Gazette - Oberlin Heritage Center


Gazette - Oberlin Heritage Center
October 2011
Annual Report for 2010
Vol. XIX
Oberlin Heritage Center / Oberlin Historical and Improvement Organization
P.O. Box 0455, Oberlin, Ohio 44074
Designing a Roadmap for Success
Building a strong and sustainable future for the Oberlin Heritage
Center was a major theme for the organization in 2010. A Strategic
The Oberlin Heritage Center welcomed a delegation of Libyan
archeologists and museum professionals for a tour and discussion
about museum practices.
Planning Committee comprised of Board and staff, with input
from a diverse group of members and friends of the organization,
worked diligently for eight months to develop a thoughtfully
drawn “roadmap” for the next five years. Board Treasurer and
past President Cathe Radabaugh chaired the committee, while
Dr. J.D. Britton, the former head of the Ohio Historical Society’s
Local History Office, served as planning consultant. Britton is wellknown by many Oberlin Heritage Center members and friends, as he
played a similar role in the organization’s previous strategic plans
adopted in 2005, 2002, 2000, and 1998. His skill, wit, and good
cheer and his extensive familiarity with our organization and with
the world of historical societies and museums added immeasurably
to the process and to the carefully crafted end result.
The new five-year strategic plan was adopted by the Board
of Trustees on November 3, 2010. It included six over-arching
goals, with accompanying objectives, action steps, time frames
and implementation responsibilities, addressing changes in the
site, facilities challenges, collections preservation, strategic
Continued on page 2
Julia Monroe’s Anglo Japanese Parlor
Returns to Monroe House and Peter
Pindar Pease Returns to Oberlin!
In the mid-l880s Julia Finney Monroe (1837-1930), the “First Lady of Oberlin,” who had
recently returned from 10 years in the nation’s capital, redecorated her formal front parlor
in keeping with the tastes at the height of fashion and in her signature color, blue. Without
photos of the very private Julia’s home at the time she lived there, recreating the ambiance
of her inner sanctum in the Monroe House of the Oberlin Heritage Center required much
sleuthing. Julia’s purchases were documented in receipts from merchants and suppliers with
the details of color and texture told in family memories.
The Oberlin Heritage Center’s Collections Committee volunteers and staff planned to refurbish
the parlor in stages, in keeping with extensive research on Julia’s tastes. The first phase of the
project included removing inappropriate 1960s shag carpeting and wallpaper. Early in 2010, the
parlor walls displayed a beautiful new color of paint and the installation of reproduction 1880s aesthetic
movement wallpaper frieze and borders, a “bamboo” picture rail, and a locally designed Portrait of Peter Pindar Pease after its
Continued on page 12
and crafted wood chair rail.
conservation treatment by McKay Lodge.
The mission of the Oberlin Heritage Center is to preserve
and share Oberlin’s unique heritage and to make our
community a better place to live, learn, work and visit.
Page Designing a Roadmap for Success
Continued from page 1
history education programming and management structure. The
plan acknowledged that the organization was stretched very thin
financially and needed to focus on “living within our means” while
building a firmer financial foundation to support staff capacity and
develop the potential and effectiveness of the organization. To this
end, the plan outlined an ambitious goal to complete the Heritage
Center’s Endowment for History Education fundraising campaign.
It also calls for initiating a planned giving program to encourage
other creative ways of giving to make the Heritage Center more
sustainable and to eventually increase its operating budget. Copies
of the Strategic Plan are available upon request.
Museum Education and Tour Coordinator Liz Schultz (left) with
American Association of Museums Museum Assessment Program
peer reviewer Maureen Otwell at First Church in Oberlin, U.C.C.
The Heritage Center also undertook an American Association of
Museums Public Dimension Assessment in 2010 and input from it
also helped to shape the strategic plan. Heritage Center Museum
Education and Tour Coordinator Elizabeth (“Liz”) Schultz was
the project manager for this process which involved conducting
a systematic examination of the Heritage Center’s education
programs, public perceptions, public relations and marketing. It also
entailed gathering additional feedback and suggestions from an array
of area educators, representatives of cultural organizations, parents,
and program participants. Museum education specialist Maureen
Otwell who formerly worked for the Minnesota Historical Society
and is now a Wisconsin-based consultant was the peer reviewer
for this engaging process. Her written report provided valuable
The Oberlin Heritage Center Gazette
Annual Report for 2010
October 2011
Vol. XIX
Editor: Pat Murphy
Contributors: Mary Anne Cunningham, Walter Edling, Pat
Holsworth, Laura Laubenthal, Cathe Radabaugh, Prue
Richards, Liz Schultz
Layout: Ricki C. Herdendorf, EcoSphere Associates
Photographers: Oberlin Heritage Center staff, interns,
and volunteers Richard Holsworth and Richard Baznik
Page guidance both for the Strategic Plan and for future development
of an Education Plan for the Heritage Center. She stated in her
report that:
The Oberlin Heritage Center is a model for any history organization,
large or small, and an example of what standards of excellence mean
in the museum program and how they are achievable.
Solid planning in recent years also led to a major milestone in
2010 when the Oberlin Heritage Center purchased the building and
property at 82 South Main Street in downtown Oberlin, adjacent
to the Heritage Center’s grounds. This property was leased to the
Mandarin Restaurant, Lupita’s Restaurant and The Bridge computer
center, and all were assured following the real estate transaction
that the Heritage Center wished them to remain. The property
had long been identified as being of great strategic importance to
the Heritage Center. Without it, the Heritage Center was virtually
“landlocked.” The new acquisition now provides direct access
from Vine Street to the Oberlin Heritage Center’s parking area, and
a stronger connection between the Heritage Center buildings and
grounds, Main Street, and the downtown business district.
The 82 South Main Street property was purchased thanks to a
major grant from the Richard R. Hallock Foundation and a generous
bequest. Extensive legal guidance involved in the transaction was
generously provided pro bono by Oberlin Heritage Center Honorary
Trustee David Mellott, his colleagues Nathan Felker, Kevin
Margolis, and other attorneys from the Cleveland office of the
business law firm Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan & Aronoff, LLP.
Rental income from the building will bring much-needed additional
revenue to the Heritage Center and will also help to undertake a
gradual renovation of the facility. The property will remain on
the tax rolls. As one Board member stated, “We are investing in
Main Street.” The property is operated by a not-for-profit Limited
Liability Company owned by the Oberlin Heritage Center. The
LLC and the building have been named “Vineway” since it provided
access from Vine Street into our site. Vineway has its own Board of
Managers appointed by the Oberlin Heritage Center Board, and it
is chaired by Board President Walter Edling. The site has its own
part-time property manager, Michael Galbreath.
While a lot of work was done in 2010 to plan for the Heritage
Center’s future, the year also brought with it a lot of good news in
the “here and now.” More and more people discovered all that
the Heritage Center had to offer through in-person visits, checking
out the website, or by attending programs and events at our site
and elsewhere in the community. Church groups, college classes,
school groups, home school groups, social clubs, family reunions,
Scouts, senior citizens groups, the Oberlin College Women’s Soccer
team, and many others travelled to the Center from throughout the
region. The Heritage Center enjoyed welcoming a special delegation
of Libyan archeologists and museum professionals who were here
visiting with Oberlin College archeologist Susan Kane as part of
an official State Department visit. Oberlin College student intern
Preston Sundin created and gave the first Chinese language tour of
the Monroe House in December. Staff and volunteers also enjoyed
welcoming many genealogists and historical researchers, including
internationally known author and OC graduate Tracy Chevalier.
The Heritage Center has long been recognized for its outstanding
educational programs both for children and for lifelong learners.
Several new offerings were introduced in 2010, in addition to the
presentations of many tried and true favorites. We launched a new
“Radicals and Reformers History Walk” at Westwood Cemetery,
adding to the extensive array of tours and history walks the Heritage
Center now offers to individuals and groups. The new familyfriendly “I Spy Oberlin History and Architecture Scavenger Hunt”
also was well-received, and gave children and accompanying adults
the opportunity to explore downtown, and learn about history,
architecture and community while having fun (and maybe even
spying one of Tappan Square’s legendary white squirrels!). Another
new success this year was a week-long Spring Break Hands-onHistory camp held at the Oberlin Depot. The Oberlin Oral History
Committee also produced two highly-acclaimed programs based on
interviews of local residents. Sample comments from visitors to
various tours and events offered some rave reviews:
“The tour really brought to life the rich history of Oberlin and
its influence on not only Lorain County but our country as well.”
(Comment from Leadership Lorain County participant, May 2010)
• “Thanks again for a wonderful tour and your incredible flexibility…
The girls will remember this for the rest of their lives.” (Comment
about a Freedom’s Friends History Walk, July 2010)
“This is the most fun of the whole festival.” (Visitor comment
about activities at the Heritage Center during Family Fun Fair, Aug.,
• “It made me even more proud to be an Oberlin parent.”
comment about a tour during Oberlin College Parent’s Weekend,
Nov. 2010)
In all, the Oberlin Heritage Center welcomed 8,996 visitors to its
tours, history walks, and programs in 2010. Visitors came from 36
states, the District of Columbia and eleven foreign countries. Behind
the scenes, Heritage Center staff and volunteers responded to about
30 information request calls and visits a week, providing visitor
information and assistance on local history research, genealogy,
historic preservation, and much more. Staff members also were
frequently called upon to provide guidance to other historical
organizations and small museums about all aspects of non-profit
administration and museum management. Volunteers contributed
5,929 hours of service as documented on time sheets to help advance
the organization’s mission (and we know there were many others
contributing additional hours they preferred not to document and
turn in for record-keeping).
Ohio Humanities Council summer intern Rachel Luczkowski,
an Oberlin College student and Oberlin High School graduate,
created a new online virtual exhibit on our website, called “Then
and Now,” which featured Oberlin’s buildings and changing
82 S. Main Street (Vineway Building).
architectural landscape. The exhibit, which remains a work-inprogress, compared buildings from past and present and drew from
many different materials and sources including Oberlin College
Hi-O-Hi Yearbooks, college catalogues, city directories, sketches,
photos, postcards, and paintings. The focus for this particular exhibit
was on college dormitories, boarding houses, and other Oberlin
facilities. It built on work previously undertaken by the Heritage
Center’s Collections Assistant Prue Richards. Other student interns
worked on an array of projects, including refurbishing a dollhouse,
researching Oberlin buildings, processing and cataloguing artifacts,
giving tours, and much more. Numerous individuals and businesses
contributed photographs, scrapbooks, yearbooks, and artifacts which
help to document and tell the stories of our community.
Assistant to the Director Mary Anne Cunningham and the Oberlin
Heritage Center’s Membership Committee worked tremendously
hard in 2010 to keep our membership numbers steady in the wake
of the nation’s economic downturn. After reaching an all-time high
of 752 memberships in the spring, it was a bit of a roller-coaster
ride the rest of the year with dips and turns and ups and downs in
the numbers. The organization finished the year with 731 total
memberships, including 76 Endowed Life members, 553 individuals
and households, 80 businesses and 22 organizations. Despite a
drop from previous years, we still welcomed 62 newcomers to the
organization in 2010, and were grateful to another 65 who increased
their membership contributions during the year. Members ranged
in age from babies to centenarians, represented all walks of life,
and hailed from 31 states and one foreign country. The diversity
and vibrancy of the Oberlin Heritage Center’s membership were
key factors in the continued strength of the organization. If you
are not yet a member of the organization, we invite you to become
one by joining online at or returning the
membership application enclosed on page 23. Your support is
always needed and appreciated!
Another highlight of 2010 was the well-deserved recognition of
immediate past president James W. White as the recipient of the
Ohio Association of Historical Societies and Museums/Ohio Local
History Alliance’s Outstanding Individual Achievement Award in
October. Several Board and staff members travelled to Columbus
for the ceremony. There, we first met the Heritage Center’s Ohio
History Corps/AmeriCorps worker Karyn Norwood who will
be based at the Monroe House until August 2011 coordinating
local and regional initiatives throughout Northeast Ohio to plan
commemorations of the 150th anniversary of the Civil War.
