MICROSCOPIC MODEL FOR THE NUCLEAR INERTIA TENSOR D. N. POENARU1,2, R. A. GHERGHESCU1, W. GREINER2 1 IFIN-HH, PO Box MG-6, 077125 Bucharest, Romania Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, J. W. Goethe University, Pf 111932, D-60054 Frankfurt am Main, Germany 2 Received December 10, 2005 The wave function of a spheroidal harmonic oscillator without spin-orbit interaction is expressed in terms of associated Laguerre and Hermite polynomials. The pairing gap and Fermi energy are found by solving the BCS system of two equations. Analytical relationships for the matrix elements of inertia are obtained function of the main quantum numbers and potential derivative. The results given for 144Nd and 252Cf are compared with a hydrodynamical model. 1. INTRODUCTION The potential energy surface [1, 2] in a multi-dimensional hyperspace of deformation parameters β1, β2, …, βn gives the generalized forces acting on the nucleus. Information concerning how the system reacts to these forces is contained in a tensor of inertial coefficients {Bij}. Unlike the potential energy E = E (β) which only depends on the nuclear shape, the kinetic energy is determined by the contribution of the shape change Ek = 1 2 n dβ dβ j dt ∑ Bij (β) dti i , j =1 (1) where Bij is the inertia (or the effective mass) tensor. In a phenomenological approach based on incompressible irrotational flow, the value of an effective mass Bir is usually close to the reduced mass µ = ( A1 A2 /A) M in the exit channel of the binary system. Here M is the nucleon mass. One may use the Werner–Wheeler approximation [3]. The microscopic (cranking) model introduced by Inglis [4] leads to much larger values of the inertia. By assuming the adiabatic approximation the shape variations are slower than the single-particle motion. According to the cranking model, after including the BCS pairing correlations [5, 6], the inertia tensor is given by [7, 8]: Bij = 2 =2 ∑ νµ ν ∂H /∂βi µ µ ∂H /∂β j ν ( Eν + Eµ )3 (uν υµ + uµ υ ν )2 + Pij Rom. Journ. Phys., Vol. 50, Nos. 1– 2 , P. 187–197, Bucharest, 2005 (2) 188 D. N. Poenaru, R. A. Gherghescu, W. Greiner 2 where H is the single-particle Hamiltonian allowing to determine the energy levels and the wave functions ν ; uν and υν are the BCS occupation probabilities, Eν is the quasiparticle energy, and Pij gives the contribution of the occupation number variation when the deformation is changed. When the shape is determined by one deformation parameter, ε: Pε = 2 = 8 2 ∑ ν ( ) 1 ⎡ ∆ dλ Eν5 ⎢⎣ dε 2 ( ) + 2∆(ε − λ) ddλε dd∆ε − 2 + (εν − λ )2 d∆ dε ν −2 ∆ 2 dλ ν dH /dε ν −2∆(εν − λ ) d∆ ν dH /dε ν ⎤⎥ dε dε ⎦ Similar to the shell correction energy, the total inertia is the sum of contributions given by protons and neutrons B = Bp + Bn. The denominator is minimum for the levels in the neighbourhood of the Fermi energy. A large value of inertia is the result of a large density of levels at the Fermi surface. In the present work we consider a single-particle model of a spheroidal harmonic oscillator without spin-orbit interaction for which the cranking approach allows to obtain analytical relationships of the nuclear inertia. The result may be used to test complex computer codes one should develop in a realistic treatment of the fission dynamics based on the deformed two center shell model [9, 10]. 