Annual Report - The National Ballet of Canada


Annual Report - The National Ballet of Canada
for our Donor Community
Table of Contents
“Stamina, guts and
passion are what define
this company right now.”
National Post
“A company that can
perform classical and
contemporary ballet with
equal aplomb.”
The Globe and Mail
Message from Karen Kain, Artistic Director
Message from Barry Hughson, Executive Director
Message from David Binet, Chair, Board of Directors
Grant Thornton Auditors’ Report
Summary Financial Statements
Selected Statistics: Revenue 2013/14
Selected Statistics: Attendance 2013/14
The National Ballet of Canada 2013/14 Board of Directors
2013/14 Committees
Artistic Excellence
Roster of Dancers 2013/14
Major Gifts
Onegin: Celebrating Aleksandar Antonijevic
The National Ballet of Canada Orchestra
Swan Lake
Rolex Dancers First Awards
Dancers First Sponsorship Programme
A Month in the Country
Dancer Health and Wellness at The National Ballet of Canada
Esprit de Corps Supporting the Standard of Excellence
The Winter's Tale a Triumph
RBC Apprentice Programme & RBC Emerging Artist Award
Patrons' Council Season Closing Party
2013/14 Corporate Sponsors
2013/14 Corporate Council
2013/14 Foundation Donors
New Productions
Production Builders and The Producers' Circle
Spectre de la Rose
Saratoga Springs, NY
Education & Outreach
MAD HOT BALLET: Spellbound
Individual Giving
Teknion: Partnership of Excellence
Top 100 Employers
Executive Director Barry Hughson Joins the National Ballet
Tribute Gifts
The National Ballet of Canada Staff
Government Support
Message from David Macdonald, Chair, The National Ballet of Canada, Endowment Foundation
Gifts to The National Ballet of Canada, Endowment Foundation
Leaving a Legacy: J.M. Doc Savage
Named Funds
Celia Franca Society
Grant Thornton Auditors' Report, Endowment Foundation
Endowment Foundation Financial Statements
Artists of the Ballet in Swan Lake. Photo by Karolina Kuras.
Message from the
Artistic Director
The past year was a season of very gratifying artistic successes for The National Ballet of Canada, ones
and finally, Pointe Shoe Manager/Assistant Ballet
that point to both the company’s current vigour and to some exciting creative developments on the horizon.
Mistress Lorna Geddes is recognized for 55 years
In April I had the opportunity to attend the world premiere in London of our latest co-production with The
with the company.
Royal Ballet, Christopher Wheeldon’s adaptation of Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale. The ballet was an
Last season saw the retirement of Principal Dancer
enormous success, artistically and critically, and played to sold out houses. It brings together Christopher’s
Aleksandar Antonijevic after 23 years and First
extraordinary choreography and Joby Talbot’s brilliant music, which, as everyone knows, were such a winning
Soloist Stacey Shiori Minagawa after dancing with
combination in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. The Winter’s Tale is in its own way just as remarkable. It’s
the company for 21 years. Principal Character Artist
a stunning ballet, touching, gloriously designed and simply gorgeous to watch. I have every confidence that
Kevin D. Bowles and Corps de Ballet members Krista
when the National Ballet gets to perform it in November 2015, it will have the same sort of impact that Alice
Dowson and Aarik Wells also retired last season. Jean
has had.
Verch, Orchestra member, then Orchestra Manager
and Music Administrator, who retired in June 2014, is
recognized for her 52 years with the company.
Here at home, a different and heartening glimpse of
success since it started, reaching a large number of
As always, I want to thank all of our dancers and
the future was on display with our second Innovation
young school age children, and by livestreaming the
musicians, our board, donor, patrons, our administrative
programme. Featuring new works by Robert Binet,
programming, it is now reaching many more. As well,
staff, wardrobe and production personnel and our
José Navas, and James Kudelka, it demonstrated
a new programme, In Studio, which offers dance and
Executive Director Barry Hughson. A great ballet
that the state of both the present and the future of
fitness classes to the community, opened at The
company is great by virtue of all of its many parts
Canadian choreography are very healthy. We have
Walter Carsen Centre. More than 7,000 people
working in concert and every one of the parts of the
created the position of Choreographic Associate
enrolled in the different classes, which exceeded our
National Ballet is vital to its strength and stature.
to further encourage this growth and I’m especially
expectations and certainly bodes well for the
I look forward to working with everyone in the
pleased to see Guillaume Côté’s development as a
continuation of the programme in the future.
company as we all reach for even greater success in
dance creator in this role. Like his fellow Choreographic
A great many members of the company reached
Associate Robert Binet, Guillaume’s work has a
important milestones in their careers in the past year.
stunning maturity and intelligence to it that I’m certain
For 20 years of service, from our orchestra are
will only deepen as his artistry develops.
Violinist James Aylesworth and Percussionist Mark
Along with Innovation, our other programmes during
the 2013/14 season also made strong impressions
with our audiences, from classic ballets such as Swan
Mazur and Je-an Salas, former Soloist and current
Resident Pilates Teacher.
This season, the company will celebrate Principal
Lake, Onegin and Cinderella to more challenging
Dancer Sonia Rodriguez’s 25th anniversary. We will
contemporary fare such as Watch her, Opus 19/
be recognizing this significant milestone at a
The Dreamer and the second detail. Our audience’s
performance of The Sleeping Beauty in June, 2015.
embrace of Marco Goecke’s version of Spectre de la
Karen Kain, C.C., LL.D., D.Litt., O.Ont.
Artistic Director
A number of notable anniversaries took place in the
Rose was especially satisfying and showed that there
2013/14 season. Orchestra members Paul Langley
is a strong appetite for work that seeks to locate new
and Jerry Robinson celebrated 25 years of service.
structural and stylistic dance vocabularies even within
Resident Cutter Ruth Bartel, Wardrobe Coordinator
the boundaries of established classics.
Barbara de Kat, Costume Rental Coordinator Mary
I want to mention key developments in two of
the future.
Hurley and Orchestra members Valerie Kuinka, Bev
our outreach programmes. The first is YOU dance,
Spotton and Paul Zevenhuizen are recognized for
which for the first time last year livestreamed on the
their 30 years. Company Management Assistant
internet into schools in the Greater Toronto Area and
Sarita Dotan marked 35 years with the company,
across Ontario. YOU dance has been an enormous
Principal Character Artist Tomas Schramek 45 years
Karen Kain. Photo by Aleksandar Antonijevic.
Message from the Executive Director and the Chair of the Board of Directors
As always, our fiscal health is directly related to the
n behalf of my family, I’d like to begin by thanking
everyone for their warm welcome last January.
I must thank Board Chair David Binet for his support
throughout my transition and for the exceptional
leadership he provides to The National Ballet of
Canada, as well as my predecessor Kevin Garland.
Kevin provided more than a decade of strong leadership
to this institution and I will always be grateful to her
for extending the date of her well-deserved retirement
to allow my family to make our transition to Toronto at
the right time for us.
I am pleased to report that The National Ballet of
Canada is arguably in the best position, artistically
and fiscally, in its history. With the leadership of
Karen, Kevin, Board, staff and donors, the National
Ballet has weathered the last few tumultuous years
of global economic challenge, not only surviving, but
absolutely thriving.
Today’s National Ballet is debt-free, has consistently
balanced its operating budget, delivered a modest
surplus for the fifth consecutive year, grown its
endowment and significantly invested in its mission
by commissioning major works by some of the most
influential choreographers of our time. We presented
88 performances in Toronto and on tour in Ottawa
and Saratoga Springs NY, attended by more than
Speaking of whom, I want to thank all of those donors,
generosity of our donors, many who are celebrating
whose contributions are not just an irreplaceable
more than 30 years of passionate patronage. I have
and essential source of support for everything the
been so moved by the way our donors talk about
National Ballet does, but are a reminder that the
their relationship to the company. They use words like
National Ballet is about the people who care for it and
passion and trust, and more than a few have said that
who have made it an integral part of their lives. I want
their relationship with the National Ballet gives them
to thank, too, the board of directors with whom I
back far more than they give. I am so proud to be
work, for their tireless efforts on behalf of the
part of an institution that has engendered this unique
company and also the wonderful volunteers who give
brand of loyalty, and we will continue to do everything
so much of their time and energy to the company.
we can to earn your continued passion and trust.
I’m also pleased to report that major gains were
made in the growth of the Endowment Foundation,
largely from thoughtful gifts to establish named funds
and through legacy gifts. Our Celia Franca Society
continues to grow, with increasing numbers of our
members wishing to ensure a vital National Ballet for
future generations.
Our fundraising success is directly linked to
outstanding volunteer leadership. On behalf of director
of Development Diana Reitberger and her team, I
extend our deepest thanks to all of our programme
chairs for their exceptional commitment.
As we look ahead, we need to be sure that The
National Ballet of Canada is at the front of the curve
– pushing boundaries, leveraging opportunities, and
continuing to deliver a product that is second to
none. I know that you will all be beside us as we
continue our bold march forward. We are all caretakers
of an immense legacy, started by Celia Franca all
those years ago in a studio that sometimes had heat.
Celia took those first bold courageous steps, and we
will continue to follow her remarkable lead with
integrity, pride, determination and commitment – and
most importantly, with grace.
Thank you.
arge organizations, artistic or otherwise, have
their distinctive cultures, their own procedures
and habits, their own ways of doing things and making
things work. Transitions of any kind, but especially
at the top, can often be tricky. There are often periods
of adjustment as everyone acclimatizes to the new
situation. I think it’s a tribute to Barry Hughson’s skills
both as an Executive Director and a colleague that
his arrival at and immersion into the culture of The
National Ballet of Canada has gone so smoothly. His
have to thank our talented and visionary Artistic
Director, Karen Kain. Working with Karen and her
artistic, administrative and production staff is a
constant delight and I know that with her in charge
the company’s artistic health couldn’t be in better
hands and that the company’s artistic future is going
to be brighter than ever.
take the helm of the company as easily as he has
done, have made the transition not just painless, but
a pleasure. I want to take this opportunity to welcome
Barry to the National Ballet and to say how much the
board and I look forward to working with him in the
David Binet
years to come.
Chair of the Board of Directors
The National Ballet’s endowment is a vital part –
and indicator – of the company’s financial stability
and health. I’m happy to report that the past year
was a positive one for the endowment, with assets
of The National Ballet of Canada, Endowment
Foundation growing from $47.3 million to $56.5
million. This is due in large measure to the expert
guidance and oversight provided by the Foundation’s
Chair, David Macdonald, whose financial acumen and
foresight have proven indispensible to the endowment’s
more than 1500 events, including more than 1,000
growth. As well, the federal government’s matching
classes conducted through our newly launched In
grant program under the Endowment Incentive
Studio programme. In total, the National Ballet
Component of the Canada Cultural Investment Fund
and the Ontario Arts Foundation's matching funds
past fiscal year. While some peer organizations in
Barry Hughson
have been pivotal in growing the endowment in two
North America are posting significant operating losses,
Executive Director
ways—directly, through the funds they provide, and
the National Ballet has once again proven to be a
also by providing an incentive for our many donors to
good and responsible stewards of your investment.
give so generously.
Barry Hughson. Photo by Aleksandar Antonijevic.
David Binet. Photo by Sian Richards.
puts onstage, season after season. And for that we
experience, pragmatism and his ability to fit into and
157,000 patrons. Our work in the community included
reached an audience of nearly 300,000 people this
Of course, all this is in service of the great art of
ballet, and the great ballets that the National Ballet
The National Ballet of Canada
Summary Statements of Operations and Changes in Fund Balances
(Dollars in thousands)
Year ended June 30
Unrestricted Funds
Restricted Funds
$ 11,920
$ 12,769
Box Office
The National Ballet of Canada, Endowment Foundation
Investment and other
$ 11,920
Marketing, publicity & outreach
Fundraising and development
General administration
$ 2,748
$ 3,356
$ 6,591
$ 6,883
Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures
Fund balances — beginning of year
Fund balances — end of year
Gretchen Ross Production Centre Fund
The fund consists of The Gretchen Ross Production Centre, the home of the scenic
production workshop and storage facility for the company's sets, props and theatrical
Walter Carsen Centre Fund
The fund consists of The Walter Carsen Centre, the home of the company's rehearsal and
administrative functions at Kings Landing.
Summary Statements of Financial Position
(Dollars in thousands)
Year ended June 30
Unrestricted Funds
Restricted Funds
Current assets
Cash and cash equivalents
Accounts receivable
Prepaid expenses
Employee future benefits
Capital assets
$ 3,271
$ 3,272
$ 2,730
$ 3,359
$ 15,474
$ 13,925
$ 2,343
$ 1,940
$ 8,438
$ 3,677
$ 2,340
Liabilities and Fund Balances
Current Liabilities
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities
Deferred revenue
Interfund (receivable) payable
Deferred revenue
Fund Balances
$ 8,438
$ 3,677
$ 3,359
$ 15,474
$ 13,925
Criteria for presentation of summary financial statements
The information selected by management for presentation in the Summary Financial Statements has been identified as being the most pertinent and useful financial data for inclusion in The
National Ballet of Canada annual report.
Audited financial statements are available on The National Ballet of Canada official website.
