YES Press - Yeshiva Elementary School
YES Press - Yeshiva Elementary School
Volume 10, Issue 1 20 Elul, 5775 September 4, 2015 Parshas Ki Savo Candle Lighting: 7:18 EMERGENCY CARDS AND MEDICAL FORMS! It is extremely important for every child to have his or her emergency card and medical forms on file. We require you to fill out a separate emergency card for each student, even if you sent them in last year. If you have not sent one in yet, please send them in immediately! Thanks! Your dedication here! Call the office at (305) 867-3322 SCHEDULE REMINDER! Sunday, September 6: Selichos begin. School begins at 9:30 Monday, September 7: Labor Day, 12:00 Dismissal for all students. Welcome Back Picnic for all YES families. Please see enclosed flyer for details! See you there! PAGE 2 D’VAR TORAH By: Rabbi Yisroel Moshe Janowski, Principal As we approach the Yomim Noraim, we need to examine the right approach to these awesome days. On one hand, they are truly fearful and awesome. As we say in the Unesaneh tokef . . .”ki hu ayom venorah . . . mi yichyeh umi yamus. Hashem judges us on this day. On the other hand, Chazal tell us “Imru lifanai malchios kedai shetamlichuni alaichem” – say before me pesukim of Malchiyos in order to coronate me as your King. We always perceive the inauguration of a ruler as happy time, a time of trumpets, music and happiness. The Rambam in hilchos Chanukah says the reason we don’t say Hallel on Rosh Hashana is “lefi shehem yemei teshuva veyirah vafachad lo yemei simcha yesaira – they are days of teshuva and trepidation, not days of unbridled simcha. How do we understand that the Rambam only says that there is no unbridled simcha but regular happiness and joy are in order?! Also, we find that the days leading up to Rosh Hashana are the days of Elul. Chazal tell us that Elul stands for Ani Ledodi Vedodi Li – I am to my beloved as my beloved is to me. Chazal are telling us that we must perceive Hashem’s love towards us during these days. When one feels loved and appreciated, there is a sense of calm, not of nervousness and fear. How can these feelings be reconciled? THE Y.E.S. PRESS In the Medresh Rabbah, we find Chazal telling us when the posuk in Parshas Emor concerning the korbanos of Rosh Hashana says, After Adam Ha’rishon was judged, Hashem said to him, “Let this be sign for your children. Just as you were judged on this day and you came out with a soft judgment, so too your children every year will be judged and will come through with a tempered judgment. Hashem is our Father. He has only our good and what’s best for us in mind. As parents we know if we want our children to grow to be responsible and focused on spiritual growth we need to hold them responsible for their actions. We do not punish our children in a punitive manner but rather to show them that all their actions have consequences. So too with Hashem. We need to feel privileged that Hashem is so focused on us that He cares about our growth and wants so much to guide us to become close to Him. As the posuk states, “Ka’asher ye’yaser ish es beno, Hashem Elokecha meyasrecha “ – just as a father reproves a child, so does Hashem reprove you. Our attitude for the Yomim Noraim needs to be that, yes, we are afraid of the consequences that might befall us but we must understand that this is Hashem’s love tap. It is because He is Avinu Malkenu, our Father our King that He so cares about us. Is there not a better reason for simcha from our perspective? There is nothing more that Hashem would love than to give us a KESIVA VACHASIMA TOVA. Ah Gutten Shabbos!!! THE Y.E.S. PRESS PAGE 3 We are very excited for our fifth annual Yeshiva Elementary School Bake Sale/ Side Dish sale! The previous Bake Sale/Side Dish sales were an incredible success. We thank Mrs. Margalit Saka for hosting the event this year and opening up her home. Not only will there be a tremendous amount of delicious desserts and tasty side dishes for sale; there will also be many vendors selling clothing, gifts, accessories, makeup and more! If you would like to make something for the Bake Sale/Side Dish sale, please call Wendy at 305-867-3322 or 786-262-6438 ALL CLEAR! The entire school was checked to make sure the students here are lice and nit free! Thank you to Magic Lice Removal for your services. Although the full list of participants is not yet available, it is already clear that our Summer Hasmadah Program was a terrific success! An impressive number of students participated, paving the way for another great year of learning and growth! Participant list to follow... PRESCHOOL NEWS Our Preschool Division officially kicked off the year this week, as our cutest students filled the hallways and classrooms with