DICTATOR NOTES - MARCH, 2015 INLAND NORTHWEST STUDEBAKER DRIVER'S CLUB DICTATOR NOTES INLAND NORTHWEST SDC P. O. BOX 14595 SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99214 Dictator Notes is published as the official newsletter of the Inland Northwest Chapter of the Studebaker Drivers Club, Inc. Permission is granted to the other SDC publications to reprint any material provided that appropriate credit is given to the author and newsletter. Publication is monthly and all articles must be in by the first of the month.. MEMBERSHIP - A member must also be a member of the National SDC at a cost of $27.50. Our club dues are $15.00 per year. We meet the second Sunday of every month at the Maxwell House Restaurant—1424 N. Ash—Spokane, 99201. . PRESIDENT Dan Brown 18108 E. Cowley Greenacres, WA 99016 Home Phone—(509) 927-1738 Email—[email protected] VICE PRESIDENT Dana Whitlow 704 N. Conklin Veradale, WA 99037 Home Phone—(509) 220-5891 Email—[email protected] SECRETARY VACANT TREASURER Curt Campbell 10714 E. 8TH – Spokane 99206 Home phone – (509) 924-9738 Email – [email protected] NEWSLETTER EDITOR Allen Barth 15090 Mecklenburg Rd., N. Davenport, WA 99122 Home Phone—(509) 253-4732 Email— [email protected] INWSDC meeting—2 p.m. FROM THE PEN OF THE PRESIDENT Well, it’s March, time to think about getting ready for Bloomsday and the car show at Joan and Dana’s. This year I want to form a group of people to help Joan and Dana set this show up or if needed move it to a different location. Joan is still recovering from her hospitalizations. A good time was had at the INCCC Show No Shine in February. The food was good, the facility was great and the band was better than ever. They played some different tunes as requested by the car club folks. Our “basket”, the garden cart was a big hit and tho we didn’t win, we are pretty sure we came in second to the Late Great Chevy club, who had a collection of music from the fifties and sixties and a CD/record player. Paul Charleton won that basket! Bruce and his wife also won a basket. Kitty won the women’s costume contest in her cheerleader outfit. . The Studebaker table looked sharp as most of us wore letterman jackets with Studebaker logos. It was a good chance to visit with people from other clubs. The 2015 Calendar of Events was unveiled and distributed. Copies are available in the businesses now and I will bring some to the meeting. The Calendar of Events donated $12,000 to the scholarship fund and the Downtown car Show added another $3,000. Applications are due April 1 so remind anyone you know who is applying. In this month of Classic Car Jim Richardson wrote an article on why it is important for us as club members and owners of “orphan” cars to show the next generation what the “American Century” was like. I will bring copies of the article to the meeting. I’m thinking that we may want to meet for lunch or dinner at one of the cruise night restaurants. There are one or more places every night off the week. Let’s get out there and show off our Studes. Dan Brown INLAND NW STUDEBAKER DRIVER’S CLUB MEETING NOTES – Sunday, 8 Feb 2015 Meeting was called to order by Club President Dan Brown at 2pm. The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as published in the newsletter. Treasurer’s Report by Curt Campbell. The club has a balance of $6055.09. There are two checks written but still outstanding. MOTION to accept the Treasurer’s Report passed. Three club members paid their annual dues since the meeting: Ralph Kirby, Bob Ross, & Barnetta Bindewald. Old News: The Inland Northwest Car Club Council (INCCC ) Show, No Shine is Saturday, 21 February 2015. Dan Brown distributed the tickets purchased by the Club members. He also made a garden card for the event’s raffle. He still needs members to donate garden tools, dirt, and other related materials. The proceeds of the INCCC raffle are for their Scholarship Fund. The INCCC will award twelve scholarships in July. Dan Brown has the application; call him if you need one. The scholarship applicant requires a minimum of 2.5 GPA. The INCCC will publish their calendar of events. The Club has purchased an advertisement in the calendar. Terry Russell reported on his conversation with a Hutton Settlement board member. They are interested in joining with