THE JERSEYMAN - uss new jersey veteran`s inc.


THE JERSEYMAN - uss new jersey veteran`s inc.
4th Quarter
"Rest well, yet sleep lightly and hear the call, if again sounded, to provide firepower for freedom…”
The Place of the Battleship in America’s Arsenal:
An Overview
by Malcolm Muir, Jr., Virginia Military Institute
The battleship made the United States a world military power. While it
is true that abundant natural resources and an industrious population were
preconditional for growing American might in the twentieth century, the
country came to international prominence with the battleship as its principal
weapon. Many Americans tend to forget how weak the Army was early in
the twentieth century. With troops numbering barely 100,000, a typical appraisal came from the US attaché in Russia in 1912: “There is a universal
belief that our army is not worthy of serious consideration.”
The same remark could have been made only twenty years earlier
about the U.S. Navy. In the decades after the Civil War, the fleet, composed
of left-over monitors useful only for coastal defense and even older wooden
warships with muzzle-loading cannon, was the object of derision. A British
service journal wrote in 1875: “There never was such a hapless, brokendown, tattered, forlorn apology for a navy as that possessed by the United States.”
This sad situation changed quickly and dramatically due largely to the work of two men: the theorist
Alfred Thayer Mahan and his disciple Theodore Roosevelt. By convincing prominent Americans through his
historical works that a strong battle fleet could ensure security, empire, and trade, Mahan spurred Congress to
fund a respectable navy. This new force was built around the battleship, and the U.S. Navy settled by 1890
on a recipe for warship construction that it stuck with for almost half a century. Eschewing speed for firepower and protection, the Navy designed warships that could bull their way into enemy waters and force a
climactic showdown.
When Roosevelt became president in 1901, battleship construction shifted into high gear. Less visible than the ships themselves was the supporting infrastructure: the docks; the Naval Gun Factory with its
specialized equipment such as shrinking pits to allow the liners of the big guns to be swapped out; the tools
to make the face-hardened armor--so expensive that it was often nicknamed “jewelry steel.” Alongside this
outlay went the recruitment and training of a labor force that could build the new battleships--not to mention
the quadrupling of the size of the enlisted force to man them and the wholesale reconstruction of the U.S. Naval Academy to officer them.
By the time Roosevelt welcomed the Great White Fleet at the end of its cruise in 1909, the U.S. Navy
has risen from an obsolete coast defense force to a position neck-and-neck for second place with that of the
Kaiser’s High Seas Fleet. The yardstick was the battleship. Relegated to much lower priorities were the
lesser warships: the cruisers, destroyers, and the others, partly on the grounds that battleships were the
warships that truly mattered and partly in the belief that those lesser vessels could be constructed more
quickly in an emergency.
World War I brought the primacy of the battleship into question. The British and German fleets
fought only one major action (Jutland); the American battleships did not fire a shot. Advocates of revolutionary new military technologies such as aircraft and submarines declaimed the resources “wasted” on the
big gun ships. Of course, such a myopic view overlooked the fact that the Allied battleships had locked the
German navy in port and, through the blockade, reduced the enemy nation to famine. American battleships
reinforced the British Grand Fleet, allowing it to decommission older vessels and thereby freeing sailors for
anti-submarine duty. Had the war gone into 1919, American battleships almost certainly would have assaulted directly the German submarine bases in Belgium.
While the United States Navy was building up its force quantitatively, it also maintained the
pace qualitatively. Following the commissioning of HMS Dreadnought in 1906, the U.S. Navy built ever
larger all-big-gun battleships. From the 16,000-ton Michigan of 1909 mounting eight 12-inch weapons,
newer ships escalated in size and power. The 26,000-ton Arkansas of 1912 mounted twelve 12-inch; the
31,400-ton Pennsylvania of 1916, twelve 14-inch; the 32,000-ton Maryland of 1921, eight 16-inch. Every
increase in bore diameter brought large increases in hitting power. Projectile weights went from 870 pounds
for the 12-inch to 1400 for the 14-inch to 2100 for the 16-inch. And the American dreadnoughts kept to the
original formula of tough ships, being armored to resist the gunfire of comparable warships. The trade-off
remained that of speed, the ships being slightly slower than their foreign contemporaries.
As World War I ended, the U.S. Navy had on order the battleships of the 1916 program that would
make it “second to none”: the 43,000 ton giants of the South Dakota-class, the greatest warships ever begun
to that point. But their expense for a war-wearied population was appalling; the only naval rivals now, Japan
and Great Britain, had been our allies in the Great War. The Washington Naval Treaty froze battleship construction. The ships that provided the full measure of a nation’s naval strength were, for the first time, limited by international agreement. This hiatus lasted for almost fifteen years.
When the Axis began their march in the mid-1930s, the United States, snared in the Great Depression,
reluctantly renewed battleship construction. It may serve as an index of the industrial strength of this country
that over the next decade (1936 to 1945), the United States sent to sea more new battleships (ten) than the
three Axis powers combined (nine).
And what warships these new U.S. battleships were! Their 16-inch rifles, both the 45- and 50-caliber
versions, fired unusually heavy projectiles newly designed by the Bureau of Ordnance. The armored piercing
round weighed 2700 pounds--only slightly lighter than the 3200-lb shell fired by the 18.1-inch guns of the
IJN Yamato. Typically, the American ships were robust. Although the North Carolina-class was designed to
resist 14-inch shells, both the South Dakotas and Iowas could withstand hits from 16-inch projectiles. Earlier, the trade-off had been speed. With improved engineering plants, U.S. naval architects were able to give
the new battleships markedly higher speeds: 27 knots for the first six ships and an unprecedented 33 knots
for the Iowa-class. The last, then, were the fastest battleships ever constructed by any navy.
Yet as the first of these new battleships commissioned in 1941 and 1942, their utility was called into
question by events in the Pacific, especially the losses at Pearl Harbor, the sinking of Force Z (HMS Prince
of Wales and Repulse) off Malaya by aircraft, and carrier clashes at Coral Sea and Midway. The idea that
the battleship was useless gained widespread currency in the Navy itself. Admiral Herbert F. Leary remarked to a friend soon after Pearl Harbor: “This is an airpower war. There's no place for an old battleship
horse like me.”
To the satisfaction of many of its defenders, the reputation of the battleship in the U.S. Navy recovered from this nadir as the new ships began proving themselves in action. In November 1942, three fought
enemy big-gun ships on opposite sides of the world (Massachusetts against Jean Bart at Casablanca; Washington and South Dakota against Kirishima at Guadalcanal). Moreover, the fast battleship shouldered a number of ancillary missions--some anticipated (e.g., as force flagships), others unforeseen (for example, as “fast
oilers” refueling destroyers, or sending their spotting planes to rescue downed airmen).
Certainly unexpected was the emergence of the fast battleship as an airplane killer. Equipped with
the most modern radar installations, the big-gun ships were often the first to pick up incoming attackers. And
as the Japanese planes closed against the thin-skinned carriers, the battleships brought their massive antiaircraft batteries to bear. Designed with the new 5-inch/38 which by 1944 was firing proximity-fused shells, the
battleships were also crowded with lighter weapons. For example, as the Pacific campaign reached its climax the Iowa-class were typically carrying eighty 40mm Bofors plus fifty 20mm Oerlikons. Combined with
the twenty 5-inch, each fast battleship mounted up to 150 antiaircraft weapons. It is instructive to note that
not one U.S. aircraft carrier escorted by a fast battleship was lost to Japanese aircraft attack during the war.
