Analysis Sample


Analysis Sample
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Based on a multiple factor analysis, the symbols (hot spot dots) mark the areas where bait concentrations are expected and
where fishing action are expected to be better compared with other (non-marked) areas. These are not based on dock rumors or
hearsay fishing reports. Fishing reports are stated as such. You should start fishing where you recognize other signs of good fishing
conditions near these marked areas. It is very important to use your sea surface temperature (sst°) gauge to locate the boundaries of
the water masses, which are outlined. Rather than trying to find water based on the absolute temperature values shown on the map,
search for the relative change in sst° where the water mass boundaries occur. Arrows indicate the main current direction. Numbers
inside of the dots indicate the number of consecutive days that we have seen favorable conditions in that location. Bottom depths in
fathoms (6 feet = 1 fathom).
We were able to see this area clearly again today to locate the better conditions for sharks, tuna, dolphin,
marlin and swordfish action. Overall, we continue to follow the clockwise rotating eddy centered south of Block
Canyon to West Atlantis Canyon that is pulling bluer and warmer 69°F – 71°F mixed Gulf Stream water in a
favorable inshore direction directly into Block Canyon and farther north over the 100 fathom ledges against the
cooler and greener 65°F water over the Middle Grounds to Fish Tails to over Brick Rock along the 100 fathom
ledges to just offshore of West Atlantis Canyon for some of the BEST combination of tuna, dolphin, sharks and
swordfish action in this entire area. Keep in mind that mako sharks prefer sst° in the 63°F – 68°F range, while
thresher sharks prefer slightly cooler sst° in the 61°F – 66°F range and blue sharks in the 59°F – 64°F range is best.
Also, yesterday and today it appears that the sst° has warmed 1°F-2°F especially inshore due to high atmospheric
temperatures so keep in mind that the morning sst° may be 1°F cooler than indicated from the adjusted sst°
warming. Even though the sst° is warming it is likely that the water is still cooler once you get deeper in the water
column and the sharks should still be around the water mass breaks over good bottom even if the sst° is up to 70°F.
However, if it is too warm for sharks you may need to fish farther offshore or east than usual.
Inshore, we suggest starting to fish for sharks or bluefin tuna along to bluer-green water mass boundaries
from the west offshore of Shinnecock Inlet to Moriches Inlet over the 20 fathom ledges and 69°F – 71°F water mass
boundary favorable for three days near 72°35!W & 40°08!N south to the 25 fathom ledges near 72°40!W & 40°24!N
and southwest along the 25 fathom ledges to the Rockpiles and 70°F – 71°F water mass boundary also favorable
for three days near 72°58!W & 40°15!N or farther north along the 69°F – 71°F water mass boundary over the wrecks
and 20 fathom ledges near 73°03!W & 40°32-33!N. East, fish along the 25-30 fathom ledges to the 67° F- 69°F
break near 72°00-10!W & 40°13!N all the way to the 67°F – 68°F water mass boundary over Butterfish Hole to
Jennie!s Horn (favorable for two days) near 71°39-40!W & 40°19!N. If conditions do not produce inshore fish south
along the 67° F- 68°F to 69°F – 70°F water mass boundaries from the 30 fathom lumps to 40 fathom lumps and the
Ranger Wreck to Outer Butterfish Hole area all favorable for two to three days near 71°40-50!W & 40°31-35!N to the
Sunoco Wreck near 71°58!W & 40°30!N and south along the 35 and 40 fathom ledges to the Maiden Creek Wreck
area near 72°01-02!W & 40°10-11!N. Additional favorable conditions may occur farther east over the Little Fish Tails
and the 66° F- 67°F cooler water mass boundary.
OFFSHORE, you will want to head directly offshore for a combination of good shark and tuna action Middle
Grounds and just inshore of the Middle Grounds 71°30-39!W & 39°59!N – 40°00!N (favorable for two to five days)
extending east to the Fish Tails near 71°20-28!W & 40°00-01!N and continue east along the 100-150 fathom ledges
(near 71°05!W & 40°00-04!N) to over Brick Rock near 70°50-57!W & 40°00-01!N farther east along the 100-200
fathom ledges (near 70°38!W & 39°57!N – 40°02!N) to offshore of West Atlantis Canyon near 70°27-30!W & 39°5558!N – 40°03!N all along the blue-green to bluer 64°F/ 65°F to 69°F/70°F/71°F water mass boundary and all
favorable for four to SEVEN days. Additional favorable conditions will occur south of the Dip to the Lobster Claw and
west along the similar 66°F/67°F to 69°F/70°F break favorable for three to four days near 71°39-44!W & 39°46-50!N
to the 80-100 fathom ledges near 71°54-58!W & 39°42-50!N then south to the 500 fathom ledges. If you do not get
action over the 80-100 fathom ledge fish the 500 fathom ledges of Block Canyon and just east where the bluer and
warmer 71.5° F- 70°F water is pushing in a favorable inshore direction for three to four days near 71°00-14!W &
39°20-21!N. Hudson Canyon does not look great for fishing at the moment it looks better toward Toms Canyon
along the edges of the bluer 69°F/70°F water over the 500 fathom ledges near 72°20-32!W & 39°06-10!N (favorable
for two to four days) to the 100 fathom ledges near 72°25!W& 39°12!N.
SUMMER OFFICE HOURS: Mon. – Fri. 8:00 AM - 9:00 PM. Open Saturday 9am-5pm you must order by 12 Noon on
Saturday Eastern Time. Remember you can order and/or purchase your fishing analyses from our website ( and
click on Order Analyses button or by email. Thank you for not sharing this analysis with non-paying fishermen. We survive on your
honesty. Verbal updates are free between 10:30 AM and 12 NOON. We will be open July 4th from 9AM until 5PM. Please order
early as the deadline for new analysis area requests will end at noon (eastern time) like we do on Saturdays.