Untitled - The Industry Yellow Pages
Untitled - The Industry Yellow Pages
Table of Contents Record Labels Argentina, Australia Page 1 Austria Page 7 Belgium Page 10 Bolivia, Brazil Page 14 Bulgaria , Canada, Page 15 Chile, China Page 27 Colombia, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic Page 28 Denmark Page 29 Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Estonia, Faroe Island, Fiji Islands Page 31 Finland, France Page 32 Germany Page 38 Ghana, Greece Page 50 Greenland, Guatemala, Hong Kong Page 51 Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia Page 53 Ireland Page 57 Israel Page 58 Italy Page 59 Ivory Coast, Jamaica Page 63 Japan Page 64 Kenya, Latvia, Lebanon, Lutuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia Page 66 Malta, Mexico Page 67 Netherlands Page 69 New Caledonia, New Zealand Page 73 Norway Page 74 Pakistan, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines Page 76 Poland, Portugal Page 78 Romania, Russia Page 79 Saudi Arabia, Singapore Page 80 Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Page 81 South Korea Page 82 Spain Page 83 Sweden Page 87 Switzerland Page 90 Taiwan Page 92 Thailand Page 93 Trinidad, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom Page 94 Uruguay, Venezuela Page 120 Yugoslavia, Zimbabwe Page 121 RECORD LABELS DeadRecords E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.deadrecords.net/ Dub Music Productions E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.dubmusic.com HarrisToursrecords E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.harristoursproductions.c om/harristoursrecords.htm Uncanny Records Website: www.uncanny.com/ Wicked Entertainment E-mail: SALES@WICKEDENTERTAI NMENT.COM Website: www.wickedentertainment.co m/ Yucca Tree Records Website: yuccatree.org/ytr/ytr_main.ht ml ARGENTINA Babylon S.A. Pasaje De Carmen 750, Piso 6, B Buenos Aires, 1019 Tel: 814-1989 Fax: 814-1989 Barca Discos Escalada 2001 Buenos Aires, 1407 Tel: 635-5205 Fax: 635-5314 BMG Ariola Discos/BMG Music Publ Talcahuano 750, Piso 7 Buenos Aires, 1013 Tel: 373-4051 Fax: 814-2415 Clan Dilo Music (Editorial Musical) Casilla Correo, Box 123 La Plata, BA 1900 Tel: 427-0802 Fax: 425-1991 RMM/Sum Records Suipacha 280 3 B Piso Buenos Aires, 1008 Tel: 322 1127 Fax: 326 9682 DBN (Distribuidora Belgrano Norte) Zabala 3941, 1427 Capital Federal Buenos Aires, Tel: 555-6100 Fax: 555-6400 Sony Music Entertainment (Argentina) S.A. Bartolome Mitre 1986 Buenos Aires, 1039 Tel: 959 8500 Fax: 953 2030 edel Music Argentina SA Cerrito 1050 - 3 er Piso Buenos Aires, C.P. 1010 Tel: 816-8338 Fax: 816-8341 EMI Odeon SAIC Ave. San Martin 3590, Florida Buenos Aires, 1602 Tel: 730-6500 Fax: 730-6501 Melopea Records Mariano Acha 3037 Buenos Aires, 1430 Tel: 541-6156 Fax: 862-2029 MILONGA PRODUCCIONES Buenos Aires, E-mail: [email protected] MRP RECORDS Av. Callao 1253 6 "C" Buenos Aires, E-mail: [email protected] Musidisc Europe Sudamericana S.A. Pasaje De Carmen 750, Piso 6, B Buenos Aires, 1019 Tel: 814-1989 Fax: 814-1989 Oid Mortales Esteban Echeverria 1744, Florida Buenos Aires, 1602 Tel: 730 0222 Fax: 730 0509 PARASITO DE LUZ Buenos Aires, E-mail: [email protected] Strictly Rhythm Records Esmeralda 614 2 Piso A Capital Federal Buenos Aires, 1007 Tel: 322 3680 Fax: 394 3212 SUBZERO RECORDS Buenos Aires, E-mail: [email protected] Universal Music Argentina S.A. Av. Cordoba 1345 Piso 14 Buenos Aires, 1055 Tel: 4815 9200 Fax: 812 0034 Warner Music Argentina S.A. Av. del Libertador 498, Piso 22 Buenos Aires, 1001 Tel: 394 6333 Fax: 394 2634 AUSTRALIA ABC Contemporary Music GPO Box 9994 Sydney, NSW 2001 Tel: 9950 3933 Fax: 9950 3989 AIM MUSIC P.O Box 935 Byron Bay, NSW 2481 Tel: (612) 66 87 4441 Fax: (612) 66 87 4445 E-mail: [email protected] Akaba Records 11/185 Macquarie St. Sydney, NSW 2000 Tel: 9221 2244 Fax: 9221 2264 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 1 Albert Productions 9 Rangers Rd. Neutral Bay, NSW 2089 Tel: 9953 6038 Fax: 9953 1803 Albert Productions Ste. 3, 54 Melbourne St. North Adelaide, SA 5006 Tel: 8361 8877 Fax: 8361 8733 AM MUSIC PTY Ltd. 269 Balaclava Rd. Caulfield North Melbourne, 3161 Tel: (61) 3 500-2313 Fax: (61) 3 95-323-499 E-mail: [email protected] AMC Records 9 Rangers Rd Neutral Bay Sydney, NSW 2089 Tel: 9953 6038 Fax: 9953 1803 Anabasis The Audible Difference Kew, VIC 3101 Tel: 9898 5051 Fax: 9898 5051 ANTFARM RECORDS P.O. Box 166 Randwick, NSW 2031 Tel: 9398 9997 E-mail: [email protected] ANTFARM RECORDS PO BOx 641 Randwick, NSW 2031 Tel: 9557 2636 Arkadia Records Ste. 4, 5001 Toorak Rd PO Box 149 Toorak Victoria, VIC 3142 Tel: 826 8232 Fax: 827 0791 Arkadia Records Two Short St. Wayville, 5034 Tel: 9271 9028 Artistree Music 125-127 Pyrmont St. Pyrmont, NSW 2009 Tel: 8586 3130 Fax: 8586 3141 Artistree Music PO Box 16 Pymont Sydney, NSW 2009 Tel: 9395 8000 Fax: 9395 8001 Artworks Recorded Music & Management PO Box 115 Chester Hill , NSW 2162 Tel: 9645 2685 Fax: 9645 5552 Atomico Records & Distribution PO Box 1715 Strawberry Hills, NSW 2012 Tel: 9519 0916 Fax: 9519 0826 Au-Go-Go Records GPO Box 542D Melbourne, VIC 3001 Tel: 9670 2272 Fax: 9602 5899 Australian Heart Music PO Box 440 Wollongong East, NSW 2520 Tel: 4272 9100 Fax: 4272 6898 Australian Music Marketing Abroad PO Box 319 Fitzroy, VIC 3065 Tel: 9712 0136 Fax: 9712 0105 Black Hole Recordings PO Box 4023 Richmond East, VIC 3121 Tel: 9428 7519 Fax: 9429 7539 Black Market Music 1/143 Hawke St. West Melbourne, VIC 3003 Tel: 9326 8886 Fax: 9326 8887 Black Market Music 27 Dudley St. West Melbourne, VIC 3003 Tel: 9320 0500 Fax: 9320 0555 Black Market Music 49 Stawell St. West Melbourne, VIC 3003 Tel: 9321 4909 Fax: 9329 9694 Black Yak & Phantom PO Box A1437 Sydney, NSW 1235 Tel: 9283 8250 Fax: 9283 8307 Blah Blah Blah Records Pty. Ltd 80 Inkerman St. Saint Kilda, VIC 3182 Tel: 9534 3955 Fax: 9534 8244 Blind Records PO Box 980 Artarmon, NSW 1570 Tel: 9264 8992 Fax: 9267 5242 BMG Australia 256 Bay St. Porth Melbourne, VIC 3207 Tel: 9696 1655 Fax: 9696 0241 BMG Australia Ltd. 194 Miller St. North Sydney, NSW 2060 Tel: 9900 7888 Fax: 9955 4825 Broad Music Pty. Ltd. PO Box 156 Brookvale, NSW 2100 Tel: 9938 3440 Fax: 9905 4655 Brother Entertainment PO Box 1012 Richmond North, VIC 3121 Tel: 9428 3966 Fax: 9428 3906 CAMERA OBSCURA P.O. Box 5069 Burnley , VIC 3121 Tel: (61) 3-9421-2715 (61) 4-1257-6028 Fax: (61) 3-9421-2715 E-mail: [email protected] Candle Records PO Box 202 Fitzroy, VIC 3065 Tel: 9486 0019 Fax: 9486 4961 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 2 Care Factor? Zero Rekordz PO Box 248 Glen Iris, VIC 3146 Tel: 9885 7155 Fax: 9885 7266 Central Stat Pty. Ltd./Central Stat Pub 46 Oxford St. Darlinghurst, NSW 2010 Tel: 9957 2938 Fax: 9957 2040 CENTRAL STATION RECORDS Tel: (61) 2-9957-2938 Fax: (61) 2-9957-2040 E-mail: [email protected] om Citadel Records PO Box 316 Darlinghurst, NSW 2010 Tel: 9517 2080 Fax: 9517 2823 CJJM Australian Music Promotions 10 Railway Terr. Riverstone, NSW 2765 Tel: 9627 5937 Fax: 9627 5019 CLAN ANALOGUE PO Box a2384 Sydney South , NSW 2000 E-mail: [email protected] Colossal Records 6-8 Wilson Ave. Brunswick, VIC 3056 Tel: 9387 0555 Fax: 9387 6374 Copperfield Records 14 Summerland Key Broadbeach, QLD 4218 Tel: 5531 7152 Fax: 5531 7152 Corduroy Records 41 Fellows St. Kew, VIC 3101 Tel: 9553 5063 Fax: 9553 5063 Creative Vibes 8/40 Victoria St. Potts Point, NSW 2011 Tel: 9267 8860 Fax: 9267 8862 Daki Budtcha Pty. Ltd. PO Box 370 Northcote, VIC 3070 Tel: 9489 7487 Fax: 9489 7487 dB Records PO Box 318 Rosebery, NSW 2018 Tel: 9661 5337 Fax: 9661 5904 Didgeridoo Records/Hot Records PO Box 326 Spit Junction, NSW 2088 Tel: 9960 7487 Fax: 9969 9079 DINO DESS P.O.Box 937 Campbelltown, NSW Tel: (61) 0246214466 Fax: (61) 0246214444 E-mail: [email protected] DSM PO Box 1161 Fitzroy North, VIC 3068 Tel: 9482 6660 Fax: 9482 6661 Edgecore Releases PO Box 1463 Byron Bay, NSW 2481 Tel: 6684 7414 Fax: 6684 7420 E-mail: [email protected] EMI Music Australia Pty. Ltd. PO Box 311 Cremorne, NSW 2090 Tel: 9908 0777 Fax: 9908 0666 Empire Records & Distribution 23-25A Johnston St. Collingwood, VIC 3066 Tel: 9417 7707 Fax: 9417 5294 Endgame PO Box 3040 Marrickville, NSW 2204 Tel: 9557 2008 Fax: 9550 4320 EXTREME RECORDS P.O. Box 147 Preston , VIC 3072 E-mail: [email protected] Festival/Mushroom Group Level Two Fortitude Valley, QLD 4006 Tel: 3839 0022 Fax: 3839 0066 Fifth Continent Music Classics 28 Gardiner St. Blackheath, NSW 2785 Tel: 4787 5411 Fax: 4787 5611 Floating Point Music PO Box 91 Alexandria, NSW 1435 Tel: 9318 1550 Fax: 9318 2640 Foghorn Records Po Box 920 Rozelle, NSW 2039 Tel: 9566 2371 Fax: 9555 2710 Four Winds PO Box 417 Chatswood, NSW 2057 Tel: 9889 0662 Fax: 9889 0663 FREESTATE RECORDS P.O. Box 1819 Bondi Junction Sydney, NSW 1355 Tel: (61) 2-9387-7453 Fax: (61) 2-9387-7483 E-mail: [email protected] Global Recordings PO Box 2071 Hotham Hil, VIC 3051 Tel: 9329 6877 Fax: 9329 6977 Global Recordings Pty. Ltd. PO Box 2318 Fitzroy, VIC 3065 Tel: 9650 2071 Fax: 9650 2458 Gotham Records Ste. One, 663 Victoria St. Abbotsford, VIC 3067 Tel: 9428 0400 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 3 Fax: 9428 4188 Hadley Records 5 Egret Pl. Tamworth, NSW 2340 Tel: 6765 7813 Fax: 6765 7813 Half A Cow Records PO Box 1100 Strawberry Hills, NSW 2012 Tel: 9565 2887 Fax: 9565 2890 HEAD MILES RECORDS P.O. Box 1700 Double Bay Sydney, NSW 2028 E-mail: [email protected]. au Head Records PO Box 2197 Saint Kilda West, VIC 3182 Tel: 9537 7155 Fax: 9537 7166 Hillsong Music PO Box 1195 Castle Hill, NSW 1765 Tel: 8853 5300 Fax: 9680 3798 Holborne Australasia Pty. Ltd. PO Box 282 Alexandria, NSW 2015 Tel: 9519 9066 Fax: 9519 3622 Horror Show Records PO Box 771 Hamilton Central, QLD 4007 Tel: 3511 6010 Fax: 3839 6638 Hot Hits Music PO Box 160 Vaucluse, NSW 2030 Tel: 9371 9696 Fax: 9371 9000 HOT RECORDS P.O. Box 326 Spit Junction , NSW 2088 Tel: (61) 2-9968-7487 (61) 2-9969-3194 Fax: (61) 2-9969-9079 E-mail: [email protected] Hot Records Ste. Nine, Hill House Spring Hill, QLD 4000 Tel: 3236 9922 Fax: 3870 0241 Ken Davis Music PO Box 391 Dee Why, NSW 2099 Tel: 9971 5500 Fax: 9971 5522 Huge Recording Co. PO Box 34 Berowra, NSW 2081 Tel: 9456 4585 Fax: 9456 7087 Krell Records Pty. Ltd. 37 Orsmond St. Hindmarsh, SA 5007 Tel: 8346 7973 Fax: 8346 3388 Image Music Group Pty. Ltd. PO Box 161 South Melbourne, VIC 3205 Tel: 9690 3022 Fax: 9690 7325 La Brava Music PO Box 261 Kings Cross, NSW 2011 Tel: 9360 5928 Fax: 9326 9705 Image Music Group Pty. Ltd. PO Box 378 South Melbourne, VIC 3205 Tel: 9682 4888 Fax: 9682 7444 Indigenous Australia Pty. Ltd. PO Box 38 Balmain, NSW 2041 Tel: 9955 7333 Fax: 9555 7070 INTERSTATE 40 MUSIC Melbourne, E-mail: [email protected] Jaw Music PO Box 267 Smithfield, QLD 4878 Tel: 4058 0200 Fax: 4058 0702 Jaw Music PO Box 3261 South Brisbane, QLD 4101 Tel: 3846 7722 Fax: 3846 7020 Jazzhead PO Box 2197 Saint Kilda West, VIC 3182 Tel: 9537 7155 Fax: 9537 7166 Ken Davis Music 11-19 Hargrave St. East Sydney, NSW 2010 Tel: 9383 6200 Fax: 9360 4216 Laughing Outlaw Records PO Box A2320 Sydney South, NSW 1235 Tel: 9264 9588 Fax: 9267 5242 Liberation Music Pty. Ltd. 9 Dundas Ln. Albert Park, VIC 3206 Tel: 9690 3399 Fax: 9690 8665 Makeshift Music PO Box 557 Blacktown, NSW 2148 Tel: 9626 8991 Fax: 9626 8991 Matthews Music Pty. Ltd. 7 Denison St. Rozelle, NSW 2039 Tel: 9555 1066 Fax: 9555 1301 Midnight Records Pty. Ltd. PO Box 957 Crows Nest, NSW 1585 Tel: 9966 5511 Fax: 9966 5444 Ministry of Sound Recordings 100 Glover St. Cremorne, NSW 2090 Tel: 9908 0777 Fax: 9908 0666 MIXDOWN INTERNATIONAL E-mail: [email protected] Modular Recordings Level Six Surry Hills, NSW 2010 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 4 Tel: 9211 2107 Fax: 9212 1747 Move Records Box 266 Carlton South, VIC 3053 Tel: 9497 3105 Fax: 9497 4426 MRA Entertainment Group PO Box 703 Mount Gravatt, QLD 4122 Tel: 3849 6020 Fax: 3349 8806 Mulga Music Promotions PO Box 664 Tamworth, NSW 2340 Tel: 6766 7119 Fax: 6766 7119 Music Mosaic 1111 Coolamon Scenic Drive Mullumbimby, NSW 2482 Tel: 61-2-66843143 Fax: 61-2-66843144 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.musicmosaic.com/ Newmarket Music 393-399 Macaulay Rd. Kensington, VIC 3031 Tel: 9372 2722 Fax: 9372 2196 NOODLING RECORDS Newcastle, E-mail: [email protected] Ocean Records PO Box 1701 Fortitude Valley, QLD 4006 Tel: 3256 0233 Fax: 3256 0377 Ocean Records PO Box 2281 Fortitude Valley Bus. Ctr. Fortitude Valley, QLD 4006 Tel: 3252 7744 Fax: 3252 7995 Ocean Records Ste. 3 , Plumrdige House 36 Agnes St Fortitude Valley, QLD 4006 Tel: 3252 4354 Fax: 3870 9199 Odessa Mama Records PO Box 152 Ormond, VIC 3204 Tel: 9531 0601 Fax: 9531 0602 Payless Entertainment PO Box 799 Broadway, NSW 2007 Tel: 9660 4044 Fax: 9660 6270 Odessa Mama Records PO Box 41 Paddington, QLD 4064 Tel: 3876 9661 Fax: 3876 9661 Pharmacy Records PO Box 2507 Fitzroy BC, VIC 3065 Tel: 9486 4486 Fax: 9486 4350 One World Music/New World Productions PO Box 244 Red Hill, QLD 4059 Tel: 3367 0788 Fax: 3367 2441 Platypus Records Woodstock 1629 Bishopsbourne Rd. Longford, TAS 7301 Tel: 912 277 Fax: 911 900 One World Music/New World Productions PO Box 35 Red Hill, QLD 4059 Tel: 3856 2788 Fax: 3856 2799 Polyester Australian Music Co. 387 Brunswick St. Fitzroy, VIC 3065 Tel: 9419 5137 Fax: 9419 4961 Oracle Records & Distribution PO Box 392 Leichhardt, NSW 2040 Tel: 9564 3983 Fax: 9564 3183 POLYGRAM AUSTRALIA 3 Munn Reserve P.O. Box 17 Millers Point, NSW 2000 Tel: (61) 2-9207-0500 Fax: (61) 2-9207-0599 E-mail: [email protected] Origin Recordings GPO Box Q1235 QVP Post Office, NSW 1230 Tel: 9518 4600 Fax: 9518 4611 PACIFICA (Australia) PO Box 210 Kings Cross, NSW 1340 Tel: 612 9357 2100 Fax: 612 9357 2104 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.pacificarecords.com.au Panama Music Co. PO Box 6571 Mackay MC, QLD 4741 Tel: 4952 4820 Fax: 4952 3843 PANDAMONIUM RECORDS P.O. Box 23 Machans beach, QLD 4878 Tel: (61) 7-4055-9166 Fax: (61) 7-4055-9166 E-mail: [email protected] PRO DJ INTERNATIONAL 46 Rutland Road Box Hill Melbourne, 3195 Tel: (61) 3-9898-0708 Fax: 98920650 E-mail: [email protected] PRO DJ INTERNATIONAL Level 32, Central Plaza One 345 Queen St. Brisbane, QLD 4000 Tel: 3229 1855 Fax: 3229 2685 PSY HARMONICS RECORDS P.O. Box 1041 Thornbury, VIC 3071 Fax: (61) 3-9495-1560 E-mail: [email protected] Q Stik PO Box 418 Northbridge, WTA 6865 Tel: 9225 4544 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 5 Fax: 9225 4566 Fax: 9348 9346 Rainbow Products Limited Unit 4, 19 Rodborough Rd. Frenchs Forest, NSW 2086 Tel: 9451 7577 Fax: 9452 1233 Rufus Records 6/264A Bridge Rd. Forest Lodge, NSW 2021 Tel: 9566 1775 Fax: 9552 3141 Rajon Music Group Level 1, 104 Alexander St. Crows Nest, NSW 2065 Tel: 9439 9433 Fax: 9436 2665 RYPE RECORDS P.O. Box 194 Southland Centre Cheltenham Melbourne, 3192 E-mail: [email protected] Rascal Records PO Box 146 Glenside, SA 5065 Tel: 8379 0406 Fax: 8379 0366 RAVEN RECORDS P.O. Box 2027 East Ivanhoe, 3079 Tel: (61) 3-5428-1077 Fax: (61) 3-5428-1099 E-mail: [email protected] Regal Records PO Box 343 Alexandria, NSW 2015 Tel: 9519 3978 Fax: 9516 4960 Rhythm Safari Pty. Ltd. PO Box 952 Saint Ives, NSW 2075 Tel: 9440 1114 Fax: 9988 4059 Roadrunner Records (Australasia) Pty. Ltd. 79 Gertrude St. Fitzroy, VIC 3065 Tel: 9417 7741 Fax: 9417 7734 Roadshow Music PO Box 2581 Sydney, NSW 2001 Tel: 9552 8600 Fax: 9552 2510 Sahara Music 500 William St. Highgate, WTA 6003 Tel: 9328 2733 Fax: 9446 7311 Sahara Music PO Box 184 Hampton, VIC 3188 Tel: 9598 2250 Fax: 9598 2250 Sapphire Music GPO Box 703E Melbourne, VIC 3001 Tel: 9525 3232 Fax: 9525 3303 Sapphire Music Level Four, Katherine Sq. Melbourne, VIC 3000 Tel: 9614 4131 Fax: 9614 5103 Seeing Ear Records/Media 973 Albany Hwy. East Victoria Park, WTA 6101 Tel: 9362 1911 Fax: 9362 1988 Selection Records PO Box 456 Casino, NSW 2470 Tel: 6664 7288 Fax: 6664 7288 rooArt 194 Miller St. North Sydney, NSW 2060 Tel: 9900 7888 Fax: 9955 4825 SHHH RECORDS Sydney, Tel: (61) 2-9318-0491 E-mail: [email protected] Rubber Music 441 Spencer St. West Melbourne, VIC 3003 Tel: 9348 9498 SHOCK RECORDS 200 Beavers Road Northcote, VIC 3070 Tel: (61) 3-9482-3666 Fax: (61) 3-9482-3873 E-mail: [email protected] SHOCK RECORDS PO Box 3008 Norwood, SA 5067 Tel: 8332 9233 Fax: 8332 4298 Shock Records Distribution PO Box 1133 Broadbeach, QLD 4218 Tel: 5572 4122 Fax: 5572 4133 Siren Entertainment Pty. Ltd. 23 Wangaratta St. Richmond, VIC 3121 Tel: 9429 9555 Sirius Music Pty. Ltd. PO Box 245 South Yarra, VIC 3141 Tel: 9866 6566 Fax: 9866 6141 Sony Music Entertainment (Australia) Ltd. 206 Fisher St. Adelaide, SA 5061 Tel: 8373 2311 Fax: 8373 2317 Spinning Top / Zip Records Australia 220 Henley Beach Rd. Torrensville, SA 5031 Tel: 8234 0500 Fax: 8234 0235 Spinning Top / Zip Records Australia PO Box 455 Tooday, WTA 6566 Tel: 9574 5350 Fax: 9574 5350 Standard Records Lennox House 229 Lennox St. Richmond , VIC 3121 Tel: 9428 4862 Fax: 9429 9137 Streetwise Music Group Pty. Ltd. PO Box 2126 Milton, QLD 4064 Tel: 3367 2840 Fax: 3369 3460 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 6 Sunball Records 10-11 Mardi Rd. Wyong, NSW 2259 Tel: 4353 2429 Fax: 4352 2637 Swaggie Records PO Box 125 South Yarra, VIC 3141 Tel: 9808 6280 Fax: 9808 6280 Tall Poppies Records PO Box 373 Glebe, NSW 2037 Tel: 9552 4020 Fax: 9552 4395 Terra Australia Music/Multimedia Pty. Ltd. PO Box 716 Leichhardt, NSW 2089 Tel: 9555 1023 Fax: 9555 5260 The Massive Recording Co., Pty. Ltd. PO Box 1294 Crows Nest, NSW 1585 Tel: 9954 4033 Fax: 9954 4220 Time Life (Australia) Pty. Ltd. GPO Box 3814 Sydney, NSW 1163 Tel: 9856 2221 Fax: 9856 2202 Toupee Records PO Box 2494 Chermside, QLD 4032 Tel: 3266 1430 Fax: 3266 1430 Transistor Music Australia Pty. Ltd. GPO Box 578 Crows Nest, NSW 2065 Tel: 9437 0474 Fax: 9437 0462 Tribal World Music 16 Southport St. Leederville, WTA 6007 Tel: 9381 4565 Fax: 9381 4570 Tribal World Music 23 Peartree Pl. Knoxfield, VIC 3180 Tel: 9887 5633 Fax: 9887 5644 Universal Classics/Jazz Strategic Marketing PO Box 17 Millers Point, NSW 2000 Tel: 9207 0500 Fax: 9207 8733 Universal Music Australia Ltd 122 McEvoy St. Alexandria, NSW 2015 Tel: 9207 8733 Fax: 9207 1278 Universal Music Australia Pty. Ltd PO Box 17 Millers Point, NSW 2000 Tel: 9207 0500 Fax: 9207 0599 Vampire Records PO Box 669 Epping, NSW 1710 Tel: 9876 3239 Fax: 9876 3239 Virgin Records Australia Pty. Ltd. PO Box 311 Cremorne, NSW 2090 Tel: 9908 0602 Fax: 9908 0753 Viridian Records 341A Smith St. Fitzroy, VIC 3065 Tel: 9416 0988 Fax: 9419 5292 Volition Records 38 Thomson St. East Sydney, NSW 2010 Tel: 9332 2270 Fax: 9360 1785 Vox Australis PO Box N690 Grosvenor Place, NSW 1220 Tel: 9247 4677 Fax: 9241 2873 W MINC PRODUCTIONS P.O. Box 2205 Fitzroy MDC Fitzroy, VIC 3065 Tel: (61) 3-9419-7243 Fax: (61) 3-9419-7243 E-mail: [email protected] Walsingham Classics PO Box 24 Frenchs Forest, NSW 1640 Tel: 9975 6103 Fax: 9975 6103 Warner Music Australia Pty. Ltd PO Box 500 Crows Nest, NSW 2065 Tel: 9950 1500 Fax: 9950 1520 Way Over There PO Box 116 Fitzroy, VIC 3065 Tel: 9415 1560 Fax: 9416 2657 Westlink Multimedia/Phantom Music WA PO Box 863 Mirrabooka, WTA 6061 Tel: 9343 6060 Fax: 9343 6061 Wind Music Pty. Ltd. c/o Princess Theater Melbourne, VIC 3000 Tel: 9299 9747 Fax: 9299 9745 Word Australia 11-13 Moncrief Rd. Nunawading, VIC 3131 Tel: 9894 2027 Fax: 9894 3099 WOW Records PO Box 1079 Rozelle, NSW 2039 Tel: 9773 6635 Fax: 9773 5074 Zomba (Australia) Pty. Ltd. Locked Bag 8 Gladesville, NSW 1675 Tel: 9817 8800 Fax: 9817 8988 AUSTRIA ATS Records Breitenau 7 Molln, 4591 Tel: 2454 Fax: 245 424 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 7 Balloon Records GmbH Ernst Winklergasse 13 Gerasdorf, 2201 Tel: 246-3913 Fax: 246-4085 Dance Lab Marktplatz 28 Feldkirch, 6800 Tel: 81842 0 Fax: 81842 4 Gig Records Fuehrichgasse 8 Vienna, 1010 Tel: 512-2491 Fax: 513-7646 BASE RECORDS Linz, E-mail: [email protected] Discover Postfach 24-Gewerbegebiet Hofen, 6000 Tel: 606 152 Fax: 65581 Goblin Records Doktor Theodor Koerner St. 28 Saint Poelten, 3100 Tel: 2742.71441 Fax: 2742.71441 Bellaphon Records GmbH & Co. Grundsteingasse 5 Vienna, 1160 Tel: 406-6122 Fax: 406-9240 Blue Groove Liebhartstal St. 15 Vienna, 1160 Tel: 911-3701 Fax: 914-0882 BMG Ariola Austria GmbH Erlachgasse 134-140 Vienna, 1100 Tel: 6015 4150 Fax: 602-3612 Disky Communications GmbH / Hermanex BV Grawatschgsase 4/2/8 Vienna, 1230 Tel: 667-0870 Fax: 667-0873 Granit Records Seebarner Str. 5 Harmannsdorf, 2111 Tel: 6341 Fax: 6568 Domino Musik Produktion Untermarkt 15 Mauerkirchen, 5270 Tel: 215 811 Fax: 215 822 Handelsagentur Auersperg St. 7/44 Vienna, 1080 Tel: 408-1314 Fax: 406-7892 DSS RECORDS Linz, E-mail: [email protected] Hit-Fabrik Muehlgasse 1, Obj. 20 Guntramsdorf, 2353 Tel: 53006 Fax: 530-0690 Cactus Records Nibelungenring 1A Woerdern, 3423 Tel: 33 519 Fax: 33 019 Echo-ZYX Music GmbH Pluddemanngasse 54 Graz, 8010 Tel: 423 000 Fax: 423-0003 Cheap Entertainment Ruckerclasse 10/21-72 Vienna, 1120 Tel: 817-8996 Fax: 817-8998 edel musik vertriebs GmbH Wallenmahd 53 Dornbirn, 6850 Tel: 23494 Fax: 23498 Classic Sound Austria Tannenweg 3 Fuerstenbrunn/Salzburg, 6082 Tel: 77038 Fax: 77038 EMI Austria GmbH Webgasse 43 Vienna, 1060 Tel: 599 890 Fax: 596-9336 Col Legno St. 10 Salzburg, 5020 Tel: 878 773 Fax: 878 966 Crazy Music Woerzing 5/PO Box 29 Schoerfling, 4861 Tel: 6263 Fax: 6263 Extraplatte Musikproduktion und Verlags PO Box 2 Vienna, 1094 Tel: 310-1084 Fax: 310-0324 Fab Records St.ngel St. 3 Judendorf Strassengel, 8111 Tel: 54240 Fax: 54241 Hoanzi Vertriebs GmbH Proschkogasse 1/12 Vienna, 1060 Tel: 588 930 Fax: 588-9358 Honk Music & Records PO Box 118 Vienna, 1172 Tel: 486-4287 Fax: 486-4287 Honk Music & Records Tivoligasse 25 Vienna, 1120 Tel: 8150 62622 Fax: 8150 62616 Indra Gottfried Musik & Buhnenveriags GmbH Korneuburger St. 86 Langenzersdorf, 2103 Tel: 45800 Fax: 458 020 Ixthuluh Wiener Bundes St. 38 Pasching, 4061 Tel: 61808 Fax: 62360 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 8 KOCH Records GmbH Elisabeth Str. 5 Innsbruck, 6020 Tel: 565 610 Fax: 5656 1044 KUBUS Wien, E-mail: [email protected] Lotus Records Ernsting 31-32 Ostermiething, 5121 Tel: 7900 Fax: 7476 MEGO Wien, E-mail: [email protected] Music Pool Austria Korneuburger St. 86 Langenzersdorf, 2103 Tel: 4580 Fax: 458 020 Tel: 798 4262 Fax: 799 7305 PG Records Weissdornweg 21 Linz, 4030 Tel: 387 858 Fax: 387 937 Phoebus Music Group Feldgasse 14 Vienna, 1080 Tel: 409 3030 Fax: 409 4525 Planet Entertainment Ltd. Mariahilfer St. 124/10 Vienna, 1070 Tel: 522 3206 Fax: 5223 20619 Polyglobe Music PO Box 844 Innsbruck, 6023 Tel: 370 077 Fax: 3700 7733 Musica Schallplatten Vertrieb Webgasse 43 Vienna, 1060 Tel: 5975 6460 Fax: 5975 64636 Preiser Records Fischerstiege 9/4 Vienna, 1010 Tel: 533 6228 Fax: 533 4405 NSM Records Hauptplatz 24 Wr. Neustadt, 2700 Tel: 65321 Fax: 65337 Re Nova Classics Herzgasse 92 Vienna, 1100 Tel: 602 4770 Fax: 602 4770 P.A.M. Records Cumberlandstr. 18/11 Vienna, 1140 Tel: 8952 0000 Fax: 8952 0004 RGG-Music Favoriten St. 53/2/6/18 Vienna, 1100 Tel: 1.604 3940 Fax: 1.604 3940 PAM RECORDS Fruethstrasse 11/Top 35-36 Vienna, A-1030 Tel: (43) 0 1-969 06 31 E-mail: [email protected] Russian Compact Disc GmbH PO Box 272 Salzburg, 5021 Tel: 457 784 Fax: 457 784 Pao Records Froschau 4 Diersbach, 4775 Tel: 8060 Fax: 806 012 SBF Records & Music Publishing Kirchenplatz 10 Molln, 4591 Tel: 40000 Fax: 400 015 Pepperland Music Productions Koelblgasse 13/1 Vienna, 1030 Shamrock Klein Eberharts 1 31 Waidhofen an der Thaya, 3830 Tel: 53986 Fax: 52826 Sing Sang Records Mariahilfer St. 5172/25 Vienna, 1060 Tel: 586 7979 Fax: 5867 97920 Sonic Flow GmbH Kaeferheim 20 Salzburg/Wals, 5071 Tel: 850 034 Fax: 854 906 Sony Music Entertainment (Austria) GmbH Erlachgasse 134-140 Vienna, 1101 Tel: 601 570 Fax: 602 3615 Sounddesign Records Muehlgasse 1 Obj. 20 Guntramsdorf, 2353 Tel: 53006 Fax: 530 0690 Spray Records Erlach Gasse 1334-140 Vienna, 1100 Tel: 601 540 Fax: 602 3612 Stein Music Vienna Bernardgasse 39/33 Vienna, 1070 Tel: 526 7871 Fax: 523 9891 STP Records Buchberger St. 26 Saint Poelten, 3100 Tel: 251 342 Fax: 252 798 Sunshine Music Garbergasse 7/2 Vienna, 1060 Tel: 596 2979 Fax: 596 2980 T-RAX Productions Werning 42 Payerbach, 2650 Tel: 423 8161 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 9 Tricom Music Kapellen St. 16 Vasoldsberg, 8071 Tel: 529 966 Fax: 529 984 TROST Brigittenauer Lande 60/20 Wien, A-1200 E-mail: [email protected] Tyrolis Handels-GmbH Meil St. 36 Zirl, 6170 Tel: 515 Fax: 51551 Universal Music Austria Edelsinn St. 4 Vienna, 1120 Tel: 811 210 Fax: 813 1300 Vienna Modern Masters Margareten St. 125/15 Vienna, 1050 Tel: 545 1778 Fax: 544 0785 Virgin Records Austria Mariahilfer St. 109/3/20 Vienna, 1060 Tel: 5972 7100 Fax: 597 2710 Warner Music Austria GmbH PO Box 285 Vienna, 1101 Tel: 601 590 Fax: 602 3623 West & East Music Mariahilfer St. 124/10 Vienna, 1070 Tel: 522 3206 Fax: 5223 20619 WIR (World Int'l Records) Servitengasse 24 Vienna, 1090 Tel: 768 4380 Fax: 767 7573 WM Productions Neulerchenfelder St. 3-7 Vienna, 1160 Tel: 4035 9910 Fax: 4035 99113 Yedermann Productions Riemergasse 14/29 Vienna, 1010 Tel: 512 2175 Fax: 5122 17520 Arcade Music Co. De Wand St. 209-213 Brussels, 1020 Tel: 268 0010 Fax: 268 0987 62 TV Records Rue du Fort St. 10 Brussels, 1060 Tel: 534 7184 Fax: 534 7176 ARS PRODUCTIONS Singel 5 Kontich, 2550 Tel: (32) 03 457 58 59 Fax: (32) 03 457 58 83 E-mail: [email protected] ACCENT RECORDS Eik St. 31 Beert, 1673 Tel: 356 1878 Fax: 360 2718 Assekrem Records Bijloke St. 39 Dendermonde, 9200 Tel: 214 283 Fax: 200 024 Adrenaline Records Rue Leys 50 Brussels, 1040 Tel: 733 8266 Fax: 699 5691 At The Crossroads Kerk St. 118 A Beveren (Waas), 9120 Tel: 775 2271 Fax: 775 8420 AEP Music Rue de Roosendael, 148 Brussels, B-1190 Tel: 345 8058 Fax: 648 7931 Banana Peel Brugge St. 14 Ruiselede, 8755 Tel: 688 067 Fax: 688 067 AEP Music Rue Victor Oudart 3/5 Brussels, 1030 Tel: 735 2035 Fax: 735 2732 Base Recordings Oude Brusselseweg 242 Gent, 9050 Tel: 230-0384 Fax: 230-9259 Alaska Swimming Gear Sijs St. 6 Antwerp, 2170 Tel: 644 1817 Fax: 644 2197 Big Time Int'l Blekerij St. 75, Bus 14 Gent, 9000 Tel: 225-2911 Fax: 225-2816 AMG Records Rue de l'Artisanat 2 Nivelles, 1400 Tel: 210 248 Fax: 210 294 BMG Ariola Belgium NV/SA Francois Rigasquare 30, B8 Brussels, 1030 Tel: 240-2811 Fax: 240-2895 Amor Et Psyche Productions Allee du Cloitre 43 Brussels, 1000 Tel: 647 5571 Byte Records Paulus Beye St. 39 Deurne, 2100 Tel: 327-3060 Fax: 326-8548 Antler-Subway Records NV Kolonel Bourgstr. 128 Brussels, 1140 Tel: 702 2411 Fax: 702 2400 Caracol Music 58 Rue Nicholas Monnon Nalinnes, 6120 Tel: 221 296 Fax: 221 313 BELGIUM For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 10 Carbon 7 Ave. General Eisenhower 23 Brussels, 1030 Tel: 242-9703 Fax: 245-3885 E-mail: [email protected] m Tel: 385-3737 Fax: 385-3939 Carrera Records Int'l Rue de la Marliere 97 Mouscron, 7700 Tel: 331 539 Fax: 344 236 DEMOLITION DERBY PB 4005 Mechelen 4, 2800 Tel: (32) 0 15 55 40 63 Fax: (32) 0 15 55 40 63 E-mail: [email protected] Crammed Discs 43 Rue General Patton Brussels, 1050 Tel: 640-7914 Fax: 648-8369 E-mail: [email protected] Cypres Records 8 rue Gachard Brussels, B 1050 Tel: 647-4714 Fax: 648-0449 Dactyco (TLP) B.P. 4323 Charleroi, 6000 Tel: 316 410 Fax: 334 427 Decode Records Quai au Foin 35 Brussels, 1000 Tel: 227-6590 Fax: 227-6599 Dexon 41 rue Cite de l'Enfance Marcinelle, 6001 Tel: 438 970 Fax: 471 581 Dino Music Stations St. 70 Asse, 1730 Tel: 452-6699 Fax: 452-6750 Disco Smash Bvba Rue de Lille 249A Menen, 8930 Tel: 515 303 Fax: 511 613 Dance Opera Leuvense St. 87 Aarschot, 3200 Tel: 551 350 Fax: 567 670 Disky Communications Bvba / Hermanex BV Zwartzusterstr. 8, Bus. 9 Antwerp, 2000 Tel: 227-5415 Fax: 227-5542 Dancepool Rue H. Evenepoelstr. 9 Brussels, 1030 Tel: 705-7020 Fax: 705-6412 Distridisc Int'l Provincie St. 318 Antwerp, 2018 Tel: 230-9778 Fax: 230-5378 Davidsfonds/Eufoda Blijde Inkomst St. 79-81 Leuven, 3000 Tel: 310 600 Fax: 310 608 Distrisound SA 34 rue Henri Deleers Brussels, 1070 Tel: 523-4135 Fax: 520-4702 De Goddaert Pruynen St. 9 Antwerp, 2000 Tel: 233-5053 Fax: 225-2632 DK MUSIC PRODUCTIONS Rue Souverain Pre n.50 Esneux, 4130 Tel: (32) 4 380 36 15 Fax: (32) 4 380 50 15 E-mail: [email protected] Deco Schriekbos 105 Zoersel, 2980 Domusic Prod/Classic Talent Records Letterkundestr. 24 Antwerp, 2610 Tel: 827-7087 Fax: 827-7087 Donor Productions/Donor Publishing Romeinse Steenweg 372 Strombeek-Bever, 1853 Tel: 269-8232 Fax: 267-7534 Double T Music Lambermontiaan 140 BUS 4 Brussels, 1030 Tel: 240-7970 Dureco Belgium Louizalaan 390/B. 2 Brussels, 1050 Tel: 646-3484 Fax: 640-8253 edel Belgium 104 rue de Veeweyde Brussels, 1070 Tel: 527-3574 Fax: 527-3687 Elver Records Int'l Rue de la Marliere 99 Mouscron, 7700 Tel: 331 539 Fax: 344 236 EMI Music Belgium Kolonel Bourg St. 128 Brussels, 1140 Tel: 702-2411 Fax: 702-2400 Espera Rue de l'Orient, 27 Brussels, 1040 Tel: 646-5550 Fax: 646-6118 Fonti Musicali Rue Jean d'Ardenne 33 Brussels, 1050 Tel: 511-6772 Fax: 511-4186 Game Records Kasteellaan 2 Malle, 2390 Tel: 309-0276 Fax: 309-1157 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 11 GENET RECORDS po box 447 Gent 1, 9000 Tel: (32) 09-2341674 Fax: (32) 09-2233684 E-mail: [email protected] GOODLIFE RECORDING E-mail: [email protected] Hans Kusters Music NV Broekstr. 10 Kobbegem, 1730 Tel: 452-8963 Fax: 452-3425 Harmonia Mundi (Belgium) Rue de College 27 Brussels, 1050 Tel: 646-6794 Fax: 646-2163 Hebra Records Rue Saint-Christophe 30 Brussels, 1000 Tel: 512-7361 Fax: 512-7361 Hi Tension Records / Orfa Music JB Tassijnsstr. 52 Zwijndrecht, 2070 Tel: 252-1556 Fax: 253-0420 HIGHGATE MUSIC Serpentstraat 1 Gent, B-9000 Tel: (32) 09-223.34.54 Fax: (32) 09-223.03.57 E-mail: [email protected] I SCREAM RECORDS Kobbegem, Impuls Int'l Churchillsteenweg 17 Erembodegem, 9320 Tel: 835 204 Fax: 835 274 Infinity Records JB Tassijns St. 52 Zwijndrecht, 2070 Tel: 252-8882 Fax: 253-0420 Insane Music Grand Rue 2 Trazegnies, 6183 Tel: 210 687 Fax: 548 579 Inside Records Bisschop St. 25 Antwerp 6, 2060 Tel: 226-7719 Fax: 226-7805 Jean Kluger N.V./S.A. Chaussee de Roodebeek 206 Brussels, 1200 Tel: 381-3656 Fax: 381-3666 Joystick Records A. Lootens St. 38 Drongen, 9031 Tel: 236-3717 Fax: 236-3717 Karafilakis Productions (Pythion) 157 rue Josaphat Brussels, 1030 Tel: 343-3850 Fax: 343-3850 KK Records 240 Krijgsbaan Antwerp, 2070 Tel: 253-1480 Fax: 253-1496 Lightning Records Herentalsebaan 355 Deurne-Antwerp, 2100 Tel: 366-4205 Fax: 366-1135 E-mail: [email protected] Lisa Records PO Box 46 Heuvelland, B-8950 Tel: 448 511 Fax: 448 283 Louise Helene France Rue des Brasseries 2 Tourinnes-Grosse, 1320 Tel: 866 943 Fax: 867 107 MAP Records Europalaan 7 Poperinge, 8970 Tel: 446 933 Fax: 446 243 Megadisc Blekerij St. 75 Gent, 9000 Tel: 281-2110 Fax: 225-4818 Music Avenue (Europe) 17 rue Beckers Brussels, 1040 Tel: 648-5830 Fax: 648-5197 Musiques Et Recherches Place de Ransbeck 3 Ohain, 1380 Tel: 354-4368 Fax: 351-0094 Myron Records Berg St. 13 Hoeilaart, 1560 Tel: 657-2430 Fax: 657-9096 NEWS NV Dendermondsesteenweg 140 Gent, 9000 Tel: (32) 92189444 Fax: (32) 92189450 E-mail: [email protected] Now Disc Rue Theodore Kluber 1 Zoning Valemprez Dottignies, 7711 Tel: 486 040 Fax: 489 471 Onadisc Oude Dorpsweg 21A Varsenare, 8490 Tel: 383 434 Fax: 382 835 PARAF Records Matheus Corvens St. 36 Duerne Antwerp, 2100 Tel: 326 5598 Fax: 324 2196 Parsifal Gulden Vlieslaan 67 Brugge, 8000 Tel: 339 516 Fax: 333 386 Pavane Records Rue Ravenstein 17 Brussels, 1000 Tel: 513 0965 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 12 Fax: 514 2194 Play It Again Sam (PIAS) Rue de Veeweyde 100 Brussels, 1070 Tel: 558 5811 Fax: 558 5881 Play That Beat! Sleutelplas 6 Dilbeek, 1700 Tel: 463 0195 Fax: 463 3085 Prestation Music/Multi Sound Rue Gachard 24 Brussels, 1050 Tel: 649 2847 Fax: 648 7931 Prometheus Records Astridlaan 171 Mechelen, 2800 Tel: 414 107 Fax: 433 610 Quetzal Records Schonenberg, 1 Huldenberg, 3040 Tel: 687 9047 Fax: 687 9047 SMS Music Kempische Kaai 43/1 Hasselt Limburg, B-3500 Tel: 724 705 Fax: 724 706 Sony Music Entertainment (Belgium) SA/NV Rue H. Evenepoelstr. 9 Brussels, 1030 Tel: 705 7020 Fax: 705 6412 Sowarex Rue Paul Emile Janson 9 Brussels, 1050 Tel: 538 5796 Fax: 537 6170 SUBSONIQ PRODUCTIONS Pittemsesteenweg 21 Tielt, B-8700 Tel: (32) 0 477 623 983 Fax: (32) 0 75 595 615 E-mail: [email protected] Team 4 Action Ave. van Goidtsnoven 45B Brussels, 1180 Tel: 346 0211 Fax: 346 6304 Rene Gailly Int'l Productions Rue O. Maesschalck St. 12 Brussels, B-1083 Tel: 465 9870 Fax: 465 6955 Temple of Tune Grens St. 17 Kuurne-Kortrijk, 8520 Tel: 703 300 Fax: 703 333 Restless Pulsebaan 13 Lille, 2275 Tel: 309 0356 Fax: 309 0356 Tessa Records Stations St. 36, W3 Lokeren, 9160 Tel: 348 9836 Fax: 348 9836 Rotondo Music Zwitserlandstraat, 14 Oostende, 8400 Tel: 437 566 Fax: 508 270 Tonesetters VKH Groenhove St. 38 Torhout, 8820 Tel: 215 399 Fax: 215 399 SILVER RECORDING Karel Geertsstraat 33/3 Borgerhout, 2140 Tel: (32) Fax: (32) E-mail: [email protected] Touch Records 230 Ave. de Jette Brussels, 1090 Tel: 420 1161 Fax: 420 1969 Uncle Jazz Productions BVBA Fluitberg St. 66 #5 Schoten, B 2900 Tel: 685 4730 Fax: 685 4761 Universal Music Belgium SA/NV Boulevard de la Woluwedal 34 B1 Brussels, 1200 Tel: 775 8140 Fax: 770 5006 USA - Import Records Sint Jacobsmarkt 75 Antwerp, 2000 Tel: 232 0429 Fax: 226 2030 V2 Records Ave. des Cerisiers 15, Box 9, Kereselarenlaan 15 Brussels, 1030 Tel: 742 9280 Fax: 742 9281 Verbeeck Rainbow Herentalsesteenweg 16 Heist op den Berg, 2220 Tel: 244 950 Fax: 241 470 Via Records Hekker St. 13 Wetteren, 9230 Tel: 365 4060 Fax: 365 4065 Virgin Belgium BD G Wahislaan 41 Brussels, 1030 Tel: 705 7193 Fax: 743 4252 Warner Music Benelux SA/NV Romeinsesteenweg, Chaussee Romaine 468 Bus. Grimbergen, 1853 Tel: 263 0300 Fax: 263 0330 Wax World Schelvis St. 2 Blankenberge, 8370 Tel: 417 206 Fax: 411 161 Witlof Music / Oorwoud Leernsesteenweg 168 Deinze, 9800 Tel: 282 9762 Fax: 282 9850 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 13 ZEALRECORDS PO Box 63 Leuven 2, 3000 E-mail: [email protected] Zomba Records Pelikaans St. 14 Brussels, 1000 Tel: 217 6288 Fax: 217 9452 BOLIVIA Discolandia Dueri y Cia Ltda. PO Box Casilla, No. 422 La Paz, 0 Tel: 364 512 Fax: 355 015 Heriba Ltda. Calle Abdon Saavedra No. 2190 La Paz, Tel: 410 744 Fax: 412 333 Sony Music Entertainment (Bolivia) Ltda. PO Box 8204 La Paz, Tel: 370 199 Fax: 330 151 BRAZIL Abril Music & Video Rua Dr. Mario Ferraz 414 - Jardim Paulistano Sao Paulo, SP 1453 Tel: 3046 2400 Fax: 3046 2495 Alldisc Licenciamentos Internacionais Ltda. PO Box 11.424 Sao Paulo, SP 5422 Tel: 258 8733 Fax: 258 8063 Rio de Janeiro, RJ 22640 Tel: 483-3000 Fax: 483-3026 Rio de Janeiro, 22090 Tel: 543-6868 Fax: 543-6868 Bompastor Records Rua Pedro Vincente, 90 Ponte Pequena Sao Paulo, SP 1109 Tel: 3311 7888 Fax: 228-5890 Jupara Records Av. Buerarema, 819 Itabuna, Bahia, 45600 Tel: 211-0335 Fax: 613-9807 Cid Entertainment Rua & de Marco, 331 Rio de Janeiro, 21043 Tel: 270-8788 Fax: 270-2786 Continental/EastWest Brazil Av. Nacoes Unidas, 11.857, 4-6 Fl. Brooklin Novo Sao Paulo, 4578 Tel: 5505 0222 Fax: 5505 1542 EMI Music Ltda. Rua Mena Barreto 151, Botafogo Rio de Janeiro, RJ 22271 Tel: 528-1212 Fax: 537-9212 EMI Odeon Ltda. Av. da Nacos Unidas 11.633, CJ 192/3/4 Sao Paulo, SP 4561 Tel: 5505 2855 Fax: 5505 5502 Fieldzz Discos Producoes e Edicoes Music Rua Hilario Furlan 51 Sao Paulo, SP 4571 Tel: 5506 7611 Fax: 5506 6014 Gema Rua General Osorio, 222 3| Andar, Sl. 32 Sao Paulo, 1213 Tel: 220-8330 Fax: 220-8330 Atracao Fonografica, Ltda. Av. Sao Gualter 1941 - Alto De Pinheiros Sao Paulo, SP 5455 Tel: 3023 0944 Fax: 3023 1707 Gravadora Eldorado Rua Pires da Mota 830, Terreo Sao Paulo, 1529 Tel: 254-6817 BMG Brasil Ltda. Avenida das Americas, N. 500, Bloco 12 Indie Records Rua Lauro Miller 116, sala 1906 MK Publicita Rua Gotemburgo 211 S. Cristovam Rio de Janeiro, 20941 Tel: 589-1037 Fax: 589-4535 Movieplay Do Brasil Ind. E Com. Ltda. Rua Major Diogo, #650 Sao Paulo, 1324 Tel: 3115 6833 Fax: 3115 0433 Music Bank Brazil (MBB) Av. Nove de Julho 5960, Jd. Europa Sao Paulo, 1406 Tel: 306-0354 Fax: 881-3370 Music Tape Rua Dos Ingleses 75, Bela Vista Sao Paulo, 1329 Tel: 289-9199 Fax: 287-8060 Natasha Records/Shows Rua Marques de Sao Vincente, 99 4th Flr. Rio de Janeiro, RJ 22451 Tel: 259 4297 Fax: 239 6299 Nikita Music Rua Dias de Barros Rua Dias de Barros Rio de Janeiro, RJ 20 241 Tel: 509 2798 Fax: 508 6424 Paradoxx Music Rua Conde Sao Joaquim 57 Liberdade Sao Paulo, 1320 Tel: 3105 4560 Fax: 3105 4560 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 14 Progressive Rock Worldwide Cx. P. 41.698 San Paulo, 5404 Tel: 881 5150 Roadrunner Records 14216 Andar-CJ 161 Brooklin Sao Paulo CEP, 4576 Tel: 5507 4937 Fax: 5507 4938 Roadrunner Records Av. Francisco Matarazzo 404, 6th Fl. Sao Paulo SP, CEP 501 Tel: 826 3066 Fax: 3666 2155 Sony Music Entertainment (Brasil) Edificio Caemi, Praia de Botafogo 300, 12th Fl. Rio de Janeiro, RJ 22259 Tel: 559 5200 Fax: 553 1777 Spotlight Discos Ave. das Americas, 1155, Room 1210 Rio de Janeiro, RJ 22631 Tel: 495 7576 Fax: 495 9490 Stern's Music Brasil Av. Nacoes Unidas, 11857, 4th Flr. Sao Paulo, SP 4578 Tel: 5505 3445 Fax: 5505 1542 Stern's Music Brasil Ave. Doutor Geraldo Campos Moreira 240, 12th Flr. Sao Paulo, 4571 Tel: 5505 3400 Fax: 5505 4973 Stern's Music Brasil Rua Dr. Alfredo Ellis 32 Sao Paulo, CEP 1322 Tel: 288 1214 Fax: 288 1214 Top Tape Records Av. Olegario Maciel 135 Rio de Janeiro, CEP 22621 Tel: 493 4457 Fax: 493 7904 Universal Music Brazil Avenida Erico Verissimo, 918, Barra Da Tijuca Rio de Janiero, RJ 22621 Tel: 389 7676 Fax: 494 2601 Vitosha Entertainment 21 Shipka St. Sofia, 1504 Tel: 877 189 VELAS Sao Paulo, E-mail: [email protected] 2M Records P.O. Box 24 Site 38, R.R. #12 Calgary, AB T3E 6W3 Tel: 403-242-8849 Fax: 403-249-9744 Virgin Brazil Rua Mena Barreto, 151, Botafogo Rio de Janiero, 22271 Tel: 528 1212 Fax: 537 9240 Warner Music Brazil Ltda Rua Marques de Sao Vicente 99, 7th Fl.