smr technology - Kaysville City
smr technology - Kaysville City
.. .. ..::•>;;MARTENERGY' .•\: Utah Associattd M•nrc1p•I Powe. Systtms .• , . ! l ISS Norrh 400 .'Iese, 480. Sal eLake' C11y, Urah d-#103 500·872-H61 www.uar; FUTURE BASELOAD SUPPLY: Why UAMPS is Looking at SMR Technology Utah Associated Municipal Power Systems, through its SMARTfu'JERGY initiative, is constantly assessing and forecasting future electrical energy needs of member utilities. To meet those needs, UAMPS investigates all possible energy sources, including alternative resources such as wind and solar, along with increased conservation and efficiency. UMvfPS currently owns and operates a diverse and balanced energy resource mix, including coal plants, hydro, combined cycle natural gas and wind. UAMPS is also developing a waste heat project, purchases power on the open market and, along with its members, has implemented aggressive conservation and efficiency programs. Because major baseload projects require years to plan, construct and bring online, decisions must be made today to ensure adequate supplies a decade from now for an energy-hungry society featuring electric vehicles and myriad mobile computmg devices. After much sophisticated resource planning and hard-nosed analysis, UAMPS' 46 member utilities have concluded it is time to seriously study small modular reactors (SMRs) as a future source ofbaseload electrical supply. We believe S.\ilR technology has advanced to the point that it may be the cleanest, safest and most cost-effective Jong-term solution to ensure stable, reliable, well-priced electrical power for UAMPS members over the next several decades. Our coal properties have been baseload workhorses for decades. But they are reaching the end of their life cycles, and stringent carbon and environmental regulations will make them impossible to operate within 10 to 15 years. We also own and operate a 145-megawatt combined cycle natural gas-fired generating facility, and will consider building more. But we can't rely on natural gas for long-term baseload supply because of price volatility that will occur as natural gas becomes a global commodity. And while cleaner than coal, natural gas still produces carbon and emits pollutants and will face ever more stringent regulations. We strongly support dean energy sources, including wind, solar, micro-hydro, waste heat, biomass and geothermal. We are aggressively promoting efficiency and conservation - the cheapest way to keep energy costs low. Still, our careful projections indicate that we will need more stable baseload supply to keep the economy humming and meet the needs of energy-intensive manufacturing plants, computer server farms, and the electrification of the auto industry. Nuclear energy has long been attractive because it emits no carbon or pollutants and produces massive amounts of reliable, stable energy, decade after decade. But the promise of a "nuclear renaissance" was dramatically interrupted by the March, 2011, catastrophic failure at the Fukushima, Japan, nuclear plant. Today, however, a new generation of small, modular reactors promises a new phase of the nuclear renaissance. We believe the technology being developed by NuScale Power, of Oregon. wiU produce small reactors that are safe. cost-effective, and simple. SMRs are as different from the enormous large-reactor plants built in the 1960s as a 2014 Prius hybrid is to al960s-era Cadillac with its enormous fins and terrible gas mileage. UAMPS has entered into a Teaming Agreement with NuScaJe and Energy Northwest outlining the parties' intent to investigate developing a Small Modular Reactor project, possibly at DOE's Idaho Laboratory (INL) near Idaho FalJs. It could be the first SMR project in the world. INL, whose mission is the development and deployment of advanced nuclear technologies, has UAMOJ0/8/1 211 4 ...••. . ..:~~MARTENERGY • ••••• ~·· r f55 Nollfl 400 Wt'1r, Suite 480. Sulc Lai. .. City, Urnh 8~103 .;OO 871-5961 ....,.w.uamps com (continued from previous page) immense reactor experience, sufficient water resources, access to transmission lines, environmental data needed m the DOE permitting process, and strong local political support. ANuScale SMR project could consist of up to twelve 50 MW SMRs (600 MW total). Each reactor sits within a containment vessel measuring 76 feet tall x 15 feet in diameter. Each reactor and containment vessel operates independently of the other reactors inside a water-filled 8-million gallon water pool that is built below grade. The reactor operates using the principles of natural circulation; hence, no pumps are needed to circulate water through the reactor. The system uses a natural physics convect10n process, providing the ability to safely shut down and self-cool, indefinitely, with no operator action, AC or DC power, and no additional water. The design sunplicity allows the ~uScale Power Module to be factory-built. and transported to the site on trucks. The design makes the plants faster to construct. and less expensive to operate. The footprint of a 600 MW plant is small, only 44 acres. XuScale recently won a $217 miJlion DOE grant to develop the SMR and apply for NRC design certification approval. No final decision regarding an SMR plant should be expected before 2017 But the UA..