Shore Kids - Shore Update
Shore Kids - Shore Update
May 4-8, June 22-26 – MY LITTLE BUDDING ARTIST w/Joan McWilliams ages 2-3. 10-11:30am. $85. My Little Studio & Island Arts, 321 Love Point Rd, Stevensville. 410604-0721. June 15-19, July 13-17 – LIFE AROUND THE BAY grades K-2 & 3-6. 9am-3pm. $200 members; $225 others; discounts available. CBEC, 600 Discovery Lane, Grasonville. 410827-6694. Shore Update’s June,July,August – FOR FEMALE KUNG FU STUDENTS 100% free tuition for all 3 months to all new kung fu female students. Savings of almost $400. No experience necessary; all levels welcome for ages 12+. Little Creek Kung Fu, 1810 Main St, Chester. 410-643-7443. ShoreKids June 15-19, July 27-31 – HOOKED ages 8-12. 9am-4pm. $175. Free before (7-9am) & after care (4-6pm). YMCA Camp Gunston, 911 Gunston Rd, Centreville. 410-758-0848. CAMPS June 15-19, July 27-31 – 2-D ART ages 8-11. 9am-4pm. $175. Free before (7-9am) & after care (4-6pm). YMCA Camp Gunston, 911 Gunston Rd, Centreville. 410-758-0848. CONNECTION June 8-Aug 14 – SUMMER ON THE CREEK PROGRAM ages 2-5. 8am-3pm. Care available 3-5pm. 5 full day $1950; 5 full days & aftercare $2425; 3 full days $1250; 3 full days & aftercare $1535. Little Creek Radcliffe Creek School, 201 Talbot Blvd, Chestertown. 410778-8150. June15-19–ANIMALPLANETDayCampgrades K-6.9am-4pm.$220/$195sibling.CampWright, 400 Camp Wright Lane, Stevensville. 410-6434171. June 15-19 – CAMP BUMBLEBEE ages 2-3 w/ grown-up.10-11:30am.$70members;$80others; $10siblingdiscount.AdkinsArboretum,Ridgely. 410-634-2847. June 15-19 – IMAGINATION CELEBRATION ages 3-1/2 to 5. 9am-12N. $55. No before/after care. YMCA Camp Gunston, 911 Gunston Rd, Centreville. 410-758-0848. June 15-19 – UNDER THE BIG TOP ages 5-17. 9am-4pm. $125. Free before (7-9am) & after care (4-6pm). YMCA Camp Gunston, 911 Gunston Rd, Centreville. 410-758-0848. June 15-19 – COMPUTER CODING ages 1317. 9am-4pm. $175. Free before (7-9am) & af- ter care (4-6pm). YMCA Camp Gunston, 911 Gunston Rd, Centreville. 410-758-0848. June 15-19 – QUEEN ANNE’S PLAYERS-THEATRE GROUP ages 5-7. 9am-4pm. $175. Free before (7-9am) & after care (4-6pm). YMCA Camp Gunston, 911 Gunston Rd, Centreville. 410-758-0848. June 15-19 – RAINBOW TIE-DYE CAMP grades 1-5. 1-4pm. $10 supplies. Half day $75; full day $120. Before care (7:30-9am) & after care (4-5:30pm); $7.50/hour. Lighthouse Christian Academy, 931 Love point Rd, Stevensville. 410-643-3034. June 15-19, June 22-26, Aug 31-Sept 4 – BRITISH SOCCER CAMP Ages 3-4: 9-10am, $92. Ages 5-6: 10:15-11:45am, $103. Ages 6-16: 9am-12N, $144. Ages 6-16: 9am-4pm, $205. Kent School, 6788 Wilkins Lane, Chestertown. Challenger Sports. 800-878-2167 ext. 239. June 15-19, July 6-10, July 27-31 CBMM SUMMER CAMP ages 4-5. 9:30am-12:30pm. $125 members, $150 others. CBMM, St. Michaels. 410-745-4941. June 15-July 10 – HONORS GEOMETRY: A Complete Course. 9am-1pm. $850 Gunston Students; $950 others. YMCA Camp Gunston, 911 Gunston Rd, Centreville. 410-758-0848. June 15-July 24 – BOYS HIP HOP Mondays, 5:30-6:30pm. $50. Jean Marie Dance Studio, 125 Pullman Crossing Rd, Suite 104, Grasonville. 410-304-2024. June 15-July 24 – PRE-DANCE for ages 2.5-3. Tuesdays, 5:30-6pm. $50. Jean Marie Dance Studio, 125 Pullman Crossing Rd, Suite 104, Grasonville. 410-304-2024. June 15-July 24 – MINI COMBO: BALLET/TINY TAPPERS ages 3-5. Tuesdays, 6-6:45pm. $50. Jean Marie Dance Studio, 125 Pullman Crossing Rd, Suite 104, Grasonville. 410-304-2024. June 15-July 24 – STAR COMBO BALLET/HIP HOP/JAZZ ages 5-8. Thursdays, 5:30-6:30pm. $55. Jean Marie Dance Studio, 125 Pullman Crossing Rd, Suite 104, Grasonville. 410-3042024. June 15-July 24 – INTERMEDIATE COMBO BALLET/JAZZ/HIP HOP Thursdays, 6:30- Thank you to Our Sponsors! 410-604-1000 THE DANCE McDonald’s at CONNECTION Thompson Creek tistry Kids Love and Parents Trust! Insurance and Financial Services 410-822-2592 General Dentistry, Oral Surgery and Now Offering Orthodontics Stevensville TENTS 4 RENT Margaret C. McGrath, DMD, MPH Stevensville • 410-604-2211 Diplomate, American Board of Pediatric Dentistry Centreville, MD THOMPSON CREEK DENTAL 410-934-0123 7:30pm. $55. Jean Marie Dance Studio, 125 Pullman Crossing Rd, Suite 104, Grasonville. 410-3042024. June 15-26, June 29-July 10, July 6-17, July 20-31 – BEGINNER & INTERMEDIATE JUNIOR SAILING ages 8-16. $475 members; $500 others. Corsica River Yacht Club, 589 Conquest Rd, Centreville. June 15-Aug 14 – X-TREME SPORTS ages 5-17. 9am-4pm. $175/week. Free before (7-9am) & after care (4-6pm). YMCA Camp Gunston, 911 Gunston Rd, Centreville. 410-758-0848. June 16 (start date-summer classes) – ART CLASSES (art supplies included) ages 6-10. Tues or Thurs 4:30-6:30pm, $135/4 Tues or 4 Thurs classes. Fri 4:30-6:30pm or 6:30-8:30pm, $150/4 Fri classes. $45 drop-ins for all times. Chesapeake Fine Art Studio, 609 Thompson Creek Rd, Stevensville. 410-2008019. June 16 (start date-summer classes) – ART CLASSES(artsuppliesincluded)ages10+.Tues or Thurs 6:30-8:30pm, $135/4 Tues or 4 Thurs classes.Fri4:30-6:30pmor6:30-8:30pm,$150/4 Fri classes. $45 drop-ins for all classes. ChesapeakeFineArtStudio,609ThompsonCreekRd, Stevensville. 410-200-8019. June16orJune18(startdates-summerclasses) –ARTCLASSES(artsuppliesincluded).6/16start dateforkids;6/18startdateforyoungadults.Wed 10am-12Nor12:30-2:30pm,$135/4Wedclasses. Wed 10am-2:30pm (both classes), $270/4Wed classes.ChesapeakeFineArtStudio,609Thompson Creek Rd, Stevensville. 410-200-8019. June16orJune18(startdates-summerclasses) –ARTCLASSES(artsuppliesincluded).6/16start dateforkids;6/18startdateforyoungadults.Fri 4:30-6:30pmor6:30-8:30pm,$150/4Friclasses; drop-ins $45/class. Fri 4:30-8:30pm, $280/4 Fri classes;drop-ins$85/class.ChesapeakeFineArt Studio, 609 Thompson Creek Rd, Stevensville. 410-200-8019. June 19 – DRAWING & PAINTING FLOWERS WORKSHOPagesteentoadult.9am-2pm.$75. MyLittleStudio&IslandArts,321LovePointRd, Stevensville. 410-604-0721. June19-11,June23-26,June27-30,June19-30– SUMMERARTCAMP(artsuppliesincluded)ages 6+.4days;9:30am-12:30pmor1-4pmor6-8pm. $185. Any 2 sessions of your choice (total of 8 classes) $355. Chesapeake Fine Art Studio, 609 ThompsonCreekRd,Stevensville.410-200-8019. June 20-24, July 27-31 – FROZEN CAMP grades 2-5.9am-12N.$119.AMKidsClub:7:30-9am$15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College,WyeMills.410-822-5400,410-758-1537,410- June 22-26 – CAMP POLLYWOG ages 4-6. 10am-12N. $80 members; $90 others; $10 sibling discount. Adkins Arboretum, Ridgely. 410634-2847. Shore Update’s ShoreKids CONNECTION CAMPS 228-4360 ext. 2300. [email protected]. June 21-24 – R. HOCKEY TIME“VICTORY WEEK” forboys&girlsages6-17.5:30-9pm.RegularPackage$85;DeluxePackage$165.WashingtonCollege, Chestertown. 410-778-7236. June 21-25, July 6-10, July 20-24, Aug 4-8 –TALISMAN THERAPEUTIC RIDING CAMPS. 10am3pm.$195/week.300TalismanFarmCircle,Grasonville. 443-239-9400. June 21-27, July 1-7, July 16-22, Aug 3-9 – TRADITIONAL RESIDENT CAMP ages 7-14. $635. CampWright,400CampWrightLane,Stevensville. 410-643-4171. June 22 (start date) – SUMMER DRAMA WORKSHOP grades 6-12. Mon-Thurs, 9am3pm. $500. Performances: 7/23&24, 7pm; 7/25 2pm. Church Hill Theatre. 410-556-6003. June 22-24 – BE THE BEST SOFTBALL-All Skills for girls ages 7-14. Washington College, Chestertown. 410-810-7463. June 22-25 – PEE WEE SPORT CAMP ages 5-7. 12:30-4:30pm. $75. Bayside Elem School. QAC Dept of Recreation, 104 Powell St, Centreville. 410-758-0848. June 22-25 – BASEBALL CAMP coed, ages 5-13. 