Thurs, April 17
Thurs, April 17
(406) 433-3306 or 1-800-749-3306 Fax (406) 433-4114 e-mail address: [email protected] :HGQHVGD\$SULO %XVLQHVV2IÀFH /RFDWHGDW:HVW0DLQ 6LGQH\07 9ROXPH1XPEHU Easter Egg Hunt Featured at MissouriYellowstone Confluence Interpretive Center The Missouri-Yellowstone &RQÁXHQFH ,QWHUSUHWLYH &HQWHU LQ FRRSHUDWLRQ ZLWK WKH Trenton Fire Department, will hold an Easter Egg Hunt on 6DWXUGD\ $SULO EHJLQQLQJ at 1 p.m., weather permitWLQJ 7KLV VSHFLDO FRPPXQLW\ HYHQW ZLOO RIIHU FKLOGUHQ QRW RQO\WKHFKDQFHWRFKDVHGRZQ WKRVHHOXVLYH(DVWHU(JJVDW WKHFRQÁXHQFHEXWDOVRDOORZ WKHPWRHQMR\WKHHGXFDWLRQDO RSSRUWXQLWLHVSURYLGHGE\WKH &RQÁXHQFH&HQWHU·VH[KLELWV 7KHHJJVZLOOEHKLGGHQLQWKUHH ORFDWLRQVZLWKWKHFKLOGUHQGLYLGHG LQWR WKUHH DJH JURXSV The Trenton Fire Department KDVEHHQKRVWLQJWKLVHYHQWWR ORFDOFKLOGUHQIRUPRUHWKDQ \HDUV7KLVPDUNVWKHIRXUWK \HDU WKH &RQÁXHQFH &HQWHU and Trenton Fire Department KDYHMRLQHGIRUFHVWRRIIHUWKH FKLOGUHQ WKH EHVW (DVWHU (JJ +XQW H[SHULHQFH SRVVLEOH 7KH HYHQW LV IUHH DQG RSHQ WR WKH SXEOLF ,Q WKH HYHQW RI LQFOHPHQW ZHDWKHU SOHDVH FDOO IRU DQ DOWHUQDWH GDWH IRU WKH HJJ KXQW 3DUWLFLSDQWV DUH HQFRXUDJHG WR FRPH HDUO\ DQG UHJLVWHU IRU GRRU SUL]HV The Missouri-Yellowstone &RQÁXHQFH,QWHUSUHWLYH&HQWHU LVORFDWHGRQHKDOIPLOHHDVWRI )RUW %XIRUG QHDU :LOOLVWRQ 7KH &RQIOXHQFH &HQWHU LV RSHQ \HDUURXQG ,WV ZLQWHU KRXUV DUH LQ HIIHFW DQG DUH DP WR SP :HGQHVdays through Saturdays, and WR SP 6XQGD\V ,W LV FORVHG RQ 1HZ <HDU·V 'D\ (DVWHU 7KDQNVJLYLQJ DQG Christmas. Admission to the &HQWHU·VH[KLELWVLVSHU DGXOW SHU FKLOG DJHV DQGFKLOGUHQDQGXQGHU DUHDGPLWWHGIUHH 0DLOLQJ$GGUHVV P.O. Box 1207 6LGQH\07 Flooding Causes Oil Spill Near Fairview )ORRGZDWHUVKDYHLQXQGDWHGPDQ\DUHDVDORQJORFDOULYHUVFDXVLQJGDPDJHWRVRPHRLOZHOOV6HHSDJHDQGIRUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQ DQGSKRWRVRIWKHGDPDJHQHDU)DLUYLHZ07$ERYH$QHHULHOLQHPDUNVWKHÁRRGZDWHUOHYHODQGWKHRLORQWRSRILW3KRWRE\'LDQQH Swanson) Watford City Town Hall Meeting Will Address Underage Drinking 6XEPLWWHG%\0DUFLD Hellandsaas <RXUFKLOG·VEUDLQLVJURZLQJDQGFKDQJLQJGXULQJWKHLU WHHQ\HDUV5HFHQWUHVHDUFK has helped us understand that DSHUVRQ·VEUDLQLVQRWSK\VLRORJLFDOO\ PDWXUH XQWLO D SHUVRQ·V PLGWZHQWLHV $OFRKRO DQGRWKHUGUXJH[SRVXUHWRD WHHQDJHEUDLQPD\FDXVHORVV SCAM ALERT 6XEPLWWHGE\$QDVWDVLD%XUWRQ 7KH 2IÀFH RI &RQVXPHU 3URWHFWLRQ DW WKH 0RQWDQD 'HSDUWPHQWRI-XVWLFHZDQWVWRDOHUW\RXWRDIDVWPRYLQJSKRQH VFDPFDOOHGWKHODUJHVWRILWVNLQGWDUJHWLQJWD[SD\HUVDFURVVWKH FRXQWU\9LFWLPVKDYHUHSRUWHGWKUHDWVRIOLFHQVHVXVSHQVLRQ arrest and deportation. :KDW PDNHV WKLV WLPHO\ VFDP VR WULFN\" 7KH VFDPPHUV LPSHUVRQDWH,QWHUQDO5HYHQXH6HUYLFH,56DJHQWVDQGGHPDQG SD\PHQWIRUWD[HVRZHGDQGRIWHQ NQRZ WKH ODVW IRXU GLJLWV RI WKH YLFWLP·V 6RFLDO 6HFXULW\ QXPEHU PDNHFDOOHU,'DSSHDUDVLIWKH,56LVFDOOLQJ VHQGIROORZXSERJXV,56HPDLOVWRVXSSRUWWKHLUVFDPDQG FDOODVHFRQGWLPHFODLPLQJWREHWKHSROLFHRU'HSDUWPHQW RI0RWRU9HKLFOHVDQGFDOOHU,'DJDLQVXSSRUWVWKHLUFODLP 7KH ,56 XVXDOO\ FRQWDFWV SHRSOH E\ PDLO QRW E\ SKRQH DERXWXQSDLGWD[HV7KH,56ZRQ·WDVNIRUSD\PHQWXVLQJD SUHSDLG GHELW FDUG RU ZLUH WUDQVIHU QRU ZLOO WKH\ LQYROYH ODZ HQIRUFHPHQWRULPPLJUDWLRQDJHQFLHV :+$772'2 ,I\RXRUDIDPLO\PHPEHUUHFHLYHVRQHRIWKHVHFDOOV\RXU EHVWEHWLVWRKDQJXS%XWLI\RXGRJHWLQWRDFRQYHUVDWLRQGRQ·W JLYHDQ\RQHPRQH\RUFUHGLWFDUGLQIRUPDWLRQRYHUWKHSKRQH DQGGRQ·WWUXVWFDOOHUVZKRXVHWKUHDWVRULQVXOWVWREXOO\\RX 1(;767(36 5HSRUWWKHLQFLGHQWWRWKH7UHDVXU\,QVSHFWRU*HQHUDOIRU 7D[$GPLQLVWUDWLRQDW )LOH D FRPSODLQW ZLWK WKH )HGHUDO 7UDGH &RPPLVVLRQ DW ZZZIWFJRY$GG´,567HOHSKRQH6FDPµWRWKHFRPPHQWVLQ \RXUFRPSODLQW ,I \RX RZH RU WKLQN \RX RZH IHGHUDO WD[HV FDOO WKH ,56 GLUHFWO\DWWRYHULI\LQIRUPDWLRQ &DOOXVDWWKH0RQWDQD'HSDUWPHQWRI-XVWLFH·V2IÀFHRI &RQVXPHU3URWHFWLRQDWRURU YLVLWXVDWKWWSVGRMPWJRYFRQVXPHUIRUFRQVXPHUV )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQYLVLWZZZLUVJRY RIPHPRU\DQGLQWHUIHUHZLWK EUDLQ GHYHORSPHQW ² ZKLFK FDQ KDYH SHUPDQHQW DIIHFWV -- Parents, grandparents DQGRWKHUVZKRKDYHDVLJQLILFDQW LQÁXHQFH LQ WKH OLYHV RI teenagers are urged to attend WKH 0F.HQ]LH &RXQW\ &RPPXQLW\ &RDOLWLRQ·V 7RZQ +DOO Meeting Addressing Underage Drinking. This meeting is set WREHJLQZLWKDSPIUHHODVDJQDVXSSHUIROORZHGE\D SP SURJUDP DW WKH :DWIRUG &LW\&LYLF&HQWHU$WWHQGHHV RI WKH PHDO DUH UHTXHVWHG WR SUHUHJLVWHU WKHLU DWWHQGDQFH E\FDOOLQJWKH0F.HQ]LH&RXQ- W\ ([WHQVLRQ 2IILFH DW RUHPDLOLQJ0DUFLD [email protected]. *XHVW VSHDNHU 7KRPDV 9RON &RPPXQLW\ 3UHYHQWLRQ 6SHFLDOLVW ZLWK WKH 1' 'HSDUWPHQWRI+XPDQ6HUYLFHV will open the program with an RYHUYLHZRIORFDOGDWD $ SDQHO GLVFXVVLRQ ZLOO IROORZ6SHDNHUVZLOOLQFOXGH VSRNHVSHUVRQVIURPWKH0F.HQ]LH &RXQW\ 6KHULII·V 'HSDUWPHQW:DWIRUG&LW\3ROLFH 'HSDUWPHQW0F.HQ]LH&RXQW\+HDOWKFDUH6\VWHPV0F.HQ]LH&RXQW\6RFLDO6HUYLFHV 0F.HQ]LH &RXQW\ 'LVWULFW 6FKRROV 0F.HQ]LH &RXQ- GNDC Forum April 7 in Watford City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tion, a parent and a student. 3UHYHQWLRQVWUDWHJLHVDQG KRZFRPPXQLW\PHPEHUVFDQ EHFRPHLQYROYHGLQSUHYHQWLRQ HIIRUWVZLOOIROORZ 'RRUSUL]HVRINLQGOHÀUHV DQG JLIW FHUWLILFDWHV WR 6L[ 6KRRWHUV 6KRZ +DOO ZLOO EH awarded. (GXFDWLRQDODQGSUHYHQWLRQPDWHULDOVZLOOEHGLVWULEXWed to all attendees. )RU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ SOHDVHFRQWDFWWKH0F.HQ]LH &RXQW\ ([WHQVLRQ 2IILFH DW Shootin’ Blanks, Inc -Sidney, MT 6LGQH\ 0RQWDQD ZLOO VRRQ KDYH RQH RI WKH IHZ 9LUWXDO 6KRRWLQJ5DQJHVRSHQIRUSXEOLFXVHLQWKH&RXQWU\6KRRWLQ· %ODQNV,QFLVORFDWHGDFURVVWKHVWUHHWIURP-&3HQQ\LQWKH 9LOODJH6TXDUH0DOODQGLVVFKHGXOHGWRRSHQLQ$SULORI 8WLOL]LQJ HTXLSPHQW PDQXIDFWXUHG IRU 0LOLWDU\ DQG /DZ (QIRUFHPHQWWUDLQLQJFXVWRPHUVZLOOEHDEOHWRLPSURYHWKHLU PDUNVPDQVKLS RQ LQGLYLGXDO VLPXODWHG UDQJHV &KRRVH IURP LQGRRUDQGRURXWGRRUUDQJHVRXWWR\DUGV3HUIHFWIRUÀUVW WLPHVKRRWHUVOHDUQLQJWKHIXQGDPHQWDOVRIÀUHDUPVRUDGGLQ RWKHUYDULDEOHVVXFKDVZLQGVSHHGDQGGLUHFWLRQIRUHYHQWKH PRVWH[SHULHQFHGPDUNVPDQ1RRXWVLGHÀUHDUPVRUDPPXQLWLRQLVSHUPLWWHGLQ6KRRWLQ·%ODQNV,QF-XVWFKRRVHDZHDSRQ IURPWKHLUEUDQGQHZDUVHQDORIÀUHDUPVLQFOXGLQJDODUJHVHOHFWLRQRIVHPLDXWRPDWLFSLVWROVDVVDXOWULÁHVDQGUHYROYHUV 7KHVHUHDOZHDSRQVKDYHEHHQUHWURÀWWHGZLWKLQIUDUHGODVHUV DQGWHDWKHUOHVV&25HFRLO.LWVWRPDNHWKHPWKHPRVWVDIH UHDOLVWLFDQGDFFXUDWHZHDSRQVHYHUXVHGRQDVLPXODWHGUDQJH 7KHUHZLOODOVREHDFRXSOHLQWHUDFWLYHVLPXODWRUVWRDFFRPPRGDWHXSWRVKRRWHUVDWWKHVDPHWLPH7KHVHZLOORIIHUYLGHR VLPXODWLRQVIURPHQWHUWDLQLQJVFHQDULRVIRUWKHJHQHUDOSXEOLF WRUHDOOLIHVFHQDULRVIRUPLOLWDU\DQGODZHQIRUFHPHQWWUDLQLQJ (YHQLIVKRRWLQJLVQRW\RXUVSRUW\RXDUHZHOFRPHWRVWRSE\ DQGYLHZWKHLUVHOHFWLRQRIXQLTXHUHWDLOLWHPV 6KRRWLQ·%ODQNV,QFORRNVIRUZDUGWRSURYLGLQJDVDIHSODFH IRUVNLOOEXLOGLQJHQWHUWDLQPHQWWRWKHSXEOLFDVZHOODVVWDWHRI WKHDUWVLPXODWHGWUDLQLQJIRUWKH0LOLWDU\DQG/DZ(QIRUFHPHQW &KHFNWKHPRXWRQWKHZHEIRUXSGDWHGLQIRUPDWLRQDVWKH\JHW UHDG\IRUWKHLUJUDQGRSHQLQJLQODWH$SULO 2 ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 2014 REAL ESTATE FINANCING For Home Purchases & Refinancing Stop in today and see Janet Sergent in Sidney W. Lois (Smith) Lonnquist, 79, Helena, MT Janet Sergent Real Estate Loan Officer NMLS ID# 525727 8FTU)PMMZ4Ut4JEOFZ.5 &BTUOE4U$VMCFSUTPO.5 For all your Farm/Ranch, Recreational, Residential, and Commercial needs. Alan Seigfreid Amanda Seigfreid Jim & Janice Knudsen 120 2nd St. N.E. • Sidney Mt. 59270 (O) 406-433-3010 • (C) 406-489-3010 Broker/Owners email: [email protected] Website: Income Tax & Bookkeeping Services • • • • Oilfield Returns • Business Returns • Farm • Rental Property, etc. • Complete Bookkeeping Payroll Services Bank Reconciliation Quick Books Consulting QU ALITY TA X PREP ARA TION UALITY TAX PREPA AT Fast, Accurate AND BOOKKEEPING & Affor dable! Take the of “Stin k” out xes a T e m co n I OBITUARIES EVENTS 1416 2nd Ave. West s 30 Year ce n ie Exper in the Sunset Mall P.O. Box 595 Williston, ND 58801 Office: 701-572-0891 Fax: 701-572-2134 Eastern Montana Bible Camp Is Now Taking Registrations For Summer Camps 9-12 Grade: June 2-7 7-8 Grade: June 9-14 5-6 Grade: June 16-20 3-4 Grade: June 23-27 Little Bugs Day-Camp (K-2 Grade) : July 15 $ 20 discount if registered by May 15 (June camps only) Online registration is available at Call 406-583-7573 for more info. AREA RECOVERY GROUPS MONDAYS: Noon — AA Group Trinity Lutheran Church Ed. bldg., 214 S. Lincoln Ave, Sidney. 1 - 3 p.m. – Grief Recovery Support Group in First Lutheran Church, Fellowship Room, Watford City. 6 p.m. – Al-Anon,Trinity Lutheran Church Ed. bldg., 214 S. Lincoln Ave, Sidney. 7 p.m. – Fairview Alive and Kicking at Fairview Alliance Church, 704 S. Western Ave. 8 p.m.— AA Group, Northern Pump & Compression, Watford City. Call 770-3603 or 770-2675 for directions or ride. TUESDAYS: 7 p.m. – NA meeting, Fellowship Baptist Church 2181 W. Holly St. (across from the fairgrounds), Sidney. 7 p.m. — AA Group Trinity Lutheran Church Ed. bldg., 214 S. Lincoln Ave, Sidney. WEDNESDAYS: 5:00 p.m. – 6REHU/LIH<RXQJ3HRSOH·V1$$$VWHSUHFRYHU\ group, 25 yr. old & younger, Trinity Lutheran Church Ed. bldg., 214 S. Lincoln Ave, Sidney. 8 p.m.— Al-Anon, Sanford Room, McKenzie Co. Public Library, Watford City. THURSDAYS: 7 p.m. – 1$PHHWLQJ0LOOHUV·&RUQHU:+ROO\6W6LGQH\ 8 p.m.— AA Group, Northern Pump & Compression, Watford City. Call 770-3603 or 770-2675 for directions or ride. FRIDAYS: 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.- 5 Stones faith based recovery meeting, Sidney Nazarene, 606 9th St. SW, Back door is open 8 p.m. – AA meetings, Trinity Lutheran Church Ed. Bldg, Sidney. SATURDAYS: 9 a.m. & 7 p.m. — AA Group Trinity Lutheran Church Education bldg., 214 S. Lincoln Ave, Sidney. 8 p.m. – NA meeting, Fellowship Baptist Church, 2181 W. Holly St. (across from the fairgrounds), Sidney. SUNDAYS: 6:30 p.m. – “BUTT OUT” Support group, 309 S. Central Ave., Fairview 7 p.m. — AA Group Trinity Lutheran Church Ed. bldg., 214 S. Lincoln Ave, Sidney LAKE WATER LEVEL REPORT Sakakawea Fort Peck Current Elevation .......................... 1835.7 ....................2224.5 /DVW:HHN·V(OHY ......................... 1835.0 ....................2224.3 One Year Ago ............................... 1827.2 ....................2222.3 Release For Day (C.F.S.) ............. 16,000 ......................7,500 WATFORD CITY WEATHER DATA Source: North Dakota Agricultural Weather Network Date High Low Precip. March 22..............33 ........................ 4.............................0.00 March 23..............22 ........................ 5.............................0.00 March 24..............32 ........................ 14...........................0.00 March 25..............29 ........................ 7.............................0.00 March 26..............34 ........................ 8.............................0.00 March 27..............39 ........................ 14...........................0.00 March 28..............36 ........................ 21...........................0.01 YTD Rainfall ...................................................................22.44 SIDNEY WEATHER DATA Source: MSU Eastern Agricultural Research Center Date High Low Precip. March 24.................... 31 ........................11 .....................0.00 March 25.................... 35 ........................7 .......................0.00 March 26.................... 43 ........................24 .....................0.00 March 27 ................... 38 ........................16 .....................0.00 March 28.................... 32 ........................22 .....................0.08 March 29.................... 60 ........................24 .....................0.00 March 30.................... 44 ........................24 .....................0.16 Average YTD Precipitation ...............................................0.49 W. Lois (Smith) Lonnquist passed away on March 27, 2014 in Helena, Montana. She was born to Leonard and Stella (Fisher) Smith in Spokane, Washington, May DQG OLYHG PRVW RI KHUOLIHLQHDVWHUQDQGZHVWHUQ Montana, and the Midwest. She earned a BA in English at UW-LaCrosse. Her W. Lois (Smith) FDUHHULQPHGLDVSDQQHGIUHHLonnquist lance writing, radio, television, and newspaper, including 13 years at the Helena Independent Record6KHLVWKHDXWKRURIFifty Cents an Hour, a history RIWKHEXLOGHUVDQGERRPWRZQVRIWKH)RUW3HFN'DPGHVFULEHG in “LIFE 75 Years: The Very Best of LIFE” as “authoritative”. /RLVGHYRWHGKHUOLIHWRKHUEHORYHGIDPLO\DQGKHUZULWLQJ 6KHVKDUHGKHUPXVLFDOWDOHQWVE\SOD\LQJIRUKXQGUHGVRIGDQFHVDQGHYHQWVDVDWHHQDJHUDQGSURJUDPVGDQFHVVKRZVDQG radio and TV programs with her husband Del and later with their children in the Lonnquist Family Band. Following the publication RIFifty Cents an Hour, she wrote a musical presentation based RQWKHERRNZKLFKVKHDQG'HOSHUIRUPHGWKURXJKRXW0RQWDQD 6KHZDVDQDFWLYHPHPEHURIWKH/XWKHUDQFKXUFKKHUFKLOGUHQV· schools, and the communities where she lived. 