\1PS Board of Directors has directed management and staff to carefully investigate the possibilities and to monitor the certification and licensing process.A plant would likely not be operational before the end of 2023, when UAMPS coal plants will likely need to be retired. Publicly-owned utilities like UAMPS are under tremendous pressure to provide cleaner energy and reduce reliance on carbon-based fuels. UAMPS believes it is prudent and wise to carefully investigate SMR nuclear energy options as possible safe, clean, emission-free, reliable, baseload supply. UAM070/8/12/14 .• i 'It. ~~~MARTENERGY" .... t •• • t 155 Norrh 400 Wesr, Suire 480, Sale Lo~t Ciry Ucoh 84101 600-811-596 1 www uamps com Why UAMPS is Considering SMR Technology for Future Baseload Supply Introduction Utah Associated Municipal Power Systems, through its SMART ENERGY initiative, is constantly assessing and forecasting fu. ture electrical energy needs of member utilities. To meet those needs, UAMPS investigates all possible energy sources, including alternative resources such as wind and solar, along with increased conservation and efficiency. UAMPS currently owns and operates a diverse and balanced energy resource mix, including coal plants, hydro, combined cycle natural gas and wind. UAMPS is also developing a waste heat project, purchases power on the open market and, along with its members, has implemented aggressive conservation and efficiency programs. Forecasting future electrical needs is a difficult task in today's complex and rapidly-changing energy world. UAMPS planners analyze all factors, including the long-term viability of coal plants, the regulation of carbon, other environmental requirements, technological advances, expected future demand, changing consumer lifestyles, and local and global economic conditions. Because major baseload projects require years to plan, construct and bring online, decisions must be made today to ensure adequate supplies a decade from now for an energy-hungry society with numerous electric vehicles and myriad mobile computing devices. After much sophisticated resource planning and hard-nosed analysis, UAMPS' 46 member utilities have concluded it is time to seriously study small modular nuclear reactors as a future source of baseload electrical supply. This paper explains why development of a small modular reactor {SMR) power plant is being fully explored as potentially the cleanest, safest and most cost-effective long-term solution to ensure stable, reliable, well-priced electrical power for UAMPS members over the next several decades. TIIEEVOLtmON AWAY FROM COAL Coal-fired power plants have been stable, reliable, cost-effective workhorses for baseload electrical supply for many decades not just for UAMPS, but for utility companies across the nation and the world. Coal plants helped build the industrial might of the nation, enabling the electrification of industry, manufacturing, households and consumer electronics. Modern lifestyles and economies would not have been possible without coal-fired electricity. But most coal plants were built 30 or 40 years ago, and are rapidly reaching the end of their life cycles. Coal is also under severe pressure because of carbon emissions and pollutants. It's likely that stringent carbon and environmental regulations will make coal plants impossible to operate within 10-15 years. They must be modernized and retrofitted with expensive pollution equipment -- or replaced with an entirely different technology. Financial markets have clearly indicated a reticence to finance new coal plants. Coal remains relatively abundant and cheap, and will remain an important fuel in the near future. UAMPS' coal properties have performed well for decades, and will continue to generate electricity as long as they are viable. But UAMPS must develop new baseload resources as the coal era comes to an end. TIIE UPSIDE AND DOWNSIDE OF NATURAL GAS Thanks to new drilling technologies, natural gas has become an inexpensive, abundant fuel, and some analysts believe it has the potential to become the "new coal" - a fuel for stable, baseload electricity generation. UAMPS owns and operates a 145-megawatt combined cycle gas-fired generating facility, and will consider additional natural gas plants in the future. Natural UAM070/8/1 2/14 (continued) • ... i •• .. :::~MARTENERGYl:td AuocrattJ M.. rcipal ,.. ,.., S11tt..,1 ........ : 15> .Vofl h -'00 Wesr, Su 1t• 430. Sa/1 Lo«• Cl!i Urat il -1 03 1!00·8/]·5961 www.uam (contrnutd from previous pagt) gas is an important component of a diverse resource muc. However, natural gas prices have historically fluctuated a great deal. And even with today's abundant supplies, when prolonged cold weather enveloped the East Coast, natural gas prices soared. When coastal exporting facilities are constructed, natural gas is expected to become a global commodity with accompanying price instability. Conditions across the world will impact natural gas pnces in the Intermountain West. Natural gas is also a carbon-based fuel It is cleaner than coal, but still produces carbon and emits pollutants. Future federal regulations are another factor that may increase the cost of gas generation. For all of these reasons, UAMPS believes that while natural gas will continue to be an important part of UAMPS' energy portfolio, it would be very risky to expect natural gas to replace coal as the fuel producing a majority of baseload supply. Too much reliance on natural gas-produced electricity could put UAMPS' members and customers at the mercy of fluctuating pnces. ROLE OF "CLEAN" ALTERNATIVES: IMPORTANT, BUT NOT ENOUGH It is exciting to see how advanced technology has enabled a variety of dean energy resources, including wind, solar, m1crohydro, waste heat, biomass and geothermal. Technological advances also provide more opportunities for small, "distributed" energy projects so that businesses and homeowners can generate some of their own electricity. Efficiency and conservation, with more energy-efficient homes and appliances, are also important to keeping energy costs low. Through its SMARTENERGY initiative, UA.\.tPS has aggressively embraced clean energy and has helped member utilities adopt conservauon and efficiency programs. Customers of CAMPS members now save money by replacmg old appliances and by updating lighting. VAMPS' Horse Butte wind project produces 57.6 MW and will provide members with a long-term renewable energy supply. UAMPS is also watching energy storage projects that could help wind and solar become more viable and produce energy even when the sun is not shining and the wind is not blowing. Hydroelectric energy has long been an important part of VAMPS portfolio, and smaller hydro projects are being investigated. But while these alternative, renewable and conservation projects are very important, hard-nosed analysis indicates they won't be enough to replace the baseload supply needed to keep the economy humming and take care of the needs of energy-intensive manufacturing plants, computer server farms, and the electrification of the auto industry. As the economy improves, as developing nations continue to modernize, as consumer electronics are used every waking hour, forecasts indicate a need for massive amounts of electrical energy. Consider that an average smartphone uses as much electricity as a refrigerator when the enormous computer server farms and transmission infrastructure supporting mobile technologies are taken into account. In addition, many renewable energy projects create significant environmental problems of their own, and are coming under increased regulation to protect birds, endangered species, migrating fish, and stream flows Finding adequate dectrical transmission infrastructure in close proximity is also a problem for many projects.And while costs of alternative energy are coming down, in most cases prices still can't compete with traditional energy resources. Renewable energy sources can be compared to nimble, strong and charming ballerinas. But Olympic weightlifters are needed to supply the massive baseload needs of UAMPS members, and industries across the nation and the world. Ballerinas and weightlifters each have different roles, and both are very important. NUCLEAR RENAISSANCE: PHASE II Not many years ago, news reports commonly reported that a ·nuclear renaissance" was underway. Recogruzing that enormous amounts of electricity were required to support the global economy, many state and national governments, utilities, consumer UAM070/8112114 (co ntinued) \ i ...~··SMARTENERGY" ~•• Utd Auocr•ttd Muoicipol Power Systt11u .••.