The older battleships made a more halting recovery from Pearl Harbor, but ultimately came
back with a vengeance. By 1943, these World War I-era ships, too slow to act in concert with the fast carrier
task groups, began rebuilding their reputations by providing gunfire support to Marines and U.S. Army soldiers assaulting Japanese-held islands. As bombardment techniques were refined, the old battleships became
the navy’s gunfire support champions at places like Tarawa, Kwajalein, and Saipan. As the great historian
Samuel Eliot Morison remarked in his analysis of Iwo Jima, “Nobody could convince the Marines that battleships were obsolete!” The icing on the cake came when six old battleships gunned down the remnants of the
Japanese battle line at Surigao Strait.
And yet in the twinkling of an eye, both old and new were gone. Following V-J Day, the drawdown
of the U.S. fleet became an implosion as the A-bomb made the utility of all conventional arms suspect. In
1945, the twenty-three battleships in commission constituted the mightiest force of gunnery ships ever assembled; by 1948, one, the Missouri, remained in service as a training ship. Although the remaining nine
fast battleships (and a few older ones as well) rested in mothballs, many had fallen as guinea pigs in nuclear
weapons tests or to the cutter’s torch.
Kim Il Sung, the North Korean dictator, revived the Iowa-class by his attack south in June 1950.
With much of the Korean peninsula within range of the 16-inch/50, these, the four newest battleships, went
back out to Far Eastern waters to support U.N. ground troops. They fired many more main battery rounds
(20,000) than they had in World War II. But with the Eisenhower administration’s stance of Massive
Retaliation, conventional forces were once again cut to the bone. With the retirement of Wisconsin in 1958,
for the first time since 1895 the U.S. Navy had no battleship on active duty.
Events showed again that even the sharpest minds could not foretell the future. As America’s nuclear
arsenal failed to deter communist aggression in Southeast Asia, the New Jersey went out, belatedly, to provide the sort of gunfire support that all four Iowas had offered so ably the preceding decade. In fact, so effective was the New Jersey in Vietnamese waters that the Nixon administration, seeking to wind down the war
and seeing her as a destabilizing element, sent her back to mothballs.
Narrowly saved from the scrapyard in the early 1970s by Chief of Naval Operations Elmo Zumwalt,
the Iowas then became a key element in Ronald Reagan’s defense build-up. Armed with cruise missiles, they
fired both guns and missiles at the Iraqis in the Gulf War--yet another example of the flexibility of major
weapons systems. Like the air Force’s B-52, the Iowas never carried out the principal mission for which they
were designed, but rather proved themselves of the greatest utility in a host of unanticipated tasks. That these
four ships with their singular capabilities have been stricken from the Navy’s register in the midst of a new
war may ultimately rank as one of the Navy’s greatest mistakes. We shall see. But of one thing we are
certain: for almost exactly one century, the battleship served this country well. Rest in peace.
Author: Malcolm Muir, Jr., a military historian who
received his degrees from Emory, Florida State, and Ohio State
Universities, serves on the faculty of the Virginia Military Institute where he directs the John A. Adams ’71 Center for Military
History and Strategic Analysis. He has also held the Secretary of
the Navy’s Research Chair in Naval History and visiting positions
at the U.S. Military Academy and the Air War College.
Among his publications are several books, including IowaClass Battleships (Dorset, England, 1987) and Black Shoes and
Blue Water: Surface Warfare in the U.S. Navy, 1945-1975
(Washington, 1996). The latter won the John Lyman Award
given by the North American Society for Oceanic History for the
best book published in 1996 on U.S. naval history.
Tom: This replies to yours on the subject of no
return to Vietnam for USS NEW JERSEY. Let me start
at the beginning. Prior to my departure from BUPERS
there were rumors about a stand down in Vietnam and
the name NEW JERSEY came up a few times.
On my departure from BUPERS in late July
1969, I called on the Chief of Naval Personnel, VADM
C. K. Duncan, and the CMC, General Leonard Chapman
and the Assistant CMC, General Lew Walt. All three
said that Senator Richard Russell, the powerful Senate
Armed Forces Chairman, had assured them that NEW
JERSEY would remain, as had Representative Jack Brook of Texas. Thus I left in a decent frame of mind
given those assurances. In addition, Senator Ted Stevens had told Admiral Weisner and me that the ship was
good to go. (We had to see the Senator on some personnel business and the subject came up because Admiral
Weisner had orders as COMCARDIV FIVE).
On Saturday, 16 August, Jim Elfelt, XO, called to tell me that Master Chief of the Navy Delbert Black
had visited the CPO quarters that day and had told the chiefs that the ship would not go to Vietnam. On hearing that, Jim said the chiefs practically threw Black off the ship. Ed Snyder was in Washington and when we
talked I do not believe that he had heard, but both of us were upset over the news.
I reported aboard for duty on 20 August to witness a critique of the weapons system inspection, and
that the ship passed with ease. The next morning, 21 AUG, Ed and I were in the XO's cabin when the Captain's Office said that the Exec. Asst. to the VCNO, Captain Tyler Dedman, was on the phone and wanted to
speak to the Captain. It was a heads up because they knew how Ed was - he could make a scene if he was so
moved. Very simply, the word was that a message was being released saying that 100 ships, including the
Battleship NEW JERSEY (the only ship named), were being inactivated because of money. Ed went to the
1MC and passed the word to the crew. Believe me it was an eerie feeling. It seemed that the ship fell silent
but soon there were salty expressions heard in the passageways.
I never for a moment believed that money was the reason. My reasoning was that the ship was a national symbol and what better instrument to let the world know that the US was standing down in Nam than to
take out the most feared weapon. It turns out I was not too far wrong.
In the late 1990's I met Dr. Malcolm Muir at a party at the Virginia Military Institute. I had exchanged
correspondence with him a few years earlier and I brought up the subject of NEW JERSEY saying I really
never knew why she was taken out of se vice. His reply was that the answer was in his book: THE IOWA
CLASS BATTLESHIPS. I was embarrassed because he had given me a copy earlier. In sum, he quoted
Senator Warner who was engaging Senator John Chafee in a debate on the floor of the Senate about the
ship. The ship was taken from service because it was impeding the Paris Peace Talks.
So NEW JERSEY joined her inactive sisters on 17 DEC 1969 in Bremerton, Washington, and it was
my sad duty to take her out of commission…
Captain Robert C Peniston, USN/Ret.
Lexington, Virginia
AR 1
Remembering the Battle of Belleau Wood...
May 28, 2006
By Staff Sgt. Will Price, Marine Barracks 8th & I, Washington Navy Yard
BELLEAU, France (May 28, 2006) -In June 1918, on a small stretch of land that was the scene of one of the most savage
and deadly battles the United States fought during the First World War, and a pivotal chapter
in Marine Corps history, was written in blood.
Eighty-eight years later, on May 28, 2006, the Battle of Belleau Wood was commemorated in Belleau, France, by the United States Marine Corps Battle Color Detachment
from Marine Barracks, Washington, comprised of the United States Marine Drum and Bugle
Corps, the United States Marine Corps Silent Drill Platoon, and the United States Marine
Corps Color Guard. The event was attended by the Commandant of the Marine Corps
General Michael W. Hagee, and more than 2,000 spectators, including soldiers, statesmen,
and dignitaries, from both France and the United States.
