report - Voices for Illinois Children


report - Voices for Illinois Children
Annual Report for 2013 and 2014
Our Mission
Voices for Illinois Children champions the full development of
every child in Illinois to ensure the future well-being of everyone
in the state. We work with families, communities, and policymakers on all issues to help children grow up happy, healthy,
nurtured, safe, and well-educated.
Our Values
We are committed to the well-being of every child. All children,
regardless of circumstances, are vital to the preservation of a
vigorous democracy. We believe children do well when they
grow up in strong, supportive families, and that families do well
in supportive communities. We believe in focusing on preventing problems by employing comprehensive, well-researched
strategies to improve children’s education and health care and
to strengthen their families’ economic security and the social
services on which they depend.
What We Do
Founded in 1987, Voices is a statewide, nonpartisan, nonproDit
organization that bridges ideological and political boundaries.
We work toward comprehensive, effective, and cost-efDicient
public policies to build better lives for Illinois children. Better
lives are deDined by a set of social, economic, and community
factors, including high-quality early childhood and K-12 education, access to high-quality medical and mental health care,
youth development and out-of-school-time enrichment, and
family economic stability.
Voices for Illinois Children:
Conducts policy research and analysis
Initiates public policy solutions
Builds coalitions and supports community empowerment
Raises public awareness about crucial issues
affecting children
• Mobilizes individuals, groups and communities
to speak up for children
• Communicates and deliberates with policymakers
Dear Friends,
The last several years have been tough for Illinois children and families. It is easy
to get discouraged and to settle for small gains.
At Voices we take the long view and we are persistent. We know that even in tough
times there are opportunities to improve policies and programs that support
children’s education and healthy development and their families’ economic security. Voices’ particular expertise is in spotting and analyzing those opportunities,
engaging in public dialogues, and then leading with strong public awareness
campaigns, policymaker education, and systems development.
During 2013 and 2014, we educated policymakers about the need to maintain
adequate revenue to support essential services. We worked to strengthen home
visiting, child mental health, early childhood education, and afterschool and youth
development systems. And we launched community conversations where community leaders and legislators used Illinois Kids Count data to set priorities and
brainstorm solutions for their areas.
Voices is all about solutions. Our expertise and effectiveness in advocacy for
children are unparalleled. We know what needs to be done and will continue to
point policymakers in the right direction and to build public support for strong
policies and effective budget priorities.
We are grateful to the many individuals and groups that support this urgent work.
We couldn’t do it without you.
Chair, Board of Directors
2013-2014 Highlights
Illinois Kids Count
The state of children’s well-being was tracked.
Each year Voices provides valuable data on children’s well-being, as well as analysis and viewpoints from leaders in the state. The Kids Count project goes beyond publication of the annual
Illinois Kids Count data book to raise the public’s awareness through media and to engage advocates,
providers, policymakers, and community leaders in symposiums and community conversations.
The 2013 Illinois Kids Count data book, Moving Policy, Making Progress, examined progress in
improving the lives of children over the past 25 years—and the recent erosion in essential
supports that enable children to grow up healthy and well educated.
In 2014, Child Health Matters covered key health indicators. Reps. Robyn Gabel and Sam
Yingling said that the report would be a valuable tool for them when making budget decisions in
the General Assembly.
Millions got the message. We achieved widespread media coverage of the Illinois Kids Count
messages, estimated to have reached over 4 million people.
Community Conversations
Legislators and community leaders convened. A new initiative, Our Communities: Illinois Kids Count
Conversations, engaged civic, business, and community leaders in face-to-face discussions with local
legislators on the best strategies to build better lives for local children and families.
Solutions were proposed. We galvanized leaders in Chicago, Joliet, Danville, Carbondale, Collinsville,
Rockford, Bloomington, Freeport, SpringDield, DuPage County, and Lake County. Armed with Kids
Count data, they met with legislators to share the needs of their communities. The dialogues resulted
in action steps and a commitment to work together for the best outcomes for children.
