MODIFICATION AND TESTING OF AN EVAPORATIVE COOLING FACILITY FOR STORING VEGETABLES BY AJAYI, OLASUNKANMI ‘TUNDE MATRIC. NO : 20007/ 0582 A PROJECT REPORT SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING, COLLLEGE OF ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE, ABEOKUTA, OGUN STATE IN PARTIAL FUFILMENT O F THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AWARD OF BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING (B. ENG. Hons) SUPERVISED BY: PROF. E. B. LUCAS JUNE, 2011. i CERTIFICATION The undersigned certify that this project report prepared by AJAYI, OLASUNKANMI ‘TUNDE (MATRIC. No. 2007/0582) Titled: Modification and Testing of an Evaporative Cooling Facility for Storing Vegetables meets the requirements of the Department of Agricultural Engineering for the Award of Bachelor of Engineering (B.ENG) Degree in Agricultural Engineering. -------------------------------------- -------------- Canon Prof. E.B. LUCAS DATE (Supervisor) ------------------------------------- ---------------- Prof. B. A. ADEWUMI DATE (Head of Department) ii ABSTRACT A 1.05 cubic metre capacity storage facility which is to increase the shelf life of stored vegetables as designed and fabricated was modified and tested. The equipment operates on the principle of evaporative cooling and increasing the relative humidity of the interior of the equipment. The door and the back wall were of particle board of 12mm thickness while the two sides were made of jute bag through which water can flow from a trough at the top. The facility designed was able to contain 1.8kg of tomatoes for 12 days and Celosia spp. for nine (9) days without appreciable deterioration while the vegetables outside the facility which were used as control were totally spoilt .The cooling efficiency was found to be 85.15% and the average cooler temperature was 19.5°C while the average outside temperature was found to be 29°C. The material cost of modification of the facility was 21,000 naira. iii DEDICATION This project is dedicated to Almighty God; the most beneficent and merciful iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Firstly my acknowledgment goes to my Heavenly Father who is the source of my life and without whom I’m nothing. I am also highly appreciative to the effort of my supervisor Canon Prof. E.B. Lucas for his patience and support shown towards me during the course of this project. I also want to use this medium to appreciate my lovely parents; Mr. Rufus Ayodele and Mrs. Olubunmi Ajayi for their financial, moral and spiritual supports for me during my stay at the University. I also want to appreciate my Head Of Department, Prof. B.A. Adewumi including all my lecturers like Engr. P.O Dada, Engr. O.J Adeosun, Engr. A. Sobowale, Dr. J.K Adewunmi, Dr. A.F Adisa, Engr. I.A Ola, Engr. A.A Aderinlewo, Dr. T.M.A Olayanju, Dr. O.U Dairo and all the members of staff of the department of Agricultural Engineering including the technicians and technologists like Mr. Ọwonikoko, Mr. Adeniji, Mr. Razak, and the others I want to say thanks for always been there at anytime. My deep appreciation also goes to my siblings; Bayode, Seunfunmi, Bamidele and Olamide for your invaluable supports; may God continue to bless you real good. I am also highly indebted to all my course mates; victor, chris, Vivian toluwani, Isaac, Toluene, Idris, Musty, moshood, bro glorious, prof. lanky and my HOC, Segun Odebiyi, I pray that you all succeed in all your dealings. I cannot forget all my friends which include Adebola Adewunmi, Biodun, Bunmi, Yinka, Lanre, Beejay, Afeez, Toheeb, Alli, Sola, Kayode, Ronke Odebiyi, Tolu Odebiyi, and Salami Oluwakemi among others. I appreciate you all for playing various roles in my life. I also thank Abiola Alonge, you are a treasure. All of you have their individual handwriting in aspects of my life and to the rest of my friend I love you all. v TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE CERTIFICATION i ABSTRACT ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iii DEDICATION iv TABLE OF CONTENTS v LIST OF TABLES viii LIST OF FIGURES ix LIST OF PLATES x CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.1 COLD STORAGE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1.2 PRINCIPLES OF EVAPORATION……………………………………………………………………………………….4 1.3 STATEMENT OF PROBLEM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------4 1.4 AIM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------…………………………-4 1.5 JUSTIFICATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 1.4 Basic principles of evaporation ------------------------------------------------------------------------5 CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 HISTORY OF EVAPORATIVE COOLERS --------------------------------------------------------------- 7 2.2 ADVANCES IN EVAPORATIVE COOLING TECHNOLOGY ------------------------------------------ 8 2.3 FACTORS AFFECTING SHELF LIFE OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLES ------------------------------ 10 2.3.1 Ambient conditions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10 Temperature ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 Relative humidity ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 2.3.2 Variety and stage ripening -------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 vi 2.4 FACTORS ACCOUNTABLE FOR DETERIORATION IN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES ----------- 14 2.4.1 Physiological activity ------------------------------------------------------------------------------14 2.4.2 Pathological infection ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 2.4.3 Mechanical injury ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------15 2.4.4 Evaporation of water -----------------------------------------------------------------------------15 2.5 POST-HARVEST CHANGES IN THE QUALITY OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLES ----------------- 16 2.5.1 Colour change --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16 2.5.2 Loss of weight --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16 2.5.3 Fruit firmness ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------17 2.5.4 Change in total soluble solid --------------------------------------------------------------------17 2.6 PRINCIPLES OF EVAPORATIVE COOLING ----------------------------------------------------------- 18 2.6.1 Evaporative cooling and the Psychrometric chart -----------------------------------------18 2.6.2 Factors affecting evaporative cooling -------------------------------------------------------- 19 2.7 METHODS OF EVAPORATIVE COOLING ------------------------------------------------------------- 20 2.7.1 Direct evaporative cooling ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 2.7.2 Indirect evaporative cooling -------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 2.8 FORMS OF DIRECT EVAPORATIVE COOLING -------------------------------------------------------22 2.8.1 Passive-direct evaporative cooling ----------------------------------------------------------- 22 2.8.2 Non-passive direct evaporative cooling ------------------------------------------------------23 2.9 ENERGY CHANGES DURING EVAPORATIVE COOLING ------------------------------------------- 23 2.9.1 Vapour transmission through materials ------------------------------------------------------ 23 2.9.2 Heat and mass balance for pad-end -----------------------------------------------------------25 2.10 COOLING PAD MATERIAL ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29 CHAPTER THREE: MATERIALS AND METHODS 3.1 DESIGN OF EVAPORATIVE COOLING DEVICE -----------------------------------------------32 3.1.1 Design principles ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32 vii 3.2 MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION ----------------------------------------------------------------------34 3.3 FEATURES OF THE COOLER ----------------------------------------------------------------------------35 3.4 MODIFICATION REQUIREMENTS -------------------------------------------------------------------------37 3.5 EXPERIMENTAL METHOD AND PROCEDURE -----------------------------------------------------------43 CHAPTER FOUR: RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 4.1 RESULTS ------------ -------------------------------------------------44 4.1.1 No-Load Test of the Evaporative Cooler with Jute Bag --------------------------------------44 4.2 DISCUSSION…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………48 4.2.1 ASSESSMENT OF THE QUALITY OF STORED PRODUCTS ----------------------------------------48 CHAPTER FIVE: CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 CONCLUSIONS………………………………………………………………………………………………………..52 5.2 RECOMMENDATIONS…………………………………………………………………………………………………..53 REFERENCES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------54 APPENDICES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------58 viii LIST OF TABLES