the PDF file


the PDF file
End-Time Pilgrim
A scripturally based devotional guide
into the 70th Week of Daniel and the
climactic final 7 years of this age.
The Olivet Discourse.
by Gavin Finley MD
"The disciples came to Jesus privately, asking, 'Tell us, when
will these things be? And what will be the sign of your coming,
and the sign of the end of the age?'" -Mat.24:3
They still come to Him privately today, with the same two
questions. And for those to who have ears to hear He answers,
- privately.
The Commission - from Matthew 28:18-20
Download the PDF file
of this home page.
The Watch - from Ezekiel 33:6
The Calling - from Isaiah 62:6
The Zeal - from Jeremiah 20:9
About Us
Statement of Faith
The articles, PowerPoint presentations, charts, diagrams, and
videos on this website by Gavin Finley are offered into the
Kingdom of God for the purpose of fulfilling the Great
Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ, to "make disciples of
all nations". None of the articles are copyrighted. They are
offered freely to all. You may abbreviate them, make abstracts
of them, and expand on them as you wish for use in Christian
ministry. The articles, in whole or in part, may be linked, copied,
o r printed out for distribution into any and all venues, media,
and publishing outlets without any restriction whatsoever. The
time is late. I WANT this information to go viral. With these
articles go my prayers and best wishes to all.
Where Will You Spend Eternity?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . And With Whom?
The Great Commission
Daniel's Prophecy of the 70 Weeks
Light Evangelism Ministry - Liberia
The Yair Davidiy interview videos
All our uploaded YouTube Videos
NEW! Interview with Christopher Mantei
on the Wings of the Eagle radio program
To play the MP3 click HERE.
Interview with Chris Steinle
on the Trunews radio program along with
James Taylor of
To play the MP3 click HERE.
Dead Sea Scrolls - The Great Isaiah Scroll
Click on the scroll to read in English. Try Isaiah 6 or 53.
The WEBY 1330 AM radio show
"America in Bible Prophecy"
with Pastor Carl Gallups.
To play the MP3 click HERE.
Interview with Brian Simmons on the concurrent
Click to watch the free
online video of the
made by Jim and Penny
Caldwell. The Rock in the
Wilderness is four stories
tall. (Please be discrete with
whom you share this video.
The real Mount Sinai,
located in the ancient
territory of Midian, is in in
S**di Ar*6ia.)
Great End-Time Apostasy and Great End-Time
To play the MP3 click HERE.
Daniel's 70th Week
The Rock at Horeb
that Moses struck twice.
also called the Tribulation Chart.
The First 69 Weeks of
Daniel's 70 Week Prophecy
Tim Warner's breakthrough work on the Mazzaroth,
with mp3 audio messages for your iPod or other device.
The Seven Feasts of Israel.
Sinners in the hands of an
angry God, Part 1 and ..... 'Beyond the Next Mountain'
'More Than Dreams'
Part 2 by Jonathan Edwards 'God's Outlaw'
The New World, 1741.
The 180 Movie
'Time Changer'
by Ray Comfort.
'The Radicals'
The New World Order
'John Wycliffe'
by Leonard Ulrich.
'John Hus'
The Fall Feasts and Daniel's 70th Week.
'Unfaithful Shepherds' by Tim Warner.
'Kundilini Warning' by Andrew Strom.
'The Church and the Tribulation' by Robert Gundry.
'Listen, I Tell You A Mystery' by Richard Perry.
'The Dead Soul Syndrome' by Jay Altieri.
A KJV Linear Harmony of the
Olivet Discourse by William S. Hall Jr.
A KJV Linear Harmony of the
Four Gospels by William S. Hall Jr.
Click on the
image link to the
left to go to a
YouTube video
of the testimony
Hamilton, a 22
Australian girl
swept out into
the South China
Sea on a small
outrigger canoe into a tropical storm. For three days she was
lost at sea and there she cried out to find that she was not
alone. Michelle's website is aptly named, Jonah Ministries
and the URL is She has a deep
appreciation for the Hebraic roots of our faith and an interest in
the blood covenant, atonement, and the Feasts of Israel. There
are a number of very wonderful PDF's of Powerpoint teachings
on these themes and freely accessible to all available on her
Click on the Trailer.
A future 7 year time span going from Tishri to Tishri
86 moons will stake out the final seven years of this
age. .
The 1260 days, (last half), of the 70th Week
The 1290 days and the 70th Week
Major Discovery #1
T he Fall Feasts of Israel stake out the final 7
years of this age.
The final seven years of this age, a period of
1260 days + 1290 days o r 2550 days is
staked out precisely by the first two of the
Fall Feasts of Israel. In 2003 this author
discovered that when the seven year Tishrei to
Tishrei time span is 86 moons in the Metonic
cycle, (and not 87 moons) and when we begin
counting out the days from the Hebrew new
year, Rosh Hashanah, or the Feast of
T rumpets considering this Tishrei 1 date as
day #1 and then count out into the seven year
or 86 moon plus 9 day time span which is
2549 days beyond that we come to day
More Than Dreams
For decades, a phenomenon
has been recurring in the
world. Men and
women – without any
knowledge of the Gospel and
without any contact with
– have been
forever transformed after
experiencing dreams and
visions of Jesus Christ.
often come from "closed
countries" where preaching
the Gospel is forbidden and
Christianity can invoke the death sentence. A common
denominator appears to be that the dreams come to those who
are seeking to know and please God. A wonderful movie/DVD
has been made of five of those individuals. Each found
themselves drawn through a strait and difficult gate and into
glories they could not have imagined. The YouTube videos
below tell the stories of four of them. Click on the image at left
to go to the website,
YouTube The Story of Khalil Part 1, 2, 3,
The Story of Mohammed Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
The Story of Dini Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
The Story of Khosrow Part 1, 2, 3,
Islamic Conquest: What America Needs to Know
by Bill Federer, from the VCY Rally 4/2/11 VCY America TV on
Featured Articles
Corrie Ten Boom comments on the current popular
Pre-Trib Rapture teachings and brings a word of
warning to the church.
---------------------------Ruth B. Graham, wife of Billy Graham, expresses her
thoughts concerning the Rapture.
Light Evangelism Ministry website
Please consider sending a
donation to a very worthy
but underfunded mission
in Africa. Light Evangelism
Ministry (LEM) is a faithful,
well run, and very fruitful mission operating in war torn and
Ebola ravaged Liberia and Guinea. You can see what is
happening over there if you go to the LEM YouTube Channel
Brother Neh-kewon (Mark) Dahn and his wife Eunice are from
Liberia. They established the ministry in 1989. As the civil war
began they were forced into exile across the border in the Ivory
Coast. There Brother Mark taught himself French and during 7
years he worked as a construction foreman, pastored a church,
and worked with SIM. I met Mark in 1999 when he was over
here in the US completing his Biblical studies at Pensacola
Christian College. Mark lives close by and we have worked
closely together ever since. I am the board chairman of the
mission and we have some very wonderful board members
which include 2 ministers, two physicians and some very
enthusiastic and gifted people committed to advance the
mission for the glory of God. The Light Evangelism Ministry was
incorporated in the US as a 501-c3 ministry in 2005. Our
#2550 to discover that we have arrived right
on Tishrei 10, the Day of Atonement. This
epic future Yom Kippur will come into its New
Covenant fulfillment at the end of the final
seven years of this age with the trumpets of
Jubilee blowing to announce the Y ear of
Jubilee, the opening year of the Millennium of
S e e this Y O U T U B E video,
or this
POWERPOINT or this PDF File of that same
Major Discovery #2
T he Day of Atonement will be the last day of
this age..
T he Day of Atonement is not appreciated for
what it is. It is the last day of this age. This
Yom Kippur of all the Yom Kippurs that have
gone before it is grand central station to the
End-Time. It is the 'Last Day' of this present
evil age. Atonement for sin is a legal matter.
And as a legal matter this final Day of
R eckoning / Day of (Blood) C overing / Day
of Accounting / Day of R econciliation will
see Messiah as High P riest bring the ultimate
blood covering upon the mercy seat for all the
saints, both the living and the dead. O nly
then can the harvest angels be released to
execute. At sunset space-time will unzip and
the heavens will be rolled back on the Day of
the Lord. The angels of wrath will then pluck
up the wicked, gathering them as tares or
weeds and bundling them up to be burned in
the everlasting fires of Hell. After this and on
a day and hour unknown, the Elect will be
the Resurrection-Rapture.
Messiah will then sort out the mortals that
remain in the Sheep-G oat Judgment. Then
He will establish His 1,000 year Millennial
Kingdom here on earth to the praise of men.
S e e this Y O U T U B E video,
or this
POWERPOINT or this PDF File of that same
Major Discovery #3
Israel's Missing Jubilees; - Found!
Israel's missing Jubilees have been found!
T h e 70 W eeks P rophecy are ten 49 year
Jubilee cycles of 490 Biblical years and they
take us right through to the climax at the very
last day of the age. The ten Jubilees are
neatly gift wrapped up in those 490 Biblical
years, the seventy sevens, the time God has
"determined" for His Holy City and His holy
people. The 70 W eeks T imeline has been
"determined" or "cut out of time" by God for
dealings with all His covenant people from
both houses of Israel. See Daniel 9:24. From
Daniel 9:27 we see that there are seven years
remaining out of those 490 years. The Seventy
W eeks of Daniel ends in spectacular fashion,
as we might expect, with that long awaited
epic Jubilee of Messiah.
S e e this Y O U T U B E video,
or this
POWERPOINT or this PDF File of that same
financial statements are readily available and soon to be put up
on the website. The mission runs on a shoestring. Brother Mark
and his family live on a very limited salary and in very humble
circumstances. Over 70% of the funds raised actually go to
West Africa to support the mission.
