Dragon Moon - Kona Bay Fabrics
Dragon Moon - Kona Bay Fabrics
Kona Bay Fabrics presents Dragon Moon Bed & Wall Quilt 79" x 98" (Bed) 31 x 51" (Wall) Midnight Flight Quilt by Georgie Gerl Featuring fabrics from the Dragon Moon Collection This pattern is not for resale, for personal use only. Twilight Flight Dragon Moon Bed Quilt (Midnight Flight) material list Circle Lining 1 yard (does not show) Backing &4 yards Batting *&" x !)^" &(" x (*" Read before cutting fabrics Measure the following fabrics to see if there remains at least $)2" after selvages are removed. If so cut the $)2" length strips as noted in Next Cuts for Fabrics B, D, G, H, I, and L. If it measure less than $)2" skip to Making the Bed Quilt step 8 (page 8) prior to cutting these strips. First Cuts Fabric Name, Placement & Yardage Fabric F Next Cuts !&2" x $@" $ @w" x $@" $* @" x $@" !&2" squares !% !2" x $@" # !" x $@" $ @) @$ !2" x $)2" !2" x &2" !" x $" $ % !! #2" x $@" $) @2" x $@" @ !2" x $@" $ #2" squares @2" x #)2" !2" x $)2" % ^ #2" x $@" #" x $@" #2" x #$2" #" x $)2" * #" x $@" @ @ ^2" x $@" !) #2" x $@" !@ ^2" squares #2" squares ^ ( !! #" x $@" @2" x $@" !2" x $@" @ #" x $)2" $ !2" x $)2" @ ( TONE-06 Black # Accent, Circle, Background & Binding @" squares @8 yards *This is directional fabric, first cut listed runs parallel to the selvage. Extra fabric may be needed for “Fussy Cut" pieces; amount varies depending on motif selection and fabric repeat. First Cuts Fabric Name, Placement & Yardage Fabric A ! DRAG-10 Black Center Panel---1 Panel Next Cuts Fabric G EXOT-06 White Accent Borders ! yard Fabric H EXOT-06 Black Borders & Accents @)2" x $)2" !2 yards $ ! TONE-06 Gold Center Border Light ! d yard $ #2" x $@" $) $ #" x $@" $ @) @" x $@" !2" x $@" @ @ #2" squares #" squares @" squares @" squares !2" x $)2" !2" x @)2" Fabric I Fabric C !w" x $@" $* !w" x $" DRAG-14 Red Border Background Fabric B EXOT-06 Scarlet Center Background % ! @ EXOT-06 Gold Center Border Dark $ s yard Fabric E DRAG-11 Red Accent & Circles !2-@ yards $ $ !4 yards Fabric J #" squares @" squares !2" x $)2" !2" x @)2" Fabric K refer to circle template page & instructions to “Fussy Cut”large circles Fabric L 1!@ #" x $@" @$ @" x $@" !2" x $@" @ @ @ @ $) #" x &2" d yard 2 yard Fabric D DRAG-12 Black Border %2" “Fussy Cut” squares (place selected motif in center area) DRAG-13 Black Border Accent d yard TONE-06 Gray Outside Border !d yards Dragon Moon Bed Quilt &(" x (*" (Twilight Flight) Note: STep diagrams are shown using the Midnight Flight(black) color fills only unless noted with a separate blue diagram. In the Twilight Flight version some fabric was used in a different location than the black quilt. material list Circle Lining (does not show) 1 yard Backing &4 yards Batting *&" x !)^" Read before cutting fabrics Measure the following fabrics to see if there remains at least $)2" after selvages are removed. If so cut the $)2" length strips as noted in Next Cuts for Fabrics B, D, F, G, H, I, and L. If it measure less than $)2" skip to Making the Bed Quilt step 11 (page 8) prior to cutting these strips. First Cuts Fabric Name, Placement & Yardage Fabric F @ TONE-06 Indigo $ Accent, Circle, ( Background & Binding % # #a yards !! *This is directional fabric, first cut listed runs parallel to the selvage. Extra fabric may be needed for “Fussy Cut" pieces; amount varies depending on motif selection and fabric repeat. Fabric Name, Placement & Yardage Fabric A First Cuts ! DRAG-10 Indigo Center Panel---1 Panel Fabric B $ ! d yard ! $ Fabric C % TONE-06 Gold Center Border Light EXOT-06 Teal Center Background ! EXOT-06 Gold @ Center Border Dark $ s yard Fabric E DRAG-11 Indigo Accent & Circles !2-@ yards $ $ EXOT-06 White Accent Borders ! yard !