Advocacy and the Fiscal Policy Center
“A Stronger Illinois” reframed the message. We used the stories of real people to make the case for
long-term fundamental investments that are good for children, families, and communities. Voices
continued to work on the long-term goal of educating the public and policymakers about the necessity of raising the resources to support vital programs.
Budget cuts were halted. In 2013, after several years of deep budget cuts, the efforts of Voices and
partner organizations resulted in modest increases to key state programs and services, including
General State Aid (the primary funding source for K-12 public schools), medical assistance, and early
intervention services. Deep cuts were avoided in 2014 as well.
Budget transparency increased. Fiscal Policy Center proposals to increase state budget transparency
were put in place. Legislation was enacted requiring the Governor’s OfDice of Management and Budget
to prepare an annual report on actual and estimated transfers from the General Funds.
Birth to Eight
Public awareness campaign on childhood trauma launched. Voices and the Illinois Childhood Trauma
Coalition launched the “Look Through Their Eyes” campaign to increase awareness of the prevalence
of childhood trauma and provide parents and caregivers with the resources to recognize symptoms
and Dind services.
Coordination made a difference. More home visiting programs had access to mental health consultation and trauma-informed training because of Voices’ joint leadership of the Illinois Children’s Mental
Health Partnership, Illinois Childhood Trauma Coalition, Home Visiting Task Force, and Maternal,
Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) initiative.
Early math’s importance recognized. Voices co-led the Early Math Statewide Advisory Committee,
culminating in an early math report and recommendations for higher education, professional development, systems building, and public awareness.
Afterschool and Youth Development
Afterschool became more professional. Voices led efforts to strengthen afterschool program quality
by professionalizing the Dield. ACT Now, with Voices’ support, kicked off efforts to write statewide
afterschool quality standards and helped to create a statewide afterschool professional credential.
Our Partners in Building Better Lives
Changing policy requires a broad base of support. Voices for Illinois Children brings together
people with commitment, expertise and good ideas to educate the public about such issues
as education quality, children’s mental health, the return on investments in early learning,
and the impact of state budget decisions on families’ economic security. We work in partnership with individuals and organizations to protect hard-won gains for children in health,
education and human services. In addition to providing leadership, advocacy and communications for coalitions, we act as Discal agent and provide space for several groups.
Voices’ Collaborating Partners include:
ACT Now (Afterschool for Children and Teens Now)
Foster Kids Are Our Kids Campaign Agencies
Illinois Budgeting for Results Commission
Illinois Childhood Trauma Coalition
Illinois Children’s Mental Health Partnership
Voices Leadership Committees
Voices Leadership Committees help citizens
and communities throughout Illinois raise
their voices collectively for children. We are
grateful to the individuals who provide leadership for the VLCs.
Illinois Collaboration on Youth
Champaign-Urbana Voices Leadership Committee
Chair: Brenda Koester
Illinois Early Childhood Asset Map (IECAM)
Technical Advisory Committee
DuPage Voices Leadership Committee
Chair: Courtney Simek
Illinois Early Learning Council
Freeport Voices Leadership Committee
Co-chairs: Craig Beintema and Peter Flynn
Illinois Home Visiting Task Force
Illinois Partners for Human Service
Joliet Voices Leadership Committee
Chair: R. Dale Evans
Illinois Project Launch
Kids Count Network
P-20 Education Council
Prevent Child Abuse America
Responsible Budget Coalition
State Fiscal Analysis Initiative
Strengthening Families Illinois
North Suburban Voices Leadership Committee
Co-chairs: Rosemary Burger and Betsy Lazerow
Peoria Voices Leadership Committee
Chair: Trish Fox
Southern Illinois Voices Leadership Committee
Chair: Bonnie Wheeler
Springfield Voices Leadership Committee
Chair: John Kelker
St. Clair County Voices Leadership Committee
Co-chairs: Joyce Smith and Roger Richards
Our Donors
Voices advocacy for children depends on the support of our donors. Thank you.
We wish to thank the following individuals, organizations, foundations, and corporations for their gifts made between
January 1, 2013, and December 31, 2014. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of this
list. If your name has been omitted or is incorrect, please accept our apologies.