Selected Statistics:
Revenue 2013/14
Selected Statistics:
Attendance 2013/14
Toronto Season
Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts
(Dollars in thousands)
Year ended June 30
Private Sector Fundraising Revenue
New production sponsorships
Special Events
Total Fundraising
Sources of Revenue
Box Office
The National Ballet of Canada, Endowment Foundation
Investments and other
Number of Performances
Swan Lake
Innovation: Watershed, Unearth, Being and Nothingness (Part 1),
… black night’s bright day …
Watch her & A Month in the Country
Physical Thinking: Spectre de la Rose, Opus 19/The Dreamer,
the second detail
Romeo and Juliet
Total Main Season Performances
The Nutcracker
MAD HOT BALLET Gala Performance
Number of Performances
Saratoga Springs, New York
Ottawa, Ontario
Total Touring Performances
Number of Events
Total Four Seasons Centre Performances
Community Outreach
Fundraising 28%
Grants 22%
Ballet Class with the Stars
Ballet Talks
Ballet Talks on Tour
Swan Lake Display, Ottawa
Swan Lake Display, Four Seasons Centre
Prokofiev Display, Four Seasons Centre
Class on Stage
Culture Days
Dance About
Exploring Ballet Workshops
In Studio Classes
Master Classes
Box Office 42%
Endowment Foundation 5%
Investment and Other 3%
Master Classes on Tour
Nutcracker Story Time
Share the Magic Performances
Summer Dance Intensive
Tours of The Walter Carsen Centre for The National Ballet of
YOU dance Performances
YOU dance Workshops
YOU dance Live Streams
Total Outreach
Grand Total
The National Ballet of Canada
2013/14 Board of Directors
David W. Binet, Chair
Aleksandar Antonijevic, ex-officio
John H. Bailey
Susanne Boyce
Marlene DelZotto
The Honourable Nicole Eaton, Senator
Bronwen Evans
Sandra Faire
Greta Hodgkinson, ex-officio
Barry Hughson, ex-officio
2013/14 Committees
Development Committee
The Honourable Nicole Eaton, Senator, Chair
Jane Allen, Chair, Corporate
David Binet, Chair, Board of Directors
Melanie Dowhaniuk, Co-Chair, Turnout
Allison Freeman, Co-Chair, Turnout
Patrons’ Council Committee
Patrons’ Council Committee Chair
Krista Kerr
Jane Darville
Victoria Jackman
Karen Kain, C.C., ex-officio
Krista Kerr
Robert Lawrie
Janet Lewell
Philip Lieberman
Jerry Lozinski
David Macdonald
Geneviève McKillop
Ryan McNally
Donna Meyers
Linda O’Leary
Melanie Dowhaniuk
Allison Freeman
Honorary Co-Chairs
Krista Dowson
Giorgio Galli
Nancy Pencer
Lynda Prince
Robbie J. Pryde
Gretchen Ross
Victor R. Royce
Mavis Staines, C.M., ex-officio
Daniel F. Sullivan
Noreen Taylor
Beth Wilson
Cornell C.V. Wright
Jordan Applebaum
Fiona Berry
Robert Brews
Judi Conacher
Jeanie Davis
Lee Anne Downey
Taanta Gupta
Vanessa Harwood
Avril Higgins
Ann Hogarth
Anne LeGresley
Eunice Lumsden
Sylvia McGovern
Julie Medland
L.J. Nagel
Linda O'Leary
Janet Parkinson
Paul Savard
Lenore Walters
Cabinet Members
Vanessa Antinucci
Gargi Chopra
Lindsay Cook Kerri Craddock
Stephanie Daub
Flora Do
Roxanne Earle
Marie-Christine Joly
Jonathan Voigt
Andreas Antoniou
Marisa Ortega
Golbou Rad
Leah Wright
Sandra Faire
Jane Gill
Jane Hanrahan
Karen Kain
Farsad Kiani
Nicholas Mellamphy
Caroline Mulroney Lapham
Adrian Mainella
Bernadette Mora
Linda O’Leary
Deena Pantalone
Jennan Phelan
Lynda Prince
Lauren Prince
Laura Rapp
Irit Shay
Róisín L. Tiwari
Regan Watts
Alexandra Weston
Xiao Nan Yu
Turnout Cabinet
David Pell, ex-officio
Jack Petch, ex-officio
Krista Kerr, Chair, Patrons’ Council
Geneviève McKillop, President, Volunteer Committee
Lynda Prince, Chair, Special Events
Gretchen Ross, Chair, Major Gifts
Recognition Committee
The Honourable Nicole Eaton, Senator, Chair
Gretchen Ross
Noreen Taylor
Gala Committee
Vanessa & Mark Mulroney, Co-Chairs
Victor & Bernice Royce, Honourary Co-Chairs
Markus Anderson
Aleksandar Antonijevic
Michelle Bakos
Inger Bartlett
Bonnie Brownlee
Elly Daniels
Marlene DelZotto
Naoya Ebe is sponsored through Dancers First by Gretchen Ross.
Naoya Ebe and Sonia Rodriguez in Opus 19/The Dreamer. Photo by Jeremy Mimnagh.
The 2013/14 season celebrated the contemporary and the
classical, showcasing the versatility and athleticism of our
dancers. Thank you for the role you play in ensuring that
The National Ballet of Canada is at the peak of its artform
and for giving our artists the opportunity to shine.
“The 2013/14 season reflected the energy and dynamism
with a rich blend of contemporary and classical ballets that
displayed the trove of talent that makes up our remarkable
Roster of Dancers 2013/14
Aleksandar Antonijevic
Guillaume Côté
Greta Hodgkinson
Svetlana Lunkina*
Evan McKie*
Heather Ogden
Sonia Rodriguez
Piotr Stanczyk
Jillian Vanstone
Xiao Nan Yu
Principal Character Artists
Kevin D. Bowles
Lorna Geddes
Alejandra Perez-Gomez
Rebekah Rimsay
Tomas Schramek
Hazaros Surmeyan
—Artistic Director Karen Kain, C.C.
First Soloists
Naoya Ebe
Keiichi Hirano
Tanya Howard
Stephanie Hutchison
Etienne Lavigne
Patrick Lavoie
Elena Lobsanova
McGee Maddox
Stacey Shiori Minagawa
Tina Pereira
Jonathan Renna
Robert Stephen
Second Soloists
Skylar Campbell
Jordana Daumec
Alexandra MacDonald
Chelsy Meiss
Tiffany Mosher
Jenna Savella
Brendan Saye
Christopher Stalzer
Dylan Tedaldi
Corps de Ballet
James Applewhite
Jack Bertinshaw
Adji Cissoko
Trygve Cumpston
Shaila D’Onofrio
Krista Dowson
Nadine Drouin
Jackson Dwyer
Hannah Fischer
Francesco Gabriele Frola
Giorgio Galli
Selene Guerrero-Trujillo
Emma Hawes
Juri Hiraoka
Jin Min Hong
Kathryn Hosier
Rui Huang
Harrison James
Lise-Marie Jourdain
Larissa Khotchenkova
Miyoko Koyasu
(As of June 30, 2014)
James Leja
Elizabeth Marrable
Shino Mori
Jacklyn Oakley
Andreea Olteanu
Asiel Rivero
Joseph Steinauer
Nan Wang
Aarik Wells
Sarah Elena Wolff
RBC Apprentice
Programme /
YOU dance
Rhiannon Fairless
Liana Macera
Elenora Morris
Felix Paquet
Meghan Pugh
Ben Rudisin
Kota Sato
Martin ten Kortenaar
Mimi Tompkins
Ethan Watts
* Principal Guest Artist
Evan McKie's appearance as a
Principal Guest Artist was made
possible by a generous donation
from the Frank Gerstein
Charitable Foundation.
Guillaume Côté is sponsored through Dancers First by Emmanuelle Gattuso and Allan Slaight.
Elena Lobsanova is sponsored through Dancers First by Sandra Faire and Ivan Fecan.
Left: Elena Lobsanova and Guillaume Côté in Romeo and Juliet. Photo by Bruce Zinger.
This page: Artists of the Ballet in Watch her. Photo by Aleksandar Antonijevic.
Onegin: Celebrating
Aleksandar Antonijevic
Major Gifts
Prima Circle
In March 2014, the National Ballet celebrated the illustrious career of Principal Dancer Aleksandar Antonijevic
Prima Circle acknowledges the extraordinary generosity of those donors whose cumulative giving to The
National Ballet of Canada and The National Ballet of Canada, Endowment Foundation has reached
$1 million or more.
John & Margaret Bahen
John & Claudine Bailey
Torunn & David Banks
Mona Campbell, O.C.
Walter Carsen, O.C.
Sandra Faire & Ivan Fecan
Margaret Fleck & Jim Fleck, O.C.
Kevin & Roger Garland
Gail Hutchison
Beryl Ivey, C.M. & Richard M. Ivey, C.C.
Joan & Jerry Lozinski
Sarah & David Macdonald
The Honourable Margaret Norrie McCain, C.C.
Sandra Pitblado & Jim Pitblado, C.M.
Gretchen Ross & Donald Ross, O.C.
Susan Scace & Arthur Scace, C.M., Q.C.
One Anonymous Donor
BMO Financial Group
RBC Foundation
TD Bank Group
The Volunteer Committee, The National Ballet of Canada
Hal Jackman Foundation
The Catherine and Maxwell Meighen Foundation
during his final performances of Onegin, one of his most acclaimed roles. Mr. Antonijevic joined the company
in 1991 and was promoted to Principal Dancer in 1995. Over 23 years of extraordinary performances, Mr.
Antonjevic danced with the elegance of a true danseur noble.
“Aleksandar Antonijevic gives the performance of his career…
He is one of the most complex yet understandable Onegins I
have ever seen.”
The Hamilton Spectator
Since the founding of the company in 1951 by Celia Franca, live music has been an essential component of
every National Ballet performance. It is a priority of the National Ballet to retain its own orchestra as it deeply
believes that live music is a necessity to the performance experience for the dancers and the audience
members. Thank you to the following donors for their support towards the only dedicated ballet orchestra in
Nani & Austin Beutel
Mary & Graham Hallward
The Mary-Margaret Webb Foundation
Rehearsal Pianists
Special Gifts
The National Ballet is extremely grateful to the donors who have made generous gifts in support of special
projects. These gifts provide leadership and capital to support the comapny's funding priorities.
Lionel K. Conacher in honour of Judi Conacher
Studio Audio Visual Equipment
Sandra Faire & Ivan Fecan
Production Support
The Frank Gerstein Charitable Foundation
Underwriter, Guest Artist Fund
The Phyliss & Irving Snider Foundation
The Four Seasons Complete Documentation Package Underwriter
Onegin is presented by
Onegin is generously supported by an anonymous friend of the National Ballet.
Aleksandar Antonijevic takes his final bow following his last performance of Onegin. Photo by Bruce Zinger.
Swan Lake
(As of June 30, 2014)
The National Ballet of Canada’s 2013/14 season opened with the return of Swan Lake, choreographed by
James Kudelka. One of the central works in the classical cannon, this beloved work enthralled Toronto
audiences with 17 performances in November and March.
The March 2014 performances of Swan Lake marked Principal Dancer Greta Hodgkinson’s final
performance of Odette/Odile, a role that she created in 1999.
Music Director and
Principal Conductor
David Briskin
Lynn Kuo,
Assistant Concertmaster
Dominique Laplante,
Principal Second Violin
Aaron Schwebel,
Assistant Principal
Second Violin
James Aylesworth
Jennie Baccante
Sheldon Grabke
Xiao Grabke
Nancy Kershaw
Sonia Klimasko-Leheniuk
Csaba Koczó
Yakov Lerner
Jayne Maddison
Ron Mah
Aya Miyagawa
Wendy Rogers
Filip Tomov
Joanna Zabrowarna
Paul Zevenhuizen
Angela Rudden, Principal
Josh Greenlaw, Assistant
Principal Viola
Valerie Kuinka
Johann Lotter
Beverley Spotton
Larry Toman
Maurizio Baccante, Principal
Olga Laktionova
Andrew McIntosh
Marianne Pack
Elaine Thompson
Paul Widner
Derek Conrod
Hans J.F. Preuss, Principal
Paul Langley
Robert Speer
Cary Takagaki
David Archer, Principal
Robert Ferguson
David Pell, Bass Trombone
Leslie J. Allt, Principal
Maria Pelletier
Shelley Brown, Piccolo
Mark Rogers, Principal
Karen Rotenberg
Lesley Young, English Horn
Max Christie, Principal
Emily Marlow
Gary Kidd, Bass Clarinet
Stephen Mosher, Principal
Jerry Robinson
Elizabeth Gowen,
Contra Bassoon
Gary Pattison, Principal
Vincent Barbee
Members of The National Ballet of Canada Orchestra in the pit. Photo by Bruce Zinger.
Scott Wevers
Richard Sandals, Principal
Mark Dharmaratnam
Robert Weymouth
Sasha Johnson
Lucie Parent, Principal
Michael Perry, Principal
Tim Francom, Principal
Kristofer Maddiagn
Mark Mazur
Orchestra Personnel Manager
and Music Administrator
Raymond Tizzard
“It is bittersweet to say goodbye to Swan Lake, however my
career continues to hold
wonderful challenges for me
and I am really excited by all
that I see ahead.”
Principal Dancer Greta Hodgkinson
“Hodgkinson’s Odette
shimmered in gentle fragility
while Odile radiated icy allure.
This dual role is considered
the sine qua non of classical
ballet and Hodgkinson
owns it.”
The Globe and Mail
Assistant to the
Music Director
Jean Verch
Musician Librarian
Lucie Parent
Swan Lake is presented by
Swan Lake is made possible by generous financial support from Production Underwriters Sandra Pitblado & Jim
Pitblado, C.M. and Margaret Fleck & Jim Fleck, O.C.
Greta Hodgkinson bids adieu to Swan Lake. Photo by Cylla von Tiedemann.
Rolex Dancers First Awards
Dancers First
Sponsorship Programme
Donors of Dancers First are dedicated to supporting the company’s greatest asset – its exceptional dancers.
This programme enables the National Ballet to provide its talented artists with the best career opportunities
possible while giving donors a unique opportunity to develop a deeper relationship with the dancers and the
company. Thank you to Dancers First Chair Gretchen Ross and to all of the sponsors who make this
programme possible.
Emmanuelle Gattuso and Allan Slaight
Principal Dancer Guillaume Côté
Diana St. B. Weatherall
Second Soloist Chelsy Meiss
Ira Gluskin & Maxine Granovsky Gluskin
Principal Dancer Heather Ogden
Second Soloist Jenna Savella
Mr. Thor Eaton & The Honourable Nicole Eaton, Senator
First Soloist Robert Stephen
Anne-Marie Canning
Corps de Ballet member Giorgio Galli
Sandra Faire & Ivan Fecan
First Soloist Elena Lobsanova
JJ Dayot & Rick Schiralli
Corps de Ballet member Adji Cissoko
The Honourable Margaret Norrie McCain, C.C.
First Soloist Tina Pereira
Catherine & Ian Delaney
Corps de Ballet member Shino Mori
Nancy Pencer
First Soloist Tanya Howard
Renata M. Humphries
Corps de Ballet member Nadine Drouin
Gretchen Ross
First Soloist Naoya Ebe
Donna Meyers & Doug Richmond
Corps de Ballet member Kathryn Hosier
Patricia Younger
First Soloist Keiichi Hirano
Lucy White*
Corps de Ballet member Krista Dowson
Robin & Ross Robinson
Second Soloist Brendan Saye
Rolex Canada Ltd.
