fertilizer toolbar parts - Shield Agricultural Equipment
fertilizer toolbar parts - Shield Agricultural Equipment
Quality Agricultural Equipment Manufacturers of: V-Blades • Sweeps • Chisels & Spikes • Disc Blades • Drill Discs & Hoe Drill Points Related Tillage & Planting Hardware • Fertilizer Knives • Shanks • Coulter Blades • Crop Savers Precision Planting Equipment • Conservation Ripper Points • Strip Till Points • Fertilizer Row Units Distributors of: Belted Grain & Fertilizer Conveyors • Salt & Material Handling Conveyors • Seed Handling Equipment Round Baler Belting • Milo Guards & Crop Savers President Mike Bergmeier - Ext. 301 Email: [email protected] Vice President Inside Sales/Shipping Paul Ehler - Ext. 303 Cell: 620.728.8617 Email: [email protected] Territory Sales Accounting/Parts Department Iris Devena - Ext. 308 Email: [email protected] Angie Bergmeier - Ext. 311 Email: [email protected] Oklahoma/Southern Kansas/Texas Brad Gastineau - Ext. 316 Cell: 620.200.0523 Email: [email protected] Colorado/Northern Kansas/Nebraska Andy Klamm - Ext. 305 Cell: 620.720.8630 Email: [email protected] Logan Hurlbut - Ext. 315 Email: [email protected] LL LLL ShieldAg INDEX TO FERTILIZER CATALOG 2010 SECTION 1 Description Page 1 DF-1PM IMPROVED "MOLE" Deep Furrow Knives Page 2 K-2 Series Upright Fertilizer Knives Page 3 K-4 Series Frontswept Fertilizer Knives Page 4 K-4 Series Slim, Backswept, Hi-Speed & Coulter Rig Knives Page 5 Strip Till Points For Fertilizer Applicators Page 6 Chisel Plow Knives and Chisel Plow and Sweep Tubes Page 7 Acra-Plant Quick Change Knives and Points Page 8 Fertilizer Shanks--Drawings are in Section 2 Page 9 Tool Bar Mounts--Drawings are in Sections 5--8 Page 10 Eyebolts (lollipops), soil end knife clamps and service parts Rigid clamps and eyebolts are in Section 10 Page 11 Hardware (nuts and bolts) Page 12 Coulter blades SECTION 2 Shank drawings, all ShieldAg shanks SECTION 3 Row unit selection guide SECTION 4 Standard Coulter Row Units SECTION 5 Rigid Coulter Mounts SECTION 6 Rigid Coulter-Shank Mounts (C-S Mounts) SECTION 7 Spring-Loaded Coulter-Shank Mounts SECTION 8 Spring-Loaded S-series spring bundles SECTION 9 U-Bolts SECTION 10 Eyebolt sets and rigid shank mounts SECTION 11 Individual Eyebolts, Soil-end knife clamps and 1-1/4 Stabilizer plate SECTION 12 Knife and Liquid Tube mtg Hardware SECTION 13 DMI Replacement parts crossover index SECTION 14 Trash Whipper, Berm Conditioner, Orthman Conversion, Hi-Speed Packer Wheel LY Thispageintentionallyleftblank ShieldAg800Ͳ798Ͳ1968www.shieldag.com SHIELDAG FERTILIZER KNIVES DFͲ1PM/3/4DA DFͲ1PMST/3/4DA StripTillConfiguration DF-1PM All DF deep p furrow knives are supplied pp with the DF1PM improved p casting g DF-1PM/ST series knives are designed for strip till applications For heavy-duty strip till applications, see the section of ST-series strip till points STANDARD DF-1PM Deep Furrow Knives, 1/2" X 2-1/2" X 16" Tall Part # DF-1PM DF-1PM/O DF-1PM/1/2A DF-1PM/3/4DA DF-1PM/DA DF-1PM/DA/O DF-1PM/2DA DF-1PM/1/2A/3/4DA DF-1PM/1/2A/1/2DA DF-1PM/1/2A/3/8DA DF-1PM/DA/3/4 DF-1PM/112DA DF 1PM/112DA DF-1PM/112DAR DF-1PM/112 DF-1PM/112DA/HF DF-1PM/112DA/3/4 DF-1PMDATS DF-1PM/WOT DF-1PM/WOTS DF-1PM/ST DF-1PM/ST/DA/TB-18 DF-1PM/ST/3/4DA DF-1PM/ST/DA/3/4 DF-1PM/ST/DA/1/2 DF-1PM/ST/112 DF-1PM/ST/112DA DF-1PM/ST/1/2A/112DA Drawings for knives following this page are in the order shown in this table Description Single 3/8" NH3 tube Single 3/8" open end tube Single 1/2 1/2" NH3 tube 3/8" NH3 & 3/4" vapor tube 3/8" NH3 & 3/8" open end tubes Dual open end 3/8" tubes 3/8" NH3 & 1/2" open end tubes 1/2" NH3 & 3/4" open end tubes 1/2" NH3 & 1/2" open end tubes 1/2" FRONT NH3 & 3/8" REAR open end tubes 3/8" NH3 & 3/8" open end tubes and 3/4 vapor tube 3/8" NH3 & 1 1-1/2" 3/8 1/2 dry tubes, conventional 3/8" NH3 & 1-1/2" dry tube, conventional, dry tube BENT RIGHT Knife with 1-1/2" dry tube only, conventional SUB TO DF-1PM/ST/112DA 3/8" NH3, 3/4" Vapor & 1-1/2" dry tubes, conventional Dual App tube saver, 3/8" drilled front tube, no rear tube No tube with single tube saver No tube, no tube saver Single 3/8" NH3 tube with Strip till protection STRIP TILL 3/8" NH3, TB-18 tubes, with Strip till protection STRIP TILL 3/8" NH3 & 3/4" open end tubes and strip till protection STRIP TILL 3/8" NH3 X 3/4 vapor X 3/8" (TB-18) and strip till protection STRIP TILL 3/8" NH3 X 3/8" (TB-18) X 1/2 vapor and strip till protection STRIP TILL 1-1/2" dry tube only, Strip Till protection STRIP TILL 3/8" NH3 & 1-1/2" dry tubes, Strip Till protection STRIP TILL 1/2" NH3 & 1-1/2" dry tubes, Strip Till protection STRIP TILL Part # DF1PM DNC-200 DNC-202 TB-2/DF TB-2/O TB-4/O K2TB1/2A K2TB1/2A/O K2TBDA3/4 K4TB112DA K4T1/2DAS KTWS-01 Replacement Parts for Deep Furrow Knives Knife point Single tube saver Dual tube saver 3/8" tube drilled 3/8" tube open end 3/8" tube open end 1/2" tube drilled 1/2" tube open end 3/4" tube open end 1-1/2" dry tube Knife strap for adding secondar secondary ttubes bes 4-segment chrome extension for knife