Nesstar Publisher User Guide


Nesstar Publisher User Guide
Unlocking | data | creating | knowledge
Nesstar Publisher v4.0
User Guide
September 2011
Nesstar Publisher v4.0
User Guide
Introduction........................................................................................................ 1
New features.............................................................................................. 1
Installation ................................................................................................. 1
Getting Started .................................................................................................. 2
My Projects................................................................................................ 2
Opening a project............................................................................... 3
Closing a project ................................................................................ 3
Removing a project ............................................................................ 3
Organising projects - adding groups................................................... 3
Using ‘Add New Study’ .............................................................................. 3
Importing studies and datasets .................................................................. 3
Importing one study or dataset ........................................................... 4
Importing multiple studies or datasets as separate projects ............... 4
Importing multiple datasets as one project ......................................... 5
Importing DDI Document (.xml) files................................................... 6
Importing delimited text files ............................................................... 6
Importing SPSS syntax files ............................................................... 7
Importing SPSS portable/save files .................................................... 7
Importing Nesstar (.nsf) files .............................................................. 7
Importing Hierarchy Definition (.NSDstatHDef) files ........................... 8
Adding Metadata ............................................................................................... 9
Publisher templates ................................................................................... 9
Template Manager..................................................................................... 9
Study templates ............................................................................... 10
Resource Description templates....................................................... 10
Template Manager options............................................................... 10
Sharing templates ............................................................................ 12
Template Editor ....................................................................................... 12
Creating/deleting groups .................................................................. 13
Adding/removing items to/from a group............................................ 13
‘Other Study Description Materials’ & ‘Other Materials’ fields ........... 14
Item options ..................................................................................... 14
Multi-lingual metadata.............................................................................. 15
Adding additional languages ............................................................ 16
Defining default language settings ................................................... 17
Adding multi-lingual metadata .......................................................... 17
Controlled vocabularies ........................................................................... 18
Creating a controlled vocabulary list................................................. 18
Using a controlled vocabulary list ..................................................... 18
Creating a list for ‘Keyword’ and ‘Topic Classification’ fields............. 19
Using a controlled vocabulary list for ‘Keyword’ and ‘Topic
Classification’ fields ......................................................................................... 20
Datasets .......................................................................................................... 20
Key Variables & Relations (Survey data only) .......................................... 21
Relations .......................................................................................... 21
Base key variables ........................................................................... 22
External key variables ...................................................................... 22
Validating ‘Relations’ and ‘Key’ variables ......................................... 22
Variables.................................................................................................. 22
Variables .......................................................................................... 23
Variable Description ......................................................................... 25
Documentation................................................................................. 29
Nesstar Publisher v4.0
User Guide
Variable information ......................................................................... 32
Data Entry................................................................................................ 35
Cell Notes – Item Level Metadata (Cube data only) ................................. 35
Cube Setups............................................................................................ 36
To add a new Cube setup: ............................................................... 37
Layout: To set the default view of a table ......................................... 37
Layout: The ‘Sections’ area.............................................................. 37
Layout: Setting the ‘Additivity’ of Measure variables......................... 37
Layout: Setting a Rounding rule ....................................................... 38
Layout: Cell marking ........................................................................ 38
Publishing a cube............................................................................. 39
Aggregating datasets ............................................................................... 40
Variable Groups (Survey data only) ................................................................. 42
Adding/removing variable groups ..................................................... 42
Adding variables to a group.............................................................. 42
Managing variable groups ................................................................ 43
To copy a group ............................................................................... 44
Variable groups and hierarchical studies.......................................... 44
Other Study Materials & Other Materials ......................................................... 44
Other Study Materials .............................................................................. 45
Other Materials ........................................................................................ 45
External Resources ......................................................................................... 47
Resource groups ..................................................................................... 47
Adding resource descriptions................................................................... 47
Nesstar Publisher Menu Items......................................................................... 48
File Menu................................................................................................. 48
Add New Study ................................................................................ 48
Import StudyC ................................................................................. 49
Import Multiple Studies..................................................................... 49
Save................................................................................................. 49
Save AsC ........................................................................................ 49
Close................................................................................................ 49
Close All........................................................................................... 50
Export Dataset ................................................................................. 50
Export All Datasets........................................................................... 50
Update License ................................................................................ 51
Preferences...................................................................................... 51
Exit................................................................................................... 54
Edit Menu ................................................................................................ 55
Cut, Copy and Paste ........................................................................ 55
Copy As Text ................................................................................... 55
Search ............................................................................................. 55
Clear search results ......................................................................... 56
Select All .......................................................................................... 57
Documentation Menu............................................................................... 57
Import - Import From Study .............................................................. 57
Import - Import From DDI ................................................................. 57
Import - Import From Dublin Core (External Resources)................... 58
Import - Import From .nrdf file (External Resources)......................... 59
Import - Import Dublin Core from HTML (External Resources) ......... 59
Export - Export DDI .......................................................................... 60
Export - Export Dublin Core (External Resources only) .................... 60
Export - Export all to Dublin Core (External Resources only)............ 60
Add to Local Variable Repository ..................................................... 60
Add to Global Variable Repository ................................................... 60
Nesstar Publisher v4.0
User Guide
Variable Repository.......................................................................... 61
Statistics Preview ............................................................................. 64
Update Statistics .............................................................................. 64
Create Categories From Statistics.................................................... 64
Apply Defaults From Template ......................................................... 64
Templates ........................................................................................ 65
Variables Menu........................................................................................ 65
Find Variable.................................................................................... 65
Go To............................................................................................... 65
Add Variable - Numeric .................................................................... 66
Add Variable - Fixed String .............................................................. 66
Add Variable - Dynamic Variable...................................................... 66
Add Variable - Date.......................................................................... 66
Insert Variable - Numeric.................................................................. 66
Insert Variable - Fixed String ............................................................ 66
Insert Variable - Dynamic String....................................................... 66
Insert Variable – Date ...................................................................... 67
Duplicate Variables .......................................................................... 67
Copy Variables................................................................................. 67
Insert Copied Variables .................................................................... 67
Copy Selected Labels ...................................................................... 67
Paste Labels From Clipboard ........................................................... 67
Resequence..................................................................................... 67
Change Case ................................................................................... 68
Compute Variable ............................................................................ 69
Recode Variable............................................................................... 71
Delete Variable ................................................................................ 73
Data Menu ............................................................................................... 73
Write Protected ................................................................................ 73
Insert Data Matrix From Dataset ...................................................... 73
Insert Data Matrix From Fixed Format Text ...................................... 74
Sort CasesC.................................................................................... 75
Select CasesC ................................................................................ 76
Delete CasesC................................................................................ 77
Go To Case...................................................................................... 77
View ................................................................................................. 77
Cubes (Cube datasets only) ............................................................. 78
Publishing Menu ...................................................................................... 81
Add Server ....................................................................................... 81
Publishing a Study ........................................................................... 81
Publishing a Cube ............................................................................ 84
Publishing a Resource Description................................................... 84
Automatically selected catalogues ................................................... 85
Manage Server (summary)............................................................... 85
Log out............................................................................................. 85
Remove Server ................................................................................ 86
Republish on all servers ................................................................... 86
Publishing to a Secure Server .......................................................... 86
Tools........................................................................................................ 86
Validate Metadata ............................................................................ 86
Validate External Resources ............................................................ 86
Validate Dataset Relations ............................................................... 86
Validate Variables ............................................................................ 87
Randomize Key Variables ................................................................ 87
Help ......................................................................................................... 88
Nesstar Publisher v4.0
User Guide
Homepage ....................................................................................... 88
View Licence.................................................................................... 88
Support ............................................................................................ 88
Submit Bug Report........................................................................... 88
Submit Feature Request .................................................................. 88
About ............................................................................................... 88
Manage Server ................................................................................................ 89
Adding a language................................................................................... 89
Catalogs tab ............................................................................................ 90
Multi-lingual catalogues.................................................................... 90
Setting a web client – viewing a published file.................................. 91
The Hidden catalogue ...................................................................... 92
Published Resources tab ......................................................................... 92
Creating a list of published resources............................................... 93
Changing the fields including in the published resources list ............ 93
Deleting resources from the published resources list ....................... 94
Viewing a resource from the published resources list ....................... 95
Creating a list of scheduled resources.............................................. 95
Changing the scheduled publishing date and time ........................... 95
Customize Webview Welcome page........................................................ 95
Nesstar Cubes............................................................................................. 96
10.1 Dimensions and Categories ..................................................................... 96
10.2 Hierarchical Dimensions .......................................................................... 97
10.3 Additivity .................................................................................................. 98
Non-additive..................................................................................... 98
Stock additivity ................................................................................. 98
Flow additivity .................................................................................. 99
Additive measures............................................................................ 99
10.4 Preparing Cube data for Publisher ......................................................... 100
Importing Data ............................................................................... 100
Hierarchical Dimensions................................................................. 100
Further information .................................................................................... 102
11.1 Adding links to documents from Publisher ............................................. 102
11.2 Adding links within Nesstar catalogues .................................................. 103
Nesstar Publisher v4.0
User Guide
The Nesstar Publisher is a data and metadata authoring tool that is used to prepare
and publish survey data, tabular (cube) data and other materials for the Nesstar
system. Alternatively it can also be used as a stand alone data processing tool.
Metadata, consistent with the DDI (Data Document Initiative), can also be produced
without the need for familiarity with XML. Further information about the DDI can be
found at:
Nesstar Publisher can be used to:
Add multi-lingual metadata to a survey or cube dataset
Convert a dataset to the Nesstar format or other data formats
Compute/Recode variables
Publish micro (survey) data and/or metadata to a Nesstar Server
Publish aggregated cubes (tabular data) to a Nesstar Server
Publish hierarchically related survey datasets to a Nesstar Server
Publish PDF/Word files to a Nesstar Server
Manage the resources on a Nesstar Server
New features
A number of new features have been added to Publisher including:
The ability to add multi-lingual metadata
More powerful import dialogues for use when importing delimited files
The ability to add cell notes to tabular/cube datasets
New tools to compute/recode new, or existing, variables to be added to a
dataset before publishing
The ability to create aggregated data based on existing variables.
New tools to validate metadata and variables
Scheduled publishing to enable datasets to be published on a specified date
and at a specific time
The ability to add a note for subscribed users informing them of new editions
Enhanced Mange Server capabilities, including the ability to add multi-lingual
information for catalogue names and related information
Improved cut/copy/paste functionality in Manage server
The ability to delete a number of published resources at once
All the functionality found in the Hierarchical Publisher, Cube Builder and
Resource Publisher, are now included in the one Publisher
The Nesstar Publisher requires a licence key for installation and activation. This only
needs to be entered once even if you uninstall the product and then reinstall, or
install a new version, as the licence key is saved in the registry of the operating
Once installed there are a number of options within File | Preferences that you may
wish to set. These include:
File Locations – You can specify the default location for each of the following
directories: Temp, Dataset, Import, Export, DDI.
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User Guide
Proxy Settings – Enter details here if you access the Internet through a
proxy server. The settings entered here should be the same as those found in
your web browser.
Global Variable Repository – If you specify a directory in this field any
information saved to it can then be shared with other Publisher users,
assuming they have the necessary access rights. This is particularly useful if
you have standard category labels that are used in a number of datasets and
different people could be processing those datasets.
Shared Projects – There are two types of project group: ‘My projects’ which
is for your use only, and ‘Shared Projects’ which can be shared by a number
of users. The ‘Shared Projects’ option is used to specify the location of the file
that is used to store the shared projects.
Tools Menu – A list of custom programs can be created that will appear at
the end of the ‘Tools’ menu.
DDI Export – If selected, this option will restrict the export of DDI files unless
all the dataset relations are valid.
Further information is available from section 8.1.11 Preferences.
Getting Started
This version of Publisher has a different layout to the previous versions. There is no
longer a Hierarchy Builder, Resource Publisher, or a ‘Cube Builder’. Everything can
now be created within this one application.
My Projects
A new concept for Publisher is that of ‘Projects’. When a survey dataset, cube
(tabular) dataset or other resource is brought into Publisher it will be saved as a
‘project’. Projects can include a number of datasets, ‘Cube setups’ and resources.
When Publisher is opened the left hand panel will display a list of any current projects
you may have, and any new projects will be added to this list. There are two ways to
create a new project:
1. If you only want to add metadata because the dataset is still being created, or
because you only want to publish metadata, then you can use the ‘Add new
study’ option. Further information is available from section 2.2 Using 'Add
New Study' .
2. If you have new studies, or wish to reopen a previously created project that is
not in your current list, then you can use the ‘Import new study’ option to
import your file, or files. Further information is available from section 2.3
Importing studies and datasets.
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Nesstar Publisher v4.0
User Guide
2.1.1 Opening a project
When you open Publisher all projects, or project groups, in your list are closed. To
open a project double-click on its name, or select it first then click on
Closing a project
To close a project click on
, or select File | Close or File | Close All.
2.1.3 Removing a project
Removing a project from the project list will not delete the file; it will only remove it
from your list.
To remove a project from the list, select it and then click on
2.1.4 Organising projects - adding groups
If you have a large number of projects they can be organised into groups.
To create a project group:
1. Highlight ‘My Projects’ in the projects list
and enter a name for the new group
2. Click on
3. Click on a project name and using drag and drop, move it to the required
group. Sub-groups can also be created in the same way
Using ‘Add New Study’
A new project can be created by using the ‘Add New Study’ option from the file
menu, or by clicking on
, as shown below. This will create an empty project that
does not contain any data. Metadata can then be added and data files added at a
later date if required.
Importing studies and datasets
If you have datasets in a particular format these can be imported directly into
Publisher. The list below shows the file formats that are currently supported.
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Existing Nesstar projects can also be reopened by using the ‘Import study’ option and
selecting ‘Nesstar’ as the type of file to import.
File formats currently supported:
Nesstar (.Nesstar)
NSDstat (.NSDstat)
DDI Document (*.xml)
SPSS (*.sav)
SPSS Portable (*.por)
SPSS Syntax (*.sps)
STATA (*.dta)
Statistica (*.sta)
NSDstat (*.nsf),
dBase (*.dbf)
DIF (*.dif)
Delimited Text (*.txt, *.csv, *.sdv, *.cdv, *.prn)
PC-Axis (*.px)
Excel (*.xls)
Hierarchy Definition File (*.NSDstatHDef)
File size limitations: The maximum size of file that can be imported is approximately
10 Gigabytes, with a limitation within a file to 260 million cases. However, using files
of this size will affect response times.
Note: When importing files from a remote file system, files may become corrupt or
errors may be reported by Publisher. We therefore recommend that files are used
locally and then copied to the relevant storage area when complete.
2.3.1 Importing one study or dataset
To import a study or dataset:
1. Open Publisher and go to File | Import Study or click on
2. Locate the file you wish to import.
3. Select the file type from the drop down box.
4. Click ‘Open’, and the imported file will appear in the ‘Datasets’ section of your
5. To save, use File | Save or click on
2.3.2 Importing multiple studies or datasets as separate projects
This version of Publisher enables a number of studies or datasets to be imported at
the same time.
To import multiple studies or datasets as separate projects:
1. Open Publisher and go to File | Import Multiple Studies.
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2. Locate the files to import.
3. Select the files to import using the Ctrl and/or Shift keys.
4. Select the type of file you are importing from the drop down box.
5. Click ‘Open’ and all the imported studies will appear in the ‘My Projects’ list.
The data will then be available within the ‘Datasets’ section for each of your
projects. The name of the imported files will be used as the project name by
default, but can be changed when saving the file.
6. To save use File | Save As or click on
7. The order of the files within the project can be changed by using the
2.3.3 Importing multiple datasets as one project
This version of Publisher enables multiple datasets to be imported as one study. This
is particularly useful when preparing a hierarchical study which contains a number of
related data files.
To import multiple datasets for one project:
1. Open Publisher and go to File | Import Study or click on
2. Locate the files to import.
3. Select the files to import using the Ctrl and/or Shift keys.
4. Select the type of file you are importing from the drop down box.
5. Click ‘Open’ and a new study will appear in the ‘My Projects’ list. The
datasets imported will then be available within the ‘Datasets’ section. By
default, the name of one of the imported files will be used as the project
name. This can be changed by using the ‘Save As’ function.
6. To save click on
the project.
, or use the File | Save As option to change the name of
7. The order of the files within the project can be changed by using the
When preparing hierarchical studies, it is good practice to create a main variable
group for each of the data files. Within these main groups create further groups as
necessary. When the study is published only the main groups will initially be
displayed. Further information about creating variable groups is available from
section 5.1.5 Variable groups and hierarchical studies.
Note: If you try to import multiple ‘.Nesstar’ files, they will be added as separate
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User Guide
2.3.4 Importing DDI Document (.xml) files
DDI Document (.xml) files can also be imported into publisher. This is particularly
useful if you only wish to publish metadata, or have separate metadata and data files.
When a DDI Document file has been imported, the newly created project will only
contain metadata and the structure of the data based on the contents of the DDI file,
it will not contain any data.
The data can be imported using the ‘Insert Data Matrix From Fixed Format Text’
option if the layout of the data is the same as specified in the imported DDI XML file.