6KHZDVSUHFHGHGLQGHDWKE\KHUSDUHQWVVLVWHU/XFLOOH 6PLWK0DVVLFNVRQLQODZ%UXFH'DUHOLXVIRXUVLVWHUVLQODZ 9LROHW (WKHO 0DUJDUHW DQG -HUU\ DQG ÀYH EURWKHUVLQODZ (Norman, Evald, and Harold Lonnquist, Don Tanner, and George Massick). 6XUYLYRUVLQFOXGHKHUKXVEDQG'HOVRQ$OOHQ3DP/RQQTXLVWGDXJKWHUV/LQGD'DUHOLXV'LDQD,OLGLR6DFUDPHQWR-DQLV 0LNH .OHELJ -RQL *DU\ 5RGJHUV DQG VRQ 5RJHU -DQLFH /RQQTXLVW JUDQGFKLOGUHQ DQG JUHDWJUDQGFKLOGUHQ D EURWKHU6WDQOH\6PLWKWZREURWKHUVLQODZ'HDQ/RQQTXLVWDQG 9HUQRQ3HWHUVHQWKUHHVLVWHUVLQODZ9LYLDQ)ORUHQFH%HYHUO\ and numerous nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles, and cousins. Cremation has taken place. A private memorial service will EHKHOGDWDODWHUGDWH,QOLHXRIÁRZHUVWKHIDPLO\VXJJHVWV donations to the Valley County Pioneer Museum, 816 Hwy 12, Glasgow, MT 59230 or the Montana State Historical Society, PO Box 201201 Helena, MT 59620-1201. Please visit www. DVZIXQHUDOKRPHFRP WR RIIHU WKH IDPLO\ D FRQGROHQFH RU WR VKDUHDPHPRU\RI/RLV Danny “AC” Beery, age 69, Richey, MT SEND US YOUR EVENTS! 7+(5281'83: 32%R[ :HVW0DLQ6LGQH\07 )D[(PDLOFODVVDGV#HVLGQH\FRP Richland County Events in Sidney unless otherwise listed. MT Zone. Thurs., April 3 1 p.m. & 7 p.m. – Lambert High School students present ´9LUJLO·V&KULVWPDV&DWFKµ/DPEHUW6FKRRO·V2OG*\P $GXOW·V6WXGHQWV 5 p.m. —7236&UHVWZRRG1:HQWUDQFH:HLJKLQV SP0HHWLQJSP Fri., April 4 11:30 a.m. — 6LGQH\6HQLRU&LWL]HQ&HQWHUZLOOEHKRVWLQJ DPHDO)RUPRUHLQIRFDOO 6:30 - 7:30 a.m.–0HQ·V%UHDNIDVW)HOORZVKLS 6LGQH\/XWKHUDQ%UHWKUHQ&KXUFK 5 - 7 p.m. – 6LGQH\.QLJKWVRI&ROXPEXV$QQXDO )LVK)U\6XSSHU6W0DWWKHZ·V3DULVK&HQWHUWK6W 6($OODUHLQYLWHGDQGZHOFRPH 7 p.m –0LVVRXOD&KLOGUHQ·V7KHDWUHDQG)DLYLHZVWXGHQWV ZLOOEHSHUIRUPLQJ´7KH6HFUHW*DUGHQµ(DVW)DLUYLHZ 6FKRROJ\P Sat., April 5 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. –6LGQH\+HDOWK&HQWHU+RVSLFHZRPHQ·V 0HQG$+HDUWEHUHDYHPHQWUHWUHDW1RFRVWOXQFK&KXUFK RIWKH1D]DUHQHWK6W6:IRUPRUHLQIRDQGWR UHJLVWHUE\7KXUV$SULOFDOOWKH+RVSLFHRIÀFHDW 1- 3 p.m. –6LGQH\+LJK6FKRRO%3$6SULQJ&DUQLYDO 6LGQH\+LJK6FKRROFDIHWHULDFRPPRQVDUHD*DPHV ERXQF\KRXVHVIRRGDQGSUL]HV 1:30 p.m. – (DVWHUHJJKXQW6LGQH\6HQLRU+LJK6FKRRO DJHVDQGDJHVDW2:30 p.m Sun., April 6 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.–6SULQJ'LQQHU%D]DDU/DPEHUW)LUVW /XWKHUDQ&KXUFKHYHU\RQHZHOFRPH 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. –6LGQH\6HQLRU+LJK%3$%XUJHU EUDWVPHDOIXQGUDLVHU6LGQH\+LJK6FKRROFDIHWHULDIUHH ZLOORIIHULQJ7KHUHZLOOEHPRUHWKDQVLOHQWDXFWLRQ WKHPHGEDVNHWV0RQH\UDLVHGZLOOJRWRZDUGVHQGLQJ %3$VWXGHQWVWR1DWLRQDO/HDGHUVKLS&RQIHUHQFHLQ ,QGLDQDSROLV,QGLDQD$SULO0D\ 1 p.m. — 6DYDJH6HQLRU&HQWHUFDUGVSRWOXFN 6:45 p.m. — 6LGQH\0RRVH/RGJH%LQJR%LQJR0DLQ 6HVVLRQSP Mon., April 7 11:30 a.m. — 6LGQH\6HQLRU&LWL]HQ&HQWHUZLOOEHKRVWLQJ DPHDO)RUPRUHLQIRFDOO 6:30 p.m.—6LGQH\0RRVH/RGJH3LQRFKOHJDPHV Tues., April 8 7 p.m. –6RQVRI1RUZD\EXVLQHHVPHHWLQJ(0DLQ Weds., April 9 12 – 1 p.m. –)ULHQGVRIWKH/LEUDU\*OHQGLYH3XEOLF /LEUDU\FRPPXQLW\5RRP´$SULO/XQFK¶Q·/HDUQµ:H ZLOOKDYH´3HUIHFW3DWLR3ODQWHUVµ'DQH6LOYHUQDOHRI WKH*OHQGLYH*UHHQKRXVHZLOOJLYHDGHPRQVWUDWLRQRI KRZWRFUHDWHVHQVDWLRQDOSRWVDQGSODQWHUV Fri., April 11 7 p.m. –)URLG6WXGHQWV7KH0LVVRXOD&KLOGUHQ·V 7KHDWUHZLOOEHSUHIRUPLQJ´7KH6HFUHW*DUGHQµ)URLG 3XEOLF6FKRROVW6W6RXWK Sat., April 12 6 p.m. –:DOOH\HV8QOLPLWHG%DQTXHW5LFKODQG&RXQW\ )DLUJURXQGV(YHQW&HQWHU7LFNHWVROGDWWKHGRRUSHU SHUVRQIRUFRXSOHV Danny “AC” Beery, age 69, was born on January 15, 1945 LQ%HGIRUG,RZD7ZR\HDUVODWHUKHDQGKLVIDPLO\PRYHGWR WKHIDPLO\IDUPZHVWRI5LFKH\'DQQ\GLHGLQWKHKRXVHKHZDV raised in just 67 years later on March 22, 2014. Funeral services were held at 1 pm, March 26, 2014 at the Methodist Church in Richey with Pastor White, a long time IULHQGRIÀFLDWLQJ ,QWHUPHQWZDVKHOGDWWKHIDUPZHVWRI5LFKH\,WZDV'DQQ\·VGHVLUHWREHEXULHGRQWKHIDUPKHORYHG Danny was educated in Richey and graduated with the &ODVV RI )ROORZLQJ KLJK VFKRRO KH DWWHQGHG FROOHJH LQ 'LFNLQVRQ1RUWK'DNRWDWKHQKHVKRUWO\UHWXUQHGWRWKHIDUP he treasured. At an early age, Danny met Clarice Knudson and married his high school sweetheart. They were married on June 16, 1965. C ENZIE OUNTY Together they raised two sons, Rondel and Jess. Events in Watford City unless otherwise listed. CT Zone. 'DQQ\·V GD\V EHJDQ ZLWK D FXS RI FRIIHH RXWVLGH RQ KLV Thurs., April 3 swing, and his long days ended on that same swing with a 9:30 a.m. - 3:40 p.m. – 0RWRU9HKLFOH'HSWZLOODWWKH Miller Lite. 6DQIRUG5RRP0F.HQ]LH&R3XEOLF/LEUDU\QG$YH 'DQQ\ZLOOEHNQRZQIRUKLVFRQVHUYDWLYHZD\VKLVZRUNHWK1( LFKLVVHQVHRIKXPRUKLVORYHIRUOLIHKLVIDUPDQGWKHSDVVLRQ 12 p.m. - 2 p.m. –0F.HQ]LH&R)RRG3DQWU\LQWKHORZHU KHKDGIRUKLVER\VDQGJUDQGNLGV/LIHRQWKHIDUPQHYHUFDPH OHYHORIWKH)LUVW/XWKHUDQ&KXUFKQG$YH1: easy. Hail in the 70s and drought in the 80s taught him to be a :DWIRUG&LW\&DVK:LVHIRRGJLYHDZD\IRUPRUHRQIRRU very conservative man. During hard times, Danny did whatever VHWXSDQDSSWFDOORUZZZPFIRRGSDQWU\ LWWRRNWRPDNHDOLYLQJDQGKHQHYHUFRPSODLQHG+HVSHQWÀYH FRP \HDUVLQWKHRLOÀHOGXQWLOKHKDGDOLIHFKDQJLQJDFFLGHQW 7 p.m.–3LQRFKOH:DWIRUG&LW\6HQLRU&HQWHUWK6W 'DQQ\ WDXJKW KLV ER\V KRZ WR IDUP WKH\ DVNHG IRU KLV 1:IRUPRUHLQIRFDOO DGYLFH WKH\ WUHDVXUHG LW EXW EHFDXVH RI WKH LQKHULWHG %HHU\ Fri., April 4 VWXEERUQQHVVWKH\RFFDVLRQDOO\XVHGYHU\OLWWOHRILW%HLQJ 6:30 p.m. - 12:30 a.m. –%RRWV%OLQJ6SULQJ*DOD LQWKHVDPHÀHOGDWWKHVDPHWLPHZLWKKLVHQWLUHIDPLO\PHDQW 2XWODZ·V%DOOURRP0DLQ6WUHHWLQ:DWIRUG&LW\)RUWLFNHWV the world to him. He was a welder, a mechanic, a carpenter, and FRQWDFW-XOLH0RUULVDW DQHQJLQHHU,IKHFRXOGEXLOGLWKHZRXOGQ·WEX\LW+LVZHOGLQJ Sat., April 5 OHIWKLPZLWKQRÀQJHUSULQWVKLVPHFKDQLFDOZD\VOHIWKLPZLWK 5:30 p.m. –1RUWK'DNRWD'XFNV8QOLPLWHG$QQXDO%DQTXHW NQRWVRQKLVKHDGKLVFDUSHQWHULQJOHIWKLPZLWKQRÀQJHUQDLOV :DWIRUG&LW\*XQ*LYHDZD\:DWIRUG&LW\(DJOHV&OXE7R DQGKLVHQJLQHHULQJOHIWKLPZLWKDFRPSOHWHO\ZUHFNHGVHPLDW SXUFKDVHWLFNHWVFDOO5DFKHOOHDWRUVWRSE\ WKHERWWRPRIWKHGDP(YHQZLWKDIHZVPDOOIDLOXUHVKHOHG %LJ%R\7R\VLQ:DWIRUG&LW\EX\RQOLQHDWZZZGXFNVRUJ DYHU\SURVSHURXVOLIH+HZDVDJRRGIDUPHUDYHU\WDOHQWHG QRUWKGDNRWD PDQDQGRQHKHOORIDJRRGIDWKHU Mon., April 7 'DQQ\ORYHGHYHU\FKDQFHKHJRWWRKDYHKLVIDPLO\WRJHWK11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. – *UHDWHU1RUWK'DNRWD&KDPEHU er. Any company he ever had, when leaving, he gave them a 5HJLRQDO,VVXH)RUXP/RQJ;9LVLWRUV&HQWHU:DWIRUG ´EHJRRGµRU´VHH\RXODWHUµDQGWKHQZDLWHGDWWKHHQGRIWKH &LW\)RUPRUHLQIRDQG5693FDOORUJRWR VLGHZDONXQWLOWKH\ZHUHRXWRIVLJKW ZZZQGFKDPEHUFRP +HKDGDORYHIRUDQLPDOV7KHGHHUDQGSKHDVDQWVLQKLV 1 - 3 p.m. –*ULHI5HFRYHU\6XSSRUW*URXS)LUVW/XWKHUDQ \DUGEDE\FDOYHVKLVWZHQW\FDWVDQGKLVEHVWIULHQG7RHVKLV &KXUFK)HOORZVKLSURRP:DWIRUG&LW\ GRJZHUHDPRQJMXVWDIHZ Tues., April 8 'DQQ\ZLOOEHPLVVHGWHUULEO\E\WKHIDPLO\KHGHDUO\ORYHG 5 - 7 p.m. – 0F.HQ]LH&R)RRG3DQWU\RSHQ)LUVW Danny was proceeded in death by his parents, Harold /XWKHUDQ&KXUFKQG$YH1::DWIRUG&LW\)RU 3HFN$&%HHU\DQG)UDQFHV,UHQH%HHU\ PRUHLQIRFDOO 'DQQ\LVVXUYLYHGE\KLVZLIH&ODULFH%HHU\RI5LFKH\WZR Sun., April 13 VRQV5RQGHO/DQHWWH%HHU\RI5LFKH\07DQG-HVV$QJLH 1 - 4 p.m. –´.LGV)XQ'D\µ9HWHUDQV%XLOGLQJ:DWIRUG %HHU\RI&LUFOH07ÀYHJUDQGFKLOGUHQ'DQLHOOH6HWK6HUYDLV &LW\OXQFKIURPDPSPSHUSHUVRQIRUNLGV 'DYLG%HHU\%UHWW%HHU\%U\FH%HHU\DQG$O\VLD%HHU\6LEOLQJV LQFOXGHVDOOJDPHVFUDIWVDQGMXPSLQJFDVWOHV'LWJLWDO 6KDURQ1RUP:LOVRQRI%ODFNKDZN6''LFN3K\OOLV%HHU\RI SKRWRVZLWKWKH(DVWHU%XQQ\FDQEHWDNHQIRUDGGLWLRQDO &LUFOH07DQG7RP-R$QQ%HHU\RI+D]HQ1'DQGQXPHURXV IHHRIWKHSURFHHGVIRUWKH(YHQWDUHJRLQJWREH nieces and nephews. FRQWULEXWHGWR7KH0DNH$:LVK)RXQGDWLRQIRU1'DQG Remembrances and condolences may be shared with the 7KH$PHULFDQ&DQFHU6RFLHW\ IDPLO\DWZZZVLOYHUQDOHVLOKDIXQHUDOKRPHFRP. M K Job Readiness Classes Hosted at the Library Submitted by Laura Kowatch The Sidney-Richland County Library and the Sidney Job Services will be teaming up to teach a six week course on job UHDGLQHVV(DFKFODVVZLOOEHFHQWHUHGRQDVSHFLÀFSDUWRIWKH job application process. April 2nd, 16th, and 23rd will cover resume writing, with a VSHFLÀFIRFXVIRUHDFKFODVVLQFOXGLQJXVLQJWHPSODWHVWLSVDQG WULFNVIRUUHVXPHZULWLQJDQGKRZWRWXUQRXWDÀQLVKHGSURGXFW April 30thZLOOHQGWKHVL[ZHHNFRXUVHZLWKLQIRUPDWLRQGLVFXVVLQJWKHLQWHUYLHZSURFHVVDVZHOODVLQIRUPDWLRQRQSURSHU DWWLUHDQGSUHSDUDWLRQIRULQWHUYLHZLQJIRUDMRE $OOFODVVHVDUHIUHHDQGRSHQWRDQ\RQHHLJKWHHQ\HDUVDQG ROGHU7KHVHFODVVHVDUHJUHDWIRUWKRVHZKRDUHVHHNLQJDQHZ job or those who just need to update their resumes. Please stop in or call the library at 406-433-1917 to sign up. C McKenzie Co. Public Library Bookmobile Schedule Thurs., April 3 0F.HQ]LH&R&RXUWKRXVH7HPS2IÀFH DP Johnson Corners Christian Academy 9:10 - 9:30 am Keene Dome 9:45 - 10:05 am Good Shepherd Home 10:40 - 11:20 am Hillside Court 11:25 am - 12:05 pm Fri., April 4 Across Lutheran Church, Grassy Butte 9 am -12 pm 0LVVRXUL<HOORZVWRQH&RQÁXHQFH Interpretive Center Easter Egg Hunt on April 5th at 1:00 PM CDT. View all monthly events on our calendar at: ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 2014 3 MONTANA FSA: Foreign It’s Where To Persons Must Report U.S. Take Your Agricultural Land Holdings Laundry! Since 1904 Submitted by Jennifer Cole USDA Montana Farm Service Agency (FSA) State Executive Director Bruce Nelson reminds foreign persons with an interest in agricultural lands in the United States that they are required to report their holdings and any transactions to the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture. “Any foreign person who acquires, transfers or holds any interest, other than a security interest, including leaseholds of 10 years or more, in agricultural land in the United States is required by law to report the transaction no later than 90 calendar days after the date of the transaction,” Nelson said. )RUHLJQLQYHVWRUVPXVWÀOH)6$´$JULFXOWXUDO)RUHLJQ Investment Disclosure Act Report” (AFIDA) reports with the FSA FRXQW\RIÀFHWKDWPDLQWDLQVUHSRUWVIRUWKHFRXQW\ZKHUHWKHODQG LVORFDWHG7KH)6$)RUPLVDYDLODEOHDWD)6$FRXQW\RIÀFH or can be downloaded online at: HIFRPPRQH)LOH6HUYLFHVH)RUPV)6$3') ´)DLOXUHWRÀOHDUHSRUWÀOLQJDODWHUHSRUWRUÀOLQJDQLQDFFXUDWHUHSRUWFDQUHVXOWLQDSHQDOW\ZLWKÀQHVXSWRSHUFHQW of the fair market value of the agricultural land,” Nelson said. )RU$),'$ SXUSRVHV DJULFXOWXUDO ODQG LV GHÀQHG DV DQ\ Havre Laundry Northern Montana land used for farming, ranching, orchards, vineyards, or timber Textile Services & Dry Cleaning Co. production, if the tracts total 10 acres or more. Disclosure reports are also required when there are changes in land use. For example, reports are required when land use changes from nonagricultural to agricultural or from agricultural WRQRQDJULFXOWXUDO)RUHLJQLQYHVWRUVPXVWDOVRÀOHDUHSRUWZKHQ there is a change in the status of ownership such as the owner changes from foreign to non-foreign, from non-foreign to foreign or from foreign to foreign. Data gained from these disclosures is used to prepare an DQQXDOUHSRUWWRWKH3UHVLGHQW and Congress concerning the effect of such holdings upon family farms and rural communities in the United States. $ For more information regarding AFIDA and FSA programs, If you’re tired of wasting your money on rent, here is a FRQWDFW\RXUORFDO)6$RIÀFHDW RARE opportunity to own a home in Williston for about or visit the USDA Web site at $ 1,900 per month. 6LGQH\(ONV2IÀFHU,QVWDOODWLRQ Now Located At: Are You Paying More Than 1,900 Per Month For Rent? J&J Homes will have this 32’ x 56’ 1717 Sq Ft, 3 (could be 4) bed/2 bath manufactured home available to move into approx. 5-1-14 Easy Financing Available! Ready To Move Into! Call J&J Homes For Details 7KH6LGQH\(ONV/RGJHKHOGLQVWDOODWLRQRIRIÀFHUV)ULGD\0DUFK3LFWXUHG are back row, L to R, Loyal Knight Greg Qunell, Tiler Chris Schoepp, Lecturing Knight Jodie Leland, trustee Dustin Haralson and Leading Knight Joe Kauffman. Front row, L to R, Esquire Jamie Hoffman, Inner Guard Leslie Leibrand, trustee Sherry Qunell, Exalted Ruler Lee Hurst and trustee Janet Haralson. Not pictured are Chaplain Mark Wilkinson, secretary Lynn Shelmerdine, treasurer Kim Martini and trustee Ryan Laqua. Take ownership of your financial future. Join your friends at the... Past Exalted Rulers gathered Friday evening were back row, L to R, Richard Cayko, Mark Kuylen, Myrna Davis, Dustin Haralson and Larry Tveit. Front row, L to R, Roger Anderson, Randy Davis, Carrie Brost, Sherry Qunell and Paul Groshart. Richland Federal Credit Union 74th Annual Meeting Tues, April 15, 2014 We’ve Got the Boot and the Bling! Support the Boots & Bling Charity Event on April 4th! 6 pm: Dinner 7 pm: Meeting St. Matthew’s Center, Sidney, MT Please call 482-2704 for reservations by April 11 Grand Prize Prize Drawing! Drawing! Grand Special meeting for Pee Wee Club members! – Day Care Provided! – 2 iPad Minis Our Store On Main Street Is Re-Opening! Hunting & Work Apparel | Mon-Fri: 12-7pm • Sat: 10am-6pm See Us For All Your Western Needs! 