Index to Obituaries - Akron-Summit County Public Library
Index to Obituaries - Akron-Summit County Public Library
. . AKRON BEACON JOURNAL Index to Obituaries 1999 Akron-Summit County Public Library Compiled by the the staff of the Language, Literature and History Division DATE NAME Aaron. Floyd B. Abbate, Angela Abbate, .Anthotly R . Abbey, LaNore Abdenour ji;seph Abdoo. Raymond A . Abel Johanna Abel, Robert P . Aber, Mariam Abercrobmie, David L . Aberegg, O t t o Abernathy, A n n i e L . Abraham, F r a n c i s Abrams, Grant H . Acker, Lois A . Ackerer, P h y l l i s A . Acklin, Elvie Acklin, Lillard D. Acord, Helma L . Acquavira, George P . Adamczyk, J o h n P. Adams, A u s t i n M . Adams, B e t t y .To. Adams, Frances F . ..\dams, Harvey L . Adams, Helen Adams, Larry Adams, Larry E . Adams, Leona M. Adams, Leonard R . Adams, Linda tl. Adams, Nary 0. Adams, Mildred N . Adams, Orman H . Adams, Van D . Adams, V i r g i n i a A . Xdams, Walter Adanison, Mildred I . Addis, M a r j o r i e Addis, Wayne L . Adkins, Daniel Adkins, Peggy J . A d l e r , L o u i s V. A f t o n , Robert J . Agee, E t t a L . Akers, Grover L . . 4 k e r s , Joanne Akers, Nary B . Xlbanese, C h a r l e s A . Albanese, Michael A . A l b e r t , Cam'ryn J a y . Alberta, Beatrice A l b r i g h t , Walter Alderman, Harold H. ~ I Page 1 i '1-3 1-99 16-28-99 12-9-99 1-28-99 3-4-99 7-21-99 11 -22-99 3-22-99 3-28-99 9-18-99 5- $ - 9 9 1-20-99 j-2j-gg 6-8-99 4-1 - 9 9 5-10-99 12-25-99 4-26-99 4-23-99 3-20-99 6-5-99 3-1 6-99 6-27-99 12-1 5-99 2-3-99 2-1 3-99 5-9-99 12-29-99 3-29-99 1-15-99 6-1 6-99 5-25-99 1-1 5 - 9 9 3-20-99 -1-29-99 5-2-99 $-13-99 9-24-99 9-1 3 - 9 9 6-22-99 11-24-99 1-6-99 6 - 2 1 -99 7-29-99 2-12-99 8-25-99 3-28-99 9-'I 2-99 10-7-99 6-26-99 6-30-99 2-3-99 11-13-99 12-1 7-99 NAME DATE Alexander, Dominic f . Alexander, Fred J. . Alexander, Frederick M . Alexander, Juanita. Alexander, Julia b. Alexander, Truman M. Alexis, Ruth J. Alford, Louise T. Allan. Wesley Allard, Esther I. Allard, Raymond L. Allbery, Benjamin f . , Allen, Annabelle M. Allen, Cody T. Allen, Harper C. Allen, Jack Allen, Mark L. Allen, Natalie X . Allen, Willie E. Allender, Eletha B. Allie, Mike 2. Allison, Cecil D. Allison, Ralph g . Allman, Sara A. Alls, Arlene B. Allshouse, Esther Allshouse, Lois E. Allshouse, Manilla J. Almasi, LaVerne G. Alspach, Byron E. Alspach, Jacob B. Altimore, Frank 0. Alvarez, Natalie Alvis, Gregory M. Aman, Joseph P. Amans, Margaret E. . Ambrose. Junior Ambrose, Talmadge L. Ambrosic, John L. Ambrosino, John F. Ames, William g . Ammerman, Forest D., .Amos, Viola F. Amstutz, Ledale Anacki, Daniel W. Anastasia, Wilma Anderson, Anna B. ' Anderson. Antonia A . Anderson, Charlotte P. Anderson, George R. Anderson, Josephine E . .A nde r s on, Ju 1i e L Anderson, Yinnie Anderson, Svenn D. . . . - . Page 2 12-6-99 3-5-99 5-4-99 11-1 9 - 9 9 2-27-99 3-24-99 2-2-99 10-26-99 5-2-99 3-1 6-99 10-24-99 9-26-99 8-28-99 7-31 -99 5-4-99 4-27-99 11 -1 3-99 9-20-99 7-2-99 -11-20-99 1-6-99 8-31 - 9 9 ' 5-2 9 -9 9 2-26-99 10- 10-99 5-29-99 8-1 3-99 -1-23-99 2-1 9-99 5-9-99 9-11-99 8-23-99 9-10-99 7-7-99 7-26-99 1-6-99 12-6-99 1-14-99 9-22-99 11-10-99 4-18-59 1 1-7-99 10-1 2-99 12-26-99 12-1 5-99 5-7-99 1-1 4-99 2-4-99 10-23-99 10-24-99 6-12-99 5-1-99 10-26-99 10-8-99 NAME DATE Anderson, Walter S. Andre, Vera S. Andrew, James W. Andrew, Marguerite Andrews, Alberta R. Andrews, Donald Andrews, Esther P. Andrews, J. Edward Andrews, Jack E. Andrews, Marguerite Andrews, Marie Andrews, Robert L. Andrews, William A . Andrews, Zella Andrico, Irene Angle, Laurette C. Anglin, Robert J. Anitas, Mary K. Ansel. Sarah K. Antal, Steve J. Antes, Phyllis I(. Antognoli, Andrew A. Antonino, Nicola Anushock, Mildred Apollonio, Ella Lee App, Mary Appell, Modene M . Appleby, Jean El. Appleman, Robert J. Aramouni, Daoud S. Arbogast, Marge A. Archer, Allen D. Archer, David H. Archer, Dwight Archer, Mary B. Archer, Robert A. Ardis, Lanie Argabright, Catherine E. Arktiright, Lyman P. Armour, Addie M . Armour, John L. Armstrong, Kenneth J. Arner, Carl A. Arnold, Beulah Arnold, Carl &l. Arnold, Constance Arnold, Irene D. Arnold, John B. Arnold, Lemoyne .1. Arnold, Roy Arnstein, Bertha $1. Arora, Narindar N. A r p , Albert Page 3 6-21 -99 6-8-99 2-9-99 3-25-99 4-4-99 5-25-99 12- 16-99 5-22-99 3-1 8-99 3-22-99 1 1 -20-99 8-1 1-99 9-28-99 11-7-99 3-2-99 7- 16-99 4-9-99 5-7-99 5-5-99 .I 2- 1 2-99 10-12-99 12-9-99 8-27-99 7-14-99 10-24-99 10-31-99 5-26-99 5-1 1-99 7-27-99 12-1 2-99 1-9-99 4-24-99 12-3-99 1 1 -28-99 2-10-99 10-4-99 11-23-99 5-9-99 9-1 6-99 5-5-99 8-5-99 11-14-99 4-4-99 1-3-99 12-1-99 2-17-99 12-1 3-99 8-26-99 12-23-99 3- 1-99 5-11-99 1 1 -30-99 10-30-99 6-9-99 NAME DATE Arrant, Luther A. Arrington, Arra Arrington, Eddie Arrington, Matteel Arthur, Mary e. Artz, Annie Lee Artz, Emma M. Artz, Wilbur G. Arvay, Steve E. Asbury, Susie Asente, Michael Ash. Charles E. Ash, Randall W. Ashford, William E. Ashley, Angie Ashley, Owen W. Ashley, Robert E. Ataya, Nazha s . Atchison. Ardella W . Atchison, Trudy Atkins, Barbara L. Atkinson, Gwendolyn E. Atkinson, Odessa B. Atkinson, Robert W. Auber, Mark E. Aubley, Very1 E. August, Edward R. August, Kathin M. Augustine, B. Sue Ault, Dorothy L. Auman, Onie B. Ausperk, Albert Austin, J.T. Austin, James T. Austin, Patricia Austin, Willie M. Autry, Estelle Averell, Max W. Avramovich, Irene H . Avramovich, Maxine M . Avry, Patricia M . Ayers, George H . Ayers, Myron T. Aylward, Joseph M. Ayres, Mary H . C . Azzarella, Andy K. Bach, Mai Bachand, Ronald E. Bachman, Byron Bachus, Denver E. Bacigal, Anna Backe, Ida L. Backus, Wayne L. Page 4 . 8-1 4-99 6-4-99 4-8-99 4-4-99 7-31-99 4-26-99 9-14-99 9-1 5-99 3-17-99 5-26-99 1-1 0-99 3-30-99 9-29-99 2-26-99 4-14-99 5-14-99 9-1 3 - 9 9 .l-30-99 2-23-99 11 -24-99 1 1 -1 6-99 9-26-99 11-27-99 1-5-99 9-9-99 4-1 8-99 i-7-99 6-1 3-99 12-31-99 2-1 1 - 9 9 4-1 5-99 10-6-99 8-8-99 1-12-99 5-6-99 1-28-99 3 -7 - 9 9 12-26-99 1-6-99 1-28-99 2-5-99 3-19-99 6-25-99 8-1 -99 8-1 -99 f 2-1 8 - 9 9 10-2-99 4-1 -99 9-23-99 10-27-99 2-1 9-99 7-11-99 10-5-99 8-74-99 DATE NAME Bader, Gerald Baer, Betty V. Baer, Clarabelle Bagocius, Benedict G. Bahr, Alma F. Bahr, Melvin L. Baier, Miriam L. Bail, Alva E. Bailes, Ollie J. Bailey, Bradley M. Bailey, David M. Bailey, Joe Bailey, Leo T. Bailey, Lisa Baird, Lawrence E. Baird, Porter E. Baker, Anna L. Baker, Crystal L . Baker, Donald G. Baker, Earl W. Baker, Elvine Baker, Floyd D. Baker, George E. Baker, Harlan B. Baker, Joseph A. Baker, L. Kathleen Baker, Margaretta G. Baker, Maxine A. Baker, Mildred V. Baker, Olga A . Baker, Ronald G. Baker, Russell E . Baker, Thelma A . Baker, Thelma D. Bakos, Julia M. Balc, Carolina E. Baldauf, Robert J. Baldauskas, Stella D. Baldensperger, Pauline V. Balding, Ruth G . Balding, Wayne E. Ba 1dne 1- , flusse 11 J . Baldwin, Al,ta M. Baldwin, Thomas L . Balko, Mary Ball, Gerald R. Ball, Madeline M. Ballato, Mary Ballinger, Ralph L. Ballis, Jerry L. Ballou, Suzanne C . Balog, Margaret Baltar, Dorothy L . Page 5 5-1 4-99 7-1 3-99 6-1 5-99 9-18-99 2-21 -99 2-9-99 2-28-99 8-1 6-99 4-29-99 9-9-99 9-18-99 4-1 1-99 12-31-99 12-31 -99 8-31-99 1-1 3-99 3-10-99 7-4-99 7-30-99 7-1 5-99 7-17-99 3-30-99 5-1 4-99 9-10-99 3-22-99 3-16-99 10-13-99 10-14-99 2-3-99 1-10-99 11 - 1 4-99 2-15-99 4-12-99 6-1 9-99 8-22-99 4-28-99 12-4-99 5-26-99 7-4-99 9-5-99 5-31 -99 5-31 -99 7-31-99 2-20-99 9-1 8-99 3-31-99 12-1 1-99 2 - 1 4-99 1-11-99 6-1 3-99 8-25-99 2-23-99 8-6-99 10-26-99 - DATE NAME ' . Balter, Niki L. Baltz, Esther I. Bamer, Mary K. Bancroft, Mattie Bane, Donna M. Banfield, Virgil C. Banit, Wtadystaw Banker, Roberta M. Banks, Maria 0. Baptiste, Corinne I. Baran, Frances M. Baranchik, Nicholas Barath, Elizabeth Barb, Bruce Barbato, Christopher A. Barber, Frank H.L. Barber, Harry J. Barber, James 0. Barber, James W. Barber, Kenneth Barbuto, Giuseppe Barbuzza, Rose Barcus. Vada Bargar, Hazel .V. Bargar, hi. Deane Barkley, Frankie E. Barna, Ruth J. Barnby, Herbert E. Barnes, Alda L. Barnes, Hershall Barnes, Horace Barnes, James R. Barnes, Richard C. Barnett, Diana Barnhart, Claude W. Barnhart, Jane Barnhart, Patricia L. Barnholth, Claude R. Barowicz, Charles C. Barr, Phyllis F. Barrett, Margaret Barrett, Margaret M. Barrett, William H. Barr,on, Chester V. Barrow, Ivy H.E. Bartell, Paul R. Bartholomew, Grant E. Bartlett, Geraldine Bartlett, Viola M. Bartley, Anita H. Bartley, Mona P. Barton, Bernice R. Bartoo. Gladys Basinger, Evelyn N. Page 6 10-24-99 10-29-99 6-22-99 10-1 1 - 9 9 4-27-99 8-1 4-99 1-10-99 3-28-99 4 -2 4-9 9 4 - 1 7-99 1 1 -28-99 8-1 4-99 11 -7-99 4 - 1 8-99 12-9-99 4-5-99 8-6-99 3-1 7-99 11-30-99 1-5-99 3-3-99 10-25-99 7-1 5-99 2-1 8-99 1-20-99 5-8-99 6-15-99 6-8-99 1-17-99 9-23-99 5-1 1 - 9 9 1-13-99 1-26-99 10-29-99 9-1 4-99 5-3-99 11-17-99 7-8-99 5-6-99 12-26-99 6-1 3-99 10-19-99 5-12-99 1-17-99 6-22-99 10-9-99 1 'I -3-99 11 -25-99 1-28-99 8-21-49 9-21 - 9 9 9-24-99 12-12-99 8-30-94 DATE NAME Bass, Ellis R. Bassak, Stanley A . Bassett, Ruth Bastian, Judy r. Bateman, Dorothy L. Bates, Fay L. Bathurst, Mary E. Batten, Virgie Battle, Washington Battles, Janyce K. Batton, Caroline E. Batton, Georgia L. Batton, Martha L. Bauers. Howard H. Baughman, Earl E . Baughman, Marcella H. Baughman, Zella r. Bauman, Helen a. Bauman, James A. Bauman, Walter E. Baumberger, Philip L. Baumgardner, F.R. Bayliss, Lucy Beaber, Deloris El. Beach, Dorothy E. Beach, James E. Beach, St. Augustine Beach, Walter J. Beachler, J. Karl Eeachly, Gene M. Beal, Harold R. Beall, Harry Beam, Wilma E. Bean, Leona M. Beard, James G. Beard, John Beatty, Patricia A . Beavers, Paula N . Beavers, William H. Bechter, Cynthia Bechter, Joseph L. Beck, Anna M. Beck, Clara M. Beck, Debra Beck, James T. Beck, Laura M. Beck, Loren W. Beck, Margaret L. Beck, William L. Beck, William M. Becker, Herbert J. Beckett, Bettie Lue Beckford, Elizabeth Beckler, Christal M. Page 7 .~ .. . 5-5-99 8-7-99 4-10-99 7-6-99 10-2-99 4-1 7-99 12-31-99 12-10-99 5-27-99 11 -25-99 1-27-99 4-1 1-99 . 12-1 8-99 11-24-99 6-1 1-99 10-5-99 11-1 3-99 8-1 6-99 2-18-99 6-16-99 4-9-99 6-3-99 8-26-99 1-26-99 1-4-99 3-2-99 10-10-99 1-10-99 5-23-99 11 -1 5-99 12-27-99 3-2-99 4-9-99 5-14-99 5-30-99 5-30-99 1-6-99 1-13-99 4-20-99 6-1 2-99 2-1 4-99 12-4-99 9-30-99 3-7-99 7 - 1 8-99 11-4-99 12-1 5-99 5-4-99 1 1-1 5-99 6-29-99 5-25-99 6-6-94 5-25-99 8-10-99 ~ ~~ NAME DATE Beckwith, Nancy R. Beckwith, Robert N. Bedell, James R. Bedingfield, Madge E. R289eS: B ~ W P D E . Beery, Teresa E. Begue, David A . Behanna, Melanie J. Behra. Jack T. Beichler, Sandy K. Bekkedahl, Elvira C . Belan, Joseph F. Belcher, Evelyn J. Belkey, Valeria S. Bell, Donald D. Bell, Eleanor G. Bell, Eugene Bell, Fannie S. Bell, Herbert Bell, Kenneth R. Bell, Lawrence H. Bell, Lester Bell, Mabel A . Bell, Marcadas Bell, Mary Bell, Simon Bell, Stephen L. Bell, Theodore C. Bell, Willie H. Belle, William M. Bellini, Troiano M. Bellman, Daniel D. Bellman, Edith M. Beltich, John E. Bemak, George Bendel, Cecil L. Bender, Rebecca S. Bender, Robert L. Bene, Joe V. Benedetto, Rate Benedic, Lynne Benedict, Luann Benjamin, Blythe 8. Benner, William Bennett, Bessie B.C. Bennett, Denise L. Bennett, Irene Bennett , Richard C. Bennett, Sellers W. Benshoff, Pauline 8. Benson, Harold R. Benson, Mollie E. Page 8 1-15-99 4-1 7-99 6-8-99 10-14-99 3Oi~$~Zj9 9-21 -99 7-22-99 12-14-99 7-20-99 7-1 5-99 10-29-99 7-31-99 1-2-99 5-6-99 4-20-99 4-1-99 12-4-99 .2 -2 3- 9 9 11-1 5-99 9-21-99 12-16-99 2-25-99 3-8-99 1-3-99 9-2-99 11-3-99 12-14-99 10-13-99 4-6-99 9-28-99 2-21-99 1-3-99 I, 0- 8 - 9 9 7-17-99 1-31 -99 1-2-99 8-4-99 8-5-99 6-26-99 5-16-99 2-21-99 11-28-99 1-1-99 3-30-99 8-9-99 4-30-99 7-23-99 1-7-99 4-6-99 5-10-99 9-6-99 5-27-99 1-11-99 . NAME DATE Benson, Roy Benton, Zella M . Berenyi, Cynthia J. Berenyi. James N . Beres, Joseph f . Bereschak, Carrie E.L. Berg, Flora E. Berg, Grace H. Bergdorf, Elizabeth M . Bergdorf, Madeline M. Berkes, Mary E. Berkey, Mary J. Berkheimer, Alice Berlesky , Robert J. Berry, Andrew C. 'Berry, Florence 0. Berry, James R. Berry, N. Parker Berry, Ray K. Bertele, Mary C . Berton, Ruby V. Berube, Caroline Berube, Donald C . Beshara, Alma S. Bess, Ryland S. Besse, Eleanore M . Best, Elmer W. Bethel, Nuhlon M . Betleyoun, Dennis Bettenbrock, Lorraine Betts, David Betts; Gladys L. Betts, Ralph W. Betts, Verian C. Bette, Vincent L. Be:z, Foster L. Bevan, Hester M . Bever, Ann Bey, Hazel W. Beyers, Raymond L . Biasella, Dorothy Biasella, Robert F. Bible, Charles L. Biddle, Richard L. Bidinger, Gladys H. Bidinger, Irene Bidinger, Mary E. Biener, Doris J. Bieri, Mary C . Bierly, Regina L. Bigach, Steve Bigelow, Elmer L. Bigham, Carl Bilanych, George Page 9 4-15-99 7-8-99 5-15-99 8-24-99 8-13-99 11-16-99 12-4-99 12-5-99 4-30-99 9-22-99 5-16-99 10-20-99 12-7-99 4-20-99 12-1-99 8-21-99 1-10-99 4-18-99 11-1 4-99 10-11-99 12-1 6-99 12-26-99 10-8-99 5-20-99 10-3-99 1-7-99 12-5-99 8-10-99 10-13-99 7-1 1-99 11-18-99 6-30-99 2-15-99 3-31-99 9-4-99 10- 19-99 1-9-99 3-5-99 5-23-99 3-1 1-99 9-29-99 9-76-99 3-31-99 1-12-99 4- 10-99 6-9-99 6-1 5-99 10-20-99 1-4-99 1-14-99 5-12-99 1-28-99 12-15-99 4-2-99 . DATE . Biles, Robert N . Billick, Marthalene G. Billings, William C. Billingsley, Clarence Binegar, Elinor R. Binegar, Lena Bing, Edge1 L. Bing, Edna J. Bingham, Margaret A. Bingham, Raymond .W. Bingman, Lula V. Bintz. Mildred E. Biondi, Angela P. Bird, Florence Bird, Orson D. Biris, Costas J. Birmingham, Dennis G. Biros, George J. Birow, Steve Bisheimer. Sister M. Imelda. Bishop, Austin M.D. Bishop, Willard Bisson, Gladys M. Bistline. Florence K. Bitecofer, Daniel J. Bitecofer, Dorothy E. Bittaker, William E. Bittinger, Dariiis S. Bitzer, Marie A . Bivens, Clarence T. Bixler, Jessie K . M . Blachaniec, Edward M . . Black, Edna M.O. Black, Roger A. Black, Thelma S. Blackburn, Lela L. Blackwell, Jack R. Blair, Charles M . Blair, Dormell C. Blair, Elvira S. Blair,.George I. Blair, JoAnn Blair, Josephine W. Blair, Lewis Blair, Mildred E. Blake, Cordelia D. Blaknep, Hazel a. Blanchard, Kay M. Blandford, Joseph R. Blank, Mark E. Blankenship, Dayton Blankenship, Harold L. Blankenship, Leah Blankenship, Mary H. Page 10 10-1-99 1-25-99 1-24-99 9-23-99 1 1 -1 9-99 12-1-99 4-25-99 2-3-99 1-18-99 6-2-99 8-15-99 1 1 -1 7-99 9-1-99 4-2-99 1-20-99 5-3-99 7-18-99 9-19-99 8-19-99 1 1-2-99 12-30-99 12-12-99 3-30-99 12-21-99 5-17-99 1-11-99 3-31-99 12-12-99 5-16-99 2-13-99 2-18-99 5-2-99 5-8-99 9-28-99 3-19-99 1-1 2-99 9-29-99 9- 22- 99 11-27-99 3-30-99 12-21-99 5-28-99 4-22-99 5 - 5: 99 3-21-99 8-30-99 1-6-99 1-3-99 1-24-99 8-15-99 1 1 -2-99 9-21-99 4-23-99 &-I 3-99 DATE Blankenship, Thomas L. Blanks, Ethel M . Blatnik, Helen I. Blatter, David E. Blaz, Frank L. Blazer, Reathel J. Blessing, Richard E. Blevins, Ruby K. Blewett. Raleigh E. Blile, Thomas E. Blinkhorn, Joseph H. Blinn, Lillian r . Bliss, Elizabeth K. Bliss, Fred H. Bloch, Ida S. Blondheim, Cassandra R. Bloodworth, Ellis Bloss, Frederick J.S. Blouir, Charles W. Blower, Florence H. Blower, Jean M. Blue, Joan Blythe, Nora H. Boak, Sabina Boals, Harry E. Board, James W. Board, John X . Boarman, Hannah J. Bobacek, Roberta Boca, Marija Bocker, Florence M. Boddy, Kevin Boden, Marjorie J. Boden, Warren B. Bodnar, Dorothy G. Bodner, Mary F. Boehnlein, Harry A . Boerner, Martin Boettner, Mary K. Boger, Clarence E. Boger, i?obert W. Boggs, Eugene 8. Boggs, Florence A . Boggs, Lannie Boggs, Vera May Boggs, William R. Bogner. Anthony Bohm, Concetta Sue Bohn, Helen E. Bolar, Georgia V. Bolar, Sullivan Bolender, Dorothy L. Boley, Patricia J. Boley, Wayne L. Page 1 1 11-17-99 7-13-99 5-6-99 6-1.4- 99 5-4-99 6-8-99 6-6-99 7-11-99 2-18-99 10-4-99 3-9-99 3-18-99 1-19-99 3-26-99 3-14-99 2-2-99 7-20-99 8-29-99 1-7-99 5-8-99 12-20-99 3- 19-95 3-6-99 9-24-99 2-28-99 2-17-99 9-25-99 10-4-99 3-13-99 4-26-99 1-15-99 8-15-99 12-6-99 12-23-99 6-8-99 1 1 -7-99 1 1 -30-99 8-11-99 12-1 8-99 3-4-99 7-17-99 1-8-99 4-6-95 7-19-99 10-18-99 1 1 -20-99 10-5-99 5-30-99 3-1-99 9-8-99 1 1 -25-99 2-17-99 8-3-99 10-26-99 NAME DATE Bolinger. Virginia T. Bollinger, Frank Bollini. Dante Boltz, Ervin #8j$~fd~ifthia%8e L. Bolyard, Randy a. Bomback, Renetta J. nonay, Claudette A. Boncek, Alixandria Bond, George D. Bondurant, Robert 0. Bonnett, Jamie L. Bonney, Douglas M. Bonto. Benjamin F. Booker, Neal H. Bookman. Frank W. Boos, Anne Boos, 8ary Booth, Carol A. Booth, Dylan S . Boothe, Louise Bol'cicky, Clara E. Bordash, Frank S . Border, Richard D. Boring, Richard R. Bornstein, Mary E. Boros, Josephine Borrelli, Theresa D. Borse, William Bosko, Anna M . Bosley, Evelyn I. Bosley, William G. Bostian, Scott R. Bostic, Forest B. Boston, Catherine S . Boswell , 'Sarah E. Bosworth, Edward I. Botz, Susanna Boulton, Mary E. Bourque, Randolph F. Bovyer, Jane A. Bower, Aaron R. Bowers, Helen L. Bowers, Nancy c. Bowers, Nelson J. Bowersox, June I. Bowes, Kenyon D. Bowler, Florence C. Bowman, Alfred Bowman, Arless H. Bowman, Jessie M . Bowman, Mary E. Bowman, Robert J. Page 12 4-23-99 2-6-99 8 - 1 3-99 11-9-99 43ygg9 8-20-99 5-1 9-99 4-7-99 10-7-99 3-20-99 5-25-99 4-1 8-99 6-16-99 1-31-99 1-4-99 11 -27-99 2-22-99 7-1 7 - 9 9 10-22-99 8-3-99 7-27-99 3-9-99 2-9-99 4-1-99 5-21 -99 3-5-99 6- 1-99 5-5-99 7- 2 9 - 9 9 4-5-49 2-1 3-99 12-3-99 1-6-99 8-22-99 5-1 1-99 12-25-99 11-21-99 2-28-99 12-20-99 11-6-99 1-25-99 11-13-99 1-25-99 2-25-99 5-1 3-99 9-27-99 5-1 8-99 8 - 2A - 9 9 6-13-99 7-27-99 8-23-99 1-26-99 6-4-99 . DATE Bowman, Robert J. Bowser, Robert M. Bowyer, Wendel P. Box, Pauline W. Boyce, Carl H. Boyce, Loren Boyce, Patricia S . Boyce, William M. Boyd, Daniel L. Boyd, Juanita G. Boydston, Phillip W. Boyer, Gretta Boyer. Louise Boyer, Mary M.G. Boyer, Nildred E. Boyes, William H. Boyett, Bobbie Joe Boykin, Juanita Boyle, Evelyn M. Boyle, J. Robert Boylen, Ronald L. Bozin, Candida C. Bozsik, Carol E. Bozsonp, Rose Bozzelli, Mabel Bozzo, John F. Brabham, Nelliemae Brackett. Bernice Brackett, Iona Bradach, John Bradford, William E. Bradley, Wilma W. Bradshaw, Billy W. Bradshaw, Iva Brady, Clifford H. Braham, Lovie M. Branchik, Richard Branden, Mary M. Brandes, Todd G. Brandle, Lottie A . Brandon, Christella Brandon. Donald E. Brandon, Henry C Brandon, Jeffie Brandow, Evna V. Brandstetter, Wi liam H. Brandt, JoAnn Brandt, Vernon F Brandt, William Brant, ljilliam Braswell, Jack A . Bratcher, Mercer F Braucher, Emma B. Braucher, Ivan B. Page 13 6-7-99 1-29-99 10-2-99 8-31-99 6-13-99 6-17-99 1-14-99 7-13-99 12-2-99 3-21-99 7-1'1-99 5-26-99 4-1 1-99 12-16-99 5-14-99 8-8-99 6-24-99 2-5-99 4-3-99 5-1 1-99 7-15-99 12-24-99 12-2-99 5-14-99 3-4-99 7-3-99 6-4-99 9-13-99 8-29-99 6-12-99 2-27-99 8-19-99 3-25-99 12-28-99 4-20-99 7-1 'I -99 4-11-99 9-22-99 5-21-99 2-1 4-99 4-14-99 3-3-99 1-1-99 8-18-99 12-27-99 12-3-99 4-21-99 5-31-99 7-1 1-99 5-1 8-99 12-14-99 12-3-99 1-3-99 4-23-99 NAME Braun, Walter E. Bray, Joe Bray, Thomas F. Brazell, Kenneth W. Brazie, Alice Brazile, Thurman Breaux, Kim A. Breece, Denise R. Brengartner, Robert E. Brennan, Donna J. Brennan, Julia M. renn n Wi liam t lrensfuhl, Boiard R. Breth, Jack H. Breth, Lillian M . Breth, Richard H. Brett, Thomas A. Breuers, Frank L. Brewer, Bruce L. Brewer, Louise Brewer, Mary M. Brick, Albert J. Bridges, Joan Bridges, Kenneth E. Bridgman, Glen F. Bright, Thonias Brilhart, Robert E. Brimlovi, Marguerite M . Brimston, Helen L. Brinkley, Max D. Brinley, Thomas R. Brislinger, Andrew Briston, Ruth E. Broadway, Albert J. Brobson, Nancy K. Brock, Charlene D. Brock, Ruth W . Brock, Sally M. Brockett, Edra C . Brockett, Wayne Brockman, Leonard W. Brockman, William R. Broda, Stephanie H . Broderick, Sue E. Brodie. Nary J.W. Bronson, Kathleen A , Brook, Dinah Brooks, Hazel M. Brooks, Michael D. Brooks, Robert C. Brooks, Ruth Brooks, Violet L. Brophy, Dorothy N. Brophy, Glenn r. Page 14 . DATE 12-30-99 1-28-99 9-16-99 2-6-99 8-31 -99 12-1 9-99 1 1 -1 9-99 1-6-99 12-22-99 9-9-99 4-27-99 &p339 2 25- 99 7-4-99 3-1 8-99 2-23-99 6-1 1-99 10-9-99 12-1 5-99 3-6-99 10-10-99 9-1 9-99 8-1 1-99 5-6-99 10-1 5-99 12-I$-99 5-.a- 9 9 1-31-99 4-9-99 10-24-99 3-20-99 5-31-99 12-27-99 9-23-99 3-27-99 1 1 -30-99 3-31-99 3-36-99 10-3-99 10-15-99 9-29-99 1 1 -25-99 7-10-99 10-26-99 4-3-99 4 - 1 1-99 3-1 8-99 1-14-99 12-26-99 6~28-99 12-27-99 9-2-99 1-23-99 - DATE NAME Brotherton, Mildred Brouse, Margaret T. Brower, Roger K. Brown, Ada L. Brown, Albert Brown, Albert W. Brown, Annie B. Brown, Bernard M.C. Brown, Bruce 0. Brown, Dean R. Brown, Dorothy H. Brown, Edith Brown, Edith A.P. Brown, Eleanor Brown, Eleanor A. Brown, Elizabeth B.C. Brown, Erwin J. Brown, Florence E. Brown, Gladys H. Brown, Jean M. Brown, Jean W. Brown. Jerome T. Brown, Lawrence E. Brown, Louie Brown, Lucien S. Brown, Mabel J.M. Brown, Olivia M. Brown, Phyllis I . Brown, Raymond L. Brown, Raymond 0. Brown, Robert C. Brown, Ruth Brown, Thomas S.E. Brown, Timothy Brown, Tommy Brown, Vernon L. Brown, Wade L. Brown, killiam J. Brown, William T. Browninn. Francis G Brubake;; Bruce H. Brubaker, Helen P. Bruder, Phyllis A . Brueggeman, Robert E. Brummert, Helen Brune, Adelaide M. Brunn, Regina Brunnett, Ralph Bruno, Clenna I. Brunski, Rose M . Brunt);, Halexy R. Bruschlogl, Jacob Brustoski, Wanda J. Bryan, Adele Page 15 5-20-99 6 - 1 4-99 8-22-99 10-20-59 11 -8-99 4-3-99 12-1 5-99 12- 10-59 9-27-99 9-1 7-99 8-1 -99 11 -9-99 11 -8-99 2-1 7-99 9-1 2-99 4-1 5-99 11 -7-99 5-1 -99 9-23-99 4- 15-99 11-7-99 12-21-99 9-23-99 11-14-99 11-7-99 9-1 5-99 8-1 8-99 3-5-99 5-1 3-99 11 -7-99 4-6-99 7-14-99 2-1-99 8-8-99 9-9-99 12-31-99 1 1-4-99 11 -4-99 11 -2-99 1-3-99 2-9-99 4-29-99 8-29-99 1-24-99 10-15-99 11 -21 -99 5-3-99 9-9-99 1-9-99 2-22-99 12-27-99 8-5-99 4-1 5-99 5-1 'I- 9 9 DATE NAME Bryan, Harold H. Bryan, Martha IC. Bryant, Ferrell E. Bryant, Pearl W. Bryant, Tommy B. Bryson, Ted R. Bucci-Vincent, Nance Buccigrossi, Carolina Buchanan, Anna L . Buchanan, Jean Buchanan, Willie Buchholz, Ryan M. Buchholzer, Richard B. Buck. John G. Buck, Leona J. Buck, Ralph K. Buckles, Roscoe L. Buckley, Alan Buckmaster, George W. Bucy, Lester W. Budai, Regina P. Buehl, John D. Buehrle, Victor E. Buemi, Alvera N. Buemi, Charles J. Buffington. Lisa R. Bugg, Vivian G . Bules, Marjorie S. Bules, Richard T. Bullard, Ethel I. Bullard, Julian J. Bullock, Margaret J. Burch, Anne A. Burden, Oliver F. Burdeshaw, Daniel H. Burdette, Barbara J . Burgess, Donald C. Burgess, Leola A. Burk, Hattie Burk, Richard W. Burke, Joseph Burke, Margaret V. Burke, Walter C . Burkett, Jesse A. Burkett, Kathryn R. Burkhardt, Barbara M. Burkhardt, Pearl M. Burkhart, Frances R. Burkle, James R. Burley, Elizabeth J. Burlingame, Howard C. Burnett, Margaret S . Page 16 10-20-99 10-14-99 7-1 8-99 7-18-99 7-29-99 6-26-99 3-21 -99 8-22-99 8-28-99 11 -8-99 7-25-99 10-22-99 1-16-99 4-17-99 1-31-99 12-19-99 6-13-99 8-7-99 5-27-99 3-1 1 7 9 9 4-1 1 - 9 9 8-10-99 12-27-99 1-10-99 1-23-99 5-1 9-99 5-31-99 8-4-99 5-16-99 8-28-99 3-24-99 10-22-99 8-5-99 5-27-99 9-27-99 9-29-99 9-30-99 7-7-99 7-8-99 7-25-99 5-3-99 1-21-99 12-26-99, 11--3-99 1-31-99 8-8-99 6-9-99 5-30-09 1-27-99 5-7-99. 10-7-99 8-21-99 6-10-99 5-12-99 DATE NAME Burnham. Margaret V. Burnham, Muriel H. Burnley, Richard A . Burns, Gladys E. Burns, Leland H. Burns, Hadeline V. Burns, Robert Burns, Thomas E. Burns, Tylor J. Burr, Loren W. Burrell, James Y. Burris, Evelyn G. Burris, Hilda T. Burros, Logen A . Bursac, Dorothy €I. Burson, Eugene Burt, Sherril M. Burton, Harry E. Burton, Michael D. Burton, Richard H. Burunow, Freida Bush, Nellie M. Businger, Elmer L. Buskey, William C. Bussey.. Mary E. Busson, Gabriel J. Butcher, Dorothy M. Butcher, Eugene R. Butcher, Geneva B. Butcher, James F. Butler, Annie Butler, David H. Butler, George C. Butler, James Butler, Lillian 0. Butler, Margaret A . Butler. Pauline L. Butler, Robert P. Buttermore, Lawrence Butts, Freddie Mae Buzzelli, Mildred L. Byerly, Margaret G. Byers, John $4. Byers, Vina L. Byrider. Charles L. Byrider, John E. Cable, Laura J. Cable, William W. Cadle, Homer J. Cadwell, Richard L. Cady, Russell E. Caffro, Lawrence Cain, Delmas A . Caivano, Dola G. Page 17 2-1 4-99 1-1-99 8-25-99 3-1 2-99 1-3-99 5-1 1 - 9 9 a-3-99 7-21-99 11-17-99 10-31-99 3-22-99 4-20-99 1-30-99 12-1 4-99 5-26-99 4-30-99 9-14-99 6-1 3-99 8-1 7-99 10-23-99 3-23-99 3-3-99 11-5-99 5-25-99 10-22-99 9-10-99 9-24-99 5-3-99 1-7-99 2-1 -99 12-29-99 11 -29-99 4-2-99 9-1 9 - 9 9 5-26-99 6-?