Alternators to suit Mitsubishi - indotek
Alternators to suit Mitsubishi - indotek
Technical Information Alternators Alternator with a Field Control Unit RXA200 To suit: Mazda Applications Engine: UC, NA 70 Amp !"#$%&#'(()!*%+,('$%-!.!"#$%&#'(!/'#0 !12!3,4$!5'6-'!7&2$%+%!899:;8999<!! ! =4'!>%?@4'!899:0 !*%?('A%3B!CD1EFF98<!CD1EF8980 Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.0mm 10mm 156mm Piv. Lug Length RXA202 Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. 80mm A 17mm 12 Volt Plug Code: IR15 40 Amp Remanufactured Plug Code: IR29 To suit: Ford / Mazda Applications Engine: MA, NA, TB, TC, VC Externally regulated P Alternator with a Field Control Unit 40 Amp Can Use: D Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.0mm 8mm 156mm Can Use: Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. 80mm A 17mm To suit Mitsubishi MXA305 12 Volt 12 Volt Remanufactured Plug Code: ER2 E N F A CAUTION RXA203 1@43!'($%&#'$2&!43!G4$$%-!H4$@!'!G4%(-!A2#$&2(!,#4$!'#-!IJ1!'!&%+,('$2&0!K2($'+%!2,$?,$!43!A2#$&2((%-! L)!$@%!M%@4A(%3!A2N?,$%&!OPQ5R0!'#-!5S>1!L%!$%3$%-!H4$@!&%+,('$2&!$%3$%&!*TUVF8W0 12 Volt 50 Amp Remanufactured To suit: Mazda / Mitsubishi Applications Engine: 12A, 12B, 13B, MA, VC, 4G32 Externally regulated RGX3018 Regulator Tester !C??(4A'L(%!'($%&#'$2&3B!CFFD1EFF98<!CFFD1EF898<!CFFD1EDV98<!X*8YZ;:8D !1@%!('$%3$!3%&4%3!2G!'($%&#'$2&3!,3%!'![/4%(-!Q2#$&2(\!,#4$<!H@4A@!(22]3!M%&)!34N4('&!$2!'!3$'#-'&-!M2($'+%!&%+,('$2&0!! ! 1@%!G4%(-!A2#$&2(!,#4$!43![-&4M%#\!L)!$@%!M%@4A(%!A2N?,$%&<!'#-!4G!$%3$%-!(4]%!'!A2#M%#$42#'(!&%+,('$2&!$@%!,#4$!H4((!L%!-%3$&2)%-0!! ! 1@%!*TUVF8W!&%+,('$2&!$%3$%&!%#'L(%3!$@%!'($%&#'$2&.PQ5!$2!L%!$%3$%-!H4$@2,$!L%4#+!-'N'+%-0 Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.0mm 10mm 175mm Can Use: Piv. Lug Length MXA204 Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 80mm A 12 Volt Shaft Dia. Plug Code: ER2 E N F A 40 Amp New To suit: Ford / Mazda Applications Engine: E3, E5 CAUTION 1@43!43!#2$!'!&%+,('$2&0!"$!43!'![G4%(-!A2#$&2(\!,#4$!$@'$!43![-&4M%#\!L)!$@%!M%@4A(%!A2N?,$%&!OPQ5R0 Can Use: RXA204 RXA205 (-) "NO CHARGE" INDICATOR LIGHT (-) IGNITION SWITCH VEHICLE COMPUTER (PCM) 'D' (DRIVER) 'P' (PHASE) (B+) Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.25mm 10mm 174mm Piv. Lug Length RXA205 Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 80mm A 12 Volt Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR15 50 Amp Remanufactured To suit: Ford / Mazda Applications Engine: 12B, 13B, F8, FE, MA, VC ROTOR Can Use: SOURCE OF FIELD CURRENT (B+) POSITIVE RECTIFIER 192 (N) (B-) (-) STATOR NEGATIVE RECTIFIER Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.0mm M10 175mm Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 80mm A // Shaft Dia. // Alternators 12 Volt MXA212 60 Amp New 12 Volt 65 Amp New To suit: Ford / Mazda Applications Engine: B5, B6, BP, E3, E5 Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.0mm 10 / M10 x 1.25mm Can Use: To suit: Ford / Kia / Mazda Applications Engine: E6, B6, BP MXA212 Piv. Lug Length 175mm MXA208 Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 65mm A 12 Volt Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR49 L S Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.0mm 10mm 173mm Can Use: Piv. Lug Length MXA215 60 Amp New Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 66mm A 12 Volt Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR49 L S 65 Amp New To suit: Ford / Mazda Applications Engine: F6, F8, FE Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.0mm 10mm 175mm Can Use: Piv. Lug Length RXA209 To suit: Mitsubishi Applications Engine: 4D55, 4D55-T, 4D56, 4D56-T Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 66mm 5 PV 12 Volt Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR15 Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.0mm 8mm 175mm Can Use: Piv. Lug Length MXA217 55 Amp Remanufactured Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 54mm A 12 Volt Shaft Dia. To suit Mitsubishi To suit Mitsubishi 193 Alternators MXA207 Adj. Hole Dia. Plug Code: IR15 Plug Code: IR49 L S 70 Amp New To suit: Ford / Mazda Applications Engine: 12A, E3, FE Can Use: To suit: Ford / Mazda Applications Engine: F2, F8, FE Can Use: MXA212 (Change Pulley) Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.0mm 10mm 175mm Piv. Lug Length MXA210 Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 