A journey from Fame to Faith A journey from Fame to Faith


A journey from Fame to Faith A journey from Fame to Faith
E.F.C.C. - Kong Fok Church
A journey from
Fame to Faith
Former Supermodel Who Left Glamour To Become
Christian Apologist Shares Her Story
Ms. Tracy Trinita
(A member of the RZIM team)
時間:9 月 23 日 ( 五 ) 12:30pm-1:50 pm
中環皇后大道中 38-48 號萬年大廈 3 及 4 樓
費用:每位 $390
報名:Karen Lam ([email protected])
截止:9 月 21 日 ( 三 )
Tel: 2521 2500
Website: www.kongfok.org
Enquiry: Pastor Grace Wong

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