&2" x $@" #2" x $@" @w" x $@" @2" x $@" @" x $@" !2" x $@" $ $) !&2" squares #2" squares @ $* $ @2" x #)2" @" squares !2" x $)2" !% !2" x $@" # !" x $@" $ @) @$ !2" x $)2" !2" x &2" !" x $" !! !2" x $@" $ !2" x $)2" % ^ #2" x $@" #" x $@" @ @ #2" x #$2" #" x $)2" * #" x $@" @ @ ^2" x $@" !) #2" x $@" !@ ^2" squares #2" squares ^ ( #" x $@" @2" x $@" #" x $)2" Next Cuts Fabric H @)2" x $)2" TONE-06 Teal Borders q yard #2" x $@" $) $ #" x $@" $ @) @" x $@" !2" x $@" @ @ #2" squares #" squares @" squares @" squares !2" x $)2" !2" x @)2" Fabric I !w" x $@" $* !w" x $" EXOT-06 Blue Border Background 2 yard Fabric D Fabric G Next Cuts 1!@ #" x $@" @$ @" x $@" !2" x $@" @ @ DRAG-12 Indigo Border !4 yards Fabric J $) #" x &2" d yard #" squares @" squares !2" x $)2" !2" x @)2" refer to circle template page & instructions to “Fussy Cut”large circles %2" “Fussy Cut” squares (place selected motif in center area) Fabric K DRAG-13 Indigo Border Accent d yard Fabric L DRAG-14 Teal Outside Border !2 yards @ Dragon Dynasty Wall Quilt Dragon Dynasty Wall Quilt (Midnight Flight) (Twilight Flight) #!" x %!" #!" x %!" material list material list Backing !s yards Batting #%" x %%" Fabric Name, Placement & Yardage First Cuts Next Cuts Fabric A ! @)2" x $)2" Fabric B ! #" x $@" DRAG-10 Black Center Panel---1 Panel Backing !s yards Batting #%" x %%" Fabric Name, Placement & Yardage First Cuts Next Cuts Fabric A ! @)2" x $)2" DRAG-10 Indigo Center Panel---1 Panel ! #" x $@" $ $ @) @ @ #" squares @" squares @" squares !2" x $)2" !2" x @)2" #" squares @" squares @" squares !2" x $)2" !2" x @)2" Fabric B % !w" x $@" $* DRAG-14 Red Center Background---2 yard !w" x $" Fabric C % !w" x $@" $* DRAG-12 Indigo Center Background---2 yard !w" x $" Fabric D ! Center Border Dark ! EXOT-06 Gold $ 2 yard #" x $@" #" squares @" square @" square !2" x $)2" !2" x @)2" Fabric D ! Center Border Dark ! EXOT-06 Gold $ 2 yard #" x $@" #" squares @" square @" square !2" x $)2" !2" x @)2" Fabric E $ DRAG-11 Red Corners ---4-3 yard %2" “Fussy Cut” squares Fabric E $ DRAG-11 Indigo Corners ---4-3 yard %2" “Fussy Cut” squares Fabric F $* @" x $@" @w" x $@" Fabric F $* @" x $@" @w" x $@" TONE-06 Gold Center Border Light ! $ 2 yard @" x $@" !2" x $@" $ $ @) @ @ Fabric C TONE-06 Black Accent & Binding # % !@ $ @) @" x $@" !2" x $@" @ @ (place selected motif in center area) @" squares # !" x $@" EXOT-06 White Accent Borders---6 yard Fabric K 2 yard TONE-06 Indigo Accent & Binding w yard Fabric G TONE-06 Gold Center Border Light ! $ # % @" x $@" !2" x $@" !@ $ @) @" x $@" !2" x $@" @ @ (place selected motif in center area) @" squares w yard @$ @ #2" x $@" !@ DRAG-13 Black Border Accent---a yard !" x $" Fabric G # !" x $@" EXOT-06 White Accent Borders---6 yard #2" squares Fabric K @$ @ #2" x $@" !@ DRAG-13 Indigo Border Accent---a yard !" x $" #2" squares Let’s Begin 4. Sew one unit from step 3 between two units from step 2, one of each variation, as shown. Press. Make twelve. Before you begin read all instructions. Referring to project Cutting Chart, cut First Cuts strips as indicated in chart then cut smaller pieces listed under Next Cuts from these strips. Use an accurate 4"-wide seam allowances and assembly line method to construct this quilt. Press seams in direction of arrows as indicated in each diagram. Make 12 5. Arrange and sew together four units from step 4 as shown. Press seams open. Make two. Making the Center Section The center section of the quilt is the same for both the bed and wall versions. 