July-August 2013
July-August 2013
Prayer in the Time of Drought O Master, Lord our God, Who didst hear Elijah the Tishbite because of his zeal for Thee, and for a time didst command that rain be held back from being sent unto the earth, and again at his prayer didst grant it fruitbearing rain: Do Thou Thyself, O Master of all, Who art being entreated, out of Thy deep compassion grant abundant rain unto Thine inheritance; and, overlooking our sins, do Thou send down Thy rains upon every place entreating and praying for it. Make glad the face of the earth, for the sake of Thy poor people and infants, and animals and all others, for they trust in Thee, that Thou wilt give drink unto them in due season. For Thou art our God, a God Who showeth mercy and saveth, and unto Thee do we send up glory: to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages, Amen. ST. ELIAS THE PROPHET GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH JULY/ AUGUST 2013 The glorious Elias, incarnate messenger of God, pillar of prophets, and second forerunner of the coming of Christ Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Denver The MOST Rev. Metropolitan Isaiah, Primate Reverend Fr. Dimitrios A. Pappas, Priest St. Elias the Prophet 46 Calle Electra Santa Fe, NM 87508 (505) 466-0015 office (505) 204-4655 cell [email protected] www.stelias.nm.goarch.org A WELCOME NOTE TO OUR GUESTS: We are glad to have you worshipping with us today. Please sign our Guest Register and introduce yourself to Father Dimitrios after the service. Please join us for lunch following the Divine Liturgy. sent grace from on high to Elisha that he might cleanse lepers and heal sickness SERVICES AND INFORMATION Times of Services: Sundays: Orthros/Matins - 9:00am; Divine Liturgy - 10:00am SERVICES FOR JULY Sunday, 7 July Orthros 9:00am Divine Liturgy 10:00am Sunday, 14 July Orthros 9:00am Divine Liturgy 10:00am Friday, 19 July Great Vesper 6:00pm. Saturday, 20 July Prophet Elias Orthros 9:00am Divine Liturgy 10:00am Sunday, 21 July Orthros 9:00am Divine Liturgy 10:00am Sunday, 28 July Orthros 9:00am Divine Liturgy 10:00am SERVICES FOR AUGUST Friday, August 2 Paraklesis 6:00pm. Sunday, 4 August Orthros 9:00am Divine Liturgy 10:00am Tuesday, 6 August Transfiguration Orthros 9:00am Divine Liturgy 10:00am Wednesday, 7 August Paraklesis 6:00 pm Friday, 9 August Paraklesis 6:00pm. Sunday, 11 August Orthros 9:00am Divine Liturgy 10:00am Wednesday, 14 August Paraklesis 6:00pm Thursday, 15 August Dortion of the Theotokos Orthros 9:00am Divine Liturgy 10:00am Sunday, 18 August Orthros 9:00am Divine Liturgy 10:00am Sunday, 25 August Orthros 9:00am Divine Liturgy 10:00am "Sweet Virgin" at Petra of Lesvos page 3 of the robbers attempted to remove the silver lining of the large image of the Virgin of the Temple, the Virgin Mary miraculously and the Bandit collapsed paralyzed. Feared then divine wrath and the other robbers, received the paralytic partner and had gathered the loot and left. Few of the precious sacred objects rescued then as the silver lining of the Icon of the Virgin Mary, the silver censer of 1667 and the Holy Grail 1742. During the raid on March 12, 1676 the French pirate Krevellie, rescued the Church of Our Lady, like the other Churches of Petra, perhaps because the pirates were Christians. Restricted only to listefsi of houses and the kidnapping of 500 prisoners and especially young girls. Then deserted the Rock, to flourish again end of the eighteenth century. It is unknown when it was consecrated and was inaugurated the church. In Pilgrimage, except the miraculous icon of the Virgin Mary are hoarders and the Holy Relics of Saint Tryphon, St. Catherine and St. Haralambos, kept in an ornate reliquary. For Miraculous Image prevailing many legends. Among them are the following: "In the old days Galaxeidiotiko ship was docked in the port of Petra between the small island and the mainland. One Saturday night the captain descended the den to venerate the Icon of the Virgin and ignite the candle, but was surprised when he saw leave the position of icons. None of the sailors were not able to inform him of what happened to the Icon. Going though the blanket noticed a light overground wandering star-like glowing on top of the rock of Petra. Comes the captain ashore, climb the rock, find the icon there, he gets it and brings back to the boat. But the same happened the next two nights. He realized then that the Virgin wanted to stay forever in the rock of Petra. Colluded with the notables of the village, where they built a small chapel and placed inside the Blessed Virgin Mary. ""When they wanted to build the Church, a dove holding floss