The proceedings opened with a ceremony at France’s Aisne-Marne Cemetery, located near the scene of the battle. The memorial service addresses were presented by General
Hagee, and Chief of Staff of the French Army, Général Armée Bernard Thorette, who also conducted a wreath-laying
ceremony with other American and French dignitaries.
In honor of the fallen, both American and French colors were raised to half-mast as French soldiers, a marching band, and
the Marine Corps Battle Color Detachment marched to the parade deck, centered in front of the 80-foot Memorial Chapel. A detachment of U.S. Air Force jets flew over the ceremony as the French Band played their national anthem, “The Marseilliaise,” and
the Drum & Bugle Corps followed with, “The Star Spangled Banner.” Flanking the parade deck were 2,289 tombstones, one for
each U.S. service member who fell in defense of liberty at Belleau Wood.
“Being here makes you realize how tremendously important this battle was, to the Marine Corps of the time, and to
America as well,” said Staff Sgt. Bryan Duprey, Silent Drill Platoon, Platoon Sergeant. “It was a turning point for both the war
and the Corps.”
Continuing the program, French soldiers and Marines fired their rifles into the air, followed by Battle Color
Detachment Bugler Sgt. Clint Owens’ rendition of Taps. Owens donned a World War I Marine uniform and played while
perched atop the towering Memorial Chapel as many in the audience bowed their heads in respectful silence.
Belleau Wood was a turning point in WWI as well is a landmark in the history of the Marine Corps. In mid- 1918, with
the German army just 50 miles outside Paris, the Allied Second and Third Divisions mounted a counter-attack to halt the Germans
dead and retake Belleau Wood -- but the only way into the woods was through an
adjoining wheat field and this field was heavily protected by massive German firepower.
As American forces arrived on the scene, Captain Lloyd Williams of 2nd
Battalion, 5th Marines Regiment was told by the retreating French army that turning back was the best course of action. He declined, giving the now-famous reply,
"Retreat, hell! We just got here!"
With little to no cover, Marines maneuvered through an 800-yard wideopen wheat field, trying to reach the heavily entrenched German soldiers. The Marines began their advance with unwavering courage and the use of precision longdistance marksmanship.
According to Gilles Lagin, a Belleau Wood historian, the Germans were
familiar with British snipers, but the Marines’ ability to hit a target from more than
500 yards away stunned them so badly they believed there was an entire regiment of
Marine snipers attacking.
“I had read about that 800-yard advance,” said General Hagee, in a speech
delivered at the ceremony, “but I never fully appreciated how difficult it must have
been until I walked it myself. The enemy had every square inch of that field covered with interlocking machine gun and artillery fire. The Marines paid dearly with
every step they took. The enemy couldn't believe that the Marines would advance in
the face of such devastation. But they did. When officers fell, sergeants led the
way. When sergeants fell, corporals took the lead. And when corporals fell, the
privates fought on.”
(Remembering the Battle of Belleau Wood- -)
In the end, the Marines of the 4th Marine Brigade’s 5th and 6th Regiments took the blood-soaked grounds of Belleau
Wood. The battle that had begun June 1 ended June 26 when Maj. Maurice Sheaerer, Commanding Officer, 3rd Battalion,
5th Marines, could finally report with pride, “Woods now U.S. Marine Corps -- entirely.”
More than 1,800 Marines lost their lives at Belleau Wood. This was the greatest loss the Corps had sustained in a single
battle at the time, and it was tragically high -- but it is estimated that a staggering 8,000 German troops were killed during the battle with another 1,600 taken prisoner. This was a huge victory for the Allies, especially as a morale booster to weary troops who
had started to believe the Germans were invincible. The Marines had decisively proven otherwise.
Out-numbered, out-gunned, outmanned, and warned to retreat immediately, the
United States Marine Corps defied the odds and
managed to smash the superior German forces
to pieces. For every fallen American, no less
than five enemy troops paid the ultimate price.
Little wonder that from the time of
this fierce battle to the present day, Marines are
still known by the nickname given them by the
awed Germans they vanquished at Belleau
Wood: “Teufelhunden,” which means “Hounds
from Hell,” or “Devil Dogs.” In honor of the
fallen, the area was rechristened “The Wood of
the Marine Brigade.”
The 2006 ceremonies commemorating
the 88th anniversary of the Battle of Belleau
Wood ended with a stellar performance by “The
Commandant’s Own” Drum and Bugle Corps,
the French Marching Band, and an amazing
display of precision marching and rifle maneuvering from the Marine Corps Silent Drill Platoon.
This concluded the remembrance of Belleau Wood, a battle that will live forever as an unforgettable chapter in the history
of the United States Marine Corps.
Story and photos by
Staff Sgt. Will Price, USMC
Submitted to The Jerseyman by:
Former 8th & “Eye” Marine,
Bob Capeci,
1955-1958, Fairfax, VA.,
John T. Reim
Franklinville, New Jersey
Battleship New Jersey Volunteer
Carl Williams
Mt. Laurel, New Jersey
"...demonstrate to the world that there is ‘No Better Friend, No Worse Enemy’ than a U.S. Marine."
~ Lieutenant General James N. Mattis, USMC ~
Editor’s Note:
Master Chief Electrician William J. Stewart, USN/Ret., was one of 368
survivors of the Heavy Cruiser USS HOUSTON, sunk by an overwhelming Japanese force on March 1, 1942.
Badly burned, and having to swim 4 miles to make shore, Stewart was captured the day after the sinking and spent the
next 3 1/2 years as a POW in Japan.
Master Chief Stewart recently observed his 86th birthday, and shared with us that his WW2 story has not been
in print before. We are privileged to be able to present his story here in The Jerseyman. In a late August phone call,
he also said that he would try to send some more details about USS HOUSTON’s WW2 cruiser flight operations, and
another untold story of 1955 duty aboard USS MERRICK, AKA 97 on an Arctic Dew line run - for a future issue of
The Jerseyman. Stay tuned… - TH
In addition to two battle stars,
Houston was awarded the
Presidential Unit Citation.
(Photos are courtesy of William J. Stewart, EMCM, USN/Ret., and Val Poss of the USS HOUSTON Survivors Association)
On December 8, 1941, the US Asiatic Fleet consisted of one Heavy Cruiser (USS Houston CA-30,) one Light
Cruiser (USS Marblehead CL-12,) thirteen World War 1 era 4-Stack Destroyers, (USS Paul Jones DD-230, USS John
D. Edwards DD-216, USS Alden DD-211, USS Whipple DD-217, USS Edsall DD-219, USS Stewart DD-224, USS
Barker DD-213, USS Parrott DD-218, USS Bulmer DD-222, USS John D. Ford DD-228, USS Pope DD-225, USS
Peary DD-226, USS Pillsbury DD-227, 29 Submarines, 28 PBY-4 Catalina Flying boats, 6 torpedo boats of MTB 3,
a few tenders and some auxiliaries...
15 June 2006 -“I just received The Jerseyman, requesting photos of ship’s bells. If you don’t have the story and photo of
Houston’s bell, let me know. When I first got to sea duty in June 1941 aboard USS DETROIT, CL-8 in Pearl,
I always enjoyed the sounds of the bells on the big battleships at Pearl. They had a beautiful deep tone… After Pearl
Harbor I was assigned as a Seaman 1/c in Houston, and was in the shell deck crew of turret 2 when it was hit and set
afire. I was burned black to my waist and the only one of 7 in the shell deck crew to get ashore…”
(Shortly following the note, we called and spoke with Bill Stewart and heard more of his story. He then sent to
us the details of the last days of USS HOUSTON, his 41 months as a POW, and the ship’s bell recovery by a group of
Indonesian divers 31 years after the ship went down...)
