Spring 2015 Magazine - Tennessee Baptist Children`s Home
Spring 2015 Magazine - Tennessee Baptist Children`s Home
@TBCH Tennessee Baptist Children’s Homes ● Spring 2015 When we asked Kim Robinson (a house mother at the TBCH Brentwood campus) to tell us her incredible story of being a mother to five adopted girls, she wanted to make one thing clear: “I am far from the example of a perfect mom. I have fallen on my face more times than I want to admit. The only good in me is Christ and if I touch a child’s life in any way at all it is nothing in me-only Him. My goal in life (although I fail all the time) is to point others toward Jesus!” We think that makes her an OUTSTANDING example of motherhood. Here is her story! My husband Mark and I were married in March of 1991. We found out early on that we probably would never be able to have children on our own (which was a huge roadblock in our life/marriage/spiritual life.) It took several months of prayer and reevaluating our lives to get through it. But eventually we decided that God had a bigger plan for our lives than the average couple and we accepted the plan! We began foster parenting and had several children walk through our doors. In 1998 Mark and I felt a calling to missions, so we surrendered to the Lord to go wherever He called. Later that year we learned about TBCH’s residential program and felt our heart tug towards the ministry. We began working as houseparents at the Brentwood campus in March 1999. We loved working at TBCH and fell in love with the kids. We especially fell in love with two girls: Latisha (5) and Nicole (10). They had two other sisters--Dedra (6) and Kayla (8)--in another home. In November 2000 our adoption counselor called and told us that a little girl was born prematurely (2lbs 6oz) but--if she lived--would be available to adopt. We knew God would take care of all the details, and He did! Today Crystal Joy is a beautiful, smart 14 year old. Then, In early 2002, we were informed that Latisha, Nicole, Debra, and Kayla were going to be available for adoption. Until that moment, Mark and I hadn’t even discussed adopting them- but after hearing that, we both immediately said we wanted them. We started working at TBCH with 0 children of our own and left in August 2002 with 5 beautiful girls! From 2002-2013 we lived a “normal life” raising our girls and serving as the children’s minister at a local church. These years were not easy. Adopting 5 girls at one time was hard; there was a lot of “baggage” they needed to unpack and some days it wasn’t pretty! But still, we felt God calling us back to mission work. In January 2013 we contacted TBCH and met them for lunch to just share our heart. They told us they didn’t have any openings at that time. We left that day confused and thinking we had missed our calling. A few days later, though, a set of houseparents had to go onto medical leave. Needless to say, God sent us to them before they ever needed us! On March 11, 2013 we began our journey at TBCH again as houseparents to a cottage full of girls! What do you think makes a good mom? Kim: I think the main thing is loving a child unconditionally- no matter what their issues/ problems/handicaps are and pointing them to Christ by our actions as well as our words. Model Christlike behavior and it will be etched in their minds forever. The 2015 Mother’s Day Offering is going to be our biggest and best yet! We have a great new look, and we’ve streamlined our delivery process to help you get everything your church needs to start promoting the MDO early. With the reduced allotment of funds from the Tennessee Baptist Convention this year, we are counting on our church partners to help us fill the gap. The Mother’s Day Offering accounts for 33% of our annual operating budget. With our recent expansion into foster care, the MDO will have a greater impact than ever before. We encourage you to prayerfully consider what your church’s gifts could do for the lives of Tennessee’s children: Here are just a few significant expenses that go towards the care of our children: $100 provides medical/counselling for one child for a year. $360 clothes one child for a year. $1,000 educates one child for a year. $1,300 feeds one child for a year. (That’s just $1.00 per meal!) How many children would your church like to support this year? A LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT If you are reading this issue of @TBCH, there is a strong probability that you are already a part of the TBCH family as a donor, volunteer, staff member, an active leader in your church, a visiting family, or affiliated with an organization that actively supports our residential and foster care ministries. Whatever your connection is to TBCH, we say THANK YOU for all that you do to help us minister in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. In this issue of @TBCH, you will read about the 2015 Mothers Day Offering. Our goal