-Gavea Rio de Janeiro, RJ 22451 Tel: 512 8672 Fax: 511 1442 BULGARIA DS Music 17 Mizia St. Sofia, 1124 Tel: 465 360 Fax: 465 360 Gega New 1 Acacia St. Sofia, 1421 Tel: 650 028 Fax: 963-3243 KA Music Ltd. Motopista Ditr., BL. 10 E Sofia, 1404 Tel: 586 191 Fax: 958-1747 Mega Music 2, Trapezitza str. Sofia, 1000 Tel: 980-9331 Fax: 980-9344 Riva Sound 103 Maria Luisa Blvd. Sofia, 1202 Tel: 317 128 Fax: 317 128 Virginia Records 1, Nikolai Gabrovski Str. Sofia, 1172 Tel: 962 5571 Fax: 629 142 CANADA 83 West Records Ltd 2 College St., Ste. 206 Toronto, ON M5G 1K3 Tel: (416) 515-7566 Fax: (416) 515-7996 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.83west.com ABACA Records & Publishing Ltd. #1-4316 Marguerite St. Vancouver, ON V6J 4G4 Tel: (604) 731-8689 Fax: (604) 731-8689 ACOMA COMPANY Box 62056 Victoria Terrace PO Toronto , ON M4A 2W1 E-mail: [email protected] Agasea Records 275 Selkirk Ave Winnepeg, MB R2W 2L5 Tel: (204) 589-7769 Fax: (204) 582-8397 Alert Music, Inc. 41 Britain St., Ste. 305 Toronto, ON M5A 1R7 Tel: (416) 364-4200 Fax: (416) 364-8632 ALGORHYTHM MUSIC Toronto, ON E-mail: [email protected] Amatish Music 6840 14th Ave. Markham, ON L6B 1A8 Tel: (416) 927-7468 Fax: (416) 383-0303 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 15 AMP RECORDS Hamilton, ON E-mail: [email protected] AMT Music 7007 - 4A St. SW, Ste. 109 Calgary, AB T2V 1A1 Tel: (403) 255-9721 Fax: (403) 640-7310 Analekta Records 364 Guy St., Ste. G-15 Montreal, QB H3J 1S6 Tel: (514) 939-0559 Fax: (514) 939-0232 Anthem Records 189 Carlton St. Toronto, ON M5A 2K7 Tel: (416) 923-5855 Fax: (416) 923-1041 Applegate Music P.O. Box 669 Streetville, ON Tel: 905-826-4337 Fax: 905-826-6106 Ardenne Int'l, Inc. 98 Saint Margaret's Bay Rd. Halifax, NS B3N 1K7 Tel: (902) 477-3860 Fax: (902) 477-0384 Ardenne Int'l, Inc. World Trade Ctr 1800 Argyle St., Ste. 444 Halifax, NS B3J 3N8 Tel: (902) 492-8000 Fax: (902) 423-2143 Arial Records P.O. Box 831 Black Diamond, AB T0L 0H0 Tel: 403-933-2866 Fax: 403-993-2866 Artiste Records 154 Grande Cote Rosemere, QB J7A 1H3 Tel: (450) 437-7625 Fax: (450) 430-9751 Arylis Corp. 31477 Jean Ct. Abbotsford, BC V2T 5N9 Tel: (604) 854-1511 Fax: (604) 854-1722 ATHORN SOUND Vancouver, BC E-mail: [email protected] ATI Access To The Industry 75 Parkway Avenue Markham, ON Tel: 905-294-5538 Fax: 905-294-5538 Atlantica Music & Distribution LTD 1819 Granville Street 4th Floor Halifax, NS Tel: 602-422-7000 Fax: 902-422-2929 Banff Music PO Box 309 Mount Albert, ON L0G 1M0 Tel: (905) 773-6848 Fax: (905) 853-2955 Barnstorm Productions 1220 Ellesmere Rd., Unit 8 Scarborough, ON M1P 2X5 Tel: (416) 292-8111 Fax: (416) 292-8833 Barnstorm Productions 695 De La Coulee Saint Julie, PQ J3E 1K9 Tel: (450) 649-8933 Fax: (450) 649-8914 Attack Records & Filmworks 401 Richmond St. W., Ste. 395 Toronto, ON M5V 3V8 Tel: (416) 340-9111 (877) 219-4023 Fax: (416) 340-1941 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.attackrecords.com Barnstorm Productions 955 Portage Rd. Saanich, BC V8Z 1K9 Tel: (250) 744-3669 Fax: (250) 744-3669 Attic Records, Inc. 102 Atlantic Ave. Toronto, ON M6K 1X9 Tel: (416) 924-7664 Fax: (416) 532-9545 E-mail: [email protected] Beat Factory Music, Inc. 119 Spadina Ave., Ste. 403 Toronto, M6E 4M1 Tel: (905) 839-7071 Audiogram Records 822 rue Sherbrooke E., 6th Fl. Montreal, QB H2L 1K4 Tel: (514) 525-2426 Fax: (514) 525-3364 Avanti Plus Productions 225 E. Roy St., Ste. 201 Montreal, QB H2W 1M5 Tel: (514) 288-0657 Fax: (514) 843-6024 Backward Ass Records PO Box 872 Bon Accord, T0A 0K0 Tel: (780) 921-3208 Bandana Records RR 1, c/o Pinevalley G.C. Vittoria, ON N0E 1W0 Tel: (519) 426-0115 Fax: (519) 426-0531 Bask Records 42 Havenbrook Blvd. North York, ON M2J 1A5 Tel: (416) 494-8746 Fax: (416) 494-4601 Beat Factory Music, Inc. 1792 Liverpool Rd, Unit 118 Pickering, ON L1V 4V9 Tel: (416) 586-1670 Fax: (416) 586-6671 Website: www.beatfactory.com Beggars Banquet 145 Front St. E., Ste. 207 Toronto, ON M5A 1E3 Tel: (416) 362-1167 Fax: (416) 362-1293 Benwa Music PO Box 357 Lindsay, ON K9V 4S3 Tel: (905) 274-8874 BGE 161 Kenedy Crescent Fort McMurray, AB T9K 1M8 Tel: (780) 743-6210 Fax: (780) 743-2782 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 16 BHURR RECORDS Toronto, ON Tel: 416-489-7230 E-mail: [email protected] Black Moon Records P.O. Box 214 3456 Dunbar Street Vancouver, BC Tel: (604) 228-9792 Fax: (604) 228-9792 BLACKSPIN PRODUCTIONS Toronto, ON E-mail: [email protected] Blayne Music 2529 Napier Street Vancouver, BC Tel: 604-294-0909 Fax: 604-294-0909 BLR Etertainment 3 Vinehill Dr Stoney Creek, L8G 4Y5 Tel: (416) 381-3282 Blue Rockies Music P.O. Box 71013 Silver Springs PO Calgary, AB Tel: 403-288-0051 BMG Music Canada Inc. 2880 Glenmore Trail SE Ste. 145, Glenmore Commerce Ct. Calgary, AB Tel: 403-236-2415 Fax: 406-236-7375 BMG Music Canada Inc. 4299 Canada Way Suite 150 Burnaby, BC Tel: 604-435-5766 Fax: 604-435-5156 BMG Music Canada Inc. 5500 Royalmount Avenue Suite 330 Montreal, PQ Tel: 514-735-6523 Fax: 514-735-5061 BMG Music Canada, Inc. 1625 Dublin Ave., Ste. 120 Winnipeg, MB R3H 0W3 Tel: (204) 774-4812 Fax: (204) 786-4906 E-mail: [email protected] BMG Music Canada, Inc. 550 71st Ave. SE., Ste. 180 Calgary, AB T2H 0S6 Tel: (403) 253-4449 Fax: (403) 253-4233 BMG Music Canada 150 John St., Sixth Fl. Toronto, ON M5V 3C3 Tel: (416) 586-0022 Fax: (416) 586-0454 Website: www.vixrecordings.com Bolab Audio Productions 5078 Country Road #10 Fournier, ON Tel: 613-524-2838 Fax: 613-524-3315 BMG Music Canada Inc. 10215 178th Street Edmonton, AB Tel: 403-489-1059 Fax: 403-444-3846 Bonnie Pearl Records 9312 150th Avenue Edmonton, AB Tel: 403-475-8888 Fax: 403-472-2050 BMG Music Canada Inc. 1504 Merivale Road Nepean, ON Tel: 613-226-7618 Fax: 613-226-7543 BOREALIS COMPANY 67 Mowat Ave., Suite 233 Toronto, ON M6K 3E3 Tel: 416-530-4288 Fax: 416-530-0461 E-mail: [email protected] BMG Music Canada Inc. 1535 Birmingham Street 3rd Floor Halifax, NS Tel: 902-455-0409 Fax: 902-422-0748 Brewster Records P.O. Box 75129 Ritchie P.O. Edmonton, AB Tel: 403-433-2050 BRM Records General Delivery Quesnel, BC Tel: 604-992-9851 BROUHAHA RECORDS 78 Malta Place Vancouver, BC V5M 4C4 Tel: 604-435-9859 Fax: 604-589-8359 E-mail: [email protected] BTI P.O. Box 209 Arrowood, AB Tel: 403-534-2250 Fax: 403-534-2250 CANDLE VIEW RECORD 31 Peet Street, Suite 207 St. John's, NF A1B 3W8 Tel: 709-726-8439 Fax: 709-726-0439 E-mail: [email protected] CapCanada Music LTD 1129 Faithwood Place Victoria, BC Tel: 604-658-4275 Fax: 604-658-1911 Carina Music PO Box 241 Lower Sackville, NS B4C 2S9 Tel: (902) 865-9470 Fax: (902) 864-7125 CBC Records/Les Diusques SRC PO Box 500, Sta. A Toronto, ON M5W 1E6 Tel: (416) 205-3498 Fax: (416) 205-2376 E-mail: [email protected] Chacra Records 3155 Halpern St. Ville Saint-Laurent, PQ H4S 1P5 Tel: (514) 335-0245 Fax: (514) 335-5037 Citation Records 191A Wolsely Street Thunder Bay, ON Tel: 807-345-2448 Fax: 807-344-7963 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 17 CLEAR CUT ENTERTAINMENT 4-213 St. Mary's Road, Winnipeg, MN Tel: 204-940-4782 Fax: 204-231-0304 E-mail: [email protected] COMA 178 Brunswick Avenue Toronto, ON M5S 2M5 Tel: 416-515-7740 888-2826874 Fax: 416-515-0960 E-mail: [email protected] Comstock Records 3000 Richter Street Unit 3 Kelowna, BC Tel: 604-342-4246 Fax: 604-341-5440 Contraband Music, Inc. 300 Campbell Ave., Ste. 201 Toronto, ON M6P 3V6 Tel: (416) 534-7445 Fax: (416) 534-9855 Country Style Records 36 Erickson Dr. Red Deer, AB T4R 1Z8 Tel: (403) 342-4246 Fax: (403) 341-5440 Cradle To Rave Music Group R.R. #5 Perth, ON Tel: 613-264-0983 Fax: 613-264-0983 CRIMINEL RECORDS Vancouver, BC E-mail: [email protected] Cross Country Records P.O. Box 2362 Station R Kelowna, BC Tel: 604-765-6165 Fax: 604-838-7301 DAHB MUSIC Toronto, ON E-mail: [email protected] Damon Productions LTD 6916 82nd Avenue Edmonton, AB Tel: 403-465-0132 Fax: 403-465-0132 Dark Light Music LTD 51 Bulwer Street Main Level Toronto, ON Tel: 416-977-7118 Fax: 413-977-8780 Darwyn Records Website: www.brendacarol.com/darwy n.html Def Beat Records 38 Cassis Dr. Etobicoke, ON M9V 4Z6 Tel: (416) 746-6205 Fax: (416) 586-0853 Denon Canada Inc. 17 Denison Street Markham, ON Tel: 605-475-4085 Fax: 905-475-4159 Devotion Records General Delivery Lake St. Peter, ON Tel: 613-338-5428 Dexter Entertainment Group One Alexander St., Ste. 203 Vancouver, BC V6A 1B2 Tel: (604) 608-6999 Fax: (604) 609-6683 DMT Records 11714 113th Avenue Edmonton, AB Tel: 403-454-6848 Fax: 403-454-9291 Dog Star Music PO Box 1490 Bobcaygeon, ON K0M 1A0 Tel: (705) 731-0284 Fax: (705) 731-0283 Donald K Donald Group of Labels 1445 rue Lambert-Closse, Ste. 200 Montreal, PQ H3H 1Z5 Tel: (514) 939-3775 Fax: (514) 939-1691 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.dkd.com Donna Kay Music Inc. Ministikwan Lake P.O. Box 451 Pierceland, SK Tel: 306-837-4731 Fax: 306-837-4731 Double Records 482 rue Ste-Helene Bureau 06 Longueuil, PQ J4K 3R2 Tel: (450) 463-0202 Fax: (450) 463-1820 Duckworth Distribution LTD 198 Duckworth Street St. John's, NF Tel: 709-753-9292 Fax: 709-753-6180 Dumpling Downs Productions 664 Corrigan Crescent Peterborough, ON Tel: 705-745-8351 EADON Records 13808 110A Ave. Edmonton, AB T5M 2M9 Tel: (780) 453-3355 Fax: (780) 423-2751 EAO Music Corp. PO Box 1240, Sta. M Calgary, AB T2P 2L2 Tel: (403) 228-9388 Fax: (403) 229-3598 Edith Records PO Box 1282 Peterborough, ON K9J 7H5 Tel: (705) 743-7354 Fax: (705) 743-8847 Elephant Records/Skinnamarink Ent 360A Bloor St. W., Box 68559 Toronto, ON M5S 1X0 Tel: (416) 964-2444 Fax: (416) 964-0666 EMI Music Canada 10330 Cote de Liesse Lachine, PQ Tel: 514-631-9072 Fax: 514-631-2426 EMI Music Canada 1209 59th Avenue SE Suite 175 Calgary, AB Tel: 403-258-2336 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 18 Fax: 403-253-1712 EMI Music Canada 18 Savona Court Darmouth, NS Tel: 902-434-9520 Fax: 902-462-6747 EMI Music Canada 3109 American Dr. Mississauga, ON L4V 1B2 Tel: (905) 677-5050 Fax: (905) 677-1651 Website: www.emimusic.ca EMI Music Canada 4240 Manor Street Suite 213 Burnaby, BC Tel: 604-431-0177 Fax: 604-531-0462 EMI Music Canada 5152 Lerner Way Glouchester, ON Tel: 613-744-3059 Fax: 613-744-4088 EMI Music Canada 7 Evergreen Place Suite 1203 Winnipeg, MB Tel: 204-475-0282 Fax: 204-475-0322 EPE Records 192 Tweedsdale Crescent Oakville, ON Tel: 905-827-8095 Fax: 905-827-8095 Eternal Bliss Music 67-A 16th St. Etobicoke, ON M8V 3J9 Tel: (416) 251-9280 Fax: (905) 569-6881 FALLEN ANGEL MUSIC 285 Spencer Street Ottawa , ON K1Y 2R1 E-mail: [email protected] Faster Gun Records P.O. Box 22139 RPO Golden Mile Regina, SK Tel: 306-789-1986 Fax: 306-525-2600 Fat Dog Productions 149 Daly Ave. Ottawa, ON K1N 6E8 Tel: (613) 565-8880 Fax: (613) 565-9724 E-mail: [email protected] Website: [email protected] First Int'l Records 11602 75th Ave. Edmonton, AB T6G 0J2 Tel: (780) 435-2650 Fax: (780) 421-9262 First Nations Music Inc. 3025 Kennedy Road Unit 3A Scarborough, ON Tel: 416-291-7651 Fax: 416-291-8962 Handsome Boy Int'l 461 King St. W., Ste. 312 Toronto, ON M5V 1K7 Tel: (416) 979-1900 Fax: (416) 340-1787 Her Royal Majesty's Records The Palisades, 1288 Alberni St., Ste. 1502 Vancouver, BC V6E 2K3 Tel: (604) 331-0110 Fax: (604) 331-0109 Heritage Music 41 Antrim Crescent Suite 311 Scarborough, ON Tel: 416-292-4724 Fax: 416-292-4742 Fre Records 2181 Dunwin Drive Mississauga, ON Tel: 905-828-6121 Fax: 905-828-6124 HI 5 Music 55 Rowley Avenue Toronto, ON Tel: 416-481-1663 Freeland Recording Co 904 Kingston Rd Toronto, ON M4E 1S5 Tel: (416) 686-6832 Fax: (416) 686-6860 Hi Bias Records, Inc. 20 Hudson Dr. Maple, ON L6A 1X3 Tel: (905) 303-9611 Fax: (905) 303-6611 Gemini Records R.R. #2 New Germany, NS Tel: 902-543-5053 Fax: 902-527-1530 Hillcrest Music P.O. Box 421 Schomberg, ON Tel: 905-939-7900 Fax: 905-939-7970 Golden Eagle Records 55 S. Cumberland St. Thunder Bay, ON P7B 2T6 Tel: (807) 344-1511 Fax: (807) 344-7963 Hitt Productions 8530 Champ D'Eau Montreal, PQ H1P 1Y3 Tel: (514) 328-9348 Fax: (514) 328-6687 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.gemmusic.com Greentree Music P.O. Box 434 Walkerton, ON Tel: 519-881-3583 Fax: 915-881-3872 Grey-Sea Music P.O. Box 25200 Halifax, NS Tel: 902-445-4590 Fax: 902-445-4590 Gun Records Inc. P.O. Box 31391 Halifax, NS Tel: 902-423-8434 Fax: 902-429-9071 Holborne Distribution Co. Ltd. PO Box 309 Mount Albert, ON L0G 1M0 Tel: (905) 773-6848 Fax: (905) 853-2955 I.L.L. Vibe 357-A Yonge St. Toronto, ON M5B 1S4 Tel: (416) 586-0380 Fax: (905) 472-4545 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 19 Identity Records Box 8521 Victoria, BC V8W 3S1 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.identityrecords.com/ Image 7 Music, Inc. #334-1844 W. Seventh Ave. Vancouver, BC V6J 1S8 Tel: (604) 731-2885 Fax: (604) 738-8318 Image 7 Music, Inc. PO Box 3040 Vancouver, BC V6B 3X5 Tel: (604) 597-7000 Fax: (604) 597-5000 IMU Records 37053 Gordon Park Vancouver, BC V5P 4W7 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.imurecords.com/ J.P.L. Music 223 Winnett Ave. Toronto, ON M6C 3L8 Tel: (416) 656-3770 Fax: (416) 656-3770 Jay-Dee Records Canada 78 Ottawa Street South Hamilton, ON Tel: 905-544-6807 Fax: 905-544-3134 Jazz Focus Records 1640 16th Ave. NW, Ste. 304 Calgary, AB T2M 0S6 Tel: (403) 210-1440 Fax: (403) 210-1456 JAZZ INSPIRATION RECORDS E-mail: [email protected] Jennie Records P.O. Box 421 Schomberg, ON Tel: 905-939-7900 Fax: 939-7970 In Tunes Music Co. 1275 Broad Street 3rd Floor P.O. Box 4643 Regina, SK Tel: 306-545-6191 Fax: 306-924-5113 JMR Records P.O. Box 80001 Appleby Postal Station Burlington, ON Tel: 905-632-0317 Fax: 905-632-4874 Indigo Records 327 Kingston Crescent Winnipeg, MB R2M 0T5 Tel: (204) 233-8482 Fax: (204) 233-9338 Justin Time Records, Inc. 5455 Rue Pare, Ste. 101 Montreal, PQ H4P 1P7 Tel: (514) 738-9533 Fax: (514) 737-9780 E-mail: [email protected] KOCH International, Inc. 1220 Ellesmere Rd., Unit 8 Scarborough, ON M1P 2X5 Tel: (416) 292-8111 Fax: (416) 292-8833 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.kochcan.com KOCH Int'l, Inc. 204 Riverstone Pl. SE Calgary, AB T2C 3W8 Tel: (403) 279-5698 Fax: (403) 236-3836 K-Tel Entertainment Inc. 504 Iroquois Shore Road Unit 11 Oakville, ON Tel: 905-338-9564 Fax: 905-338-3380 La Roche Records 28 Whispering Willow Pathway Scarborough, ON M1B 4A7 Tel: (416) 724-5179 Fax: (416) 724-5550 Landfill Records 2 Bloor Street West Suite 100 P.O. Box 288 Toronto, ON Tel: 416-322-4171 Laughing Out Loud Music Chinatown PO Box 77060 Calgary, AB T2G 5J8 Tel: (403) 283-7650 Fax: (403) 283-7254 INTERCHILL RECORDS P.O. Box 239 Salt Spring Island, BC V8K 2V9 Tel: 250-537-1042 E-mail: [email protected] Kappa Records, Inc. 86 Cote St. Catherine Outremont, PQ H2V 2A3 Tel: (514) 270-9556 Fax: (514) 270-4252 LCDM Entertainment P.O. Box 79564 1995 Weston Road Weston, ON Tel: 416-242-7391 Fax: 416-743-6682 Interchill Records PO Box 42074 Montreal, PQ H2W 2T3 Tel: (514) 843-3738 Fax: (514) 843-9313 Kinetic Records 25 Defries Street Toronto, ON Tel: 416-364-1943 Fax: 416-364-3616 Lea/Jen Music P.O. Box 5073 Whitehorse, YT Tel: 403-633-6567 Fax: 403-668-3755 Isba Music Entertainment, Inc. 2860 blvd de la Concorde E., Ste. 201 Laval, PQ H7E 2B4 Tel: (450) 669-4088 Fax: (450) 669-5838 KLM Records 5348 Jean Talon E. Montreal, PQ H1S 1L5 Tel: (514) 374-8065 Fax: (514) 374-3749 Level 1 Records P.O. Box 50 Brookfield, NS Tel: 902-673-2866 Fax: 902-673-2823 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 20 Liquid Records 99 Victor Ave. Toronto, ON M4K 1A7 Tel: (416) 406-2825 Fax: (416) 406-2945 Lockdown Entertainment Group 21 Milford Ave. North York, ON M6M 2W1 Tel: (416) 410-1571 Fax: (416) 245-6373 Lost Chart Records 5505 Boul. Saint-Laurent, bureau 4004 Montreal, PQ H2T 1S6 Tel: (514) 276-4760 Fax: (514) 276-5033 LS Records c/o 2084 Purcell Way North Vancouver, BC M.P.V. Productions, Inc. 49, Duke, Ste. B Montreal, PQ H3C 2L8 Tel: (514) 875-0062 Fax: (514) 393-9246 Mad May Records, Inc. 213 Indian Grove Toronto, ON M6P 2H4 Tel: (416) 537-5981 Fax: (416) 537-5981 Mag Wheel Records P.O.Box 115 Station R Montreal, PQ H2S 3K6 Tel: (514) 285-2884 Fax: (514) 285-2223 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.magwheel.com Tel: 519-676-3812 Fax: 519-676-8637 Maple Grove Records P.O. Box 280 Strathclair, MB Tel: 204-365-2576 Margaree Sound 225 Lake Driveway West Ajax, ON Tel: 905-683-5840 Fax: 905-683-5840 Maritime Express 157 Sussex Avenue Riverview, NB Tel: 506-386-2996 Fax: 506-386-9506 Maximum Records 200 Gateway Blvd., Ste. 307 Toronto, ON M3C 1B6 Tel: (888) 830-5743 Fax: (413) 487-4742 MCA Music Entertainment 10500 Cote de Liesse Suite 110 Lachine, PQ Tel: 514-636-6059 Fax: 514-636-3561 MCA Music Entertainment 1209 59th Avenue SE Suite 60 Calgary, AB Tel: 403-640-4700 Fax: 403-640-4546 MCA Music Entertainment 173 McDermont Avenue East Suite 201 Winnipeg, MB Tel: 204-943-3323 Fax: 204-947-2720 MaGaDa Int'l 9575 Illinois, Ste. 610 Brossard, PQ J4Y 3A5 Tel: (450) 659-6560 Fax: (450) 659-4079 MCA Music Entertainment 2450 Victoria Park Avenue Willowdale, ON Tel: 416-491-3000 Fax: 416-490-8306 Magnum Records 8607 128th Ave. Edmonton, AB T5E 0G3 Tel: (780) 476-8230 Fax: (780) 472-2584 MCA Music Entertainment 29 Morewood Crescent Moncton, NB Tel: 506-856-6833 Fax: 506-856-9506 Maple City Records P.O. Box 1678 Beinheim, ON MCA Music Entertainment 3031 Viking Way Suite 103 Richmond, BC Tel: 604-273-7797 Fax: 604-273-7796 Melaby Music 50 Marlene Ct. Woodbridge, ON L4L 1A6 Tel: (416) 746-2888 Fax: (416) 746-3711 Melo Productions 1108 Clerihue Rd. Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 6H2 Tel: (604) 945-9010 Fax: (604) 945-4020 Mercury/Polydor 1345 Denison Street Markham, ON Tel: 905-415-9900 Fax: 905-415-0844 Merlin Productions of Canada PO Box 5087 VMPO Vancouver, BC V6B 4A9 Tel: (604) 434-9129 Fax: (604) 434-9629 Mij Records R.R. #2 Waterdown, ON Tel: 905-627-9688 Fax: 905-659-7125 Mint East 1359 Queen St. W., Ste. Three Toronto, ON M6K 1M1 Tel: (416) 535-9123 Fax: (416) 535-9130 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.mintrecs.com Mint Records, Inc. P.O. Box 3613 Vancouver, BC V6B 3Y6 Tel: (604) 669-6468 Fax: (604) 669-6478 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.mintrecs.com Moon Tan Music P.O. Box 31581 Pitt Meadows, BC Tel: 604-465-4727 Fax: 604-465-4703 MSB Records 134 Pleasant Ave. North York, ON M2M 1M1 Tel: (416) 221-9332 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 21 Fax: (416) 221-6047 Murder Records PO Box 68510 Toronto, ON M5S 1X1 Tel: (416) 536-5312 Fax: (416) 536-5389 Musi-Art Disques 4200 Blvd. St. Laurent, Ste. 1400 Montreal, PQ H2W 2R2 Tel: (514) 288-7500 Fax: (514) 844-2571 Nile Records 80 Nature Pathway Toronto, ON M1B 4T1 Tel: (416) 283-0700 Fax: (416) 283-1587 Passion Music Group Inc. 14522 118th Avenue Edmonton, AB Tel: 403-451-2435 Fax: 403-452-6829 Noteable Entertainment Ltd. 940 Brunette Avenue Coquitlam, BC Tel: 604-521-1558 Fax: 604-521-6169 PB Records P.O. Box 99 Montmartre, SK Tel: 306-424-2258 Music Machine Records P.O. Box 541 Regina, SK Tel: 306-634-4995 Number 9 Records 314 Jarvis Street Suite 101 - 104 Toronto, ON Tel: 416-348-8718 Fax: 416-348-9668 Mystyk Records 1625 Dublin Ave., Ste. 133 Winnipeg, MB R3H 0W3 Tel: (204) 786-1096 Fax: (204) 775-1225 Oh Yah Records 357 Bannatyne Avenue Winnipeg, MB Tel: 204-942-0781 Fax: 204-944-8042 Mystyk Records 357 Bannatyne Ave. Winnipeg, MB R3M 0E3 Tel: (204) 487-0231 Fax: (204) 487-4553 Old Canada Music P.O. Box 70 Pertersburg, ON Tel: 519-634-8245 Naxos of Canada Ltd. 3510 Pharnacy Ave, Unit 5 Scarborough, ON M1W 2I7 Tel: (416) 491-2600 Fax: (416) 491-2621 Nearly Famous Productions Inc. R.R. #1 K-Line Richards Landing, ON Tel: 705-246-2145 Fax: 705-246-3504 Nepotism Records 61 Austin Terr. Toronto, ON M5R 1Y7 Tel: (416) 588-6755 Fax: (416) 588-1157 Nettwerk Productions 1650 W. Second Ave. Vancouver, BC V6J 4R3 Tel: (604) 654-2929 Fax: (604) 654-1993 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.nettwerk.com Oliver Sudden Productions 1258 B. Mont Royal E. Montreal, QB H2J 1Y3 Tel: (514) 393-1010 Fax: (514) 393-3173 OMI Music, Inc. 71 Rosedale Ave., Unit A10 Brampton, ON L6X 1K4 Tel: (905) 457-7853 Fax: (905) 454-0199 P&N Records 61 Euphrasia Dr. Toronto, ON M6B 3V8 Tel: (416) 782-5768 Fax: (416) 782-7170 Page Publications 183 Old Surrey Lane Richmond Hill, ON Tel: 905-731-1146 Fax: 905-771-8060 Pairadice Music Inc. 9006 132nd Avenue Suite 206 Edmonton, AB Tel: 403-457-0011 Fax: 403-457-0037 PEG Music 1067 Sherwin Road Winipeg, MB Tel: 204-694-3101 Fax: 204-697-0903 Perimeter Records Ltd. 1791 Barrington St., Ste. 1400 Halifax , NS B3J 1K1 Tel: (902) 492-2400 Fax: (902) 492-2401 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.perimeterrecords.com Pineland Music 487 Bouchard Street 3rd Floor Sudbury, ON Tel: 705-522-8211 Fax: 705-552-1970 Play Records 152 Sorauren Ave. Toronto, ON M6R 2E5 Tel: (416) 531-4606 Fax: (416) 588-1157 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.playrecords.net Plus 8 Records 984 Richmond St. London, ON N6A 3J5 Tel: (519) 858-9630 Fax: (519) 858-9631 Popular Records 60 Esna Park Dr., Unit 101 Markham, ON L3R 1E1 Tel: (905) 948-8484 Fax: (905) 948-0448 Prairie Hawk Music 9562 82nd Avenue Edmonton, AB Tel: 403-433-3568 Fax: 403-421-0743 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 22 Psychabilly Records 837 Lorne Avenue London, ON Tel: 519-439-0565 Fax: 519-439-0565 Relevant Records 282 Wynchwood Ave. Toronto, ON M6C 2T7 Tel: (416) 654-9200 Fax: (416) 654-0399 Pure Oacific Music 31905 Woodcock Crescent Mission, BC Tel: 604-460-0613 Fax: 604-460-0613 Rescue Music Entertainment Inc. General Delivery Clayton, ON Tel: 613-256-4852 Fax: 613-256-5746 Quality Records 410 Passmore Road Markham, ON Tel: 905-291-5990 Quinlan Road PO Box 933 Stratford, ON N5A 7M3 Tel: (519) 273-4491 Fax: (519) 273-1948 Rarerabit Music 3590 Nablus Gate Mississauga, ON Tel: 416-276-4040 RDR Music Group 299 Lesmill Road Toronto, ON M3B 2V1 Tel: 416-445-2500 Fax: 416-445-3077 Red Cliff Records 192 Kensington Road Charlottetown, PE Tel: 902-566-1767 Fax: 902-368-7087 REDLINE PRODUCTIONS P. O Box 35534 Hamilton, ON Tel: 905-312-0845 E-mail: [email protected] m REL Records, Inc. 221 Sheppard Ave. W. North York, ON M2N 1N2 Tel: (416) 222-3609 Fax: (416) 733-8717 Relentless Records 3333 Granham Blvd Montreal, PQ H3R 3L5 Tel: (514) 341-5600 Fax: (514) 341-6058 E-mail: [email protected] Resort Music Ltd. 6607B Bilberry Dr. Orleans, ON K1C 4N5 Tel: (613) 841-2977 Fax: (613) 841-0652 Resort Music Ltd. 84 Carley Rd. Ontario, ON L0E 1R0 Tel: (905) 473-5353 Fax: (905) 473-3535 Ridge Records R.R. # 11 1410 Goods Road Thunder Bay, ON Tel: 807-767-9079 RMS Records P.O. Box 435 Dartmouth, NS Tel: 905-469-5992 Fax: 905-466-0553 Rollin' Hearts Records 4174 Dundas Street West Suite 317 Etobicoke, ON Tel: 416-232-1543 Fax: 413-232-1544 Roto Noto Music 148 Erin Avenue Hamilton, ON Tel: 905-796-8236 Royalty Records Inc. 6910 82nd Avenue Edmonton, AB Tel: 403-461-7788 Fax: 403-461-7828 Saddle Tramp Records P.O. Box 78023 6655 178th Street Edmonton, AB Tel: 403-487-5291 Fax: 403-487-4862 Saddlestone International & Music Associates 6260 130 th St. Surrey, BC V3X 1R6 Tel: (604) 572-4232 Fax: (604) 572-4252 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.saddlestone.ontheweb.n u Sam Cat Records 8 Woodlands Road St. Albert, AB Tel: 403-460-7460 Fax: 403-460-2984 Sceptre Records P.O. Box 182 Midale, SK Tel: 306-458-2659 Fax: 306-458-2600 Scratch Records 726 Richards St. Vancouver, BC V6B 3A4 Tel: (604) 687-0499 Fax: (604) 687-0488 SCRATCHY RECORDS 437 Earl Street Delhi, ON N4B 1W6 Tel: (519) 582-4602 Fax: (519) 583-3967 E-mail: [email protected] Select Distribution 296 Richmond Street West Suite 601 Toronto, ON Tel: 416-595-9491 Fax: 416-595-0878 SHEEBA RECORDS Suite 291, 238 Davenport Road Toronto, ON M5R 1J6 Tel: 416-921-1364 Fax: 416-921-0024 E-mail: [email protected] Sightseer Recordings 442 Moore Street London, ON Tel: 519-660-8279 SINGSONG PRODUCTIONS P.O. Box 6371 St. John's, NF A1C 6J9 Tel: 709-726-3570 E-mail: [email protected] For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 23 Sixshooter Records 98038, 970 Queen St. E. Toronto, ON M4M 1JO Tel: (416) 465-2459 Fax: (416) 406-6608 Sony Music Canada Inc. Region of Quebec Ottawa Valley, Tel: 514-737-9896 Fax: 514-737-0793 Sound & Vision 480 Richmond St. E. Toronto, ON M5A 1R2 Tel: (416) 214-0885 Fax: (416) 368-9419 SJ Management 21-15515 24th Ave. Surrey, BC V4A 2J4 Tel: (604) 535-5189 Fax: (604) 535-5167 Sony Music Canada, Inc. 1625 Dublin Ave., Ste. 133 Winnipeg, MB R3H 0W3 Tel: (204) 786-1096 Fax: 204) 775-1225 Website: www.sony.ca Soundtrek Records 6916 82nd Avenue Edmonton, AB Tel: 403-465-0132 Fax: 403-564-0132 SMD Records P.O. Box 3772 Regina, SK Tel: 306-731-2133 SOLITUDES 250 Ferrand Drive, Suite 1100 Don Mills, ON M3C 3G8 Tel: 416-510-2800 Fax: (416) 510-3070 E-mail: [email protected] SONIC UNYON RECORDS Box 57347 Jackson Station Hamilton, ON L8P 4X2 Tel: (905) 777-1223 Fax: (905) 777-1161 E-mail: Email:[email protected] Sony Music Canada Inc. Atlantic Region , NB Tel: 902-855-3905 Fax: 902-858-0238 Sony Music Canada Inc. Atlantic Region , NS Tel: 902-479-7669 Fax: 902-477-0793 Sony Music Canada Inc. Region of Alberta , SK Tel: 403-253-8719 Fax: 403-258-3819 Sony Music Canada Inc. Region of British Columbia Tel: 604-734-5151 Fax: 604-734-2347 Sony Music Canada Inc. Region of Manitoba Tel: 204-786-1096 Fax: 204-775-1225 Sony Music Canada, Inc. Westmount Business Ctr. 11420-142 St. Edmonton, AB T5M 1V1 Tel: (780) 944-1621 Fax: (780) 944-1623 Website: www.sony.ca Sony Music Entertainment (Canada), Inc. 1121 Leslie St. North York, ON M3C 2J9 Tel: (416) 391-3311 Fax: (416) 447-6973 Website: www.sonymusic.ca SPG Music Ltd. 200 Evans Ave., Ste. 101 Toronto, ON M8Z 1J7 Tel: (416) 642-1144 Fax: (416) 642-1145 Spider Records R.R. #2 Dromore, ON Tel: 519-334-9833 Spinball Music & Video 7611 St. Denis St. Montreal, PQ H2R 2E7 Tel: (514) 274-0816 Fax: (514) 272-8509 Sony Music Entertainment (Canada), Inc. 2025 W. Broadway, Ste. 401 Vancouver, BC V6J 1Z6 Tel: (604) 734-5151 Fax: (604) 734-2347 Website: www.sonymusic.ca SPINNER RECORDS 1610 Powell Street Vancouver, BC V5L 1H4 Tel: 604 687 2184 Fax: 604 687 2185 E-mail: [email protected] Sony Music Entertainment (Canada), Inc. 221 62nd Ave SE, Ste. 210 Calgary, AB T2H 0R5 Tel: (403) 253-8719 Fax: (403) 258-3819 Website: www.sonymusic.ca Spinner Records 68 Water Street Suite 304 Vancouver, BC Tel: 604-687-2184 Fax: 604-687-2185 Sony Musique Canada, Inc. 3333 Blvd. Graham, Ste. 602 Ville Mount Royal, PQ H3R 3L5 Tel: (514) 737-3487 Fax: (514) 737-0793 Website: www.sonymusic.ca Sony Musique Canada, Inc. Eastern Region Ville Saint Laurent, PQ H4R 2J8 Tel: (514) 987-5233 Fax: (514) 335-5236 Stardust Records 2361 Robin Place North Battleford, SK Tel: 306-445-2002 Fax: 306-445-2002 Stickman Records 85 W. Wilmont Richmond Hill, ON L4B 1K7 Tel: (905) 889-6333 Fax: (905) 889-5840 Stony Plain Records P.O. Box 861 Edmonton Rock, AB Tel: 403-468-6423 Fax: 403-465-8941 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 24 Street Legal Records Box 563 Gander, NF A1V 2E1 Tel: (709) 256-8009 Fax: (709) 256-7411 Taillefer Productions 955 Quesnel Road Sturgeon Falls, ON Tel: 705-753-5017 Fax: 705-753-3882 Stubble Jumper Music Company 1656 Martin Drive Suite 106 P.O. Box 149 White, BC Tel: 604-535-5189 Fax: 604-535-5189 Tandem Music Group 2250 W. 34th Ave., Ste. 1 Vancouver, BC V6M 1G6 Tel: (604) 267-2341 Fax: (604) 267-2350 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.tandemmusic.com/ Stubble Jumper Music Company 21-15515 24th Ave. Surrey, BC V4A 2J4 Tel: (604) 535-5189 Fax: (604) 535-5167 Stubby Records Box 314, Sta. E Toronto, ON M6H 4H3 Tel: (416) 603-0667 Fax: (416) 603-0681 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.astrogroove.com SUGARSHACK RECORDS PO Box 60374 Fraser RPO Vancouver , BC Tel: 604 327-6030 Fax: 604 327-6039 E-mail: [email protected] Tardiff Music 1020 De Liver Pool Laval, PQ Tel: 514-628-9294 Fax: 514-625-6845 Taryden Records P.O. Box 205 Marshall, SK Tel: 306-387-6832 Fax: 306-825-9898 TBE Records Canada 41 Ottawa Avenue St. Clements, ON Tel: 519-699-5022 Teenage USA Recordings 260 Richmond St. W, Ste. 501 Toronto, ON M5V 1W5 Tel: (416) 596-8696 Fax: (416) 596-6861 Sunshine Records Ltd. 275 Selkirk Avenue Winnipeg, MB Tel: 204-586-8057 Fax: 204-582-8397 Teenage USA Recordings PO Box 91, 689 Queen St. W Toronto, ON M6J 1E6 Tel: (416) 341-0049 Fax: (416) 598-5428 Surge Records C.P. 500, Succ, H Montreal, PQ H3G 2L5 Tel: (450) 447-2244 Fax: (450) 447-2024 The Song Corp 147 Liberty St. Toronto, ON M6K 3G3 Tel: (416) 975-7664 Fax: (416) 532-9545 Synthetic Rhyme 207 Blue Willow Dr. Woodbridge, ON L4L 9E1 Tel: (905) 264-1120 Fax: (905) 264-1130 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.syntheticrhyme.com The Walt Disney Co. (Canada) Ltd. 1410-185 The West Mall Etobicoke, ON M9C 5L5 Tel: (416) 695-1500 Fax: (416) 695-4877 Three Gut Records 9 St. Patrick's Square Toronto, ON M5T 1W8 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.threegutrecords.com/ Time Art Records P.O. Box 87 Oak, MB Tel: 204-855-2550 Fax: 204-855-2197 TMA Records 125 Willingdon Street Fredericton, NB Tel: 506-453-0910 Fax: 506-453-4599 Tomcat Records P.O. Box 65400 Station F Vancouver, BC Tel: 604-255-0374 Fax: 604-255-0372 Too-Hip Records 300 Trillium Drive Unit 9 Kitchener, ON Tel: 519-725-1772 Total Sound 10333 174th St. Edmonton, AB T5S 1H1 Tel: (780) 483-3217 Fax: (780) 486-0569 Trend Music Group, Inc. 47 Racine Rd., Ste. 6 Toronto, ON M9W 6B2 Tel: (416) 749-6601 Fax: (416) 749-3918 Trilogy Records Int'l 3015 Kennedy Rd., Unit 1 Scarborough, ON M1V 1E7 Tel: (416) 291-4913 Fax: (416) 297-7784 True North Records 260 Richmond St. W., Ste. 501 Toronto, ON M5V 1W5 Tel: (416) 596-8696 Fax: (416) 596-6861 E-mail: [email protected] turtlemusik PO Box 25025 Halifax, NS B3M 4H4 Tel: (902) 429-9005 Fax: (902) 429-9071 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 25 Unidisc Music, Inc. 57-B Hymus Blvd. Point Claire, PQ H9R 4T2 Tel: (514) 697-6000 Fax: (514) 697-6864 Ventura Int'l Records, Inc. 200 Gateway Blvd., Ste. 307 Toronto, ON M3C 1B6 Tel: (888) 830-5743 Fax: (413) 487-4742 Universal Music (Canada) 2450 Victoria Park Ave. Toronto, ON M2J 4A2 Tel: (416) 491-3000 Fax: (416) 491-7177 Website: www.universalcanada.com Victoire Records C.P. 500, Sta. H Montreal, PQ H3G 2L5 Tel: (450) 447-2244 Fax: (450) 447-2020 Universal Music (Canada) Central Region 505 Consumers Rd., Ste. 102 Toronto, ON M2J 4V8 Tel: (416) 491-3000 Fax: (416) 491-2057 Website: www.universalcanada.com Universal Music (Canada) Eastern Region 3100 Cote Vertu, Ste. 200 Ville Saint Laurent, PQ H4R 2J8 Tel: (514) 987-5233 Fax: (514) 335-5236 Website: www.universalcanada.com Universal Music (Canada) Mid-Western Region 1209 59th Ave. SE, Ste. 260 Calgary, AB T2H 2P6 Tel: (403) 640-4700 Fax: (403) 640-4546 Website: www.universalcanada.com Universal Music (Canada) Western Region 1200 W. 73rd Ave., Ste. 1500 Vancouver, BC V6P 6G5 Tel: (604) 269-6660 Fax: (604) 269-6661 Website: www.universalcanada.com Velvet Records 205-A Lakeshore Rd. E. Mississauga, ON LL5G 1G2 Tel: (905) 891-3314 Fax: (905) 891-8339 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.mmmanagement.com Virgin Music (Canada) 3110 American Dr. Mississauga, ON L4V 1A9 Tel: (905) 678-4488 Fax: (905) 677-9565 Website: www.virginmusiccanada.com Virgin Records Canada Inc. 514 Jarvis Street Toronto, ON Tel: 416-961-8863 Fax: 416-961-8950 Warner Music Canada Ltd. 10215 178th Street Edmonton, AB Tel: 403-496-3562 Fax: 403-484-0524 Warner Music Canada Ltd. 11 Robinson Crescent Regina, SK Tel: 306-545-5905 Fax: 306-775-3315 Warner Music Canada Ltd. 140 Conway Drive Unit 42 London, ON Tel: 519-668-0366 Fax: 519-668-2072 Warner Music Canada Ltd. 1625 Dublin Avenue Suite 124 Winnipeg, MB Tel: 204-783-2346 Fax: 204-783-0242 Warner Music Canada Ltd. 1792 Birchmount Road Scarborough, ON Tel: 416-754-7861 Fax: 416-754-7865 Warner Music Canada Ltd. 1810 Birchmount Road Scarborough, ON Tel: 416-291-2515 Fax: 416-291-2863 Warner Music Canada Ltd. 20 Bateman Crescent Suite 7 Saskatoon, SK Tel: 306-665-8100 Fax: 306-665-1566 Warner Music Canada Ltd. 20 Normandy Place Oakville, ON Tel: 905-844-5877 Fax: 905-844-5451 Warner Music Canada Ltd. 21Concourse Gate Suite 9 Nepean, ON Tel: 613-723-8201 Fax: 613-723-7984 Warner Music Canada Ltd. 291 Indian Meal Line Torbay, NF Tel: 709-437-1947 Fax: 709-437-1947 Warner Music Canada Ltd. 4180 Lougheed Highway Suite 305 Burbaby, BC Tel: 604-299-0900 Fax: 604-299-6060 Warner Music Canada Ltd. 548 Curlwe Drive Kelowna, BC Tel: 604-764-0064 Fax: 604-764-4460 Warner Music Canada Ltd. 6301 Quinpool Road Halifax, NS Tel: 902-852-4278 Fax: 902-852-3739 Warner Music Canada Ltd. 6325 12th Street SE Unit 12 Calgary, AB Tel: 403-259-3000 Fax: 403-255-3992 Warner Music Canada Ltd. 6700 Cote de Liesse Suite 106 St. Laurent, PQ Tel: 514-731-6401 Fax: 514-738-3051 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 26 Warner Music Canada Ltd. 7272 Rue Des Grebes Charny, PQ Tel: 418-832-7011 Fax: 418-832-7028 Zulu Records, Inc. 1650 W Second Ave. Vancouver, BC V6J IH4 Tel: (604) 654-2929 Fax: (604) 654-1993 Warner Music Canada, Ltd. 3751 Victoria Park Ave. Scarborough, ON M1W 3Z4 Tel: (416) 491-5005 Fax: (416) 491-7001 Website: www.warnermusic.ca Zulu Records, Inc. 1972 W. Fourth Ave. Vancouver, BC V6J 1M4 Tel: (604) 730-1107 Warner Music International Services Canada Ltd. 3755 Victoria Park Ave. Scarborough, ON M1W 3Z4 Tel: (416) 758-1150 Fax: (416) 491-2809 Website: www.warnermusic.ca Warose Records R.R.#1 S4,CA3 Peachland, BC Tel: 604-767-3318 Watch Music Co. Ltd 200 N. Service Rd. W., Unit 1-361 Oakville, ON L5H 2V1 Tel: (905) 845-8202 Fax: (905) 845-9667 Wellcraft Music Group 712 Rossland Road East Suite 1007 Whitby, ON Tel: 905-430-9562 Fax: 905-430-9562 WFS Productions R.R. # 3 Bright, ON Tel: 519-463-5559 Fax: 519-463-9562 CHILE Alerce, La Otra Musica Jorge Washington No. 380 Santiago, Tel: 223 9216 Fax: 204 2486 BMG Chile, S.A. Avenida 11 De Septiembre 2353, 3rd Fl. Provindencia Santiago, Tel: 636-4200 Fax: 233-2742 Cami Records S.A. La Concepcion No. 65 of.1001,Providencia Santiago, Tel: 264-9999 Fax: 264-3072 Combo Discos Quechereguas No. 205 Santiago, Tel: 681-6349 Fax: 681-6349 EMI Odeon Chilena S.A. PO Box 186-D, Carlos Antunez 1959 Providencia Santiago, Tel: 341-1313 Fax: 341-5441 Wildcat Music 208 Evans Avenue Toronto, ON Tel: 413-620-7544 Fax: 416-622-6435 Musicavision La Capitania 1200, Las Condes Santiago, Tel: 220-1131 Fax: 212-8978 Zonik Records Box 246 Edmonton, AB T5J 2J1 Tel: (780) 432-0430 Fax: (780) 433-1115 Musicland Ave. Las Condes 6745 Santiago, Tel: 201-2519 Fax: 211-3259 Sonidos Ltda./SRC Ediciones Ltda. Casilla 16412 Santiago, Tel: 365 1031 Fax: 365 1032 Sony Music Entertainment (Chile) Av. Suecia 2323 Providencia Santiago, Tel: 200 8400 Fax: 274 3216 Sum Records Suecia 84 Oficina 122 Providencia Santiago, Tel: 234 2471 Fax: 335 2075 Universal Music Cruz de Sur 133, piso 9 Santiago, Tel: 206 6362 Fax: 206 5930 Warner Music Chile S.A. Carmen Sylva 2449, Providencia Santiago, Tel: 231 5581 Fax: 231 1951 CHINA Beijing Honghan Culture & Art Co. Ltd. 7-11-201 Anhuibelli Beijing, Tel: 9832 8662 Fax: 2365 7351 China Record Corp. 2 Fuxingmenwai St. Beijing, 100866 Tel: 6609 3418 Fax: 6609 3553 Rock Records Co. Ltd. Ai-Bon Bldg. No. 585 Shanghai, 200030 Tel: 6439 7343 Fax: 6481 4301 Sony Music Entertainment (PRC) Inc. 811 Hengshan Rd. Shanghai, 200030 Tel: 6472 6740 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 27 Fax: 6472 4814 Sony Music Entertainment (PRC) Inc. Room 205, Building C Beijing Dart Bus. Complex Beijing, 100020 Tel: 6503 2090 Fax: 6503 2085 COLOMBIA Balboa Records De Colombia S.A. Calle 100, Oficina 10031004,Penthse 100 Santa Fe de Bogota D.C., Tel: 621-9136 Fax: 621-9092 BMG Colombia Calle 67 No. 7-94, Piso 12 Santa Fe de Bogota, Tel: 347-1255 Fax: 212-2281 Cafe Records Productions Calle 82a, #41-24 Barranquilla, Tel: 378-4182 Fax: 378-4182 Codiscos (Compania Colombiana de Discos) PO Box 14-28 Medellin, ANT Tel: 255-7011 Fax: 285-2621 Discos Fuentes Ltda. Carrera 51 No. 13-233 Medellin, Tel: 265-7994 Fax: 265-6354 Discos MTM Transversal18 (Av. Ciudad de Quito NQS) Bogota, DC Tel: 523-9002 Fax: 523-9041 Discos Victoria, Ltda. Carrera 52, No. 25-144 Avda. Guayabal City Medellin, Antioquia, Tel: 265-7455 Fax: 265-1432 EMI Colombia S.A. Carrera 11A, No. 93, A-80, Piso 4 Santa Fe de Bogota, Tel: 531-1144 Fax: 623-6225 Sonolux Calle 9, No. 65-40 Santa Fe de Bogota D.C., Tel: 414 0077 Fax: 414 1402 Sony/ATV Music Publishing Calle 94A No. 11A-50 Santa Fe de Bogota, Tel: 621 9151 Fax: 621 9352 Warner Music Colombia S.A. Calle 94A, No. 11A-27, Piso 4 Bogota, Tel: 622 0363 Fax: 622 0285 CROATIA Dallas Records Croatia Vrtlarska 3B Zagreb, 10 000 Tel: 376-9162 Fax: 376-9172 Dancing Bear Ltd. Heinzelova 47-A Zagreb, 10000 Tel: 230-1310 Fax: 221 062 Tutico/Croatia Records Veprinacka 16 Zagreb, 10000 Tel: 363 8290 Fax: 363 8291 CUBA BIS Music Calle 86, #527, e/5ta b y 7ma, Miramar Playa Havana, Tel: 245 261 Fax: 244 934 Caribe Productions 17 St., Ste. 18401 and 184 St. Havana, Tel: 332 910 Fax: 332 965 EGREM 3th #1008 and 10 St. Havana, Tel: 331 925 Fax: 338 043 CYPRUS A-R All Records Ltd. PO Box 4556 Nicosia, Tel: 663 251 Fax: 675 051 Tricky Productions PO Box 4556 Nicosia, Tel: 663 251 Fax: 675 051 CZECH REPUBLIC Arta Records Lublanska 57 Prague, 120 00 Tel: 2491 4743 Fax: 298 823 B&M Music Krizenecko nam. 322 Prague 5, 15253 Tel: 6707 3881 Fax: 6707 3886 BMG Ariola CR/SR Trojanova 18 Prague, 2 120 00 Tel: 290 859 Fax: 2491 7214 Boheme Music Int'l PO Box 251 Beroun, 26001 Tel: 536 455 Fax: 536 456 Bonton Ostrov Stvanice 858 Prague 7, 170 21 Tel: 3337 9557 Fax: 3337 5730 Disky Communications SRO / Hermanex SRO Lesni ul cp 277 Mukarov, 251 62 Tel: 498 591 Fax: 498 591 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 28 Edit Records Zarubova 493 Prague 4, 142 00 Tel: 471-4540 Fax: 471-4540 Supraphon Palackeho 1 Prague 1, 112 99 Tel: 2494 8782 Fax: 2494 8728 Globus Int'l Jaromirova 61 Prague 2, 128 00 Tel: 692-7389 Fax: 692-6255 Universal Music Czech Republic SRO PO Box 160 Prague 10, 100 31 Tel: 771 544 Fax: 778 283 Jupiter Poupetova 5 Prague, 170 00 Tel: 6671 2544 Fax: 876 050 Matous Records Ronkova 8 Prague 8, 180 00 Tel: 684-2744 Fax: 684-3799 Monitor-EMI, S.R.O. Kovarova 39, Stodulky Prague 5, 15500 Tel: 5711 5111 Fax: 651-8331 Mute Records Pod Kastany 3 Prague 6, 160 00 Tel: 2431 1412 Fax: 328 843 Pohodli Benediktska 7 Prague, 110 00 Tel: 2482 7026 Fax: 2482 7026 Popron A.S. Jeremiasova 947 Prague 5, 150 00 Tel: 569 2316 Fax: 5721 0981 Snake's Music Pionyru 2069 Frydek-Mistek, 738 02 Tel: 644 321 Fax: 342 08 Sony Music Entertainment (Czech Republic) S.R.O. Paleckeho 1 Prague 1, 11299 Tel: 9624 5451 Fax: 2494 9162 Venkow Records AS PO Box 160 Prague 10, 100 31 Tel: 771 544 Fax: 778 283 Warner Music Czech Republic s.r.o. Blanicka 28 Prague, 2 120 00 Tel: 2226 3222 Fax: 2201 3222 DENMARK Alternate Refshalevej 209B Copenhagen K, 1432 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.alternate.dk/ Ambia Music Kobmagergade 26 Copenhagen K, DK-1150 Tel: 3311 1015 Fax: 3314 7512 Amigo Musik Denmark Dortheavej 39 Copenhagen NV, 2400 Tel: 339 033 Fax: 339 433 Andersong Group Ltd. PO Box 1531 Aalborg, DK-9100 Tel: 9631 0320 Fax: 9631 0125 Bellevue Entertainment Industrivej 28 Pandrup, 9490 Tel: 9673 0730 Fax: 9673 0733 BMG Denmark A/S Overgaden neden Vandet 17 Copenhagen K, 1414 Tel: 269-9700 Fax: 269-9799 Bonnier Music Denmark Gl. Mont nr.14 