109 6th Ave SE, Watford City, ND 701-842-2629 SIDNEY 201 West Holly St. • (406) 482-2704 Hours—9 a.m.-4 p.m., Mon.-Fri. Drive-Up open 7:45 a.m.-5 p.m. M-F & 9 a.m.-noon Sat. 24-Hour ATM ROOSEVELT COUNTY 18 East 2nd St., Culbertson (406) 787-5890 M-F: 9 am - 3 pm & other other & Cash Prizes! 4 ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 2014 Think “Graduation” We Do Tuxedos! Open Saturday 10-3 (MDT) 105 E. Main • Sidney 406-433-4FUN women’s retreat Mend-A-Heart DATE: TIME: PLACE: ȱ ȱ Saturday, April 5, 2014 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Church of the Nazarene ŜŖŜȱşȱȱȱȊȱSidney ȱȂȱȬȬ ȱȱȱ ȱěȱȱȱȱȱȱ ȱ ȱȱěȱȱ ǯȱȱȱȱ¢ǰȱ¢ȱȱȱ¢ȱȱ ȱȱȱȱǰȱǰȱǰȱ¢ȱ ¢ǰȱǯȱȱȱ¢ȱ ȱȱȱȱ ǯȱȱȱȱȱȱ ȱȱǯȱ ȱȱȱ ȱĜȱȱǻŚŖŜǼȱŚŞŞȬŘŗřŞȱ¢ȱ ¢ǰȱȱřȱȱȬǯ Hospice ŘŗŜȱŗŚȱȱȱȊȱ¢ǰȱȱȊȱDZȱǻŚŖŜǼȱŚŞŞȬŘŗřŞȱȱ ȱȱDZȱ ǯ¢ǯ Applications 2014 Youth Serve are now Montana Scholarship open for the Deadline Approaching Students earn $1,000 for college Leadership by giving 100 volunteer hours. Montana Class of 2015! /HDGHUVKLS 0RQWDQD LV D QRQSURÀW RUJDQL]DWLRQ GHG LFDWHG WR EULQJLQJ WRJHWKHU EXVLQHVVJRYHUQPHQWHGXFD WLRQQRQSURÀWKHDOWKFDUHDQG RWKHUOHDGHUVIURPDURXQGWKH VWDWHIRUDSURJUDPRIOHDGHU VKLSGHYHORSPHQWQHWZRUNLQJ DQG HGXFDWLRQ RQ WKH LVVXHV IDFLQJ 0RQWDQD WRGD\ 7KH FODVV EHJLQV LQ 6HSWHPEHU DQGPHHWVRQFHPRQWKO\ RYHUWKHQH[WHLJKWPRQWKVLQ YDULRXV ORFDWLRQV DURXQG WKH VWDWH 7KLV \HDU·V FODVV ZLOO EHJLQZLWKWKHRULHQWDWLRQDQG UHWUHDWLQ%LJ6N\WKHQWUDYHO WR 1RUWK &HQWUDO 0RQWDQD 0LVVRXOD +HOHQD 6LGQH\ DQG%XWWHEHIRUHFXOPLQDWLQJ LQ WKH JUDGXDWLRQ FHOHEUDWLRQ LQ%LOOLQJVLQ$SULO7KH &ODVV RI ZLOO EH WKH HOHYHQWK/HDGHUVKLS0RQWDQD FODVV DQG ZLOO MRLQ DQ DOXP QL RUJDQL]DWLRQ RI RYHU JUDGXDWHV IURP GLIIHUHQW 0RQWDQDFRPPXQLWLHV0RUH LQIRUPDWLRQLVDYDLODEOHRQOLQH DW ZZZOHDGHUVKLSPRQWDQD RUJ RU E\ FDOOLQJ WKH /HDGHU VKLS 0RQWDQD RIÀFH DW Submitted by Marissa Perry 7KH*RYHUQRU·V2IÀFHRI &RPPXQLW\6HUYLFH0RQWDQD &DPSXV &RPSDFW DQG 6WX GHQW $VVLVWDQFH )RXQGDWLRQ DQQRXQFHG WKDW WKH <RXWK 6HUYH 0RQWDQD 6FKRO DUVKLSDSSOLFDWLRQGHDGOLQHLV $SULO 7KH<RXWK6HUYH0RQWDQD 6FKRODUVKLSUHZDUGVVWXGHQWV ZKR KDYH YROXQWHHUHG RYHU KRXUV LQ WKH ODVW \HDU DQGZKRZDQWWRIXUWKHUWKHLU HGXFDWLRQLQVWDWH7KLV\HDU KLJKVFKRROVHQLRUVZLOOUH FHLYHWRZDUGFRQWLQXHG HGXFDWLRQDWRQHRI0RQWDQD &DPSXV &RPSDFW·V SXEOLF WULEDO SULYDWH RU FRPPXQLW\ FROOHJHVDQGXQLYHUVLWLHV ´,QDGGLWLRQWRWHVWVFRUHV DQG*3$FROOHJHDGPLVVLRQV RIÀFHUV FRQVLGHU FRPPXQLW\ VHUYLFHDQLPSRUWDQWIDFWRUDQG DVWURQJLQGLFDWLRQRIFKDUDF WHU ZKHQ PDNLQJ DGPLVVLRQ GHFLVLRQVµ VDLG /W *RYHUQRU $QJHOD 0F/HDQ ´, DP SURXG WR VHH VR PDQ\ KLJK VFKRRO VHQLRUV SDVVLRQDWHO\ VHUYLQJ WKHLU FRPPXQLW\ ZKLOH SXUVX LQJ DQ HGXFDWLRQ DW D KLJKHU LQVWLWXWLRQLQ0RQWDQDµ 7KH<RXWK6HUYH0RQWDQD 6FKRODUVKLS DSSOLFDWLRQ IRUP JXLGHOLQHVDQG)$4VFDQEH IRXQG RQOLQH DW VHUYHPWJRY &RPSOHWHGDSSOLFDWLRQVSURRI RI YROXQWHHU KRXUV FRQÀUPD WLRQ RI D )UHH$SSOLFDWLRQ IRU )HGHUDO6WXGHQW$LG)$)6$ DQGHQUROOPHQWLQD0RQWDQD SRVWVHFRQGDU\ LQVWLWXWLRQ PXVW EH SRVWPDUNHG RU VXE PLWWHGWRWKH*RYHUQRU·V2IÀFH RI&RPPXQLW\6HUYLFHE\$SULO 7KH <RXWK 6HUYH 0RQWDQD 6FKRODUVKLSV KDYH EHHQ PDGH SRVVLEOH WKURXJK VXSSRUW IURP WKH *RYHUQRU·V 2IÀFHRI&RPPXQLW\6HUYLFH 0RQWDQD &DPSXV &RPSDFW DQG6WXGHQW$VVLVWDQFH)RXQ GDWLRQ 7KH*RYHUQRU·V2IÀFHRI &RPPXQLW\ 6HUYLFH H[SDQGV DQGSURPRWHVQDWLRQDOVHUYLFH DQGYROXQWHHULVPLQ0RQWDQD DQG HQJDJHV FLWL]HQV LQ VHU YLFHDQGHPHUJHQF\SUHSDUHG QHVV9LVLWVHUYHPWJRY 0RQWDQD &DPSXV &RP SDFW LV 0RQWDQD·V ODUJHVW KLJKHUHGXFDWLRQQHWZRUNDQG ZRUNV WR LPSURYH FRPPXQLW\ OLIHE\HGXFDWLQJVWXGHQWVIRU FLYLFDQGVRFLDOUHVSRQVLELOLW\ 9LVLWZZZPWFRPSDFWRUJ 6WXGHQW$VVLVWDQFH)RXQ GDWLRQLVDQRQSURÀW0RQWDQD FRUSRUDWLRQWKDWSURYLGHVVWX GHQWV ZLWK NQRZOHGJH DQG WRROVWRSXUVXHDQGIXQGWKHLU SRVWVHFRQGDU\ HGXFDWLRQ )XQGV JHQHUDWHG E\ 6$) DUHUHWXUQHGWR0RQWDQDQVLQ WKHIRUPRIHGXFDWLRQJUDQWV VFKRODUVKLSVDQGSXEOLFEHQHÀW SURJUDPV WR GDWH WRWDOLQJ PRUH WKDQ PLOOLRQ 9LV LW ZZZVDIPWRUJ RU ZZZ 6PDUW$ERXW&ROOHJHRUJ Everything Roundup on the web. Get the answers you need at a local Horse Owners Workshop! Every owner has questions. That’s why Purina is bringing what we’ve learned on our nutrition research farm to you by partnering with local independent dealers to host in-person HOWs. You’ll get hands-on experience & advice from the experts about topics that matter to you. Learn more about Purina IMPACT horse feed, our latest premium feed at a not-so-premium price. Friday, April 4 • 6pm NDSU Research Farm–Ernie French Center 5 miles west of Williston on Hwy 2 Purina Equine Specialist: Equine Nutrition 101 & More! Plus, We’ll be introducing new Purina Impact Horse Feed! Williston native Bobbi Bingeman will relate her experiences with her horse “Paq” –earning the US Dressage Foundation All Breed First Level Reserve Champion Medal & AQHA Superior Event Award in Dressage. Lots of prizes! Lots of fun! Lots of info! Lots of friends! Feed coupons! Refreshments! Bobcat Badges Awarded D Williston Saddlery | Hwy 2 West • Williston, ND | 701-572-2267 Which Home Would Be Best For Your Family? Our Most Popular Model & Newest Floorplan 4 Bed/3 Bath, 2280 Sq ft $ Either Home Only Pick One! 139,995 Price includes delivery, setup, block & anchored. Choose your colors. Set Up On Our Lot For Your Viewing! 4 Bed/2 Bath, 2280 Sq ft Z First graders who V h a v e l e a r n e d a n dV demonstrated that theyI know the Cub Scout Promise, Law of the Pack,H Cub handshake and Cub Scout salute earned theirG Bobcat Badge. (L-R) Matthew Savage, Devan Berry, Tanner Tiesen, G C o r e y C h r i s t e n s e n ,I Nathan Carlsen, Evan Hampton and Lance Allen. (Submitted byR & Robert Savage) Save Thousands! M-W-Th: 9am-7pm • T-F: 9am - 6pm • Sat: 9am - 4pm 2308 West Front St. Williston, ND 7 0 1 - 5 7 2 - 2 5 9 0 6 W 6 D F G G ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 2014 5 Double Real Estate Open Houses | Sunday, April 13 • 2-4pm Houses to be auctioned Saturday, May 3 11am 618 5th Ave SE. Immediately after this sale we will move to 2398 3rd St NW 618 5th Ave SE Ronald & Virginia Prevost 2398 3rd St NW Lyle & Diane Bateman Sidney High School Drama Club Presents - David and Lisa By James Reach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teak in Ag: A Monthly Report by R-CALF USA March 2014 5&$/) 86$ PD\ EH GHÀQHG DV D QRQSURÀW SURGXFHU RUJDQL]DWLRQEXWRXUZRUNEHQHÀWVDQ\RQHZKRHDWVPHDWDQG WKRVHZKROLYHLQDQHFRQRP\WKDWLQFOXGHVDJULFXOWXUH:H·UH PRUHWKDQDSURGXFHURUJDQL]DWLRQZH·UH\RXURUJDQL]DWLRQ :HZRQ&RXQWU\RI2ULJLQ/DEHOLQJ&22/LQWKH'& &LUFXLW&RXUWRI$SSHDOV ,Q WKLV ODZVXLW 1&%$ DQG LWV PHDWSDFNHU IULHQGV DUH ÀJKWLQJWRJHWULGRI&22/5&$/)86$DORQJZLWKRWKHUVDUH LQWHUYHQHUVLQWKHFDVHWRKHOSSURWHFW&22/'XULQJWKHRUDO African Children’s Choir to Perform in Sidney Submitted by Lydia Sherwood 7KH$IULFDQ&KLOGUHQ·V&KRLUPHOWVWKHKHDUWVRIDXGLHQFHV ZLWKWKHLUFKDUPLQJVPLOHVEHDXWLIXOYRLFHVDQGOLYHO\$IULFDQ VRQJVDQGGDQFHV7KHSURJUDPIHDWXUHVZHOOORYHGFKLOGUHQ·V VRQJVWUDGLWLRQDO6SLULWXDOVDQG*RVSHOIDYRULWHV&RQFHUWVDUH IUHHDQGRSHQWRDOO$IUHHZLOORIIHULQJLVWDNHQDWWKHSHUIRU PDQFHWRVXSSRUW$IULFDQ&KLOGUHQ·V&KRLUSURJUDPVVXFKDV HGXFDWLRQFDUHDQGUHOLHIDQGGHYHORSPHQWSURJUDPV 0XVLFIRU/LIH7KHSDUHQWRUJDQL]DWLRQIRU7KH$IULFDQ&KLO GUHQ·V&KRLUZRUNVLQVHYHQ$IULFDQFRXQWULHVVXFKDV8JDQGD .HQ\D5ZDQGD6XGDQ1LJHULD*KDQDDQG6RXWK$IULFD0)/ KDVHGXFDWHGRYHUFKLOGUHQDQGLPSDFWHGWKHOLYHVRIRYHU SHRSOH WKURXJK LWV UHOLHI DQG GHYHORSPHQW SURJUDPV GXULQJLWVKLVWRU\0)/SXUSRVHLVWRKHOSFUHDWHQHZOHDGHUVKLS IRUWRPRUURZ·V$IULFDE\IRFXVLQJRQHGXFDWLRQ 7KH$IULFDQ&KLOGUHQ·V&KRLUKDVKDGWKHSULYLOHJHWRSHUIRUP EHIRUHSUHVLGHQWVKHDGVRIVWDWHDQGPRVWUHFHQWO\WKH4XHHQ RI(QJODQG4XHHQ(OL]DEHWK,,IRUKHUGLDPRQG MXELOHH7KH &KRLUKDVDOVRKDGWKHKRQRURIVLQJLQJDORQJVLGHDUWLVWVVXFK DV3DXO0F&DUWQH\$QQLH/HQQR[.HLWK8UEDQ0DULDK&DUH\ 0LFKDHO:6PLWKDQGRWKHULQVSLUDWLRQDOSHUIRUPHUV 0RVW UHFHQWO\ WKH$IULFDQ &KLOGUHQ·V &KRLU DFFRPSDQLHG 6RXWK $IULFDQ RSHUD VLQJHU 3XPH]D 0DWVKLNL]D RQ VRPH WUDFNVIRUKHUGHEXWDOEXPZKLFKZDVUHFRUGHGDW$EEH\5RDG 6WXGLRVLQ/RQGRQ 3URPRWLRQDOVXSSRUWRIWKLVFRPPXQLW\FRQFHUWLVJUHDWO\ DSSUHFLDWHG 7KH$IULFDQ&KLOGUHQ·V&KRLULVDQRQSURÀWKXPDQLWDULDQDQG UHOLHIRUJDQL]DWLRQGHGLFDWHGWRKHOSLQJ$IULFD·VPRVWYXOQHUDEOH FKLOGUHQWRGD\VRWKH\FDQKHOS$IULFDWRPRUURZ1RWLFNHWV GRQDWLRQVZHOFRPH 7KHSHUIRUPDQFHZLOOWDNHSODFH0D\DWWKH/RQV GDOH8QLWHG0HWKRGLVW&KXUFKLQ6LGQH\07 Federal Direct Tax Montana Personal, Business and Agricultural Accounting and Taxes New to the area, Montana raised, years of experience! Walk-Ins Welcome For Tax Preparation or call for appointment Open Mon-Fri: 9am - 6pm • Sat: 10am - 4pm • Sunday by appointment only DUJXPHQWVDQXPEHURILVVXHVRQO\UDLVHGE\5&$/)86$DQG LWVSDUWQHUVZHUHGLVFXVVHG 2Q0DUFKZHOHDUQHGWKDWZHZRQWKH&22/FDVHLQ DSSHDOV7KLVPHDQV&22/ODEHOVZLOOUHPDLQDQGZHHQFRXUDJH HYHU\RQHWREX\0DGHLQWKH86$SURGXFWV$VFRQVXPHUV ZH·UHYRWLQJZLWKHYHU\GROODUZHVSHQG :H·UHVWLOOZRUNLQJWRNHHS)0'RXWRIWKH86 5&$/)86$DQGRWKHURUJDQL]DWLRQVDVNHGDELSDUWLVDQ JURXSRI6HQDWRUVIRUKHOSLQVWRSSLQJ86'$$3+,6$QLPDODQG 3ODQW+HDOWK,QVSHFWLRQ6HUYLFHIURPJRLQJIRUZDUGZLWKSODQV WRLPSRUWIUHVKDQGFKLOOHGEHHIIURPVWDWHVLQ%UD]LO%UD]LO KDVEHHQSODJXHGZLWKWKHPRVWFRQWDJLRXVGLVHDVHNQRZQWR FDWWOHIRRWDQGPRXWKGLVHDVH)0' :H·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·VUHVSRQVHLQSDUW ZDV´,WKLQNFRQVXPHUVDUHSXWDWDGLVDGYDQWDJHZKHQMXVW WKUHHFRPSDQLHVPDNHPRUHWKDQSHUFHQWRIDOOWKHQDWLRQ·V FKLFNHQ7KDWPHDQVWKHWZRELJJHVWSRXOWU\ÀUPV7\VRQ)RRGV DQG -%6 KDYH HQRXJK PDUNHW SRZHU WR VLQJOHKDQGHGO\ FXW SURGXFWLRQDQGNHHSSULFHVKLJKHUWKDQWKH\ZRXOGEHµ 7KH0HDW5DFNHWUHWDLOVIRUKRZHYHU5&$/)86$LV DEOHWRRIIHUDVOLJKWGLVFRXQW7RRUGHU6HQGWR5&$/) 86$%R[%LOOLQJV07ZLWK7KH0HDW5DFNHWLQ WKHPHPROLQHRUFDOODQGRUGHUZLWKDFUHGLWFDUG 5&$/) 86$·V &KHFNRII &RPPLWWHH LV EXV\ UHVHDUFKLQJ PDQ\ DVSHFWV RI WKH %HHI &KHFNRII 3URJUDP LQFOXGLQJ WKH &DWWOHPHQ·V %HHI %RDUG &%%DQGVWDWHEHHIFRXQFLOV ,W LV DZDLWLQJ GHFLVLRQV RQ WZRFRPSODLQWVRQHDOOHJLQJ LW ZDV LPSURSHU IRU WKH 86 0HDW([SRUW)HGHUDWLRQZKLFK UHFHLYHV FKHFNRII IXQGV WR OREE\ DJDLQVW &22/ DQG WKH RWKHUDOOHJLQJLWZDVLPSURSHU WRDOORZFKHFNRIIIXQGVWREH XVHGWRSURPRWHDQGDGYHUWLVH EHHIDV´1RUWK$PHULFDQµEHHI ZKHQ WKH FKHFNRII SURJUDP UHIXVHV WR SURPRWH ´86$µ EHHI:H·OONHHS\RXXSGDWHG RQWKHLUÀQGLQJV 5&$/) 86$ LV VROH O\ IXQGHG E\ GRQDWLRQV DQG PHPEHU GXHV 3OHDVH FRQ VLGHU EHFRPLQJ D PHPEHU )RUPRUHLQIRRUWRMRLQJRWR ZZZUFDOIXVDFRP 1050 S Central Ave. Suite 3 • Sidney, MT 406-696-4220 • 406-696-1434 April Is Pride of North Dakota Month! Buy 1 item, get 5% off Buy 2 items, get 10% off Buy 3 or more items, get 15% off on all our Pride of North Dakota Products Open Mon - Sat: 9am - 6pm 224 Main Street • Williston, ND 701-572-COOK (2665) • (F) 701-572-2666 Richland County Centennial Items On Sale Now! Sidney Gymnastics Center will be holding its annual spring show soon! This year’s theme is 50s Rock & Roll! Everybody gy who’s anybody is gonna be there! at da m !” ’ “Roc & Roll ’ i in n k Once In A Lifetime Opportunity! t#FMU#VDLMFT t54IJSUT t+BDLFUT t.VHTt$BQT t6NCSFMMBT t$BO,PP[JFT t5VNCMFST t(PMG#BMMT t8JOF(MBTTFT And More! Available at the MonDak Heritage Center, The Lucky Buckle (406-433-5825) and the Sidney Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture (406-433-1916). 