•: JI : 155 Norrh 400 IVesr. S&Jire 480. Sale La,e (Hy. Ucah S410J 800·812-5961 www.uamp1 com (continued from prrvious pagt) groups. environmental groups, and energy experts were touting "new" nuclear plants to supply the baseload energy required over the next several decades. Nuclear energy is especially attractive because it is truly clean. It emits no carbon or pollutants and produces massive amounts of reliable, stable energy, decade after decade. Nuclear waste has been safely managed. But then, in March, 2011, a major earthquake and tsunami occurred in Fukushima, Japan, creating a catastrophic failure at the Fukushima nuclear plant. The Fukushima meltdown focused enormous attention on nuclear plant safety, and the "nuclear renaissance" clearly lost some steam. Today, however, with a new generation of smaller, technologically-advanced nuclear reactors under development, a promis· ing new phase of the nuclear renaissance is occurring. The Obama administration and its Department of Energy, for example, are encouraging the development and deployment of advanced nuclear reactors, providing major funding grants and faster approval of applications. Most western state governments, including Utah's, include nuclear energy in their energy plans as an important option. A number of prominent environmentalists, very concerned about the lmpact of climate change, are touting nuclear energy as the clean solution to the world's growing energy needs. For decades, the major two concerns regarding nuclear energy have been safety and cost, with safety concerns intensified by the Fukushima accident. In reality, even with every nuclear plant accident in history accounted for, nuclear energy is by far the safest major source of energy. Considering the entire supply chain of energy production, including extraction and transportation, nuclear energy has historically been much safer than oil, gas, or coal. Nuclear accidents are remarkably infrequent, and when they have occurred, the actual number of inJuries and deaths are negligible compared to other major energy industries. Detractors of nuclear energy for many years have expressed concern about nuclear waste storage. But after decades of problem-free, on-site storage. in many cases in the midst of population centers, such concerns have dimirushed considerably. Storage takes up very little space, and spent fuel rods are being increasingly viewed as valuable products for re-processing and re-use. In addition, private storage pro1ects are being proposed that would provide long-term storage solutions. Nuclear plants are certainly expensive to build. But when amortized over 50 or 60 years of energy production, the price of electricity to consumers is comparable to natural gas, and cheaper than many alternative sources. Many countries that attempted to reduce reliance on nuclear energy after the Fukushima event are now having second thoughts. In Europe, electricity shortages are causing some countries lo purchase electricity from France, which produces 80 percent of its electricity in nuclear plants. SMALL MODULAR REACTORS: SAFER, MORE PRACTICAL, COST-EHiCI ENT Today, small modular nuclear reactors (SMR) are being developed that are dramatically safer, less expensive and more practical A variety of SMRs are being developed, and some models virtually eliminate safety concerns. UAMPS will monitor all of them. Small reactors have been used for many years to power nuclear naval ships and submarines. One promising technology is being developed by NuScale Power, located in Oregon. NuScale is a private commercial enterprise formed to develop and market innovative modular nuclear reactor concepts. NuScale is majority-owned by Fluor, one of the world's leading publicly-traded engineering, construction and project management companies. Fluor has more than 43,000 employees and offices in more than 28 countries on 6 continents. Other major companies like Rolls-Royce have invested in UAM07()18112J14 (continued) ~:~;.! ····:~MARTENERGY" ..... . I :• 155Norrti 4 00Wcsr, 5111re-l~ O. 5;.1l1tu!~C1 r;; Uuh s.;10J ao0 -81}-596 1 (continutd from previow pagt) NuScale and are backing its bid to commerciahze its S~R technology globally. UAMPS has entered mto a Teaming Agreement with NuScale Power and Energy Northwest that outlines the parties' intent to investigate the Viability of developing a SMR project, possibly at the Idaho ~ational Laboratory (INL) near Idaho Falls. Energy Northwest is a municipal corporation and joint operating agency operating the Columbia Nuclear Generating Station in Rkhland, Washington. A NuScale SMR project could consist of up to twelve 50 MW reactors (600 MW total). Each reactor sits withm a containment vessel measuring 76 feet tall x 15 feet in diameter. Each reactor and containment vessel operates independently of the other reactors inside a water-filled -million gallon water pool that is built below grade. The reactor operates using the principles of natural cuculation; hence, no pumps are needed to circulate water through the reactor. The system uses a natural physics convection process, providing the ability to shut down and self-cool, indefinitely, with no operator action, AC or DC power, and no additional water. The reactor can't explode, and is inherently safe. The design stmplicity aHows the NuScale Power Module to be factory-built, and transported to the site on trucks. The design makes the plants faster to construct, and less expensive to build and operate. The footprint of a 600 MW plant is small, only 44 acres. The NuScale reactor recently won a $217 million Department of Energy grant to