2. NUCLEAR SHAPE PARAMETRIZATION The shape of a spheroid with semiaxes a, c (c is the semiaxis along symmetry) expressed in units of the spherical radius R0 = r0 A1/ 3 may determined by a single deformation coordinate which can be one of following quantities: the semiaxes ratio c/a; the eccentricity e = (1 − a2 /c 2 ); the be the the deformation δ = 1.5(c 2 − a2 )/ (2c 2 + a 2 ), or the quadrupolar deformation [11] ε = 3(c − a)/ (2c + a) which will be used in the following, and according to which the two oscillator frequencies are expressed as: ( ) ( ω⊥ (ε) = ω0 1 + ε ; ωz (ε) = ω0 1 − 2ε 3 3 ) (3) and by taking into account the condition of the volume conservation ω2⊥ ωz = (ω00 )3 where =ω00 = 41A−1/ 3 MeV, one has ( ) ω0 = ω00 ⎡1 − ε2 1 + 2ε ⎤ 3 27 ⎦⎥ ⎣⎢ −1/ 3 (4) A particularly interesting value is ε = 0.6 of a superdeformed spheroid with the ratio c/a = 2 . 3 Microscopic model for the nuclear inertia tensor 189 3. SPHEROIDAL HARMONIC OSCILLATOR The eigenvalues [1] in units of =ω0 are given by: E = =ω⊥ (n⊥ + 1) + =ωz (nz + 1/ 2) = =ω0 [ N + 3/ 2 + ε(n⊥ − 2 N / 3)] (5) where the quantum numbers n⊥ and nz are nonnegative integers. Their summation gives the main quantum number N = n⊥ + nz . In units of =ω0 one has a linear variation of the energy levels in function of deformation ε. By including the variation of ω0 with ε, one obtains the analytical relationship εi = Ei /=ω00 = [ N + 3/ 2 + ε(n⊥ − 2 N / 3)][1 − ε 2 (1/ 3 + 2ε/ 27)]−1/ 3 (6) in units of =ω00 . Due to the Pauli principle, each energy level εi , with quantum numbers n⊥ and N, can accomodate g = 2 n⊥ + 2 nucleons. One has a number of ( N + 1)( N + 2) nucleons in a completely occupied shell characterized by the main quantum number N, and the total number of states for the lowest N + 1 shells is ∑ N =0 ( N + 1)( N + 2) = ( N + 1)( N + 2)( N + 3)/3. N For each value of N there are N + 1 levels with n⊥ = 0, 1, 2, …, N. When the deformation ε > 0 increases, a level with n⊥ = 0 decreases in energy and the one with n⊥ = N increases. For some particular values of the deformation parameter there is a crossing of several levels in the same point leading to a degeneracy followed by an empty gap. If no spin-orbit coupling is considered for the vanishing deformation parameter, ε = 0, one has the following sequence of magic numbers: 2, 8, 20, 40, 70, 112, 168, 240, … If now ε = 0.6 they become 2, 4, 10, 16, 28, 40, 60, 80, 110, 140, 182, … The known experimental values can be obtained only with a spin-orbit coupling included. The spin Σ contributes with pozitive or negative values (up or down) for every state with quantum numbers nz, nr = 0, 1, 2, ... n⊥ and m = n⊥ − 2 nr , hence in a system of cylindrical coordinates (ρ, ϕ, z) the wave function [12, 13] can be written as Ψ = nr mnz Σ = ψ m (7) n (ρ)Φ m (ϕ)ψ nz ( z )χ(Σ ) r The eigenfunctions are given by η 2 m m2 − 2 |m| 2 m ψm nr (ρ) = α N nr η e Lnr (η) = α ψ nr (η) ⊥ ⊥ (8) Φ m (ϕ) = 1 eimϕ 2π (9) 190 D. N. Poenaru, R. A. Gherghescu, W. Greiner 4 ξ2 − ψ nz ( z ) = 1 N nz e 2 H nz (ξ) = 1 ψ nz (ξ) αz αz (10) where L|nm| are the associated (or generalized) Laguerre polynomials and H nz are r the Hermite polynomials. The new dimension-less variables η and ξ are defined by η= ρ2 , α2⊥ ξ= z αz (11) where the quantities 0 = ≈ A1/ 6 ω0 M ω⊥ ω⊥ α⊥ = 0 = ≈ A1/ 6 ω0 M ωz ωz αz = (12) which depend on the nucleon mass, M, posses a dimension of a length. Their numerical values, in fm, can be estimated by knowing that =2 /M ≈ 41.5 MeV ⋅ fm2 and =ω00 = 41A−1/ 3 MeV. The normalization constants ( N nm )2 = r nr ! 