mapped the foundations of the church and courtyard, unraveling the silk thread. With fear and trembling the craftsmen were building the walls at the edge of the cliff by clicking on hanging scaffolds and work is not progressing quickly. The Virgin Mary, but did her miracle, to give them courage. The first Saturday night foreman holding in one hand the carafe with raki and another tray with the glasses, turning on the scaffolding while treating their artisans. For a time, however, stumbled and collapsed. Startled everyone, artisans and laborers looked down expecting to see him lying down and dead. Shocked when they saw him standing by the carafe tray in his hands to shout "Do not force the men, her grace helps us" and immediately went back to the rock and continued to give the raki to the workers. E Panagia mazi sas! "Sweet Virgin" at Petra of Lesvos page 2 Within the fort there was chapel of the Virgin, before the conquest of the island by the Turks in 1462. The year 1609 in place of the small church was erected larger church with four cells and building this state the legend. From the sacred vessels of the Church in 1609 held outside other silver thurible 1667 and also silver chalice of 1742. The year 1840 under Sultan saved yet, fundamentally renovated the church in its present form, three-aisled basilica with a wooden throne with a wooden painted temple. Near the church is a square turret, which is the ceremony of the Lord's Resurrection. A few steps above is another smaller balcony, part of which is covered by the Bell Tower, based on two columns, on the eastern edge of the balcony and two psefdokiones entetoichismenon the yard walls, on both sides of the door through which we enter the courtyard of the Church . Infrared this is engraved the year of the last renovation of the church, 1840.The church was built on the southeast side of the interior of the yard walls. On the west side between the Narthex and yard walls there are three graves with inscribed marble slabs of the past century. Under the church's natural reservoir within which collected from the roof of the Church of rain water. The offerings of the faithful were rich and shone the Church of gold and silver and precious stones. With silver and gold were lined large icons on the iconostasis and many of the small, silver and gold more candles, the chalices, the Gospels, the censers, the cherubim. But this wealth aroused and the persecution of the Church. Twenty-five years after the last renovation in 1865. Turk robbers inrush in the grounds of the church, took violently from the Nun Ink, the only one who lived then in a cell of the Church, the key of the Church and in minimum time grab what they found valuable in gold and silver and silk and only when one "Sweet Virgin" at Petra of Lesvos page 1 "Mother of God, is the hope of all, the Christians roof, guard, heed thereto hoping thee" One of the most beautiful and original religious monuments and shrines, which boasts not only the town of Petra, and the island of Mytilene is the venerable and historic pilgrimage "Panagia Sweet". It was and is a strong attraction for thousands of Greeks and foreign visitors every year climb the 114 steps to worship the Virgin Mary, to stand in awe and pray in the Holy Icon of the Virgin Mary on top of the sacred rock and feel the heart pulsing of reverence and respect. On top of the rock of Petra of forty meters, is the Church of Our Lady of Glykophilousa able fortified and impregnable, that during the years of hegemony Gatelouzon Lesbos was small fortress. The fort was inaccessible from three sides because of the steep cliff and only the eastern one could climb up the walls of the fortress, but also easily refuted by the defendants. There are several evidence for the existence of the fort during that time. The Florentine Abbot Bouodelmonti, who had visited Lesvos early O. century, in his book on the islands of the Archipelago, published in 1420, including the fortress of Petra. Also Zamperti in sonnet contained in his book on the Aegean Islands, published in 1845 mentions the fortress of Petra. Medieval Maps and note the fortress just the rock. But today found in the grounds of the church piece scaly coat of arms Gatelouso indicative of the interest of the then rulers of the island for the position, as entetoichismenos headed eagle on the west side of the yard walls Stewardship 2013 July 7 July Sunday prosforo and coffee hour Anna Patsalis 14 July Sunday prosforo and coffee hour Angela Keenen 20 July Saturday Prophet Elias prosforo Fr. Dimitri Pappas 21 July Sunday Feast day Celebration prosforo Fr. Dimitri Pappa at St. Elias the Prophet 28 July Sunday