29 June 2006 -“My experiences aboard USS HOUSTON, CA 30 in WW II - Commissioned in 1930, sunk Mar 1, 1942; Armament nine 8 inch 50 cal guns in triple turrets; eight 5 inch 25 cal AA
guns in open mounts; four quadruple 1.1 pom poms; numerous 50 cal machine guns. Ship had two catapults, carried
four SOC aircraft. Ship’s length 601 ft, beam 60 ft, draft 28 ft. Wartime crew 1100 men (officers and enlisted.) About
one third survived the sinking - all survivors became prisoners of war. Most of the survivors went to Burma to build
the “death” railway - where over 100 of them died. About 50 men were taken to Japan (me included) to work at an iron
I boarded Houston in Darwin 15Jan1942; we departed next day for Soerabaja (Java) where we assembled as a
fleet to raid Macassar Strait. In the Flores sea, we came under heavy air attack. USS Marblehead (an old 4-stack light
cruiser) took a bomb hit aft - destroyed her steering gear with rudder positioned 30° right. Another bomb exploded
underneath her hull amidships caved in a large portion of her hull. She survived and returned stateside for repairs.
Houston took a bomb hit aft - exploded between #3 turret and after deck house while turret was trained out. Perforated
the side of the turret setting it afire. It also blew a 10 ft hole in main deck directly above a damage control party of 20
men. Casualties 30 burned to death in the turret, 18 blown to bits below deck.
Feb 16th - Admiral Hart inspected the ship - decided to keep us on station to slow the Japanese advances.
Feb 17th - We departed for Darwin to escort a convoy to Timor - 4 ships. First day out convoy was attacked by
aircraft. Houston fought off the air attack successfully. One man on one ship was killed - apparently a piece of our
own shrapnel - no damage to ships. Mission was cancelled and convoy returned to Darwin. We left Darwin immediately for Soerabaja. Next day Darwin was bombed and several ships sunk - including two that had been in our convoy.
Arrived Soerabaja 22 Feb (Mon) and fought off air attacks in port all day. At dusk a patrol fleet including
Houston got underway to patrol all night for invasion fleet. Returned to port at dawn to continue AA defense all day.
Repeated operation until Saturday morning, and we did not return to port. Meanwhile other units joined our fleet Houston, HMAS Perth, HMS Exeter, RDN DeRuyter, RDN Tromp and about 14 English, Dutch and American destroyers. Battle of Java Sea started about 2pm - continued until nearly midnight. Houston fired 102 salvos. About 10pm
Tromp was torpedoed and sank; 10 minutes later DeRuyter was torpedoed and sank. SOPA (Dutch) then ordered all
units “proceed your discretion.” Earlier Exeter had taken an engine room hit and had to pull out of the battle line.
Houston and Perth went to Batavia (Jakarta now.)
Departed Batavia at dusk Sun 28 Feb in company with HMAS Perth. Headed for Australia via Sunda Strait.
Ran into an invasion fleet about 11:30pm and commenced firing. Perth was torpedoed and sank soon. Houston continued firing until about midnight when turret 2 was hit and set afire. I was in the shell deck crew of that turret. Magazines
flooded and Houston was out of action. Some 5” guns still fired manually. I was burned black to my waist in the turret
fire but got clear. A few minutes later “abandon ship” was ordered. I went on deck - illuminated by enemy searchlights
- and obtained a life jacket. I hesitated to leave the ship but decided to leave and go as far as I could.
Left ship and swam aft to get clear of shell fire as quickly as possible. Once clear discarded my trousers and
shoes. I could see land (almost a half moon,) and started swimming toward it. Passed 2 over crowded life rafts but
rejected them - I didn’t want anyone to touch my burned skin. Had to swim zig-zag plan 6 through 2 lines of Japanese
transports and continued toward land. Was difficult swimming with my damaged left arm. Apparently current was
favorable - swells moving ashore helped a lot. A good kick of my feet would take me quite a way on each swell. After
a long time (3-4 hours) I drug bottom. Crawled the last 100 feet to shore. Started hunting water to drink. About 20
minutes later (no water) the moon went down and I sat down to sleep. Woke at daylight to see one of our men perched
on a rock about 100 feet out. He came to the rock in the dark, crawled up on it and went to sleep.
We started out to try to get to Batavia and get on a ship for Australia. About 1/4 mile down the road we met up
with a platoon of Japanese soldiers and were taken prisoner. About mid morning we were joined by another party of
about 24 (Houston) men. We were marched a while and stopped for the night. Marched next day until we arrived at
Serang (Bantam,) Java and placed with about 1,000 other prisoners in Serang theater.
At Serang theater we were fed a small loaf of bread twice a day. The second day the Japs bandaged my back,
left arm, and ears - changed bandages every other day for 6 days. After the last treatment, they brought in a doctor
(survived off Perth.) He looked at my arm and asked “Can you move your fingers? Can you move your thumb?” I
could. He says “Good, I will have you well in a week.” He used cod liver oil ointment under my bandages. Ten days
later skin had formed over the raw area. Three weeks later I was pretty well healed - all except my ears - they took a
month longer.
Three weeks in Serang theater and I was moved to Serang prison for another 3 weeks. It was an improvement
over the theater. Middle of May I was loaded on a truck and moved to Batavia Bicycle Camp - a Dutch Army base with
good facilities - horrible food. Stayed there about 6 months. Was loaded aboard a ship for Singapore ( 3 days enroute,)
stopped in English Camp “Changi” ten days then boarded a ship for Japan. Conditions aboard ship were horrible - almost as many rats and mice aboard as there were prisoners. Food was a small ration of rice twice a day. Stopped in
Formosa for coal. They brought aboard a bunch of yellow watermelons to feed the prisoners - they were delicious.
Sanitation was poor - Dutch prisoners started getting dysentery. 102 men died and were buried at sea between Formosa
and Japan. Docked in Xoji - port for Nagasaki.
At Nagasaki we boarded a passenger train for trip to O Hasi (20 miles
inland from Kama Ishi.) Trip required 3 days and nights. Food was railroad box
lunches and pretty good. Arrived O Hasi early December and housed in a
temporary building near an iron mine. Belongings were searched the next day.
We were used for odd jobs in connection with an iron ore concentrating
mill all winter and spring. Early summer a permanent camp was completed
below O Hasi and we moved again - was there when the war ended. Food was
sparse but mostly edible.
In O Hasi the men were assigned (about 50 men) to carpenter, machine,
electrical, and welding shops according to their trade. Those left over were
assigned to dig iron out of the mountain. About a year later, a cave-in in the mine
killed 14 Japanese. Prisoners were removed from the mine and transferred
elsewhere. I worked in the electrical shop. I learned enough electricity from our
electricians and radiomen to pass all my future Navy exams for advancement with
high marks.
Guards were changed every month. One month the guards would be
bearable. Next month they would generate excuses to beat on people. At work
we were turned over to civilians.
One of our men had a radio in camp. We knew when the atomic bombs
were dropped, and also when the war ended before you did.
About the time the war ended I developed a kidney infection. Fortunately,
a B-29 delivered some penicillin which started me healing. B-29s dropped food,
clothing, and medicin in barrels with parachutes. About half the barrels broke
“Asiatic Fleet Memorial Day
loose from the parachutes. Fortunately, no one was hit by one of the barrels.
