Connections 6
Connections 6
○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Welcome tto o Issue 6! A fter a two-year hiatus, we’re reconnecting with you to bring you the latest developments in the BK IT world. A great deal has changed, partly as a result of the Yagya’s Global Functioning process and partly as a response to the need for greater regional IT autonomy. At the same time, a great deal has been achieved. You’ll learn about it all within these pages. We also hope the issue’s jokes and cartoons will get a smile or chuckle out of you, and that perhaps you’ll pick up a useful tip or inspiration as well. Thanks to those of you, too numerous to mention, who submitted reports, photos and other content. Reader feedback and constructive suggestions for improving CONNECTIONS are always welcome and appreciated. —EditorI PS: Email addresses for Leads mentioned in the articles are listed on page 27. HY PE R LINK ED C O N T E N TS ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Welcome & Sr ations 1 Sr.. Mohini’ Mohini’ss Inspir Inspirations Karunabhai’ ations ................ 2 arunabhai’ss Inspir Inspirations Thinking Globally cting R egionally 3 Globally,, A Acting Regionally Global Pr oject s: IW ebsite ................. 4 Project ojects: IWebsite Global Pr oject s: UN Blog .................. 5 Project ojects: Global Pr oject s: Murlis & eL earning .. 7 Project ojects: eLearning Global Pr oject s: DF Dat abase ........... 8 Project ojects: Database Global Pr oject s: JAM ........................ 9 Project ojects: Global Pr oject s: IYF W ebsite .......... 10 Project ojects: Website Regional Pr oject s: Africa ................ 11 Project ojects: Regional Pr oject s: Americas/Caribbean 12 Project ojects: Americas/Caribbean12 Regional Pr oject s: Americas/Spanish IT 13 Project ojects: IT13 Regional Pr oject s: A sia P acific ........ 15 Project ojects: Asia Pacific Regional Pr oject s: Eur ope .......... 16-18 Project ojects: Europe Regional Pr oject s: India ............. 19-24 Project ojects: Safe Computing ......................... 25-26 Dir ect ory o oject/T echnical LLeads eads 27 Direct ectory off Pr Project/T oject/Technical eads27 Glossary o erms .......................... 28 off T Terms ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Newsletter of Brahma Kumaris Information Technology (IT) Worldwide Issue No. 6, October, 2009 love, peace, and good wishes to create the experience of connection and belonging. Greetings ooff lolovve ttoo all rreader eader eaderss, O ur lives are interconnected and there is always great joy in feeling connected. It is human nature to desire to be connected and connectedness also nurtures our lives at many different levels. One of the most important ways we’ve discovered to fulfill the desire for connection is through media—newspapers, television and now the internet. Yet in spite of so many ways to connect, I find that many still feel isolated. Connection merely through communication is not enough. There needs to be a spiritual connection. By seeing each individual as a soul—a spiritual entity possessing qualities of love, peace, and happiness—we create connections and communications based on spiritual principles. When such spiritual bonds are created, souls transmit very pure vibrations and feelings towards each other. That’s when one starts using the spiritual technology of The vibrations and feelings that help us create spiritual connections for the self and relationships with others are always those of love and sharing. When such vibrations are present, there is understanding and meaningful communication while carrying out a task. Service should be in everyone’s heart and each task should have a value of service. This will make us very creative and also very altruistic; then every task will be achieved without difficulty. I once asked Dadi Janki, “Which comes first—relationships or service?” She said, “Relationships”. Her response made me reflect, and I realized that when relationships are based on respect and trust, tasks are done in the best possible way and success is guaranteed. I just want to say to all my friends and experts: Always be aware of and try to activate the spiritual dimension of connections. Enjoy each moment by creating spiritual connections—simultaneously, and with the same degree of quality, with which you create technical connections—so that humanity is served and also God’s blessings are experienced at every step. I wish you all congratulations for your offerings and achievements. With Love, Sister Mohini I ©2009 Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University. All rights reserved. Portions of this publication may be reproduced or circulated only with the written permission of the editor. 1 D ear Brothers and Sisters, It’s not an exaggeration to say that Dadiji was someone who really understood what IT is about. She appreciated IT, blessed it, promoted it and gave time for it. She loved the media. Even now she is doing one-hundredfold service through the media: we keep receiving reports that everywhere in the world, especially in the Indian Diaspora, people are saying, “Yes, yes, we know your Dadiji.” Every embassy has seen her last rites. All saints and religious organizations have heard of her and we have received condolences from everywhere—all because she was loved by the media and by IT. As we go forward let us not forget that she has been the backbone of whatever we’ve achieved to date, whether BOL, our websites, email, etc., and I’m sure she will continue to guide and support our IT as well as our spiritual efforts in her subtle form. BK KarunaI R otten P ot at oes! Rotten Pot otat atoes! A kindergarten teacher introduced a new game to her class. Each child was to bring a bag containing a few potatoes to school. The teacher stressed it must be a plastic bag. Each potato was to be given the name of a person that the child disliked, so the number of potatoes in each child’s bag varied accordingly. Some children had two potatoes in their bags; others had three; some had up to five potatoes. The teacher explained the game required the children to carry the bags of potatoes with them wherever they went for one week. 2 As the days passed by, the potatoes naturally started to rot and smell. The children complained about the odor. Those carrying five potatoes complained about the heaviness of the bags. All were glad when the week finally ended and they could throw away the bags of rotten potatoes. The teacher asked them: “How did you feel while carrying the potatoes around all week?” The children complained loudly about carrying the heavy, smelly potatoes. They had not enjoyed this game at all! Then the teacher explained the hidden meaning of the game, “When you carry dislike for someone in your heart, it is like carrying a bag of rotten potatoes. It burdens you wherever you go and creates a bad odor around you. If you keep love and good feelings for everyone in your heart, those “potatoes” will never spoil and will one day nourish you as well. The children understood and began to find things to like about the people they had disliked before. I Newsletter of Brahma Kumaris IT Worldwide ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ “Don’t fear failure so much that you refuse to try new things. The saddest summary of a life contains three descriptions: could have, might have, and should have.” — Louis E. Boone “Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we often might win, by fearing to attempt.” —William Shakespeare “You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face.” —Eleanor Roosevelt October 2009 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Thinking Globally cting....R egionally! Globally,, A Acting....R cting....Regionally! Did yyou ou know know?? that IT began to play a part in Baba’s Yagya over 20 years ago, as a result of our 1986 global initiative, The Million Minutes of Peace Appeal? that today, over 1,000 IT professionals from around the world (the largest representation being from India) are engaged in the Yagya’s IT service? that the growth in size and stature of the BKs across the world, together with our use of and reliance upon IT, paralleled our development of international projects such as Global Cooperation for a Better World (1988-1990) and Sharing Our Values for a Better World (1995), as well as our participation in the UN’s International Year for a Culture of Peace (2000)? that in light of the Yagya’s new operating and governance model (consisting of the International Coordinating Council (ICC) and seven Global Functioning Areas plus their respective teams), discussion is underway to constitute an eighth area/ team that represents the Yagya’s IT functioning? that by 2002, IT had become a vital aspect of our organizational functioning? And this is when we realized that, by combining our IT expertise across the world, we could realize greater speed and efficiency in our global work? that the first global IT retreat was held in Madhuban in October 2003? that our coordinated global IT efforts have not only received encouraging inspirations from Respected Dadis, Senior Brothers and Senior Sisters, but have been directly addressed and blessed by BapDada? that the first CONNECTIONS newsletter was produced in May, 2005? that an ad hoc group of IT professionals and regional representatives (reflecting past and current global IT efforts) met in London in May 2009 to review the our global IT status and its integration with the Yagya’s Global Functioning model? The group recommended that an enhanced global IT operating model be adopted and that, as part of it, an IT Coordinating Office (ITCO), comprised of a small number of individuals under the leadership of a chairperson, be established to coordinate global IT efforts. This recommendation has been welcomed, and final discussions will take place in Shantivan in October ‘09 to endorse the model and agree the composition of the ITCO. The Enhanced Global IT Oper ating Model Operating The most important elements of the new model are: that each region have autonomy as to how it operates with respect to IT functioning, in order to effectively balance the Yagya’s global and regional needs. that the ITCO will exist to: share information among IT groups, as well as with the BK family, via news bulletins and an IT newsletter coordinate IT meetings and conference calls liaise with RCs and NCs on IT matters facilitate global IT guidelines and policy creation serve as a point of contact for individuals who have IT concerns facilitate new IT ideas and proposals initiate international IT projects Soooo, now you know!I ©2009 Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University. All rights reserved. Portions of this publication may be reproduced or circulated only with the written permission of the editor. 