Rolex Dancers First Award
*Staff and Artists
Principal Dancers Guillaume Côté and Greta Hodgkinson were the recipients of the fourth annual Rolex
Dancers First Award for their exceptional work in the previous season. Mr. Côté was recognized for his brilliant
performance of the title role in Nijinsky as well as for his portrayal of Romeo in Alexei Ratmansky’s Romeo and
Juliet. Ms. Hodgkinson was awarded for the breadth of her work in the 2012/13 season, in such roles as the
Queen of Hearts in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and the title roles in Giselle and Carmen.
The Rolex Dancers First Award recognizes outstanding performances by a female dancer and a male dancer
and is juried by a committee of members of the National Ballet’s Artistic staff. Each winner receives an award
of $2,500 and a sculpture by glass artist Robert Buick, presented by Artistic Director Karen Kain and Victor
Royce, President & C.E.O. of Rolex Canada Ltd.
The Rolex Dancers First Award is an essential part of the Dancers First giving programme.
The Rolex Dancers First Award is presented by Rolex Canada Ltd.
Victor Royce, Greta Hodgkinson, Guillaume Côté and Karen Kain. Photo by Bruce Zinger.
Patricia Younger and Keiichi Hirano. Photo by Bruce Zinger.
A Month in the Country
Dancer Health and Wellness at
The National Ballet of Canada
One of choreographer Sir Frederick Ashton’s finest ballets, A Month in the Country returned to The National
The dancers of The National Ballet of Canada are
professionals ranging from Sports Medicine Physicians
Ballet of Canada's repertoire after 17 years. Sir Anthony Dowell travelled to the studios of the National Ballet to
exceptional athletes and artists. They push their
and Orthopaedic Surgeons to Nutritionists and
stage this treasured work with Greta Hodgkinson and Guillaume Côté, Xiao Nan Yu and Aleksandar Antonijevic
bodies to their limits every day. In order to promote
Physiotherapy, Massage and Athletic Therapists. The
in the lead roles.
wellness and treat the dancers in a more holistic and
care provided aids the dancers to excel on all levels:
complete way, Artistic Director Karen Kain implemented
physically, mentally and artistically.
the Dancer Health and Wellness Programme in 2005.
Led by Director of Dancer Wellness, Marla Pichler,
the National Ballet’s programme is one of the most
comprehensive and renowned of its kind. The health
and wellness team consists of medical and health
The National Ballet of Canada gratefully
acknowledges the leadership of Board member
Lynda Prince for launching a new funding initiative in
the 2013/14 season that will bring critical support to
this vital programme.
“…so rich and layered
that dance lovers may
reflect on it for many
years to come.”
National Post
Official Health and Wellness Partner
A Month in the Country has been totally underwritten by Sandra Pitblado & Jim Pitblado, C.M.
Sir Anthony Dowell’s guest coaching is made possible by a generous donation from The Frank Gerstein Charitable
Greta Hodgkinson and Guillaume Côté in A Month in the Country. Photo by Aleksandar Antonijevic.
Francesco Gabriele Frola stretching before Company Class. Photo by Aaron Vincent Elkaim.
Esprit de Corps
Supporting Ongoing
Artistic Excellence
RBC Apprentice Programme &
RBC Emerging Artist
Apprentice Award
In October 2013, a new initiative, Esprit de Corps, was launched to support and encourage the members of the
The National Ballet of Canada’s RBC Apprentice programme provides a professional training ground for
Corps de Ballet. The launch event, held at the home of Esprit de Corps Chair Linda O’Leary, gave donors the
emerging artists to help bridge the gap to life as a professional dancer. Over 60% of National Ballet dancers
opportunity to engage with the talented dancers and learn more about the inner workings of Corps life.
are graduates of this esteemed programme. It is essential to the development of the young dancers who
participate as well as the future growth of the company.
Through this special giving initiative, Esprit de Corps members are investing in Karen Kain’s vision of
continuously raising the level of dancing across the ranks, including a Corps de Ballet that is the envy of
companies world-wide. The size and adaptability of the Corps de Ballet enables the National Ballet to stage
important works and to create new ballets with great success.
The National Ballet thanks the founding members of this exciting donor programme:
(As of June 30, 2014)
Fiona & David Berry
Jeanie Davis
Krista Kerr
Anne & David LeGresley
Eunice Lumsden & Peter Luit
Geneviève McKillop & Chris Bennett
Linda & Kevin O’Leary
Eric Tripp & Maria Smith
Sarah White
Beth Wilson
Cornell Wright & Sarah McEvoy
One Anonymous Donor
The Winter’s Tale a Triumph
The Winter’s Tale made its world premiere in London, England on
April 10, 2014 to rave reviews. Performed by The Royal Ballet,
The Winter’s Tale is The National Ballet of Canada’s second
co-production with the British company. Created by the same
team behind the hit production Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland,
the National Ballet will perform the North American premiere in
November 2015 as part of the 2015/16 season.
“Christopher Wheeldon’s new three-act version
of Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale is a triumph.
It is contemporary and classical, traditional and
modern, narrative and abstract. It feels like
something entirely new.”
The Telegraph
“Like the play, the ballet has taken us through a
large arc of human experience.”
The New York Times
Lead philanthropic support for The Winter’s Tale is provided in part
by The Catherine and Maxwell Meighen Foundation, Richard M. Ivey,
C.C., an anonymous friend of the National Ballet and The Producers’
Established in 2012, the RBC Emerging Artist
their performances in the 2012/13 season as
Apprentice Award recognizes members of the
Apprentices. The awards were presented by Donna
National Ballet’s RBC Apprentice Programme for their
Meyers, Senior Vice-President and Head of Risk
artistic growth, professional development and
for Wealth Management at RBC and National Ballet
exceptional talent. Hannah Fischer, Miyoko Koyasu
Board Member.
and Félix Paquet were the recipients of the award for
The RBC Apprentice Programme is supported by
The National Ballet extends sincere appreciation to David and
Torunn Banks, Nancy Miller and Glen Ireland and John and Claudine
Bailey for generously hosting patrons of the company in London.
Sarah Lamb and Steven McRae of The Royal Ballet in The WInter's Tale. Photo by Johan Persson.
Hannah Fischer, Félix Paquet, Donna Meyers and Miyoko Koyasu. Photo by Gary Beechey.
Patrons’ Council
Season Closing Party
The annual Patrons’ Council Season Closing Party,
which brings dancers and Patrons’ Council donors
together to celebrate the company’s achievements
over the season, was held on June 8, 2014. The
2014/15 dancer promotions and recipients of the
2014 David Tory Award and the Patron Award of Merit
were also announced.
Company member since 2009, McGee Maddox
was promoted to Principal Dancer and Principal
2013/14 Corporate Sponsors
The National Ballet of Canada is pleased to acknowledge the extraordinary support of our Corporate Sponsors.
Presenting Sponsors
BMO Financial Group
Special Projects
Nutcracker Story Time
TD Bank Group
Official Suppliers
Official Airline
Air Canada
Swan Lake
Lead Sponsor,
Official Hospitality Partner
Hilton Toronto Hotel
The Nutcracker
TD Bank Group
Romeo and Juliet
Brandy Lane Homes
Spectre de la Rose &
Opus 19/The Dreamer &
the second detail
Guest Artists Svetlana Lunkina, formerly of the Bolshoi
Official Dry Cleaner
Dance About
Official Event Supplier
Chair-man Mills Inc.
RBC Apprentice Programme
RBC Emerging Arts Project
YOU dance
The Woodbridge Company Limited
Share the Magic Title Sponsor
Sun Life Financial
Performance Series Sponsor
Ballet, and Evan McKie, of Stuttgart Ballet, were both
Innovation Ballet Talks Sponsor
Torys LLP
added to the roster as Principal Dancers.
RBC Apprentices Rhiannon Fairless, Félix Paquet,
Performance Sponsors
Korn/Ferry International
RBC Wealth Management
Meghan Pugh, Ben Rudisin, Kota Sato and Ethan
Watts were invited to join the Corps de Ballet as was
Canadian born Brent Parolin, a former Demi-Soloist
with Stuttgart Ballet.
Second Soloist Jenna Savella was awarded the
Ottawa Tour Transportation Sponsor
VIA Rail Canada
Official Floral Supplier
Terrain Flowers
Official Cosmetics Supplier
M∙A∙C Cosmetics
Official Travel Supplier
Uniglobe Plus Travel Group
Official Valet Partner
Gatsby Valet
Official Health and Wellness Provider
Medcan Clinic
Official Brewery
Steam Whistle Brewing
Official Office Systems Supplier
Teknion Corporation
2014 David Tory Award, named for David Tory, former
Vice-Chairman of The National Ballet Board of
Directors. The prestigious award recognizes one
dancer who exemplifies the following qualities:
mentorship, humility, optimism, compassion, leadership,
2013/14 Corporate Council
(July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)
honesty, integrity, enthusiasm and generosity of spirit.
Ms. Savella received an award of $3,500.
Corps de Ballet members Shino Mori and Francesco
Gabriele Frola were awarded the Patron Award of
Merit by Committee Chair Krista Kerr on behalf of
the Patrons’ Council Committee. The award, given
to one male and one female member of the Corps,
Corporate Executive
($5,000 – $14,999)
Local 58 Charitable Benefit Fund
Mercedes-Benz Canada Incorporated
Power Corporation of Canada
Corporate Donor
($500 – $1,499)
Fabulous Printing
Fidelitas Holding Company Ltd.
Reitmans Incorporated
Corporate Associate
($1,500 – $4,999)
Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts
recognizes the great progress that the dancers have
made over the season. Ms. Mori and Mr. Frola each
received $1,000 and an additional donation of $1,000
is made in their names to the Dancer Fund of The
2013/14 Foundation Donors
(July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)
National Ballet of Canada, Endowment Foundation.
$15,000 – $29,999
Audrey S. Hellyer Charitable Foundation
Hal Jackman Foundation
$5,000 – $14,999
The Langar Foundation
The Geoffrey H. Wood Foundation
The National Ballet gratefully acknowledges the generosity of Julie Medland in helping to underwrite this reception.
$2,000 – $4,999
Hope Charitable Foundation
The K. M. Hunter Charitable Foundation
Kenneth G. Mills Foundation
Judith Teller Foundation
$500 – $1,999
Jackman Foundation
The Young Family Foundation
One Anonymous Donor
John and Claudine Bailey with Judith Gelber. Jenna Savella with the Tory family. Svetlana Lunkina, McGee Maddox, Tiffany Mosher and Heather Ogden.
Photos by Gary Beechey.
New works are the lifeblood of any artform and investing in
new productions is essential to establishing The National
Ballet of Canada as a world leader in dance. With the
support of our donor community, the National Ballet
presented five new works in the 2013/14 season.
The 2013 Innovation Programme featured three world
Choreographic Associate Robert Binet unveiled
premieres and one new work by four Canadian
Unearth, his first large-scale work for the company,
choreographers that all draw on a range of musical
set to an original, commissioned score by award-
and cultural sources. José Navas’s Watershed featured
winning composer and violinist Owen Pallet.
music from Benjamin Britten’s Peter Grimes and
The last world premiere on the programme came
featured an ensemble cast of National Ballet dancers.
from former National Ballet Artistic Director, James
Watershed stayed true to classical form and structure,
Kudelka. His first new work for the company in
while also exploring the elements of the classical
eight years, ... black night’s bright day ..., examines
idiom, including costuming and gender roles.
the process of loss and grief. Appropriately set to
Choreographic Associate and Principal Dancer
Pergolesi’s famous Stabat Mater, the performance
Guillaume Côté premiered a solo work for fellow
featured renowned soloists countertenor David Taylor
Principal Dancer Greta Hodgkinson, Being and
and soprano Dame Emma Kirkby.
Nothingness (Part 1), set to the music of Phillip
Glass’s Metamorphosis Four.
presents Innovation
Lead philanthropic support for Innovation is provided by an anonymous friend of the National Ballet and
The Producers’ Circle.
Heather Ogden is sponsored through Dancers First by Ira Gluskin & Maxine Granovsky Gluskin.
Left: McGee Maddox and Heather Ogden in ... black night’s bright day .... Photo by Bruce Zinger.
This page: Sonia Rodriguez with Artists of the Ballet in Unearth. Photo by Bruce Zinger.
Major Gifts to New Productions
Spectre de la Rose
Each year, The National Ballet of Canada requires significant resources to invest in expanding our repertoire.
The Summer Season opened with the Physical Thinking programme which featured the Canadian premiere of
The National Ballet thanks these Production Builders and the members of The Producers’ Circle for supporting
Marco Goecke’s Spectre de le Rose. Only the second company other than Les Ballets de Monte Carlo to
the artistic vision of Karen Kain, enabling the company to push the boundaries of the artform and to showcase
perform this piece, the National Ballet's opening night highlighted the versatile talents of Principal Dancer
the talents and artistry of our dancers.
Guillaume Côté and Corps de Ballet member Kathryn Hosier. Second Soloists Dylan Tedaldi and Chelsy Meiss
also performed the lead roles in this powerful and expressive piece.
Production Builders
The following individuals and foundations have made signficant contributions towards our productions
in the 2013/14 and future seasons.
Estate of Walter Carsen, O.C.
Sandra Faire & Ivan Fecan
Gail Hutchison
Richard M. Ivey, C.C.
The Catherine and Maxwell Meighen Foundation
Sandra Pitblado & Jim Pitblado, C.M.
The Volunteer Committee, The National Ballet of Canada
One Anonymous Donor
“The hallmark of the choreography is an astonishing and
complicated series of lightning-fast arm and hand gestures
that make the dancers look like human semaphores on
speed… Goecke’s anti-romantic rebellion.”
The Globe and Mail
The Producers’ Circle
Led by Chair Sandra Faire, The Producers' Circle is a group of dedicated supporters who contribute $1 million
per year to underwrite new productions. The National Ballet gratefully acknowledges the founding members.
John & Claudine Bailey
David Binet
Susanne Boyce & Brendan Mullen
Gail Drummond & Bob Dorrance
Sandra Faire & Ivan Fecan
Kevin & Roger Garland
The William & Nona Heaslip Foundation
Rosamond Ivey
Hal Jackman Foundation
Anna McCowan-Johnson & Donald K. Johnson, O.C.
Judy Korthals & Peter Irwin
Judith & Robert Lawrie
Mona & Harvey Levenstein
Joan & Jerry Lozinski
The Honourable Margaret Norrie McCain, C.C.
Julie Medland
Sandra Pitblado & Jim Pitblado, C.M.
Lynda & Jonas Prince
Sandra L. Simpson
Noreen Taylor & David Staines, O.C.