15 Cente nnial Ri fles Le f Contact the MonDak Heritage Center to purchase 406-433-3500 $1,600 each t! 6 ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 2014 Oil Spill Near Fairview By Dianne Swanson 2LO DQG ZDWHU GRQ·W PL[ 7KHIXOOH[WHQWRIWKH0DUFK oil spill at Private Frazier Well VLWHQRUWKRI)DLUYLHZUHPDLQV WREHVHHQ7KH=DYDQQD//& well site is on land owned by &D\NR )DUPV $OWKRXJK WKH 1RUWK 'DNRWD 2LO DQG *DV &RPPLVVLRQ VD\V WKH\ VHQW RXWZDUQLQJVRILFHMDPVDQG SRWHQWLDO IORRGLQJ IRXU GD\V LQ DGYDQFH 'DYLG +RGJHV VHQLRUYLFHSUHVLGHQWRIRSHUDWLRQV IRU =DYDQQD VD\V WKH FRPSDQ\UHFHLYHGQRWLÀFDWLRQ E\YRLFHPDLODWDSSUR[LPDWHO\ DPRQ0DUFK:RUNHUV ZHUH LQ WKH DUHD PRQLWRULQJ FRQGLWLRQV XQWLO SP ZKHQ HYHU\WKLQJ DSSHDUHG QRUPDO $W SP WKDW HYHQLQJ D WUXFN GULYHU QRWLÀHG =DYDQQD RI ÁRRGLQJ QHDU WKH ORFDWLRQ =DYDQQDSHUVRQQHOLQFOXGLQJ WKHSURGXFWLRQVXSHULQWHQGHQW SXPSHUV DQG ÀHOG SHUVRQQHO EHJDQ VKXWWLQJ LQ WKH ZHOO EXW IORRG ZDWHUV EUHDFKHG WKH·GLNHDUHD2QHWLSSHG WDQNOHDNHGDSSUR[LPDWHO\ EDUUHOVRIRLO$QRWKHUWDQNRU WDQNVPD\EHFRPSURPLVHG )XUWKHU FRQWDLQPHQW HIIRUWV EHJDQ WKH DIWHUQRRQ RI 0DUFK DIWHU QRWLILFDWLRQ IURP WKH 1',& WKDW DQ DHULDO SKRWRJUDSKVKRZHGDUHOHDVH RQWKH3ULYDWH)UD]LHU$FRQWDLQPHQW ERRP ZDV SODFHG DURXQG WKH WDQN WKDW ZDV WLSSHGRYHU+RGJHVVDLGWKDW VRPHWLPHEHWZHHQWKHPRUQLQJ DQG DIWHUQRRQ RI WKH th LVZKHQWKHUHOHDVHRFFXUUHG SURYLGLQJ IXUWKHU UHDVRQLQJ WKDW LW ZDV WKH PLGGOH WDQN WKDWOHDNHGDQGQRWWKHRXWVLGH RQH ZKLFK KDG WLSSHG RYHU :LWKZHOOVLQWKH/HZLVDQG &ODUN ÀHOG =DYDQQD IRFXVHG RQVHFXULQJDOOWKHLUZHOOVRQ both the east and west sides RIWKHULYHU +RGJHVVDLGWKDW=DYDQQDNQRZVH[DFWO\KRZPXFKRLO ZDVRQWKHVLWHEXWKHFRXOG QRW VSHFXODWH RQ KRZ PXFK RLO OHDNHG 7KH FRPSDQ\ LV LQ WKH SURFHVV RI SXPSLQJ LEON'S GOLD & SILVER COINS, BULLION, JEWELRY, COLLECTIBLES FIREARMS & AMMO 4 WEST BROADWAY WILLISTON, ND 58801 701-572-2352 INVEST IN YOUR FUTURE DSSUR[LPDWHO\EDUUHOV RI FRQWDPLQDWHG ZDWHU IURP WKH VLWH DQG KDXOLQJ LW WR DQ DSSURYHGGLVSRVDOVLWH2QFH WKDWZDWHULVUHPRYHG=DYDQQD ZLOO EH DEOH WR GHWHUPLQH WKHIXOOH[WHQWRIWKHGDPDJH $GMDFHQW ODQG RZQHUV 3DXODQG-RDQ(OGULGJHGLGQ·W GLVFRYHU WKH VSLOO XQWLO 0DUFK DOPRVW WZR ZHHNV DIWHU WKH ÁRRG 3DXO QRWLFHG VRPH RLORQLFHFKXQNVSLOHGDJDLQVW KLVIHQFH)XUWKHULQYHVWLJDWLRQ revealed a stripe of oil a few LQFKHV ZLGH DQG DSSUR[LPDWHO\ · XS RQ WKH WUHHV LQ WKHLU SDVWXUH SOXV JOREV RI RLO VFDWWHUHG RQ WKH JURXQG 7KH\KDGQRWEHHQQRWLÀHGRI WKH VSLOO ,QLWLDO FRQYHUVDWLRQV ZLWK=DYDQQDUHSUHVHQWDWLYHV GLG QRW JR ZHOO $QJU\ DQG IUXVWUDWHG 3DXO FDOOHG WKH 1DWLRQDO2LO6SLOO+RWOLQHZKLFK LV FRQQHFWHG ZLWK WKH 1RUWK 'DNRWD2LODQG*DVFRPPLVVLRQ WKH (3$ 1' *DPH )LVK WKH +HDOWK GHSDUWPHQW DQGVHYHUDORWKHUHQWLWLHV%\ WKHHQGRIWKHGD\(OGULGJHV KDG UHFHLYHG FDOOV IURP DOO those entities and had an apSRLQWPHQW ZLWK *DPH )LVK IRUWKHQH[WPRUQLQJ +RGJHV H[SODLQHG WKH QRQQRWLÀFDWLRQE\VWDWLQJWKDW WKHLU FRQFHUQ ÀUVW DQG IRUHPRVW ZDV FRQWDLQPHQW DQG FOHDQXS:LWKGDWDFRPLQJLQ WKDW ZDV QRW QHFHVVDULO\ DFFXUDWH=DYDQQDGLGQ·WXQGHUVWDQGZKHUHWKHRLOKDGJRQH DWÀUVW7KH\KDGQRWLÀHG7HUU\ 3DXO(OGULGJHLV· tall, showing the height of most of the oil lines in his pasture. Oil is stuck on the top of this grass. Calving Supplies Now Available! • Ear Tags • Calf Pullers • Bottles • Boluses • Milk Replacer, Colostrum & Electrolytes • Disposabe Needles & Syringes • And Much More! on We will so g be carryin s well! vaccines a Don’t forget about our Purina fly control mineral sale! Buy 20 bags of loose mineral - get 1 FREE Buy 40 bags of loose mineral - get 3 FREE Recieve $5 off 225# mineral tubs. Right: Globs of oil can be found throughout the Eldridge property. Glasgow Gun Show At The Civic Center April 11-13, 2014 Fri: 3-7 • Sat: 9-6 • Sun: 9-3 sponsored by the WCSM Orders must be placed by May 1st, 2014 Table Space Available Non Gun-Related Items Welcome! Taylor Ag Services, Inc. 701-444-3772 | | Watford City, ND Contact AL Kwasinski [email protected] 406-234-3191 prior to April 9, 2014 JUST A FEW 13S LEFT & THEY MUST BE SOLD! BELOW FACTORY INVOICE | ALL REBATES STILL APPLY #2925 0 /72MO $ + 1,000 #3095 % 2013 Edge Limited AWD, White Invoice .................................. $37,158 0%/72mo +$1000 FMC ..............-$1,000 Eagle Country Ford Disc .............-$1,500 You Pay ............. $34,658 #3166 ...2013 Flex Limited Ruby Red ............Retail: $47,460 ...Invoice ....$44,756 Max Ford Rebates ...... -$5,500 Eagle Country Ford Discount ...... -$1,500 You Pay ... $37,756 #3044 ...2013 Flex SEL AWD, Ginger Ale .......Retail: $40,780 ...Invoice ....$38,474 Max Ford Rebates ...... -$5,500 Eagle Country Ford Discount ...... -$1,500 You Pay ... $31,474 ON 2013 EDGES #3041 ... 2013 F150 CC Tuscany Black Ops.......Retail: $70,487 ...Invoice ....$61,664 Max Ford Rebates ...... -$5,250 Eagle Country Ford Discount ...... -$1,500 You Pay ... $54,914 #3058 ... 2013 F150 CC Tuscany FTX ................ Retail: $74,177 ...Invoice ....$61,262 Demo Discount ...... -$6,500 Eagle Country Ford Discount ...... -$1,500 You Pay ... $53,262 2013 Edge SEL AWD, Silver Invoice .................................. $35,864 0%/72mo +$1000 FMC ..............-$1,000 Eagle Country Ford Disc .............-$1,500 You Pay ............. $33,364 #3020 ...2013 F250 CC Lariat Pale Adobe .....Retail: $54,345 ...Invoice ....$50,681 Max Ford Rebates ...... -$4,500 Eagle Country Ford Discount ...... -$1,500 You Pay ... $44,681 #3079 ...2013 F350 S/C Lariat Green Gem ....Retail: $51,940 ...Invoice ....$48,540 Max Ford Rebates ...... -$4,500 Eagle Country Ford Discount ...... -$1,500 You Pay ... $42,540 “Experience the Eagle Country Difference!” 215 East Main • Sidney, MT | 433-1810 or 1-800-482-1810 • * Rebates based on 59270 zip code. Not all customers will qualify for all rebates. Rebates may include financing with Ford Motor Credit and or trade assistance from Ford. 0% financing may be available in lieu of cash rebate. Check with sales staff for individual rebates. ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 2014 7 and Vickie Cayko of the spill, unaware that Eldridges owned the SURSHUW\MXVW·DZD\ ´,KDWHWRVD\LWEXWZHZHUHIRFXVHGRQWKHZDWHUZD\V $IWHU3DXOFDOOHGZHUHDOL]HGZHKDGQ·WFRQWDFWHGDOOWKHULJKW SHRSOHµ+RGJHVVDLG Kent Luttschwager, wildlife resource supervisor, ND Game & Fish Department, surveyed the damages Thursday morning ZLWK3DXO7KH\PHWXSZLWK=DYDQQDSHUVRQQHODWWKHZHOOVLWH DQGJDYHWKHPDWRXUDVZHOO Luttschwager said the oil spill involved a rupture or tipped WDQNRQSULYDWHSURSHUW\7KHTXHVWLRQLVZKHUHWKHSOXPHZHQW $HULDOSKRWRVLQLWLDOO\VKRZHGLWKHDGHGZHVWWKHQQRUWKZHVW Impacts occurred mostly on Game & Fish land, plus a bit of %/0ODQGRQ%LJ2[ERZ,VODQGSOXVDGMDFHQWSULYDWHSURSHUW\ Until the phone call, Game & Fish was unaware of damage WR WKH (OGULGJH SURSHUW\ 1RZ WKH\ DUH ORRNLQJ DW D SRVVLEOH northeast direction for the plume and checking the Ochs Point Wildlife Management Area as well since that joins the Eldridge ODQG ´:LWK ÁRRG FRQGLWLRQV LW·V GLIÀFXOW WR JHW DURXQG :H·OO FRQWLQXHWRVXUYH\WKHDUHDµ/XWWVFKZDJHUVDLG´2XUFRQFHUQ QRZLVZKHUHLWWKHSOXPHZHQW(VSHFLDOO\ZLWKLFHMDPVDQG ÁRRGLQJLW·VQRWSUHGLFWDEOHµ Game & Fish is not against development and extracting RI PLQHUDOV DFFRUGLQJ WR /XWWVFKZDJHU 7KHLU FRQFHUQ LV WKDW there has to be vision and planning in place that allows the H[WUDFWLRQRIUHVRXUFHVLQDVDIHDQGSUXGHQWPDQQHU´7KHUH are real concerns about lasting damage and the long term afIHFWRQVHQVLWLYHVSHFLHVVXFKDVWKHSDOOLGVWXUJHRQµKHVDLG “The downstream intakes, whether residential, agricultural or FRPPHUFLDOPD\EHDIIHFWHG,WPD\QRWEHDELJFRQFHUQLIWKH spill is small, but if it continues to happen, everyone downstream KDVWREHFRQFHUQHGµ *DPH)LVKFRQFHUQVZLWKWKHVSLOODUHÀUVWWKHFOHDQXS RISULYDWHDQGSXEOLFSURSHUW\6HFRQGWKHULYHUERWWRPRIWKH <HOORZVWRQH5LYHUWKHODVWXQUHJXODWHGJUHDWULYHULQWKH86 Luttschwager said he hopes the spill will launch a discussion RIIXWXUHWHFKQLTXHVDQGSURWHFWLRQPHDVXUHVE\DOOLQYROYHGWR SUHYHQWDQRWKHUVSLOO6KRUWWHUPSODQQLQJLQYROYHVWKHWUDGLWLRQDO -XQHULVHZKLFKKDVWKHSRWHQWLDOIRUPRUHÁRRGLQJ/RQJWHUP SODQVQHHGWREHGHYHORSHGIRUWKHOLIHRIWKHRLOZHOOV *DUQHU(QYLURQPHQWDOIURP7H[DVKDVEHHQKLUHGE\=DYDQQDWRGRWKHFOHDQXS)RUW\ÀYHSHRSOHKDYHEHHQZRUNLQJ ZLWKDQRWKHUDGGHGODVW6DWXUGD\7KHFUHZXVHVERDWVWR UHDFKWKH%LJ2[ERZ:LOGOLIH0DQDJHPHQWVLWH6KRYHOVDQG pitchforks are used to remove oil soaked debris, which is then placed in heavy duty garbage bags and shipped back to the FRQÁXHQFHIRUGLVSRVDODWDQDSSURYHGVLWH+RGJHVHVWLPDWHV that the Game & Fish and BLM land will be cleaned within the next few days, with the Eldridge property taking approximately PRUHGD\V +RGJHVVDLG=DYDQQDZLOOZRUNZLWKDOOWKHGLIIHUHQWDJHQFLHVWRPDNHVXUHWKHULJKWWKLQJVDUHGRQHZLWKWKHFOHDQXS´:H fully support the interagency comprehensive approach,” Hodges VDLG´:HZDQWWRJHWWKLVGRQHDVTXLFNO\DQGWKRURXJKO\DV SRVVLEOH:HDUHFRPPLWWHGWRFOHDQLQJWKLVXSµ +RGJHV DGGHG WKDW =DYDQQD LV DOZD\V ZRUNLQJ WR DYRLG HQYLURQPHQWDOLPSDFWVIURPWKHLURSHUDWLRQV2QWKLVVLWHKH VD\VWKH\DUHQRWJRLQJWRFXWFRUQHUV´,IZHFDXVHGLWZHZLOO WDNHFDUHRILWµ ,QDQXQXVXDOPRYHUHSUHVHQWDWLYHVIURP=DYDQQD*DPH & Fish, ND Oil and Gas commission and others are scheduled to meet with Eldridges to discuss the impacts of the oil spill and WKHEHVWVROXWLRQVWRWKHSUREOHP :KHQDOOLVVDLGDQGGRQHWKH\DOOZDQWWKHVDPHWKLQJ (OGULGJHVZDQWVDWLVIDFWLRQIRUWKHVSLOO=DYDQQDZDQWVWRJHWLW cleaned up and get back to work producing oil, and the Game )LVKZDQWVRLOGHYHORSPHQWGRQHUHVSRQVLEO\ )ORRGZDWHUVVZLUOHG DURXQGWKLVSLOHRIEUXVK OHDYLQJRLOHYHU\ZKHUH A b o v e : Tw o w e e k s DIWHU WKH ÁRRG KXJH LFH FKXQNVVWLOOVLWDWWKHERDW UDPSRIWKHFRQÁXHQFH %HORZ:LWKUDJLQJÁRRG ZDWHUVWKHRLOOLQHVDUHKLW DQGPLVV,WPDUNHGWKLV SLHFH RI WLQ EXW OHIW WKH DGMRLQLQJRQHXQVFDWKHG We’re Open At Our New Location 440 N Central Ave, Sidney The Shops at Fox Run More Space • More Product • Great Parking! Mon-Fri: 9am - 6pm • Sat: 9am - 4pm 214 S. Central Ave • Sidney, MT Across from Centre Theatre • 406-433-1800 SPRING OIL & FILTER SALE NOW IN PROGRESS! % 15 off ALL Filters Check out all our low prices on oil & filters! Farmers Union Oil Co. 501 6th Ave SE | Watford City Open 6am - 10pm Daily • 701-444-3639 8 ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 2014 SPRING SP Track Sat, April 5 Sidney at Colstrip Fairview HS at Glendive - Wibaux Invite Savage at Glendive Wibaux Invite Watford City V at Minot High, 10:30am Froid/Lake HS at Glendive, 10am Culbertson HS at Glendive Brockton at Glasgow/ Glendive Bainville HS at Glendive - Wibaux Invite R&L HS at Glasgow/ Glendive Tues, April 8 Watford City JH at Beach, 3pm Wed, April 9 Brockton at Havre Thurs, April 10 Sidney at Dickinson, 11am Fri, April 11 Fairview JH at Wolf Point Invite Culbertson Elem/JH at Wolf Point Brockton JH at Wolf Point Bainville 6-8 at Wolf Point R&L JH at Wolf Point Sat, April 12 Sidney at Baker Fairview HS at Baker Invite Savage at Baker Invite Watford City JH at Watford City, 10am Froid/Lake HS at Baker Froid/Lake JH at Glasgow Culbertson HS at Baker Brockton JH at Glasgow Brockton at Havre Bainville JH at Glasgow - Nashua Invite R&L JH at Glasgow R&L HS at Baker Mon, April 14 Watford City JH at Washburn, 4pm Tues, April 15 Fairview JH at Culbertson Invite Watford City V at Hazen, 2pm Froid/Lake Elem/JH at Culbertson, 3pm Culbertson Elem/JH at Culbertson Brockton Elem/JH at Culbertson Bainville 5-8 at Culbertson R&L 5-8 at Culbertson Thurs, April 17 Fairview HS at Fairview Invite Watford City V at Watford City, 4pm Brockton at Fairview Bainville HS at Fairview RTS Sat, April 19 Sidney at Billings Mon, April 21 Froid/Lake HS JV at Glasgow Invite Brockton at Glasgow R&L JV at Glasgow Tues, April 22 Sidney at Dickinson, 2pm Watford City JH at NWC in Tioga, 10am Watford City V at Bowman, 4pm Brockton Elem/JH at Sidney Bainville 5-8 at Sidney Fri, April 25 Watford City V at Beach, 3pm Sat, April 26 Sidney at Sidney Invite Fairview HS at Sidney Invite Savage at Sidney Invite Watford City JH at Watford City, 10am Froid/Lake Elem/JH at Glasgow Froid/Lake HS at Sidney Culbertson HS at Sidney Culbertson Elem/JH at Glasgow Brockton Elem/JH at Fairview Brockton at Wolf Point Bainville HS at Sidney Bainville JH at Glasgow Invite Bainville 5-8 at Fairview SCHEDULES R&L JH at Glasgow Fairview HS at Glasgow Invite - Hinsdale Invite R&L HS at Sidney Invite Fairview JH at Glasgow R&L HS at Wolf Point - Hinsdale Invite Savage at Glendive Elks Invite Mon, April 28 Froid/Lake HS at GlenWatford City JH at dive - Elks Invite Velva, 3:30pm Culbertson HS at Glendive - Elks Invite Tues, April 29 Brockton at Glendive Watford City V at Wat- Bainville HS at Glendive ford City, 2:30pm - Elks Invite Brockton at Malta R&L HS at Glendive Elks Invite Thurs, May 1 Watford City V at Watford City (makeup) Brockton JH/HS at Whitewater Fri, May 2 Watford City JH at Beach, 2pm Sat, May 3 Watford City V at Bismarck Bowl NS Froid/Lake Elem/JH at Fairview - Districts Culbertson Elem/JH at Glasgow Brockton JH/HS at Glasgow Brockton JH at Miles City Bainville JH at Glasgow R&L HS & JH at Glasgow Fri & Sat, May 2 & 3 Sidney at Glendive Elks Invite Fairview HS at Glendive - Elks Invite 10am Fairview HS at Wolf Point Invite Fairview JH at Fairview District Savage at Wolf Point Invite Watford City V at Dickinson Trinity, 10:30am Froid/Lake HS at Wolf Point, 10am Froid/Lake Elem/HS at Fairview - Districts Culbertson HS at Wolf Point Culbertson Elem/JH at Fairview - Districts Brockton JH at GlenMon, May 5 dive Watford City JH at Brockton HS at Wolf Beach, 3pm Point Brockton JH at Fairview - Districts Tues, May 6 Bainville 5-8 at Fairview Sidney at