The Heritage Center’s superb team of board, staff, interns,
volunteers and members accomplished far more than one would
expect from such a small organization, both administratively- and
budget-wise. Careful planning keeps the organization moving
forward while maintaining the highest museum standards. Your
support is always wisely invested to get the maximum return. A
look through the rest of this Annual Report will underscore that by
working together we can do many good things to preserve and share
Oberlin’s unique history and make our community a better place to
live, learn, work and visit. Your interest and involvement mean so
much to this organization and we are tremendously grateful for all
that you did to make 2010 another wonderful year for the Oberlin
Heritage Center!
—Walter Edling
Board President
—Patricia Murphy
Executive Director
Page Annual Meeting Highlights
The 2010 Annual Meeting was held
on April 7 at the Oberlin Inn with a full
house of 185 guests. The evening featured
highlights of the past year, as well as a
look to the organization’s future. Oberlin
College President Marvin Krislov was the
featured speaker. He inspired and engaged
the crowd with ambitious plans for Oberlin
in his address “The College and The City:
What Lies Ahead.”
Dina Schoonmaker and Bert Latran
Jr. of the Governance Committee presented
the 9th Annual Community Awards. Scott
Broadwell received the Oberlin Heritage
Center Volunteer of the Year Award. Scott’s
devotion to volunteerism and talents in
caring for old buildings have made him
one of the “go-to” guys at the Oberlin
Heritage Center. The Heritage Guardian
Award went to Norman C. Craig for his
enthusiasm and dedication in researching
and sharing the legacy of Charles Martin
Hall and Frank Jewett. Mary Enos received
the Youth Community Service Award for
her dedicated service at Oberlin Heritage
Center summer camps and other community
endeavors. The Community Teacher of the
Year Award went to Ronald J. Gresco,
who has led carpentry students at the Lorain
County JVS to regional, state, national,
and global competitions. Phyllis Yarber
Hogan received the Community Historian
Award for her research in African American
history. Last, but not least, Jerry Anderson
received the Keep Oberlin Beautiful Award
for preserving Watson’s Hardware Store on
South Main Street.
Walter Edling was elected the new Board
President. Nicholas R. Jones was elected
First Vice-President. Cathe Radabaugh
was elected Treasurer. Continuing board
officers are Eugene Foggo Simon, Second
Vice President, and Robert Calhoun, Board
a huge round of applause for his leadership
and upcoming position on the Board as Past
President. At the conclusion of the meeting,
the crowd presented Jim White with a
humorous oversized card and homemade
Scott Broadwell, Daniel Clark, Ronnie
Rimbert, Mary Kirtz Van Nortwick, and
Gail Wood were elected to three-year terms
as new Board Members. Kurt Russell was
elected to a one-year term as a new Board
Member. Marianne Cochrane and Cathe
Radabaugh were re-elected to three-year
terms and Robert B. Calhoun was re-elected
to a one-year term. W. Jeanne McKibben
and Donna Shurr were recognized as new
Honorary Trustees.
Second Vice President Jean Simon
acknowledged and applauded outgoing
trustees Eugenia Bobo, W. Jeanne
McKibben, and Donna Shurr. Outgoing
Board President James W. White received
Community Awards Recipients at Annual
Meeting: Left to right in front: Mary Enos
and Phyllis Yarber Hogan. Back: Norm
Craig, Ron Gresco and Scott Broadwell
(Not pictured: Jerry Anderson of Watson’s
On display was the Ohio Association of
Historical Societies and Museums History
Outreach Award which the Oberlin Heritage
Center received for Rescue, Restore, ReUse: The Morgan Street Bridge Railing
project. Oberlin High School student
Katherine Cavanaugh also displayed her
History Day project entitled “The Innovation
of Artemisia Gentileschi ‘La Maestra,’”
that showcased the female Italian Baroque
artist and her ground-breaking painting
President James W. White chaired
the business meeting. After the members
voted to make some minor amendments to
the Constitution, Governance Committee
Chair Roberta Garcia presented the Boardapproved slate of officers and trustees to
the membership for an affirmative vote.
Page New Trustees Elected at Oberlin Heritage Center Annual Meeting: Left to right in front:
Mary Kirtz Van Nortwick and Gail Wood. Back: Ronnie Rimbert, Kurt Russell, Dan Clark
and Scott Broadwell.
ditty entitled “Jim White, Jim White”
prepared by Assistant to the Director Mary
Anne Cunningham to be sung to the tune of
“New York, New York.” A good time was
had by all at the Heritage Center’s biggest
event of the year.
Linda and Jim Donovan welcomed members and friends to the annual meeting.
Oberlin High School student Katherine
Cavanaugh and Trustee/History Day Advisor
Donna Shurr in front of Katherine’s history
day project at the annual meeting.
Oberlin Heritage Center Junior Docents (and Oberlin Middle and High School students)
Brittany Mittler (left) and Victoria Hardnett were among the many who enjoyed the annual
Oberlin Heritage Center Staff and Mature Services Trainee at Annual Meeting Left to right: Jennifer Bowman, Pat Holsworth, Mary Anne
Cunningham, Tommy Trice, Prue Richards, Deloris Bohn, Liz Schultz and Pat Murphy.
Page Treasurer’s Report
As the Treasurer and also the chairperson of the Strategic Planning
Committee I have had many opportunities over the course of the
year to review all aspects of the Heritage Center’s current funding
picture and also to work with other Board members and the staff on
planning a stronger future for this vital organization which serves
such an important purpose in our community. In these challenging
economic times it is increasingly apparent that the Heritage Center
must expand its base of support, find new funding sources, and
build its endowments as grant opportunities become scarcer. We
have begun to do that in several important ways.
First, thanks to a generous grant from the Richard R. Hallock
Foundation and a bequest from a long-time member and lifelong
Oberlin resident, the Heritage Center was able to purchase the
Vineway property at 82-86 S. Main Street which is adjacent to our
grounds. This property provides important access and parking for
the Heritage Center. The three tenants (The Bridge, Lupita’s, and
The Mandarin) provide much needed revenue which is being used
to improve the building, establish a contingency fund, and also to
provide operating support to the Heritage Center (about $16,000
in 2010). The Vineway Limited Liability Corporation is owned by
the Heritage Center and governed by its own board, with its own
Grants and Special Project Support
General operating support
City of Oberlin and City Historic Preservation
Citywide Historic Sites Inventory
Cleveland Foundation
(Alvah Stone and Adele Corning Chisholm
Memorial Fund)
General operating support
Community Foundation of Lorain County
(Jane and Eric Nord Fund)
History education
Community Foundation of Lorain County
(Fred and Mary Behm Fund;
Jeptha Carrell Fund;
Dr. Howard A. and Pearl L. Keiser Living Trust;
Stephens Family Fund)
History education outreach
Richard R. Hallock Foundation
Partial support for real estate purchase
David and Eleanor Ignat
(In honor of Evan Nord)
General operating support
Institute of Museum and Library Services
Museums for America
Building institutional capacity
Nordson Corporation
Education activities
Page part-time property manager. It is both an important investment in
Main Street and a new revenue stream.
Second, as part of our strategic planning, we developed an
increasing awareness of the importance of endowment to support
ongoing operations. We have begun work on the second phase
of the Endowment for History Education campaign to raise an
additional $400,000 to fully fund the Museum Education and Tour
Coordinator staff position. We plan to accomplish this both through
gifts of cash and also by encouraging our supporters to consider
making a provision for the Heritage Center in their estate plans.
Please lend your support.
This year’s financial statement differs from last year’s because the
purchase of the Vineway Property has increased both our income and
our expenses. However, apart from Vineway, our expenses for 2010
were actually less than in 2009. Another change that is reflected
in the 2010 balance sheet is that in accordance with museum best
practices as recommended by the American Association for State and
Local History and in keeping with FASB 116 (Financial Accounting
Standards Board) statement on the subject, the Board decided to no
longer capitalize any of the collections which includes the historic
sites (the Monroe House, Jewett House, and Schoolhouse). All other
properties remain on the books, including the Vineway property and
the three residential rental properties overseen by OHC Properties,
Inc. This change does not have any impact on property taxes.
The 2010 audit by Cohen and Company again yielded a clean,
unqualified opinion, with no significant adverse findings. The full
audit and IRS form 990 are available upon request.
Our amazing staff is to be commended for their diligence and
perseverance in maintaining quality programming and services
within the limits of a very, very tight operating budget. I am
very grateful for the exceptional service of our financial assistant
Pat Holsworth, and also thank all the members of the Finance
Committee. We are concerned that operating within such a tight
budget allows very little to be spent on maintaining and preserving
our historic buildings, though in that arena and so many others we are
very fortunate for the hard work of many community volunteers and
local businesses who provide in-kind and discounted services.
The Oberlin Heritage Center Board, staff and volunteers are very
grateful for the support received from the community, members,
foundations, businesses and organizations to help accomplish its
mission. It is vitally important to our continued success. Thank
—Cathe Radabaugh
Corporate and Foundation
Matching Gifts
IBM Corporation Matching Grants Program
The Nord Family Foundation
Nordson Corporation Foundation
Oberlin Heritage Center/O.H.I.O. Financial Summary for 2010
Audited by Cohen & Company, Ltd.
Restricted Funds
Restricted Funds
Annual Fund and other contributions
263,780 279,051
Special events and fundraising
Program revenue
Museum Store sales
Investment income
Change in value of funds held in trust by Others
In-kind revenue
Equity in losses of subsidiary
Net grants released from restrictions
Total revenue
648,870 Expenses
Salaries, benefits and payroll taxes
Building / Grounds maintenance Administrative / Office operations
Programs and projects
Legal and professional fees Total expenses
Change in Net Assets
Net Assets at beginning of year
Net Assets at end of year
417,458 417,458
$ 1,603,297
52,503 7,705
$ 3,278,300
Total current assets
Fixed assets, less accumulated depreciation
Pledges receivable
Investment in subsidiaries
Funds held in trust by others
Total assets
Liabilities and net assets
Total current liabilities
Net assets:
Temporarily restricted
Permanently restricted
Total liabilities and net assets
$ 3,304,124
$ 3,304,124
Program services
Management and general
Oberlin Heritage Center’s Finance Committee, which reports to our Board of Trustees, provides fiscal oversight.
Please contact our office to obtain a copy of the complete audited financial statement.
Page A Sampling of Programs and Events in 2010
MAY 28-30
Cleveland architect Anthony Hiti presented
“Cleveland Goes Modern” at Kendal at
The Chamber/Main Street held its annual
Easter Egg Roll for children aged six to
eight on the grounds of the Oberlin Heritage
Commencement/Alumni Weekend
activities included: Tappan Square History
Walks, Freedom’s Friends Underground
Railroad and Abolitionist History Walks,
Oberlin Heritage Center guided tours,
and I Spy Oberlin: History & Architecture
Scavenger Hunt.
Reception for Oberlinians of the Year
Michele and Erik Andrews at the First
Church of Oberlin, U.C.C. The event was
co-sponsored by the Oberlin Heritage Center
and the Oberlin News-Tribune.
“Freedom’s Friends: Oberlin, the
Underground Railroad, and the Martin
Luther King Monument” presented by
Liz Schultz and Paul Arnold at Kendal
at Oberlin.
Kerry Adams presented “The Greenest
House is Already Built” at the Oberlin
Public Library. Sponsored by the Oberlin
Heritage Center, the Cleveland Restoration
Society, the City of Oberlin Historic
Preservation Commission, and the Lorain
County Preservation Network.
Oberlin Heritage Center staff and volunteers
pitched an information tent on Tappan
Square during the Juneteenth community
Dr. Charles E. Herdendorf presented
“The Gold Rush of 1849: Adventures
of Lorain County’s Buckeye Company
on the California Trail” at Kendal at
Kerry Adams presented “Planning Your
Home Rehab Project” at the Oberlin Public
Library. Sponsored by the Oberlin Heritage
Center, the Cleveland Restoration Society,
the City of Oberlin Historic Preservation
Commission, and the Lorain County
Preservation Network.
