Basic Menu Add/Change


Basic Menu Add/Change
Basic Menu
What’s happening behind the scenes . . .
Overview: Categories and MIs
Getting into Configurator
Create Category
Add Menu Items
Delete Menu Items / Categories
Changing the Order of Category / Menu Item’s appearance
Pop-Up Choices
“What I need to think through before I start adding Menu Items”
From Start to Finish, an exercise
So What is a “Modifier”?
How Categories, Menu Items, Attachments, and Modifiers Flow Together (chart)
All programming can be done using a PC’s keyboard and mouse or by
using the touchscreen and the pop-up, on-screen keyboard. A keyboard
and/or mouse can also be plugged into the top/back of an e7 using
“normal” (PS/2) or USB connections.
Behind the Scenes
The e7 has two basic components for you, the programmer: the Menu Item and the Employee.
The Menu Item is really the backbone of a point-of-sale package. This programming manual
will begin with an understanding of Menu Items: how they are created, how they are arranged,
how they are displayed. The second section deals with Employees, albeit briefly.
This manual assumes that you, the reader, have a general understanding of how the e7 package
works (e.g. how to order food, pay for it, etc.) as well as some basic understanding of computers,
the Microsoft Windows® operating system in particular.
This is NOT an introduction to the e7! See your sales representative for basic e7 training.
There are many wonderful features in the e7 package, this manual will help you use them to
your benefit. The goal of this manual is to assist in programming an e7, however, and is not a
comprehensive/exhaustive programming guide. If more education is wanted, please contact your
Micros vendor to purchase additional training.
Final note: your database might be different than what you see presented in this manual. e7
allows for both unique, programmer-specific nuances as well as major differences in approach to
match the needs of specific sites. Nonetheless, this manual should give you enough information
and understanding for you to apply the ideas herein to your, specific e7 database.
NOTICE: This is NOT an official Micros®
document. Micros®
is not responsible for the information and ideas contained herein.
Use or misuse of this information is the sole responsibility of the
reader. Further, any production or reproduction of this material is
expressly prohibited.
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Glossary of Terms Commonly Used in this Document:
Attachment – A Category or Menu Item that is necessarily attached to a Menu Item. The
Category “ Bread Choice” might be Attached to the Menu Item Turkey Sandwich.
Category – A group of Menu Items. Typically Categories are either
types of food: appetizers, salads, desserts, sides, entrées, bottle beers
groups of condiments: entrée sides, salad dressings, margarita preparations (salt, no ice,…)
groups of preparation instructions: meat temp. (rare, med. rare, medium…), egg prep. (over
easy, scrambled, poached…), kitchen memo
Condiment – This is a multi-use word. It can designate sides, garnishment (fries or potato,
lettuce, no cheese). It can also be used to denote specific instructions (sunny side up, split
plate). In the e7 system, Condiments are entered in as Menu Items. The “ concept” of a
Condiment, however, is that they modify Menu Items. A Hamburger is a Menu Item.
Cheese is also a Menu Item. The way the Cheese is used is what makes it a Condiment – it is
used to designate how the Hamburger is prepared. This difference is seen in the way each is
printed on the customer’ s receipt (and any Remote Printout) as seen below.
1 Hamburger
Menu Item
Menu Item acting as Condiment
No Lettuce
Menu Item acting as Condiment
Configurator – The name given to the module used to program the e7.
Containers – Containers designate a sub-division of Menu Items inside a Category. These can
be sizes (small, medium, large or 12” , 14” , 16” , 18” or Draft, Bottle, ½ Pitcher, Pitcher) or
some other designation (ex. Single, Combo)
Job – This is an Employee specific term. A job designates what a specific employee can and
cannot do, as well as what screens appear for a given employee. Jobs can be seen impacting
Employees in a way similar to, but certainly not identical to, Categories and Menu Items.
Local Printer – Usually a thermal printer (uses thermal paper) that prints the guest’ s receipt,
credit card slips, reports, etc. It is “ local” in that it is usually located near the Workstation.