front DRAWING yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes y yes yes yes yes NOTE: Special Configurations available for ANY Shield knife 800-798-1968 www.shieldag.com 1 Weight 7.2 7.2 73 7.3 7.8 7.6 7.6 7.8 8.2 7.9 7.8 8.4 9.6 9.6 9.5 10.6 7.0 6.8 6.7 10.3 10.6 11.1 11.9 11.7 13.4 13.6 13.7 Weight 1.65 0.35 0.56 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.53 0.53 0.74 0.75 0.06 0 06 0.34 KͲ2T KͲ2T/PLSPL KͲ2T/3/4DA STANDARD K-2T Upright 1/2" X 2-1/2" X 16" tall Knives Drawings for knives following this page are in the order shown in this table Part # K-2T K-2T/O K-2T/1/2A K-2T/1/2A/O K-2T/1/2A/PLSPL K-2T/1/2DA K-2T/1/2DA/PLSPL K-2T/1/2A/1/2DA K-2T/1/2A1/2DA/PLSPL K-2T/1/2A/3/4DA K-2T/1/2A/3/4DA/PLSPL K-2T/1/2A/PLSPL/LOWER K-2T/1/2A/O/3/4DA K-2T/1/2A/O/3/4DA/PLSPL K-2T/3/4DA K-2T/O/3/4DA K-2T/3/4DA/PLSPL K 2T/O/3/4DA/PLSPL K-2T/O/3/4DA/PLSPL K-2T/O/112DA K-2T/O/112DA/3/4 K-2T/O/1/2DA/O K-2T/O/1/2DA/O/3/4DA K-2T/DA K-2T/DA/O K-2T/DA/3/4 K-2T/DA/O/3/4 K 2T/DA/1/2 K-2T/DA/1/2 K-2T/DA/PLSPL K-2T/O/PLSPL K-2T/PLSPL K-2TDATS K-2TDATS/O K-2T/WOT Description Single 3/8" NH3 tube Single 3/8" open end tube Single 1/2" NH3 tube Single 1/2" open end tube Single 1/2" NH3 tube with sealer 3/8" NH3 & 1/2" open end tubes 3/8" NH3 & 1/2" open end tubes with sealer 1/2" NH3 & 1/2" open end tubes 1/2" NH3 & 1/2" open end tubes with sealer 1/2" NH3 tube with 3/4 vapor tube 1/2" NH3 tube with 3/4 vapor tube and sealer Single 1/2" NH3 tube with sealer lower position 1/2" open end tube with 3/4 vapor 1/2" open end tube with 3/4 vapor and sealer 3/8" NH3 & 3/4" open end tubes 3/8" OPEN & 3/4" open end tubes 3/8" NH3 & 3/4" open end tubes with sealer 3/8" OPEN & 3/4" open end d tubes t b with ith sealer l 3/8" open end tube with 1-1/2" dry tube 3/8" open end tube with 1-1/2" dry tube and 3/4 vapor on back 3/8" open and 1/2" open tubes 3/8" open and 1/2" open tubes and 3/4 vapor tube 3/8" NH3 & 3/8" open end tubes 3/8" and 3/8" open end tubes 3/8" NH3 & 3/8" open and 3/4" vapor Dual 3/8" and 3/8" open end tubes and 3/4 vapor 3/8" NH3 & 3/8" open and 1/2" vapor 3/8" NH3 & 3/8" open end tubes with sealer Single 3/8" OPEN tube with sealer Single 3/8" NH3 tube with sealer Dual app tube saver and single 3/8" drilled tube Dual app tube saver and single 3/8" open-end tube Single tube saver and NO TUBE Part # 500 DNC-200 DNC-202 TB-3 TB-2/O K2TB1/2A K2TB1/2A/O K2TBDA3/4 SPL-4NEW SPL-4DANEW SPL 4DANEW K4T1/2DAS KTWS-01 Replacement Parts for K-2T Knives Knife point Single tube saver Dual tube saver 3/8" tube drilled 3/8" tube open end 1/2" tube drilled 1/2" tube open end 3/4" tube open end Sealer, will fit single & dual app tubes to 1/2" Sealer, will fit 3/4" 3/4 dual application Knife strap for adding secondary tubes 4-segment chrome extension for knife front DRAWING YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES SHIELDAG Will CUSTOMIZE any K-2T knife for STRIP TILL Application SPECIAL SEALER PLATES AND SEALER POSITIONS AVAILABLE !! 800-798-1968 www.shieldag.com 2 Weight 6.2 6.2 6.4 6.4 7.1 7.1 7.8 7.1 7.8 7.2 7.8 7.8 7.2 7.8 7.2 7.2 7.8 7.8 78 8.6 9.0 7.1 7.6 7.0 7.0 7.6 7.6 72 7.2 7.7 7.0 7.0 6.4 6.4 6.0 Weight 1 00 1.00 0.35 0.56 0.30 0.30 0.53 0.53 0.74 0.60 0.80 0.06 0.34 KͲ4T KͲ4T/3/4DA SHIELDAG FRONT SWEPT KNIVES STANDARD K-4T Forward Swept 1/2" X 2-1/2" X 16" tall knives Part # K-4T K-4T/O K-4T/1/2A K-4T/1/2 K-4T/1/2A/1/2DA K-4T/1/2/HFSPL K-4T/1/2A/HFSPL K-4T/1/2A/PLSPL K-4T/1/2DA K-4T/1/2DA/HFSPL K-4T/3/4DA K-4T/3/4DA/PLSPL K-4T/3/4DA/HFSPL K-4T/1/2A/3/4DA K-4T/DA K-4T/DA/O K-4T/DA/HFSPL K-4T/DA/PLSPL K 4T/HFSPL K-4T/HFSPL K-4T/O/112DA K-4T/O/112DA/HF K-4T/O/112DA/HF/3/4 K-4T/112 K-4T/O/114DA K-4T/PLSPL K-4TDATS Drawings for knives following this page are in the order shown in this table Description Single 3/8" NH3 tube Single 3/8" open end tube Single 1/2" NH3 tube Single 1/2" Open End tube 1/2" NH3 and 1/2" Open end tubes Single 1/2" Open End tube, hardfaced sealer Single 1/2" NH3 tube, hardfaced sealer Single 1/2" NH3 tube with plain sealer 3/8" NH3 & 1/2" open end tubes 3/8" NH3 & 1/2" open end tubes and hardfaced sealer 3/8" NH3 & 3/4" open end tubes 3/8" NH3 & 3/4" open end tubes and plain sealer 3/8" NH3 & 3/4" open end tubes and hardfaced sealer 1/2" NH3 & 3/4" vapor tubes 3/8" NH3 & 3/8" open end tubes Dual 3/8" open end tubes 3/8" NH3 & 3/8" open end tubes with hardfaced sealer 3/8" NH3 & 3/8" open end tubes with plain sealer Single Si l 3/8" tube t b with ith hardfaced h df d sealer l K-4T Strip Till with 3/8O & 1-1/2" dry tubes STRIP TILL K-4T Strip Till with 3/8O & 1-1/2" dry tubes STRIP TILL XTRA hardmetal Strip till with 3/8OX3/4VX1-1/2 dry STRIP TILL XTRA hardmetal K-4T Strip Till with 1-1/2" dry tube only STRIP TILL w/o hard metal K-4T Strip Till with 3/8O & 1-1/4" dry tubes CONVENTIONAL Single 3/8" tube with plain sealer Knife shank with dual app tube saver and 3/8" NH3 tube Part # IOE DNC-200 DNC-202 TB-4 TB-4/O TB-2/O K4TB1/2 K2TB/1/2A K4TB 5DA K4TB.5DA K2TBDA3/4 SPL-4/HF SPL-4NEW K4T1/2DAS KTWS-01 Replacement Parts for K K-4T 4T