Kino Bay Knews - Club Deportivo
Kino Bay Knews - Club Deportivo
Kino Bay Knews Club Deportivo Published by Club Deportivo; RESCUE ONE: • Provides continuous tracking of boat trips in the Sea of Cortez and land vehicle trips in the nearby Sonoran Desert. • Initiates searches and/or rescues when needed. • Maintains a coordination center for any emergency: death, illness, accidents, police assistance, etc. • Serves as a focal point for radio or telephone communication throughout the community. RESCUE ONE uses Channel 24 VHF Board of Directors OFFICERS Ron Wikel, President Erwin Perry, 1st Vice President Joe Machock, 2nd Vice President Barry Bennington, Secretary Mary Jennings, Treasurer BOARD MEMBERS Pat Akins, Construction & Maintenance Anne DeFrance, Library & Communications Rick Harris, Bar Manager Bill Stern, Outdoor Activities Gayle Lenihan, Meals Jan Vala, Indoor Activities January 2013 Apdo 84,83348, Bahia de Kino, Sonora, Mexico The Prez Sez ... by Ron Wikel The Nominating Committee has selected the following candidates for Board of Directors Along with New Year’s vacancies to be elected at the festivities, yet unpaid membership dues seem to always be an issue of February 9, 2013 annual meeting. concern this time of the year. It has For First Vice President, a two year term, Mark Tracy; for Second recently come to my attention that Vice President, a one year term to 86 members have yet to pay their 2012 dues. This is a loss of $6450 in fill the unexpired term of Joe Machock, former manager David much needed income to the club. Aguilera; for Treasurer, a two year We are aware of a few members term, Joan Fairweather; for Bar who are no longer returning to Kino, but I believe most just forgot Director, a two year term Joe Machock; for Director of to pay. Also there is always the possibility of mistakes, although, I Maintenance and Construction, a have been assured the membership two year term Pat Akins. As of this roles are accurate. So, if you receive writing there is no candidate, for an email, note in your mail box or a the two year term, for Kitchen Director. We need someone to step question from Jim Burbidge, up and fill this position. Contact Membership Committee Chairman, it’s nothing personal, he Nominating Committee members Ray Kolosseus, Perry Wilkes or is just doing his job. Don Webb for details. The following slate of officers directors will be submitted by Annual Meeting and the nominating committe to be Saturday approved by the present board. February 9, 201 3 @ 9:00 am Club Deportivo 1st VP Mark Tracy To vote you must have paid your 2nd VP David Aguilera 2013 dues. If you are unable to Treasurer Joan Fairweather attend, you may vote by proxy, Directors: Joe Machock included in this newslettter. Pat Akins We are still looking for a Kitchen Director. Filiberto Vargas, Acting Club Manager Office hours: Monday - Saturday 8-1 2, 1 -5 Community Outreach approved. Tickets sold out three days before the date, and there were lots of folks who came in after dinner just for the auction. You should know that the bar had outstanding sales, too, so it was a goodnight for everyone. Thanks to everyone who made it happen — from event chair Francine Bailey and her committee, to Don Basile and his great kitchen crew, to everyone who donated for the auction and raffle, to members of the benefitting groups who did everything from marking the parking lot in the afternoon to scrubbing the floor late at night and setting up tables for the Sunday morning breakfast — you are too many to be named here, but you are all very much appreciated! If you are interested in knowing exactly how the funds were distributed among the groups, drop by the office and ask. Bud & Jennell Stephenson, Dave & Kathie English, Jean & Sally LaCroux, Pat & Bev Aikens, Bob & Dorothy Hutton, Dale & Mary Jennings, Fred & Rogene Mahaffey, Mike & Gayle Lenihan, by Gayle Lenihan, Director of Meals Ron & Carol Wikel, Tom & Norma Veazey, Hello Stu & Glenda Orsborn. A special THANK YOU to Sheila Kristijan & Sharon Chapman & THANKS to the ORGANIZERS of Linda Dawson for filling in for me the December meals – Sheila & Tavi while I’ve been gone!! And THANK Kristjan, Maggie & Harold Becker, YOU to ALL of you who supported Ralph & Bernie Coppock, and the Club meals in December. Our Sharon Chapman & Sheila Kristijan meal attendance count is down but for taking over my & Mike’s pork there was a lot going on. I look for dinner. more participation in the new year as THANKS to the kitchen crews, things settle into our Kino bartenders, shoppers, setup and routine……… clean-up folks – all too numerous to THANKS to the SPONSORS of the name but without whom we couldn’t December meals: have a successful meals program. Erwin & Darolyn Perry, Meal Schedule for January 2013: 1/ 6 Creamed Beef on Toast (SOS) AA/1 2 Step Meetings Breakfast AA/12 Step Meetings are being held 1/12 Boeuf en Daube Dinner regularly. These are open meetings 1/20 Lithuanian Breakfast and we welcome any addictions and new comers. For more information please call Anne S at 242-0382. 