Menu Item – The actual item of food, beverage, condiment, etc. Examples include: taco, 12 oz
Root Beer, onion, “ no mayo,” “ phone number,” Kids Combo. Menu Items are anything that
can be ordered and almost anything that can modify an order. Menu Items are always within
a Category – they never stand alone.
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Glossary of Terms, con’t
Modifier – A Category or Menu Item that is allowed to be used to modify a Menu Item.
Typically, this would be a Category of allowable preparation instructions. The bar usually
needs different prep.s than the restaurant. Bar Menu Items might have a Category of “ Bar
Preps” as Modifiers, the “ Bar Preps” containing Ice, Water Back, Lime Slice, etc. The
restaurant’ s prep.s might contain a different list containing No Lettuce, Split Plate, Dressing
on Side, etc.
Navigation Area – A collection of Categories, usually located at the bottom of the screen.
The Navigation Area displays the Categories that are necessary (and designated) for
ordering. Typically, Categories that contain preparation instructions are not designated to
appear here. Menu Item Categories are more typical (ex. Burgers, Entrées, etc., not “ Meat
Temp.” ).
Remote Printer – This can be a thermal printer or an ink-based printer. Typically, this printer
is located away (“ remotely” ) from the Workstation, giving the orders to the cooks, preparers,
expediters, bartenders, etc. The use of Remote Printers allows for speed (the orders are not
walked from one location to another plus the orders are printed clearly) and security (no
“ called-out” orders that leave room for theft as well as orders prepared wrong or have to be
Toolbar – The collection of icons across the top of the Configurator screen. There are three
drop-down lists in the Toolbar. The far left list provides access to the components involved
in programming the e7. The middle list changes as needed to provide necessary functions
(e.g. copy, delete, change order of appearance, etc.). The far right list provides
“ miscellaneous” functions: backup the database, change the workstation number, change the
size of the on-screen keyboard, etc.). Each of these drop-down lists is accessed by pressing
the down-triangle ( ) located on the right side of each drop-down list.
Workstation (or Workstation 4) – The physical device that is used to enter orders. It is a freestanding device (it is usually on a stand, but can be laid flat or even wall-mounted). The
majority of the device is the front touchscreen, which is bordered on the right by a magnetic
card reader. This device also drives Local Printers, Remote Printers, cash drawers, scanners,
scales, and other peripherals.
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Behind the Scenes
All Menu Items reside in groups called a Categories. Categories are a way to organize Menu
Items so that the entire menu is not displayed as one long list. A Server (or Bartender, etc.) uses
the Categories to quickly navigate through the entire menu. Before programming a new e7, the
menu will need to be sorted into Categories to prevent overlap as well as to allow the ordering
process to be quick and intuitive. For example, a restaurant-bar called “ The Family Place” might
have the following Categories and Menu Items (among others):
Sides: Rolls, Side Salad, Soup, side of Fries…
Beverages: Diet, Coffee, Decaf…
Entrees: Filet Mignon, Calzone, Meatloaf, Pizza Daily Specials: Tuesday Tacos
Appetizers / Salads: Potato Skins, Wings, Little Caesar Salad, Cajun Chicken Salad
There are basically three kinds of Categories/Menu Items:
Menu Items
(sometimes called “Parent Menu Items”
Cheeseburger, Side Salad, Decaf
Coffee, Gin & Tonic, Well Scotch
Preparation Instructions
Varied-Use Condiments
Medium-Rare, no Tomatoes, Split
plate, “ Dressing on Side, please!”
Pepperoni topping for 12” , 14” , &
16” pizzas, Salad-Fries-Potato with
Varied-Use Condiments are collections of Menu
Items that exist elsewhere in the menu but also
need to be used in various combinations
Using the above example of “ The Family Place,” there will be the Menu Item Categories
Sides, Entrees, Beverages, etc. There might also be the Category Salad Dressings (Prep.
Instruction) that would be used on the Chicken Salad as well as the Side Salad, or Toppings
(Condiments) that could be used on the three sizes of Pizza and also the Calzone, plus a Category
called Preps that is used for special instructions (e.g. No Ice, Chicago Cut, Split Plate).