3 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Global Projects IW ebsite Update IWebsite During 2004-2005, ideas and feedback about the IWebsite’s (International Website’s) design and content were solicited from around the world. The technology behind the site was also selected from the options available at that time. This constituted Phase One of the IWebsite project. Until now, the IWebsite has displayed a branding, or ‘look and feel’, reflective of international agreement regarding the overall aim of BK internet presence at the time of the site’s January 18th 2006 launch. Phase Two began in mid-2006, with the objective of translating the international site into all the major languages and bringing existing BK national sites into line with the international branding. This effort has ensured the consistency of content across all official BK websites. Currently the 4 France Website Home Page international site is available in 16 languages and nearly 70 national websites have adopted the international branding and technology—quite an achievement in four short years! The fruit of the easy efforts shown on page 6: the California Website Home Page Newsletter of Brahma Kumaris IT Worldwide The IWebsite team is not one to rest on its laurels however. In the past few months the team has moved into Phase Three of the project. The aim of this phase is to refresh the current international site—not only by adding new features, but by bringing the site up-to-date following a review of all written content. A complete redesign of the site is being considered. The technical infrastructure of the site is also under review, as new technologies have emerged that may be better alternatives to what is currently in use. Thus Phase Three may include a complete technical re-write of the core infrastructure. As this phase may involve different or additional team members to the original team, work will officially begin once the appointed team is in place. It is hoped that the first part of this phase, consisting of a October 2009 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ revamped Home Page, will be achieved by Dec 2009. The rest of Phase Three will happen in parallel and be delivered at a later date. Using the ‘rapid website development method’ of holding a workshop for website technical support souls from several countries at once, the IWebsite team will continue to help create additional country sites. Sr. Waddy is the IWebsite Coordinator; Sr. Vasanti is the Project Lead. The Technical lead is Br. Sasha and the Design Lead is Br. Jaydev. They are aided by a much wider international team of 35 souls.I Denmark Website Home Page ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ UN Blog R eport Report BKs are very active at the UN and support various programs and projects on regular basis. Our UN w e b s i t e, w w w. b k u n . o r g , communicates BK UN initiatives and activities. However, the website doesn’t provide a dynamic, interactive platform where information about, and updates to, our various projects can be regularly disseminated to target audiences in a timely way. Therefore, the UN team decided that a blog offers a better means of frequent connection. The overall nature and purpose of blogs is informal communication. Blogging doesn’t involve much technical skill. Blogs are easy to create and provide a quick method of publishing content without requiring a professional PR body to draft and review it. The BK UN blog (based on the soon-to-be-released BK web 2.0 policy) will inform the public about UN activities in which BKs are involved and showcase BK initiatives which support UN programs. The blog will also describe the affiliation of BKs with various UN bodies like UNESCO and WHO, as well as provide information about previous BK UN projects. Most importantly, the blog will be an interactive platform between the BK UN team and the public, allowing interested individuals to connect directly with BK UN related initiatives. Since its launch in September 2007, our UN blog has been used extensively. It has become a platform where individual project/ program managers post updates and share activities with the public. One can find information on recent initiatives like the Human Greatness Project, read inspiring human rights stories, or learn about experiments with values, etc. Contributors to the blog include representatives from BK UN offices in New York, Geneva, and Vienna, as well as BK guests who intern at these offices for special conferences. The technology being used is dpr ess .or http://w or ordpr dpress ess.or .org WordPress (http://w http://wor g). Over the next six months there are plans to: · Update the blog with the BK look and feel (using templates based on the BK web 2.0 policy); · Introduce even more efficient tools and easy-to-use publishing technologies for updating the blogs; · Integrate the blog with the official BK UN website. Anyone who can host the blog at a BK facility and administer it over a period of time is welcome to join the team. Please submit your feedback and ideas for the UN Blog to: http://blog.bkun.or g/ g/. I submitted by Br. Vivek Kashyap ©2009 Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University. All rights reserved. Portions of this publication may be reproduced or circulated only with the written permission of the editor. 5 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Anubhuti IW ebsite IWebsite Team Easy Eas y at Work Peace Village Anubhuti Italy 6 Newsletter of Brahma Kumaris IT Worldwide Portugal October 2009 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Murli Sy stem System In September 2009, the PGP system originally used for accessing the Murlis was closed down completely. The java-based Murli system which replaced it was created due to new requirements regarding security, manageability and usability. This system has now been operational for more than 3 years. As we go to press with this issue of CONNECTIONS, centres from Africa, including some in remote areas with very poor internet connections, are migrating to the newer system. By the time you are reading this, all centres outside of India will have been moved onto the current system, and—watch this space!—in the near future, an estimated 3,000! centres in Bharat (India) are expected to be accessing Murlis via the present international system. ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ How many of you recall when we used to get Murlis by post (or snail mail, as it’s called nowadays)? Those of us in foreign countries were generally reading Murlis dated three months behind what was being read in Madhuban. Global IT efforts changed all of that. Today we take for granted the fact that the Murli being read in class is the same as that being read in Madhuban. This ‘miracle’ has undoubtedly affected our collective mindset in subtle and profound ways: by literally getting us all on the same page, increasing the unity of the gathering, and making us truly one family. We’ve come a long way, Baba! Numerous “bug fixes” and improvements to functionality have continually been added since the current system began, and the service has recently been moved to a new server. As a result, it is now much faster and more responsive. Other enhancements are under consideration, including a new PDF-viewer which would give users additional printing options. Under the project leadership of Sr. Vasanti and Br. Allan, the team continues to explore options for improving usability, security and stability.I ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Global Projects eL earning Update eLearning The eLearning project, begun in March 2006, aims to offer Brahma Kumaris course content online to enable self-paced learning and to serve audiences that cannot be served through conventional learning formats. Important prerequisites are that the content be “culture neutral”, interactive, and accessed easily by people having dialup as well as those with broadband internet connectivity. eLearning is a powerful means of serving souls who might not have “When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself.” —Wayne Dyer access to spiritual knowledge in any other way. For example, many countries are not open to spiritual teachings; however their citizens, by attending eLearning courses on the internet, are still able to benefit. In situations where people are challenged to find time to attend a course at a local centre, eLearning offers the opportunity to learn in their own time and at their own pace. An initial eLearning project, “Empower the Self – Think Positive”, has been developed using HTML, Flash, CSS, Moodle, graphic design, editing and testing skills. This module, which was completed in April 2009, has been approved and will be included in the new version of the IWebsite. Additional course offerings, including the basic lessons of the Foundation Course in Raja Yoga Meditation, are planned to follow. I ©2009 Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University. All rights reserved. Portions of this publication may be reproduced or circulated only with the written permission of the editor. 