1/26 BBQ Pork Rib Dinner Watch for the information on our quilt raffle in KBNews & also in this edition of the Club Newsletter. Thank you Rogene for donating the quilt & to Cathie for making the raffle happen! See you at the club…….Gayle by Joe Machock 2n V.P. Whether you are in Kino or away enjoying family and friends, we hope you had good holidays (like we are), and we look forward seeing you back for more fun as we start the new year. I'm happy to report that the December fund raising dinner, auction, and raffle event was a huge success — much more so than we ever expected for this first-time effort. Proceeds, after expenses, totaled almost $9,000.00 — that's dollars! And every penny/peso of it goes to the 15 Kino service programs and schools that had applied and were In the Kitchen Plans are already in full swing for the Wine & Art Gala in February and a Home Tour in March. Watch for details. A note about the 501c3 Charitable Foundation. In the last issue we suggested that you channel your charitable contributions for causes of your choosing through the foundation. We are now asking that you wait until the foundation officers establish the guidelines for this particular way of using it. In the meantime, if you want to make a tax deductible donation to the Club, contact Treasurer Mary Jennings or foundation officer John Hazen about how to do it. From the Membership Committee: Our 2013 goal is to make sure all newcomers to Kino get to know about Club Deportivo. To achieve this goal, we have designated members at each RV Park to provide Club brochures to newcomers, setting forth the benefits of membership. If you see a new face, invite them to a Happy Hour. We encourage all Members to wear their name tag. There is a drawing every Friday night for a free drink for all those wearing their name tags. There is a signup sheet at the Club near the computer, if you need a name tag. Remember to stay current with your Club Dues to enjoy the many social activates our Club has to offer. Happy New Year from James and Bruna Outdoor Activities By Bill Stern, Director of Outdoor Activities I hope you all had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. The first outdoor activity of the year will be a Goat Head Golf Tournament on the 10th of January. This tourney will be organized by John Carlen and Johnny Evans. It’s great to have new people get involved in organizing and running events. Thanks guys! Next on the agenda is the Bocce Tournament under the very capable supervision of Melva (Sapphire) Shaw. Sign up will be at social hours on th 28th Dec. and the 4th of Jan. We will hold the number of teams to 32. Sign ups are on a first come first served bases and the entry fee should be paid at the time of sign up. Start date is Jan. 15th running through Jan. 25th. Awards will be presented at social hour on the 25th. The Putt Putt Tournament will be in Feb. so all you Putt Putters have a little over a month to sharpen your games. That’s it for now--Hope to see you at the upcoming events. Respectfully, Bill From the Bar by Rick Harris, Bar Director The bar has been busier than usual this month. We had four Social Hours, four dinners, two golf events and New Year's Eve Party. The Charity Dinner was a tremendously successful event. From the bar's point of view it was specuacular event, with almost everyone having a drink or two. As an annual projection for sales I believe we will have a record breaking year. Hopefully the profit will be there also. The profit from the bar supports salaries, utilities and building maintenance, therefore is very important. We continue to train and provide opportunity to those who wish to provide service to our fellow Club Members. If you are interested in tending bar for the Club Deportivo please feel free to contact me directly via e-mail ([email protected]) or telephone 2421457. Kino Ladies Klub From the KLK President Our school Christmas gift giving was a great success. A BIG THANKS to the wrappers, donators, deliverers, elves, and Santas. A SPECIAL THANKS to Marla Anderson and Francine Bailey for organizing the entire event. We still have a need for toothpaste, crayons, and stuffed animals. Thanks to Bob Steele we have a bodega to store items over the year. So if you are coming to Kino in January or later, we can accept these items to use next Christmas. Have wonderful New Year. Carol Wikel, President Kino Ladies Klub. From the Scholarship Committee IT IS NOT TOO LATE! KLK Scholarship Committee is still accepting donations for the Spring Semester! It costs $150.00 US to support one student for one semester. We accept donations in any amount in either US cash or check or pesos. The 26 students currently on scholarships have been doing an outstanding job this semester in both their grades and peer tutoring time at the elementary schools! We hope to be able to continue to support all of them for another semester! The following committee members will be happy to accept any donation you might have. Please feel free to contact Judy Hazen, Georgia Hattenburg, Hilde Harrison, or Sparkie MacVeigh, committee