2.3.5 Importing delimited text files
New import options are now available when importing delimited files. The following
types of delimiter are now supported: comma, tab, space, and semicolon. When a file
of this type is selected the import dialogue screen show below, will be displayed.
By hovering over the information in the ‘Preview’ section, the corresponding line of
information will be highlighted in the ‘Variables’ section.
From this screen you can:
Select the type of delimiter from the delimiter options drop down list. In the
above example, ‘Tab’ has been selected.
Indicate whether variable labels are on the first record.
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User Guide
Set the data type for each variable for import, e.g. Numeric, Fixed String,
Dynamic String or Date. In the above example, the variable ‘Gender’ is
currently shown as a ‘Fixed String’ variable. By changing this to ‘Numeric’
each category of the variable will be automatically assigned a numeric code.
Rearrange the order of the variables if required, by using the up and down
2.3.6 Importing SPSS syntax files
SPSS syntax files can be imported into Publisher. If a data file is also referenced
within this file, and the file is available, the data will be imported at the same time.
Users should note that Publisher is unable to execute SPSS commands when
importing a syntax file, so if your file contains RECODE statements these will not be
executed and you are advised to create an SPSS ‘por’ or ‘sav’ file within SPSS
before importing the new file into Publisher.
2.3.7 Importing SPSS portable/save files
Publisher can import both SPSS portable ‘.por’ and save ‘.sav’ files. All labelling
information from these files will automatically be brought into Publisher.
Users may notice that measure values change when importing SPSS ‘.por’ files into
Publisher and when exporting from Publisher to SPSS ‘.sav’ formats.
The reason for this is that SPSS ‘.por’ files do not include measure definitions. When
SPSS opens a .por file, or when it opens a file created with an early version of SPSS,
it applies a set of rules to guess what the correct measure value should be for the
The following rules apply:
String (alphanumeric) variables are set to nominal
String and numeric variables with defined value labels are set to nominal
Numeric variables without defined value labels but less than a specified
number of unique values are set to ordinal.
Numeric variables without defined value labels but more than a specified
number of unique values are set to scale.
For SPSS ‘.sav’ files Publisher uses the defined measure unless this is very different
from what seems logical. In these instances the user will be asked during the import
process, whether the measure definitions should be changed.
Users are reminded to check the measure values that are assigned when ‘.por’ files
are imported and when exporting as a ‘.sav’ file.
2.3.8 Importing Nesstar (.nsf) files
To import data and metadata using the older ‘NSDstat’ format:
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User Guide
1. Go to File | Import study and select the ‘.nsf’ file to import.
2. Select ‘NSDstat (.nsf)’ as the file type.
3. Click ‘Open’.
4. To import the associated metadata, choose Documentation | Import |
Import from DDI.
5. Select the required sections of the DDI to import and click ‘OK’.
6. Locate the DDI XML file containing the relevant metadata and click ‘Open’.
Metadata associated with this file will then be added.
2.3.9 Importing Hierarchy Definition (.NSDstatHDef) files
Hierarchy Definition files created with previous versions of Publisher can be imported
by selecting the file type as ‘Hierarchy Definition file’ from the drop down list.
In the hierarchy files the path to related datasets are saved in 2 ways.
1. Relative Path:
If all the related dataset files are in a sub-folder under the folder or in the same
folder in which the .NSDstatHdef file resides then the relative path is saved. This
makes it possible to relocate the hierarchy and dataset files.
Eg. If we have C:\my_publisher_folder\abc.NSDstatHdef and all the related
datasets in C:\my_publisher_folder\datasets\*.NSDstat
If we move abc.NSDstatHdef file to a new folder D:\my_new_publisher_folder
then we have to relocate/copy the related datasets to
Note that the folder name ‘datasets’ shouldn’t change.
2. Absolute Path :
If all the related dataset files are in a folder other than the folder in which the
.NSDstatHdef file resides then the absolute path is saved. Hence, even though
the hierarchy file can be relocated easily the dataset files need to be located in
the original path.
Eg. If we have C:\my_publisher_folder\abc.NSDstatHdef and all the related
datasets in C:\my_studydata\datasets\*.NSDstat
If we relocate abc.NSDstatHdef file to a new system or folder
D:\my_new_publisher_folder then we can move the datasets but have to still
maintain the absolute path as C:\my_studydata\datasets\*.NSDstat
Once imported, the new project will contain all the data files associated with the
Hierarchy and the Variable Groups section will contain all the variable groups from
each of the data files. Each data file will contain relevant information in the ‘Key
Variables & Relations’ section.
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Further information about creating variable groups for hierarchical files is available
from section 5.1.5 Variable groups and hierarchical studies.
Adding Metadata
The Nesstar Publisher enables information (metadata) to be added to a study or
table using the standards established by the Data Document Initiative (DDI)
For other resources such as Adobe PDF files, or Microsoft Word documents, Dublin
Core or e-GMS (e-Government Metadata Standard) elements are used.
Further information about the e-GMS can be found at:
Publisher templates
Publisher uses ‘Metadata templates’ to create a structure for the information that is
used to describe a published resource. Each template consists of a selected number
of metadata fields which are then completed by the person publishing the dataset.
There are two types of template:
Study Templates - used to select the relevant DDI fields required when
documenting a study and related data files
Resource Description Templates – used to select the Dublin Core/e-GMS
elements required to document other types of resources.
Default templates for both are supplied and these can be customised as required.
Templates containing specific fields for a data series can be created so that the same
fields are always used for that series. This will then ensure consistency across
datasets regardless of who actually creates the metadata.
To begin creating metadata templates open the Template Manager.
Note: Changes made to a template are to assist with the input of metadata. None of
the changes made to field names, or to the order in which they are presented, will be
reflected on the Nesstar Server.
Template Manager
To open the Template Manager go to Documentation | Templates or click on
The Template Manager is used to create, edit, delete, duplicate, import, and export
The Template Manager window contains a list of templates that are currently
available. The template that displays a tick next to it is the ‘active template’, i.e. the
template that is currently in use. In the example below, the ‘User Template’ is the
currently active ‘Study’ template, and ‘Default’ is the currently active ‘Resource
Description’ Template.
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User Guide
When a template is selected, information about it will be displayed in the ‘Description’
window immediately below the template list.
3.2.1 Study templates
‘Study’ templates are used when entering metadata for surveys and tabular (cube)
datasets. The metadata fields available are taken from the DDI.
3.2.2 Resource Description templates
Use ‘Resource Description’ templates when describing other resources such as
Adobe PDF files or Microsoft Word files. The metadata fields available are part of the
Dublin Core or e-GMS metadata standards.
Template Manager options
This option activates the chosen template. To use:
1. Select a template from the ‘Templates’ list.
2. Click ‘Use’ to make it the active template.
This closes the Template Manager, and the Publisher’s dataset editing
windows are rebuilt according to the active template’s structure.
1. Click ‘New’ to create a template.
2. The Template Editor window appears.
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Further information is available from section 3.3 Template Editor.
1. Select a template from the ‘Templates’ list.
2. Click ‘Edit’ to open the Template Editor and edit as necessary.
Further information is available from section 3.3 Template Editor.
Note: You cannot edit the Default template directly. If you wish to create a
template based on the Publisher’s Default format, select the ‘User Template’
from the list displayed in the Template Manager, ‘Duplicate’ to create a copy.
1. Select a template from the ‘Templates’ list.
2. Click ‘Delete’ to remove the selected template.
Note: The Default template cannot be deleted.
1. Select a template from the ‘Templates’ list.
2. Click ‘Duplicate’ and a copy of the selected template will appear in your list of
Use the Import function to add a previously exported Template file. This will be added
to your list of templates. This option is useful if you wish to use a template created by
someone else.
To use:
1. Open the Template Manager.
2. Click ‘Import’.
3. Locate the template file (.NesstarTemplate) you wish to import and click
4. Select ‘Use’ to use this template, or ‘Edit’ to update the contents or rename
the template, then click ‘OK’.
Note: The imported template cannot have the same name as a template already
listed. If a template name already exists the Publisher displays a warning and
renames the imported file (usually by adding a number to the file name).
Use the Export function to produce a ‘.NesstarTemplate’ file which other users can
import back into the Publisher. If multiple users wish to use the same template, this
function will prevent each of them having to create new templates individually.
To use:
1. Select a template from the Templates list.
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2. Click ‘Export’.
3. Give the template a new name, if required, and select a location in which to
save it.
4. Click ‘Save’.
Click ‘Close’ to exit the Template Manager.
Click ‘Help’ to display the ‘Template Manager’ information contained within the
Publisher’s help file.
3.2.4 Sharing templates
Templates can be shared with other users. To share a template, use ‘export’ to save
a copy of your selected template. Send the template to a colleague who should then
use the ‘Import’ option to add the template to their own list which they can then use in
the usual way.
Template Editor
The Template Editor is used to edit a template and works in exactly the same way for
both ‘Study’ templates and ‘Resource Description’ templates. The only difference is
that for ‘Study’ templates, DDI fields are available, and for ‘Resource Description’
templates, Dublin Core/e-GMS files are available.
To access the Template Editor:
1. Open the Template Manager by using Documentation | Templates or by
selecting the Template button
from the toolbar.
2. Select the template that you wish to change and click the ‘Edit’ button and the
Template editor will then open.
3. Click on the ‘Description’ tab to enter metadata about the template.
The ‘Description’ field in the Template Manage displays the
information you enter.
All fields are optional except the field name.
The template names must be unique. If you enter a name that is
already in use, the text is shown in red and the ‘OK’ button is disabled.
4. Click on the ‘Content’ tab to change the content of the template.
You can select different metadata fields and organise them into
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Multiple options for each field can be set, e.g. default values, noting
that some fields, such as those containing dates, have restricted
Within ‘Study’ templates, fields that are marked with ‘DC’ in the DDI
tree, visible in the Template Manager, are fields that map to the Dublin
Core. Fields marked with ‘R’ are those recommended by the DDI
Committee. Further information is available from:
Note: Changes made to the content of the ‘Name’ and ‘Custom Label’ fields within a
template are to assist with the preparation of metadata and will only be effective
within the Publisher. Once a dataset/resource is published, the original DDI/Dublin
Core/e-GMS field names are used as headings within the metadata, and the order in
which they are displayed within WebView, is fixed.
3.3.1 Creating/deleting groups
Within templates, groups can be created to arrange the metadata elements to make
the input screens within Publisher more user friendly. The User Template supplied
with Publisher contains a number of metadata sections, e.g. in a ‘Study’ template
there are ‘Document Description’ and ‘Study Description’ sections which contain a
number of metadata elements/fields. These groups can be rearranged, and new
groups can be added or deleted as described below.
To create/delete a group:
1. Click on the ‘Content’ tab of the Template Editor window.
2. The left-hand window shows a series of sections, e.g. a Study Description
3. Select the section into which you want to add a group and use the
to create an empty group. This new group will appear at the bottom of the
selected section.
4. Use the
buttons to move the group within the section.
5. To delete a group, use the
3.3.2 Adding/removing items to/from a group
To add an item to a group:
1. Click on a group name.
2. On the right in the ‘Available Items’ window is a list of items that can be
added to the group. Each item can be expanded by selecting the
3. Select an item by clicking on it.
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4. Once selected, the ‘Item Description’ window displays information about that
5. Use the << button to add the currently selected item to the selected group.
Alternatively items can be moved by double-clicking them or by use of drag
and drop.
buttons to move the selected item to the required
6. Use the
position within the template.
Note: There is a limit on the number of items that can be placed in a group because
of the restriction in available screen space. A warning message will appear when a
group is full.
To remove an item from a group:
1. Select an item from the list in the left pane.
2. Click on the >> button to remove the selected item from a group.
3.3.3 ‘Other Study Description Materials’ & ‘Other Materials’ fields
These fields are included in all templates, but you can choose whether these fields
are visible within your template. If the check boxes are ticked then these fields will be
visible in your template and you can add information into them. If the check boxes
are empty, these fields will not be displayed within Publisher and no information can
be added to them.
3.3.4 Item options
For many of the items it is possible to set various options to assist with the input of
the metadata. Details about each of these options can be found below:
Custom Label
By default this is set to be the same as the Original Label but can be edited to make
it more user-friendly.
For example, your organisation may refer to the DDI field ‘Authoring Entity’ as
‘Author’ so your name can be entered into this field. Users entering information into
Publisher within your organisation would then see a familiar field name.
Note: The ‘Original Label’ field cannot be changed.
This is a check box which can be used to denote whether a particular item is
mandatory, i.e. it has to be completed. A red letter ‘M’ is visible next to the relevant
field name in the left panel when this box is checked.
It is not possible to publish a file to a Nesstar server if all mandatory fields are not
completed. The option ‘Tools | Validate Metadata’ should therefore be used before
attempting to publish a file.
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If this box is checked, the item becomes ‘read-only’ in the Publisher, i.e. no
information can be added to it within Publisher. If metadata is being reused and
specific fields are not to be changed, then setting them to ‘Fixed’ in the template will
prevent the information from being lost.
Information entered as ‘Default’ text for these fields will still be added when the
‘Documentation | Apply defaults from template’ options are used.
When this tab is selected information about the chosen item will be displayed.
The ‘Original Description’ section displays information provided by the DDI. This
includes a description of the field and details on its recommended use.
The ‘Custom Description’ section enables you to add your own information relating to
your use of this field. The description entered here will appear in the Publisher. This
is particularly useful if there is something specific about a field that the person
preparing the dataset needs to know, as any information entered here will be visible
to them.
The ‘Defaults’ tab can be used if you wish to enter text, or values, that will be
included by default for a particular field.
Note: Default text is not automatically added to a dataset. It will only appear in the
metadata for your current dataset when one of the options within ‘Documentation |
Apply defaults from template’ has been selected. However, when a new dataset or
variable has been created, the default text will be included automatically.
Controlled vocabularies
A controlled vocabulary list can be created for many items in your template. This is a
list of items that users can select from when adding metadata to their study. Further
information is available from section 3.5 Controlled vocabularies.
Multi-lingual metadata
It is now possible to add metadata in a number of languages. At the top of the
Publisher screen is a box that displays the current language. In the example below,
English is the language currently selected. Other languages can be selected once
they have been added to your list of available languages.
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Adding additional languages
To add a language:
1. Click the arrow next to the language selection box.
2. Select ‘Configure..’ and the ‘Project Language Configuration’ box will appear.
3. Click the
button and an ‘Add language’ box will appear.
4. Click the arrow to the right of the currently selected language and select a
language from the list displayed, as shown below:
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5. After selecting a language, press ‘OK’ and the selected language will then
appear in the ‘Languages’ section of the ‘Project Language Configuration’
box (see below).
6. Further languages can be added as required by repeating the steps above.
Languages can be removed from the list by using the
7. Press ‘Close’ to return to the main Publisher screen.
3.4.2 Defining default language settings
To set a global default configuration for your language settings, check the "Use as
default for new" check box in the "Project Language Configuration" dialog box, as
shown above. The current configuration will then be set as the default configuration
for all new studies. For example, in the screenshot above, all new studies will have
English as the default language and Welsh as an additional language.
3.4.3 Adding multi-lingual metadata
Once you have added at least one additional language, it is then possible to add
metadata in a different language or languages. Multi-lingual metadata can be added
to all fields including those at the variable level.
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To add multi-lingual metadata:
1. Add information for your default language into the metadata fields you have
available. These are controlled by Publisher templates and can be edited as
required. Further information is available from section 3.3 Template Editor.
2. Select a different language from your list by using the drop down box. The
text then displayed will be the same as entered for your default, or previous
language, which can then be translated into the language now required.
3. Enter the text for your selected language.
4. Use the
button to switch to the last used language.
Controlled vocabularies
A controlled vocabulary is basically a pre-defined list of terms that are available for a
given field. When adding metadata, information can then be selected from a list of
pre-defined terms that are available for that field. This helps to ensure consistency in
the use of terms across studies, and assists in the searching and retrieval of
information once the dataset has been published.
3.5.1 Creating a controlled vocabulary list
To create a controlled vocabulary list:
1. Select a field within your template.
2. Click on the ‘Controlled Vocabulary’ tab in the ‘Item Description’ pane.
3. Enter text in the controlled vocabulary field.
4. Press ‘Enter’ or click on
to enter more terms.
5. Reorganise your terms using the arrow buttons.
6. To remove terms from your list use the
7. Any information added is automatically saved for that field within your
3.5.2 Using a controlled vocabulary list
To use a controlled vocabulary list:
1. Select the metadata field in the left pane within Publisher, e.g. Geographic
2. Click at the top of the empty pane on the right side, just under the field name.
A drop down box will then appear containing any controlled vocabulary terms
that are available for this field.
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3. Select an item from the list.
4. Add further items by using the
5. Use
to remove items.
Note: Items added that are not selected from the available list will appear in red.
It is not possible to add any information to a field if a controlled vocabulary list is
available. If text is entered it will appear in red and items should then be selected
from the available list. However, it is possible to add terms that are not in the list for
the ‘Keyword’ and ‘Topic Classification’ fields, see below for further information.