65mm A 12 Volt Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR15 Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.0mm 10mm 175mm Piv. Lug Length MXA218 55 Amp New Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 66mm 3 PV 12 Volt Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR49 L S 50 Amp New To suit: Ford / Mazda Applications Engine: B3, B6, E5, E6, F8, FE Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.0mm 10.5mm 175mm Can Use: Piv. Lug Length MXA211 To suit: Mazda Applications Engine: F2, F8, FE Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 65mm A 12 Volt Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR15 Can Use: MXA210 Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.0mm 10mm 175mm Piv. Lug Length RXA219 75 Amp New Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 66mm A 12 Volt Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR15 40 Amp Remanufactured To suit: Mitsubishi Applications Engine: 4G64 194 Adj. Hole Dia. Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.0mm 10mm 175mm Piv. Lug Length To suit: Mitsubishi Applications Engine: G43B Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 55mm A Shaft Dia. // Plug Code: IR49 L S Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.0mm 8mm 153.5mm Can Use: Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 48mm A Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR15 // 195 Alternators Alternators MXA220 12 Volt RXA228 90 Amp New To suit: Mitsubishi / Hyundai Applications Engine: 4G64, 4G63, 4GCP 75 Amp 210-4214 Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length 13mm 9/10mm 181mm 76mm MXA221 Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR29 P D 6 PV 24 Volt Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.0mm 8mm 175mm Can Use: MXA231 Piv. Lug Length MXA230 25 Amp New Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 78mm 4 PV 12 Volt Shaft Dia. Can Use: To suit: Hyundai / Mitsubishi Engine: G4GF, G4GM HXA008 90 Amp Can Use: 35 Amp Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M12 x 1.5mm 12mm 175mm Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 80mm B 12 Volt Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR15 Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.0mm 8mm 173mm Piv. Lug Length MXA231 45 Amp Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 55mm 4 PV 12 Volt Shaft Dia. Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.0mm 8mm 174mm Piv. Lug Length MXA226 To suit: Hyundai Lantra, Sonata Engine: G4CN Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 54mm A 12 Volt Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR16 L S 90 Amp Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.0mm 8mm 175mm Can Use: RXA228 Piv. Lug Length MXA233 75 Amp New Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 77mm 4 PV 12 Volt Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR49 L S 75 Amp New To suit: Mitsubishi Applications Engine: 6G72 Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.0mm 8mm 175mm Piv. Lug Length RXA227 To suit: Mitsubishi Lancer Engine: 4G15 Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 55mm 5 PV 12 Volt Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR49 L S Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.0mm 8mm 175mm Piv. Lug Length MXA234 65 Amp Remanufactured Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 55mm 4 PV 12 Volt Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR49 L S 80 Amp New To suit: Mazda 929 including Turbo Engine: FE Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.0mm 10mm 175mm Can Use: Piv. Lug Length To suit: Ford Telstar Engine: FS Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 66mm A Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR15 Can Use: RXA234 Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole 9mm 10 / M10 x 1.5mm 175mm Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 66mm 4 PV // Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR49 L S // Alternators 197 Alternators RXA239 12 Volt MXA247 45 Amp Remanufactured 12 Volt 90 Amp New To suit: Mazda / Mitsubishi Applications Engine: 4G52, 4G53, 4G54 Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.0mm 9mm 175mm Can Use: Piv. Lug Length MXA240 To suit: Ford Telstar TX5, Eunos 500 Engine: KL, KF Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 55mm A 12 