Physical Thinking is presented by
Lead philanthropic support for Spectre de la Rose is provided by an anonymous friend of the National Ballet and
The Producers’ Circle.
Kathryn Hosier is sponsored through Dancers First by Donna Meyers & Doug Richmond.
Kathryn Hosier and Guillaume Côté in Spectre de la Rose. Photo by Jeremy Mimnagh.
Touring enables The National Ballet of Canada to delight
audiences at home and abroad and to showcase our artists
and most important work in major international dance
centres. With your support the National Ballet toured to
Saratoga Springs, New York and to Ottawa during the
2013/14 season.
Saratoga Springs, NY
In July 2013, The National Ballet of Canada made its debut in Saratoga Springs, New York with one
performance of an all-Canadian mixed programme of The Four Seasons & Emergence and three performances
of Giselle. The National Ballet was the first ballet company outside of the New York City Ballet to perform at the
Saratoga Performing Arts Center and was accompanied by The National Ballet of Canada Orchestra.
“The National Ballet of Canada
brought the audience at Saratoga
Performing Arts Center to its feet
Wednesday night with its fully
realized production of the
romantic story ballet Giselle.”
Times Union
Giselle was produced as a memorial to the late William P. Walker.
The Four Seasons is a gift from The Volunteer Committee, The National Ballet of Canada.
The Four Seasons Complete Documentation Package is underwritten by The Phyliss & Irving Snider Foundation.
Emergence is generously supported by Gail Hutchison.
Left: Artists of the Ballet in Giselle. Photo by Aleksandar Antonijevic.
This page: Jillian Vanstone and Patrick Lavoie in The Four Seasons. Photo by Bruce Zinger.
The National Ballet returned to Ottawa in January 2014 with three sold-out performances of Swan Lake. Almost
6,500 patrons saw this distinct and powerful adaptation.
“Kudelka's Swan Lake is dynamite.”
The National Post
Education &
Through inspiring education and outreach programmes,
The National Ballet of Canada is committed to increasing
the accessibility of dance for audiences of all ages. In the
2013/14 season, the National Ballet reached more than
140,000 young people and patrons.
Official Transportation Partner
Chelsy Meiss is sponsored through Dancers First by Diana St. B. Weatherall.
Jenna Savella is sponsored through Dancers First by an anonymous donor.
This page: Jordana Daumec, Tiffany Mosher, Chelsy Meiss and Jenna Savella in Swan Lake. Photo by Aleksandar Antonijevic.
Right: Lisa Robinson leading a YOU dance Performance. Photo Cylla von Tiedemann.
Education & Outreach
YOU dance
Exploring Ballet Workshops
Established in 2007, YOU dance (Youth, Outreach
Exploring Ballet Workshops are designed to encourage students to explore creativity and expression through
and Understanding dance) is the National Ballet’s
movement. Led by an experienced dance educator, students are introduced to basic ballet terminology and
largest and most popular education programme.
dance concepts through activities that encourage them to use their imaginations.
Geared towards students in grades four to six, YOU
dance uses a multi-layered approach to introduce
young people to ballet and encourages an
for self-expression. The programme consists of
Class on Stage
workshops held in schools as well as live performances
The National Ballet presented the annual Class on
by the dancers of the RBC Apprentice Programme.
Stage on Saturday, June 7, 2014 to 700 audience
In the 2013/14 season, there were 165 YOU dance
members. Class on Stage gives a rare opportunity to
workshops and 22 performances reaching almost
see how ballet dancers train up close, fully explained
11,500 young people. In celebration of Autism
by Artist-in-Residence Rex Harrington.
appreciation of dance as an artform and as an outlet
Awareness Month, YOU dance also gave two special
YOU dance
Live Stream
To ensure that as many young people as possible
Supported by an Anonymous Donor.
A daily ritual for all dancers, the 75-minute
performances for children and adults with autism
company class warms up the body and prepares
spectrum disorders or learning disabilities.
the dancer physically and mentally for rehearsal
YOU dance is supported by Ballet Club Relevé, The
McLean Foundation, J.P. Bickell Foundation, Woodbridge
Company Limited and One Anonymous Lady.
and performance.
have access to this programme, three YOU dance
performances were streamed live to classrooms
throughout Ontario. A YOU dance performance was
Ballet Club Relevé
also streamed to Sick Kids Hospital so that the
Ballet Talks
The National Ballet DanceBreak programme
2013/14 was the first full season that Ballet Talks
children there could enjoy this experience. In total,
Ballet Club Relevé is a group of women committed
continues to grow and introduce new generations to
took place in the R. Fraser Elliott Hall at the Four
over 4,000 students and young people watched a
to supporting YOU dance.
the magic of live dance. Established in 2007,
Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts. As a result,
DanceBreak is a membership programme for 16 to
the National Ballet was able to reach more patrons in
29 year olds and offers $35 tickets on performance
greater comfort. Host Lindsay Fischer presented 57
days. In the 2013/14 season, membership grew to
Ballet Talks with 28,500 patrons in attendance.
YOU dance performance through the Live Stream.
Nancy Holland, Chair
Diane Blake
Caroline Booth
Martha Burns
Joanne Eidinger
Eileen Farrow
Jane Humphreys & Ron Lalonde
Nancy Jain
Trodi Linders
Margaret MacLellan
Kristi Stangeland
Susanna Stuart
Eli Taylor
Nancy Viner
almost 33,000.
In Studio
Dance About
Share the Magic
The National Ballet’s longest-running education and
The National Ballet of Canada’s Share the Magic
classes. In Studio offers a wide array of dance
outreach programme, Dance About, has been
programme provides a unique and memorable
disciplines including Ballet, Jazz, Contemporary and
introducing students in Kindergarten through grade
experience to youth and families affected by illness
DanceFit at beginner to professional levels. Classes
six to a day in the life of a classical dancer for more
and socio-economic challenges by providing free
are taught by members of the National Ballet
than 45 years. Four dancers, a piano accompanist
access to live ballet performances. Since its inception
including Artist-in-Residence Rex Harrington,
and a narrator take students through a dancer’s typical
in 1986, Share the Magic has brought the joy of
Principal Dancer Aleksandar Antonijevic, First Soloist
day including basic ballet exercises, partnering,
dance to over 64,000 audience members at absolutely
Jonathan Renna and Corps de Ballet member Lise-
performances, make-up and wardrobe. In the 2013/14
no cost. In 2013/14, 3,000 tickets were distributed to
Marie Jourdain as well as renowned contemporary
season, the National Ballet presented seven Dance
children and their families throughout the GTA.
dancers. In its first year, more than 7,500 people
About performances to more than 2,400 students.
Dance About sponsor
Student participating in a YOU dance Workshop. Photo by Bruce Zinger.
For the first time ever, the National Ballet opened its
studios to provide recreational dance and fitness
participated in In Studio classes.
Share the Magic
Title Sponsor
Artists of the Ballet in Class on Stage. Kate Kernaghan with In Studio participants during a Barre Fit class. Photos by Bruce Zinger.
MAD HOT BALLET: Spellbound
Presented by
“CIBC’s relationship with the National Ballet of
Canada dates back to 1955 and we’re especially
proud to have been for the presenting sponsor of
the MAD HOT BALLET Gala for the past eight years.
This outstanding and memorable annual event
contributes to the success of the company and its
artists which in turn is building a stronger, more
vibrant community for all of us.”
Jay Smith, First Vice-President, Portfolio Manager and Investment Advisor
at CIBC Wood Gundy
Leadership Tables
Marlene & Elvio DelZotto
The Thor E. and Nicole Eaton
Family Foundation
Sandra Faire & Ivan Fecan/
Lynda & Jonas Prince
Sylvia Mantella and Suzanne Rogers
The Honourable Margaret
Norrie McCain, C.C.
National Bank Financial
Sandra Pitblado & Jim Pitblado, C.M.
Holt Renfrew, Performance Sponsor
Lafarge Canada Inc.,
Performance Sponsor
Joan & Jerry Lozinski, Orchestra Sponsors
Chair-man Mills
Eska Water
Evoke Designs
Four Seasons Centre for the
Performing Arts
Gatsby Valet
The Globe and Mail
Hilton Toronto
Icon Digital Productions
McNabb Roick Events
Noble Estates Wine & Spirits Inc.
North 44 Catering
Pusateri’s Fine Catering
Regency Printing
SKYY Vodka
Steam Whistle Brewing
Terrain Flowers
Spellbound Tables
MAD HOT BALLET: Spellbound was a resounding
success. In one enchanting night, more than
$1 million dollars was raised in support of The
National Ballet of Canada.
The gala performance included short works selected
by Artistic Director Karen Kain. This year’s exciting
programme included three world premieres. Principal
Dancer and Choreographic Associate Guillaume Côté
unveiled Dance Me to the End of Love performed by
Second Soloist Dylan Tedaldi and Tonight Will Be Fine
danced by Corps de Ballet member Kathryn Hosier
and Apprentice Félix Paquet.
Principal Dancer Greta Hodgkinson performed Mr.
Côté’s Being and Nothingness (Part 1) and Mr. Côté
performed his own solo piece Body of Work.
Choreographic Associate Robert Binet premiered
The National Ballet is extremely grateful for the
his work These Worlds in Us featuring Principal
generous and important support of many loyal
Dancer Jillian Vanstone and Second Soloist
sponsors, most notably of Lead Sponsor CIBC, the
Skylar Campbell in the lead roles as well as First
exceptional gala committee led by Co-Chairs Mark
Soloists Keiichi Hirano and Robert Stephen, Second
and Vanessa Mulroney and the many table-buyers,
Soloist Jenna Savella and Corps de Ballet member
donors and volunteers who all contribute to making
Rui Huang. The one-hour gala performance was
MAD HOT BALLET a success for the company.
brought to a close with a romantic pas de deux from
The proceeds from this event contribute to the
Cinderella, graciously performed by Principal Dancers
continued excellence of the National Ballet’s artists,
Sonia Rodriguez and Guillaume Côté.
performances and outreach activities.
Co-chairs Vanessa and Mark Mulroney. Jay Smith, Karen Kain and Victor Dodig. Jonas and Lynda Prince. Victor and Bernice Royce with Guillaume Côté and
Heather Ogden. Photos by Gary Beechey and Tara Noelle.
John & Claudine Bailey
David & Torunn Banks
Barclays Capital Canada Inc.
Barrick Gold Corporation
Bartlett & Associates Ltd.
Brent Belzberg/David Williamson/
Charles Winograd/Thomas Woods
BMO Financial Group
Burgundy Asset Management Ltd.
Ensil Canada Ltd.
The Jackman Family
Krista Kerr & Kerr Financial/
Fiona & David Berry
Lafarge Canada Inc.
Philip Lieberman and KJ Harrison
& Partners
Joan & Jerry Lozinski
Medcan Health Management
Morgan Meighen & Associates
Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP
Linda & Kevin O’Leary
Deena & Rene Pantalone
Nancy Pencer & Michael Benjamin
The Phelan Charitable Foundation
Dr. Andrew W. Taylor &
Stephen Dembroski
Torys LLP
Noreen Taylor & David Staines/
Susanne Boyce & Brendan Mullen
TD Bank Group
Frank Toskan & Darren Zakreski
Sarah White
The Woodbridge Company Limited
Spellbound VIP Tickets
Michael Blair
Jonathan Bloomberg & Emily Burnett
Graham & Linda Brown
Naman & Mindy Budhdeo
Taiya Campbell & Brennan Mulcahy
Peter & Elly Daniels
Robert & Catherine Deluce
Ryan & Kendra Doersam
The John David & Signy Eaton Foundation
Leslie Gales & Keith Ray
Kevin & Roger Garland
Jane Gill
Daniel Greenglass & Joe Brennan
Jane Hanrahan
Lucille Joseph & Urban Joseph, O.C
Anna McCowan-Johnson &
Donald K. Johnson, O.C.
The Koffler & Boyman Families
Geneviève McKillop & Chris Bennett
Joe & Lucie Pal
Wendy Posluns & Lewis Mitz
Don Quach
Moe Razi Design
Rose Room Recording and
Sousie & Galen D. Weston
Honey & Barry Sherman
TAS – Shaping Beautiful Cities
Róisín & Atul Tiwari
Roxane Tota
Jon Voigt
Lindy Barrow
Judith & Marshall Cohen
Philip & Jennifer Chown
Jeanie Davis
Rosamond Ivey
Hank Latner
Sarah & David Macdonald
The Honourable Margaret
Norrie McCain, C.C.
Julie Medland
Jimmy Molloy & Bernadette Morra
Gretchen Ross & Donald Ross, O.C.
Go Sato
George R. Sutherland
Lenore Walters
John H. Williams
Special Thanks
Aleksandar Antonijevic Photography
Apple Canada
Arrow Graphics
Maurizio Baccante
Chad Burton
Brendan Cassin
Ryan Chan
Civello Salon & Spa
CJR Wholesale Grocers Ltd.
FASHION Magazine
Holt Renfrew
Jelly Modern Doughnuts
Geoff Kelleway
The King Edward Hotel
Valerie Kuinka
Lynn Kuo
Dominique Laplante
MAC Cosmetics
Marc Jacobs Fragrances
Eleanor McCain
Bernadette Morra
PA Plus Productions
Photo Star
Plutino Group
The Room at The Bay
Richard Sandals
Devon Soltendieck
S1 Group
The Butler Did It
VIA Rail Canada
Xiao Nan Yu
Individual Giving
The National Ballet of Canada thanks the following donors and sponsors for their generosity and commitment
in supporting the movement, passion and power of great dance. These gifts from Patrons, Friends and Turnout
members celebrate the outstanding artists, performances and activities of the National Ballet.