Here in the USA Brother Mark serves with LEM seeking
ministry partners and raising support for the ministry among the
churches. Meanwhile, in West Africa a network of committed
native pastors and evangelists are being assisted by LEM in
their ministry. The past ten years have seen over four thousand
saved. The mission campus east of Monrovia includes a
guesthouse, a school with 160 students, dormitories for
orphans, and a clinic. This last year saw the foundations laid for
a church. There is a Jesus Film outreach and Children's Bible
conferences. Many are being nurtured in the faith and churches
are being planted in the hinterlands as well as across the
borders in Guinea and the Ivory Coast. Widows and orphans of
the civil war are being helped and medicines are being
dispensed. The mission performed a life-saving food
disstribution program during the recent Ebola crisis. After 15
years of internal conflict there are many amputees. 550
wheelchairs have been shipped. Half of them them have been
assembled there in Liberia by the vocational arm of Light
Evangelism Ministry. However we need more funds to distribute
them to those who really need them desperately in the back
After 15 years of civil war the roads in Liberia are impassable
in the wet season. Native evangelists and pastors are actually
using the bicycles and the motorcycles LEM has provided to
share the Gospel. An orphanage and orphan support has been
wonderfully assisted by people on our board. When the roads
are passable the two Toyota Tacoma pick-up trucks we sent in
are carrying the evangelistic crew and the equipment for the
"Jesus film" to be shown in villages deep into the back country
of Liberia. Through it all hundreds of lasting commitments are
being made to Jesus. Bibles are being provided and new
believers are being nurtured in the faith.
This is a faithful mission. For those called to be stewards of the
Kingdom of God this a very good investment with eternal
rewards. Contributions can be made from the "Donate" button
on the bottom of the front page on the Light Evangelism
Ministry website or by clicking on the "Donate" button below
to the right. If you prefer you may send a check by mail to the
P.O. Box address below to the left. A receipt for tax purposes
will be promptly mailed to you by our treasurer/accountant
Light Evangelism
P.O. Box 4427
32507, USA
Visits since Nov. of 2000
If you would you like to create a link
to the End Time Pilgrim website click here.
The Saints of Days Past.
Do We Remember Them?. . .
Welcome to the
Pilgrim Pathway!
An introduction to this website.
NEW (and important!)
Yom Teruah
This is the Biblical name for the Feast of Trumpets o r Rosh
Hashanah. The word 'Teruah' is Strong's Hebrew word
#H8643 and it is a big new lead for those interested in Bible
prophecy and the Feast of Trumpets. The word Teruah in
Hebrew is absolutely loaded with some very telling connections
which give meaning to this very important upcoming feast,
moed, or divine appointment. 33 Biblical references to the
word 'Teruah' are just sitting there in the KJV waiting for us to
search and study them out. These verses have not yet been
explored! No one is talking about this awesome mother-lode of
Biblical info yet. Why not? Lets get on with it! Let's do our
homework people! Here are two YouTube videos to get us
started. They are Yom Teruah, the Teruah, and the Teruah
shofar blast and this one, Yom Teruah, the day of shouting
and the day of blowing of trumpets of alarm.
The True Blood Moon of the Apocalypse
This year, 2015, will see the second year of a lunar eclipse
tetrad that will darken the full moon of Passover and
Tabernacles. The lunar eclipses have been called "blood
moons". This is very unfortunate. Why? Because it cloaks and
obfuscates the true blood moon of the apocalypse and the
other two accompanying cosmic signs, that of the darkening of
the sun and the constellations with stars falling. These epic
cosmic signs will last 30 days right at the climax of this present
era. The true and genuine apocalyptic blood moon will be seen
right up to the last day, the Day of Atonement at the end of this
present evil age. All three cosmic signs will be seen right up to
the opening of the Day of the Lord.
'Paradise Road'
An prophetic and exhortational poem of the end-time drama
inspired by Hebrews 12:1,2 and the film, Paradise Road.
The Anabaptist Legacy of the Amish and
Mennonites and the End-Time Witness of the Saints
The Anabaptists were ahead of their time. The tumultuous
history of central Europe in the 1500's drew them into a radical
separation from the Church-State politics of this world and to
holiness before God. They rejected of the sword of the flesh
and took up the Sword of the Spirit, God's Holy Word. This is
the legacy they have handed to us, the Biblical Christians of the
West, as we come to the climax of the age.
The Seventy Weeks of Daniel;
An Extensive Biblical and
Astronomical Study
Daniel's Prophecy of the 70 weeks is an an important key to
Bible prophecy. The Edict of Artaxerxes Longimanus given to
Nehemiah on the new moon of Nisan in the springtime of 445
B.C. faithfully fulfills the Biblical criteria to fire the starting gun for
the '70 Weeks Prophecy'. The solar and lunar cycles can
accurately mark off the 173,880 day of the first segment of 69
weeks to arrive on the 10th day of the Nisan moon in 32 A.D..
This day was 32 A.D. 4 days before Messiah is "cut off". He
was executed on Passover. On that very day Jesus rode into
Jerusalem on a donkey, precisely as Zechariahah had
Christians in Rome during the third century going up into the
arena. This image is from the Mansell Collection. Click on the
image to go to Foxe's Book of Martyrs.
Recommending some excellent Videos of Church History
'Click' on the images below.
"God's Outlaw", William Tyndale, translated the Bible into
English whilst in hiding within the evangelical merchant
communities in Holland Germany, and Belgium. Here is a
YouTube trailer of this wonderful film. For years Tyndale was
hunted down by agents of King Henry VIII and the statelicensed
Church of England the king established. Tyndale was eventually
betrayed by a mole, a double agent sent into Europe by the
Bishop of London. Put on trial on a charge of heresyhe was
condemned and imprisoned. In October of 1536 he was
garroted and burned at the stake. Crucial Church-State lessons
we never thought we would ever have to learn are brought to
light in this superb video for the end time pilgrims.
The Swiss and German
The world was not ready for
their message. And they
were not prepared to
See this
short YouTube video
trailer. The stand they took
during the horrific and
bloody Reformation Wars in
their refusal to swear oaths
of allegiance to political
powers or to allow their children to be conscripted into Catholic
or Reformist armies often cost them their lives. Their rejection
of the sword was quite different from the church-state view
embraced by the Roman Church, the Reformers, and the now
dominant Anglo-American Puritans. This was truly radical
Christianity. Their affirmation of the Kingdom of God in their
Christian communion and community life is still seen today in
Amish and Mennonite church life. It will be seen again in the
70th Week of Daniel, the final 7 years of this present age. This
dramatic and superbly produced video addresses the crucial
subject of "the cross vs. the sword" and the issue of "political
protection vs. spiritual preservation". Western Christians will
face this fork in the road as they come into the end-time drama.
prophesied. (Zech. 9:9) This was the first and only official public
and political appearance of Jesus as "Messiah the Prince". It
was the Palm Day. This 10th day of Nisan, 32 A.D. marked the
terminus of the 69 weeks. In #7 of this series of articles and
YouTube videos we present the NASA lunar calculations
confirming the remarkably accurate findings of 19th Century
evangelical Scotland Yard Inspector Sir Robert Anderson. Here
online is in his book 'The Coming Prince'. A minor two day
variance over 476 odd years is of no consequence. We are
looking here at a confidence level of 1 in 100,000 or 99.999 %
accuracy. Daniel's prophecy clearly indicates that one 'week',
the '70th Week' of the Seventy Weeks prophecy is still most
certainly out there in our future. This climactic future seven year
timespan will mark the final seven years of this age.
The Future 70th Week
A faithful diligence in the study of Daniel's 70 weeks prophecy
will show that there is a future 70th Week. It is the final seven
years of the prophecy and the final seven years of this age. And
yes, some blockbuster issues will be addressed by Christian
believers in this coming time period. There is to be an end-time
witness of the saints, an End-Time Revival, and a full and
complete Restoration of All Israel. A host of marvelous
mysteries are yet to be unveiled and revealed before men and
angels. Unfortunately established churchianity does not want to
hear about this. Those into Dominion Theology think that
Christianity can take over the world and establish the Kingdom
Now without Messiah needing to return to do it. So a raging sea
of religious disinformation is being thrown against Daniel 9:27.
And a resurgent preterism is trying to make the truth of a future
70th week "go away".
Daniel's vision of the ram and he-goat
The prophet Daniel saw the attack of the he-goat upon the ram.
The story begins with the campaign of Alexander the great into
Medo-Persia. It continues with the Seleucids and the King of
the North out of which comes the little horn. Then the story gets
personal. It grabs us, takes us "back to the future", and compels
us to face things we do not want to hear about.
The Wheat and the Tares
The Parable of the Wheat and the Tares was a prophecy of the
end-time harvest taught by Jesus. As incredible as it may
seem, certain people, the seed of heaven, and the seed of the
devil, will be gathered off the face of this earth in the coming
awesome Day of the Lord. He said that the tares, (the followers
of the wicked one), would be plucked up first. See Mat. 13:30.
The harvest of the wheat, the Good Seed sowed by the Son of
Man will then follow. The children of the Kingdom, will go up in
(the Resurrection-Rapture). See 1Thes. 4:15,16,17. Does this
mean that the righteous, (the wheat in the parable), will actually
see the wicked being carried off kicking and screaming by their
angels, those evil angels of wrath? Will the righteous "see the
reward of the wicked" as spoken of in Psalm 91:7,8? And since
the harvest is an execution of that preceding finalizing legal
matter, the epic Day of Covering, the Last Day Judgment, the
Day of Sentencing, (the Day of Atonement), when must we
conclude that this two-fold harvest will occur?
The Deliverer is Coming!