Copenhagen, 1116 Tel: 427 700 Fax: 427 701 Classico / Olufsen Records Uraniavej 12 Frederiksberg C, DK-1878 Tel: 3323 4540 Fax: 3323 4509 CMC Records A/S Adelgade 12 Aalborg, 9000 Tel: 311 711 Fax: 311 750 CNR Denmark Vendersgade 4 Copenhagen, 1363 Tel: 3332 5464 Fax: 3332 7989 Combi Sound Kongevej 21 Tonder, DK-6270 Tel: 7472 5311 Fax: 7472 2650 dacapo Christianshavns Torv 2 Copenhagen K, 1410 Tel: 3296 0602 Fax: 3296 2602 Danacord Records Norregade 22 Copenhagen, 1165 Tel: 3315 1716 Fax: 3312 1514 E-mail: [email protected] Diamond Records P.G. Ramms Alle 66 Copenhagen, 2000F Tel: 888 292 Fax: 102 322 Diehard Music A/S Vindegade 101 Odense, DK-5000 Tel: 6617 7537 Fax: 6612 9336 Disky Communications ApS / Hermanex ApS Teknikerbyen 11 Virum, 2830 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 29 Tel: 4583 8400 Fax: 4583 8101 Tel: 3391 0398 Fax: 3391 0498 edel records Denmark Groennegade 3 Copenhagen, DK-1107 Tel: 3332 3342 Fax: 3332 3341 Iceberg Records A/S Frederiksberggade 23 Silkeborg, DK-8600 Tel: 8720 6600 Fax: 8682 7733 Elap Music Bransagervej 2-10 Pandrup, 9490 Tel: 9973 4000 Fax: 9824 6045 Intermusic Ellebjergvej 23, PO Box 15 Risskov, 8240 Tel: 8617 0399 Fax: 8617 0499 EMI-Medley A/S Vognmagergade 10 Copenhagen K, DK-1120 Tel: 3393 5222 Fax: 3393 5221 KARMA MUSIC E-mail: [email protected] Pineapple Records Sondergade 20 Ansager, 6823 Tel: 7529 7400 Fax: 7529 7450 Kavan Klokkeistobervej 39 Viborg, 8800 Tel: 8662 7000 Fax: 8661 4343 Pladecompagniet Vognmagergade 7 Copenhagen K, 1120 Tel: 3376 0300 Fax: 3376 0333 Kick Music A/S Radhusstraede 3A Copenhagen, 1466 Tel: 454 750 Fax: 454 751 PladeSelskabet (Have A Cigar) Slotsgade 2 Copenhagen N, 2200 Tel: 3530 9100 Fax: 3537 2900 Eurisko Music Production PO Box 5 Ryomgaard, 8550 Tel: 8699 6099 Fax: 8639 6660 Extreme Records 11 Koebmagergade Copenhagen K, 1150 Tel: 3314 8200 Fax: 3313 6065 Flex Records Njalsgade 19, Bygn. 5, Opg. E-3 Copenhagen S, 2300 Tel: 640 952 Fax: 964 223 Fonix Musik ApS Sonder Alle 12 Arhus C, DK-8000 Tel: 8619 5811 Fax: 8619 5101 Freedom Records Wesselsgade 8 Copenhagen N, 2200 Tel: 3139 4958 Fax: 3537 1002 Happy One / Smash Records Adelgade 12 Aalborg, 9000 Tel: 9631 1711 Fax: 9631 1760 Hypnotic Records Admiralgade 20, Stuen Copenhagen K, 1066 ManRec Frederiksberg Alle 28 Copenhagen, 1820 Tel: 7025 8570 Fax: 7025 8571 Marsk Music Farup Kirkevej 27 Ribe, 6760 Tel: 7542 1758 Fax: 7542 3536 Mega Scandinavia A/S Indiakaj 1 Copenhagen O, 2100 Tel: 3525 6666 Fax: 3525 6665 Moskito Music Norregade 38 Copenhagen K, 1165 Tel: 3393 2800 Fax: 3393 2800 O.H. Musik Jersie Strandvej 5 PO Box 49 Solrod Strand, 2680 Tel: 5614 6644 Fax: 5614 6667 Olga Musik Boeletvej 4 Ry, 8680 Tel: 8689 2428 Fax: 8689 0033 Patricia Records Clarasvej 6 Horsens, 8700 Tel: 7565 5900 Fax: 7560 5933 Poul Hansen Ballerup Records Co Energivej 42 B Ballerup, 2750 Tel: 4465 2341 Fax: 4465 6522 Poul Hansen Ballerup Records Co Vendersgade 4 Copenhagen, 41363 Tel: 3332 5464 Fax: 3332 7989 Reca Music Productions Nykobingvej 18 Grevinge, 4571 Tel: 5966 0866 Fax: 5966 0766 Remixed Records Frederiksborggade 7, I Copenhagen K, 1360 Tel: 3333 7666 Fax: 3333 7636 Scandinavian Records Frederiksborggade 7 PO Box 2098 Copenhagen K, DK-1014 Tel: 3315 4100 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 30 Fax: 3315 4101 Sony Music Entertainment (Denmark) A/S Vognmagergade 7 Copenhagen K, 1120 Tel: 3376 0300 Fax: 3376 0333 Tel: 9816 6462 Fax: 9816 4536 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC SteepleChase Productions PO Box 35 Klampenborg, 2930 Tel: 3964 4244 Fax: 3964 5044 Allegro Productions Music Group Calle Siervas de Maria Ed. La Nave Santo Domingo, Tel: (809) 567-3211 Fax: (809) 562-5992 Storyville Records Dortheavej 39 Copenhagen, 2400 Tel: 3819 8590 Fax: 3819 0110 Discomundo Calle El Conde No. 404 Santo Domingo, Tel: (809) 685-4682 Fax: (809) 689-3136 Street Dance Records Vestergade 17 Copenhagen K, 1456 Tel: 3315 9070 Fax: 3393 9070 J&N Republica Dominicana Ave. 27 de Febrero, Plz. Central Santo Domingo, Tel: (809) 541-2316 Fax: (809) 541-2321 Sundance / The Scandinavian Music Co. Havnegade 41 Copenhagen K, 1058 Tel: 3333 8720 Fax: 3333 8730 Jose Luis Records Calle Duverge, #17 La Vega, Tel: (809) 573-4252 Fax: (809) 242-1238 Universal Music Denmark A/S PO Box 1138 Copenhagen K, 1010 Tel: 3391 2110 Fax: 3391 3110 Ringo Records 27 De Febrero #238, Edif. Plaza Guridy 3 Planta Santo Domingo, Tel: (809) 565-0940 Fax: (809) 565-8184 Virgin Records Denmark Ny Vestergade 7B Copenhagen K, DK 1471 Tel: 3313 2666 Fax: 3332 2449 Voices of Wonder Sankt Jorgens Alle 7/1 Copenhagen V, 1615 Tel: 3321 0135 Fax: 3324 0495 Warner Music Denmark A/S Antoinettevej 2 Valby, 2500 Tel: 3616 6888 Fax: 3617 0077 Zing Zing Music Kirkegardsgade 3 Aalborg, 9000 RMM Records Ave. Bolivar 948 Edificio Vista Mar, 1/F Santo Domingo, Tel: (809) 562-5128 Fax: (809) 562-5128 ECUADOR Tel: 529 684 Fax: 529 684 Arbol Records Casilla 17-09-7370 Quito, Tel: 598 889 Fax: 598 457 Fabrica Ecuatoriana De Discos S.A. PO Box 09-01-856 Guayaquil, Tel: 870 603 Fax: 873 930 EL SALVADOR Sony Music Entertainment (El Salvador), S.A. Frente a Canal 2 Condominio Plaza Suiza, Local 6 San Salvador, Tel: 224 3846 ESTONIA PedroBeat Ltd. Laki 12 Tallinn, 10621 Tel: 656 3701 Fax: 656 3677 FAROE ISLANDS Tutl Reynagota 12 Torshavn, FO-100 Tel: 314 815 Fax: 314 825 FIJI ISLAND Procera Music Co. Ltd. 68 Suva St., Ste. 19 Suva, Tel: 303 365 Fax: 303 193 Arbol Records Av. El Inca Y Guepi, No. 2069, Oficina 102 Quito, Tel: 258 568 Fax: 438 365 South Pacific Recordings Ltd. PO Box 17 Nadi, Tel: 700 478 Fax: 702 193 Arbol Records Ave. de los Shyris No. 134, Diego de Almagro Quito, Tango Sound PO Box 364 Lautoka, Tel: 660 185 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 31 Fax: 668 989 Tru Vybs Entertainers PO Box 2468 Lautoka, Tel: 650 247 Fax: 650 247 FINLAND Amigo Musik Finland Launeenkatu 4 Lahti, 15100 Tel: 880 9600 Fax: 880 9610 Audiovox Records Saynaslahdentie 12 Helsinki, 560 Tel: 728 8320 Fax: 7288 3220 Bad Vugum PO Box 362 Oulu, 90101 Tel: 377 369 Fax: 377 369 BLUE LIGHT RECORDS P.O. Box 153 Helsinki, FIN-00171 Tel: (358) 9-757-1728 Fax: (358) 9-777 2127 E-mail: [email protected] Digelius Music Laivurinrinne 2 Helsinki, 120 Tel: 666 375 Fax: 628 950 Poko / Poplandia Music PO Box 483 Tampere, Fin-33101 Tel: 213 6800 Fax: 213 3732 EMI Finland Oy Tallberginkatu 2A Helsinki, 180 Tel: 348 426 Fax: 3484 2797 Polarvox PL 9 Helsinki, 371 Tel: 565 3100 Fax: 554 282 FG-Naxos A.B. KKkamreerimtie 10 Espoo, 2700 Tel: 615-3615 Fax: 6153 6299 Rockadillo Ilmarinkatu 12 A 2 Tampere, 33500 Tel: 213 1260 Fax: 213 1297 Finlandia Records PO Box 169 Espoo, 2101 Tel: 435 011 Fax: 455-2352 SAVEL Helsinki, E-mail: [email protected] Goofin' Records PO Box 63 Vantaa, 1601 Tel: 773-3113 Fax: 275-9398 HILJAISET LEVYT P.O. Box 211 Tampere, 33201 E-mail: [email protected] Spinefarm Records Fredrikinkatu 71 Helsinki, 100 Tel: 454 2710 Fax: 4542 7133 Stupido Twins Records PO Box 301 Helsinki, 121 Tel: 646 990 Fax: 646 991 Universal Music Oy PO Box 172 Helsinki, 211 Tel: 615 4677 Fax: 6154 6700 Bluelight Records PO Box 153 Helsinki, 171 Tel: 757-1728 Fax: 777-2127 Jungle Records Variksenkuja Pori, 28300 Tel: 635-9030 Fax: 635-9031 BMG Finland Oy PO Box 173 Helsinki, 211 Tel: 6132 0211 Fax: 6132 0299 Musicmakers Pursimiehenkatu 29/E Helsinki, 150 Tel: 4131 8800 Fax: 4131 8810 CUPID RECORDS P.O.box 1125 Helsinki, 00101 E-mail: [email protected] Olarin Musiikki PL 20 Espoo, 2211 Tel: 881 3227 Fax: 8816 2300 7th Records 101 ave. Jean Jaures Epinay-sur-Seine, 93800 Tel: 4826 1027 Fax: 4827 6288 Cyberware Productions PO Box 623 Tampere, 33101 Tel: 213-1553 Fax: 213-1554 E-mail: [email protected] Ondine Fredrikinkatu 77/A/2 Helsinki, 100 Tel: 4342 210 Fax: 493 956 ACETONE RECORDS 94 rue de l'ermitage Tours, 37100 E-mail: [email protected] Warner Music Finland Oy Laensituulentie 1 Espoo, 2100 Tel: 435 01301 Fax: 455 2352 FRANCE For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 32 Airplay Records 39 rue de la Rochefoucaul Boulogne-Billancourt, 92100 Tel: 4699 6262 Fax: 4603 4331 Atmospheriques 10 rue Chabanais Paris , 75002 Tel: 4458 9111 Fax: 4458 9112 ALARIANA E-mail: [email protected] Atoll Music 18-20 rue du Borrego Paris , 75020 Tel: 4366 6922 Fax: 4366 5221 ALIENOR 7 Bd Sallebardine Aimargues, 30470 Tel: (33) 04 66 88 96 45 Fax: (33) 04 66 88 96 46 E-mail: [email protected] Alpha Productions 150 rue Saint-Maur Paris , 75011 Tel: 4357 0884 Fax: 4357 0787 AMOC 25-27 Rue Arthur Rozier Paris , 75019 Tel: 4240 3400 Fax: 4240 3400 AN NAER PRODUKSION Kerforn,, Prat 22140 E-mail: [email protected] AR Music Co. 40 rue Odour-sur-Glane Paris , 75015 Tel: 5378 5050 Fax: 5378 5005 ARFI 16 rue Pizay BP 1102 Lyon Cedex 01, 69209 Tel: (33) 04 72 98 22 00 Fax: (33) 04 72 98 22 09 E-mail: [email protected] Arion 36 Ave. Hoche Paris , 75008 Tel: 4563 7670 Fax: 4563 7954 Arkadia Records Int'l 28/30 rue Mederic Paris , 75017 Tel: 4267 1516 Fax: 4766 1908 Auvidis 47 Ave. Paul VaillantCouturier Gentilly, 94250 Tel: 4615 8800 Fax: 4740 9509 Back-Up Records 8 blvd. de Menilmontant Paris, 75020 Tel: 5525 2500 BALLIST'X ENTERTAINMENT 50 boulevard Renouvier Montpellier, 34000 Tel: (33) 04 67 06 53 45 Fax: (33) 04 67 06 53 45 E-mail: [email protected] Barclay 16 rue des Fosses-St.Jacques Paris, 75005 Tel: 4441 9595 Fax: 4441 9554 Fax: 4488 6900 Boucherie Productions 290 BD Voltaire Paris, 75011 Tel: 4371 7151 Fax: 4371 7152 CALLIOPE B.P. 433, 14 Rue de la Justice Compiegne Cedex, 60204 Tel: (33) 03 44 23 27 65 Fax: (33) 03 44 86 82 78 E-mail: [email protected] Caramba Spectacles 7 place de Seoul Paris, 75014 Tel: 4218 1717 Fax: 4218 1716 Caravage 130 rue Marius Aufan Levallois Perret, 92300 Tel: 4759 9451 Fax: 4759 0965 Caravage 3-5 rue Albert de Vatimesnil Levallois Perret, 92300 Tel: 4758 1227 Fax: 4758 1226 Celia 13 rue Duchatel Viroflay, 78220 Tel: 3024 7595 Fax: 3024 7888 Baxter 105 ave. Raymond Poincare 16 Paris, 75116 Tel: 4067 6869 Fax: 4067 2487 Charlin Disques 135 Quai, Winston Churchhill La Varenne, 94210 Tel: 4397 0060 Fax: 4976 3842 Bembule Music PO Box 596 Ajaccio Cedex, 20189 Tel: 9520 3068 Fax: 9520 3873 Columbia Group 131 Ave. de Wagram Paris, 75017 Tel: 4440 6060 Fax: 4440 6778 BLEU OUTREMER PRODUCTION E-mail: [email protected] DAQUI 8 Place des Carmes Langon, F-33210 Tel: (33) 05 57 98 08 45 Fax: (33) 05 56 76 29 69 E-mail: [email protected] BMG France 4-6 place de la Bourse Paris Cedex 02, 75080 Tel: 4488 6700 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 33 DEBUT 29 rue de la Sardane Tournefeuille, 31170 Tel: (33) 05 61 160 197 E-mail: [email protected] Dixiefrog B.P. 87 Clisson, 44190 Tel: 4036 0317 Fax: 4054 2451 Editions Jade 35/37 rue des Petits Champs Paris, 75001 Tel: 4450 5994 Fax: 4450 5999 Delabel 3 rue des Minimes Paris, 75003 Tel: 4478 5555 Fax: 4478 5599 DOUBLE H PRODUCTIONS 12-14 rue Jean Jacques Rousseau Montreuil, 93100 Tel: (33) 01 48 70 19 00 Fax: (33) 01 48 70 12 66 E-mail: [email protected] Ellebore 18, Impasse Mousset, BP 01 Paris, Cedex, 7556 Tel: 4001 0949 Fax: 4001 0994 Delphine Productions 150 blvd. Haussmann, 10 Sq. Beaujon Paris, 75008 Tel: 4562 0102 Fax: 4289 1922 Diama Music 4 ave. Voiron Drancy, 93700 Tel: 4830 5819 Fax: 4830 5819 Disques Concord 52 Rue Paul Lescop Nanterre, 92000 Tel: 4120 9050 Disques Coriolan S.A.R.L. 24, Chemin des Hourtets Carcassonne, F-11000 Tel: 6825 6514 Fax: 6825 6514 Disques Dom 4-6 rue du Donjon Vincennes, 94300 Tel: 4808 5081 Fax: 4374 9795 Disques Merlin 49 Ave. de Broceliande Saint-Malo, 35400 Tel: 9956 3251 Fax: 9940 5567 Disques Meys / Disques Temey 10 rue Saint Florentin Paris, 75001 Tel: 4260 8505 Fax: 4927 9669 Disques Vernou PO Box 22 Langeais, 37130 Tel: 4796 8059 Fax: 4796 6497 Double T Music France 21 rue de Teheran Paris, 75008 Tel: 5659 7060 Fax: 5659 7061 Downtight Records BP 123, Kergo Carnac, 56343 Tel: 9756 7346 Fax: 9756 7347 DRUMAAX Paris, 75018 E-mail: [email protected] DSA (Les Disques Du Soleil Et De L'acier 38 rue des Soeurs Macarons Nancy, 54000 Tel: 8332 2571 Fax: 8332 3047 EastWest France 69 rue de Monceau Paris, 75008 Tel: 5353 6000 Fax: 5353 6060 edel France sarl 21 rue de Miromesnil Paris, 75008 Tel: 5343 1352 Fax: 5343 1351 Edenways Music 39 rue des Peupliers Nanterre Cedex, 92752 Tel: 4119 9899 Fax: 4119 9888 Editions de Plein Vent PO Box 75 Vals-les-Bains, 7600 Tel: 7594 6355 Fax: 7537 6366 EMI Classics & Jazz 43 rue Camille Desmoulins Issy les Moulineaux, 92130 Tel: 292 020 EMI Music France BP 49 Issy-Les-Moulineaux Cedex, 92133 Tel: 4629 2020 Fax: 4629 2121 Epic Group 131 Av. de Wagram Paris, 75017 Tel: 4440 6420 Fax: 4440 6780 F-Communications 11 Rue de Clichy Paris, 75009 Tel: 4970 6706 Fax: 4463 0717 FIGHT 45 RECORDS 1, Passage Kracher Full Ace Music 41 ave. Edouard Vaillant Boulogne, 92100 Tel: 4610 4460 Fax: 4610 4461 Gambler Records 22, Av. Emile Deschanel Paris, 75007 Tel: 4705 4443 Fax: 4418 0819 GIMINI MUSIC 42, Rue de la Republique Chennevieres, 94430 Tel: (33) 01 45 76 13 72 Fax: (33) 01 45 76 72 28 E-mail: [email protected] Gorgone Productions 1 place aux Bleuets Lille, 59800 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 34 Tel: 2836 2362 Fax: 2836 2363 GORGONE PRODUCTIONS Paris, Tel: (33) 20-31-32-31 E-mail: [email protected] Grame Nine rue du Garet, B.P. 1185 Lyon Cedex 01, 69202 Tel: 7207 3700 Fax: 7207 3701 Groupe Fremeaux Colombini S.A. 20 rue Robert Giraudineau Vincennes, 94300 Tel: 4374 9024 Fax: 4365 2422 GUEST RECORDS 23, rue d'Issy Boulogne, 92100 Tel: (33) 01 49 10 07 07 Fax: (33) 01 49 10 07 67 E-mail: [email protected] HACIENDA RECORDS BP 84 Tarare, 69170 Tel: (33) 04 74 10 80 47 Fax: (33) 04 74 05 88 55 E-mail: [email protected] Happy Music 36-38 rue Voltaire Puteaux, 92800 Tel: 4728 0015 Fax: 4099 9051 HAPPY PRODUCTION E-mail: HappyProduction@NetCourri er.com HARMONIA MUNDI Mas de Vert 13631 Arles cedex Tel: (33) 04 90 40 90 49 Fax: (33) 04 90 40 96 14 E-mail: [email protected] m Harmonia Mundi (France) 31-33 Rue Vandrezanne Paris, 75013 Tel: 5380 0222 Fax: 5380 0225 Herisson Vert SA 25-27 ru du Mail Paris, 75002 Tel: 4041 0414 Fax: 4041 9055 Hexagone 5 rue Lincoln Paris, 75008 Tel: 5383 9250 Fax: 5383 9255 HOPI 5 Rue de Charonne Paris, 75011 Tel: (33) 01 48 07 18 67 Fax: (33) 01 48 07 18 93 E-mail: [email protected] Hopi Mesa 36 rue des Cevennes Paris, 75015 Tel: 4557 2636 Fax: 4557 8003 INDIGO M.C.A. B.P. 0631 Amiens Cedex 1, 80006 Tel: (33) 03 22 97 79 79 Fax: (33) 03 22 92 52 17 E-mail: [email protected] Intergroove 9 Passage de Crimee Paris, 75019 Tel: 4038 4319 Fax: 4209 5928 JULIE PRODUCTION E-mail: [email protected] KAON Limoges, E-mail: [email protected] Keltia Musique 1 Pl. au Beurre Quimper, 29000 Tel: 9895 4582 Fax: 9895 7319 La Bande Son 6 bid de la Republique Boulogne, 92100 Tel: 4610 1200 Fax: 4610 6833 LABEL AUDIO EDITIONS 10 rue Barrouin Saint-Etienne, Tel: (33) 04 77 92 82 75 Fax: (33) 04 77 92 82 74 E-mail: [email protected] Labels 80 rue des Tournelles Paris, 75004 Tel: 5301 2020 Fax: 5301 2030 LARSEN RECORDZ E-mail: [email protected] Jessy Music 6 rue Raoul Nordling Neuilly, 92200 Tel: 4624 5455 Fax: 4624 5709 Last Call Records 223 ave. Pierre Brossolette Montrouge, 92120 Tel: 4735 5279 Fax: 4735 5293 JIM A. MUSICS Paris, Tel: (33) 06 17 96 07 91 E-mail: [email protected] LE CHANT DU MONDE 31-33 Rue Vandrezanne Paris, 75013 Tel: (33) 01 53 80 12 30 Fax: (33) 01 53 80 12 18 E-mail: [email protected] JMS 12, rue Bouchut Paris, 75015 Tel: (33) 01 45 66 42 00 Fax: (33) 01 47 34 24 11 E-mail: [email protected] Joybringer 25, Rue Du Grauberg Tenteling, 57980 Tel: 028 077 Fax: 028 377 L'EMPREINTE DIGITALE Domaine de la Garde Eguilles, F-13510 Tel: (33) 04 42 33 33 22 Fax: (33) 04 42 92 59 75 E-mail: [email protected] LES DISQUES DU 22 22 rue Pierre Larousse Paris, 75014 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 35 E-mail: [email protected] LES MESSIEURS PRODUCTION 8 ZA La Vraie Croix Ploemeur, 56270 Tel: (33) 02 97 86 35 45 Fax: (33) 02 97 86 35 45 E-mail: lesmessieurs@lesmessieursp rod.com LIGIA DIGITAL 39, rue de Paris BP 2604 Vichy cedex, 3206 Tel: (33) 04 70 97 14 81 Fax: (33) 04 70 97 07 22 E-mail: [email protected] Ligia Digital BP 2604 Vichey cedex, 3206 Tel: 7097 1481 Fax: 7097 0722 LITHIUM RECORDS 38 rue Servan Paris Cedex 11, 75544 Fax: (33) E-mail: [email protected] Loft Records 20 Rue du Golf Vichy, 3200 Tel: 7098 5816 Fax: 7098 5793 Lyrinx 27 Cours d'Estienne d'Oves Marseille, 13001 Tel: 9154 8141 Fax: 9154 2198 M 10 3-5 rue Albert de Vatimesnil BP 190 Levallois-Perret cedex, 92305 Tel: 4149 4249 Fax: 4149 4200 MAKAR RECORDS E-mail: [email protected] MAYA LABEL 155 Bd. de la Croix Rousse Lyon, 69004 E-mail: [email protected] Mercury/Island France 20 rue des Fosses-SaintJacques Paris Cedex 05, 75235 Tel: 4441 9292 Fax: 4441 9231 Night & Day 30 bis rue du Bailly La Plaine-Saint-Denis, 93210 Tel: 4917 8850 Fax: 4917 8859 Mikonos Music L'Hubac des 4 Tours Thorenc, 6750 Tel: 9360 0083 Fax: 9360 0150 OKUPE PRODUCTION Marseille, E-mail: [email protected] om Milan Entertainment, Inc./Editions Milan Music 35-37, rue de Petits Champs Paris, 75001 Tel: 4450 5990 Fax: 4450 5999 OLYMPIC RECORDS E-mail: [email protected] m Moviesound 24 rue Ernst Deloison Neuillys, Seine, 92200 Tel: 4745 0836 Fax: 4745 0836 OPUS 111 37 Rue Blomet Paris, 75015 Tel: (33) 01 45 67 33 44 Fax: (33) 01 45 67 33 88 E-mail: [email protected] PANDEMONIUM RECORDS MSI S.A. 43 ave. Rene Cassin Marmande, 47200 Tel: 5320 3730 Fax: 5320 3731 Musea Records 138 rue de Vallieres Metz, 57070 Tel: 8776 7049 Fax: 8736 6473 E-mail: [email protected] Musica Latina Europa 13, rue des Lilas Paris, 93100 Tel: 4859 9122 Fax: 4859 9121 PLUG IT! RECORDS Maison Alfort, Polydor Records France 20 rue des Fosses-SaintJacques Paris Cedex 05, 75253 Tel: 4441 9393 Fax: 4441 9322 Pomme Music 16 rue e Ponthieu Paris, 75008 Tel: 4359 1578 Fax: 4359 6677 Musisoft 52 rue Paul Lescop Nanterre, 92000 Tel: 4120 9050 Fax: 4725 0099 Productions Speciales / Editions Speciales Illimitees BP 12 Bry-sur-Marne, 94363 Tel: 4923 1838 Fax: 4932 1774 Naive 11 rue de Clichy Paris, 75009 Tel: 4453 7130 Fax: 4463 0183 Prova Record 144 rue Beauvoisine Rouen, 76000 Tel: 2957 3939 Fax: 2957 3900 Naive 9 rue Victor Masse Paris, 75009 Tel: 5602 2000 Fax: 5602 2020 PSCHENT RECORDS C/o Overground House, 3 Ciite de l'Ameublement Paris, 75 011 Tel: (33) 01 43 72 01 15 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 36 Fax: (33) 01 43 72 01 16 E-mail: [email protected] Ramdam Factory 50 ave. du President Wilson La Plaine Saint Denis, 93210 Tel: 4917 8989 Fax: 4917 8969 RECALL Paris, REDBIRD 62, Avenue Jean Baptiste Lebas Roubaix, 59100 Tel: (33) 03 20 69 17 01 Fax: (33) 03 20 69 17 18 E-mail: [email protected] Rue Bleue 14 rue Bleue Paris, 75009 Tel: 4479 0036 Fax: 4479 0034 RUSSIAN SEASON 31-33 Rue Vandrezanne Paris, 75013 Tel: (33) 01 53 80 12 30 Fax: (33) 01 53 80 12 18 E-mail: [email protected] S.M.A.L.L. Records 131 Av. de Wagram Paris, 75017 Tel: 4440 6420 Fax: 4440 6666 SALABERT ACTUELS 22, Rue Chauchat Paris, Tel: (33) 01 48 24 55 60 Fax: (33) 01 42 47 17 56 E-mail: [email protected] Sarema Int'l 211 rue des Piats Tourcoing, 59200 Tel: 2076 4300 Fax: 2025 5502 Scam Records 37 Ave. du Mont-Joli Le Cannet, 6110 Tel: 9292 2584 Fax: 9292 1671 Scorpio Music 12 Ave. George V Paris, 75008 Tel: 4720 4395 Fax: 4952 0378 SECRET LEVEL RECORDINGS E-mail: [email protected] Sephora (La Musique de la Vie) BP 28 Montelier, 26120 Tel: 7559 9340 Fax: 7559 9348 SHAMBABA RECORDS 2 rue Quinconces Rosny Sous Bois, 93100 Tel: (33) 01 48 541 088 Fax: (33) 01 48 541 088 E-mail: [email protected] Sonodisc 85 rue Fondary Paris, 75015 Tel: 4577 3034 Fax: 4579 1472 Sony Music Entertainment (France) SA 131 Av. de Wagram Paris, 75017 Tel: 4440 6060 Fax: 4440 6666 SOUL SPIRIT RECORDS 3, rue Fortia Marseille, Tel: (33) 06 11 533 062 Fax: (33) 0 442 109 897 E-mail: [email protected] Source 13 rue Payenne Paris, 75003 Tel: 4478 8278 Fax: 4478 8279 SPIRIT OF JUNGLE BP 427 Chambery Cedex, 73004 Tel: (33) 04 79 96 04 04 Fax: (33) 04 79 96 01 23 E-mail: [email protected] Studio SM 54 rue Michel-Ange Paris, 75016 Tel: 4651 0305 Fax: 4743 9199 SUB MUSIC E-mail: [email protected] ranet.fr TALITRES RECORDS 14, rue de Merignac BORDEAUX, 33000 Tel: (33) 05 56 48 20 96 Fax: (33) 05 56 48 20 96 E-mail: [email protected] The Walt Disney Co. 44 ave. des Champs Elysees Paris, 75008 Tel: 4420 5500 Fax: 4563 8111 Tidalwave Music 7 Rue Coq Heron Paris, 75001 Tel: 5356 8051 Fax: 4937 1189 Topomic Music 26 rue LM Nordmann La Garenne Colombes, 92250 Tel: 4769 9807 Fax: 4119 0903 TREMA E-mail: [email protected] Under Cover Music Group S.R.L. 2 Bis rue Dupont de l'Eure Paris, 75020 Tel: 4465 0330 Fax: 4372 9641 Une Musique 305 ave. Le Jour se Leve Boulogne, 92100 Tel: 4141 1130 Fax: 4441 1138 Universal Classics 20 rue des Fosses-SaintJacques Paris Cedex 05, 75235 Tel: 4441 9494 Fax: 4441 9322 Universal Music France SA 20 rue des Fosses-SaintJacques Paris Cedex 05, 75235 Tel: 4441 9191 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 37 Fax: 4441 9190 V2 Music France 17 rue Bouchardon Paris, 75010 Tel: 5338 1515 VAL PRODUCTIONS E-mail: [email protected] Valotte Records Int'l 138 rue Nationale, PO Box 46 Paris, 75013 Tel: 4583 4500 Fax: 4583 4500 Versailles Station 6 rue Maziere Versailles, 78000 Tel: 3953 5410 Fax: 3902 3860 Virgin Records 11 Place Des Vosges Paris, 75004 Tel: 4454 6474 Fax: 4454 6496 Voice Productions 9 rue Goethe Paris, 75116 Tel: 4720 0915 Fax: 4723 5024 Wagram Music 40 rue Oradour-sur-Glane Paris, 75015 Tel: 5378 5000 Fax: 5378 5005 Walt Disney Records Europe 50 Ave. Montaigne Paris, 75008 Tel: 5375 5432 Fax: 5375 5431 Warner Classics France 14 Ave. Albert Einstein Paris, 93150 Tel: 4814 5000 Fax: 4814 5050 Warner Music France S.A. 102 Ave. du President Kennedy Paris, 75016 Tel: 4430 4005 Fax: 4430 4045 WEA Music France 102 Ave. du President Kennedy Paris, 75016 Tel: 4430 4000 Fax: 4430 4050 WIPED OUT RECORDS 89 rue Henri Lang Chambery, 73000 E-mail: [email protected] XIII Bis Music 34 rue Eugene Flachat Paris, 75017 Tel: 4212 5250 Fax: 4212 5296 Zig-Zag Territoires 14 rue Sainte Placide Paris, 75006 Tel: 4222 0155 Fax: 4222 0155 Zomba Records France Sarl 3 rue Clairault Paris, 75017 Tel: 5306 1111 Fax: 5306 1110 ZYX MUSIC 183 Rue de Courcelles Paris, 75017 Tel: (33) 01 42-120 448 Fax: (33) 01 42-120 466 E-mail: [email protected] GERMANY Accession Duessel St. 21-25 Duesseldorf, D-40219 Tel: 394 328 Fax: 308 3311 Acoustic Music Records PO Box 1945 Osnabrueck, 49009 Tel: 710020 Fax: 708 667 Airplay Reinhold Schneider St. 121123 Karlsruhe, 76199 Tel: 882 897 Fax: 885 453 Alex Merck Music Trajan St. 18 Cologne, 50678 Tel: 931 9503 Fax: 931 9507 Alfa Music Production Aussere Kapellen St. 7C Pinzberg, 91361 Tel: 727 607 Fax: 727 608 ALIEN SNATCH RECORDS c/o Daniele Bouche Morikeweg 1 Untergruppenbach, 74199 Tel: (49) 0 7131 - 70835 E-mail: [email protected] Alphabeat PO Box 1201 Wertheim am Main, 97862 Tel: 84155 Fax: 84155 Alphabet City Musikproductions Kreuelskamp 19 Moenchen-Gladbach, 41169 Tel: 955 021 Fax: 556 673 Alte Schule MFB c/o Alte Schule Blankenbach, 63825 Tel: 5834 Fax: 5835 Amoebenklang St. Petersburger St. 4 Rostock, 18107 Tel: 795 4412 Fax: 795 4412 ANT-ZEN c/o s.alt p.o. box 1257 Lappersdorf, 93135 Fax: (49) 0 941-24867 E-mail: [email protected] Apollyon, 4 Dimensions Altenbaunaer St. 27 Kassel, 34134 Tel: 941 3576 Fax: 941 3577 AREAL RECORDS Gummersbacher Str. 27 Cologne, Tel: (49) 0 221-276-1642 E-mail: [email protected] For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 38 Arte Nova Classics GmbH Kastenbauer St. 2 Munich, 816777 Tel: 4136 261 Fax: 4136 125 Bauer Studios GmbH Markgroeninger St. 46 Ludwigsburg, 71634 Tel: 22680 Fax: 226 899 Arts Music Muehlenweg 5 Oberding, 85445 Tel: 972 721 Fax: 972 740 Bear Family Records PO Box 1154 Vollersode, 27729 Tel: 93000 Fax: 930 020 E-mail: [email protected] ATA TAK Kolner St. 226F Duesseldorf, 40227 Tel: 782 2329 Fax: 782 2329 ATM Records PO Box 54 Grasberg, 28877 Tel: 3228 Fax: 1082 Ausfahrt Musikverlag GmbH Spitzenkamp 21 Halle Westfalen, 33790 Tel: 878 750 Fax: 878 751 AWP Records / Dusty Music Publishing Forst St. 47 Weinbohla, D-01689 Tel: 51 682 Fax: 51 683 Baierle Records Feldbrunnen St. 50 Hamburg, 20148 Tel: 414-1080 Fax: 4141 0877 BANANA RECORDS LibanonstraBe 49 Stuttgart, D-70184 Tel: (49) 711 480 08 80 Fax: (49) 711 480 08 50 E-mail: [email protected] BASSIC SOUND Gunzenlehstr. 17 Munchen, Tel: (49) 89 587849 Fax: (49) 89 5460271 E-mail: [email protected] Beatdisaster Records GmbH Christof-Ruthof-Weg 7 Mainz-Kastel, 55252 Tel: 260 862 Fax: 260 863 Bell Musik GmbH Raiffeisen St. 35 Aichtal, 72631 Tel: 95660 Fax: 59190 Bella Musica Eisenbahn St. 30 Buehl, 77815 Tel: 98550 Fax: 985 566 Bellaphon Records Mainzer Land St. 87-89 Frankfurt, 60329 Tel: 27120 Fax: 271-2117 BERI BERI RECORDS Marschnerstr.32 Hamburg, 22081 Fax: (49) 29991233 E-mail: webmaster@beriberirecords. de BEV Music A.G. Ruesselsheimer St. 22 Frankfurt, 60326 Tel: 923-1870 Fax: 9231 8799 Tel: 25 94 03 Fax: 25 94 04 Black Mark Production Luxemburger St. 31 Berlin, 13353 Tel: 462-7872 Fax: 462-7894 BLACK PEARL RECORDS Pf 200913 Koblenz, 56009 Tel: (49) 0261-9144328 Fax: (49) 0261-9144328 E-mail: [email protected] Blackbird Music Rheingau St. 2 Berlin, 12161 Tel: 827-9330 Fax: 827 93329 Blue Flame Records Parler St. 6 Stuttgart, 70192 Tel: 256-7671 Fax: 256-7674 Blue Star Music Von Behring St. 14 Allershausen, 85391 Tel: 7410 Blue Vision Josephsburg St. 90 B Muenchen, 81673 Tel: 4310 9251 Fax: 4310 9253 BME Records Germany PO Box 450224 Cologne, 50877 Tel: 947-2000 Fax: 950-2278 BMG Ariola Classics GmbH Kastenbauer St. 2 Munich, 81677 Tel: 41360 Fax: 413-6163 Biber Records Leimbachweg 11 Bollschweil, 79283 Tel: 982 143 Fax: 982144 BMG Ariola Frankfurt: Logic Records GmbH Strahlenberger St. 125A Offenbach, 63067 Tel: 820-0080 8237 2520 Fax: 8200 0888 Bit Bites Brain Music Production & Pbl Haup St. 200 Rodalben, 66976 BMG Ariola Hamburg GmbH Oster St. 116 Hamburg, 20259 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 39 Tel: 4906 9203 Fax: 4906 9110 Tel: 92090 Fax: 24997 Website: www.calamusrecords.com BMG Ariola Media GmbH Horselberg St. 5 Munich, 81677 Tel: 413-6200 Fax: 413-6101 Bogner Records Scheidter St. 26 Saarbrueken, 66125 Tel: 972 497 Fax: 972 499 BMG Ariola Miller GmbH Justus-von-Liebig-Ring 2 Quickborn, 25451 Tel: 614 120 Fax: 614 269 BOUNCING CORPORATION Stockmannstrasse 105 Oberhausen, 46045 Tel: (49) 0 208 - 807722 Fax: (49) 0 208 - 807722 E-mail: [email protected] Calamus Records Kurparkstraße 39 Munich, 81375 Tel: 49 171 7946270 E-mail: Markus.Steffen@calamusrec ords.de Website: www.calamusrecords.com BMG Ariola Munchen GmbH Steinhauser St. 1-3 Munich, 81677 Tel: 413-6824 Fax: 413-6826 BMG Berlin Musik GmbH Wittelsbacher St. 18 Berlin, 10707 Tel: 884 560 Fax: 882-5065 BMG Entertainment Int'l G/S/A E Europe Steinhauser St. 1-3 Munich, 81677 Tel: 413-6413 Fax: 413-6485 BMG Promotion Office Berlin Wittelsbacher St. 18 Berlin, 10707 Tel: 881-1074 Fax: 881-1077 BMG Promotion Office Cologne Hansaring 68-70 Cologne, 50670 Tel: 139-1672 Fax: 139-1670 BMG Promotion Office Hamburg Ostersrt. 116 Hamburg, 20259 Tel: 4906 9525 Fax: 490-4616 BMG RECORDS Munchen, Bogner Records Lohbinderweg 1 Rottach-Egern, 83700 Breeze Music Haupt St. 33 Pulheim, 50259 Tel: 923 071 Fax: 923 070 Brisa Entertainment Muehlenweg 5 Oberding, 85445 Tel: 972 720 Fax: 972 740 BSC Music Hauserweg 25 Muensing, 82541 Tel: 931 660 Fax: 931 666 BTM GmbH Sonnenallee 255 Berlin, 12057 Tel: 6397 9206 Fax: 6397 9207 BUNGALOW RECORDS Skalitzerstr. 68 Berlin, 10997 Tel: (49) 30-617 987 40 Fax: (49) 30-618 27 81 E-mail: [email protected] Buschfunk Rodenberg St. 8 Berlin, 10435 Tel: 445-9380 Fax: 444-7289 Calamus Records Adlzreiterstaße 27 Munich, 80337 Tel: 49 175 5628894 E-mail: Robert.Probst@calamusrecor ds.de Cantate-Musicaphon Tontraegerproduktion Heinrich Schuetz Allee 286 Kassel, 34134 Tel: 937-5412 Fax: 937-5425 Cap Music Bahnhof St. 45 Altensteig, 72213 Tel: 27553 Fax: 27591 Cap-Sounds Sudetenweg 6 Kriftel, 65830 Tel: 45861 Fax: 46922 Cap-Sounds Music Production Nordend St. 30B Frankfurt, 60318 Tel: 597-6622 Fax: 597-6626 Cargo Records Germany GmbH Grafrather St. 124 Wuppertal, 42329 Tel: 739 490 Fax: 736 570 Carlton Records Frankenforster St. 40 Bergisch Gladbach, 51427 Tel: 20030 Fax: 200 333 Carus-Verlag Wannen St. 45 Stuttgart, 70199 Tel: 960 110 Fax: 608 247 Century Media Records Schaeferstr. 33A Dortmund, 44147 Tel: 82 970 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 40 Fax: 829-7101 CHARLY LICENSING GERMANY P.O. Box 20 33 28 Hamburg, D-20223 Tel: (49) 40 40 17 11 63 Fax: (49) 40 40 17 11 64 E-mail: [email protected] Chiller Lounge Records Schwere Reiter St. 35/Haus 2A Munich, 80797 Tel: 3077 9525 Fax: 3077 9528 Chlodwig Musik GmbH Im Mediapark 2 Cologne, 50670 Tel: 945-1530 Fax: 945-1549 Christophorus/Signum Heuauerweg 21 Heidelberg, 69124 Tel: 785 011 Fax: 783 422 Chrom Records GmbH Westermuehl St. 26 Munich, 80469 Tel: 2023 9450 Fax: 2023 9499 clearspot Stephan St. 15 Frankfurt, 60313 Tel: 1388 8224 Fax: 1388 8559 Columbia Records Bellevuestr. 3 Berlin, 10785 Tel: 138 880 Fax: 138 887 440 Comma Records & Tapes Nachtigallen St. 36 Neu-Isenburg, 63263 Tel: 52696 Fax: 52696 Community Records GmbH Im Apen 1A Dortmund, 44359 Tel: 933-0100 Fax: 332 345 COMPOST RECORDS Haager Str. 10 Munchen, D-81671 Tel: (49) 89. 65 11 48 00 Fax: (49) 89. 65 11 48 02 E-mail: [email protected] Countdown Music GmbH PO Box 1145 Quickborn, 25442 Tel: 5041 Fax: 67046 Crippled Dick Hot Wax Schlesische St. 28 Berlin, 10997 Tel: 617-8900 Fax: 6178 9022 Crosscut Records PO Box 106524 Bremen, 28065 Tel: 168 020 Fax: 168 021 CMA Music Production GmbH Behring St. 3 Mainaschaff, 63814 Tel: 780 059 Fax: 76910 CRUCIAL RESPONSE RECORDS Kaisersfeld 98 Oberhausen, 46067 E-mail: [email protected] Coconut Records GmbH PO Box 1141 Hennef, 53758 Tel: 92690 Fax: 926 922 CRYPT RECORDS Eimsbutteller Chaussee 84 Hamburg, 20259 Fax: (49) 40 433065 E-mail: [email protected] Colosseum Schallplatten GmbH Bayern St. 100 Nuremberg, 90471 Tel: 474-0170 Fax: 474-0160 CSS (California Sound Service) Altenhof 1 Leichlingen, 42799 Tel: 2070 Fax: 6844 DA Music (Deutsche Austrophon) Krupp St. 7 Diepholz, 49356 Tel: 98690 Fax: 986 966 Dance Street/House Nation Thomas St. 18-20 Dortmund, 44135 Tel: 52027 Fax: 52026 Danza Y Movimiento GmbH PO Box 306114 Hamburg, 20327 Tel: 340 328 Fax: 340 317 Day-Glo Records Probsteigasse 44-46 Cologne, 50670 Tel: 912-9459 Fax: 138 186 Delirium Records Toengesgasse 42 Frankfurt, 60311 Tel: 131-0169 Fax: 131-0168 Delta Music GMBH Zur Muehle 2 Frechen, 50226 Tel: 60060 Fax: 600 640 DEPENDENT RECORDS PO Box 200 631 Gelsenkirchen, 45841 Tel: (49) 209 38 650 670 Fax: (49) 209 38 650 668 E-mail: [email protected] Deutsche Grammophon GmbH PO Box 130266 Hamburg, 20102 Tel: 441 810 Fax: 4418 1188 DIN RECORDS E-mail: [email protected] Disco-Center Classic Kassel Heinrich Schuetz Allee 35-37 Kassel, 34131 Tel: 935 140 Fax: 935-1415 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 41 Discomania Musikvertriebs GmbH Diesel St. 13 Rosbach, 61191 Tel: 391 000 Fax: 391-0099 DISKO B RECORDS Lindwurmstr. 71 Munich, 80377 Tel: (49) 89-5438 230 Fax: (49) 89-5438 441 E-mail: [email protected] Disky GmbH Bussardweg 16 Neuss, 41468 Tel: 344-8050 Fax: 344-8060 Djerba Music Inc. Sudetendeutsche St. 20 Munich, 80937 Tel: 311-3441 Fax: 311-2829 Tel: 290 260 Fax: 290-2630 EastWest Records GmbH PO Box 201251 Hamburg, 20243 Tel: 490 620 Fax: 4906 2267 ECM Records & Music Pasinger St. 94 Graefelfing, 82166 Tel: 851 048 Fax: 854-5652 edel records GmbH Billwerder Neuer Deich 72 Hamburg, 20539 Tel: 789-1700 Fax: 782 783 edel records GmbH PO Box 520151 Hamburg, 22591 Tel: 890 850 Fax: 896 521 Dos Or Die Recordings GmbH Oberbenrader St. 529 Krefeld, 47804 Tel: 816 300 Fax: 816 323 EFA Berlin - E:motion Forster St. 4-5 Berlin, 10999 Tel: 6179 8922 Fax: 6128 4151 Drakkar Entertainment PO Box 1729 Witten, 58452 Tel: 58051 Fax: 580 912 EFA Medien GmbH Arnsburger St. 70 Frankfurt, 60385 Tel: 943-4240 Fax: 9434 2422 Duophon Musikverlag und Produktion Eislebener St. 4 Berlin, 10789 Tel: 2147 9135 Fax: 214-2880 Electro Chemical Research (ECR) Hospelt St. 66 Cologne, 50825 Tel: 542 830 Fax: 542 830 Dureco Deutschland Dorfbauerschaft 24 Senden, 48308 Tel: 81738 Fax: 81837 Elisar Records Haupt St. 66 Offenburg, 77652 Tel: 72041 Fax: 23406 Dust Records Gieselbach St. 1 Rheinau, 77866 Tel: 2629 Fax: 47422 EMI Electrola GmbH Im Media Park 8 Cologne, 50670 Tel: 49 020 Fax: 490-2100 EAMS (Elektronik Audio Musik) Graflinger St. 192 Deggendorf, 94469 Enja Records / Edition Mawi Frundsberg St. 36 Munich, 80634 Tel: 161 777 Fax: 167-8810 E-mail: [email protected] Epic Records Stephan St. 15 Frankfurt, 60313 Tel: 138 880 Fax: 1388 8440 Erdenklang Musikverlag / CCn'C Records Habbecke St. 18 Eslohe, 59889 Tel: 2088 Fax: 2660 ERF Verlag Berliner Ring 62 Wetzlar, 35576 Tel: 9570 Fax: 957 120 ESC Records Arnsburger St. 70 c/o EFA Frankfurt Off Frankfurt, 60385 Tel: 943-4240 Fax: 943 42422 EUPHONIC RECORDS Franz-Schubert-Strasse 13 Lobau, d-02708 Tel: (49) 35 85 40 50 70 Fax: (49) 35 85 40 50 71 E-mail: [email protected] EURO RALPH Fax: (49) 40 31 30 09 E-mail: [email protected] EVENT records Hildesheimer St. 111A Hannover, 30173 Tel: 805 001 Fax: 805 004 Eversongs Firkenweg 7 Unterfoehring, 85774 Tel: 950-4416 Fax: 950-3057 Ewoton Int'l Mittelfeld St. 4 Queidersbach, 66851 Tel: 92300 Fax: 17212 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 42 Exil Musik GmbH Aussere Bahnhof St. 56 Burgbernheim, 91593 Tel: 95959 Fax: 95900 Fairytrax Records Linden St. 32 Cologne, 50674 Tel: 240-7748 Fax: 240-7762 FAJARA RECORDS Humboldtstr.27 Moenchengladbach, 41061 Tel: (49) 021 6118 1819 Fax: (49) 020 2244 2973 E-mail: [email protected] FARAO GmbH Schwere-Reiter-Str.35 Gbd. 20 Munchen, D-80797 Tel: (49) 89 30 777 616 Fax: (49) 89 30 777 617 E-mail: farao.classics@klangverwaltu ng.de Faxx Music Haupt St. 19 Friedland, 37133 Tel: 92660 Fax: 926 622 Faxx Music Pallhausen 6 Freising, 85354 Tel: 8877 Fax: 8848 Fenn Music Service Bundes St. 4 Dassendorf, 21521 Tel: 960 011 Fax: 960 013 FICTION FRICTION RECORD c/o Defcom Schlesische str. 27 Berlin, 10997 Tel: (49) 30-617 76 99 32 Fax: (49) 30-617 76 99 8 E-mail: [email protected] Five 2 Nine Productions Von-Groote St. 62 Cologne, 50968 Tel: 343 414 Fax: 344 282 Fax: 21329 FM Production Moerfelder Land St. 165 Frankfurt, 60598 Tel: 631-1632 Fax: 631-1699 Global Records Frundsberg St. 33 Munich, 80634 Tel: 130-7300 Fax: 1307 3030 Four Music Productions Morike St. 67 Stuttgart, 70199 Tel: 9666 6400 Fax: 9666 6401 Goldrush Entertainment GmbH Nobbenburger St. 13 Osnabrueck, 49076 Tel: 961 460 Fax: 961-4620 Free Culture Music Stroof St. 4 Frankfurt, 65933 Tel: 3899 8075 Fax: 380-8679 Goodlife Records St. German St. 7 Speyer, D-67346 Tel: 290 681 Fax: 290 682 Freiburger Musik Forum Schwarzwald St. 298A, Schlosspark Ebnet Freiburg im Breisgau, 79117 Tel: 62205 Fax: 62229 Grand H Music GmbH Haller St. 40 Hamburg, 20146 Tel: 441-8020 Fax: 453 327 Fuego Friesen St. 106 Bremen, 28203 Tel: 4217 5111 Fax: (427) 794-1300 Groove Attack Schanzen St. 36 Cologne, 51063 Tel: 990 750 Fax: 9907 5990 Fun Factory! Entertainment Hermannstadtweg 9 Muenster, 48151 Tel: 78321 Fax: 78322 GUTBUCKET RECORDS E-mail: [email protected] Future Sound PO Box 538 Bad Kreuznach, 55529 Tel: 840-8484 Fax: 840-8485 G.I.B. Music AG Inselkammer St. 11 Unterhaching, 82008 Tel: 614-4150 Fax: 6144 1590 GET HAPPY RECORDS E-mail: [email protected] GIFT MUSIC E-mail: [email protected] Glitterhouse Records Gruener Weg 25 Beverungen, 37688 Tel: 36360 Hammer Musik GmbH Christoph St. 38 Stuttgart, 70180 Tel: 960 280 Fax: 960-2899 Hanssler Classic Max-Eyth St. 41 Holzgerlingen, 71088 Tel: 74140 Fax: 741-4259 HAPPY MUSIC GbR Bergstr.33 Plauen, D-08523 Tel: (49) 03741 - 223822 Fax: (49) 03741 - 223827 E-mail: [email protected] H'Art Musikvertrieb Lange Wanne 50 Recklinghausen, 45665 Tel: 94 850 Fax: 948 570 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 43 Helikon Harmonia Mundi GmbH Wernher von Braun St. 13 Eppelheim, 69214 Tel: 67760 Fax: 677 677 In-Akustik GmbH & Co. KG Untermatten 12-14 Ballrechten-Dottingen, 79282 Tel: 56100 Fax: 561 080 Hellion Records Postfach 1445 Itzehoe, 25504 Tel: 3682 Fax: 62480 Inside Out Music Kleiner Markt 10 Kieve, 47533 Tel: 26237 Fax: 26920 Henry Records Beim Schlump 18 Hamburg, 20144 Tel: 4503 5880 Fax: 440 108 Intergroove GmbH Adolf Damaschke St. 10 Schwalbach, 65824 Tel: 88930 Fax: 889 327 HMO-Innovative Tontraeger Bieselheider Weg 52-B Berlin, 13465 Tel: 401-7711 Fax: 401-7879 Intersound Musikverlag & Musikproduktion GmbH Schleibinger St. 10 Munich, 81669 Tel: 447-7820 Fax: 4477 8288 Home Boy Records Postfach 110534 Duisburg, 47145 Tel: 502905 Fax: 502906 Hot Wire Vorm Kreuz 6 Dostoch, 55592 Tel: 94571 Fax: 94572 Hydra Records Bruno Hofer Platz 1 Munich, 80937 Tel: 311-3918 Fax: 311-2931 I-Records Lessing St. 46 Donaustauf, 93093 Tel: 942 668 Fax: 942 669 Jaro Medien Bismarck St. 43 Bremen, 28203 Tel: 705 771 Fax: 74066 Jazzpoint Records Entengasse 10 Weinsberg, D-74189 Tel: 21019 Fax: 21118 Hyperium/Hypnobeat Records PO Box 910127 Nuremberg, 90259 Tel: 530 060 Fax: 530-0616 Jive Records Im Mediapark 6 Cologne, 50670 Tel: 912-6680 Fax: 9126 6867 Hypertension St. Benedict St. 5 Hamburg, 20149 Tel: 476 993 Fax: 478 383 Jochen Kraus Records Muehlbachweg 17 Grassau, 83224 Tel: 598 853 Fax: 598 854 IC DigIt Music Auf dem Esch 8 Diepholz, 49356 Tel: 347 946 Fax: 349 964 Jumbo GmbH Bismarck St. 99 Hamburg, 20253 Tel: 4293 0400 Fax: 420-8444 Jupiter Records Frieda St. 22 Munich, D-81479 Tel: 749-8070 Fax: 749-8077 Kick Media AG Burgunder St. 8 Cologne, 50677 Tel: 33860 Fax: 338 650 KITTY YO Holzel Wagner GbR Rosenthaler Strasse 3 Berlin, 10119 Tel: (49) 0 30 283 91 450 Fax: (49) 0 30 283 91 452 E-mail: [email protected] KOCH Int'l GmbH Lochhamer St. 9 Planegg/Munich, 82152 Tel: 857 950 Fax: 8579 5100 Kontor Records GmbH PO Box 710264 Hamburg, 22162 Tel: 646-9050 Fax: 6469 0525 KRD MUSIC Hohenweg 5-7 Balve, 58802 Tel: (49) 0 2375-5685 Fax: (49) 0 2375-3727 E-mail: [email protected] KT Records / Karo Music Studio Vor dem Hassel 23 Brackel, 21438 Tel: 855 235 Fax: 855 237 K-Tel Int'l Max-Planck St. 34 Karben 1, W-61184 Tel: 999 101 Fax: 999 33 KUK VERLAGSANSTALT Arzheimer-Tor-Str. 36 Landau-Morzheim, D-76829 Tel: (49) 6341 - 93 94 40 Fax: (49) 6341 - 93 94 45 E-mail: [email protected] For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 44 L.M.E. (Lemon Music Entertainment) Weichsel St. 13 Fuerstenfeldbruck, 82256 Tel: 31137 Fax: 31138 Laika Records Stavendamm 16 Bremen, 28195 Tel: 323 811 Fax: 337-8163 Fax: 405-9591 Magnetic Music Planie 22 Reutlingen, 72764 Tel: 478 605 Fax: 478 606 Mainhattan Music & Media Friedrich Ebert St. 48 Obertshausen, 63179 Tel: 98590 Fax: 985 959 Largo Records Hohenstaufenring 