2013 Corporations,
Foundations, & Organizations
$100,000 & Up
The Annie E. Casey Foundation
The Chicago Community Trust
Robert R. McCormick Foundation
$50,000 & Up
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Ford Foundation
Illinois Collaboration on Youth
Illinois Department of Children
and Family Services
The Irving Harris Foundation
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
$20,000 & Up
Chicago Tribune Charities, Inc
Evanston Community Foundation
PNC Bank
The Wallace Foundation
$10,000 & Up
Prince Charitable Trusts
J. B. and M. K. Pritzker
Family Foundation
State Farm Insurance Companies
W. Clement & Jessie V. Stone
$5,000 & Up
A.G. Cox Charity Trust
Ariel Investments
Boeing Company
Book Vine for Children
Department of Human Services
Harris Family Foundation
Charles E. Marks Jr. Charitable Trust
Nicor Gas, an AGL Resources Company
Sahara Enterprises, Inc.
SEIU Health Care IL IN
The Temple Fund
Voices for America’s Children
$1,000 & Up
Francis Beidler Foundation
Childers Communications
Grosvenor Holdings LLC
Illinois Federation of Teachers
Lurie Children's Hospital
McMaster-Carr Supply Company
Arnold I. Sobel
Helen and Maurice Weigle Fund
Below $1,000
Bank of America
Community Shares of Illinois
The Nicholas & Marjorie Goodban
Family Fund
Donald Learner Family Foundation
Rhode Island Kids Count, Inc.
Sargent Shriver National Center
on Poverty Law
Trend Holdings Foundation
West Suburban Teachers Union Local 571
2013 Individuals
Founder's Council $1,000 & Up
Laura Auwerda
Lorraine & Randolph Barba
William T. Barry
Nancy Bellis
Barbara Bowman
Sara & Terry Buehler
John & Jane Colman
Paula Corrigan-Halpern
Elizabeth Coulson
Ann Courter & Norman Hirsch
Henry & Elizabeth Feldman
Kimberly Fitzgerald Moran &
Michael Moran
Samuel & Rebecca Flint
Phillip B. Garrison
Gaylord & William Gieseke
James & Louise Glasser
Andrew & Moira Ann Griffin
William & Patricia Hagenah
Kathleen Halloran
Betty & Peyton Hutchison
Susan Irion & Robert DeLand
Adrienne & Timothy Ives
Suzanne & David Juday
Miriam Kelm
Anne Klassman
Elliot & Frances Lehman
Colette Lueck
Christa Markgraff
Anthony & Chandra McCain
Mrs. Nancy McGrath
Harriet & Ulrich Meyer
John & Gina Miller
Arthur & Patti Nielsen
Gregory J. O'Leary
Jennifer Oppenheimer
George & Vickie Ranney
Bruce & Diana Rauner
John Rhine
Janice Rodgers & Robert Hagan
Nancy & Thomas Ronquillo
Alexander & Elizabeth Rorke
Mark & Barbara Rosenberg
Andy Sachs
Catherine Siegel
Arnold & Bette Sobel
Robin & Leonard Steans
Jerome & Nancy Stermer
Suzanne & Stephen Swisher
Beth Truett & Armon Haagen
Bonnie & Steve Wheeler
Jessica Swisher
Erich & Jennifer Tengelsen
Carson & Patricia Thomas
Kathleen Villano
Bernice Weissbourd
John Wesley
Maria Whelan & Jack Wuest
Bill & Meredith Wolf
Herb & Alice Zarov
Joyce & Raymond Zeiss
Champions $500 & Up
Ron & Leah Adams
Patricia Jones Blessman &
Stephen Blessman
H. Woods Bowman &
