Flying Beaver Food Menu
Flying Beaver Food Menu
WINE WINE WINE WINE WINE White White White White White White What What What What Who Who Who Who Where Where Where Where How How How How 6oz 6oz 6oz 6oz 9oz 9oz 9oz 9oz ½ ½ ½ ½ Ltr Ltr Ltr Ltr Btl Btl Btl Btl What Who Where How What Where Chardonnay Chardonnay Chardonnay ChardonnayWho Sawmill Sawmill Sawmill Sawmill Creek Creek Creek Creek BC BC BC BC 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 9999oz 9 How 17.75 17.75 17.75 17.75 6oz ½ Ltr Btl Ltr Chardonnay Chardonnay Chardonnay Hardy’s Hardy’s Hardy’s VR VR VR VR AUS AUS AUS6oz 7.75 7.75 7.75 7.75 9oz 11.25 11.25 11.25 11.25 ½ 22.00 22.00 22.00 22.00 Btl 31.00 31.00 31.00 31.00 Chardonnay Hardy’s Sawmill Creek AUS BC 6.25 9 17.75 Chardonnay CreekVR BCBC Chardonnay Chardonnay Chardonnay Nk’Mip Nk’Mip Nk’Mip Nk’Mip BC BC BC 6.25 11.75 11.75 11.75 11.759 17.25 17.25 17.25 17.25 17.75 34.00 34.00 34.00 34.00 46.00 46.00 46.00 46.00 ChardonnaySawmill Hardy’s AUS 7.75 11.25 22.00 31.00 Chardonnay VR AUS 11.25 Pinot Pinot Pinot Pinot Grigio Grigio Grigio Grigio Hardy’s Jackson-Triggs Jackson-Triggs Jackson-Triggs Jackson-Triggs BC BC BC 88811.75 8 11.75 11.75 11.75 11.75 22.00 23.25 23.25 23.25 23.25 31.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 Chardonnay Nk’Mip BC 7.75 17.25 34.00 46.00 Chardonnay Pinot Pinot Pinot Gris Gris Gris Gris Nk’Mip See See See See Ya Ya Ya Ya Later Later Later Later BCBC BC BC 10.50 10.50 10.50 10.5017.25 15.50 15.50 15.50 15.50 34.00 30.75 30.75 30.75 30.75 46.00 42.00 42.00 42.00 42.00 Pinot Grigio Jackson-Triggs BC 11.75 8 11.75 23.25 32.00 Pinot Grigio Jackson-Triggs 11.75 Sauvignon Sauvignon Sauvignon Sauvignon Blanc Blanc Blanc Sumac Sumac Sumac Sumac Ridge Ridge Ridge BC BC 8 11.75 11.75 11.75 11.75 23.25 23.25 23.25 23.25 23.25 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 Pinot GrisBlanc See Ridge Ya Later BCBC BC 8 88810.50 15.50 30.75 42.00 Pinot Gris SeeMonkey Ya Later Bay Sauvignon Sauvignon Sauvignon Blanc Blanc Blanc Monkey Monkey Monkey Bay Bay BayBCNZ NZ NZ NZ10.50 10.25 10.25 10.25 10.2515.50 15.25 15.25 15.25 15.25 30.75 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 42.00 41.00 41.00 41.00 41.00 Sauvignon Blanc Sumac Ridge BC 8 11.75 23.25 32.00 Sauvignon Blanc Sumac Ridge 11.75 White Zin Sawmill Creek 10.25 20.25 28.00 White White White Zin Zin Zin Blanc Sawmill Sawmill Sawmill Creek Creek Creek BC BC BC 8 77710.25 7 10.25 10.25 10.25 23.25 20.25 20.25 20.25 32.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 Sauvignon Monkey BayBCBC NZ 15.25 30.00 41.00 Sauvignon Bay Creek NZ 10.25 15.25 30.0020.25 41.0028.00 See more bottles on our wine list See See See more more more bottles bottles bottles on on our our our wine wine wine listlist list White Blanc Zin Monkey Sawmill BC 7on 10.25 25% off allSee bottles Friday White Zin Sawmill Creek BC 7 wineonevery 20.25 28.00 moreofbottles our10.25 wine list See more bottlesRed on our wine list Red Red Red Red Red Red What Who Where How What What What Who Who Who Where Where Where How How How What WhoWhere How 6oz 9oz ½ Ltr Btl 6oz 6oz 6oz 9oz 9oz 9oz ½ ½ ½ Ltr Ltr Ltr Btl Btl Btl What Who Where How What Who Where How 17.75 Merlot Sawmill Creek BC 6.25 9 Merlot Merlot Merlot Sawmill Sawmill Sawmill Creek Creek Creek BC BC BC 6.25 6.25 6.25 9 9 9 17.75 17.75 17.75 6oz 9oz ½ Ltr Btl Merlot Sawmill Creek (BC) 6.25 9 17.75 6oz Ltr Btl Merlot Nk’Mip 12 17.5 48.00 Merlot Merlot Nk’Mip Nk’Mip Nk’Mip Creek BC BC BC 12 12 12 9oz 17.5 17.5 17.5 ½ 35 35 35 35 48.00 48.00 48.00 Merlot Sawmill BC 6.25 9 17.75 Merlot Nk’Mip (BC)12 17.517.75 35 48.00 Merlot Sawmill Creek BCArg 9 11.75 Malbec Marcus James 88812 Malbec Malbec Malbec Marcus Marcus Marcus James James James Arg Arg Arg6.25 8 11.75 11.75 11.75 23.25 23.25 23.25 23.25 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 Merlot Nk’Mip BC 17.5 35 48.00 Shiraz Jackson-Triggs BC) 9.75 14.25 27.75 38.00 Merlot Nk’Mip BCBC Shiraz Jackson Triggs 14.25 38.00 Shiraz Shiraz Shiraz Jackson Jackson Jackson Triggs Triggs Triggs BC BC BC 129.75 9.75 9.75 9.75 17.5 14.25 14.25 14.25 3527.75 27.75 27.75 27.75 48.00 38.00 38.00 38.00 Malbec Marcus James Arg 8 11.75 23.25 32.00 Shiraz-Cab Sauv Hardy’s Stamps (Aus) 8.25 8.25 12.25 24.00 33.00 Malbec Marcus James Arg Shiraz-Cab Sauv Hardy' ssStamps Aus 12.25 24.00 33.00 Shiraz-Cab Shiraz-Cab Shiraz-Cab Sauv Sauv Sauv Hardy' Hardy' Hardy' sStamps sStamps Stamps Aus Aus Aus 8.25 8.25 8.25 11.75 12.25 12.25 12.25 23.25 24.00 24.00 24.00 32.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 Shiraz Jackson Triggs BC 8 9.75 14.25 27.75 38.00 Zinfandel Paso (Cal) 10.75 16 31.50 43.00 Shiraz Jackson Triggs BCAus 14.25 Cabernet Sauv Hardy' sCreek 8 11.75 23.25 32.00 Cabernet Cabernet Cabernet Sauv Sauv Sauv Hardy' Hardy' s ss Stamps Aus Aus Aus9.75 888.25 8 11.75 11.75 11.75 27.75 23.25 23.25 23.25 38.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 Shiraz-Cab Sauv Hardy' Aus 12.25 24.00 33.00 Shiraz-Cab Sauv Hardy' s Stamps AusCal 24.00 Cabernet Sauv Inniskillin(BC) 9.75 14.2527.7538.00 Zinfandel Paso Creek 10.75 16 31.50 43.00 Zinfandel Zinfandel Zinfandel Paso Paso Paso Creek Creek Creek Cal Cal Cal8.25 10.75 10.75 10.7512.25 16 16 16 31.50 31.50 31.50 33.00 43.00 43.00 43.00 Cabernet Sauv Hardy' s Aus 8 11.75 23.25 32.00 Cabernet Sauv sYa 23.25 Blend Sumac Ridge (BC) 8.2512.2524. 33.00 10.75 10.75 31.50 31.50 31.50 43.00 43.00 43.00 Pinot Noir See Later 16 Pinot Pinot Pinot Noir Noir Noir Hardy' See See See Ya Ya Ya Later Later Later AusBC BC BC BC 8 10.75 16 16 Zinfandel Paso Creek Cal 10.7511.75 16 31.50 32.00 43.00 Zinfandel Creek 43.00 Blend Sumac Ridge 8.25 24 33.00 Blend Blend Blend Sumac Sumac Sumac Ridge Ridge Ridge BC BC 8.25 8.25 8.25 1612.25 12.25 12.25 12.25 31.50 24 24 24 33.00 33.00 33.00 10.75 31.50 43.00 Pinot Noir Paso See Later CalBC BC 10.75 16 Pinot Noir See YaYa Later (BC) 10.75 16 31.5 43.00 10.75 31.5024 43.0033.00 PinotBlend Noir See Ya Later Ridge BC 16 See more bottles on our wine list See See See more more more bottles bottles bottles on on on our our our wine wine wine listlist list Sumac BC 8.25 12.25 Malbec Alamos (Arg)8.75 12.75 25.5 35.00 Blend Sumac Ridge BC more bottles 8.25 on our12.25 24 33.00 See wine list See more bottles on our wine list Draft Draft Draft Draft Beer Beer Beer Beer Steamworks Steamworks Steamworks Steamworks Pilsner, Pilsner, Pilsner, Pilsner, OK OK OK OK Spring Spring Spring Spring 1516 1516 1516 1516 Bavarian Bavarian Bavarian Bavarian Lager, Lager, Lager, Lager, Sleeman Sleeman Sleeman Sleeman Original Original Original Original Draft, Draft, Draft, Draft, Red Red Red Red Truck Truck Truck Truck IPA, IPA, IPA, IPA, Blanche Blanche Blanche Blanche De De De De Chambly, Chambly, Chambly, Chambly, Draft Beer Steamworks Pilsner, OK Spring 1516 Bavarian Lager, Draft Beer Steamworks Pilsner, OK Spring 1516 Bavarian Lager, Sleeman Sleeman Sleeman Sleeman Honey Honey Honey Honey Brown Brown Brown Brown Lager, Lager, Lager, Lager, OK OK OK OK Spring Spring Spring Spring Pale Pale Pale Ale, Ale, Ale, Ale, Original Draft, Red Truck IPA, Pale Blanche De Chambly, Sleeman Original Draft, Red Lager, Truck IPA, De Chambly, OK OK OK OK Spring Spring Spring Spring Black Black Black Black Lager Lager Lager Lager Sleeman Honey Brown OK Blanche Spring Pale Ale, Sleeman Lager, OK Spring Pale Ale, OK Honey Spring Brown Black Lager Ask Ask Ask about about about about our our our our daily daily daily daily draft draft draft draft beer beer beer beer feature feature feature feature OKAsk Spring Black Lager Ask about our daily draft beer feature Domestic Domestic Domestic Domestic Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Budweiser, Budweiser, Budweiser, Budweiser, Bud Bud Bud Bud Light, Light, Light, Light, Canadian, Canadian, Canadian, Canadian, Coors Coors Coors Coors Light, Light, Light, Light, Ask about our daily draft beer feature Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Keiths Keiths Keiths Keiths IPA, IPA, IPA, Sleeman Sleeman Sleeman Sleeman Cream Cream Cream Cream Ale, Ale, Ale, Ale, MGD MGD MGD MGD Domestic Bottle