-99 7-10-99 1-22-99 5-22-99 4-9-99 4-&-99 1-12-99 2-3-99 1-8-99 8-1 5-99 1-17-99 1-3-99 2-17-99 1-1 8-99 11-1-99 12-1 6-99 5- 14-99 5-31 -99 7-1 9-99 NAME Calanni, Carmela R. Caldwell, Betty J. Caldwell, Iva L. Caldwell, Wendy Caley. James Callihan, Bill Callison, Robye 8. Camp, Ethel A. Campbell, Alice Jean Campbell, Armour B. . Campbell, Charles R. Campbell, James D. Campbell, Jessie B. Campbell, Marguerite H. Campbell, Norma M. Campbell, Ruth A . Campbell, Thelma E. Campbell, William Campbell, Yoland M . Canfora, Beatrice Cannadp, Dolores C. Cannavo, Jean Canter, Jonah U. Canter, Richard K . Cantleberry, Clyde K. Capatosta, Armand J. Capatosto, Guido P. Caplinger, Bertha G . B . Caplinger, Elizabeth $1. Caplinger, Marvin G . Caplinger, Mildred V. Caplinger, Warren L. Capozzi, Thomas A. Capp, Mabel Capron, Richard G. Caputo, Albert Carano, Dennis M . Cardare l i , James E . Carden, William Cardoni Joseph A. Carlson E l s i e V. Carlstr m, Robert J. Carmany, John H. Carmichael, Hope Carmichael, Robert W. Carnes, Patrick J. Carnes, Richard Carney, Hilda Carney, Nancy > I . Carney, Patrick T. Carnine, Virginia 1 . Carns. X i n i f r e d K. Carpenter! r\rl.ene Carpenter, Edgar E. Page 18 DATE - 5- 15-99 8- 14-99 7-8-99 10-1 7-99 4-8-99 10-24-99 5-27-99 2-20-99 T-1-99 5-21 -99 2-1 4-99 6-5-99 2-4-99 1 1 -1 8-99 12-76-99 4-22-99 3-26-99 4-29-99 7-29-99 2-4-99 4-4-99 6-1 9-99 2-5-99 7-5-99 12-13-99 2-14-99 5-1 2-99 7-18-99 10-24-99 3-5-99 1-1 5-99 6-2-99 12-31 -9'3 4-24-99 5-.i-99 2-23-99 2-7-99 9-18-99 1-3-99 5-1 3-99 3-1 1-99 3-2-99 11-25-99 11 -2-99 1-2-99 3-9-99 1 -4:IJg 1~ - ~ ~ - ' > i-13-99 i-2:-99 10-6-?9 10-23-99 'I 10- 99 4-24-99 - 8 j NAME DATE Carpenter, James W. Carpenter, Robert M . Carpenter, Sterling J. Carper, Fred A . Carpio, Cora F. Carr, Elizabeth Carr, Lavin H. Carr, Virginia J. Carrico, Donald T. Carrington, Leslie J . Carris, Lois i. Carroll. Lenora M. Carsten, Hazel A . Garter, Beatrice J. Carter,' Claude W. Carter, Ethel T. Carter, Eugene Carter, Floyd H. Carter, Harold Carter, Helene J. Carter, Joseph A . Carter, M . Joy Carter, Michael R. Carter, Patricia Carter, Raymond J. Carter, Roland C . Carter, Thelma J. Cartmel, Arthur L. Cartmel, Margaret E. Cartwright, Carl D. Cartwright, Judith Carver, Grace S. Casanova, EvaLou Case, Weldon W. Casep, Dennis H. Casey, Martha L. Casteel, Elva H . Castle, Stephen S. Casto, Herman L. Casto, Mary G . Castro, Edmund D. Catalano, Lisa C. Catanzaro, Mary Cathers, Donald C. Cato, Doris Caudill, Edna L. Cavalier, Jill B. Cave, Elva E. Ceglar, Mary Rose Centa, David M . Ceroni, Merico Cerra, Lela H. Cerveny, Samuel Chaboudy, William H. Page 19 10-12-99 5-20-99 10-22-99 4-1 -99 17-5-99 -j - 3- 6. - i; 6 - 6 - 9 !I 3-76-99 6-29-99 3-7-99 1-27-99 7-3-99 9-1 8-99 7-5-99 7-1 3-99 10-19-99 4-24 99 4-2-99 12-1 6-99 12-1 9 - 9 9 3-2-99 9-1 2-99 2-1 1-99 1 1-1 4-99 10-24-99 7-4-99 3-4-99 5-19-99 9-5-99 11 -1 2-99 3-5-99 4-8-99 12-6-99 10-2-99 7-20-99 3-1 5-99 1-1 4-99 10-3-99 8-1 6-99 11- 12-99 4-27-99 1-1 2-99 11 -23-99 2-5-99 4-8-99 8-30-99 7 - 30-9 9 7-17-99 11 -1 9-99 3-25-99 10-14-99 8-3-99 6-4-99 3-31 -99 - DATE Chack, Stanley P. Chadock, Mack J. Chadwell, Ann Chafe, Lola M. Chalk, JoAnn G. Chambers, Beatrice E. Chanan, Allen Chancy, Pearl G. Chandler, Anna H. Chandler, John r. Chandler, Mackey W. Chaney-Gay, Carole Chaney, Ethel Chapman, Della $1. Chapman, Sanford Chapman, William d . Charles, Minnie Charleston, Campbelle W. Charlton, Dallas L. Charlton, David C. Charlton, Joyce Chatman, Ora D. Chaykowski, Freida L. Cheatham, Arnold Cherok, Esther R. Cheyney, Darrell K. Chicodreff, Gika Childers, JoAnne C. Childs, Frances J. Chilton, Marie P. Chima, Jean S. Chipukits, Marie F. Chisman, Marthalee Ciiismar, Susan A. Chowaniec, Doris Chrell, Harry A. Chrislip, Catherine Chrislip, Clarence Christensen, Elsa M. Christenson, Frances M. Christian, Cleo Christian, Robert F. Christian, Rosalind Christner, Marjorie J. Christopher, Ralph J. Chronister, Carrie E. . Chrzanowski, Amy P. Chuma, Nicholas Church, Timothy Lee Ciccolini, Albina Cicora, Ralph Cifelli, William F. Cihlar, Anthony r . Cikra, Alesander Page 2 0 12-23-99 4-10-99 3-14-99 6-1 1-99 12-1 3-99 3-25-99 12-2-99 12-3-99 2-14-99 10-20-99 5-26-99 8-7-99 2-25-99 12-26-99 2-24-99 5-23-99 6 - 1 5-99 5-3-99 2-4-99 2-1 4-99 12-16-99 12-1 -99 1-28-99 10-6-99 9-7-99 2-28-99 2-14-99 10-1 2-99 12-9-99 12-26-99 1-1-99 2-1 1-99 8-1 9-99 9-23-99 11-23-99 12-24-99 1-1-99 1 1 -5-99 5-31-99 11-1 8 - 9 9 8-31-99 1-7-99 1-13-99 5-12-99 $-27-99 11-2-99 9-28-99 12-22-99 11-2-99 3-9-99 8-24-99 -1-2-99 9-1 9-99 3- 18-99 NAME DATE Cinco, Ada M.A. Ciolli, Robert E. Ciora, Daniel A. Cipkar, Eva Cirino, Anna M. Citraro, Lou V. Claeys. Kathrun Claflin, Elva V. Clair, Madge L. Clair, Marguerite A. Clapp, Elizabeth Claridy, Ella L. Clarin, Mary E. Clark, Beulah L. Clark, Charles M. Clark, Duane J. Clark, Gertrude A . Clark, James W. Clark, Janice L. Clark, John A . Clark, Julia A. Clark, Marie B. Clark, Mary Ann Clark, Novia Clark, Reta Clark, Rose Ann Clark, William F. Clark, William J. Clarke, John F. Clarkson, Joe Clawson, Paul E. Clay, Bobby G. Clay, Sherle Clayton, George F. Clayton, Henry M. Clayton, June A . Cleeland, Thomas W. Clegg, Dale E. Clegg, Samuel R. Clelland, William H. Clemens, Sydney C. Clement, Alston Clemente, John D. Clemenz, Warren Clemetson, Marilynn S. Cleminshaw, James B. Clemmons, Jeffrey Clifford, Lloyd A . Clifford, Margaret $1. Clifford, Robert E. Climer, Louise Cline, Arthur L. Close, Olive M. Cloud, Georgia L. Page 21 11 -4-99 11-16-99 7-3-99 12-25-99 10-3-99 1-1-99 8-1 3-99 2-23-99 2-14-99 3-23-99 12-28-99 5-1 -99 8-31-99 9-2-99 8-27-99 2-23-99 1-2-99 4-1 -99 7-25-99 8-5-99 2-1 1 - 9 9 11-11-99 1-20-99 1-1 7 - 9 9 9-1-99 -1-12-99 3-1 6-99 12-22-99 3-2-99 8-1 - 9 9 4-1 -99 5-7-99 8-24-99 2-14-99 6-27-99 1-23-99 10-25-99. 7-20-99 2 - 1 1-99 6-25-99 3-21 -99 1-6-99 9-2-99 10-3-99 5-30-99 3-2 1-93 9-22-99 2-25-99 3-2-99 6-9-99 6-23-99 3-21 -913 1-15-99 12-21-99 DATE NAME Coad, William E. Coates, Lola E. Cobb. Dorothy E: Cobb, Madeline C. Cobb, Martha L. Cobb, Sam Coben, Lynn D.G. Coburn, Bertha Coburn, Willis B. Cocain, Sally H. Cochran, Charles J. Cochran, Nellie C. Code, Marsha Coffey, Lavonne J. Coffman, Florence L. Cogar, Emery J. Cogar, Verlin E. Cogar, William L. Cogliandro, Stefan0 Cohn, Elaine M . Coit, Kathryn S. Cola, Luella L. Colby, Bonnie J. Cole, Arvilla M. Cole, Dennis F. Cole, Dora M. Cole, Karol 'J. Cole, Marvin T. Cole, Randolph M . Cole, Ronald D. Colegrove, Marie E. . Coleman, Eric J. Coleman, J. William Coleman, Joseph L. Coleman, Lawrence S. Coleman, Ralph E. Collins, Brooks Collins, Evelyn E. Collins, Linda L. Collins, Martin J. Collins, Peggy Collins, Robert Collins, Robert F. Collins, Thomas F. Colvin, 6. Fay Combs, Charlie L. Combs, Eldred D. Combs, Joanne Combs, Juanita Comisky, Clara M . Common, Mark T. Conant, Florence Conger, Charles H. Conkle, Eleanor M. Page 22 10-5-99 2-21-99 4-25-99 9-24-99 9-26-99 12-26-99 3-24-99 1 1 -9-99 8-25-99 4-21 -99 5-6-99 4-1 8-99 8-14-99 3-30-99 8-31 -99 6-14-99 12-21 -99 11-16-99 1-1 5-99 9-30-99 12-5-99 10-29-99 3-1 5-99 9-20-99 4-29-99 10-31-99 1-9-99 11-14-99 3-3-99 1-10-99 1 1 -7-99 4-25-99 5-1 7-99 1-6-99 3-20-99 3-27-99 6-9-99 1 1-29-99 11-15-99 8-1 5-99 3-1 7-99 8-24-99 11 -5-99 1-1 9-99 4-30-99 6-1 3-99 10-20-99 4-25-99 2-6-99 11 -20-99 5-25-99 4-21-99 8-26-99 2-14-99 DATE NAME Conley, Jane M. Conley, Theresa A . Conley, Wayne T. Conn, Rodger J. Conner, Anna Lee Conner, Arthur L. Conner, Cecelia I. Conner, Fred H. Conner. Jack L. Conner, 'Mary W. Connor, William F. Conrad, Edward F. Conrad, Evelyn M. Conrad, Hazel M. Conrad, Marjorie M. Considine, Ethel V. Constant, Anna J. Conti, Dominic V. Conwell, Reginald E. Cook, Curtis.E. Cook, Evelyn E. Cook, Frederick B. Cook, Herbert C. Cook, John Cook, Linda Cook, Mary E. Cook, Wanda M. Cook. William R. Cooksey, Esther Cookston, Charlotte E. Cooley, Charles E. Cooley, Roy Coolman, Shirley I. Coon, Elsie E. Coontz, Kenneth L. Cooper, Elizabeth C . Cooper, John r . Cooper, John T. Cooper, Margaret E. Cooper, Marian P. Cooper, Miriam P. Cooper, Robert L. Cooper, Vincent L. Cope, Bonnie M . Copley, Elsie Copley, Grace H. Copley. Helba L. Copping, Bruce G . Corder, Harold E. Corder, Willa M. Cordi, Elaine W. Cordi, Noble W. Cordray, James R. Corell, Edwin J. Page 23 1-20-99 10-21-99 3-14-99 i-10-99 4-24-99 2-3-99 1-11-99 4-15-99 3-23-99 4-4-99 9-18-99 3-25-99 12-1 8-99 9-26-99 9-28-99 12-15-99 6-17-99 8-11-99 10-22-Y9 5-1 3-99 3-26-99 9-10-99 4-20-99 3-3-99 3-1 6-99 8-28-99 8-1-99 10-20-99 6-23-99 9-15-99 7-23-99 6-4-99 10-31-99 3-1 1-99 1-26-99 2-27-99 5-30-99 3-4-99 5-31-99 1-26-99 5-2-99 2-18-99 5-28-99 9-23-99 1 1 -25-99 1-2-99 1-27-99 4-1 9-99 12-12-99 8-9-99 5-7-99 9-14-99 9-14-99 4-2-99 NAME DATE Coreno, Rose M. Corley. Alice L. Corley, Cheryl L. Corley, Clarence Corley. Kenneth R. Cormany. Florence L. Cormany, Robert I. Cory, Selma A. Corzin, Isadore M. . Cosby, Mary D. Cosey, Gary L. Cosner, Marple M. Cossin, Flora E. Cossin, Roy J. Costa, Jack W. Costello, James L. Costigan, John T. Costill, James L. Cottrell, Chriss Cottrill, Gertrude Cottrill, Linda S. Coulson, George F. Coulter, James H . Coustillac, Regis H. Couts, Eileen B. Cowan, Steven R. Cowden. Margaret E. Cowger, Helen I. Cowman, Mary W. Cox, Frankie M. Cox, Gloria J. Cox, Lee A . Cox, Priscilla R. Cox, Theodore A . Coy, Lyle E. Coyle, Larry P. .Cozad, $1. Annabel Cozzoli, Josephine Crabbe, Donald E. Crabbe, Martha H . Crabtree, Paul Crabtree, Ralph A . Crady, Robert G., Will’iam A. Craft, Rose S. Crago, William R. Craig, Jane L. Craig, William D. Craig, William J. Cramer, Bertha A. Cramer, Geraldine Crane. Charles Crane, Mari P. Crano, Catherine Page 24 10-26-99 11-1 7-99 10-4-99 1-29-99 10-24-99 T-28-99 12-5-99 2-27-99 12-6-99 1-8-99 11-25-99 10-14-99 1-9-99 4-28-99 .6-30-99 7-8-99 3-1 2-99 2-1 0 - 9 9 3-1 8 - 9 9 5- 2 6 - 9 9 8-4-99 5-4-99 5-1 2-99 2-25-99 1-7-99 11 -1 2-99 7-28-99 6-3-99 10-9-99 11-2-99 12-5-99 4-22-99 3-1 1-99 9-30-99 4-1 8-99 10-13-99 10-21-99 10-8-99 3-1 1-99 5-1 3-99 1-23-99 2-9-99 6-76-99 11-15-99 4-1 5-99 -7-30-99 1-2-99 11-1 1-99 12-2-99 10-8-99 8- 16-99 9-1 7-99 3-9-99 2-1-99 DATE NAME Crano, Cora Cranz, Grace K. Craven, Marlene Craver, Kenneth E . Crawford, Alice J. Crawford, D. Thomas Crawford, Diane L. Crawford, Icie H. Crawford, James R. Crawford, Jay Crawford, Paul H. Crawford, Velma L . R . Creighton, Dolores Crenshaw, James H. Crews, Henry J. Crim, James W. Crimaldi, Vita $1. Crimeldi, Basilio Crislip, Charles B. Crislip, Eldon W. Crist, Frances G. Crites, Dorothy E . Crites, Harold F . Crites, Wilburn Crocker. Terry J. Croley, Vera M. Crosby, Jerome E . Crosby, Paul Croskey, Beulah M . Croskey, John W. Cross, James E. Cross, Lottie M. Cross, Mae Cross, Marla L. Cross, Roy Cross, Viola S. Crossen, John C. Crossland, Ella E. Crouch, Doris R . Crouse, Thomas R. Crowe, Cebert R. Crozier, John Cruise, Raymond A . Crum, Ernest B. Crum, Myrtle Crumpler, Robert H. Crytzer, Margaret L. Csipke, Margaret Csonka, Frank Csonka. William Csontas, Chester G. Csontos, Lillian H . Fage 2 5 8-27-99 8-28-99 2-28-99 3-23-99 6-5-99 5-5-99 2-24-99 1-31-99 1-1 2-99 8-18-99 8-1 9-99 10-13-99 1-7-99 6 -26-99 3-1 6-99 2-27-99 2-14-99 12-20-99 12-29-99 10-28-99 4-29-99 1-20-99 2-5-99 3-1 5-99 11-26-99 8-9-99 7-1 8-99 3-6-99 11-14-99 4-1 1-99 10-1 4-99 9-1;-99 3-1 1 - 9 9 6-1 3-99 5-6-99 1 1 -3-99 9-28-99 10-2-99 4-15-99 12-2-99 7-21-99 5-1 -99 11-9-99 8-21 -99 7-6-99 3-28-99 1-5-99 12-28-99 1-31-99 11 -25-99 5-14-99 9-4-99 4-6-99 8-22-99 . NAME Csora, Florence Csuhta. Susan M . Cuffman, Ann Cugliare. Elizabeth A. Culbertson, David Culbertson, Laura K. Culler, James E. Cully, Eunice J. Culver, Alice A. Cumbridge, Ruby T. Cummings, Berneice E. Cummings, Claire E. Cummings. Elmer R. Cummings, Mildred L. Cummings, Roger F. Cummings, William r . Cummins, Jerry L. Cummins, Stefi S. Cunert, Josephine M. Cunningham, Betty K. Cunningham, Frances C. Cunningham, Joann M. Cunningham, Mary Lou Cunningham, Pauline J. Cunningham, Richard L. Cunningham. Richard R. Cunningham, Viola g. Cunningham, Virginia V. Cupp, Veda D. Curatolo, Sam Curbow, Heather J.Y. Curfman, Jonathan C.G. Curley, Eugene M. Currence-Aiken, Zorader Currie, George A. Curry, Eula M. Curry, Irene B. Curry, Norman D. Curry, Sally r. Cursio, Pietro Curtice, Marcia H. Curtis, Diana N. Curtis, Lynette A.. Cussio, Jospehine Custer, Avis M. Custer, Lenwood Cutright, Darrell N. Cutright. Dorothy H. Cyc, Teofila Cyrus, Annabelle M. Czartoszewski, Eleanor J. Czuha, Michael Dabney, Elizabeth C. Dague, Delmer C . Page 26 DATE IO-a-99 IO- 19-99 3-10-99 12-26-99 4-22-99 5-31-99 1 1 -6-99 8-21 -99 7-1 1-99, 10-12-99 10-7-99 9-1 2-99 1-la-99 8-1 2-99 10-25-99 1 1 -8-99 6-30-99 10-24-99 12-9-99 9-24-99 7-a-99 9-10-99 10-11-99 2-27-99 9-26-99 5-5-99 3-28-99 11-7-99 3-1 -99 1-29-99 3-2 3 - 9.9 1-5-99 3-22-99 7-22-99 5-1 4-99 1-7-99 7-31-99 3-2-99 2-11-99 7-22-99 6-1 7-99 7-10-99 5-1 5-99 4-24-99 9-24-99 3-2-99 7-21-99 12-2 1-99 9-16-99 10-31-99 12-2-99 8-3-99 2-9-99 1-9-99 NAME DATE Dague, Donald 3. Daiger, Estelle M. Dailey, Alice M. Dailey, Evelyn L. Dailey, Frank J. Dailey. Gilbert L. Dailey, Mary E. Dailey, Thomas E. Dailey, Vernon M. Daily, Raymond J. Dalaski, Joseph P. Dale, Ollie D'Alessandro, Josephine T. Dalessio, Ralph J. Daley, Jack A. Daley, Marjorie R. Dalton, Alan D. Dalton, Margaret Daltorio, Patricia A . Dampiei, Lonnie Damron, Maxie 8. Danesi, Ralph J. D'Angelo, Frances Dangerfield, Sarah P. Daniel, Gene E. Danielak, Catherine A. Daniels, Bobbie Daniels, Dorothy I. Daniels, James W. Daniels, Lewis C. Daniels, Mary Daniels, Mary 3. Dannecker, Arthur C . Dpnnemiller, Vincent P. D'Antonio, Patsy Darby, Pauline Dario, Mary Darr, Christine M. Darrah, Margaret E.D. Darty, Cora A . Dasho, Bernice I. Data, Helen K. Daub, Kathleen L. Daugherty, Frederick E. D'Aurora, Mary E. Dauson, Karen L. D'Avello, Joseph L. David, George J. Davidson, Elizabeth S . Davidson, Erma I. Davidson. John C. Davidson, Josephine Davidson, Lillian H. Davidson, Nannie G. Page 27 4-26-99 4-28-99 7-14-99 8-24-99 9-1 2-99 2-7-99 3-21-99 3-1-99 2-20-99 8-29-99 12-27-99 4-8-99 8-1 2-99 2-27-99 3-1 6-99 6-1 4-99 6-22-99 10-10-99 3-8-99 4-26-99 12-16-99 4-1 8-99 11-13-99 9-26-99 9-14-99 12-19-99 5-27-99 12-7-99 10-6-99 5-21-99 3-2-99 3-1 3-99 11-18-99 1-1 8-99 2-3-99 5-29-99 5-1 9-02 1-18-33 6-8-99 2-16-99 11 -2-99 10-31-99 12-1 5-99 12-1 7-99 5-3-99 11 -1 5-99 9-12-99 10-1-99 10-24-99 3-20-99 7-27-99 8-31-99 1-20-99 2-14-99 NAME DATE Davidson, Wayland L. Davis-Tichy , Duai-na Davis, Alan Davis, Betty J. Davis, Betty R. Davis, Burl 'A. Davis, Caroline Davis, Donna B. Davis, Edwin M. Davis, Elton Davis, Elva R. Davis, Eula D. Davis, Fern V. Davis, Frances M. Davis, Goldie N. Davis, Grace G . .Davis, Helen J. Davis, Imogene W. Davis, .Jacob A . Davis, James A . Davis, James 0. Davis, Janet I. Davis, Jeral W. Davis, Jeremy S. Davis, Joe S. Davis, John Davis, Kathryn M. Davis, Kelly Davis, Kenneth E. Davis, Leo S. Davis, Nellie Davis, Noah a. Davis, Norman 0. Davis, Oscar . Davis, Rayshun Davis, Richard B. Davis, Robert P.. Davis, Ronald E. Davis, S t . L. Davis, Thelma I. Davis, Tommy Davis, Virginia A . Davis, Walter R. Davis, Warren E. Davisson, A r l o u Davisson. Lena J. Daw, Stanley A . Dawkins, Bob Dawson, Arthur J. Dawson, Dorothy Dawson. Ethel H. Dawson, Jacqueline Dawson, Ruby M. Day, Charles E. Page 28 . - . . . 6-22-99 11-16-99 9-21 -99 5-1 5-99 1.1 -29-99 5-4-99 12-29-99 4-27-99 7-6-99 9-13-99 9-5-99 1-11-99 6-20-99 2-23-99 11-21-99 10-11-99 4-24-99 4-9-99 1-6-99 1-10-99 11 -22-99 2-5-99 6-26-99 1-8-99 3-14-99 11-19-99 12-5-99 17-15-99 5-1 5-99 6-3-99 9-1 1-99 1-6-99 11 -29-99 7-1 3-99 7-30-99 12-1 - 9 9 4-20-99 5-1 5-99 8-1-99 3-2-99 4-2-99 5-24-99 5-14-99 10-30-99 5-30-99 2-6-99 4-4-99 1-11-99 8-25-99 12-5-99 12-11-99 9-23-99 12-25-99 12-17-99 DATE NAME Day, Doris J. Day, Edna W . Q . Day, Martha M. Day, Mattie Day, Perry P. Dayton, Florence Dayton, Glenna V . M . Deak. Benjamin L. Deal, Ella J. Deal, Helyn M. DeAngelo, Frank DeBarr. Earl DeBarr. Opal A. DeBellis. Michele A. Debevec, Henry Debnam, Susie D. DeCarlo, Antonia DeCarlo, Val B. Decker, Emily M. Decker, Richard E. Deel, David A. Deel, Mildred Deem, Carl R. Deem, Infant Deemer, Edna L. Defer, Teresa DeFranceso, Stephen J. DeHart, Alfred F. Deichert, .4dam M. Deighen, Roderick P. Deiss, Frederick C. Deist, Doris B. Deitch, Isabel R. Deitchman. Robert Deitrick, Wilma DeJacino, John DeJoseph, Frederick Delagrange, Coeline E. Delaney, Betty M. Deli, Lucy DeLisle, Dennis Delnoce, Hugo G. DeLong, Arlena DeLong, Richard W. DelSavio, Eugene Deluca. Helen G. DeLuca. Joseph DeLuca, Mary E. DeLullo, Anna DeMarco, Leonard N . Demark, B. DeMass, Helen M. Demastus, Brock R. Demchak, Irene Page 29 8-1-99 12-8-99 5-3-99 4-6-99 4-24-99 5-12-99 8-25-99 3-16-99 6-6-99 10-29-99 7-1-99 2-22-99 1-24-99 4-29-99 4-6-99 1-12-99 9-22-99 5-12-99 3-15-99 6-7-99 10-30-99 3-1 5-99 2-16-99 7-31-99 3-9-99 6-23-99 5-20-99 1-24-99 11-9-99 6-5-99 9-21-99 7-4-99 11-11-99 4-21-99 7-1-99 8-16-99 1-22-99 7-1 3-99 8-5-99 6-17-99 4-11-99 9-10-99 7-27-99 9-25-99 5-29-99 12-19-99 1-1 5-99 2-3-99 3-1 -99 10-6-99 3-30-99 1-30-99 12-4-99 9-19-99 NAME DATE Demchock, Andy J. Dement, Hazel C. DeMoss, C.C. Dempsey-Selman, Marion Dempsey, Penelope J. Demrovsky, Andrew Denkhaus, Wanda J. Denning, Charles W. Denning, Violet .Dennis, Doris R. Dennis, Emeline A. Dennis, Jalen J. Dennison. Erman Dennison. Terry . Denny, Allen. Dension, Robert L. Dent, John P. Dent, John W. Dente, Thomas F. Derring, Helen G. DeSantis. Isabelle K. DeSanto, Susan J. DeSario, Roxie r. Desender, Jaley E.B.O. Destro, Anthony L. Dettling. Judith A. , Detweiler, David D. DeVaughn, Richard E. Dever, Clyde W. Dever, Jacob R. DeVine, Violet L. DeWalt, Catherine G. DeWitt, Anna A . Deyling, William A . Dial, Dorothy C. Diamantis, Theodore Diamond, Esther Diamond, Rose F. Dick. Vivian R. Dickens, Claude Dickerhoof, Marion E. Dickerson, Adele M . Dickerson. Margaret Dicks, Dora Dickson, Carol A . Dieffenbaugher, Dillon M. DiEgidio, Linda J. Diehl-Brost, Brittany A. Dies, Hubert A. Dieter, Juanita M . Dietrick, Betty J. Difiore, John M. DiFragia, Lucy DiFrancesco, Jennie B. . . .. - Page 3 0 ... . . . . ... 12-6-99 5-9-99 6-4-99 7-1 1-99 5-9-99 12-17-99 2-24-99 12-5-99 8-10-99 7-1 6-99 3-25-99 3-1 7 - 9 9 2-2-99 12-18-99 3-10-99 8-25-99 11 -27-99 11-1 1 - 9 9 8-1 8 - 9 9 10-3-99 7-20-99 5-1 1-99 4-1 2-99 3-27-99 12-25-99 1-29-99 10-30-99 2-3-99 12-17-99 9-6-99 3- 18-99 3-27-99 8-5-99 8-1-99 6-3-99 9-18-99 5-18-99 8-8-99 2-2-99 8-29-99 2-1 6-99 4-2-99 9-1 1 - 9 9 10-1 1-99 8-6-99 12-21 - 9 9 5-21-99 9-7-99 3-17-99 1-9-99 10-1 1-99 2-10-99 2-8-99 10-28-99 ' NAME DATE DiFrangia, Annunziata M. Digby. Charles H. DiGirolamo. Amelia H. DiGirolamo, Ann Dill, Eugene Dillon, LaVon Dillon, Mary A.R. Dillon, Orin H. Dills, Eleanor M. Dillworth, Iva C . Dilsky, Frances A . DiMaio, Nancy E. Dimarco, Rose M. DiMascio, Adella Dimeff, Christ N. Dimitroff, Donald Dimtroff, George A. Dingle, Angie Dingle, Annie DiBicola, Marie Dishong, William H. DiTirro. Nancy A . Ditter, Ernest R. Diven, Goldie H. Dix, Dora E. Dixon, Paula Dixon, Richard L. Dixon, Robert H. Dixson, Lowell A. Dobbins, Elizabeth J. Dobbins, Walter V. Dobrich', Louise M. Dockery, Drew L. Dockus, Eva Mae Dodge, James E. Dodrill, John D. Doerler, Rosemary C. Dolamore, Randall G. Dolinskyi, Ivan Dollison, Virginia D. Dolly, Warren D. Dombroski, Mary L. Donahue, Billy G. Donaldson, William A. Donatelli, Rudolph g . Doney, Dolores J. Donnelly, Stephen I. D'Onofrio, Vincent J. Donohew, Terry Donoian, Jack P. Doran, John M. Dorf, Wendell E . Dorman, Elizabeth C . Dorn, Benny , .:, . Page 31 2-18-99 8-8-99 1-28-99 10-17-99 6-8-99 9-24-99 1-28-99 7-27-99 10-26-99 10-23-99 1-15-99 3-20-99 7-9-99 10-9-99 3-1 7-99 11 -1 9-99 6-3-99 8-5-99 8-5-99 4-26-99 12-25-99 4-23-99 3-2-99 8-1 5-99 10-13-99 12-8-99 4-5-99 10-5-99 10-24-99 3-1-99 8-2 1-99 11 -7-99 1-13-99 11 -28-99 9-30-99 6-5-99 5-1 3-99 1-24-99 9-1 6-99 12-7-99 6-30-99 11 -24-99 2-9-99 12-22-99 4-1 3-99 12-4-99 2-1 7-99 4-6-99 3-14-99 3-1 8-99 5-1 5-99 12-3-99 12-9-99 11-14-99 NAME DATE Dornacher, Sister M. Florence Dorton, Ella M. Dougherty, Francis Douglas, Cleo L. Douglas, Julia Mae Douglas, Margaret C. Douglass, Edward L. Dowdell, Lucy Dowdle, Marth J.C. Dowling, Anna M. Downey, Gerry Downey, Linda K. Downing, Kenneth L. Doyle, Hazel T. Dozanti, Christine A. Dozier, Thelma Drabick, Walter A. Draines, Thomas Drake, Nina L. Drake, Pauline P. Drayer, Mattie R. Drazny, Gayla K. Dreier, Florence C . Dremak, Margaret Dressel, Edward E. Dressler, Margery L. Dressler, Paul T. Drew, Alice A . Drobny, Ruth E. Drowns, Brenda E. Drumm, Charles R. Drummond, Catherine J. Dubick, Robert A. Duckwall, Celia Dudich, Mildred Dudones. Andrew Duerr, Ida H. . Duff, Beulah Duff, Lonnie E. Duffield, Kathryn Dufford, Nina M. Duffy, John J. Duffy, Richard J. Dugan, Ocie M.. Duke, Patricia A . Dulaney, Edith 8 . Dunbar, Delmer D. Dunbar, Helen A . 'Duncan, Eugene E. Duncan, William L. Dunham, Catherine M. Dunkle, David P. Dunlap, Frank D. Dunlevy, John r. Page 32 5-5-99 12-15-99 1-14-99 3-21-99 5-1 6-99 12-5-99 10-22-99 6-16-99 9-5-99 11-13-99 2-7-99 11-25-99 1-14-99 10-6-99 12-15-99 4-21-99 12-3-99 1-27-99 10-29-99 9-1 1 - 9 9 12-1 5-99 10-5-99 3- 18-99 10- 17-99 3-29-99 11-14-99 3-26-99 8-23-99 10-25-99 6-6-99 5-22-99 10-1 4-99 5-2-99 1-20-99 1 1 -2-99 2-16-99 2-2-99 1-11-99 3-6-99 7-28-99 3-25-99 3-10-99 10-1 5-99 11-20-99 7-16-99 4- 18-99 12-1 9-99 1 1-20-99 12-5-99 4-19-99 9-1 6-99 10-3-99 10-24-99 8-30-99 NAME Dunn, Cody A . Dunn, Jim L. Dunn, Marie Dunn, Peggy A . Dunneman. Louis A. Dunphy, William M . Durigg, Robert L. Durigg, Thelma L. Durkin, James R. Dutter, Gene A . Duvall, Christine Dvorovy, Juanita J. Dwoskin, Robert Dye, Clara J. Dyer, Frank D. Dyer, Lawrence S. Eagon, James J. Ealy, Marjorie M . Earl, Douglas C. Earle, Cheryl J. Earlengaugh, Erma A . Earnest, Hume R. Earnest, Louis ( M r s . ) Eastep, Joseph .H. Eastep, Robert L. Easterling, Hollys J. Easterling, Mildred S. Easthom, Ivilliam R. Eastman, Dora E. Eaton, Johnnie L. Ebbets, Katherine A. Eberhardt, John D. Eberhart. John F. Eberle, Harold Eberly, Mary E. Eberwine, Edna Ebner. Ronald W. Ebner, Thomas M. Eckenrode, Donald E. Eckert, Adam Eckman, Carol K. Eddy, Leonard D. 'Eden, Robert Ederer, Inez M. Edgar, Paul Edington, Anna L. Edington, Guy E. Edsall, James E. Edwards, Charles Edwards, Forest Edwards, John R. Edwards, Marion Edwards, Mary Edwards, Walter E. . . Page 33 DATE 5-28-99 4-1 4-99 8-14-99 4-29-99 2-1 9 - 9 9 12-27-99 9-8-99 2-16-99 1-10-99 5-1 3-99 5-1 5-99 8-1 9-99 8-10-99 8-24-99 1-14-99 6-10-99 7-18-99 6-28-99 4-20-99 4-26-99 12-8-99 7-28-99 7-2-99 1-1 2-99 12-9-99 6-26-99 1-1 6-99 11-25-99 8-1 3-99 2-4-99 2-1 9-99 1-1-99 2-27-99 1-18-99 4-14-99 1-12-99 10-20-99 4-7-99 11-26-99 3-14-99 7-28-99 6-4-99 2-22-99 1-2-99 8-7-99 10-9-99 12-10-99 8-18-99 6- 10-99 1-12-99 10-26-99 12-20-99 8-27-99 12-2-99 - . NAME _I)ATE Edworthy, William Efland, Philip Egger. Douglas 3. Eiber, Arthur E. Eiber, Rick Eicher, Angleen Eickleberry, Virginia Eickmann. Edwin M. Eidmann, Philip W. Eiler. Frank A. Eilmann, Fred H. Eisel, Norman C. Eisele, Robert P. Eisenhart, John.G. Eisenhauer, Robert W. Eisenmann, Harry C . Eismon, Brice Eklund, Lars E. Elder, Donna M. Elder, Mary C. Eldridge, Pauline ,I. Eliadis, Helen M. Ellinwood, Paul H. Ellinwood, Ronald T. Elliott, Annie M. Elliott, Dan Elliott, Marcia M. Elliott, Ruth W. Ellis, Ella A. Ellis, Icie D. Ellis, June L. Ellis, Pauletta Ellis, Steve G. Ellis, Wanda E. Ellyson, Inez V. E l m , Lorraine W. Ely, Margaret E. Ely, Mary E.H. Emch, Everett W. Emerick, Floyd M. Emerick, Gerald E. Emerick, Olin D. Emerson, David R. Emerson, Ora Emerson, Victor L. Emery, Evelyn E. Emigh, Hartha E. Eminger, Marjorie L. Emmons, Edna N. Emmons, Joseph B. Emrick, Joseph J. Engelhart, John E. Engelmann, Doris L. England, Georgia M. Page 34 5-22-99 2-28-99 10-20-99 11-25-99 7-27-99 7-29-99 10-1 5 - 9 9 6-23-99 11 -9-99 4-14-99 5-19-99 5-22-99 7-31-99 8-3-99 4-1 5-99 6-6-99 11 -2-99 12-21 - 9 9 11-23-99 9-14-99 11 -22-99 8-1 3-99 11 -1 2-99 9-20-99 4-16-99 5-7-99 4-22-99 3-4-99 8-26-99 1-26-99 12-16-99 11-2-99 7-13-99 12-28-99 3-20-99 10-25-99 1-1 9-99 2-3-99 10-29-99 4-5-99 2-4-99 1-17-99 . 