Steve Shurter


Steve Shurter
Okapi Session
AZA Mid Year Conference 2016
Welcome and Introduction Steve Shurter, White Oak
Okapi EEP – Sander Hofman, Antwerp Zoo
Okapi Program – Jess Ray, PMC
Okapi Conservation Project – John Lukas,
OCP President
Okapi Conservation Global – Discussion
Epulu Station circa 1960
Ann Petric
Okapi SSP Coordinator – 25+ years
Who Are We ?
Okapi as Ambassadors
• Education & Awareness
• Link with zoos
• Increasing threats
• Sustainable population
• Conservation action
Telling the okapi story
Okapi and the Ituri Forest
• Okapi
first described in 1901
Congo conservation icon endemic species
• Ituri
Forest crucial okapi habitat
Ituri Forest – 175,000 sq. km.
1992 - Okapi Wildlife Reserve
1996 - World Heritage Site
Okapi Care, Management, Health
Health and Management Challenges
Male holding
Heart problems in pregnant females
Impact of new holders
3 founders from Epulu
Recent import from UK Chester
42 okapi births in 30 years
SSP okapi increase of 77%
Conservation $$
Joined SSP 1985
Okapi Studies
Celebrating a Wondrous Creature
Thank you for zoo support!
How do we measure success?
Okapi SSP
Goals 2016
• Managed population > 200 @ 90%GD
• Increased # holding institutions – criteria for
• Improved husbandry – updated husbandry
• Research and okapi health – advisory group
• Education programs – awareness & action
• Support for Okapi Wildlife Reserve with OCP

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