Termination Box HTTB-X30 Application Features Specification
Termination Box HTTB-X30 Application Features Specification
HTTB-X30A HTTB-X30B Termination Box HTTB-X30 Application Widely used in FTTH access network. Telecommunication Networks &$791HWZRUNV Data communications Networks /RFDO$UHD1HWZRUNV Features 5HVLVWDQFHWRFKHPLFDODQG89DWWDFN Wall mounting or pole mounting. Dimensions: 200mm(W)×215mm(H) ×54mm(D) 52+6FRPSOLDQFH Specification ,WHP &DEOH3RUW$GDSWRUV3/&VSOLWWHU3URWHFWLRQ&ODVV 3 cable ports( for cables +77%;$ with max diameter 12mm) 8 SC adaptors [[3/&VSOLWWHU IP54 [[[ IP67 +8 drop cable ports 2 cable ports( for cables HTTB-X30B with max diameter 12mm) + 12 drop cable ports 12 SC adaptors PLC splitter
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