1-6-99 5-6-99 3-29-99 12-11-99 10-4-99 11 - 2 - 9 9 5-6-99 7-27-99 3-25-99 3-30-99 9-1 5-99 7-9-99 DATE NAME Engle, Antonio L. Engle, Emmett Englehart, T. Dorothy M . Englehaupt, Kim Enoch, Dorothy I . Enyart, Margaret C. Epling. Marie L. Epps, Robert C. Epstein. Bart J. Eritano. James V. Erkert, Wanda Ernest, Sylvester Ertle, Carol Ervine, Barbara M. Ervine, MarShaunna C. Erwin, Anna Erwin, Gail C.A. Erwin, Kenneth L. Esakov, Michael Esakov, Peter Eschleman, Pauline Eschliman. Ralph W. Esker, Ethel V. Esola, Barbara B.C. Espersen, Jack B. Essek, Emma A. Essig, Beulah Estel, Chester A. Esterle, Lillian B. Esterle, Sue R. Estey, Mary E. Etter, Jacob Etter, Paula Evangelistea, Dorothy Evans-Baker, Sherry A. Evans, Alice Evans, Alvey E. Evans, Charles C . Evans, Charles E. Evans, Frank Evans, George E. Evans, Greta R. Evans, Harold P. Evans, Henry Evans, Jack M. Evans, Mary Lou Evans, Nellie Evege, Bobby r. Evelsizer, Pauline E. Everhart, Lillian M . H . Everly, Leon D. Ewing, James A. Ewing, Maynard D. Eye, William W. Page 35 6-27-99 4-21-99 5-3-99 8-24-99 10-25-99 4-1 7-99 5-2-99 10-2-99 5-1 1-99 9-3-99 9-4-99 12-26-99 9-8-99 9-7-99 3-3-99 6-2-99 3-9-99 4-1 3-99 3-6-99 12-2-99 1-3-99 2-1 1-99 5 -2 4-9 9 12-3-99 5-1 3-99 3-3-99 4-16-99 2-1 3-99 1 1-8-99 5-25-99 10-17-99 12-3-99 9-24-99 12-1 5-99 2-18-99 4-2-99 2-1-99 8-3-99 8-6-99 9-25-99 1-30-99 5-4-99 9-2-99 9-8-99 9-8-99 3-22-99 3-1 2-99 3-25-99 6-23-99 5-1 9-99 10-7-99 10-15-99 3-1 4-99 7-22-99 NAME DATE Eyre, Ona M. Eyre, Randi S. Ezzo. Nancy J. Fabian, Louis A . Facenbaker, Charles L. Fados. Paul Fahey, Robert E. Fails, Annie 8. Fain-Wright, Dorothy L. Fair, Lillian R. Fair, Taffy Fair, Therese M. Fairhurst, Elaine W. Falcon, Benny C. Falkenrich, Bruce A. Falkner, Paul W. Fallows, Betty M. Fallows, Wi.nifred M. Falor, William A . Fanelly, Bonita Fankhauser, Francis C . Fanoni, Johnnie E. Fansher, Molley Farabee, Ted D. Faries, Catherine L. Farinacci, Betty Ann Faris, Douglas W. Farkas, Anne G. Farkas, Eugene J. Farkas, Jean Farkas, Paulette H. Farkas, William Farley, Oda Lee Farmakides, Sophia Farmer, Gale W. Farnsworth, Nancy S. Farrell, Marvin K. Farver, Roger B. Farver, Yalter E. Fassnacht, James T. Fausnight, Mary J. Fausnight, William W. Fazzino, Priscilla Federonich, Nancy L. Feeney, Robert J. Feesler, Kathleen E . Feick. Clarence W. Feigly, Della B. Feiler, Franz Felber, John Felber, Joseph M. Feldman, Sam D. Feller, Allen F . Feller, Julia J. Page 36 2-5-99 7-30-99 11 -29-99 3-2-99 1 1 -5-99 5-20-99 1-10-99 9-10-99 8-24-99 1-31 - 9 9 3-31 -99 11 -28-99 12-1 8-99 10-1 5-99 2-23-99 7-4-99 4-28-99 1-21 -99 9-6-99 5-1-99 8-20-99 9-1 9-99 11 -2-99 11-16-99 6-22-99 9-4-99 6-13-99 10-21 -99 11-1-99 1-10-99 7-21-99 5-25-99 9-2-99 6-25-99 1-24-99 2-6-99 8-1 9-99 12-16-99 11-14-99 8-1 5-99 11 -7-99 4-26-99 4 -27 99 9-7-99 4-23-99 12-6-99 8-9-99 11-1-99 3-1 9-99 - -? - f j - g q 3-?a-99 3-26-99 10-13-99 'I 1-3-99 DATE NAME Felmly. Donna R. Fenn, Alice E. Fenn, Dennis A. Fenn, Paul W. Fenstermaker, Goldie A. Fenstermaker, John 0. Fenton, Grace L. Fenton, William S . Ferdinand, Lois E. Ferdinand, Paul J. Ference, Joseph Ferguson, Leondus Fergusson, Evelyn C . Ferich, George Ferko. Hallie M . Ferlotti, Mary M. Ferrato, Blaise J. Ferrebee, Homer L. Ferrell, Blanche A. Ferrell, Elizabeth Ferrell. Julia L. Ferrell, Louise Ferrell, Marjory L. Ferriot, Richard G . Ferriott-Moody, Ladye F. Ferris, Katherine M. Ferry. Lois Fessler, Masine 0. Fetterman, Earl Fiala, Lou Fields, Frank R. Fields, Iva D. Fields, Maude11 Fifer, Betty A. Figg, Wanda I. Filarsky, Joe S . Files, Clyde W. Filing, Fern Filomena, Antonette Finan, Pearl M. Fincher, Ronald Finegan, Agnes A. Fink, Irene S . Finn, Florence A. Finn, Victoria Finnerty, Susan L. Finney, Mattie L. Finney, Peggy V. Finney, Willie H. Finocchi, Mario S . Firestone, Jane S. First, Alfred A. Firth, Clara Firth, Virginia B. Page 37 2-25-99 4-2-99 5-7-99 9-9-99 11-2-99 5-4-99 3-24-99 9-30-99 9-27-gc 4-8-39 1-28-99 8-1 1-99 3-14-99 5-1 8-99 5-29-99 1-28-99 9-3-99 7-1 9-99 3-9-99 2-1 4-99 5-27-99 6-3-99 5-1 3 - 9 9 10-8-99 4-8-99 8-30-99 12-70-99 6-1 9-99 6-9-99 8-1 9-99 2-14-99 9-8-99 8-25-99 4-25-99 10-3-99 1-1-99 2-8-99 7-1-99 6-1 3-99 3-1 9-99 10-17-99 9-21 - 9 9 10-24-99 8-21 - 9 9 12-16-99 7-25-99 10-1 4-99 2-7-99 3-4-99 7-20-99 10-1 6 - 9 9 3-2-99 9-9-99 8-10-99 DATE NAME Fischer, Laurel J. Fischer, Patrrcia M. Fischer, Richard A. Fish, Margaret C. Fishel, Helen D. Fisher, Charles F. Fisher, Jane F.S. Fisher, Kenneth H. Fisher, Lucille K. Fisheri Mary L. Fisher, Paul M . Fisk, Mary E. Fitting, Audrey E. Fitting, Thomas G. Fitzgerald, Christy B. Fitzgerald, Gail P. Fitzgerald, Irillie C . Fi tzgibbons, Bernadine Flaherty, Robert J. Flanagan, Nargaret M . Flath, Barbara Ann Flatt, Eugene L. Flatt, Olga B. Fleming, John I. Fleming, Marjorie A . Flemming, Jacci L. Flenner, Oma L. Flesher, Charles $1. Fletcher, Jay D. Fletcher, Marian D. Fletcher, Mildred M. Fletcher, Nancy Flint, Anna M. Flittner, William L. Flood, John D. Floreani, Henry J. Florek, Helen C. Florence, Ralph E. Floto, Myrtle M. Flower, Frank A. Flower, Teresa E. Flower, William F. Floyd, Angela E1.B. Flynn, Robert C . Flynn, Walter M . Focht, Lawrence G. Foerst, Albert 8 . Fogle, John E. Foley, Richard L. Folk, Carolyn Folk, Eva Folk, Rose Fongheiser, William E. Fontanarosa, Mary A . G. Page 38 8-29-99 1-3-99 1 1-6-99 1-4-99 7-1 3-99 11 -7-99 10-6-99 6-28-99 1-10-99 5-5-99 6-22-99 12-10-99 3-17-99 12-15-59 5-6-99 9-5-99 2-26-99 10-1 2-99 7-31-99 12-1 4-99 1-3-99 4-13-99 6-1 6-99 6-1 1 - 9 9 8-31-99 5 - 1 7-99 17-17-99 11-7-99 5-7-99 1-24-99 11 -1 2-99 11-3-99 6-21-99 5-25-99 8-23-99 3-1 1 - 9 9 10-26-99 3 - 1 7-99 7-13-99 9-29-99 9-1 -99 12-28-99 6-23-99 3-26-99 8 - 1 2-99 9-5-99 1-21 -99 12-22-99 11 - 1 9-99 2-9-99 2-25-99 3-1 3-99 1-10-99 1 - 10-99 NAME - .DATE Foore, Fannie B. Ford, Alma G. Ford, Charles R. Ford, Judith A . Ford, Thomas Ford, Verna H. Foreman, Eugene Foreman, Mary F.J. Forest, Lyle C. Fornari, Dorothy P. Fornash, Robert L. Forney, Irene A . Forrer, Elwood Forsyth, Vanda K. Forte, Frieda L. Forte, Hollace M. Fortney, Madeline Foster, Alma Foster, Dillard Foster, James Foster, Myrtie A . Foster, Patricia Foster, Roy M. Foster, Sidney C. Fountain, Mary L. Fournier, Francis L. Fouse, Charles W. Pouts, George C. Fowler, Raymond 0. Fox-Hinkle, Sylvia Fox, Clarence W. Fragola, Frederick V. Fraley, Donald C. Frame, John J. France, Mary 3. Franchi, Ritzi Francis, Herman H. Francis, Nancy Jo Frank, Louise M. Frank, Opal H. Franks, Claire E. Franks,.Helen W. Franks, Judith A . Franks, Vallerp G. Franks, Wynona C. Frase, Helen M . Frase, Willis W. Fratt, Louis Frazer, Myrtle A . Frazier, Bernice H. Frazier, Ernest K. Frazier, JoHelen Frazier, Onvie H. Frazier, Rosanna ' Page 39 10-30-99 4-11-99 12-20-99 9-30-99 9-29-99 5-a-99 11-14-99 12-15-99 3-7-99 9-29-99 8-21-99 3-14-99 6-26-99 10-10-99 11-14-99 1-27-99 7-8-99 6-99 -12-1 1-20-99 3-21-99 8-31-99 6-6-99 5-1-99 6-20-99 2-27-99 1'5 6-99 6-9-99 a-29-99 3-27-99 9-28-99 5-10-99 8-1-99 3-20-99 7- 22- 99 3-2-99 6-20-99 12-11-99 7-1 1-99 11-28-99 10-29-99 6-17-99 5-2-99 6-27-99 10-7-99 1-8-99 2-23-99 1-3-99 3-9-99 4-8-99 &-21-99 7-20-99 3-78-99 5-9-99 3-23-99 NAME DATE Frease, Lynn Frederick, Dorothy V. Frederick, Kenneth E. Frederick, Selena M . Freed, Donald H. Freed, Robert Freeder, Herman Freeland, Robert M . Freeman, Audrey Freeman, David S. Freeman, Janet L. Freeman, Lizzie Mae Freeman, Ronald C . Freeman, Sylvester Freese, Lucy 'T. Freiman, Henry French, Blanche I. French, Henry E. Frenz, Linda M. Freudeman, Gertrude L. Friedman, Maurice Friedman, Milton Friedman, Sheldon A. Friedt, Esther M . Friedt, Harold L. Friedt, Loanna Frient, Joseph P. Fries, Jarmila M. Friess, Florence I. ' Fritinger, Dorothy >I. Fritz, Dennis D. Fritz, Mary L. Frock, Roy E. Frost, Irvin M. Frueh, Bertha E. Fry, Mary Fuchs, Alice A. Fuchs, Eva Fudala, Joseph S. Fuenger, Louise B. Fugate, Sewell Fuhrmann, Ellen J. Fu 1 ford , .4rve 11 Fulkerson, Addie R. Fulkerson, Edward L. Fulks, Lettie R. Fuller, Alec 'I. Puller, Anna B. Fuller, Charles E. Fuller, Elon Fuller, Idella W.F. Fuller, Xilma J. Fulmer, Frankie L . Ful ton, Joyce E. - __ ... ..- Page 40 . .. 10-1 2-99 8-21-99 11 -1 8 - 9 9 5-30-99 2-9-99 10-28-99 6-1 6-99 1-25-99 11 -5-99 12-12-99 6-29-99 -1-21-99 4-27-99 6-25-99 12-5-99 1-16-99 7-1 5-99 12-20-99 11-10-99 8-25-99 9-9-99 i-15-99 10-18-99 1-27-99 5-6-99 5-6-99 10-26-99 4-28-99 9-30-99 2-14-99 7-15-99 4-28-99 4-23-99 2-5-99 1-5-99 4-1 6-99 7-16-99 3-16-99 8-25-99 12-28-99 -12-1 2-99 1-25-99 4-21-99 6-8-99 6-6-99 8- 17-99 8-7-99 3-8-59 8-25-99 1-1 6-99 1-31-99 $-8-99 6-5-99 12-70-99 . ' DATE Fulton, Reita M. Fultz, Arthur A. Fultz, Frank W. Fuqua. Celestine Furman, Karen S. Furry, Timothy Fusco, Edna P. Fusco. Nancy J. Futch, Diann F. Futo, Gregory J. Gable, Elizabeth Gable, Helen J. Gable, Henry Gabriel, Stephan L. Gadosik, Delores F. Gaetano, Gloria J. Gaffney, Cheryle Gaglio, Carmelo Gahera, Dennis J. Gaich, Margaret Gainer, Anna Gainer, Earl Gaiters, Joseph F. Galbraith, Margaret E. Galehouse, Frank E. Galehouse, Violet M. Gallagher, Charles H. Gallion, Frances E. Gallo, Mary M . Galloway, William J. Gamauf, Lee Gamble, Isabella M . Gamerdinger, Clarence W. Camler, Gertrude 0. Gandee, Sallie E. Cangel, Paul Garber, Rachel 3. Garcia, Sylvia Gardiner, Carl W. Cardner, Bethanie L. Gardner, Clarence Garey, Kathy J. Gargano, Antoinette Garick, Stephen Garlock, James C. Garlock, Rena Garman, Florence E. Garman, Jerry L. Carman, Margaret E. Garman, Hyron E. Garn, Donald L. Garn, Michael C. Garner, Dora J. Garner, Thelma H. ’ Page 41 1111-99 3- 1.6-99 1-3-99 10-28-99 9-27-99 3-17-99 12-12-99 1’- 23- 99 6-30-99 10-20-99 5-1 -99 1-19-99 6-23-99 1 1 - 1 6-99 9-12-99 9-2-99 3-10-99 6-10-99 11-6-99 2-1 -99 5-25-99 4-1 5-99 12-29-99 7-30-99 6-27-99 9-7-99 1-7-99 8-27-99 4-2-99 8-2-99 2-27-99 a 4-22-99 3-2-99 8-4-99 8-1 3-99 9-1 -99 1-28-99 6-1 1-99 9-4-99 7-16-99 12-1 5-99 i-22-99 3-16-99 7-1 3-99 ’ 8-7-99 4-8-99 3-4-99 1 - 1 9-99 1 1-6-99 11-30-99 4-17-99 2-17-99 8-30-99 1 1 -27-99 DATE NAME Garono, Mafalda L. Garrett, Mary J. Garrett, Rose A. Garrett, Thaddeus A . Garver, Miriam A . Garvin, Alvin L. Gary, George Gaskins, Marion E. Gaskins, Ruby 0 . Gasper, Stephen J. Gastaldo, Larry S . Gates, Francis E. Gatten, Murl E. Gaugler, Caroline M. Gay, Donna G. Gaylord, Dorothy H. Gearhart, Alma M . Gearhart, Betty J. Gearhart, John I. Gearty, Harriet Geary, Mildred L. Geary, Stan C . Gedeon, Robert W. Gee, Armatha Gehm, Ursula L. Geiger, Charles S . Geiger, David P. Geis, Geraldine E. Geisinger, Josephine M Geisinger, Mary E. Geisler, Albert Geitgey, Gary A. Geller, Lillian E. Gelvin, Ruth G. Gemind, David A. Gemind, Mary J. Gemlich, Fred Genda, Frances M. Genet, Bonnie M. Genovese, Ernest R. Genovese, Frank E. Gentry, Sampson George, Barb D. George, Carrie J. George, Frances C . George, Marceda A . George, Matthews K. George, Michael George, William F. Gepper, Helen Gerard, Mildred A. Gerber, Jay R. Gerbetz, Elizabeth M. Cerhig, Lois L. Page 42 2-5-99 -5-26-99 4-23-99 11-1 1 - 9 9 8-3-99 3-5-99 10-24-99 7-14-99 9-21-99 3-1 3 - 9 9 11 -6-99 10-11-99 4-3-99 8-31 -99 8-9-99 4-16-99 1-10-99 12-16-99 9-21 -99 12-5-99 2-22-99 1-8-99 5-7-99 2-25-99 12-1-99 5-3-99 3-16-99 8-10-99 9-1 7-99 8-16-99 3-9-99 6-3-99 11 -6-99 11-2-99 8-26-99 8-1-99 7-7-99 6-1 5-99 3-22-99 5-11-99 6-26-99 2-23-99 11 - 1 5-99 8- 15-99 12-7-99 12-12-99 12-1 4-99 3-9-99 4-8-99 10-2-99 2-12-99 8-27-99 6-8-99 1-1 9 - 9 9 NAME DATE Gergye, Norma S. Gerhart, Linda'K T Gerlach, Roy r. German, Lila P. Germano, Frederick R. Gerome, Martha M . Gersna, Rose K. Gerstenmaier, Lois W. Gerstenmaier, Paul J. Gerstenslager, Margaret S. Gething, Kathryn Ghaster, Darren 0 . 'Giampietro, Joseph R. Gibson, Donald V. Gibson, Dorothy M. Gibson, Harold E. Gibson, Iva Mae Gibson, Nargaret A. Gibson, Mary Ann Gibson, William c. Gidley, Alice E. Giebell, Theodore E. Gifford, Mary E. Gift, Austin V. ' Gilbert, Paul E. Gilbert, Robert L. Giles, Paul E. Gillespie, Kathryn Gillespie, Mare Lou Gimbel, Donna L. Ginn, Thomas Gipson, Vernon Girard, Frederick E. Girves, Gus Giustino, Bette J. Given, Lowell D. Glasgow, John W. Glass, Dorothy E.S. Gl.ass. Infant Glass, John C . Glass, Thomas 9. Glatther, Gerald L. Glatz, J. Larry Glenn, Clara F . Glenn, Herman Glenn, Joanne C . Glenn, Wanda Glennon, Martha F . Glenny, Donita V. Gless, John J. Glessner, Pielson P. Glessner, Patricia A. Glock, Sara I. Glomb, Dorothy E. Page 43 8-10-99 6-20-99 8-10-99 1-10-99 4-22-99 7-1-99 8-30-99 7-31-99 10-6-99 10-1 3-99 8-21-99 3-3-99 7-20-99 2-1-99 4- 18-99 17-4-99 12-19-99 7-16-99 7-27-99 5-4-99 3-31-99 10-28-99 12-1 7-99 4-10-99 2-3-99 3-18-99 11-21-99 9-25-99 10-1-99 11 -28-99 9-29-99 10-31-99 12-1 -99 8-21 -99 12-28-99 7-8-99 12- 18-99 5-1 1-99 4-21 -99 8-31-99 'I 2-5-99 3-5-99 8-2 1-99 6-1 4-99 7-1-99 6-29-99 1 1 - 1 1-99 10-1 7-99 11-27-99 7-8-99 10-17-99 5-1 8-99 9-2-99 1 1 -4-99 DATE Glover, Belva Glover, Clayton M. Glover, Richard V. Gluth, Mary E. Goad, Alfred A. Goble, Homer Gobrogge, Loretta D.. Gochneaur, Vernon G. Goda, Catherine P. Godal, Anna Goddard, Ethel C. Goddard, John W. Goelz, Mae Goff, Artie Goldberg, David .H. Goldberg. Josephine Golden, Janet R. Goldman, Ada Goldsberry, Cheryl A. Goletz, Steven M. Golina, Joseph A. Gologanoff,.Rose Golub, Justin J. Gombasky, Harriet M. Gombeda, Blanche W. Gombos, Anna M. Gondos, Ronald A . Gonzales, Louis F. Good, Irene Good, Jean A. Good, Paul R. Goodhart, Kathryn V. Goodman, Emma J. Goodrich, Dale T. Goodridge, Raymond €I. Goodspeed, Donald W. Goodspeed, Jon N. Goodwin, John W. Goodwin, Luigi E. Goodyear, Shirley R. Goorley, Genevieve J. Gorby, Alice E. Gorby, Dianne Gordesky, Anetta Gordon, Caroline F. Gordon, Devitt L. Gordon, Geraldine C. Gordon, Lowell R. Gordon, Mary J. Gordon, Nelson E. Gordon, Nina L. Gordon, Phyllis I(. Gorman, Alice C. Gorney, Edward A . Page 44 12-12-99 4-.I 5-99 5-10-99 10-10-99 7-17-99 10-31 -99 8-30-99 9-1 4-99 2-9-99 5-9-99 6-6-99 3-16-99 1-4-99 3-21 -99 8-1 3-99 7-25-99 7-3-99 8-29-99 3-14-99 3-27-99 9-1 7-99 9-1 7-99 6-2-99 8-1 4-99 8-30-99 10-2-99 2-1 4-99 6-&-99 5-9-99 8-11-99 8-1 5-99 8-8-99 6-17-99 9-26-99 2-3-99 4-17-99 11-10-99 2-1 1-99 9-1 3-99 1-3-99 10-3-99 2 -2 2 -.9 9 10-9-99 9-7-99 1-20-99 1 1 -28-99 1-24-99 3-7-99 5-16-99 10-1 4-99 9-1 5-99 5-1 1-99 6-20-99 7-1 5-99 NAME DATE Gorsline, Andrew E. Gorte, Violet Gorup, Alfredd E. Goske, Cornela Goss, Ruth Gossett, Anna Gottwalt, Margaret C. Gottwalt, Wayne . Goudy, Robert E. Goudy, Summer M. Goudy, Waneta L. Gould, Ann Cover, Nelle S. Grable, Glenn H. Grace, Philip M . Gradisher, Sophia Grady, Francis J. Grady, Tyrone P. Graf. Elizabeth A. Graff, Eveline Grafton, Grace F. Graham, David E. Graham, Elmer N. Graham, Frances M . Graham, Grace M . Graham, Kathryn I. Graham, Lucille E. Graham, Ruth J. Granados, Cristobal D. Granger, Evelyn D. Grant, Edith H . Grant, Joan w. Grant, Johnny L. Grant, Ulysses J. Gras, Dorothy F. Grauso, Joseph Graver, Henry H. Graves, Phillip N. Gray, Anne M. Gray, Duane C. Gray, Evelyn V. Gray, Gerald H. Gray, tiarold C . Gray, James F. Gray, Joseph T. Gray, Lillian Gray, Richard P. Gray, Rodger C . Gray, Veronica Greathouse, Oliver c. Greber, Arlin H. Creegor, Larry A. Green, Courtney Green, Howard ~. ~. . .. _ Page 4 3 IO- 15-99 9-2-99 6-1 2-99 9-21 -99 5-1 2-99 4-8-99 6-8-99 10-19-99 3-29-99 8-6-99 10-23-99 5-1 9-99 3-1 1-99 2-1 -99 3-22-99 6-5-99 10-30-99 1-25-99 3-26-99 3-22-99 1-19-99 7-1 8-99 4-23-99 3-30-99 4-1 -99 2-1 3-99 5-7-99 4-29-99 9-8-99 10-1 1-99 4-14-99 9-30-99 4-18-99 12-1 2-99 9-14-99 10-18-93 6-4-90 3-30 -99 8-23-99 1 'I -4-99 9-9-99 5-1 8-99 2-4-99 9-14-99 1-20-99 9-1 1-99 9-1 4-99 6-1 9-99 11-7-99 1 1 -6-99 6-20-99 9-2 1-99 1-23-99 7-7-99 NAME Green, Jacqueline C. Green, Mildred P. Green, Rachel E. Green, Richard Green, Sidney Green, William E. Greenback, Alice Greene, Louise A . Greene, Verdell Greenleaf, Barbara Greenleaf. Norma L. Greenlick, Lee Greer, Harry 'I. Greer, Hazel N. Greer, Otis Greer, Ruth Gregg, Grace B. Gregor, Katherine P. Gregory, Howard M . Gregrow, Gary C. Grell, Lillian Grescovich, Mary Gresham, Thelma G. Grether, Paul W. Gretsinger, Raymond M. Grieve, Blanche M. Griffin-Morris, Allyson T. Griffin, Anne Iy. Griffin, Dean Griffin, Mary I. Griffith, Elizabeth A. Griffith, Joseph I(. Griffith, Mildred O.W. Griffith, Virginia R. Griffiths, Morgan D. Griggs, Margaret M. Griggy, Raymond Grigsby, Ruth R. Grim, Harry E. Grimes, Edward L. Griminger, Ralph J. Grimm, Gary A . Grimm, Ralph L. Grimm, William C. Grinder, John D. Grindle, Marian J. Grinnell, Henry S . Grist, George M. Grof, Esther D. Grogan, Wilma L. Grogg, Orval G . Groggins, Mary Crohe, Clara P. Grooms, Patricia A . Page 46 DATE 3-6-99 8-22-99 12-21-99 12- 13-99 4-20-99 4-1 1-99 11-29-99 11-16-99 11 - 1 4-99 10-21 - 9 9 8-29-99 6-6-99 5-4-99 2-25-99 12-21 - 9 9 12-3-99 7- 2 8 - 99 11 -1 3-99 8-12-99 12-27-99 5-4-99 12-1 1 - 9 9 7-21 -99 10-12-99 11-23-99 5-24-99 5-29-99 12-24-99 1-1 -99 11-6-99 8-3-99 1-1-99 7-5-99 1-29-99 6-1 1-91) 12-8-99 3-1 1-99 8-21-99 5-2-99 10-28-99 10-26-99 8-4-99 5-26-99 12-23-99 8- 1-99 8- 16-99 6-5-99 8-16-99 2-1 1-99 5-14-99 2-16-99 4-28-99 10-26-99 11-1-99 DATE Gross, Frederick E. Gross, Jessie L. Grove, Dale Groves, Ardis E. Groves, Denver H. Groves, Mardath E. Groves, Olga D. Grubb, Roberta A . Grubbs, Norene M . Gruber, Frank W. Grubich, Joan Gruccio, Esther N . Grudosky, Victor S. Gruich, Mildred M. Grundy, Daisy B.R. Grundy, Joseph N. Gruver, Walter E. Guay, Constance E. Guban, Anna Gudan, Mary GuDukas, Mathilda G. Guess, Van D. Guido, Eileen J. Gulian, Agnes Gungle, Joseph N . Gunn, Delbert a. Gunnels, Anna L. Gunter, Betty L. Gurtner, Edna L. Gustely, Edward C. Guthrie, Edwin W. Guthrie, Gary F. Gutowski, Merry1 Guy, Paul Guy, William R. Guylas, Elizabeth Guzzo, Joseph P. Guzzo, Vincent Gwaltney, Thelma r. Gwin, John P. Gynn, Douglas S. Haag, Marian R. Haas, Michelle L . Haas, Theodora El. Haban, Betty J . Haban, Stephen A . Haberkost, Miriam D. Habig, Robert P. Hach, Agnes Hackman, Mildred J. Hackman, Paul W. Haddix, Patricia A . Haffly, Cynthia L. Hafliger, Valadene E. . . . . Page 4i 7-29-99 9--a- 99 1-8-99 3-7-99 9-19-99 12-28-99 9-23-99 1-5-99 3-10-99 6-11-99 6-30-99 4-22-99 9-2-99 8-24-99 6-18-99 8-6-99 9-17-99 11 -1 2-99 8-75-99 4-24-99 1-7 5-99 1-1 4-99 -11-28-99 1-28-99 3-1 4-99 3-2-99 3-9-99 10-20-99 2-3-99 5-5-95 2-9-99 9-3-99 1-15-99 3-30-99 4-6-99 3-24-99 5-1-99 2-20-99 4-13-99 5-1 3-99 9-13-99 3-21-99 9-24-99 6-17-99 11-5-99 10-12-99 4-6-99 3-1 -99 3-16-99 10-28-99 6-1 7-99 10-24-99 1-30-99 3-1 9-99 DATE NAME Hagan, Douglas J. Hkgelbarger, Jacob W. Hagen, Wilda B.W. Hagenbaugh, Paul A . Hager, Catherine M. Haggerty, Winfred D. Hahn, Kenneth E. Hahn, Kenneth R. Hahn, Lucille D. Hahn, .Stephen P. Haidet, Betty Haidet, Dorothy G. Haidet, George C. Haines, Catherine E. Haines, Donald Haines, Ruth M. Haines, Stephen c . Haines, Tressie J. Hairston, Angeline Hairston, Royal c . Hajoway, Joseph Hajtovik, Dorothy W. Hakos, George Halacheff, Vasil T. Halamay, Walter Hale, Chester L. Hale, Clifton E. Hales, Jessie N. Halgren, Freda E. Hall, Alice M . Hall, Alice ki. Hall, Benjamin R. Hall,' Charles A . Hall, Dale E. Hall, Elizabeth Hall, Evelyn P. Hall, Grover L. Hall, Jill P. Hall, Ludie E. Hall, Robert a. Halman, Paul Halsell, Annie Halterman, Beatrice L. Hamad, Edward J. Hainad. Neil Hambrick, Marvin L. Hameister, H.H. Hamilton, Doris A . Hamilton, Lauryn C. Hamilton, Hark T. Hamilton, Nathan J. Hamilton, Sara A. Hamlen, Dorothy A . Hamlin, George C. Page $8 6-24-99 7-23-99 1-10-99 11-17-99 12-27-99 5-15-99 9-&-99 5-1 8-99 3-1 4-99 4-20-99 1-2-99 9-19-99 4-1 3-99 1 1-4-99 9-10-99 12-1 3 - 9 9 10-1 7-99 12-2-99 10-29-99 4-3-99 1-7-99 3-1 7-99 12-2-99 1-1-99 7-28-99 2-18-99 8-3-99 6-10-99 6-9-99 3-5-99 3-1 2-99 2-21 - 9 9 3724-99 12-31-99 2-6-99 5-28-99 9-7-99 8-31-99 12-18-99 11 - 1 3 - 9 9 3-20-99 1-24-99 3-18-99 9-24-99 11-73-99 4-1 1 - 9 9 8-4-99 2-27-99 1-3-99 1-1 9-99 1-3-99 1 1-23-99 1 - 3 1 -99 3-30-99 NAME DATE Hammel, Joan E. Hammer, Mary E. Hammond. Charlotte F. Hammond, Yilliam E. Hammontree, Mabel L. Hampton, Lizzie r. Hamric, James S. Hamrick, Lottie L. Hamrick, Thomaslee 2. Hamsher, Otis E. Hancharik, John Handel, Dolores M. Handschumaker, William F. Haney, Luella L. Haney, Woodrow D. Hankey, Fonda Hankins, Harriet R. Hanline, Walter .4. Hanna, Jean R. Hannan, Charles r. Hannold, Audrey T. Hannum, Charles L. Hansen, Dorothy M. Hansen, Lois M. Hansen, Shirley a. Hanson. Carlton E. Hanson, Ruth A . Hanus, Julia Hanzel, George F. Harbaugh, Delmar L. Hardacre, Vincent J. Harden, Shelly Hardin, Richard N . Hargrove, Gerald Hargrove, Robert M. Harkless, Gary L. Harkness, James P. Harmon, Arvilla C. Harmon, Ephriam M . Harmon, Mary E. Harney, 8. Duane Harold, David A . Harold, Ruth W. Harouff, James E. Harouny, Antoine M. Harper, Jesse Harper, Nate L. Harper, Virginia Harpster, Jennie F. Harrell, Eleanor C. Harris, Alberta Harris, Bertha L. Harris, Betty e. . .-. . . .~ . Page 49 8-26-99 3-26-99 10-1 8 - 9 9 1-5-99 8-14-99 8-10-99 5-4-99 12-21-99 4-1 5-99 3-3-99 4- 13-99 11 -24-99 7-7-99 12-1 2-99 7-15-99 11 -4-99 9-9-99 4-20-99 9-2-99 6-8-99 1-20-99 11 -21 -99 5-1 8 - 9 9 3-21 -99 11-21 - 9 9 3-5-99 11-18-99 1-23-99 6-1 6-99 8-1 0-99 2-20-99 9-1 9-99 8-10-99 2-28-99 2-26-99 1-1 5-39 1-9-99 5-19-99 3-29-99 3 - 26 - 9 9 10- .5- 9 9 5 - 18-99 2-4-99 1 1-28-99 2-2i-39 3-22-99 1-29-99 6-1 1-99 10-1 4-99 1C-31-99 8-25-99 10-3-99 8-1 1-99 9-29-93 DATE Harris, Charles B. Harris, Christopher R. Harris, Dorothy Harris, Dorothy A . Harris, Earl W: Harris, Elaine M . Harris, Eva Harris, Evelyn G. Harris, Jeanne M. Harris, Mary A . Harris, Mary N. Harris, Raleigh Harris, Ray W. Harris, Roger D. , Harris, Tencie C. Harris, Virginia H . Harrison, David K . Harrison, Gloria r. Harrison, Helen M. Harrison, Irens Seiberling Harrison, Richard E. Hart, Elizabeth S. Hart , Joshua H. Hart, Louise M . Hart, Sarha J. Hartenstein, Hazel M . Harter, Karl W. Hartley, Charles R. Hartley, Eleanore J. Hartley, Hilda I. Hartley, Kenneth J. Ha r t 1e y , M i 1d r ed Hartley, Wilbert F. Hartline, B u r l e s Hartline, Jerry R. Hartman, Ernest R. Hartman, Mamie R.A. Hartnett, Gertrude C. Hartney, Sarah J. Hartzell, Richardd E. Harvey-Scott, Theresa L.H. Harvey, Margaret E. Harvilic, Richard Hasan, Merle Hasapis, Andre G. Hasbrouck, Morgan C. Hastings, Arthur F. Hatcher, Amelia F. Hathcox, Alice Haubert , Wi 1'1 iam D. Haucke, Lucille E. Hauenstein, Lloyd A . Haupt, Betty L. Haupt, 2erry A . Page 50 5-1 9-99 4-9-99 12-1-99 8-16-99 1-31 -99 3-1 5-99 12-1 7-99 4-2-99 5-30-99 11-12-99 12-1 9-99 11-3-99 3-21-99 8-6-99 4-5-99 5-25-99 3-23-99 10-14-99 1 1 -6-99 1-23-99 3-28-99 11 -9-99 11 -5-99 3-7-99 8-23-99 7-8-99 2-1 8-99 8-5-99 8-10-99 2-8-99 8-1 3-99 2-22~99 4-24-99 12-29-99 5-1 3-99 6-12-99 4-4-99 12-17-99 8-25-99 4-22-99 12-.28-99 7-24-99 2-17-99 8-7-99 11 -28-99 3-1 2-99 11-7-99 4-23-99 7-14-99 6-27-99 12-1 1-99 5-4-99 -1-5-99 1-28-99 NAME DATE Haus, Albert J. Hausch, Harold K. Havens, Gary M . Havens, William J. Hawes, Earl L. Hawk, Forest E. Hawkinberry. Carl D. Hawkins, Anthony d. Hawthorne, William M. Hayden, Geneva M . Hayden, John P. Hayden, Sally G. Hayes, Andrew Hayes, Carson M. Hayes, Dale E. Hayes, Jerry E. Hayes, Robert A. Hapne, Faith E. Haynes, Elizabeth M. Haynes, Mark E. Haynes, Raymond E. Hays, Jesse N . Hayward, Hilda Hayward, Hugh L. Haywood, Blair f. Hazel, Michele a. Hazen, Ada M. Hazlett, Dorothea M . Heacock, Irene R. Heacock, Robert E. Head, James D. Head, Melvin L. Heard, Audrey J. Heard, Perrie L. Heasley, Delbert J. Hechler, N . Glenna Hechler, Raymond G. Hecht, Elizabeth H. Hedglin, Twila Hedrick, James E. Hedrick, Jean E. Hedrick, Stephen L. Heepe, Betty J. Heffelman, Helen t . Heffernan, Bernard J. Hefner, Bettie J. Hegarty, Agnes E. Hegarty, Winifred Heibeck, Frank E. Heil, John J. Heimberger, Jeffrey A. Heindel, Viola Heiner, Catherine H. Heiple, Charlotte R. Page 51 3-1 1-99 7-20-99 6-24-99 1-3-99 4-7-99 9-1 -99 5-22-99 7-29-99 1-21 -99 5-1 3-99 1-3-99 4-22-99 11-1-99 1-3-99 5 23-99 8-5-99 4-20-99 12-27-99 3 23-99 8-1 -99 12- 16-99 12-16-99 8-1 2-99 10-a-99 11 - 8 - 9 9 8-9-99 10-2 5-99 12-28-99 12-8-99 5-28-99 2-7-99 4-22-99 2-28-99 11 -3-99 8-29-99 5-1 2-99 7- 10-99 1 1 -8-99 5-23-99 3-9-99 1-1 0 - 9 9 2-2-99 7-16-99 12-23-99 1-27-99 8-3-99 3-7-99 1-5-99 11 -1 6-99 2-1 1-99 1-4-99 1-23-99 1-20-99 12-21 - 9 9 - - NAME DATE Heiser, Elmer F. Heiser, John R. Heisler, Sophie R. Helbig, John D. Heldreth, Michael J. Helfrick, John J. Heller, Helen Heller, Mae J. Helm, Janiya Helmick, Mary A. Helmke, Gertrude E. Helms, Ernest Helsley, Dorothy I . Hemminger, Clyde A. Hendershot. Helen r. Henderson, Augustus Henderson, Charles G. Henderson, Dorothy B. Henderson, Marcella A Hendley, Opal A . Hendricks, Jesse C. lienley, Cecil B. Henline, Carrie B. Henry, Daniel J. Henry, Elsie M . Henry, John J. Henry, Karl R. Henry, Marion E. Henry, Sandra L. Henry, Thomas W. Hcnschen, Dorothy A. Henshaw, Willie J. Hensler, Ruth D. Henthorne, Arthur H. Heppert, Lisa !I. Herald, Mary D. Herbert, John H. . Herbert, Norman T. Herbruck, Stephanie Herdman, Dorothy H. Herget, Edith Herman, Bernard Herman, Donald s. Herman, Norbert J. Herndon, Robert Herouvis, Gust J . Heroux, Paul .4. Herr, Erleene M . Herr, Hannah >I. Herron, Arden D. Hershberger, Earl B. Hershberger, Irene E. Hershberger, Jacob Hershey, Paul L. Page 52 1-20-99 1-10-99 12-31-99 12-26-99 5-29-99 4-5-99 1-8-99 1-27-99 8-4-99 5-1 4-99 2-5-99 8-25-99 4-4-99 5-31 -99 3-1 6-99 4-22-99 12-1 1-99 12-1 3 ~ 9 9 8-22-99 12-9-99 1-1 -99 5-27-99 9-5-99 1-1 8 - 9 9 10-10-99 10-21 -99 5-30-99 1 -$-99 5-20-99 1-21-99 4-1 1-99 10-21 -99 5-7-99 10-19-99 6-1 3-99 9 - 1 5 - 9.9. 2-23-99 11 -25-99 9-29-99 4-14-99 5-11-99 7-10-99 12-16-99 &-28-99 5-21 -99 4-17-99 1.