f - New York Festivals
f - New York Festivals
2007 International Advertising Awards New York festivals GRANDS Winners Credits Vegaolmosponce; Buenos Aires Argentina Axe “Shower/Fishes” Grand Award: Television DDB Canada, Vancouver; Vancouver Canada Vancouver Aquarium “Koala/Platypus/Shrew” Grand Award: Radio Scholz & Friends; Berlin Germany Jobsintown.de “The Wrong Working Environment Campaign” Grand Award: Outdoor Argentina............................................................................................02 Australia.............................................................................................03 Austria................................................................................................04 Belgium..............................................................................................04 Brazil.................................................................................................05 Canada..............................................................................................05 Chile..................................................................................................06 China.................................................................................................06 Colombia............................................................................................06 Costa Rica..........................................................................................07 Croatia...............................................................................................07 Czech Republic....................................................................................07 Denmark.............................................................................................07 Ecuador..............................................................................................07 El Salvador.........................................................................................07 England..............................................................................................07 Finland...............................................................................................09 France................................................................................................09 Germany............................................................................................10 Greece...............................................................................................17 Guatemala..........................................................................................17 Hong Kong.........................................................................................17 Hungary.............................................................................................17 India..................................................................................................17 Indonesia............................................................................................18 Israel..................................................................................................18 Italy....................................................................................................19 Japan.................................................................................................19 Korea.................................................................................................21 Lebanon..............................................................................................22 Macedonia.........................................................................................22 Malaysia............................................................................................22 DraftFCB New York; New York USA Motorola “Moto Colors” Grand Award: Design Leo Burnett Chicago; Chicago USA Mercedes-Benz SLK “Blown Away” Grand Award: Print Mexico...............................................................................................22 The Netherlands..................................................................................23 New Zealand......................................................................................23 Northern Ireland..................................................................................24 Norway..............................................................................................24 Pakistan..............................................................................................24 Panama..............................................................................................24 Peru...................................................................................................24. Philippines..........................................................................................24 Portugal..............................................................................................25 Puerto Rico..........................................................................................25 Romania.............................................................................................25 Saudi Arabia.......................................................................................25 Serbia................................................................................................25 Singapore...........................................................................................25 Slovak Republic...................................................................................26 Slovenia.............................................................................................26 South Africa........................................................................................26 Spain.................................................................................................26 Sweden..............................................................................................28 Switzerland.........................................................................................28 Taiwan................................................................................................30 Thailand.............................................................................................30 Turkey.................................................................................................30 Ukraine...............................................................................................30 United Arab Emirates...........................................................................30 USA...................................................................................................31 Venezuela...........................................................................................35 Vietnam..............................................................................................35 United Nations....................................................................................35 2007 International Advertising Awards New York festivals ARGENTINA Cinematográfica SA (Bendercine) Buenos Aires Argentina Finalist Certificate Telecom Personal “Nieve” CRAVEROLANIS; Buenos Aires Argentina Gold World Medal Bonafide “Slap” Print: Auto Products & Service Print: Non-Alcoholic Beverages Finalist Certificate Bonafide “Truch Driver” & “Security” Print: Non-Alcoholic Beverages OneDotZero “Pixel” TV/Cin: Entertainment Promo DDB Argentina; Buenos Aires Argentina Gold World Medal Telefonica Argentina “Long Distance” Print: Telecommunications Services Finalist Certificate Clorox “Boards” TV/Cin: Household Products/Services Telefonica Argentina “Octopus” Print: Telecommunications Services Volkswagen “Eagle” Outdoor: Art Direction ARGENTINA Bavaria “Dog” EURO RSCG Buenos Aires; Buenos Aires Argentina Finalist Certificate Peugeot - Boxer “Dog” International Osteoporosis Fundation “Lovers” P&G/Ariel “Route” Outdoor: Household Products/Services Bronze World Medal CIE Argentina/Buenos Aires Zoo “Together” TV/Cin: Computer Animation For a full listing of credits, please visit www.newyorkfestivals.com TV/Cin: Alcoholic Beverages Outdoor: Health & Hygiene TV/Cin: Automobiles Publicis Graffiti; Buenos Aires Argentina Finalist Certificate Paparazzi Magazine “Sunshades”; “In Fraganti 1”; “In Fraganti 3” Grey Argentina; Capital Federal Argentina Gold World Medal Playboy “Beach Mat” Design: Guerrilla Advertising Print: Corporate Image/Info Finalist Certificate Playboy “Beach Mat” Design: Guerrilla Advertising, Self-Promo to the Consumer; Outdoor: Media Promo Print SavaglioTBWA; Buenos Aires Argentina Gold World Medal Axe “Shower” TV/Cin: Cosmetics/Beauty Aids/Toiletries Axe 3 “Crashes” Imagen Satelital; Buenos Aires Argentina Finalist Certificate MuchMusic “Much Rewind” TV/Cin: Special Effects Greenpeace International “Presidents” Design: Banners Print: Media Promo Print Silver World Medal Rexona Teens “Ghost Train” JWT Argentina; Buenos Aires Argentina Gold World Medal Salvation Army “Hangers” Print: Copywriting TV/Cin: Performance Outdoor: Transportation/Travel/Tourism Print: Cosmetics/Beauty Aids/Toiletries Silver World Medal CIE Argentina/Buenos Aires Zoo “Together” CTI Mobile “Secret” Finalist Certificate American Airlines “Clocks” SCJohnson OFF “Fat Lady” & “Granny” Outdoor: Promotion of Peace & Human Rights TV/Cin: Entertainment Promo Outdoor: Corporate Image/Info Renault “Shadow” Del Campo Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi Buenos Aires Argentina Gold World Medal P&G/Ariel “Route” Outdoor: Billboard Bronze World Medal Mastercard “Maracana” BMW Mini “Mini Gola” Design: Consumer Products Silver World Medal Bonafide “Motorhome” TV/Cin: Humor TV/Cin: Low Budget Spots TV/Cin: Direction Print: Non-Alcoholic Beverages Silver World Medal Bavaria “Dog” DRAFTFCB Buenos Aires; Buenos Aires Argentina Finalist Certificate BMW Mini “Biography” TV/Cin: Cosmetics/Beauty Aids/Toiletries Bronze World Medal Axe “Fishes” Finalist Certificate LatinSpots “Puppet” TV/Cin: Cosmetics/Beauty Aids/Toiletries Rexona Teens “Ghost Train” TV/Cin: Low Budget Spots TV/Cin: Direction Mercado Magazine “Sane World” Finalist Certificate Axe “Fishes” TV/Cin: Cinematography Leo Burnett Argentina; Buenos Aires Argentina Finalist Certificate Perfil Newspaper “Bush - Bin Laden” Axe 3 “Axe 3 Campaign”; “Crashes” Print: Cosmetics/Beauty Aids/Toiletries Print: Media Promo Print Rexona Soap “Musical” McCann Erickson Argentina; Buenos Aires Argentina Gold World Medal Bavaria “Dog” Rexona Soap “Soft Toys” TV/Cin: Cosmetics/Beauty Aids/Toiletries TV/Cin: Art Direction TV/Cin: Performance 2007 International Advertising Awards NY f New York festivals WM United; Buenos Aires Argentina Finalist Certificate Nextel “Small & Medium Co.” TV/Cin: Telecommunications Services Olé Sports Newspaper “Heritage” TV/Cin: Media Promo Broadcast Young & Rubicam Buenos Aires Buenos Aires Argentina Gold World Medal Bayer Actron Pediatrics “Kid’s Headache: Car/Baby/Love Affair/Dress” Print: Medical Products Tulipan “Rabbits: Lake/Football/Volleyball” Outdoor: Medical Products Silver World Medal Bayer Actron Pediatrics “Car” Print: Medical Products Visa “Logos” Print: Financial Services Bronze World Medal Tulipan “Volleyball” Outdoor: Medical Products Finalist Certificate Bayer Actron Pediatrics “Love Affair” Print: Medical Products Tulipan “Football” Outdoor: Medical Products ARGENTINA AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA Advertising Depot; Brisbane Australia Finalist Certificate Beaudesert Shire Council “GPS” Radio: Transportation/Travel/Tourism Animal Logic; Moore Park Australia Gold World Medal Caltex “Flies” TV/Cin: Computer Animation Finalist Certificate Toyota Prado “Toyota Prado “Ice Sculptures” TV/Cin: Special Effects Australian Radio Network; Sydney Australia Bronze World Medal South Pacific Private “Depression Distorts & Alcohol Messes Everything Up” Radio: Medical Services For a full listing of credits, please visit www.newyorkfestivals.com BCM: Partnership; Fortitude Valley Australia Finalist Certificate Angel Flight “Signs” John Williams & Richard Taylor; Neutral Bay Australia Silver World Medal SBS Sport “FIFA World Cup Final” Clemenger BBDO Adelaide; Eastwood Australia Bronze World Medal SKYCITY “Grandma” KWP Advertising; Adelaide Australia Finalist Certificate Coopers Brewery “Chocolate Wrapper” TV/Cin: Medical Services Radio: Entertainment Promo Clemenger BBDO Sydney; Sydney, NSW Australia Finalist Certificate RSL Australia “Anzac Day Poppy Appeal” Outdoor: Philanthropic Appeals DDB Melbourne; Richmond Australia Finalist Certificate Heinz Mean Beanz “Heinz Mean Beanz” Print: Foods Wilderness Society “Crying Tree” Outdoor: Environmental Issues DMG Radio Australia; Perth Australia Finalist Certificate Bungeewest “f*****k!” Radio: Recreation/Sporting Goods & Services Filmgraphics Productions; Naremburn Australia Silver World Medal Caltex Australia “Flies” TV/Cin: Special Effects DHL “CEO” TV/Cin: Editing Finalist Certificate Caltex Australia “Flies” TV/Cin: Direction, Editing NBCC “Finding Changes” TV/Cin: Direction Fresh Music Pty Ltd; Tamarama Sydney Australia Silver World Medal Mastercard “Mastercard All Blacks ‘Blood’“ TV/Cin: Original Music/Lyrics Goodoil Films; Sydney Australia Silver World Medal Nestle/Drumstick “Summer Rituals” TV/Cin: Direction Outdoor: Media Promo Broadcast Print: Alcoholic Beverages RAA Insurance “Easter” Print: Financial Services Leo Burnett; Melbourne Australia Silver World Medal Connex “Beaver/Hamster/Chicken Feet” Print: Transportation/Travel/Tourism Finalist Certificate Boulevard M109R “Muscle Bike” Print: Automobiles Brain Training “Marbles” TV/Cin: Home Entertainment Lowe Hunt; Sydney Australia Finalist Certificate MTV Networks New Zealand “MTV NZ- Pure NZ Goodness” TV/Cin: Media Promo NTV Networks New Zealand “Injection” Outdoor: Media Promo Broadcast Saatchi & Saatchi Healthcare Sydney; Sydney Australia Finalist Certificate Claratyne “Clouds” TV/Cin: Medical Products SMART; Melbourne Australia Silver World Medal adidas “adicolor” Outdoor: Apparel Finalist Certificate Bic “Exams Are Bad Enough” Radio: Personal/Leisure Products Sydney Film Company; Milsons Point Australia Gold World Medal Heineken “Past Experience” TV/Cin: Direction Bronze World Medal Sony “Robot” TV/Cin: Direction 2007 International Advertising Awards NY f New York festivals Sydney Film Company; Milsons Point Australia (cont.) Finalist Certificate Hyundai Sante Fe “Restless” Lowe GGK Vienna; Vienna Austria Finalist Certificate Lotto “Newspaper” & “Alarm” Zoom Film & Television; Queensland Australia Bronze World Medal Angel Flight “Signs” TBWAWien; Vienna Austria Silver World Medal Niedermeyer “Super Zoom” Finalist Certificate Angel Flight “Signs” Bronze World Medal Pedigree “Strong Dogs” TV/Cin: Direction TV/Cin: Cinematography TV/Cin: Direction BBDO Austria Werbeagentur GmbH; Vienna Austria Gold World Medal Jeep “Garage” TV/Cin: Low Budget Spots Finalist Certificate Jeep “Garage” TV/Cin: Automobiles Light For The World “Married Girl” TV/Cin: Health & Hygiene Demner, Merlicek & Bergmann Werbe. GmbH Vienna Austria Finalist Certificate Loop “Angry Old Men” TV/Cin: Telecommunications Services Loop “Loop Sim Card Packaging” Design: Software/Electronics BELGIUM Outdoor: Philanthropic Appeals TV/Cin: Entertainment Promo Bronze World Medal TGV “Fast All Over France” Outdoor: Transportation/Travel/Tourism Finalist Certificate Brailleliga “The Street” Print: Retail Stores TV/Cin: Philanthropic Appeals Canvas “Swedish Crime Series” Outdoor: Household Products/Services Print: Media Promo Broadcast Sony Playstation Portable “Adam” AUSTRIA AUSTRALIA Silver World Medal Artsen Zonder Grenzen/Médecins Sans Frontières “Bracelets” Draftfcb Kobza Werbeges.m.b.H; Vienna Austria Bronze World Medal Naber Kaffee “Coffee To Go” Outdoor: Non-Alcoholic Beverages Finalist Certificate Cosmos “Cosmos Fetish” Print: Portable Electronics Leaseplan “Chewing Gum” Design: Automotive Products 10 advertising; Antwerpen Belgium Bronze World Medal La Soupe “Fresh Soup” Meesterlyck “Honest Ham” TV/Cin: Foods Minority Forum/Minderhedenforum “Black Soccer Star” Outdoor: Foods Duval Guillaume; Antwerpen Belgium Bronze World Medal Brother “Colours” Print: Business Equipment & Services Ché Men’s Magazine “Let Us Keep On Dreaming Of A Better World” Print: Media Promo Print Schweppes “Slightly More Sophisticated” TV/Cin: Non-Alcoholic Beverages Finalist Certificate Ché Men’s Magazine “Tennis” TV/Cin: Media Promo Schweppes International “Fountain” Design: Guerrilla Advertising Outdoor: Corporate Image/Info Print: Health & Hygiene Pure FM “The Dear Hunter” TV/Cin: Media Promo Broadcast For a full listing of credits, please visit www.newyorkfestivals.com Hyundai “World Cup” BELGIUM Duval Guillaume; Brussels Belgium Gold World Medal Free My Lungs “Smoking Guns” Outdoor: Home Entertainment Print: Educational Institutions Print: Automobiles Power Horse “Power Horse Straw” Samsung “Samsung Superslim” Groep T “Movie Quotes” TV/Cin: Cosmetics/Beauty Aids/Toiletries Utopolis “Titanic” TV/Cin: Non-Alcoholic Beverages Print: Media Promo Print Finalist Certificate Atrix “Cheese” Nicorette “Nicorette Ashtray” Design: Consumer, Consumer Promo De Morgen “www.demorgen.be” Print: Home Entertainment TV/Cin: Civic/Social Education Pure FM “Good Music Makes Good People” Print: Media Promo Broadcast Senseo “Dark Roast” Print: Non-Alcoholic Beverages Spa Reine “Splash” TV/Cin: Non-Alcoholic Beverages Top Interieur “Offers You Don’t Think Twice About” Print: Home Appliances/Furniture Leo Burnett Belgium; Brussels Belgium Silver World Medal Mayonnaise “Spaghetti” Outdoor: Foods Bronze World Medal Environment “Car/Fridge/Washing Machine/ Radiator” Print: Environmental Issues Samsung (S.A. Ortmans) “Paris by Night” Print: Portable Electronics Finalist Certificate Bite Back “Mouse Tail” Outdoor: Civic/Social Education 2007 International Advertising Awards NY f New York festivals Leo Burnett Belgium; Brussels Belgium (cont.) Finalist Certificate Tap Water “Rain Dance” Eugenio; São Paulo Brazil Finalist Certificate Tylenol “Outch” Saatchi & Saatchi - Brussels; Brussels Belgium Bronze World Medal Against Littering “Litter? In the Dustbin” Ogilvy Brasil; São Paulo Brazil Finalist Certificate Hellmann’s/Unilever “Ketchup Screensaver” TV/Cin: Utilities TV/Cin: Health & Hygiene TBWABrussels; Brussels Belgium Finalist Certificate Handicap International “Hopscotch” Print: Promotion of Peace & Human Rights BRAZIL DDB Canada, Toronto; Toronto Canada Gold World Medal Subaru Canada “Books on Tape” Radio: Medical Products Radio: Automobiles Silver World Medal Knorr “Bad Word” Design: Banners TV/Cin: Foods Kraft do Brasil “MiniSite Confetti” Design: Home Page Toronto Crime Stoppers “Robber” TV/Cin: Personal Development & Safety OpenFilms Brazil; São Paulo Brazil Bronze World Medal Caixa Economica Federal “Syndrome” Toronto Crime Stoppers “Crime Report” Radio: Personal Development & Safety Bronze World Medal Canada Hockey “Dirty Hand” TV/Cin: Promotion of Peace & Human Rights RMG Connect; Curitiba Brazil Finalist Certificate 91 Rock “Rock’N’Roll Will Never Die” TV/Cin: Recreation/Sporting Goods & Services DDB Brasil; São Paulo Brazil Silver World Medal Itau Insurance “Crash” Wunderman Brazil; São Paulo Brazil Silver World Medal Land Rover “Go Beyond” TV/Cin: Household Products/Services J&J/Sundown “Dimmer” Nokia Trends “Mysterious Ad” Canadian Songwriters Hall of Fame “Burger Hut” & “Time/Burger Hut” Sao Paulo State Department of Culture “Literary Boulevard on Paulista” Finalist Certificate Nokia “It’s Your Life In There” Canadian Songwriters Hall of Fame “Pat Benatar/Johnny Cash/Celine Dion” Bronze World Medal Friboi/Albany “Plane” CANADA Design: Service Advertising Outdoor: Cosmetics/Beauty Aids/Toiletries Print: Entertainment Promo CANADA TV/Cin: Auto Products & Service; Low Budget Spots Bullet; São Paulo Brazil Gold World Medal Mizuno “Radar Speeding Ticket” Design: Consumer Products BELGIUM BMW “Winter Tire Campaign” TV/Cin: Cosmetics/Beauty Aids/Toiletries Finalist Certificate J&J/Sundown “It’s Good to be Black” Print: Cosmetics/Beauty Aids/Toiletries Masp Museum “Artists” Outdoor: Entertainment Promo Masp Museum “Ballet” Radio: Philanthropic Appeals Radio: Entertainment Promo Design: Brand Building/Promo Outdoor: Entertainment Promo On The Run at Esso “Milk Association” Radio: Retail Stores Subaru Canada “Soul Mate” Calder Bateman; Edmonton Canada Bronze World Medal Mothers Against Drunk Driving “Grad Photo” Radio: Automobiles Print: Civic/Social Education Finalist Certificate Mothers Against Drunk Driving “Lavatory Accidents” Outdoor: Civic/Social Education For a full listing of credits, please visit www.newyorkfestivals.com Canadian Blood Services “Days” Design: Event Promo Dentsu Latin America; São Paulo Brazil Silver World Medal Bravia “Noise” Print: Personal/Leisure Products Finalist Certificate Brita on-tap filters “Glass” Design: Banners TV/Cin: Entertainment Promo Finalist Certificate Minichamps “Logos” Radio: Automobiles Design: Calendar Outdoor: Poster Design: Banners Subaru Canada “GPS” Mothers Against Drunk Driving “Noose” Cundari; Toronto Canada Finalist Certificate AIDS 2006 “Time To Deliver” TV/Cin: Low Budget Spots DDB Canada, Vancouver; Vancouver Canada Gold World Medal Auto Crime Police Enforcement “New Word” Radio: Civic/Social Education Vancouver Aquarium “Koala/Platypus/Shrew” Radio: Entertainment Promo Silver World Medal Richmond Centre “Flowers/Food Court/Leftovers” Radio: Retail Stores Bronze World Medal ProtectYourHead.com “Construction Worker/Skateboarder/Trailrider” Outdoor: Personal Development & Safety 2007 International Advertising Awards NY f New York festivals DDB Canada, Vancouver; Vancouver Canada (cont.) Snaptax.ca “Cat/Fish/Gas” Finalist Certificate Covenant House “Donation Box” Silver World Medal Colun “Knife” Finalist Certificate BC Hydro “Couch/Hippie Van/Unicorn” Flow 93.5 “More To Move To” Finalist Certificate Rockaxis “Morrison” DDB Canada “Agency Book” Taxi Canada Inc.; Montreal Canada Silver World Medal SophieCrie “Nyctalope” Print: Financial Services Print: Utilities Design: Catalog/Brochure/Pamphlet ProtectYourHead.com “Skateboarder” Outdoor: Personal Development & Safety Vancouver Aquarium “Platypus” Radio: Entertainment Promo Vancouver Aquarium “Shark Hat” Print: Entertainment Promo DraftFCB; Toronto Canada Silver World Medal WWF “Beautiful Day” TV/Cin: Environmental Issues Global Mechanic; Vancouver Canada Finalist Certificate “Fits You” TV/Cin: Computer Animation Nolin Branding And Design; Montreal Canada Finalist Certificate Nolin Branding And Design/BBDO Montreal “invitation 5@7” COLOMBIA Design: Self-Promo to the Trade Publicis Toronto; Toronto Canada Finalist Certificate Heart and Stroke Foundation “Broccoli” Print: Philanthropic Appeals Purolator “FedUp” Print: Business to Business Services Soho/Rogue Editorial; Toronto Canada Gold World Medal Unilever/Dove “Dove Evolution” CANADA TV/Cin: Editing Bronze World Medal Unilever/Dove “Dove Evolution” TV/Cin: Special Effects TAXI Canada Inc; Toronto Canada Bronze World Medal Jack Astor’s Restaurant “Fork/Knife/Meatball” Outdoor: Philanthropic Appeals Print: Foods Outdoor: Media Promo Broadcast Outdoor: Media Promo Print Publicis Chile; Santiago Chile Finalist Certificate Estrategia Newspaper “Estragia Newspaper Campaign” Student: Design (Collateral/Packaging/Promo Design) Bronze World Medal Red Meadow “Science Hymnal” Print: Media Promo Print Student: Design (Collateral/Packaging/Promo Design) Sepia s.a.; Santiago Chile Gold World Medal Baltica “Beer Baltica Subway” Finalist Certificate Bombardier “Bombardier” Design: Banners Design: Image Awareness/Enhancement Reversa (Dermtek) “Reversa” Design: Banners Reversa (Dermtek) “See More Side Effects - Website” Design: Product Advertising Tribal DDB; Vancouver Canada Finalist Certificate Youth Against Violence “StayOut.ca” Design: Service Advertising CHILE McCann-Erickson S.A. de Publicidad; Santiago Chile Finalist Certificate Banco BCI “Dolar” Print: Financial Services Cat Chow’s “Techo 1/Roof 1” Print: Household Products/Services Mastercard “Poetas” Unitas adv; Santiago de Chile Chile Finalist Certificate Marioret Kennel “Dog Driver” Outdoor: Professional Services CHINA Grey Global Group; Shanghai China Finalist Certificate Hong Kong Breast Cancer Foundation “Breast” Outdoor: Health & Hygiene HangTang Communications Group Shanghai China Shanghai China Finalist Certificate WWF “Polar Animals” Outdoor: Environmental Issues TV/Cin: Financial Services Oral-B “Pasta/Toothpaste” Print: Cosmetics/Beauty Aids/Toiletries Oral-B “Microfono/Microfone” Print: Medical Products Publiguías/Páginas Amarillas “Dedos/Finger” Print: Telecommunications Services Prolam Young & Rubicam; Santiago Chile Gold World Medal Fundacion Padre Hurtado “Old” Print: Promotion of Peace & Human Rights COLOMBIA Lowe/SSPM; Bogota, Cundinamarca Colombia Bronze World Medal Axe “Axe Users´Guide” Print: Cosmetics/Beauty Aids/Toiletries Finalist Certificate El Espectador “Pinochet” Print: Media Promo Print Frisby “Dive” TV/Cin: Retail Food NY f Print: Retail Food For a full listing of credits, please visit www.newyorkfestivals.com 2007 International Advertising Awards New York festivals Lowe/SSPM; Bogota, Cundinamarca Colombia Renault “Christmas Ball” Print: Automobiles Young & Rubicam Brands; Bogota Colombia Gold World Medal Tampa Cargo “Shadows (Ship, Land, Cows)” Outdoor: Business to Business Products Silver World Medal Tampa Cargo “Land” Outdoor: Business to Business Products Finalist Certificate Tampa Cargo “Land” Print: Transportation/Travel/Tourism Zape Pelele - DDB Colombia; Medellín Colombia Finalist Certificate El Colombiano “Dogs” Print: Recreation/Sporting Goods & Services Incolmotos Yamaha “Rossi” Outdoor: Automobiles COSTA RICA JWT/COSTA RICA; San Jose, La Uruca Costa Rica Bronze World Medal Listerine “Couple” TV/Cin: Medical Products Finalist Certificate Inbioparque “Tree Arm” ENGLAND Design: Philanthropic Appeals Listerine “Couple” Print: Medical Products McCann Erickson Prague; Prague Czech Republic Bronze World Medal Anabell Foundation “Perfect Girl” Outdoor: Health & Hygiene Thamesdown; Praha Czech Republic Bronze World Medal Greenpeace “Sperms” TV/Cin: Environmental Issues DENMARK Uncle Grey; Arhus Denmark Finalist Certificate Fakta “Stay Longer 2006” TV/Cin: Retail Stores Peugeot “The Cube” TV/Cin: Automobiles Peugeot Boxer “Reverse Poster” Outdoor: Automobiles ECUADOR Garwich BBDO Ecuador; Quito Ecuador Finalist Certificate Canesten “Alive” Print: Medical Products Veritas DDB; Guayaquil Ecuador Finalist Certificate Fundacion Maria Guare “Family Tree” Outdoor: Civic/Social Education EL SALVADOR Bruketa&ZinicOM; Zagreb Croatia Gold World Medal Podravka “Excerpt Of The Eternal Debate About The Heart” Apex BBDO; San Salvador El Salvador Finalist Certificate La Prensa Grafica “Bala” Finalist Certificate Stressshuze “Stress Shoes” Print: Apparel 300million; London England Finalist Certificate 300million “World Peace Map” Design: Announcement/Invitation Cards 300million “The Brand/Business Relationship Poster” Design: Self-Promo to the Trade archibald ingall stretton...; London England Bronze World Medal Skoda “Roomster Launch” Design: Consumer Products Chrysalis Creative Midlands; Birmingham England Silver World Medal Bristol Next Link Abuse Services “Twas the Night Before Christmas” Radio: Civic/Social Education Design Bridge Ltd; London England Finalist Certificate Frank Gehry Selection “Marques De Riscal Frank Gehry selection” Design: Alcoholic Beverages Dew Gibbons; London England Finalist Certificate Vidal Sassoon “Sassoon Profesional” Design: Cosmetics/Toiletries Elmwood; Leeds England Finalist Certificate Elmwood “Elmwood Christmas Card” Design: Typography Flat Pack Mick “Flat Pack Mick” Design: Stationery Jayne Barrett Ltd “Jayne Barrett Ltd” CROATIA Design: Annual Report COLOMBIA CZECH REPUBLIC Design: Logo - Trademark KAT Electrical “KAT Electrical” Design: Logo - Trademark Pets at Home “Wainwright’s” Print: Civic/Social Education Design: Household/Pet Products ENGLAND Emap London Creative/KISS 100; London England Bronze World Medal DCLG - Smoking Materials “One Last” 20:20 London; London England Finalist Certificate Sony PlayStation “24: The Game” Radio: Personal Development & Safety Design: Consumer Products For a full listing of credits, please visit www.newyorkfestivals.com NY f 2007 International Advertising Awards New York festivals Galaxy Radio Northeast; Wallsend England Bronze World Medal LARSOA “Wheels on the Bus” Radio: Station-Produced Finalist Certificate LARSOA “Wheels on the Bus” Radio: Personal Development & Safety Hat-Trick Design; London England Finalist Certificate Gabriele Skelton “Gabriele Skelton Stationery” Design: Stationery Jones Knowles Ritchie; London England Finalist Certificate Molton Brown “Molton Brown Christmas Gift Collection 2006” Design: Cosmetics/Toiletries Like A River; Manchester England Finalist Certificate Crossley Lomas Chartered Accountants “Taxmas” Design: Business to Business: Services Like A River Brand Agency “Professional Snowman” Design: Self-Promo to the Trade London Creative; London England Finalist Certificate Pan’s Labyrinth “Winter” Radio: Use of Sound Love; Manchester England Gold World Medal University of the Arts “University of The Arts Prospectus” Design: Catalog/Brochure/Pamphlet Bronze World Medal LOVE “LOVE Book” Design: Catalog/Brochure/Pamphlet Finalist Certificate D&AD New Blood “New Blood Poster” Design: Image Awareness/Enhancement ENGLAND Umbro “Control Brochure” Radley Yeldar “Invitation To Tennis At Wimbledon And Italian Food” McCann-Erickson Birmingham; Solihull England Finalist Certificate Floors-2-Go “Economics” Design: Announcement/Invitation Cards Radio: Business to Business: Products Red C; Manchester England Finalist Certificate Red C “Recycled Christmas Card” Stanley “Box Level/FuBar/Stapler” Print: Copywriting NE6 Design Consultants; Newcastle Upon Tyne England Bronze World Medal Concept Personel “Finding The Perfect Candidate” Design: Catalog/Brochure/Pamphlet Pearlfisher; London England Gold World Medal Dr Stuart’s Tea’s “Dr Stuart’s” Design: Non-Alcoholic Beverages Silver World Medal Fortnum and Mason “Fortnum and Mason Tea’s” Design: Non-Alcoholic Beverages Pemberton & Whitefoord Design Consultants London England Finalist Certificate Jackbridge Farm “Jackbridge Farm” Design: Logo - Trademark Finalist Certificate Tesco’s Ltd “Naturally” Design: Retail: Own Brand Radioville; London England Silver World Medal Lexus “Switch” Radio: Automobiles Radley Yeldar; London England Gold World Medal Malcolm Hollis “Malcolm Hollis Brand Identity” Design: Brand Label Malcolm Hollis “Malcolm Hollis Guidelines” MARK; Manchester England Finalist Certificate Ninety Hairdressing “Ninety Hairdressing Stationery” Bronze World Medal Understanding Slavery “Understanding Slavery Logo” For a full listing of credits, please visit www.newyorkfestivals.com Design: Logo - Trademark Print: Professional Services Design: Catalog/Brochure/Pamphlet Design: Stationery Finalist Certificate Bournemouth University “Bournemouth University Logo” McCann Erickson Manchester; Manchester England Gold World Medal Baby Care Line “Baby Ear” Design: Catalog/Brochure/Pamphlet Design: Writing Taxi Studio Ltd.; Bristol England Gold World Medal The Knobbly-Carrot Family “Knobbly Carrot Soups” Design: Foods/Snacks/Confections Finalist Certificate Paradigm “Paradigm Parables” Design: Writing The Chase; Manchester England Bronze World Medal Mark & Spencer Money “Marks & Spencer Travel Money” Outdoor: Financial Services Finalist Certificate Paul Thompson “Paul Thompson - Photographer” Design: Photography The Partners; London England Silver World Medal Dad Club “Dad Club Identity” Design: Design Finalist Certificate London Design Festival “Undesign Exhibition” Design: Special Events True North; Manchester England Finalist Certificate Peel & Gudgin “Peace & Goodwill” Design: Self-Promo to the Consumer Viking FM; Hull England Finalist Certificate Hull City Safe “Hate Crime” Radio: Promotion of Peace & Human Rights Design: Logo - Trademark NY f 2007 International Advertising Awards New York festivals Williams Murray Hamm; London England Silver World Medal Fortnum & Mason “Packaging” Design: Alcoholic Beverages Finalist Certificate Angus Fraser “Angus Fraser Identity” Design: Stationery TBWAPHS Helsinki; Helsinki Finland Silver World Medal Pfizer/Aricept, Medicine For Alzheimer’s “Alzheimer’s Day” TV/Cin: Medical Products Fortnum & Mason “Fortnum & Mason Vinegars” FRANCE Fortnum & Mason 1707 “1707 Idenity” BETC Euro RSCG; Paris France Gold World Medal INPES “Free Hugs” Design: Foods/Snacks/Confections Print: Retail Food Ziggurat; London England Silver World Medal Jonathan Crisp “Jonathan Crisp” Design: Foods/Snacks/Confections Finalist Certificate Mrs Massey “Mrs Massey” Design: Foods/Snacks/Confections TV/Cin: Civic/Social Education Bob Helsinki; Helsinki Finland Bronze World Medal Pamol F - Painkiller “Headplayer” TV/Cin: Medical Services Finalist Certificate Finland’s Cancer Society’s Antismoking Campaign “Kiss my Ash” & “Eau de Nicotine” ENGLAND FRANCE Outdoor: Health & Hygiene Contra; Helsinki Finland Finalist Certificate EF Education “Language School” Radio: Educational Institutions SEK & GREY Oy; Helsinki Finland Finalist Certificate Finnair Cargo “Fakir” Print: Business to Business Services Skandaali Leo Burnett; Helsinki Finland Finalist Certificate Finnish Newspapers Association “Speech Bubble” & “Censorship” Print: Promotion of Peace & Human Rights Print: Cosmetics/Beauty Aids/Toiletries Silver World Medal OCedar Liquid Wax “Armageddon” Print: Art Direction, Household