The wiring diagrams for the 33CSSP2
The wiring diagrams for the 33CSSP2
42BH,BV,CA,CE,CF,CG,CK,DA,DC,DD, DE,DF,SG,SH,SJ,VA,VB,VC,VE,VF,VG Fan Coil Air Conditioners Wiring Diagrams INDEX SYSTEM TYPE THERMOSTAT UNITS DIAGRAM NUMBER FIGURE NUMBER 2-Pipe Cooling Only Transformer and Non-Carrier Relay Board (24-v) (Special Request) Field-Supplied/Installed Controls (Line Voltage and Control Valves) ------------------- Unit-Mounted Debonair® Thermostat (24-v) and Duct Sensor 33CSSN2-FC 33CSSP2-FC* Remote/Wall-Mounted Debonair Thermostat (24-v) 33CSSN2-FC 33CSSP2-FC* Remote/Wall-Mounted Thermostat (Line Voltage) TB155-026 (702893-36) Open FC Controller (24-v) with Motorized Control Valve (2-Position)† ---------- Open FC Controller (24-v) with Modulating Control Valve (0-10 vdc)† ---------- 42C,S,V (except VG), and 42D 1000-90000522 (600-1000 cfm) 42C,S,V and 42D 1000-90000493 (600-1000 cfm) 42D (1200-2000) 1000-90000514 42SG,SH,SJ,VA,VB,VF 42C,S,V (except VG), and 42D (600-1000 cfm) 42D (1200-2000) 42C,S,V and 42D (600-1000 cfm) 42D (1200-2000) 42C,S,V (except VC, VE, VG), and 42D (600-1000 cfm) 42D (1200-2000 cfm) 42C,S,V (except VC, VE, VG), and 42D (600-1000 cfm) 42D (1200-2000 cfm) 1 2 3 1000-00007884 4 71360601 5 1000-00005664 6 71171701 7 71171704 8 1000-00135978 9 1000-00135977 10 1000-00135979 11 1000-00135860 12 2-Pipe Heating Only Transformer and Non-Carrier Relay Board (24-v) (Special Request) ---------- Field-Supplied/Installed Controls (Line Voltage and Control Valves) ---------- Unit-Mounted Debonair Thermostat (24-v) and Duct Sensor Remote/Wall-Mounted Debonair Thermostat (24-v) Remote/Wall-Mounted Thermostat (Line Voltage) Open FC Controller (24-v) with Motorized Control Valve (2-Position)† Open FC Controller (24-v) with Modulating Control Valve (0-10 vdc)† 33CSSN2-FC 33CSSP2-FC* 42C,S,V (except VG), and 42D 1000-90000522 (600-1000 cfm) 42C,S,V and 42D 1000-90000493 (600-1000 cfm) 42D (1200-2000) 1000-90000514 42SG,SH,SJ,VA,VB,VF 42C,S,V (except VG), and 42D 33CSSN2-FC (600-1000 cfm) 33CSSP2-FC* 42D (1200-2000) 42C,S,V and 42D TB155-026 (600-1000 cfm) (702893-36) 42D (1200-2000) 42C,S,V (except VC, VE, VG), and 42D (600-1000 cfm) ---------42D (1200-2000 cfm) 42C,S,V (except VC, VE, VG), and 42D (600-1000 cfm) ---------42D (1200-2000 cfm) 13 14 15 71359301 16 71360501 17 1000-00005664 18 71171801 19 71171704 20 1000-00135981 21 1000-00135980 22 1000-00135983 23 1000-00135982 24 2-Pipe Heating and Cooling with Automatic Changeover Transformer, Non-Carrier Relay Board (24-v) (Special Request) ---------- Field-Supplied/Installed Controls (Line Voltage and Control Valves) ---------- Unit-Mounted Debonair Thermostat (24-v), Duct Sensor Unit-Mounted Thermostat (Line Voltage) Remote/Wall-Mounted Debonair Thermostat (24-v) 42C,S,V (except VG), and 42D 1000-90000519 (600-1000 cfm) 42C,S,V and 42D 1000-90000507 (600-1000 cfm) 42D (1200-2000) 1000-90000511 33CSSN2-FC 42SG,SH,SJ,VA,VB,VF 33CSSP2-FC* T156 42SG,SH,SJ,VA,VB,VC,VE,VF 33CSSN2-FC 42C,S,V (except VG), and 42D (600-1000 cfm) 33CSSP2-FC* 42D (1200-2000) 25 26 27 1000-00007360 28 1000-00141198 29 1000-00005377 30 1000-00012276 31 Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations. Catalog No. 04-56420003-01 Printed in U.S.A. Form 42-4W Pg 1 7-10 Replaces: 42-3W INDEX (cont) SYSTEM TYPE Remote/Wall-Mounted Thermostat (Line Voltage) THERMOSTAT TB155-026 (702893-36) Open FC Controller (24-v) with Motorized Control Valve (2-Position) ---------- Open FC Controller (24-v) with Modulating Control Valve (0-10 vdc) ---------- UNITS 42C,S,V and 42D (600-1000 cfm) 42D (1200-2000) 42C,S,V (except VC, VE, VG), and 42D (600-1000 cfm) 42D (1200-2000 cfm) 42C,S,V (except VC, VE, VG), and 42D (600-1000 cfm) 42D (1200-2000 cfm) DIAGRAM NUMBER FIGURE NUMBER 71171501 32 71171503 33 1000-00135992 34 1000-00135991 35 1000-00135994 36 1000-00135993 37 2-Pipe Heating and Cooling with Auxiliary Heat Transformer and Non-Carrier Relay Board (24-v) (Special Request) ---------- Field-Supplied/Installed Controls (Line Voltage and Control Valves or Electric Heat) ---------- Unit-Mounted Debonair® Thermostat (24-v), Duct Sensor and Dual Power Source 42C,S,V (except VG), and 42D 1000-90000520 (600-1000 cfm) 42C,S,V (except VG), and 42D 1000-90000508 (600-1000 cfm) 42D (1200-2000) 1000-90000512 33CSSN2-FC 42SG,SH,SJ,VA,VB,VC,VE,VF 33CSSP2-FC* 42C,S,V (except VG), and 42D 33CSSN2-FC (600-1000 cfm) Remote/Wall-Mounted Debonair Thermostat (24-v) 33CSSP2-FC* 42D (1200-2000) 42C,S,V (except VG), and 42D Remote/Wall-Mounted Debonair Thermostat (24-v) and Dual Power 33CSSN2-FC (600-1000 cfm) Source 33CSSP2-FC* 42D (1200-2000) 42C,S,V (except VG), and 42D Remote/Wall-Mounted DebonairThermostat (Line Voltage) and Dual TB155-026 (600-1000 cfm) Power Source (702893-36) 42D (1200-2000) 42C,S,V (except VC, VE, VG), and 42D (600-1000 cfm) Open FC Controller (24-v) With Motorized Control Valve (2-Position)† ---------42D (1200-2000 cfm) 42C,S,V (except VC, VE, VG), and 42D (600-1000 cfm) Open FC Controller (24-v) With Modulating Control Valve (0-10 vdc)† ---------42D (1200-2000 cfm) 38 39 40 71359601 41 1000-00006449 42 1000-00046974 43 71360801 44 71360803 45 71171301 46 71171313 47 1000-00135995 48 1000-00135861 49 1000-00135997 50 1000-00135996 51 2-Pipe Cooling with Total Electric Heat Transformer and Non-Carrier Relay Board (24-v) (Special Request) ---------- Field-Supplied/Installed Controls (Line Voltage and Control Valves or Electric