their smiles and infectious excitement for learning this Wednesday at the Preschool Orientation. Ever since then, their classrooms have been The Preschool will be ordering smocks and mats during the coming week. If you would like to order through the Preschool, please make sure to get your order in by Monday so that it will be included in our order. PAGE 4 THE Y.E.S. PRESS Back To School Night Sets The Tone The new school year has just begun, and Yeshiva Elementary School is already full of excitement and learning. A peek into any of our classrooms will reveal students hard at work striving for the stars, under the able guidance of their Rebbeim, Moros and Teachers. בעזרת השם, we anticipate a year of tremendous growth and accomplishment for all of our children. Rabbi Friedman set the tone for the new year at Back To School Night this Tuesday. Drawing as from wellspring of the Torah, the Director of Development spoke about the proper approach towards the Yamim HaNoraim in particular, and Avodas Hashem in general. A Central theme of Rosh Hashana is the concept of Zichronos—remembering. In the Tefillos, we refer to Rosh Hashana as Yom Hazikaron, and the simple understanding of the Zichronos is that Hashem sits in judgment and "remembers" all of our actions from the previous year. The Pesukim which Chazal chose for Tefillas Mussaf, however, focus on the Zikaron of all the Chessed and Mesiras Nefesh that Klal Yisroel has exhibited in our history, and the closeness that HaKadosh Baruch Hu feels towards each of us. The important lesson Chazal are teaching us is that while it is appropriate for a person to do to Teshuva and serve Hashem from a sense of fear and trepidation, the highest and most ideal relationship with Hashem is one that is based on from Ahava. Yeshiva Elementary School is guided by this vision. We are dedicated to providing an enjoyable and stimulating learning experience in an atmosphere permeated with love and respect, while broadcasting to our students the immutable and eternal standards of Torah. Rabbi Friedman then introduced several important additions to the Y.E.S. team. Mrs. Andrea Gluck joins us as the Fourth Grade boys’ General Studies teacher. Yael Zweig is teaching Second Grade girls General Studies. Orly Tabaria will be doing Social Work in the Girls’ School, as well as PE. Alicia Benzaquen, Chana Brooke, Toby Strauss, and Judith Saka have also come aboard as assistant teachers. In the Preschool, we are joined by Atara Burns, Michal Amselem, Orna Chocron, Joannie Benzauen, Risa Berkowitz, Chaya Fried, Leba Goldstein, Orit Kaiser, Rochel Leah Matz, and Malka Zweig. Following the welcome address, the parents joined their childrens’ Rebbeim, Moros and Teachers in the classrooms for a presentation on the curriculum and operation of each class. While not a night for individualized Parent-Teacher consultation, Back To School Night set the tone for a year of communication and teamwork on the part of both parents and teachers, towards the goal of success on the part of the crown jewel of the Y.E.S. family: Your children. THE Y.E.S. PRESS PAGE 5 We would like to remind all parents that it is against school policy for parents to knock on classroom doors in order to speak to their children. If you need to see your Elementary School child, or deliver something to him or her during school, simply ask the office to call your child to the office. At dismissal time as well, unless it is after 4:00, parents must wait at the office instead of going to the classrooms. It is worthy to note the importance of bringing your child to school on time. Punctuality is a strong indicator for student success in learning. Your son or daughter will have greater success in learning by coming to school on time. Any student arriving after 8:45 will need to be signed in by a responsible adult. This will entail parking and physically accompanying the child into school. Bli ayin hora, with the growth of our school, comes an increase of cars on the carpool line. As there are many cars with dozens of small children entering and exiting them, it is of critical importance to be aware of your surroundings while on the carpool line, so as to protect the safety of our students. It is also important to follow crew member instructions when on the carpool line, so that the carpool process can run efficiently and expeditiously. Also of crucial importance is not to leave any cars unattended when coming into school. This is a great hazard, and it is bothersome to the neighbors. Please make sure you park legally before coming into the school. Unattended vehicles may be ticketed and towed. We thank you for your cooperation. PEANUTS? NOT HERE! Recognizing the strong allergies that