this year is $2.5 million. This church-based offering, if the goal is met, will provide 33% of our operating budget for fiscal year 2014/2015. Because the Offering provides a third of our annual budget, its success in reaching our goal is a paramount challenge for the TBCH family. As you enjoy this issue of @TBCH, please keep in mind how very important your support of this special offering is to the Lord’s ministry to children. The need is great. When we think about Mother’s Day, in addition to the promotion of the Mother’s Day Offering, we think about the wonderful women who serve as house mothers all across the state. There are so many champions of our ministry who serve in this role. In this issue of @TBCH, we invite you to read the story of Kim Robinson. Kim and her husband, Mark, have served two seasons as house parents on the Brentwood campus. I think that you will be amazed, impressed, encouraged, and inspired by Kim’s story. “Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me.” Mark 9:37 In a recent edition of @TBCH, it was announced that I would be retiring at the end of this year. On January 1st of 2016, Greg McCoy, former pastor at First Baptist Church, Portland will assume the responsibilities of the office of TBCH President/Treasurer. The transition of leadership of our 124 year old ministry is going very well. As the 7th President/Treasurer during that period of time, Bro. Greg is well suited to lead TBCH to new heights of ministry and service in the years ahead. You will enjoy his column on “Imperfect Families.” While we depend on churches across Tennessee to support our ministry through the Mother’s Day Offering, there are individuals as well who support TBCH not only with their financial resources, but with their influence with others who have the capacity to help meet the ongoing needs of the children and families in our care. Such a couple is Rodney and Rebecca Jarvis. I think that you will be inspired by what motivates the Jarvises to personally and professionally make a difference at TBCH. You will want to read their testimony of personal commitment to TBCH as an expression of their faith in Jesus Christ. You will also find a copy of our 2014 Annual Report in the middle of this issue of @TBCH. Please read through it. It is intended to give the reader a clear and succinct representation of our finances during the 2014. As an example of our corporate commitment to excellence in stewardship, we have inserted the Annual Report in this issue of @TBCH so that the cost of mailing the report by itself could be eliminated. That may seem like a small matter to most, but it is a clear illustration of how serious we take the responsibility of being excellent stewards of all the resources that God has provided to us. So welcome to this issue of @TBCH!! We hope that you enjoy the information that has been provided for your review, information, and inspiration. In Christ Alone, Bryant Millsaps President/Treasurer DID YOU KNOW? THE MOTHER’S DAY OFFERING ACCOUNTS FOR 33% OF TBCH’S OPERATING BUDGET 4 (FROM LEFT TO RIGHT) GREG MCCOY, RANDY DAVIS, DENISE SHINN, GEORGE SHINN, BRYANT MILLSAPS The Shinn Foundation Makes a Huge Impact on the TBCH Ministry The Shinn Foundation, located in Franklin,TN, announced on January 15th a $1 million commitment to TBCH’s foster care program. George and Denise Shinn presented a check to President/Treasurer Dr. Bryant Millsaps and President-elect Greg McCoy, promising that this commitment was only the beginning of their involvement with TBCH. In honor of their support, the TBCH foster care program will be renamed the Denise and George Shinn Foster Care Program. George Shinn is the former owner of the Charlotte Hornets of the NBA. He recently moved to Franklin and said he was looking for a way to “give back” to the community. He learned of TBCH through his pastor at West Franklin Baptist Church (now a campus of Brentwood Baptist Church) and after visiting a TBCH campus, said he decided to make a “business decision and a heart decision” to help the TBCH ministry. Tennessee Baptist Convention Executive Director Randy C. Davis opened the ceremony in prayer, saying “We’re very thankful that God has supplied this generous gift to Great Commission work in Tennessee through the Tennessee Baptist Children’s Homes.” TBCH’s foster care program is already placing children in safe, Christ-centered homes across the state. Davis added that the Shinn’s gift will “accelerate and enhance our work with children in foster care.” The Shinns’ generous gift joins the over $811,000 that has already been committed towards reaching TBCH’s $5.2 million fund-raising IMPACT campaign goal. Dr. Millsaps thanked the Shinns, on behalf of the hundreds of TBCH workers over the past 124 years, from founder Georgia Eastman up to today; and on behalf of all the children in our care, and those who have yet to be born who will be positively affected by this gift. n