The ending scene of the movie "The Searchers" starring John
Wayne is a classic. It illustrates many elements of the return of
Messiah as the Breaker. Here is the movie clip along with
some reflections on the coming of the Deliverer.
Why are Christians turning against Israel?
Many evangelicals are now turning against Israel and laying
charges against the Jewish house. In view of our situation in
Western Christendom this is hypocritical and judging before the
Will they stay on the Crusader/Puritan/Victorian path, the way of
the sword? Or will they pass up onto the Pilgrim pathway the
highway of holiness?
time. Just as we accuse the Jewish house of being the
compromised and partially blind company we in Christendom
are compromised and partially blind to our situation as well.
The Pensacola Post-Trib
Bible Prophecy Conference Held in October of 2002 this
was one of the very first meetings of post-trib evangelicals ever
assembled. We heard some wonderful expositions of the Holy
Scriptures regarding the latter days. And the turnout? It was
Creation Science Messages
by Dr. Sidney C. Phillips Jr.
(my esteemed father-in-law).
The classic book of daily devotional
readings compiled by Mrs. Chambers
from the life ministry of Scottish minister J.
Oswald Chambers. After a ministry on four
continents he sailed for Egypt in 1915
where he ministered to the ANZAC
soldiers of Australia and New Zealand.
The Gifts of the Holy Spirit in the coming
Many Fundamentalist Christians are declaring the gifts of the
Holy Spirit are not for today. They say that these gifts ceased
with the first Century Church. But are they being deceived, even
manipulated? Is it possible that we shall NEED these gifts as
we face the challenges that lie ahead? Are not the nine gifts
and nine graces an essential part of the equipping, part of the
spiritual armory of the saints for the end-time witness in the
latter days?
The Post-Tribulation Rapture and HITLER!
After many years of presenting Biblical truth about the end-time
scenario it seems that most Biblical Christians in the West do
not open their Bibles. Instead they listen to and are hypnotized
by teachers who teach a comfy Pre-Tribulation Rapture, a
doctrine of desertion that is without any Biblical foundation
whatsoever. Perhaps we in the Western nations are indeed
tricky Jacob after all. So, what to do? Perhaps a parody, a
spoof, might help?
Appeal to Heaven!
This was the standard and the ensign raised at America's
beginning. The same Appeal to Heaven will go up in times to
come, not just from the heartland of America but also from the
heartland of Israel and all the nations of Western Christendom.
'Prayer and Fasting, a Forgotten Secret', by Tom McGregor
A Place of Refuge during the Tribulation
& Ron Lagerquist. The pilgrim's gateway into spiritual and
physical healing and an entry into the miraculous. This excellent
Canadian resource includes some very practical information on
There are many scriptures indicating that there will be a place
of refuge during the coming storm, the Great Tribulation. We
know that this is first and foremost a spiritual place of
communion in God. But will there also be a physical place of
refuge away from the 666 economic system during those final
3.5 years of this age? The prophet Micah spoke of this in Micah
2:12,13. And the apostle John wrote of this in Rev. 12:6,14.
And before the Holy Scriptures were written the ancient
patriarchs pieced together this glorious end-time story in the
names and in the layout of the stars in the constellations.
Nimrod's agenda at the Tower of Babel was to pervert God's
celestial Message. And so the Mazzaroth was twisted by
profane ambitious humanistic men to become what we see
today, the horoscopes of the Zodiac. The latter day gathering
and the end-time deliverance of the Elect is outlined for us in
the constellation of the Lesser Sheepfold, the ancient name for
the Little Dipper or Ursa Minor. This must be a huge epic endtime exodus involving perhaps tens or even hundreds of
millions of people. So, where will this place of refuge be? It
cannot be Petra, a small canyon of rock caves in Jordan. It is
far too small. And logistically this confined space would be a
death trap in this age of fuel bombs and poison gas. And Petra
is situated right in the war zone of the latter days. No, the
Mystery Bozrah must of necessity be a much bigger and safer
place. Poetic Bible prophecy suggests that (mystery) Bozrah,
the place Messiah visits on His return as we see in Isaiah
chapter 63 will be out at 'the ends of the earth'.
Juice Fasting & Water Fasting.
Open Doors with Brother Andrew. The story of
Bible smuggling into the persecuted church in
China and elsewhere and how you can lend a hand.
A Passage from Job:
Evolution? Or Creation?
For those who may have forgotten their creator; and also those
who in the day of tribulation become dark and morose, and
want to question God;
Ezekiel's Vision of the Valley of Dry Bones
Some inspiring Old Testament poetry.
Holiness is not Legalism
A sermon by John Wesley, a famous preacher of the
Evangelical Awakenin who ministered in 18th century England.
An Inspiring Testimony from the Diary of Christopher
'The boy stood on the burning deck, . .'
An inspiring poem for the end-time pilgrims.
"If" - by Rudyard Kipling.
Another inspiring poem for the end time saints.
Simpson and his Donkey; Gallipoli - 1915
An inspiring story of devotion and sacrifice.
'It is not the Critic Who Counts.. '
An inspiring speech for the end-time pilgrims by Theodore
The Coming Year of Jubilee.
There is a lot of speculation about the coming Year of Jubilee.
Biblical Christians are beginning to understand that the
Jubilees are exclusively linked to the Seventy Weeks Prophecy.
S ee this YouTube video . The Seventy Weeks Prophecy, a
time segment of 490 years, is stated by the Holy Spirit to begin
with seven sevens or 49 years. This is a Jubilee cycle. And the
490 years of the Seventy Weeks is a perfect match for exactly
ten 49 year Jubilee cycles which indicates its terminus will
Roosevelt. Also known as 'The Man in the Arena'
Sadhu Sundar Singh
A short account of his life and testimony as he ministered
throughout India, in Tibet, then abroad including Australia.
The Laodicean Lie!
A timely warning concerning the spiritual state of today's
lukewarm western church by David Wilkerson.
'The Lady of Shalott'.
She only knows of Him in a mirror's dim reflection, and in her
tapestry images. Her truelove and beloved, the one betrothed
to her, has become a fading memory. A classic and tragic
poem of a woman beguiled by a worldly champion who draws
her away away from her bridegroom, the one to which she is
betrothed. She has lost contact with Him and no longer really
believes he will return. Similarly the established western church
no longer trusts the scriptures which clearly prophesy that her
promised Messiah will return. This poem is a spiritual dreamscape and a prophetic warning being expressed within the
literature of our culture. Is the Lady of Shalott a prophetic
showcasing of our worldly ecumenical Western church today as
she slowly and sadly drifts down the river towards
Camelot/Babylon in a tragic departure from the faith?
'The Man from Snowy River':
An inspiring Australian poem of a vigorous
and determined regathering of the lost.
come right on a Jubilee. But that is not all. The trumpets of
Jubilee are sounded on the Day of Atonement. Furthermore, we
now have evidence from our studies of the Fall Feasts of the
Lord that the Day of Atonement as a matter of legal necessity
must precede and usher in the Day of the Lord which will see
the execution of God's wrath and His deliverance. This final
Yom Kippur, (Day of Covering), will come at the end of 1260 +
1290 or 2550 days. So Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, will
come into its New Covenant fulfillment on the very Last Day of
this present evil age. All of this indicates that there is an epic
future Tishrei 10 Hebrew calendar date out there somewhere in
our future. It will come at the end of a future seven year time
span, the 70th Week of Daniel. On this awesome future Day of
Reckoning the trumpets will sound. The heavens will roll back
and space-time will be drawn aside as a curtain to reveal the
return of Messiah in the Day of the Lord. The angels of wrath
will specifically and personally pluck up the wicked. Then, after
the gathering of these tares the Elect will then be caught up in
the Resurrection-Rapture. The Jubilee Year of Messiah, the first
year of His Thousand Year Millennial Kingdom will have just
The Seven Feasts of Israel
are also known as the Feasts of the Lord, or the Jewish
Holidays. Seven Hebrew Holidays were instituted by God. Four
of them have already been fulfilled. Three more are yet to come.
And they will. They will erupt into holy history to realize their New
Covenant fulfilment during those climactic final seven years of
this age, the 70th Week of Daniel .
The Fall Feasts of Israel
These articles for the most part have been written by friends
and kindred spirits who in their article are bringing out
important truths on End-Time themes. I uphold the general word
and spirit they are expressing in their article. Of course some of
these writers happen to hold views with which I disagree on
other subject matter. Please understand that I am not endorsing
a person but just the article here they have written. As always,
use discernment and test the spirits, sentence by sentence, by
the Holy Scriptures in the Holy Spirit.
The next two feasts due to come up for fulfillment and erupt into
holy history are the Feast of Trumpets and the Day of
Atonement. This author has discovered that these two Fall
Feasts when they are placed seven years apart and include 86,
(not 87), moons stake out 2550 days. This is precisely the time
span encompassing the future 1260 + 1260 day 70th week of
Daniel plus the 30 day extension that reaches out beyond the
70th Week to include the 1290 days spoken of by the angel
Gabriel to Daniel and given to us in Dan.12:11. 1260 + 1290 =
2550 days. For certain seven year spans up ahead it is a
perfect match!
The Post Tribulation Rapture at the Last Trumpet- by Tim
The Feast of Trumpets
Warner at
The 5th feast is still unfulfilled. On some epic future Rosh
Hashanah the trumpets will sound the alarm. Why? What will
have happened? The mirror article is
The Keys to the Kingdom - by Mike Molyneux from New
Pressing on into the Kingdom - by Mike Molyneux
The Indifferent Church
- by Dene McGriff of The Tribulation Network.
The Coming Time of Jacob's Trouble.
A wonderful Biblically based and Israel faithful article warning
against the anti-apocalyptic harlot, Kingdom Now, and
dominionist mindset that is sweeping through the Church today.
