May 26, 2016 - Village of Forsyth, Illinois
May 26, 2016 - Village of Forsyth, Illinois
AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION OF THE VILLAGE OF FORSYTH, ILLINOIS 5:30 P.M. THURSDAY, MAY 26, 2016 VILLAGE HALL, 301 SOUTH ROUTE 51, FORSYTH, ILLINOIS CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES PUBLIC HEARINGS PUBLIC HEARINGS INITIAL DISCUSSION CONDUCTED AT VILLAGE HALL, 301 S. RT. 51, FORSYTH, IL RECESS MEETING & MOVE TO 104 S. RT. 51, FORSYTH, IL FOR ON-SITE VISIT (WEATHER PERMITTING) CALL MEETING TO ORDER & CONTINUE PUBLIC HEARINGS AT 104 S. RT. 51, FORSYTH, IL (WEATHER PERMITTING) RECESS MEETING & MOVE BACK TO VILLAGE HALL AT 301 S. RT. 51, FORSYTH, IL CALL MEETING BACK TO ORDER & CONTINUE PUBLIC HEARINGS AT VILLAGE HALL, 301 S. RT. 51, FORSYTH, IL FOR FURTHER DISCUSSION AND ACTION IN REGARDS TO REQUESTS 1. Continuation of Special Use Permit Request: U-Haul U-Haul is requesting a special use permit to allow for truck rentals to occur at Phillips 66, 104 South Route 51, Forsyth, IL. 2. Continuation of Variance Request: U-Haul (104 S Rt. 51) U-Haul is requesting a variance to the parking requirements of the Village of Forsyth Development Ordinance OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS ADJOURNMENT Agenda Regular Meeting Of The Planning And Zoning Commission Of The Village Of Forsyth, Illinois Thursday, May 26, 2016 Page 1 Of 1 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION FOR THE VILLAGE OF FORSYTH, IL Held at the Village Hall April 28, 2016 Call to Order Planning and Zoning Commission Chairman Bill Busbey called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call Upon call of the roll, the following Planning and Zoning Commissioners answered present: Physically Present: Regular Commissioners: Bill Busbey, Larry Perkins, Kris Quandt, Scott Spriggs Regular Commissioners Absent: Dennis Downey, Brandon Janvrin, Matt May Alternate Commissioners Physically Present: Steve Ragan Alternate Commissioners Absent: Terry Taylor (late) Quorum Also Physically Present: Attorney Jeff Jurgens, Economic Development Coordinator Emily Prather, Linn Summers, John Moody, Village Clerk Amy Goodman, Larry & Cheryl Haubner, Rita Singh, Joe & Donna Wisner Approval of Minutes Chairman Bill Busbey referred to the minutes of March 24, 2016 for review. He asked if there were any corrections or additions needed. None were identified. Commissioner Kris Quandt moved and Commissioner Larry Perkins seconded to approve the minutes. Upon a call of the roll, the vote was: Yeas: Nays: Abstain: Absent: 5 — Bill Busbey, Larry Perkins, Kris Quandt, Steve Ragan, Scott Spriggs 0 — None 0 — None 4— Dennis Downey, Brandon Janvrin, Matt May, Terry Taylor Motion declared carried. Village of Forsyth Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes April 28, 2016 2 Purpose of Meeting Planning & Zoning Chairman Bill Busbey explained that the Agenda for tonight’s meeting included four Public Hearings to consider a Special Use Permit request and two Variance requests and a Text Amendment. The gentleman requesting the Special Use Permit and one of the Variances was not present. Chairman Bill Busbey moved to Agenda Item #3 and those wishing to speak were sworn in. Public Hearing #3 The hearing began at 5:33 p.m. Economic Development Coordinator Emily Prather presented a Variance request at 382 Loma Drive to allow driveway to be located within one foot of the side property line. Joe & Donna Wisner provided a site plan and were present to answer questions. Petitioner’s Comments Joe Wisner stated that the driveway will be flat with a small slant toward his property for water drainage. He has talked with the neighbor and addressed her questions regarding the driveway going with the lay of the land and that they will not dig on her property. The contractor is Tom Adams. Commissioner Kris Quandt made a motion to recommend approval to the Board of Trustees for the Wisner’s variance request to be within 1 foot of the side property line for a driveway addition. This motion was seconded by Commissioner Scott Spriggs. Upon a call of the roll, the vote was: Yeas: 5 -- Bill Busbey, Larry Perkins, Kris Quandt, Steve Ragan, Scott Spriggs Nays: 0 -- None Abstain: 0 -- None Absent: 4 -- Dennis Downey, Brandon Janvrin, Matt May, Terry Taylor Motion declared carried. Hearing was closed at 5:39 p.m. Public Hearing #4 The hearing began at 5:45 p.m. Economic Development Coordinator Emily Prather presented a Text Amendment to