Spring break “History Explorers” camp
led by Liz Schultz at the Oberlin Depot.
Annual Meeting: Oberlin College President
Marvin Krislov spoke on “The College
and the City: What Lies Ahead” at the
Oberlin Inn.
Karen Schoonmaker Freudenberger
presented “Pride, Progress and Historic
Preservation: Reviving a Historic
Community in Madagascar” at Kendal
at Oberlin.
MAY 11
Bill and Bonnie Cutcher presented “The
History of Lorain County Aviation” at
Kendal at Oberlin.
MAY 16
“Oberlin’s 20th Century Musical
Heritage” was presented at Kendal at
Oberlin by students of Oberlin College
Conservatory Professor Colin Roust.
Participants in the Freedom’s Friends History Walk enjoyed a cool
stop in the shade.
Page JUNE 2-4
Annual Visit of All 3rd Graders from
Oberlin’s Prospect School.
The Hands on History at the Schoolhouse:
Dairy Day children’s program included
stories at the Little Red Schoolhouse, as well
as an opportunity to churn up sweet, creamy
butter and frosty ice cream.
JUNE 21-22
Junior Docent Camp was a fun, two-day
experience that introduced young people
ages 13-17 to community service and public
speaking. Junior docents learned to give
tours of the Oberlin Heritage Center to
family and friends.
Oberlin Heritage Center volunteers
welcomed participants in the Chalk Walk
community festival.
Making lemonade and butter was almost as much fun as tasting
it at Dairy Day.
Children at the Local Inventors and
Innovators Camp learned about inventors
from Oberlin and Ohio in addition to taking
part in hands-on experiments, problem
solving, walking excursions, and a short
play about Charles Martin Hall. Held at the
Oberlin Depot and led by Liz Schultz.
The Oberlin Heritage Center offered a
variety of activities at the Family Fun Fair,
including lawn games, mini-tours, guided
site tours, and history walks.
Campers learned to better appreciate their
environment at Green Camp led by Maria
Surovy. They practiced the three R’s
(Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) and visited local
businesses that put the Earth’s resources
first. Held at the Oberlin Depot.
Hands on History at the Schoolhouse:
A Dutch Oven Cooking Demonstration.
Children learned to prepare and cook a
recipe in a Dutch oven outside of the Little
Red Schoolhouse.
AUGUST 16-20
Children led by Liz Schultz at Architecture
Camp explored local buildings, learned
structural principles, created architectural
drawings, and constructed mini-buildings.
Held at the Oberlin Depot.
“History of Northern Ohio’s Amusement
Parks” presented by Maria Surovy at
Kendal at Oberlin featured fun and historic
photographs of area amusement parks, some
still thriving, others long-gone.
Liz Schultz gave a presentation to Spectrum
about the Heritage Center’s educational
Over 300 local school children participated
in the Oberlin Heritage Center’s Underground
Railroad activities during the Lorain
County Metroparks’ “Pioneer Craftsman
Experience” at Mill Hollow.
“Westwood Cemetery” program. Liz
Schultz presented information on gravestone
symbolism and introduced the Westwood
gravestone inventory. Held at Kendal at
“The Republican Party, the Civil War,
and the West” presented by National Park
Service speaker Todd Arrington at Kendal
at Oberlin gave us a better understanding
of this rapidly rising national party and its
Presidential candidate, Abraham Lincoln.
Visit of Libyan Archaeologists and Museum
Professionals to Oberlin College and to the
Heritage Center as part of a United States
State Department International Visitor
Leadership Program.
The Oberlin Heritage Center’s docents
enjoyed a field trip to the National Park
Service’s James A. Garfield National
Historic Site in Mentor.
The Oberlin Heritage Center celebrated
the addition to its collection of a previously
unknown portrait of the town’s first settler
Peter Pindar Pease with an unveiling event
at Kendal at Oberlin. Speakers included
Marcia Goldberg, Prue Richards, and
Chris Peterson.
Be a Good Ancestor Workshop: Collecting
and Preserving Your Family History,
Stories, Photographs and Artifacts was
presented by Pat Holsworth and Prue
Richards at the Oberlin Depot. This was an
encore presentation of a perennial favorite.
The Oberlin Heritage Center Oral
History Committee presented “Oberlin
Memories of the World Wars,” which
featured firsthand accounts of Oberlinians’
war efforts and the local homefront. Held
at Kendal at Oberlin.
“Vintage Photo Chat” program for
teenagers looked at fads and fashions
through the generations as illustrated
through photographs. Led by Liz Schultz at
the Bridge (82 South Main St.) in Oberlin.
The Oberlin Heritage Center hosted free
activities at the Little Red Schoolhouse for
Community Arts and Culture Day.
Junior Docents show off their graduation certificates after giving
tours for family and friends.
Eager students enjoy Liz Schultz’s Underground Railroad stories
at the Lorain County Metroparks’ Pioneer Craftsman Experience
at Mill Hollow.
Page Who’s Who at the Oberlin Heritage Center in 2010
Board Officers
James W. White, President (term
completed April 2010)
James W. White, Past President
(term started April 2010)
Walter Edling, President (term
started April 2010)
Walter Edling, 1st Vice-President,
Treasurer (term completed April 2010)
Nicholas R. Jones, 1st Vice-President
(term started April 2010)
Eugene Foggo Simon, 2nd Vice-President
Cathe Radabaugh, Treasurer
(term started April 2010)
Robert B. Calhoun, Secretary
Board of Trustees
Eugenia Bobo (term completed April 2010)
Scott Broadwell (elected April 2010)
Daniel Clark (elected April 2010)
Marianne Cochrane
Roberta Garcia
Bradley A. Hayes
Bert Latran, Jr.
Elisabeth M. Mahjoub
W. Jeanne McKibben (appointed
Honorary Trustee April 2010)
Ronnie Rimbert (elected April 2010)
Kurt Russell (elected April 2010)
Dina Schoonmaker
Donna Marie Shurr (appointed
Honorary Trustee April 2010)
Mary Kirtz Van Nortwick
(elected April 2010)
Edward Wardwell
Gail Wood (elected April 2010)
Honorary Trustees
Ray Aalto
Paul Arnold
Roland Baumann
Sigrid Boe
Howard Broadwell
David Clark
Fran Cooper
Dick Gilbert
Richard Holsworth
Ann Livingston
W. Jeanne McKibben
(appointed April 2010)
David Mellott
Louise Richards
Ruth Schwaegerle
Shirley Shubert
Donna Marie Shurr (appointed April 2010)
Thelma Quinn Smith
Martha Stacy
James R. Underwood
Staff Members
Patricia Murphy, Executive Director
Deloris Bohn, Museum Housekeeper+
Jennifer Bowman, Administrative
Assistant+ (March-October 2010)
Mary Anne Cunningham, Assistant to the
Patricia Holsworth, Financial Assistant+
Prue Richards, Collections Assistant+
Elizabeth Schultz, Museum Education/Tour
Maria Surovy, Education Assistant+
(Summer 2010)
Mary Moroney, Summer Assistant+
(Summer 2010)
Staff Provided by
Mature Services/Title V
Sue Meyer, Office Assistant+ (resigned
February 2010)
Tommy Trice, Buildings and Grounds
+ Part-time
Board Presidents
Past and Present
Frank Chapman Van Cleef
John A. Cochrane
Raymond D. Campbell
Stephen Johnson Jr.
Robert D. Jenkins
Marianne Cochrane
Patricia Holsworth
Roberta Garcia
Cathe Radabaugh
James W. White
Oberlin Heritage Center Officers at the 2010 Annual Meeting: Left to right in front: Cathe
Radabaugh and Jean Foggo Simon. Back: Jim White, Rob Calhoun and Walt Edling (not
pictured: Nick Jones).
Page 10
Walter Edling
Who’s Who at the Oberlin Heritage Center in 2010
Student Interns
(from Oberlin College except as
Ondrea Keith (Work Study and Bonner
Scholar) (Spring Semester)
Francesca Krihely (Work Study) (Spring
Laura Laubenthal – (Bowling Green State
University) (Leadership Lorain County
Intern) (Summer 2010)
Elena Rippel (Work Study) (Spring
Tim Krumreig (Bonner Scholar)
Rocio Leon (Work Study and Bonner
Rachel Luczkowski (Bonner Scholar) (Ohio
Humanities Council Summer Intern
Barbara Percival (Fall Semester)
Preston Sundin (Work Study) (Fall
Erin Swenson-Klatt (Work Study)
Andrew Watiker (Spring Semester)
Winter Term Interns (January
Claire Baytas
Chloe Pak Drummond
Eli Goldberg
Tim Krumreig
Rachel Luczkowski
Daniella Polyak
Board Committee
Development – James White, Mary Kirtz
Van Nortwick
Executive – James White, Walter Edling
Finance – Walter Edling, Cathe
Governance – Jean Simon, Roberta Garcia
Strategic Planning – Cathe Radabaugh
Ad hoc Property – James W. White
Ad hoc Code of Regulations/Bylaws
– James W. White
Advisory Committee
Collections – Prue Richards, staff liaison
Membership – Mary Anne Cunningham,
staff liaison
Oral History – Dina Schoonmaker
Special Interest Group
B&B – Ann Livingston
Docents – Liz Schultz
Kendal Mailing Crew – Doris Sable*
Living History – Prue Richards, staff liaison
Westwood Inventory Project – Liz Schultz,
staff liaison
Vineway, LLC, Board of
Walter Edling, Chair
Nicholas Jones, Secretary
Marianne Cochrane, Treasurer
James W. White
Pat Murphy and Pat Holsworth, staff
Vineway, LLC, Property
Mike Galbreath
OHC Properties, Inc., Board
of Directors
Kathryn Stuart, President
(resigned March 2010)
James Kalyn, President
(elected March 2010)
Sarah Colson, Secretary
Ann Livingston, Treasurer
Nancy Gray
Cathe Radabaugh
OHC Properties, Inc.,
Property Manager
George Clark
* Deceased
++ Members are included in the list of
volunteers on pp. 18-19.
Support for Internships,
Training Programs and
Professional Development
Leadership Lorain County Public
Service Internship Program
Mature Services, Inc.
Nord Family Foundation
AmeriCorps Grant
Student Interns (left to right) Sarah Schaffer,
Andrew Watiker and Elena Rippel all
graduated from Oberlin College in 2010.
Leadership Lorain County Summer Intern
Laura Laubenthal with her LLC graduation
certificate and her parents.
Oberlin College Bonner Center for
Service and Learning
Oberlin College Bonner Scholars
Oberlin College Work Study
Ohio History Service Corps/Ohio
Historical Society
Ohio Humanities Council Intern
OHC Properties, Inc. Board Members at their annual presentation to the Oberlin Heritage
Center Board (left to right): Sarah Colson, Ann Livingston, James Kalyn, Cathe Radabaugh
and Kathryn Stuart.
Page 11
Julia Monroe’s Anglo Japanese Parlor Returns to Monroe
House and Peter Pindar Pease Returns to Oberlin!
Continued from page 1
Pennsylvania which specializes in museum
quality handcrafted reproduction tiles. Tim
Cowling and Tim Dobbins removed the
modern fire place surround tiles and hearth
that was put in c. 1980 and installed the
reproductions. Tiles installed and ladders
and drop cloths removed, several pieces
remained to be added to make the parlor
the elegant room it once was. A wonderful
carpet was added through the generosity
of Darlene Krato, with the padding,
delivery and installation donated by Smith
Furnishings and Floor Coverings. And
volumes of blue velveteen portieres donated
by Erik and Michele Andrews, were
decorated by Collections Assistant Prue
Richards to be appropriate for the now
almost complete 1880s décor. The Monroe
Parlor has become a lovely room in which
Julia might feel quite at home!