7 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Global Projects The Double F or eigner Dat abase Sy stem For oreigner Database System In December 2008, the RCs requested the Global IT team to develop an online system for managing the transport, accommodation and onward travel of double foreigner (DF) BKs arriving in India and travelling to Madhuban. The system will be used by Ahmedabad, Delhi, Mumbai and Madhuban to collate details of international travellers from all over the world arriving at the various locations. This system is intended to replace the numerous ‘ad-hoc’ emails informing of arrivals and departures that are currently received by all the locations in India. Instead, a centre or NC will enter the information into this system and the data will then be accessible to all relevant stakeholders and departments. Project leads Sr. Vasanti and Br. Sasha from the UK expect the DF Database to be live and operational just in time for the current Madhuban season. As the season progresses, the system will be optimized to accommodate various other needs. The priority at the moment is rolling out the system and training all the users to use it.I Travel Detail List View Visitor List View Remind you of anyone you know? Hope it’s not you! The one with whom you have issues is your unknown self made manifest. —Anonymous 8 Newsletter of Brahma Kumaris IT Worldwide October 2009 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ J-A -M J-A-M Get acelift Getss a F Facelift The current J-A-M website, .just-a-minute .com www.just-a-minute .com, was www developed in 2006 to support the launch of the just-a-minute campaign. The campaign is now moving into Phase Two; therefore the look and feel of the existing website needs revamping and enhancement with new features. The revamp has involved a combination of in-house and outsourced activities/ personnel. Sr. Isabelle and Br. Matthew play the roles of Key Users; Sr. Rekha and Br. Tony are the Project Leads; Br. Allan leads the technical side and commercial designer Arthur Irving has provided the new design. Br. Anthony Phelips, UK and Srs. Maithili and Ashwini of India have also been involved. The design, outsourced under the guidance of the in-house team, has now been completed. Underlying technology has been changed to provide a better user interface and improved efficiency. Some of the new features are already functional. All written content, and in particular the j-a-m “seven-step process”, is currently being reviewed. The revised website is planned to go “live” by the end of November. I ©2009 Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University. All rights reserved. Portions of this publication may be reproduced or circulated only with the written permission of the editor. 9 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Global Projects available. The website project leverages expertise from within the IYF team itself. In this initial stage, the different work groups are functioning in parallel to prepare/ review content and design, and over the next few months they will work closely together to complete the content. The tentative go “live” date will be in early 2010. International Y outh Youth Forum ((IYF IYF ebsite IYF)) W Website and P ort al Port ortal the spiritual empowerment of young people, a website is being created based on some of the newest technologies currently Formed in 1995, the International Youth Forum is now a network of some 8,000 young BK adults, ages 16-30, living in 49 countries. Through “You First”a process created by Forum members that seeks to activate and reaffirm spiritual self worth, the IYF supports young people in exploring and developing their spiritual potential. The IYF Forum is comprised of a number of subgroups or workgroups, that reflect various areas of interest such as Yummy Cooking, Writing & Publishing, Cheerfulness, IT (of course), and others. 10 Using Alfresco Document Management, an IYF portal has been created for effective document management and easy sharing among the workgroups; it’s also been customised for adequate access security and easy interaction among the groups. Further enhancements will follow based on user feedback. The project is led by a team comprising Key User Sr. Gopi; Project Leads, Sr. Rekha and Br. Sathesh; Technical Lead, Br. Allan; and Design Lead, Sr. Monica of India. I A glimpse of part of one of the pages of IYF Portal To introduce IYF and highlight “You First” as a pragmatic approach for Newsletter of Brahma Kumaris IT Worldwide October 2009 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Regional Pr oject s: Africa Project ojects: In July 2007, seniors in Africa decided to implement websites for African countries based on templates created by the IWebsite team. Gradually, an ‘African Web Team’ has emerged, comprised of: Sr. Avnee of Kenya, Brs. Karim and Emmanuel of Gabon, Srs. Malla, Usha and Pratiba of South Africa, Br. Gildas of Ghana, Br. Nick, UK and Br. Michael of Nigeria, Srs. Niti and Sangeeta of Mauritius, Br. Andelo, UK and Brs. Vishwanath of DR Congo. BK IT professionals from other African nations are welcome to join this team. Concepts for the website emerged as well. Bright, vibrant colours like sky blue and earthy browns, reds and/or sunlight/sandy oranges were favoured by the team. Ideas for banner photos and other site images flowed forth: African flowers, birds and sky; national flags; the sand dunes of the Sahara and the lagoons of Lagos; photos of main centre buildings; happy African faces; the colours and patterns of African clothing (such as of the Maasai of Kenya). presence in every country in by the poor bandwidth in most Africa. To date, 17 African African countries. countries have websites. A working team has formed with The team recently conducted a representatives from all survey on the enhancements subregions of Africa. Sr. Pratiba, needed for the websites, including South Africa, Sr. Avnee, Kenya and a ‘wish list’ derived from user Br. Vinai, UK are the Project Leads. input. The survey revealed that the Additional members include most immediate needs are: Sr. Grace of Ghana, Br. Vikram of Mauritius, Br. Hiren of Zimbabwe · enhancing existing sites with a and Br. Navin of South Africa. means of uploading articles, news This team is responsible for and event announcements; everyday technical support of · developing a portal for sharing basic hardware and software, the information between centres websites, Murli and VoIP systems, and facilitating administrative and future IT developments. matters across the continent. Rollout of the java-based Murli Now the team needs to develop the system is nearly complete. The skills to implement the changes. In system was adapted to addition, simpler technologies and accommodate countries where templates are being explored that Murlis have to be downloaded and overcome the limitations presented printed in internet cafés.I The aims of African website designers are several: to present a united overview of BK activities to Africa-wide organizations; to give an overview of BK activities from the BK centre perspective (future events, courses, recent events and feedback, etc); to create an experience of African unity within Africa; to present the BKWSU as a Global Organisation; to create a “Serve Africa” project page with news and experiences; and to show how the BKWSU may be the only institution with a ©2009 Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University. All rights reserved. Portions of this publication may be reproduced or circulated only with the written permission of the editor. 11 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Regional Pr oject s: Americas Project ojects: Caribbean Expansion Rapid expansion is taking place in the Caribbean, with the opening of centres in four new countries: St. Kitts, St. Lucia, Antigua and Puerto Rico. A team has been formed to steer the Serve Caribbean project. This team consists of Srs. Hemlata and Jasmine, as well as Brs. Anand and Vijai of Trinidad; Sr. Loes of Suriname; Sr. Rona of the Dominican Republic; Sis Devki of St Maarten and Br. Mark of Guyana. Murli access has been granted to all four centres. St. Kitts and Antigua are set up and using it. St. Lucia and Puerto Rico are waiting on the acquisition of laptops. All are awaiting authorization and access credentials for BOL. Once these basic facilities are in place and the instruments are trained to use them, the team will focus on acquiring official bkwsu email addresses, designing the country websites, and completing a Caribbean brochure.U Email Migr ation & V oIP Migration VoIP Another project currently underway is the migration of all Caribbean centres to Google mail. To date, Trinidad, Guyana, Suriname, Jamaica, Bonaire and Curacao have been successfully migrated. Grenada is still outstanding. With the help of Br. Janardhan and the VoIP team, we are in the process of setting up VoIP for centres in Trnidad and are awaiting VoIP extensions and password for the four centres. The main centre, San Fernando, has already been assigned a VoIP ID; the others should be set up by the end of 2009. As soon as Trinidad is complete, we will look towards rolling out to the rest of the Caribbean.I “By three methods we may learn wisdom: first, by reflection, which is noblest; second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third, by experience, which is the most bitter.”