develop the reactor and apply for DOE approval. SMRs are dramatically different than the enormous large-reactor plants built in the 1960s. The technological differences are like companng a 2014 Prius hybrid to a 1960s-era Cadillac, complete with enormous fins and terrible gas mileage. UAi\iPS believes SMR technology holds promise and is committed to investigating, over the next several months, alJ aspects of an SMR plant. A POSSIBLE LOCATION: IDAHO NATIONAL LABORATORY VAMPS is investigating the possibility of locating an SMR plant at Idaho National Laboratory (!NL), 60 miles northwest of Idaho Falls. INL 1s owned by the Department of Energy Office of Nuclear Energy. Its primary mission is the development and demonstration of advanced nuclear technologies. More than SO research, test and demonstration nuclear reactors have been constructed and operated on the 890-square mile I?\'l site over the past 60 years to support the U.S. Navy's nuclear propulsion program and the U.S. civilian nuclear power program. ~L has immense experience with nuclear reactors and has produced enV1IOnmenta1 data over many years that will be required in a DOE permitting application. The site also has sufficient water resources and excelJent access to major transmission lines for electricity distnbution. Strong political support exists in Idaho for a small nuclear reactor project at INL. An operating SMR plant would employ about 320 people drawing salanes averaging about $86,000. CONCLUSION No decision has been made to build a small modular reactor plant, but the UAMPS Board of Directors has directed management and staff to carefully investigate the possibilities. No final decision wiU likeJy be made before 2017. A plant would likely not be operational before 2023, when UAMPS coal plants will likely need to be retired. Public-owned utilities like UAMPS are under tremendous pressure to provide cleaner energy and reduce reliance on carbonbased fuels. As part of its SMARTENERGY Initiative, UAi\1PS believes it is prudent and wise to carefully investigate SMR nuclear energy options as possible safe, dean, emission-free, reliable, baseload supply. UAM010J8112/14 ..... . . ..::•rsMARTE NERGY UI•~ AssoC1•1td Mu•wp•I Powtr Sysrtms ••.•\: •• .I ; 155 North 400 West, Suite 480, Salt Lake City, Utah 84103 800-872-5961 www. UAMPS Smart Energy emphasizes understanding all aspects of energy development including using energy efficiently. UAMPS Smart Energy also enables members to take a comprehensive, big-picture approach to energy decisions by considering all factors. At a time when public owned utilities are under tremendous pressure to provide cleaner energy and reduce reliance on carbon-based fuels, UA.\.f PS is earnestly investigating nuclear energy options as a safe, dean, emission-free reliable base load supply as part of its Smart Energy Initiative. UA.\.f PS has entered into a Teaming Agreement with NuScale and Energy Northwest that outlines the parties' intent to investigate the viability of developing a Small Modular Reactor (SMR) project, at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) near Idaho Falls. A NuScale SMR project could consist of up to 12- 50 MW reactors (600 MW total). Each reac- tor sits within a containment vessel measuring 76 feet tall x 15 feet in diameter. Each reactor and containment vessel operates independently of the other reactors inside a water-filled pool that is built below grade. The reactor operates using the principles of natural circulation; hence, no pumps are needed to circulate water through the reactor. The system uses a natural physics convection process, providing the ability to shut down and self-cool, indefinitely, with no operator action, AC or DC power, and no additional water. This simplicity allows the NuScaJe Power Module to be factorybuilt and transported to site and makes the plants faster to construct, and less expensive to build and operate. Advanced SMR technologies are expected to be dramatically safer and less expensive than conventional large-reactor plants. • Nuscale - a private commercial enterprise formed to develop and market an innovative modular nuclear reactor concepts commonly referred to as the NuScale Power Module. • UAMPS - a political subdivision of the State of Utah that provides energy services to its members located in the states of Utah, Arizona, California, Idaho, Ne_yad}. New Mexico, Oregon and Wyoming. • Energy Northwest - a municipal corporation and joint operating agency operating the Columbia Nuclear Generating Station in Richland, Washington. • INL - owned by the Department of Energy Office of Nuclear Energy with its primary mission being the development and demonstration of advanced nuclear technologies. More than 50 research, test and demonstration reactors have been constructed and operated on the 890 square mile INL site over the past 60 years to support the