1 March 2004.”
Bill and Mary Stewart
Two days after the war ended I was sent to a hospital in Marioka. Was
Independence, Kansas.
there three days then put on a train for Sendai. Boarded one of our LSMs for
lunch and transfer to hospital ship USS RESCUE. The lunch was fried chicken
and it sure tasted good. An hour later, USS RESCUE was underway and I was headed home. Made a brief stop in
Guam, another in Pearl Harbor. Three weeks enroute and I was in Oakland Naval Hospital.
This record is very brief. Much happened between the lines.”
William J. Stewart, EMCM, USN/Ret.
Independence, Kansas
Bell Ceremony Address
by Ambassador Galbraith
“For me this occasion evokes some very personal and poignant memories. I stood at the side of
the Houston in Darwin Harbor in Australia on February 16, 1942 just days before she went down in the
Java Sea. That night, I was aboard one of a convoy of troop transport ships that left Darwin for Kupang,
Indonesia Timor, with the Houston as our primary escort. The next day, as we sailed along in the calm
and quiet of the Timor Sea, we were suddenly attacked by a fleet of Japanese bombers. Fortunately for
those of us on the troop transports, the bombers went after Houston. The Houston had been bombed at
sea only a few days before, one of the bombs hitting the rear gun turret and killing, we are told, 45 men.
By a combination of violent turns and furious shooting, the Houston survived the attack and the convoy
escaped with only slight damage to one of the transports.
On February 18, the convoy returned to Darwin. The Houston sailed away that night, and we
never saw her again.
The next morning, a large number of Japanese aircraft attacked Darwin, catching the convoy in
the harbor. Every ship in the harbor, except the one I was on and a hospital ship, were sunk, and the ship
I was on was so badly damaged that we had to abandon it in the harbor.
Thus, I went through a little of the anxiety and fear that must have been constant companion of
the crew of the Houston during the previous weeks and the few days remaining.
From Darwin, the Houston returned to Indonesian waters, and took part in a number of engagements with the enemy. On February 27, 1942 the Houston and other allied ships attacked a vastly superior enemy sixty miles north of Surabaya. Many ships from each side were sunk. Once again, the Houston sailed away to do more battle.
The next day, February 28, the Houston sailed into Tanjun Priok and that night, in the company
of the Australian Cruiser Perth, it attempted to run through Sunda Strait. There they ran into a huge Japanese fleet assembled to land troops in Bantam Bay. Outnumbered by more than ten to one, the two allied
ships immediately opened fire and continued to fight until midnight, finally running out of ammunition.
The Perth went down shortly after midnight. The Houston fought on firing signal flares at the enemy
when the ammunition was gone. Finally, pierced by torpedoes and on fire, the Houston went down.
More than half of her crew of over 1,000 died with her. Many others died in the water. Some 368 of the
Houston’s men survived the battle and were taken prisoner. But littering the water and beaches were the
remains of at least ten enemy ships destroyed by the Houston and the Perth.
I will never forget the men of the Houston as I saw them in Darwin. They were lean, stripped
down to tropical fighting dress and eager for battle, even knowing that the odds were against them - for
the Houston was one of only three or four units left in our Asian fleet after the attack on Pearl Harbor.
The bell, recovered at considerable risk by Indonesian divers, will ever remind us of the heroism
of the men who fought and died on the decks of the USS Houston. It will serve as well to inspire in all of
us some of the spirit of dedication to duty which the Houston’s men carried so proudly.
On behalf of the American people, I want to thank you for recovering and presenting to them,
this symbol of American courage, and fighting spirit.
- August 24, 1973
To learn more about USS HOUSTON’s nearly non-stop daily battles from
December 8, 1941 to March 1, 1942,
DVD documentaries of “The Last Stand of USS HOUSTON,” and “The Battle of the Java Sea,”
are available at the USS HOUSTON website
Remembering “4-Piper” Destroyers…
This past June, we received an email from Basil Nickerson, a World War 2 veteran
living in Juneau, Alaska. At age 83, Nickerson says he rarely misses doing 33 push-ups each
day, and talks about an impressive list of other exercises that go with it.
But from 1940 to 1944, he was serving as a Yeoman in USS BROOME (DD-210,)
one of 273 “4-Piper” destroyers built between 1917 and 1921. These destroyers were of
3 different classes, but other than for their number of fuel tanks, and slightly different shape to
their sterns, they looked much the same in configuration. The exact numbers built were; CLEMSON Class (156 ships,) WICKES Class (111 ships,) and CALDWELL Class (6 ships.) They
weighed between 1,100-1,200 tons, were 315 feet in length, 32 feet across the beam, had a 9 foot
draft, and carried from 100 to 150 men at speeds of up to 35 knots. To put their hull sizes in some perspective at the
beam, three of these destroyers could have
nested side-by-side on the deck of battleship
NEW JERSEY with room left over to walk
around them on both sides.
"We had some near-death experiences in them... We'd move over the crest of
a 50-foot wave, the weight of the ship would
shift, and we would travel to the bottom of a
50-foot trough," "And the ship just shook. It
was like a depth charge went off next to your
ship. We'd do that for days on end."
According to Nickerson, the standing joke about seaworthiness for the flush-deck destroyers was that “they will roll even if they are in dry-dock.” None
of the ships remain today, but he tries hard on his own to keep their proud history alive… and he says “there was a lot
of history to tell about them, but they are all but forgotten today. Four Piper Destroyers were the only source for staffing the new ships coming down launching ways before and after the start of the war. Every time we came into port we
had twenty new recruits coming aboard and twenty more of our crew being shipped to new ships on the launch ways.
My Brother in-law, a Chief Electrician's mate, was transferred in Feb. 1943 to the U.S.S. NEW JERSEY for duty. He
left the ship in 1946 as a Chief Warrant Electrician Officer. By all means you will find that most of the trained recruits
did come from the old four pipers.”
Nickerson also sent to us a book titled “A Family Saga - Flush Deck Destroyers 1917-1955,” written, and selfpublished in 1999 by the late LCDR John L. Dickey, II., USN/Ret. From the flyer: “This is a comprehensive study
of the 273 flush deck, four stack destroyers built between 1917 and 1922. Forty of these ships, urgently needed to fight
the Kaiser’s U-Boats were commissioned before WW1, and 28 of them served in European waters before that war
ended… By the time WWII began in Europe, only 169 of the ships had survived hard use, political idealism and accidents. In 1940, 50 of them were traded to the UK for base sites needed by the US in the Western Hemisphere. Only 37
days before the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor brought America into the war, U-562 sank USS REUBEN JAMES
(DD-245.) Sixty five minutes before enemy carrier aircraft struck ships in Pearl Harbor, the USS WARD (DD-139,)
sank a midget sub attempting to enter the harbor… Four of the old destroyers serving in the Asiatic Fleet gave the
nation her first naval victory - the Battle of Makassar Straits on 24 January 1942 - a fact all but forgotten today.
USS EDSAL (DD-219) sank the first full-sized Jap submarine (I-124,) on 20 January 1942, and USS ROPER (DD-147,)
sank the first U-Boat (U-85,) in the Atlantic on 12 April 1942.”
“A Family Saga” is a 279 page study exploring the 4-Stack destroyers in detail, and is carefully documented
from a number of official sources. A naval history buff, or destroyerman, would find this very interesting reading. In
their many different World War 2 configurations as a Destroyer (DD,) High Speed Transport (APD,) Seaplane Tender
(AVD,) Light Minelayer (DM,) or High Speed Minesweeper (DMS,) these ships earned 422 Battle stars, 21 Presidential
Unit Citations, and 94 Navy Unit Commendations, plus a number of personal decorations for their crews, ranging from
the Medal of Honor to the Purple Heart.
