Leading through innovation and partnership, Lutheran Social
Leading through innovation and partnership, Lutheran Social
2011 Annual Report Leading through innovation and partnership, Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota strengthens lives and communities by putting Faith in Action Board, staff and donors propel agency forward Dear Friends, It has been an exciting year at Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota. Everything starts with a strong board of directors and is implemented by a hard-working and dedicated staff with the invaluable assistance of our volunteers, donors and funders. These ingredients assure our success. Lutheran Social Services continues to move forward with our Abound in Hope capital campaign to build a new Fargo Program Center and renovate Luther Hall, our residential psychiatric treatment facility for youth. Like any campaign, it has its challenges in this economy, but we are working hard to achieve our goals. North Dakota saw more than its share of disasters this year, with the Minot area flood being the most tragic of these. Through our Lutheran Disaster Response program, Lutheran Social Services has played a prominent role in cleanup and rebuild in all of the disaster areas and has been onsite in Minot and Ward County since the flood hit. We will remain there for the next few years, doing everything we can to help that region recover. We are also committed to continuing to help other areas in the state that are faced with difficulties. Lutheran Social Services Housing continued to grow rapidly this past year, with an additional three projects bringing us to a total of six rental communities established with tenants living there as of June 30, 2011. We are indeed honored to be able to bring economical housing to rural North Dakota to help enable people to remain living in their home communities. Lutheran Social Services’ executive staff and program directors have been dedicating considerable time and effort this year to implementing and refining our Vision 2019 strategic planning process. This is an exciting venture that is enabling us to focus the future of Lutheran Social Services and we are proud of our efforts in this regard. Finally, and most importantly, there is the contribution that all of you make to the successful mission of Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota. Your sharing of your time, talents and resources, combined with your belief in what we do, is so important to all of us who work here and deliver the services that meet the needs of the people we serve. It is impossible to find the words to thank you, but please know that we deeply appreciate all you do for us. God bless, Robert L. (Bob) Sanderson, CEO Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota This 2011 Annual Report covers the Fiscal Year from July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011. 2 www.lssnd.org Adoption Option Healthy Families Adoption Option is a statewide This home visitation program is program offered jointly by provided free to at-risk parents Lutheran Social Services of beginning prior to or at the time North Dakota and The Village of their infant’s birth. Through Family Service Center. Staff this evidence-based, primary provides pregnancy counseling, prevention program, Lutheran facilitates adoptions and assists Social Services offers in-home birth children and birth parents support, education and in searches to establish agreedcommunity referrals to help upon contact with one another. overburdened parents create The staff also trains medical a healthy and nurturing home professionals and social workers for their new baby. statewide 49 families on adoption “Healthy Families is a helper in Burleigh issues and and a support person and I and Morton works with Counties appreciate it so much.” prospective (Bismarck– adoptive —Healthy Families client Mandan area) and 62 families parents. This year 32 children were adopted and placed in loving homes. 100 women received pregnancy counseling. 12 searches were completed for adopted adults, birth siblings or birth parents. 1,621 people attended community education and outreach presentations at 289 sites. 2011 Annual Report (7/1/10–6/30/11) in Grand Forks and Nelson Counties received in-home services from Lutheran Social Services’ Healthy Families program this year. 98% of the children in the program are up-to-date on well-baby checks and immunizations. Even though 81% of participants are single parents, 62% of the fathers are involved in the program. Child Care Resource & Referral Lutheran Social Services helps connect families to child care and also trains and supports the 647 licensed child care providers in western North Dakota through its Child Care Resource and Referral program (CCR&R). This year Lutheran Social Services increased the number of child care providers in western North Dakota by helping 69 in-home child care providers and 9 child care centers start new child care businesses, helping 2,898 families find licensed child care in western North Dakota and training 1,458 individuals, with 973 providers attending 35 training events and 1,190 providers completing 22,996 online courses. Faith in Action 3 Family Based Services New American Services Intensive in-home counseling is provided to families with one or more children at risk of being placed outside the home through Lutheran Social Services’ Family Based Services program. Lutheran Social Services helps legally-admitted refugees begin a new life and become self-sufficient in North Dakota. The agency’s New American Services program resettles refugees in the Fargo, Grand Forks and Bismarck communities, also providing employment and legal immigration services. 346 family members in 118 families received ongoing counseling services. 74% of the youth served were retained in the family home 90 days after completing services. DIVERT Through this early intervention program for at-risk youth and their families, Lutheran Social Services helps the youth identify difficulties, sets goals for improvement and helps obtain needed resources. 106 families were served by the DIVERT program. Referrals came from Juvenile Court, schools, County Social Services and from family self-referral. 75% of the youth who completed DIVERT were not involved in the juvenile justice system for at least 90 days after going through the program. 4 Resettled 402 refugees who fled their country because of persecution. 205 employable adults went to work after resettlement. 566 new Americans completed applications for citizenship, green cards and other immigration needs. Provided 11,454 days of care to refugee children and youth who arrived without a parent or guardian. Luther Hall Lutheran Social Services serves youth between the ages of 10 and 18 from across the state who have been diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder and need 24-hour care and treatment at Luther Hall in Fargo. Qualified mental health professionals provide residents with an individualized plan to meet their specific needs at this residential psychiatric treatment facility. Assessment, education, therapy and psychological or psychiatric services are provided on site. Last year 37 youth along with their families were served by Lutheran Social Services at Luther Hall. The average age of residents was 15 years and the average length of stay was seven months. At discharge, 93% of the youth, their families and case workers reported that the youth made positive changes during their treatment at Luther Hall. Faith in Action www.lssnd.org Restorative Justice Lutheran Social Services provides trained facilitators to bring together persons who have committed a crime with their victims in a safe, neutral Accountability Conference setting. Other Restorative Justice services aimed at resolving differences and reducing recidivism include Victim Empathy Seminars and Community Circles. 515 youth offenders, 46 adult offenders and 239 victims were served. 144 students participated in restorative programming through services offered at Bismarck Public Schools. “You get to actually tell the person who committed the crime how you feel, and you get to know that they really feel bad for what they’ve done and that they won’t do it again.” —Restorative Justice client (victim) Youth Court Lutheran Social Services’ Youth Court is an alternative to formal court proceedings for youth in Cass County charged with an offense or showing concerning behavior. Teen volunteers serve as jurors and courtroom personnel to decide the disposition of cases, which usually involves actions the youth must take to repair the harm done. 54 youth and their families were served. 91 volunteers gave 977 hours of time as a youth juror, courtroom personnel, program intern or adult assistant. 2011 Annual Report (7/1/10–6/30/11) Day Report, BOSS & Adult Reintegration Services After-school supervision, structure and educational assistance are provided to teens ages 14–17 who have a history of delinquent offenses by Lutheran Social Services’ Day Report program. In addition, Lutheran Social Services offers the Beyond Out of School Suspension (BOSS) program to assist suspended or expelled youth awaiting school placement. Adult Reintegration Services in Bismarck provides vocational services for adult offenders returning to the community. 28 youth in Day Report completed 270 hours of community service and received 3,427 hours of supervision and structure. Tracking Troubled youth at risk of being placed outside their home are paired with an adult mentor who helps develop positive behavior in Lutheran Social Services’ Tracking program. 308 youth were mentored, with 95% of referral sources indicating that Tracking was effective. Attendant Care Attendant Care is a short-term alternative to jail or a detention center provided by Lutheran Social Services for juveniles needing supervision while awaiting court intervention or parental pick-up. 388 youth received 7,478 hours of supervision. 5 Freedom from Violence Lutheran Social Services helps batterers change their behavior toward their partners through the Freedom from Violence program in the Bismarck– Mandan area, helping to reduce domestic violence in the community. Anger Management counseling is also offered for persons with problems handling anger in non-intimate partner relationships. The Freedom from Violence program changed my life because it caused me to admit I had a problem with anger that I couldn’t control. —Freedom from Violence client Lutheran Social Services conducted two Domestic Violence Groups handling an average of 14 people each week as well as two Anger Management Groups during the past year. 6 Gamblers Choice Education, counseling and treatment is provided by Lutheran Social Services’ Gamblers Choice program to help problem gamblers and their families resolve the emotional, relationship and financial problems that result from a gambling addiction. Senior Companions Lutheran Social Services provides Senior Companions volunteers age 55+ who offer free in-home services to older adults who need help to continue living independently in their homes. “I really want to stay in my 120 problem gamblers and more than 44 family house, and my Senior Companion members received help. is making that possible for me, More than 40 gamblers which I really appreciate.” successfully completed the treatment program. 512 –Senior Companions client people participated in a total of 31 educational 774 seniors across North Dakota presentations by Gamblers Choice were served in their homes by counselors. 33 alumni members 113 Senior Companions returned to share their inspiring volunteers giving 82,000 hours stories of hope of assistance. and healing with The volunteers new treatment also provided group members. 