3.5.3 Creating a list for ‘Keyword’ and ‘Topic Classification’ fields
The ‘Keywords’ and ‘Topic Classifications’ fields support a ‘hierarchically’ structured
controlled vocabulary list and is created and used in a slightly different way to other
To create a hierarchy for a controlled vocabulary list:
1. Highlight the ‘Keywords’ or ‘Topic Classifications’ field.
2. Specify a ‘Vocabulary Name’ and/or a ‘Vocabulary URI’ if required.
Note: If information is entered into the fields ‘Vocabulary Name’, and
‘Vocabulary URI’, it will appear for every ‘Keyword’ or ‘Topic classification’
term in the published dataset
3. Click on ‘Vocabulary hierarchy’ in the ‘Vocabulary Items:’ box.
4. Click on
and add the first term in your hierarchy.
5. Use
to add further terms. Note that new terms will be added directly under
the term that is currently highlighted. Therefore, if you add a second term,
when your first term is highlighted, this second term will appear below your
first term.
6. Continue to add terms as described above to create a hierarchical list as
7. The position of the terms and levels of the hierarchy can be changed by
clicking on the name/level icon
and using the up and down arrows.
8. To remove a term, use the
9. To change the name of a level:
a. Select the name/level.
b. Click on
(Edit Item text) and type in a new name.
10. Click ‘OK’ to retain the changes in the template, or ‘Cancel’ to discard them.
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Using a controlled vocabulary list for ‘Keyword’ and ‘Topic
Classification’ fields
To use a controlled vocabulary list:
1. Select a field
button to the right of the metadata field. A new window will
2. Click on the
open containing the list of terms that are available for that field, as shown
3. Select items by clicking on them and then pressing ‘Add’. The selected item
will then be added into the metadata field.
4. Click ‘Close’ when all the required items have been added.
All data files associated with a study are found in this section. Each data file,
represented by , has a number of sections:
Key Variables & Relations
Data Entry
Cell Notes
Cube Setups
There may also be a ‘File Description’ section if this has been included in the study
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Key Variables & Relations (Survey data only)
This section is used to specify the relationship between survey datasets. These
studies may contain several separate datasets that are related in some way. Some
files may be hierarchically related, i.e. they contain data at different levels, for
example, Household level data and Individual level data, or they may just all belong
to the same study with no relationship between them.
For related datasets, the key variables specified for each file in this section, are then
used to merge the datasets within the Nesstar system.
Other datasets may not be related in quite the same way. They may, for example,
just be part of the same group but share a study number. These files can also be
added into the ‘Datasets’ section, but no relationship or key variables would be
added. When published, they would appear within the same study – but no cross
dataset analysis could be performed.
When this section is selected, three new sections appear in the right frame:
Relations, Base key variables and External key variables.
4.1.1 Relations
If a study contains datasets that are related, then details of the files that are related to
the currently active file should be listed in this section. When an associated file is
added here, the active file will also be added to the ‘Relations’ section of the related
For example: a study includes a ‘Household’ file and an ‘Individual’ file. The
‘Household’ file is selected and the ‘Key Variables & Relations’ section is open.
When the ‘Individual’ file is added to the ‘Relations’ section, a reference to the
‘Household’ file will automatically be added to the ‘Relations’ section for the
‘Individual’ file.
To add datasets to the ‘Relations’ section:
1. Open the ‘Datasets’ section and then one of the listed datasets.
2. Select ‘Key Variables & Relations’.
button to the right of the ‘Relations’ section. A new window
3. Click on the
will then open containing a list of the other datasets available for this study.
4. Select the dataset, or datasets, that is related to the currently open file.
5. Click ‘OK’ and the dataset will then be listed in the ‘Relations’ section.
6. Datasets can be removed by using the
Check each file in turn to ensure that all relationships between the files have been
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4.1.2 Base key variables
Base key variables are the variables used to uniquely identify cases in the dataset
and are needed to ensure that the datasets can be linked together for analysis
To add a base key variable:
1. Select ‘Key Variables & Relations’.
button to the right of the ‘Base key variables’ section. A new
2. Click the
window will then open containing a list of the variables in the dataset.
3. Select the variable, or variables using the ‘Ctrl’ and/or ‘Shift’ keys.
4. Click ‘OK’ and the variables will then be listed in the ‘Base key variables’
5. Variables can be removed by using the
Note: All dataset keys must be either numeric or fixed string variables, and cannot be
a mix of the two.
4.1.3 External key variables
External key variables are the variables that are needed to merge the current file with
other files, but are not base keys in the selected dataset.
For example:
Base key for dataset 1 is HOUSEHOLD
Base keys for dataset 2 are HOUSEHOLD and FAMILYNO
Base keys for dataset 3 are HOUSEHOLD and PERSONNO, but file 3 also contains
To be able to merge datasets 2 and 3 together, FAMILYNO has to be added as an
‘External key’ for dataset 3. This is because the only common key variable between
the two datasets is HOUSEHOLD and this, on its own, does not form a unique
identifier for either dataset 2 or 3. A merge is therefore not possible unless the
external key is used.
Note: All dataset keys must be either numeric or fixed string variables, and cannot be
a mix of the two.
4.1.4 Validating ‘Relations’ and ‘Key’ variables
When all ‘Relations’ and ‘Key variables’ have been defined, the ‘Validate Dataset
Relations’ tool can be used to check that the relations and key variables have been
correctly defined. This tool is available from the main ‘Tools’ menu.
The ‘Variables’ section of the screen displays information about the variables and is
the place where variable level metadata can be added or changed. If a data file is
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imported some information will have been added automatically as Publisher will have
taken this directly from the imported data file, e.g. SPSS portable (.por) files.
The ‘Variables’ section is split into four smaller sections, displayed in different parts of
the screen: Variables, Variable Description, Documentation and Variable Information.
Further details about each section can be found below.
4.2.1 Variables
The ‘Variables’ section lists all the variables in the data file and displays information
about them. By clicking on a variable, all the information related to that variable will
be displayed in different parts of the screen.
If the variable name or variable label fields are not wide enough to display the
complete name or label, the information will be displayed as a yellow tooltip when the
cursor hovers over a name or label, as shown below:
The variable name is displayed by default, but other items of information can be
selected as required.
To customize the variable list:
1. Click the ‘Select columns’ icon
to the right of the variable list and the
following screen will be displayed:
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2. Select the items to be displayed by ticking, or unticking the options. All items
can be selected by clicking
or deselected by clicking
rearranged by using the up and down arrows.
. Items can be
3. Click OK to update the variable list.
To add or edit variable information:
1. Double click the field to be edited. For example, if a variable label needs to be
edited, double click the existing information to make that field active.
2. Add or edit the variable information as necessary. Variable – right click menu options
When a variable is selected the following options are available to move/rearrange the
variables in a file. Right click the mouse to:
Move selected variables - used to move variables to a different place in the
Group selected variables together - moves the selected variables so that they
are placed next to each other with no other variables between them. The
topmost variable in the file does not move and the other selected variables
are placed after it
Invert selection - selects all variables that are not selected and deselects the
previously selected variables
Copy selected labels – used to copy selected labels to the clipboard
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Paste labels from clipboard – used to paste the labels on the clipboard to
other variables
4.2.2 Variable Description
The ‘Variable description’ section displays the category labels for the active variable.
This information can then be edited as necessary. If category labels are missing, they
can be created in this section.
Existing category labels can be edited by selecting a variable from the variable list,
highlighting the category to be edited in the ‘Categories’ window, then typing the new
label in the ‘Label’ box. Adding category labels
There are a number of ways of creating category labels:
Entering the information directly into Publisher
Using the ‘Create categories from Statistics’ option
Using ‘Cut and Paste’ functionality.
Entering information directly:
If your variables have no category labels these can be entered directly into Publisher.
1. Select a variable from the variables list.
2. Click on ‘Category Hierarchy’ within the ‘Categories’ box.
3. Click the
button to the right of the ‘Categories’ box to create a new value.
This will then appear in the ‘Value’ box and can be changed if necessary.
4. Click in the ‘Label’ box and enter a label for this category. Pressing ‘return’
after entering a label will automatically add another category.
5. Continue as above until all categories and labels have been added.
6. When adding new labels, ensure ‘Category Hierarchy’ is selected to ensure
the labels are added and are not nested, unless you do wish to create a
hierarchy of categories.
7. Categories can be removed by using the
8. Use Documentation | Update Statistics to update the current view of the
selected variable in the Statistics preview pane within the ‘Documentation’
Using ‘Create Categories From Statistics’:
If a variable has no category labels, but you would like to use the category values as
the labels, then this option can be used. For example, a variable containing the year
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of birth may not have category labels, but using this option would add the year
information as a label.
To use:
1. Select a variable from the variables list.
2. Select the option Documentation | Create Categories From Statistics. A
list of all the codes found in the selected variable will then appear in the
‘Categories’ window.
This option can also be used to create category labels for multiple variables. In this
case select the required variables by using the Ctrl key to select individual variables,
or the Shift key to select a range of variables, then select the ‘Create Categories
From Statistics’ option.
Using cut and paste functionality:
If you have category labels with their respective values in a file or spreadsheet, then
the information can be copied and pasted directly into Publisher.
If the information is in a Word file, and the value and label information is separated by
a tab character, when the information is pasted into Publisher the value and label
information will be retained.
If the information is in an Excel spreadsheet and the values are in one column and
the label in an adjoining one, then copying and pasting the relevant rows and
columns into Publisher will also retain the value and label information.
To copy category values and labels into Publisher:
1. Highlight the category values and labels in your file/spreadsheet.
2. Use ‘Copy’ to add these to your clipboard.
3. Select your variable in Publisher.
4. Click on ‘Category Hierarchy’.
5. Right click and select ‘Paste’.
6. The information should then be pasted directly into the ‘Category Hierarchy’
7. Use Documentation | Update Statistics to update the current view of the
selected variable in the Statistics preview pane within the ‘Documentation’
section. Category text
‘Category Text’ can also be added to provide more information about a particular
category. However, for survey data, this information is added to the DDI XML file but
is not currently displayed in Nesstar WebView.
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‘Cube’ datasets
When preparing a tabular dataset to be published as a ‘cube’, information added as
category text will appear as a tooltip for that particular category in either the row or
column heading.
To add category text:
1. Click the required category in the ‘Categories’ window.
2. Enter text in the ‘Category text’ box below it. Level name
In cube datasets it is common for some variables to have hierarchically arranged
categories. For these variables, different level names have to be added for each
level of the hierarchy. When published, the different levels of information can then be
displayed by selecting the appropriate level name.
For example, a spatial variable may have categories for Wards, Districts and Local
Authorities. Creating a hierarchy of areas enables users to select a level of
geography to view.
Further information is available from section Category hierarchy. GeoMap URI
The ‘GeoMap URI’ field is used to add a link to a suitably prepared map. For further
information on how to prepare maps for GeoServer mapping and using them in your
nesstar data please refer to the mapping guide. Category hierarchy
It is sometimes useful to create a category hierarchy for particular variables. This is
particularly useful when preparing tabular or Cube data which often include a spatial
variable/dimension that contain a natural hierarchy. For example, if codes for Districts
and Local Authorities are available, then it would be sensible to recreate the
hierarchy, i.e. Districts are nested under Local Authorities.
In the example below, the Local Authority, East Sussex is highlighted, and its five
districts nested below it. This example also has two higher levels, ‘South East’ and
‘Great Britain’.
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The hierarchy structure consists of
variable/dimension categories.
icons that correspond to
To create a hierarchy using existing categories:
1. Select a variable.
2. Select the category, or categories, to be moved by clicking on a category, or
by using the ‘Ctrl’ key and selecting individual categories, or by using the
‘Shift’ key to select a block of categories.
3. Drag your selection to the category under which they are to be nested, and
drop them on your selected category.
It is sometimes useful to create new categories which can be used to organise other
categories within a variable/dimension. These will have no data associated with
them, unless you are creating an ‘additive’ cube. Further information is available from
section 10.3.4. Additive measures.
To create a hierarchy including ‘new’ categories:
1. Click on ‘Category Hierarchy’ under Variable Description.
2. Select a category
and click the
button to add a new category.
3. Enter a value and a label for this new category. A value will automatically be
added but this can be changed as necessary.
4. Enter a ‘Level’ name if necessary. Further information is available from
section Level Name.
5. Categories can be moved between levels by dragging and dropping as
described above.
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6. Additional categories can be created as required by using the
7. Use the
User Guide
button to delete items from the hierarchy.
4.2.3 Documentation
Information relating to specific variables can be selected in the ‘Documentation’
section. Select the relevant tab (see below) to view, or change, the available
Click ‘Documentation’ to hide or reveal the available fields. Statistics
A number of options are available under this heading, e.g. Include Frequencies,
Include Min. etc. Items selected here will then be displayed for each variable, if
relevant, when published to a Nesstar Server and viewed via Nesstar WebView.
This variable level information is only displayed in WebView for survey datasets and
not published cubes.
Different options can be selected for different variables. For example, for a variable
containing a respondent’s height, the ‘Include Min’, ‘Include Max’ and ‘Include Mean’
could be selected to show the minimum, maximum and mean height of the
A preview of the selected information is displayed to the right of the options, as
shown below.
Note: This information will only be displayed if the ‘Statistics Preview’ option is
enabled. Further information is available from section 8.3.12 Statistics Preview.
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If you wish users to view weighted statistics within WebView, use this option to
assign weights to specific variables. The Statistics option ‘Include weighted statistics’
also needs to be checked before these are displayed.
To assign weights to specific variables:
1. Select the ‘Weights’ tab.
2. Select the variable to be weighted from the variables list.
button to the right of the ‘Documentation’ section. A new window
3. Click the
called ‘Select variables’ will then be displayed.
4. Select the ‘weight’ variable from this selection. Note that all variables within
the dataset will be displayed so you may need to scroll down the variable list,
or use the ‘Find’ option, to locate the required weighting variable.
5. When the weighting variable has been selected, click ‘OK’. The selected
variable will then appear in the ‘Weights’ section.
6. To check that weighted statistics have now been calculated, select the
‘Statistics’ tab and a new column ‘WN’ will be displayed, see example below.
Note: If this is missing please check that the ‘Include Weighted Statistics’
option is checked. Documentation
This section will display the metadata fields that have been added to the ‘Variable
Descriptions’ section of the active template, for example, the literal question,
interviewer’s instructions or variable notes fields.
When the ‘Documentation’ tab is selected, the fields that are available are listed in
the ‘Fields’ window. In the example below, the ‘Literal Question’ field is selected and
the question text that has been added for the selected variable is displayed.
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The section called ‘Description of field’ contains the default text for the ‘Literal
Question’ field. If information has been added using the ‘Custom description’ option
then that text will be displayed. Further information is available from section 3.3.4
Item options.
Information added in this section will be displayed when that variable is selected in
Nesstar WebView. In the example below, the variable ‘marstat’ was selected which
included ‘Literal Question’ text, ‘Universe’ information and weighted statistics,
indicated by the heading ‘NW’.
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4.2.4 Variable information
This section contains a number of options that can be specified for each variable.
Most of these fields will be automatically completed when a data file is imported, but
can be changed as required.
Click ‘Variable Information’, to hide and reveal the available fields. Data Type
The variable type is displayed in the ‘Data Type’ field. It is possible to convert a
variable from one type to another by selecting a different type from the list available.
This is particularly useful if you wish to convert an alphanumeric variable into a
numeric variable, and to retain the alphanumeric information as the category label,
while assigning a numerical value.
To convert the data type of a variable:
1. Select a variable from the variables list.
2. Go to the ‘Variable Information’ section at the bottom right of the screen.
3. The ‘Data Type’ box displays the data type of the active variable. Click on the
drop-down list to see the available data types.
4. Select a data type from the list.
5. If prompted for conversion information, select the appropriate option(s), e.g.
‘By order of appearance’, ‘Alphabetical’, ‘Custom’, and then rearrange as
Numeric variables are used to store any number, whether integer or floating point
(decimal). When a dataset is imported the values within the variable are analysed
and the most appropriate storage format is used. This guarantees that the file takes
up as little space as possible.
Fixed string
A fixed string variable is a variable with a predefined length which can be set in the
‘String Length’ field below the ‘Measure’ box. Using fixed string variables is very
efficient as the strings are stored in an array and are fast to store and retrieve. A
fixed string variable uses the same character set/encoding as the machine it runs on,
and can be between 1 and 255 characters in length.
Dynamic string
A dynamic string variable is a variable with no limit to its length. Each item of
information is stored as a separate object in the file and is therefore much less
efficient to store than fixed string variables and also takes more time to retrieve.
However, unlike for fixed string variables, empty cells are not stored. Dynamic string
variables are stored in Unicode format and should only be used when you have a few
cells containing long string information. Dynamic strings should not be used if the
content of the variable is less than 20 characters in length.
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The data type ‘Date’ can be used to convert numeric variables into a ‘Date’ format.
This is useful if you wish to represent dates correctly within your data.
To convert a numeric variable to the ‘Date’ type:
1. Select the variable to convert.
2. Select ‘Date’ from the ‘Data Type’ dropdown box. A new box will be displayed
containing the different date types that are available, e.g. YYYYMMDD.
