Getting Started Guide
Getting Started Guide
Getting Started Guide MTNL Ads Getting Started Guide Contents Introduction 3 Registration 4 Creating a new campaign 6 Campaign approval 14 Add funds 16 Add funds – Recharge account balance 16 Enable campaign 21 Notes 22 MTNL Ads Getting Started Guide Introduction MTNL Ads is a portal that allows organizations to create/run and monitor Email Advertisement campaigns for their products/services. The advertisements are displayed as a Signature in Emails sent/received by MTNL Mumbai broadband email users. As advertisements are appended to Emails as a signature, the advertisements need to be in a specific format. An advertisement can consist of one line (of at most 80 characters) and an URL. A sample advertisement is given below ______________________________________ STOP SPAM, STOP Virus, SAVE Bandwidth ______________________________________ MTNL Ads portal allows organization to create and monitor advertisement campaigns. Statistics and Graphs relating to the advertisement performance are made available to Advertisers to gauge advertisement campaign performance. This guide helps you get started on MTNL Ads. Explaining concepts along the way, you can follow the instructions in this guide to get your first Advertisement campaign up and running. To Contents Page 3 MTNL Ads Getting Started Guide Registration The first step in working with MTNL Ads is registering for a Free account. Follow the instructions below to obtain an account: To Contents Page 1. Visit That will bring up the following page. 2. Enter all the details asked for. 3. Select an user name and enter it in the “User name” field. 4. Select a password and enter it in “Password” as well as “Confirm Password” fields. 5. Enter the response for CAPTCHA (you may get a different CAPTCHA than what is being shown above). 4 MTNL Ads Getting Started Guide To Contents Page 6. Registration to MTNL Ads requires that user agrees to the provided Terms of Service. To do the same, click on “Terms of Service” link, review the same and check the box next to “I agree to Terms of Service” field. 7. Click on “Register”. 8. MTNL Ads will register your account and display the following dialog: 9. An email will be sent to the specified Primary Email account with an activation link as follows: 10. Click on the confirmation link (indicated by a Red Oval). Please note that this has to be done within 2 days of registration. 11. MTNL Ads will successfully register your account. 12. Now, you will be able to login to MTNL Ads Control panel and create/activate your Advertisement campaign. 5 MTNL Ads Getting Started Guide Creating a new campaign After registering for a MTNL Ads, user can login to the Control panel and create/run advertisement campaigns by following these steps: 1. Login to MTNL Ads Control panel from 2. When you login the first time, there will be no campaigns associated with your account and you will see the following screen: To Contents Page 3. Click on the “Add New Campaign” (Highlighted by a Red Oval) 4. That will display the following page: 6 MTNL Ads Getting Started Guide 5. To Contents Page Enter the Campaign name (highlighted by Red Oval above). This should be a descriptive text that can be used to identify the campaign (e.g., “MTNLAds September 2016 Promotion”). 7 MTNL Ads Getting Started Guide 6. To Contents Page Enter the Advertisement text (Highlighted by Red Oval above). This is the text that gets displayed to the end user (e.g., “Get Protected by the Best Free Email Security Service”). It can be a maximum of 80 characters and should conform to the MTNL Ads Advertisement content policy. 8 MTNL Ads Getting Started Guide 7. To Contents Page Enter the overall Budget (in INR) for this campaign in the “Maximum Budget” field (Highlighted by Red Oval above) . You can change the overall budget anytime during lifetime of an advertisement campaign. Once the campaign reaches this budget, MTNL Ads automatically disables it. 9 MTNL Ads Getting Started Guide To Contents Page 8. You can control the daily spend on the campaign by specifying a Maximum daily budget. If your campaign exhausts its daily budget, it is suspended for rest of the day. By specifying an overall budget and a daily budget, you can control the number of days the campaign will run for. Specify the daily budget in INR in the “Max. Budget / Day” field (highlighted by a Red Oval). 9. You can specify the bid per email for your campaign in “Max. Bid / email” field (highlighted by Red Oval). The amount should be specified in INR and the minimum value can be INR 1.00. If you are not sure about the value to specify, you can start with minimum bid (INR 1.00) and tweak it upwards as required. 10 MTNL Ads Getting Started Guide 10. MTNL Ads provides the lowest winning bid for the last 7 days to help you price advertisement bids. This data can be obtained by clicking on the “Bid History” link. That will display the following graph (data might vary) 11. We would recommend that you make your bid (per email) equal to or slightly above the average seen above. That will make sure your advertisement gets displayed. Every time your advertisement is displayed, a charge equal to bid amount will be made to the campaign. 