110 100 100 100 110 100 110 110 129 110 110 110 129 110 129 129 154 129 129 129 154 129 154 154 245 154 154 154 245 154 245 245 245 143 245 245 143 143 245 143 143 168 143 143 168 168 143 168 168 189 168 168 189 189 168 189 189 189 189 189 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 59 5959 7059595959 597070 76 70707070 70 767680 7676767676 808085 8080808080 858585 9085858590 859090 99 90909099 90 9999 112 999999 112 112 99 112 157 112 112 112 157 112 157 157 157 112 157 157 112 112 157 112 112 124 112 112 124 124 112 124 124 135 124 124 135 135 124 135 135 135 135 135 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 59 5959 7059595959 597070 76 70707070 70 767680 7676767676 808085 8080808080 858585 9085858590 859090 99 90909099 90 9999 112 999999 112 112 99 112 157 112 112 112 157 112 157 157 157 112 157 157 112 112 157 112 112 124 112 112 124 124 112 124 124 135 124 124 135 135 124 135 135 135 135 135 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 44 4444 5844444444 445858 67 58585858 58 676772 6767676767 727278 7272727272 787878 8578787885 788585 97 85858597 85 9797 114 979797 114 114 97 114 174 114 114 114 174 114 174 174 174 110 174 174 110 110 174 110 110 127 110 110 127 127 110 127 127 141 127 127 141 141 127 141 141 141 141 141 seat coveringsseat for seat seat Round coverings seat coverings seat coverings seat coverings coverings cushion coverings coverings forfor Round for Round for 45 for Round for Round for Round cushion Round cushion Round cushion cushion cushion cushion 45 cushion 454545 45 4545 09CMCF26 Cuscino 09CMCF26 09CMCF26 09CMCF26 09CMCF26 09CMCF26 09CMCF26 rotondo 09CMCF26 Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino Fodera Cuscino Cuscino rotondo Cuscino rotondo filetto rotondo rotondo rotondo rotondo Fodera rotondo superiore Fodera Fodera Fodera Fodera Fodera filetto Fodera filetto filetto '45 filetto superiore filetto filetto superiore filetto superiore superiore superiore superiore superiore '45'45'45'45 '45 '45'45 upper piping coverings upper upper upper upper piping upper piping upper for piping piping piping coverings Round piping coverings piping coverings coverings coverings coverings cushion coverings forfor Round for Round for 45 for Round for Round for Round cushion Round cushion Round cushion cushion cushion cushion 45 cushion 45454545 4545 09CMCF27 Cuscino 09CMCF27 09CMCF27 09CMCF27 09CMCF27 09CMCF27 09CMCF27 rotondo 09CMCF27 Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino Fodera Cuscino Cuscino rotondo Cuscino rotondo filetto rotondo rotondo rotondo rotondo Fodera rotondo inferiore Fodera Fodera Fodera Fodera Fodera filetto Fodera filetto '45 filetto filetto inferiore filetto filetto inferiore filetto inferiore inferiore inferiore inferiore '45 inferiore '45'45'45 '45 '45'45 lower piping coverings lower lower lower lower piping lower piping lower for piping piping piping coverings Round piping coverings piping coverings coverings coverings coverings cushion coverings forfor Round for Round for 45 for Round for Round for Round cushion Round cushion Round cushion cushion cushion cushion 45 cushion 45454545 4545 09CMCF28 Kg 2,00 KgKg Kg KgKgKgKg 2,00 2,00 2,00 2,00 2,00 2,00 2,00 Cuscino 09CMCF28 09CMCF28 09CMCF28 09CMCF28 09CMCF28 09CMCF28 rotondo 09CMCF28 Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino Fodera Cuscino Cuscino rotondo Cuscino rotondo fascia rotondo rotondo rotondo rotondo Fodera rotondo '45 Fodera Fodera Fodera Fodera Fodera fascia Fodera fascia fascia fascia fascia '45 fascia '45 fascia '45'45 '45 '45'45 outer frame coverings outer outer outer outer frame outer frame for outer frame frame frame coverings Round frame coverings frame coverings coverings coverings coverings cushion coverings forfor Round for Round for 45 for Round for Round for Round cushion Round cushion Round cushion cushion cushion cushion 45 cushion 45454545 4545 09CMCU25 Cuscino 09CMCU25 09CMCU25 09CMCU25 09CMCU25 09CMCU25 09CMCU25 rotondo 09CMCU25 Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino '90 Cuscino Cuscino rotondo Cuscino rotondo rotondo rotondo rotondo rotondo '90 rotondo '90'90'90 '90 '90'90 Round cushion Round Round 90 Round Round Round cushion Round cushion cushion cushion cushion cushion 90 cushion 909090 90 9090 3,80 3,80 134 3,80 3,80 3,80 3,80 3,80 3,80 134 134 318 134 134 134 134318 318 430 318 318 318 318 318 430 430 497 430 430 430 430 430 497 497 542 497 497 497 497 497 542 542 587 542 542 542 542 542 587 587 587 643 587 587 587 643 587 643 643 743 643 643 643 743 643 743 