Knives Knife point Single tube saver Dual tube saver 3/8" tube drilled 3/8" tube open end 3/8" tube open end 1/2" tube open end 1/2" tube drilled 1/2" tube open end 1/2 3/4" tube open end Hardfaced sealer, will fit single & dual app tubes to 1/2" Plain sealer, will fit single & dual app tubes to 1/2" Knife strap for adding secondary tubes 4-segment chrome extension for knife front DRAWING YES YES YES YES YES YES YES NEED A SPECIAL KNIFE FOR YOUR APPLICATION ? WE CAN DO IT !! OUR CATALOG IS AVAILABLE ON LINE 800-798-1968 AT WWW.SHIELDAG.COM www.shieldag.com 3 Weight 6.6 6.6 6.7 6.7 7.2 7.6 7.6 7.5 7.4 7.9 7.4 7.9 8.0 7.6 7.2 7.2 7.7 7.6 74 7.4 8.4 8.6 9.3 8.2 7.8 7.3 6.7 Weight 0.92 0.35 0.56 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.53 0.53 0 53 0.53 0.74 0.80 0.60 0.06 0.34 KͲ4TS KͲ4TSBS Widest selection of narrow profile knives in the industry !! Standard length "slim" knives, knives for coulter injection rigs "high-speed" knives for standard applicators Part # K-4TS K-4TS/O K-4TS/1/2A K-4TS/1/2A/PLSPL K-4TS/1/2DA K-4TS/3/4DA K-4TS/DA K-4TS/DA/PLSPL K-4TS/HFSPL K 4TS/HFSPL K-4TS/PLSPL K-4TS/PLSPL/LOWER Drawings for knives following this page are in the order shown in this table Description Single 3/8" NH3 tube Single 3/8" open-end tube Single 1/2" NH3 tube Single 1/2" NH3 tube with sealer Dual 3/8" NH3 & 1/2" open end tubes Dual 3/8" NH3 & 3/4" open end tubes Dual 3/8" NH3 & 3/8" open end tubes Dual 3/8" NH3 & 3/8" open end tubes with sealer Single 3/8 3/8" NH3 tube with hardfaced sealer Single 3/8" NH3 tube with sealer Single 3/8" NH3 tube with sealer lower position DRAWING YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Weight 5.5 5.5 5.6 5.9 6.5 6.6 6.4 6.8 6.0 5.9 5.9 Knives designed specifically for coulter injection rigs, lengths vary Part # Description K-336070147BB Boron Steel thin knife for DMI coulter rigs Boron Steel thin knife for DMI coulter rigs with SURFA SHIELD K-336070147BBST K-5S Thin Chrome knife for coulter injection systems K-5SB Boron Steel thin knife for coulter injection rigs j g Boron Steel knife with SURFA SHIELD K-5SBSST K-5SB/HF Boron Steel thin knife for coulter injection rigs, hardfaced K-5SHDWREKIT Hardware kit for thin knives, includes cushion DRAWING YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Weight 4.2 4.6 4.8 4.0 4.4 4.2 1.0 Slim (5/16" thick) high speed 13" tall knives for high speed NH3 and liquid applicators Part # Description K-6S Slim (high speed) knife with 3/8" NH3 tube K-6S/DA Slim (high speed) knife with dual 3/8" tubes K-6S/3/4DA Slim (high speed) knife with 3/8" NH3 tube and 3/4 vapor tube K-6S/DA/3/4DA K 6S/DA/3/4DA Slim (high speed) knife with dual 3/8 3/8" tubes and 3/4 vapor tube DRAWING YES YES YES YES Weight 5.5 6.0 6.4 6.9 SEE OUR FERTILIZER CATALOG FOR HIGH SPEED PACKER WHEEL ASSEMBLIES DESIGNED TO ADAPT TO CONVENTIONAL RIGS !! Part # 716SM 100S 100DS K4STB K4STB1/2A K4TB.5DA K2TBDA3/4 TB-2/O SPL-4SNEW SPL-4S/HF Replacement Parts for K-4TS "Slim" Knives Knife point Single tube saver Dual tube saver 3/8" tube drilled 1/2" tube drilled 1/2" tube open end 3/4" tube open end 3/8" tube open end Plain sealer Hardfaced sealer Weight 0.73 0.22 0.35 0.30 0.50 0.50 0 70 0.70 0.30 0.50 0.60 K-4TSBS "Slim" Backswept Knives Part # K-4TSBS K-4TSBSS K-4TSBS/BORON K-4TSBS/BSST K-4TSBSS/1/2A K-4TTSBS K-4TTSBSS K-4TTSBSS/1/2A Description 14" Tall 3/8" Backswept knife with 3/8" Tube 14" Tall 3/8" Backswept knife with 3/8" StainlessTube Forged 14" 14 Tall 3/8" 3/8 Backswept knife with 3/8" 3/8 Tube Forged 14" Tall 3/8" Backswept knife with 3/8" Tube with SURFA SHIELD 14" Tall 3/8" Backswept knife with 1/2" StainlessTube, open end 17" Tall 3/8" Backswept knife with 3/8" Tube 17" Tall 3/8" Backswept knife with 3/8" Stainless Tube 17" Tall 3/8" Backswept knife with 1/2" Stainless Tube 800-798-1968 www.shieldag.com 4 DRAWING YES YES Weight 3.8 3.8 3.5 3.6 3.9 5.0 5.0 5.1 ShieldAg's ST-series Strip Till Points Designed specifically for 8-12” working depths Acts as a subsoiler point to alleviate compaction Knife tubes will deliver NH3, liquid and acid programs optional TB-18 tube Dry tubes are available in 1-1/4", 1-1/2" and 1-3/4" diameter Creates the optimum berm desired by strip-till farmers Available in 16" and 18" lengths ShieldAg's ST-16, the Strip Till Point of choice for side-mount rigs Part # ST-16 REV A ST-16 REV NC ST-16DA ST-16/3/4DA ST-16/1/2A ST 16/1/2DA ST-16/1/2DA ST-16/112 ST-16/112DA REV A ST-16/112DA REV NC ST-16/112DA/1/2 ST-16/112DA/3/4 ST-16/112DA/HF ST-16/114 ST-16/114/114 ST 16/114DA ST-16/114DA ST-16/DA/3/4 ST-16/5/8S ST-16DA/1/2DA ST-16EX ST-16KL ST-16Wil ST-16Wil/DA ST-16Wil/WOT ST-16WOT ST-16WOT/WOTS ST-18 ST-18/112DA ST-18Wil/WOT ST-18/WOT ST-18/WOTS ST-18DA ST-18DASS Drawings for knives following this page are in the order shown in this table Description 16" Strip Till point with 3/8 tube and strip till protection dual round punch 16" Strip Till point with 3/8 tube and strip till protection hole & slot punch 16" Strip Till point with dual 3/8 tubes and strip till