Volt Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR15 Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.0mm 10mm 175mm Can Use: Piv. Lug Length MXA248 65 Amp New Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 66mm 5 PV 12 Volt Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR49 L S 60 Amp New To suit: Mitsubishi Cordia, Nimbus Engine: 4G62, 4G63, 4G63B Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.0mm 8mm 175mm Can Use: Piv. Lug Length MXA241 To suit: Ford, Mazda Applications Engine: G6 Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 55mm 4 PV 24 Volt Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR15 Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.0mm 10mm 175mm Can Use: Piv. Lug Length MXA255 40 Amp New Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 66mm A 12 Volt Shaft Dia. To suit Mitsubishi Adj. Hole Dia. Plug Code: IR49 L S 50 Amp New To suit: Mitsubishi / Fuso Applications Engine: 6D11, 6D14, 6D15, 6D20, 6D22 Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M12 x 1.25mm 13mm 190mm Can Use: Piv. Lug Length MXA243 To suit: Nissan Applications Engine: Z20, Z20S, Z24 Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 80mm BB 12 Volt Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR47 L R Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.0mm 10mm 175mm Piv. Lug Length MXA257 50 Amp New Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 80mm A 12 Volt Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR16 50 Amp New To suit: Ford / Mazda Applications Engine: Adj. Hole Dia. Plug Code: IR49 New To suit: Mitsubishi Applications Engine: 4D55 To suit Mitsubishi L S New To suit: Mitsubishi Applications Engine: 4D30, 4D31-T, 4D32 New Piv. Lug Hole Dia. M8 x 1.0mm 10mm Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Can Use: To suit: Mitsubishi Pajero Engine: 4G54 RXA246 (80A) Piv. Lug Length 175mm Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 66mm RXA246 3 PV 12 Volt Shaft Dia. 17mm Plug Code: IR49 L Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1 8mm 176mm S Piv. Lug Length MXA258 80 Amp Remanufactured Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 55mm A 12 Volt Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR49 L S 75 Amp New To suit: Ford Laser Engine: B6, BP 198 Plug Code: IR49 To suit Mitsubishi To suit Mitsubishi Can Use: MXA223 196 12 Volt Remanufactured To suit: Mazda 3 Engine: LF, LF-DE Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.0mm 10mm 175mm Piv. Lug Length To suit: Mitsubishi Pajero NJ Engine: 4M40 Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 66mm 4 PV Shaft Dia. // Plug Code: IR49 L S Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.25mm 12.5mm 175mm Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 55mm AA Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR49 L S // 199 Alternators Alternators MXA259 12 Volt MXA273 75 Amp New Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.0mm 8mm 175mm Can Use: Piv. Lug Length MXA263 To suit: Mitsubishi Triton Engine: 4G54 45 Amp Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 55mm A Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR49 L S 24 Volt Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.0mm 8mm 175mm Piv. Lug Length MXA280 50 Amp New Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 55mm A Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR49 L S 12 Volt 130 Amp New To suit: Isuzu Applications Engine: 4HFI Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole 8.5mm 10mm 172mm Piv. Lug Length MXA264 To suit: Ford Falcon BF / FG 2006-2007 Engine: 6 cyl Barra 190 Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 75mm BBB 24 Volt Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR9 Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length 9mm 9mm 110mm 45mm MXA282 35 Amp New Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. 6 PV 12 Volt To suit Mitsubishi To suit Mitsubishi 12 Volt New To suit: Hyundai S Coupe / Mitsubishi L300 Engine: G4DJ, G4EK Plug Code: IR89 AS RC L1 70 Amp New To suit: Mitsubishi Canter Engine: 4D33 Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole 10mm 12.5mm 175mm Piv. Lug Length MXA268 To suit: Ford Falcon EB-ED Engine: 6 cyl 4.1L Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. 