Glasgow - Districts Top 10 Bainville HS at Wolf Fairview HS at Glasgow Point - Top 10 R&L 5-8 at Fairview Savage at Glasgow Districts Top 10 R&L HS at Wolf Point Froid/Lake HS at Invite Glasgow - Top 10 Culbertson HS at Glasgow - Top 10 Mon, May 12 Brockton JH at Malta Watford City V at Velva, Bainville HS at Glasgow 3:30pm - Top 10 R&L HS at Glasgow Tues, May 13 Top 10 Watford City V at Hazen, 3:30pm Thurs, May 8 Watford City V at DickWatford City JH at inson Bowman, 4pm Watford City V at NWC Wed, May 14 in Velva, 12pm Fairview HS at Sidney District 2C Sat, May 10 Savage at Sidney DisSidney at Miles City, trict 2C It’s All About Saying Goodbye Specializing in FR Clothing 2429 W. Holly St. 406-488-4400 BLUE ROCK PRODUCTS CO. 501 9th Ave NE, Sidney 406-433-3403 Olson Plumbing & Heating PO Box 375 • Sidney, MT 482-4027 Erin & Ty Graves 2405 West Holly St. 406-433-2400 [email protected] Mon-Fri: 8am - 5pm Sat: 9am - 1pm 215 East Main St • Sidney 1(800)482-1810 • 433-1810 616 S. Central Sidney, MT 406-433-7827 Open 10am Daily PIZZA & FINE FOODS East-Mont Enterprises Inc. ELK RIVER PRINTING Candy • Paper Goods Cleaning Supplies & More! Your 1-Stop Full-Service Print Shop • WE DELIVER • Hwy. 16 S, Sidney, MT • 406-433-4650 608 E. Main • Sidney Wholesale Distributors ALL COMMERCIAL PRINTING Full Color Marketing Materials Color Copies • B&W Copies Lamination • Specialty Papers Card Stock 406-433-2910 433-4375 • Sidney, MT Office: 406-433-6757 Cell: 406-697-7153 Fax: 406-433-6755 2221 S. Central Ave • Sidney Sales • Service • Installation email: [email protected] Fax: 406-433-6755 2265 S. Central Ave • Sidney [email protected] “Dig ‘er Done!” Gutters • Fascia • Soffit • Siding • Shingles A family business protecting and improving your family home. Guy Melby Phone: 1-406-488-6624 315 Second St. NW Sidney, MT 59270 406-488-2805 406-433-6754 Melby Contruction Creative Curbing Fulkerson Funeral Home Sidney, MT 406-482-3204 Sidney, MT 406-433-1983 203 2nd St. NW • Sidney 406-482-3737 • Electrical Supplies & Equipment • Decorative Lighting • Electrical Service • Trenching for new and existing Home Waterlines • Your local Montana Fiberglass Stock Tank Dealers Specializing in Farm & Ranch Waterline and Water Tank installation Shane & Lisa Gorder 482-9672 11685 CR350 • Sidney SK & S OIL FIE LD ES IC RV WOOD GROUP . Inc SE Mitchell’s is a great place to work! • Call Us For Delivery 433-1971 Sidney, MT Sidney & Roosevelt County Office In Culbertson (406) 488-8706 David Williams Cell (406) 489-8706 Scott Ramus Cell (406) 489-8707 1511 S Central Ave • Sidney 809 East Main Sidney, MT 406-433-3400 ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 2014 9 SPRING SP Froid/Lake HS at Sidney - Districts Culbertson HS at Sidney - Districts Bainville HS at Sidney Districts R&L HS at Sidney Districts Fri, May 16 Sidney at Glendive, 10am Sat, May 17 Watford City V at Minot High - Regions Wed, May 21 Culbertson HS at Wolf Point - Divisionals Thurs, May 22 Fairview HS at Wolf Point - Eastern C Divisionals Savage at Wolf Point Divisionals Froid/Lake HS at Wolf Point - Divisionals Bainville HS at Wolf Point - Divisionals R&L HS at Wolf Point Divisionals Fri, May 23 Watford City V at Bismarck Bowl - State Sat, May 24 Sidney at Miles City Divisionals Watford City V at Bismarck Bowl - State Fri & Sat, May 30 & 31 Sidney at Butte - State Fairview HS at Great Falls - State C Savage at Great Falls State C Froid/Lake HS at Great Falls - State C Culbertson HS at Great Falls - State C Bainville HS at Great Falls - State C R&L HS at Great Falls State C Golf Sat, April 12 RTS Invite Froid/Lake at Plentywood Invite R&L at Plentywood Invite Fairview at Plentywood Invite Wed, May 7 Bainville at Scobey Invite Froid/Lake at Scobey Invite R&L at Scobey Invite Fairview at Scobey Invite Fri, May 9 Bainville at Plentywood Froid/Lake at Plentywood R&L at Plentywood Fairview at Plentywood Bainville at Wolf Point Invite Froid/Lake at Wolf Point Invite Tues & Wed, R&L at Wolf Point Invite May 20 & 21 Fairview at Wolf Point Bainville at Seeley Lake Invite - State at Seeley Thurs, April 17 Froid/Lake Lake - State Bainville at Sidney R&L at Seeley Lake Froid/Lake at Sidney State R&L at Sidney Fairview at Ennis - State Fairview at Sidney Fri, April 25 Bainville at Glasgow Invite Froid/Lake at Glasgow Invite R&L at Glasgow Invite Fairview at Glasgow Invite Sat, May 3 Mon, June 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30 Watford City Junior Golf, 9am Mon, July 7, 14 & 21 Watford City Junior Golf, 9am SCHEDULES Wrestling Tues - Thurs, May 27-29 Watforc City Wrestling Grades 2-7, 1pm Fri, May 30 Watford City Wrestling Grades 2-7, 9am Street Hockey Mon, June 2, 9, 16 & 23 Watford City Street Hockey, 1-3pm Wed, June 4, 11, 18 & 25 Watford City Street Hockey, 1-3pm Soccer Mon, July 7, 14, 21 & 28 Watford City Soccer, 3-5pm Wed, July 9, 16, 23 & 30 Watford City Soccer, 3-5pm Volleyball, 9am Tennis Basketball Wed, June 4, 11 &18 Watford City Tennis, 5-7pm Thurs, June 5, 12, & 19 Watford City Tennis, 5-7pm KickBall 406-776-2474 [email protected] Savage, MT Watford City Kickball Grades 2-5, 3:45pm Thurs, May 1 & 8 Watford City Kickball Grades 2-5, 3:45pm Tues, May 6 & 13 Watford City Kickball Grades 2-5, 3:45pm Volleyball Tues - Thurs, June 24-26 Dan Cayko (406)-480-5665 Marty Shaide (406)-489-1441 (406)-742-3630 • Fairview, MT Marty Shaide Fairview, MT (701)-744-9051 (406)-489-1441 Open 9am - 4pm Monday - Friday Box 465 • Fairview, MT 406-742-5203 Fairview, MT 701-844-5300 Implement Co. EST. 1972 “After We Sell We Service” Family Dining Open 4:30 pm Tue-Fri 2 pm Sat & Sun Fairview • 406-742-5180 COME TO RMC FOR YOUR HEALTHCARE NEEDS! Roosevelt Medical Center in Culbertson is accepting new patients & appointments are readily available. 406-787-6400 Mon-Th: 8 am - 5 pm • Fri: 8 am - 4:30 pm Closed For Lunch: 12:30 - 1:30 pm 818 2nd Ave East, Culbertson Watford City 3 on 3 Basketball League, 11am - 1pm Baseball Mon, April 7 L&C at Watford City, 4:15pm Tues, April 8 Watford City at Stanely, 4:15pm QUINNELL ELECTRIC • Commercial • Residential • Remodels • New Construction Chuck Quinnell 406-776-2331 3½ miles north of Fairview on Hwy 58 701-744-5752 [email protected] Hardware • Furniture Appliances • Giftware Culbertson, MT • 406-787-5213 The Other Place Family Clothing & Dry Goods Culbertson, MT • 406-787-5211 406-377-2533 Open 10am - 2am Daily 401 Ellery Avenue Fairview, MT 406-742-8110 416 S. Ellery Glendive, MT Steakhouse Hours: 11am - 9pm, Sun - Thurs 11am - 10pm, Fri & Sat Culbertson Pharmacy Open Mon-Sat 9-5 115 Broadway Culbertson, MT 406-787-5313 Keith Brisben Pharmacist •Oil Field Roads & Locations • Reclaim Work • Gravel & Scoria Hauling Fairview, MT Fax: 406-742-5550 Office: 406-742-5549 [email protected] Milne KEG Wed, July 16, 23 & 30 Fertilizer & Irrigation Sales & Service OILFIELD SERVICES 406-742-5312 Fairview, MT Watford City 3 on 3 Basketball League, 11am - 1pm Mon-Kota, Inc. HURLEY’S • Potable Water • Sewer System •Loaders • Communications • Backhoe • Trucking • Skid Houses • Porta Potties Tues - Thurs, July 8-10 Thurs, April 24 PO Box 30 • Savage, MT 406-798-3651 406-776-2334 Watford City Mini Basketball, 11am - 1pm Mon, July 14, 21 & 28 Watford City Kickball Grades 2-5, 3:45pm The Savage Mine Savage, MT Wed, June 11, 18 & 25 Watford City Youth Skills Basketball, 9am - 12pm Luck! Good From • custom meat processing • curing & smoking • sausage & Jerky • wild game Slaughter at the plant or your farm! Watford City Mini Basketball, 11am - 1pm Tues, April 22 & 29 Watford City Indoor Bainville at Plentywood Mon, June 9, 16, 23 & 30 800.636.6680 “Stop in for all your ag lending needs” 1802 13th Ave W. Williston, ND 701-774-0055 or 1-800-264-1095 FCS of ND is an equal opportunity employer & provider. Land ine Wireless Broadband Long Distance Nemont.TV Business Phone Systems 1300 Bison Drive Williston, ND 701-572-4000 1-800-584-9220 10 ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 2014 SPRING SP Thurs, April 10 Dickinson at Watford City, 4:30pm Fri, April 11 Watford City at Shilo Tourney Sat, April 12 Watford City at Minot, 12:30pm Thurs, May 1 Watford City at MLS Lansford, 4:15pm Fri, May 2 Watford City at Ray, 4:15pm Watford City at Shilo Tourney Mon, April 14 MLSGBK at Watford City, 4:15pm Tues, April 15 Ray at Watford City, 4:15pm Thurs, April 17 Watford City at Williston JV, 4:30pm Thurs, April 24 Stanely at Watford City, 4:15pm Fri, April 25 New Town at Watford City, 4:15pm Sat, April 26 Sat, May 3 Watford City at New Town, 2pm Mon, May 5 Watford City at Williston (Makeup), 4:30pm Tues, May 6 DLB at Watford City, 4:15pm Thurs, May 8 Williston at Watford City JV, 4:30pm Fri, May 9 Watford City at Watford City (Makeup) Sat, May 10 • Pre-owned Vehicles • Full Service Shop 6PDUWHU%HWWHU)DVWHU 701-444-2341 WATFORD CITY, ND Phone z Internet z TV 501 6th Ave SE Watford City, ND 701-444-3639 Western Bank of Wolf Point 111 3rd Ave. S Wolf Point 653-5500 B&S QUICK STOP Brockton, MT • 786-3229 Dennis Anderson Representative 701-444-3273 229 N. Main Watford City, ND of Williston Your Locally Owned & Operated Soft Drink Specialist CU Watford City at Region Tourney Mon & Tues, May 19 & 20 Watford City at Region Tourney Thur-Sat, May 22-24 Watford City at Region Tourney (Makeup) Tues-Thurs, May 27-29 Watford City T-Ball, 9am Watford City PeeWee Baseball, 10am Tues, June 3, 10 & 17 Watford City T-Ball, 9am Watford City PeeWee Baseball, 10am Tues & Thurs, June 24 & 26 Watford City T-Ball, 6pm Watford City PeeWee Baseball, 7pm Tues, July 1, 8, 15 & 22 Watford City T-Ball, 6pm Watford City PeeWee Baseball, 7pm Thurs, July 3 & 17 T A YL O R Ag Service Kent Taylor, Owner Watford City, ND 701-444-3772 Licensed in ND & MT Tues, April 8 Dickinson at Sidney, 3/5pm Sat, April 12 Sidney at Blgs Central/ Laurel, 11am Thurs, April 17 Miles City at Sidney, 3/5pm Mon, April 21 Thurs, July 24 Sidney at Glendive, 3/5pm Watford City T-Ball Tourney Watford City PeeWee Baseball Tourney Tues, April 22 Fri, April 25 Hardin at Sidney, 3/5pm Tues, April 29 Glendive at Sidney, 3/5pm Thurs, May 1 Sidney at Hardin, 3/5pm Mon, May 5 Sidney at Dickinson, 4/5pm Thurs, May 8 Sidney at Glasgow, 3/5pm Sat, May 10 Blgs Central/Laurel at Sidney, 11am Tue, May 13 Sidney at Miles City, 3/5pm Fri, May 16 Sidney at Butte Tourney Thurs & Fri, May 22 & 23 Sidney at Laurel - Divisionals Thurs-Sat, May 29-31 Sidney at Polson State Pro Agents with answers. Eric Mogen Watford City 444-6048 Auto Body Corky & Marla Hayden 405 7th St. NE Watford City, ND 701-842-2797 Mon-Sat: 9am - 10pm • Sun: 4 - 9pm 701-842-2771 ½ mile south on Hwy. 85 One Stop Hwy 85 W • Watford City, ND 701-444-3122 Hwy. 85 Watford City 701-444-3335 Mon-Sat: 8am - 9pm Sunday: 1 - 5pm 329 N. Main • Watford City 701-444-6484 Toll Free: 800-411-7590 Lund Oil Co. Watford City, ND 701-842-2805 (Located in the Long X Visitor Center) Delmar Rink Construction 500 2nd Ave SW 701-444-6411 107 Main • Froid, MT 406-766-2413 Lambert, MT 406-774-3439 Service & Rental Tools Box 346 • Watford City, ND 701-842-3350 701-444-2906 We Support the Red Hawks! Froid Grocery llc. “We Have Something For Everyone!” 