Implied Main Ideas


Implied Main Ideas
Implied Main and Central Ideas
Presentation by
Gnanaseharan Selliah
Selliah,, M.A.
Department of CELAC/ESOL/BELA
Saint Peter’s University, Jersey City.
Implied Main and Central Ideas
An implied main idea is a main idea that is not
clearly stated in one sentence but is suggested by
supporting details.
We can find implied main idea by extracting the
summary from the supporting details.
Short stories, novels, poems and plays often rely
on vivid details to suggest the author’s point,
which is left unstated.
Who or what the paragraph is about- The topic?
Does all or most of the material in the paragraph
support this main idea?
Based on the details about the topic, what point
or main idea is the author attempting to deliver
across to the reader?
What is the implied main idea of the cartoon?
Copyright 1997 by Randy Glasbergen.
Figuring out Implied Main Idea
You can figure out the implied main idea by looking at
the following supporting details:
1. The man’s coworkers are complaining
that he doesn’t leave coffee for anyone else.
2. He has such a caffeine high that he is flying!
The Implied Main idea is that he is drinking
too much coffee.
What is the implied
main idea?
Radios have been stolen from four cars in our
parking garage this month. Each time, the thieves
have managed to get by the parking garage security
with radios in hand, even though they do not have a
parking garage identification card, which people
must show as they enter and exit the garage. Yet each
time, the security officers say they have seen nothing
There is something wrong with the security in the parking garage.
Copyright By Learning Express Editors.
Implied Main Idea-Review
Main idea is the central or most important idea in a
paragraph or passage. It states the purpose and sets the
direction of the paragraph or passage.
If the author doesn't directly state the main idea of the
text, it's up to the reader to infer what the main idea is.
To find the implied main idea, ask question to yourself:
“what do each of the detail of the passage have in
Figuring out what the author wants you to know will
help you identify the implied main idea.
Implied Main Ideas- Practice Questions
Find the Implied Main ideas
Paragraph 1
One technique to manage stress is self-hypnosis. Another relaxation
technique is the relaxation response. In this technique, one learns how to
quiet the body and mind. Still another way to manage stress is
progressive muscular relaxation. This is a procedure in which muscles are
contracted and relaxed systematically. Other techniques include yoga,
quieting, and diaphragmatic breathing.
Paragraph 2
People who are obese are likely to develop type II, non-insulin dependent
diabetes. In fact, 90% of obese people develop this disease. Seventy
percent of obese people will develop heart disease, and 33% will develop
hypertension. Colon and breast cancers are also linked to obesity.
(Adapted from Hahn and Payne, Focus on Health)