3. Select the date format required.
4. Click ‘OK’ and the variable will be converted.
5. Select Documentation | Update Statistics to view the changes in the
Statistics window. Measure
The ‘Measure’ type is set when a data file is imported into Publisher. If the imported
file contains this information then Publisher will set the measure type accordingly,
otherwise it will set a type depending on the information contained within the variable.
Three measure types are available:
This is the simplest type of measure whereby we only have names and labels for
categories. There is no order implied in the ordering of the categories and no one
category is better, or greater than another.
Example: Marital Status
1. Married
2. Single
3. Divorced
4. Widowed
An ‘Ordinal’ measure has an implied order, or rank within the categories.
Example: How strongly do you agree with this statementC..?
1. Strongly agree
2. Agree
3. Disagree
4. Strongly disagree
A ‘Scale’ variable contains numerical data that is generally ‘continuous’ in nature, and
contains the actual response given.
‘How many times have you visited the doctor in the last year?
(Note: Data file contains the actual number of visits)
‘How much do you earn, to the nearest GBP?
(Note: Data file contains the exact amount specified)
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User Guide Time variables
This type of variable is more commonly found within tabular (cube) datasets which
often contain aggregated data at different points in time, but can sometimes be found
in survey data.
If a dataset contains a ‘Time’ variable, e.g. Year, then the ‘Is Time Variable’
checkbox needs to be selected. The time series graphing option will then be
available within Nesstar WebView once the dataset or cube has been published.
Note: For survey data, the ‘Time’ variable will need to be included in a crosstabulation before the time series icon will become active. Weight variables
Sample surveys usually contain at least one weighting variable. To ensure these
variables can be used as weights, and appear when the ‘Weight’ icon is selected in
WebView, they must be marked as weights within Publisher.
To mark a variable as a ‘Weighting’ variable:
1. Click on the variable in the ‘Variables’ list.
2. Check the ‘Is Weight Variable’ checkbox, as shown below. The selected
variable will then be marked to indicate that it has been selected. Other variable settings
Min, Max & Decimals
Specify a minimum, maximum and number of decimal places for the active variable, if
required. These fields are often completed when a data file is imported into
Publisher, but can be changed as necessary.
Implicit decimals
Check the ‘implicit decimals’ box if the ‘Insert Data Matrix From Fixed Format Text’
function was used to import a file and the selected variable contains implicit
decimals. Leave the box clear if decimals are not present.
Missing data
Values representing ‘missing data’ can be specified using the operators available
from the drop-down combination boxes. The “..” operator activates the second field
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and enables you to specify a range of values, i.e. the values entered into these fields
will be treated as a range of missing values. For example, if ‘..’ is selected and the
values 7 and 10 are entered, 7, 8, 9 & 10 will then be treated as ‘missing’ values.
Data Entry
Select the ‘Data Entry’ section to view a layout of the actual data file. For survey
data, the columns represent the dataset variables, and the rows represent the
dataset cases. For ‘Cube’ data, the columns represent the cube dimensions and
measures, and the rows describe each cell within that cube/table.
You may notice that some values are displayed in red or blue fonts instead of the
usual black.
Red fonts are used to indicate that the value is out of the valid range as
defined for that Variable. For example, if a variable contains codes ranging
from 1 to 5, but the data contains a value 6, then the 6 will be displayed in red
in the ‘Data Entry’ screen.
Blue fonts indicate that some category labels were defined for the variable,
but that no label was available for some values found in the data file.
When this option is selected, the ‘Data’ menu item can then be used to change the
view of the data, i.e. to view the data labels instead of the data values, to sort the
data or to edit the actual values. Further information is available from section 8.5
Data Menu.
Cell Notes – Item Level Metadata (Cube data only)
This section enables the addition of metadata that is specifically related to individual
cells, or groups of cells. If a cell has a note attached to it, the corner of the cell in the
table will be marked and when hovering over it, the information will be displayed.
If a note relates to all instances of that category, rather than a specific table ‘cell’, the
information can be added as ‘category text’ which will then appear as a tooltip for that
particular category in either the table row or column heading. Further information is
available from section Category text.
It is also possible to add short notes, or symbols, into table cells by using the cell
marking feature described in section 4.5.6 Layout: Cell marking. Information added
using this method will be visible when the cube is displayed.
Note: the addition of metadata for individual cells, groups of cells and categories, is
only possible when preparing aggregated tables (cubes). This functionality is not
available for survey data.
To add a cell note:
1. Select ‘Cell Notes’ for your tabular (cube) dataset.
2. Click the
button to create a new note. ‘No Title’ will then appear in the
‘Cell Notes’ section to the left of the plus button.
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3. Click in the ‘Cell Note’ Text box and add your cell note information. The ‘No
Title’ text will then be replaced by the contents of the text box.
4. To select dimension categories to which the note applies, click the
next to the required dimension.
5. Select the required categories from the ‘Set Selection’ box which will then
6. Press ‘Close’ and the selected categories will then be displayed under the
‘Selection:’ heading next to the relevant dimension.
7. Repeat steps 4 to 6 for each dimension to which the note applies.
8. For each cell note, select the ‘Measure’ the note applies to and check the
relevant tick-box.
9. Add further notes by repeating the steps above.
10. To remove a cell note, highlight the note to remove and click the
Note: If a cell note is added, but no selections are made for any of the dimensions,
i.e. all dimensions have ‘*All’ set in the Selection’ section, the cell note will be
displayed for all categories for all dimensions.
Cube Setups
A cube is a multidimensional table consisting of a number of dimension variables,
and at least one measure variable. Dimensions define the structure of the cube, while
measures provide the numerical values of interest to the user.
This section of Publisher enables you to:
Add documentation specifically for a cube
Set the default view of a table
Set the ‘Additivity’ of the ‘Measure’ variables, i.e. by choosing either Additive,
Stock or Flow, and
Set a rounding rule for each ‘Measure’ variable.
It is possible to add a number of ‘Cube setups’ for each data file, and each setup will
be published individually and will appear as a separate cube within WebView. This
can be useful if you have a number of variables but only wish to use some of these
for a cube setup.
Further information about cube additivity, dimensions and measures is available from
section 10 Nesstar Cubes.
Note: If multiple cube setups are created using the same variables, but different
categories are selected for the default view, all variables will be published for each
cube. Only variables put into the ‘Sections’ area on the ‘Layout’ screen will not be
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To add a new Cube setup:
. A new ‘Cube Setup’ node will
1. Select ‘Cube Setups’ and then click on
then be created containing ‘Documentation’ and ‘Layout’ sections.
2. Select ‘Documentation’ if you wish to add metadata into the available fields in
the right frame.
3. Enter information if required into the ‘Documentation’ fields.
Note: Information added here will override any information added in these
fields within the Study Description section.
Layout: To set the default view of a table
1. Select ‘Layout’ within your chosen ‘Cube Setup’. The right frame will then
display the cube dimensions and measures. All ‘dimension’ variables will be in
‘Sections’ by default and all ‘Measure’ variables will be in ‘Filters’.
2. Dimension variables that are to be used in the table can be dragged and
dropped into the ‘Filters’, ‘Columns’ or ‘Rows’ sections. Dimensions that are
not to be used can remain in ‘Sections’.
3. ‘Measure’ variables can also be moved to other sections, although if only one
‘Measure’ is available it should remain in the ‘Filters’ section.
4. To select the categories for the default view, click each dimension in turn, and
select the categories required from the right frame, e.g. ‘Select by level’ or
‘Subset’, and checking the relevant tick-boxes.
The buttons next to each of the sections in the ‘Layout’ screen are described
Use to move selected variable to one of the other sections.
Use to go to the variable list.
Use to move the selected dimension/measure up the list.
Use to move the selected dimension/measure down the list.
4.5.3 Layout: The ‘Sections’ area
Any dimension variable can be placed in the ‘Sections’ area, but will not then be part
of that cube setup. This can be useful if you have a number of variables in a file, but
only wish to use a few of them for your cube setup.
Layout: Setting the ‘Additivity’ of Measure variables
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1. For each ‘Measure’ variable, the type of ‘Additivity’ should be selected. Click a
‘Measure’ variable and the available options will be displayed.
2. Select either ‘Non-Additive’, ‘Stock’ for ‘Flow’, depending on the information
contained within the cube.
Non-additive – The simplest form of measure type whereby no automatic
addition across dimensions will be performed.
Stock – Automatic addition will be performed, but not across any ‘Time’
Flow – Automatic addition will take place across all dimensions.
3. Repeat for each ‘Measure’ variable.
Further information about ‘Additivity’ is available from section 10.3 Additivity.
4.5.5 Layout: Setting a Rounding rule
It is possible to define a ‘Rounding’ rule for each ‘Measure’ variable and this is set
within the ‘Cube Setup: Layout’ section. When set, all values displayed within
Nesstar WebView will appear rounded according to the rule specified.
To add a rounding rule:
1. Go to the ‘Cube Setups’ section.
2. Select a ‘Cube setup’.
3. Select the ‘Layout’ section.
4. Click a ‘Measure’ variable.
5. Enter a value into the ‘Rounding’ box.
6. Repeat as necessary for each ‘Measure’ variable.
4.5.6 Layout: Cell marking
When a ‘measure’ is selected, two fields ‘Cell marking data variable’ and ‘Cell
marking documentation variable’ are displayed on the right of the screen. These can
be used to display notes or symbols in specific cells alongside the data.
There must be one cell marking variable for each measure that you wish to show
markings for. For example, if your dataset contains one measure then one ‘Cell
marking data variable’ will need to be added.
The ‘Cell marking data variable’ identifies the cells that are to be marked and holds a
value, 1, 2, 3 etc. The category label for these values contains the symbol to be
displayed in the table, e.g. ‘*’, ‘###’. The category text field should be used to explain
the symbol and will be displayed in a footnote under the table.
Note: for tables with just one measure, the ‘cell marking data variable’ will also be
used as the ‘cell marking documentation variable’.
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In most cases, the markings for a given dataset will share the same symbols, and so
it makes sense to be able to refer to the same ‘documentation’ variable from several
‘cell marking data’ variables. This ensures that the values (1, 2, 3) result in the same
symbol for all cell marking variables.
To add cell notes or symbols to specific cells in a table:
1. Add ‘flagging’ variables to your dataset. Each ‘measure’ variable that is to
include cell marks needs its own flagging variable.
2. Add values and labels to each flagging variable. For example, value 1 has
label ‘***’, category text = Estimated, value 2 has label ‘###’, category text =
Preliminary results.
3. Open the ‘Data Entry’ screen for the dataset and check that it is not write
protected (Data | Write protected).
4. Add flagging values to each row as required. See example below.
5. Open the section ‘Cube setups’ and select a ‘Cube setup’.
6. Select ‘Layout’.
7. Select each ‘measure’ variable in turn, ensuring that the additivity is set to
8. In the ‘Cell marking documentation variable’ select the relevant variable from
the drop down list.
9. In the ‘Cell marking data variable’ select the relevant variable from the drop
down list.
Example: Adding flagging values to a cube with three dimension variables (D1 and
D2 and D3), two measure variables (M1 and M2) and two flagging variables (Flag var
1 and Flag var 2):
Flag var 1
Flag var 2
4.5.7 Publishing a cube
A cube can be published once a default view has been set and the type of additivity
for each ‘Measure’ variable has been selected.
To publish a cube:
1. Select the required ‘Cube Setup’ within the ‘Cube Setups’ section.
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2. Go to the ‘Publishing’ menu.
3. Select the Nesstar Server you wish to publish to, and the ‘Publish cube’
Further information is available from section 8.6 Publishing Menu.
Aggregating datasets
Publisher version 4 contains a new feature to enable aggregated datasets to be
created using variables from survey (micro) data. These new datasets can then be
prepared as Nesstar cubes and published to a Nesstar Server. Further information
about preparing cubes is available from section 4.5 Cube Setups.
Aggregated data is created by selecting ‘break’ variables and then an aggregate
function, e.g. average, for ‘measure’ variables. The resulting variables can either be
added to a new dataset or as new variables to the original dataset.
To use the aggregate function:
1. Select a study and expand to the Datasets section.
2. Select a dataset. In the above example the dataset ‘Demo-test’ has been
3. Click the aggregate button
4. The Aggregate screen will then be displayed. For each variable to be included
in the aggregation, click on the variable, then select an option from the dropNesstar
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down list within the ‘Setting’ column. To apply a setting to more than one
icon and tick the required
variable, select the variables then click the
option. This will then be applied to all selected variables.
The options available are:
Break, Average, Count, Maximum, Minimum or Sum, for Scale
variables which then become the ‘measure’ variables in a cube.
5. For each aggregated scale variable select a ‘Missing policy’ option. The
default is ‘Exclude’.
6. Use the ‘Update Preview’ button to view a preview of the aggregated data.
This will be displayed in the ‘New dataset preview’ section under the list of
variables, as shown above.
7. Select whether to ‘Aggregate on All levels’, or ‘Aggregate on LOWEST level’.
8. Select whether to create a new dataset by selecting the ‘Create new dataset’
option or to add the new variables to the existing dataset by selecting ‘Add
new vars to current dataset’.
9. Click ‘OK’ to create the new variables.
10. To publish the new dataset as a Cube, add the necessary information into the
‘Cube Setups’ section of the dataset. Further information is available from
section 4.5 Cube Setups.
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Variable Groups (Survey data only)
Variable groups typically contain variables that share given characteristics or refer to
the same topic area. For example, all variables associated with questions on political
affiliation could be grouped together within a group entitled ‘Party identification’.
Grouping variables also aids navigation around a study and reduces the load time
once published.
Variable groups can also be arranged hierarchically. For example, there could be a
‘Health’ group which contains subgroups called ‘Adult health’, and ‘Child health’.
Note: Variables are automatically added to a default group if they are not added to a
specific variable group. The default group is represented by '...' in Nesstar WebView.
Adding/removing variable groups
To create a variable group:
1. Select the Variable Groups section.
2. Click on ‘Variable Groups’ under the ‘Groups’ heading.
3. Click on
to create a group and a new group, represented by
4. Enter a name for the group when the group is added, or by editing the ‘Label’
field to the right of the list of variable groups.
5. Select the ‘Description’ tab within the ‘Group parameters’ section, and enter
further information under each heading as required.
Click on
to add an external link if required.
To remove a variable group:
Select a group by clicking on its name, then click on
to remove it.
5.1.2 Adding variables to a group
Once a group has been created, variables can then be added to it.
To add variables to a group:
1. Click on a variable group name.
2. Select the ‘Variables’ tab within the ‘Group parameters’ section.
3. Click on
and a new window called ‘Select Variables’ will then open
containing a list of all the variables in the dataset.
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Note: If
User Guide
is not active it may mean that a variable group is not selected.
4. Select the variables to add to the group by clicking on a variable, or by using
the ‘Ctrl’ or ‘Shift’ keys to select multiple variables.
5. Click ‘OK’ to add the selected variables.
Within the ‘Select Variables’ window it is also possible to ‘Find’ or ‘Select’ variables.
Using ‘Find’:
The ‘Find’ option can be used to locate variables within a dataset.
To use:
1. Within the ‘Select variables’ window, click ‘Find’ and a new ‘Find variable’
window will appear.
2. Enter text into the ‘Variable to search for’ field.
3. Click ‘OK’.
4. If a variable is found, it will be displayed in the right frame of the ‘Select
Variables’ window.
5. Using the variable number, which is displayed in front of the variable name,
locate the variable in the left frame and click ‘OK’ to add the variable to the
Using ‘Select’:
Use ‘Select’ to search for specific text within a variable. Variables that contain the
search criteria are highlighted and selected. Using this option it is possible to build a
list of variables which can then be added to the group altogether.
1. Within the ‘Select variables’ window, click ‘Select’ and a new, ‘Select
Variables containingC..’, window will appear.
2. Enter text into the ‘Text to search for’ field.
3. Select whether to ‘Add To Current Selection’, to build up a list of variables, or
‘Replace Current Selection’, which will begin a new list.
4. Click ‘OK’, and all variables that satisfy the search criteria will be highlighted
in the left frame of the ‘Select Variables’ window.
5. Click ‘OK’, to add all highlighted variables to the group.
5.1.3 Managing variable groups
Once variable groups have been created, they can be managed by using the menu
options available by right clicking the mouse, or by using the
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5.1.4 To copy a group
It is also possible to copy complete variable groups.
To copy a variable group:
Click and drag while pressing Ctrl to create a copy of a variable group.
Click and drag while pressing Shift to create a group that replicates all action
performed in the original group. Denoted by a blue variable group icon.
Any action taken on replicated variable groups is immediately replicated for any
copies. This includes renaming the group and adding and deleting variables.
A replicated variable group is blue. Any groups created below this type of variable
group are represented by a green variable group icon.
5.1.5 Variable groups and hierarchical studies
If you have a hierarchical study, i.e. a file containing multiple data files, then it is
recommended that a main variable group is made for each of the data files. Within
these main groups further groups should then be created as necessary.
When the study is published only the main groups will initially be displayed but each
of these can be expanded as necessary to find the sub-groups they contain. This
aids navigation as the user then knows which main data file each of the variables
relates to.