8:30am-12N. $75/player. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College, Wye Mills. 410-8225400. [email protected]. June 22-26 – BRITISH SOCCER CAMP Ages 3-4: 9-10am, $80. Ages 5-6: 10:15-11:45am, $100. Ages 6-16: 9am-12N or 1-4pm, $135. Ages 6-16: 9am-4pm, $185. Route 18 Park, 1945 4H Park Rd, Centreville. Challenger Sports. 800-878-2167 ext. 239. June 22-26 – WEE CHEF ages 7-11. 8am4:30pm. $$100/week; siblings $75/each. Kramer Center. QAC Dept of Recreation, 104 Powell St, Centreville. 410-758-0848. June 22-26 – OUTDOOR SPORTS & GAMES grades K-2 & 3-6. 9am3pm. $200 members; $225 others; discounts available. CBEC, 600 Discovery Lane, Grasonville. 410-8276694. June 22-26 – OLYMPICS Day Camp grades K-6. 9am-4pm. $220/$195 sibling. Camp Wright, 400 Camp Wright Lane, Stevensville. 410-6434171. June 22-26 – AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE grades 3-5. 9am-12N. $125. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College, Wye Mills. 410-822-5400, 410-758-1537, 410-2284360 ext. 2300. [email protected]. June22-26–KIDZROBOTICSgrades2-5.1-4pm. $134.AMKidsClub:7:30-9am$15.PMKidsClub: 4-5:30pm,$15.ChesapeakeCollege,WyeMills. 410-822-5400,410-758-1537,410-228-4360ext. 2300. [email protected]. June 22-26 – LEGO® ROBOTICS grades 6-9. 9am-12N.$134.AMKidsClub:7:30-9am$15.PM KidsClub:4-5:30pm,$15.ChesapeakeCollege, WyeMills.410-822-5400,410-758-1537,410-2284360 ext. 2300. [email protected]. June 22-26 – CRAFTY KIDS FLORAL DESIGN grades 3-5. 9am-12N. $129. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College, Wye Mills. 410-8225400, 410-758-1537, 410-228-4360 ext. 2300. [email protected]. June 22-26 – FLORAL DESIGN & MORE grades 6-9. 1-4pm. $129. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College, Wye Mills. 410-822-5400, 410758-1537, 410-228-4360 ext. 2300. kids@ June 22-26 – INTRO TO MANGA-Japanese styles comics & animation grades 6-9. 9am12N. $124. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College, Wye Mills. 410-822-5400, 410-7581537, 410-228-4360 ext. 2300. [email protected]. June 22-26 – MAKE YOUR FIRST VIDEO GAME Grades 3-5, 9am-12N. Grades 6-9, 1-4pm. $162. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College, Wye Mills. 410-822-5400, 410-758-1537, 410228-4360 ext. 2300. [email protected]. June 22-26 – SEWING PROJECTS FOR KIDS grades 3-5. 1-4pm. $139. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College, Wye Mills. 410-822-5400, 410-758-1537, 410-228-4360 ext. 2300. kids@ June 22-26 – SEWING PROJECTS W/POLAR FLEECE grades 6-9. 9am-12N. $134. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College, Wye Mills. 410-822-5400, 410-758-1537, 410-228-4360 ext. 2300. [email protected]. June 22-26 – SHARPIE ART grades 3-5. 1-4pm. $124. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College, Wye Mills. 410-822-5400, 410-758-1537, 410-228-4360 ext. 2300. [email protected]. June 22-26 – MYSTERY INGREDIENT Grades 3-5,1-4pm.Grades6-9,9am-12N.$134.AMKids Club:7:30-9am$15.PMKidsClub:4-5:30pm,$15. ChesapeakeCollege,WyeMills.410-822-5400, 410-758-1537, 410-228-4360 ext. 2300. kids@ June 22-26 – SPORTS WEEK Grades 3-5, 9am12N. Grades 6-9, 1-4pm. $129. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. ChesapeakeCollege,WyeMills.410-822-5400, 410-758-1537, 410-228-4360 ext. 2300. kids@ June 22-26 – SUPERHEROES ages 3-1/2 to 5. 9am-12N.$55.Nobefore/aftercare.YMCACamp Gunston,911GunstonRd,Centreville.410-7580848. June22-26–MOVIEMADNESS9am-4pm.$125. Free before (7-9am) & after care (4-6pm).YMCA CampGunston,911GunstonRd,Centreville.410758-0848. June22-26–FROZENages5-7.9am-4pm.$175. Free before (7-9am) & after care (4-6pm).YMCA CampGunston,911GunstonRd,Centreville.410758-0848. June 22-26 – SLIME ages 5-7. 9am-4pm. $175. Free before (7-9am) & after care (4-6pm).YMCA CampGunston,911GunstonRd,Centreville.410758-0848. June 22-26 – FIVE SENSES CAMP grades 1-5. 9am-12N.$15supplies.Halfday$75;fullday$120. Before care (7:30-9am) & after care (4-5:30pm); $7.50/hour.LighthouseChristianAcademy,931 Love point Rd, Stevensville. 410-643-3034. June 22-26 – WACKY WEATHER CAMP grades 1-5. 1-4pm. $10 supplies. Half day $75; full day $120. Before care (7:30-9am) & after care (45:30pm);$7.50/hour.LighthouseChristianAcademy,931LovepointRd,Stevensville.410-643-3034. June22-26,June29-July2,July6-10,July13-17, July20-24,July27-31,Aug3-7,Aug10-14–TRA- GO ages 13-17. 9am-4pm. $200. Free before (7-9am) & after care (4-6pm). YMCA Camp Gunston, 911 Gunston Rd, Centreville. 410758-0848. Shore Update’s ShoreKids CONNECTION CAMPS DITIONAL CAMPS ages 5-12. 7am-5pm. $100/ week;siblings$75/each.MatapeakeElemSchool, Mowbray Park. QAC Depot of Recreation, 104 Powell St, Centreville. 410-758-0848. June22-26,June29-July2,July6-10,July13-17, July20-24,July27-31,Aug3-7,Aug10-14–TRADITIONAL CAMPS ages 5-12. 7am-5pm. $100/ week;siblings$75/each.ChurchHillElemSchool, Church Hill Park. QAC Dept of Recreation, 104 Powell St, Centreville. 410-758-0848. June22-26,June29-July3,July13-17,July20-24, Aug3-7,Aug10-14,Aug17-21–SUMMERCAMPDOMINICFARMages5-10.10am-4pm.$35/day; $150/week; 10% sibling discount. 625 Bennett Point Rd, Queenstown. 410-490-4425. June 22-26, July 27-31 – BRITISH SOCCER CAMP Ages 3-4: 9-10am, $80. Ages 5-6: 10:15-11:45am, $100. Ages 6-16: 9am-12N or 1-4pm, $135. Ages 6-16: 9am4pm, $185. Old Love Point Park, 300 Old Love Point Rd, Stevensville. Challenger Sports. 800-8782167 ext. 239. June 22-26, Aug 3-7 – AMERICAN GIRL ADVENTURE grades 2-5. 1-4pm. $124. AM Kids Club: 7:309am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College, Wye Mills. 410-822-5400, 410-758-1537, 410-2284360 ext. 2300. [email protected]. June22-26,Aug3-7–GUNSTONYOUTHSCULLINGages9-17.9-11am.$150/week.YMCACamp Gunston,911GunstonRd,Centreville.410-7580848. June 22-July 3 – PICK ANY 6 OF SESSION I CLASSES (see online calendar). $65. Buy 2 sessionsfor$100(mustregisterby5/29).JeanMarie DanceStudio,125PullmanCrossingRd,Suite104, Grasonville. 410-304-2024. June 22-July 17 – SUMMER FIELD HOCKEY forhighschoolfreshman.6pm.$85/week.YMCA CampGunston,911GunstonRd,Centreville.410758-0848. June 22-26, July 6-10, July 20-24, Aug 3-7 – HORSE CAMP partnered w/Talisman Farm for grades 3-6. 10am-3pm. $250. Camp Wright, 400 Camp Wright Lane, Stevensville. 410-643-4171. June 22-July 31 – IT’S YOUR SUMMER TO SHINE-6-week Summer Dance Intensive for all ages. Step 1 Dance 2 Academy, 1557 Postal Rd, Chester. 443-758-3249. June 22-26, July 13-17, July 27-31, Aug 2-7 – KIDS ART CAMPS 9am-12N. Per week costs: $120 members; $140 non-members. KIFA, Stevensville. 410-643-7424. June 23-25 – AMERICAN GIRL CAMP & PERFORMANCES ages 5-11. 9am-12N. $80. To the Pointe Dance Studio, 2 North Maple Ave, B-1, Ridgely. 410-634-2430. June 22-26, July 13-17, Aug 3-7 – CBMM SUMMER CAMP ages 6-7. 9:30am-12:30pm. $125 members, $150 others. CBMM, St. Michaels. 410-745-4941. June 23-26 – MARY & MALLEY SUMMER INTENSIVE ages 9-11 & 12+. 9am-3pm. $192. To the Pointe Dance Studio, 2 North Maple Ave, B-1, Ridgely. 410-634-2430. June 22-26, July 20-24 – DODGEBALL ages 5-1. 9am-4pm. $175. Free before (7-9am) & after care (4-6pm). YMCA Camp Gunston, 911 Gunston Rd, Centreville. 410-758-0848. June 23-July 3 – SWIMMING LESSONS all ages. Level 4&5: 8:30-9am & 6:15-6:45pm. Level 3: 9:15-9:45am & 5:30-6pm. Level 2: 10-10:30am & 4:45-5:15pm. Level: 1 10:45-11:15am & 4-4:30pm. Parent & Child 11:30am-12N. Fear Free Adult 7-7:30pm. $70. Doub Pool, Queenstown. QAC Dept of Recreation, 104 Powell St, Centreville. 