51 caregivers a Faith in Action break with in-home respite services. www.lssnd.org Great Plains Food Bank Lutheran Disaster Response Lutheran Social Services recovers surplus food from the food industry and distributes it to food pantries, other charitable feeding programs and hungry people across North Dakota and western Minnesota through the Great Plains Food Bank. The BackPack Program helps feed hungry children on the weekend when free school meals are not available. Lutheran Social Services assists disaster victims before and after a disaster through Lutheran Disaster Response. Services include preparedness training, case management and consultation services as well as recruitment and coordination of volunteers for cleanup and rebuilding efforts. Through the Great Plains Food Bank, Lutheran Social Services served 71,468 people by distributing more than 8.3 million pounds of food valued at $13.8 million to 273 feeding programs in 99 communities; launched a rural delivery program to bring food directly to more than 150 additional sites; expanded the Mobile Food Pantry and SNAP Outreach Programs; distributed more than $500,000 worth of new children’s clothing and gear through the KIDS Program; and grew the volunteer force to 3,890 dedicated individuals. Daily Bread Surplus perishable food from restaurants, hotels, schools, hospitals and grocery stores is recovered and distributed to feed the hungry through the Daily Bread program of Lutheran Social Services that is administered by the Great Plains Food Bank. The program recovered 1.96 million pounds of surplus, perishable food that provided 1.51 million meals for hungry and homeless people last year. 2011 Annual Report (7/1/10–6/30/11) During the 12 months ending June 30, 2011, Lutheran Social Services staff and volunteers made 861 calls to people in 41 counties and 1 reservation who reported flooding and requested help with cleanup. The agency also coordinated 66 volunteers who provided 1,498 hours of cleanup service in Williston and rural areas due to spring flooding and high water tables. Photo by Cynthia Hunter/FEMA “The volunteers were awesome, amazing people, so helpful and friendly. I am really appreciative of the help I received through Lutheran Disaster Response.” —Kelli, Williston If you need help with flood damage repairs and rebuilding or other unmet disaster needs, visit www.lssnd.org for information. To volunteer to help with flood recovery efforts anywhere in North Dakota, go to www.lssnd.org. 7 complete, providing long-term management to maintain properties in excellent condition. Upcoming projects are in Beach and Belfield. Renovation of older rental units—Properties built decades ago need major exterior rehabilitation, such as roof and siding replacement, as well as interior improvements so that kitchens, accessibility features, finishes and flooring are up to date. Communities rely on Lutheran Social Services Housing to coordinate funding and construction of these renovation projects so that families and seniors living in these properties can remain in their homes comfortably and not have to relocate to larger cities. Upcoming projects are in Mayville, Bowbells and Grafton. Housing Lutheran Social Services Housing creates affordable rental housing for those who embrace life in North Dakota’s rural communities. Projects leverage the strengths of congregations, town leadership and the housing industry to support the vitality of smaller communities. During 2011, projects were completed and residents moved in to new rental homes in Parshall, Maddock, Stanley and Northwood. Legacy Living units for the 55+ generation— Lutheran Social Services believes that the wealth of in-home services available to older adults who live in larger cities should also be available to North Dakotans who want to retire in their home town. In future years, Legacy Living apartment complexes for older households will be created in smaller North Dakota cities. Upcoming projects involving the renovation of landmark buildings are planned in Jamestown, Williston and Wahpeton. Lutheran Social Services Housing provides rural housing in three ways: New construction—Communities under pressure to build new housing due to booming populations—such as those in North Dakota’s Oil Patch—turn to Lutheran Social Services to lead design and construction of new apartment complexes for working families. LSS Property Management Group takes over when construction is Open (# of Units) Lakota (8) Maddock (8) Northwood (12) Parshall (20) Stanley (17) Watford City (24) In Progress Jamestown (50) Tioga (26) Under Development Beach (10–12) Belfield (10–12) Mayville (24) Wahpeton (40–60) Williston (42–45) Completed Ray Under Management Bowbells (12) Grafton (80) 8 Bowbells Divide Burke Renville Bottineau Tioga Stanley Williams Williston Ray Mountrail Watford City Parshall McKenzie McLean Dunn Billings Beach Golden Valley Slope Bowman McHenry Ward Mercer Oliver Belfield Morton Stark Hettinger Adams Grant Sioux “Until private developers see a reduced risk, it’s a good thing agencies like Lutheran Social Services have been willing Pembia Cavalier Rolette to put a roof Towner Walsh Pierce Grafton over workers Ramsey Benson Lakota Grand and their Maddock Forks Nelson Northwood families.” Eddy Sheridan Wells Traill —Bismarck Stutsman Tribune Jamestown Burleigh Kidder Cass Barnes editorial Sept. 28, Logan La Moure Ransom Richland Emmons 2010 Wahpeton Foster McIntosh Griggs Steele Dickey Mayville Sargent Lutheran Social Services Housing www.lssnd.org Financial Summary for the year ended June 30, 2011 Public Support & Revenue Contributions.............................................. $ 2,409,224 Memorials and bequests....................................... 9,780 United Way........................................................ 271,676 Church support.................................................. 372,230 Government fees and grants.......................... 8,623,937 Client and program income............................ 1,805,189 Investment income............................................ 130,858 Unrealized gain (loss) on investments.............. 397,096 Rent income...................................................... 266,924 Gain on sale of property............................................... 0 Miscellaneous income....................................... 192,044 Development Income........................................ 282,600 Management Income........................................... 16,381 Total Public Support & Revenue................. $14,777,939 Expenses Social program services Family.................................................... $ 5,358,557 Youth.......................................................... 2,867,024 Communities.............................................. 2,891,576 Administrative services................................... 1,004,158 Fundraising........................................................ 511,569 Lutheran Social Services Housing.................... 698,937 Total Expenses......................................... $13,331,821 Change in Net Assets............................... $ 2,725,979 Net Assets, Beginning of Year.................... 9,784,351 Net Assets, End of Year......................... $ 12,510,330 Composition of Change in Net Assets: Operating Surplus (undesignated)............ $ 1,368,185 Board designated surplus.................................*197,459 Temporarily restricted funds surplus..............*1,160,335 $0 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 Income: Millions of Dollars Fundraising 4% $7 $8 $9 Housing 5% Administration 8% Family Programs 40% Community Programs 21% Youth Programs 22% Expenses Change in Net Assets............................... $ 2,725,979 * This page represents a consolidated summary that includes Lutheran Social Services Housing. Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota is the sole member of Lutheran Social Services Housing, Inc. 2011 Annual Report (7/1/10–6/30/11) 9 Lutheran Social Services reaches out to serve the needs of North Dakota Minot Bismarck 1905 2nd Street S.E. Suite 1B Minot, ND 58701 (701) 838-7800 1616 Capitol Way Bismarck, ND 58501 (701) 223-1510 Williston Learn more about Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota by visiting P.O. Box 163 1821 9th Ave. W. Williston, ND 58802-0163 (701) 774-0749 www.lssnd.org Grand Forks 412 Demers Avenue Grand Forks, ND 58201 (701) 772-7577 Fargo 1325 11th Street S. Fargo, ND 58103 (701) 235-7341 Our Mission: Guided by God’s love and grace, Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota brings healing, help and hope. 10 www.lssnd.org Youth Court Tracking Senior Companions Restorative Justice New American Services Luther Hall Lutheran Disaster Response Housing Healthy Families Great Plains Food Bank Gamblers Choice Freedom from Violence Family Based Services DIVERT Day Report Daily Bread Child Care Resource & Referral Attendant Care Adoption Option Statewide program availability by county Adams Barnes Benson Billings Bottineau Bowman Burke Burleigh Cass Cavalier Dickey Divide Dunn Eddy Emmons Foster Golden Valley Grand Forks Grant Griggs Hettinger Kidder LaMoure Logan McHenry McIntosh McKenzie McLean Mercer Morton Mountrail Nelson Oliver Pembina Pierce Ramsey Ransom Renville Richland Rolette Sargent Sheridan Sioux Slope Stark Steele Stutsman Towner Traill Walsh Ward Wells Williams Clay—Minn. East Grand Forks—Minn. 2011 Annual Report (7/1/10–6/30/11) 11 Donors Bequests Estate of Ruth B. Taylor Matching Gift Partners The Lutheran Children’s Home Finding Society, which later became Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota, was formed in 1919. The 1919 Society commemorates the agency’s heritage and recognizes donors who are able to make annual charitable gifts of $1,000 or greater in support of current needs. American Express Charitable Fund • Bank of America Matching Gifts Bank of the West • BNSF Foundation • Dakota Medical Foundation/Charities Gate City Bank • ING Foundation • Johnson & Johnson Matching Gifts Program Microsoft Matching Gifts Program • Midland National Life Insurance Company Pepsico Foundation Matching Gifts Program • US Bancorp Visionary—$5,000 plus Individuals Anonymous (2) Marian B. Bergan Ron & Mary Alice Bergan Elsie M. Gilbertson Duane & Karen Haugerud Barbara Jo Holwegner Anna Marie Johnson James D. Kertz Betty Lou Kuklish Geraldine Lippert Victor & Arlene Lybeck Adelaide B. MacMillan James & Helen Melland* Carl H. Oksol Martin Rolfsnes Robert L. Sanderson Doris A. Slaaten June & Malcolm Tweten Dorine Zahnow Churches/Church Groups Eastern ND Synod of ELCA, Fargo ELCA—National Office, Chicago, IL Hope Lutheran Church, Fargo Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd, Moorhead, MN Trinity Lutheran Church, Carrington United Way Partners United Way of Bismarck—$54,198 • United Way of Cass-Clay—$145,051 United Way of Dickinson—$3,250 United Way of Grand Forks, East Grand Forks & Area—$44,576 United Way of Jamestown—$3,920 • United Way of Minot—$6,396 United Way of Richland-Wilkin—$4,000 • United Way of Valley City—$500 United Way of Williston—$9,873 Trinity Lutheran Church, Jamestown Foundations Anonymous Alex Stern Family Foundation, Fargo Ecolab Foundation, Grand Forks Fargo–Moorhead Area Foundation, Fargo Impact Foundation, Fargo David & Janet McNair Family Fund, East Gull Lake, MN MDU Resources Foundation, Bismarck Nash Finch Company Foundation, Minneapolis, MN Otto Bremer Foundation, St. Paul, MN Walmart Foundation, Bentonville, AR Businesses CHS, Inc., St. Paul, MN K & T Irrigation, Inc., West Fargo Maring Williams Law Office, P.C., Bismarck State Bank & Trust, Fargo Super Valu, Inc., Minneapolis, MN Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Minneapolis, MN Toyota Dealer Match Program, Princeton, NJ West Acres Development, LLP, Fargo Organizations/Other City of Fargo, Fargo City of Minot, Minot Community Action/ Southeast Region, Fargo Fargo Rotary Club, Fargo Feeding America, Chicago, IL Second Harvest Heartland Partner Relations, Maplewood, MN Thrivent—Clay County Chapter, Moorhead, MN Founder—$2,500–$4,999 Individuals Anonymous (2) Nola J. Brown Kay M. Finneseth Dale & Glenice Hansen John & Christal Hutchison Janice E. Jelliff Herbert & Mary Johnson Gary & Judy Kubalak Alyce Larkin Craig & Michelle Larson Richard & Gayle Larson Wilma J. Pierson Loretta Quanbeck Gerald O. Sanderson Nathan & Emily Spickler Deborah & Donald Wahus 12 Churches/ Church Groups Atonement Lutheran Church, Jamestown Calvary Lutheran Church, Grand Forks Faith Lutheran Church, West Fargo First Lutheran Church, Mandan First Lutheran Church, Watford City First Lutheran Church, Williston First Lutheran WELCA, Minot Grace Lutheran Church, Oakes House of Prayer Lutheran Church, Bismarck Immanuel Lutheran Church, Grand Forks Knife River Lutheran Church, Stanley Mayville Lutheran Church, Mayville Olivet Lutheran Church, Fargo Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Hillsboro St. John Lutheran Church, Dickinson St. Luke Lutheran Church, Streeter Western ND Synod WELCA, Zahl Zion Lutheran Church, Ashley Zion Lutheran Church, Minot Foundations Walter & Lucille Braun Family Gift Fund, Bismarck Dakota Medical Foundation/ Charities, Fargo Elmer & Kaya Berg Foundation, Fargo Lutheran Community Foundation, Minneapolis, MN Myra Foundation, Grand Forks Businesses American Gold Gymnastics, Inc., Fargo Bank of America, Providence, RI Bayer Crop Science, Durham, NC Cargill Financial Services, Inc., Fargo Kadrmas Lee & Jackson, Bismarck Scheels Home & Hardware, Fargo Swanson Health Products, Fargo Organizations/Other Cass County Social Services, Fargo City of Bismarck, Bismarck Concordia College—Business Office, Moorhead, MN Emmons County Treasurer, Linton Grand Forks County Treasurer, Grand Forks Kiwanis Club of Fargo, Fargo North Country Food Bank, Inc., Crookston, MN Oak Grove Lutheran School, Fargo Richland County Treasurer, Wahpeton Stutsman County Treasurer, Jamestown Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Appleton, WI www.lssnd.org Pacesetter—$1,000–$2,499 Individuals Anonymous (7) Paul & Rose Aaberg Ken & Mary Abrahamson Margaret Ahlness Robert & Doris Alin Wayne Altenbernd Sarah Anderson Wagner Ray & Sandy Anderson Darci Asche Dennis & Paula Aune Roger D. Aus Roger & Janell Bachman Cynthia Baumgardner Arlo & Karen Blumhagen Bruce & Eunice Bohlman Janice B. Braaten Norris & Joyce Braaten Terence R. Brock Janna L. Carey Carl T. Carlson Kent Conrad Jared & Angela Darveaux Thomas Diede Mark & Deborah Dillon Marlys E. Dullum Glen I. Earthman Donald O. Engebretson Russell & Claudette Engle Rick & Janet Ennen Jerry & Carolyn Erickson Sigrid Erickson Lois Erickstad Shaun & Julene Glinz Graham & Madrene Goeson John J. Gross, III Oben Gunderson Jacob Gust & Barbara Olive Robert & Eileen Hahn Richard & Geneal Hall Birgit Hans Clarence H. Hanssen Steve & Joan Hawthorne Brian Hayer Harvey G. Henderson Elaine Hetland Jonathan & Emily Holth Franklin Ingulsrud Adelaide Johnson Leland M. Johnson Lyle & Irene Johnson Richard & Cheryl Jordahl Elliott & Denise Kabanuk Lisa M. Kelly Timothy L. Kingstad Marsha & Robert Klein Rueben & Phyllis Knutson