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GettyMusic Hymn Supplement Piano/Vocal Arrangement Version: January 2009 www.gettymusic.com Behold the Lamb (Communion Hymn) Benediction Come People of the Risen King The Compassion Hymn Creation Sings The Father's Song Every Promise Father We Have Sinned (Repentance) God of Grace Holy Child Holy Spirit Jesus is Lord Jesus Your Name Joy Has Dawned Let the Earth Resound Love of God Merciful God My Heart is Filled My Hope Rests Firm One Church, One Faith Spirit of Heaven The Risen Christ When Trials Come www.gettymusic.com Behold the Lamb (The Communion Hymn) Thoughtful (q = 72) F'9/A 5 Am9 Gsus G C/G G7sus G7 Verse F'9/A G/B C Dm7 C/E G C/E 1.Be - hold the Lamb who bears our sins a - way, slain for 2.The bo - dy of our Sav - iour Je - sus Christ, torn for 3.The blood that clean - ses ev - ery stain of sin, shed for 4.And so with thank - ful - ness and faith we rise to res - Am7 9 F'9/A Words and music by Keith & Kristyn Getty & Stuart Townend F'9 us– you– you– pond– and we re - mem - ber eat and re- mem - ber; drink and re - mem - ber and to re - mem - ber Refrain F'9/A G/B C Dm7 C/E G C/E F'9 G7sus G7 the pro - mise made that all who come in faith find for - give - ness at The wounds that heal, the death that brings us life paid the price to make He drained death's cup that all may en - ter in to re - ceive the life our call to fol - low in the steps of Christ as His bo - dy here Copyright © 2006 Thankyou Music/Adm. by worshiptogether.com songs excl. UK & Europe, adm. by Kingsway Music. [email protected]. Used by permission. Should churches wish to further reproduce the words or photocopy this sheet music, they should contact our office ([email protected] or Tel: 01323 437712) for permission to do so. However, if they hold a current Church Copyright Licensing (CCL) licence they may reproduce the words and, if they also hold a Music Reproduction Licence (MRL), they may photocopy the music. They must ensure that they report the photocopying of the music under the title of 'TYM Sheet Music' C the us of on cross. one. God. earth. C/E So we So we So we As we Behold the Lamb (The Communion Hymn) (Simple Piano) 13 www.gettymusic.com F'9 C/E Fma7 G'9 C/E share share share share in in in in this bread of this bread of this bread of His suf - fer - 17 F'9 and we and we and we we pro - sign sign sign join of of of in of of of of peace love grace heaven our bonds our bonds our bonds the feast life, life, life, ing, C/E F'9 G drink drink drink claim of His of His of His Christ will F'9/A a - round a- round a - round a - round Fma7 G7 the tab - le the tab - le the tab - le the tab - le of of of of sac - ri - fice as a sac - ri - fice as a sac - ri - fice as a come a - gain! And we'll the the the the C'9 King. King. King. King. last time F% C'9 Behold the Lamb (The Communion Hymn) (Simple Piano) F% C/E C/E Fma7 G7sus G7 21 F'9 C'9 www.gettymusic.com May the Peace (Benediction) D7 G'9 1.May the 2.May this 4 D peace peace and in of God our which pass - es Heav -'nly Fa - ther, and the un - der stand - ing, and this G'9 and and the this fel fel - low - ship low - ship of of Chorus D/F# Em7 D G/B C God the Spi His com - mun D Em7 D/F# G'9/B minds with - in His love. spi - rit and in heart. depths of earth to the Copyright © 2005 Thankyou Music/Adm. by worshiptogether.com songs excl. UK & Europe, adm. by Kingsway Music. [email protected]. Used by permission. C heights of And to G'9/B Heav'n; Should churches wish to further reproduce the words or photocopy this sheet music, they should contact our office ([email protected] or Tel: 01323 437712) for permission to do so. However, if they hold a current Church Copyright Licensing (CCL) licence they may reproduce the words and, if they also hold a Music Reproduction Licence (MRL), they may photocopy the music. They must ensure that they report the photocopying of the music under the title of 'TYM Sheet Music' Him be - rit ion C'9/G D Em7 D/F# keep ake our us G'9 praise for His glo - rious grace of Christ the ri - sen grace which makes us what we G/B Am7 D/F# Em7 D/F# Em7 11 G'9/B Am7 C Em7 D/F# D7 Em7 hearts one G/B Son, are, 7 Keith Getty & Stuart Townend Peacefully (q = 76) reign, from the Em7 D Am7/C We de - clare the name of the Lamb once slain–Christ e - Benediction (Easy Piano) 15 www.gettymusic.com G/D ter - nal, the King 18 D/F# 1. Am7/D G Em7 of Kings. C'9/E D/F# D/F# G D7 Benediction (Easy Piano) C 2.May this G/B 2. G'9 Kings! www.gettymusic.com Come, People of the Risen King Keith and Kristyn Getty & Stuart Townend Jubilant (q = 108) C C 1.Come, 6 F C/E F C/E G F ris - en King,who de - light to bring Him praise. morn- ing sun, and those weep- ing through the night. ev - ’ry land, men and wo - men of the faith. F C G F Him, cease, call C Copyright © 2001 Thankyou Music/Adm. by worshiptogether.com songs excl. UK & Europe, adm. by Kingsway Music. [email protected]. Used by permission. C/E F G Am C/E F C/E From the shift - ing sha - dows of the earth we will lift our eyes to For His per - fect love will nev - er change, and His mer - cies nev - er O - ver all the world His peo - ple sing; shore to shore we hear them C peo - ple of the those whose joy is young and old from C/E F G Am F Refrain C where stead - y arms of mer - cy reach to gath - er child - ren in. but fol - low us through all our days with the cer - tain hope of peace. the Truth that cries through ev - ’ry age: “Our God is all in all.” C/E Come all, and tune your hearts to sing to the Come, those who tell of bat - tles won, and those Come, those with full or emp - ty hands; find the F Morn - ing Star of grace. strug - gling in the fight. rich - es of His grace. 