ITBA Annual Report - Irish Thoroughbred Breeders` Association


ITBA Annual Report - Irish Thoroughbred Breeders` Association
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Annual General Meeting
To: All Members of the Irish Thoroughbred Breeders’ Association
The Annual General Meeting of the Irish Thoroughbred Breeders’
Association will take place on 21st May 2012 in the ITBA HQ,
Greenhills, Kill, Co. Kildare at 5.00pm
Minutes of Annual General Meeting held 27th May 2011
Matters arising from Minutes
To receive, discuss and adopt the Annual Report and Statement
ITBA Stategic Review
To receive Report from the Chairman
To declare the 2012 Election Results
To elect Auditors
Any other business
Kerry Ryan,
Association Secretary
Dated the 9th day of May 2012
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Today marks the end of my two-year tenure as
Chairman of the Irish Thoroughbred Breeders’
Association. It certainly has been a very eventful
and challenging period for both the association
and breeders and indeed the entire
Thoroughbred Industry. During my time as
Chairman, the association continued its diligent
work in the interest of all breeders, both flat and
national hunt. My tenure saw the ITBA both
spearhead and champion numerous projects and
initiatives, which proved to be very positive and beneficial for breeders. Many of
these were documented in our year end publication, “Guide to ITBA 2010 / 2011
In 2011 we continued to breed world class horses, with Irish breds appearing in
the top international rankings. Horses like Maybe and Excelebration spring to
mind, not forgetting the smart National Hunt mare Voler La Vedette. Individuals
honoured during the year included Frank Barry (Life Time Achievement Award)
and Denis Brosnan who was inducted into the Hall of Fame. Other positive signs
included the stabilization of the foal numbers at approximately 7,500; an increase
of 19% in bloodstock sales at public auctions and an increase of 6.5% in exports
to 156 million euro.
During my chairmanship the ITBA continued to nurture the very good working
relationship with the Department of Agriculture and in particular Minister Simon
Coveney. The association continues to lobby government at national and EU level
on the importance of the breeding industry to the Irish economy and its pivotal
role on the world stage. On a personal level, one of my highlights was
representing the ITBA during HH Queen Elizabeth II’s official state visit to the Irish
National Stud in May 2011. It played testament to Ireland’s position as a global
leader in the Bloodstock Industry.
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One of the major undertakings was the recent hosting of ITBA Expo 2012. The
Expo Committee staged the first online forum of its kind anywhere. Our objective
was to showcase our industry on a global scale to an international audience and
we delivered on our principle aim. A lot of the credit in this regard should go to
Joe Osborne, Expo Committee Chairman.
The ITBA played a pivotal role in the recent review and restructuring of the Foal
Levy bands & rates making it more equitable for all breeders. Another major
initiative undertaken by the ITBA is the ongoing strategic review of our
association. Following the initial review of the association, proposals will be
presented to members for consideration.
The National Hunt Committee has continued to support breeders and in particular
national hunt fillies through the ITBA National Hunt Fillies Scheme and the online
Leasing Scheme which was introduced in 2010 giving breeders an opportunity to
lease their fillies.
It is through the commitment and dedication of the hard working team of
manager, Shane O’Dwyer, Kerry Ryan and Regina Byrne that all ITBA’s activities,
projects and initiatives come to fruition. I would like to take this opportunity to
thank them for their assistance and support.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank everybody and in particular
my Vice Chairman Joe Osborne and Council for their support and encouragement
in what was a very enjoyable tenure. Finally, I would like to wish Joe Osborne
every success during his chairmanship of the association.
Dean Harron
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John O’Connor
Dr. Dean Harron
Joe Osborne
Stephen Collins, Victor Connolly, Peter Downes, Bill Dwan, William Flood,
Joe Foley, Cathy Grassick, Christopher Grassick, Joe Hernon,
Sinead Hyland, Peter Kavanagh, Joe Keappock, Simon Kerins, John McEnery.
Jim Mernagh, Peter Molony, Eimear Mulhern, David O’Loughlin, Albert Sherwood.
John Osborne, Irish National Stud
Joe Kiernan, Weatherbys Ireland GSB Ltd
Representative of the Management Committee,
Irish Equine Centre
Kenneth L. Strickland, MRCVS, Captain Sean Berry, J. Stan Cosgrove, MRCVS,
Thoroughbred Breeders’ Association/GB, Syndicat des Eleveurs/France,
Thoroughbred Owners & Breeders Association/USA
Christopher Grassick
Sir Edmund Loder, Bt
Sonia Rogers
South Eastern
Shane O’Dwyer
Kerry Ryan
Regina Byrne
Rory Mathews
Sandra Fox
Paul Hardy
Maurice Moloney
Vanessa Teehan
Ignatius Geraghty
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Executive Committee
Dean Harron (Chairman)
Joe Osborne ( Vice Chairman)
Peter Molony (N/H Rep)
Eimear Mulhern
Joe Foley
National Hunt Committee
Peter Molony (Chairman)
Peter Downes
William Flood
Ignatius Geraghty
Dennis Hickey
Mella Kehoe
Peter McCarthy
Jim Mernagh
Kevin Ross
Albert Sherwood
Michael Tallon
John Tyrrell
Foal Levy Reps
William Flood
Joe Foley
Ignatius Geraghty
Eimear Mulhern
Joe Hernon
Dean Harron
I.T.M. Reps
Joe Foley
Peter Molony
I.B.M. Reps
Dean Harron
Irish Equine Centre
Dean Harron
Veterinary Committee
John O'Connor (Chairman)
Don Collins
Hugh Dillon
Des Leadon
Bridget McGing
Mark MacRedmond
Hugh Suffern
Meta Osborne
Dept of Agriculture Liaison
John O'Connor
Des Leadon
Irish Horse Welfare Trust
Joe Keappock
Sales Liaison Committee
Henry Beeby
Bill Dwan
William Flood
Cathy Grassick
Simon Kerins
David O’Loughlin
Robert J Goff Rep
Christy Grassick
Goffs Bloodstock Sales Reps
Peter Molony
Christy Grassick
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Finance Committee
Eimear Mulhern
Christy Grassick
Weatherbys Ireland Reps
Victor Connolly
Events Committee
Joe Keappock
Joe Foley
Brendan McArdle
Jim Mernagh
Jaqueline Norris
Expo Committee
Joe Osborne
Michael O’Hagan
Shane O'Dwyer
Rory Mathews
Taxation Committee
Dean Harron
Jacqueline Kelly
Declan McEvoy
Shane O’Dwyer
Responsible Ownership
Joe Osborne (Chairman)
Joe Kiernan
Des Leadon
John O'Connor
Shane O’Dwyer
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Auditor’s REport
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Hendra virus first appeared in Australia
in 1994. Since then, it is known to have
been associated with the death of
more than 40 horses and four of the
seven people who have been infected.
The Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries
and Forestry and the acting Minister
for Health and Ageing jointly
announced, on 29th July 2011, an
additional Australian Government
contribution of $6 million for Hendra
virus research, its impact on human and
animal health, and on environmental
complement the $6 million in research
funding over three years that was
jointly announced on 27th July 2011 by
the Queensland and New South Wales
premiers. This is the latest example of
the true costs, of equine exotic disease
outbreaks to the individual, the
industry and to national economies.
These often horrific costs are the
reason why this report always carries a
reminder of the importance of strict
adherence to the Code of Practice.
This year, the Code has been modified
to include recommendations on testing
for Dourine. Italy examined 7,539
horses for this incurable, venereal
disease of horses in 2011 and identified
45 positives. Follow up examinations of
another 309 horses identified another
30 positives and 19 confirmed cases.
These and other diseases are reported
to both the International Collating
Centre (ICC) in Newmarket and to the
RESPE system in France. Ireland is a
participant in both systems. The ICC
issues Quarterly Reports and Interim
Disease Updates. The RESPE system is
based on reporting by sentinel
veterinary practices which are located
throughout France. The Irish Equine
Centre has now received funding from
the Department of Agriculture, Food
and the Marine to replicate the RESPE
system here in Ireland. This will
enhance our ability to provide effective
disease surveillance.
cooperation are very important to the
participation in EFTBA, the European
Federation of Thoroughbred Breeders
Associations. This year the EFTBA
Veterinary Committee agenda has
included; efforts to improve the
harmonization of disease reporting
and control throughout the EFTBA
countries; development of industry
policy in relation to DNA performance
testing; utilisation of Social Networks
for disease awareness; harmonisation
of forensic testing at sales; a response
to the Australian import review and
draft EU legislation on AI.
Ireland’s twinning with the RESPE
system is a pertinent example of what
can be achieved in terms of
harmonisation of disease reporting.
EFTBA referred the issue of DNA
Performance testing to the Board of
Governors of the American Association
of Equine Practitioners (AAEP). The
AAEP is the largest equine specialist
veterinary association in the world and
has over 750 international members.
The AAEP created a task force to
consider this issue and issued a policy
statement warning of the limitations
and dangers of this form of DNA
testing and emphasising the need for
clear evidence of owner consent. The
2011 outbreak of nervous form
(paralytic) Herpes Virus infection in the
USA came to worldwide public
prominence in early 2011, due to an
outbreak centered on the National
Cutting Horse Association (NCHA)
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Western National Championships held
in Ogden, Utah from April 29 to May 8,
approximately two months, generating
90 confirmed cases of the disease,
spread over 10 American states, and
resulting in the deaths of 13 horses
before it was declared contained by the
US Department of Agriculture. The
disease outbreak caused widespread
public panic, due in large measure to
inaccurate information spread through
FACEBOOK and other forms of social
networks. The social network speed of
relay of mis-information became a
major problem in the management of
the disease outbreak. The USDA had to
revert to using FACEBOOK itself, to try
to control the public panic. A similar
situation could arise at any time in the
EFTBA countries. EFTBA feel that
important precedents in terms of the
use of Social Networks in Disease
Control have now been established in
the USA and that the EFTBA Countries
should try to learn from this precedent
and encourage our members and
national authorities to do so as well.
The Veterinary Committee advised the
EFTBA Board that there is a need for
harmonisation of forensic testing at
Public Auction Sales. At present, there
is no harmony and horses can
potentially pass at one sale that would
have failed / been returnable, at
another. Dr Roland Devolz kindly
referred this matter to SITA for their
consideration. It is our understanding
that SITA maybe able to respond
sometime in the early part of 2012. The
EFTBA Veterinary Committee received
of a request for input into the
impending review by AQIS of its
protocols for the import of horses into
Australia. Trade with Australia,
involving sales of fillies out of training,
mares, racehorses and the shuttling of
stallions is one of the pivots of this
industry. This Committee were keen to
have an input into this review and
contacted leading shippers to learn of
the current problem points in this
valuable trade. We have become
concerned that some of the EVA
requirements may prove difficult for
stallion masters. This is an ongoing
source of concern. Draft EU legislation
on AI could have had very adverse
effects on our industry but reassurance
has been obtained through the advices
of Dr Roland Devolz of France.
The ITBA and DAFM joined together to
fund the Demographic Survey of the
Unwanted Horse in Ireland 2005-2010.
This study was completed on schedule
and on budget and has been extensive
reported, particularly in the Irish Field.
The study showed that there have been
increasing numbers of unwanted
horses in Ireland, that a minority of
them were Thoroughbreds and that
the existing humane methods of
disposal are being utilised.
The ITBA joined with Pfizer to create a
lecture series on Parasite control which
was presented by Dr Theo de Waal of
UCD. These lectures have been well
attended and members are requested
to assist Dr de Waal with his survey of
parasite c of equine exotic disease
outbreaks ontrol measures in use here
in Ireland. This will lead to an
understanding of any resistance issues
that need to be addressed.
Signed; D.P. Leadon
RCVS and European College Registered
Specialist in Equine Medicine.
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Financial Summary 2011*
Cash received
Administration & collection expenses
Foal Levy Refunds
From reserve
Available for allocation
Allocation of funds:
Irish Equine Centre
Breeder’s prizes fund
Total Allocations
* subject to Audit by C & A G
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Analysis of Foal Levy Income 2011
Fee Range
Rate Band
€ 0 to €1,000
€1,001 to €2,500
€2,501 to €7,000
€7,001 to €12,000
€12,001 to €33,500
3% €33,501 and upwards
2011 Income
Note: Foal Levy Stallion and foal statistics will differ from
Stud Book statistics due to timing differences.
Levy Amount
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The Heritage Golf & Spa Resort, Killenard, Co. Laois, 28th January 2012
Kindly sponsored by:
HH Aga Khan Studs, SC Arqana, Coolmore Stud, Declan Landy Fencing,
Derrinstown Stud, Goffs & DBS, Horse Racing Ireland, Kildangan Stud,
The Irish Field, Irish National Stud, Sean Barrett Bloodstock,
Tattersalls Ireland, TRI, Weatherbys Ireland GSB Ltd.,
National Hunt Race Mare of the Year 2011
Horse: Voler La Vedette
Breeder: Mrs. Margaret Brophy
National Hunt Novice Hurdler of the Year 2011
Horse: First Lieutenant
Breeder: Mrs. Mary O’Connor
National Hunt 4yr Old Hurdler of the Year 2011
Horse: Zarkandar
Breeder: His Highness, The Aga Khan’s Studs S C
Novice Chaser of the Year 2011
Horse: Captain Chris
Breeder: Mrs. Noreen Walsh
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Stallion 2011
Horse: Presenting
Breeder: Glenview Stud
2 Year Old Filly 2011
Horse: Maybe
Breeder: Epona Bloodstock Ltd.