1 , ( N nz )2 = (nr + | m |)! π 2 nz nz! (13) are obtained from the orthonormalization conditions ∞ ∫0 m ψm n (ρ)ψ n (ρ)ρ dρ = δ nr nr , r r 2π ∫0 ∞ ∫ −∞ ψ n′ (z)ψ n (z)dz = δn′n z z z z Φ∗m′ (ϕ)Φ m (ϕ)dϕ = δm′m (14) (15) One should take into account that the factorial 0! = 1! = 1. We shall substitute the wave functions ψ m n (η) and ψ nz (ξ) in the equation (2) of the r nuclear inertia. 4. NUCLEAR INERTIA By ignoring the spin-orbit coupling the Hamiltonian of the harmonic spheroidal oscillator contains the kinetic energy and the potential energy term, V: =ω00 ⎡⎣⎢(3 + ε)η + (3 − 2ε)ξ2 ⎤⎦⎥ V (η, ξ; ε) = 1 =ω⊥ η + 1 =ωz ξ2 = 2 2 2[27 − ε2 (9 + 2ε)]1/ 3 (16) 5 Microscopic model for the nuclear inertia tensor 191 Now we are making some changes in the equation (2), by denoting the deformation β = ε, by assuming [8, 12] that the derivative ∂H /∂ε = ∂V /∂ε , and that the term Pij can be neglected. 3=ω00 dV= {[ε(ε + 6) + 9]η + 2[ε(2ε + 3) − 9]ξ2 } dε 2[27 − ε2 (9 + 2ε)]4 / 3 (17) 1 dV = 3 ⎡ f (ε)η + f (ε)ξ2 ⎤ 1 2 ⎦⎥ =ω00 dε 2 ⎣⎢ (18) or where f1 = ε(ε + 6) + 9 ; [27 − ε2 (9 + 2ε)]4 / 3 f2 = 2 ε(2ε + 3) − 9 [27 − ε 2 (9 + 2ε)]4 / 3 (19) For a single deformation parameter the inertia tensor becomes a scalar Bε = 2 =2 ∑ νµ ν ∂V /∂ε µ µ ∂V /∂ε ν (uν υµ + uµ υ ν )2 ( Eν + Eµ )3 (20) where the summation is performed for all states ν, µ taken into consideration in the pairing interaction. 4.1. PAIRING INTERACTION We consider a set of doubly degenerate energy levels {εi } expressed in units of =ω00 . Calculations for neutrons are similar with those for protons, hence for the moment we shall consider only protons. In the absence of a pairing field, the first Z/2 levels are occupied, from a total number of nt levels available. Only few levels below (n) and above (n′) the Fermi energy are contributing to the pairing correlations. Usually n′ = n . If g s is the density of states at Fermi energy obtained from the shell correction calculation gs = dZ /dε, expressed in number of levels per =ω00 spacing, the level density is half of this quantity: gn = gs / 2. We can choose as computing parameter, the cut-off energy (in units of 0 =ω0 ), Ω 1 ∆ . Let us take the integer part of the following expression Ωg s / 2 = n = n′ (21) When from calculation we get n > Z / 2 we shall take n = Z / 2 and similarly if n′ > nt − Z / 2 we consider n′ = nt − Z / 2. 192 D. N. Poenaru, R. A. Gherghescu, W. Greiner The gap parameter ∆ =| G | ∑ k uk υk 6 and the Fermi energy with pairing corellations λ (both in units of =ω00 ) are obtained as solutions of a nonlinear system of two BCS equations n′ − n = kf ∑ k = ki 2 = G kf ∑ k = ki εk − λ (εk − λ )2 + ∆ 2 1 (εk − λ )2 + ∆ 2 (22) (23) where ki = Z / 2 − n + 1; k f = Z / 2 + n′. The pairing interaction G is calculated from a continuous distribution of levels g (ε )dε 2 = λ+Ω (24) G λ−Ω (ε − λ )2 + ∆ 2 ∫ where λ is the Fermi energy deduced from the shell correction calculations and ∆ is the gap parameter, obtained from a fit to experimental data, usually taken as ∆ = 12 / A=ω0 . Both ∆ and ∆ decrease with increasing asymmetry 0 p n ( N − Z )/A . From the above integral we get 2 2 g (λ ) ln ⎛ 2Ω ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ G ⎝ ∆ ⎠ (25) Real positive solutions of BCS equations are allowed if G 2 ∑ | εk 1− λ | > 1 (26) k i.e. for a pairing force (G-parameter) large enough at a given distribution of levels. The system can be solved numerically by Newton-Raphson method refining an initial guess λ 0 = (nsεd + nd εs )/ (ns + nd ) + G(ns − nd )/ 2 ∆ 20 = ns nd G 2 − (εd − εs )/ 4 (27) where εs , ns are the energy and degeneracy of the last occupied level and εd , nd are the same quantities for the next level. Solutions around magic numbers, when ∆ → 0, have been derived by Kumar et al. [14]. 