protection 16" Point with 3/8 and 3/4 (vapor) tubes and strip till protection 16" Point with 1/2" tube and strip till protection 16" Point P i with i h 3/8 and d 1/2" tubes b and d strip i till ill protection i 16" Point with 1-1/2" dry tube and strip till protection 16" Point with 3/8 and 1-1/2" tubes and strip till protection dual round punch 16" Point with 3/8 and 1-1/2" tubes and strip till protection hole & slot punch 16" Point with 3/8 and 1/2 and 1-1/2" tubes and strip till protection 16" Point with 3/8, 3/4 and 1-1/2" tubes and strip till protection 16" Point with 3/8 and 1-1/2" tubes and strip till protection, hardfaced 16" Point with 1-1/4" dry tube and strip till protection 16" Point with dual 1-1/4" dry tube and strip till protection 16" Point with 3/8 and 1 1-1/4" 1/4" dry tubes and strip till protection 16" Strip Till point with 3/8 X 3/4 X 3/8 (TB-18) and strip till protection 16" Point with 5/8" stainless tube and strip till protection 16" Point with 3/8, 1/2 and 3/8 tubes and strip till protection SUB TO ST-16Wil/WOT 16" Point liquid using 3/8" TB-18, ships loose for custom applications 16" Point with 3/8 tube, special side plates and strip till protection 16" Point with dual 3/8 tubes, special sides and strip till protection 16" Point with NO TUBE, special sides and strip till protection, EXACTRIX 16" Point with strip till protection and NO TUBE 16 16" Point with NO TUBE, NO protection, for CUSTOM applications 18" Strip Till point with 3/8 tube and strip till protection 18" Point with 3/8 and 1-1/2" tubes and strip till protection 18" Point with strip till protection and NO TUBE FOR EXACTRIX 18" Point with strip till protection and NO TUBE 18" Point with strip till protection and NO TUBE, NO TUBE SAVER 18" Strip Till point with dual 3/8 tubes and strip till protection 18" Strip Till point with dual 3/8" stainless tubes and strip till protection DRAWING YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Weight 10.6 10.6 10.9 11.4 10.8 11.1 11 1 13.7 14.0 14.0 14.4 15.1 14.6 13.6 15.4 13 8 13.8 11.6 11.2 11.6 10.6 10.9 11.2 11.0 10 4 10.4 10.0 11.0 14.4 11.4 10.8 10.2 11.2 11.2 Part # Replacement Parts for ST-series Weight TB-18 Phos (liquid) rear eject tube (bent back) 0.20 TB-2/O 3/8" tube open end 0.30 K2TB1/2A 1/2" tube drilled 0.53 K2TBDA3/4 3/4" tube open end 0.74 K4TB112DA 1-1/2" dry tube 0.75 TB-4E Replacement 3/8" back-drilled tube 0.40 TB-4EN Replacement 3/8" tube, NOT DRILLED, for custom applications 0.40 ST-16/18Hdwrekit Knife cover plate kit complete, including knife bolts 0.50 DF1ST Point casting only 2.84 KTWS-01 4-segment chrome extension for knife front 0.34 K4TTARS Strip till protection plate for ST-16Wil/Wot and series 0.80 K4TTARS-2 Strip till protection plate for ST-16 standard series 0.60 K4TTARS-3 Strip till protection plate for ST-series with dry tubes 1.40 ST-series strip till points are sold only through exclusive distributorships and territories, call us for details 800-798-1968 www.shieldag.com 5 SHIELDAG Fertilizer knives for Chisel Plows CPK-1, the heaviest-duty Chisel Plow Knife available CPK-1E, enhanced to handle more trash Chisel Plow Knives Drawings for knives following this page are in the order shown in this table Description 3/8" NH3 tube Single 3/8 Single 1/2" NH3 tube Single 3/8" NH3 tube w/ trash guard Single 1/2" NH3 tube w/ trash guard Dual 3/8" NH3 & 3/8" open end tubes w/ trash guard Dual 1/2" NH3 & 1/2" open end tubes Dual 3/8" NH3 & 1/2" tubes w/trash guard SUB TO CPK-1E/1/2DA SUB TO CPK-1E/DA 3/8" NH3 tube and 3/4" Vapor p tube w/trash guard g Single 3/8" NH3 tube w/center-mount tube stiffener Single 1/2" NH3 tube w/center-mount tube stiffener Single 3/8" Micronutrient tube Single 3/8" Stainless NH3 tube Chisel knife with no tubes Part # CPK-1 CPK 1 CPK-1/1/2A CPK-1E CPK-1E/1/2A CPK-1E/DA CPK-1/1/2A/1/2DA CPK-1E/1/2DA CPK-1/1/2DA CPK-1/DA CPK-1E/3/4DA CPK-1LD CPK-1LD/1/2A CPK-1M CPK-1S CPK-1/WOT Part # CPK1P TB-CPK1 TB CPK1 TB-CPK1/1/2A CPK1E Part # TA-1 TA-2 TA-3 TA 3 Replacement Parts for Chisel Plow Knives Knife point 3/8" 3/8 tube crimped/drilled 1/2" tube crimped/drilled trash guard SHIELDAG Offers the WIDEST SELECTION of Chisel Plow Knives in the Industry !! Drawing YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Weight 5.8 6.0 6.1 6.3 6.5 6.7 6.7 7.3 6.1 6.3 6.0 5.8 5.6 Weight 1.73 0.30 0.53 0.06 Your customer can also add ShieldAg Sweep/Chisel tubes to standard chisels and sweeps !! Description Weight Center Mount Chisel/Sweep tube Side Mount Chisel/Sweep tube Side Mount 12" 12 Chisel Plow and Cultivator Sweep tube TAͲ1 TAͲ2 800-798-1968 www.shieldag.com 6 0.65 0.68 0.69 TAͲ3 Acra-Plant replaceable-point quick change fertlizer knives AVALABLE NOW IN STRIP TILL CONFIGURATIONS Item Description AP-700000 Acra Knife Shank with 3/8" NH3 tube and AP-700041 Standard Point AP-700010 Acra Knife Shank w/ 3/8” NH3 tube (.408” OD, for 3/8” NH3 hose), no point AP-700010V Acra Knife Shank w/ 3/8” NH3 tube and 3/4" Vapor Tube, no point AP-700011 Acra Knife Shank without tube (bare shank), no