According to “Family Saga,” the flush-deck destroyers listed a number of famous names of WW2. Admirals
Nimitz, Halsey, and Spruance were just a few that commanded the 4-stack, flush-deck destroyers in their early navy
years. Lieutenant Commander William F. “Bull” Halsey, earned the Navy Cross as CO of USS SHAW (DD-68) in
World War 1, and commissioned USS YARNALL (DD-143) in 1918. He once said; “they were the best ships I ever
served in.”
There was also a familiar name of an officer that served aboard USS ZANE (DD-337) in World War 2. Pulitzer prize-winning author Herman Wouk, served in USS ZANE as the ship’s Communications Officer, and later went
on to write The Caine Mutiny, The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial, and the screenplays “Winds of War” (1971,) & “War
“We fought the South Pacific war with this and Remembrance” (1978.) It was also said that he first had the idea for
leak in the forward engine room, port side, writing the story of the Caine Mutiny while serving aboard USS ZANE.
under the main engine.” - June 30, 1943
For more information on the proud history of
the 4-stack destroyers visit:
Photos and background histories submitted by:
Basil Nickerson
Juneau, Alaska
“Enshrined in the bell tower of
St. Margaret’s of Scotland Episcopal Church
in San Juan Capistrano, California”
0257, 30June1943 USS ZANE
went aground off Munda, New
Georgia while deploying 190
men of the US Army 169th
Infantry. “This anchor was
dropped over the side trying to
get us off of coral reefs…”
The day my Marine A-4 Skyhawk ditched close to USS NEW JERSEY…
On September 28th 1968, the Battleship New Jersey joined the gun line off North Vietnam, and one of the escorts for the
New Jersey was DDG-9, the USS Towers. Two days later on September 30th, two Marine TA-4s were launched from DaNang to
provide naval gunfire spotting, and in one of these aircraft was pilot Captain Jim “Spot” Spaith and me, 1st Lieutenant U. S.
“Sam” Grant. The other aircraft had a gunnery sergeant in the backseat “armed” with a 16mm combat movie camera. These
first few days on the gun line by the New Jersey was welcome news for our ground forces, and also important for public relations
back home, so the Gunny was there to take some routine pictures of the mission. What he didn’t know was that he would be filming some remarkable footage of the “shootdown” of our TA-4, our bailout, and our very fast rescue pickup by USS TOWERS.
During the initial spotting for New Jersey while flying over North Vietnam, our aircraft was struck by anti-aircraft fire
and severely damaged. The TA-4 was still flyable, but losing fuel rapidly. By our unanimous 2-0 vote, we decided to try to get
over the water, “feet-wet,” vice flying south into South Vietnam before ejecting. While Jim concentrated on flying the aircraft, I
remained on the spotting frequency with the New Jersey and New Jersey initiated Search and Rescue (SAR) procedures. Once
out to sea, Jim started to initiate ejection when the other TA-4 pilot reminded him that he needed to reduce his airspeed which
was still well over 400 knots. Zooming the aircraft upwards reduced our airspeed to just over 200 knots and Jim pulled down the
face curtain which began the ejection sequence. In this sequence, first the canopy goes, the backseater (which was me) goes and
then the pilot. It was quite a kick in the butt.
The Gunny picked us up on film flying out of North Vietnam, but misses the exact moment of ejection. He does pick up
the now pilot-less aircraft striking the water though, just a few hundred yards from the New Jersey. We did not find out until
later that TOWERS had spotted our chutes at 3,000 feet. As we were on the way down, we concentrated on “doing the right
thing” when we hit the water. I had inflated my life vest on the way down and I “cut away” my chute just as my feet hit the water. It blew to one side and I quickly hooked one arm over my life raft. I had the presence of mind to pop a red smoke, but before I could get into my raft, I realized that the boat from the Towers was already just a short distance away. Two of the men in
the boat, Seaman Robert Beede, and Gunners Mate 3/C. William Ryan, pulled me aboard and we went looking for Jim. Jim
was slightly tangled in his chute, so a swimmer went in, cut him loose and they pulled him into the boat. As we sat in the boat
headed back to the Towers, Ryan said that the first words out of my mouth were, “What’s for chow?” I am not sure that I remember saying that, but I do remember reaching in my flight suit and asking one of them to take our picture. The picture didn’t come
out as the seawater ruined the camera and, by the way, dinner that afternoon in the Captain's mess was shish kebab.
We were aboard TOWERS only 22 minutes after they heard our distress call. So let me say it again, some 38 years
later... Thanks to the men of the USS TOWERS for our rescue, and to USS NEW JERSEY for guiding us “feet-wet,” and
putting SAR procedures in action.
U.S. "Sam" Grant, LtCol., USMC (Retired)
Georgetown, Texas
(Still photos “captured” from the original 16mm movie film, courtesy of Bob Pepper, House Springs, Missouri.)
A-4 hits the water...
Chutes on the way down…
2 Marine choppers are highlighted
Lt. Sam Grant
From the USS TOWERS Command History-1968
“Your expeditious approach and rescue of a downed
pilot and NFGF spotter today was truly outstanding.
It is comforting to note our shotgun not only has a
steady eye, but also a quick steady hand under
emergency conditions. Well done to all hands.
J. Edward Snyder, Jr.”
Jim Spaith
Master Chief, I have copied the Master Chief from USS GUAM which I served
on as a member of the Air Combat Element of the Marine Amphibious Unit at that time. We
went to Grenada on the way to Beirut so we weren’t on station at the time of the Marine Barracks
attack but relieved the USS IWO JIMA in Nov ’83 and stayed through Apr ‘84.
I was always impressed by NEW JERSEY’s firepower and watching her shoot into the
Bekka Valley at night. Since I’m a rotorhead, I remember calling the airboss aboard the USS New
Jersey many times for fuel when mother was too far out to sea for me to make it back. Never had
any trouble getting a spot especially when I had "pony" i.e. mail, on board. Beautiful ship!
One time they were working on the guns so they had them pointed toward the flight deck.
When I landed I broadcast to the airboss, “Hey, boss I’ll pay for the gas, you don’t have to keep
the guns on me!” I do also remember that my H-1 squadron mates never got to land on her and were never sure why? Maybe
because their guns weren’t big enough or was it because they didn’t want those nasty skids marring the wood deck, or probably
because the airboss knew that they didn’t carry any “pony.”
In your response, I think you were speaking of a technique called Helicopter-In-Flight-Refueling (HIFR,) but with USS
New Jersey’s flight deck this was not usually required because we could land and unload or refuel. However, at Sea during an
underway UNREP, helos would transport external loads from a supply ship and drop them off on the flight deck without landing to
expedite the UNREP. Shipmate volunteers that you had mentioned, like Chief Aviation Boatswain's Mate Joe Boyle, would be
running the flight deck trying to get the loads moved off spot so the next helo could drop another load… this was dangerous work
on the back of a moving ship underway and working under a helo with a load! Those AB’s were worth their weight in gold!!
Then they would hurry to break down the load and bundle the retrograde i.e. cargo nets and pallets, for the helos to bring back to
the supply ship. That’s when Joe’s static wand would be crucial… during the pick up of retro, because if someone tried to hookup
a load to the helo with out grounding it they would get badly shocked, and potentially knocked overboard. I hope this hits the
mark and explains the procedures that you asked about. I forwarded your request to those I still keep in touch with from that
1980’s’ timeframe. Good luck in your work!