7 Microscopic model for the nuclear inertia tensor 193 As a consequence of the pairing correlation, the levels situated below the Fermi energy are only partially filled, while those above the Fermi energy are partially empty; there is a given probability for each level to be occupied by a quasiparticle ⎡ ⎤ εk − λ ⎥ υ2k = 1 ⎢1 − (28) 2⎢ 2 + ∆2 ⎥ ( ) ε − λ k ⎣ ⎦ or a hole uk2 = 1 − υ2k . Only the levels in the near vicinity of the Fermi energy (in a range of the order of ∆ around it) are influenced by the pairing correlations. For this reason, it is sufficient for the value of the cut-off parameter to exceed a given limit Ω ∆ , the value in itself having no significance. 4.2. VARIATION WITH DEFORMATION The following relationship allows to calculate the effective mass in units of =2 / (=ω00 ) =ω00 Bε = 9 2 =2 ∑ νµ ν f1η + f2 ξ2 µ µ f1η + f2 ξ2 ν (uν υµ + uµ υ ν )2 ( Eν + Eµ )3 (29) Matrix elements are calculated by performing some integrals nz′ nr′ m′ f1 (ε)η + f2 (ε)ξ2 nz nr m = δm′m N nm N nm N nz′ N nz ⋅ r ⋅ ⎡⎢ f1 ⎣ + f2 ∞ ∫0 ∞ ∫0 dηη|m|+1e −η L|nm| (η)L|nm| (η) r r dηη|m| e −η L|nm| (η)L|nm| (η) r r ∞ r ∫ −∞ dξe−ξ H n′ (ξ)Hn (ξ) + 2 z ∞ z ⎤ ∫ −∞ dξξ2 e−ξ H n′ (ξ)Hn (ξ)⎥⎦ 2 z z where N n′z N nz N nm′ N nm r r ∞ ∫ −∞ dξe−ξ Hn′ (ξ)H n (ξ) = δn′n 2 z ∞ ∫0 z (30) z z dηη|m| e −η L|nm′ | (η)L|nm| (η) = δnr′ nr r (31) r so that nz′ nr′ m′ f1 (ε)η + f2 (ε)ξ2 nz nr m = δ m′m N nm′ N nm N n′z N nz . r ⎡ ⎢⎣ δnz′ nz f1 ∞ ∫0 r dηη|m|+1e −η L|nm′ | (η)L|nm| (η) + δnr′ nr f2 r r ∞ ⎤ ∫ −∞ dξξ2 e−ξ H n′ (ξ)H n (ξ)⎥⎦ 2 z z 194 D. N. Poenaru, R. A. Gherghescu, W. Greiner 8 Next we can use the relationships [16]: ∞ ∫0 ∞ dηη|m|+1e −η L|nm′ | (η)L|nm| (η) = δ nr′ nr (2 nr + | m | +1) r r (nr + | m |)! nr ! (32) ∫ −∞ dξξ2 e−ξ Hn′ (ξ)H n (ξ) = 2 z z (33) ) ( = πnz!2 ⎡δnz′ nz nz + 1 + δnz′ nz + 2 (nz + 1)(nz + 2) + δ nz′ nz −2 1 ⎤ ⎢⎣ 2 4 ⎥⎦ nz which were obtained by using the recurrence relations and orthonormalization conditions for Hermite polynomials and associated Laguerre polynomials. Lkn ( x ) = Lkn+1 ( x ) − Lkn+−11 ( x ); (34) (n + 1)Lkn +1 ( x ) = [(2 n + k + 1) − x ]Lkn ( x ) − (n + k )Lkn−1 ( x ) H n +1 ( x ) = 2 xH n ( x ) − 2 nH n −1 ( x ) (35) with particular values Lk0 ( x ) = 1, L1k ( x ) = 1 + k − x , H 0 ( x ) = 1, H1 ( x ) = 2 x . Eventually from the sum of equation (29) one is left with an important diagonal contribution and two nondiagonal terms k f 2 =ω00 2 (uν υ ν ) 9δ δ = + | | + + + / δnz′ nz B f (2 n m 1) f ( n 1 2) ⎡ ⎤ ′ ′ 1 1 2 ε n n m m r z ⎣ ⎦ 4 r r =2 Eν3 ν= k (36) (uν υµ + uµ υ ν )2 =ω00 f22 9δ δ = + + δ n′z nz + 2 B ( n 1)( n 2) z ε2 4 nr′ nr m′m 2 z =2 ( Eν + Eµ )3 ν≠µ (37) (uν υµ + uµ υ ν )2 =ω00 f22 9δ δ = − δnz′ nz −2 B ( n 1) n z ε3 4 nr′ nr m′m 2 z =2 ( Eν + Eµ )3 ν≠µ (38) ∑ i ∑ ∑ where ki and kf have been defined above. In order to perform the summations of the nondiagonal terms for a state with a certain ν (specified quantum numbers nz nr m) one has to consider only the states with µ ≠ ν and nr = nr ; m′ = m for which nz = nz + 2 or nz = nz − 2 respectively. Finally one arrives at the nuclear inertia in units of =2 / MeV by adding the three terms and dividing by =ω00 . There are several hydrodynamical formulae [15] of the mass parameters. For a spherical liquid drop with a radius R0 = 1.2249 A1/ 3 fm one has Birr (0) = =2 1.22492 A5 / 3 fm 2 = 0.0048205 A5 / 3 = 2 MAR02 = 2 15 15 41.5MeV ⋅ fm 2 When the spheroidal deformation is switched on it becomes in =2 MeV 9 Microscopic model for the nuclear inertia tensor Bεir (ε) = Birr (0) 81 [27 − ε2 (9 + 2ε)]4 / 3 9 + 2ε 2 (3 − 2ε)2 195 (39) Good results for the fission halflives of actinides have been obtained by using an inertia larger by about an order of magnitude. 