Budweiser, BudIPA, Light, Canadian, Coors Light, Domestic Bottle Budweiser, Bud Light, Coors Light, Alexander KeithsCanadian, IPA, Sleeman Cream Ale, MGD Import Import Import Import Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Corona Corona Corona Corona (Mexico), (Mexico), (Mexico), (Mexico), Guinness Guinness Guinness 440ml 440ml 440ml 440ml Can Can Can Can (Ireland), (Ireland), (Ireland), (Ireland), Alexander Keiths IPA,Guinness Sleeman Cream Ale, MGD Stella Stella Stella Artois Artois Artois Artois (Belgium), (Belgium), (Belgium), (Belgium), Kronenbourg Kronenbourg Kronenbourg Kronenbourg Blanc Blanc Blanc (France), (France), (France), (France), Import Bottle Stella Corona (Mexico), Guinness 440mlBlanc Can (Ireland), Import Bottle Corona (Mexico), Guinness Can (Ireland), Sapporo Sapporo Sapporo Sapporo 600ml 600ml 600ml 600ml (Japan) (Japan) (Japan) (Japan)440ml Stella Artois (Belgium), Kronenbourg Blanc (France), StellaSapporo Artois (Belgium), Kronenbourg Blanc (France), 600ml (Japan) Craft Craft Craft Craft Beer Beer Beer Beer Sapporo Hoyne Hoyne Hoyne Hoyne Devils Devils Devils Devils Dream Dream Dream Dream IPA IPA IPA IPA 650ml, 650ml, 650ml, 650ml, Hoyne Hoyne Hoyne Hoyne Dark Dark Dark Dark Matter Matter Matter Matter 650ml, 650ml, 650ml, 650ml, 600ml (Japan) Parallel Parallel Parallel Parallel 49 49 49 49 Gypsy Gypsy Gypsy Gypsy Tears, Tears, Tears, Tears, Glutenberg Glutenberg Glutenberg Glutenberg Pale Pale Pale Pale Ale Ale Ale Ale GF GF GF GF can, can, can, can, Craft Beer Hoyne Devils Dream IPA 650ml, Hoyne Dark Matter 650ml, Craft Beer Hoyne Devils Dream IPA 650ml, Hoyne Dark Matter 650ml, Red Red Red Red Truck Truck Truck Truck Lager, Lager, Lager, Lager, Red Red Red Red Truck Truck Truck Truck Ale, Ale, Ale, Ale, Shock Shock Shock Shock Top Top Top Top Belgian Belgian Belgian Belgian White White White White Parallel 49 Gypsy Tears, Glutenberg Pale Ale GF can, Parallel 49Truck Gypsy Tears, Ale GFBelgian can, White Red Lager, RedGlutenberg Truck Ale, Pale Shock Top Cider Cider Cider Cider & &&& Coolers Coolers Coolers Coolers Strongbow, Strongbow, Strongbow, Smirnoff Smirnoff Smirnoff Ice, Ice, Ice, Ice, Growers Growers Growers Growers Cider: Cider: Cider: Peach, Peach, Peach, Peach, Apple, Apple, Apple, Apple, Pear Pear Pear Pear RedStrongbow, Truck Lager,Smirnoff Red Truck Ale, ShockCider: Top Belgian White Cider & Coolers Strongbow, Smirnoff Ice, Growers Cider: Peach, Apple, Pear Cider & Coolers Strongbow, Smirnoff Ice, Growers Cider: Peach, Apple, Pear See more bottles on our wine list DAILY DAILY DAILY FEATURES FEATURES FEATURES DAILY FEATURES DAILY FEATURES BEER BEER BEER BEER BEER House House House House rules rules rules rules apply apply apply apply for for for for each each each each daily daily daily daily special special special special House rules apply for each daily special House rules apply for each daily special MONDAY MONDAY MONDAY MONDAY (after (after (after (after 4:30pm) 4:30pm) 4:30pm) 4:30pm) Appy Appy Appy Appy Mondays Mondays Mondays Mondays -- -- -- 2 -2-2MONDAY for 2 for for for 111appetizers 1 appetizers appetizers appetizers Monday MONDAY (after 4:30pm) Appy Mondays - - -Draught 2Draught for 1 $4.56 appetizers �S�Sleeman �Sleeman �Sleeman leeman Original Original Original Original Draught Draught $4.56 $4.56 $4.56 per per per per sleeve sleeve sleeve sleeve Appy forfor 11 appetizers (after 4:30pm) (afterper 4:30pm) Appy Mondays Mondays -2- 2 appetizers �Sleeman---- Original Draught $4.56 sleeve TUESDAY TUESDAY TUESDAY TUESDAY Original Draught Draught $4.78 per per sleeve sleeve �SSleeman leeman Original $4.56 Taco Taco Taco Taco Trio Trio Trio Trio -- $10 -$10 -$10 $10 for for for for 333–3 ––Halibut, Halibut, –Halibut, Halibut, Short Short Short Short Rib, Rib, Rib, Rib, Tuna Tuna Tuna Tuna Poke Poke Poke Poke or ororor Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken TUESDAY (after (after (after (after 4:30pm) 4:30pm) 4:30pm) 4:30pm) Tuesday TUESDAY Beaver Beaver Beaver Beaver Breeze Breeze Breeze Breeze $4.78 $4.78 $4.78 $4.78 each each each each and and and and Spring Spring Spring Spring Pale Pale Pale Pale Ale Ale Ale Ale $4.56 $4.56 $4.56 $4.56 per per per per sleeve sleeve sleeve sleeve Taco Trio $10 for 3 – Halibut, Short Rib, Tuna Poke or Chicken (after 4:30pm) Terminal --- 25% off food with valid airport i.d. Taco Trio - Beaver $10 forBreeze 3Tuesdays – Halibut, Short Rib, Tuna Poke orAle Chicken (after 4:30pm) $4.78 each and Spring Pale $4.56 per sleeve Beaver Breeze $5 each Spring Pale AleAle $4.78 perper sleeve WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY Beaver Breeze $4.78 each & and Spring Pale $4.56 sleeve Wing Wing Wing Wing Wednesday…60 Wednesday…60 Wednesday…60 Wednesday…60 cents cents cents cents each each each each WEDNESDAY (after (after (after (after 4:30pm) 4:30pm) 4:30pm) 4:30pm) Wednesday WEDNESDAY Wing Wednesday…60 cents each Sleeman Sleeman Sleeman Sleeman Honey Honey Honey Honey Brown Brown Brown Brown Lager Lager Lager Lager $4.56 $4.56 $4.56 $4.56 per per per per sleeve sleeve sleeve sleeve and and and and Sunset Sunset Sunset Sunset Cocktails Cocktails Cocktails $4.78 $4.78 $4.78 $4.78 each each each each (afterCocktails 4:30pm) Wing Wednesday…60 cents each (after 4:30pm) Wing Wednesday…60 cents each (after Sunset 4:30pm)Cocktails $4.78 each SleemanHoney HoneyBrown BrownLager Lager$4.78 $4.56per per sleeve Sleeman sleeve & and Sunset Cocktails $5 each THURSDAY THURSDAY THURSDAY Sleeman Honey Brown Lager $4.56 THURSDAY per sleeve and Sunset Cocktails $4.78 each Thursday 666oz 6 oz oz oz Certified Certified Certified Certified Angus Angus Angus Angus Sirloin Sirloin Sirloin Sirloin Steak, Steak, Steak, Steak, 666THURSDAY sauteed 6 sauteed sauteed sauteed prawns, prawns, prawns, prawns, aaaloaded loaded aloaded loaded baked baked baked baked potato potato potato potato and and and and THURSDAY 6 oz6Certified Angus Sirloin Steak Dinner with 6 only sautéed a loaded (after (after 4:30pm) 4:30pm) 4:30pm) 4:30pm) seasonal seasonal seasonal seasonal vegetables vegetables vegetables vegetables or oror or salad salad salad salad only only only $1 $1 $1 $1 55prawns, 5(after 5 oz Certified Angus Sirloin Steak, 6 sauteed prawns, a(after loaded baked baked potato and 6 oz Certified Angus Sirloin Steak, 6Merlot sauteed prawns, a $1 loaded baked potato and potato & seasonal vegetables or & salad only $15 (after 4:30pm) Sawmill Sawmill Sawmill Sawmill Creek Creek Creek Creek Chardonnay, Chardonnay, Chardonnay, Chardonnay, Merlot Merlot Merlot &&Spring & Spring Spring Spring 1516 1516 1516 1516 Lager Lager Lager Lager are are are are all all all all on on on on special special special special (after 4:30pm) seasonal vegetables or salad only 5 (after Lager 4:30pm) seasonal vegetables or $15 SawmillSawmill Creek Chardonnay, Merlot &salad Spring 1516 Lager are all Creek Chardonnay, Merlot &only Spring 1516 areon allspecial on special FRIDAY FRIDAY FRIDAY Sawmill Creek Chardonnay, Merlot &FRIDAY Spring 1516 Lager are all on special Friday Sleeman Sleeman Sleeman Sleeman Original Original Original Original Draught Draught Draught Draught $4.56 $4.56 $4.56 $4.56 per per per per sleeve sleeve sleeve sleeve &&&25% & 25% 25% 25% off off off off Bottles Bottles Bottles Bottles of ofofof Wine Wine Wine Wine FRIDAY Sleeman Original Draught $4.78 per sleeve & 25% off Bottles of Wine FRIDAY $3.04 $3.04 $3.04 HIGHBALLS HIGHBALLS HIGHBALLS HIGHBALLS FROM FROM FROM FROM 9PM 9PM 9PM 9PM TIL TIL TIL TIL CLOSE!!!! CLOSE!!!! CLOSE!!!! Sleeman $3.04 Original Draught $4.56 per sleeve &CLOSE!!!! 