Also in the “it was meant to be” category,
the Oberlin Heritage Center recently was
given a previously unknown portrait of the
town’s first settler, Peter Pindar Pease,
painted in 1842 by his nephew Hiram
Alonzo Pease. It was donated to the Heritage
Center by the great-great-granddaughter of
Peter, Susan Pease Morgenthaler of Yuma,
The painting required extensive
conservation work before it could be hung
in the Monroe House where it now helps
tell the early history of our community. This
work was done by McKay Lodge Fine Arts
Conservation Laboratory of Oberlin. Stop
in and visit the Monroe Parlor and also take
a look at Peter Pindar Pease, as you have
never seen him before!
Recently refurbished Monroe House parlor.
—Prue Richards
Collections Assistant
Oberlin Heritage Center Collections Committee members Paul Arnold, Scott Broadwell,
Rob Calhoun, Bert Latran, Louise Richards, Dina Schoonmaker, Jim Underwood,
and Anne Wardwell have logged many volunteer hours on this project, as have Prue and
Pete Richards, and Deloris Bohn. Doren Harley (Woodreams) designed and crafted the
wood chair rail to match the molding profile on the 1880s wood mantle in the room. Scott
Broadwell (Broadwell Painting) contributed many hours in painting and wallpapering as
did Tim Cowling (Creative Carpentry) who installed the picture rail and chair rail and
helped with the wallpapering.
Through almost magically well-timed good luck, the Oberlin Heritage Center received
at this same time, several of the original handsome dark blue fireplace surround tiles
which Julia added in 1885 along with the present mantle. The Oberlin Heritage Center
had Julia’s blue tiles reproduced in a limited edition by Starbuck Goldner in Bethlehem,
Page 12
Julia Finney Monroe’s 1880s parlor tiles.
Funds designated to this project, which included
the sale of reproduction fireplace tiles, went to the
refurbishment of the Monroe House front parlor.
Receipt dated 1885 showing the Monroes’ purchase of the parlor
mantle and tiles (courtesy of Oberlin College Archives).
Student interns Tim Krumreig (left) and Rachel Luczkowski (2nd
from right) and Winter Term students Claire Baytas (2nd from left),
Chloe Drummond (middle) and Eli Goldberg (right) on the Monroe
front staircase.
Modeling a mock-up of the Monroe House – at Architecture
Paul B. Arnold
Kay W. Bigglestone, in memory of Mabel A. Woodruff
Jane T. Blodgett
Broadwell Painting
Scott & Ellen Broadwell, in memory of Marion Comings
Robert B. Calhoun & Elizabeth Wilmer
Alan Campbell
David & Ricky Clark
Marianne Cochrane
Roger & Fran Cooper
Creative Carpentry (Tim Cowling)
Mr. & Mrs. Walter H. Edling
William K. Farquhar
Dick & Norma Gilbert, in honor of Cathe Radabaugh and
Marianne Cochrane
Samuel & Marcia Goldberg
Daniel & Elizabeth Goulding
Ken Grossi
Norman & Marjorie Henderson
Terrence G. & Karen P. Hobbs, in memory of Glenn & Lillian
Dorothy Holbrook
Maxine W. Houck
Elizabeth S. James
Nicholas R. & Susan C. Jones
Sarah MacLennan Kerr, in memory of Janet MacLennan Kerr
Darlene Rae Krato
Bert Latran, Jr.
Fou Tanner Linder
McKay Lodge Fine Arts Conservation Laboratory, Inc.
David & Sandra Mellott
Patricia Murphy & Keith Koenning, in memory of Julia Finney
Richard & Dina Schoonmaker
Ms. Eugene Foggo Simon, in memory of “Tiny” Kelly
Smith’s Furnishings & Floor Coverings (Chuck Smith)
Robert H. Staples
James & Andrée Underwood
John & Eugenia Poporad Vanek
Edward J. & Anne W. Wardwell
James W. White
Reid & Gail Wood
Reproduction 1880s wallpaper frieze.
Page 13
Who’s Who at the Oberlin Heritage Center in 2010
Continued from page 11
(donors whose
cumulative giving
totals $2,000 or more
to an endowment
Platinum ($50,000 &
Anonymous (2)
Gold ($25,000 $49,999)
Eric* & Jane Nord
Silver ($10,000 to
Dave & Ricky Clark
Richard* & Myriam Hallock
(Columbus, GA)
Dick & Pat Holsworth, in honor of
Jeptha & Demaris Carrell
& in honor of Pat Murphy
Ed & Ruth Schwaegerle
Oliver* & Shirley J. Shubert (Elyria)
Aluminum ($5,000 to
Molly Anderson
Mrs. William R. Anderson Jr.,
in memory of Helen Murphy
(St. Paul, MN)
Roger & Fran Cooper
Bill & Leslie* Farquhar
David & Eleanor Ignat
(Middlebury, VT)
Douglas R.* & Shirley R. Johnson
Ernestine Evans King
(Topsham, ME)
Darlene Krato
Patricia Murphy & Keith Koenning
Evan* & Cindy Nord
(Blythewood, SC)
Cathe Radabaugh
Louise Richards
David & Jean Schaal
Eric R. Severs
In memory of Priscilla Smith
John & Eugenia Poporad Vanek
(Sandusky / St. Petersburg, FL)
Bob* & Betty Weinstock
Copper ($2,000 to
Anonymous (2)
Paul & Sally* Arnold
George* & Millie* Arthrell
(Tulsa, OK)
Page 14
Jane Blodgett
Constance W. Boase
David & Sigrid Boe
Scott & Ellen Broadwell
Katie & John Lott Brown
Barbara Care
Jeptha* & Demaris Carrell
Corning Chisholm
Marianne Cochrane
Norman & Ann Craig
Don & Mary Anne Cunningham
Emiko Hara Custer, in honor of
Jiann & Pearl Lin
Jim & Linda Donovan
Walt & Marge Edling, in memory of
Fred W. Kleps Jr.
John & Margaret Erikson
Alan & Nancy Gage
Dean & Susan Gibson (Columbus)
Norma & Dick Gilbert
Dan & Elizabeth Goulding
Nancy J. Gray
Glenn* & Lillian* Hobbs
Clyde* & Dorothy Holbrook
Maxine W. Houck
Don & Joy Illig
Bill* & Betty James
Helen D. Johnson
Nicholas & Susan Jones
Jamie Jurado (Elyria)
Gary Kornblith & Carol Lasser
Bert Latran Jr., in memory of
Margaret Latran Harold
& Florene Worcester,
& in honor of Patricia Murphy
Dayton & Ann Livingston
T. K. & Emily McClintock
(Cambridge, MA)
W. Jeanne McKibben MD
David & Sandra Mellott
(Bay Village)
Dan & Marly Merrill
Andrew & Pat Missler (Willard)
Benjamin G. & Jane Norton (Lorain)
Joe* & Anita* Reichard
Richard & Dina Schoonmaker
Warren & Judy Sheldon
Thomas E. & Donna M. Shurr
In memory of Bob & Wanda
Robert H. Staples (Lakewood, NJ)
Nicholas Stevenson*
Jim Sunshine
James & Andrée Underwood
Don & Mary Louise VanDyke
Etta Ruth Weigl
James W. White
Catherine Wilber
Robert* & Helen Woodward
Keith R. & Victoria K. Young
Heritage Leaders
($250 - $499)
Heritage Ambassador
Justin & Elizabeth Bausch
(Chevy Chase, MD)
Ken Grossi (Strongsville)
Wuu-Shung & Mann-Mann Chuang
Harvey V. Culbert
Patty Lewis Fishel
(Minneapolis, MN)
Edward W. & Gail F. Hubbard
(Centreville, VA)
Sarah MacLennan Kerr
Emily Acton Phillips (Dallas, TX)
Paul S. Treuhaft MD
Oberlin Heritage Center docents and volunteers enjoyed visiting
the James A Garfield Home in Mentor. (Left to right, front: Brittany
Mittler, Betty Mahjoub, Trustee Nick Jones. Back: Charlotte Bosch,
Deloris Bohn, Museum Education Coordinator Liz Schultz, and
Intern Rocio Leon).
* Deceased during or
before 2010
Margaret G. Papworth
Community Foundation of Lorain County board members Helen
Woodward and Don Illig presenting a check to Board President
James White for a grant for history education activities.
Who’s Who at the Oberlin Heritage Center in 2010
Heritage Rescuers
($100 - $199)
R. L. Aalto
Geoffrey & Cynthia Andrews
Sara Carter Balogh
David Breitman & Kathryn Stuart
Sonia P. Brokaw (Midlothian, VA)
Mrs. Virginia P. Clancy
(Raleigh, NC)
Sean Decatur & Renee Romano
Richard & Louise Dunn
Robert J. Eakin
(San Francisco, CA)
Kathryn Farnsworth
William & Barbara Fuchsman
Ann L. Fuller
Dewey & Carol Ganzel
Pedro & Roberta E. Garcia
Anne L. Gillette (Lincolnshire, IL)
Samuel & Marcia Goldberg
Norman & Marjorie Henderson
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald G. Hendrikson
Terence G. & Karen P. Hobbs
Dr. Feite F. Hofman
Ben Jones & Tanya Rosen-Jones
Marvin Krislov & Amy Sheon
Fou Tanner Linder
Bob & Carol Longsworth
Albert J. McQueen
John & Ruth Mercer
Mary Norman Miller
Mrs. Barbara Tanner Neumann
(Smithsburg, MD)
Lewis Nielson & Nita Karpf
Theodore Nowick & Robert Taylor
Larry K. Oates
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence B. Olmsted
Joe & Sue Palmieri
Jeanne Pease
Carl A. Peterson
Ronald A. & Barbara Pierre
David & Brenda Pitts
(Columbus, IN)
Katherine Prescott*
Sharon Copeland Ramczyk
(Stevens Point, WI)
Barry & Carol Richard
Mrs. S. M. Rollinson
(Childersburg, AL)
Lowell & Linda Schultz
(Marshfield, WI)
Paul & Cate Schwaegerle
Robin Hoover Shaffer
Mrs. William H. Shriber
(South Bend, IN)
Bruce & Sue Simonson
Mr. & Mrs. Jarvis A. Strong Jr.