David & Susan Larsen R. Douglas & Sally Larsen* Mark & June Lehr Jason & Nikki Loney Troy & Claudia Lorenz Mike & Susie Martin* John Mayer Thomas & Judy McCormick JoAnne Moeller* Hollis M. Nappen Gordon & Darlene Nelson Bradley Nesheim Edward & Jill Nesheim Dennis & Mary O’Briant Howard L. Oppegard Robert & Karla Osborn Harold & Judy Ovre John & Maureen Palmquist Jack & Kristen Paris Joseph & Sandra Paul* Larry & Eileen Pederson Mary L. Peterson Dorothy A. Refling Janell & Jeffrey Regimbal Gail Reierson Kent & Lois Reierson Howard W. Reinke Kenneth & Marcia Retzer Ted & Victoria Robinette Anita & Dennis Rohde Kevin & Melinda Schirado Lois C. Selberg Wayne Selensky Lloyd & Cheryl Smith Diane D. Spolum Dewey & Crystal Stegmiller* Warren & Anne Stoe Marcella Storseth Henrietta Strandjord John & Sandra Ann Sutter Shelly M. Swanson Stephen A. Timm Scot A. Tygart Robert & Sue Valenta Leon B. Vangerud Robert & Helen Weed Robert & Susan Wefald Mary & William Weiler Valentine Welder, Jr. Florence E. Wiest Cindy & James Wolslegel Howard W. Wrigley Churches/ Church Groups Adams Mountain Lutheran Church, Adams American Lutheran Church, Stanley Bethel Lutheran Church, Wahpeton Bethel Lutheran Church, New Town Bethesda Lutheran Church, Carson/Morristown, SD Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Fargo Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Bowbells Bethlehem Lutheran Church, New Town Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Ross/Stanley Blanchard Lutheran Church, Blanchard Bowman Lutheran Church, Bowman Carpio Lutheran Church, Carpio Christ Lutheran Church, Minot Concordia Lutheran Church, Crosby Eastern ND Synodical Women’s Organization, Binford Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Gackle English Lutheran Church, Hazen Finley Lutheran Church, Finley First Lutheran Church, Fargo First Lutheran Church, Fessenden First Lutheran Church, Bottineau First Lutheran Church, Tioga First Lutheran Church, Washburn First Lutheran WELCA, Fargo First Lutheran WELCA, Williston Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, Williston Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Bismarck Heart River Lutheran Church, Mandan Hettinger Lutheran Church, Hettinger Hickson Lutheran Church, Hickson Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Powers Lake Kvernes Lutheran Church, Carrington Lutheran Church of the Cross, West Fargo Martin’s Lutheran Church, Casselton McVille Lutheran Church, McVille Messiah Lutheran Church, Fargo Milnor Lutheran Church, Milnor Montpelier Lutheran Church, Montpelier Nordland Lutheran Church, Rutland Norman Lutheran Church, Kindred Normanna Lutheran Church, Killdeer Northwood Evangelical Lutheran Church, Northwood Ottawa Lutheran Church, Aneta Our Savior Lutheran Church, Page Our Savior Lutheran WELCA, Stanton Pontoppidan Lutheran Church, Fargo Ray Lutheran Church, Ray St. John’s Lutheran Church, Jamestown St. John’s Lutheran Church, Killdeer St. Luke Lutheran Church, Wishek St. Paul Lutheran Church, Center Town Hall Lecture Series, Fargo Trinity Lutheran Church, Edinburg Trinity Lutheran Church, Valley City Trinity Lutheran Church, Turtle Lake Trinity Lutheran Church, Glenburn United Lutheran Church, Grand Forks University Lutheran WELCA, Grand Forks Viking Lutheran Church, Maddock West Prairie Lutheran Church, Williston Wilmington Lutheran Church, Arnegard Zion Lutheran Church, Harwood Zion Lutheran Church, Mohall Zion Lutheran WELCA, Minot Zion Mission Endowment Fund, Hoople *Indicates that a donor’s gift was matched by a Matching Gift Partner 2011 Annual Report (7/1/10–6/30/11) Foundations Community Foundation of Grand Forks, East Grand Forks & Region, Grand Forks Noel & Judith Fedje Family Foundation, Fargo Businesses Anonymous (2) Automated Maintenance Services, Inc., Fargo Cole Papers, Inc., Fargo Dawson Insurance Agency, Fargo Eide Bailly LLP, Fargo HUGO’S, Grand Forks Industrial Builders, Inc, West Fargo Microsoft Business Solutions, Fargo Nash Finch Company—#038, Fargo Petcetera Animal Clinic, Grand Forks Riverzen, Moorhead, MN Share House, Inc., Fargo Organizations/Other Barnes County Treasurer, Valley City Cass County Bar Association, Fargo Centre, Inc, Fargo Emergency Food Pantry, Fargo Fargo Moorhead Derby Girls LLC, Fargo Food Industry Crusade Against Hunger, Falls Church, VA LaMoure County Treasurer, LaMoure Moorhead Public Schools— ISD #152, Moorhead, MN ND Department of Human Services, Bismarck Pembina County Treasurer, Cavalier Ransom County Treasurer, Lisbon Robert Asp PTAC, Moorhead, MN Thrivent—East Cass County Chapter, Fargo 13 Associate—$500–$999 Individuals Anonymous (10) Linda & David Ahlberg Omar & Rita Amundson Dean R. Anderson Gale L. Anderson Orvella P. Anderson John & Juliana Andrews Royce & Joyce Aslakson Clifford Bakke Christopher C. Baranko Elaine D. Baron Elaine Baumgartner Peggy & Ted Bearce Tekla Bekkedal Kathryn E. Benson Andrew & Becky Benz Ellis & Carol Berg Terry & Donna Bladholm Richard & Carolyn Blaine Karen E. Botine Lantz & Gail Bottleson Margaret S. Boyce Amy & Ryan Brooks Christopher & Sarah Brosz Becky J. Burchill Lloyd I. Burgess Glenn Burkle Cole & Laura Carley Leroy & Patricia Christensen Kari Conrad Jennifer M. Cook David Coulombe & Diane Walker* Clyde & Robyn Craig Dawn & Patrick Cronin Brian & Terrie Dahl John R. Dahl Lynn S. Dahleen Byron & Virginia Danielson Duane & Jeannie Danielson Debra Deutsch Norman & Lyla Diede Leo & Jonie Dignan* Jason & Melanie Dinham* Arthur & Donna Dohrmann Daniel L. Dub,Jr. Margie Eagon Larry Eisenzimmer Scott & Karen Erickson Judy K. Erickstad Dale J. Ernster Thomas & Carolyn Espel Bernard & Alice Falkenstein Keith Fernsler & Naomi Jo Thorson 14 Allen & Glenna Fitzgerald Glenn Fixen Karen Fjellanger Russel & Colleen Ford-Dunker Elaine Fritz Leah Fujimoto & Mark Jensen Susan S. Fuka Thomas & Margy Gabrielsen Brendan Giese* Marsha A. Grams Charles & Phyllis Green Arthur & Esther Grimstad Todd & Carlene Gustafson Michael A. Hajicek David & Lorna Halaas Timothy & Michelle Halland David & Valerie Halvorson James & Janice Halvorson Ethel I. Hanen Dorothy W. Harbeke James & Mary Hastings Eileen Hauge Kristi Haugen Harold & June Hayer Leo J. Hecker Knute & Charlotte Henning Richard & Lynn Hentges Rebecca Herman Mary Jane Herr Lowell B. Heskin Gregory & Dorothy Hoffelt Sherman E. Hoganson Marvin & Carol Holje* Ronald & Darlene Holtz Hazel G. Hovde Joan Hovdestad Kenneth & Beverly Hoveland Larry & Marlys Hoverson C. Doug Howells Dean C. Hubbard Sandy N. Huseby Frank & Cynthia Janousek William L. Jans Donald W. Jensen Carol Jodock Ted Johanson Annette I. Johnson Michael & Mona Johnson Roger & Delane Johnson Lori Kadrmas Kent & Eunice Kapplinger Steven & Linda Karpyak Keck Family Charitable Fund Duane & Polly Keller Jay & Jeanne Klemetsrud Bryan & Sarah Knutson* Kenneth & Bethol Knutson Charles & Bonnie Koski Richard & Sharon Krabbenhoft Gerald & Karen Lammers Wanda Landers John & Sharon Larson Maureen & Rick Larson Boyd & Jane Lee Marvin H. Lee Lisa & Marcus Lewton Mark & Carolyn Lillehaugen Christian Lind Grace M. Link Friedrich Littmann Wayne & Barbara Longbella Kirsten L. Lym Robert & JoAnn Lynne James & Jennie MacFarlane Lynelle R. Martin Nathan & Amy Jo Mattison Ronny & Carol McClellan Kyle McConnell Bernice E. McMartin Tanjia F. Melland Michael & Heidi Mellmer Sinisa Milovanovic & Natalija Dubravcic-Milovanovic James & Darline Mitchell Evan & Marie Moe Glenn C. Moen Leilla L. Moll Roger D. Monson Cheryl Moore & David Kraft Thomas A. Moore, M.D. Donald Motzko* Mark & Janice Narum Laurette Nelson Donavon & Adeline Newnam Mark & Linda Nygard Russell & Laura Nylander Gordon & Marlene Olson James & Donna Olson Robert & Tamara Olson Richard & Yvonne Opoien Glenn R. Oster Mr. Randy Otte & Dorothy Jacobson-Otte Mark Ottis Harold & Joanne Pahlmeyer Craig & Alberta Pankow Efraim & Margaret Pedersen Ronald & Lynette Pederson Jason & Dana Petersen Duane A. Pfeffer Elsie M. Pitsenbarger Craig & Jarilyn Pottenger Doyle & Kim Ranstrom Donald & Marilynne Reiner Wayne & Betty Reinhart Linda & Verle Reinicke Kenneth Reinowski & Chris Lingen Mark & Deborah Renard Elizabeth T. Reski George & Yola Reynolds Melvin A. Richards Douglas & Carol Riedinger William & Louise Rindy Marian Ringdahl Robert & Dawn Rose Duane & Evelyn Rossett Lillian Rost Leslie & Doris Rourke Edwin & Judy Ryen Ronald L. Sanderson Robert & Joan Scheel Harry & Burnette Schlenker Donald & Sylvia Schmid Mary F. Schmit Bryon Schulz R. Stanley & Judith Schulz Patricia J. Schutt Brian Selland & Sharon Baker Lynette F. Seminole Terry Shoptaugh & Deborah Janzen Herb & Anni Siemens Cameron & Joan Sillers Howard Smith & Roslyn Abramovitch* James & Merilyn Smith Deborah Soliah Stephen & Judith Spellman Justin & Sara Spickler Delton & Lori Steele Anthony J. Steidl Eva B. Steiner Louanne Stephenson Daniel & Sherry Stoa Steve Stoner & Kari Lavelle Stoner Roberta M. Strand Robert & Lois Stroh Edna M. Szymanski Carrol A. Tollefson Dave Torgerson Ralph & Jean Truman Tom Tuntland Lisa A. Undem Harold & Lila Unruh John & Barbara Van Grinsven Rosalie Veeder Lisa Vig-Johnson Marion Voxland James C. Walla Bob & Joan Waslien Peter & Jane White Dean & Mae Wieland Jane A. Williamson* Thomas & Wendy Winter Larry C. Wold Rodney & Verna Wolf Roger & Margaret Wolf Michael & Phyllis Wyum Monica E. Zander Richard & Kathleen Zaylskie Churches/ Church Groups Anonymous Adams Mountain Lutheran WELCA, Adams American Lutheran Church, Tolna Atonement Lutheran Church, Fargo Belfield Lutheran WELCA, Belfield Bethany Lutheran Church, Hatton Bethany Lutheran Church, Minot Bethel Lutheran WELCA, New Town Bethlehem Lutheran WELCA, Bowbells Blessed Sacrament Church, West Fargo Bowman Lutheran ELCW, Bowman Buffalo Lutheran Church, Buffalo Camp of the Cross Ministries, Garrison Christ The King Lutheran Church, Ellendale Clear Creek Lutheran Church, Keene Comstock Lutheran ELCW, Comstock, MN Dahlen Lutheran WELCA, Dahlen Davenport Lutheran Church, Davenport Deering Lutheran WELCA, Deering Dilworth Lutheran Church, Dilworth, MN Dovre Lutheran Church, Newburg *Indicates that a donor’s gift was matched by a Matching Gift Partner www.lssnd.org Elm River Lutheran Church, Galesburg English Lutheran Church, Medina English Lutheran Church, Tuttle Faith Lutheran Church, Hannaford Faith Lutheran Church, Bismarck First Lutheran Church, Enderlin First Lutheran Church, Harvey First Lutheran Church, Hoople First Lutheran Church, New Rockford First Lutheran Church, Rugby First Lutheran Church, Keene First Lutheran Church, Minot First Lutheran Church, Bismarck First Lutheran WELCA, New Rockford First Lutheran WELCA, Bottineau First Lutheran WELCA, Harvey Galchutt Lutheran Church, Abercrombie Good Shepherd Helping Hands, Moorhead, MN Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Englevale Good Shepherd Lutheran WELCA, Bismarck Grace Lutheran School, Fargo Grace Lutheran WELCA, Wildrose Grafton Lutheran Church, Grafton Hurdsfield Lutheran Church, Goodrich Immanuel Lutheran Church, Roseglen Immanuel Lutheran Church, DeLamere/Milnor Journey In Faith, West Fargo Lakota Lutheran Church, Lakota Lord of Life Lutheran Church, Bismarck Lutheran Church of the Cross, Bismarck Luverne Lutheran Church, Luverne Luverne Lutheran WELCA, Luverne Messiah Lutheran WELCA, Fargo Metigoshe Lutheran Church, Bottineau Nazareth Lutheran WELCA, Cogswell Ness Lutheran Church, Mekinock New Hope Lutheran Church, Leonard Norman Lutheran Church, Clifford Norwich Lutheran WELCA, Norwich Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, Fairdale Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, New England Our Savior Lutheran Church, Rolla Our Savior Lutheran Church, Stanton Our Savior Lutheran WELCA, Hillsboro Our Savior’s Lutheran WELCA, Valley City Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Valley City Peace Lutheran Church, Devils Lake Peace Lutheran Church, Linton Peace Lutheran Church, Scranton Ray Lutheran WELCA, Ray Richland Lutheran Church, Walcott Rose Valley Lutheran Church, Des Lacs Sharon Lutheran WELCA, Grand Forks St. Francis DeSales Church, Moorhead, MN St. John Lutheran Church, Verona St. John’s Lutheran Church, Ryder St. Luke Lutheran WELCA, Streeter St. Matthew Lutheran Church, Max St. Olaf Lutheran Church, Devils Lake St. Olaf Lutheran Church, Grenora St. Paul Lutheran Church, Butte St. Pauls Lutheran Church, Beach Trinity Lutheran Church, Forman Trinity Lutheran Church, Sharon Trinity Lutheran Church, Alexander Trinity Lutheran Church, Bismarck Trinity Lutheran Church, Napoleon Trinity Lutheran Church, Steele Trinity Lutheran Church, Tioga Trinity Lutheran Church, Moorhead, MN Trinity Lutheran Church, Litchville Trinity Lutheran WELCA, Edinburg Trinity Lutheran WELCA, Jamestown Trinity Lutheran WELCA, Litchville United Lutheran Church, Brocket United Lutheran Church, Langdon United Lutheran WELCA, Grand Forks University Lutheran Church, Grand Forks Valle Lutheran Church, Rolette Walcott Lutheran WELCA, Walcott Washington Lutheran Church, Northwood Wilmington Lutheran WELCA, Arnegard/Alexander Wolford Lutheran Church, Wolford Writing Rock Lutheran Church, Alkabo Wyndmere Lutheran Church, Wyndmere Zion Evan. Lutheran Church, Elgin Zion Lutheran Church, Berthold Foundations Ohio National Foundation, Cincinnati, OH Businesses American Petroleum Institute, Williston Anda Construction Co., Moorhead, MN Bobcat Company, Bismarck Border States Industries, Inc, Fargo Bremer Bank, Grand Forks Brian Schlecht Farm, Inc., Edgeley Concorde General Agency, Fargo Fargo