Michele Thompson
Velaine & William Carnall
Marvin R. Cohen, Ph.D. &
Jane E. Richman
Linda J. Cleveland
Stanton Cook
Loretta Durbin
Ricardo Estrada
Sharon Fierro
Rosalind Frye
Linda & Don Gilkerson
Luke Griffin
Ray Hancock
Terry & DiAnne Hatch
Gary Hirschberg
Julia Huiskamp
Ruth H Jajko
Robert & Rose Johnson
Michael D. Kelly
Bruce Kelm
Frank & Linda Kopecky
Susan G. Litoff
Patrick Magoon
Richard & Joan Mandel
William McGrath
Jean Meister
Dawn Melchiorre
Sheila Merry
Paul & Sarah Metzger
William & Carol Moran
William & Kate Morrison
Ami & Mark Nagle
James Perry
Martin & Ellen Robinson
Diljeet Singh
James & E. Jean Smith
Michael Sobel
Tammy & Eric Steele
Arlo & Judith Straight
Defenders $250 & Up
Phil Adams
William & Pamela Albers
Michelle Arnold & Paul Martin
Margaret Berglind
The Honorable Arthur Berman
Frank & Katharine Bixby
Maggie Blinn
Paula & Darrell Bloom
Christopher Blunt
John & Robin Bouman
Meleneal Cameron
Timothy Carpenter
Lindsay Cochrane
Cheryl Crates
Elizabeth Crownover
Curt & Carole Dale
Merri Ex
Lenice M. Gieseke
Keith K. Goldstein
Clarice Gregoire
Eugene Griffin
Deborah Hagman-Shannon
Kathleen Ryg & Tom Hedlin
Bradley Heit
Samuel & Marcia Hellman
Christina Hendrix
Mary P. Hines
Toi W. Hutchinson
Peyton S. Hutchison
Peter & Denise Illing
Tracy & Delores Johnson
Larry & Lauren Joseph
Jack Kaplan
Kenneth & Lucy Lehman
Babs Maltenfort
Janet Maruna
Renee Mehlinger
Nancy Meyer
Jane Miscavage
Julie Morrison
Susan Munro
Arthur C. Nielsen III
Sean & Mary Noble
Margaret O'Flynn &
Alexander Muster
Joe & Dottie Palombo
Sylvia Puente
Robert Richman
Joanne Rodriguez
John & Kathy Schnier
Daniel Schwich
Nancy Shier
Beverly A. Sibblies
Adele & John Simmons
Julie & Roger Smith
Luz Maria Solis
Nancy & Adlai Stevenson
Anne Studzinski
Gene Svebakken
Karina Wang
Marcia Weflen
Robert Weinberger
Kathleen Wildman
Jeremy & Jane Wilson
Mollie Witten
Benefactors $100 & Up
Sharon Alter
Allen Ashley
Jean Bachmann
Nina Baluyut
Anne Barclay
Tonya Baucom
Irwin Benuck
Kenneth Best
Lieselotte N. Betterman
Maureen Blaha
M. Sean Blair
Carolyn & Robert Bonjean
John & Amy Buonassisi
Douglas Bush
Jeanna Capito
Judith Caplan
Catherine Carabetta
Mary Ellen Caron
Daniel & Dolores Casey
Nancy Castagnet
Nancy Castle
Colleen Cicchetti
Keith Ciezadlo
Kris Comerford
Sarah Crozier
Barbara J. Crucs
John & Linda Dahl
Glenn Davis
Katherine Davis
Robert & Quinn Delaney
Our Donors cont’d.
Benefactors $100 & Up
Gregory Desmond
Peter & Carole Doris
Wendy DuBoe
Ralph & Karleen Dude
Kathleen B. Edmunds
Scott Emery
Ms. Heather Fineman
Julie Foltz
Judy Foster
Richard & Marjorie Friedman
Steven Gallo
Daniel & Lizabeth Galovich
Jennifer Gundling
Sabrina Guthrie
Gerald & Ruth Hawkins
Michael & Theresa Hawley
Toni & John Henle
Sharon Hershey
Linda Hillis
Jean Hinton
Meg Hopkins
Kimberly Ann Hughes
Lee E. Hutchinson
Linda Hyde
Robert & G. Barry Irion
Jessica Isaacs
Paula Kienberger Jaudes, M.D.