2 Year Old Colt 2011
Horse: Parish Hall
Breeder: J.S. Bolger
3 Year Old Filly 2011
Horse: Immortal Verse
Standing: Kilfrush Stud
3 Year Old Colt 2011
Horse: Excelebration
Breeder: Owenstown Stud
Small Breeder 2011
Breeder: Des Leadon & Mariann Kläy, Swordlestown Little
National Hunt Hurdler of the Year 2011
Horse: Hurricane Fly
Breeder: Agricola Del Parco
National Hunt Chaser of the Year 2011
Horse: Sizing Europe
Breeder: Mrs. Angela Bracken
Life Time Achievement Award 2011
Frank Barry, Manister House Stud
Hall of Fame 2011
Denis Brosnan
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Front Row: Frank Barry, Denis Brosnan, Minister Simon Coveney, Dean Harron & Joe Keappock.
2nd Row: Niamh Cashman, Mary O'Connor, Des Leadon, Margaret Brophy & Mariann Kläy.
3rd Row: Brendan Hayes, Jim Bolger, Jim Mernagh, Giovanni Chiani.
Back Row: Pat Downes, Tom Walsh, Cathal Brosnan & John Tuthill.
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Kildare /Dublin
Regional Committee 2010/2012
Rory Mathews
Barouche Stud, Two Mile House, Naas, Co. Kildare.
Vice Chairman:
Liam White
24 The Grange, Newbridge, Co. Kildare.
Simon Kerins
The Bungalow, Rathbride Cross, Kildare.
Cathy Grassick
Newtown Stud, Naas, Co. Kildare.
Joey Cullen
36 Hillcrest, Killcullen, Co. Kildare.
John Doyle
Barrettstown Farm House, Newbridge, Co. Kildare.
Peter Kavanagh
Kildaragh Stud, Kildangan, Monastervin, Co. Kildare.
Celine McEniry
Kildangan Stud, Monasterevin, Co. Kildare.
Ger Morrin
Pier House Stud, Martinstown, Curragh, Co. Kildare.
Padraic O’Neill
Knocklong House Stud, Celbridge, Co. Kildare.
Lissa Oliver
The Bungalow, Fontstown, Athy, Co. Kildare.
Trevor Rogers
72 Rossvale, Mountmellick Road, Portlaoise, Co. Laois.
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Regional Committee 2010/2012
Mrs Sandra Fox
Ardrums House Stud, Summerhill, Co. Meath.
Vice Chairman and Treasurer:
Michael Tallon
Proudstown, Tara, Co. Meath.
Robert Byrne
Gerrardstown Stud, Dunshaughlin, Co. Meath.
Bill Byrne
Woodview Stud, Rathmoylan, Co. Meath.
Fergus Cousins
Coolmore, Garretstown, Dunshaughlin, Co. Meath.
Bill Dwan
Castlebridge Stud, Kildalkey, Navan, Co. Meath.
Joe Keappock
The Bungalow, Balson, Bective, Co. Meath.
Mrs Wendy McGarvey Ardrums House Stud, Summerhill, Co. Meath.
Caroline Barry
Craddenstown, Rathbarry, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath.
Anne McDonnell
Killester Farm, Killester, Ratoath, Co. Meath.
Roger Casey
Tattersalls Ireland, Ratoath, Co. Meath.
The Committee would like to acknowledge the passing of Peter Gibbons and
George Mernagh. They would also like to pay tribute to their contribution to
the Association.
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northern region
Regional Committee 2010/2012
Chairman and Treasurer:
Paul Hardy
Ballygowan House, 65 Corcreaghan, Kilkeel, Co. Down.
Vice Chairman and Secretary:
Judy Maxwell
26 Spa Road, Ballinahinch, Co. Down.
Dr. Dean Harron
Glynn Park Stud, 35 Rann Road,
Annacloy, Downpatrick, Co. Down.
Geoff Cannon
40 Kylestone Road, Bangor, Co. Down. BT16 6FJ.
Margaret Ervine
12 Lough Road, Clontagh, Crossgar,
Downpatrick, Co. Down. BT30 9DT.
Elizabeth Hamilton
Flat A1, Bryanscourt, Osborne Drive, Belfast.
Christine Kelly
5 School Lane, Ballinderry Upper, Lisburn, Co. Antrim.
John Kidd
3 Hillhead Road, Ballinaskeagh, Banbridge, Co. Down.
Denis MacAuley
Eranagh House, 106 Vianstown Road,
Downpatrick, Co. Down. BT30 8HW
Gareth Metcalf
Hillhead Farm, 39 Ballyhenry Road, Comber, Co. Down.
Anthea Smyth
Tullygowan, 32 Tullywest Road, Saintfield.
Hugh Suffern MRCVS Tullyraine House, 20 Drumneath Road,
Banbridge. Co. Down.
Fiona McKenna
Rossarell, Glaslough, Monaghan, Co. Monaghan.
Victoria MacAuley
Eranagh House, 106 Vianstown Road, Downpatrick,
Co. Down. BT30 8HW
Niall McGrady
Ballyoughan Road, Downpatrick, Co. Down.
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Regional Committee 2010/2012
Vanessa Teehan
Bluegate Stud, Kilmanagh, Co. Kilkenny.
Vice Chairman:
Paddy Kinsella
Beechbrook stud, Tinahealy, Co. Wicklow.
Victor Connolly
Burgage Stud, Leighlinbridge, Co. Kilkenny.
Marian Condren
Slatt Lawn, The Swan, via Athy, Co. Laois.
Eoin Banville
Arctic Tack Stud, Newbawn, Foulksmills, Co. Wexford.
Anne Bolger
Springfield Farm, Coolamain, Oylegate,
Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford.
Ken Bolger
Springfield Farm, Coolamain, Oylegate,
Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford.
Michael Foley
Farrancurragh lodge, Old Leighlin, Co. Carlow.
Michael Donohue
Goresbridge Sales, Goresbridge, Co. Kilkenny.
Matt Gilsenan
Norelands Stud, Stonyford, Co. Kilkenny.
John McEnery
Rossanarra Stud, Kells, Co. Kilkenny.
Timothy Nolan
Jamesgate House Stud, Oylegate, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford.
Olive O’Connor
Blindwood, Redcross, Co. Wicklow.
Stephanie von Schilcher
Carrigbed Stud, Gorey, Co. Wexford.
Marilyn Syme
Coolna Stud Gorey, Co. Wexford.
Lucy Norton
Newtown Barry House Stud, Bunclody, Co. Wexford.
Michael Shefflin
Anshoon Stud, Ballintlea, Mullinvat, Co. Kilkenny.
Martin Walsh
Kiltown Stud, The Rower, Co. Kilkenny.
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Regional Committee 2010/2012
Maurice Moloney
Coolmore Stud, Fethard, Co. Tipperary.
Vice Chairman:
Luke Barry
Manister House Stud, Croom, Co. Limerick.
Comdt. Brendan Healy Country Paddocks, Seskin, Thurles, Co. Tipperary.