Moorhead Disc Golf Club, Fargo Farm & Ranch Guide, Bismarck FM Endoscopy Center, LLC, Fargo Food Services of America, Fargo Gate City Bank, Fargo Grand International, Minot Great Outcomes Consulting, LLC, Moorhead, MN Heartland Trust Company, Fargo John C. Arneson Agency, Moorhead, MN Microsoft Matching Gifts Program, Princeton, NJ ND Red River Valley Chapter CSI, Inc., Fargo North Dakota Farmers Union, Jamestown Northwest Beverages, Inc., Fargo Pure Pleasures, Fredonia Ramada Plaza Suites, Fargo Red River Counseling, Moorhead, MN Rooter’s Bar, Inc., Fargo Service Credit Union, Portsmouth, NH Sig Olson & Sons Plastering, Inc., Moorhead, MN Sysco North Dakota, Fargo Target Logistics Management LLC, Williston Truist Altruism, New York, NY Urdahl, Inc., Jamestown Warner and Company, Fargo Organizations/Other Fargo Public Schools, Fargo Network For Good, Bethesda, MD Optimist Club of Grand Forks, Grand Forks Sanford Health, Fargo Soroptimist Club, Fargo VFW #762, Fargo West Fargo Ministerial Association, West Fargo Advocate—$250–$499 Individuals Anonymous (17) Karen Aardahl Angela Adams* Audrey V. Aipperspach Douglas & Lillian Aird Wilhelm & Mary Alef Candace Allen Aaron & Janae Alton Clinton N. Anderson Donald & Corrine Anderson Elmo & Norma Anderson Patrick A. Anderson Paul & Brenda Anderson Stanton Andrist & Jan Nelson Arlyn & Verna Anfinrud Kenneth & Pamela Astrup* Sarah Bachmeier* Willibrord O. Bachmeier Jill D. Baker Jerome & Beverly Bakke Rebecca Bakke Gereldene P. Bakken Harold & Beverly Bale* 2011 Annual Report (7/1/10–6/30/11) Terry & Jolene Baltrusch Ryan J. Barkie Howard & Dorothy Barlow* David & Nancy Barney Monroe & Doris Bartel Brent & Julie Basaraba Darrell & Linda Bassen Kelly J. Bauer Marty R. Beck Steven A. Beck Kevin & Candice Benz Marion E. Bergseid Richard & Gail Bergstad Leroy & Mary Jean Bertsch Jodi L. Bettger-Huber David & Myrna Blackstead Aldrich & Meredith Bloomquist Lourdes S. Bockness Frank M. Boechler Donald & Wilma Boeder Kurt & Barbara Bollman Melissa J. Borgen Gilman & Esther Braaten H. Donald & Dorothy Brakke Roger & Patricia Bramel Beth Brantner Keith Bresin & Vicki Nyhus-Bresin William & Patricia Broome John & Nancy Brown Mary H. Brunsdale Verlin & Virginia Buechler Arnold & Barbara Buhr Julie Burgum LeeAnn M. Butts Mercedes E. Carkuff 15 Al & Sharon Carlson Arthur & Shirley Carlson Shawn & Robyn Carlson John R. Challey Charley & Eileen Chamberlain Steffen & Janice Christensen Rodney & Karen Christenson Peter & Stephanie Christianson Lynn & Janice Clancy Amy Clark Richard & Ruth Clemenson Richard & Stacy Conrad Bruce & Beverly Conway Jerome H. Cossette Suzanne Couture Patricia S. Crary James & Otillia Croteau Phyllis L. Crowe Harold A. Cullom John & Trisha Cyr Corey & Kimberly Dahl Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Dauwen* Mark & Marlene Deyle Clay & Suzy Dietrich Robert & Shirley Dietrich Jeffrey L. Dobberstein Paul & Suzanne Dobbins Lawrence & Joan Doeden Curt & Dawn Doetkott Gerard J. Dompke Myrna Drees Roberta G. Drew Catherine A. Duffy Delray & Verlene Dvoracek Marlene G. Dvorak Rosemary Eckelberg Wayne Egenes Doris M. Eidem Charles & Kathy Ellefson Irene M. Ellsworth Melanie K. Elsner Rodney & Mary Emly Pamela M. Engberg* Matthew & Julie Engen* Janice E. Erbstoesser Adeline T. Erickson Lennis & Linda Erickson John & Lori Erie Elizabeth Ewing Lee Edith Fagerland-Lervik James & Lisbeth Fandrich Matthew & Lisa Faul K.B. & Thelma Finneseth Theresa N. Flitter Theodore & Joan Forstner Harold & Beverly Fragodt Avis Frantsen Keith & Pamela Freeland 16 James M. Freeman Rosella A. Freitag Tom & Loralie Kay Fritel Vincent & Colleen Frost Vicki Fugleberg Bruce & Lorraine Furness Karen L. Gallagher Guy & Cindy Galliger David & Elizabeth Garaas Margaret K. Gaynor Roger A. Gegelman M. Richard & Susan Geiger Randall & Danita Gerhold* Hazel M. Ghylin Betty L. Gianunzio Larry J. Giese Teresa Gilbraith Gayle C. Gill Keith & Jill Gilleshammer David & Juneve Givers Craig & Christine Graf James & Kathryn Greene Roger & Carol Grimm Beatrice Grommesh Charles & Helen Grommesh Paul & Ruth Guldseth Avis Gustafson Jason & Jill Gustofson Robert & Linda Gylland Ardis K. Haaland Neal & Kelly Haaland* Terry & April Haar Zola Hagen Mark Hager Pamela C. Hajicek Loy & Pamela Ham Sandra D. Hannestad Marc & Jean Harju James & Sandra Harms Mary Harrington* Garry & Lonie Hauf Barbara R. Headrick Karin & Justin Hegstad* Kimberly P. Helbling Marilyn J. Helgeson Dwight & Janet Hendrickson Jeanette C. Hermunslie Doris M. Hertsgaard Philip & Lorraine Hetland Donna Higginbotham Betty L. Hill Margaret M. Hilleboe Kevin & Elizabeth Hoenke Del & Renee Hofer Ethel O. Hoffman Phyllis Hohle Mary Ellen Holgate Allen G. Holter Richard & Rebecca Horsley Steven & Christine Huber Timothy & Joanne Huckle Stephen & Diane Hulbert Holly Hunt Loretta Huschka Andrew Ingalls* Michael G. Ishaug Leona Iszler Virgil & Jocie Iszler Darrell A. Iverson Curtis & Linda Jabs Terry & Sharon Jacobson Sheila A. Jans Steve & Bonnie Jarolimek Leif & Nancy Jellesed Dave Jelliff Clayton E. Jensen James & Karen Jensen Vincent A. Jensen Wayne & Fay Jensen Ann L. Johnson Brad & Jean Johnson Brian & Yvonne Johnson Dennis & Nancy Jo Johnson Evelyn C. Johnson Mandley O. Johnson, Jr. Mark D. Johnson* Michael R. Johnson Odell & Arlene Johnson Robert & Roberta Johnson Ronald B. Johnson Ross & Katharine Johnson Duane & Janet Johnston Lilah M. Jondahl James & Jean Jorgenson Elroy & Susan Kadrmas Kim Kamletz Darlean Karna Michael & Donita Kaspari Susan Kassenborg Gladys Keily Arlyn & Nora Keith Lorna M. Kennedy Albert & Anita Kessel Douglas D. Ketterling John Kildahl & Teresa Iten William & Joyce King Lorens & Mabel Kingstad Allen & Louise Klaman Roy R. Klassen Linda Klee Lisa K. Kleinjan Tom & Avis Klinkhammer Roy & Susan Knapp Anna N. Knight Arnold & Mary Knight Marjorie K. Knox Dale & Norine Knudson Kevin & Joan Kopperud Vernon Kragness Kurt D. Kramer William & Catherine Krein Fred & Marian Kreps Sandy Kuch Tracy & Tony Kuchan Deborah A. Kuntz* Mr. Doug Kuruc D. Ann Kusler Hubert J. Lacrosse James & Kim LaHaise Katherine Laney Larry & Sandie Laney Floyd Lang Karl Langseth Derek & Lynnette Laning Jeffrey Lanser Joan Larsen Ronald & Ilene Larsen Daniel & Marla Larson Myron & Shirley Larson Ruth E. Larson Wayne & Betty Larson Michael & Cheryl Lausch Julie M. Lavelle Joseph Laverdure & Colleen Mundal Chad & Lindsey Leach Earle & Jane Lean Sharon Lean Larry & Betty Ledene Ann J. Lee Kari M. Lee Larry Lee & Margie Martin Lee Anthony & Lynnette Leone Agnes M. Lessard Keith & Shelley Lesteberg Robert J. Lewis Dale & Paulette Lian Ralph Lileks & Doris Soberg-Lileks Richard Lindbo Marvel Lindstrom Bernie & Marilyn Lipp Diane Luiken Michael Lund Mark & Helen Lundeen Duane G. Lura Robert & Karla Lyngstad Magnus & Junice Lysne Dwight & Marlene Maack Barrie March & Jeanne Beare Keith & Paulette Martin Mark & Marjorie Mathison JoAnn & Gary Matthews Terry & Karen Maul Bruce R. Mayer Bruce Maylath & Anne Marie Turk Maylath Maurice & Joy McCormick Franklin & Elizabeth McCoy Jacqueline S. McDonnell John & Grace McDonough James & Janet McLeod R. Paul McPhail John & Sharyn Melting Richard & Ronda Menze Mary Jo Meyer Owen & Suzanne Michelson Harriet Mielke Shirley L. Miller Steven & Bobbi Miller Patrick Mineer* James & Karen Mitchell Darrell & Kay Moon Brian & Michelle Moore* Joel & Dawn Moore* Joan L. Morris Ruth Morton Duane & Marlys Mullenberg Corine Munroe* John & Cynthia Naughton Betty L. Nelson Kenneth & Marcia Nelson Suzanne P. Nelson Stephanie L. Ness John Neuenschwander* Alice Newsam* Marvin & LaVonne Nicklay John Niemackl & Jean Ryan-Niemackl John & Cheryl Nilsen Jennifer & Travis Norby Janice M. Nosal Dennis & Elizabeth Novacek E. Virginia Nyberg Patricia O’Connor Gregory & Brenda Oistad Dan J. Olsgaard Charolette Olson Robert & Tonya Omdahl* Tim & Leanne Omodt Harry E. O’Neil,Jr. Russell & JoAnn Onstad Sylvia Osborn Robert & Terryl Ann Ostmo Lawrence & Nancy Otterson William & Phyllis Owan Marilyn J. Oyhus Margaret Pankow Rodney & Carolyn Paseka Marcia L. Paulson Bruce & Patricia Penas Helen O. Pepple Barbara J. Peterson *Indicates that a donor’s gift was matched by a Matching Gift Partner www.lssnd.org Gregory & Gaylene Peterson John E. Peterson Susan & Bruce Peterson John & Rebecca Petrik Seth & Jean Pfeifer Garnet F. Pierson Kevin & Mary Pitzer* Richard & Jane Plecity Eunice L. Plunkett Berry & Carolyn Poitra James & Mavis Pomeroy Robert & Jean Pope Steve & Annette Porter Elizabeth & Travis Posey Sharon Privratsky Joslyn R. Putnam Duane Quiet Bryan & Jean Ann Quigley William & Nancy Ragan James & Nancy Rauch Douglas & Kristen Reardon Deron & Barbara Redinger Roger & Susan Reinhart Richard & Nicole Reis Steven D. Reiten Michael A. Rempfer Betty J. Rezac J. Donald & Naomi Rice Lisa A. Richmond Theresa A. Rick Duane & Joyce Risan Gary & Patricia Ritter Lisa A. Robinson Dewey & Orlyn Robson Luke C. Rodakowski Paul & Margaret Rodenburg Kenton Rodgers & Gudrun Lukat-Rodgers Gerald & Luann Roise Jeffrey & Denise Rondeau Dennis & Audrey Roy Tim & Linda Rubis Garren Ruggaber & Lisa Juvette David & Eloise Rystedt Muriel Sack Tim & Paula Sanden Donald & Margaret Sandsmark Vicki L. Sandvig Carter & Sandra Sandvik Darlene J. Satrom Paul & Ella Mae Satrom Connie J. Sauer* Arlene J. Sax Richard & Mary Schaefer David & Beverly Schepp Florence Scherbenske Frank & Cheryl Schindler Dwight E. Schmidt Peter & Vicki Schmidt Raymond & Lillian Schmidt Valerie Schmidt Reuben & Marilyn Schnaidt Michael & Kathleen Schneider Steven & Kathleen Schou Lloyd & Beverly Schrader Ramona Schroeder William & Rachel Schultz Larry & Dixie Schulz Allen & Phyllis Scilley Brent & Kristin Seaks Alana Sears Joel Sehrt Ritchie & Barbara Sellden Edward & Barbara Sellent Steve J. Sellent Arlene M. Seminary Roberta F. Seright Brett & Joelle Shewey Warren & Roberta Shreve Marian Sibley Robert & Jacqueline Siddall Martin & Lois Simmons Alice Simonson* Cindy & Steven Skauge Donny & Mary Ellen Skogen Wayne G. Skramstad Dennis & Patricia Slaaen Mark A. Sletten Gary & D. Yvonne Smith Victor & Dorothy Smith Wayne & Marsha Smogard Mike & Patricia Sojka Dave Solberg & Beverly Olson Gwen L. Solien Sara K. Sorenson Donna M. Springan Cody B. Stanley Gerald & Melinda Steen Preston & Joy Steen Richard D. Steffan Clarence & Mary Steffen* Natalie M. Steidl Sarah E. Steidl Lloyd & Patricia Steinmetz Laila G. Stenberg William & Melanie Stillwell Karen A. Stone Elizabeth J. Strand M. Arlene Strand Mark & Stephanie Strand Dale & Sheryl Sullivan Joshua & Marissa Svaleson Gordon & Ranee Svenningsen Glenn K. Swanson 2011 Annual Report (7/1/10–6/30/11) Madonna J. Sweeney Steve & Janice Sweeney Timothy & Dale Ann Swenson George & Stacey Tebelius Garth & Sandi Teske David & Marilyn Tessier Jessica A. Thomasson C. C. & Barbara Thompson Gregory & Susan Thompson Maynard T. Thomson Michael & Mona Thorstad Shad & Brenda Thurlow Denis C. Timm Charles A. Tobin Gregg & Kristi Trautwein Kenneth Treichel Stephen P. Tschida Jon & Catherine Tufte Allan & Bergliot Turmo Daniel Twetten Marcia A. Ubbelohde Christel Urlaub* Thomas & Kathleen Utke Roger O. Vaagen Daryl & Esther Vance Darrell & Susan Vasvick Richard & Mary Veit Frances V. Ventsch Lisa & Randy Voeller Harold & Eunice Vold Esther Vollbrecht Hazel Von Bank Chester M. Vosburg Scott & Trisha Voss Jack & Sandra Wagner Stephanie A. Wald Corie A. Walker Robert & Kathleen Walsh Thomas C. Walstad Pearl D. Walz Nellie M. Ward Glen & Nancy Weber Bill & Sylvia Wendland Richard Wendt & Renita Eidenschink Andrew Westby* Mark & Sheri Weston Kirk Wetch Arvo & Beverly Wibe Dwight Wigness Ruth M. Wigness Shonda & Scott Wild Charles Wilson & Desiree Smith Sandra & Duane Winter Scott & Tammy Winter Alvin & Elaine Wittmaier Diane J. Wolter Rollin & Joyce Wolter Keri & Jason Youngstrand Susan J. Zachgo Jeff Zainhofsky Jane M. Zidon Churches/ Church Groups Almont United Lutheran Church, Almont Augustana Lutheran Church, Grand Forks Augustana Lutheran Church, Minot Augustana Lutheran WELCA, Grand Forks Augustana Lutheran WELCA, Minot Beaver Creek Congregation, Hatton Belfield Lutheran Church, Belfield Bethany Lutheran Church, Robinson Bethel Lutheran Church, Battleview/Powers Lake Bethesda Lutheran Church, Moorhead, MN Bowdon Lutheran Church, Bowdon Bruflat Lutheran WELCA, Portland Bucyrus Lutheran Church, Hettinger Calvary Lutheran Church, Lemmon, SD Cando Lutheran Church, Cando Carpio Lutheran WELCA, Carpio Duck Creek Lutheran Church, Hettinger English Lutheran Church, Maxbass English Lutheran WELCA, Hazen Evanger Lutheran Church, Kenmare Faaberg Luthern Church, Fertile/Winger, MN Faith Lutheran WELCA, Bismarck Faith Lutheran WELCA, Valley City Faith Lutheran WELCA, Hampden First Lutheran Church, Beach First Lutheran Church, Willow City First Lutheran WELCA, Washburn First Lutheran WELCA, Tioga First Lutheran WELCA, Granville First Presbyterian Church, Fargo Gloria Dei Lutheran WELCA, Williston Golden Ridge Lutheran Church, Fargo Golgotha Lutheran Church, Golden Valley Good Shepherd Lutheran WELCA, Englevale Grace Lutheran WELCA, McClusky Hettinger Lutheran WELCA, Hettinger Holy Cross Lutheran WELCA, Powers Lake Immanuel Lutheran Church, Buxton Immanuel Lutheran Church, Esmond Immanuel Lutheran Church, Jamestown Immanuel Lutheran WELCA, Roseglen Lakota Lutheran Sunday School, Lakota Lakota Lutheran WELCA, Lakota Lebanon Lutheran Church, Amidon Leeds Lutheran Church, Leeds Little Forks Lutheran Church, Hatton Marion Lutheran Church, Marion Medora Lutheran Church, Medora Michigan