43-45 Cologne, 50674 Tel: 261 390 Fax: 261-3920 E-mail: [email protected] Mambo Musik Verlag und Produktion GmbH Herzog St. 39 Munich, 80803 Tel: 339 192 Fax: 339 141 Laughing Horse Music Alexander-Zinn St. 4 Hamburg, 22607 Tel: 822-7210 Fax: 8227 2120 Marimba Music Zainschmiedweg 3 Sonthofen, 87527 Tel: 81945 Fax: 88399 Limb Music Products & Publishing PO Box 602520 Hamburg, 22235 Tel: 531-0900 Fax: 5310 9050 Max Music Germany GmbH Althoz 4 Plattling, D-94447 Tel: 370 040 Fax: 370-0410 Logic Records Strahlenberg St. 125A Offenbach, 63067 Tel: 820-0080 Fax: 8200 0888 Loop Dance Constructions Bramfelder Dortplatz 2A Hamburg, 22179 Tel: 6420 2700 Fax: 6420 2702 Lounge Records Oberhafen St. 1 Hamburg, 20097 Tel: 3039 2612 Fax: 3252 5493 Low Spirit Recordings Giesebraecht St. 16 Berlin, 10629 Tel: 327-9160 Fax: 3279 1699 M.T.W. Records Kittelbach 54 Duesseldorf, 40489 Tel: 403 354 Max Music Germany GmbH Berg St. 33 Plauen, 8523 Tel: 223 822 Fax: 223 827 MDG (Musicproduktion Dabringhaus und Grimm) Bach St. 35 Detmold, 32756 Tel: 93890 Fax: 26186 Media Tontraeger Service GmbH Lienener St. 176 Lengrich, 49525 Tel: 819-3410 Fax: 8193 4117 Mediadisc Schallplatten Teichaue 24 Adendorf, 21365 Tel: 187 844 Fax: 187 844 Mediahaus Stroebel Holdings Moenchenwerther St. 15 Duesseldorf, 40545 Tel: 55880 Fax: 558-8150 Meistersinger Musik Aeussere Kapellen St. 7 Pinzberg, 91361 Tel: 70700 Fax: 707 050 Melos Music Homburger Land St. 101 Frankfurt, 60435 Tel: 905-4680 Fax: 9540 3002 Mercury Records Glockengiesserwall 3 Hamburg, 20035 Tel: 30 87 03 Fax: 30 87 26 83 Mira Sound Germany Danziger St. 1 Gauting, 82131 Tel: 850-8555 Fax: 850-9178 MM-Musikverlag GmbH & Co. KG Postfach 140641 Bielefeld, 33626 Tel: 947-4971 Fax: 947-4973 MMR Records Schaumburgallee 2 Berlin, 14052 Tel: 305-7036 Fax: 305-4328 MMS Group of Companies Paul Ehrlich St. 17 Roedermark, 63322 Tel: 489 180 Fax: 489-1899 Modern Music Records Hardenberg St. 9A Berlin, 10623 Tel: 264-9870 Fax: 262-4448 Moers Music GmbH PO Box 300120 Moers, 47445 Tel: 7741 Fax: 762 92 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 45 Monopol Verlag GmbH Wittelsbacher St. 18 Berlin, 10707 Tel: 884 140 Fax: 881-6243 Naxos Deutschland Wienburg St. 171 Muenster, D-48147 Tel: 192 4060 Fax: 1924 0610 MONS RECORDS Taubenplatz 42 Trippstadt, 67705 Tel: (49) 0 6306-993-222 Fax: (49) 0 63-06-993-223 E-mail: [email protected] NETWORK Medien GmbH Merianplatz 10 Frankfurt, D-60316 Tel: (49) 69 499 00 40 Fax: (49) 69 499 00 97 E-mail: [email protected] MOON HARBOUR RECORDINGS Davidstrabe 2 Leipzig, 4109 Fax: (49) 341.9638222 E-mail: [email protected] MOTOR MUSIC Holzdamm 57 Hamburg, 20099 Tel: (49) 40-3087-05 Fax: (49) 40-3087-2596 E-mail: [email protected] Motor Music Holzdamm 67-61 Hamburg, D-20099 Tel: 30 87 05 Fax: 30 87 25 96 Music Contact Saar St. 8 Tuebingen, 72070 Tel: 2250 Fax: 2134 Musik Express/Sounds Werinher St. 71 Munich, 81541 Tel: 923-4310 Fax: 691-3064 MZEE-Records Aachener St. 209 Cologne, 50931 Tel: 940 740 Fax: 408 881 MZEE-Records Vitalis St. 379A Cologne, 50933 Tel: 951 750 Fax: 951-7522 E-mail: [email protected] Nuclear Blast GmbH Oesch St. 40 Donzdorf, 73072 Tel: 92800 Fax: 24554 Nucleus Bundesallee 86-88 Berlin, 12161 Tel: 859 0710 Fax: 8590 7117 Newmusic Ausschlager Weg 88 Hamburg, 20537 Tel: 2517 8305 Fax: 251 2027 Oasis Records Buelow St. 9 Munich, 81679 Tel: 982 7055 Fax: 982 7655 Newstone Muehlbergweg 12 Kircheim-Willingshain, 36275 Tel: 7477 Fax: 7569 Obermain Musikproduktion Am Mittelholz 13 Rossach, 96269 Tel: 656 1441 Fax: 656 1442 NO RESPECT RECORDS E-mail: [email protected] No Time Music Entertainment + Musikverlag e.k. Karl Anton Str. 4 Duesseldorf, 40211 Tel: 625 006 Fax: 611 654 Noculan Music PO Box 9108 Rotterdam, 3007 AC Tel: 482 7700 Fax: 482 9056 Noiseworks Records PO Box 310 Chemnitz, D-09028 Tel: 429 866 Fax: 3541 555 Normal Records Bonner Talweg 276 Bonn, 53129 Tel: 213 041 Fax: 213 043 NOVA RECORDINGS Gladbacher str. 44 Koln, 50672 Tel: (49) 221 5891577 Olli's House Productions & Publishing PO Box 110833 Duesseldorf, 40508 Tel: 556 0691 Fax: 553 586 ONLINE RECORDS Im Schnellen Wind 9 Monschau, NRW, 52156 Tel: (49) 2472 5599 Fax: (49) 2472 4720 E-mail: [email protected] Orbit Records Ditmar Koel St. 26 Hamburg, 20459 Tel: 318 030 Fax: 313 437 Orbit Records Lindenallee 58 Hamburg, 20259 Tel: 432 9320 Fax: 4329 3232 Orfeo Int'l Augusten St. 79 Munich, 80333 Tel: 542 1360 Fax: 5421 3621 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 46 P&G Media Service GmbH Im Oberfeld 1A Staufen, 79219 Tel: 8847 Fax: 8820 Pagoden Records Wasbeker St. 180 Neumuenster, 24537 Tel: 67744 Fax: 67752 Paradise Music GmbH Heilig-Kreuz-Str. 24B Augsburg, 86152 Tel: 33336 Fax: 33309 Pavement Records / Paveier Musikverlag Budde St. 13 Bergisch Gladbach, 51429 Tel: 95350 Fax: 95350 Peppermint Jam Records Weidendamm 8 Hannover, 30167 Tel: 768 600 Fax: 701 0926 Peregrina Music Markgroeninger St. 46 Ludwigsburg, 71634 Tel: 226 822 Fax: 226 899 Perky Park Music Aschaffenbuurger St. 30 Offenbach, 63073 Tel: 896 003 Fax: 896 002 PHARMA RECORDS Brabanter Strabe 42 Koln, 50672 Tel: (49) 221-2578738 Fax: (49) 221-2578742 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 182 1867 Fax: 5559 1920 Pila Music Breitwasenring 2 Dettenhausen, 72133 Tel: 564 340 Fax: 564 390 Roof Music Prinz Regent St. 50-60 Bochum, NRW 44795 Tel: 72734 Fax: 770 049 Pink Tontraeger Produktion + Vertrieb Muenstertaeler St. 23 Staufen im Breisgau, 79219 Tel: 7265 Fax: 50441 Royal Records Germany Buttermarkt 7 Niederrhein, 49706 Tel: 518 738 Fax: 518 738 Piranha Musik Produktion & Verlag AG Carmer St. 11 Berlin, 10623 Tel: 3186 1413 Fax: 3186 1410 Plattenmeister Hochmoor 9 Silberstedt, 24887 Tel: 187 773 Fax: 181 223 Playbones Musik Winterhuder Weg 142 Hamburg, 22085 Tel: 2271 6552 Fax: 2271 6554 Polyband Am Moosfeld 37 Munich, 81829 Tel: 420 030 Fax: 420 0342 Polydor Glockengiesserwall 3 Hamburg, D-20095 Tel: 30 87 02 Fax: 30 87 26 04 Pool Musikproduktion Streit St. 86 Berlin, 13587 Tel: 355 9370 Fax: 3559 3727 Phon und Ton / Discant Musik GmbH Weiherfeldring 32 Mitterfels, 94360 Tel: 911 003 Fax: 911 004 PPM Powerplay Music Wiesmuehl 24A Tittmoning, 84529 Tel: 98890 Fax: 1392 Phono Music Leuschner St. 1 Stuttgart, 70174 Tel: 182 1991 Repertoire Records Adlerhorst 17 Hamburg, 22459 Tel: 555 9190 S.P.V. GmbH Bruesseler St. 14 Hannover, 30539 Tel: 87090 Fax: 870 9181 Sattva Music PO Box 200308 Schliersee, D-83730 Tel: 289 0680 Fax: 2890 6820 SCHOTT MUSIC Weihergarten 5 Postfach 3640 Mainz, D-55116 Tel: (49) 61 31 24 68 91 Fax: (49) 61 31 24 62 12 Semaphore GmbH Andernacher St. 18 Nuremberg, 90411 Tel: 952 770 Fax: 952 7740 Sense Music Bismarck St. 16 Blachofshaim, 6474 Tel: 970 699 Fax: 970 699 Session Group Records Wiesen St. 1 Walldorf, 69160 Tel: 64966 Fax: 63627 Seychelles Music Neusser St. 1 Cologne, 50670 Tel: 9730 9014 Fax: 9730 9021 Shava Musik Produktion & Verlag Hindenburgdamm 54 Berlin, D-12203 Tel: 834 5841 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 47 Fax: 834 5841 Shift Music Eier St. 8 Kaiserslautern, 67655 Tel: 362 780 Fax: 362 784 Siebenpunkt Verlags GmbH / Mint Records Habsburger Platz 3 Munich, D-80801 Tel: 202 3194 Fax: 202 3193 Sony Music Entertainment (Germany) GmbH Stephan St. 15 Frankfurt, 60313 Tel: 138 880 Fax: 1388 8440 Sound Around Music Frankfurter St. 133 Hennef, 53773 Tel: 92490 Fax: 924 998 Space Teddy Recordings Hasenheide 92 Berlin, 10967 Tel: 617 9890 Fax: 6128 4151 Spin Records PO Box 300329 Cologne, 50773 Tel: 49020 Fax: 490 2122 Spirit Zone Records Gr. Berg St. 142 Hamburg, 22767 Tel: 3861 1931 Fax: 3861 1932 Strange Ways Medien GmbH Eiffler St. 8 Hamburg, 22769 Tel: 430 7666 Fax: 430 7696 Subway Records PO Box 110562 Wuppertal, 42305 Tel: 736 606 Fax: 736 570 SUPERMUSIC Am Sondert 22 Ratingen, Tel: (49) 0 2102-66050 Fax: (49) 0 2102-6605-19 E-mail: [email protected] Superstition Recordings GmbH Ditmar Koel St. 26 Hamburg, 20459 Tel: 313 552 Fax: 3179 6400 Taxim Records Am Dobben 3 Asendorf, 27330 Tel: 1406 Fax: 1407 TCM Musikproduktions GmbH Alt Metelener Weg 1 Ochtrup, 48607 Tel: 539 8056 Fax: 539 8002 The Int'l Music Co. AG (TIM) Rahlau 4-6 Hamburg, 22045 Tel: 669 9160 Fax: 669 9161 E-mail: [email protected] Tricom Music Productions & Publishing Ostwall 31 Dortmund, 44135 Tel: 529966 Fax: 529984 Trixx Musikproduktion Gmbh Prinzessinnen St. 16 Berlin, 10969 Tel: 614 2059 Fax: 614 5037 Tropical Music PO Box 2230 Marburg, 35010 Tel: 26838 Fax: 21791 Trubach Digital Untertrubach 19 Obertrubach, 91286 Tel: 7566 Fax: 7564 Tucan Records Adler St. 18 Kornwestheim, 70806 Tel: 2521 Fax: 28598 Thorofon Schallplatten KG Eichhornweg 11 Wedemark, 30900 Tel: 7936 0 Fax: 79829 Tumbleweed Records Hospelt St. 66 Cologne, 50825 Tel: 992 1540 Fax: 542 830 Timeless Records Postfach 15 Stadtlohn, 48703 Tel: 4355 Fax: 4356 Twah! Muehlenstrabe 8 Luebeck, 23552 Tel: 813 1491 Fax: 813 1098 TINNITUS TONTRAGER Wiesentalstr. 15 L.- Echterdingen, D- 70771 Tel: (49) 711 79 49 115 Fax: (49) 40 3603 272 412 E-mail: [email protected] Tyrolis Musik AG Klamm St. 27 Mittenwald, 82481 Tel: 2759 Fax: 4530 TMK Gruppe Cologne Sebastian St. 141 Cologne, 50735 Tel: 971 4060 Fax: 9714 0617 Under Cover Music Group (UCMG) Haupt St. 24 Neckargemuend, 69151 Tel: 92060 Fax: 920 621 Trend Records Ziethen St. 59 Mannheim, 68259 Tel: 792 769 Fax: 790 0719 United One Records & Music Koepenicker St. 154-158 Berlin, 10997 Tel: 6128 0091 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 48 Fax: 611 6390 Unitel Robert Buerkle St. 2 Esmaning, 85737 Tel: 9956 2400 Fax: 9956 2388 Universal Classics, Jazz & Family Entertainment Holzdamm 57-61 Hamburg, D-20095 Tel: 30 87 01 Fax: 30 87 22 83 Universal Holding GmbH PO Box 10 49 09 Hamburg, D-20034 Tel: 3087 01 Fax: 3087 2655 UNIVERSAL MUSIC Hamburg, Universal Records Germany Holzdamm 57+61 Hamburg, D-20099 Tel: 308 704 Fax: 3087 2774 Urwerk Records & Musikverlag Haupt St. 24 Sehnde, 31319 Tel: 8692 Fax: 8347 V2 Records GmbH Leuschnerdamm 31 Berlin, 10999 Tel: 615 020 Fax: 6150 2111 Very Important Productions Sonnenberger St. 82 Wiesbaden, 65193 Tel: 184 0955 Fax: 184 0953 Vielklang Musikproduktion GmbH Forster St. 4-5 Berlin, D-10999 Tel: 612 60 68 Fax: 618 93 82 Virgin Schallplatten GmbH Herzog St. 64 Munich, 80803 Tel: 381 950 Fax: 3819 5110 Vision Soundcarriers Haup St. 70 Rosengarten, 21224 Tel: 319 1801 Fax: 3179 6337 VOLXDROGE c/o Dirk Dommaschke Knechtstedenstr. 13 Dusseldorf, 40549 Tel: (49) 0211 562 35 34 E-mail: [email protected] VOODOOMANIA Columbusstrabe 26 Bremen, 28217 Tel: (49) 421 396 24 06 Fax: (49) 421 396 24 06 E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 228 050 Fax: 2280 5297 Weltbild Verlag GmbH Steinerne Furt 68-72 Augsburg, 86167 Tel: 70040 Fax: 700 4170 Weryton Musik Muenchner St. 11A Unterfoehring, 85774 Tel: 952 007 Fax: 957 9776 Weser Label PO Box 210355 Bremen, 28223 Tel: 386 370 Fax: 380 8596 Warehouse Auenweg 173, Geb. 7 Cologne, 51063 Tel: 800 8304 Fax: 800 8305 Westpark Music PO Box 260227 Cologne, 50515 Tel: 247 644 Fax: 231 819 Warner Music Central and Northern Europe PO Box 761260 Hamburg, 22062 Tel: 2280 Fax: 228 097 WINTER & WINTER Osterwaldstrasse 10 Haus 19 Munich, D-80805 Tel: (49) 89 36 10 10 50 Fax: (49) 89 36 10 10 55 E-mail: WinterProduction@compuser ve.com Warner Music Germany GmbH PO Box 761260 Hamburg, 22062 Tel: 228 050 Fax: 2280 5297 Warner Special Marketing Lachner St. 2 Hamburg, 22083 Tel: 278 5501 Fax: 2785 5100 Waterman Music Postfach 3180 Osnabrueck, 49021 Tel: 26257 Fax: 26319 We Bite Records Parler St. 4 Stuttgart, 70192 Tel: 259 1717 Fax: 259 1720 WEA PO Box 761260 Hamburg, 22062 WortArt Linden St. 32 Cologne, 50674 Tel: 240 7746 Fax: 240 7762 X-Cell Records Wittelsbacher St. 18 Berlin, 10707 Tel: 8841 4174 Fax: 885 2828 X-MIST RECORDS P.O.Box 1545 Nagold, 72195 Tel: (49) 7452 2848 Fax: (49) 7452 4124 E-mail: [email protected] Zander Records Dobbenweg 9 Bremen, 28203 Tel: 430 020 Fax: 430 021 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 49 Zett Records Wittelsbacher St. 18 Berlin, 10707 Tel: 883 6187 Fax: 881 7488 Zomba Deutschland Im Mediapark 6 Cologne, 50670 Tel: 912 6680 Fax: 9126 6867 ZYX Music GmbH Benzstrabe 1 Industriegebiet Merenberg, 35799 Tel: (49) 6471-505-0 Fax: (49) 6471-505-199 E-mail: [email protected] GHANA Citirock-Serengeti Music Ltd. No. F 874/2, 11th Ln., North Osu Re Box 01427 OSU Accra, Tel: 775 499 Fax: 774 849 GREECE A & N Records Agiou Sophias 71 Salonika, 546 33 Tel: 283 849 Fax: 227 039 AMBROSIA RECORDS Thessaloniki, Tel: (30) 1-726-2430 Fax: (30) 1-726-2431 E-mail: [email protected] Blow Up Aristotelous St. 8 Thessaloniki, 546 23 Tel: 233 255 Fax: 237 101 BMG Greece 230 Mesogion Ave. & Perikleous 1 St. Holargos, Athens, 155 61 Tel: 652-8401 Fax: 653-6880 Diodim Music Productions Agathiou 24-28, Neapolis Athens, 114 73 Tel: 643-2121 Fax: 642-3975 Eros Music 455 Mesogion Ave. & 2 Patroklou Athens, 15343 Tel: 600-1929 Fax: 600-1640 Fabelsound 239 Dekelias Ave. Athens, 143 42 Tel: 271-0555 Fax: 271-9876 FM Records 7 Knossou St. Galatsi, Athens, 111 46 Tel: 213-0600 Fax: 222-1603 Hitch-Hyke Records 5 Kosma Balanou Athens, 116 36 Tel: 923-3472 Fax: 924-1840 LAZY DOG RECORDS Ioannou Michail 6 Thessaloniki, 546 22 Tel: (30) 3031-239-540 Fax: (30) 3031-239-540 E-mail: [email protected] Lazy Dog Records Sokratous 4 Salonika, 546 35 Tel: 229 032 Fax: 239 540 Lyra Records 4 Zalokosta St. Athens, 106 71 Tel: 363-3603 Fax: 364-5168 Minos-EMI S.A. Messogheion Ave. 245-247, Neo Psychico Athens, 154 51 Tel: 679-2500 Fax: 647-8968 Music Box Int'l Alimou 76, Argiroupoli Athens, 164 52 Tel: 995-3613 Fax: 9935 5348 Nikos Makris & Co. 17 Lydias St. Athens, 115 27 Tel: 778 5158 Fax: 778 5165 Planetworks 6 Konitsis St. Athens, 15125 Tel: 612 5115 Fax: 612 5117 Progress Records Ltd. Spartis St. 4 A. Kalamaki Athens, 174 56 Tel: 993 9442 Fax: 991 1175 Protasis 60, Omirou Street Athens T.K, 106 72 Tel: 301/3634272 Fax: 301/3619289 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.angelfire.com/biz3/prmu sic/ Sakkaris Music S.A. 16 Bouboulinas Str. N. Psychico-Athens, Hellas, 154 51 Tel: 677 7505 Fax: 674 7536 Sony Music Entertainment (Greece) A.E. 311 Messogion Ave. Halandri Athens, 152 31 Tel: 674 6491 Fax: 672 2150 Soulsister Records K. Balanou 5 Athens, 116 36 Tel: 923 3472 Fax: 924 1840 Universal Music Greece SA PO Box 66017 Athens, 155 10 Tel: 65 95 200 Velvet Music S.A. 1 Patr. Gregoriou St. Aghia Paraskevi (Athens), 153 41 Tel: 654 7466 Fax: 652 6652 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 50 Virgin LLC Greece 557 Messogion St. Agia Paraskevi, AT 153 43 Tel: 601 0902 Fax: 601 6401 Warner Music Greece SA 319 Mesogion Ave., Halandri Athens, 152 31 Tel: 674 5881 Fax: 672 5401 Zenetzi Bros. Records & Studio Protagora 9 Peristeri Nea Zoi Athens, 121 35 Tel: 574 8126 Fax: 577 2393 GREENLAND ULO Greenlandic Music PO Box 184 Sisimiut, 3911 Tel: 865 811 Fax: 865 812 GUATEMALA Sony Music Entertainment (Guatemala), S.A. 4A. Avenida 13-25 Zona 9 Guatemala City, Tel: 334 3912 Fax: 331 6564 HONG KONG Amo Record Corp. PO Box 95170 Kowloon, Tel: 2710 8811 Fax: 2710 7668 Amuse Hong Kong Ltd. Asia Pacific Ctr., Third Fl., Ste. 301 Central Hong Kong, Tel: 2366 0726 Fax: 2721 9081 Bailey Record Co. Ltd. Second Fl./5B-5f Ma Hang Chung Rd. Kowloon, Tel: 2715 8617 Fax: 2715 8759 Beaver Music B2 10/F Hong Yuen Ct No1 Tak Shing St Kowloon, Tel: 2721 3974 Fax: 2724 0509 BMG Entertainment Asia Pacific 11/F One Harbour Front, 18 Tak Fung St. Kowloon, Tel: 2315 2777 Fax: 2369 6770 Capital Artists Ltd. No. 1 Leighton Rd. Causeway Bay, Tel: 2836 6756 Fax: 2832 5055 Colourway Records Co. Ltd. Unit 1119, 11th Fl. Peninsula Ctr. Tsim Sha Tsui, Tel: 2368 3992 Fax: 2724 6950 Contec Sound Media Ltd. Centro Ctr., 32 Tung Lo Wan Rd. Causeway Bay, Tel: 2890 2988 Fax: 2577 1745 Cross Communications Ltd. GPO Box 4559 Hong Kong, Tel: 2780 1188 Fax: 2770 6229 D&I Music Int'l Ltd. Rm. 8-10, Tenth Fl., Block A Chai Wan, Tel: 2896 5123 Fax: 2558 0894 Tel: 2506 5668 Fax: 2506 3117 EMI Music Asia Suite 6207, Central Plaza, 18 Harbour Rd Wanchai, Tel: 2585 5600 Fax: 2511 0957 Era Int'l Ltd. (HK) Rm. 1301, Cheong Hing Bldg. Tsim Sha Tsui, Tel: 2787 3612 Fax: 2787 4367 Ezech Ltd. Ninth Fl., Cheung Lung Industrial Bldg. Kowloon, Tel: 2743 2511 Fax: 2785 9446 Fung Hang Records Ltd./Sun Fung Publ 22nd Fl., Rm. 2209 Kowloon, Tel: 2730 8880 Fax: 2730 1102 Go East Music/What's Music 100 Canton Rd., Eighth Fl. Kowloon, Tel: 2730 6777 Fax: 2760 6166 Hing King Hong Eighth Fl., Flat D Hong Kong, Tel: 2547 9591 Fax: 2547 8192 Hong Kong King Yoko Ltd. 17th Fl. Far East Mansion, Flat K Kowloon, Tel: 2366 6949 Fax: 2312 7777 EEG (Emperor Entertainment Group) 28/F, Emperor Group Ctr. 288 Hennessy Rd. Wanchai, Tel: 2835 6688 Fax: 2331 3575 Hugo Productions Ltd. (HK) Nos. 1-2, Fifth Fl., Kinglet Industrial Bldg. Tai Wai NT, Tel: 2602 4066 Fax: 2602 4078 EMI (Hong Kong) Ltd. Room 2601-3, Miramar Tower, No. 1-23 Kimberley Rd. Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, IPS Records Ltd. 22nd Fl., Rm. 2204, Railway Pl. Kowloon, Tel: 2301 5678 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 51 Fax: 2301 5627 JVC Music H.K. Ltd. Ocean Ctr. Harbour City, Ste. 609, Five Canton Rd. Kowloon, Tel: 2376 1789 Fax: 2375 3101 Man Chi Record Co. & Publishing Sun Hing Bldg., Rm. 302 Kowloon, Tel: 2388 7245 Fax: 2388 9698 Master Music Ltd. Wing Hong Fty Bldg., Eighth Fl., Unit A Kowloon, Tel: 2399 0923 Fax: 2399 0950 Mei Ah Entertainment Group Units 15-28, 17/F, Metro Centre, Phase I Kowloon, Tel: 2754 2855 Fax: 2799 3643 Mouse Records PO Box 903, Tuen Mun Central Post Office Hong Kong, Tel: 9878 8543 Music Communication Ltd. PO Box 89479 Kowloon, Tel: 2506 1262 Fax: 2506 1885 Music Factory Sang Woo Bldg., 5B Wanchai, Tel: 2575 0993 Fax: 2834 2445 Music Plus 28/F, Emperor Group Ctr., 288 Hennessy Rd. Wanchai, Tel: 2835 6688 Fax: 2331 3575 Nanjing Music Group Ltd. Park Hovan Commun. Bldg., Fourth Fl. Kowloon, Tel: 2359 7803 Fax: 2780 5415 Naxos Music Ltd. Sixth Fl., Sino Industrial Plaza 9 Kai Cheung Rd. Kowloon Bay, Tel: 2760 7818 Fax: 2760 1962 New Melody Productions Ltd. One Harbour Front, 11th Fl. Kowloon, Tel: 2762 1868 Fax: 2624 4313 Pony Canyon Entertainment Ltd. (Pacific) 16/F, Kowloon Bldg., 555 Nathan Rd. Kowloon, Tel: 2789 0268 Fax: 2390 7630 Rock (HK) Co. Ltd./Beyond Publishing Mirror Ctr., Rm. 802-805 Kowloon, Tel: 2721 8882 Fax: 2724 2588 Rock In Music Ltd./Discovering Music Ltd. Haven Commercial Bldg., 24th Fl., Ste. A Hong Kong, Tel: 2807 1297 Fax: 2807 3204 Roi Productions Ltd. Wah Hung Ctr., Sixth Fl., Flat A Kowloon, Tel: 2897 9188 Fax: 2976 0098 Sancity Records Ltd. Texaco Rd. Industrial Ctr., Fourth Fl., Block B8 New Territories, Tel: 2620 6068 Fax: 2408 0284 Shun Cheong Record Co. Ltd. Bank Centre 636 Nathan Rd., Ste. 802-4 Kowloon, Tel: 2332 2397 Fax: 2388 4070 Silk Road Music Co. Ltd. Wider Industrial Bldg., Ninth Fl., Ste. A2 Kowloon, Tel: 2793 0733 Fax: 2344 3243 Silver Planet Production Co. Infotech Ctr., 18th Fl., Ste. Eight Kowloon, Tel: 2744 5191 Fax: 2744 5603 Sony Music (Asia) Inc. Stes. 2801-13, 28th Fl. Admiralty, Tel: 2864 6200 Fax: 2864 6222 Sony Music Entertainment (Hong Kong) Ltd. Suite 2901-6, Tower 1 The Gateway 25 Canton Rd. Kowloon, Tel: 2771 4391 Fax: 2780 3152 Sound Sound 1604 Ritz Bldg 625 Nathan Rd. Kowloon, Tel: 2384 1763 Fax: 2770 4739 Star Track Entertainment Production Ltd./Nice Track Records Cheung Fat Bldg., 11th Fl., Flat B2 Western District, Tel: 2803 7620 Fax: 2803 7627 Sui Seng Trading Co. Professional Bdg., 12th Fl., Ste. One Causeway Bay, Tel: 2576 2138 Fax: 2895 0034 Tien Shing Records Bulkin Ctr., Tenth Fl., Block A Kowloon, Tel: 2395 9317 Fax: 2395 8118 Top Music Int'l Ltd. PO Box 72055 Kowloon Central, Tel: 2544 2233 Fax: 2545 1221 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 52 Universal Music Ltd 6/F Railway Plaza Kowloon, Tel: 2301 5888 Fax: 2312 7328 Walt Disney Records - Asia Pacific 15th Citibank Tower, 3 Garden Rd. Central Hong Kong, Tel: 2536 2203 Fax: 2536 2435 Warner Music Asia Pacific 12/F, Peninsula Office Tower, 18 Middle Rd., Tsimshatsui Kowloon, Tel: 2732 2567 Fax: 2721 3180 Worldstar Music Int'l Shell Bldg., Ninth Fl., Flat C Chai Wan, Tel: 2515 2320 Fax: 2515 2325 HUNGARY Alt Product PO Box 76 Szolnok, 5002 Tel: 422 429 Fax: 422 429 Bahia Music Ulloi ut 23. Budapest, 1091 Tel: 217-4302 Fax: 217-4354 Tel: 356-2017 Fax: 356-2017 ko records Orlay u. 5-7 Budapest, 1117 Tel: 1.372 0663 Fax: 94.344 000 Magic Sound 42 Fuzfa St. Veszprem, 8200 Tel: 994-8440 Magneoton Kft. Huvosvolgui ut 54 Budapest, 1021 Tel: 394-0014 Fax: 394-0095 Periferic Records Bartok Bela 59 Budapest, 1114 Tel: 385 6343 Fax: 466 9674 Sony Music Entertainment (Hungary) Kft. Tusnadi utca 5/a Budapest, 1125 Tel: 355 5688 Fax: 355 0213 Under Cover Music Group Magyarorszag Kft. Edomer u. 6/302 Budapest, 1113 Tel: 209 1741 Fax: 333 4076 BMG Ariola Hungary Level U. 4 Budapest, 1023 Tel: 316-0316 Fax: 316-0336 Universal Music Hungary Kft. Steindl Imre utca 12 Budapest, 1054 Tel: 269 1142 Fax: 269 1140 EMI Music LLC Koztelek u.6. Budapest, H-1092 Tel: 216-9620 Fax: 216-9633 Warner Music Hungary Kft. Huvosvolgyi ut 54 Budapest, 1021 Tel: 394 0014 Fax: 394 0095 Hungaroton Records Kft. Nagy Jeno u. 12 Budapest, 1126 Tel: 202-2088 Fax: 202-3795 White Falcon Productions Honved u. 22-24 Budapest, 1055 Tel: 311 3062 Fax: 311 3062 Juice Records Hermann Otto u. 21 Budapest, 1022 ICELAND Bo Halldorsson Productions Slettahraun 16, Box 520 Hafnarfjordur, IS-220 Tel: 892 900 Fax: 555-1590 Geimsteinn Skolaveg 12 Keflavik, 230 Tel: 2717 Fax: 2711 Japis Brautarholt 2 Reykjavik, 105 Tel: 800 800 Fax: 800 888 Skifan ehf Skeifan 17 Reykjavik, 108 Tel: 525 5000 Fax: 525 5001 INDIA Sony Music Entertainment (India) Pvt. Ltd. Span Centre South Ave Santacruz Linking Rd Mumbai, 400 054 Tel: 646 1300 Fax: 649 1723 The Gramophone Co. of India Ltd. 33 Jessore Rd., Dum Dum Calcutta, 700 028 Tel: 551 4773 Fax: 551 2461 Universal Music India Ltd. Dr. Annie Besant Rd., 2/F Sterling Ctr. Worli, Bombay, 400 018 Tel: 493 2823 Fax: 490 226 INDONESIA Airo Swadaya Stupa JI HOS Cokroaminoto, 57 Jakarta, Tel: 3190 2243 Fax: 3190 0520 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 53 Akurama Records Glodok Jaya, 20 Jakarta Barat, Tel: 659 9279 Fax: 659 9263 Aruna Bhaswara Jl. Kemanggison Raya 5 Batu Jakarta Barat, 11480 Tel: 533 2876 Fax: 548 1966 Cyptadaya Prestasi Jl. Kesehatan II/15 Petojo Jakarta Pusat, 10160 Tel: 344-0993 Fax: 344-0295 Alpha Swara Pratama Jl. Peta Sel, 77 Jakarta Barat, Tel: 619 1121 Fax: 6619 1121 Asmara Records Jl. Ciateul Tengah, 22 Bandung, Tel: 500 007 Fax: 504 037 DD Records Jl. Tanah Pasir Raya 2 Gedung Panjang Jakarta, Tel: 668-2301 Fax: 668-2303 Andrew's Records Jl. Kemang Raya, 8 Jakarta Selatan, Tel: 797 1900 Fax: 799 6615 Astria Gandaswara Jl. Abdul Muis, 34 Jakarta, Tel: 344 0158 Fax: 344 0185 Aneka Doremi Music Lokasari Blok c/38 Jakarta, 11170 Tel: 625 4686 Fax: 625 4688 Atlanta Intermusic Jl. Prof. Latumente, 17G Jakarta Barat, Tel: 632 3146 Fax: 631 1589 Aneka Records Jl. Gajah Mada, 37 Tabanan, Tel: 812 874 Fax: 812 875 Bali Records Jl. Durian, 12 Denpasar, Tel: 224 343 Fax: 228 760 Anngada Irama Melodi Plz. Hayam Wuruk II LT IV Jakarta, Tel: 659 8818 Fax: 659 8843 Binsar Padosma Recordings Jl. Cinere Raya Blok K/2B Jakarta, Tel: 754-3864 Fax: 754-3871 Aquarius Musikindo PT Jalan Batu Tulis XIII / 17 Jakarta, 10120 Tel: 380 7236 Fax: 344 0934 Ara Records Menara Mulia, 21st Fl., Ste. 2112A Jakarta, 12930 Tel: 252 5323 Fax: 525 7249 Arapundi Karsa Cipta Jl. H. Sapi II/2 Lebak Bulus III Jakarta, 12430 Tel: 766 0913 Fax: 766 0913 Arco Studio Jl. H. Jeni 10, Cipete Jakarta Selatan, Tel: 722 3007 Fax: 723 626 Bintang Fajar Jl. Plampitan, 9 Semarang, 50138 Tel: 515 836 Fax: 519 170 Central Hiburan Jl. Kalianyar, 7 Surabaya, 60273 Tel: 531-2177 Fax: 545-2378 Chrisallies Jl. Mangga Dua Raya Blok F5/24 Jakarta, Tel: 601-4511 Fax: 601-1113 CV Tropic Otto Iskandar Dinata 351 Bandung, 40251 Tel: 448-1660 Fax: 420-5746 Dian Pramudita Kusuma Glodok Plz. F-131 Jakarta Barat, Tel: 566-2518 Fax: 649-2349 EMI Indonesia 18th Fl Menera Btn Jalan Gajah Mada No 1 Jakarta Pusat, 10130 Tel: 634-6878 Fax: 634-6877 Eterna Tunggal Indonesia Jl. Kemanggisan Raya 5 Batusari Jakarta Barat, Tel: 548-4336 Fax: 548-1966 Flower Sound Jl. Muara Karang Blok B-8 Barat, 61 Jakarta Utara, Tel: 660-4235 Fax: 661-6879 Gajah Mada Records Jl. Raya Cipayung Belakang SMU 64 Jakarta Timur, Tel: 844-4777 Fax: 844-5886 Gema Nada Pertiwi Kebon Jeruk XV, 13 Jakarta Barat, 11160 Tel: 612-0473 Fax: 612-0479 Gemantara Swaratama Jl. Buncit Raya Pulo, 9 Jakarta Selatan, Tel: 794-0188 Fax: 798-5739 General Magnetics Kawasan Hyundai Industri Cikarang Bekasi, For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 54 Tel: 897-3119 Fax: 897-2121 Gita Indah Metropolitan Jl. Pengukiran II/8 Jakbar, Tel: 691-4277 Fax: 691-7585 Gita Mitra Persada Komplex Mangga Dua plz. Blok D-12 Jakarta, Tel: 612-8638 Fax: 601-1817 GNS Super Records Jl. Parangkembang Raya, 24 Semarang, Tel: 554 608 Fax: 713 478 Go Records Komp perk, Grogoi Permai Blok G, 3 Jakarta, Tel: 564 848 Fax: 566-9276 Harmoni Dwiselaras Perkasa Pantai Mutiara Indah Blok AJ/6 Pluit Jakut, Tel: 660-1908 Fax: 660-0793 Harpa Records Jl. Muara Karang Blok M-9 Jakarta, 14440 Tel: 660-6113 Fax: 668-2332 Hemagita Tama Records Mangga Dua Plz., Ste. D, 12A Jakarta, 10730 Tel: 621-1067 Fax: 628-6281 Indonusa Jaya Graha Glodok Plz. Jakarta, 14450 Tel: 649-1025 Fax: 649-5205 Logiss Kreasi Murni Kemanggisan Raya, 5 Jakarta, Tel: 533-2876 Fax: 548-1966 Indotara Sakti Mas Jl. KH Wahid Hasyim 147 Jakarta Pusat, Tel: 520-1390 Fax: 522-7382 Lollypop Records Jl. Terogong Raya, 22 Jakarta Selatan, Tel: 769-5138 Fax: 758 16204 Ira Puspita Nusantara Glodok Plz., F-127 Jakarta Barat, 11110 Tel: 649-2643 Fax: 649-2682 Lucy Records Glodok Baru Harco Blok C/240 Jakarta, Tel: 639-6888 Fax: 565-2065 Irama Tara Puit Kencana Raya, 126 Jakarta, Tel: 669-1885 Fax: 669-1814 Jal Records Jl. Bangka Raya, 40 Jakarta Selatan, Tel: 799-5709 Fax: 719-2801 JK Records PO Box 4455/JKT Jakarta, 10044 Tel: 6684 8888 Fax: 669-4644 Jugala Jl. Bojong Loa 33A Bandung Jabar, 40402 Tel: 522-1857 Fax: 521-1092 Keyboard Records Jl. Gedung Panjang Tn Pasir, 2 Jakarta, 14450 Tel: 669-0456 Fax: 661-6568 Indo Music Box Jl. Teh 29 V Jakarta Utara, Tel: 690-0210 Fax: 660-0209 Kharisma Teknindo Perdana Industrial Glodok Plz., Blok A-11 Jakarta, Tel: 619-1748 Fax: 629-6156 Indo Semar Sakti Jalan Jelambar Ilir No. 2 Jakarta Barat, 11460 Tel: 566-7135 Fax: 566-4449 Kie Raha Interprindo Jl. Swasembada Barat X, 2 Jakarta, 14320 Tel: 437 262 Fax: 437-1591 Madamaya Records Green Garden Blok Y 3/58 Jakarta, Tel: 582-0941 Fax: 582-0942 Maheswara Musik Pertokan Glodok Plz. Blok G/3, 5 Jakarta Barat, Tel: 625-7853 Fax: 625-7885 Marina Records Jl. Tanjung Duren Timur VI/215 Jakarta Barat, Tel: 568-5195 Fax: 563-3041 Mastertrax Internusa/Pacific Records Jl. Duta Indah 1/18 Jakarta Selatan, Tel: 769-6843 Fax: 571-3686 Media Nada Selaras Chase Plz., 22nd Fl. Jakarta, 12920 Tel: 570-4335 Fax: 570-6374 Melody Buana Indah Jl. RS Sukanto, 34 Jakarta Timur, Tel: 860-0045 Fax: 860-0925 Mersudi Perwira Musika Jl. Cempaka, 27 Jakarta Barat, 11430 Tel: 567-1337 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 55 Fax: 560-3034 Metrotama Musik Nusantara Jl. Muara Karang Blok M/IX Jakarta, 14450 Tel: 660-6113 Fax: 661-1204 Music Bank Indonesia Mangga Dua Plz., Blok D/11A Jakarta Pusat, Tel: 612-8636 Fax: 612-1065 Musica Studio Jl. Perdatam Raya, 3 Jakarta Selatan, Tel: 799-2327 Fax: 798-1240 Musika Selaras Citra Mangga Dua Plz. Jakarta, Tel: 612-8767 Fax: 626-0920 Nada Utama Raya Records Hayam Wuruk PLz. II Lt. IV Jakarta, Tel: 659 8882 Fax: 659 8843 Naviri Records Glodok Plz. Blok F-5 Jakarta Barat, Tel: 659 1773 Fax: 626 5078 Nirwana Records Mangga Dua Plz. Blk. H-26 Jakarta, Tel: 612 1908 Fax: 612 0881 Opera Swara Genta Jl. Pluit Utara Raya, 16 Jakarta Utara, Tel: 252 5311 Fax: 252 5315 Pacific Records Jl. Duta indah I/18 Jakarta Selatan, Tel: 769 6847 Fax: 571 3686 Panarec Pakar Sejati Hayam Wuruk Plz., Lt. 5 Jakarta, 11160 Tel: 628 0781 Fax: 628 0780 Paragon Records Sunter Paradise II Jakarta Utara, Tel: 645 2878 Fax: 645 2881 Satria Kurnia Irama Jl. Daan Mogot 3, Blok A Jakarta, 11450 Tel: 560 4870 Fax: 568 0311 Peter's Music Factory Jalan Sasak 9D Cipete Jakarta Selatan, Tel: 750 1809 Fax: 750 1809 Serba Nada Records Jl. Let. Mumah Purba 44 Sumatera Utara, Tel: 821 2559 Fax: 821 2559 Plaza Records Jl. Pejompongan Dalam, 29 Jakarta, 10210 Tel: 560 4576 Fax: 574 6877 Soledio Audio Visual Utama Jl. Tubagas Angke, 20 Jakarta Barat, Tel: 564 8506 Fax: 564 8032 Promakansa Jl. Sawo, 3A Jakarta, Tel: 381 520 Fax: 350 2437 Soneta Corp. Jl. Tole Iskandar, 41 Kotip Depok, 16415 Tel: 875 2615 Fax: 875 253 Purnama Karya Sejati Jl. Daan Mogot Km. 18 Jakarta, 11840 Tel: 619 4659 Fax: 619 4659 Sony Music Entertainment Indonesia Jl. Johar 13 Menteng Jakarta, 10350 Tel: 390 1268 Fax: 325 739 Pusaka Records Jl. Rejosari II/7 Semarang, 50125 Tel: 547 627 Fax: 548 117 Remaco Jl. Bangka VII/10A Jakarta Selatan, Tel: 799 4362 Fax: 718 3739 Rintop Daya Karya Jl. Pahlawan Revolusi, 8C Jakarta, 13430 Tel: 861 1913 Fax: 861 4667 Ris Musik Wijaya Int'l Glodok Plz., Blok F 109-111 Jakarta, Tel: 649 0389 Fax: 612 1064 Sani Sentosa Abadi Jl. Batu Tulis, 14A Gambir Jakarta, Tel: 345 4242 Fax: 380 3661 Studio Elang Perkasa Jl. Mangga Dua Raya, 2 Jakbar, Tel: 625 3525 Fax: 625 2053 Studio Pelita Desa PO Box 2080 Jakarta, 10001 Tel: 893 5102 Fax: 893 5103 Suara Sentral Sejati Jl. Pluit Permai VII, 8 Jakarta Utara, Tel: 662 6935 Fax: 662 6930 Suara Seruling Sakti Jl. Pluit Dalam 1, 21 Jakarta Utara, 14450 Tel: 661 9039 Fax: 661 0178 Supranada Abadi Records Roxy Mas D-2/40 Jakarta, Tel: 630 6719 Fax: 384 3148 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 56 Suryanda Indah Prima Taman Sari Raya, 56 Jakarta, Tel: 629 4263 Fax: 649 2616 Wirayuda Swaratama Jeka PO Box 2788 Jakarta, 10027 Tel: 345 0888 Fax: 380 6365 Bus Records 36-39 Moss St Trinity House Dublin, 2 Tel: 671-1011 Fax: 671-1306 Swadaya Prativhi Pasar Baru Jakarta, 10710 Tel: 381 2248 Fax: 381 1566 Yaski Sastra Graha Bldg., Ste. 1113 Jakarta, 11530 Tel: 533 1627 Fax: 533 1631 Celtic Collections Ltd 30-32 Sir John Rogersons Quay Dublin, 2 Tel: 679-0667 Fax: 679-0668 Swara Sapta Gita Jl. Batu Tullis XIII/21 Jakarta, Tel: 380 7236 Fax: 344 0934 Swara Singa Kencana Jl. Kapuk Raya, 18 AA Jakarta Utara, Tel: 619 305 Fax: 668 1262 IRELAND 57th Street Ltd. 24 Upper Mount St. Dublin, 2 Tel: 676 6751 Fax: 676 6786 Celtic Heartbeat 30-32 Sir John Rogerson's Quay Dublin, 2 Tel: 677-7330 Fax: 677-7276 Chart Records 5-6 Lombard St. E. Dublin, 2 Tel: 671-3426 Fax: 671-0237 Swarindo Musik Glodok Plz., F 103 Jakarta, Tel: 649 0389 Fax: 629 0920 AGGRESSIVE RECORDS 4 the Beehives Ballinderry Mullingar Westmeath, Tel: (353) 44-41829 Fax: 74092 E-mail: [email protected] Tomatra Totali Jl. Pesanggrahan Raya, 17A kb Jakarta, Tel: 584 7860 Fax: 585 3617 Ainm Music Ltd. & Publishing Co. 5-6 Lombard St. E. Dublin, 2 Tel: 677 8701 Fax: 677 8701 Udapana Swasti Jl. Jelambar, 2 Jakarta, 11460 Tel: 566 7136 Fax: 566 4449 Aran Music 10 Deer Park County Meath, Tel: 835 3471 Fax: 835 0720 Union Artis Jl. Pluit Sakti Raya, 69 Jakarata, Tel: 669 1035 Fax: 639 4671 Beaumex Lower Ballymount Rd., Ste. 45 Walkinstown, Dublin, 12 Tel: 450-2466 Fax: 450-2513 Crashed Ltd. 162 Church Rd., East Wall Dublin, 3 Tel: 856-1011 Fax: 856-1122 Blunt Int'l The Factory, 35A Barrow St. Dublin, 4 Tel: 667-0520 Fax: 668-4157 Dara Records Great Ship St., Unit 4 Dublin, 8 Tel: 478-1891 Fax: 478-2143 BMG Ireland Grafton Bldgs., 34 Grafton St. Dublin, 2 Tel: 677-9006 Fax: 677-9204 Dolphin Music Group Great Ship St., Unit 3-4 Dublin, 8 Tel: 478-1891 Fax: 478-2143 Warner Music Indonesia Kompleks Mangga Dua, Plaza Blok C 5A, Mangga Dua Selatan Jakarta, 10730 Tel: 601 5051 Fax: 600 6116 Win Records Jl. Tn. Pasir 2, 23 Jakarta Utara, Tel: 666 90045 Fax: 666 90043 Claddagh Records Dame House, Dame St. Dublin, 2 Tel: 677-8943 Fax: 679-3664 Clo Iar-Chonnachta Indreabhan, Conamara Co na Gaillimhe, Tel: 593 307 Fax: 593 362 CMR Records 28 Molesworth St. Dublin, 2 Tel: 676-6718 Fax: 676-6482 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 57 EMI Records Ireland Ltd. EMI House, 1 Ailesbury Rd. Dublin, 4 Tel: 269-3344 Fax: 269-6341 Lunar/Unicorn Records 5-6 Lombard St., E. Dublin, 2 Tel: 677-4229 Fax: 671-0421 Eurosound 2000 11 Station Rd. Raheny, Dublin 5, Tel: 831-0591 Fax: 832-8988 Mother Music 30-32 Sir John Rogerson's Quay Dublin, 2 Tel: 671-1141 Fax: 671-1802 Excellent Ltd. 137 Carrigwood, Firhouse Dublin, 24 Tel: 494-4486 Fax: 494-4486 Gael Linn 26 Merrion Sq. Dublin, 2 Tel: 676-7283 Fax: 676-9731 GLENS MUSIC E-mail: [email protected] Interactive Music Ltd. Alexandra House, Earlsfort Terr. Dublin, 2 Tel: 676-1523 Fax: 661-8562 Intersound Killyneill, Silverstream County Monaghan, Tel: 85490 Fax: 85477 Invisible Records 20 Lower Stephen St. Dublin, 2 Tel: 475-1387 Fax: 475-1324 Kite Music (Dublin) Ltd. First Flr., 5 Cope St., Temple Bar Dublin 2, Tel: 672-8001 Fax: 672-8005 K-Tel Music & Entertainment Ltd. 30-32 Sir John Rogersons Quay Dublin, 2 Tel: 679-0667 Fax: 679-0668 Owl Records Int'l Ltd. 1 Stanaway Dr. Dublin, 12 Tel: 455 7750 Fax: 455 7782 Phaeton Records Dame Street Dame House Dublin, 2 Tel: 6778 943 Fax: 679 3664 Planet X Tokay Castleknock Village Dublin, 15 Tel: 821 5689 Fax: 821 5689 Ritz Records 5-6 Lombard St. E. Dublin, 2 Tel: 677 9046 Fax: 677 9386 Shanachie Entertainment Moneystown N Roundwood Wicklow, Tel: 445 139 Fax: 445 146 Sony Music Carriglea Naas Rd. Dublin, 12 Tel: 405 1900 Fax: 456 7998 Telstar Records (Ireland) Alexandra House, Earlsfort Terr. Dublin, 2 Tel: 676 2022 Fax: 676 2602 Temple Bar Songs 10 New Bride Street Dublin, 8 Tel: (01) 473 0700 Fax: (01) 473 0700 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.templebarsongs.com The Grapevine Label 5-6 Lombard St. E. Dublin, Tel: 672 7277 Fax: 677 9386 Treasure Island Bartra studio, Harbour Road Dublin, Tel: 284 6336 Fax: 280 0743 Universal Music Ireland Ltd. 9 Whitefriars, Dublin, 2 Tel: 402 2600 Fax: 475 7860 Virgin Records Ireland 1 Ailesbury Rd. Dublin, 4 Tel: 269 3344 Fax: 283 0734 Warner Music Ireland Ltd. Alexandra House, Earlsfort Centre Dublin, 2 Tel: 676 2022 Fax: 676 2602 ISRAEL BNE Records Five Hamerkava St., Industrial Zone Holon, 58851 Tel: 550-0775 Fax: 556-5140 Hataklit Ltd. Kikar Yahalom 32/2 Maale Adumin, 98300 Tel: 590-1152 Fax: 535-7844 Hed-Arzi Music 3 Yoni Netanyahu St. Or Yehuda, 60376 Tel: 538-3333 Fax: 533-3619 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 58 Helicon Records 7 HamerKava St. Holon, 58851 Tel: 556-2212 Fax: 556-0938 JAZZIS Ltd. PO Box 1106 Kiriat Haim, IL-26105 Tel: 872-5085 Fax: 841-1679 MCI Records 15 Haamal St. Or Yehuda, 60371 Tel: 533-0066 Fax: 533-0040 MDMA RECORDS Tel Aviv, NMC Music Ltd. PO Box 5225 Rishon Lezion, 75150 Tel: 953 2532 Fax: 952 2050 Phonokol Ltd. PO Box 13270 Tel Aviv, 69719 Tel: 649 8081 Fax: 648 3165 Yair Nitzani Music 7 Bet Hillel St. Tel Aviv, 67017 Tel: 561 7711 Fax: 561 5665 ITALY Fax: 767647 Ala Bianca Group S.R.L. Via Emilia Est., 1646/c Modena, 41100 Tel: 284 977 Fax: 284 913 Alpharecord Via G Rossa 2 Burago di Mogora, MI 20040 Tel: 660 659 Fax: 608 1287 AMIATA RECORDS Borgo degli Albizi, 12 Florence, 50122 Tel: (39) 055 2466200 Fax: (39) 055 2466208 E-mail: amiata.records@amiatamedi a.com Amiata Records Villa degli Angeli Florence, 50135 Tel: 697 696 Fax: 655 7807 Appaloosa Group Via Bussolette 6 Cambiano, TO 10020 Tel: 944 0197 Fax: 944 1893 Aspirin Via Frascati 7 Milan, 20149 Tel: 481 5395 Fax: 4800 9058 A&D Music and Vision Via A. Coppi 4C Rome, 179 Tel: 780 6441 Fax: 780 6719 AVANTGARDE MUSIC P.O.BOX 19 Vanzago (MI), I-20010 Tel: (39) 02 8940 8677 Fax: (39) 02 8940 8688 E-mail: [email protected] Abraxas Piazza Maltoni 16 Sieci-Firenze, 50069 Tel: 832 8705 Fax: 832 8707 Baby Records Int'l Via Timavo 34 Milan, 20124 Tel: 67561 ADRENALINE RECORDS Via Matteucci, 25/27 Arcore - Milano, 20043 E-mail: [email protected] Bang Bang Records Via Carlo Torre 24 Milan, MI 20143 Tel: 8940 9895 Fax: 837-6374 Akarma PO Box 27 La Spezia, 19124 Tel: 777832 Base Records Via Collamarini 26 Bologna, 40138 Tel: 534 697 Fax: 532 210 Beat Records Co. Via Filippo Nicolai 16 Rome, 136 Tel: 3549 8458 Fax: 3549 8094 Benvenuto Edizioni Musicali Via Brescia 38/B Crema CR, 26013 Tel: 81871 Fax: 81871 Bliss Corp. Via Crevacuore 70 Turin, 10146 Tel: 796 100 Fax: 720 285 E-mail: [email protected] Blue Flame Records Via J. da Tradate, 11 Milano, 20155 Tel: 39 - 2 - 32.72.235 Fax: 39 - 2 - 32.72.232 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.blueflamerecords.com/ BMG Ricordi (Milan) Via Berchet 2 Milan (MI), 20121 Tel: 8881 2206 Fax: 8881 2212 BMG Ricordi S.p.A. Via Di S. Alessandro 7 Rome, 131 Tel: 4199 5287 Fax: 4199 5474 Bongiovanni Dischi Via Ugo Bassi 31F Bologna, 40122 Tel: 550 252 Fax: 226 128 Borgatti Edizioni Musicali Via Calzavecchio 38 Casalecchio di Reno, BO 40033 Tel: 592 318 Fax: 571 899 C.A.M. Records Via Cola di Rienzo 152 Rome, 192 Tel: 687-4220 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 59 Fax: 687-4046 Carosello Cemed Galleria del Corso 4 Milan, 20122 Tel: 7602 3008 Fax: 7601 4504 Cecchi Gori Music Via Valadier 42 Rome, 193 Tel: 324 721 Fax: 324 72303 CGD EastWest Via Ugo Foscolo 1 Milan, 20121 Tel: 721 281 Fax: 7212 8300 Cinevox Record Via Romeo Romei 15 Rome, 136 Tel: 3972 8184 Fax: 3972 8215 City Record Galleria del Corso 4 Milan MI, 20122 Tel: 794 266 Fax: 794 266 Clan P.tta Guastalla 11 Milan, 20122 Tel: 5990 0690 Fax: 5990 0840 Conte Max Via Sciascia 4 Parma, 43100 Tel: 774 840 Fax: 772 868 Contini & Rodgers Via G Frua 9 Milan, 20146 Tel: 481-5777 Fax: 4800 1178 CYBERTRACKS RECORDS Via degli Abeti 82/84 Pesaro (PU), 61100 Tel: (39) 0721-23953 Fax: (39) 0721-400095 E-mail: [email protected] DEA Records Via Scalette 23B Caprino Veronese (VR), 37013 Tel: 623-0868 Fax: 623-9539 Tel: 462 034 Fax: 469-4371 Dig It Int'l Via Fantoli 15 Milan, 20138 Tel: 580 991 Fax: 5801 1767 Edizioni Musicali Fiumara Via dell'Adda 41 Agrate Brianza, MI 20041 Tel: 650 989 Fax: 654 069 Discolaccio Records Via Gino Rizzo 30 Solesino, PD 35047 Tel: 708 511 Fax: 2.70038121 Edizioni ZYX Music Via Veatoiba 3 Milan, 20137 Tel: 5410 0749 Fax: 5990 2423 Do It Yourself Via Francesco Redi 8 Milan, 20129 Tel: 2951 8760 Fax: 2951 9477 EMI Music Italy - Promo Office Via Montezebio 30 Rome, 195 Tel: 3600 1421 Fax: 3600 1562 Dracma Records Via Banfo 24/C Turin, 10155 Tel: 248-3002 Fax: 248-3068 Ducale Via per Cadrezzate 6 Brebbia, VA 21020 Tel: 770 189 Fax: 771 047 Duck Record Via Gioberti 3 Trezzano S/N, MI 20090 Tel: 484-4991 Fax: 4840 3323 EMI Music Italy S.p.A. Piazza San Babila 3 Milan, 20122 Tel: 777 971 Fax: 7779 7410 Energy Production Viale Mazzini 140 Rome, 195 Tel: 3751 6950 Fax: 370-0542 Expanded Music Via Romagnoli 