Apomixis in Amelanchier laevis, Shadbush (Rosaceae, Maloideae
Apomixis in Amelanchier laevis, Shadbush (Rosaceae, Maloideae
Apomixis in Amelanchier laevis, Shadbush (Rosaceae, Maloideae) Christopher S. Campbell; Craig W. Greene; Benedict F. Neubauer; Jean M. Higgins American Journal of Botany, Vol. 72, No. 9. (Sep., 1985), pp. 1397-1403. Stable URL: http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0002-9122%28198509%2972%3A9%3C1397%3AAIALS%28%3E2.0.CO%3B2-9 American Journal of Botany is currently published by Botanical Society of America. Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at http://www.jstor.org/about/terms.html. JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at http://www.jstor.org/journals/botsam.html. Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission. The JSTOR Archive is a trusted digital repository providing for long-term preservation and access to leading academic journals and scholarly literature from around the world. The Archive is supported by libraries, scholarly societies, publishers, and foundations. It is an initiative of JSTOR, a not-for-profit organization with a mission to help the scholarly community take advantage of advances in technology. For more information regarding JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. http://www.jstor.org Thu Oct 4 13:33:36 2007 Amer. J. Bot. 72(9): 1397-1403. 1985. APOMIXIS IN AMELANCHIER LAEVIS, SHADBUSH (ROSACEAE, MALOIDEAE) W. GREENE,~ CHRISTOPHER S. CAMPBELL, CRAIG BENEDICT F. NEUBAUER, AND JEANM. HIGGINS~ Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, University of Maine, Orono, Maine 04469, and ZCollegeof the Atlantic, Bar Harbor, Maine 04609 ABSTRACT We studied ovule and megagametophyte development in tetraploid (n = 34) individuals of Amelanchier laevis in Maine. Nomarski differential interference contrast microscopy of cleared, whole ovules and conventional microscopy of sectioned, stained material show no clear evidence for the successful completion of meiosis. Instead, the megasporocyte or its derivatives degenerate and one to six nearby cells develop into aposporous initials. Usually more than one of these divide to form eight-nucleate, Polygonum-type megagametophytes. The egg apparently forms a proembryo parthenogenetically, but seed maturation requires pollination. This evidence for apospory and pseudogamy, the first to be reported in Amelanchier, conforms to the general pattern found in other apomictic genera of the Maloideae. AMELANCHIER contains 20 to 30 species oftrees and shrubs of the North Temperate region; many are widely distributed in eastern North America (Robertson, 1974). This genus, along with about another 20 genera, belongs to the subfamily Maloideae, a group uniquely characterized by the pome type of fruit. The subfamily also has the distinctive base chromosome number of 17, while the other three subfamilies of the Rosaceae are mostly x = 7, 8, or 9 chromosomes. This higher base number probably represents an ancient allopolyploidization event in the subfamily's ancestry (Sax, 1932; Stebbins, 1958; Challice, 1974). In addition to their inferred role in the origin of the subfamily, polyploidy and hybridization are now widespread and conspicuous evolutionary phenomena in the Maloideae. In the larger genera, such as Amelanchier, Cotoneaster, Crataegus, and Pyrus (including Aronia, Malus, and Sorbus), triploids and tetraploids are frequent (Robertson, 1974). Hybridization occurs regularly within these genera. In Amelanchier, as in the other genera, hybridization apparently follows habitat disturbance by fire, deforestation, or the abandonment of farmland Received for publication 4 October 1984; revision accepted 27 March 1985. We acknowledge the Faculty Research Fund of the University of Maine at Orono for financial support of this research, K. L. Chambers, T. A. Dickinson, and F. Hyland for comments on a draft of this manuscript, Scott E. Bergquist for technical assistance, and the Systematics class of the College of the Atlantic. Present address: Department of Biology, University of California at Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA 95054. (Wiegand, ;9 12; Nielsen, 1939; Cinq-Mars, 197 1; Landry, 1975; Robinson, 1982). Cruise (1964) amply demonstrated the existence of morphologically intermediate, putative hybrids in New Jersey and Pennsylvania populations ofA. laevis Wiegand (the subject of this report), A. arborea (Michaux