410-7580848. June 22-26, July 20-24, Aug 3-7 – INTRO TO ACOUSTIC GUITAR Grades 6-9, 6/22 & 7/20. Grades 3-5, 8/3. 1-4pm. $119. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College, Wye Mills. 410-8225400, 410-758-1537, 410-228-4360 ext. 2300. [email protected]. June 22-26, July 20-24, Aug 3-7 – ON THE June 23-July 3 – SWIMMING LESSONS all ages. Level 3: 9-9:30am. Level 2: 9:4510:15am. Level 1: 10:30-11am. &70. KI Yacht Club, Chester. QAC Dept of Recreation, 104 Powell St, Centreville. 410-7580848. June 23-July 3 – SWIMMING LESSONS all ages. Level 3: 9-9:30am & 6:55-7:25pm. Level 2: 9:4510:15am & 11:15-11:45am. 6:206:50pm. Level 1: 10:30-11am & 6:55-7:25pm. Level 4&5: 7:308pm. $70. Gannon Pool, Church Hill. QAC Dept of Recreation, 104 Powell St, Centreville. 410-7580848. June 23-July 28 – SUMMER HIPPITY HOP ages 5-10. Mondays 6:157pm. $72. To the Pointe Dance Studio, 2 North Maple Ave, B-1, Ridgely. 410-634-2430. June 23-July 28 – DANCE PRODUCTION ages 11-18. Mondays & Wednesdays 7-8pm. $96. To the Pointe Dance Studio, 2 North Maple Ave, B-1, Ridgely. 410-6342430. June 23-July 28 – CLASSICAL BALLET ages 1019. Mondays 6-7pm. $72. To the Pointe Dance Studio,2NorthMapleAve,B-1,Ridgely.410-6342430. June 24-July 29 – STRENGTH, CONDITIONING & INJURY PREVENTION ages 12-20. Tuesdays 5:30-6:30pm.$72.TothePointeDanceStudio,2 North Maple Ave, B-1, Ridgely. 410-634-2430. June 24-July 29 – SUMMER OPEN HIP HOP ages 10-18.Tuesdays6:30-7:30pm.$72.TothePointe Dance Studio, 2 North Maple Ave, B-1, Ridgely. 410-634-2430. June25,July9,July21,Aug6,Aug18–SUMMER YOUTHCAMP-fun-filleddayoffishing,shooting, sportingclays,moreforages9-15.9am-3pm.$110/ day;discountsavailableforsiblings.ThePointat Pintail,511PintailPointFarmLane,Queenstown. 410-827-7065. June 25-July 30 – SUMMER ACRO &TUMBLING ages8-12.Wednesdays6-7pm.$60.TothePointe Dance Studio, 2 North Maple Ave, B-1, Ridgely. 410-634-2430. June 25-July 30 – SUMMER ACRO &TUMBLING ages13+.Wednesdays6-7pm.$60.TothePointe Dance Studio, 2 North Maple Ave, B-1, Ridgely. 410-634-2430. June 28-July 1 – COERVER BOYS RESIDENTIAL SOCCERCAMP(residential).WashingtonCollege, Chestertown. [email protected]. June28-July3–INTROTOADOBEPHOTOSHOP ages10-13.10am-12N.$115members;$125others.AcademyArtMuseum,106SouthSt,Easton. 410-822-ARTS. June 29 (start date) – SUMMER DRAMAWORKSHOP grades 1-5. Mon-Thurs, 9am-12N. $300. Performances:7/23&24,7pm;7/252pm.Church 1-4pm. $104. AM Kids Club: 7:309am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College, Wye Mills. 410-822-5400, 410-7581537, 410-228-4360 ext. 2300. [email protected]. Shore Update’s ShoreKids CONNECTION CAMPS Hill Theatre. 410-556-6003. June 29-July 1 – MADD SCIENTIST ages 7-11. 8am-4:30pm.$100/week;siblings$75/each.Bayside Elem School. QAC Dept of Recreation, 104 Powell St, Centreville. 410-758-0848. June 29-July 2 – PAMPER PRINCESS ages 6-11. 8am-4:30pm.$100/week;siblings$75/each.KramerCenter.QACDeptofRecreation,104PowellSt, Centreville. 410-758-0848. June 29-July 2 – OIL PAINTING OUTDOORS IN PLEINAIRages12+.10am-12:30pm.$125members; $135 others. Academy Art Museum, 106 South St, Easton. 410-822-ARTS. June 29-July 2 – FRAME WEAVING ages 8 thru adult. 9-11:30am. $80. My Little Studio & Island Arts, 321 Love Point Rd, Stevensville. 410-6040721. June 29-July 2 – SPORT JAM CAMP ages 8-11. 9am-4pm.$100.SudlersvilleMiddleSchool.QAC DeptofRecreation,104PowellSt,Centreville.410758-0848. June 29-July 2 – HARRY POTTER ADVENTURES grades 3-5. 1-4pm. $104. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College, Wye Mills. 410822-5400, 410-758-1537, 410-228-4360 ext. 2300. [email protected]. June 29-July 2 – ROCKETRY grades 6-9. 1-4pm. $106. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College, Wye Mills. 410-822-5400, 410-7581537, 410-228-4360 ext. 2300. [email protected]. June 29-July 2 – DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY grades 6-9. 9am-12N. $104. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College, Wye Mills. 410-8225400, 410-758-1537, 410-228-4360 ext. 2300. [email protected]. June 29-July 2 – FOTOZONE grades 3-5. June 29-July 2 – MAKE YOUR FIRST 3-D VIDEO GAME Grades 3-5, 9am12N. Grades 6-9, 1-4pm. $140. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College, Wye Mills. 410-822-5400, 410-758-1537, 410-228-4360 ext. 2300. [email protected]. June 29-July 2 – WIND CHIMES & WINDOW HANGERS grades 3-5. 1-4pm. $108. AM Kids Club: 7:309am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College, Wye Mills. 410-822-5400, 410-758-1537, 410-2284360 ext. 2300. [email protected]. June 29-July 2 – ZEN DOODLE ART grades 6-9. 9am-12N.$108.AMKidsClub:7:30-9am$15.PM KidsClub:4-5:30pm,$15.ChesapeakeCollege, WyeMills.410-822-5400,410-758-1537,410-2284360 ext. 2300. [email protected]. June 29-July 2 – AMAZING APPETIZERS Grades 3-5,1-4pm.Grades6-9,9am-12N.$110.AMKids Club:7:30-9am$15.PMKidsClub:4-5:30pm,$15. ChesapeakeCollege,WyeMills.410-822-5400, 410-758-1537, 410-228-4360 ext. 2300. kids@ June 29-July 2 – EASTERN SHORE “THE VOICE” Grades3-5,9am-12N.Grades6-9,1-4pm.$106. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm,$15.ChesapeakeCollege,WyeMills. 410-822-5400,410-758-1537,410-228-4360ext. 2300. [email protected]. June29-July2–SOCCERCAMPcoed,ages5-13. 8:30am-12N.$75/player.AMKidsClub:7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College,WyeMills.410-822-5400.sportscamps@ June 29-July 2, July 7-10 – CAMP ADVENTURE-taste a variety of camps for all grades. 6/29, 9am-12N. 7/7, 1-4pm. $98. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College, Wye Mills. 410822-5400, 410-758-1537, 410-228-4360 ext. 2300. [email protected]. June 29-July 2, July 7-10 – NERF WARS Grades 3-5, 6/19, 1-4pm. Grades 3-5, 7/7, 9am-12N. Grades 6-8, 7/7, 1-4pm. $98. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College, Wye Mills. 410-8225400, 410-758-1537, 410-228-4360 ext. 2300. [email protected]. June 29-July 3 – NINJA TURTLES Ages 4-6, 9am-12N, $100. Ages 7+, 9am-4pm, $215. Kent Island Martial Arts, 222 Shopping Center Rd, Stevensville. 410-643-3425. June 29-July 3 – MERMAIDS & PIRATES Day Camp 3 grades K-6. 9am-4pm. $220/$195 sibling. Camp Wright, 400 Camp Wright Lane, Stevensville. 410-643-4171. June 29-July 3 – LIFE ON YOGA MOUNTAIN: Embodied Awareness Through Art & Yoga ages 6-12. 9:30am-12:30pm. $125 members; $135 others. Academy Art Museum, 106 South St, Easton. 410-822-ARTS. ShoreKids June 29-July 3 – DIGITAL ILLUSTRATION ages 10-13. 1-3pm. $115 members; $125 others. Academy Art Museum, 106 South St, Easton. 410-822-ARTS. CAMPS June 29-July 3 – FAIRIES & FLUTTER-BYS ages 3&4.9:30-11:30am.$60byJune1;$70afterJune 1.MidShoreDanceAcademy,2472KCentreville Rd, Centreville. 410-758-8300. June 29-July 3 – CARNIVAL OF ANIMALS AGES 3&4.9:30-11:30am.$60byJune1;$70afterJune 1.MidShoreDanceAcademy,8221TealDr,#101 & 102, Easton. 410-770-3223. June 29-July 3 – CAMP PAW PAW ages 7-9. 9:30am-12:30pm.$125members;$145others; $10siblingdiscount.AdkinsArboretum,Ridgely. 410-634-2847. June 29-July 3 – AMERICAN THE BEAUTIFUL ages 3-1/2 to 5. 9am-12N. $55. No before/after care. YMCA Camp Gunston, 911 Gunston Rd, Centreville. 410-758-0848. June 29-July 3 – STAR SPANGLED CELEBRATION9am-4pm.$125.Freebefore(7-9am)&after care(4-6pm).YMCACampGunston,911Gunston Rd, Centreville. 410-758-0848. June 29-July 3, July 6-10 – BEGINNER & INTERMEDIATEJUNIORSAILINGages8-16.9am-4pm. $300members;$325others..CorsicaRiverYacht Club,589ConquestRd, June29-July3,July13-17,July27-31,Aug10-14 – LEADERS IN ACTION ages 13-17. $125/week. YMCACampGunston,911GunstonRd,Centreville. 