a c U O Y w f o o h e n f i o l n e h o i t t a n i m e r c o f n , n i e n r r e e r f f d Fo i il d h c a s ’ e k e ! a e s y s m a e d Tenn act us to cont SUBSCRIBE FOR INFO AT TENNESSEECHILDREN.ORG FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK, TWITTER @TBCH AND INSTAGRAM @TENNESSEECHILDREN CONTACT A LOCAL CAMPUS WEST TN: (901)386-3961 MID TN: (615)376-3190 EAST TN: (423)892-2722 FOR FOSTER CARE INFO (615)376-3172 DID YOU KNOW? HOUSE PARENTS ARE FULL TIME EMPLOYEES OF TBCH 6 The Blessed Imperfection of Family. by President-Elect Greg McCoy I met my wife, Jeri, in college. We quickly became good friends and my heart was drawn to her as I discovered her deep love for the Lord and her compassion for people. Jeri has always had a desire to stick up for the underdog, to defend the defenseless, and to show mercy to the hurting. And I can guarantee you that if Jennifer or Seth (our children) or I am sick, Mom is who we want around! These qualities in my wife have proven to be a much needed companion in our ministry over the past 30 years. You would think that with a wife like that (and a husband like me!) we would have a perfect family. Well, maybe not! In fact, we all know that family is family, and none of us have a perfect one. I’m not sure The Cleavers of the 50’s ever existed in the real world. Moms and dads don’t always make the correct decisions. Brothers and sisters don’t always make up at the end of the day and go to bed content that a life lesson has been filed away in their memory banks. While we might long for our family to resemble the Cleavers of the 50’s or the Cosbys of the 80’s, more often than not today’s families resemble the Bunkers of the 70’s, or worse, the Simpsons of the 90’s! This is not a new phenomenon. In Genesis chapters 24-35 there is a story about Isaac & Rebekah’s family. For thousands of years, families have been multi-faceted, dynamic, and active. Families have energy - they grow and change. We can glean at least a couple of things from this biblical family: Families have problems Crises come in all shapes and sizes: sibling rivalry, unfaithfulness, disrespect, death, disease, childlessness, jealousy, financial struggles, rebelliousness, abuse, poor decisions, and more. Families make mistakes Even with good role models, every family still learns by trial and error. We might show preferential treatment to one child over another. We love too much, too little, or in the wrong way. We say “No,” when we should have said “Yes.” We say “Yes,” when we should have said “No.” We major on the minors and minor on the majors. We often sweat the small stuff. Certain problems and mistakes create such a crisis that the family is in need of additional help. Which brings me to the reason the Tennessee Baptist Children’s Homes exist: to minister the love of Jesus to children and families in crisis. We believe that Jesus is the answer for every child that comes into our care and for their family. This is why our team is willing to work, to serve, and to invest our lives in this effort. This is also why we are grateful for your partnership in this mission. Your prayers and financial investment help us be Jesus to families in crisis. Would your imperfect family join my imperfect family in being regular investors in the ministry of TBCH? Jacob said to God in Genesis 32:26, “I will not let you go unless you bless me.” We are holding on as tight as we can and trusting in God’s provision! 2013-2014 Annual Report REVENUE These three categories represent our most significant revenue streams. As you can see, our ministry lives by faith, and through your faithful support. We hope that in the coming year, God willing, these gaps between what we need and what we receive will be narrowed. NON-CHURCH GIVING* WE NEEDED: $2,000,000 WE RECEIVED: $1,235,413 *Individual/corporate gifts, foundations COOPERATIVE PROGRAM* WE ANTICIPATED: $1,704,550 WE RECEIVED: $1,593,419 *The Cooperative Program is Southern Baptists’ unified plan of giving through which cooperating churches give a percentage of their undesignated receipts in support of Southern Baptist Convention missions and ministries. In 2013, TBCH was allocated 4.67%. In 2014 this was lowered to 4.6%. To learn more about the cooperative program, please visit http://www.sbc.net/cp/ MOTHER’S DAY OFFERING* OUR GOAL: $2,500,000 WE RECEIVED: $1,889,950 *TBCH’s only church-specific fundrasing event of the year. EXPENSES TOTAL EXPENSES FOR 2013/2014 $8,004,860 Find our full audit online at www.tennesseechildren.org/documents, or contact us at 1(800)624-8591 CAMPUS STORIES WEST TN DARREN ANDRUS, VICE PRESIDENT WEST TENNESSEE REGION Tim (10) was referred to the Children’s Home a few months ago. He had become increasingly more defiant towards his father. An incident at home resulted in Tim breaking his father’s finger. Counseling and medication have not improved their relationship. It was determined that some time apart