Heat) ---------- 42C,S,V (except VG), and 42D 1000-90000523 (600-1000 cfm) 42C,S,V (except VG), and 42D 1000-90000490 (600-1000 cfm) 42D (1200-2000) 1000-90000515 33CSSN2-FC Unit-Mounted Debonair Thermostat (24-v) and Duct Sensor 33CSSP2-FC* 42SG,SH,SJ,VA,VB,VC,VE,VF 1000-00017766 Unit-Mounted Debonair Thermostat (24-v), Duct Sensor and Dual 33CSSN2-FC 42SG,SH,SJ,VA,VB,VC,VE,VF 71359701 Power Source 33CSSP2-FC* 33CSSN2-FC Remote/Wall-Mounted Debonair Thermostat (24-v) 42D (1200-2000) 1000-00005329 33CSSP2-FC* TB155-026 42C,S,V (except VG), and 42D Remote/Wall-Mounted Thermostat (Line Voltage) 71171106 (702893-36) (600-1000 cfm) 42C,S,V (except VG), and 42D 71360901 Remote/Wall-Mounted Debonair Thermostat (24-v) and Dual Power 33CSSN2-FC (600-1000 cfm) Source 33CSSP2-FC* 42D (1200-2000) 71360903 42C,S,V (except VG), and 42D 71171101 Remote/Wall-Mounted Thermostat (Line Voltage) and Dual Power TB155-026 (600-1000 cfm) Source (702893-36) 42D (1200-2000) 71171114 42C,S,V (except VC, VE, VG), 1000-00136001 and 42D (600-1000 cfm) Open FC Controller (24-v) with Motorized Control Valve (2-Position)† ---------42D (1200-2000 cfm) 1000-00135984 42C,S,V (except VC, VE, VG), 1000-00135986 and 42D (600-1000 cfm) Open FC Controller (24-v) with Modulating Control Valve (0-10 vdc)† ---------42D (1200-2000 cfm) 1000-00135985 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 4-Pipe Heating and Cooling Transformer and Non-Carrier Relay Board (24-v) (Special Request) ---------- Field-Supplied/Installed Controls (Line Voltage and Control Valves) ---------- Unit-Mounted Debonair Thermostat (24-v) and Duct Sensor Unit-Mounted Thermostat (Line Voltage) 42C,S,V (except VG), and 42D 1000-90000526 (600-1000 cfm) 42C,S,V (except VG), and 42D 1000-90000510 (600-1000 cfm) 42D (1200-2000) 1000-90000518 33CSSN2-FC 42SG,SH,SJ,VA,VB,VC,VE,VF 1000-00005390 33CSSP2-FC* T156 42SG,SH,SJ,VA,VB,VC,VE,VF 1000-00141322 2 67 68 69 70 71 INDEX (cont) SYSTEM TYPE Remote/Wall-Mounted Debonair Thermostat (24-v) Remote/Wall-Mounted Thermostat (Line Voltage) and Dual Power Source THERMOSTAT 33CSSN2-FC 33CSSP2-FC* TB155-026 (702893-36) Open FC Controller (24-v) with Motorized Control Valve (2-Position)†** ---------- Open FC Controller (24-v) with Modulating Control Valve (0-10 vdc)†** ---------- DIAGRAM NUMBER FIGURE NUMBER 71361001 72 1000-00010427 73 71170901 74 71170903 75 1000-00135998 76 1000-00135862 77 1000-00136000 78 1000-00135999 79 1000-00135988 80 1000-00135987 81 1000-00135990 82 1000-00135989 83 42SG,SH,SJ,VA,VB,VC,VE,VF 1000-90000503 42C,S,V and 42D 70338901 (600-1000 cfm) 42D (1200-2000) 70338903 84 UNITS 42C,S,V (except VG), and 42D (600-1000 cfm) 42D (1200-2000) 42C,S,V (except VG), and 42D (600-1000 cfm) 42D (1200-2000) 42C,S,V (except VC, VE, VG), and 42D (600-1000 cfm) 42D (1200-2000 cfm) 42C,S,V (except VC, VE, VG), and 42D (600-1000 cfm) 42D (1200-2000 cfm) 4-Pipe Heating and DX Cooling Open FC Controller (24-v) with Motorized Control Valve (2-Position)†** ---------- Open FC Controller (24-v) with Modulating Control Valve (0-10 vdc)†** ---------- 42C,S,V (except VC, VE, VG), and 42D (600-1000 cfm) 42D (1200-2000 cfm) 42C,S,V (except VC, VE, VG), and 42D (600-1000 cfm) 42D (1200-2000 cfm) No Controls Unit-Mounted 3-Speed Switch Only ---------- Wall-Mounted 3-Speed Switch Only ---------- Single-Phase Unit ---------- 42B 1000-90000732 87 ---------- 42B 1000-90000734 88 ------------------------------------- 42B 42B 42B 42B 1000-90000748 1000-90000749 1000-90000735 1000-90000736 89 90 91 92 3-Phase Unit Motor Controls Single-Phase Only 3-Phase Only Single-Phase with Interlocking Disconnect 3-Phase with Interlocking Disconnect Single-Phase with Interlocking Disconnect and 1-Stage Electric Heater 3-Phase with Interlocking Disconnect and 1-Stage Electric Heater 3-Phase with Interlocking Disconnect and 2-Stage Electric Heater 3-Phase with Interlocking Disconnect and 3-Stage Electric Heater Master/Slave Wiring Diagram (Special Request) Master Control Option Slave Control Option *The wiring diagrams for the 33CSSP2-FC and 33CSSN2-FC thermostats are the same; however, the 33CSSP2-FC thermostat is programmable while the 33CSSN2-FC thermostat is nonprogrammable. †Wall-mounted space temperature sensor is not included with Open FC control package. Space temperature sensors can be ordered as accessories. 85 86 ---------- 42B 1000-90000737 93 ---------------------------- 42B 42B 42B 1000-90000742 1000-90000745 1000-90000747 94 95 96 ------------------- — — 85757501 85757502 97 98 **Open FC controller is available only if there is same end coil connections unit. Open FC controller is not available with opposite end connections. 3 LEGEND (Fig. 1-98) AWG COM DX ELEC GND H/C LON-OC MC MTD MTR NC NEC NO OAD — — — — — — — — — — — — — — American Wire Gage Common Direct Expansion Electric Ground Heating/Cooling LonWorks Option Card Motor Cut-Off Mounted Motor Normally Closed National Electrical Code Normally Open Outdoor Air Damper OCC/FS OPN-FC Q/C RA RH RAT RNET — — — — — — — SAT SPT SW TSTAT W/O XFMR XFORMER — — — — — — — Occupied Fan Status Open FC Quick Connect Return Air Relative Humidity Return Air Temperature Sensor and Power Connection Supply Air Temperature Space Temperature Switch Thermostat Without Transformer Transformer *Use WHT for 120/277 v. Use BLK for 208/240 v. NOTES: 1. Disconnect power before servicing. 2. See nameplate for correct voltage. Use 75 C minimum copper conductors only. Unit terminals are not designed to accept any other wiring. 