- 3-99 6-18-99 11-5-99 4-28-99 2-4-99 10-9-99 9-26-99 4-3-99 - ~ DATE Hers-hey, Wharton A. Herst, Jack Hertzi, Joseph P. Herwick, Robert E. Heskett, Vaugh Hess , Jeanne M. Hess, Mark D. Hess, Wilma M.H. Hessin, Charles V. Hester, Flossie J. Heston, Frances L. Heston, Ruth 0. Hetey, Stephan E. Hetrick, Consetta M. Hetrick, Duane W. Hetrick, Myrtle I. Hewit, Herle E. Heyden, Rosa Heyl, Mary E. Hibbs, Margaret I. Hibner, Edwin L. Hickey, Patrick W. Hickman, Alma J. Hickman, William F. Hickman, Willie B. Hicks, Beulah Hicks, John H. Hicks, Leah J. Hicks, Mary V. Hicks, Willie L. Hider, Derwin E. Hiener, Eugene A. Hier, Pat H. Higdon, Rita A. Higgins. Elton e . High, F. Allen Higl, Kathleen J. Higley, Hazel A. Higley, Lois E. Hildebrand, Elizabeth Hildebrand, Leo D. Hileman, Allen W. Hileman, Connie J. Hilkert, John J. Hill, Bonnie Mae Hill, Carla R. Hill, Carola Hill, David A . Hill, Emily E. Hill, Frank 0. Hill, George V. Hill, Hannah C. Hill, James E. Hill, Jean Page.53 3-1 4-99 5-1 5-99 12-26-99 3-20-99 8-20-99 9 - 1 9-99 7-30-99 12-4-99 a-18-99 6-17-99 5-5-99 5-25-99 10-24-99 1 1 -29-99 6-6-99 12-28-99 12-25-99 11 -26-99 12-12-99 8-1 5-99 1-12-99 3-10-99 4-25-99 12-26-99 12-27-99 11 -4-99 12-31-99 5-7-99 1-21-99 12-1 5 - 9 9 1-25-99 7-14-99 12-1 1 - 9 9 1 1 -9-99 12-20-99 3-1 7-99 11 -3-99 1-1 4-99 5-23-99 2-2-99 9-16-99 9-1 5-99 4-24 -9 9 7-$-99 1-29-99 5-13-99 -26-99 -71-26-99 5-13-9!2 2-16-99 .I 2-1 1 - 9 9 5-27-99 10-18-99 7-27-99 DATE NAME Hill, Lee E. Hill, Lillian K. Hill, Mary E. Hill. Robert W. Hill, Sandra Lee Hill, Willis c. Hillen, Annelie K. Hillery, Joseph P. Hillestad, Tolleif 0. Hilling, Wanda V. Hilton, Frank D. Himebaugh, Virginia E. Hinchee, James W. Hindman, Christine b. Hinds, Sarah I. Hinkle, Mabel V. Hino, Carol A . Hinson, Albert S. Hintz, Beverly J. Hipple, Norma g. Hirschfelt, Ortensia Hirschman, Irene Hirt. Esther E. Hissam, Bonnie L. Hissong, Faye 9. Hixson, Martha M. Hluch, Fred G . Hnat, Mary Hoard, Marveline Hobach, George A. Hobba, Irene A. Hobbs, Ethel id. Hobday, John W. Hobohm, Werner H. Hobson, Louise U. Hodapp. Mary L. Hoddinott, Elsie K. Hodgen, Ralph Hodges, Fleeta D. Hodges, Xargaret F. Hodowanec, Helen Hoecker, Martha C. Hoest, Mabel I . Hoey, Donald J. Hofer, Nary C. Hoff, Istvan Hoffman, Eileen M . Hof €man ,. Johanna D. fioffman, Lois M. Hoffman, Margaret Hoffmeyer, Margaret E. Hofmann, Michael Hofus, Helen. Ho.gan, Franics t . 5.: >: &.._ j 8 - 1 2-99 11 -24-99 6-26-99 6-14-99 3-8-99 11-23-99 11-1-99 1-1-99 6-1 9-99 5-1 5-99 12-5-99 12-3-99 2-4-99 5-1 5-99 7-25-99 7-22-99 2-1 1-99 3-1 5-99 7-7-99 6-3-99 4-8-99 11-30-99 11-1 1 - 9 9 7-15-99 8-31-99 9-15-99 12-1 1 - 9 9 12-4-99 9-1 6-99 10-7-99 10-71 - 9 9 10-31 -99 9-21 -99 3-7-99 4-3-99 5-21-99 1-29-99 9-1 - 9 9 4-6-99 3-1 1 - 9 9 9-1 5-99 3-23-99 4-1 -99 6-1 6-99 8-1 6-99 6-21-99 0 - 1 8-99 6-26-99 7- 16-99 10-3-9!3 3 - 7 9!> - i?-:i-i:q ?. - i i - Q $ - 9-I-99 . :.> * DATE NAME Hohl, Li?!; s. tiaisek. Robert $1. Holhert! Michael S. Holbrook, Willie c. Holcomb, James R. tiolcoinb, Ruth P. Holden, Hilda M . Holden, Nancy P. Holk, John Holl, William L. Holland, Hillard Holland, Sancy w . Holland, Ruth 31. Hollenbach, E l i z s i > a V ! i 3 . Ho? lenduniier Grai:e .?. ~ His1 leiltiunner. .iohn H : . # I I i i l d y . iiacold W. Hollingsworth, William H. Hollis, Barbara J. Hollosy, David L. Hollosy, Helen A . Holloway, Dorothy G . Holloway, Eva M. Holloway, Stephen Holman, Dorothy L. Holman, Shannon Holmes, Patricia $1. Holmes, Paul a. Holmes, Taushamae Holmes, Viola Holodnak, John Holstein, E 1eanor Holston, Jessie M. Holtwick, Thomas I. Hone, Ruth P. Hood, John R. Hook, Robert H. Hooks, Mary L. Hooks, Roy L. Hooser, Alice L. Hoot, Forest E. Hoover, Anna L. Hoover, Benjamin L. Hoover, Charles ’ Hoover, Melvin Hoover, Phoebe M . Hoover, Wayne C . Hoover, Wayne P. Hope, MiIdrad L. Hopkins, Dora L. Hopkins, Essie 8 . Hopkins, Jean E. Hopper. Hazel t. Hopson, Sarah Page 5 5 10-24-99 12-17-99 3-28-99 5-1 8-99 1 0 4 3-99 4-29-99 9-6-49 5- 10-99 1 1-27-9$ 3 - 3 9>! -,- i r;- - I;? 9-28-95 11-3-99 11 - 1 9-99 9-1 3-99 6-1 -99 12-25-99 6-1 7-99 12-7-99 9-1 1-99 7-23-99 6-1 6-99 1-27-99 8-30-99 5-1 9 - 9 9 7-29-99 4-28-99 8-23-99 8-18-99 5-2-99 3-3-99 11 -1 6-99 1-26-99 4-7-99 1-24-99 7-4-99 2-3-99 6-1 4-99 5-20-99 1-1 8-99 9-2 1-59 2-1 5-99 5-20-99 3-5-99 4- 18-99 3-9-99 6- 17-99 5-5-99 9-8-99 4-3-99 8-1 2-99 4-21 -99 6-5-99 3-4-99 DATE NAME Horn, .Dianne L. Horn, Dorothy D. Horn, Henrietta G . Horn, Joseph Hornacek, Anne S. Hornak, Alex Hornberger, Wendy R. Horne, David S. Horner, Grace E. Horney, Catherine Hornick, Frances H. Hornsby, Martha W. Horovitz, Margaret K. Horsfall, Maurice E. Horvath, Edith Horvath, Joseph Horvath, Joseph J. Horwitz, Gerald Hosier, Robert B. Hosking, James B. Hoskins, Edra Hoskins, Nazie Hoskins, Nancy Hoss, Istvan Hostetler. John W. Hostetler, Margaret M . Hostetler, Raymond R. Hostetler, Ruth E. Hostetler, Pilbert G . Hostettler, William C. Houchin,. Edna W . Houchins, William H. Hough, Glenn V. Hough, Katherine L. House, Robert E. Householder, Kathleen Householder, Pauline Houston, E.J. Houston, Herman E. Hout, Kathryn Hovey , Janet R. H . Howard, Amanda Howard, Charles H. Howard, Harriet E. Howard, Helen E. Howard, Joyce A . Howard, Robert E. Howard, Roger H. Howard, Thomas E. Howd, Donna C . Howe, Lucille C. Howell, Annie Howell, Janice W. Howell, Lois 5 . Page 56 . 1-29-92 11 -7-99 12-29-99 12-24-99 2-14-95 6-1 3-99 11 -27-99 4-10-99 3-29-99 6-1 3-99 9-23-99 6-20-99 10-21-99 7-9-99 3-20-99 4-1 1-99 12-28-99 2-2-99 1-1 -99 2-12-99 4-6-99 1-28-99 10-9-93 6-22-99 1-10-99 10-1 0 - 5 9 11 -30-99 7-4-99 10-3-99 8 - 3 1-99 9-26-99 2-3-99 2-20-99 7-6-99 12-14-99 12-21 -99 3-27-99 5-5-99 4-8-99 7-23-99 4 - 29 - 9 9 2-24-99 3-1 3-99 1-4-99 6-2;-99 11-24-99 12-21-99 12-17-99 3-1 7-99 3-25-99 6-13-99 4-29-99 3-5-99 10-4-95 NAME DATE Howell, Ronald Howerton, Erin L. Howes , Ona M. Howieson, Dale W. Howsare, Leora N . Hrdlica, Elsie H. Hren, Ella L. Hritsko, Mildred Hritsko, Rosemary S. Hronetz, Edward F. Huber, Lawrence R. Hub i cs ak , John Hubler, Frances Hudak, Dorothy J. Hudgeon, Lois L. Hudkins, Richard M. Hudkins, Robert B. Hudson, Beulah E. Hudson, Elizabeth M . Hudson, Harvey Hudson, M. Wayne Hudson, Willie Huey, Pearl S. Huff, Pearl E. Huffman, A.L. Huffman, Darrel Huffman, Faye Huffman, Frederick J. Huffman, Freeda M . Huffman, Helen Huffman, Mary S. Hug, Virginia R. Hughes, Carolyn Hughes, Juanita E. Hughes, Marcia Hughes, Thomas A. Hughes, Wanda L. Hughey, Frank Huhn, Maxine Hull, Cory R. Hull, Ralph E. Humbert, Barbara Humbert, Carl 0 . Humhert , Edna M. Humbert, Louis D. Humenansky, John C . H u m m e l , Charlotte J. Hummel, Marvin D. Humphrey, Gayle B. Humphrey, George C. Humphrey, James Humphrey , Juanita E . Hunley, John H. Hunnell, Anna M. ._ 2-27-99 5-1 6-99 2-27-99 6-4-99 12-1 3-99 6-23-99 12-77-99 5-1 4-99 10-28-99 2-28-99 8-4-99 10-3-99 12-4-99 1-1 6-99 6-21 -99 1-22-99 11 - 1 4-99 12-22-99 1-24-99 $-17-99 5-23-99 1 1 -3-99 4-22-99 10-1 5-99 3-9-99 7-14-99 9-1-99 3-2-99 12-22-99 4-2$-99 7-1 1 - 9 9 2-19-99 5-1 1-99 9-2-99 12-9-99 3-30-99 2-26-99 6-23-99 10-20-99 5-1 3-99 7-4-99 10-1 2-99 8-31 -99 12-20-99 4-8-99 6-27-99 5-75-99 6-22-99 1-6-99 5-26-99 3-28-99 6-26-95 12- 12-99 3-3-99 P a g e 57 ~ NAME Hunsicker, Ruth g. Hunt, Adelbert P. Hunt, Derwood A . ‘Hunt, Ellen J. Hunt, Gertrude , Hunt, Mary L. Hunt, Rickie C. Hunt, Robert C. Hunt, Spencer Hunter, Betty J . Hunter, Frances L. Hunter, Harold R. Hunter, Herman L. Hunter, Richard D. Hupp, Martha Hurd, Lona M . Hurd, Ruth M. Hurdt, Charles R. Hurley, John J. Hurst, Thomas B. Husk, Samantha L. Hustead, Pauline Huston, Carrie I. Huston, Ralph R. Hutchings, Gayle M. Hutchison, James C. Hut nik, John Hutnik, Louise Hutz, George Hyatt, Jason R. Hyatt, Roy Hyde, Ralph C. Hyde, Virgil E. Hyden, Russell L. Hpre, Laura M. Iacobucci, Carmel Iasar, Ann Ickes, Jack D. Ickes, Pauline L. Idley, Callie B . V . Igleheart, Dorothy 0. Igleheart, Henry P. I g o , Carl L. Ilcheson, Frances M. Ilcheson, Walter W. Imiola, Edward Iv’. Indoe, Nettie B. Ingersoll, Jack C. Ingraham, Blake C . Irace, John A . Ir.le, Vincent W. Irven, Marguerite J. Irvin, Frank C. Irvin, Richard C. - .. . Page 58 DATE 5-22-99 1-1 9-99 1-23-99 3-1 3 - 9 9 10-27-99 4-10-99 10-17-99 8-1 9-99 7-7-99 3-1 1-99 9-1 4-99 1-1 6-99 12-25-99 11-1 2-99 2-13-99 3-8-99 8-8-99 6-1-99 1-17-99 11 -2-99 1 2 - 1 9-99 11-1-99 2-3-99 5-30-99 2-10-99 11-24-99 3-24-99 3-24-99 8-8-99 10-6-99 2-13-99 8-25-99 2-1 8-99 6 - 1 2-99 9-22-99 1-28-99 1-26-99 3-9-99 10-13-99 10-1 4-99 4-20-99 1-23-99 12-1 5 - 9 9 9-1 3-99 1 1-5-99 10-19-99 3-1 1 - 9 9 4-4-99 11-10-99 3-9-99 6-76-99 5-4-99 4-25-99 6 - 1 1-99 NAME DATE Irvine, Carl W. Irwin, Edith Iskander, Rafik F. Isley, Ralph E. Israel, Lester W. Ivanoff, Petco J. Iverson, Moses Ivery. Nellie B. Iwanyszczuk, Mykola Jackman, Donald C. Jacksic, Doris H . Jackson, Albert Jackson, Arthur A. Jackson, Claudia E. Jackson, Delores M . Jackson, Ellen Jackson, Finise M. Jackson, Floyd W. Jackson, George H. Jackson, Irene M. Jackson, James L. Jackson, James W. Jackson, Jimmie J. Jackson, Nada L. Jackson, Neil S. Jackson, Oscar A . Jackson, Rayshawn L. Jackson, Robert M. Jacobs, Allen L. Jacobs, David Jacobs, John Jacobs, Mary L. Jacobs, Millard Jacobs, Robert 0. Jacobs, Stanley Jacobson, Moodrow Jagusch, Jeanne Jakubisin, John Jakubs, Stanley C. Jalm, Harry e. James, Bernice H. James, Esther 11. James, Freeman W. James, Kathryn H. James, Margaret $1. James, Paul D. James, Raymond E. James, Ruth C. James, Tricia M . Jamieson, Helen F. Jamison, Harold D. Jandecka, Narian L. Jannelli, John R. Jarvis, Donald - - .. Page 59 ~~~ 7-1-99 -1-29-99 11 -3-99 3-1 7-99 12-1-99 2-23-99 8-1 1-99 3-14-99 4-14-99 6-24-99 9-25-99 5-6-99 3-28-99 io-28-99 5-1 8-99 7-6-99 3-6-99 9-29-99 4-25-99 5-23-99 8-5-99 4-11-99 3-17-99 9-2-99 4-i-99 5-1 1-99 4-8-99 4-25-99 -5-2-99 1-20-99 1-17-99 11-10-99 1-19-99 4-16-99 6-8-99 3-33-93 6-11-99 4-27-92) 3-31-99 3-9-99 6-16-99 1 1 -1 5-99 6-28-99 1-1 -99 4-22-99 12-29-99 4-9-39 -1-23-99 12-29-99 5-4-99 1-9-99 12-19-99 9-10-99 4-10-99 NAME DATE Jarvis, Effie P. Jarvis, Leo Jarvis, Ronzel Jatich, Gloria R. Jatich, John L. Jeffers, Walter W. Jeffries, Beadie A . Jeffries, Helen E . Jeffries, Marchello Jenkin, Madeline V. Jenkins, Catherine E. Jenkins, Charles II. Jenkins, Florence M. Jenkins, Graceanna Jenkins, Harold Jenkins, Helen Jenkins, Josephine 81. Jenkins, Mary K. Jenkins, Robert Jenkins, Vernon g. Jenkins, William L. Jennings, Marjorie Jensen, Harry E. Jerels, Linder L.F. Jesel, Dorothy M. Jessel, Walter H. Jeter, Willie Irf. Jett, Henry W. Jett, Marshall N. Jewell, Joan Jinkinson, Howard H. Johns, Dennis G . Johns, Marie J. Johns, Nellie E. Johns, Wilma J. Johnson, Ann D. Johnson, Arthur G. Johnson, Beatrice A. Johnson, Bertha A . Johnson, Carol A . Johnson, Donn M. Johnson, Doris M . Johnson, Duane M. Johnson, Edward Johnson, Eileen Johnson, Elizabeth Johnson, Everett F. Johnson, Infant Johnson, Irene M. Johnson, Jasper Johnson, Jessie M. Johnson, John S. Johnson, Juanita E. Johnson, Katherine M. , ' Page 60 12-1 2-99 4- 16-99 4-27-99 4-4-99 7-30-99 8-30-99 10-17-99 72-27-99 9-1 9-99 11-5-99 1 - 1 3-99 12-27-99 5-1 5-99 1-6-99 6-1 -99 10-11-99 12-13-99 8-26-99 6-2-99 7-1 2-99 2-9-99 10-30-99 5-24-99 5- 12-99 4-4-99 1 1-9-99 11-10-99 3-6-99 1-24-99 1-4-99 5-9-99 1-7-99 8-22-99 12-29-99 10-3-99 1-25-99 5-23-99 4-10-99 5 - 1 -99 3-13-99 12-4-99 7 - 1 1-99 1-3-99 1 1 - 1 1-99 1-25-99 -1-25-98 1 0 - 1 4-99 9-1 3-99 3-6-99 8-3-99 6 - 24 - 9 9 11-2-99 1-5-99 6- 1.5- 99 I NAME DATE Johnson, Kelly Johnson, L. Estelle .Johnson, Leonard Johnson, Lois M. Johnson, Marie H. Johnson, Marjorie E. Johnson, Mattie Johnson, Maurice N . Johnson, Max N. Johnson, Ollie R. Johnson, Ophelia Johnson, Pearl Johnson, Rachelle B. Johnson, Ralph s . Johnson, Ray D. Johnson, Richard W. Joh'nson, Robert P. Johnston, Adeline A . Johnston, Alvin Johnston, Clarence D. Johnston, Elizabeth Johnston, Ethel C. Johnston, James E. Johns ton, Joe Johnston, Phyllis 0. Johnston, Sophia E. Joiner, Joseph S. Joleit, Martha Joliat, Miriam a . Jolliff, Donna M. Jones, Allyson H. Jones, Bessie M. Jones, Charles E. Jones, Charlotte S. Jones, Cliafous Jones, Demerius T. Jones, Earl E. Jones, Edward D. Jones, Frances A . Jones, Jane E. Jones, Jennifer Ann Jones, Laura M. Jones, Levern Jones, Lotta Jones, Nargaret A. Jones, Margaret L. Jones, Marguerite E. Jones, Marjorie H . Jones, Marvin Jones, Mary E. Jones, Mary L. Jones, Milford Page 61 1-5-99 1-1 9-99 10-7-99 6-2-99 1 1 - 1 6-99 9-25-99 7- 13-99 4-23-99 1 - 10-99 1 2 - 1 9-99 1-8-99 3-21-.99 1 - 1 9-99 4-27-99 9-21-99 3-3-99 7-7-99 3-20-99 5-28-99 4-14-99 8-15-99 1-10-99 1-1 7-99 8-3-99 5-17-99 IO-2i-99 8-25-99 2-13-99 6-2-99 9-20-99 12-2'1-99 6-2-99 12-9-99 1-20-99 2-1 1-99 2-28-99 3-1 1-99 1-5-99 11-26-99 9-30-99 5-30-99 1 1 -29-99 5- 12-99 1 1 -29-99 12-13-99 9-2-99 12-11-99 1 1-1 5-99 1-23-99 12-7-99 1-28-89 1-5-99 3-2-99 10~3-99 NAME DATE J o n e s , N5wman C . J o n e s , Rhonda H. J o n e s , Robert F. . Jones, Robert P. J o n e s , Robert T . J o n e s , Susan E . J o n e s , William C . J o r d a n , Donald W . J o r d a n , Dora M . J o r d a n , Lois C . Jordan, Louis A . J o r d a n , Raymond J o r d a n , S a l l i e M. J o s e p h , Angela V . J o s e p h , Jean F. Joseph, Patrick E . J o s e p h , William M . Joy, J u l i a A . J o y n e r , Wilmer T . J u d y , LouAnna J u e r s i v i c h , Chandler A . J u i l l e r a t , George R . J u l i a , Mary J i m d z i l o , Opal N. Junker, Bertha J u r i g a , W i 11iarn J u r k o v i c , Carolyn J . J u r s i k , Xarsha M . Juscak, Felix T. J u s t i c e , Charles R. J u s t i c e , June L. J u s t i c e , Robey R . J u s z l i , Thomas J u s z l i , Vaughn M . K a c k s t e t t e r , E l s i e E. K a g e n a a r , Ermin? M . K a h l e y , Cathy Ann Kaisk, Nartha lialapodis, Ernest K a l l a i , Margaret Kalnian, E r n e s t E . Kaluza, Barbara S . K a l u r a , Theresa +I. Kaman, J o h n S. liane, R o b e r t a . liane, W i l l i a m K a n i a s t y , Wanda Kannal, Richard A . K a n t z , Lee M . K a n u r i t z , Nelcka Knplan, Royal C . Kapper, Marion L . Kapr. Diva E a p t a i n , Basil Fage 62 9-21-99 4-21-99 7-24-99 3-14-99 1-8-99 IO-4,-99 3-2 2 -9 9 12-26-99 6-3-99 8-26-99 1-7-99 8-21 -99 8-1 1 - 9 9 4-4-99 1 1 -1 7-99 4-1-99 9-8-99 3-1 2-99 6-8-99 3-1 3 - 9 9 8-6-99 1-24-99 12-1 4-99 10-24-99 6-1 3-99 3-21 - 9 9 3-9-39 10-21 - 9 9 6-2-99 6-29-99 8-11-99 9-3-99 5-3-99 2-23-99 10-23-99 10-2 1-99 11-27-99 1 1- 1 5 - 9 9 2-&-99 12-7-99 2-14-99 10-5-99 1 1 - 1 7-99 2-9-99 10-3-99 9- 1 0 - 9 9 5-1 6 - 9 9 6-7-99 4-3-99 12-27-99 6-8-99 3-4-99 4-27-99 1-31-99 . .' DATE NAME Kaput, Debra Karadin, Maxine D. Karalaitis, Joseph P. Karam, Anne K. Karas, Frank M. Karas, Lois C. Karee, Magdalene Karl, Edwin Karl, Vernon C . Kasapis, Gus A. Kasburg, Phyllis a. Kas,t, Kate Kaster, Marcella f. Kastner, June Katyansky, Genevieve J. Kauffman, Mabel V. Kavanshansky, Michael J. Kawalek, Marion V. Kawecki, Mary K. Kay, John S. Kazantzis. A.B. Keagy, Edward C . Kearns, Ronald Keaton, Caleb M. Keberle, Ann T. Keck, Edith Kee, Ethel c. Keeling, Thurston Keenan, Judith L. Keene, Brian S . Keener, Everett L. Keesee, Frank H. Keesee, Robert C . Kegarise, Robert A . Keidel, Ralph E. Keim, Leroy Keister, Stella M. Keiter, Leslie D. Keithley, Joseph F. Kellar, Zella I. Keller, Carlie 0. Keller, Edward fc. Keller, Lavyrence R. Keller, Robert B. Xelley, Bruce D. Relley, Darrel B. Kelley, Delphia L. Kelley, Linda Kelley, Marie A . Kelley, Paul Kelley, Richard E.L. Kelley, Virginia # . Kellis, W. Dale Kelly-Gilmore, Steven A . .. . Page 6 3 'I - 16 - 9 9 7-25-99 1-22-99 6-1 6-99 5-9-99 11 -1 9-99 8-23-99 1 - 1 8-99 8-3 1-99 1 0 - 1 4-99 8-2-99 2-5-99 3-1 8 - 9 9 4-25-99 3-5-99 7-6-99 4-6-99 2-21 -99 3-23-99 8-9-99 1-11-99 2-10-99 2-1 7-99 4-30-99 8-1 2-99 1 1-27-99 6-26-99 3-10-99 7-10-99 12-7-99 9-29 -99 8-4-99 4- 1 $ - 9 9 4-17-99 1-15-99 6-8-99 5-1 3-99 1 0 - 2 1 -99 10-5-99 9-8-99 3-8-99 11-1-99 4-6-99 1-2-99 10-19-99 7-1 1 - 9 9 1 -'I 9-99 1-16-99 10-6-99 3-1 4-99 5-1 7-39 1-9-99 4-6-99 1 2 - 1 5-99 NAME DATE Kelly, Dewey Kelly, Gloria H. Kelly, Kenny Kelly, Lawrence L. Kelsey, Fred H. Kemp, Amy H. Kemp, Betty J. Kemp, Louis C. Kempel, Margaret A . Kemter, Margaret S. Kendall, Alice E. Kendall, Donald R. Kendel, Virginia M. Kendricks, Geneva Kenealy, Bernard J. Kenmerline, Gene R. Kennedy, Charles D. Kennedy, Gavin Kennedy, Jill ie Kennedy, Meghan A . Kennedy, Sara E. Kennemuth, Ruth E. Rent, Dorothy R. Kenyon, Paul A. Kephart, David L. Kerestly, Joseph Kerezsi, Dorothy H . Kern, Anthony T. Kern, Michael S. Kernaghan, Sylvian H. Kerns, Margaret Kerpsie, Frank A. Kerr, Carol Kerr, Mary J. Kerstetter, Walter J. Kervinke, Colette T. Kessinger, Amy D. ' Kessler, Andrew 9. Kes t e rson , Madel i ne Keto, Aurora M. Keiter, Noel H. Key, Freida M. Key, James L. Reyser, Avery E. Keyser, Fona H. Keznian, Dolores L. Khoury, Lena Ribler, Doris A . Kieffer, Paill I. Kiefl, Glenn R. Kiehl. Dorothy Kiel, John E. Kieth, Bannie E. Right, Edward Page 64 3-28-99 6-4-99 12-16-99 4-26-99 6-26-99 1-5-99 3-12-99 6-25-99 2-18-99 6-17-99 3-30-99 12-1-99 12-23-99 10-7-99 5-26-99 6-20-99 5-7-99 12-6-99 9-25-99 12-6-99 3-22-99 10-5-99 12-28-99 3-4-99 8-24-99 6-10-99 3-21-99 5-15-99 12-26-99 3-30-99 5-4-99 -1-2-99 1-2-99 5- 26- 99 9-24-99 3-9-99 3-9-99 5-2-99 10-23-99 9-16-99 2-28-99 2-24-99 4-20-99 9-8-99 8-25-99 8-1 7-99 8-12-99 8-19-99 1-10-99 7-16-09 3-8-99 8-6-99 10-6-99 9-2-99 NAME DATE Kight, Lloyd 0. Kijanko, Helen T. Kilbourne, Carol A. Kilbp, Esther M. Kilgore, Leonard r. Kiltau, Anna M. kiimber, Clifford R. Kimbrough, Charles E. Kimmel, Lyle V. Kincade, Howard Kindig, Mabel C . King, Clifford P. King, Edward J. King, Eva King, Florence M . King, Glenn R. King, H. Elaine King, Herbert T. King, Josephine $1. King, LeRoy J. King, Mabel King, Madeline M . King, Marion S. Ring, Mary C. King, Neiiium King, Olga King, Robert L. Ring, Sara B. King, William E. hinnep, Alice M . Kinney, Thelma E. Kinsey, Gertrude L. Kinsinger, Richard E. Kinsley, Edison f. Kipp, Kenneth E. Kirby, Gene Kirchberg, Harry C . Kirchner , Sarah E. D. Kirk, James C. Kirk, Judson L. Kirkbride, William T. Kirkland, Bernice A . Kirkland, Ida Mae Kirochner, Margaret I. Kirschne;, Adam Kirtiklis, Anna Kish, Joseph Kisha, Betty L. Kishton, June E. Kisner, Elmer A. histner. Elmer L. Kitchens, Steven C . Kittinger, Erma L. Elabhatz, Winifred A . ~ ~~ - Page 65 ~~ ~ ~~~~~ ~~ 4-3-99 11-7-99 9-5-99 2-28-99 3-1 4-99 2 - 1 -99 2-8-99 6-8-99 10-31-99 3-9-99 9-28-99 10-1 7-99 3-29-99 11 -8-99 10-5-99 2-3-99 3-24-99 6-5-99 5-1 3-99 2-18-99 4-1 1 - 9 9 2-1 3-99 6-23-99 3-18-99 2- 1-99 3-2-99 3-30-99 9-4-99 4-1 5-99 2-21 -99 10-2-99 4-8-99 4-5-99 4-20-99 6-9-99 5-22-99 5-6-99 1-3-99 10- 14-99 9-30-99 1-23-99 6-10-99 1-1 9-99 8-26-99 10-29-99 8-9-99 8-4-99 2-5-99 5-7-99 12-26-99 5- 13-99 3-29-99 4 - 1 7-99 7-21 -99 Klaver, Marie Klayman, Maxwell Kleckner, Marie E.. Klein, Jody Klein, John Klein, Joseph D. Klein, Leona M . Klein, Harie Klein, Patrick W. Klein, Susan M. Kleinau, August W. Kleinedler, Irvin +I. Kleinhanzl, Frieda K l e m p , Frederick Y. Kleski, Bertha A. Klesse, Erwin H. Kline, Anna Kline, Earl 9. Kline, Florence T. Kline, Francis J. Kline, GoIda Kline, Iorence T. Kline, Naurice H. Kline, Pauline H.P. Kline, Snowden C. Kline, Vivian Klingenberger, George 9. Klingensmith, kobert J. Kloskoski, John J. Klotz, Doris H. Knapp, Lela M. Kneil, Grace L. Knight, Elizabeth M. Knight, Gloria S . Knight, Harold G. Knight, Irene Knoch, Conrad P. Kiiorr, Alice E. ' Knott, Joanne #. Knotts, Geraldine G. Knowles, Nannie 9. Roban. Mary Kobelt, Willard 0. Koch, Edward J. Koch, bleta W. Kochanski, Hathew Kocher, Bettie L . . Kochis, Elizabeth C. Koc hrnan, Ma rga r e t A . Koehler, Lawrence A . Kohl, Eridget L . Kohler, Dorothy L . Kohring, Fred k. Knlodey, Albina H. Page 66 1-23-99 I-11--99 1 - 1 9-99 11-23-99 8-5-99 10-1 6-99 3-21-99 10- 13-99 7-22-99 8-7-99 10-20-99 12-21 -99 7-2-99 8-12-99 10-12-99 4-18-99 2-21 -99 12-14-99 1-5-99 2-14-99 10-22-99 1-8-99 1-26-99 11-23-99 8-21-99 4-30-99 3-23-99 9- 19-99 5-1 1-99 1-25-99 3-5-99 10-3-99 5-21 -99 .I 0- 26- 9 9 8-1 5-99 1 1-28-99 10-30-99 3-9-99 8-i'-99 6-23-99 1-29-99 10-30-99 12'20-99 2-26-99 12-3-99 8-9-99 4 - 2 2 -9 9 1 2 - 18-99 3-1 9-93 12- 12-99 2-22-99 9-18-99 4-6-99 11-24-99 DATE NAME Kolody. Melvin R . Koltnow, He'len E . K o l y , B e r n a r d V. Koma, E l l e n C . Kondik, Anna M . Koneck, T e r e s a F . K o n k i a l , Walter M. K o n s t a n d , Mary B . Koon, D e l o r i s M . Kopf, E l s i e S. K o p l i n , E . Duane Kopsky, David R . Kormanik, Amie Pi. Kormanik, P a t r i c i a A . K o r p i t a , Harry K o s a r , Michael H. K o s t e l n y , John f . Kostewicz, Stanley r . Kot, Elorris P . Kotch, Narie A . K o u r i , Edward J . Kovac, D a n i e l G . Kovac, Edward P . liovach, Mary liovach, V i o l e t Kovacs, Louis E . Koval, C e c i l i a A . liocalchik, k'illiam D. K o v a t c h , M a r i l y n C. tiozlak, S i s t e r Dorothy R . R o z l i k , John Kozina, t i a t h e r i n e D . Krabill, Harriet P. K r a f t , Marjorie K r a k o w s k i , Anthony J . Rral, Catherine Kramer, A r c h i b a l d C . Krannich. L i l l i a n G . K r a s e k , Agnes L . K r a s i n s k i , Leo G . K r a u s , Andy K r a u s e , Ivan P . K r a u s e , Thelma L . Krausman, Rosemary Kraycheek, Suzanne Kraynak. J o s e p h F . Kreakbaum, T h e r e s a Krebs, Josephirie S . Kreglow, B o b e r t a K r e m e r , Edna L . Kreniling, Anna 11. K r i e b e l , Marilynn M . K r i l l , Remy A . Krimni, Cleta J. Page 67 5-1 3-99 11 -27-99 5-6-99 6-1 1 - 9 9 4-4-99 11 - 1 5-99 6-1 6-99 1-6-99 4-12-99 5-20-99 1-23-99 12-23-99 8-5-99 11 -9-99 11-8-99 1-1 3-99 1-18-99 11 -1 4 - 9 9 9-29-99 3-1 4-99 3-23-99 1-20-99 3-7-99 9-1 1-99 2- 13-99 11 - 16-99 8-30-99 12-21 -99 3-1 9-99 8-9-99 12-12-99 12-30-99 12-7-99 9-1 -99 10-26-99 1 1 -5-99 10-27-99 10-23-99 3-5-99 3-7-99 9- 1-99 6-2-99 9-21-99 1-7-1 9-99 3 - 16-99 7-1 3-99 '1-22-99 9-21 -99 8-26-99 1-30-99 6-22-99 9-6-99 3-25-99 7-1 -99 NAME , DATE K r i m m , George E . K r i n o , George P . Kripinsky, Joseph A. K r i s k a , Anne K r i s t . o n , M a r c e l l a G. Krneta, Helen K r o c h t a , Andy Kropko, P h i l l i p S. Krstich, S t e f f i e . K r u e c k , Har'old G. Eiruger, K r i s t o p h e r K r u m l a u f , Donald G . Kr u n i c h ,' B a r b a r a K r u n i c h , Rudolph K r z n a r i c h , Vinko K r z y k o s k i , Mary E . Kuba. D e l b e r t R . Kubala, Paul A . Kubic, S t e v e , Kubinyi, T a r j a Kudrna, Anna M . Kuha j d a , J o s e p h V . K u l i c k , Paul J . Kulka. Edward M . K u l k a , Krystyna 2. Kuncnak, Opal e . Kunkel, A l b e r t A . K u n k l e , George L . K u n k l e , Lee K u n t z , Helen M . K u n t z , Henry Kuntz, Katherine J . Kuntz. Rachel A . Kunz, hlary L . K u r c h a k , Theda L . K i i r d i l l a , S i s t e r Mary G . Kurko, M a r g a r e t R . Kiirtz, Dorothy J . Kurtz, Robert J . ' K u s n i r , J o h n 8. Kuss, Iv'illiam f . R u t s c h e r , JoAnn K u t z , D a n i e l l e >I. Kuzawa, Clare H . K w a s n i s k i , Donna J . Kyer, E s t e l l a L . Kyker, C l a r i s R . K y l e r , Laura B . K y s o r . W i l f r e d F. Labak, C a r o l S. Labbe, M a r i l y n Lahbe, Mary H . Labbe, V i n c e n t P . L a b e r , S. Jewel1 Paae 68 6-26-99 10-23-99 10-9-99 3-8-99 1 1 - 1 2-99 5-2-99 5-27-99 3-5-99 9-8-99 5-20-99 5-1 8-99 5-10-99 10-1 0-99 5-5-99 9-30-99 4-1 -99 9-29-99 3-18-99 5-6-99 9-22-99 12-1 1-99 6-10-99 7-6-99 3-6-99 8-29-99 IO- 15-99 1 1 -26-99 11-1-99 12-21 -99 1 1 -6-99 4-22-99 8-3-99 8-21-99 11-20-99 8-1 7-99 7-20-99 8-24-99 12-1 7-99 6-23-99 8- 13-99 2-10-99 3-23-93 6-22-99 12-27-99 10-20-'99 6-1 3-99 7-4-99 2-3-99 -'?-1-99 1-12-99 4-1 2-99 12-17-99 4-8-99 '12-11-99 NAME DATE LaBruzzo, Catherine Labuda. Emma J. Labut, Alex M. Laconi, Velma A. Lacy, Emel Lacy, Estella Lacy, John L. Laczo, Paul J. Laden, Alice Ladwig, Rachel M. Laengert, Lieselotte Laflin; Raymond Lagasse, Edwin G . Lake, Alfred Lake, Yvonne C. Lal, Sharad K. Lallo. Laddie Lambright, James F. Lamonica, Mary Lampe , James R. Lamphear, Elizabeth C. Lamplev, Martha Land, Kari L. Landis, James C. Lane, Glenn Lane, Harold J. Lane, Pauline K. Laney, Martha F. Laney, Richard Langan, Beatrice Langan, James J . Lange, Flora Langford, Robert E. Laniecki, Lottie Lanier, Julia M. Lanier, Willie Lann, Bernie R. 'Lansberry, James R. Lansberry, Raymond C. Lansinger, Nora Lanteri, Rose C. Lantz, Frances M. LaPointe, Glen R. Lappert, Richard A . Lappert, William G. Larawav, Judson C . Larch, Hallie Lardakis, Nick Large. Violet J. LaRocca, Gloria # . Larrison, Tilda LaRue,' .4rlene E. LaRue, Donala E . Lasher, Ida Pase 69 5-10-99 12-21 -99 5-11-99 1-1 9-99 10-10-99 12-7-99 12-8-99 1 1 -1 6-99 10-1 7-99 11 -30-99 6-25-99 10-25-99 11-28-99 9-8-99 8-28-99 7-18-99 12-21 - 9 9 6-23-99 4-5-99 10-30-99 12-8-99 7-23-99 12-27-99 12-27-99 3-22-99 12-10-99 1-22-99 10-5-39 1-1-99 7-5-99 11 - 1 8-91) 1 1-22-99 11 - 4 - 9 9 5 - 1 1-99 12-10-99 9-29-99 6-9-99 10-31 -99 9-24-99 10-21-99 10-12-99 4-2 5-99 G-6-99 9-5-99 10-21-99 -10-2-99 /-21-09 10-30-99 6-6-99 10-1 2-99 4-9-99 4-24-99 9-27-99 1-15-99 : DATE Latona, Anna T. Latson, Mary g. Lattimer, Eva L. Laube, Bertha.A. Laughlin, Dorothy Laughlin, John M. Laurila, Dorothy R. Lauterhahn, Carl H. Lavery, Richard P. Lavko, Mary R. Law, Malcolm C. Law, Mary L.S. Lawhorn, John C. Lawlis, Wiley F. Lawrence, Alice P. Lawrence, C. Dean Lawrence, Frederick W. Lawrence, Shirley J. Lawson, Carl R. Lawson, Carroll E. Lawson, Juanita Lawson, Kathryn E. Lawson, William f. 'Lawton, Sam W. Lay, Birdie I(. Layfield, Helen L. Lazar, Mary Lazar, Pearl P. Leach, Algin t. Leach, Goldie M. Leach, William H. Leach, Yvonne E. Leadenham, Susan B. Learey, Karl J. Learn, Russell L. Leavitt, Dorothy E. LeBarre, Frank I. Leber, Kayla R. Lecky, Kenneth I. Lecky, Naomi P.B. Ledford, Fred Lee, Bettie Lee, Betty Sue Lee, Clarence A . Lee, Deborah A . Lee, Dorothy R. Lee, Lucy Lee, Mattie Lees, Geneva A . Lees, Rose A . Leffler, Marlin t. Legg, Derek D . Legg, Robert E. Leggett, Mort Page 7 0 7-21 -99 12-1 4-99 9-14-99 4-20-99 6-2-99 6-25-99 5-24-99 7-1 1-99 12-27-99 8-8-99 12-1 3-99 7-14-99 1-21 -99 1-2-99 6-6-99 4-24-99 2-25-99 5 - 3 1 - 99 12-10-99 7-1 1-99 10-26-99 &-1-99 8-30-99 3-5-99 8-31 -99 1-17-99 . 