members currently in Kino or you can email me ([email protected]) and I will have someone get in touch with you! Diane Ackerman, Scholarship Committee, Chair An education is something that keeps on giving! Respectfully, Diane Ackerman, Chair HISTORY OF THE STRIP QUILT to be raffled The quilt top was made by Mae Condit of Eckert, Co. Mae is 86, blind in one eye and has macular in the other, but she sews every day. The ladies of the LDS church put the quilt together and all the material with the exception of the batting is recycled. The quilts are never sold, they are given to the poor or for fund raisers This quilt is called a strip quilt. This was the type of quilt that was popular back in the 1800s and early 1900s. Old clothes and household items were used to make the top. The thin material from sheets, shirts, dresses, etc was cut into 9-12 inches squares; and then the good material from the same articles was cut into strips and sewed onto the squares making a good warm quilt. The quilt will be on display at the Club. Tickets will go on sale mid to end of January with the raffle winner selected at the Meatloaf Dinner on Feb 9. THANK YOU to Rogene Mahaffey for donating the quilt & to Cathie Klopfenstein for heading up the raffle! Indoor Activities By Jan Vala, Director of Indoor Activities Anne Stern and her crew did a wonderful job of decorating for Christmas, and arranging for our Christmas caroling, led by melodious Gerry Hauer. She also managed to “un-decorate” and “redecorate” for New Year’s Eve. As I write, it is still a week away, but I Wine Gala & Art Show Because of the holidays the deadline for turning in applications for the art show to be held along with the wine gala in February has been extended to January 24th. So there is still time if you would like to display & sell your original art work or if you are a jeweler of fine jewelry. The cost to enter is 350 pesos, this includes your wine glass for tasting & to the days events that will be going on. Contact Gloria Brandt, 242-0427 to get your application know it will be a festive and fun evening to end the year, with champagne and live music! Anne Stern (who??) and Margaret Roebuck will be coordinating indoor activities for January. Western Night will ride in on January 18th, so polish your boots and spurs, dust off your ten gallon, and you honky-tonk ladies gussy up for the cowpokes. Side-arms must be checked at the door. Prizes for best male and best female costumes will be awarded. I am so very grateful to Anne Stern and her crew: Margie Roebuck, Lynne Wilkinson, Lynne Curtis, Sharon Chapman, and all of the other guys and gals who have helped with decorating, announcements and other indoor activities this year. You guys are awesome. We will also be having two “team trivia” contests in January, dates and details to be announced. Jan Vala, Indoor Activities Chairman Fishing by Matt Curtis Note: Missing dates normally mean that the wind contributed to boats not going out to fish. I have a NEW email if you can send me any fishing news or pictures: [email protected]. Please send me updates in January because I have been held up here in Prescott! Reporting Period: November 25 through December 23, 2012: 11/25 Calm seas and clear skies met early arrivals at Isla Turner, with yellowtail and some bonito being caught over the south reef and at Dead Man, despite a heavy current that began to build. PATO, BOMBERO, CAN I GO TOO?, SEA BASS, RED ROVER, WET WILLY, MAYFLOWER, NIGHTWINGS, PERRYDIZE, and OVERCAST were all in that area harvesting the YT and bonito. RED ROVER and WET WILLY went on to Esteban and then back to Dead Man to finish the day with limits. SAND DOLLAR got limits of bottom fish at the Pyramids. Most of our yellowtail came on smaller jigs like the Tady #9 in scrambled egg and blue and white. There have been some really nice spotted bay bass (AKA "sandies" or "rockies") and gold spotted bass (goldies) caught this Fall. Most fishermen were doing well on yellowtail and bonito trolling, but some die-hards did better jigging than trolling. Ouch! Some quit trolling around Turner to dig up some nice bottom fish, so it was a great day seawise and catching-wise. 11/26 Another nice day! TZIGINE, DAKOTA, BOMBERO, OVERCAST, PERRYDIZE, FISH FINDER (at least until engine trouble sent him home early) were all at Turner again, trolling up more yellowtail limits and bonito. The big news were BOMBERO AND OVERCAST's white sea bass from 20s to 50 pounds while drifting and jigging under the light house on the south end ofTurner. KINO DIVERS went for two dives at Esteban in 68 degree water, with 40 feet visibility. They saw lots of sea life and had plenty of company from the sea lions. 