Many are saying that Israel and the Church will be brought into
their final Millennial glory by the present day religious,
ecumenical, political, and military powers. Art Katz refutes this.
He shows from the scriptures that there will clearly be another
scattering and a final regathering of YHVH/God's covenant
people in the latter days of this age. Israel as we see it and
discern it today and the Church will both enter into the
Apocalypse. The Jewish house of Judah and the nations
representing the lost ten tribes, along with the global
Congregation and citizenship of the saints, the Commonwealth
of Israel, will all enter into the time of Jacob's trouble, the
Rosh Hashanah's Final Fulfillment
The Day of Atonement
The 6th of the 7 Feasts of Israel is still unfulfilled and up there in
our future. It appears that this awesome holy-day on the Jewish
calendar being that final Day of Reckoning is a key piece to
the jigsaw puzzle of end-time Bible prophecy. This ultimate day
of legal closure, Day of Reconciliation of Accounts, and the
Messianic Judgment Day is grand central station to the endtime drama. This future epic Yom Kippur or Day of Covering
will surely come. For the wicked it will be a Day of
Sentencing. For the justified it will be a Day of Pardoning
and an invitation into the glory. Very appropriately That Day will
erupt into holy history on the very Last Day of this present evil
age. As the sun sets on That Day the harvest angels will
loosed to execute that Judgment.
The Last Day
There are many references in Holy Scripture to the 'Last Day'
or "'That Day', singular. It is very last day of this age. And as
we are now discovering, it will be the ultimate blockbuster Day
crucible of the End-Time. The terminus of the Great Tribulation
will see the emergence of the single Elect. The Tribulation
Saints, refined as gold, will be heading up the parade of the
saints of all ages. (See Rev. 20:4-6.) All of the saints will enter
into the glory together! - by Art Katz
Dominionism and the
rise of Christian Imperialism
Will the Church take over the world? Will the Church conquer
the world and deliver it up to Christ on a platter? This is an
excellent expose' on Dominion Theology by Sarah Leslie.
The Jezebel Spirit
Here on PDF format is a superb article on the Jezebel spirit,
what it is, and its history as showcased in Scripture. Control
over others is through witchcraft, which by definition is an
illegitimate authority exerted over others by means of
intimidation and domination as well as seduction and
manipulation. The legitimate authority God has established is
crushed in order to set up in its place the Luciferian Kingdom of
Self. Christian compromise and entanglement with this spirit
will be the basis of the end-time Harlot Kingdom John saw in
Revelation 17. See also this chart The article points out
where the Jezebel spirit is operating through people in our
society today. The author is someone named Eddie.
Lifted Up on Eagle's Wings
This short story tells of a God who intervenes into human
history. He does it in miraculous ways, moving heaven and
earth and even seas for the ones He loves. When His covenant
people are being pursued by an overwhelming enemy it may
seem that there is no hope. Their backs are against the wall.
Behind them is the encroaching enemy. Before them is a
raging sea of death. But then, something happens. And wonder
of wonders, they find a Way of Deliverance opening up before
them. This short personal narrative bridges the time gap from
the Red Sea crossing to the future events that will occur at the
climax of the age. There is a point of commitment. Then we
discover that we are being invited into a serendipity. It is a
Wonder, a happy surprise, a glorious hope. The author is David
G. Sloss.
Spiritual Authority
God's vs. Man's
This is an excellent article on the much muddied subject of
spiritual authority by Ron and Karen Schwartz.
An Inspiring Testimony of
Deliverance from the Occult
This wonderful testimony of salvation and deliverance from the
occult is by Dr. James Petzold.
An online e-book offered freely to the saints by Tamara Hartzell.
It seems that the "Purpose Driven Life" movement while it has
blessed many also has its dark side. This time it is
Evangelicals who are being drawn into Ecumenism and a
movement that amounts to "church unity through compromise".
Our Greco-Roman religious philosophies and mind-games
know no bounds. Our religious fads have gone from Positive
Thinking to Possibility Thinking and then on to Positive
Confession. The present fad, continuing the "P" tradition is the
so called Purpose Driven Life. Man-centered religious
humanism based upon Helenistic Greek logic is again being
sold to the church masses as something holy, which it is not.
We are getting reports that the Purpose Driven Life movement
is going into churches and expelling church members who
of Atonement. It will also be the day of sounding the trumpets to
announce the Year of Jubilee. At sunset space-time will roll
back to reveal the returning Messiah, (the One who stretched
out the cosmos in the first place), as He comes in the Day of
the Lord. After the gathering of the wicked as tares, See Mat.
13:30), the Elect will then be gathered, raised up, caught up,
changed "in the twinkling of an eye" in the Post-Tribulation
Blood Covenant Christianity
The New Covenant is a blood covenant relationship between
Christ and His church. Are we merely passive recipients of this
great salvation? Or is the love of God drawing us into the vital
and essential role of witness?
The Pre-Tribulation Rapture
versus the
The Post-Tribulation Rapture
Which one is Biblically correct? Most of us have heard the pretribulation rapture thesis expounded many many times. But is it
true to God's Holy Word? Here is 'the rest of the story'.
The End Time Revival
Evangelical Christians are being demoralized by a babel of
religious disinformation. One terrible lie is that the Holy Spirit is
the Restrainer of the Antichrist of 2Thes. 2 and that He, part of
the omnipresent Godhead no less, will be "taken out of the way"
during the final 7 years of this age. So essentially they are
saying that God by His Holy Spiritwill vacate His own cosmos
and desert His own covenant people during their very time of
need, during their time of witness in the latter days. This is a
major ecclesiastical dispensational error. This grievous
falshood needs to be renounced, and pronto! The Holy
Scriptures tell us an entirely different story. The prophet Joel,
Hosea, and many others spoke of a coming Holy Spirit
outpouring of massive proportions that will power up right
through the 3.5 Harlot years and the 3.5 years of the Great
Tribulation that follow. Even as many are deserting the faith in a
Great Apostasy or Great Falling Away and right on through the
dramatic events of the final 7 years of this age this Holy Spirit
outpouring will continue. 2600 years ago the prophet Joel saw
the peak of this awesome End-Time Revival as one might view
a distant mountain. He saw the peak of this (true and genuine)
Latter Rain during the cosmic disturbances of the 6th seal with
the sun turning to darkness and the moon to blood. This means
that the epic future Holy Spirit outpouring will come to a climax
precisely when we might expect it to occur, just as Messiah
returns, and right at the very end of this age!
The First Resurrection and
the Tribulation Saints.
The Tribulation saints we see in Revelation 20:4-6 are featured
members of the First Resurrection. Do these martyrs head up
the parade of all the saints of this age? Or do they make up the
entire company of the First Resurrection?
Three Days in the Grave
The scriptures are clear. Jesus was in the grave for, (or during),
three days and three nights. How might this affect the
chronology of Passion Week?
2016: The DEEPER Root
of Obama's Raging Anti-Colonialism.
'2016: Obama's America' is a new movie by Dinesh D'Souza.
In it we see The Mild Nationalistic Anti-Colonialism
and the more virulent form of anti-colonialism. Both are
showcased in the life of President Obama and certain
members of his family. The mild anti-colonialism is seen when
native peoples chafe and revolt against colonial rule. This is
uphold Biblical faith, Biblical doctrine, and the Way of the cross.
In his book the leader of the movement is actively and
purposefully shooing Christians away from the Holy Scripture
as they relate to vital issues of the End Time. Once again
establishment churchmen are trying to block out Biblical truth as
it relates to th critical task of preparation of the saints in the
latter days. This is a grievous action being taken against
God's Holy Word, against His Holy People, and against His
Holy Spirit. Christians will one day be going up to witness in the
end time drama. To see the saints being denied God's faithful
Word on the critically important matter is a travesty. The sheep
of God's pasture are not being fed the milk and meat of God's
Word. Instead they are sold the usual empty pods of religious
motivational hype, psychobabel and a syruppy mishmash of
disinformation about the end-time. Christians are not being
properly informed concerning their vital role of witness at the
climax of the age. Churchgoers are left as foolish virgins,
unprepared for the coming darkness. The midnight hour will
surely come. And in the gathering darkness when the lamps are
sputtering many will find themselves without the oil and at the
point of burnout. A coming Great Apostasy is out there in the
future. (2Thes.2:3) Western Christians are not being prepared
in the Holy Scriptures and in the Holy Spirit.This "cloaking" and
"coralling" of the Word of God by the "purpose driven
movement" is a harbinger of the coming harlot religious
system. In times to come many Christians will be spiritually
unprepared. In the hour of trial many will not be able to stand.
They will deny the faith. There will be a Great Falling Away. A
Church that denies and witholds Biblically correct information
on the returning Christ is leaving the saints ill-prepared and
without a sound foundation in the true and genuine faith of our
fathers. Corrie Ten Boom has warned us about this very thing.
Christians in the West still slumber on their beds of ease and
luxuriate in their dreams of personal glory, self-esteem, material
prosperity in this world, and a coming World Dominion by a
Church Universal and Triumphant and this before Messiah
returns. True Christians are with a Biblical world view have a
more sober perpective. They are responding to the high calling
in Christ. This is a "purpose" that is far more glorious than
anything ecumenical churchianity can offer. The true saints are
waking up. They are preparing themselves spiritually. They
know that the hour is late!
Rebuilding the Church from the Ground Up.
by Mike Molyneux of New Zealand.When faced with the
compromising Church we see in the West today we have no
other option. With the Holy Bible open before us and the Holy
Spirit as our Guide we must start over from the beginning. Quite
clearly this is now our mandate. "If the foundations are
destroyed what can the righteous do?" (See Psalm 11:3,4). Is
this restoration of the foundations happening now among
God's Chosen Elect? Is God calling out a new "Ekklesia", a
new Church, a new "called out assembly"? Oh yes. Has He not
already called for new wine-skins, (Mark 2:22) , even as the
true New Wine is to be served from Joseph's table in the
latter days?