16 11 Should churches wish to further reproduce the words or photocopy this sheet music, they should contact our office ([email protected] or Tel: 01323 437712) for permission to do so. However, if they hold a current Church Copyright Licensing (CCL) licence they may reproduce the words and, if they also hold a Music Reproduction Licence (MRL), they may photocopy the music. They must ensure that they report the photocopying of the music under the title of 'TYM Sheet Music' Re - Come, People of the Risen King (Easy Piano) www.gettymusic.com 21 G F/G joice! Re - joice! 27 1.2. Dm G F Let C ev -’ry tongue re - joice! G Am G F C/E One heart, one voice; C C 3. Dm G Gsus C 2.Come, 3.Come, C oh, Church of Christ, re - joice! 32 G C Church of Christ, re - joice! Come, People of the Risen King (Easy Piano) www.gettymusic.com There is an Everlasting Kindness (The Compassion Hymn) Keith & Kristyn Getty & Stuart Townend Gently Flowing (q = 116) G D/F# D 8 1.There is an D/F# D tress tears; grief, cries D/F# ev - er - last-ing pass - ion for the neath the cross of ful the feet that G Copyright © 2008 Thankyou Music/Adm. by worshiptogether.com songs excl. UK & Europe, adm. by Kingsway Music. [email protected]. Used by permission. - D/F# G ness ing v’ry ry Em7 G/A You lav - ished You reached out and gazed on this Gos - pel A7sus D/F# You called the sheep with - out a You saw be - hind the eyes of for sure - ly You have borne our To be a voice of hope and shep sor suff heal for - give - ness the wear - y, the scoff - er and help - less Em7 Em7/A G and the shade of let the child - ren and showed grace to with the mer - cy Should churches wish to further reproduce the words or photocopy this sheet music, they should contact our office ([email protected] or Tel: 01323 437712) for permission to do so. However, if they hold a current Church Copyright Licensing (CCL) licence they may reproduce the words and, if they also hold a Music Reproduction Licence (MRL), they may photocopy the music. They must ensure that they report the photocopying of the music under the title of 'TYM Sheet Music' your draw the of of to opin - Em7 G/A to leave their and shared in and car - ried to ans - wer dis our our the - herd - row - ’ring - ing, 1. D/F# when the ra - dience as the lame ran at the thorns of to the fields of G G on us, Your hand Your face of peace A Bm7 A/C# D for Your streams of heard the sigh of as You par - doned of the hun - gry kind hurt Cal car res - cue the lost. dead breathed a - gain. wounds of dis - grace; val - leys of need. Em7 hea - ven came to meet You and the press - ion and the just - ice and the 20 A Bm7 A/C# D G 14 D/F# rest. The Compassion Hymn (Simple Piano) www.gettymusic.com 2.3. ABm7A/C# D 26 2.And with com - near. thief. Christ. Em7 D/F# shown us, O G God of com - pass Em7 D/F# D praise, D 47 G The Compassion Hymn (Simple Piano) A/G we an off - ering of A Bm7 A/C# ion. A Bm7 A/C# D D.S. $ 3. 1.2. D/F# D/F# live, G - D/F# G Asus You have Each day as we show to the world Your com - pass what fath - om - less grace ion. G A - D/F# 40 A/G What bound - less love, A Bm7 A/C# G A 33 Refrain D D 3.We stood be 4.How beau - ti - www.gettymusic.com Creation Sings With a Celtic Lilt (q = 88) Bb Bb Eb/Bb Bb Eb/Bb Bb Eb/Bb Bb Eb F Gm Bb Bb Eb/Bb Bb Eb/Bb Bb/D Eb/Bb and run the course of day, un - veiled the Fa - ther’s plan the bit - ter wars that rage Bb Bb Eb/Bb Eb Bb/D Eb F Bb till eve - ning falls in crim - son of re - con - cil - ing God and are birth pains of a com - ing Eb/Bb Eb/Bb rays. man. age. Bb Eb F Gm His fin - ger - prints in flakes of snow, His breath up - on this spin - ning globe, A sec - ond A - dam walked the earth, whose blame - less life would break the curse; When He re - news the land and sky, all heav’n will sing and earth re - ply 16 Eb sun to wake the dawn One in time’s em - brace, reign up - on the earth; 12 Eb/Bb 1.Cre - a - tion sings the Fa - ther’s song; He calls the a - tion gazed up - on His face; the age - less a - tion longs for His re - turn, when Christ shall 7 Keith & Kristyn Getty & Stuart Townend Eb Bb/D He charts the eag - le’s flight; whose death would set us free with one res - plen - dent theme: Eb Bb/D Eb F Copyright © 2008 Thankyou Music/Adm. by worshiptogether.com songs excl. UK & Europe, adm. by Kingsway Music. [email protected]. Used by permission. Should churches wish to further reproduce the words or photocopy this sheet music, they should contact our office ([email protected] or Tel: 01323 437712) for permission to do so. However, if they hold a current Church Copyright Licensing (CCL) licence they