Categories are located in the programming area all the way to the left of the screen with a plus
(+) or minus (–) next to them (Menu Items never have + or – ) and are colored Blue and Green.
Blue Categories are either Menu Items or Preparation Instruction Condiments. Green Categories
are always Varied-Use Condiments. Varied-Use Condiments are not covered in this manual;
Preparation Instruction Categories will usually suffice.
Ordering Overview:
The basic flow of ordering is as follows: a Category is chosen which brings up a list of all the
Menu Items that are a part of that Category. Once a given Menu Item is selected, it can then
“ call” more Categories. For example, a server might select “ Sandwiches” (Category), than a
“ Hamburger” (Menu Item) which then calls “ Salad or Fries” (Category – Prep. Instruction kind).
If the server selects “ Salad” another Category is called, “ Salad Dressings.” It would look like
this to the server: Sandwiches Hamburger Salad Ranch.
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Behind the Scenes
How the Category and Menu Items appear on a workstation
(an overview)
Configurator Screen
Blue “ Categories”
Workstaion’ s Screen
Individual “ Menu Items”
will always be found
inside Categories and
shown in black
Workstaion Screen
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Behind the Scenes
Getting In to Program the e7 . . .
1) Sign-In as a Manager (or anyone that has access to the Manager Screen – the screen that has a
button on it labeled “ Configurator” or “ Programming” )
2) Press the button that says “ Configurator” or “ Programming”
3) If the upper left of the screen does not already say
, press the triangle
located on the left toolbar at the top of the screen
4) Use the scroll triangles or the scroll-bar (long, vertical, grey rectangle) until Menu shows
5) Press/click on Menu
To create a Category, Method #1
1) Select a Category (this is done by pressing or clicking on the Category) that is similar in look
and function to the new Category to be made
2) Press the triangle
located in the middle toolbar at the top of the screen and select “ Add
Copy of Category”
3) Select the “ Main” tab and change the name
4) Select the “ Appearance” and “ Container” tabs and verify that they are as desired (see next
section for more details on what the options do)
5) Press the Save key
located on the toolbar towards the left
To create a Category, Method #2
1) Select any Category (pressing or clicking on the Category). The selected words will change
to white letters on a dark blue background to indicated its selection
2) Press the triangle
located in the middle toolbar at the top of the screen and select “ Add
New Menu Item Category”
3) Select the “ Main” tab and change the name
4) Select the “ Appearance” tab and change/verify the following checkboxes:
“ Display in navigation area” (see “ How Categories and Menu Items appear on a
workstation” on the previous page for the effects of this option)
“ Items act as condiments” – selecting this box indicates that these items are only used to
modify Menu Items from other Categories
“ Alphabetize keys” – selecting this box displays all the Menu Items for this Category in
alphabetical order
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Behind the Scenes
“ Rollup condiment prices” – selecting this box affects how all of the Menu Items in this
category print on the Customer’ s receipt. The price printed for these Menu Items will
be “ rolled up” into the price of the Menu Item that they modify. For example, a Burger
is $4.00 with a $0.50 up-charge for cheese. Further, the Category that contains
“ Cheese” has the “ Rollup” box checked. If a customer orders a burger with cheese, the
customer’ s receipt will print as follows:
with “ Rollup” selected
1 Burger
with “ Rollup” blank
1 Burger
“ Print condiments in red” – selecting this box will cause all of the Menu Items in this
Category to print in red, assuming that the Menu Items are condiments (or preparation
instructions). Using the above scenario and assuming there is a Kitchen printer, the
Kitchen printout would be as follows:
with “ Print in red” selected
with “ Print in red” blank
1 Burger
1 Burger
-- or -Cheese
. (if the printer is Black/White)
the other areas of this tab are used to alter the appearance of the Category key as well as
the Menu Items in this Category.
[The above is intentionally blank space]
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Behind the Scenes
5) Select the “ Containers” tab. Containers can be used to creatively accomplish many things, but
the basic function of the Containers is to provide a more compact method of displaying many
menu items when they are items that come in different sizes: small-medium-large, 12” -14” 16” , half-whole, 12oz-20oz-1/2 pitcher-whole pitcher
-- of note, it IS possible to have only SOME Menu Items use the Containers while others do
not. For example, only some of the Daily Specials might come in Full and Half sizes. Using
Containers does NOT have to mean that all of the Menu Items will use the different sizes.