f.) Fernald, and A. canadensis (L.) Medicus. Fernald (19 50) reported crosses between A. laevis and seven other common species of eastern North America. Polyploidy and hybridization are often associated with gametophytic apomixis in angiosperms (Gustafsson, 1946, 1947a, b; Nygren, 1967; Asker, 1979). Such asexual seed production may provide an escape from sterility accompanying polyploidy and hybridization (see Marshall and Brown, 198 1, for a discussion of the adaptive significance of apomixis). It is not surprising then that apomixis occurs in many polyploid taxa of Cotoneaster, Crataegus, and Pyrus (Dermen, 1936; Liljefors, 1953; Hjelmqvist, 1957, 1959, 1962; MuniyammaandPhipps, 1979,1984a). All known apomicts in the Maloideae are aposporous with the exception of diplosporous Crataegus dissona (Muniyamma and Phipps, 1984b). One or more cells adjacent to the megasporocyte develop into eight-nucleate megagametophytes with the unreduced chromosome number. The egg cell divides parthenogenetically to produce an embryo. In almost all cases pseudogamy-fertilization of the polar nuclei to form endosperm-is necessary for embryo maturation. The occurrence of polyploidy and hybridization in Amelanchier and the prevalence of 1398 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY [Vol. 72 apomixis in related genera suggest that apomixis might also be present in Arnelanchier. Apomixis has not been previously reported in Arnelanchier, although McVaugh (1946) noted it as a possibility. Robinson (1982) rejected it but without studying megagametogenesis. We present the first evidence for apospory and pseudogamy in Arnelanchier. a minimum of 200 pollen grains per sample from randomly selected flowers. Flowers were emasculated prior to anthesis. Racemes with emasculated flowers or with undisturbed flowers were covered with fabric bags to exclude pollinators. Maturing fruit was collected to determine seed set and whether or not more than one embryo develops per seed. AND METHODS- Material for this MATERIALS study comes from three trees of Arnelanchier laevis in Maine (Campbell 4352, Orono, Penobscot County, and Greene 1213, 1223, Bar Harbor, Hancock County; vouchered specimens at MAINE). For our study of megagametogenesis, flowers were collected at 1- or 2-day intervals from the beginning of bud enlargement in April to the shedding of petals in May 1983 and 1984. Prior to fixation, we cut flowers with a razor blade to allow rapid entry offixative. Tissue was fixed in FPA,, (formalin, propionic acid, 50% ethanol; 5:5:90 by vol) and immediately put under vacuum with a field pump. After 24 hr at 20 C the material was transferred to 70% ethanol for storage at 4 C until use. We examined cleared and sectioned ovules. With cleared material, which can be processed relatively rapidly, we examined about 2,000 ovules of various ages. Ovules were isolated and cleared in Herr's fluid (85% lactic acid, chloral hydrate, phenol, clove oil, xylene; 2:2: 2:2:1 by wt) for 24 hr at 20 C (Herr, 1971). Integuments were removed from older ovules to improve clearing. Ovules or megasporangia (nucelli) were mounted in Herr's fluid on Raj slides. Two No. 1 coverslips were set on a microscope slide about 5 mm apart; these supported a third coverslip above the ovules to prevent their being crushed. Development was studied under Nomarski differential interference contrast using a Zeiss standard microscope. Sections of about 1,000 ovules facilitated observation of cell walls. Ovaries for sectioning were dehydrated in an ethanol-xylene series, embedded in paraffin, sectioned at 12 pm, stained with either safranin and fast green or iron hematoxylin (Sass, 1958), and examined under brightfield. Meiotic studies were made of microsporocytes fixed in either modified Carnoy's solution (100% ethanol, chloroform, acetic acid; 6:3:1 by vol) or Farmer's solution (100% ethanol, acetic acid; 3: 1 by vol) for 24 hr at 20 C, transferred to 70% ethanol, and stored at 4 C until use. Pollen stainability by cotton blue in lactophenol was taken as a measure of pollen viability. Percent stainabilitywas determined from OBSERVATIONS AND RESULTS-Thegynoecium of Arnelanchier laevis usually consists of five carpels, and the ovary contains five locules, each with two ovules. The ovules are crassinucellate and anatropous, and the micropyle, which is formed by the inner integument alone, faces the base of the. ovary (Fig. 1). As the integuments