—Confucius ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Just St ay Ther e Sta There by Br. Ajay, India 12 The Artist has picked up the brush. O puppet...don't make your own movements. He knows it’s the right one for his masterpiece. Feel the tug and respond ... O brush... don't worry about the strokes made through you... He’ll make you dance; They have more meaning than what you see. the audience will applaud. Don't try to invent your own distinctive style... just be His. just be there. The Wise One knows. The Musician is playing the flute, He will make you the best if you allow Him. Making different tones emerge at different times O soul...your wisdom lies in letting Him do O flute ... Don't make your own discordant sounds ... whatever is appropriate through you. All disonance will in time resolve in harmony. Hark! You are part of a symphony... So O lucky soul... just be there. Just be there with Him. Watch Him with detachment and fascination ... The Puppeteer is pulling the strings. Just be there Just let the Master do His work. And stay there. Newsletter of Brahma Kumaris IT Worldwide October 2009 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Spanish IT Services in the Americas Remote A ssist ance Assist ssistance What do you do when you need help installing software, trouble-shooting a problem or, Baba forbid, get a virus—and the closest BK tech support person is in the next country! If you’re a centre coordinator in Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, México, Colombia, Bolivia, Guatemala, El Salvador, Venezuela, Perú, República Dominicana, Costa Rica, Ecuador or Panama—help is just an email or VoIP call away. The America’s Spanish IT team is providing remote assistance to all computers in the Spanishspeaking regions of America. Br. Emiliano leads this project, assisted by Sr. Analia Garcia of Argentina and others. Mail (Gmail). Few centre instruments understood the technical terms (like ‘SMTP’ and ‘POP’) needed to make the transition (and some, quite understandably, didn’t particularly want to learn them!), so they were simply asked, “Please leave your computers on. We need to change something”. And, almost as if my magic, the migration took place. The team is presently exploring other remote access software as a backup.U Google™ Mail (Gmail) Speaking of Gmail, the entire region has now been migrated onto it, and all is well. The new system is fast and friendly and many brothers and sisters are happy with it. There are separate domains and administrator accounts for each county, as this allows better administration of bigger countries like Brazil. This service is based on LogMeIn remote assistance software https://secur (https://secur h o m ee.. a s p xx). Currently it is affording access to 66 computers and providing remote technical The domains follow the a standard format: (Argentina), support in the following areas: (Brasil), · email configuration (Chile), for · configuration of software and example. Every coordinator also has a Gmail account. This hardware devices and VoIP transition was accomplished with · installation of software, the help of Br. Anoop from Atlanta including Antivirus and Sr. Sandhya from New Jersey.U · computer and software training VoIP · repair and updating of the Using e-mail, Skype™, and even Windows operating system “snail” mail, Br. Emiliano · training in Plone for website undertook to explain to the management, currently for Chile, instruments of all the centres in the region about VoIP and its benefits, Colombia, Peru and Uruguay. and to inspire them to invest in the LogMeIn has greatly facilitated the system. In July of 2009, 15 VoIP regional changeover of the email units (Grandstream HandyTone system from SurgeMail to Google™ 486) were purchased and installed. Sr. Analia began configuring the devices and, with the help of LogMeIn and others, VoIP setup has begun to move forward in all areas of the country. The team would like to have their own VoIP Server in Argentina, in addition to the one in the USA.U Country W ebsites Websites Many websites based in HTML have existed in the region for some time. A few months ago, work was begun with the London Iwebsite team to develop country websites based on the Plone standard. Br. Emiliano traveled to the USA for training with the London Team and is now helping construct each country’s site and teaching an instrument in each country how to use Plone. So far, websites are up for Argentina and Chile, and the websites of Colombia, Mexico, Uruguay and Peru are nearly complete. Very soon work will begin on sites for Paraguay, Panama and others. This project is progressing at a very fast speed due to the LogMeIn remote assistance facility and it is anticipated that all websites may be up within the next three months.U Intr anet (Global Libr ary ffor or Intranet Library Spanish-speaking people) Working with centres in Spain, a portal site has been established on an Alfresco™ Server based in London which will house a Global Library for all Spanish language publications. This facility will enable the sharing of Spanish documents, publications, designs, pictures, and recorded or ©2009 Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University. All rights reserved. Portions of this publication may be reproduced or circulated only with the written permission of the editor. 13 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Regional Pr oject s: Americas Project ojects: Spanish IT Services in the Americas Americas,, continued transcribed classes. The NCs of the countries involved are in communication about which kind of documents will be housed on the server. The project is just getting organized and publications are starting to be uploaded. The team would like to use a subdomain such as for this service.U Massiv e Emailing Using Massive OpenEMM Google™ Mail does not allow the sending of emails to many recipients at one time. To overcome this obstacle, as well as many other problems that occur when trying to send batch emails, the OpenEMM system has been installed (with the help of Br. Sasha from the London team) onto a dedicated BK server in Argentina. A video tutorial in Spanish that clearly explains each step of using the system, has been created and e-mailed to all the centers. Each centre has its own OpenEMM account and all the centres are in the process of learning to use it. This system is powerful, easy to use and works online. The database is secure and backup is provided. In the future, OpenEMM will be integrated with the country websites, and no doubt many others applications for its use will be discovered. Please see the European region report for more on OpenEMM.U 14 BOL in Spanish Webr adio ebradio Because of language barriers, A system is available for many centres in the region cannot streaming some transmissions, easily receive BapDada’s meetings although it is not yet widely used. via the current BOL service— The aim is to establish a secure especially if the instrument who system for the region.U normally translates from English to Spanish has to leave for work Webcasting before the transmission finishes. Br. Simon of the UK is helping the Until now, for each meeting, many team research and set up an different arrangements for appropriate webcasting service for translation have needed to be Spanish-speaking BKs in the made. For example, some centres region.U connect to other centres via Skype™ ftw ar e Softw ftwar are in order to receive translation in Legal So Spanish. Conversations have It is desireable to have legal, or begun with with Brs. Surya (USA/ licensed, software on all of Baba’s India), Shashin, and Simon about computers; however as the how to resolve this situation. A test Windows® Operating System is was run at one centre using live costly, an open-source alternative, streaming over a public channel ubuntu, (Linux-based) is being (via a public URL). Although it considered and tested in some worked well, it is not a secure way centres, notably Peru. U to provide the transmissions to all centres and so the region is IT T Trraining hopeful that a way forward can Many instruments of Spanishsoon be found.U speaking centres in the region are Website Serv er Server being trained to use Skype™ and LogMeIn, and a plan is underway In Argentina a dedicated BK server to train at least one IT support has been operating as a file server person per country. New hands in ( to this respect include Sr. Analia from host a few websites in the region Argentina, Br. Edgar from that have not yet moved onto the Colombia, Br. Luis Sanchez form Plone™ standard, including h t t p : / / m i c o r a j e t u c o r a j e . c l / Mexico and Br. Isaac from Peru.I i n d eexx . p h p (Chile) and http:// bkperu.or g/ (the original Peru website). Although the server is working well and is available to the whole region, it is planned to upgrade it in the near future.U Newsletter of Brahma Kumaris IT Worldwide Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back into the same box. —Italian proverb October 2009 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Regional Pr oject s: A sia P acific Project ojects: Asia Pacific Secur e Webcasting tto o Secure Centr es Centres Br. Charlie of Australia requested a system that would enable BKs living in remote areas to listen to the Murli live via a secure online connection. As Br. Simon from the UK has, for many years, been responsible for audio and video webcasting of Dadi Janki’s classes from the UK, he was requested to set up a similar system. Supported by Br. Vinu of Australia, the project has been completed and is currently setup for Sydney, Perth, Philippines, and Poland. The aim in upcoming months is to make more BKs, especially those who are unable to attend Murli class due to bodily limitations or residing long distances from a centre, aware that the system is available.U CEFIL W ebsite LLaunch aunch Website In June 2007, Dadi Gulzar was present when ground was broken and the foundation stone laid for the Community Centre for Inner Learning (CEFIL) in Kuala Lumpur. On August 30, 2009, Sr. Shielu from Madhuban was present when its g , was website, w w w w.. c e f i l . o rrg