25% off Bottles of Wine $3.04 HIGHBALLS FROM 9PM & TIL25% CLOSE!!!! Sleeman Original Draught $4.56 per sleeve off Bottles of Wine $3.04 HIGHBALLS FROM 9PM TIL CLOSE!!!! DJ/VJ DJ/VJ DJ/VJ DJ/VJ Alibaba Alibaba Alibaba Alibaba isisis spinning is spinning spinning spinning tunes tunes tunes tunes to to toGet to Get Get Get the the the the Party Party Party Party Started Started Started Started DJ/VJ Alibaba is spinning tunes to Get the Party Started $3.04 HIGHBALLS FROM 9PM TIL CLOSE!!!! DJ/VJ Alibaba is spinning tunes to Get the Party Started SATURDAY SATURDAY SATURDAY SATURDAY DJ/VJ Alibaba is spinning tunes to Get the Party Started Saturday BIG BIG BIG BIG ASS ASS ASS ASS BEERS, BEERS, BEERS, BEERS, sunset sunset sunset sunset cocktails cocktails cocktails cocktails & & &Sleeman & Sleeman Sleeman Sleeman Honey Honey Honey Honey Brown Brown Brown Brown Sleeves Sleeves Sleeves Sleeves on on on all all all all day day day day SATURDAY BIG ASS BEERS, sunset cocktails & Sleeman Honey Brown Sleeves onon all day SATURDAY $3.04 $3.04 $3.04 $3.04 HIGHBALLS HIGHBALLS HIGHBALLS HIGHBALLS FROM FROM FROM 9PM 9PM 9PM 9PM TIL TIL TIL TIL CLOSE!!!! CLOSE!!!! CLOSE!!!! CLOSE!!!! BIG ASS BEERS, sunset cocktails &FROM Sleeman Brown Sleeves on all day $3.04 HIGHBALLS FROM 9PM TILHoney CLOSE!!!! BIG ASS BEERS, DJ sunset cocktails & Sleeman Honey Brown Sleeves DJ DJ Byron Byron Byron Byron James James James James keeps keeps keeps keeps the the the the dance dance dance dance floor floor floor floor goin’ goin’ goin’ goin’ late late late lateon all day $3.04 HIGHBALLS FROM 9PM TIL CLOSE!!!! ... &DJ DJ Freshsho keeps the dance floor goin’ late. $3.04 HIGHBALLS 9PMdance TIL CLOSE!!!! DJ Byron James FROM keeps the floor goin’ late Sunday SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY DJ Byron James keeps the dance floor goin’ late Wings are 60 cents each (after 4:30pm) (after (after (after (after 4:30pm) 4:30pm) 4:30pm) 4:30pm) Wings Wings Wings Wings are are are are 60 60 60 60 cents cents cents cents each each each each SUNDAY SUNDAY (some (some (some (some exceptions) exceptions) exceptions) exceptions) Classic Classic Classic Classic or ororor Jalapeno Jalapeno Jalapeno Jalapeno Caesars Caesars Caesars Caesars are are are $4.78 $4.78 $4.78 $4.78 each. each. each. each. Draft Draft Draft Draft Sleeves Sleeves Sleeves Sleeves only only only only 3.91 3.91 3.91 3.91 Classic or Jalapeño Caesars areare $5 each. Draft Sleeves only $4.13 (some exceptions) (after 4:30pm) Wings are 60 cents each (after 4:30pm) Wings are 60 each Classic or Jalapeno Caesars arecents $4.78 each. Draft Sleeves only 3.91 (some exceptions) $3.04 HIGHBALLS FROM 9PM TIL CLOSE!!!! $3.04 $3.04 $3.04 $3.04 HIGHBALLS HIGHBALLS HIGHBALLS HIGHBALLS FROM FROM FROM FROM 9PM 9PM 9PM 9PM TIL TIL TIL TIL CLOSE!!!! CLOSE!!!! CLOSE!!!! CLOSE!!!! Classic or Jalapeno Caesars are $4.78 each. Draft Sleeves only $3.04 HIGHBALLS FROM 9PM TIL CLOSE!!!! Featuring Featuring Featuring Featuring DJ/VJ DJ/VJ DJ/VJ DJ/VJ Alibaba Alibaba Alibaba Alibaba from from from from 9pm 9pm 9pm 9pm on on on on 3.91 (some exceptions) $3.04 HIGHBALLS FROM 9PM TIL CLOSE!!!! Featuring DJ/VJ Alibaba from 9pm on HAVE HAVE HAVE HAVEYOU YOU YOU YOUHEARD HEARD HEARD HEARDABOUT ABOUT ABOUT ABOUTOUR OUR OUR OURSHUTTLE SHUTTLE SHUTTLE SHUTTLEBUS? BUS? BUS? BUS? HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT OUR SHUTTLE BUS? HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT OUR SHUTTLE BUS? YOU YOU YOU DRINK...WE DRINK...WE DRINK...WE DRIVE! DRIVE! DRIVE! YOU DRINK...WE DRIVE! YOU DRINK...WE DRIVE! FLYING FLYING FLYING FLYINGBEAVER BEAVER BEAVER BEAVER FLYING BEAVER 4760 4760 4760 4760 Inglis Inglis Inglis Inglis Drive,Vancouver Drive,Vancouver Drive,Vancouver Drive,Vancouver Airport Airport Airport Airport South, South, South, South, Richmond Richmond Richmond Richmond B.C., B.C., B.C., B.C., FLYING BEAVER 4760Canada, Inglis Drive,Vancouver Airport South, Richmond Canada, Canada, Canada, 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd planet planet planet planet from from from from the the the the sun, sun, sun, sun, V7B V7B V7B V7B 1W4 1W4 1W4 1W4 B.C., 4760 Inglis Canada, Drive,Vancouver Airport Richmond B.C., 3rd planet fromSouth, the sun, V7B 1W4 604-273-0278 604-273-0278 604-273-0278 604-273-0278 Canada, 3rd planet from the sun, V7B 1W4 604-273-0278 604-273-0278 BREAKFAST BREAKFAST BREAKFAST BREAKFAST BREAKFAST Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Saturdays Saturdays Saturdays Saturdays &&&Sundays & Sundays Sundays 9am 9am 9am 9am to toto1pm to 1pm 1pm 1pmto 1pm Served Saturdays, Sundays &Sundays Holidays from 9am Breakfast Saturdays & Sundays 9am to 1pm Monday Monday Monday Monday to toto Friday to Friday Friday Friday from from from from 9am 9am 9am 9am to toto11:30am to 11:30am 11:30am 11:30am Monday to Friday from 9am to 11:30am Breakfast Saturdays & Sundays 9amtoto11:30am 1pm Monday to Friday from 9am Monday to Friday from 9am to 11:30am The Biggie Breakfast Two eggs any style, two sausages, two slices of bacon, & two slices of sourdough toast 13 Eggs Benny Two poached eggs, Canadian back bacon & hollandaise on filoncini bread 12 Blackstone Benny Two poached eggs, bacon, tomato, spinach & hollandaise on filoncini bread 12 Smoked Salmon Benny 13 Two poached eggs, smoked salmon, dill cream cheese & hollandaise on filoncini bread Short Rib Benny 13 Two poached eggs, pulled short rib with caramelized onions, crumbled blue cheese & hollandaise on filoncini bread The Beaver Hash Two poached eggs, chorizo sausage, mixed cheese, tomatoes & onions with hollandaise over house made hash browns & a slice of sourdough toast 13 Smoked Salmon Hash 13 Two poached eggs, smoked salmon, feta cheese, spinach, tomatoes, green onions & dill with hollandaise over house made hash browns & a slice of sourdough toast Mr. Omelette 12 Three egg omelette with bacon, chorizo sausage, pulled pork, caramelized onions, & mixed cheese with sourdough toast Beaver Omelette 12 Three egg omelette with bacon, mixed cheese, avocado & green onions, served with sourdough toast Short Rib Skillet 13 Two poached eggs, pulled short rib, caramelized onions, peppers, mushrooms, mixed cheese with hollandaise over house made hash browns & a slice of sourdough toast The Shrimp (not as small as it sounds)12 Three egg omelette with shrimp, sautéed spinach, goat cheese & sourdough toast Huevos Rancheros 11 Three scrambled eggs with peppers, onions & mushrooms, served in a skillet with tortilla shells, shredded lettuce, mixed cheese, salsa & sour cream FLYING FLYING BEAVER BEAVER FLYING BEAVER FLYING BEAVER BBBBAAAA RRRR & &&& GGGG RRRR IIII LLLLLLLL B A R B A R & & G GR RI LI LL L Veggie Frittata 11 Three eggs with peppers, onions, mushrooms, spinach & feta, baked in a skillet & served with sourdough toast Wake & Steak Two eggs any style with a 6oz marinated sirloin steak & sourdough toast 15 Belgian Waffles Three oven baked waffles, with strawberries, syrup & whipped cream All All All All the the the the breakfasts breakfasts breakfasts breakfasts come come come come with with with with hash hash hash hash browns browns browns browns All the breakfasts come with hash browns except except except except Waffles Waffles Waffles Waffles & &&& Huevos Huevos Huevos Huevos Rancheros. Rancheros. Rancheros. Rancheros. All the breakfasts come with hash browns Allexcept the breakfasts come with hash browns Waffles & Huevos Rancheros. except Waffles & Huevos Rancheros. except Waffles & Huevos Rancheros. 