U.S. Navy's nuclear propulsion program and the U.S. civilian nuclear power program. UAMD70i8/ 12/14 PLACING THE PIECES When you begin ajigsaw puzzle, the first pieces placed are the flat edged borders. These give the puzzle its shape and definition.This parallels how baseload supply provides a stable framework of reliable, well-priced electrical power to meet the needs of an increaslngly energy-intensive society. UAMPS currently owns and operates a diverse and balanced resource mix, including coal, hydro, combined cycle natural gas, and wind. UAMPS is working to develop l~I ~~:\ ~ PROJECTED PROJECT SCOPE The NuScale Power Module that UAMPS is investigating consists of: • Up to twelve 50 MW reactors (600 MW total). PUTTING TOGETHER THE PIECES OF THE ENERGY PUZZLE • Each reactor sits within a containment vessel measuring 76 feet tall and 15 feet in diameter. • The 600 MW plant requires only 44 acres of space. • Each reactor and containment vessel operates independently of the other reactors inside a 8-million gallon water pool built below grade. • The reactors rely on the natural physics of convection, conductlon and gravity for normal operation. There are no pumps needed. • In the event of a prolonged station blackout, similar to the events at Fukushima, the reactors have an unlimited coping period and can safely shut down and self cool without operator action,AC or DC power or additional water. waste heat, purchases power on the open market and, along with Its members, has implemented aggressive ronservation and efficiency programs. Major baseload projects take years to plan, construct and br1ng onhne. Decisions must be made today to ensure adequate supply a decade from now. Also member utilities are under tremendous pressure to provide cleaner energy and reduce reliance on carbon-based fuels. UAMPS believes it is prudent and wise to carefully investigate small modular reactor options as possible safe, clean, emission-free, reliable, baseload supply. WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE? • The reactor is factory-built, and transported to the site on trucks which makes them faster to construct and less expensive to operate. • The plant is anticipated to be operational by the end of 2023. NuScale recently won a $217 million DOE grant to develop the SMR and apply for Nuclear Regulatory Commission design certification approval. T IN STEP WITH UAMPS FUTURE To find out more visit UIMP5 * MAATUNERGY Utah A ssocia t ed M unicipal Po w er Systems ~ SMR TECHNOLOGY A SOLUTION THAT FITS A CHALLENGING FUTURE HOW 00 EXISTING 1 PIECES FIT? • Coal - For decades, coal has framed much Now, more than ever, putting together the pieces to provide for our communities energy needs is like assembling a jigsaw puzzle. Every resource and opportunity is evaluated and reviewed to see how well it fits to complete the picture for tomorrow's '"I~ IN THE ENERGY PUZZLE After in-depth resource planning and hard-nosed of the energy picture for analysis, UAMPS member utilities have concluded it is time UAMPS member utilities in to take a serious look at small modular reactors as a future providing its baseload energy source of baseload electrical supply. needs. However coal SMR technology is the next generation of energy. These plants are reaching the Small Modular Reactors promise a new phase of nuclear. end of their life cycles and stringent carbon environmental regulations will make them impossible to operate within 10-15 years • Natural Gas - UAMPS owns and operates a energy needs. 145-megawatt combined cycle natural gas-fired generating utah Associated Municipal Power facility and will consider more. Systems (UAMPS), through its But can It fully replace coal for baseload? Price volatility makes SMARTENERGY'Minitiative, is constantly it limiting and while cleaner than assessing and forecasting future coal, it still produces carbon and electrical energy needs of member utilities. To meet those needs, UAMPS investigates all possible energy resources including both thermal and renewable sources, along with increased conservation and efficiency. UM'IPS * MA""'N""OV Ul l h Auoclllld M u n icip a l Power Sy11tm1 emits pollutants and may face stringent regulations. • Wind, solar, micro-hydro, waste heat, and geothermal are all clean energy sources we support and encourage along with promoting efficiency and The technology developed by NuScale, will produce small reactors that are safe, simple and economical. UAMPS has entered a Teaming Agreement with NuScale conservation. Careful and Energy Northwest to Investigate developing a SMR projections Indicate we will project, possibly at the Idaho National laboratory near also need more stable baseload Idaho Falls. resources to keep the economy humming and meet increasing energy needs. This could possibly be the first SMR project in the world.
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