The PDF version of this article is HERE.
Email: [email protected]
The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
- by Orthodox Jewish/Australian scholar Yair Davidiy who
resides in Jerusalem. Yair has carefully researched this subject
and has written extensively on it. His book, 'The Tribes' is
available at the website. During Succoth of 2007 the
author had the privilege of interviewing Yair Davidiy in
Jerusalem. We videoed the interview and divided it into topics.
Here are those Yair Davidiy videos.
understandable in the historical context. But what is the root
cause of that lifelong malignant raging form of anticolonialism? We answer that question here and in the following
The DEEPER Root of
Raging Anti-Colonialism.
Mr. D'Souza has done a wonderful work of political elucidation
here. But we must go down to the deeper spiritual level to find
out what really motivates all this raging. Those with a Biblical
world view recognize that dark angelic principalities and
powers are at work here. They stir up certain people to despise
and bring down Western Christendom. Why are they doing
this? Is this just "radical politics"? Or is this anti-Western hatred
really a hidden attack directed at the Judeo-Christian faith of
the West? Depraved men and their dark angels are raging.
Why? Are we seeing the end-time raging of the heathen that
King David saw 3,000 years ago? He wrote a song about it; see Psalm 2. Do godless men rage because their own dark
angels are pulling their strings? Are these evil powers trembling
in fear and dread of a certain Judgment under the sooncoming Messiah? And even as they rage in anger can they
really hope to forestall their impending doom by waging a
campaign of terror against the saints? Can they really prevent
the covenant people of God from going up on the stage of
history to bring in the end-time witness?
The Edomites of Today;
Who are they? And where are they?
The ancient left-over blessing of Isaac upon his son Esau is
almost never spoken about by our dispensationalist Bible
prophecy teachers. But its prophetic fulfillment with the latter
day dominance of the earthy Edomites in the rich nations of the
West is now being seen as our Western culture descends into
godless paganism. And in the Bozrah prophecies the return of
the latter day spiritual children of Esau is a an important part of
the end-time drama.
The Restoration of Israel.
Is this the salvation of the Jewish family at the end of the age?
Quite so. But there is more. And born-again Christians, (who
consider themselves "gentiles", a name which means
"heathen"), are in for a big surprise. Are they part of this great
end-time restoration of Israel? Oh yes.
NEW Desert of the Nations;
Wilderness of the Peoples
A special destination and gathering place for the saints during
the Great Tribulation which is during the latter half of the 70th
Week of Daniel, (the final 3.5 years of this age), is described in
Ezekiel 20:33,34,35,36,37,&38. What will go on there? And do
we know where this place might be?
Who Will Be Left To
Populate The Millennium?
This question is often asked of those who believe there will be
a Post-Tribulation Rapture. If the Elect are glorified and the
wicked damned then who will be left at the end of the age to
populate the earth during the ensuing Millennium? Is there a
third group of mortals left? The answer is 'yes'. The key issue
here is a third party or "second order covenant". We see this
showcased very dramatically in the Sheep-Goat Judgment.
The Sabbath Rest
The Sabbath is the fourth commandment. We correctly see it as
a law for Israel in the Old Covenant. But could the Sabbath also
be a New Covenant experience to be entered into by God's
grace? Might it also be a personal invitation to draw aside from
the labors and cares of this world and to enjoy a time of rest
The Dead Soul Syndrome
This book is in depth, theological Bible study on our current
spiritual state after the fall, and how many will be changed into
new Life in the glorious Resurrection-Rapture yet to come. - By
Jay Altieri.
The Historical Origins of the
Pre Tribulation Rapture Doctrine
- by Ed Tarkowski
The End Time Reconciliation
of the Two Houses of Israel.
A teaching from our born again Jewish brothers and sisters we
now are beginning to see emerge over in "Messianic Judaism".
- by Rabbi Moshe Koniuchowsky.
The Notzrim and the Jews
the Two Houses of Israel.
The Notzrim are the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel. And they are
hidden from view right now, .... for safekeeping.
- by Ben Cohen. During Succoth of 2007 the author had the
privilege of interviewing Jewish scholar and author Yair Davidiy
in Jerusalem. I asked him about the Notzrim. Here is that video.
And here are the other Yair Davidiy videos of that interview.
Two House Theology, (or true Israelology)
This article lays out the Biblical case for the two houses of
Israel. It describes their calling and purpose, their past history,
and their future history as they come together under Messiah.
The Scriptures are clear. God fully intends to use them in the
dual witness of the latter days and reunite them into a single
undivided Elect. During the end-time drama they are to become
that "royal priesthood and holy nation" Moses and the Apostle
Peter both spoke about.
Facing the Master
An important message regarding our attitude towards the
Shepherd of Israel, our Lord Jesus Christ. This article was
written by a good friend of mine from Germany, Markus Reins.
By Your Patience Possess Your Souls
A message from Luke 21:19. As we come into the trials of
latter days it will not be our might, our power, our politics, or our
military that will prevail. Rather it will be through the graces, the
fruits of the Holy Spirit, prominent among them being the fruit of
Patience, that the end-time witness will be completed.
Patience will be the main recourse and strength of the Elect in
those days to come. From Revelation 3:10 we see that
"keeping (or preserving), the Word of His Patience" is a vital
key to the end-time witness, and with it the final victory of the
saints. All the glory for this will be going to God. This article was
written by my friend from Germany, Markus Reins.
Blood Covenant (English version)
Blutbund (German version)
This is a helpful article on the Blood Covenant dimensionto our
Christian faith.
- By Markus Reins (with Gavin Finley)
The True Church
This is an excellent article linked from the Seven Stars website
of Markus Reins. It lays out the foundation of the true Church
which is founded upon a simple sincere faith in our Lord Jesus
- By
The Ongoing Reconciliation
of All Israel.
- by Rabbi Moshe Koniuchowsky.
and fellowship with God?
The Rapture of the Church
When Christ our Messiah glorifies His covenant people into
new spiritual bodies at the end of this age the righteous dead
will come out of their graves. Then we who are alive and remain
will be "caught up" with them in an event of great wonder called
the Rapture. When is this Rapture event? The answer is easy. It
can be tagged from the well documented timing of the
Resurrection of the righteous dead.
The 24 Elders
In Revelation chapter 4 John is transported in vision to the
Lord's day, or the Day of the Lord. John sees wonders related
to the events attendant to the unzipping of the Newtonian
space-time cosmos as Messiah returns. There he sees the 24
elders. Who are these? Are they "The Church" as we have
been told? Or are they 24 elders as the Bible states them to be.
So just who are these 24 men?
Israel and the Church.
Restored as One!
Dispensationalist (splitters) are keen to separate off Israel from
the Church. Their end-time fantasies are of a Jewish nation
'Left Behind' even as they, the established evangelical church,
misbehaves like a Runaway Bride, baulks at the blood
covenant commitment, a n d raptures themselves out seven
years before the end of this age. Reformed Theology (lumpers)
are quite correct in their insistence upon a single Covenant. But
unfortunately in the absence of a viable Scripturally based
Israelology in their seminaries they are often inclined to slipslide into Augustine and Origen's Replacement Theology which
says that the Church has replaced (and displaced) Israel. This
Replacement Theology is bad news. It has thrown up bloody
anti-Semitic histories over the past 1700 years. It is also linked
t o Dominion Theology, crusades, church sponsored
inquisitions, and helped foment a reactionary secularism in the
political parties of both nationalist and international socialism.
Replacement Theology is still nestled in many of the older
denominations. It needs to be renounced ASAP! But throughout
the Holy Scriptures the God of Israel always speaks ofone
Elect. He draws one Chosen People to Himself. The Seed of
Abraham flows above the DNA and it comes in by faith and not
by race. So at the end of the age we see a remnant Israel
including a saved remnant of the the royal Jewish House of
Judah, and a remnant church drawn from all nations, races and
tribes. This final remnant Elect will be reunited as a restored
and fullly regathered Commonwealth of Israel. The Breach of
Jeroboam will be healed. And Israel's family feud will end. The
Jews will be saved, the lost ten tribes found, and the two
estranged houses of Israel will be cross-linked together as a
single Elect, even the "royal priesthood and holy nation" Moses
and the Apostle Peter both spoke about. (Exodus 19:6, 1Peter
2:9) All these mysteries will unfold in the future end-time drama
as the Fall Feasts of Israel erupt into their New Covenant
fulfillment and into world history.
Who Are The Chosen People?
Who are God's Chosen People? Are they the Jews? The
Church? Does YHVH-God have two Chosen Peoples? Does
He have an 'apartheid policy' for His Elect? The Holy
Scriptures, as usual, give us the answer. Because from cover to
cover the Bible only speaks of one Elect, one Chosen People.
So if all of God's covenant people are destined to become a
single Congregation/Church/Synagogue and a single nation
then how will this great and epic re-union and restoration
occur? And when? And by whom?
The Woman of Revelation 12
The End Time Solution
to Replacement Theology!
- by Rabbi Moshe Koniuchowsky.
Coming as a Thief in the Night
Will Jesus return as a thief in the night to Christians?
No at all. This is how He will surprise the wicked!
- By Richard Perry of
Imminency. Is it in the Bible?
This popular doctrine has been crafted by men and is very
popular. But it is not supported by Holy Scripture.
- By Richard Perry
The Great Rapture Debate
My friend Richard Perry, (Post-Trib), debated Thomas Ice, (a
noted Pre-trib author). Mr. Perry brought the Holy Scriptures to
bear on the important end-time issues. The Biblical truth
relating to the last day, post-tribulation Resurrection-Rapture
was very well presented.