Table No. Title Page 2.1 Temp& relative humidity for various fruits and vegetables 13 3.1 Table of materials 39 4.1 Temperature Readings inside the Storage Chamber 44 4.2 Temperature Readings outside the Chamber 45 4.2.1 Cooling Efficiency of Cooler without Products 46 4.3 Percentage weight losses in tomatoes 48 4.3.1 Percentage weight losses in Celosia spp. 49 A1 Daily Temperature and Relative Humidity Reading 51 B1 Physiological Weight Measurement of Tomatoes 55 C2 Physiological Weight Measurement of Celosia spp. 56 ix LIST OF FIGURES Fig. No. 4.1 Title Page cooling efficiencies 46 4.3 Percentage Weight loss for Tomatoes 49 4.4 Percentage Weight loss for Celosia spp. 50 x LIST OF PLATES Plate No. Title Page 4.1 Front View of the Evaporative Cooler 47 4.2 Side View of Pad Section 47 4.3 The Overhead Tank with Delivery Pipe 47 4.4 Storage Chamber with Vegetables and in ambient 52 xi CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Cold storage Deterioration of fruits and vegetables during storage depends partly on temperature. One way to slow down temperature induced deterioration and thus increases the length of time fruits and vegetables can be stored, is by lowering the temperature to an appropriate level. If the temperature is too low the produce will be damaged and also that as soon as the produce leaves the cold store, deterioration starts again and often at a faster rate. It is essential that fruits and vegetables are not damaged during harvest and that they are kept clean. Damaged and bruised produce have much shorter storage lives and very poor appearance after storage. All fruits and vegetables have a 'critical temperature' below which undesirable and irreversible reactions or 'chill damage' takes place. Carrots for example blacken and become soft, and the cell structure of potatoes is destroyed. The storage temperature always has to be above this critical temperature. One has to be careful that even though the thermostat is set at a temperature above the critical temperature, the thermostatic oscillation in temperature does not result in storage temperature falling below the critical temperature. Even 0.5°C below the critical temperature can result in chill damage. Sushmita et al., (2008) stated that keeping products at their lowest safe temperature (0°C for temperate crops or 10-12°C for chilling sensitive crops) will increase storage life by lowering respiration rate, decreasing sensitivity to ethylene gas and reducing water loss .He further said that the most common method followed by the vegetable traders in local famers is to add 12 moisture to the air around the commodity as mists, sprays, or at last resort, by wetting the store room floor. Post-harvest respiration is a deterioration process. It results in the depletion of reserve carbohydrate by oxidizing them to carbon di oxide, water and energy (Dzivama, 2000) represented in the equation below: C6H12 + 3O6 = 6CO2 + 6H2O + 67Kcal (energy) Much of the post-harvest losses of fruits and vegetables in developing countries is due to the lack of proper storage facilities. While refrigerated cold stores are the best method of preserving fruits and vegetables they are expensive. Consequently, in the developing countries there is an interest in simple, low-cost alternatives, many of which depend on evaporative cooling which is simple. The basic principle relies on cooling by evaporation. When water evaporates, it draws energy from its surroundings which produces cooling effect. Evaporative cooling occurs when air, that is not too humid, passes over a wet surface; the faster the rate of evaporation the greater the cooling. The efficiency of an evaporative cooler depends on the humidity of the surrounding air. Very dry air can absorb moisture. Therefore, greater cooling occurs. In the extreme case of air that is totally saturated with water, no evaporation can take place and no cooling occurs. Generally, an evaporative cooler is made of a porous material that is fed with water. Hot, dry air is drawn over the material. The water evaporates into the air raising its humidity and at the same time reducing the temperature of the air. For fresh market produce, any method of increasing the 13 relative humidity of the storage environment (or decreasing the vapor pressure deficit (VPD) between the commodity and its environment) will slow the rate of water loss. The best method of increasing relative humidity is to reduce temperature. Evaporation not only lowers the air temperature surrounding the produce, it also increases the moisture content of the air. This helps prevent the drying out of produce, and therefore extends its shelf life. In general, evaporative cooling can be best effective where: • temperatures are high; The consumption of vegetables is important because the nutrients contained in them can be used in the treatment of CDR (Cardio Vascular diseases) and cancer. In Nigeria research showed that at the national level, 24.8% of ch 1.2 • humidity is low; • water can be spared for this use; and, • air movement is available (from wind or fans) Basic Principles of Evaporation and Evaporative Cooling Evaporation is the process of changing a liquid into a gas. In this case liquid water becomes water vapour, and this gas becomes part of the mixture of gases that compose the air. The change from the liquid state to a vapour requires the addition of energy, or heat. The energy that is added to water to change it to a vapour comes from the environment, thus leaving the environment cooler (Rusten, 1985) Not all substances need to gain or lose the same amount of energy to change from one physical state to another. For example, it takes much more heat energy to cause a given amount of water to vaporize than to cause the same amount of alcohol to do so. Water is unique in that it requires a relatively large quantity of heat energy to change from a liquid to a 14 gas. It is this characteristic that enables evaporating water to lower substantially the temperature of its environment. On the other hand, the amount of water vapour that can be taken up and held by the air is not constant; it depends on two factors. The first is the temperature (energy level) of the air, which determines the potential of the air to take up and hold water vapour. The second factor is the availability of water. If little or no water is present, the air will be unable to take up very much. (Beiler, 2009). The measurement of the amount of water vapour present in the air is referred to as the air's humidity. There are two ways of measuring the humidity of the air: (1) Absolute humidity (2) Relative humidity. (1) Absolute humidity is the measurement of the actual quantity of water (measured in grams) in a given volume of air (measured in cubic meters or litres). (2) Relative humidity the more common measurement, is the measurement of the water vapour in the air as a percentage of the maximum quantity of water vapour that the air would be capable of holding at a specific temperature. Air that is fully saturated--that is, contains as much water vapour as possible--has a relative humidity of 100 percent, while air that has only half as much water vapour as it possibly could hold at a specific temperature has a relative humidity of 50 percent. 15 The relative humidity varies with the temperature. As the air cools (i.e., loses energy), its ability to hold water vapour decreases, which results in an increase in the relative humidity. This is because the ability of the air to hold water vapour has been reduced by the drop in temperature, but the absolute humidity (the actual amount of water vapour in the air) has remained unchanged. If the air temperature continues to fall, the relative humidity will approach 100 percent, or complete saturation. The point at which the air is fully saturated is referred to as the dew point. At temperatures lower than the dew point, water vapour condenses out of the air onto cooler surfaces. (Bachmann et al, 2000) There are two types of cooling that may be achieved through this method (1) Direct evaporating cooling (2) Indirect evaporating cooling 1.3 Statement of problem • About 5 children suffered from subclinical vitamin A deficiency while 4.7% were vitamin A deficient, making a total of 29.5% who suffered from clinically deficiency (IITA, 2004). The effect of lack of adequate storage facilities for vegetables after being harvested leads to the reduction in the quantity of vegetable that get to the market which also has a direct effect on the distribution and consumption of the needed quantity for healthy living. 1.4 Aim The objective is to modify an existing evaporating cooling device, so as to improve its capability; ¾ To increase the shelf life of fruits and vegetables 16 ¾ To reduce the cost of storing fruits and vegetable after harvesting And consequently increasing the shelf lives of fruits and vegetables, using the modified device. 