80mm AA 20mm 12 Volt Plug Code: IR18 Can Use: BXF1259A Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M10 x 1.5mm 10mm 175mm Piv. Lug Length MXA285 70 Amp New Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 66mm 3 PV Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR49 L S 12 Volt 110 Amp New To suit: Mazda MPV Engine: JE V6 Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.0mm 10mm 175mm Piv. Lug Length To suit: Ford Falcon BA Engine: 4.0L 6 cyl Barra 182 Note: May suit AU Falcon with wiring modifications Genuine May Require HXK-24 Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 66mm A Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR49 L Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length 9mm 9mm 110mm 45mm S Can Use: MXA288 Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR97 L 6 PV L = Warning Lamp MXA270 12 Volt MXA286 70 Amp New 200 12 Volt 110 Amp New To suit: Mazda 929 Engine: JE V6 Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.0mm 10mm 175mm Piv. Lug Length To suit: Ford Falcon EF Engine: Z (V8) Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 66mm A Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR15 Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length M8 x 1.0mm 11mm 151mm 76mm Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. // Alternators 12 Volt MXA293 65 Amp New 12 Volt 60 Amp New To suit: Ford Laser KF TX3 Engine: BP(H) Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. M8 x 1.0mm 10 / M10 x 1.25mm Can Use: Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length 175mm MXA288 To suit: Ford Festiva WB Engine: B3 Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 66mm A Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR49 L S Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. M8 x 1.0mm 10 / M10 x 1.25mm Can Use: 210-4210 Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length 175mm MXA294 12 Volt 110 Amp New Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 66mm 4 PV 12 Volt Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR49 L S 75 Amp New To suit: Ford Falcon, Fairmont, Fairlane Engine: 4.0L Note: May suit AU Falcon with wiring modifications Can Use: To suit: Kia Sportage 1995-1997 Engine: FED MXA285 Can Use: May Require HXK-24 Adj. Hole Dia. 10mm Piv. Lug Hole Dia. 10mm Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole 110mm Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 45mm MXA289 Shaft Dia. L Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 10mm 175mm Piv. Lug Length MXA295 50 Amp New Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 66mm 4 PV 12 Volt Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR49 L S 80 Amp New To suit: Ford Trader Engine: SL Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.0mm 10mm 175mm Piv. Lug Length MXA291 To suit: Nissan Patrol GQ Engine: RD28T 2.8L Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 80mm A Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR49 L Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 10mm 175mm S Piv. Lug Length MXA296 12 Volt 110 Amp New Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 80mm AA 12 Volt Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR49 L S 75 Amp New To suit: Hyundai Sonata Engine: G6AT V6 Adj. Hole Dia. Adj. Hole Dia. S 6 PV 12 Volt Plug Code: IR49 To suit Mitsubishi To suit Mitsubishi 201 Alternators MXA287 Piv. Lug Hole Dia. M8 x 1.25mm 8mm Can Use: Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length 178mm Length Ft. to Ft. 55mm MXA292 To suit: Mitsubishi Express, Starwagon, Pajero 4WD Engine: 4D56 Pulley Section Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR49 L S 5 PV Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 10mm 182mm Piv. Lug Length RXA297 12 Volt 110 Amp New Can Use: Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 55mm AA 12 Volt Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR49 L S 65 Amp Remanufactured To suit: Mazda Parkway Bus Engine: SL 202 L S 6 PV // Plug Code: IR49 Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.0mm 10mm 185mm Piv. Lug Length To suit: Mazda GG10-626 2/1983-7/1985 Engine: FE Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 80mm A Shaft Dia. // Plug Code: IR15 Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 10mm 175mm Can Use: Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 80mm 5 PV Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR15 // 203 Alternators Alternators MXA298 12 Volt MXA303 65 Amp New Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Can Use: Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. To suit: Hyundai EF Sonata Engine: G4CP Pulley Section Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR39 B EXC M8 9mm 165mm 51mm MXA299 Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 10mm 175mm Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 66mm 4 PV Shaft Dia. S 6 PV 12 Volt Can Use: MXA304 55 Amp New 12 Volt Plug Code: IR27 FR L S G 80 Amp New To suit: Bobcat / Clark / Melroe Applications Engine: Various Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Can Use: To suit: Hyundai Accent Engine: G4ECX MXA298 Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR40 B P EXC M8 9mm 166mm 51mm Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole 7mm 8mm 173mm Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 55mm 4 PV Shaft Dia. To suit Mitsubishi To suit Mitsubishi 12 Volt 110 Amp New To suit: Mercury Marine Applications Engine: Various Plug Code: IR49 L S A S P = Stator MXA300 12 Volt MXA305 95 Amp New 12 Volt 80 Amp New To suit: Ford Transit Diesel Engine: 4GB, 4GC Can Use: To suit: Mazda 626 Engine: Note: Fitted with field control unit LXA139 Will Require Pump Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 8mm 152mm Piv. Lug Length MXA301 Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 80mm 4 PV Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR26 W L Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.25mm 8mm 175mm Can Use: Piv. Lug Length MXA306 12 Volt 110 Amp New Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 66mm 4 PV Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR29 P D 12 Volt 140 Amp New To suit: Hyundai Sonata EF, Grandeur XG Engine: G6AT V6 Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 10mm 160mm Can Use: Piv. Lug Length MXA302 To suit: Holden Commodore VT, VX, VY Engine: LS1 (V8 Gen III) Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 46mm 6 PV Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR49 L Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole 10mm 10mm 139mm S Can Use: Piv. Lug Length MXA308 12 Volt 120 Amp New Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 50mm 6 PV 12 Volt Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR49 L S 95 Amp New To suit: Hyundai Grandeur XG Engine: G6AT V6 3.0L Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole 10.8mm 10mm 160mm Piv. Lug Length To suit: Subaru Forester Sportswagon Engine: EJ20 Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 30mm 6 PV Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR27 FR L S G Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8mm 8mm 175mm Can Use: Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 80mm 5 PV Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR48 S = Sense 204 // // Alternators Alternators MXA309 12 Volt MXA316 70 Amp New Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole 7.3mm 10mm 175mm Piv. Lug Length MXA310 To suit: Kia Carens Engine: TB 90 Amp Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 78mm AA 12 Volt Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR49 L S Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole 8.5mm M10 x 1.25mm 175mm Piv. Lug Length MXA317 75 Amp Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 67mm 4 PV 12 Volt Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR49 L S 35 Amp New New To suit: Subaru Impreza Engine: EJ20T Can Use: To suit: Nissan Forklift Applications Engine: Various RXA310 Can Use: HXA079 M8mm Piv. Lug Hole Dia. 8.6mm Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length 175mm Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 80mm MXA312 Shaft Dia. L S A 12 Volt Plug Code: IR19 Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.25mm 8mm 156mm Piv. Lug Length MXA318 85 Amp New Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 82mm A 12 Volt Shaft Dia. To suit Mitsubishi To suit Mitsubishi 12 Volt New To suit: Nissan GQ Patrol Engine: TD42 Adj. Hole Dia. 205 Plug Code: IR49 L S 80 Amp New To suit: Mitsubishi Triton Engine: 6G72 Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.25mm 10mm 175mm Piv. Lug Length To suit: Isuzu Applications Engine: 4JA1 60cc vac pump Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 55mm 5 PV Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR49 L S Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M10 