* Artists & Staff
◊ Donor for 10 or more years
◊◊ Donor for 20 or more years
(July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014)
Director’s Circle
($25,000 & above)
Tony & Anne Arrell
John & Margaret Bahen
John & Claudine Bailey ◊◊
Torunn & David Banks◊
David W. Binet◊
Ms. Susanne Boyce & Dr. Brendan Mullen
Ms. Anne-Marie Canning
Judi & Lionel Conacher◊◊
Jeanie A. Davis◊◊
Mr. JJ Dayot & Mr. Rick Schiralli
Catherine & Ian Delaney
Ms. Laura Dinner & Mr. Richard Rooney
Gail Drummond & Bob Dorrance◊◊
Mr. Thor Eaton &
The Honourable Nicole Eaton, Senator◊◊
Sandra Faire & Ivan Fecan◊
Kevin Garland & Roger Garland◊◊
Ms. Emmanuelle Gattuso and
Mr. Allan Slaight
Ira Gluskin & Maxine Granovsky Gluskin◊
Mary & Graham Hallward
Nona Heaslip◊◊
Mrs. Renata M. Humphries◊◊
Richard M. Ivey, C.C.◊◊
Rosamond Ivey◊◊
Anna McCowan-Johnson &
Donald K. Johnson, O.C.◊◊
Lucille Joseph & Urban Joseph, O.C.◊
Mrs. Judy Korthals & Mr. Peter Irwin◊
Judith & Robert Lawrie◊◊
Mona & Harvey Levenstein◊◊
Joan & Jerry Lozinski◊◊
Sarah & David Macdonald◊
The Honourable Margaret
Norrie McCain, C.C.◊
Julie & Ted Medland◊◊
Donna Meyers & Doug Richmond
Nancy Pencer◊
Sandra Pitblado & Jim Pitblado, C.M◊◊
Mrs. Lynda Prince◊◊
Robin & Ross Robinson◊◊
Gretchen Ross & Donald Ross, O.C.◊◊
Sandra L. Simpson◊
Heather Thomson & Dick Thomson, O.C.◊◊
Diana St. B. Weatherall◊◊
Lucy White*◊
Five Anonymous Donors
Artistic Circle
($15,000 – $24,999)
Nani & Austin Beutel◊◊
Mr. Richard J. Currie, O.C. &
Mrs. Elizabeth Currie◊◊
George A. Fierheller◊◊
Lynda Hamilton◊
Mr. & Mrs. G.R. Heffernan◊◊
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Herridge◊◊
Anne & David LeGresley◊
Philip & Sherri Lieberman◊
Ned & Georgina McLennan◊◊
Ms. Vanessa L. Morgan & Mr. Steven Wolf◊
Victor & Bernice Royce
Ada Slaight◊◊
Cornell Wright & Sarah McEvoy
One Anonymous Donor
($10,000 – $14,999)
Elaine J. Adair◊◊
Gregory & Irene Aziz◊◊
Mrs. Fiona Berry
Robert Brews & Kenneth Brown
Dr. Ann E. Camps◊◊
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Creed◊
Mr. Raghunath Davloor
Adelle and Paul Deacon Nanton Fund at
the Toronto Community Foundation◊◊
Sherry Taylor Drew◊◊
Margaret & David Fountain◊◊
Mr. and Mrs. John Grant◊
Richard & Martha Hogarth◊◊
Gail Hutchison◊◊
Ms. Krista Kerr◊
The Henry White Kinnear Foundation◊◊
Eunice Lumsden & Peter Luit
Ms. Geneviève McKillop & Chris Bennett◊
Peter & Melanie Munk◊
Ms. Linda O'Leary◊
Mr. Robbie J. Pryde
Aaron & Heather Regent◊
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Reininger◊
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Royer and Family
Tony Scott-Fisher◊
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel F. Sullivan
Mr. George R. Sutherland
Sarah White
Mr. Eric Tripp & Ms. Maria Smith
Judith R. Wilder
Ms. Beth Wilson
One Anonymous Donor
($5,000 – $9,999)
Mr. Barry Allan
Alison Arbuckle Fisher◊◊
Hugh & Colleen Balders◊
Karen & Bill Barnett◊◊
Judith & Marshall Cohen◊◊
Cathryn E. Cranston & John Coke◊
Jane Darville & Dr. Skip Bassford
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Davis◊
George & Kathy Dembroski◊◊
Averil Farlow & Blain Caverly
Ms. Jennifer Farrell
Graham Fell
Ken & Linda Foxcroft◊◊
Ms. Taanta Gupta◊
Hon. & Mrs. Paul T. Hellyer◊◊
Joan F. Ivory◊◊
Karen Kain*, C.C., LL.D., D.Litt., O.Ont. &
Ross Petty◊◊
Margaret Kawaja◊◊
Prof. & Mrs. James King◊
Dr. Gurney M. Kranz◊◊
Arthur Labatt, O.C. & Sonia Labatt◊
Paul A. Lee, Q.C. & Jill Maynard◊◊
Mr. & Mrs. A. Maggiacomo◊◊
Vincent Mercier & Kirsten Halpin
Laurie Nemetz*◊◊
Ms. Marianne Oundjian
Mr. & Mrs. Derek Pannell
Mr. D. Ross Peebles & Ms. Judith Cole◊◊
Rosemary Phelan & Sam Blyth◊
Frances & Tim Price◊◊
Mr. Don Quach
Mr. Robert Raizenne
Barrie D. Rose and Family◊
Mr. Geoffrey Wayne Squibb◊◊
Dennis & Denny Starritt ◊◊
Dr. Ruth & Dr. Jake Tedaldi
Lenore Walters◊◊
Mr. John H. Williams◊◊
Karin & Michael Woodroffe
Ms. Vivien M. Wu◊
Ms. Helen Ziegler◊
Four Anonymous Donors
Mrs. Earlaine Collins
Guillaume Côté* & Heather Ogden*
Pauline Couture & Ian Morrison◊
Mary & John Crocker◊
Missy & Allan Crosbie ◊
Ms. Marilyn Crowley
John E. Davies ◊
Julie Di Lorenzo
Mr. C.R. Hunter◊◊
Mr. Frank & Dr. Margaret Ionson◊◊
Jaye Jenkins◊
Norman Jewison, C.C.
Patrick & Barbara Keenan ◊◊
Mr. Jim Lawrence & Mr. David J. Salak ◊
Joy Levine ◊
Mr. Anthony Lisanti
Major Patron
($3,000 – $4,999)
Ms. Yeti Agnew & Mr. Christopher Birt◊◊
Mark & Gail Appel◊◊
Ms. Yveline Audemars &
Mr. Humberto Rivero
James Austin & Hans Eppenberger◊
Mona Bandeen, C.M.◊◊
Ms. Lindy Barrow
Gillian & Ken Bartlett◊◊
Florence Sharpe Barwell◊◊
Professor Marion G. Bassett◊◊
Dr. Thomas H. Beechy◊◊
Ms. Josée Bouchard & Mr. Paul Belanger◊
Walter M. & Lisa Balfour Bowen◊◊
Mr. David Broadhurst
Sheila Brown & Doug Guzman
Mr. & Mrs. Joe & Laurissa Canavan
Margaret & John Casey◊◊
Dr. John H.C. Chiu,
in memory of Yvonne Chiu, C.M.◊◊
Dr. Bo Y. Ngan◊◊
Michael & Nina Overbury◊◊
Mr. Douglas L. Parker◊◊
Mrs. Rosemary Rathgeb◊
Mrs. Shirley Reid
Diana Reitberger*◊
William & Lesley Rogan◊
Mr. Gary Rogers◊
Judith & Jack Rose
John & Susan Rose
Maxwell L. Rotstein &
Nancy-Gay Rotstein◊◊
Robert Rubinoff◊
Esther Sarick◊
Mr. Go Sato◊◊
Paul J. Savard◊
Mr. Lawrence Schafer
Mr. and Mrs. David Scott
Barbara & William Shaw
Dr. Hugh Siddall
Malcolm & Katrine Siverns
Stephen & Jane Smith◊◊
Mr. Ken Snider & Dr. Deborah Leibow◊
Ms. Karen Sparks◊◊
Mrs. Doreen L. Stanton◊◊
Ms. Stephanie Stavro◊
Brenda Stinson & Carlo De Angelis
Dr. Robert Summers-Gill◊◊
Mr. & Mrs. Mark & Kim Surchin◊
Michele Leighton Symons
John Theo◊◊
Gillian Thomas & Michael Easterbrook◊
Mr. Alex Tosheff
Ms. Ruth Watts-Gransden◊◊
Mr. Brian B. Wilks◊◊
Nan & Jack Wiseman◊◊
Mrs. Timothy Wright◊
Two Anonymous Donors
Mr. Allan Dines ◊
Maureen & James Dunn
Judy Dunn
M.G. Eaton & David S. Kertland ◊
Mr. Joseph Fantl & Ms. Moira Bartram◊
Anna-Liisa & Graham Farquharson◊
Mrs. Isabel & Mr. Wayne Fox◊
Judith Gelber
Maxine Goldberg◊
Carol Gray◊
Mrs. Lorna Greenbaum◊◊
Ralph & Ros Halbert◊◊
Pat & Bill Harris◊◊
Ann Hogarth◊◊
Douglas L. Ludwig & Karen J. Rice ◊
Judy Manji ◊
Sue & Biff Matthews ◊◊
Estate of J. Douglas McCullough
Mrs. Barbara E. McDonald◊◊
Patti McFarlane◊◊
Mr. Ryan McNally
Mr. Timothy McNicholas
Nancy Miller & Glen Ireland
Clive & Fran Minto◊◊
Dr. Beverly Morningstar &
Mr. Richard Rogers◊
Mr. and Mrs. Benoit Mulsant
L.J. Nagel & Stan Solomon
($2,000 – $2,999)
Mr. & Mrs. Clive V. Allen◊◊
Mr. & Mrs. David & Kim Beatty◊◊
Jordan Applebaum & Andrea Burridge◊
Dr. Talitha Arndt & Mr. Ed Esposto◊◊
Lynly & Trevor Bailie◊◊
Richard Baird◊◊
Ms. Katherine Barber◊◊
Winifred Barclay◊◊
Justin Barr
Inger Bartlett & Marshal Stearns◊
Peter Beck & Sondra Platt
Dr. Ewa Bernadska & Dr. Neil Gordon
Mr. John R. Birkett◊◊
Ms. Ann Bowman◊
Julia & David Briskin*
Margaret Brock◊◊
Ms. Martha Burns
Jane Campbell & John McLeish
Della H. Campbell◊◊
Ms. Denise Cargill
Colleen Carmichael◊
Diana Chant & Bill Mitchell◊◊
Dr. & Mrs. Albert Cheskes
Piotr Stanczyk in the second detail. Photo by Cylla von Tiedemann.
Individual Giving—Patron continued
Peng Chiang◊◊
Philip & Jennifer Chown
Ms. Linda Chu & Mr. John Donald◊
John Church
Ms. Vivian Ciaschini◊
Mr. Philip A. Clappison◊◊
Helene Clarkson
Hugh & Carolyn Cleland◊
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Colterjohn
Mrs. Louise Cornblum◊
Dr. Pamela Craigie & Dr. Verne Glavin
Carole Curtis◊◊
Professor K.G. Davey◊◊
Ms. Yvette & Mr. Mike DeBiasi◊
Amanda Demers & Brian Collins
Trina DeSa◊
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Diamond
Wilf & Brenda Dinnick◊◊
Mrs. Susan Dore
Ms. Lee Anne Downey
Mrs. Anne W. Dupre◊
Ms. Melanie Edwards & Mr. John Brown
Ms. Bronwen Evans
Heather & Michael Faralla
Joan Farano◊◊
Catherine Fauquier◊
Ms. Cecil Fennell
Rupert Field-Marsham &
Lindsay Dale-Harris◊
Ms. and Mr. Frances Filegan◊◊
Mr. & Mrs. John Flemer◊
Robert & Julia Foster◊
Mr. Lorne Fox & Mr. Ken Marple◊◊
Mr. Blaise Gaetz◊
Dr. George & Mrs. Olga Gale◊
André J. Galipeault, C.M. &
Suzanne Galipeault ◊◊
Mrs. Hilda Gan
Mr. Peter Garstang ◊◊
Ms Susan Garvie ◊
Bronwen Gates ◊◊
Heather V. Gibson
Mark & Louise Golding ◊
Judy & David Goodings ◊◊
Mrs. Mary Gore
Mr. Donald D. Grant◊◊
Ms. Susan Greenbloom
Sara Griffiths◊
Dr. & Mrs. Voldemars Gulens◊◊
Alayne & Michael Hamilton◊◊
Ms. Naomi Harris◊
Mr. & Mrs. David Hodgkinson
Ronald M. Haynes◊◊
Ms. Susan Hayward Payne◊
Mr. Jason Heayn & Ms. Andrea Venneri
Catherine & Clarke Herring
Avril Higgins & Robert Page◊◊
Mr. Philip & Dr. Claire Holloway◊
Mr. Richard Howes
Mr. Fred Hurlbut & Ms. Catherine Barlow
Dr. Melvyn Iscove◊◊
Jarvis & Associates◊◊
Mrs. Amala Jayatilleke
Ms. Gail Julie◊
Mrs. Lorraine Kaake
Ms. Miriam Kagan
Mr. Saleem Kassum◊
Ms. Mony Kelley◊
Margaret D. King
Dr. A. Kong & J. Wilkie◊◊
Ms. Catherine Lace
Rahim Ladha*
Ms. Ann Lawson
Mr. John B. Lawson, Q.C.◊
Leigh-Ann Layno*
Dr. Calvin Lei & Mark Oliver ◊
Mr. Andrew Lengyel^
Mr. Michael A. LoPresti ◊◊
Naoya Ebe and Jillian Vanstone in Cinderella. Photo by Aleksandar Antonijevic.