Each Menu Item may (or may not) use the Container. In fact, each Menu Item does not have
to use all of the Container sizes. Some can use none, one, two, or all. This is designated in
the individual Menu Items
6) Either clear all the fields (if no Containers are used for these items) or enter the Container
“ Name” s (these will show on the workstation’ s screen) and “ Prefix” s (these will show on the
printout given to those preparing the food). For example, if using the sizes Small, Medium,
and Large:
Name: Small
Prefix: SM
Name: Medium
Prefix: Med
Name: Large
Prefix: LG
- the Name will appear above the Menu Items (this example, “ Small” “ Medium” & “ Large” )
Each individual Menu Item can designate a unique price to each size/Container. For
example, a Small Hamburger can be $1.00, a Medium Hamburger $2.00, and a Large
Hamburger $3.00. This pricing is done in the “ Prices” tab of the individual Menu Item
(see “ To Create a Menu Item” )
7) Press the Save key
located on the toolbar towards the left
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Behind the Scenes
To add Menu Items, Primary Method
1) Select the Category where the Menu Item belongs (pressing or clicking on the Category)
2) If no Menu Items are displaying, press/click the Category name again
3) Select the Menu Item that is most similar to the Menu Item that is to be added
- “ similar” means the new Menu Item will print to the same location as the Menu Item being
copied, it uses the same condiments (for the most part), preparation instructions, sides, etc.
In this case, “ similar” does NOT mean the same price.
4) Press the triangle located in the middle toolbar at the top of the screen and select “ Add Copy
of Menu Item”
5) Select the “ Main” tab and change the name
6) Select the “ Prices” tab and change the price(s)
7) Select the following tabs and verify the options: “ Member Of” , “ Attachments” , “ Modifiers”
8) Press the Save key
The other method to create Menu Items is to press “Add New Menu Item” and go
through each field of tab – only do this after gaining significant experience using the
above method!
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Behind the Scenes
an interesting alternative . . .
To add Menu Items, Third Method
Copy from another Category
1) If a Category for the to-be-created Menu Item(s) doesn’ t exist already, create it first
2) Select the Category where a Menu Item to be copied belongs (pressing or clicking on the
3) Select a Menu Item that is similar to the Menu Item you want to create
4) Press the triangle located in the middle toolbar at the top of the screen and select “ Add Copy
of Menu Item”
5) Press the same triangle again (located in middle of top toolbar) and select “ Move to Different
- select the Category where you want the item copied into
6) Rename, re-price, etc. as necessary
To DELETE Menu Items or Categories
1) Select the Menu Item or Category (the item selected will become white letters on a dark blue
background when selected)
2) Press the down triangle
located in the middle toolbar at the top of the screen and select
“ Delete Menu Item” or “ Delete Category”
3) Confirm that the item you are deleting is the one highlighted and press “ Yes”
Be Very Careful! You cannot undo this action!!
Changing the Order of Buttons
… Changing Category Buttons
1) Select any Category (the item selected will become white letters on a dark blue background
when selected)
2) Press the down triangle
located in the middle toolbar at the top of the screen and select
“ Edit Display Priority”
3) Select a Category that you want moved. Use the red arrows to move the Category up and
down relative to the other Categories
… Changing Menu Item Buttons
1) Select the Category first
2) Press the “ Appearance” tab, make sure “ Alphabetize keys” is NOT selected (no checkmark)
3) If necessary, press the Category again to make the Menu Items appear and select any one
4) Press the down triangle
located in the middle toolbar at the top of the screen and select
“ Edit Display Priority”
5) Select a Menu Item that you want moved. Use the red arrows to move the Menu Item up and
down relative to the other Menu Items
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Behind the Scenes
Adding “Pop-Up” choices to a Menu Item
(an overview)
To have a Category “ pop-up” put it in “ Attachments”
FIRST, the items in the
Category “ zz Meat
Temps” will ‘pop-up.’