743 878 743 743 743 878 743 878 1.359 878 878 878 878 1.359 1.359 878 1.359 1.359 762 1.359 1.359 762 1.359 762 762 762 886 762 762 886 886 762 886 886 992 886 886 992 992 886 992 992 992 992 992 09CMCF29 Cuscino 09CMCF29 09CMCF29 09CMCF29 09CMCF29 09CMCF29 09CMCF29 rotondo 09CMCF29 Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino Fodera Cuscino Cuscino rotondo Cuscino rotondo piano rotondo rotondo rotondo rotondo Fodera rotondo seduta Fodera Fodera Fodera Fodera Fodera piano '90 Fodera piano piano piano seduta piano piano seduta piano seduta seduta seduta seduta '90seduta '90'90'90 '90 '90'90 2,40 2,40 2,40 2,40 2,40 2,40 2,40 2,40 69 69 139 6969696969 69 139 139 181 139 139 139 139 139 181 181 209 181 181 181 181 181 209 209 237 209 209 209 209 209 237 237 237 272 237 237 237 272 237 272 272 335 272 272 272 335 272 335 335 419 335 335 335 419 335 419 419 720 419 419 419 720 419 720 720 720 362 720 720 362 362 720 362 362 444 362 362 444 444 362 444 444 514 444 444 514 514 444 514 514 514 514 514 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 56 5656 7056565656 567070 78 70707070 70 787884 7878787878 848489 8484848484 898989 9689898996 8996109 96969696 109 109 96109 126 109 109 109 126 109 126 126 186 126 126 126 186 126 186 186 186 125 186 186 125 125 186 125 125 142 125 125 142 142 125 142 142 156 142 142 156 156 142 156 156 156 156 156 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 56 5656 7056565656 567070 78 70707070 70 787884 7878787878 848489 8484848484 898989 9689898996 8996109 96969696 109 109 96109 126 109 109 109 126 109 126 126 186 126 126 126 186 126 186 186 186 125 186 186 125 125 186 125 125 142 125 125 142 142 125 142 142 156 142 142 156 156 142 156 156 156 156 156 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 55 5555 8355555555 5583100 8383838383 100 83100 111 100 100 100 100 100 111 111 123 111 111 111 111 111 123 123 123 137 123 123 123 137 123 137 137 162 137 137 137 162 137 162 162 195 162 162 162 195 162 195 195 316 195 195 195 316 195 316 316 316 181 316 316 181 181 316 181 181 214 181 181 214 214 181 214 214 242 214 214 242 242 214 242 242 242 242 242 seat coveringsseat for seat seat Round coverings seat coverings seat coverings seat coverings coverings cushion coverings coverings forfor Round for Round for 90 for Round for Round for Round cushion Round cushion Round cushion cushion cushion cushion 90 cushion 909090 90 9090 09CMCF30 Cuscino 09CMCF30 09CMCF30 09CMCF30 09CMCF30 09CMCF30 09CMCF30 rotondo 09CMCF30 Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino Fodera Cuscino Cuscino rotondo Cuscino rotondo filetto rotondo rotondo rotondo rotondo Fodera rotondo superiore Fodera Fodera Fodera Fodera Fodera filetto Fodera filetto filetto '90 filetto superiore filetto filetto superiore filetto superiore superiore superiore superiore superiore '90'90'90'90 '90 '90'90 upper piping coverings upper upper upper upper piping upper piping upper for piping piping piping coverings Round piping coverings piping coverings coverings coverings coverings cushion coverings forfor Round for Round for 90 for Round for Round for Round cushion Round cushion Round cushion cushion cushion cushion 90 cushion 90909090 9090 09CMCF31 Cuscino 09CMCF31 09CMCF31 09CMCF31 09CMCF31 09CMCF31 09CMCF31 rotondo 09CMCF31 Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino Fodera Cuscino Cuscino rotondo Cuscino rotondo filetto rotondo rotondo rotondo rotondo Fodera rotondo inferiore Fodera Fodera Fodera Fodera Fodera filetto Fodera filetto '90 filetto filetto inferiore filetto filetto inferiore filetto inferiore inferiore inferiore inferiore '90 inferiore '90'90'90 '90 '90'90 lower piping coverings lower lower lower lower piping lower piping lower for piping piping piping coverings Round piping coverings piping coverings coverings coverings coverings cushion coverings forfor Round for Round for 90 for Round for Round for Round cushion Round cushion Round cushion cushion cushion cushion 90 cushion 90909090 9090 09CMCF32 Kg 4,00 KgKg Kg KgKgKgKg 4,00 4,00 4,00 4,00 4,00 4,00 4,00 Cuscino 09CMCF32 09CMCF32 09CMCF32 09CMCF32 09CMCF32 09CMCF32 rotondo 09CMCF32 Cuscino Cuscino Cuscino Fodera Cuscino Cuscino rotondo Cuscino rotondo fascia rotondo rotondo rotondo rotondo Fodera rotondo '90 Fodera Fodera Fodera Fodera Fodera fascia Fodera fascia fascia fascia fascia '90 fascia '90 fascia '90'90 '90 '90'90 outer frame coverings outer outer outer outer frame outer frame for outer frame frame frame coverings Round frame coverings frame coverings coverings cov