(McLean, VA)
Richard Totoiu & Lois Boyles
(Alexandria, VA)
Thomas & Mary Kirtz Van Nortwick
Edward J. & Anne W. Wardwell
Reid & Gail Wood
Heritage Collectors
Erik & Michele Andrews
Hank Annable
Judith Appleton
William G. Arthrell (Cleveland)
Jack & Fran Baumann
Roland M. & Phyllis A. Baumann
George & Ruth Bent
Roger & Edie Binkley
Richard & Viola M. Blount
Tom & Janet Bolland
Charlotte Bosch
Tina Brandes
James & Joan Bresnicky
Howard & Jean Broadwell
Walker & Joanne Brock
Anita Buckmaster (New Haven, CT)
Susan Husted Burrows
(Centennial, CO)
Bobbie Carlson
Jon & Gina Chorover (Tucson, AZ)
Daniel & Kathryn Clark
Ed & Marianne Clary (Amherst)
Cynthia Comer & Michael Henle
Charles T. Cook
Dennis & Judy Cook (Laurel, MD)
Jerry & Jan DeMarinis
Phyllis J. DeMark (Amherst)
Jack & Kathy DeRuyter
Mae Alice Donner
Matt & Elizabeth Elrod
David & Paulie Evans
Daniel & Carol Fishwick
Thomas Geller
Harvey Gittler & Naomi Barnett
Denny Gulick (Adelphi, MD)
Don & Arlene Hall
Ruth S. Hayes (Tampa, FL)
Jean M. Heller
Eleanor W. Helper
Herb & Sabra Henke
Clyde & Maryann Hohn
Dr. George O. & Mrs. Evelyn*
Robert A. Hyman & Susan E. Roth
(St. Paul, MN)
Mark & Kathy Jaffee
Adelbert & Betty Jenkins
William & Robin Jindra
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Johnson III
Marcia Jones
Robert K. & Claudia W. Jones
Harold* & Ilo Koenning
(Moorhead, MN)
Richard & Lorna Kretchmar
Sharon Land
Barbara Landsman
(Aliso Viejo, CA)
Roger & Judy Laushman
Irwin Lewis
Elisabeth M. Mahjoub
Michael & Betsy Manderen
Anthony Mealy
Tony Mier (DeLand, FL)
Ed Miller & Joan Webster
Leslie J. Miller
Jane Ross Moore
Maxwell G. & Muriel P. Morgan
Thelma J. Morris
Don & Joanne Norenberg
Allan & Elizabeth Patterson
(London, OH)
Lee Jewett Petry (Knoxville, TN)
Tom & Peg Piraino
Bonnie Plyler (Clearwater, FL)
W. B. Renfrow*
Tom & Judy Riggle
Ron & Barbara Rollins
Kenneth D. & Gretchen B. Roose
Jeff Rubin & Stephanie Wiles
Andy & Cindy Ruckman
Ron & Monte Rybarczyk
Doris S. Sable*
Eve Sandberg
John & Karla Sanderson
Elizabeth Schultz
Julia S. Shaw
Thomas E. Shoup (Amherst)
Mary Simons
David Sobieski (Perham, MN)
Sharon Fairchild Soucy
Katherine Leahy Spanton
Delbert L. Spurlock Jr. (Reston, VA)
Ira S. & Priscilla Steinberg
Robert & Janis Thompson
Francine Toss
Tom & Eva Weber
Don & Theo Wessell
Jeff & Merrilee Witmer
Dudley A. Wood
Lucille Worcester
Barbara A. Wurster (Elyria)
Andrew Young & J. Lynn Haessly
Harris* & Anne Youngblood
Households ($40)
Ken & Elizabeth Allen
(Cheshire, CT)
Constance Anderson
(Athens, Greece)
George & Marlene Andrews
Bill & Betty Annable
Chuck & June Bailey
Norman & Charlotte Baker
Randall J. & Virginia N. Barbato
Bill & Inger Barlow
Dick & Donna Baznik
Jerome J. & Jeanne L. Berner
Andrew & Jennifer Bertoni
Richard Betheil & Patricia
McConnell (Scarsdale, NY)
Barbara Bickel & Family
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Blood
Nancy Boutilier & Christa
Craig & Monica Brandt
Neil & Pat Bright
Monique Burgdorf
John Cavanaugh & Sarah Colson
Anna R. Chapman
William & Aimee Lee Cheek
(San Diego, CA)
Nancy Hubbard Cheshire
(Orchard Park, NY)
John R. & Kathleen Clark (Lorain)
Susan K. Clark DVM
Connie S. Clifford (Bay Village)
Roger Copeland & Michele Gross
Bill & Emerson County
Tim Cowling
Don, Susie & Theresa Cunningham
(New Waterford)
Mr. David S. Davies
& Bronwen P. Davies (Wellington)
James C. Dobbins & Suzanne Gay
The Dobos Family
John A. Dondero & Jeanne Bay
(Aiea, HI)
Bernard & Sheila Eckstein
David & Susan Egloff
Ray English & Alison Ricker
Craig M. & Barbara J. Enos
Joseph & Jean Ferris (Saline, MI)
Gerry & Ann Findlan
Adam & Heidi Freas
Karen Freudenberger
(Burlington, VT)
Gene & Marilyn Gallagher
Milton & Jane Garrett
Len & Nancy Garver
John & Linda Gates
Donald & Barbara Gilbert
Patrick J. Gorman & Denise
Boychuk Gorman (Madison, WI)
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Gorman
Thomas W. Gorman & Amy
Mancuso Gorman
(Bowling Green)
Mike & Connie Grube
Bradley & Nicole Hayes
Carl & Marcia Heckert (Wellington)
Sigrun B. Heinzelmann
& Charlotte Balfour
Mary Henning (Sandusky)
James & Christa Hieb
(South Amherst)
The Rich Holsworth Family
Chris Howell & Susan Clayton
Dennis & Karla Hubbard
Tom & Eunice Hutson (Wellington)
Erik Inglis & Heather Galloway
Jody Juhasz & Deanna Wise
Jiyul Kim & Sheila Jager
Al* & Sue Krueger (Elyria)
Frank & Lenore Laycock
Jim & Kristin Lieb & Family (Avon)
Jiann & Pearl Lin
Glenn Loafmann
& Katherine Linehan
Tom & Anita Lock
Bert & Penny Locke
John Lopatkovich (Wakeman)
The Thomas Lopez Family
Duncan & Nina Love
Joseph R. & Dorothy S. Luciano
David & Deborah Luczkowski
Alfred & Ann MacKay
Charles & Nancy Matthews
Carl & Mary McDaniel
Darren & Jane McDonough
& Family
Richard & Mary McKee
The Medwid Family
John & Nicola Memmott
Elmer L. & Nancy M. Meyers
Bill Miller & Ann Pilisy
David Miller &
Marie Anderson-Miller
Page 15
Who’s Who at the Oberlin Heritage Center in 2010
Brittany Mittler & Family
Tom & Cindy Moroney
Mr. & Mrs. John G. Morrisson
Stephanie Neal (Anchorage, AK)
Brett & Christina Nichols
Richard & Kathleen Nord
Eric & Kaye Norenberg
Dave Nyikes (Avon)
Dr. David & Mary Jo Ockenga
Bob & Bonnie Oliphant
(Westford, MA)
Diantha Paré
Christopher & Tiffany Peterson
(New York, NY)
Tom Phinney & Patty Trimmer
Jim & Dee Pipik (Amherst)
Bill & Patti Pitts
Steven & Katherine Plank
Dale & Kim Preston
Ferdinand Protzman & Julia Binder
Ray C. & Diane L. Radabaugh
Floyd & Marjorie Ramp
Ray O. & Jessie L. Reeder
Kathy J. Reynolds & Judith M.
W. Bruce Richards & Phyllis
Paul & Jerene Rosa (Wakeman)
Robert & Nancy Roth
Kurt & Donna Russell
William & Kathryn Schreiner
Melvin & Arian Schuster
Ken Sloane
Harold & Linda Slocum
Michael L. & Karen A. Smith
(Wichita Falls, TX)
Robin Smith (Lorain)
Rip Smops & Alice Moore
David Snyder & Deborah Roose
Kent & Sharon Spieth (Avon Lake)
Ken Stanley & Marta Laskowski
William & Arlene Steel
Laurie E. Stein (Chicago, IL)
Daniel Steinberg & Kimberli
Diemert (Shaker Heights)
Eric & Angela Szunyogh
Harriett A. Thomas
Greg & Lizzie Tisher
Bill & Mary Ann Trost
Sheri Trusty (Green Springs)
John & Fely van der Pyl
The Volk Family
Ivan F. Waldbauer & Claudia
James Leo & Kate Walsh
Pauline Warch*
Kirk Warren & Cindy Nickoloff
Family (Elyria)
Kevin & Susan Weidenbaum
Sam White
Mary Ann Wilson (New London)
Fred & Diane Wolf (Wakeman)
Tami Wyler (Amherst)
David Young
Sandra A. Zagarell
Page 16
Grover & Mary Zinn
James E. & Janice C. Zinser
Individuals ($25)
Mary Adams (Westlake)
Frampie Ailey
Elizabeth McCall Aldrich
Mary H. Ashbrook
David R. Ashenhurst
Chelsea Baker (Champaign, IL)
Dorothy Baker
Elizabeth A. Bates (Wellington)
William Baylis
William Beecheler*
Idabelle L. Berg (Wakeman)
Jeannine Berroteran (Youngstown)
Jean Binford
Betty Blair (Elyria)
Sharon W. Blecher
Eugenia R. Bobo
Deloris Bohn (Wellington)
Jennifer L. Bowman (Elyria)
Gary Boyle
J.D. Britton (Toledo)
Al Brown (Somerdale, NJ)
Betsy L. Bruce
Richard W. Bryant
(State College, PA)
Catharina Meints Caldwell
Marion Campbell
Banu Casson
Darlene D. Colaso
Dr. Olivia H. Cousins
Judith D. Creasy
(Corte Madera, CA)
Mary J. Culhane*
Marsha Darcy
Cynthia A. Dede
Andria Derstine
Durand S. Dudley (Bluffton)
Steven R. Dupee (Wellington)
Helen DuPont (Elyria)
Jonathan Edmonds (Brooklyn, NY)
Jim Eibel (New London)
Eugene English
Anna R. Ernst (Omaha, NE)
Joan Ernst
Joanne Erwin
Janet T. Ferguson
Rita Pickens Fitch
Kimberlie Fixx (Elyria)
David V. Foos
Betty Gabrielli*
Leah Gage (Washington, DC)
Jack Glazier
Hal Gober
Mrs. Marion E. Gordon
Gwen Goul
Elizabeth Gray
Dennis Greive (Amherst)
Kenneth Hahn (Ashland)
Jim Hamilton
Marilyn Fedelchak Harley
Mary Sayre Haverstock
Jonathan Herr
Judi C. H. Hill (Copley)
Kathy Hilton
Anthony W. Hiti (Euclid)
Ed Holsworth
(Powder Springs, GA)
Bob Holtwick
Peggi Ignagni
Gregory Jewett (Findlay)
Christine Mack Joyce (Lakewood)
William L. Katz (New York, NY)
Marvin L. Michael Kay
Ondrea Keith
Helen G. Ketcham
Scott Koenning (Round Lake, IL)
Gerlind B. Koerner
Audrey Kolb
Barbara Lambert
George H. Langeler
Adina Langer (Haslett, MI)
Constance J. LeBeau
Marjorie M. LeBeau
Marguerite Leonard (Wellington)
Bracy E. Lewis (Cleveland)
Richard P. Lothrop
Marian J. Lott
Mirelle Luecke (Ames, IA)
Dianne Mahar (Amherst)
Jocelyn Maurushat
Katherine McCardwell
(Boulder, CO)
Sue McKain
Maxine McKee (Amherst)
Steven J. McQuillin (Westlake)
Steve Milkovich
Sharon L. Miranda
Mary Kate Moroney
Eleanor Nagy (Elyria)
Mary C. Nelson
Rosemary Nemeth (Beachwood)
Karyn Norwood
Margaret O’Neal
Catherine Oertel
Hugh D. Pallister Jr. (Willoughby)
Joyce Parks (Lorain)
Anne E. Parrott
Philip Parsons (Vandalia)
Barbara B. Patterson (Streetsboro)
Kathryn Perales
Bill Pfeiffer Jr. (Kansas City, MO)
Kate Pilacky
William D. Post (Palm Springs, CA)
Ann M. Potter
Burton S. Price
Cecilia Render (Brookpark)
Prudence T. Richards
Renetta Rimbert
Elena Rippel (Pittsburgh, PA)
Cathe Ritz (Wakeman)
Rebecca Rogers (Youngstown)
Catherine Rokicky (Hinckley)
Beth Rosenquist (Omaha, NE)
Kathleen C. Ross
Kate Rushin (East Hampton, CT)
Marion R. Russell (Avon Lake)
Eunice Schaeffer
Sarah Schaffer (Alexandria, VA)
Jo-Ann Schmauch (Avon)
John Schroth (Columbia Station)
Ruth E. Searles
Cary Seidman (Cleveland Heights)
Drew H. Severs
Charles C. Sheppard
Mrs. Frances Walker Slocum
Mrs. Maryel Vogel Smith
(Sheffield Village)
Taylor J. Smith (Avon)
Ruth E. Spencer
(Poughkeepsie, NY)
Valerie Stefanick
Patricia B. Stetson
Marilyn Stock (Elyria)
Bud Stracker
Dorris Sturges
Barbara Surovy (Amherst)
Maria Surovy (Cleveland)