11 PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE LET LET LET LET US US US US KNOW KNOW KNOW KNOW ABOUT ABOUT ABOUT ABOUT ANY ANY ANY ANY FOOD FOOD FOOD FOOD ALLERGIES ALLERGIES ALLERGIES ALLERGIES YOU YOU YOU YOU MAY MAY MAY MAY HAVE HAVE HAVE HAVE PLEASE LET US KNOW ABOUT ANY FOOD ALLERGIES aware aware aware aware ss s s YOU MAY HAVE denotes denotes denotes denotes glutenglutenglutenglutenoption option option option PLEASE LET US KNOW ABOUT ANY FOOD ALLERGIES YOU MAY HAVE denotes glutenaware option s or Prices Prices Prices Prices do do do do not not not not include include include include levies levies levies levies imposed imposed imposed imposed by by by by Victoria Victoria Victoria Victoria ororor Ottawa Ottawa Ottawa Ottawa denotes gluten-aware options Prices do not include levies imposed by Victoria or Ottawa Prices do not include levies imposed by Victoria or Ottawa APPETIZERS APPETIZERS APPETIZERS APPETIZERS Kale & Artichoke Dip 12 Warm artichoke, baby kale, smoked gouda & cream cheese, served with garlic naan bread & tortilla Dip chips Kale Artichoke 12 Kale&& &Artichoke Artichoke Dip 12 Kale Kale Kale & & Artichoke Artichoke Dip Dip Dip 12 12 12 Dip Warm artichoke, baby kale, smoked gouda & cream cheese, served with garlic Warm artichoke, baby kale, smoked gouda & cream cheese, served with garlic Warm artichoke, baby kale, smoked gouda cheese, served with garlic Warm Warm artichoke, artichoke, artichoke, baby baby baby kale, kale, smoked smoked smoked gouda gouda gouda &&& cream cream cream cheese, cheese, cheese, served served served with with with garlic garlic garlic Poutine 9 naan bread tortilla chips naan bread tortilla chips naan bread && tortilla chips naan naan bread bread bread & && & tortilla tortilla tortilla chips chips Fresh cut Kennebec potatoes, cheese curds, house made gravy & green onions topped with your choice of bacon or pulled pork Poutine Poutine 9 Poutine9 Poutine Poutine Poutine 99 99 Fresh cut Kennebec potatoes, cheese curds, house made gravy & green Fresh cut Kennebec potatoes, cheese curds, house made gravy green Fresh cut Kennebec potatoes, cheese curds, house made gravy &&& green Fresh Fresh cut cut Kennebec Kennebec potatoes, potatoes, cheese cheese curds, curds, house house made made gravy gravy & green green Baja Fish Tacos (your 3) choice 15 onions topped with your bacon pulled pork onions topped with choice of bacon or pulled pork onions topped with your choice ofof bacon oror pulled pork onions onions topped topped with with your your choice choice of of bacon bacon or or pulled pulled pork pork Beer battered cod tacos topped with coleslaw, salsa fresco & house made tartar sauce Baja Fish ((((3) 15 Baja Fish T acos 3) 15 Baja Fish Tacos (3) 15 Baja Baja Baja Fish Fish Fish TT Tacos Tacos acos acos (3) 3) 3) 15 15 Steamed Local Mussels 16 Beer battered cod tacos topped with coleslaw, salsa fresco & house made tartar sauce Beer battered cod tacos topped with coleslaw, salsa fresco & house made Beer battered cod tacos topped with coleslaw, salsa fresco house made tartar sauce Beer Beer Beer battered battered battered cod cod cod tacos tacos tacos topped topped topped with with with coleslaw, coleslaw, coleslaw, salsa salsa salsa fresco fresco fresco &&& & house house house made made made tartar tartar tartar sauce sauce sauce In a sauce Thai coconut sauce & served with garlic toast tartar Steamed Local Mussels 16 Steamed Local Mussels 16 Steamed Steamed SteamedLocal Local LocalMussels Mussels Mussels 16 16 16 Yam Fries 7 In a Thai coconut sauce & served with garlic toast Steamed Local Mussels 16 Thai coconut sauce served with garlic toast InInIn Inaaa aThai Thai Thaicoconut coconut coconutsauce sauce sauce&&& &served served servedwith with withgarlic garlic garlictoast toast toast With chipotle aioli In a Thai coconut sauce & served with garlic toast Yam Fries Yam Fries Yam Yam YamFries Fries Fries 77 77 7 Tuna Tatakiaioli 13 With chipotle Yam Fries 7 With chipotle aioli With With Withchipotle chipotle chipotleaioli aioli aioli Seared tunaaioli with avocado With chipotle Tuna Tataki 13 Tuna Tataki 13 Tuna Tuna TunaTataki Tataki Tataki 13 13 13 WokTataki Style Calamari 12 Tuna 13 Seared tuna with avocado Seared tuna with avocado Seared Seared Searedtuna tuna tunawith with withavocado avocado avocado With a sweet ginger aioli, and topped with pureed jalapenos, garlic & ginger Seared tuna with avocado Wok Style Calamari 12 Wok Style Calamari 12 Wok Wok WokStyle Style Style Calamari Calamari Calamari 12 12 12 Bacon Prawns 12 With a sweet ginger aioli, and topped with pureed jalapenos, garlic & ginger Wok Calamari 12 WithaStyle asweet sweet gingeraioli, aioli,and andtopped toppedwith withpureed pureedjalapenos, jalapenos,garlic garlic & ginger With With With a a sweet sweet ginger ginger ginger aioli, aioli, and and topped topped with with pureed pureed jalapenos, jalapenos, garlic garlic & & & ginger ginger ginger Nine bacon wrapped prawns served with sweet ginger sauce With a sweet ginger aioli, & topped with puréed jalapeños, garlic & ginger Bacon Prawns 12 Bacon Prawns 12 Bacon Bacon Bacon Prawns Prawns Prawns 12 12 12 Beaver Tail Potatoprawns Skins served with sweet ginger sauce 12 Nine bacon wrapped Bacon Prawns 12 Nine bacon wrapped prawns served with sweet ginger sauce Nine Nine Nine bacon bacon bacon wrapped wrapped wrapped prawns prawns prawns served served served with with with sweet sweet sweet ginger ginger ginger sauce sauce sauce Cheddar, mozzarella, green onions & sour cream with your choice of bacon or pulled pork Nine bacon wrapped prawns served with sweet ginger sauce Beaver Tail Potato Skins 12 Beaver Tail Potato Skins 12 Beaver Beaver BeaverTail Tail TailPotato Potato PotatoSkins Skins Skins 12 12 12 Cheddar, mozzarella, green onions & sour cream with your choice of bacon or pulled pork Cheddar, mozzarella, green onions & sour cream with your choice of bacon or pulled pork Beaver Tail Potato Skins 12 Cheddar, Cheddar, Cheddar, mozzarella, mozzarella, mozzarella, green green green onions onions onions & & & sour sour sour cream cream cream with with with your your your choice choice choice of of of bacon bacon bacon or or or pulled pulled pulled pork pork pork Our WORLD FAMOUS Chicken Wings 10 wings 12 Cheddar, mozzarella, green onions & sour cream with your choice 16 of wings 16 Hot, honey garlic, teriyaki, BBQ, Thai Chili, bacon or pulled pork salt and pepper or lemon Chicken pepper Our WORLD FAMOUS Wings 10 wings 12 Our WORLD FAMOUS Chicken Wings 10 wings 12 Our Our OurWORLD WORLD WORLDFAMOUS FAMOUS FAMOUSChicken Chicken ChickenWings Wings Wings 10 10 10wings wings wings12 12 12 Hot, honey garlic, teriyaki, BBQ, Thai Chili, 16 wings 16 Hot, honey garlic, teriyaki, BBQ, Thai Chili, 16 wings 16 Hot, Hot, Hot, honey honey honey garlic, garlic, garlic, teriyaki, teriyaki, teriyaki, BBQ, BBQ, BBQ, Thai Thai Thai Chili, Chili, Chili, 16 16 16 wings wings wings 16 16 16 Our WORLD FAMOUS Chicken Wings 10 wings 12 Big ol’ pepper plate of Nachos 18 salt and lemon pepper salt and pepper or lemon pepper salt salt saltand and andpepper pepper pepper oror or or lemon lemon lemonpepper pepper pepper Hot, honey garlic, teriyaki, BBQ, Thai Chili, 16 wings 16 Jalapenos, black olives, tomatoes, green onions, sour cream salt & pepper or lemon pepper and our homemade salsa and guacamole Big ol’ plate of Nachos 18 Big ol’ plate of Nachos 18 Big Big Bigol’ ol’ ol’plate plate plateof of ofNachos Nachos Nachos 18 18 18 Add extra cheese $3 Add seasoned beef $2 Add Pulled Pork $3 Jalapenos, black olives, tomatoes, green onions, sour cream Jalapenos, black olives, tomatoes, green onions, sour cream Jalapenos, Jalapenos, Jalapenos, black black black olives, olives,tomatoes, tomatoes, tomatoes, green green greenonions, onions, onions,sour sour sourcream cream cream Big ol’ plate ofolives, Nachos 18 Small Nachos 14 and our homemade salsa and guacamole and our homemade salsa and guacamole Jalapenos, black olives, tomatoes, green onions, sour cream & our and and andour our ourhomemade homemade homemade salsa salsa salsa and and andguacamole guacamole guacamole Add extra cheese $3 Add seasoned beef $2 Add Pulled Pork $3 homemade salsa &$3 guacamole Add extra cheese $3 Add seasoned beef $2 Add Pulled Pork $3 Add Add Addextra extra extracheese cheese cheese $3 $3 Add Add Addseasoned seasoned seasonedbeef beef beef$2 $2 $2 Add Add AddPulled Pulled PulledPork Pork Pork$3 $3 $3 Steak Bites 12 Add extra cheese $3 Add seasoned beef $2 Add Pulled Pork 14 $3 Small Nachos Small Nachos 14 Small Small SmallNachos Nachos Nachos 14 14 14 With a pineapple soy marinade, cracked-pepper, sea salt & chipotle aioli Small Nachos 14 Steak Bites 12 Steak Bites 12 Steak Steak SteakBites Bites Bites 12 12 12 Frickles 10 With a pineapple soy marinade, cracked-pepper, sea salt & chipotle aioli Steak Bites 12 With a pineapple soy marinade, cracked-pepper, sea salt & chipotle aioli With With Withaaapineapple pineapple pineapplesoy soy soymarinade, marinade, marinade,cracked-pepper, cracked-pepper, cracked-pepper,sea sea seasalt salt salt&&&chipotle chipotle chipotleaioli aioli aioli Beer battered deep fried pickles, served with parmesan dip With a pineapple soy marinade, cracked-pepper, sea salt & chipotle aioli Frickles 10 Frickles 10 Frickles