3. Motor(s) is thermally protected. Units with 2 motors are wired parallel. 4. Provide disconnect means and overcurrent protection as required. Terminal (Unmarked) Terminal Block Splice Factory Wiring* Field Wiring* Optional Wiring* Stripped Wire Lead* Wire Connection* Wire Capped* 5. Motor shown for 120/277 v operation; for 208/240 v motor common is ORG or YEL. 6. Valve optional, factory-supplied or field-supplied with NEC class 1 wiring. Do not exceed thermostat rating. 7. To ensure proper fan interlock and sequencing, external controller must energize heater stages in numerical order shown and deenergize stages in reverse order (first on, last off). 8. All contractor wiring must conform to national and local electrical codes. 4 In winter, the system is switched over to hot water and requires 2 auto changeover devices (aquastats). One device controls the switching of the thermostat, the other device locks out the electric heater when hot water is in the coil. With this system, the fan runs continuously unless manually switched to the OFF position. Fan must be on before thermostat can send signal to open chilled water valve or turn on electric heater. Two control methods are available: 1. Use of a standard automatic changeover thermostat with a deadband between heating and cooling. 2. Use of a manual changeover thermostat. Only one changeover is required with this method. A 2-way or 3-way electric valve must be included with this system. OPERATION Manual Fan Control — The standard fan-speed switch is furnished unit-mounted and wired on all vertical cabinet units. On all vertical furred-in units and all horizontal units, the switch is shipped separately on a decorative wall plate for field mounting and wiring. The standard switch has LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH and OFF positions plus an auxiliary contact to energize thermostats, valves, dampers, etc. Thermostatic Fan Control, 2-Pipe Systems — The thermostat cycles the fan on and off from any selected speed setting to maintain selected room temperature. Controls can be wired for heating-only, cooling-only or for heating/ cooling with the addition of an automatic changeover device that senses water temperature and changes the action of the thermostat as required. Thermostat 2-Pipe Total Electric Heat with Valve Control — With this system, the complete heating Thermostatic Fan Control, 2-Pipe Systems with Safety Cycle — This control is used for high requirement for the space is provided by the electric heater; the water system is never changed over for heating. It is therefore possible, just as with 4-pipe systems, to have heating or cooling at any time of the year. The fan runs continuously unless it is manually switched to the OFF position. Fan must be on before thermostat can send signal to open chilled water valve or turn on electric heater. Normally, an automatic changeover thermostat with a deadband between heating and cooling is used, but a manual changeover thermostat is also suitable. A 2-way or 3-way valve must also be used so that the chilled water is off whenever the heater is on. No changeover device to sense water temperature is necessary. humidity situations in which condensate problems can occur if fan is turned off while chilled water is still running through the coil. The wiring provides fan cycling from HIGH to LOW on the cooling cycle and from LOW to OFF on the heating cycle. An ON-OFF toggle switch replaces the standard 3-speed fan switch. The toggle switch can be concealed to ensure that the unit runs on low speed when cooling. This action greatly reduces the chance of condensation problems that exist with other standard fan cycling controls. Thermostatic Electric Valve Control, 2-Pipe — A thermostatically controlled 2-position valve provides superior control to fan cycling. With this control, the fan runs continuously unless it is manually switched to the OFF position. The fan must be on before the valve can be opened to supply water to the coil. This system can be used for normal 2-pipe changeover systems and can also be furnished for cooling-only or heatingonly applications by omitting the changeover and specifying which application is intended. Thermostatic Valve Control, 4-Pipe — The 4-pipe system provides the ultimate in economy and room temperature control. Both hot water and chilled water are available at any time. Normally an automatic changeover thermostat is used, but a manual changeover thermostat is also suitable. Two 2-way valves, two 3-way valves, or one 2-way plus one 3-way valve must be selected. An automatic changeover device to sense water temperature is not required. With this system, the fan runs continuously unless it is manually switched to the OFF position. The fan must be on before thermostat can send a signal to open the chilled water or hot water valve. Thermostatic 2-Pipe Auxiliary Electric Heat with Valve Control — This system, also called Twilight or Intermediate Season electric heat, goes a long way towards solving the spring and fall control problems of 2-pipe systems. Chilled water can be available late into the fall. It may also be turned on early in the spring and still provide heat to all units when required. 