6-23-99 -1-21-99 1 1 -5-99 9-16-59 2-22-99 3-1 6-99 5-27-99 5-4-99 12-21-99 12-28-99 2-28-93 2-7-99 2-7-99 12-9-99 4-26-99 2-21 - 9 9 1 1 - 1 4-99 4-16-99 8-9-99 11-15-99 1-2-99 12-27-99 5-8-99 2-27-99 4-28-99 9-7-99 8-9-99 10-9-99 ' DATE Lehman, Ella M . Lehman, Louisa A . Lehman, Naomi r. Lehman, Olive N . Lehner, Alice D. Lehnert, Robert J. Lehr, Elizabeth N. Lehr, Henry Leicht, Dolores I. Leidal, Doris E. Leidal, Eva Leidel. Loretta Leigh, Julia R. Leighton, Nora E. Leipply, Harold A. Leisenheimer, Robert H. Leisure, Norma R. Leitch, Opal B. Lemke, Burkless D. Lemley, James R. Lemon, Lois E. LeWond, .4ngelina Lengi, Mary Ann Lenkaitis, Myrtle C. Lenner, Jay D. Lentini, Minnie Lenty. Anna H. Lenz, Margaret G. Lenze, Marie Leohr, Janeth E. Leonard, Archie H . Leonard, Ardyth J. Leonard, James T. Leonard, Theda I . Lesher, Garland R. Leslie, Paul R. Lester, Betty J. Lett, Fannie L.H. Lettie, Winifred B. Levey, Hurl M. Levitt, Barbara 'I. Levsen, Lillian Lewin, John A . Lewis, Brenda R. Lewis, Elizabeth Lewis, Florence E. Lewis, Gene T . Levis, Grace Lewis, Henry W. Lewis, Howard J. Lewis, Jack H. Lewis, John #. Lewis, Lawrence R. Lewis, Hark A. Page 71 8-3-99 2-20-99 4-1 5-99 11-16-99 10-1 5 - 9 9 11 -3-99 6-27-99 6-27-99 8-'I 9-99 10-4-99 5-2-99 4-6-99 10-1 7 - 9 9 8-5-99 I O - 17-99 2-1 1-99 4-15-99 3-28-99 9-29-99 12-21-99 7-19-99 12-29-99 3-26-99 2-1 1-99 3-4-99 9-1 9-99 4-8-99 7-1 4-99 3-1-99 1-21-99 4-28-99 12-17-99 5-10-99 1 - 1 5-99 3- 5 -9 9 9-8-99 9-22-99 12-9-99 9-29-99 1-2-99 7-27-99 4-1 6-99 3-7-99 9-8-99 11-16-99 9-24-99 10-1 4-99 3-27-99 9-22-99 4-10-99 3- 15-99 10-4-99 3-3-99 1 -b-99 NAME , DATE Lewis, Mary Lewis, Mary A . Lewis, Rachel E. Lewis, Sara Lewis, Selma M. Lewis, William Lewis, Willie R. Libby, Rita H. Libby, William H. Licause, Jack Lichliter, James M. Lidge, Durrie L. Liebmann, Henry J. Liehr, Ellen R. Light, Aaron M . Lightbourn, Cecil A . Lillie, Essie M. Lilliedale, Merwin B. Linberger, Sigmund Linch, Lucille M . Lincoln, Archie S. Lincoln, Pearle J. Lindblad, Marion M. Linder, Edna Lindesmith, Richard D. Lindsay. Demarco Lindsey, William L. Lindsey, Woodie IHrs. 1 Linger, Jacob M. Liniger, Lorraine H . Linn, Richard A . Lipari, Leon J. Lipovsky, Stephen P. Lippman. Margaret M . P . Lisic, John J. Liska, Florence E.1. Liston, Carlus R. Liston, Sarah J. Little, Rosetta M . Littler, Birdyne A . Littler, William R. Littrick, Mabel C;. Livigni, Margaret M. Livingston, Jack W . L i z awe t sky , Be s s i e Llewellyn, Carole S. Llewellyn, Eileen li. Lloyd, Harriet I . Lloyd, Juanita C. Lloyd, Thelma .'I. Lockard, Nyrcii E . Locker, l?a>-itkji1d T. Ca1':i.n I;. Lacktiart., Doris .\I. Loc!<ett., Page -1 2 1-9-99 6-1 4-99 1-7-99 9-15-99 8 - 1 5-99 6-20-99 6-27-99 6-8-99 10-8-99 12-1 1 - 9 9 8-27-99 3-1 3-99 9-29-99 10-26-99 1-1 7-99 9-22-99 4-17-99 10-13-99 7- 15-99 1-28-99 j -30-99 8-11-99 1 2 - 1 2-99 2-6-99 3-27-99 11-7-99 10-14-99 12-1 - 9 9 3-28-99 4-7-99 12-2-99 4-1-99 2 -24 -9 9 5-8-99 10-28-99 10-10-99 6-1 1-99 10-27-99 5-3-99 3-31 - 9 9 8-25-99 1-6-99 1 1-1 8-99 9-2i-99 9-1 9-99 6-17-99 1 0 - 2 9 -*>e; ':- i 7-P.J i 1- Z 3 - 9 $ 'I '1-3-99 3-: 9-99 3-4 - 9 9 12-2-99 1-6-99 DATE NAME Lockhart, James G . Loeffler, George Loew, Mary T. Logan, Ann M. Lohrand, James Lohrand, Kathryn Loker, Vernette Lombardi , Jeaiia t te Loiig, Aiice I. Lorlg, Bohb:; C. Lot:g, D 9 I l i 4 1 Li)l!E. Dw.:ey .i. L : > I ~ % , i!nrothy M . Long, Emma J. Loi:g, French Long, Long, Long, Long, Long, Long, Greg Helen C. Henry E. Herbert H. John C . Xarie H. Long, Marie R. Long, Mas IC. Long. Robert A . Longfellow, Barbara Longo, Nary d. Lopez, Juan S. LoPresty, Elizabeth Lorber, Pearl Lord, Dorothy M. Lorentz. Kathryn A . Lorson, Frank E. Lorton, Howard E. Lostaglia, James J. Lott, Hobart A. Loue, Ruth A . Louth, Ruth H. Lovejoy, Cory Lovelace, Lawrence W. Loveless, Helen Lovell, Agnes K. Lovell, hlargie Lovern, Donald Lovsey, Elaine 8. Lowdermilk, Alfred J. Lowe, Betty L. Lowe, David C. Lowe. Dorothy W. Lowe, James E . Lowe, Omer L. Lowe, Richard S. Fage 53 6 -22-99 5-3-99 2-2-99 j-J-99 j-Q-5'. S-$-?p. <, - - .>9 '> :-7-':o 7 - 1 1-99 10-7-99 8-14-99 12-1-99 8-5-99 5-7-99 11-23-99 4-1 3-99 11-7-99 3-18-99 12-2-99 3-25-99 2-21 -99 12-1 3-99 1-20-99 4-6-99 11-28-99 10-3-99 6-25-99 12-1 4-99 2-22-99 11-8-99 5-23-99 8-1 7-99 9-22-99 8-31 -99 11-14-99 1-2-99 11-10-99 7-1 3-99 5-24-99 1-21-99 1 - 1 4-99 4-6-99 4-5-99 5-16-99 5-18-99 5-25-99 5-4-99 3-23-99 11-24-99 4-2-99 4-3-99 11 -24-99 3-24-99 12-18-99 NAME DATE Lower, R o n a l d S . Lowery, Marjorie E . Lowery, Mary M . Lowrey, C h a r l e s L . Lucas, Gladys Lucas, John A . Lucas, P a t r i c i a Lucas, Richard B . Lucas, Saul E . Luczyk. Raymond Ludwick, Kenneth E . Lue, M u r i e l E . Lukacik, Alexander M Lund, Rose . Lundeen, Verne1 A . Lunds-, Edward H . L u p i c a , C a t h e r i n e H. Lupica, Joseph J . L u s k , Dorothy A . L ~ i s k , Ruth E . L u s t i c , Frances M. L u s t i g , Beulah B . L u t h e r , James D . L u t h i e , Earl J . L u t z , Grace E . Lutz, Vincent Lyle, Alice H. Lyle, Lorin N . Lyman, Daniel S. Lyman, L u c i u s B . Lympany, M a r g a r e t W. Lynch, A l v i n B . Lynn, Diana L . Lynn, R o b e r t .H. Lyons, Debbie L y o n s , Edan I . Lyons. R o b e r t L . Lythgoe, Genevieve L . L y t l e , Duane L . L y t l e , Edna M . Maag, George L . Mlsahs, C h a r l e s C . Macbeth, William H ., J o h n P . Macchio, h a l i a H a c C r a c k e n , M a r g a r e t A. Mace, F r a n c e s N. Mace, G e o r g i e B . Nace, Kenneth R . Mace, R o b e r t L . Mace, T a r i L . > l a c h e l , Paul Hack, C h a r l e s R . Mack, L o i s M.. Page 54 3-25-99 7-7-99 2-23-99 7-1 6-99 1-14-99 1-i-99 10-1-99 9-20-99 4-9-99 12-13-99 12-28-99 5-13-99 2-2 1-99 1-8-99 5-22-99 8-26-99 5 26- 99 3-19-99 1 1 -6-99 2-16-99 8-1 -99 12-15-99 12-6-99 1-21-99 1-25-99 5-21-99 1-24-99 1.- 24 - 99 4-6-99 8-22-99 2-21 -99 6-1 3-99 1 .I -2-99 1-14-99 1 1 -5-99 2-7-99 3-28-99 1-29-99 2-1 8-99 9-8-99 7-12-99 3-21 -99 2-4-99 7-1 5-9’3 7-1 6-99 1 - 1 8-99 5-1 5-99 11-17-9Y 1-12-99 5-29-99 5-1 i-99 6-6-99 3-27-99 1-23-99 - , NAME DATE Mack, Suzanne F. Mackenzie, David J. Mackenzie, Kenneth J . Mackey, Margaret €I. Mackin, Evelyn M . Mackley, Roberta J. MacLellan, Mildred A. Madden, William e. Madden, Winona Madison, Robert V. Madjerac, Frank A. Maersan, Charles V. Magaw, Christopher F. Magaw, Elaine E. Hagilavy, Jack Magner, Yvonne M. Magno, Michael L. Magrini, Joseph V. Maguire, Hubert J. Nagyar, Theodore Waharrey, Lillian A. Hahoney, Jack W. Elahony , Jim Mahony, Nary S. Mahota, William J. Malanof f , Louis Malcolm, Edward E. Malecky, Julia Halenock, Helen I y . Maleson, Ruth IC. Maletich, Mary Malinak-Anderson, Margaret L. Hallery, Robert L. Mallo, Nancy c. Mallory, Carl D. Malloy, Sister Mercedes Malone, Cora A . Ma.lone, Howard L . Maloney, Catherine A. Maloney, Joseph B. Malott, Elizabeth C. Naluke, John I. Hamas, Mark G. Xanacapilli, Vincent. L. Mancini, Albert D. Hancino, Frank 3. Mandat, Laura Mandics, Elizabeth Nandley, Freda N. Manes, Charles Hangan, Lawrence A. Hankey, Estella I\lanley, Myrtle E. Mann, Blaine 7 29- 99 4-1 9-99 6-12-99 4-1 5-99 1 1 -20-99 9-30-99 6-7-99 3-1 -99 12-77-99 6-4-99 * 5-30-99 9-12-99 7-1 7-99 7-8-99 10-27-99 1-14-99 10-26-99 6-1 3-99 8-29-99 2-8-99 8-12-99 1-27-99 1-9-99 1-24-99 9-5-99 7-25-99 8-3-99 1-27-99 2-1-99 8-1 1-99 12-25-99 9-1 1-99 3-1 8-99 6- 10-99 2-26-99 6-1 9-99 12-31-99 9- 12-99 4- 17-99 1-4-99 8- 1-99 9-5-99 3-23-99 10-1 0-99 6-8-99 1-30-99 5-10-99 2-2-99 3-24-99 10-3 1-99 12-4-99 4-7-99 9-23-99 9-29-99 . .. ., Page 75 - NAME Mann, Clyde Hann, Morris Manning, Arlene M . Manning, Willard E. Mantel, Marcia E . Maple, Audrey Marcuni, Richard J. Mardis, Sue C. Margocs, August L. Margolis, Matthew A . Marietta, Betty J. Marignoni, Virginia M. Marimon, Tyler I(. Mariner, Nelson Marino, Anthony G. Markel, Eleanor blarkovanovich, Mike S. Harks. Doris S. Marlin, Lillian F. Maroon, Thomas g. Marple, Amy S. Warquardt, Patricia L. Marquinez, Apolinario A . Irlarsek, Frank J. Harsh, Anna Harsh,. David S. Marsh, William C. Marshall, Donald A. Marshall, George L. Marshall, James Marshall, Narie D. Marshall, Marvin V. Marshall, Robert C . >jarshall, Ruth C. Marstellar, Linda A . Martin, Agens L. Elartin, Andrew J. Martin, Brittany Martin, Carl Martin, Dorothy A . Martin, Helen J. Martin, Jack E. Elartin, James 0 . Mart in, Jeff rev A . Martin, John B. Martin, Joseph G. Elartin, Lela 8 . Nartin, LeRoy T. Martin, Mary L. Martin, Naude I(. Martin, Michael E . Martin, Mildred Martin, Nathan Martin, Orville W. -. .Page 76 DATE 3-4-99 7-16-99 7-1 1-99 3-28-99 7-3-99 4-19-99 4-5-99 9-5-99 10-10-99 4- 2 3- 99 3-31-99 7-5-99 1-8-99 5-4-99 6-22-99 9-'1-99 9-2-99 10-&-99 5-9-99 3-20-99 12-1 9-99 5-2-99 9-22-99 4-i-99 2-10-99 6-16-99 4-21-99 6-6-99 8-29-99 6-16-99 12-29-99 4-7-99 4-5-99 9-24-99 3-22-99 3-16-99 2-24-99 8-12-99 1-1-99 1-9-99 10-2-99 9- 24- 99 5-27-99 6-14-99 9-27-99 S-5-99 10-8-99 4-12-99 1 1-23-99 I 1-4-99 9-23-99 1-26-99 5-28-99 1-23-99 NAME M a r t i n , P a r i s S. Martin, Richard T . Martin, William D . B . M a r t i n , Zachary R. Martino, Caroline H. Martinson, Earl B. M a r t y , Wilma e . Mart z , E l i z a b e . t h Marvin, C l a r a M . Marxen, Terry L . Maryo, Helen B . Mason, C h a r k o t t e M . Mason, E t h e l W . Hason, H a r o l d W. Mason, James Mason, R o b e r t K . M a s s a r o , Carmela Masseria, K i m M. b l a s s i e r , Rosa Masters, Jack . Hathenel-, John E . Matheny, R i c h a r d J . Mathews, Edward Na t h i s , M a r g a r e t Mathwick, Donna M . Matis, Crystal L . Matson, R o b e r t T . Watson, W i l l i a m G . M a t t e r n , Conrad C . Matthews, Evelyn E . Irlatthews, James H . f i a t t h e w s , Ronald Slatusz, Richard L . Matweyou, S i s t e r M . A n a c l e t u s M a t w i j u , Helen E . Matyas, J o s e p h i n e Waul, Ruth Maurer, Daniel R . Nasey, Amy Masey, Armolene Masimovich, J o s e p h i n e A . Masson, M a r g a r e t S. Maswell, H a t t i e Maxwell, R o b e r t L . Hay. A r t h u r J . Way, Dennis D. May, G l e n F . Nay. Hobert C . May, h r i e Mayor, J e a n Hayes, Elsie A . Mayes, W . Glenn M a y f i e l d , Grace R. M a y i r a s , Helen Page 7 7 ~~ ~ DATE 5-20-99 1 1-29-99 1 1 - 1 7-99 8-3-99 9-10-99 10-8-99 5-25-99 12-9-99 4-11-99 8-22-99 9-20-99 5-21 -99 1-8-99 8 22- 99 2-23-99 10-26-99 1 1 -24-99 4-18-93 2-3-99 2-2-99 3-16-99 5 - 1 8-99 1-22-99 1 1 -2-99 4-6-99 1 - 1 4-99 5-20-99 3-1 1-99 8-5-99 4-1 9-99 4-1 3-99 1 - 1 1-99 9-8-99 9-5-99 6-8-99 2-1 8-99 10-13-99 4-9-99 8-18-99 7-1-99 6-23-99 4-18-99 12-29-99 2-1 8-99 1 1 -2-99 8-30-99 12-6-99 10-3-99 1 15-99 4-18-99 3-5-99 9-7-99 6-13-99 12-16-99 - - NAME Mayle, Joseph H. Mayle, T y l e r J . Mayo, M . C . Mayreis, Michael R . Ways, E i l e e n M . Mayton, David Mazey, Anne Mazur, Alexander T . Mazur, Emmanuel McAlarney , James C . McAleese, Larry J . WcAleese. R o s i e V . W c A l i s t e r , Robert B . McArthur, Marshall HcBee, S u l a R. HcBride, Donald A . McBride, Verna H . McCabe, Edward J . . McCahan, Kathleen A . McCall, Calvin McCall , James C HcCaman, Howard L . . McCann, Helen NcCann, V i v i a n I . McCants, J o s e p h i n e A.R. NcCardel, P a t r i c i a A . McCarthy, Ada E . McCarthy, C r a i g M . NcCarthy, Gertrude I . ElcCarthy, Robert F . McCartney, Robert P . McCartt, Nary L . McCarty, A n n i e L . HcCarty, Eula S. ElcClain, Jean A . WcClain, b1arvi.n E . McClay, W. Harold >IC C 1e a r y , W,i 11i am k C l a l l a n , Minnie L . H c C l e l l a n , William D . H c C l e l l a n d , Hervey A . McClelland, John E . McClelland, Mary L . McCloud, L i l l i e L. McClure, Dorothy X. McClure, E a r l F . McClure, S a l l y E . McClusky, William J . McCombs, Opal M . McCormick, John L . NcCormick, Margaret A . HcCormick, William E . McCoy, Alice R . Page 78 DATE 10-31 -99 8-22-99 7-4-99 1-21-99 11-10-99 3-1 8 - 9 9 1-25-99 8-22-99 9-5-99 10-26-99 11 -28-9.9 1-26-99 12-1 1-99 5-20-99 4 -29-99 10-27-99 3-2-99 10-26-99 3-1 1-99 9-29-99 5-31 -99 7-8-99 11 -20-99 2-9-99 3-25-99 10-21 -99 4-7-99 8-1 3-99 12-8-99 4-20-99 6 - 2 1 -99 .. 6-22-99 2-17-99 2-9-99 10-20-99 4-25-99 12-2-99 12-1 5-99 11 -20-99 2-10-99 11 -28-99 1-15-99 11 -6-99 6-8-99 8-5-99 1-27-99 6-12-99 3-22-99 5-22-99 4-1 4-99 3-31-99 1-10-99 17-29-99 3- 18-99 ~ ~~ ' DATE NAME McCoy, Dondi R . McCoy, Marvin McCracken, E t h e l L . McCray, Kenneth McCreary, William f . McCree, Lela T. McCrosky, C l a r i b e l J . McCullough, David E . McCullough, P a u l i n e E. McCul lough, Susan McCurly, Robert B . McDay, Ruby R . McDermott, John McDermott, Ramon R . McDevitt, Margaret McDonald, Angus E.lcDonald, Glenn McDonald, John McDonald, Mary M . HcDougal Anna H . McDowell Lida B . McDowel I P a t r i c i a A . Mc E 1ha ny Helen M . McElhinn , Gay M c E na ne v Donna L . McFadden Charles H . McFadden Charles W. McFadden, Lela HcFadden, Mary E . McFadden, Robert L . EIcFarland, Margie McFarland, Thelma M . ElcFarlane, L e s l i e C . McFarren, Wilda M . McGarvey, Michael R . McGee, Gertrude 1\1. McGee, Laura M . McGeorge, Lenore Ii. McGill, Eleanor R . McGinlep, Mabel E . McGonagle. Robert F . McGonigal, Peggy A . W . McCowan, Neal J . XcGowan, Thomas J . McGowan, Wilma J . McGrath, John A . NcGrath, Naomi R. McGrevey, Karen A . NcGuigan, Emmett R. McGuiness, Dorothy HcGuire, Blanch E . McGuire, James K. NcHenry, Maurice E . McIlwain, Woodrow W. Page 79 4-29-99 7-19-99 9-28-99 7-20-99 3-7-99 8-8-99 1-24-99 6-8-99 3-1 7 - 9 9 9-24-99 12-29-99 2-1 1-91) 12-31-99 1-7-99 6-27-99 12-28-99 4-4-99 9-12-99 6-1 9-99 8-6-99 4-1 5-99 5-3-99 2-2 1-99 5-30-99 ir3-99 12-21-99 1 1-6-99 3-30-99 1-4-99 2-1 3-99 5-30-99 6-25-99 7-21-99 4-2-99 4-27-99 6 -24-99 4-28-99 3-6-99 10-2-99 1-24-99 5 -23-99 9-30-99 17-1 -99 10-22-99 8-10-99 1-23-99 10-9-99 4-29-99 -3-8-99 1-21 - 9 9 2-14-99 2-16-99 6-30-99 2-10-99 I’ NAME DATE McIntyre, Barbara J. McIntyre, Gladys M.R. McIntyre, William H. McIvery, Isaiah J. McKay, William L. EfcKeithen, Lois J. McKenna, Gene H. McKenna, George S. McKenzie. Forrest B. McKenzie, June McKenzie, Ruby P. McKenzie, William r . McKeown, Elizabeth P. McKinley-Butera, Donna McKinley, Frederick G . McKinney, Ford W. McKinney, Kevin McKinney, Robert L. McKinstry, Clyde A . XcKissick, Evelyn E. McLain, Hattie E. IrlcLain, James M. McLarkey, Lloyd McLaughlin, konald R. McLaughlin, Thomas H. McLaughlin, Wanda M. McLochlin, .Norma M. McLuskie. Robert McMahon, Arleen M . McMahon , Joan M. McManes , Gladys M. McManus, Margaret E. McMasters, Paul E. McMi 1lan , Aure 1ius McMillen, Don H. McMillen, Eva M. McMillen, Lilith A. McMullen, Hilda P. McMullen, Jane M . McNeely, Robert L. McNeil, Marian E. McNeil, Neil McNeil, Paul A . HcNeil, Sylvia M. IlcQu i 11en , Robe r t W .. McRoberts, Frank W. HcShane, John J. McSpadden, Robert T. McStay, Bernice C . HcVey, Marcella M. McVicker. Winfred W. McWhorter, Kevin 8 . McWhorter, Elerrill M . Page 80 1 1 -5-99 ?I-24-99 17-25-99 7-18-99 3-9-99 6-27-99 8-23-99 12-12-99 4-16-99 9-25-99 1-8-93 13-5-99 5-6-99 9-21-99 1-10-99 12-8-99 7-28-99 10-1-99 1-12-99 1-12-99 7-18-99 5-1 5-99 3-29-99 3-14-99. 10-5-99 10-12-99 4-2-99 -1-21-99 9-30-99 11-10-99 1 1 -25-99 9-30-99 1 1 -1 1-99 12-7-99 12-16-99 12-17-99 3-13-99 2-23-99 1-1 6-99 5-13-99 1-5-99 8-1-99 1 1 -8-99 1-21-99 6-17-99 9 22 - 99 12-15-99 8-25-99 1 1 -23-99 12-2-99 10-22-93 5-14-99 1-20-99 12-30-99 - DATE Meacham, Charles E. Meacham, Stewart F. Meadows, Geraldine Healer, Rachel Mealey, Mabel L. Means, Jean C. Means, Larry W. Means, Robert F. Medkeff, Virgil J. Meech, Howard C. Meehan. Hazel E. Meeks, Howard E. Meers, Ronald W. Megenhardt, James E. Meglen, Ralph Mehling, Frank F. Hehlmauer, Alfred J. Mehollin, Vera A . Mehta, Devendra Mele, Anthony L. Mellinger, Frederick M. Mellinger, Kit W. Mellinger, William S. Mellor, Ruby E. Mellott, Calvin R. Melton, Irene Nelton, Jesse R. Melton, Ray H. Meltzer, Martin Meluch, Andrew Melvin, William H. Mendelson, Dorothy Menefee, Lucy Meniketti, Nancy Menkel, Louis A. Mensching, Fetty R. Menschins, James J. Mercer, Grace L. Mercer, Marie I. Merchant, Jeanne L. Meredith, Edward F. Meredith, Garnet E. Meredith, Roberta L. Mergenov, George Weriweather, Robert Merklin, Gussie Merrick, William V. Merrill, James A. filerriman, Dorothy R. Merritt, Carolyn E. Herryweather, John r . Mervine, Edna J. Mervine, Robert I. Herz, Robert c. Page 81 9-6-99 8-1 7-99 6-29-99 12-31-99 4-6-99 3-1 8-99 9-12-99 9 - 1 1-99 9-8-99 5-7-99 12-3-99 12-25-99 1-9-99 5-3-99 8-28-99 3-18-99 1-20-99 9-5-99 3 - 1 7-99 10.-9-99 4-6-99 1-13-99 1-30-99 4-1 7-99 3-28-99 5-26-99 10-29-99 10-23-99 12-1-99 2-16-99 1-7-99 5-26-99 3-29-99 12-1 9-39 8-25-99 8-5-99 4-1 7-99 7-21-99 4-1 1-99 7-10-99 12-4-99 1-16-99 12-29-99 6-18-99 6-26-99 9-21-99 6-9-99 3-17-99 6-19-99 8-1 2-99 5-9-99 4-24-99 8-14-99 2-4-93 NAME DATE Mesher, Michael J. Mesich, Thomas M. Mesko, Charles G. Mesko, Mary V. Messenger, Agatha E. Messenger, Arnold W. Messenger, Robert. E. Messer,' Joseph M. Messner, Helen Metcalf. Adele Metcalf, Eunice F. Metcalf, Jack D. Metheney, Lynn H. Metz, Anna H. Metz, Dola M. Metz, Macelle M. Metzger. Dorothy Q. Metzger, H. George Metzner, Donna J. Meurer. Dorothy M . Meyer, Daniel A. Meyer, Edna P. Meyer, Gertrude B. Meyers. Albina F. Meyers, Debra Meyers, Joseph Meyers, William J. Michael, Elizabeth 0. Michael, Lucian Michalec, Nancy M. Michelli, Domenica Middelthon, Gudrun A. Middlebrooks, Audrey A . Middour, Franziska Mier. Peter L. Mihaly, Eva Mika, Mary L. Mikes, Eleanor M. Mikesell, Ned L. Hiklovic, Sydney M. Mikolashek, Harold R. Mikulin, Kathleen L. Milano, Edward Wilano, Pasqiiale Milbry, Lee 0. Milburn, Alice M. Miles, Cilvester Miles, Doris M. Miles, Dorothy E. Miles, Mary J. Milhoan, Harold Millar, Coletta G. Millard, Eva J. Millen, Grace Page 82 3-4-99 6-9-99 9-9-99 3-6-99 12-28-99 6-14-99 6-6-99 10-7-99 10-1-99 1-22-99 2-4-99 6-3-99 6-30-99 9-28-99 9-20-99 5-20-99 11 -24-99 3-1 9 - 9 9 8-1 5-99 8-18-99 9-9-99 3-27-99 5-14-99 1-24-99 5-4-99 5-17-99 3-21-99 7-4-99 8-1 8-99 3-1 7-99 2-6-99 3-31 -99 8-1 5-99 9-18-99 1-18-99 4-2-99 7-18-99 11-1 8-99 4-10-99 9-1 9-99 3-1-99 7-31 -99 5-30-99 4-27-99 1-1 7-99 6-20-99 4-1 1-99 7-1 8-99 3-30-99 8-26-99 1-23-99 7-28-99 3-10-99 11-3-99 NAME DATE Miller, Weldon Hiller, -Wilahmena Miller, Willadean E. Millhoff, Kenneth H. Millhoff, Rebecca Millhoff, Ronald L. Millhoff, Roy J. Milliren, Brian K. Millner, Margaret L . Mills, Girard Mills, James A. Mills, Katherine Mills, Mable C. Mills, Magdalene B. Mills, Wanda E. Milstein, Carl Milstein, Rose M . Mincica. Concetta M. Miner. Earney S. Miner, Jonathan Minier. Mildred E. Minor, Harold Minter, Randall T. Minto, Ruth S. Miracle, Carl Eliracle, Gene A . Miscoi, John S. Mishler. Erdine H. Missimi, Sister Rose Anthony Mitan, Theodore Mitchell, Annabelle Mitchell, Burney W. Mitchell, Catherine L . 7-5-99 6-10-99 10-10-99 11-25-99 12-20-99 8-31-99 I 1 -27-99 9-21 -99 4-2-99 1-26-99 5-1 5-99 8-1 2-99 3-24-99 12-5-99 1-7-99 1 1 -9-99 8-30-99 1 1 -30-99 1 1 -1 1-99 12-26-99 2-1 4-99 5-1 7-99 12-1 5-99 3-10-99 3-30-99 8-1 4-99 9-1 1-99 8-7-99 1-19-99 5-25-99 4-27-99 5-23-99 8-1 5-99 8-22-99 12-1 6-99 6-5-99 6-20-99 9-29-99 4-4-99 7-16-99 10-13-99 6-27-99 2-23-99 8-8-99 5-1 8-99 6-1 3-99 6-4-99 3-10-99 10-15-99 6-15-99 10-29-99 1-8-99 8-8-99 10-13-99 Mitchell, Christine R. Mitchell. Da.ran D. Mitchell, Edith A . Mitchell, Ella Mae Mitchell, Gertrude K.G. Mitchell, Henrietta A. Mitchell, Jack A. Mitchell, Jean A. Mitchell, Jesse E. Mitchell, John E. Mitchell, Mimmie Mitchell, Rebecca W. Mitchell, Richard T. Mitchell, Roberta J. Mittelstaedt, Mary L. Hit t iga, Eve Mizer, Dorothy A. Mobley, Rosella Mocilnikar, Victoria M. Hode-.Andrew, Daisy Page 8 4 NAME DATE Modrak, Michael Modzel, Walter S . Moeller, Harold Moffatt, Eldon L. Moffett, Freda L. Moffitt, Max E. Molaski, Helene E. Molli, Kenneth C. Mollica, Billie M . Mollric, Theresa Molner, Ernest Molson, Frances Moltzen, Betty M. Molyneaux, Laura S.P. Monchilov. Perry Monee, Stella H. Monegan, Cora I. Monegan, Esther Mong, Betty Mong, Donald J. Montgomery, Dorothy E. Montgomery, Judy Montgomery, Lloyd A. Montgomery, Orval Montgomery, Pauline Montgomery', Richard C. Montisano. Frank A. Wontz, Hilma L.B. Moody, Mary L. Moon, Arthur L. Moon, Harold D. Moon, Harold L. kloon, Tae S . Moore, Corine Moore, Dakota e. Moore, Danny R. Moore, Donald A . Moore, Dorothy M. Moore, Earl H. Moore, Ethel M. Moore, Harry F. Moore, 'Inez M. Moore, Kathleen P. Moore, Kenneth E. Moore, Patricia A. Moore, Ralph H. Moore, Ronald E. Moore, Vilma M. Woore, Virginia E.S. Hoore, Virginia F. Noore, William R. Morehead, Carl E. Morelli-Allgood, Ciara D. Morgan, Chester L. Page 85 4-20-99 3-1 8-99 10-30-99 9-1 1-99 11 - 1 4-99 7-1 9-99 5-6-99 8-8-99 2-9-99 1-31-99 8-1 6-99 12-21-99 10-29-99 1 1 -24-99 12-3-99 4-27-99 10-22-99 1-2 1-99 4-24-99 3-9-99 3-31-99 1-23-99 2-1 2-99 7-6-99 5-8-99 3-1 5-99 2-18-99 8 - 2 1 -99 5-4-99 4-28-99 8-28-99 7-1-99 2-1 5-99 6-24-99 11-9-99 3-9-99 12-1 2-99 1 - 1 3-99 8-5-99 6-5-99 1-25-99 12-9-99 10-17-99 7-22-99 2-25-99 4-10-99 1-20-99 7-4-99 12-3-99 11 -29-99 4-1 2-99 10-22-99 8-2-99 7-8-99 NAME A Morgan, Ernest J. Morgan, George D. Morgan, Glen Morgan, Hazel P. Morgan, Howard F. Morgan, Jack C. Morgan, James P. Morgan, Kathryn N . Morgan, Lee W. Morgan, Lucille D. Morgan, Marie C. Morgan, Mary M. Morgan, Perry Morgan, Phyllis C. Moriarty. Myrtle M. Morlan, John G. Morlan, Shirley A . Morley, Genevieve E. Morneweck, Thomas G . Morr, Beulah I. Morr, Helen M. Morris, Brandy L. Morris, Delphia C. Morris, Emma Morris, Harold G. Morris, John H. Morris. John K. Morris, Mae Morris, Sharon I. Morrison, David E. Morrison, George J. Morrison, Gladys A. Morrison, John D. Morrison, Lucille A. Morrison, Margaret P. Norrow, Bernice R. Morrow, Robert L. Morton, Charles F. !lorton, Harry G. Morton, Isabella Morton, Maurice C. Moseley, Michael L. Mosely, John W. Moses, Cora H. Moses, Theresa Moses, William S. Mosier, Frank C. Moskal , Joe M. Moskos, Frank Mosley, Marilyn D. Mosley, Michael L. Moss, Betty Moss, Geraldine Woss, Mary E. 1-5-99 2-7-99 3-5-99 2-1 -99 6-29-99 8-25-99 7-6-99 7-22-99 6-26-99 3-5-99 10-13-99 6-26-99 11-1 4-99 10-20-99 9-25-99 4-30-99 8-20-99 11-28-99 10-20-99 4-18-99 8-1 2-99 8-16-99 11 -23-99 5-1 3-99 2-2-99 2-18-99 6-20-99 2-6-99 2-13-99 7-7-99 12-2-99 3-7-99 5-1 3-99 2-1 9-99 1-1 5-99 12-19-99 1-1-99 4-1 3-99 2-9-99 12-13-99 6-27-99 6-11-99 6-2-99 1-12-99 9-9-99 2-25-99 12-1 -99 12-1 2-99 1-20-99 1-20-99 6-9-99 1-11-99 4-29-95, 8-7-99 Page 86 I, 9 DATE NAME Mosser. Loretta E.W. Mbstade, Hubert A. Motley, Ruth A. Motzko, Alfred J. Noubray, Harry r. Mougey, H. Douglas Moutz, Doris J. Movens, Catherine M. Movens, Jennifer Moye, Brandon M. Moye, Charles Y. Moye, Robert J. Moyer, Vesta A. Moyers, Annie Moyseenko. Sylvester W. Muchay, Katherine Muck, Olga IC. Muck, William M. Mueller, Helen A. Muffley, Joseph A. Hugrage, Francis P. Muhlback. Betty M.. Hulhearn, William R. Mulines, Genevieve E. Mull, Mary A. Mullane, Jeffrey Mullins-West, Cheryl L. Mullins, Alice F. Mullins, James D. Mumaw, Katherine M. Mumaw, Theresa Mumford, Joe K. Muncey, John H. Muncy, Roger D. Mundy, Ida M. Mungo, Joseph Munn, Lonnie R. Munro, Barbara IC. Munson, Dorothy L. Munz. Walter A. Murawski, Victor J. Murdocco, Charleen A . Murdock, Marilyn El. Murken, Helen El. Murphy, Evelyn L. Murphy, Gerald J. Murphy, Richard E. Murphy, William H. Murray, Dolores 3. Murray, Robert J. Murray, Virgil E. Murrow, John Murry, Ellen Murrv, Henry T. Page 87 3-1 6-99 8-3-99 4-1 1-99 9-8-99 9-26-99 5-6-99 7-4-99 6-1 9-99 1-1 3-99 2-22-99 3-21-99 7-1 9-99 4-26-99 10-20-99 11 -2-99 11-3-99 3-14-99 2-1 8-99 1-3-99 8-1 5-99 4-14-99 11-2-99 4-4-99 1-31-99 1-1 5-99 1 1-8-99 10-23-99 9-1 9-99 10-4-99 10-5-99 12-1 5-99 5-21-99 5-16-99 12-30-99 1-1-99 3-1-99 6-22 99 4-27-99 11-10-99 12-26-99 1-16-99 7-4-99 10-27-99 5 - 1 9-99 1-21-99 3-26-99 12-9-99 6-6-99 2' 2 5 99 9-23-99 4-1 1-99 11-2-99 2-23-99 3-6-99 - - DATE NAME Murtha. Robert J. Musarra, Louis S . Musarra, Olga Musarra, Phyllis A. Musgrove, Margaret .S. Musser, Carole A. Musser. Donovan D. Muster, Richard Muth, Lucille J. Muzzy, Elaine D. Myer, Margaret A. Myers, Allan F. Myers, Charles Myers, Cheryl a. Myers, Debra J. Myers, Dewey A. Myers, Elmer R. Myers, Gail Myers, Gerald R. Myers, J. Edward Myers, Jerome B. Myers, Kathleen G. Myers, Ora J: Myers, Rita W. Myers, William E. Myers, William M. Mykytyn, Orest Nabereznp, Anna Nachtigal, Timothy Nahorecki, Helen M.G. Nance, Sarah A. Nardella, John A. Nardella, Katherine Naska, Corrine A. Nauer; Donald J. Naugle, Donald V. Naugle, Marcella Navis, Justin L.M. Naylor, Lester F. Neal, Etta Neal, Orange M . Neal, Winston E. Neale, Cora B. Neese, Alice Neff, Edward 9 . Negray, Mary Neidert, Henry F. Neiheiser, Ruth S. Neilsen, Andrew M. Neiser, Elmer W. Neiser, Joy E. Neitz, Doris N. Neitz, Mary A . Ne'lman, Warren H. Page a8 ,~~ 9-1 3-99 3-25-99 11 -8-99 1 - 1 3-99 7-29-99 8-10-99 12-27-99 1-22-99 8-12-99 2-12-99 10-23-99 1-2-99 12-16-99 3-5-99 5-6-99 7-1 2-99 2-14-99 10-31-99 1-24-99 5-15-99 10-14-99 11 -1 8 - 9 9 7- 16-99 3-29-99 2-1 8-99 10-20-99 11 -2-99 1-20-99' 8-1 -99 1-3-99 7-27-99 1-23-99 3-12-99 8-3-99 7-1 3-99 3-1 7-99 2-3-99 10-1 9-99 11 - 1 6-99 2-21 -99 12-28-99 6-29-99 6-25-99 8-25-99 5-6-99 8 - 28 - 9 9 8-1 3-99 6-2-99 4-5-99 1-12-99 9-23-99 5-23-99 9-1 5-99 6-8-99 NAME , DATE Nelson, Bruce G. Nelson, Georganne M. Nelson, Glenn S. Nelson, Gloria M. Nelson, Irene Nelson, Opal A. Nelson, Thelma F. Nemath, Hilda A . Nemer, Helen E. Nemeth. Vera M. Neptune, Alice P. Nesbitt, Fred Nesbitt, William B. Neuschuler, Robert Neveadomi, William F. Newberry, Bernice G. Newberry, Marvin Newell, Irene Newell, Mary N. Newman, Dorothy I. Newman, Mary M. 3ewman, Ramona Newsom, Countess M. Newton, Bonnie J. Newton, Corine S. Nguyen, Xuan T. Niceley, Opal Nicholas, Jack I. Nichols, Ethel G. Nichols, Forest E. Nichols, Nichols, Nichols, Nichols, Gladys John F. Mabel H. Mary M. Nichols, Oeta M. Nichols, Richard D. Nichols, Roland L. Nicholson, Anna K. Nicholson, Evelyn r. Nicholson, Ruby M . N i cho.1s o n , Wi 11 i am Nichter, Mary H. Nickerson, Lucille Nickison, Wilbur T. Nicklow. Charles Nickol, Mary J. Nicley, Opal Nicodemus, Mildred M . Nieberding, Joseph NiederkoEler, Henry G Niessen, Geneva C. . ... ~~ . . ~ Page 8 9 . ~ 1-20-99 2-24-99 11-8-99 6-24-99 3-21-99 12-9-99 12-16-99 5-1 3-99 6-5-99 5-25-99 2-1 1-99 5-1 1-99 1-6-99 1-5-99 10-10-99 2-22-99 6-3-99 10-17-99 2-9-99 11-14-99 11-8-99 3-1 3-99 11-5-99 2-14-99 1-31-99 3-9-99 3-30-99 4-1 4-99 6-9-99 11-26-91) 11-27-99 4-22-99 9-26-99 11 -9-99 6-30-99 7-1-99 5-1 7-93 1-4-99 4-22-99 3-1 4-99 1-2-99 8-1 6-99 10-25-99 10-26-99 1-5-99 2-2-99 4-22-99 9-6-99 10- 13-99 3-31-99 10-1-99 3-28-99 5-1 &-99 9 - 2 1-99 NAME DATE Niggemyer, Phyllis E. Nissel, Norbert B. Nitz, Allen D. Nitz, Elsie E. Nitz, Josephine >I. Nixon, Reva Nixon, Ruth C . Noall, Fred Nobil, Jerry C. Noble, William H. Nockengost, Margaret k'. Noga, Philip R. Nolte, F. Stewart Nonemaker, Stella II. Norka, Vada Norman. Donna J.J. Norman. Joanne Norman, Virgie Norris, Dale W. Norris, Robert E. Norrod, Donald R. Korth, Orzie F. Northrop, Fred Norwood, Carolyn L. Nourse, Lela E. Nousek, Jessie Sovak, Elizabeth R. Novak, Paul Novak. Robert P. Nocy, Harold J. Nowak, James J. Nowakowski, Emil Nowels, Ronald G . Nukes, Emil ia Nunez, Carol A . Nunley, Ernest Nuosci, Colombo Nutt, John C . Nutter, Charless D. Nyeste, Joseph P. Nyitrsy, Stephen J. Oaks, Lawrence Oborne, Ruth L. O'Brien, Dorothy E. O'Brien, Helen O'Brien. HargarF:! ?!. O'Brien. Nora E . 