launched. · · · · · · · · · Positive Thinking Anger Management Stress Free Living Improving Self-Esteem Children’s Character Development (Years 6-12) Youth Empowerment Group (Years 13-18) Women Empowerment Group Values Education Heal The World Although construction of the CEFIL building is still underway, the current main centre at Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur will host CEFIL activities until the construction is completed. Hence, the CEFIL website will play an important role in announcing CEFIL’s courses and activities, providing online registration, and keeping the public informed about construction progress. A CMS version of the website, which will allow non-technical people to seamlessly update the site, will be developed over the next 3 months. Training of users will begin in early 2010. Brs. Kumar and Sanath are leading the project. Team members include: Brs. Ramanathan and Ravi and Srs. Chandra and Vicky. The CEFIL website was initially conceptualized in April of 2009 and With such auspicious beginnings the domain purchased a month and lofty aims, no doubt CEFIL’s later. Development began in mid mission will be fulfilled.I June and construction of the site was completed by mid July. The launch of the website was timed to take place during the Asian Retreat. CEFIL was born out of an altruistic desire to help people discover and reconnect with their inner being. This pure desire will catalyze the betterment and enrichment of human and social consciousness. It is also hoped that CEFIL will bring together likeminded people to engage in collaborative charitable activities. CEFIL’s aims will be achieved through a variety of programs: ©2009 Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University. All rights reserved. Portions of this publication may be reproduced or circulated only with the written permission of the editor. 15 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Regional Pr oject s: Eur ope Project ojects: Europe Eur opean Dat a Centr e European Data Centre A data centre is a special building which provides an air-conditioned environment, reliable power (with its own backup batteries and generators in the event the national power grid should fail), and a high speed and reliable Internet connection. Previously the Yagya maintained a number of physical servers for hosting our various websites, the Murli download service, and our webcasting and email services. Each server was a separate box housed in a data centre, and each box had a duplicate box for emergency recovery in a data centre in another location. As our number of servers has increased, it has become expensive and impractical to purchase so many boxes and to hire the required space in data centres. Therefore, in the European region, a technique called “virtualisation”, in which many “virtual” servers are run on one physical server, is now in use. A virtual server, or VM, can be moved from one box to another, almost as easily as copying a large file from one computer to another. If the VM data is on a fast storage device known as “SAN” which is connected to a host server pool, the resources of the host servers can be shared amongst many VMs. Since a particular VM is unlikely to need all the available resources all the time, much more efficient use is made by this pooling of resources. The host servers run very simple, basic software. If one host server fails, then another can take over the job 16 of running a particular VM. Currently, 28 virtual servers are running at once, providing website, web content management, email, database, document management and webcasting services to the European and other regions. The team is also making use of the innovative “cloud computing” services that recently became available. This means hiring hosting services by the hour for running our VMs. Using someone else’s hosting services can be expensive but makes a lot of sense when done as backup protection for emergency situations, and these services are currently being used only for disaster recovery. In the event our data centre equipment or connectivity fails, all services can be restored using the backup of our VMs stored on “cloud services”. The Data Centre team, consisting of Brs. Sasha, Simon, and Sandeep, has conducted a set of trials and chosen Elastichosts, a UK company, www .elastichost (www www.elastichost .com/). Their services best matched the requirements for backup storage cost and fast recovery of our VMs. Newsletter of Brahma Kumaris IT Worldwide For the technically curious, a brief overview is shown in the accompanying diagram. Migration of disaster recovery services to Elastichosts cloud is currently work in progress. More extensive use of cloud services may be undertaken in the future if that becomes more economical than increasing the capacity of our own equipment.U Zimbr a Mail Migr ation Zimbra Migration for Eur ope Europe ope,, Africa, Austr alasia, R ussia ustralasia, Russia IT is a fast-changing environment. The email system adopted in 2005 and rolled out across the world, giving our centres and dedicated BKs consistent email addresses, was based on the Surge Mail platform. Our needs now are for a more advanced system with a richer set of features. After evaluating different options (including Google™ Mail, which is the preferred choice of the Americas region), Zimbra was selected as the replacement system for Europe, Africa, Australasia and Russia. This image is best viewed zoomed to 200% in the pdf version of CONNECTIONS 6. October 2009 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Zimbra is free, open source software for email and collaboration. Zimbra enables users to manage emails, group calendars, contacts, instant messaging, file storage and web documents. Even smartphones (e.g. iPhone, BlackBerry®) can be synchronised with Zimbra. Zimbra software has already been installed on the Yagya’s computers in the UK data centre and will be administered by the following team: Project Leads: Brs. Vinai and Sandeep; Technical Team: Brs. Sasha, Allan, Simon and Gil. There’s even a HelpDesk/training team, consisting of Br. Sandeep The integration of Postini and Zimbra will be more user friendly and Br. Andelo. than the old Barracuda system: BKs currently access their emails spam email and notifications will using one of the following options: be sent directly to a “junk” folder a desktop email “client” within Zimbra. Further details and application such as Outlook or training will be provided nearer the Thunderbird when at home; and a time to migrate to the new system. web browser based system and web client such as Squirrel mail To date, In addition to installing when away from that base and testing Zimbra, the team has location (i.e., in Madhuban). also tested its mail migration tools, Zimbra allows users to continue to its email filtering features use Outlook, Thunderbird, etc. (forwarding spam to a junk folder), without changing anything. To use and the incorporation of a Zimbra via the web, users will Disclaimer Message. A “skin” (the simply need to use a new URL (web way the program appears to the user) with Baba’s logo has also address). been implemented. Communications To protect our email servers, an regarding the migration plan, as well enterprise email security solution as training and user education, are is needed that enables us to ongoing. significantly eliminate spam, improve anti-virus protection, and Users will be migrated to the reduce the cost and complexity of Zimbra platform on a regional b our email system. The team has asis. A few key centres in the UK Retreat Centre, selected Postini from the (Global Lighthouse Retreat Centre in numerous options available. Worthing, Innerspace Oxford, Postini has already been deployed for several months and will Wembley Innerspace and Janki continue to be used with Zimbra. Foundation) will be migrated before the 2nd of October 2009. The migration of email accounts in Africa, Australia, Russia and Europe will start after the 2nd November 2009. This rollout plan includes training materials and “practice” or “test” accounts so that users can become familiar with Zimbra. U I am rubber and yyou ou are glue ou say bounces off of me and sticks to yyou! ou! (Children’s slogan) glue,, whate whatevver yyou ©2009 Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University. All rights reserved. Portions of this publication may be reproduced or circulated only with the written permission of the editor. 