200 N Main Watford City Keene, ND 701-675-2700 908 4th Ave. NE Watford City, ND 701-444-9288 Northern States Fishing Tool Co., Inc. Watford City, North Dakota Homestead Elevator Homestead, Froid 406-963-2343 LAMBERT HISTORICAL SOCIETY & FOX LAKE SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER Bainville, MT 406-769-2871 Sidney at Miles City Jamboree 1 Your savings federally insured to $250,000. National Credit Union Adm., a U.S. Govt. Agency Serving Daniels, Sheridan & North Valley Counties Scobey, MT P.O. Box 1160 • 487-5391 Medicine Lake, MT PO Box 267 • 789-2209 Tues, April 1 Glasgow at Sidney, 1/3pm Watford City T-Ball, 9am Watford City PeeWee Baseball, 10am For all your application & crop protection chemical needs! Softball Watford City T-Ball, 9am Watford City PeeWee Baseball, 10am R “Only” Bar In Town 406-774-3421 • Lambert Fri & Sat, May 16 & 17 Federal Credit Union Lunch served anytime “Best Burgers In Town!” Watford City at Region Play-in DanielsSheridan & Grill Orders to go Tues, May 13 Thurs, June 5, 12 & 19 “You’re Never Alone” 701-572-6746 All You Need In One Quick Stop! son, 1pm SCHEDULES Watford City at Dickin- S&S Motors Farmer’s Union ion Oil Co. C RTS MEDICINE LAKE AG SUPPLY MARATHON SEED CLEANING Chris & Amy Ator Owners PO Box 245 • 220 Main Street Medicine Lake, MT 59247 789-2524 • 789-2493 Toll Free 1-866-528-7733 Cell 765-7453 [email protected] Fort Peck Housing Authority PO Box 667 Poplar, MT 59255 406-768-3459 Farmers Elevator and Ag Center 406-774-3475 Lambert, MT 406-773-5758 Elevator 406-773-5853 Ag Center Richey • 773-5521 ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 2014 11 Reach Over 21,000 Readers Each Week In Eastern Montana & Western North Dakota And Always On The Internet at (Paypal required for online purchases) Add a photo to your classy online! (additional charge) Now Taking Credit Cards! (5% charge added to all transactions) Get Up To 30 Words For Just $9 • Deadline: Monday HELP WANTED AGRONOMY GRANULAR FERTILIZER TRUCK DRIVER FT or PT available. Must have Class B or Class A CDL. This position requires the ability to drive tandem trucks & semi- tractor w/hopper bottom trailer, possess basic skills & ability to maintain & service equipment. Applicant should possess good driving record & pass pre-employment DOT drug test. Competitive wages, benefits, 401K. Contact Bruce at Horizon Resources: 701844-5775 or 406-489-0282. {7-5tc} HELP WANTED NOW HIRING: If you are interested in joining the team at Shootin’ Blanks, Inc. feel free to contact Arnie Thiel or Kevin Hull. Please email and/or send your resume to APPLY@ Shootin’ Blanks, Inc.,Village Square Mall, 120 E Main Sidney, MT 59270,406-433AIMS(2467), {6-2tc} HELP WANTED Sunny’s Family Restaurant has full time & part time cook positions open, days & evening shifts available, competitive wages, experience preferred but not nessesary. Application can be picked up at Sunny’s, 102 E. Main St., Sidney, MT. {6-tfn} HELP WANTED Foundit now is now accepting applications for a full-time manager. Details of position will be avaiable at interview. Would like applicant to be a self-starter, dependable, have a current driver’s license, and be able to work well with co-workers. Monday thru Friday. Salary depending on experience, benefits available. To apply: please drop resume or come in for an application at 4327th Ave. W. Williston, ND. Any questions call 701572-9835 or email [email protected]. rience. Must have knowledge of how to operate trenchers & tractors & have a valid drivers license. CDL preferred, not required initially, but must be able to obtain. PDOE. Send resume to cfandw@outlook. com. {4-4tp} LIFEGUARDS WANTED City of Sidney, must be at least 15 years of age. Hold current LG & CPR. Application % Pool Mgr to 115 2nd St. SE, Sidney, MT. Applications close April 25. {4-7tc} HELP WANTED The City of Arnegard, located in McKenzie County in Western North Dakota, in the heart of the Williston Basin and the ongoing Bakken shale play, seeks a City Auditor. The City Auditor has a wide variety of duties and responsibilities and executes many of the City’s governmental functions, and is responsible for the City’s finance. In addition, the City Auditor is considered to be Office Manager and performs activities related to the operations of City business, including but not limited to Fund Accounting, Utility Billing, and Payroll in QuickBooks. Minimum Qualifications: High school diploma with two years of experience as an Office Manager or ac- countant/bookkeeper, preferably in municipal government. The person holding this position must almost be able to be bonded. This is a full-time position, (40) hours per week, with a competitive benefits package. Starting wage is DOQ. Contact Mayor Virginia Elliot, Arnegard City Hall at (701) 586-3453 to request a City job application Package. Complete City job application, along with optional cover letter and resume, should be mailed To City Auditor Search, City of Arnegard, Post Office Box 488, Arnegard, ND 58835. Closing date is April 15, 2014, at 5:00 p.m. {4-4tc} DRIVER WANTED Delivery driver for The Roundup, $15 per hour. Must have valid driver’s license, be able to lift at least 80 lbs. One day/ week. Pick up application at 111 W. Main, Sidney, MT, or at the Sidney Job Service. *$500 signing bonus. {54-tfn} HELP WANTED Part time bartender. Apply with Randy at Sidney Elks Club between 1 - 4 pm, 123 3rd St. SW, Sidney. 406-433-2406. {52-tfn} CARRIERS WANTED Need extra cash or want to get some exercise? We have carrier routes available in most AIRCRAFT FOR SALE: 1961 Cessna 172B Skyhawk: 2630 TTAF, 490 TS- MOH, paint 10-jet glo, interior 10, excellent glass, KMA20, ICA200, KX145, 4 place intercom, AT150, KN60. This is the nicest 1961 we’ve ever seen! $43,000 $39,000. 1968 Piper PA-28 Cherokee 140: 3800 TTAF, 525 SMOH, KR85, AT150, 2 place intercom. Nice paint and interior w/fresh annual. Aircraft listed on E-Bay. 1972 Beechcraft B55 Baron 3330 TTAF: 1860TSMOH L&R, 10 SPOH L&R, B-5 auto pilot, GMA340, GNA430, KX155, KN64, KT76, KR85, GTX327, vertical compass, Rosen’s, tanis nice paint and interior. Aircraft listed on ebay. 1981 Hughes 269C TTAF 3132: TSMOH 845, 3 new M/R blades, Component times on request, big fuel and much more. $157,000. Call Barry at Sidney Air Service: 406-480-2024 {5-4tc} HELP WANTED Full Time Fencing Positions Available. Preferred but not required fencing, trenching, mowing, and seeding expe- Do you have news or photos from McKenzie County you would like in The Roundup? CONTACT: Kathy Taylor in Watford City 701-842-6188 8 am - 4 pm Thurs, Apr 10 Tractor Supply Co. Wed, Apr 2 Fairview: Wed, Apr 16 The Welcome Stop The Powder Keg Call for Appointment (701) - 609 - 3705 {6-3tp} FOR SALE “74” New Moon, remodeled, must be moved, $11,000 firm. 406-672-2727. {4-3tp} FOR LEASE FOR LEASE For cash lease. Two quarters of grazing land, for five years. Red Water River flows through land, plus a well. Land is located Northwest of Richey Montana. Former Ruth Cooper property. Legal- SCT: 02 TWN: 22 N RNG: 50 E S02, T22 N, R50 E, SW4 cont 160 AC, SCT: 02 TWN: 22N RNG: 50E S02, T22 N, R50 E, LOTS 3, 4, S2NW4, S2NW4 Cont 160.7 AC. Bids may be sent to John Wolff, with bank letter of credit. 141 Timberline Rd, Spearfish, South Dakota 57783. Bidders will have opportunity to raise bids. [email protected] or leave message at 605 722 9795. {6-tfn} FOR RENT FOR RENT DUPLEX BASEMENT APT. AVAILABLE in Lambert. Recent remodel, new flooring/ paint/cabs. 3 BDRM, 1 Bath. {4-tfn} {7-tfn} MONUMENTS Azure & Son Monuments: Grave covers, markers, all colors & sizes, custom designs, scenes, final dates, pictures. We sell monuments, no extra charge for lettering. Box 2, Froid, MT 59226, 406-7662326 or 406-839-0910. {31-tfn} WELDING Welding & repair work. No job is too small. Portable welder, reasonable rates. 701-4442936. (30-tfn) SERVICES PAINTING Will paint houses, barns, quonsets, silos, grain bins, etc. References available. R&L COMPLETE SERVICE CENTER The Roundup provides free Fax service at Meuchel Computer Services, Watford City, For Sale: Yearling Angus Bulls. Also two 2-year-olds. Low birth weights, good quality with good dispositions. Wahlstrom Angus | Alexander, ND 701-572-0221 • 701-580-2601 • 701-572-5179 HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR WANTED Currently looking to hire a full-time operator. Must have experience operating many types of heavy equipment. This job may consist of building and maintaining roads and/or locations, snow removal, pit work, etc. Equipment used may include: blades, loaders, backhoes, dozers, scrapers, etc. Rental Housing and RV Spots Available. Benefits include: Medical Insurance (100% paid), Life Insurance, 401K, Vacation & Holidays Drug Testing & Background Screening are Required If interested, email a resumé to kirklandincwc@, call 701-842-6379, or stop in Mon-Fri: 8am - 5pm for an application. Watford City, ND Owners: Darrel & Leigh Ann Kirkland Mon-Fri: 8am - 5pm | 701-842-6379 [email protected] Kids, Earn $$$ Join The Roundup Carrier Team! Signing Bonus!* Sidney: Bainville: FOR SALE Home for sale in Culbertson. Three bedroom, 2 bath, full basement, double garage, storage building, all with metal siding & new roofs. New appliances, air conditioner, low maintenance yard. Super location. 421 2nd Avenue West. 406-787-5219. {6-2tc} COMMERCIAL SPACE FOR RENT Less than $1/sq. ft. per month. Only 1 retail/office space left. Located in downtown Sidney. Waterfall, carpeted throughout, security cameras, cell phone booster, wireless internet, in-house restaurant. Call Linda @ 406-489-1945. Painting, 406-488-8244. 100 Complete small animal care County Ext. Bldg on Main Street (8-tfn) REAL ESTATE Includes appliances & washer & dryer. Garage Space avail. 20 minutes to Sidney. $1200.00 Utilities Included. w/approved application. No pets. (406) 480-1407 or (406) 774-3322. $ Dr. Vince Stenson Wed, Apr 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 (15-tfn) COOKS & SERVERS Wage DOE. Apply in person at Cattle-Ac, 119 N. Central Ave., Sidney, MT. {7-4tp} Bakken Mobile Veterinary Service Culbertson: (35-tfn) HELP WANTED The Roundup Newspaper is looking for a freelance writer to cover the Sidney, Watford City & Williston areas. Apply at Sidney Job Service FOR RENT Camper spots in Savage, water, sewer, electricity. $575 per month. NO PETS! Call 406-776-2209 leave message or 406-480-1626. {6-4tp} HELP WANTED Temporary summer positions at Eastern Agricultural Research Center (EARC). $9.00/ hr, full time, 40hrs/week, MonFri 7 am - 4 pm. 16 years of age and older eligible. Applications available at EARC, 1 mile N. of Sidney on Hwy 200, 1501 N. Central Ave. Sidney, or by calling 433-2208. Applications deadline April 25, 2014. MSU/ EARC is an ADA/EEO/AA employer. parts of Sidney. Call 406-4333306, or fill out application at The Roundup, 111 W. Main, Sidney. &HUWLÀHG1XUVHV$VVLVWDQWV Emergency Room Extended Care Surgical Services Aide )RRG6HUYLFH Dietary Aide Utility Worker +HDOWK,QIRUPDWLRQ6HUYLFHV Plus Cold Weather Bonus During the Winter Months & Periodic Raises! Coding Specialist 1 File Clerk Is Looking For: • Truck drivers with current CDL • Equipment operators • Mechanics • Welders • An office assistant Benefits Available Wages DOE -XQLRU$LGH Extended Care :DUG&OHUN Routes Available In Many Sidney Neighborhoods! Call Erin at (406)433-3306 for details. Apply in person or Employment Office 1700 S. Central • Sidney, MT *Distributed over a 5 month period. 12 ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 2014 ND, for all news, photos & advertising copy. You may drop your Roundup payments at Meuchels. (tfn) WINDSHIELD REPLACEMENTS Lowest price around. Quick service. Over 300 windshields in stock for cars, pickups & semis, reflect windshields are now $120. Magrum Motors, 1820 2nd St. W., Williston. 701-572-0114. (5-tfn) FARM & RANCH FOR SALE J.D. 158 loader with 7’ bucket. mounts for 10, 20, 30, 40 series tractors.$4,000.00 O.B.O. 406-963-2228. FOR SALE J.D. 148 loader with 7’ bucket, grapple, mounts for 10-20-3040 series tractors. $4,000.00 O.B.O. 406-963-2228. FOR SALE 2005 Case RBX 563 moisture tester net & twine wrap, 540 PTO 12,650 bales,Massey 850 combine straight & pickup headers trailer, plastic still on seat, great condition. Also looking for summer pasture. Call 406-774-3495 after 7 pm. {7-2tc} FOR SALE 2000 Barrett, 7x20 aluminum stock trailer, not used for 10 yrs., like new, $11,000. 2013 Wilson 7x30 foremen stock trailer, 2 axles, 17.5 tires, like new, $24,000. Too Many? Will take horses off your hands. 406-650-4989 or 406-4482593 or 406-768-8188. {6-4tp} FOR SALE Tired of wasting hay? Try the Bextra round bale feeder or Common Sense double bale feeder. Also 24 ft. sections of steel windbreak & 20 ft. freestanding panels. Call Kueffler Ranch Supply. 