5 a42-4050 NEC CLASS 2 WIRING Fig. 1 — 42C,S, V (except VG), and 42D (600-1000 cfm) 2-Pipe Cooling Only — Transformer and Non-Carrier Relay Board (24-v) (Special Request) 120-V WHT ALL OTHERS BLK a42-4051 NEC CLASS 1 WIRING Fig. 2 — 42C,S,V and 42D (600-1000 cfm) 2-Pipe Cooling Only — Field-Supplied/Installed Controls (Line Voltage and Control Valves) 6 120-V WHT ALL OTHERS BLK a42-4052 NEC CLASS 1 WIRING Fig. 3 — 42D (1200-2000) 2-Pipe Cooling Only — Field-Supplied/Installed Controls (Line Voltage and Control Valves) a42-4053 Fig. 4 — 42SG,SH,SJ,VA,VB,VF 2-Pipe Cooling Only — Unit-Mounted Debonair® Thermostat (24-v) and Duct Sensor 7 TRANSFORMER Fig. 5 — 42C,S,V (except VG), and 42D (600-1000 cfm) 2-Pipe Cooling Only — Remote/Wall-Mounted Debonair® Thermostat (24-v) a42-4055 Fig. 6 — 42D (1200-2000) 2-Pipe Cooling Only — Remote/Wall-Mounted Debonair® Thermostat (24-v) 8 THERMOSTAT PART # 702893-36 PUR ORG REMOTE DEVICE BOX COOL BLU HEAT RED L1 BLK L2 OR N YEL HI W/ORG MED W/RED LOW W/BRN UNIT MOUNTED J BOX NEC CLASS 1 WIRING PUR VALVE QUICK CONNECT OPTIONAL L RED BLOWER MOTOR M BLU H BLK WHT COM BLK 2 *WHT RED 4 WHT 1 COOL BLU 3 BLK 2 *WHT 1 *WHT WHT FOR 120V L2 or N ALL OTHERS BLK L1 EQUIPMENT GROUND Fig. 7 — 42C,S,V and 42D (600-1000 cfm) 2-Pipe Cooling Only — Remote/Wall-Mounted Thermostat (Line Voltage) THERMOSTAT PART # 702893-36 PUR ORG REMOTE DEVICE BOX COOL BLU HEAT RED L1 BLK L2 OR N YEL HI W/ORG MED W/RED LOW W/BRN NEC CLASS I WIRING BLK BLU RED UNIT MOUNTED J BOX BLK 0 B NC 1 7 *WHT 3 *WHT 1 BLK WHT COOL 0 B NC 7 1 2 4 3 0 *WHT 3 6 BLU BLK 120V WHT ALL OTHERS BLK B NC BLK 1 7 6 8 EQUIPMENT GROUND NO *WHT COM 1 8 2 NO WHT COM 3 COM H BLK RED 2 M BLU 4 VALVE 2 BLK *WHT 4 MOTOR 1 6 BLOWER 2 8 WHT COM L RED BLU NO H BLK 3 COM MOTOR M BLU RED 2 BLOWER 4 4 L RED VIO *WHT QUICK CONNECT *WHT L2 or N L1 Fig. 8 — 42D (1200-2000) 2-Pipe Cooling Only — Remote/Wall-Mounted Thermostat (Line Voltage) 9 a42-4195 10 Fig. 9 — 42C,S,V (except VC,VE,VG), and 42D (600-1000 cfm) 2-Pipe Cooling Only — Open FC Controller (24-v) with Motorized Control Valve (2-Position) a42-4194 11 Fig. 10 — 42D (1200-2000 cfm) 2-Pipe Cooling Only — Open FC Controller (24-v) with Motorized Control Valve (2-Position) a42-4197 12 Fig. 11 — 42C,S,V (except VC,VE,VG), and 42D (600-1000 cfm) 2-Pipe Cooling Only — Open FC Controller (24-v) with Modulating Control Valve (0-10 vdc) a42-4196 13 Fig. 12 — 42D (1200-2000 cfm) 2-Pipe Cooling Only — Open FC Controller (24-v) with Modulating Control Valve (0-10 vdc) NEC CLASS 2 WIRING a42-4050 Fig. 13 — 42C,S,V (except VG), and 42D (600-1000 cfm) 2-Pipe Heating Only — Transformer and Non-Carrier Relay Board (24-v) (Special Request) NEC CLASS 1 WIRING Fig. 14 — 42C,S,V and 42D (600-1000 cfm) 2-Pipe Heating Only — Field-Supplied/Installed Controls (Line Voltage and Control Valves) 14 120-V WHT ALL OTHERS BLK NEC CLASS 1 WIRING Fig. 15 — 42D (1200-2000) 2-Pipe Heating Only — Field-Supplied/Installed Controls (Line Voltage and Control Valves) THERMOSTAT #33CSSN2-FC R G RED DUCT SENSOR 33CSSEN-DS RS ORG RS+5 Y1 G3 W1 G2 C H2O CK1 RED WHT YEL BLU BRN BLK BLK VALVE BLK BLK 2 Q/C 1 YEL 33ZCRLYBRD ORG YEL G G2/(W) G3/(Y) COM QUICK CONNECT FAN BLK (VALVE) (COOL) HI YEL (HEAT) YEL 24 MED RED BLU BLK 4 RED L BLU M 3 BLOWER BLK H 2 1 WHT COM TRANSFORMER LOW EQUIPMENT GROUND L1 L2 or N BLK BLK *WHT *WHT Fig. 16 — 42SG,SH,SJ,VA,VB,VF 2-Pipe Heating Only — Unit-Mounted Debonair® Thermostat (24-v) and Duct Sensor 15 MOTOR THERMOSTAT #33CSSN2-FC REMOTE DEVICE BOX RS+5 RS R G Y1 G3 W1 G2 C H2O CK1 NEC CLASS 2 WIRING YEL BLU BRN BLK RED ORG VALVE BLK HEAT BLK 2 Q/C 1 YEL 33ZCRLYBRD YEL G G2/(W) G3/(Y) COM QUICK CONNECT FAN BLK (VALVE) RED 4 BLU HI (HEAT) YEL 24 BLU M 3 (COOL) ORG RED L MED BLK *WHT 2 1 BLOWER BLK H MOTOR WHT COM TRANSFORMER EQUIPMENT GROUND L1 L2 or N LOW BLK BLK *WHT BLK *WHT Fig. 17 — 42C,S,V (except VG), and 42D (600-1000 cfm) 2-Pipe Heating Only — Remote/Wall-Mounted Debonair® Thermostat (24-v) NEC CLASS 2 WIRING Fig. 18 — 42D (1200-2000) 2-Pipe Heating Only — Remote/Wall-Mounted Debonair Thermostat (24-v) 16 ONLY 120V WHT/ALL OTHERS BLK a42-613efp Fig. 19 — 42C,S,V and 42D (600-100 cfm) 2-Pipe Heating Only — Remote/Wall-Mounted Thermostat (Line Voltage) THERMOSTAT PART # 702893-36 PUR ORG REMOTE DEVICE BOX COOL BLU HEAT RED L1 BLK L2 OR N YEL HI W/ORG MED W/RED LOW W/BRN NEC CLASS I WIRING BLK BLU RED UNIT MOUNTED J BOX BLK B NC 1 7 *WHT 0 3 *WHT 1 BLK WHT COOL 0 B NC 7 1 2 4 3 0 *WHT 3 6 8 BLU BLK 120V WHT ALL OTHERS BLK B NC BLK 1 7 6 8 EQUIPMENT GROUND NO *WHT COM 1 NO 2 RED COM WHT COM 3 *WHT 2 H BLK VALVE 2 BLK 4 MOTOR 4 6 BLOWER M BLU 2 1 BLU 8 WHT COM L RED 3 NO H BLK COM MOTOR M BLU RED 2 BLOWER 4 4 L RED VIO *WHT QUICK CONNECT *WHT L2 or N L1 Fig. 20 — 42D (1200-2000) 2-Pipe Heating Only — Remote/Wall-Mounted Thermostat (Line Voltage) 17 a42-4199 18 Fig. 21 — 42C,S,V (except VC, VE, VG), and 42D (600-1000 cfm) — 2-Pipe Heating Only — Open FC Controller (24-v) with Motorized Control Valve (2-Position) a42-4198 19 Fig. 22 — 42D (1200-2000 cfm) — 2-Pipe Heating Only — Open FC Controller (24-v) with Motorized Control Valve (2-Position) a42-4201 20 Fig. 23 — 42C,S,V (except VC, VE, VG), and 42D (600-1000 cfm) — 2-Pipe Heating Only — Open FC Controller (24-v) with Modulating Control Valve (0-10 vdc) a42-4200 21 Fig. 24 — 42D (1200-2000 cfm) — 2-Pipe Heating Only — Open FC Controller (24-v) with Modulating Control Valve (0-10 vdc) a42-4056 NEC CLASS 2 WIRING a42-4057 Fig. 25 — 42C,S,V (except VG), and 42D (600-1000 cfm) 2-Pipe Heating and Cooling with Automatic Changeover — Transformer, Non-Carrier Relay Board (24-v) (Special Request) 120-V WHT ALL OTHERS BLK NEC CLASS 1 WIRING Fig. 26 — 42C,S,V and 42D (600-1000) 2-Pipe Heating and Cooling with Automatic Changeover — Field-Supplied/Installed Controls (Line Voltage and Control Valves) 22 120-V WHT ALL OTHERS BLK NEC CLASS 1 WIRING Fig. 27 — 42D (1200-2000) 2-Pipe Heating and Cooling with Automatic Changeover — Field-Supplied/Installed Controls (Line Voltage and Control Valves) a42-4059 Fig. 28 — 42SG,SH,SJ,VA,VB,VF 2-Pipe Heating and Cooling with Automatic Changeover — Unit-Mounted Debonair® Thermostat (24-v), Duct Sensor 23 120-V WHT ALL OTHERS BLK NEC CLASS 1 WIRING a42-4223 Fig. 29 — 42SG,SH,SJ,VA,VB,VC,VE,VF 2-Pipe Heating and Cooling with Automatic Changeover — Unit-Mounted Thermostat (Line Voltage) a42-4061 NEC CLASS 2 WIRING Fig. 30 — 42C,S,V (except VG), and 42D (600-1000 cfm) 2-Pipe Heating and Cooling with Automatic Changeover — Remote/Wall-Mounted Debonair® Thermostat (24-v) 24 a42-4058 120-V WHT ALL OTHERS BLK NEC CLASS 1 WIRING Fig. 31 — 42D (1200-2000) 2-Pipe Heating and Cooling with Automatic Changeover — Remote/Wall-Mounted Debonair® Thermostat 24-v a42-4059 Fig. 32 — 42C,S,V and 42D (600-1000 cfm) 2-Pipe Heating and Cooling with Automatic Changeover — Remote/Wall-Mounted Thermostat (Line Voltage) 25 120-V WHT ALL OTHERS BLK NEC CLASS 1 WIRING a42-4060 Fig. 33 — 42D (1200-2000) 2-Pipe Heating and Cooling with Automatic Changeover — Remote/Wall-Mounted Thermostat (Line Voltage) 26 a42-4211 27 Fig. 34 — 42C,S,V (except VC, VE, VG), and 42D (600-1000 cfm) — 2-Pipe Heating and Cooling with Automatic Changeover — Open FC Controller (24-v) with Motorized Control Valve (2-Position) a42-4210 28 Fig. 35 — 42D (1200-2000 cfm) — 2-Pipe Heating and Cooling with Automatic Changeover — Open FC Controller (24-v) with Motorized Control Valve (2-Position) a42-4213 29 Fig. 36 — 42C,S,V (except VC, VE, VG), and 42D (600-1000 cfm) — 2-Pipe Heating and Cooling with Automatic Changeover — Open FC Controller (24-v) with Modulating Control Valve (0-10 vdc) 30 Fig. 37 — 42D (1200-2000 cfm) — 2-Pipe Heating and Cooling with Automatic Changeover — Open FC Controller (24-v) with Modulating Control Valve (0-10 vdc) NEC CLASS 2 WIRING a42-4063 Fig. 38 — 42C,S,V (except VG), and 42D (600-1000 cfm) 2-Pipe Heating and Cooling with Auxiliary Heat — Transformer and Non-Carrier Relay Board (24-v) (Special Request) 120-V WHT ALL OTHERS BLK NEC CLASS 1 WIRING Fig. 39 — 42C,S,V (except VG), and 42D (600-1000 cfm) 2-Pipe Heating and Cooling with Auxiliary Heat — Field-Supplied/Installed Controls (Line Voltage and Control Valves or Electric Heat) 31 Fig. 40 — 42D (1200-2000) 2-Pipe Heating and Cooling with Auxiliary Heat — Field-Supplied/Installed Controls (Line Voltage and Control Valves or Electric Heat) THERMOSTAT #33CSSN2-FC R G Y1 G3 BLK DUCT SENSOR 33CSSEN-DS RS PUR RS+5 W1 G2 C H2O CK1 CHANGE OVER SENSOR RED YEL BLU BRN BLK RED ORG WHT BLK BLK VALVE BLK BLK 2 Q/C 1 YEL 33 YEL RED G QUICK CONNECT FAN BLU G2/(W) BLK G3/(Y) BLK COM (VALVE) RED 4 (COOL) 3 HI ORG (HEAT) YEL 24 RED L BLU M BLU BLK *WHT MED 2 1 BLOWER BLK H MOTOR WHT COM TRANSFORMER BLK EQUIPMENT GROUND L1 L2 or N LOW WHT/RED BLK BLK *WHT *WHT BRN YEL 0 YEL BLK L1 1 06 3 4 2 NC 7 COM8 NO LIMIT SWITCH 6 BLK N WHT BLK CONTACTOR EQUIPMENT GROUND ELEC. HEATER Fig. 41 — 42SG,SH,SJ,VA,VB,VC,VE,VF 2-Pipe Heating and Cooling with Auxiliary Heat — Unit-Mounted Debonair® Thermostat (24-v), Duct Sensor and Dual Power Source 32 a42-4067 NEC CLASS 2 WIRING Fig. 42 — 42C,S,V (except VG), and 42D (600-1000 cfm) 2-Pipe Heating and Cooling with Auxiliary Heat — Remote/Wall-Mounted Debonair® Thermostat (24-v) a42-4068 NEC CLASS 2 WIRING Fig. 43 — 42D (1200-2000) 2-Pipe Heating and Cooling with Auxiliary Heat — Remote/Wall-Mounted Debonair® Thermostat (24-v) 33 REMOTE DEVICE BOX THERMOSTAT #33CSSN2-FC RS+5 RS R G Y1 G3 W1 G2 C H2O CK1 NEC CLASS 2 WIRING YEL BLU BRN PUR BLK RED ORG CHANGE OVER SENSOR 33ZCRLYBRD G G2/(W) G3/(Y) COM BLK BLK QUICK CONNECT BLK ORG VALVE (COOL) BLK COOL FAN (VALVE) BLK HI 2 Q/C 1 (HEAT) YEL RED 4 BLU 3 BLK 2 *WHT MED RED L BLU M BLOWER BLK H MOTOR WHT COM 1 LOW VER1.3 030700 G G2/(W) G3/(Y) COM Q/C BLK 33ZCRLYBRD FAN QUICK CONNECT BLK (VALVE) RED BLU 24 HI BLK (HEAT) WHT/BRN RED/ORG EQUIP.GROUND BLU M BLU (COOL) 3 BLK TRANSFORMER BLOWER BLK H 2 *WHT MED RED L 4 MOTOR WHT COM 1 *WHT LIMIT SWITCH LOW VER1.3 030700 YEL *WHT EQUIP.GROUND BLK L1 N. OR L2 BLK BLK YEL 0 1 2 4 6 8 BLK BLK L1 BLK BLK *WHT N. OR L2 CONTACTOR *WHT ELEC. HEATERS Fig. 44 — 42C,S,V (except VG), and 42D (600-1000 cfm) 2-Pipe Heating and Cooling with Auxiliary Heat — Remote/Wall-Mounted Debonair Thermostat (24-v) and Dual Power Source THERMOSTAT #33CSSN2-FC REMOTE DEVICE BOX RS+5 RS R G Y1 G3 W1 G2 C H2O CK1 NEC CLASS 2 WIRING CHANGE OVER SENSOR YEL BLU BRN BLK PUR RED ORG BLK VALVE BLK BLK COOL 2 Q/C 1 BLK YEL 33ZCRLYBRD G G2/(W) G3/(Y) COM YEL QUICK CONNECT FAN BLK (VALVE) RED 4 (COOL) RED L BLU M BLU 3 HI BLOWER BLK H BLK 2 ORG (HEAT) YEL 24 *WHT MED 1 MOTOR WHT COM TRANSFORMER EQUIPMENT GROUND L1 L2 or N BLK LOW WHT/RED BLK *WHT *WHT 0 YEL 1 06 EQUIPMENT GROUND 3 BLK L1 NC 7 4 COM 8 2 NO BRN LIMIT SWITCH 6 BLK BLK WHT N ELEC. HEATER Fig. 45 — 42D (1200-2000) 2-Pipe Heating and Cooling with Auxiliary Heat — Remote/Wall-Mounted Debonair® Thermostat (24-v) and Dual Power Source 34 THERMOSTAT PART # 702893-36 PUR ORG REMOTE DEVICE BOX COOL BLU HEAT RED L1 BLK L2 OR N YEL HI W/ORG W/RED LOW W/BRN UNIT