17 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Regional Pr oject s: Eur ope Project ojects: Europe Eur ope’ com V oIP Europe’ ope’ss Inter Intercom VoIP Service Online Mailing List Sy stem System The Global IT team for several years has provided centres all over the world with VoIP services, thereby helping to reduce the cost of telephone calls between centres. (If you are new to the VoIP concept, please see the October 2005 issue of CONNECTIONS, archived g/media/ at w w w w.. b k w wss u . o rrg connections/). Until now, we have relied on a single server in the USA to support all the regions (excluding Madhuban, which has had its own VoIP server for some time). Have you ever subscribed online to receive a newsletter or regular service, like “Thought for the Day”, available from some of our national andretreat websites? Have you ever unsubscribed from receiving emails from a website? If so, behind the scenes you were interacting with some type of mailing list software.. In order to provide greater capacity and also improve service and audio quality, the team recently decided to deploy regional servers. The European team, consisting of Brs. Sasha, Vinai and Sandeep, recently completed migration of users from Europe, Africa, Australia, Russia and India onto the European server. Now they are in the process of deploying a server for the Asia Pacific region, and, when that is completed, Australasian users will be migrated onto that. These migrations will not affect VoIP service; centre users anywhere in the world will still be able to communicate with centre users in any other part of the world as they currently do. Once the deployment of regional servers is complete and users have been migrated onto their respective regional server, each region will be responsible for maintaining its own VoIP services.U 18 Mailing list software enables the creation and maintenance of an online mailing or distribution list. The software can be manually administered, but often the process is automated, allowing individuals to add or delete their names from the list. A number of mailing list software packages are currently in use across the BK world, although PHP is deployed in the majority of instances. Several concerns have been raised regarding PHP, however, and consequently an Online Mailing System project was initiated to evaluate other open source and commercial options and recommend an appropriate alternative. Following a trial period, OpenEMM was selected as the software that best meets the needs of the European region. Being open source it is also free. The software .openemm.or g/ website, www www.openemm.or g/, proclaims OpenEMM as “a feature-rich enterprise software for professional e-mail newsletters and e-mail marketing… Its code base ... is used… by companies like IBM, Siemens and Deutsche Telekom. OpenEMM Newsletter of Brahma Kumaris IT Worldwide offers already more than 95% of the functionality of most commercial products and some features commercial products do not offer right now (i.e. MySQL support).” OpenEMM is easy to set up on a single server. The Online Mailing List team is led by Sr. Vasanti. Evaluators include Sr. Chitrakala and Br. Simon. The technical team consists of Brs. Andelo and Sasha, and template design is the responsibility of Br. Jaydev. The team is currently finalizing the selection and will soon begin deployment and designing common customisable templates for BK use.U Eur opean Identity European Management Pr oject Project Currently Baba’s national and centre coordinators need to remember many different usernames and passwords in order to access BK systems such as the Madhuban Classes Portal, the Double Foreigners Madhuban Travel Database, and the upcoming mailing list system (OpenEMM). By using an Identity Management server for user authentication, one set of credentials can be used across different applications. Br. Sasha, the Technical Lead and Architect for this project, and Br. Gil, the Developer, will soon enable more applications to use Identity Management servers for user authentication. They will implement automatic single-sign on and central role management where possible.I October 2009 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Regional Pr oject s: India Project ojects: India IT Meet, March 2009 Following the March 2009 Retreat for BK Indian IT professionals, projects are now being launched and implemented under eight Special Interest Groups (SIGs). In addition to each group’s lead, a co-lead plays a supporting role in project tracking and deliverables. The SIGs are as follows: PMO; Application Development; Collaboration; Helpdesk; Infrastructure; Multimedia; Service; Website. Members of the PMO take care of project requirements, planning and deliverables, communication with the teams and stakeholders and sending periodic updates to seniors. Led by Br. Shashin, PMO members include Brs. Ajay, Bala, Bhanu, Chandrashekar, Dattatray, Deep, Deepak, Dilip, Mukesh, Raghu, Shanmugavel, Sushil, Tulsi, and Yashwant and Sr. Ashwini. Br. Sanjiv is also a key contributor. For information regarding any of the SIGs or their corresponding projects described below, please contact [email protected] [email protected]. U ©2009 Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University. All rights reserved. Portions of this publication may be reproduced or circulated only with the written permission of the editor. 19 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Scenes fr om from the India IT Team Meeting Mar ch 2009 March Shantiv an Shantivan 20 Newsletter of Brahma Kumaris IT Worldwide October 2009 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Regional Pr oject s: India Project ojects: Madhuban Netw ork Network Infr astructur e Infrastructur astructure (Infrastructure SIG) industry is underway. Its primary objective is to serve Baba’s India IT service team members in order that they may in turn serve the India-wide IT sector. Action plans have been put forth within the team and a final plan will soon be submitted to seniors for approval. The initiative will likely enlist target companies and utilize approved templates and standard service tools, such as offering one or two-day seminars/retreats at various cities across India. Team members include Brs. Ajay, Bhanu and Deepak and Sr. Nikky.U For the past several years, thanks to the tireless efforts of a group of dedicated souls, BKs abroad have benefitted greatly from receiving the live transmissions of BapDada’s meetings via BOL (Baba Online). Moreover, when travelling to Madhuban, many of us now take for granted the ability to sit down at a computer on any Madhuban campus to check our email, or connect our laptops wirelessly (thanks to the 20 Wi-Fi hotspots distributed across three campuses). However, did you know that the network infrastructure that makes all of this possible also provides other wondrous facilities? To mention just a few: Madhuban Classes P ort al Port ortal · 350 computers are networked across all three campuses. · Seventy-five departments and more than 1,000 Madhuban niwassis utilize an intercom facility for day-to-day communication. · Madhuban regularly sends programmes, service news, etc. to over a thousand centres in India and abroad across a 3Mbps Internet leased line. · Live video transmissions of Shantivan programmes, including Bapdada’s meetings, are regularly broadcast to Gyan Sarovar and Pandav Bhawan campuses, and vice versa. Baba says we are creating heaven with our own bodies, minds and wealth. Certainly this is true of the WiFi Tower for Gyan Sarovar souls on the IT Team, who have directly contributed since 2004 to improve the Yagya’s IT infrastructure. Br. Yashwant is the Project Lead, aided by Brs. Dilip, Dattatray and Sushim.U Serv e IT (Service SIG) Serve An initiative that utilizes the skills and resources of the India IT service team for giving Baba’s message to professionals in the IT Shiv Baba continues to share with us the ocean of knowledge. Inspired by Him, our dear Dadijis and senior brothers and sisters across the Madhuban complexes are also imparting their thoughts, churnings, and experiences on a regular basis. Additionally there are many public programmes and events happening on a daily basis that we may have missed or want to re-live again and again. The portal will provide BK teachers with a key to open this treasury of Madhuban jewels, providing a wonderful way to access recent and past classes and events in audio or video format. The Portal makes use of the Alfresco Share technology. Br. Shashin of London, aided by Br. Sasha, UK and Sr. Maithili, India are responsible for providing the service. Indian centres received access in September. Access for centres outside India will be given shortly after the India rollout.U ©2009 Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University. All rights reserved. Portions of this publication may be reproduced or circulated only with the written permission of the editor. 21 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Regional Pr oject s: India Project ojects: Madhuban Visit or Visitor Tracking Sy stem System (Application Development SIG) to generate reports needed by the departments that were mentioned previously. Impr oving Gener al Impro General Madhuban Security (Infrastructure SIG) This project is meant to provide an easy-to-use, secure, online method for registering details of participants coming to Madhuban for various programs. The system is designed to be used both for BapDada’s season as well as for other programs held at Madhuban throughout the year. In the long run, the system will be used for double foreigner registration also, in order to do away with the present cumbersome paperwork system. Initial development of the system is complete and integration testing of the various components is underway. The Campus module was successfully used for BapDada’s 2008-09 season and has been enhanced to work with the new Centre module. The plan is to roll-out the Centre Module to a few main centres by the end of October and release it to all centres thereafter. Phase I of an electronic, camera-based surveillance system to improve security on all three Madhuban complexes was completed in June and includes maintaining a log of all visitors to Madhuban.U In the existing scenario, anyone coming to Madhuban from India informs headquarters through their centre-in-charges either by letters, fax or email. Double foreigners are required to fill out two sets of papers on arrival, specifying arrival and departure details and any needed special arrangements. The ‘registration data’ thus collected is then used by the accommodation, kitchen, and transport departments, as well as by Sister Munni (to plan for gifts). 