prosforo and coffee hour Eugenia Parry August 4 August Sunday prosforo and coffee hour Eva Kurtz 6 August Tuesday Transfiguration of Our Lord prosforo Fr. Dimitri Pappas 11 August Sunday prosforo Diane Tintor and coffee hour Bonnie Hardwick 15 August Thursday Dormition of The Theotokos prosforo Fr. Dimitri Pappas 18 August Sunday prosforo Leslie Cook and coffee hour Judy Brophy 25 August Sunday prosforo and coffee hour Niki Constantaras Prosfora must be at the church by 9:00 a.m. To change your day you must find and give sufficient notice to someone to take your place.You're also responsible for coffee room clean up. Rinse coffee urns, wipe down counters and tables, sweep floor, replace soiled table cloths, place bag of garbage in green bin and wheel it down to the church mailbox. An important detail. Questions? Call Nia Parry 424-1402. CHURCH NAME DAY CELEBRATION Come and celebrate with us the Feast day of St. Elias the Prophet July 21th 2013 After the Divine Liturgy Please feel free to bring anything for the picnic. We have collected so far $42, 500 in stewardship this year . Our budget for the year is $135,000. If you have not yet signed your Stewardship card . Please do so. Every Steward is very important to us, If you need a card, you may pick one up at the church or please call the church. Alexis, Dean & Cynthia Argos, Potitsa Baker, Marcia Ballas, Peter Barlow, Richard Boone-Van Zandt, Dennis & Tonya Brophy, Judith Carl, Melissa Chronis, Christopher Constantaras, Dr. Alex & Niki Constantaras, Alexia Counelis, Spiros and Marina Cook, Bess & Leslie Daskalos, Chris & Milly Denko John & Shirley Denko Katherine Eddings Scott & Lena Ennis, Mac Hardwick, Bonnie Jensvold, Anne Josephakis, John & Dianne Kalangis, Alex & Svenja Kalangis– Barker, Susana Kassicieh, Samir Kassisieh Qustandi Kefal, Nymphe Kitsos, Vasilios &Christina Kurtz, Eva Manos, Peter Margo, Carol Michas, Christopher & Sophia Minetos, Vaso O’Brien, Mary Pappas, Alex & Rena Pappas, George A. Pappas, Dean & Jennifer Parry, Eugenia Patsalis, Ignatios & Anna Pavlakos, Vasilios & Evange Poggas, John & Tula Proestos, Paul & Susan Robeson, Steven & Besty Razatos, Leonardo Round, Russell (Ignatios) Sander, Vicki Santikos, Mary Santikos , Violeta Shea Michael and Gael Levings Skinas, Hellen Steven, Joe and Anastasia Tintor, Diane Topakas, George & Lurani Tramontanas, Kerry Tramontanas, Tracey Vasilion, Evan Vasilion-Dixon Steve & Rebecca Vaupen, Burt & Frederika Zaffer, Constantinos & Arismia Zrilic, Djuro July 2013 Sun 1 Thomas Sunday Orthros 9:00am Divine Liturgy 10:00am Mon 21 Tue 3 2 Wed Wed 43 Thu Thu 4 5 Fri Fri 56 Sat Sat 67 Vespers 6:00pm 8 Myrrh bearers 7 Kyriaki St.St. John the Theologian Orthros9:00am Divine Liturgy 10:00am MOTHERS DAY 9 8 15 Paralytic 14 Orthros9:00am Divine Liturgy 10:00am 16 15 10 9 11 10 12 11 14 13 Wedding 4:30pm No Vespers 17 16 18 17 St. Pentecost Marina Mid– 19 18 Orthros 9:00am Divine Liturgy 10:00am 22 Samaritan Women 21 Orthros 9:00am Divine Liturgy 10:00am FEAST DAY CELEBRATION PICNIC 13 12 23 22 St. Magdalene 24 23 25 24 St. Christina 20 19 Great Vesper 6:00pm 26 25 St. Anna 27 26 St. Paraskevi 21 St. Constantine and 20 Prophet Elias Helen Orthros am Orthros9:00 9:00am Divine Liturgy am Divine Liturgy10:00 10:00am Vespers 6:00pm 28 27 St. Panteleimonos Vespers 6:00pm 29 Blind Man Orthros 9:00am 2 8 St. Ireni Chyrsovalantou Divine Liturgy 10:00am Parish Council 30 MEMORIAL DAY 29 31 30 31 *SHADED AREAS ARE FASTING DAYS* AUGUST 2013 Sun Sun Mon Mon Tue Wed Wed Tue Thu 1 1 Thomas Sunday Orthros 9:00am Divine Liturgy 10:00am 2 *SHADED AREAS ARE FASTING DAYS* 3 Fri Thu 2 4 5 Sat Fri Sat 3 6 Paraklesis 6:00pm. 7 Vespers 6:00pm 4 Myrrh bearers Orthros89:00am John 10:00am the Theologian Divine St. Liturgy Orthros9:00am Divine Liturgy 10:00am Festival Meeting MOTHERS DAY 5 11 15 Paralytic Parish Council Meeting Orthros9:00am Divine Liturgy 10:00am Orthros 9:00am Divine Liturgy 10:00am 12 18 19 9 6 Transfiguration 10 Orthros 9:00am Divine Liturgy 10:00am 8 7 11 9 12 10 13 Paraklesis 6:00pm. 14 Paraklesis 6:00pm Wedding 4:30pm No Vespers 13 16 14 17 18 Mid– Pentecost 15 Dormition of the Theoto19 kos 16 17 20 21 St. Constantine and Helen Orthros 9:00am Divine Liturgy 10:00am Orthros 9:00am Orthros 9:00am Paraklesis 6:00pm Divine Liturgy 10:00am Divine Liturgy 10:00am 22 Samaritan Women OrthrosOrthros 9:00am9:00am 10:00am Divine Divine LiturgyLiturgy 10:00am 20 23 21 24 22 25 23 26 27 VespersAitolos 6:00pm 24 St Kosmas 28 Vespers 6:00pm 25 Blind Man Orthros 29 9:00am 9:00am Divine Orthros Liturgy 10:00am Divine Liturgy 10:00am 26 27 30 MEMORIAL DAY 28 31 29 Be heading of St. John the Baptist 30 St Alexandros 31