Semper Fi,
Larry King "Live," Colonel, USMC
Suffolk, Virginia
Editor’s Note:
With thanks to Mr. Ted Yaslowski, Deputy Director to the USNFSA, The Jerseyman has received clarification on the
transfer status of USS IOWA and USS WISCONSIN. - TH
Battleship transfer In the conference report (H. Rept. 109–360) accompanying the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2006,
the committee included instructions regarding the transfer of the battleships USS Wisconsin and USS Iowa to the Commonwealth
of Virginia and State of California, respectively, and the President’s reversion authority pursuant to a national emergency.
The committee seeks to clarify that the battleships USS Wisconsin and USS Iowa must be regarded as potential
mobilization assets and both the recipients and the U.S. Navy are instructed to treat them as such.
The committee notes that the following measures should be taken: (1) The ships must not be altered in any way
that would impair their military utility; (2) the ships must be preserved in their present condition through the continued
use of cathodic protection and dehumidification systems and any other preservation methods as needed; (3) spare parts
and unique equipment such as 16-inch gun barrels and projectiles, be preserved in adequate numbers to support the two
ships, if reactivated; and (4) the Navy must prepare plans for the rapid reactivation of the two battleships should they be
returned to the Navy in the event of a national emergency.
“What the House Armed Services Committee did, was clarify what is shown here in bold print as it pertains to a National
Emergency. The 2007 language is a “sense of congress” instructing the Navy how to care for the ships, and to prepare plans for
their rapid reactivation in the event of a National Emergency.”
Ted Yadlowsky. Deputy Director to the USNFSA
Owings Mills, Maryland - August 2006
“Nimitz class carriers can deliver approximately 75 long tons of ordnance per strike. At an average of three strikes per day, 225
tons of ordnance can be delivered per day.
Iowa Class battleships can deliver 229 long tons of high explosive and steel in a
30-minute gun strike.”
“The cost to deliver ordnance on target is estimated to be $12,000 per long ton of aviation ordnance from a Nimitz class carrier,
and $1,600 per long ton of gun ordnance from an Iowa Class battleship.”
Source: “IOWA CLASS BATTLESHIPS Their Design, Weapons & Equipment” Robert F. Sumrall. (Naval Institute Press 1988,
Appendix A, pp 157.)
Free Enrollement in the National Purple Heart Hall of Honor
We are counting on your help to register all Purple Heart Recipients in the Roll
of Honor, an interactive computer databank of all the recipients of Purple Hearts.
In addition, you may have objects that help tell the personal stories of each recipient
which would be appropriate for exhibit in the National Purple Heart Hall of Honor.
To begin your registration, please mail us the following information:
1. The name, address, and contact information of the person who will be providing
information on a recipient or recipients
2. The name of the Purple Heart recipient and as much information as you can provide: the time of service, rank(s), military unit, date and location of birth, the date(s),
location(s) and circumstances of being wounded, and any additional information that
will help tell the story to visitors, perhaps including future generations of your own
family. If you are a Purple Heart recipient submitting your own information, please include information so that we can contact you.
3. Documentation of receipt of the Purple Heart: Copies of the DD-214, WD or
equivalent discharge paperwork, Certificates or other proof of receipt of the Purple
4. Copies of photographs, telegrams, newspaper, magazine or online articles about the
recipient or other materials that help tell the story.
5. Materials can be mailed to:
ATTN: Karen Pena, National Purple Heart Hall of Honor
PO Box 207
Vails Gate, NY 12584
If you have any objects you and your family are willing to donate, something
that helps tell the story of service and sacrifice, please include a brief description of any
objects you would like us to consider. Due to limited storage space and the amount of
attention each object in the collection receives, we may not be able to accept all objects.
Please keep your Purple Heart with your family or your community (if you have no
relatives who wish to keep it, consider donating it for exhibition at a local museum, library, school or post office so
that people across the country can see a real Purple Heart in person). Please do not send any objects before hearing
from us.
Thank you for your assistance.
Together we will build the National Purple Heart Hall of Honor.
Death notice:
On Monday 14 August, we received a call from RADM J. Edward Snyder, Jr. He had just received
a call from the sister of Chief Quartermaster Sam Tucker, USN/Ret., to inform him that Chief Tucker had
passed away on Friday, August 11th. Admiral Snyder made a request of The Jerseyman, asking that we
place Chief Tucker’s death notice in our upcoming issue, and to include the following:
“Chief Tucker was probably the only Chief Petty Officer ever assigned as the navigator of a US Navy
battleship in the history of the navy. But that is what he was, because I personally selected him to be my
Navigator, and to follow me around. I am proud to say that he never let me down. I liked what he was able
to do, and I told him so. He was nothing short of superb with his accuracy, and it showed during our many
firing missions.
Chief Quartermaster Sam Tucker was a credit to the U.S. Navy, and to USS NEW JERSEY.”
- RADM J. Edward Snyder, Jr., USN/Ret. - McLean, Virginia
Beirut Remembrance Walk in Washington, D.C - 2006
. "At approximately 0622 on Sunday, 23 Oct. 1983, the Battalion Landing Team headquarters building in the Marine Amphibious Unit compound at Beirut International Airport was destroyed by a terrorist bomb. The catastrophic attack took the lives of
241 Marines, sailors and soldiers and wounded more than 100 others. The bombing was carried out by one lone terrorist driving a
yellow Mercedes Benz stake-bed truck that accelerated through the public parking lot south of the BLT headquarters building,
where it exploded. The truck drove over the barbed and concertina wire obstacle, passed between two Marine guard posts without
being engaged by fire, entered an open gate, passed around one sewer pipe barrier and between two others, flattened the Sergeant
of the Guard's sandbagged booth at the building's entrance, penetrated the lobby of the building and detonated while the majority
of the occupants slept. The force of the explosion [12,000 pounds] ripped the building from its foundation. The building then
imploded upon itself. Almost all the occupants were crushed or trapped inside the wreckage."
- - From the DoD Commission Report
"They Came In Peace"
On October 21-23, 2006, a group of people will walk in remembrance of those killed that fateful day. The
walk will conclude at Arlington National Cemetery where 22 of those brave men are buried. The White House Commission on Remembrance will be holding a remembrance ceremony in Section 59, at 12:00 noon on October 23,
The final leg of the walk will be from the Lincoln Memorial across Memorial Bridge into Arlington arriving
at Section 59 in Arlington National Cemetery, and will raise awareness about those who came back home a different
person; dedicated to those living each day with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and/or Survivors Guilt. A
few Beirut Veterans having since returned home have taken their own lives as a result of their struggle with PTSD
Survivors Guilt. They will be honored and acknowledged, as well.
The group encourages others to join the procession and walk a lap or two, 50 laps, or even all. Each lap is
approximately 1/2 mile around the pond/gardens and takes under 10 minutes to complete. Those not walking the full
distance will be given an index card before each lap with a Marine, Sailor, or Soldier's name/information, and killed
while serving as a Peacekeeper. After completion of the lap, participants are asked to sign the card on the back, and
return it so someone else can walk in memory of that soldier. Those 'going the distance' will receive a roster with all
the names/information accordingly, and checking a name after each lap completed.