- By Richard Perry
'The 12 Sons of Jacob'
A devotional perspective on the 12 gates as they lead into the
holy city. - by Art Gross
The Prayer of Jabez:
Out of sorrow and travail a cry of petition brings the favour of
God. - by Pastor J. McNair
Legends of Gog and Magog,
Dark angelic spiritual rulers are held constrained beyond the
Caucasus Mountains, or "Mountains of Darkness". At the end
of this age Rosh,(head), the chief angelic ruler will stir up the
hordes of Gog to burst forth from their bronze/iron curtain".
Pouring down through the Caucasus region they will erupt into
history. See Ezek.38-39 & Rev.9:14. This is a literary/cultural
study by Sylvia Volk.
The Anabaptists
All evangelicals should know and understand the history of the
Anabaptists. Because the very same pattern of ecclesiastical
persecution of Evangelical Biblical Christians seen in the
1500's will be repeated in the end time drama during the first
half of the 70th Week. The compromised established Harlot
Church will again be persecuting devoted Christians, the saints,
the true and faithful witnesses of Jesus Christ. Here is a link to
the website.
& The Constellation Andromeda
"The woman" is showcased throughout Holy Scripture. We see
her in the Garden of Eden and her Seed is prophesied to crush
the head of the serpent. (Gen. 3:15) In the book of Hosea she is
the wife of YHVH-God, and like Gomer, the wife of Hosea, she
is inclined to forget her true Husband, the God of Israel and get
into a world of trouble. But all is not lost. In the prophecy of
Hosea she is eventually purchased in a slave market and
wonderfully restored. In the book of Revelation John saw the
woman in great travail and tribulation and yet entering into her
glorious destiny at the climax of the age. He saw her in travail
and delivering the man-child. She is clothed with the sun, the
glory of her Father. The moon, with her reflected Light, is under
her feet. She is crowned with a garland of 12 stars. John saw
her under attack by the dragon but saved and delivered at the
end. The heavens are telling this very same awesome end-time
story in the constellation of Andromeda.
The Commonwealth of Israel.
Does it Include the True Church?
In Ephesian 2:12-13 our Apostle Paul states that Christians
were once heathen, lost and without hope, and outside the
Commonwealth of Israel. But now, in Christ, they have been
brought nigh. Does this mean that true Christian believers are
now inside the Commonwealth or citizenship of Israel? And if
so, then what are our responsibilities in this citizenship? Are we
to be witnesses to Messiah before kings and rulers as we
come into the dramas at the end of the age? (Luke 21:12, Mark
Biblical or Prophetic Time
Daniel's prophecy of the 70 weeks and other Bible prophecies
sees God dispensing time to us from His heavenly throne in
terms of 'years' and 'months'. How many days are in the
"Biblical year"? And how many days in a "Biblical month"? The
Bible gives us two Rosetta Stones, as it were, for Biblical or
prophetic time. One is in Genesis 7 and the other in Revelation
12. When we answer these two questions correctly we find that
this key Bible prophecy, Daniel's prophecy of the 70 Weeks,
emerges from the fog and opens up to us.
A Response to Grant Jeffrey
Answering his recent challenge to the historic doctrine of the
Post-Tribulation Resurrection-Rapture.
The Jewish New Year
and a False Messiah It appears that a future Jewish New
The Final Act of this age
Year, a future Feast of Trumpets, will erupt into holy history in
spectacular fashion. It will be the occasion of the confirmation of
the seven year covenant or sovereignty sharing treaty of Daniel
9:27. Israel and the nations of western Christendom will sign on
with a global peacemaker. He will turn out to be the false
messiah. On that day the watchmen of Israel will be sounding
the trumpets of alarm and calling all of God's covenant people
to sacred assembly. The final seven years of this age will have
just begun. The mirror article is Rosh Hashanah; Beyond the
- by Carol McCarthy
Salvation is a Covenant with God. - by Tim Lee
Who Are Daniel's People?
In this section are some excellent articles written by trusted
friends and kindred spirits. It is a privilege to provide this venue
for these faithful devotional writers.
The Coming Wars
-by Clevetta Herndon R.N.
'The Fourth Cup'
by Robin Neil
Daniel's Prophecy of the 70 weeks provides vital information
concerning the end-time. The angel Gabriel said "Seventy
Weeks are determined", (or cut out of time), "for your people".
Since one week, (or seven), of Biblical years still remains then
this is a key end-time prophecy. Who then, are Daniel's
people? Are Christians in the loop here? Or should we
consider "Daniel's people" to be "just the Jews" as we have
been told? When we answer this question correctly and
responsibly we enter into a dark night of the soul. We find
ourselves face to face with the cross of Christ in a very personal
'You and I were there
the Day Jesus Died'
by Patrick Jett.
'The Place of a Skull'
by Lynn Williams.
God visits in a dream with
wonderful encouragement.
by Melvin Thompson.
way and wrestling with the Angel of God's Presence just as
Jacob did. When we accept the Word of God and surrender
ourselves to Him we find ourselves entering into a divine
serendipity. And why? Because "the testimony of Jesus is the
Spirit of prophecy." (Rev. 19:10) And it is in this devotion that
end time Bible prophecy opens up to us in all its wonder.
End-Time Preparation
Many are asking about preparation for the End-Time. Is there a
physical preparation beyond our spiritual preparation? And
might God have made His preparations to care for His Elect in
the latter days? If so, how?
The End Time Discipline
at the Gate of Joseph.
"You are spies!
And You Will Be Tested!"
The Rapture Train Shuffle
or an eye opening visit to
The Glory Train!
- A Play
A Post Tribulation Hammerlock
- Are you Jacob?
Preterism is a Deception:
A slide show revealing those important Bible prophecies
pertaining to our future. This vital information on the end-time is
being 'cloaked' by this false and deceptive doctrine.
A Third Jewish Temple;
- and World Peace?
An introduction to the future third Jewish temple built During a
future interim world peace.
The 144,000 Finally! A group of mortal saints will go right on
through into a sold-out devotion to God. They will be drawn past
erotic love to go straight into Agape love and into indescribable
glories beyond.
The Post Tribulation
at the Last Day"
'Resurrection', 'rapture' and 'last day'. Here we have a three
piece jigsaw puzzle. Let's connect these three pieces together
using the relevant scriptural passages.
Behold! What do we find?
Moses's Prophecy
of the Latter Days
3500 years ago Moses in the 'Song of Moses' brings a word of
warning concerning
a Future Tribulation
and a word of encouragement to God's covenant people.
Would this include us as Christian believers? Oh yes!
'Left Behind', or 'Dereliction
of Duty on the High Seas'.
Are we in the western church entertaining notions of deserting?
This sea story from Acts 27 packs a powerful lesson
concerning the virtues of patience and loyalty. It involves the
shipwreck of our Apostle Paul.
The Post-Tribulation Rapture
Pre-trib or post trib? Does it matter? It certainly does! One view
The bones of Joseph are still with us today, although disturbed
of late. And the seemingly severe and yet nurturing character
the God of Israel has molded in Joseph is a very present reality
in the Gospel and New Covenant. The Gate of Joseph and all
that this means is now opening wide before us. Our passage
into the spirit, character, and discipline of Joseph and Benjamin
will be very important as we come into the thresholds of endtime drama. The experiences of our patriarch Joseph before
the harlot and in exile will be recapitulated in the history of the
Church as we approach the climax of this present age.
The Gate of Joseph
and the Evangelical Witness Joseph was given a coat of
many colors, persecuted by his brethren, thrown into the pit, and
sold into slavery. There at the house of the Chief Executioner of
the Egyptian World Order of that time he resisted the
seductions of Potiphar's harlot wife. Thrown into prison he
became the interpreter of dreams, even the king's nightmare of
a looming reality, a seven year period of famine and great trial.
Hiding his identity until the emergence of his brother Benjamin
our Joseph fed the world the Bread of Life. Then when
Benjamin came he fed his brothers portions from his table. The
Evangelical family are a scattered persecuted people of many
colors and flags. They too have been and will be persecuted
unto the death. 500 Evangelical Christians die every day. And
yet in spite of all this they feed the world the Gospel of the
Living Christ, the sinless Unleavened Bread of Heaven, the
Bread of Eternal Life. Biblical Christians also bring
interpretation to the 70th Week of Daniel, those future seven
lean years that bring us to the climax of this age. If Joseph's
sons Ephraim and Manasseh are two prominent English
speaking nations, recipients of the birthright of whom the
patriarch Jacob said, "these two will be mine" who then is
Joseph? Who is this Joseph company who are alienated and
separate from their brethren? Who are these people who feed
their brethren portions from a table set apart and consecrated?
Who is this mysterious House of Joseph, this company with the
bloodstained coat, (or covering), of many colors (or flags)?
A Parable of Ten Virgins
This parable carries an informative and inspiring message for
pilgrim Christians. At some point the leading lights of western
Christendom will begin to sputter and approach burnout. As
Jesus tells the story the whole bridal company is slumbering in
the deepening darkness. The hours drag on towards the
midnight hour and their lamps are beginning to burn low and
grow dim.
Suddenly, the midnight cry is heard.
The Bridegroom is approaching!
It is time to go out to meet Him.
Now the unfolding drama has become very very personal.
causes us to prepare our hearts with all diligence and devotion
in blood covenant commitment towards our Lord Jesus Christ.
..... The other does not.