1.5 Justification Embarking on this project would muscle retarding the rate of spoilage of fruits and vegetables. In turn, this will improve the shelf life and extend the life span of crops after post harvesting. 17 CHAPTER TWO 2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 History of Evaporative Coolers In the early Ancient Egyptian times, paintings depicting slaves fanning large, porous clay jars filled with water which was an early form of evaporative cooling. The first man-made evaporative coolers consisted of towers that caused water to flow through the base, and into a building, in order to cool the building (dualheating.com). In 1800 B.C the New England textiles factory began to use the evaporative cooling systems to cool their mills (www.evaprocool.com). In the 1930’s the Beardmore tornado airship engine used to reduce and completely remove the effect of using a radiator which reduces the effect of lag.(coco.cooler.com) Bamboo coolers were constructed with bricks with hessian cloth which were used to wrap the bricks. Also, charcoal coolers were also produced together with the Almirah coolers. Rusten, (1985) described some types of evaporative cooling that was been used in New Delhi, India in which a wetted mat with fan was used to cool a local restaurant. The concept of water-cooling a roof has a long history but it is estimated that less than 60 million square feet of roof have ever been water cooled Tiwari et al.(1992). If only a small amount of water is placed on the roof, the evaporation is highly accelerated as compared to what would be if the roof surface was flooded. Carrasco, (1987) 18 2.2 Advances in Evaporative Cooling Technology Vakis, (1981) developed a cheap cool store in Kenya, with the help of local grass for storage of vegetables. He kept the roof and walls wet by dripping water from the top of the roof. Evaporative coolers, which rely on wind pressures to force air through wet pads, have also been designed and constructed, especially in some developing countries like India, China and Nigeria (FAO, 1986). Construction of various evaporative systems was done by Rusten, (1985) using available materials as absorbent (pads). Materials used include canvas, jute curtains and hourdis clay blocks. Also a mechanical fan was introduced to some of the coolers constructed. Rusten, (1985) did an extensive research in the construction of different evaporative cooling systems using locally available absorbent materials such as canvas, jute curtains, etc. Mechanical fans were used in some of the designs which drew air through a continuously wetted pad. The continuous wetting of the pad was achieved by placing elevated water basins on the fabric material, which absorbed the water gradually and eventually got saturated. He described the functionality of a hourdis clay block coolers which was constructed by two researchers. Roy and Khurdiya, (1986) constructed an evaporative cooled structure for storage of fruits and vegetables with a double wall made of baked bricks and the top of the storage space covered with khaskhas/gunny cloth in a bamboo framed structure. Abdalla and Abdalla, (1995) worked on the development of a fan driven evaporative cooler. The research was study the suitability of using palm leaves as a wetted medium. This research was made possible due to the availability of palm leaves in Saudi Arabia. According to the research it was claimed that palm leaves could be used as the wetted media which is locally available to the masses. 19 Sanni, (1999) did a research on the development of evaporative cooling system on the storage of vegetable crops .The major development was implemented by adding a regulated fan speed, water flow rate and wetted-thickness .This was possible as a result of varying temperature and relative humidity within the facility. Dzivama, (2000) did a research on the performance evaluation of an active cooling system using the principles of evaporative cooling for the storage of fruits and vegetables. He developed mathematical models for the evaporative process at the pad-end and the storage chamber and a stem variety of sponge was considered to be the best pad material from the local materials tested as pad material. Mordi and Olorunda, (2003) in their study on storage of tomatoes in Evaporative cooler environment reported a drop of 8.2°c from ambient condition of 33°c while the relative humidity increased by 36.6% over an ambient 60.4%. They further reported storage life of unpacked fresh tomatoes in evaporative cooler environment as 11 days from the 4 days. Storage life under ambient conditions while in combination with sealed but perforated polyethylene bags; it was 18 days and 13 days respectively. Olosunde, (2006) also did a research on the performance evaluation of absorbent, materials in evaporative cooling system for the storage of fruits and vegetables. Three materials were selected to be used as pad materials: jute, Hessian and cotton waste. The design implemented a centrifugal fan, high density polystyrene plastic, Plywood used as covering for the walls and basement and the top and the main body frame was made of thick wood. The performance criteria included the cooling efficiency, amount of heat load removed and the quality assessments of stored products. The result showed that the jute material had the overall 20 advantage over the other materials. The cooling efficiency could be increased if two sides were padded. Sushmita et al., (2008) did a research on Comparative Study on Storage of Fruits and Vegetables in an Evaporative Cooling Chamber and in Ambient. An evaporative cooling chamber was constructed with the help of baked bricks and riverbed sand. It was recorded that weight loss of fruits and vegetables kept inside the chamber was lower than those stored outside the chamber. The fruits and vegetables were fresh up to 3 to 5 days more inside the chamber than outside. 2.3 Factors affecting the shelf life of fruits and vegetables There are various factors that affect the shelf life of fruits and vegetables which would lead to their spoilage. The factors include: i) Ambient Condition ii) Variety and stage of ripening of fruits 2.3.1 Ambient Condition The environmental condition has a great influence on the shelf life of fruits and vegetables and the factors can be sub-divided into temperature and relative humidity. Temperature Temperature has a great influence on the shelf life on agricultural products. FAO, (1998) found that all produce are subject to damage when exposed to extreme temperatures which will lead to increase in their level of respiration. Also, it was further disclosed that agricultural products vary in their temperature tolerance. 21 Gravani, (2008) observed that for every 18°F (-7.7°C) rise in temperature within the moderate temperature range (50°F-100°F)/(10°C-37.8°C) where most food is handled, the rate of chemical reactions is approximately doubled. As a result, excessive temperatures will increase the rate of natural food enzyme reactions and the reactions of other food constituents. Relative Humidity This is the measurement of the amount of water vapour in the air as a percentage of the maximum quantity that the air is capable of holding at a specific temperature. Mathematically it can be represented by × 100% Relative Humidity = actual vapour density Saturation vapour density Relative humidity can also be mathematically represented by the equation below Ø = EW/ EW* Where EW = partial pressure of water vapour EW*= saturated vapour pressure EW* = (1.0007 +3.46 × 10-6 P) × (6.1121) ℮ (17.502T/240.97 + T) Where T = the dry bulb temperature, °C 22 P = absolute pressure, millibar(mbar) It has a great effect on the deterioration of fruits and vegetable because it has a direct relationship with the moisture content in the atmosphere which determines whether the shelf life will not be exceeded. Bachmann and Earles, (2000) noted that the relative humidity of the storage unit directly influences water loss in produce. Wilson et al., (1995) also found that water loss means salable weight loss and reduced profit. 23 Table2.1; temperature and relative humidity for various fruits and vegetables Fruits and vegetables Temperature(deg. Celsius) Relative humidity (%) Apple 0-49 90-95 Maximum storage time recommended (ASHRAE hand book, 1982) 2-6m Storage time in cold stores for vegetables in tropical countries Beetroot 0 95-99 - Cabbage 0 95-99 5-6m 2m Carrots 0 98-99 5-9m 2m Cucumber 10-13 90-95 Cauliflower 0 95 2-4w 1w Lettuce 1 95-99 Eggplant 8-10 90-95 Leeks 0 95 1-3m 1m Oranges 0-4 85-90 3-4m Pears 0 90-95 2-5m Spinach 0 95 1-2w Tomatoes 13-21 85-90 1w 2.3.2 Variety and Stage ripening Post-harvest operation does not stop the fruits and vegetables from respiring which if not controlled will lead to the over-ripening of the fruits which will lead to early deterioration. Depending on the stage the fruits are harvested, which in practice varies from mature green to fully ripened, the commodities have different storage conditions (Earles, 2004). 