701-694-3620. {6-2tc} WANTED Summer pasture 406-4891711. horses & sheep. All types of liquid feed for livestock. Calving supplies. R&J Ag Supply 406-488-1953, 406-480-2006, 1-800-233-2499, Sidney, MT. (2-tfn) VERMEER HAYING EQUIPMENT See us today for all your haying & feeding equipment, sweeps & farm oil. Anderson Vermeer Sales & Service. Open Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m. 701-828-3358 or 701828-3482 (after hrs.). Alexander, ND. (42-tfn) RV FOR SALE FOR SALE 1991 Dutchmen Classic 5th wheel , very clean, very nice, new tires, new fridge, 4 burner stove, oven, micro, AC. This is a must see!! $6000 OBO. 406-776-2209. Check us out weekly with... Monthly with... {7-4tp} MISCELLANEOUS AIRCRAFT Buying or selling. Call Barry at Sidney Air Service Inc. 406480-2024. Or tak e advantage of take all our publications ever y day at... every {34-tfn} {43-tfn} MINERALS & SUPPLEMENTS Complete line of minerals & supplements, Crystalx protein & mineral tubs for cattle, {6-4tp} {7-2tc} Is your Farm & Ranch business Roundup Ready See Us Today: We make good business better! call us at: 406-433-3306 [email protected] STORAGE UNITS AVAILABLE +85/(<·6 20X20 • 10X20 10X16 • 8X9 2,/),(/'6(59,&(6 Full Line of Calving Supplies Sidney, MT 482-3799 or 482-2666 • Potable Water • Sewer System •Loaders • Communications • Backhoe • Trucking • Skid Houses • Porta Potties 406-742-5312 Fairview, MT •Oil Field Roads & Locations • Reclaim Work • Gravel & Scoria Hauling Drive Thru Mon-Sat: 10am-8pm Sun: 1-4:30pm Walk In Mon-Sat: 8am-9pm Sun: 1-5pm Hwy. 85 Watford City 701-444-3335 Fairview, MT 406-742-5549 (Located in the Long X Visitor Center) Sports Booster WEEKLY SCHEDULE Classifieds (Please Print) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 31 $ Track Reaching over 10,659 Households in Western North Dakota and Eastern Montana Every Week 26 $ 9.10 32 27 $ 9.20 33 28 $ 9.30 34 29 $ 9.40 35 $ Sat, April 5 Sidney at Colstrip Fairview HS at Glendive, Wibaux Invite Savage at Glendive, Wibaux Invite Watford City Varsity at Minot HS, 10:30 am Froid/Lake HS at Glendive, 10 am Culbertson HS at Glendive Brockton at Glasgow/Glendive Bainville HS at Glendive, Wibaux Invite R&L HS at Glasgow/Glendive 30 $ 9.00 9.50 36 $ 9.60 (etc.) 9.00 for 30 words or less; 10¢ per additional word Payment Must Accompany Ad Number of words Name x Number of Times = Cost $ Mail To: The Roundup PO Box 1207, Sidney, MT 59270 Baseball Mon, April 7 L&C at Watford City, 4:15 pm Tues, April 8 Watford City at Stanley, 4:15 pm Softball Tues, April 1 Sidney at Miles City Jamboree Tues, April 8 Dickinson at Sidney, 3/5pm Support Your Favorite Team! Tues, April 8 Watford City JH at Beach, 3 pm Be Sure To Thank The Sports Booster Schedule Sponsors On This Page Family Dining! EST. 1972 KEG Fairview 406-742-5180 Open at 4:30pm Turs-Fri 2pm Sat & Sun Farmer’s Union Oil Co. 60DLQ:DWIRUG&LW\ 6PDUWHU%HWWHU)DVWHU Phone z Internet z TV WWW.NICKJONESRE.COM UI4U48t4JEOFZ.5 t'BY].'QNt4BUQN Customer Service is Our #1 Priority Farm & Ranch Products & Construction Materials. New Steel, Auminum & Stainless. Brady Smelser • Tim Mulholland • Kelly Moody • Bret Smelser • Ernie Gawryluk Sidney Glendive 35002 CR 123 2703 W. Towne St. 406-433-7737 1-800-423-5219 1-855-810-2995 Williston 13896 W. Front St. 1-800-820-5493 Plentywood Hwy 16 East 406-765-2624 ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 2014 13 The Sidney Wrestling Club traveled to Billings last weekend to compete in the Montana Open at Rimrock Area. The Club took 30 wrestlers. There were 1595 wrestlers from Utah, Washington, Oregon, Wyoming, Idaho and Montana. 6 and Under 68 - Kaleb Kutzler -3rd, 12 and Under 70 Jed Escobedo - 3rd, 12 and Under 122 - Cash Cundiff - 6th, 12 and Under 165 - Keelen Geiser - 2nd, 18 and Under 138 Brady Gorder - 4th, 18 and Under 285 - Cristian Gomez - 4th. Anglers, Hunters Cautioned of Ground Conditions Anglers and hunters are reminded to be wary of ground FRQGLWLRQV ZKHQ WUDYHOLQJ WR DQG IURP D IDYRULWH ÀVKHU\ RU hunting location. *UHJ 3RZHU ÀVKHULHV FKLHI IRU WKH 1RUWK 'DNRWD *DPH DQG)LVK'HSDUWPHQWVDLGZLWKÀVKLQJJRRGVWDWHZLGHPDQ\ DQJOHUVDUHWDNLQJDGYDQWDJHRIODWHVHDVRQLFHDQGHDUO\VHD VRQVKRUHÀVKLQJ ´+RZHYHUWUDYHOFDQEHGLIÀFXOWWKLVWLPHRI\HDUZLWKWKH soft conditions,” Power said. “We urge anglers to use common VHQVHZKHQFRQGLWLRQVDUHOLNHO\WRFDXVHSUREOHPVZLWKWRZQ VKLSURDGVDQGDFFHVVSRLQWVµ :LOGOLIHFKLHI5DQG\.UHLOVDLGVSULQJVQRZJRRVHDQGWXUNH\ KXQWHUVDUHHQFRXUDJHGWRPDLQWDLQSRVLWLYHODQGRZQHUKXQWHU UHODWLRQV´:HDVNKXQWHUVWREHFRJQL]DQWRIWKHVHFRQGLWLRQVµ .UHLOVDLG´'ULYLQJRQVRIWPXGG\URDGVDQGWUDLOVLVVWURQJO\ discouraged.” +XQWHUVDUHDGYLVHGWRVHHNSHUPLVVLRQEHIRUHDWWHPSWLQJ DQ\RIIURDGWUDYHORQSULYDWHODQG Sidney Wrestlers Travel to Billings Kaleb Kutzler works on putting in a half on his opponent at the Montana Open. Kutzler placed 3rd in the 6 and Under 68 weight group. Below: Brady Gorder scores back points in the opening rounds of the Montana Open. At 18 and Under 138 lbs, Gorder placed 4th. Deer Meetings Generate High Interest 1RUWK'DNRWD·VGHHUVHDVRQVZLOOORRNSUHWW\PXFK WKHVDPHDVLQSUHYLRXV\HDUV 7KURXJKDVHULHVRISXEOLFPHHWLQJVDQGDQRSHQFRPPHQW SHULRGWKDWUDQWKURXJK0DUFKKRZHYHUGHHUKXQWHUVKDYH SURYLGHGDORWRILQSXWIRUWKH6WDWH*DPHDQG)LVK'HSDUWPHQW WRFRQVLGHUIRUDQGEH\RQG ´:HWROGSHRSOHDWWKHPHHWLQJVWKDWLWZDVYHU\XQOLNHO\DQ\ PDMRUFKDQJHVZRXOGWDNHSODFHWKLV\HDUµVDLG*DPHDQG)LVK ZLOGOLIHFKLHI5DQG\.UHLO´$VLGHIURPVRPHSRVVLEOHDGMXVWPHQWV WRWKHWRWDOQXPEHURIGHHUJXQVHDVRQOLFHQVHVZHZRQ·WEH recommending any changes in season structure or the number of licenses any one deer hunter can have.” *DPHDQG)LVKZLOGOLIHPDQDJHUVZLOODQDO\]HWKHKXQGUHGV of written and verbal comments received, before deciding wheth HUWRSXUVXHFKDQJHVIRU 0RUH WKDQ SHRSOH DWWHQGHG WKH HLJKW GHHU PHHWLQJV KHOGDURXQGWKHVWDWHWKHODVWWZRZHHNVLQ)HEUXDU\6HYHUDO KXQGUHG DGGLWLRQDO KXQWHUV HLWKHU ZDWFKHG WKH ÀQDO PHHWLQJ broadcast online, or viewed a recorded version. Game and Fish UHFHLYHGDERXWZULWWHQRQOLQHFRPPHQWVDQGPDQ\RWKHU GLUHFWHPDLOVDQGSKRQHFDOOV ´:HH[SHFWHGKLJKLQWHUHVWLQWKLVSURFHVVDQGWKHUHVSRQVH ZHJRWZDVHYHQDERYHWKDWµ.UHLOVDLG´1RUWK'DNRWDKXQWHUV DUHSDVVLRQDWHDERXWRXUGHHUKXQWLQJWUDGLWLRQ2XUORQJWHUP KRSH LV WKDW KDELWDW WUHQGV ZLOO DOORZ XV WR UHEXLOG WKH GHHU SRSXODWLRQ IURP ZKHUH LW LV QRZ WR D OHYHO WKDW LV VDWLVIDFWRU\ WRWKHGHHUKXQWLQJSXEOLF0RVWSHRSOHVHHPZLOOLQJWRPDNH VRPHW\SHRIVKRUWWHUPOLFHQVLQJUHODWHGFKDQJHVWRKHOSXV GRWKDW%HFDXVHRIWKHJUHDWUHVSRQVHZH·YHKDGZHKDYHD lot of ideas to evaluate, some of which are new or variations of the current system.” *DPHDQG)LVKVHWXSWKHPHHWLQJVDQGSXEOLFFRPPHQW SURFHVVWRH[SORUHVRPHLGHDVIRUFKDQJHVLQGHHUOLFHQVHDO ORFDWLRQWKHDJHQF\KDVUHFHLYHGLQUHFHQW\HDUVLQUHVSRQVH WRDGHFOLQLQJGHHUSRSXODWLRQDQGIHZHUDYDLODEOHOLFHQVHV,Q *DPHDQG)LVKDOORFDWHGQHDUO\OLFHQVHVDQGLQ WKHWRWDOIHOOWR :KLOHHYHQDWOLFHQVHVQRWHYHU\KXQWHUFRXOGJHW DSUHIHUUHGOLFHQVHLQDSUHIHUUHGXQLW.UHLOVDLGWKHQXPEHURI KXQWHUVZKRDSSOLHGIRUDJXQVHDVRQOLFHQVHDQGGLGQ·WJHWRQH KDVLQFUHDVHGVLJQLÀFDQWO\RYHUWKHSDVW\HDUV $VZLWKDOOLVVXHV*DPHDQG)LVKLVRSHQWRFRQWLQXLQJ SXEOLFLQSXW7KHJHQHUDOGHSDUWPHQWHPDLODGGUHVVLVndgf@ nd.govDQGSKRQHLV .HHOHQ*HLVHUÀJKWVIRUSRVLWLRQDJDLQVWKLVRSSRQHQW at the Montana Open. Geiser placed 2nd at 12 and Under 165 lbs. Report Bald Eagle Nests 7KH6WDWH*DPHDQG)LVK'HSDUWPHQWLVDVNLQJIRUKHOSLQ ORFDWLQJEDOGHDJOHQHVWVLQ1RUWK'DNRWD *DPHDQG)LVK'HSDUWPHQWFRQVHUYDWLRQELRORJLVW6DQGUD -RKQVRQVDLGWKHGHSDUWPHQWLVORRNLQJIRUORFDWLRQVRIQHVWV ZLWKHDJOHVSUHVHQWQRWLQGLYLGXDOHDJOHVLJKWLQJV´(DJOHVDUH DFWLYHO\LQFXEDWLQJHJJVLQ0DUFKDQG$SULOµ-RKQVRQVDLG´,WLV HDV\WRGLVWLQJXLVKDQHDJOHQHVWEHFDXVHRILWVHQRUPRXVVL]Hµ Historically, Johnson said eagle nests were found along the 0LVVRXUL5LYHU1RZWKH\KDYHEHHQREVHUYHGLQPRUHWKDQKDOI RIWKHFRXQWLHVLQWKHVWDWHPRVWO\QHDUVWUHDPVDQGPLGWR ODUJHVL]HGODNHV+RZHYHUWKH\DUHDOVRIRXQGLQXQLTXHDUHDV VXFKDVVKHOWHUEHOWVVXUURXQGHGE\FURSODQGRUSDVWXUH -RKQVRQHVWLPDWHVWKHVWDWHKDVDURXQGDFWLYHEDOG HDJOHQHVWVSRVVLEO\PRUH 1HVWREVHUYDWLRQVVKRXOG EH UHSRUWHG WR -RKQVRQ DW RUE\HPDLODW [email protected]. 2EVHUYHUV DUH DVNHG WR not disturb the nest, and to stay away at a safe distance. ´,WLVLPSRUWDQWQRWWRDSSURDFK the nest as foot traffic may GLVWXUEWKHELUGOLNHO\FDXVLQJ the eagle to leave her eggs unattended,” Johnson said. DRUG & ALCOHOL SPRING SEMINARS DER & REASONABLE SUSPICION CERTIFICATION Register now…for your Mandatory Certification for calling Reasonable Suspicion. This course is designed for all Companies with a drug and alcohol program in place. 8:00am – 12:00pm Reasonable Suspicion Certification 1:00pm – 5:00pm DER Certification Thursday, April 24th at Hampton Inn – Williston Friday, April 25th at Checkers Training Center – Sidney Call 406-488-5800 to get registered or you may go to our website at and complete a registration form and fax back to us at 406-488-5899. Presented by 14 ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 2014 Lunch Menus Sidney Teams Compete in Miles City Tournament Sidney School Thurs., April 3:French toast, sausage links, hash browns, orange wedges. Fri., April 4: Toasted cheese, tomato soup, applesauce, cookie. Mon., April 7: Meatball sub, hot pocket, tossed salad, IUXLWÁXII Tues., April 8: Hot ham & cheese, cheesy potatoes, green beans, banana. Weds., April 9: Sir fry, egg roll, hot dog, fries, peaches. Rau School Thurs.April 3:Italian dunkers, green beans, pears, pudding. Fri., April 4: Soup, bread, fruit, veggies. Mon., April 7:Hot dogs, scalloped potatoes, green beans, peaches. Tues., April 8: Burritos, rice, corn, pineapple. Weds., April 9: &RRN·V choice. Reynolds 6th Grade Girls Basketball team at the Miles City (Cowboy Classic) Basketball Tournament 4/22 & 4/23. Front Row (L-R) Kylee Free, Jenna Baxter, Maddie Peters, Rae Hintz, Logan Schipmann, Liza Reynolds, and Maysen Mindt. Nick Jones Realty Boys Basketball team at the Miles City (Cowboy Classic) Basketball Tournament 4/22 & 4/23 were runQHUXS·V SOD\LQJ LQ WKH &KDPSLRQVKLS JDPH for the second tournament in a row. Front Row (L-R): Boston Peters, Logan Jones Back Row (L-R): Ian Jurgens, Braden Klinke, Tate Weiferich, and Hudson Severson. Seitz Insurance 8th Grade Basketball team at the Miles City (Cowboy Classic) Basketball Tournament 4/22 & 4/23 were Champions defeating Miles City in the Championship game. Front Row (L-R) Trent DeJarlis, Kolby Watterson, Alec Lovegren Back Row (L-R) Max Peters, Layne Swigart, Conner Larson, Bridger Larson Fairview School Thurs., April 3: Subs, chips, raw vegetables, fruit. Fri., April 4: NO SCHOOL. Mon., April 7: Spaghetti, caesar salad, fruit, garlic toast. Tues., April 8: Pork riblet sandwich, macaroni salad, raw vegetables, fruit. Weds., April 9: Chicken fajitas salad, potato, raw vegetable, fruit. East Fairview Thurs., April 3: Tuna casserole, peas, peaches. Fri., April 4:Chicken nuggets, baked beans, salad, grapes. Mon., April 7:Pepperoni pizza, salad bar, applesauce. Tues., April 8: Bean/cheese burrito, rice,broccoli, pears. Weds., April 9: Chef salad, bread sticks, tortilla chips/ salsa, peaches. EW AL201L5 GMN C YUKON $8,000 WITH THE MURPHY MOT ORS DISCOU NT 2015 Cadillac 2015 GMC YUKON SLT 3.6L V6/AUTO CRYSTAL RED TINTCOAT. K5271. MSRP: $55,840 47,740 $ 5.3L V8 AUTO 4WD, WHITE DIAMOND. G6069. SALE PRICE: CTS SEDAN AWD SALE PRICE: Richey School Thurs.,April 3:Chicken tenders, popcorn shrimp, green beans, fruit, salad bar. Fri., April 4: Fish nuggets, steak fingers, broccoli normandy. Mon., April 7: Egg, hash brown bake, french toast sticks, sausage, fruit, salad bar. Tues., April 8: Steak sandwich, lettuce, tomato, pickles, chips, fruit, salad bar. Weds., April 9: Spaghetti, cheesy bread, peas, fruit, salad bar. OUT THIS CHECK SAVE OVER MSRP: $59,800 56,495 $ OUT THE ALL NEW CHECK CRUZE DIESEL Savage School Thurs., April 3: Ham/turkey croissants, veggie salad, fruit salad. Fri., April 4: Hot dogs, mac & cheese, celery/cucumber sticks, apple/oranges. Mon.,April 7:Macaroni hot dish, peas/baby carrots, peaches. Tues., April 8: Chicken ala king, corn/peas, pineapple, cranberries, dessert. Weds.,April 9: Spaghetti weiner casserole, beans, fresh veggies, pears. 2014 Chevy CHECK OUT THIS TO TALLY Froid School Thurs., April 3: Potato soup, poor boy sandwich, strawberry cups. Fri., April 4: Lemon peppered cod, scalloped potatoes, coleslaw, go-gurts. Mon., April 7: Slushburger, gems, grapes. Tues., April 8: Chicken fajitas, cinnamon rolls, peaches. Weds., April 9: Roast beef, mashed potatoes/gravy, green beans, dessert. B! MSRP: $27,985 MPG HWY VER SAVE O $8,000 WITH TH OTORS DISCOUNT E MURPHY M T t W 2013 Chevy 2500 4WD CREW CAB 4.0L GAS/AUTO, SUMMIT WHITE. C6022 MSRP: $43,750 41,695 $ 1500 WALDOCH CONVERSION 6.2L GAS/AUTO 4WD MOCHA STEEL. C5426. SALE PRICE: 2015 Chevy SALE PRICE: Culbertson School Thurs., April 3: Hot dogs w/ bun, tater tots, baked beans, mandarin oranges. Fri., April 4: Mac & cheese, peas, fruit cocktail. Mon., April 7:Chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, gravy, diced carrots, fruit cocktail. Tues., April 8: Beef & cheddar sandwiches, coleslaw, peaches. Weds., April 9: Chicken fajitas with onion, green pepers, lettuce, tomatoes, pears. 