Gerry Ross
Kenilworth Stud, Newcastle, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary.
John Bourke
Leinster Farm, Golden, Co. Tipperary.
Liam Casey
Condonstown South, Watergrasshill, Co. Cork.
Joe Keappock Jnr.
Castlehyde Stud, Fermoy, Co. Cork.
Cathal Murphy
Castlehyde Stud, Fermoy Co. Cork.
David O’Loughlin
Coolmore Stud, Fethard, Co. Tipperary.
Albert Sherwood
Grange Stud, Fermoy, Co. Cork.
Peter Molony
Rathmore Stud, Meanus, Kilmallock, Co. Tipperary.
Gerry Aherne
Coolmore Stud, Fethard Co. Tipperary.
Michael Ryan
Coolmore Stud, Fethard, Co. Tipperary.
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Regional Committee 2010/2012
Ignatius Geraghty
Elmpark House, Ballybroddy, Elphin, Co. Roscommon.
Vice Chairman:
Hugh Ryan
Carrabawn Stud, Orann, Donamon, Co. Roscommon.
Michael Staunton
Church Street, Ballinasloe, Co. Galway.
Peter McManamy
Park House, Pearse Road, Sligo.
Carol Burke
The Orchard, Moylough, Co. Galway.
Breian Carroll
Lackagh, Kilmore, Carrick on Shannon, Co. Roscommon.
Aiden Larkin
Castlehackett, Belclare Tuam, Co. Galway.
Deirdre Lusby
Woodlands Stud, Craughwell, Galway.
Sean Murphy
Ryehill, Monivea, Athenry, Co. Galway.
Vincent Murray
Grange East, Knocknahue, Co. Sligo.
Rev. John Naughton P.P. St. Joseph’s, Eyrecourt, Ballinasloe, Co. Galway.
John O’Beirne
The Russawns, Convent Road, Roscommon.
Nia O’Malley
The Cottage, Mulroog, Ballinaderrin, Kilcolgan, Co. Galway.
Ita Sheridan
Newcastle, Athenry, Co. Galway.
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Thomas Barnes
John Barrett
Mr David Nagle
BBA Ireland
Mr Henry Beeby
Mr Christopher Behan
Baron Christopher Bernadotte
Mr Turlough Boylan
Mr Richard Brabazon
Mr Eddie Brennan
Mr Richard Brophy
Mr Robert Bryan
Mr Michael Buckley
Mr Maurice Burns
Mr Patrick Burns
Mr Tom Burns
Mr Robbie Byrne
Mr John J Byrne
Mr Sean Byrne
Mr Gerard Callanan
Mrs Meta Cantillon
Mr Dermot Cantillon
Hubert Carter & Irene Hatton
Michael & Ciara Carty
Mr Charles O'Brien
Mr John Osborne
Mr Martin Clarke
Mr Bernard Colclough
Mr John Colleran
Mrs Barbara Collins
Mr Stephen Collins
Mr Michael Collins
Mr Timothy Collins
Mr Donald Collins
Mr William Condron
E A Coonan
Mr Martin T Coonan
W J & Mary Coonan
Mr F D Cornwall
Mr Michael Cosgrave
Mr Sean Coughlan
Mr Arthur Craigie
Mr Kevin Cullen
Mr Joe Cullen
Mr Kevin G Cullen
Mr Tommy Cummins
Mr Paul Hensey
Ms Erica Dalton
Mr Michael Dalton
Ms Mary Davison
Mr Hubie DeBurgh
Mr Peter Deane
Mr Hugh Dillon
Mr John Donegan
Mr Patrick Donovan
Mr Patrick Downes
Mr John Doyle
Mr Mark Dreeling
Mr Francois Drion
Mr Alan Dumbrell
Ms Bridgette Egan
Mr Paul P Egan
Mr James M Egan
Mrs Jean Errity
Ms Barbara Facchino
Mr Tom Fahey
Ms Eileen Farrelly
Mr Morgan J Ferris
Ms Louise Fitzsimons
Mr Patrick Fitzsimons
Ms Dorothy Flanagan
Mr Seamus Foran
Mr EC Gowing
Mr Richard Barnes
Ms Cathy Grassick
Mrs Sheila Grassick
Mr Patrick Griffin
Mr Robert Hall
Mr John Harrington
Ms Maryrose Hayes
Ms Joan Heary
Mr Joseph Hickey
Mr Michael Hillman
Horse France Ireland Ltd
Mr John Houghton
Mr Dessie Hughes
Mr John Hughes
Ms Isabel Hurley
Mr James Hyland
Mr Paul Hyland
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Mr Pat Hyland
Mr B J Jellet
Mr Declan Johnson
Ms Sarah Jane Jones
Mr Peter Jones
Mr Peter Kavanagh
Ms Helen Keaveney
Ms Mella Kehoe
Ms Lisa Kelly
Mr Don Kelly
Mr Peter Kelly
Mr James C Kelly
Mr Larry Kennedy
Ms Mary Kennedy
Mr Simon Kerins
Kildangan Stud
Mr John Kilpatrick
Ms Mariann Klay
Mr Philippe Lafarge
Mr Paul Lawlor
Mr Des P Leadon
Mr Martin Lean
Mr James Lenehan
Sir Edmund Loder
Mr David Naughton
Ms Victoria Love
Mr Maurice G McAuley
Mr Mark MacRedmond
Mr G V Magee
Mr Alan Maguire
Mr Rory Mahon
Ms Madeleine Mangan
Mrs Una Manning
Ms Carole Martin-Smith
Mr Rory Mathews
Mr Adrian Maxwell
Mr Brendan McArdle
Mr Pat McCarthy
Ms Andrea McCollom
Mr John McCormack
Mr Willie McCreery
Mr Eugene McDermott
Mr Terry McDonald
Ms Celine McEniry
Mr James McEvoy
Mr Duncan McGregor
Mr Oliver McKiernan
Mr Paul McNamee
Mrs Clodagh McStay
Ms Lisa Mohammed
Mr Kevin J Molloy
Ms Edel Moloney
Mr Eamon Moloney
Mr Arthur Moore
Ms Maura Morrin
Mr Gerald Morrin
Mr Eddie Morrissey
Moyglare Stud Farm
Mrs Eimear Mulhern
Mr Paul Murphy
Mr Philip Myerscough
Mr Pat Murtagh
Ms Jacqueline Norris
Ms Angela Nugent
Mr Gay O'Callaghan