5. RESULTS The main result of the present study is represented by the equations (36–38), which could be used to test complex computer codes developed for realistic single-particle levels, for which it is not possible to obtain analytical relationships. Fig. 1. – Top: comparison of the effective mass (in units of =2 / MeV) calculated by using the cranking model for the proton plus neutron level schemes, only for neutrons, as well as for the irrotational spheroidal and spherical shapes. Bottom: shell corrections for neutrons and protons, only for neutrons, pairing corrections, and shell plus pairing corrections. On the left hand side 144Nd, on the right hand side 252Cf. Nuclear inertia of 144Nd and 252Cf calculated with the hydrodynamical equations for a spherical liquid drop and spheroidal shapes are illustrated in Fig. 1. One can see how Birr (0) increases when the mass number of the nucleus 196 D. N. Poenaru, R. A. Gherghescu, W. Greiner 10 is increased. The irrotational value Bεir (ε) monotonously increases with the spheroidal deformation parameter ε. Due to the fact that in this single center model the nucleus only became longer without developing a neck and never arriving to a scission configuration when the deformation is increased, the reduced mass is not reached as it should be in a two center model [3]. As expected, the cranking inertia calculated by using the analytical relationships (36–38) of the spheroidal harmonic oscillator shows very pronounced fluctuations which are correlated to the shell corrections (calculated with the macroscopic-microscopic method [17]) plotted at the bottom of Fig. 1. In conclusion, by using the wave functions of the spheroidal harmonic oscillator (the simplest variant of the Nilsson model) without spin-orbit coupling one can obtain analytical relationships for the cranking inertia. Consequently the result may be conveniently used to test complex computer codes developed for realistic two center shell models. This single center oscillator is not able to describe fission processes reaching the scission configuration or ground states with necked in or diamond shapes. When the deformation parameter is increased the nucleus became longer and longer without developing a neck and reaching the touching point configuration. In this way it is not possible to obtain at the limit a nuclear inertia equal to the reduced mass of the final fragments in a process of fission, alpha decay or cluster radioactivity. The cranking inertia is larger than the hydrodynamical one for a spheroidal shape which is higher than that of a spherical nucleus. Acknowledgments. This work was partly supported by the Centre of Excellence IDRANAP under contract ICA1-CT-2000-70023 with European Commission, Brussels, by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bonn, by Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung (GSI), Darmstadt, and by the Ministry of Education and Research, Bucharest. REFERENCES 1. D. N. Poenaru and W. Greiner, in Nuclear Decay Modes, (Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol, 1996) p. 275. 2. D. N. Poenaru and I. H. Plonski, in ref. [1] p. 433. 3. R. A. Gherghescu, D. N. Poenaru and W. Greiner, Phys. Rev., C 52 (1995) 2636; Z. Phys. A 354 (1996), 367. 4. D. R. Inglis, Phys. 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