may reproduce the words and, if they also hold a Music Reproduction Licence (MRL), they may photocopy the music. They must ensure that they report the photocopying of the music under the title of 'TYM Sheet Music' new - born ba - by’s cry. Him e - ter - nal - ly. of our God and King! Refrain Bb com - mands the to live with The glo - ry F Hal - le - lu - Creation Sings (Easy Piano) 21 www.gettymusic.com Gm Eb Bb/D Eb F Bb jah! Let all cre - a - tion stand and sing, 27 Eb Bb/D wor - ship; 31 Bb F Tell the "Hal - le Bb/D Eb F Bb Creation Sings (Easy Piano) - Fill the earth with songs of Eb/Bb Bb Eb/Bb cre - a - tion’s King. Bb Eb/Bb Bb 2.Cre - King. 3.Cre - lu - jah!" Bb 3. Eb/Bb 1.2. won - ders of Eb Bb/D Eb Gm Eb/Bb Bb Eb/Bb Bb www.gettymusic.com From the Breaking of the Dawn (Every Promise) Steady Celtic Groove (q = 72) A/E E 1.From the 5 E E A/E break stum faced lifts - A E on on on on save, give, land, lone, ev -'ry ev -'ry ev -'ry ev -'ry E Your Your Your Your A E5 F#m B a might Your has Words of You are Through this Not for - way; live, hand come; Should churches wish to further reproduce the words or photocopy this sheet music, they should contact our office ([email protected] or Tel: 01323 437712) for permission to do so. However, if they hold a current Church Copyright Licensing (CCL) licence they may reproduce the words and, if they also hold a Music Reproduction Licence (MRL), they may photocopy the music. They must ensure that they report the photocopying of the music under the title of 'TYM Sheet Music' A/B E I will so I as I And I stand stand stand stand A/B I will I will and I'll as I A/E B sun, in, voice fear Word. Word. Word. Word. that will ne - ver pass that in free - dom I You will guide me with for the Com - for - ter Copyright © 2005 Thankyou Music/Adm. by worshiptogether.com songs excl. UK & Europe, adm. by Kingsway Music. [email protected]. Used by permission. pro - mise of pro - mise of pro - mise of pro - mise of to the set - ting of the con - dem - na - tion press- ing I will lis - ten for Your Love that casts out ev - 'ry A/E F#m ing of the dawn ble and I sin, with an - guished choice, me from des - pair; A/B A stand stand stand stand 10 Keith Getty & Stuart Townend E A/E po - wer, strong to faith - ful to for dark and troub - led sa - ken, not a - F#m7 A/B on on on on ev - 'ry ev - 'ry ev - 'ry ev - 'ry pro - mise of pro - mise of pro - mise of pro - mise of Your Your Your Your Every Promise (Easy Piano) 15 www.gettymusic.com E A/E E5 Word. Word. Word. Word. E/G# Bsus B A/B I So So We can I'll I'll will stand stand stand stand E 23 cure– more. me. lieve. A/E E G#m C#m7 1.2. 3. E5 Word. Word. Word. Word. on on on on ev ev ev ev - Every Promise (Easy Piano) and on this I am You re - mem - ber sins ev - 'ry work be - gun Grace for all who will 'ry 'ry 'ry 'ry pro pro pro pro A/E A - A/B mise mise mise mise of of of of Your Your Your Your 4. E5 se no in be - F#m7 2.When I 3.When I'm 4.Hope that F#m For Your co - ve - nant is sure Guilt to inn - o - cence re - stored; And You've pro - mised to comp - lete Grace suf - fi - cient, grace for me; 20 A www.gettymusic.com Father, We Have Sinned (Repentance) Keith Getty & Stuart Townend Thoughtfully (h = ca.60-63) Dm C C sinned in word, and na - tions, You who deed, bless and the thought; poor– Bb C Bb A[µ] Dm fault. We've sinned a - gainst our more. We've made our greed a C Bb Lord. Yet we are tru - ly starve; Come change our joy to sor - ry, and we sor - row, 'til our turn lives Dm Dm Dm7 Gm7 weak - ness, through de - li - berate end - less want and strive for 12 C 1.Fa - ther, we have 2.Fa - ther of the 6 Bb Copyright © 2003 Thankyou Music/Adm. by worshiptogether.com songs excl. UK & Europe, adm. by Kingsway Music. [email protected]. Used by permission. Should churches wish to further reproduce the words or photocopy this sheet music, they should contact our office ([email protected] or Tel: 01323 437712) for permission to do so. However, if they hold a current Church Copyright Licensing (CCL) licence they may reproduce the words and, if they also hold a Music Reproduction Licence (MRL), they may photocopy the music. They must ensure that they report the photocopying of the music under the title of 'TYM Sheet Music' A[µ] Dm Dm7 to You re - flect Gm F/A neigh - bours and a - gainst You, vir - tue, while the child - ren Through ig - nor - ance, through we're ser - vants of the C Fine D5 once Your more. heart. Repentance (Easy Piano) www.gettymusic.com God of Grace D/F# G'9 6 D D/F# grace, grace, grace, G'9 Gma7 G6 D/F# Em Em Bm D A7 D A7 Em7 Asus A A7 D God re stores my soul. cept - ed as His own. I'll see Your face; day God of God of God of D/F# grace, grace, grace, A7 D A7 1.God of 2.God of 3.God of D/F# Oh, the mir - ac - le of Sent my Sav - iour down from All my fears are now con D mer - cy– Je - sus rea - ches down to me. Hea - ven: per - fect God and per - fect man. is found - ed and my hope e - ver sure. A7 a - maz - ing won - der, ir - re - sist - i - ble and free; long be - fore the world be - gan; who loved and knew me I stand a - stound - ed, cleansed for - gi - ven and se - cure. Gma7 G6 D/F# A5 