Salvatore Talarico
Lori Taylor
Janice R. Thibo
Richard S. Trump
Carol Tufts
Linda Twining
Cynthia R. Verda
Debbi Walsh
Andrew Laurence Watiker
(Tuckahoe, NY)
Frances Welburn (Elyria)
Jean C. Weston
Eleanor H. Whitehead
Mrs. Lee B. Wood
Richard A. Wood
Rick Wood
Tyrone K. Yates (Cincinnati)
Lynn Youngblood (Wellington)
Seniors/Students ($15)
Mary Augustine
Gabriella Bachnika
Wanda Bako
Suzanne Barsay
Barbara Baughman
Phyllis Bement (Columbia Station)
Bill & Kay Bigglestone (Tucson, AZ)
Patricia Birmingham
Rachael Blake
(Gloucester Point, VA)
Marjorie Block*
(Winston-Salem, NC)
Walter P. Bobrowicz (Lorain)
Thomas D. & Jean C. Bowen
Sue Brady
Marjorie Wood Brittingham
Theron Burnett (Elyria)
Jim Burton (Olmsted Falls)
Marianne D. Caldwell
(Medford, OR)
Terry & Claudine Carlton
Kathleen K. Chase (Miami, FL)
Mrs. Glenn M. Clapp
Randy Coleman
Rollin & Anne Conway
Bill & Bonnie Cutcher
Norma M. Daffin
Eleanor W. Devereux
Kay L. Diederick
Carl Diem (North Olmsted)
Mr. & Mrs. Albert C. Doane
Marion Drummond
Roy U. Ebihara
John & Anne Elder
Milton & Margaret-Ann Ellis
Cherie L. Fabian (Elyria)
Elaine Feldkamp (Lorain)
Andrew Ferko (Seven Hills)
Edna Fog (Amherst)
Who’s Who at the Oberlin Heritage Center in 2010
Bertha B. Fusselman (Avon Lake)
Harold L. Gaines
(Lake Saint Louis, MO)
Esther Givner (Lorain)
Eli Goldberg
Theodore R. Goodman (Grafton)
Mr. & Mrs. William Gorman (Elyria)
Eva Greenberg
Mary Lynne Grove
Ovidia Guaderrama
Clark Hahn (Berlin Heights)
Barbara W. Harding
Martha Hasenpflug (Toledo)
Ralph Hayes (Wellington)
Shirley Hayward
Beverly A. Hentges
(Bowling Green)
Allene C. Holliman
Alexandra A. Holomuzki-Zgonc
Dr. Tinka Hrountas
(San Clemente, CA)
Dr. Edward & Lorna Hudgens
Esther Hunt
Mrs. Evelyn G. Hurst
Carolyn L. Husted
Jay & Fern Ingersoll
Doris J. Jewett (Elyria)
Molly Johnson
Nancy Kewish (Lyndhurst)
Dr. Vasanti P. Kharkar
Susan M. Klingaman
Roderic Knight
Anne Koenning (Portland, OR)
Alice B. Kohl
Chie Kondo
Judith K. Kruger
Gladys S. Kruk (Wellington)
Dennis C. Lamont (Wakeman)
Bruce & Nancy Layne
(Shelbyville, KY)
John & Mary Leek
Pam Lenz
Catharina D. Lester
Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Lewis
Becky Lower
Doris Y. Lyle (Amherst)
Margaret E. Lyman (Sandusky)
Karis Lyon (Amherst)
Dick* & Betty Marshall
Esmeralda Martinez-Tapia
Jim & Betty Mason
Jean M. Matthews
Drs. Hugh & Lois McCorkle
Marilyn McDonald
Jillian McFarland (Ann Arbor, MI)
Cheryl Johnson Mees
(Stevensville, MD)
Barbara Mehwald
Kathy Meier (Seattle, WA)
Sue E. Meyer
Laraine Meyers (South Amherst)
Jean Mihu
Carolyn Moes (Vermilion)
Naomi Moore
Elizabeth C. Morris
Marge Mulder
Florence H. Muller (Elyria)
Bill & Carol Neumann
Katherine Nunley
Ms. Noël Oakley
David & Elaine Orr
Dean & Jean Palmer
Joyce Parker
Sandi Pasadyn (Wellington)
Tom Peters (Elyria)
Wilma D. Pietch
Betty Pippert (Wakeman)
Kristin R. Provenza (Lorain)
Mrs. Robert Randel
Joyce Redden
Tom* & Betsy Reed
Peggy Reid
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Rice
Mary Eileen Romney
(Manchester, MO)
Ed Rowe
Retta Russell
Michael Sabiers
Peg Schultz
Nancy Schwarzwalder
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald R. Senyak
Jean L. Shannon
Ms. Eugene Foggo Simon
Katherine Smith
Lois A. Sook
Linda Stang (Grafton)
Janet Stephenson (Lakeside)
Geraldine R. Stewart
Ina Stone
George & Betty Stoudt
June D. Swartwout
Lillie Faye Taylor
Eileen K. Telegdy (Wakeman)
Joanne Thodt
Jane Cauffiel Thomson
Mildred Urquhart
Dorra B. Ward (Bedford)
Wilma Weber
R.B. & J.K. Werner
Dorothy West
Jerry White (Wellington)
Mrs. Martha M. Wilkins
Richard & Shirley Williams
Robert A. Williams
Robert O. Williams (Sarasota, FL)
Shirley Coleman Wilson
Barbara A. Wolfe (Avon)
K. F. & J. L. Wolfe
Elizabeth E. Young
Carol H. Zavodsky
May Zitani
Heritage Champion
Heritage Leaders
Cohen & Company Ltd. (Cleveland)
LorMet Community Federal Credit
Union (Amherst)
McKay Lodge Fine Arts
Conservation Laboratory, Inc.
Oberlin Family Dental
(Melanie B. Satterfield DDS)
Heritage Rescuers
John Berkmeyer Painting LLC
(John & Betty Berkmeyer)
Broadwell Painting
John Cole Accounting & Tax
Forthofer Alarm Systems (Elyria)
Lorenzo’s Pizzeria
Oberlin College Inn
PlaceMakers Land Co., Ltd.
Radio Stations WOBL & WDLW
Eric R. Severs Co., LPA
Sliman’s Sales & Service (Amherst)
Turnbull Plumbing & Heating, LLC
Turnbull Trucking & Excavating
Heritage Collectors
Bead Paradise II
The Carlyle Gift & Flower Shop
Cochrane Inc.
Freedom Realty & Auction Service
(Barney Hartman)
Drs. Leonard & Anne Jacko DDS
Kuno Creative Group (Avon)
Oberlin Off-Street Parking, Inc.
Quality Tree Service (Larry Lane)
Quick & Delicious Restaurant
Rafter A., Ltd.
(Rich Fredrickson) (Elyria)
Smith’s Furnishings & Floor
Watson Hardware
Wood Shed Lesson Studios
Active Business
Members ($25)
A 2 Point B (Ronnie Rimbert)
Adeva Salon & Spa
Amherst Vision Center
(Stephen Koos OD) (Amherst)
Ben Franklin Store / Mindfair
Best Western Inn (Elyria)
Business Advisory Services
Campbell House Antiques
Clark & Post Architects Inc.
Cowling Funeral Home
Creative Carpentry (Tim Cowling)
Dicken Funeral Home Inc. (Elyria)
Domino’s Pizza
Douds Veterinary Hospital, Inc.
Edward D. Jones & Co. (Curt Paul)
Eight Wild Geese
Emerge Inc. (Elyria)
5 Corners Bed & Breakfast
Functional Physical Therapy
(Bill McCreedy Jr.)
Gardenscapes Nursery
Ginko Gallery & Studio Ltd.
Hallauer House Bed & Breakfast
Herrick Jewelry
Ives Roofing
KET (Paula Tomkins)
KK Home Service
(Ken Nieding) (Lorain)
Charles Kritz CPA
Lin-Barry Incorporated
(Barry & Linda Jones)
The Main Street Barber
(Mark Cooley)
Manuel’s Barber Shop
Mercy Allen Hospital
Dr. Arnold G. Milner
National Business Brokers, Inc.
(Michael F. Galbreath)
Nordson Corporation (Westlake)
Oberlin Animal Hospital
Oberlin Cable Co-op
Oberlin IGA
Oberlin Market
Oberlin News-Tribune
Old Way Farm & Market
(Linda Hartman)
Olla Mae’s Drygoods
Dale A. Petrill DDS, Inc.
Premier Toyota of Amherst
Presti’s of Oberlin
Roose & Ressler (Lorain)
The Rosen-Jones Photography
Kurt G. Sarringhaus Co., LPA
Dr. Jennifer Shults DC
Shurtleff Cottage Bed & Breakfast
Lorri Sipes FAIA (Ann Arbor, MI)
Donald L. Spencer Ph.D.
& Associates
Sperry-Gorske Agency, Inc.
Straight’s Sharpening Service
Subway of Oberlin
Sugar Ridge Stoneworks
(Chris Meluch) (Wakeman)
Supers Landscape Inc.
T.L.C. Insurance
(Eric Hunsinger) (Norwalk)
Touched By Grace Specialty
Trader Joe’s (Westlake)
The Trinter Agency (Wellington)
Vandemark Jewelers (Elyria)
Yesterday’s Ice Cream Shoppe &
($25, unless otherwise
The Amherst Historical Society
City of Oberlin
Page 17
Who’s Who at the Oberlin Heritage Center in 2010
MEMBERS, continued
Cleveland Restoration Society
James A. Garfield National Historic
Site (Mentor)
The Jewett Family of America, Inc.
(Medway, MA/Heritage Rescuer
Kendal at Oberlin
Lorain County Community College
(Elyria / Heritage Rescuer, $100)
Lorain County Historical Society
Oberlin AARP #395
Oberlin Chapter NAACP
Oberlin College (Heritage Leader,
Oberlin College Archives
Oberlin College Department of
Oberlin Main Street - Chamber
Oberlin Seniors
Scottish Games Motorcycle
Group (Bert Latran Jr.) (Heritage
Collector, $50)
Sheffield Village Historical Society
(Sheffield Village)
Southern Lorain County Historical
Society (Wellington)
Tabor Historical Society (Tabor, IA)
Visit Lorain County (Amherst)
Western Reserve Land
Conservancy, Firelands Office
The Oberlin Heritage Center’s amazing team of multitalented volunteers includes individuals, families and
groups of all ages who perform an array of tasks including giving tours, staffing events, serving on committees,
and hosting parents of incoming first year college students as bed and breakfast guests with the proceeds to
benefit the Oberlin Heritage Center. Others presented programs, took part in strategic planning session and
assisted in assessing current educational programs. This list excludes all Board members; their names are listed
on page 10. It includes those staff members and paid student interns who volunteered hours beyond those for
which they were paid.
Arianna Ambrosio
Geoffrey and Cynthia Andrews
Michele Andrews
Sarah Andrews
Linda Arbogast
Paul Arnold
Charlotte Baker
Shasha Balfour
Elizabeth Bates
Fran Baumann
Roland Baumann
Claire Baytas
Barb Bickel
Jane Blodgett
Eugenia Bobo
Sigrid Boe
Deloris Bohn
Janet Bolland
Charlotte Bosch
Jennifer Bowman
Marsha Bragg
Ellen Broadwell
Jean Broadwell
Walker Brock
Lisa Brown
Bryan Burgess
Zenobia Calhoun
B. Campbell
Yiqin Chen
Anna Cibils
Lorrie Chmura
Dave Clark
Connie Clifford
Judy Connolly
Clay Contee
Fran Cooper
Tad Cowling
Ann Craig
Mary Anne, Cassie and Susie
Bill and Bonnie Cutcher
Alan Cuthbertson
Alden DeBouter
Jesse Diener-Bennet
Mae Alice Donner
J.D. and Linda Donovan
Chloe Drummond
Robert Eakin
Anne Elder
Danielle Eldridge
Craig and Barb Enos
Anna Ernst
Anna Edwards
Gerry Findlan
Rita Pickens Fitch
Betty Frank
Karen Schoonmaker
Frieda Fuchs
Ann Fuller
Lauren Garcia
Katie Gluck
Eli Goldberg
Samuel and Marcia Goldberg
William and Catherine Gorman
Nancy Gray
Matt Griswold
Ken Grossi
Steve Hammond
Corey Harkins
Victoria Hardnett
Charles Herdendorf
Anthony Hiti
Terry Hobbs
Sandra Hodge
Paul Hoffman
Clyde and Maryann Hohn
Dorothy Holbrook
Dick and Pat Holsworth
Maxine Houck
Don Illig
Kaitlin Jackson
Robin Jindra
Steve Johnson
Ben Jones
Diane Jones
Sue Copeland Jones
Ondrea Keith
Sarah MacLennan Kerr
Audrey Kolb
Marvin Krislov
Tim Krumreig
Andrew Kuney
Oberlin Heritage Center Volunteers gathered at Kendal for a holiday brunch to celebrate the year’s successes.