Dawnielle Jeffrey
Sharon Kayne
Dennis & Constance Keller
Robert Kelm
Diana King
Richard Lanyon &
Marsha Richman
John & Victoria Lavigne
Ngoan Thi Le
Jean & Peter LeBlond
John & Jill Levi
Gregory Lieberenz
Robert & Carol Lifton
Abigail Line
Susan Lombardi
Alicia Margroff
Pamela K. Marsden
Jack Martin
Joy Matella
Elizabeth McGrath
Jane Meighen
Gay Menges
Peter Mich
Laurie & James Mikva
Craig & Mary Alice Miller
Patrick T. Nash
George Novogroder
Cris Ohr
Daniel Orozco
DeeDee Pacheco
Mr. & Ms. Tom Payne
Daniel B. Peterson
Edward & Sheila Pont
Jo Poshard
Eleanor & William Revelle
Howard Rice
Sam Rinella
Richard Rosen
Ann & Edwin Rothschild
Mark Saran
Buzz Sawyer
Gregory Scalon
Dan & Sandra Scheinfeld
Douglas & Tammy Scott
Joni Scritchlow
Al Sharp
Nathan Solomon
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Stewart
Bob Strong
Jacqueline F. Taylor
Cristal Thomas
Samme & Janet Thompson
Margaret Tinsman
Alissa Johnson Tripas
Sheridan Turner
Kristen Van Dyke
Rohitkumar Vasa
Jennifer Vierling
Suzanne Wagner
Sue & Dan Walton
Anita & Mark Weinberg
Mary Jane Welter
Lee Wiclinski
Ann S. Wolff
Paula & Wayne Wolff
Thomas Yates
Alisa York
Jeffery Yost
2013 Tributes
In Memory of Jeanette Bitter
Kaz Attai
Laura Auwerda
Nancy K. Bellis
Kenneth Best
William Best
Douglas Bush
Gerald R. Carnival
John C. Colman
Karen Dort
Judy Foster
Gaylord Gieseke
Linda Hillis
Betty Hutchison
Linda Hyde
Susan J. Irion
Miriam Kelm
Marion McCleery
John P. Miller
Mary Jane Neu
Mary Lou Nuessen
Harold Oakley
Joann E. Payne
Sam Rinella
Mark Rosenberg
Kathleen A. Ryg
John Stevenson
Azad Tayyab
James Waterkotte
In Memory of Rebecca Bonjean
Carolyn Bonjean
In Honor of Sam Flint
Jean Davis
In Honor of Joseph Gregoire
J. B. and M.K. Pritzker Family
In Honor of Drs. Betty and
Peyton Hutchison
Samme Thompson
In Honor of Harriet Meyer
Nancy Meyer
In Memory of Melissa Meighen
Michael Aldrich
Diane Ayres
Jean Bachmann
Eric Bachman
Terry Bahry
Nina Baluyut
Jean Barker
Tonya Baucom
Marcia R. Bodda
Theresa Carine
Nancy Castagnet
Keith Ciezadlo
Jo Ann Coli
Kris Comerford
Carolyn Cramer
Sarah Crozier
Barbara J. Crucs
William Dallas
Kate Destinon
Frank Digiacomo
Sherri Ryder Dzienis
Elizabeth Earle
Nancy K. Bellis
Thomas Fatcheric
Suzanne Fenech
Heather Fineman
Julie Foltz
Amy Foxhall
Janet Fresh
Steven Gallo
Shawn M. Gavin
Gaylord Gieseke
Patricia Gonzalez
Rebecca Grizer
Jennifer Gundling
Sharon Hershey
Meg Hopkins
Susan J. Irion
Jessica Isaacs
Laurie Jarue
Margie Jones
Ty Jones
Jane Jones
Larry B. Joseph
Sharon Kayne
Kay Kellogg
Miriam Kelm
Anne Klassman
Nicole Korkolis
Teri Kovarik
Abigail Line
Susan Lombardi
Julie Maitino
Alicia Margroff
Pamela K. Marsden
Joy Matella
Elizabeth McGrath
Nancy McGrath
William McGrath
Myra Mckelvey
Claudia Mckosky
Stephany McLaughlin
Christine Mcmillan
Linda A. Mechling
Jane Meighen
Rita Meighen
Sheila M. Merry
Jane Miscavage
Susan Munro
Leah Murnane
Patrick T. Nash
Susan E. Nichols
Sean P. Noble
Cheryl Pantano
Anna Mae Parker
David Pasterski
Pheasant Meadows
Condominium Association
Jonathan Phillipp
Judith Putnam
Joanne Rodriguez
Kathleen A. Ryg
Gregory Scalon
Diljeet Singh
Jerome Stermer
Jennifer Vierling
Anne Vosmik
Marilyn Young
In Honor of Grace Ohlson
Thomas E. Ohlson
2014 Corporations,
Foundations, & Organizations
$100,000 & Up
The Annie E. Casey Foundation