the Development Ordinance proposing changes to the Home Occupations regulations. The first option was adding regulations to notify adjacent neighbors of a home occupation request within seven (7) days of a Board meeting. The second option is to completely remove Section D: Prohibited Home Occupations and those home occupations that are not listed as permitted would need to go through the text amendment process. The Commission discussed the options and determined the first option was the best way to proceed. It was suggested to keep the uniformity Village of Forsyth Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes April 28, 2016 3 of the wording in the Development Ordinance and 250 feet should be used in place of adjacent neighbors and provide ten (10) days notice. Another change the Commission recommended was under permitted use, doctors and dentists and other licensed practitioners will be stricken and included with clinics and hospitals as a prohibited use. Commissioner Kris Quandt made a motion to make the two changes as discussed. This motion was seconded by Commissioner Larry Perkins. Upon a call of the roll, the vote was: Yeas: 5 -- Bill Busbey, Larry Perkins, Kris Quandt, Scott Spriggs, Steve Ragan Nays: 0 -- None Abstain: 0 -- None Absent: 4 -- Dennis Downey, Brandon Janvrin, Matt May, Terry Taylor Motion declared carried. Hearing was closed at 5:55 p.m. Public Hearing #1 The hearing began at 5:56 p.m. Economic Development Coordinator Emily Prather presented a Special Use Permit and Variance requests continued from previous meetings at the Phillips 66 Station to allow U-Haul rentals. Petitioner’s Comments Rita Singh, owner of the Phillips 66 was in attendance and is requesting a U-Haul business with two trucks and two trailers to be parked behind the station in the four existing parking spaces. Planning & Zoning Commission Chairman Bill Busbey discussed the measurements he and Linn Summers made of the proposed trucks and parking spaces. Rita Singh stated that her current proposal would be that the trucks and trailers would be parked parallel to the back wall of the building. The lines marking the locations would be repainted. This is a new proposal and the Commissioners agreed a drawing and description of exactly what the Petitioner is proposing with exact measurements will need to be presented. This subject will not be reviewed again until the new proposal has be delivered to the Village. Cheryl Haubner Cheryl Haubner, owner of the Old Book Barn presented pictures of the area and expressed her concern with traffic and parking and noted it is very dangerous. Parking was discussed and it was noted that the Commission cannot control the parking situations in the two lots. Rita Singh stated that she maintains the parking lot for her building and pays the real estate tax. Alternate Terry Taylor joined the meeting at 6:03 p.m. Commissioner Kris Quandt made a motion to table Agenda items #1 and #2 until the May 26th meeting so the applicant could submit complete information. This motion was seconded by Commissioner Steve Ragan. Upon a call of the roll, the vote was: Village of Forsyth Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes April 28, 2016 4 Yeas: 5 -- Bill Busbey, Larry Perkins, Kris Quandt, Scott Spriggs, Steve Ragan Nays: 0 -- None Abstain: 1 -- Terry Taylor Absent: 3 -- Dennis Downey, Brandon Janvrin, Matt May Motion declared carried. Hearing was closed at 6:10 p.m. Old Business None New Business None Next Meeting Chairman Bill Busbey announced that the next regular Planning & Zoning Commission meeting would be May 26th at 5:30 p.m. Adjournment Commissioner Scott Spriggs moved and Commissioner Kris Quandt seconded that the meeting be adjourned. The meeting was adjourned at 6:15 p.m. by voice vote. Amy Goodman By: ____________________________ Village Clerk Reviewed by William F. Busbey P&ZC Chairman on 29April2016 Staff Summary May 26, 2016 Agenda Item # 1 Public Hearing REPORT TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Emily Prather, Community & Economic Development Coordinator SUBJECT: Continuation Of Public Hearing And Potential Action Regarding The Special Use Permit Request For 104 South Route 51 – U-Haul BACKGROUND: This is a continuation from previous month’s meetings where U-Haul is requesting to allow truck and trailer rentals to occur on the Phillips 66 property at 104 South Route 51. U-Haul representative Terry Johnson has stated that U-Haul would like to have 2 trucks and 