- First Baptist Church of Glendale
- First Baptist Church of Glendale
Life Together This Week Life Together Next Week Sunday, September 6 9:30am - Sunday School for all ages 10:30am - Coffee Fellowship 10:30am - Personal Prayer— Chapel 11:00am - Worship Service 12:15pm- Light Reception Fellowship in honor of Pastor Clint Kimmel Sunday, September 13 9:30am - Sunday School for all ages 10:30am - Coffee Fellowship 10:30am - Personal Prayer— Chapel 11:00am - Worship Service Wednesday, September 16 6:30pm - Prayer Gathering Monday, September 7 Office closed in observance of Labor Day holiday. THE WORSHIP OF GOD ~ September 6, 2015 ~ Eleven O’clock in the Morning Friday, September 18 6:30pm - Youth, “The Well” Wednesday, September 9 6:30pm - Prayer Gathering Friday, September 11 6:30pm - Youth, “The Well” Rev. Clint Kimmel, Pastor of W orship & M usic [email protected] Carol Kenyon, Minister to Families & Outreach [email protected] ******************* First Baptist Church of Glendale 209 N. Louise St; Glendale, CA 91206 (818) 242-2113 www.fbcglendale.net *** Members and guests, please fill out the blue card found in your worship guide and place in the offering plate. This serves as a record of your visit. We invite you to share on the back any praises or prayer requests you might have. These will be prayed over during staff meeting and in our Wednesday Prayer Gathering. First Baptist Church of GLENDALE 1 1 :00 a.m . ~ S anc tu ary Matthew 4:18-22 This is the word of the Lord. Thanks be to God! Come and Follow: The Invitation to Journey MESSAGE Pastor Clint Kimmel Sweet, Sweet Spirit It is good to praise the LORD And make music to your name, O Most High, To proclaim your love in the morning And your faithfulness at night, To the music of the ten-stringed lyre And the melody of the harp. For you make me glad by your deeds, O LORD; I sing for joy at the works of your hands. How great are your works, O LORD, How profound your thoughts! You, O LORD, are exalted forever. Sharing of the Bread Sharing of the Cup Praying the Lord’s Prayer (Hymn No. 440) *HYMN OF RESPONSE NO. 178 How Deep the Father’s Love for Us O Worship the King CHILDREN’S MESSAGE Persons professing faith in the Risen Christ are invited to join the pastor at the Lord’s Table during the singing of this hymn. Christians seeking a church home are invited to come as well to join the church. WE BRING OUR GIFTS TO GOD GIVING OF OUR TITHES AND OFFERINGS Gabriel’s Oboe ricone WE LEAVE IN JOY LYONS Karl Rimer PILGRIM SENDING AND BLESSING Fanny J. Cros- by Ennio Mor- Vincent Schmutzer, tuba *BENEDICTION *HYMN OF PROMISE NO. 619 Blessed Assurance, Jesus Is Mine Stuart Townend WE ARE RENEWED IN GRACE *HYMN OF PRAISE NO. 52 Rev. C. Updike THE LORD’S SUPPER MANNA Carol Kenyon *OPENING RESPONSE Rev. Charles Updike WE ARE RENEWED AT CHRIST’S TABLE Anahit Rostomyan *GREETING HYMN NO. 241 Janet Heard *SCRIPTURE READING WE GATHER IN THE PRESENCE OF GOD WELCOME AND GREETING Cindy Berry GOD SPEAKS THROUGH GOD’S WORD S e pt em be r 6, 2015 PRELUDE At the Name of Jesus Worship Choir CHORAL REFLECTION T he Wors hi p of God Clint Kimmel Carol Kenyon Rev. C. Updike *CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE Isaiah 43:19 This is the word of the Lord. Thanks be to God! *SCRIPTURE READING Soriya Sun Immediately after worship, deacons will be standing at the exit doors to collect our monthly benevolence fund offering. Give generously.