Mr JP O'Donnell
Mrs Orla O'Dwyer
Ms Rose O'Farrell
Mrs Lissa Oliver
Mr David C O'Neill
Mr Padraig O'Neill
Lady O'Reilly
Sir Anthony O'Reilly
Mr Charles O'Reilly
Mr Peter O'Reilly
Mr Dermot O'Rourke
Mrs Sheila O'Ryan
Mr Joe Osborne
Ms Valerie Osborne
Ms Niamh O'Sullivan
Mr Nicholas O'Toole
Mrs Caitriona Oxx
Mr Alexander Persse
Mr John Place
Mr Leo Powell
Mr Kevin Prendergast
Mr Kevin A Quinn
Ms Sonia Rogers
Mr Anthony Rogers
Mr Trevor Rogers
Mr Joe Rogers
Mr Mark Roper
ITBA annual 2011 (in 2012):Layout 1 04/05/2012 12:02 Page 32
Mr Keith Rowe
Mr James Ryan
Mr Cillian Ryan
Mr Flor Ryan
Mr Barry St John Ryan
Mr Michael Sadlier
Mr Michael Sammon
Ms Sarah Sands
Mr Kieran Sheahan
Ms Margaret Sinanan
Ms Kay Skehan
Mr Brendan Smith
Mr John A Stafford
Mr Luca Somaini
Mr Enda Stanley
Mr David Sullivan
Mr Owen Sweetman
Mr Thomas Taaffe
Mr Patrick Togher
Mr John F Tuthill
Mr Eddie Tynan
Mr John Tyrrell
Mr David Valentine
Mr Liam Ward
Mr Joe Kiernan
M F Weld
Mr Liam J White
Mr Andrew White
Ms Julie White
Mr John Gallagher
Mr Michael Garrahan
Mr Vivian Gath
Mr David Geraghty
Mr John M Fitzpatrick
Mr Martin Leahy
Mr Robert Ryan
Mr Tony Donovan
Mr Maurice Byrne
Paul Keane
Mr Peter McDonnell
Tom + Dolores Jones
Mrs Pat Byrne
Ms Jennie Henderson
Mr James Scully
Mr Vincent O'Donoghue
Mr Brian Delahunt
Mr Heinrich Zieg
Mr Liam Donnelly
Ms Monica McNicholl
Mr James Waldron
Mr David Cox
Mr Tommy Cummins
Mr Leslie Young
Mr Ray Jennings
Mr Tim Taylor
Ms Monica Fitzpatrick
Mr Conall McNally
Mr Tony Doyle
Mr Denis Walsh
Mr Martin Donovan
Mr Desmond Swan
Ms Deirdre Walsh
Mr Sean Murphy
Mr William Ledwidge
Mr Ray Grafton
Ms Jennifer & Evelyn Cullen
Ms Nicola Chadwick
Ms Honor Lenihan
Mr Ed O'Sullivan
Ms Joan Keaney Dempsey
Ms Angela Brown
Mr Edwin Williamson
Mr John Connaughton
Mr Donal Horgan
Mr Jim Doyle
Mr Sebastian Curran
Mr James Mahon
Mr Tommy Falherty
Mr Tony Coyle
Ms Vivienne Duggan
Keogh Family
Edel & Joe Banahan
Ms Caroline Barry
Mr Anthony Bishop
Oliver & Salome Brennan
Trevor & Elizabeth Badger
Mr David Eiffe
Ms Joan Browne
David & Anne Byrne
ITBA annual 2011 (in 2012):Layout 1 04/05/2012 12:02 Page 33
Ms Amber Byrne
Mr William J Byrne
Mr Peter Byrne
Mr Bernard Caldwell
David & Olwen Campbell
Mr Richard Cavanagh
Mr Mark Clarke
Mr Joseph Clarke
Ms Celine Collins
Mr Padraig Connaughton
Gerald & Chris Cooney
Ms Brid Cosgrave
Mr Fergus Cousins
Ms Sally Cox
Ms Anna Darragh
Ms Fiona Deane
Mr Eamonn D Delaney
Mr Martin Dibbs
Ms Jackie Donnelly
Mr Sean Donoghue
Mr L W Doran
Mr Peter Downes
Ms Antoinette Duff
Mr Bill Dwan
Mr David Eiffe
Mr John C Fagan
Mr Daragh Feeney
Mr William Flood
Mr Michael J Foley
Mrs Jennifer Fowler
Ms Sandra Fox
Mr Edward Galvin
Ms Katie Greene
Mr Kieran Guinness
Winston + Robert Honner
Mr Paul Hughes
Mr Derek Iceton
Mssrs Terry & Vincent Johnston
Mr Donal F Keane
Mr Joseph Keappock
Mr James Keegan
Mr Patrick F Kelly
Mr Gerard Kenny
Mr Thomas Kenny
Mr P J Larkin
Ms Shelia Lavery
Ms Gail List
Mr Julian Lloyd
Ms Sarah Thompson
Mr David P Maher
Mr Edmond C Mahony
Mr Declan McArdle
Mr David McCann
Mr Colm McCourt
Mr Michael J Mc Cullough
Mr Jim McDonald
Ms Anne McDonnell
Ms Wendy McGarvey
Mr Gerry McGrath
Ms Mary McGrath
Mr SWD McIlveen
Ms Oonagh McKeever
Mr Sean McKenna
Mr Patrick Monahan
Mr Pat Moonan
Lady Mount Charles
Ms Patricia Nicholson
Ms Alice Nugent
Mr Tony O'Callaghan
Mr David O'Connell
Mr Dan O'Connor
Mr Michael J O'Donoghue
Ms P F O'Kelly
Mr Eddie O'Leary
Mr Brian O'Neill
Mr Joseph O'Reilly
Mr John Osthus
Mr Ken Parkhill
Ms Patricia Prenderville
Mr Peter Reynolds
Mr Con A Ryan
Ms Anne Ryder
Ms Heather Scott
Mr Frederick Smyth
Mr David Stone
Mr Hugh O'Neill
Mr Alain Storme
Michael & Margaret Tallon
Mr Niall Tyrell
Captain Simon Walford
Mr Terry Whyte
Ms B Galway-Greer
ITBA annual 2011 (in 2012):Layout 1 04/05/2012 12:02 Page 34
Mr John Geoghegan
Mr Joe Higgins
Mr Derek Gibbons
Jim & Kevin Bradley
Mr David Bourke
Mr D Newman
Mr Michael Ryan
Mr Ronnie Boland
Mr Laurence Drew
Mr Patrick O'Shea
Mr Vincent Holian
Mr Larry Regan
Mr James Gough
Mr Thomas Eivers
Mr Michael Lyons
Ms Ciara Eglington
Mr Pat Fullam
Shane & John Crawley
Mr Seamus McConnon
Mr Steven Vaughan
Mr Patrick Byrne
Mr Thomas G Cooke
Mr Michael Doyle
Mrs Anne Kangley
Mr Hugh Calvey
Mr Cyril Maguire
Mr Michael Rowland
Mr Roger Casey