The Chicago Community Trust
Robert R. McCormick Foundation
$50,000 & Up
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Chicago Tribune Charities, Inc
Evanston Community Foundation
Ford Foundation
Illinois Collaboration on Youth
The Irving Harris Foundation
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
$20,000 & Up
Ami Nagle and Associates
CME Foundation
Illinois Childhood Trauma Coalition
PNC Bank
The Wallace Foundation
$10,000 & Up
Lurie Children's Hospital
Prince Charitable Trusts
J. B. and M.K. Pritzker
Family Foundation
State Farm Insurance Companies
W. Clement & Jessie V. Stone
$5,000 & Up
A.G. Cox Charity Trust
Ariel Investments
Charles E. Marks Jr. Charitable Trust
Harris Family Foundation
Helen and Maurice Weigle Fund
National Conference of
State Legislatures
Nicor Gas, an AGL Resources Company
Sahara Enterprises, Inc.
SEIU Health Care IL IN
The Temple Fund
$1,000 & Up
Alice Kraus and Babs Maltenfort Fund
Arthur C. Nielson, Jr.
Family Charitable Trust
Exelon Corporation
Francis Beidler Foundation
Illinois Federation of Teachers
McMaster-Carr Supply Company
Robbins, Salomon & Patt, LTD.
Arnold I. Sobel
Walmart Stores, Inc.
Below $1,000
Bank of America
Thompson Coburn LLP
Community Shares of Illinois
Draper and Kramer Foundation
The Earl and Bettie Fields
Automotive Group
Illinois Action for Children
JPMorgan Chase Foundation
Lang Financial Group Chicago, Ltd.
Donald Learner Family Foundation
Logan Square Neighborhood
Network For Good
Poshard Foundation for
Abused Children
Woods Fund of Chicago
2014 Individuals
Founder's Council $1,000 & Up
Laura Auwerda
Lorraine & Randolph Barba
William T. Barry
Nancy Bellis
Patricia Jones Blessman &
Stephen Blessman
Sara & Terry Buehler
John & Jane Colman
Elizabeth Coulson
Gaylord & William Gieseke
James & Louise Glasser
William & Patricia Hagenah
Betty & Peyton Hutchison
Susan Irion & Robert DeLand
Adrienne & Timothy Ives
Suzanne & David Juday
Miriam Kelm
Elliot & Frances Lehman
Christa Markgraff
Janet Maruna
Hoy McConnell
William McGrath
John & Gina Miller
William & Kate Morrison
Margaret O'Flynn & Alexander Muster
Edward & Sheila Pont
Bruce & Diana Rauner
John Rhine
Janice Rodgers & Robert Hagan
Alexander & Elizabeth Rorke
Isabel Baker Schiffer & Mark Schiffer
Arnold & Bette Sobel
Robin & Leonard Steans
Jerome & Nancy Stermer
Suzanne & Stephen Swisher
Dr. & Mrs. John Wesley
Bonnie & Steve Wheeler
Mollie Witten
Champions $500 & Up
Michelle Arnold & Paul Martin
Frank & Katharine Bixby
John & Robin Bouman
Linda J. Cleveland
Stanton Cook
Ann Courter & Norman Hirsch
Henry & Elizabeth Feldman
Kimberly Fitzgerald Moran &
Michael Moran
Rosalind Frye
Linda & Don Gilkerson
Kathleen Halloran
DiAnne Hatch
Mary P. Hines
Julia Huiskamp
Lee E. Hutchinson
Michael D. Kelly
David Kwo
Janine Lewis
David Lloyd
Patrick Magoon
Susan Munro
Kathleen Ryg & Tom Hedlin
Barbara & Michael Shaw
James & E. Jean Smith
Arlo & Judith Straight
Anne Studzinski
Carson & Patricia Thomas
Bernice Weissbourd
Joyce & Raymond Zeiss
Defenders $250 & Up
Phil Adams
Alan Bain
Katharine Bensinger
Margaret Berglind
H. Woods Bowman &
Michele Thompson
Kim Coffing
Marvin R. Cohen, Ph.D. &
Jane E. Richman
The Honorable Barbara Flynn Currie
Curt & Carole Dale
Karen Freel
The Nicholas & Marjorie Goodban
Family Fund
Luke Griffin Jr.