Products/Services Bronze World Medal Buttero Boots “Machines” Print: Apparel Sport Magazine “The Kiss” TV/Cin: Media Promo Silver World Medal CANAL+ “Double Meaning” Finalist Certificate Generations FM “100% French Rap & R&B” Bronze World Medal Air France “The Jetty” Rolex “Elements” Air France “Air France Corporate Campaign” Leo Burnett Paris; Boulogne France Finalist Certificate Fiat Panda by Alessi “Burning” TV/Cin: Media Promo Broadcast TV/Cin: Transportation/Travel/Tourism Print: Transportation/Travel/Tourism FINLAND JWT Paris; Levallois-Perret France Gold World Medal Sunsilk “Identikit” Finalist Certificate 13EME RUE “Horror Month” TV/Cin: Media Promo Broadcast CANAL+ “Gainsbourg” Print: Media Promo Broadcast ECPAT “ECPAT” TV/Cin: Promotion of Peace & Human Rights CLM BBDO; Boulogne Billancourt France Silver World Medal Mercedes M-Class “Reflections” TV/Cin: Art Direction Print: Media Promo Broadcast TV/Cin: Cinematography Outdoor: Automobiles Greffe de Vie “Merci” Print: Philanthropic Appeals Publicis Conseil; Paris France Gold World Medal Coca-Cola Light “The Chase” TV/Cin: Non-Alcoholic Beverages Stihl “Chainsaws” Print: Household Products/Services Wonderbra “Big Hands” Finalist Certificate Airwaves “Airwaves Rock Festival” Print: Apparel Manix “More Pleasure, More Problems” Print: Alcoholic Beverages Print: Confections/Snacks Silver World Medal Heineken “Air Con” TV/Cin: Personal/Leisure Products Viking “The Funeral” Draftfcb; Levallois-Perret France Bronze World Medal Ripolin “Ripolin Long Lasting Paint” Finalist Certificate Europe 1 “Let’s Talk” Finalist Certificate Cart’Com “Journalists Defense” TV/Cin: Personal/Leisure Products Print: Household Products/Services Print: Promotion of Peace & Human Rights RATP “RATP Rugby” Print: Utilities TV/Cin: Home Appliances/Furniture Print: Media Promo Broadcast Pilot Frixion Ball “Too Much Confidence” Renault “Pictograms” & “Indianapolis” Print: Automobiles Renault “Blizzard” TV/Cin: Automobiles For a full listing of credits, please visit www.newyorkfestivals.com 2007 International Advertising Awards NY f New York festivals 10 Publicis Conseil; Paris France Finalist Certificate Stihl “Lost Items” & “Grass Army” BBDO Düsseldorf GmbH; Düsseldorf Germany Silver World Medal smart for two “Back Seat” Wonderbra “Big Hands” Bronze World Medal 50 years BBDO “The Page Number Campaign” Print: Household Products/Services Print: Apparel GERMANY Print: Newspaper Ad Radio: Original Music Bronze World Medal Sodabooks “Sodabooks-Radio Campaign” Design: Consumer Promo, Guerrilla Advertising Braun Multiquick “Celebration” Finalist Certificate Mini “Def Mini Records” Braun Multiquick “The Joy Of Cooking” Design: Calendar TV/Cin: Automobiles Claus Koch Identity GmbH; Düsseldorf Germany Finalist Certificate Art Directors Club Deutschland e.V. “ADC Buch “Kleben bleiben” Design: Catalog/Brochure/Pamphlet TV/Cin: Cinematography Outdoor: Automobiles; Radio: Original Lyrics Braun Pulsonic “Magic” DDB Group Germany GmbH; Berlin Germany Gold World Medal DDB Germany “100 Pages of Fear” argonauten G2 GmbH; Düsseldorf Germany Gold World Medal Audi R8 “Audi R8 Microsite” Fitness Studio “T-Shirt” Volkswagen AG “Horror Movie” smart fortwo “Smallest Turning Circle” Volkswagen Service “Cuckoo Clock” Design: Brand Building/Promo, Overall Design Coca-Cola “The Coke Side Of Life” Design: Overall Design Sprite/ Sprite Zero “Sprite Street Battle” Design: Brand Building/Promo GERMANY brand.david; München Germany Gold World Medal brand.david Kommunikation GmbH “Zum Abschuss freigegeben” FUEMA Verfuellbaustoffe “Perfect Cavity Filling” Finalist Certificate Ballet “The Dancing Barriers” Finalist Certificate Audi R8 “Audi R8 Microsite” TV/Cin: Automobiles Print: Corporate Image/Info smart fortwo “Back Seat” Design: Product Advertising FRANCE TV/Cin: Cinematography .start GmbH, Interone Worldwide; Munich Germany Silver World Medal Mini “Def Mini Records” Radio: Retail Stores BIGFISH Filmproduktion GmbH; Berlin Germany Finalist Certificate BMW Group “Night Vision” bayerl in hamburg filmproduktion gmbh, Hamburg Unterfoehring Germany Finalist Certificate Panasonic Viera “Eagle” TV/Cin: Cinematography BBDO Berlin GmbH; Berlin Germany Silver World Medal blush “Hot Pants” Design: Apparel/Accessories Finalist Certificate AEG “Ceiling” Print: Household Products/Services Blush “Irresistable Lingerie” Outdoor: Apparel, Retail Stores Outdoor: Photography TV/Cin: Cinematography Design: Writing, Internal Use Design: Guerrilla Advertising, Image Awareness TV/Cin: Cinema Commercials Outdoor: Automobiles; Design: Guerrilla Advertising, Image Awareness TV/Cin: Humor VW Brand “Horror Movie” smart roadster “Smart Roadster Lighter” TV/Cin: Automobiles Design: Consumer Promo, Guerrilla Advertising VW Fox “Short Cuts” Radio: Use of Sound BBDO Stuttgart GmbH; Stuttgart Germany Bronze World Medal Mercedes-Benz “Traffic Warden” VW Golf R32 “Short Vehicles” Print: Automobiles; Outdoor: Automobiles, Photography Silver World Medal Beate Uhse “Erotic Fantasies” TV/Cin: Auto Products & Service Finalist Certificate Fundraising campaign “Kamitei Foundation MASSAI” Print: Copywriting Pattex “Pattex Ambient 3D-Vase” Design: Guerrilla Advertising Outdoor: Art Direction Pritt Correct-It “Stewardess” Fundraising campaign “Kamitei Foundation Alphabet Book” Radio: Household Products/Services Volkswagen Service “Cuckoo Clock” Design: Catalog/Brochure/Pamphlet Mercedes-Benz Trucks “Truckers Turnaround-Book” Design: Business to Business: Products Beaufort 8; Stuttgart Germany Finalist Certificate Jope Fruchtsaft “Twisted Bar” Design: Guerrilla Advertising TV/Cin: Auto Products & Service Volkswagen Service “Short Cuts” TV/Cin: Cinema Commercials VW Fox “Short Cuts” Radio: Copywriting VW Golf R32 “Short Vehicles” Print: Art Direction, Photography NY f Falk City Maps “Q7” Radio: Transportation/Travel/Tourism For a full listing of credits, please visit www.newyorkfestivals.com 2007 International Advertising Awards New York festivals 11 DDB Group Germany GmbH; Berlin Germany (cont.) Bronze World Medal Hastings Audio Network “Award Winning Sound” VW Fox “Beatles” Volkswagen Passat “Girlfriends” VW Golf GTI Technology Edition 30 “Horsepower” Volkswagen Phaeton “Galanty show-Movie version” Premiere “Movie Posters” VW Golf Sportline “Insects” Volkswagen Phaeton “Galanty show” Volkswagen Service “Cuckoo Clock” VW Polo BlueMotion “Gas Stations” Wieners+Wieners Werbelektorat GmbH “Hands” VW Fox “Short Cuts” VW Polo BlueMotion “Sushi Belt” VW Golf R32 “Short Vehicles” VW Sharan “Bubbles” Outdoor: Business to Business Services Print: Magazine Ad TV/Cin: Low Budget Spots Radio: Humor Outdoor: Art Direction VW Service “Original Parts” Print: Auto Products & Service Finalist Certificate Alliance Against Depression “Leap” Outdoor: Billboard Beate-Uhse.com “Erotic Fantasies” & “Eyecatcher” Print: Retail Stores Berlitz “Incomprehensible Danger Signs” Print: Educational Institutions DDB Germany “100 Pages of Fear” Design: Catalog/Brochure/Pamphlet DDB Group Germany “Young Talents” Print: Corporate Image/Info Hastings Audio Network “Award Winning Sound” Print: Illustration Pattex “Pattex Ambient 3D-Vase” Outdoor: Household Products/Services Pattex “Before/After” Print: Household Products/Services Premiere “Movie Posters” Outdoor: Media Promo Broadcast; Print: Media Promo Broadcast Pritt Correct-It “Stewardess” Radio: Copywriting Volkswagen Golf GTI Technology Edition 30 “Horsepower” Outdoor: Automobiles GBK Heye Werbeagentur GmbH; München Germany Finalist Certificate SZ Criminal Library “Nothing Is What It Seems To Be.” SZ Magazin “SZ Magazine Campaign” Outdoor: Cosmetics/Beauty Aids/Toiletries Silver World Medal Bild Zeitung (Newspaper) “Atomicwaste” Outdoor: Media Promo Print Finalist Certificate Pantene Pro V “Hairdress” Print: Media Promo Print Outdoor: Cosmetics/Beauty Aids/Toiletries Grabarz & Partner Werbeagentur GmbH Hamburg Germany Gold World Medal Volkswagen Phaeton “Galanty Show-TV” TV/Cin: Household Products/Services TV/Cin: Automobiles Toppits freshkeeping bags “Organtransport” Grey Worldwide GmbH; Hamburg Germany Finalist Certificate Baldriparan “New York” Volkswagen Phaeton “Galanty Show” TV/Cin, Outdoor: Medical Products Silver World Medal augenzeuge.de “Campaign ‘Planning’” Print: Medical Products TV/Cin: Art Direction Print: Media Promo Print Finalist Certificate Kalashnikov watches “Tank Watch” Outdoor: Apparel Volkswagen AG “Judo Belt” VW Fox “Short Cuts” Volkswagen AG “Navigation” For a full listing of credits, please visit www.newyorkfestivals.com Grey Worldwide Germany; Düsseldorf Germany Gold World Medal Pantene Pro V “Ponytail” TV/Cin: Low Budget Spots VW Eos “Calendar” TV/Cin: Automobiles; Radio: Direct Response Outdoor: Apparel EURO RSCG Düsseldorf; Düsseldorf Germany Finalist Certificate Sixt Rental Cars “Leaving Early” Studio Funk KG “Campaign ‘Close’” Design: Consumer Products GRACO Büro für visuelle Kommunikation Berlin Germany Finalist Certificate Nike “Brazil Houses” Outdoor: Automobiles, Photography VW Active Steering “Clowns” TV/Cin: Cinema Commercials, Short Spots Print: Business to Business Services Design: Consumer Promo Print: Media Promo Print TV/Cin: Automobiles TV/Cin: Original Music/Lyrics Print: Automobiles Volkswagen Service “Short Cuts” TV/Cin: Computer Animation TV/Cin: Automobiles Outdoor: Billboard; Print: Photography Stern & Die Zeit Newspaper For The Blind “Guerrilla sticker” Print: Automobiles, Art Direction GERMANY Radio: Automobiles Design: Guerrilla Advertising Print: Business to Business Services Print: Automobiles Outdoor: Automobiles Spalt “The Split” Hager Moss Commercial/DDB Berlin München Germany Finalist Certificate Volkswagen AG “Driving School” TV/Cin: Auto Products & Service HEIMAT, Berlin; Berlin Germany Bronze World Medal HORNBACH Home Improvement Superstores “Window” TV/Cin: Cinema Commercials HORNBACH Home Improvement Superstores “It’s in you.” TV Campaign” TV/Cin: Retail Stores 2007 International Advertising Awards NY f New York festivals 12 HEIMAT, Berlin; Berlin Germany (cont.) Bronze World Medal HORNBACH Home Improvement Superstores “It’s in you” Print Campaign” Silver World Medal BMW “Donkey” Young Global Leaders Earth Love Movement Foundation “The Campaign Flooded City Info Maps” DHL “No Size Limits” Finalist Certificate HORNBACH Home Improvement Superstores “Ron Hammer” German Savings Banks Publishing House “Sparkasse ‘Little Mansions’” Finalist Certificate BMW “Donkey” & “x-Drive campaign” Print: Retail Stores TV/Cin: Retail Stores Outdoor: Poster Print: Business to Business Services Print: Automobiles BMW AG “Nightvision” Outdoor: Financial Services TV/Cin: Automobiles Kids and Aids e.V. “Kids and AIDS” Bosch GmbH “Bush” Lego “Builders of Tomorrow” Concert Hall Dortmund “Notes” Concert Hall Dortmund “Typofonie” Finalist Certificate Freundin (Girlfriend) Magazine “Diversity” Solon AG “Hail. The Return Of The Sun.” TV/Cin: Cinematography, Corporate Image/Info UNICEF e.V. “UNICEF film ‘Shoe’” McDonald’s “Flag” Wahrig Lexicon “Conversations” fit GmbH “The Rei-Action ‘Bleeding’” Young Global Leaders Earth Love Movement Foundation “The Campaign Flooded City Info Maps” IWC “Handlinger” Bronze World Medal Beyerdynamic GmbH & Co. KG “Beyerdynamic Campaign „Sound Waves” TV/Cin: Cinema Commercials, Low Budget Spots Heye & Partner GmbH; Unterhaching Germany Silver World Medal Wine Trade Show “Forum Vini” Outdoor: Alcoholic Beverages Outdoor: Media Promo Print Outdoor: Retail Food Jung von Matt AG; Berlin Germany Gold World Medal DHL “Commercial Break” TV/Cin: Business Equipment & Services Finalist Certificate BIC “Joy Of Writing” Design: Sponsorship Radio: Portable Electronics German Savings Banks Publishing House “Sparkasse ‘Little Mansions’” Print: Financial Services Lego “Builders of Tomorrow” Print: Home Entertainment Mondo Pasta Gerstberger & Arena GbR “Mondo Pasta “Noodleslurper” Outdoor: Foods Solon AG “Hail. The Return Of The Sun.” TV/Cin: Special Effects Print: Media Promo Broadcast Outdoor: Billboard Karstadt Quelle Insurance “Bowlinglane” Design: Guerrilla Advertising MGM - People Against Landmines “Landmines” Design: Guerrilla Advertising MINI “Hate” Print: Non-Alcoholic Beverages Print: Automobiles Mondo Pasta Gerstberger & Arena GbR “Mondo Pasta “Noodleslurper” MINI “Incredibly MINI” TV/Cin: Automobiles Outdoor: Transit NOAH Menschen für Tiere e.V. “NOAH Campaign ‘No Aquarium Is Big Enough’” NZZ - New Zurich Newspaper “Fresh From The Press” Design: Image Awareness/Enhancement Regenbogen e. V. “Gangbang” TV/Cin: Civic/Social Education Sixt -rent a car “Gibsnisch” Design: Service Advertising Unilever Best Foods Germany - Pfanni “Only Good Potatoes” JesusCenter Hamburg “Vision” Print: Magazine Ad Print: Promotion of Peace & Human Rights Outdoor: Civic/Social Education Design: Guerrilla Advertising Karstadt Quelle Insurance “Rip” Print: Home Entertainment Print: Foods For a full listing of credits, please visit www.newyorkfestivals.com Das Vierte “Skyline” Outdoor: Environmental Issues K-fee “Sheep” Jung von Matt AG; Hamburg Germany Gold World Medal Alcatel “100% cell phone, 100% Musicplayer” TV/Cin: Low Budget Spots Radio: Media Promo Print Welt Kompakt “Newspaper Box” Print: Media Promo Print Print: Entertainment Promo TV/Cin: Civic/Social Education Fisher Price “Camera for Kids” Print: Home Entertainment Outdoor: Household Products/Services Outdoor: Home Entertainment IGFM - International Society for Human Rights “Cigars-Campaign” Print: Personal/Leisure Products GERMANY Outdoor: Auto Products & Service MINI Brand Management “Wig” Design: Image Awareness/Enhancement NOAH - People For Animals “Japan Is Still Whaling” Print: Art Direction NOAH Menschen fuer Tiere e.V. “NOAH Campaign “No Aquarium Is Big Enough” Outdoor: Poster PX1 Group “Pixel” Print: Business to Business Services Runners Point “Runners Point Campaign ‘Shoemap’” Print: Apparel TextInvest Handelsgesellschaft mbH “Bergmann Campaign „Grooved Hands” Outdoor: Retail Stores 2007 International Advertising Awards NY f New York festivals 13 Jung von Matt AG; Stuttgart Germany Gold World Medal bigFM “bigFM Spot ‘Speakers’” Taurus-High-End/Cambridge Audio “Sheets of Music” Zippo Lighter “Zippo” Silver World Medal DHL “Airmail” WMF AG Knives “Cut” & “Sharp Knives” Print: Household Products/Services Laszlo Kadar Film GmbH&Co KG; Hamburg Germany Finalist Certificate Arena “For The Love Of The Game” TV/Cin: Computer Animation Print: Business to Business Services Finalist Certificate DHL “Airmail” Print: Photography EnBW Energie Baden-Wuerttemberg “EnBW Mailing” Design: Business to Business: Services JWT; Frankfurt Germany Silver World Medal CMC-Markets “24-Money Never Sleeps” TV/Cin: Original Music/Lyrics, Corporate Image/Info Köckritzdörrich GmbH; Reutlingen Germany Finalist Certificate Automobile “The Lamborghini Magazine” Design: Catalog/Brochure/Pamphlet Kolle Rebbe Werbeagentur GmbH; Hamburg Germany Gold World Medal Anthony´s Mini Garage Winery “Anthony´s Super Schnapps Canister” Design: Alcoholic Beverages Leagas Delaney Hamburg GmbH; Hamburg Germany Silver World Medal Goodyear “Month” Radio: Auto Products & Service, Use of Sound Leo Burnett Frankfurt; Frankfurt Germany Silver World Medal Air Aid - Centre For Snoring Therapy “Snoring Melody” Priorin “Muscles” Silver World Medal Inlingua Language School “Flags” Bronze World Medal CMC-Markets “24-Money Never Sleeps” Bronze World Medal Google Video “Google Video: Living Video” Bronze World Medal Orthodontist Dr. Rathenow “Uncorrected Teeth” Pacifiers” Inlingua Language School “Flags” Sweat Off “Sweat Off” Misereor Charity “War Orphans” Finalist Certificate Air Aid - Centre For Snoring Therapy “Snoring Melody” TV/Cin: Direction Print: Cosmetics/Beauty Aids/Toiletries Outdoor: Entertainment Promo kempertrautmann gmbh; Hamburg Germany Silver World Medal MTV Comedy Central “Comedy Central Launch Campaign” Outdoor: Professional Services Finalist Certificate MTV Comedy Central “Comedy Central Launch Campaign” Print: Photography MTV Comedy Central “Turk” TV/Cin: Media Promo KNSK Werbeagentur GmbH; Hamburg Germany Finalist Certificate Campina “Optiwell” Outdoor: Foods Capital Magazine “Capitalists” Print: Corporate Image/Info Daimler Chrysler Jeep “Planets” Print: Photography Dolormin for children/Mc Neil “Cradle Song” Radio: Medical Products Jeep “Planets” Print: Automobiles For a full listing of credits, please visit www.newyorkfestivals.com Radio: Humor Print: Professional Services TV/Cin: Editing Print: Media Promo Broadcast GERMANY Radio: Personal/Leisure Products Print: Home Entertainment Design: Self-Promo to the Consumer Outdoor: Cosmetics/Beauty Aids/Toiletries Outdoor: Philanthropic Appeals Finalist Certificate Anthony´s Mini Garage Winery “Anthony´s Mini Garage Winery Toolbox” & “Anthony´s Mini Garage Winery” Radio: New Arrangement of Popular Theme, Medical Svcs Leo Burnett “Eight