Frickles Frickles 10 10 10 Chicken Fingers 12 Frickles10 Beer battered deep fried pickles, served with parmesan dip Beer battered deep fried pickles, served with parmesan dip Beer Beer Beerbattered battered battereddeep deep deepfried fried friedpickles, pickles, pickles,served served servedwith with withparmesan parmesan parmesandip dip dip Tender chicken strips with honey mustard sauce & fries Beer battered deep fried pickles, served with parmesan dip Chicken Fingers 12 Chicken Fingers 12 Chicken Chicken ChickenFingers Fingers Fingers 12 12 12 The Beaver Damn 29 Chicken Fingers 12 Tender chicken strips with honey mustard sauce & fries Tender chicken strips with honey mustard sauce & fries Tender Tender Tenderchicken chicken chickenstrips strips stripswith with withhoney honey honeymustard mustard mustardsauce sauce sauce&&&fries fries fries A bigchicken ol’ platestrips with with wings, potato skins sauce with bacon, Tender honey mustard & friessteak bites & kale and artichoke dip Damn served with tortilla chips & naan bread The Beaver 29 The Beaver Damn 29 The The TheBeaver Beaver BeaverDamn Damn Damn 29 29 29 (Beaver Damn is not included in with 2with for 1 promo) The Beaver Damn 30 & and A big ol’ plate with wings, potato skins bacon, steak bites kale & and A big ol’ plate with wings, potato skins bacon, steak bites kale and and AAAbig big bigol’ ol’ ol’plate plate platewith with withwings, wings, wings,potato potato potatoskins skins skinswith with withbacon, bacon, bacon,steak steak steakbites bites bites&&&kale kale kaleand Aartichoke big ol’ plate with wings, potato skins bacon, steak bites, & dip served with tortilla chips & naan bread artichoke dipserved served withtortilla tortillachips chips&with &naan naan bread artichoke artichoke artichoke dip dip dip served served with with with tortilla tortilla chips chips && naan naan bread bread bread kale & artichoke dip served with tortilla chips & naan bread. (Beaver Damn is not included in 2 for 1 promo) (BeaverDamn Damnisisis isnot notincluded included in 2for for111 1promo) promo) (Beaver (Beaver (Beaver Damn Damn not not included included in in in 222 for for promo) promo) LATE NIGHT EATS! (Beaver Damn is not included in 2 for 1 promo) After 10pm we still offer appetizers, fish and chips, pizzas and desserts. PLEASE LET US KNOW LATE ABOUT NIGHT ANY FOOD EATS! ALLERGIES YOU MAY HAVE LATE NIGHT EATS! LATE LATE NIGHT NIGHT EATS! EATS! After 10pm we still offer denotes appetizers, gluten-aware fish and chips, options pizzas and desserts. After 10pm we still offer appetizers, fish and chips, pizzas desserts. After After After10pm 10pm 10pmwe we westill still stilloffer offer offerappetizers, appetizers, appetizers, fish fish fish and and and chips, chips, pizzas pizzasand and and desserts. desserts. desserts. After 10pm still offer appetizers, fish & chips, chips, pizzas &and desserts. Prices do not include levies imposed by Victoria or Ottawa PLEASE LET US KNOW ABOUT ANY FOOD ALLERGIES YOU MAY HAVE PLEASE LET US KNOW ABOUT ANY FOOD ALLERGIES YOU MAY HAVE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE LET LET LET US US US KNOW KNOW KNOW ABOUT ABOUT ABOUT ANY ANY ANY FOOD FOOD FOOD ALLERGIES ALLERGIES ALLERGIES YOU YOU YOU MAY MAY MAY HAVE HAVE HAVE denotes gluten-aware options denotes gluten-aware options denotes denotes denotesgluten-aware gluten-aware gluten-awareoptions options options Prices do not include levies imposed by Victoria Ottawa Prices do not include levies imposed by Victoria or Ottawa Prices Prices Pricesdo do donot not notinclude include includelevies levies leviesimposed imposed imposedby by byVictoria Victoria Victoriaoror or orOttawa Ottawa Ottawa Chef's Soup SOUPS + SALADS SOUPS SALADS SOUPS+++SALADS SALADS SOUPS 7 Clam Chowder 7 Chef's Soup Chef's Soup Chef's Chef's Chef's Soup Soup Soup 7 77 77 Chef’s Soup New England style with clams, potatoes, sweet corn & our own blend of spices Clam Chowder Chowder Clam Chowder ClamChowder Chowder 7 Clam Clam Chowder 77 77 Caesar Salad As traditional as it gets 10 New England style with clams, potatoes, sweet corn & our own blend of spices New England style with clams, potatoes, sweet corn our own blend of spices NewEngland Englandstyle stylewith withclams, clams,potatoes, potatoes,sweet sweetcorn corn&&& &our ourown ownblend blendofof ofspices spices New New England style with clams, potatoes, sweet corn our own blend spices ½ Caesar Salad 8 Caesar Salad as traditional as it gets 10 Add grilled seasoned chicken $5 Add sautéed prawns (8) $5 Caesar Salad As traditional as it gets 10 Caesar Salad Astraditional traditionalas asititit itgets gets 10 Salad As traditional as gets 10 Caesar Caesar Salad Salad As As traditional as gets 10 10 ½Caesar Caesar Salad 8 ½ Caesar Salad 8 ½ Caesar Salad ½ Caesar Salad 8 ½ ½ Caesar Caesar Salad Salad 8 88 Add grilled seasoned chicken $5 Add sautéed prawns (8) $5 Cobb Salad 16 Add grilled seasoned chicken $5 Add sautéed prawns (8) $5 Add grilled seasoned chicken $5 Add sautéed prawns (8) $5 Addgrilled grilledseasoned seasonedchicken chicken$5 $5Add Addsautéed sautéedprawns prawns(8) (8)$5 $5 Add Add grilled seasoned chicken $5 Add sautéed prawns (8) $5 Chopped romaine lettuce, grilled chicken, bacon, cherry tomatoes, edamame beans, Cobb Salad 17 candied pecans, cheese, hard-boiled craisins & ranch dressing Chopped romaine lettuce,blue grilled chicken, bacon, egg, cherry tomatoes, edamame beans, Cobb Salad 16 CobbSalad Salad Danish 16 Cobb Salad 16 Cobb Cobb Salad 16 16 candied pecans, Danish blue cheese, hard-boiled egg, craisins & ranch dressing Chopped romaine lettuce, grilled chicken, bacon, cherry tomatoes, edamame beans, Choppedromaine romainelettuce, lettuce,grilled grilledchicken, chicken,bacon, bacon,cherry cherrytomatoes, tomatoes,edamame edamamebeans, beans, Chopped romaine lettuce, grilled chicken, bacon, cherry tomatoes, edamame beans, Chopped Chopped romaine lettuce, grilled chicken, bacon, cherry tomatoes, edamame beans, West Coast Salmon Salad 16 candied pecans, Danish blue cheese, hard-boiled egg, craisins ranch dressing candied pecans, Danishblue bluecheese, cheese,hard-boiled hard-boiledegg, egg,craisins craisins&& &ranch ranchdressing dressing 17 candied pecans, Danish blue cheese, hard-boiled egg, craisins ranch dressing candied candied pecans, pecans, Danish Danish blue cheese, hard-boiled egg, craisins && ranch dressing West Salmon GrilledCoast Wild BC SalmonSalad fillet, with fresh arugula, spinach, goat cheese, edamame Grilled wild BC salmon fillet, with fresh arugula, spinach, goat cheese, edamame beans, cherrySalmon tomatoes,Salad mandarinoranges oranges&&pine pinenuts, nuts in West Coast 16 WestCoast Coast Salmon Salad 16 beans, cherry tomatoes, mandarin in a a honey-dijon honey-dijon vinaigrette vinaigrette West Coast Salmon Salad 16 West West Coast Salmon Salmon Salad Salad 16 16 Grilled Wild BC Salmon fillet, with fresh arugula, spinach, goat cheese, edamame Grilled Wild BC Salmon fillet, with fresh arugula, spinach, goat cheese, edamame GrilledWild WildBC BCSalmon Salmonfillet, fillet,with withfresh fresharugula, arugula,spinach, spinach,goat goatcheese, cheese,edamame edamame Grilled Grilled Wild BC Salmon fillet, with fresh arugula, spinach, goat cheese, edamame Sesame Crusted Tuna Salad oranges 17 Sesame Crusted Tuna Salad 18 beans, cherry tomatoes, mandarin pine nuts honey-dijon vinaigrette beans, cherry tomatoes, mandarin oranges pine nuts honey-dijon vinaigrette beans, beans, beans,cherry cherry cherrytomatoes, tomatoes, tomatoes,mandarin mandarin mandarinoranges oranges oranges&& && &pine pine pinenuts nuts nutsinin inin inaa aa ahoney-dijon honey-dijon honey-dijonvinaigrette vinaigrette vinaigrette Seared wonton sesame seeds Seared tuna, Tuna,fresh freshmango, mango,avocado, avocado,edamame Edamame,beans, wonton crisps,crisps, sesame &seeds pickled ginger with a cilantro-ginger vinaigrette andCrusted pickled ginger with a cilantro-ginger vinaigrette Sesame Tuna Salad 17 Sesame Crusted TunaSalad Salad 17 Sesame Crusted Tuna Salad 17 Sesame Sesame Crusted Crusted Tuna Tuna Salad 17 17 Seared Tuna, fresh