410-758-0848. June29-July3,July13-17,July27-31,Aug10-14– TENNISCAMPSages5-15.9am-4pm.$175.Free before(7-9am)&aftercare(4-6pm).YMCACamp Gunston,911GunstonRd,Centreville.410-7580848. June 29-July 3, July 20-24, Aug 10-14 – CBMM SUMMERCAMages8-9.9:30am-12:30pm.$125 members,$150others.CBMM,St.Michaels.410745-4941. June 29-July 3, July 27-Aug 1 – LEGO ages 5-7. 9am-4pm.$175.Freebefore(7-9am)&aftercare (4-6pm).YMCACampGunston,911GunstonRd, Shore Update’s CONNECTION Centreville. 410-758-0848. June 29-July 3, Aug 17-21 – SURVIVAL CAMP gradesK-2&3-6.9am-3pm.$200members;$225 others;discountsavailable.CBEC,600Discovery Lane, Grasonville. 410-827-6694. June 29-July 17 – BEGINNER & INTERMEDIATE JUNIOR SAILING ages 8-16. 9am-4pm. $650 members;$700others..CorsicaRiverYachtClub, 589 Conquest Rd, Centreville. June 29-Aug 7 – EVENING DANCE-6-week session.Mondays.4:30-5:15pmRhythm&Danceages 3&4.5:15-6:15pmBeg2/AdvBegBalletages7-9. 6:15-7pmJazz/HipHopages7-9.7-7:45pmMusicalTheatreages7-9.MidShoreDanceAcademy, 2472KCentrevilleRd,Centreville.410-758-8300. June 29-Aug 7 – DANCE FUNDAMENTALS6-weeksession.Wednesdays.4:30-5:15pmages 5&6. 5:30-6:30pm ages 7-9. 6:30-7:30pm ages 10+.MidShoreDanceAcademy,2472KCentreville Rd, Centreville. 410-758-8300. June 29-Aug 7 – EVENING DANCE-6-week session. Mondays. 5-7pm Lyrical Ballet ages 10+. 6-7pm Modern ages 10+. 7-8pm Jazz/ Mus Theatre ages 10+. Mid Shore Dance Academy, 8221 Teal Dr, #101 & 102, Easton. 410-770-3223. June 29-Aug 7 – EVENING DANCE-6-week session. Tuesdays. 4:30-5:30pm Dance FUNdamentals ages 7-9. 4:45-5:30pm Dance FUNdamentals ages 5&6. 5:30-7pm Classical Ballet ages 10+. 7-7:30pm Pointe. 7:308:30pm Int/Adv Modern. Mid Shore Dance Academy, 8221 Teal Dr, #101 & 102, Easton. 410-770-3223. June 29-Aug 7 – EVENING DANCE-6-week session. Wednesdays. 4:30-5:30pm Ballet ages 7-9. 5:30-6:15pm Jazz/Hip Hop ages 7-9. 5:30-6:15 African ages 10+. 6:15-7pm Musical Theatre ages 7-9. 6:15-7pm Hip Hop ages 10+. 7-8pm Dance FUNdamentals ages 10+. Mid Shore Dance Academy, 8221 Teal Dr, #101 & 102, Easton. 410-770-3223. June 29-Aug 7 – EVENING DANCE6-week session. Thursdays. 4:305:15 pm Rhythm & Dance ages 3&4. 5:30-6:30pm Lyrical Ballet ages 10+. 6:30-7:30pm Musical Theatre ages 10+. 7:30-8:30pm Jazz ages 10+. Mid Shore Dance Academy, 8221 Teal Dr, #101 & 102, Easton. 410770-3223. June 30-July 1, July 21-22, Aug 4-5 – EASTERN SHORE KAYAK FISHING CAMPS boys & girls ages 10-13. 9am-3:30pm. $195. Eastern Bay & Chester River Area. CD Outdoors’ Summer Fishing Camps. 410-9918468. June 30-July 2 – JUNGLE JAMBOREE CAMP & PERFORMANCE ages 3-7. 9am-12N. $72. To the Pointe Dance Studio, 2 North Maple Ave, B-1, Ridgely. 410634-2430. July 1-3, July 5-7 – MINI CAMP Resident Camp ages6-10.$275.CampWright,400CampWright Lane, Stevensville. 410-643-4171. July 1-7 – SENIOR HIGH ADVENTURE Resident Campgrades9-11.$770.CampWright,400Camp Wright Lane, Stevensville. 410-643-4171. July6-9–PIRATECAMPages7-11.8am-4:30pm. $100/week; siblings $75/each. Bayside Elem School. QAC Dept of Recreation, 104 Powell St, Centreville. 410-758-0848. July 6-9 – SPORT JAM CAMP ages 8-11. 9am4pm.$100.CentrevilleMiddleSchool.QACDept ofRecreation,104PowellSt,Centreville.410-7580848. July 6-10 – ADVENTURES IN DRAWING ages 8-12. 10am-12N. $110 members; $120 others. AcademyArtMuseum,106SouthSt,Easton.410822-ARTS. July 6-10 – MESSY ARTS & CRAFTS FUN & GAMES CAMP ages 5-8. 9-11am. $70. The Dance Connection, 204 Duke St, Stevensville. 410-643-8346. July 6-10 – KOOL CUPCAKES ages 7-11. 8am-4:30pm. $100/week; siblings $75/each. Kramer Center. QAC Dept of Recreation, 104 Powell St, Centreville. 410-758-0848. July 6-10 – PRINCESSES OF BALLET ages 5&6. 9:30-11:30am. $70 by June; $80 after June 1. Mid Shore Dance Academy, 2472K Centreville Rd, Centreville. 410-758-8300. July 6-10 – PRINCESSES OF BALLET ages 5&6. 9:30-11:30am. $70 by June; $80 after June 1. Mid Shore Dance Academy, 8221 Teal Dr, #101 & 102, Easton. 410-770-3223. July 6-10 – BEG/INTER DANCERS ages 7-9. Half Day: 9:30am-12:30pm, $120 by June 1, $130 after June 1. Full Day: 9:30am4pm, $240 by June 1, $250 after June 1. Mid Shore Dance Academy, 8221 Teal Dr, #101 & 102, Easton. 410-770-3223. July 7-9, July 14-15 – HAVE A BALL: Young Artists’ Clay Camp ages 8-14. 1-3pm. $150 members; $160 others. Academy Art Museum, 106 South St, Easton. 410-822-ARTS. July 6-10 – BEG/INTER DANCERS ages 10+. Half Day: 9:30am12:30pm, $120 by June 1, $130 after June 1. Full Day: 9:30am-4pm, $240 by June 1, $250 after June 1. Mid Shore Dance Academy, 8221 Teal Dr, #101 & 102, Easton. 410770-3223. ShoreKids July 6-10 – MY LITTLE BUDDING ARTIST w/Joan McWilliams ages 4-6. 10-11:30am. $85. My Little Studio & Island Arts, 321 Love Point Rd, Stevensville. 410-604-0721. CAMPS July 6-10 – WIND & BAY Day Camp grades K-6. 9am-4pm.$220/$195sibling.CampWright,400 CampWrightLane,Stevensville.410-643-4171. July 6-10 – CAMP EGRET ages 10-12. 9am-3pm. $180members;$200others;$10siblingdiscount. Adkins Arboretum, Ridgely. 410-634-2847. July6-10–CAMPTRIgrades4-5&6-8.9am-3pm. $200members;$225others;discountsavailable. CBEC,600DiscoveryLane,Grasonville.410-8276694. July 6-10 – BRITISH SOCCER CAMP Ages 3-4: 9-10am, $80. Ages 5-6: 10:15-11:45am, $100. Ages6-16:9am-12Nor1-4pm,$135.Ages6-16: 9am-4pm,$185.ChurchHillPark,1130Sudlersville Rd,ChurchHill.ChallengerSports.800-878-2167 ext. 239. July6-10–SOCCERCAMPSforboys&girls.Ages 6-89am-12N.Ages9-179am-3pm.TuitionTBD. Bayshore Soccer Club, White Marsh Park, 200 BloomfieldFarmLane,Centreville.443-682-4722. July 6-10 – SCIENCE EXPLORERS ages 3-1/2 to 5. 9am-12N. $55. No before/after care.YMCA CampGunston,911GunstonRd,Centreville.410758-0848. July 6-10 – SHARK WEEK 9am-4pm. $125. Free before(7-9am)&aftercare(4-6pm).YMCACamp Gunston,911GunstonRd,Centreville.410-7580848. July6-10–SCIENCEages8-12.9am-4pm.$175. Free before (7-9am) & after care (4-6pm).YMCA CampGunston,911GunstonRd,Centreville.410758-0848. July 6-10 – 2-D ART ages 5-7. 9am-4pm. $175. Free before (7-9am) & after care (4-6pm).YMCA CampGunston,911GunstonRd,Centreville.410758-0848. July 6-10 – MESSY MASTERPIECES ages 8-12. 9am-4pm.$175.Freebefore(7-9am)&aftercare (4-6pm).YMCACampGunston,911GunstonRd, Centreville. 410-758-0848. Shore Update’s CONNECTION July 6-10, July 13-16 – LITTLE CREEK CRUSADERS PROGRAM ages 2-55. Half days $175; full days$200.LittleCreekRadcliffeCreekSchool,201 Talbot Blvd, Chestertown. 410-778-8150. July6-10,July13-17,July20-24–WEBER’SBULLDOG BASKETBALL CAMPS for boys & girls ages 6-15,allskilllevels.9am-3pm.$250/week/camper. AACSMiddleSchoolCampus,716BestgateRd, Annapolis. 410-519-5300 ext. 3149. July 6-10, July 27-31 –WATERWEEK grades 1-5. 9am-12N&1-4pm.$10supplies.Halfday$75;full day$120.Beforecare(7:30-9am)&aftercare(45:30pm);$7.50/hour.LighthouseChristianAcademy,931LovepointRd,Stevensville.410-643-3034. July 6-10, Aug 3-7 – DODGEBALL ages 8-12. 9am-4pm.$175.Freebefore(7-9am)&aftercare (4-6pm).YMCACampGunston,911GunstonRd, Centreville. 410-758-0848. July 6-17 – CAMP GLEE! SING & DANCE LIKE A POP MUSIC STAR ages 5-12. 12N-2pm. $150. TheDanceConnection,204DukeSt,Stevensville. 410-643-8346. July 6-Aug 2 – THEATRE CAMP. Mon-Fri, 10am-2:30pm. Ages 8-10 $345. Ages 11-15 $385. Performance dates: 7/31 & 8.1 7pm. 8/2 3pm. Garfield Center for the Arts, 210 High St, Chestertown. 