x 1.25mm 10mm 175mm Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 80mm A Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR9 IG = Ignition MXA314 MXA320 12 Volt 110 Amp New Adj. Hole Dia. 10.5mm Piv. Lug Hole Dia. 10mm Can Use: Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length 153mm Length Ft. to Ft. 61mm MXA315 To suit: Mitsubishi Pajero Engine: 3.0L, 3.5L V6 Petrol 6G72, 6G74 Pulley Section Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR49 L S 6 PV Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.25mm 10mm 175mm Can Use: Piv. Lug Length MXA321 12 Volt 110 Amp New Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 55mm 5 PV Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR49 L S 12 Volt 100 Amp New To suit: Mitsubishi Pajero Engine: 4D56, 4D56T Note: 60cc vac pump 206 12 Volt 100 Amp New To suit: Kia Carnival Engine: KV6 Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.25mm 11mm 183mm Piv. Lug Length To suit: Nissan Patrol GU Y61 Engine: 2.8L Turbo Diesel Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 55mm AA Shaft Dia. // Plug Code: IR49 L S Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole 8.5mm 10mm 175mm Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 80mm AA Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR49 L S // 207 Alternators Alternators MXA322 12 Volt MXA329 90 Amp New Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.25mm 8.5mm 172mm Piv. Lug Length MXA323 To suit: Mazda 6 2/2002 > Engine: 2.3L L3 Voltage regulation controlled by vehicle’s ECU 90 Amp Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 58mm A 12 Volt Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR19 L Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole 10mm 10.5mm 174mm S Can Use: 210-4210 Piv. Lug Length Pulley Section Shaft Dia. P D 12 Volt 140 Amp New To suit: Kia Pregio 2002-2005 Engine: J2 2.7L Diesel 12mm Vac Hose Piv. Lug Hole Dia. M8 x 1.25mm Can Use: Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole 10mm Piv. Lug Length 175mm Length Ft. to Ft. To suit: Holden Commodore VE Engine: 6.0L V8 Gen IV L98 Has field report terminal Will not interchange with MXA332 Pulley Section 80mm MXA324 Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR49 L A Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length 10mm 10mm 140mm 51mm S MXA331 12 Volt 120 Amp New Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR127 6 PV 12 Volt 120 Amp New To suit: Mitsubishi Pajero 1993-1996, Delica 1999-2002 Engine: V46V, PD8W Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.25mm 10mm 175mm Piv. Lug Length MXA325 Can Use: To suit: Holden Commodore VE Engine: 3.6L V6 Alloytec Has field report terminal Will not interchange with MXA333 Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 60mm AA Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR49 L Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length 10mm 10 / 12mm 169mm 50mm S MXA332 12 Volt 100 Amp New Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR127 6 PV 12 Volt 100 Amp New To suit: Ford Falcon EF, EL 1994-1998 Engine: H Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole 11mm M10 175mm Can Use: To suit: Holden Commodore VZ Engine: 6.0L Gen IV L76 Will not interchange with MXA330 BXF1260A Piv. Lug Length MXA326 Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 67mm 6 PV 12 Volt Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR49 L Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length 10mm mm 140mm 39mm S MXA333 75 Amp New Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR127 6 PV 12 Volt 120 Amp New To suit: Mitsubishi Mirage CK1A, CK2A 1997-1999 Engine: 4G15 Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.25mm M10 175mm Piv. Lug Length Can Use: To suit: Holden Commodore VZ Engine: 3.6L V6 HF Euro3 Has field report terminal Will not interchange with MXA331 Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 66mm 5 PV Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR49 L Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length 10mm 10mm 169mm 50mm S Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR127 6 PV // // Alternators 209 Alternators RXA350 12 Volt MXA355 80 Amp Remanufactured 12 Volt 90 Amp New To suit: Nissan Pulsar N16 2000-2004 Engine: 1.6L Petrol QG16DE Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.25mm M10 169mm Can Use: To suit: Nissan 