Since both Min(imum)
and Max(imum) are set
to 1, only one selection
is possible
NEXT, items in “ zz Salad
/ Fries” will ‘pop-up’
NOTICE, it IS possible for
one ‘pop-up’ to call
another. In this example,
if “ Salad” is selected from
“ zz Salad/Fries” , another
Category pops-up called
“ zz Salad Dressings”
‘Pop-up’ s tend
to look like this
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Behind the Scenes
Creating “Pop-Up” Categories
It is helpful to visually differentiate Pop-Up Categories from other Categories when
programming. In this manual, this is done by using two letters from the end of the
alphabet at the beginning of each Pop-Up Category’ s name (“ yy Misc. Items,” “ zz Meat
Temps,” etc.). This is done because Categories are displayed alphabetically when
programming; putting these letters at the beginning of the Category name pushes the
“ pop-up” Categories to the end of the list of Categories.
1) “ Pop-up” Categories are regular Categories that are used uniquely. As such, creating “ popup” Categories follows the same procedures as regular Categories (see the two “ To Create a
Category” methods), making sure of the following . . .
2) Select the “ Appearance” tab and verify that “ Display in navigation area” is NOT checked, that
“ Items act as condiments” IS checked, and that “ Alphabetize keys” is as desired
3) Select the “ Containers” tab and set the fields to be the same as the Category of the items that
will “ call” this pop-up Category. This is done because the Menu Items in the pop-up
Category will use the same Container as the Menu Item that called it, allowing the “ pop-up”
Menu Items to have different prices depending on the Container
For example, the Category “ Pizza” has two Containers designated Small (SM) and Large
(LG). For this example, the Pizza Category has two items, Cheese and Pepperoni. The
following table illustrates the (fake) prices:
1) Small Cheese $1.00
2) Large Cheese $3.00
3) Small Pepperoni $2.00
4) Large Pepperoni $4.00
Each of the four pizzas has “ zz Pizza Tops” designated in the “ Attachments” tab. The
Category “ zz Pizza Tops” has the following Menu Items: Extra Cheese, Olives, Onions, and
Sausage. At this restaurant, toppings on Small pizzas are $0.50 and $1.00 for Large pizzas.
Therefore, a Small pizza with Onions is $1.50 ($1 for the small cheese, $0.50 for the small
onion topping)
When a Small pizza is selected, the “ pop-up” items will automatically be the same Container
(in this case, Small), no getting around it! If no Containers are created in the “ pop-up”
Category, then one price for each topping (Menu Item) will be charged. If all toppings are
$0.50 (for example), then a Large Pepperoni pizza with Extra Cheese is $4.50 (Large
Pepperoni = $4.00, all toppings = $0.50), a Small pizza with Olives is $1.50. This would be
accomplished by NOT using Containers with the pop-up “ zz Pizza Tops” forcing all the
toppings to be one price, no matter what size pizza called them.
4) Use the Min and Max fields in the Menu Item’ s “ Attachments” tab to force a certain number
of pop-up items to be selected. In the pizza example above, the Cheese and Pepperoni pizzas
would have “ zz Pizza Tops” in the Attachments tab with a Min of 0 (zero) and a Max of
whatever is desired (most likely 4 in this case since there are only 4 toppings). Once the
Maximum number of items is selected, the workstation will return to the Menu Item that
called the “ pop-up” and either call the next “ pop-up” category on the list (see the overview
above) or simply return to the menu.
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Behind the Scenes
“What I need to think through before I start adding Menu Items”
1) What Category will this Menu Item be in?
- does it need to be created or does it already exist?
- will the Category have Containers?
2) The Menu Item’ s
- Name
- Reporting (Major Group, Family Group)
- do these groups exist or do I need to create them?
- Price
- one price only? by Container? by Menu (e.g. Happy Hour, Breakfast, etc.)?
3) What kind of preparation instructions are necessary?
- Automatic (“ pop-up” ) instructions: does this Category already exist yet or do I need to
create a new Category with new “ pop-up” preparation instructions (Menu Items)
- Optional instructions: does it exist or need to be created?
4) Where is this item going to print?