2 trailers on-site, and would be willing to place them anywhere on the site that the Commission would feel would be the best placement for them. Mr. Johnson provided us with pictures of some of the U-Haul trucks/trailers on the site so the Commission could get a feel for how they would fit in different locations on the site. The largest vehicle that would be placed on the property would be the 10’ truck which has a total length of 19’11” and they would most likely only have one of those available on the property and the other truck type would be either the cargo van or pickup truck. The longest a trailer would be including the hitch is 18’ so 2 trailers should be able to fit in what the Village regulates for a standard parking space size of 9’x18’. The public hearing notice was published in the Decatur Herald and Review on February 10, 2016 according to Illinois Code. Mr. Johnson is also planning on having some trucks and trailers parked on-site available for the Commission to review on the meeting day either during the meeting time or if the weather is bad the Commission can drive around the site prior to the meeting. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan notes there are opportunities to add new in-fill development and redevelop underutilized or vacant sites to continue to evolve Forsyth’s commercial base. RECOMMENDATION: Commissioners should review the request based on the Special Use Permit standards and if the standards have been me have reason to approve the request. Staff suggests if the Commission were to approve the Special Use to add some conditions as to where the U-Haul trucks/trailers can be parked on site and potentially make a condition that UHaul parking directional signs be added to those specific spaces. The Commission could also limit the amount of spaces to 4 parking spaces and state that signage would only be permitted on the existing monument sign with the proper sign permit applied for and approved by the Building Inspector Village of Forsyth 301 South Route 51 Forsyth, IL. 62535 Phone: 217-877-9445 Fax: 217-877-9863 Special Use Permit Standards: (1) The Planning and Zoning Commission shall not recommend, nor the Village Board approve a special use, unless it shall find, based upon the evidence presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission in each specific case, that the special use: (a) Will be harmonious with and in accordance with the general objectives of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and/or this Ordinance. (b) Will be designed, constructed, operated, and maintained so as to be harmonious and appropriate in appearance with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity, and that such use will not alter the essential character of the same area. (c) Will not be hazardous or disturbing to existing or future neighborhood uses. (d) Will be adequately served by essential public facilities and services such as highways, streets, police and fire protection, drainage structures, refuse disposal, water, sewers, and schools, or that the persons or agencies responsible for the establishment of the proposed use shall be able to provide adequately any such services. (e) Will not create excessive additional requirements at public cost for public facilities and services, and will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the Village of Forsyth. (f) Will not involve uses, activities, processes, materials, equipment, and/or conditions of operation that will be detrimental to any persons, property, or the general welfare by reason of excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare, or odors. (g) Will have vehicular approaches to the property which shall be so designed as to not create an undue interference with traffic on surrounding public streets or highways. (h) Will not increase the potential for flood damage to adjacent property, or require additional public expense for flood protection, rescue, or relief. (i) Will not result in the destruction, loss, or damage of natural, scenic, or historic features of major importance to the Village of Forsyth. (2) The special use shall, in all respects, conform to the applicable regulations of the district in which it is located, except as such regulations may be modified, in each instance, by the Village Board, pursuant to the recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Village of Forsyth 301 South Route 51 Forsyth, IL. 62535 Phone: 217-877-9445 Fax: 217-877-9863 Phillips 