16 Bm7 mf 11 Keith Getty & Jonathan Rea Gently Flowing (q = 72) D/F# G I stand in I trust in now crowned in Gma7 G6 D/F# Em D/F# G A won - der, as my Je - sus; I'm ac Glo - ry, where one A7 Fine D His own blood has paid my ran - som; awe - some cost to make me whole. Ev - ery day new grace sus - tains me, as I lean on Him a - lone. And for - e - ver I'll a - dore You in Your e - ver - last - ing grace. Copyright © 2003 Thankyou Music/Adm. by worshiptogether.com songs excl. UK & Europe, adm. by Kingsway Music. [email protected]. Used by permission. Should churches wish to further reproduce the words or photocopy this sheet music, they should contact our office ([email protected] or Tel: 01323 437712) for permission to do so. However, if they hold a current Church Copyright Licensing (CCL) licence they may reproduce the words and, if they also hold a Music Reproduction Licence (MRL), they may photocopy the music. They must ensure that they report the photocopying of the music under the title of 'TYM Sheet Music' God of Grace (Easy Piano) www.gettymusic.com Holy Child Keith & Kristyn Getty Gentle & Simple (q = 88) C7 F Gm F/A Bb F/A 1.Ho - ly Child who chose the hearts of pain, as man, He knew on gift of God a - maze us 6 Bb F/A Gm7 men earth; still– Csus C7 Bb F/A Bb Csus C C7 F Leav - ing Hea -ven's gates for As a ser - vant He em As His child, I kneel to Am Dm Dm/C Bbma7 Csus the Roy - al to Hea - ven's with lav - ish Son. throne. grace. 11 Gm7 hold, rose paved C7 F Copyright © 2004 Thankyou Music/Adm. by worshiptogether.com songs excl. UK & Europe, adm. by Kingsway Music. [email protected]. Used by permission. Should churches wish to further reproduce the words or photocopy this sheet music, they should contact our office ([email protected] or Tel: 01323 437712) for permission to do so. However, if they hold a current Church Copyright Licensing (CCL) licence they may reproduce the words and, if they also hold a Music Reproduction Licence (MRL), they may photocopy the music. They must ensure that they report the photocopying of the music under the title of 'TYM Sheet Music' F/A King is born– Be grief of man, He trial and pain, it's Gm F/A Glo - ry kneels to bind Now I'm shel - tered in Know - ing Him will be Bb Beth - le - hem, God came to call His own. Now to us the high - est braced this world and on a cross He bled. Hav - ing borne the deep - est Hea - ven's will and make His pur - pose mine. Though this road be scarred with Gm F/A to be His fav oured home. No place to lay His head. the tri - umph of all time. F Bb up the my all that's Fath - er's great - est F/A torn; hand gain; The un His Holy Child (4 Part Harmonisation) www.gettymusic.com 2 15 v.2 & 3 Gm7 pro - mised til Throne, 1.2. C He my Holy Child (4 Part Harmonisation) One calls rest F C C7 has come. me home. ing - 3. F 2.Joy and 3.May the place. www.gettymusic.com Holy Spirit Keith Getty and Stuart Townend Thoughtful (q = 69) D Dma7 G% D Dma7 mp D 5 1.Ho 2.Ho 3.Ho G'9 - ly ly ly Spi - rit, liv - ing Breath Spi - rit, come a bide Spi - rit, from cre - a - D'9 8 Dma7 Dma7/G D soul; do. made. G'9 G'9/B new my thought and church to G/D heart and make me whole. deed and at - ti - tude. hun - ger for Your ways. A G'9 life joy life Copyright © 2006 Thankyou Music/Adm. by worshiptogether.com songs excl. UK & Europe, adm. by Kingsway Music. [email protected]. Used by permission. Should churches wish to further reproduce the words or photocopy this sheet music, they should contact our office ([email protected] or Tel: 01323 437712) for permission to do so. However, if they hold a current Church Copyright Licensing (CCL) licence they may reproduce the words and, if they also hold a Music Reproduction Licence (MRL), they may photocopy the music. They must ensure that they report the photocopying of the music under the title of 'TYM Sheet Music' - sen ery on D'9 G'9 in - to my will - ing be seen in all I to all that God has D/F# G'9/B A7/C# the pre - sence of the ri e - nough to co - ver ev Your pow - er once a - gain A7/C# Asus Bring Love Show A5 G'9 of God, breathe new with - in; may Your tion's birth, gi - ving 11 D/F# G% A5 Asus A Lord, to re sin in each Earth, cause Your D'9/F# Cause Your Word to come a Kind - ness to the great - est Let the frag - rance of our Holy Spirit (Easy Piano) G'9 14 live and prayers Gma7/B A'9/C# in me; the least; a - rise; give gen lead Give Turn that me my in D'9 me tle us - - Holy Spirit (Easy Piano) pass - ion for Your striv - ings in - to u - ni - ty the Dma7 me. do. see. D'9 can path sac G D/F# G'9/B A7/C# Spi - rit breathe new life in God, show Christ in all I clear for all the world to last time A7 - not see. of peace. ri - fice, Asus A G% Em9 A7sus pu - ri - ty; Ho - ly works of grace; Breath of face of Christ will be Em7 faith for what I ness that sows the on the road of D/F# G'9 A5 20 A7 G'9 17 A7sus D'9 www.gettymusic.com www.gettymusic.com Jesus is Lord Majestically (h = 58) D Em7 D/F# Bm7 Bm7/A 1."Je 2."Je 3."Je 4."Je - sus sus sus sus is is is is G/D D Bsus Bm pow'r, e - ter wis - dom laid death couldcrush turns and ev - G G D/F# Gma7 F#/A# glo - ry fills feet, who bore