Lutheran Church, Michigan Nazareth Lutheran Church, Cogswell/Oakes Nekoma Lutheran Church, Nekoma North Viking Lutheran Church, Maddock Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, Edgeley Our Savior Lutheran Church, Sherwood Our Savior Lutheran Church, Max Our Savior Lutheran Church, Kloten/McVille Our Savior Lutheran WELCA, Page Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Larimore Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Reeder Our Saviour Lutheran Church, Park River Peace Lutheran Church, Crosby Pekin Lutheran Church, Pekin Perry Lutheran Church, Portland 17 Portland Lutheran Parish, Portland Richland Lutheran Church, Hettinger Sacred Heart Convent, Fargo Sarnia United Lutheran, Whitman/Michigan Sharon Lutheran Church, Grand Forks Sheyenne Lutheran Church, Pekin Sheyenne Lutheran WELCA, Pekin Sheyenne Valley Lutheran Church, Finley Sheyenne-Oberon Area Ministry, Sheyenne Sigdal Lutheran Church, Tolna Sims Lutheran Church, Almont/New Salem Skjeberg Lutheran Church, Drayton St. John Lutheran WELCA, Hatton St. John’s Lutheran Church, Embden/Wheatland St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, Grand Forks St. Mark’s Lutheran WELCA, Grand Forks St. Paul Lutheran Church, Makoti St. Paul Lutheran Church, Riverdale St. Paul Lutheran WELCA, Garrison St. Paul Lutheran WELCA, Butte St. Petri Lutheran Church, York/Leeds Stordahl Lutheran Church, Galesburg Sundahl Lutheran Church, Aneta Sundahl Lutheran WELCA, Aneta Trinity Lutheran Church, Binford Trinity Lutheran Church, Cooperstown Trinity Lutheran Church, Esmond Trinity Lutheran Church, Douglas Trinity Lutheran Church, Bremen/Cathay Trinity Lutheran WELCA, Sharon Trinity Lutheran WELCA, Douglas United Lutheran Church, Zahl/Grenora Walcott Lutheran Church, Walcott Walhalla Lutheran Church, Walhalla Walhalla Lutheran WELCA, Walhalla Warwick Lutheran WELCA, Warwick Western Prairie Cluster WELCA, Minot Willow Creek Lutheran Church, Overly Willow Creek Lutheran WELCA, Overly/Bottineau Women of Hope ELCA, Makoti Zion Lutheran Church, Hoople Zion Lutheran Church, Reynolds Zion Lutheran Church, Beulah Zion Lutheran LWML, Munich Zion Lutheran WELCA, Hoople Zion Lutheran WELCA, Towner Zion Lutheran WELCA, Kulm Zoar Lutheran WELCA, LaMoure Foundations Bethel Lutheran Foundation, Williston Feinstein Family Fund, Cranston, RI Victor & Nina Cranley Charitable Foundation Businesses Aberle Farms, Menoken Ag Country Farm Credit Services, Fargo Beltone Hearing Aid Services, Fargo Bosard McCutcheon & Rau, LTD, Minot Bremer Bank, Fargo Carol Widman’s Candy, Fargo Cass County Farm Bureau, Casselton Cetero Research dba PRACS Institute, Ltd., Fargo CHS—Dakota Ag Cooperative, Kindred CNH America LLC, Racine, WI Coldwell Banker, Fargo Derheim, Inc., Fargo DMI Industries, Inc., West Fargo Fagerholt Brothers, Inc., Hoople Farmers Union Oil Company, Portland Fisher Enterprises, Inc., Fargo FM RedHawks, Fargo Gateway Chevrolet, Fargo Holiday Inn, Fargo IC System, Fargo Indigo Signworks, Inc., Fargo Johnsrud Transport, Inc., Des Moines, IA Matrix Properties Corporation, Fargo Meinecke-Johnson Company, Fargo Mikkelsen Insurance, Moorhead, MN Pamida, Omaha, NE Park Company Realtors, Fargo Prairie Lines, Inc., Harwood Pro Forms, Bismarck Pro-Mark Services, Inc., West Fargo Rick Lebahn Agency, Inc., West Fargo Schneidermann Brothers, Ulen, MN SDB Sports Management, Fargo Sew What Monogramming, Inc., West Fargo Solomon Schlecht Farm, Inc., Edgeley Steven & Sally Storslee, Bismarck Three B Farms, Gettysburg, SD Union State Bank, Fargo US Bank, Robbinsdale, MN Valley Bus Company, Fargo Vision Bank, Fargo Widmer Roel PC, Fargo Xcel Energy, Fargo Sheri L. Anderson Shirley Anderson Susan J. Anderson Verlyn & Evonne Anderson George W. Andreas Jennifer Andrews Terry & Michelle Angus Syneva Arithson George & Michaella Arneson Ronald & Karen Arneson Konstantin & Svetlana Arutyunov Kristi & Todd Asendorf Cynthia Ashbaker Pepper & Debra Ashmore Darlene Askegaard Robert Askegaard Rolaine J. Askegaard Diane M. Askew Geraldine Aslakson James & Wanda Aspaas Amelia E. Asperin Katie Astrup Ronald D. Atanasu Lee & Lesley Augustin Robert Axtman & Cara Halgren Clarence & Frances Babcock Joan Bachman Paul Baglyos Robert & Kerry Bahl John & Florence Bahma Delores M. Bailey Steve & Pat Bain Mark & Velma Baisch Brock & Luann Baker Paul & Michelle Baker Garry & Kathleen Bakken Organizations/Other American Legion— Lawrence Berg Post #38, Cogswell AMVETS Auxiliary Post 7, Fargo Chapter Y—PEO Sisterhood, Fargo Fargo Jaycees, Fargo Girl Scout Troop #30757, Horace Kiwanis—Vikingland, Moorhead, MN Kiwanis Club of Hillsboro, Hillsboro ND FFA Foundation, Bismarck Park Christian School, Moorhead, MN Rasmussen College, Moorhead, MN Rebel Booster Club, Dilworth, MN Thrivent—Adams/Bowman/ Slope Chapter, Hettinger Thrivent—West Williams Chapter, Williston Welcome House, Bismarck Friend—$100–$249 Individuals Anonymous (27) Ms. Sabina Abaza Roger & Claudette Abbe David Abbott & Jane Voglewede Gary & LaNae Adair Gloria Adams Nathan Adams* Roger & Shirley Adrian Marilyn Agnew Thomas & Jane Ahlin L. M. & Pamela Akers Essa J. Albawi Chris & Elizabeth Alberty* Warren & Michelle Albrecht Myrl & Eileen Albright Andrew Alfstad Terry & Elnora Allan 18 Katie M. Allen Warren & Marjorie Allen Eldon & Evelyn Allram Brian & Erin Allrich* Ardell & Betty Almen Gerald & Gladys Altenbernd Ermina Altoka-Jelovac Doris E. Alverson Anne Alzheimer Kenneth & Rosella Amann Jack & Marlys Ambuehl Jerry Ames Corinne Amundson Arthur & Charlotte Andersen Margaret L. Andersen Virgil R. Andersen Betty J. Anderson Beverly Anderson Dwight & Karen Anderson Floyd E. Anderson Galen & Lynn Anderson Gaylon & Robin Anderson Gerald & Shirley Anderson Gilbert & Doris Anderson Harris & Karen Anderson Jeannie Anderson John A. Anderson Kurt & Karen Anderson Larry & Darlene Anderson Lester Anderson Lyle V. Anderson Mike & Tracy Anderson Robert Anderson* Ronald & Hallie Anderson Ronald & Myra Anderson Sevrin Anderson *Indicates that a donor’s gift was matched by a Matching Gift Partner www.lssnd.org Dennis & Laurie Ball Orlyn R. Ballantyne Morris J. Bang Ronald & Laurel Baranko Abigail Barber Burgum* Brad Barnes Kenneth & Leona Barnhart Barry W. Barringer Neal A. Barringer Jamie A. Bartch Kristy A. Bartch-Magnusson Arnold & Bonnie Bartelson Julie Bartelson Gertrude Bartle James & Helen Bastian Kenneth & Janice Bauer Gordon & Marilee Baumgartner Georgia Bauslaugh Michael & Patricia Beauchane Mary A. Beauclair Patricia Beck Lynn H. Becker Robert & Debbie Becker Arthur & Pat Beckman John & Mary Beerling Helmut & Melva Behrens Marie E. Bellerud James A. Bender John & Mavis Bennett Lisa C. Bennett Corley B. Benson Roger & Colleen Benson Louise Benz Carolyn J. Benzinger Dorothy L. Berce Laverne & Eleanor Berg Richard & Lilly Berg Marlys A. Bergene Arden & Patricia Berggren Alan Bergman Keith & Kathleen Bergseth Richard D. Bergseth Michael & Bonita Bernath Robert & Lorine Bernhardt* Phyllis A. Berntson Barbara A. Bertel Loren & Carole Berwald Carol A. Bessire Gary & Gloria Bethke Warren & Ann Bettenhausen Michael C. Bevins Mark & Barbara Bibelheimer Donald & Lynne Bigwood Roy & Karen Bigwood Dennis & Irene Biliske Randy & Joan Bishoff Richard Bissonnette & Lacey NeumanBissonnette Mark & Marilyn Bittner James & Heidi Bitz Dean Bjorge James Bjorge & Carol Winter-Bjorge Joel & Carrie Bjorge James & Patricia Bjorklund Lloyd Blake & Rebecca Borczon George & Connie Blank Scott & Sara Bleth Marjorie Joan Bliss Brian & Erica Blizil Wade & Cindy Bloom* Loretta J. Bloomquist Phyllis V. Boatman Ronald & Judy Bock Walter & Rebecca Bockwoldt James & Mary Bodensteiner Ted & Thelma Bohn Raymond & Diane Boll Leif Bollingberg Gail Bollinger Edelle N. Bond Monte & Laureen Bonn Elissa J. Bonsall Ella J. Borge Larry & Linda Borlaug Larry & Wanda Borowicz Steve & Lisa Borreson Joshua Boschee Marvin & Betty Bossart Bryan & Pamela Bossert Ralph & Kay Botnen Gerald & Mary Bousson John Boustead Robert & Jean Boxrud Kalvin & Connie Boyd Elizabeth C. Boyle David Braaten Mary Braaten Wayne G. Braaten Scott & Maribeth Bradley Kelly & Sharron Brady Mark & Tracey Braeger David A. Brammer Don & Marlene Brandenburg Christopther & Rikka Brandon Ed & Diana Brandsted Jessica R. Brandt Raymond & Sandra Branstiter Jerry & June Brantner Edward Bratcher Ken & Kathy Breden Roy & Lillian Bredholt Paul & Michelle Breen Amanda J. Bren 2011 Annual Report (7/1/10–6/30/11) Sandra L. Brennan* Leslie & Marlys Brewster Lyle Brewster Maxine K. Brinkman Donald & Rubie Brintnell James & Rebecca Brislin Lorelei D. Britain Lucille T. Bronson Timothy & Jackie Brookins* Father Armand L. Brooks Joel & Janice Broschat Michael & Vernice Brossart Spencer & Sheila Broton Alfred & Joanne Brown Dean & Paula Brown Donald & Avril Brown Glenn & Harriet Brown Gloria J. Brown Joan J. Brown Kristine J. Brown Lisa A. Brown Erin Brunsvold Duane & Rita Bry Evelyn Bryant Susan Bryant Robert & Faye Bubach Robert Bucholz* Robert & Linda Bucholz Robert & Dennette Buckmier Norene Bunker Robert & Pamela Burchill Ronald & Kim Burd Rick & Becky Burgess C. Bernie & Vivian Burggraf Jody Burgum Jeffrey L. Buria Steve & Barbara Burian Jerrett & Erin Burk Alan R. Burkholder Pamela Burley Gerald & Marilyn Burling Ardis Burtness Clyde & Marcene Burtt Kent & Corrine Busek Tim Bushaw Ronald & Hazel Butenhoff Linda Butler Betty Buxa J. Dean Caldwell Gene & Barbara Carew ArleJean Carlson Bruce & Cynthia Jo Carlson Clarence & Oryce Carlson E. John & Brenda Carlson Jacob & Beth Carlson Joan Carlson Kurt E. Carlson Laura Jean Carlson Robert & Kay Carlson Robert & Heather Carlson Scott & Gayle Carlson William & Noreen Carlson* Stephen & Ruth Carnal Carlie R. Carow Olaf & Verna Cartford Gretchen K. Cash Jason S. Cassella Richard & Janice Catalan Robert Cederberg Aaron Chapman Donna J. Chloupek Kevin & Sheila Christensen Kelly & Eileen Christenson Eric & Stephanie Christeson Doug & Renee Christians Russell & Cheryl Christiansen Carlye Christianson Charlie Christianson Eric & Lisa Christianson* Gary & Ruth Christianson Margaret I. Christianson Shawn Christianson Wally & Jean Christianson Edwin G. Clapp William & Jane Cleary Janice M. Clemenson George Clifton Patti S. Cochran Jay & Sandra Cofell Lillian Cole Richard & Edith Cole Martha Coleman Pam Collins Patricia E. Collison Yvonne C. Condell Patrick & Jo Conmy George & Virginia Connell Mildred Connolly Russ & Patty Conrad Andrew & Patricia Conteh John & Marilyn Conway Jerry Cook & Diane Solinger Linda L. Coons Teri Cossette Paul & Marlys Coughlin Gary & Yvonne Cowden Glenn & Norma Craigmile Kenneth J. Croes Stuart & Earla Croll Clark & Harriet Cronquist Lynn & Nancy Crooks Ronald & Manuela Cruff Bradley & Marionnette Crume Bernadette Cummings John & Ethel Dabill Ben & Jana Daeuber Lila E. Dahl Vivian J. Dahl Doris Dahlberg Sharon P. Dakken Donald & Dorothy Dale Diane J. Daniels Lyla H. Daschendorf Jerry & Deborah Daub Timothy Q. Davies Nancy Davis Schauer Michael & Loretta Davis Edith A. Dawson Joseph & Jolene Day Ronald W. Day Everett Debertin Lowell P. Degnan Dale & Laurain Dehlin Charles & Alice DeHoff Dayna K. Del Val Joyce DeMars Kristen B. Depree Robert Deraas Harry Detling Mary C. Devig Derrald & Evon Dewald Oliver & Rosalia Dewald Connie L. DiAllesandro Benjamin Dick Lee Dick Elmer & Delores Diedtrich Stephen R. Diehl John & Donna Dietz Luella A. Digerness Kevin & Susan Dill Arla Mae Discher Shirley Disher John & Anita Dobbs Joseph W. Dobbs Catherine C. Dokken Marcella Dolbec James & Mary Domaskin Jay & Donna Donley Marie Dormanen Ruth Dosch Alexander & Barbara Dove Daniel J. Downs Joel & Heather Downs Cari & Erich Drees Kenneth & Maureen Drees Joanne Drenkow Joanne Droppers William D. Drummond Joyce Dubourt Eva H. Duchscherer Judith M. Duerre David Duff Elizabeth K. Dukart Mark & Faye Duncan John & Ruth Dunnicliff James M. Durben David J. Dusek* 19 Thomas & Mary Dusek Ronald & Arlene Duval David & Nancy Dvorak Terry & Diana Dwelle Phillip & Sandra Eastgate James Easton Brenda Easton-Peyerl Dennis & Linda Eckman* Hazel V. Edlund Catheryn Edwards Lois Edwards Glenda M. Edwardson Phyllis Ehlen Bernadine Ehrhardt Curtis & Brenda Eichele Larry & Holly Eidsness Charles F. Eisele Maxine L. Eisert Kamal & Kari Elias Vic & Marjorie Ellenberger Eric & Jennifer Ellertson Raymond & Dorothy Ellingson Norman & Elaine Ellison Jerome N. Eman Nancy Emerson James & Betty Empting Delores A. Eng Roger & Betty Engberg Crystal Engel Laurine Engel Ronald & Gloria Engg Harrison & Marilyn Engle Raymond & Carol Erbele Ann L. Erickson Arthur & Gwendolyn Erickson Esther L. Erickson John Erickson & Linda Manuel-Erickson Jon & Paula Erickson Kenneth & Betty Erickson Wilhelm & Eileen Erickson Yvonne Erickstad Gary & Marcia Euren Donna Evers Betty J. Everson Jack & Harriet Evert J’Patrick & Kristen Fahn Michael & Melissa Fallon* Arnold & Loretta Fandrich Rita C. Fandrich Justin D. Faris Peter & Sandy Farrelly Charles & Shirley Feeney Matthew Feist* Elaine Feland Kathleen Feldman Robert & Jennifer Feller Erik & Bethany Fetner David & Sylvia Fetsch 20 Mark & Julie Fimreite Joe Finneman Eugene & Jane Finneseth Brent Fischer & Marilyn Nermoe-Fischer Edward & Elizabeth Fischer John & Kay Fischer Noah M. Fischer Wilbert & Betty Fischer William & Lori Fischer Brian Fitzgerald* Mark & Melissa Fitzloff* David Fixen Linda Fjellanger Orian & Stephanie Fjestad Lonny Flaagan John & Jan Flack James R. Fleeker Dale Flesberg Harold & Alida Flom Kent Florhaug Geraldine Foerster James & Jerilyn Forde Keith & Kari Forster Arlin & Ann Foss Glen & Denise Foss Justin & Tracy Foss Lois G. Foss Richard & Nancy Foss Erwin & Beverly Fossum Ron & Gwen Fraase Deborah P. Francis Markus & Helen Franck Chad Frandson & Kara Boyko Frandson Donna M. Frank Walter & Carolyn Frank Ashley & Matthew Franzen Ronald & Mary Fredrickson Renee Freeman Henning & Elsa Freiesleben Vi Fremstad Marvel L. Froemming Dana & Mary Frojen Fulkerson Funeral Home Bert & Pat Funke Donald Gackle Wayne & Cherie Gadberry Christopher Gaddie Corey & Erin Gaddie JoAnn Gaffrey Don & Carolyn Galitz Wayne & Gay Galles Charles & Jill Galloway John & Edna Galster Evelyn Galt Dorothy Galyen Beth Ann Gardner* Edna B. Gartner Vivian M. Garvey Irene Gates Ted & Patricia Gathman Bruce & Doraine Gaughan* Nicholas & Kathleen Gaulrapp Ben D. Gawryluk Rebecca Gear Gregory & Debra Gebeke Chester A. Gebert Ella E. Gebhard Ernest & Sandra Geffre Joanne Geist Beverly J. Geller Vance Gerchak & Kelly Dubois-Gerchak Larry & Lori Gerhardson Betty Giese Verna M. Giese Susan Gigstad Gordon & Arlene Gilberts Craig & Cyndi Gilbertson Erik & Kristi Gilbertson Esther L. Gilbertson Mark & Kristi Gilbertson Ronald Gilbertson David & Orleen Gilchrist Robert & Marlene Gilje Jill Gillette Marvin J. Gisi Barbara J. Gitter Ronald & Brenda Gjelsness Aanen & Carroll Gjovik Neal B. Goerger Donald S. Goering Mary L. Gokey C. Marie Gooch Lynn & Mary Jo Good Janice K. Goodwin Lona M. Gordon Patrick & Kimberly Gores Dennis E. Gould Roger & Julie Gould Alan A. Goyne Wilmar A. Grabow Larry & Betty Graf Gary & Stella Graff Terry Graff Arlene Gran Brenda M. Grandstrand Helene Grann Beatrice Grasmoen Jeff & Stacy Graupe Donald & Ramona Gravdahl Thomas & Judith Graves Kaye J. Greenwood Thomas G. Greer Rollin & Tracye Grefsrud Larry J. Gregory Mr. Kevin Greuel & Jody Liljequist-Greuel Caroline Gribble Paul & Nora Griffin Patricia A. Griggs Elaine B. Grimm Carol J. Grinaker Arnold & Jane Grindberg Levon & Jean Grinde William & Adair Grommesh Robert & Margaret Groom Brian D. Grosinger David & Bonnie Grosz Walter & Donna Grotte Connie J. Grove Phyllis L. Grove Katherine D. Grover Peter & Bertha Grundstad Charles & Claudia Gullicks Ruth E. Gullicks Lynn & Carol Gulsvig Marcella M. Gulsvig Kavitha Gundala & Pratap Kotala Eric & Krista Gunderson Larry & Phyllis Gunderson Marietta B. Gunderson Donald & Alice Gunness Stuart & Shelia Gunness David & Sharon Gunwall Douglas E. Guss Thomas & Carol Gustad Greg P. Gustin Christi A. Guthmiller Monte Gylland Loren & Dana Haagenson Gregory Haakenson & LuJean Thomas Phil & LaVae Haaland Esther Haas Mary Haedt Edwin L. Hafner John & Leone Hagen Marilyn A. Hagen Kenneth & Avis Hajicek John & Joyce Hajostek Ellen J. Halonen Ronaldo & Carol Halverson Duane Halvorson Jerome & Mary Halvorson Clif & Yvonne Hamilton Cary & Margie Hande Kyle Handegard Roger A. Handegard Robert E. Hankins Eileen A. Hannig Sonja B. Hanrahan Dale & Andrea Hansen *Indicates that a donor’s gift was matched by a Matching Gift Partner David & Jana Hansen Doris M. Hansen Greg & Kathleen Hansen Norma E. Hansen Richard M. Hansen Stephen & Bobbi Hansen Susan A. Hansmann Corey & Katie Hanson* David & Ardis Hanson Jeff & Darlene Hanson Joel & Amber Hanson Lois M. Hanson Paul & Pamela Hanson Robert & Gloria Hanson Steven & Eldean Hanson Henry C. Hanssen Virginia M. Hapala Michael & Alana Harden Douglas & Janice Harildstad Kipp & Denise Harmel David & Rosalie Harmon Lenora V. Harrison Laurie Harshman Marie Harstad Jeff & Shelly Hart Steven & Valerie Hartman Kathryn Hasbargen* Scott & Kristy Haslerud Mary E. Hass Larry & Gloria Hassebrock Barbara Hassler Holly M. Hassler* Brian Hastings* Robert & Kari Hatfield Vincen & Carol Hatlen Alfred & Sandra Hauf Chris & Sheila Haugen Gina A. Haugen Janine A. Haugen Jason & Jaynae Haugen Robert & Virginia Haugen Fred & Judy Haugo Josh & Melissa Hausauer Colleen M. Hauser Betty Jane Haussler Ted & Marie Hawken Carmen S. Hay Dayne & Marjo Headland Luella Heber Daniel & Angie Heckaman Peter & Bonnie Hecker Raymond K. Hecker David R. Hegle Larry & Cheryl Hegvik Ron & Kay Hegvik Theodore & Nanette Heinert Matt & April Heinle Kenneth & Deanna Heinrich James & Barbara Heinze www.lssnd.org Mary Lou Hejl Doug E. Helbing Eileen L. Helgeson Lillian Helmer Glenna M. Henderson Arnold J. Hendricks Rolf Heng Ruth Henka Andrew & Marlene Henning John & Jean Henning Arlen & Marilyn Hermodson Sonja & Joel Hernes Elizabeth Herriot Norris Heskin Bryan & Theresa Hest Pete & Helen Hetle Donald G. Heuer Cod & Marge Hewitt Pamela J. Heyen Wallace & Constance Hickman C. Curtis & Pat Hildahl Arnold & Irene Hill Clifton C. Hill W. Bryce & Maxine Hill James & Lydia Hillerson* John P. Hillerson Marie Hilliard Oscar & Lorene Hillius Steve & Julie Hills Brett & Lorri Hinricksen Verla M. Hodgson Grace Hodik Anne M. Hoefgen Michael & Gayle Hoff Michael W. Hoffart Becky Hoffman* David & Constance Hoffman Llewellyn & Arlene Hoffner Anna Marie Hofstad Dennis & Kathy Hogan Dennis & Shirley Hogan J. T. & Peggy Hoggard Greg & Kimberly Holder* Sally A. Holewa Douglas & Kimberly Holmberg Helen Hope Holt James & Joyce Holter Jay & Audrey Holter James A. Homelvig* Roger & Joan Hoovestol Patricia A. Hornbaker Wayne & Carol Hornberger Terry A. Horne Vincent & Betty Horner Mildred L. Hostbjor Hubert & Jill Hotchkiss Jan A. Hough Scott Houghton Lyle Hovelson Ted & Agnes Hoversten Kathryn A. Hovey Brian K. Hovland Bruce & Frances Hovland Helmuth & Phyllis Huber Arline C. Hudson Jeff Hughes John & Dorothy Hulteen Michael & Susan Hummel Carlton J. Hunke Richard & Bonnie Huntley Dorothy A. Huss Alden & Merlyn Hvidston Daniel R. Hyer Myron Hylden Walt & Sandra Ihnken Heidi Ihry Katherine Imle Lloyd Indvik Alfhild C. Ingberg Mildred Ingebo Wayne & Jeanne Ingersoll Thomas & Jessica Irwin David & Marilyn Isaacson Denis & Geraldine Isrow Donald & Shirley Iverson Myron Iverson Thomas Jabens* James Jackson Bryan & Corinne Jacobson* Carolyn J. Jacobson Judy Jacobson Kay E. Jacobson Richard & Carolyn Jacobson Richard & Olive Jacobson Kim J. Jacoby Daniel & Laura Jager James & Barbara Jameson Allen Janz Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Janzen Vernon & Shirley Jeannotte Kenneth Jefferson & Carole King Jefferson Marvin & Lois Jemtrud Arthur & Patricia Jensen Frank & Stephanie Jensen M. Jean Jensen Patricia M. Jergenson Brian R. Jesperson Brian & Alane Jodock Wally & Eileen Joersz John & Amy Johanson Aaron L. Johnson Allen Johnson Allen J. Johnson Bob & Susan Johnson Bruce & Joan Johnson 2011 Annual Report (7/1/10–6/30/11) Craig Johnson & Constance Hofland Dale & Marti Johnson Dean & Sandra Johnson Deanna D. Johnson Dennis & Rachel Johnson Evan & Maleah Johnson Everett & Patricia Johnson George & Janice Johnson Georgia M. Johnson Glenn & Debra Johnson Jeffrey & Marsha Johnson Kris & Jill Johnson L.Wilbur & Lois Johnson Lance & Judy Johnson Larry J. Johnson Leon & Virginia Johnson Lowell & Bonnie Johnson Lyle & Betty Johnson Marlys L. Johnson Mary Ann Johnson Paul & Kristine Johnson Randy & Marilee Johnson Rick D. Johnson Roger & Gail Johnson Ronald D. Johnson Rossford & Marilyn Johnson Timothy & LuAnn Johnson Dave & Carole Johnston Mark & Jamie Jokela Maureen K. Jonason Ryan Jonasson* Andrea Jones Janice Jones Joseph & Helga Jones Norman & Eunice Jones Shirley M. Jones Lawrence J. Jordan,Jr. Neil & Nancy Jordheim Thelmer & Belle Jore Timothy W. Jorgensen Corey D. Jorissen Donald & Carol Jorissen Steve & Elaine Jorstad Frank & Patricia Joyce W. Thomas Joyce David & Sue Juntunen Joan K. Justesen Alvin & Doreen Kadrmas Gayle N. Kaftan AnnMarie Kajencki Margaret M. Kaldahl James G. Karas Dean & Lynnette Karges Deloris Karnopp Mark A. Kasowski James & Carol Kasper Vincent Kautz John & Gladys Kautzman Cindy Kavlie Ronald & Sharon Keel Clarice Y. Kegel Bradley & Lisa Kellerman Chad & Diane Kelly Gordon & Helen Kelly Orville E. Kelly Tish Kelly Harold & Inga Kelner Ward & Lisa Kelsch Betty Jane Kemper Linus & Margaret Kensok Terry & Shari Kensok Randy & Mary Ketterling Rhonda L. Ketterling Mohamed Khan & Bibi Yassin-Khan David Kiefer James & Mary Kieley Ralph Kieley Marguerite Kilber Sean & Eithnea Killilea Michael & Kathryn Killoran Alan & Gail King Annie D. Kingsbury Connie M. Kingsley Ronald & Arva Kinzler Don & Pam Kirby LaVonne B. Kirkeide Rodney Kjellberg & Marlys Olson-Kjellberg Inez L. Klaus Anthony & Sheila Klein Charles & Kathleen Klemz Hollis & Lydia Klevenberg Marvin A. Klimek Jamie & Sara Kloster Joseph D. Klosterman Petra Klug David & Jane Knecht Victor Knell Marian E. Knudsvig Dean Knutson Kent & Donna Knutson Rhonda Koehler Irene Koenig Robert Koh & Soe Maw Frank & Joan Kohoutek Kathleen Kolbo Timothy & Delerie Kolke Richard & Deidre Kolotkin Mark & Marion Kolstad Dennis & Karen Kooren Konrad & Carol Koosmann Eileen D. Kopren Carl & Louise Korfmacher Richard & Marilyn Korinek Marilyn Korn Peter & Joyce Korwin Michael & Kristen Kosir Irene Kostenko Gerard Kottenbrock & Cathy Bauer-Kottenbrock Donald & Laurine Kounovsky Darin & Michelle Kraemer Margret Kragnes Ina Kragness Kelly J. Kram Yvette Kram Michael & Karolyn Kramer Craig & Joan Krause Brad & Karen Krenz Sue Kressin Craig & Carla Kretchman* R.S. & Swarna Krishnan James Krogh Jim & Kathleen Krogstad Kent & Valerie Krogstad Randy & Bonnie Kroh Keith & Beatrice Kroke Maxine E. Kroke Gerard & Shelley Krosbakken Josephine Kruckenberg Bill & Jackie Krumwiede Paul & Virginia Kruse Marilyn M. Kuch Duane A. Kuehn Mandy Kuhnhenn Chad & Jennifer Kunz Wayne & Judy Kutzer Leopold & Marlys Kuznia Darlene C. Kvamme Lorene M. Kvittum Harvey & Mary Laabs Mike & Cheryl Lacey Michael & Dena Lachowitzer Scott & Heidi Ladwig Gary & Sylvia Lahtinen Patrick & Tamara Lanaghan Richard & Sharon Lane* Betty L. Lang Dustin & Jennifer Lang Darin Langager Janice Langdahl Gordon & Marlyn Langerud Darlene P. Lardy Bruce & Maxine Larkin Dennis Larkin Gerald & Jeanne Larsen M. Donald Larsen Arvid & Darlene Larson Ashley Larson Bruce & Vicki Larson Carol L. Larson David & Julie Larson David & Ladine Larson Donald & Lois Larson George & Mary Larson 21 Howard & Catherine Larson Kay & Brian Larson Louise Larson Martha D. Larson Philip & Melissa Larson Ramon & Tracy Larson Rebecca Larson Sandra & David Larson Stephen H. Larson Wilma L. Larson Lester & Selma Laub Perry & Brenda Laub Michelle & Michael Lauckner Edward T. Lauinger Harley & Sharon Lautt Donald & Mary Helen Lawrence Virginia Lawson Edward & Elaine Laxdal Michael Lazarz* Kelly Leary* Rick & Marilynn Lebahn Robert & Frances Lebrun Bernice Lee David & Karen Lee John D. Lee Judith E. Lee Lane Lee Lily Mae Lee Lyle W. Lee Robert & Judith Lee Shirley Lee Thomas & Arlene Lee Willard & Lorene Lee Arnold & Marilyn Lefor Clifford & Rena Lehmann Nadine Lehr Michael & Susan Leingang Henry & Leota Leintz Rodney & Lola Leir Rita R. Leistritz Michael Lemna Kevin & Lynda Lengenfelder Clara M. Leno Eric W. Leonhardt John & Marie Leseth Maloye Lesmeister Debra Letkeman Linda C. Levee Cliffton & Sandra Levorsen Rodney A. Lezer David R. Liberato Jeff Liebl George & Bernadette Lies Patrick & Denise Lies Carleton & Sylvia Likness James & Rebecca Limke Jackson & Bonnie Lind Charles L. Lindberg 22 Shirley Lindgren Meg Lindholm Jim & Carol Lindseth Elaine E. Linke Muriel J. Lippert Marie Lithun Ilene Lodoen M. Carol Loe Janice Lofberg Mark & Becky Lommen Rodney Long Mary C. Losse Larson N. Charles Lotvedt Cleo C. Lowe Mrs. Mary Loyland Randall & Karen Lucht John & Kathy Luecke Roland Luken & Charlotte Cummings Barry & Rachel Lund Donald & Virginia Lund Harlan & Rhoda Lund Deborah & Keven Lunde Kenneth & Phyllis Lundeby Donald & Darlene Lutz Kenneth & Elaine Lystad Neil MacFarlane Gerrard & Michelle MacIntosh David & Linda Madson Anton & Norma Magelky Joshua & Aliceyn Magelky Thomas & Anna Magoris William & Darline Mahowald David N. Mai Gordon & Orilla Maier Jason & Brandi Jo Malarkey Dorene Malaterre David & Renee Malmskog Roger & Beth Mammenga Regina Mandy John & Bess Manesis Terrie Manno Leland G. Marchus David & Mary Maring Linda C. Markusen Ronald Marsh Renae Martin Tim M. Martin William & Christine Martin William & Verona Martin Thomas & Loraine Martindale Ann Martodam Sandra L. Martz Ronald & Lisa Mastel Helen Mastroianna Victor Mathern Leonabelle H. Mathison Jeffrey & Jayne Mathson Dorris N. Mauch Adam J. Maus Gordon & Sandra Mayer Shawn & Angela McCarthy Craig A. McCormack Stephen & Kelly McCormick Kevin & Rhonda McCrory Bud & Kathleen McCroskey Judith K. McDonald Debra L. McDonough Lorna D. McFarland Richard & Flora McGarvey Terry & Larae McGillivray Keith & Rondi McGovern Melvin & Faye McGuigan Dean & Shirley McInnes Scott & Carmen McIntyre Linda McKibben Richard & Carol McKinven John & Janice McLean Ronald & Marilyn McLean Ona B. McMillan Shirley McMillan Margaret O. McMorrow John & Mornette McShane Mary K. Mcwethy Carter & Mandie Medalen Shari J. Mehlisch Lorna Meidinger Thomas & Mildred Meidinger William & Lillian Meiers Irene Melander Keith & Sherry Melby Merlin & Marlys Melby Marshall & Diane Melbye Glenn & Phyllis Melvey Snookie Menke Donald & Janet Meronuck Michael Messelt & Bunnie Johnson-Messelt Ronald & Emelet Messelt Wesley & Stephanie Messer Kasey Metzger* Todd L. Metzger Nicholas C. Meyer Eduardo Meza & Nancy Fidler Fay R. Michelsen John & Grace Miesen Dennis L. Miller Donald & Joan Miller Everett & Bev Miller Helen J. Miller Marion L. Miller Sheila Miller Tammy J. Miller Terryl A. Miller Thomas & Sandra Miller Wayne & Lori Miller Darren Minette Anita Minske Garry & Sharon Mischke Russell & Darlene Mitchell Steven Mitchell & Kathleen Lenox