Other Study Materials & Other Materials
These two sections can be used to reference other materials related to a study or
These items will only appear if the relevant check-box has been selected in the study
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Other Study Materials
This section can be used to provide details of additional information that is available
and related to the current survey, or cube that has been documented. The following
four sections are available to arrange this information:
Related Materials
Related Studies
Related Publications
Each section can include a number of entries with a variety of metadata fields to
describe each one. These fields are:
Location (URI) (if applicable)
Notes (not displayed below).
Entries can be added or removed by using the
by using the
buttons, and rearranged
Other Materials
The ‘Other Materials’ section is similar to the ‘Other Study Materials’ section, but
should primarily contain information used in the production of the study of cube, or
information that would be useful when using them.
Information can be added, removed and rearranged in the same was as for the
‘Other Study Materials’ section above.
The layout of this section is shown below:
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External Resources
The External Resources section can be found within a ‘Project’ and enables other
resources such as word processed documents, PDF files and maps to be described
using Dublin Core or e-GMS metadata elements, and published to a Nesstar Server.
The ‘.Nesstar’ file will only contain the metadata describing the resource, and not the
resource itself.
Further information about Dublin Core fields can be found at:
Further information about e-GMS can be found at:
Note: The External Resources section replaces the ‘Resource’ Publisher that was
part of Publisher version 3.5.
Resource groups
All external resources will be placed within the External Resources section, but these
resources can be arranged within groups as necessary.
To create a Resource group:
1. Click on the ‘External Resources’ section.
2. Click on
to create a new group.
3. Add a label for the group, and a description if required.
Adding resource descriptions
To add a resource description:
1. Click on the ‘External Resources’ section.
2. Click on
to add a resource description’, and a new entry will be created.
3. Add a label for the resource description.
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4. Expand the entry by clicking on the ‘+’ in front of the resource name to view
the metadata fields that are available, as shown below. The fields that are
available are those found in the active ‘Resource Description Template’.
Further information is available from section 3 Adding Metadata.
5. Add information into the fields as necessary, using ‘+’ to expand the resource
description further.
6. To publish a resource description, highlight the resource to be published, then
go to the ‘Publishing’ menu, select the server to publish to, and then choose
the ‘Resource Description’ option.
Nesstar Publisher Menu Items
This section contains a comprehensive reference list of each menu item and includes
information about each item, what it does and how it can be used.
File Menu
8.1.1 Add New Study
Use this option to add a new study or studies into Publisher. This will create an
empty study into which metadata and data can then be added.
The ‘Add New Study’ option is also available by using the
shortcut Ctrl+N.
button or the keyboard
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8.1.2 Import StudyG
This option will import datasets from the most common statistical formats, including
SPSS portable files.
To use:
1. Select File | Import StudyG
2. Locate the file to import.
3. Select the relevant file type.
4. Click ‘Open’ and the file will then be added to Publisher.
The ‘Import New StudyC’ option is also available by using the
keyboard shortcut Ctrl+I
button or the
8.1.3 Import Multiple Studies
This option can be used to import a number of studies into Publisher at the same
time. Each imported file will be listed as a separate study, i.e. each will appear as a
new entry within Publisher.
To use:
1. Select File | Import Multiple StudiesG
2. Locate the files/studies to import.
3. Select all the required files using the Ctrl and/or Shift keys.
4. Select the relevant file type, if not already selected.
5. Click ‘Open’ and the files will then be added as separate entries into
The ‘Import Multiple Studies’ option is also available by pressing Ctrl+ALT+I.
8.1.4 Save
Use to save any changes made to an existing study. This will save the study with its
existing name and to its current location. This option is also available by clicking the
icon, or by using Ctrl+S.
8.1.5 Save AsG
Use this option if you wish to save the open study with a different name, or in a
different location.
8.1.6 Close
Use ‘Close’ to close the active study.
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8.1.7 Close All
Use ‘Close All’ to close all open studies.
8.1.8 Export Dataset
Use this option to export a dataset. A number of statistical formats are available
including SPSS and STATA, as well as fixed format ASCII or delimited text files.
To export a dataset:
1. Select the ‘Dataset’ you wish to export, by expanding your study so that the
‘Datasets’ section is visible and the required dataset highlighted.
2. Choose File | Export Dataset.
3. Specify a location to which you wish to save the file.
4. Choose the file type you wish to export to.
5. Click ‘Save’ to save a new copy of the dataset.
Note: for delimited text files it is possible to include variable names and/or variable
labels within the exported file. Further information is available from section
Delimited Text Export.
8.1.9 Export All Datasets
Use this option to export all, or selected datasets from a study that contains a
number of datasets, e.g. a hierarchical survey study. A number of statistical formats
are available to export to, including SPSS and STATA, as well as delimited text files.
To export a number of datasets:
1. Expand your study and click on ‘Datasets’.
2. Choose File | Export All Datasets, and a new window will appear (see
3. Select the ‘Export format’ from the available list.
4. Specify the ‘Export folder’ or browse to a location by using the
5. Check the ‘Create New Sub Folder’ box if you wish to create a new sub
folder, and enter its name in the ‘Sub Folder Name’ box.
6. Select the datasets you wish to export by checking or unchecking the boxes
preceding the available datasets, or by using the ‘Select All’ or ‘Deselect All’
buttons to the right of the dataset names.
7. Click ‘OK’ to export the datasets.
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8.1.10 Update License
Use this option if you have received a new Publisher licence key and wish to update
it before it expires.
8.1.11 Preferences
Use this option to specify the default locations for different types of files, add the
information required if you access the internet through a proxy server and the
location for a shared variable repository. File Locations
Preferences for the following five directories can be set. Please note that the default
location is the Publisher installation directory.
Temp Directory
Use this option to specify where temporary files, generated by Publisher, are
placed. The default setting is to “Use Windows' temp directory”. To set a
directory of your choice, uncheck the default option and use the ‘BrowseC’
button to select an alternative directory.
Dataset Directory
This option specifies the location for Nesstar files. The default location is the
last visited directory. To change this, uncheck the ‘Use last visited directory’
option and select the required directory by using the ‘BrowseC’ button.
Import Directory
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This option specifies the location from which files are imported. The default
location is the directory from which files were last imported. To change this,
uncheck the ‘Use last visited directory’ option and select the required directory
by using the ‘BrowseC’ button.
Export Directory
This option specifies the location to which files are exported. The default
location is the directory to which files were last exported. To change this,
uncheck the ‘Use last visited directory’ option and select the required directory
by using the ‘BrowseC’ button.
DDI Directory
This option specifies the location from which DDI files are imported. The
default location is the directory from which DDI files were last imported. To
change this, uncheck the ‘Use last visited directory’ option and select the
required directory by using the ‘BrowseC’ button. Publishing
Proxy Settings
If you access the internet through a proxy server you should enter information
into the available fields exactly as they appear in your web browser.
For example, the relevant information can be found within Internet Explorer by
Tools | Internet Options | Connections tab | LAN Settings button |
Advanced button.
Enter the address and port information for HTTP or SOCKS proxies as
necessary. You may need to contact your local Network Administrator for
If proxy information is not set correctly, publishing functions may not work.
Publishing Catalogs
Select the ‘Remember selected catalogs’ option here so that Publisher checks
the last catalogue that was published to and automatically selects this when
you use the publish option.
Note: If the server you are publishing to has the ‘Automatic Study
Classification’ option set to true, Publisher will first check for catalogue labels
that match any terms in the ‘Keywords’ or ‘Topic classification’ fields of the
study. If no matches are found, Publisher will then check whether this option
is selected. If it is then the last catalogue published to will be selected. Global Variable Repository
The Variable Repository contains two types of repository: one local, where you can
store your own category sets, and one global where you can share your category
sets with other Publisher users.
Being able to share information in this way is useful to maintain consistency within
variables/dimensions used by a number of studies or cubes.
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The Global Variable Repository option is used to specify the location of the shared
repository, and should be an area which is accessible by other users.
To create a new Global Variable repository:
1. Select File | Preferences | Global Variable Repository
2. Using the ‘BrowseC’ button, specify a global variable repository file name.
‘SharedVariableRepository’ is set by default, but you can add your own name
if required. A ‘Create Repository File’ box will then appear.
3. Select ‘Yes’ to create a new repository file.
4. Click ‘OK’ to exit.
Once a Global Variable Repository has been created, users who need access to it
will need to link to this repository.
To link to a Global Variable repository:
1. Select File | Preferences | Global Variable Repository.
2. Using the ‘BrowseC’ button, locate the shared repository file.
3. Click ‘Open’ and the file will then appear in the Global Variable Repository
4. Click ‘OK’ to exit.
Note: The ‘Variable Repository’ option will not allow access to a Global Repository
unless a location has been specified in the file preferences section. Shared Projects
There are two types of project group: ‘My projects’ which are stored locally and are
for your use only, and ‘Shared Projects’ which can be used by a number of users.
The Shared Projects option is used to specify the location of the file that is used to
store the shared projects.
To create a new Shared Project file:
1. Go to File | Preferences | Shared Projects.
2. Using the ‘BrowseC’ button, select a location for the Shared Project.
3. Enter a name for the shared project or use the default name
4. Click ‘Open’, and the file name will appear in the ‘Shared Projects’ box.
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5. Click ‘OK’ and ‘a Create Shared Projects File’ box will then appear asking you
to confirm you want to create this file.
6. Click ‘Yes’ and a new Shared Projects section will be created.
Once a Shared Projects file has been created, users who need access to it will need
to link to the shared project file.
To link to a Shared Project file:
1. Go to File | Preferences | Shared Projects.
2. Using the ‘BrowseC’ button, locate the shared project file.
3. Click ‘Open’, and the file will appear in the ‘Shared Projects’ box.
4. Click ‘OK’ to exit. Tools Menu
This section enables a list of custom programs to be created that will appear at the
end of the ‘Tools’ menu. An example of such a program is XSLT which takes as input
a DDI file.
Note: This menu item is aimed specifically at advanced users who develop their own
add-on tools so is not commonly used. DDI Export
To activate this option, check the box ‘Validate relations on DDI export’. When this
option is selected it is not possible to export DDI files unless all the dataset relations
are valid. When turned off, you are able to export DDI files even if the relations are
Note: This is set to ‘off’ by default. Delimited Text Export
This option enables files exported as delimited text (.txt) files to include the variable
names and/or variable labels in the exported file. To include variable names in the
exported file, check the ‘Export variable names’ box. To include variable labels in the
exported file, check the ‘Export variable labels’ box. If both options are selected, the
variable names will be on the first line of the file, and the variable labels on the
second line.
8.1.12 Exit
Use this option to close the Publisher. If there are any open studies with unsaved
changes, a save prompt will appear before Publisher closes.
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Edit Menu
8.2.1 Cut, Copy and Paste
The ‘Cut’, ‘Copy’ and ‘Paste’ all work in the same way as in other Windows
applications. Highlight the required information, and then choose an option.
Remember, using ‘cut’ will remove the text from its current position.
8.2.2 Copy As Text
This function is only available when the ‘Data Entry’ option has been selected and
will copy the label of the selected cell regardless of whether labels or values are
displayed. This option can also be selected by using Ctrl+Alt+C, or by using the right
mouse button.
To use:
1. Select the ‘Data Entry’ option for your chosen dataset.
2. Click in a cell and select Edit | Copy As Text, right click the mouse, or press
3. The label for the relevant cell is then copied and can be pasted using the
paste function.
To copy the value, use the standard ‘Copy’ option.
8.2.3 Search
The Search option can be used to search for text within all the studies that are
available in Publisher or just within the current study. When matching text is found
the field name containing the text will be displayed in green and the text highlighted.
To search all studies:
1. Click on ‘My Projects’.
2. Select Edit | Search and the following screen will be displayed:
3. Check that the ‘Search in:’ box contains ‘All studies’.
4. Enter your search text into the ‘Search text:’ box, e.g. children.
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5. Click ‘Search’ to start the search process.
To search the current study:
1. Click a study.
2. Select Edit | Search.
3. In the ‘Search in:’ box use the dropdown arrow to select ‘Current study’.
4. Enter your search text into the ‘Search text:’ box.
5. Click ‘Search’ to start the search process.
To search specific fields click the ‘More’ button before clicking ‘Search’. The following
screen will then be displayed and the fields that are to be searched can be selected
by ticking, or unticking, the various options.
Use the ticked box
to select all options, and the unticked box to deselect them.
8.2.4 Clear search results
Use Edit | Clear search results to remove the highlighted search selections.
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This option can also be used to clear any variables found using the ‘Find Variable’
option within the ‘Variables’ menu item.
8.2.5 Select All
This function is available in any text field.
To use:
1. Click in any text field, or the data entry screen.
2. Click the ‘Select All’ option, and all the text, or cells in the data entry screen,
will then be highlighted.
3. Use ‘Cut’ or ‘Copy’ and ‘Paste’ as required.
Documentation Menu
The options contained within this menu relate to the import and export of metadata.
8.3.1 Import - Import From Study
This option enables you to reuse all or specific elements of metadata from other
‘.Nesstar’ files.
To import metadata from a ‘.Nesstar’ file:
1. Open a study in the project list, or create a new one if required.
2. Select Documentation | Import > Import from Study and an ‘Import Study
Documentation’ window will open.
3. Select the items of metadata you wish to import, and then click OK.
4. Select the ‘.Nesstar’ file which contains the required metadata.
5. Click ‘Open’, and the relevant metadata will be added to your study.
8.3.2 Import - Import From DDI
This option works in the same way as ‘Import From Study’, except that the
information is imported from DDI XML files instead of ‘.Nesstar’ files.
To import metadata from a DDI XML file:
1. Open a study in the project list, or create a new one if required.
2. Select Documentation | Import > Import from DDI and the ‘Import
Documentation’ window will open as shown below.
3. Select the items of metadata you wish to import, and then click OK.
4. Select the ‘.xml’ file which contains the required metadata.
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5. Click ‘Open’, and the relevant metadata will be added to your study.
Import from DDI options:
This version of Publisher includes some new import DDI options including:
Variable Information: This option is the same as the Variables option in previous
versions of Publisher, but with the variable documentation and weights information
removed. This now imports the following information:
Variable label
Location information (i.e. Start Col, End Col, Width, Record number)
Decimals for Numeric variables
Measure definition for Numeric variables
Missing definitions for Numeric and Fixed String variables
Min and Max for Numeric and Data variables are reset
Statistics options are reset for Numeric variables.
Variable Documentation: This option imports all documentation for a variable,
except for question text and variable labels which are not regarded as part of the
variable documentation. In previous versions of Publisher you had to import variable
labels, measure definitions etc. when you imported the variable documentation. In
many cases users did not want those fields overwritten when importing the variable
documentation, so this new option has been created.
8.3.3 Import - Import From Dublin Core (External Resources)
This option enables a previously saved Dublin Core (.rdf) file to be imported, and is
only available if ‘External Resources’ has been selected.
To import a Dublin Core file:
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1. Open a study in the project list, and select the ‘External Relations’ section.
2. Select Documentation | Import > Import Dublin Core and a new window
will open.
3. Select the Dublin Core ‘.rdf’ file that you wish to import.
4. Click ‘Open’, and a new entry will appear within the ‘External Relations’
section. This can then be edited as required.
8.3.4 Import - Import From .nrdf file (External Resources)
This option enables a Nesstar Resources (.nrdf) file, created from an earlier version
of the Resource Publisher, to be imported. This is only available if ‘External
Resources’ has been selected.
To import a ‘.nrdf’ file:
1. Open a study in the project list, and select the ‘External Relations’ section.
2. Select Documentation | Import > Import From .nrdf file and a new window
will open.
3. Select the Nesstar Resources ‘.nrdf’ file that you wish to import.
4. Click ‘Open’, and a new entry will appear within the ‘External Relations’
section. This can then be edited as required.
8.3.5 Import - Import Dublin Core from HTML (External Resources)
This option enables metadata from an ‘html’ web page to be imported, and is only
available if ‘External Resources’ has been selected.
To import information from an HTML file:
1. Open a study in the project list, and select the ‘External Relations’ section.
2. Select Documentation | Import > Import Dublin Core from HTML and an
‘Import from HTML’ window will open.
3. Enter the address of the page from which you wish to import information, and
click OK.
4. The information will then be imported into a new entry within the ‘External
Relations’ section. This can then be edited as required.
Note: Resources published to Nesstar and viewed through WebView do not contain
embedded Dublin Core/e-GMS syntax as the elements are explicitly displayed.
Import from HTML will therefore not work from these web pages.
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8.3.6 Export - Export DDI
Use ‘Export DDI’ to create a DDI XML file containing all the metadata for a given
study in the selected language. If information has been entered in more than one
language, the ‘Export DDI’ function should be used for each language in turn to
create DDI XML files for all metadata.
Note: If you wish to use the DDI files in systems other than Nesstar, any associated
data should be exported in ASCII format to maximise the chances of compatibility
with other systems. Further information is available from section 8.1.8 Export
8.3.7 Export - Export Dublin Core (External Resources only)
Use ‘Export Dublin Core’ to create a Dublin Core XML file containing the Dublin Core
metadata for the selected entry within the ‘External Resources’ section. The exported
file has a ‘.rdf’ extension.