Ray Hancock
Toni & John Henle
Robert & Rose Johnson
Jack Kaplan
Joanna Koh
Mary & Ulrich Kruse
Suzy Lee
Kenneth & Lucy Lehman
Susan G. Litoff
Seth & Teresa Lloyd
Colette Lueck
Babs Maltenfort
Jean Meister
Dawn Melchiorre
Sheila Merry
Paul & Sarah Metzger
Emily Miller
Ami & Mark Nagle
Joe & Dottie Palombo
Sylvia Puente
Nancy & Thomas Ronquillo
Mr. & Mrs. John Simmons
Michael Sobel
Luz Maria Solis
Nancy & Adlai Stevenson
Gene Svebakken
Jessica Swisher
Sherrie Travis
Hazel Vespa
Kathleen Villano
Robert Weinberger
Jeremy & Jane Wilson
Herb & Alice Zarov
Benefactors $100 & Up
Sharon Alter
Mina Amir-Mokri
Queta Bauer
Irwin Benuck
Lieselotte N. Betterman
Paul & Barbara Bodine
Kathleen Brennan
Barbara Brown
Judith Caplan
Daniel & Dolores Casey
Nancy Castagnet
John & Linda Dahl
Robert & Quinn Delaney
Ralph & Karleen Dude
Merri Ex
Edward & Bryna Gamson
Diane & Thomas Geraghty
Mr. & Ms. Harvey Gieseke
John & Patsy Grady
Theresa & Michael Hawley
Monica Heenan
John & Rachel Heuman
Doris Holleb
Peter & Denise Illing
Robert & G. Barry Irion
Jessica Isaacs
Paula Kienberger Jaudes, M.D.
Robert Kelm
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Kelm
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Kiss
Frank & Linda Kopecky
John & Victoria Lavigne
Claudia Lovelette
Peg & Russell Matthias
Susan Mayer
Gay Menges
Laurie & James Mikva
Craig & Mary Alice Miller
Emily & Adil Moiduddin
Sonya D. Naar
Daniel B. Peterson
Eleanor & William Revelle
Katharine Richards
Barbara & Jerry Savitt
Buzz Sawyer
Dan & Sandra Scheinfeld
John & Kathy Schnier
Daniel Schuette
Megan Selck
Nancy Shier
Adele & John Simmons
Julie & William Spielberger
Jennifer Sulentic
Jacqueline F. Taylor
Samme & Janet Thompson
David & Hope Turner
Rohitkumar Vasa
Sue & Dan Walton
Ann S. Wolff
Thomas Yates
Jeffery Yost
Donna Zalig
2014 Tributes
In Honor of Gaylord & William Gieseke
Arnold I. Sobel
Herb Zarov
In Memory of George Kelm
Bob Kelm
In Memory of Melissa Meighen
William McGrath
Marilyn Young
In Memory of Barbara Savitt
Jerry Stermer
In Honor of Voices for Illinois Children
Bonnie Wheeler
Financial Statement of Support, Revenue, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance
for the Year Ending December 31, 2013
Liabilities and Net Assets
Current Assets
Cash Held for Others
Pledges and Accounts Receivable
Prepaid Expenses
Total Current Assets
$ 401,118
$ 859,737
$ 488,727
$ 145,922
$ 65,556
Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses
Amount Held for Others
Accrued Vacation
Total Liabilities
Fixed Assets
Furniture and Equipment
Less: Accumulated Depreciation
Net Fixed Assets
$ 317,573
$ (300,514)
$ 17,059
Net Assets
Unrestricted- Contingency
Total Unrestricted
$ 644,417
$ 644,843
Temporarily Restricted
Total Net Assets
$ 398,357
Total Assets
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
Foundations &
Corporations 65.4%
Programs 84.3%