mango, avocado, Edamame, wonton crisps, sesame Seared Tuna, fresh mango, avocado, Edamame, wonton crisps, sesame Bocconcini Prawn Salad 16 SearedTuna, Tuna,fresh freshmango, mango, avocado,Edamame, Edamame,wonton wontoncrisps, crisps,sesame sesame Seared Seared Tuna, fresh mango, avocado, avocado, Edamame, wonton crisps, sesame seeds and pickled ginger with cilantro-ginger vinaigrette Sautéed prawns, bocconcini, mesclun greens, avocado, roma tomatoes, & basil in a honey seeds and pickled ginger with cilantro-ginger vinaigrette seedsand and pickled gingerwith with acilantro-ginger cilantro-ginger vinaigrette seeds seeds and pickled pickled ginger ginger with aa aa cilantro-ginger vinaigrette vinaigrette balsamic vinaigrette PLATES PLATES PLATES PLATES Fish & Chips (our house special) with our micro-brewed beer batter Halibut 1 piece 15 2 piece 20 Cod 1 piecebeer 12batter2 piece 16 Fish & Chips (our house special) with our micro-brewed Fish & Chips (our house special) with our micro-brewed beer batter Fish Fish Fish&& &Chips Chips Chips(our (our (ourhouse house housespecial) special) special)with with withour our ourmicro-brewed micro-brewed micro-brewedbeer beer beerbatter batter batter Crispy beer battered cod with tartar sauce, fries & coleslaw Halibut 1 piece 15 piece 20 Halibut 1piece piece15 15 2 piece 2piece piece16 20 Halibut Halibut Halibut 1 1 1 piece piece 15 15 22 22 piece piece 20 20 20 1 piece 12 Cod 1 piece 12 2 piece 16 Cod 1 piece 12 2 piece 16 Cod Cod Cod 1 1 1 piece piece piece 12 12 12 2 2 2 piece piece piece 16 16 16 Butter Chicken 14 Butter Chicken 15 Tender strips of chicken, white onions, savoury butter chicken sauce, Tender stripsserved of chicken, white onions, butter chicken sauce, & almonds & almonds with jasmine rice & savoury naan bread Butter Chicken 14 Butter Chicken 14 Butter Butter ButterChicken Chicken Chicken 14 14 14 served with jasmine rice & naan bread Tender strips of chicken, white onions, savoury butter chicken sauce, Tender strips of chicken, white onions, savoury butter chicken sauce, Tender Tender Tender strips strips strips of of of chicken, chicken, chicken, white white white onions, onions, onions, savoury savoury savoury butter butter butter chicken chicken chicken sauce, sauce, sauce, Pad Thai served with jasmine rice & naan bread 15 almonds & almonds served with jasmine rice naan bread Pad Thai served 16 && & & almonds almonds almonds served served with with with jasmine jasmine jasminerice rice rice&&& &naan naan naanbread bread bread & Thai sauce with your Rice noodles, eggs, Szechuan vegetables, almonds Rice noodles, eggs,orSzechuan choice of chicken prawns vegetables, almonds & Thai sauce with your Pad Thai 15 Pad Thai 15 choice of chicken or prawns Pad Pad PadThai Thai Thai 15 15 15 Rice noodles, eggs, Szechuan vegetables, almonds & Thai sauce with your Rice noodles, eggs, Szechuan vegetables, almonds & Thai sauce with your Rice Rice Rice noodles, noodles, noodles, eggs, eggs, eggs, Szechuan Szechuan Szechuan vegetables, vegetables, vegetables, almonds almonds almonds & & & Thai Thai Thai sauce sauce sauce with with with your your your Seafood Grill 21 choice chicken prawns Seafood Grill oror 21 choice of chicken or prawns choice choice choice ofof of ofchicken chicken chicken or orprawns prawns prawns Two seafood skewers withsalmon, salmon,cod, halibut, andprawns prawnsininaaginger-soy ginger-soyglaze, glaze, Two seafood skewers with & tiger withjasmine jasmine rice&&seasonal seasonalvegetables. vegetables with rice Seafood Grill 21 SeafoodGrill Grill 21 Seafood Seafood Seafood Grill Grill 21 21 21 Two seafood skewers with salmon, halibut, and prawns in a ginger-soy glaze, Two seafood skewers with salmon, halibut, and prawns in a ginger-soy glaze, Two Two Two seafood seafood seafood skewers skewers skewers with with with salmon, salmon, salmon, halibut, halibut, halibut, and and and prawns prawns prawns in in in a a a ginger-soy ginger-soy ginger-soy glaze, glaze, glaze, Halfjasmine Chicken Under Brick 18 Half Chicken Under Brick 19 with rice & seasonal vegetables with jasmine rice seasonal vegetables with with withjasmine jasmine jasmine rice rice rice & && &seasonal seasonal seasonal vegetables vegetables vegetables Blackened, half chicken grilled underaabrick, brick,drizzled drizzledin inBBQ BBQsauce, sauce,served with Blackened, half chicken grilled under served with scalloped potatoes & seasonal vegetables scalloped potatoes & seasonal vegetables Half Chicken Under Brick 18 HalfChicken Chicken Under Brick 18 Half Half Half Chicken ChickenUnder Under UnderBrick Brick Brick 18 18 18 Blackened, half chicken grilled under a brick, drizzled in BBQ sauce, Blackened, half chicken grilled under a brick, drizzled in BBQ sauce, Blackened, Blackened, Blackened, half half half chicken chicken chicken grilled grilled grilled under under under a a a brick, brick, brick, drizzled drizzled drizzled in in in BBQ BBQ BBQ sauce, sauce, sauce, BBQ Ribs BBQ Ribs served with scalloped potatoes & seasonal vegetables served with scalloped potatoes & seasonal vegetables served served served with with withscalloped scalloped scalloped potatoes potatoes potatoes &with &seasonal seasonal seasonal vegetables vegetables vegetables Slow roasted BBQ ribs scalloped potatoes Slow Roasted BBQglazed glazed ribs&with scalloped potatoes&&coleslaw coleslaw full rack full rack23 22 BBQ Ribs Ribs BBQ half half rack 17 BBQ BBQ BBQRibs Ribs Ribs rack 16 Slow Roasted BBQ glazed ribs with scalloped potatoes coleslaw Slow Roasted BBQ glazed ribs with scalloped potatoes coleslaw Slow Slow SlowRoasted Roasted RoastedBBQ BBQ BBQglazed glazed glazedribs ribs ribswith with withscalloped scalloped scallopedpotatoes potatoes potatoes&& && &coleslaw coleslaw coleslaw full rack 22 full rack 22 Baked Macaroni & Cheese full full fullrack rack rack22 22 22 Saffron Risotto 16 half rack 16 In a house made 4 cheese sauce, served with Caesar salad & garlic half toast14 half rack 16 half half rack rack rack 16 16 16 Prawns, mussels, chicken, chorizo sausage, red peppers, onions, over saffron Add spicy chorizo $3 Add pulled pork $3 rice with Risotto fresh tomatoes & garlic toast Saffron 16 Saffron Risotto 16 Saffron Saffron SaffronRisotto Risotto Risotto 16 16 16 Saffron Rissotto 17 Prawns, mussels, chicken, chorizo sausage, red peppers, onions, over saffron Prawns, mussels, chicken, chorizo sausage, red peppers, onions, over saffron Prawns, Prawns, Prawns, mussels, mussels, mussels,chicken, chicken, chicken,chorizo chorizo chorizosausage, sausage, sausage,red red redpeppers, peppers, peppers,onions, onions, onions,over over oversaffron saffron saffron Surf & Turf 22 Prawns, mussels, chicken, chorizo sausage, red peppers, onions, over saffron rice with fresh tomatoes garlic toast rice with fresh tomatoes garlic toast rice rice rice with with withfresh fresh freshtomatoes tomatoes tomatoes && && &garlic garlic garlic toast toast toast Grilled Angus Sirloin Steak, 8 sauteed garlic prawns, rice with8oz freshCertified tomatoes & garlic toast scalloped potatoes & seasonal vegetables Surf Turf 22 Surf & Turf 22 Surf Surf Surf&& & &Turf Turf Turf 22 22 22 Surf & Turf 24 Grilled 8oz Certified Angus Sirloin Steak, 8 sauteed garlic prawns, Grilled 8oz Certified Angus Sirloin Steak, 8 sauteed garlic prawns, Grilled Grilled 8oz Certified Angus Sirloin Steak, sauteed garlic prawns, Grilled8oz 8ozCertified CertifiedAngus AngusSirloin SirloinSteak, Steak,8888sauteed sauteedgarlic garlicprawns, prawns, Grilled 8oz Certified Angus sirloin steak, sautéed garlic prawns, Seafood Hotpot 17 scalloped potatoes & seasonal vegetables scalloped potatoes seasonal vegetables scalloped scalloped potatoes && seasonal vegetables scalloped potatoes& &seasonal seasonal vegetables Mussels,potatoes prawns, cod, halibut,vegetables salmon, Bok Choi & rice noodles in a Thai coconut broth with garlic toast Seafood Hotpot 17 Seafood Hotpot 17 Seafood Seafood SeafoodHotpot Hotpot Hotpot 17 17 17 Hotpot 18 Mussels, prawns, cod, halibut, salmon, Bok Choi & rice noodles in a Mussels, prawns, cod, halibut, salmon, Bok Choi & rice noodles in a