The Order of Melchizedek
The dual offices of Melchizedek as High Priest and King are in
Christ our coming Messiah. He will unite the Kingdom, (in the
Throne of David in Judah), with the Priesthood, which is
wrapped up in the ministerial Gospel burden of the Church. The
Kingdom, (in the returning repenting refined remnant of the
Jewish house of Judah in Israel), will be reunited with the
refined remnant Church. "And so all Israel shall be saved." This
epic and glorious re-uniting of both houses of the former
Greater Israel, will heal the breach of Jeroboam. And the two
sticks Ezekiel saw will become one. (Ezek. 37:15-28). Messiah
will achieve all this as He refines the gold in the crucible of the
end-time drama.
The Great Tribulation
according to Moses
. . . . . . Do you have the oil?
One Single Elect drawn from Israel and the Church
Are there two Elects? Does YHVH-God have an apartheid
policy? And is Israel to forever to remain in her present broken
divided state? The Holy Scriptures, as usual, provide us with
answers to these crucial questions. And this and many other
mysteries will surely unfold. They will become manifest in holy
history in the crucible of the End Time. The mirror article is,
Who are the Chosen People?
The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
In 722 B.C. the northern ten tribes of Israel were taken captive
by the Assyrians. They were deliberately intermingled with the
nations and disappeared into history. They are out there, the
Notzrim, which means "watchers" or "a safekeep", to be
revealed at the appointed time.
The Two Witnesses
Moses prophecy is a message for the Church. Oh yes, he has
something to say to us!
The Saints vs.
the New World Order
John saw the two witnesses on earth during the final 3.5 years,
1260 days of this age. (Rev. 11:2) They were described to him
as two olive trees. Are they just two men, say Elijah along with
Moses or Enoch? Or is there more to the story? Might the two
witnesses relate in a broader way to the climactic end time
witness of the Kingdom of God on earth by the royal (Jewish),
House of Judah in Eretz Israeland the priestly ministry of the
Church, the wider Commonwealth of Israel throughout the world
in the Gospel? Will the Two Witnesses bring in the promised
Restoration of Israel? And how will they do this? Will it be done
by means of the New Covenant spoken of by Jeremiah?
The Edomites in the End Time
The 'Left Behind Series'
God's Redemption Story
in the Constellations.
by Gavin Finley
Starchart of the
Lesser Sheepfold
and the Second Coming of Christ (Messiah) in Wrath and
Deliverance at the 'Sheepfolds of Bozrah'.
The Virginia Tech Shootings
Here we have a murderous genocidal spirit committing
outrages against innocents. Have we seen this spirit before?
Indeed we have. It is the spirit of Esau. The Edomites are
hidden in our midst. They will rise up and rage against God and
His covenant people as we approach the end of this age.
Gnosticism Inside the Church
Entranced by the medieval romances and in bondage to her
own carnal fantasies the established western church, like
Hosea's wife Gomer, is still held captive under the sword of her
thorny worldly lovers.
Is it fostering a spirit of desertion in the Church? Why are we as
Western evangelicals embracing a Disneyized or Hollywood
style eschatology that has us skipping out 7 years before the
climax of the age? Who dares change the awesome things of
God into cheap melodrama for the masses? And why are we
deserting on our Jewish brethren before they come into the
New Covenant near the end of the age? (Zech. 12:7-13:1)
The Flight to Bozrah
The 'woman' of Revelation 12 is given the wings of a great
eagle. And she flies to a place of safety. This is an awesome
and yet untold prophecy of the end time. The mirror article is
The Bozrah Exile
The Resurrection of the Righteous Dead
This church is destined to be spewed out in the latter days. But
wait! All is not lost. The Beloved is at the door!
When is the Resurrection of the righteous dead? Popular Bible
prophecy teachers avoid the question like the plague. Because
the Resurrection is securely nailed down to the "last day". (John
6:39, 6:40, 6:44 and 6:54) And the "First Resurrection" we see
in Rev. 20:4, 20:5, and 20:6 includes the tribulation martyrs. The
Resurrected saints are also part of the single Elect gathered by
angels "after the tribulation" in the midst of the 6th seal cosmic
signs of a darkened sun and bloody moon. So the Resurrection
is clearly a post-tribulation event. Paul tells us that the Rapture
is attached to the Resurrection. (1Thes.4:15, 4:16, & 4:17) So
the Rapture must be a post-tribulation event as well.
Is the Church Gomer?
The Breach of Jeroboam
The Return of Messiah as 'The Breaker'
at the Sheepfolds of Bozrah
The Bozrah deliverance prophesied in Micah chapter 2 is part
of the second coming of Christ. Yet this important and truly
magnificent part of the story has not been told.
The Church of Laodicea;
Today's Lukewarm Church?
Do we, as Gomer, place our faith primarily in our worldly
princes and our political lovers?
The Council of Nicaea.
This was the first great tragedy of compromise entered into by
the church. Was the church seduced by Rome? Was the
Nicaean church-state covenant of 325 A.D. a foreshadowing of
In 922 B.C. after the death of King Solomon the greatnation of
Israel became a house divided. The breach of Jeroboam saw
the ten northern tribes cut off their own sovereignty. They
rebelled from the Throne of David in the Jewish house of Judah.
Later they became the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel and were lost
to history. Will all Israel be found and fully restored? Yes. This is
just one of the many great mysteries that will be revealed in the
t h e Dan.9:27 deal with a certain future 'peacemaker'?
Someone who will later be 'revealed' as the antichrist?
The End Time Apostasy
or "Great Falling Away".
This 'dark night of the soul' is out there in our future. It will be the
ultimate challenge to our faith. Are we prepared to face it?
An End Time Harlot Rides
a Beast with Ten Horns.
Dan.9:27 begins the drama of the end time. A harlot will
emerge as the initial ruling power over a ten horned global
system. Today's world sees ten geo-political regions forming.
Then we have the discovery of a secret New World Order Map.
(See below).
(from the Pennsylvania Crier)
A New World Order Map
of ten future,(?emerging) global bio-regions.
end time drama.
A Runaway Bride:
The Western Church?
The Western Church is running away from her pre-nuptial
responsibilities. She refuses to face her role as witness to her
Bridegroom in the end time. The popular teaching of a PreTribulation Rapture is a clear evidence of this. It is in fact a
doctrine of desertion and of abandonment. Will the Western
Church assume her true end time role of witness? Will she be
dressed in white raiment, the righteousness of the saints, as the
true Bride of Christ?
The Harlot of Revelation 17
The Book of Revelation can be read as a story of two women.
One of them, the Woman of Revelation 12, is glorious. The
other woman is not. She is the harlot of Revelation 17 & 18.
Who is this harlot? What will she do when she takes dominion
in the end time drama? And what will happen to her?
The Root Cause of Anti-Semitism
or The Origin of Anti-Semitism
End Time Bible Prophecy
Is it just a chamber of horrors as our pre-tribulation rapture
friends have asserted? Or might it possibly be a threshold into
unspeakable glories?
'Lest We Forget'
We are a forgetful people. Yes, there have been many burdens
and many trials. Many fine people have made untold sacrifices
in war and in peace. And they should be remembered. But
through it all one basic underlying question remains
unanswered. Why did these things have to happen? And
through all our histories,Who is it that we might have forgotten?
Is the Sabbath the Hebrews kept before Nicaea actually
our Tuesday?
Before the 4th Century Rome used an 8 day week, labeled A to
H called the Nundinal cycle. A new seven day week was crafted
at the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D. The Roman powers at
Nicaea set forth their 7 day weekly cadence and the 7th day
Saturday we now have installed in our current Roman solar /
Perpetual calendar. The Jewish sage Hillel II, undoubtedly
under Roman pressure, followed with the very same 7 day
cadence with the calculated Hebrew Calendar he established
under the Roman authorities in 359 A.D.. Did the Romans and
their Byzantine Church synchronize their new 7 day week with
the original Hebrew weekly cadence? We have good evidence
that they did not. The text link above goes to a PDF. And here
A Short Treatise on
Rationalism and Existentialism. Rationalism was an
Jesus Christ comes to minister and also to rule. Even now He
is being enthroned in the hearts of His people in the gentle
bonds of Agape love. After the Second Coming of Messiah the
Throne of David will be established upon this earth. Messiah
will both minister and reign in righteousness in the two offices
of Melchizedek for a thousand years. This is the coming
Millennium of Messiah. The spirit of Belial, or rebellion, hates
and loathes His coming rule with a passion. (See King David's
song in Psalm 2.) So a hidden spiritual war is being conducted
against the Throne of David which is inside the Jewish House
of Judah. Evil powers, angelic and human, are targeting Jews,
Israelis, Evangelicals, and all who bear testimony to the future
rule of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Yeshua Hamashiach our
coming Jewish Messiah. This is the root cause and the
essential essence of all anti-Semitism. It is a seething hatred
against the rulership of the coming "Son of David". This is the
real reason for the raging of the Gentiles, the (heathen), against
Israel and Jews. This hostility against the Throne of David and
the loathing of the message of Messiah's Second Coming is
purveyed by wicked men agitated by their dark angels. Their
hatred is quite understandable. These ruling powers are short
timers. They are in stark terror of the pending judgment they are
about to face with the coming of Messiah. This is the
quintessential root of all Anti-Semitism whether it be the
carefully cloaked acts of high government officials, high church
dignitaries, or the more blatant and brutish outrages committed
by skinheads and neo-Nazis. The word "Anti-Semitism" is
clearly an obfuscation. It is a smokescreen hiding something
else. The word is a misnomer designed to mislead the unwary.
"Anti-Semitism", at its heart, is really "anti-Throne of David-ism"
o r "Anti-Messiah-ism". It is, in fact, the "anti-Jewish", "AntiJudah" arm of the spirit of Anti-Christ.