8.3.8 Export - Export all to Dublin Core (External Resources only)
Use ‘Export all to Dublin Core’ to create one Dublin Core XML file containing the
metadata for all the entries within the ‘External Resources’ section. The exported file
has a ‘.rdf’ extension.
8.3.9 Add to Local Variable Repository
Use this function to add a category set to the local variable repository. The category
information can then be used for similar variables in other datasets. Further
information is available from section 8.3.11 Variable Repository.
The keyboard shortcut is Ctrl+Alt+L.
Note: This option will only be available if a variable is selected within the ‘Variables’
section of a dataset.
To use:
1. Click on a variable in the ‘Variables’ section.
2. Select Documentation | Add to Local Variable Repository and the
repository will automatically open.
3. To view the added variable click ‘+’ to expand the Local Variable Repository.
8.3.10 Add to Global Variable Repository
Use this function to add category sets to the global variable repository. The category
information can then be shared with other users within your organisation and used for
similar variables in other datasets to enhance the consistency of your variable
information. Further information is available from section 8.3.11 Variable Repository.
The keyboard shortcut is Ctrl+Alt+G.
To use:
1. Click on a variable in the ‘Variables’ section.
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2. Select Documentation | Add to Global Variable Repository and the
repository will automatically open.
3. To view the added variable click ‘+’ to expand the Global Variable Repository.
8.3.11 Variable Repository
The complete variable repository can be opened from Documentation | Variable
Repository (Ctrl+R) or by using the toolbar icon
Different types of category sets are denoted by
for fixed string variables.
for numeric variables and by
When opened, both the local and global repositories will be available. Variables
saved to the ‘Local’ repository will only be available for your own use, whereas those
saved to the ‘Global’ repository can be shared with others.
The local repository is available by default, but the global repository will not be
available until you have added its location to your preferences. Further information is
available from section 8.1.11 Preferences. Adding and creating variables (category sets) within a repository
Variables can be added to a repository by using the ‘Add to Local Variable
Repository’ or ‘Add to Global Variable Repository’ options described above.
Category sets for a variable can also be created directly within a repository.
To create a new category set:
1. Open the relevant variable repository.
2. Highlight a group name if the new variable is to be part of that group.
3. Click on
to create a numeric variable, or
a new entry.
to create a text variable, and
4. Enter a name for the new variable.
5. Click on ‘Categories’ to view the ‘Category Hierarchy’.
6. Click the
button to add a category to the hierarchy.
7. The values will automatically begin with ‘1’. If your first value is different, enter
your own value.
8. Add label information for the new category.
9. Repeat steps 5 to 8 to add more categories. Remember to highlight ‘Category
Hierarchy’ each time a new category is added; otherwise you will create a
hierarchy of categories.
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button can be used to remove categories, and the arrow buttons can
10. The
be used to rearrange them. A hierarchy can be created by the use of drag and
drop. Repository groups
Groups can be created within a repository so that category sets can be found more
To create a category group:
1. Go to Documentation | Variable Repository or click on
2. Select ‘Local Repository’ or ‘Global Repository’ (if available), right click and
select ‘Add Group’, or use the
icon and enter a name for the new group.
3. Category sets can then be added to this group by dragging a set and
dropping it in the required group. Using category sets from a repository
Once category sets are stored in a repository they can be reused in other datasets.
This is particularly useful if you wish to be consistent in the use of categories, or you
have specific variables that are always unlabelled and you wish to add categories
that have been used before.
To use a category set from a repository:
1. Select a variable in a dataset.
2. Go to Documentation | Variable Repository or click on
relevant repository.
and select the
3. Select the required category set.
4. Click on ‘Use’, and the categories will then be added to the active variable. Searching within a repository
Once a number of groups and category sets have been created within a repository it
can be difficult to locate a particular set. The ‘Search’ option can be used to help find
sets that contain a given word.
To search:
1. Go to Documentation | Variable Repository or click on
2. Select the ‘Search’ option.
3. Enter the word or words into the search box.
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4. Click Search, and the category sets that contain the search term will be
displayed in the ‘Search Result’ box. Multi-lingual category sets
Category sets that are multi-lingual will be stored as such within the repositories. In
order to view the information in other languages you will need to ensure these
languages have been added for each of your stored category sets.
To add languages:
1. Select the required category set within the local or global repository.
2. Click the ‘Categories’ tab under ‘Group Description:’ and the current language
will be displayed. A list of the languages currently available for that category
set can be displayed by using the dropdown arrow. In the example below this
is to the right of the word ‘English’.
3. To add another language, use the dropdown arrow and select ‘ConfigureC’.
Further information is available from section 3.4.1 Adding additional
4. When all additional languages have been added, use the dropdown button or
to switch between them. Information can then be added for each
5. Press ‘Close’ to return to the Variable Repository screen.
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8.3.12 Statistics Preview
This option becomes active when the ‘Variables’ screen is displayed. When enabled,
a preview pane showing summary statistical information for the selected variable will
be displayed below the list of variables. The statistics shown can be changed by
checking or unticking the relevant options. Further information is available from
section 4.2.3 Documentation section.
8.3.13 Update Statistics
Use this option to update the information shown in the statistics preview pane (when
it is enabled). This should be used if you change or add information relating to value
labels or categories for a given variable, as the new information will not be displayed
until the ‘Update Statistics’ function is used.
8.3.14 Create Categories From Statistics
Use this option to automatically generate categories from the data for Nominal or
Ordinal variables. An example where this could be used is for a variable containing
‘Year’ information. In this case, creating categories from the actual data would be
meaningful as each year value would be assigned the relevant year as a label. This
is particularly useful when processing tabular/cube datasets as all categories for
cube dimensions must be labelled.
Categories can be created for multiple variables by using the Ctrl, or Shift, keys to
select the required variables.
Further information is available from section Adding category labels.
8.3.15 Apply Defaults From Template
When a new study is created, the default information contained in the currently active
template is automatically added to the study. However, when an existing study is
opened any default text that is present in the active template will not be added until
one of the options available here is selected.
Default text can be added to a template using the Template Editor and further
information is available from section 3.3.4 Item options.
To apply the defaults from the active template to an existing study:
1. Open Documentation | Apply defaults from template.
2. Select either ‘Apply Defaults From Template to All Fields’ to add the default
text to all fields which will overwrite any existing text,
3. Select ‘Apply Defaults From Template to Empty Fields’, to add the default text
only to those fields that are currently empty.
Note: The ‘Apply Defaults From Template’ function also applies to any variable level
documentation, e.g. Literal question field. Any default text you enter will not appear
until you use the ‘Apply DefaultsC’ function or create a new variable or dataset. If
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you subsequently edit a template and make changes to the default text, you will have
to use this function again before any changes are applied.
8.3.16 Templates
This option will open the Template Manager. A default template is available, but it is
advisable to create one that only contains the DDI fields you wish to use.
Further information on how to use the Template Manager is available from section
3.2 Template Manager.
Further information on how to use the Template Editor is available from section 3.3
Template Editor.
Variables Menu
This section contains variable management tools that can be used to create new or
recode existing variables, as well as adding, deleting or copying variables.
Note: These options are only active when the ‘Variables’ section of a dataset is
8.4.1 Find Variable
To use the ‘Find variable’ function to quickly locate variables using a search term:
1. Click Variables | Find Variable or press Ctrl+F.
2. Enter a search term in the ‘Search text’ box.
3. Select the areas to search by checking the available options in the ‘Search in’
section as follows:
Name - to search within the variable names
Labels - to search within the variable labels
Categories - to search the category labels
Documentation - to search the variable documentation fields, e.g.
Literal question.
4. Click ‘Search’ to begin the search.
5. Variables that contain the search term in the selected fields will then be
highlighted. Click a search result to make the variable information.
To remove any search results use the ‘Clear search results’ option available from the
‘Edit’ menu. Further information is available from section 8.2.4 Clear search results.
8.4.2 Go To
To use the ‘Go To’ feature to jump directly to a given variable:
1. Choose Variables | Go To or press Alt+G.
2. In the ‘Go To’ box, enter the variable number you wish to go to.
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Note: invalid numbers will be displayed in red.
3. Click ‘OK’ and the selected variable will be highlighted in the variables list.
8.4.3 Add Variable - Numeric
Use the ‘Add numeric variable’ function to store any number, integer and floating
point. It is recommended for use with categorical data.
The variable will be added at the end of the variable list.
8.4.4 Add Variable - Fixed String
Use this option to add a fixed length (8 characters) string type variable to a dataset.
Only the ASCII character set can be used.
The variable will be added at the end of the variable list.
8.4.5 Add Variable - Dynamic Variable
Use this option to add a string variable. String variables are Unicode compatible with
no limitation on their length.
The variable will be added at the end of the variable list.
8.4.6 Add Variable - Date
Use the option to add date variables. The date information must be entered into the
dataset in the ISO date format (YYYY-MM-DD). It is possible to enter a full date, just
the year, or the year and month.
The variable will be added at the end of the variable list.
Note: When entering the date information you must include the separator ‘-‘, between
the year, month and day, e.g. 2009-01-01.
8.4.7 Insert Variable - Numeric
Use ‘Insert numeric variable’ to insert a numeric variable above the current variable.
8.4.8 Insert Variable - Fixed String
Use this option to insert a fixed string variable (8 characters) above the current
8.4.9 Insert Variable - Dynamic String
Use this option to add a string variable above the current variable. String variables
are Unicode compatible with no limitation on their length.
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8.4.10 Insert Variable – Date
Use the ‘Insert date variable’ option to insert a date variable above the current
8.4.11 Duplicate Variables
Use the ‘Duplicate variables’ option to add a new variable that contains all the
metadata from the selected variable
This function is useful if you wish to add variables that contain similar information and
are repeated several times.
Duplicated variables will be added at the end of the variable list.
8.4.12 Copy Variables
Use the ‘Copy variables’ option to copy variables, including their definition and
metadata, to another place within a dataset or to another dataset. Everything is
copied excluding the data. Use the ‘Insert Copied Variables’ (see below) to reinsert
into a dataset.
8.4.13 Insert Copied Variables
Use the ‘Insert Copied Variables’ option to insert the variables that have been
selected using the ‘Copy Variables’ option above. The copied variables are inserted
above the current position in the variables list.
8.4.14 Copy Selected Labels
Variable labels can be highlighted and then reused by using this option. Using the
Ctrl or Shift keys highlight the labels you wish to reuse, then select the ‘Copy
selected Labels’ option. Highlight the labels you wish to replace, and use the ‘Paste
Labels From Clipboard’ option.
8.4.15 Paste Labels From Clipboard
Use this option after using the ‘Copy Selected Labels’ option above.
8.4.16 Resequence
The ‘Resequence’ option recalculates the Start Column and End Column positions
for the variables using information in the Widths column. For example, if a variable
has a width of 4 and a start column of 16, the end column will be 19, i.e. the width of
4 spans columns 16, 17, 18 and 19.
The correct widths will also be calculated from the data using this option.
When exporting to SPSS syntax or ‘Fixed format ASCII’, the start and end column
information must be present. If this is missing an error message will be displayed and
you should then use the resequence option to add this information to your data. Once
this has been added the export function will work correctly.
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Steps to perform Resequencing:
1. Select a dataset and click on the ‘Variables’ section (a).
2. Select Variables | Resequence (b) and the ‘Resequence’ dialog will be
displayed as shown below.
3. Click ‘Yes’ (d) to perform Resequencing.
One of the changes from v3.5 to v4.0 is that the Resequence function doesn't have to
have the widths (c) defined, it can calculate them if they are missing or even if the
width is defined wrong.
Before Resequencing:
After Resequencing:
8.4.17 Change Case
This is a useful feature to change the appearance of variable names, variable labels
and category labels within a dataset. It enables a consistent look to be applied very
quickly and easily across many variables without the need to edit each one
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To use:
1. Select a dataset and click on the ‘Variables’ section.
2. Select Variables | Change Case and the ‘Change Case’ options will be
displayed as shown below.
3. Select one option for the ‘Type’ of change you wish to make.
4. Select the variable level information fields that are to be changed.
5. Click ‘OK’ to make the changes.
Information about the available options
Name: to change the variable name
Label: to change the variable label
Category Labels: to change the category label information
Category Texts: to change the category text information. (Note: this
information is not displayed in WebView)
Documentation: to change the information in the Pre-question, Literal
question, Post-question, Interviewer’s instructions and Variable text fields
Concepts: to change the information in the concept field.
8.4.18 Compute Variable
Select this option to create new variables within the active dataset.
A number of ‘Functions’ are available for use in compute expressions and these are
arranged in four groups:
Arithmetic, e.g. Round, Tan
Conversion, e.g. Number, String
Statistical, e.g. Min, Max, Mean
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String, e.g. Concat, Replace.
Each group can be expanded or closed by using the plus (+) and minus (-) signs
preceding each option.
Information about a function is displayed in the ‘Function description’ box when a
function has been selected. For example, in the compute screen below, the function
‘Round’ has been selected.
To compute a new variable:
1. Open a study in the project tree.
2. Expand the ‘Datasets’ section.
3. Select the required dataset and click the ‘Variables’ section.
4. Select Variables | Compute Variable and the above screen will be shown.
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5. Create your compute expression. Select a preset function by clicking the
preceding each option and the function will be added to the ‘Expression’ box.
6. Select variables from the variable list by clicking the
button associated
with each variable. The variable will then be added to the ‘Expression:’ box.
7. The number pad can also be used to create a formula to compute your new
8. The ‘Status’ box indicates if there is a problem with the expression syntax.
When it is correct the message ‘Expression syntax is correct’ and the ‘OK’
button will become active.
9. Click ‘OK’ to create your new variable. This will be added at the end of the
10. Rename the new variable and add a label as required.
8.4.19 Recode Variable
Select this option to recode an existing variable or to create a new variable within the
active dataset. When selected, the screen below will be displayed.
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To use recode:
1. Open a study in the project tree.
2. Expand the ‘Datasets’ section.
3. Select the required dataset and click the ‘Variables’ section. The variable list
will then be displayed in the right frame.
4. Select a variable from the list.
5. Select Variables | Recode Variable and the above screen will be shown.
6. Select a category, or categories, to recode from the ‘Source categories:’ box
and use the >> button to move them to the ‘Source value(s):’ box.
7. Enter a new value into the ‘New Value:’ box.
8. Add a label for the new value into the ‘Label:’ box.
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9. Click
User Guide
to add the recoding information into the ‘Recoding:’ box.
10. In the ‘Unlisted Values’ section there are a number of options for the values
not selected for recoding. These are: ‘Keep’ to keep those values not selected
for recoding as they are, ‘Set to new value:’ to assign a new value and label,
or ‘Set to System missing value’ to assign as system missing.
11. Select an option in the ‘Result’ section: ‘Store result in new variable’ will add a
new variable to your dataset, or ‘Store result in source variable’ will change
the contents of your existing variable.
12. Click ‘OK’ to perform the recode.
13. If the results are stored in a new variable this will be found at the end of the
dataset. Rename the variable and add a label as required.
8.4.20 Delete Variable
Click this option to delete the selected variable when either the Variables section or
the Data Entry section is active. You will be asked to confirm that you wish to delete
the selected variable before the operation is executed.
Note: it is also possible to delete variables using the
variables list.
button to the right of the
Data Menu
The menu item includes options to manage the actual data, add new or replace
existing data and to change the current data view.
These options become active when the ‘Data Entry’ section of an open dataset is
selected. The exception to this is the ‘Cubes | Measures to Dimension’ option
which requires the Dataset ‘Variables’ section to be selected.
8.5.1 Write Protected
Check or uncheck the ‘Write Protected’ option to control whether or not data can be
Only valid category values should be entered for the selected variable. Any invalid
values, i.e. those outside the specified range, will be shown in red to indicate it is not
valid for that variable.
If completely new categories are added, please ensure that you also add these
values and label information as Categories for the relevant variable in the Variables
8.5.2 Insert Data Matrix From Dataset
This option can be used to:
Insert data into a dataset that doesn’t currently contain any data
Add data to an existing dataset, or
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Replace existing data.
The following file types can be imported: NSDstat (*.NSDstat), SPSS (*.sav and
*.por), Stata (*.dta), Statistica (*.sta), NSDstat (*.nsf), dBase (*.dbf), Dif (*.dif),
Delimited Text (*.txt, *.csv, *.sdv, *.cdv, *.prn) and PC-Axis (*.px).
This option is particularly useful if the original data file has been divided up into
several parts, for example, one file for each country in a cross-national survey, and
all parts are to be added to the same dataset.
Note that this option can only be used where the data files have the same number of
variables and the data type for each variable in the source file has to match the data
type of each respective variable in the destination dataset.
This option can also be used to delay the inclusion of data until the documentation
has been completed.
To insert a data matrix from a dataset:
1. Open a study in the project tree.
2. Expand the ‘Datasets’ section.
3. Expand the required dataset and click ‘Data Entry’. The data matrix will then
be displayed in the right frame.
4. Click on Data | Insert Data Matrix From Dataset.
5. Select the type of file required and locate the required dataset
6. Click ‘open’.
7. Choose one of the following options: ‘Replace’ to replace the existing dataset,
‘Append’ to append the new data to the end of the existing file, or ‘Cancel’ to
cancel the request.