1. Sew one !" x $" Fabric G piece between two !w" x $" Fabric C pieces as shown. Press. Make twenty-four. Make 2 Press seams open $)2" !2" $" !w" !" !2" !w" Make 24 Make 2 2. This quilt uses the Simple Triangles technique, refer back to this step for detail instructions. Draw a diagonal line on the wrong side of one @" Fabric D square and one @" Fabric B square. This will be your sewing line. Place one marked square on one unit from step 1 as shown. Stitch on drawn line, trim 4" away from stitch lines and press. Sew remaining marked square to unit as shown. Trim and press. Make twenty-four, twelve of each variation. 6. Referring to the above diagram, arrange and sew together one unit from step 5 between one !2" x $)2" Fabric D strip and one !2" x $)2" Fabric B strip as shown. Press. Make two. 7. Sew one @)2" x $)2" Fabric A panel between two units from step 6 as shown. Press. @)2" Fabric D- @" squares Fabric B- @" squares pieced unit from step1 Make @$ (12 of each variation) $)2" 3. Making simple triangle units, sew four @" Fabric F squares on one #2" Fabric K square as shown. Press. Make twelve. . Fabric F-@" squares Fabric K-#2" square Make !@ Dragon 5 8. Sew t wo units from step 4 t ogether a s shown. P ress seams open. Make two. Make 2 Press seams open 9. Sew one unit from step 8 between one !2" x @)2" Fabric D strip and one !2" x @)2" Fabric B strip as shown. Press. Make two. @)2" !2" !2" Make 2 10. Making s imple triangle units, sew three #" Fabric D squares and one #" Fabric B square on one %2" Fabric E square as shown. Press. Make four. Fabric D-#" squares Fabric B-#" square Fabric E-%2" square Make 4 11. Referring to diagram (top right), top and bottom rows, sew one unit from step 9 between two units from step 10 as shown. Press seams toward step 10 units. Make two. 12. Referring to diagram (top right), sew unit from step 7 between two units from step 11 as shown. Press. This completes the wall quilt top and bed quilt center section. Finishing the Wall Quilt--Press backing and quilt top trimming all excess threads. Layer and baste backing, batting, and quilt top together. Hand or machine quilt as desired. Bind quilt as desired. Dragon Moon 6 Making the Bed Quilt Refer to diagram below for steps 1-4. 6. Making simple triangle units, sew two #2" Fabric B squares to unit from step 5 as shown. Press. Make twenty. Fabric B- #2" squares pieced unit from step 5 Make @) 7. Making simple triangle units, sew four #2" Fabric H squares on one ^2" Fabric K square as shown. Press. Make ten. Twilight Flight quilt uses #2" Fabric F squares. Fabric H- #2" squares Fabric K- ^2"" square Make !) Fabric F- #2" squares Fabric K- ^2""" square Make !) 8. Sew one unit from step 7 between two units from step 6 as shown. Press. Make ten. four 1. Sew quilt center section between two @2" x #)2" Fabric H strips. Press seams toward Fabric H. Twilight Flight uses Fabric F strips. Make 10 9. Arrange and sew together two units from step 8 as shown. Press seams open. Make two for top and bottom of quilt. 