Mr John Shaw
Mr Richard Mullen
Ms Catherine Monaghan
Ms Michele Dore
Mr John Brady
Mr Dick O'Brien
Mr Paddy Woods
Ms Teresa Johnston
Mr Neil Walsh
Mr Harry Fowler
Ms Margaret O'Neill
Ms Niamh Flynn
Ms Orla McKenna
Mr James Acheson
Ms Jane Allen Collins
Mr Raymond Auld
Mr James Babes
Mr Robert Barnett
Mr Frank Boyd
Ms Sabrina Boyle
Mr Ernest J C Breen
Viscountess Brookeborough
Mr Paul Callan
Mr Geoff W Cannon
Mr Patrick Cassidy
Mr George Cheatley
Mr Gerard G Corry
Mr Maurice Craig
Mr Joe Cunningham
Mr John Donaghy
Mr Robert W Donaldson
Mr Robert Duddy
Ms Lois C Eadie
Mrs Margaret Ervine
Mr Max Ervine
Mrs Edna Fitzsimons
Mr Thomas Foy
Mr Seamus Gunne
Ms Elizabeth Hamilton
Mr Paul Hardy
Mr Samuel J Hegarty
Mr Thomas Henry
Mr Joseph M Hobson
Mr Christopher K Johnson
Ms Christine Kelly
Mr Brian Kennedy
Mr Colin Kennedy
Mr John Kidd
Mr Mayne Kidd
Mr James Larkin
Mr Denis W MacAuley
Ms Patricia MacKean
Mr J K Magee
Mr Jim Magill
Ms Judy Maxwell
Mr Bernard Mcananey
Mr Ronald McArdle
Mr Patrick McAvoy
Mr Patrick McCann
Mr Colin McCann
Mr William McGladdery
ITBA annual 2011 (in 2012):Layout 1 04/05/2012 12:02 Page 35
Mr Robert J A McGaw
Mr James McLoughlin
Ms Megan McManus
Mr James McMullan
Mr Aaron Metcalfe
Mr Gareth Metcalfe
Mr S Michael Millar
Mr Robert G Millar
Ms Julie Morris
Ms Dorothy Murdoch
Mr C F O'Neill
Mr Emmet Quinn
Mr Kevin Ross
Ms Elaine Smith
Mr Hugh C Suffern
Mr David Wallace
Mrs Anthea Smyth
Ms Janet Warnock
Ms Pearl Watson
Ms Linda Gault
Mr Wilbert George
Dr Dean Harron
Mr Niall McGrady
Mr Stuart McLaughlin
Dr Tony Smyth
Hugh & Aaron McClusker
Mr Peter Magill
Mr Dermot Forde MRCVS
Mrs Gayle Moane
Mr Francis Small
Ms Fiona McKenna
Mr Michael Kavanagh
Mr Patrick J Turley
Mr Raymond McArdle
Ms Eithne Hamilton
Mr Leo McArdle
Mr Paul McKeever
Mr Paul Mc Ferran
Ms Alanna McMorran
Mr Pat Gilsenan
Ms Joan Kinghan
Mr Ronan Fitzpatrick
Ms Martina Martin
Mr Dominic Wynne
Mr Aidan Aherne
Mr Gerry Aherne
Mr Patrick Wynn Jones
Ms Marie Barnwell
Mr Eddie Barrett
Frank & Liz Barry
Mr Luke Barry
Mr Sydney Bennett
Mr Denis Bergin
Mr Charles Booth
Mr John Bourke
Mr Tim Bourke
Michael & Olivia Bourke
Senator Paul Bradford
Mr Colin Bravery
Mr Pat Breen
Mr John Brennan
Mr Tim Broderick
Tom & Cathy Burns
Mr David Burns
Ms Ann Cahalan
Mr Raymond Cahalane
Mr Anthony Calnan
Mr Liam Casey
Sean & Pia Crowe
Mr Dan Caverley
Ms Patricia Coughlan
Mr Tim Corbillis
Mrs Brid Corkery
Ms Claudine Corrigan
Mr Michael Crean
Mr Geoffrey Croke
Mr Daniel R Culloty
Mr David J Cunningham
Mr Thomas D'arcy
Ms Judy Dene
Denis & Joan Brosnan
Mr Jeremiah Dillon
Mr Charles Dolan
Mr John Donovan
Ms Davina Doyle
Mr Kevin Dunlea
Mr Eugene Dunne
Mr Tom Egan
ITBA annual 2011 (in 2012):Layout 1 04/05/2012 12:02 Page 36
Ms Janis Enright
Mr Thomas Enright
Mr Francis McGourty
Mr Eddie Fitzpatrick
Ms Janet Fogarty
Ms Adelaide Foley
Mr John Foley
Mr Martin Francis
Mr Tom Gaffney
Mr John Grace
Mr Christopher Grassick
Ms Ann Grubb
Mr Robert Guiry
Ms Ann Hallinan
Mr James Hanly
Mr John Harold Barry
Lady Harrington
Mr Nelius Hayes
Mr Brendan P Hayes
Comdt Brendan Healy
Mr Michael Hennessy
Mr Richard Henry
Mr Joseph Hernon
Mr Jonathan Hillman
Mr Tom Hogan
Mr Brendan Holland
Mr Bobbi Holohan
Ms Nadja Humphreys
Daniel & Vanessa Hutch
Mrs Patricia Hyde
Mr Timothy E Hyde
Mr Edward Irwin
Mr Terry Jennings
Mr Joseph Keappock
Ms Elizabeth Kennedy
Mr William Kennedy
Ms Nicola Kent
Mr Edmund Kent
Kilfrush Stud
Mr Michael Kilroy
Mr Harry King
Mr Robert M Lanigan
Mr Robert Lanigan Jnr
Mr Tony Lewis
Mr Luke Lillingston
Mr Oliver Loughlin
Mr Kevin Lynch
Mr Tom Lynch
Mr Paul Shanahan
Mrs Susan Magnier
Mr John Paul Magnier
Mr David Magnier
Mr Andrew Magnier
Mr John Magnier
Mr Peter Magnier
Mr Michael Vincent Magnier
Ms Catherine Magnier
Mr William Mangan
Mr Con Marnane
Mr Paul McCartan
Mr Vincent McCarthy
Mr Brian McConnon
Mr Peter McCutcheon
Mr Denis McDonnell
Mr Michael McElligott
Mr Francis McMahon
Mr JP McManus
Mr Thomas P Meagher
Mr Patrick W Meagher
Mr Andrzej Michalski
Mr Thomas Molan
Mr JD Molloy
Mr Mark Molloy
Mr Maurice Moloney
Mr Peter Molony
Mr James Monaghan
Mrs C A Moore
Mr Padraig Moroney
Mr Frank Motherway
Mr James Mulcahy
Ms Brid A Murphy
C Quish & Larry Murphy
Ms Eileen Murphy
Mr Clem Murphy
Mr Cathal Murphy
Mr Jerry Murphy
Mr D Mythen
Mr John Noonan