8. For some types of file further information may be requested. For example,
adding a ‘delimited’ text file will result in the ‘Delimited text import’ screen
being displayed. In this case additional information will need to be added, e.g.
the type of delimiter used, and the format of the information. Add any further
information that is required.
9. Click ‘OK’, and the selected dataset will be added.
8.5.3 Insert Data Matrix From Fixed Format Text
This option can be used to:
Insert data into a dataset that doesn’t currently contain any data
Add data to an existing dataset, or
Replace existing data.
Only fixed format text files can be inserted.
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When a DDI XML file is imported the metadata will be extracted and a new file
without any data will be created. Use the ‘Insert Data Matrix From Fixed Format Text’
function to import the data if the layout of the variables is the same as in the imported
DDI file.
To insert a fixed format text file:
1. Open a study in the project tree.
2. Expand the ‘Datasets’ section.
3. Expand the required dataset and click ‘Data Entry’. The data matrix will then
be displayed in the right frame.
4. Click on Data | Insert Data Matrix From Fixed Format Text.
5. Select the file and then click ‘Open’.
6. Choose one of the following options: ‘Replace’ to replace the existing dataset,
‘Append’ to append the new data to the end of the existing file, or ‘Cancel’ to
cancel the request.
7. Click ‘OK’, and the selected dataset will be added.
8.5.4 Sort CasesG
The 'sort cases' feature enables you to sort cases by selecting a variable and
choosing the sort order for that variable. It is available only when the 'Data Entry'
section is active.
To sort cases:
1. Open a study in the project tree.
2. Expand the ‘Datasets’ section.
3. Expand the required dataset and click ‘Data Entry’. The data matrix will then
be displayed in the right frame.
4. Click on Data | Sort Cases, and the following box will be displayed:
5. In the ‘Variable to sort by:’ box, select the variable you wish to sort by from
the dropdown list. Continue to select variables as required. If more variables
are used, the earlier ones take priority.
6. For each variable select either ‘Ascending’ or ‘Descending’ from the ‘Sort
order:’ dropdown list.
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7. Remove variables by clicking the minus
a variable has been selected.
User Guide
key which will be displayed once
8. Click ‘OK’ to apply the sort.
8.5.5 Select CasesG
The 'Select Cases' item enables you to select specific cases from a dataset which
can then be deleted using the ‘Delete CasesC’ option. This is only available when
the 'Data Entry' section is active.
To select cases:
1. Open a study in the project tree.
2. Expand the ‘Datasets’ option.
3. Expand the required dataset and click the ‘Data Entry’ section. The data
matrix will then be displayed in the right frame.
4. Click Data | Select Cases and the following dialogue box will then open:
5. Choose from the available options:
All: to select all cases.
Cases: to select specific cases. Enter the start and end case number
into the ‘From:’ and ‘To:’ boxes.
Selection: to select specific cases relating to a particular variable, e.g.
those cases where variable ‘Marital’ has a value of ‘1’. When selected
use the drop-down list to select a variable.
6. Select the option required and enter any relevant information.
7. Click 'OK' and the selected cases will be highlighted in the ‘Data Entry’
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8.5.6 Delete CasesG
Use this option to delete selected cases. Cases can be selected by either clicking
rows and holding the Ctrl or Shift keys in the ‘Data Entry’ screen, or by using the
‘Select Cases’ option.
8.5.7 Go To Case
The option enables you to go directly to a specific case within a dataset and is only
available when the 'Data Entry' section is active.
To go to a specific case:
1. Open a study in the project tree.
2. Expand the ‘Datasets’ option.
3. Expand the required dataset and click the ‘Data Entry’ section. The data
matrix will then be displayed in the right frame.
4. Click Data | Go To Case and the following dialogue box will then open:
5. Click in the ‘Variable:’ box and enter a variable number. The range of valid
variable numbers is shown in grey.
6. Click in the ‘Case:’ box and enter a case number. The range of valid case
numbers is shown in grey.
7. Click ‘OK’ to go directly to the specified case.
8.5.8 View
The options in this section enable you to change the view of the data when the 'Data
Entry' section is active. Adjust Column Widths To Category Labels
Use this option to adjust the width of the columns so that complete category labels
are visible in the data matrix. Labels
Select ‘Labels’ to display the labels for each category in the data matrix.
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Select ‘Values’ to display the actual values for each category in the data matrix. Variable Names
Select this option to display the variable name at the top of each column in the data
matrix. Variable Numbers
Select this option to display the variable number at the top of each column in the data
matrix. Variable Names & Numbers
Select this option to display both the variable name and the variable number at the
top of each column in the data matrix.
Cubes (Cube datasets only) Expand Dimension
This function can be used to add new categories to dimensions in a data cube.
However, it is also possible to use the ‘Insert Data Matrix From Fixed Format Text’
option if you want to insert a file that contains exactly the same number of
variables/dimensions and measures as the selected file.
For example, if one file contains information for one specific year and you want to
add information from another file containing the same information for another year,
and the format of the variables and layout of the files are exactly the same, use the
‘Insert Data Matrix..’ option.
Further information is available from section 8.5.2 Insert Data Matrix From Dataset
and section 8.5.3 Insert Data Matrix From Fixed Format File.
To use Expand Dimension:
1. Open a study in the project tree.
2. Expand the ‘Datasets’ option.
3. Expand the required dataset and click the ‘Data Entry’ section. The data
matrix will then be displayed in the right frame.
4. Select Data | Cubes > Expand dimension.
5. Use the ‘Dimension to expand:’ drop down list to select a variable.
6. Enter a value and label for the ‘New Category’.
7. Check the ‘Non-additive data’ box as required. If the cube is non-additive then
this box should be ticked: if additive then uncheck this box.
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8. Click ‘OK’ to add the new category. Related categories for the other
dimensions will also be added, see example cube below.
9. The ‘measure’ information can then be added into the data matrix. Please
note that this data must be added directly into the data matrix and cannot be
added using the ‘Insert Data Matrix’ options.
The example cube below has the dimensions Sex (M, F), Year (1999, 2000), Country
(Norway, UK), and a measure – ‘Income’.
To expand the year dimension to add income data for the year 2001:
1. Click on Data | Cubes > Expand Dimension.
2. For the ‘Dimension to expand’ select ‘Year’.
3. Enter ‘2001’ in both the value and label fields.
4. Check the ‘Non-additive data’.
5. Click ‘OK’.
6. New cases are added at the end of the matrix as shown.
Example cube:
Existing data
New rows have been added to the data for all the permutations of the new category.
The measure values for the ‘income’ data can now be added to the data matrix. Measures to Dimension
This option can be used if you are preparing cube data and have a table that
contains a large number of measures that you wish to treat as one dimension.
The table below shows a few rows from a much larger table. It contains variable
dimensions called Year, Area, Gender and Age, and a number of ‘Measure’ variables
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called Pop-Total, Did not work, Worked and Worked-part year. It is these ‘measure’
variables that we want to treat as another variable dimension.
15 to 24 years
Average age
Median age
15 to 24 years
Average age
Median age
15 to 24 years
Average age
Median age
15 to 24 years
Average age
Median age
15 to 24 years
Average age
Median age
15 to 24 years
Average age
Median age
Did not work
To prepare the above table for Nesstar:
1. If in Excel, save the table as a ‘.txt’ or ‘.csv’ format file.
2. Import into Nesstar Publisher. The column headings are now listed as
variables in Publisher. The columns containing numerical information will be
treated as separate measures as shown above.
To use the ‘Measures To Dimension’ option:
1. Select Data | Cubes > Measures to Dimension.
2. A ‘Select Variables’ dialogue box will then appear. Select the ‘measure’
variables that will become the categories in the new variable/dimension. For
example, in the above table you would select ‘Pop-Total’, ‘Did not work’,
‘Worked’ and ‘Worked-part year’.
3. Click ‘OK’ and new Dimension and Measure variables will be created. These
will be labelled ‘Merged Dimension’ and ‘Merged Measure’.
4. Rename the new Dimension and Measure variables as required.
5. Continue preparing your cube dataset.
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Publishing Menu
Data can be published to a specified Nesstar Server by using the Publishing menu.
However, before this is possible a Nesstar Server must be added to your list of
available Servers. It is possible to have a number of Servers listed if you have access
to more than one Nesstar Server and have publishing rights on each of them.
8.6.1 Add Server
You can publish to a server installed on your own machine, to a server on the
Internet, or to a remote server accessed through a Local Area Network (LAN).
To add a Server:
1. Select Publishing | Add server
2. Enter the address of the Nesstar Server, including port number, on which it is
running, for example:
3. Enter a user name and password that has Nesstar publishing rights on this
4. Click ‘OK’ and the Nesstar Server will now appear in your list of available
8.6.2 Publishing a Study
To publish a study:
1. Select the required study.
2. Choose a server to publish to from the list of available Nesstar Servers. If the
required server is not listed it can be added as described above in section
3. Select ‘Study’ then one of the following options:
Publish data and metadata - to publish both the data and metadata
Publish metadata only - to publish only the metadata which will
include variable metadata, e.g. variable frequencies, question text
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Republish - to republish existing studies/cubes/resources that are to
remain in their existing Nesstar catalogues
Note: If you are replacing an existing study and want to notify subscribed
users that this has been updated, you must select the ‘Publish data and
metadata’ option so that notification text can be added. If the ‘Republish’
option is used, you will not be able to enter any text and users will not be
notified. Further information is available from point 10 below.
4. If prompted, enter a user name and password click ‘OK’. You will only be
asked to do this if you have previously logged out of the server using the log
out option. Further information is available from section 8.6.7 Log out.
5. The ‘Select catalogues to publish to’ dialogue box will then be displayed as
shown below.
6. Language: Select a language to view the Server catalogue text, or leave as
the default.
7. Catalogs: Select a catalog to publish to by either selecting a catalog name or
clicking the
button to the right of the ‘Catalogs:’ section, or by ticking the
appropriate check box, or boxes, to publish to multiple catalogs.
Catalogs can be arranged hierarchally and those containing sub-catalogs will
be prefixed by a ‘+’ sign, as shown above for ‘Hidden Objects’. Click ‘+’ to
expand a catalog.
New catalogs can be added using the
button to the right of the Catalogs
section and once created will automatically be selected.
8. Selected catalogs: Catalogs that have been selected are listed in this
section. On some Nesstar Servers catalogues may be automatically selected.
Further information is available from section 8.6.5 Automatically selected
Note: Catalogs cannot be deleted at this stage, but they can be removed from
the ‘Selected Catalogs’ section. Use Manage Server to delete any unwanted
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9. Time of availability: The ‘immediately’ option is selected by default. To
publish on a specific date, at a specific time, select ‘At the given time and
date’ option and then select a date and time of your choice.
Note: The time selected must be at least 30 minutes after the current time.
To view resources that are scheduled to be published at a given date and
time, select the ‘Published Resources’ tab in Manage Server, then select the
‘Scheduled’ option.
Further information about scheduled resources is available from section 9.3.5
Creating a list of scheduled resources.
10. Notification to catalog subscribers: Enter a note into this section if you
wish to inform subscribed users that a catalog has been updated, e.g. a new
study has been added, or a study has been updated.
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If no information is entered, no message will be sent to any subscribed users.
Users can also subscribe to studies. However, if you require a message to be
sent when a study is updated do not select ‘Republish’. Instead, you should
select ‘Publish’, and then answer ‘Yes’ to the question about replacing the
existing study. If you select ‘republish’ you will not be able to enter any
information into the ‘Notification’ box, so no message will be sent to
Note: If this option is not enabled on the server you are publishing to, the
following message will be displayed in this section: “The server does not have
email notification enabled”.
11. Click 'Publish' to publish the study. A ‘Publishing Report’ screen will appear to
confirm that publishing has been successful.
12. If the study was published immediately it can be viewed by clicking the ‘Open
in Web client’ option. If the study was to be published at a specific date and
time it will not be available to view until after that time.
8.6.3 Publishing a Cube
The process for publishing a cube is the same as for a study except for the following
which replace points 1 to 3 above:
To publish a cube:
1. Open a dataset and expand until the ‘Cube Setups’ section is visible.
Expand ‘Cube Setups’ and select the required setup from those available.
2. Choose a server to publish to from the list of available Nesstar Servers. If
the required server is not listed add as described above in section 8.6.1
Add Server.
3. Select ‘Cube’ then one of the following options:
• Publish
• Republish
8.6.4 Publishing a Resource Description
The process for publishing an External Resource is the same as for a study except
for the following which replace steps 1 to 3 above:
To publish a cube:
1. Open a dataset and expand until the ‘External Resources’ section is
2. Choose a server to publish to from the list of available Nesstar Servers. If
the required server is not listed it can be added as described above in
section 8.6.1 Add Server.
3. Select ‘Resource Description’ then one of the following options:
• Publish
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Automatically selected catalogues
Remember last catalogue selected:
If the option ‘Remember selected catalogs’ is selected, Publisher will check the last
catalogue that was published to and automatically select this when you use the
publish option. Further information is available from section 8.1.11 Preferences.
Matching ‘Keyword’ and ‘Topic classification’ fields:
If a Nesstar Server has been configured so that when catalogue names match terms
found in the ‘Keywords’ or ‘Topic Classification’ fields of a study, those catalogues
will automatically be selected by Publisher and will be listed in the ‘Selected
Catalogues’ section. If these are not required they can be removed as follows:
To deselect a catalogue:
Uncheck the relevant checkbox next to the catalogue name
Click the catalogue name in ‘Selected Catalogs:’ and click the
8.6.6 Manage Server (summary)
Selecting this option enables you to manage the content and presentation of the
published resources on a Nesstar Server. This option is available for each Nesstar
Server listed.
To use Manage Server:
Select: Publishing | The [ServerName] server > Manage server
Further information about ‘Manage Server’ functionality is available from section 9
Manage Server.
8.6.7 Log out
For security reasons a Publisher user must have publishing rights before they can
publish any datasets to a Nesstar Server.
This option enables a person with publishing rights to log out of a Nesstar Server,
thus preventing any other user of Publisher from actually publishing. The next
publishing request will require the user to enter a user name and password for the
chosen server.
To log out:
Select: Publishing | The [ServerName] server > Log Out
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8.6.8 Remove Server
To remove a Nesstar Server from the list of available servers:
Select: Publishing | The [Server Name] server > Remove Server.
8.6.9 Republish on all servers
If you have access to a number of Nesstar Servers and these are available via
Publisher, this option can be used to republish the same study/cube/resource to all
available servers simultaneously.
Select: Publishing | Republish on all servers.
Use republishing when you want to republish existing studies/cubes/resources and
want them to remain in their existing Nesstar catalogues.
8.6.10 Publishing to a Secure Server
To publish to a server that is configured to run only on secure sockets you need to
add the security certificate to the publisher. One way to import the certificate is to:
1. Copy the ‘nesstar.cer’ file from the Nesstar Server ‘config’ directory.
2. Paste it into the main Publisher directory.
3. Run the ‘importcert.bat’ script that is provided with Nesstar Publisher.
8.7.1 Validate Metadata
This option checks that all mandatory metadata fields are completed. If any empty
fields are found they will be marked in red.
Fields can be marked as mandatory within the Template Editor. Further information is
available from section 3.3.4. Item options.
8.7.2 Validate External Resources
This option checks that all mandatory metadata fields for ‘External Resources’ are
completed. If any empty fields are found they will be marked in red.
Fields can be marked as mandatory within the Template Editor. Further information is
available from section 3.3.4. Item options.
8.7.3 Validate Dataset Relations
This option is used to validate hierarchically related datasets by checking that the
information entered into the ‘Key Variables & Relations’ section for each related file is
correct. The ‘Base key variables’ should be the variables that uniquely identify a case
within that file. Further information is available from section 4.1 Key Variables &
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8.7.4 Validate Variables
This option enables you to validate the variables within a dataset and to locate those
that may have missing information, e.g. missing category labels. The following
options are available:
Nominal variables without categories: Checks for missing category labels
within nominal variables.
Variables with missing label: Checks for any variables with missing labels.
Variables with same label: Use to quickly locate variables that have the
same label.
Variables with missing mandatory fields: Checks for any missing
mandatory information.
Scale variables with non-missing categories: Locates scale variables that
contain categories that are not defined as ‘missing’. For example, some ‘Age’
variables record a respondent’s exact age, but may include a category ‘99’
labelled ‘Not answered’.
To use:
1. Select a dataset to validate.
2. Click the ‘Variables’ section.
3. Select Tools | Validate Variables.
4. Select the type of validation from the drop down list, as shown above.
5. Click OK.
6. A message will then be displayed saying how many variables were found that
matched the validation criteria, and these will be highlighted in the Variables
7. Add/Edit variable information as required.
8.7.5 Randomize Key Variables
The Randomize Key Variables option provides a way to help reduce the risk of
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This option generates random values for the variables selected as base keys and
external keys. This is done for all the datasets in the selected study. The random
values are generated in such a way that the datasets can still be merged after the
key values are randomised.
The original data for the key variables will be overwritten, so it is recommended that a
copy of the study is saved as a new file after the function has been run, and a copy of
the original data also preserved.