300ZX Engine: VG30DE, VG30DETT MXA353 Piv. Lug Length RXA351 Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 81mm 6 PV 12 Volt Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR19 L S Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole 8.6mm 10mm 175mm Piv. Lug Length RXA356 90 Amp Remanufactured Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 81mm 4 PV 12 Volt Shaft Dia. To suit Mitsubishi To suit Mitsubishi Plug Code: IR29 6 PV MXA330 75 Amp New Length Ft. to Ft. To suit Mitsubishi To suit Mitsubishi Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Adj. Hole Dia. 208 12 Volt New To suit: Bobcat Applications Engine: Plug Code: IR49 L S 80 Amp Remanufactured To suit: Subaru Forrester 4WD 2003-2005 Engine: 2.5L EJ25 Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.25mm M8 175mm Can Use: Piv. Lug Length To suit: Mitsubishi FTO, Galant Engine: 2.0L 6A12 Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 80mm 5 PV Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR50 Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole 10mm 10mm 180mm Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 55mm 4 PV Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR27 FR L S G L = Warning Lamp RXA352 12 Volt MXA357 55 Amp Remanufactured 12 Volt 50 Amp New To suit: Mitsubishi Express SJ 1994 > Engine: 4G63, 6A12 Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.25mm M8 175mm Can Use: Piv. Lug Length MXA353 To suit: Ford Trader / Mazda T3500, T4000 Engine: Note: 30cc vac pump Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 82mm 4 PV Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR49 L S Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.0mm 10mm 175mm Can Use: Piv. Lug Length MXA358 12 Volt 100 Amp New Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 80mm A Shaft Dia. L S 12 Volt 120 Amp New To suit: Subaru Liberty, Outback Engine: EZ30D Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.25mm 8mm 175mm Can Use: Piv. Lug Length To suit: Hyundai Terracan / Kia Cerato Engine: G4GC, G6CU Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 80mm 6 PV Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR50 Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole 10mm 10mm 177mm Can Use: Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 48 / 29mm 5 PV Shaft Dia. RXA354 12 Volt Plug Code: IR70 G L = Warning Lamp S L FR L = Warning Lamp MXA359 75 Amp Remanufactured 12 Volt 100 Amp New To suit: Mazda Bravo B2500 / Ford WL Courier Engine: 2.5L Turbo Diesel May require wiring modifications & HXK-24 210 Plug Code: IR49 Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.25mm 10mm 175mm Piv. Lug Length Can Use: To suit: Mazda MPV Engine: GY 2.5L Note: Fitted with FCV Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 68mm AA Shaft Dia. // Plug Code: IR49 L S Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole 10mm 10mm 175mm Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 6 PV Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR29 P D // 211 Alternators Alternators MXA360 12 Volt MXA369 75 Amp New To suit Mitsubishi Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8mm 10mm 180mm Piv. Lug Length To suit: Mitsubishi CH Lancer / Subaru Outback Engine: 4G94, EJ25 Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 56mm AA Plug Code: IR16 Shaft Dia. Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 10.5mm 166mm Piv. Lug Length Can Use: Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 66mm 4 PV Shaft Dia. MXA362 12 Volt MXA371 40 Amp New S G 12 Volt 115 Amp New To suit: New Holland Applications Engine: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole 8mm 10mm 156mm Can Use: Piv. Lug Length To suit: Hyundai Getz TB Engine: Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 81mm B 12 Volt Plug Code: Shaft Dia. Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 8.2mm 172mm Piv. Lug Length MXA374 80 Amp Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 54mm 4 PV Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR49 L S 12 Volt 115 Amp New To suit: Hyundai / Kia Applications Engine: 1.6L, 2.0L Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8mm 8mm 172mm Can Use: Piv. Lug Length MXA366 To suit: Hyundai i30 HD Engine: Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 54mm 4 PV Plug Code: IR49 Shaft Dia. L Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 8mm 173mm S Piv. Lug Length MXA398 12 Volt 115 Amp New Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 54mm 4 PV 12 Volt Shaft Dia. Plug Code: 90 Amp New To suit: Mitsubishi CH Lancer Engine: 4G69 Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Can Use: Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length MXA368 Length Ft. to Ft. To suit: Mitsubishi Galant, Eclipse Engine: 2.4L Pulley Section Plug Code: Shaft Dia. Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole m8 x 1.25mm 8.5mm 175mm Can Use: Piv. Lug Length MXA399 12 Volt 110 Amp New Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 77.6mm 4 PV Shaft Dia. Plug Code: 12 Volt 115 Amp New To suit: Ford Escape / Mazda Tribute Engine: 3.0L Can Use: To suit: Honda Jazz GD1 Engine: L13A1 Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 10mm 10mm 88mm 55mm 55mm 6 PV Plug Code: IR68 Shaft Dia. I Adj. Hole Dia. FR A+ Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Can Use: Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section M8 x 8.5mm Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR27 FR L S G 5 PV // // Alternators 213 Alternators MXA2002 MXA2009 12 Volt 115 Amp New 12 Volt 110 Amp New To suit: Mercedes-Benz C200, W202 Engine: Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length 10.2mm 10mm 156mm 56mm MXA2004 Length Ft. to Ft. To suit: Subaru Legacy, Outback Engine: 2.5L Pulley Section Plug Code: Shaft Dia. 6 PV Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section M8 x 1.25mm 10mm 85mm 13mm 13mm 6 PV MXA2010 12 Volt 115 Amp Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR48 12 Volt New New To suit: Mercedes-Benz ML320, W163 Engine: Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length 10mm 10mm 156mm 56mm MXA2006 CCW Length Ft. to Ft. To suit: Holden Cruze YG M15A Engine: 1.5L 4 cyl Pulley Section Plug Code: Shaft Dia. Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. Plug Code: 12 Volt MXA2011 70 Amp 12 Volt New To suit: Honda Civic Engine: 1.7L D17A2 M8 x 1.25mm Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole 6 PV New Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Can Use: To suit Mitsubishi To suit Mitsubishi FR L S = Sense New Piv. Lug Hole Dia. 10mm Can Use: Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole 80 x 85mm Piv. Lug Length 16mm MXA2007 Length Ft. to Ft. To suit: Holden Cruze YG M15A Engine: 1.5L 4 cyl Pulley Section 58mm 6 PV 12 Volt Plug Code: IR43 Shaft Dia. IG C L FR Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Can Use: Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. Plug Code: 17mm MXA2012 80 Amp 12 Volt New New To suit: Honda Civic 2006-2010 Engine: 1.8L Can Use: To suit: Holden Captiva CG Alloytech Engine: 3.2L V6 No image available at this time Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. 8.5mm M8 x 1.25mm 131.7mm 20mm 39.6mm 7 PV 17mm MXA2008 12 Volt Plug Code: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Can Use: Piv. Lug Length MXA2013 90 Amp Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. Plug Code: 12 Volt New New To suit: Mitsubishi Mirage / Lancer Engine: 1.8L, 2.0L 214 Plug Code: IR27 To suit Mitsubishi Adj. Hole Dia. Can Use: MXA365 212 12 Volt 115 Amp New To suit: Mitsubishi Pajero, Triton Engine: 4D56, 4D56T Can Use: To suit: Holden Captiva CG Z20S1T Engine: 2.0L 4 cyl Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section M8 x 1.25mm 10mm 96 x 89mm 13mm 13 x 13mm 4 PV Shaft Dia. // Plug Code: IR70 G S L Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Can Use: Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. Plug Code: FR // 215 Alternators MXA9600 24 Volt 30 Amp New To suit Mitsubishi To suit: Isuzu Applications Engine: 6BG1, 6HE1 Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole 10mm 10mm 175mm Piv. Lug Length To suit: Engine: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length 216 BB Plug Code: Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. Plug Code: Length Ft. to Ft. Plug Code: Can Use: Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length To suit: Engine: Adj. Hole Dia. 80mm Shaft Dia. Can Use: To suit: Engine: Adj. Hole Dia. Pulley Section Can Use: To suit: Engine: Adj. Hole Dia. Length Ft. to Ft. Length Ft. to Ft. Plug Code: Can Use: Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. // Plug Code:
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