3/B Bentivoglio, BO 40010 Tel: 664-3711 Fax: 664-3766 DUNE RECORDS Via G. Marconi 32 Firenze, 50131 Tel: (39) 055 573062 Fax: (39) 055 573062 E-mail: [email protected] Flippermusic/Primrose Music Piazza Prati Strozzi 31 Rome (RM), 195 Tel: 372-2138 Fax: 3751 6970 DWA Records Viale Medaglie D'Oro 22 Massa (MS), 54100 Tel: 47629 Fax: 47266 Fone Via Goldoni 50/54 Livorno, 57125 Tel: 884 069 Fax: 889 687 Dynamic Via Mura Delle Chiappe 39 Genoa, 16136 Tel: 272-2884 Fax: 213 937 Fonotecnica Braga via Ariberto 21 Milan, 20123 Tel: 8940 4626 Fax: 8940 4626 edel Italia Srl Via Caradosso 7 Milan, 20123 Fortuna Records Via Cernaia 3 Calliano, AT 14031 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 60 Tel: 928 174 Fax: 928 174 Tel: 761 058 Fax: 761 058 Franton Records Via S. Girolamo 7 Venice/Mestre, 30174 Tel: 959 285 Fax: 959 991 Insieme SRL Galleria Del Corso 4 Milan, 20122 Tel: 770 701 Fax: 7707 0313 FRIDGE via Rovigo 11 Milano, 20132 Tel: (39) 02-2566652 Fax: (39) 02-26306633 E-mail: [email protected] Interbeat Edizioni Musicali Via Alessandro Stradella 174 Rome (RM), 124 Tel: 5091 5353 Fax: 5091 7200 G7 Music & Co. Via Mercanti 16 Turin, 10122 Tel: 540 328 Fax: 562-0560 Gala Records Music Via Garibaldi 2-2A Albignasego, PD 35020 Tel: 862-5456 Fax: 862-5501 General Records Via Scuole 66 Caselle di Sommacampagna, VR 37066 Tel: 755-0337 Fax: 640-0781 Harmony Music Via del Padule 23F Scandicci, FI 50018 Tel: 754 273 Fax: 752 955 Heinz Music Via S. Vincenzo 24 Milan, 20123 Tel: 832-1231 Fax: 835-8540 Hi NRG Attack Via Righi 3 Alessandria (AL), 15100 Tel: 235 854 Fax: 235 339 High Tide Via San Girolamo 7 Venezia/Mestre, 30174 Tel: 959 055 Fax: 959 991 Hi-Tech Music PO Box 1868 Trieste 7, 34126 Int'l Elypgon Co. Via delle Madonie 22 Palermo, 90144 Tel: 514 057 IRIDEA RECORDS via Bontempelli 88 Vignola (MO), 41058 Tel: (39) 059 760106 E-mail: [email protected] Irma Records Via Fontanina 2/B Bologna, 40121 Tel: 248 993 Fax: 253 787 Ishtar Records/Family Affair Via Mecenate 76/3 Milan, 20138 Tel: 506-3395 Fax: 5540 0120 J&Q Records Via Marco Polo 105/1 Bientina (Pisa), 56031 Tel: 758 336 Fax: 756 434 JLP Via Ferrovia 18 Cicciano Naples, Tel: (39) 081-826-5693 Fax: (39) 081-826-5693 E-mail: [email protected] JT Co. Via Ugo Bassi 17 Milan, 20159 Tel: 8645 4630 Fax: 8645 0025 KLF Music S.A.S. Via Giovanni Antonio Plana 26 Milan, 20155 Tel: 3921 9795 Fax: 392-5465 La Bottega Discantica Via Nirone 5 Milan, 20123 Tel: 862 966 Fax: 7200 0642 Leone Rampante Via alla Val 8 - Povo Trent, 38050 Tel: 810 170 Fax: 819014 Level One via Fantoli 7 Milano, 20138 Tel: 509-9161 Fax: 5801 3290 Masar Edizioni Musicali Via Sezze 28 Latina, 4100 Tel: 663 313 Materiali Sonori Via 3 Novembre 2 San Giovanni Valdarno, AR 52027 Tel: 912-0363 Fax: 912-0370 Media Records Via Martiri della Liberta 279 Roncadelle, BS 25030 Tel: 258-6008 Fax: 258-2161 Mercury Italy Universal Music Italia Srl Milan (MI), 20124 Tel: 67961 Fax: 679-6201 Micocci Dischitalia Editori Via Guido Banti 46 Rome, RM 191 Tel: 333-8233 Fax: 333-8197 Milleville Music Via B Migliarina 8 Fossoli, MO 41010 Tel: 669 311 Fax: 660 393 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 61 Minstrel ed Musicali Internazionali Via Bonaventura Cerretti 32 Rome, 167 Tel: 6601 6946 Fax: 6601 6946 MusicMedia SRL / Cielo Video Edizioni Musicali SAS Largo Isabella d'Aragona, 1 (gia Via F. Bocconi) Milan, 20136 Tel: 5832 1153 Fax: 5830 5166 New Music Int'l S R L Via Mecenate 84/23 Milan, 20138 Tel: 5540 0314 Fax: 5540 0360 Off Limits Via Sessi 8 Reggio Emilia, 42100 Tel: 451 282 Fax: 451 832 OM_OM Music Piazza Euclide, 21 Rome, 197 Tel: 807 9219 Fax: 322 3926 Panarecord Alzaia Naviglio Grande 72 Milan, 20144 Tel: 8940 8184 Fax: 8941 0411 Phonotype Records srl Via E. De Marinis 4 Naples, 80134 Tel: 552 7195 Fax: 552 2649 Pick-Up Records Via Jacopo da Ponte 52 Bassano del Grappa (VI), 36061 Tel: 216 710 Fax: 216 777 Pinciana Music Via Carlo Mirabello 25 Scala B int. 2 Rome, 195 Tel: 375 17489 Fax: 375 17489 Pressing Records Via M. D'Azeglio 15 Bologna, 40123 Tel: 273 573 Fax: 222 322 Softworks Via Nicotera 24 Rome, 195 Tel: 360 9501 Fax: 321 7692 Propio Via Calabria 5 Milan, 20156 Tel: 3931 3569 Fax: 3932 0561 Sony Music Entertainment (Italy) S.P.A. Via Amedei 9 Milan, 20123 Tel: 85361 Fax: 860 175 QUADROFRAME RECORDS Florence, E-mail: [email protected] RA Records, srl via Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, 7 Rome, 197 Tel: 3600 5023 Fax: 3608 6462 RDS/Sibarrio Dischi Via B. Zumbini 40 Milan, 20143 Tel: 8912 8209 Fax: 8912 8209 Replay Bricolage Via Dell'Artigianato 89 Asiago, VI 36012 Tel: 463 089 Fax: 463 089 Robi Droli Strada Roncaglia 16 San Germano (AL), 15040 Tel: 50577 Fax: 50780 Rossodisera Edizioni Musicali Via Asiago 2 Rome, 195 Tel: 361 2458 Fax: 321 6954 S.A.I.F.A.M. Music Group Via Tirso 16 Lugagnano, VR 37060 Tel: 868 0633 Fax: 868 0559 Softworks Via G Reina 6 Rome, 123 Tel: 3036 1690 Fax: 3031 1331 Soul Food Viale Jenner 51 Milano, 20159 Tel: 6688 3399 Fax: 6688 3476 Splash s.a.s. Via G Jannelli 51 Naples (NA), 80128 Tel: 579 9790 Fax: 579 9767 Suedton Verlag O.V. Guggenberg St. 34 Brixen, BZ 39042 Tel: 801 195 Fax: 801 195 Sugar Music Galleria del Corso 4 Milan, 20122 Tel: 770 701 Fax: 7707 0313 Suoni Rari srl Piazza Euclide, 19 Rome, 197 Tel: 3600 1328 Fax: 322 3926 Tactus Via dell'Artigiano 15 Pianoro (BO), 40065 Tel: 775 799 Fax: 774 336 Time Records Via A. Papa 1/A Brescia, 25128 Tel: 370 1050 (39) 030 3701050 Fax: 370 1066 (39) 030 3701217 E-mail: [email protected] Top Records Italy Galleria del Corso 4 Milan, 20122 Tel: 7602 1141 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 62 Fax: 7602 1141 Two & Four Corso Venezia 7 Milan, MI 20121 Tel: 7600 0027 Fax: 7600 9320 Unifunk Corso di Porta Romana 68 Milan, MI 20122 Tel: 583 20315 Fax: 583 20335 Union Records Via Cao Pra 54 Lugagnano, VR 37060 Tel: 868 0730 Fax: 868 0722 Universal Italia Classics & Jazz Viale Tunisia 50 Milan (MI), 20124 Tel: 67961 Fax: 679 201 Universal Music Group (Rome) Via Muggia, 21 Rome, 195 Tel: 3759 1101 Fax: 372 5273 Universal Music Group Italy Srl Via Carlo Tenca, 2 Milan, 20124 Tel: 67961 Fax: 679 6201 Universo Productions S.P.A. Via dei Maffei 28 Rome, 165 Tel: 6654 1512 Fax: 6654 1818 Virgin Music Italy SRL Via Pantano 2 Milan, 20122 Tel: 72 53 51 Fax: 72 53 52 70 Visa Records Via L. Palazzi 8 Milan, 20124 Tel: 2952 5252 Fax: 2952 4341 Vox Enterprise Via Ferrarese 110 Bologna, 40128 Tel: 415 0112 Fax: 415 0113 Fab 5, Inc. 11 Springvale Ave. Kingston, 10 Tel: (876) 925-4057 Fax: (876) 924-5025 Walt Disney Records Italia Via S. Sandri 1 Milan (MI), 20121 Tel: 2908 5006 Fax: 2908 5259 GG Records One Torrington Rd. Kingston, Tel: (876) 922-7518 Fax: (876) 922-7518 Warner Music Italy SpA Via Milano 16 Milan, 20090 Tel: 21681 Fax: 216 8299 Ghetto Youths Int'l 56 Hope Rd. Kingston, 6 Tel: (876) 978-4110 Fax: (876) 978-5163 Warner Music Southern Europe via Ugo Foscolo, 1 Milan, 20121 Tel: 721 281 Fax: 7212 8300 Island Jamaica Eight Worthington Ave. Kingston, 5 Tel: (876) 968-6792 Fax: (876) 968-6779 WEA Records Corso Vittorio Emanuele 9 Milan, 20122 Tel: 777 081 Fax: 7770 8350 Zeus Record Piazzetta Matilde Serao 15 Naples, 80132 Tel: 415 997 Fax: 406 791 IVORY COAST Showbiz Records Rue Paul Langevin B.P. 1861 Abidjan, 18 Tel: 251 168 Fax: 256 458 JAMAICA 93 East Records 93 East St. Kingston, Tel: (876) 967-4513 Fax: (876) 967-7775 Dynamic Sounds Recording Co. Ltd. PO Box 137 Kingston, 11 Tel: (876) 923-9168 Fax: (876) 923-9130 Kingston Muzik Co. Ltd. 36 Garden Blvd. Kingston, 6 Tel: (876) 977-1503 Fax: (876) 977-0980 New World Music PO Box 137 Kingston, 11 Tel: (876) 923-9138 Fax: (876) 923-9130 One World Records PO Box 775 Ocho Rios, Tel: (876) 974-1686 Fax: (876) 974-5499 Penthouse Recordings 6 Ballater Ave. Kingston, 10 Tel: (876) 929-7446 Fax: (876) 968-2051 Tres Belle Productions PO Box 730 Ocho Rios, Tel: (876) 974-2563 Fax: (876) 974-8103 Tuff Gong Int'l 220 Marcus Garvey Dr. Kingston, 11 Tel: (876) 923-9380 Fax: (876) 923-4657 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 63 JAPAN Alfa Music, Inc. Plz. Kay 5-1-1 Minami Azabu Tokyo, 106 Tel: 5475 7068 Fax: 5475 7085 ALP RECORDS #4FN6, Time24Bldg. 2-45, Aomi Koutou-Ku Tokyo, E-mail: [email protected] avex trax Sumisei Bldg 3-1-30 Minami-Aoyama Tokyo, 107 Tel: 5413 8574 Fax: 5413 8826 Beatink, Inc. 901 Toukouen Manshion 3-75 Ebisu-mianmi Tokyo, 150 Tel: 3791 6811 Fax: 3791 6842 Being, Inc. Egawa Bldg., 3-10-9 Roppongi Tokyo, 106 Tel: 3470 5791 Fax: 3479 2090 BERRY RECORDS Tokyo, E-mail: [email protected] Blues Interactions, Inc. 2-41-10 Tomigaya Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 151 Tel: 3460 8611 Fax: 3460 8618 BMG Funhouse, Inc. 1-6-9 Shibuya Tokyo, 150 8350 Tel: 3797 9020 Fax: 3499 3304 Bomba Records, Inc. 25-9-101 Nishigotanda, 2Chome Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, 141 Tel: 5434 6961 Fax: 5434 6963 Circle One Entertainment Group Urban Rafure 2-603, Shirakabe 1-27 Nagoya, 460 Tel: 212-4500 Fax: 212-4567 CTA Co. Ltd. #53-5, Nogata 1-chome, Nakano-ku Tokyo, 165 Tel: 3388 9111 Fax: 3388 7778 Dream Machine audio + visual Kitagano Third Bldg. Tokyo, 107 Tel: 5770 5200 Fax: 5770 5210 EAST WORKS ENTERTAINMENT Tokyo, Tel: (81) 03-5413-7415 Fax: (81) 03-5413-7406 E-mail: [email protected] EastWest Japan 3-1-2 Kita-Aoyama, Minato-ku Tokyo, 107 Tel: 5412 3511 Fax: 5412 3550 EastWest Japan 3-4F, Akasaka DS Bldg., 8-526 Akasaka Minato-ku Tokyo, 107 Tel: 3475 7255 Fax: 3475 7259 GARANDO Yokahama City, E-mail: [email protected] HI-JUMP NO. 303 3-16-9 Kamiochiai Shinjuku-ku Tokyo, 161-0034 E-mail: [email protected] HoriPro, Inc. 1-2-5 Shimomeguro Tokyo, 153 Tel: 3490 8411 Fax: 3490 4340 KBC Music, Inc. KBC Kaikan, Second Fl. Fukuoka, 810 Tel: 721-0510 Fax: 721-0509 Ki/oon Sony Records, Asian Affairs, Legacy & Jazz 3F Seizan Bldg., 2-12-28 Kita-aoyama, Minato-ku Tokyo, 107 Tel: 3796 3501 Fax: 3796 3511 King Record Co. Ltd. 1-2-3, Otowa, Bunkyo-ku Tokyo, 112 Tel: 3945 2134 Fax: 3945 1366 Kitty MME 1-8-4 Ohashi Tokyo, 153 Tel: 3780 9751 Fax: 3780 9721 Elmo Ltd. 5-16-31 Kaijin Funabashi, Chiba, 273 Tel: 310 400 Fax: 310 414 Magnet/Biosphere No. 403, 3-4-41 Moto-Azabu Tokyo, 106 Tel: 3403 8495 Fax: 3403 8816 FBI Japan GFE Bldg., Third Fl., 12-8-5 Yoyogi Tokyo, 151 Tel: 3379 3877 Fax: 3299 8508 Meldac Corp. 3-4F Kobayashi Bldg. Tokyo, 107 Tel: 5562 2810 For Life Records 3-28-8 Ikejiri, Setagaya-Ku Tokyo, 154 Tel: 5430 3105 Fax: 5430 9854 MSBR RECORDS Koji Tano 2-8-4 Ohara Setagaya Tokyo, 156-0041 Tel: (81) 3-3323-5998 Fax: (81) 3-3323-5998 E-mail: [email protected] For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 64 Nippon Columbia Co. Ltd. 4-14-14 Akasaka Minato-ku Tokyo, 107 Tel: 3584 8111 Fax: 3584 8135 RCA Ariola Arista Japan 1-3-9, Shibuya Shibuya-ku Tokyo, 150 Tel: 3797 9020 Fax: 3499 3304 Office K Music Plz., Fifth Fl. Tokyo, 101 Tel: 3292 2970 Fax: 3292 1230 Roadrunner Japan, Inc. Maison De Kazu 2/F 1-16-7 Shoto Shibuya-ku Tokyo, 150 Tel: 3481 6966 Fax: 3481 6988 Omagatoki Co. Ltd. 14-12, 1 chome Kamiogi Suginami-ku Tokyo, 167-0043 Tel: 3393 3519 Fax: 3393 3251 Outgroup Records 1F San-esu Bldg. 4-17-9 Minami-Aoyama Minato-ku Tokyo, Tel: 3403 5100 Fax: 3403 5355 Pacific Moon Records 2-6-8 Chuo, Nakano-ku Tokyo, 164 0011 Tel: 3367 3401 Fax: 3367 3404 Pioneer LDC 1-20-6 Ebisu-Minami Shibuya-ku Tokyo, 150-8350 Tel: 5721 1351 Fax: 5721 9882 Polydor K.K. 1-8-4 Ohashi Meguro-ku Tokyo, 153 Tel: 3780 8501 Fax: 3780 8674 POLYSTAR Tokyo, E-mail: [email protected] Pony Canyon, Inc. 2-5-10 Toranomon Minato-ku Tokyo, 105 Tel: 5521 8017 Fax: 5521 8117 Rock Records 2-8-10 Meguro Meguro-ku Tokyo, 153 Tel: 5496 0701 Fax: 5496 0705 Rooms Music, Inc. Goto Bldg. 1, Seventh Fl. 5-1-3 Roppongi Tokyo, 103 Tel: 3479 7419 Fax: 3479 6790 Sony Music Entertainment (Int'l Labels Div.) 5F Seizan Bldg. 2-12-28 Kita-aoyama Minato-ku Tokyo, 107 Tel: 3796 3563 Fax: 3796 3564 Sony Music Entertainment (Japan) Inc. 1-4 Ichigaya-tamachi Shinjuku-ku Tokyo, 162 Tel: 3266 5011 Fax: 3235 2757 T.O.N.E. Morita Bldg. 2F 5-206, Motomachi Nakaku Yokohama Kanagawa, 231 0861 Tel: 640 0560 Fax: 640 0561 Teichiku Record Co. Ltd. Sumitomo-Aobadai Hills Tokyo, 153 Tel: 3481 3200 Fax: 3481 3235 Tokuma Japan Communications Tokuma Shoten Honsha Bldg. Tokyo, 105 Tel: 3578 0370 Fax: 5472 2875 Tokyo M-Plus Co. Ltd Miyoshi Bldg., 4-14-10 Sengoku, Bunkyo-ku Tokyo, 112 Tel: 5976 5991 Fax: 5976 5995 Toshiba-EMI Ltd. 2-2-17 Akasaka, Minato-ku Tokyo, 107 Tel: 3587 9054 Fax: 3587 9078 Toy's Factory Nisseki-Shibuya Bldg. 9F, 216-1, Shibuya Tokyo, 150-8325 Tel: 3400 8576 Fax: 3400 9225 Trattoria Menu 2-14-6 Ebisu-Minami Tokyo, 150 Tel: 5721 3213 Fax: 5721 3253 Universal Music K.K. 1-8-4 Ohashi, Meguro-ku Tokyo, 153 Tel: 3780 8501 Fax: 3780 8674 Unlimited Records 7/F, Ryoshin Harajuki Bldg. 617-11 Jingumae Shibuya-ky, Tokyo, 150 Tel: 5467 7800 Fax: 5467 7795 VAP, Inc. 4F Nippon TV Tokyo, 102 Tel: 3234 5711 Fax: 3234 5293 Victor Entertainment, Inc. Palacio Tower, 3-6-7 KitaAoyama Tokyo, 107 Tel: 5467 6589 Fax: 5467 6950 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 65 Walt Disney Records Japan No. 32 Kowa Bldg. 5-2-32 Tokyo, 106-0074 Tel: 5424 0842 Fax: 5420 4514 Warner Music Japan, Inc. 3-1-2 Kita-Aoyama, Minato-ku Tokyo, 107 Tel: 5412 3111 Fax: 3479 4887 Zain Music, Inc. Horaiya Bldg., Fifth Fl. Tokyo, 106 Tel: 3479 7439 Fax: 3403 3303 KENYA A.I. Records (Kenya) Ltd. PO Box 41152 Nairobi, Tel: 721433 Fax: 721640 LATVIA BMG Baltic States Liela Pils 8/10 Riga, 1050 Tel: 223 908 Fax: 226 488 Microphone Records Mukusalas 41 Riga, LV-1004 Tel: 702-7407 Fax: 702-7215 LEBANON Music Master - Lebanon Essanestr. 671 Eschen, 9492 Tel: 377-5050 Fax: 377-5051 Music Master - Lebanon PO Box 356 Hazmieh, Tel: 456 508 Fax: 456 507 LITHUANIA Bomba JSC Zygimantu 6 Vilnius, 2600 Tel: 223 358 Fax: 225 715 Kestutis Pukas Music PO Box AID 1283 Kaunas, 3002 Tel: 747 414 Fax: 207 632 LUXEMBOURG hv.com Int'l SA 25A Blvd. Royal Benelux, L-2015 Tel: 223 414 Fax: 444 200 hv.com Int'l SA 7A, Rue Robert Stumper Luxembourg, 2557 Tel: 444 248 MALAYSIA Aria Artistes 20B Jalan Datuk Kuala Lumpur, 6000 Tel: 717 8133 Fax: 717 8132 BMG Music (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd 133-1 Jalan Segambut Kuala Lumpur, 51200 Tel: 621-0218 Fax: 621-3944 Broadway Entertainment No. 14B -4, Third Fl. Selangor, DE 46100 Tel: 795 867 27 Fax: 7957 6651 Brocita Corp. 28 Jalan Jejaka, 9 Kuala Lumpur, 55100 Tel: 982-2852 Fax: 987-2589 Carrybase Corp. No. 194 Jalan Mahkota Kuala Lumpur, 55100 Tel: 981-6603 Fax: 985-4116 Denoris Records Wisma Denoris, Second Fl. Kuala Lumpur, 55100 Tel: 981-6900 Fax: 982-1900 EMI (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd C-6-1, 6th Fl., Block C The Mines Waterfront Bu 43300 Seri Kernbangan, Tel: 945-5033 Fax: 945-5003 Fly-Wings 157-2 Jalan Segambut Kuala Lumpur, 51200 Tel: 623-1282 Fax: 424-3497 FMC Music Sdn Bhd No. 27, Jalan 1/119, Taman Bukit Hijau Kuala Lumpur, 56000 Tel: 931-8891 Fax: 930-8526 Follow Me Records & Artistes 36 Jalan SS 19/1D Petaling Jaya, 47500 Tel: 732-0264 Fax: 731-9909 Form Records Jalan Cheras, Ground Fl., No.1 Kuala Lumpur, 56100 Tel: 985-1084 Fax: 985-1098 Forward Music 42 Jalan Kaskas Dua Kuala Lumpur, 56100 Tel: 932-5161 Fax: 932-5164 Go Search Lot 1045, Studio Parca Delima Ampang, 68000 Tel: 982-5161 Fax: 982-5161 Good Style Enterprises One Jalan Jintan Kuala Lumpur, 56100 Tel: 931-7509 Fax: 971-3386 Hup Hup Sdn Bhd (Life Records) 66-68 Jalan Raja Chulan Kuala Lumpur, 50200 Tel: 230-7524 Fax: 238-3213 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 66 Incitec Enterprises 22 Jalan 4/91, Tamelin Shamelin Perkasa Kuala Lumpur, 56100 Tel: 981-3239 Fax: 985-6237 Kingstar Enterprises 10A Jalan Jejaka 5 Kuala Lumpur, 55100 Tel: 985-1239 Fax: 984-4922 Kru Records 27-3 Jalan Jelalak Two Kuala Lumpur, 54200 Tel: 452-8566 Fax: 457-8566 Music Impact Entertainment 133-1 Jalan Manis 4 Kuala Lumpur, 51200 Tel: 622-5662 Fax: 622-2606 Musical Sound Organization 11 Jalan Manis 4 Kuala Lumpur, 56100 Tel: 930-6504 Fax: 971-8564 Musico (M) SDN.BHD. B4-2, 4th Fl. Pusat Perindustrian Binova Kuala Lumpur, 51200 Tel: 627-1391 Fax: 627-1393 Nar Records No. 32, Jalan Persiaran Zaaba Kuala Lumpur, 60000 Tel: 716 6129 Fax: 716 6135 New Southern Records Wisna NSR No. 3 Kuala Lumpur, 55100 Tel: 441 4452 Fax: 442 2723 Ocean Musical 10A Jalan Kaskas 3 Kuala Lumpur, 56100 Tel: 930 9718 Fax: 931 0943 Peru Trading Co. 274 Jalan Tun Sambanthan Kuala Lumpur, 50470 Tel: 274 3023 Fax: 272 1746 Pony Canyon Music (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. Lot 1.1 & 1.2 7th Fl. Kompleks Pernas Sogo Kuala Lumpur, ROC 50100 Tel: 292 3133 Fax: 294 3133 Positive Tone Jalan SS6/12, Second Fl., Lot 27B Selangor, 47301 Tel: 704 1743 Fax: 704 1744 Rock Records (M) SDN BHD No. 18 & 20 Lorong 6A/91 Taman Shamelin Kuala Lumpur, 56100 Tel: 982 1325 Fax: 982 1318 Sony Music Entertainment (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. C16 & C17 Jalan Ampang Utama 1/1 Off Jalan Ampang Ampang Selangor, 68000 Tel: 452 3233 Fax: 452 2235 Suwah Enterprises 42A Jalan Kaskas Kuala Lumpur, 56100 Tel: 930 6611 Fax: 971 6414 SZS Productions No. 271A Jalan Bandar 11 Kuala Lumpur, 53100 Tel: 407 6200 Fax: 407 6201 Vocal Music Productions 36-38 Jalan Pandan Indah 4/6A Kuala Lumpur, 53100 Tel: 495 7177 Fax: 496 2522 Warner Music Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. 9th Fl., MUI Plaza (Box #18), Jalan P. Ramlee Kuala Lumpur, 50250 Tel: 248 5611 Fax: 248 0861 Wayang Tinggi Entertainment 43 Jalan Kamuning Kuala Lumpur, 55100 Tel: 243 2828 Fax: 245 2881 What's Music 31 Jalan Perdana 10/12 Pusat Pardagangan Kuala Lumpur, 55300 Tel: 964 5733 Fax: 964 8133 Ya-Ko Enterprises 21-23 Lorong Jintan, 2 Kuala Lumpur, 56100 Tel: 931 6155 Fax: 932 6548 MALTA VSC (Visual & Sound Communications Ltd.) 380 Manwel Dimech St. Sliema, 6 Tel: 331 775 Fax: 331 681 MEXICO Azteca Music S.A. De C.V. Periferico Sur 4121 Jardines Del Pedregal Mexico City, 14141 Tel: 420 1313 Fax: 420 5714 Balboa Records Co. de Mexico, S.A. de C. Av. Cuitlahuac No 2335 Col. San Salvador Mexico City, DF 2870 Tel: 341-9955 Fax: 341-5332 BMG Ariola/RCA Av. Cuitlahuac No. 2519 Mexico City, DF, 2870 Tel: 341-7092 Fax: 341-9649 Disa - Discos Sabinas, S.A. de C.V. Av. Juarez 109 Ote. San Nicolas de los Garza Monterrey, NL 66400 Tel: 330-0362 Fax: 350-1788 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 67 Discos AFC Ajusco Ns 20, Col. Porvenir Cd. Neza, 57430 Tel: 765-4182 Fax: 765-4182 Discos Musart, S.A. de C.V. Av. Cuitlahuac 2335, Col. San Salvador Mexico City, DF 2870 Tel: 341-9955 Fax: 341-1960 Discos AMS Africa Ns 80, Col. Romero Rubio Mexico City, DF 15400 Tel: 789-1192 Fax: 789-5789 Discos Platino Av. Universidad 1377, Desp. 601-602 Col. Axotla Mexico City, DF 11810 Tel: 662-4860 Fax: 662-4415 Discos Ciudad S.A. de C.V. AnillodeCircunvalacion #105 Desp.308-309 Mexico City, DF 6060 Tel: 522-9716 Fax: 522-6177 Discos Continental S.A. de C.V. Poniente 75, No 160, Col 16 DeSeptiembre Mexico City, DF 11810 Tel: 277-6491 Fax: 516-7594 Discos Corason S.A. Miraflores 911, Colonia Maravalle Mexico City, DF 3580 Tel: 532-4288 Fax: 674-0351 Discos Sabinas S.A. De C.V. (Disa) Angel Urraza 405 Mexico City, 3100 Tel: 559-1677 Fax: 559-1885 EMI/Virgin Mexico Rio Tigris 33, Col. Cuauhtemoc Mexico City, DF CP 06500 Tel: 328-5656 Fax: 328-5685 Fonovisa Mexico Tlalpan 3000 Mexico City, 4870 Tel: 327-2000 Fax: 679-0523 Discos Coro Sierra Vertientes 870 Mexico City, DF 11000 Tel: 596-1435 Fax: 596-8220 Generamusica Fuente de Templanza, No. 6 PH, Tecamachalco Mexico City, 53950 Tel: 294-2922 Fax: 294-0827 Discos DCO S.A. de C.V. Privada Dr. Marquez Ns 77, Col. Doctores Mexico City, DF 6720 Tel: 538-6365 Fax: 530-0589 Global Entertainment, S.A. de C.V. Adolfo Prieto 1649-402 Mexico City, DF 3100 Tel: 524-0577 Fax: 524-9160 Discos Lebel S.A. de C.V. Norte 90 Ns 6608, Col San Pedro El Chico Mexico City, DF 7480 Tel: 529-9314 Fax: 529-9811 IM Discos & Cassettes Campos Eliseos 468 Col. Polanco Mexico City, DF CP 11560 Tel: 281-4166 Fax: 280-5594 Discos Liz-Let Fisicos Ns 248 A, Col. El Sifon Mexico City, DF 9400 Tel: 634-4990 Fax: 634-4989 MANICOMIO RECORDS E-mail: [email protected] x Max Music Mexico Montes Urales 450, Piso 3 Mexico City, D.F., 11000 Tel: 202-5402 Fax: 202-5477 MCM (Metro Casa Musical) Darwin No. 68, piso 14 Anzures, 11590 Tel: 250-0062 Fax: 250-7986 MP (Musical Productions, Inc.) Zacamixtle 177 Col. Petrolera Azcapotzalco DF, 2480 Tel: (525) 561-0885 Fax: (525) 352-2655 Multimusic S.A. de C.V. Av. Contituyentes Ns 411, Col. America Mexico City, DF 11820 Tel: 271-9560 Fax: 271-9580 MW RECORDS Arquitectura #29 1er Piso Colonia Copilco-Universidad Mexico City, CP 04360 Tel: (52) 5554-1030 Fax: (52) 5658-5722 E-mail: [email protected] Opcion Sonica Adpo Postal 11600 Hipodromo Mexico, 6101 Tel: 211 1975 Orfeon Videovox S.A. Av. Universidad No. 1273 Col Del Valle, 3100 Tel: 524 2500 Fax: 524 8940 Orfeon Videovox S.A. M.M. de Llano No. 1231-Ote. Col. Centro Monterrey, NL CP 64000 Tel: 344 2550 Fax: 345 7601 Paramusica S.A. de C.V. Laguna de Terminos No. 19 Col. Anahuac Mexico City, DF 11320 Tel: 250 1433 Fax: 250 9067 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 68 Peerless, S.A. de C.V. Laguna de Mayran 232 Col. Anahuac Mexico City, DF 11320 Tel: 5531 3320 Fax: 5254 7540 Prodisc Mexico S.A. de C.V. 2| Cerrada Observatorio No. 36 Col Cove Mexico City, DF 1120 Tel: 273 3914 Fax: 273 3889 Producciones Oro Musical Carvaja de la Cueva 1116 Nte. Monterrey, DF 64000 Tel: 375 3633 Fax: 375 3633 PRODUCCIONES P&P Protacio Tagle #81 San Miguel Chapultepec, 11850 Tel: (52) 5277-2610 Fax: (52) 5273-1863 E-mail: [email protected] Promotora Fonografica S.A. (Promofon) Sahuayo No. 82 Col. Janitzio Mexico City, DF 15200 Tel: 795 3678 Fax: 789 2337 Sony Music Mexico S.A. de C.V. Blvd. Avila Camacho 191 2| Piso, Col. Morales Pol Mexico City, DF 11510 Tel: 227 0266 Fax: 311 4508 Tycoon Entertainment Group Presa Salinillas No. 370, Piso 9 Mexico City, 11500 Tel: 395 4111 Fax: 395 7882 Universal Music Mexico S.A. de C.V. Av. Miguel Angel de Quevedo 531 Mexico City, DF 4310 Tel: 659 6022 Fax: 422 3381 Warner Music Mexico S.A. de C.V. PO Box 7-1238 Mexico City, DF 7 Tel: 729 3800 Fax: 729 3802 NETHERLANDS 3H MUSIC PRODUCTION Horsterweg 28 Grubbenvorst, NL-5971 NG Tel: (31) 77-3270500 Fax: (31) 77-3270600 E-mail: [email protected] AAA Music Libraries Wandelpad 32 Hilversum, 1211 GN Tel: 621 2761 Fax: 621 9862 Ala Bianca Benelux B.V. Hoge Naarderweg 6A Hilversum, 1217 AE Tel: 623 9611 Fax: 624 2344 Arcade Music Group PO Box 488 Bussum, 1400 AL Tel: 697 1200 Fax: 697 1390 ART-CON Music Productions Groenloseweg 34 Ruurlo, 7261 AN Tel: 451 014 Fax: 451 072 Associated Artists Music Int'l (AAMI) Sparrendaal 45 Enschede, 7544 AN Tel: 478 1677 Fax: 478 2676 Basic Beat Recordings Nieuwe Binnenweg 19 Rotterdam, 3014 GB Tel: 436-7937 Fax: 436-2217 BLACK AND TAN RECORDS P.O. Box 10168 Apeldoorn, 7301 GD Tel: (31) 55-521-4757 Fax: (31) 55-578-7815 E-mail: [email protected] Black Rhythm Records PO Box 22 Lunteren, 6740 AA Tel: 48 2399 Fax: 48 6964 E-mail: [email protected] Blaricum CD Co. (BCD) Amsterdamsestraatweg 7B Naarden, 1411 AW Tel: 695-1704 Fax: 695-1169 BMG Netherlands Laapersveld 63 Hilversum, 1213 VB Tel: 624-4852 Fax: 623-3872 Bolland Companies Int'l Huizerweg 13 Blaricum, 1261 AS Tel: 538-7574 Fax: 531-2523 BOOM RECORDS Koolstraat 37a Groningen, 9717 KB E-mail: [email protected] BR Music Two B.V. PO Box 308 Nijkerk, AH 3860 Tel: 245-4410 Fax: 246-0431 BVHAAST RECORDS Prinseneiland 99 Amsterdam, 1013 LN Tel: (31) 20-623-9799 Fax: (31) 20-624-3534 E-mail: [email protected] Byte Int'l Hoge Larenseweg 277 Hilversum, RK 1222 Tel: 642-1100 Fax: 683-7752 Cat Music B.V. (CM Songs & Replay Herenweg 9 Rijnsaterwoude, 2465 AA Tel: 509 853 Fax: 507 642 Challenge Records PO Box 540 Arnhem, 6800 AM Tel: 339-7020 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 69 Fax: 339-7029 Channel Classics Records Waaldijk 76 Herwijnen, 4171 CG Tel: 581 800 Fax: 581 782 CHANNEL CLASSICS RECORDS Amsterdam, E-mail: [email protected] CNR Music Int'l Zwarte Weg 10 Naarden, 1412 GD Tel: 697-1200 Fax: 697-1394 Coast to Coast BV PO Box 5195 Naarden, 1410 AD Tel: 694-3596 Fax: 694-2082 Collector Records PO Box 1200 Oud-Beijerland, 3260 AE Tel: 1866 04266 Fax: 1866 04366 Count Orlok Music PO Box 2738 Rotterdam, 3000 CS Tel: 477-6268 Fax: 476-7654 Crisis Records Utrechtseweg 49 Hilversum, 1213 TL Tel: 628-0131 Fax: 628-0251 Da Costa Music Beethovenlaan 173 Amsterdam/Doetinchem, 7002 MR Tel: +31(0)614377774 Fax: +31(0)172478482 E-mail: [email protected] Datra B.V. Utrechthaven 6 Nieuwegein, 3433 PN Tel: 3060 67500 Fax: 3060 63454 Digidance Zwarte Zee 28 Maasluis, 3144 DE Tel: 593-3344 Fax: 593-3355 Disky Communications Europe B.V. Verlengde Lageweg 19 Hoorn, 1628 PM Tel: 2292 52800 Fax: 2292 52875 Djax Records PO Box 2408 Eindhoven, 5600 CK Tel: 4021 15547 Fax: 4021 15004 Dureco B.V. Pampuslaan 45 Weesp, 1382 JM Tel: 415 321 Fax: 412 725 DURECO RECORDS Pampuslaan 45 Weesp, 1382 JM Tel: (31) 0-294-415-321 Fax: (31) 0-294-418-725 E-mail: [email protected] ECOVATA RECORDS Postbus 343 Oisterwijk, 5060 AH Tel: (31) 0-13-521-9596 Fax: (31) 0-13-528-6276 E-mail: [email protected] edel Netherlands Stations St. 18 Hilversum, 1211 EN Tel: 625-1080 Fax: 325-1090 Ellesdesia Records PO Box 41 Rotterdam, 3000 AA Tel: 476-0258 Fax: 476-0258 EMI Music Netherlands BV PO Box 206 Hilversum, 1200 AE Tel: 688-5900 Fax: 685-2979 EMR B.V. PO Box 487 Purmerend, 1440 AL Tel: 2994 20274 Fax: 2994 79583 Epitaph Europe PO Box 10574 Amsterdam, 1001 EN Tel: 550-3838 Fax: 626-7365 Essential Dance Music Haringvliet 88 Rotterdam, 3011 TG Tel: 436-7545 Fax: 436-1349 EXELSIOR Postbus 10175 Amsterdam, 1001 ED E-mail: [email protected] Fonky Fibe Records & Publishing PO Box 9584 Amsterdam, 1006 GB Tel: 488-4388 Fax: 488-0138 FOUNT RECORDS Postbus 84014 Den Haag, 2508 AA Tel: (31) 070-355-4158 Fax: (31) 070-358-7825 E-mail: [email protected] Globe Tapuit 4 Castricum, 1902 Tel: 655 584 Fax: 659 511 Gold Circle Int'l Brinklaan 74-A Bussum, 1404 GL Tel: 692-5700 Fax: 692-5707 Greenheart Music PO Box 170 Waddinxveen, 2740 AD Tel: 615666 Fax: 614783 Greenheart Music PO Box 201 Wageningen, 6700 AE Tel: 413 440 Fax: 421 548 Harmonia Mundi Nandi Het Kleine Loc 414u The Hague, 2592 CK Tel: 382-1379 Fax: 385-3581 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 70 Higher Octave Music Group Jacobus Penneweg 2 Hilversum, 1217 JH Tel: 623-8462 Fax: 624-2090 Laroo Records Wilhelmina St. 210 hs Amsterdam, 1054 WV Tel: 683-4838 Fax: 612-7688 Mirasound Studio & Productions Anjaeliars St. 470 Amsterdam, 1015 NL Tel: 422-7422 Increase PO Box 206 Hilversum, 1200 AE Tel: 688-5906 Fax: 688-5982 Lease Sound Music Co. BV PO Box 10.009 Weert, 6000 VB Tel: 563 234 Fax: 562 514 Inner Peace Productions PO Box 14546 Amsterdam, 1001 LA Tel: 620-5228 Fax: 620-5228 Lower East Side Records B.V. Govert Flinck St. 285/1 Amsterdam, 1073 CA Tel: 671-1292 Fax: 664-6378 Mirasound Studio & Productions Ariane 6 Amersfoort, 3824 MB Tel: 455-5004 Fax: 455-2730 E-mail: [email protected] JG Entertainment B.V. Zalkerbos 10 Hoofddorp, 2134 EM Tel: 562-7465 Fax: 562-7237 Joe Bourne Productions PO Box 677 Leiden, 2300 AA Tel: 7158 97745 Fax: 7158 97943 Joyto Records PO Box 56816 Amsterdam, 1040 AV Tel: 686-5877 Fax: 686-5493 Keec B.V. Pamplusaan 45 Weesp, 1322 JM Tel: 492 992 Fax: 418 725 Keytone Records Keizersgracht 700 Amsterdam, 1017 EV Tel: 638-3283 Fax: 624-4703 Knitting Factory Records Bloemgracht 20 II Amsterdam, 1015 TJ Tel: 420-3658 Fax: 639-2245 Konkurrent PO Box 14598 Amsterdam, 1001 LB Tel: 684-4153 Fax: 684-9505 Lube B.V. Jacobus Pennweg 2 Hilversum, 1217 JH Tel: 538-5320 Fax: 622-1010 Mascot-Provogue Records BV PO Box 231 Berkel, 2650 AE Tel: 512-0384 Fax: 512-1170 Mavarro Productions Postbus 2032 Bussum, 1400 Tel: 523-0634 Fax: 523-0635 Media Benelux Records and Songs B.V. Hoge Naarderweg 6A Hilversum, 1217 AE Tel: 623-9611 Fax: 624-2344 Mercury Records B.V. PO Box 2057 Hilversum, 1200 CB Tel: 626-1500 Fax: 624-0895 Mid-Town Records B.V. Koperslager St. 4-6 Rotterdam, 3077 MD Tel: 483-0444 Fax: 483-2333 Mr. Cheng's Quality Tunes/Proudly Recordings Kogge St. 11 Amsterdam, 1012 TA Tel: 623-4862 Fax: 421-3811 Mukti Music Productions & Publishing PO Box 1276 Bussum, 1400 BG Tel: 3569 38126 Fax: 3569 34877 Music & Words PO Box 1160 Nieuwegein, 3430 BD Tel: 606-7674 Fax: 606-7225 Music Maniac Records Antenne St. 74 Almere, 1322 AS Tel: 68685 Fax: 66261 Narada Productions Amperestr. 10 Hilversum, 1221 GJ Tel: 646 3030 Fax: 646 3035 Nipper CV 1st Passeerdersdwars St. 88 Amsterdam, 1016 XD Tel: 620 5100 Fax: 638 1058 Oldie Blues Records PO Box 12538 Amsterdam, 1100 AM Tel: 696 1111 Fax: 696 1111 Million Records PO Box 96965 The Hague, 2509 JJ Tel: 354-5242 Fax: 354-5242 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 71 Orange Records Prins Hendrikkade 123 Amsterdam, 1011 AM Tel: 626 2734 Fax: 422 6227 Red Bullet Int'l Alexanderlaan 2 Hilversum, 1213 XS Tel: 646 0000 Fax: 683 4112 Seven Horses PO Box 775 Hilversum, 1200 AT Tel: 84450 Fax: 84458 Oreade Music PO Box 237 Heemstede, 2100 AE Tel: 548 3535 Fax: 528 2500 Red Jungle Records/Supream Zalkerbos 10 Hoofddorp, 2134 EM Tel: 562 7465 Fax: 562 7237 Sonic Rendezvous Hermelijnkooy 21 Alkmaar, 1822 CA Tel: 567 3030 Fax: 564 7237 Pan Records PO Box 155 Leiden, 2300 AD Tel: 521 9479 Fax: 522 6869 Pink Records PO Box 488 Drachten, 9200 AL Tel: 525085 Fax: 520992 Polydor Netherlands PO Box 205725 Hilversum, 1200 CB Tel: 626 1500 Fax: 624 6126 PURPLE DOT RECORDS Namensestraat 73 The Hague, Tel: (31) 0 70-322-5688 Fax: (31) 070-352-1538 E-mail: [email protected] Roadrunner Int'l Lorentzweg 46B Hilversum, 1221 EH Tel: 626 8600 Fax: 647 9799 Sony Music Entertainment (Holland) B.V. Middenweg 1 Hilversum, 1217 HS Tel: 629 8298 Fax: 629 8199 Rockhouse Records Nieuwveense weg 23 Nieuwkoop, 2421 LA Tel: 1725 71432 Fax: 1725 73202 Sony Music MM PO Box 5333 Arnhem, CH 6802 Tel: 384 0500 Fax: 384 0500 Royal Records Int'l/The Netherlands Fossielenerf 102 Heerlen, 6413 MB Tel: 522 6827 Fax: 522 6827 Sound Wave Productions Nijverheidsweg 30 Heemstede, 2102 LL Tel: 2352 92154 Fax: 2352 93724 Runnetherlands Horne St. 37 Maastricht, 6224 TE Tel: 4336 26424 Fax: 4336 26502 Strictly Rhythm Records (Benelux) Alexanderlaan 2 Hilversum, 1213 XS Tel: 646 0000 Fax: 683 4112 Purple Eye Productions BV PO Box 338 Bussum, 1400 AH Tel: 695 2451 Fax: 694 0362 S.M.A.R.T. Middenweg 1 Hilversum, 1200 AK Tel: 629 8298 Fax: 629 8299 Suburban Mart. Nyhofflaan 2 Delft, Z-H 2624 Tel: 256 4499 Fax: 256 4357 Rams Horn-GW Productions B.V. PO Box 35 Aerclenhout, 2110 AA Tel: 529 2154 Fax: 529 3724 SAM SAM MUSIC Langevelderlaan 41 Noordwijk, Tel: (31) 0 252344282 Fax: (31) 0 376876 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.samsammusic.com/ Sunrise Records Groene Hilledijk 380b Rotterdam, 3075 ED Tel: 432 3675 Fax: 432 3675 Ray's Music B.V. Utrechthaven 6 Nieuwegein, 3433 PN Tel: 3060 66884 Fax: 3060 63454 RB01 Music Van IJsendijk St. 411-c Purmerend, 1442 LB Tel: 2994 220274 Fax: 2994 79583 Sascha Van Esdonk Productions PO Box 22 Badhoevedorp, 1170 AA Tel: 659 2441 Fax: 659 6793 Sweat Records Groenloseweg 34 Ruurlo, 7261 AN Tel: 451 022 Fax: 451 072 Team 3 Records PO Box 288 Weesp, 1380 AG Tel: 944 15304 Fax: 944 13548 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 72 Telstar BV PO Box 70 Weert, 6000 AB Tel: 535 640 Fax: 535 684 Warner Music Benelux B.V. PO Box 749 Hilversum, 1200 AS Tel: 646 5600 Fax: 642 1044 The Music Marketeers Singel 270 Amsterdam, 1016 AL Tel: 2042 00052 Fax: 2042 00942 Willem Van Schijndel Music & Entertainment Woeringenlaan 23 Waalwijk, 5144 CH Tel: 560 020 Fax: 560 040 Tirol Records Nieuwe Uitleg 49 Bakel, 5761 Tel: 343 466 Fax: 343 332 World Wind Music BV PO Box 836 Hilversum, 1200 AV Tel: 624 0230 Fax: 624 4321 Universal Classics Netherlands PO Box 2057 Hilversum, 1200 CB Tel: 626 1500 Fax: 624 5135 Zomba Record Holdings Hoefloo 24 Laren, 1251 EB Tel: 531 6314 Fax: 531 6785 Universal Music BV PO Box 2057 Hilversum, 1200 CB Tel: 626 1500 Fax: 624 5496 ZYX Music B.V. Stationsplein 27 Maastricht, 6221 BT Tel: 350 0322 Fax: 350 0014 Universal Music BV PO Box 412 Hilversum, 1200 AK Tel: 646 3030 Fax: 646 3035 Van Record Co. Suriname St. 17 The Hague, 2585 GG Tel: 360 0306 Fax: 356 3300 Vanguard Classics Noorderweg 68 Hilversum, 1221 AB Tel: 689 8899 Fax: 689 8897 Vanguard Classics Oude Amersfoortseweg 249 Hilversum, 1212 AD Tel: 642 2338 Fax: 642 0880 Virgin Music Holland B.V. Melkpad 29 Hilversum, 1217 KA Tel: 625 0050 Fax: 625 0055 NEW CALEDONIA Mangrove Productions BP 12777 Noumea, 98802 Tel: 285 685 Fax: 285 685 Ocean Productions BP 9066 Noumea, 98802 Tel: 276 130 Fax: 276 037 NEW ZEALAND A.R.L. Music Ltd. PO Box 1372 Auckland, Tel: 299 7968 Fax: 299 8158 Aire Records & Publishing PO Box 6077 Christchurch, Tel: 348 1698 Fax: 348 4303 Arch Hill Records 20 Anglesea St. Auckland, Tel: 360 6034 Blue Smoke Music Co. 21 Redvers Dr. Wellington, Tel: 565-3164 Fax: 565-3164 BMG New Zealand Ltd. PO Box 37 331 Parnell, Tel: 378-0491 Fax: 378-0496 Chez Betty Records PO Box 62 Queenstown, Tel: 442-9076 Fax: 442-9073 Earwig PO Box 34-705 Auckland, Tel: 480-2219 Fax: 480-2234 EMI Music New Zealand 33-35 Scanlon St. Auckland, Tel: 361-0223 Fax: 376-1859 EMI Music New Zealand PO Box 864 Auckland, Tel: 356-1570 Fax: 356-7221 Flying Nun PO Box 677 Auckland, Tel: 361-0223 Fax: 376-1859 E-mail: [email protected] Front Porch Music PO Box 21407 Christchurch, Tel: 755-7519 Fax: 755-7675 Gala Records PO Box 52-188 Auckland, Tel: 376-4650 Fax: 376-2005 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 73 Gazelle Music Ltd. 23 Gazelle Ave. Auckland, 10 Tel: 483-5608 Fax: 483-9780 Pagan Records PO Box 47-290 Auckland, Tel: 302 3228 Fax: 302 3229 UCA Recording Ltd. PO Box 52076 Porirua, 6320 Tel: 237 7009 Fax: 239 9976 Hit Your Head Music 805 Cook Pl. Hastings, Tel: 878-1212 Fax: 878-1212 Panther City Records Ltd. 35 Crescent E. Auckland, Tel: 372 8815 Fax: 372 8913 Viking Sevenseas NZ Ltd. PO Box 152 Paraparaumu, Tel: 902 9990 Fax: 845 738 HUH! Records PO Box 6284 Auckland, 1036 Tel: 309-5206 Fax: 366-0411 Saint Records Ltd. PO Box 22749 Christchurch, Tel: 343 2622 Fax: 343 2623 Warner Music New Zealand Ltd. PO Box 2915 Auckland, Tel: 377 1699 Fax: 307 0917 Intergalactic Records Ltd. PO Box 15618 Auckland, Tel: 827-4500 Fax: 827-4599 Scoop de Loop 19 Wynyard Rd. Auckland, Tel: 630 9322 Fax: 630 9315 Jayrem Records Ltd. Box 38-558 Wellington, Tel: 568-8291 Fax: 568-8291 Scoop de Loop PO Box 37 Auckland, Tel: 356 8438 Fax: 378 0439 KSP Music Ltd. PO Box 54-083 Paremata, 6230 Tel: 233-0243 Someone Up There Records 39 Kensington Ave. Mount Eden Auckland, 4 Tel: 630 8807 Fax: 630 8807 Low Down Records PO Box 10081 Auckland, Tel: 630-1289 Fax: 630-1289 Marital Music Communication Ltd. PO Box 46129 Auckland, Tel: 360-8377 Fax: 360-8376 Martian Music PO Box 47371 Auckland, Tel: 815-0388 Fax: 815-0388 Music World PO Box 101087, North Shore MC Auckland, Tel: 444-6470 Fax: 444-6475 Sony Music Entertainment (New Zealand) Ltd. 110 Symonds St., 9th Fl. Auckland, Tel: 375 5330 Fax: 303 1515 Stitch Records 7 Lincoln St. Auckland, Tel: 376 4641 Fax: 376 4026 Sun Pacific Music Co. PO Box 47-382 Auckland, Tel: 376 2691 Fax: 376 2691 Sun Pacific Music Co. PO Box 617 Auckland, Tel: 630 9180 Fax: 630 4211 White Cloud Records Box 41-043, Eastbourne Wellington, Tel: 568 7738 Fax: 568 7738 Wildside/Felix Records PO Box 7012 Auckland, Tel: 377 2546 Fax: 377 2572 Yellow Bike Records PO Box 1067 Nelson, Tel: 546 6918 Fax: 546 6918 Yellow Eye Music PO Box 6173 North Dunedin, Tel: 473 9426 Fax: 473 9700 Zeal Music Ltd. PO Box 6884 Auckland, Tel: 307 1444 Fax: 307 1454 NORWAY Amigo Norsk Musikk Postboks 8828 Oslo, N-0028 Tel: 420 400 Fax: 420 401 APARTMENT RECORDS Sandakervn. 11 / 2 Oslo, 473 Tel: (47) 22 87 00 68 Fax: (47) 22 87 00 68 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 74 E-mail: [email protected] Arcade Music Co. Norway A/S PO Box 4240 Torshov Oslo, 401 Tel: 2280 9600 Fax: 2280 9640 Beatservice Records PO Box 2478 Tromso, 9272 Tel: 688 117 Fax: 688 117 E-mail: [email protected] BMG Norway AS Oscarsgate 30 Oslo, 352 Tel: 606 100 Fax: 606 106 Bonnier Music Norway Osterdalsgt. 1B Oslo, 658 Tel: 688 690 Fax: 686 920 BUNGALAB Oslo, E-mail: [email protected] Continental Records PO Box 143 Jessheim, 2051 Tel: 6397 1020 Fax: 6397 1026 CURLING LEGS PRODUCTIONS Postboks 5298 Majorstua Oslo, N-0303 Fax: (47) 22-350-413 E-mail: [email protected] DBUT RECORDS Brennevirn. 9c Oslo, 0182 Tel: (47) 2220-0908 Fax: (47) 2220-1325 E-mail: [email protected] dbut records Toftesgt. 69 Oslo, 552 Tel: 2287 0058 Fax: 2287 0059 DREAMSCAPE PRODUCTIONS DA Kolstadgt.17 Oslo, Tel: (47) 22 57 80 49 E-mail: [email protected] NOCTURNAL ART PRODUCTION P.O. Box 4 Notodden, 3671 Tel: (47) 3502-0862 Fax: (47) 3501-2108 E-mail: [email protected] edel records Norway PO Box 568 Sentrum Oslo, N-0105 Tel: 2231 4900 Fax: 2242 8944 NOR-CD Kongens gate 16 Oslo, 0153 Tel: (47) 2233-4144 Fax: (47) 2233-4143 E-mail: [email protected] EMI Norsk A/S Karl Johansgt. 12J, PO Box 492 Sentrum Oslo, 105 Tel: 2205 2700 Fax: 2242 2040 Norske Gram A.S. Fjordgaten 21 Trondheim, 7005 Tel: 7380 5300 Fax: 7380 5380 Farmen A/S PO Box 337 Sandvika, 1301 Tel: 6754 0201 Fax: 6756 5531 Notabene Records A/S Wolffsgt. 5 Oslo, 358 Tel: 691 169 Fax: 696 305 Flage Records Colbjernsensgt 2 Oslo, 256 Tel: 2255 2002 Fax: 2255 2008 Odin Records Tollbugate 28 Oslo, 157 Tel: 2241 2010 Fax: 2241 2004 Gazell Christiania AS Postboks 3849, Ulleval Stadion Oslo, N-0805 Tel: 607 270 Fax: 600 284 Progress Records PO Box 5120 Trondheim, 7002 Tel: 7351 2104 Fax: 7351 5430 GEMINI RECORDS P.O. Box 96 Vettre, 1381 Tel: (47) 669-04499 Fax: (47) 669-04489 E-mail: [email protected] Grammofon A/S Electra St. Halvardsgate 33 Oslo, 192 Tel: 190 250 Fax: 677 145 MTG-Productions PO Box 2500 Drammen, 3003 Tel: 3289 3450 Fax: 3289 3535 Rec 90 PO Box 1291 Bergen, 5811 Tel: 5532 3410 Fax: 5531 1875 Reidun Torgrimsen Agency PO Box 133 Vigrestad, 4369 Tel: 5179 1780 Fax: 5143 8305 Rune Grammofon As Akersgata 7 Oslo, 158 Tel: 335 8000 Fax: 335 8001 S2 Records PO Box 9810 Oslo, 28 Tel: 478 120 Fax: 478 128 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 75 Sony Music Entertainment (Norway) A/S Ostre Aker Vei 19 Oslo, 581 Tel: 880 000 Fax: 644 133 Talent Video & Audilo Produksjon AS (TVA) Ebbellsgate 3 Oslo, 183 Tel: 220 8318 Fax: 249 3880 Tylden & Co. AS PO Box 68 Oslo, 409 Tel: 2222 1160 Fax: 22 1165 Universal Music Norway PO Box 2645 Solli Oslo, 203 Tel: 541 400 Fax: 434 430 Virgin Records A/S Nedregt. 