0Si.s~. L. i)r:asc?k, :)liver R. h h s . Conald A . miell, Art 0 ' Del 1 , Jaiiies F. O h m , Jo Ne11 P a g e 90 7-26-99 6-31-99 7-25-99 11-23-99 12-29-99 12-4-99 4-2 7 -9 9 12-2-99 1-11-99 6-8-99 10-23-99 12-8-99 11-1 7-99 3-16-99 4-1 7-99 5-21 -99 9-1 3-99 2-26-99 1-7-99 9-20-99 6-9-99 12-8-99 3-1 4-99 2-10-99 -1-28-99 12-1 3-99 5-19-99 7-25-99 6-19-99 3-25-99 5-18-99 1-3-99 12-20-93 3-1 5-99 10-26-99 10-27-99 10-22-99' 3-23-99 1-24-99 3-28-99 12-18-99 12-27-99 4 - 7 -9 9 ...:-LIS"- i;- 'j $ I..*. ,:I -5 1; I i.-';-qg 9-2-99 A-2j-99 11 -9-99 5-16-99 3-22-33 6 - 30- 9 9 1-21 -99 j-1i-95 . NAME DATE O'Donnell, Caryle D. O'Donnell, Jack O'Donnell, Hargaret II Oertel, Brooke Ogurchak, Nergaret C. . .O'Hara, Francis A . O'iiear, N s r i i j i i K . i1hii.i I_ , >I,:! I-?' 0 1*:I, .\ 1ti(:+ w.!%r O i . 2 s , Beatrice J. f!ltiaker, Jack E. Olenick, Marie R. O'Leslie, Bernice Olin, Deanna L. Olin, Leona J. Olinger, Avis P . Oliphant, Gary L. Oliver, Clyde Oliver, Henry A . Oliver, Ira R. Oliver, Robert J. Ollison, Tyrone Olliver, Grace E. Olson, Chuck Olson, Helen R. Olson, Mary A. Olszeski, John J. Omrein, Robert J. O'Neal, Josephine O'Neil, william J. O'Neill, James A . Opalenik, Helen Oplinger, William R. Oran, Robert J. Orem, Pauline B. Origlio, James J. O'Rourke, Mary C . Orr, Rosarah Ortscheid, Prudence Osborne, Clarence H. Osborne, Helen L . Osborne, Rachel I. Oshaben, Ruby N . O'Shanick, Peter O'Shea, Sarah Oskins, Roger N. Osowski, Peter Ostroff, Alex Ostroff, Pearl P. Ostrowski, Edward J. Oswald, Elisabeth O'Toole, William E. Ott, Catherne H . Otto, Evelyn M. ' Page 91 9- 5 - 2 3-7-99 -7 - j 7 _.>: -.:, -7 - ?- 7 F, ')-'I 6 - 9 9 2-25-99 8- 19-99 5-24-99 12-30-99 2-25-99 12-8-99 6-1 9-99 1-9-99 1-5-99 11 - 1 8 - 9 9 6-22-99 6-20-99 10-7-99 1 1-29-99 9-25-99 1-19-99 3-21 -99 12-29-99 1 - 2 1 -99 1-10-99 10-1 5-99 8-28-99 12-8-99 2-13-99 1-11-99 4-29-99 9-2-99 10-8-99 7 - 1 5-99 6-1 1 - 9 9 1 - 1 3-99 8-12-99 5- 2 6 - 9 9 11-14-99 6-1 1-99 9-2-99 10-28-99 1 1 -5-99 6-12-99 8-26-99 5-23-99 4-21-99 11 -25-99 7-26-99 3-6-99 3-24-99 5- 18-99 10- 12-99 2-24-91) 1; -I,; NAME DATE Otto, Harry Otto, Janice M. Otto, Jeffrey L. Outland, Gertie F. Overholt, Marguerite L. Owen, Guen Owens, April D. Owens, Donald H. Owens, Ralph Owens, Samuel L. Ozanich, Lois r. Oznowich, Jacob J. Pace, Evelyn V. Pacelli, Mary A. Pack, Bernice E. Paddock, Helen Padgett, Ida B. Padva, Anna Page, Gale F . Page, Georgia E . Page, Nary E. Pahle, Joseph R. Pahoundis, Sandra L. Palazzo, James N . Palecek, Margaret M. Palechek, Anne F. Pallija, Anthony J. Palmer, Curtis Palmer, Gary Palmer, Gertrude E. Palmer, John W.H. Palmer, Joseph S . Palmer, Lena Palmer, hlinnie Palmer, Ruth E. Palmer, Zelda B. Paluinbo, Anna Palumbo, Maria C. Palunas, Aldona A. Pamer, Cora L. Pamer, Elizabeth Pamer, Zcna L. Panitch, Ruth Pantaleano, Bonnie K. Pantea, George R. Paoletti, John F. Paolucci, Vico J. Papziosn, Ionel M. Papes, Anton I;. Papes, Larry Papp. Elizabeth Papp, Garry T. Papp, Helen E . Papp, John F. Page 92 12-3-99 3-30-99 4-17-99 1-5-99 8-28-99 10-3-99 4-1 8 - 9 9 5-9-99 6-1 - 9 9 11 -25-99 1-5-99 11-23-99 9-21 -99 1-6-99 8-22-99 9-29-99 4-2-99 1-30-99 10-6-99 1-19-99 1-2-99 5-12-99 7-5-99 7-20-99 1-15-99 4-4-99 5 - 1 2-99 7- 2 8 9 9 2-2-99 6 - 13-99 10-9-93 T-20-99 7-18-99 6-26-99 10-20-99 7-30-99 4-20-99 8-11-99 7-1-99 5- .I 8 - 9 9 1-24-99 1 1 -'I 8 - 9 9 7 4 8-99 6-8-99 11-7-99 8- 12-99 8-1-99 1-20-99 12-7-99 L-22-99 1 2 - 1 2-99 6- 16-99 3-6-99 8-8-99 - ' ' NAME . Papp, June E. Papp,. Michael A. Pappano, Roxy J. Pappas, Gale M. Paquette, Leonard P. Para, Albert Parasiliti, Lois J. Paratore, Anthony J. Parbel, Raymond L. Parham, Fronia Paris, Anthony R. Paris, Janet G . Parish, C . Darr'el Park, .4melia Park, Marie L. Park, Steve Parker, Bernice Parker, David J. Parker, Dorothy L. Parker, Evelyn M. Parker, Loretta Parker, Mary Pnrker, Hyrtle H. Parker, Thomas D. Parkhill, Robert Parks, Eleanor L. Parks, Hazel E. Parks, Ralph E. Parmelee, Dan P. Parmelee, Margaret J. Parnell, Betty M. Parr, Dayton H. Parrish, C. Darrel Parrish, Frederick C. Parrish, Muriel A. Parrot, Bonnie A. Parsons, Elsie Parsons, William D. Passmore, Hazel M. Pastore, S. Samauel Pastore, Veuturino Pa t chman , Ma r ga r e t Paterakis, Maria Patko, Helen Patoria, Frances Patrick, James L. Patrick, John L. Patrick, Margaret Patrick, Robert C . Patterson, Annie Patterson, Arthur E. Patterson, Beatrice C. Patterson, Blanche E. Patterson, David B. Page 93 DATE 2 - 3-.9 9 12-27-99 9-1 4-99 4-8-99 6-1 1-99 1-15-99 10-1 1-99 5-25-99 9-1 9-99 8-10-99 8-24-99 3-1 3-99 8-1-99 8-26-99 12-27-99 4-1 3-99 2-10-99 11-8-99 8-5-99 12-1 9-99 4-5-99 7-24-99 3-1 3-99 1-13-99 6-27-99 5-1 -99 3-29-99 11 -6-99 9-21 - 9 9 4 - ,3- 9 9 3-2i-99 1-2-99 8-&-99 11-9-59 11-27-99 10-2-99 10-1 6-99 5-12-99 4-25-99 4-10-99 6-1 7-99 1-1-99 342-99 5-1 9-99 9-6-99 1-17-93 5-17-99 8-1 1-99 1 'I - 12-99 4-1-3!: 5-16-99 12-6-93 10- 18-99 10-25-99 DATE NAME Patterson, Margaret C . Patterson, Samuel A . Patton, Margaret E. Patton, Paul L. Paul, Austin J. Paul, John D. Paul, Maurice H. Paul, Robert W. Paul, Walter L. Paul, William Paul, William J. Paulocsak, Ann S. Paulsen, Edward L. Paulus, Helen K. Pavelko, James J. Pavkov, Ernest Pavlov, Ethel L. Paston, Charles W. Payne, Addie R. Payne, Gerald M . Payne, Glen Payne, Henry Payne. Mildred I. Payne, 0 . Ray Payne, Ora M. Payne, Roy J. Payne, Wahneta N . Payton, Grace I(. Pearch, Gary B. Pearson, Beatrice R. Pearson, Esther 2. Pearson, Mary J. Peck. Paul J. Pederser., Howard E. Peele, Terry L. Peeples, Elizabeth Peghnelli, Velma A. Pektor, Marie C. Pelc, Stanley J. Pelle, Dominic J. Pence, Ethel F. Pencin, Melvin I. Penis, Alma Penix, Elbart Pennell, Priscilla Pennington, Mary E. Penn i ng t o n , H i r i am Penn i ng ton , Pa t r i c i a P . Pensyl, Jean Penta, Felix R. Pentengill, Daris S. Peoples, Bobbie J . Peoples, Robert Perch, Rono P. -. .- - . . Page 94 1-26-99 9-13-99 7-3-99 5-7-99 3-3-99 10-29-93 2-18-99 8-13-99 4-25-99 1 1 -28-99 4-4-99 9-27-99 12-21-99 3-1 5-99 8-15-99 2-22-99 9-23-99 3-6-99 2-1 1-99 3-1 7-99 10-17-99 8-8-99 1-1 8-99 6-20-99 7-7-99 5-75-99 10-23-99 9-25-99 10-1-99 4-1-99 10-8-99 9-7-99 9-7-99 12-9-99 5-2-99 4-1 1-99 7-24-99 11-14-99 3-5-99 5-29-99 7-27-99 9-5-99 8-4-99 8-18-99 9-30-99 2-28-99 10-2-99 12-12-99 6-18-99 11-6-99 5-6-99 3- 2 6- 99 7-10-99 3-9-99 - NAME Percich, Vincent A. Percoco, Katherine H. Perdue, Otis Perkins, Edna E l . ’ Perkins, Leon F. Perkins, Marguerite G. Perkins, Russell A . Perko, Anna E. Perolis, .Andy M. Perrine, Ina V. Perrine, Mary T. Perry, Alic L. Perry, Arbutus E. Perry, Elmei S . Perry, Colda 0 . Perry, John L. Perry, Wary B. Perry, Robert K . Perry, Roy F. Perry, Zula W . Pesecky, Marcella H. Peterhansen. Art Peterhoff, Bernice A . Peterhoff, Ruth A . Peteri, Ruth L. Peterka, Charles B. ‘Peterman, Jerry L. Peternell, Margaret Peters, Anna 0. Peters, Eva V. Peters, Katherine Peterson, Marion Pethtel, Florence E. Petkanich, Daniel Petrarca, Anthony V. Petrarca, Mary Petras, Mary A. Petrek, Julka Petrey, Robert K. Petrik, Mike Petrou, James S . Petiou, June I . Petrouich, Terryle ti. Pet r una, M i c ha e 1 Petry, Chester H. Pettengill, Doris S. Petty, Noris Pfaff, Eileen M. Pfahler, Hugo A. Pfeiffer, Thomas $1. Pfister, Russell B. Pflug, Ena e. Phelps, J u ianne ~ Philips, Leo R. Page 9.5 DATE 1-1-99 9-7-94 4-4-99 9-9-99 7-8-99 1-26-99 5-13-99 4-20-99 4-9-99 4-25-99 2-9-99 11-18-99 11 - 4 - 9 9 4-10-99 1-5-99 11-27-99 10-25-99 3-9-99 9-28-99 2-4-99 10-9-99 4-24-99 6-29-99 5-26-99 2-22-99 10-1 9-99 5-9-99 11 -29-99 4-28-99 12-1 2-99 4-30-99 3-3-99 3-28-99 6-27-99 6-6-99 6-20-99 2-12-99 3 - 1 1-99 7-25-99 10-17-99 10-24-99 1 1 -9-99 10- 16-99 5-4-99 2-20-99 5-5-99 4-15-99 10-6-99 4-3-99 3-25-99 6-30-99 1 1 -30-99 10-1 2-99 4-25-99 DATE NAME Phillippi, Ralph W. Phillips, Fred C . Phillips, Howard B. Phillips, Joseph J. Phillips, Lewis S . Phillips, Lonnie N . Phillips, Lucile J. Phillips, Margaret R. Phillips, Naxine R. Phillips, Michele M. Phillips, Philip e. Phillips, Robert L. Phinney, Richard 8 . Phipps, David L. Pianalto, Lino Pica, Mary V. Picard, Jessie E.1. Pickel, Mildred L. Pickett, Lola E. Pieger, Ruth C. Pieper, Bet.ty A . Pierce, Elizabeth E . Pierro, Mary P. Pierson, John Pietrowski, Melvin Pilato, Jacqueline Pilcher, ClFde L. Pilo, Carol L. Pinchot, Nargaret H. Pinczes, Steve T. Pingstock, Marie D. Pinion, Lucy e . Piper, Robert W. Piper, W. Raymont Pippin, Margaret Pirie, Mary E3. Pirman, Edward Pirozzi, Charles N . Pisciotta, Bessie J. Pittenger, Madeline B. Pittinger, Helen $1. Pittman, Janice L. Pit tinan, Kat her i ne Pittman, Lottie M . 0 . Plasity, Daniel L. Plato, William J. Platt, Charles R. Platt, Gwendolyn L. Platt, Virginia Plazak, James J. Pleat, Kenneth A . Plefka, Joseph Pleskach, Leona 4. Pletcher, Jay D. . . Page 96 1-2-99 10-8-99 3-1 2-99 1 1-1 3-99 4-1 6-99 12-30-95 10-1-99 5-12-99 7-22-99 9-10-99 11 -27-99 8-1 8 - 9 9 5-1 6-99 9-10-99 1-18-99 5-25-99 2-23-99 8-1 1-99 1-4-99 8-23-99 9-7-99 3-9-99 10-6-99 11 -29-99 4-3-99 3-4-99 8-26-99 2-2-99 4-4-99 3-1 2-99 7-8-99 $-26-99 11-22-99 8-2'1 - 9 9 5-7-99 7-8-99 3-6-99 4-21-99 7-1 8 - 9 9 8-$-99 1-1 8-99 10-23-99 7-1 3-99 6-23-99 3-9-99 10-1-99 4-1 1 - 9 9 12-4-99 5 -26-99 8-27-99 3-23-99 6-26-99 1 - 1 3-99 5-8-99 NAME . DATE Pletz, Mary L. Plough, Jane 7,. Plummer-Smith, Ethel B. Poch, Ola A. Pochron, Anne E.S. Pockmire, Richard W. Poe, William B. Poetter, Richard S. Pohl, Gloria R. Poindexter, Margaret Pokopac, Mike Polantz, Mary Poling, Jessie E. Polinger, Andrew Poliwka, Olga Pollack, Wayne C . Pollock, Margaret M. Pomeraning, Carl E. Pomponi, Janice E. Ponader, Anna M. PonkrashoK, Anne Poole, Everett C. Poole, Lula B. Poole, Ode11 Poore, Ruby P. Popa, Freda M. Pope, Anthony R. Pope, Lawrence E. Popham, Paul R. Popovich, Dorothy M. Popp, Harian J. Port, John J. Porter, Edith $1. ' Porter, Jacqueline M. Porter, Leola O.K. Porter, Richard J. Portman, Celia Posan, Brian W. Posavic, Philip Posey, A p r i l D. Posey, Elden R. Post, William E. Foston, Charles F. Poston, Harry L. Potter, Donald J. Potter, Eulala M . Potter, Helen M . Potter, James A. Fotts, Alvin H. Potts, Jack S. Potts, Joshua Pounders, Helen M . Powell, A . Dolores Page S i 9-18-99 3 - 1 7-99 6-3-99 5-5-99 11-5-99 4-26-99 11-3-99 4-28-99 6-4-99 4-1 9 - 9 9 12-25-99 6-10-99 11-1-99 7-22-99 1-29-99 10-2 1-99 10-5-99 12-1 6-99 8-1 5-99 11 -2-99 2-7-99 6-2-99 3-27-99 3-19-99 6-8-99 11-28-39 3-11-99 1-29-99 6-5-99 1-27-99 11-27-99 9-27-99 9-23-99 1-28-99 2-3-99 3-20-99 3-21-99 3-10-99 9-1 9-99 5-26-99 2-25-99 8-22-99 4-1 1 - 9 9 11-10-99 3-3-99 2-26-99 34-99 10-13-99 6-5-99 a- 1 i - s ? 8 - 19-99 6-27-99 10-22-99 3-26-99 DATE NAME 1 1-5-99 2-25-99 4-1 4-99 1-6-99 2-2-99 11-13-99 10-31-99 9-18-99 2-27-99 10-5-99 7-1 5-99 10-1 0 - 9 9 10-5-99 6-24-99 7-7-93 4-8-99 -12-20-99 /-11-99 12-19-99 5-30-99 7-21-99 9-8-99 11-17-99 11 - 1 4-99 3-8-99 12-6-99 11 - 1 9 - 9 9 5-12-99 7-2-99 1-10-99 9-1 4-99 1-5-99 7 - 1 5-99 6-6-99 10-1 0 - 9 9 10-24-99 1 1 -5-99 2-1 1 - 9 9 3-&-99 2-1 1-99 9-26-99 4-25-99 1-13-99 3-26-99 1-4-99 8-1 5-99 10-5-99 11 - 1 4 - 9 3 1-10-99 2-1 6-99 9-3-99 1-1-99 10-1 0-99 1-9-99 Powell, Daniel L. Powell, Edgzir L. Powell, Lindsey N . Powell, Mary E. Powell, Sadie L. Powell, William Powers, John H. Powers, Melba Powers, Pamela J. Powers, William R. Powers, Winifred E. Powrie, Gladys L. Pramik, Rhonda R. Prats, Harriet A. Pratt, Frederick M. Pratt, Marvin F. Pratt, Rosa M. . Prehoda, William Prekop, Betty J. Prentiss, Glenn R. Pressler, Alice C. Preston, Henry t. Preston, John ki. Preston, Menzo D. Prete, Mary A . Preto, Lloyd E. Pribonic, Joan C. Price, Donna I. Price, Dorothy A . Price, Emory H. Price, Harold W. Price, Helen Price, John A . Price, Kenneth W. Price, Pauline Prickett, Ralph Priestman, Beverly D. Prillaman. Robert E. Primes, George Iv’. Primes , Jean Pringle-White, Guage M. Prischak, Andrew M . Prislinger, Ignatitis Pritchard, Donna S . Pritchard, tiarold D. Pritchett, Murland G . Pritt, Carrie V. Pritt, Jonathan H. P r i t t , Lloyd H. Procario, Paul F. Proctor, Eldred Proctor, Roy A . Propst. Alfred B. Proudfoot, Victoria b i . Page 98 ~ DATE NAME Provenzo, Susie Prude, Oscar Pruitt, James H. Pryor, James T. Psihos, Harry Pullella, Angelo Pullen, L. Erminia Purda, James Purdie, Christel D. Purr, Ronald M. Pursley, Robert L. Purvis, William J . Putnam, James E. Ppka, Vera Sue Pyle, Billijo H. Pples, Verner M . Quade, Doris A . Quarles, Donald J . Quattrochi; Dorothy Queen, Ann C. Quick, Bernice $1. Quick, Warren 4. Quine,. Jane L . Quinn, Sister Rosemary Quirk, Grace X. Quotson, Caroline Raber, Alma F. Raber, Glen E. Raber, Leona H. Rabljenovic, Slavko Rabold, William r . Race, Elizabeth J. Rncin, William Radak, Chery.1 d. Radak, Marcha L. Radcliffe,.Harvey L. Rader, Charles W. Radisa, Ales Radnep, Eugenie Rafferty, Glenn L. Raines, Carol J . Raines, Denzil Rajniak, John Ralston, Julia B. Raniny t z , Wi 11 iam Ramsey, Emma f. Ramsey, Mildred Ramsey. William A . Ramsier, Donald !i. Ramsier, Joseph L. Ramsthaler, Robert L . Randall, Ford A . Randolph, David E. Randolph, Robert W. Page ? 3 1-19-99 3-21-99 11-5-99 8-20-99 4-9-99 7-1 3-99 10-14-99 4-22-99 3-7-99 9-1 -99 4-10-99 12-8-99 10-1 1-99 8-30-99 11-2-99 3-25-99 10-73-99 6-5-39 5-9-99 12-18-99 12-22-99 11 - 8 - 9 9 6-1 9 - 9 9 8-8-99 1-3-99 1-1-99 5-3 1-99 1-18-99 11 :7-99 1-23-99 9-2-99 12-2-99 7-1 3-99 3-22-99 &-.25- 9 9 8-9-99 1 1-24-99 1-8-99 9-21 - 9 9 4-5-99 6-9-99 10-1-99 6-13-99 5-1 4-99 10-23-39 3-6-99 9-22-99 12-3-99 11-2-99 12-8-99 1-2 1-91) 12-1 8-99 11 -1 4-99 3-7-39 NAME DATE R a n d o l p h , S t e v e n D. R a n e f e l d t , Carol Ranker, Mildred R. Rapant, Frances A. R a p a n t , Michael F . R a r d i n , C r y s t a l K. Rardin, Eleanor V. R a r i c k , Minnie N. R a s c h e , Blanche E . Rasinski, Mitchell A . Rasmussen, Harold R a s n a k e , Hazel R a t c l i f f , Cynthia A . R a t l i f f , Ray c . R a t s a v o n g , Chanh R a t s a v o n g , Onchanh Rauch, Eva R a u p a c h , Helen E . R a u t e n s t r a u c h . Ann F . Ravagnani, Freder ck J . Ray, Donna R. Rayfield, Crystal P. Razer, I o l a c . R a z i s - S v e l y n s , Ca h e r i n e C . R a z o r , L u c r e t i a .4 Read, W a l t e r D . Reagan, William C . Ream, C a r g l S. Ream, Thelma M . Ream, K i l l i a m W. Rearick, Charles E . Rearick, Virginia D . R e a s e r , Ruhania M. R e b e r a , S i s t e r Roselyn R e b o u l , Peggy F . Reckner, Jean A.K. R e d e r , Thomas J . R e d f e r n , Wanda M . R e d i n g e r , S . Grant R e d l i n g e r , Marie T . Redmond, Opal Redmond. Thomas Redoviaii, Madeline M. R e e c e , Kenneth l i . Reed, B l a k e 11. Reed, Magdalene A . Reed, Nelson A . Reed, William E . R e e d e r , Thelma Reedy Glenn M . Rees, Tervor J . Reese Bernadette M. Reese E d i e J . R e e s e L i l l i a n V. Page 100 3-28-99 2-1 7-99 1-28-99 12-1 8 - 9 9 6-1 3-99 12-26-99 1-1 2 - 9 9 8-30-99 10-10-99 6-12-99 3-1 6-99 7-29-99 6-8-99 1-22-99 1-22-99 12-1 - 9 9 3-28-99 9-1 4-99 6-3-99 9-21-99 10-1 9-99 11 -3-99 12-25-99 7-1 4-99 2-2-99 12-23-99 6-16-99 2-2-99 10-17-99 6-23-99 5-4-99 3-6-99 1-31 -99 10-1 3-99 7-20-99 6-29-99 3-1 9-99 11 - 2 8 - 9 9 6 -26 -9 9 6-29-99 2-17-99 7-3-99 7-18-99 7-7-99 4-24-99 4-1 5-99 7-26-99 12-21-99 12-7-99 3 - 1 3-99 1-7-99 i - 4 - 99 1-27-99 9- 4 -99 - DATE NAME ' Reese, Mary A. Reese; William Reeves, Elizabeth L. Reeves, Marjorie A. Regal, Elsie Rehl, Clyde A . Reich, Jack Reich, Ludwig Reichel, Esther E. Reid, Harold L. Reid, Shirley M. Reighard, Elmer M. Rein, Emma F. Reinhardt, Philip Reinhart, Stephen E. Reinhold, Dorothy E. Reinhold, Reri Ann Reish, Ned Reisinger, Lila G. Remark, Janet M . D . Remhold, Dorothy Remmy, Richard L. Rench, Lena J. Rennie, Forret H. Rennie, Thomas J. Renninger, Jason A . Renz, Delmer A. Repar, Rose Resnick, Jacob S . Retzer, Violet Ann Rex, Claude L. Reynolds, Alma Reynolds, Helen Reynolds, Margaret J. Reynolds, Mary L. Reynolds, Ruth J. Reynolds, Theodore R. Rhines. Harold K. Rhosdes, Dorothy M. Rhodes, David A. Rhodes, David S. Riccardi, Nildred W . Ricchiuti, Elvira Ricciardi, Patrick A . Riccilli, Alberta L. Ricco, Marcello Rice, James E . Rice, Jeanette $1. Rice, Mary A . Rich, Lucia F. Rich, Nebo Rich, Philip L. Richard, Melanie L. Richards, Anne Page 101 10-6-99 1 1 -30-99 10-23-99 10-8-99 3-31 - 9 9 2-12-99 5-6-99 5-8-99 6 - 1 3-99 3-9-99 12-5-99 9-1 1 - 9 9 3-1 5-.99 1-14-99 11 -3-99 1-6-99 4-23-99 6-1 -99 4-1 7 - 9 9 8-24-99 8-22-99 3-28-99 1 1-2-99 1-12-99 2-4-99 9-6-99 4- 1-99 6-1 5-99 3-1 1 - 9 9 6-13-99 5-22-99 1-5-99 3-20-99 10-17-99 9-10-99 4-1 3-99 8-3-99 7-18-99 5-12-99 5-1 -99 6-30-99 3-25-99 1-2-99 11-1-99 2-25-99 2-21-99 10-4-99 5-15-99 7 - 1 6-99 4-4-99 10-24-99 5 4 3-99 8-22-99 5-1 9-99 NAME DATE Richards, Gloria J. Richards, Janet L. Richards, Larry E. Richards, Lee 0. Richards, Matthew G. Richards, Mona E. Richards, Scott 9. Richards, Steven D. Richards, William Richardson, George C. Richardson, George L. Richardson, Gertrude V.W. Richardson, Margaret R. Richardson, Robert Richburg, Robert Richie, Rose V . Richiutti, Phillip J. Richman, Evelyn H. Richmond, Delcia, Dewey Richter, John $1. Rickel, Arthur D. Rickert, Glen E. R i cke t t s , E 1 i zabe t.1-1 L . Riddell, John W. Riddle, Alene W. Riddle, Clyde Riddle, Marilyn R. Riddle, Hark S. Ridgway, Hughie Riding, Ruth M. Riedel, Loretta # . Riedl, Ruth Riemenschneider, Edwin A . Ries, Katherine S. Rife, Vena G . Riffle, Xellie G. Riffle, Russell R. Riggenbach, Catherine I . Riggins, Bruce W. Riggins, Hazel C. Riggins, Morris Riggle, Hazel K. Riggs, Martha E. Riley, Jason P. Riley, Joyce .4. Riley, Judith A . Riley, Michael C. Riley, Hildred $1. Riley, Victor Riley, Zayne C.Y. Rilling, Grace Rinehart, Edward 3. . Page 102 6-8-99 1-8-99 3-1 -99 6-24-99 12-75-99 3-8-99 4-2 2 -9 9 7-16-99 6-1 3-99 2-10-99 5-31-99 8-1 1-99 8-28-99 . 9-1 7 - 9 9 6-1 9-99 12-27-99 6-10-99 2-1 3-99 7- - 2 s - 9 9 1-30-99 5-16-99 5-19-99 10-1 0 - 9 9 5-9-99 5-20-99 2-1 9 - 9 9 1 2 - 3 1 -99 10-3-99 4-25-99 -1-16-99 7-10-99 11 - 2 5 - 9 9 1 0 - 1 2-99 11-12-99 8-24-09 4-4-99 4-12-99 2-9-99 9-19-29 10-1 5 - 9 9 1-1 i - 9 9 . 7-8-99 5-5-99 10-7-99 4-1 8-99 9-9-99 8-3-99 4-8-90 7-1 3 - 9 9 1-9-99 11 - 9 - 9 9 5-2-99 6-7-93 1-11-99 DATE NAME ' ' Rinehart, Lois A. Rinella, Donald J. Rinella, Ruth A. Rinesmith, Violet Ring, Helen M. Ringelham, Elizabeth Ringer, Rebecca J. Ringer, Yayland E. Ringler, Evelyn M . Ringley, Mildred I. Ripley, Mary Rish, Daisy B. Risley, Frank L. Risner, Jeanne Ritchie, Frank 0 . Ritchie, Robert R. Rittenour, Chuck A. Rittenour, Helen L. Ritter, Ernest J. Rittman, Viola E. Ritzman, E. Diane Ritzman, Kathryn Rivers, Theodore L . Rizni kove , Juani ta Rizor, Raymond A . Roach, Arthur R. Roach, Eleanor M. Roach, Jennie E. Robbins, Carol L. Robbins, Dorothy Robbins, Theodore J. Robenstine, Nash D. Roberson, Eugene Roberson, Patricia A . Roberts, Gladys P. Roberts, Grace M. Roberts, James L. Roberts, Joan B. Roberts, Marsha Roberts, Michael W. Roberts, Ray N . Roberts, Steve Roberts, Thelma R. Robertson, Audrey V. Robertson, Don Robertson, Elizabeth €1. Robertson, Josephine Robertson, Thomas A. Robinson, Ann V. Robinson, Arthur G. Robinson, Beverly L. Robinson, Clarence R. Robinson, Cleo e . Robinson, Darlene K. Page 103 9-3-99 7-27-99 4-7-99 1 - 1 5-99 1 1 -7-99 10-26-99 1-4-99 2-28-99 4-1 5-99 3-1 8-99 12-21-99 5-13-99 12-14-99 6-7-99 1 1 -3-99 1-24-99 6-28-99 6-17-99 9-2-99 12-29-99 10-12-99 1 1 -16-99 10-23-99 . 4-28-99 12-2-99 3-24-99 $-.I 0-99 7-28-99 5-1 5-99 4-14-99 4-8-99 9-1 3-99 12-7-99 4-3-9s 10-15-99 8-24-99 3-5-99 7-16-99 7-15-99 1-99 -5-1 1-24-99 10-1-99 6-15-99 5-2-99 3-25-99 6-27-99 5-25-99 9-13-99 7- 10-99 8-2-!>9 2-23-99 6-18-99 12-23-99 3-14-99 DATE Robinson, Donald Robinson. Edna R. Robinson, Jeffrey Robinson, John W. Robinson, Joseph Robinson, Josephine Robinson, Kenneth N . Robinson, Leon W. Robinson, Mamie T. Robinson, Marie M. Robinson, Richard L. Robinson, Robert D. Robinson, Thomas J . Robinson, Tommie A . Robinson, William H. Robles, Lupe M . Roby, Dorothy F. Rock, LaVerne J. Roddy, Martha E. Rodel, Carol J. Rodenbaugh, Herb R. Rodenbaugh, Hary J . Roderick, John E.. Rodgers, Ada M . Rodgers, Betty C. Rodgers, L. Lynn Rodway, George W. Roebuck, John D. Roesner, Walter F. Rogers, Charles E. Rogers, Dorothy M . Rogers, John B. Rogers, John D. rogers, L.P. Rogers, Mary I. Rogers, Wyrtle M . Rogers, Nancy A . M . Rogers, Vivian C. Rogers, William Rohac, Helen Rohde, Norma E. Rohrer, Donald L. Roland, Leroy C. Roland, Thomas C . Roll, Richard L. Roller, Esther J . Roman, Stanley L. Romaniello, Theresa Romaniuk, Stefan Romano, Bessie M . Romanski, Frances C. Romig, Edna E.1. Romine, Comer R. Romine, John M . - -. .. . Page 104 4-8-99 11-15-99 3-1 2-99 4-3-99 7-29-99 5 -24 -9 9 3-8-99 6-29-99 9-2-99 2-24-99 5-8-99 6-1 1-99. 