24 2.4 Factors Accountable for Deterioration in Fruits and Vegetables 2.4.1 Physiological Activity Major changes which do make up fruit ripening are : seed maturation, abscission, production of volatile compounds, development of wax on skin and changes in ;colour, respiration rate, rate of ethylene production, tissue permeability, composition of pectin and carbohydrates ,organic acids and protein. (Pratt, 1975) 2.4.2 Pathological Infection Pathogens are one of the major causes of deterioration of fruits and vegetables. When they infest any food material, they destroy and make it not pleasing to the sight. (Bachmann and Earles, 2000) disclosed that crops destined for storage should be as free as possible from skin breaks, bruises, spots, rots, decay, and other deterioration (Olosunde, 2006) also said that insects and pests can cause considerable damage of fruits and vegetables through either complete removal of the fruits or feeding on them, thus causing skin breaks which may facilitate entry of decay organism. 2.4.3 Mechanical Injuries The injuries that are visible on fruits and vegetables are caused by mishandling or other cause which leads to cracks, bruises, cuts or abrasion which makes the produce not attractive and also less marketable. Aworh, (1988) disclosed that impact bruising of tomatoes results in higher respiration and ethylene production rates, increased damage and lower levels of titratable and ascorbic acid, which can alter taste and nutritive value. 25 Olosunde, (2006) also disclosed that mechanical damage can also accelerate the rate of water loss from produce, bruising damages the surface organization of the tissue and allows a much greater flow of gaseous material through the damaged area. 2.4.4 Evaporation of Water Evaporative loss from the surface of fruits and vegetable has an effect on the quality of the produce. The higher the rate of evaporation, the lower the moisture content and shelf life of the agricultural produce. Weight loss results from moisture loss via evaporation of water from the tissues when the fruits and vegetables are attempting to be in equilibrium with the environment with the environment which is usually at lower water activity. 2.5 Post- Harvest Changes in Quality of Fruits and Vegetables Changes do occur during post-harvest operations for fruits and vegetables which leads to decrease in their shelf life which it on the long run leads to decrease in the quantity supplied for consumption and for export market. Dzivama, (2000) described the common and notable changes that do occur during postharvest in the quality of fruits and vegetables which include: i Colour Change ii Loss of weight iii Change in the firmness. iv Change in total soluble solids 26 2.5.1 Colour Change Fruits ripening process continues even after harvesting which could be an important factor to be noted during post-harvest operations. Wilson et al., (2005) disclosed that immature or over mature produce may not last as long in storage as that picked at proper maturity. Colour is the most obvious change that occurs in many fruits and vegetables and this a major criterion that most consumers uses to determine whether the fruit is ripe , unripe ,over-ripe or spoiled and the assessment of colour change is done by comparing the colour of produce under investigation against a standard colour chart (Dzivama, 2000). 2.5.2 Loss of weight Most fresh produce contains from 65 to 95 percent water when harvested (FAO, 1989). Water is an important constituent of most fruits and vegetables and it adds up to the total weight. Losses of water will definite reduce the weight. When the harvested produce loses 5 or 10 percent of its fresh weight, it begins to wilt and soon becomes unusable (FAO, 1989). The loss of weight comprises of both respiratory and evaporative losses. The former, which occurs as a result of respiration, depends mainly on the temperature of the surrounding air. The latter occurs as a result of water vapour deficit of the environment compared with that of the produce (Dennis, 1979). FAO, (1989) disclosed that the faster the surrounding air moves over fresh produce the quicker water is lost. Air movement through produce is essential to remove the heat of respiration, but the rate of movement must be kept as low as possible. 27 2.5.3 Fruit firmness Ripening of fruits has a direct relationship with the fruit firmness and since respiration continues even after harvest the fruits have the tendency of become over-ripen. Dzivama,( 2000) declared that as a result of continued chemical activity within the fruits tissues even after harvest after which it becomes over-ripe and soft which makes any factor that can slow down the rate of respiration will automatically slow down the fruit firmness change which can be achieved by storing at low temperature. 2.5.4 Change in total soluble solid During ripening ,carbohydrate are broken down into simpler unit particularly the conversion of starch to sugar ,giving the fruits its characteristics sweet taste on ripening and the degree of ripening can be measured by measuring the sugar content in an extracted fruit juice (Dzivama, 2000). 2.6 Principles of Evaporative Cooling 2.6.1 Evaporative Cooling with Psychrometric Chart According to Rusten, (1985) cooling through the evaporation of water is an ancient and effective way of cooling water. He further disclosed that this was the method been used by plant and animal to reduce their temperature. He gave the conditions at which evaporative cooling would take place which are stated below: (1) Temperatures are high (2) Humidity is Low (3) Water can be spared for its use 28 (4) Air movement is available (from wind to electric fan) Also he disclosed that the change of liquid stage to vapour requires the addition of energy or heat. The energy that is added to water to change it to vapour comes from the environment, thus making the environment cooler. Therefore, the use of the psychrometric chart is of great importance in order to discover whether evaporative cooling has taken place. Air conditions can be quickly characterized by using a special graph called a psychrometric chart. Properties on the chart include dry-bulb and wet-bulb temperatures, relative humidity, humidity ratio, specific volume, dew point temperature, and enthalpy Beiler, (2009). When considering water evaporating into air, the wet-bulb temperature, as compared to the air's dry-bulb temperature, is a measure of the potential for evaporative cooling. The greater the difference between temperatures, the greater the evaporative cooling effect. When the temperatures are the same, no net evaporation of water in air occurs, thus there is no cooling effect (Wikipedia.com). Therefore for optimum cooling efficiency using the evaporative cooling technique temperature and the relative humidity measurement is needed to be taken and the psychrometric chart defines these variables at various stages. 2.6.2 Factors affecting rate of evaporation Evaporative cooling results in reduction of temperature an increase in relative humidity (Olosunde, 2006).It is necessary to understand the factors that can limit the efficiency of the system from producing the intended results. There are four major factors that affect the rate of evaporation which was analysed by (Rusten, 1985).He later added that though they are discussed separately but it is important to 29 keep in mind that they all interact with each other to influence the overall rate of evaporation, and therefore the rate of cooling. The factors discussed by (Rusten, 1985) include: (1) Air Temperatures: Evaporation occurs when water is absorbs sufficient energy to change from liquid to gas. Air with a relatively high temperature will be able to stimulate the evaporative process and also be capable of holding a great quantity of water vapour. Therefore, areas with high temperatures will have a high rate of evaporation and more cooling will occur. With lower temperature, less water vapour can be held and less evaporation and cooling will take place. (2) Air Movement (Velocity) Air movement either natural (wind) or artificial (fan) is an important factor that influences the rate of evaporation. As water evaporates from wet surface, it raises the humidity of the air that is closest to the water surface (moist area) .If the humid air remains in place, the rate of evaporation will start to slow down as the humidity rises. On the other hand if the humid air near the water surface is constantly being moved away and replaced with drier air, the rate of evaporation will either increase or remain constant. (3) Surface Area The area of the evaporating surface is another important factor that affects the rate of evaporation. The greater the surface area from which the water evaporates, the greater the rate of evaporation. 