Mussels, prawns, cod, salmon, bok choi & rice noodles in a Thai coconut broth with Mussels, Mussels,prawns, prawns,cod, cod,halibut, halibut, halibut,salmon, salmon, salmon,Bok Bok BokChoi Choi Choi&&&rice rice ricenoodles noodles noodlesinininaaa Thai coconut broth with garlic toast Thai coconut broth with garlic toast garlic toast broth Thai Thai Thaicoconut coconut coconut broth brothwith with withgarlic garlic garlictoast toast toast BURGERS + SANDWICHES BURGERS SANDWICHES BURGERS+++SANDWICHES SANDWICHES BURGERS Burgers & sandwiches come with choice of fries, tossed or Caesar salad ½ fries & ½ salad add $2 / sub yam fries $3 / sub poutine $3 / Sub a gluten free ciabatta bun $2 Burgers & sandwiches come with choice of fries, tossed or Caesar salad Burgers sandwiches come with choice fries, tossed or Caesar salad Bi – plane Burger All beef, 6oz Chopped Steak Burger Burgers Burgers Burgers &&& & sandwiches sandwiches sandwiches come come come with with with choice choice choice ofof of fries, fries, fries, tossed tossed tossed oror or Caesar Caesar Caesar salad salad salad All burgers and sandwiches come with your of choice of fries, tossed or Caesar salad 12 fries & salad add $2 yam fries $3 sub poutine $3 free ciabatta bun $2 ½ fries ½ salad add $2 / sub yam fries $3 / sub poutine $3 / Sub a gluten free ciabatta bun $2 Add cheese, sautéed mushrooms or caramelized onions each 1.5 ½½ ½ ½ fries fries fries && & ½½ ½ ½ salad salad salad add add add $2 $2 $2 // /sub /sub sub sub yam yam yam fries fries fries $3 $3 $3 // /sub /$3/sub sub sub poutine poutine poutine $3 $3 $3 // /Sub /Sub Sub Sub aa agluten agluten gluten gluten free free ciabatta ciabatta ciabatta bun bun bun $2 $2 $2 ½& fries & ½bacon, salad add $2/sub yam fries poutine $3/sub side free mac & cheese $3/ sub onion rings $3 sub a gluten-free ciabatta bun $2 Bi plane Burger All beef, 6oz Chopped Steak Burger 12 Bi plane Burger All beef, 6oz Chopped Steak Burger 12 Bad Boy Burger The full load, cheese, bacon, mushrooms 16 Bi Bi Bi –––––plane plane plane Burger Burger Burger All All All beef, beef, beef, 6oz 6oz 6oz Chopped Chopped Chopped Steak Steak Steak Burger Burger Burger& carmelized onions 12 12 12 Add cheese, bacon, sautéed mushrooms or caramelized onions each 1.5 Add cheese, bacon, sautéed mushrooms or caramelized onions each 1.5 Add Add Add cheese, cheese, bacon, bacon,sautéed sautéed sautéed mushrooms mushrooms mushrooms oror orcaramelized caramelized caramelized onions onions onions each each each 1.5 1.5 1.5 Bi –cheese, planebacon, Burger…All beef, 6oz chopped steak burger 13 Black and Blue Burger Spice rub, crumbled blue cheese onions & onion strings Each 1.5 15 Add cheese, bacon, sautéed mushrooms OR caramelized Bad Boy Burger The full load, cheese, bacon, mushrooms & carmelized onions 16 Bad Boy Burger The full load, cheese, bacon, mushrooms carmelized onions 16 Bad Bad BadBoy Boy BoyBurger Burger BurgerThe The The full full full load, load, load, cheese, cheese, cheese, bacon, bacon, bacon, mushrooms mushrooms mushrooms &&& & carmelized carmelized carmelized onions onions onions 16 16 16 Homemade Bison 14 Bad Boy Burger theBurger full load, cheese, bacon, mushrooms & caramelized onions17 Black and Blue Burger Spice rub, crumbled blue cheese onion strings 15 Black and Blue Burger Spice rub, crumbled blue cheese strings 15 A home-made bison meatSpice patty, with smokedblue gouda cheese &onion caramelized Black Black Black and and andBlue Blue Blue Burger Burger Burger Spice Spice rub, rub, rub, crumbled crumbled crumbled blue blue cheese cheese cheese && && & onion onion onion strings strings strings onions 15 15 15 Homemade Bison Burger 15 Homemade Bison Burger 14 Homemade Bison Burger 14 Veggie Burger 12 Homemade Homemade Homemade Bison Bison Bison Burger Burger 14 14 14 A house-made bisonBurger meat patty, with smoked gouda cheese & caramelized onions A home-made bison meat patty, with smoked gouda cheese & caramelized onions home-made bison meat patty, with smoked gouda cheese caramelized onions Mushroom veggie patty, goat cheese, guacamole &cheese pesto mayonnaise AAA A home-made home-made home-made bison bison bison meat meat meatpatty, patty, patty, with with withsmoked smoked smoked gouda gouda gouda cheese cheese &&& &caramelized caramelized caramelizedonions onions onions Veggie Burger 13 Veggie Burger 12 Veggie Burger 12 Wild BC Salmon Burger 15 Veggie Veggie Veggie Burger Burger Burger 12 12 12 Mushroom veggie patty, goat cheese, guacamole & pesto mayonnaise Mushroom veggie patty, goat cheese, guacamole & pesto mayonnaise Mushroom veggie patty, goat cheese, guacamole pesto mayonnaise Our famous salmon burger incheese, a hoisin ginger glaze & topped with seaweed salad Mushroom Mushroom Mushroom veggie veggie veggie patty, patty, patty, goat goat goat cheese, cheese, guacamole guacamole guacamole &&& &pesto pesto pesto mayonnaise mayonnaise mayonnaise WildBC BCSalmon SalmonBurger Burger 15 Wild 15 Wild BC Salmon Burger 15 Pulled Pork Sandwich 13 Wild Wild Wild BC BC BC Salmon Salmon Salmon Burger Burger Burger 15 15 15 Ourfamous famous salmon burgerininaahoisin hoisinginger gingerglaze glaze&&topped toppedwith withseaweed seaweedsalad salad Our salmon burger Our famous salmon burger hoisin ginger glaze topped with seaweed salad Delicious slow roasted pork, BBQ sauce, and & coleslaw on a seaweed brioche bun Our Our Our famous famous famous salmon salmon salmon burger burger burger ininin inawith aa ahoisin hoisin hoisin ginger ginger ginger glaze glaze glaze && &topped topped topped with with with seaweed seaweed salad salad salad PulledPork PorkSandwich Sandwich 13 Pulled 13 Pulled Pork Sandwich 13 Crispy Chicken Burger 14 Pulled Pulled Pulled Pork Pork Pork Sandwich Sandwich Sandwich 13 13 13 Delicious slow roasted pork,with withBBQ BBQsauce, sauce,and & coleslaw ononaabrioche bun Delicious slow roasted pork, coleslaw brioche bun Delicious slow roasted pork, with BBQ sauce, and coleslaw on brioche bun Crispy chicken breast,pork, avocado, bacon & smoked gouda served on a brioche Delicious Delicious Delicious slow slow slowroasted roasted roasted pork, pork,with with withBBQ BBQ BBQsauce, sauce, sauce, and and andcoleslaw coleslaw coleslaw on on onaaa abrioche brioche brioche bun bun bun bun with Chicken chipotle aioli Grilled Burger 14 Crispy Chicken Burger 14 Crispy Chicken Burger 14 Crispy Crispy Crispy Chicken Chicken Chicken Burger Burger Burger 14 14 Spice rubbed chicken breast, bacon & smoked gouda served onon a brioche bun 14 Crispy chicken breast, avocado, bacon & smoked gouda served a brioche Crispy chicken breast, avocado, bacon smoked gouda served on brioche Beef chicken Dip 14 Crispy Crispy Crispy chicken chickenbreast, breast, breast,avocado, avocado, avocado,bacon bacon bacon&&& &smoked smoked smokedgouda gouda goudaserved served servedon on onaaa abrioche brioche brioche bun with chipotle aioli bun with chipotle aioli Fresh ciabatta baguette bun bun bun with with with chipotle chipotle chipotle aioli aioli aioli with shaved sirloin, Monterey Jack cheese, Beef Dip 14 shoe-string onions, horseradish aioli & homemonterey made au jack jus cheese, FreshDip ciabatta baguette with shaved sirloin, Beef 14 Beef Dip 14 Beef Beef Beef Dip Dip Dip 14 14 14 crispy onion rings, horseradish aioli & house made au jus cheese, Fresh ciabatta baguette with shaved sirloin, Monterey Jack Fresh ciabatta baguette with shaved sirloin, Monterey Jack cheese, Steak Sandwich 17 Fresh Fresh Freshciabatta ciabatta ciabattabaguette baguette baguettewith with withshaved shaved shavedsirloin, sirloin, sirloin,Monterey Monterey MontereyJack Jack Jackcheese, cheese, cheese, & shoe-string onions, horseradish aioli home made au jus & shoe-string onions, horseradish aioli home made au jus 6oz Sirloin, caramelized onions, mushrooms, & horseradish aioli & & & shoe-string shoe-string shoe-string onions, onions, onions, horseradish horseradish horseradish aioli aioli aioli home home home made made made au au au jus jus jus Steak Sandwich 18 6oz sirloin with horseradish aioli & crispy onion rings Steak Sandwich 17 Steak Sandwich 17 Seafood & Avocado Salad Sandwich 14 Steak Steak SteakSandwich Sandwich Sandwich 17 17 17 6oz Sirloin, caramelized onions, mushrooms, & horseradish aioli 6oz Sirloin, caramelized onions, mushrooms, &horseradish horseradish aiolion sour dough cod, Shrimp, salmon, halibut,onions, tuna, bacon and avocado, served 6oz 6oz 6oz Sirloin, Sirloin, Sirloin, caramelized caramelized caramelized onions, onions, mushrooms, mushrooms, mushrooms, & & & horseradish horseradish aioli aioli aioli Seafood & Avocado Salad Sandwich 14 Shrimp, salmon, cod, tuna, bacon & avocado, served on sour dough Seafood Avocado Salad Sandwich 14 Seafood & Avocado Salad Sandwich 14 Seafood Seafood Seafood&& & &Avocado Avocado AvocadoSalad Salad SaladSandwich Sandwich Sandwich 14 14 14 cod, Shrimp, salmon, halibut, tuna, bacon and avocado, served on sour dough Buffalo Chicken Wrap cod, Shrimp,salmon, salmon,halibut, halibut,cod, tuna,bacon baconand andavocado, avocado,served servedon onsour sourdough dough 13 cod, cod, Shrimp, Shrimp, Shrimp, salmon, salmon, halibut, halibut, tuna, tuna, tuna, bacon bacon and and avocado, avocado, served served on on sour sour dough dough Buffalo Chicken Wrap 14 Crispy seasoned strips of chicken, hot sauce, ranch dressing, lettuce, tomatoes Crispy seasoned strips of chicken, hot sauce, ranch dressing, lettuce, tomatoes and mixed cheese, wrapped in a tortilla & mixed cheese, wrapped in a tortilla Buffalo Chicken Wrap 13 Buffalo Chicken Wrap 13 Buffalo Buffalo BuffaloChicken Chicken ChickenWrap Wrap Wrap 13 13 13 Crispy seasoned strips chicken, hot sauce, ranch dressing, lettuce, tomatoes Crispy seasoned strips of chicken, hot sauce, ranch dressing, lettuce, tomatoes Crispy Crispy Crispyseasoned seasoned seasonedstrips strips stripsofof of ofchicken, chicken, chicken,hot hot hotsauce, sauce, sauce,ranch ranch ranchdressing, dressing, dressing,lettuce, lettuce, lettuce,tomatoes tomatoes tomatoes and mixed cheese, wrapped tortilla and mixed cheese, wrapped tortilla and and andmixed mixed mixedcheese, cheese, cheese,wrapped wrapped wrappedinin inin inaa aa atortilla tortilla tortilla STONE OVEN PIZZA STONE OVEN PIZZA STONEOVEN OVENPIZZA PIZZA STONE Beaver Margarita Margarita Pizza Pizza 13 Beaver 13 Mozzarella cheese, cheese, fresh fresh basil, basil,roma romatomatoes tomatoeson onaabed bedofofhome housemade made tomato sauce Mozzarella tomato sauce Beaver Margarita Pizza 13 The Redneck Redneck Pizza 15 Beaver Margarita Pizza 13 The Pizza 15 Beaver Beaver Beaver Margarita Margarita Margarita Pizza Pizza Pizza 13 13 13 Mozzarella cheese, fresh basil, roma tomatoes on bed home made tomato sauce Spiced beef, beef, pepperoni, ham, capicolla, bacon, mozzarella cheese &tomato Mozzarella cheese, fresh basil, roma tomatoes on a bed home made tomato sauce Spiced pepperoni, ham, capicolla, bacon, cheese & Mozzarella Mozzarella Mozzarella cheese, cheese, cheese, fresh fresh freshbasil, basil, basil,roma roma romatomatoes tomatoes tomatoes on on onaa amozzarella abed bed bedofof ofof ofhome home home made made made tomato tomatosauce sauce sauce tomato (only (only because because we we have have to) to) sauce sauce tomato The Redneck Pizza 15 The Redneck Pizza 15 The The TheRedneck Redneck RedneckPizza Pizza Pizza 15 15 15 Pesto beef, Shrimp Pizza ham, 15 Spiced pepperoni, capicolla, bacon, mozzarella cheese & Spiced beef, pepperoni, ham, capicolla, bacon, mozzarella cheese & Pesto Shrimp Pizza 15 Spiced Spiced Spiced beef, beef, beef, pepperoni, pepperoni, pepperoni, ham, ham, ham, capicolla, capicolla, capicolla, bacon, bacon, bacon, mozzarella mozzarella mozzarella cheese cheese cheese & & & Shrimp,(only spinach, red we peppers, feta & mozzarella cheese with pesto sauce tomato because have to) sauce tomato (only because we have to) sauce Shrimp, spinach, redwe peppers, feta & mozzarella cheese with pesto sauce tomato tomato tomato (only (only (only because because because we wehave have haveto) to) to)sauce sauce sauce Short Shrimp Rib Pizza 15 Pesto Pizza 15 Pesto Shrimp Pizza 15 Pesto Pesto Pesto Shrimp Shrimp Shrimp Pizza Pizza Pizza 15 15 15 Braised short rib, blue-demi glaze, caramelized onions, cherry tomatoes, Shrimp, spinach, red peppers, feta & mozzarella cheese with pesto sauce Shrimp, spinach, red peppers, feta & mozzarella cheese with pesto sauce Shrimp, Shrimp, Shrimp, spinach, spinach, spinach, red red red peppers, peppers, peppers, feta feta feta&&&mozzarella mozzarella mozzarellacheese cheese cheesewith with withpesto pesto pestosauce sauce sauce mozzarella cheese & fresh arugula DESSERTS DESSERTS DESSERTS DESSERTS Apple Pie Just like mama makes it, warmed up with caramel sauce and vanilla ice cream 7 ApplePie Pie 77 Apple Apple Pie Raspberry Cheesecake Madeup here the Beaver with& raspberry coulis Apple Apple Apple Pie Pie Pie 77 77 Justlike like mama makesit,it, it,warmed warmed withatcaramel caramel sauce vanilla ice cream Just mama makes up with sauce and vanilla ice cream Just like mama makes warmed up with caramel sauce and vanilla ice cream Just Just Justlike like likemama mama mamamakes makes makesit,it,it,warmed warmed warmedup up upwith with withcaramel caramel caramelsauce sauce sauceand and andvanilla vanilla vanillaice ice icecream cream cream Chocolate 7 RaspberryBrownie CheesecakeMade here at the Beaver with raspberry coulis 7 Raspberry Cheesecake 7 Raspberry Cheesecake Made here at the Beaver with raspberry coulis 7 House-baked brownie with pecans, chocolate sauce, whip cream & vanilla ice cream Raspberry Raspberry Raspberry Cheesecake Cheesecake Cheesecake Made Made Made here here here at at at the the the Beaver Beaver Beaver with with with raspberry raspberry raspberry coulis coulis coulis 7 7 7 Made here at the Beaver with raspberry coulis Chocolate Brownie 7 Chocolate Brownie Mocha Mud Pie Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Brownie Brownie Brownie 77 77 7 Sticky Toffee Pudding Cake chocolate sauce, whip cream & vanilla ice cream House-baked brownie with pecans, House-baked brownie with pecans, chocolate sauce, whip cream & vanilla ice cream Chocolate and coffee ice cream with an oreo cookie base & chocolate sauce House-baked House-baked House-baked brownie brownie brownie with with with pecans, pecans, pecans, chocolate chocolate chocolate sauce, sauce, sauce, whip whip whip cream cream cream & & & vanilla vanilla vanilla ice ice ice cream cream cream Oven baked & topped with vanilla ice cream, caramel coulis & whip cream Mocha Mud Pie 7 Mocha MudPie Pie The Beaver Trio 11 Mocha Mocha Mocha Mud Mud Mud Pie Pie 7 77 7 Pie 7 Chocolate and coffee ice cream with an oreo cookie base & chocolate sauce Chocolate and coffee ice cream with an oreo cookie base & chocolate sauce Oreo cookie base &chocolate chocolate sauce Can’t choose just one? You don’t have to with the trio you can have three of our Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate and and andcoffee coffee coffee ice ice icecream cream cream with with with an an anoreo oreo oreo cookie cookie cookie base base base &&& chocolate chocolate sauce sauce sauce favourites; the Raspberry Cheesecake, Chocolate Brownie & Mocha Mud Pie The Beaver Trio 11 The Beaver Trio 11 Trio 11 The The TheBeaver Beaver BeaverTrio Trio Trio 11 11 11 Can’t choose just one? You don’t have with the trio you can have three our Can’t choose just one? You don’t have with the trio you can have three of our to! With the trio you can have three of our Can’t Can’t Can’tchoose choose choosejust just justone? one? one?You You Youdon’t don’t don’thave have havetoto toto to with with with the the the trio trio trio you you you can can can have have have three three three ofof of ofour our our favourites; the Raspberry Cheesecake, Chocolate Brownie Mocha Mud Pie Toffee Pudding Cake &Mocha Mocha Mud Pie favourites; the Raspberry Cheesecake, Chocolate Brownie Mud Pie favourites; favourites; favourites;the the theRaspberry Raspberry RaspberryCheesecake, Cheesecake, Cheesecake,Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Brownie Brownie Brownie && && &Mocha Mocha Mocha Mud Mud Mud Pie Pie Pie
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