2. Sew @2" x $@" Fabric H strips end-to-end to make one continuous @2"-wide Fabric H strip. Press. Measure quilt from top to bottom and cut two @2"-wide strips to this measurement. Sew to sides of quilt center unit. Press seams toward Fabric H. Twilight Flight version uses Fabric F @2"-wide strips. Make 2 (Top & Bottom units) Press seam open 10. Arrange and sew together three units from step 8 as shown. Press seams open. Make two for sides of quilt. 3. Sew unit from step 2 between two #2" x #$2" Fabric I strips. Press seams toward Fabric I. 4. Sew #2" x $@" Fabric I strips end-to-end to make one continuous #2"-wide Fabric I strip. Press. Measure quilt from top to bottom and cut two #2"-wide strips to this measurement. Sew to sides of quilt center unit. Press seams toward Fabric I. Make 2 (Side units) Press seams open &2" 5. Sew one !2" x &2" Fabric G strip between two #" x &2" Fabric J strips as shown. Press. Make twenty. #" !2" #" Make @) Dragon Moon 7 14. Midnight Flight Quilt–Arrange and sew together one !2" x $)2" Fabric H strip, one !2" x $)2" Fabric L strip, and one !2" x $)2" Fabric G strip, and one #" x $)2" Fabric I strip as shown. Press. Make four and label these Unit 2 (units will be used for top and bottom of quilt borders). Unit 2 Note: The fabric placement is different for the borders in the Midnight Flight (black colorway) and Twilight Flight (blue colorway). Depending which quilt is being made refer to the appropriate instructions and diagrams for steps 11-14. 11. Sew !2" x $@" Fabric G strips end-to-end to make one continuous !2”"-wide Fabric G strip. Press. Repeat this step to sew !2" x $@" Fabric H strips together, !2" x $@" Fabric L strips together, and #" x $@" Fabric L strips together. Top & Bottom Midnight Flight Strip Sets $)2" !2" !2" !2" 12. If $)2"-wide strips have not been previously cut, refer to chart, Next Cuts, to cut these strips. Measue quilt from top to bottom. Using this measurement cut four !2"-wide Fabric G strips, four 12"-wide Fabric H strips, and four !2"-wide, and two #"-wide Fabric L strips. Note: For Twilight Flight Quilt sew and cut four !2”"-wide Fabric F strips instead of Fabric L. #" Make 2 Twilight Flight Quilt–Arrange and sew together one !2" x $)2" Fabric F strip, one !2" x $)2" Fabric H strip, and one !2" x $)2" Fabric G strip, and one #" x $)2" Fabric I strip as shown. Press. Make four and label thrse Unit 2, (units will be used for top and bottom of quilt borders). 13. Midnight Flight Quilt–Arrange and sew together one #" x $)2" Fabric L strip, one !2" x $)2" Fabric G strip, one !2" x $)2" Fabric L strip, and one !2" x $)2" Fabric H strip as shown. Press. Make four and label these Unit 1 (units will be used for top and bottom of quilt borders). Unit 2 Top & Bottom Twilight Flight Strip Sets $)2" . Unit 1 Top & Bottom Midnight Flight Strip Sets $)2" !2" !2" !2" #" Make 2 15. Midnight Flight Quilt– Arrange and sew together one #"-wide Fabric L strip, one !2"-wide Fabric G strips, one !2"-wide Fabric L strip, and one !2"-wide Fabric H strip as shown. Press. Make two and label these Unit 3 (units will be used for sides of quilt. #" !2" !2" !2" Unit 3 Side Midnight Flight Strip Sets Make 2 Twilight Flight Quilt–Arrange and sew together one #" x $)2" Fabric L strip, one !2" x $)2" Fabric G strip, one !2" x $)2" Fabric H strip, and one !2" x $)2" Fabric F strip as shown. Press. Make four and label these Unit 1(units will be used for top and bottom of quilt borders). #" !2" !2" !2" Make 2 Unit 1 Top & Bottom Strip Sets $)2" Twilight Flight Quilt– Arrange and sew