Individual Giving—Grand Jeté
Mrs. Kari MacKay
Dr. Brenda Martin
Ms. Liza Mauer & Mr. Andrew Sheiner
Janice May ◊◊
Ms. Eleanor McCain ◊
Ken McCarter & Dianna Symonds◊
Ms. I. McDorman◊◊
Mrs. June McLean◊◊
Hélène & Ray McLenaghan◊◊
Ms. Margaret C. McNee◊
Ms. Sylvia M. McPhee◊◊
Elaine Kierans &
Shawn McReynolds
Susan Melton◊◊
Anne and Charles Morison◊
Ms. Eileen Newell◊
Ms. Margaret Nicholson
Benson Orenstein◊◊
Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Pankratz◊◊
Rene Pantalone◊◊
Graham & Janet Parkinson◊
Dr. Michael Partridge &
Dr. Sudha Rajagopal◊
Dr. Linda Rabeneck & Dr. CJ Campbell◊
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Paterson◊◊
Mr. Robin B. Pitcher◊◊
Mrs. Wanda Plachta◊
Mr. Raymond Pladsen
Mrs. Claudine Pope
Dr. & Mrs. G.R. Rastegar
Dr. Penelope Reed Doob◊◊
Juta Reed
Ms. Barbara Reid
Lisa Richter Davey & Michael Davey◊
Ms. Stephanie Roberts &
Mr. Kevin Hamilton
Mr. Justice Sydney Robins &
Mrs. Robins◊◊
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Robitaille
Mr. Peter Ronn
Mrs. Veronika Roux-Vlachova
Elaine M. Roper◊
Andrea Rosen & Stephen MacDonald◊
Rainer & Sharyn Rothfuss◊◊
Mr. Gerard Roxburgh*
Mr. Geoffrey Rytell◊◊
Ms. Elodie Sandford
William & Meredith Saunderson◊◊
Ms. Diane Schmidt◊
Dr. Hugh Scully &
Vanessa Harwood, O.C.◊◊
Mr. Greg Sharp
Mrs. Joan D. Shaw◊◊
Maggie Morris Smolensky◊◊
Mrs. Joan Sohn◊◊
Marion Soloway◊
Dr. Myra Sourkes◊
Ms. Anna Stahmer-Jarmain &
Mr. W. Edwin Jarmain◊
Ms. Astrid Stec
Gaye & Andy Stein◊◊
Mr. & Mrs. Ken & Jennifer Tanenbaum
Karyn Tessmer & Dr. George Konn◊
Cynthia & Craig Thorburn
Bonita & Walter Thornton
Maureen & Philip Tingley◊◊
Ann-Marie Toccacelli◊◊
Mrs. Elizabeth Tory◊◊
Ann Vanderheyden◊
Mr. Jeffrey Verman & Mrs. Sandra Vettese
Judy & Graham Weeks◊◊
Dr. and Mrs. R. J. Wheler◊◊
Mr. Greg Wiebe
Ms. Barbara Williams◊◊
Gregory Williams & Warren Sorensen◊◊
Ms. Durhane Wong-Rieger◊
Dr. Erik Yeo
Maria T. Zakos◊
Ms. Denise Zarn & Mr. James Shenkman◊◊
Mrs. Maria-Luisa Zoppas◊◊
Veronica Zufelt◊◊
Six Anonymous Donors
Grand Jeté
($1,250 – $1,999)
Tim Badgley◊
Cathy Barber
Ms. Rachel Berchtold
Betrose Management Limited
Leslie Buskard◊
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Buttle
Ms. M.C. Clancy◊
Dr. Aida & Daniel Crosthwaite
Mrs. M. J. Dundas &
Mr. John Petrosoniak◊◊
Katherine Halpenny* & Sean Smith
Mr. Peter Heisey◊
Mr. Steven Hennig
Mr. Lewis Hertzman◊
Ms. Susan Keen◊
Mr. Paul Kohn and Ms. Janice Lynn
Ms. Linda Kurdydyk◊
Mr. Richard LaPrairie
James Lindala Family Foundation at the
Toronto Community Foundation
Dr. Vance Logan◊
Mrs. Stephanie Meredith◊
Estate of J. Douglas McCulluogh
Mr. & Mrs. John Nagel
Mr. William D. Poole
Dr. Evan Roberts
Ms. Jennifer Rook
Lilia M. Sham◊
Mrs. and Mr. E.J. Shatilla◊
Mrs. Stanislawa Skrok◊
Muriel Tait
Sylvia Vanhaverbeke
Mr. J.H. Whiteside◊
Five Anonymous Donors
($850 – $1,249)
Mrs. June Abel◊◊
Ms. Joan Addison
Miss Margaret Agar◊◊
Isobel Allen◊◊
Ms. Margaret Atwood
Dr. and Mrs. Ian Blumer◊◊
Sera Bryce
Ms. Janet Bulger
Miss Linda Campbell◊◊
The Chepesiuk Family◊
Harold Chmara & Danny Hoy◊◊
Drs. A & M Cividino
Hilda Clark◊◊
Mr. Stephen R. Cole
Thérèse Culnan
Maija Dale◊
G.C. Darling◊
Ms. Anne Davidson
Mr. & Mrs. W. M. Dobell◊◊
The Dunbar Sogan Family
Mr. Larry Enkin◊
Ms. Rachel Fain
D.J. Fraser
Mrs. Alice H. Fox◊◊
Mr. J.H. Galloway◊◊
Ms. Tamara Glied
Frances Greenwood
Ms. Louise Grummitt
Mrs. Jo-Anne Hall
Mr. T.M. Hall◊◊
Mr. Ronald Holgerson
Alanna and Wade Jack
Ms. Pennie R. Jevnikar◊◊
Mrs. Frances E. Johnson◊◊
Elizabeth Johnston◊
Katerina Kuprijanov
Janet Lamb◊
Ms. Mary Susanne Lamont
Ms. Diana Massiah◊
Ms. Marcia McClung
Anne S. McLeod◊◊
Ms. Delia M Moog◊◊
Neil & Prue Morrison
Dr. Steven Nitzkin
Dr. Jean O'Grady◊
Shirley Page◊◊
Miss Joan C. Pape◊◊
Mr. Alan Pearson◊
Renee & David Perlmutter
The Perston Family◊
Miss M.J. Phillips◊◊
Mr. H R Martin Phills
Mr. Brayton Polka
Ms. Nancy Posluns◊
Powis Family Foundation
Mrs. Dorothy Purchase◊◊
Elinor Gill Ratcliffe, C.M., O.N.L., LLD (hc)
Janet Redhead
Mr. Eddy Reitberger
Mari & Jim Rutka◊◊
Sandra Rye◊
Mr. Patrick Schindler
Harold Sclodnick & Lynda Gilroy
Mrs. Heather Sheehan◊◊
Dr. and Mrs. Barry Sherman
Ms. Ibolya Smith◊
Ms. Solway and Mr. Moore◊◊
Mr. Timothy Spain
Mr. Hamish Stewart◊
Tony and Caley Taylor Family Fund at the
Toronto Community Foundation
Ms. Elizabeth Terry◊
Catherine Thiessen
Ms. Wendy Trainor
Dr. Bill and Mrs. Kathleen Tremaine
Mrs. Deborah Vernon◊◊
Mr. Einar Werschitz
Lyn M. Westwood◊◊
Ms. Michele Wiederkehr◊
Karen Wierucki◊
Miss E. Joan Williams◊◊
Shelagh & David Wilson
Mr. Luke Windisch
Hastings & Irene Withers
Kevin Coombs &
Teri Worthington Coombs◊
Two Anonymous Donors
($500 – $849)
Scott and Sonja Addison
Ms. Phyllis Agg
Miss Andrea Albert
Vanessa Alexander
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Anastasiades◊
Mr. Raymond Ang
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick and Janet Appleton
Ms. Karen & Ms. Donna Atkin◊◊
Mrs. Margot A. Baker
Peter & Marilyn Balan
Mr. & Mrs. John Balmer◊
Mrs. Ursula Bargenda◊◊
Mr. Roy Barichello◊
Mr. & Mrs. E.R. Barnsley◊◊
Ms. Deborah Barrett
Ms. Helen Barron◊◊
John & Leanna Bayliss
Christopher & Christina Begy◊
N. Beilstein & A. Lee
Mr. Nicholas Birch◊
Mr. Kim Birchard and Mrs. Carol Dorman◊◊
Ms. Katherine Bischoping◊◊
Melynda M Bitzos & Paul Mesbouris◊
H.J. & Pina Blake
Ms. Bethany Bleile
Mrs. A. Blom◊◊
Susan M. Borde◊
Mr. Craig Bradshaw
Ms. S. Braithwaite◊◊
Christopher Bredt & Jamie Cameron◊◊
Mr. & Mrs. Allan and Freda Brender◊◊
Teresa Briggs
Dr. Ian and Mrs. Brindle
Mr. Tristan Brookes
Greta Hodgkinson in Being and Nothingness (Part 1). Photo by Bruce Zinger.
Individual Giving—Brisé continued
Dr. Sylvia & Mr. Klaus Brose
Mr. Charles Brown◊◊
Ms. Shirley Brown◊
Mr. W.C. Buttimer◊◊
Mr. R.E. Campbell &
Mrs. Patricia Campbell◊
Mr. Jack A. Carr◊
Mr. & Mrs. Robter & Eleanor Carpen◊◊
Dr. Nicholas Cartel & Ms. Singa Bui
Dr. Alfred L. Chan
Ms. Hsing-Yi Chang
Linda Charbonneau
Ms. Sheila Cloft
Zane and Joan Cohen◊◊
Mr. John E. Connolley◊
Mrs. Sydne Conover-Taggart
Ms. Jill Cooter◊◊
Mrs. Anne Corbett
Ted & Carole Cordner
Mr. Richard Cornwall
Joanne Coutts◊
Denton Creighton & Kristine Vikmanis
Ms. Joanne Crookshank◊
Mr. Hugh Crosthwait
Robert Crouch◊
Mr. Henry Labatte and Ms. Jean Cuddy◊
Mr. David M. Cullen◊◊
Mr. Philip Cummings
Mr. & Ms. David Currie◊◊
Ms. Anne Day◊
Ms. Linda G. Day◊
Mr. Antonio de Lozada
Mrs. Saira Deen-Zammit◊
Mr. Sergei Dmitrevsky◊◊
Mr. Colin R.C. Dobell◊◊
Rob Dolan
Mrs. Lilliana Dominguez
Mr. Steven D. Donohue◊◊
Martin Doyle
Mrs. Louise Eason◊
Mrs. Judith Edmondson◊◊
Ms. E.L. Ellins◊◊
Nancy Embry◊◊
Mrs. Susan English
Mr. Hugh Evans◊
Sherry Houser◊
Ms. Janice Everett Sabourin
Margaret Fairman◊
Joan A. Farlinger◊◊
Mrs. Laura Farquhar◊◊
Darcy & Sheila Farrell◊
Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Karen Farrow◊
Mr. David Ferris
Jon & Roberta Fidler◊◊
Mrs. Lois J. Field◊◊
Ms. Rosario Flores
Sean Dollar & Margaret Flynn
Ms. Carol Iris Fox
Ms. Nancy Fung
Mr. Douglas G. Gardner◊◊
Ms. Kristina Getz
Ms. Patricia Gilbert◊
Mrs. Justine Giuliani
Ms. Wendy Glover
Ms. Maggie Goh
Andrew and Aviva Goldenberg◊
Mrs. C. Warren Goldring◊◊
Mr. Richard Goodman◊
Dr. and Mrs. R.M. Gorcynski◊
Julia Gorman & Bill Wright
Individual Giving—Turnout
Mr. Laurent Goulet◊
Dr. Noelle Grace
Mr. Robert Graham
Ms. Catherine Gravely
Ms. Sandra L. Green &
Ms. Mary Stephenson◊
Mr. Charles Greiner
Ms. Jennifer Grimm
Mr. John D. Ground
Colin Gruchy◊◊
Mr. Michael Hafeman◊◊
Sharon Lymer & Joan Ham◊
Ms. Elisabeth Handler◊
Mr. Jack Harris◊
Mrs. Joan E. Hart◊
Ms. Sherry Hatton
Mr. & Mrs. William Heaslip◊◊
Ms. Karen Heese◊
Mrs. Betty J. Hellwig◊◊
Ms. Ildiko Hencz
Mr. Peter Hendrick
D. G. Henrikson◊
Susan Hersey & Mark Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Heyland◊◊
Carol and Neil Hicks
Ms. Susan Hill◊
Mel Hogg
Christopher Hopgood◊
The Horn Section of the National Ballet
Richard & Susan Horner◊◊
Sally & Kate Hortop
Connie Hosier
Ms. Elizabeth Howson◊
Mr. & Mrs. Hryb
Ling Hu & Dr. Virgil Huang
Ms. Jill Humphries◊◊
Mrs. Fiona Hurwitz-Cohen
Mr. Edward Huszar◊
Mr. James Hyslop
Andrew Iacobucci & Kristin Andersons
Denise Ireland◊
Dr. Eric Ireland
Ms. Tracey Jardine
Mrs. Elspeth Johnson◊◊
Dr. David Johnston
Dr. and Mrs. Ian Johnston
Dr. Caroline Newman & Mitchell Kamiel◊
Dr. Niki Kanaroglou
Ms. Marilyn Kay Richards◊◊
Ms. Elizabeth Kennedy◊◊
Sheryl Kennedy & Bill Fleury
P. Kertland◊◊
Mr. Aubrey A. Kissoon & Family◊
Mr. Carl Knipfel
Dr. Judith Knowles◊◊
Dr. Jane Knox & Mr. Harvey Beresford◊
Olga Kopti◊◊
Ms. Henrietta Kostman
Catherine Kourkounakis
Lindsay & Bud Kronenberg◊◊
John and Ann Lang◊
Mrs. Donna Leavens
Mr. J.F. Leclerc
Mr. Yakov Lerner*
Clare & Susan Lewis
Mr. Eric Lipka◊
Hubert Lum & Eve Leyerle
Dr. Julian Loke
Ms. Sharon Lymer◊
Ms. Flora Macdonald◊◊
Ms. Nancy MacDonald◊
Mr. John MacIver◊
Pamela & William MacKenzie◊
Ms. Bosko Madic◊
Ms. Susan Magee
Connie & Peter Mak◊
Deirdre Malone
Miss Laurie Markus◊◊
Patricia L. Martin◊
Mr. Tony Matthews
Ms. Yvonne J. Matusz◊◊
Robin Melnick◊
Mr. Ulrich Menzefricke◊◊
Mrs. Ruth Merkur◊◊
Marion Meyers, Caitlin &
Nicolette Henderson◊
Mrs. Catherine L. Miller◊◊
Ms. Marisue Miller
Colin & Meta Mills◊◊
Lynne & Paul Milnes◊
Dorothy Novotny Brandenburg
Ms. Lorraine Mitchell◊◊
John & Christine Moran
Leslie J. Moran
Mrs. Eleanor A. Nadler◊◊
Mr. & Mrs. James & Lynn Neufeld◊◊
Ms. Carol Newall◊◊
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Northwood
Ms. Lia Overs◊
Ms. Sandra Pagan◊
Alfred Page & Ann Donaldson-Page
Ms. Lesley Paterson◊
Ms. Elizabeth Patterson◊◊
David Peachy & Georgia Henderson
Dr. Roger Pearce
Nicola and Alexandra Perpick
Mrs. Margaret Perschy◊◊
Dorothy and Roland Pfeiffer
Elyssa Phillips
Nina & Terry Picton◊◊
Ms. Lois Pineau
Ms. Jackie Pollard
Anca and Stefan Popescu◊
Ms. Jane Pound◊
Mr. Harold Povilaitis◊◊
Mrs. Barbara Pratt◊
Dr. Sydney Price-Sparling
Mr. David Purcell
Mr. Chris Purdye
Ms. Graciela Rahbe
Malcolm & Pam Rawlingson
Dr. Carol Ringer
Meghan Robertson
Mrs. Rosemary Robertson◊
Mr. Juan M Rodriguez
Mrs. Elizabeth Ross◊◊
Ms. Heather Joy Ross
Mr. Kenneth Rotenberg
Mrs. Leeann Russell
Susan Rutledge*
Mrs. Mary E. Sarjeant◊◊
Christina & Gabriella Sarrouh◊
Doreen & Alan Saskin
Dr. Michael Sayer
Ms. Ruth Scolnik◊◊
Mrs. June Scott◊◊
Mrs. Virginia Shanker
Dr. Patricia Shaw
Ms. Morli Shemesh
Ms. Dorothy Shoichet◊
Henry & Iris Silberman◊
Mrs. Christine Simpson◊
Dr. Christian Smith
Donald A. Smith◊◊
R. Smith◊◊
Ms. Louise Smith
Dr. Peter & Luci Snodgrass
Mrs. Myrna Stait-Gardner◊
Dr. John Stanley &
Dr. Helmut Reichenbächer◊
Mrs. Judith Stephanson◊◊
Mr. Kenneth Stephen◊◊
Cheryl E. Stephenson◊◊
Mr. David Stephenson
Mr. and Ms. Alan Stewart
Carol & Penelope Stewart
Ms. Sharon Stibbard
Dr. Doris Sutherland
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Tanzer
Ms. Diane Taylor◊
Ms. Erin Taylor
Mrs. Joan Taylor◊◊
Mrs. Helen Tazzman
Ms. Catherine Thomson◊
Dr. Lynne Thurling◊
Mrs. Nicola Tory◊
Mrs. H. Tregenza◊
Mr. Robert Truman
Wai-Yee Tsai
Barbara & Marlow Tucker
Ms. Nadya Tymochenko
Mr. Berton Ung
Dr. Greg Usher
Paul & Alison Uys◊
Miss Patsie Vallon
Gail Vanstone
Lisa & Keith Verity◊
Ms. Ruth Vernon
Jane Virro◊
Mrs. Gillian Von Teichman◊◊
Mr. David Walker◊
The Very Reverend Peter Wall &
Anne Harvey◊
Mr. Gordon Warme◊◊
Dr. Phillip Wattam &
Dr. Lois Russell Wattam
Ms. Barbara Weider
Ms. Elaine Welsh
Mr. Jacques Wensvoort
Dr. Eleanor Westney
Gabriele Westwinkel
Lynda Wilson
Mrs. and Ms. Brenda Wivell
Ms. Ethel M. Woods◊◊
Barbara & Martin Worndl◊
Ms. Judy Yamamoto◊
Mr. David Young
Dr. Paul & Debbie Zeni
Mr. Paul Zevenhuizen*
Ms. Carolina Zuniga
Miriam & Bernard Zylberberg
19 Anonymous Donors
The National Ballet of Canada thanks all
Fouetté, Pirouette and Plié level donors
for their generous support.