Mr Eddie O'Donoghue
Ms Anna O'Brien
Mrs Jacqueline O'Brien
Mr A S O'Brien
ITBA annual 2011 (in 2012):Layout 1 04/05/2012 12:02 Page 37
Mr Tom O'Brien
Mr Gerard O'Brien
Mr Michael O'Brien
Mr Michael O'Callaghan
Mr John O'Connor
Mr Patrick J O'Donovan
Mr Jeremiah O'Donovan
Ms Olive O'Driscoll
Mr John O'Dwyer
Mr William O'Gorman
Mr Edward O'Grady
Mr Michael O'Hagan
Mr Sean O'Keeffe
Mr Tadhg O'Leary
Mr Joe O'Leary
Mr David O'Loughlin
Mr Daniel O'Mahony
Mr Brian O'Neill
Mr Eugene O'Sullivan
Mr Joe Owens
Liz & Matthiew Palussiere
Ms Tara Peppard
Ms Cecily Purcell
Mr Darren Quaid
Mr John P Quinlan
Mr Peter Roe
Mr Gerry Ross
Mr Bobby Donworth
Mr Tom Russell
Mr Shane Ryan
Mr John Ryan
Mr Pat Ryan
Mr Michael Ryan
Mr Richard Scott
Mrs Finnualla Scott
Mr Albert Sherwood
Mr John J Slattery
Mr Maurice Smiddy
Mr Conor Spain
Mrs E Violet Sweeney
Ms Audrey F Thompson
Mr Pat Tobin
Mr Paddy Twomey
Mr Matthew Tynan
Mr Joerg Vasicek
Mr Thomas Vaughan
Mr Des Vere Hunt
Ms Noelle Walsh
Mr Eric Ward
Mr Tony Watkins
Mr Ed Wiley
Mr Brian Williamson
Ms Niamh Woods
Mr Francis Woods
Mr Adrian W Young
Tony + Mary Gallagher
Mr Declan Gill
Mr Michael O'Keeffe
Mr William Fox
Lady Melissa Brooke
Mr Joseph Broderick
Mr Fergal O'Mahoney
Mr John McDonagh
Mr Pat Dempsey
Michael & Ailbhe Young
Mr Colman O'Flynn Jnr
Mr Mark Hanly
Mr Hugh O'Connor
Mrs Deirdre Cashman
Mr Donal White
Ms Caroline Myers
Ms Wendy Normile
Mr Brendan J Caffrey
Ms Karen Hannon
Mr Michael Knightley
Mr William Keyes
Mr William Noonan
Mr Michael O'Brien
Mr Tom Ryan
Mr Philip Guerin
Ms Jessica McLernon
Mr Ronan Ely
John & Teresa Mulcahy
Mr Conor Murphy
Mr Plunkett Hayes
Ms Ann Twomey
Mr Michael O'Gorman
Mr Sean Harrington
Mr Liam Meade
Mr James Meaney
Ms Katherine Grace
Mr Michael O'Sullivan
ITBA annual 2011 (in 2012):Layout 1 04/05/2012 12:02 Page 38
Ms Liz Stack
Ms Roisin Shanahan
Mr Tom Ryan
Ms Brigid Hayes
Mr Finbarr Tierney
Mr David Tierney
Ms Anne Gaffney
Mr Michael Gaffney
Ms Tara Griffin
Mr Dan Mangan
Ms Avena O'Keeffe
Mr Michael Condon
Mr Patrick Keating
Mr Seamus Hogan
Ms Lillian Barry
Mr David Ryan
Dick + Breda Foley
Ms Triona Hayes
Dr Thomas Purcell
Mr John Nallen
Mr John Hogan
Mr Michael Hyde
Mr Donal Cullen
Ms Mary Kelly
Mr Patrick Owens
Mr Micheal Fahy
Mr Michael Delahunty
Mr Tom Magnier
Mrs E M Stockwell
Mr Maurice Stack
Mr Richard Lynch
Mr Noel Treacy
Ms Grace Fenton
Dermot & Robert Hill
Mr Paudie Power
Ms Geraldine O'Mahony
Mr Cal Flavin
Ms Maura O'Sullivan
Ms Paula Flannery
Pierce & Riona Molony
Mr Daniel Cashman
Ms Marisa Bourke
Mr Brendan Nolan
Ms Sinead Maher
James & Anne Bradley
Mr Martin Fleming
Mr Michael Morrissey
Ms Brenda O'Brien
Mr Eddie Collins
Mr Tim Hegarty
Mr Pat Mulcahy
Mr David Cullinane
Mr Jason Walsh
Ms Roisin Henry
Mr Mathieu Legars
Mr John Barry
Ms Marion Goodbody
Ms Rosemary Rooney
Mr John Sayers
Mr Eoin Banville
Mr David Bean
Mr JP Berry
Mr Jim Bolger
Mr Ken Bolger
Ms Juliet Brown
Mr Seamus Burns
Mr Ronan Burns
Mr Damian Burns
Mr Peter Byrne
Mr J J Byrne
Mr Ian Calder
Mr Reddy Coffey
Mr John Collins
Marian Condren
Mr Bernard Condren
Mr Victor Connolly
Mr Joe Connolly
Mr Patrick J Corbet
Ms Mary Cotter
Mr Joseph Crowley
Mr Austin Curran
Mr Shane Delahunt
Ms Elizabeth Delahanty
Ms Marian Delaney
Mr M P Dennis
Mr Eddie Devereux
Ms Christina Doran
Mr Thomas Downey
Mr Peter & Ross Doyle
ITBA annual 2011 (in 2012):Layout 1 04/05/2012 12:02 Page 39
Mr Nigel Thomas Drought
Mr Matthew Duffy
Mr Dermot Dwan
Mr John Dwan
Mr John Egan
Ms Cherry Faeste
Mr William Feighery
Mr James Fenlon
Ms Ruth Fennell
Ms Linda Fitzsimons
Mr John Fleming
Daniel & Margaret Fogarty
Mr Michael Foley
Mr John M Foley
Mr Matt Foley
Mr Joe Foley
Mr Denis Foley
Mr Raymond Gaffney
Mr Kieran Gleeson
Mr Brian Gleeson
Mr Damien Gleeson
Mr Liam Gleeson
Mr Godfrey T Greene
Mrs Pippa Hackett
Mr Don Hadden
Mr Pat Hayes
Mr Alex Heskin
Mr Ben Hill
Mr Philip A Hore
Ms Jenny Howes
Mr Andrew Hughes
Lisa & Jerome Hulin
Mr T J Hurley
Mr Tommy James
Mr James Kavanagh
Mr Jay Kavanagh
Mr Morgan Kavanagh
Mr Luke Kavanagh
Mr Harry Kavanagh
Mr Kieran Kelly
Mr Edward Kelly
Mr John E Kiely
Mr Gavin Kinch
Mr Patrick P Kinsella
David P & Joan Lacey
Mr Brian Lawler
Ms Elaine Lawlor
Mr Kieran Leavy
Mr Michael Lenihan
Mr Richard Lister
Ms Lillian Mahon
Ms Patricia J Markey
Mr Harry McCalmont