5 Oslo, 551 Tel: 2322 6666 Fax: 2322 6667 Virgin Records A/S PO Box 338 Sentrum Oslo, 101 Tel: 052 750 Fax: 422 727 Warner Music Norway PO Box 4494 Torshov, 403 Tel: 2237 4520 Fax: 2237 0761 Waterfall Production AS Marstrandgt 8 Oslo, 566 Tel: 370 094 Fax: 380 495 PAKISTAN Cisum Music (Private) Ltd. c/o AuVitronics Ltd. Karachi, Tel: 263-6410 Fax: 263-8022 PANAMA OM Productions S.A. Altos de Bethania #57 Frente A Charlie's Place Panama, Tel: 229 6893 Fax: 229 6895 Sony Music Entertainment (Panama), S.A. PO Box 87-1994 Zona 7 Panama, Tel: 223 4392 Fax: 223 4034 PARAGUAY IFSA/Industria Fonografica S.A. Tte FARINA 962 C Estados Unidos Asuncion, Tel: 494 693 Fax: 449 946 PERU Discos Hispanos del Peru S.A. Tacna 445 Lima, 18 Tel: 242-0999 Fax: 242-3330 EMI Music Peru Jiron Torres Paz, 1101 Sta. Lima, Tel: 470-4550 Fax: 470-3860 Musical Productions, Inc. Jiron Torres Paz, 1101 Sta. Lima, 1 Tel: 470-1410 Fax: 470-3860 Producciones Iempsa S.A. Jiron Torres Paz 1101 Sta., Beatriz Lima, 1 Tel: 470 1410 Fax: 470 3860 Reimpex Orbe S.A. Ave. Larco. #437 Miraflores Lima, 18 Tel: 444 4344 Fax: 444 2188 Sony Music Entertainment (Peru) S.A. Casimiro Ulloa #346 Miraflores Lima, 18 Tel: 242 1080 Fax: 447 3344 PHILIPPINES A&W Records Vergel de Dios Bldg., Second Fl. Manila, Tel: 733 2364 Fax: 734 0402 Able Music Int'l, Inc. No. 74 Scout Tobias St. Quezon City, MM Tel: 372 4516 Fax: 373 8637 Aguilar Music Productions PO Box 10350 Quezon, Tel: 413 9499 Fax: 413 9502 Alpha Records Corp. 1731 E. Rodriguez Sr. Ave Cubao Quezon City, 1102 Tel: 725 9061 Fax: 723 1713 BMG Records (Philipinas) Inc. 3rd Fl., Equitable Bank Bldg. Quezon City, 1109 Tel: 911-0636 Fax: 911-1934 Bravo Records 2720 Figueroa St. Pasay, 1300 Tel: 551-7251 Fax: 510-1306 Centra Music Mart #28 Manga Rd. Brgy. Kaunlaran Cubao, QC 1104 Tel: 726-2851 Fax: 726-2851 Centra Music Mart 16 Rose st., Phase 4 Antipolo, Tel: 646-8986 Fax: 646-8986 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 76 D'Concorde 85C-1 West Ave. (cnr. Baker St.) Quezon, Tel: 374-3334 Fax: 371-5789 Manila Genesis Entertainment Limketkai Bldg., Ste. 102 Manila, Tel: 721-4405 Fax: 721-0688 Diamond Star Music, Inc. 75 Roces Ave. Quezon, Tel: 411-8749 Fax: 415-0373 Megamedia Corp. Pace Bldg., Ste. 102 Quezon, Tel: 725-1940 Fax: 724-2723 Dyna Music The Orient Sq., Ste. 901 Pasig, 1605 Tel: 632-1155 Fax: 632-9228 Midi Sounds 113 Ninth St. Quezon, Tel: 724-0493 Fax: 722-8934 Empire Int'l Limketkai Bldg., Third Fl. Greenhills, 1502 Tel: 722-4311 Fax: 721-2980 Millennium-DD Records Int'l., Inc. 156 20th Ave. Quezon, Tel: 437-2223 Fax: 437-2224 GMan Productions The Gallery Bldg., S-IV Makati, Tel: 812-2975 Fax: 759-3733 Golden Music Arts J&T Bldg., Ste. 505 Manila, Tel: 713-6530 Fax: 715-2615 Grandeur Int'l Corp. Pilar Village Las Pinas, Tel: 806-3418 Fax: 801-0214 Infiniti Music 10/Fl. Sagittarius Bldg., H.V. Dela Costa Makati, Tel: 813-0869 Fax: 818-7645 Ivory Records Corp. 782 Blvd. Quezon, 1109 Tel: 721-8719 Fax: 726-2156 Kat's Eye Entertainment Corp. Jaka Ctr. Makati, Tel: 893-5531 Fax: 843-4876 Monami Philippines, Inc. Philippine Stock Exchange Ctr. Pasig, 1600 Tel: 632-9093 Fax: 634-9079 Northern Sky Records 22 Miller St. Quezon, Tel: 920 9838 Fax: 921 9143 Orbit Music 108 Panay Ave. Manila, Tel: 372 4386 Fax: 373 8763 Philharmonic Records Peninsula Court Bldg., S-410 Manila, Tel: 815 2651 Fax: 815 3483 Fax: 415 8157 Rock Records Phils, Inc. Fourth Fl., Tansorient Maritime Bldg. Quezon, 1100 Tel: 925 2671 Fax: 925 2675 Seraphim Int'l Cityland Herrera Tower, Ste. 723 Makati, Tel: 753 1897 Fax: 753 3821 Shekinah Music Jaka II Bldg., Ste. 2D Makati, Tel: 750 1205 Fax: 894 4713 Song & Sword Media Services, Inc. 51 Tenth St. Quezon, Tel: 721 4955 Fax: 721 8790 Sony Music Philippines Inc. GDC Building I-A 750 Shaw Blvd Mandaluyong Manila, 1103 Tel: 636 3721 Fax: 636 5225 Star Recording, Inc. Road Runner Network Bldg., Second Fl. Quezon, 1100 Tel: 413 9159 Fax: 413 9165 Techto Sound Trade Int'l Limar Bldg., Third Fl. Makati, Tel: 896 7816 Fax: 896 1866 Praise, Inc 145 Panay Ave. Quezon, 1103 Tel: 920 5291 Fax: 920 5747 Telesis Records Union Square Condominium, Ste. 815 Quezon, Tel: 912 0765 Fax: 911 8959 Precise Media, Inc. San Jose Bright Condominium, Ste. 104 Quezon, Tel: 412 3901 The Bookmark, Inc 264-A Pablo Ocampo Sr. Ave. Makati, 1256 Tel: 895 8061 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 77 Fax: 897 0824 The Fat Lady Corp. Strata 100 Bldg., 17th Fl. Pasig, Tel: 631 2872 Fax: 6356 7996 Tiger Records, Inc. PO Box 20 Murphy District Post Office Cubao, Q.C. Manila, Tel: 912 5277 (63) 2-4395602 Fax: 912 5277 (63) 2-4375713 E-mail: [email protected] Valley Records 377 Adela St., Ste. 15-E Manila, Tel: 734 5538 Fax: 734 5538 Vicor Music Corp 782 Aurora Blvd., Vicor Bldg. Cubao, Quezon City, Tel: 721 3331 Fax: 726 1851 Viva Records Corp. MC Rilo Bldg., Fourth Fl., 334 E. Rodriguez sr. Bl Quezon, Tel: 727 2075 Warner Music Philippines, Inc. 4/F, Ma Daniel Bldg., 470 M.H. Del Pilar, Malate 1004 Manila, Tel: 526 1070 Fax: 526 0342 POLAND BMG Ariola Poland Wiertnicza 94 Warsaw, 02-952 Tel: 646-6616 Fax: 646-7799 BMG Eastern Europe Regional Office Wiertnicza 94 Warsaw, 2952 Tel: 646-6616 Fax: 646-7799 CHZ Ars Polona Krakowskie Przedmiescie 7 Warsaw, 00-950 Tel: 826-1201 Fax: 826-6240 GM Music ul. Czeladnicza 4 Warsaw, 04-743 Tel: 615-6688 Fax: 613-0396 KOCH Int'l Sp.z.o.o. ul. Arkuszowa 190 Warsaw, 1934 Tel: 752-2790 Fax: 752-2796 Magic Records Sp z.o.o. ul. Krolewska 61 Milanowek, 02-822 Tel: 9020 9520 Fax: 2272 49491 Polstar Records Jagiellonska 78 Warsaw, 03-301 Tel: 811 0001 Fax: 811 6561 Pomaton EMI ul. Osmanska 11 Warsaw, 02-823 Tel: 549 1800 Fax: 549 1801 Snake's Music S.C. ul. Wopistow 15-B Sosnowiec, 42-540 Tel: 292 0960 Fax: 292 0961 Sonic ul. Mscislawska 6 Warsaw, 01-647 Tel: 333 782 Fax: 335 784 Sony Music Entertainment (Polska) sp. z.o.o. ul. Grochowska 341 budynek 28 Warsaw, 03-822 Tel: 619 2492 Fax: 619 0920 Sound-Pol ul. Felinskiego 44/1 Warsaw, 01-563 Tel: 639 0222 Fax: 817 0098 Universal Music Poland Sp. z o.o. ul. Jagiellonska 78 Warsaw, 03-301 Tel: 811 8061 Fax: 675 7278 Warner Music Poland ul. Dominikanska 25 Warsaw, 02-738 Tel: 853 3030 Fax: 853 1900 ZYX Music Polska ul. Krywickiego 2 Warsaw, 02-078 Tel: 825 3123 Fax: 825 1649 PORTUGAL ALMASUD RECORDS Funchal, E-mail: [email protected] AnAnAnA PO Box 21671 Lisbon, 1137 Tel: 347 4770 Fax: 347 7557 Andante Discos Umberto Braga Avenida da Boavista 1471 L8 Porto, 4100 Tel: 606 4585 Fax: 606 3416 audEo av. Boavista 1601-1635 #51 pt-4100-132 Porto, Tel: 351 226097239 Fax: 351 226097239 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.audeo.pt/en/news/index. html BMG Portugal, LDA Rua Joao Chagas, n. 53A-1 Lisbon, 1495 Tel: 414-8020 Fax: 414-2959 CD-Sette Rua Doctor Faria de Vasconcelos 4/A Lisbon, 1900 Tel: 848-8590 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 78 Fax: 840-1305 Dargil Avenida 5 de Outubro 35/B Lisbon, 1050 Tel: 357-4914 Fax: 352-8432 Discantus/Mundo Da Cancao Rua Duque de Saldanha 97 Porto, 4300 Tel: 519-3100 Fax: 519-3109 edel Portugal Rua Quirino da Fonseca, 6-3 Dto. Lisbon, 1000 Tel: 843-8580 Fax: 843-8589 EMI-Valentim de Carvalho Musica Lda. Av. Helen Keller, 15 C Lisbon, 1400 Tel: 360-3000 Fax: 362-5320 Farol Musica Alto do Cotao Cacem, 2735 Tel: 426-1394 Fax: 482-7190 Independent Records Rua Mq. Sa Da Bandeira 3111-1-T Gaia, 4400 Tel: 370-7270 Fax: 370-7276 Jorsom - Audio Visual Ltd. Rua Tristao Vaz 20 D-E . Lisbon, 1400 Tel: 301-6185 Fax: 302-1834 Lusosom - Comercio E Edicoes Musicais Lda. Rua Virgilio Correia, 6-A Lisbon, 1600 Tel: 721-0700 Fax: 726-8772 Medicor Rua de Santiago 15-2 esq. Lisbon, 1100 Tel: 888-4369 Fax: 888-4597 Megamusica PO Box 13, Rua das Amendoeiras Carcavelos, 2775 Tel: 458-7510 Fax: 457-6173 Movieplay Portuguesa Discografica S.A. Rua Alfredo Guisado No. 105 Lisbon, 1500 Tel: 771-3200 Fax: 771-3201 MVM Rua Dan Pedralvap, No. 13 Lisbon, 1500 Tel: 760-0423 Fax: 760-0410 Ovacao R. Augusto Costa (Costinha), 8-A Lisbon, 1500-064 Tel: 762 0760 Fax: 762 0769 Sony Music (Portugal) Lda. Rua Juliao Quintinha 11 Lisbon, 1500 Tel: 711 0100 Fax: 714 2976 Universal Music Portugal Rua Prof Reinaldo dos Santos 12-D Lisbon, 1549-006 Tel: 771 0410 Fax: 778 0212 Valentim De Carvalho Estrada de Paco D'Arcos 26 Oeiras, 2780 Tel: 440 1000 Fax: 440 1094 Vidisco S.A. Av. Bombeiros Voluntarios 13, Pontinha Lisbon, 1679 Tel: 478 9300 Fax: 478 9330 Warner Music Portugal Lda. Rua Constantino de Braganca 26A Lisbon, 1400 Tel: 781 5400 Fax: 793 7395 Xutos E Pontapes Producoes Musicais Rua Rodrigo Da Fonseca 182, 4 Esq Lisbon, 1070 Tel: 384 4439 Fax: 387 0681 ROMANIA Alma Artex Piata Resetti No. 3 Et. 3, Apt. 9 Bucharest, Tel: 310 0472 Fax: 315 6928 Electrecord Timisoara Blvd. 94 Bucharest, 78702 Tel: 413-2078 Fax: 413-2078 Media Services Calea Mosilor 241, Block 47, Sc.3, Apartment 79 Bucharest, Tel: 210-3673 Fax: 210-6313 MediaPro Music Strada Jean-Louis Calderon nr. 33, Sector 1 Bucuresti, Tel: 313.95.25 Fax: 310.37.19 E-mail: madalinasimionescu@media promusic.ro Website: www.mediapromusic.ro/ Transglobal Music Calea Floresca 167, Sector 1 Bucharest, 72321 Tel: 230 7020 Fax: 232 1779 Zone Records 5 Maria Hagi Moscu St. Bucharest, 1 Tel: 222 8200 Fax: 222 8152 RUSSIA Alphabeta Records Ltd. PO Box 44 Moscow, 115446 Tel: 111 7298 Fax: 112 4188 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 79 BMG Russia N. Maslovka, 27/1 Moscow, 125073 Tel: 212-4451 Fax: 212-4232 Boheme Music Ste. 5, 17B Mosfilmovskaya St. Moscow, 117330 Tel: 973-7101 Fax: 973-7102 Gorbatov's Records Sozvezdie-Conf. Of Cinematograph Vasiljevskaya St. 13 Moscow, Tel: 07-095-250-0184 Mezhdunarodnaya Kniga B. Yakimanka 39 Moscow, 117049 Tel: 238-4600 Fax: 230-2117 SBA Records Ul Staraya Basmannaya 32 Moscow, 107066 Tel: 265 3305 Fax: 267 2848 Universal Music Russia ZAO 14A Kastanaevskaya Ulitsa Moscow, 121006 Tel: 737 0090 Fax: 737 3655 SAUDIA ARABIA SINGAPORE BMG Singapore Pte. Ltd. No. 1, Jalan Kilang, 02-02, Dynasty Ind. Singapore, 159402 Tel: 278-8388 Fax: 251-6187 BMP Enterprises Ltd. 705 Sims Dr. Singapore, 387384 Tel: 746-0068 Fax: 746-1860 BMP Enterprises Ltd. Upper Aljunied Link, No. 5 Singapore, 367903 Tel: 283-7747 Fax: 286-0040 edel Asia Pacific Office Swat house, 32 Singapore, 89846 Tel: 323-1842 Fax: 435-0410 EMI Singapore 213 Henderson Rd., #04-05 Henderson Industrial Pk Singapore, 159553 Tel: 272-8080 Fax: 270-3368 Expect Music Pte Ltd. 16A Rose Ln. Singapore, 437376 Tel: 8911 Fax: 911 Modern Electronics Est. PO Box 1228 Jeddah, 21431 Tel: 643-6026 Fax: 644-1833 Form Holdings Ltd. 2B Bukit Pasoh Singapore, 89816 Tel: 323-5033 Fax: 324-3533 Music Master PO Box 6675 Jeddah, 21452 Tel: 660-7020 Fax: 665-7515 Form Holdings Ltd. Form Industrial Bldg., 39 Tampines St 92 Singapore, 528883 Tel: 788-7888 Fax: 787-1238 SIDI (Saudi Information Development Industries) PO Box 13241 Jeddah, 21483 Tel: 662 3332 Fax: 682 7091 Hype Records Ltd. Henderson Bldg., Ste. 02-04 Singapore, 159557 Tel: 375-3757 Fax: 275-2757 Life Music (Pte) Ltd. 705 Sims Dr., Ste. 05-03B Singapore, 387384 Tel: 749-4910 Fax: 749-4907 Media Groupings 42 Pandan Rd. Singapore, 609284 Tel: 264-0977 Fax: 268-6223 Media Groupings PO Box 260 Orchard Post Office Singapore, 912309 Tel: 459-0061 Fax: 459-9355 Music Street Ltd. Betime Bldg., Ste. 04-01 Singapore, 348578 Tel: 842-0078 Fax: 842-0079 Original Footage Ltd. 11A Dalhousie Ln. Singapore, 349568 Tel: 841 7140 Fax: 392 5155 Pyramid Int'l Homied Industrial Bldg. Singapore, 349568 Tel: 841 7140 Fax: 841 7150 Rock Records Pte. Ltd. 8 New Industrial Rd #05-01/02/03, LHK 3 Bldg. Singapore, 536200 Tel: 286 5066 Fax: 281 6533 Sony Music Entertainment (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. 10 Upper Aljunied Link, #0308 Singapore, 367904 Tel: 282 1266 Fax: 286 1266 SpringRoll Creative Agency 1-D Duxton Hill Singapore, 89587 Tel: 225 6885 Fax: 225 8571 SWAT Marketing 32 Bukit Pasoh Rd. Singapore, 89646 Tel: 536 4111 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 80 Fax: 536 4222 Tel: 311 566 Fax: 311 566 SwissTeo Holdings (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Block 37, Defu Ln. 10, #03-45 Singapore, 539214 Tel: 280 9033 Fax: 382 1733 Slovart Records Prokopa Velkeho 21 Bratislava, 81104 Tel: 5478 8046 Fax: 5478 9529 TS Keng Pte. Ltd. 11 Nathan Rd., Ste. 13-04 Singapore, 248732 Tel: 734 8415 Fax: 734 8415 Universal Music Slovakia Radnicne nam. 1 Bratislava, 82105 Tel: 4620.894737 Fax: 4341 5323 Universal Music Pte. Ltd. 118 Lorong 23 Geylang Singapore, 388402 Tel: 741 2220 Fax: 741 0500 Warner Music Slovakia Sebochodna 42/E Bratislava, 811 06 Tel: 5273 1194 Fax: 5273 1200 Valentine Music Publishing Pte. Ltd. 160B/162B Rangoon Rd., VMP House Singapore, 218435 Tel: 293 5911 Fax: 294 5833 Warner Music Singapore Pte. Ltd. 10 Anson Rd., #12-06/07/08 International Plaza Singapore, 79903 Tel: 223 1688 Fax: 225 7830 Warner Music Singapore Pte. Ltd. Betime Bldg., Ste. 05-01 Singapore, 348578 Tel: 741 7178 Fax: 741 9233 Warner Music Singapore Pte. Ltd. Parkway Parade, 12-04 Singapore, 449269 Tel: 344 7366 Fax: 344 7266 Zomba Records Singapore 32 Bukit Pasoh Singapore, 89646 Tel: 6553 6411 Fax: 6553 64222 SLOVAKIA Monitor Slovakia Radvanska 1 Bratislava, 811 01 SLOVENIA ABSENCE RECORDS Ljubljana, Dallas Records Trg MDB 1 Lubljana, 1000 Tel: 126-4726 Fax: 125-0081 Dots Records D.O.O. Dunajska 48, 1109 Ljublijana P.P. 27 Dunajska 48 Plava Laguna, Tel: 131-8246 Fax: 131-8246 Multimedia d.o.o. Peske 7, IC Trzin Ljublana, Tel: 162-1651 Fax: 162-1652 Nika, d. o.o. Smartinska 152, Hala 6 Ljubljana, Sl-1000 Tel: 546 6320 Fax: 546 6339 Sraka Valanticevo 17 Novo Mesto, 68000 Tel: 323 300 Statera Records Neblo 1A Dobrovo (GO), 5212 Tel: 42228 Fax: 45185 SOUTH AFRICA BMG Records Africa 26 Cedar Av. Johannesburg, 2092 Tel: 242-3000 Fax: 242-3030 Brettian Productions CC PO Box 96395 Brixton, Johannesburg, 2019 Tel: 453-1432 Fax: 453-2572 ETP (Euro Trend Productions) Kolomban 9F Ankaran, 6280 Tel: 527 048 Fax: 527 049 CROAKROOM RECORDS PO Box 70047 The Willows Pretoria, Tel: (27) 0-82 903 2971 Fax: (27) 12 667 6065 E-mail: [email protected] MATRIX MUSIK Cesnikova 12 Ljubljana, Tel: (386) 1 5057 922 Fax: 00386 1 5057922 E-mail: [email protected] David Gresham Record Co. (Pty) Ltd. PO Box 46020 Orange Grove, 2119 Tel: 444-2630 Fax: 444-1932 Megaton Records Kidriceva 14A Ljubljana, 1236 Tel: 716 428 Fax: 719 760 EMI Music South Africa (Pty) Ltd. PO Box 83159 South Hills, 2136 Tel: 406-4000 Fax: 406-4001 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 81 Fresh Music PO Box 782022 Sandton, 2146 Tel: 884-7849 Fax: 784-4313 Gallo Record Co. PO Box 47150 Parklands, 2121 Tel: 788-0519 Fax: 788-7080 Ghetto Ruff PO Box 93267, Yeoville Johannesburg, 2198 Tel: 784-3490 Fax: 883-2161 Hit City Records 56 Donegal Ave., Greenside E. Johannesburg, 2193 Tel: 646-6217 Fax: 646-0881 M.E.L.T. 2000 PO Box 4332 Cape Town, 8001 Tel: 424-8846 Fax: 424-8848 Maranatha Record Co. PO Box 32823, Glenstantia Pretoria, 10 Tel: 348-1891 Fax: 348-1898 Mountain Records PO Box 70 Observatory, 7935 Tel: 447-7358 Fax: 447-1358 Phase Two Music PO Box 48321 - Roosevelt Park Johannesburg, 2129 Tel: 888 7148 Fax: 888 7186 Sheer Sound CC PO Box 3128 Parklands Johannesburg, 2121 Tel: 802 5421 Fax: 802 5414 Sony Music Entertainment South Africa PO Box 411463 Craig Hall 2024 Johannesburg, Tel: 328 8500 Fax: 447 7180 Tea Time Music CC PO Box 785228 Sandton, Gauteng, 2146 Tel: 8245 0797 Fax: 1178 46192 Tequila Records PO Box 391405 Bramley, 2018 Tel: 487 3622 Fax: 648 8350 Universal Music (Pty) Ltd PO Box 651860 Benmore, Johannesburg, 2010 Tel: 784 3490 Fax: 883 2184 SOUTH KOREA 2Clips Music 911 Victoria Bldg 705-1, Yoksam-dong Kangnam-Ku Seoul, 135-080 Tel: 527 3122 Fax: 527 2931 AL & R Music, Inc. 102-603 Myungsudae Hyundai Apt. Seoul, 156-791 Tel: 723 8448 Fax: 723 8446 BMG Korea 2/F PyungWon Building Seoul, Tel: 3420 0101 Fax: 554-2678 C & L Music, Inc. 3rd Fl., Hyowon Bldg. 14743,Seocho-Dong Seocho-Gu, Seoul, Tel: 522-1886 Fax: 522-5626 Do Re Mi Records 86-15, Yunhi-dong Seodaemun-gu Seoul, 135-080 Tel: 338-9707 Fax: 338-2624 EMI Music Korea Ltd. 2nd Fl., Hanyang Town 665-1/2 Shinsa-Dong Seoul, 135-120 Tel: 3449 9400 Fax: 3445 4052 Esffy Int'l/SWAT Korea PO Box 1209 Seoul, 135-612 Tel: 3411 0538 Fax: 3411 7860 Jigu Records Corp. 233-1 Daeja-Dong Koyang, KYU 412-480 Tel: 353-3151 Fax: 3446 39261 Lighthouse Music Production & Distribution Co. 1114 Mapo-Hyundai B/P Seoul, 121-050 Tel: 711-7436 Fax: 719-8451 Line Records Ltd. Line Bldg. 551-19 Seoul, Tel: 3462 5850 Fax: 3462 6051 Myon Eum Co. Ltd. Daejoo Bldg. 210-17, Sixth Fl. Seoul, 131-122 Tel: 2208 5333 Fax: 2208 5335 Pony Canyon Korea, Inc. Chungbo B/D Second Fl. Seoul, 135 Tel: 566 3973 Fax: 566 3976 Rock Records & Tapes (Korea) Co. Ltd. 78-6, YBM Bldg Chungdam-Dong Seoul, 135-100 Tel: 512 4322 Fax: 515 8363 Samsung Music Daechi Bldg., 889-11, 19th Fl. Seoul, 135-284 Tel: 3458 1323 Fax: 3458 1328 Seoul Records, Inc. 38-3, Ojeon-Dong Ui Wang, KYU 437-070 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 82 Tel: 786 4521 Fax: 456 7500 Si-Wan Records 175-21 Dong-Gyo Dong Mapo-Gu Seoul, Tel: 325 3544 Fax: 338 3122 SM Entertainment 340-5 Yadang-ri Gyoha-myeon Seoul, Tel: 3476 6181 Fax: 594 5278 SPAIN A&M Kultur Promotora Hondarribia Kalea 27-2 Donostia-San Sebastian, 20005 Tel: 461 139 Fax: 471 608 Actual Records / PICAP S.L. Calle Girona 169, Pral 2 Barcelona, 8037 Tel: 712 3060 Fax: 711 9290 Sony Music Entertainment (Korea) Inc. 985-19 Bangbae-dong Seocho-ku Seoul, 137 060 Tel: 525 9011 Fax: 597 2301 ACUARELA DISCOS Apdo. de Correos 18.136 Madrid, 28080 Tel: (34) 91-522-31-41 Fax: (34) 91-523-51-69 E-mail: [email protected] m Sung Eum Ltd. 300-14 Sungsoo 2-ka Sungdong-ku Seoul, 133-123 Tel: 463 0141 Fax: 461 1413 Alia Vox Avda. Bartomeu, 11 Bellaterra, E 08193 Tel: 594 4761 Fax: 580 5606 Synnara Music Co. Ltd. 255-49, Youngdu-dong Seoul, Tel: 921 0390 Fax: 921 0391 TAS & SiSS (TM) CPO Box 3569 Seoul, 100-635 Tel: 18.315 3013 Fax: 2291 8013 Universal Music Korea Sung Soo Bldg. 284-9, 2-Ka, Sung Soo-Dong Sungdong-ku, Seoul, 133123 Tel: 3408 8000 Fax: 468 4165 Warner Music Korea Ltd 3/F, Iljung Bldg., 154-11 Samsung-Dong, KangnamKu Seoul, 135-090 Tel: 557 1525 Fax: 557 4452 Almaviva Eloy Gonzalo, 27 Madrid, E 28010 Tel: 447 8471 Fax: 447 8579 Aloha Discos Plaza Alexandre Jaume 8 Palma de Mallorca, 7002 Tel: 728 025 Fax: 717 756 Anacrusa Music Lluis Companys 54 Sant Pere de Ribes, 8810 Tel: 896 2133 Fax: 896 2133 ANACRUSI C/ La font 5, 17143 Jafre Girona, E-mail: [email protected] Audiovisuals de Sarria Nena Casas 62/bajos Baixos (Barcelona), 8017 Tel: 204 0016 Fax: 205 5343 Avispa Jeronima Llorente 74 Madrid, 28039 Tel: 450 4545 Fax: 450 8804 AZ Music & Management Riera de Argentona s/n Barcelona, 8300 Tel: 757 5577 Fax: 757 6034 Aztarna Poligono Lastaola 94 Hernani Gipuzkoa Euskadi, 20120 Tel: 331 039 Fax: 331 039 BAT Discos, S.A. Juan de Austria 17 Madrid, 28010 Tel: 594-4748 Fax: 594-3730 BBA (Baque & Basteiro Agency) Gran Via de las Corts Catalanes 553 Barcelona, 8011 Tel: 451-3659 BCORE DISC P.O. Box 35221 Barcelona, 08080 Tel: (34) 3-419-78-83 Fax: (34) 3-419-78-83 E-mail: [email protected] Bit Music Marina 128-130 Barcelona, 8013 Tel: 265-4974 Fax: 265-4655 BLANCO Y NEGRO E-mail: [email protected] Blanco y Negro Music Llacuna 11 Barcelona, 8005 Tel: 225-4400 Fax: 225-4600 Blau Calle Font y Monteros 18 bajos Palma de Mallorca, 7003 Tel: 713 316 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 83 Fax: 720 685 Fax: 411-4351 BMG Entertainment Spain Avda. de los Madronos 27 Madrid, 28043 Tel: 388-0002 Fax: 388-3506 CROSS CHANNEL Ofienvios, Avda de Espana 70 Apt 345 Estepona Malaga, Tel: (34) 606-281-824 E-mail: info@crosschannelproduction s.com BMG Entertainment Spain Paseo de la Castellana, 93 Madrid, 28046 Tel: 596-8300 Fax: 596-8383 Chrysalis Records Cuidad de la Imagen, Calle Jose Isbert 6 Pozuelo Alarcon, Madrid, 28223 Tel: 512-9000 Fax: 518-6181 Clave Records Calle Horreo 60 Santiago (Coruna), 15702 Tel: 588 822 Fax: 571 939 Comercial NTH San Vicente Ferrer 46 Santa Cruz de Tenerife, 38002 Tel: 281 535 Fax: 249 364 Contrasena Camino Viejo de Chirivella 70 Mislata, Valencia, 46920 Tel: 383-2290 Fax: 383-4659 Cosmos / Producciones Animadas Ronda Sant Pere 32, Piso 1, G Barcelona, 8010 Tel: 310-0062 Fax: 315-1514 Crab Ediciones Musicales, SA Sagunto 2 Madrid, 28010 Tel: 591-9980 Fax: 594-1775 Creativos Independientes S.L. Calle General Pardiinas, 91Primo Izgda. Madrid, 28006 Tel: 563-9610 DCD c/o Alella 14 Barcelona, 8016 Tel: 351-7600 Fax: 352-6858 Dial Discos S.A. Calle Antonio Cabezon 83 Madrid, 28034 Tel: 358-2631 Fax: 358-2932 Discmedi Calle Cardener 32 Barcelona, 8024 Tel: 284-9516 Fax: 219-8510 Discos de Arte Pedro Salinas 5, mod. 5 Seville, 41013 Tel: 424-0703 Fax: 424-0567 Disky Comm SL Hermanex Spain SL Edif. Barajas 1 Calle Medina de Pomar SN Madrid, 28042 Tel: 329-5005 Fax: 329-4592 Divucsa Marina 128-130 Barcelona, 8013 Tel: 265-4974 Fax: 265-4655 DRO EastWest Spain SA Francisco Remiro 5 Madrid, 28028 Tel: 724-2450 Fax: 356-6069 edel music sa Gran Via 39, 7A plta. Madrid, 28013 Tel: 701-3990 Fax: 531-0709 Edigal Via Pastuer R-3 Santiago de Compostela, 15890 Tel: 588 822 Fax: 571 939 Ekipo S.L. Miquel Tort 18, Molins De Rei Barcelona, 8750 Tel: 668-0788 Fax: 680-2749 El Cometa c/o El Oro, No. 2 Uruena (Valladolid), 47862 Tel: 717 381 Fax: 717 397 Elefant Records PO Box 331, Las Rozas Madrid, 28230 Tel: 636-0771 Fax: 710-3543 E-mail: [email protected] EMI-Hispavox Ciudad De La Imagen Calle Jose Isbert 6 Pozuelo de Alarcon, Madrid, 28223 Tel: 512-9000 Fax: 518-6181 Esan Ozenki Records Eguzkitza 13 Irun, 20304 Tel: 633 137 Fax: 633 130 E-mail: [email protected] Fonomusic Calle Garcia de Paredes 12 Madrid, 28010 Tel: 446-7748 Fax: 593-0239 Fonotron Arrayan 40-42/b-c Seville, 41003 Tel: 438-8357 Fax: 438-6550 Frank Andrada Music Petunia 24 Castelldefels, 8860 Tel: 665-7306 Fax: 636-4751 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 84 Ginger Music Calle Sicilia 368 Barcelona, 8025 Tel: 207-6677 Fax: 207-4401 K. Industria Cultural S.L. C/ Grossot 13, Bajos Barcelona, 8025 Tel: 457-9745 Fax: 459-0370 GLOSSA MUSIC Timoteo Padros, 31 San Lorenzo de El Escorial, 28200 Tel: (34) 91-896-1480 Fax: (34) 91-896-1961 E-mail: [email protected] Karen Records Sotavento 42, Pozuelo de Alarcon Madrid, 28223 Tel: 351-0632 Fax: 357-0930 GOR Discos Manuel de Falla 2 Pamplona, 31005 Tel: 151 815 Fax: 151 815 Gran Via Musical de Ediciones, S.L. Calle San Andres No. 21 Madrid, 28004 Tel: 522-4499 Fax: 447-8290 Gran Via Musical de Ediciones, S.L. Juan Bravo, 38-3A Planta Madrid, 28006 Tel: 781-7970 Fax: 781-7975 Harmonia Mundi Iberica S.A. Avenida Pla del Vent 24 Sant Joan Despi, 8970 Tel: 373-1058 Fax: 373-6764 Hilargi Records PO Box 43 Algorta (Bizkaia), 48990 Tel: 463-0644 Horus (Ediciones Musicales Horus S.A.) Cami De Sta. Creu D'Olorda a Vallvidrera N. 12 Barcelona, 8017 Tel: 406-7320 Fax: 406-7321 Jorbasa Producciones Montanya 7, San Cugat Barcelona, 8190 Tel: 590-1320 Fax: 674-3902 Karonte Avenida Alionso XIII # 141 Madrid, 28016 Tel: 345-8626 Fax: 350-3358 Kong Records Pintor Ferrer Calatayud 15-17 Valencia, 46022 Tel: 356-4755 Fax: 356-4760 La Raiz Records Trafalgar 23-3-2 Barcelona, 8010 Tel: 268-0274 Fax: 268-4693 Leiber Music S.L. Calle Gomis 42 Bajos Barcelona, 8023 Tel: 212-8915 Fax: 212-0919 Leiber Music S.L. Cartagena 241-243, Planta Barcelona, 8025 Tel: 456-4809 Fax: 456-3203 Level Records / Weekend Records Calle Divino Pastor N. 3 Bajo Madrid, 28004 Tel: 446-9788 Fax: 446-6445 Manzana Producciones Discograficas S.L. Calle Candilas, 27. Edif. Imperio (B-A) 1-E La Laguna, Tenerife, 38202 Tel: 315 690 Fax: 263 268 Mastertrax Julian Camarillo 26 Madrid, 28037 Tel: 304-9517 Fax: 304-9825 Maui Music Entertainment S.L. Calle Anastro 31 Madrid, 28033 Tel: 767-0670 Fax: 767-0670 Mayo Fonografica S.L. Ramon Turro 100 - Locales 4-5 Barcelona, 8005 Tel: 221-0545 Fax: 221-7123 Mercury Spain Suero de Quinones 38 Madrid, 28002 Tel: 568-8000 Fax: 568-8115 Metropol Records Vistalegre 91, Cornella de Llobregat Barcelona, 8940 Tel: 376-3666 Fax: 376-3504 Minifunk Records Passatge Sant Benet 4 Barcelona, 8003 Tel: 268-4035 Fax: 268-4037 Moon Records Dr. Juan Bautista Peset 49B Paterna (Valencia), 46980 Tel: 138-5009 Fax: 138-5009 Muxxic Records, S.A. Juan Bravo, 38-2A Planta Madrid, 28006 Tel: 781-7970 Fax: 781-7980 New Music Ediciones Musicales S.L. / RTI Music Espana Apartado 9.046 Madrid, 28080 Tel: 575 8784 Fax: 577 4367 Nubenegra S.L. Toledo 54 Madrid, 28005 Tel: 365 8234 Fax: 364 3021 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 85 Oniria Int'l Calle Alzines 3 St. Quirze Parc St. Quirze del Valles Barcelona, 8192 Tel: 721 4247 Fax: 721 4610 Open Records, S.L. Caballero 62 Barcelona, 8014 Tel: 444 8800 Fax: 444 8801 Pasarela S.L. Jesus del Gran Poder 7, Piso 1D Seville, 41002 Tel: 437 5898 Fax: 438 8359 Polydor Spain Suero de Quinones 38 Madrid, 28002 Tel: 568 8000 Fax: 568 8114 Fax: 542 8698 Servicios Musicales Calle Diputacion 69 Atico 3A Barcelona, Tel: 426 9160 Fax: 289 0680 Several Records SL/Trading Records SL Matilde Hernandez 31 - 2A Madrid, 28019 Tel: 471 4613 Fax: 471 4711 SIESTA Madrid, E-mail: [email protected] Sintonia Abdon Terradas 3-5 Madrid, 28015 Tel: 549 2350 Fax: 543 9690 Producciones Naturales Clavel 17 Torrelodones, 28250 Tel: 859 9503 Siroco Records Calle Fuencarral 139-6B Madrid, 28010 Tel: 593 3070 Fax: 448 4265 Resistencia Juan De Austria 17 Madrid, 28010 Tel: 594 4748 Fax: 594 1775 Sold Out Alcala 114/6-B Madrid, 28009 Tel: 435 8478 Fax: 431 8185 Resistencia San Isidro Labrador 19 Madrid, 28005 Tel: 366 6723 Fax: 364 0036 Sonifolk-Lyricon Calle Fernandex de los Rios, 78, 4C Madrid, 28015 Tel: 544 5955 Fax: 544 9738 Roadrunner Arcade Music Co. Espana, S.A. Marina, 128-130 Barcelona, 8013 Tel: 265 4974 Fax: 265 4655 Sony Music Entertainment (Spain) S.A. Paseo de la Castellana 93 Madrid, 28046 Tel: 596 8300 Fax: 596 8383 RTVE Musica Casa de la Radio - Prado del Rey Madrid, 28223 Tel: 346 7051 Fax: 346 1232 Subterfuge Records PO Box 46055 Madrid, 28080 Tel: 420 0762 Fax: 429 4289 Sagliocco Group Calle Quintana, 2 7th Fl. Madrid, 28008 Tel: 547 5283 Taller De Musics Management Cendra 34 Barcelona, 8001 Tel: 443 4346 Fax: 329 7211 Tecnosaga Dolores Armengot 13 Madrid, 28025 Tel: 466 5900 Fax: 461 8653 Tecnosaga Suero de Quinones, 38 Madrid, 28002 Tel: 568 8000 Fax: 568 8109 Tempo Music SA Paseo de Gracia, 56, 3 A-B Barcelona, 8007 Tel: 215 7500 Fax: 487 4166 TRALLA RECORDS C/Font Honrada 48, Bajos Barcelona, 08004 Tel: (34) 93-4243-315 Fax: (34) 93-4238-555 E-mail: [email protected] Universal Music Spain S.A. Suero de Quinones 38 Madrid, 28002 Tel: 568 8000 Fax: 568 8118 Vale Music Spain Numancia, 55 Barcelona, 8029 Tel: 494 8090 Fax: 430 4877 Virgin Espana SA Calle Lopez de Hoyos 42, Piso 2 Madrid, 28006 Tel: 745 4200 Fax: 561 6165 Virgin Espana SA Hortaleza 104 Madrid, 28004 Tel: 391 3980 Fax: 9130 85876 Warner Music Spain Piso 5, Aribu 282-284 Barcelona, 8006 Tel: 201 7033 Fax: 2022 0731 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 86 ZAX MUSIC C/ Creu Gran 50 Bjs. Terrassa Barcelona, Tel: (34) 937-844-190 Fax: (34) 937-844-190 E-mail: [email protected] BELUGA MUSIC Stockholm, Bengans Musik Stigbergstorget 1 Gothenburg, 414 63 Tel: 242 400 Fax: 424 223 Zero Records Jacometrezo 15, 4E2 Madrid, 28013 Tel: 547 6480 Fax: 541 6452 BEVERAGE RECORDS Stockholm, SWEDEN A WEST SIDE FABRICATION Skelleftea, Accelerating Blue Fish Falkenbergsgatan 8B Malmo, 214 24 Tel: 122 095 Fax: 122 095 Birdnest Records Kolsvagatan 4 Koping, 731 33 Tel: 21050 Fax: 21112 Bis Bragevagen 2 Djursholm, 182-64 Tel: 755-4100 Fax: 755-7676 BIS RECORDS Djursholm, Amigo Musik AB PO Box 30113 Stockholm, 104 25 Tel: 441 3800 Fax: 137 030 Blitz Records AB PO Box 347 Stockholm, 101 26 Tel: 282 890 Fax: 290 122 Amigo Musik AB PO Box 4113 Stockholm, 102 62 Tel: 5569 6980 Fax: 5569 6989 BLURRED DOT MUSIC Ystad, AUDIOBELL Bad Taste Records Sodergatan 38 Lund, 222 22 Tel: 131 315 Fax: 131 321 BARNENS MUSIK Boras, Basecamp Studios / Productions / Songs PO Box 753 Arsta, SE-12002 Tel: 722-8081 Fax: 722-8898 BEAT BUTCHERS RECORDS Linkoping, BMG Sweden Norra Bancogrand 2 Stockholm, 103 13 Tel: 412-1700 Fax: 411-1770 Bolero Records Eriksbergsgatan 4 Stockholm, 114 30 Tel: 678-1130 Fax: 678-7330 Bonnier Music Scandinavia AB Torsgatan 21 Stockholm, 113 90 Tel: 736-4000 Fax: 736-4740 Burning Heart Records PO Box 441 Orebro, 701 48 Tel: 174 690 Fax: 174 699 Caprice Records Nybrokajen 11 Stockholm, 111 48 Tel: 407-1600 Fax: 407-1648 Cheiron Records Drottningholmsvagen 35 Stockholm, 112 42 Tel: 5457 0800 Fax: 650-1144 Cool Music Entertainment AB Vretenvagen 33 Solna, 171 54 Tel: 293 724 Fax: 296 139 dB Productions Sweden PO Box 60 252 Malmo, 216 09 Tel: 153 996 Fax: 153 996 Diesel Music AB Kungsholmsgatan 10, 1 tr Stockholm, 112 27 Tel: 5450 1920 Fax: 611-2841 Dolores Records Drottninggatan 52 Gothenburg, 411 07 Tel: 158 470 Fax: 152 340 Dr. Records Birger Jarlsgatan 20 Stockholm, 114 34 Tel: 440-3900 Fax: 611-1995 DRAGON RECORDS Stockholm, Drone Music Petterslundgatan 11A Uppsala, 753 28 Tel: 1812 9466 Fax: 7061 59641 edel records Sweden Gamla Brogatan 29 Stockholm, 111 20 Tel: 402-8700 Fax: 402-8701 EMI Svenska AB PO Box 24058 Stockholm, SE-10450 Tel: 783-3900 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 87 Fax: 783-3997 Energy Rekords Sweden PO Box 147 Almhult, 343 22 Tel: 10024 Fax: 10025 EVA Records PO Box 6531 Stockholm, 113 83 Tel: 674-1050 Fax: 674-1075 Exergy Music AB Ivanoljelundsgrand 2 Stockholm, 112 69 Tel: 652-7254 Fax: 652-7254 FINN RECORDS Eskilstuna, Firebrigade's Musicproduction Box 138 Katrineholm, 64122 Tel: 522 10 Fax: 522 20 Four Leaf Clover Records PO Box 1231 Sundbyberg, 172 24 Tel: 628-8205 Fax: 628-8206 FREAK SCENE Stockholm, FREQUENT FRENZY Stockholm, Frituna Production AB Vartavagen 15 Stockholm, 115 53 Tel: 663-1345 Fax: 660-1754 Gazell Music AB Box 10041 Stockholm, 10055 Tel: 660-0715 Fax: 663-7910 GIMLI RECORDS Gothenburg, Goldhead Music PO Box 23149 Stockholm, 104 35 Tel: 5062 1200 Fax: 5062 1292 Grand Recordings PO Box 6531 Stockholm, 113 83 Tel: 674-1050 Fax: 674-1060 Great Vision Int'l AB Gamlestadsvagen 2 Gothenburg, 415 02 Tel: 191 981 Fax: 191 998 Hans Edler Music AB Gocksholmsbacken 21 Bandhagen, 124 74 Tel: 647-5104 Fax: 993 939 Hans Edler Music AB PO Box 1150 Boras, 501 11 Tel: 442 500 Fax: 137 885 HARRY LIME RECORDS Eskilstuna, Hawk Records PO Box 109 Danderyd, 182 12 Tel: 755-9970 Fax: 755-8870 HEART BEAT Boras, Helan Kommunikation Soundcarrier PO Box 4124 Lidingo, S-181 04 Tel: 767-6840 Fax: 767-3372 HLT Music PO Box Four Hede, 840 93 Tel: 10920 Fax: 10920 Hot Stuff Records PO Box 57 Almhult, S-34321 Tel: 10449 Fax: 10006 House of Kicks PO Box 2140 Stockholm, 103 14 Tel: 791-8989 Fax: 200 726 House Of Lords Productions Box 154 Malmo, S-211 21 Tel: 973 333 Fax: 973 333 HSM Music (Sweden) PO Box 1122 Lund, 221 04 Tel: 125 212 Fax: 184 940 INDEPENDANT RECORDS Luntmakargatan 68 A, 2tr Stockholm, 113 51 Tel: (46) 08-442-93-85 Fax: (46) 08-442-93-89 E-mail: peter.domnerus@independen t-mg.se Jam Lab Records AB Box 2138 Gothenburg, 403 13 Tel: 107850 Fax: 107855 Jimmy Fun Music Box 1931 Solna, 171 19 Tel: 288 232 Fax: 288 237 Jimmy Fun Music Industrivagen 1 Solna, 171 48 Tel: 630-3600 Fax: 630-3601 Just 4 Fun PO Box 2032 Finspang, 612 02 Tel: 412-5128 Kass Recordings c/o Hallefors Bergsundsgaten 23 Stockholm, 117 37 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.kassrecordings.com/ Lady Bird Productions PO Box 2151 Stockholm, S-103 14 Tel: 411-2011 Fax: 411-2012 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 88 Lionheart Records Sodermannagatan 38 B Stockholm, 116 40 Tel: 714-9514 Fax: 714-9397 Playground Music Scandinavia AB PO Box 3171 Malmo, 200 22 Tel: 288 180 Fax: 288 190 LJ RECORDS Box 9, SE Haverdal, 310 42 Tel: (46) 35 514 39 E-mail: [email protected] Prophone Records Bjorngardsgatan 9A Stockholm, S 118 52 Tel: 714 9925 Fax: 714 9930 Mariann Grammafon AB PO Box 286 Skara, 532 24 Tel: 10040 Fax: 10033 Proprius Musik AB PO Box 10251 Stockholm, 10055 Tel: 660 9602 Fax: 660 9749 Massproduktion PO Box 377 Sundsvall, 851 06 Tel: 122 202 Fax: 619 031 Pumpkin Records S:T Eriksgatan 93 4tr Stockholm, 113 32 Tel: 305 680 Fax: 627 9796 Mi-Mo Sound Gamlahuddingevagen 458 Akvsjo, 125 42 Tel: 995 090 Fax: 995 090 Remixed Records/Rem Rec Songs Tallkrogsvagen 8 Enskede-Stockholm, 122 63 Tel: 649 0010 Fax: 649 0015 Mono Music AB Sodra Brobanken 41A Skeppsholmen, Stockholm, 11149 Tel: 611-3530 Fax: 611-0464 Rub-A-Dud PO Box 10041 Stockholm, 10055 Tel: 660 0715 Fax: 663 7910 Music Network Group AB PO Box 17543 Malmo, 200 10 Tel: 664-6900 Fax: 4097 6008 Rub-A-Dud Tjarhovsgatan 44 Stockholm, 116 28 Tel: 641 1339 Fax: 714 9179 Naxos Sweden A.B. Kryptongatan 6 Orebro, 703 74 Tel: 206 860 Fax: 206 865 Scranta Grammofon Bergumsvagen 5 Karlskoga, 691 33 Tel: 56030 Fax: 55400 Phono Suecia PO Box 27327 Stockholm, 102 54 Tel: 783 8800 Fax: 783 9510 SEADOG RECORDS Stockholm, Planet Music AB PO Box 8019 Spagna, 163 08 Tel: 627 9797 Fax: 627 9796 SILENCE Koppom, SELECTED MUSIC Boras, SITTEL AB PO Box 2070 Uppsala, 750 02 Tel: 555 090 Fax: 555 081 SMR Records Styrmansgatan 24 Stockholm, 114 54 Tel: 7054 1827 Fax: 8667 2987 SOAP RECORDS Tabby, Sony Music Entertainment (Sweden) AB PO Box 12745 Stockholm, 112 94 Tel: 617 7100 Fax: 617 7199 SOULSCAPE RECORDS Orebro, SoundArt Records Nynasvagen 52 Haninge, 136 40 Tel: 777 3089 Fax: 777 4420 Soundfront Records AB Vaksalagatan 25 Sollentuna, 753 31 Tel: 151 555 Fax: 152 545 Start Klart PO Box 1096 Hudiksvall, 824 12 Tel: 96966 Fax: 98989 Sterling Grammofonskivor Jungfrug 26 Stockholm, 114 44 Tel: 667 1177 Fax: 661 7318 Stock House PO Box 63 Diursholm, 18205 Tel: 856 800 Fax: 624 0494 Stockholm Records AB PO Box 55757 Stockholm, 11483 Tel: 629 6800 Fax: 662 8160 Synchro Sound Music Vasagatan 6 Sundbyberg, Tel: 281 346 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 89 Fax: 984 140 TAB Records PO Box 196 Arboga, 732 24 Tel: 15390 Fax: 15390 Undertow Records c/o Boregen Skogas, 142 33 Tel: 7073 42180 Fax: 8771 0233 Universal Music Sweden Mariehallsvagen 35 Bromma, 161 02 Tel: 629 5370 Fax: 629 5383 Universal Music Sweden AB PO Box 557 77 Stockholm, 114 83 Tel: 629 5300 Fax: 662 5000 AVC (Audio Video Communications) See St. 124, PO Box 975 Horgen, 8810 Tel: 726 0774 Fax: 726 0797 DIVISION P.O. Box 208 Yverdon 3, 1400 Tel: (41) 24 4254052 Fax: (41) 24 4254052 E-mail: [email protected] BARRAKA EL FARNATSHI PRODUCTIONS Fax: (41) 61 281 83 35 E-mail: [email protected] Eat The World Via dell Scuale 14E Pregassona, 6963 Tel: 935-0015 Fax: 935-0019 BMG Ariola AG rue du Midi 12 Lausanne, 1003 Tel: 351-8160 Fax: 651-8162 BMG Ariola Switzerland AG Letzigraben 89 Zurich, 8047 Tel: 404-3111 Fax: 491-3809 Virgin Records Sweden PO Box 6531 Stockholm, 11383 Tel: 674 1050 Fax: 674 1060 BOPP RECORDS Postfach 175 Basel, 4011 Tel: (41) 61-281-83-32 Fax: (41) 61-281-83-35 E-mail: [email protected] Viva Records Stinsen 211 Sollentuna, 19131 Tel: 5947 0460 Fax: 5947 0467 Brambus Records & Verlag Berghalde Muehlehorn, 8874 Tel: 614-1077 Fax: 614-1077 Warner Music Sweden AB PO Box 1228 Kista, 164 28 Tel: 752 2600 Fax: 752 2616 C.O.D. Music AG Case Postale 615 Geneva, 1212 Tel: 794-6888 Fax: 794-8969 XTC Productions PO Box 2065 Alvjso, 125 02 Tel: 749 2506 Fax: 749 2506 Damp Production Erhard Borel 20 Neuchatel, 2000 Tel: 731-6518 Fax: 731-6518 SWITZERLAND Activ Records Bettli St. 28 Duebendorf, 8600 Tel: 821 9595 Fax: 821 9651 AISATORE RECORDS Zurich, 8004 E-mail: [email protected] Dinemec Sound Blvd. Helvetique 17 Geneva, 1207 Tel: 735-6320 Fax: 736-2671 Disctrade Lang St. 64 Zurich, 8026 Tel: 242-7322 Fax: 241-9425 EMI Group Int'l B.V. Am Wasser 158 Zurich, 8049 Tel: 342-4705 Fax: 342-4622 EMI Records Switzerland AG Buckhauser St. 24 Zurich, 8048 Tel: 405-1515 Fax: 493-2255 Exit Records/Viteka Music AG PO Box 80 Wangen, Zurich, CH-8602 Tel: 888-2606 Fax: 888-2608 Fresh Music GmbH Schul St. 1 Schoenenwerd, 5012 Tel: 849-2171 Fax: 849-2111 GALILEO RECORDS Alpenstrasse 22 Grenchen, 2540 Tel: (41) 32 652 33 93 Fax: (41) 32 653 75 69 E-mail: [email protected] Website: galileorecords.com/ Gruezi Schallplatten AG Ost St. 2 Siebnen, CH-8854 Tel: 450-2100 Fax: 450-2107 Harem Records Lindenhofstr. 8 Worblaufen, 3048 Tel: 921-6571 Fax: 921-6571 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 90 HAT HUT RECORDS P.O.Box 521 Basel, CH-4020 Tel: (41) 61 373 07 73 Fax: (41) 61 373 07 74 E-mail: [email protected] Intershow Records AG Grenz St. 24 Saint Marqrethen, 9430 Tel: 740-0790 Fax: 740-0794 Jaxx GmbH Postfach 437 Arelsheim BL, 4144 Tel: 703-1290 Fax: 703-1291 KOCH Records AG Po St. 10 Gossau, 9201 Tel: 388-6868 Fax: 388-6888 Martin Pearson Music See St. 91 Zurich, 8002 Tel: 202-4077 Fax: 202-4077 MCM (Marion Caravatti Music) Hochwacht St. 27A Winterthur, 8400 Tel: 213-7778 Fax: 213-7780 MENTAL GROOVE P.O. Box 1881 Geneva 1, CH 1211 Fax: (41) 22-738-33-89 E-mail: [email protected] MSU (Music Service Uster) Turicaphon St. 31, Riedikon Uster, 8616 Tel: 905-7000 Fax: 905-7020 Musikvertrieb Badener St. 555-557 Zurich, 8048 Tel: 497-1700 Fax: 497-1710 OBH Musikverlag PO Box 2691 Lugano 1, 6901 Tel: 649 5586 Fax: 649 5586 PBR Records Route des Dents du Midi Rennaz, 1847 Tel: 960 3737 Fax: 960 3739 Phonag Records AG Zuericher St. 77 Winterthur, 8401 Tel: 202 0151 Fax: 202 0337 Pick Records Brunnwiesen St. 26 Zurich, 8049 Tel: 344 3535 Fax: 344 3520 Pierre Pellarin Import Ave. Dumas 41 Geneve 25, 1211 Tel: 827 1550 Fax: 346 5162 Pink Seven Music Im Baugarten 3 Augst, 4302 Tel: 813 2200 Fax: 813 2202 Produma AG Industriestr. W. 24 Rickenbach, 4613 Tel: 209 5700 Fax: 216 5603 RecRec Medien AG Postfach Zurich, 8026 Tel: 297 1297 Fax: 297 1290 Selected Sound Carrier (SSC) Ried St. 1 Rotkreuz, 6343 Tel: 799 5959 Fax: 799 5960 SHEEP RECORDS Schoeneggplatz 10 Zurich, CH-8004 Tel: (41) 01 241 29 44 Fax: (41) 01 241 29 45 E-mail: [email protected] Sidomusic Rue de Hesse 8 Geneva 11, 1211 Tel: 311 5185 Fax: 311 1852 SNUFF RECORDS PO BOX 5117 Geneva 11, 1211 Tel: (41) 22 740 40 42 Fax: (41) 22 740 40 42 E-mail: [email protected] Sonimex AG PO Box 8375 Zurich, 8036 Tel: 461 3428 Fax: 461 3446 Sony Music Entertainment AG Oberneuhof St. 6 Baar, 6341 Tel: 767 4700 Fax: 767 4710 Sony Music Promotion GmbH Stampfenbach St. 6 Zurich, 8001 Tel: 267 1515 Fax: 267 0114 Symphony Tone Production Bahnhof St. 6 Schlieren, 8952 Tel: 732 4111 Fax: 732 4219 Symphony Tone Production Chemin des Verges 13/11 Saint Prex, 1162 Tel: 806 1026 Fax: 806 1471 TCB Music SA PO Box 1610 Montreux, 1820 Tel: 966 5590 Fax: 966 5592 Tudor Recording AG Badener St. 531 Zurich, 8048 Tel: 491 7250 Fax: 493 4574 Turicaphon AG Musikproduktion & Verlag Ried St. 1 Rotkreuz, 6343 Tel: 799-5900 Fax: 799-5901 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 91 Turicaphon AG Musikproduktion & Verlag Turicaphon Str. 31 Riedikon/Uster, CH-8616 Tel: 905 7000 Fax: 905 7020 Big Rock Music Production, Inc. Second Fl., No. 9, Sec. 1 Taipei, Tel: 2395 7807 Fax: 2394 2694 Universal Music Switzerland PO Box 6038 Geneva, 6 1211 Tel: 736 9369 Fax: 786 5189 Blue & White Co. 4-2F, No. 7, Ally 75, Sec. 1 Da-Ann Rd. Taipei, Tel: 8773 8743 Fax: 8773 8745 VDE-Gallo Disques Biregghalde 7 Lucerne, 6005 Tel: 348 0070 Fax: 348 0079 Chinese Dragon 24 Alley 36, Ln. 284, First Fl. Taipei, 110 Tel: 2738 2360 Fax: 2738 5967 VDE-Gallo Disques Rue de l'Ale 31 Lausanne 9, 1000 Tel: 312 1154 Fax: 312 1134 Chingmao Communication Co. Ltd. 22 Alley 5 Ln., First Fl Taipei, Tel: 2938 1436 Fax: 2938 2526 Warner Music Switzerland SA Ave. de Chillon 70 Montreux, 1820 Tel: 962 8050 Fax: 962 8057 Coden Records Ltd. No. 19-1 Alley 231, Fourth Fl. Taipei, Tel: 2546 2395 Fax: 2546 2397 Zytglogge Verlag PO Box 13 Guemligen, 3073 Tel: 951 2077 Fax: 951 2524 Crystal Records 21 Ln. 126, First Fl. Taipei, 236 Tel: 2273 3202 Fax: 2273 3197 ZYX Music AG Langgasse 40 Baar, 6340 Tel: 767 2151 Fax: 767 2159 Daiichi Production Co. Ltd. 97 Sungren Rd., Fifth Fl Taipei, 11054 Tel: 8789 9999 Fax: 8789 4818 TAIWAN Aifa Records & Publishing 199 Tai Yuan Rd., Seventh Fl. Taipei, Tel: 2559 8382 Fax: 2559 8922 Alpha Music Co. 24 Ln. 11 Leli Rd., First Fl. Taipei, Tel: 2736 4645 Fax: 2736 9577 Decca Records Taiwan 12th Fl., 112 Chung-Hsiao East Rd., Sec. Taipei, 100 Tel: 2394 1828 Fax: 2396 9795 Dieng Jung Record Co. 65 Kwang-Fu South Rd., Ninth Fl. Taipei, Tel: 2768 0756 Fax: 2768 3613 E.O. Records, Inc. 2 Fl-3, no. 130, Sec. 2 Taipei, Tel: 2341 8135 Fax: 2358 1197 Elite Entertainment, Inc. 100 An-Ho Rd., Fourth Fl. Taipei, Tel: 2708 1883 Fax: 2755 0805 EMI (Taiwan) Ltd. 10th Fl., No. 65 Kuang Fu South Rd. Taipei, 105 Tel: 2768 0756 Fax: 2760 6865 Famous Production Co. Ltd. 102 Kuangfu North Rd., 7th Fl. Taipei, Tel: 2578 1120 Fax: 2577 4226 Forward Music Co. Ltd. N0. 