12-26-99 1-17-99 4-4-99 9-7-99 11 -27-99 2-12-99 3-3-99 12-24-99 2-1 7-99 5- 9 - 9 9 2-18-99 1-3-99 5-1 9-99 10-30-99 4-4-99 1-5-99 3-8-99 6-6-99 2-27-99 2-5-99 1 1 -10-99 6-3-99 &-18-99 6-1 9-99 2-3-99 3-31 -99 9-27-99 4-8-99 7-13-99 5-1 8-99 8-11-99 6-14-99 6-6-99 3- 17-99 4-7-99 1 1-5-99 4-12-99 2-13-99 2-21 - 9 9 4-22-99 1-25-99 3-3.1 - 9 9 - NAME Romine. Robert C . Romine, Roy F . Roino, Karen C . S . Ronca, Angel i n e F . Roney, Dean H . Rook, D e s s i e I . Rookard, B u t l e r , R o o p , Timothy V . R o o t , Herman A . R o p e r , John L . R o s a t o , J o s e p h W. Rosbaugh, Marie Rose, Evelyn L . Rose, Raymond P . Rose, Sam Rose. S h e l t o n R . Roseborough, S t a n l e y L . R o s e n b e r g , Kenyon C . Rosenberg, Veronica M. Rosenberger, William C . R o s e n t h a l , Zelda R o s e r , S t a n l e y E. R o s s , Annie 1;. Ross, C h a r l i e R . R o s s , C h a r l o t t e Ii. R o s s , George D. Ross, Jacqueline M. R o s s , James D . Ross, Louis F . R o s s , Marie K. Ross, Teresia N . R o s s e n , Henry A . R o s s i , Grace E . Rossi, Grazia R o t h , Rosa H. R o t h , Rose H a r i e Rothenstine, Victor E. Rothrock, G i l b e r t k . R o t i l e , Jack F. Rotondo, Ronald Rotondo, Roy Round?., Elmer 0 . R o u n t r e e , Bruce Rountree, Eleanor E . Rouse, Bonnie 1\1. R o u s e r , Eva Roush, H e r t h a N. Roush, Robe:t G. Rowan, k i i l l i a m V. R o u l e t t e , Lula J. Roy, Bonnie Royka, Andrew Royse, l i a r r e n L. Rozak, S t e l l a Page 105 DATE 9-20-99 8-14-99 7-17-99 4-21 -99 8-10-99 3-1 9-99 3-1 9-99 2-13-99 3-14-99 1 - 1 9-99 1-8-99 9-29-99 7-15-99 4-7-99 5- 13-99 3-25-99 9-14-99 10-1 9-99 11-10-99 1-9-99 6-26-99 3-4-99 3-13-99 6-27-99 10-2-99 1-17-99 'I 1 - 1 6-99 10-3-99 8-1 8-99 4-25-99 8-23-99 3-1 7-99 1 0'-1 3- 99 11-1-99 10-3-99 3-8-99 12-29-99 8-1 1-99 10-23-91, 1-28-99 12-18-99 11-1 6-99 8-3-99 2-9-99 3-18-99 5-8-99 6-4-99 5-&-99 8-31-99 4 - 19-99 5 - 2 1-99 6-20-99 3-3 1-99 4-2;-99 NAME DATE Rozich, Michael Ruhino, Joseph M. Ruble, Zola M. Ruby, Cerda Rucker, Dontell D . Ruckman, Isaac C. Rudd, Lloyd C. Rudd, Phyllis G . Rudd, Phyllis J. Rudick, Eleanor S. .Rudolf, Earl J. Rudolph, Donna L. Rudy, James L. Rue, Ross B. Rueschman, Robert E. Ruester. Sandy Ruggles, Edwin A. Ruhlin, Sister M. Coletta Rulnick, Jennie Ruman, Peter P. Rummel, William H. Rumph, Darryl L. Rundle, Ruth E. Runyeon, Marilyn &I. Rupp, Evelyn R. Ruprecht, Carl D. Rusbarsky, John Ruscoe, Charlotte H. Rush, Kathleen D . t i . Rush, Leon Rusk, Grace L. Ruskay, Frank M. Rusnack, Andrew Russ, Eli Russell, Alfred R. Russell, Charles E. Russell, David H. Russell, Janet L. Russell, Jesse L. Russell, Lowell L. Russell, Mark L. Russell, Pauline L. Russell, Robert L. Russell. Shirley J . Russo, Joseph Rutherford, Glenn E. Rvan, Mary C. Ryan, Raymond R. Sabo, Kenneth B. Saccone, John A. Sacy, Ronald C. Saengs iphan, Sivilay Saffle, Vera J. Salem, Alice $1. Page .I 06 9-7-99 2-15-99 6-16-99 6-8-99 5-9-99 10- 19-99 1 1 -24-99 6-3-99 2-1 6-99 6-12-99 2-2-99 8-22-99 5-74-99 9-24-99 8-28-99 1 1 -1 8-99 10-19-93 8-31-99 3 - 25- 99 1-7-99 6-21-99 3-1 1-99 1-6-99 10-2 1-99 2-16-99 9-26-99 5-6-99 4-1 3-99 9-29-99 5-6-99 1-30-99 8-1 7-99 9-18-95) 6-13-99 1-22-99 7-17-99 10-8-99 12-15-99 7-3-99 7-8-99 7-9-99 9-14-99 10-1-99 6-16-99 12-28-99 3-18-99 1-2L-99 2-16-99 4-16-99 10-14-95 3-31-99 5-9-99 i-1-99 z-zs-gg NAME DATE Salem, E v a n g e l i n e H. Salem, J o s e p h Salem, Nary 2 . S a l m o n s , Edward M . S a l s e r , Joe R. S a l t z , Margaret M. Salyards, Druscilla R. Salzwimmer, Mary A . S a m p l e , Edward H . S a m p l e s , James E . Sampson, Sherman J . Sampson, Thomas D . S a m , J .R . Sams, Mary Sams, M a t r i s h a Samuel, B i r d e r L . S a m u e l s , Marian V . Sanchez, Frank Sanchez, Pedro Sancic, Dolly J . S a n d e r f e r , Dorothy L . S a n d e r s , Charles F: Sanders, Ethel S a n d e r s , John A . S a n d e r s , Mary S a n d e r s o n , James W . S a n d r i d g e , Hannah Sandridge, Vincent R . S a n d s , M o l l i e W. S a n d u s k y , Eugene L . S a n f o r d , Harvey W. S a n t e e , Anna R . S a n t i a g o , Marissa H. S a n t i l l i , F r a n k M. S a n t o r o , Ronald Pi. S a n y o , Nina M . S a p h a r a s , George A . S a p p , Ted J . S a p p e r , Lois E. S a r g e n t , Eladilene M . S a r l l , Florence T . S a s s a m a n . William 0 . S a u n d e r s , Jeanne L . S a u n d e r s , llary A . S a i i n d e r s , Nary E . S a u n d e r s , Thomas L . S a u r e r , Marie C . Saurwein, C l i f f o r d F. S a u t n e r , Ruth A.V. S a v a g e , Charles J . S a v i c , V i o l e t N. S a v i c h , Dwight Sawan, A l m a E . P a z e 'I 07 5- 2 2 - 9 9 1 - 1 6-99 2-24-99 11-9-99 11 -4-99 6-24-99 11-1 1-33 7-8-99 5-26-99 8-31 - 9 9 1-20-99 12-1 1-99 8-4-99 3-7-99 3-4-99 12-7-99 11 -8-99 11 -21 -99 4-25-99 3- 2 9 - 9 9 8-31 - 9 9 7-18-99 10-26-99 '11-1-99 12-27-39 7-20-99 1-5-9.9 1-6-99 8-31-99 5-1 3-99 10-2-99 12-26-99 6-27-99 10-1 2-93 5-30-99 11-16-99 2-1 7-99 7-1 -99 8-29-99 10-29-99 11-13-39 12-1 2-93 5- 14-99 -1 - 2 2 - 9 0 12-29-93 12-30-99 1 - 16-99 1- 14-99 5-22-99 6-29-99 11 - & - 9 9 12-2i-99 9 - 1 5-99 2-9-99 NAME DATE Sawatzkie, Irene M . Sawyer, Charlotte J. Sawyer, Jean G. Sax, Kenneth G . Sax, Mildred M. Sayarath, Bounmy Sayers, James M. Saylor, Lois K. Sayre, Ben T. Sayre, Janet Sayre, Walter R. Scaffidi, Michael J. Scafidi, Anthony Scafiti, Nunziata Scaglione, Edith C. Scalia, Rita A . Scarberry, Harold E. Scarberry, Joseph 0. Scarbrough, Margaretta E. Schaad, Mildred A. Schaber, Bernard J. Schadle, Darlene M. Schaeufele, Robert L. Schafer, Luella El. Schaffer, John D. Schaible, Eleanor $1. Schar, John N . Scharra, Joseph Schzrtiger-Block, Jordan P. Scheck, Earl E. Scheck, Ella E. Scheeser, Anna M. Scheetz, Thomas D. Schembechler, Elizabeth Schepp, M . R . Scherer, Clifford M. Scherer, Edward H. Schick, Elsie K . Schick, Frances L. Schiele, Nancy A . Schilling, Charles G. Schilling, Elizabeth Schilling, Lloyd t i . Schilling, Mary C . Schinner, Agnes I:. Schisiei.. !.:::!ic?i.z R. Sciley;.! - Y s ? ~ ; n 3 , De1,:a St:hie!m1ier, Diane I<. s.:htLI4::i?(.. R o b e r t A . Schlup, !v‘iiliam J . Schtupe, Bassie A . Cchmader, Paul A . Schniet:e:, Robert L. Schmidt, Anna Page 109 7-3-99 2-1 1-99 12-15-99 4-30-99 1-1-99 11-1 1-99 2-20-99 11 -28-99 6-16-99 6-1 5-99 2-3-99 1-9-99 1-1-99 3-27-99 8-1 2-99 12-16-99 3-8-99 11-27-99 1-19-99 11-30-99 6-17-99 9-9-99 5-12-99 5-1 6-99 6-1.3-99 2-14-93 5-5-99 7-1 5-99 10-29-99 11-29-99 8-31 - 9 9 6-1 7-99 3-1-99 6-1 -99 4-25-99 6-28-99 11 -23-99 1-14-99 10-25-99 8-30-99 - j- 1 - iJ: : l ’ - ..I _,-‘I :-I J - ;? - O Q 1c-2,- 99 -,-‘I -93 2-6-99 6-j0-99 9-17-99 9-22-99 3-23-99 1-23-99 6-1 3-9Q 12- j i-5:; j- 7-7. ‘>Q .. DATE NAME : - - .: Schmidt, Clara X, 1 !>- S c h n t i d t , Edna # . Schmidt. , Elea:i:>i.r sl:!ullidt. l:a:P:l 2.. Cc hi!i i 1.i t P a t r ic iJ A . s ..l;~t~i~:!tt ... ! 2, C i a d y s E . .>:%h:ilil.h, 1.1. L a r r y S c h m i t t , A r t h u r G. S c h m i t t , Henry J . Schmoldt, William F . S c h n e i d e r , Edward K . S c h n e i d e r , Terry M . S c h o c h , Frances E.1. S c h o e n , Ro:; J . Schoenstein, Walter G . Schoolcraft, Carl D . S c h o o l c r a f t , Glenn A . Schoonover, F r i e d a S c h o o n o v e r , Marcia II. Schrader, Ilrista L . Schramni, E l i z a b e t h J . S c h r e c k , John H . S c h r e i b e r , Edmund A . S c h u c k e r t , Henry Schuckert, Russell S c h u e l e i n , C a r l .hi. Schueneman, M i l d r e d C . S c h u l t z , C a t h e r i n e E.]. S c h u l t z , Debra J . S c h u l t z . Donald f . Schultz. Earl C . S c h u l z , James C . Schumacher , J a n e 9 . Schumacher, Myron H . Schumacher, R u t h C . Schumaker , Ronald e . Schumann, Wilma a . Schurko, Nicholas F . S c h u t z , Helen Schwab, Flay M . Schwabe, C o l l e e n B . S c h w e i k e r t - W i n k h a r t , Elena S c h w e i t z e r , Paul Schwertner ,r\rnie L . Schwindt, Naria S c o f i e l d , K a t h e r i n e M. Scott, Bessie X . S c o t t , Betty L . S c o t t , Charles S c o t . t , John f . S c o t t , Kenneth B . S c o t t , Louise E . S c o t t , Nathaniel H. s-27-92 12-15-99 12-17-99 5-7-99 9-27-99 2-6-99 2-26-99 3 - 2 1-99 5-7-99 7-28-99 1-31 -99 5-22-99 12-1 7-99 5-26-99 6-2-99 9-19-99 2-21-93 ~ . . . , Page 109 ,' .i n. ; - :;-cJy - ,3-4-99 10-9-99 1 2 - 13-99 1 1-26-99 2-1 5-99 11-1-99 3-5-99 4-1 1-99 5 4 3-99 3-26-93 4-8-99 8-2-99 12-28-99 11 -30-99 4-8-99 4 - 1 3-99 12-27-99 11-23-99 1-4-99 1 2 - 1 6-99 11 - 1 4-99 7-1 - 9 9 11 -29-99 2-21-99 7-10-99 7-1-99 9-1 - 9 9 &-3-99 1-25-99 5-23-99 3-30-99 3-1 5-99 3-1 7-99 9-5-99 7 - 3 0 - 99 . . DATE S c o t t , Violet M. S c o v i l l , 'Clyde N . S c r i v e n s , William A . S c u r r y , Bobbie L . Searcy, Evaline R . S e a v e r , Harry E . S e a y , George W. S r - b r i g h t , Ted F . S e d l a k , Mary Sedlock, Joseph P. See, Gracie R . S e e l e y , Robert L . S e e n b e r g , Leo Seenes, Victor A . Seesdorf, Paul L. S e g e r s , Lonnie S e i b , Gregory S e i b e l , Jacob S e i b e r l i n g , Helen H. Seibert, J. R i s S e i d e l , kiesley H . Seikel, Alice S e i l e r , Laura L . Seiler, Teri S e i t e r , Mildred R . S e i t z , Frona S e i t z e r , Bonnie C . S e i w e r t , Linda L . S e k e r a k , Timothy R . S e k e r m e s t o v i c h , Anne H . S e k i i l i c h , Edward C . Selders, Leonard W . S e l l e , Thomas D . S e l l e r s , Grace I . S e l l e r s , Marjean R . S e l l s , Arnold Seinancik, Pamela S e m e l s b e r g e r , Glenn g . Semler, Carole L . Semon, Ivaldo Senion, Waldo L . S e m p l e , Xary L . Sendelbach, Robert F . Sendling, Charles A. Serieff, Marie 3 . Senik, Y a l t e r J . Senser, Lillian S e n t e r , Oscar E . S e r n i c o l a , Mary Serrian, E l i z a b e t h S e r y a k , Martha A . S e s i c , .Anna J . Sesock, George Sethillan, E i l e e n $1. Page 110 10-27-99 11-1-99 2-20-99 10-3-99 8 -15-99 -1-75-99 7-3-99 5-14-99 2-1 7 - 9 9 12-8-99 6-19-99 1-23-99 7-18-59 7-17-99 'I 1-30-99 6-20-99 5-30-99 1 1 -30-99 9-5-99 10-3-99 9-2-99 12-29-99 9-20-99 .1-7-99 - -_ 9-10-99 8-24-99 1-3-99 12-1 8 - 9 9 8-1 9 - 9 9 2-1 1 - 9 9 1 2 4 .I - 9 9 4-18-99 10-31 -59 1-24-99 1 1-26-99 9-3-99 11-10-99 2-24-99 6 - 13-99 5-27-99 6 4 3-99 10-31-99 3-1 9 - 9 9 11-1-99 T-30-99 12-14-95 3- .3 - 9 3 2-2-39 2-26-99 3-9-39 3-8-99 5-16-99 8-26-99 5-1 7 - 3 9 - r NAME ' DATE S e t r e e , Mickey A . Sewell, Jean E. Sewell, Paul A. S e x t o n , Edward V . S e y f a r t h , Helen L . Seymour, F a i t h A . Sferra, Patrick S h a d r a c h , Helen L . Shaffer, Alvertta A. S h a f f e r , Barbara S h a f f e r , D o u g l a s W. S h a f f e r , Karen A . Shaffer, Katherine N. S h a f f e r , Nancy D . S h a h a n , Amy M. S h a h e e n , Anna J . Shakan, Nildred B. Shambo, Evelyn G . Shane, Florence E . S h a n k , Howard )I. Sharp, Austin R. S h a r p , Damon W. S h a r p , Sharon L . S h a r p e , Dora Shauck, J u d i t h S h a u l , Theodore E . Shaw, Nary F . H . Shaw, Ray J . Shaw, R i c h a r d A . Shaw, W i l l i a m a . Shawver , David 8. Shawver, Robert L . S h e a r e r , James E . S h e a r e r , M a r g a r e t $1. S h e a r s , G l a d y s G. S h e e t s , Charles F . S h e e t s , Verona M. S h e f f l e r , Aaron A . Shehee, Gregory J . Shelkofsky, Ethel L. S h e l l , Andrew E.1. S h e l l , Louise G. S h e l l e y , Addie L . Stiellie, Vivian S h e l t e r , Josephine R. Shelton, Estelle Shelton, Frederick S h e p a r d , Carolyr; I . Shephard, Ethel S h e p h e r d , David L.. Shepherd, Doris A . S h e p h e r d , Hazel Shepley, Harjorie L.H. S h e p p a r d , A r t i e >I Page 1 1 1 2-27-99 3-16-99 3-1-99 6-1-99 9-30-99 a-29-99 7-28-99 12-22-99 8-10-99 1-22-99 1 1 - 1 9-99 12-10-99 10-8-99 11-26-99 a-31-99 12-1 7-99 10-5-99 I 1 - io-99 6-12-99 2-5-99 6-21 -99 10-7-39 8-23-99 6-24-99 1 1 -6-99 .i2-18-99 12-2-99 2-4-99 a-6-99 1-24-99 2-23-99 9-28-99 4-16-99 . 10-3-99 3-22-39 -1-2-99 i-15-99 4-4-97 5-11-99 2- 1-99 7-8-39 6- 13-99 10-8-99 12-29-99 1-31-99 1 - 1 2-59 6-8-99 6-9-97 7-28-93 9-5-99 &-6-39 2 - 14-99 12-27-99 - 6-2i-35 I DATE NAME Sherbarth, Olga Sherbourne, Thelma Sherer, Flossie P. Sheridan, Mildred Sherlock, David B . Sherman, Alexander Sherrick, Bertha L. Shevel, Ray 0. Shields, Alfred A . Shields, Becky S. Shields, Elmer F. Shiflett, Mary J. Shine, Ruth M. Shingler, Anna M. Shinr;, Keith F. Shipka, Anne M . Shipley, Samuel V. Shipley, Thomas B . Shipman, Evelyn J. Shipp, Ferne L. Shippy, Dennis E. Shira, Edith G. Shira, William R. Shirer, Thomas R. Shire?, Bessie M . Shivers, Wadalee A . Shkurti, Helen V. Shocklev, Olive A . Shoemaker, Harry V. Sholiton, Vera Sholler, Frank D. Shondel, James E. Shontz, Nancy k. Shook, Victor %. Shoop, James R. Shopper, Joseph L. Shorder, Dennis A . Shores, Jason W. Short, Alice Short, Kenneth E l . Short, Marie Shorts, Getrude Shoults, Ruth E. Shover, Elaine G . Shremshock, George Shreve, Della D. Shreve, Donald C. Shreve, Robert R. Shreve, Rose F. Shiigley, Evelyn Shroyei, Kenneth S . Shubert, Thomas L . Shufelt, Grapce J. Shuford, Ben Page 112 1-24-99 8-11-99 1-20-99 3-21-99 5-12-99 3-30-99 1-7-21-99 9-12-99 12-14-99 10-4-99 1 'I- 1 1 -99 7-2-99 9-17-99 5-3-99 10-25-99 1 1 -21-99 10-20-93 10-12-99 2-2 1-99 3-14-99 10-17-99 3-1 3-99 3-27-99 12-23-99 1-11-99 5-5-99 9- 16-91) 5-25-39 1-7-99 3-28-99 8-29-99 12-17-99 2-4-99 6-30-99 12-1 9-99 10-.12-99 2-6-99 7-24-99 1 1 - 2 1 -39 1 1 -23-99 1-30-99 2-23-99 1-23-99 2-6-99 -.l-l&-99 /-1-99 3-24-99 8-24-93 12-10-99 4-3-90 12-15-99 3-10-99 12-27-39 3-1 9 - 9 3 DATE NAME Shull, Elpha M . Shultz, Ann IC. Shumaker, Earl F. Shumaker, Lewis Shuman, Joseph P. Shutack, Burton G. Sibbio, Grace Siciliano, Adolph J. Sickels, Ida M. Sickles, Donald E. Siebert, Ethelreda Siegel, Fannie P. Siegferth, Maxine E. Siersema, Kimberly Siggers,.Hattie M. Siglow, Rosalie Siimpson, Eldridge Sill, Nildred V. Silliman, Margaret M. Silver, Randy Silver, Richard L. Silverstri, Ethelene V. Silvestri, Marie A . Silvestri, Tommaso Simich, Helen $1. Simmons, Genevieve Simmons, Pearl 5 . Simmons, Robert. 0. Sinims, Carl Simms, Dale H . Simon, .Martha J. Simone, Dominic J. Simons, Vesta A. Sims, Alva H. Sinis, Arthur L. Sims, Henry Sinclair, Mary Singleton, Mac A. Sinsel, Deiizil J. Sinsel, Noreen 0. Sipka, Nary A . Sipp, Ruth M . Sipp, Sue K . Sisler, Mary A . Six, Lula B. Sk211, Ruth $1. Skeeles, Karen S. Skein, Mary J. Skeens, Robert C . Skeggs, Rachel Skerl, Daniel G. Skidmore, Opal A . Skinner, Alice E. Skinner, Joseph E. Page 1 1 3 3-17-99 8-27-99 11 -1 1-99 4-2'1 - 9 9 10-26-99 1 1-28-99 6-3-99 12-15-99 3-26-99 7-1 6 - 9 9 1-4-99 7-7-99 12-14-99 10-1 9-99 1 -24-99 7-10-99 6-30-99 7-1 1-99 1 - 1 7-99 1-17-99 10-28-99 2-21 -99 1-18-39 4-20-99 3-16-99 10-20-39 1-31-99 6 - 2 2 - 9~. 9 ~ ~~ 3-3-99 12-29-99 3-24-99 12-10-99 8-14-99 6-1 7-99 3-6-99 i- 2 6 - 9 9 3-9-99 5-26-93 10-24-93 3-2$-99 8-9-99 9-1 7 - 9 9 12-17-93 8-29-99 12-11-99 3-18-99 6-29-99 7-20-99 9-29-99 '12-12-99 5-1 8-99 9-25-93 12-22-99 1-10-93 DATE NAME Skinner, Mable J. Skraba, Mary L. Slabaugh, Gayle N . Slabaugh, Sharon L. Slaight, Stephen M . Slanker, Benjamin D. Slater, Richard W. Slavens, Gregory V. Slavens, John E. Slaybaugh, Mary M . Slee. Mae R. Sleeman, Penny C. Sleppy, Jeffry L. Slichter, Zora T. Slider, Dorothy M . Slider, Walter R. Sloa'n, Orpha B. Sloan, Willie L. Slocum, Raymond F. Small, Clara H. Small, Otis L. Smalley, Goldie Smallwood, Twila G. Smanto, Joseph Smarr, Jack Smart, Geraldine L . Smartt, Beulah Smeiles, Roman D. Smith, Ada L. Smith, Alfred D. Smith, Alfred M . Smith, Allan C. Smith, Alvin B. Smith, Arthur J. Smith, Barbara A. Smith, Betty H. Smith, Betty L. Smith, Beverly J. Smith, Cathy M . Snii th, Cindy Smith, Claribel M . Smith, Dale E. Smith, David T. Smith, Disie Smith, Dorean B. Smith, Dorothy L. Sinith, Dorothy M. Smith, Edward B. Smith, Edward c. Smith, Ella Smith, Elsie c. Smith, Erenial W. Smith, Ernest L . Smith, Ethel Mae Page 11.: ~ 1 1 - 1 6-99 9-1 -99 7-14-99 6-1 5-$9 1-31-99 4-6-99 1-8-99 8-23-99 6-5-99 8- 28- 99 7-27-99 12-9-99 7-1 9-99 10-1-99 4-1 3-99 6-8-99 8-24-99 2- 12-99 10-17-99 2-5-99 5- I 1 -93 5-25-99 3-30-99 7- 1 'I -94 1-20-99 1-20-99 11-28-99 12-27-39 5-29-99 7-2 7-99 6-6-99 5-2-99 1 1-5-93 1 - 1 2-99 8-1 8-99 2-23-39 11-1-99 8-20-99 10-8-99 5-27-99 7-29-99 2-25-99 8-24-99 2-23-39 12-10-99 5-6-99 11-1 3-99 1-30-99 4-25-39 1 1 -25-99 5 - 3C - 99 2-17-3!> 4 - i2-99 12-11-93 DATE NAME Smith, Eunice Smith, Eve-iyn Smith, Frances P. Smith, F r a n k D. Smith, Frank 8 . Smith, Gregory D. Smith, Hubert V. Smith, Irene F. Smith, James A . Smith, James D. Smith, James L. , James W. Smith, Jane I. Smith, Jean Smith, John L. Smith, Judy Smith, Julia A . Smith, J L I IC~. ~ Smith, June H. Smith, Kenneth L. Smith, Kenneth W. Smith, Lzura R. Smi t.h, LaVaughn Smith, Lincoln L. Smith, Louise W. Smith, Margaret Smith, Marie E. Smith, Elarion P. Smith, Martha E.F. Smith, Uary F. Smith, Hary H . Smith, Mettie Sniith, Mildred Smith, Mildred E. Smith, Miles Smith, Psul F. Smith, Paula V. Smith, Philip t i . Smith, .Raymond bl. Smith, Rennie Smith, Richard E. Siiiith, Richard 0. Smith, Robert H. Smith, Robert L. Smit.h, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith. Ronald R. Roslyn Roy J . . Russell F. Ruth N . Sarah V. Shirlee W. Shirley E. Stella ? I . 5-3-99 8-8-99 8-20-99 1 1 -1 9-99 3-6-39 10-6-99 4-12-99 3-1 5-99 9-1 2-99 7-22-99 2-9-99 6-2-99 10-29-99 1-29-99 7-22-99 5-2-99 9-14-99 1-30-99 12-20-39 1 1 -28-49 1 1 -8-99 12-27-99 9-25-99 1 1 -4-99 2-1 1-99 3-14-99 4-17-99 5-15-99 4 - 28- 9 9 2-28-99 3-18-99 12-28-95! 10-31-99 3-19-99 6-27-9Q 2-18-99 12-21-99 12-2-99 1-23-99 8-5-99 7-16-99 1-10-99 $-10-99 5-2.1 -99 9-3-99 2-2-99 10-7-99 9-21-99 12-31-99 5-24-99 10-21-99 5-2-99 11-10-99 10-'I 3 - 9 9 Page 1 1 5 DATE NAME Smith, Theodore W. Smith, Thomas F. Smith, Violet G. Smith, Virginia Smith, Virginia W. Smith, Wesley D. Smith, Willie B. Smith, Woodruff Smithers, Robert L. Smuts, Harjory J. Smyth, Caroline H . Snell, Willie E. Snodgrass, Denton I. Snodgrass, Margaret A. Snyder, Beulah 0. Snyder, Carl L. Snyder, Charles L. Snyder, Charles V. Snyder, Christine Snyder, Denise C. Snyder, Dona P . Snyder, Dorothy A . Snyder, Eleanor I?. Snyder, Elizabeth Snyder, Homer I. Snyder, Howard H. Snyder, Jack I. Snyder, John L. Snyder, Josephine L. Snyder, Kevin R. Snyder, Mary L. Snyder, Pauline Snyder, Ruby H. Snyder, Virgil a. Snyder, William H. Snyder, Wi'lmer G . Sohel, Hilda E. Socha, Leo H. Sockwell, Betty M . Soderholm, Iva D. Sofran, Jeffrey G. Sohn, Xarvin Sokol, Doris sH. Solkoski, Peter J. Solkoski, Robert L. Sollenherger, Earl 0. Solomon, Esther J. Solomon, Henry Solomon, Ruth M. Soltis, Paul J. Sombaty, Thelma Sornina, Fred F. Sommer, Barbara ' 3 . Sominer, Gerald L. Page 116 12-10-99 4-9-99 1-7-99 10-29-99 6-8-99 2-12-99 5-7-99 9-15-99 12-3-99 6 - 1 1-99 8-16-99 12-28-99 4-6-99 3-17-99 3-4-99 3-28-99 2-8-99 4-14-99 ,10-19-39 6-5-99 8-1 8-99 11-7-99 2-1 8-99 9-1 7-99 8-1 1-99 1-19-99 1-3- 18-99 9-7-99 7-1 1 - 9 9 5-26-99 4-14-99 8-21-99 1-23-99 10-1 2-99 12-6-99 6-24-99 3-29-99 4 - 29 - 9 9 3-25-99 3-29-99 1-1 3-99 3-22-99 4-21-99 6-5-99 3-21-99 7-20-99 8-25-99 3-1 6-99 3-1 2-99 3-9-99 12-25-99 11-29-99 7-17-99 5-8-99 DATE NAME Sommers, Archie J . Sommerville, Ira J . Sommerville, Isabelle Somoskey, E. Virginia Sondles, Harriet F. Sondles, Mary J. Sonoff, Anne Soos, Eileen E. Sopko, Michael G. Sordian, Samuel A . Sorma, Ann Y. Sorrick, Mabel G. Souers, Helen H. Sourwine, Marjorie J . South, Grace E. South, Joyce Southard, Virginia L. Sovitgis, Bessie Sowers, Dorothy V. Spagnuolo, Mary M . Spalding, Leona C . Spangler, Robert W. Spangler, Virgie M. Spangler, William E. Sparks, Anne I(. Spaur, Howard A . Speck, Cecil E. Speece, Irene E. Speicher, Elizabeth Spenik, Charles Spillar, August E. Spillette, Cordon H. Spinak, Samuel Spires, Ada E.B. Spiroff, George Spittler, S t e v e n Spiva, Emory F. Sponds, Alfred Sponza, Yolanda Spoonster, Dorothy R. Sporn, Gerald W. Sprague, Stafford B. Sprznkle, Genevieve M. Sprenger, Elizabeth L. Sp I' ir;gs ton , E s t he r I< . Sproch, Helen Sproch, John M. Sprott, Mabel E. Sprouse, Leonard W . S p r o w , Clemencine H. Spruiel, Joseph W. Spurgeon, Jackie E. Spurling, Virginia Spyker, Eleanor L . Pa3s 117 2-1 7-99 6-29-99 1 1 -28-99 2-21-99 3-31 -99 2-10-99 4-28-99 6-1 1-99 9-1 1-99 7-21-99 3-10-99 4-22-99 2-28-99 1-23-99 3-1 9-99 1-19-99 9-1 8-99 3-16-99 10-1 0-99 12-28-99 8-1 -99 9-1 1-99 5-1 6-99 1-25-99 8-8-99 7-6-99 5-28-95; 8-25-02 12-9-99 2-5-99 9-10-99 3-27-99 1-26-99 7-20-99 4-27-99 12-14-99 5-8-99 7-13-99 3-28-99 12-29-99 IO- f 5 - 9 9 7-16-99 1 1-27-99 3-25-93 10-26-99 1-24-99 10-5-99 9-18-99 8-29-99 4 - 7 3 - 99 -1-28-93 3-30-99 1 - 1 7 -9 9 9-26-99 - DATE NAME Spyker, Leroy H. Squier, Charity M . Squier, Doris A . St.Clair, Dwight St.Jean, Juliette E. Staats, Dea June Staats, Ethel M . Staats, William G . Stack, Ruth E. Stacy, Kathleen F. Stadler, John D. Stadler, Kristina Stage, Terry W. Stager, Juanita G . Stagney, Jenniebelle Staib, Laurie V.C. Stalder, Charles E. Stallard, Franklin T. Stallard, Lillian F. Stallings. Joshua T. Stalnaker. Ernest I?. Stalnaker, Love11 D. Stambaugh. Sara L. Staiiibaugh, Virginia R. Stamoules, Marion Stamp, Bathan L. Stampfli, Williarn 3. Stamps. C. Louise St.anfield, Clifford R. Stanford, Michael E. St.ange, Audrey A . Stanich, Steve Stanick, Henry Stanley, Georgia C. Stanley, Helen 0. Stanley, Joseph A . Stanley, Stephanie N . Stanoyevic, Mary Stansberry. Keneth L. Stant, Thomas E. Stanton, James W. Stanwick. Elildred r . Stapleton, John Starcher, Charles 0. Starcher, Gaynol D. Starcher, Eaylonnie J. Starcher, Robert Starcher, Samuel Starczewski, Barhara D. Starkey, Chester A . Starn, Nary C. Starr, Painel A . M . Staton, Clara E. Staton, Frances P. Page 1 1 8 6-3-99 4-23-99 1-2-99 7-20-99 11-1-99 7 22 -99 1-1 2-99 8-7-99 1 0 - 1 9-99 5-4-99 2-1 3-99 1-1 3-99 10-20-99 3-29-99 12-2-99 2-4-99 8-24-99 1-10-99 12-26-99 11-18-99 6-27-99 12-17-99 10-9-99 3 - 30 - 7 9 5-1$-99 8-1 A-99 12-4-99 5 -5 - 99 6-4-99 3-7-99 7-19-99 7-18-99 3-31 -99 1-1$-99 5-1 7-99 $-10-99 1 1-20-99 8-2;-99 6-34-99 5-2 1-99 2-1 9-95 7-20-99 9-2-99 10-8-99 5-1 6-99 6-3-99 5-29-91) 10-28-99 1-30-93 - G-3-99 8-27-31) 10-:-99 9-30-99 ?- 2 7 - 9 9 NAME DATE Staubs, Elizabeth Stebbins, Muriel A. Steel, Catherine R. Steele, Albert J. Steele, Clyde E. Steen, .4nn M . Steen, William c. Steese, Evelyn L. Stefanko, Lynn M . Stefanko, Thomas G. Stegh, Ratharina Stein, Kenneth J. Stein, Robert M. Stein, Willadeafi Steinberg, Jeanne S. Steinberger, Bernard B. Steineck, David P. Steinei, John I. Steiner, Paul 8. Steinei, Vilma E l . Steininger, Frank Steinmetz. Ken1iet.h R. Steinmetz, Leah D. Stella, Steve Steller, Roger L. Stemple, Pauline E. Stennis, William E. Stephan, Christian J. Stephanoff, Joan C. Stephans, James C. Stephen, Margaret E. Stephens, Batty L. Stephens, Charles H. Stepp, Dawn C . Sterling, Josephine B. S t evanov i c h , M i r o s 1 av Stevens-Scruggs. Lois Stevens, Adeline ;Y. Stevens, Bernice R. Stevens, Chester R. Stevens, Doris A . Stevens, Edith Stevens. Joseph C . Stevens, Minnie L . Stevens, Percy ti. Stevens, Robert L. Stevens, Russell L. Stevenson, Lester Steward, Karla Stewart, Betty L. Stewart, Donald L. Stewart, Evelyn M . Stewart, James Stewart, Josephine A . Page 119 5-27-99 . 7-1-99 6-30-99 5-4-99 11 - 1 2-99 3-10-99 12-31 -99 11-10-99 1-31-99 5-1-99 12-29-99 4-24-99 3-20-99 9-20-99 1-26-99 12-9-99 1-27-99 4-1 1-99 7-27-99 11 -3-99 1 - 1 3-99 5-28-93 4-i-99 9- 2 6 - 9 9 5-4-99 10-20-99 7-20-99 10-1 9 - 9 9 11-8-99 9-3-99 .12-20-99 1-3-99 11-1 .I - 9 9 4-8-99 6-15-99 2-8-99 9-23-99 3-23-99 9-27-99 11 -3-99 6-1-99 10-1 5-99 7-1-99 8-4-99 12-1 - 9 9 8-12-99 12-j-gg 4-23-99 1-7-.3'1 -99 6-10-99 1-29-99 10-1-7-9Ci 10-21-9!2 5-18-99 NAME DATE Stewart, Major Stewart, Marcella $1. Stewart, Robert F. Stewart, Wilbert E. Stiles, R.L. Stiles, Raymond L. Stiles, Verne11 D. Still, Charles A. Still, Thomas E. Stillwell, Bessie C . Stillwell, Harold G. Stillwell, Marty r. Stine, Donald W. Stitz, Louis W. Stockert, Pacl R. Stockich, Lillian L. Stocko, Rudy Stoddard. Wayne A . Stoebermann, Eugene E. Stokes, I v o r J. Stoll, Alpharetta Stoll, Donald E. Stoller, Donald H. Stoltzfus, Elam Stone, Dale A . Stone, Della Stone, Fred Stone, Gerald I. Stone, Richard E. Stonebrook, Amy Stopar, Teresa H . Storey, Frank Storey, Gilbert Stouffer, John C. Stout., Gerald H. Stover, Bernice ?I. Stover, Eugene R. Stowers. Macil I f . Stowers, Timmy L. Strach, Arthur Strahler, Pauline H . Straiko, Emil Straiko, Helen L . Strain, Bernice I?. Strandt, Wilbur C . Stratton, Pearl L. Strsub, Andrew 3 . Strauss, Nina E. Straw, Norman L. Strawn, John F. Streaty, Ellen Strecker. Haryann Strednak, Donald 3 . Street, Dorothy H . Page 120 I 7-28-99 3-31-99 12-16-99 3-1 3-99 11-18-99 8-7-99 3-7-99 3-14-99 3-14-99 3-9-99 10-21-99 a-I2-99 4-16-99 2-28-99 6-14-99 2-21-99 6-30-99 -1-22-99 8-15-99 1-23-99 12-24-99 4-1-99 6-5-99 7-99 -$-I 1-27-99 2-24-99 1 1 - 1 3-91) 1 1 -20-99 1 1 -24-99 5-5-99 10-2-99 a-31 -99 8-25-99 12-2-99 3-21-99 10-24-99 5-4-99 6-15-99 4-1 4-99 5-25-99 7-20-99 2-12-99 3-7-99 6- 16-99 1 9- 26-99 1-2s-99 1-31-99 $-'20-99 3-I$-99 2-2 1-99 6-25-99 4- 11-99 2-3-99 10-6-99 DATE NAME Streety, Ellen S t r c i d , Velma I . S t r i c k l e r , Marion S t r i g l e , Janet A. S t r i n g f i e l d , J e r r y L. S t r i z a k , Dawn D . S t r o b e l , Dorothy J . Strohmenger, Helena E . S t r o n g , James L . S t r u h s a k e r , John P . Strunk, Jessie L . S t u a r t Bruce Stubbs R u t h K. S t u b e r Martha E . . Studer Erwin B. S t u d e r Lewis 0 . Stump, G e r a l d i n e V s t Ill1 t z D e n n i s A . S t u r g e 1, H a r o l d S t u r g e 1 , Kenneth S t u t i e r , Ralph H . S ti b i c h i n , V i v i a n Suda, Florence S u d d e t h , George S u g a r , Fae S U I l i n g e r , F r a n c e s $1. Sullivan, Allen B. S u l l i v a n , David S ti 11i v a n , F l o r e n c e S u l l i v a n , John C . S u l l i v a n , Richard E . Summers, R i c h a r d D . Siimmers, S a n f o r d Summers, lv'illiam E . Summy, S . C l a i r S u m p t e r , Hannah S u m p t e r , W i l l a $1. Sunseri, Rosella S u s o , Amanda K. . S u t h e r l a n d , E d i t h $1. S u t h e r l a n d , Jeanne 0 . Sutkowy, R o b e r t A . S u t t e r , S i s t e r Mary A . Sutton, Fern A.C. S u t t o n , Lewis T . S u t t o n , Russel H . Suydam, Isis A . S v a i n , Alma 'I. Swain, C l i f f o r d D . , S w a i n , Doris >I. Swain, Hazel B . Swain, I r i s h Swain, Richard S w a i n , Velma L . Page 1 2 1 6-2a-99 8-2.1 -93 2-6-99 8-1 -99 6-1 -99 6-2-99 1-30-99 2-27-99 4-12-99 8-25-99 5-6-99 4-28-99 3-28-99 12-1 4-99 10-1 5-99 4-7-99 9-14-99 12-9-99 1.- 3- 99 5-31-99 7-18-99 9-1 7.