MOUNTED J BOX AQUASTATS QUICK CONNECT OPTIONAL BLOWER BRN L RED RED M BLU BLU BLK RED H BLK MOTOR RISE BLU PUR BLK WHT COM BLK *WHT *WHT EQUIPMENT GROUND RED RED BRN BLU RED BLK *WHT WHT RISE L2 or N VALVE L1 *WHT CONTACTOR LIMIT SWITCH 1 BLK BLK BLK *WHT L1 L2 OR N GRN ONLY 120V WHT/ALL OTHERS BLK Fig. 46 — 42C,S,V (except VG), and 42D (600-1000 cfm) 2-Pipe Heating and Cooling with Auxiliary Heat — Remote/Wall-Mounted Debonair® Thermostat (Line Voltage) and Dual Power Source THERMOSTAT PART # 702893-36 PUR ORG REMOTE DEVICE BOX COOL BLU HEAT RED L1 BLK L2 OR N YEL HI W/ORG MED W/RED LOW W/BRN 2 4 6 8 1 0 4 RED 2 BLU L1 EQUIPMENT GROUND L1 L2 or N EQUIPMENT GROUND BLK L2 or N 1 *WHT 0 1 RED 3 BLU RISE BLK 4 6 2 *WHT WHT COM 1 1 RED 3 BLU 8 1 1 2 4 6 8 RELAY BRN H BLK 3 2 VALVE *WHT BLK M BLU BLK BLK 0 1 2 4 6 8 BLK BLK 2 BLK 1 WHT RISE LIMIT SWITCH BLK *WHT *WHT BLK CONTACTOR ELEC. HEATER 120V WHT ALL OTHERS BLK Fig. 47 — 42D (1200-2000) 2-Pipe Heating and Cooling with Auxiliary Heat — Remote/Wall-Mounted Debonair® Thermostat (Line Voltage) and Dual Power Source 35 BLK WHT COM L RED AQUASTATS 2 BLK H BLK 2 BLK BLU BLU 3 1 PUR MOTOR M BLU 3 BLK BLOWER RED N MOTOR 4 BRN BLOWER 0 L RED BR QUICK CONNECT OPTIONAL RED UNIT MOUNTED J BOX a42-4215 36 Fig. 48 — 42C,S,V (except VC, VE, VG), and 42D (600-1000 cfm) — 2-Pipe Heating and Cooling with Auxiliary Heat — Open FC Controller (24-v) with Motorized Control Valve (2-Position) a42-4214 37 Fig. 49 — 42D (1200-2000 cfm) — 2-Pipe Heating and Cooling with Auxiliary Heat — Open FC Controller (24-v) with Motorized Control Valve (2-Position) a42-4217 38 Fig. 50 — 42C,S,V (except VC, VE, VG), and 42D (600-1000 cfm) — 2-Pipe Heating and Cooling with Auxiliary Heat — Open FC Controller (24-v) with Modulating Control Valve (0-10 vdc) 39 Fig. 51 — 42D (1200-2000 cfm) — 2-Pipe Heating and Cooling with Auxiliary Heat — Open FC Controller (24-v) with Modulating Control Valve (0-10 vdc) a42-4069 NEC CLASS 2 WIRING Fig. 52 — 42C,S,V (except VG), and 42D (600-1000 cfm) 2-Pipe Cooling with Total Electric Heat — Transformer and Non-Carrier Relay Board (24-v) (Special Request) a42-4070 120-V WHT ALL OTHERS BLK NEC CLASS 1 WIRING Fig. 53 — 42C,S,V (except VG), and 42D (600-1000 cfm) 2-Pipe Cooling with Total Electric Heat — Field-Supplied/Installed Controls (Line Voltage and Control Valves or Electric Heat) 40 a42-4071 120-V WHT ALL OTHERS BLK NEC CLASS 1 WIRING Fig. 54 — 42D (1200-2000) 2-Pipe Cooling with Total Electric Heat — Field-Supplied/Installed Controls (Line Voltage and Control Valves or Electric Heat) a42-4072 NOTE: Units may have 2 or 4 elements. Elements wired in parallel. Fig. 55 — 42SG,SH,SJ,VA,VB,VC,VE,VF 2-Pipe Cooling with Total Electric Heat — Unit-Mounted Debonair® Thermostat (24-v) and Duct Sensor 41 THERMOSTAT #33CSSN2-FC RS+5 DUCT SENSOR 33CSSEN-DS RS R G Y1 G3 W1 G2 C H2O CK1 RED YEL BLU BRN BLK PUR BLK RED ORG WHT VALVE BLK BLK 2 Q/C 1 YEL 33ZCRLYBRD YEL RED G QUICK CONNECT FAN BLU G2/(W) BLK G3/(Y) BLK COM (VALVE) RED 4 BLU (COOL) (HEAT) YEL 24 BLU M 3 HI ORG RED L BLK *WHT MED 2 1 BLOWER BLK H MOTOR WHT COM TRANSFORMER BLK EQUIPMENT GROUND WHT/RED BLK L1 L2 or N LOW BLK *WHT *WHT BRN YEL 0 YEL L1 1 06 3 BLK 4 2 120/277V NC 7 COM 8 NO LIMIT SWITCH 6 BLK BLK N WHT EQUIPMENT GROUND ELEC. HEATER Fig. 56 — 42SG,SH,SJ,VA,VB,VC,VE,VF 2-Pipe Cooling with Total Electric Heat — Unit-Mounted Debonair® Thermostat (24-v), Duct Sensor and Dual Power Source a42-4074 NEC CLASS 2 WIRING Fig. 57 — 42D (1200-2000) 2-Pipe Cooling with Total Electric Heat — Remote/Wall-Mounted Debonair® Thermostat (24-v) 42 a42-641 Fig. 58 — 42C,S,V (except VG), and 42D (600-1000 cfm) 2-Pipe Cooling with Total Electric Heat — Remote/Wall-Mounted Thermostat (Line Voltage) THERMOSTAT #33CSSN2-FC REMOTE DEVICE BOX RS+5 RS R G Y1 G3 W1 G2 C H2O CK1 NEC CLASS 2 WIRING YEL BLU BRN BLK PUR RED ORG VALVE BLK COOL 2 Q/C 1 BLK YEL 33ZCRLYBRD G G2/(W) G3/(Y) COM YEL QUICK CONNECT FAN BLK (VALVE) RED 4 BLU (COOL) RED L BLU M 3 HI BLK BLOWER BLK H 2 ORG (HEAT) YEL 24 *WHT MED 1 MOTOR WHT COM TRANSFORMER EQUIPMENT GROUND L1 L2 or N BLK LOW WHT/RED BLK *WHT *WHT 0 YEL 1 06 EQUIPMENT GROUND 3 BLK 4 L1 2 NC 7 BRN LIMIT SWITCH COM 8 NO 6 BLK BLK WHT N ELEC. HEATER Fig. 59 — 42C,S,V (except VG), and 42D (600-1000 cfm) 2-Pipe Cooling with Total Electric Heat — Remote/Wall-Mounted Debonair® Thermostat (24-v) and Dual Power Source 43 REMOTE DEVICE BOX THERMOSTAT #33CSSN2-FC RS+5 RS R G Y1 G3 W1 G2 C H2O CK1 NEC CLASS 2 WIRING YEL BLU BRN BLK PUR RED ORG 33ZCRLYBRD G G2/(W) G3/(Y) COM FAN VALVE RED BLU (COOL) BLK COOL QUICK CONNECT BLK (VALVE) BLK HI 2 Q/C 1 (HEAT) YEL BLK *WHT MED 4 3 2 1 RED L BLU M BLOWER BLK H MOTOR WHT COM LOW VER1.3 030700 G G2/(W) G3/(Y) COM *WHT 33ZCRLYBRD FAN QUICK CONNECT BLK (VALVE) YEL RED ORG 24 BLU (COOL) HI BLK TRANSFORMER BLK (HEAT) WHT/RED *WHT MED 4 RED L BLU M 3 2 1 BLOWER BLK H MOTOR WHT COM EQUIP.GROUND YEL *WHT YEL 0 3 BLK 4 BLK 1 06 EQUIP.GROUND L1 LIMIT SWITCH LOW VER1.3 030700 BLK BLK BLK BLK N. OR L2 *WHT L1 2 NC COM NO 7 8 BLK 6 BLK BLK N. OR L2 WHT WHT WHT ELEC. HEATERS Fig. 60 — 42D (1200-2000) 2-Pipe Cooling with Total Electric Heat — Remote/Wall-Mounted Debonair® Thermostat (24-v) and Dual Power Source Fig. 61 — 42C,S,V (except VG), and 42D (600-1000 cfm) 2-Pipe Cooling with Total Electric Heat — Remote/Wall-Mounted Thermostat (Line Voltage) and Dual Power Source 44 ONLY 120V WHT/ALL OTHERS BLK Fig. 62 — 42D (1200-2000) 