some children have for peanuts, Y.E.S. continues to be completely “peanut-free”. Please be sure to check your child’s snack, as many are processed on equipment that processes peanuts, and can contain traces of peanuts. The administration and teachers have been carefully inspecting snacks and lunches to make sure our school is a safe environment for every child. We thank you all for your complete cooperation in maintaining this extremely vital policy. Please note that under no circumstances may electronic devices such as cellphones, iPods, or the like be brought to school by any child. If such devices are found in school, they will immediately be confiscated and may not be returned. Help us Raise Money! Box Tops for Education’ coupons can be clipped off and brought in to school instead of going in the garbage! Please collect and bring them to the front office! PAGE 6 THE Y.E.S. PRESS Mr. & Mrs. Max & Eny Aquinin on the birth of their son Rabbi & Mrs. Yaakov Tzvi & Malka Blejer on the birth of their son Mr. & Mrs. Tzvi & Sara Bogomilsky on the marriage of their daughter Mr. & Mrs. Yisroel & Ruth Burns on the marriage of their daughter Mr. & Mrs. Noam & Nicole Cohen on the birth of their son Mr. & Mrs. Matias & Gaby Cohen on the birth of their son Rabbi & Mrs. Ezriel & Deena Dzialoszynski on the birth of their son Rabbi & Mrs. Moshe & Janet Goldberg on the birth of their grandson Mr. & Mrs. Yona & Suri Lunger on the marriage of their son Mr. & Mrs. Chaim and Hudis Meisels on the engagement of their daughter Mr. & Mrs. Yisroel Yehuda & Elena Nevarez on the birth of their daughter Mrs. Michal Oziel on the marriage of her daughter Mr. & Mrs. Marc & Diana Rabins on the Bar Mitzva of their son Mr. & Mrs. Salomon & Becky Reines on the marriage of their son Rabbi & Mrs. Moti & Rivky Rosenberg on the Bar Mitzva of their son Dr. & Mrs. Michael & Eva Salzhauer on the Bar Mitzva of their son Mr. & Mrs. Boruch & Esther Leah Sandhaus on the engagement of their son Rabbi & Mrs. Aharon Dovid & Sarah Singer on the birth of their daughter Mr. & Mrs. Dov & Chaya Sostchin on the Bar Mitzva of their son Mr. & Mrs. Marc & Shani Stein on the birth of their daughter Mr. & Mrs. Ira & Elana Teicher on the Bar Mitzva of their son Rabbi & Mrs. Yonah & Rivky Victor on the birth of their son. Mazel Tov to the grandparents, Rabbi & Mrs. Yisroel Moshe & Yehudis Janowski. Rabbi Yaakov & Mrs. Gittel Wincelberg on the birth of a granddaughter. Mazel Tov to the great-grandparents, Rabbi & Mrs. Yochanan & Rifkah Zweig Rabbi Yitzy & Mrs. Sharon Zweig on the marriage of their daughter. Mazel Tov to the grandparents, Rabbi & Mrs. Yochanan & Rifkah Zweig PAGE 7 THE Y.E.S. PRESS Yeshiva Elementary School WELCOMES our NEW STUDENTS! Pre-School Playgroup: Ephraim Kahn Noam Baruh Ronnie Kibel Roni Berabi Sady Aquinin Chaya Kravetz Yoshiyahu Berabi Shira Bendel Uri Marder Menachem Blejer Rivka Boas Rachel Moreno David Cohen Naomi Chocron Ruchama Silver Moshe Cohen Rivka Cojab Yehuda Tabaria Dovid Fish Batsheva Elmaleh Victoria Tolstano Shalom Klein Racheli Halberthal Yehudit Zafrany Yaakov Klein-Weberman Eliezer Klein Elimelech Kornfeld Shlomo Kutwak Pre-K: Yehuda Lapchinsky Aryeh Mally Esti Ausch Yinon Melamed Dovid Medresh Yosef Kutwak Eliayahu Rosenberg Meir Miller David Saban Yakov Sosnow Miriam Nevarez Dovid Strauss Yehuda Zweig Girls School: Kindergarten: Gadit Berabi Nursery: David Harari Rina Cohen Osher Arod Aliza Markowitz Emmy Gewirtz Dena Brown Rivky Markowitz Chana Harari Sarah Nechama Burstyn Sarah Neiss Yael Harari-Raful Ilanit Cohen Gavriel Oumanski Adina Kaiser Naomie Cohen Gershon Sostchin Aliza Kaiser Ruchama Dahan Bracha Eliana Stern Sari Klein Pinchas Ephrati Rivka Levy Yocheved Feldbrand Boys School: Hana Masin Miriam Gluck Dvir Achial Shilat Moreno Batsheva Rus Glucksman Harel Achial Miri Neustadt Yehudit Harari Shlomo Alfassy Yocheved Kaganoff Nehory Amiry PAGE 8 THE Y.E.S. PRESS THE Y.E.S. PRESS PAGE 9 YESHIVA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL’S P.T.A. ANNUAL TEACHER SHANA TOVA APPRECIATION Dear Parents, We would like to wish our devoted rebbeim, teachers and staff a happy and healthy new year. Please send in a suggested amount of $18, $36, or $54 so we can give them a small token of our appreciation and our warmest wishes. Please send in the money by Wednesday, September 9 so we can add your name to the card. Please clip and send in the form below in an envelope with the money enclosed. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Y.E.S. PTA Teacher Shana Tova Appreciation Name ……………………………………………………………………… amount enclosed…$…………………… Chagim are on the way So don’t delay… Refresh your sheitel With a wash and set TODAY! Racheli Sharbani 786-216-5107 $20