- what “ remote” printer, if at all? regular or red (reverse)?
From Start to Finish, an exercise
This will create the following: a Hamburger that can be ordered as an Adult or Child size,
and comes with fries or a salad w/ the choice of Ranch or Italian dressing
1) Select any Category (pressing or clicking on the Category)
2) Press the triangle
located in the middle toolbar at the top of the screen and select “ Add
New Menu Item Category”
3) Select the “ Main” tab and change the name to “ Sandwiches”
4) Select the “ Appearance” tab:
“ Display in navigation area”
“ Items act as condiments”
“ Alphabetize keys”
5) Select the “ Containers” tab:
- Container 1 “ Name” = “ Child” , “ Prefix” = “ CHILD”
- Container 2 “ Name” = “ Adult” , “ Prefix” = “ ADULT”
6) Press the Save key
located on the toolbar towards the left
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Behind the Scenes
7) Press the triangle
located in the middle toolbar at the top of the screen and select “ Add
New Menu Item”
8) Select the “ Main” tab and change the name to “ Burger”
9) Select ( ) “ % Service charge allowed” and the appropriate “ Tax”
10) Since what is displayed on the screen is to be the same as what is printed for the cook, leave
the “ Touchscreen” field empty (this will have the word “ Burger” display on the screen as
well as print for the cook)
11) Select the “ Member Of” tab
12) Make sure the “ Print class” is correct (Hot, Kitchen, etc.)
13) Select the “ Major group” (e.g. “ Food” ) and “ Family Group” (e.g. “ Sandwiches” )
14) Select any “ Discounts” showing that are allowed to be applied to this item (“ House Comp”
“ 50% Off” “ Employee Meal” etc.)
15) Select the “ Prices” tab
16) Select “ Container Only”
17) Enter a price of “ 4.00” for the Child and “ 6.00” for the Adult
18) Select the Category “ Sandwiches”
19) Press the triangle
located in the middle toolbar at the top of the screen and select “ Add
New Menu Item Category”
20) Select the “ Main” tab and change the name to “ zz Salad or Fries”
21) Select the “ Appearance” tab:
“ Display in navigation area”
“ Items act as condiments”
“ Alphabetize keys”
22) Select the “ Containers” tab and clear all fields (since there are not different size salads/fries)
23) Press the Save key
located on the toolbar towards the left
24) Press the triangle
located in the middle toolbar at the top of the screen and select “ Add
New Menu Item”
25) Select the “ Main” tab and change the name to “ Salad”
26) Select the “ Member Of” tab
27) Make sure the “ Print class” is the same as the “ Burger” Menu Item (Hot, Kitchen, etc.)
28) Select the “ Major group” (e.g. “ Food” ) and “ Family Group” (e.g. “ Salads” )
29) Select the “ Prices” tab
30) Select “ One Price Only”
31) Enter a price of “ 0”
32) Select the “ Modifiers” tab
33) Press the green plus (+) sign (right side, upper middle area)
34) Press the triangle to the right of “ Condiment type” and select “ Menu Item Cat”
35) Press the triangle to the right of “ Cond Group” and select “ Preps”
- the “ Modifiers” tab is explained elsewhere, but it is necessary at this point
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36) Press the triangle
located in the middle toolbar at the top of the screen and select “ Add
Copy of Menu Item”
37) Select the “ Main” tab and change the name to “ Fries”
38) Select the “ Member Of” tab
39) Select the “ Major group” (e.g. “ Food” ) and “ Family Group” (e.g. “ Sides” )
40) Press the Save key
located on the toolbar towards the left
41) Select the “ zz Salad or Fries” Category
42) Press the triangle
located in the middle toolbar at the top of the screen and select “ Add
Copy of Category”
43) Select the “ Main” tab and change the name to “ zz Salad Dressings”
44) Press the triangle
located in the middle toolbar at the top of the screen and select “ Add
New Menu Item”
45) Select the “ Main” tab and change the name to “ Ranch”
46) Select the “ Member Of” tab
47) Make sure the “ Print class” is the same as the “ Burger” Menu Item (Hot, Kitchen, etc.)