2-Pipe Cooling with Total Electric Heat — Remote/Wall-Mounted Thermostat (Line Voltage) and Dual Power Source 45 a42-4203 46 Fig. 63 — 42C,S,V (except VC, VE, VG), and 42D (600-1000 cfm) — 2-Pipe Cooling with Total Electric Heat — Open FC Controller (24-v) with Motorized Control Valve (2-Position) 47 Fig. 64 — 42D (1200-2000 cfm) — 2-Pipe Cooling with Total Electric Heat — Open FC Controller (24-v) with Motorized Control Valve (2-Position) a42-4205 48 Fig. 65 — 42C,S,V (except VC,VE,VG), and 42D (600-1000 cfm) — 2-Pipe Cooling with Total Electric Heat — Open FC Controller (24-v) with Modulating Control Valve (0-10 vdc) 49 Fig. 66 — 42D (1200-2000 cfm) — 2-Pipe Cooling with Total Electric Heat — Open FC Controller (24-v) with Modulating Control Valve (0-10 vdc) a42-4075 NEC CLASS 2 WIRING Fig. 67 — 42C,S,V (except VG), and 42D (600-1000 cfm) 4-Pipe Heating and Cooling — Transformer and Non-Carrier Relay Board (24-v) (Special Request) 120-V WHT ALL OTHERS BLK a42-4076 NEC CLASS 1 WIRING Fig. 68 — 42C,S,V (except VG), and 42D (600-1000 cfm) 4-Pipe Heating and Cooling — Field-Supplied/Installed Controls (Line Voltage and Control Valves) 50 a42-4077 120-V WHT ALL OTHERS BLK NEC CLASS 1 WIRING Fig. 69 — 42D (1200-2000) 4-Pipe Heating and Cooling — Field-Supplied/Installed Controls (Line Voltage and Control Valves) a42-4078 Fig. 70 — 42SG,SH,SJ,VA,VB,VC,VE,VF 4-Pipe Heating and Cooling — Unit-Mounted Debonair® Thermostat (24-v) and Duct Sensor 51 120-V WHT ALL OTHERS BLK NEC CLASS 1 WIRING a42-4224 Fig. 71 — 42SG,SH,SJ,VA,VB,VC,VE,VF 4-Pipe Heating and Cooling — Unit-Mounted Thermostat (Line Voltage) THERMOSTAT #33CSSN2-FC REMOTE DEVICE BOX RS+5 RS R G Y1 G3 W1 G2 C H2O CK1 NEC CLASS 2 WIRING YEL BLU BRN BLK PUR RED ORG VALVE BLK COOL BLK 2 Q/C 1 PUR YEL 33ZCRLYBRD VALVE BLK HEAT BLK 2 Q/C 1 BRN YEL G G2/(W) G3/(Y) COM QUICK CONNECT FAN BLK (VALVE) YEL RED BLU (COOL) HI YEL (HEAT) YEL 24 MED BLK 4 RED L BLU M 3 BLOWER BLK H 2 1 MOTOR WHT COM TRANSFORMER LOW EQUIPMENT GROUND L1 L2 or N BLK *WHT BLK *WHT Fig. 72 — 42C,S,V (except VG), and 42D (600-1000 cfm) 4-Pipe Heating and Cooling — Remote/Wall-Mounted Debonair® Thermostat (24-v) 52 a42-4080 Fig. 73 — 42D (1200-2000) 4-Pipe Heating and Cooling — Remote/Wall-Mounted Debonair® Thermostat (24-v) ONLY 120V WHT/ALL OTHERS BLK Fig. 74 — 42C,S,V (except VG), and 42D (600-1000 cfm) 4-Pipe Heating and Cooling — Remote/Wall-Mounted Thermostat (Line Voltage) and Dual Power Source 53 Fig. 75 — 42D (1200-2000) 4-Pipe Heating and Cooling — Remote/Wall-Mounted Thermostat (Line Voltage) and Dual Power Source 54 a42-4219 55 Fig. 76 — 42C,S,V (except VC,VE,VG), and 42D (600-1000 cfm) 4-Pipe Heating and Cooling — Open FC Controller (24-v) with Motorized Control Valve (2-Position) a42-4218 56 Fig. 77 — 42D (1200-2000 cfm) 4-Pipe Heating and Cooling — Open FC Controller (24-v) with Motorized Control Valve (2-Position) a42-4221 57 Fig. 78 — 42C,S,V (except VC,VE,VG), and 42D (600-1000 cfm) 4-Pipe Heating and Cooling — Open FC Controller (24-v) with Modulating Control Valve (0-10 vdc) a42-4220 58 Fig. 79 — 42D (1200-2000 cfm) 4-Pipe Heating and Cooling — Open FC Controller (24-v) with Modulating Control Valve (0-10 vdc) a42-4207 59 Fig. 80 — 42C,S,V (except VC,VE,VG), and 42D (600-1000 cfm) 4-Pipe Heating and DX Cooling — Open FC Controller (24-v) with Motorized Control Valve (2-Position) a42-4206 60 Fig. 81 — 42D (1200-2000 cfm) 4-Pipe Heating and DX Cooling — Open FC Controller (24-v) with Motorized Control Valve (2-Position) a42-4209 61 Fig. 82 — 42C,S,V (except VC,VE,VG), and 42D (600-1000 cfm) 4-Pipe Heating and DX Cooling — Open FC Controller (24-v) with Modulating Control Valve (0-10 vdc) a42-4208 62 Fig. 83 — 42D (1200-2000 cfm) 4-Pipe Heating and DX Cooling — Open FC Controller (24-v) with Modulating Control Valve (0-10 vdc) Fig. 84 — 42SG,SH,SJ,VA,VB,VC,VE,VF No Controls — Unit-Mounted 3-Speed Switch Only Fig. 85 — 42C,S,V and 42D (600-1000 cfm) No Controls — Wall-Mounted 3-Speed Switch Only 63 Fig. 86 — 42D (1200-2000) No Controls — Wall-Mounted 3-Speed Switch Only Fig. 87 — 42B No Controls — Single-Phase Unit 64 Fig. 88 — 42B No Controls — 3-Phase Unit a42-4083 **Only used with overflow switch. NOTES: 1. This is a point-to-point electrical diagram. 2. Caution: Disconnect power before servicing. 3. See nameplate for correct voltage. Use 75 C minimum copper conductors only. Unit terminals are not designed to accept any other wiring. 4. Blower motor(s) thermally protected. 5. To ensure proper fan interlock and sequencing, external controller must energize heater stages in numerical order shown and deenergize stages in reverse order (first on, last off). 6. All contractor wiring must conform to electrical codes, national and local. Fig. 89 — 42B Motor Controls — Single-Phase Only 65 a42-4085 NOTES: 1. This is a point-to-point electrical diagram. 2. Caution: Disconnect power before servicing. 3. See nameplate for correct voltage. Use 75 C minimum copper conductors only. Unit terminals are not designed to accept any other wiring. 4. Blower motor(s) thermally protected. 5. To ensure proper fan interlock and sequencing, external controller must energize heater stages in numerical order shown and deenergize stages in reverse order (first on, last off). 6. All contractor wiring must conform to electrical codes, national and local. Fig. 90 — 42B Motor Controls — 3-Phase Only a42-4086 NOTES: 1. This is a point-to-point electrical diagram. 