46 REDESIGNED 2015 CHEVROLET CREW CA Lambert School Thurs., April 3 : Sweet & sour chicken, rice, stir fry veggies, pineapple. Fri., April 4: Fish sandwich, fries, pears. Mon., April 7:Burrito, fresh veggies, pudding. Tues., April 8: Hot ham & cheese, chips, fresh veggies, fruit salad. Weds., April 9: Slushburger, green beans, fruit cup, carrot/ celery. 2.0L TURBO/AUTO, TUNGSTEN METALLIC. C6061. ESITMATED CRUZE DIESEL/ AUTO MSRP: $62,375 54,299 $ SEE THESE SALES CONSULTANTS FOR QUALITY CAR BUYS! Pat Murphy Dealer Mark Waggoner Credit Doctor Rick Moe Ben Brewer Kelly Blomberg Sales Manager New Cars Manager Fleet Manager Anthony Thompson Dusty Falcon Business Manager Fleet Sales Larry Stewart Sales Patti Arp Sales Tom Tooley Sales Bob Stokes Sales Se Habla Espanol Jimmy Ramirez Sales QG$YH::LOOLVWRQ1'&DOORU+RXUV0RQDPSP7XHV)ULDPSP6DWDPSP w w w. m u r p h y m o t o r s . c o m Not all buyers will qualify for rebates and discounts.Vehicle may qualify for additional business choice savings. **Some exclusions may apply. XNLV146218 ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 2014 15 C h e c k C a s h i n g $ 1.5% Fee $ Government Checks $ Payroll Checks No Personal Checks Advisory Board Meeting in Williston Postponed Submitted by ND Game & Fish Dept. The North Dakota Game DQG)LVK'HSDUWPHQW·VDGYLVRry board meetings scheduled for tonight and tomorrow in Williston, Turtle Lake and WalKDOOD KDYH EHHQ SRVWSRQHG due to inclement weather and WUDYHOGLIÀFXOWLHV7KHPHHWLQJ scheduled for tomorrow in MaNRWLZLOOWDNHSODFHDVSODQQHG The meeting in Turtle Lake is rescheduled for MonGD\ $SULO 5HVFKHGXOH dates for the Williston and WalKDOODPHHWLQJVDUHSHQGLQJ The complete list of spring DGYLVRU\ ERDUG PHHWLQJV is DYDLODEOHE\YLVLWLQJWKH*DPH DQG)LVKZHEVLWHDWJIQGJRY District 2 – Counties: Bottineau, Burke, McHenry, Mountrail, Pierce, Renville and Ward 'DWH$SULO²SP Location: Senior Citizens Center, Makoti Host: Hiddenwood 6SRUWVPHQ·V&OXE &RQWDFW (ULN 5HQVFK 726-5660 $GYLVRU\ERDUGPHPEHU 5REHUW *MHOOVWDG 9ROWDLUH 338-2281 District 1 – Counties: Divide, McKenzie and Williams Date: To be announced ²SP Location: Montana Dakota Utilities, Williston +RVW3KHDVDQWV)RUHYHU Contact: Peggy Lokken, 572-7825 $GYLVRU\ERDUGPHPEHU Jason Leiseth, Arnegard, 5863714 MRS Walleye Tagging Study Continues Year one of a multi-year walleye tagging study on the 0LVVRXUL5LYHUDQG/DNH2DKH is complete, and returns are SURYLGLQJELRORJLVWVZLWKYDOXDEOHLQIRUPDWLRQ Scott Gangl, North Dakota Game and Fish Department ÀVKHULHVPDQDJHPHQWVHFWLRQ leader, said more than 9,100 ÀVKZHUHWDJJHGLQWKH ÀUVW\HDURIWKHIRXU\HDUVWXG\ and nearly 1,400 tag numbers ZHUHWXUQHGLQE\DQJOHUV The study area extends from the Garrison Dam in central North Dakota downstream WR2DKH'DPLQ6RXWK'DNRWD DQG LQYROYHV D PDMRU FROODEoration of biologists and researchers from North Dakota Game and Fish, South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks, and 6RXWK'DNRWD6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\ The study is designed to DVVHVV ZDOOH\H PRYHPHQWV mortality and what proportion of the walleye population is KDUYHVWHGDQQXDOO\E\DQJOHUV *DQJO VDLG WKH ÀUVW \HDU RIWKHVWXG\UHYHDOHGVRPHLQWHUHVWLQJPRYHPHQWSDWWHUQV )RU H[DPSOH ÀVK WDJJHG LQ 1RUWK 'DNRWD PRYHG JUHDWHU distances than those tagged IDUWKHU GRZQVWUHDP ,Q 1RUWK Dakota, fish tagged in both 2DKHDQGWKH*DUULVRQ5HDFK RIWKH0LVVRXUL5LYHUWUDYHOHG DQDYHUDJHRIULYHUPLOHV )LVK WDJJHG LQ /DNH 2DKH·V upper and middle zones within 6RXWK'DNRWDPRYHGDQDYHUDJHRIULYHUPLOHVDQG those tagged in the lower zone PRYHG RQO\ DERXW PLOHV 1RUWK'DNRWDÀVKPRYHGERWK upstream and downstream DIWHUWDJJLQJ Gangl said most of the returns were from May, June and July, and when the bite slowed in August, so did the UHWXUQV The goal of the four-year study is to tag 10,000 walleye in the study area in the Dakotas per year, Gangl said, with up to 4,000 tagged and released annually in the Missouri 5LYHUDQGXSSHU/DNH2DKHLQ 1RUWK'DNRWD The study targets adult walleye, each fitted with a PHWDO MDZ WDJ VWDPSHG ZLWK a unique number to identify WKHÀVKDQGDSKRQHQXPEHU WRUHSRUWWKHWDJ$QJOHUVFDQ either keep or release the ÀVK$QJOHUVSUDFWLFLQJFDWFK and-release can write the tag number down and report LWOHDYLQJWKHWDJRQ WKHÀVK ZKHQUHOHDVHG Anglers can report tags by calling the phone number found on tags, which, anglers should note, is a South Dakota SKRQH QXPEHU 7DJ LQIRUPDtion can also be reported on the Game and Fish DepartPHQW·VZHEVLWHJIQGJRYWDJ reporting page or by calling Anglers should record the date and location of the FDWFK ZKHWKHU WKH ÀVK ZDV kept or released, tag number and length and weight (if the ÀVK ZDV PHDVXUHG$QJOHUV who report tagged fish can NHHSWKHWDJDQGZLOOUHFHLYH DOHWWHUSURYLGLQJVRPHKLVWRU\ RQWKHÀVK Gangl said a small portion of the tags offer a reward to anglers to encourage them to WXUQ WKHP LQ7KHVH WDJV DUH FOHDUO\PDUNHG´5HZDUGµ 5HZDUG WDJV PXVW EH physically turned in to Game DQG )LVK RIÀFHV LQ 5LYHUGDOH or Bismarck, or to a Game, )LVKDQG3DUNVRIÀFHLQ6RXWK 'DNRWD Millers’ Corner C-Store, Deli, Catering, U-Haul 2201 West Holly, Sidney Open 5:15am -10pm | 406-433-4041 Lew Holland Farm Auction Rural Wildrose, ND TIME 12:00 Noon For more information, th 8183 119 Ave. NW Lunch Served call Lew at 406-260-1041 Tues., Apr. 8 Sale Location: From Wildrose - go 4 miles south, 3 miles west, and 2 miles north, OR From the junction of Hwys 50 and 17 - go 3 miles west and 2 miles north, OR From the junction of Hwys 42 and 50 - go 3 miles east and 2 miles north Tractors + Crawler Miscelaneous Equipment 1998 New Holland 9882, #5330, 5594hrs, lower end overhaul at 5390hrs, nearly new tires, auto steer Caterpillar D6C, angle dozer, 3 shank ripper, power shift, (tracks, undercarriages are very good, excellent unit) 2011 JD 320 skid steer, diesel engine, cab with AC & heater, 72” bucket, 450hrs, pallet fork & rock bucket sell separately. Kubota 3030, 30HP, hydrostatic drive, cab with AC & heater, 3 point hitch with underbelly mower & front mount Kubota snowblower, only 210hrs JD 5010 Tractor, runs good JD 4010 Tractor, runs good JD 7520 Tractor w/741 loader, 3 point, approx 4500hrs (Bakke Trust) Vermeer baler Eversman 2½ yard dirt scraper Gandy granular applicator 80ft pull sprayer 1000 gal tank Fruehauf 35 ton 5th wheel lowboy, has haudraulic winch JD 37ft 1610 chisel plow - Degelman drags 32ft PJ Gooseneck tandem dual trailer, spare tire, 12,000lb winch, 5th wheel 3 compartment seed tender 15ft Woods rotary mower 4 - 1000gal fuel tanks, electric pumps 2 - 300gal fuel tanks, electric pumps Anhydrous Tanks - Various Truck/Field Equipment, etc. 1000gal propane tank 1985 Ford truck with 12’ service body, 6 cylinder, 500gal propane tank Ford diesel engine, 5 speed trans. Service body is Rockamatic rock picker hydraulic drive complete with hydraulic hoist, pressure washer, air JD ferilizer spreader compressor, arc welder - generator, gas welder, 300 13x20 overhead door gallon fuel tank. Tire changer Tandem axle spray tender, 5th wheel, 4200 gallon Century wire welder capacity, mixing cone, 2” transfer pump 2005 Morris Maxim III, 50’ air drill, 10” spacing, double Truck tires & rims shoot, fertilizer coulters, with 8425 3 tank car, 20HP Truck hoists Tools - much more... Honda Motor if tractor doesn’t have hydraulic capacity. (low acres and nice.) Shotguns - Guns Sell at 1 p.m. 2002 Flexi-coil 6000, 40’ no-till disk drill, 10” spacing, Winchester model 12-12ga 3” - 1563249 - 1953 double shoot with 3450 variable rate cart, blockage Winchester model 12-16ga - 833873 - 1939 monitors, weight package, markers, very little wear Winchester model 12-16ga - 219799 - 1919 on disks, low acres. Winchester model 12-20ga - 1062630(vent rib)-1946 10” X 31” grain auger, 10HP electric motor Winchester model 42-410ga - 65890 - 1947 2-27ft Mayrath auger with 5hp elec. motors Winchester model 25-12ga - 9092 Semi Trucks Remington model 870-12ga 3”mag 1999 Peterbilt 379 Ext. Hood, 475 Cat, 18 Speed, new Remington model 870-12ga 2¾ injectors. Truck is in very good condition. 2000 Peterbilt 379 Ext. hood, 475 Cat, rebuilt 18 speed Remington model 870-20ga 2¾ - 402031X Remington model 1100-12ga 3”mag tranny. Overall good condition. 1988 Peterbilt 377, 31S Cummins 9 speed, new tires. Remington model 1100-12ga 2¾ Very good truck Remington model 1100 LT20 20ga Combines 2009 JD 9770 STS combine very low hours, stored inside (Bakke Trust) 2009 JD 635 Flex head(low acres) (Bakke Trust) HAUGLAND’S ACTION AUCTION 12520 104th St. NW -- Ambrose, ND 58833 Phone 701-965-6234 -- FAX: 701-965-5234 ■ Butch Haugland, #211 Auctioneer ■ Drew Haugland, #730 Auctioneer ■Amber Haugland, #693 No sale is too big, too small, too near, or too far! Auctioneer ■ Diane Haugland, #236 Clerk Not responsible for accidents. Those attending sale do so at their own risk. ANNUAL BULL SALE Sidney 5th Graders Win Wolf Point Tourney The 5th grade boys basketball team took 1st place this past weekend in the Wolf Point tournament. Back row (L-R) Riley Waters, Ian Jurgens, Tate Wieferich, Hudson Severson, Coach Dan Peters, Front row (L-R) Braden Klinke, Logan Jones, Boston Peters A Radio That Will Fit Whatever You Drive! Starting at $359 APRIL 9, 2014 1:00 PM • GDAR SALE BARN • SIDNEY, MT SELLING 100 BULLS Bulls Bred For: +Gentle Disposition +Calving Ease +Maternal Strength +Soundness & Longevity g g y SITZ GAME DAY 334Y APEX WINDY 078 Other Sires: +WMR Timeless 458 +RA Identity Z79 +Sitz JLS Upward 631X +RA Lead On W5 +Sitz Upward 307R +DFA Hero 6017 +Sitz Game Day 334Y +Pine Creek Ideal 1133 +GDAR CJD Alliance 0712 For More Information, Contact: BAR JV ANGUS Call Larry Today At... Congratulations To The Top Ten! +VTU/PSUIPG.D%POBMETt4JEOFZ.5 t5PMM'SFF DFA HERO 6017 14043 County Rd. 340 • Fairview, MT 59221 Jim Vitt 406-798-3653 Dale Vitt 406-798-3398 406-480-5676 C [email protected] 16 ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 2014 East Fairview Science Fair Submitted by Regie Hiil East Fairview held a Science Fair for 4th-8th grade. Each student was required to complete a science fair project. Each student 4th-6th grade was judged by three different judges and 7th and 8th grade were judged by 4 different judges. Results 4th grade 1st place Christian Lassey, 2nd place Cole Wiidanen and 3rd place Dani Berry. 5th grade 1st place BayLee Schlothauer, 2nd place Paul Hardy and 3rd place Tony Norby. 6th grade 1st place Ashley Karst, 2nd place Colten TenEyck and 3rd place Trevor Karst. 7th grade 1st place Jaycie Rau, 2nd place Carson Cayko and 3rd place Austen Cozzens. 8th grade 1st place Tanner Poulsen, 2nd place Amber Berry and 3rd place Merideth Johnson. Overall Gold winner was Anna Dragseth and Overall Silver winner was Jade Schlothauer. 6XSHU6DYLQJ6DOH Modulars starting at $60 per sq. ft. LOCK IN SALE PRICE, TAKE DELIVERY LATER! • WOW!! Triplewide 2790 sq. ft. with all the bells & whistles. 6$9( ·V (L-R) BayLee Schlothauer, Merideth Johnson, Dani Berry, Anna Dragseth, Amber Berry, Jade Schlothauer, Ashley Karst, Colten TenEyck, Christian Lassey, Jaycie Rau, Austen Cozzens, Paul Hardy, Tony Norby and Carson Cayko. Absent Cole Wiidanen, Trevor Karst and Tanner Poulsen. • 1600 sq. ft. modular, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 6” walls, glamour bath, low-e windows, upgraded cabinets. 21/< 1(:+20(6 RIWKH )8785( 7239 South Frontage Rd., Billings, Montana 59101 Quality And Service Under One Roof! Overall Gold winner Anna Dragset. CARGO Dance Talent Competition FLATBED UTILITY TRAILERS %6.1t"57 SNOWMOBILE TRAILERS Jim Bell, Manager Below: Performing in a jazz group are left to right: Hailey Carranza, Zoe Morrill, Riley Thiessen. (Photos by Lisa Gorder) TOOL BOXES FULLY STOCKED PARTS & ACCESSORIES '6--4&37*$& REPAIRS Mark Brodhead, Manager Overall Silver winner Jade Schlothauer. Structures To Suit Every Need! &9$"7"5*0/50 COMPLETION, OR MATERIALS ONLY %&4*(/4&37*$&4 "7"*-"#-& Mobile Fabric Buildings Bill Ackley 0QFO.'BNQNt4BUBNQN )XZ4JEOFZ]0GGJDF 4PVUIPG4JEOFZBUUIFCMJOLJOHMJHIU The Dance Talent Competition was held in Sidney last weekend on Saturday and Sunday. The Cutting Edge Dance Studio had a great weekend of performances. Above: This group of dancers performed a student choreography. Left to right: Brielle Gorder, Riley Thiessen, Carlee Strasheim, Cammy Heck, Kylee Byer, Lilli Seitz, Madison Thiessen.
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November 6, 2013
8 p.m.— AA Group, Northern Pump & Compression, Watford
City. Call 770-3603 or 770-2675 for directions or ride.