The walk is free and open to Beirut Veterans, Family Members, Veterans, Active Duty Military and the general public. Anyone that is affected by terrorism, is welcome…
Bill Kibler
(USMC Beirut Veteran)
2005 Columbia Pike #624.,
Arlington, VA 22201
Beirut Remembrance Coin…
For those that cannot make it to the remembrance
walk on October 23rd, but want to participate, Beirut remembrance coins are available from
The coin honors the 270 Marines, Sailors, and Soldiers who
lost their lives while serving as Peacekeepers of the MultiNational Peacekeeping Force, Beirut, Lebanon from 19821984, and the 241 Americans that died in the Beirut Barracks terrorist attack, on October 23, 1983. Proceeds of the
Beirut coin sales are donated to the American Gold Star
Mothers, (AGSM.)
ETC Michael W. Gorchinski, a crewman aboard USS NEW JERSEY, was one of the 241 casualties at the
Marine Barracks on October 23, 1983. Chief Gorchinski was on temporary assignment to the Marine barracks that
Sunday morning...
USS DES MOINES (CA-134,) as seen
from USS DUPONT (DD-941)
in the Western Mediterranean - 1958.
Photo taken and submitted by
AT1 (AC) Walt Eife, USN/Ret.
Westmont, New Jersey
For 45 years, beginning way back in July of 1961, USS
DES MOINES had been held in reserve…first in Boston Harbor,
and later on at the Naval Inactive Ship Maintenance Facility
(NISMF) in Philadelphia. But sadly, any museum hope that was
once held for her on Lake Michigan has now faded...
At times, naval ship museums, such as Battleship New
Jersey and others, are permitted limited access to ships just prior
to their being scrapped, for the purpose of transferring fixtures
and equipment that may be of historic value. This was recently
the case with USS DES MOINES, now designated for towing to
a scrapping yard in Texas in August of 2006.
With thanks to Rich Thrash, one of our first battleship
New Jersey volunteers, we have a few last photos he had taken of
“Daisy Mae,” during an equipment retrieval visit in July 2006.
More photos of DES MOINES can be viewed at Rich’s
This bell was taken from the Liberty Ship SS John Philip Sousa. It
was found in a warehouse in Kingston, MA, in the possession of Mr. Tom
Coughlin. Mr. Coughlin, a former graduate of the Merchant Marine Academy in Kings Point, NY, had a business collecting and selling nautical
materials. The bell was spotted by the current director of the band at the
Merchant Marine Academy, Captain Kenneth Force. Captain Force
acquired the bell and gave it to the Marine Band in late 1983 or early 1984.
Captain Force related the following history of the SS John Philip
Sousa. The ship was built in Jacksonville, Florida by the St. Johns River
Shipbuilding Company and launched in August 1943. The engines were
made by Filer and Stowell in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
At the conclusion of World War II the ship was sold by the US
government. The ship was renamed several times including "Erato" 1946,
"Taxiachis" 1960, and "Protostatis" 1965.
In 1965 the ship went aground two miles off Point Traverse in
Lake Ontario. She was refloated and towed to Kingston, Ontario.
She went aground again off Wolfe Island in the St. Lawrence Seaway in November 1965 and abandoned. In January 1966 she was then
re-floated, towed to Valencia, Spain and scrapped.
Submitted by:
MGySgt Mike Ressler
Chief Librarian
US Marine Band
Washington, DC
27 June 1959 - USS ALABAMA
Ens. Joseph A. Lynch
striking the bell of
Submitted by
Bill Johnson
for the last time.
Mobile, Alabama
Photo with permission
from the book:
Submitted by
Manuel Filreis
“Faces and Phases
of the
a History in
Submitted by
Bill Humienny
Brooklyn, New York
Austin, Texas
During World War 2, the AMERICA was quickly converted in
about two weeks from a passenger ship to a troop ship. Lots of AMERICA
artifacts - like murals - were never removed, and were restored after the war.
The original bell was removed in 1964 when she was sold foreign,
and the bell is now on display in the American Merchant Marine Museum at
Kings Point, Long Island. This is a picture of that bell… and AMERICA's
Unofficial Historian, Bill Lee (circa 1994).
Submitted by
Joe Madigan
United States Seagoing Marine Association
Wesley Chapel, Florida
Naval Aviation Museum - Pensacola, Florida
Submitted by:
Volunteer Dave DiMarzio
Pennsville, New Jersey
Third Recruiting District and Navy Reserve Training Center
Macon, Georgia
Submitted by
Thomas A. Broadbent, Sr.
Palm Harbor, Florida
- on the right…
- on the left…
Both bells are at the
Kirkpatrick Center
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Submitted by
Tom Lamson, Historian
(RM3 - CR Div 1968-1970)
Hockley, Texas
Can anyone ID the origin of this ship’s bell?
The Marine Barracks, Norfolk Naval Shipyard was deactivated on 30 September
1978. At the time, it was the second oldest continuous post in the U.S. Marine Corps, second only to Marine Barracks, Washington, D.C. (Commonly referred to as “8th and Eye”).
Marine Corps Recruit Training was conducted at Marine Barracks, Norfolk Naval
Shipyard before World War I, when it was moved to Parris Island, South Carolina. Just
before the breakout of World War I, the Port Royal Navy Yard closed and the USMC took
control of the base for recruit training. The Marine Barracks then had four organizational
battle streamers: Civil War, Indian War, Cuba and Nicaragua.
Marine Barracks, Norfolk Naval Shipyard provided a security guard company to
provide perimeter security for the yard, as well as a security guard company at nearby
St. Julian’s Creek Ammunition Depot. Another primary mission was formal training for Marines assigned to Sea
Duty on the capital ships of the Fleet. It was known as Sea School, and had a section known as “Sea Pool” for those
Marines who had completed training at Sea School and were awaiting assignment to a ship or for that ship to arrive
in port. By the way, the Marine at attention by the bell is PFC Joseph Madagan, USMC - 1958.
Submitted by:
Joe Madagan
United States Seagoing Marine Association
Wesley Chapel, Florida
(BB 35)
Submitted by
Vol. Charles H. Stewart
Haddonfield, New Jersey
Additional ship’s bell photos received this quarter with many thanks...
Submitted by
Submitted by Historian
Submitted by
Sandy Thompson-Eskew Volunteer Dave DiMarzio
Allen Fisher
Pennsville, New Jersey
Grove, Oklahoma
West Palm Beach, Florida
Submitted by
Richard Willard
Tacoma, Washington
October 1944
S M Tu W Th F S
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 31
...wonder if th
ere’s ever
gonna be an ea
sier way
to run The Jer
Special Notice:
Battleship New Jersey caps, shirts, books, model kits and much more are now available from
the redesigned online ship’s store. You can help to support BB-62 with your purchases, please visit:
The Jerseyman is an independent online news magazine, and produced as a
keepsake journal for Battleship New Jersey museum volunteers, former crewmen of
USS NEW JERSEY, and for our readers. The Jerseyman is not sold, subscriptions
are not available, and all credited photos, cartoons and stories are the sole property of
their authors.
Wherever possible, The Jerseyman requests permission, properly credits, and
identifies the source of photographs, stories, or quotations. If crediting errors, or any
possible copyright infringements are found, please let us know and corrections will be
made. Thanks...
Master Chief Tom Helvig, USN (Ret.)
Volunteer Writer/Editor The Jerseyman
68 Boothby Drive
Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054
Logo courtesy of Maritime Artist and
email: [email protected]
former USS NEW JERSEY crewman,
© 2006 All Rights Reserved
James A. Flood