410-810-2060. July 6-Aug 21 – ZUMBA FITNESS & TONING CLASSES. Mondays & Wednesdays, 6-7pm. $5/class; first class is FREE. The Dance Connection, 204 Duke St, Stevensville. 410-6438346. July 6-Aug 21 – ZUMBINI for ages 0-5 & caregivers. Call for more details. Walk-in $12; $60 for 6 classes. The Dance Connection, 204 Duke St, Stevensville. 410-643-8346. July 6-Aug 21 – SUMMER DANCE CLASSESPre Pointe ages 10+. Tuesdays, 5-6pm. $100. The Dance Connection, 204 Duke St, Stevensville. 410-643-8346. July 7-10 – GIFTED & TALENTED (w/appropriate recommendation)-Game Design & Development grades 6-9. 9am-12N. $130. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College, Wye Mills. 410-822-5400, 410-758-1537, 410-228-4360 ext. 2300. [email protected]. July 7-10 – APP ATTACK-World of mobile app design. Grades 3-5, 9am-12N. Grades 6-9, 1-4pm. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College, Wye Mills. 410-822-5400, 410-758-1537, 410-2284360 ext. 2300. [email protected]. July 7-10 – LEGO® BATTLE ROBOTICS Grades 6-9,9am-12N.Grades2-5,1-4pm.$106.AMKids Club:7:30-9am$15.PMKidsClub:4-5:30pm,$15. ChesapeakeCollege,WyeMills.410-822-5400, 410-758-1537, 410-228-4360 ext. 2300. kids@ July7-10–MURDERMYSTERYgrades5-9.9am12N. $98. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club:4-5:30pm,$15.ChesapeakeCollege,Wye Mills.410-822-5400,410-758-1537,410-228-4360 ext. 2300. [email protected]. July 7-10 – SPANISH FOR KIDS grades 2-5. 9am12N. $98. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club:4-5:30pm,$15.ChesapeakeCollege,Wye Mills.410-822-5400,410-758-1537,410-228-4360 ext. 2300. [email protected]. July 7-10 – PRINCESS CAMP grades 2-5. 1-4pm. $104. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College, Wye Mills. 410-822-5400, 410-7581537, 410-228-4360 ext. 2300. [email protected]. July 7-10 – SEWING PROJECTS & MORE grades 6-9. 9am-12N. $120. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College, Wye Mills. 410-8225400, 410-758-1537, 410-228-4360 ext. 2300. [email protected]. July 7-10 – CHEF’S CHALLENGE Grades 3-5, 9am-12N. Grades 6-9, 1-4pm. $110. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College, Wye Mills. 410822-5400, 410-758-1537, 410-228-4360 ext. 2300. [email protected]. July 7-10 – DJ SUMMER CAMP grades 6-9. 1-4pm. $105. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College, Wye Mills. 410-822-5400, 410-758- 1537, 410-228-4360 ext. 2300. kids@ July 7-10 – KARATE KIDS grades 2-9. 1-4pm. $98. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College, Wye Mills. 410822-5400, 410-758-1537, 410-2284360 ext. 2300. kids@chesapeake. edu. July 7-17 – SWIMMING LESSONS all ages. Level 3: 9-9:30am. Level 2: 9:45-10:15am & 11:15-11:45am. Level 1: 10:30-11am. $70. Granata Pool, Stevensville. QAC Dept of Recreation, 104 Powell St, Centreville. 410-758-0848. July 7-17 – SWIMMING LESSONS all ages. Level 3: 9-9:30am. Level 2: 9:45-10:15am & 11:15-11:45am. Level 1: 10:30-11am. $70. McNeil Pool, Centreville. QAC Dept of Recreation, 104 Powell St, Centreville. 410-758-0848. July 9-13 – READY, SET, CAMP Resident Camp grades1-5.$450.CampWright,400CampWright Lane, Stevensville. 410-643-4171. July9-13–SENIORHIGHLEADERSHIPResident Campgrades9-11.$555.CampWright,400Camp Wright Lane, Stevensville. 410-643-4171. July 9-July 13 – NIGHT OWL Resident Camp grades5-7.$535.CampWright,400CampWright Lane, Stevensville. 410-643-4171. Shore Update’s ShoreKids CONNECTION CAMPS July13-16–BASKETBALLCAMPcoed,ages5-13. 8:30am-12N.$75/player.AMKidsClub:7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College,WyeMills.410-822-5400.sportscamps@ July 13-16, July 20-23 – CHESAPEAKE CREW CAMPSforhighschoolgirls.WashingtonCollege, Chestertown.Chesapeakecrewcamps@gmail. com. July 13-17 – LET’S BUILD Day Camp grades K-6. 9am-4pm.$220/$195sibling.CampWright,400 CampWrightLane,Stevensville.410-643-4171. July 10-12 – WASHINGTON COLLEGE GIRLS SOCCER CAMP Washington College, Chestertown. 410-810-5882. July 13-17 – FUN & FITNESS JUNGLE GYM & WATER SPORTS CAMP ages 4-10. 9-11am. $70. TheDanceConnection,204DukeSt,Stevensville. 410-643-8346. July 13-15 – POSITIONAL SKILLS LACROSSE ACADEMYforboysages7-17.7:45am-3:30pm. $225forday;$350forovernight.WashingtonCollege, Chestertown. July13-17–SUPERHEROESAges4-6,9am-12N, $100.Ages7+,9am-4pm,$215.KentIslandMartial Arts,222ShoppingCenterRd,Stevensville.410643-3425. July13-16–PAMPERPRINCESSages6-11.8am4:30pm.$100/week;siblings$75/each.Bayside ElemSchool.QACDeptofRecreation,104Powell St, Centreville. 410-758-0848. July 13-17 – MONSTER MASH CAMP ages 8-11. 9:30-11:30am. $130 members; $140 others. Academy Art Museum, 106 South St, Easton. 410-822-ARTS. July 13-16 – MADD SCIENTIST ages 7-11. 8am4:30pm.$100/week;siblings$75/each.Sudlersville MiddleSchool.QACDeptofRecreation,104Powell St, Centreville. 410-758-0848. July 13-17 – FIGURE DRAWING ages 13+. 10am-12:30pm. $110 members; $120 others. Academy Art Museum, 106 South St, Easton. 410-822-ARTS. July 13-16 – FRAME & CIRCLE WEAVING ages 8 thru adult. 9-11:30am. $80. My Little Studio & IslandArts,321LovePointRd,Stevensville.410604-0721. July 13-17 – CARNIVAL OF ANIMALS AGES 3&4. 9:30-11:30am. $70 by June 1; $80 after June 1. Mid Shore Dance Academy, 2472K Centreville Rd, Centreville. 410-758-8300. July 13-16 – PEE WEE SPORT CAMP ages 5-7. 12:30-4:30pm. $75. Centreville Middle School. QACDeptofRecreation,104PowellSt,Centreville. 410-758-0848. July 13-17 – STUDY SMARTER, NOT HARDER-understanding today’s college environment grades 6-9. 1-4pm. $119. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College, Wye Mills. 410-8225400, 410-758-1537, 410-228-4360 ext. 2300. [email protected]. July 13-16 – GOLD MEDAL SWIM CAMP (overnight)ages8-14.$405w/meals.WashingtonCollege, Chestertown. 410-778-7241. July 13-17 – WEIRD ENGINEERING grades 3-5. 1-4pm. $134. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College, Wye Mills. 410-822-5400, 410-758-1537, 410-228-4360 ext. 2300. kids@ July 13-17 – CODE BREAKERS for future coders, programmers & designers. Grades 3-5, 9am12N. Grades 6-9, 1-4pm. $162. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College, Wye Mills. 410-822-5400, 410-758-1537, 410-228-4360 ext. 2300. kids@ July 13-17 – ITALIANO PER BAMBINI grades 3-9. 1-4pm. $119. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College, Wye Mills. 410-8225400, 410-758-1537, 410-228-4360 ext. 2300. [email protected]. July 13-17 – ROBOTIC CHALLENGES grades 3-5. 9am-12N. $129. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College, Wye Mills. 410-822-5400, 410758-1537, 410-228-4360 ext. 2300. kids@ July 13-17 – THE PET DOC IS IN grades 3-5. 1-4pm. $129. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM KidsClub:4-5:30pm,$15.ChesapeakeCollege, WyeMills.410-822-5400,410-758-1537,410-2284360 ext. 2300. [email protected]. July 13-17 – CREATING GIFTS FOR ALL SEASONSgrades6-9.9am-12N.$129.AMKidsClub: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. ChesapeakeCollege,WyeMills.410-822-5400, 410-758-1537, 410-228-4360 ext. 2300. kids@ July 13-17 – KNITTING & CROCHETING Grades 3-5, 9am-12N. Grades 6-9, 1-4pm. $134. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College, Wye Mills. 410-822-5400, 410-758-1537, 410228-4360 ext. 2300. [email protected]. July 13-17 – CULINARY EXTRAVAGANZA Grades 6-9, 9am-12N. Grades 3-5, 1-4pm. $134. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College, Wye Mills. 410-822-5400, 410-758-1537, 410228-4360 ext. 2300. [email protected]. July 13-17 – PERCUSSION EXPLORATION grades 6-9. 