30 (4) Relative Humidity of the Air This is the measurement of the amount of water vapour in the air as a percentage of the maximum quantity that the air is capable of holding at a specific temperature. When the relative humidity of the air is low, this means that only a portion of the total quantity of water which the air is capable of holding is being held. Under this condition, the air is capable of taking additional moisture, hence with all other conditions favourable, the rate of evaporation will be higher, and thus the efficiency of the evaporative cooling system is expected to be higher. 2.7 Methods of evaporative cooling (Rusten, 1985) specified that there are two main methods of evaporative cooling namely (1) Direct evaporative cooling (2) Indirect evaporative cooling (1) Direct Evaporative Cooling: This is a method by which air is passed through a media that is flooded with water .The latent heat associated with the vaporizing of the water cools and humidifies the air streams which now allows the moist and cool air to move to its intended direction. (Sellers, 2004) Sanjeev, (2008) disclosed that direct evaporative cooling has the following major limitations: 1) The increase in humidity of air may be undesirable. 2) The lowest temperature obtainable is the wet-bulb temperature of the outside air, 31 3) The high concentration and precipitation of salts in water deposit on the pads and the other parts, which causes blockage, and corrosion, and requires frequent cleaning, replacement, and servicing. (2) Indirect Evaporative cooling: A heat exchanger is combined with an evaporative cooler and the common approach used is the passes return/exhaust air through an evaporative cooling process and then to an air-to air heat exchanger which in turn cools the air, another approach is the use of a cooling tower to cool a water circuit in an evaporative manner through a coil to a cool air stream (Sellers, 2004) Sanjeev, (2008) also said indirect cooling differs from direct cooling in the sense that in indirect cooling the process air cools by the evaporation of water. But there is no direct contact of water and process air. Instead a secondary airstream is used for evaporation of water. So the moisture content of process air remains the same 2.8 Forms of direct evaporative cooling Dzivama, (2000) did a study on the forms of evaporative cooling process and below are his findings; There are two forms of in which the evaporative cooling principle can be applied. The difference is based on the means of providing the air movement across/through the moist materials. These are the passive and non-passive forms. The passive form of evaporative cooling relies on the natural wind velocity, to provide the means of air movement across/through 32 the moist surface to effect evaporation. This form can be constructed on the farm, for short term on farm storage while the non- passive form uses a fan to provide air movement. 2.8.1 Passive-direct evaporative cooling system Construction and design varies but the general principles are the same. The main components include: i) The cabinets where the produce is stored. ii) The absorbent material used to expose the water to the moving air iii) An overhead tank/through through which the water seeps down on to and wet the absorbent material The absorbent material covering the cabinet absorbs water from the tank on top of the cabinets, the entire cloth that was used as cabinet is soaked in water and the air moves past the wet cloth and evaporation occurs. As long as evaporation takes place, the contents of the cabinet will be kept at a temperature lower than that of the environment and the temperature reduction obtained in this type of cooler ranged from 5˚C to 10˚C. Different researches have been done by researchers. Rusten,(1985), Susanta and Khurdiya, (1986), Olosunde, (2007), Sushmita et al.,(2008) have designed various forms of coolers. 33 2.8.2 Non- passive direct evaporative cooling system This cooling system uses a small fan and a water pump which is powered by electricity. The products are kept in storage cabins inside the coolers, Absorbent material which receives the water and expose it to evaporation with the help of the fan which draws air through the pad and a overhead tank which is constantly supplying water to the absorbent material. Materials used as the absorbent materials are hessian materials, cotton waste and celdek and the body frame is made of wood. The pad and the fan are directly opposite to each other. 2.9 Energy changes during evaporative cooling 2.9.1 Vapour transmission through materials The rate of water vapour transmission is based on Fick’s Law which is expressed as: W = - µdP A dx 2.1 Where: W= weight of water vapour transmitted (g) A= area (m2) Ө = time (hrs) X= distance along path (m) 34 µ =permeability (g.m/m2.hr.KPA) Fick’s equation may be integrated from x=0 to L and from P1 to P2 to give W = µ A Ө (ΔP/L) 2.12 W = total weight of vapour transmitted (g) A = area of cross-section of flow path (m2) Ө = time of transmission (hr) ΔP = Partial pressure difference between ends flow path (KPa) L = length of pad or thickness of material (m) µ = average permeability of material (g.m/m2.hr.KPa) For convenience in evaluating combined materials, permeability can be expressed as a coefficient of transmissions M, as: W = M A ӨΔP 2.13 Where M = permeace in g/hr/m2 per vapour difference in KPa. Permeance, like conductance is relative to any given material or a combination of materials. Permeability, like conductivity relates to the property of a substance and is numerically equal to the Permeance for the unit thickness. 35 Resistance to vapour flow provided by sheet or board is the reciprocal of the permeance .The overall vapour resistances of a combination of materials. As in a wall is the sum of the resistance s of the components .The overall Permeance of a wall may be found in a way similar to the calculation of the overall coefficient of thermal resistance. That is Mtotal = ( 1 + 1 M1 M2 + 1 + ....... + 1 M3........................ ..Mn )-1 2.14 2.9.2 Heat and Mass Balance at Pad-end The heat and mass balance can be derived as follows: (i) Heat balance for the pad end The mass of air is passing through the pad of volume PAPT at anytime dt is equal to Equals to: Ma = (ρaVa + ρaVaW0) PAPp dt 2.15 Where Ma = Mass of moist air, kg Pp = Porosity of the pad, in decimal Ρa = Density of air, kg/m3 Va = Velocity of air, m/s W0 = Humidity ratio of the air, kg of water/kg of dry air PA = Effective pad surface area, m2, approximated by effective evaporator surface Area expressed as PA =AT × PE (Earle, 1983) AT = Total pad surface area, m2 PE = Pad material efficiency approximated to fin efficiency as in evaporator and considered as the porosity of the material. Dt = time, sec, it takes for the air to pass through the pad thickness PT, express as PT/VA 36 The enthalpy of the air flowing through the pad at any time dt is equal to: ha = ( ρaVa + ρaVaW0Cv)T0PAPPPT/VA 2.16 Where: ha= enthalpy of moist air, KJ/Kg T0 = outside air temperature, ˚C Ca = specific heat capacity of the air, KJ/kg˚C CV = specific heat capacity of water vapour, KJ/kg˚C The change in the enthalpy of the air as it passes through the pad thickness due to the void spaces or porosity of the pad in time dt, is equal to hc = ( ρaVa + ρaVaW0Cv) ×(dT/dPT)) × (PAPPPT/VA) 2.17 where hc= change in enthalpy of the air with the respect to the change in pad thickness , dPT dT/dPT = change in the temperature of the air after passing through the pad of thickness dPT The change in the enthalpy of the air per unit pad thickness is due to the convective heat transfer from the air to the pad, required for the evaporation of the water from the pad .This can be represented by the Newton’s law of cooling in time dt, as : q= h1(T0-TP) PAPPPT/TA 2.18 where: q = rate of heat transfer from the air to the pad, kJ/s. h1= convective eat transfer coefficient, w/m2 ˚C( KJ/m2˚C) Tp = temperature of the air after passing through the pad, ˚C 37 This change in the sensible heat is equal to the change in the enthalpy of the air after passing through the pad through the pad, therefore equating equations dP/dPT = h1( T0 –TP)/ (ρaVaCa + ρaVaW0CV) 2.19 ii) Mass balance for the pad- end. The mass transfer from the pad of a unit thickness, m, to the air, is due to the concentration difference or partial vapour pressure difference between the free air streams and the boundary layer of the pad .The rate of evaporation could be expressed as; MT = hDρaVa(Hp-H0) PAPpPT/VA = (hDρaVaMw)/(R0Tabs) × (Pvs – P`va)PAPPPT/VA Where: MT= mass of water evaporated by the air from the pad, kg/s. hD= mass transfer coefficient, m/s. H0= concentration of water vapour in the outside free stream, kg/m3 Hp = concentration of water vapour in the boundary layer of the pad, kg/m3 Pvs = saturation vapour pressure at the wet-bulb temperature, kg/m2 Pva= partial vapour pressure of the water vapour in the unsaturated air stream, kg/m2 Mw= molecular weight of water R0= universal gas constant, 8315kJ/ kg ˚K mole. 38 2.20 Tabs= absolute temperature, calculated as the average temperature between the dry bulb and wet bulb, °K The heat required to evaporate the water from the pad is dt is equal to; Q = MThfg =hfghDMwρaVa)/(RoTabs) × (Pvs-Pva) PAPPPT/VA 2.21 Where; Q= heat required to evaporate the water from the pad, kJ hfg= heat of vapourization, Kj/kg, which is expressed as hfg = 2.503× 106 – 2.38×103 ( Tabs-273.16), for temperature equals to 273.16<338.723 (Brooker et al., 1992) At equilibrium, the total change in enthalpy of the air is equal to the heat required for the evaporation of the water from the pad thus equating equation 2.19 and 2.21 as; h1(TO-Tp)/(ρaVaCa + ρaVaWoCv) = hfghDMwρaVa)/(RoTabs)×(Pvs-Pva)PPPPPT/VA 2.22 We have; TP= TO - (hfgMw(Pvs- Pva)) × ρ2aV2a(Ca+WoCv) × PPPPPT ROTabs ρaCa(sc/pr)2/3 2.23 VA Where; h1/hD=ρaCa(sc/pr)2/3, the ratio of the convective heat transfer to that of the mass transfer coefficient. The relative humidity passing through the pad could be predicted by representing the evaporative cooling on a psychometric chat; after calculating the temperature TP. When the air 39 passes through the pad, it is cooled adiabatically and it follows along with the wet- bulb temperature line on the psychometric chart. 