Rebuilding the Jewish Temple
ideological basis for the so-called "Enlightenment" of the 18th
century. Rationalism, human reason, became the guiding light
of the French Revolution and the subsequent secularist regimes
of national/state socialism, (Nazism/Fascism), and international
socialism,(Communism). The godless humanism of rationalism
has failed in every national political system where Utopians
have tried to make it work. Quite clearly this world awaits the
coming of the true Messiah.
The Temple Mount Faithful are ready right now to rebuild the
Temple in Jerusalem. But it will require a dramatic change of
the political equation. 'Peace and security' must be fully
assured for the Third Temple to be constructed on the Temple
Mount in Jerusalem. This rebuilding is prophesied to go
forward. So who will have guaranteed the peace? And how will
it have come about?
"After Two Days He Will Revive Us".
Hosea Prophesies an Epic Revival - Hos. 6:2
the 'Kingdom Now'
Movement, the 'Latter Rain Movement', and Reconstructionism.
They are all coming together in America today. But have we
seen them before? What has been their history? When the
Hosea's prophecy of a revival after "two days" reached the set
Dominion Theology in Recent History
time in the fall of 2003. So have we entered the threshold of the
promised End Time Revival?
The Latter Rain Revival
The name 'latter rain' has been claimed by a dubious religious
movement. It was declared to be heretical by the Assemblies of
God in the 1950's. The Latter Rain movement,which is linked
to Dominion Theology, is back. It is carnal, compromised, and
now more powerful than ever. Nevertheless, the promise of a
true and genuine 'latter rain' or End Time Revival is clearly set
forth in the Holy Scriptures. When will this promised great
outpouring of the Holy Spirit occur? And under what
Two Turtledoves in Lieu of a Lamb.
A Clue to Millennial Citizenship?
The Restrainer of the Antichrist,
Beast Demon of the Bottomless Pit.
The book of Daniel reveals the identity of one who is known as
"he who restrains" from 2Thessalonians 2:7
The Coming Millennium
of Messiah or the
Kingdom of God on Earth.
A future thousand years under Messiah is surely coming. It is
mentioned six times in Rev. 20:1-7. We also see it in the Old
Testament Millennial prophecies and poetry. This clearly refutes
the Augustinian doctrine of Amillennialism.
The Marriage Supper of the Lamb
Celebration is part of the character of our God. And He
celebrates big. At the Marriage Supper of the Lamb He gathers
with all His covenant people. All the saints will be there in a
joyful reunion. The glory of this consummation is beyond our
powers to describe.
Loving God, and the
Discerning of End-Time Truth
Is there romance in the last days? It seems that John, the writer
of the Book of Revelation, was the apostle of love. And the love
of God's covenant people for their coming Messiah is the key to
understanding end-time truth. Only in that devotion and in that
love-walk of grace and obedience will they understand just what
is happening at the climax of this age.
Beauty and the Beast
The quintessential element of the end-time drama is the final
conflict between the Eternal Covenant, a devotion to God in
Christ, and a coming 7-year peace treaty/covenant with a self
worshipping Luciferian peacemaker, a false messiah who will
later be 'revealed' to become the 666 Antichrist. For many in
Christendom and many in the nation of Israel it is unclear at
present just who they will end up following. This conflict of
devotion, (and its climactic resolution), is what the coming
Great Tribulation, and the End-Time Revival (which comes with
it), is all about.
medieval Roman Church embraced Dominion Theology it
eventually took us on into the Crusades. Later the Church in
Spain embraced Dominion Theology and it brought us the
Spanish Inquisition. Jesuit dominionists took over the Church in
France during the 1500's. They were the ones who
orchestrated the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre and
"sanctified" the subsequent bloody persecutions against the
Protestant Huguenots in France. Jesuit Cardinal Richelieu
became prime minister of France and laid siege to the
Huguenots at the siege at La Rochelle. The overly powerful
French Church became spiritually compromised and
debauched. This led on to the secularist backlash of the French
Revolution. France then got the Reign of Terror, a police state,
and the Napoleonic Wars. Even dear Great Britain embraced
Dominion Theology in the late 19th and early 20th century. This
was even as the proud British Empire covered one quarter of
the globe. And what happened then? The Titanic struck an
iceberg in an unusual way and sank. Two World Wars with
Germany filled in by the Great Depression followed. The once
Great Britain was brought down. Dear saints. Is there a lesson
here for us here?
The Day of the Lord; It is NOT the Great Tribulation.
Evangelical are being told that the Day of the Lord is the Great
Tribulation. Is this true? Or is it a falsehood? If it is a lie, then
why is it been told?
The Beast Demon of the Abyss
"The beast that you saw was, and is not, and will ascend out of
the bottomless pit and go to perdition". This sounds like a
riddle. But the Bible has the answer.
Isaiah's Prophecy of the
Coming Destruction of Damascus
Damascus today is a modern city in southwest Syria near the
border of Israel. It has an ancient history going back 4,000
years to the time of Abraham. It has never been destroyed. But
the prophet Isaiah (ch.17) declared that at some future time
Damascus would become "a heap of rubble". What will have
The Sheep Goat Judgement
There will be a judgment of surviving unsaved mortals at the
end of this age. Messiah will judge the sheep from the goats.
The sheep and the goats are unsaved. Perhaps over a billion of
them are children. The living mortals are heathen gentiles. They
are still outside the covenants of Israel. Judgment for Millennial
entry is based on evidence of a second order blood covenant
relationship with Messiah. Neither the sheep nor the goats are
in direct covenant with Messiah. But the sheep are shown to be
in an indirect covenant with Christ. And why? Because they
ministered blood covenant lovingkindness to His friends, the
saints in their time of tribulation. On this basis the returning
Messiah selects them out as His sheep. They are issued a
passport for entry into the Millennium of Messiah.
The Bozrah Deliverance
They sailed from England with a dream. Their Puritan vision
was for the New World to be a 'nation under God' and a light to
the world. This later crystallized into a sense of 'manifest
destiny' and a belief that Americans in the New World will lead
the world into their dominion and ultimately global peace and
The Second Coming of Christ in the clouds is well known. So is
His Second Coming on the Mount of Olives and His divine
judgment on the armies of the nations threatening Jerusalem
and mustering in the Valley of Armageddon. The Bible also
speaks about the divine judgment on the wicked and a
magnificent deliverance of God's covenant people at a place
called Bozrah which in the latter days will be under Edomite,
(bad guy) control. This is the spectacular and magnificent
Bozrah Deliverance. - Mic.2:12-13 Do we know about this?
The Hidden Roots of
Raging Anti-Colonialism.
The Metonic Cycles and
the 70th Week of Daniel.
The Puritan Dream
and 'Manifest Destiny'
A new book on Anti-Colonialism by Dinesh D'Souza has
provided a new perspective on political character. In this article
we go deeper than politics to reveal an important root cause of
the raging anti-colonialism that stirs up people to hate the West,
or more specifically, to hate the the Judeo-Christian Messiah
who is the God of the West.
The metonic cycle in which an extra month of Adar is inserted
before the month of Nisan 7 times every 19 years in a certain
cadence is used in the Hebrew Calendar. This provides
valuable information about an upcoming seven year time span
known as the 7Oth Week of Daniel. The author noticed that for
those future seven year spans with 86 moons the two Fall
Feasts of Israel that are coming up for fulfillment happen to
stake out with total precision the 2550 days encompassing the
final seven years of this age. Is this a coincidence? Probably
not. Is this info helpful to us? Yes it certainly is. We should keep
a very close watch on events in Israel during the fall (autumn)
season of each year. The epic future 7 year peace treaty, the
future 7 year covenant of Dan.9:27, will involve the handover of
God's sovereign territory in the Holy Land of Israel. The dealwill
probably be signed on a future dark and moonless night, the
new moon of Tishrei, Rosh Hashanah, the Feast of Trumpets,
and the Jewish New Year. A dreadful and yet awesome day will
have dawned. The trumpets will be blowing in earnest. And the
70th week of Daniel, the final seven years of this age, will have
just begun.
How close is the RAPTURE?
Many evangelicals are now asking themselves, 'How close is
the Rapture?' Does the Bible tell us?
Information Warfare
and God's Holy Word
There is a spiritual war going on in the second heaven and here
on earth. It involves an information war. The true Word of God is
under attack by secular blocking spirits as well as deceptive
spirits of religious disinformation. The Word of God, as usual,
will prevail.
Pre-Trib to Post-Trib
The author's personal story of his pilgrimage and his gaining an
understanding of the Post-Trib Resurrection-Rapture.
The Woman and the Dragon
of Revelation Chapter 12
John saw the deliverance of the end time Elect from the dragon
in the last 3.5 years of this age. He saw the flight of the woman
to a place of safety on the wings of a great eagle. Micah and
the constellation of the Little Dipper or Lesser Sheepfold tell us
the rest of the story.
and Who Shall Wear the Starry Crown?
Puritan History
Past, Present, and Future
Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17
We trace the Puritans from the English Civil War to their
passage to the New World and onwards to their role in the
emerging New World Order and the end-time drama. See also
the Meaning of the Yellow Ribbons.
The French Revolution
compared with the
American Revolution
The 18th Century saw two revolutions against monarchies. The
American Revolution embraced the Reformation, and honored
the Holy Scriptures. A significant portion of America's citizenry
was under the inner discipline of a personal faith in God. The
French Revolution was quite different. Huguenot reformers in
France had been exterminated and Biblical Christianity driven
away leaving a debauched Roman Church in France with blood
on its hands. When the French Revolution came it flat-out
rejected the Christian faith in favor of a humanistic state
secularism based on 'enlightenment" and "reason'. The
American Revolution embracing Biblical Christianity and
personal faith was characterized by peace and stability and
spawned a great nation. The other Revolution over in France
led to barbarism and the "Reign of Terror". Is this spiritual
dimension to history being taught in our schools and colleges?
And if not, why not?