might help the situation so his father asked the Tennessee Baptist Children’s Homes for help. Some of Tim’s behaviors included banging his head against the wall, biting furniture and trying to bite his father. He would open up the door of a moving vehicle and act like he was going to jump. He would hit his father and throw things while acting out in anger and frustration when he didn’t get his way. Tim has been admitted to behavior health hospitals and family counseling with no positive changes. Just recently, Tim’s father said “I was able to keep Tim for Thanksgiving Day and he was very respectful and loving towards me. I can already see a difference in Tim from his short stay at the Children’s Home. I am very thankful he can be there to get help in restoring our relationship and thankful for a home where Christ is the central part of the healing process. I know that meeting Darren was a divine appointment from God to get the help Tim and I need through the Tennessee Baptist Children’s Homes. He couldn’t be in a better place!” “I am thankful for a home where Christ is the central part of the healing process.” MIDDLE TN KELLY CAMPBELL, VICE PRESIDENT MIDDLE TENNESSEE REGION A former resident came by to see me in October of this year. When he came into my office, the first thing he said was “thank you.” After that, he told me he joined the Navy and would be flying soon to the Middle East to join his ship. He asked me if it would be okay if he addressed the older children on campus and let them know a little about his pilgrimage. I agreed and we set the date for him to come. There were about 8 students who joined us for the evening. I asked him a series of questions and he gave very open and honest answers. Two days later, he left for his assignment. Pray for Nick as he serves his country. EAST TN PATRICK ADDISON, VICE PRESIDENT EAST TENNESSEE REGION One of our alum, Jacque Crum Comer, and her husband Jeffery came home from Hawaii to show off Abigail, their precious 4 month old daughter. She had to come meet all her “grandparents.” These are the times when this work really pays off. The best thing about Oakdale is their involvement in their church, Potter’s House Fellowship. They are extremely involved in missions, outreach, events, and every other youth activity. The church loves our girls and they love the church. I am so grateful for churches that truly reach out to embrace our kids in their church. THE IMPACT CAMPAIGN Our IMPACT fundraising campaign is currently underway. It is not simply an effort to raise money, however. It is a response to new opportunities for ministry to children and families, a catalyst for needed change within TBCH, and a foundation for future growth. There is a firm foundation upon which the TBCH ministry has been built. However, the future requires an expansion of how TBCH operates on all levels. Our calling and our purpose will not change. Our defining question will always be “What is in the best interest of the children?” There are thousands of children across Tennessee today who need help. TBCH currently assists only a percentage of those children. There are opportunities for us to do more. TBCH’s successful history of providing residential care has demonstrated that the private sector can effectively enact social programs with excellence. Ensuring a viable, long-term future for TBCH provides hope for children who are too often overlooked, forgotten, and brushed aside. For these children, TBCH will press forward with hope … and with the faithful expectation that what lies ahead is even greater than what has been celebrated in its past. OUR GOAL IS $5.2 MILLION. COMMITMENTS AND GIFTS SO FAR TOTAL $1.9 MILLION. WON’T YOU PRAYERFULLY CONSIDER HELPING US REACH OUR GOAL? Give Online at www.tennesseechildren.org (Click “Donate” and select the IMPACT campaign) Send Faith Commitment Payments to: Tennessee Baptist Children’s Homes, Inc. PO Box 2206 / Brentwood, TN 37024 (615)376-3140 / 1(800)624-8591 WHY DO YOU GIVE? FEATURING RODNEY JARVIS OF JARVIS SIGNS INTRODUCE YOURSELF! RJ: I’m Rodney Jarvis. Just a simple guy. HOW DID YOU FIRST GET INVOLVED WITH TBCH? RJ: I knew a man from church who was in Leadership Brentwood. They were helping the Children’s Homes, and asked if we could meet about signage. After talking with TBCH, we decided to donate the entire sign package. My Uncle and Aunt adopted a boy from a children’s home in North Carolina, and it reminded me of the TBCH. It is nice to give to something local. I enjoy seeing the kids at the high school succeeding and getting involved. WE’RE TALKING ABOUT MOTHER’S DAY IN THIS ISSUE. WHO’S A SPECIAL WOMAN IN YOUR LIFE? RJ: My grandmother was probably the best example of a Christian lady there ever was. She was a role model not in the prim and proper way but in just a solid example of doing and giving to others and her family. She passed away when I was about 10 years old and I miss her and my Grandfather. As for my mom--I do not know how she did it. She worked full time and was at everything I was involved in: school, sports, and church. She would get up early before work to make supper for us. I really do not know how she did it. My wife is the most unbelievable mom. She has never missed a thing with our kids. I have been buried in our business and she has really been like a single parent to our kids sometimes. She is one of the best people out there. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Yeah I would say women have been pretty important in my life. Rodney and Becca Jarvis both graduated from Trevecca Nazarene University in 1995 with degrees in Business Administration. In 1996, Rodney and Becca purchased the business, formerly known as Griggs Award, Sign & Flag Co., and together have been growing the company ever since. What started out to be a small trophy shop has grown into a full service sign company including design, manufacturing, and installation with more than 30 employees. 12 Meet Patrick Addison, Our New VP for East Tennessee WHERE ARE YOU FROM? Patrick: I was born in Memphis, TN. A few years later I moved to Arlington, TN, which is right outside of Memphis. I lived there, married Ashley in 2006, and we made Arlington our home. Ashley taught kindergarten for six years in Arlington until we moved to the TBCH Memphis campus. Prior to joining the TBCH team, I served as a police officer in Collierville, TN, for six years. I went on to teach criminal justice at Houston High School in Germantown, TN, for three years. Ashley and I adopted our daughter, Kate, in 2011. She is a spunky four year old and the light of our lives. HOW DID YOU FIRST GET INVOLVED WITH TBCH? Patrick: We went to church with Stuart and Ashley McCollough, house parents at the Memphis campus. We enjoyed getting to know this couple, as well as the children and seeing them each week at church. In college, Ashley and I started volunteering at TBCH’s Memphis campus. We helped with recreation time each week, as well as gym nights every month. We were then married and became a visiting family for a child. We developed a very close relationship with that young boy, and he quickly became a part of our family. He became friends with all of our friends’ children. He was then able to meet our daughter and loved getting to hold her and even attended her baby shower. He was PATRICK ADDISON, WIFE ASHLEY, AND DAUGHTER KATE so proud! It was such a neat experience for us, as well as our friends. He went back to his family, and we took a little time off before being a visiting family for another child. We were her visiting family until we began working as relief house parents at the Memphis campus in 2013. God gave us a love for TBCH years ago, and we were so blessed to be able to use our experiences from other occupations to serve as house parents. We were house parents at the Memphis campus for 18 months until God called us to Chattanooga. While house parenting, I also worked at the Boys’ Ranch in Millington for several months as a caseworker. Learning from the house parents, social staff, and leadership of those two campuses helped to prepare us for my new position in East Tennessee. God has been so gracious in allowing us to serve the children and families of Tennessee through the TBCH. WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE EXPERIENCE SO FAR? Patrick: During our time as house parents, we worked closely with Johnny and Bea Mayhan. As their relief, we were able to build relationships with several children in our care. It’s hard to pick one specific experience, but overall, the relationships that were formed in that time with residents and fellow staff will always be special to our family. In East Tennessee, I have already had the opportunity to hear of trusting relationships between residents and house parents. This is a vital step in the healing process with most of the children in our care. I am thankful for the opportunity to serve alongside the house parents and social staff of the Chattanooga and Oakdale campuses. UPCOMING EVENTS KARS4KIDS April 18th TBCH Brentwood Campus 1310 Franklin Rd, Brentwood, TN 37027 HOPE HINES FORE KIDS GOLF CLASSIC June 8th Nashville Golf and Athletic Club 1703 Crockett Springs Trail, Brentwood, TN 37027 For information on either of these events, or if you’re interested in becoming an event sponsor, contact Mid TN Region: Jeff McGinnis at [email protected] or (615)376-3195 East TN Region: Theresa Davis at [email protected] or (423)892-2722 West TN Region: Mary Wasson at [email protected] or (901)386-3961 “GNASH,” IS THE MASCOT FOR THE NASHVILLE PREDATORS HOCKEY TEAM. THE PREDATORS ARE A CORPORATE SPONSOR FOR TBCH EVENTS, AND LONGTIME FRIEND OF THE MINISTRY @TBCH Tennessee Baptist Children’s Homes ● PO Box 2206 ● Brentwood, TN ● 37024 1(800)624-8591 ● www.tennesseechildren.org
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