begin to grow up around the base of the ovule primordium, the archesporium develops, usually with one conspicuous megasporocyte (Fig. 3). We have not observed meiosis directly in the megasporocyte. We have examined several hundred ovules of the appropriate stage, however, and in no case have we seen clearly the presence of linear or T-shaped tetrads or triads of megaspores indicative of meiosis. Instead, before integuments reach the tip of the megasporangium, we see a narrow line or small mass of degenerated tissue, which stains darkly in sectioned material (Fig. 2) and has a distinctive appearance in cleared material (Fig. 4, 5). Usually lateral or micropylar to this degenerated tissue, one to six expanding cells with conspicuously large nucleoli appear (Fig. 4, 5). One or more of these cells divide mitotically, passing through two-nucleate (Fig. 6) and four-nucleate stages before maturing into Polygonurn-type, eightnucleate megagametophytes (Fig. 7,9). The egg apparatus includes the egg, with a conspicuous nucleus and abundant starch in its cytoplasm, and two synergids lying between the egg and micropyle (Fig. 8). In mature synergids, the nuclei are inconspicuous or absent, and the cell walls sometimes show a filiform apparatus (Fig. 8). Two unfused polar nuclei are prominent in the central cytoplasm (Fig. 9, 10). The three antipodals occupy the chalaza1 end of the mature megagametophyte and degenerate as it matures. The majority of mature ovules contain two mature megagametophytes (Fig. 9). In a sample of 129 ovules with mature megagametophytes, 39% contained one megagametophyte, 5 1% two, 9% three, and 1% four. Sometimes an eight-nucleate and developmentally younger megagametophytes are found together (Fig. 7). Interpretation of ovules with more than two megagametophytes is often difficult. Figure 10 shows a portion of a megaspo- September, 19851 CAMPBELL ET AL. -APOMIXIS IN AMELANCHIER KSY TO LABELING: a = aposporous initial; d = degenerating tissue; e = egg cell; ii = inner integument; m sporangium; oi = outer integument; pe = proembryo; pn = polar nuclei; s = synergid. = mega- Fig. 1,2. Brightfield photomicrographs of sectioned, stained young ovules. 1. Young anatropous ovule with expanding gametocyte. Micropyle pointed toward base of ovary. x 100. 2. Ovule with two expanding aposporous initials toward micropyle from mass of degenerating tissue (arrow). Inner integument approaching tip of megasporangium. x 530. rangium with one mature megagametophyte containing a developing proembryo but two unfertilized polar nuclei. The apparent absence of a pollen tube suggests parthenogenesis. Pollen tubes were visible entering other ovules of open-pollinated flowers. While pollen is not necessary for embryo initiation, it is essential for fruit production. Bagged, unemasculated flowers generally set fruit, but bagged, emasculated flowers produced no fruit. In a sample of 50 fruits from open-pollinated flowers, a mean of only 3.04 seeds per fruit (SD = 1.14) contained well-developed embryos. There was at least one well-developed embryo per fruit in all but three fruits. From meiotic figures of microsporocytes, we have determined that all three of the trees studied embryologically are tetraploid (n = 34). Microsporogenesis appears to be normal, and pollen viability is over 83% in all samples. DISCUSSION-Gametophyticapomixis entails two separate processes: the formation of an unreduced megagametophyte and the parthenogenetic development of the egg into an embryo (Gustafsson, 1946; Asker, 1979). The unreduced megagametophyte may arise in two ways. The first, diplospory, comes about when a megasporocyte circumvents meiosis and divides mitotically to form a megagametophyte. Apospory involves the derivation of the megagametophyte from a nucellar cell adjacent to the archesporium. The presence of a multi- cellular archesporium in many Rosaceae (Gustafsson, 1946) and Maloideae (Liljefors, 1953; Hjelmqvist, 1957) renders the distinction between these two possibilities somewhat arbitrary (Nygren, 1967). The important difference seems to be whether or not meiosis was initiated. The apparent degeneration of the megasporocyte in Amelanchier laevis makes the apomictic process aposporous. The maturation of the apomictically derived embryo depends upon the production of endosperm for which fertilization of the polar nuclei may be necessary (pseudogamy). Most aposporic taxa are pseudogamous (Nygren, 1967). Our conclusion that Amelanchier laevis reproduces apomictically rests on two pieces of evidence. First, the apparent absence of megaspores in the vast majority of ovules indicates that meiosis does not occur. We cannot rule out the possibility that reduced megagametophytes might occasiondly be formed; chromosome behavior in dividing megasporocytes remains to be studied. Moreover, in a few ovules we observed a large cell, possibly a functional megaspore, chalazal to a line of degenerating tissue that could represent remanants of micropylar megaspores. These rare observations may indicate that in exceptional cases sexual, reduced megagametophytes may be formed. However, in most cases megagametophytes develop from aposporous initials that are lateral, not chalazal, to degenerating archesporial tissue. In Malus, apomixis can be facultative, 1400 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY [Vol. 72 September, 19851 CAMPBELL ET AL. -APOMIXIS IN AMELANCHIER 1401 Fig. 9, 10. Nomarski DIC photomicrographs of cleared, mature megasporangia, integuments removed. 9. Megasporangium with two mature megagametophytes. Note two eggs and two pairs of unfused polar nuclei. ~ 2 3 0 10. . Megasporangium with single megagametophyte. Note proembryo, unfused polar nuclei (arrows), and absence of pollen tube at micropylar end. x 210. See page 1399 for QY TO LABELING. with both reduced and unreduced megagametophytes being formed (Olden, 1953; Hjelmqvist, 1957). Our interpretation of these expanding cells as aposporic initials parallels similar observations in other apomictic maloid genera, all of which are aposporous (Dermen, 1936; Liljefors, 1953; Hjelmqvist, 1957, 1959, 1962; Muniyamma and Phipps, 1979). The second piece of evidence is the frequent development of more than one megagametophyte per ovule. It is possible that these arise from different megasporocytes of the multicellular archesporium. "Accessory" and "secondary" megasporocytes have been reported in Sorbus (Liljefors, 19 53) and Cotoneaster (Hjelmqvist, 1962),but these are rare and usually degenerate. Apospory is often characterized by the production of multiple megagametophytes (Davis, 1966). In maloid genera with apomictic species, the sexual species that have been studied produce only one megagametophyte per ovule, while their aposporic rel- Fig. 3-8. Nomarski DIC photomicrographs of cleared ovules of various ages. 3. Young ovule with single megasporocyte (arrow). Note its single large nucleolus in granular nucleoplasm. Inner integument just starting to differentiate. x 650. 4. Expanding aposporous initial lateral to degenerating megasporocyte. Inner integument about half as long as megasporangium. x 350.5. Three expanding aposporous initials adjacent to degenerating megasporocyte. Two of these initials are multinucleolate. Inner integuments almost as long as megasporangium. x 300. 6. Two two-nucleate megagametophytes, each with central vacuole and with long axis parallel to long axis of megasporangium. Integuments removed. x 620. 7. Immature eight-nucleate megagametophyte with four of five micropylar nuclei in focus. Arrows indicate nuclei of three chalazal antipodal cells. Note pair of aposporous initials chalazal to eight-nucleate gametophyte. x 7 10. 8. Egg apparatus in micropylar end of mature megagametophyte. Note conspicuous nucleus and plastids in egg and rippled micropylar wall, the filiform apparatus of synergid on left (arrow). ~ 6 0 0 See . page 1399 for KEY TO LABELING. 1402 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY [Vol. 72 atives frequently develop more than one (Der- vious study. Robinson and Partanen (1980) men, 1936; Liljefors, 1953; Hjelmqvist, 1957, published two diploid counts for this species. 1959, 1962; Muniyamma and Phipps, 1979). The only other study concerning apomixis LITERATURE CITED in Amelanchier is Robinson's (1982). This work on A. humilis involved emasculation and pol- ASKER,S. 1979. Progress in apomixis research. Hereditas 91: 231-240. lination with Tussilago farfara pollen. Olden CHALLICE, J. S. 1974. Rosaceae chemotaxonomy and the (1953) reported that pollination of Malus sieorigins of the Pomoideae. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 69: 239boldii by Taraxacum vulgare stimulated pseu259. L. 197 1. Le genre Amelanchier au Quebec. dogamous fruit production. We don't consider CINQ-MARS, Nat. 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