point Acra ST-shank with 3/8" back-drilled tube STRIP TILL AP-700011STE Acra ST-shank without tube. STRIP TILL AP-700011XBE AP-700020 3/8” NH3 tube (.408” OD) crimped and drilled AP-700021 3/8” Liquid tube (.408” OD) open end AP-700022 ½” Liquid tube (.569”OD) open end AP-700023 3/8” NH3 tube (.408” OD) and Clip Rings for ½” large plastic tube AP-700025 ½” NH3 tube (.569” OD) crimped and drilled AP-700041 STANDARD ACRA KNIFE POINT w/PIN AP-700042 ACRA SUPER WING POINT w/PIN STRIP TILL POINT w/PIN AP-700042-ST AP-700044 ACRA CLOSER POINT w/PIN AP-700200 Acra Knife shank with 3/8" NH3 tube and AP-700042 Super Wing Point AP-700400 Acra Knife shank with 3/8" NH3 tube and AP-700044 Sealer Point AP-702000 Acra Knife shank with 3/8" NH3 tube and 3/8" Liquid tube (dual app) AP-702000S Acra Knife shank with 3/8” 3/8 NH3 and 3/8” 3/8 STAINLESS Liquid tubes (dual app) AP-702010 Acra Knife shank with 3/8” NH3 and ½” Liquid tubes (dual app) AP-702110 Acra Knife shank with 3/8” NH3 and Clip Rings for ½” large plastic hose (dual app) AP-702510 Acra Knife shank with single ½” NH3 tube (.569” OD), crimped and drilled AP-702610 Acra Knife shank with single ½” liquid tube (.569” OD), open end K2TBDA3/4 3/4" Vapor tube (Raven) NOW AVAILABLE IN STRIP-TILL CONFIGURATIONS ! Weight 7.67 4.60 5.40 4.50 8.80 8.60 0.50 0.50 0.60 0.60 0.60 2.53 2.78 4.00 3.83 7.92 8.50 5.10 5.10 5.40 4.80 4.70 4.70 0.74 STRIPTILLPOINT 800-798-1968 www.shieldag.com 7 8 ShieldAg Tool Bar Mounts Part # KSC-382 KSC-384 KSC-384SPCC KSC-384-6TP KSC-386i-44 KSC-386i-64 KSC-386i-46 KSC-386i-66 KSC-384-55 KSC-384-57 KSC-384-75 KSC-384-77 KSC-1244 KSC-1264 KSC-1246 KSC-1266 KSC-1255 KSC-1257 KSC-1277 S-1244SL S-1264SL S-1246SL S-1266SL S-1257SL S-1277SL S-1244SLX S-1264SLX S-1246SLX S-1266SLX S-1257SLX S-1277SLX KSC-466340 KSC-466640 KSC-466571 KSC-466392 KSC-466396 KSC-466397 KSC-466540 KSC-466540X KSC-466560 KSC-466560X KSC-466570 KSC-466570X Description Clark-Tote for 4x4" bar for 1-1/4" square shank, 3 bolt system "Quick-Tac" for 4x4" bar for 1-1/4" square shank, dual lollipop "Quick-Tac" for 4x4" bar for 1-1/4" or 1x2" shanks, dual lollipop "Quick-Tac" for 4Vx6"H bar for 1-1/4" square shank, dual lollipop 4" X 4" bar, 1-1/4 Sq, 1 X 2 or 1-1/4 X 2 shanks, single lollipop & bolt 6"VX4"H bar, 1-1/4 Sq, 1 X 2 or 1-1/4 X 2 shanks, single lollipop & bolt 4"VX6"H bar, 1-1/4 Sq, 1 X 2 or 1-1/4 X 2 shanks, single lollipop & bolt 6" X6" bar, 1-1/4 Sq, 1 X 2 or 1-1/4 X 2 shanks, single lollipop & bolt 5" X5" bar, 1-1/4 Sq, 1 X 2 or 1-1/4 X 2 shanks, single lollipop & bolt 5"V X7"H bar, 1-1/4 Sq, 1 X 2 or 1-1/4 X 2 shanks, single lollipop & bolt 7"V X5"H bar, 1-1/4 Sq, 1 X 2 or 1-1/4 X 2 shanks, single lollipop & bolt 7" X7" bar, 1-1/4 Sq, 1 X 2 or 1-1/4 X 2 shanks, single lollipop & bolt Shank Clamp 4" X 4" bar, 1 X 2 or 1-1/4 X 2 shanks with stabilizer Shank Clamp 6"V X 4"H bar, 1 X 2 or 1-1/4 X 2 shanks with stabilizer Shank Clamp 4"V X 6"H bar, 1 X 2 or 1-1/4 X 2 shanks with stabilizer Shank Clamp 6" X 6" bar, 1 X 2 or 1-1/4 X 2 shanks with stabilizer Shank Clamp 5" X 5" bar, 1 X 2 or 1-1/4 X 2 shanks with stabilizer Shank Clamp 5"V X 7" H bar, 1 X 2 or 1-1/4 X 2 shanks with stabilizer Shank Clamp 7" X7 " bar, 1 X 2 or 1-1/4 X 2 shanks with stabilizer Spring load clamp for 4x4" bar for 1x2" or 1-1/4 X 2 shank Spring load clamp for 6x4" bar for 1x2" shank or 1-1/4 X 2 shank Spring load clamp for 4x6" bar for 1x2" shank or 1-1/4 X 2 shank Spring load clamp for 6x6" bar for 1x2" shank or 1-1/4 X 2 shank Spring load clamp for 5x7" bar for 1x2" shank or 1-1/4 X 2 shank Spring load clamp for 7x7" bar for 1x2" shank or 1-1/4 X 2 shank Heavy-duty SL clamp, 4x4" bar for 1x2" or 1-1/4 X 2 shank Heavy-duty SL clamp, 6x4" bar for 1x2" shank or 1-1/4 X 2 Heavy-duty SL clamp, 4x6" bar for 1x2" shank or 1-1/4 X 2 Heavy-duty SL clamp, 6x6" bar for 1x2" shank or 1-1/4 X 2 Heavy-duty SL clamp, 5x7" bar for 1x2" shank or 1-1/4 X 2 Heavy-duty SL clamp, 7x7" bar for 1x2" shank or 1-1/4 X 2 RIGID COULTER MOUNTS, 3/4" U-bolts not included 4 X 4 or 6 X 4 Coulter System Mount, requires 3/4" mtg hardware 4 X 6 or 6 X 6 Coulter System Mount, requires 3/4" mtg hardware 5 X 7 or 7 X 7 Coulter System Mount, requires 3/4" mtg hardware RIGID C-S (coulter-shank) Mounts, 5/8" U-bolts not included 4 X 4 or 6 X 4 Coulter System Mount, 4" horizontal 4 X 6 or 6 X 6 Coulter System Mount, 6" horizontal 5 X 7 or 7 X 7 Coulter System Mount, 7" horizontal COULTER-Spring Shank Mounts, 5/8"U-bolts not included 4 X 4 or 6 X 4 Coulter-Shank System Mount 4 X 4 or 6 X 4 Coulter-Shank System Mount, Heavy-Duty dbl spring 4 X 6 or 6 X 6 Coulter-Shank System Mount 4 X 6 or 6 X 6 Coulter-Shank System Mount, Heavy-Duty dbl spring 5 X 7 or 7 X 7 Coulter-Shank System Mount 5 X 7 or 7 X 7 Coulter-Shank System Mount, Heavy-Duty dbl spring NEW S-1244SLX series Heavy-Duty double spring clamps Supplied with U-bolts Unit Weight, lbs 8.3 8.1 Weight not available Weight not available Weight not available Weight not available Weight not available Weight not available Weight not