9am-12N. $134. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College, Wye Mills. 410-8225400, 410-758-1537, 410-228-4360 ext. 2300. [email protected]. July 13-17 – NATIONAL CHEER ASSOC CHEERLEADING grades 3-9. 9am-4pm. $215. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College, Wye Mills. 410-822-5400, 410-758-1537, 410-228-4360 ext. 2300. [email protected]. July 13-17 – FUR, PAWS & CLAWS ages 3-1/2 to 5. 9am-12N. $55. No before/after care. YMCA Camp Gunston, 911 Gunston Rd, Centreville. 410-758-0848. July 13-17 – WAR ON THE SHORE 9am-4pm. $125. Free before (79am) & after care (4-6pm). YMCA Camp Gunston, 911 Gunston Rd, Centreville. 410-758-0848. July 13-17 – LEGO ages 8-12. 9am4pm. $175. Free before (7-9am) & after care (4-6pm). YMCA Camp Gunston, 911 Gunston Rd, Centreville. 410758-0848. July 13-17 – INTRO TO SEWING ages 8-12. 9am-4pm. $175. Free before (7-9am) & after care (4-6pm). YMCA Camp Gunston, 911 Gunston Rd, Centreville. 410-758-0848. July 13-17 – AROUND THE WORLD grades 1-5. 9am-12N. $10 supplies. Half day $75; full day $120. Before care (7:30-9am) & after care (4-5:30pm); $7.50/hour. Lighthouse Christian Academy, 931 Love point Rd, Stevensville. 410-643-3034. July 13-17 – CARNIVAL CAMP grades 1-5. 9am12N.$75+$10supplies.Halfday$75;fullday$120. Before care (7:30-9am) & after care (4-5:30pm); $7.50/hour.LighthouseChristianAcademy,931 Love point Rd, Stevensville. 410-643-3034. July 13-17, July 20-24 – LEGO® TETRIX grades 6-9.7/13,1-4pm.7/20,9am-12N.$139.AMKids Club:7:30-9am$15.PMKidsClub:4-5:30pm,$15. ChesapeakeCollege,WyeMills.410-822-5400, 410-758-1537, 410-228-4360 ext. 2300. kids@ July13-17,July27-31,Aug3-7–ULTIMATEFRISBEE7/13:Grades6-9,9am-12N.7/27:Grades6-9, 1-4pm.8/3:Grades3-5,9am-12N.AMKidsClub: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. ChesapeakeCollege,WyeMills.410-822-5400, 410-758-1537, 410-228-4360 ext. 2300. kids@ July13-17,July27-31,Aug11-15–ISLANDGYMNASTICSCAMPS9am-3pm.$250.202VFWAve, Grasonville. 410-643-5752. July 13-17, Aug 24-28 – NATURE TYKES ages 4-5.9am-12Nor1-4pm.$100.Discountsavailable. CBEC,600DiscoveryLane,Grasonville.410-8276694. July 13-24 – PICK ANY 6 OF SESSION II CLASSES (see online calendar). $65. Buy 2 sessions for $100 (must register by 5/29). Jean Marie Dance Studio,125PullmanCrossingRd,Suite104,Gra- Easton. 410-822-ARTS. July 20-24 – ART IN NATURE grades K-2 & 3-6. 9am-3pm. $200 members; $225 others; discounts available. CBEC, 600 Discovery Lane, Grasonville. 410-827-6694. Shore Update’s ShoreKids CONNECTION CAMPS sonville. 410-304-2024. July 14-17 – STORYTIME BALLET CAMP & PERFORMANCE ages 4-8. 9am-12N. $72. To thePointeDanceStudio,2NorthMapleAve,B-1, Ridgely. 410-634-2430. July 16-Aug 14 – ALGEBRA II PREP. $850 GunstonStudents;$950others.YMCACampGunston, 911 Gunston Rd, Centreville. 410-758-0848. July 20-21 – 2-DAY MASTER CLASS w/Michael Susten.Step1Dance2Academy,1557PostalRd, Chester. 443-758-3249. July20-23–PAMPERPRINCESSages6-11.8am4:30pm.$100/week;siblings$75/each.Sudlersville MiddleSchool.QACDeptofRecreation,104Powell St, Centreville. 410-758-0848. July 20-23 – MAKE YOUR OWN COSMETICS w/ JoanMcWilliamsagestweensthruadult.10am12N.$95.MyLittleStudio&IslandArts,321Love Point Rd, Stevensville. 410-604-0721. July 20-23 – SPORT JAM CAMP ages 8-11. 9am-4pm. $100. Bayside Elem School. QAC Dept of Recreation, 104 Powell St, Centreville. 410-758-0848. July 20-23 – FLAG FOOTBALL CAMP coed, ages 5-13. 8:30am-12N. $75/player. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College, Wye Mills. 410822-5400. [email protected]. July 20-24 – HOLIDAYS Day Camp grades K-6. 9am-4pm. $220/$195 sibling. Camp Wright, 400 Camp Wright Lane, Stevensville. 410643-4171. July 20-24 – ANIMATION STUDIO ages 1013. 10am-12N. $115 members; $125 others. Academy Art Museum, 106 South St, Easton. 410-822-ARTS. July 20-24 – ADVANCED DESIGN STUDIO ages 14+. 1-3pm. $115 members; $125 others. Academy Art Museum, 106 South St, July 20-24 – FROZEN MUSIC & ART CAMP ages 4-10. 9-11am. $70. The Dance Connection, 204 Duke St, Stevensville. 410-643-8346. July 20-24 – AMERICAN GIRL DOLL CAMP ages 4-10. 12N-2pm. $70. The Dance Connection, 204 Duke St, Stevensville. 410-643-8346. July 20-24 – CAKE BOSS ages 8-12. 8am-4pm. $100/week; siblings $75/each. Kramer Center. QAC Dept of Recreation, 104 Powell St, Centreville. 410-758-0848. July 20-24 – ALL THAT GLITTERS ages 5&6. 9:30-11:30am. $70 by June 1; $80 after June 1. Mid Shore Dance Academy, 2472K Centreville Rd, Centreville. 410-758-8300. July 20-24 – FAIRIES & FLUTTER-BYS ages 3&4. 9:30-11:30am. $70 by June 1; $80 after June 1. Mid Shore Dance Academy, 8221 Teal Dr, #101 & 102, Easton. 410-770-3223. July 20-24 – MARYLAND BOATER’S SAFETY CERTIFICATE COURSE grades 6-11. 9am-12N. $99.AMKidsClub:7:30-9am $15.PMKidsClub: 4-5:30pm,$15.ChesapeakeCollege,WyeMills. 410-822-5400,410-758-1537,410-228-4360ext. 2300. [email protected]. July 20-24 – GIFTED & TALENTED (w/appropriaterecommendation)-EngineeringDesignProject grades6-9.1-4pm.$150.AMKidsClub:7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College,WyeMills.410-822-5400,410-758-1537, [email protected]. July 20-24 – HARRY POTTER ADVENTURES grades 3-5. 1-4pm. $129. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College, Wye Mills. 410-8225400, 410-758-1537, 410-228-4360 ext. 2300. [email protected]. July 20-24 – MINECRAFT DESIGNERS Grades 3-5, 9am-12N. Grades 6-9, 1-4pm. $162. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College, Wye Mills. 410-822-5400, 410-758-1537, 410-2284360 ext. 2300. [email protected]. July 20-24 – MYSTERY SOLVERS grades 3-5. 1-4pm. $129. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College, Wye Mills. 410-822-5400, 410-7581537, 410-228-4360 ext. 2300. [email protected]. July 20-24 – ART ADVENTURES grades 3-5. 1-4pm. $124. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College, Wye Mills. 410-822-5400, 410-758-1537, 410-228-4360 ext. 2300. kids@chesapeake. edu. July 20-24 – MATERIAL GIRL basics of sewing machine grades 3-5. 1-4pm. $129. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College, Wye Mills. 410-822-5400, 410-758-1537, 410-228-4360 ext. 2300. kids@ July 20-24 – QUILTING IN A WEEK grades 6-9. 9am-12N. $139. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College, Wye Mills. 410-822-5400, 410-7581537, 410-228-4360 ext. 2300. [email protected]. July 20-24 – LATIN AMERICAN CUISINE grades 6-9. 1-4pm. $134. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College, Wye Mills. 410-8225400, 410-758-1537, 410-228-4360 ext. 2300. [email protected]. July 20-24 – SPANISH COOKING grades 3-5. 9am-12N. $134. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College, Wye Mills. 410-822-5400, 410-7581537, 410-228-4360 ext. 2300. [email protected]. July20-24–DJSUMMERCAMPgrades6-9.9am12N.$129.AMKidsClub:7:30-9am$15.PMKids Club:4-5:30pm,$15.ChesapeakeCollege,Wye Mills.410-822-5400,410-758-1537,410-228-4360 ext. 2300. [email protected]. July 20-24 – SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE? HIP HOP STYLE Grades 2-4, 9am-12N. Grades 6-9, 1-4pm. $119. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College,WyeMills.410-822-5400,410-758-1537,410228-4360 ext. 2300. [email protected]. July20-24–GIFTED&TALENTED(w/appropriate recommendation)-AllOutActinggrades6-9.9am12N.$150.AMKidsClub:7:30-9am$15.PMKids Club:4-5:30pm,$15.ChesapeakeCollege,Wye Mills.410-822-5400,410-758-1537,410-228-4360 ext. 2300. [email protected]. July 20-24 – KARATE KIDS grades 2-9. 