the Club to do a car event for their children. Terry will arrange to have the board member attend a Club meeting to describe with Hutton Settlement is and the outlines of an event. Curt Campbell brought the Studebaker flags purchased with Club funds. The first was a 5’x3’ sign for the Spokane Chapter of the Studebaker’s Drivers Club. The second was a 12’ tall, feather shaped Studebaker Club flag. This flag has two bases; suitable for both grass and asphalt. Simple to assemble, the flag will highlight our Club at events for years to come. President Brown again spoke of his intention to recruit new, younger members. All Club members are encouraged to bring someone who might be interested in joining. Having a Studebaker is not a prerequisite, just having an interest in Studebakers or classic cars in general. Individual clubs throughout the INCCC are making this effort to promote our hobby and passion for old cars. Members re-introduced the idea of having a Club website designed and constructed. This idea was discussed earlier in 2014. All agreed that the idea has merit. It was suggested and discussed to combine this with a Craig’s List notice that would link to our Club website for meetings, events, news, etc. The memorial service for Club member Pete Kelsey was Saturday 7 Feb 2015. The club discussed making a charitable donation to various charities in his name. MOTION carried that the Club would make two donations of $50 each to 1) Hospice of Spokane and 2) SCRAPS. The Club also sent get-well flowers to Joan as she recovers from surgery. Since the last meeting, Bev O’Dell passed away. Bev and her husband had been Club members for many years. New Business: UPCOMING SHOWS: Whitlow Car Show: Saturday 3 May 2015 is the show at the Whitlows. The address is 704 N. Conklin, Veradale, WA 99037. Dana Whitlow’s phone number is 509. 220.5891. The Club will hold a potluck lunch with the Club furnishing the barbeque meat, buns, & condiments. Club members are asked to bring side salads, beans, deserts, etc. The Harrington Show is scheduled for Saturday May 16, 2015. The Northwest Overdrive is 16 (Saturday) – 17 May 2015 (Sunday) in Bellingham. Sponsored by the Whatcom County Chapter, the Northwest Overdrive is a driving tour. Meet and Greet is Saturday evening, tour Sunday, banquet Sunday evening. Host Hotel is the Hampton Inn, 3985 Bennett Dr., Bellingham, WA. 98225. Phone: 360-676-7700. 800-426-7866. Mention Studebaker Club. For more information, contact: Hazel Hagen (360)733-5741 [email protected] Additional opportunities to meet as a Club include the Downtown Show sponsored by the INCCC in July. The Club meeting has some new guests attending and a couple of Club members returning. Everyone introduced themselves and identified their cars and interests in classic cars. Studebaker History President Dan Brown identified 16 Feb 1852 as the date Henry and Clem Studebaker opened their first Studebaker blacksmith shop at the corner of Michigan and Jefferson in South Bend, Indiana. With the establishment in 1852 and incorporation in 1868 under the name of the Studebaker Brothers Manufacturing Company, the company was originally a producer of wagons for farmers, miners, and the military. They were well placed to meet the demands for wagons for overland migrants heading for the California Gold Rush, as well as furnishing wagons for the US Army. Three other brothers, Peter, Jacob and John later joined the company. The five Studebaker brothers—founders of the Studebaker Corporation. Left to right, (standing) Peter and Jacob; (seated) Clem, Henry, and John M. We all had a great time at the INCCC banquet at the Casino. It was good food, good prizes, and a good time. Dan’s garden cart was a real treat and a very popular raffle item. The Studebaker show at the Whitlows will take place on May 2, 2015. It is always the Saturday before Bloomsday. It will be the usual potluck and meeting at end of day. Bring your car and bring some food. The club will provide meat, buns, and condiments. The car show at Harrington will be May 16th this year. I look forward to seeing everybody there. Also, see you at the meeting on Sunday. Allen IN L A N D N O RT H W ES T S T UD E BA K E R DR IV E R S C L UB P. O. BOX 14595 SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99214