available Weight not available Weight not available Weight not available 14.0 14.3 16.0 16.3 14.5 16.8 17.1 44.0 44.0 46.0 46.0 56.0 56.0 46.0 46.0 48.0 48.0 56.0 56.0 10.0 14.0 21.0 42.0 46.0 53.0 53.0 55.0 58.0 60.0 62.0 64.0 KSC-466392 C-S Mount KSC-466540X Coulter-spring shank mount shown order U-bolts separately KSC-466340 Rigid Coulter Mount 9 10 11 ShieldAG Coulter Blades Part # 17FLYET CLT 20FL COMBO 20FLC COMBO 20PL COMBO 20NO COMBO 22PL COMBO 24PL COMBO 24PLDBJ CLT Size 17" 20" 20" 20" 20" 22" 22 24" 24" Type Crucible Fluted Fluted Crucible Fluted Smooth Notched Smooth Smooth Smooth Thickness Center Hole Gauge MM Decimal 4" 7 4.5 0.177 3-11/16" 7 4.5 0.177 3-11/16" 7 4.5 0.177 3-11/16" 7 4.5 0.177 3-11/16" 7 4.5 0.177 3 11/16" 3-11/16 6 5 0 0.197 5.0 0 197 3-11/16" 6 5.0 0.197 3-11/16" 6 5.0 0.197 Bolt Hole Weight BCD Holes Size Lbs 5.25" 4 0.5313 11.88 5.0" & 5.25" 8 0.5313 16.28 5.0" & 5.25" 8 0.5313 16.28 5.0" & 5.25" 8 0.5313 16.28 5.0" & 5.25" 8 0.5313 16.28 5 0" & 5 5.0 5.25 25" 8 0 5313 22.00 0.5313 22 00 5.0" & 5.25" 8 0.5313 26.18 5.0" 4 0.5313 26.18 SPECIALTY COULTERS AND SEALERS--NOTE: AVAILABILITY IS LIMITED, OUT OF STOCK LEAD TIME IS 90--120 DAYS Size 20WB8 COMBO 20" 17WB COMBO 17" KSC-33551445N KSC 33551445N 14 14" KSC-33551445 14" KSC-33551870 18" 18 DB11-NO 18" Thickness Bolt Type Center Hole Gauge MM Decimal BCD Holes 1-3/4" Wavy 3-11/16" 7 4.5 0.177 5.0" & 5.25" 8 3/4" Wavy 3-11/16" 7 4.5 0.177 5.0" & 5.25" 8 14" DMI Notched Sealer 14 2-17/32" 2 17/32 9 3 5 0.138 3.5 0 138 4 0" 4.0 4 14" DMI Plain Sealer 2-17/32" 9 3.5 0.138 4.0" 4 18" DMI Plain Sealer, Dull 1-25/32" 9 3.5 0.138 5.0" 4 18" Dalton Notched Sealer 2-1/4" 9 3.5 0.138 4.0" 4 Hole Weight Size Lbs 0.5313 16.28 0.5313 11.88 0 5313 7.04 0.5313 7 04 0.5313 7.04 .53 SQ 8.80 0.438 8.80 NOTE: An exclusive process developed by ShieldAG assures the flattest, truest running coulters on the market 800-798-1968 www.shieldag.com 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 SingleToolBarMountingSystemforSPRINGͲSHANKMOUNT SHIELDAG800Ͳ798Ͳ1968 Forusewithcoulterarmandblade Wherecustomerneedstomounteverythingpossibletoonetoolbar ToolBarsizeVERTICALDIMENSIONFIRST,HORIZONTALDIMENSIONSECOND EXAMPLE4X6means4"verticalX6"horizonal Barsize SpringͲloaded VertXHoriz Coulter/Shankmount 4X4 KSCͲ466540 6X4 KSCͲ466540 4X6 KSCͲ466560 6X6 KSCͲ466560 5X5 KSCͲ466750 5X7 KSCͲ466570 7X7 KSCͲ466570 HeavyͲdutydoublespring Coulter/Shankmount KSCͲ466540X KSCͲ466540X KSCͲ466560X KSCͲ466560X KSCͲ466750X KSCͲ466570X KSCͲ466570X UͲbolts 2perrow APͲ500529 APͲ505530 APͲ505529 APͲ505018 APͲ500539 APͲ500537 APͲ500538 20"Arm KSCͲ466360 KSCͲ466360 KSCͲ466360 KSCͲ466360 KSCͲ466360 KSCͲ466360 KSCͲ466360 CHOICEOFSHANK:KSCͲ1298,KSCͲ1298WP,KSCͲ1290,KSCͲ1295,KSCͲ1299 Boltforboltingtheshanktotheclamp106ͲE33/4Ͳ10X3"hexboltgrade5 NOTE:KSCͲ46637024"CoulterArmsarenotdesignedforusewithSingleToolbarCSMounts 37 ShieldAg800Ͳ798Ͳ1968 SingleToolBarMountingSystemforRIGIDSHANKMOUNT Forusewithcoulterarmandblade Wherecustomerneedstomounteverythingpossibletoonetoolbar ToolBarsizeVERTICALDIMENSIONFIRST,HORIZONTALDIMENSIONSECOND EXAMPLE4X6means4"verticalX6"horizonal Barsize RigidCSMount VertXHoriz ToolBarClamp 4X4 KSCͲ466392 6X4 KSCͲ466392 4X6 KSCͲ466396 4X6 KSCͲ466396ͲKSC95 6X6 KSCͲ466396 5X5 KSCͲ466751 5X7 KSCͲ466397 7X7 KSCͲ466397 UͲbolts 2perrow APͲ500529 APͲ505530 APͲ505529 APͲ505529 APͲ505018 APͲ500539 APͲ500537 APͲ500538 20"Arm KSCͲ466360 KSCͲ466360 KSCͲ466360 KSCͲ466360 KSCͲ466360 KSCͲ466360 KSCͲ466360 KSCͲ466360 CHOICEOFSHANK:KSCͲ1298,KSCͲ1298WP,KSCͲ1290,KSCͲ1295,KSCͲ1299 Boltforboltingtheshanktotheclamp106ͲE33/4Ͳ10X3"hexboltgrade5 38 DoubleToolBarSystem(frontbarandbackbar)withSPRINGBUNDLEshankmounts ShieldAg800Ͳ798Ͳ1968 MountcoultersystemonFrontbar MountShanksonrearbar ToolBarsizeVERTICALDIMENSIONFIRST,HORIZONTALDIMENSIONSECOND EXAMPLE4X6means4"verticalX6"horizonal SͲseriesclampscomewithUͲbolts CoulterMount FrontBar Standard HeavyͲDuty BarSize 20"Arm 24"Arm SpringBundle SpringBundle VertXHoriz OnFrontBar UͲbolts(quantity) 6X2 KSCͲ466340 APͲ500534(1) KSCͲ466360 KSCͲ466370 N/A N/A 4X4 KSCͲ466340 APͲ500531(1) KSCͲ466360 KSCͲ466370 SͲ1244SL SͲ1244SLX 6X4 KSCͲ466340 APͲ500532(1) KSCͲ466360 KSCͲ466370 SͲ1264SL SͲ1264SLX 4X6 KSCͲ466640 APͲ505532(2) KSCͲ466360 KSCͲ466370 SͲ1246SL SͲ1246SLX 6X6 KSCͲ466640 APͲ500533(2) KSCͲ466360 KSCͲ466370 SͲ1266SL SͲ1266SLX 5X7 KSCͲ466571 APͲ500535(2) KSCͲ466360 KSCͲ466370 SͲ1257SL SͲ1257SLX KSCͲ466572 APͲ505126(2) KSCͲ466360 KSCͲ466370 SͲ1255SL SͲ1255SLX 5X5 7X7 KSCͲ466571 APͲ510755(2) KSCͲ466360 KSCͲ466370 SͲ1277SL SͲ1277SLX CHOICEOFSHANK:KSCͲ1298,KSCͲ1298WP,KSCͲ1290,KSCͲ1295,KSCͲ1299 Boltforboltingtheshanktotheclamp106ͲE33/4Ͳ10X3"hexboltgrade5 39 DoubleToolBarSystem(frontbarandbackbar)withRigidMountShank MountcoultersystemonFrontbar MountShanksonrearbarusingKSCͲ12seriesclampsorLollipopͲstyleclamps ToolBarsizeVERTICALDIMENSIONFIRST,HORIZONTALDIMENSIONSECOND EXAMPLE4X6means4"verticalX6"horizonal BarSize CoulterMount FrontBar VertXHoriz OnFrontBar UͲbolts(quantity) 20"Arm 24"Arm 6X2 KSCͲ466340 