loosed, and we're heart will see Copyright © 2003 Thankyou Music/Adm. by worshiptogether.com songs excl. UK & Europe, adm. by Kingsway Music. [email protected]. Used by permission. the hea our suff for - gi His glo Gma7 Asus A Bm A vens, 'ring, ven, ry; Should churches wish to further reproduce the words or photocopy this sheet music, they should contact our office ([email protected] or Tel: 01323 437712) for permission to do so. However, if they hold a current Church Copyright Licensing (CCL) licence they may reproduce the words and, if they also hold a Music Reproduction Licence (MRL), they may photocopy the music. They must ensure that they report the photocopying of the music under the title of 'TYM Sheet Music' yet be and The - tion; - nets, - ty! - guish, The Son of Je - sus the The price is Then ev - ery God, Man, paid, eye Bm7 Bm7/A A/C# D Bsus Bm7 come curse run all the King whose who washed our the chains are and ev - ery G/D bids us came a we can Judge of D/F# Re -splen dent yet in His Not e - ven as He re - Em7 Bm a pla emp an A/C# D - Asus - our Rock. His crown. of love! bows low. 11 Em7 nal Word, a - side this King ery knee D/F# that ech - oes through cre sus - tains the stars and is glo - ri - ous - ly of joy, a cry of G Lord"– the cry Lord"– whose voice Lord"– the tomb Lord"– a shout 6 Keith Getty & Stuart Townend to taste to bring in - to will take this sal the His Jesus is Lord (Easy Piano) www.gettymusic.com 15 G G/A Liv va arms child - - Jesus is Lord (Easy Piano) - - D ing tion's of ren Bread. plan. God. home. Em7 D/F# G Asus A last time D www.gettymusic.com Jesus, Your Name A A/C# D E/G# E least. ter. love. Prince Coun Migh A/C# E E D/E E7 You. blame. throw. A/C# of Peace; sell - or; ty God; D You de - fend u - pon A - A/C# can has great Bm trou - ble hope knees of our less the world. shame; weak. Je - sus, Your Je - sus, Your Je - sus, the all though earth Bm/D A/C# D A/C# sil-ence the storms; stood in my place ban- ner of hope; whose hope is in in me was the can - not o - ver - D the striv - ings that and freed me from Stead - ies the A A/C# name name name re now all Copyright © 2004 Thankyou Music/Adm. by worshiptogether.com songs excl. UK & Europe, adm. by Kingsway Music. [email protected]. Used by permission. Should churches wish to further reproduce the words or photocopy this sheet music, they should contact our office ([email protected] or Tel: 01323 437712) for permission to do so. However, if they hold a current Church Copyright Licensing (CCL) licence they may reproduce the words and, if they also hold a Music Reproduction Licence (MRL), they may photocopy the music. They must ensure that they report the photocopying of the music under the title of 'TYM Sheet Music' E Dma7 trea - sures the Life's Com - for rul - ing in A/C# Bm will keep ing me, the throne E D/E E7 A/C# A Qui - ets my soul, Won - der - ful Way, All Pow'r - ful One, Je - sus, Your name Je - sus, Your name Je - sus, Your name, 22 - D In per - fect rest Spi - rit of Truth There is a King 15 A A/C# 1.Je - sus, Your name, 2.Je - sus, Your name, 3.Je - sus, Your name, 8 Keith & Kristyn Getty & Ian Hannah Simple & Powerful (q = 116) - - Jesus, Your Name (Easy Piano) www.gettymusic.com 27 D veals You as fath - er's nat - ions will Jesus, Your Name (Easy Piano) A/C# Lord; me; praise; Bm7 Oh, With joy Oh, Esus E po - wer - ful I bear His glo - ri - ous A Fine to repeat E E7 name! name. name! www.gettymusic.com Joy Has Dawned Keith Getty & Stuart Townend With life (q = 116) F Gm7/F 1.Joy has dawned up 2.Sounds of won - der 3.Shep - herds bow be 4.Son of A - dam, F Csus C not shaped In what Dm7 hope shel pro Christ for ev - ery ters in a phes - y a our might - y Gm7 F/A with scenes of the earth in cense, God is a glo - rious Copyright © 2004 Thankyou Music/Adm. by worshiptogether.com songs excl. UK & Europe, adm. by Kingsway Music. [email protected]. Used by permission. Gm7 F/C glo - ry, dark - ness, with us; mys - t'ry: F/C C C7 prom - ised from cre - a - tion: with the songs of an - gels, gaz - ing at the glo - ry; giv - en as a ran - som; Csus C F na - tion. sta - ble. sto ry. Champ - ion! F Gm7 Bb F/A Gm7 Csus C Csus C Not with fan - fares Hands that set each Gold, a King is What a Sav- iour, F Gm7/F from star born what a - bove, in place, to - day; a Friend, Dm7 Gm7 but a hum - ble cling now to a Myrrh, His death will Once a babe in Should churches wish to further reproduce the words or photocopy this sheet music, they should contact our office ([email protected] or Tel: 01323 437712) for permission to do so. However, if they hold a current Church Copyright Licensing (CCL) licence they may reproduce the words and, if they also hold a Music Reproduction Licence (MRL), they may photocopy the music. They must ensure that they report the photocopying of the music under the title of 'TYM Sheet Music' F/A F God's sal - va - tion as the might - y Gifts of men from Re - con - cil - ing C C7 Gm7 the world, the sky the Lamb, of Heav'n, Dm7 now un- furled, Prince of Life dis - tant lands God and man– Dm7 on fill fore Son 11 Csus C 6 F gift of love: Je - sus, born of moth - er's breast, vul - n'ra - ble and make a way and by His blood He'll Beth - le - hem, now the Lord of Joy has Dawned (Easy Piano) 16 www.gettymusic.com Fine to repeat Csus C F Ma help win his - ry. less. us. t'ry. Joy has Dawned (Easy Piano) Bb/D mf Eb/G F/A Gm7 F/A mp Bbma7 C7sus C7 mf www.gettymusic.com Let the Earth Resound F/C C F C/E C/E F C/G F C/E F C/G Gsus G7 G F/G mer-cies ne - ver cease; death in a - gon - y, meet the Fath - er's gaze, Copyright © 2005 Thankyou Music/Adm. by worshiptogether.com songs excl. UK & Europe, adm. by Kingsway Music. [email protected]. Used by permission. on us. sus Christ. are one. F C/E Am Fma7 G C F/G C C C/E G F C/E For the One who set each that re - vealed the depths of when all sin and pain are star in place chose to set His heart love di - vine in the face of Je put to death and the Church and Christ F 11 F C/E 1.Let the earth re - sound with songs of praise to the Fath - er's power and love; earth be stilled be - fore the sight of a Fath - er's sac - ri - fice earth re - sound with songs of faith at the won - der yet to come, 6 Keith Getty & Stuart Townend With Strength (q = 84) G/F C/E F C/E C To the One whose might gives vic - to - ry, yet whose Through a life of full o - bed - i - ence and a When we stand as God's great fam - i - ly and we F C/E F C/E F C/G Gsus G7 C Chorus As the tap - est - ry of his - to - ry tells the sto - ry of His grace. King Im He re - moved the re - bel's pun- ish- ment and He set the pris - 'ner free. and we share in His e - ter - nal joy as we join in cease - less praise. Should churches wish to further reproduce the words or photocopy this sheet music, they should contact our office ([email protected] or Tel: 01323 437712) for permission to do so. However, if they hold a current Church Copyright Licensing (CCL) licence they may reproduce the words and, if they also hold a Music Reproduction Licence (MRL), they may photocopy the music. They must ensure that they report the photocopying of the music under the title of 'TYM Sheet Music' Let the Earth Resound (Easy Piano) 17 www.gettymusic.com G F C/E mor - tal Faith-ful God; 22 F G G7 C Crowned with splen - dour, rich F Dm7 earth re - sound with Let the Earth Resound (Easy Piano) C/G Gsus songs of praise G7 C to F/C You. 2.Let the 3.Let the F Let the hea - vens and the 1.2. C/E G in love. F 3. C You. www.gettymusic.com Love Of God Moderato A7sus D 1.Love of D Em7 D/F# G God, God, God, Em7 D/F# G won - der frail - ty trea - sure Em7 Em7 Gma7/B A/C# of a Ma - ker's hand; of a ser - vant King; this world af - fords: A7 D Bm7 Em7 D/F# G A che - rish man - i - ty know - ing, are God's gra - cious to kneel at the so cap - ture my Copyright © 2007 Thankyou Music/Adm. by worshiptogether.com songs excl. UK & Europe, adm. by Kingsway Music. [email protected]. Used by permission. All rights reserved. sign: cross soul A7sus All the joys of life Oh, what love, that calls May this love, be - yond we hu all Em7 D/F# G We are child and ex - change that I'm filled G D Em7 ren of His pro - mise, our sin's fu - til - i - ty to o - ver - flow - ing Seas that Sov - reign To be D/F# roar with thun - d'rous splendour, fields that whis - per at Hiscom - mand. pow'r robed in hu - mil - i - ty, per - fect grace crowned with suf-fer - ing. His and His for - ev - er– this my glo - ry and my re - ward! A7sus by the works through the gift o - ver all D/A D/A re - vealed in re -vealed in what price - less Words and Music by Keith Getty & Stuart Townend heirs of for the with a Love of God (Simple Piano) www.gettymusic.com Refrain D/A A7 - cy and grace di - vine. of a Fa - ther's love. ion for Christ a - lone! Em7 and D out A Un - fail - ing love from Hea - ven'sthrone, that sought me G/A D/F# mer joy pass D brought me home. G D D/F# A G My song of praise D shall ev - er A7 D The Fa - ther's love Love of God (Simple Piano) for me. G/D D A7sus 2.Love of 3.Love of Bm7 be: 1.2. Em7 Bm7 3. D me. www.gettymusic.com Merciful God Eb Fm7 Ab'9 Eb'9/G love, love; love; Eb/G hum - ble in car - ing in fa - ther - ly Gm7 come, God, day Ab'9 Eb'9/G heart, deed, heart, show - ing the fool - ish in grow - ing our Abma7 Gm7/Bb Cm7 bro - ken in con - quer our strug - gles will sin; hearts; end; Fm7 Eb/G God, God, God, Ab6 - Cm7 Ab Ab'9 Gm/Bb Cm7 - Copyright © 2006 Thankyou Music/Adm. by worshiptogether.com songs excl. UK & Europe, adm. by Kingsway Music. [email protected]. Used by permission. Should churches wish to further reproduce the words or photocopy this sheet music, they should contact our office ([email protected] or Tel: 01323 437712) for permission to do so. However, if they hold a current Church Copyright Licensing (CCL) licence they may reproduce the words and, if they also hold a Music Reproduction Licence (MRL), they may photocopy the music. They must ensure that they report the photocopying of the music under the title of 'TYM Sheet Music' cries thought ways of the and un with Your Eb Cm7 to. ful. ing. Help - less I Spi - rit of God speed the Ab6 found at the feet of Your mer with love that flows from for - give Fault- less we'll gaze on Your glo Bb7sus Bb7 Cross they may cling word and un - grate faith