2.10 Cooling pad material There is transfer of heat from the pad material during evaporation and during this process water is been evaporated. The cooling capacity of a system is independent on the amount of air flow and its saturation which in turn depends on the characteristics of the pad, air velocity through the pad and the water flow rate (Thakur and Dhimgra, 1983). Evaporation from the wetted pad affected by some factors which are wind, temperature, surface area , humidity, air velocity ,water flow rate and thickness. The amount of water that the air can evaporate from the pad depends on the rate of saturation and the temperature of the air(Olosunde, 2006).The lower the relative humidity the higher the rate of evaporation and thus the more the cooling takes place(Dvizama, 2000). Various materials have been used as pad ranging from, palm tree leaves, hessian cloths, ,aspen wood, jute, cotton materials, perforated clay blocks mad some other materials based on the functionality , costing and availability. Dvizama (2000) tested luffa (aegyptica), stem variety sponge and jute material for the use of pads in an evaporative cooler. During the experiment it was discovered that jute pad had the highest efficiency with thickness of 60mm compared the other used pad materials. Olosunde (2006) tested three materials namely jute, hessian and cotton waste and after series of experiment, jute pad also had the highest efficiency. 40 Special Review of an Evaporative Cooler by Fabiyi (2010) Fabiyi (2010) constructed an evaporative cooling device for preserving fruits and vegetable. He constructed a device that makes use of water inside a plastic tank placed at the top of a stand. The water is made to flow into the chamber through gravity. The chamber consisted of a pad end comprising a jute bag incorporated in between particle board with the other end exposed. The water flows through connected pipes which have been pierced, into the pad material. The pad material is soaked and air movement through the pad cools the produce stored in the device. Fabiyi also incorporated a suction fan which is expected to cause the air flow through the device. Areas of modification The particle board will be painted to prevent attack from termite and other organisms. It is to also reduce heat conduction by convection and radiation.. A stand will be made to make the device a movable one so that it can be turned around to suite the air movement and direction at any point in time. The stand will have tires at the base, four tires to be precise. The alternating current suction fan in the device will be replaced with a direct current suction fan as the availability of electricity in most farms is not reliable. The direct current supply of about 12v will be adequate to power the suction fan. 41 CHAPTER THREE MATERIALS AND METHODS 3.1 Design of the evaporative cooling device 3.1.1 Principles of operation The fundamental principle of evaporation being always accompanied by cooling is employed in this design. An enclosure in which the stuff to be cooled is stored has two of its sides made of pads which constantly receives water drops coming from a reservoir placed on top. The wetted pads have suction fans placed in their fronts, to draw in air from the enclosure, through the pads. The design of the evaporative cooler is based on the principle of evaporation being always accompanied by a cooling effect to its surrounding. It is an enclosed system. Air is allowed to pass through the pad while a suction fan centrally located draws in air through the pad. Water drips into the jute pad at a constant rate through a water distribution system. As the water drips into the pad the suction fan draws warm air through the wetted pad .During this process, the warm air passes through the wetted pad and cooling occurs as a result of the water being evaporated. A temperature difference of about 10°C is attained. The fan requirement for an evaporative cooler is listed below, as given in ASAE (1988) “Exhaust fans should have freely operating pressure louvers on their exhaust side to prevent unwanted air exchange when fans are not operating 42 I. Guard fans to prevent accidents .Use woven wire mesh screen placed within 100mm of moving parts. II. Fans should be tested and rated according to air movement and control association, Inc (AMCA) standard 210 III. Pad should cool air to within 2c of the wet bulb temperature at a pressure loss not exceeding 0.015kPa IV. The pad is normally run continuously along the side or end of the house opposite the ventilation fans. Vertical pad height should not exceed 2.5 m nor be less than 0.5 m for uniform water flow V. Vertical pads must be well mounted and secured to prevent sagging .Pads should be easy to install and replace VI. VII. Construct any air inlet so it may be readily covered without removing the pads A horizontal pad can be irrigated at a rate close to the cooling system evaporative requirement. Maximum recommended flow rate is 0.21L/s.m of pads area lower rates can be achieved by intermittent operation of the pad irrigation system. VIII. IX. Screen the water returned to the pump to filter out pad fibbers and other debris As water evaporates the salt concentration is increased. In area than have water with high minerals content a bleed off system is necessary to prevent mineral precipitation in the pad X. For small components (less than 30m floor area). Where mechanical ventilation or evaporative cooling is installed, use the following design Criteria: Evaporative cooler fan capacity per unit floor area 0.08 m/s.m” This design should be capable of handling 1.05m3 preservation of vegetable for a minimum drop in temperature of 10°C. 43 3.2 Materials for construction John Krigger (2004) designed a prototype of the evaporative cooler with a wooden cabin of rectangular cross section with a suction fan and a pump with a single –faced pad system using jute pad. The design is modified by using two-sided padded cooler without a pump using jute bag as the absorbent material. The materials used are cheap and readily available. As shown in Figure 3.2 the evaporative cooler in this study consist of: (a) Suction fan(alternating current) (b) Pad end (c) Water reservoir(150ltr) (d) Pipe network MATERIALS FOR MODIFICATION (a) Angle iron(2 full length) (b) Metal plate(3ft by 8ft) (c) Tyres(80mm diameter) (d) Suction fan(direct current) (e) Direct current supply(60Ah) (f) Connecting wires(2.5mm) (g) A switch The pad was installed on both sides of the cabin and the suction fan was centrally located at the opposite side of the main entrance of the cooler. The pipe network is connected to the water tank. The pipe network allows the dripping of water into the pipe to the pad. Excess water is drained. 44 3.3 Features of the pad 3.3.1 Pad-end The pad is held in place by a wooden frame work and a wire mesh which covers both sides of the wooden frame. A rectangular large hole which allows air movement into the pad constitutes the cross-section of the wire mesh. A thickness of 60mm was used based on the experiment carried out by John Krigger (2004) where it was noted that this gives the highest efficiency.. A groove was created in the 2×4 thick wood that was used for easy removal of the wire mesh for easy changing of the pads when there is need for a change .A small copper wire is used to hold the pad together at the top to prevent sagging of the pad. A hole was cut on the 2×2 thick wood which allowed water to drip from the horizontal pipe unto the jute pad. A hole was also cut at the bottom to allow excess water to drip out of the pad. The inside of the frame work was covered with 12mm particle board which was painted with silver paint to reduce the effect of moisture on the particle board. 