APͲ500534(1) KSCͲ466360 KSCͲ466370 4X4 KSCͲ466340 APͲ500531(1) KSCͲ466360 KSCͲ466370 6X4 KSCͲ466340 APͲ500532(1) KSCͲ466360 KSCͲ466370 4X6 KSCͲ466640 APͲ505532(2) KSCͲ466360 KSCͲ466370 6X6 KSCͲ466640 APͲ500533(2) KSCͲ466360 KSCͲ466370 KSCͲ466360 KSCͲ466370 5X7 KSCͲ466571 APͲ500535(2) 5X5 KSCͲ466572 APͲ505126(2) KSCͲ466360 KSCͲ466370 7X7 KSCͲ466571 APͲ510755(2) KSCͲ466360 KSCͲ466370 ShieldAg800Ͳ798Ͳ1968 RigidMount ClampSet KSCͲ1262 KSCͲ1244 KSCͲ1264 KSCͲ1246 KSCͲ1266 KSCͲ1257 KSCͲ1255 KSCͲ1277 CHOICEOFSHANK:KSCͲ1298,KSCͲ1298WP,KSCͲ1290,KSCͲ1295,KSCͲ1299 LollipopclampsetslistedincludeONElollipopandonebolt,withallhardwareincluded NOTE:OtherLollipopconfigurationsandcombinationsavailablefromShieldAg 40 Lollipop ClampSet KSCͲ386iͲ62 KSCͲ386iͲ44 KSCͲ386iͲ64 KSCͲ386iͲ46 KSCͲ386iͲ66 KSCͲ384Ͳ57 KSCͲ384Ͳ55 KSCͲ384Ͳ77 ShieldAg800Ͳ798Ͳ1968 SingleBarRigidSHANKMOUNTONLYfor1X2Shanks NOCOULTERSYSTEM MountShanksonbarusingKSCͲ12seriesclamps orLollipopͲstyleclamps ToolBarsizeVERTICALDIMENSIONFIRST, HORIZONTALDIMENSIONSECOND EXAMPLE4X6means4"verticalX6"horizonal BarSize RigidMount VertXHori ClampSet 6X2 N/A 4X4 KSCͲ1244 6X4 KSCͲ1264 4X6 KSCͲ1246 6X6 KSCͲ1266 5X7 KSCͲ1257 5X5 KSCͲ1255 7X7 KSCͲ1277 Lollipop ClampSet N/A KSCͲ386iͲ44 KSCͲ386iͲ64 KSCͲ386iͲ46 KSCͲ386iͲ66 KSCͲ384Ͳ57 KSCͲ384Ͳ55 KSCͲ384Ͳ77 CHOICEOFSHANK:KSCͲ1298,KSCͲ1298WP,KSCͲ1290, KSCͲ1295orKSCͲ1299 RigidandLollipopclampsetslistedallhardwareincluded LollipopclampsetshaveONElollipopinkit,otherkits Areavailablewithdifferentcombinationsofhardware 41 SingleBarLIQUIDCOULTERMOUNT ShieldAG800Ͳ798Ͳ1968 ToolBarsizeVERTICALDIMENSIONFIRST,HORIZONTALDIMENSIONSECOND EXAMPLE4X6means4"verticalX6"horizonal BarSize VertXHoriz 6X2 4X4 6X4 4X6 6X6 5X7 5X5 7X7 CoulterMount OnFrontBar KSCͲ466340 KSCͲ466340 KSCͲ466340 KSCͲ466640 KSCͲ466640 KSCͲ466571 KSCͲ466572 KSCͲ466571 BarMount UͲbolts(quantity) APͲ500534(1) APͲ500531(1) APͲ500532(1) APͲ505532(2) APͲ500533(2) APͲ500535(2) APͲ505126(2) APͲ510755(2) 42 20"liquid Arm KSCͲ531002 KSCͲ531002 KSCͲ531002 KSCͲ531002 KSCͲ531002 KSCͲ531002 KSCͲ531002 KSCͲ531002 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 KC S -466340 SC K -466341 SC K -466343 SC K -466348 SC K -466571 SC K -466572 SC K -466633 SC K -466644 SC K -466640 Part# KSCͲ466340 RigidCoulterMount See U-bolt Section to select proper size U-bolt for your toolbar 6 X 2 or 4 X 4 or 6 X 4 C oulter System M ount,req uires 3/4" mtg hardware SPECIAL 4 X 4 or 6 X 4 C oulter System M ount for 1-1/2" dia shaft 6 X 4 coulter mount,face mount to 6" tall toolbar oulter mount for D C IH M S sp C ring bundle adap tation 5 X 7 or 7 X 7 C oulter System M ount,req uires 3/4" mtg hardware 7 X 5 or 5 X 5 C oulter System M ount,req uires 3/4" mtg hardware 3" D IAM NDBAR coulter mount comp O lete with all hardware 4" D IAM NDBAR coulter mount comp O lete with all hardware 4 X 6 or 6 X 6 C oulter System M ount,req uires 3/4" mtg hardware ShieldAgRIGIDCOULTERMOUNTS,3/4"UͲboltsNOTINCLUDED Description,VerticalDimensionFIRST,HorizontalDimensionSECOND 10.0 10.0 14.0 10.0 21.0 21.0 25.0 27.0 14.0 Weight Lbs 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 Part # KSC-466392 KSC-466396 KSC-466397 KSC-466392 C-S Mount SEE U-bolt Section 9 to select proper size U-bolt for your toolbar RIGID C-S ((coulter-shank)) Mounts, 5/8" U-bolts not included Description 4 X 4 or 6 X 4 C oulter System M ount,4" horizontal,req uires 2ea 5/8" U-bolt 4 X 6 or 6 X 6 C oulter System M ount,6" horizontal,req uires 2ea 5/8" U-bolt 5 X 7 or 7 X 7 C oulter System M ount,7" horizontal,req uires 2ea 5/8" U-bolt Unit Weight, lbs 42.0 46.0 53.0 66 67 68 69 Part # KSC-466540 KSC-466540X KSC-466560 KSC-466560X KSC-466570 KSC-466570X KSC-466540X Coulter-spring shank mount shown order U-bolts separately SEE U-bolt Section 9 to select proper size U-bolt for your toolbar COULTER-Spring Shank Mounts, 5/8"U-bolts not included Unit Description Weight, lbs 4 X 4 or 6 X 4 C oulter-ShankSystem M ount,req uires 2ea 5/8" U-bolt 53.0 4 X 4 or 6 X 4 C oulter-ShankSystem M ount, Heavy-Duty dbl spring, requires 2ea 5/8" U-bolt 55.0 4 X 6 or 6 X 6 C oulter-ShankSystem M ount,req uires 2ea 5/8" U-bolt 58.0 4 X 6 or 6 X 6 C oulter-ShankSystem M ount, Heavy-Duty dbl spring, requires 2ea 5/8" U-bolt 60.0 5 X 7 or 7 X 7 C oulter-ShankSystem M ount,req uires 2ea 5/8" U-bolt 62.0 5 X 7 or 7 X 7 C oulter-ShankSystem M ount, Heavy-Duty dbl spring, requires 2ea 5/8" U-bolt 64.0 70 71 72 73 74 75 Thispageintentionallyleftblank ShieldAg800Ͳ798Ͳ1968www.shieldag.com 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 U-bolts for Row Units ShieldAg 800-798-1968 NOTE: All U-bolts come with Nuts and Lockwashers For This Size Toolbar VERTICAL size listed first Part Number Size AP-505525 1/2 X 2 X 2-1/2 Berm conditioner U-bolt AP-500529 5/8 X 5-1/2 X 4 4X4 AP-505530 5/8 X 7-1/2 X 4 6 X 4 (6" vertical X 4" horizontal) AP-505529 5/8 X 5-1/2 X 6 4 X 6 (4" vertical X 6" horizontal) AP-505018 5/8 X 7-1/2 X 6 6X6 AP-500537 5/8 X 6-1/2 X 7 5 X 7 (5" vertical X 7" horizontal) AP-500538 5/8 X 8-1/2 X 7 7X7 AP-500534 3/4 X 7-1/2 