Ball” Design: Internal Use Anton Schlecker/ Marbello “Chewing Koala” Orthodontist Dr. Rathenow “Uncorrected Teeth” Pacifiers” Beanie Bee “Coffee To Go” Sweat Off “Sweat Off” BIONADE “Mobile Messenger” Swiffer “Urn” GAULOISES “The Gauloises Liberté Mobile” Swiss Army Chocolate “Swiss Military Secrets” GEO “Leonardo da Vinci” Wuerttembergische “Business Lighters” TV/Cin: Sound Design Design: Consumer Promo; Outdoor: Financial Services Inlingua Language School “Er, How Do You Call It?” Print: Professional Services LEGO “Polyplaypylene” McCann Erickson Frankfurt GmbH; Frankfurt Germany Bronze World Medal Clinic am Meer “Plastic Surgeon” Design: Alcoholic Beverages Design: Guerrilla Advertising TV/Cin: Confections/Snacks Print: Cosmetics/Beauty Aids/Toiletries Print: Non-Alcoholic Beverages TV/Cin: Humor, Low Budget Spots Outdoor: Billboard, Non-Alcoholic Beverages Outdoor: Confections/Snacks Design: Guerrilla Advertising Design: Typography, Business to Business Scence of Silence “Silent Night, Holy Night” Design: Consumer Services TV/Cin: New Arrangement of Popular Theme NY f 2007 International Advertising Awards New York festivals 14 McCann Erickson Frankfurt GmbH (cont.) Finalist Certificate Eluage Anti-Aging Cream & Serum “Reverse Calendar” Design: Illustration, Calendar McCann Erickson Frankfurt International Frankfurt Germany Bronze World Medal Opel Antara “Explore The City Limits” TV/Cin: Cinematography Neue Digitale GmbH; Frankfurt/Main Germany Silver World Medal adidas Sport Style Y-3 “adidas Y-3 Reflections” Design: Overall Design Finalist Certificate adidas Sport Style Y-3 “adidas Y-3 Reflections Webcam-Banner” Design: Banners Nordpol+ Hamburg; Hamburg Germany Silver World Medal DAS TAXI “Time-table 06-07” Design: Consumer Services meinestadt.de “Open Up” TV/Cin: Special Effects Finalist Certificate Clio Renault Sport “Clio Speed” TV/Cin: Automobiles; Design: Mixed Media Promo Dacia Logan MCV “Saw” TV/Cin: Humor DAS TAXI “Transport Network” Outdoor: Transit DAS TAXI “Time-table 06-07” Design: Catalog/Brochure/Pamphlet Laut gegen Nazis “Anti-NAZI Egg Cup” Design: Image Awareness/Enhancement Meinestadt.de “Open Up” TV/Cin: Art Direction, Sound Design Meinestadt.de “Open Cities” FINLAND GERMANY Design: Direct Response Renault Modus “Features” TV/Cin: Computer Animation, Art Direction Ogilvy Frankfurt; Frankfurt Germany Gold World Medal German Foundation for Monument Protection “Bank Note Campaign” Globus Supermarket Germany “Globus Supermarket - Animal Weeks Campaign” Globus Supermarket Germany “Globus Supermarket - Crown Caps Print Campaign” Intertool Longlife Tools “Intertool - Extreme Longlife Tools Campaign” Print: Retail Food Impact on Health “Impact on Health - Aids” Outdoor: Philanthropic Appeals Design: Banners Print: Retail Food Outdoor: Household Products/Services www.magersucht.de (Anorexia) “Anorexia Mailing - Slim, slimmer, dead.” Vorwerk Vacuum Cleaner Tiger 260 “Vorwerk - Dreaded by Dustmites Ad” Design: Consumer Services Outdoor: Household Products/Services Silver World Medal German Foundation for Monument Protection “Bank Note Campaign” WWF (Worldwide Fund for Nature) “WWF - Family Tree Campaign” Print, Outdoor: Illustration Print: Philanthropic Appeals WWF (Worldwide Fund for Nature) “WWF - Sewing Pattern Campaign” Intertool Longlife Tools “Intertool - Extreme Longlife Tools Campaign” Outdoor: Civic/Social Education Print: Household Products/Services www.klicksafe.de (European Safer Internet Program) “Klicksafe.de - TVC Visitors” Nur Die Opaque Stockings “Nur Die - Opaque Stockings Campaign” TV/Cin: Civic/Social Education Print: Apparel www.staying-alive.org (MTV Berlin) “Counterstrike vs. AIDS” Bronze World Medal Amnesty International “Amnesty International Torture meets Modern Art” Design: Brand Building/Promo OgilvyOne Worldwide GmbH; Frankfurt/Main Germany Finalist Certificate American Express “American Express ‘Take Off’” Design: Guerrilla Advertising Globus Supermarket Germany “Globus Supermarket - Crown Caps Promotion” Design: Banners Design: Consumer Promo PlayStation “PlayStation Passport to” Finalist Certificate American Express Gold Card “American Express - Pointillism Campaign” Design: Banners SAP AG Germany “SAP Ambitions” Design: Brand Building/Promo Outdoor, Print: Financial Services Amnesty International, Germany “ai - When Will The Middle Ages Be Over?” Outdoor: Illustration, Promotion of Peace & Human Rights Cesradyston “Cesra - Better Times Campaign” Print: Art Direction DHL Track & Trace “DHL Track & Trace Picture Puzzle Campaign” Print, Outdoor: Art Direction; Print: B2B Services Globetrotter Outdoor Equipment “Globetrotter - All you can eat Campaign” Outdoor: Retail Stores Globus Supermarket Germany “Globus Mailing - Erotic Fruit” Design: Consumer Products Philipp und Keuntje GmbH; Hamburg Germany Finalist Certificate Audi “Pure Energy” TV/Cin: Computer Animation Audi “Audi Open Sky System” Outdoor: Poster Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A. “Ticket Machine” TV/Cin: Auto Products & Service Plan.Net Concept GmbH & Co KG; Munich Germany Finalist Certificate BMW MINI “The Secret MINI Laboratory” Design: Product Advertising Ernest & Julio Gallo Winery “Down Anders” Design: Home Page For a full listing of credits, please visit www.newyorkfestivals.com 2007 International Advertising Awards NY f New York festivals Plan.Net Concept GmbH & Co KG (cont.) Finalist Certificate Gamesload “First Play, Then Pay” Design: Banners, Product Advertising Landmine.de “Ban All Landmines” Design: Banners Publicis Frankfurt; Frankfurt/Main Germany Gold World Medal Renault Carminat 3 “Giant Houses” Print: Auto Products & Service Bronze World Medal Renault Carminat 3 “Giant Houses” Outdoor: Auto Products & Service Finalist Certificate Renault Carminat 3 “Giant Houses” Print: Art Direction Design: Guerrilla Advertising Sony Ericsson Walkman Phones “Alive” Outdoor: Entertainment Promo Print: Medical Products Outdoor: Personal/Leisure Products Rapp Collins Hamburg; Hamburg Germany Finalist Certificate Adobe InDesign CS2 “Moldy Quark” Design: Business to Business: Products Happy Digits Bonus Program “Lost Item No. 309” Design: Consumer Services REINSCLASSEN Agentur für Sprache GbR Hamburg Germany Finalist Certificate IKEA “Boss” Print: Retail Stores RMG Connect; Frankfurt Germany Finalist Certificate Bosch “Soundmailing” Design: Business to Business: Products SAATCHI & SAATCHI GmbH; Frankfurt Germany Bronze World Medal Wonderbra “Wonderbra” Outdoor: Apparel Finalist Certificate A.R.T. Studios “Kitchen” TV/Cin: Business to Business Services For a full listing of credits, please visit www.newyorkfestivals.com Zoologischer Garten Berlin AG “Shark Mat” Design: Special Events Finalist Certificate Audiobooks “Dragon” Scholz & Friends Hamburg GmbH; Hamburg Germany Gold World Medal Doppelherz Lecithin “The Post-it Campaign” TV/Cin: Personal/Leisure Products Scholz & Friends; Berlin Germany Gold World Medal Jobsintown.de “The Wrong Working Environment Campaign” Zoologischer Garten Berlin AG “The Annual Ticket Campaign” Tondeo “The Growing Posters Campaign” Print, Outdoor: Home Appliances/Furniture; Print: Art Direction TV/Cin: Personal/Leisure Products Tempo “Typewriter” Outdoor: Cosmetics/Beauty Aids/Toiletries Weru AG “The Noise Protection Windows By Weru Campaign” SAINT ELMO’S Campaign GmbH; Munich Germany Bronze World Medal Audible.de “Dragon” Outdoor: Art Direction, Poster, Professional Services; Design: Consumer Promo, Consumer Services Print: Art Direction, Medical Products Silver World Medal Doppelherz Lecithin “The Post-it Campaign” Outdoor: Medical Products hlx.com “See The World From Above” Design: Catalog/Brochure/Pamphlet Siemens Electrogeraete “The Heinzelmaennchen Book” Outdoor: Entertainment Promo Design: Illustration Silver World Medal Hapag-Lloyd Express GmbH “The Instant Vacation Floor Sticker” Siemens TT 46201 “Mosaic Toaster” Outdoor: Home Appliances/Furniture Finalist Certificate Against Child Prostitution “Red Light” Outdoor: Transportation/Travel/Tourism Weru AG “The Noise Protection Windows By Weru Campaign” TV/Cin: Promotion of Peace & Human Rights Print: Home Appliances/Furniture Bronze World Medal Berlitz Deutschland GmbH “The Nations Collage” Outdoor: Educational Institutions Zoologischer Garten Berlin AG “The Annual Ticket Campaign” Print: Entertainment Promo Finalist Certificate Axxel24 City Fitness “The Fitness Automat Promotion” 15 Video Palast Freiburg “The 3 for 1 Campaign” TV/Cin: Computer Animation Renault Mégane Grandtour “Baby” TV/Cin: Low Budget Spots GERMANY Nicotinell “The Chewing Gum For Afterwards” Club Holiday with ROBINSON “Robinson Airplane Hat Racks” Outdoor: Transportation/Travel/Tourism Edding 800 Permanent Marker “Tag” Outdoor: Personal/Leisure Products Godparenthoods For Children In The Third World “The Family Album Promotion” Design: Guerrilla Advertising, Philanthropic Appeals Herr von Eden “Stationary Herr von Eden” Design: Stationery Design: Display/Point of Purchase Support hlx.com “See The World From Above” Berlitz Deutschland GmbH “The Nations Collage - Talk” Holsten alcohol-free Beer “The Booze Song” Design: Calendar Print: Art Direction Radio: Non-Alcoholic Beverages Computerspielemuseum Berlin “The Donkey Kong Scaffold” Honda CR-V “The Fall Guy” TV/Cin: Automobiles, Original Music/Lyrics FC Deutschland GmbH “Walk Of Ideas” Print: Recreation/Sporting Goods & Services Hapag-Lloyd Express GmbH “The Instant Vacation Floor Sticker” Print: Recreation/Sporting Goods & Services Outdoor: Entertainment Promo Design: Mixed Media Promo Honda Fireblade “Fireblade vs. Golf R32” Honda Marine “The Racetracks Campaign” 2007 International Advertising Awards NY f New York festivals Scholz & Friends Hamburg GmbH (cont.) Internet Job Exchange “Funeral” Radio: Professional Services Siemens Porsche Toaster TT 911 P2 “Porsche Toaster” Print: Household Products/Services Super Clean Sculpting Gel “The Unbreakable Haistyle Campaign” Print: Cosmetics/Beauty Aids/Toiletries Scholz & Volkmer GmbH; Wiesbaden Germany Finalist Certificate Scholz & Volkmer “Scholz & Volkmer Geschenkedenken” Design: Corporate Image Sehsucht GmbH; Hamburg Germany Finalist Certificate Sparkasse “Sparkasse Savings Bank “Work” TV/Cin: Financial Services Serviceplan Gruppe für innovative Kommunikation GmbH & Co. KG; München Germany Silver World Medal Alive e.V. Coalition To Abolish The Death-Penalty “365 on Death Row” Design: Philanthropic Appeals Finalist Certificate Alive e.V. Coalition To Abolish The Death-Penalty “365 on Death Row” Design: Self-Promo to the Consumer AOK Non-Smoking-Program “Smoker’s Lung” Design: Guerrilla Advertising Fast Swimwear “Thick Swimmer” Print: Recreation/Sporting Goods & Services FREI Anti-Age+ skin care “Bella, 31” Print: Cosmetics/Beauty Aids/Toiletries Friendscout24, Virtual Dating Platform “Lethargic Orgasm” Radio: Professional Services JobScout24 “Head Full Of Ideas And No Job?” GERMANY Design: Guerrilla Advertising Non-Smoking-Campaign “Smoke Ring” Print, Outdoor: Health & Hygiene Radio Drama on Bayern2Radio “Coming Home” TV/Cin: Media Promo Broadcast Schattdecor decor printing “Holes” Print: Home Appliances/Furniture For a full listing of credits, please visit www.newyorkfestivals.com Springer & Jacoby Werbeagentur GmbH & Co. KG; Hamburg Germany Gold World Medal Olympus “Shark” TV/Cin: Short Spots Bronze World Medal Osram “Power Dragon Shadow Play” TV/Cin: Recreation/Sporting Goods & Services Finalist Certificate IFAW “Crime Scenes” Print: Civic/Social Education Medionmusic “Idols” Print: Home Entertainment Mercedes-Benz “Watering Can” TV/Cin: Automobiles Mercedes-Benz “Copper Engraving” Print: Automobiles Michaelis & Co./IGEPA “Terrorfax” Design: Business to Business: Products Olympus “Shark” Print: Home Entertainment; TV/Cin: Low Budget Spots Osram “Power Dragon Shadow Play” Print: Recreation/Sporting Goods & Services Strichpunkt GmbH; Stuttgart Germany Bronze World Medal Papierfabrik Scheufelen GmbH+Co. KG “Book of Independence” Design: Calendar 16 Bronze World Medal adidas Originals “Fall Collection” Outdoor: Retail Stores NIVEA Sun “The Smell Of Summer” TV/Cin: Cinema Commercials PlayStation Portable “White PSP” Outdoor: Home Entertainment Finalist Certificate adidas Football “Shapes” Print, Outdoor: Art Direction adidas Football “Fresco” Outdoor: Billboard adidas Football “Kahn” Design: Guerrilla Advertising NIVEA Sun “The Smell Of Summer” TV/Cin: Cosmetics/Beauty Aids/Toiletries Pedigree “Braille Poster” Outdoor: Poster PlayStation Portable “White PSP” Outdoor: Photography; Print: Home Entertainment PlayStation2 “Ghost Photos” Design: Consumer, Guerrilla Advertising Tillmanns, Ogilvy & Mather GmbH & Co. KG Düsseldorf Germany Finalist Certificate Ford Service “Dent Repair” Print: Auto Products & Service Finalist Certificate Papierfabrik Scheufelen GmbH+Co. KG “Book of Independence” Tribal DDB GmbH; Hamburg Germany Gold World Medal World Vision Deutschland e.V. “Donation Machine” Staatstheater Stuttgart Schauspiel “Washboy” Bronze World Medal Volkswagen AG “Prickle Mailing” Design: Design Design: Typography TBWA Germany, Berlin; Berlin Germany Gold World Medal adidas Football “Fresco” Outdoor: Illustration, Recreation Goods Silver World Medal adidas Football “Fresco” Outdoor: Art Direction adidas Football “Kahn” Outdoor: Billboard adidas Football “Shapes” Design: Display/Point of Purchase Support Design: Consumer Products Finalist Certificate Congster GmbH “Beverage Downloading Bar” Design: Consumer Promo Nike Deutschland GmbH “Athletes’ Secret Weapon” Design: Banners, Direct Response Volkswagen AG “Mighty Scrollbar” Design: Banners Volkswagen AG “Sporty&Sexy” Design: Direct Response Outdoor: Poster; Print, Outdoor: Recreation Goods NY f 2007 International Advertising Awards New York festivals Tribal DDB GmbH; Hamburg Germany (cont.) Volkswagen AG “Acceleration Scroller” Finalist Certificate Eurobank “Invest In The World’s Major Stock” Bronze World Medal Kiwi Kleen “Flat Shirt” World Vision Deutschland e.V. “Donation Machine” Ministry of Development “Tanker” Finalist Certificate Epson Projectors “Sneeze” Design: Product Advertising Design: Consumer Promo venividi; Forst an der Weinstraße Germany Bronze World Medal Turbotan “Turbotan” Print: Cosmetics/Beauty Aids/Toiletries Print: Financial Services Outdoor: Civic/Social Education Multchoise - Nova “Documentary Addicts” TV/Cin: Media Promo Broadcast Vodafone “I Don’t Like Your Wife” TV/Cin: Business to Business Products Vodafone “The Old Couple” Insurance, Investments and Retirement “Born Again” TV/Cin: Financial Services Star Movies “The Lost World” Outdoor: Entertainment Promo Star Movies “Feature Film Promotions” The Syndicate; Athens Greece Bronze World Medal Kallimanis Fish & Seafood “Fresh or Frozen?” Toys R Us “Tram/Yacht/Lancaster” Young & Rubicam GmbH & Co. KG; Frankfurt/Main Germany Bronze World Medal Oryza “Ricefield Campaign” TV/Cin: Foods Finalist Certificate Sharkproject “View” TV/Cin: New Arrangement of Popular Theme Finalist Certificate Athens Audio & Video Expo “Plugged” TV/Cin: Low Budget Spots GUATEMALA JWT Guatemala; Guatemala Guatemala Silver World Medal Visina “Red Eyes” Outdoor: Entertainment Promo Outdoor: Transit McCann-Erickson (HK) Ltd.; Causeway Bay Hong Kong Finalist Certificate Cathay Pacific Airways “60th Anniversary TVC Campaign” TV/Cin: Corporate Image/Info HUNGARY Design: Consumer Products DDB Budapest; Budapest Hungary Bronze World Medal Amnesty International “Eye Test” Print: Business to Business Products HONG KONG GREECE DDB Worldwide Ltd.; Hong Kong Hong Kong Finalist Certificate Brands Essence of Chicken “Office Worker” Finalist Certificate McDonald’s “Red Riding Hood” & “Cinderella” zebra | werbeagentur GmbH; Chemnitz Germany Finalist Certificate Senso-Alarm burglar alarm systems “Senso-alarm “Ei” INDIA TV/Cin: Business Equipment & Services, Low Budget Spots weissraum.de(sign); Hamburg Germany Finalist Certificate Edel Motion GmbH “Tim Mälzer – Der Küchenbulle” Print: Foods McCann Erickson Athens; Athens Greece Finalist Certificate Durex XL condoms “Kilt” Print: Cosmetics/Beauty Aids/Toiletries Red Design Consultants Ltd; Athens Greece Gold World Medal Kyknos Greek Canning Co. “Kyknos Tomato Paste Triangles” Design: Foods/Snacks/Confections GERMANY Print: Pre-Printed Magazine Insert TV/Cin: Telecommunications Services Design: Publishing 17 Finalist Certificate AB Mastixa Gum “AB Next To The Greek Land” Design: Foods/Snacks/Confections Spot JWT; Athens Greece Bronze World Medal Vodafone “Landline Phone Is Now Past” Outdoor: Promotion of Peace & Human Rights Print: Non-Alcoholic Beverages TV/Cin: Art Direction INDIA Harmony Motors Ltd. “Small But Tough” Brand David Communications; Mumbai India Silver World Medal Himani Good Morning Laxative “Labor” Design: Guerrilla Advertising DraftFCB Hong Kong; Hong Kong Hong Kong Finalist Certificate MC Cotton