Page 18
Who’s Who at the Oberlin Heritage Center in 2010
Carol Lasser
Rocio Leon
Mark Lesner
Katy Lester
Lynne Lisner
Dayton and Ann Livingston
Bert Locke
Bob and Carol Longsworth
Justin Longwell
Becky Lower
Rachel Luczkowski
Carol Martincic
Maddy Massey
Patricia McCreedy
Mary McDaniel
Sue McKain
R. McKelvy
Jeanne McKibben
Anthony Mealy
Sam Medwid
David Miller
and Marie Anderson-Miller
Brittany Mittler
Jane Ross Moore
Kyla Moore
Cindy Moroney
Mary Moroney
Pat Murphy
Katherine Nunley
Duncan Paynter
Barbara Percival
Chris Peterson
Ann Potter
James Pressley
Charles Putka
Reece Ramirez
Catherine Rauch*
Jessie Reeder
Barry and Carol Richard
Louise Richards
Prue Richards
Elena Rippel
Josh Rosen
Colin Roust
Donna Russell
Eunice Schaeffer
James Schmitt
Alverta Schneider
Dick Schoonmaker
John Schroth
Liz Schultz
Cate Schwaegerle
Ruth Schwaegerle
Brittnei Sherrod
Shirley Shubert
Donna Shurr
Ken Sloane
Lois Sook
Sharon Soucy
Sarah Souders
Priscilla Steinberg
Bud Stracker
Kathryn Stuart
Maria Surovy
N. Swedlow
Erin Swenson-Klatt
Barbara Thomas
M. Thomas
Greg and Lizzie Tisher
Jason Trimmer
Jim Underwood
John and Fely van der Pyl
Jack and Geni Vanek
Polly Warch*
Anne Wardwell
Kevin and Sue Weidenbaum
Jim White
Kathleen Willbond
Lee B. Wood
Reid Wood
Tom and Edie Wood
(excluding pledge
payments made in
2010 by Endowed Life
Members, a complete list
of whom is on page 14)
The total number of inscribed bricks along the pathways at the Oberlin Heritage Center topped 300 during the year
2010. We invite you to stroll through the Heritage Center grounds to see the newest additions (listed below) and to enjoy
ALL the special milestones and memories that the inscribed walkway brings to mind!
TRUSTEE 1982-1992
AT OHC - 2010
TRUSTEE 1992-1999
INTERN 2006-2009
INTERN 2006-2010
TRUSTEE 2004-2010
TRUSTEE 1986-1996
TRUSTEE 2004-2010
TRUSTEE 1995-1999
TRUSTEE 1992-1994
OHC IN 2010
TRUSTEE 1992-1996
Oberlin Heritage Center
TRUSTEE 1996-1999
TRUSTEE 1990-1993
Scott and Ellen Broadwell
Roger and Fran Cooper
Mary Anne Cunningham
Prudence T. Richards
The Thomas Lopez Family
Oberlin African-American
Genealogy and History Group
OHS 1946
Oberlin High School
Class of 1946
Mary Kirtz Van Nortwick
Donors to the
Endowment for
History Education
Lynn S. Ali, in memory of
Lillian Hobbs
Judith Appleton, in memory of
Lillian Hobbs
Millie Arthrell*
Scott & Ellen Broadwell
Marianne Cochrane, in memory of
Lillian Hobbs
Don & Mary Anne Cunningham,
in memory of Lillian Hobbs and
in memory of Harold Koenning
Durand S. Dudley, in memory of
Lillian Hobbs
Craig M. & Barbara J. Enos,
in memory of Lillian Hobbs
David & Paulie Evans
Debbie A. Evercloud, in memory of
Lillian Hobbs
Thomas A. & Nancy Gayters
Gregory Trucking Inc., in memory
of Clara Baker
Ron and Kathy Gresco
Kenneth Hahn
Terence G. and Karen P. Hobbs
Dick & Pat Holsworth, in memory
of Lillian Hobbs
Dr. Edward & Lorna Hudgens
Hattie L. Jones & Hattie M.
Simpson, in memory of Lillian
Susan M. Klingaman
Audrey Kolb
Bert Latran Jr., in memory of Lillian
Bob & Carol Longsworth
W. Jeanne McKibben MD
Charles & Nancy Matthews,
in memory of Glenn & Lillian
Carl & Mary McDaniel
Anthony Mealy
Daniel & Marlene Merrill
Patricia Murphy & Keith Koenning,
in memory of Hans Petersen and
in memory of Lillian Hobbs
Bill & Carol Neumann, in memory
of Lillian Hobbs
19th Century Club, in memory of
Lillian Hobbs
Tom Phinney & Patty Trimmer,
in memory of Lillian Hobbs
Cathe E. Radabaugh, in memory of
Lillian Hobbs
Ray C. & Diane L. Radabaugh,
in memory of Lillian Hobbs
Louise Richards
Sarah Schaffer,
in honor of Carol Lasser
John & Eugenia Poporad Vanek
Edward J. & Anne W. Wardwell
James W. White
Rhonda Worcester
Page 19
Who’s Who at the Oberlin Heritage Center in 2010
$1,000 & Above
William K. Farquhar
Mrs. Richard R. Hallock
Dick & Pat Holsworth
Nicholas R. & Susan C. Jones
Jane T. Blodgett
David & Ricky Clark
Marianne Cochrane
Roger & Fran Cooper
Mr. & Mrs. Walter H. Edling
Dick & Norma Gilbert
Gary Kornblith & Carol Lasser
Bert Latran Jr.
T.K. & Emily McClintock
Oberlin Family Dental
(Melanie B. Satterfield DDS)
Cathe E. Radabaugh, in honor of
Dick and Norma Gilbert
Louise S. Richards
David & Jean Schaal
Thomas & Mary Kirtz
Van Nortwick
James W. White
Mrs. William R. Anderson Jr.
Gabriella Bachnika, in memory of
Hans Stechow and in memory of
Violet M. Kavanaugh
Robert B. Calhoun & Elizabeth
Demaris Carrell
Corning Chisholm
Alan & Nancy Gage
Norman & Marjorie Henderson
Edward W. & Gail F. Hubbard
Sarah MacLennan Kerr, in honor
of Camille Breeze and Melanie
Mary Norman Miller
Jane Ross Moore
Patricia Murphy & Keith Koenning
Richard & Kathleen Nord
Carl A. Peterson
David & Brenda Pitts, in memory of
the Copeland Family
Richard & Dina Schoonmaker
Scottish Games Motorcycle Group
(Bert Latran Jr.)
Eric R. Severs
Shirley J. Shubert
Catherine A. Wilber
R. L. Aalto
Erik & Michele Andrews
George & Marlene Andrews
Anonymous, in honor of
Mrs. Richard R. Hallock
Page 20
Anonymous, in memory of
Dorothy M. Smith
David R. Ashenhurst
Sara Carter Balogh
Bill and Inger Barlow
David & Sigrid Boe
Charlotte Bosch
Howard & Jean Broadwell,
in memory of Mary Lou
Broadwell Russell
Scott & Ellen Broadwell,
in memory of Hartley and
Dorothy Broadwell
Broadwell Painting
(Scott Broadwell), in memory of
Mary Lou Broadwell Russell
Barbara B. Care
Bobbie Carlson
Mrs. Virginia P. Clancy, in memory
of Dorothy Gull and in honor of
Marjorie (Madge) Kampenga
John R. & Kathleen Clark
John Cole Accounting & Tax
Randolph Coleman, in honor of
Terry Hobbs
Norman C. & Ann Craig
Emiko Hara Custer
John A. Dondero & Jeanne Bay
J. D. & Linda Donovan
Durand S. Dudley, in memory
of George Stowell Dudley &
Corinne Elizabeth Durand
Richard & Louise Dunn
Robert J. Eakin
John & Anne Elder
Emerge Inc. (Ed & Nyree Skimin)
David & Paulie Evans
Gene & Marilyn Gallagher
Dewey & Carol Ganzel
Pedro & Roberta E. Garcia
Samuel & Marcia Goldberg
Daniel & Elizabeth Goulding
Kenneth Hahn
Don & Arlene Hall
Harvard Club of NE Ohio, in honor
of Nick Jones
Bradley & Nicole Hayes
Eleanor W. Helper
Herb & Sabra Henke
Robert A. Hyman & Susan E. Roth
Leonard Jacko DDS
Elizabeth S. James
The Jewett Family of America, Inc.
William and Robin Jindra
Lin-Barry Incorporated
(Barry & Linda Jones)
Fou Tanner Linder, in memory of
Hans Stechow
Dayton & Ann Livingston
Bob & Carol Longsworth
The Thomas Lopez Family
Lorenzo’s Pizzeria (Larry Cariglio)
Nancy Coleman Matthews,
in honor of Terry Hobbs
Jocelyn Maurushat
W. Jeanne McKibben MD
Albert J. McQueen
John & Ruth Mercer
Maxwell G. & Muriel P. Morgan
Mrs. Barbara Tanner Neumann,
in memory of Frank Burgess
Tanner, Mabel Black Tanner and
Virginia Tanner Bruce
Benjamin G. & Jane Norton
Theodore Nowick & Robert Taylor
Larry K. Oates
Oberlin College Office of
Community & Government
Relations (Sandra Hodge)
Diantha Paré
Ann M. Potter
Premier Toyota of Amherst
(Bob Fisher)
Sharon Copeland Ramczyk,
in memory of the Copeland
Kenneth D. & Gretchen B. Roose
Elizabeth Schultz
Lowell & Linda Schultz
Ed & Ruth Schwaegerle
Paul & Cate Schwaegerle
Eric R. Severs Co., LPA
Warren N. & Judy Sheldon
Ms. Eugene Foggo Simon
Bruce & Sue Simonson
Robert M. Singleton
Mrs. Frances Walker Slocum
Robert H. Staples
Mr. & Mrs. Jarvis A. Strong Jr.
James K. Sunshine
James & Andrée Underwood
James Leo & Kate Walsh
Edward J. & Anne W. Wardwell
Betty Weinstock
Jeff & Merrilee Witmer
Reid & Gail Wood
Helen Woodward
David Young
Ken & Elizabeth Allen
Hank Annable
Paul B. Arnold
William G. Arthrell, in memory of
George W. Arthrell
Mary H. Ashbrook
Roland M. & Phyllis A. Baumann
John Berkmeyer Painting LLC
Viola M. Blount
Constance W. Boase
Tom & Janet Bolland
Walker & Joanne Brock
Al Brown
Anita Buckmaster
Anna R. Chapman
Nancy Hubbard Cheshire,
in memory of P. Deane and
Laura L. Hubbard
Daniel & Kathryn Clark
James E. Cobb DVM
Rollin & Anne Conway
Cowling Funeral Home
(Tad Cowling)
Don & Mary Anne Cunningham
Jack & Kathy DeRuyter
Mr. & Mrs. Albert C. Doane
Marion Drummond, in memory of
Bob Drummond
Steven R. Dupee
David & Susan Egloff
Ray English & Alison Ricker
Craig M. & Barbara J. Enos &
Joan Ernst
Wanda Ewalt
Cherie L. Fabian
Joseph & Jean Ferris
Daniel & Carol Fishwick, in memory
of Hans Petersen
William & Barbara Fuchsman
Jack Glazier
J. Lynn Haessly
Hallauer House Bed & Breakfast
(Joseph & Susan Woodward)
Ruth S. Hayes
Shirley Hayward
Carl & Marcia Heckert
Sigrun B. Heinzelmann & Charlotte
Jean M. Heller
Dorothy Holbrook
Chris Howell & Susan Clayton
Mrs. Evelyn G. Hurst
Don & Joy Illig
Adelbert & Betty Jenkins
Steve & Mary Ann Johnson
Ben Jones & Tanya Rosen-Jones
Robert K. & Claudia W. Jones
William L. Katz
Marvin L. Michael Kay
Helen G. Ketcham
Audrey Kolb
Richard & Lorna Kretchmar
Marvin Krislov & Amy Sheon
Gladys S. Kruk
Kuno Creative Group
Barbara Landsman, in memory
of Enid Cornwell Bukovac
Catharina D. Lester
Jiann & Pearl Lin
Joseph R. & Dorothy S. Luciano
Elisabeth M. Mahjoub
Michael & Betsy Manderen
Anthony Mealy
Daniel & Marlene Merrill
Sue E. Meyer
Tony Mier
Sharon L. Miranda
Thelma J. Morris
National Business Brokers, Inc.