48) Select the “ Major group” (e.g. “ Food” ) and “ Family Group” (e.g. “ Salads” or “ Preps” )
49) Select the “ Prices” tab
50) Select “ One Price Only”
51) Enter a price of “ 0”
52) Select the “ Modifiers” tab
53) Press the green plus (+) sign (right side, upper middle area)
54) Press the triangle to the right of “ Condiment type” and select “ Menu Item Cat”
55) Press the triangle to the right of “ Cond Group” and select “ Preps”
56) Press the triangle
located in the middle toolbar at the top of the screen and select “ Add
Copy of Menu Item”
57) Select the “ Main” tab and change the name to “ Italian”
58) Press the Save key
located on the toolbar towards the left
59) Select the Category “ zz Salad or Fries”
60) Select the Menu Item “ Salad”
61) Select the “ Attachments” tab
62) Press the green plus (+) sign (right side, upper middle area)
63) Press the triangle to the right of “ Condiment type” and select “ Menu Item Cat”
64) Press the triangle to the right of “ Menu Item Cat” and select “ zz Salad Dressings”
64) Set “ Min” and “ Max” to “ 1”
66) Press the Save key
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Behind the Scenes
67) Select the Category “ Sandwiches”
68) Select the Menu Item “ Burger”
69) Select the “ Attachments” tab
70) Press the green plus (+) sign (right side, upper middle area)
71) Press the triangle to the right of “ Condiment type” and select “ Menu Item Cat”
72) Press the triangle to the right of “ Menu Item Cat” and select “ zz Salad or Fries”
73) Set “ Min” and “ Max” to “ 1”
74) Select the “ Modifiers” tab
75) Press the green plus (+) sign (right side, upper middle area)
76) Press the triangle to the right of “ Condiment type” and select “ Menu Item Cat”
77) Press the triangle to the right of “ Cond Group” and select “ Preps”
78) Press the Save key
So what IS a “Modifier”?
“ Modifiers,” like “ Attachments,” are Categories that are used to alter the way a given item is
prepared: with a salad, medium rare, etc. Modifiers will NOT “ pop-up” however. They
must be “ called” using some kind of Condiment or “ Prep” button. Usually this “ Prep”
Category will include items like “ Split Plate,” “ No Ice,” “ No Cheese,” etc. If the
“ Modifiers” tab of a particular Menu Item is blank (nothing in the “ Type” and “ Name”
columns), then the Menu Item will not take any special preparation instructions. Seldom will
this be the desired situation so it is recommended that every Menu Item has some kind of
“ Prep” category in the “ Modifiers” tab unless there is a strong, compelling reason not to.
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(Meat Temp)
Menu Item
(Salad or Fries)
(Salad Dressing)
Menu Item
Menu Item
select Category “ Sandwiches”
select Menu Item “ Burger”
automatically, “ Meat Temp” comes up – select “ Rare”
automatically, “ Salad or Fries” comes up – select “ Salad”
automatically, “ Salad Dressing” comes up – select
“ Ranch”
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select another Sandwich (Burger, Club, or BLT) or
another Category altogether
Behind the Scenes
press the “ Prep” (Condiment) key and modify what is sent
to the cook (for example, “ No Bun” and “ Extra
Pickle” )
How Categories, Menu Items, Attachments, and Modifiers flow together
e7 Basic Programming Documentation
Just Tell Me What to Do
Basic Employee
Adding/Changing an Employee
Adding/Changing a “ Job”
All programming can be done using a PC’ s keyboard and mouse or by
using the touchscreen and the pop-up, on-screen keyboard. A keyboard
and/or mouse can also be plugged into the top/back of an e7 using
“ normal” (PS/2) or USB connections.
Employee Entry
Adding/Changing an Employee
1) If the upper left of the screen does not already say
located on the left toolbar at the top of the screen
, press the triangle
2) Use the scroll triangles or the scroll-bar (long, vertical, grey rectangle) until Employees
3) Press/click on Employees
4) Select an existing employee whose function is similar to the employee now being added
5) If the top-middle of the screen does not already say “ Add Copy of Employee,” use the topmiddle triangle
and press “ Add Copy of Employee”
if adding employees for the first time, use “ Add New Employee”
6) Press the “ General” tab and enter the employee’ s name. The other fields on the screen or for
on-site reference -- they are only visible from this screen. Use is optional.