102, Sec. 2, Fifth Fl. Taipei, Tel: 2367 8866 Fax: 2367 9922 Friendly Dog Co. Ltd. Block 1, No. 100, Sec. 2, TaiAn Rd. Taipei, Tel: 2705 6883 Fax: 2755 1998 Golden Round, Inc. No. 171, Third Fl., Ste. 7, Sec. 2 Taipei, Tel: 2740 5261 Fax: 2741 8647 High End Record Co. Ltd. 132 Chang An St., Tenth Fl. Taipei Hsin, Tel: 2978 4081 Fax: 2978 4083 Himalaya Records Corp. 4F, No. 19-1, Ln. 231, Fu Hsing N. Rd. Taipei, Tel: 2546 2395 Fax: 2546 2397 HKG Record Co. Ltd. 57 Hsin-Yi Rd., Fourth Fl., Sec. 4 Taipei, 10666 Tel: 2702 9798 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 92 Fax: 2702 9236 Jingo Records Co. Ltd. 12th Fl., No. 30, Sec. 3, Pateh Rd. Taipei, 105 Tel: 2570 9988 Fax: 2570 5656 Kolin-Denon Entertainment 63 Po-Ai Rd., Fifth Fl. Taipei, 100 Tel: 2381 5876 Fax: 2381 5811 Leader Records One Kuang Fu South Rd., 8F2 Taipei, Tel: 2764 8818 Fax: 2760 0645 Magic Stone Music Co. Sixth Fl., 1 Ln. 290 Taipei, Tel: 2773 0780 Fax: 2773 0065 Mesa Music Int'l 329 Chien-kuo South Rd., Second Fl., Sec. 1 Taipei, Tel: 2704 9128 Fax: 2704 7841 River Records Fourth Fl., No. 465, Sec. 6 Taipei, 10554 Tel: 2741 5062 Fax: 2711 3683 River Records Ninth Fl. 5, No. 88, Sec. 2 Taipei, Tel: 2341 5588 Fax: 2341 7733 River Records No. 7, Ln. 10, First Fl. Taipei, Tel: 2321 9159 Fax: 2341 8087 Sony Music Entertainment (Taiwan) Ltd. Sixth Fl., No. 35, Ln. 11 Kwang-Fu North Rd. Taipei, Tel: 2766 8900 Fax: 2765 7680 Sunrise Int'l 77-4 Chung Shann North Rd., Sec. 2 Taipei, Tel: 2511 8595 Fax: 2551 8085 Synco Cultural Corp. No. 465, Sec. 6, Fourth Fl. Taipei, Tel: 2651 8168 Fax: 2651 2067 Taiwan Music Impact Ltd. 100 An Ho Rd., Eighth Fl., Sec. 2 Taipei, Tel: 2755 6998 Fax: 2755 7123 THAILAND Aim Entertainment Co. 1/79 Soi Chinnakhet Bangkok , 10210 Tel: 954 1177 Fax: 954 1185 APS Intermusic Co. Ltd. 190 Soi Pattanakarn 1 Bangkok, 10120 Tel: 682 0674 Fax: 682 0679 B&M Int'l 588/10-12 Rama 6 Rd. Bangkok, 10400 Tel: 215-8090 Fax: 215-7944 Trees, Music & Art 3F, 2 Min Sheng east Rd. Taipei, Tel: 2502 4546 Fax: 2518 3545 Bakery Music 92/1 Sukhumvit Rd., Soi 31 Bangkok, 10110 Tel: 662-0344 Fax: 259-8089 Trees, Music & Art Hsin Yi Rd. Taipei, Tel: 2357 8648 Fax: 2397 2453 EMI (Thailand) Co Ltd. Third Fl. Grand Amarin Tower 2 Bangkok, 10310 Tel: 207-0011 Fax: 207-0022 Warner Music Taiwan 9th Fl., No. 52, Sec. 3, Nan Kang Rd. Taipei, Tel: 2788 2456 Fax: 2788 2195 Warner Music Taiwan Ming Chuan East Rd. Taipei, Tel: 2719 3191 Fax: 2718 6612 Wind Records Co. Ltd. 5F, 14, Ln. 130, Min Chuan Rd. Hsin Tien, Taipei, 231 Tel: 2218 7093 Fax: 2218 9485 Wind Song Music Int'l Minsheng West Rd. Taipei, Tel: 2565 2535 Fax: 2537 1903 Epic (Thailand) Ltd./Epic Music Thailand 1091/182-185 Nakornluanggthai S/C Rajthewee, Bangkok, 10400 Tel: 253-4542 Fax: 253-2016 Grammy Entertainment 209/1 CMIC Tower B, 27th Fl. Bangkok, 10110 Tel: 664-4000 Fax: 664-0240 House of Fun Omni Tower B Bangkok, 10110 Tel: 656-9034 Fax: 656-9366 Music Train Co. Ltd. Ramkhumhaeng/186 Soi Samanmit Bangkok, 10250 Tel: 318-6565 Fax: 318-6404 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 93 Newton Entertainment 55/3 Soi Suthiniwet Bangkok, 10310 Tel: 274 8578 Fax: 274 7942 PGM Records 657 Soi Sor Torraninth 6 Bangkok, 10320 Tel: 274 4910 Fax: 274 4374 R.S. Records 419/1 Chetchotisak Bldg. Bangkok, 10900 Tel: 511 2024 Fax: 511 2324 Red Beat Int'l 744/2 Soi Phetchasburi 12 Bangkok, 10400 Tel: 215 8188 Fax: 611 1375 Red Beat Int'l No. 18 Soi Silom 3 Silom Rd. Bangkok, 10500 Tel: 636 6288 Fax: 234 5833 S. Stack Co. Ltd. 13/3 Soi Arkaphat Sukhumvit 49 Rd. Bangkok, 10100 Tel: 712 9201 Fax: 712 9204 Universal Music Thailand Ltd. 540 Mercury Tower, 11th Fl. Bangkok, 10330 Tel: 658 6230 Fax: 658 6245 Upbeat Music Ltd. 160/876 ITF Bldg. Silom Rd. Bangkok, 10400 Tel: 266 7503 Fax: 266 7503 Ursa Major Int'l 75 White Group Bldg., First Fl. Bangkok, 10110 Tel: 381 2653 Fax: 381 2652 Warner Music Thailand Thai CC Bldg., 104-8, 10th Fl., S. Sathorn Rd., Yannawa Bangkok, 10120 Tel: 675 5726 Fax: 675 5736 TRINIDAD Rituals Music 5 Longden St. Port of Spain, Tel: (868) 625-3262 Fax: (868) 625-3262 TURKEY Balet Plak ve Muzikaset Ticaret IMC 6, Blok Unkapani, Istanbul, 34260 Tel: 507-8672 Fax: 507-8870 BMG Musik A.S. (Turkey) Korukenti Sitesi Istanbul, 80600 Tel: 274-2724 Fax: 274-2996 EMI-Kent Electronik Sanayi IMC 6, Blok No. 6302 Unkapani, Istanbul, 34470 Tel: 2514 1621 Fax: 2520 9231 S & Mars Muzik Gumussuyu Is Merkezi Istanbul, 80090 Tel: 249 7570 Fax: 292 4099 Sony Music Entertainment (Turkey) A.S. Mesrutiyet Cad. 163/5 Tepebasi Istanbul, 80050 Tel: 251 2744 Fax: 251 0289 Topkapi Music & Video Mesrutiyet Caddesi 113, Ece Han Kat 2 Tepebasi (Istanbul), 80050 Tel: 252 4235 Fax: 252 6274 Universal Music Turkey Gumussuyu Is Merkezi Istanbul, 80090 Tel: 249 7570 Fax: 292 4099 Universal/RAKS Group Korukent Sitesi A Blok Istanbul, 80600 Tel: 213 5492 Fax: 213 5493 Universal-Nese Muzik Gumussuyu Is Merkezei Istanbul, 80090 Tel: 249 7570 Fax: 292 4099 Uzelli Kaset San Ve Tic AS IMC 6, Blok 6325 Unkapani (Istanbul), 34470 Tel: 513 4303 Fax: 519 2005 Yonca Music Int'l IMC 6206 Unkapan Istanbul, 34470 Tel: 513 3400 Fax: 513 3402 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES EMI Music Arabia PO Box 61003, Jebel Ali Dubai, Tel: 818 212 Fax: 818 226 Modern Int'l Electronics Est PO Box 20187 Dubai, Tel: 823 821 Fax: 823 480 Music Box PO Box 23076 Dubai, Tel: 219 080 Fax: 277 665 Music Box PO Box 51100 Dubai, Tel: 624420 Fax: 698824 UNITED KINGDOM 20-20 VISION RECORDING PO Box 69 Leeds, LS8 1AU Tel: (44) 113 368 5298 E-mail: [email protected] For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 94 23rd Precinct Recordings 23 Bath St Glasglow, Scotland G2 1HU Tel: 332 9740 Fax: 353 3039 3 Beat Music 58 Wood St. Liverpool Merseyside, England L1 4AQ Tel: 707 1669 Fax: 707 0227 33 JAZZ RECORDS Bedfordshire, E-mail: [email protected] om 33 RPM Ltd. 33 Guildford St. Luton, England LU1 2NQ Tel: 419 584 Fax: 459 401 3rd Stone Ltd. PO Box 8 Northamptonshire, England NN17 2XZ Tel: 202 295 Fax: 266 246 4 Liberty Records Unit 79-80, Millmead Bus. Ctr. Millmead Rd. London, England N17 9QU Tel: 8880 9288 Fax: 8880 9280 E-mail: [email protected] om 4AD RECORDS 17-19 Alma Rd., Wandsworth London, England SW18 1AA Tel: 8870 9724 Fax: 8874 6600 E-mail: [email protected] 706 Records c/o Muirhead Management 202 Fulham Rd London, England SW10 9P Tel: 7351 5167 Fax: 7352 1514 St Austell Cornwall, E-mail: musicman@aardvarkrecords. co.uk Website: www.aardvarkrecords.co.uk/ Abstract Sounds 10 Tiverton Rd. London , England NW103HL Tel: 7286 1106 Fax: 7289 8679 ACE RECORDS 42-50 Steele Road London, NW10 7AS Tel: (44) 020 8453 1311 Fax: (44) 020 8961 8725 E-mail: [email protected] Acid Jazz Records PO Box 24854 London , England E1 6FJ Tel: 44-171-247-6677 Fax: 44-171-247-8244 ACOUSTIC RECORDS PO Box 350 Reading Berks, RG6 7DQ Tel: (44) 0118 926 8615 Fax: (44) 0118 935 3216 E-mail: [email protected] k AD MUSIC LTD PO Box 3021 Littlehampton West Sussex, England BN16 2NX Tel: (44) 01903 772577 Fax: (44) 01903 772577 E-mail: [email protected] Albany Records PO Box 12 Sand Ln., Warton Carnforth Lancashire, England LA5 9PD Tel: 735 873 Fax: 736 448 Albert Productions / J. Albert & Son (UK) Ltd. 8-10 Colebrooke Pl. London, England N1 8JD Tel: 7704 8888 Fax: 7704 2244 All Around the World 9-13 Penny St. Blackburn Lancashire, England BB1 6HJ Tel: 264 120 Fax: 693 768 ALMIGHTY RECORDS PO Box 12173 London, N19 4SQ Tel: 7281 3212 Fax: 7281 8002 ALTAMIRA RECORDS PO Box 30115 London, E17 8FW Tel: (44) 020 8503 7098 Fax: (44) 020 8925 0122 E-mail: [email protected] m Amato Disco Int'l Units 13-14, Barley Shotts Bus. Pk 246 Acklam Rd London, England W10 5YG Tel: 8964 3302 Fax: 8964 3312 Additive EMI House 43 Brook Green London , England W6 7EF Tel: 7605 5157 Fax: 7605 5186 Amazon Records Ste. 1, Canalot Studios 222 Kensal Rd. London, England W10 5BN Tel: 7460 4006 Fax: 7598 1184 Adelphoi Ltd. 71 Endell St. London, England WC2H 9AH Tel: 7240 7250 Fax: 7240 7260 Ambition Records PO Box 379 Hertfordshire, England HP2 4GU Tel: 256 026 AARDVARK RECORDS Cobweb Telecottage 20 Holmbush Rd For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 95 American Recordings, Inc. Lamb House Church St London, England W42PD Tel: 8995 3266 Fax: 8742 7235 ANJUNABEATS PO Box 527 Harrow, HA1 3XU Tel: (44) 0 845 0900 102 E-mail: [email protected] Anxious Records Ltd. The Electric Lighting Sta 46 Kensington Ct London, England W8 5DP Tel: 7938 2181 Fax: 7937 6645 Apollo Sound 32 ElleRd.ale Rd. London , England NW3 6BB Tel: 435 5255 Fax: 431 0621 Arabesque Records & Distribution Network House 29-39 Stirling Rd London, England W3 8DJ Tel: 8992 0098 Fax: 8992 0340 Arc Music Productions Int'l PO Box 111 East Grinstead West Sussex, England RH194F2 Tel: 328 567 Fax: 315 958 AREA 51 RECORDS P.O. Box 5 Portslade East Sussex, BN41 1UW Tel: (44) 0 1273-278-579 Fax: (44) 0 1273-416-082 E-mail: [email protected] Arista Records Bedford House London, England SW6 3JW Tel: 7384 7500 Fax: 7371 9298 Ariwa Sounds 34 Whitehorse Ln. London, England SE25 6RE Tel: 8653 7744 Fax: 8771 1470 Ark 21 / Pagan Records 1 Water Ln. London, England NW1 8NZ Tel: 7267 1101 Fax: 7267 7466 Arrival Records 39 Leyton Rd. Harpenden Hertfordshire, England AL5 2JB Tel: 715 098 Fax: 715 098 ARTIST AGAINST SUCESS PO Box 5048 Derby, DE1 9YT E-mail: [email protected] Artist Record Co. (ARC) 1 N. Worple Way Mortlake London, England SW14 8QG Tel: 8876 2533 Fax: 8878 4229 ARTIST RECORD COMPANY PO Box 4535 London, SW14 8XU Tel: (44) 0181 876 2533 E-mail: [email protected] Arts Music Ltd. 2 Jersey Rd. Dorset, England BH12 4LQ Tel: 737 538 Fax: 380 242 ASM Music 318A Kennington Rd. London, England SE11 4LD Tel: 7735 1932 Fax: 7735 1932 ASV Ltd. 1 Lochaline St London, England W6 9SJ Tel: 8741 2807 Fax: 8741 8477 ATHENE RECORDS 7 Shute House Shute, Axminster East Devon, EX13 7NY Tel: (44) 0 1297 631426 E-mail: [email protected] Atlantic Records (UK) 35-38 Portman Square Lomdon, England W1H 0EU Tel: 7467 2583 Fax: 7467 2584 Atomic Records 37 Shelton St. London, England WC2H 9HN Tel: 7379 3010 Fax: 7240 8272 ATTICA RECORDS P.O. Box 22 Manchester, M25 9AT E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.atticarecords.com/syste m/index.html AUDIO ART RECORDS Reading, E-mail: [email protected] Avalanche 17 W. Nicolson St. Edinburgh, Scotland EH8 9DA Tel: 668 2374 Fax: 668 3234 Avex, Inc. 1st Fl., Berners House 47-48 Berners St London, England W1P 3AD Tel: 7323 6420 Fax: 7323 6413 AZULI RECORDS 25 D'Arblay St London, W1 3FH Tel: (44) 020 7287 1832 Fax: (44) 020 7439 2490 E-mail: [email protected] Azure Records 32 Kenton Ln Kenton Middlesex, England HA3 8TX Tel: 8907 5583 Fax: 8907 5583 B B C Music PO Box 76 The Strand London, England WC2B 4PH Tel: 7557 1390 Fax: 7557 1373 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 96 BABEL LABEL Far End Compton Avenue London, N6 4LH Tel: (44) 020 8348 2747 E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 724 406 Fax: 762 433 BEAUTIFUL JO RECORDS E-mail: [email protected] Big Idea Records 6 Northend Rd., Kingswood Bristol, England BS15 1UA Tel: 967-2282 Fax: 967-2282 Babel Records 164 Algernon Rd London, England SE13 7AW Tel: 8690 8341 Fax: 8690 8341 Beechwood Music Group Littleton House, Littleton Rd. Middlesex, England TW15 1UU Tel: 423 214 Fax: 251 245 Big Paws Records E-mail: [email protected] m Website: www.bigpawsrecords.com/ Back Alley Records Cadillac Ranch, Pencraig Uchaf Cwm Bach, Whitland, Dyfed, Wales SA34 0DT Tel: 484 466 Fax: 484 293 BEGGARS BANQUET RECORDS A & R Department 17-19 Alma Road London, SW18 1AA E-mail: [email protected] Bitch Records 129 Canalot Studios, 222 Kensal Rd. London, England W10 5BN Tel: 8964 9020 Fax: 8960 5741 Backs Records St. Mary's Works, St. Mary's Plain Norwich, Norfolk, England NR3 3AF Tel: 626 221 Fax: 619 999 BELLA UNION 14 Church Street Twickenham Middlesex, TW8 3NJ Tel: (44) 208-744-2777 Fax: (44) 208-891-1895 E-mail: [email protected] BADPENNY MUSIC The cottage coach road Butterley park Ripley Derbyshire, DE5 3QU E-mail: [email protected] Barely Breaking Even 8B Langton Rd. London, England NW2 6QA Tel: 8830 6885 Fax: 8830 6885 Barely Breaking Even Records 17-19 Alma Rd. London, England SW18 1DN Tel: 8870 9912 Fax: 8871 1766 Barry Collings Entertainments 21A Cliftown Rd. Essex, England SS1 1AB Tel: 330 005 Fax: 333 309 Beat Goes On Records (BGO) PO Box 22 Bury Saint Edmunds, Suffolk, England IP28 6XQ Big Bear Music Group PO Box 6003 Birmingham, England B45 0AR Tel: 477-9553 Fax: 693-2954 Big Bear Music Group PO Box 944 Birmingham, England B16 8UT Tel: 454-7020 Fax: 454-9996 Big Cat (UK) Records PO Box 3074 London, England W11 4GY Tel: 7610 4662 Fax: 7602 9427 Big Chill PO Box 7378 London, England N4 3RH Tel: 7503 7504 Fax: 7503 7510 Big Fish Music Ltd. 5 Astrop Mews London, England W6 7HR Tel: 8743 5301 Fax: 8740 8580 Black Crow Records Hookstone Park Harrogate, England HG2 7DB Tel: 888 979 Fax: 885 761 Black Magic Records & Management 296 Earls Ct. Rd. London, England SW5 9BA Tel: 7565 0806 Fax: 7565 0806 Blanco y Negro 66 Golborne Rd. London, England W10 5PS Tel: 8960 9888 Fax: 8968 6715 Blaster! PO Box 20299 London, England NW1 2TB Tel: 7837 0099 Fax: 7837 1166 BLOOD AND FIRE RECORDS Ducie House 37 Ducie St. Manchester, M1 2JW E-mail: [email protected] BMG Classics 69-79 Fulham High St., Bedford House London, England SW6 3JW Tel: 7384 7500 Fax: 7371 9571 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 97 BMG Entertainment UK/Ireland 69-79 Fulham High St., Bedford House London, England SW6 3JW Tel: 7384 7500 Fax: 7304 4045 BONZAI RECORDS PO Box 5026 London, W12 7ZP Tel: (44) 20 8746 4040 Fax: (44) 20 8746 4060 E-mail: [email protected] BREAKDOWN RECORDS P.O. Box 2311 Romford, RM5 2DZ Tel: (44) 0 1992 763 777 Fax: (44) 0 1992 763 463 E-mail: [email protected] Brewhouse Music Breeds Farm, 57 High St., Wicken, Ely Cambridgeshire, England CB7 5XR Tel: 720 309 Fax: 723 364 Brisa UK Ltd. 2 Jersey Rd. Dorset, England BH12 4LQ Tel: 737 538 Fax: 380 242 Broadley Music (Int'l) 48 Broadley Terr London, England NW1 6LG Tel: 7258 0324 Fax: 7724 2361 Bronze Records Great Linford Manor, Great Linford Milton Keynes, England MK14 5AX Tel: 667 432 Fax: 668 164 Bucks Music Group 11 Uxbridge St. London, England W8 7TQ Tel: 7221 4275 Fax: 7229 6893 Bullseye Records & Music AIR House, Spennymoor County Durham, England DL16 7SE Tel: 814 632 Fax: 812 445 Cabal Records 9-10 Regent Sq. London, England WC1H 8HZ Tel: 7837 9648 Fax: 7837 9648 Cadillac Music & Publishing 63-71 Collier St. London, England N1 9BE Tel: 7278 7391 Fax: 7278 7394 Cala Records 17 Shakespeare Gardens London, England N2 9LJ Tel: 8883 7306 Fax: 8365 3388 CELTIC UNDERGROUND MUSIC P.O. Box 3 Aberdare, RCT E-mail: [email protected] o.uk Centaur Discs Ltd. 40-42 Brantwood Ave Dundee, Scotland DD36EW Tel: 776 595 Fax: 736 702 Champion Records & Music 181 High St. London, England NW10 4TE Tel: 8961 5202 Fax: 8965 3948 Caleche Records 175 Bankside St., Leeds West Yorkshire, England LS8 5AD Tel: 249-4941 Fax: 248-9243 Chandos Records Chandos House, Commerce Way, Colchester Essex, England CO2 8HQ Tel: 225 200 Fax: 225 201 E-mail: [email protected] Candid Productions Ltd. 16 Castelnau, Barnes London, England SW13 9RU Tel: 8741 3608 Fax: 8563 0013 Chantelle Music 3A Ashfield Parade, Southgate London, England N14 5EH Tel: 8886 6236 CAPTAIN OI RECORDS E-mail: [email protected] Charly Records (UK) 13 Bridge Wharf Rd., Church Rd. Middlesex, England TW7 6BS Tel: 8232 1300 Fax: 8232 1301 Cargo Records 17 Heathmans Rd., Parsons Green London, England SW6 4TJ Tel: 7731 5125 Fax: 7731 3866 CASTLE MUSIC E-mail: customerservices@castlemus ic.com Cavalcade Records Ltd. 18 Pindock Mews London, England W9 2PY Tel: 7289 7281 Fax: 7289 2648 Celtic Music PO Box 182 North Yorkshire, England HG2 7XD Tel: 888 979 Fax: 885 761 Chemical Discs 41 Eton Ave. Middlesex, England HA0 3AZ Tel: 8902 3589 Fax: 8902 3589 Chemikal Underground Records PO Box 3609 Glasgow, Scotland G42 9TP Tel: 550-1919 Fax: 550-1918 Cherry Red Records Ltd. Unit 17, 1st Fl, Elysium Gate West London, England SW6 4LZ Tel: 7371 5844 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 98 Fax: 7384 1854 Chimera Records Ltd. 41 Rosebank London, England SW6 6LQ Tel: 7385 5724 Fax: 7386 0701 CHOO CHOO RECORDS PO Box 1208 Sheffield, S35 2JY Tel: (44) 0 114 278 6264 Fax: (44) 0 114 275 0450 E-mail: [email protected] Christabel Records PO Box 232 Harrow Middlesex, England HA1 2NN Tel: 8907 6030 Fax: 8909 1030 Circle Sound Services Circle House, 14 Waveney Close Bicester, Oxfordshire, England OX6 8GP Tel: 240 051 Fax: 240 051 Classic Recordings Ltd. 12 Southam St. London, England W10 5PH Tel: 8960 3253 Fax: 8968 5111 CLAUDIO RECORDS The Promenade Peacehaven East Sussex, BN10 8PU Tel: (44) 0 1273 580 250 Fax: (44) 0 1273 583 530 E-mail: [email protected] Cleveland City 52A Clifton St. West Midlands, England WV3 0QT Tel: 838 500 Fax: 839 500 Cloud Cuckooland Records Unit 12, Impress House, Mansell Rd. London, England W3 7QH Tel: 8749 7337 Fax: 8749 9277 Cloud Nine Records Silva House, 261 Royal College St. London, England NW1 9LU Tel: 7284 0525 Fax: 7482 2385 Clubscene Records 28A Academy St. Bathgate, West Lothian, Scotland EH481RX Tel: 636 038 Fax: 633 900 Clubscene Records Ste. 2A, Gregories Rd. Beaconsfield, England HP9 1HQ Tel: 681 727 Fax: 674 734 Clubscene Records The Barn, Becks Green, St. Andrews Beccles, Suffolk, England NR34 8BR Tel: 781 682 Fax: 781 645 Cobrax Records 16 Bellington Croft Shirley, Solihull, England B90 4XP Tel: 744-2284 Fax: 744-2284 Corban Records PO Box 2 Glasgow, Strathclyde, G44 3LB Tel: 637-5277 CRACKLE RECORDS PO Box 7 Otley, LS21 IYB E-mail: [email protected] CRASS RECORDS E-mail: [email protected] Credence EMI House, 43 Brook Green London, England W6 7EF Tel: 7605 5000 Fax: 7605 5050 Creole Records Ltd. France Hill Dr., The Chilterns Camberley, Surrey, England GU15 3QA Tel: 686 077 Fax: 686 055 Cruisin' Music Management & Records Charlton Farm Studios Hemington, Bath, England BA3 5XS Tel: 834 161 Fax: 834 164 Collegium Records PO Box 172, Whittlesford Cambridge, England CB2 4QZ Tel: 832 474 Fax: 836 723 Culburnie Records PO Box 13350 Jedburgh, Scotland TD8 6YA Tel: 860 727 Fax: 860 612 E-mail: [email protected] Commercial Recordings 12 Lisnagleer Rd., Carland County Tyrone, NI BT70 3LN Tel: 8776 1995 Fax: 8776 1995 Cut & Play 58 Elkington Point London, England SE11 6UG Tel: 7587 3757 Fax: 7587 3757 Connect 2 Music Ltd. PO Box 31 Bushey, Middx., England WD23 2LR Tel: 244 673 Fax: 244 693 CYCLOPS RECORDS E-mail: [email protected] Cooking Vinyl 10 Allied Way London, England W3 0RQ Tel: 8600 9200 Fax: 8743 7564 CYP (The Children's Audio Co.) The Fairway, Bush Fair, Harlow Essex, England CM18 6LY Tel: 444 707 Fax: 445 570 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 99 D.O.R. 1A, Fisher's Ln. London, England W4 1ZA Tel: 8747 9911 Fax: 8742 2443 D.O.R. PO Box 1797 London, England E1 4TX Tel: 7702 7842 Fax: 7790 0764 DATA RECORDS 28 Silksby Street Coventry, CV3 5FX Tel: (44) 0 24 7650 5946 E-mail: [email protected] Dead Ernest PO Box 6921 Dundee, Tayside, DD4 8YN Tel: 0-138-277-6595 Dead Happy Records 3B Castle Down Ave. Hastings, East Sussex, TN34 3RJ Tel: 434 778 Deadboyfriend Records 129 Nyetimber Lane Bognor Regis West Sussex , PO21 3HP E-mail: [email protected] Website: deadboyfriend.net/index.html Decca Record Co. 347-353 Chiswick High Rd. London, England W4 4HS Tel: 8747 8787 Fax: 8994 2834 Deceptive Records & Music Sunday School, Rotary St. London, England SE1 6L6 Tel: 7620 3009 Fax: 7928 9439 Deconstruction Bedford House, 69-79 Fulham High St. London, England SW6 3JW Tel: 7384 2298 Fax: 7371 8165 Defected Records PO Box 2862 London, England W1V 5QE Tel: 7439 9995 Fax: 7439 4545 Defender Music 2 Hargrave Pl. London, England N7 0BP Tel: 8889 5951 Fax: 8374 5581 DELERIUM RECORDS PO Box 1288 Gerrards Cross Bucks, SL9 9YB Tel: (44) 0 1753 893 008 Fax: (44) 0 1753 892 879 E-mail: [email protected] Delta Music Plc 222 Cray Ave. Kent, England BR5 3PZ Tel: 888 888 Fax: 888 800 Demi Monde Music Foel Studio, Llanfair, Caereinion Powys, Wales SY21 0DS Tel: 810 758 Fax: 810 758 Demon Music Group 4th Fl., Holden House, 57 Rathbone Pl. London, England W1P 1AB Tel: 7396 8899 Fax: 7396 8900 Demon Westside W. Heath Yard, 174 Mill Ln. London, England NW6 1TB Tel: 7433 3908 Fax: 7433 3909 DEP Int'l 1 Andover St. Digbeth, Birmingham, England B5 5RG Tel: 633-4742 Fax: 643-4904 Destiny Music 3 Bridge Approach London, England NW1 8BD Tel: 7734 3251 Fax: 7439 2391 DETOUR RECORDS PO Box 18 Midhurst West Sussex , GU29 9YU Tel: (44) 0 1730 815422 Fax: (44) 0 1730 815422 E-mail: [email protected] Deutsche Grammophon UK 1 Sussex Place Hammersmith, London, England W6 9XS Tel: 8846 8515 Fax: 8741 4901 Deviant Records PO Box 699 London, England SW10 0LS Tel: 7460 8610 Fax: 7565 0871 Devinyl Records Walnut Tree Cottage,Wingham Well,Wingham Kent, England CT3 1NR Tel: 728 409 Fax: 728 409 Diamond Recordings Millmead Bus. Ctr., Mill Mead Rd. London, England N17 9QU Tel: 8493 0420 Fax: 8801 0719 Disky Communications Ltd. / Hermanex Ltd Connaught House 112-120 High Rd Loughton Essex, England IG1- 4HJ Tel: 8508 3723 Fax: 8508 0432 Distance Records U.K. Unit 1, Torriano Mews London, England NW5 2RZ Tel: 7482 1482 Fax: 7482 2848 Distinct'ive Records Berners House First Fl 47-48 Berners St London, England W1P 3AD Tel: 7323 6610 Fax: 7323 6413 E-mail: [email protected] Diva Records Ltd. 19 The Waterfront Leicester, England LE23 5LX Tel: 299-6629 Fax: 299-6629 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 100 DIVINE MUSIC Ltd. 131 Parish Lane Penge London , SE20 7JH Tel: (44) 020 8778 7845 E-mail: [email protected] Dome Records 59 Glenthorne Rd. London, England W6 DLJ Tel: 8748 4499 Fax: 8748 6699 Domino Record Co. Ltd. PO Box 4029 London, England SW15 2XR Tel: 8875 1390 Fax: 8875 1472 E-mail: [email protected] Domo Records Europe 73 Upper Richmond Rd. London, England SW15 25Z Tel: 8871 3800 Fax: 8871 0666 Donside Records Waterside, Pitcaple, Inverurie Aberdeenshire, AB51 5HN Tel: 681 269 Dorado Records 76 Brewer St. London, England W1F 9TX Tel: 7287 1689 Fax: 7287 1684 Downboy Recordings Ltd. Chevron House, 2A Benbow Rd. London, England W6 0AG Tel: 8743 5544 Fax: 8743 2288 DRAGONFLY RECORDS E-mail: dragonfly@dragonflyrecords. co.uk DreamWorks Records 8 Saint James' Sq. London, England SW1Y 4JU Tel: 7747 4227 Fax: 7747 4399 Dulcima Records 39 Tadorne Rd. Tadworth, Surrey, England KT20 5TF Tel: 812 922 Fax: 812 922 Dunkeld Records Dunkeld Music Art Media, Taybank Tay Terrace Dunkeld, Perthshire, Scotland PH8 0AQ Tel: 727 686 Fax: 728 606 Duty Free Recordings & Artist Management 63B Clerkenwell Rd. London, England EC1M 5PT Tel: 7250 3409 Fax: 7250 1046 EAGLE HOUSE 22 Armoury Way Wandsworth London , SW18 1EZ Tel: (44) 0 20 8870 5670 Fax: (44) 0 20 8874 2333 E-mail: [email protected] Eagle Records Eagle House, 22 Armoury Way, Wandsworth London, England SW18 1EZ Tel: 8870 5670 Fax: 8875 0050 Earache Records Ltd. Suite 1-3, Westminster Bldgs, Theatre Sq Nottingham, England NG1 6LG Tel: 950-6400 Fax: 950-8585 East Central One 57D Hatton Garden London, England W10 6LT Tel: 7831 3111 Fax: 7831 9991 Eastern Bloc Unit 5, Central Bldgs., Oldham St. Manchester, England M1 1JQ Tel: 228-6432 Fax: 228-6728 EastWest Records Electric Lighting Station 46 Kensington Court London, England W8 5DP Tel: 7938 2181 Fax: 7938 6645 Easy Street Records 15 Grand Union Crescent London, England E8 4TB Tel: 7684 3627 Fax: 7684 3627 EASYMAN RECORDS London , E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Eclectic Records Ltd. 6 Barclay Terrace Edinburgh, Scotland EH10 4HP Tel: 229-9299 Fax: 229-9298 edel UK records ltd. 12 Oval Rd London, England NW1 7DH Tel: 7482 4848 Fax: 7482 4846 EG Managaement Ltd. 61A Kings Rd. London, England SW3 4NT Tel: 7730 2162 Fax: 7730 1330 ELECTRONIC MUSIK E-mail: [email protected] EMANEM RECORDS C/o Martin Davidson 3 Bittacy Rise London, NW7 2HH Tel: (44) 0 20 8346 4512 Fax: (44) 0 20 8371 8710 E-mail: [email protected] EMI Classics 64 Baker St. London, England W1M 1DJ Tel: 7467 2000 Fax: 7467 2200 EMI Group PLC 4 Tenterden St., Hanover Sq. London, England W1A 2AY Tel: 7355 4848 Fax: 7495 1307 EMI Int'l Marketing EMI House, 43 Brook Green London, England W6 7EF Tel: 7605 5000 Fax: 7605 5050 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 101 EMI Records Group - UK & Eire EMI House, 43 Brook Green London, England W6 7EF Tel: 7605 5000 Fax: 7605 5050 Faith & Hope Records Beehive Mill, Jersey St. Manchester, England M4 6JG Tel: 228-1144 Fax: 228-1166 EMI Records Group Int'l 30 Gloucester Pl. London, England W1H 4AJ Tel: 7467 2000 Fax: 7935 5473 Faith Music Corp Ltd. PO Box 111 London, England W13 0ZH Tel: 8357 2337 Fax: 8566 7215 EMI UK/Chrysalis Ten Great Marlborough St. London, England W1V 2LP Tel: 7911 8200 Fax: 7911 8600 Fantastic Plastic Recording Co. The Church, Archway Close London, England N19 3TD Tel: 263-2267 Fax: 263-2268 E-mail: [email protected] Europa Records Ltd. 12 Southam St. London, England W10 5PH Tel: 8960 3253 Fax: 8968 5111 EVENTIDE MUSIC PO Box 27 Baldock Hertfordshire , SG7 6UH Tel: (44) 01462 893995 Fax: (44) 01462 893995 E-mail: [email protected] EVERYDAY MUSIC Ltd. 14/15 Cam Square Hitchin Herts , SG4 0TZ Tel: (44) 01234 772-244 Fax: (44) 01234 772 109 E-mail: [email protected] Fantazia Ltd. PO Box 238 Gloucestershire, England GL526XT Tel: 257 133 Fax: 257 192 FARFIELD MUSIC P.O. Box 748 Luton, LU1 5ZA Tel: (44) 01582 481222 Fax: (44) 01582 481222 E-mail: [email protected] Fashion Records 274 Lavender Hill London, England SW11 1LJ Tel: 7223 3757 Fax: 7350 2688 Expansion Records Skratch Music House, 81 Crabtree Ln. London, England SW6 6LW Tel: 7381 8315 Fax: 7385 6785 Fastforward Music Ltd. 1 Sorrel Horse Mews Ipswich Suffolk, England IP4 1LN Tel: 210555 Fax: 210500 Explicit Records 29 Oakroyd Ave. Potters Bar, Hertfordshir, England EN6 2EL Tel: 651 439 Fax: 651 439 Fat Cat Records PO Box 18212 London, England EC1V 9NQ Tel: 7729 7981 Fax: 7729 7991 Eye Q 8-9 Rivington Pl. London, England EC2A 3BA Tel: 7739 1231 Fax: 7739 1242 FBI Records 3 Progress Business Ctr., Whittle Pkwy Burnham, Bucks, England SL1 8NA Tel: 667 124 Fax: 667 057 Fellside Recordings PO Box 40 Cumbria, England CA14 3GJ Tel: 61556 Fax: 61556 FENBOY RECORDS Peterborough, E-mail: [email protected] FERRIC MORDANT P.O. Box 54 Heaton Newcastle-upon-Tyne , NE6 5YW E-mail: [email protected] FETE RECORDING Canterbury, E-mail: [email protected] Fiction Records 4 Tottenham Mews London, England W1P 4PJ Tel: 7323 5555 Fax: 7323 5323 Fifty First Recordings / Unda-Vybe Music 61 Grange Rd., Alaska Works London, England SE1 3BA Tel: 7237 9453 Fax: 7237 9444 FIN MUSIC Liverpool, E-mail: [email protected] Final Frontier Music 29 Roundwood Rd. Hastings, Sussex, TN37 7L0 Tel: 753 792 Fire Records 21A Maury Rd. London, England N16 7BP Tel: 8806 9922 Fax: 8806 8021 Firebird Music Kyrle House Studios, Edde Cross St. Herefordshire, England HR9 7BZ Tel: 762 269 Fax: 566 337 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 102 First Avenue 42 Colwith Rd., The Courtyard London, England W6 9EY Tel: 8741 1419 Fax: 8741 3289 First Night Records 2-3 Fitzroy Mews London, England W1P 5DQ Tel: 7383 7767 Fax: 7383 3020 First Time Records & Management Sovereign House, 12 Trewartha Rd. Praa Sands, Penzance, Cornwall, England TR20 9ST Tel: 762 826 Fax: 763 328 Flamencovision 54 Windsor Rd. Finchley, London, England N3 3SY Tel: 8346 4500 Fax: 8346 2488 FLINT CENTRAL Manchester, E-mail: [email protected] Flying Records UK 73 Albion Mews London, W6 0XL Tel: 8741 7713 FLYING RHINO RECORDS Ltd. 22 College Parade Salusbury Road London, NW6 6RN Tel: (44) 0 20 7624 8555 Fax: (44) 0 20 7624 8027 E-mail: [email protected] Folksound Records 250 Earlsdon Ave. North Coventry, West Midlands, England CV5 6GX Tel: 711 935 Fax: 711 191 Food Records 9 Greenland St. London, England NW1 0ND Tel: 7284 2554 Fax: 7284 2560 Freakstreet Records 19 Ford Sq. London, England E1 2HS Tel: 7423 9993 Fax: 7780 9126 Free Reed Music Ltd. The Cedars, Field Ln. Belper, Derbyshire, England DE561DD Tel: 824 157 Fax: 825 573 FREEFORM RECORDS Manchester, Tel: (44) 0161-953-4096 Fax: (44) 0161-953-4001 E-mail: [email protected] on.co.uk FTD RECORDS 46 Farnham Road London, IG3-8QD Tel: (44) 0208-598-8355 Fax: (44) 0208-500-0424 E-mail: [email protected] FU 2 80 Monks Road Exeter, EX4 7BE Tel: (44) 013-9249-0064 Fax: (44) 013-9242-0580 E-mail: [email protected] Furious Records Unit 4, 26 River Rd. West Sussex, England BN17 5B2 Tel: 733 031 Fax: 732 997 Furry Records 14 Court Bushes, Whyteleate Surrey, England CR3 0BG Tel: 622 040 Fax: 622 040 Future Legend Records PO Box 727 Kenley, Surrey, England CR8 5YF Tel: 8668 0493 Fax: 8668 0493 E-mail: [email protected] Future Music Records 10 Baddow Rd. Essex, England CM 2 0DG Tel: 353 878 Fax: 352 490 Gabadon Music 25 Fir St. Yorkshire, England S6 3TG Tel: 272-0218 Fax: 272-7001 GAIN RECORDINGS Wings Peeks Brook Lane, Burstow Surrey, RH6 9SX Tel: (44) 0 771-871-0663 E-mail: [email protected] GET RHYTHM RECORDS P.O. Box 102 Forest Hall Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE12 7WD Tel: (44) 0 191-245-3782 Fax: (44) 0 191-245-3786 E-mail: [email protected] GIG UK Millsborough Rd. Redditch, England B98 7BU Tel: 60 054 Fax: 60 055 Glasgow Records Ltd. Lovat House, Gavell Rd. Glasgow, Scotland G65 9BS Tel: 826 555 Fax: 825 560 Global Records Ltd. 171 Southgate Rd. London, England N1 3LE Tel: 7704 8542 Fax: 7704 2028 Global Talent Group Alexandra House, 6 Little Portland St. London, England W1N 5AG Tel: 7907 1700 Fax: 7907 1711 Go Ahead Music Ltd. Kerchesters, Waterhouse Ln. Kingswood, Surrey, England KT20 6HT Tel: 832 837 Fax: 833 812 Good Looking Records Ltd. 33-35 Wembley Hill Rd. Wembley For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 103 Middlesex, England HA9 8RT Tel: 8733 1300 Fax: 8903 5859 8782 4707 Good Looking Records Ltd. 84 Queens Rd. Watford, England WD1 2LA Tel: 670 700 Fax: 249 495 Gorgeous Music Ltd. Ste. D, 67 Abbey Rd., St. John's Wood London, England NW8 0AE Tel: 7604 3080 Fax: 7604 3789 Greensleeves Records Ltd. Unit 14, Metro Centre St. John's Rd. Isleworth Middlesex, England TW7 6NJ Tel: 8758 0564 (44) 0 208758-2301 Fax: 8758 0811 E-mail: [email protected] Greentrax Recordings Ltd. Cockenzie Business Centre East Lothian, Scotland EH32 OXL Tel: 815 888 Fax: 813 545 Graduate Records & Music St. Swithun's Institute, The Trinity, Worcester Worcester, England WR1 2PN Tel: 20882 Fax: 20882 Groovin' Records PO Box 39 Hoylake, England CH47 2HP Tel: 632-6156 Fax: 632-6156 Grand Central Records Ltd. 70 Tib St. Manchester, England M4 1LG Tel: 834-2515 Fax: 834-9700 Grosvenor Records 16 Grosvenor Rd., Handsworth Wood, Birmingham West Midlands, England B20 3NP Tel: 356-9636 Fax: 356-9636 Grand Records 107A High St., Canvey Island Essex, England SS8 7RF Tel: 694 888 Fax: 695 009 Grand Royal Records/ZubiZaretta Records 8 Jeffrey's Pl., Camden Town London, England NW1 9PP Tel: 284-8920 Fax: 282-8922 Grasmere Records Paramount House, 290/292 Brighton Rd. South Croydon, Surrey, England CR2 6AG Tel: 8666 0201 Fax: 8667 0037 Great Western Records Rock House, London Rd., St. Mary's Chalford, Gloucestershire, England GL6 8PU Tel: 886 252 Fax: 885 361 Gull Records 21B Heathmans Rd. London, England SW6 4TJ Tel: 7731 9321 Fax: 7731 9314 GULP P.O. Box 212 Sheffield , S10 5XF Tel: (44) 0 114-230-9080 Fax: (44) 0 114- 230-9020 E-mail: [email protected] Gut Records Ltd./Gut Music Byron House, 112A Shirland Rd. London, England W9 2EQ Tel: 7266 0777 Fax: 7266 7734 Habana Music Entertainment Ltd. 78 Church Path, Fletcher Rd. London, England W4 5BJ Tel: 245 177 Fax: 232 011 Halo Records 10 Lambton Pl. London, England W11 2SH Tel: 7313 9779 Fax: 7727 9770 HAMBLY PENROSE MUSIC Truro Cornwall, Tel: (44) 0 7818073889 E-mail: [email protected] eaming.net HAND HELD HALO PRODUCTIONS E-mail: [email protected] Harbourtown PO Box 25 Ulverston, Cumbria, England LA12 7UN Tel: 588 290 Fax: 588 290 E-mail: [email protected]. uk Hard Hands Saga Ctr., Rear, 326 Kensal Rd. London, England W10 5BZ Tel: 8960 5055 Fax: 8964 5954 Harmonia Mundi Ltd. (UK) 19-21 Nile St. London, England N1 7LL Tel: 7253 0865 Fax: 7253 3237 Hasmick Promotions Ltd. Unit 8, Forest Hill Trading Estate London, England SE23 2LX Tel: 8291 6777 Fax: 8291 0081 Haven Records St. Mary's Works, St. Mary's Plain Norfolk, England NR3 3AF Tel: 624 290 Fax: 619 999 Headscope Street End Ln., Broadoak Heathfield, England TN21 8TU Tel: 863 994 Fax: 867 027 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 104 Heart & Soul Record Co. Ltd. 41 Blackhorse Rd. London, England E17 7AS Tel: 8521 1499 Fax: 8521 1499 Heat Recordings Ltd. 48 Lancaster Rd., Top Fl. London, England W11 1QR Tel: 243-0720 Fax: 243-0280 Heavenly Recordings 47 Frith St. London, England WID 4SE Tel: 7494 2998 Fax: 7437 3317 Henry Hadaway Record Co. Satril House, 3 Blackburn Rd. London, England NW6 1RZ Tel: 7328 8283 Fax: 7328 9037 Higher Ground 10 Great Marlborough St. London, England W1V 2LP Tel: 7911 8869 Fax: 7911 8879 Higher State 95-99 North St. London, England SW4 0HF Tel: 7627 5656 Fax: 7627 5757 HOLISTIC RECORDINGS 19 Sark Walk London, E16 3PT Tel: (44) 0 171-511-1421 E-mail: [email protected] Hooj Choons 51 Lonsdale Rd. London, England NW6 6RA Tel: 7328 7787 Fax: 7328 7727 Tel: 561 565 Fax: 561 566 HOOLIGAN RECORDS c/o The Book Cupboard 361-363 Gloucester Rd Horfield Bristol , BS7 8TP E-mail: [email protected] .uk Horatio Nelson Records & Tapes 76 Carlisle Mansions, Carlisle Pl. London, England SW1P1HZ Tel: 7828 6533 Fax: 7828 1271 Hospital Records Red Corner Door, 17 Barons Court Rd. London, England W14 9DP Tel: 7386 8760 Fax: 7381 8014 Hot Lead Records 2 Laurel Bank, Lowestwood, Huddersfield Yorkshire, England HD7 4ER Tel: 846 333 Fax: 846 333 HOUSEHOLD NAME RECORDS P.O. Box 12286 London, SW9 6FE E-mail: [email protected] .co.uk HTD RECORDS 8 Martin Dene Bexleyheath Kent, DA6 8NA Tel: (44) 0 208-301-2828 Fax: (44) 0 208-301-2424 E-mail: [email protected] HOOJ CHOONS P.O. Box 16789 London, NW6 6ZX Tel: (44) 020-7328-7787 Fax: (44) 020-7328-7727 E-mail: [email protected] HTD Records Unit 10, Kent House, Old Bexley Bus. Pk. Kent, England DA5 1LR Tel: 557 355 Fax: 522 878 Hook-Bellboy Records Ltd. 110 Crown St. Aberdeen, England AB11 6HJ Hwyl Records 2 The Square York, England YO42 1PJ Tel: 304 514 Fax: 304 514 Hyde Park Records & Music 110 Westbourne Terrace Mews London, England W2 6QG Tel: 7402 8419 Fax: 7723 6104 Hydrogen Dukebox PO Box 23137 London, England SE1 3ZW Tel: 7357 9799 Fax: 7357 9750 Hyperion Records 33 Avery Hill Rd. London, England SE9 2BW Tel: 8294 1166 Fax: 8294 1161 HYPERION RECORDS P.O. Box 25 London, SE9 1AX Tel: (44) 0 20-8294-1166 Fax: (44) 0 20-8294-1161 E-mail: [email protected] I & B Records 2A Wrentham Ave. London, England NW10 3HE Tel: 8960 9160 Fax: 8968 7332 I-Anka PO Box 917 London, England W10 5FA Tel: 8968 6221 Fax: 8964 2844 Ignition Management 54 Linhope St. London, England NW1 6HL Tel: 7298 6000 Fax: 7258 0962 Illicit Recordings Ltd. 12 Southam St. London, England W10 5PH Tel: 8960 3253 Fax: 8968 5111 Imagemaker Sound & Vision PO Box 69 Launceston, Cornwall, England PL15 7YA Tel: 86308 Fax: 86308 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 105 Imaginary Music 2 Monument Cottages, Warpsgrove Rd. Oxfordshire, England OX44 7RW Tel: 400 286 Fax: 400 286 In Da' Soul Promotions 68 Wharton Ave. Yorkshire, England S26 3SA Tel: 287-9882 Fax: 287-9882 Incentive Music PO Box 20153 London, England W10 5FG Tel: 8960 4538 Fax: 8968 0167 INCredible Ten Great Marlborough St. London, England W1F 2LP Tel: 7911 8859 Fax: 7911 8611 Independent Music Group Ltd. Independent House, 54 Larkshall Rd. London, England E4 6PD Tel: 8523 9000 Fax: 8523 8888 Independiente Ltd. The Drill Hall, 3 Heathfield Terrace London, England W4 4JE Tel: 8747 8111 Fax: 8747 8113 Inferno Records Fox Studios, 32-36 Telford Way London, England W3 7XS Tel: 8742 9300 Fax: 8742 9097 Inner Harmonies Music 10 Cotswold Edge Mickleton, Glos, GL556TR Tel: 438 889 Innocent Kensal House, 553-579 Harrow Rd. London, England W10 4RH Tel: 8962 5800 Fax: 8962 5801 Instant Karma 36 Sackville St. London, England W1X 1DB Tel: 7851 0900 Fax: 7851 0901 INTERFLOW SOUNDS Brighton, Tel: (44) 0 127-369-8103 E-mail: [email protected] o.uk Internal Bass Records Ltd. PO Box 445, Chobham Surrey, England GU24 8YQ Tel: 857 723 Fax: 857 740 INTROMIT RECORDINGS P.O. Box 5828 Long Eaton Nottingham , NG10 4PH Tel: (44) 0 115-849-7238 E-mail: [email protected] Iona Records 27-29 Carnoustie Pl. Glasgow, Scotland G5 8PH Tel: 420-1881 Fax: 420-1892 Irma UK 8 Putney High St. London, England SW15 1SL Tel: 80906 Fax: 8780 0595 Jasmine Records Forest Hill Trading Estate, Unit 8 Perry Vale, London, England SE23 2LX Tel: 8291 6777 Fax: 8291 0081 JBO / Junior Recordings Ltd. The Saga Centre, 1st Fl., 326 Kensal Rd. London, England W10 5BZ Tel: 8960 4495 Fax: 8960 3256 Jeepster Recordings PO Box 14153 London, England SW11 4XU Tel: 8924 2324 Fax: 8924 6161 Jelly Street Chester Terrace, 358 Terrace, 358 Chester Rd. Manchester, England M16 9EZ Tel: 872-6006 Fax: 872-6468 Jet Star Phonographics 155 