with each test Fm7 Hear - ing the Sel - fish in Guid - ing our in in in You; You. ing. O a - bound - ing O a - bound - ing O a - bound - ing Fm9/Bb Bb13 Eb faith - ful to all who draw near faith - ful through times we have failed faith - ful to keep us from fall Eb 1.Mer - ci - ful 2.Mer - ci - ful 3.Mer - ci - ful Cm7 22 Ab Bb5 mp 15 Eb/G 8 Keith & Kristyn Getty Gentle & Thoughtful (q = 100) Fm9/Bb Bb13 - cy. ness. ry. Merciful God (Easy Piano) 29 www.gettymusic.com Eb Fa Cause Then Fm7 Fm7 ther, for - give; us to yield we will stand 1.2. Merciful God (Easy Piano) Eb/G may my sin and re - turn o - ver - whelmed 34 Eb/G be to by re the the Eb/G Eb mem- bered no mer - cy of mer - cy of 3. Bb7 Ab'9 Bb7sus Ab Bb7sus Bb7 more. God. God. Ab Bb7sus Bb7 Eb www.gettymusic.com My Heart is Filled A7 1.My 6 D D heart heart heart with with with D/F# G G thank ful - ness thank ful - ness thank ful - ness A/C# Bm7 Bm D/A G A7 Bm7 Bm7/A crushed my curse of sin - ful - ness ev - 'ry prom - ise is e - nough ev - 'ry day I have on earth Bm7 G right-eous - ness arms of love life, my all, D Should churches wish to further reproduce the words or photocopy this sheet music, they should contact our office ([email protected] or Tel: 01323 437712) for permission to do so. However, if they hold a current Church Copyright Licensing (CCL) licence they may reproduce the words and, if they also hold a Music Reproduction Licence (MRL), they may photocopy the music. They must ensure that they report the photocopying of the music under the title of 'TYM Sheet Music' Who Whose For D A/C# His I the A/C# A A7 in step by Who Who Whose D D/F# Gma7 Asus A G A7 a - gain; to fly; is love. u - pon my heart. ing me with grace. and fol - low Him. - life fears thought with pow'r and crown to love Copyright © 2002 Thankyou Music/Adm. by worshiptogether.com songs excl. UK & Europe, adm. by Kingsway Music. [email protected]. Used by permission. D/F# Gma7 G'9 D/F# Gma7 Asus A and clothed me for ev - 'ry is gi - ven Bm7 to Him who bore my pain; to Him who walks be - side; to Him who reigns a - bove; 15 is filled is filled is filled A/C# Bm7 plumbed the depths of my dis - grace and gave me floods my weak - ness - es with strength and caus - es wis - dom is my per - fect peace, whose ev - 'ry 10 Keith Getty & Stuart Townend Thoughtfully (q = 76) light, take; King. and wrote His law of Sus - tain - ing me with So I willgive my Fine Bm Gma7 Em7 Asus A7 mp 2.My 3.My My Heart is Filled (Easy Piano) www.gettymusic.com My Hope Rests Firm Lyrics by Richard Creighton Music by Keith Getty Andante (q = 100) Bm Bm/A mp espr. Em7 G6 G6 Bm 1.My Bm/D on my rests firm on Je sus Christ, He is sus - tains me as I strive and strain to - hope pro - vides me with a spur to help me - G'9 Though all the world should goal; Though still I stum - ble this race: I know my point in Bm7 plea. G'9 the Bm7 19 ly wards run hope - Em7 hope F#m Em7 14 Bm/A Bm/A 8 Bm and - scorn, His ran to sin, His death to joy the day turn G A - Copyright © 2001 Thankyou Music/Adm. by worshiptogether.com songs excl. UK & Europe, adm. by Kingsway Music. [email protected]. Used by permission. Should churches wish to further reproduce the words or photocopy this sheet music, they should contact our office ([email protected] or Tel: 01323 437712) for permission to do so. However, if they hold a current Church Copyright Licensing (CCL) licence they may reproduce the words and, if they also hold a Music Reproduction Licence (MRL), they may photocopy the music. They must ensure that they report the photocopying of the music under the title of 'TYM Sheet Music' som leaves me paid for it I see His tears Bm Bm/A free, will His all, His face, the My Hope Rests Firm (Easy Piano) www.gettymusic.com Em7 25 ran - death day Bm 31 A to me for it all. I see His face. 1.2. be with my Lord, serve Bm7 Him glad - ly all Bm Bm/A throne, My Hope Rests Firm (Easy Piano) to G'9 Em7 in know praise as my be - fore D G6 am 4.My hope is known. in A G6 F#m I days 2.3.My 3. Em7 G6 Bm/A D Em7 50 free. leaves paid G/D 37 44 som Bm/A Bm G A praise D His throne. be - fore To His www.gettymusic.com Your hand, O God, has guided (One church, one faith) Words adapted from E H. Plumptre (1821-91) Music by Keith Getty Cm Bb/C Cm Bb/C Ab Bb Cm church from age to age; leaves Your work un - done; Ab Cm the with Fm7 church, church, Gm7 one faith, one faith, Ab'9 one one Bb/C mp 1.Your Cm Bb/C hand, O God, has gui mer - cy ne - ver fails Cm tale of love is Your right hand to wri help tten for us us the vic Fm7'4 name shall be Cm Bb Eb on - tory ev -'ry page. shall be won. Bb/C Your or Bb ded us Ab Cm Our And Cm - ness and we your works re - cord; and each of these bear wit - ness: One fath - ers knew Your good then by all cre - a - tion Your 10 Cm Verse 7 f 4 Cm Bb/C Cm Bb/C Lord. Lord. Chorus Ab'9/Bb a - dored; with earth and Hea - ven sing - ing: One Eb One church, Copyright © 2001 Thankyou Music/Adm. by worshiptogether.com songs excl. UK & Europe, adm. by Kingsway Music. [email protected]. Used by permission. Should churches wish to further reproduce the words or photocopy this sheet music, they should contact our