House Photographs - Hemsworth Grammar School


House Photographs - Hemsworth Grammar School
House Photos
Price House Rugby 1940-41
Back Row L-R: Peter Ineson, Allan Smith, Donald McAllister, James O’Hara, Jack Marsden, Neil Butterwood.
Middle Row L-R: Albert Lawton, Toulson K., Harwood G.H., Mr. Austin, Frank Mugglestone, Walker (Harry or James?),
William Marsden
Front Row L-R: Leonard Fox, Leslie Tate.
Talbot Athletics Team 1952
The photo and names were provided by Les Thomas. Thank you, Les.
Back Row L-R: Mr. Atack, Caleb Taylor, Trevor Trueman, Rogers, Secker, Ernest May, Butterfield, Miss. Horsfield
Fourth Row L-R: Hudson, Les Thomas, Mr. Senior, Miss. Saville, Nunn, Miss. Pole, Mr. Swinbank, Gamble
Third Row L-R: 1, 2, Florence Gell, Taylor, Dave King, 6, Sykes, Brian Poole, Simmons, Adele Whittaker, Moira Hollinshead
Second Row L-R: Joe Pearson, Frost, Maurice Poole, Peter Schofield, P. Waring, M. Butterfield, 7, Doreen Honeyben
Front Row L-R: Alan Vest, Gary Jordan, Arthur Tickle, Tony Foster
Price House Relay Teams 1952
Back Row L-R: J. Eyre, Joan Taylor, Miss Wimpenny, Mr Manning, I. Turner, Margaret Phillips.
Middle Row L-R: Roy Homer, Edward Laughton, B. Coleman, Joan Griffiths.
Front Row L-R: Stanley Holmes, David Toulson, Roy Dyson
Talbot House Athletics 1953
Thanks go to Terry McCroakam for the photo.
Back Row L-R: Miss. Horsfield, Miss. Saville, Miss. Kilner, Mr. Senior, Mr Owen, Mr. Collins, Mr. Atack, Mr. Swinbank,
Third Row L-R: Margaret Christian, Terry McCroakam, Alan Ardron, Roy Gaskell, David King, Arthur Swaine, Michael Batten
Second Row L-R: Valerie Higham, Doreen Honeyben, Brenda Ackroyd, Margaret Butterfield, John Butterfield, Trevor Trueman,
Joe Pearson, Michael Poole
Front row L-R: Jennifer Lindley, June Bradley, Florence Gell, Tony Foster, George Thompson, Roland Hawcroft
Price House Athletics 1953-54
Image from Pat Beevers and Peter Harvey. Some names have come from Terry McCroakam and Geoff Govier. Thank you.
Back Row L-R: Mr. Manning, Miss Wimpenny, Miss. Whitworth, Mr. Taylor
Third Row L-R: Mel Snookes, Roy Homer, Tony Pickering, Norman Brooke, Eddie Lowe, Howard Taylor, David Nye
Second Row L-R: Peter Wall, Chris Birkinshaw, Eileen Tate, Margaret Phillips, Joan May, Janet Newton, Mary Oates, Jean
Snookes, Dorothy Brown, Brian Toulson, Alec Wall
Front Row L-R: Hilary Goodchild, Jean Nuttall, Iris Turner, Val Manning, Colin Hellewell, Maureen Mathers, Margaret Fish, Pat
Price House Athletics 1954-55
Image from Pat Beevers and Peter Harvey. Thank you.
Back Row L-R: Eileen Hurst, Roy Homer, Ron Smethurst, Mr. Manning, Miss Yates, Mr. Taylor, Tony Pickering, Eddie Lowe,
Janet Newton
Middle Row L-R: Pat Beevers, Jennifer Hayton, Mary Oates, Val Manning, Melvyn Snookes, Brian Toulson, Ralph Winstanley,
Tony Reevell
Front Row L-R: Ellen Toulson, Dora Lumby, Jean Nuttall, Maureen Mathers, Iris Turner, Norman Yates, Colin Hellewell, John
Sudworth, Ron Hooley
Price House Athletics 1955-56
The photo was provided by Janet Marston. Thank you, Janet.
Back Row L-R: Mr. Manning, Dilys Hughes, Janet Marston, M. Oates, Jean Snookes, Dora Lumby, Mrs. M. Lumb
Middle Row L-R: Irene Thorpe, Vivienne Marshall, J. Hayton, Brian Toulson, Tony Pickering, Peter Douglas, Eric Eden, Patricia
Snow, Hilary Goodchild, Winifred Jones
Front Row L-R: Ellen Toulson, Jean Foreman, Jean Nuttall, Maureen Mathers, Roy Homer, Colin Hellewell, Ralph Winstanley,
Melvyn Snookes
Guest House Athletics 1957-58 (Sports Day Winners)
Back Row L-R: Norman Valentine, David Sugden, Ray Griffiths, Clive Goodwin, Ray Noble, Colin Garbett, Roger Wilson, Richard
Middle Row L-R: J. Griffiths, Theresa Cosgrove, Mary Ellis, J. Bracey, Janet May, M. Skews
Front Row L-R: Evelyn Walker, Barbara Smith, Susan Bucher, Brian Moore, Tony Parkinson, John Taylor
Price House Dramatics 1959
Photo provided by Janet Marston. Thank you, Janet.
Back Row L-R: 1, Ray Dallywater, David Thorpe, Wray Vamplew, Pat Snow, Janet Marston, Diana Wood, Ellen Toulson,
Madeline Wareing, Melvin Snookes
Middle Row L-R: Norman Tate, Geoff Richards, Michael Duke, Dave Nuttall, Trevor Stones, Malcolm Stewardson, Colin Oxley,
Jeff Stevens
Front Row L-R: 1, Christine Nicholson, 3, Gillian Wass, Janet Davies, John Connolly
Talbot House Dramatics
The photo was provided by Susan Marsh. Thank you, Susan.
Back Row L-R: 1, 2, 3, Peter Kaye, Peter Sell, Pauline Howden, 7
Middle Row L-R: 1, 2, 3, 4, Sam Whitehouse, 6, 7, 8, 9, Linda Fieldsend, Susan Marsh, 12
Front Row L-R: 1, 2, Daphne Slater, 4, 5, 6, Christine Kelly, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Talbot House Dramatics 1961
Some names have come from Denise Spaxman. Thank you, Denise.
Back Row L-R: Gordon Bond, Peter Kaye
Third Row L-R: Pat Cockburn, Alan Lascelles, 3, 4, 5, Nova Websdale, Denise Sell, Margaret Curran, Fran Harrison
Second Row L-R: Jean Merrington, Peter Marsh, Stewart Cockburn, Christine Arrowsmith, 5, Dianne Sell, 7
Front Row L-R: Gillian Hawcroft, Margaret Merrington, Denise Spaxman, Raymond Dyson, 5, 6, 7
Guest House Dramatics 1962
Back Row L-R: John Taylor, Dave Sugden, Steven Ellis, Steve Moody, Sylvia Rayson, Alvin Bashforth
Middle Row L-R: Teresa Cosgrove, Peter Asquith, 3, 4, 5, 6, Elsie Tolley
Front Row L-R: 1, Marilyn Smith, Fred Johnson, 4, 5

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