together one #"-wide Fabric L strip, one !2"-wide Fabric G strips, one !2"-wide Fabric H strip, and one !2"-wide Fabric F strip as shown. Press. Make two and label these Unit 3, (units will be used for sides of quilt). #" !2" !2" Unit 3 Side Twilight Flight Strip Sets !2" Make 2 #" !2" !2" !2" Make 2 Dragon Moon 8 20. Referring to diagram center section, sew unit from step 9 between Unit 1 and Unit 2. Press seams to the outside. Make two. 16. Midnight Flight Quilt–Arrange and sew together one !2"-wide Fabric H strip, one !2"-wide Fabric L strip, one !2"-wide Fabric G strip, and one #"-wide Fabric I strip as shown. Press. Make two and label these Unit 4 (units will be used for sides of quilt). Unit 4 Side Strip Sets !2" !2" !2" Make 2 #" 21. Referring to above diagram, sew unit from step17 between two appliqué units. Press seams toward the appliqué units. Sew to top and bottom of quilt. Press. Make 2 Twilight Flight Quilt–Arrange and sew together one !2"-wide Fabric F strip, one !2"-wide Fabric H strip, one !2"-wide Fabric G strip, and one #"-wide Fabric I strip as shown. Press. Make two and label these Unit 4 (units will be used for sides of quilt). Unit 4 . Side Strip Sets Finishing the Quilt 1. Sew @2" x $@" Fabric L strips end-to-end to make one continuous @2"-wide Fabric L strip. Press. Measure quilt from side to side. Cut two @2"-wide Fabric L strips to this measurement. Sew to top, and bottom of quilt. Press seams toward border. . 2. Measure quilt through center from top to bottom, including borders just added. Cut two @2"-wide Fabric L strips to that measurement. Sew to sides of quilt and press. !2" !2" !2" #" Make 2 17. Referring to step 19 diagam side sections, sew unit from step 10 between one Unit 3 and one Unit 4 as shown. Press. Make two. 3. Cut backing fabric piece into three equal pieces. Sew pieces together to make one *&" x !@)" approximate backing piece. Press and trim backing to measure *&" x !)^". 18. Referring to circle pattern page 10 for appliqué instructions, sew one Fabric E circle to one !&2" Fabric F square. Press. Make four. 4. Layer and baste backing, batting, and quilt top together. Hand or machine quilt as desired. Bind quilt as desired. Make 4 19. Sew center panel unit between units from step 17 as shown. Press. Midnight Flight Quilt Twilight Flight Quilt Dragon Moon 9 Adding the Appliqué The circles for this quilt are “Fussy Cut” from motif fabric. Appliqués are sewn to quilt by machine (without fusible web) or use your prefer appliqué method. 1. Trace quarter circle template four times aligning placement lines to make a whole 14" circle pattern. Select the desired motif area to be featured in the circle. Trace around circle template on the wrong side of the fabric. The trace line will be your sewing line. 2. The lining will not show but it is recomended to match motif fabric background color. For example Fabric A we used a solid black for the lining. From lining piece, cut four 16" squares. 3. Place Fabric A piece right sides together with a lining square. Sew on circle traced line. Cut unit approximately 4" from sewn line to allow for seam allowance. Make a slit in the center of the backing piece being careful not to cut the motif fabric. Turn right side out and press. 4. Center circle on one !&2" Fabric F square. Stitch close to circle outside edge. Make four Corner units. Trace Line Placement Line Cu rv eL in ei st h . ine gl in ew es &" 14" Circle Pattern Dragon Moon 10