(Michael F. Galbreath)
Stephanie Neal
Eric & Kaye Norenberg
Oberlin Off-Street Parking, Inc.
Dr. David & Mary Jo Ockenga
David & Elaine Orr
Joe & Sue Palmieri
Bill Pfeiffer Jr.
Dale & Kim Preston, in memory of
Hans Petersen
Ray C. & Diane L. Radabaugh
Joyce L. Redden
Prudence T. Richards
Kurt G. Sarringhaus Co. LPA
Ruth E. Searles
Thomas E. Shoup
Thomas E. & Donna M. Shurr
Shurtleff Cottage Bed & Breakfast
(Marsha Marsh)
Who’s Who at the Oberlin Heritage Center in 2010
annual fund
donors, $50-$99,
Mary Simons
Harold & Linda Slocum
Robert & Sharon Fairchild Soucy
Delbert L. Spurlock Jr.
William & Arlene Steel
Ira S. & Priscilla Steinberg
Robert & Janis Thompson
Don & Mary Louise VanDyke
Sam White
Eleanor H. Whitehead
Jean F. Wright
Elizabeth E. Young
Anne Youngblood, in memory of
Harris Youngblood
Sandra A. Zagarell
Up to $50
Elizabeth McCall Aldrich
Judith Appleton
Fred & Phyllis Bement
Jerome J. & Jeanne L. Berner
Jean Binford, in memory of Clint
Jennifer L. Bowman
Craig & Monica Brandt
Richard W. Bryant
Banu Casson, in memory of and in
honor of Ron Casson
David S. Davies
Cynthia A. Dede
Joanne Erwin
Janet T. Ferguson
Gerry & Ann Findlan
Stephen & Kimberlie Fixx
David V. Foos
Adam & Heidi Freas
Milton & Jane Garrett
Len & Nancy Garver
Thomas A. & Nancy Gayters,
in memory of Walter & Cora
Eli Goldberg
Mrs. Marion E. Gordon
Denny Gulick
Jonathan Herr
James & Christa Hieb, in memory
of Foyster Matlock and in honor
of his life and legacy
Judi C. H. Hill, in memory of Sadie
Kathy Hilton
Alexandra A. Holomuzki-Zgonc
Dennis & Karla Hubbard
Esther Hunt
Carolyn L. Husted
Ondrea Keith
Ilo Koenning
Gerlind B. Koerner
Darlene Rae Krato, in memory of
Sally Arnold
Dennis C. Lamont
Bruce and Nancy Layne
Constance J. LeBeau
Marjorie M. LeBeau
Katherine Linehan
Bert and Penny Locke
Lorain County Community College
Richard P. Lothrop
Katherine McCardwell, in memory
of Hans Petersen
Drs. Hugh & Lois McCorkle
Carl & Mary McDaniel
Marilyn McDonald
Steven J. McQuillin
Cheryl Johnson Mees
Barbara Mehwald
Mr. & Mrs. John G. Morrisson,
in memory of Margaret Cook
Eleanor Nagy
Bill & Carol Neumann
Katherine Nunley
Bob & Bonnie Oliphant
Anne E. Parrott
Dale A. Petrill DDS
Lee Jewett Petry, in memory of
Professor Frank Fanning Jewett
Wilma D. Pietch
Kathy J. Reynolds & Judith M.
Rebecca Rogers
Kathleen C. Ross
Ed Rowe
Nancy Schwarzwalder
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald R. Senyak
Dorris Sturges
Janice R. Thibo, in memory of
Jim Thibo
Carol Tufts
Steve & Dinah Volk
Dorra B. Ward
Andrew Laurence Watiker
Wilma Weber
Kevin & Susan Weidenbaum
Jean C. Weston
Robert O. Williams
Yesterday’s Ice Cream Shoppe
& More (Darren & Jane
May Zitani
Anonymous, in memory of
Nicholas Stevenson
Constance W. Boase
Deloris Bohn
Tom & Janet Bolland
Charlotte Bosch
Howard & Jean Broadwell
Scott & Ellen Broadwell
David & Nancy Browne
Robert B. Calhoun & Elizabeth
Alan Campbell
Kathleen K. Chase, in memory of
Edward A. Chase
Norman C. & Ann Craig
Lesslie Crowell
Philip Cucchiara
Don & Mary Anne Cunningham
Bill and Bonnie Cutcher
J. D. & Linda Donovan
Mr. & Mrs. Walter H. Edling
Manuel Espinoza
Thomas A. & Nancy Gayters
Donald & Barbara Gilbert
Jim & Anne Helm, in memory of
Emil Menzel and in memory of
Emil & Marie Helm
Sandra Hlad
Terence G. & Karen P. Hobbs
Dick & Pat Holsworth
William & Robin Jindra
Steve & Mary Ann Johnson
Nicholas R. & Susan C. Jones
Joan Kamper, in memory of
George & Roberta Thourot
Bert Latran Jr.
Alexandra LeClere, in memory of
Sandra Podwalny
Dayton & Ann Livingston
Bert Locke
Delbert D. Mason
Carl & Mary McDaniel
The Medwid Family
Patricia Murphy & Keith Koenning
Oberlin Chapter NAACP
Oberlin Early Childhood Center
Oberlin News-Tribune
Allan & Elizabeth Patterson
Burton S. Price
Cathe Radabaugh
Prue Richards
Allen Memorial Art Museum
American Association of Museums
The Bridge Computer Center
Brownhelm Historical Association
City of Oberlin
City of Oberlin Historic Preservation Commission
Cleveland Restoration Society
Firelands Association for the Visual Arts (FAVA)
First Church in Oberlin, United Church of Christ
James A. Garfield National Historic Site
Kendal at Oberlin
League of Women Voters, Oberlin Chapter
Lorain County Preservation Network
Management Assistance to Non-Profit Agencies
National Endowment for the Arts/Blue Star Museums Program
National Trust for Historic Preservation
National Underground Railroad Network to Freedom
The Nord Family Foundation / Oberlin Depot
Northeast Ohio Intermuseum Council
Oberlin City Schools
Oberlin College
Oberlin Community Services
Oberlin Main Street - Chamber
Oberlin Municipal Light and Power System (OMLPS)
Oberlin News-Tribune
Oberlin Public Library
Oberlin Rotary Club
Ohio Historic Preservation Office
Ohio Historical Society
Ohio Local History Alliance (formerly, Ohio Association of
Historical Societies & Museums)
Pittsfield Township Historical Society
Time Travelers Network
Visit Lorain County
Page 21
This original 1959 photo of the People’s Bank Building from the Heritage
Center’s archives guided the renovation of this building in Oberlin’s
downtown historic district.
49 S. Main Street in 2009 prior to the renovation.
LorMet as it looks today after the renovation.
Page 22
Oberlin Heritage Center Director Pat Murphy with LorMet
Community Credit Union CEO Dan Cwalina as they inspect
the turquoise-glazed vault uncovered as part of the renovation
of the building at 49 S. Main which was built in 1958 as the
People’s Bank.
who’s who
W. Bruce Richards & Phyllis
Roose & Ressler (Kirk Roose)
Jeff Rubin & Stephanie Wiles
Rhonda Sablinskis
Elizabeth Schultz
Paul & Cate Schwaegerle
Thomas E. & Donna Marie Shurr
Ms. Eugene Foggo Simon
Patricia B. Stetson
Ina Stone
Maria Surovy
Thomas & Mary Kirtz Van Nortwick
Edward J. & Anne W. Wardwell
James W. White
Lois Weitzel
George Wiley
Kathleen Koshar Willbond
Mrs. Lee B. Wood
Reid & Gail Wood
Elizabeth E. Young
Steve Zavodny
Ben Franklin Store / Mindfair
Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan &
Aronoff, LLP
Broadwell Painting
Business Advisory Services
Creative Carpentry (Tim Cowling)
Forthofer Alarm Systems
Kendal at Oberlin
J.D. Britton, Strategic Planning
Bert Latran, Jr. – Arborist
McKay Lodge Fine Arts
Conservation Laboratory, Inc.
Nordson Corporation Foundation
Oberlin Cable Co-op
Oberlin College
Oberlin News-Tribune
Quality Tree Service (Larry Lane)
Ratsy’s Store
Smithsonian Magazine
TechSoup Global
Trader Joe’s of Westlake
Watson Hardware
Help Serve Our Community . . .
. . . By becoming part of the Oberlin Heritage Center family. All members receive timely notices
of events and programs, free admission to the Oberlin Heritage Center, reduced prices on programs
for which there is a fee, Time Travelers benefits at other historical institutions throughout the country,
and a 10 percent discount in our Museum Store. Your membership and contributions will support
the preservation, maintenance, and administration of our historic sites and regular tour program, as
well as public programs about Oberlin heritage, local history and civic affairs. We appreciate your
membership at whatever level you select.
How can I resist? Please enroll me!
Name, as I wish it to appear in the Gazette and on the Oberlin Heritage Center mailing list:
Zip code:_ _____________________________________________________________________
E-mail address:_________________________________________________________________
Individual or Family Business or Organizational
membership membership
❑ Senior or Student $15
❑ Active $25
❑ Individual $25
❑ Heritage Collector
❑ Household $40
❑ Heritage Rescuer $100
❑ Heritage Collector
❑ Heritage Leader $250
❑ Heritage Rescuer
❑ Heritage Ambassador $500
❑ Heritage Leader
❑ Heritage Champion $1,000
❑ Heritage Ambassador $500
❑ Other
❑ Endowed Life Member II $2,000 (payable within five years)
❑ Endowed Life Member I $5,000 (payable within five years)
Business and organizational members receive all of the membership benefits listed above, as well
as a special Certificate of Appreciation suitable for display.
The Oberlin Heritage Center welcomes gift memberships and contributions in honor
of or in memory of individuals. Please contact the office for more information.
❑ I am a new member
❑ I am renewing my membership
❑ I wish to make a contribution, in addition to my membership dues:
$______ for general operating support (the Annual Fund)
$______ for the Endowment for History Education
$______ in memory/honor of: _____________________________
❑ I wish to learn more about becoming an Oberlin Heritage Center volunteer
Thank you for helping us serve our community! Please complete this form and mail it,
with your check payable to the Oberlin Heritage Center, to P. O. Box 0455, Oberlin, Ohio
44074. For further information, call 440-774-1700, e-mail <members@oberlinheritage.
org> or stop by our office at the Monroe House, 73½ South Professor Street. Office hours
are Tuesday–Saturday, 10:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m.
Page 23
“Kids” Have Fun at the Oberlin Heritage Center
Sack Races: hurry, hurry, hurry!
Trying out the stilts made by Kendal woodworkers is always a highlight
of Family Fun Fair and a visit to the Little Red Schoolhouse.
Prue Richards attacked the weeds on Oberlin Pride Day.
Mix it up, nice and hot! Dutch Oven cooking at the Heritage
Page 24
Rolling a hoop; more fun than sitting in front of the computer!