22 The Campus VB module was developed by Br. Shanmu and team from Chennai. Initial portions of the Centre module were done by Br. Shashi of Mumbai and have been enhanced by Br. Raghu of Bangalore. The infrastructure support is being provided by Brs. Dileep and Yashwant of Madhuban, with help / advice from Br. Sasha, UK. Br. Bala of Hyderabad is the Project Manager; Br. Shashin of London leads the project overall.U Madhuban Internet Security (Infrastructure SIG) A special server dedicated to restricting unauthorized access to the internet across the three Madhuban complexes became operational at the end of June. Using Virtual Local Area Network, or VLAN, technology, the Madhuban network has been made more robust and secure, and optimized for service activities. Access to tamoguni websites is being prevented with a content filter called Cyberoam®, www .c yber (www www.c .cyber, which monitors the internet utilization Madhuban computer workstations The Visitor Tracking System, which uses Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, Apache Web Server, and Ajax technology, comprises two modules: a Centre Module and a Campus module. The Centre Module is accessed over the internet by centres in India for sending to Madhuban the details of participants attending any program at headquarters. The Campus module (a Visual Basic application) is used by the Madhuban Accommodation Department to allot rooms for participants when they arrive and Newsletter of Brahma Kumaris IT Worldwide October 2009 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ and consumption of each user. From the company’s website, “Cyberoam gives complete visibility into “Who is doing What” in the network and allows policies to be created at the user level based on work profiles.” The service, which uses “multi-core processors optimized through software architecture”, was installed on the server in August. This project is led by Br. Yashwant, aided by Br. Dilip and others.U India W ebsites (Website SIG) Websites The popular India-based website www w.. b r a h m a k u m a r i s . c o m m, aimed at the global community, receives over two million unique visitors each month. A site dedicated to India events and .bkinf www.bkinf, receives news, www 200,000 unique visitors each month. Content Management System (CMS) technology has enabled rapid development of websites. The Shanti Sarovar Retreat Centre website was launched recently www .shantisar ovar .or g ) and a (www www.shantisar .shantisaro ar.or .org site for Om Shanti Retreat Centre is under construction. A third of the Yagya’s 18 Wings have websites: A man was praying. He said, “God!?” God responded, “Yes?” The man said, “Can I ask a question?” “Go right ahead,” God said. “God, what is a million years to you?” God said, “a million years to me is only a second.” “Hmmm,” the man wondered. Then he asked, “God, what is a million dollars worth to you?” God said, “a million dollars to me is as a penny.” So the man said, “God. can I have a penny?” And God cheerfully said, “Sure!!.....just a second.” The Sports Wing website will be launched in the near future. The website SIG comprises many members and is led by Br. Mukesh. A sub-team is forming to work on CMS-based websites using the award-winning Joomla® application www .joomla.or g/ www.joomla.or g/).U Business and Industry Wing: .bkbiwing.or www.bkbiwing.or .bkbiwing.orgg (IE browser only); www Education Wing: .bk edu.or g (IE browser only; www.bk .bkedu.or www not yet available in English) Media Wing:; www Medical Wing: .bkmedicalwing.or g; www.bkmedicalwing.or www Scientists and Engineers Wing: www .bk se w.or g; www.bk .bkse sew .org Youth Wing: g; www .bky outh.or www.bky .bkyouth.or Global F estiv al W ebsite Festiv estival Website With the help of various ad hoc IT team members, Br. Karuna has launched a website in support of the Global Festival programme: www .globalfestiv www.globalfestiv A portal that allows centres to share promotional and other material related to this programme has also been set up. Live updates of programmes as they happen are http:// available at: liv e.bkmedia.or g. U live So ftw ar e De velopment Softw ftwar are Dev elopmentss echnical Support Technical &T (HelpDesk SIG) Policies are in place for using Open Source software for projects wherever possible. Bulk licenses for Microsoft Windows, MS Office and antivirus software have been procured for Madhuban and some centres. India-wide, a HelpDesk team is in place for providing assistance with configuring VoIP telephone and BOL, and for troubleshooting problems with MS Windows and Office. Brs. Chandrashekar and Shashi are the project leads, aided by Br. Deep and members of the HelpDesk and Application Development SIGs.U “There is one thing that is common to every individual, relationship, team, family, organization, nation, economy, and civilization throughout the world — one thing which, if removed, will destroy the most powerful government, the most thriving economy, the most influential leadership, the greatest friendship, the strongest character, the deepest love. “On the other hand, if developed and leveraged, that one thing has the potential to create unparalleled success and prosperity in every dimension of life. Yet, it is the least understood, most neglected, and most underestimated possibility of our time. “That one thing is trust.” --Stephen M.R.Covey ©2009 Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University. All rights reserved. Portions of this publication may be reproduced or circulated only with the written permission of the editor. 23 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Regional Pr oject s: India, continued Project ojects: India V oIP Services VoIP (Infrastructure SIG) Alfr esco ffor or SIGs Alfresco (Collaboration SIG) More than 500 centres in India and abroad currently use the Yagya’s VoIP services to make free telephone calls. In addition, over 1,000 “Closed User Group” BSNL mobile phones in Madhuban have the facility to make free calls anywhere in India and abroad. The estimated annual savings from such VoIP telephone services is 20 lakh Rupees, or nearly $42K USD. Installation of an additional VoIP server in Thailand by the end of June is enabling more centres in Asia / India region to call Madhuban or other centres at no cost. Through this facility, centres can also listen to Madhuban classes free of charge.U All the SIG teams for India IT have been provided Alfresco Share portal access, which features blogs, wikis, discussion boards, chats, document sharing, etc. that enable team collaboration and work-flow management. The lead for this project is Sr. Ashwini, assisted by Brs. Dilip and Deepak.U Video and TTele-confer ele-confer encing ele-conferencing (Media SIG) OpenEMM ffor or Bulk Email (Collaboration SIG) The number of registered India IT team members currently exceeds 1,100. In light of the team’s rapid expansion, it became necessary to replace PhP, the existing method of mass communication through email. Therefore the team is in the process of migrating to OpenEMM, the open source mailing list software also being using in Latin America and Europe. This will enable one-way communication/ announcements between the project management team and all members of the entire India IT team. Br. Shashin of London is the project lead, aided by Brs. Deepak, Dilip and Sandeep.U Spr eed ffor or E-confer encing Spreed E-conferencing (Collaboration SIG) The India IT team is using the Spreed web conferencing system www .spr (www www.spr for conducting periodic meetings and reviews. Spreed allows document sharing, online presentation, mind mapping, desktop sharing and multiple-way telecommunication. This project is managed by Brs. Dilip and Deepak.I ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Since 2005, video conferencing facilities have been successfully used to broadcast India megaprogrammes and other events. Wing administrators, Regional and National Coordinators, and the IT Team itself are making good use of teleconferencing facilities which enable up to 30 people to conference and make collective and immediate decisions on specific matters.U Synchr oniz ed Y oga (PMO) Synchroniz onized Yoga Half-hour-long, synchronized yoga drills are conducted every weekend (Saturdays at 7pm IST). To be a part of this effort, contact [email protected] [email protected] One meets his destin oid it.- French proverb destinyy often in the road he takes to av avoid 24 Newsletter of Brahma Kumaris IT Worldwide October 2009 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ SAFE COMPUTING Safe Computing ffor or the Body by Br. Bala Kishore, India Our previous issues have focused on technological aspects of safe computing. However there are many hazards to computer users as well. Prolonged computer use can result in eye strain, back problems, numbness in hands and feet, repetitive strain injury (RSI), carpal tunnel syndrome and fatigue. An entire industry of human engineering and ergonomics has arisen to study how people physically interact with their job, equipment and work environments—and to provide effective solutions so that people can work in safety, comfort and with increased productivity. Critical areas with respect to computer use are the location of the monitor, the keyboard, user seating and work area lighting. Some examples of poor monitor ergonomics include: needing to twist your neck to look at the monitor instead of looking straight ahead at it; needing to tilt your head in order to look at the screen because the monitor is too high or too low. If the keyboard is too high, causing your hands to be at an angle, the nerves running through your wrists can rub. Also, needing to hold your elbows away from the body can lead to aching in your upper back, shoulders and neck. This latter position causes tension in the neck muscles and can lead to headaches. Positioning your mouse too far away can cause a strain on your shoulder. A seat that presses into the underside of your thighs and/or does not support your back can also create problems. Do y ou compute you lik e this? like The good news is that, in most cases, corrective measures are relatively simple and inexpensive. Following the ergonomic guidelines shown in the attached diagram can help you prevent common injuries associated with the use of computers. Here are some additional links with helpful information: Brother Bala offers the following additional tips, based on his personal experience: 1. Regular Exercise (for at least half-an-hour daily) to strengthen low back, hands, legs, neck, shoulders, fingers so that they gain enough strength to handle the stresses and strains of a busy work-day. Computer-related Repetitive Strain Follow the simple guidelines in Injury: the accompanying illustration. si.html 2. Don’t sit for more than 45 Repetitive Strain Injury: minutes in front of your www .r epetitiv e-str ain-injury .com/ www.r .repetitiv epetitive-str e-strain-injury computer. Take regular breaks. Walk around for a couple of A Patient’s Guide to Low Back Pain: minutes before you resume your www p a t i e n t _ e d u c a t i o n / 6 5 70 / work. (The way Br. Bala does lo w_back_pain.html low_back_pain.html this is by going to fetch a glass of water from the Low Back Pain: cafeteria every hour or so. He .medinf www www.medinf personally discourages use of lo wbackpain.html lowbackpain.html big water bottles which will rob Office Ergonomics: you of this opportunity. You www .o ffice-er www.o .office-er might think this is a waste of time, but Br. Bala cautions that Desktop Yoga: if you don’t take such measures www .will-harris .com/y oga/r si.html www.will-harris .com/yoga/r oga/rsi.html ©2009 Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University. All rights reserved. Portions of this publication may be reproduced or circulated only with the written permission of the editor. 