Installation Instructions


Installation Instructions
iTutor Learning Systems
Installation Instructions:
Installation Instructions
iTutor Learning Systems
Installation Instructions
This technical handbook is designed to assist customers for installation of iTutor Learning
Systems products. It explains the basic installation and activation procedure.
This handbook will look at the following:
System Requirements,
System Settings,
Basic Installation and Activation,
Deactivation and Uninstaller
Keep this handbook handy for your future reference.
System Requirements
The following are the minimum system requirements for running the entire suite of iTutor
Learning Systems programs:
MS Windows XP or higher.
Programs will work on Apple Mac computers if they are running Windows
Operating System on a virtual machine using VMware Fusion, Parallels Desktop
or Boot Camp.
2.5 GB free hard disk space.
512MB RAM.
Working sound card and speakers, with correctly installed drivers.
A screen/display supporting a minimum screen resolution of 1024X768 pixels.
A working printer (if the score cards are going to be printed)
An internet connection (if the score cards are going to be emailed).
iTutor Learning Systems
Installation Instructions
System Settings
On the computer, the user profile must have full administration rights, both to install as
well as to use the programs.
The programs cannot be used from a limited or ‘power user’ account.
Display settings: Font size: 96DPI or 100% scaling (WinXP – Normal, W98 – Small)
If you do not want the above settings changed, then set up a new Windows account just for the
iTutor Learning Systems programs. Refer to ‘User Accounts’ in the Control Panel
Installations Note:
Make sure that the installation is done on a user account that has ADMINISTRATIVE
During the installation procedure, if you encounter a window which says – ‘Do you want to
allow the following program from an unknown publisher to make changes to this computer’
click – YES.
Ensure all other programs are closed, to prevent conflicts.
iTutor Learning Systems
Installation Instructions
Maths & English Installation Steps
This is the installation procedure for the Maths and English programs on the iTutor Learning
Systems suite. To demonstrate the installation method, the Maths Story Primary will be used
Insert iTutor Learning Systems USB drive into the computer.
1. Go to My Computer\USB Drive and double click on PrimaryMaths_Setup
2. Click ‘Next’ on the next screen that appears
3. The License Agreement will now appear.
iTutor Learning Systems
Installation Instructions
4. Please read through the text, and if in agreement, click ‘I Accept the agreement.’
5. Click Next.
Note: Please read point 2 and 3 carefully.
6. Change the user name to: ‘Family name’. For example; “MARTIN”.
7. Change the organization to ‘iTutor Learning Systems’, or you may leave blank.
8. Click Next.
9. Leave the default directory as ‘C:\ICLASS’.
10. Click Next.
iTutor Learning Systems
11. Ensure the correct country is selected.
12. Click Next.
13. Leave the ‘Create a desktop icon’ box checked.
14. Click Next.
Installation Instructions
iTutor Learning Systems
15. Click ‘Install’.
16. Click Finish when completed.
Installation Instructions
iTutor Learning Systems
Installation Instructions
17. On clicking finish, you may encounter a window as given below. Make sure you click on ‘This
program is installed correctly’.
18. Double click the corresponding icon on the desktop (if the ‘Create Desktop Icon’ box was
checked). On double clicking the window shown below would appear.
19. To activate the programs, go to our Website –
20. Follow the instructions on the website to successfully activate and use the programs.
iTutor Learning Systems
Installation Instructions
Dina Magic Installation Steps
The installation of DINA (school readiness program) is slightly different from the Maths and
English programs.
Insert iTutor Learning Systems USB drive into the computer
1. Go to My Computer, your USB Drive, open Dina Magic folder and double click on the Setup.
2. Click ‘Next’
3. Ensure all other programs are closed, to prevent conflicts.
4. Click ‘Next’ on the next screen that appears:
iTutor Learning Systems
Installation Instructions
5. Click on Install
6. After Installation, click on ‘Finish’
7. Double click the corresponding icon on the desktop (if the ‘Create Desktop Icon’ box was
8. On double clicking the window shown below would appear.
iTutor Learning Systems
Installation Instructions
9. To activate the programs, go to our Website –
10. Follow the instructions on the website to successfully activate and use the programs.
iTutor Learning Systems
Installation Instructions
Phonica Elementary and Advanced Installation Steps
This is the installation procedures for the the Phonica programs on the iTutor Learning
Systems suite. To demonstrate the installation method, the Phonica Advanced will be used.
Insert iTutor Learning Systems USB drive into the computer
1. Go to My Computer, your USB Drive, open Phonica Advanced folder and double click on the
Click on Next
3. Ensure all other programs are closed, to prevent conflicts.
4. Read the terms and condition given and accept by checking the ‘I accept the terms in the
license agreement’.
5. Click Next.
iTutor Learning Systems
Installation Instructions
6. Change the user name to: ‘Family name’. For example; “John Smith”.
7. Change the organization to ‘iTutor Learning Systems’, or you may leave blank.
8. Click Next.
9. Leave the default directory as ‘C:\Program Files\Reading Systems\Advanced\’. (Click
‘Change’ if you want to change the directory)
10. Click Next.
11. Click Install.
iTutor Learning Systems
Installation Instructions
12. Installation may take several minutes.
13. Click Finish when completed.
14. Double click the corresponding icon on the desktop (if the ‘Create Desktop Icon’ box was
15. On double clicking the window shown below would appear.
iTutor Learning Systems
Installation Instructions
16. To activate the programs, go to our Website –
17. Follow the instructions on the website to successfully activate and use the programs.
TIP: Once all the programs have been installed and activate, you can group them together inside a
folder on the desktop. To do this:
1. Go to your desktop, right click on a free space, click on New-> New Folder
2. Name it as “iTutor 1300-725-606”
3. Drag all other program icons into the new folder created.
iTutor Learning Systems
Installation Instructions
Important Support Information
If you are having trouble with the Installation or Activation of your programs, please contact
the Tech Support Line on 1300-725-606 between 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. AEST and WST. You will need
to have the Site Code, Machine ID and Serial Number handy to quote over the phone.
*Please Note that these opening hours may be altered. Check our website for the latest
working hours.
Removal or Transfer of license
We remind you that the each program can only be installed onto two computers at one time
(you have purchased 2 licenses for each of the software). Therefore if you do envisage formatting or
getting rid of a computer please make sure to de-activate each program before doing so.
Please go through our website ( and learn how to deactivate your program.