office ([email protected] or Tel: 01323 437712) for permission to do so. However, if they hold a current Church Copyright Licensing (CCL) licence they may reproduce the words and, if they also hold a Music Reproduction Licence (MRL), they may photocopy the music. They must ensure that they report the photocopying of the music under the title of 'TYM Sheet Music' one Bb/Eb Ab/C Bb/D faith,one Lord of Eb life, one One Church, One Faith (New Irish Hymns) 12 www.gettymusic.com Ab Ab Bb Fath - er, one Spir - it, 14 Eb/G one Bb One One Church, One Faith (New Irish Hymns) Cm Bb/C Cm Bb/C all. Bb/Eb church, one faith, Hea - ven - ly King, Lord of Christ. Eb Ab/C Bb/D Eb one Lord of 1. Cm Bb/C Cm Bb/C life, 2. Cm 2.Your one www.gettymusic.com Spirit Of Heaven With a Celtic Lilt (e = 164) E B7 4 E E F#m7 E/G# A F#m7 1.Spir - it of Heav - en, flood ov - er me, 2.Spir - it of beau - ty and ho - li - ness, 3.Breathe Your for - give - ness when dark - ness falls E/B A/B E E Christ in all that I do. fine with fire from a - bove, heart is hea - vy with sin. Turn till Fill E/B A/B form - ing come re and my F#m7 E/G# A F#m7 ev - ery sin - ful de - sire in me I am cast in Your right - eous - ness me with faith for the high - er cause 8 B7 6 Words & Music by Keith & Kristyn Getty & Stuart Townend in - to and I of the Refrain E ho - ly pass - ion for You. love the things that you love. cease-less praise of the King. G#m O, A Bsus B Spir - it of God,come down; Copyright © 2007 Thankyou Music/Adm. by worshiptogether.com songs excl. UK & Europe, adm. by Kingsway Music. [email protected]. Used by permission. F#7/A# Spirit Of Heaven (Simple Piano) www.gettymusic.com 10 C#m Let F#m7 Bsus mer - cy and grace 1.2. 13 A E a- bound. B G#m A Bsus B My F#7/A# pass - ion - ate prayer shall be: B7 Spirit Of Heaven (Simple Piano) A Christ in 3. E me. me. C#m www.gettymusic.com O Breath of God (The Risen Christ) Flowing (q = 100) Cm 1.O 2.O 3.O 4.May Bb/D Breath Word Love God know trust Je make Fm7 Bb7 Eb/G of God, come of God, so of God, so the Fa - ther, fill clear un God Cm Ab/C rise, Life, fice, nite, grace You; name. one; this and re the Cm Eb'9/G and And Let In from give us hol Eb that that that that we we we we may may may may know know know know Copyright © 2003 Thankyou Music/Adm. by worshiptogether.com songs excl. UK & Europe, adm. by Kingsway Music. [email protected]. Used by permission. Should churches wish to further reproduce the words or photocopy this sheet music, they should contact our office ([email protected] or Tel: 01323 437712) for permission to do so. However, if they hold a current Church Copyright Licensing (CCL) licence they may reproduce the words and, if they also hold a Music Reproduction Licence (MRL), they may photocopy the music. They must ensure that they report the photocopying of the music under the title of 'TYM Sheet Music' - our to re i - Cm Ab The The The The slum us flect ness Bbsus Ris Ris Ris Ris ber the Your let Bb Bb7sus - Eb hearts minds souls Spi - to to in rit Ab Eb/G our our our the Bb/D re - vive re - new re - fresh and God Abma7 Bb/D Bb place; true, strained, Son Your in sus' us - Fm7 Bb9 Eb/G Eb/Ab Bbsus Bb 12 Eb 7 Keith Getty & Phil Madeira Eb make Bread sac us Eb en en en en Christ. Christ. Christ. Christ. Gm7 us of ri u - Fine The Risen Christ (Easy Piano) www.gettymusic.com When Trials Come Keith & Kristyn Getty Moderately, with hope (q = 88) Bb Eb 1.When Ab Eb/G fire 9 Cm7 told; lon - ger fear, for Cm7 the pain our Eb told. Ab'9 Bb faith - ful - ness is Bb 5. Eb 2.With - old. 4. When I am weary with the cost, I see the triumph of the cross; So in it's shadow I shall run 'Till He completes the work begun; 'Till He completes the work begun. 3. I turn to wisdom noy my own, for every battle You have known. My confidence will rest in You; Your love endures, Your ways are good; Your love endures, Your ways are good 5. One day all things will be made new; I'll see the hope You called me to. And in Your Kingdom paved with gold I'll praise Your faithfulness of old; I'll praise Your faithfulness of old. Should churches wish to further reproduce the words or photocopy this sheet music, they should contact our office ([email protected] or Tel: 01323 437712) for permission to do so. However, if they hold a current Church Copyright Licensing (CCL) licence they may reproduce the words and, if they also hold a Music Reproduction Licence (MRL), they may photocopy the music. They must ensure that they report the photocopying of the music under the title of 'TYM Sheet Music' 2. Within the night, I know Your peace; The breath of God brings strength to me. And, new each morning, mercy flows As treasures of the darkness grow; As Treasures of the darkness grow. Copyright © 2005 Thankyou Music/Adm. by worshiptogether.com songs excl. UK & Europe, adm. by Kingsway Music. [email protected]. Used by permission. Bb Eb/G God draws near, to and there His 1. - 4. Ab Abmaj7 Bb7 in Eb/G and there His faith - ful -ness is Eb more than gold; Abmaj7 Eb/Bb a faith worth [µ] Eb/G tri - als come, no 5 Ab6 When Trials Come (New Irish Hymns 4)
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