Mr Peter McCarthy
Mr Robert McCarthy
Mr Tom McCarthy
Mr Malachy McDaniel-Stone
Ms Mary McDonagh
Mr Jim McDonald
Ms Martyn McEnery
Mr John E McEnery
Mr Frank McGuinness
Mr Tomas McGuinness
Vincent & Ruth McIntyre
Mr Declan McPartlin
Mr Larry Mealiffe
Mr Pat Melody
Mr James F Mernagh
Mr Tyrone Molloy
Mr Maxwell Morris
Mr Frank Moynihan
Mrs Maureen Mullins
Mrs Margaret Mullins
Mr Tom Mullins
Ms Aine Murphy
Mr James Murphy
Ms Ann Murphy
Mr Timothy Nolan
Mr Paul Nolan
Rev James J Nolan PP
Mrs Clody E Norton
Ms Alice Norton
Ms Lucy Norton
Mr Colm O'Brennan
Mr David O'Brennan
Mr Michael A O'Brien
Mr Maurice O'Brien
Mr John O'Byrne
Mr Pat O'Callaghan
Ms Olive O'Connor
Mr John O'Connor
Mr Kevin F O'Donnell
ITBA annual 2011 (in 2012):Layout 1 04/05/2012 12:02 Page 40
Mr Michael O'Dowd
Mr Pat O'Loughlin
Mr Ronnie O'Neill
Ms Rosemary A Onions
Ms Miriam O'Sullivan
Ms Mary O'Sullivan
Aileen & Charles Persse
Mr William Pilkington
Ms Marily Power
Mr Edward Power
Lord Rathdonnell
Mr David Ryan
Mr Michael Sheflin
Mr Adrian Sherry
Mr Daniel Shirley
Mr Patrick Skehan
Richard & Sally St George
Ms Marion Stafford
Mr Greg Stafford
Mr Peter Stone
Mr Norman Storey
Ms Belinda Strudwick
Mr Myles Sunderland
Ms Marilyn Syme
Mr Roger A Symes
Vanessa & Nicky Teehan
Nicholas & Anastatia Teehan
Mr Peter Thome
Mr Killian Traynor
Mr Andrew Tyrrell
Derek & Gaye Veitch
Ms Charlotte Von Saldern
Ms Stephanie Von Schilcher
Mr Jack Wallace
Mr Martin M Walsh
Mr Louis L Walshe
Mr John White
Mr Thomas Whitehead
Mr Robert J Whitford
Ms Alexandra Woodhouse
Ms Nicola Griffin
Mr Pat Garvey
Mr Matt Gilsenan
Mr Patrick V Gilson
Mr James Carney
Mr Dermot P Kelly
Mr Noel Munnelly
Mr Neil Tector
Mr Michael Donohoe
Mr Neil Campion
Mr Michael Carroll
Mr Fergus Lawlor
Mr Lorcan Fitzharris
Mr J Rossiter
Mr Martin McGrath
Mr John Thomas Crean
Mr Richard Frayne
Mr Seosamh Murphy
Ms Ann C Byrne
Ms Ann Delaney
Mr Gerard Kirwan
Ms Margaret Maguire
Ms Anne Bolger
Ms Caroline Sutton
Ms Amy Kidd
Mr Godfrey Moylan
Mr John R Walsh
Mr Liam Higgins
Mr Eamonn Donovan
Mr Rory Kirwan
Ms Angela Donaldson
Mr Larry Kavanagh
Mr John Salley
Ms Mary O'Connor
Mr Brian Dunne
Mr Michael Leacy
Mr Michael Conroy
Mr George Williams Snr
Mr Patrick Fennessy
Ms Geraldine Berney
Mr John Cullinan
Mr Patrick Barnwell
Mr Barry F Murphy
Mr P J Fortune
Mr James Murray
Ms Breda Wall
James & Sheila O'Connor
Mr Ned Kearney
Mr Michael Ryan
Mr Patrick Doyle
Mr John Sutton
ITBA annual 2011 (in 2012):Layout 1 04/05/2012 12:02 Page 41
Mr Breian Carroll
Mr Cyril Carty
Mr Patrick G Comer
Ms Wendy Conlon
Mr Albert Conneally
Mr Brendan Cooney
Mr Brendan Corbett
P J & Sally Costello
Ms Breege Cullen
Carol & Paddy Burke
Mr Tommy Devine
Mr John Dunleavy
Ms Marie Fahy
Mr Joseph Fitzmaurice
Mr Gerry Flannery
Mr Michael Glynn
Ms Corrina Grehan
Mr Sean Grimes
Mr Vincent Hannon
Mr James Hennelly
Mr Eamonn Hogan
Mr Joseph Joyce
Mr Michael Keane
Mr Thomas Keane
Mr Brian Keenan
Mr Robert Kelly
Mr Tim Kyne
Ms Mary Lang
Mr Graham Lowe
Mr Michael McCormack
Mr Peter McManamy
Mr J J Mulligan
Mr Sean Murphy
Mr Vincent Murray
Mr Hugh Naughton
Rev John Naughton PP
Mr Martin Nestor
Mr John O'Beirne
Mr Gerry O'Dowd
Mr Edward O'Flynn
Ms Elizabeth O'Flynn
Mr Frank O'Meara
Ms Nancy O'Reilly
Mr Joe Quinn
Mr Malachy Quinn
Mr Jerry Regan
Ms Rosemary Ross
Ms Ita Sheridan
Mr Edward Spellman
Mr Trevor Stewart
Mr Andrew Stinchon
Mr Michael Staunton
Mr Gerry Talbot
Mr Michael Turley
Mr George S O'Malley
Mr Ignatius Geraghty
Mr Cathal Gibbons
Mr PJ O'Connor
Mr Ciaran Quigley Jnr
Mr Donnacha Anhold
Mr Tom Treacy
Mr James Gill
Mr Jonathan Byrne
Mr Hugh Ryan
Mr John Madden
Mr Liam Gormley
Mr Patrick Egan
Mr Michael Baynes
David & Noreen Moran
Mr Michael Ward
Ms Lorna Sweeney
Mr Gerard Dunne
Mr James P Linnane MRCVS
Mr Kevin Haverty
Mr Gerry Murphy
Mr P J Condron
Mr Philip Gilligan
Mr Oliver Whelan
Mr Martin Gilmore
Mr Patrick Cafferty
Ms Joanna Mann
Mr Nigel Williams
Ms Jane Bailey
Mr Harry Brailsford
Mr Alan K Cooper
Ms Anne J Gillespie
Mrs Hugh McCalmont
ITBA annual 2011 (in 2012):Layout 1 04/05/2012 12:02 Page 42
Ms Julia O'Kane
Ms Kirsten Rausing
Mr John Studd
Mr Charlie Mason
S Frederico Barberini
S Arturo Brambilla
Mr John P O'Kelly
S Angelo Robiati
S Mario Sansoni
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