X 2 6 X 2 (6" vertical X 2" horizontal) AP-500531 3/4 X 5-1/2 X 4 4X4 AP-500532 3/4 X 7-1/2 X 4 6 X 4 (6" vertical X 4" horizontal) AP-505532 3/4 X 5-1/2 X 6 4 X 6 (4" vertical X 6" horizontal) AP-505126 3/4 X 6-1/2 X 5 5X5 AP-500533 3/4 X 7-1/2 X 6 6X6 AP-500535 3/4 X 6-1/2 X 7 5 X 7 (5" vertical X 7" horizontal) AP-505128 3/4 X 8-1/2 X 5 7 X 5 (7" (7 vertical X 5" 5 horizontal) AP-510755 3/4 X 8-1/2 X 7 7X7 Weight Lbs 0.8 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.7 1.8 1.7 1.9 1.7 2.1 1.9 2.0 2.4 2.3 21 2.1 2.7 ALL ShieldAg U-bolts are MADE IN USA and meet Grade 5 specifications U-bolts are all plated and are furnished with nuts and lockwashers 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 SHIELDAG 800-798-1968 DMIREPLACEMENTPARTSPRICING2010 DMINUMBER SHIELDNUMBER Description DMI04663200 DMI05019000 DMI05019000 KSC-466320 KSC-384i KSC-384i1142 COLTER PIVOT, Eye BOLT ASS'Y, 4X4 bar, 1X2 ONLY Eye bolt assy 4X 4 bars 1-1/4 coils or 1 X 2 KSC-384i-6SP KSC-386i6 SUB TO KSC-386i6 Eye bolt assy 6" V X 4" H bars, 1-1/4 or 1 X 2 DMI05021000 KSC-384TP KSC-384TP-6 DMI09232000 KSC-1244 DMI17620020 KSC-466360-MB14 DMI17620030 KSC-466360-MB10 DMI28163311 KSC-466300-HUB DMI28363331 KSC-466300-SPL DMI28463300 KSC-909911 DMI495-11081 KSC-913608 04663150 KSC-466315 04663140 KSC-466315 KSC-466315-C 04663410 KSC-466340 04691745-2 KSC-444442 438-32840 KSC-466360-RP716 5310130 KSC-05310130-DMI 5310140 KSC-05310140-DMI Plate-UPPER for 4 X 4" Bar Plate-UPPER for 6" HORIZONTAL BAR (4X6) RIGID SH MTG MACHINE BUSH, thin MACHINE BUSH, thick Q633 HUB ASSY SPINDLE,Q633 DUST CAP WASHER, 3/4" COLTER SHAFT,20" COLTER SHAFT, 24" Safety Collar for shaft COULTER MNT COULTER mnt for 1-1/2 shaft Roll pin 7/16 X 3 Outer clamp, double break, cartridge clamp Inner clamp, single break, cartridge clamp NOTES:ShieldAg'sKSCͲ466315coltershaftis UNIVERSALforboth20"and24"applications NOTES:ShieldofferstheKSCͲ466315ͲCsafetycollar STANDARDonallourrowunits NOTES:WHENYOUORDERaKSCͲ466315,youget tworollpinsandthesafetycollar K:\Company Shared Folders\Data\Shield\Catalogs_All\Fertilizer Catalog\CATALOG FOR INTERNET\2010 fertilizer AG PAK PRICE LIST MAY 2010.xls 140 6/30/2010 Hot Products bulletin from ShieldAg and Acra-Plant Corporateexecutivestalkabout“synergy”andweneverunderstoodwhatitmeant.Ithinkitmeansthis: AtShieldAgandAcraͲPlant,we’vecombinedterrificproductsfrombothofourlinestodesignanAcraͲPlant TrashWhipperTMforuseonourShieldAgfertilizerrowunits.TheAcraͲPlantTrashWhipperTMwasoriginally patentedbyAcraͲPlantintheearly1980’s.Thereare1000’sofrowsofTrashWhippersonplantersallover thecountry.WiththeadventoflessͲtillfertilizerapplicationandstriptill,thereisaneedforauniversal mountingbrackettoallowthefarmertoinstallwhateverrowcleanertheywantontheirrowunits.Now youhavethatchoice: KSC-466237 bracket fits on any 1-3/4” diameter row unit stem, whether made by ShieldAg or DMI/CNH. AP-TW466 Acra-Plant Trash WhipperTM pins to the bracket. The bracket also accepts any row cleaner made by Sunco, Dawn, Martin, Yetter and others with the 2” square tubing stem. TO ORDER: KSC-466237UniversalTrashWhipperMountcomplete,acceptsany2”squarestem AP-TW466TrashWhipper TM assemblyforKSCrowunits Thisassemblycomescompletewiththe12”and13”notchedbladeassemblies.ThebladeͲmountallows customerstochangetheangleofattackofthebladesandchangebladestaggertoeasilyadapttochanging cropandgroundconditions.ThisunitisdesignedspecificallyfortheKSCͲ466360andKSCͲ46637020”and24” coulterarmassemblies,theKSCͲ531002liquidrowunit,andCNH/DMIfactoryrowunits. 141 142 ShieldAg New Product KSC-666460 Rolling Basket with CONVEX (“pumpkin”) basket KSC-666461 Rolling Basket with CONCAVE basket For Strip-Till and Conventional Bars x Installs on any 1 X 2 or 1-1/4 X 2 “Flat Way” shank x Low-draft—unit just “trails” the shank without adding load x Works in conjunction with any standard disc sealer system x Smooth and form your berm for optimized wintering and spring planting x Improves seed-to-soil contact during planting season x Assists in sealing fertilizer products in the ground x Choice of Berm-builder baskets—concave or convex, YOUR CHOICE x NEW for 2010—transport lock to minimize damage while roading KSC-666460 with Convex “pumpkin” basket Perfect Shaping and Soil Control ! 143 143 144 NEW FROM SHIELD AG Shank conversion for Orthman 1tRIPr x Heat treated 5160 shank to eliminate bent shanks x Converts 1tRIPr to standard fertilizer knives x Knife adapters optimize knife working angle x DROP IN adaptability, no cutting/welding/grinding x Wide selection of fertilizer knives available, from NH3, liquid or combinations for dry applicators S-1336SVORTH Shown with NH3/Dry knife Shown with conventional knife INCREASE THE VERSATILITY OF YOUR ORTHMAN 1tRIPr with the ShieldAg conventional knife conversion kit. INNOVATION IN AGRICULTURE FROM SHIELDAG 800Ͳ798Ͳ1968 www.shieldag.com www.acraplant.com www.shieldagconveyors.com 145 146 Thispageintentionallyleftblank ShieldAg800Ͳ798Ͳ1968www.shieldag.com 149
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