3.3.2 Water Distribution Network The water distribution network consists of pipe network, an overhead tank of about 150 litres and a bottom channel to take the excess water. The pipe network consists of a valve which was used to regulate the flow rate. The water is being pumped by gravity as the stand used is 1.7m in height compared to the height of the cooler which is of 1.5m. The horizontal pipes which are layed on the cur region of the 2×2 wood constitutes of holes which allows water to drip into the pad and at the end of the pad is a stopper which prevent the water to be wasted. 45 3.3.3 Storage Cabin The main frame of the cabin was constructed with 2×4 thick hard wood. The wall, roof and floor are constructed with 12mm particle board which was painted with silver paint which helps to reduce the effect of moisture. The interior of the cabin was divided into two sections by a wire mesh. The shelves are of dimensions 800×500 mm and are reinforced at the edges by 50 mm soft wood. The shelves are allowed to slide in and out for easy access and the removal of the produce. The dimension of the storage cabin is 1000×700×1500 mm. 3.3.4 Fan position A negative pressure is needed to be created inside the cabin which is a function of the pad and the fan, when this happens, air at a higher pressure rushes into the system through the pad .For proper air circulation, the fan was located at the central position directly opposite the door which is air tight which now allows air to be drawn from the pad area which in turn draws the cool air and expel the humidified air out. 3.3.5 Pad material selection The selection on the type of pad used in the design was based on the following conditions: i Porosity ii Water absorption/ evaporation rate of the material iii Availability iv Cost v Ease of construction 46 Based on the following aforementioned requirements, for the pad, Jute bag material was considered favourable. Jute bag Material It is a product of natural fibre. It has pore spaces which are carefully woven between the strings. In the northern part of the country it is usually used for packaging onions which are transported down to the southern part of the country. Older pads are better than new ones because they are more porous than the new ones. 3.4 MAJOR MODIFICATION REQUIREMENTS The angle iron The evaporative cooling device will be placed on a stand that will comprise of four tyres. The stand will be made up of frames to give it good support. This angle iron will form these frames on all the four sides of the device. The stand becomes necessary because air movement is not constant to a particular direction, this will make it easy to move the system and turn it to any desired direction. The metal plate A complete size of a metal sheet is used to form the base of the stand. The base was brazed on two sides at the middle of the metal plate; this is done in order to prevent the device from digging through the base because of the weight of the device The suction fan A suction fan is similar to a humidifier. A fan blows a fine mist of water into the air. If the air is not too humid, the water evaporates, absorbing heat from the air, allowing the misting fan to work as an air conditioner. A suction fan may be used outdoors, especially in a dry climate. A direct current type 47 of fan has been selected to humidify the system, this is because of non regular supply of electricity; especially in the rural areas and most farmers cannot afford the cost of an alternating current generator. A 12volts supply is expected to be delivered from the direct current supply. The battery can be recharged but it will take a longer period before it can run down. The switch The switch will play a role of terminating the supply of power to the fan when it is no longer needed. The switch is connected to the positive terminal of the battery and that of the fan. A switch to be used is expected to be capable of withstanding the current flow that will pass through the terminals; a lower quality switch will give way when current passes through them. The materials used for modification are presented in the following table Table 3.1...table of materials Dimensions Notes Metal plate Number used 1 3ft by 8ft 02 Angle iron 2 2 by 2inch, 18ft long 03 Tyres 4 80mm in diameter 04 1 150 litres 05 Plastic drum Paint 1 1 bucket 06 Battery 1 60Ah 07 Connecting 1 wires Switch 1 It makes up the major base area Used to form the frame of the base For mobility of the system It is the water reservoir To reduce the effects of moisture To supply direct current to the fan To connect battery to fan To cut-off and on, the supply current Serial number Materials 01 08 2.5mm core Electrical wiring type 48 3.5 Experimental methods and procedures 3.5.1 No-load test of the evaporating cooling system A no-load test was conducted on the system to see the effect of the evaporation that is expected to take place whether the process is effective or not to determine its efficiency before being loaded with the agricultural produce that will be stored. This is computed by measuring temperature difference and the relative humidity. Temperature and Humidity measurement. The difference between the internal and external temperatures will determine whether evaporation is effective for the system. The temperature readings are taken using the dry and wet bulb thermometer. Understanding evaporative cooling performance requires an understanding of psychometrics. Evaporative cooling performance is dynamic due to changes in external temperature and humidity level. Under typical operating conditions, an evaporative cooler can cool air by some 27 Celsius degrees (80 Fahrenheit degrees). A residential cooler should cool air to within 3–4 C° (5–7 F°) of the wet-bulb temperature. It is simple to predict cooler performance from standard weather report information. Because weather reports usually contain the dew point and relative humidity, but not the wet-bulb temperature, a Psychometric chart must be used to identify the wet bulb temperature. Once the wet bulb temperature and the dry bulb temperature are identified the cooling performance or leaving air temperature of the cooler may be determined: TLA = TDB – ((TDB – TWB) x E) 49 TLA = Leaving Air Temp TDB = Dry Bulb Temp TWB = Wet Bulb Temp E = Efficiency of the evaporative media. Evaporative media efficiency usually runs between 80% to 90% and the evaporation efficiency drops very little over time. Typical aspen pads used in residential evaporative coolers offer around 85% efficiency However, either of two methods can be used to estimate performance: • Use a Psychrometric chart to calculate wet bulb temperature, and then add 6–8 F° as described above. • Use a rule of thumb which estimates that the wet bulb temperature is approximately equal to the ambient temperature, minus one third of the difference between the ambient temperature and the dew point. As before, add 6–8 F° as described above. But in this experiment, the psychrometric chat has been adopted because it is more reliable Some examples clarify this relationship: • At 32 °C (90 °F) and 15% relative humidity, air may be cooled to nearly 16 °C (61 °F). The dew point for these conditions is 2 °C (36 °F). • At 32 °C (90 °F) and 50% relative humidity, air may be cooled to about 24 °C (75 °F). The dew point for these conditions is 20 °C (68 °F). • At 40 °C (104 °F) and 15% relative humidity, air may be cooled to nearly 21 °C (70 °F). The dew point for these conditions is 8 °C (46 °F). 50 The psychrometric chart which is a thermodynamic graph of the thermodynamic properties of moist air at a constant pressure (often equated to an elevation relative to sea level)(wikipedia.com).The relative humidity is then gotten using the psychometric chart which has reading for both the dry and wet bulb temperature. The effectiveness of the jute pad is based on the cooling efficiency. The saturation efficiency (SE) of the cooler for the jute bag used was calculated using the formula by (Harris, 1987) SE = T1(db) – T2(db) T1(db) – T1(wb) Where: 3.1 T1(db) = dry –bulb outdoor temperature, °C T2(db) = dry- - bulb cooler temperature, °C T1(wb) = wet-bulb outdoor temperature, °C 3.5.2 Load test of the Evaporative cooling System The evaporative cooling efficiency of the cooler when loaded with tomatoes and celosia spp. was evaluated. The quality assessment of the two produce was estimated and the crops selected was based on the low shelf life. The weight of the produce after some days were estimated and compared to their initial weight. 51 Physiological Weight Loss The difference in the weight was estimated by storing the produce both in the cooler and in the ambient. This was done for some period of time to discover the effect of storing the two produce both in the ambient and in the cooler and to discover the efficiency using the evaporative cooler. Colour Changes The change in the colour of the produce was also noted both in the cooler and in the ambient. The colour changes discovered was based basically on the physical appearance of the vegetables. 