25 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Perfect Computer User Er gonomics Ergonomics now you will have “ample” time soon enough when you will be unable to do much of anything!) 3. Don’t neglect early signs of problems or postpone seeking medical advice. Each day you postpone could rob you of your professional life for days, months or years in the future!I Internet Security 26 For those of you concerned about internet security, the BBC recently published a video clip on their technology page entitled, “Webcam under hacker’s control”. In the clip, a reformed hacker reveals how anyone might inadvertently download a ‘Trojan’ that can monitor everything you do on your computer. In this case the ‘victim’ visited an illegal software download site and downloaded software he wanted to get for free. Trojans that download with such software can use your webcam to listen and watch you make phone calls. They can record your keystrokes when you type in your name or ID and password on a supposedly ‘secure’ website and then relay this information to persons who can gain total control of your computer and thus even “total control of your life” (to paraphrase a statement from the video). A security firm, Prevx, produced the video as a warning to w s .bbc consumers. (nn eew technology/80 3920 7.stm technology/803920 39207.stm 7.stm) I Newsletter of Brahma Kumaris IT Worldwide What is the hardest thing to break? A habit habit. Here’s why: If you break the H, you still have A BIT. If you break the A, you still have BIT. If you break the B, you still have IT! Hey, after you break the T in IT, there is still the ‘I’. And that (I) is the root cause of all the problems. Right..?? Now you know why a HABIT is so hard to break…. The clue (I) is in its name. October 2009 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ AFRICAN REGION: avneec@y ahoo .co .uk avneec@yahoo Sr. Avnee Chauhan, UK [email protected] Sr. Grace Lopez-Charles, Ghana Br. Hiren Hargoven, Zimbabwe Hiren.Hargo [email protected] Br. Navin Kumardew, South Africa [email protected] .za [email protected] Sr. Pratiba Daya, South Africa [email protected] yratty@m Br. Vikram Dookna, Mauritius kho khoyratty@m [email protected] [email protected] Br. Vinai Shah, UK Key contribut or s: Brs. Karim and Emmanuel (Gabon), Srs. contributor ors: Malla Jevan and Usha Jevan (South Africa), Br. Gildas (Ghana), Br. Nick Christian (UK), Br. Michael (Nigeria), Srs. Niti Baboolall and Sangeeta Mackun (Mauritius), Br. Andelo Tabu Ngandi (UK), Vishwanath Pacheymootoo (DR Congo) AMERICAS: Sr. Analia Garcia, Argentina Br. Anand Singh, Trinidad analia@bkinfo .net [email protected] anand.singh@m .com anand.singh@myycmmb .net anoop@bkinfo [email protected] Br. Anoop Das, USA Br. Emiliano Cara, Brazil [email protected] ahoo .com Sr. Hemlata Sanghi, Trinidad hemalatasanghi@y hemalatasanghi@yahoo Br. Janardhan Chodagam Sr. Sandhya Kanthan, USA Br. Vivek Kashyap, USA [email protected] sandh .net sandhyya@bkinfo [email protected] viv ekkash vivekkash [email protected] Sr. Waddy (Veronica McHugh), USA miami@us [email protected] or s: Br. Edgar Garzon, Colombia; Br. Luis Key contribut ors: contributor Sanchez, Mexico; Br. Isaac Pedraza, Peru ASIA P ACIFIC REGION: PA [email protected] Br. Kumar, Malaysia Br. Sanath Sukumaran, Malaysia Br. Vinu Chhima, Australia [email protected] vin [email protected] [email protected] Key contribut or s: Brs. Ramanathan and Ravi and Srs. contributor ors: Chandra and Vicky EUR OPE: EUROPE: Br. Allan Schweitz, UK Br. Andelo Tabu Ngandi, UK Sr. Chitrakala Uthappa, UK Br. Gil Fernandes, UK Sr. Gopi Patel, UK [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] gopi.patel@globalretreatcentre .org [email protected] ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Cont act Det ails o oject /T echnical LLeads eads Contact Details off Pr Project /Technical EUR OPE, continued: EUROPE, Sr. Isabelle Gauthier, UK Isabelle [email protected] [email protected] Br. Jaydev Pinara, UK jay de [email protected] jayde [email protected] Br. Matthew Earl, UK [email protected] .uk [email protected] [email protected] Sr. Rekha Vallishayee, UK [email protected] Br. Sandeep Somavarapu, UK Br. Sasha (Alexander Polev), UK [email protected] Br. Sathesan Gegathesa, UK bk_sathesh@y ahoo .com bk_sathesh@yahoo Br. Shashin Shah, UK [email protected] [email protected] Br. Simon Blandford, UK Br. Tony (Tahir Khan), UK [email protected] [email protected] Sr. Vasanti Patel, UK [email protected] Br. Vinai Shah, UK Key contribut or: Br. Anthony Phelips contributor: INDIA: [email protected] Br. Ajay Nair [email protected] Sr. Ashwini Chavale [email protected] Br. Bala Kishore bhan [email protected] [email protected] Br. Bhanu Prasad [email protected] Br. Chandra Shekar [email protected] Br. Dattatray Gursale deep [email protected] [email protected] Br. Deep Singh Br. Deepak Subramanian Br. Dilip Gudimetla [email protected] [email protected] Sr. Maithili Shetty [email protected] Sr. Monica Gupta monica@interactivebees ebees .com monica@interactiv Br. Mukesh Rakholia [email protected] Br. Raghu Kumar [email protected] Br. Sanjiv Gupta sanjiv [email protected] [email protected] Br. Shanmugavel [email protected] Br. Shashin Shah, UK Br. Shashi Kumar Br. Sushil Br. Tulsi Br. Yashwant [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] s: Sr. Nikky, Br. Sushim Key Contribut or Contributor ors: ©2009 Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University. All rights reserved. Portions of this publication may be reproduced or circulated only with the written permission of the editor. 27 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Glossary o erms off T Terms [Note: A consolidated glossary of all terms defined in previous CONNECTIONS newletters may be found at http:// www .bkw su.or g/media/connections www.bkw .bkwsu.or g/media/connections.] A Banner is an identifying heading and/or logo at the top of a website. The future of computing? http://www documents in their orignal format irrespective of the program by which or the platform on which they were created. A Trojan is a software program that appears desirable but in fact contains something harmful, like a virus or worm.I BOL stands for Baba Online, the live transmission of BapDada’s seasonal programmes. Bug Fix is a tiny program/ utility that repairs flaws in a software program. THE SECRET The Creator gathered all of Creation and said, "I want to hide something from the humans until they are ready for it. It is the realization that they create their own reality." The eagle said, "Give it to me, I will take it to the moon." The Creator said, "No. One day they will go there and find it." CMS stands for Content Management System, a software program that formats, manages and stores web information. CSS CSS, acronym for Cascading Style Sheets, is a set of standards that specifies how a document should appear on the web. The salmon said, "I will bury it on the bottom of the ocean." eLearning refers to learning conducted via the internet or other “e” e”lectronic media. "No. They will go there too." Ergonomics comes from the Greek words “ergon” (work) and “nomoi” (natural laws). Thus ergonomics refers to the relationship of a human being to her/ his work environment and to factors in that environment which affect human comfort and efficiency. The buffalo said, "I will bury it on the Great Plains." The Creator said, "They will cut into the skin of the Earth and find it even there." Grandmother Mole, who lives in the breast of Mother Earth, and who has no physical eyes but sees with spiritual eyes, said, "Put it inside of them." And the Creator said, "It is done." 28 Cloud computing uses internetbased development or distant (cloud) 3rd party servers for data management and storage. Moodle is “an Open Source Course Management System (CMS)...a tool for creating online dynamic web sites for...students.” http:// moodle .or g/about/ moodle.or .org/about/ PDF stands for Adobe® System’s Portable Document Format. It enables printing and viewing of Newsletter of Brahma Kumaris IT Worldwide Feedback W elcome! Welcome! We hope you’ve found this newsletter informative and easy to understand. We welcome your suggestions and feedback. Please submit your comments to, or request for previous issues from, [email protected] [email protected]. You are also warmly invited to submit IT-related articles, jokes, cartoons or other relevant information of timely interest for our next issue. October 2009