66 04/16/2014 *Original requested location 10ft Moving Truck Rental - 9ft Cargo Van Rental - 8ft Pickup Truck Rental - Trailer Rental - Staff Summary May 26, 2016 Agenda Item # 2 Public Hearing REPORT TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Emily Prather, Community & Economic Development Coordinator SUBJECT: Continuation Of Public Hearing And Potential Action Regarding The Variance Request For 104 South Route 51 – U-Haul BACKGROUND: U-Haul has requested a variance to the parking regulations to allow four U-Haul vehicles to be parked on the Phillips 66 property without having to provide any additional parking spaces at 104 South Route 51. The plans for the Book Barn Addition PUD show they provided 67 parking spaces for the uses on the two lots. The Final Plan for the PUD does not show direction of traffic for the site and also has a different layout for the parking than what exists today. Today it appears to have around 70 parking spaces on the site. With the addition of a U-Haul business, some of these parking spaces would be taken up which is why a variance request was determined to be needed. When computing the total parking spaces that would be needed for the uses on those properties, I came up with the following: • Gas Station Use: 10 parking spaces 3/1,000 sq ft • Restaurant Use: 16 parking spaces 1/3 person capacity • Book Barn Retail Store Use: 48 parking spaces 4/1,000 sq ft • Warehouse Storage Use: 10 parking spaces 1/2,000 sq ft Total 84 parking spaces Based on my calculations above, the site does not currently have enough parking spaces for what our Parking Regulations state in the Development Ordinance and is short approximately 14 parking spaces. The public hearing notice was published in the Decatur Herald and Review on March 8, 2016 according to Illinois Code. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan notes there are opportunities to add new in-fill development and redevelop underutilized or vacant sites to continue to evolve Forsyth’s commercial base. RECOMMENDATION: Commissioners should review the request based on the Variance standards and if the standards have been met have reason to approve the request. Village of Forsyth 301 South Route 51 Forsyth, IL. 62535 Phone: 217-877-9445 Fax: 217-877-9863 Variance Standards: (1) The Planning and Zoning Commission shall not recommend and the Village Board shall not vary the provisions of this Ordinance, unless the applicant can establish that carrying out the provisions of this Ordinance would create a practical difficulty or particular hardship. The applicant seeking a variance has the burden of identifying a specific practical difficulty and/or particular hardship. Further, in making the determination that a practical difficulty or particular hardship exists, the Planning and Zoning Commission and Village Board of Trustees must find that the applicant has established the following: (a) Special or unique circumstances exist that are unique to the property seeking the variance (examples of special circumstances include, but are not limited to the physical character of the land or buildings, dimensions, topography, and soil conditions); and (b) The special circumstances are not of so general or recurring a nature throughout the entire Village as to make it reasonably practical to provide for a general regulation; and (c) Strict application of the Development Ordinance will deprive the applicant of rights and/or uses commonly enjoyed by other owners of property in the immediate area under the regulations of this Development Ordinance; and (d) The authorization of such variance will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property and the granting of the variance will not change the character of the district; and (e) The variance is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the property, building, or structure. (2) The Commission may recommend denial of and/or the Village Board may deny an application for a variance if evidence is submitted and substantiated demonstrating any of the following: (a) The need for the variance was created by the applicant or another party with an interest in the property; (b) The granting of the variance will impair neighboring property values; and/or (c) The granting of the variance will cause substantial detriment to the public good. Village of Forsyth 301 South Route 51 Forsyth, IL. 62535 Phone: 217-877-9445 Fax: 217-877-9863
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