7) Press the “ POS” tab and verify (or enter) the employee’ s language and “ Tracking Group”
(usually there is only one Tracking Group available)
- the “ Check name” is what appears at the top of each check
8) Press the “ Job Information” tab and verify/enter the correct information:
- “ Employee uses timekeeping” indicates the employee must Clock-In before any
ordering can be done (use this if you are using the e7 as a time-clock)
- The plus/minus keys (
) are used to add or remove jobs that this employee does
- for example, an employee might be a Server AND a Bartender, depending on the day
- Enter the pay rate (“ Regular rate” ) for this employee when filling the selected Job
- Select a “ Default job” for this employee
if not using the e7 as a time clock, then just
don’ t worry about the Job Rates
9) Press the “ Security” tab and enter the employee’ s
number (Password ID)
- leaving the field zero (“ 0” ) prevents the
employee from using the system
- if using Mag Cards, refer to the Manager’ s Procedures or User’ s Manual to assign a
Mag Card to this employee
- If the employee has BOTH a Mag Card and a Sign-In number, enter the Sign-In number
in the “ Alternate password ID” field, the “ Password ID” will be used for the Mag Card
10) Enter a “ Payroll ID” if exporting payroll from the e7 into a comma-separated file.
e7 Basic Programming Documentation
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Employee Entry
Adding/Changing a Job
1) If the upper left of the screen does not already say
located on the left toolbar at the top of the screen
, press the triangle
2) Use the scroll triangles or the scroll-bar (long, vertical, grey rectangle) until Jobs shows
3) Press/click on Job
4) Select an existing Job whose function and privilege is similar to the Job now being added
5) If the top-middle of the screen does not already say “ Add Copy of Job,” use the top-middle
and press “ Add Copy of Job”
if adding a Jobs for the first time, use “ Add New Job”
6) Press the “ Clock In” tab and enter the Job’ s name.
- “ Not allowed to sign in” is selected when the employee can Clock-In (payroll) but cannot
order Menu Items
- “ Staydown period” determines how long the screen will stay at its current screen before
returning to the Sign-In screen (assuming no Menu Items have been ordered)
zero (“ 0” ) turns this feature off, no automatic screen-change will happen
7) The rest of the tabs (“ Guest Checks” “ Options” etc.) define what an employee can or cannot
do (depending on what Job the employee is using at the time). Press the Help button on the
top toolbar
for specific information on each option.
NOTE: Federal Law requires the masking of Credit Card numbers. As
such, it is HIGHLY recommended that the option “Unmask credit
card information” be left unchecked [this option is located in Jobs,
the Options tab, at the bottom right in the “Credit Card” section. All
necessary information can be obtained by your credit card vendor.
e7 Basic Programming Documentation
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Menu Items, Title Page ................................................................................................................... 1
................................................................................................................................ 2
................................................................................................................................ 3
“ Behind the Scenes” , what’ s going on............................................................................................ 5
Overview: Categories and MIs........................................................................................... 6
Getting into Configurator ................................................................................................... 7
Create Category – Copy ..................................................................................................... 7
Create Category – New/Create........................................................................................... 7
Add Menu Items ............................................................................................................... 10
Add Menu Items by Copying from Another Category..................................................... 11
Delete Menu Items / Categories ....................................................................................... 11
Changing the Order of Category / Menu Item’ s appearance............................................ 11
Adding Pop-Up Choices to Menu Items (overview)........................................................ 12
Creating Pop-Up Categories............................................................................................. 13
“ What I need to think through before I start adding Menu Items” ................................... 14
From Start to Finish, an exercise..................................................................... 14
So What is a “ Modifier” ? ................................................................................................. 17
How Categories, Menu Items, Attachments, and Modifiers Flow Together (chart)........ 18
Employees, Title Page .................................................................................................................. 19
Adding/Changing and Employee ..................................................................................... 20
Adding/Changing “ Jobs” .................................................................................................. 21