52 CHAPTER FOUR 4.0 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Results 4.1.1 No load test of the evaporative cooler Temperature Readings The temperature values from dry and wet bulb thermometers both in and out of the evaporative cooler are presented below. Table 4.1: No Load Temperature Readings Within The Storage Chamber starting On May 30, 2011 at 12.00 Noon running for five consecutive days Runs (days) DB(°C) WB(°C) 1 26 19 2 27 19 3 27 20 4 28 19 5 27 18 • DB = Dry bulb Temperature • WB =Wet Bulb Temperature 53 Table 4.2: No Load Temperature Readings Outside The Storage Chamber starting On May 30, 2011 at 12.00 Noon for five consecutive days Runs (days) Dry bulb (°C) Wet bulb (°C) 1 31 25 2 31 26 3 29 26 4 32 27 5 30 26 4.1.3 Cooling Efficiency The cooling efficiency was also calculated when not on load based on formula by (Harris, 1987) SE = T1(db) – T2(db) 4.1 T1(db) – T1(wb) Where: SE = Cooling efficiency T1(db) = dry –bulb outdoor temperature, °C T2(db) = dry- - bulb cooler temperature, °C T1(wb) = wet-bulb outdoor temperature, °C 54 Table 4.2.1; average weekly cooling efficiencies without products Runs(days) Cooling Efficiency (%) 1 83.3 2 80.0 3 66.7 4 80.0 5 75.0 The average cooling efficiency of the evaporative cooler is 85.15%. Cooling Efficiency (%) 90 80 cooling efficiency 70 60 50 40 Cooling Efficiency (%) 30 20 10 0 1 2 3 days 4 5 Figure 4.1`; variation of cooler’s efficiency with days 55 Pictures of cooler before modification Plate4.1a; front view showing internal chamber plate4.2a;side view Pictures of the cooler after modification Plate4.1b; Front view plate4.2b; side view Plate4.3 Water distribution channel 56 4.2 Discussion 4.2.1 Assessment of the quality of stored products Weight Loss The change in the weight of the samples both stored in the ambient and the cooler was estimated .This was done for a total of nine days after which the percentage weight was estimated using the formula below. Percentage Weight loss = Original Weight – New weight Original Weight Table4.3; percentage weight losses in tomatoes No. of days Jute (%) Controlled (%) 0 0 0 3 0.21 0.29 5 0.32 0.91 7 0.71 1.39 9 0.83 1.72 57 × 100 % Weight loss for Tomatoes % Weight Loss 2 1.5 1 Jute (%) 0.5 Controlled (%) 0 1 5 9 Days FIG 4.3 Percentage Weight Losses for Tomatoes Table 4.3.1; percentage weight losses of Celosia spp. no. of days Jute (%) Controlled (%) 0 0 0 3 0.28 0.75 5 0.55 1.31 7 1.19 1.63 9 1.32 1.88 58 2 1.8 1.6 percentage weight loss(%) 1.4 1.2 1 Jute (%) 0.8 Controlled (%) 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 2 4 Days 6 8 10 Fig 4.4; Percentage Weight Losses for Celosia spp. Colour Changes The colour changes noticed with the product stored in the ambient was most evident. The tomatoes colour changed from the reddish colour and some parts turned to yellow and later to black .The Celosia Spp. stored in the ambient started changing its colour on the 3rd day of the experiment run until there was a total change on the 7th day .But the two samples stored in the cooler still retained their colour with little significant change within the test period. Plate 4.1 shows the vegetable in the storage chamber Firmness The change in the firmness was much noticed in the tomatoes because of its shape. The tomatoes stored in the cooler still retained their firmness, but those placed in ambient condition have started to lose their firmness after the 3rd day and after the 7th day most of the tomatoes have started deteriorating. 59 For the tomatoes stored in the chamber, lose in firmness was noticed on the 8th day; although weight losses occurred on daily basis. Deterioration in the tomatoes was noticed on the 12th day. Plate 4.4 Storage Chamber with Vegetable and in ambient Tomatoes in ambient on the first day Tomatoes in the chamber on the first day State of tomatoes in ambient after 3days State of tomatoes in the chamber after 11days. 60 CHAPTER FIVE 5.0 5.1 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Conclusions This study was based on the principles of evaporation which causes cooling such that warm dry air is cooled and humidified by passing it through a jute bag. This study is also to provide an alternative storage device for vegetables because of their high perish ability. It can then be concluded based on the results obtained from this study that the evaporative device in this case is suitable as temporary storage device recommended for farmers willing to preserve their freshly harvested vegetables for some days before they market them. Jute bag was used in the construction (fan and pad system). Cooled dry air is passed into the storage chamber where the vegetables are stored. The assumption is based that the dry cool air will reduce or totally remove the effects of the heat load of the store thereby providing a favourable condition for the preservation of the vegetables. The average drop in the temperature during the no-load test is about 9°C. The cooling efficiency of the cooler was estimated on no-load condition. The efficiency of the cooler during the no-load test was averagely 85.15 %.The products to be stored was divided into two for both the cooler and the controlled in order to determine the effects of the cooler using physical phenomena like the weight , colour and firmness. The percentage weight loss of the vegetables was much in the ambient compared to those stored in the cooler. The colour changes noticed in the vegetables stored in the ambient was greater compared to the ones stored in the cooler. The change in the firmness of the vegetable stored in the cooler was negligible when been compared to the ones stored in the ambient. 61 5.2 Recommendations I will want to recommend that for further study on this work a different type of wood should used as walls and the ceiling instead of particle board which has a high rate of water absorption and which is easily subjected to spoilage after sometime. I also recommend that for the future design of this type of cooler, a design should be for a water reservoir of reduced height with an adequate flow rate such that water can easily be conveyed into the reservoir by an individual of average height. 62 REFERENCES Abdalla, K.N. and Abdalla, A.M. (1995). Utilization of Date Palm Leaves and Fibres as Wetted Pads in Evaporative Coolers. Agricultural Mechanization in Asia Africa and Latin America Vol. 26 26(2) ,Pp 52-54 Ajibola, O.O. (1991). Storage Facilities and Requirements for Fruits and Vegetables. 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At 0300 GMT 65 APPENDICES APPENDIX A: DAILY TEMPERATURE AND RELATIVE HUMIDITY READINGS (NO LOAD) Table B1 : Daily Temperature and Relative humidity Readings Time Ambient Condition (hrs) Tdb(°C) Twb(°C) Cooler Conditions RH% Tdb(°C) Efficiency RH(%) (%) 8 27 17 36 18.5 86 85 9 27 18 41 20 82 78 10 28 17.5 34 19 86 86 11 29 19 39 21 82 80 12 30 20 40 22 83 80 13 31 21 41 22 91 90 14 31 21 37 23 84 80 15 30 19.5 42 21 87 86 16 30 21 39 22 91 89 DAY TWO Time Ambient Condition (hrs) Tdb(°C) Twb(°C) Cooler Conditions RH% Tdb(°C) Efficiency RH(%) (%) 8 26 17.5 42 18 92 94 9 27 17 36 19 82 80 66 10 24 15 37 16.5 85 83 11 23 14 35 15 89 89 12 23 14 35 15 89 89 13 24 14.5 34 16 85 84 14 24.5 15 35 16.5 86 84 15 25 16 38 17 90 89 16 24 14.5 34 15 92 94 DAY THREE Time Ambient Condition (hrs) Tdb(°C) Twb(°C) Cooler Conditions RH% Efficiency Tdb(°C) RH(%) (%) 8 26 17 40 17.5 94 94 9 26 17.5 42 18 92 88 10 27 17 36 19 82 80 11 27 18 41 18.5 92 94 12 28 19 42 20 89 88 13 29 18 34 20.5 80 94 14 30 20 39 22 83 80 15 29 19.5 41 21 93 84 16 28 18.5 39 20 87 84 DAY FOUR Time Ambient Condition (hrs) Tdb(°C) 8 28 Twb(°C) 19 Cooler Conditions RH% Tdb(°C) 42 22 67 RH(%) 75 Efficiency (%) 67 9 28 19.5 45 21 87 82 10 29 20 43 21.5 87 83 11 30 21 45 22 90 89 12 31 21.5 43 23 87 84 13 32 22 42 24 84 80 14 33 22.5 41 25 80 84 15 32 23 46 24.5 88 83 16 31 22 45 23 90 89 DAY FIVE Time (hrs) Ambient Condition Tdb(°C) Cooler Conditions Twb(°C) RH% Tdb(°C) RH(%) Efficiency (%) 8 27 18 41 19 90 89 9 28 18.5 40 19.5 90 89 10 28.5 19 40 21.5 79 82 11 29 20 43 21 90 88 12 30 21 45 22.5 87 83 13 31 21 40 23 83 89 14 31.5 22 43 23.5 87 90 15 30 21 44 22 90 89 16 30 21.5 47 22.5 90 88 68 APPENDIX B PHYSIOLOGICAL AND PERCENTAGE WEIGHT LOSS OF SAMPLES Table D1 Physiological weight measurement of Tomatoes Weight of samples grammes (g) Days Jute Ambient 0 1784.3 1784.5 3 1780.8 1778.3 5 1778.5 1767.1 7 1772.1 1761.1 9 1770.1 175 Percentage Weight Loss Days Jute (%) Ambient (%) 0 0 0 3 0.2 0.3 5 0.3 0.9 7 0.7 1.3 9 0.8 1.6 Table D2 Physiological weight measurement of Celosia spp. Weight of samples grammes(g) Days Jute 69 Ambient 0 2749.5 2748.5 3 2740.2 2728.1 5 2730.6 2716.5 7 2717.5 2707.2 9 2710.8 2698.5 Percentage Weight Loss Days Jute (%) Ambient (%) 0 0 0 3 0.3 0.7 5 0.6 1.2 7 1.2 1.5 9 1.4 1.8 70 PSYCHROMETRIC CHAR T 71