Collection “Drying Line/Chair/Bed” Print: Apparel Grey Worldwide: HK; Hong Kong Hong Kong Gold World Medal Kiwicare “Hearses” Outdoor: Household Products/Services Silver World Medal Star Movies “Catch Me If You Can” Outdoor: Entertainment Promo Radio: Medical Products Corcoise Films Pvt. Ltd; Mumbai India Finalist Certificate Fevicol “Fevicol - Aliens” TV/Cin: Humor Dentsu Marcom Pvt. Ltd.; New Delhi India Finalist Certificate Canon Pixma Printers “Flip” Design: Business to Business: Products NY f TV/Cin: Telecommunications Services For a full listing of credits, please visit www.newyorkfestivals.com 2007 International Advertising Awards New York festivals Design Temple; Mumbai India Gold World Medal Lights Camera Masala “Book Design” Event: Suspense Film Festival “The Empty Red Envelopes” Euro RSCG India; New Delhi India Silver World Medal Cherry Blossom “New Old Shoe” Outdoor: Retail Food Design: Design Design: Display/Point of Purchase Support K FACTOR; New Delhi India Bronze World Medal Make A Wish Foundation of India “My Real ABC” Design: Philanthropic Appeals Design: Consumer Products LG Vacuum Cleaners “Hi Power” Design: Guerrilla Advertising Pepsodent Flexipic Toothbrush “PIG” Print: Cosmetics/Beauty Aids/Toiletries Sanctuary “Animal Tiger” Mudra Communications Private Limited Bangalore India Bronze World Medal McDowell’s No.1 Diet Mate “No Diet No Mate” Silver World Medal Cehat “Girl Child” Radio: Philanthropic Appeals Bronze World Medal Prerana “The Tip” TV/Cin: Philanthropic Appeals Tide “Tide Fragrances” Print: Illustration Tide “Bedsheet” TV/Cin: Household Products/Services Finalist Certificate Prerana “Indira Gandhi/Mother Teresa/ Queen of Jhansi” Print: Philanthropic Appeals ISRAEL Finalist Certificate Lakme “Just Like That” Mudra Communications; New Delhi India Bronze World Medal Big 92.7 FM “Rape Campaign” Print, Outdoor: Civic/Social Education Salokha Centre for Communal harmony “United India” Design: Philanthropic Appeals Sanctuary “Wooden Animals” Print: Civic/Social Education Tide “Tie/Kurta/Skirt” Design: Illustration Zero Calorie Sugar Substitute “Zero Elastic Tape” Papa John’s “Cheesy” Leo Burnett India; Mumbai, Maharashtra India Gold World Medal McDonalds “Rupees 49/Rupees 25/Rupees 8” Print: Retail Food INDIA Design: Special Events Design: Consumer Products Lowe; Mumbai India Silver World Medal Camlin Permanent Markers “Rudali” TV/Cin: Utilities For a full listing of credits, please visit www.newyorkfestivals.com Radio: Civic/Social Education Outdoor: Alcoholic Beverages Finalist Certificate Blossom “Used Books” Outdoor: Retail Stores Mudra DDB; Mumbai India Finalist Certificate Sanctuary Asia “Email” TV/Cin: Environmental Issues Mudra Health & Lifestyle ( A part of MMS ) Mumbai India Finalist Certificate JASCAP “Squeezy” Design: Image Awareness/Enhancement Percept H Private Limited; Mumbai India Finalist Certificate Cadence Speakers “Earbuds” 18 Publicis India; Gurgaon India Silver World Medal HP Compaq “Thin” Print: Magazine Ad R K SWAMY BBDO; Mumbai India Finalist Certificate Ape 3-Wheeler “Delivery Man” TV/Cin: Art Direction Sudler & Hennessey, Mumbai, India; Mumbai India Finalist Certificate Sudler & Hennessey “Breast Cancer” Outdoor: Health & Hygiene TBWADelhi; New Delhi India Finalist Certificate Pril “Squeaky Clean” Print: Household Products/Services The Republic; Mumbai India Finalist Certificate The Republic “Writers Wanted” Print: Corporate Image/Info Tribal DDB India; Mumbai India Finalist Certificate MTV India “Protected Entry” Design: Jump Pages INDONESIA Exist Comm jogja; Jakarta Selatan Indonesia Bronze World Medal YPMJ “Adi“ TV/Cin: Philanthropic Appeals PT Leo Burnett Kreasindo Indonesia; Jakarta Indonesia Gold World Medal Anti AIDS/World’s AIDS Day “Paper Doll” TV/Cin: Low Budget Spots Print: Home Entertainment Ghetto Bar “Soccer” Print: Retail Food Seijo Restaurant “Fishbowl” Print: Retail Food The Vegetarian Society “Platter” Print: Corporate Image/Info ISRAEL Geller-Nessis Leo Burnett; Tel Aviv Israel Finalist Certificate Access Israel “Professor Stephen W. Hawking” TV/Cin: Civic/Social Education NY f 2007 International Advertising Awards New York festivals Glikman Netler Samaonov; Tel Aviv Israel Finalist Certificate Renault Clio “The Sign” TV/Cin: Automobiles McCann Erickson; Tel Aviv Israel Finalist Certificate Hogla “Huggies Freedom” Print: Cosmetics/Beauty Aids/Toiletries Uniliver “Mazola” Print: Foods “Smozze” SkyShow - Comedy channel “Flat Jokes” TV/Cin: Media Promo D’Adda, Lorenzini, Vigorelli BBDO; Milan Italy Bronze World Medal ORAL-B Vitality “Oral-B Vitality” Print: Medical Products Finalist Certificate Discovery Channel “Slip” Print: Media Promo Broadcast MINI “Always Open” Design: Mixed Media Promo TV/Cin: Non-Alcoholic Beverages Pfizer “Panda” Shalmor Avnon Amichay/ Y & R; Tel Aviv Israel Silver World Medal Orange “Balloons” Sinetica “Office” Print: Telecommunications Services Print: Medical Products Print: Home Appliances/Furniture Finalist Certificate Elite Lays “Lays” DDB; Milano Italy Finalist Certificate ABA “ABA - Food Language” Heinz “Diner” Silvelox “Silvelox - Pizza Maker” Print: Foods Print: Foods Israel Aids Task Force “Fantasy” TV/Cin: Health & Hygiene Israel Aids Task Force “Oh My God” TV/Cin: Health & Hygiene Yellow Pages “Yellow Pages” Outdoor: Business to Business Services Yellow Pages “Nose” TV/Cin: Professional Services Print: Health & Hygiene Print: Home Appliances/Furniture J.Walter Thompson Italia; Milan Italy Finalist Certificate Eating Disorders Association “Fashion Victims” JAPAN 1861united; Milan Italy Silver World Medal Bye Helmets “Hands” Print: Auto Products & Service Freddy “Human Machine” ISRAEL TV/Cin: Apparel Bronze World Medal Sky Satellite TV “Don’t Give Up” TV/Cin: Media Promo Broadcast Finalist Certificate Freddy “Human Machine” Print: Apparel Hot Pepper “Atomic Mushrooms” Print: Personal/Leisure Products McCann Erickson Italia S.R.L.; Rome Italy Finalist Certificate Bank “Carosello” TV/Cin: Financial Services Saatchi & Saatchi; Milan Italy Silver World Medal The Pink Line “Telephone” Print: Civic/Social Education Finalist Certificate Carlsberg Beer “Oyster” Outdoor: Alcoholic Beverages Coni “The Torchlights” TV/Cin: Recreation/Sporting Goods & Services Renault Clio “Bumps” Print: Automobiles the family srl; Milan Italy Finalist Certificate Discovery Real Time “The Things I Hate About You/Pillow Talk” TV/Cin: Media Promo Broadcast Print: Health & Hygiene Environment & Public Health Protection “White Stripe” Print: Health & Hygiene Halls “Stronger Voice” Print: Confections/Snacks ITALY Remington - Men’s Body Hair Shaver “Little Red Riding Hood” TV/Cin: Cosmetics/Beauty Aids/Toiletries Leagas Delaney Italia; Roma Italy Silver World Medal Milano Ashtanga Yoga “Elastic” Print: Recreation/Sporting Goods & Services SAAB Anti Drink&Drive “Perception” Print: Personal Development & Safety Finalist Certificate Brioschi “Small Food” Print: Medical Products JAPAN ADK; Tokyo Japan Silver World Medal NIKEiD “NikeCosplay” TV/Cin: Direct Response Finalist Certificate IKEA Japan “IKEA Recruit Campaign” Design: Self-Promo to the Consumer NIKEiD “NIKE Cosplay” Print: Art Direction Toshiba’s Multi-access X-ray Diagnostic System “Blood Map” Print: Medical Services Aoi Advertising Promotion Inc.; Tokyo Japan Finalist Certificate Marathon 76 “Bosozoku” TV/Cin: Apparel NY f Print: Foods For a full listing of credits, please visit www.newyorkfestivals.com 19 Lorenzo Marini & Associati Srl; Milano Italy Finalist Certificate Custom Line “Painter - Sculptor” 2007 International Advertising Awards New York festivals Asatsu-DK Inc; Tokyo Japan Finalist Certificate Alkali Ion Water “Build Your Body With Good Water!” Outdoor: Non-Alcoholic Beverages beacon communications k.k.; Tokyo Japan Finalist Certificate Nike “JUST DO IT Kimewaza Battle” Design: Brand Building/Promo Nike “Just Do It Kimewaza Battle” Design: Corporate Image Nike “Nike Running.jp” Design: Product Advertising Refugees International Japan “Rescue” Design: Banners Second Harvest Japan “Japanese Food Reality” TV/Cin: Environmental Issues Daiko Advertising Inc.; Osaka Japan Bronze World Medal National “Sneeze-talking Class” Radio: Home Appliances/Furniture Daiko Advertising Inc.; Tokyo Japan Finalist Certificate French Butter Cookies “Pop-up Book Version” TV/Cin: Confections/Snacks Video Phone “Turtle Rabbit/Duck Dog” The Asahi Shimbun “3D Advertising Newspaper” Global Enviromental Concerns “It’s A Small World” Dentsu Kyushu Inc.; Fukuoka Japan Finalist Certificate Fukuoka City Respect For Human Rights Week “Blackboard Version” HAKUHODO Inc. Kyushu Office; Fukuoka Japan Finalist Certificate Nanyo Corppration “Construction/Factory” Design: Announcement/Invitation Cards TV/Cin: Media Promo Print: Environmental Issues Design: Art Direction TV/Cin: Corporate Image/Info TV/Cin: Promotion of Peace & Human Rights HAKUHODO Kettle; Tokyo Japan Bronze World Medal NAVITIME “Lost In Station” Fallon Tokyo; Tokyo Japan Finalist Certificate MTV Japan PSA AIDS “Baseball” Outdoor: Telecommunications Services TV/Cin: Health & Hygiene HAT INC.; Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Japan Finalist Certificate Palook Ball Premier “Step Up and Down” Glamour Inc.; Tokyo Japan Finalist Certificate Eikoh Seminar “Open-Air Class” TV/Cin: Household Products/Services TV/Cin: Educational Institutions Raindance 2006 Trailer “Daughter” TV/Cin: Entertainment Promo Grey Worldwide Inc.; Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Japan Finalist Certificate Bufferin A “Clean Up/Washing Machine” I & S BBDO Inc.; Tokyo Japan Finalist Certificate Japan Advertising Council “Illegally Parked Bicycle” TV/Cin: Medical Products DDB Tokyu Agency Creative, Inc.; Shibuya-ku Japan Bronze World Medal Volkswagen Group Japan “VW Polo:Kiss Mark/ Fish Bowl/PC” GT INC.; Tokyo Japan Gold World Medal Xbox360 “Big Shadow” Design: Household/Pet Products TV/Cin: Civic/Social Education Print: Retail Food JWT Japan; Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Japan Finalist Certificate Haagen-Dazs/Hazelnut “Autumn Forest” Outdoor: Foods Design: Event Promo Haagen-Dazs/Quality campaign “Wine Box/Engagement Ring/Specimen” Finalist Certificate Xbox360 “Big Shadow” Print: Foods Print: Home Entertainment Kose Corporation; Tokyo Japan Finalist Certificate JillStuart “JillStuart Skincare Series” Shizuoka Bank Card: joyca “Bank of Shizuoka(Credit Card Design & Campaign)” HAKUHODO; Tokyo Japan Silver World Medal Wildlife protection “The Price Of Life” Finalist Certificate WWF “Fast-Forwarding” Bronze World Medal Oxyride Battery “Oxyride Manned Airplane Project” Design: Consumer JAPAN Select Beauty “Memento” Finalist Certificate Future Marketing Summit Tokyo “Future Marketing Summit Tokyo” Sushi Restaurant JUN “Fresh” Dentsu Inc.; Tokyo Japan Gold World Medal Oji Nepia “Brick-like Designed Tissue Box” Outdoor: Home Appliances/Furniture TV/Cin: Home Appliances/Furniture TV/Cin: Business Equipment & Services Print: Automobiles TV/Cin: Environmental Issues Design: Cosmetics/Toiletries Outdoor: Civic/Social Education Design: Mixed Media Promo Playstation 3 “The Beyond” Monster Films Inc.; Tokyo Japan Finalist Certificate Economy Discount “On Location” TV/Cin: Transportation/Travel/Tourism TV/Cin: Home Entertainment For a full listing of credits, please visit www.newyorkfestivals.com 20 Sanyo Aqua “Smoke” Dentsu Inc. Kansai; Osaka Japan Finalist Certificate Panasonic LUMIX TZ-1 “A Boy Meets Bears” NY f 2007 International Advertising Awards New York festivals NTT Advertising Inc.; Tokyo Japan Gold World Medal DoCoMo Systems,Inc. “CSR Activities” Pola Chemical Industries, Inc; Tokyo Japan Gold World Medal The B.A Grandluxe “The B.A Grandluxe” Ogilvy & Mather Japan K.K.; Shibuya-ku Japan Gold World Medal Lifeforce:Double Coverage “Buzzer Beater” Puzzle Inc.; Tokyo Japan Finalist Certificate NEC FOMA N902iX High Speed “NEC FOMA N902iX High Speed Special Site” Outdoor: Environmental Issues TV/Cin: Sound Design Bronze World Medal Esthe WAM Beauty Spa “Run/Fan/Beam” TV/Cin: Humor Finalist Certificate Esthe WAM Beauty Spa “Tanning Line” Print: Retail Stores Hakutake “White Lie A” TV/Cin: Alcoholic Beverages Lifeforce: Double coverage “Buzzer Beater” TV/Cin: Editing, Cinematography, Financial Services Takaki Acupuncture Clinic “Pyongyang, Iraq, Kashmir” Print: Medical Services OgilvyOne Japan; Shibuya-ku Japan Finalist Certificate Nippon Parking Developement “Traffic Sign” Outdoor: Corporate Image/Info uhlsport “Ultimate Pleasure” Design: Banners JAPAN KOREA OgilvyOne Japan K.K.; Shibuya-ku Japan Finalist Certificate MOTORAZR “MOTORAZR -Slash the site with Beckham-” Design: Product Advertising Tokyo-yoga.com “Hero/Headstand/Baby” Outdoor: Corporate Image/Info OK Plan & Produce.inc; Tokyo Japan Finalist Certificate The Yomiuri Shimbun (Newspaper) “Tomorrow’s Newspaper” TV/Cin: Media Promo Pictures Inc.; Tokyo Japan Finalist Certificate Corporate Advertising “Photo Is/Lenono Commercial/ (John and Yoko) 30” TV/Cin: Corporate Image/Info For a full listing of credits, please visit www.newyorkfestivals.com Design: Cosmetics/Toiletries Design: Calendar KOREA 601 Bisang; Seoul Korea Silver World Medal 601bisang “Eoureum - The Uniting Of Two” Design: Product Advertising S.T. Corporation/HAKUHODO Creative Vox Inc./ Mothers; Minato-ku, Tokyo Japan Finalist Certificate Plug-In Room Deodorizer “Competition/Cost/Dance” TV/Cin: Household Products/Services Sankosha; Nagoya-shi Japan Finalist Certificate Self-Campaign/Parent-Child Communication “Reverse-Parents’ Day” TV/Cin: Civic/Social Education Shimada Design Inc.; Miyakojima-ku Japan Finalist Certificate Girls7 “Girls7 Poster” Outdoor: Poster Sophia Solutions inc.; Chuo-ku Japan Bronze World Medal IEKAKI “IEKAKI Ideal Housing Raku-Gaki Islands” Design: Brand Building/Promo Taiyo Kikaku Co., Ltd.; Tokyo Japan Finalist Certificate HAL “Standing In Your Way” TV/Cin: Educational Institutions Tohokushinsha Film Corporation; Tokyo Japan Finalist Certificate Alkaline Water Ionizer “Whistle” TV/Cin: Home Appliances/Furniture BRAVIA “Color of Samba” TV/Cin: Home Entertainment House Foods Corporation Gaban “Champagne” TV/Cin: Foods Watanabe - Kikaku Co., Ltd; Tokyo Japan Finalist Certificate Sankyo Corporation “Fun” 21 Yomiko Advertising Inc.; Tokyo Japan Silver World Medal Calendar “AKERU 2007” Design: Publishing Artzen Communication; Seoul Korea Gold World Medal Korea Association of Public Advertising “Non-Smoking” Print: Health & Hygiene Cheil Communications Inc.; Seoul Korea Finalist Certificate Araxyl For Laxative “Roll Tissue” Print: Medical Products K2 “Because: Shaving/Bruise/Paper” Print: Apparel Maxim Original “Gun” Print: Non-Alcoholic Beverages Samsung Electronics “Collage” Print: Corporate Image/Info Samsung Mobile Phone “Family Tree” Print: Portable Electronics Innocean Worldwide; Seoul Korea Finalist Certificate Santa-Fe “Showoff” TV/Cin: Automobiles LG Ad; Seoul Korea Bronze World Medal Hankook Tire “Stable Handles(Bus,Escalator)” Design: Mixed Media Promo Finalist Certificate 2006 Peace Queen Cup “Beautiful Soccer” Outdoor: Recreation/Sporting Goods & Services OgilvyOne Korea; Seoul Korea Finalist Certificate Nike “Born From Obsession” Design: Banners TV/Cin: Entertainment Promo 2007 International Advertising Awards NY f New York festivals ORICOM; Seoul Korea Bronze World Medal www.missingchild.or.kr “Missing Child Campaign Come Closer To Me/Take A Look At Me” Outdoor: Philanthropic Appeals PostVisual.com; Seoul Korea Finalist Certificate Nike “Nike Air Force 1 Interactive Wall” Design: Mixed Media Promo TBWAKOREA; Seoul Korea Finalist Certificate adidas “Bring +10 to Life” TV/Cin: Recreation/Sporting Goods & Services LEBANON Grey Worldwide Middle East Network Beit-Mery Lebanon Finalist Certificate Byblos Bank “Flags” TV/Cin: Civic/Social Education The 15th Asian Games - Doha 2006 “In Games” TV/Cin: Recreation/Sporting Goods & Services Impact BBDO; Beirut Lebanon Finalist Certificate Children’s Cancer Center of Lebanon “Support” Outdoor: Philanthropic Appeals The Braveheart Fund “Valentine’s” KOREA MEXICO Outdoor: Philanthropic Appeals Saatchi & Saatchi Lebanon; Beirut Lebanon Silver World Medal Lebanese Ministry Of Social Affairs “Animals” TV/Cin: Civic/Social Education MALAYSIA Arc Worldwide/Leo Burnett Advertising Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Finalist Certificate Arc Worldwide Malaysia “Bigger Returns” Bates (Malaysia) SDN BHD; Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Finalist Certificate Art Cafe - Opening Soon “The Attic” & “Sunflowers” Print: Entertainment Promo Mega Advertising Sdn Bhd; Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Bronze World Medal 2 Box Communications Sdn Bhd “Give This Book A Better Title” Design: Self-Promo to the Trade MFX Sdn. Bhd.; Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Finalist Certificate MTV