Mitchell Leatta Mittleider Micheal J. Mitzel Barbara J. Moe Donald & Juneal Moen Matthew & Cynthia Mohr Gerald & Barbara Mohs Beverly Molbert Lynn & ArNetta Monge Clarence & Irene Monke Lyle & Kathleen Monroe David & Loretta Monson David & Natasha Montes Warren & Diane Moore Richard & Tracey Moorhead Lavaughn Moreland Patrick & Karen Morrison Joe & L Morrissette Donald & Susan Morton Catherine M. Mortrud Lois M. Motschenbacher Dorothy M. Moum Margaret M. Mowery Arthur & Lavern Mueller Myron & Marilyn Muhle Gregg & Patricia Muilenburg Harish Mukhami Brian & Karen Mullenberg Roger & Sandra Mulvaney Curry G. Mund Eric & Cindy Murphy Sue Murray Mark & Monica Musich Judy Muske Clarence & Mary Musland Kelly Myers Judy L. Myran Peter & Jessica Myxter Robert & Myra Nagel Lyn & Jennifer Narum* Terry & Jeanne Narum James & Joan Nayes James W. Neilson Archie & Shirley Nelson Bradley K. Nelson Clinton R. Nelson David J. Nelson David & Teresa Nelson Donald & Pamela Nelson Duane & Valri Nelson Eric & Gloria Nelson Gary & Sherry Nelson Ilabelle Nelson *Indicates that a donor’s gift was matched by a Matching Gift Partner James & Diane Nelson Jeffrey & Rachel Nelson Joan J. Nelson John M. Nelson Kathryn Nelson Kimberly Nelson* Laurence & Corinne Nelson Lee & Reness Nelson Mildred V. Nelson Roger & Margaret Nelson Gary & Sandra Nemcek Brent & Nancy Nerland Tessa Nesheim Curtis & Barbara Ness Gary A. Ness Myron & Katherine Netzer Evelyn Neumann Eric & Rebecca Newell* Tram T. Nguyen Rod J. Nibbe George & Martha Nice Vance & Katie Nichelson Matt Nichols & Janet Geston Carl & Norma Nicholson Robert & Connie Nick Stephen Nicklay Paul & Marilyn Nielsen Vernon & Joyce Nienow Marilyn F. Nissen Marc & Shirley Nokken Gary & Cynthia Nolte Duane & Gayle Noraker Donald & Sarah Nordby Doug & Vivian Nordby Julie Ann Norman Kathy Nornes Williard E. Norstebon Garry J. Novak Linda Novak Shawn D. Nulph* Avis Nybeck Robert & Jo Ann Nyquist Erin Nyren-Erickson Allan & Connie Oberembt William & Kathryn O’Brien Brett & Heidi Odegaard John Odland John & Marion O’Donnell James & Esther Officer Rae L. Offutt Ngozi N. Okoro Arthur & Grace Olien Fern J. Olsen Judy A. Olsen Otto G. Olsgaard Adrian A. Olson Barry & Gail Olson Charles & Ruth Olson Clarence P. Olson www.lssnd.org Dennis L. Olson Donna M. Olson Karen A. Olson Larry Olson & Ilene Iverson-Olson Odean & Karen Olson Paul & Jane Olson Ralph & Louise Olson Richard & Carol Olson Robert C. Olson Roger & Nyla Olson Sandra K. Olson Timothy & Jennifer Olson Tommy & Ann Olson Truman Olson & Peggy Sheldon Wanda J. Olson Kenneth & Jill Olstad Donald & Evelyn Ommodt Leon & LuJane Opdahl Josef & Robin Opitz Charles & Bonnie Orvik Kirsten Orvik Perry & Patti Ostmo Dale C. Ott Timothy R. Ottesen Robann Otto Mrkonich Doris A. Otto Edwin Ough Gary & Mary Ann Ouradnik E. Lynn & Joyce Overboe Ida Mae Overmoe Richard & Barbara Owens Jim & Sonja Ozbun Mike & Geraldine Paczkowski Levi & Ruth Parmer Roger & Judy Parrow Barbara & Mikkel Pates Daniel & Denise Paulson Delores A. Paulson Donald & Jean Paulson Gary & Lyla Paulson Lloyd W. Paulson Hulda M. Pearce Betty G. Pearson Harvey H. Pedersen Daniel Pederson & Susan Larson Pederson John Pederson & Julie Tillberg Karla L. Pederson Ernest & Edith Pelto Beverly Penrod Dorothy J. Penuel Carl & Maureen Perdue Kelly & Angie Pergande Robert & Elaine Perius Scott & Kimberly Persoon Gordon L. Peters Gary & Joan Peterson Joel & Deborah Peterson John D. Peterson John & Wanda Peterson Marge Peterson Mark & Mary Peterson Paul & Debbie Peterson Randall & Marti Peterson Rick & Debra Peterson Sherwood & Marilynn Peterson Tim & Claudette Peterson Zachary E. Peterson Curtis & Lynn Petrich Becky Pfau Janet M. Pfeifer Wallace & Laverne Pfeiffer Tri C. Phan Arthur & Mary Ann Phillips Bruce & Catherine Piatt Marie A. Pich Dennis & Darlene Pierson Dorothy Pitcher David & Leanne Pladson Clinton & Patricia Podoll Glenn & Kathleen Podoll Bernard & Evelyn Polansky Russell & JoAnn Pollock Michael & Barbara Polovitz Timothy & Lisa Poppenhagen Sharlene A. Porter Dewey & Margery Possehl Robert & Beverly Possehl D. Clark Potter H. George & Marjorie Poulson Gregory & Jennifer Poziembo Harlan Pratt & Kathleen Schwartz-Pratt Herman & Colleen Preszler David & Dee Pretty Igor & Lora Princ Math & Ethelyn Prom Jerry & Elizabeth Protextor Darren & Monica Jo Ptacek Lynne C. Puhr Daniel Pullen & Debra Crosby-Pullen Glenn & Karla Quale Edward G. Quamme Jason & Jennifer Quast* Jeanne F. Quenette Brian & Evelyn Quigley Gordon & Carol Quill Richard & Lorayne Radde Johnathon & Melissa Rademacher Jeanette E. Radig Donald & Susan Radtke James & Judy Rahlf Eldon & Margie Raknerud Charles & Phyllis Ramer 2011 Annual Report (7/1/10–6/30/11) Joel & Patricia Ransom Charles & Clara Rasmussen Marcellus & Sharon Ratajczak Richard W. Rathge Robert & Susan Rau Carol & Claire Rauser Delores & Orvin Ravnaas Julie Reames William & Sheila Rector Jane M. Redlinger Dale & Laquita Redmer Maridell H. Reid Vaughn & Nettie Reierson Travis & Jamie Reimche* David & Betty Rein Edith Reinke Paul & Janice Reis James M. Reiswig Richard & Lindsay Reiten Robert & Debra Remark Debra Remboldt* Anton & Dorothy Renner Carol M. Rensvold Stanley & Lucille Rice Timothy & Catherine Rice Mae Richards Gerald & Lou Richardson Mark & Carole Richman Thomas & Audrey Richmond Larry Richter Louise E. Richter Richard & Connie Richter George & Beth Rickard Vivian J. Rickertt Judy M. Ridenhower William G. Rieder Marjorie A. Rieger Elwood Rieke & LaVon Driessen-Rieke Jerry & Sharon Ries Joe & Nan Rinehart Celester H. Risovi Ronald & Susan Ritter Ralph & Lorraine Rivinius Eugene Roach Randal & Catherine Roberson Mark & Amy Roberts Robbie & Patty Robertson Walter & Jayne Robinson Antonio E. Rocha Wayde V. Rocksvold* Gary & Sandra Rodacker Wanda Roden Ron & JoAnn Rodenbiker Arlene Roerick Robert & Karen Rogneby Susan Roise John & Nancy Rolfsrud Paul & Kristi Ronningen Becky Rortvedt Clark & Lana Roscoe Debra Lee Ross Howard & Sandra Ross Glenn & Marcia Rost Kenneth & Maxine Rostad Patrick & Barbara Roth* Gilmar & Arline Rotvold Sonja F. Rue LaVerne H. Rued Alan & Audrey Ruff Kenneth & Lois Ruff Kenneth A. Ruhland Mary F. Rusch Dale & Jerri Rust Don & Janice Rustad Edward & Marian Rutter Mitchell Ruud* Michael & Anne Rydell Darrell W. Saathoff Lawerence R. Sad Ernest & Elsie Saewert Nathan & Alice Safe Paul & Holly Sagaser Eunice Sahr Dallas H. Sailer Gerald & Jan Sailer Abe & Debbie Sakak Betty C. Sampson Thomas & Leslie Sams Lynn C. Samsten Albert & Carol Samuelson John & Helen Samuelson Roger & Joyce Sand Irene M. Sanders Lyle R. Sanders Margaret Sandness Clarence & Juli Ann Sandvik Lois J. Sanner Mort & Stephanie Sarabakhsh Michael & Nancy Satrom Larry Sawaya Steven & Jacqueline Sayler Bryan & Janine Schaffer Duane & Carlotta Schall Adeline M. Schaubert Aaron Schauer Austen & Angela Schauer John & Betty Scheffer Robert & Jeanette Scheidecker Wilmar & Mary Ann Schenfisch Ervin & Viola Schielke Erika Schiff Edward & Charlotte Schilke Sara L. Schilke* Michael & Judith Schlecht Randall & Naomi Schlecht Albin & Clara Schlenker Andrea Schlepp Delan & Kathryn Schmidt Helmut Schmidt Mary A. Schmidt Richard & Mary Schmiess Otto & LaVerne Schmitt Joel & Lynette Schmitz Melvin & Judith Schmitz Delores Schneider Fred & Mary Jane Schneider Hilde Schneidermann Donald & Victoria Schnering Neal & Mary Schnetzler Diane M. Schoenecker Marvin & Joyce Schoenfish Patrick A. Scholl Corbett Schollmeyer Alvin & Susan Schopp Cynthia Schreiber-Beck JoAnn J. Schrenk James & Sheri Schrock Stephen & Lucia Schroeder Tim & Annette Schroeder Wanda E. Schroeder Gary S. Schrunk Clyde & Irma Schultz Florence Schultz Lloyd & Judith Schulz Mark & Connie Schulz Steven & Billie Schumacher* Amber & Kris Schwab Tyson & Jace Schwab Carl & Shannon Schwartz Caroline Schwartz Arlene & Elmer Schwarz Donald P. Schwert Marilyn Schwindt Rosie S-Conati David & Lori Scott William & Wanda Scoville Calvin & Thelma Sebelius H. Laverne Seefeld Chad Seefeldt Daniel & Bernadine Seefeldt Carmen J. Seifert David & Carol Seim Susan D. Seminary Colin A. Senogles Barbara J. Serr David & LaDean Serrao Jan & Sandra Severson Elbe F. Sexton Douglas & Gloria Shamberger Mary Ann B. Sheets-Hanson Patricia Shepard Terry & Willy Shercliffe Margaret E. Sherve Terrance & Rita Shiers 23 Carleen Shilling Terence Short & Shirley Norgard Gary & Kathy Shulstad Donald & Becky Silva Daniel & Chelsea Simmons* Curt & Mary Simons John E. Sinn Norma J. Skjoiten Mark W. Skunberg* Robert & Marlaine Slaaen Steve & Shauna Slabik Jacqueline Slagle Rolf Slen & Elizabeth Skjolden-Slen Michael & Kim Slette Kenneth Sletten Cedric & Leslie Sloan Dean & Nancy Slotten Jean Smillie Cindie Smith Ethel J. Smith Ione C. Smith Travis Smith* Herbert Snyder & Barbara Dunn Pam & Clark Soholt Ruth Solar Janice Solfield Thelma Soltero Steve Somsen Joyce Sonnenberg Robert & Jackie Sorenson Ruth B. Sorknes Harold & Carol Sorum Soupir Brothers Lorenz & Lorene Sowitch Jonathan & Laurie Spilde Roger & Barbara Spilde A William & Patricia Spiry Lorraine M. Springer Gustav & Mary Staahl Ernest & Lilly Stadum Margaret G. Stadum Robert K. Stalcup Lawrence & Theone Stangeland Les Staples Paul J. Stary Nelson & Rebecca Stave Nicole A. Steen Terry Steen & Laura McDaniel* Donn & Florie Steenbock Roger & Jennifer Stein Frieda Steinke Gary D. Steinke Frank & Esther Stewart Calvin & Lisa Stoffel E. Louise Stofferahn 24 Matt & Carolyn Stokka Kevin & Denise Stoppleworth Lori Storey Olin & Ruth Storvick Donna Strand Galen & Suzanne Strand William & Margaret Strand Claude & Maryann Strauch Steven & Cynthia Strege M. Blake Strehlow Todd & Cindy Streich Marie Stremick Paul & Tami Striegel Donna L. Stringer Dorothy E. Stringer Nick & Anne Strittmatter Lillian Stromme Charles D. Stromsodt Christopher J. Strong Judith A. Strong Loren & Kathleen Strum Wayne & Brenda Stubstad Lawrence & Brenda Sullivan Robert & Margaret Sullivan Lana Surrell Larry & Carmen Svenningsen Curtis & Margaret Sveum Kevin & Barb Swann Charles & Stephanie Swanson Justine Swanson Sean & Joyce Swartz Steve & Sue Swartz Jason & Cameron Swearingen* Jon & Barb Swegarden Adele Swenson Carol J. Swenson David & Patricia Swenson Helen C. Swenson Orlan & Elaine Swenson Roger & LuJean Swenson Timothy D. Swenson Edward Swingen Brian & Sandra Swor Mitchell & Ellen Syverson James & Yvonne Szarkowski Charles & Susan Taft Clark & Cassandra Talkington Gerald Tanberg & Sharon Burley Tanberg Wayne & Jocelyn Tang Kenneth & Mary Tangen Leonard J. Tangen Elmer & Adeline Tarnasky Arne & Karen Teigland Rebecca J. Telin David & Carole Tengesdal Evelyn Ternquist Norma J. Tessmer Beau & Larissa Theige Ray & Janet Thielman Betty M. Thiem Wallace & Carol Thomas Terrance & Florence Thomason Asunta L. Thompson Brett Thompson Jeraldine R. Thompson Scott & Katie Thompson Susan Thompson Gerald A. Thomte Kevin Thorsness & Marcia McMullen Lance & Annie Thorson Kenneth Thorstad Marle Thorstad Larry & Bonnie Thronson Delbert Tibke Paul & Desirae Tibor Joan N. Tillotson Patty Tintes H. Joan Toay Judith Tollefson Martha H. Tollefson Clinton M. Tompt Dennis Toom & Jane Monson Richard S. Torrance James & Luella Traiser James & Katherine Traynor* Terrance & Debra Traynor Robert F. Trieglaff Eric & Heidi Trittin Harold A. Trosen Mark Trosen & Lori Fett-Trosen* Curt & Lesley Trulson Cyrus & Edith Trygstad Richard O. Tryhus Bonnie Turner Scott & Vicki Turner Berniece Turnquist Elaine Tweed Frank & Lorraine Tyley Alice H. Tyre Marie Ubben Ralph & Rhonda Ubben Scott Udby Bryan & Jane Uggerud Donald Uhlenberg Beverly A. Ulland Joyce E. Ulland Vincent & Jacqueline Ulstad David & Loretta Upgren Todd & Sheila Vagle* Eleno Vallejo Evert & Judith Van Engelenhoven Darrel Van Erem Mark & Nancy Van Lishout Samuel & Georgia Van Voorhis Paul & Bette Vandersteen Evelyn L. VanLishout James & Joyce Vanlith Constance H. Vanvig Richard & Patty Vari John & Carol Varner Jean M. Varriano Edna E. Vettel Joyce Viall Dean Vierkant Bruce & Joanne Vieweg Lee & Ayuko Vigilant William & Naomi Vining Eric & Katherine Volk* Mark & Susan Volk* Richard L. Volk Donald Volker Joyce Voorhees Grace K. Voss Jane Voss Gail L. Waagen Jeanne K. Waalen Arlyn A. Wadholm Kenneth & Marla Wagenman Alphonsus & Rita Wagner Lois D. Wagner Robert & Leslie Wagner* Beaverly Walcker Kenneth Wald Scott & Dawn Walden Morgan Walford Don & Ann Walker F. Bruce & Diane Walker James & Danelle Walker Kenneth C. Wallner Esther Wallum Bernice A. Walton DuWayne & Karen Walz Morris & Hazel Wanek David & Jeanne Wanner Ted & Kathy Warehime Phillip Warmsbecker Michael & Joanne Warner Richard & Mary Warner Leslie & Eunice Wassberg Richard & Laurel Wayne James W. Weber Oswald B. Weber Dean C. Webster Colleen Weflen Roger & Alice Wehlander Glenn L. Weiand Shelley K. Weidner Gary & Maria Weinberger *Indicates that a donor’s gift was matched by a Matching Gift Partner Steve & Renelda Weippert Tim & Shari Weippert Justin & Julie Welch Joseph & Mary Rose Welk Patrick J. Welle Sheila M. Welle Thomas & Barbara Welle Bryan & Sharlene Wendorff* Barbara J. Wenger James J. Wenino Frances M. Werre Roger & Dorothea West Wayne & Beverly Westphal Ronnie C. Wetch Darin & Kathy Wetzel William & Nancy Wey Herbert T. Weyrauch David & Carol Wheeler John & Molly Wheeler Anton L. Whitehead Ward & Edith Anne Whitman Elsie Wiedenmeyer Andrew & Gabrielle Wiens Jerel & Rochelle Wieser Randy & Sherry Wieser Leslie & Cyrisse Wietstock Thomas & Virginia Wiggen Scott & Leanne Wilcox Cecilia M. Wilke Kristi J. Wilkinson Ronald & Donna Wilkinson Bradley & Ann Williams Kay L. Williams Jim & Linda Willis James & Ann Wilson Neil & Brenda Wilson William Winchester Richard & Kathleen Winter Scott & Tennille Witte Charlotte Wixo Arvel & Myrtle Woessner Brian & Ardyce Woinarowicz Jessica Woinarowicz John & Linda Wolbaum Donald & Marilyn Wold Margaret Wold Howard & Doris Wolfe Beverly Wolff James & Lois Wood Rex E. Wood Robert & Deborah Wood Paul & Brenda Wraalstad Joseph & Krista Wright Robert & Ellen Wright Steven & Leann Wright James & Cheran Wynstra Mark & Kathy Wyum Linda F. Ydstie Lois A. Ydstie www.lssnd.org George & Lisa Yocum Glen Y. Yoshida Shirley Young Ryan & Holly Younggren* Bruce S. Zacharias Jerry & Margret Zadow Arthur & Crystal Zander William & Ruth Zerr Jack Ziemann Carol Zietz Allan & Carol Zimmerman Dorothy L. Zimmerman David & Ronda Zupi Dr. & Mrs. Grant Zwick Churches/ Church Groups Aal Lutheran Congregation, Hillsboro American Lutheran Church, Flasher American Lutheran WELCA, Tolna Aurdal Lutheran WELCA, Portland Beaver Creek Lutheran WELCA, Northwood Bethany Lutheran Church, McLeod Bethany Lutheran Church, Rugby Bethany Lutheran WELCA, Hatton Bethany Lutheran WELCA, Rugby Bethany Lutheran WELCA, Minot Bethel Lutheran Church, Rogers Bethel Lutheran Church, Rugby Bethel Lutheran WELCA, Battleview Bethlehem Lutheran WELCA, New Town Bethlehem Lutheran WELCA, Fargo Big Pembina Lutheran Church, Langdon/Walhalla Birka Lutheran Church, Washburn Bisbee Lutheran WELCA, Agate Blanchard Lutheran WELCA, Blanchard Bread of Life Lutheran WELCA, Minot Buffalo Lutheran WELCA, Buffalo Calvary Lutheran Church, Hankinson Calvary Lutheran WELCA, Lemmon/Shadehill, SD Christ Lutheran Church, Neche Christ The King Lutheran WELCA, Moorhead, MN Clear Creek Lutheran WELCA, Keene Concordia Lutheran Church, Edmore Concordia Lutheran WELCA, Glyndon, MN Congregational & Lutheran United WELCA, Gardner Dawson Lutheran Church, Dawson Dilworth Presbyterian Church, Dilworth, MN Dovre Lutheran WELCA, Newberg/Westhope Eidfjord Lutheran Church, Hannaford Elim Lutheran WELCA, Fargo Elk Valley Lutheran WELCA, Larimore Elm Grove Lutheran Church, Larimore Elm River Lutheran WELCA, Galesburg Elmdale Lutheran Church, Niobe/Kenmare Faith Lutheran Church, Fortuna Faith Lutheran Church, Valley City Faith Lutheran WELCA, West Fargo Faith Lutheran WELCA, Mentor, MN Faith Lutheran Women, Regent Finley Lutheran WELCA, Finley First Lutheran Church, Hunter First Lutheran Church, Granville First Lutheran ELCW, Watford City First Lutheran WELCA, Litchville First Lutheran WELCA, Rugby First Lutheran WELCA, Plaza First Lutheran WELCA, Enderlin First Lutheran WELCA, Bismarck First Lutheran WELCA, White Earth First Lutheran WELCA, Keene/New Town First United Methodist Church, Fargo Garden Lutheran Church, Watford City Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Williston Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church, Fargo 2011 Annual Report (7/1/10–6/30/11) Grace Lutheran Church, Wyndmere Grace Lutheran Church, Wildrose Grace Lutheran Church, Carrington Grace Lutheran WELCA, Oakes Grace United Methodist Church, Moorhead, MN Gran Lutheran Chruch, Hawley, MN Gran Lutheran WELCA, Hawley, MN Grandfield Lutheran Church, Sheyenne Gustaf Adolf Lutheran WELCA, Gwinner Hickson Lutheran WELCA, Fargo High Prairie Evangelical Lutheran Church, LaMoure Highland Lutheran WELCA, Cummings/Buxton Hjerdal Lutheran Church, Voltaire Hoff Lutheran Church, Heimdal Hoff Lutheran WELCA, Moorhead, MN Hoff Lutheran WELCA, Lankin Hope Lutheran Church, Makoti Hope Lutheran WELCA, Surrey Hope United Church of Christ, Streeter Horace Lutheran WELCA, Horace Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church, Cogswell Kindred Area Ministerial Association, Kindred Lakeview Lutheran Church, Egeland Lawton Lutheran Church, Lawton Lawton Lutheran WELCA, Lawton Lebanon Lutheran ELCW, Amidon Lesje Lutheran Church, Souris Lord of Life Lutheran WELCA, Bismarck Lucky Mound Lutheran Church, Parshall/Plaza Mayville Lutheran WELCA, Mayville McVille Lutheran WELCA, McVille Michigan Lutheran WELCA, Michigan Milnor Lutheran WELCA, Milnor Montpelier Lutheran WELCA, Montpelier New Hope Lutheran WELCA, Upham Nora Lutheran WELCA, Fargo Norman Lutheran WELCA, Kindred Normanna Lutheran WELCA, Dunn Center North Viking Lutheran WELCA, Maddock Northwood Lutheran WELCA, Northwood Norway Lutheran Church, Cummings Norway Lutheran WELCA, Cummings Norwich Lutheran Church, Norwich Ostervold Lutheran Church, Finley Our Redeemer Lutheran WELCA, Fairdale Our Redeemer Lutheran WELCA, New England Our Savior Lutheran Church, Halliday Our Savior Lutheran WELCA, Rolla Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Williston Our Savior’s Lutheran WELCA, Williston Our Saviour Lutheran WELCA, Park River Peace Lutheran Church, Burlington Peace Lutheran WELCA, Crosby Peace Lutheran WELCA, Linton Peace Lutheran WELCA, Scranton Peace Lutheran WELCA, Hazen Plymouth Congregational Church, Fargo Pontoppidan Lutheran WELCA, Fargo Rainbow Valley Lutheran Church, Ray Redeemer Lutheran WELCA, Hope Rose Valley Lutheran WELCA, Des Lacs Rosebud Lutheran Church, Lemmon, SD Salem Lutheran Church, Cummings Saron Lutheran Church, Minot Saron Lutheran WELCA, Minot Shell Creek United Lutheran Church, Plaza Shepherd of the Prairie Lutheran Parish, Walcott South Trinity Lutheran Church, Grafton/Grand Forks St. Benedict Catholic Church, Horace St. John Lutheran LWML, McClusky St. John Lutheran WELCA, Embden/Wheatland St. John’s Lutheran Church, Richardton St. Luke Lutheran WELCA, Wishek St. Marks J.O.Y. Group, Grand Forks St. Olaf Lutheran Church, Turtle Lake St. Olaf Lutheran Church, Minnewaukan St. Olaf Lutheran Church, Walum/Hannaford St. Olaf Lutheran WELCA, Devils Lake St. Olaf Lutheran WELCA, Hannaford St. Olaf Lutheran WELCA, Turtle Lake St. Paul Lutheran Church, Tower City St. Paul Lutheran Church, Dodge St. Paul Lutheran Church, Rugby St. Paul Lutheran Church, Minot St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Hazen/Stanton St. Peters Lutheran Church, Leonard St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, Devils Lake St. Thomas Catholic Church, Buffalo Stordahl Lutheran WELCA, Galesburg Trinity Lutheran Cemetary Association, Garrison Trinity Lutheran Church, Kenmare Trinity Lutheran Church, Kintyre Trinity Lutheran Church, Sentinel Butte Trinity Lutheran Church, Westhope Trinity Lutheran WELCA, Esmond Trinity Lutheran WELCA, Columbus Trinity Lutheran WELCA, Turtle Lake Trinity Lutheran WELCA, Binford Trinity Lutheran WELCA, Mott 25 Trinity Lutheran WELCA, Carrington Trinity Lutheran WELCA, Steele Trinity Lutheran WELCA, Valley City Trinity Lutheran WELCA, Cooperstown Trinity Lutheran WELCA, Kenmare Trinity Lutheran WELCA, Westhope Trinity Lutheran WELCA, Lansford Trinity Lutheran WELCA, Bremen/Fessenden United Lutheran WELCA, Brocket United Lutheran WELCA, Cavalier United Lutheran WELCA, Zahl/Alamo Upper Missouri Cluster WELCA, Zahl Valle Lutheran WELCA, Rolette Viking Lutheran WELCA, Maddock Warwick Lutheran Church, Warwick Washington Lutheran WELCA, Northwood West Prairie Lutheran WELCA, Williston West Union Lutheran Church, Northwood Writing Rock Lutheran WELCA, Alkabo Wyndmere Lutheran WELCA, Wyndmere Zion Lutheran Church, Kulm Zion Lutheran Church, Nome Zion Lutheran Church, McGregor Zion Lutheran Church, Towner Zion Lutheran Church, Binford Zion Lutheran WELCA, McGregor Zion Lutheran WELCA, Berthold Zion Lutheran WELCA, Churchs Ferry Zion Lutheran WELCA, Ashley Zion Lutheran WELCA, Beulah Businesses Alerus Financial, Grand Forks Becker Construction Company, Anamoose Benedictine Sisters of Richardton, Inc., Richardton Blanchard Chiropractic Clinic, Langdon Blue Swan Designs, Carrington BTA Oil Producers, LLC, Midland, TX Central Valley Bean Cooperative, Buxton Drug Plastics & Glass, Inc., Valley City Expressions by Ashton, Fargo Fargo Chiropractic Clinic, Fargo Fargo Glass & Paint Co., Fargo Farmers Union Insurance— Zunich Agency, Williston FD Walsh’s Inc, Bottineau Financial Business Systems, Inc., Fargo Freddy’s Lefse, Inc., West Fargo Glasow Farms, Davenport Greenberg Roofing, Grand Forks Heidi Construction, Fargo Hi-Way Drive In, Carrington Horn Plastics Inc, Fargo IBM Employee Services Center, Endicott, NY Jenny Craig, Fargo John H. Holt Oil Properties, Inc., Williston Kiecker Farms, Edgeley KSJB-KSJZ Chesterman Communications, Jamestown MBN Engineering, Inc., Fargo Mitchell Brothers, Courtenay Moxie Java—Piece of Cake, Fargo Natco, Inc., Moorhead, MN Newman Signs, Inc, Jamestown Northern Improvement Company, Fargo Northern Plumbing Supply, Fargo Northern Technologies, Inc., Fargo Otter Tail Corporation, Fargo PG&E Corporation, Princeton, NJ Progress Enterprises Inc, Jamestown Red Willow Lake Resort, Binford Retterath Farm, Inc., Douglas Rheault Remodeling, Inc., Fargo Root International, Inc., Lutz, FL Sandee’s Hallmark Shop, Bottineau Sandman Consulting PC, Moorhead, MN Scherling Photography, Fargo Scherr Properties LLP, Bismarck SES Vanderhave, Inc., Fargo Stan Johnson Insurance, Inc, Fargo Superior Customs, West Fargo The Tegra Group, Inc., Minneapolis, MN Toasted Frog West, LLC, Bismarck Upton & Hatfield, LLP, Concord, NH Valley Mortuary Services, Moorhead, MN Wagner Construction, Moorhead, MN Wallwork Truck Center, Fargo Yankton Canvas Company, Jamestown Churches/ Church Groups Trinity Lutheran Church, Sabin, MN Heartland Trail Bed & Breakfast, Park Rapids, MN Heart’s Desire Designs, Fargo Hotel Donaldson, Fargo Juel Distribution, Bismarck Kolors By Kari, West Fargo Ms. Deborah Levchak, Attorney/Law, Bismarck McCulley’s Optix, Fargo Mkat Designs, Minneapolis, MN Osgood Golf Course, Fargo Paradiso Mexican Restaurant, Fargo Riverzen, Moorhead, MN Royal Jewelers, Inc., Fargo Sam’s Club Foundation, Fargo Sweet Banana Spa, Fargo Thumper Pond Golf Course, Ottertail, MN Wallwork Truck Center, Fargo West Acres Development, LLP, Fargo WF Maxwell’s, West Fargo Xanadu Island Bed & Breakfast, Battle Lake, MN Organizations/Other Association of Indian Students, Fargo Beta Sigma Phi—XI Alpha Chapter, West Fargo Cass County Courthouse, Fargo Chapter V—PEO Sisterhood, Fargo Grant County Treasurer, Carson JS Coffee Fund, Fargo Kindred-Davenport Elementary, Kindred Kiwanis Club of Moorhead, Moorhead, MN Lions Club—Moorhead Midday Central, Moorhead, MN Mosaic Lodge #11, Grand Forks Presentation Sisters, Fargo Sabin Lioness Club, Sabin, MN Sioux County Treasurer, Fort Yates Tolley Senior Citizens, Tolley Traill County Treasurer, Hillsboro Gifts In Kind Individuals Calvin Anderson Tara Argall Peggy & Ted Bearce James A. Bender Steven & Mary Berntson Jon Beyer Debra Bichler Margaret & Larry Bowman Matt Bowman Evelyn Brendemuhl Susan Buhr Joan Carlson Karen Cisek Dorothy Curry Liban Dirie Larry & Kathy Grinaker Pat Hardy Kay L. Hilde Randy & Deb Hoffman Brenda Johnson 26 Shirley Kieffer Ron Knutson Anne M. Kuschel David F. Martin Sadie M. Martin Kami M. McClaflin Leroy & Sonia Meehl Kevin & Kimberly Melander John & Sharyn Melting Terry Oxendahl Tim & Jody Paulson Helen O. Pepple Daniel R. Rice Thomas & Sandra Robinson Kori Savey Glenn & Diane Simon Pete & Annee Thiessen Henry & Lynn Tkachuk Deborah & Donald Wahus Linda S. Williamson Businesses Bergstrom Eye Clinic, Fargo Bluefin Bay Resort, Tofte, MN Butler Machinery Company, Fargo Cash Wise Foods, Fargo Cash Wise Foods, Moorhead, MN Dan Francis Photography, Fargo Elite Therapeutic Massage, Fargo Fargo Country Club, Fargo Fargo Jet Center, Inc., Fargo Organizations/Other Thrivent— East Cass County Chapter, Fargo www.lssnd.org Executive Team Robert Sanderson CEO Janell Regimbal Sr. Vice President, Children & Family Services Mary Weiler Vice President, Community Outreach Gail Reierson Vice President, Human Resources Board of Directors Mark Strand Chair, West Fargo David Walth Vice Chair, Halliday Lynda Bertsch Secretary, Minot Melanie Stillwell Treasurer, Williston Cindy Anderson Bismarck Rev. Sharon Baker Rugby Richard Hall Jamestown Jim Melland Grand Forks Roger Monson Finley Bishop Mark Narum Stanley Harold Ovre Devils Lake Bishop William E. Rindy Fargo Jennifer Schaeffer Medora 2011 Annual Report (7/1/10–6/30/11) 27 NONPROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 1071 FARGO, ND 58107 Administrative Offices Fargo Program Center 1325 11th Street S. Fargo, ND 58103 Phone: (701) 235-7341 Bismarck Program Center 1616 Capitol Way Bismarck, ND 58501 Phone: (701) 223-1510 Grand Forks Program Center 412 Demers Avenue Grand Forks, ND 58201 Phone: (701) 772-7577 Minot Program Center 1905 2nd Street S.E.,Suite 1B Minot, ND 58701 Phone: (701) 838-7800 Williston Program Center P.O. Box 163 1821 9th Ave. W. Williston, ND 58802-0163 Phone: (701) 774-0749 www.lssnd.org Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota is a nonprofit social services agency serving one in nine North Dakotans annually from offices in five cities. The agency’s 19 programs strengthen individuals, families and communities without regard to clients’ race, religion, gender or economic status. Owned by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and affiliated with the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod (LCMS), Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota offers programs helping people from birth through retirement years. You are encouraged to research the agency’s integrity. Visit www.GuideStar.org to review financial statements and program summaries. P.O. Box 389 Fargo, North Dakota 58107 A United Way Agency
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