1-4pm. $114.AMKidsClub:7:30-9am$15.PMKidsClub: 4-5:30pm,$15.ChesapeakeCollege,WyeMills. 410-822-5400,410-758-1537,410-228-4360ext. 2300. [email protected]. July 20-24 – HOLIDAYS 9am-4pm. $125. Free before(7-9am)&aftercare(4-6pm).YMCACamp Gunston,911GunstonRd,Centreville.410-7580848. 5400, 410-758-1537, 410-228-4360 ext. 2300. [email protected]. Shore Update’s ShoreKids CONNECTION CAMPS July 20-31 – SUMMER THEATER CAMP ages 8-12. 8am-4:30pm. $175/week; siblings $75/each. Matapeake Middle School. QAC Dept of Recreation, 104 Powell St, Centreville. 410-758-0848. July 21-Aug 1 – SWIMMING LESSONS all ages. Level 3: 9-9:30am & 6:55-7:24pm. Level 2: 9:45-10:15am & 11:15-11:45am & 6:20-6:50pm. Level 1: 10:30-11am & 5:45-6:15pm. Level 3: 6:55-7:25pm. Level 4&5: 7:30-8pm. $70. Franklin Pool, Stevensville. QAC Dept of Recreation, 104 Powell St, Centreville. 410-7580848. July 20-24 – MINI MED SCHOOL ages 8-12. 9am-4pm.$175.Freebefore(7-9am)&aftercare (4-6pm).YMCACampGunston,911GunstonRd, Centreville. 410-758-0848. July 21-Aug 1 – SWIMMING LESSONS all ages. Level3:9-9:30am.Level2:19:45-10:15am.Level 1: 10:30-11am. $70. KIYacht Club, Chester. QAC DeptofRecreation,104PowellSt,Centreville.410758-0848. July20-24–MINIREMBRANDTSages3-1/2to5. 9am-12N.$55.Nobefore/aftercare.YMCACamp Gunston,911GunstonRd,Centreville.410-7580848. July 25-26 – LACROSSE RECRUITING EVENTSouthern States Elite Prospect Camp for high school boys. $350. Washington College, Chestertown. July 20-24 – MESSY MASTERPIECES ages 5-7. 9am-4pm.$175.Freebefore(7-9am)&aftercare (4-6pm).YMCACampGunston,911GunstonRd, Centreville. 410-758-0848. July 25-31 – CHRISTMAS SESSION Resident Camp ages 7-14. $635. Camp Wright, 400 Camp Wright Lane, Stevensville. 410-6434171. July 20-24 – FASHION & SEWING LEVEL 2 ages 8-12.9am-4pm.$175.Freebefore(7-9am)&after care(4-6pm).YMCACampGunston,911Gunston Rd, Centreville. 410-758-0848. July 25-31 – ADVENTURE CAMP Resident Camp grades 7-9. $770. Camp Wright, 400 Camp Wright Lane, Stevensville. 410-6434171. July 20-24 – BATTLING BOTS! ages 5-17. 9am12N.CampGunston12N-4pm.$200.Freebefore (7-9am)&aftercare(4-6pm).YMCACampGunston,911GunstonRd,Centreville.410-758-0848. July 26-29 – COLLEGE SOCCER TRAINING CENTER (residential) for high school boys. Washington College, Chestertown. [email protected]. July 20-24 – DIGGING IN THE DIRT grades 1-5. 9am-12N. $15 supplies. Half day $75; full day $120. Before care (7:30-9am) & after care (45:30pm); $7.50/hour. Lighthouse Christian Academy, 931 Love point Rd, Stevensville. 410-643-3034. July 27-29 – DANCE BIZ CAMP ages 5-8. 9am12N.$65.JeanMarieDanceStudio,125Pullman CrossingRd,Suite104,Grasonville.410-304-2024. July 20-24 – CRAZY CRAFTS grades 1-5. 1-4pm. $15 supplies. Half day $75; full day $120. Before care (7:30-9am) & after care (45:30pm); $7.50/hour. Lighthouse Christian Academy, 931 Love point Rd, Stevensville. 410-643-3034. July 27-30 – RECYCLED & ASSEMBLED ART ages 8 thru adult. 9-11:30am. $80. My Little Studio & Island Arts, 321 Love Point Rd, Stevensville. 410-604-0721. July 27-30 – CHESAPEAKE CREW CAMPS for high school boys. Washington College, Chestertown. chesapeakecrewcamps@gmail. com. July 20-24, July 27-31 – KALEIDOSCOPE SUMMER ARTS CAMP ages 6+. 12:30-3:30pm. $95 members; $105 others. Academy Art Museum, 106 South St, Easton. 410-822-ARTS. July 27-30 – VOLLEYBALL CAMP (Beginners) ages 9-14. 8am-2pm. $100. QAC High School. QAC Dept of Recreation, 104 Powell St, Centreville. 410-758-0848. July 20-27 – MODELMANIA-building a model car Grades 6-9. 1-4pm. $134. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College, Wye Mills. 410-822- July 27-30 – PEE WEE SPORT CAMP ages 5-7. 12:30-4:30pm. $75. Sudlersville Middle School. QAC Dept of Recreation, 104 Powell St, Centreville. 410-758-0848. ZA ages 3-1/2 to 5. 9am-12N. $55. No before/after care. YMCA Camp Gunston, 911 Gunston Rd, Centreville. 410-758-0848. July 27-31 – PIRATE CAMP ages 7-11. 8am-4:30pm. $100/week; siblings $75/each. Kramer Center. QAC Dept of Recreation, 104 Powell St, Centreville. 410-7580848. July 27-31 – TINKERBELL & HER FAIRY FRIENDS ages 3-6. 9-11am. $70. The Dance Connection, 204 Duke St, Stevensville. 410-6438346. July 27-31 – PRINCESS ETIQUETTE CAMP ages 3-6. 12N2pm. $70. The Dance Connection, 204 Duke St, Stevensville. 410-643-8346. July 27-31 – SPONGE BOB Ages 4-6, 9am-12N, $100. Ages 7+, 9am-4pm, $215. Kent Island Martial Arts, 222 Shopping Center Rd, Stevensville. 410-643-3425. July27-31–BEG/INTERDANCERSages7-9.Half Day:9:30am-12:30pm,$120byJune1,$130after June 1. Full Day: 9:30am-4pm, $240 by June 1,$250afterJune1.MidShoreDanceAcademy, 2472KCentrevilleRd,Centreville.410-758-8300. July 27-31 – ALL THAT GLITTERS ages 5&6. 9:30-11:30am. $70 by June 1; $80 after June 1. Mid Shore Dance Academy, 8221 Teal Dr, #101 & 102, Easton. 410-770-3223. July 27-31 – CAMP WRIGHT’S GOT TALENT Day Camp grades K-6. 9am-4pm. $220/$195 sibling. Camp Wright, 400 Camp Wright Lane, Stevensville. 410-643-4171. July 27-31 – WILDLIFE CARETAKERS grades K-2 & 3-6. 9am-3pm. $200 members; $225 others; discounts available. CBEC, 600 Discovery Lane, Grasonville. 410-827-6694. July 27-31 – SAFE SITTER TRAINING CERTIFICATION grades 6-9. 9am-12N. $99. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College, Wye Mills. 410822-5400, 410-758-1537, 410-228-4360 ext. 2300. [email protected]. July 27-31 – COUNSELORS INTRAINING grades 9-11. 9am-4pm. $175. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College,WyeMills.410-822-5400,410-758-1537, [email protected]. July 27-31 – LEGO® CHALLENGE Grades 6-9, 9am-12N.Grades3-5,1-4pm.$134.AMKidsClub: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. ChesapeakeCollege,WyeMills.410-822-5400, 410-758-1537, 410-228-4360 ext. 2300. kids@ July 27-31 – MINECRAFT MODDERS Grades 3-5,9am-12N.Grades6-9,1-4pm.$162.AMKids Club:7:30-9am$15.PMKidsClub:4-5:30pm,$15. ChesapeakeCollege,WyeMills.410-822-5400, Shore Update’s ShoreKids CONNECTION CAMPS 410-758-1537, 410-228-4360 ext. 2300. kids@ July 27-31 – NERF WARS grades 3-5. 1-4pm. $114.AMKidsClub:7:30-9am$15.PMKidsClub: 4-5:30pm,$15.ChesapeakeCollege,WyeMills. 410-822-5400,410-758-1537,410-228-4360ext. 2300. [email protected]. July 27-31 – DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY grades 6-9. 1-4pm. $124. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College,WyeMills.410-822-5400,410-758-1537,410228-4360 ext. 2300. [email protected]. July 27-31 – TRAINING TIME TRAVELERS 9am-4pm. $125. Free before (7-9am) & after care (4-6pm). YMCA Camp Gunston, 911 Gunston Rd, Centreville. 410-758-0848. July 27-31 – QUEEN ANNE’S PLAYERS-THEATRE GROUP ages 8-12. 9am-4pm. $175. Free before (79am) & after care (4-6pm). YMCA Camp Gunston, 911 Gunston Rd, Centreville. 410-758-0848. July 30-Aug 1 – COLLEGE PREP FIELD HOCKEY CAMP $390. Washington College, Chestertown. 302841-9435 or collegeprepfieldhockey@gmail. com. July 30-Aug 2 – ON THE FLY LACROSSE CAMP forgirlsgrades3-12.WashingtonCollege,Chestertown. 410-778-7257 or 410-699-1756. Aug3-5–LEVENTRYVOLLEYBALLCAMPShigh schoolages.9am-4pm.$225.WashingtonCollege, Chestertown. Aug 3-5 – DANCE II CAMP ages 8-12. 9am-12N. $65.JeanMarieDanceStudio,125PullmanCrossing Rd, Suite 104, Grasonville. 410-304-2024. July 27-31 – FOTOZONE grades 3-5. 9am-12N. $124.AMKidsClub:7:30-9am$15.PMKidsClub: 4-5:30pm,$15.ChesapeakeCollege,WyeMills. 410-822-5400,410-758-1537,410-228-4360ext. 2300. [email protected]. Aug 3-6 – PIRATE CAMP ages 7-11. 