Individuals 7.7%
Development 9.3%
Special Events 9.5%
Interest & Investment
Income 0.5%
General and
Administrative 6.4%
Other Revenue and
Reimbursements 9.4%
Miscellaneous 1.0%
Unrealized Gain
on Investments 6.5%
Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Financial Statement of Support, Revenue, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance
for the Year Ending December 31, 2014
Liabilities and Net Assets
Current Assets
Cash Amount Held for Others
Pledges and Accounts Receivable
Prepaid Expenses
Total Current Assets
Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses
Amount Held for Others
Accrued Vacation
Deferred Revenue
Total Liabilities
Net Assets
Unrestricted- Contingency
Total Unrestricted
$ 631,490
$ 631,595
Temporarily Restricted
Total Net Assets
$ 370,462
$ 1,002,057
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
$ 1,949,344
$ 394,863
$ 812,219
$ 555,400
$ 36,803
$ 67,428
Fixed Assets
Furniture and Equipment
Leasehold Improvements
Less: Accumulated Depreciation
Net Fixed Assets
$ 355,442
$ 40,383
$ (313,194)
$ 82,631
Total Assets
Foundations &
Corporations 68.5%
Programs 84.1%
Individuals 10.4%
Development 8.7%
Special Events 6.3%
Interest & Investment
Income 0.6%
General and
Administrative 7.2%
Other Revenue and
Reimbursements 10.7%
Miscellaneous 0.3%
Unrealized Gain
on Investments 3.2%
Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Our 2013-2014 Staff
Our 2013-2014 Board of Directors
Susan J. Irion
Laura Auwerda
Nancy K. Bellis
Patricia Jones Blessman, Ph.D. (2014)
Linda Cleveland
Elizabeth Coulson
Brian Dobbins (2014)
St. Louis, MO
Kimberly Feeney (2013)
Orland Park
Samuel Flint (2013)
Buffalo Grove
Luke Griffin
Ray Hancock
Betty Hutchison
Tracy T. Johnson
Miriam Kelm
Highland Park
Christa Markgraff
John P. Miller
Edward A. Pont, M.D. (2014)
John E. Rhine
Mt. Carmel
Alexander I. Rorke
Mark Rosenberg, M.D. (2013)
Suzanne Swisher
Rock Island
Beth J. Truett (2013)
Oak Park
Bonnie Wheeler
208 S. LaSalle Street, Suite 1490, Chicago, IL 60604-1120
Gaylord Gieseke
Yasmine Baharloo
Project Assistant
Meleneal Cameron
Administrative/Development Assistant
Paula Corrigan-Halpern
Policy Advocacy Director
(through August 2013)
Lisa Christensen Gee
Policy Analyst
Fiscal Policy Center
Pat Gonzalez
Fiscal Manager
Samantha Hedges
Youth Development Associate
Sergio Hernandez, Jr.
Policy Associate
Illinois Early Childhood Fellow
Madelyn James
Project Director
Larry Joseph
Director, Fiscal Policy Center
Anne Klassman
Project Manager
David Lloyd
Senior Policy Analyst
Fiscal Policy Center
Debra Marillo
Development Director
(through October 2014)
Melissa Meighan
Communications Director
(through August 2013)
Emily Miller
Director of Policy Advocacy
(beginning in December 2013)
Kelley Talbot
Youth Development Director
Assistant Director of Policy Advocacy
Joan Vitale
Director of Special Initiatives