The National Ballet’s programme for
professionals between the ages of 25-40,
Turnout offer behind-the-scenes events
and National Ballet performances with
exclusive opportunities to meet the dancers
and artists of the company. Turnout
members engage with other arts lovers and
leading influencers from the cultural and
professional worlds while supporting the
best in dance and the artists of tomorrow.
Ms. Melanie Agopian
Vanessa Antinucci
Ms. Alice Barnett
Catherine Barry
Marie-Pierre Bélanger
Laura Blenkinsop
Brendan Brammall
Catherine Brown
Ryan Brown & Karen Wilkinson
Alicia Brum
Ms. Rachel Bunbury
Miss Nicola Cardwell
Anika Chadha
Gargi Chopra
Olga Churkina
Lindsay Cook
Kerri Craddock
Natalie Cross
Emily Daub
Stephanie Daub
Trina DeSa
Vanessa DiBattista
Ms. Stephanie DiGiuseppe
Kathleen Dillon
Flora Do
Miss Othalia Doe-Bruce
Melanie Dowhaniuk
Roxanne Earle
Hilary Farrell
Allison Freeman
Barbara Frum
Mr. Brian Gan
Carley Hay
Rob Howe
Jessica Kelly Design
Marie Christine Joly
Mezan Khaja
Yervant Khatchadourian
Jean S. Kim
Hannah Kohn
Linda K. Lee
Alicia Lumsden
Megan McChesney O'Toole
Nicole Lily-Anne McGinn
Kristina Milbourn
Susan Min
Lisa Munro
Marisa Ortega
Eric Quane
Karin Quane
Golbou Rad, Rad Design Inc
Ms. Mary Siew
Ms. Kathryn Smith
Ms. Charlotte Sobolewski
Joel Stevens
Samantha Sykes
Mr. Jon Voigt
Leah Wright
Scott Wu
Jason Zan
One Anonymous Donor
Turnout Corporate Members
Little Anthony's Italian Ristorante
Pricewaterhouse Coopers
Torys LLP
WHITTEN & LUBLIN, Employment Lawyers
*Artist and Staff
◊ Donor for 10 years or more
◊◊ Donor for 20 years or more
Sonia Rodriguez and Patrick Lavoie in Watch her.
Photo by Aleksandar Antonijevic.
Partnership of Excellence
Executive Director Barry Hughson
Joins the National Ballet
After an international, seven-month search, it was
announced in October 2013 that Barry Hughson
would be replacing Kevin Garland as the Executive
Director of The National Ballet of Canada.
Official Supplier, Office Systems
In January 2014, the administrative offices of the
National Ballet were renovated to create an open,
accessible and functional work space for staff. The
company gratefully acknowledges the generous
support of Teknion for providing new, streamlined
work stations for administrative staff. David Feldberg,
President & CEO of Teknion, toured the Walter
Carsen Centre to see the results of this dramatic
Mr. Hughson joined the National Ballet from the
Boston Ballet where he had been the Executive
Director for four years. With more than 20 years
experience as an arts executive and a former dancer,
Mr. Hughson brings deep knowledge and innate
comprehension of the artform and will continue to
move the company forward.
Mr. Hughson officially took over the post in January
2014 and since then has had the opportunity to meet
many members of the National Ballet’s donor
community and audience members.
“His experience and impressive track record as an executive in the arts, personal dance background and passion for ballet made him the ideal choice as the new Executive Director of the
National Ballet. We are confident that under his leadership, the company will continue to excel at
the highest level of excellence in every capacity.”
David Binet, Chair, Board of the Directors
Top 100 Employers
For the second consecutive year, The National Ballet of Canada was named
one of Canada’s Top 100 Employers. Selected by Mediacorp Canada Inc.,
the National Ballet was chosen from a group of over 75,000 employers from
Tribute Gifts
Generous donations have been made to recognize
the following individuals.
across the country. Each employer on the Top 100 list is graded based on
the following criteria: physical workplace; work and social atmosphere;
In Memory
In Honour
health; financial and family benefits; vacation and time off; employee com-
Lionel Conacher
Harold Corrigan
Clifford Cranston
Eunice Cranston
Libby Fowler
Sheila Katz
Chris Korthals
Patricia Lambros
Judy Ridout
Olivia Robertson
J. Ross Robinson
Andy Silber
Florence Weiner
Gregory Williams
Nancy V. Young
Pauline Zamprogna
Aleksandar Antonijevic
Jeanie Davis
Sherry Drew
Sandra Faire & Ivan Fecan
Cecil Fennell
Karen Fisher
Lise Marie Jordain & Chris Body
Arthur Labatt
Janet Lewell
Margaret McCain
John & Caroline Ross
Pat & David Schooling
Beth Wilson
munications; performance management; training and skills development
and community involvement.
“The National Ballet is honoured have received this award for a second year in a row and it reflects
the deep sense of pride in the culture of excellence that we aspire to in every aspect of our work.”
Kevin Garland, Former Executive Director
David Feldberg, Anthony Stewart, Lucy White and Margie Pacini in one of the new Teknion work pods. Staff photo.
Barry Hughson and Karen Kain. Photo by Gary Beechey.
Hannah Fischer and Piotr Stanczyk in Watershed. Photo by Bruce Zinger.
(As of June 30, 2014)
Artistic Director
Karen Kain
Artistic Administrator
Gerard Roxburgh
Rex Harrington
Principal Artistic Coach
Magdalena Popa
Artistic Director,
YOU dance / Ballet Master
Lindsay Fischer
Senior Ballet Master
Peter Ottmann
Senior Ballet Mistress
Mandy-Jayne Richardson
Choreographic Associates
Robert Binet
Guillaume Côté
Pointe Shoe Manager /
Assistant Ballet Mistress
Lorna Geddes
Personal Assistant to the
Artistic Director /
Administrative Manager,
Artistic Department
Pamela Steele
Scheduling Coordinator
Sophie Letendre
Guest Repetiteurs
Ami Shulman
A Month in the Country
Anthony Dowell*
Grant Coyle
Reid Anderson
Spectre de la Rose
Giovanni Di Palma
Opus19/The Dreamer
Jenifer Ringer
the second detail
Jill Johnson
Shaun Amyot
Guest Teachers and Coaches
Roberto Campanella
Jean-Yves Esquerre
Michel Faigaux
Robert Glumbek
Owen Montague
Matjash Mrozewski
Tatiana Tchernova
*Made possible by a generous
donation from The Frank Gerstein
Charitable Foundation
Dancer Wellness
Director of Dancer Wellness
Marla Pichler
Sports Medicine Physicians
Dr. Julia Alleyne
Michael Clarfield
Orthopaedic Specialist
Dr. Darrell Ogilvie-Harris
Family Practitiioners
Dr. Julia Hamilton
Urgent Care
Dr. Janice Weiss
Dr. Doug Misener
Company Athletic Therapist
Paul Papoutsakis
Company Massage Therapists
Prian Bastedo
Peter Blatz
Murray Howerth
Vlodek Kluczynski
Ron Mulesa
Resident Pilates Teacher
Je-an Salas
Ginette Hamel
Consulting Podiatrist
Dr. Nicholas Durand, D.Pod.M
Consulting Chiropractor
Dr. Cameron Borody
Consulting Naturopathic Doctor
Dr Melissa Piercell
Consulting Ophthalmologist
Dr. Michael Easterbrook
The National Ballet of Canada is
grateful to the Sports Medicine
Specialists (150 Eglinton Avenue
East, Toronto); the University
Health Network, Department
of Orthopaedics and Sports
Medicine; and the Medcan Clinic
(150 York Street, Toronto) for their
continued support of the Dancer
Health and Wellness Programme;
and to those physicians who have
generously donated their time to
The National Ballet of Canada.
Music Director and
Principal Conductor
David Briskin
Principal Pianist
Janis Neilson
Edward Connell
Andrei Streliaev
Zhenya Yesmanovich
Orchestra Personnel Manager
and Music Administrator
Raymond Tizzard
Assistant to the Music Director
Jean Verch
Lucie Parent
Executive Director
Barry Hughson
Director of Finance and
Barry Shour, CPA, CA
Director of Human Resources
Leigh Ann Layno
Executive Assistant /
Board Secretary
Pamela Ouzounian
Payroll and Benefits Manager
Jenny Mah
Human Resources Officer
Kathleen Matatya
General Accountants
Sandra Gandola, CB
Demitrios Prevenas
Liz Ye
Shu Zhang, CPA, CGA
Associate Director,
Audience and Donor Services
Veronica McLellan
Senior Manager,
Audience and Donor Services
Bethany Bleile
Senior Public Relations and
Publications Manager
Catherine Chang
Senior Manager,
Web & Digital Media
Stephen Cunningham
Director, In Studio
Kate Kernaghan
Senior Manager of Telesales
James Pereira
Senior Graphic Designer
Joanna Todd
Audience and Donor Services
Susan Eissler
Archives Manager
Caitlin Dyer
Adrienne Neville* (on leave)
Telesales Representatives
Daniel Ariaratnam
Zoya Boruchov
Stephan Carmichael
Rahim Ladha
Bill McGee
Joyce McKerrow
Brian Ravok
Rachelle Zilber
Director of Development
Diana Reitberger, CFRE
Associate Director of
Development, Major Gifts
Kate Halpenny
Senior Manager,
John Hart
Senior Manager,
Corporate Partnerships
Susan Rutledge
Manager, Development
Operations and Individual Giving
Leah Heidenheim
Marketing Operations Associate
Danielle McCann
Manager, Major Gifts and
Gift Planning
Joanna Ivey
Education and Outreach
Lisa Robinson
Manager, Special Events
and Turnout
Kristina Schreiber
Property Master
Michael Ellenton
Officer, Communications
Tara Robinson
Assistant Carpenter
Paul McNamara
Executive Assistant to the
Director of Development
Margie Pacini
Assistant Carpenter / Flyman
Geoff Kay
Senior Coordinator,
Special Events
Rebecca Hodge
Special Events and Turnout
Taylor Lafontaine
Coordinator, Administration
Lucy White
Production Director
James Thornley
Production Services Manager
Yvette Drumgold
Assistant to the Production
Alex Naylor
Stage Managers
Ernest Abugov
Jeff Morris
Assistant Stage Manager
Tiffany Fraser
Assistant Manager of Telesales
Alison Moss
Senior Officer, Patrons' Council
Anthony Stewart
Publicity Coordinator
Christine Achampong
Senior Officer, Friends' Corps
Deanna Underwood
Lighting Coordinator
Jeff Logue
Application Support Analyst
Kruti Shah
Web and Digital Media
Seowon Bang
Officer, Major Gifts
Marielle Bryck
Master Carpenter
John Alexander
ICT Consultants
JSO Consulting
Jeffrie Owen
Avin Gobin
Rob Townsend
Audience and Donor Services
Nicole Ascroft
Karen Brown
Patty Pederson
Officer, Writer
Caroline Dickie
Head Electrician
Stephen O’Connor
Company Management Assistant
Sarita Dotan
Assistant Publicity Coordinator
Nima Naik
Facilities Manager
Stephen Chadwick
Administrative Assistant,
William Bruce
Seta Nigoghossian
Director of Communications
Julia Drake
Senior Associate Director of
Belinda Bale
Audience and Donor Services
Victoria Banjavcic
Terry Bursey
Leif Conti-Groome
Denis Couillard
Michael Cursio
Rachel Day
Maureen Gualtieri
Lindsay Naft
Devin Upham
Beth Wolfe
Assistant Electricians
Ron Gorveatt
Chris Brooks
Construction Supervisor
Gord Graham
Assistant Carpenter
Sandy Middleton
Scenery constructed at
The Gretchen Ross Production
Centre for The National Ballet of
Canada by members of I.A.T.S.E.