2. Caution: Disconnect power before servicing. 3. See nameplate for correct voltage. Use 75 C minimum copper conductors only. Unit terminals are not designed to accept any other wiring. 4. Blower motor(s) thermally protected. 5. To ensure proper fan interlock and sequencing, external controller must energize heater stages in numerical order shown and deenergize stages in reverse order (first on, last off). 6. All contractor wiring must conform to electrical codes, national and local. 7. Wire as detail A for 120/277-v. Fig. 91 — 42B Motor Controls — Single-Phase with Interlocking Disconnect 66 a42-4087 NOTES: 1. This is a point-to-point electrical diagram. 2. Caution: Disconnect power before servicing. 3. See nameplate for correct voltage. Use 75 C minimum copper conductors only. Unit terminals are not designed to accept any other wiring. 4. Blower motor(s) thermally protected. 5. To ensure proper fan interlock and sequencing, external controller must energize heater stages in numerical order shown and deenergize stages in reverse order (first on, last off). 6. All contractor wiring must conform to codes, national and local electrical. Fig. 92 — 42B Motor Controls — 3-Phase with Interlocking Disconnect 67 68 Fig. 93 — 42B Motor Controls — Single-Phase with Interlocking Disconnect and 1-Stage Electric Heater NOTES: 1. This is a point-to-point electrical diagram. 2. Caution: Disconnect power before servicing. 3. See nameplate for correct voltage. Use 75 C minimum copper conductors only. Unit terminals are not designed to accept any other wiring. 4. Blower motor thermally protected. 5. To ensure proper fan interlock and sequencing, external controller must energize heater stages in numerical order shown and deenergize stages in reverse order (i.e., first on will be last off). 6. All contractor wiring must conform to national and local electrical codes. 7. L2 or N label to be placed on bridge near terminal block or disconnect. Label to be oriented along path of incoming L2 or N. 8. Wires 4 and 5 to be installed as shown in detail A when using part number E035-50011401 disconnect switch, except wire 5 as shown in Detail C when 120/277-v. All other disconnect switches to be wired as shown in main diagram. 9. Only on 208-240-v. a42-4088 69 NOTES: 1. This is a point-to-point electrical diagram. 2. Caution: Disconnect power before servicing. 3. See nameplate for correct voltage. Use 75 C minimum copper conductors only. Unit terminals are not designed to accept any other wiring. 4. Blower motor thermally protected. 5. To ensure proper fan interlock and sequencing, external controller must energize heater stages in numerical order shown and deenergize stages in reverse order (i.e., first on will be last off). 6. All contractor wiring must conform to national and local electrical codes. 7. Wires 9, 13, and 14 will terminate inside contactor lug. 8. Wires 4, 5, and 6 to be installed as shown in Detail A when using part number E03550011401 disconnect switch. All other disconnect switches to be wired as shown in the main diagram. 9. Use applicable heater configuration shown for proper connections. Fig. 94 — 42B Motor Controls — 3-Phase with Interlocking Disconnect and 1-Stage Electric Heater a42-4089 70 Fig. 95 — 42B Motor Controls — 3-Phase with Interlocking Disconnect and 2-Stage Electric Heater NOTES: 1. This is a point-to-point electrical diagram. 2. Caution: Disconnect power before servicing. 3. See nameplate for correct voltage. Use 75 C minimum copper conductors only. Unit terminals are not designed to accept any other wiring. 4. Blower motor thermally protected. 5. To ensure proper fan interlock and sequencing, external controller must energize heater stages in numerical order shown and deenergize stages in reverse order (i.e., first on will be last off). 6. All contractor wiring must conform to local and national electrical codes. 7. Wires 9, 13, and 14 will terminate inside contactor lug. 8. Wires 4, 5, and 6 to be installed as shown in Detail A when using part number E03550011401 disconnect switch. All other disconnect switches to be wired as shown in the main diagram. a42-4090 71 Fig. 96 — 42B Motor Controls — 3-Phase with Interlocking Disconnect and 3-Stage Electric Heater a42-4091 NOTES: 1. This is a point-to-point electrical diagram. 2. Caution: Disconnect power before servicing. 3. See nameplate for correct voltage. Use 75 C minimum copper conductors only. Unit terminals are not designed to accept any other wiring. 4. Blower motor thermally protected. 5. To ensure proper fan interlock and sequencing, external controller must energize heater stages in numerical order shown and deenergize stages in reverse order (i.e., first on will be last off). 6. All contractor wiring must conform to local and national electrical codes. 7. Wires 9, 13, and 14 will terminate inside contactor lug. 8. Wires 4, 5, and 6 to be installed as shown in Detail A when using part number E03550011401 disconnect switch. All other disconnect switches to be wired as shown in the main diagram. TRANSFORMER Fig. 97 — Master/Slave Wiring Diagram (Special Request) — Master Control Option Fig. 98 — Master/Slave Wiring Diagram (Special Request) — Slave Control Option Copyright 2010 Carrier Corporation Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations. Catalog No. 04-56420003-01 Printed in U.S.A. Form 42-4W Pg 72 7-10 Replaces: 42-3W
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