India “Cannon” Grey México, S.A. de C.V.; Mexico City, DF Mexico Finalist Certificate Pediasure “Headboard” Print: Medical Products Play-Doh “Cancer” TV/Cin: Philanthropic Appeals M&C Saatchi Malaysia; Damansara Heights Malaysia Finalist Certificate Celcom “Football Mad Nation” JWT Mexico; Mexico City, DF Mexico Gold World Medal HSBC Seguros “Life Gives No Warning” TV/Cin: Financial Services Silver World Medal HSBC Seguros “Office” TV/Cin: Financial Services Finalist Certificate Brasso Metal Polish “Pole Dancers” Print: Home Entertainment Brasso Metal Polish “Pole Dancers/Neck” Print: Household Products/Services TV/Cin: Humor HSBC Seguros “Car” TBWA-ISC Malaysia; Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Finalist Certificate S2O Swissvernice Hair Solutions “Hold-up” & “Intruder” MinuteMaid “Little Tin Frogs” Whiskas “Fish Chart” Outdoor: Home Appliances/Furniture Print: Cosmetics/Beauty Aids/Toiletries Outdoor: Household Products/Services MACEDONIA BBDO México; Mexico City, DF Mexico Finalist Certificate Daimler Chrysler “Exits” TV/Cin: Low Budget Spots TV/Cin: Confections/Snacks Design: Business to Business: Services MEXICO Media House, Skopje, Macedonia; Skopje Macedonia Finalist Certificate Business School, American College, Skopje “Pool” Finalist Certificate Bimbo de Mèxico “School” MASkargo Animal Hotel “Bathrobe” TV/Cin: Editing Print: Automobiles ESPN “X - Games” TV/Cin: Recreation/Sporting Goods & Services TV/Cin: Financial Services TV/Cin: Non-Alcoholic Beverages Naturalia “Magic Booklet” Design: Philanthropic Appeals Plasma LG “Bug 1” TORO; Mexico City, DF Mexico Finalist Certificate TV Azteca “TV Azteca: Ingenio/Hospitalidad/ Heroes” TV/Cin: Computer Animation Young and Rubicam Mexico; Mexico Mexico Finalist Certificate Avon “Child Crying” Sabritas “Marriage” Outdoor: Health & Hygiene Snickers “Go For It” Print: Medical Products TV/Cin: Confections/Snacks Wyeth/Robitusin “Scream” TV/Cin: Confections/Snacks For a full listing of credits, please visit www.newyorkfestivals.com 22 TV/Cin: Promotion of Peace & Human Rights Design: Self-Promo to the Trade Finalist Certificate Sebamed “Acne” Print: Medical Products FCB World Wide, S.A. de C.V.; Mèxico Mexico Bronze World Medal Conapred “Olds” 2007 International Advertising Awards NY f New York festivals THE NETHERLANDS DDB Amsterdam; Amstelveen The Netherlands Gold World Medal Centraal Beheer Achmea “Acupuncture” TV/Cin: Financial Services De Lotto “F.O.R.E.” TV/Cin: Entertainment Promo Silver World Medal Nederlandse Spoorwegen “New Timetable” TV/Cin: Transportation/Travel/Tourism Bronze World Medal Centraal Beheer Achmea “Witness” TV/Cin: Financial Services Pon’s Automobielhandel B.V. “Volkswagen Polo GTI” TV/Cin: Automobiles Finalist Certificate Centraal Beheer Achmea Insurance “Sunshield” Outdoor: Financial Services Friesche Vlag “Breaker” TV/Cin: Foods Henkel/Pattex “Double Billboard” Outdoor: Household Products/Services McDonald’s “Euroknallers” & “Men’s Burgers” TV/Cin: Retail Food McDonald’s “Ski-Jump” Print: Retail Food THE NETHERLANDS NEW ZEALAND Pon’s Automobielhandel B.V. “Keep It Clean” TV/Cin: Automobiles Volkswagen “Boeing” Print: Automobiles Eigen Fabrikaat; Amstelveen The Netherlands Finalist Certificate LeasePlan “LeasePlan ActieAutomaat” Outdoor: Auto Products & Service Euro RSCG 4D; Amstelveen The Netherlands Silver World Medal Volvo Cars Corporation “Volvo C30 - A Product of Freewill” Design: Brand Building/Promo, Product Advertising Euro RSCG Amsterdam; Amstelveen The Netherlands Finalist Certificate Citroën “Jumper” Print: Automobiles Grey Amsterdam; Amsterdam The Netherlands Finalist Certificate Health Insurance VGZ “Poor Para” Clemenger BBDO; Wellington New Zealand Gold World Medal Choke the Smoke “Da Vinci Cod/Boddice Ripper/ James Bland” Outdoor: Financial Services John Doe Amsterdam; Amsterdam The Netherlands Bronze World Medal MTV UK & Ireland “MTV Brass Band Music is for Life” Radio: Copywriting Finalist Certificate Choke the Smoke “Da Vinci Cod/Boddice Ripper/ James Bland” TV/Cin: Media Promo Radio: Humor; Civic Education; Environmental Issues JWT/UbachsWisbrun; Amsterdam The Netherlands Bronze World Medal Vodafone “Soap” Dashwood Design; Auckland New Zealand Bronze World Medal V “V3 Aluminium Promotional Packs” TV/Cin: Telecommunications Services Design: Non-Alcoholic Beverages Finalist Certificate Kitkat “Openingcredits” TV/Cin: Cinema Commercials Ogilvy Groep Nederland; Amsterdam The Netherlands Silver World Medal DHL “Small World” Print: Business to Business Services Bronze World Medal Center Parcs Europe “Center Parcs Winter Campaign” Radio: Recreation/Sporting Goods & Services Finalist Certificate MTV “You And Me Baby“ TV/Cin: Health & Hygiene Orange Babies “Donation TV” Design: Display/Point of Purchase Support Publicis Amsterdam; Amstelveen The Netherlands Finalist Certificate KiKa “Drawing” TV/Cin: Philanthropic Appeals Royal Netherlands Army “Dog” TV/Cin: Corporate Image/Info Wyeth “Stronger Than Pain” Print: Medical Products Studio De Keuken/Dangerous Kitchen Music Amsterdam The Netherlands Gold World Medal MTV “MTV” TV/Cin: Original Music/Lyrics 23 NEW ZEALAND Dow Design; Auckland New Zealand Bronze World Medal Heinz Watties Bean There “Bean There” Design: Foods/Snacks/Confections Publicis Mojo New Zealand Parnell, Auckland New Zealand Gold World Medal Amnesty “Breathe” TV/Cin: Cinema Commercials Campaign Against Landmines “Ketchup” Print: Philanthropic Appeals, Pre-Printed Magazine Insert Greenpeace “Breathe” TV/Cin: Direct Response, Environmental Issues Silver World Medal Campaign Against Landmines “Ketchup” Print: Promotion of Peace & Human Rights Bronze World Medal Greenpeace “Albatross” Outdoor: Environmental Issues Finalist Certificate Amnesty “Sudan” Print: Art Direction Campaign Against Landmines “Ketchup” Print: Art Direction; Design: Guerrilla Advertising Greenpeace “Albatross” Print: Art Direction, Environmental Issues Lift Plus “Spoons” TV/Cin: Humor Schweppes “Ugly Old Root” Print: Non-Alcoholic Beverages NY f For a full listing of credits, please visit www.newyorkfestivals.com 2007 International Advertising Awards New York festivals Smith & Keats Music; Auckland New Zealand Finalist Certificate Jimbos Cat Food “Every Cat Knows One” Radio: Household Products/Services Sugar; Auckland New Zealand Finalist Certificate TSB Bank “Expect More” TV/Cin: Financial Services TEQUILAAuckland; Auckland New Zealand Finalist Certificate Bridgestone Firestone “Tyreswing” Uncle Grey Oslo AS; Oslo Norway Finalist Certificate Coupe Mondiale/The Norwegian Accordion Accosiation “Accordion Bus” Outdoor: Transit PAKISTAN Adservice; Lahore Pakistan Finalist Certificate Coca-Cola “3-Sided Building Wrap ‘Coke Side Of Life’” Finalist Certificate Kit Carwax-S.C. Johnson “Sunset” Print: Auto Products & Service Salvation Army “Trash Can” Design: Guerrilla Advertising Outdoor: Non-Alcoholic Beverages Design: Self-Promo to the Trade PANAMA Finalist Certificate Peru 21 “Perez De Cuellar” NORTHERN IRELAND Cerebro Young & Rubicam; Panamá Panama Finalist Certificate Hills/Science Diet “F1” TBWAWhybin & TEQUILA “Apology (Unreserved)” Lyle Bailie International Limited Belfast Northern Ireland Finalist Certificate Road Safety “‘Round’ and ‘Spin’“ Radio: Civic/Social Education NORWAY BTS United; Oslo Norway Gold World Medal Berlitz “The Language School” NORTHERN IRELAND PHILIPPINES Print: Non-Alcoholic Beverages Publicis Perú; Lima Peru Bronze World Medal Los Salas Liquors Store “Runner” Design: Announcement/Invitation Cards TV/Cin: Educational Institutions Finalist Certificate Nettavisen “The President” TV/Cin: Media Promo TRY Advertising Agency; Oslo Norway Bronze World Medal Norsk Tipping/ Lotto (Norwegian State Lottery) “Klondyke” TV/Cin: Entertainment Promo Finalist Certificate Harald A. Møller “Birthday” TV/Cin: Automobiles KiMs “Movie Mates” TV/Cin: Confections/Snacks TINE Yoghurt “Turn Around” TV/Cin: Foods Print: Household Products/Services Outdoor: Retail Food Print: Illustration, Media Promo Print Vistacom; Lima Peru Finalist Certificate Land Rover “4X4” Print: Automobiles PERU Fat Free Films; Lima Peru Finalist Certificate Banco de Credito del Peru BCP “Kung Fu” TV/Cin: Direction Saga Falabella “Fears” TV/Cin: New Arrangement of Popular Theme Grey Communications Group; Lima Peru Finalist Certificate American Airlines “Apple” Student: Magazine/Newspaper Advertisement Supermate A “Painters” TV/Cin: Home Appliances/Furniture GRR Worldwide; Lima Peru Finalist Certificate Calcioferol Kids “Kindergarden” Print: Medical Products J. Walter Thompson Peruana; Lima Peru Finalist Certificate Scott Duramax “Label” Print: Household Products/Services PHILIPPINES DDB Philippines; Makati Philippines Finalist Certificate Ronald McDonald House Charities “McDonald’s Charities: Plane/Boat/Kite” Outdoor: Corporate Image/Info Ronald Mcdonald House Charities “Paper Plane” TV/Cin: Civic/Social Education Jimenez Basic Advertsing; Makati, Manila Philippines Finalist Certificate Philippine Cerebral Palsy “Happy” Radio: Health & Hygiene Western Union “Locations” TV/Cin: Financial Services Leo Burnett Manila; Makati, Manila Philippines Finalist Certificate P&G Mr. Clean “Washing Machine” TV/Cin: Household Products/Services McCann Erickson Philippines; Philippines Silver World Medal Operation Smile “Wish” TV/Cin: Philanthropic Appeals For a full listing of credits, please visit www.newyorkfestivals.com 24 Mayo Draft Fcb; Lima Peru Bronze World Medal San Mateo “Bar Code” 2007 International Advertising Awards NY f New York festivals TBWASantiago Mangada Puno Makati, Metro Manila Philippines Finalist Certificate Firefly Electronics & Lighting Corporation “Dona” TV/Cin: Household Products/Services Y&R Philippines, Inc.; Makati City Philippines Silver World Medal Soroptimist “Soroptimist” Print: Promotion of Peace & Human Rights Finalist Certificate Soroptimist “Bullets” Print: Promotion of Peace & Human Rights PORTUGAL BBDO Portugal; Lisbon Portugal Finalist Certificate Público “Atlas Of The Human Body” Print: Media Promo Print GreyHome - Grey Group Portugal; Alges Portugal Finalist Certificate CTT “Owl” Outdoor: Utilities SINGAPORE Finalist Certificate Bookfest “Bookfest” Black Flag “Fewer Bugs” Maggi “Mount Rushmore” & “Jane” Black Flag “Kamaleón” Maggi “Churchill” Grey PR; Hato Rey Puerto Rico Finalist Certificate Alianza Para Un Puerto Rico Sin Drogas “Armas Ilegales” TBWAMERLIN; Bucharest Romania Silver World Medal Sony PlayStation “Deaths Waiting” McCann-Erickson PR; San Juan Puerto Rico Finalist Certificate Alianza Para Un PR Sin Drogas “Bed” SAUDI ARABIA TV/Cin: Educational Institutions Outdoor: Household Products/Services Print: Foods Print: Household Products/Services Radio: Foods Print: Home Entertainment Radio: Promotion of Peace & Human Rights IMPACT/BBDO; Jeddah Saudi Arabia Finalist Certificate Goody “Hot Sauce” TV/Cin: Civic/Social Education Young and Rubicam Puerto Rico; Guaynabo Puerto Rico Gold World Medal Campbell’s “Candles” TV/Cin: Foods Cohn & Jansen Ashley & Holmes; Bucharest Romania Finalist Certificate Cosmote “MMS World” W/Portugal; Lisbon Portugal Gold World Medal 25 Years Portuguese Section Amnesty International “Classic Monsters” GAV SCHOLZ&FRIENDS Bucuresti; Bucharest Romania Finalist Certificate Gradina de Sud “Human and Insects” Finalist Certificate 25 Years Portuguese Section Amnesty International “Modern Monsters” Graffiti BBDO; Bucharest Romania Gold World Medal History Files Magazine “History In Brief” PUERTO RICO McCann Erickson; Bucharest Romania Gold World Medal Maggi “Godmother” TV/Cin: Promotion of Peace & Human Rights TV/Cin: Promotion of Peace & Human Rights BBDO/Puerto Rico; San Juan Puerto Rico Bronze World Medal Puerto Rican Alzheimer’s Federation “Polaroid” TV/Cin: Health & Hygiene Black Flag “Fewer Bugs” Print: Household Products/Services For a full listing of credits, please visit www.newyorkfestivals.com V/Cin: Telecommunications Services Print: Media Promo Print Print: Foods Silver World Medal Entran “Karate” Print: Foods SERBIA Communis; Belgrade Serbia Finalist Certificate Panona “Panona” ROMANIA Print: Household Products/Services 25 TV/Cin: Entertainment Promo Ogilvy Portugal; Lisboa Portugal Finalist Certificate MTV - AIDS “Shot - Bullet” Outdoor: Civic/Social Education PHILIPPINES Finalist Certificate Berlitz “Ecs Man Tres” Print: Foods SINGAPORE Crush Advertising Pte Ltd; Singapore Singapore Finalist Certificate Memorin “Cross-Dresser” & “Baby Briefs” Print: Medical Products DDB Worldwide Pte Ltd; Singapore Singapore Finalist Certificate Singapore Technologies Engineering “Stealth Ship” Outdoor: Poster Dentsu Singapore Pte Ltd; Singapore Singapore Silver World Medal Canon “Simplicity” TV/Cin: Computer Animation Finalist Certificate Canon “Simplicity” TV/Cin: Art Direction TV/Cin: Medical Products Maggi “Marilyn” NY f Radio: Foods 2007 International Advertising Awards New York festivals Discovery Networks Asia; Singapore Singapore Finalist Certificate Discovery “Discovery Channel Pop Up Campaign” Print: Media Promo Broadcast Euro RSCG (S) Pte Ltd; Singapore Singapore Finalist Certificate Euro RSCG Singapore “Euro RSCG - Map” Radio: Educational Institutions Finalist Certificate Peugeot “Marathon Runner” SPAIN MediaCorp Radio Singapore Pte Ltd Singapore Singapore Finalist Certificate Singapore Traffic Police “Ducks” Design: Calendar Print: Apparel Opuz Singapore; Singapore Singapore Finalist Certificate Discovery Asia “3’ DSC “HD Scv Launch” TV/Cin: Sound Design Singapore Press Holdings Limited; Singapore Singapore Finalist Certificate ST701 “ST701 – Paper Plane” Print: Business to Business Services Y&R Asia; Singapore Singapore Finalist Certificate IANSA “Guns” Outdoor: Promotion of Peace & Human Rights SLOVAK REPUBLIC Muw Saatchi And Saatchi; Bratislava Slovak Republic Bronze World Medal Home Insurance “Asteroid” TV/Cin: Financial Services Vaculik Advertising; Bratislava Slovak Republic Finalist Certificate Milan Dobes Museum “Find Your Way” Outdoor: Entertainment Promo The Jupiter Drawing Room (South Africa) Johannesburg South Africa Finalist Certificate AAA School of Advertising “Call for Enrollment” Design: Retail: Own Brand TV/Cin: Automobiles Ogilvy Singapore; Singapore Singapore Finalist Certificate Levi’s® Red Tab® “Tattoo” SPAIN Futura DDB d.o.o.; Ljubljana Slovenia Silver World Medal Mercator “Low Cost Generic Packages” Print: Business to Business Services Radio: Station-Produced SINGAPORE SLOVENIA Pivk Dry Cleaners “Pivk Calendar” Publicis d.o.o.; Ljubljana Slovenia Silver World Medal Amnesty International “Oscar” Outdoor: Promotion of Peace & Human Rights SOUTH AFRICA AAA School of Advertising Johannesburg South Africa Gold World Medal Vanish Carpet Shampoo “Vanishing Stains” Student: Design (Collateral/Packaging/Promo) Creative Vision; Johannesburg South Africa Finalist Certificate One Life Addiction Treament Centre “Filthy Rich” TV/Cin: Personal Development & Safety Cross Colours; Johannesburg South Africa Gold World Medal Nando’s “Art & Soul” Design: Retail: Own Brand Silver World Medal Nando’s “Maternity Pack” Design: Catalog/Brochure/Pamphlet Bronze World Medal Nando’s “Maternity Pack” Design: Illustration NetWork BBDO Hyde Park, Johannesburg South Africa Silver World Medal Virgin Atlantic Airlines “Suite Dreams” Print: Illustration Finalist Certificate Nedbank “Power To The People” Atletico International Advertising S.L; Barcelona Spain Bronze World Medal SEAT “Toys” TV/Cin: Computer Animation Finalist Certificate Allianz “Magritte” Print: Financial Services SEAT “WTCC.” Print: Automobiles Seat “Bubbles” TV/Cin: Computer Animation, Special Effects Bassat Ogilvy & Mather Barcelona; Barcelona Spain Silver World Medal Mango “Take The Place Of The Big Ones” Outdoor: Corporate Image/Info Finalist Certificate Channel 3 “Monkeys” TV/Cin: Corporate Image/Info Maribel Verdaguer Matrimonial Lawyer “The Death Of Cupid” Print: Professional Services TV3 Telethon “Monkeys” TV/Cin: Low Budget Spots Ciacomunicación; Barcelona Spain Silver World Medal Sant Juan De Dios “Doors” TV/Cin: Low Budget Spots Contrapunto; Madrid Spain Gold World Medal Daimlerchrysler Mercedes-Benz Smart forfour “Steam, Beach, Doves” Print: Automobiles WWF/ADENA “Dissolvent, Gasoline, Paint” Print: Environmental Issues Outdoor: Billboard NY f Virgin Atlantic Airlines “Suite Dreams” Print: Transportation/Travel/Tourism For a full listing of credits, please visit www.newyorkfestivals.com 26 2007 International Advertising Awards New York festivals Finalist Certificate Durex “Before and After” Print: Medical Products TBWA España; Madrid Spain Gold World Medal Sony Playstation “Guide Dog” Daimler Chrysler Mercedes Benz Smart Forfour “Red Point” PAVLOV; Barcelona Spain Finalist Certificate La Zaragozana-Ambar Green Beer “Big Brother” Bronze World Medal Road Safety Council “Answer Machine, Letter, Telephone and Farewells” Print: Civic/Social Education Print: Automobiles WWF/ADENA “Gorilla” Design: Direct Response DDB España; Madrid Spain Silver World Medal Chupa Chups “The Original Campaign” Print: Confections/Snacks V.A.E.S.A/Audi RS4 “Emotions” TV/Cin: Automobiles V.A.E.S.A./AUDI RS4 “Emotions Campaign” Print: Automobiles Finalist Certificate Confecciones Asensio “Kiff Kiff Casual Wear Campaign” Print: Confections/Snacks V.A.E.S.A./Volkswagen Passat DSG “Commas and Full Stops” TV/Cin: Automobiles GREY; Barcelona Spain Bronze World Medal Kenwood Car Audio “Lighters” Print: Auto Products & Service Silver World Medal Pilot Extrafine “Plaster” Print: Personal/Leisure Products Finalist Certificate California Walnuts “Great Brains” Design: Art Direction Pilot Extrafine “Slims” Print: Illustration Pilot V Liquid Light Marker “History Of Light” TV/Cin: Personal/Leisure Products Pilot V Liquid Light Marker “The Pilot Light Campaign” Print: Personal/Leisure Products SPAIN 27 Contrapunto; Madrid Spain (cont.) Finalist Certificate Amnistia Internacional “Bookmark” McCann-Erickson, Spain; Madrid Spain Bronze World Medal Metro Madrid “A Little History” TV/Cin: Transportation/Travel/Tourism For a full listing of credits, please visit www.newyorkfestivals.com Print: Portable Electronics TV/Cin: Corporate Image/Info TV/Cin: Personal Development & Safety Sony Playstation “Shadows” Publicis Casadevall Pedreño Garcia; Madrid Spain Silver World Medal Cadena SER Radio, Ondas Awards “Explosion/Battle/Helicopters” TV/Cin: Portable Electronics Finalist Certificate Harmony “Family Tree” Print: Medical Products Print: Corporate Image/Info Road Safety Council “Safety Distance” Publicis Casadevall Pedreño García; Barcelona Spain Finalist Certificate Baymar “Seagulls” Print: Civic/Social Education Harley-Davidson “Born to Harley” Sony Playstation “Usher”; “Sport Shoes” and “Cap” TV/Cin: Foods TV/Cin: Automobiles Movistar “Christmas’ Therapy” & “Coverage” TV/Cin: Telecommunications Services Publicis Comunicación España, SA – Lado C Madrid Spain Silver World Medal Getafe FC “Miracles” TV/Cin: Recreation/Sporting Goods & Services Finalist Certificate Renault Clio “Clio Ipod” TV/Cin: Automobiles RNL Storm; Madrid Spain Finalist Certificate LG “Tentacion” Design: Product Advertising Street Life; Madrid Spain Silver World Medal Schweppes “Quiet, Please.” Outdoor: Non-Alcoholic Beverages Bronze World Medal Schweppes “Quiet, Please” Outdoor: Billboard Tactics Europe; Madrid Spain Finalist Certificate Apadrina a un Árbol “Homeless” Sony Playstation “Boy-Puzzle And Girl-Puzzle” & “Blue, Green And Brown Eyes” Outdoor: Home Entertainment TV/Cin: Portable Electronics TBWAESPAÑA; Barcelona Spain Finalist Certificate Spontex Dishcloth “Drainpipe” Print: Household Products/Services Tiempo BBDO; Barcelona Spain Finalist Certificate Sara Lee/Hornimans “Relax” Design: Direct Response Vitruvio Leo Burnett; Madrid Spain Silver World Medal TCM. Turner Classic Movies “The Films You Should Have Seen By Now” Design: Mixed Media Promo Finalist Certificate Sitges’ Sci-Fi& Fantasy Film Festival “Hairdresser” TV/Cin: Entertainment Promo TAMPAX “Tampax Print Campaign” Print: Cosmetics/Beauty Aids/Toiletries TCM. Turner Classic Movies “Banner” Outdoor: Entertainment Promo wunderman; Madrid Spain Finalist Certificate Iberia “Turn Around The World” Design: Mixed Media Promo TV/Cin: Philanthropic Appeals 2007 International Advertising Awards NY f New York festivals ZAPPING; Madrid Spain Finalist Certificate BuenaVista International “The End” TV/Cin: Direction FECEMD “Iman Book” Design: Annual Report NH Hoteles “Headrests” Print: Transportation/Travel/Tourism SWEDEN Abby Norm; Stockholm Sweden Finalist Certificate Strömma Turism & Sjöfart AB “Dear Visitor” Outdoor: Transportation/Travel/Tourism DDB Stockholm; Stockholm Sweden Silver World Medal Volkswagen “Golf R32” Design: Special Events Silver World Medal Langley Travel “Destination Japan” Design: Consumer Promo Bronze World Medal Koll.se “Home Exchange At Koll.se” Print: Professional Services Finalist Certificate Langley Travel “Destination Japan” Bronze World Medal TDC Broadband “Nothing To Hide” Langley Travel “Paradise Wallpaper” Print: Transportation/Travel/Tourism Finalist Certificate Swedish Armed Forces “Africa” Great Works; Stockholm Sweden Silver World Medal Absolut Vodka “Absolut Search” TDC Broadband “Nothing To Hide” Outdoor: Poster SWITZERLAND GOSS; Gothenburg Sweden Gold World Medal Langley Travel “Destination Japan” Outdoor: Automobiles TV/Cin: Cinematography Volkswagen “TSI” Design: Brand Building/Promo Bronze World Medal Absolut Vodka “Absolut Ruby Red” Print: Automobiles Design: Product Advertising Fältman & Malmén AB; Stockholm Sweden Finalist Certificate TV3 “You Are What You Eat” “The 3D Fat Pinch” Design: Overall Design Print: Media Promo Broadcast Forsman & Bodenfors; Gothenburg Sweden Silver World Medal Stadium “The City is Your Stadium” Outdoor: Retail Stores Tele2 “MMS, Congratulations/Sorry/Miss You” Outdoor: Telecommunications Services Design: Business to Business: Products Design: Consumer Services, Mixed Media Promo; Print: Transportation/Travel/Tourism Outdoor: Telecommunications Services Finalist Certificate Stadium “The City is Your Stadium” Design: Mixed Media Promo SPAIN Garbergs; Stockholm Sweden Bronze World Medal Södra cell “Business Cards- The Jack Gurner Collection” Framfab; Göteborg Sweden Finalist Certificate SKF “SKF 100 Years 2007” Design: Corporate Image Getty Images “Getty Images - 10 Ways” Finalist Certificate Absolut Vodka “The 100 Absolutes” & “Absolut Bling-Bling” Energy And Energy Consumption Awareness Campaign “Electricity For Athletes” 28 TV/Cin: Corporate Image/Info Energy And Energy Consumption Awareness Campaign “Big And Small Questions On Energy” TV/Cin: Utilities Fashion Designed Clothes “Tiger Of Sweden - Packaging” Design: Retail: Own Brand Financial Services “Eco-Car Loan” Outdoor: Transit Opera “Don Giovanni” Design: Consumer Products SAAB Automobile “Pilots Wanted” Design: Product Advertising Saab GM Norden/ Saab 9-3 Convertible “Innovating Hairstyle” Print: Automobiles Stella Artois “Le Défi” Design: Brand Building/Promo Scholz & Friends Stockholm; Stockholm Sweden Silver World Medal Nike Pro “It’s All About Breathing” Outdoor: Apparel Finalist Certificate Nike “Brazil-Ecuador (In Addition To Game In Stockholm)” Print: Apparel Tempel; Stockholm Sweden Silver World Medal Swedish TV4 “Free Television” TV/Cin: Telecommunications Services Design: Brand Building/Promo Lowe Brindfors; Stockholm Sweden Silver World Medal Organization Against Bullying “The Football” TV/Cin: Promotion of Peace & Human Rights SAAB Automobile “60 Years Of Turbocharged Thinking” Design: Corporate Image Stella Artois “Le Défi” Design: Product Advertising SWITZERLAND Advico Young & Rubicam Zurich-Gockhausen Switzerland Gold World Medal Head Snowboards “Jump Higher” Print: Recreation/Sporting Goods & Services Multiple Sclerosis Association “MS ‘Interruption Of The Nerve Tracts’” Outdoor: Health & Hygiene Finalist Certificate Coop “Update The Christmas Table” NY f Design: Brand Building/Promo, Overall Design For a full listing of credits, please visit www.newyorkfestivals.com 2007 International Advertising Awards New York festivals Advico Young & Rubicam (cont.) Silver World Medal Head Snowboards “Jump Higher” Gesundheitsförderung Schweiz “Playground” Panasonic “Chameleon” Swiss Publicis Zurich; Zürich Switzerland Silver World Medal Pastorini “Blocks” House of Nails - Nail Studio “Beautiful Hands” under-28 competition “Agonize!” Zurich City Theatre “Agnus Dei” Outdoor: Recreation/Sporting Goods & Services Design: Cosmetics/Toiletries Multiple Sklerose Gesellschaft “Interruption Of The Nerve Tracts” Print: Health & Hygiene Finalist Certificate Condomshop “Condomshop “Don’t Be Stupid” Outdoor, Print: Medical Products RhB - Rhaetische Bahn AG “The Experience Railway” Print: Transportation/Travel/Tourism Draftfcb/Lowe; Wallisellen Switzerland Finalist Certificate BSW “No Boundaries” Outdoor: Civic/Social Education Euro RSCG Switzerland; Zürich Switzerland Silver World Medal BAG/AIDS Prevention “Love Life” Outdoor: Health & Hygiene Bronze World Medal 20min. “Browser” Print: Media Promo Broadcast Finalist Certificate BAG/AIDS Prevention “A Bond For Life” Outdoor: Health & Hygiene BAG/AIDS Prevention “Love Life” Print: Health & Hygiene Zueri Sub “Shark” Print: Recreation/Sporting Goods & Services Zürcher Kammerorchester “ZKO” SWITZERLAND Print: Entertainment Promo Exxtra Kommunikation; Zürich Switzerland Finalist Certificate Migros Total “Laundrette” TV/Cin: Household Products/Services Jung Von Matt AG; Zürich Switzerland Bronze World Medal MINI “Love Curves?” Outdoor: Automobiles Finalist Certificate Beach Mountain “Wave” Print: Apparel; Outdoor: Retail Stores For a full listing of credits, please visit www.newyorkfestivals.com TV/Cin: Health & Hygiene Outdoor: Retail Stores Outdoor: Home Entertainment TV/Cin: Art Direction Print: Illustration Finalist Certificate Blue Cross “Drunken Navigationsystem” McCann-Erickson Switzerland; Geneva Switzerland Finalist Certificate Little India “Nose And Tongue” Radio: Health & Hygiene Chocolat Frey “Dark Side” Outdoor: Retail Food TV/Cin: Confections/Snacks Frauenzentrale “Mouthpiece” Ruf Lanz Werbeagentur AG; Zürich Switzerland Gold World Medal Sport Factory Outlet “George W. Bush” Outdoor: Civic/Social Education Melvins “Love Yourself” Print: Apparel; Outdoor: Retail Stores Radio: Humor, Retail Stores Stalder & Moser “Alfa Vintage Campaign” Finalist Certificate Airport Outlet “Prince Charles” Outdoor: Auto Products & Service Print: Retail Stores UBS “Anti Money Laundering” Print: Personal Development & Safety Yellow Pages “Ad Agency” Scholz & Friends; Zürich Switzerland Bronze World Medal Fitnesspark Banane Winterthur “The Uplifting Massage Sticker” Yellow Pages “Bike” Finalist Certificate Fitnesspark Banane Winterthur “The Uplifting Massage Sticker” walker Werbeagentur; Zürich Switzerland Gold World Medal Fleurop Interflora “Hunt For Words” Suva Accident Prevention “Without Warming Up” Design: Display/Point of Purchase Support Design: Consumer Services; Outdoor: Recreation/ Sporting Goods & Services Karikatur & Cartoon Museum Basel “Do Not Let Your Heroes Die” Print: Illustration, Entertainment Promo Spillmann/Felser/Leo Burnett; Zürich Switzerland Bronze World Medal annabelle “No Firearms In The Home” Outdoor: Media Promo Print Zurich Aids Association “Lottery” Print: Health & Hygiene Finalist Certificate Helvetas “Blackboard” Print: Philanthropic Appeals Kimberly-Clark Switzerland “French Fries” Print: Household Products/Services 29 Print: Financial Services Print: Business to Business Products Design: Guerrilla Advertising Zürcher Verkehrsverbund “Stadium, Operahouse” TV/Cin: Transportation/Travel/Tourism TV/Cin: Retail Stores Silver World Medal Fleurop Interflora “Anniversary” TV/Cin: Retail Stores Bronze World Medal Fleurop Interflora “Anniversary” TV/Cin: Performance Finalist Certificate Fleurop Interflora “Anniversary” TV/Cin: Copywriting, Cinema Commercials Fleurop Interflora “Hunt For Words, Tent” TV/Cin: Retail Stores walker “Small” Radio: Copywriting, Business to Business: Services Wirz /BBDO; Zürich Switzerland Silver World Medal Tamedia AG “Jobwinner” Print: Professional Services 2007 International Advertising Awards NY f New York festivals TURKEY UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Bates Taiwan Co., Ltd.; Taipei Taiwan Gold World Medal Kolin LCD “Rain Forest/Carnival/Time Square” Alice BBDO; Istanbul Turkey Bronze World Medal Gate Tattoo “Gate Tattoo Shop” Outdoor: Professional Services Classic Partnership Advertising Dubai United Arab Emirates Finalist Certificate Children’s Hope Foundation “Learning Disability” Concept; Istanbul Turkey Finalist Certificate Ipek Darga Yoga Center “Neck Exercise/Eye Exercise/Arm Exercise” Dubai Leo Burnett; Dubai United Arab Emirates Finalist Certificate Proctor and gamble “Light Campaign” Print: Illustration Bronze World Medal Kolin LCD “Rain Forest/Carnival/Time Square” Print, Outdoor: Home Appliances/Furniture; Print: Art Direction EuroRSCG Partnership (Taiwan) Ltd.; Taipei Taiwan Finalist Certificate MSN Messenger “MSN Messenger New Language Series” Outdoor: Media Promo Broadcast Saatchi & Saatchi Taiwan; Taipei Taiwan Finalist Certificate TOYOTA “New World” TV/Cin: Cinematography Union Advertising; Taipei Taiwan Silver World Medal OKWAP S858 “Spider/Centipede” Print: Portable Electronics United Advertising; Taipei Taiwan Finalist Certificate 2006 Longxi Awards “Boxers/Cowboys/Kendo” Print: Media Promo Print THAILAND UAE Euro RSCG Flagship Ltd.; Bangkok Thailand Bronze World Medal Tiger Refresher “Motion Sickness” Print: Medical Products Leo Burnett, Bangkok; Bangkok Thailand Gold World Medal Clima Bicycle Lock “Bicycle Lock” Print: Recreation/Sporting Goods & Services TAIWAN 30 TAIWAN Silver World Medal Clima Bicycle Lock “Barriercycle” Print: Recreation/Sporting Goods & Services Finalist Certificate Clima Bicycle Lock “Railcycle” Design: Mixed Media Promo Print, Outdoor: Personal Development & Safety Print: Household Products/Services DDB&Co.; Istanbul Turkey Silver World Medal Sok Market “Cashbox” Grey Worldwide Dubai; Dubai United Arab Emirates Bronze World Medal Seibukan Karate Centre “Broken Lego” Bronze World Medal Ceres “Apple, Eggplant, Tomato” Finalist Certificate Jotun Paints “Shade Card” Finalist Certificate Dank “Timeline” Seibukan Karate Centre “Broken Lego” Print: Retail Food Print: Business to Business Services Print: Retail Stores Medina Turgul DDB; Istanbul Turkey Finalist Certificate Volkswagen Polo Ladies Cup “Carpark” Print: Corporate Image/Info Ogilvy & Mather; Istanbul Turkey Silver World Medal World Wild Fund “The Axe” Print: Environmental Issues Print: Recreation/Sporting Goods & Services Outdoor: Corporate Image/Info Print: Educational Institutions; Professional Services JWT Dubai; Dubai United Arab Emirates Finalist Certificate Boecker “Invasion” Print: Household Products/Services Bookworld “Two Hands Many Fingers” Print: Retail Stores Dominos “Oven” Print: Retail Food Double A “No Jam No Stress” Print: Business Equipment & Services Mercedes Benz “Lion G55” UKRAINE Leo Burnett; Kiev Ukraine Silver World Medal Red Cross Association “Swimming-Pool/ School/Woman At The Window” Print: Photography Finalist Certificate Red Cross Association “Swimming-Pool/ School/Woman At The Window” Print: Environmental Issues Print: Automobiles Mercedes Benz “Peel Off” Design: Guerrilla Advertising Lowe MENA, Dubai; Dubai United Arab Emirates Finalist Certificate Axe Vice “Nice Girl. Naughty Girl” Print: Cosmetics/Beauty Aids/Toiletries Pirana Advertising; Dubai United Arab Emirates Bronze World Medal Redha Al Ansari Exchange “Money Transfer” Design: Consumer Print: Recreation/Sporting Goods & Services NY f For a full listing of credits, please visit www.newyorkfestivals.com 2007 International Advertising Awards New York festivals TBWARAAD; Dubai United Arab Emirates Gold World Medal Trillion for Lebanon “Tears in Lebanon” AKQA; San Francisco USA Gold World Medal Lebron IV “Nike: Lebron IV” Truth “Network Truth” Silver World Medal Bentelhalal Online Matrimonials “Man & Woman” Silver World Medal Treo 680 “OnTreo.com” Bronze World Medal iExplore “South America” Finalist Certificate Trill “Budgie” Bronze World Medal The Coca-Cola Company “Coke.com” Design: Philanthropic Appeals TV/Cin: Professional Services Print: Household Products/Services TD& A - DDB; Sharjah United Arab Emirates Finalist Certificate Khaleej Times “HIV Eraser” Print: Health & Hygiene Team Young & Rubicam; Dubai United Arab Emirates Gold World Medal Books Plus “Books Plus” Print: Retail Stores Finalist Certificate A4 AGE REVERSE Face Cream “Dentures” Print: Cosmetics/Beauty Aids/Toiletries Colgate Toothpaste “Boxing Ring” Print: Cosmetics/Beauty Aids/Toiletries TEAM/Young & Rubicam Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates Finalist Certificate The Emirates Evening Post “Freedom from Hunger Week/ Economist” Print: Civic/Social Education USA UNITED STATES 2Advanced Studios; Aliso Viejo USA Finalist Certificate 2Advanced Studios “2Advanced Studios V.5 Attractor” Design: Corporate Image Motorola “Motorola Studio Moto Microsite” UAE Design: Brand Building/Promo 740 Sound Design; Santa Monica USA Silver World Medal Travelers Insurance “Snowball” TV/Cin: Sound Design Design: Home Page Design: Product Advertising Design: Corporate Image Finalist Certificate The Coca-Cola Company “Coke Music” Design: Brand Building/Promo The Coca-Cola Company “Coke.com” Design: Direct Response Visa “Visa Signature Living” Design: Brand Building/Promo Yell.com “Yell.com GPS Bus Ads” Outdoor: Transit AKQA; Washington USA Bronze World Medal ESPN “ESPN X Games 12” Design: Event Promo Finalist Certificate ESPN “ESPN X Games” Design: Banners The Global Fund to Flight AIDS, TB and Malaria “Hope Spreads Faster Than AIDS” Design: Brand Building/Promo Ubisoft “Ubisoft Rayman Raving Rabbids” Design: Banners Arnold and Crispin Porter + Bogusky; Boston USA Gold World Medal Fidelity Investments “Easy Games” Design: Brand Building/Promo iExplore “South America/Africa/Australia” Print: Transportation/Travel/Tourism Timberland “Whudafxup” Design: Service Advertising Truth “Singing Cowboy/Sodium Hydroxide/ Garbage Cans” TV/Cin: Health & Hygiene Silver World Medal Truth “Singing Cowboy” TV/Cin: Cinema Commercials Design: Direct Response Truth “Singing Cowboy” TV/Cin: Health & Hygiene Print: Art Direction Finalist Certificate ESPN “Smack Cards” Design: Event Promo ESPN “Nightmares/Permit/Lunch Break” TV/Cin: Recreation/Sporting Goods & Services Fidelity Investments “Wheel of Easy” Design: Direct Response Fidelity Investments “Parking/Kids Toy/Ping Pong” TV/Cin: Financial Services Paws Up Outfitters “Every Day/ Day Begins/Shooting” Print: Transportation/Travel/Tourism Royal Caribbean “Hungry Suitcase” Design: Service Advertising Timberland “10061” Design: Event Promo Truth “Hairy-Mail Social Widget” Design: Brand Building/Promo Truth “Urea” Design: Consumer Services Truth “Sweet Smokes” TV/Cin: Health & Hygiene Truth “Network Truth” Design: Service Advertising Vonage “Beauty and the Geek/ Dolphins/Scary Movie” TV/Cin: Telecommunications Services Bar1; New York USA Gold World Medal Mount Sinai Medical Center “Mount Sinai Liana Pai” Radio: Medical Services National Thoroughbred Racing Association “NTRA Water Park” Radio: Recreation/Sporting Goods & Services Silver World Medal Legal Sea Foods “Legal Sea Foods Campaign” Radio: Retail Food Mount Sinai Medical Center “Mount Sinai Liver Transplant” Radio: Medical Services For a full listing of credits, please visit www.newyorkfestivals.com 31 2007 International Advertising Awards NY f New York festivals Bar1; New York USA (cont.) National Thoroughbred Racing Association “NTRA Rock Concert” Radio: Recreation/Sporting Goods & Services Finalist Certificate Mount Sinai Medical Center “Mount Sinai Maria Cea” Gatorade “Skyscraper” TV/Cin: Non-Alcoholic Beverages Radio: Medical Services Clear Channel Creative Services Group; Atlanta USA Finalist Certificate HD Digital Radio Alliance “Ear” National Thoroughbred Racing Association “NTRA Skydiving” HD Digital Radio Alliance “Shine” Radio: Recreation/Sporting Goods & Services Radio: Media Promo Broadcast BBDO West; San Francisco USA Gold World Medal San Francisco Zoo “Puma/Jaguar/Fox” Conill Saatchi & Saatchi; New York USA Finalist Certificate Tide To Go “Color Markers” Bronze World Medal San Francisco Zoo “Puma/Jaguar/Fox” CreativeOndemanD; Coral Gables USA Finalist Certificate Volkswagen Jetta “Kung Fu” Print: Entertainment Promo TV/Cin: Entertainment Promo Finalist Certificate Air New Zealand “Kayak” Outdoor: Transportation/Travel/Tourism Outdoor: Household Products/Services TV/Cin: Computer Animation Outdoor: Entertainment Promo DDB San Francisco; San Francisco USA Silver World Medal Liquid Plumr “France” Bernstein-Rein; Kansas City USA Finalist Certificate McDonald’s “Recurring Dream” Bronze World Medal Children of Shelters “Bench, Dumpster, Duckie, Toothbrush” San Francisco Zoo “Giraffe Banner” TV/Cin: Retail Food Powell Gardens “The Mazes” Print: Entertainment Promo Wal-Mart “Be Bright” TV/Cin: Retail Stores Bromley Communications; San Antonio USA Finalist Certificate KLRN - Early ON Program “Pupitre (School Desk)” TV/Cin: Civic/Social Education Cahan & Associates; San Francisco USA Bronze World Medal Herman Miller “See: The Potential of Space, Fifth Issue” Design: Design USA TV/Cin: Retail Food TV/Cin: Automobiles Radio: Copywriting Casanova Pendrill; Costa Mesa USA Finalist Certificate XBOX “Beat the World” Outdoor: Home Entertainment For a full listing of credits, please visit www.newyorkfestivals.com TV/Cin: Household Products/Services Print: Philanthropic Appeals Finalist Certificate Armor All “Headlights” Print: Auto Products & Service Fresh Step “Lost Litter Box” Outdoor: Household Products/Services Golden Gate Fields “Strip Poker, Stuffed Animal, Donor” TV/Cin: Low Budget Spots Del Rivero Messianu DDB; Coral Gables USA Silver World Medal Miami International Film Festival “MIFF Radio: Window/Love Story/Silent Night” Radio: Entertainment Promo Dieste Harmel & Partners; Dallas USA Finalist Certificate 1-2-3 Divorce “Why Wait” Outdoor: Professional Services 32 Frito Lay “Latin Heat” Circle Productions; Santa Monica USA Finalist Certificate Kia Spectra “Make Out” Glad “Trash Tamer” TV/Cin: Household Products/Services Sierra Mist “Cash Register” TV/Cin: Non-Alcoholic Beverages Wednesday’s Child Benefit Corporation “Call” TV/Cin: Promotion of Peace & Human Rights DraftFCB New York; New York USA Gold World Medal Motorola “MOTOCOLORS” Design: Brand Building/Promo, Overall Design Finalist Certificate Motorola “PEBL POND” Design: Overall Design Motorola “Moto Q” & “MOTORAZR V3 Miami Ink Collection” Design: Product Advertising Duval Guillaume/New York; New York USA Gold World Medal Bazooka “Bazooka Bubble Gum Relaunch” Design: Mixed Media Promo Element79; Chicago USA Finalist Certificate Gatorade “Big Head” TV/Cin: Non-Alcoholic Beverages Propel Fitness Water “Change Of Pace” TV/Cin: Non-Alcoholic Beverages EVB, Inc.; San Francisco USA Finalist Certificate Wrigley “Cool Breath Power” Design: Overall Design Wrigley “Friends of Bright” Design: Product Advertising Fallon; Minneapolis USA Silver World Medal Nuveen Investments “Smarter Ways to Be Conservative: Statue” Print: Copywriting Nuveen Investments “Statue, Boat Woman, Skipper” Print: Financial Services NY f 2007 International Advertising Awards New York festivals Fallon; Minneapolis USA (cont.) Finalist Certificate Nuveen Investments “Smarter Ways to Be Conservative: Wily Guy” & “Smarter Ways to Be Conservative: Mulligan” Grupo Gallegos; Long Beach USA Gold World Medal Energizer “Immortal” TV/Cin: Household Products/Services 33 Mun2 “Fences” TV/Cin: Media Promo Broadcast LatinWorks; Austin USA Silver World Medal Anheuser-Busch/Bud-Light “Classroom” Nuveen Investments “Smarter Ways to Be Conservative: Baby” harvest; Santa Monica USA Gold World Medal AIDS Awareness “Roulette” Nuveen Investments “Smarter Ways to Be Conservative: Vegas” Bronze World Medal HBO “Bad Habits” Print: Magazine Ad TV/Cin: Media Promo Broadcast Nuveen Investments “Smarter Ways to Be Conservative: Statue” Toyota Tacoma “Tide” TV/Cin: Automobiles Leo Burnett Chicago; Chicago USA Gold World Medal Altoids “Initiation Campaign” Finalist Certificate Coke Vault “Scarecrow” Print: Confections/Snacks Ariston “Underwater World” Print: Newspaper Ad Dairy Queen “Beefcake” McDonalds “Sundial” Nuveen Investments “Smarter Ways to Be Conservative: Boat Woman” & “Smarter Ways to Be Conservative: Mailbox” DirecTV “Girlfriend” Mercedes-Benz SLK “Blown Away” Print: Financial Services DirecTV “DirecTV Campaign” Mercedes-Benz SLK “Blown Away Campaign” ForeignFilms; New York USA Finalist Certificate Clorox “Mermaid” ProFlowers “Beach” Bronze World Medal Altoids “Oh, The Shame” Virgin Mobile “Virgin Mobile Campaign” Print, Outdoor: Confections/Snacks; Print: Photography Form; Los Angeles USA Silver World Medal Beat Your Risk “Heart Attack” Hornall Anderson Design Works; Seattle USA Finalist Certificate Emily’s “Emily’s Chocolates Packaging” Print: Photography Print: Copywriting Print: Copywriting, Magazine Ad Print: Newspaper Ad, Financial Services Nuveen Investments “Statue, Boat Woman, Wily Guy” TV/Cin: Household Products/Services TV/Cin: Health & Hygiene Finalist Certificate Full Frame Festival “March of The Penguins” TV/Cin: Direction GO Film; New York USA Finalist Certificate AIDS Awareness “The Aristocrats” TV/Cin: Health & Hygiene Lexus “Composer” TV/Cin: Corporate Image/Info Sony “Muse” TV/Cin: Portable Electronics Volkswagen “Stack” USA TV/Cin: Automobiles TV/Cin: Civic/Social Education TV/Cin: Non-Alcoholic Beverages TV/Cin: Retail Food TV/Cin: Performance TV/Cin: Media Promo Broadcast TV/Cin: Personal/Leisure Products TV/Cin: Copywriting Design: Foods/Snacks/Confections human; New York USA Silver World Medal Nike “Defy” TV/Cin: Original Music/Lyrics Bronze World Medal Coca-Cola “Happiness Factory” TV/Cin: Original Music/Lyrics la comunidad; Miami Beach USA Bronze World Medal VW Golf “Sooner Or Later” Finalist Certificate Anheuser-Busch/Bud-Light “Tea Party” TV/Cin: Alcoholic Beverages TV/Cin: Home Appliances/Furniture Outdoor: Retail Food Print: Automobiles Print: Photography Finalist Certificate Altoids “Initiation Campaign” Altoids “First Time” Print: Photography, Confections/Snacks Altoids “Initiation Campaign” Outdoor: Photography Altoids “Fruit Pants”; “Half & Half”; “Slap” TV/Cin: Confections/Snacks Altoids “Hairy Chest” Print: Confections/Snacks, Print: Photography Friskies “Bird Seed” Print: Household Products/Services Mercedes-Benz SLK “Toupee” & “Scarf” Print: Automobiles, Photography Mercedes-Benz SLK “Hat” Print: Photography Print: Automobiles Mercedes-Benz SLK “Blown Away Campaign” Finalist Certificate Katrina Foundation for Recovery “Bin Laden” Ariston “Underwater World” Print: Philanthropic Appeals For a full listing of credits, please visit www.newyorkfestivals.com TV/Cin: Alcoholic Beverages Outdoor: Photography TV/Cin: Cinematography NY f 2007 International Advertising Awards New York festivals Lowe New York; New York USA Gold World Medal GMC Acadia “Inspiration” TV/Cin: Art Direction Silver World Medal Creativity Magazine “No Spot Film Festival” TV/Cin: Copywriting Ricoh “Notepad” Design: Business to Business: Products Stella Artois “Kidney” TV/Cin: Special Effects McCann Erickson; New York USA Gold World Medal Ad Council - Media Management “Ad Council Campaign” TV/Cin: Personal Development & Safety TV/Cin: Editing Finalist Certificate Greyhound “Let’s Go Dog” TV/Cin: Editing Jaguar “XKR Launch” TV/Cin: Editing MSG Network “Anthem” TV/Cin: Editing Finalist Certificate MasterCard “Just a Piece of Plastic” Outsider; Santa Monica USA Gold World Medal Hyundai “Life Shapes” Finalist Certificate Advertising Women of New York “PigsAnonymous.com” MasterCard Corporate “Heart of Commerce Campaign” Finalist Certificate Hyundai “Life Shapes” Creativity Magazine “No Spot Film Festival” TV/Cin: Business Equipment & Services Bronze World Medal GMC Acadia “Inspiration” Stella Artois “Kidney” Print: Copywriting Design: Event Promo TV/Cin: Low Budget Spots Degree MEN “Pamplona” TV/Cin: Cinematography, Special Effects Milk “Osteo” Print: Non-Alcoholic Beverages Museum of Sex “Kanji” Outdoor: Art Direction Nokia “Music Recommender Service” & “Downtown Stories: Perez” TV/Cin: Portable Electronics Perdue “Shortcuts” Outdoor: Foods Ricoh “Notepad” Design: Business to Business SAAB “Barf Bag” Design: Consumer Stella Artois “Bedroom” TV/Cin: Humor Stella Artois “Classifieds” Print: Newspaper Ad, Alcoholic Beverages Stella Artois “Kidney” Print, TV/Cin: Alcoholic Beverages Stella Artois “Bedroom” TV/Cin: Alcoholic Beverages, Low Budget Spots Stella Artois “Trailer” TV/Cin: Alcoholic Beverages TV/Cin: Computer Animation TV/Cin: Copywriting Outdoor: Illustration Sharpie Mini “Milk/Toothbrush” Musikvergnuegen; Hollywood USA Finalist Certificate ESPN “Monday Night Football Open” TV/Cin: Original Music/Lyrics Sprite “Greenhouse” TV/Cin: New Arrangement of Popular Theme Occidental Petroleum; Los Angeles USA Finalist Certificate Occidental Petroleum “Hydrocarbon Star” TV/Cin: Direction TV/Cin: Direction TV/Cin: Automobiles Palio Communications; Saratoga Springs USA Finalist Certificate GlaxoSmithKline “Kidney Disease” Outdoor: Health & Hygiene, Medical Products Peter Mayer Advertising; New Orleans USA Gold World Medal Peter Mayer Advertising “Peter Mayer LivesConnected” Design: Corporate Image Finalist Certificate New Orleans Saints “Winning Is An Attitude” TV/Cin: Entertainment Promo Odopod; San Francisco USA Bronze World Medal Nike “Joga TV” Publicis Mid America; Dallas USA Finalist Certificate BMW “Remote Control” Ogilvy; New York USA Finalist Certificate American Express “Roddick vs. PONG” PUSH; Orlando USA Finalist Certificate Tijuana Flats “Tijuana Flats Radio” Oink Ink Radio; New York USA Finalist Certificate sipinstead.com “sipinstead.com” School of Visual Art; New York USA Finalist Certificate Kryptonite “Kryptonite Lock” Design: Brand Building/Promo Design: Event Promo Radio: Civic/Social Education Design: Guerrilla Advertising Radio: Retail Food Student: Outdoor/Transit/Posters Ad Yahoo “Answers” NY f Radio: Media Promo Broadcast For a full listing of credits, please visit www.newyorkfestivals.com 34 Outside Editorial; New York USA Gold World Medal Jaguar “XK Launch” Silver World Medal MasterCard “Just a Piece of Plastic” TV/Cin: Low Budget Spots TV/Cin: Sound Design USA MassMarket; New York USA Finalist Certificate Dodge Caliber “Pixie” 2007 International Advertising Awards New York festivals SCI FI Channel; New York USA Bronze World Medal SCI FI Channel “Eureka Shoot Spots” TV/Cin: Special Effects Finalist Certificate SCI FI Channel “The Lost Room” TV/Cin: Sound Design Sprout PR; El Segundo USA Silver World Medal Tiger Beer (Asia Pacific Breweries) “Tiger Beer Campaign” TV/Cin: Editing St. John & Partners; Jacksonville USA Finalist Certificate Clearwire “Speed Dating” Radio: Telecommunications Services St. John & Partners “2006 Holiday Party Invitation” Design: Announcement/Invitation Cards Starz Encore Group; Englewood USA Bronze World Medal Starz (Direct Mail) “Buy the Tkt, Take the Ride: H.S. Thompson on Film” Design: Self-Promo to the Trade The NBC Agency; Burbank USA Bronze World Medal NBC “NBC Comedy Laffers” USA GLOBAL TV/Cin: Low Budget Spots Tight; Santa Monica USA Gold World Medal DOW “The Human Element” TV/Cin: Cinematography Finalist Certificate The DOW Chemical Company “The Human Element” TV/Cin: Direction Transistor Studios; New York USA Finalist Certificate Adidas “Adicolor Black” TV/Cin: Low Budget Spots Virgen Advertising Corp.; Las Vegas USA Bronze World Medal MGM Grand Las Vegas “MGM Grand New Year’s Eve Invitation” Design: Special Events For a full listing of credits, please visit www.newyorkfestivals.com Wunderman Team Detroit; Dearborn USA Finalist Certificate Lincoln Mercury “My Dream.tv” & “Reach Higher” Design: Brand Building/Promo 35 GLOBAL The Dukes of Urbino.Com Gold World Medal Reminder Notes “Jade” Outdoor: Business Equipment & Services Y&R New York; New York USA Bronze World Medal MTV/Staying Alive “Fetish” Silver World Medal Reminder Notes “For The Little Things You’ll Forget” Outdoor: Business Equipment & Services TV/Cin: Art Direction Finalist Certificate Bronx Zoo “Butterfly, Zebra, Elephant, Giraffe, Shark” Finalist Certificate The Endangered Wildlife Trust “Trap” Bronx Zoo “Elephant” Outdoor: Civic/Social Education Print: Philanthropic Appeals The Salvation Army “Dustbins” Outdoor: Poster, Entertainment Promo Outdoor: Entertainment Promo Hands On Network “Dog Walker” & “Banana, Fry Cook, Dog Walker” Leo Burnett Belgium; Brussels Belgium Environment “Car/Fridge/Washing Machine/Radiator” Outdoor: Civic/Social Education MTV/Staying Alive “Fetish” UNDPI - Gold / Print: Environmental Issues TV/Cin: Health & Hygiene UNCF “Wall of Books” Print: Promotion of Peace & Human Rights Leo Burnett India; Mumbai, Maharashtra India Prerana “The Tip” Yessian; Farmington Hills USA Finalist Certificate GMC “Acadia Launch” Viking FM; Hull England Hull City Safe “Hate Crime” UNDPI - Silver / TV/Cin: Philanthropic Appeals TV/Cin: New Arrangement of Popular Theme UNDPI - Bronze / Radio: Promo of Peace & Human Rights Y&R Philippines, Inc.; Makati City Philippines Soroptimist “Soroptimist” VENEZUELA UNDPI - Bronze / Print: Promo of Peace & Human Rights JMC*Y&R; Caracas Venezuela Finalist Certificate Jeep Grand Cherokee “Jeep Nature” Clemenger BBDO; Wellington New Zealand Choke the Smoke “Da Vinci Cod/Boddice Ripper/ James Bland” Radio: Automobiles Publicis Venezuela; Caracas Venezuela Finalist Certificate Juan Pablo del Moral Producciones y Eventos S.A. “Illusionist” Print: Recreation/Sporting Goods & Services NG 3000 Pest Control “Cockroach” & “Cat” Print: Household Products/Services UNDPI - Finalist / Radio: Civic/Social Education Duval Guillaume; Brussels Belgium Free My Lungs “Smoking Guns” UNDPI - Finalist / Print: Health & Hygiene HangTang Communications Group; Shanghai China WWF “Polar Animals” UNDPI - Finalist / Outdoor: Environmental Issues VIETNAM Bates Asia Vietnam; Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam Finalist Certificate Vinamilk “Vinamilk Actors 15s TVC” Jimenez Basic Advertsing; “Makati, Manila” Philippines Philippine Cerebral Palsy “Happy” UNDPI - Finalist / Radio: Health & Hygiene NY f TV/Cin: Non-Alcoholic Beverages 2007 International Advertising Awards
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