Local 58.
Property Supervisor
John Miracle
Resident Scenic Artist
Kelly Palmer
Assistant Scenic Artist
Mark Reid
Stage Manager, YOU dance
Peter Sherk
Business Analysts
Fernando Margueirat
Mohiuddin Faruqe
Properties constructed at
The Gretchen Ross Production
Centre for The National Ballet of
Canada by members of I.A.T.S.E.
Local 828.
Government Support
Bringing the arts to life
De l'art plein la vie
Officer, Research
Laurie Nemetz
Wardrobe Supervisor
Marjory Fielding
Wardrobe Coordinator
Barbara de Kat
Assistant to the
Wardrobe Supervisor
Kathleen Johnson
Resident Cutters
Ruth Bartel
Christopher Read
Assistant to Cutters
Susan Howse
Assistant Wardrobe Coordinator
Grant Heaps
Costume Rental Coordinator
Mary Hurley
Wig and Make-up Supervisor
Charles Seminerio
Footwear Coordinator
Lacey Hammond Harrington
Footwear Assistant
Rose Marie Thomas
Additional Stitchers
Lisa Di Quinzio
Lisa Farinaccio
Victoria Shillington
Deborah Camken
Sue Willis
(As of June 30, 2014)
The Government of Canada through
the Honourable Shelly Glover, Minister,
the Department of Canadian Heritage.
The Volunteer Committee,
The National Ballet of Canada
Message from
David Macdonald, Chair
The National Ballet of Canada, Endowment Foundation
Gifts to
The National Ballet of Canada,
Endowment Foundation
Once again, on behalf of
adjusted) support can be maintained. Both measures
The National Ballet of Canada, Endowment Foundation investments provide a stable source of income and
the Board of Directors
now stand at healthy levels, sufficiently so that the
long-term security to support the company’s artists and activities.
of The National Ballet
board recently decided to increase the payout Target
of Canada, Endowment
Rate of 3.5% of Adjusted Book Value enshrined in the
Foundation, I want to
Foundation’s Disbursement Policy to a Target Rate
thank our many donors
of 4.0% for the fiscal year 2014/15 onwards. With
for their generous support
a higher fund balance and higher payout rate, the
of The National Ballet
Foundation expects to significantly increase its
of Canada, Endowment
annual support to the National Ballet again in
Foundation. Your past and
2014/15. While the past few years have been kind,
current giving have been
it would be tempting fate to expect strong results to
at the heart of a story of
continue much longer. A pause is likely overdue.
exceptional growth that
(July 1, 2013—June 30, 2014)
Tony & Anne Arrell
The Estate of Walter Carsen, O.C.
Ira Gluskin & Maxine Granovsky Gluskin
Ms. Laura Dinner & Mr. Richard Rooney
The Catherine and Maxwell Meighen Foundation
The Estate of Mr. J.M. Doc Savage
To my fellow members of the Endowment Foundation
has transformed the scale of the Foundation and the
Board, I thank you for continuing to share your time
confidence and support it gives The National Ballet
and expertise this season. Your commitment to
of Canada as the company pursues its ambitious
keeping the National Ballet on a sound financial footing
artistic plans.
is both inspiring and greatly appreciated. To our
2013/14 was another excellent year for the
Thank you to the following donors who made a major gift to the Endowment Foundation.
donors, I extend my gratitude once again. Without
Endowment Foundation, with strong asset growth,
you, the National Ballet could not count on the stable
excellent investment returns and a record disbursement
funding base the Endowment provides to realize its
to The National Ballet of Canada. Total fund balances
artistic goals—outstanding dance, new creations and
grew by $9.6 million or 20% to a new all-time record
touring—that made this season such a success, both
of $56.5 million at June 30, 2014. This growth reflected
artistically and financially.
strength in new gifts ($3.3 million) and outstanding
net investment income ($7.8 million for a 17.4% net
Leaving a Legacy: J.M. Doc Savage
return), while administrative costs remained nominal.
Donations comprised lifetime and estate gifts from
individuals ($1.3 million), a foundation ($1.0 million)
and a matching grant of $0.9 million under the
In 2013/14 the National Ballet received an extraordinary Endowment gift from
Endowment Incentives Component of the Canada
John MacKenzie “Doc” Savage, who peacefully passed away in his 88th year. An
Cultural Investment Fund which increased its lifetime
avid arts supporter, Doc was a subscriber to the National Ballet and a member of
cap last year from $10 million to $15 million, qualifying
the Patrons’ Council for more than 20 years.
us under this program once again. With about $4.1
million of remaining headroom, we expect this
program will inspire donors to continue to build the
2013/14 Endowment
Foundation Board of Directors
Endowment Foundation, helping ensure the longterm financial stability of the National Ballet.
These results allowed the Endowment Foundation
to increase its disbursement to the National Ballet
in 2013/14 for the fifth consecutive year to a record
$1.46 million. We also further strengthened our
distributable reserves, which protect against future
investment return volatility, and our inflation
protection cushion, which ensures that real (inflation-
David Macdonald, Chair
Barry Hughson, President
Karen Kain, C.C., Vice
Barry Shour, CPA, CA,
Diana Reitberger, CFRE,
Director of Development
Pamela Ouzounian, Secretary
David Banks
David Binet
Ed Esposto
Mary Hallward
Lucille Joseph
Krista Kerr
Jerry Lozinski
Sue Matthews
Vanessa Morgan
Jim Pitblado, C.M.
As part of his bequest to the National Ballet, Doc established a Named Fund
within the Endowment Foundation. Named Funds may be designated
to supporting a specific area of the National Ballet’s activities. Doc, who had a
special interest in supporting young, up and coming dancers, established the J.M.
Savage Apprentice Fund. The income received from this fund will ensure that the
young dancers of the Apprentice Programme have the support and opportunities
that they need to secure a bright future in a professional ballet company.
The National Ballet thanks Mr. Savage for his commitment to the arts and for his
forward-thinking vision that helps ensure the company’s future and financial
stability. The National Ballet is honoured and grateful to be part of his legacy.
Xiao Nan Yu in Onegin. Photo by Aleksandar Antonijevic.
Named Funds
Celia Franca Society
Named funds are established to provide a lasting legacy to The National Ballet of Canada. The National Ballet
The Celia Franca Society of The National Ballet of Canada recognizes and thanks the thoughtful donors who
is proud to celebrate the commitment and dedication of these named below.
have arranged planned gifts that will extend beyond their lifetimes. These planned gifts, such as bequests in
wills or gifts of life insurance, will support a legacy of great dance for generations to come.
The American Friends of Canada Dancer Fund
The Appel Family Fund in Honour of Bram & Bluma Appel
The John & Margaret Bahen Fund supports the company’s Canadian Tours
The John & Claudine Bailey Fund
The David & Kim Beatty Fund
The Mona Campbell Fund
The Walter Carsen New Creations Fund
The Judith & Marshell Cohen Fund
The Horst Dantz & Don Quick Dancer Wellness Fund
The Paul & Adelle Deacon Fund
The Celia Franca Memorial Fund
The Kevin & Roger Garland Fund
The Ira Gluskin & Maxine Granovsky Gluskin Fund
The Gail Hutchison Fund
The Beryl & Richard Ivey Fund
The Hal Jackman Foundation Fund
The Anna & Don Johnson Fund
The Lucille & Urban Joseph Fund
The James Kudelka Fund
The Sonia & Arthur Labatt Fund
The Joyce Lee Memorial Fund
The Joan & Jerry Lozinksi Fund
The Sarah & David Macdonald Fund
The Sylvia M. McPhee Dancer Fund
The Julie & Ted Medland Fund
The Nancy Pencer Fund
The Sandra & Jim Pitblado Fund
The Richard Rooney & Laura Dinner Fund
The J.M. Savage Apprentice Fund
The Ada Slaight Fund
The Fran Taubkin Dancer Fund
The David Tory Memorial Fund
The Volunteer Committee Build-a-Ballet Fund
The National Ballet of Canada recognizes with gratitude those individuals whose commitment to the company
extends beyond their lifetimes.
(July 1, 2013—June 30, 2014)
The Estate of Barbara Adams
The Estate of Walter Carsen, O.C.
The Estate of Horst Dantz & Don Quick
The Estate of Douglas McCollough
The Estate of Vida Peene
The Estate of Mr. J.M. Doc Savage
The Estate of C. Anderson Silber
The Estate of Helen Allen Stacey
The Estate of Jeanie Irwin Walker
The Estate of Hugh Victor Wallace
The Estate of One Anonymous Donor
Jillian Vanstone and Skylar Campbell in The Nutcracker. Photo by Aleksandar Antonijevic.
(July 1, 2013—June 30, 2014)
Elaine J. Adair
Margaret Agar
Vanessa Alexander
Isobel Allen
Reid Anderson* & Dieter Graefe
John Bailey* & Claudine Bailey
Lynly & Trevor Bailie
Torunn Banks & David Banks*
Katherine Barber
Mr. & Mrs. E.R. Barnsley
Gillian & Kenneth Bartlett
Florence Sharpe Barwell
Professor Marion G. Bassett
Avie Bennett*
David W. Binet*
John R. Birkett
Ms. Katherine Bischoping
Mrs. Gail Boire
Marnie Bracht
Mr. Douglas Bradley
Jennifer Burton*
Patricia Campbell
Dr. Ann E. Camps
Professor Alfred L. Chan &
Mr. Michael Farewell
Peng Chiang
Marilyn Creighton
Jane Darville & Dr. Skip Bassford
Elizabeth and Ted Davidson
Jeanie A. Davis*
Amanda Demers & Brian Collins
Marilyn J. Doekes
Art & Mary Douloff
Sherry Taylor Drew*
Maureen & James Dunn
Ardith Ekdahl
Dena Feng
Beverley Flint
Lorne Fox
Mr. Douglas G. Gardner
Kevin J. Garland*
Ann (Kadrnka) Garnet
Stanley Gavlick
Maxine Goldberg
Freda Gottesman-Brender & Allan Brender
Ms. A. Graham-Calderisi
Mr. Donald D. Grant
Tony & Kitty Griffin
Carol Guppy
G. Michael Hale &
C.N. Jacobsen
Dr. Ronald M. Haynes
W.R. Herridge*
Lewis Hertzman
Mr. James Hewson
Mr. Christopher E. Horne
Margo Howard
Gail Hutchison
Richard M. Ivey, C.C.
Joan F. Ivory*
Elsa Jackson
Ishrani Jaikaran
Ms. Agnes Jenkinson
Robert D. Johnston*
Ron & Nancy Johnston
Karen Kain*, C.C., LL.D., D.Litt, O.Ont.
James Kerr & J. Linden Best
Mr. Elmer Rob Koppel
Kathryn Kossow
Gurney M. Kranz
Lindsay & Bud Kronenberg
Jessica Lindenfelser* & Paul Lindenfelser
Mr. Eric Lipka
Ms. Chung-Yee Loo
Mr. Doug Lowry
Joan Lozinski & Jerry Lozinski*
Sarah Macdonald & David Macdonald*
Tim MacDonald* & Michelle Morin
Polly K. A. MacFarlane
Janice May
Marcia McClung*
Mrs. Barbara McKenney
Miss Jean McPhee
Ms. Sylvia M. McPhee
Julie Medland* & Ted Medland
Stephanie Meredith
Ms. Elizabeth Metcalfe
Sigmund & Elaine Mintz
Mrs. Joan Moes
Marina Nawrocki*
Ms. Janis Neilson*
Laurie Nemetz*
Tony Sylvestre & Lisa North
Miss Dorothy M. Parr
Sandra Pitblado & Jim Pitblado*, C.M.
Dr. Linda Rabeneck
Kenneth F. Read
Dr. John Reeve-Newson
Peter Reeve-Newson
Diana Reitberger*
Margaret Riggin*
Robin Robinson*
Marie Angela Sampson
Mrs. Mary E. Sarjeant
Paul J. Savard
Richard Ira Saxe
Christine Scott
Robert Smith
Maggie Morris Smolensky
Larry S. Snyder
Karen Sparks*
Mrs. Doreen L. Stanton
Carolyn & Gordon Ste. Croix
Astrid M. Stec
Cheryl E. Stephenson
Mrs. Frances M. Stretton
Ann Sutton
Ronald Taber & Rowland Galbraith
Judith Tait
Veronica Tennant*, C.C., LL.D., D.Litt
John Theo
Mr. Nicholas Tomiuk
Lennox Toppin*
Ms. Diane Torney
Marje Koidu Virro
Lenore Walters*
Mrs. Diana St. B. Weatherall
Jill & Geoffrey Williams
Mr. John H. Williams
Ms. Ainslie Wood
Ms. Ethel M. Woods
Ms. Vivien M. Wu
Mr. Denny Young*
Veronica Zufelt*
40 Anonymous Donors
*Current and Former Artists,
Staff and Board Members
The National Ballet of Canada, Endowment Foundation
Endowment Foundation
Summary Statements of Operations and Changes in Fund Balances
(Dollars in thousands)
Year ended June 30
Investment Income
$ 56,546
$ 46,951
Administrative and investment management fees
Donation to The National Ballet of Canada
Excess of revenue over expenditures before undernoted
Unrealized gain on investments
Excess of revenue over expenditures
Fund balances— beginning of year
Fund balances— end of year
Summary Statements of Financial Position
(Dollars in thousands)
Year ended June 30
Current assets
Cash and cash equivalents
Accounts receivable
Investments, at fair value
$ 56,606
$ 47,261
Liabilities and Fund Balances
Current liabilities
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities
Fund Balances
Endowment funds
Donor restricted
Internally restricted
General fund – unrestricted
$ 56,546
$ 46,951
$ 56,606
$ 47,261
Criteria for presentation of summary financial statements
The information selected by management for presentation in the Summary Financial Statements has been identified as being the most pertinent and useful financial data for inclusion in The
National Ballet of Canada, Endowment Foundation annual report.
Audited financial statements are available on The National Ballet of Canada official website.
The National Ballet of Canada
470 Queens Quay West
Toronto, Ontario M5V 3K4
416 345 9686
Charitable Registration Number:
11905 1449 RR0001
Endowment Foundation Registration Number:
88989 8722 RR0001
Editor: Tara Robinson
Design: Joanna Todd
Front Cover: Aleksandar Antonijevic in Onegin. Photo by Sian Richards.
Back Cover: Evan McKie and Svetlana Lunkina in Swan Lake. Photo by Karolina Kuras.