-99 6-24-99 1-5-99 5-29-99 6-1 5-99 6-11-99 3-7-99 2-10-99 1-6-99 7-4-99 4-4-99 4-16-99 8-24-99 11-14-99 12-9-99 8-1 5-99 2-4-99 1-2-99 9-3-99 6-26-99 10-28-99 7-30-99 5-24-91) 3-1.5-99 1 1 -1L-99 1-19-99 8-1 7-99 3- 18-99 9-20-93 6-9-99 10-3-99 8- 1 .I -99 1-2-99 DATE NAME Swain, Walter P. Swaino, Mary E. Swaino, William H. Swander, Ruby I(. Swaney, Tracy A. Swann, Hazel B. Swanson, Charles B. Swartwelder, Hilda M. Swartz, Cora Swartz, Evelyn N.J. Swartz, Jack S . Swartz, Lois R. Swartzman, Beulah M. Swecker, Dewey W. Sweeney, Loretta H. Sweeney. Mary Y. Swietlik, John D. Swigart, Robert W. Swiger, John T. Swinehart, Ceorgie H. Swingle, Evelyn G. Switzer, Richard +I. Swope, David L. Sylvester , El izabet h Sylvester, Ralph Szabo, Edward J. Szabo, Eugene 2. Szabo, Steven H . Szazs, Andrew Szekely, Steve Szymanski, Ne11 Tabler, Wesley H. Tadlock, William C. Tal, Eugene Talbert, Marie H. Talcott, Clara Talley, Mildred E. Tainminen, Armas J. Tanski, Philip J. Tapaszi, Florence E. Tapp, Henry L. T a r r , Beatrice M. Tartlton. Edward J. Tarver. Villa hi. Tasker? Jack 'Tassiello, Anna Tassile, Geraldine L. Tate, Ann B. Tate, John L. Tate, John N . Tatum, Annabelle J. Taucher, David M . Tausch, E d i t h E. Tausch, Elaine F. P a g e 122 12-5-99 3- 30- 9 9 11-9-99 4-7-99 3-4-99 1-28-99 5- 16-99 2-27-99 5-1 3-99 3-27-99 10-14-99 5-21-99 1-7-99 11-2-99 1 1 -23-99 4-5-99 1-9-99 5-6-99 10-5-99 4-25-99 1-4-99 11-30-59 3-12-99 5-4-99 11-3-99 7-14-95 11-17-99 9-19-99 12-7-99 4-9-99 11-2-99 1-15-99 6-29-99 5-10-99 10-9-99 11-14-99 4-25-99 5-30-99 3-31 -99 12-3-99 5-1 3-99 7-5-99 7-27-99 10-5-99 7-1 5-99 1-23-99 a-3-99 5-3-99 6-3-99 4-14-99 7-20-99 i 1-6-99 8-18-99 3-2-99 NAME . , DATE Taxis, Mildred B. Taylor, Ada L . R . Taylor, Betty J. Taylor, David A. Taylor, Don A . Taylor, Doris J. Taylor, Edca M. Taylor, Eileen L. Taylor, Florence L. Taylor, Howard L. Taylor, John T. Taylor, Leo E. Taylor, Marylee Taylor. Mitchell B. Taylor, Orville D . Taylor, Richard S. Taylor, Susan R. Taylor; Terrie C. Taylor, Walter S.J. Tee, Donn M. Teeter, Hazel G. Teiseira, Anthony Tell, Paul P. Temple, Carl H. Temple, Roger M. Tenan, Wilam L. Tennerit, Caroline E. Tenney, Dale Tenney, Robert L. Tepus, Pete Terrell, Bernice M. Terrell, Jessie M. Terrell, Rose L. Terril, Lorraine Terrion, Jennie Terry, Harlowe G. Terwilliger, Byron B. Teschner, Anastasia Tesnier, Ralph G. Tessmer, Bonnie L. Testa, Amelia Teter, Mark A . Teti, Mary Tewell, Villard I. Tewksbury, Ernestine C . Thayer, Joseph A . Theis, Elizabeth L. Thiese, Wilford L. Thigpen, Elsie C. Tholt, Walter S. Thorn, Pauline G . Thomann. R i t a V. Thomas, Aaron 8. . Thomas, Adam Page 12'3 ~ 10-31-99 8-26-99 11-2-99 12-15-99 12-27-99 2-1 9-99 5-22-99 1 1 -29-99 1-3-99 2-4-99 8-18-99 4-25-99 6-22-99 7-27-99 12-29-99 2-5-99 1.0-24-99 5-30-99 9-23-99 2-1-99 9-I-99 8-28-99 6-30-99 7-14-99 7-26-99 11-22-99 3- 28-9!J 3-1 1-99 3-25-99 2-26-99 7-1-99 6-29-99 3-26-99 9-18-99 1-11-99 9-23-99 8-23-99 8-6-99 5-21 -99 4-18-99 12-23-99 3-21 -139 8-10-99 1-1-99 1-7-99 3-18-9G 3-73-99 1-22-99 8-9-99 1 - - 92 4 - 6-99 6- 0-99 3- .j- 9 6- 0-99 - ;1 . DATE Thomas, Albert Thomas, Anthu'ny D. Thomas, .4rthur Thomas, Betty J. Thomas, Billie C.D. Thomas, Darin S . N . Thomas, David L. Thomas, Edith M. Thomas, Elmer R. Thomas, Elsie M. Thomas, Ethel M. Thomas, Harold G. Thomas, Idele A . S . Thomas, James S . Thomas, James W. Thomas, Janice Thomas, John W. Thomas, Kenneth F. Thomas, Laurie J. Thomas, Lewis S. Thomas, Marion M. Thomas, Hartha A . Thomas, Elary Thomas, Mary 8. Thomas, Mildred J. Thomas, Nathaniel Thomas, Pauline F. Thomas, Raymond L. Thomas, Richard J. Thomas, Rita ?I. Thomas, Robert L. Thomas, Rodney E. Thomas, Ruth B. Thomas, Viola T. Thomas, Walter J. Thotitas, William L. Thomas, Wilma B. Thompson, David L. Thompson, Debra A . Thompson, Eleanor M. Thompson, Geraldine F. Thompson, Howard G. Thompson, Irabrll D. Thompson, James A,. Thcntpson, Jeanne T. Thoirtpson, Joyce E . Thompson, Laura Thompson, Harie Thompson, Nary L. Thonipson, Pearl Thompson, Ralph E. Thompson, Ralph J. Thompson, Ralph R. Thonipson, Rut h 9-27-99 10-2-99 9-21 -99 1 1- 1 3 - 9 9 9-28-99 11-1-99 10-1 9-99 1 1 -8-99 5-31 -99 6-5-99 8-29-99 10-12-99 2-3-99 -1-2-9'9 5-1 5-99 1-10-99 3-31 -99 11 - 2 4 - 9 9 5-10-99 5-10-99 2-1 8-99 5-8-39 7-7-99 9-1 3-99 12-27-99 3- 13-99 3-21-99 2-11-99 11 - 4 - 9 9 8-31 - 9 9 9-29-99 12-1 4 - 9 9 8-5-99 8-1 9-99 2-6-99 6 - 2 7- 9 9 7-i-91) E-2-99 9 - 1 5-99 8-23-99 4-24-99 6-1 5 - 9 9 2-1 7 - 9 9 11-.12-99 10-8-99 1 1 -4-99 8-26-99 4-3-99 5-23-99 10- 'I 4 - 9 9 9-29-99 7-29-99 3-28-99 1 1-2-93 DATE . Thompson, Samuel Thompson, Shirley H. Thompson, Sigrid B. Thompson, Sloan V. Thompson, Timothy P. Thompson, Vera N. Thompson, Violet L. Thompson, Walter L. Thompson, William W. Thornton, Ambus J. Thornton, Eva E. Thorp, Anne Q. Thorpe, William Threatt, Vaughn' Thudium, Jane E. Thurmond. Leala B. Thurn, Louise P. Thursby, Gerald P. Tibbals, Nary K . M . S . Tice, fioah S. Tichenor, Raymond L. Tighe, May s . Tillitski, Robert E. Tillman, Helen >I. Timborous, Helen C. Timmons, Janet E . Timmons, William L. Timperman, Robert G . Timura, Kathryn M. Tirnura, Richard T. Tinker, Jessie S. Tinnell, Alice T. Tippel, Esther F. Tirbovich, Carol A . Tisci, Tony Tit.le>-,Oris k.'. Tobias, David Tobin, Barbara A . Todd, Earl Todd, Robert Toman, Charles Tomblin, Donna L. Tomich, Jack Tomko, Erma J. Tonilinson, Olive 'P. Tompkin, Winifred Tompkins, Dortha hi. Tompkins, Gene A. Tomsho, Joseph W. Tonovitz, Nick Toon, Aelen E. Topper, Elearl F. Torres, Carmen L. T o t . h , Adeline K. Pzge 115 12-21-99 4-23-99 6-16-99 7-13-99 7-14-99 4-28-99 '1 -1-99 9-22-99 6-3-99 9-12-99 4-18-99 11-30-99 7 - 10-99 17-6-99 12-24-99 12-31-99 4-8-99 7-26-99 IO- 10-99 12-19-99 1 1 -21-99 1-11-99 7-7-99 1-5-99 . 5-31-99 8-19-99 4-10-99 10-29-33 8-2-99 1 1 -23-99 1 1-2-99 12-2-99 3-22-99 1-20-99 2-1 3-99 9-19-99 9-18-99 4-15-99 5-9-99 7-4-99 6-1-99 5-2-99 4-1-99 1-22-99 3-18-99 5-3-99 2- 16-93 11-2-99 6 - 16-99 10-1 0-39 6-29-99 7-7-99 11-12-99 2-27-99 NAME DATE Toth, Anna E. Toth, Martin G. Towler, William F. Townsell, Frances L. Townsend, Bill Townsend, Dorothy C. Towsley, Timothy E. Toyaga, Mary Y. Tracy, Margaret M. Tracy, Michele L. Trail, Hallie N. Trares, Mary r . Travis, Mary Treadway, Mildred J. Trego, Daniel L. T r e g o , Russell D. Trembley, Susan J.G. Trent, David A . Trent, Donald H. Trent, Valera S., Lloyd E. Tresz, Rose M. Tresz, Wanda Trettel, Mary L. Trevellion, Ruby Trevillion, Barnest Triche, Junius A . Trier, Hazel 1'. Triesel, Julia E. Trimble, Mavis I. Tripcony, Mary Triplett, Riley C. Triplett, Ruth M. Tronzo, Laura H. Troup, Ruth A. Trout, Helen J. Trout, Lawrence E. Trosell, Derwood L. Trosell, Susan, T r o y e r , Donald L. Troyer, Frank E . Truan, Richbrn! I!. T ~ . ; i c i - . o l . ~ T,-,LI!? !, F.. T r ~ ? : ; z l I , 'Ttrelxa I. T ? i i z z , Ca;.:.!ei i a n ~rl-o;, Frank E . T..,-o;i , _ I Martha L . TTL:ck. D o r o t h y H. Tuck-,Martin N . Tucker, John C. Tucker, Marianna Tucker, Mary L . Tucker., faii!.ine TuInllie?, J111i a t i . 5-26-99 10-15-99 3-28-99 4-26-99 12-1 4 - 9 9 G-17-99 10-19-99 7- 17-99 12-25-99 7-10-99 9-28-99 8-2 1-99 11-1 0-99 8-12-99 9-28-99 12-7-99 12-1 3-99 9-2-99 1-27-99 3-1 9-99 2-1 9-99 3-17-99 8-1 8-99 6-15-90 10-1 7 - 3 9 1-19-99 8 -29 -9 9 12-30-99 3-20-99 10-1 9-99 12-22-99 4-13-99 2-1 6-99 7-21-99 11 -4-99 6-8-99 1 -$-9!l -- '-, .r) - 3 '.; I 1-2 j-,>t; ". -" . 1 - 1 - 9? s-3-59 6 - 2 h - !;'> -1 - 2 & - 9 9 $-21-38 0-20-99 2-3-99 9-30-93 9-15-99 72-i6-99 <-;-.._ 3 c A. p- s - g 9 5 -:-?.; 7 - i - <; . . : .: '. I-, ' _ . ._ NAME r DATE age i:, A :I I_ o c 2, ,I<: r 1 :*< . T?i?pii’, “~. a . : r i : i i i i i ; Te8.i ‘I. T i ~ r k l e ,F r a n c i s F . I’iirner, Anna H. T u r n e r , B e s s i e M. T u r n e r , Beulah L . Turner, Clarence T u r n e r , Henry T u r n e r , Henry M. T u r n e r , John H. T u r n e r , Robbie D . ( N r s . ) T u r n e u r , Donald R Turos, Albert J . Turpiii, E l e n i G . T u r i - e n t i n e , Mat thew T u t t l e , Earl L . T u t t l e , James H . Twiggs, C o r r i n e M . Twitty, Harold T . Tyrell, Evelyn R. Tyson, Lennon C . tiber, J e n n i e J . U h l , Frances L . Uhl, G l e n P . U l i c h n e y , Mary V . Ullman, Mahala )I. timbaugh, Glendon L . tiinstott, Alice B . Underwood, E t h e l Ungvary, J o e t i p c h u r c h , Mae E . A . t i p c h u r c h , William E. Upperman, Dorothy S . Urban, George tirbon, Marion C . Ursick. Eleanor L . U s n i k , Matthew 4. V a c c a r o , Dominic J . V a d a s z , Anne T . V a i r , Harold E . Valenti, Jordan R. Valentiiie, Frances E . Valentine, Isabel V a l l e l o n g a , Fraiiceso V a l l e l y , Ruby M . Vanatta, nabel N. Vance, G e r a l d 8 . V a n d e r g r i f t , Clyde 0 . Vanderhooi, Barbara A . VanderLaan, I s a b e l R . Vanderlaan, Robert H . V a n d e r s a l l , Mildred L . Page 127 2-24-99 5-8-99 11-10-99 12-20-99 1-20-99 12-8-99 2-10-99 12-21-99 5-9-99 9-8-99 12-1 6-99 12-1 3-99 5-1 6-99 8-1 1-99 9-23-99 12-4-99 2-14-99 6-20-99 1-16-99 .1-8-99 5-23-99 10-30-99 12-22-39 9-1 9-99 8-19-99 10-3-99 &-28-99 8-2-99 8-27-99 12-5-99 6-10-93 9-16-99 12-5-99 11 -9-99 1-1-99 2-9-99 9-21-99 6-3-99 7-6-99 12-20-99 1-3-93 6-27-93 3-2-99 2-16-99 9-21-99 6-24-99 3-27-99 10-4-99 8-1 -99 7-18-99 11 -20-!13 17-28-99 5-31-9? ‘I 2 - 2 5 - 9 9 NAME DATE Vandersall, Olen B. VanDis, Elizabeth J. Vanek, Nellie C. Vangeloff, Nicholas T. VanHorn, Donald G. VanHorn, Elon E. VanHorn, Lela M. Vanke, Carl C. Vanke, Rudolph F . VanMeerbeck, Michael R. Vanxatten, Thomas M. VanNostran, Sophia Vannoy, Edna E. Vannoy, Pearl L. Vansickle, John C. BanZant, Elizabeth Varelle, Dorothy E.1. Vargas, Aurora L. Vargo, Janet E. Vari, Margaret A . Varner, Juanita Varner, Larry Vasiloff, Mary Vasko, Ann I . Vassell, Margaret E. Vasuta, Verna Vaughan, Beatrice Vaughn, Noreen A. Vaughn, Ralph H. Vaughn, Tyrelle L. Vayda, Michael A. Veal, James F . Vehovec, Kimber 1y M. Vellettay, Richard C . Yelo, William Verba, Pauline Vereshack, LaVonne Verwey, Elizabeth F. Vesa, Lillian E. Vetter, Edna N . Vetter Ronald P. Viall, Arthur J. Viall, lames R. Vickor , llolly F . Vi c t IJ r L tic i 1 1e Victor Ronald P. Vidrih. Jennie , I . Vigar, George E. Vigder, Bertram L. V i 11anova, Larry Vincent, Iv'illiam r . Vinciquerra, Eugene Vin i rigre, Phi 1 1 i p Vinson, Alana M. P a g e 128 1-16-99 2 - 2 a - 99 7-26-99 5-4-99 2-3-99 10-3-99 5-9-99 12-22-99 4-24-99 2-18-99 12-21-99 4-3-99 1 1 -1 1-99 5- 22- 99 4-29-99 4-8-99 2-20-99 12-19-99 2-5-99 1 1 -1 8-99 4-22-99 1 - 1 3-99 3-14-99 6-16-99 - 2 9- 99 6 -1-2;-39 3-6-99 8-16-99 1'1-27-99 9-9-99 6-2-39 7-4-99 2-12-99 7-27-99 11-23-99 9-11-99 2-10-99 1 -9-99 -11-22-99 7-1 4-99 2-3-99 6 - 2 0- 99 9-21-99 3-29-99 10-13-99 5-10-99 5-5-99 2-16-99 3-2 7-93 b-3-99 &-18-39 5-3-39 3-14-99 2-3-39 NAME DATE V i n s o n , VeLaura Virgo, Catheri;te J . Viscovitz, John J . Visher, L i l l i a n V i s n i c , Catherine Visocky, Nicholas V i t a t o e , Carl V i t e l l o , Veronica D. Vlahos, Theodore C . Voelker, Margaret M . Voetzow, I d a I . Vogler, S a l l y V . Volke, F r i t z Volke, Rose VonDietry, R i t a Voneman, Anna M. VonMoos, Robert V o r h i e s , R i t a I?. Voris , . Edna El. V o r i s , Mary Vosper, Donald F . Vroman,' Dora C . Vroman, Richard W . Vucco, Sharon M.T. V u j a s , Hazel F . Waddell, Coldia M . Waddell. Joseph L . Waddell, 'Richard L . Wade, O o r o t h y k'ade, Helen Wade, Ida ?lay Wade, Jane A . Waesch, Norman H . Wages, Grace L . Wages, L a u r e t t e D . Waggamon, Lena E . Wagner, C h a r l e s J . Kagner, Ninnie E . Wagner, Rose G . Wahl , C h a r l e s Waicknian, Emaline S. Waicukewith, Edward Wainwright., George Wait e , kironna Waldman, Dorothy H . Waldman, Jack L . Waldsmith, Harry E . Walk, Eleanor E . Walker, ..\cis Walker, C a l l i e Walker, Jon H . Walker, Laurie A . Walker, Leonard S . Walker, L i l l i a n Page 129 7-7-99 7-1 8-99 4-22-99 10-20-99 9-27-99 3-6-99 6-6-99 3-4-99 10-20-99 7-24-99 5-30-99 I 1 -3-99 12-22-99 12-22-99 5-26-99 7-1-99 6-21-99 7-19-99 . 7-6-99 1-9-99 3-16-39 1-22-99 1-72-53 8-26-99 6-29-99 1-24-93 6-18-99 3- 12-99 3-11-99 1-8-99 9-12-39 5-12-99 11-30-99 I-13-9? 4-2-99 12-10-99 1-1 3-99 9-28-99 3-30-99 6-19-99 6-3-99 11-22-99 10-24-39 6-26-?9 -7-29-99 8-$-99 3-18-93 3-30-99 3-3-99 4-1 1-99 10-24-99 5-2A-99 3-1 3-99 2-8-99 - - NAME DATE Walker, Lucille Walker, Patricia A . Walker, Ruby Walker, Sarah F. Walkley, James M . Wallace, Charles Wallace, Elizabeth S. Wallace, Frank Wallace, George W. Wallace, Georgiana A . Wallace, Joseph C. Wallace, Naomi M . Wallace, Vester E. Wallet, Isabelle C. Walling, James F. Walmsley, William Walsh, James E. Walsh, Neal J. Walsh, Raymond Walsh, Thomas F. Walter, Chester C. Walter, James E. 5-26-99 5-4-99 5-27-99 2-17-99 4 - 1 9-99 12-22-99 6-1 9-99 8-8-99 7-1 9-99 4-4-99 8-18-99 2-27-99 5-19-99 11 - 2 1 -99 1 - 1 7-99 1 1 -30-99 10-5-99 6-1 9-99 7-14-99 4-14-99 2-19-99 12-7-99 .c Walter, Vincent P. Walters, Anna L. Walters, Daraca H . Walters, Diomira Walters, Emmagene F. Walters, Henrietta M . Walters, Mabel E. Valters, Ruth L. Wandliny, Willie 8. Ward, Betty B. Ward, Calvert A . Ward, Gerald E. Ward, Hope M. Ward, Jarald E. Ward, Johnny Ward, Hervin R. Ward, Mildred E . Ward, Raleigh P . Ward, T r o y M . Ware, Alida Warehime, Mas N . Warfield, Gladys E. Wargo, Dorothy E. Warner, Bertha >I. Warner, David A . Warner, Frankie Warner, Harris g. Warner, Jack B. Warner, Jack V. Warnick, Caroline P. Warren, Catherine M. Page 130 5-1 5-99 10-16-99 9-1 1-99 3-4-99 1-1 8-99 9-30-99 11 -3-99 2-6-99 12-14-99 10-22-99 3-2-91) 1 'I - 1 -99 1 1- 2 8 - 9 9 10-31 - 9 9 12-30-99 7-10-99 8-2-99 6-30-99 8-7-99 12-21-99 2-23-99 7-3 1-99 10-12-99 3-1 7-99 6-4-99 10-1-99 11-10-99 9-29-9 9 1-24-99 7-5-99 2-2-99 NAME DATE Warren, Clyde. Warren, Mary L. Warren, Ora H. Warren, Rosemary Warren, Ruthie Wasdovich. Margaret Washington, Chester Washington, Clarence Washington, E.D. Washington, Juanita Wasilewski, Lucille R. Waskey, Leland S. Waskiewicz, Mary L. Waskowski, Marsha S. Wason, Robert L. Waters, Gladys Watkins, Cecil C. Watkins, Jessie S. Watkins, John D. Watkins, Leon J. Watkins, Margaret R. Watkins, Paul W. Watkins, Ray L. Watling, Inez B. Watson, Anna 1\1. Watson, Chance W. Watson, Clifford Watson. Edwina M . Watson, Irene S. Watson, Jackie Wat.son, James R. Watson, Patricia A . Watson, Ralph Watts, John D. Watts, Mary K. Watts, Watson L. Wayco, Martha Waynesboro, Nelson 0. Weahry, Mary E.M. Weakland, Ida C. Weatherall, Masine Weatherspoon, Victor Weaver, Avery H . Weaver, Glen B . Weaver, James R. Weaver, Lester A. Weaver, Lucille Weaver, Richard C. Weaver, Eobert W. Weaver, Ruth E. Weaver, Sarah P. Webb, Gerald . Webb, Jean C. Page 131 8-30-99 7- 1-99 12-1 1-99 2-26-99 10-31-99 3-28-99 3-4-99 10-10-99 1-3-99 3-19-99 2-17-99 5-28-99 1-7-99 3-3 1-99 3-6-99 3-6-99 8-5-99 1-24-99 6-18-99 2-2-99 2-27-99 9-8-99 5-1 9-99 1 - 1 7-99 11-15-99 5-19-99 3-27-99 7-31-99 5-1 -99 3-21-99 4-16-99 10-28-99 9-27-99 9-2-99 2-8-99 10-23-99 10-1-99 6-28-99 3-1-99 11-3-99 3-1 9-99 8-27-99 12-10-99 12-7-99 1-3-99 5-1 1-99 9-23-99 L-1 i-99 11-25-99 3-2-99 12-26-99 2-18-99 2-19-99 1-25-39 NAME DATE Western, Gladys A . Westfall, Anna K. Westfall, Kenneth C. Westover, Eldon N . Wetsel, Robert B. Wetzel, Palmer E. Weyand, Katherine A . Weyandt, Robert E. Whalen, Nada D. Wheatlp, Hazel L. Wheeler, Helen L. Wheeler, Janice Wheeler, Louise H. Wheeler, Richard L. Wheeler, Robert W. Wheele'r, Thomas J. Whims, Sophia G. Whisler, Netia M. Whisler, Ruth G. Whisman, Burl L. Whitacre, Ruth H . Whitchurch, Hilma 0. Whitcore, Madeline S. White-Roberts, Nancy White, Betty Jo White, Darlisa White, Donald White, Ellen H. White, Emil H. White, Eva White, Goldie L. White, Helen B. White, Irene F. Iv'hi.te , Jeane t te White, Jewel1 T. White, John White. Julia 1". White, Langon e . White, Larry R. White, Leesa A . Wh i t e , Mu r i e 1 e ne White, Robert J. Whit.e, Ruth E. White, Samuel White, Theresa J. White, Thomas H. White, Thomas H . White, Vivian !I. White, William Irl. White, Woodrow White, Zenobia Whited, A r t h u r L. iv'hlter, Ginger L. Whiting, Joseph L. Page 'I 33 7-7-99 9-12-99 1-27-91) 1 - 1 7-99 2-25-99 4-25-99 9-23-99 12-1-99 1 - 1 2-99 4-16-99 2-4-99 1-13-99 6-30-99 7-1 1-99 9-14-99 4-1 1-99 10-27-99 5- 24 - 99 2 - 1 1-99 2-2-99 1-1 8-90 1-6-99 3-12-99 '1-7-99 1-20-99 6-24-99 3-1 1-99 2-3-99 8-11-99 3-3-99 11-21-99 1 1 - 1 1-99 2-1 3-99 3-16-99 7-7-99 7-20-99 9-25-99 7-6-59 4-6-99 12-9-99 7-4-99 2-17-99 9-18-99 8-21-99 9-30-99 11-1-99 1 1 - 1 1-99 3-16-99 7-1 1-99 7 - 2 9- 99 6-1-99 1 -1 8-99 -11-25-99 11-17-99 DATE NAME Whitmire, Paul T. Whitt, William T: Whitwham, Christopher P. Wickerham, Louise A. Wickersham, John H. Wicks, Grover E . Wieckowski, Miriam J . Wiegel, John P. Wiener, Harriett Wiggins, Dortha R. Wigginton, Harold Wiland, Ruth M. Wilcox, Esther c. Wilcox, Mabel F. Wilcox, Thurman Wiles, Thelma M. Wiley, Kathryn G. Wilhelm, David C. Wilhelm, Jack Wilhelm, Joseph J. Wilkerson, Janet S. Wilkerson, Leco kilkey, Cyrus S. Wilkinson, Joel L. Wilkinson, William A . Willard, Ada H. Killard, Richard B. Willen, Dorothy Willey, Charles E . Willgues, Virginia William, Raymond E . Williams, Arthur D. Williams, Cleo P . Williams, Daniel L. Williams, Doreen D. Wi 11 iams , Ed'die Williams, Edith Williams, Edna Williams, Eva Williams, Evelyn Williams, Faye F. Williams, Frances H. Williams, Frank Williams, Garnet G. Williams, Grace H. Williams. Harold Williams, Jack L. 'n'illiams, James 0. Williams, Joan F. Williams, John E. Williams, Kathleen H. Williams, Kenneth J. Williams, Larry L. Williams, Lindsey €1. Page 134 7-6-99 - 2-1-99 4-7-99 11-5-93 12-28-99 6-1 3-99 4-18-99 1-25-99 8-1 2-99 6-17-99 10-9-99 12-5-99 11-23-99 11-19-99 6-19-99 3-2$-99 4-7-99 9-1 8-99 8- 10-99 8-1 6-99 5 - 30- 9 !2 3-1 1-99 10-23-99 5-21 -99 12-25-99 5-4-99 10-19-99 9-1 - 9 9 7-23-99 10-12-99 2-3-99 1-5-99 5-18-99 10-13-99 12-21-99 2-1 1-99 5-3-99 7-18-99 a-3-99 9-5-99 5 - 1 1-99 11-30-99 1-10-99 L-16-99 10-17-99 8-2 I -99 2- 14-99 1-7-99 1-19-99 5-23-93 8-6-99 3-1 9-93 9-3-99 i-14-99 DATE NAME Williams, Mary L. Williams, Melba F. Williams, Mickey e. Williams, Mildred R. Williams, Myone G. Williams, Ozel Williams, Rolean A . Williams, Sallie Williams, Sara E. Williams, Sarah E. Williams, Shonnica S. Williams, Thomas D. Williams, Velma H. Williamson, Lois I. Williamson, Lydia L. Williamson, Todd M. Williamson, Walter C. Willis, Gwendolyn Willis, Ivor Willis, Janet H. Willis, Ruth M. Willis, Vera L. Willis, Vicki G . Willoughby, Alton Wills, Bruce W. Wills, George G. Wills, Lillie D. Wilsan, Agnes M. Wilson, Alfred M. Wilson, Bertha L. Wilson, Bessie R. Wilson, Darla I . Wilson. Elsie J. Wilson, Fannie Wilson, Harry Wilson, Harvey T. Wilson, Helen D. Wilson, Howard E. Wilson, Howard J. Wilson, Howard L. Wilson, Irene Wilson, John F. Wilson, Landon Wilson, Laura M. Wilson, Lillie M. Wilson, Minnie Wilson, Omar E. Wilson, Phyllis C. Wilson, Reed A . Wilson, Richard B. Wilson, Robert C . Wilson, Robert J . Wilson, Ruby E. Wilson, Susan A. Page 135 10-8-99 5-23-99 9-24-99 2-2-99 3-20-99 7-22-99 6-27-99 4-1 8-99 10-31-99 11-7-99 1 1 -1 6-99 5-9-99 1-30-99 10-20-99 12-6-99 7-4-99 3-27-99 8-26-99 7-17-99 1-27-99 11 -28-99 1-2-99 10-30-99 9-29-99 4-1 1 - 9 9 2-13-99 10-13-99 7-22-99 11 -21-99 1-16-99 9-14-99 9-5-99 9-1 2-99 8-1 7-99 8-1 8-99 3-1 7-99 7-.12-99 7-1 3 - 9 9 12-10-99 5-23-99 12-29-99 5-7-99 5-1 1-99 10-1 7 - 9 9 2-1 1 - 9 9 6-23-99 1-20-99 9-1 8-99 7-8-99 11-2-49 1-22-99 8-30-99 1-29-95 2-7-99 - DATE NAME Wilson, Terry D. Wilson, Terry L. Wilson, Thelma Wilson, Velta A. Wilson, Wendell L. Wimer, Elbert D. Wince, Ode11 Winkleman, Thomas J. Winkler, Anna M . Winn, Raymond G. Winn, Ruth L. Winn, Wycliffe W. Winters, Dale A . Winters, George Wirebaugh, Alice M . Wisard, Gertrude G. Wise, Dewey D. Wise, Mary R. Wise, Richard Wise, Robert J. Wisener, Justin D. Wisneski, Nathan D. Wisniewski, Irene J. . Wisniewski, Regina C. Wissinger, Ralph E. Witherspoon, Dorothy A . Witherspoon, Stephanie Witner, Elizabeth A . Witt, Eric E. Witte, Robert Wittensoldner, Charles J. Wittman, Cecil H. Witzberger, Marjorie Witzl, Anna T. Wohlford, Alyce Wohlwend, Kathleen L. Wojce'howicz, Michael P. Wojiechowski, Ann T. Wolcott, Jesse V. Wolf, Frederick W. Wolf, Mary Wolf, Robert J. Wolf, Walter J. Wolfcale, Roy C . Wolfe, John Wolfe, Rosalin Wolfe, Vera D. Wolford, Ina M. Wolford, William S. Wolfsperger. Betty J.. Woll, Corinne Wolman, Pauline Woloschyn, Stefan Wolter, Betty M. Page 136 9-23-99 9-1 7-99 3-1 7 - 9 9 9-7-99, 10-3-99 7-1 8-99 10-24-99 1 0 - 1 7-99 8-25-99 7-1 3-99 10-2 1-99 4-9-99 11-9-99 12-23-99 8 - 1 -99 6-24-99 11 - 1 2-99 7-29-99 9-23-99 8 - 1 3-99 2-24-99 2-7-99 2-1 0 - 9 9 3-23-99 6-22-99 12-1 5-99 7-29-99 8 - 1 3-99 1-18-99 9-20-99 10-17-99 5-9-99 10-1 4-99 10-24-99 3-27-99 2-14-99 1 1-22-99 1-20-99 9-20-99 3-31-99 9-28-99 10-30-99 8-23-99 4-5-99 1-27-99 2- 22- 99 4-26-99 9-30-99 10-1 4-99 2-21-99 12-29-99 7-10-99 10-23-99 12-29-99 DATE NAME Wood, Betty J. Wood, Donald L. Wood, Edward S. Wood, Francis H. Wood. Masie Woodburn, Kathryn Wooddell, Leland W. Woodford, Wayne G. Woodlee, James T. Woodliff, James R. Woodling, Georgette Woodruff. Katherine . Woods, Beverly H.O. Woods, Edward D. Woods, Frances J. Woods, Garry R. Woods, Grace C. Woods, Henry L. Woods, Mary E. Woods, Mary J. Woods, Maxine M. Woodward, Foster R. Woodward, Inda G. Woodward, Jesse A. Woody, Katherine P. Worden. Christine M. Workman, Harry E. Workman, Kimberly D. Worley, Page L. Worrell, Mary Worthington, James Worthy, Ella Wowra, Arthur B. Wozer, Stephen J. Wray, Alexander c. Wright, Alonzo M . Wright, Areta E. Wright, Carola M . Wright, Darla R. Wright, Infant Wright, Kenneth Wright, Marion C. Wright, Mignon Wright, Mildred A . Wright. N . David Wright, Tracy Wright, Violet P. Wright, William C. Wrobel, Maryann Wunderle, Anthony L. Wyan, Daniel C. Wyatt, Clarence B. Wyatt, Dorothy R. Wyatt, billiain 0. Page 137 ~~ 1-28-99 1-7-99 4-26-99 12-21-99 9-22-99 1-5-99 1 1 -30-99 3-1 -99 6-2-99 1-5-99 5-21 -99 6-2-99 12-7-99 1-15-99 3-11-99 11 -4-99 12-23-99 10-28-99 5-21 -99 2-13-99 10-12-99 6-28-99 11-16-99 3-1 4-99 10-23-99 4-18-99 6-3-99 8 -2 7-9 9 2-1 6-99 9-2-99 9-1 -99 3-10-99 1-22-99 1-9-99 1-6-99 11-6-99 4-1 5-99 1-6-99 6-1 7-99 9-5-99 12-31 -99 5-1 2-99 4-8-99 2-1 1-99 3-2-99 9-8-99 1-25-99 2-7-99 5-30-99 1-26-99 1 1 -30-99 2-20-99 6-5-99 3-7-99 DATE NAME Wylie. Wilma K. Wymer, Aubry G. Wynhoff, Suzanne B. Wynn, William B. Wynn, William G. Xides, Anne Yaceczko, Jody L. Yackey, Marie C. Yaist. Patrick B. Yama, John Yancey, Leola Yausay, Paul R. Yavornik, Michael Yeager, Doris J. Yeager, Margaret L. Yeck, John D. Yenchik, Helen Yenkvich, Joseph C. Yensen, Patricia Yesalis, Charles E. Yesbek, Rosetta A. Yobi, Francis J. Yoder, Anna D. Yoder, Genevieve A . Yoder, Marie F. Yoder, Monroe A. Yokich, Hiodrag Yost, Albert J. Yost, Helen L. Yott, Evelyn E. Young, Bas R. Young, Donald Young. Donna P. Young, Frances B. Young, George R. Young, Harrison Young, Herman L. Young, Jarrette D. Young, Julie-Anne Young, Konrad D. Young, Louise E. Young, Martin L. Young, Mildred B. Young, Patricia L. Young, Roland J. Young, Rueben L. Youngblood, Helen M . Younkin, Alice J. Yova, Anna Yolanovich, Virginia E. Yuhas, Iris K. Yunkin, Laura L. Zabel, Karen L. Zacher, Pauline M. Page 138 5-18-99 9-30-99 7-18-99 3-23-99 7-20-99 7-20-99 11-8-99 9-5-99 7-7-99 1-21-99 4-1 4-99 5-16-99 7-30-99 5-22-99 8-29-99 2-28-99 12-19-99 12-29-99 3-5-99 10-26-99 4-1 5-99 3-20-99 4-17-99 6-20-99 2-9-99 6-8-99 12-3-99 10-1 3-99 5-7-99 3-1 6-99 11-2-99 3-1 4-99 8-21-99 11-23-99 1-7-99 9-5-99 1-28-99 8-31-99 12-25-99 12-6-99 3-26-99 8-25-99 2-4-99 4-21-99 4-3-99 5-1 -93 11 -25-99 7- 20 - 9 9 1-17-99 10-31-99 3-16-99 8-10-99 6-25-99 9-1 -99 NAME Zager, Tony Zaidman, Louis Zak, Marcella M. Zakrajsek, Cecilia 4 . Zamiska, Mildred A . Zang, Leroy L. Zankoff, Eli Zapiler, Esther R. Zarle, Atlee F. Zarle, Leonard E. Zarzour, Dorothy A. Zazula, Frank A. Zeisig, Nelson R . Zekan, Betty J. Zelesnik, Stanley Zeller, William J. Zelman, Laurie D. Zema, Julia P. Zenner, Donald H. Zeno, Betty J. Zeno, Mary C. Zents, Bernard A . Zepka, John W. Zerbe, Nona Zerbe, William R. Zgonc, Jeffrey M. Zickefoose, Christy E Ziegler, Gertrude M. Zimmer, David W. Zimmer, John W. Zimmerlin, Carole J. Ziinmerman, Joyce C . Zingale, Jane I. Zipperlen, Siegfried Zittle, Vernon J . Zofchak, Anna M. Zofchak, Grace Zofchak, John W. Zolnerzak, Emma H. Zornes, Dennis E. Zuchowsky, Cecilia T. Zuller, Harriet C. Zullo, Vera R . Zuransky, Mary Zuravel, Daniel Zuravel, Kathy S . Zurbuch, Rita E. Zurschmit, Edwena W. tuschak, Mary A . Zuver, Marian I. Zvansky, Joseph L. - ' Page 139 DATE 7-28-99 10-10-99 1-31-99 3-21-99 5-1 1-99 1-19-99 r-21-99 12-30-99 8-19-99 5-10-99 8-27-99 12-14-99 2-20-99 12-25-99 5-30-99 5- 10-99 2-27-99 7-24-99 7-22-99 2-1 1-99 3-18-99 4 2 0- 99 5-5-99 11-18-99 10-6-99 7-18-99 5-11-99 , 11-30-99 10-16-99 9-26-99 2-1 1-99 5-16-99 5-1 -99 10-$-99 1-1 6-99 6-21-99 . 6-2-99 7-5-99 8-20-99 3-22-99 5-25-99 3-2-99 1-31-99 1-17-99 12-3-99 8-25-99 9-21-99 7-19-99 3-31-93 6-20-99 1-22-39 - -
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