11/27 CAN I GO TOO? caught bonito and a limit of yellowtail at Turner and Deadman on the troll. RED ROVER and NORTHERNER went to San Pedro Matir for sardinero and jumbo yellowtail. SAND DOLLAR trolled the south end ofTurner and the Pyramids for a few yellowtail and bonito, then on to Cactus for one small YT before getting a few more YT, bonito, and bottom fish while jigging at Dead Man. 12/2 NIGHTWINGS spent the day at Christmas Tree casting from shore for a half dozen halibut to 7.5 pounds. First of the year for us. 12/3 TZIGINE, DAKOTA and SAND DOLLAR all fished Turner for nice bottom fish and one pinto bass. PERRYDIZE went to Esteban catching a couple of small yellowtail at the lighthouse before moving to the NW corner, out away from the island. They reported huge numbers ofYT on the surface which would not hit casting jigs, but would take trolled lures. They ended up with six really nice ones. 12/5 The CAN I GO TOO? crew went to Christmas Tree for a nice catch of halibut caught casting from shore. 12/6 DAKOTA and SAND DOLLAR fished San Esteban for yellowtail and bonito. DAKOTA also reported catching nice bottom fish and sheephead off the west side in deep water, despite a pretty fast drift.NIGHTWINGS shore fished Christmas Tree for another half dozen halibut to 6.5 pounds. 12/7 GATOR BAIT got limits of nice "goldies" near Turner and SAND DOLLAR fished Esteban for yellowtail at the lighthouse and NW corner. they reported losing some really big ones. CAN I GO TOO? shore fished Christmas Tree for halibut. Most halibut have been caught on Kastmaster type or Krocodile" spoons this year. 12/8 DAKOTA went to Esteban for more yellowtail and did the same as before on bottom fish. NIGHTWINGS crew fished the shore at Christmas tree for one sierra after 4 hours of casting. Other attempts to catch halibut at the shrimp farm and Red Rock have failed to produce a single fish. 12/12 FISH FINDER was at 14 Mile for a decent catch of bottom fish including nice fat spotted bass. RED ROVER, WET WILLY, and ROSIE all went to Willard Point for a "bumper crop" of yellowtail and some bonito, depending on where they fished. RED ROVER stopped at Barrel Point for some nice "brownies" (sardinero) trolling. The lure of choice seemed to be the X-Rap 30 bonito that day. 12/16 DAKOTA went to Turner for three yellowtail. 12/17 DAKOTA got limits of yellowtail at Turner. 12/19 SAND DOLLAR had good catches of yellowtail at Turner. Sorry I haven't had time to add much extra but we are very busy with duties back home and having trouble coming up with new ideas. I am working on an article on the shrimping industry and its effects. I am also interested in doing a survey on trolling speeds because I have heard a lot of very differing opinions the last couple of years. Finally, a word of caution might be in order after a couple of "human" gaffings (supposedly, by accident). Watch those yellowtail, they tend to get quite excited going into the fish box and might seek revenge. Fishing Licenses To be legal to fish from a boat in Mexico, you must have a fishing license. You can buy your license at the club. P ROXY Every active member (active member is defined as having paid dues for the current year 2013) has ONE vote. Be sure your spouse, if he/she is an active member, votes also. To the Secretary of Club Deportivo, Kino Bay This is to advise you that I/We, as active members of Club Deportivo do herby designate and authorize ______________________________________________or_____________________________________________ to vote for and on my/our behalf on any matter and position that may come before General Assembly of the Club Deportivo at its meeting to be held on February 14, 2012. I/We understand that this proxy must be submitted to the Club office for verfication not later than thirty (30) minutes prior to the opening of that meeting. __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Date__________ Your name printed your signature __________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Date__________ Your spouse's name printed your spouse's signature CLUB DEPORTIVO RENEW MEMBERSHIP FORM Your membership runs from January 2012 until January 2013. The new year is the time to renew your membership. DUES One Member.................$79.00 Member and spouse...........$158.00 NAMES ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Name (Last, First) ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Name (Last, First) US/CANADA/OTHER MAIL ADDRESS: KINO BAY ADDRESS ________________________________________ Street/P.O. Box/etc. _______________________________________ ________________________________________ City, State Zip Kino Bay Phone____________________________ VHF Radio Call Sign His_________________________________ Hers________________________________ Email____________________________________________________________________ Reinstatement Fee (if you didn't pay 2012 dues)...............................................$10.00 Total Payment Enclosed. ....................................................................................................$___________________ January 201 3 Western Night Legend 8:15 Walking Aerobics 8:30 Line Dancing 8:30 Bizarre Bazaar CH 12 9:15 Weights & Stretch 9:15 Ladies Putt Putt 10:30 Interdenominational Church service Ladies Bocce 5:00 Social Hour 5:00 Bar Opens 10:00 Readers Group Club Deportivo P.O. Box 1 065 Green Valley, AZ 85622
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