To randomize key variables:
1. Save a backup copy of the data files.
2. Open Tools | Validate Dataset Relations to check the dataset relations are
3. Select Tools | Randomize Key Variables. A warning message will popup to
remind you that all key variables will be assigned a random value and that the
action cannot be undone.
4. Click ‘Continue’ to assign the random values or ‘Cancel’ to exit.
8.8.1 Homepage
Click on Help | Homepage to view the Nesstar Publisher’s homepage.
8.8.2 View Licence
Click Help | View Licence to display the Nesstar Publisher user licence.
8.8.3 Support
Use Help | Support to go to the Nesstar Publisher's support page on the internet.
8.8.4 Submit Bug Report
Use Help | Submit bug request to go to a web page that lets you enter and submit
the details of any bugs you encounter in the Publisher.
8.8.5 Submit Feature Request
Use Help | Submit feature request to go to a webpage that allows you to suggest
changes to the Publisher.
8.8.6 About
Click Help | About to view version and production details.
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Manage Server
Manage Server is used to manage the catalogues and resources on a Nesstar
Server. The catalogue names and information about those catalogues can also be
entered in different languages. You can also modify the webview welcome page
using this.
To access the Manage Server functionality:
1. Click on Publishing | The [ServerName] server > Manage Server.
2. Enter a user name and password with publishing rights if prompted, and the
Manage Server dialogue box will be displayed.
Adding a language
Additional languages can be added to Manage Server so that catalogue names and
any information about those catalogues can be viewed in different languages. When
the language is changed via the web client, e.g. WebView, the catalogue names and
text will change accordingly.
To add a language:
1. Select ‘Manage Server’ for your chosen Server and then click the arrow next
to the language selection box at the top of the screen.
2. Click the
button and an ‘Add language’ box will appear.
3. Click the arrow to the right of the currently selected language and select a
language from the list displayed, as shown below:
4. After selecting a language, press ‘OK’ and the selected language will then
be added to your list of available languages.
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5. Further languages can be added as required by repeating the steps above.
Languages can be removed from the list by using the
6. Press ‘Close’ to return to the main Manage Server screen.
Catalogs tab
When the ‘Catalogs’ tab is active, the contents of the server can be managed.
Catalogues can be added, removed or rearranged and text can be added about
To create new catalogues:
1. Click on Publishing | The [ServerName] server > Manage Server.
2. Click on the ‘Catalogs’ tab. When opened the Server name will be selected by
3. To create a new top level catalogue, i.e. one that will appear at the same level
as your default catalogue, click on the
4. To create catalogues within the default catalogue, click the default catalogue
name then click on the
5. Give the new catalogue a name.
To remove a catalogue:
To remove a catalogue click on the catalogue name, then use the minus
button to delete it.
To change the order of the catalogues:
To rearrange the position of the catalogues use the up and down arrow
To rename a catalogue:
To change a catalogue name, simply click on it and type new text in the
'name' field displayed in the 'Manage server' box.
9.2.1 Multi-lingual catalogues
Once a language has been added to the list of available languages for your Nesstar
Server, it is then possible to add translated text for catalogue names and any
catalogue comments.
To add translated catalogue names and comments:
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1. Select a catalogue from the Manage Server screen.
2. Click the arrow to the right of the currently selected language to view a list of
the available languages.
3. Select the required language.
4. Add your translated text into the ‘Label’ and ‘Comments’ fields. The text
added in your original language will be shown, but this should be replaced
with your translated text which will be saved automatically.
5. Press ‘Close’ to exit the ‘Manage Server’ screen.
9.2.2 Setting a web client – viewing a published file
It is possible to view a published file via the Publisher. When a file has been
successfully published, the option ‘Open in Web client’ will be available. This will be
set to ‘WebView’ by default.
If you are using a customised Web client then you need to enter the name of that
client. To set the Web client for your server click
and enter the name of your web
client, then click ‘OK’
You require the necessary permissions and access rights to be able to publish to a
remote server.
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9.2.3 The Hidden catalogue
A ‘Hidden’ catalogue that is not visible to users is available. This is particularly useful
if you wish to publish a resource and check it before making it publicly available.
The ‘Hidden’ catalogue can be selected to publish to in the same way as other
catalogues. It is also possible to create other catalogues within it as described below.
Once a resource has been published to this special area you will need to view it
using the ‘Open in Web client’ option. Once opened, the URI to this resource, or the
Hidden catalogue, can then be copied and shared with other users.
Published Resources tab
The ‘Published Resources’ section provides a way to:
Generate lists of ‘Studies’, ‘Cubes’ or ‘EGMS resources’ published to the
Nesstar Server.
Modify the list of fields that are displayed in the list.
Copy the list of published resources to your clipboard for easy pasting into
another document.
Save/Export a published resources list.
Select a resource and view through the default web client, e.g. WebView.
Delete published files and resources from the Nesstar Server.
View a list of resources that are scheduled to be published on a specific date
and at a specific time.
Change the scheduled publishing date and time.
The main ‘Published Resources’ screen is displayed below:
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Creating a list of published resources
To create a listing of published resources:
1. Select the ‘Published Resources’ tab.
2. Click the drop down arrow to the right of the box immediately below the
heading ‘Listing Type’ and select the type of listing required. The options
available are: Studies’, ‘Cubes’ and ‘EGMS Resources’. In the example
above ‘Studies’ has been selected.
3. Select the ‘Status’ of these resources: ‘Published’ to generate a list of
published resources, or ‘Scheduled’ to generate a list of resources scheduled
to be published at a later date.
4. The list of resources that meet your criteria will then be displayed.
Changing the fields including in the published resources list
To change the columns displayed in the ‘List of Resources’ section:
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1. Click the ‘Select columns’ button
displayed, as shown below.
and a ‘Select Columns’ box will be
2. Click the tick boxes to select or deselect the fields required. Use the ‘Select
all’ button
to select all fields, or the ‘Deselect all’ button
to deselect all
3. Rearrange the fields by using the up and down arrows.
4. Click ‘Close’ when your selection is complete.
5. The list will automatically be updated to reflect your changes.
6. To copy a listing to the clipboard, use the
7. To save/export a listing, use the
Deleting resources from the published resources list
To delete published resources from the Nesstar Server:
1. Select the resources from your list that you want to delete. The Ctrl and
Shift keys can be used to select multiple resources.
2. Click the
key and a ‘Delete selected resources’ confirmation box will
3. Select ‘Yes’ to delete the selected resources, or ‘No’ to cancel the request.
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Viewing a resource from the published resources list
To view a resource through the web client:
1. Select a resource from the list.
2. Click the ‘Open object in Web client’ button
3. The resource will then be opened in your default Web client, e.g. WebView.
Creating a list of scheduled resources
To view resources that are scheduled to be published on a specific date, at a specific
1. Select a listing type from the drop down list.
2. Select the ‘Status’ option - ‘Scheduled’.
3. A list will then be displayed showing those resources that are to be published
at a future date and time.
Changing the scheduled publishing date and time
To change the scheduled date and/or time:
1. From the list of scheduled resources, select the ‘Set schedule dateC’ button
and the following box will be displayed:
2. Use the up and down arrows to change the time, and click the arrow next to
the date to display a calendar.
3. Select a date from the calendar then click OK.
4. The new date and time will then be displayed in the listing.
Customize Webview Welcome page
The welcome page that is displayed on the webview can be customized through the
‘Manage Server’ as follows:
Click on Publishing | The [ServerName] server > Manage Server.
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Select the root node
Enter welcome page information in the ‘Server Comment’ field.
Nesstar Cubes
This section provides some general information about Nesstar Cubes.
10.1 Dimensions and Categories
A cube is a multi-dimensional table consisting of aggregated data for a number of
dimensions (variables) and at least one measure (variable). The dimensions
describe the data whereas the measure represents the data itself. For example, a
measure can represent average ages, the number of cars sold, or population totals.
A typical representation of a cube is shown in Table 1 below.
Table 1. Population data by gender and age group, for the four areas in the UK.
In Table 1, three dimensions are present (GENDER, AREA and AGE GROUP). Two of
these, GENDER and AGE GROUP, are present in the columns (header) of the table,
and the dimension AREA is present in the rows (stub) of the table.
The measure variable represents the actual data, i.e. the numbers in the table cells,
which in this example are population figures.
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Dimensions contain categories. For instance, the dimension GENDER has two
categories: Males and Females; the dimension AGE GROUP has three categories: 014, 15-64 and 65+, and the dimension AREA has four: Dudley, Sandwell, Walsall and
A measure variable has no categories, is continuous and is usually classified as a
numeric, scaled variable within Nesstar Publisher.
A dimension represents the whole of a table whereas a ‘category’ only applies to part
of it. In the example above, all data points (cells) have a GENDER but only half of the
data are Males.
In a cube, each data point is described by all dimensions. This is clearly illustrated in
Table 1 where for any given data point (cell), there is an AREA, a GENDER and an
AGE GROUP associated with it. This means that it is also possible to reconstruct the
cube by moving the dimensions around, as shown in Table 2 below.
The capacity to move dimensions around is a powerful feature of cubes and it allows
the user to make direct comparisons between categories of interest. For example, a
user who wishes to compare the number of males in each age group will prefer a
table such as Table 1, but a user who wishes to compare gender will prefer Table 2.
Table 2. The dimensions GENDER and AGE GROUP from Table 1 have been
Within Nesstar, the person publishing the cube decides on the default view for the
table, i.e. how it initially appears to the user. The user can then rearrange the table
by moving the dimensions as required.
10.2 Hierarchical Dimensions
It is possible, and sometimes preferable, to group certain categories together to form
a hierarchy. For example, for a geographical dimension, instead of providing a long
list of towns, the towns could be grouped into regions. The dimension AREA then
consists of two levels: regions and towns, as in Figure 1 below.
Figure 1. Example of a hierarchical dimension.
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In Figure 1, AREA is the dimension, and regions and towns are categories. Regions
and towns are not dimensions themselves, but represent different levels of the
In section 10.1 above, it states that it is possible to move dimensions around in a
table. However, this is only possible because for each AGE GROUP category there
are the same GENDER categories (i.e. Males and Females), and for each GENDER
category, there are the same AGE GROUP categories.
In Figure 1, there are no identical towns categories for each region category. For
example, for Southeast there are no towns categories Leeds, York, and Sheffield
etc., and for Leeds, there are no regions categories Southeast, London, or East
Anglia. The individual towns cannot be seen separate from their region, and therefore
towns and regions cannot be separate dimensions.
In Nesstar, data arranged hierarchically enables the user to select a region level, for
example, which will then open up to display the data for its underlying towns.
10.3 Additivity
Nesstar expects a cube’s ‘measure’ to be defined in terms of additivity.
A non-additive measure means there will be no automatic aggregation of the data.
If a measure can be aggregated it falls into one of the following categories:
Stock additivity - which refers to a measure of activity at a given point in
time, or
Flow additivity - which refers to an activity measured per unit of time.
10.3.1 Non-additive
Non-additive data cannot be aggregated at all. Examples include percentage and
rates data. For example, if 65% of females smoke and 52% of males smoke, we
cannot say that 117% of the population smokes. Other examples include life
expectancy ages and average house prices.
10.3.2 Stock additivity
Stock measures cannot be aggregated over time, whereas Flow measures can. A
cube has stock additivity if the data can be aggregated along all dimensions except
the time dimension.
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For example: If there were 20,000 inhabitants in Newtown in 2001 and 30,000
inhabitants in 2002, it is not correct to say that the total number of inhabitants in
Newtown over 2001 and 2002 was 50,000. That is, it is meaningless to aggregate
‘stock’ measures over time.
However, stock measures can be aggregated over other dimensions. For example, if
the number of inhabitants for Newtown in 2001 was 20,000 and the number for
Oldtown was 30,000, then the total number of inhabitants for the two towns in 2001
was 50,000, i.e. the ‘Town’ dimension has been aggregated
10.3.3 Flow additivity
Flow measures can be aggregated over all dimensions. For example, ’the number of
new cars’ is a flow measure. It is correct to say that the total number of new cars for
2001 and 2002 is the sum of the number of new cars for each separate year. Thus,
aggregating the data over the YEAR dimension will result in the total number of new
cars for the full range of years. Aggregating the data over the AREA dimension will
result in the total number of new cars for the combined areas.
10.3.4 Additive measures
The advantage of publishing a measure as additive is that within a dimension, higherlevel categories can be created to contain the aggregated values of the associated
lower-level categories.
Nesstar Publisher automatically creates and calculates the higher-level category
which is automatically named, ‘All’. This contains the aggregated data at the highest
level of each dimension.
If you manually create, within Publisher, a "virtual" top category, the ‘All’ category will
then be replaced with your new virtual category.
For example, for the dimension ‘Gender’ containing the categories ‘Male’ and
‘Female’ if you create a top category called ‘Both Genders’ this will replace the ‘All’
category. The dimension would then need to be arranged hierarchically so that the
‘Male’ and ‘Female’ categories are child-categories for this new top-level category as
shown below:
- Both genders
- Male
- Female
When published and viewed through WebView, the custom selection window will
show "Both genders" as the top category.
Note that you must also add a ‘Level name’ for the top-category-level so that the
menu-selector in WebView changes too.
Further information about adding level names is available from section Level
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10.4 Preparing Cube data for Publisher
The input file for a ‘cube’ dataset can be a tab-delimited (.txt) file, a comma
separated (.csv) file, or an Excel (.xls) file, but it must be structured in a particular
way, and this is described below.
Note: Tabular/Cube data in PC-Axis (.pcx) format can be imported directly into
10.4.1 Importing Data
Before cube data can be imported into the Publisher, it needs to be transformed so
that the information for each data point (cell) is contained on a separate line in the
input file, as shown in Table 3 below.
Each data point (cell) in a table should be represented as a separate line in the input
file. Table 3 shows the first few entries of the input file for Table 1above.
Table 3: Structure of input file for some of the data for Table 1.
Age group
The first line contains the name of the dimensions, and the other lines describe each
data point in terms of the dimensions and the measure. When there is more than
one measure, extra columns need to be added, one for each measure.
The order in which the data points are entered is not important, and neither is the
order in which the categories are entered as long as the same order is followed on
each line.
10.4.2 Hierarchical Dimensions
If a cube contains hierarchical dimensions, data for the higher levels should only be
included if the cube is non-additive. Non-additive data
For non-additive cubes, data needs to be present at all levels of a hierarchical
dimension. If data at the higher levels are not present, dashes (-) will appear where
the data are missing, when the cube is published.
Table 4: Percentage of smokers in regions of England (fictional).
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Table 4 presents a non-additive cube containing percentage data, including a
hierarchical dimension REGION. England contains the regions, North, East, South
and West. As the data are non-additive, (i.e., summing the region data does not give
the percentage for England) the data for England needs to be present in the input
file, in the same way as the data for the underlying regions.
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Table 5 below, shows the format of the input file for some of the data in Table 4.
Table 5: Input file for a sample of Table 4 data.
% smokers
In some cases it may be useful to create higher-level categories in a non-additive
cube even when no data for these categories is available. For example, where there
are a number of categories that can be grouped together using a higher-level
category as a heading. However, when published, the cells for these higher-level
categories will contain dashes (-) as the data for these cells is missing, i.e. it was not
present in the original table. The (empty) higher-level (virtual) categories do not need
to be present in the input file as they can be created within the Nesstar Publisher. Additive data
For additive cubes, data should only be present for the lowest-level categories in a
hierarchical dimension. That is, the higher-level categories should be added after the
data file has been imported into the Publisher. These will be virtual categories, with
no actual data points associated with them. The Nesstar system will automatically
calculate the data for these categories after the cube is published.
The exception to the above is where no lower-level data are available for a higherlevel category, and no lower-level categories are present. Such a category should be
included in the input file, and the Publisher, at the correct hierarchical level.
Further information
11.1 Adding links to documents from Publisher
Links can be added within Nesstar metadata to documents such as PDF or Word
‘.doc’ files within Publisher. These files can be added to the Nesstar server in the
following directory:
If the files are held on an external website, they can be linked to by adding the full
URL to the document.
If the file has been added to your Nesstar Server, add a link to the relevant URI field
within Publisher in the following format: /filename.pdf
Subdirectories can be created within ‘root.war’ to contain specific documents. For
example, a directory called ‘Documentation’ could be created to hold documentation
files. In this case, the link would then become: /Documentation/filename.pdf
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If your document is held on an external website, you will need to add the full URL to
that document. However, if the address changes the link will need to be updated and
the file republished. Similarly, if you use the full Nesstar Server URL and the Server
moves to a different IP address, or the Server name changes, the links will have to
be updated and the file republished.
11.2 Adding links within Nesstar catalogues
To add links to Nesstar catalogue comments fields within Manage Server so that they
open in a new window and not in WebView’s right frame:
Add HTML links in the following format:
<a href="xxx" target="_blank">Link name</a>
For example:
The link:
<a href=”” target=”_blank">Nesstar</a>
will open the Nesstar’s home page in a new window when ‘Nesstar’ is selected from
the web page.
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While the Norwegian Social Science Data Services (NSD) has taken all reasonable
efforts to compile accurate documentation, we cannot accept liability for any loss or
damage consequential or otherwise suffered by the client or any third party arising as
a result of its use.