11 MTNL Ads Getting Started Guide 12. To Contents Page MTNL Ads advertisements consist of a line of text and an URL in which the Email recipient may click. When recipient clicks on the link, they will be lead to the site specified in the Advertisement. In On line advertising terminology, this is also referred to as “Landing page”. Specify the landing page in the “URL – Site” field (highlighted by a Red Oval above). 12 MTNL Ads Getting Started Guide To Contents Page 13. The final detail to be entered is a Brief Description of the Advertisement campaign. This is never displayed to end users, but may be looked at by the Editorial team for clarification. If you do want to include some clarification for the Editorial team, this is the best place. Enter the description in the “Brief Description” field (Highlighted by a Red Oval). 14. Click on “Add Campaign” to add the campaign. 13 MTNL Ads Getting Started Guide Campaign approval By default, in the Login home page, all campaigns created during the last one year are displayed. All new campaigns are moved into the “Waiting for Approval” stage. When you add a new campaign, you will see the same in Control panel as follows: To Contents Page 14 MTNL Ads Getting Started Guide They are manually inspected by the Editorial team and once Approved, you will see the Advertisement as follows: If the campaign is not approved, you will get an Email giving reasons for the same. Then you can edit the campaign and re-submit it for Approval. It could take up to 24 hours to approve a campaign. To Contents Page 15 MTNL Ads Getting Started Guide Add funds Once your advertisement has been approved, you will need to Add Funds to your Account so that the campaign can be activated. This process is called “Recharging” the account, MTNL Ads has a minimum recharge of INR 5000. You will need to recharge your Account balance by at least the Overall budget for the advertisement you want to activate. For example, if you want to activate an advertisement with Budget INR 7500, your account needs to have at least INR 7500 and therefore, you must recharge by at least INR 7500. You may follow the appropriate instructions to add funds. Add funds: Recharge account balance Advertisers can add to funds by following these instructions: 1. To Contents Page Login to MTNL Ads Control panel. That will bring up the following screen. 16 MTNL Ads Getting Started Guide 2. To Contents Page Click on “Account Information” link (Highlighted by Red Oval above). That will bring up the following page. 17 MTNL Ads Getting Started Guide To Contents Page 3. Click on “Recharge” button (indicated by Red Oval above). That will bring up the following screen 4. Enter the amount to be recharged (in INR) in the “Recharge Amount” field (Highlighted by Red Oval). 18 MTNL Ads Getting Started Guide To Contents Page 5. Click on “Update” button (highlighted by Blue Oval). That will display the overall Charges in INR (including taxes and fees) as below. 6. The full recharge amount will be given in “Total Charges” field (highlighted by Green Oval), 7. You can pay by Credit Card by clicking on the “Pay Online” link (highlighted by Red Oval). 19 MTNL Ads Getting Started Guide To Contents Page 8. Kindly note that Account Recharge is not refundable and can only be used for running advertisements. An alert indicating the same will be displayed as follows: 9. Click on “OK” to accept the terms. 10. This will take you to the Credit Card payment Gateway. You should follow the instructions in the Payment Gateway site to complete the transaction. 11. You can check your Account balance after the transaction by going to “Account Information” page. 20 MTNL Ads Getting Started Guide Enable Campaign Once funds have been added to Account balance, the campaign can be enabled by following these instructions: To Contents Page 1. Login to MTNL Ads Control panel. That will display the following screen 2. If your campaign is not visible, select “All Campaigns” from “Status” combo box (highlighted by Blue Oval) and click on “Search” button (Highlighted by Green Oval). 3. Your advertisement campaign will be shown in inactive state. 4. Click on “Enable” link (Highlighted by Red Oval) next to your Advertisement campaign to enable it. 5. MTNL Ads will now enable your Advertisement campaign. Your advertisement will be considered for display with immediate effect. From this point onwards, your Advertisement will be shown in Active state as follows: 21 MTNL Ads Getting Started Guide 5. MTNL Ads will now enable your Advertisement campaign. Your advertisement will be considered for display with immediate effect. From this point onwards, your Advertisement will be shown in Active state as follows: 6. The advertisement is Active (See the tick mark highlighted by Red Oval). 7. To see how the Advertisement is performing, click on the Campaign Name (Highlighted by Blue Oval). The page will display various performance parameters including CPC, CPM, Impressions, Overall cost etc. Notes Once your campaign is Active, MTNL Ads starts generating detailed statistics on the performance of the campaign. This can be seen by clicking on the Advertisement campaign name in Control panel home page. For details on how to generate and interpret Statistics and Graphical Reporting, please refer to “MTNL Ads Guide to Monitoring and Optimizing Advertisement Performance”. To Contents Page 22
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• Sender full name in Name field (indicated by Red oval).
• Email address you are using to send email from in Email field (indicated by Green oval).
• Click on OK button (indicated by Blue Oval).