8am4:30pm. $100/week; siblings $75/each. Sudlersville Middle School. QAC Dept of Recreation, 104 Powell St, Centreville. 410-7580848. July 27-31 – UNIQUE BENCH MAKING Grades 6-9,9am-12N.Grades3-5,1-4pm.$129.AMKids Club:7:30-9am$15.PMKidsClub:4-5:30pm,$15. ChesapeakeCollege,WyeMills.410-822-5400, 410-758-1537, 410-228-4360 ext. 2300. kids@ Aug 3-6 – HIGH SCHOOL VOLLEYBALL (Experienced) grades 9-12. 8am-2pm. $100. QAC High School. QAC Dept of Recreation, 104 Powell St, Centreville. 410-758-0848. July 27-31 – CHOCOMANIA Grades 6-9, 9am12N. Grades 3-5, 1-4pm. $134. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College, Wye Mills. 410-8225400, 410-758-1537, 410-228-4360 ext. 2300. [email protected]. July 27-31 – STOMP grades 3-5. 9am-12N. $119. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College, Wye Mills. 410-822-5400, 410-758-1537, 410228-4360 ext. 2300. [email protected]. July 27-31 – TAKE THE STAGE grades 3-9. 9am-12N. $134. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College, Wye Mills. 410-822-5400, 410-7581537, 410-228-4360 ext. 2300. [email protected]. July 27-31 – SUMMER CAMP EXTRAVAGAN- Aug 3-6 – TENNIS CAMP coed, ages 5-13. 8:30am-12N. $75/player. AM Kids Club: 7:309am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College, Wye Mills. 410-822-5400. [email protected]. Aug 3-7 – MADD SCIENTIST ages 7-11. 8am4:30pm. $100/week; siblings $75/each. Kramer Center. QAC Dept of Recreation, 104 Powell St, Centreville. 410-758-0848. Aug 3-7 – FORTS, CASTLES, KNIGHTS & PRINCESSES Day Camp grades K-6. 9am-4pm. $220/$195 sibling. Camp Wright, 400 Camp Wright Lane, Stevensville. 410-643-4171. Aug 3-7 – THE ART STUDIO ages 8-12. 10am12N. $125 members; $135 others. Academy Art Museum, 106 South St, Easton. 410-822ARTS. Aug 3-7 – SO YOU THINK YOU WANT TO DANCE ages 6-10. 9-11am. $70. The Dance Connection, 204 Duke St, Stevensville. 410-643-8346. Aug 3-7 – PEEWEE SAILING ages 6-8. 9am-12N. $225 member; $250 others. . Corsica River Yacht Club, 589 Conquest Rd, Centreville. Aug 3-7 – CHESAPEAKE FC-High School Prep Camp ages 13-18. 9am-4pm, $219 or 9am-12N, $167. Old Love Point Park, 300 Old Love Point Rd, Stevensville. Challenger Sports. 800-878-2167 ext. 239. Aug 3-7 – GIFTED & TALENTED (w/ appropriate recommendation)Coding & Computers for grades 6-9. 1-4pm. $150. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College, Wye Mills. 410-8225400, 410-758-1537, 410-228-4360 ext. 2300. [email protected]. Aug 3-7 – AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE grades 6-9. 1-4pm. $124. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College,WyeMills.410-822-5400,410-758-1537,410228-4360 ext. 2300. [email protected]. Aug 3-7 – ITALIANO PER RAGAZZI grades 6-9. 1-4pm. $119. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM KidsClub:4-5:30pm,$15.ChesapeakeCollege, WyeMills.410-822-5400,410-758-1537,410-2284360 ext. 2300. [email protected]. Aug 3-7 - LEGO® BATTLE ROBOTICS Grades 2-5, 9am-12N. $129. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College, Wye Mills. 410-822-5400, 410758-1537, 410-228-4360 ext. 2300. kids@ Aug 3-7 – SPA CAMP Grades 3-5, 9am-12N. Grades 6-9, 1-4pm. $119. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College, Wye Mills. 410-8225400, 410-758-1537, 410-228-4360 ext. 2300. [email protected]. Aug 3-7 – ART ADVENTURES grades 6-9. 1-4pm. $12. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College, Wye Mills. 410-822-5400, 410-7581537, 410-228-4360 ext. 2300. [email protected]. Aug 3-7 – DIGITAL SCRAPBOOKING Grades 6-9, 9am-12N. Grades 3-5, 1-4pm. $124. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College, Wye Mills. 410-822-5400, 410-758-1537, 410-2284360 ext. 2300. [email protected]. Aug3-7–DUCTTAPEARTgrades3-5.9am-12N. $119.AMKidsClub:7:30-9am$15.PMKidsClub: 4-5:30pm,$15.ChesapeakeCollege,WyeMills. 410-822-5400,410-758-1537,410-228-4360ext. McNeil Pool, Centreville. QAC Dept of Recreation, 104 Powell St, Centreville. 410-758-0848. Shore Update’s ShoreKids CONNECTION CAMPS 2300. [email protected]. Aug3-7–MANGAEXTRAformoreadvancedJapanesestyledcomics&animationgrades6-9.9am12N.$119.AMKidsClub:7:30-9am$15.PMKids Club:4-5:30pm,$15.ChesapeakeCollege,Wye Mills.410-822-5400,410-758-1537,410-228-4360 ext. 2300. [email protected]. Aug 3-7 – SEWING FOR CHRISTMAS grades 6-9. 9am-12N.$139.AMKidsClub:7:30-9am$15.PM KidsClub:4-5:30pm,$15.ChesapeakeCollege, WyeMills.410-822-5400,410-758-1537,410-2284360 ext. 2300. [email protected]. Aug 3-7 – CUP CAKEWARS & MORE Grades 3-5, 1-4pm.Grades6-9,9am-12N.AMKidsClub:7:309am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. ChesapeakeCollege,WyeMills.410-822-5400,410-7581537, edu. Aug 3-7 – SPORTS WEEK Grades 3-5, 1-4pm. Grades6-9,9am-12N.$129.AMKidsClub:7:309am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. ChesapeakeCollege,WyeMills.410-822-5400,410-7581537, edu. Aug 3-7 – PRINCESSES & PIRATES ages 3-1/2 to 5. 9am-12N. $55. No before/after care.YMCA CampGunston,911GunstonRd,Centreville.410758-0848. Aug 3-7 – SCIENCE ages 5-7. 9am-4pm. $175. Free before (7-9am) & after care (4-6pm). YMCA Camp Gunston, 911 Gunston Rd, Centreville. 410-758-0848. Aug 4-15 – SWIMMING LESSONS all ages. Level 4&5: 9-9:30am. Level 3: 9:45-10:15am. Level 2: 10:30-11am. Level 1: 11:15-11:45am. $70. Granata Pool, Stevensville. QAC Dept of Recreation, 104 Powell St, Centreville. 410758-0848. Aug 4-15 – SWIMMING LESSONS all ages. Level 3: 9-9:30am. Level 2: 9:45-10:15am & 11:15-11:45am. Level 1: 11:15-11:45am. $70. Aug 8-10 – CAMP NEW DAWN for ages 7-17 who have experienced loss of a loved one. Overnight camp. $30/camper. Ages 4-6 welcome to attend day camp on last day. Camp Pecometh, 136 Bookers Wharf Rd, Centreville. Compass Regional Hospice, 255 Comet Dr, Centreville. 443-262-4109. Aug 10-13 – FLOOR HOCKEY CAMP coed, ages 5-13. 8:30am12N. $75/player. AM Kids Club: 7:30-9am $15. PM Kids Club: 4-5:30pm, $15. Chesapeake College, Wye Mills. 410-822-5400. [email protected]. Aug 10-14 – CARNIVAL! Day Camp Grades K-6. 9am-4pm.$220/$195sibling.CampWright,400 CampWrightLane,Stevensville.410-643-4171. Aug10-14–NINJASINTRAININGAges4-6,9am12N,$100.Ages7+,9am-4pm,$215.KentIsland MartialArts,222ShoppingCenterRd,Stevensville. 410-643-3425. Aug 10-14 – MUSIC CAMP ages 8-14. 9am3:30pm. $180. Garfield Center for the Arts, 210 High St, Chestertown. 410-810-2060. Aug10-14–CAMPBROADWAYages6-12.9am4pm.$150.TheDanceConnection,204DukeSt, Stevensville. 410-643-8346. Aug 10-14 – BAY THROUGH THE AGES grades K-2&3-6.9am-3pm.$200members;$225others; discounts available. CBEC, 600 Discovery Lane, Grasonville. 410-827-6694. Aug 10-14 – CHESAPEAKE FC-Pre Season Camp-Tetra Brazil. Ages 3-5: 9-10:30am or 10:45am-12:15pm, $113. Ages 6-16: 9am12N or 1-4pm, $167; 9am-4pm, $219. Old love Point Park, 300 Old Love Point Rd, Stevensville. Challenger Sports. 800-878-2167 ext. 239. Aug 10-14 – SUPER HERO TRAINING CAMP 9am-4pm. $125. Free before (7-9am) & after care (4-6pm). YMCA Camp Gunston, 911 Gunston Rd, Centreville. 410-758-0848. Aug 10-14 – MOZARTS & MONKEES ages 3-1/2 to 5. 9am-12N. $55. No before/after care. YMCA Camp Gunston, 911 Gunston Rd, Centreville. 410-758-0848. Aug 11-13 – SUMMER INTENSIVE ages 9-11 & 12+. 9am-3:30pm. $180. To the Pointe Dance Studio, 2 North Maple Ave, B-1, Ridgely. 410634-2430. Aug 11-15 – SENIOR CAMP Resident Camp grades 6-10. $535. Camp Wright, 400 Camp Wright Lane, Stevensville. 410-643-4171.
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