Acton Ln. London, England NW10 7NJ Tel: 8961 5818 Fax: 8965 7008 Jet Star Phonographics Old Dairy Mews London, England NW1 8AN Tel: 7267 0171 Fax: 7267 0912 Jet Star Phonographics Unit 129 Canalot Centre 222 Kendal Rd London, England W10 5BN Tel: 8964 8890 Fax: 8960 5741 Jewish Music Heritage Recordings PO Box 232 Harrow, Middlesex, England HA1 2NN Tel: 8909 2445 Fax: 8909 1030 JFM Records Tiller Rd., 11 Alexander House Isle Of Dogs, London, England E14 8PT Tel: 7987 8596 Fax: 7987 8596 JOHNNY WALKER PRODUCTIONS London, E-mail: [email protected] JPH 9 Green Ln., Little Common, Behill-on-Sea East Suffex, England TN3 94PH Tel: 7372 0418 Fax: 7372 0418 June Productions Ltd. Toftrees, Church Rd. Surrey, England CR3 1JX Tel: 652 386 Fax: 652 457 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 106 Just Music PO Box 19780 London, England SW15 1WU Tel: 8780 5129 Fax: 8788 1727 Kingsway Music Lottbridge Drove Eastbourne, Sussex, England BN236NT Tel: 437 708 Fax: 411 970 JVC Musical Industries Europe 44 Wellington St. London, England WC2E 7BP Tel: 7240 3121 Fax: 7240 2851 KOCH Int'l Ltd./KOCH Music Publishing Ltd. Charlotte House, 87, Little Ealing Ln. London, England W5 4EH Tel: 8832 1800 Fax: 8832 1813 Kabuki 48 Park Gate, Somerhill Rd. Brighton, East Sussex, England BN3 1RL Tel: 748 344 Fax: 748 344 KBS Records Norden, 2 Hillhead Rd., Newtonhill, Stonehaven Kincardineshire, Scotland AB3 92PT Tel: 730 962 Fax: 730 962 Keystone Records Ltd. 112 Gunnersbury Ave. London, England W5 4HB Tel: 8993 7441 Fax: 8992 9993 E-mail: [email protected] Kickin Music 10 Acklam Rd., Acklam Workshops, Unit 1 London, England W10 5QZ Tel: 8964 3300 Fax: 8964 4400 Kinetix The Black Office, DC Warehouse, Unit 6 Herfordshire, England WD3 5EX Tel: (149) 454-9000 Fax: (192) 328-5286 Kingdom Records Clarendon House, Shenley Rd. Boreham Wood, Hertforshire, England WD6 1AG Tel: 8207 7006 Fax: 8207 5460 KRL 9 Watt Rd., Hillington Industrial Est Hillington, Glasgow, Stra, Scotland G52 4RY Tel: 882-9060 Fax: 883-3686 K-Tel Entertainment (UK) Ltd. K-Tel House, 12 Fairway Dr. Greenford, Middlesex, England UB6 8PW Tel: 8566 6789 Fax: 8575 2264 Kudos Records Ltd. 79 Fortess Rd., Kentish Town London, England NW5 1AG Tel: 7482 4555 Fax: 7482 4551 Lammas Records 34 Carlisle Ave., St. Albans Herts, England AL3 5LU Tel: 51553 Fax: 51553 LAW & AUDER RECORDS 15 Vicarage Close Shillington Hertfordshire, SG5 3LS E-mail: [email protected] Linn Records Fl.s Rd., Waterfoot, Eaglesham Glasgow, Strathclyde, England G76 0EP Tel: 303-5027 Fax: 644-4262 Lismor Recordings Ltd. 27-29 Carnoustie Pl. Glasgow, Scotland G5 8PH Tel: 420-1881 Fax: 420-1892 Loaded Records / Skint Records PO Box 174 Brighton, East Sussex, England BN1 4BA Tel: 738 527 Fax: 208 766 Lockjaw Records 1 Oaklands, Cradley Malvern, England WR13 5LA Tel: 880 035 Fax: 880 135 Logic Records UK 1st Fl., 34-35 Berwick St. London, England W1V 3RF Tel: 7434 2193 Fax: 7287 4555 London Records 57-63 Old Church St. London, England SW3 5BS Tel: 8761 6000 Fax: 8761 6054 LOST LANGUAGE PO Box 16789 London, Tel: (44) 020 7328 7787 Fax: (44) 020 7328 7727 E-mail: [email protected] Lunar Tunes 49 Drayton Rd. Bletchley Milton Keynes, England MK23EL Tel: 270 811 Fax: 270 822 Lunar Tunes Harmony House 4 Taverner Close Old Farm Park Milton Keynes, England MK7 8PJ Tel: 639 908 Fax: 639 908 Lyrita Recorded Edition 99 Green Ln., Burnham, Slough Berkshire, SL1 8EG Tel: 604 208 M21 Northburgh House, 10 Northburgh St. For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 107 London, England EC1V 0AT Tel: 7253 5860 Fax: 7253 5850 Madacy Entertainment Group (UK) Ltd. Unit 12, Brunswick Ind. Park, Brunswick Way New Southgate, London, England N11 1HX Tel: 8361 2163 Fax: 8361 0741 Magick Eye PO Box 3037 Wokingham, Berkshire, England RG40 4GR Tel: 932-8320 Fax: 932-8237 Malaco Records 4 Warren Mews London, England W1P 5D5 Tel: 7388 6500 Fax: 7388 6522 MANOR RECORDS Poole, E-mail: [email protected] MARKET SQUARE MUSIC LTD Market House Market Square Winslow Bucks, MK18 3AF Tel: 44 (0)1296 715228 Fax: 44 (0)1296 715486 Website: www.marketsquarerecords.co .uk/ Matador Europe PO Box 20125 London, England W10 5WA Tel: 8969 5533 Fax: 8969 6633 E-mail: [email protected] Matsuri Productions 1 Pepys Ct. 84-86 The Chase London, England SW4 0NF Tel: 7720 7266 Fax: 7720 7255 Matsuri Productions Panther House, Rm. 221 38 Mt. Pleasant London, England WC1X 0AP Tel: 419-4747 Fax: 419-4746 Tel: 378 737 Fax: 378 643 Medium Productions 74 St. Lawrence Rd. Upminster, Essex, England RM14 2UW Tel: 228 016 Fax: 640 291 Michele Int'l Roebuck Rd., The Acorn Ctr., Michele House Hainault, Essex, England IG6 3TU Tel: 8500 1819 Fax: 8500 1745 MEGA HIT RECORDS P.O. BOX 56 Boston Lincolnshire , PE22 8JL Tel: (44) 0 79-7655-3624 E-mail: chriskamara@megahitrecord suk.co.uk Mercury PO Box 1425, Chancellors House London, England W6 9QB Tel: 8910 5678 Fax: 8910 5677 Meridian Records PO Box 317 Eltham, London, England SE9 4SF Tel: 8857 3213 Fax: 8857 0731 Meringue Productions Ltd. 37 Church St., Twickenham Middlesex, England TW1 3NR Tel: 744-2277 Fax: 744-9333 MERLIN CLASSICS 48 Waterloo Avenue Leiston Suffolk, Tel: (44) 17-2883-0008 E-mail: [email protected] METALHEADZ RECORDS Unit 27 bus space studios Conlan street London, W10 5AP Tel: (44) 0 208-964-3344 Fax: (44) 0 208-964-4545 E-mail: [email protected] Metronome Recordings Ltd. Unit 26, Carrick Business Ctr., Commercial Rd. Cornwall, England TR10 8AR Millennium Records 9 Thorpe Close, Portobello Rd. London, England W10 5XL Tel: 8964 9495 Fax: 8964 9497 Ministry of Sound 103 Gaunt St. London, England SE1 6DP Tel: 7378 6528 Fax: 7403 5348 Mistral Records Unit 6, Ippleden Business Park, Edgelands Ln. Devon, England TQ12 5UG Tel: 813 833 Fax: 813 141 Mo Wax 25 Heathman's Rd. London, England SW6 4TJ Tel: 7736 8031 Fax: 7736 8041 MODIFIED RECORDS Surrey, E-mail: [email protected] Mojo Records UK 27 Poole Rd., Upton Poole, Dorset, England BH16 5HX Tel: 631 912 Fax: 788 170 Moksha Recordings Ltd. PO Box 102 London, England E15 2HH Tel: 8555 5423 Fax: 8519 6834 Moonbeam Music Old Repeater Station South Lanarkshire, Scotland ML11 8LX Tel: 841 168 Fax: 841 168 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 108 Moonshine Music London, England W1A 0DA Tel: 7631 4235 MOONTRACKS MUSIC 20 Chapel Street Titchmarsh Northants , NN14 3DA Tel: (44) 0 1832 734950 Fax: (44) 0 1832 735122 E-mail: [email protected] More Protein 132 Royal College St. London, England NW1 0TA Tel: 7267 2449 Fax: 7267 5528 Mo's Music Machine Ltd. Unit 11, Forest Bus. Park, South Access Rd. London, England E17 8BA Tel: 8520 7264 Fax: 8223 0351 MOTHER STOAT RECORDING P.O. Box 185 Godalming Surrey, GU7 3XX E-mail: [email protected] Motiv8 Records/Movin' House Records 55 Dixon Ave., Crosshill Glasgow, Scotland G42 8EG Tel: 423-2192 Fax: 423-2192 Mouse PO Box 1981 Bristol, England BS9 3DP Tel: 987-0389 Fax: 914-3786 Moving Shadow Music 2nd Fl., 17 St. Anne's Ct. London, England W1V 3AW Tel: 7734 6770 Fax: 7734 6771 Mr. Bongo 44 Poland St. London, England W1B 3DA Tel: 72871887 Fax: 74391828 MUDHUT RECORDS 25 Malvern Mews London, NW6 5PT Tel: (44) 207-372-1486 Fax: (44) 207-328-9566 E-mail: a&[email protected] Multiply Studio, 5 King Edward Mews, Byfeld Gardens Barnes, London, England SW13 9HP Tel: 8846 9946 Fax: 8741 5584 Mumbo Jumbo Group 12 Southam St. London, England W10 5PH Tel: 8960 3253 Fax: 8968 5111 Mushroom Infectious Records 1 Shorrolds Rd. Fulham, London, England SW6 7TR Tel: 7343 5678 Fax: 7343 5656 Music Collection Int'l (MCI) 4th Fl., Holden House, 57 Rathbone Pl. London, England W1P 1AB Tel: 7396 8899 Fax: 7470 6655 Music Factory Entertainment Group Hawthorne House, Fitzwilliam St., Parkgate, Rother South Yorkshire, England S62 6EP Tel: 710 022 Fax: 523 141 Music For Freaks Ltd. 12 Southam St. London, England W10 5PH Tel: 8960 3253 Fax: 8968 5111 Music For Nations 333 Latimer Rd. 333 Latimer Rd., England W10 6RA Tel: 8964 9544 Fax: 8964 5460 E-mail: [email protected] Music Fusion 2 Bridge Street, Bajonor House Isle of Man, England 1M5 1NB Tel: 844 134 Fax: 844 135 Music Galore 105 Emlyn Rd. London, England W12 9TG Tel: 8749 3730 Music Galore 429 Harrow Rd. London, England W10 4RE Tel: 8969 8866 Fax: 8968 4977 Music of Life Records Liscombe Park Bedford, England LU7 0JL Tel: 689 006 Fax: 689 067 MUSIKFOLK LIMITED P.O. Box 339 West Byfleet Surrey , KT14 7YP Tel: (44) 019-3234-8594 (44) 019-3240-6634 Fax: (44) 0 19-3235-5152 E-mail: [email protected] MUTE RECORDS 429 Harrow Road London, W10 4RE E-mail: [email protected] MWJ RECORDS & PUBLISHING LTD 79 Regent Road GT. Yarmouth Norfolk , NR30 2AJ Tel: (44) 0 906-788-0114 Fax: (44) 0 149-385-0995 E-mail: [email protected] m NARCOSIS RECORDS P.O. Box 77 Ashton U Lyne, OL6 8FR E-mail: [email protected] Nation Records 19 All Saints Rd 1st Fl., Notting Hill London, England W11 1HE Tel: 7792 8167 Fax: 7792 2854 Navras Records 22 Sherwood Rd. London, England NW4 1AD Tel: 8203 2553 Fax: 8203 2553 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 109 NAXOS Top Floor, Unit 2 Wyllyotts Place Potters Bar Herts, EN6 2HN Tel: (44) 17-0766-2400 Fax: (44) 17-0766-1480 E-mail: [email protected] Neat Records 71 High St. E. Wallsend Tyne & Wear, England NE28 7RJ Tel: 262 4999 Fax: 263 7082 Nervous Records & Publishing 5 Sussex Crescent Northolt Middlesex, England UB5 4DL Tel: (44) 020-8423-7373 Fax: (44) 020-8423-7773 E-mail: [email protected] New Music Enterprises Reach Ln 'Meredale' The Dell Leighton Buzzard Bedford, England LU7 0AL Tel: 237 700 Fax: 237 700 New State Entertainment Ltd. Unit 2A, Queens Studios 121 Salusbury Rd London, England NW6 6RG Tel: 7372 4474 Fax: 7372 4484 Nightbreed Recordings Unit 11-17, Ave. A Sneinton Market Sq. Nottingham, England NG1 1DT Tel: 910 1980 Fax: 910 0810 Nikt Records Cadillac Ranch Pencraig Uchaf Dyfed, Wales SA34 0DT Tel: 484 466 Fax: 484 466 Nimbus Records Wyastone Leys Monmouth Gwent, Wales NP5 3SR Tel: 890 682 Fax: 890 779 Ninja Tune Winchester Wharf Clink St. London, England SE1 9DG Tel: 7820 3535 Fax: 7820 3434 NMC Recordings Ltd. Francis House Francis St. London, England SW1P 1DE Tel: 7828 3432 Fax: 7828 3432 Noir Records 124 Great Portland St. London, England W1N 5PG Tel: 7636 2345 Fax: 7580 0045 Noisebox 135-137 King St. Norwich, England NR1 1QH Tel: 767 726 Fax: 767 746 Northwood Records PO Box 53 Ilford Essex, England IG6 2AL Tel: 8551 5570 Fax: 8550 7537 Now Music Co. 15 Tabbs Ln Scholes Cleckheaton, England BD19 6DY Tel: 851 365 Fax: 874 329 Nu Urban Music 32-33 Bartholomew Street Newbury Berkshire, RG14 5LL Tel: 44 (0) 1635 551 400 Website: www.nuurbanmusic.co.uk/ Nude Records 5 Warren Mews London, England W1P 5DJ Tel: 7388 5300 Fax: 7388 5399 Ochre Records PO Box 155 Cheltenham Gloucestershire, England GL51 0YS Tel: 514 332 Fax: 514 332 Ogun Records 63-71 Collier St. London, England N1 9BE Tel: 7278 7391 Fax: 7278 7394 One Little Indian 250 York Rd. London, England SW11 3SJ Tel: 7716 3400 Fax: 7716 3401 One World Entertainment Co. 45-53 Sinclair Rd Nomis Studios London, England W14 0NS Tel: 7602 6351 Fax: 7300 6569 Opera Rara 134 Curtain Rd. London, England EC2A 3AR Tel: 7613 2858 Fax: 7613 2261 ORG Records Ste. 212, Old Gramophone Works 326 Kensal Rd. London, England W10 5BZ Tel: 8964 3066 Fax: 8964 5626 Outback Records PO Box One Hebden Bridge, England HX7 5YU Tel: 884 225 Fax: 884 225 Outcaste Records Ltd. 1 Leicester Pl. London, England WC2H 7BP Tel: 432 3224 Fax: 432 3225 Outdigo Records 65 George St. Oxford, England OX1 2BE Tel: 798 791 Fax: 798 792 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 110 Outlet Recording Co. Ltd. 15-21 Gordon St. (Dunbar Link) County Antrim Belfast, Northern Ireland BT1 2LG Tel: 322 826 Fax: 332 671 Fax: 7605 5050 Oval Records 326 Brixton Rd. London, England SW9 7AA Tel: 7622 0111 Fax: 7737 0894 Passion Records 81 Crabtree Ln Skratch Music House London, England SW6 6LW Tel: 7381 8315 Fax: 7385 6785 OxRecs Digital Magdalen Farm Cottage Standlake Witney, England OX8 7RN Tel: 300 347 Fax: 300 347 P.H.A.B. Music High Notes Sheerwater Ave Surrey, England KT15 3DS Tel: 348 174 Fax: 340 921 PAGAN RECORDS London, E-mail: [email protected] PAPER RECORDINGS Unit 14 Enterprise house 15 Whitworth street west Manchester, Tel: (44) 161-237-5661 Fax: (44) 161-237-5662 E-mail: [email protected] Parachute Music Ltd. Kings Bromley Wharf Bromley Hayes Lichfield, England WS13 8HS Tel: 253 576 Fax: 253 576 Park Records PO Box 651 Oxford, England OX2 9RB Tel: 241 717 Fax: 204 556 Parlophone EMI House 43 Brook Green London, England W6 7EF Tel: 7605 5000 Parrot Productions Ltd. Gilbert St Cavendish Bldgs, Unit 24 London, England W1K 5HJ Tel: 7629 2998 Fax: 7355 3510 Pavilion Records Ltd. Sparrows Green Wadhurst East Sussex, England TN5 6SJ Tel: 278 3591 Fax: 278 4156 Peaceville Records 165-167 High Rd Zomba House Willesden London, England NW10 2SG Tel: 8459 8899 Fax: 8451 3900 Peaceville Records PO Box 101 West Yorkshire, England BD19 4YF Tel: 878 101 Fax: 874 313 PEARLS FOR SWINE P.O. Box 16352 , S.E.10 8ZU E-mail: [email protected] k Pearls for Swine Records PO Box 16352 , S.E.10 8ZU E-mail: [email protected] k Website: www.pearlsforswine.co.uk/ PHAT LADY RECORDS South England, E-mail: [email protected] Phuture Trax 2nd Fl., 125 Fonthill Rd. London, England N4 3HH Tel: 7263 1600 Fax: 7263 4999 Pioneer Records Pioneer House Hollybush Hill Stoke Poges Slough, England SL2 4QP Tel: 789 789 Fax: 789 646 PLANETSOUNDS Flat 24 Langham Court Didsbury Manchester, Tel: (44) 0161 434 0264 E-mail: [email protected] Plankton Records PO Box 13533 London, England E7 0S6 Tel: 8534 8500 Plastic Head Unit 15, Bushell Business Estate Hithercroft Wallingford, England OX10 9DD Tel: 825 029 Fax: 826 320 Plastic Surgery The Coachhouse Mansion Farm Maidstone Kent, England ME17 2NJ Tel: 858 300 Fax: 858 300 PLATIPUS RECORDS 334A Ladbroke Grove London, England W10 5AH Tel: 8324 2500 Fax: 8324 0010 PLATIPUS RECORDS Unit GM Cooper House 2 Michael Road London, England SW6 2AD Tel: (44) 20-7731-4004 Fax: (44) 20-7731-0008 E-mail: [email protected] For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 111 Playpen Records 1 York St. London, England W1H 1PZ Tel: 7487 2558 Fax: 7487 2584 Playpen Records PO Box 726 London, England NW11 7XQ Tel: 8455 7965 Fax: 8458 6200 Pleasuredome 72-80 Black Lion Ln. London, England W6 9BE Tel: 8910 4800 Fax: 8910 4799 Pleasuredome PO Box 425 London, England SW6 3TX Tel: 371 0784 Fax: 736 9212 Plum Projects Records 8 Perseverance Pl Richmond Surrey, England TW9 2PN Tel: 20.8288 0531 Fax: 503.218 6425 PO-HOMO P.O. Box 24356 Tooting London, SW17 9FE E-mail: [email protected] Pollytone Records PO Box 124 Ruislip Middlesex, England HA4 9BB Tel: 638 584 Fax: 624 793 POLYDOR Polyphonic Reproductions PO Box 19292 London, England NW109WP Tel: 8459 6194 Fax: 8451 6470 POP RECORDS Unit 601, 3nd Floor Block B 91 Brick Lane London, E1 6QN Tel: (44) 171-373-3610 Fax: (44) 171-375-2377 E-mail: [email protected] Pork Recordings/PorkSong Music Publishing PO Box 18 Hull, England HU1 3YU Tel: 756 638 Fax: 743 058 Positiva EMI House 43 Brook Green London, England W6 7EF Tel: 7605 5157 Fax: 7605 5186 President Records Ltd. Exmouth House 11 Pine St. London, England EC1R OJH Tel: 7837 5020 Fax: 7837 4795 Prestige Records 34 Great James St. London, England WC1N 3HB Tel: 7405 3786 Fax: 7405 5245 Primate Recordings 340 Athlon Rd Alperton Middlesex, England HA0 1BX Tel: 8601 2200 Fax: 8997 2292 PRIORY RECORDS 3 Eden Court Eden Way Leighton Buzzard Bedfordshire, England LU7 8FY Tel: (44) 152-537-7566 Fax: (44) 152-537-1477 E-mail: [email protected] Prism Leisure Corp. Plc 1 Dencora Centre Middlesex, England EN3 7SX Tel: 8804 8100 Fax: 8805 8001 Production House Records 1 Herbert Gardens London, England NW10 3BX Tel: 8968 8870 Fax: 8960 0719 Proper Records Unit 5, Forest Hill Ind. Estate Perry Vale London, England SE23 2LX Tel: 8699 7000 Fax: 8699 8888 Props Records 7 Croxley Rd. London, England W9 3HH Tel: 8960 1115 Fax: 8962 0359 Provocateur Records 31 Fordwich Rd Fordwich Kent, England CT2 0BW Tel: 711 008 Fax: 712 021 PSYCODIA RECORDS P.O. Box 443 Horsham, RH13 7FW Tel: (44) 140-379-1090 E-mail: [email protected] o.uk Pulse Records Ste. 1, Regency House Regent Rd Liverpool, England L5 9TB Tel: 298 1100 Fax: 298 2810 Purple Records Aizlewood Mill Nursery St. Sheffield, England S3 8GG Tel: 233 3024 Fax: 282 3116 PVA Recordings 6C Littlehampton Rd. Worthing, England BN13 1QE Tel: 260 033 Fax: 261 133 PVA Recordings Hallow Park Worcester, England WR2 6PG Tel: 640 663 Fax: 641 842 Pyraplastic Recordings Fax: 44 (0) 870 0553971 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.pyraplastic.com/ For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 112 Q Zone Ltd. 21B Heathmans Rd. London, England SW6 4TJ Tel: 7731 9313 Fax: 7731 9314 Red Hot Records 105 Emlyn Rd. London, England W12 9TG Tel: 8960 1871 Fax: 8969 1694 Q Zone Ltd. Unit 1, 75-87 Agincourt Rd. London, England NW3 2NT Tel: 7267 0093 Fax: 7267 9488 Red Lightnin' Ltd. 42 The Street Norfolk, England IP22 2LU Tel: 687 693 Fax: 687 559 R2B MUSIC Bristol, E-mail: [email protected] Red Sky Records PO Box 27 Stroud Gloucestershire, England GL6 0YQ Tel: 836 877 Fax: 836 877 Raw Groove Records 4 Birchfields Rd Network House Manchester, England M13 0XR Tel: 442 2481 Fax: 443 1379 RCA Records (UK) 69-79 Fulham High St Bedford House London, England SW6 3JW Tel: 7384 7500 Fax: 7371 9298 React Music Ltd. 138B West Hill London, England SW15 2UE Tel: 8780 0305 Fax: 8788 2889 Real World Music Box Mill Mill Ln Box, Corsham Wiltshire, England SN13 8PL Tel: 743 188 Fax: 743 787 Reckless Records 79 Upper St. London, England N1 0NU Tel: 7359 0302 Fax: 7359 9509 Recognition Records PO Box 2217 Wiltshire, England BA15 1YN Tel: 864 422 Fax: 864 466 Red Bus Records 34 Salisbury St. London, England NW8 8QE Tel: 7402 9111 Fax: 7723 3064 REDEMPTION Birmingham, Tel: (44) 121-605-4791 Fax: (44) 121-605-4791 E-mail: [email protected] REL Records 40 Sciennes Edinburgh, Lothian, Scotland EH9 1NH Tel: 668 3366 Fax: 662 4463 REPHLEX RECORDS P.O. Box 2676 London, N11 1AZ Tel: (44) 20-8368-5903 Fax: (44) 20-8361-2811 E-mail: [email protected] ReR Megacorp 79 Beulah Rd. Surrey, England CR7 8JG Tel: 8771 1063 Fax: 8771 3138 Resurgence PO Box 50 Tyne & Wear, England DH4 5AL Tel: 512 1103 Fax: 512 1104 Retch Records 49 Rose Crescent Southport Merseyside, PR8 3RZ Tel: 577 835 Reverb Music Ltd. Reverb House Bennett St Chiswick London, England W4 2AH Tel: 8747 0660 Fax: 8747 0880 Revolver Music Ltd. 152 Goldthorn Hill Wolverhampton, England WV2 3JA Tel: 345 345 Fax: 345 155 Rhiannon Music Ltd. 20 Montague Rd. London, England E8 2HW Tel: 7275 8292 Fax: 7503 8034 Rhino Records France Hill Dr The Chilterns Camberley Surrey, England GU15 3Q Tel: 686 077 Fax: 686 055 Rhythm Syndicate Records 5 Cobble Yard Napier St. Cambridge, England CB1 1HP Tel: 323 264 Fax: 362 212 Rhythmbeat Records PO Box 589 London, England SE6 4PU Tel: 8690 7278 Fax: 8690 6515 Riddle Records Cadillac Ranch Pencraig Uchaf Dyfed, Wales SA34 0DT Tel: 484 466 Fax: 484 293 Right Recordings Ltd. 177 High St. London, England NW10 4TE Tel: 8961 3889 Fax: 8961 4620 Riverhorse Songs Ltd. 115 Eastbourne Mews London, England W2 6LQ Tel: 7262 2882 Fax: 7262 1661 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 113 Riverhorse Songs Ltd. Tech West House 10 Warple Way Acton London, England W3 0UL Tel: 8749 2984 Fax: 8749 2523 Round Tower Music Acorns Old Portsmouth Rd. Thursley Surrey, England GU8 6NJ Tel: 703 983 Fax: 703 595 RIVERSIDE RECORDS P.O. Box 16595 London, SW6 6FH E-mail: [email protected] RTL Music, Records & Production, Distribution White House Farm Shropshire, England TF9 4HA Tel: 647 374 Fax: 647 612 Rocketgirl Records PO Box 13969 London, England E18 2UZ Tel: (0)20 8926 6289 Fax: (0)20 8926 6289 Website: www.rocketgirl.co.uk/store/ind ex.php Rogue Records PO Box 337 London, England N4 1TW Tel: 8340 9651 Fax: 8348 5626 Rollercoaster Records Rock House London Rd St. Mary's Chalford, Gloucestershire, England GL6 8PU Tel: 886 252 Fax: 885 361 ROMOPHONE P.O. Box 222 Newton Abbot Devon, TQ12 47N Tel: (44) 162-687-2728 Fax: (44) 162-687-2728 E-mail: [email protected] Ross Records 29 Main St. Aberdeenshire, Scotland AB53 4AB Tel: 568 899 Fax: 568 890 Rotator Records PO Box 2000 Oxford, England OX1 2XX Tel: 205 600 Fax: 205 700 Rubicon Music 59 Park View Rd. London, England NW10 1AJ Tel: 8450 5154 Fax: 8452 0187 Rumour Records 15 Falcon Rd Tempo House London, England SW112PJ Tel: 7228 6821 Fax: 7228 6972 Rykodisc 78 Stanley Gardens London, England W3 7SZ Tel: 8746 1234 Fax: 8746 2129 Sain Recordiau Llandwrog Caernarfon Gwynedd, Wales LL54 5TG Tel: 831 111 Fax: 831 497 Sanctuary Group PLC Sanctuary House 45-53 Sinclair Rd. London, England W14 0N2 Tel: 7602 6351 Fax: 7603 5941 Savanna Sounds Quaker Coppice Crewe Cheshire, England CW1 6EY Tel: 589 321 Fax: 587 438 Savoy Records PO Box 271 Purley Surrey, England CR5 3TR Tel: 554 739 Fax: 556 737 SBS Records PO Box 37 Blackwood Ghent South Wales, Wales NP12 2YQ Tel: 201 116 Fax: 201 190 Scarlet Recording Co. Unit 64, Milmead Industrial Mill Mead Rd. London, England N17 9QU Tel: 8365 0800 Fax: 8885 6030 Scotdisc Newtown St. Glasgow, Scotland G65 0JX Tel: 821 081 Fax: 826 900 See For Miles Unit 10, Littleton House Littleton Rd. Ashford Middlesex, England TW15 1UU Tel: 247 176 Fax: 241 168 Serengeti Records Gemma House 43A Old Woking Rd West Byfleet Surrey, England KT14 6LG Tel: 351 925 Fax: 336 431 Serious Records PO Box 13900 London, England N6 5BG Tel: 8381 4805 Fax: 8458 0045 Seriously Groovy Music Ltd. 28 D'Arblay St., 3rd Fl. London, England W1F 8EW Tel: 7439 1947 Fax: 7734 7540 Setanta Records 6 Union St. London, England SE1 1SZ Tel: 7357 8899 Fax: 7357 9449 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 114 Shade Factor Productions Ltd. 4G Cleveland Sq Bayswater London, England W2 6DH Tel: 7402 6477 Fax: 7402 7144 Silva Screen Records Ltd. 3 Prowse Place London, England NW1 9PH Tel: 7428 5500 Fax: 7482 2385 SNAPPER MUSIC P.O. Box 16530 London, SW6 6WH E-mail: [email protected] Shark Records 23 Rollscourt Ave. London, England SE24 0EA Tel: 7737 4580 Fax: 7737 4580 Silver Sounds (CD) Ltd. 7 Peerglow Estate Queensway Ponders End Enfield, England EN3 4SB Tel: 8364 7711 Fax: 8805 1135 Solent Records/Solent Songs PO Box 22 Newport Isle of Wight, England PO30 1LZ Tel: 1983.524 110 Fax: 870.164 0388 Sharpe Music 9A Irish St. Dungannon, Northern Ireland BT 70 10B Tel: 8772 4621 Fax: 8775 2195 Silverwood Records 16 Limetrees Llangattock Wales, Wales NP8 1LB Tel: 810 142 Fax: 811 557 Soma Quality Recordings 2nd Fl., 22 Jamaica St. Glasgow, Scotland G1 4QD Tel: 572 1477 Fax: 572 1478 Sheer Bravado! Records E. Garth, 7 Far Ln. Waddington, England LN5 9SG Tel: 722 837 Fax: 722 837 Simply Vinyl 65 Duke St. London, England W1M 5DH Tel: 7408 0683 Fax: 7499 0485 Some Bizarre 4 Denmark St. London, England WC2H 8LP Tel: 7836 9995 Fax: 7836 9909 Siren Music Ltd. 37 Colwyn Rd. Hartlepool, England TS26 9AS Tel: 424 603 SONAR RECORDS 82 London Road Coventry, CV1 2JT E-mail: [email protected] SKAM RECORDS P.O. Box 76 Manchester, M45 7XW E-mail: [email protected] Songlife 15 St. Johns Church Rd. Folkestone Kent, CT19 5BQ Tel: 257 714 Shifty Disco 65 George St. Oxford, England OX1 2BE Tel: 798 791 Fax: 798 792 SHOESHINE RECORDS E-mail: [email protected] SHORT FUSE RECORDS 42 Seymour Road West Bridgford Nottingham, NG2 5EF E-mail: [email protected] SHOTGUN CHARLIE LABEL 155 Drews Lane Ward End Birmingham , England B8 2QF Tel: 247 0877 Fax: 247 1347 E-mail: [email protected] Signum Records Ltd. 10 Kensington Hall Gardens Beaumont Ave. London, England W14 9LS Tel: 7386 1877 Fax: 7386 1877 SKINT RECORDS London, E-mail: [email protected] Small Little Record Label 112 Gunnersbury Ave. London, England W5 4HB Tel: 8993 7441 Fax: 8992 9993 Smile Communications 1A Hearne Rd. London, England W4 3NJ Tel: 8995 6229 Fax: 8742 8469 Snapper Music 3 The Coda Ctr 189 Munster Rd. London, England SW6 6AW Tel: 7610 0330 Fax: 7386 7006 SONIKBOOM 45 Beaconsfield Close Greenwich , London SE3 7LH Tel: (44) 0 20 8305 1499 E-mail: [email protected] Sony Classical 10 Great Marlborough St. London, England W1V 2LP Tel: 7911 8200 Fax: 7911 8600 Sony Music Entertainment (UK) Ltd. 10 Great Marlborough St. London, England W1V 2LP Tel: 7911 8200 Fax: 7911 8600 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 115 Sony Soho Square S2 10 Great Marlborough St. London, England W1V 2LP Tel: 7911 8200 Fax: 7911 8600 Sound and Media Ltd. Unit 3, Wells Place Surrey, England RH1 3DR Tel: 644 445 Fax: 644 310 Southbound Records & Publishing 9 Preston Rd Leytonstone London, England E11 1NL Tel: 8989 5005 Fax: 8989 5006 SOUTHERN RECORDS P.O. Box 59 London, N22 1AR E-mail: [email protected] SOUTHERN RECORDS P.O. Box 59 London, England N22 8NS Tel: 8888 8949 Fax: 8889 6166 SOVIET UNION RECORDS Manchester, E-mail: [email protected] Soyuz (UK) Ltd. 48 Britannia St. London, England WC1X 9BS Tel: 7833 9595 Fax: 7833 3312 Spacefunk Recordings 12 Southam St. London, England W10 5PH Tel: 8960 3253 Fax: 8968 5111 Splash Records 29 Manor House Marylebone Rd. London, England NW1 5NP Tel: 7723 7177 Fax: 7262 0775 SPLENDID RECORDS 53 Church Lane Girton Cambs , CB3 0JW E-mail: [email protected]. uk Sprawl Imprint 63 Windmill Rd. Brentford Middlesex, England TW8 0QQ Tel: 8568 3145 Fax: 8568 3145 Sprawl Imprint PO Box 333 Brighton, England BN1 2EH Tel: 779 663 Fax: 779 442 Spring Vale Chantry Park Rd Springvale Farm Ipswich Suffolk, England IP8 3AS Tel: 288 388 Fax: 288 388 Springthyme Records Balmalcolm House Kingskettle Fife, Scotland KY15 7TJ Tel: 830 773 Fax: 831 773 STIFF RECORDS P.O. Box 505 Watford, WD2 5ES E-mail: [email protected] Streetfeat Records 220A Blythe Rd. London, England W14 0HH Tel: 7371 3313 Fax: 7371 3339 Streetfeat Records Unit 201, The Saga Ctr 326 Kensal Rd. London, England W10 5BZ Tel: 8964 9815 Fax: 8964 9816 Streets Ahead Unit 21, Townsend Enterprise Park Townsend St. Belfast, Northern Ireland BT13 2ES Tel: 323 160 Fax: 323 160 Square Biz Records Ltd. 65A Beresford Rd. London, England N5 2HR Tel: 7354 0841 Fax: 7503 6457 Stress Records PO Box 89 Slough Berkshire, England SL1 8NA Tel: 667 124 Fax: 669 783 Squint Entertainment 73 Upper Richmond Rd. London, England SW15 2SZ Tel: 8871 3800 Fax: 8871 0666 Studio K7 1 Devenport Mews London, England W12 8NG Tel: 8762 9910 Fax: 8762 9912 State Records 20 Watford Rd. Radlett Hertfordshire, England WD7 8LE Tel: 857 792 Fax: 858 052 Subversive Records 16 Chalkfarm Rd. London, England NW1 8AG Tel: 7209 2626 Fax: 7209 0202 STEEL YARD MUSIC P.O. Box 4 Hertford, SG13 7WA Tel: (44) 1992-589-175 E-mail: [email protected] Sterns Music 74/75 Warren St. London, England W1P 5PA Tel: 7388 5533 Fax: 7388 2756 SULPHURIC RECORDS 3rd Floor 36 Greville Street London, EC1N 8TB Tel: (44) 0207-419-9445 E-mail: [email protected] Sunnyside 101 Sunnyside Rd. Ilford Essex, England IG1 1HY Tel: 8478 7774 Fax: 8553 5216 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 116 Sunnyside Up Records (SSU) Sunnyside House 22 Grand Union Ctr West Row London, England W10 5AS Tel: 473 473 473 540 Survival Records & Publishing PO Box 888 Maidenhead Berkshire, England SL6 2YQ Tel: 788 700 Fax: 788 950 Swamp Productions 6 Chieveley Mews London Rd Berks, England SL5 QUD Tel: 626 425 Fax: 621 991 Sylvantone Promotions 17 Allerton Grange Way Leeds West Yorkshire, England LS17 6LP Tel: 268 7788 Fax: 266 0220 Talkin' Loud 136-144 New Kings Rd. London, England SW6 4FX Tel: 705 4298 Fax: 705 4315 Tanty Records PO Box 557 Harrow, England HA2 8QE Tel: 8864 4394 Fax: 8933 1027 Taste Media & Music Ltd. 117 Hampstead Rd., 1 Prince Wales Passage London, England NW1 3EF Tel: 7388 8635 Fax: 7387 0233 Taurean Recordings Old Barn Studio, West Street Business Park Stamford, Lincolnshire, England PE92PS Tel: 481 353 Fax: 481 353 TECHITCH RECORDINGS P.O. Box 1505 Bristol, BS99 3RD Tel: (44) 797-321-3106 Fax: (44) 797-070-3476 E-mail: [email protected] Telstar Records Barnes High St., Prospect Studios London, England SW13 9LE Tel: 8878 7888 Fax: 8878 7886 Temple Records Shillinghill, Temple Midlothian, Scotland EH23 4SH Tel: 830 328 Fax: 830 392 E-mail: [email protected] The Brothers Records The Music Village, 11B Osiers Rd., Wandsworth London, England SW18 1NL Tel: 8870 0011 Fax: 8870 2101 The Complete Record Co. 22 Prescott Pl. London, England SW4 6BT Tel: 7498 9666 Fax: 7498 1828 The Divine Art Record Co. 31 Beach Rd. South Shields, England NE33 2QX Tel: 456 1837 Fax: 455 2954 The Echo Label Ltd. 13 Bramley Rd. London, England W10 6SP Tel: 7229 1616 Fax: 7792 1299 Fax: 7724 0078 The Precious Organisation The Town House, 1 Park Gate Glasgow, Scotland GC 6DL Tel: 353 2255 Fax: 353 3545 The Really Useful Group 22 Tower St. London, England WC2H 9NS Tel: 7240 0880 Fax: 7240 8922 The Record Label The Old School House, PO Bix 224 Twickenham, England TW1 2RJ Tel: 8332 7245 Fax: 8332 7631 The Subway Organization 100A Huddlstone Rd. London, England N70 EG Tel: 7272 6894 Fax: 7687 0802 THE WENLOCK RECORD LABEL Chancery House 319 City Road London, EC1V 1LJ E-mail: [email protected] Theobald Dickson Productions The Coach House, Swinhope Hall Swinhope, Lincolnshire, England LN8 6HT Tel: 399 011 Fax: 399 025 The Hit Label 13 Bramley Rd., The Chrysalis Building London, England W10 6SP Tel: 7221 2213 Fax: 7221 6341 THIRDWAVE RECORDS P.O. Box 19 Orpington, BR6 9ZF E-mail: [email protected] The Merlin Group 40 Balcombe St. London, England NW1 6ND Tel: 7723 9216 Fax: 7723 0732 This Way Up 22 St. Peters Sq. London, England W6 9NW Tel: 8910 3283 Fax: 8910 3293 The Point Group 30 Dorset Sq. London, England NW1 6QJ Tel: 7616 8100 Thunderbird / Hypertension UK 9 Park End St. Oxford, England OX1 1HH For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 117 Tel: 204 066 Fax: 204 099 Tel: 7263 1240 Fax: 7281 5671 TIDY TRAX Room 909 5-7 Fitzwilliam Street Rotherham S.Yorks , S62 6EP Tel: (44) 170-971-0022 Fax: (44) 170-952-3141 E-mail: [email protected] Touch 13 Osward Rd. London, England SW17 7SS Tel: 8767 2368 Fax: 8682 3414 Time/Emit 389-394 Alfred St. N. Nottingham, England NG3 1AA Tel: 985 9595 Fax: 941 2277 Timewarp Records 80 St. John's Hill London, England SW11 1SF Tel: 7738 9488 Fax: 7738 2278 TKO Music Group PO Box 130 East Sussex, England BN3 6QU Tel: 550 088 Fax: 540 969 TMR Records & Management PO Box 3775 London, England SE18 3QR Tel: 8316 4690 Fax: 8316 4690 Toff Records / Pendragon Fairfields, Ascot Rd., Nuptown Warfield, England RG42 6HJ Tel: 884 704 Fax: 893 693 Tommy Boy Records 151 Freston Rd. London, England W10 6TH Tel: 7313 8300 Fax: 7792 9519 Too Pure 3A Highbury Crescent London, England N5 1RN Tel: 7609 2415 Fax: 7609 9244 Topic Records 50 Stroud Green Rd. London, England N4 3S TRACK RECORDS London, Transient Records Unit 129, Canalot Centre London, England W10 5BN Tel: 8964 8890 Fax: 8960 5741 E-mail: [email protected] Triple A Records Ltd. GMC Studio, Hollingbourne Kent, England ME17 1UQ Tel: 880 599 Fax: 880 020 Triple Earth Records PO Box 240 Wembley, Middlesex, HA0 4FX Tel: 8922 7216 Triple XXX Recordings PO Box 853 Wallington, England SM6 8UL Tel: 773 0605 Fax: 773 0605 TRIPTYCH MUSIC London, E-mail: [email protected] Trojan Recordings Regent House, 1 Pratt Mews London, England NW1 0AD Tel: 7267 6899 Fax: 7267 6746 Trouble on Vinyl 120 Wandsworth Rd., Vauxhall London, England SW8 2LB Tel: 7498 3888 Fax: 7207 1221 Truelove Label Collective 44 St. Paul's Crescent, Unit G London, England NW1 9TN Tel: 7284 0434 Fax: 7267 6015 Tumi Music 8/9 New Bond Street Pl. Bath, England BA1 1BH Tel: 464 736 Fax: 444 870 TUMI MUSIC Westmoreland Station Road Bath, Tel: (44) 0 1225 480 470 Fax: (44) 0 1225 331 360 E-mail: [email protected] TWISTED RECORDS Cooper House Michael road London, Tel: (44) 020-7736-3433 Fax: (44) 020-9773-63643 E-mail: [email protected] UM3 8 Saint James' Sq. London, England SW1Y 4JU Tel: 7747 4000 Fax: 7747 4499 Under Cover Music Group Ltd. The Surebond Room, 91 Brik Ln. London, England E1 6QN Tel: 7426 0440 Fax: 7247 6096 Union Square Music Unit 2, Grand Union Office Pk., Packet Boat Ln. Uxbridge, England UB8 2GH Tel: 458 515 Fax: 458 516 Universal Classics & Jazz 22 St. Peter's Square London, England W6 9NW Tel: 8910 5000 Fax: 8910 3151 Universal Music Int'l Headquarters 8 Saint James' Sq. London, England SW1Y 4JU Tel: 7747 4000 Fax: 7747 4499 Universal Music UK Ltd. PO Box 1420 London, England W6 9XS Tel: 8910 5000 Fax: 8741 4901 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 118 Universal/Island Ltd. 131-133 Holland Park Ave. London, England W11 4UT Tel: 7471 3000 Fax: 7603 4796 Universal/Island Ltd. Elsinore House London, England W6 8JA Tel: 8752 2600 Fax: 8752 2601 UNLABEL 8 Kent Road Tunbridge Wells Kent, TN4 5UE Tel: (44) 189-254-5792 E-mail: [email protected] Upbeat Recordings Restmor Way, Sutton Business Ctr. Wallington, Surrey, England SM6 7AH Tel: 8773 1223 Fax: 8669 6752 V2 MUSIC London, VEESIK RECORDS Back Charlotte Lane Lerwick Shetland, ZE1 0JD Tel: (44) 159-569-6622 Fax: (44) 159-569-6622 E-mail: [email protected] Victoria Music Ltd. (VML) Unit 215, The Saga Ctr., 326 Kensal Rd. London, England W10 5BZ Tel: 7565 8193 Fax: 7960 3834 Virgin Classics 64 Baker St. London, England W1M 1DG Tel: 7467 2100 Fax: 7467 2229 Virgin Music Group 553-579 Harrow Rd., Kensal House London, England W10 4RH Tel: 8964 6000 Fax: 8968 6533 VIRGIN RECORDS UK Visible Noise 231 Portobello Rd. London, England W11 1LT Tel: 7792 9791 Fax: 7792 9871 Vision Discs PO Box 92 Gloucester, England GL4 8HW Tel: 814 321 Fax: 812 106 WARNER MUSIC London, Warner Music Int'l 83 Baker St. London, England W1M 2LA Tel: 7535 9000 Fax: 7353 9001 Warner Music UK The Warner Building, 28 Kensington Church St. London, England W8 4EP Tel: 7937 8844 Fax: 7938 3901 Vital Spark Records 1 Waterloo, Breakish Isle of Skye, Scotland IV42 8QE Tel: 822 484 Fax: 822 673 Warp Records PO Box 474 Sheffield, England S1 3BW Tel: 281 2000 Fax: 281 2002 Voice of Shade PO Box 972 London, England SE24 0PD Tel: 7274 6618 Fax: 7207 0641 Waxploitation PO Box 30353 London, England NW10 2ZJ Tel: 8728 9953 Fax: 8728 9952 Voltone Int'l Recordings PO Box 12594 London, England NW2 5WL Tel: 8357 4362 Fax: 8357 2310 Way Out West Records 1-3 Ashland House, Ashland Pl. London, England W1M 3JF Tel: 7935 1588 Fax: 7487 3016 Volume Records London, Tel: 8742 5903 V-Ram Discs UK Nestlingdown, Chapel Hill, Porthtowan Truro, Cornwall, TR4 8AS Tel: 890 606 Fax: 5338 1505 WAGDOG RECORDS E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.wagdog.co.uk/main.htm Wall of Sound Office 3, 9 Thorpe Close London, England W10 5XL Tel: 8969 1144 Fax: 8969 1155 Warner Classics UK Electric Lighting Station, 46 Kensington Ct. London, England W8 5DP Tel: 7591 5900 Fax: 7591 5999 WEA London, West 4 Tapes & Records 105 Stocks Ln. Bracklesham Bay, West Sussex, PO20 8NU Tel: 671 238 WHOOP RECORDS P.O. Box 14408 Wandsworth London, SW17 9ZS Tel: (44) 20-8875-0381 E-mail: [email protected] Wiiija Records 17-19 Alma Rd. London, England SW18 1AA Tel: 875 6300 Fax: 874 6600 Windsong Int'l Cray Ave Electron House St. Mary Cray For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 119 Orpington, Kent, England BR5 3RJ Tel: 836 969 Fax: 890 392 Wing An'A Prayer Records 21 Bowsprit Point Westferry Rd. London, England E14 8NT Tel: 7515 9289 WOMBAT RECORDS London, E-mail: [email protected] Word Music 9 Holdom Ave. Bletchley Milton Keynes, England MK1 1QR Tel: 648 440 Fax: 648 592 Workers Playtime 64 Mountgrove Rd. London, England N5 2LT Tel: 7359 2223 Fax: 7359 5653 WORLD CIRCUIT lO6 Cleveland Street London, W1P 5DP Tel: (44) 20-7383-4907 Fax: (44) 20-7383-4908 E-mail: [email protected] WORLD SERPENT Unit 7-I-7 Seager Buildings Brookmill Road London, SE8 4HL Tel: (44) 208-694-2000 Fax: (44) 208-694-2677 E-mail: [email protected] o.uk X:treme Records 87 Wardour St. London, England W1V 3TF Tel: 7437 1442 Fax: 7437 1770 XL Recordings Ltd. 1 Codrington Mews London, England W11 2EH Tel: 8870 7511 Fax: 8871 4178 Xtravaganza Recordings Unit 3D, West Point 36-37 Warple Way London, England W3 0RG Tel: 8740 9700 Fax: 8749 4738 Zomba Records Ltd. Zomba House 165-167 Willesden High Rd. London, England NW10 2SG Tel: 8459 8899 Fax: 8451 3900 Xtrax London PO Box 966 London, England SE11 5SA Tel: 7582 5380 Fax: 7582 5380 ZONE RECORDING P.O. Box 1416 Bristol, BS99 3JJ Tel: (44) 117-9071-744 Fax: (44) 117-9071-744 E-mail: [email protected] .uk Yassaba Records PO Box 6364 London, England N22 8LA Tel: 8881 8762 Fax: 8881 8762 Yellow Balloon Productions Ltd. Freshwater House Outdowns Surrey, England KT24 5QR Tel: 281 500 Fax: 281 502 York Ambisonic PO Box 66 Lancaster Lancashire, England LA2 6HS Tel: 823 020 Fax: 824 420 Yoshiko Records & Publishing Great Westwood Old House Ln Kings Langley Hertfordshire, England WD4 9AD Tel: 261 545 Fax: 261 546 YPERANO RECORDS P.O. Box 17222 London, W12 8ZG E-mail: [email protected] Zane Productions 162 Castle Hill, Reading Berkshire, England RG1 7RP Tel: 957 4567 Fax: 956 1261 ZEBRA RECORDS London, E-mail: [email protected] ZTT Records The Blue Building 42-46 St. Luke's Mews London, England W11 1DG Tel: 7221 5101 Fax: 7221 3374 ZYX Records Ltd. Unit 11, Cambridge Ct 210 Shepherd's Bush Rd London, England 6 7NL Tel: 7371 6969 Fax: 7371 6677 URUGUAY Ediciones Ayui/Tacuabe Plaza Independencia 838, Esc. 6 Montevideo, 11000 Tel: 908-0671 Fax: 908-0671 EMI Music de Uruguay Blvd. Artidas, 1443 Appo. 613 Montevideo, 11200 Tel: 401-1482 Fax: 401-1482 Sondor S.A. Rio Branco 1530 Montevideo, 11100 Tel: 902 5388 Fax: 902 5272 VENEZUELA Balboa Records de Venezuela, C.A. Urbanizacion Los Ruices Sur. Calle Milon 402 Caracas, 1074-A Tel: 272-6422 Fax: 272-4466 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 120 BMG Records Edificio Centro Altamira, Piso 6 Caracas, Tel: 264-6432 Fax: 264-2309 Discorona C.A. Rio A Pte Soubblete Edificio Fonodisco Apartado 5995 Caracas, ZP 1010 Tel: 481-2473 Fax: 483-9997 El Palacio de la Musica, S.A. Apartado 3637 Caracas, DF 1010-A Tel: 945-9767 Fax: 945-8756 YUGOSLAVIA Komuna Music Cakorska 2 Belgrade, Serbia, 11000 Tel: 367-2424 Fax: 367-2525 ZIMBABWE Gramma Records PO Box 3519, Southerton Harare, Tel: 486 950 Fax: 486 986 Zimbabwe Music Corp. PVT Ltd. Harare, Tel: 487 187 Fax: 486 986 EMI C.A. PO Box 1080/A Caracas, Tel: 979-7175 Fax: 979-1944 Latin World Entertainment Group Av. Blandin Centro San Ignacio Torre Copernico Caracas, 1062 Tel: 264-5858 Fax: 264-5001 Latin World Entertainment Group Ave. Diego Cisneros Centro Empresarial Los Ruices Caracas, Tel: 237-8883 Fax: 237-7350 Sony Music Entertainment (Venezuela) C.A. Apartado 70169 Caracas, 1071-A Tel: 239 2996 Universal Music Venezuela Edificio Coinasa, Av. San Felipe 5s Piso, Caracas, 1060 Tel: 201 9111 Fax: 201 9031 For More Music Business Related Resources Visit TheIndustryYellowPages.com 121
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