MC july/aug - Masonry Construction


MC july/aug - Masonry Construction
best repair/rehabilitation building
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
he original Hotel Selkirk
stood in downtown
Edmonton for over 50
years before being
destroyed by fire in the
1960s. Partial drawings,
historic photographs, and examination of
contemporary buildings of the era were
used to reconstruct the hotel with its original look.
The architect, masonry contractor, and
brick manufacturer worked together to com-
puter model the building and the masonry
elements to analyze potential problems
with going from a brick wythe wall of the
original to a masonry veneer for the reconstruction. Brick had to match 20th century materials, which were larger while
mortar joints were smaller. Tergullis Red
brick from the same general area as the
original material for the building was used,
while the particularly soft mortar was pigmented with red to match the original color.
Brick arches and detailing around win-
dows were done by hand in traditional
methods. Masons cast all the sills, keystones, base courses, and stone banding.
Project Participants
Masonry Contractor: Scorpio
Masonry, Edmonton, Alberta
Architect: HIP Architects, Edmonton,
Masonry Supplier: IXL Bricks,
Medicine Hat, Alberta
honorable mention
best repair/rehabilitation building
South Bend, Ind.
Olive Street
Pumping Station
he pumping station built in 1924
needed an upgrade to meet today’s
standards. Masonry restoration of
the exterior was one phase of the renovation program.
Steps required to return the deteriorated masonry to its original appearance
included lowering window sills, chemical
cleaning, 100% tuckpointing, limestone
and brick replacement and patching, and
removal of a mortar refacing procedure
that was performed in the past.
Project Participants
Masonry Contractor: Ziolkowski
Construction Inc., South Bend, Ind.
Architect/Engineer: Ken Herceg &
Associates, South Bend, Ind.
Masonry Suppliers: Rose Fuel &
Materials, South Bend, Ind.; Cathedral
Stone Products, Hanover, Md.
Publication #M04G042, Copyright © 2004
Hanley Wood, LLC. All rights reserved